March 29, 2018 | Author: Anonymous YjoaBucK4 | Category: Thesis, Postgraduate Education, Doctor Of Philosophy, University And College Admission, Graduate School



424College of Science College of S cience KOLEHIYO NG AGHAM Location: National Science Complex, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines Telephone Number: +63-2-981-85-00 locals 3801, 3802 Email Address: [email protected] Website: www.science.upd.edu.ph T he University’s first science departments, namely, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Zoology, were organized on 03 June 1910, under the College of Liberal Arts, later renamed the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). In 1976 the CAS was reorganized into three (3) divisions: Division of Humanities, Division of Social Sciences, and Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, with the latter consisting of seven departments: Botany, Chemistry, Geology and Geography, Mathematics, Meteorology and Oceanography, Physics, and Zoology. On 26 October 1983, the Board of Regents approved the partition of the CAS into three (3) new colleges: College of Arts and Letters, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, and College of Science with the latter being organized out of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (excluding Geography). The College of Science (CS) started operating as a separate college on 19 December 1983, when Dr. Roger Posadas was appointed as its first Dean, who served the college up to his appointment as Chancellor of UP Diliman in November 1993. The deans who succeeded Dr. Posadas are: Dr. Danilo Yanga (1993-1999); Dr. Rhodora Azanza (1999-2006); Dr. Caesar Saloma (2006-2011), and Dr. Jose Maria Balmaceda (2011 – present). The CS is the largest college in UP Diliman in terms of regular faculty size and second largest in student enrolment. It is the acknowledged national center of excellence for advanced education and research in the natural and mathematical sciences. Its faculty has the country’s largest concentration of PhD scientists and its undergraduate, graduate, and research programs conform to international standards of excellence. It leads the whole UP system in the publication of refereed scientific articles in reputable national and international journals. As of 2013, five (5) units of the College have been declared “National Centers of Excellence” through Executive Orders and Proclamations of the President of the Republic, namely, the National Institute of Physics (NIP), National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), Marine Science Institute (MSI), and National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB). The latter is part of the country’s Network of National Institutes of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has declared several units of the College as “Centers of Excellence” (COE) in basic sciences; namely, the Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Biology, Institute of Chemistry, MSI, NIP, NIGS, and NIMBB. The COE status of these units is renewable upon satisfactory performance evaluation by CHED. The long-term goal of the College is to become a world-class center of excellence for advanced scientific education and research. Its primary mission is to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the Philippines through high-quality science education, the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge, and the provision of scientific and technical services. The College performs three main functions: • To provide international-quality graduate and undergraduate education in the natural and mathematical sciences. • To undertake basic and applied scientific research that is of high standard and national relevance. • To render technical extension services in support of national scientific and technological development. College of Science 425 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry The College presently has eight (8) degree-granting institutes, namely: • Bachelor of Science in Geology • National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics • National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) • Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology • National Institute of Physics (NIP) • Bachelor of Science in Physics • The Marine Science Institute (MSI) • Institute of Biology (IB) • Institute of Chemistry (IChem) • Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM) • Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics (Instrumentation Physics; Materials Physics) The physics and applied physics programs are five-year programs, while the rest are four-year programs. The BS Geology program requires an undergraduate research paper for its students; the rest of the BS programs of the College require an undergraduate thesis. • Institute of Mathematics (I-Math) In addition, the CS has two (2) interdisciplinary programs, namely: • Science and Society Program (SSP) • Materials Science and Engineering Program (MSEP), and one attached unit, namely, Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI) The MSEP is jointly administered with the College of Engineering and offers MS and PhD programs. The NSRI undertakes research and provides technical and analytical services through its in-house laboratories. It also administers a grants program for researchers in biology, chemistry, mathematics, environmental sciences, and meteorology. The support facilities of the College include: SPECIAL POST-BACCALAUREATE UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMS The College offers one-year diploma programs in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics, consisting of selected undergraduate major courses. The programs are especially designed for college teachers in these disciplines who have inadequate undergraduate training therein and who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills in preparation for advanced studies. The diploma programs in meteorology and environmental science are one-year graduate programs. GRADUATE PROGRAMS The College offers thirteen (13) Master of Science programs, a Professional Masters in Applied Mathematics program, and ten (10) Doctor of Philosophy programs. In addition there are four (4) special post-baccalaureate programs at the graduate level. These are: • CS Library (with satellite libraries in the different institutes) • Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) • Bolinao Marine Laboratory. The College is headed by the Dean who is assisted by three Associate Deans, the College Secretary, and a Coordinator for each interdisciplinary program. Each institute is headed by a Director. Collective management of the College is exercised by the College Executive Board composed of the Dean, Associate Deans, Secretary, Directors, and Coordinators. The highest policy-making authority within the College is the College Assembly composed of all the regular faculty members and university researchers of the College. PROGRAMS OFFERED UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM The College currently offers seven (7) baccalaureate programs: • Bachelor of Science in Biology Special Post-Baccalaureate Programs: Diploma in Meteorology; Diploma in Environmental Science; Diploma in Chemistry; Diploma in Mathematics; Master of Arts in Mathematics, and Master of Arts in Physics MS: Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemical Education, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Marine Science (marine biology, marine biotechnology, marine physical sciences), Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Meteorology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and Physics. Professional Masters: Applied Mathematics (Actuarial Science) and Professional Masters in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management. PhD: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Marine Science (Marine Biology, Marine Physical Science, Marine Biotechnology), Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Meteorology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Physics, Biology (Option 3), and Marine Science (Option 3). 426 College of Science ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS/POLICIES UNDERGRADUATE Applicants for admission to the baccalaureate programs of CS must satisfy the University requirements for admission. Undergraduate students who wish to transfer to CS from other colleges/units of the University or from other universities may be admitted under current CS admission policies. Applications for transfer to CS shall be accepted and processed only for the first semester of each school year. Admission into a BS program shall depend on the final approval of the institute/department offering the program. Transferee From Within UP An applicant may qualify for admission into CS after completion of two or more semesters or at least thirty 30 units of courses with a general weighted average of 2.5 or better. The number of transfer students to be admitted into CS each school year shall depend on the number of undergraduate majors that can be accommodated by each institute/department. c) For Diploma in Chemistry—at least twenty (20) units of college chemistry, including quantitative analysis and elementary organic chemistry, ten (10) units of college physics, and fifteen (15) units of college mathematics including differential and integral calculus d) For Diploma in Meteorology—a strong background in physics and mathematics 3) Pass an entrance examination or placement examination where required To obtain the undergraduate Diploma in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics, the student must complete the following courses (or equivalent/substitute courses approved by the unit): a) Diploma in Biology—Chem 40, 40.1, Bio 121, 122, 133, 140, 150, 160. Total Units: 34 b) Diploma in Chemistry—Chem 34, 34.1, 112, 123, 123.1/125, 145, 146.1,153, 154, 156, 196, 252. Total Units: 30-32 c) Diploma in Mathematics—Math 109, 55, 110.1, 114, 117, 123.1, 128, 196, CS 11, Stat 101. Total Units: 30 d) Diploma in Physics—Physics 101, 101.1, 102, 102.1, 103, 103.1, 111, 112, Math 121.1. Total Units: 24 All BS degree programs of CS are open to transfer students from other UP colleges/units, but admission will depend on the availability of slots. Transferee From Outside UP Applicants for transfer from outside UP to CS must first satisfy the UP rules on admission of transfer students and then comply with the following CS policies: An applicant who qualified under the UPCAT but enrolled in another school may be admitted into CS after completion of two or more semesters or at least thirty-three (33) units of courses outside UP with a general weighted average of 1.75 or better. An applicant who did not qualify under the UPCAT may be admitted into CS after completion of two or more semesters or at least thirtythree (33) units of courses outside UP with a general weighted average of 1.50 or better. Admission Requirements for Diploma Programs An applicant for admission into the diploma programs must: 1) Possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning 2) Have completed the following undergraduate units: a) For Diploma in Biology—at least fifteen (15) units of college biological sciences and at least 10 units of college chemistry including general and organic chemistry b) For Diploma in Mathematics and Diploma in Physics—at least fifteen (15) units of college mathematics up to differential and integral calculus The following are the requirements for the graduate diploma programs: a) Diploma in Environmental Science—1) at least twenty (20) units of formal graduate courses; 2) a cumulative weighted average grade (CWAG) of 2.00 or better at the end of each academic year; and 3) a 1-unit seminar course. b) Diploma in Meteorology—1) at least twenty (24) units of formal graduate courses in meteorology and 2) a CWAG of 2.00 or better in these courses. In addition to University rules and regulations governing graduate programs, the following apply to the CS master’s and doctoral programs. Master of Arts The MA (Mathematics) and MA (Physics) programs are primarily intended for college teachers in these disciplines who do not possess a BS in Mathematics or a BS in Physics degree, respectively. These programs aim to upgrade the teacher’s knowledge of their subject matter so as to improve their teaching competence in these disciplines and to prepare them for further advanced studies. Admission into the MA (Mathematics) program requires completion of college-level courses in algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and calculus. To earn the degree, students must complete thirty-three (33) units of mathematics courses, one (1) unit of a graduate seminar, and pass a comprehensive examination. Admission into the MA (Physics) program requires completion of Passing of the candidacy examination after completion of all course work in the student’s program of study. 2) Failure to obtain the minimum CWAG after the probation period shall automatically disqualify the student from the MS program. 2) maintain a CWAG of 2.00 (unless the graduate committee decides.College of Science 427 the equivalent courses in the Diploma in Physics program. a student must satisfy the following requirements: 1) complete a minimum of thirty-three (33) units of formal graduate courses. 3) Failure in the second master’s examination. together with the thesis adviser and thesis reader (plus the thesis co-adviser. among other things. Comprehensive Examination This oral examination must be taken by a student in the non-thesis option after he/she has passed the preliminary examination and completed all the course and seminar requirements for the MS degree. Placement Examination A student may be required by the Graduate Committee to take a placement examination. if any) shall constitute the master’s examination panel of four (4) or five (5) members. Technology and Society. Preliminary Examination This written and/or oral examination has to be taken by a student in the non-thesis option within one year after completing the core courses in his program of study. students must complete thirty-nine (39) units of physics courses. Maintenance of a CWAG of 1. Doctor of Philosophy The general requirements for any PhD degree in the College are the following: Completion of a program of study consisting of at least forty-five (45) units of formal graduate courses in the case of students admitted into the PhD program with only a BS degree in the discipline or a master’s degree in an unrelated discipline. and 5) submit at least six (6) bound and certified copies of the approved master’s thesis. and 7) Absence without official leave (AWOL). five (5) units of a teaching seminar. and pass a comprehensive examination. To earn the degree. 4) Failure in the second preliminary examination.00 or better in his/her graduate courses at the end of each academic year. 4) successfully defend a master’s thesis in a master’s examination. and 5) pass the comprehensive examination. A student who does not perform satisfactorily in this examination or who has deficient academic preparation may be required to complete appropriate undergraduate remedial courses in the College. 4) pass the master’s preliminary examination.” Any other combination of acceptance. and of at least twenty-four (24) units of formal graduate courses in the case of students admitted into the PhD program with an MS degree in the discipline. Completion of at least one (1) unit of a graduate seminar during the student’s course work and participation in a Graduate Research Colloquium of the College at least once every two years by giving a seminar on the progress of the dissertation work. on justifiable grounds and upon the recommendation of the student’s program adviser. Disqualifications A student shall be disqualified from the MS program in case of: 1) Failure to satisfy the CWAG requirement of 2. .” A vote of rejection by a panel member must be explained in writing. a student must satisfy the following requirements: 1) complete a minimum of twenty-four 24 units of formal graduate courses. 5) Failure in the second comprehensive examination. 3) complete one (1) unit of graduate seminar. In this examination. to put him on probation for one [1] to two [2] semesters). to give a seminar on a topic covering a recent development in the discipline. 6) Non-compliance with the Maximum Residence Rule (MRR).75 or better at the end of each academic year until completion of the program of study. Non-Thesis Option—To qualify for the MS degree under this option. 3) complete one (1) unit of graduate seminar. Acceptance of the thesis defense by at least three (3) out of four (4) or four (4) out of five (5) members of the master’s examination panel shall merit the rating of “Pass.00 or better in his graduate courses at the end of each academic year. The thesis reader or one of the thesis examiners shall be elected by the thesis adviser to chair the master’s examination panel. the student is required. Passing of the qualifying examination based on the core courses. conditional acceptance/rejection of the thesis defense in between these two extremes shall result in a rating of “Provisional Pass. one (1) unit of a physics seminar. Successful defense of the doctoral dissertation in a public doctoral examination. and the 3-unit course in Science. Master of Science The MS degree may be obtained through either of the following two options: Thesis Option—To qualify for the MS degree under this option. Completion of a doctoral dissertation based on an independent and original research.” while rejection of the thesis defense by at least two panel members shall incur the rating of “Fail. 2) maintain a CWAG of 2. the latter shall recommend to the Dean the formal appointment of two thesis examiners who. Master’s Examination Upon completion of the master’s thesis and its endorsement by the thesis adviser and thesis reader to the Graduate Committee. 2) completing the course work in his/her program of study. a requirement for graduation from the PhD program is the submission to the Graduate Office of proof of acceptance or publication of a technical article in a reputable.” if the dissertation defense is deemed acceptable subject to certain minor revisions of the dissertation in form or content. Depending upon the result.75 at the end of the academic year unless the graduate committee decides. PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIPS The College of Science. Dissertation Publication Requirement Since AY 2005-2006. refereed scientific journal. written and/or oral. 3) obtaining a CWAG of “1. refereed scientific journal as defined by the unit and approved by the Dissertation Committee. 2) Failure to obtain the minimum CWAG after the probation period. Applications may be submitted to the CS Graduate Office.” Any other combination of acceptance. is taken by the student within one year after completion of the core courses in his program of study. Acceptance of the dissertation defense by at least four (4) members of the Doctoral Examination Panel shall merit the rating of “Pass. 6) Non-compliance with the Maximum Residence Rule. The article must be based partly or entirely on the student’s approved dissertation and endorsed by the student’s Dissertation Committee. b) mastery of the basic principles and methods of the discipline. and 4) completing the courses as stipulated by the College residence rules.. physical and biological sciences). through the Diliman Science Research Foundation. “Provisional A student shall be disqualified from the PhD program on the following bases: 1) Failure to satisfy the CWAG requirement of 1. in the Graduate Research Colloquia of the College by giving a seminar on the progress of his/her dissertation research. After advancing to PhD candidacy. he/she must also participate. In this examination the student is required to give a seminar on an approved research topic in his/her chosen field of specialization and is examined on his/her a) grasp of this chosen field of specialization. Jose Maria Feliciano Memorial Scholarships (graduate and undergraduate scholarships for CS students in the geological. Inc. The CS. 3) Failure in the second qualifying examination. Doctoral Examination The Doctoral Examination (dissertation defense) may be held only upon completion of the doctoral dissertation and its endorsement by the Dissertation Committee to the Graduate Committee. the University’s Office of Scholarships and Student Services located at Vinzons Hall. The Doctoral Examination may be given either of the following ratings: “Pass.75” or better in his/her course work. . the student must complete at least one (1) unit of graduate seminar as an additional requirement on top of the formal course requirements in his program of study.428 College of Science Submission of a publication or an acceptance letter from a reputable. Placement Examination An admitted student may be required by the graduate committee concerned to take a placement examination. Candidacy Examination The Candidacy Examination is an oral and/or written examination that must be taken by the student after 1) passing the Qualifying Examination. and 2) Manulife scholarships (full program or 1-year grants) for CS undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in actuarial science and mathematical finance. Disqualifications Qualifying Examination This examination. Submission of at least six (6) bound paper copies and a CD copy of the approved doctoral dissertation based on the approved College of Science format. Several of these scholarships are specifically intended for students majoring in chosen disciplines in the College of Science. or “Fail. In addition. 7) Absence without official leave (AWOL).” while rejection of the dissertation defense by at least two (2) Panel members shall incur the rating of “Fail.” if the dissertation defense is deemed unacceptable. conditional acceptance and/or rejection of the dissertation defense in between these two extremes shall result in a rating of “Provisional Pass. at least once every two years. implements the master’s and doctoral scholarship programs under the Advanced Science and Technology Accelerated Human Resource Development Program (ASTHRDP) of the DOST-Science Education Institute. and Pass. An MS degree holder in the discipline may be exempted from the examination by the graduate committee concerned. administers the following private scholarships: 1) Dr. and c) readiness for dissertation research in the chosen field of specialization.” if the dissertation defense is deemed acceptable. to put him/her on probation for a period not exceeding two (2) semesters. 4) Failure in the second candidacy examination. s/he may be required to complete appropriate undergraduate remedial courses in the College. administers numerous scholarship programs. as a member-university of the National Science Consortium. Information and application forms may be obtained from the Office of the Associate Dean for Student and Public Affairs. on justifiable grounds and upon the recommendation of the student’s program committee. 5) Failure in the second doctoral examination.” Additional requirements and higher standards over and above these common minimum College requirements and standards for the PhD degree may be adopted by a graduate committee for its PhD program upon endorsement by the Graduate Faculty Council and approval by the University Council. Seminar Requirements Prior to the candidacy examination. Geomorphology Laboratory. The NSC is home to all the buildings of the College of Science. Sensor and Environmental Research Laboratory (ANSER). and surface plasmon spectrometer NIGS: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Laboratory. Electroanalytical Research Laboratory. Polymers Laboratory. atomic force microscope. Wet Geochemistry Laboratory. Paleontology Laboratory. liquid and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometers. ultra-violet visible spectrophotometer. Mineralogy Laboratory. Seaweed and marine phytoplankton culture rooms. NIGS. and other preparation requirements . Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory. Electron Probe Micro Analyzer Laboratory. Micropaleontology Laboratory. Glass Blowing Shop. Bio-organic Research Laboratory. Marine molecular ecology laboratory. The electronic services are accessible from any of the CS Libraries. In 2006. Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory. and Advanced Nanomaterials. ICP-MS Laboratory. In addition to the laboratories and other facilities of the Institutes. Petrology Laboratory. I-MATH.9 hectare contiguous area in the southeast sector of the Diliman campus. scuba diving equipment and support facility. Engineering Geology Laboratory. BML library. Animal Cell Culture facility. marine microbiological laboratory. In addition. GT Velasquez Phycological Herbarium. Cell Biology Laboratory. Earth Resources Laboratory. MSI. the College also runs the Technology Incubation Core Facility (TICF) program. Rock Preparation Laboratory. CD-ROM. Organic Synthesis Laboratory. Microbiology Laboratory. audio visual room. Structural Geology Laboratory. Photoluminescence system. Rushurgent Working Group. double crystal High Resolution X-ray Diffractometer. The different institutes of the College have some of the best facilities for research and instruction in the Philippines. X-ray diffractometer. Electron Tunneling facility. Algal and microbial biotechnology facility. outdoor culture invertebrates and seaweeds culture facilities. high pressure liquid chromatograph. Environmental Microbiology Laboratory. Audio visual/seminar rooms. there are several institutes. Nannoworks Laboratory. IB: Freshwater Ecology Laboratory. Rock Storage Room. polishing and section preparation equipment. Vertebrate and Invertebrate Museums. Greenhouse Facilities. Volcano Tectonics Laboratory. Spectroscopic Ellipsometer. micro algal culture facility. and Internet services. conference rooms. DNA Barcoding Laboratory. atomic absorption spectrophotometer. an arc discharge melting facility. Environmental Chemistry Research Laboratory. All the libraries have electronic online public access catalogs. housed in its own building in the National Science Complex has a fully integrated electronic library system and Web accessible catalog. 593. Intelligent Inorganic Materials and BioInorganic Research Laboratory. electronics facility. Raman Spectroscopy system. Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy system. Coral museum. Herbarium. comprising major research equipment recently acquired by the College for its research programs and technical services. Biochemistry and toxinology laboratories. Marine Chemistry Laboratories. Chemical waste storage. Ecotoxicology Laboratory.000 square meters. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. and Animal house facility. Medical Microbiology Research Laboratory. mineragraphic. two Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) systems. the area was designated as the National Science Complex and Technology Incubation Park (NSC) through Executive Order No. liquid nitrogen support. The libraries are manned by IT knowledgeable and skilled staff. Computer Laboratory. Marine sedimentology and core scanner facility. Instrument Room and Preparation Room. computer room. Earth Materials Science Laboratory. Geophysics Laboratory.College of Science 429 INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES The National Science Complex The College of Science occupies a 21. Biochemistry Research Laboratory.700 oC. a Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system. Genotoxicology Laboratory. and multipurpose hall MSE Program: Multi-target DC/RF magnetron sputtering systems. Spore and Gametophyte Laboratory. Support facilities for these equipment are also available like vacuum grade machining. electron lithography systems. vertical Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) machine. Marine genomics and molecular genetics facility. Transmission Electron Microscope. petrographic. Sedimentology Laboratory. Balance Room. including state-of-the art equipment and facilities that meet international standards. universal testing machine. cleanroom facilities. Natural Products Research Laboratory. LA-ICP Laboratory. Advanced Microscopy Laboratory. MSI Library and information and database systems. and NIMBB. It is the only library on campus with online subscriptions to index and abstracts databases and full text journals. CS Library The College of Science Main Library. and XRD and XRF Laboratory MSI Facilities in Diliman: Seaweed chemistry laboratory and pilot plant. X-ray Flourescence Spectrograph. imaging microscopes. Chemical Thermodynamics Laboratory. cryogenic systems with instrumentation for magnetic susceptibility and Hall and resistivity measurements. Research Facilities and Laboratories The College has among the best research facilities in the country. UPD-CS Biophysicochemical Techno-Incubation Core Facility (TICF) is housed at MSI Diliman MSI Facilities at Bolinao Marine Laboratory (BML): Flow through seawater and continuous aeration experimental areas. Cold storage facility. microhardness testers. NIGS Library. Geochemistry Laboratory. photolithographic facility. high temperature furnaces up to 1. Fourier transform-infrared spectrophotometer. namely. Materials Science Research Laboratory. Clay Mineralogy Laboratory. Oceanographic modelling and remote sensing laboratories. and Biodiversity Research Laboratory IChem: Analytical Services Laboratory. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and FESEM. dormitories and staff housing. Major equipment include two nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) systems. thermal and electron beam evaporation facility. NIP. reflectivity meter. with a total floor area of around 100. crystal growth facility. IChem. high and ultra-high vacuum facility. housing satellite libraries and reading rooms. analytical instrument and microscopy laboratory. horizontal Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) machine. small watercrafts. Environment Monitoring Laboratory. Microscopy Laboratory. Physiology Laboratory. As a national center of excellence for research. Molecular Microbiology Laboratory.1 BIO 12 BIO 180 Phys 71 Phys 71. environmental sciences. Electronics Laboratory. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). . Research & Analytical Services Laboratory (RASL). Plasma Physics Laboratory. Nanobiology Laboratory. and DNA Analysis Laboratory (DAL) 152-156 units APPROVAL 122nd UPD UC : 09 July 2012 | President AEPascual : 01 August 2012 F I R S T Y E A 1st Semester 2nd Semester 19 units 20 units Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (SSP 1) Free Choice Math 17 Chem 16 Geol 11 PE NSTP S 3 3 5 5 3 (2) (3) E C O N GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* GE (AH 2) Free Choice Chem 26 Chem 26. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). mathematics. Machine Shop. and meteorology. and INTEL Center for Science Innovation (NIP Auditoriums and Seminar Rooms). The institute has four in-house laboratories. and Disease Molecular Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory NIMBB UP Diliman also hosts two (2) core facilities of the Philippine Genome Center: the DNA Sequencing and Bioinformatics Core facilities NIP: Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory.1 PE 3 3 2 5 3 4 1 (2) H I R GE (AH 4) Comm 3 GE (MST 1) STS Chem 40 Chem 40. Biological Research Services Laboratory (BRSL). Femtosecond Laser Facility. Functional Genomics Laboratory. Theoretical Physics Laboratory. Aquatic Biotechnology Laboratory. Instrumentation Physics Laboratory. the NSRI has instituted mechanisms to make the expertise and the facilities of the Institute available to UP researchers. and Math library NIMBB: Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory. graduate and faculty computer laboratories. These are offered by UPD.1 BIO 101 BIO 102 PE D Y E A 1st Semester 3 2 3 2 3 5 (2) R 2nd Semester 20 units 20-21 units GE (AH 5) Fil 40* BIO 120 BIO 150 BIO 191 BIO 140 F O 3 3 3 3 5 4 (2) (3) 2nd Semester 21 units T R 3 4 5 3 5 U R T 1st Semester H Y 3 5 4 4 3 5 E A R 2nd Semester 17-19 units GE (SSP 4) Free Choice GE (MST 2) Free Choice Biology Specialty Elective BIO 200a Science Elective Science Elective Philo 1 BIO 160 BIO 1211 BIO 1221 BIO 1231 BIO 133 16-17 units 3 3 3 2 3 3-5 GE (SSP 5) Free Choice PI 100 BIO 196 BIO 200b Biology Specialty Elective Biology Specialty Elective 3 3 1 2 3 4-5 Any two of the three physiology courses * Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement 1 Note: As a requirement for graduation. NIP-Hitachi Metrology Laboratory. namely: Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL). Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Virology Laboratory. Literacy Training Service (LTS). NIP Library.430 College of Science BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY I-MATH: Undergraduate.1 BIO 11 Math 100 PE NSTP D Y E A 1st Semester R 19 units GE (AH 3) Free Choice Chem 31 Chem 31. The Institute maintains modern scientific instruments and facilities and has a pool of specially trained scientists to render research and development as well as analytical services through its four technical laboratories. members of the national scientific community. Photonics Research Laboratory. Molecular Toxicology Research Laboratory. chemistry. with the mandate to promote excellence in the fields of biology. and the public. Protein Structure and Immunology Laboratory. Structure and Dynamics Laboratory. audio-visual rooms. The NIP also houses the Multi-dimensional Imaging Laboratory ( a Technology Incubation Core Facility) NSRI: The NSRI was reorganized from the former Natural Sciences Research Center in 1983 under Executive Order 889. 2 Physics 71 Physics 71. These are offered by UPD.1 Physics 112 Math 121.1 Physics 111 Math 55 Chem 17 PE F O S U M M E R Chem 197 D 17 units 18 units 3 3 3 3 4 1 N GE (AH 2) Comm 3 Physics 101 Physics 101.2 Chem 196 Elective2 Chem 200 Y E A R 2nd Semester 15-17 units 18-20 units 3 3 3 1 3 (5) 2 GE (MST 2) STS GE (SSP 5) Free Choice Chem 125 Chem 200 PI 100 Elective2 3 3 4 2 3 3 (5) choice of CMT (may be taken starting first year) or CWTS (may be taken starting second year) two (2) course electives equivalent to a minimum of six (6) units.1 PE NSTP T H I R D 3 3 3 3 4 1 (2) (3) GE (AH 5) Free Choice GE (MST 1)Free Choice Chem 146 Chem 154 Chem 102.1 Bio 11 PE D Y E A 3 4 1 3 3 5 (2) R 2nd Semester 17 units GE (SSP 3) Free Choice Physics 104 Physics 104. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).1 Math 531 Math 141 PE S 17 units 3 3 3 3 3 5 (3) (2) Y 1st Semester 2nd Semester 20 units GE (AH 4) Fil 40* Chem 145 Chem 153 Math 121.1 Chem 156 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 units 3 F O U R T H 1st Semester GE (SSP 4) Free Choice Chem 112 Chem 102.1 Physics 72 Physics 72.1 Math 54 NSTP/CMT1 PE F Y E A R 1st Semester Chem 16 Math 17 Geol 11 GE (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* PE CMT1 174-180 units App Physics 155 App Physics 181 Physics 122 Physics 132 Physics 141 H Y E A 4 4 3 3 3 R 2nd Semester 15-17 units 3 3 3 3 3 5 (3) GE (SSP 4) Free Choice Physics 151 Physics 180 Physics 192 Physics /App Physics Elective2 NSTP 3 3 3 3 3-5 (3) .College of Science 431 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 145-149 units F I R S T GE (AH 2) Comm 3 Chem 17 Math 53 BIO 11 PE CMT1 S E C O N D GE (SSP3) Free Choice Chem 34 Chem 123 Chem 101. 1 2 Y R 19 units 3 4 1 3 3 5 (2) H I R GE (SSP 2) Kas 1* Physics 103 Physics 103. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). Literacy Training Service (LTS).1 Physics 113 Physics 121 Physics 131 3 4 1 3 3 3 U R T 1st Semester 20 units GE (AH 3) Fil 40* Physics 114 Physics 142 Physics 165 Physics 170 Physics 191 NSTP E A 3 4 1 5 5 (2) 2nd Semester GE (SSP 1) Philo 1 Physics 102 Physics 102. at least three (3) units of which are science electives * Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement Note: As a requirement for graduation.1 Math 541 Chem 16 PE 1st Semester 2nd Semester 17 units 3 3 3 1 5 3 (2) E C O T R 18 units 19 units Y E A R 1st Semester E A 2nd Semester Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (MST 1) Physics 10 Geol 11 Geol 11.1 3 5 5 5 (2) (3) Y E A R 1st Semester R S T 18 units 18 units 5 5 3 3 3 (2) (3) I 1st Semester 2nd Semester 19 units GE (SSP 2) Philo 1 GE (AH 3) Free Choice Chem 33 Chem 28 Chem 101. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci).1 3 2 . Math 53 in the 1st year/2nd semester (in place of Math 54).1 Bio 11 PE D Y E A 1st Semester 4 1 3 3 5 (2) R 2nd Semester 17 units 17 units GE (SSP 2) Kas 1* Physics 104 Physics 104.1 Math 541 Chem 16 PE D Y E A 1st Semester R 16 units GE (SSP 1) Philo 1 Physics 102 Physics 102.1 Math 531 Math 141 PE 1 2 R S T 18 units 16-18 units 3 3 3 3-5 3 I 1st Semester 2nd Semester 15-17 units GE (MST 2) STS GE (AH 4) Free Choice Physics 152 Physics /App Physics Elective2 Physics 199 F Y E A R H I R Physics 103 Physics 103. 195 or App Physics courses. S May be chosen from Physics 135. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). Otherwise the student must take Math 17 in the 1st year/1st semester (in place of Math 14 and Math 53). R 2nd Semester Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (MST 1) Physics 10 Geol 11 Geol 11.432 College of Science BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS (MATERIALS PHYSICS) APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 176 units 174-180 units F I F T H 1st Semester GE (AH 5) Free Choice GE (SSP 5) Free Choice Science/Math Elective Physics 196 Physics 200 PI 100 3 3 3-5 1 3 3 Y E A Math 14 and Math 53 are to be taken together provided the student has passed the APE in Math 11. Literacy Training Service (LTS). 161. 3 May be chosen. upon the consent of the adviser. These are offered by UPD. from courses in natural sciences or mathematics * Kas 1 & Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement 18 units 3 3 3 1 5 3 (2) E C O N GE (AH 2) Comm 3 Physics 101 Physics 101.1 Physics 112 Math 121. and Math 54 in the immediately following summer session.1 Physics 111 Math 55 Chem 17 PE 3 4 1 3 3 5 (2) T 3 4 1 5 5 (2) 2nd Semester 19 units Note: As a requirement for graduation.1 Physics 113 Physics 121 Physics 131 S U 3 4 1 3 3 3 Physics 105 Physics 141 App Physics 155 App Physics 181 Physics 132 M M E 3 3 4 4 3 R 5 units Chem 28 Chem 28. 1 Physics 112 Math 121. Otherwise the students must take Math 17 in the 1st year/ 1st semester (in place of Math 14 and Math 53).1 Bio 11 PE D Y E A 1st Semester R 20 units GE (AH 3) Free Choice Physics 104 Physics 104. 3 4 1 3 3 5 (2) H I R GE (SSP 2) Kas 1* Physics 103 Physics 103. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci).College of Science 433 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS (MATERIALS PHYSICS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS (INSTRUMENTATION PHYSICS) 176 units 179 units APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 F O U R T H Y E A R Physics 142 Physics 191 App Physics 173 Chem 153 Chem 112 MetE 143 NSTP 3 5 3 3 3 3 (3) I F T H 1st Semester Y E A 3 3 3 3 3 (3) GE (AH 5) Fil 40 * GE (SSP 4) Free Choice GE (SSP 5) Free Choice Physics 196 Applied Physics 200 PI 100 Y E A 18 units 3 3 3 1 5 3 (2) E C O N GE (AH 2) Comm 3 Physics 101 Physics 101.1 Physics 113 Physics 121 Physics 131 3 4 1 3 3 3 U R T GE (AH 4) Free Choice GE (SSP 3) Free Choice Applied Physics 155 Applied Physics 181 Physics 132 Physics 141 H Y E A 3 3 4 4 3 3 R 2nd Semester 1st Semester 19 units Physics 165 Physics 191 App Physics 156 App Physics 173 App Physics 182 NSTP2 3 4 1 3 3 5 (2) 2nd Semester 17 units F O R 19 units GE (SSP 1) Philo 1 Physics 102 Physics 102. Literacy Training Service (LTS). Math 53 in the 1st year/ 2nd semester (in place of Math 54). and Math 54 in the immediately following summer session 1 Six (6) units of the GE courses must satisfy the Philippine Studies requirement. These are offered by UPD. 2 * Kas 1 & Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement Note: As a requirement for graduation.1 Math 531 Math 141 PE S R 16 units 3 3 3 3 3 R S T 18 units 2nd Semester 15 units GE (MST 2) STS GE (AH 4) Free Choice GE (SSP 3) Free Choice App Physics 176 App Physics 199 GE (AH 3) Free Choice2 Physics 151 Physics 192 App Physics 171 App Physics 175 NSTP I 1st Semester 15 units 20 units F F 2nd Semester 1st Semester 16 units 3 5 4 3 4 (3) Physics 166 Physics 151 Physics 192 App Physics 183 App Physics 185 NSTP2 3 3 3 3 4 (3) .1 Physics 111 Math 55 Chem 17 PE T E A 3 4 1 5 5 (2) 2nd Semester 19 units 3 3 3 1 3 3 R 2nd Semester Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (MST 1) Physics 10 Geol 11 Geol 11.1 Math 541 Chem 16 PE D Y 1st Semester Math 14 and Math 53 are to be taken together provided the student has passed the APE in Math 11. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).1 Physics 71 Physics 71. Literacy Training Service (LTS).1 MBB 110 BIO 180 MBB 100 PE NSTP 18 units 3 3 4 3 3 5 GE (AH 3) Comm 3 MBB 121 MBB 194 MBB 150 MBB 190 MBB 141 3 3 1 3 3 5 S U M M E R 6 units GE (AH 4) Free Choice GE (SSP 5) Free Choice 3 3 . Otherwise the students must take Math 17 in the 1st year/ 1st semester (in place of Math 14 and Math 53).1 PE M E 3 5 5 3 2 (2) R 8 units Math 54 GE (SSP 2) Free Choice * Kas 1 & Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement 2 Y E A R 5 3 S E C O N D Y E A R 1st Semester 2nd Semester 18 units 20 units 5 3 3 2 4 1 (2) (3) BIO 12 Math 55 Chem 31 Chem 31. and Math 54 in the immediately following summer session 1 Note: As a requirement for graduation. U M GE (AH 2) Fil 40 BIO 11 Math 53 Chem 26 Chem 26. Math 53 in the 1st year/ 2nd semester (in place of Math 54).1 Chem 40 Chem 40. These are offered by UPD.434 College of Science BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS (INSTRUMENTATION PHYSICS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 179 units 160 units APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 F I F T H 1st Semester E A R F I R S T 2nd Semester 17 units GE (MST 2) STS Physics 161 App Physics 186 App Physics 187 App Physics 199 Y 1st Semester 16 units 3 3 4 4 3 GE (AH 5) Fil 40* GE (SSP 4) Free Choice GE (SSP 5) Free Choice Physics 196 App Physics 200 PI 100 2nd Semester 18 units 3 3 3 1 3 3 18 units 3 3 5 5 2 (2) GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 Math 17 Chem 16 MBB 10 PE S Math 14 and Math 53 are to be taken together provided the student has passed the APE in Math 11.1 PE NSTP T H I R D Y E A R 1st Semester 2nd Semester 21 units GE (SSP 3) Free Choice GE (SSP 4) Philo 1 MBB 130 Geol 11 MBB 140 MBB 125 4 1 3 2 4 3 3 (2) (3) Physics 72 Physics 72. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). Science and Technology) domain. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.1 Physics 72 Math 140 PE D Y E A 1st Semester 3 3 3 3 4 3 (2) (3) R 2nd Semester 18 units 19 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 GE (SSP 5) Kas 1* Math 110. . These are offered by UPD. 17 units GE (AH 1) Free Choice GE (SSP 1) Free Choice GE (SSP 2) Free Choice GE1 (MST 1) Free Choice Math 60 PE We strongly recommend the Arts and Humanities GE Course:English 30 (3u). Literacy Training Service (LTS).3 Math 123.1 Math 122 Elective5 U R T GE (AH 4) Fil 40* GE (AH 5) Comm 3 Math 110.1 PE NSTP F O 3 3 3 5 3 (2) 2nd Semester 19 units T R 2nd Semester 17 units 15 units 3 5 5 3 2 I 1st Semester 2nd Semester 18 units MBB 195 MBB 142 MBB 180 PI 100 MBB 200 F Y E A R 15 units 3 3 3 3 3 3-5 GE (MST 4) Free Choice Math Elective4 Math Elective4 Elective5 Foreign Lang II2 1 GE (Mathematics.1 Math 150. 147/148 5 To be approved by adviser * Kas 1 & Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 Note: As a requirement for graduation. Literacy Training Service (LTS). Must not be Math 1 or 2 Six (6) units of Foreign Language course except English 3 Math 146 or Math 147 or Math 148 4 Any Math Elective (upon approval by adviser) including Math 146.2 Math 123.2 Math 171 Math 196 Math Elective4 H Y 1st Semester E A 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 R 2nd Semester 18 units PI 100 Math 128 Math 200 Foreign Lang I2 Math Elective4 Geom Elective3 R 19 units GE (AH 3) Free Choice Math 64 Stat 101 Math 109 Phys 71 Phys 71. and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). 3 5 3 3 4 1 (2) (3) H I R GE (SSP 4) Philo 1 GE1 (MST 3) STS Math 65 Math 110. all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).College of Science 435 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 122nd UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 142 units 160 units F O U R T H 1st Semester GE (AH 5) Free Choice GE (MST 1) STS GE MST 2(Free Choice) MBB 196 MBB 197 MBB 200 R S T Y E A 3 3 3 1 3 2 S 3 3 3 3 5 (2) E C O N GE (AH 2) Eng 10 GE (SSP 3) Free Choice GE1 (MST 2) Free Choice Math 63 CS 11 PE D Y E A 1st Semester *Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement Note: As a requirement for graduation. Math 121. Literacy Training Service (LTS). Stat 101 (Elementary Statistics). and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). Geology curriculum may not be taken as a GE course. Chem 150 (Introduction to Physical Chemistry).2 PE 2nd Semester 19 units 5 units S E C O N D Y E A R 6 .1 Math 17 PE NSTP S U GE (AH 2) Comm 3 GE (SSP 3) Kas 1* Chem 16 Math 53 ES 1 PE NSTP M M E 3 3 5 5 2 (2) (3) 3 2 Y E A R 1st Semester 2nd Semester 19 units 19 units GE (SSP 4) Philo 1 GE (MST 1) STS Geol 50 Geol 70 Physics 71 Physics 71. Geol 174 (Introduction to Earth Resource Project Evaluation).1 4 4 5 4 1 S U M M E R 6 units Geol 170 GE (AH 5) Free Choice GE (SSP 5) Free Choice Geol 181 Geol 194 Geol 196 Geology Elective2 3 3 4 5 2 3 (4) Elective recommended: Economics 11 (Introductory Economics).1 Math 55 PE 4 2 5 5 3 (2) T H I R D 3 3 4 1 4 1 3 (2) Y E A R Geol 120 Geol 130 Geol 150 Physics 73 Physics 73. Geol 171 (Mineral Data Analysis). * Kas 1 & Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement Note: As a requirement for graduation. Science and Technology subject whose content is substantially covered in the required courses in the B.436 College of Science BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 162-163 units F I R S T 162-163 units Y E A R 1st Semester F O U R T H 2nd Semester 18 units 1st Semester 18 units 3 3 3 3 1 5 (2) (3) GE (SSP 1) Free Choice Ge (AH 1) Eng 10 GE (SSP 2) Geol 11 Geol 11. These are offered by UPD. 2 Geol 131 (Micropaleontology). all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).1 Geol 40 GE 11 Math 54 BIO 11 Elective 1. Geol 172 (Introduction to Statistics).1 (Elementary Differential Equations).S. Geol 177 (Geology of the Philippines and Southeast Asia). MS 100 (Marine Science 100) A Math. Geol 173 (Introduction to Earth Resource Project Economics). 1 18 units 20 units 3 4 4 4 4 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 2nd Semester 1st Semester GE (AH 3) Fil 40* Geol 60 Geol 112 Geol 140 Physics 72 Physics 72.1 GE (AH 4) Free Choice GE (MST 2) Free Choice Geol 105 Geol 122 Geol 175 PI 100 20 units R Chem 26 Chem 26. College of Science 437 DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGY 34-35 units DIPLOMA IN METEOROLOGY 24 units APPROVAL 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President EAPascual : 06 June 2011 APPROVAL 6th UPD UC : 18 January 1986 | BOR Approval : 28 February 1986 Required Courses 27 units Bio 120 Bio 133 Bio 140 Bio 150 Bio 160 Bio 191 Core Courses 18 units Required Courses 7-8 units 4 5 5 5 5 3 Any two of the following: Bio 121** Bio 122** Bio 123** 4 4 3 DIPLOMA IN CHEMISTRY 30-32 units Meteor 201 Meteor 202 Meteor 210 Meteor 213 Meteor 221 Meteor 232 3 3 3 3 3 3 Courses in Meteorology Course Requirements: 18 units course work 6 units special courses APPROVAL 26th UPD UC : 03 August 1991 Chem 34 Chem 34.1 Physics 102 Physics 102.1 Math 123.1 DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS 30 units APPROVAL 26th UPD UC : 03 August 1991 1st Semester 15 units Math 109 Math 55 Stat 101 Math 114 Math 117 2nd Semester 15 units 3 3 3 3 3 Math 110.1 Physics 111 Physics 112 Math 121.1 or Chem 125 Chem 145 Chem 154 Chem 252 3 2 4 3 3 2 DIPLOMA IN PHYSICS 24 units APPROVAL 26th UPD UC : 03 August 1991 Course work 24 units Physics 101 Physics 101.1 Chem 123 Chem 153 Chem 196 6 units List of Specialization courses Meteor 233 Meteor 297 Meteor 234 Meteor 321 Meteor 241 Meteor 331 Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 **Any two of the three courses in Physiology 1st Semester 15 units Specialization courses 2nd Semester 15-17 units 3 2 3 3 1 Chem 112 Chem 123.1 Math 128 CS 11 Math 197 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 6 .1 Physics 103 Physics 103. 1 Env Sci 263.1 Env Sci 265.438 College of Science DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 21 units PROFESSIONAL MASTER’S IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ACTUARIAL SCIENCE) 34 units APPROVAL 34th UPD UC : 05 March 1994 | BOR : 24 March 1994 APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 Core Courses 17 units 15 2 Lecture Courses* Field/Laboratory Course** Specialization Courses*** Seminar 1 unit 12 units Math 203 Math 271.1 Env Sci 226.1 3 3 Math 260 Math 261 Math 262.1 Math 262.2 **Field/Laboratory Courses Env Sci 225.1 Env Sci 265 Env Sci 271 Env Sci 297 Env Sci 299 Env Sci 399 4 units 3 3 3 3 Elective Elective Elective Elective 3 3 3 3 Other Required Courses 12 units 1 *Lecture Courses Env Sci 201.1 Env Sci 271.1 Env Sci 232. 3 units Env Sci 202- 3 units Env Sci 211- 3 units Env Sci 212- 3 units Env Sci 282- 3 units Course Requirements: 17 units core course 3 units specialization courses 1 unit seminar 3 Other Required Courses Other Required Courses Env Sci 296 ***Specialization Courses Env Sci 221 Env Sci 227 Env Sci 228 Env Sci 233 Env Sci 241 Env Sci 262 Core Courses 6 units Specialization Course 3 units Math 295 (Special Project) Math 296 Preliminary Examination 3 1 Qualifying Examination Oral Examination Comprehensive Examination Course Requirements: 33 units course work (including Special Project) 1 unit seminar Preliminary (comprehensive) examinations Qualifying (oral) examinations PROFESSIONAL MASTERS IN TROPICAL MARINE ECOSYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 35 units APPROVAL 131st UPD UC: 21 April 2014 | BOR: 30 June 2014 F I R S T Y E A Tri-Term 1 12 units Module 1 TMEM 201 TMEM 210 Module 2 TMEM 202 TMEM 203 Preliminary Exam F I R S T Tri-Term 2 10 units 3 1 4 4 Module 5: TMEM 222 Module 6: TMEM 223 Module 3 TMEM 220 TMEM 211 Module 4 TMEM 221 TMEM 296* S E C O N D Y E A R Tri-Term 1 10 units R 5 5 5 3 1 5 1 Y E A R Tri-Term 2 3 units Module 7: TMEM 297** * Corresponding course code in UPLB is TMEM 299 (Graduate Seminar) **Corresponding course code in UPLB is TMEM 290 Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 3 . Math 250. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser Numerical Analysis of Dirrefential Equation Track 15 units Math 221 Math 271. Math 250. Math 250. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 Math 211 Math 220. Math 250. Stat 225.College of Science 439 MASTER OF SCIENCE (APPLIED MATHEMATICS) Thesis Option 31 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (APPLIED MATHEMATICS ) Non-Thesis Option 34 units APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 Core Courses 9 units Math 211 Math 220. Math 281. Math 221. Math 228. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 Mathematics of Finance Track 15 units Math 265 Math 266 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 288. Stat 226.2 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 229. Math 288. 1 Optimization & Approximation Track 15 units 3 3 3 Numerical Analysis of Dirrefential Equation Track 15 units Math 221 Math 271. Math 229. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 Preliminary Examination Comprehensive Examination Qualifying Examination Oral Examination 3 3 9 Mathematics in Life & Physical Science Track 15 units Mathematics of Finance Track 15 units Thesis/Seminar 7 units Thesis Math 296 Core Courses 9 units Seminar 1 unit Math 296 Course Requirements: 33 units course work 1 unit seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination Qualifying (Oral) Examination Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 1 . Math 271.2.2. Math 271. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit seminar 6 units thesis 3 3 9 Math 222 Math 280 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 288.2. Math 222. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 Mathematics in Life & Physical Science Track 15 units Math 235 Math 236 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 221. Math 221.1 Math 271. 1 Optimization & Approximation Track 15 units 3 3 3 Math 222 Math 280 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 288. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 Math 235 Math 236 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 221. Math 222. Stat 225. Math 271. Math 224. Math 229. Math 288. Math 250.2 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 229. Math 281. Math 281. Math 228.2. Math 250. Math 224. and other relevant courses upon the approval of the adviser 3 3 9 6 1 Math 265 Math 266 Any three (3) additional courses of the ff: Math 288. Math 281. Stat 226.1 Math 271. Math 271. 2 Preliminary Examination Comprehensive Examination Course Requirements: 33 units course work (including research paper) 1 unit seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination 3 3 3 3 3 3 Bio 220 Bio 230 Bio 240 Bio 250 Bio 260 Required Courses 3 units 3 3 3 3 3 Bio 296 (Seminar) Bio 299 (Research) Specialty Electives 9 units Cell & Molecular Biology1 Developmental Biology2 Ecology & Taxonomy3 Genetics4 Physiology5 1 2 Thesis 6 units Bio 300 6 Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Research 6 units Thesis writing Areas of Concentration: Special Elective choices 1 Cell & Molecular Biology Bio 241. Bio 299. Bio 241. Bio 242. Bio 271. Chem 245. Bio 265. Bio 322 3 Ecology & Taxonomy Bio 210. Bio 224. Chem 244. Bio 251. Bio 234. Chem 243. Bio 299 Animal Dev’t Biology: Bio 233. Bio 262. Bio 241. Bio 281. Bio 299. Chem 243. Microbio 271.1 Math 209. Bio 299. MS 250 4 Genetics Bio 241. Bio 221. Chem 242. MBB 241 5 Physiology Plant Physiology: Bio 221. Bio 263. Bio 281. Chem 240. Bio 241. Chem 247 2 Developmental Biology Plant Dev’t Biology: Bio 232.2 Math 208 Elective Math 290 (Research) Math 202. MBB 221. Chem 240 Animal Physiology: Bio 224. Bio 232. Chem 240 Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . Bio 233. Bio 299.1 Math 205 Math 204 Math 203 Math 296 Core Courses Core Courses 15 units 18 units 3 3 3 3 3 1 Math 209. Bio 251. Bio 244. Bio 243. Bio 241. Bio 281. Microbio 212. Microbio 271. Bio 299.440 College of Science MASTER OF ARTS (MATHEMATICS) 34 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (BIOLOGY) 33 units APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 APPROVAL 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President AEPascual : 06 June 2011 Core Courses 16 units Math 201 Math 202. Bio 251. Bio 281. Bio 244. Chem 241. Bio 281. Chem 245. Chem 247. Bio 299. Bio 322. Microbio 241. g.) Chem 290 Chem 211 Chem 220 Chem 223 Chem 230 Chem 240 Chem 250 Electives/Cognates 9 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 Seminar 2 units Seminar 2 units 2 Chem 290 series Thesis 6 units 2 Thesis **Chem 220 or Chem 223 Preliminary Examination Comprehensive Examination (2) (2) 2 3 Core Courses** 15-17 units Qualifying Examination Course Requirements: 24 units course work 2 units Seminar 6 units Thesis Oral Examination Course Requirements: 33-35 units course work 2 units Seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination Qualifying (Oral) Examination Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 6 . Physics.College of Science 441 MASTER OF SCIENCE (CHEMICAL EDUCATION) 33-35 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (CHEMISTRY) Thesis 32-34 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Core Courses 17-19 units Chem 211 Chem 220 or Chem 223 Chem 230 Chem 240 Chem 250 Chem 252 Education Courses/Special Problems 5 units 3 3 3 3 3 2 Chem 288 Chem 289 Educ 380 Educ 381 Electives 9 units Any of the remaining graduate Chemistry course offerings or any relevant graduate courses in other disciplines (e. etc. Biology. Mathematics. 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Cognate Courses Lecture Courses* Field/Laboratory Course** Env Sci 296 Preliminary Examination 2 7 Specialization Courses 6 units 15 3 Specialization courses*** Seminar 1 unit Seminar 2 units Chem 290 series Core Courses 18 units Comprehensive Examination Qualifying Examination Oral Examination Course Requirements: 33 units course work 2 units Seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination Qualifying (Oral) Examination 6 Thesis 6 unit 1 Env Sci 300 6 *Lecture Courses **Field/Laboratory Courses Env Sci 201.1 MS 226.1 1 unit Env Sci 212- 3 units Env Sci 263. 3 units Env Sci 225.442 College of Science MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY Non-Thesis 35 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) Thesis 31 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 34th UPD UC : 05 March 1994 | BOR : 24 March 1994 Cognate Course 7 units Core Courses 26 units Chem 211 Chem 213 Chem 220 Chem 230 Chem 237 Chem 240 Chem 250 Chem 255 or Chem 257 Chem 220.1 1 unit ***Specialization Courses Env Sci 221 Env Sci 265 Env Sci 227 Env Sci 271 Env Sci 228 Env Sci 297 Env Sci 233 Env Sci 299 Env Sci 241 Env Sci 399 Env Sci 262 The following existing courses in the College of Science and other colleges may also be credited as specialization courses: College of Science Bio 260 Meteo 203 Bio 262 Meteo 213 Bio 263 Meteo 283 Chem 203 MS 226 Chem 203.1 1 unit Env Sci 211- 3 units Env Sci 232.1 Chem 224 MS 250 Geo 217 MS 280 Geo 274 Other Colleges Econ 275 Econ 276 Econ 296 EnE 201 EnE 211 EnE 212 Course Requirements: 18 units core course 6 units specialization course 1 unit Seminar 6 units Thesis Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) Law 175 Planning 203 Planning 222 Planning 231 Soc Sci 366 Soc Sci 367 .1 1 unit Env Sci 202- 3 units Env Sci 226.1 1 unit Env Sci 271.1 1 unit Env Sci 282- 3 units Env Sci 265. 1 1 unit Env Sci 212- 3 units Env Sci 263.1 MS 226.College of Science 443 MASTER OF SCIENCE (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) Non-Thesis 34 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (GEOLOGY) 32 units APPROVAL 34th UPD UC: 5 March 1994 |BOR Approval : 24 March 1994 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Core Courses 18 Lecture Courses* Field/Laboratory Course** Specialization Courses 15 units 15 Specialization Courses 3 Seminar 1 unit Env Sci 296 Core Courses 11 units 15 Geol 215 Geol 250 Geol 253 Electives 13 units 3 4 4 Electives 13 Preliminary Examination 1 Thesis 6 units Seminar 2 units Comprehensive Examination Thesis Geol 296 6 Qualifying Examination MASTER OF SCIENCE (MARINE SCIENCE) 31-34 units Oral Examination *Lecture Courses **Field/Laboratory Courses Env Sci 201.1 1 unit Env Sci 271.1 Chem 224 MS 250 Geo 217 MS 280 Geo 274 Course Requirements: 18 units core course 15 units specialization course 1 unit Seminar Preliminary Examination Qualifying Examination Other Colleges Econ 275 Econ 276 Econ 296 EnE 201 EnE 211 EnE 212 Law 175 Planning 203 Planning 222 Planning 231 Soc Sci 366 Soc Sci 367 APPROVAL 77th UPD UC : 16 April 2002 | President FNemenzo: 09 May 2002 Core Courses 9-12 units Electives 12-15 units Marine Biology1 Physical Oceanography2 Marine Biotechnology3 Electives Thesis 6 units Seminar 1 unit MS 396 12-15 1 MS 300 Areas of Concentration: Core Courses 1 3 Marine Biology: Marine Biotechnology MS 210 3 units MS 240 3 units MS 220 3 units MS 210* 3 units MS 240 3 units MS 270 3 units MS 272 3 units 2 Physical Oceanography MS 210 3 units MS 220 3 units MS 230 3 units MS 240 3 units * may be substitiuted by MS 210 and MS 220 Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 6 units Thesis Submitted ISI or Thomson Reuters Publication Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 6 . 3 units Env Sci 225.1 1 unit ***Specialization Courses Env Sci 221 Env Sci 265 Env Sci 227 Env Sci 271 Env Sci 228 Env Sci 297 Env Sci 233 Env Sci 299 Env Sci 241 Env Sci 399 Env Sci 262 The following existing courses in the College of Science and other colleges may also be credited as specialization courses: College of Science Bio 260 Meteo 203 Bio 262 Meteo 213 Bio 263 Meteo 283 Chem 203 MS 226 Chem 203.1 1 unit Env Sci 282- 3 units Env Sci 265.1 1 unit Env Sci 211- 3 units Env Sci 232.1 1 unit Env Sci 202- 3 units Env Sci 226. 444 College of Science MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) Thesis 31 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) Non-Thesis 37 units APPROVAL 28th UPD UC : 21 April 1992 APPROVAL 28th UPD UC : 21 April 1992 Core Courses 24 units MSE 201 MSE 225 MSE 231 MSE 233 MSE 241 MSE 251 MSE 211-219* Seminar 1 unit 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 MSE 296 Core Courses 24 units 1 MSE 201 MSE 225 MSE 231 MSE 233 MSE 241 MSE 251 MSE 211-219* Thesis 6 unit MSE 300 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Electives Seminar 1 unit 6 *Lab Modules in MSE (MSE 211-MSE 219): MSE 211 1 unit MSE 212 1 unit MSE 213 1 unit MSE 214 1 unit MSE 215 1 unit MSE 216 2 units MSE 217 1 unit MSE 218 1 unit MSE 219 1 unit Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 6 units Thesis Electives 12 units MSE 296 12 Preliminary Examination 1 Comprehensive Examanination Qualifying Examination Oral Examination *Lab Modules in MSE (MSE 211-MSE 219): MSE 211 1 unit MSE 212 1 unit MSE 213 1 unit MSE 214 1 unit MSE 215 1 unit MSE 216 2 units MSE 217 1 unit MSE 218 1 unit MSE 219 1 unit Course Requirements: 33 units course work 1 unit Seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination Qualifying (Oral) Examination Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . College of Science 445 MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS) Thesis 31 units MASTER OF SCIENCE (METEOROLOGY) Thesis 31 units APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 | President ERRoman : 26 April 2006 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Core Courses 21 units Math 210.1 Math 220.1 Math 228 Math 242 Math 210.2 Math 211 One (1) Geometry Course Elective 3 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Elective (courses in Mathematics and allied fields) Seminar 1 unit 3 6 Math 300 Meteor 201 Meteor 202 Meteor 210 Meteor 213 Meteor 221 Meteor 232 3 3 3 3 3 3 Specialization courses in Meteorology* 6 Thesis 6 units Meteor 296 MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS) Non-Thesis 34 units 1 6 Meteor 300 MASTER OF SCIENCE (METEOROLOGY) Non-Thesis 34 units APPROVAL 95th UPD UC : 19 April 2006 | President ERRoman : 26 April 2006 Core Courses 21 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 Elective 12 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Elective (courses in Mathematics and allied fields) Seminar 1 unit Math 296 6 units Course Requirements: * Electives and Specialization courses: 18 units core course Meteor 233 Meteor 297 6 units elective and specialization course Meteor 234 Meteor 321 1 unit Seminar Meteor 241 Meteor 331 6 units Thesis Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 6 units Thesis Math 210.1 Math 220.1 Math 228 Math 242 Math 210.2 Math 211 One (1) Geometry Course Electives and Specialization courses Seminar 1 unit Thesis 6 units 1 Math 296 Core Courses 18 units 12 Core Courses 18 units Meteor 201 Meteor 202 Meteor 210 Meteor 213 Meteor 221 Meteor 232 Comprehensive Examination 15 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 Seminar 1 unit Preliminary Examination 1 Electives and Specialization courses Meteor 296 Electives and Specialization courses in Meteorology* 15 Preliminary Examination 1 Comprehensive Examination Qualifying Examination Qualifying Examination Oral Examination Course Requirements: 33 units course work 1 unit Seminar Preliminary (Comprehensive) Examination Qualifying (Oral) Examination Oral Examination Course Requirements: *Electives and Specialization courses: 18 units core course Meteor 233 Meteor 297 15 units electives and specialization course Meteor 234 Meteor 321 1 unit Seminar Meteor 241 Meteor 331 Preliminary Examination Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Qualifying Examination Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 446 College of Science MASTER OF SCIENCE (MICROBIOLOGY) MASTER OF SCIENCE (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY) APPROVAL 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President EAPascual : 06 June 2011 APPROVAL 118th UPD UC : 18 July 2011 | President AEPascual : 17 August 2011 33 units Core Courses 15 units Microbio 211 Microbio 221 Microbio 241 Microbio 261 Bio 250 Core Courses 15 units Required Courses 3 units 3 3 3 3 3 Microbio 296 Microbio 299 Electives 9 units Electives* 35 units 1 2 Thesis 6 units 9 Microbio 300 3 3 3 3 3 Electives* Seminar 1 unit 6 * Electives (9 units of the following): Microbio 212, Microbio 251, Microbio 262, Microbio 271, Microbio 281, BIO 241, BIO 251, MBB 215, MBB 280, MS 242, MS 261, FS 216, FS 236, FS 326 Course Requirements: 24 units core course 1 unit Seminar 6 units Thesis MBB 221 MBB 225 MBB 230 MBB 241 MBB 280 Elective 9 units MBB 296 9 Thesis 6 units 1 MBB 300 6 Other Required Courses 4 units MBB 289 MBB 294 3 1 * Electives (9 units of the following): MBB Electives: MBB 215, MBB 222, MBB 242, MBB 260, MBB 310, MBB 315, MBB 325, MBB 340, MBB 350, MBB 380, MBB 390, MBB 397, MBB 398 Non-MBB Electives: Bio 242, Bio 221, Bio 224, Bio 322, ChE 202, ChE 292, Chem 240, Chem 241, Chem 242, Chem 243, Chem 244, Chem 245, Chem 250, Chem 257, Chem 349, MS 253, MS 270, MS 385, MS 397 Course Requirements: 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 4 units Other required courses 6 units Thesis Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) College of Science 447 MASTER OF SCIENCE (PHYSICS) 36 units (Thesis)/ 39 units (Non-Thesis) MASTER OF ARTS (PHYSICS) APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 282nd UC : 05 February 1983 Core Courses 18 units Phys 221 Phys 231 Phys 232 Phys 241 Phys 242 Phys 251 45 units F I R S T 1st Semester 13 units Electives 6/15 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 Electives (thesis option) Electives (non-thesis) 6 15 Physics 202.1 Physics 203.1 Physics 204.1 EDSC 278 or Graduate course in the College of Education S Seminar 1 unit Phys 296 Colloquium 2 units 1 Thesis 6 units Phys 300 Phys 290 2 Teaching 3 units 6 Course Requirements (thesis): 24 units course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Colloquium 6 units Thesis 3 units of undergraduate Physics Teaching (for students who have no experience in physics teaching) Physics Teaching* E C O 1st Semester 10 units Physics 209.1 Physics 205 Physics 210.1* Physics Elective 3 Course Requirements (non-thesis): 33 units course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Colloquium Comprehensive Examination 3 units of undergraduate Physics Teaching N U M E A R 2nd Semester 13 units Physics 202.2 Physics 203.2 Physics 204.5 Physics 208 3 3 4 3 4 3 (2) 3 S Y D Y E A 3 3 3 4 R 2nd Semester 3 Physics 207** STS Physics 210.2* Physics Elective M E R MA Comprehensive Examination Course Requirements: Physics Elective Courses 39 units course work Physics 204.2 Physics 206.2 1 unit Seminar** Physics 204.6 Physics 206.6 STS Physics 206.5 Physics 206.7 5 units Practicum* Physics 206.8 Physics 209.2 Comprehensive Exam Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) (1) (3) (3) 3 Bio 241. Bio 299. Bio 262. Bio 281. Developmental Biology. MS 261. Bio 224. Chem 243. MS 250 Genetics-Bio 397. Bio 234. Bio 281. Bio 244. Bio 281. Chem 242. Genetics.448 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (BIOLOGY) with MS Degree 37 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (BIOLOGY) with BS Degree 58 units APPROVAL 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President AEPascual : 06 June 2011 APPROVAL 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President AEPascual : 06 June 2011 Core Courses* 15 units Cell Biology. Bio 241. Bio 232. FS 326 **Electives (12 units of specialization.Bio 221. Chem 245. MBB 215. Bio 234. FS 216. MBB 221. Bio 299.Bio 397. Bio 265. Bio 210. Bio 322. Bio 299. Bio 242. Bio 233. Microbio 271. Bio 241. Plant Physiology.Bio 397. Bio 399.Seminar Bio 399. Chem 244. Microbio 271. FS 236. Bio 399.Independent Doctoral Research in Biology Elective** 28 unit 12 6 Area of Specialization Research/Independent Doctoral Research Free Electives 1 2 Dissertation 12 units 15 4 Bio 400 12 9 * Core Courses (15 units may be taken or audited in preparation for the preliminary examinations): * Core Courses (15 units may be taken or audited in preparation for the preliminary examinations): Cell Biology. Chem 245.Bio 397. Bio 241. Microbio 271. Bio 243. Bio 241. Bio 399.Bio 233. MS 242. Bio 399. Bio 251. Bio 241. FS 216. Bio 281. Bio 241. Bio 271. Chem 241. Bio 221. Bio 322 Ecology and Taxonomy. Plant Physiology.Independent Doctoral Research in Biology 1 2 12 4 Bio 400 Required Courses 3 units Cell Biology. Animal Developmeny Biology. MBB 241.Bio 397. Microbio 212. Bio 281. Chem 247. Microbio 212.Bio 397. Bio 299. Chem 243. and Physiology 2 Bio 220 Bio 230 Bio 240 Bio 250 Bio 260 Microbio 211 Microbio 221 Microbio 241 Microbio 261 Bio 250 Bio 220 Bio 230 Bio 240 Bio 250 Bio 260 Microbio 211 Microbio 221 Microbio 241 Microbio 261 Bio 250 1 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units Microbiology 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units 1 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units Microbiology 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units 3 units **Electives (12 units of specialization. Bio 262. Chem 240 Microbiology. MS 261. Developmental Biology. Bio 232. Bio 299. Chem 247. Any of the following: Chem 240. Microbio 281. Bio 399. Bio 299. Bio 244. 6 units free electives in any area): Cell Biology. Chem 247 Developmental Biology. Animal Developmeny Biology.Bio 397.Bio 397. Chem 244. Bio 271.Bio 397. Microbio 271. Microbio 262. Animal Physiology. MBB 215. Microbio 241. Bio 281. Genetics. MS 242. Chem 245. Ecology and Taxonomy­. MBB 340 Physiology. Bio 251. Bio 241. Bio 299.Bio 397. Bio 251. Ecology and Taxonomy­. Bio 399. Bio 281.Bio 224.Seminar Bio 399.Bio 224. Ecology and Taxonomy­.Bio 397. MBB 221. and Physiology 2 Cell Biology. Developmental Biology. Microbio 271. Bio 281.Bio 233. Bio 221. Bio 399. Bio 244. Genetics. MBB 241.Bio 221. Plant Development BiologyBio 232. Bio 251. Bio 244. Chem 245. Bio 322. Microbio 212. Bio 210. Chem 247 Developmental Biology. Chem 243. Plant Development BiologyBio 232. Bio 243. Bio 241. Bio 322 Ecology and Taxonomy. FS 236. Animal Physiology. Bio 299. Bio 265. Chem 240 Microbiology. FS 326 Course Requirements: 22 units course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Independent Doctoral Research in Biology 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Course Requirements: 37 units course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Independent Doctoral Research in Biology 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . Chem 241. MBB 280. Bio 399. Bio 399. Developmental Biology. 6 units free electives in any area): Cell Biology. Microbio 281. Bio 224. Bio 281. Bio 241. Bio 251. Microbio 271. Bio 299. Bio 241. Chem 243. Microbio 212. Bio 299. Chem 240. Bio 251. Microbio 262. Genetics. and Physiology1 or Microbiology2 Dissertation 12 units Specialty Electives** 22 unit Area of Specialization Research/Independent Doctoral Research Free Electives Core Courses* 15 units Required Courses 3 units 15 Bio 296. and Physiology1 or Microbiology2 15 Bio 296. Chem 240. Bio 299. Bio 399. Any of the following: Chem 240. Bio 399. 4 units Research/Independent Doctoral Research. Bio 263. Bio 263. Chem 242. Bio 241. Bio 241. MS 250 Genetics-Bio 397. Microbio 251. Bio 251. Bio 241. Bio 281. Bio 399. Bio 233. MBB 340 Physiology. Bio 242. Ecology and Taxonomy­. Bio 251. Microbio 241. MBB 280. Microbio 251. 4 units Research/Independent Doctoral Research. Bio 299. 1 Chem 235 Chem 240-series Chem 255 or Chem 257 Chem 212 or Chem 213 Cognate Courses 7 units 7 4 Y E A 1st Semester 6 units BIO 400 1 1 R BIO 395 4 H Core Courses 17 units 2nd Semester 4 units BIO 395 T R Dissertation 12 units 2 Chem 400 12 6 Graduation Requirements: 26 units Coursework Qualifying exam 12 units Seminar and independent doctoral research 12 units PhD dissertation Dissertation Proposal Colloquium Dissertation defense 2 Publications in a highly reputed journal (e. Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . Thomson Reuters indexed) derived from the dissertation research Oral presentation in international or national scientific conference Bound manuscript Course Requirements: 24 units course work 2 units Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Students may also opt to obtain a PhD from the University of Houston (UH) by fulfilling the other requirements of UH.College of Science 449 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BIOLOGY (Option 3) 26 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (CHEMISTRY) with MS Degree 38 units APPROVAL 129th UPD UC : 02 December 2013 | BOR : 28 March 2014 APPROVAL UPD-CS-IS and UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON.g. BOR Approval : 20 September 2012 F I R S T Y E A 1st Semester 4 units 2nd Semester 2 units BIO 397 BIO 296/Micro 296 S E C O 3 1 BIO 296/Micro 296 BIO 296/Micro 296 N D Y E A 1st Semester 4 units I R D BIO 400 3 2 3 3 3 3 Cognates Seminar 2 units R Chem 390 series 2nd Semester 6 units 6 Chem 220 Chem 220. 1 Env Sci 226. BOR Approval : 20 September 2012 APPROVAL 34th UPD UC : 05 March 1994 | BOR : 24 March 1994 Core Courses 32 units Chem 211 Chem 212 or Chem 213 Chem 223 Chem 220 Chem 220. 3 units Env Sci 202- 3 units Env Sci 211- 3 units Env Sci 212- 3 units Env Sci 282- 3 units ***Specialization Courses Env Sci 221 Env Sci 265 Env Sci 227 Env Sci 271 Env Sci 228 Env Sci 297 Env Sci 299 Env Sci 399 Env Sci 262 **Field/Laboratory Courses Env Sci 225.1 Chem 224 MS 250 Geo 217 MS 280 Geo 274 Other Colleges Econ 275 Econ 276 Econ 296 EnE 201 EnE 211 EnE 212 Course Requirements: 21 units core courses 24 units specialization courses 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) Law 175 Planning 203 Planning 222 Planning 231 Soc Sci 366 Soc Sci 367 . Colloquium *Lecture Courses Env Sci 201.1 Env Sci 232.1 MS 226.1 Env Sci 263.1 Env Sci 271.450 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (CHEMISTRY) with BS Degree 59 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) with BS Degree 58 units APPROVAL UPD-CS-IS and UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON.1 Chem 230 Chem 235 Chem 240 Chem 240 series Chem 250 Chem 255 or Chem 257 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Cognates 13 Lecture Courses* Field/Laboratory Course** 15 6 Specialization Courses*** Seminar 1 unit Env Sci 296 Comprehensive Examination 24 Dissertation 12 unit 1 Env Sci 400 12 Candidacy Examination Dissertation 12 units Seminar 2 units Chem 390 series Specialization Courses 24 units Core Courses 21 units Cognate Courses 13 units 2 Chem 400 12 Course Requirements: 45 units course work 2 unit Seminar 12 units dissertation Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Students may also opt to obtain a PhD from the University of Houston (UH) by fulfilling the other requirements of UH.1 The following existimg courses in the College of Science and other colleges may also be credited as specialization courses: College of Science Bio 260 Meteo 203 Bio 262 Meteo 213 Bio 263 Meteo 283 Chem 203 MS 226 Chem 203.1 Env Sci 265. 1 Course Requirements: 3 units core courses 21 units specialization courses 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (GEOLOGY)* 59 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 Core Courses Geology 215 Geology 250 Geology 253 The following existimg courses in the College of Science and other colleges may also be credited as specialization courses: College of Science Bio 260 Meteo 203 Bio 262 Meteo 213 Bio 263 Meteo 283 Chem 203 MS 226 Chem 203.1 Env Sci 263.1 MS 226.1 Env Sci 232.1 Env Sci 265.1 Chem 224 MS 250 Geo 217 MS 280 Geo 274 Course Requirements: 24 units course work 2 units Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Preliminary Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Other Colleges Econ 275 Econ 276 Econ 296 EnE 201 EnE 211 EnE 212 Law 175 Planning 203 Planning 222 Planning 231 Soc Sci 366 Soc Sci 367 Other Reqiured Courses Specialization Courses Cognates/Electives Dissertation 12 units Seminar 2 units Geology 400 * with MS Geog from other Institutions Course Requirements: 45 units course work 2 units Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Preliminary Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 12 .1 Env Sci 226.College of Science 451 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) with MS Env Sci Degree 37 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (GEOLOGY)* 38 units APPROVAL 34th UPD UC : 05 March 1994 | BOR : 24 March 1994 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 Specialization Courses 21 units Core Courses 3 units Lecture Courses* Field/Laboratory Course** 0 3 Specialization Courses*** Seminar 1 unit Env Sci 296 Core Courses Specialization/Elective Courses 24 units Seminar 2 units Dissertation 12 units 21 Dissertation 12 unit 1 Env Sci 400 12 Geology 296 Geology 400 12 *with MS Geol from UP NIGS Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium *Lecture Courses Env Sci 201. 3 units Env Sci 202- 3 units Env Sci 211- 3 units Env Sci 212- 3 units Env Sci 282- 3 units ***Specialization Courses Env Sci 221 Env Sci 265 Env Sci 227 Env Sci 271 Env Sci 228 Env Sci 297 Env Sci 262 Env Sci 299 Env Sci 399 **Field/Laboratory Courses Env Sci 225.1 Env Sci 271. ** Every PhD student shall complete one (1) seminar course every other year after 12 units of courses have been credited to his/her program of study. ** Every PhD student shall complete one (1) seminar course every other year after 12 units of courses have been credited to his/her program of study. * PhD student who earned their MS Marine Science degree.452 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MARINE SCIENCE) with MS Degree* 37-40 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MARINE SCIENCE) with BS Degree 58-61 units APPROVAL 24th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 APPROVAL 24th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 Marine Biology & Marine Physical Sciences1 Marine Biotechnology2 12-15 Electives Seminar** 1+ unit/s MS 396 Core Courses 12-15 units Elective 12 units Core Courses 12-15 units 12 Marine Biology & Marine Physical Sciences1 Marine Biotechnology2 Dissertation 12 units 1 + unit/s MS 400 Elective 33 units 12-15 Electives Seminar** 1+ unit/s 12 MS 396 33 Dissertation 12 units 1 + unit/s MS 400 12 * PhD student who earned their MS Marine Science degree. Core Courses: 1 Marine Biology & Marine Physical Sciences MS 210 3 units MS 220 3 units MS 230 3 units MS 240 3 units Core Courses: 1 Marine Biology & Marine Physical Sciences MS 210 3 units MS 220 3 units MS 230 3 units MS 240 3 units 2 Marine Biotechnology MS 240 3 units MS 201 3 units MS 270 3 units MS 272 3 units MS 201 may be substituted by MS 210 & MS 220 2 Course Requirements: 24-27 units Coursework 1+ unit/s Seminar 12 units Dissertation writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examination Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation At least one publication from dissertation research in a referred scienctific journal Course Requirements: 45-48 units Coursework 1+ unit/s Seminar 12 units Dissertation writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examination Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation At least one publication from dissertation research in a referred scienctific journal Marine Biotechnology MS 240 3 units MS 201 3 units MS 270 3 units MS 272 3 units MS 201 may be substituted by MS 210 & MS 220 Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . MSE 285.College of Science 453 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MARINE SCIENCE (Option 3) 26 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) with MS Degree 37 units APPROVAL 129th UPD UC : 02 December 2013 | BOR : 28 March 2014 APPROVAL 24th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 F I R S T Y 1st Semester 4 units E C O 3 1 MS 396 (Seminar) MS 396 (Seminar) N D 1st Semester 4 units H Y E A 1 1 R I MS 395 (Advanced Studies) 4 R D 1st Semester 6 units MS 400 (Dissertation) Specialization Courses 24 units 2nd Semester 4 units MS 395 (Advanced Studies) T R 2nd Semester 2 units MS 397 (Special Topics) MS 396 (Seminar) S E A Y E A 4 MS 400 (Dissertation) Graduation Requirements: 26 units Coursework Candidacy Exam Dissertation proposal defense 3 units Seminars 3 units MS 397 8 units MS 395 Colloquium Oral presentation in national or international conference Progress reports while enrolled in MS 400 2 ISI-listed journal publications Dissertation defense Bound dissertation manuscript MSE 243. MSE 276.1. MSE 271. MSE 271. MSE 245.1. MSE 253. MSE 245. MSE 268. MSE 283. MSE 283. MSE 265.1. MSE 298 R MSE 296 Dissertation 12 units 2nd Semester 6 units 6 Seminar 1 unit MSE 400 6 12 Course Requirements: 24 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 1 . MSE 281. MSE 266. MSE 255.1. MSE 243. MSE 287.1. MSE 275. MSE 267. MSE 271. MSE 287. MSE 286.2. 1 Math 210.454 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) with BS Degree 58 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MATHEMATICS) with MS Degree 43 units APPROVAL 28th UPD UC : 21 April 1992 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Core Courses 24 units MSE 201 MSE 225 MSE 231 MSE 233 MSE 241 MSE 251 MSE 211-219* 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Special Courses Seminar 1 unit MSE 296 Core Courses 21 units Special Courses 21 units 21 Math 210.1 Math 220.2 Math 228 Math 242 MSE 400 *Lab Modules in MSE (MSE 211-MSE 219) MSE 211 1 unit MSE 212 1 unit MSE 213 1 unit MSE 214 1 unit MSE 215 1 unit MSE 216 2 units MSE 217 1 unit MSE 218 1 unit MSE 219 1 unit Course Requirements: 45 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examination Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 One additional Analysis Course One Geometry Course One additional Geometry or Topology Course Seminar 1 unit Dissertation 12 units Dissertation 12 unit 1 Other Required Courses 9 units 12 Math 400 12 Math 296 Course Requirements: 30 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 1 .2 Math 211 Math 220. 1 Math 220.2 Math 228 Math 242 Core Courses 18 units Other Required Courses 9 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Meteor 201 Meteor 202 Meteor 210 Meteor 213 Meteor 221 Meteor 232 One additional Analysis Course One Geometry Course One additional Geometry or Topology Course Specialization Courses 27 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 Courses in Meteorology* Seminar 1 unit Electives* Meteor 296 Seminar 1 unit Elective 15 units 15 Math 296 Dissertation 12 units 1 Meteor 400 1 Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Dissertation 12 units MSE 400 12 * courses in Mathematics and allied fields. Course Requirements: 30 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation 27 Colloquium *Specialization Courses/Courses in Meteorology Meteor 233 Meteor 297 Meteor 234 Meteor 321 Meteor 241 Meteor 331 Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 Course Requirements: 18 units core courses 27 units specialization courses 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 12 .College of Science 455 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MATHEMATICS) with BS Degree 58 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (METEOROLOGY) with BS Degree 58 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Core Courses 21 units Math 210.2 Math 211 Math 220. with at least twelve (12) of the fifteen (15) units chosen from advanced Mathematics courses.1 Math 210. 456 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (METEOROLOGY) with MS (Meteorology) Degree 37 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (METEOROLOGY) with MS Degree in other fields 52 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Specialization Courses 24 units Courses in Meteorology* 24 Meteor 296 1 Comprehensive Examination Dissertation 12 units Meteor 400 Core Courses 18 units Seminar 1 unit Meteor 201 Meteor 202 Meteor 210 Meteor 213 Meteor 221 Meteor 232 Specialization Courses 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 Courses in Meteorology* 12 Seminar 1 unit Candidacy Examination *Specialization Courses/Courses in Meteorology: Meteor 233 Meteor 297 Meteor 234 Meteor 321 Meteor 241 Meteor 331 Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 Course Requirements: 24 units specialization courses 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium 21 Colloquium Meteor 296 Dissertation 12 units 1 Comprehensive Seminar Examination 1 unit Meteor 400 Candidacy Dissertation Examination 12 units Colloquium *Specialization Courses/Courses in Meteorology: Meteor 233 Meteor 297 Meteor 234 Meteor 321 Meteor 241 Meteor 331 Meteor 261 Meteor 341 Meteor 271 Meteor 399 Meteor 283 Course Requirements: 18 units core courses 27 units specialization courses 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Comprehensive Examination Candidacy Examination Colloquium Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 12 . MBB 260. ChE 292. Chem 244. Chem 349. MBB 242. MS 385. MBB 315. Chem 245. Chem 245. Bio 322. MBB 398 Non-MBB Electives: Bio 242. MBB 350. MBB 390. Chem 240. Bio 221. MBB 222. MBB 397. Bio 221. MBB 310. MS 385. Chem 243. Chem 241. ChE 202. MBB 340.College of Science 457 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY and BIOTECHNOLOGY) with BS Degree 62 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY) APPROVAL 118th UPD UC : 18 July 2011 | President AEPascual : 17 August 2011 APPROVAL 118th UPD UC : 18 July 2011 | President AEPascual : 17 August 2011 Core Courses 15 units MBB 221 MBB 225 MBB 230 MBB 241 MBB 280 Elective* 30 units 3 3 3 3 3 MBB 221 MBB 225 MBB 230 MBB 241 MBB 280 Seminar 1 unit 12 MBB 296 Electives** 24 units 3 3 3 3 3 Specialty Electives (MBB) Other Electives 1 MBB 400 24 Seminar 1 unit Dissertation 12 units Other Required Courses 4 units MBB 289 MBB 294 41 units Core Courses* 15 units Specialty Electives (MBB) Other Electives Dissertation 12 units MBB 400 with MS Degree 12 MBB 296 1 Other Required Courses 4 units 3 1 * Electives: MBB Electives: MBB 215. MBB 260. MBB 310. MBB 340. Chem 241. Bio 224. MBB 350. Chem 257. MBB 397. MBB 398 Non-MBB Electives: Bio 242. MBB 242. MS 270. ChE 202. MS 253. Chem 244. Chem 243. Bio 322. MS 397 Course Requirements: 24 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 4 units Other Required Courses 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) . ChE 292. Chem 257. Chem 240. MBB 380. Chem 242. MBB 390. MBB 315. MS 253. MBB 325. MS 270. Chem 349. Chem 250. MS 397 Course Requirements: 45 units Coursework 1 unit Seminar 12 units Dissertation Writing 4 units Other Required Courses Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidancy Examination Colloquium Submission of bound copies of dissertation MBB 289 MBB 294 3 1 * Core Courses (15 units may be taken or audited in preparation for the preliminary exams) ** Electives: MBB Electives: MBB 215. MBB 222. Chem 242. Chem 250. Bio 224. MBB 380. MBB 325. 458 College of Science DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHYSICS) with MS Degree 39 units DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHYSICS) with BS Degree 60 units APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 APPROVAL 10th UPD UC : 23 March 1987 | President Approval: 1 April 1987 Specialty Courses 9 units Specialty Courses Advanced Specialty Course Electives 15 units 6 3 Breadth Electives Methods Elective Seminar 1 unit 12 3 Colloquium 2 units 1 Phys 296 Core Courses 18 units Phys 290 Phys 221 Phys 231 Phys 232 Phys 241 Phys 242 Phys 251 Specialty Courses 9 units 3 3 3 3 3 3 Specialty Courses Advanced Specialty Course 2 Seminar 1 unit Electives 18 units Breadth Electives General Elective Methods Elective Dissertation 12 unit Physics 400 6 3 12 3 3 1 Phys 296 12 Course Requirements: 24 units Course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Colloquium 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidacy Examination Colloquium (Presentation) Submission of bound copies of dissertation 3 units of undergraduate Physics Teaching Dissertation 12 unit Colloquium 2 units Phys 290 2 Physics 400 Course Requirements: 45 units Course work 1 unit Seminar 2 units Colloquium 12 units Dissertation Writing Qualifying (Comprehensive) Examinations Candidacy Examination Colloquium (Presentation) Submission of bound copies of dissertation 3 units of undergraduate Physics Teaching Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS) 12 . 3 u. values and institutions. Chem 40. 8 h. The study of how science and technology shape and are shaped by society. Taxonomy. nomenclature and classification of angiosperms (flowering plants). 6 lab) 4 u. Hepatics and Ferns. 118 Insect Biology. Substitute Courses: Chem 16. systematics based on molecular data. 117 Vertebrate Biology. Prereq: BIO 12. Biology of amphibians. and selected aspects of physiology. Prereq: BIO 12. Math. 6 lab) 4 u. 5 h. taxonomy and distribution of insects and allied forms. absorption and translocation of materials. 9 h.1. 112 Mycology. evolution and ecology. (2 lec. 114 Mosses. Prereq: BIO 12/equiv. morphology and ecology of the fungi and lichens. physiology. principles. 8 h. its culture. 3 u. Taxonomy. 120 General Microbiology. 40. birds. 8 h. Science. function. photosynthesis. a . Prereq: BIO 101. 40. 6h lab) 4 u. Prereq: BIO 12. Prereq: BIO 12. 8 h. virus-host interactions. 8 h. reproduction. 116 Invertebrate Biology. 6h lab). Technology and Society (STS) Science. 12d Fundamentals of Biology II. systematics. 8 h. 6h lab). behavior. 115 Taxonomy of Angiosperms. Science and Techology domain. (2h lec. health and related social issues. (2 lec. Methods of collection for study. Viral taxonomy. hepatics and ferns . Prereq: BIO 102. (3 lec. 6 lab) 4 u. 6 lab) 4 u. Prereq: BIO 120. 6 lab) 5 u. 8 h. 111 Phycology. development. 122 Animal Physiology. 2b Foundations of Natural Science 2. 3 u. Fundamental concepts. growth and development. Prereq: BIO 12. 102 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. principles and theories of physics and chemistry. (3h lec). and ecology of invertebrates.1. 9 h. UNDERGRADUATE Biology (BIO) 11d Fundamentals of Biology I.g. (3 lec. identification. Prereq: Chem 16/equiv. 6 lab) 4 u. Morphology. reptiles. Environmental Issues. may be taken in lieu of Nat Sci 2. 113 Fundamentals of Virology. An exploration of the ways science and other disciplines interact. INTERDEPARTMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES Natural Science (Nat Sci) 1a Foundations of Natural Science 1. Prereq: BIO 12. and pathogenesis. 3 u. c Math. Fundamental aspects of plant vital functions. and mammals. Functional and comparative morphology of the various classes of vertebrates from an evolutionary perspective. Taxonomy. BIO 150. 4 u. The fundamentals of biology including reproductive and development genetics. Chem 40. 4 u. Science and Technology domain. d This is part of a two-semester course. survey of selected flowering plant families with a discussion on phylogenetic relationships. A set of courses in the major field of students in natural science curricula may be substituted for the recommended prescribed General Education Course (e. Recent developments in biology pertinent to concerns about the nature of life. Prereq: BIO 11. 3 lab) 3 u. (2 lec. Physics 71/their equivs. 3 u. 8 h. (2h lec. genetics and taxonomy of fish. Principles of animal functions with emphasis on physiological regulations and adaptations.. Fundamental concepts. The fundamentals of biology from the molecular and cellular levels up to organ systems of organization.1. Coreq: Chem 40. Math. classification and ecology of mosses. 6h lab). (2 class. Nat Sci 1 and 2). morphology and phylogeny of algae. (2 lec. 4 u. 8 h. (2 lec. INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Biology (BIO) 1c Contemporary Topics in Biology. 6 lab) 5 u. Structure. 6 lab) 5 u. (2 lec. Prereq: BIO 12. Morphology and anatomy of the vascular plants. (2h lec. Technology and Society. structure. Prereq: BIO 102. ecology. 6 lab) 4 u. b Can be substantially substituted. 6 lab) 4 u. phylogeny. (2h lec. Evolutionary morphology. including nutrition. 3 u. Science and Technology domain. (2 lec.College of Science 459 COURSE OFFERINGS 101 Plant Morphoanatomy. 119 Fish Biology. Prereq: BIO 102. and theories of earth and life sciences. 121 Plant Physiology. Introduction to the principles and methods of the description. (3 lec. Prereq: BIO 12. replication. Biology of microorganisms and introduction to applied microbiology. 9 h. 40. Prereq: SS. 171 General Parasitology. 8 h. 134 140 141 150 151 160 General Animal Histology. 5 h. basic principles. and bacteriophages. 6h lab) 4 u. and applications of exchange of genetic materials in bacteria. regulation of biochemical activities associated with cellular metabolism. 8 h. (2h lec. 200A Undergraduate Thesis I. life cycles. (2 lec. Prereq: BIO 102. Prereq: BIO 121.1. (2 class. 3h lab). 196 Undergraduate Seminar. 2 u. basic immunological technique. (2h lec. GRADUATE Biology (BIO) 210 Advanced Systematics. methods. and purposes of biosystematics and the events and processes of organic evolution. 9 h. 221 Advanced Plant Physiology. 3 u. 4 u. Advanced concepts of plant physiology. Ecological and historical aspects of spatial distribution of plants and animals. 40. Prereq: SS.460 College of Science 123 Fundamentals of Microbial Physiology. 122/equivs. chemical and biological aspects of freshwater habitats. Microscopic structures and functional significance of animal tissues using an organ system approach. 164 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. Integrative approach to plant and animal physiology. Physical. and oganization and dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic communities. (2h lec. 163 Fundamentals of Microbial Ecology. their preparation for laboratory study. 3 u. microbial interrelationships and biogeochemical cycles. (2 lec. (2h lec. antigen-antibody interactions. may be taken twice. concepts and mechanisms of genetics and modern developments in the field with their theoretical and practical implications. Prereq: BIO 116. 1 u. 3 u. Plants and animals in their natural environment. Introduction to Immunobiology. Ecology and evolution of microorganisms. (2h lec. 3 u. 6h lab) 5 u. 165 Biogeography. Prereq: BIO 12. metabolic systems hormonal regulation and environmental control of growth and development. 180 Statistical Methods in Biology.1. (2lec. 224 Stress Physiology. Prereq: SS. Chem 40. Prereq: Junior Standing or COI. 5 h. Developmental biology of selected plants and animals with emphasis on basic similarities in mechanisms that regulate plant and animal development occurring at the molecular level and in the generation of patterns. 8 h. (3h lec. 3 u. (3h lec). Prereq: Bio 101. BIO 150. Fundamentals of Genetics. 200B Undergraduate Thesis II. (2h lec. Prereq: Math 17. Fundamentals of Microbial Genetics. Study of species assemblages. Structure and function of the immune system. Chem 40. Prereq: Bio 120. 125 Medical Microbiology. properties and interactions of populations. (3h lec. 3h lab). 3 lab) 3 u. 3 u. mechanisms of pathogenesis. 5 h. 3 lab) 3 u. Prereq: BIO 121/equiv. Prereq: SS. 3h lab). Advanced principles and methods in phylogenetic systematics. Prereq: BIO 200A. 3 u. and plant movements. inorganic nutrition. Structure. BIO 140. Physiological responses of plants and animals to environmental stress. Applications of basic statistics in the biological sciences. 116. 161 Field Biology. Prereq: SS. with focus on the molecular and cellular bases. genetic control of the immune system. (2 lec. (2h lec. 170 Animal Behavior. fundamental differences in modes of development between plants and animals. 220 Chemical Physiology. Biology. epidemiology. 5 h. 2 u. Composition and structure of microbial cells. 3 lab) 3 u. plant-water relations. 3 u. and control of parasites including experiments involving cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interactions. expression. . 133 Developmental Biology. Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular Biology. species adaptations and environmental influences. Prereq: BIO 121/122/COI. (3h lec. their distribution and ecosystems with particular reference to mechanisms of change and human impact. 162 Limnology. Causes and basis of comparative animal behavior with emphasis on the adaptive survival and reproductive mechanisms. Prereq: Bio 191/COI. Prereq: BIO 120. Junior Standing or COI. Fundamentals of Ecology. BIO 180. Study of living processes at the cellular and molecular levels of organization. fungi. 6h lab). Chem 40. Prereq: BIO 12. 6 lab) 5 u. 8 h. Introduction to biological systematics and evolution covering the fundamental theory. 3 u. (3 lec. 5 u. Prereq: BIO 120. 5 u. 3 lab) 3 u. Prereq: BIO 120. 6h lab). Principles and concepts pertaining to ecosystem structure and function. 6h lab). 3h lab). (3h lec).. Survey of various microorganisms associated with human health and description of hostpathogen interactions. Prereq: Junior Standing or COI. Prereq: BIO 102. Bio 102. 191 Systematics and Evolution. morphology. Genetics from Mendel to the present. 9 h. 3h lab). BIO 122. 5 u. 3 u. Prereq: BIO 120. 6h lab) 4 u. 3 lab) 3 u. 3 lab) 3 u. Advanced concepts and methods in immunobiology. 3 lab) 3 u. GRADUATE Microbiology (Microbio) 211 Microbial Systematics. 3 lab) 3 u. Prereq: Completion of 12 u of graduate courses. conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on a biological research problem. Prereq: BIO 133/equiv. 12 u. 3 lab) 3 u. topic(s) to be specified for record purposes). 3 lab) 3 u. 6 u. Mechanisms of evolution using advanced principles of molecular and population genetics. 265 271 Advanced Biogeography. Composition and dynamics of freshwater communities. 280 Protozoology. Prereq: BIO 122/equiv. Prereq: BIO 133/equiv. Composition and dynamics of terrestrial communities. 3h lab). 116. 262 Freshwater Ecology. 3 lab) 3 u. 260 Advanced Ecology. 7h. Discussions on current and emerging issues in the biological sciences. Current topics on key areas of plant development.1. (3h lec). . (2 lec. Conceptualization. 3 u.e. Prereq: BIO 160/equiv. Prereq: BIO 120/equiv. Prereq: BIO 133/equiv. 300 M. 5 h. 3 u (May be taken thrice provided that the topics are not the same. Prereq: COI. 5 h. Prereq: BIO 140/COI. analyses of adaptive functions and mechanisms in various animal groups. 250 Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology. 3 u. 4 u. 281 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis. 244 Advanced Evolutionary Genetics. Advanced concepts of animal physiology. Current concepts on plant and animal distribution. 3 u. Thesis. (2 lec. Prereq: BIO 240/equiv. Prereq: Completion of 18 u of graduate courses. Prereq: BIO 160/COI. 243 Population Genetics. Advanced study on current topics in cell and molecular biology. 242 Cytogenetics. 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: BIO 240/COI. (2 lec. Prereq: COI. Concepts and mechanisms underlying specialization of cells during early development. 5h. 3 lab) 3 u. 3h lab). The principles of heredity elucidated at the molecular level. 251 Advanced Immunobiology. Advances in Plant Developmental Biology. Prereq: BIO 116. Prereq: BIO 150. Principles and concepts underlying ecosystem structure and function in natural environments. Prereq: BIO 160/COI. 5 h. topic(s) to be specified for record purposes). and genetic control of plant development. 299 Research in Biology. (2 lec.g. Advances in Animal Developmental Biology.S. preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced research problem in Biology. 12 h (lab). 3 u. 3 lab) 3 u. 240 Advanced Genetics. (2 lec. Conduct of actual research. may be taken twice. and submission of manuscript in a highly reputed journal (e. 400 PhD Dissertation. Biology of representative protozoa. 5 h. embryonic development. conceptualization and conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced biological research problem. 2 u (may be taken thrice provided that the research topics are not the same. Prereq: BIO 133/equiv/COI. (6h lab). Thomson Reuters indexed) journal for peer review. cytological features of developing structures. 2 u (may be taken thrice provided that the research topics are not the same. 296 Seminar. (2h lec. Comprehensive literature survey. 5 h. 241 Advanced Molecular Genetics. (2 lec. Current trends and concepts in host- parasite relationships. 3 u. Prereq: Passing of candidacy examination and completion of course requirements. (1h lec. 399 Independent Doctoral Research in Biology. i. 234 Developmental Morphology of Vascular Plants. 3 u. 397 Current Topics in Biology. Prereq: BIO 171/equiv. 5 h. Prereq: Bio 180/equiv. 3 u. 322 Advanced Animal Physiology. 5 h. Prereq: BIO 160/COI. (2 lec. Cytology and genetics of induced chromosomal aberrations.. Developmental morphology and anatomy of vascular plants at different stages of their vegetative and reproductive growth. 3 lab) 3 u. (2 lec. topic(s) to be specified for record purposes. 5 h. Microbial Diversity. Advanced Parasitology. (2 lec. (6h lab). meristem activity during post-embryonic development. 3h lab). topic(s) to be specified for record purposes). May be taken twice provided that the research topics are not the same. 263 Terrestrial Ecology. 6h lab). 5 h. (2 lec. Current concepts on the underlying principles of animal development. Analysis of gene frequencies and their alteration in a population. Prereq: Completion of 12 u of graduate courses. Prereq: BIO 151/ equiv. 1 u. 5 h. 5 h. Design and analysis of experiments and application of nonparametric and multivariate methods in the life sciences. 5 h. and modern approaches to microbial classification and identification. phylogeny. 3 lab) 3 u. Prereq: Completion of course requirements. Prereq: BIO 140/equiv. (2h lec. 395 Advanced Studies in Biology.College of Science 461 230 232 233 Differentiation in Embryonic Systems. (2 lec.(2h lec. Advanced principles and methods of genetics.. 6 h. 251 Microbial Pathogenesis. (2 lec. (For non-majors) Prereq: Chem 16. Advanced concepts of microbial ecology.. (lab). (2 lec. Analysis of substances and simple mixtures.1. Advanced Microbial Physiology. Continuation of Chemistry 16. (lab) 2 u. techniques of studying growth and control of soil microflora. Advanced genetic analysis of microbial systems. may be taken twice. (3 class. 3 u. 3h lab). 31.1. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 28. Stoichiometry.S.462 212 221 College of Science Ultrastructure of Microorganisms. 5 h. Laboratory synthesis and qualitative analysis. Principles and techniques of gravimetric and volumetric methods. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 26. Prereq: BIO 163/equiv. medical and environmental microbiology. (lab) 2 u. 6 lab) 3 u. 3 u. microbial physiology mechanisms applicable to food. Discussion of electronic and structural effects on reaction mechanisms. (3h lec). Prereq: Chem 26. 3 lab) 3 u. 6 lab) 3 u. molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and gene transfer in microorganisms. (1 lec. Systematics and ecology of soil microorganisms.1. 9 h.1. 26. 3 u. (lab) 2 u. 3 lab) 3 u. 26 Analytical Chemistry. Elementary Organic Chemistry. An integrated application of modern theories in organic chemistry to physical properties and chemical reactivity of organic compounds. Molecular mechanism of virulence and host-pathogen interactions. 6 h.1 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory. 28. Prereq: BIO 141/equiv. 6 h. An elementary treatment of structure-function relationship of biomolecules and biochemical mechanisms. 28 Quantitative Inorganic Analysis.1 or 101. 3 u. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 28.1. Math 14/equiv. Basic Chemistry concepts relevant to everyday life. microbial diversity and its relationship to environmental quality and sustainability. Prereq: BIO 120/ equiv. Prereq: BIO 123/equiv. 31.1 Quantitative Inorganic Analysis Laboratory. UNDERGRADUATE Chemistry (Chem) 16b General Chemistry I.1/Chem 17.1 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY (ICHEM) GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Chemistry (Chem) 1a a Chemistry: Science that Matters. 9 h. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. Thesis. (3 class. Introduction to modern theories in organic chemistry. (1 lec. Math 17/ equiv. 31. 3 u. 101. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. 33. 6 h.. Math. 34b Organic Chemistry II. Chem 17. 262 Soil Microbiology. 40 Elementary Biochemistry. 7 h. Basic laboratory techniques in elementary organic chemistry. colorimetric and potentiometric methods. 6 h. 3 u. 6 u. 3 u. Bio 117. 271 Protozoology. 241 Advanced Microbial Genetics. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 16. Prereq: BIO 163/ equiv. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 31. 3 u. Prereq: BIO 125/Bio 151/ equiv. 2 u. of graduate courses. industrial. 31 281 Industrial Microbiology. 34. Advanced concepts of microbial nutrition and metabolism. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 26. Fundamentals of chemistry. 6 lab) 5 u. 17b General Chemistry II. (lab) 2 u. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 31. Chem 31. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 123 and Chem 101. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 34. Principles and techniques of analysis with emphasis on volumetric methods and stoichiometry. Prereq: Chem 33. Correlation of structure with properties of organic compounds. Economically important microorganisms and their application in industry. Basic electron microscopy with emphasis on cytochemistry and various labeling techniques as applied to microorganisms. 33b 300 M. Prereq: Bio 116. Organic Chemistry I.1. 6 h. 7 h.1 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory. Introduction to modern theories in organic chemistry. (lab) 2 u. Prereq/ Coreq: Math 11/equiv. of graduate courses./equiv. survey of common instrumental methods. to be taken simultaneously with 101.1 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory. 6 lab) 5 u. 261 Advanced Microbial Ecology. Chem 17. Prereq: BIO 120/equiv. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 33. 296 Seminar. 26. Basic laboratory techniques in elementary organic chemistry.2. 1 u. 5 h (2h lec. Prereq: completion of all course work. 5 h. (For non-majors) Prereq: Chem 16/equiv. 299 Research in Microbiology. Science and Technology domain This is part of a two-semester course b . 101. Advanced Chemistry Laboratory I. Prereq: Chem 28. Bioenergetics.College of Science 463 145 Biochemistry I. kinetic.g. 3 lab) 4 u. synthesis. safety and chemical waste management. chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms. 154. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 112.1. Intergrated experiments involving advanced laboratory techniques in biochemistry.1. 6 h. 150 Introduction to Physical Chemistry. potentiometry and spectrophometry. Intergrated experiments in basic organic chemistry reactions. Prereq: Chem 102. approximate methods for complex atoms and molecules. 3 h. gravimetric analysis and titrimetric analysis. 3 u. (lab) 2 u. 197 Special Topics in Applied Chemistry. to be taken simultaneously with with Chem 102. Prereq: Chem 145 and Chem 153. 3 lab) 4 u.1 to be taken simultaneously with Chem 34 and Chem 123.1. 3 u.1 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory. (lab) 3 u. 3 u.1. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 40. may be taken twice. 3 u. introduction to chromatography. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Inorganic Chemistry. 28. Prereq: SS. 26.1. The chemical analysis of soil. Chem 26.1. 200 Undergraduate Thesis. (lab) 2 u.1 or 101. safety and chemical waste management. (lab)3 u. 6 h. 6 h. sampling. fundamentals of electronics.).1 Biochemistry Laboratory. Prereq/ Coreq: Chem 150. (lab) 2 u. 3 u. 123.1. 101. 34. Principles of quantum mechanics applied to atomic and molecular structure. 9 h. water and air samples. 34.1. 150.1 Physical Chemistry II Laboratory. electrometric and separation methods.1. limitations and practice of analytical operations with particular emphasis on separations. General principles of physical chemistry with emphasis on their application to biological systems. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 146 and Chem 154. (lab) 1 u..1/equiv. 4 u. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 34 and 101. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. 31. (lab) 2 u. Electrochemistry. 101.g. modulation and inhibition. metabolic and informational pathways.1 102. 146 Biochemistry II. 203 Environmental Chemistry. Physics 72 and Math 121. 26. Intergrated experiments involving laboratory techniques in biochemistry. 31. Chemical thermodynamics. Coreq: Chem 153. 33. Prereq: Chem 28.2. separation and spectroscopic methods). Prereq: Chem 28. (lab) 3 u 153. Preparation and characterization of inorganic compounds. 125 Basic Electronics for Chemical Instrumentation. chromatography and electrochemistry. Concepts in structure and function of the major biomolecules. 3 u. Principles.. (lab) 2 u. and control. 3 u. 6 h. 9 h (lab). Prereq: Chem 26.1. 3 u. 156 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry. inorganic and physical chemistry (e. 34. safety and chemical waste management. safety and chemical waste management. 6 h. Prereq: Chemistry 156/ equiv./sem. (3 lec. Prereq: to be taken simultaneously with Chem 123.1/equivs. Basic principles of instrumentation in spectrophotometric. separation and spectroscopic methods). 6 h. 196 Undergraduate Seminar. Prereq: Chem 153. 34. Coreq: Chem 146. 2 u.2 112 112. 1 u. 153a Physical Chemistry I. GRADUATE Chemistry (Chem) 201 Chemistry for Teachers of College Chemistry.. inorganic and physical chemistry (e. to be taken simultaneously with Chem 112. Prereq: Chem 28. Prereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 40. 40. Prereq: Chem 112. physical methods. Integrated experiments involving methods of synthesis.1 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.1 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory. Prereq: Chem 145. 9 h. surface phenomena. Prereq: SS. and chemical reactivity in inorganic compounds. 33. 6 h. its pollution. Structure. 203. 3 u. synthesis. 3 u. 31. 101. Study of the chemistry of the metallic and nonmetallic elements. (lab) 2 u. 101. Physics 72. 156/COI.1 Intermediate Chemistry Laboratory I. Prereq: to be taken simultaneously with Chem 28 and Chem 33. 211 Systematic Inorganic Chemistry.2.1 123 Intermediate Chemistry Laboratory II.1 Physical Chemistry I Laboratory. Coreq: Chem 203.1. (lab) 2 u. Coreq: Chem 146. and transport properties. Instrumental methods. Prereq: Math 54/equivalent.1. kinetic. 28. 6 h. 71. 3 u. Physics 71. Prereq: Chem 101. 101. . 9 h. colloids. a This is part of a two.1 and Math 121. Prereq: Chem 28. 154a Physical Chemistry II. ( 1 yr. 3 u. Advanced Chemistry Laboratory II..1.2 102. Coreq: Chem 154. (3 lec. as well as intrumental techniques in analytical and organic chemistry such as spectroscopy. 6 h.1 or Chem 28. Chemistry applied to the study of the environment.. bonding. 146. 3 u.1 Introduction to Physical Chemistry Laboratory.semester course. kinetics and mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. 1/COI. Coreq: Chem 220. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 230/ COI. Prereq: Chem 154. application to chemical problems. 221 Electroanalytical Chemistry. 3 u. Application of physical chemistry in the study of structure. Experimental techniques in organic synthesis. Applications of spectroscopy and other modern physical techniques to the study of inorganic compounds. 3 u. detection and measurement of radioactive substances.464 College of Science 212 Reaction Mechanisms of Transition Metal Complexes. Theories of radioactive decay. Prereq: Chem 230/COI. 3 u. (2 lec. such as cyclic voltammetry. Structure-function 225 . stripping analysis. 236 Organic Synthesis. 3 u. 3 u. 214 Inorganic Synthesis. physical and chemical properties. 238 Heterocyclic Chemistry. 6 h. uv-vis. Prereq: Chem 156. Prereq: Chem 230/COI. 213 Physical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry. Theory of modern electrochemical methods. Prereq: Chem 220/COI. O-. bonding. 219 220 Solid State Chemistry. Mechanisms of reactions of first. AC and differential pulse polarography and ring-disk electrodes. 6 lab) 4 u. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 230/COI. properties and processes in natural aquatic systems. reactivity. 231 Polymer Chemistry. (lab) 2 u. (3 lec. 227 Radioisotope Techniques. 235 Theoretical Organic Chemistry. Prereq: Chem 220/COI. Prereq: Chem 211/ COI. 5 h. 236. 223 Theoretical Analytical Chemistry. Application of nmr. 3 u. 215 Coordination Chemistry. 3 u. ir. 6 h. 3 u. 6 h. 3 u. (2 lec. Chemistry and biogenesis of major classes of secondary metabolites. nuclear reactions. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. Application of quantum chemistry in the study of structure. modular approach to chemical instrumentation. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Structure-function correlations. Prereq: Chem 211/COI. electronic indices and reactivity of biomolecules. 6 lab) 5 u. 230 Physical Organic Chemistry I. 34/COI. testing and characterization of polymers. 8 h. principles and applications of spectroscopy and spectrophotometry. fundamental techniques used in the study of biomolecules. Prereq: Chem 211/ COI. Theory of analytical separations based on chemical and phase equilibria. 230/COI. and mechanistic aspects of metal ion involvement in biological processes. Prereq: Chem 154/COI. Fundamentals of chemical instrumentation. 6 lab) 4 u. Prereq: Chem 211/COI. Methods of chemical separation. 226 Analytical Separation Methods. Methods and techniques in polymer synthesis. 241 Modular Chemical Instrumentation. Synthesis. Fundamentals of optical instrumentation. Synthesis. Prereq: Chem 211/COI. S-containing heterocyclic compounds. esr. cellular utilization and regulation mechanism. magnetic and crystallographic data. Methods of synthesis of inorganic and organometallic compounds. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 211/COI. Polymer Chemistry Laboratory. 9 h. theory and application of some common instrumental methods. Principles of stereochemistry and their application to the study of configuration.and second-series transition metal ions in relation to their structures. Techniques of organic synthesis. 240 Advanced Biochemistry. 3 lab) 3 u. Lipids and Related Systems. A study of metal complexes using carbon as the ligating atom. properties and chemical reactivity of N-. 242 Carbohydrates and Related Systems.1 Organic Synthesis Laboratory. The composition. Structure. and mass spectrometry in organic chemistry. Advanced treatment of separations theory and its application to some common analytical separation methods. Physical Organic Chemistry II. reactivity and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds. 3 u.1 216 Bioinorganic Chemistry. (lab) 2 u. Prereq: Chem 240/COI. Prereq: Chem 123. Prereq: Chem 146/COI. 3 u. 224 Aquatic Chemistry.1 Laboratory in Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 8 h. Prereq: Chem 236/ COI. (2 lec. Prereq: Chem 223/COI. Prereq: Chem 217/COI. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 211/COI. Structure and conformation of biomolecules. 237 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry. Prereq: Chem 123/COI. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 230/ COI. 220. Prereq: Chem 231/COI. Prereq: Chem 123/COI. 239 Natural Products Chemistry. quantitative interpretation of spectral. structure and function of synthetic and natural polymers. Fundamentals of analog and digital electronics. Structure and bonding in solid state materials. 218 Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals. and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds. conformation and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds. 234 217 Nuclear Chemistry. Bonding and structure of coordination compounds. Prereq: Chem 220/COI. 222 Optical Methods of Analysis. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. (lab) 2 u. Prereq: Chem 230/COI. 231. Prereq: Chem 220/223/COI. 1a Special Topics in Experimental Biochemistry. 293 Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. 243 Nucleic Acids. 294 244 Proteins. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 153/COI. Prereq: COI. Chemical Thermodynamics II. 245 247 248 250 251 252 Enzymes. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Completion of 12 u. Prereq: Completion of 9 u. Chemistry Teaching Practicum. passed compre exams. Prereq: Chem 244/COI. Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry. Behavior of biologically active substances and mechanisms of enzymic reactions in terms of electronic theory. Approximation methods. Representation theory. in the MS program. Prereq: Chem 255/COI. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 240/ COI. Graduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. in the MS program. 1 u. 3 u. Trends developments in inorganic chemistry. 1 u. Prereq: Chem 156. Thermodynamics theory. in the MS program. Prereq: completion of all course requirements. Seminar in Biochemistry. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Completion of 9 u. 339a Special Topics in Organic Chemistry. Ensembles and thermodynamics. Chemical Kinetics. 1 u. Trends and developments in analytical chemistry.1a Special Topics in Experimental Organic Chemistry. 394 Research Seminar in Biochemistry. Integration and regulation of catabolic and biosynthetic processes. The chemical nature of enzymes and coenzymes. 1 u. non-interacting systems. in the MS program. 300 MS Thesis. their general methods of preparation and investigation. 349. 2 u. 1 u. Prereq: Chem 240/COI. 2 u. Prereq: Consent of the Graduate Committee. May be taken more than once for credit if topical coverage is different. 359. 255 256 257 288 289 291 a Quantum Chemistry. 3 u. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. Metabolic and Information Pathways. in the PhD program. 3 u. 395 Research Seminar in Physical Chemistry. quantum statistics. Prereq: COD. 1 u. 1 u. Prereq: Completion of 9 u. 1 u. interacting systems. cellular utilization and regulation mechanisms. 1 u. 3 u. Prereq: COI. passed compre exams. 3 u. 1 u. Prereq: Chem 156/COI. 3 u. the chemical applications of group theory. 3 u. 1 u. 3 u. etc. Prereq: COI. the kinetics and mechanism of their action. 295 Seminar in Physical Chemistry. in the MS program. 1 u. introduction to irreversible thermodynamics. Prereq: Completion of 12 u. in the PhD program. Prereq: Completion of 9 u. Trends and developments in organic chemistry. 1 u. 3 u. 3 u. 329. 393 Research Seminar in Organic Chemistry. in the PhD program. Special Problem in Chemical Education. 319a Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry. Trends and developments in biochemistry. 250/COI. 3 u. Reaction rates and mechanisms. 3 u.1a Special Topics in Experimental Physical Chemistry. 329a Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry.1a Special Topics in Experimental Inorganic Chemistry. Prereq: Chem 240/COI. quantum theory of scattering. 1 u. in the PhD program. Prereq: Chem 154/COI. Structure-function correlations and mechanisms of cellular utilization and regulation of proteins. Prereq: . Trends and developments in physical chemistry. noninteracting particles. 1 u. Prereq: COI. Molecular Biochemistry. 2 u. Advanced Quantum Chemistry. 391 Research Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry. and 319. 349a Special Topics in Biochemistry. 292 Seminar in Analytical Chemistry. Prereq: COI. in the PhD program. Chemical Thermodynamics I. Prereq: COI. 339. Prereq: COI. applications to chemical and other related systems. biochemistry of informational molecules.1a Special Topics in Experimental Analytical Chemistry. Prereq: Chem 240/COI. Structure-function correlations and mechanisms of cellular utilization and regulation of nucleic acids. Prereq: Chem 240/COI. 3 u. approximation methods. 359a Special Topics in Physical Chemistry. 6 u. quantum transitions under the influence of external perturbation. 392 Research Seminar in Analytical Chemistry. Prereq: Completion of 9 u.College of Science 465 correlations. 6 h. Megascopic examination and classification of rocks. 12 u. Chem 16. their origin and modification. (2 lec. 3 u. Earth history and ancient life as recorded in rocks. 70 Field Methods in Geology. Prereq: Geol 130. Geol 190. and accumulation of petroleum. 6 h. 2 lab) 6 u. (3 lec. 8 h. recognition and recording of geologic features. GE 11. origin. Genesis. field research. 131 Micropaleontology. (3 lec. 3 lab) 4 u. 3 lab) 4 u. 6 lab) 4 u. interpretation of geologic maps and sections. 5 h. and origin of coal and certain industrial minerals and rocks. 6 lab) 5 u. Prereq: Geol 112. 3 u. case studies. origin. 70. Prereq: Geol 40. 192 Non-Metallic Ore Deposits. (2 lec. 120. and relationship between people and the physical environment. 175 Computer Methods in Geology. 3 lab) 4 u. 171 Mineral Data Analysis. 174 Introduction to Earth Resources Project Evaluation. (3 lec. 3 u. Dissertation. Principles of earth resources project evaluation. Prereq: Geol 11. (3 lec. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: Geol 50. Microscopic examination and classification of igneous. and field examples of primary and secondary rock structures. and preparation of a formal geologic report. identification of minerals in grain and thin-section. 190 Petroleum Geology. (3 lec.1/equiv. (4 field. concepts of rock origin. 60 Historical Geology. 120 122 a Math. 181 Principles of Stratigraphy. 40 50 nature Elementary Petrology. concepts and models in geostatistics. Prereq: Geol 60. Prereq: Geol 112. Prereq: Math 101/COI. 3 u. Prereq: SS. Math 17. 172 Introduction to Geostatistics. 71. Land forms. 3 lab) 3 u.466 400 College of Science Ph. Introduction to crystallography and to the physics and chemistry of minerals. An introduction to independent geologic mapping. Principles of Geomorphology. Elementary Mineralogy. 112 Structural Geology. A field trip. (2 lec. 70. 6 lab) 4 u. Writing of geologic reports. Physics 73. UNDERGRADUATE Geology (Geol) 11 Principles of Geology. Principles of economics necessary for understanding the behavior and characteristics of earth resource based industries. Geologic evolution of the Philippines and Southeast Asia. 130 Elementary Paleontology. 6 h. exploration methods. Geol 50.D. Fundamentals of physics of the earth and their application. Coreq: Geol 194. Prereq: SS. (lab) 1 u. 6 h. 26. including environmental impact assessment. consequences of geologic processes. Geol 112. 3 lab) 4 u. Prereq: Geol 60. Prereq: Physics 71. Introduction to aerial photo interpretation. 3 u. 26. Prereq: Geol 50. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements and passing of candidacy examination. Introduction to techniques in geologic mapping.1/equiv. 150 Petrography and Petrology. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Geology (Geol) 1a The study of how the earth works. Prereq: Geol 171. Mechanics of rock deformation. Science and Technology domain . 105 Introduction to Geochemistry. Principles.Prereq: ES 1. Coreq: Geol 11. sedimentary. 73. its place in the universe. Mineral and rock specimens. Prereq: Geol 40. Chemistry in the study of geological problems. Examination of the bases. 140 Optical Mineralogy. Biology of animal and plant fossils based on living representatives. and metamorphic rocks. nature. 6 h. Principles of crystal optics. Introduction to animal and plant microfossils. 3 lab) 3 u. The occurrence. brunton tape traverse.1. Elementary Geophysics. 3 h. Nature. Statistical techniques in the analysis and interpretation of mineral and geological data. 3 u. 120.1. Stratigraphic distribution. 177 Geology of the Philippines and Southeast Asia. types. Chem 26. Concepts and procedures in the classification and correlation of rock units. 194/ COI.1. 8 h. Prereq: Geol 173. Prereq: Math 55. 140. Earth materials. Field trips. 6 lab) 4 u. 3 u.1 Laboratory in Principles of Geology. (3 lec. 6 h. Prereq: Chem 26. (2 lec. Geol 11. map reading. implications. Emphasis on Foraminifera. uses and limitations of prevailing geostatistical models. Prereq: Geol 11. Application of computer methods in various fields of geology. (3 lec. 8 h. 6 h. 11. (3 lec. 3 lab) 4 u. application to exploration projects. and 170 Field Geology. (2 lec. Prereq: Geol 50. 5 h. 6 h. 120.1. 9 h.1. occurrence. 3 lab) 4 u. 3 u. 173 Introduction to Earth Resource Economics. 3 h. (3 lec. Prereq: Econ 11. 3 lab) 4 u. 6 wks. Field trips. 3 lab) 4 u. 6 lab) 3 u. and 212 213 214 215 Advanced Field Geology. 217 Hydrogeology. Study of large and small foraminifera with emphasis on Philippine materials. 9 h. 251 Metamorphic Petrology. (2 lec. 205 Geochemistry. 5 h. 6 lab) 4 u. X-ray methods for the characterization of crystal structure and determination of chemical composition. 6 lab) 5 u. (lab) 2 wks. Geologic structure of ocean basins and continental margins. Advanced Structural Geology. 208 Geochemistry of Hydrocarbons. 243 Crystal Chemistry and Crystal Physics. 150/COI. Principles and practice of groundwater exploration and development. (2 lec. (2 lec. Prereq: COI. (2 lec. theories of orogenesis. 5 h. Geochemistry of coal petroleum and natural gas in relation to their genesis. techniques of exploration. continents. Genesis and classification of common sediments and sedimentary rocks. Marine Geology. Advanced microscopic techniques in ore mineral identification. Physical and chemical properties. 3 lab) 3 u. 6 lab) 4 u. 3 h. 271 Mining Geology. 3 lab) 2 u. 3 u. 250 Igneous Petrology. Igneous rock associations and their origins. 2 u. Prereq: Geol 105/COI. with emphasis on Philippine rocks: microscopic study of igneous rocks including mineral examination with the use of universal stage. 26. and facies maps. interpretation of their textures and relationship with respect to the origin of a deposit. techniques applied to the study of metamorphic rocks. 5 h. Causes of volcanic activity. paleogeologic. Techniques in stratigraphic analysis. 252 Sedimentology. Mapping in complex geologic terranes. Prereq: Geol 194/COI. (1 class. (1 lec. (2 lec. 2 u. Application of geology to the search for. interpretation. Prereq: Geol 105/COI. 216 Geology for Large Infrastructures. (2 lec. Prereq: Geol 105/COI. Prereq: Geol 60/COI. structure types and stability of common rockforming minerals. (2 lec. 5 h. Distribution of chemical elements and isotopes in geologic environments. Geol 112. geologic processes in marine regimes. Sedimentary Petrology. Prereq: Geol 120/COI. evaluation and development. 6 lab) 4 u. 5 h. 3 h. and procedures in geochemical exploration for mineral deposits. Prereq: Geol 112. Processes and materials in sedimentary environments. Geology. 8 h. 207 Mineral Equilibria. Concepts and techniques of geology as applied to the planning. Selected phyla of fossils. 8 h. 196 Undergraduate Seminar. 237 Advanced Micropaleontology. Prereq: Geol 150/COI. Application of stratigraphic principles to local and regional problems. Prereq: Geol 105/ COI. 254 Geotectonics. Regional studies of geologic history by use of isopach. Prereq: Geol 131. geochemistry and experimental petrology relating to the generation of lavas. and origin of metalliferous deposits. 4 u. 120. techniques. Nature. application to selected Philippine examples. 8 h. Prereq: Geol 150/COI. Prereq: Geol 170.College of Science 467 194 Metalliferous Ore Deposits. 3 lab) 3 u. Prereq: COI. 1 lab) 3 u. Structure evolution of the crust. 4 u. 3 u. acquisition and interpretation of geochemical data. 4 u. Prereq: COI. application to mineral processing. Concepts of remote sensing and geological interpretation of remote sensing imagery. (2 lec. 2 u. (2 lec. 253 Photogeology and Remote Sensing. Geology (Geol) 203 Geochemical Exploration. 181. Prereq: Geol 120/COI. 6 lab) 4 u. Phase equilibria in multicomponent systems. Prereq: Geol 112. 3 u. 3 u. 3 lab) 6 days field/sem. 3 u. 1 lab/field) 3 u. analysis and interpretation of fabric and composition of sedimentary rocks. geochemistry and geophysics of geothermal resources. 8 h. Prereq: COI. island arcs and oceans using East and Southeast Asia among the models. Tectonic elements and their patterns. 2 h. occurrence. 270 Ore Microscopy. Properties and origin of metamorphic rocks. 7 h. 3 u. Prereq: Chem 26. Prereq: COI. (lec) 6 days field/sem. Prereq: Geol 105/COI. 6 lab) 4 u. 255 Geothermal Resources. (2 lec. 5 h. 261 Paleogeology. (2 lec. Geochemical principles. 260 Stratigraphic Analysis. Prereq: COI. 8 h. 150/ COI. 3 h. Prereq: GS. Prereq: GS. . development and construction of public and private structures in urban communities. 4 h. 122. field/sem. 3 lab) 6 days field/ sem. 218 230 Urban Geology. Prereq: SS. Prereq: Geol 150/COI. 2 h. (lec) 6 days field/sem. 3 lab) 6 days field/sem. GRADUATE 232 Systematic Invertebrate Paleontology. 3 u. (2 lec. Principles and practice of geology in relation to the construction of large infrastructure projects. 3 lab) 3 u. Volcanism. 241 X-ray Crystallography and Spectrography. (2 class.1/equiv. 3 u. (3 lec. Discussion of important topics in geology from current literature. 298 Seminar in Mineral Economics. 3 u. 3 u.2 Metallic Mineral Resources. (2 lec.1. Prereq: Geol 171. Prereq: Geol 275/COI. may be taken twice. 2 u. 274 Environmental Geology. Quantitative Methods Applied to Exploration.2 278 279 Quantitative Methods in Mineral Economics II. 276. Prereq: Geol 174/COI. 400 PhD Dissertation. . 331 Environmental Geology. (2 lec. Models. 284 Solid Earth Geophysics. Prereq: COI. Theory and application of gravity and magnetic methods of exploration. development and exploitation of. Geologic and economic bases of mineral resources. 194/COI. Prereq: Geol 275/COI. behavior and implications to Philippine and world economies. topic to be indicated for record purposes. Prereq: Geol a Math. Prereq: Geol 275/COI. 2 u. may be taken twice. Analysis of major metallic mineral resources. 3 lab) 3 u. topic to be indicated for record purposes. (2 lec. integration of the different branches of geology and of other sciences towards solution of these problems.468 College of Science the exploration. (2 class. 3 u. 2 u. 5 h. Science and Technology domain. application to mineral problems. 276. 5 h. Oceans and Us. analytical models. 275/COI. Prereq: COI. 3 lab) 3 u. 297 Special Topics: (Subject Title). 6 h. their relationships to each other.1 Quantitative Methods in Mineral Economics I. 283 Geophysical Exploration III. (2 lec. MARINE SCIENCE INSTITUTE GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Marine Science (MS) 1a 281 Geophysical Exploration I. 12 u. (class) 6 days field/sem. 3 u. 3 lab) 3 u. Analysis of major nonmetallic mineral resources. Ore deposit types and origin of mineral deposits with emphasis on Philippine examples. basic issues in resource extraction. Prereq: Geol 173/COI. Energy and Mineral Policies. 3 u. 3 lab/field) 3 u. Theory and application of electrical and electromagnetic methods of exploration. Seismology. 3 lab/field) 3 u.1. Prereq: Geol 181. 282 Geophysical Exploration II.1. (lec) 6 days field/ sem. 3 u. the structure and the composition of the earth’s interior. An appreciation course on the functional balance between the health of the oceans and the survival and improvement of our way of life. Problems in the occurrence and accumulation of petroleum. Math 121. Conservation and management of earth resources and application of geologic data for urban. 5 h. Prereq: Geol 194. 2 h. Prereq: Geol 181. COI. Theory and application of refraction and reflection seismic methods of exploration. behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies. 289 Economics and Management of Mineral Exploration and Development. 5 h. 3 lab) 4 u. 276. 273 Advanced Mineral Deposits. 277. 5 h. 300 Master’s Thesis. 5 h. Concepts. 399 Research: (Subject Title). topic to be indicated for record purposes. mineral deposits. 3 u. monitoring and evaluation of energy and mineral development policies. 3 lab) 3 u. 181 (may be taken concurrently). Analysis of the major energy resources. approaches and practices commonly used in the energy/mineral industries. 3 u. ore reserve calculations and valuation. Principles of linear programming. 3 u. applications to mineral industry problems.3 Nonmetallic Mineral Resources. 5 h. implementation. 181. may be taken twice. The application of geologic principles and concepts in environmental and resource assessment and management. Math 121. 277. 3 lab) 3 u. 3 u. 275/COI. Statistical and computer programming approach to mineral exploration. Prereq: Geol 172. 275 Mineral Resource Economics. 296 Seminar: (Subject Title). Use of geophysical instruments in mineral exploration. input-output and related models. (3 lec. Prereq: GE 14. Problems of optimum search and efficient sampling schemes. 285 Geophysical Prospecting. 2 h. 5 h. Prereq: Geol 181 (may be taken concurrently). Prereq: COI.4 Energy Resources. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Linear stochastic modeling. 3 u. 272 Advanced Petroleum Geology. 290 Fundamental Problems in Geology. 3 lab) 3 u. rural and regional development projects. (2 lec. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Geol 171. (2 class. (2 class. 3 u. principles and constraints relevant to the formulation. Math 121. behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Geol 190. 6 u. Prereq: Geol 194. Selected fundamental problems in geology. Prereq: COI. Marine zooplankton and their role in biological productivity. 3 u. and others) in the interaction of marine organisms and their potential ecological and economic applications. 3 u. MS 240/equiv. 3 u. The diversity and role of marine microorganisms in energy flow and biogeochemical cycling. 3 u. 3 u.College of Science 469 UNDERGRADUATE Marine Science (MS) 101 Oceans. 3 u. Marine Science (MS) 201 210 213 Ocean Physics and Chemistry. storm surges. marine biology. 226. 160/equiv. 256 Marine Algae. Surface. ocean atmosphere interactions. rotation. Prereq: BIO 160. Prereq: Introductory Calculus. 3 u. Prereq: BIO 116. 3 u. 216 Numerical Ocean Modeling. 3 u. secondary metabolites. 3 u. Fundamental ecological principles as applied to the marine environment. The study of oceans as a geochemical systems with emphasis on global biogeochemical cycles. 3 u. function and ecological significance of coral reefs and their major living components.g. 3 u. 3 u. morphology. Prereq: MS 220/COI. 3 u. swells. 258 Marine Fishes. simple thermohaline models. Prereq: MS 201/210. Applications of principles of chemical oceanography to the understanding of various coastal systems including coral reefs. temperature and density. 116. Prereq: MS 210/COI. Prereq: COI. and estuaries. (lab) 2 u. seagrass beds. Sources. 240 Biological Oceanography. Marine phytoplankton and their role in primary productivity. Prereq: MS 211/COI. 3 u. Physical Oceanography.1 Marine Pollution Chemistry Laboratory. tide-producing forces and tides. 253 Marine Chemical Ecology. 217 220 221 222 226 Chemical Oceanography. stratification and other external forces. Prereq: BIO 102. 252 Marine Biogeography. General Organic Chem. sinks and fate of various types of pollutants in the marine environment. seiches. factors that regulate their size. 3 u. Understanding the spatio-temporal variability in the distribution patterns of marine biota and the dynamic processes which cause these patterns. Prereq: COI. tsunamis. Chemistry of Marine Coastal Environments. Study of populations of marine organisms. Prereq: COI. An introduction to the subdisciplines of marine science (e. The relationship of biological systems to the marine physico-chemical environment. standing. 3 u. mixed layer models. interspecific interactions. marine chemistry. Introduction to physical and chemical properties and processes in marine waters. Prereq: General Inorganic Chem. Dynamics of Oceans. Structure. Physical properties of seawater. 3 u. 3 u. Dynamical principles which govern the behavior of the oceans in response to the effects of gravity. equivs/ COI. Prereq: MS 220/COI. baroclinic models. Wind-driven barotropic models. Prereq: BIO 111/ COI. Taxonomy. Ocean dynamics modified by thermohaline effects. 251 Population Biology of Marine Organisms. 246 Marine Phytoplankton. 214 Waves and Tides. (For non-geology majors) Prereq: Geol 11/ COI. The role of biomolecules (hormones. 3 u. 3 u. geology. 3 u. Prereq: Analytical Chemistry/COI. 254 Seagrasses and Mangroves. chemistry. structure and processes of the sea floor and ocean margins. general distribution of salinity. An introduction to the origin. Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography. waves and currents. Concepts necessary for a broad understanding of the physics.1/COI. Prereq: COI. Prereq: BIO 115. morphology and ecology of marine fishes. Prereq: Undergraduate ecology/ COI. Chemical features of and processes in marine waters and sediments. Field and laboratory studies to apply concepts and techniques in marine pollution chemistry. 230 Geological Oceanography. morphology and ecology of marine benthic algae. Distribution and production ecology of seagrasses and mangroves with emphasis on their role in the productivity and stability of coastal habitats. 6 h. marine geology and physical oceanography). Prereq: Math 100/COI. Prereq: MS 213/COI. and their interrelationships with the physical and biological systems. 3 u. 3 u. and their life history strategies. 250 Marine Ecology. Marine Geochemistry. Coreq: MS 226. Taxonomy. mangroves. and internal waves. 255 Coral Reef Ecosystems. Marine Pollution Chemisty. 3 u. 102 The Marine Sciences. Elementary Organic Chemistry and basic Physical Chemistry. long. 242 Marine Microbiology. Prereq: COI. 248 Marine Zooplankton. and Analytical Chem/ . and biology of the oceans. presence of coast and shallow bathymetry. with empahis on tropical marine ecology. problems in ocean modeling. 12 h (lab). (32 h lec. 366 Physiology of Marine Algae. and submission of manuscript to an Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) journal for peer-review. May be taken twice provided that the research topics are not the same. 3 u.. The principles of phylogenetic systematics with special reference to marine taxa. 4 u. may be repeated for additional credit as long as the topics are not the same. Multicultural realities and diversity a . purification and biological activity. Marine Agronomy. catalysis. isolation. 96 h lab). biosynthesis. Principles and processes underlying the structure and function of marine ecosystems. 3 u. 360 Physiology of Marine Organisms. in relation to internal and external control mechanisms. 273 Marine Biotechnology II. 3 u. and adaptation strategies. Prereq: MS 256/258/COI. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Reproduction in major groups of marine organisms with special reference Math. 3 u. (32 h lec. 12 u. and regulation of metabolic pathways. economic. 3 u. 280 Management of Marine Resources. Physiological features of marine algae–growth and differentiation. biotechnological. (32 h lec.S. The biological significance. Marine Biotechnology I. 1 u.. Prereq: Elementary Biochemistry/COI. variability and natural relations of marine living organisms viewed at the structural (organismal to ecosystem) level.470 260 261 270 272 College of Science Marine Biodiversity. 4 u. Survey of natural products from marine organisms: chemistry. 398 Advanced Methods in Marine Science. bioenergetics. 48 h lab). conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on a research problem. 400 PhD Dissertation. (may be repeated for a maximum of 9 u. The variety. Prereq: COI. Advanced and specialized techniques for the study of marine science. Principles and tools for marine environmental planning and management. Science and Technology domain. toxinology and mechanism of action of marine toxins. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Physiological adaptations of biota to the marine environment with focus on marine animals. Conceptualization. issues and topics. 6 u. of courses have been credited to his/her program of study. 96 h lab). Conduct of actual research. 399 Research. and related techniques in the study and utilization of marine organisms. 3 u. 210 Intercultural Understanding in the Management of Tropical Marine Ecosystems. 395 Advanced Studies in Marine Science. Biological and economic concepts for developing and managing the living resources of the sea. Prereq: Undergraduate genetics/COI. mode of production. topic(s) to be specified for record purposes. Ecological foundations of tropical marine ecosystems. 202 Dynamics of Tropical Marine Socio-Ecological Systems. Prereq: Passing the candidacy examination and completion of all course requirements. Interactions of social. and genetics and COI. Molecular. 3 u. Structure–function relationships of biomolecules. 278 Marine Natural Products. Prereq: Undergraduate Ecology course/COI. 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: MS 270/COI. preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced research problem in Marine Science. 203 Marine Environmental Planning and Management. Prereq: BIO 101. Co-req: TMEM 202. Prereq: MS 260/equiv. 3 u. 4 u. 361 Reproductive Biology of Marine Organisms. 3 u. 385 Marine Toxinology. bioinformatics. Principles of genomics. 283 300 M.). 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. The principles of population genetics with emphasis on the application of genetic markers for the assessment and management of wild and cultured organisms. structure–function relationships. Prereq: COI. 354 Marine Ecosystem Dynamics. 3 u. Ecology and culture of economically important seaweeds and the utilization of their products. biochemistry. Math 2 cannot be taken by students of degree programs which require at least Math 11 Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management (TMEM) 201 Tropical Marine Ecosystems. Thesis. molecular biology. 397 Special Topics in Marine Science. Prereq: TMEM 201. Prereq: MS 260/ equiv/COI. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Population Genetics of Marine Organisms. and genetic manipulation with emphasis on their application in the study of marine organisms. MS students shall complete only one seminar course. Math 1 cannot be taken by BS Mathematics students. to cycles and periodicity. 160/COI. proteomics. 396 Seminar. Discussions on current and emerging topics/issues in the marine sciences. Readings and public presentation on current research. and comparative biochemistry of marine organisms. political. cultural. Prereq: Undergraduate-level courses in biochemistry. and ecological dimensions in tropical marine ecosystems. every PhD student shall complete one seminar course every other year after 12 u. Prereq: MS 272. Biochemistry of Marine Organisms. Prereq: MS 250/equiv/COI. 356 Phylogeny and Systematics of Marine Organisms. Prereq: Undergraduate Animal Physiology course/COI. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements. derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions. determinants. limits. infinite series. inequalities. of high school algebra. hyperbolic functions. complex numbers. UNDERGRADUATE Mathematics (Math) 11 College Algebra. 3 u. progressions. 296 Seminar. infinite series. 64 Calculus II. the algebra of numbers as a logical system. Prereq: 1 yr. 297 Special Problem. Prereq: TMEM 222. 5 u. differential equations. 3 u. 2a Practical Mathematics. quadratic and polynomial functions. 55 Elementary Analysis III. 3 u. 222 Marine Protected Area Management Plan Implementation. 3 u. 5 u. 53 Elementary Analysis I. a analytic . binomial expansion. 5 u. theory of equations. and policies to stakeholders involved in tropical marine ecosystem management. Presentation of relevant issues in tropical marine ecosystem management. and sustainable financing schemes. Prereq: COI. Math 1 cannot be taken by BS Mathematics students. Prereq: TMEM 203. Prereq: TMEM 221. linear. Sets and numbers. systems and standards in the operation of single site marine protected areas. 65 Calculus III. 5 u. trigonometry. Prereq: Math 17/equiv. 96 h lab). 48 h lab). (48 h lec. functions. 54 Elementary Analysis II. (48 h lec. improper integrals. vectors and vectorvalued functions. (16 h lec). Prereq: Math 63/equiv. 211 220 Communication in Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management. Functions and their graphs. power series. Calculus of several variables and Fourier series. Communicating knowledge. applications of the circular functions to angles. 5 u. solutions of trigonometric. different branches of mathematics with historical notes and applications. and national entities for the governance of marine protected area systems. 221 Strategic Planning for Marine Protected Areas. Algebraic operations. 1 u. absolute values and coordinate systems. of high school algebra. (144 h lab). 1 u. issues. exponents and radicals. Prereq: TMEM 223. 3 u. Integration of socio-ecological systems and designs. Prereq: 1 yr. (16 h lec). circular. trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. functions and graphs. Management processes. conic sections. (16 h lec). 5 u. Prereq: Math 54. Linear equations. 5 u. provincial. polar coordinates. inverse trigonometric. derivatives of algebraic. multiple integrals. 96 h lab). Prereq: 1 yr. determinants. governance and administration principles. Marine Protected Area Management and Governance. TMEM 296. Science and Technology domain. parametric equations. CWTS2-CSMSI Developing awareness of rural communities for marine biodiversity. theory of integrals. 96 h lab). Prereq: 220. Basic mathematics skills and applications in everyday life. logarithmic and hyperbolic functions. Functions of a single variable. continuity. Logarithms. 3 u. Networking and alliance building within and among local. Prereq: Math 64/equiv. complex numbers. each of high school algebra and plane geometry. the derivative and the Riemann integral. (32 h lec. Prereq: Math 60/equiv. theory of differentiation. UNDERGRADUATE CWTS INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS (I-MATH) GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES a Mathematics (Math) 1a General Mathematics. plane and solid analytics. The exponential. 3 u. Application of strategic planning principles and tools to marine protected areas. concepts of limit and continuity. techniques of integration. 60 Precalculus.College of Science 471 issues in tropical marine ecosystem management in Southeast Asia and the Coral Triangle. 17 Algebra and Trigonometry. legal frameworks. exponential and logarithmic equations. (48 h lec. applications. 223 Marine Protected Area Networks and Large Marine Ecosystems. 63 Calculus I. matrices. graphs of the trigonometric function. Math 2 cannot be taken by students of degree programs which require at least Math 11. applications. applications of the definite integral. 3 u. 1 u. algebraic and graphical solutions of the quadratic equations. The development of mathematical literacy and appreciation through a synoptic view of the Math. polar coordinates. CWTS1-CSMSI Developing awareness of rural communities for marine biodiversity. Prereq: Math 53. Partial differentiation. vectors. Integration methods. 14 Plane Trigonometry. geometry. 5 u. 5 u. the general triangle. exponential and logarithmic functions. 3 u. Prereq: Math 150. 157 Discrete Mathematical Structures. residue systems. 128 Complex Analysis. Prereq: Math 123. amortization schedules and sinking funds. Properties of real numbers. selected topics. compactness and connectedness. Prereq: Math 65/equiv. 3 u. . algebra and geometry of complex numbers. lattices.1. reserves. Boolean algebra. 114 Linear Algebra.1. 3 u. Stat 101/equiv.2 Mathematical Statistics II. sequences and series of functions. algebraic and elliptic curves. 3 u. matrices. methods of proof. 164 Mathematics of Life Contingencies. integral domain. 3 u. Prereq: Math 65/equiv. Fields. multivariate calculus.472 College of Science 100 Introduction to Calculus. other systems. 3 u. 3 u. matrices. Prereq: Math 54/equiv. point set topology. 3 u. Projective varieties. special topics. chain rule. natural numbers. combinatorial algorithms. 122 Differential Equations and Applications. field extensions. solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) of order one and systems of ODE’s. algebraic relations. power series. applications. Mathematical theory of life contingencies involving single-life functions mortality. primitive roots and the quadratic reciprocity law. canonical forms. Prereq: Math 140.1. linear transformations. 142 Elementary Topology. 140. multiple integration. 140 Introduction to Modern Geometries. Real Analysis. life annuities and insurances. Prereq: Math 109/equiv. Prereq: Math 100/equiv or Math 53/equiv. applications. groups. Prereq: Math 109. 3 u. 121 Elementary Differential Equations. annuities. Projective planes and spaces. The real number system. introduction to number theory. Topology of Rn. Vector spaces. integrals. quadratic forms. series of real numbers. Laplace transform. population theory. life and social sciences. bonds and other securities. uniform convergence. Prereq: Math 110. 3 u. transformations.1. finite geometries. Prereq: Math 110. rings. projective geometry. joint and conditional distributions. 3 u. geometric transformations. tests of hypotheses. differential forms. logical nature and structure of mathematics. Prereq: Math 110. Ordinary differential equations of order one. Integration techniques. estimation of parameters. Prereq: Math 110. implicit and inverse function theorems. 117 Elementary Theory of Numbers. Prereq: Math 110. derivatives. random variables. 123. Prereq: Math 65/equiv. Prereq: SYS. integral of step functions. 140. cardinal numbers and the Axiom of Choice. polynomial rings. numerical methods. 3 u. curves and surfaces. the derivative. Analytic functions.. the Riemann integral. Prereq: Math 123. elementary functions. 162 Theory of Interest. theorems of Stokes and Gauss. solutions of the classical partial differential equations. non-Euclidean geometries.2 126 Advanced Calculus I. continuity. Axioms of Set Theory. 162/equiv. 146 Introduction to Differential Geometry.1. Taylor’s formula. Laplace Transforms.1 123. improper integrals. Lebesque integral. 3 u. sequences of real numbers. inner product. Properties of integers. regression and correlation. convergence theorems. Prereq: COI. Topologies and topological spaces. Field of quotients of integral domains. 3 u. 150. metric spaces. Development of modern geometries. solutions of congruences. Math 123. 3 u. Simple interest. compound interest. Combinatorial probability. relations and functions. sequences and series.1.2 Abstract Algebra II. limits and continuity.3 Abstract Algebra III. the expense factor. functions and relations. introduction to matrices.1 Mathematical Statistics I. Algebraic relations. metric and normed spaces. applications. Modeling systems. business. Prereq: Math 123. calculus of several variables. linear differential equations. complex integration. 3 u. 3 u. 110. differential operators. measurable sets. Prereq: Math 109/COI. power series. 3 u.1/COI. 3 u. functions and homeomorphisms. eigenvalues. orthogonality. 3 u. divisibility.1 Abstract Algebra I. non-linear equations. series solutions about an ordinary point. 110. mathematical expectation. moment-generating functions. Fundamentals of set theory. analysis of variance. Advanced Calculus II. Algebra of sets and logic. linear transformations. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. 102 Intermediate Calculus. algebraic structures and their applications in computer science.1. 110. Prereq: Math 54. 3 u. Elementary topology. 148 Introduction to Projective Geometry. continuity. sampling distributions. vector spaces. Math 65/equiv.1. Prereq: Math 54/equiv. Limits. probability distributions. distributions of functions of random variables. 4 u. characteristic values.1. 147 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. Limiting distributions. measurable functions. applications to economics. orderings and ordinals. diagonalization. continuous interest. Prereq: Math 109/equiv.1. 131 Elementary Set Theory. 109 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics. Prereq: Math 150. residues. unique factorization theorem. conformal mapping. 150. solutions of Diophantine equations. Prereq: Math 17/COI. 3 lab) 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: COI. matrix operations. Prereq: Math 123. estimation and test of hypothesis. Prereq: COI. networks (Path.1 Analysis I. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Math 180. Review of classical optimization theory. Quadratic residues. 3 u. Vector spaces. Finite geometries. Prereq: Math 110. 3 u. units.1. groups with operators. 3 u.1. Prereq: Math 220. measure theory. Prereq: Math 210. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Math 109/ COI. 3 u.2 Selected Topics in Discrete Mathematics. projective geometry. 209. Stochastic models. Jacobi’s and Kronocker’s symbols. 3 u. bilinear forms. Semigroups and groups. 3 u. 200 Undergraduate Thesis. Naive optimal control theory. 180. 1 u. Minkowski’s theorem.1 Modern Algebra I.1/COI. Positive Binary and Ternary quadratic forms. introduction to queueing theory. Prereq: Math 201. 3 u. Math 150. Lebesgue and other integrals. Algebraic number fields.2/114/COI. Weierstrass approximation theorem. 3 u. non-linear programming and dynamic programming. Euler’s and Wilson’s Theorems. 3 u. 3 u. solution of systems of equations.1. eigenvalues. Groups. Prereq: COI. introduction to simulation.1. Riemann integral. 3 u 210. 202.1 Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics. euclidean and non-euclidean geometries. Fourier Series and Fourier transform. Prereq: SS. GRADUATE Mathematics (Math) 201 Concepts and Techniques in Abstract Algebra. Error analysis. Descriptive statistics. Real numbers. 3 u. 218 Theory of Algebraic Numbers. applications. law of inertia. 213 Theory of Rings. Prereq: COI. Theory of the sums of two and three squares. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Matrices and Applications. Generalized . Operations Research I. 3 u. derivatives. theorem of Hamilton-Cayley. Boundary value problems.2 203 Analysis II.2 Modern Algebra II. spectral theorem. Lie algebras of Lie groups. Math 110. 220.1 Introduction to Numerical Analysis.2 Operations Research II. 221 Partial Differential Equations. Elements of the calculus of variations. sequences of real numbers and limits. games. Prereq: Math 114/equiv. rational canonical form. Quadratic Reciprocity Law. 3 u. Approximation Theory. solution of a single non-linear equation. approximation in Hilbert spaces. A continuation of Mathematics 210. Topics to be specified). fields. Markov chains. algebraic integers. ideals. Prereq: Math 210. direct and inverse theorems. Linear Congruences. 5 h. 220.1 Theory of Functions of a Real Variable I. Prereq: Math 220. modules over principal ideal domains. vector spaces. Prereq: COI. 222 208 History and Development of the Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics.quadratic programming. 3 u. continuity of functions. Prereq: COI. Selected topics.1. tensor products. partial derivatives. determinants. series. wavelet analysis. 216 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. geometric transformations. 3 u. 3 u. Polian Equation. 3 u. complex-valued functions and their derivatives. Selected topics.2 Theory of Functions of a Real Variable II. differentiation. 217 Theory of Numbers. eigenvectors. inner products. 210. Prereq: COI. 3 u. 224 Control Theory. semisimple algebras. probability and probability distributions. 3 u. ideal classes. Fermat’s last theorem.1. 202. multilinear forms. the class formula. Prereq: Math 202. sampling theory. 3 u (may be taken at most three times provided topics are different. Equations of the first and second order. Green’s function. Classical matrix Lie groups. 205 Concepts and Methods in Probability and Statistics.College of Science 473 171 180. introduction to linear programming. rings. Prereq: Math 122/equiv. 204 Classical and Modern Geometry. linear mappings. 196 Undergraduate Seminar. linear transformations. multiple integrals. linear correlation and regression analysis. Prereq: COI.2/equiv. Prereq: COI. functions of several variables. 209. Selected topics. 214 Theory of Matrices. solution of ordinary differential equations. basic and discriminant. 197 Special Topics.1. PERT/CPM)and inventory problems. Functional analysis. Prereq: Junior Standing.1. Whittaker-Shannon sampling theory. 211 Linear Algebra. rings and homomorphism. Jordan canonical form. (2 lec. replacement and reliability theory. algebraic and trigonometric interpolation. fundamental theorem on the decomposition of ideals. Review of probability theory.1. n-dimensional Euclidean space. 212 Theory of Groups. 3 u. Taylor’s theorem. nilpotent and solvable algebras. Continuation of Math 220. Linear systems of equations and matrices. COI. representations. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Prereq: COI. distribution of surplus. analysis of various survival and loss models. valuation of liabilities. finite-difference methods for partial difference equations. Analytic functions. 3 u. Homotopy. stochastic interest rates. Prereq: Math 271. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. Prereq: Math 126. Isometries. condition numbers. and spectral analysis. distributive and linear partial differential equations. Biological oscillators and switches. frieze groups. martingales. 3 u. 3 u. profit and loss. ruin theory and introduction to credibility theory. 262. Binomial asset pricing model. The general projective space. hyperbolic plane and hyperbolic metric. lattices and invariant sublattices. 265 Stochastic Calculus. Prereq: Math 220. crystallographic groups. 3 u. Regular expressions. Differential structures. reinsurance. Generating functions. 255 Mathematics of Decision Making. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. Moebius transformations. Poisson process. Isoperimetric problems. homeomorphisms.1 Numerical Analysis I. Euler’s equations. Recurrence relations. Partitions. Topological spaces. Orthogonal Latin squares. Prereq: Math 171/COI. 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Math 262. risk theory. geometric function theory. Mathematics in Population Biology. Prereq: COI. Radon measures. Introduction to formal languages. central limit theorem. hyperbolic trigonometry. . Prereq: Math 210. 3 u. Prereq: Math 164/COI. metric spaces. Occupancy. decomposition of finite automata and their realization. models for interacting populations. finite groups of isometries. Some application of Bayesian statistics. Prereq: Math 210. exotic options. Permutations and combinations. introduction to investments analysis and finance management. Prereq: Math 242. Girsanov Theorem. Ito integral. 262. Prereq: COI. Legendre conditions. Continuous and discrete population models for single species. laws of large numbers. numerical integration. Collineation and correlations in a projective space. Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. 142/COI. Prereq: COI. introduction to life insurance accounting. Principle of inclusion and exclusion. geometric and arithmetic crystal classes.1. Prereq: Math 123. special probability distributions. 3 u. Prereq: COI. linear functionals. Mappings of surfaces. multiple decrement theory. 3 u.1/COI. 3 u. 271. Mathematics in Biological Processes. iterative methods for solving systems of linear and non-linear equations. product development process. functional equations. Prereq: COI. Brownian motion. Prereq: COI. use of experiments in decision problems. Ito formula. insurance code. stochastic differential equation. Geometric Crystallography. evolutionary models. Prereq: Math 121. 3 u. Hyperbolic Geometry. Prereq: Math 261/ COI. theory of convergence. 272 Automata Theory. degree and fixed point theorems. analytic continuation. Prereq: Math 155. 3 u.1/ equiv. expense analysis. Markov chains. 243 Algebraic Topology.2 Actuarial Science II. General Topology. Turing machines. Prereq: Math 220. Hazard rate function. 3 u. Calculus of Variation. applications to mathematical finance. Classical theory of curves and surfaces. perturbed and coupled oscillators. 249 Selected Topics in Geometry and Topology. 260 Actuarial Theory and Practice. vanilla options. martingales. circadian systems models. Riemann Mapping Theorem.. normed spaces. topological linear spaces. Dirichlet’s principle.1 Actuarial Science I. Conditional expectations. multi-grid methods. arbitrage probabilities. fundamental group. singular homology. subspaces. groups of isometries on the hyperbolic plane. 3 u. 3 u. Selection of risks.2/COI. Algebraic manifolds. topic to be specified for record purposes. Combinatorial designs. Plane curves. Hilbert spaces. Research problems. 246 Differential Geometry. 3 u. Jacobi’s conditions. simplicial complexes.1/equiv/COI.1/COI. 261 Survival and Loss Models. 258 Combinatorial Mathematics.1/equiv. Random variables. optimal control theory.2 Numerical Analysis II. credibility theory. axioms of countability. Finite state automata. reaction diffusion. Matrices of zeros and ones. numerical linear algebra. Linear operators. enzyme kinetics. 3 u. 247 Algebraic Geometry. coupled cell networks. 3 u. 3 u. applications of multiple decrement theory. group decision making and risk-sharing. 266 Mathematical Finance. Gross premiums and asset shares. Floating point representation. Prereq: COI.474 College of Science 250 Probability Theory.1/COI. 227 228 229 235 236 240 241 242 Functional Analysis. bases. Prereq: Math 164/COI. chemotaxis. 3 u. Selected topics. geometry of geodesics.1/ COI. Multiple life theory. dynamics of infectious diseases. Lie groups and frame bundles. numerical methods for conservation laws. Prereq: Math 150. actuarial principles in special lines of insurance. Lagrange’s methods. 271. non forfeiture values. The Pontrjagin maximum principle for chattering controls. Prereq: Math 265/COI. American options. 3 u. Quadratic transformation of systems of plane curves. Deterministic decision problems. Algorithms. Applied Dynamic Programming. geometry of linear programs. community and ecosystem levels. 211 Computational Methods in Environmental Science. assessment and management. Finite Graphs and Networks. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. 3 u. Converging dual and primal cutting plane algorithms. 3 u. Total unimodularity and the transportation problem.a 297 Special Topics. Prereq: Math 285/COI. 295 Special Project. Probability theory and applications to discrete and continuous time Markov chains. estuarine. Prereq: GS/COI. Prereq: Env Sci 201/COI. Mathematics/Applied Mathematics programs and twice in the Ph. 294 Independent Study. 3 u. stochastic optimization methods. 1 u. quantitative analysis of ecological patterns in time and space. 400 INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & METEOROLOGY GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Environmental Science (Env Sci) 1a 281 282 283 285 286 288 Nonlinear Programming.2. 3 u.Tucker Theorem. Prereq: COI.1 Aquatic Ecology Sampling Techniques. Unconstrained optimization. pharmacodynamics. Applications to problems of equipment replacement. 227 Quantitative Ecology. 150. Simplex method. 233 Environmental Toxicology. Biological aspects of environmental science. Branch-bound methods. 226. Tropical ecosystems such as marine. Kuhn. 3 u. Introduction to computer simulation of theoretical system and real-time processes. 296 Graduate Seminar. 3 u. Prereq: COI. 3u. 300 a Master’s Thesis. Mathematics program. 202 Fundamentals of Environmental Science II. topic to be specified for record purposes. Biological modeling at the population. resource allocation. 232. Linear Programming.1/COI. The applications of biotechnology in environmental monitoring. parametric programming. Basic graph theory and applications to optimal path problems. Introduction to principles and concepts in the study of the natural environment within a societal framework.1 Terrestrial Ecology Sampling Techniques. Prereq: Math 271. Xenobiotics in the environment. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Math 114. 212 Environmental Problems and Issues.D. birth and death processes.1 Water Quality Sampling Techniques. 6 u. hydrosphere and the biosphere.1. Applications of graph theory to mathematical programming. 180. 3 u. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Lagrange Multipliers. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. 3 u. 3 u. structures and processes interrelationships of the atmosphere. 228 Environmental Biotechnology. 3 u. The earth’s environment in terms of the properties. 221 Environmental Biology. renewal theory. classification of states. 3 u. Environment and Society. algebraic methods. Prereq: COI. Properties of convex sets and functions. Prereq: COI. numerical implementation. 225. Prereq: COI. flows in network. Prereq: COI. their sources. Prereq: Math 114. 3 u. island and urban ecosystems. Prereq: COI. Introduction to Stochastic Optimization. Numerical Optimization. Current and prospective environmental problems and issues of critical concern in the context of sustainable development and other management development strategies. 3 u. mode of action and detoxification. 3 u.College of Science 475 276 280 Introduction to Computer Simulation. 3 u. decomposition and upper-bounded variables. scheduling. Mathematical. lakes and rivers. Prereq: COI. Analytical and computational methods. Deterministic descent type methods. 290 Research Paper on College Mathematics. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. GRADUATE Environmental Science (Env Sci) 201 Fundamentals of Environmental Science I. May be credited once in the M. forest. Science and Technology domain PhD Dissertation. Examples of simulation for the solution of both theoretical and practical problems in various fields of application. 1 u. Saddle-point Theorems. lithosphere. Prereq: COI. 1 u. Prereq: Math 280/equiv. 3 u. 3 u. Applications of integer programming. limit theorems. Math.S. 3 u. . search and routing. duality. 12 u. Prereq: COI.. 1 u. statistical and computer methods in environmental science. combinatorial problems. Prereq: COI. assessment and planning. 271. Vorticity. 233 Advanced Dynamic Meteorology. Kinematics of fluid flows. Summer practical work at the Weather Forecasting Office. Prereq: COI. 205 265 Applications of Remote Sensing to Environmental Science. Thermodynamics of the atmosphere. radiation and heat exchanges. 3 u. Philippine climatology. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. 262 Water Quality Modeling. Prereq: Meteor 210. 6 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Meteor 221. geostrophic flows. 232. optics. diffusion theory. Applications of remote sensing techniques to environmental monitoring. displacement and intensification of weather systems. 1 u.476 College of Science 241 Geological Hazards. Study of common geological hazards and their environmental effects. principles of statistical analysis. circulation. 202 Synoptic Meteorology Practicum. 1 u.1 Air Quality Sampling Techniques. 225 Cloud and Precipitation Physics. 234 Numerical Weather Prediction. (lab) 3 u. 299 Independent Masteral Study. 210 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. 271 Principles of Photonic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring. Prereq: Meteor 201. the mechanism of pressure change. 3 u. 3 u. development. 3 u. elementary climatology. weather disturbances. 232 Dynamic Meteorology. 3 u. 261 Agrometeorology. 3 u. theories of precipitation formation. 400 Doctoral Dissertation. The general circulation. Risk and Impact Assessment. Prereq: Physics 72/COI. 3 u. gridpoint and spectral representations. 3 u. 213 Climatology. Prereq: COI. Atmospheric turbulence. gravity and Rossby waves. cloud and precipitation physics. Prereq: Math 55/equiv/COI. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. Mathematical and numerical methods in meteorology and oceanography. objective analysis. 1 u. Principles and techniques of modeling water quality in aquatic systems. barotropic and baroclinic instabilities. Prereq: Meteor 232. A qualitative course in meteorology designed for science teachers. the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) system. Reynolds equations. instability and convection. agrometeorology. development. the synoptic charts and methods of analysis. 271 Hydrometeorology. Framework and techniques of environmental planning. The atmosphere and its circulation. linear stability problem. Prereq: Env Sci 201/COI. UNDERGRADUATE Meteorology (Meteor) 101 General Meteorology. satellite meteorology. Prereq: Meteor 232. 3 u. the structure and behavior of weather systems. equations of motion in rotating fluid. and potential vorticity. circulation and vorticity. Prereq: COI. Wave solutions to the linearized equations of atmospheric flow: sound. microclimatology. computer programming. energy budget. Cartesian tensors. 297 Special Topics. Prereq: COI. 9 h. 3 lab) 3 u. 12 u. optical signal processing and image analysis. 3 u. Prereq: Meteor 201. 300 Masteral Thesis. Prereq: COI. 3 u.1 Remote Sensing Techniques. 3 u. Atmospheric Science for Teachers. solar and terrestrial radiation. 3 u. selected topics. GRADUATE Meteorology (Meteor) 201 Synoptic Meteorology. Condensation processes. 5 h.1 Photonic Techniques. Prereq: COI. Low latitude dynamics. Prereq: COI. 5 h. Prereq: Consent of Program Adviser. 3 u. 282 Environmental Planning. 1-3 u. stress. 265. 241 Tropical Meteorology. classification and world climates. 296 Seminar. (2 lec. 203 Methods of Analytical Meteorology and Oceanography. prognosis. structure and movement of tropical cyclones. . vertical motions in the atmosphere. survey of tropical disturbances. 399 Independent Doctoral Study. 221 Physical Meteorology. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. (2 lec. 3 u. horizontal frictionless flow. Prereq: COI. risk and impact assessment. 263. processing and applications of climatological data. Prereq: Consent of Program Adviser. Mathematical models for atmospheric prognosis and diagnosis. radar applications. 283 Air Pollution Meteorology. Prereq: COI. 3 u. 1 u. 3 u. estimation of diffusion from meteorological data. Acquisition. pressure tendency equation. Light as a probe for nondestructive analysis. air pollution models. 3 u. 3 lab) 3 u. atmospheric electricity. 3 u. The equation of motion in vector form. 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: MBB 130. (2 lec. Physics 72.1/equiv. 3 u. BIO 12. 3 u. 3 u. 9 h. Prereq: Passing of candidacy examination and completion of all course requirements. eukaryotic and viral systems. Prereq: Meteor 221. BIO 12. 9 h. Prereq: JS. for a total of 4 u. Principles of recombinant DNA technology and its applications. Prereq: Meteor 232. Fundamentals of biotechnology commercialization and entrepreneurship. 141. 6 lab) 5 u. 194 Ethics in Scientific Research. with a grade of pass or fail. 197 Special Topics in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 180 Industrial Biotechnology.
 400 125 Molecular Physiology of Eukaryotic Systems. Molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic cell processes. Principles and methods in scientific writing in molecular biology and biotechnology. 130. Prereq: Senior standing. Current trends and concepts in molecular biology and biotechnology. 121 a Math. (3 lec. Discussion of case studies and topics pertaining to social issues and the proper conduct of scientific research relevant to molecular biology. 9 h. 3 u. 6 lab). 3 lab). 2 u. 140 Molecular Genetics. Prereq: MBB 10. 321 Research Problems in Physical Meteorology.1. 3 u. (3 lec.College of Science 477 296 Graduate Seminar. Basic concepts of systems biology and the application of computational analysis in molecular biology. 40. 6 lab) 5 u. (2 lec. Science and Technology domain . Prereq: MBB 140. 100 Introduction to Scientific Writing in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 3 lab) 4 u. issues and concerns in modern biotechnology. 142 Genes and Development. 2 u. Chem 40. Prereq: MBB 10. (3 lec. (3 lec. 40. 1 u. 297 Special Topics. products. 396 Research Seminar. Prereq: Meteor 241.1. 6 h. (3 lec. Historical events. MBB 121. Prereq: Completion of all core courses. Prereq: Completion of all core courses. Principles and applications of traditional methods and novel molecular biology techniques in making useful industrial products. 1 u.S. 110 Fundamentals of Molecular Microbiology. 3 u.1. Prereq: COI. Principles and methods in plant and animal cell culture. 150 Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Chem 40. 12 u. Prereq: MBB 110. 341 Research Problems in Tropical Meteorology.1. Fundamentals of Cell and Tissue Culture. 5 h. Prereq: Completion of all core courses. Prereq: SS. Prereq: Chem 40. Thesis. Molecular diversity. Characterization of biomolecules and their interactions through structural analysis and computational techniques. Cellular and molecular aspects of the immune response. PhD Dissertation. 5 h. 6 lab) 4 u. Chem 40. Molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying multicellularity during embryogenesis and formation of the body plan in model organisms. 40. Prereq: Math 55. COI. per sem. Prereq: MBB 10. 195 Biotechnology Enterprise. 3 u. BIO 12. 40. An introduction to the fundamentals of molecular biology and biotechnology. 399 Independent Doctoral Study. 3 u. 300 M. physiology and genetics of microorganisms. 141 Principles of Gene Manipulation. Prereq: SS. 6 u. 3 u. 331 Research Problems in Dynamic Meteorology. Prereq: Sophomore standing. 3 u. Prereq: MBB 125. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements. Prereq: MBB 10. MBB 141. Chem 40. 1 u. 3 lab). 5 u. 3 u. MBB 140. Prereq: SS. (2 lec. 9 h. Principles and mechanisms of heredity at the molecular level based on studies of prokaryotic. 6 lab). 130 Molecular Biophysics. COI. Chem 40. 200 Undergraduate Thesis. 1 u. MBB 125. 190 Introduction to Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. processes. NATIONAL INSTITUTE BIOTECHNOLOGY OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB) 1a Biotechnology and You. UNDERGRADUATE Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB) 10 Introduction to Molecular Biology. 5 u. 196 Undergraduate Seminar. BIO 12. 8 h. Design and conduct of experiments with data analyis to address a specific scientific question in MBB.. computer programming methods. regulation and function and their consequences in health and disease. numerical modeling and simulations. 310 Molecular Basis of Pathogenesis. 300 MS Thesis. 280 Advances in Microbial Biotechnology. Molecular mechanisms involved in the physiology of biological systems. Prereq: MBB 141/equiv. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Prereq: COI. 340 Human Molecular Genetics. biomolecular analyses. 289 Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 3 lab) 4 u. proteins and other cell components that give rise to function and behavior of a system. Prereq: COI. Advanced computer programming methods. (1 lec. 1 u. and prediction of infectious agents in plants and animals. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS UNDERGRADUATE Applied Physics (App Physics) 155 Computer Methods in Physics I. 397 Current Topics in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Advances in recombinant DNA technology. 3 lab). 3 u. 221 Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture. Number systems and number representations. Ethical issues in the conduct of scientific research. 3 u. and effects on cellular processes. and host cell interaction of pathogens. 241 Advances in Genetic Engineering. Prereq: COI. 350 Advanced Cellular and Molecular Immunology.478 College of Science GRADUATE 315 Molecular Biology of Extremophiles. 400 PhD Dissertation.Preeq: COI. 242 Mammalian Embryology and Genetics. Prereq: Math 121. cell damage. the interactions of key elements such as genes. 222 Molecular Basis of Growth Regulation. 3 u. 7 h. and their applications. Pass/Fail). cell damage. 260 Food and Agricultural Biotechnology. may be repeated for additional credits. molecular basis of their attachment. 398 Special Problems in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.. 5 h (2 lec. Principles and mechanisms of human genetic variation at the molecular level. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. 390 Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. research data processing. and host cell interaction. 230 Principles of Instrumentation in Molecular Biology. identification. Diversity of genomes and proteins of extremophiles and their potential for industrial applications. 380 Molecular Diagnostics. topic to be indicated for record purposes. 3 u. 3 u. (3 lec. Prereq: MBB 125/equiv. 3 u. 3 u. 6 lab). Plant infectious agents and vectors. 225 Advanced Molecular Physiology. 3 u. Recent developments in microbial biotechnology with emphasis on the molecular techniques and mechanisms involved in the synthesis of various economically important products. Prereq: MBB 121/equiv. Prereq: Passing candidacy examination and completion of all course requirements. invasion. 3 u. 325 Molecular Plant Pathology. 6 u. topic to be indicated for record purposes. Prereq: COI. Prereq: MBB 130/equiv. 1 h (lec. Fundamental concepts and applications of molecular methods in the detection. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune system activation. overview of computer hardware and software. Concepts and molecular studies on viral composition. 3 u. may be taken twice. numerical analysis. 296 Graduate Seminar. Mammalian embryogenesis and the genetic basis of developmental programs that give rise to multicellularity during cell and organ differentiation. Molecular mechanisms of attachment. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB) 215 Molecular Biology of Viruses. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements. 3 u.1. 3 u. Prereq: MBB 110/equiv. Advances in plant and animal tissue culture and their application to various areas of biotechnology. 3 u. may be taken more than once for additional credits. growth. Recent developments in molecular biology and biotechnology. Prereq: MBB 241/equiv. Advanced laboratory techniques and applications in molecular biology and biotechnology research. invasion. 6 h. 3 u. techniques in human genome analysis. MBB 280/ equiv. introduction to simulation and modeling. Principles of instrumentation employed in the study of the properties of biomolecules using physical and molecular probes. Computational methods to study biological systems. 3 u. 294 Ethics in Research. Prereq: MBB 140/equiv. 3 u. 156 Computer Methods in Physics II. MBB 140/equiv. 9 h (lab). Prereq: MBB 110/ equiv. Prereq: COI. Prereq: MBB 150/equiv. Principles of genetic manipulation applied to crops and livestock. 1 u. Mode of action of growth substances at the molecular and cellular levels. . Prereq: MBB 130/ equiv. 12 u. 73. 3 u. 6 h. 3 lab) 4 u. (3 lec. 6 h. and other important new materials. 2 h. 4 u. 6 h. logic and switching ciruits. Sensors. digitization and sampling. current topics and techniques for engineering and design of optical instruments. 2 h. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: Physics 105/equiv. (3 lec.1/71. Coreq: App Physics 186. integrated circuits. Prereq: App Physics 173. dielectric. Prereq: Math 54. 101. Prereq: App Physics 175. (lab) 1 u. Physics 166. 6 h. Prereq: Physics 104. optical. Prereq: App Physics 181. analog–digital conversion and multiplexing. interferometry. Digital theory. Instrumentation Physics II.1 Elementary Physics I Laboratory. Fabrication. and applications of amorphous materials. resonance and filters. (3 lec.1 Elementary Physics III Laboratory. and photonic materials. 101. timedomain modeling. and optics. 1 discussion) 4 u. magnetic. App Physics 185. 72. 3 lab) 4 u. 3 h. Prereq: Physics 72. FET. and mechanical properties of solids. superconductors. Imaging systems and image processing. composites. Prereq: App Physics 155. Prereq: App Physics 182. Fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics and gravitational theory. Science and Technology domain b 187 . 4 h. 200 Undergraduate Thesis. and quantum physics. analog and digital control systems. 3 u. 195 Special Topics. 3 lab) 4 u. 171 Introductory Crystallography. interpretation of diffraction patterns. polymers. stochastic methods. and applications of selected semiconductor. Selected topics of current interest in applied physics. 173 Solid State Physics. Prereq: COI. semiconductor theory. and measurement techniques for various physical variables. A “walk-through” course for people who want to enjoy physics and astronomy. x-ray diffraction. 3 lab) 4 u. Design of Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ)/Signal Processing-based instrumentation systems. Physical Electronics I. Electricity and magnetism. processing. operational amplifiers and analog electronics. applications of microprocessors. semiconductor devices and their applications. pattern recognition. 3 u. (satisfactory-orunsatisfactory basis). (3 lec. Coreq: Math 53/equiv. 3 u. semiconductor materials and devices. Coreq: Math 55. Crystal structure of solids.1. CMOS. transducers. Prereq: Physics 121. ceramic. (lab) 1 u. 6 h. 2 h. steady-state error. characterization. Prereq: Physics 71. 5 h. Prereq: Physics 105. control system design. microprocessors and machine language programming.1 Elementary Physics II Laboratory. multidimensional detection techniques. (3 lec. 72 Elementary Physics II. Thermal physics. electronic instrumentation. 3 u. 71. signal processing and reliability of data. magnetic. 3 lab) 4 u. Prereq: App Physics 185. 3 lab) 3 u. Coreq: Physics 73. Coreq: Physics 71. 3 u. band theory of solids.College of Science 479 discrete models. Coreq: Physics 101. lattice vibrations. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Physics 10b Physics and Astronomy for Pedestrians. dielectric. characterization. Prereq: COA. 1 discussion) 4 u. methods of determining the crystal structure of various substances. UNDERGRADUATE Physics 71 Elementary Physics I. 71. rigid bodies. 101 Fundamental Physics I. (3 lec. frequency-domain modeling. 1 discussion) 4 u.1. transient response. Photonics and Applied Optics. noise theory. (3 lec. Physical Electronics II. (lab) 1 u. 4 h. wave phenomena. 73 Elementary Physics III. 175 176 181a 182a 183 185a 186a a Materials Physics I. superconducting. stability analysis. Coreq: Physics 72. relativity. 3 u. (3 lec. (3 lec. Instrumentation Physics I.1. MOSFET. 6 h. 4 u. (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis). signal conditioning. liquid crystals. processing. Physics 191. 102 Fundamental Physics II. Mechanics of particles. metals. and fluids. 3 u. Coreq: Math 53/Math 100. computer hardware and interfacing. current approaches in numerical modeling. 3 lab) 4 u. Prereq: Physics 72. Materials Physics II. This is part of a two-semester course Math. Physics 101. (2 lec. Properties and symmetries of crystals. Linear and nonlinear systems. Control Systems Approach to Physics Modeling. Prereq: Physics 165. non-destructive testing/ measurement using optical methods. Analysis of passive circuits. 199 Undergraduate Research. thermal. metallic. Fundamentals of electromagnetism and special relativity. Prereq: Physics 71. Fabrication.1 Fundamental Physics I Laboratory. Fourier optics and imaging. pathintegral formulation. Motion in non-inertial frames. Review of thermodynamics. insulators.1. 151 Mathematical Physics III. Prereq: Physics 121. macroscopic and microscopic This is part of a two-semester course . thermal. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: Physics 104.1 Modern Physics I Laboratory. The old quantum theory up to the BohrSommerfeld model. 113 114 Mathematical Physics IV. 3 u. electric. motion in static electromagnetic fields. inner product space. three-dimensional systems. 122a Theoretical Mechanics II. Applications of quantum statistics of ideal gases. 3 h. Fokker-Planck equation and its applications. the Newtonian theory of gravitation. 3 u. Maxwell’s equations. Coreq: Physics 102. Prereq: Math 55. Prereq: Physics 121. Introduction to the physics of x-rays. Electrostatics in a vacuum. Topology. introduction to fluid mechanics. 132a Electromagnetic Theory II. classical electron theory. and magnetic properties of solids. introduction to path integrals. Abstract linear spaces and operators. Prereq: Physics 103. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. waves in cold plasmas. 3 u. normed linear spaces. 170 Condensed Matter. 3 u. random variables and random processes. and fundamental particles. mechanics of rigid bodies. Prereq: Physics 112. and semiconductors. metric spaces. Coreq: Math 121. cartesian tensors and elementary differential geometry. nonlinear optics. constrained motion. interference and diffraction. Sturm-Liouville theory. Coreq: Physics 103. Boltzmann equation in the absence of collision. special relativity and electrodynamics. basic properties of plasmas. 112. nuclei. time-independent. scattering theory. Principles of Newtonian mechanics.1 Fundamental Physics III Laboratory. Wave theory. Prereq: Physics 165. (lab) 1 u. 4 u. 3 u 152 Statistical Physics II. basic statistical concepts. the Schroedinger equation. functional derivatives. 3 u. canonical and grand canonical ensembles. Fourier series and transforms. one-electron atoms. boundary value methods in electrostatics.1/ equiv. elementary kinetic theory of transport processes. 165 Optical Physics I. electric currents. Statistical Physics I. basic microscopy. 104. the Lienard-Wiechert fields. 111a Mathematical Physics I. 3 u. Coreq: Math 121. quantum particle in an external field. general Boltzmann equation. quantum statistics of ideal gases. 135 Introductory Plasma Physics. 102. thermonuclear reactions and plasma devices. Physics 102. 141. Coreq: Physics 104. simple one-dimensional systems. 3 u. systems of small coupled oscillations. 3 u. laser amplification and oscillation. linear and nonlinear oscillations. 166 Optical Physics II. identical particles. (lab) 1 u. polarization. time-dependent perturbation theory. 131a a Electromagnetic Theory I. group representations. optical resonators and optical modes. Prereq: Physics 151. gain saturation and dispersive effects in lasers. Fundamental processes of ionization and deionization. integral equations and Green functions. Coreq: Math 55. 3 u. 103. Quantum Physics I. Prereq: Physics 132. optics. 3 h. WKB approximation. 3 u. 3 u. and thermal physics. Prereq: Physics 104. Spin. Einstein’s theory of light-matter interaction. Prereq: Physics 113. molecules. propagation of electromagnetic waves. topological spaces. 161 Introductory Laser Physics. geometrical optics. magnetostatics in a vacuum. Prereq: Physics 111. matrix algebra. 104a magnetism. Prereq: Physics 103.1 Fundamental Physics II Laboratory. Hilbert space and linear operators. Intensity equation for light propagation in a medium. Prereq: Physics 131. band theory of solids. particle orbits in electromagnetic fields. 103 Fundamental Physics III. Fundamentals of waves. Crystal structure. Modern Physics I. spectroscopy. central-force motion. Prereq: Physics 113. 3 u. Coherence theory. Prereq: Physics 132. metals. multi-electron atoms. general properties and applications of lasers. wave guides and cavity resonators. differential forms. electromagnetic radiating systems. Math 121. Coreq: Physics 113. relativistic mechanics. Lagrangian dynamics. differential equations and special functions. Lie groups. 3 u.1. lasers. 3 h. mechanical. Quantum Physics II. conducting media. condensed matter. Prereq: Physics 103. 3 u. Coreq: Physics 113. Schroedinger’s equation and elementary wave mechanics. some applications of statistical mechanics. Wave packets and uncertainty principle. Complex analysis. 3 u. impulse and collisions.480 College of Science 102. introduction to group theory including finite and continuous groups. 3 u. master equation. 4 u. perturbation theory.1/equivs. the postulates and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. probability and statistics. 142a 112a Mathematical Physics II. continuum model of a plasma. Prereq: Physics 104. vector analysis. canonical quantization. 121a Theoretical Mechanics I. 141a 105a Modern Physics II. vibrating strings and one-dimensional waves. Pauli’s exclusion principle. basic methods of statistical mechanics. electrostatics in dielectric media. transition probabilities. 5b Foundations of Optics. 3 u.1.1. 207b Seminar in Modern Physics.2.2/204. Lagrangian formulation. (3 lec.b Foundations of Mechanics II. a This is part of a two-semester course Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree b Foundations of Statistical Physics. linear and nonlinear oscillations.1. 202. Prereq: Physics 209. 180 Nuclei and Particles. Coreq: Physics 105/142. Fourier optics. Abstract linear spaces and operators. Prereq: Physics 202. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 204. systems with constraints. 7 h. Optics of planar surfaces. centralforce motion. Applied Physics 155. 3 u. matrix algebra. (satisfactory-orunsatisfactory basis). boundary-value methods. 206. and diffraction. Selected advanced experiments in modern physics for college physics teachers.2a. polarization. a. (1 lec.1a. 200 Undergraduate Thesis.7b Physics of Condensed Matter. the Newtonian theory of gravitation. one-dimensional waves. 1 u. 209. 208b Foundations of Physical Electronics. Principles of Newtonian mechanics. Selected topics of current interest in modern physics. macroscopic and microscopic magnetism. Prereq: Physics 202. Prereq: Physics 191.6. nuclei. 206. Faraday’s law of induction. Prereq: Physics 203. (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis). Fundamentals of modern physics with emphasis on atomic physics.1.2a. 7 h. GRADUATE Physics 201b Foundations of Mathematical Physics.8b Physics of Nuclei and Particles. Prereq: App Physics 181. x-rays. the postulates and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics.b Foundations of Quantum Physics II. 210. propagation of electromagnetic waves. Prereq: COI. (3 lec. interference. identical particle systems. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Physics 203. the Schroedinger equation. introduction to path integrals. 3 u. 204. Fundamentals of nuclear and particle physics. Basic concepts and applications of classical statistical mechanics. symmetries and invariance principles. vector and tensor analysis. covariant electrodynamics. 3 u.1. 203.1a. Prereq: Physics 208. The theory of light matter interaction as applied to lasers. Prereq: Physics 204. motion in static electromagnetic fields. 6 h.b Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I. (1 lec. Prereq: Physics 204. 204. 6 lab) 3 u. 204. quantum statistical mechanics of ideal gases.5a.2a. 195 Special Topics. Fundamentals of electronics. and other selected topics.5. Supervised practicum in conducting laboratory classes and/or discussion sessions . wave guides and cavity resonators. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 204. 3 u. the Lienard-Wiechert potential. classical electron theory. collisions. and instrumentation. experimental design.1b Physics Teaching Practicum I. phenomena. scattering. Selected advanced experiments and projects in modern physics with accompanying lectures on advanced experimental techniques.1. 3 u. one-dimensional systems. strong. 10 h. The uncertainty principle. 191a Experimental Physics I. conducting media.b Foundations of Experimental Physics I.b Foundations of Electromagnetism I. Maxwell’s equations. Prereq: Physics 204.College of Science 481 lattice vibrations. superconductivity and superfluidity. quarks. Prereq: COI. electric currents. 3 u. 3 u.1 3 u. imperfections.6b Physics of Lasers.b 202.6. Electrostatics in free space and in dielectric media. Fundamentals of condensed matter physics.2. canonical quantization. 3 u. 6 lab. rigid body dynamics. weak. 3 u.1a. 204. Experiments in modern physics for college physics teachers. small oscillations. 6 lab) 5 u. 192a Experimental Physics II.1. Prereq: COI. Prereq: SS. Motion in non-inertial frames. radiating systems. Prereq: Physics 202. 206. SU (3). 205b 199 Undergraduate Research. 204. Prereq: COI. 3 shopwork) 4 u.b Foundations of Electromagnetism II. 3 u.1 Foundations of Mechanics I. Fundamentals of modern physics covering lasers. 209. 3 u. and electromagnetic interactions. 206. motion in central field. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Physics 204.b Foundations of Modern Physics II. introduction to fluid mechanics. basic elements of lasers. 4 u. time-independent and time-dependent perturbations. general properties and applications of lasers. Spin. 3 u.b Foundations of Modern Physics I. image formation coherence. 6 lab) 3 u. magnetostatics. 3 u. Basic nuclear properties and classification of fundamental particles. 1 u.b Foundations of Experimental Physics II. relativistic mechanics. 196 Undergraduate Seminar. 3 lab) 4 u. Selected standard experiments in modern physics with accompanying lectures on basic experimental techniques and advanced data analysis as well as practical work in technical drawing and machine shop operations. and particles.2a. Prereq: GS. Special topics of current interest in physics. (1 lec. Prereq: Physics 142. solids.6a. 203. Onsager’s relations. approximation methods. crystallographic. Mathematical Methods of Physics II. Selected advanced methods in partial differential equations and integral equations such as Hilbert-space methods. Prereq: COI. canonical transformations. and Racah algebras. asymptotic properties. chaotic dynamical systems. magnetohydrodynamics. probability density and Liouville’s equation. review of probability theory. Prereq: Physics 251. Prereq: Physics 152. random walk and the diffusion equation. variational principles. and other selected topics. spacetime singularities. the method of inverse scattering. Prereq: Physics 242. Manifolds. 3 u. gravitational collapse and black holes. perturbation methods. permutation. Prereq: Physics 113. principles of simulation and modeling. 122/equivs. Green functions. and optimization methods. Prereq: Physics 221. 3 u. stationary-state perturbation theory. 245a Advanced Quantum Mechanics I. classical field theory. 236a Plasma Physics II. Prereq: Physics 242. hydromagnetic oscillations and stability. Feynman graphs. modern differential geometry and tensor analysis. strange attractors. Spinor analysis. mixing flow. 3 u. examples of nonequilibrium phase transitions. 252a Statistical Mechanics II. 3 u. quantum dynamics. General Relativity I. Prereq: Physics 245. The BBGKY kinetic theory. 243 Quantum Mechanics III. and other finite groups along with their physical applications. conformal treatment of infinity. gravitational waves. Quantum theory of manybody systems using the methods of second quantization. 210. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 113. conservation theorems for the electromagnetic field. 3 u. the symmetric. Green-function methods. principles of special relativity. asymptotic properties of space-time. fluctuations and critical exponents. Selected topics in nonlinear problems such as stability theory. 3 u. ergodic theory. soliton theory and its applications. Computational Methods of Physics. 242a Quantum Mechanics II. 3 u. bifurcation theory. classical electron theory. relativistic quantum mechanics. Hamiltonian dynamics. Quantum mechanics and group theory including such topics as group representations. 251a Statistical Mechanics I. Wigner. and other techniques. orbit theory. 232a Classical Electrodynamics II. relativistic stars.482 College of Science in introductory college physics. 3 u. 3 u. 3 u. the rotation group. Prereq: Physics 231. Formal scattering theory. Prereq: Physics 151/ equiv. wave guides and resonant cavities. Dynamics of charged particles in electromagnetic fields. fluctuationdissipation theorem. Symmetries. equilibrium statistical mechanics. linearized theory. variational methods. thermodynamic stability criteria far from equilibrium. relativistic dynamics of charges and fields. Prereq: Physics 113/equiv.2b Physics Teaching Practicum II. Prereq: COI. electrostatics in vacuum and in dielectrics. Classical Dynamics I. Methods of nonlinear dynamics. 3 u. 241a Quantum Mechanics I. the Fokker-Planck equation. (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis). Linear vector spaces and representation theory. wave propagation in cold plasmas. 3 u. the spin-coefficient formulation of general relativity. plasma oscillations. the Vlasov equation. simple quantum mechanical systems. Prereq: Physics 225. advanced linear dynamics. master equation. Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Clebsch-Gordan. solitary waves and solitons. response theory. Wiener-Khinchin theorem. 226 General Relativity II. 246a Advanced Quantum Mechanics II. 3 u. linear response theory. collision theory. magnetohydrodynamics. equilibrium. 132/equivs. Supervised practicum in conducting a lecture class in introductory college physics. radiation from moving charges. introduction to unitary symmetry. path integral methods. 3 u. Elementary transport theory. Prereq: Physics 113/equiv. 231a Classical Electrodynamics I. computer languages for numerical solutions and algebraic manipulations. Feynman calculational techniques and Feynman graphs. bremsstrahlung. 3 u. micro instabilities in some thermo-nuclear devices. 3 u. Classical Dynamics II. general formulations. basic principles of general relativity. 235a Plasma Physics I. 235/COI. numerical methods. equations of motion. Prereq: EDSC 278/equiv. Thermodynamics of phase transitions. 3 u. The microscopic and macroscopic Maxwell equations. relativistic cosmology. Electromagnetic multipole radiation. kinks and vortices. 2 u. (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis). covariant formulation of electrodynamics. 3 u. a a This is part of a two-semester course . Prereq: Physics 135/COI. tetrad calculus. plane electromagnetic waves. 211 212 215 221a 222a 225a Mathematical Methods of Physics I. Prereq: App Physics 155/equiv. introduction to linear and dynamic programming. Numerical methods. statistical mechanics of charged particle systems. experimental tests. critical exponents. variational principles and conservation laws. exact solutions. time-dependent perturbation theory. Introduction to dynamical systems. stationary currents and magnetostatics. Prereq: Physics 241. Einstein’s field equations and their mathematical properties. Prereq: Physics 142/ equiv. the Ginzburg-Landau theory. classical perturbation theory. Plasma kinetic theory. routes to chaos. superconductivity. electromagnetic propagation in periodic media. classification of particles and their symmetries. 242/equivs. Laser Physics II. Langevin’s theory of the laser. compound nuclear reactions. 285a Elementary Particle Physics I. Properties of liquid helium. Jones calculus as applied to birefringent systems. amorphous and disordered systems. Feynman.College of Science 483 255a 256a 261 a 262a 265a 266a 271a 272a Atomic and Molecular Physics I. geometrical theory of aberrations. 6 lab) 3 u. 6 lab) 3 u. quantum mechanical coherence. optical bistability. 293 Experimental Methods of Atomic and Molecular Physics. Prereq: Physics 192/equiv. introduction to integrated optics. 3 u. Properties of superconductors. and electronic spectra of molecules. shell model. 6 lab) 3 u. Einstein’s theory of light-matter interaction. 3 u. Hartree-Fock-Slater methods. dispersion theory. the Josephson effect. and other topics in superconductivity. 3 u. 6 lab) 3 u. Prereq: Physics 180. electron-electron interaction. Solid State Physics I. Prereq: Physics 165.Transport and optical properties of solids. quasi-particles. Maxwell-Bloch equations. 7 h. techniques of nuclear-magnetic resonance. 1 u. direct reactions. Foundations of geometrical optics. Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of solid state physics and low-temperature physics. vector coupling. magnetism. gauge theories. Brillouin scattering. vortices. quantum theory of the laser. theory of deformed nuclei. infrared. vibrational. 3 u. 290 Graduate Colloquium. dynamics of electrons in solids. P-representation. 3 u. 242/equivs. Topics include periodic structure. Selected topics in strong and weak interactions. Raman. phase conjugate optics. Atomic and Molecular Physics II. Prereq:Physics 170. Topics to be selected from rotational. coupledchannel methods. currentalgebras. Prereq: Physics 161. 3 u. 282a Nuclear Physics II. 232/equivs. Quantum theory of radiation. Fermi liquid. properties of particles and their interactions. applications to stellar spectra. 242/equivs. coherent state of radiation. 3 u. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 242. Prereq: Physics 271. (Continuation of Physics 271). 242/equivs. 286a Elementary Particle Physics II. microwave. Nuclear structure: self-consistent fields. multimode laser operation and multimode instabilities. (1 lec. 7 h. rotating helium. (1 lec. and S-matrix theory. pairing in nuclei. Prereq: Physics 281. (1 lec. Prereq: GS. molecular orbitals. linearization methods. 242/equivs. optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy. squeezed states. electron-spin-resonance. 3 u. 3 u. and Bogolyubov theories of superfluidity. electro-optics. 3 u. (1 lec. coherent pulse propagation. Prereq: Physics 255 (Continuation of Physics 255). electron states. 294 Experimental Methods of Nuclear Physics. Nuclear reactions: optical model. diffraction theory of aberrations. 276a Low-Temperature Physics II. Fundamental principles of the physics of solids. photon and photoelectron statistics. transition probabilities and selection rules. the London. (1 lec. (Continuation of Physics 285). Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of quantum electronics and modern optics. group-theoretic methods in molecular physics. Prereq: Physics 170. 1 u. 295 Experimental Methods of Plasma Physics. Physics 261. Raman scattering. 7 h. 7 h. steady state behavior and instabilities of singlemode lasers. multiplet theory and Racah methods. rate equation. theory of interference and interferometers. Theory of electromagnetic propagation in anisotropic media. 3 u. 291 Experimental Methods of Quantum Electronics and Optics. 242/equivs. 6 lab) 3 u. 292 Experimental Methods of Condensed Matter Physics. Maxwell-Schroedinger equations. Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of atomic and molecular physics. lattice waves. 296 Graduate Seminar. the Landau. Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of nuclear physics. Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of plasma physics. introduction to the theory of atomic collisions. . other reaction theories. quantum Fokker-Planck equation. Prereq: Physics 180. Modern Optics I. Prereq: Physics 285. Laser Physics I. Space-time properties of particles. Solid State Physics II. Prereq: Physics 192/equiv. and other topics in superfluidity. Prereq: Physics 265. Prereq: Physics 192/equiv. Langevin’s theory of brownian motion. theory of diffraction. density matrix formalism of quantum mechanics. Ginzburg-Landau and BCS theories of superconductivity. geometrical theory of imaging. 281a Nuclear Physics I. Fermi surface. Prereq: Physics 192/equiv. Prereq: Physics 170. parametric amplification and oscillation. This is part of a two-semester course a 275a Low-Temperature Physics I. 3 u. static properties of solids. Prereq: GS. Prereq: Physics 192/ equiv. Quantum-mechanical treatment of the structure and interactions of atoms and molecules: complex atomic spectra. 7 h. molecular rotations and vibrations. single-particle excitations and vibrations. 3 u. Modern Optics II. College of Engineering. Offered by the Institute of Chemistry. Prereq: Physics 262. 3 u. Prereq: COA. Prereq: Physics 252. 301 Special Topics in Experimental Physics. Prereq: Physics 243. 211b Laboratory Module in Transmitted Light Microscopy. Structure and representation theory of various Lie groups. 3 u. Materials classification. Prereq: Physics 245. 385 Current Topics in Particle Theory I. optical detectors and modulators. Selected advanced topics in laser physics such as advanced laser systems. Advanced Topics in Gravitation I. 3 u. 3 u. some applications to the theory of elementary particles. 341. Path integral formulation of gauge theories. principles of processing: raw materials for the Philippine industry. Advanced topics in a specialized area of theoretical physics that is not covered in the other courses. thin films. and amorphous materials. 3 u. operator algebras. 326 Advanced Topics in Gravitation II. properties and applications. 341 Quantum Field Theory I.484 College of Science 299 Independent Master’s Study. Prereq: Physics 385. a 6 units of Laboratory Modules in MSE (i. Feynman path integral in field theory. 311. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROGRAMa GRADUATE Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 201b Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering. and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physics. 3 u. 3 u. (satisfactory-orunsatisfactory basis). Prereq: COI. Selected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on semiconductors. 355 Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics. 3 u. 300 MS Thesis. 3 h. Prereq: COI. b . and low-dimensional systems. Advanced Solid State Physics I. Prereq: Physics 256. surfaces and interfaces. 361 Advanced Quantum Electronics I. and electromagnetic interactions as well as the unification problem. 3 u. Lagrangian field theory.e. Selected advanced topics in functional analysis. 6 u. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 282. 3 u. 1-3 u. 3 u. Prereq: Physics 272. 371 312 Advanced Mathematical Physics II. 399 Independent Doctoral Study. 381 Advanced Nuclear Physics. 3 u. and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physics. 3 u. renormalization. metals. 362 Advanced Quantum Electronics II. Current topics in the gauge theories of strong. 3 u. 372 Advanced Solid State Physics II. 311 Advanced Mathematical Physics I. phase transitions. perturbative evaluation of gauge theories. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements. Selected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on dielectric materials. differential geometry. optical fibers and optical communication. 313 325 Advanced Mathematical Physics III. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Physics 341. Selected advanced topics of current interest in superconductivity and superfluidity. 305 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics. 3 u. field quantization. 3 u. Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation in a specialized area of experimental physics that is not covered in the other courses. Prereq: Physics 275. Additional current topics in theoretical particle physics. 3 u. Prereq: COI.a Advanced Statistical Mechanics. Prereq: Physics 285. 3 u. Prereq: Completion of all course requirements and passing of the Candidacy Examination. Selected advanced topics of current interest in nuclear physics. Selected advanced topics in topology. 276. and National Institute of Physics. Prereq: Physics 272. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Physics 236. Prereq: COA. 400 PhD Dissertation. Prereq: Physics 226. (satisfactory-orunsatisfactory basis). 1-3 u . 12 u. Prereq: Physics 226. weak. Selected advanced topics of current interest in general relativity and/or alternative classical theories of gravitation. 342 351 Quantum Field Theory II. National Institute of Geological Sciences. 3 u. optoelectronic devices. integrated optics. magnetic materials. Selected advanced topics of current interest in atomic and molecular physics. dimensional regularization and its application to lambda phi4 theory. Prereq: Physics 261. current problems. 375 Advanced Low-Temperature Physics. Prereq: COI. Selected advanced topics related to the quantization of the gravitational field and/or its unification with other fields. Selected advanced topics of current interest in statistical mechanics. MSE 211-219) are required. College of Science and the Department of Metallurgical and Mining Engineering. Selected advanced topics of current interest in non-linear optics and quantum optics. Selected advanced topics of current interest in plasma physics. 335 Advanced Plasma Physics. 386 Current Topics in Particle Theory II. 3 u. (lab) 2 u. 6 h. and 225b X-Ray Crystallography and Spectrography. adsorption. refractometry. 3 u. Prereq: MSE 241. Prereq: MSE 275. 267 Surface Science. and synthesis of polymers. Structure. long and short order in nematics. Prereq: COI. mechanisms. electron-electron interaction. 245 Semiconductor Characterization. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: MSE 241. Transport and optical properties of solids. Synthesis of LCs. Study of anisotropic fluids: main types and properties.1 Semiconductor Characterization Laboratory. 6 u. amorphous and disordered systems. Prereq: MSE 245. 271. thermodynamics and electrical aspects of surfaces and interfaces. 3 u. 214b Laboratory Module in Vacuum Technologies and Thin Film Deposition. 3 u. 231b Thermodynamics of Materials. superconductivity. ceramics and composites. 3 u. in-situ analytical methods for the evaluation of growth fronts. 298 Special Problems. Reaction rates. 12 u Magnetic 216b Laboratory Module in Ceramics Processing Characterization. spectroscopy. and transport phenomena in materials. electron states. X-ray methods for the characterization of crystal structure and determination of chemical composition. Prereq: COI. metals. catalysis.1 Epitaxial Growth Laboratory. applications and performance of polymers. (lab) 2 u. 3 u. 268 Degradation of Materials. . 241b Physics of Solids. Prereq: COI. Prereq: MSE 241. properties. 3 h. uv-vis-ir spectrophotometry. differential scanning calorimetry. 3 u. 271 Physics of Liquid Crystals. Prereq: COI. 233b Kinetics of Materials.College of Science 485 212b Laboratory Module in Mineragraphy. 245. and devices with emphasis on the principles of epitaxial growth. colloidal systems. static and dynamic properties of nematics. Fermi surface. magnetic and optical properties. Prereq: MSE 231. (lab) 1 u. cholesterics and smectics.1 Liquid Crystals Laboratory I. dynamics of electrons in solids. 3 u. 3 h. (lab) 2 u. Advanced methods of evaluating semiconductor materials. Prereq: COI. processing and conversion to plastics. applications of liquid crystals. Prereq: COI. 215b Laboratory Module in Electronic and Measurements. 296 Graduate Seminar. 3 u. Prereq: COI. Prereq: COI. Prereq: Passing of the Candidacy Examination. 3 h. characterization and applications in simple LC devices. Prereq: MSE 231. 300 MS Thesis. 1 u. 243. Fundamental principles of the physics of solids: periodic structure. 6 h. magnetism. 275 Advanced Physics of Solids I. x-ray diffraction and surface analysis. Prereq: COI. 6 h. 400 PhD Dissertation. and effects of the environment on. 3 u. principles of the main field (Maier-Sanpe) and the continuum theories. Processing and preparation of semiconducting materials & related compounds. applications to processing and manufacturing. Prereq: COI. 271. Prereq: MSE 271. fabrication of polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLC) fabrication. FTIR. Surfaces and interfaces. electrical. 3 u. Prereq: MSE 271. microstructures. 213b Laboratory Module in Crystallography. (lab) 2 u. Prereq: COI.2 Liquid Crystals Laboratory II. 3 h. chemisorption. 3 u. Prereq: COI. 266 Polymer Materials. 6 h. static properties of solids. (lab) 1 u. 276 Advanced Physics of Solids II. high technology and engineering applications. 3 u. (lab) 2 u. Degradation of. Theory of thermodynamics: applications to phase equilibria. Prereq: Consent of Thesis Adviser. lattice waves. Band theory of solids and lattice vibrations. Prereq: MSE 243. 3 u. Characterization of LCs: optical microscopy. 6 h. 265 Ceramic Materials. polymers. 243 Epitaxial Growth. (lab) 1 u. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Prereq: MSE 241. Structure and properties: synthesis and processing of ceramics. mircostructures and devices including electronic analysis.1.
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