
2855 Arbutus StreetVancouver, BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: 604.736.7331 Toll-free: 1.800.565.6505 Fax: 604.736.3576 Nurse Registration in British Columbia Application Package for Internationally-Educated Nurses Not Registered in Canada This package contains the following: Application forms that you must complete and send to CRNBC Form 16: Application to be Assessed for Nurse Registration in British Columbia Form 49: Payment Form Forms that you must complete and send to the appropriate organization Form 25: Verification of Nurse Registration Form 30: Basic Nursing Education and Request for Transcript Form 37: Employment Reference for Nurse Registration Other English Test Fact Sheet STOP! Do You Have the Right Forms? Are you applying to the correct regulatory body? Is your legal title one of the following? • Licensed practical nurse • Registered psychiatric nurse • Registered midwife If one of these is your legal title, and you are NOT also a registered nurse, you need to check if you should be applying to another regulatory body in British Columbia. Other regulatory bodies include the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of British Columbia, the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of British Columbia, and the College of Midwives of British Columbia. You can find links to most of these organizations on the CRNBC website If you are not sure whether CRNBC is the appropriate regulatory body to which you should be applying, e-mail register@crnbc to ask before submitting an application. 6. The fee must be paid in Canadian funds and can be paid by credit card. government issued change of name certificate. Do not leave any sections blank. Your completed Form 16. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Need more information? Visit the CRNBC website at www. 4. Be sure that the name you print on your application form is exactly the same as the name on the proof of identification you submit (i. CRNBC accepts photocopies of any of of the following documents as proof of identity: birth certificate. Canadian permanent resident card.6505 E-mail: register@crnbc. Canadian immigrant visa and record of landing. Note that the assessment fee is non-refundable. 2.736. Include a copy of your passing score with your application for registration. 7. If required. permanent residency papers. including your non-refundable fee. Complete Form 16. passport. Do not apply for registration if you do not have a passing English language test score. Your test scores cannot be be more than one year old at the time of application.565. INSTRUCTIONS 1.. Print neatly and legibly in ink. Only one document is required as proof for each name listed. Complete Part A of Form 30 and send it to your school of nursing. Complete Form 49. Complete Part A of Form 37 and send it to your current and/or previous employer(s). Be sure to sign both the Consent for Information and Declaration on page 9 of Form 16. marriage certificate. 4. see the English Tests Fact Sheet. 5. Canadian confirmation of permanent residence. If your name has changed. or citizenship papers). arrange to have your test scores from a test of English fluency sent to CRNBC. Your application will not be assessed until the fee is paid in full. 2. you must send the following forms and items to CRNBC: 1. For information on acceptable tests. your passport. 3. You must list your current and all former names.crnbc. you must submit documents that show your legal name. Be sure to complete ALL the steps listed here before mailing your application to CRNBC.Avoid delays in processing your application. test scores from your English language fluency test Mail your completed application or deliver it in person to: CRNBC Registration Inquiry and Discipline 2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver. Your completed Form 07W30 (July 2010) . contact: CRNBC Registration Inquiry and Discipline Tel: 604. Complete Part A of Form 25 and send copies to all jurisdictions in which you have been registered or If you have questions about the application process or examination.e. 3. If English is not your first language. To complete your application. money order or bank draft.7331 Toll-free (in Canada only): 1. 2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver. Use dark ink and print your answers cation/InternationalEN/Pages/Step2. Inquiry and Discipline 2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver. You must answer ALL questions on this form.crnbc. Sign the Consent for Substantially Equivalent Competency Assessment on page 8.800. You can also obtain another copy of the form at http://www. 5. 3. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: 604. If you make a mistake.aspx and start again. Do not leave any sections blank. your application will be returned to you and will be delayed.736. Form 16 Application to be Assessed for Nurse Registration in British Columbia (Internationally Educated Nurses Not Registered in Canada) How to complete this form 1. page 1 of 8 o7w24-INTL (Oct 10 ) . Sign the Declaration on page 8 of the form. 4.6505 Fax: 604. Sign the Consent on page 8 allowing the CRNBC to request information from your current or previous employers. cross it out and print the correction version beside the cross-out. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 NOTE: If you fail to answer any question on this form.3576 www.7331 Toll-free: 1. or if you do not include Form 49: Payment Form with full payment and a copy of your passing English fluency test scores if required. or if you do not sign the Consent and Declaration sections at the end of the form. Return the completed form to: CRNBC Registration. 2. You must provide documentation for your name as it appears here.Form 16 PLEASE PRINT A: PERSONAL INFORMATION Full name as shown on your passport. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Former Names if any (e.pdf First Language English Other (specify) _______________________________________________________________ NOTE: If English is not your first language.crnbc/Registration/Lists/RegistrationResources/form75 permanent residency papers or citizenship papers (do not use initials). Alternatively. You do not have to send any other information regarding the criminal offence with this application. birth name or secular name as noted on birth certificate). Copy of passing test enclosed (This test score should not be more than one year old) See the English Tests Fact Sheet www. If you answer “yes. Number Street ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Telephone (include country code) __________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred method of communication E-mail Regular Mail Date of Birth (day/ month/year) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Place of Birth (city/town and country) ______________________________________________________________________________ Gender Female Male Do you have a criminal charge or conviction for which you have not been pardoned? No Yes Have you ever received a pardon or had a criminal conviction removed from your record? No Yes NOTE: You MUST answer this question. if different than above _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Apt. you must write and pass an English fluency test. your mother’s maiden name). You must send proof of your English fluency (a copy of your passing marks from an accepted test or English fluency) with this application.. write.” we will send to you worksheets requesting additional information once we receive your application.aspx Personal Security Word __________________________________________________________________________________________ Choose a word that you will easily remember (e. You must provide documentation for each name.crnbc.. CRNBC uses your personal security word to protect the privacy of your information.g./Box No. or e-mail to ask about your application or to change your address. page 2 of 8 . You will be asked to give this security word when you call. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred name.g. you can download the worksheet at www. .g. Attach another page if more space is needed. Name of Nursing School or Program Language of Instruction Location (city/country) Start Date (month and year) End Date (month and year) Credit Received (e. RN) Diploma/Certificate __________________ Degree __________________ Diploma/Certificate __________________ Degree __________________ page 3 of 8 .Form 16 B: EDUCATION Non-nursing Education Level of Education Language of Instruction Country Start Date (month and year) End Date (month and year) Grade or Level Completed Primary/Elementary School Secondary/High School Post-Secondary Education Nursing Education – Complete for all programs or schools attended. Yes Yes If yes. Have you even been denied registration? No Yes If yes. attach an explanation. attach an explanation Is your nursing conduct or practice currently under investigation? No Yes If yes.Answer all questions. Have you ever written the Canadian registration examination? No Yes If “yes. and decisions. orders. attach an explanation Do you have an addiction to alcohol or drugs that impairs your ability to practice nursing competently and safely? No 9.” give dates and locations of all previous writings: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 6. whether or not you have had your registration reinstated 12. and. please arrange to have the assessment documents sent directly from the source to CRNBC. whether or not you have had your registration reinstated 11. and. Where and when did you first obtain your registration as a registered nurse? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State/province/country Date 2. and. If yes. whether or not you have had your registration reinstated 11. Have you applied for registration in another Canadian province/territory? No 5. Have you ever been disciplined by a professional regulatory body? No Yes If yes. including copies of official notifications. What is your legal nursing title in the province/state/country in which you first obtained registration? __________________ 3.Form 16 C. Do you have a physical or mental condition or disorder that impairs your ability to practice nursing competently and safely? No 8. including copies of official notifications. If not applicable. attach an explanation 10.” which provinces/territories? ________________________________________________________ Have you been referred for a competency-based assessment in another Canadian province/territory? No Yes If you completed a competency-based assessment.” 1.. REGISTRATION STATUS . if applicable. orders. attach an explanation. orders. social work. including copies of official notifications. write “N/A. Has your registration ever been revoked or suspended or had conditions attached? No Yes If yes. Yes If “yes.g. Where is your current place of registration? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. RPN. if applicable. what profession? ___________________________________________________________________ ) . if applicable. LPN)? No page 4 of 8 Yes If yes. and decisions. attach an explanation. Have you ever been registered with any other profession (e. and decisions. NURSING EXPERIENCE Total Hours Worked for the Past Five Years Record the total number of hours for each year you actually worked. 1. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Employer’s E-mail Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Manager or Supervisor _________________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status of Applicant Full-time Part-time Casual Primary Language Spoken by Applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ Reference requested (Form 37)? Yes No Registered as registered nurse by ________________________________________________________________________________ Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25)? page 5 of 8 Yes No . NOTE: You must complete From 37: Employment Reference for Nurse Registration for your current or latest employer for whom you have worked at least three months in the last five years. Do not include hours as a student nurse.Form 16 D. Attach another page if more space is needed. Year (January to December) Total number of hours worked in calendar year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Nursing Employers Over the Past Five Years (2005-2009) Provide all the required information for employers over the past five years (use another form if more space is needed to list all employers. Only one employment reference is required. in nursing (as a graduate or registered nurse) from January to December in each year. both in a paid job or as a volunteer. Write “N/A” if no hours worked. Please list chronologically.) Include both paid and unpaid positions held. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Employer’s E-mail Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Manager or Supervisor _________________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status of Applicant Full-time Part-time Casual Primary Language Spoken by Applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ Reference requested (Form 37)? Yes No Registered as registered nurse by ________________________________________________________________________________ Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25)? Yes No 3. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Employer’s E-mail Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Manager or Supervisor _________________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status of Applicant Full-time Part-time Casual Primary Language Spoken by Applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ Reference requested (Form 37)? Yes No Registered as registered nurse by ________________________________________________________________________________ Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25)? page 6 of 8 Yes No .Form 16 2. country) __________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status Full-time Part-time Casual Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25) if different than above? Yes No 4. country)__________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status Full-time Part-time Casual Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25) if different than above? Yes No 3. 1. country)__________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status Full-time Part-time Casual Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25) if different than above? Yes No 2. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/ year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Location (city. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/ year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Location (city. Attach another page if more space is needed. country)__________________________________________________________________________ Position Held by Applicant __________________________________________Unit/Area ___________________________________ Status Full-time Part-time Casual Verification of nurse registration requested (Form 25) if different than above? page 7 of 8 Yes No . Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/ year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Location (city. state. Date Started (month/year) ______________________________ Date Ended (month/ year) _____________________________ Employer’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Location (city. state. state.Form 16 Other Professional Nursing Experience List all other professional experience in nursing since graduation from your nursing program. Please list chronologically. state. Signature ________________________________________________________Date________________________________________ G.Form 16 E.C. the B. For information on the SEC assessment process.C. I will be required to complete a full or partial substantially equivalent competency assessment. and 2.nursinginbc. IEN Assessment Service provider. DECLARATION I. and that I have read and understand this declaration. or (2) the submission of any falsified documents or information to the CRNBC. I swear that I am the person referred to in this application for registration as a registered nurse in British Columbia. or (3) the submission of any falsified CRNBC documents to other agencies may be cause for CRNBC to withhold or revoke registration. I understand that this assessment can only be completed in British Columbia. (your name) ____________________________________________________________ consent to any of my previous employers or my present employer to release information to the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia regarding my competency in nursing and confirmation of employment to be used solely for the purpose of assessing my application for registration as a nurse in British Columbia. CONSENT FOR SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT Applicants for registration who cannot be fully assessed based on the documentation provided may be required to undergo a Substantially Equivalent Competency Assessment (SEC) to determine eligibility for registration with CRNBC. If you are requested to undergo a SEC. By signing this consent now you will avoid delaying your application if a SEC assessment is required at a later date. you will be required to sign a consent. or to take other appropriate action. (your name) ____________________________________________________________ understand that if further information is required to assess my application for registration. IEN Assessment Service provider providing the results of my assessment to I. I understand that (1) falsification of this application. I agree to: 1. see www. (your name) ____________________________________________________________ am applying for registration in British Columbia. my contact information and assessment requirements being provided to the B. that the statements are true. I swear the information on this form is true. Signature ________________________________________________________Date________________________________________ F. CONSENT FOR INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED TO CRNBC I. Signature ________________________________________________________Date________________________________________ page 8 of 8 . BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: Form 49 Payment Form – International Nurse Assessment Applicant’s Name (print)________________________________________________________________________________ Fee must be paid in Canadian funds  $560 ($500 + 60 HST) Application Assessment Fee (non-refundable) Payment by:  Visa  Mastercard   American Express Bank Draft/Money Order (Payable to CRNBC) Credit Card Payment Please charge $560 to my  VISA — Credit Card Number  MASTERCARD —  AMERICAN EXPERESS — Expiry date_______________________________ month/year Cardholder’s Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________Date_________________________________________ You must sign here if paying by credit card Form 49 Page 1 of 1 06w35-INTL (December 2010) .3576 www.800.736.7331 Toll-free: 1.2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver.6505 Fax: 604. revoked. Inquiry and Discipline.7331 Toll-free: 1.565. suspended or under review? Examination Written CAN Testing Service NLN State Board Test Pool NCLEX No Yes Other (specify) ______________ Number of Writings _______________________________________Passing Score__________________________________________ Name of Registrar or Person Completing this Form ___________________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________Date _________________________________ 07w21 (Apr 08) page 1 of 1 .736.3576 www. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: 604. A record of my nurse registration is Form 25 Verification of Nurse Registration APPLICANT: Complete Part A of this form and forward a copy to each regulatory body in which you have been registered/ licensed./Box No.800. Number Street ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Telephone (include country code) ___________________________________E-mail ________________________________________ Date of Birth (day/month/year) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Nursing school where you completed your basic program _____________________________________________________________ Date Graduated (month/year) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Initial Nurse Registration Date (day/month/year)_____________________________________________________________________ Nurse Registration Number _______________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________Signature _______________________________________________________ I am applying for nurse registration in British Columbia.crnbc. Part B: PLEASE PRINT Name of Regulatory Body ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Registrant _________________________________________Registration Number _________________________________ Type of Registration Granted (title) _______________________________________________________________________________ Initial Registration Date _________________________________Expiry Date of Registration ________________________________ Registered by Examination Endorsement Has this person’s registration/licence ever been denied.6505 Fax: 604.736. Part A: PLEASE PRINT Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Former Name if any ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Apt. REGULATORY BODY: Complete Part B of this form and mail it to CRNBC Registration.2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver. Number Street ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Telephone (include country code) ____________________________________E-mail ________________________________________ Date of Birth (day/month/year) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Nursing school where you completed your basic program ______________________________________________________________ Date Graduated (month/year) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________ NURSING SCHOOL: Complete Part B of this form and send it with a certified transcript directly to CRNBC Registration. hospital) ________________________________________________________ Date Applicant Started Program _______________________________ Date Graduated ___________________________________ month/year Type of Program Degree month/year Diploma Certificate Check the boxes below if this student completed theory and/or clinical practice in each of the areas listed.g. university. If the program did not include a total of 500 theory hours and 1.6505 Fax: 604. Please be sure that both completed form and certified transcript are Form 30 Basic Nursing Education and Request for Transcript APPLICANT: Complete Part A of this form and send it to the school of nursing where you received your basic nursing education. please indicate the number of hours for each area in the space provided. college./Box No.000) Adult Medical (including specialty areas) _________________________ _________________________ Adult Surgical (including specialty areas) _________________________ _________________________ Maternal/Newborn _________________________ _________________________ Children/Pediatric) _________________________ _________________________ Mental Health/Psychiatric _________________________ _________________________ Community/Public Health _________________________ _________________________ Gerontology _________________________ _________________________ ________________________ ________________________ TOTAL HOURS Name of Registrar or Person Completing this Form ___________________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________ 07w23-INTL (Apr 08) page 1 of 1 .7331 Toll-free: 1..736..2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver. If any areas were combined or integrated. Part B: PLEASE PRINT Type of School (e.736. vocational.565. midwifery or psychiatric nursing). If you have taken additional courses or programs (e.000 clinical practice hours in the areas listed. send a copy of this form to the institution where you completed the course or program.crnbc.g. Clinical Practice Theory (state number of hours if total is less than 500) (state number of hours if total is less than 1. estimate the hours for each area. Inquiry and Discipline. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: 604.800.3576 www. Part A: PLEASE PRINT Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Former Name if any _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Apt. 3576 FORM 37 Page 1 of 1 05W57-CDA/INTL (Sep 09) . the employer must forward the completed Form 37 directly to CRNBC. BC Canada V6J 3Y8 Tel: 604. Name: __________________________________________________________________Date____________________________________ Former name(s): __________________________________________ Date of Birth_____________________________________________ day month year Employee number (if known): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Part B – To be completed by Employer only After completing Part B.7331 Toll-free: 1. If mailing.crnb c. Canada V6J 3Y8 Fax: 604. BC. give this form to an employer for whom you have worked as an RN within the past five years.565./street city/town __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ province/state/country postal/zip code Telephone: ______________________________________________E-mail: _________________________________________________ Employer Comments (optional) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employe r to forward com pleted form to: CRNBC Registration. The completed form must be sent to CRNBC directly from the employer.736. CRNBC must be able to confirm that this form was sent directly from the employer or it will not be accepted.736.6 505 Fax: 604. Employer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position held by applicant: ____________________________________Unit/Area: __________________________________________ Is this a registered nurse position YES NO Applicant employed from: _____________________________________To: ________________________________________________ month/year month/year Number of hours worked per year as a registered nurse _________________________________________________________________ Name of person completing this form (print): __________________________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________Date: _______________________________________ Address of employer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ no. If faxing.736 . Va ncouve r.3 576 Form 37 www. Part A – To be completed by Applicant only After completing Part A. please use a corporate cover page.800. Inquiry and Discipline 2855 Arbutus Street. please use a corporate envelope or sign over the seal.2855 Arbutu s Street Employment Reference for Nurse Registration Applicant must have worked as a registered nurse for this employer for a minimum of three (3) months within the last five (5) years. 2011: Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) www.  If English is not your first language. This includes the time from the initial enquiry at a test centre until the test scores are received by CRNBC.  Allow several months to complete the English testing requirement. R E GI S TR A T I O N R E Q UIR EM E N T S  Applicants for CRNBC registration must meet English fluency requirements at the time of application for registration. MB R3C 1A Tel: 204.0588 E-mail: celas@rrc. an English fluency test is required to confirm your proficiency in English.  Results from combining tests are not  Assessments Minimum Score Speaking Listening Reading Writing  8 9 8 7 Contact: The CELAS Centre Language Training Centre Red River College Suite 400-123 Main Street Winnipeg.FACT SHEET English Tests NOTICE: Effective July 1. 2011. CRNBC has approved the following English proficiency tests until June 1 College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia . CRNBC will only accept the following two English proficiency tests:  Canadian English Language Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN)  International English Language Testing System (IELTS – Academic version) The scoring for both of these tests will be different from what appears below. umich.lsa. Box 6155/6151 Princeton. you may need to repeat the English proficiency test.ielts. CRNBC’s institution code is 9115.771. writing and listening = 60 - Minimum score for speaking = 26 TOEFL – Paper Based Test (PBT) with Test of Spoken English (TSE)  TOEFL measures English skills in Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) www.O.ets.Academic Version) TOEFL – Internet Based Test (iBT)  Measures English skills in reading. grammar/reading = 83 - Minimum score for speaking = 3 T E S T SC OR E S  When applying for an English proficiency test.5 - Minimum speaking test score = 7 - No score can be lower than 6 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)/Test of Spoken English (TSE) www. listening and speaking - Minimum overall test score = 6. grammar/reading and speaking if required.FACT SHEET International English Language Testing System (IELTS .edu/eli/testing/melab  Assesses English skills in composition. Use the most current scores when applying to CRNBC. Please attach a photocopy of your passing test results to your application 2 College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia .  Tests English skills in reading. listening. - Minimum score for composition. speaking and writing - Minimum combined for reading. please arrange to have your test scores sent directly to CRNBC. listening and writing - Minimum TOEFL score = 213 (computer-based test) = 550 (paper-based test)  TSE measures English skills in speaking and complements the paper-based TOEFL - Minimum TSE score = 50  Contact: TOEFL/TSE SERVICES P.7100 E-mail: toefl@ets. listening. If the scores expire during the application process. USA 08541-6155 Tel: 609. NJ.  Test scores are valid for two years. writing. 565.738. Vancouver. 501 (INTL) 3 College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia . T E S T PR E PA R A T IO N  IELTS preparation materials are available from the Simon Fraser University IELTS Test Centre www. BC V6J 3Y8 Tel 604.  ESL/EAL (English as a Second Language/English as an Additional Language) classes may also be  Other preparation materials and information can be found in most public libraries. CRNBC will also require an official copy from the test provider.. CRNBC must receive this to accept your application for registration.7331 or 1.736.crnbc.FACT SHEET for registration.sfu.6505 Fax 604.2272 www. © Copyright College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia/Dec 2010 2855 Arbutus Pub.
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