Chat System On LANObject Oriented Programming CSE 219 PBL Faculty : Abdul Quadir The Team 14BCE1023 – Jude Osbert K 14BCE1024-Gokul Garre 14BCE1163-Savio Thomas . Chatting can also happen between people in the same office for call for meetings of leisure time chats in situation where physical presence cannot be made sure of. We are trying to build a program based on the same concept of chatting between two PC’s on the same network.The Concept Chatting is an important way of conveying ideas between people. . With the increasing trend of Social Networking Sites this activity is at its maximum. “BOOST LIBRARY” This program would hence implement the concepts of classes and structures which are required for the effective communication .e.Our Approach to the Program The program would be utilizing the power of Socket Programming in C++. Custom Library for communication between PC <->SERVER<->PC i. Mess base s e equ rs list Data ny R e 1 e PC ne Us om th ends a i r Onl ding f and s r Pen Serve the sages s me Server PC On 2 Re Pe line ques U n of ding sers ts for me the S from list.Layout Diagram e s of r g o a ts f . M ssa erv ge er the D essa s g an d s atab es en a ds s e an y PC 1 Server Transmits the Request Data If Necessary and Conveys any Message That Comes in Between for Both PC1 and PC2 PC 2 . A Client would have the following Client PC Make Online Request Send Message End Connection with server Receive Message . This will run without user driving it. ReceiveUpdates().This function would send messages to both servers and other users especially chat messages. SendMessage().This would fetch all the data's that have been stored in the server since the user left the chat. .Modules for clients MakeOnline() –This function would request the server for authentication and make the user online. ReceiveMessage().This would allow the users to retrieve the messages meant for them from the server directly. Should they Interfere the Communication will be Done to Bool variables Users would be automatically Logged in and Logged Out. Parts of Visual C++ Functionalities will be used for the complete program. .Features The program would have three windows working simultaneously with out using multithreading concept but will utilize the simple concept of thread programming given along side with BOOST Three would be independent and will not interfere with each other. System Requirements We expect the following requirements for running the program successfully Windows OS(XP preferred. Vista -10 with Dosbox) Minimum of 128 MB RAM Intel Pentium Processor or higher or any AMD Equivalent 40 GB HDD Capacity . References Complete Reference for C++ -Herbert Schildt Sqlite Documentation(in built in Boost) Boost Documentation . GUI would be redefined.Future Developments We expect the following developments in the program after we have gained knowledge for the same: The windows would be brought under one Window and Multithreading would be used. . Thank You .