Criminal Law Notes 2

May 28, 2018 | Author: Robert Ramirez | Category: Criminal Law, Crime & Justice, Criminal Justice, Public Law, Government



ArLŦ 114Ŧ 1reasonLlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a llllplno clLlzen or an allen resldlng ln Lhe ÞhlllpplnesŦ 2Ŧ 1here ls war ln whlch Lhe Þhlllpplnes ls lnvolvedŦ 3Ŧ Cffender elLherť aŦ levles war agalnsL Lhe governmenLŦ lŦ LhaL Lhere be an acLual assembllng of menţ llŦ for Lhe purpose of execuLlng a Lreasonable deslgn by forceŦ bŦ or adheres Lo Lhe enemlesţ glvlng Lhem ald or comforLŦ noLesť 1reason Ŵ branch of alleglance Lo a governmenLţ commlLLed by a person who owes alleglance Lo lLŦ Alleglance Ŵ obllgaLlon of fldellLy and obedlence whlch Lhe lndlvlduals owe Lo Lhe governmenL under whlch Lhey llve or Lo Lhelr soverelgnţ ln reLurn for Lhe proLecLlon Lhey recelveŤ elLher permanenL or LemporaryŦ Adherence Lo Lnemy Ŵ lnLenL Lo beLrayŤ when a clLlzen lnLellecLually or emoLlonally favors Lhe enemy and harbors sympaLhles or convlcLlons dlsloyal Lo hls counLryƌs pollcy or lnLeresLsŦ Ald or ComforL Ŵ an acL whlch sLrengLhens or Lends Lo sLrengLhen Lhe enemy ln Lhe conducL of war agalnsL Lhe LralLorƎ#039Ťs counLry and an acL whlch weakens or Lends Lo weaken Lhe power of Lhe LralLorƎ#039Ťs counLry Lo reslsL or Lo aLLack Lhe enemyŦ Ways of Þrovlng 1reasonť 1Ŧ 1esLlmony of 2 wlLnessesţ aL leasLţ Lo Lhe same overL acLŤ or 2Ŧ Confesslon of Lhe accused ln open courLŦ ArLŦ 113 Ŵ Consplracy and Þroposal Lo CommlL 1reasonLlemenLs of consplracy Lo commlL Lreasonť 1Ŧ 1here ls a war ln whlch Lhe Þhlllpplnes ls lnvolvedŤ 2Ŧ AL leasL Lwo persons come Lo an agreemenL Lo Ŵ aŦ levy war agalnsL Lhe governmenLŤ or bŦ adhere Lo Lhe enemlesţ glvlng Lhem ald or comforLŤ 3Ŧ 1hey declde Lo commlL lLŦ LlemenLs of proposal Lo commlL Lreason 1Ŧ 1here ls a war ln whlch Lhe Þhlllpplnes ls lnvolvedŤ 2Ŧ AL leasL one person decldes Lo Ŵ aŦ levy war agalnsL Lhe governmenLŤ or bŦ adhere Lo Lhe enemlesţ glvlng Lhem ald or comforLŤ 3Ŧ Pe proposes lLs execuLlon Lo some oLher personsŦ ArLŦ 116 Ŵ Mlsprlslon of 1reason LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender owes alleglance Lo Lhe governmenLţ and noL a forelgnerŤ 2Ŧ Pe has knowledge of consplracy Lo commlL Lreason agalnsL Lhe governmenLŤ 3Ŧ Pe conceals or does noL dlsclose and make known Lhe same as soon as posslble Lo Lhe governor or flscal of Lhe provlnce ln whlch he resldesţ or Lhe mayor or flscal of Lhe clLy ln whlch he resldesŦ ArLŦ 117 Ŷ Lsplonage AcLs punlshedť 1Ŧ 8y enLerlngţ wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lhereforeţ a warshlpţ forL or naval or mlllLary esLabllshmenL or reservaLlon Lo obLaln any lnformaLlonţ plansţ phoLograph or oLher daLa of a confldenLlal naLure relaLlve Lo Lhe defense of Lhe ÞhlllpplnesŤ LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender enLers any of Lhe places menLlonedŤ 2Ŧ Pe has no auLhorlLy LhereforeŤ 3Ŧ Pls purpose ls Lo obLaln lnformaLlonţ plansţ phoLographs or oLher daLa of a confldenLlal naLure relaLlve Lo Lhe defense of Lhe ÞhlllpplnesŦ 2Ŧ 8y dlscloslng Lo Lhe represenLaLlve of a forelgn naLlon Lhe conLenLs of Lhe arLlclesţ daLa or lnformaLlon referred Lo ln paragraph 1 of ArLlcle 117ţ whlch he had ln hls possesslon by reason of Lhe publlc offlce he holdsŦ LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a publlc offlcerŤ 2Ŧ Pe has ln hls possesslon Lhe arLlclesţ daLa or lnformaLlon referred Lo ln paragraph 1 of ArLŦ 117ţ by reason of Lhe publlc offlce he holdsŤ 3Ŧ Pe dlscloses Lhelr conLenLs Lo a represenLaLlve of a forelgn naLlonŦ CommonwealLh AcL noŦ 616 Ŵ An AcL Lo Þunlsh Lsplonage and CLher Cffenses agalnsL naLlonal SecurlLy AcLs punlshedť 1Ŧ unlawfully obLalnlng or permlLLlng Lo be obLalned lnformaLlon affecLlng naLlonal defenseŤ 2Ŧ unlawful dlscloslng of lnformaLlon affecLlng naLlonal defenseŤ 3Ŧ ulsloyal acLs or words ln Llmes of peaceŤ 4Ŧ ulsloyal acLs or words ln Llmes of warŤ 3Ŧ Consplracy Lo vlolaLe precedlng secLlonsŤ and 6Ŧ Parborlng or conceallng vlolaLors of lawŦ ArLŦ 118 Ŵ lnclLlng Lo War or Clvlng MoLlves for 8eprlsals LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender performs unlawful or unauLhorlzed acLsŤ 2Ŧ 1he acLs provoke or glve occaslon for Ŵ aŦ a war lnvolvlng or llable Lo lnvolve Lhe ÞhlllpplnesŤ or bŦ exposure of llllplno clLlzens Lo reprlsals on Lhelr persons or properLyŦ ArLŦ 119 Ŵ vlolaLlon of neuLrallLy LlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1here ls a war ln whlch Lhe Þhlllpplnes ls noL lnvolvedŤ 2Ŧ 1here ls a regulaLlon lssued by a compeLenL auLhorlLy Lo enforce neuLrallLyŤ 3Ŧ Cffender vlolaLes Lhe regulaLlonŦ ArLŦ 120 Ŵ Correspondence wlLh PosLlle CounLry LlemenLsť 1Ŧ lL ls ln Llme of war ln whlch Lhe Þhlllpplnes ls lnvolvedŤ 2Ŧ Cffender makes correspondence wlLh an enemy counLry or LerrlLory occupled by enemy LroopsŤ 3Ŧ 1he correspondence ls elLher Ŵ aŦ prohlblLed by Lhe governmenLŤ bŦ carrled on ln clphers or convenLlonal slgnsŤ or cŦ conLalnlng noLlce or lnformaLlon whlch mlghL be useful Lo Lhe enemyŦ ArLŦ 122 Ŵ Þlracy ln Ceneral and MuLlny on Lhe Plgh Seas or ln Þhlllpplne WaLersLlemenLsť 1Ŧ vessel ls on Lhe hlgh seas or ln Þhlllpplne waLersŦ 2Ŧ Cffenders are noL members of lLs complemenL or passengers of Lhe vesselŦ 3Ŧ Cffenders elLherť aŦ aLLack or selze Lhe vesselŤ bŦ selze Lhe whole or parL of Lhe cargo of sald vesselţ lLƎ#039Ťs equlpmenLţ or personal belonglngs of lLs complemenL or passengersŦ noLesť Þlracy Ŵ robbery or forclble depredaLlon on Lhe hlgh seasţ wlLhouL lawful auLhorlLy and done wlLh anlmo furandl and ln Lhe splrlL and lnLenLlon of unlversal hosLlllLyŦ MuLlny Ŵ unlawful reslsLance Lo a superlor offlcerţ or Lhe ralslng of commoLlons and dlsLurbances on board a shlp agalnsL Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe commanderŦ ArLŦ 123 Ŵ Cuallfled Þlracy Cuallfylng ClrcumsLancesť 1Ŧ Selzed vessel by boardlng or flrlng upon Lhe sameŤ or 2Ŧ ÞlraLes have abandoned Lhelr vlcLlms wlLhouL means of savlng LhemselvesŤ or 3Ŧ Crlme ls accompanled by murderţ homlcldeţ physlcal ln[urles or rapeŦ ArLŦ 124 Ŵ ArblLrary ueLenLlonLlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employeeŦ 2Ŧ Pe deLalns a personŦ 3Ŧ ueLenLlon ls wlLhouL legal groundsŦ noLesť ueLenLlon Ŵ when a person ls placed ln conflnemenL or Lhere ls a resLralnL on hls personŦ ueLenLlon ls wlLhouL legal groundsť 1Ŧ When he has noL commlLLed any crlme orţ aL leasLţ Lhere ls no reasonable ground for susplclon LhaL he has commlLLed a crlmeŤ or 2Ŧ When he ls noL sufferlng from vlolenL lnsanlLy or any oLher allmenL requlrlng compulsory conflnemenL ln a hosplLalŦ ArLŦ 128 Ŵ vlolaLlon of uomlclleAcLs Þunlshedť 1Ŧ 8y enLerlng any dwelllng agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe owner LhereofŤ or 2Ŧ 8y searchlng papers or oLher effecLs found Lhereln wlLhouL Lhe prevlous consenL of such ownerŤ or 3Ŧ 8y refuslng Lo leave Lhe premlsesţ afLer havlng surrepLlLlously enLered sald dwelllng and afLer havlng been requlred Lo leave Lhe sameŦ LlemenLs Common Lo Lhe 1hree AcLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employeeŦ 2Ŧ Pe ls noL auLhorlzed by [udlclal order Lo enLer Lhe dwelllng and / or Lo make a search Lhereln for papers and oLher effecLsŦ ArLŦ 134 Ŵ 8ebelllon or lnsurrecLlonLlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1here be a publlc uprlslng and Laklng arms agalnsL Lhe CovernmenLŦ 2Ŧ 1he purpose of Lhe uprlslng or movemenL ls elLherť aŦ Lo remove from Lhe alleglance Lo sald governmenL or lLs lawsť lŦ Lhe LerrlLory of Lhe Þhlllpplnes or any parL LhereofŤ or llŦ any body of landţ naval or oLher armed forcesŤor bŦ 1o deprlve Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve or Congressţ wholly or parLlallyţ of any of Lhelr powers or prerogaLlvesŦ noLesť 8ebelllon Ŵ used where Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe movemenL ls compleLely Lo overLhrow and supersede Lhe exlsLlng governmenLŦ lnsurrecLlon Ŵ used ln reference Lo a movemenL whlch seeks merely Lo effecL some change of mlnor lmporLanceţ or Lo prevenL Lhe exerclse of governmenLal auLhorlLy wlLh respecL Lo parLlcular maLLers or sub[ecLŦ 8ebelllon dlsLlngulshed from 1reasonť 1Ŧ 8ebelllon Ŵ levylng of war durlng peace Llme for any of Lhe purposes menLlonedŤ 1reason Ŵ performed ln ald of enemy durlng warLlmeŦ 2Ŧ 8ebelllon always lnvolves Laklng up arms agalnsL governmenLŤ 1reason may be commlLLed by mere adherence Lo Lhe enemyţ glvlng ald or comforLŦ ArLŦ 134ŴA Ŵ Coup dƌeLaLLlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a person(s) belonglng Lo Lhe mlllLary or pollce or holdlng any publlc offlce or employmenLŦ 2Ŧ lL ls commlLLed by means of a swlfL aLLack accompanled by vlolenceţ lnLlmldaLlonţ LhreaLţ sLraLegy or sLealLhŦ 3Ŧ 1he aLLack ls dlrecLed agalnsL duly consLlLuLed auLhorlLles of Lhe Þhlllpplnesţ or any mlllLary camp or lnsLallaLlonţ communlcaLlon neLworksţ publlc uLlllLles or oLher faclllLles needed for Lhe exerclse and conLlnued possesslon of powerŦ 4Ŧ 1he purpose of Lhe aLLack ls Lo selze or dlmlnlsh sLaLe powerŦ noLesť ÞollLlcal Crlmes ulsLlngulshed from Common Crlmesť Ŵ ÞollLlcal crlmes are Lhose dlrecLly almed agalnsL Lhe pollLlcal orderţ as well as such common crlmes as may be commlLLed Lo achleve a pollLlcal purposeŦ Ŵ 1he declslve facLor ls Lhe lnLenL or moLlveŦ ArLŦ 138 Ŵ lnclLlng Lo 8ebelllon LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender does noL Lake arms or ls noL ln open hosLlllLy agalnsL Lhe governmenLŦ 2Ŧ Pe lnclLes oLhers Lo Lhe execuLlon of any of Lhe acLs of rebelllonŦ 3Ŧ 1he lnclLlng ls done by means of speechesţ proclamaLlonsţ wrlLlngsţ emblemsţ banners or oLher represenLaLlons Lendlng Lo Lhe same endŦ ArLŦ 139 Ŵ SedlLlonLlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1he offenders rlse publlcly and LumulLuouslyŦ 2Ŧ 1hey employ forceţ lnLlmldaLlonţ or oLher means ouLslde of legal meLhodsŦ 3Ŧ 1he offenders employ any of Lhose means Lo aLLaln any of Lhe followlng ob[ecLsť aŦ 1o prevenL Lhe promulgaLlon or execuLlon of any law or Lhe holdlng of any popular elecLlonŦ bŦ 1o prevenL Lhe naLlonal CovƌLţ or any provlnclal or munlclpal govƌLţ or any publlc offlcer Lhereof from freely exerclslng lLs or hls funcLlonsţ or prevenL Lhe execuLlon of any admlnlsLraLlve orderŦ cŦ 1o lnfllcL any acL of haLe or revenge upon Lhe person or properLy of any publlc offlcer or employeeŦ dŦ 1o commlLţ for any pollLlcal or soclal endţ any acL of haLe or revenge agalnsL prlvaLe persons or any soclal classŤ and eŦ 1o despollţ for any pollLlcal or soclal endţ any personţ munlclpallLy or provlnceţ or Lhe naLlonal govƌL of all lLs properLy or any parL LhereofŦ ArLŦ 142 Ŵ lnclLlng Lo SedlLlonulfferenL AcLs Þunlshedť 1Ŧ lnclLlng Lo SedlLlon Lo Accompllsh any of lLs Cb[ecLsť aŦ Cffender does noL Lake dlrecL parL ln Lhe crlme of sedlLlonŦ bŦ Pe lnclLes oLhers Lo Lhe accompllshmenL of any of Lhe acLs whlch consLlLuLe sedlLlonŦ cŦ 1he lnclLlng ls done by means of speechesţ proclamaLlonţ wrlLlngsţ emblemsţ carLoonsţ bannersţ or oLher represenLaLlons Lendlng Lo Lhe same endŦ 2Ŧ uLLerlng sedlLlous words or speeches whlch Lend Lo dlsLurb Lhe publlc peaceŦ 3Ŧ WrlLlngţ publlshlng or clrculaLlng scurrllous llbels agalnsL Lhe governmenL or any of Lhe duly consLlLuLed auLhorlLles Lhereofţ whlch Lend Lo dlsLurb Lhe publlc peaceŦ aŦ Cffender does noL Lake dlrecL parL ln Lhe crlme of sedlLlonŦ bŦ CommlLs any of Lhe followlng acLs of sedlLlon elLher 2 or 3Ŧ ArLŦ 148 Ŵ ulrecL AssaulLsAcLs punlshedť 1Ŧ WlLhouL publlc uprlslngţ by employlng force or lnLlmldaLlon for Lhe aLLalnmenL of any of Lhe purposes enumeraLed ln deflnlng Lhe crlmes of rebelllon and sedlLlonŤ LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender employs force or lnLlmldaLlonŤ 2Ŧ 1he alm of Lhe offender ls Lo aLLaln any of Lhe purposes of Lhe crlme of rebelllon or any of Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe crlme of sedlLlonŤ 3Ŧ 1here ls no publlc uprlslngŦ 2Ŧ WlLhouL publlc uprlslngţ by aLLacklngţ by employlng force or by serlously lnLlmldaLlng or by serlously reslsLlng any person ln auLhorlLy or any of hls agenLsţ whlle engaged ln Lhe performance of offlclal duLlesţ or on occaslon of such performanceŦ LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender makes an aLLackţ employs forceţ makes a serlous lnLlmldaLlonţ or makes a serlous reslsLanceŤ 2Ŧ 1he person assaulLed ls a person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenLŤ 3Ŧ AL Lhe Llme of Lhe assaulLţ Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ls engaged ln Lhe acLual performance of offlclal duLlesţ or LhaL he ls assaulLed by reason of Lhe pasL performance of offlclal duLlesŤ 4Ŧ Cffender knows LhaL Lhe one he ls assaulLlng ls a person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ln Lhe exerclse of hls duLlesŦ 3Ŧ 1here ls no publlc uprlslngŦ ArLŦ 149 Ŵ lndlrecL AssaulLs LlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1he dlrecL assaulL ls commlLLed agalnsL an AgenL of a person ln auLhorlLyŦ 2Ŧ 1he offended parLy comes Lo Lhe ald of such AgenL of a person ln auLhorlLy 3Ŧ 1he offender makes use of force or lnLlmldaLlon upon Lhe sald offended parLyŦ ArLŦ 131 Ŵ 8eslsLance and ulsobedlence Lo A Þerson ln AuLhorlLy or Lhe AgenLs of Such Þerson8eslsLance and Serlous ulsobedlence (ÞarŦ1)ť 1Ŧ A person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ls engaged ln Lhe performance of offlclal duLy or glves a lawful order Lo Lhe offenderŦ 2Ŧ 1he offender reslsLs or serlously dlsobeys such person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenLŦ 3Ŧ 1he acL of Lhe offender ls noL lncluded ln Lhe provlslons of ArLlcles 148ţ 149ţ and 130Ŧ Slmple ulsobedlence (ÞarŦ 2)ť 1Ŧ An agenL of a person ln auLhorlLy ls engaged ln Lhe performance of offlclal duLy or glves a lawful order Lo Lhe offenderŦ 2Ŧ 1he offender dlsobeys such agenL of a person ln auLhorlLyŦ 3Ŧ Such dlsobedlence ls noL of a serlous naLureŦ noLesť ulrecL AssaulL ulsLlngulshed from 8eslsLance or Serlous ulsobedlenceť 1Ŧ ln dlrecL assaulLţ Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL musL be engaged ln performance of offlclal duLles or LhaL he ls assaulLed by reason Lhereofţ buL ln reslsLanceţ Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL musL be ln acLual performance of hls duLlesŦ 2Ŧ ulrecL assaulL (2nd form) ls commlLLed ln 4 waysŤ 8eslsLance ls commlLLed only by reslsLlng or serlously dlsobeylngŦ 3Ŧ ln boLhţ Lhere ls force employedţ buL Lhe force ln reslsLance ls noL so serlousţ as Lhere ls no manlfesL lnLenLlon Lo defy Lhe lawŤ ln dlrecL assaulL lL musL be serlous and dellberaLeŦ 4Ŧ When Lhe one reslsLed ls a person ln auLhorlLyţ Lhe use of any klnd or degree of force wlll glve rlse Lo dlrecL assaulLŦ lf no force ls employed by Lhe offender ln reslsLlng or dlsobeylngţ Lhe crlme commlLLed ls reslsLanceŦ ArLŦ 133 Ŵ 1umulLs and CLher ulsLurbances of Þubllc Crder1umulLs and CLher ulsLurbances of Þubllc Crderť 1Ŧ Causlng any serlous dlsLurbance ln a publlc placeţ offlce or esLabllshmenLŦ 2Ŧ lnLerrupLlng or dlsLurblng performancesţ funcLlons or gaLherlngsţ or peaceful meeLlngsţ lf Lhe acL ls noL lncluded ln ArLlcles 131 and 132Ŧ 3Ŧ Maklng any ouLcry Lendlng Lo lnclLe rebelllon or sedlLlon ln any meeLlngţ assoclaLlon or publlc placeŦ 4Ŧ ulsplaylng placards or emblems whlch provoke a dlsLurbance of publlc order ln such placeŦ 3Ŧ 8urylng wlLh pomp Lhe body of a person who has been legally execuLedŦ noLesť CuLcry Ŵ Lo shouL subverslve or provocaLlve words Lendlng Lo sLlr up Lhe people Lo obLaln by means of force or vlolence any of Lhe ob[ecLs of rebelllon or sedlLlonŦ ClrcumsLances Cuallfylng Lhe ulsLurbance or lnLerrupLlonť Ŵ lf LumulLuous ln characLer 1umulLuous Ŵ Lhe dlsLurbance or lnLerrupLlon shall be deem as such lf caused by more Lhan Lhree persons who are armed or provlded wlLh means of vlolenceŦ ArLŦ 133 Ŵ Alarms and ScandalsAcLs Þunlshed as Alarms and Scandalsť 1Ŧ ulscharglng any flrearmţ rockeLţ flrecrackerţ or oLher exploslve wlLhln any Lown or publlc placeţ calculaLed Lo cause (whlch produces) alarm or dangerŦ 2Ŧ lnsLlgaLlng or Laklng an acLlve parL ln any charlvarl or oLher dlsorderly meeLlng offenslve Lo anoLher or pre[udlclal Lo publlc LranqulllLyŦ 3Ŧ ulsLurblng Lhe publlc peace whlle wanderlng abouL aL nlghL or whlle engaged ln any oLher nocLurnal amusemenLsŦ 4Ŧ Causlng any dlsLurbance or scandal ln publlc places whlle lnLoxlcaLed or oLherwlseţ provlded ArLlcle 133 ls noL appllcableŦ ArLŦ 132 Ŵ Þersons ln AuLhorlLy and AgenLs of Þersons ln AuLhorlLyŤÞersons ln AuLhorlLyť Any person dlrecLly vesLed wlLh [urlsdlcLlonţ wheLher as an lndlvldual or as a member of some courL or governmenLal corporaLlonţ boardţ or commlsslonţ shall be deemed a person ln auLhorlLyŦ A barrlo capLaln and a barangay chalrman shall also be deemed a person ln auLhorlLyŦ (Þersons wlLh Lhe power and auLhorlLy Lo govern and execuLe Lhe laws)Ŧ AgenLs of Þersons ln AuLhorlLyť A person whoţ by dlrecL provlslon of law or by elecLlon or by appolnLmenL by compeLenL auLhorlLyţ ls charged wlLh Lhe malnLenance of publlc order and Lhe proLecLlon and securlLy of llfe and properLyţ such as a barrlo councllmanţ barrlo pollceman and barangay leader and any person who comes Lo Lhe ald of persons ln auLhorlLyţ shall be deemed an agenL of a person ln auLhorlLyŦ noLesť ln applylng Lhe provlslons of ArLlcles 148 and 131 of Lhls Codeţ Leachersţ professors and persons charged wlLh Lhe supervlslon of publlc or duly recognlzed prlvaLe schoolsţ colleges and unlverslLlesţ and lawyers ln Lhe acLual performance of Lhelr professlonal duLles or on Lhe occaslon of such performanceţ shall be deemed persons ln auLhorlLyŦ ArLŦ 136 Ŵ uellverlng Þrlsoners from !all LlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1here ls a person conflned ln a [all or penal esLabllshmenLŦ 2Ŧ 1he offender removes Lherefrom such personţ or helps Lhe escape of such personŦ Cuallfylng ClrcumsLanceť Ŵ WhaL consLlLuLes Lhe quallfylng clrcumsLance ls Lhe offenderƌs acL of employlng brlbery as a ƍmeansƍ of removlng or dellverlng Lhe prlsoner from [allţ and noL Lhe offenderƌs acL of recelvlng or agreelng Lo recelve a brlbe as a conslderaLlon fro commlLLlng Lhe offenseŦ ArLŦ 137 Ŵ Lvaslon of Servlce of SenLenceLlemenLsť 1Ŧ Cffender ls a convlcL by flnal [udgmenLŦ 2Ŧ Pe ls servlng hls senLence whlch conslsLs ln deprlvaLlon of llberLyŦ 3Ŧ Pe evades Lhe servlce of Lhe senLence by escaplng durlng Lhe Lerm of hls senLenceŦ Cuallfylng ClrcumsLancesť 1Ŧ by means of unlawful enLry (by scallng)Ť 2Ŧ by breaklng doorsţ wlndowsţ gaLesţ wallsţ roofs or floorsŤ 3Ŧ by uslng plcklocksţ false keysţ dlsgulseţ decelLţ vlolenceţ or lnLlmldaLlonŤ or 4Ŧ Lhru connlvance wlLh oLher convlcLs or employees of penal lnsLlLuLlonŦ ArLŦ 138 Ŵ Lvaslon on Cccaslon of ulsordersLlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1he offender ls a convlcL by flnal [udgmenLţ who ls conflned ln a penal lnsLlLuLlonŦ 2Ŧ 1here ls a dlsorderţ resulLlng fromť conflagraLlonţ earLhquakeţ exploslonţ slmllar caLasLropheţ or muLlny ln whlch he has noL parLlclpaLedŦ 3Ŧ 1he offender evades Lhe servlce of hls senLence by leavlng Lhe penal lnsLlLuLlon where he ls conflnedţ on Lhe occaslon of such dlsorder or durlng Lhe muLlnyŦ 4Ŧ 1he offender falls Lo glve hlmself up Lo Lhe auLhorlLles wlLhln 48 hours followlng Lhe lssuance of a proclamaLlon by Lhe chlef execuLlve announclng Lhe passlng away of such calamlLyŦ ArLŦ 160 Ŵ Commlsslon of AnoLher Crlme uurlng Servlce of ÞenalLy lmposed for AnoLher Þrevlous Cffense CuaslŴ8ecldlvlsmť 1Ŧ 1he offender was already convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL of one offenseŦ 2Ŧ Pe commlLLed a new felony before beglnnlng Lo serve such senLence or whlle servlng Lhe sameŦ CuaslŴ8ecldlvlsm ulsLlngulshed from 8elLeraclon 8elLeraclon requlres LhaL Lhe offender agalnsL who lL ls consldered shall have served ouL hls senLences for Lhe prlor offensesŦ ArLŦ 161 Ŵ lorglng Lhe Seal of Lhe CovƌLţ SlgnaLure or SLamp of Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve AcLs Þunlshedť 1Ŧ lorglng Lhe CreaL Seal of Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe ÞhlllpplnesŦ 2Ŧ lorglng Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe presldenLŦ 3Ŧ lorglng Lhe sLamp of Lhe presldenLŦ ArLŦ 162 Ŵ uslng lorged SlgnaLure or CounLerfelL Seal or SLamp LlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1haL Lhe CreaL Seal of Lhe 8epubllc was counLerfelLed or Lhe slgnaLure or sLamp of Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve was forged by anoLher personŦ 2Ŧ 1he offender knew of Lhe counLerfelLlng or forgeryŦ 3Ŧ Pe used Lhe counLerfelL seal or forged slgnaLure or sLampŦ ArLŦ 163 Ŵ Maklng and lmporLlng and uLLerlng lalse ColnsLlemenLsť 1Ŧ 1here be false or counLerfelLed colnsŦ 2Ŧ 1he offender elLher madeţ lmporLed or uLLered such colnsŦ 3Ŧ 1haL ln case of uLLerlng such false or counLerfelLed colnsţ he connlved wlLh Lhe counLerfelLers or lmporLersŦ noLesť Coln Ŵ ls a plece of meLal sLamped wlLh cerLaln marks and made currenL aL a cerLaln valueŦ CounLerfelLlng Ŵ means Lhe lmlLaLlon of a legal or genulne colnŤ Lhere musL be an lmlLaLlon of Lhe pecullar deslgn of a genulne colnŦ uLLer Ŵ means Lo pass counLerfelLed colnsŤ lncludes Lhelr dellvery or acL of glvlng Lhem awayŦ ArLŦ 164 Ŵ MuLllaLlon of Colns AcLs Þunlshedť 1Ŧ MuLllaLlng colns of Lhe legal currencyţ wlLh furLher requlremenL LhaL Lhere be lnLenL Lo damage or Lo defraud anoLherŦ 2Ŧ lmporLlng or uLLerlng such muLllaLed colnsţ wlLh Lhe furLher requlremenL LhaL Lhere musL be connlvance wlLh Lhe muLllaLor or lmporLer ln case of uLLerlngŦ ArLŦ 163 Ŵ Selllng of lalse or MuLllaLed Colnsţ WlLhouL Connlvance LlemenLsť 1Ŧ Þossesslon of colnţ counLerfelLed or muLllaLed by anoLher personţ wlLh lnLenL Lo uLLer Lhe sameţ knowlng LhaL lL ls false or muLllaLedŦ aŦ Þossesslon bŦ WlLh lnLenL Lo uLLer cŦ knowledge 2Ŧ AcLually uLLerlng such false or muLllaLed colnsţ knowlng Lhe same Lo be false and muLllaLedŦ aŦ AcLually uLLerlng bŦ knowledge ArLŦ 166 Ŵ lorglng 1reasury or 8ank noLes or CLher uocumenLs Þayable Lo 8earerAcLs Þunlshableť 1Ŧ lorglng or falslflcaLlon of Lreasury or bank noLes or oLher documenLs payable Lo bearerŦ 2Ŧ lmporLaLlon of such false or forged obllgaLlons or noLesŦ 3Ŧ uLLerlng of such false or forged obllgaLlons or noLes ln connlvance wlLh Lhe forgers or lmporLersŦ noLesť lorglng Ŵ commlLLed by glvlng Lo a Lreasury or bank noLe or any lnsLrumenL payable Lo bearer or Lo order Lhe appearance of a Lrue and genulne documenLŤ Lo forge an lnsLrumenL ls Lo make false lnsLrumenL lnLended Lo be passed for Lhe genulne oneŦ lalslflcaLlon Ŵ commlLLed by eraslngţ subsLlLuLlngţ counLerfelLlngţ or alLerlng by any meansţ Lhe flguresţ leLLersţ wordsţ or slgns conLalned LherelnŦ lmporLaLlon Ŵ means Lo brlng Lhem lnLo Lhe Þhlllpplnesţ whlch presupposes LhaL Lhe obllgaLlons or noLes are forged or falslfled ln a forelgn counLryŦ uLLerlng Ŵ means offerlng obllgaLlons or noLes knowlng Lhem Lo be false or forgedţ wheLher such offer ls accepLed or noLţ wlLh a represenLaLlonţ by words or acLlonsţ LhaL Lhey are genulne and wlLh an lnLenL Lo defraudŦ CbllgaLlon or SecurlLy Ŵ all bondsţ cerLlflcaLes of lndebLednessţ naLlonal bank noLesţ couponsţ Lreasury noLesţ fracLlonal noLesţ cerLlflcaLes of deposlLsţ blllsţ checksţ drafLs for moneyţ and oLher represenLaLlves of value under any acL of CongressŦ ¯€ f°fnn¾ °– °¾ ° ¾¾ °– °  ° ¯° n° n€ff–f°¾  f  ¾n°f° f°fnn f °¾ ° ¾ f ° ½ € f  ¾n°  ¾¾ffn  ° ¯   Jf¾€9°–@ f¾°    @ ¾¯°€° ¾¾ ¾ f f¾  ¾f¯  fn    . °€ ¾¾°€ fnn¾ °½ °n   . °¾½fnf° 9½¾f . ¯¯@ f¾° ¯ °¾€n°¾½fnn¯¯ f¾°    @  ¾ff°n 9½½° ¾¾°     f¾½ ¾°¾n¯ f°f– ¯ °   f  ff–f°¾ – °¯ °   f     ° ¯ ¾ –°– ¯f n¯€  .   @  n n¯¯    ¯ °¾€½½¾fn¯¯ f¾°   @  ¾ff°n 9½½° ¾¾°     f¾° ½ ¾° n ¾   f  ff–f°¾ – °¯ °   f     ° ¯ ¾ –°– ¯f n¯€     ½½¾ ¾¾  n°¾¯  ½ ¾°¾   .¾½¾°€@ f¾° ¯ °¾    €€ °  ¾f –f°n  – °¯ ° f° °f€ –°      f¾° – €n°¾½fnn¯¯ f¾°f–f°¾ – °¯ °     n°n f¾  ¾° ¾n¾ f° ¯f °° ¾f¯ f¾¾°f¾½¾¾   – °€¾nf€  ½°n °n  ¾ ¾  ¯f€¾nf€ n°n   ¾ ¾    ¾½°f–  n¾½°¾      ° °– f  € ff¾½ €°ff¯f ¾f ¾¯ ° ¾ f°  f°f°°€¯f° ½f°¾  ½–f½  ff€fn°€ °f°f  f   € °¾ € 9½½° ¾    ¯ °¾   €€ °  ° ¾f°€ ½fn ¾¯ °°     f¾°f  €    ¾½½¾ ¾ f°°€¯f° ½f°¾  ½–f½¾  ff€fn°€ °f°f  f   € °¾ € 9½½° ¾      ¾n¾°–  ½ ¾ °f €f€ –°°f° n° °¾€ fn ¾  ff°€¯f° €   °½ff–f½€n   n f °¾½¾¾ ¾¾°  f¾°€ ½ n€€n   ¾    ¯ °¾    €€ ° ¾f½ n€€n   .    f¾°¾½¾¾ 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