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CLARiSOFT, CLARiNET version 4.409 (January 2016) and [1500] [1501] Claricom ®, CLARiSOFT®, CLARiNET® and CLARiTY® are registered trademarks. Patents pending. CONTENTS 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Windows Version Support ............................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Demonstration Version.................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Version Numbering ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4.1 Previous Version Release Notes............................................................................................................. 3 1.5 Existing Software Licenses ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Technical Support ............................................................................................................................... 4 3. New Features ...................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 4.408....................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 4.408 SP2 ............................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 4.408 SP5 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 3.4 4.408 SP7 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 4.408 SP8 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.6 4.408 SP9 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.7 4.408 SP10 ............................................................................................................................................. 7 3.8 4.408 SP13 ............................................................................................................................................. 7 3.9 4.408 SP14 ............................................................................................................................................. 8 4.0 4.409....................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. Enhanced Features.............................................................................................................................. 9 4.1 4.408....................................................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 4.408 SP1 ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.3 4.408 SP2 ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.4 4.408 SP3 ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.5 4.408 SP5 ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.7 4.408 SP10 ........................................................................................................................................... 10 4.8 4.408 SP12 ........................................................................................................................................... 10 4.9 4.408 SP13 ........................................................................................................................................... 10 4.10 4.408 SP14 .......................................................................................................................................... 10 4.11 4.409 ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 5. Other Bug Fixes and Minor Changes ................................................................................................. 12 CLARiSUITE Release Notes.docx Page 1 of 18 © Copyright 2016 ......................................8 4...................................... 18 8............... 14 5.......... 18 CLARiSUITE Release Notes...6 4...................4 4................................................docx Page 2 of 18 © Copyright 2016 ...............................408 SP6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 4.......................................7 4....................... 14 6.................................... 18 8.............................................408 SP1 . 12 5......... Troubleshooting ............. 12 5................................................................................................ Known Issues................................................................................................. 13 5... 12 5........................................ 12 5.............................408 SP12 ...........................................14 4..........................408 SP3 .........................................................10 4..13 4....................1 4..................................................... 17 8.............9 4...........................................................................408 SP4 .......................................................408 SP15 ............................................................................................................. 5....................................................................... 16 7........................................................................................................................409.... 14 5........ 13 5...................................................................................................................... 13 5........................408...................................................................11 4......... 13 5.................................................................................................... 13 5.................................408 SP14 ....................408 SP13 ........................1 The software does not work after installation ......................................................2 The software installation fails ................................................................408 SP11 .............................................................................................................408 SP16 .....................................................12 4........ 13 5..................................................3 4.........................................................................2 4.............................................. CLARiNET Device Communications ............................................................. 12 5.........................................................................................................408 SP7 ................408 SP5 ...................................... 1.1. Windows 98 or XP. In accordance with Microsoft policy CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET is no longer supported on Windows NT4. 1. Windows 7.g. The subsequent digits are used to refer to interim releases such as service packs. 1.1 Installation If you are upgrading to this version of CLARiSOFT and/or CLARiNET you must first uninstall the previous version.g. 000) is the interim version number.409 is designed for use with Windows Vista.409.000 onwards uses a new numbering system. 1. updates or special editions.g. Introduction Version 4.1 Previous Version Release Notes Previous versions of Release Notes can be obtained from your CLARiSOFT or CLARiNET reseller. When installing Software you will be prompted for the Installation Key provided on your packaging.3 Demonstration Version To install either CLARiSOFT or CLARiNET then install using a valid Installation key for the chosen product variant. 4. 1.4 Version Numbering All Claricom software from V4.100). 1. IMPORTANT: If you have CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET installed on the same computer it is essential that they are both installed or upgraded to the same version. Ensure that the license Dongle is not attached to the PC during installation. This license will remain valid.409 is an upgrade to all previous versions of CLARiSOFT® and CLARiNET®. Locate CLARiSOFT or CLARiNET as required and select Remove. If any problems are encountered during the Uninstall or after the install please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this document. Windows 8. If you are using a software license it is essential that you select the option to keep your existing license when uninstalling the previous version. The second section (e.2 Windows Version Support CLARiSOFT 4. If you are upgrading it will auto-complete your existing Installation Key which will enable your existing license to remain valid. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. 4) is the major release. The second digit is the standard release (e. The first section (e. The software will operate in demonstration mode unless an appropriate software key or hardware license (‘dongle’) is used to activate the software. Server 2008 and Server 2012.docx Page 3 of 18 © Copyright 2016 .4.5 Existing Software Licenses If you are using a hardware license (‘dongle’) this will remain valid for Version 4. To uninstall use the Add/Remove Programs option that is found in the Window’s Control Panel. 2. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. The most common configurations of CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET are OEM Editions specific to the Claricom supplier or printer Original Equipment Manufacturer. To ensure the most appropriate and cost effective support it is important to contact your reseller or printer reseller. Technical Support For technical support please contact your CLARiSOFT or CLARiNET reseller.docx Page 4 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . docx Page 5 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . and so are the “Transmitted Field”. Any text formatting supported would be converted to HTML tags but any unsupported text formatting would be removed. A single left mouse click will position the cursor. Text may be cut and pasted into the edit box by right clicking and using the “Paste” menu option.2 4. are not possible since the text will exist only as a graphic at the coder. However. 3430. 3120. the formatting will be lost. 3.3. 3330. To allow the input of formatted text a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) is displayed when the properties option is selected. 3130. Double clicking will select a single word and triple clicking will select all the text. New Features 3. it will simply be pasted as text rendered with the font selected on the font tab. ctrl-x. However. Right clicking on the text block data entry box will post a context menu. The other options available for a standard text block i.e. 3320. ICE Vulcan support has been added to CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET. The actual font size is adjusted smaller. Videojet CLARiTY Laser support has been added to CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET for the 3020. a newline followed by a blank line). if text is cut and pasted from Microsoft Word (or other application). Any changes made in notepad will not be written back to the data entry box.e. The CLARiSOFT main canvas will show the result of the added text tags whenever the dialog box OK or Apply button is pressed. “CLARiNET Logged Field” and “Encrypted Field” from the General Tab as these cannot be supported. 1169/2011 Formatted Text Block field input via CLARiSOFT A new Formatted Text Block field type can be added by clicking on the new Rich Text (RT) text block icon on the left panel. The Formatted Text is stored as HTML in the field.408 Videojet 9550 support has been added to CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET. “User Entered Data” and “Merged Field”.408 SP2 Formatted Text Block feature to support Regulation (EU) No. italic. The <BR> button allows a single line break to be entered. The bold. 3030. to ensure the text fits into the field whenever it is resized. underline and highlight buttons when pressed will insert the required HTML tags into the text block data at the beginning and end of the current selection. 7210 and 7310 Laser Printers. This is for viewing only. ctrl- v) are not supported.1 4. If you wish to see the HTML generated then right click on the text block data entry box and choose the “View source” menu option. the “Bold” option is always greyed out on the Font tab. The shortcut keys for cut and paste (ctrl-c. The Font and General tabs of the Properties dialog box operate similarly to that of a standard text block. if required. Only the “Paste” and “View source” options on this menu are functional. Inputting a carriage return key into the text block data entry box will result in a paragraph break (<p>) which will be rendered as a double return (i. Like the standard block text field the “Font” tab is used to specify the Font and maximum font size. The “Type” option will only allow “Fixed Text” and “CLARiSOFT Database” (or “User Specified data source”). CLARiSUITE Release Notes. If a rich text field is used then the HTML mark-up will not be interpreted and will be visible in the final field data. In the Text editing area the “ctrl-v” key is not supported. please use the “Paste” option on the right click menu. Pasting the text into wordpad first (or just using wordpad to create the text) is a workaround. Known Issues The apply button in the rich text properties dialog box does not become enabled if just the text has been edited. Other HTML tags will not be allowed and will be removed.docx Page 6 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . The “ctrl-a” is not supported please triple mouse click to select all text. To enable the apply button. Defines a space symbol Any entity which is not supported will be converted to an ! character. 3. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. The “Delete” key is not supported. This field should be a standard text field.408 SP7 Videojet ESI/WSI 1620 UHS and 1650 UHS printers now support QR barcodes. Defines an ampersand & symbol  . Defines a greater than > symbol &. 1560 & 1660 printers have been added to CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET. MULTIVAC TTO 05 model has been added to CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET. In some cases. Supported HTML Coding The following HTML tags can be used to identify the text to be highlighted. 1630.either press the OK button or toggle a word to bold then back again or switch the justification and then switch back again.3 4.408 SP5 WSI 1530. please move the cursor and then use the backspace key. do one of the following :. Defines a less than < symbol >.4 4. The font for the field is set by the “Font” tab on the Properties dialog box. In order to allow entry of the symbols used by this HTML mark-up the following standard HTML codes would be used as a minimum <. 3. Please note that no other HTML tags are supported. <strong> or <b> Defines bold text <em> or <i> Defines italic text <u> Defines underlined <br> Defines a line break <p> Defines a paragraph To allow a greater range of import options the older form <b> and <i> tags are also be allowed and are equivalent to the <strong> and <em> tags respectively. Formatted Text Block input from CLARiSOFT or other Database Please note that for use with a database you should place HTML (as specified below) in the field to be used. cut and paste from Microsoft word may lose formatting and gain some </B> and </I> tags . Laser 7510 model has been added to CLARiNET and CLARiSOFT. Note: ESI images have to be designed in the Mixed Mode format and WSI images have to be created in 24high or larger formats. 408 SP13 New ‘Reset Print Limit on Start up’ parameter added to CLARiSOFT & CLARiNET. Videojet ESI/WSI 1620 HR and 1650 HR. Please refer to the known issues section for a list of unsupported types. 3. ‘Reset Print Limit on Start up’ will need to be de- ticked. 3. o This affects ‘Download & Selected’ jobs only. Support for QR barcodes have been removed from Videojet ESI/WSI 1620 UHS and 1650 UHS configurations until printer support is available. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. This field will be called “HIBC_Field00” and SHOULD NOT be edited by the users.408 SP10 New printers added. New Zebra printer drivers added: o 105SLPlus @ 203/300dpi o 110Xi4 @ 203dpi/300dpi/600dpi & 110XiIII @ 600dpi o 170Xi4 @ 203dpi/300dpi o 220Xi4 @ 203dpi/300dpi o GK420D/GK420T/GX420D/GX420T @ 203dpi & GX430T @ 300dpi o ZT410 @ 203dpi/300dpi/600dpi & ZT420 @ 300dpi/600dpi o ZT220 @ 203/300dpi & ZT230 @ 203/300dpi o Left & Right Handed (ZE500-4 203dpi/300dpi & ZE500-6 203dpi/300dpi) o ZM400 @ 203dpi/300dpi/600dpi. under the Printing TAB. which will be ‘ticked’ by default.3. Videojet ESI/WSI 1620 UHS and 1650 UHS printers now support QR barcodes.8 4. If a CLARiTY printer is power-cycled part way through an allocation. new parameter located on each printers Property Box. Videojet 2300 series. o For CLARiNET. new parameter located on the Job Download popup box. Within the Composite Data Builder of Datamatrix barcodes there is now a ‘Composite Builder Type’ check-box. Note: ESI images have to be designed in the Mixed Mode format and WSI images have to be created in 24high or larger formats. provided ‘Reset Print Limit on Start up’ is ticked (this is how CLARiTY has worked previously).docx Page 7 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . to support 40um nozzle and QR barcodes.408 SP8 The following printers now support Datamatrix HIBC barcodes: Videojet Dataflex 6420/6320. it will override the setting of ‘Reset Print Limit on Start up’. o If Unlimited is checked. For the example value of 120/500 to be preserved after a power cycle. o For CLARiSOFT. This is set to GS1 by default and can be changed to HIBC. it will restart with 500/500 prints complete.5 4. Time are now synchronized when doing a remote Job Selection from CLARiNET.408 SP9 MULTIVAC TTO 05 (Basic Driver) is now fully supported. 3. Note: the Composite data Builder will create a non-printed field which will hold the data for the HIBC. The support includes all Primary Data Structures and a selection of Secondary Data Structures.7 4. say 120/500. Notes: o Reset Print Limit on Start up is only valid for CLARiTY printers.6 4. The TTO 11 printer has been added to the Multivac license: Line References and Equipment References can be set to be fixed from CLARiNET when doing a remote Job Selection. Videojet 9550 & VJ8510/8610. 0 4. CLARiSUITE Release Notes.9 4. even if printer is operating in Remote Database mode.org for further information. CLARiSOFT is now capable of creating Code39 HIBC barcodes for VJ 9550.SP5 software or newer. ESI 1620 UHS and 1620 HR Note: 2x7 dedicated 20mm raster must be used with 50 micron nozzle only. 8510 and 8610 CLARiTY printers. as per HIBC recommendations.hibcc. Clarity 1650 UHS and 1650 HR 2. WSI 16XX (including CLARiTY) and 17XX variants can now have ‘External Reset’ applied to counters from CLARiSOFT.docx Page 8 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . An ‘External Reset’ check-box will need to be ticked on the counter property box. CLC’s will require 404756. 6420. CLARiNET now supports ‘Group Restrictions’ so that each group of printers can see a restricted list of database records. Clarity VJ1650/VJ1660 now support 2x5.408 SP14 Clarity Laser Controllers now support Transmitted Fields. CLARiNET can now also manage printer Parameters. WSI 1620 UHS and 1620 HR 3. Please contact your local Videojet representative for details on how to configure this. CLARiSOFT will auto-generate a non-printed text field containing the data to be merged into the barcode – These fields should not be edited or deleted. Primary and secondary structures are supported and a secondary HIBC barcode can be linked to a primary HIBC barcode by adding the ‘Link Character’ (found in the Available Identifiers) as the last character to the Secondary HIBC structure. Also. 4. Linx (CLC) lasers SL1.3. Please contact your local Videojet representative for details on how to configure this. For guidance on how to correctly construct HIBC barcodes please see http://www.409 Windows-8 and Windows Server-2012 support now included. For each HIBC barcode. 2x7. These laser controllers require SW revision r02 or newer. SL102. Sato S84-ex and S86-ex print engines are now supported. 3x5 and 3x5 dedicated rasters. Code39 Human-Readable is encased with asterisks (*) and all zero’s are represented by Ø. Note: CLARiTY printer software updates are required to support this barcode. SL302 and SL501 are now supported. 2x9. tick the new ‘Use the Data Builder to format my data’ box. 6320. 23XX Series. Sato CL4NX and CL6NX printers are now supported. To create a HIBC Code39 barcode.r01. The following printers now support 2x7 dedicated 20mm raster: 1. Note: 2x7 dedicated raster must be used with 40 micron nozzles only. r01.SP3 3.408 SP2 CLARiSOFT Dataflex 6320 & 6420. Dataflex 6320 .docx Page 9 of 18 © Copyright 2016 .408 SP1 Arabic Character shaping has been added to CLARiSOFT for the Laser printer models.404408.408 CLARiSOFT WSI 1510 and 1610 Printers now support “Reverse Product Delay” Special Parameter.6 4. a-f and A-F) for QR barcodes.5 4.0.4. 4. CLARiSOFT has supported PZN7 since 2011 and now it supports PZN8 barcodes in a similar way. TIJ 8510 & 8610 and 2300 Series printers now support the input of hexadecimal digits (0-9. CLARiSOFT now supports the following date formats for Laser printers: 1. 6900. not behind it.r10. QR barcodes now support placement of centred logos within them. Minimum x-font height is dependent on the size of the packet to be printed on.r04. Follow the steps detailed below to build a PZN barcode: CLARiSUITE Release Notes. 4.408 SP7 EAN128 & Data Matrix barcodes now support Application Identifiers 710.SP1 2. Use CLARiSOFT alignment tools to centralize inside the barcode. Notes: 1) Ensure that this field is in front of the barcode.405627.369 or newer to support this feature. 7300 and 7900 printers. This change requires following Software releases: 1.1 4. Note: WSI 1610DH printers require Software Version 1. This was introduced primarily for the Chinese market. This configurable setting can be changed in Tools/Options General TAB. Single Digit Day of Month 2. 2300 Series – r14 SP4 4.4 4.408 SP3 CLARiSOFT now supports the rotation of fields for the Linx Ink Jet 5900. TIJ 8510/8610 .3 4. There is a new “Field Transparency” check- box in the Logo’s Property Box under the General TAB. Field previews have been improved for Laser printers. Single character DayOfWeek(A-G) 3.SP1 4.2 4. Enhanced Features 4.408 SP5 Rich Text Block fields now clearly warn the user if the x-font height is lower than the minimum height specified by EU regulations. 711. 712 and 713. This must be set to ‘Off’. 2) This is only available for CLARiTY based printers that already support QR and also support overlapping fields. 4. Note: if there is no Description column in your database this new field will display as “n/a”.402571. Dataflex 6420 . Two digit Year of decade y(2010 = 10) 4. CLARiNET Remote Client now additionally displays the Database Job description Field. Disallowed x-font heights will display in red and not download to printers. Note: These printers require Software Version 404755.408 SP14 All CLARiTY CIJ Printers now support “Continuous Print Interval (Thousands mm)” Special Parameter. 102 & 104mm print heads can accept 114mm labels (and image width) 2. Add a Text Field merging items 3 and 4 above and center it under the barcode produced in 3 manually create the Human Readable Text.999 labels when quantity set to unlimited.8 4. 128mm print heads can accept 140mm labels (and image width) 3. 4.409 CLARiSOFT now supports the following additional Special Parameters for the Videojet 1650 UHS CIJ printer: o Encoder Resolution (ppm) o Shaft Encoder Source o Estimated Line Speed (mm/m) o Printhead Elevation (mm) CLARiSOFT now supports the following additional Special Parameters for the Videojet 9550 Labeller: o Arm Length o Arm Return Timeout o Blow Time After Cylinder In Delay o Cylinder In Delay CLARiSUITE Release Notes.PZN “Checksum Calculation” 3.9 4. Add a Text Field with Default Data set to PZN 5.r05. 4. the logo is padded vertically to the height of the next logo-supporting font.408 SP10 Zebra Printers now will print up to 99.15 / FO-112529.408 SP12 CLARiSOFT now supports the ability to resize logos for Line based printers. Add a Text Field with Default Data set to – 2. Add a Text Field with the barcode specified PZN numerical data and select the Claricom.999.8 4. 168mm print heads can accept 180mm labels (and image width) 4.2.SP13 or newer to support this feature.r05. Note: These printers require Software Version 404755.10 4. Uncheck “Display Human Readable Text” checkbox.0. Add a Code 39 Barcode Field and Merge it to items 1 and 2 above.docx Page 10 of 18 © Copyright 2016 .408 SP11 below. This change requires a 7510 laser to be upgraded to CMark 1. Zebra desktop printers (excludes Left/Right handed Industrial print engines) now support wider image widths as specified below: 1.Module11Checksum. 4. 4.408 SP13 Code set selection for Code 128 barcodes has been optimized so the barcode width is shorter when the data contains multiple numeric AI’s. 1. As WSI printer types cannot support logos for all font heights.11 4. All CLARiTY CIJ Printers now support “Reverse Product Delay” Special Parameter in Linear mm’s and also in Divider Strokes. CLARiTY printers now support Sequence Mode (Per Label) Print Mode. This now also invalidates 5. This can cause issues if there are other fields below each logo. 216mm print heads can accept 224mm labels (and image width) CLARiTY Laser Controller (CLC) 7510 driver has had adjustments to the available lens types in accordance with Alltec Service Bulletin #022. 4.7. 4.SP13 or newer to support this feature.7 4. docx Page 11 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . o Cylinder out Delay o Cylinder Ready Timeout o Delay Before Blowing o Delay Before Printing o Fixed Product Speed o Job Orientation o Label Stopping Position o Print Sensor To Applicator Distance o Product Sensor 1 Trigger o Product Sensor Mode o Registration Delay CLARiSUITE Release Notes. An issue with OPC sending database jobs to Zebra & Sato printers has been fixed. 1610 and 1610DH WSI Printers has been fixed. 5. An issue reported with CLARiSOFT where ITF barcodes not displayed or displayed incorrectly in the job selection print preview and Windows printout has been fixed. An issue reported with CLARiSOFT where Database viewer did not work with databases other than CLARiCOM’s own databases has been fixed. Previously.408 SP5 Rich Text Block Field now print successfully to Windows Printer Drivers CLARiSUITE Release Notes. Now they are correctly sized. 1710 WSI Printers where fields located at the right hand side of a logo were not being laid out in the correct horizontal position has been fixed.408 SP4 An issue with ESI printers having an incorrect date offset has been fixed. Previously.2 4. When CLARiSOFT was opened (without a job). re-saved and re- sent to printers.4 4.1 4. 5. MySQL. every month was assumed to have 30 days for this driver. This has now been fixed. Oracle & MS Access database.408 SP1 An issue reported with CLARiNET not logging Production log data for 1510. Other Bug Fixes and Minor Changes 5. 5.408 An issue reported with CLARiNET where Scan Point ‘Prompt for Print Quantity’ with WSI 1610DH Printer has been fixed. 5.5 4. Please note that existing jobs exhibiting this issue will need to be opened in CLARiSOFT. An issue reported with 1510. ‘Quantity to Print’ was ignored and Zebra/Sato printers would print unlimited. 1610. This issue happened when downloading jobs from Databases and logos were sized differently. An issue reported with CLARiNET when editing the shifts codes and typing a number into the number of shifts instead of using the up/down control have been fixed An issue reported with CLARiSOFT where PDF417 Secondary Barcode and MicroPDF417 Primary Barcode showing incorrectly as PDF418 in German have been fixed.docx Page 12 of 18 © Copyright 2016 .3 4. The text did not previously ‘Left-Snap’ correctly after smaller database logos. pressing the print button would raise an error stating that there are no marksets in the current job. Now database viewer works all File Maker. An issue was reported with the OCR-B font being sized differently across sub-images.5. Previously. if Inverse & Reverse ‘override’ settings were checked this print quantity was not sent to the printer.408 SP3 An issue reported with CLARiSOFT adding spaces between fields for VJ1650 UHS Printers has been fixed. An issue reported with large (7 and above) QR barcodes where Version Information was incorrect has been fixed. An issue reported with CLARICOM API where ‘LoadCIFF2’ function caused “The remote procedure call failed” error has been fixed. 5.exe) Fixed a CLARiNET crash in the Scan point infrastructure.408 SP12. 17XX printers would print with a wrong height when “Logo height” didn’t match a supported Font height. An issue reported with Wireless Scanpoint DLL6000 locking CLARiNET application has now being fixed. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. Downloading EAN128 barcode that is merged to another field in the CIFF Template will produce the correct barcode in the Printer without any warnings displayed. sometimes a sequence would not complete.8 4. This issue has been fixed.9 4. User entered dates and indeed User Entered price etc. 5.docx Page 13 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . now also propagate correctly.11 4.408 SP6 Previous revisions of CLARiSOFT would fault out a CLARiTY Laser Controller when Download & Selecting (as opposed to Download Only or Print to File) an Arabic encrypted date. Converting a CIFF Template “Rich Text Block” Field from a TTO to a Sato Printer now works properly. This issue has been fixed.408 SP12 Fixed memory leak in License Server (CLLicMgr. This issue would happen when choosing “Two Heads . A rarely intermittent CLARiNET/CLARiSOFT Software failure during job download has been fixed. This no longer happens.7 4. see above 4.All like Head 1” or “Four Heads – Heads 3 and 4 like Heads 1 and 2” templates. 5. This has been fixed. This issue has been fixed for all Line based printers.408 SP13 Remote database re-selecting same job will now generate a production log entry for CLARiTY printers. Previously.6 4.10 4. CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET now correctly allow user to select “Linked Tables” from an Access Database over an ODBC connection. 5.8 4. CLARiSOFT now flags Logo Fields with an error if logo height doesn’t match an existing Font Height. CLARiNET would not update Videojet ESI Excel 2000 Date offsets when downloading job more than once. An issue reported with 300dpi Zebra Printer “scaling down” EAN-128 barcodes horizontally when Magnification was not 50% has been fixed.408 SP11 **Logos downloaded to Videojet WSI 15XX. Reopening the converted CIFF back in CLARiSOFT will not convert the “Rich Text Block” to a Logo Field. All Magnifications of barcodes now print as expected from 300dpi Zebra drivers. CLARiNET: Remote Host PC Mode when combined with ‘Set up group based on remote selection’ used to propagate User Entered text to the group but not User Entered Dates.408 SP7 Videojet WSI 15XX printers would print the first digit of the year instead of last for the (y 2010=0) date format.** Now invalid. CLARiSOFT would crash when downloading an Image to a Woke MSI m600 Advanced Printer.408 SP14 An issue reported with Sequence Mode (Per Label) not printing correctly has been fixed. 16XX. 5. “CLARiNET Logged Field’s” (as configured in the ciff file) now correctly update the Production Log when job selection is via Remote Host mode. 5. Memory leak associated with new Software Licensing method has been fixed. The failure required the following conditions: 1. OPC Server now allows usage of additional CIFF references. This now works.408 SP16 An issue reported when printing to Zebra could cause actual printout image to be stretched vertically has been fixed. These anomalies no longer happen. This issue has been fixed. CLARiNET and CLARiNET Web Edition now shows the correct number of days remaining (in the title bar and in the Activation Wizard box) during the 30-days free trial period of Videojet install keys. This has now been fixed and these field types no longer disappear at the printer. This issue has been fixed. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. An issue was reported with CLARiTY TIJ where User Entered & Merged fields would disappear at the printer when ‘Printer Orientation’ was defined in CLARiSOFT. When left clicking a Field in CLARiSOFT using VJ 1550/1650 Printers causes the text to snap to the right when the scroll bar is present. 5. 5. CLARiSOFT would crash when downloading a Database Job where one of the Job table Columns had no data. if too close to the label edge has been fixed. This issue has been fixed. Tools\Options\Settings “Enable Download for Multiple Jobs” checkbox is checked 2. CLARiSOFT special parameter “Start Of Day” would not affect CLARiTY printers. When Remote Desktop Connection into a VM Ware machine using VJ 1550/1650 Printers. CLARiSOFT. This issue has been fixed. CLARiNET and CLARiSOFT will now treat ESI return packet of information “07 29” as an error and report job selection as failed. If a CLARiTY printer in a group within CLARiNET is configured to “Set up Group based upon remote selection at equipment”. 5.docx Page 14 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . moving a text box and releasing the mouse in CLARiSOFT causes the text to snap to the left a couple inches on the screen. the rest of the group will now correctly set the print quantity from a database provided: All other printers in the group have their own “Print Quantity” configured as “Unlimited” and CLARiNET’s Tools\Options\Database Setup\Advanced Settings\Print Quantity” is set to a valid database field.13 4. In Tools\Options\Settings “Enable Delete Jobs” checkbox is checked 3. An issue reported with EAN128 barcode “Human Readable Text” being overlaid onto the barcode for Zebra printers.409 CLARiSOFT Print Manager now works when licensed with new ‘Web Licensing’. Thermal Transfer & TIJ Image Rotational issues now fixed. Sometimes a CLARiNET multiple download of jobs to multiple CLARiTY printers in a group could cause the application to remain in the deleting file state if a printer was unable to delete a job. EAN128 barcodes with “Bearer Box” now print as expected by Zebra printers. Answer yes to the “Do you want to DELETE ALL of the existing jobs in the printer?” Message Box.14 4. CLARiSOFT Database Viewer now resolves Date Fields which Field Type references a database field with non- standard format.12 4.408 SP15 Setting OPC “Job Setup Mode” Tag will now abort current job download before setting job download parameters. Zebra “Human Readable Text” could sometimes become longer than the barcode width and also could sometimes be offset from the centre of the barcode. when creating jobs for CLARiTY CIJ range of printers and one text field was dropped on-top of another their fonts would change to ‘Japanese’. Fix for Zebra drivers where a Text Field (or Block Text Field) would print incorrectly if positioned too close to a horizontal line. CLARiNET’s Remote Client no longer displays erroneous text under ‘Group Name’. Fix for Sato drivers not centering Human Readable text of EAN-128 barodes. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. This no longer happens. Previously. Windows-8 & Server-2012 now display icons on left-hand side of CLARiSOFT & CLARiNET correctly.docx Page 15 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . CLARiNET OPC driver now works with Auxiliary Ciff references. A bug where the EAN13 Price Verifier barcode would appear at printers with incorrect data has been fixed. “CLARiNET Logged Field” currently does not work properly if the CLARiTY printer is marked as “Set up Group based upon remote selection at equipment”. Some Italic fonts (such as Arial Bold Italic) on a non UK/US based operating system do not download correctly to a CLARiTY printer if the PC locale has been changed from its default. 16XX and 17XX Printer with a Job name exceeding 26 characters will prevent connection of CLARiSOFT or CLARiNET. ESI 1000 Series printers do not currently support Unicode characters. It will also be necessary to add this user to the local machine so that services used on the local machine can be logged on as a Domain user.docx Page 16 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . To overcome this you need to run CLARiSOFT as an administrator to activate the license. When a dual LAN card is used in the PC/server so that multiple networks can be accessed. Scanpoint help cannot be used to generate barcodes on 64-bit machines. Excel formats that contain 10x7 fonts do not display correctly when downloaded to the printer. it will be necessary to add a Clarinet account to the domain.6. Known Issues Software Activation fails when using Windows 7 and newer editions of Microsoft’s Windows. This does not cause an issue when downloading to the printer. 10x10 Datamatrix barcodes do not download to ESI 1000 Series printer unless they are on the top line of the design. CLARiNET can save and retrieve templates and other files from a domain Server/Mapped drive if (and only if) the account on the PC is a valid domain user account. The Excel EDN Unicode printer fonts in CLARiSOFT do not contain character representations for all supported characters. A job already loaded and selected on a WSI 15XX. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. When using direct serial (RS232) connections with hardware-handshaking enabled then it is possible for significant delays or issues to be caused within Windows and therefore TCP/IP communications are recommended (as above) and if it is essential to use direct serial (RS232) connections hardware-handshaking must be disabled.7. CLARiNET Device Communications It is recommended that where possible industry standard TCP/IP coder and barcode scanner communications are used. with TCP/IP to RS232 ‘DATAPOINT’ terminal servers used if required. CLARiSUITE Release Notes.docx Page 17 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . docx Page 18 of 18 © Copyright 2016 . general CLARiSOFT and CLARiNET settings will be lost. Select Add or Remove Programs from Control Panel (Programs and Features in Vista). Navigate to the installation directory (usually C:/Program Files/Claricom/ for 32 bit Operating Systems.xml and CLARiFY License.8.pdf before following the steps below: 1. The steps below assume that no user data (such as databases and ciff files have been saved in the installation directory.xml). If the installation fails you should disable all virus protection and re-try the installation. If this does not resolve the issue then contact your reseller. Troubleshooting 8. If you have chosen to keep your current license file then delete all the files out of the Data directory (other than CLARiSOFT License. 3.1 The software does not work after installation If the software does not work after an installation it is likely that there may be some legacy files left from a previous installation. Delete the CLARiNET directory (if it exists). 8.xml. If you do not want to keep your existing license then just remove the Data directory completely. Delete the CLARiSOFT directory (if it exists). Delete all other single files from the Claricom directory. Removing the Claricom. Steps 3-6 manually remove the files that may be out of sync with the files installed as part of the installation and therefore may not be removed by the installer. 4. 9. 7. Remove CLARiSOFT and/or CLARiNET. 2. 6. CLARiSUITE Release Notes. 10. CLARiNET License. If you want to backup your configuration follow the instructions in BackupProcedure. 8. If removed.ini file from C:/Windows is optional. 5. Steps 1-2 do the automatic part of the uninstall. Follow the recommended steps below. Re-install the new version of software.2 The software installation fails In certain circumstances. C:/Program Files (x86)/Claricom/ for 64 bit Operating systems). the installation of the software may fail due to the virus protection running on the PC.
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