CRM Billing V2

March 20, 2018 | Author: Suresh Babu | Category: Invoice, Customer Relationship Management, Sap Se, Business Process, Databases



Sizing GuideSizing CRM Billing, SAP CRM 7.0 EhP2 Released for SAP Customers and Partners Document Version 2.0, February, 2012 Please make sure that you are always using the most current version of the sizing guideline! Citrix. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. and Reader are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other Copyright/Trademark . Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola Trademark Holdings LLC. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance. RIM. OS/2. Acrobat. BlackBerry Curve. and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. BlackBerry Bold. Sybase is an SAP company. Duet. Microsoft. Redbooks. System p. iPad. BlackBerry Torch. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. POWER6. World Wide Web Consortium. 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EC-PCA) components  Updating the business intelligence (BI) content with the extraction of invoice data  Updating financial credit management  Updating CRM order transactions................. 1 1.....................2 Architecture of SAP CRM Billing ........................................................................... 4 4........................... The proposed sizing guidance provides initial figures for customers regarding the performance of resources necessary to execute mass billing in the background processing mode.. service contracts..... 2 2............................................................. for example... The billing application in SAP CRM can be used for settlement of claims in SAP Trade Promotion Management (SAP TPM) and market development funds (MDF) if this function is required....... and the reference to the related invoice (document flow)  Updating applications for CRM order transactions.......................1 Functions of SAP CRM Billing Billing of a SAP CRM transaction................................................................................................................3 Factors that influence the performance .............. includes the following main capabilities:  A collective run process that selects the relevant transactions and creates collective billing documents  Pricing with or without document-related discounting and tax calculation  Determining the output process of invoices...............................1 Sizing SAP CRM Billing ................................ 4 3..... including............SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1... o BI content of CRM order transactions o Mobile sales devices o Financial credit management If the settlement of trade claims option is used............ 1 1................1 Assumptions ..............................2 Architecture of SAP CRM Billing The billing application in SAP CRM consists of two main components:  CRM billing due list  CRM billing document ...................................... and sales with corresponding deliveries........... 3 3............................................................. such as delivery-related billing of sales orders and the necessary follow-up activities not specifically considered in this sizing guide............... Introduction ......................  Integration into the funds management system  Funds availability check There are other scenarios supported by the billing application in SAP CRM.......... Initial Sizing for SAP CRM Billing ....................................... 1................. for example.................................................. service contracts............................................................................ Sizing Fundamentals and Terminology ................ 1 1........ 7 1.1 Functions of SAP CRM Billing ............................................. 1..... complaints..... service contracts................ the following processes are also executed in addition to the process steps above.......... by printout or electronic data interchange (EDI)  Transferring billing documents to the accounting (FI-AR) and controlling (CO-PA.... 4 3.................... with the invoices amount and quantity............................... Miscellaneous .... It is used in business scenarios integrated into account receivables and contract accounting..... for example......................2 Sizing guideline ...................................................... 7 5........ Comments and Feedback... INTRODUCTION The billing application in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) is used for invoicing with the service and sales processes to create collective billing documents for various transactions including service orders..... SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________ Process Overview The billing process comprises three main steps:  Input processing – loading data into billing due list  Billing – creating billing documents  Output processing Transaction Output Printer and mail Input processing Delivery Billing due list Billing Billing documents Output processing Transfer SAP FI/CO Extract SAP BW External data Connect Other appl.  Output Processing of CRM Billing and follow-up Integration CRM billing documents are typically built jointly for a large number of transactions for a given set of customers. The documents are populated using a messaging BDOC via CRM middleware to perform follow-up activities. see SAP Note 1133857.0 – Sales. SAP CRM 5. The CRM billing due list is the entry point for the selected transaction being billed and the basis for the mass billing run.  The numbers of billing-relevant transactions that are related to a business partner in the CRM system.  SAP AG 2005. It carries information about prices and tax. which is typically executed by the system in the background. especially when a selected sold-to party owns a small or large number of transactions. It consists of a major database container with the capability of referencing dependent information on prices. For a recommendation about how to configure the billing engine in SAP CRM for small and large numbers of transactions. 8 of 40 Graphic 1: Architecture of CRM Billing  CRM Billing Due List and Input Processing The CRM billing due list is the object responsible for capturing billing-relevant transactions within the billing application in SAP CRM.3 Factors that influence the performance The following key factors influence the performance of the billing process:  The structure and size (number of items) of the billing document resulting from the transactions that are billed jointly.2 Sizing SAP CRM Billing . for example. partners. notes. service contracts o Updating financial credit management or mobile sales devices 1. Copyright/Trademark . partners. and notes.  CRM Billing Document and Billing Process The CRM billing document is the object created during the billing run to structure customer invoices. such as: o Transferring information to the accounting component of SAP ERP o Updating SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (SAP NetWeaver BI) content o Updating corresponding CRM order transactions. and the corresponding action for triggering output processing. such as the network bandwidth. system software components. user. and high availability solutions by different approaches using various third-party (For more information about Sizing Guidelines  General Sizing Procedures. All performance data relevant to the system. The initial sizing guidelines assume optimal system parameter  Sizing Guidelines  General Sizing Procedures  Expert  Measuring in SAPS).3 Sizing SAP CRM Billing . The size of the hardware and database is influenced by both business aspects and technological aspects. Initial Sizing Initial sizing refers to the sizing approach that provides statements about platform-independent requirements of the hardware resources necessary for representative. You can find more information at http://service. physical CPU processing power. Released for technology partners. for example: o Pricing and tax calculation o Output determination o Funds availability check o Rebates integration The duration for the execution of the billing process can be optimized by running parallel batch jobs. as these terms are used extensively in this document. Benchmarking Sizing information can be determined using SAP Standard Application Benchmarks and scalability tests (www. for example. where 100 SAPS is defined as the computing power to handle 2. 2. Expert Sizing This term refers to a sizing exercise where customer-specific data is being analyzed and used to put more detail on the sizing result. In the case of high availability through redundant resources. and so on. It is derived from the Sales and Distribution (SD) Benchmark. This includes the implementation of distribution. billing must be started with the transaction ‘Schedule Batch Jobs’ (/BEA/CRMB06). see http://service. For more information. standard delivery SAP applications. For the purpose of this and I/O capacity. and relational database management systems (RDBMS). To enable batch processing. benchmarks provide basic sizing recommendations to customers by placing a substantial load upon a system during the testing of new hardware. Copyright/Trademark . The main objective is to determine the resource consumption of customized content and applications (not SAP standard delivery) by comprehensive measurements.000 fully business processed order line items per SIZING FUNDAMENTALS AND TERMINOLOGY SAP provides general sizing information on the SAP Service Marketplace. the final resource requirements must be adjusted accordingly. Assuming the billing run is executed with 16 jobs in parallel. Configuration and System Landscaping Hardware resource and optimal system configuration greatly depend on the requirements of the customer-specific project. Sizing Sizing means determining the hardware requirements of an SAP application. SAPS The SAP Application Performance Standard (SAPS) is a hardware-independent unit that describes the performance of a system configuration in the SAP environment. This section explains the most important sizing terms. security. and business applications are monitored during a benchmark run and can be used to compare platforms. we assume that you are familiar with sizing fundamentals. standard business scenarios. the throughput can potentially be increased by the factor 16 if the number of SAP application performance standards (SAPS) also increased by a factor of 16. This means that the number of users using the various application components and the data load they put on the server must be taken into account. see http://www.SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________  The functions in use. The necessary runtime of SAP ECC is not considered.4 Sizing SAP CRM Billing .sap. The given sizing guidance only covers aspects of the billing process and output processing.0 EHP1. Depending on the structure of the service contract.2 Sizing guideline The hardware resources required to process a set of billing documents depends on the following information: Copyright/Trademark . updating the billing due list) is not considered in this document. a service contract of 25 items will contain 12*25 = 300 billing request items. The enhancement to replace billing request items for periodic billing plans by an item extension. The sizing of input processing (e. INITIAL SIZING FOR SAP CRM BILLING This sizing guideline provides information about the resources necessary at runtime for SAP CRM. SAP created the NetWeaver configuration guides (http://service.SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________ There are some "best practices" which may be valid for a specific combination of operating system and database. including the following settings:  Tax calculation is deactivated  Text determination on header and item level is deactivated  Determination of actions for output determination is activated  Account determination is based on the simple account determination  Update of rebate processing is deactivated Assumptions on Data Volumes Calculation of billing items as an example for service contracts: A typical service contract has the duration of 12 periods for each contract item. which selects the relevant transactions and creates the collective billing documents  Pricing is performed without tax calculation  Automatic transfer of the billing documents to accounting in ECC is activated  Extraction of the invoice data for updating the BI content  Update of financial credit management  Update of the CRM business transactions with invoice status  Update of the CRM business transactions to the following consuming applications: o BI: Extraction of the invoiced business transactions for updating the SAP NetWeaver BI content o Notify mobile sales devices o Update financial credit management Configuration Assumptions for Billing Processing The sizing guideline for the billing process is based on the background execution of the process as a batch job. 3. there will be a respective number of billing request Items.g. for example. where each extension line is representing a period to be billed. The billing application in SAP CRM has the initial default configuration. To provide guidance. is not used in the example calculation above.1 Assumptions Integration Assumptions for Billing Processing The following assumptions regarding processing of billing documents are valid for the sizing measurements:  The collective run process. 3. This new feature is available with CRM  SAP NetWeaver). 3. 65*P*3600)  SAPS (DB) = N_docs * (332. This factor is applied because the system load might be influenced by other system activities and dialog processes running in parallel.37) / (0.900 12.000 50 1 25.SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________  The number of documents  The average number of items in one document  The definition of the affordable duration for the billing run Relevant parameters:  N_docs – Number of documents which need to be processed in one schedule  AVG_items – Average number of items in each document  P – Time in hours in which the processing of all documents should be completed If the customer has a large deviation in the number of items in each document.65 * P * 3600 ) Note: For sizing scenarios the CPU utilization is always defined as 65%.65*P*3600)  SAPS (DB) = N_docs * (62. a reasonable planning for the duration might significantly save expenses on hardware resources. a more precise calculation may be achieved by grouping documents with similar characteristics and performing a separate calculation for each group and then adding the totals for all groups to obtain the sizing of the final resource consumption.94 + AVG_items *0.63+( AVG_items *2))/(0. Sizing for Posting of Billing Documents in ECC CRM billing documents are populated via a messaging BDOC utilizing the CRM Middleware to fulfill the follow up activities like Transfer to ECC and posting of Accounting documents in ECC.600 2500 XL Please contact SAP or hardware partner As seen in the table.000 2 1 9270 4560 52.97+( AVG_items *83))/(0. For this reason the SAP recommendation is: if there is no specific use-case at the customer for very fast processing of huge billing document volumes. The following formulas are used to calculate the number of SAPS for the CPU of the Application Server [ABAP] and DB Server.65 * P * 3600 ) User for RFC communication with ECC System  SAPS (ABAP) = N_docs*(107.000 50 5 10. Please note that the numbers in the sizing table were rounded: User who triggers the billing process  SAPS (ABAP) = N_docs*(589.5 Sizing SAP CRM Billing .500 25. CPU Sizing In the following T-shirt sizing the same amount of documents with a different amount of average items 1 per document is planned for processing within 1 hour or within 5 hours. the period of time for the execution (P) of billing processing dominates the resource calculation for SAPS compared to the other two parameters in the sizing formula (please compare the lines in bold italic).05) / (0. Categories S N_docs 1000 AVG_items 2 P [hours] 1 SAPS ABAP SAPS DB 380 190 2120 500 1000 50 1 1000 50 5 430 100 M 2500 2 1 930 460 5290 1250 1 2500 50 2500 50 5 1060 250 L 25. Copyright/Trademark .56 + AVG_items *15. 1 Usually there are two different users which are involved in the processing of Billing document – the user who triggers the billing and the technical user who runs the RFC calls to the ECC system. 6 Sizing SAP CRM Billing . The maximum number of work processes involved in billing processing should not exceed the configuration of the number of available CPU cores on the ABAP side. Press button ‘Save’ The resources required on the SAP ERP side for posting of accounting documents must also be considered. backup.Standard Sizing’ Use sizing element ‘FIN-BAC’ [Business Accounting Documents] Enter the relevant average number of accounting documents per year. Please note that the numbers in the table were rounded: User who triggers the billing process  Memory in MB (ABAP) = Nwp * (12 + AVG_items * 0. average number of items. disk space 2. swap space. The number of items in the Financial Accounting document depends on the customizing setting for the Revenue and Tax Account‘SAP ERP’ .02) Copyright/Trademark . Disk Sizing Initial sizing of the required disk space considers the total content of the database of application data.5) User for RFC communication with ECC System  Memory in MB (ABAP) = Nwp * (3 + AVG_items * 0. Create a new sizing project Goto ‘SAP Business Suite’ . 3. Initial disk sizing results do not include disk space for database log files or temporarily needed disk space for reorganization. In the following example the same amount of average items per billing is processed with a different number of parallel work processes: AVG_items 25 25 Nwp 1 5 Memory in MB [ABAP] 28 140 2 The resulting memory should be planned on top of the memory which is required by ABAP system. It does not include disk space needed for operating system itself. The disk space calculation is the total disk space needed to store the information for the billing documents created during the billing run.‘Financials’ Goto ‘Throughput . number of SAPS. The disk space sizing is relevant for the disks of the database Relevant additional parameter: 2 The following formula is used to calculate the memory consumption for billing processes. The optimal memory of the database server should be planned according to DB Vendor rules. 5. In order to calculate the additional resource consumption for posting of the corresponding accounting documents in ECC please use the following Quick Sizer scenario available on SAP Service Marketplace: http://service. 1.g. percentage of changes and displays. Relevant additional parameter:  Nwp = number of configured work processes for parallel execution of Billing processes The batch jobs can be determined only when it is known how many CPUs/cores will be available on the planned CRM server for billing processing.SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________ To each Billing Document a corresponding single Financial Accounting document is created with at least 2 items. memory. for example. 4. or any other database administration task. 6. Memory Sizing The memory demand for executing the processes in billing engine in SAP CRM depends on creating batch jobs for the task over multiple ABAP work processes. Press button ‘Calculate Results’ Check results. 6 3  To obtain the final disk space.378 bytes of additional disk space for each billing document.SAP Customers and Partners __________________________________________________________________________________ N_total_docs = total amount of documents which will be created over a certain period of time ( 3 The following formula is used to calculate the disk size for billing documents.000.000 400.0019 + AVG_items * 0. year) until data archiving for the stored documents is planned Disk size calculation for different number of billing documents and different number of average items per document N_docs 2.Please note that the numbers in the table were rounded  Disk space [GB] = N_total_docs * (0. . 4. 5.000 AVG_items 5 10 25 100 Number of Items 10. complaints and claims.000.000. months. COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK Comments and feedback on this document are highly appreciated. the sum of all billing documents which reside in the database at once has to be calculated.000 1.000 10.0034) / 1024 Copyright/Trademark . the time until completed billing documents will be taken out of the database after data and create an OSS ticket for component CRM-BE. which is the required disk space for tax documents. including service or sales orders with deliveries.3 34. MISCELLANEOUS The sizing guidance is valid for all types of billing-relevant transactions.000.1 35.g.000.000 10.000. you must include 3.000 10. that is. Please use the SAP Support Portal https://service.7 Sizing SAP CRM Billing .000 100.2 33. This quantity depends on the residence time of the billing documents.000 Disk [GB] 37. Note: If tax calculation is executed during the billing engine run.
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