Creating BMC Asset Management Web Services-V7-20151201_0806

March 17, 2018 | Author: Ashraf Kamal Khalid | Category: Prices, Web Service, Technology, World Wide Web, Public Key Certificate



BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.BMC Asset Management version 8.1.01 Date: 01-Dec-2015 08:06 URL: pageId=599219853 Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential. Table of Contents 1 AST_PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create_WS ___________________________________________________ 5 1.1 Create_PurchaseRequisition _______________________________________________________________ 5 2 AST_PurchaseRequisition_QueryModify_WS _____________________________________________________ 12 2.1 Query_PurchaseRequisition ______________________________________________________________ 12 2.2 AST-PurchaseRequisitionInterface (Query) __________________________________________________ 12 2.3 Update_PurchaseRequisition _____________________________________________________________ 17 3 AST_PurchaseOrder_QueryModify_WS _________________________________________________________ 23 3.1 Query_PurchaseOrder __________________________________________________________________ 23 3.2 Update_PurchaseOrder __________________________________________________________________ 26 4 AST_PurchaseLineItem_QueryModify_WS _______________________________________________________ 30 4.1 Query_PurchaseLineItem ________________________________________________________________ 30 4.2 Update_PurchaseLineItem _______________________________________________________________ 34 5 AST_WorkInfoInterface_Create_WS ____________________________________________________________ 37 5.1 Create_WorkInfo _______________________________________________________________________ 37 6 AST_PurchaseOrder_WS and AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDate _____________________________________ 39 6.1 Update_PO_Confirmation ________________________________________________________________ 40 6.2 Get_Specific_PO _______________________________________________________________________ 40 6.3 Get_List_Of_New_POs __________________________________________________________________ 42 7 AST_PurchaseOrderInterface_WS _____________________________________________________________ 44 7.1 PO_Modify_Service _____________________________________________________________________ 44 7.2 PO_Query_Service _____________________________________________________________________ 45 7.3 PO_GetListofNewPO_Service _____________________________________________________________ 46 8 AST_CIUnavailabilityInterface_WS _____________________________________________________________ 48 8.1 GetListOfUnavailability function ____________________________________________________________ 48 9 Index ____________________________________________________________________________________ 49 BMC Asset Management 8.1.01 Page 2 of 51 Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential. In BMC Asset Management, you can use web services to query and update purchase requisitions, purchase line items, purchase work information records, purchase orders, and purchase returns. The following is a list of the interface forms available for BMC Asset Management. These interface forms are described as used by web services in the sections that follow. AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create creates a purchase requisition and related work information record. AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface_Create creates a purchase line item and related work information record A purchase order can be created depending on the input status. AST:WorkInfoInterface_Create creates a work information record for either purchase requisition or purchase line item. AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface queries and modifies a purchase requisition. AST:PurchaseOrderInterface queries and modifies a purchase order. AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface queries and modifies a purchase line item. The interface create forms can have the following sectional headers under which fields are grouped. Some fields shown on the interface forms are not mapped in the web services because they are either set by workflow or systemgenerated. Fields where values are input are described in the web service mapping tables. Required Input Field Values — Fields where a value must be input Conditional Required Input Field Values — Fields that may require a value depending on other fields which are input Optional Input Field Values — Fields where a value can optionally be input Fields Set through Workflow — Fields that are set by workflow, and therefore do not require any input value Fields Set through Workflow or Input Values — Fields that can be set by workflow but also support the option of inputting a value Change Management Integration fields — Fields that can be used if BMC Change Management is installed PO Creation Field Values — Fields that can be input if creating a Purchase Order Reference Numbers Generated — Fields that are generated as a result of the create operation More operations are available via web services. The following is a list of the web services available for BMC Asset Management. These web services are described in the topics in this section. AST_PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create_WS (see page 5) - supports the creation of parent purchase requisitions and child purchase line items It also supports the creation of a work information record for parent and child items. A purchase order can be created depending on the status of the purchase requisition and purchase line items. AST_PurchaseRequisition_QueryModify_WS (see page 12) — queries and modifies purchase requisitions and its work information records and purchase line items AST_PurchaseOrder_QueryModify_WS (see page 23) — queries and modifies purchase orders and its purchase line items AST_PurchaseLineItem_QueryModify_WS (see page 30) — queries and modifies purchase line items and its work information records and return records BMC Asset Management 8.1.01 Page 3 of 51 Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential. AST_WorkInfoInterface_Create_WS (see page 37) — supports the creation of work information records for either a purchase requisition or purchase line item Note The following existing web services will be phased out as the functionality becomes available in the above new web services. AST_PurchaseOrder_WS (see page 39) — updates and queries both purchase orders with the date included and purchase order line items AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDate (see page 39) — updates and queries both purchase orders without the date and purchase order line items AST_PurchaseOrderInterface_WS (see page 44) — updates and queries purchase orders with the date, but without purchase order line items AST_CIUnavailabilityInterface_WS (see page 48) — queries for a list of Unavailability records that are related to a CI. BMC Asset Management 8.1.01 Page 4 of 51 Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential. 1 AST_PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create_WS The purchase requisition create web service is a complex web service based on the PurchaseRequisitionCreate.xsd file, which is also provided. This web service contains one operation. Create_PurchaseRequisition (see page 5) 1.1 Create_PurchaseRequisition This operation lets you create parent purchase requisitions and child purchase line items. It also creates a work information record for parent and child items if input values are supplied. Recommendation If you are creating a purchase requisition with a status higher than In Preparation, provide all the purchase line items while using the Create_PurchaseRequisition operation. The following table lists input values for the parent level of the Create_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create form. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes zID_Action Action Required field "CREATE" is the only keyword supported and must be in uppercase Status Status Required field Accepted status values: In Preparation, On Order, Partially Received, Received, Closed, and Cancelled Date Required DateRequired Required field Description Description Required field Justification Justification Required field For_Company RequestedForCompany Required field Requested_For_PersonID RequestedForPersonID Required if RequestedForFullName is not provided For_Full Name RequestedForFullName Required if RequestedForPersonID is not provided Login Name RequestedForLoginName For_Phone RequestedForPhoneNumber For_Department RequestedForDepartment BMC Asset Management 8.1.01 Page 5 of 51 A Full Name other than the actual manager can be supplied. Manager Login Name ManagerLoginName Login identifier of the value supplied for Manager Name By_Company RequestedByCompany Required field Requested_By_PersonID RequestedByPersonID Required if RequestedByFullName is not provided By_Full Name RequestedByFullName Required if RequestedByPersonID is not provided Requester Login Name RequestedByLoginName By_Phone RequestedByPhoneNumber By_Department RequestedByDepartment Shipping Instructions ShippingInstructions PRNumber PRNumber Available for storing external procurement system reference number DataTags DataTags Hidden field that can store a tag identifier Install Needed InstallNeeded Supported values are Yes or No Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode z1D_Activity_Type WorkInfoType Required if creating a work information record z1D_ActivityDate_tab WorkInfoDate Required if creating a work information record z1D_Communication Source WorkInfoSource Required if creating a work information record z1D_Summary WorkInfoSummary Required if creating a work information record z1D_Details WorkInfoNotes Required if creating a work information record z1D_Secure_Log WorkInfoLocked Required if creating a work information record z1D_View Access WorkInfoViewAccess Required if creating a work information record. then a value is recommended. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Manager Name ManagerFullName By default this is the manager of the Requested For person." z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1Data Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record BMC Asset Management 8.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential.01 Page 6 of 51 . Supported values are "Internal" or "External. and is used as the first approver by the provided process. If the status is In Preparation.1. BladeLogic Confidential. Assigned field values can be automatically set by workflow if a Group Assignment General event is defined. BladeLogic Confidential.1. BillToAddr_City Name+ BillToCity BillToAddr_State Prov+ BillToStateProv BillToAddr_Postal Code+ BillToPostalCode BillToAddr_Country+ BillToCountry ShipToAddr_Street ShipToStreet ShipToAddr_City Name+ ShipToCity ShipToAddr_State Prov+ ShipToStateProv ShipToAddr_Postal Code+ ShipToPostalCode ShipToAddr_Country+ ShipToCountry Assigned Support Company SupportCompany Assigned Support Organization SupportOrganization Assigned Group AssignedGroup Assignee Assignee TemplateInstanceID ChangeTemplateInstanceID Ship To fields are required and will be set based on Requested For. Integration available if Change Management is installed. The following table lists input values for the child level of the Create_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface_Create form. Input field values BMC Asset Management 8. Specify the CHG Template ID (FieldID 179) which can be found in the CHG:Template form. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2Name Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2Data Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3Name Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3Data Optional if creating a work information record z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record BillToAddr_Street BillToStreet Bill To fields are required and will be set based on Requested For.01 Page 7 of 51 . If value is supplied then Installed Needed should be set to Yes.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. must provide the currency code. On Order. Taxable Taxable Set to "Yes" if Tax Amount is supplied. Part Number PartNumber Required field Short Description Description Required field Status Status Required field Accepted status values: In Preparation. Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. Asset Class ID AssetClassID Required field in the format of CI Keyword. Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandling CurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes zID_Action Action Required field "CREATE" is the only keyword supported and must be in upper case.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. must provide the currency code.01 Page 8 of 51 . Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount If a value is provided. Product Categorization Tier 2 ProductTier2 Required if CI Type is Software Class. Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure Required Qty* RequiredQty Required field Total Received Qty TotalReceivedQty Required if auto receive is set to yes and CI Type is Software Class or if Status is Received. Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandling Amount If a value is provided. Estimated Price /currencyCode EstimatedPriceCurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. and Cancelled. Actual Price/currencyValue ActualPriceAmount If a value is provided. Partially Received.1. Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrency Code Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. must provide the currency code. Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount If a value is provided. If Unit Price is 0 and if the order status is "In Preparation". Received. Model ProductName Required if CI Type is Software Class. then the Status of PLI will switch to Pending Pricing. Product Categorization Tier 3 ProductTier3 Required if CI Type is Software Class. must provide rate. Estimated Price /currencyValue EstimatedPriceAmount If a value is provided. Tax Rate TaxRate If Taxable = "Yes". BladeLogic Confidential. Actual Price/currencyCode ActualPriceCurrency Code Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. must provide the currency code. for example BMC_COMPUTERSYSTEM. must provide the currency code. Product Categorization Tier 1 ProductTier1 Required if CI Type is Software Class. Version Number ModelVersion BMC Asset Management 8. PO Number PONumber Available for storing external purchase order reference number. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes MarketVersion MarketVersion Required if CI Type is Software Class. If Supplier is not filled in while In Preparation then the Status will switch to Pending Pricing. BladeLogic Confidential. Page 9 of 51 . zID_CertificateID CertificateID Either SoftwareContractID or Certificate ID is required if CI Type is Software Class. Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1 /attachmentName PLIAttachment1Name Attachment1 /attachmentData PLIAttachment1Data Attachment1 /attachmentOrigSize PLIAttachment1OrigSize Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Notes EnterNotes zID_Activity_Type WorkInfoType BMC Asset Management 8. PRNumber PRNumber Available for storing external procurement system reference number.1. Need to provide the license type GUID. If the CertificateID is specified. Manufacture Name+ Manufacturer Required if CI Type is Software Class. Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo Data Tags Data Tags Hidden field that can store a tag identifier. Cost Center CostCenter Required if Software Contract ID is used.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Estimated Receiving Date DateToReceive LicenseCertificateType CertificatePurchaseType Required if Software Contract ID is used Software Contract ID SoftwareContractID Either SoftwareContractID or Certificate ID is required if CI Type is Software Class. The GUID will be displayed when type is selected. LicenseTypeGUID LicenseType Required if Software Contract ID is used. user must go to the interface form and use the drop down box to select the type. it must be a valid Certificate ID and should not be related to another purchase line item. Date Required DateRequired Required field Date Ordered DateOrdered Required if Status is On Order or greater.01 Required if creating a work information record. In order to get this. Supplier Name+ SupplierName Required for most Status values. " Buyer Name BuyerName Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. OrderConfirmationTypeCode ConfirmationCode Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. zID_Detailes WorkInfoNotes Required if creating a work information record. z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1 Data Optional if creating a work information record. z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name Optional if creating a work information record. zID_Summary WorkInfoSummary Required if creating a work information record. Freight Terms FreightTerms Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. Supported values are "Internal" or "External. z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3 Name Optional if creating a work information record. zID_CommunicationSource WorkInfoSource Required if creating a work information record.01 Page 10 of 51 . zID_Secure_Log WorkInfoLocked Required if creating a work information record. Output field values BMC Asset Management 8. z2AF_Act_Attachment_1 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1 OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. Ship Via ShipVia Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. Payment Terms PaymentTerms Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3 Data Optional if creating a work information record. Shipping Options ShippingOptions Will be stored in the Purchase Order if one is generated. BladeLogic Confidential. z2AF_Act_Attachment_3 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3 OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2 OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record.1. z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2 Name Optional if creating a work information record. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes zID_ActivityDate_Tab WorkInfoDate Required if creating a work information record.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. z2AF_Act_Attachment_2 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2 Data Optional if creating a work information record. The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Create_PurchaseRequisition operation from the AST: PurchaseRequisitionInterface_Create form. zID_View_Access WorkInfoViewAccess Required if creating a work information record. Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BMC Asset Management 8. BladeLogic Confidential. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Unique identifier generated for each purchase requisition. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Unique identifier generated for each line item. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Create_PurchaseRequisition operation from the AST: PurchaseLineItemInterface_Create form.01 Page 11 of 51 . Requisition ID RequisitionID Unique visible Requisition ID system generated.1. which are query and modify. Query_PurchaseRequisition (see page 12) AST-PurchaseRequisitionInterface (Query) (see page 12) Update_PurchaseRequisition (see page 17) 2. The following table lists input values for the parent level of the Query_PurchaseRequisition operation against AST: PurchaseRequisitionInterface form. Depending on how general the qualification is.01 Page 12 of 51 .2 AST-PurchaseRequisitionInterface (Query) The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Query_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface form. which is provided with the application. It will also return related children purchase line items and work information records for each purchase requisition found.1.1 Query_PurchaseRequisition This operation supports a qualification to query for parent requisitions. Input field values DB field on interface Displayed on web form services Qualification Notes AR System qualification required.xsd file. This web service supports two operations. 2 AST_PurchaseRequisition_QueryModify_WS This is a complex web service based on the PurchaseRequisitionQueryModify. startRecord maxLimit 2. BMC Asset Management 8. BladeLogic Confidential. startRecord and maxLimit can be used to determine how many records should be shown at a time. based on the qualification entered. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Returns unique instance ID of the purchase requisition.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Requisition ID RequisitionID Returns unique visible Requisition ID. Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Status Status Date Required DateRequired Description Description Justification Justification For_Company RequestedForCompany For_Full Name RequestedForFullName For_Phone RequestedForPhoneNumber For_Department RequestedForDepartment Manager Name ManagerFullName Manager Login Name ManagerLoginName By_Company RequestedByCompany Requested_By_PersonID RequestedByPersonID By_Full Name RequestedByFullName Requester Login Name RequestedByLoginName By_Phone RequestedByPhoneNumber By_Department RequestedByDepartment Shipping Instructions ShippingInstructions PRNumber PRNumber DataTags DataTags Install Needed InstallNeeded Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode BillToAddr_Street BillToStreet BillToAddr_City Name+ BillToCity BillToAddr_State Prov+ BillToStateProv BillToAddr_Postal Code+ BillToPostalCode BillToAddr_Country+ BillToCountry ShipToAddr_Street ShipToStreet BMC Asset Management 8. BladeLogic Confidential.1.01 BMC Software Confidential. Notes Page 13 of 51 . BladeLogic Confidential. purchase requisition Instance ID. Work Log Type WorkInfoType Work Log Date WorkInfoDate Communication Source WorkInfoSource Description WorkInfoSummary Detailed Description WorkInfoNotes Secure Work log WorkInfoLocked View Access WorkInfoViewAccess z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1Data z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1OrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2Name BMC Asset Management 8. which the work information record is linked to. PR Instance ID SourceInstanceID This is the foreign key.01 Page 14 of 51 . Notes The following table lists output values for the child level of the Query_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services ShipToAddr_City Name+ ShipToCity ShipToAddr_State Prov+ ShipToStateProv ShipToAddr_Postal Code+ ShipToPostalCode ShipToAddr_Country+ ShipToCountry Assigned Support Company SupportCompany Assigned Support Organization SupportOrganization Assigned Group AssignedGroup Assignee Assignee Change Template ChangeTemplateName TemplateInstanceID ChangeTemplateInstanceID BMC Software Confidential.1. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId WorkInfoInstanceId The unique Instance ID for the work information record. Notes z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentName z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2Data z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2OrigSize z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3Name z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3Data z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3OrigSize The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_Requisition operation and maps to the AST: PurchaseLineItem form. BladeLogic Confidential.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services BMC Software Confidential. purchase line item Instance ID. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Returns unique identifier.01 Page 15 of 51 . Part Number PartNumber Description Description Status Status Asset Class CIType Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure Required Qty* RequiredQty Total Received Qty TotalReceivedQty Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Estimated Price/currencyValue EstimatedPriceAmount Estimated Price/currencyCode EstimatedPriceCurrencyCode Actual Price/currencyValue ActualPriceAmount Actual Price/currencyCode ActualPriceCurrencyCode Taxable Taxable Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount BMC Asset Management 8.1. Notes Page 16 of 51 .Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandlingAmount Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandlingCurrency Code Product Categorization Tier 1 ProductTier1 Product Categorization Tier 2 ProductTier2 Product Categorization Tier 3 ProductTier3 Model ProductName Version Number ModelVersion MarketVersion MarketVersion Manufacture Name+ Manufacturer Supplier Name+ SupplierName Requisition ID RequisitionID Order ID OrderID Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo PRNumber PRNumber PO Number PONumber Data Tags Data Tags Date Required DateRequired Date Ordered DateOrdered Estimated Receiving Date DateToReceive Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier LicenseCertificateType CertificatePurchaseType Software Contract ID SoftwareContractID zID_LicenseType LicenseType zID_CertificateID CertificateID Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode BMC Asset Management 8.01 BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.1. 3 Update_PurchaseRequisition This operation supports the update of an existing parent purchase requisition. The following table lists input values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface form. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Qualification AR System qualification required and is based on AST:PurchaseRequisitionInterface fields.1. In addition children purchase line items and work information records can also be created.01 Page 17 of 51 . only child records related to the parent can be updated.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1/attachmentName PLIAttachment1Name Attachment1/attachmentData PLIAttachment1Data Attachment1/attachmentOrigSize PLIAttachment1OrigSize Audit Trail ReadNotes Notes 2. instanceId InstanceID Requisition ID RequisitionID Status Status Date Required DateRequired Description Description Justification Justification For_Company RequestedForCompany Requested_For_PersonID RequestedForPersonID For_Full Name RequestedForFullName Login Name RequestedForLoginName For_Phone RequestedForPhoneNumber For_Department RequestedForDepartment Manager Name ManagerFullName BMC Asset Management 8. The qualification entered determines which purchase requisitions are updated. and updates to related children purchase line items and work information records. BladeLogic Confidential. 1.01 BMC Software Confidential. Notes Page 18 of 51 . BladeLogic Confidential.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Manager Login Name ManagerLoginName By_Company RequestedByCompany Requested_By_PersonID RequestedByPersonID By_Full Name RequestedByFullName Requester Login Name RequestedByLoginName By_Phone RequestedByPhoneNumber By_Department RequestedByDepartment Shipping Instructions ShippingInstructions PRNumber PRNumber DataTags DataTags Install Needed InstallNeeded Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode BillToAddr_Street BillToStreet BillToAddr_City Name+ BillToCity BillToAddr_State Prov+ BillToStateProv BillToAddr_Postal Code+ BillToPostalCode BillToAddr_Country+ BillToCountry ShipToAddr_Street ShipToStreet ShipToAddr_City Name+ ShipToCity ShipToAddr_State Prov+ ShipToStateProv ShipToAddr_Postal Code+ ShipToPostalCode ShipToAddr_Country+ ShipToCountry Assigned Support Company SupportCompany Assigned Support Organization SupportOrganization Assigned Group AssignedGroup Assignee Assignee TemplateInstanceID ChangeTemplateInstanceID BMC Asset Management 8. The following table lists input values for the child level of the Update _PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form. a new work information record will be created. Secure Work log WorkInfoLocked Required if creating a work information record. BladeLogic Confidential.and Paging System. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3Name Optional if creating a work information record. Purchase Requisition Task. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. Description WorkInfoSummary Required if creating a work information record. System Assignment. which the work information is linked to. purchase requisition Instance ID. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1Data Optional if creating a work information record. Fax. Supported values are: Detailed Clarification. Work Log Date WorkInfoDate Required if creating a work information record. Phone. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3Data Optional if creating a work information record.01 Page 19 of 51 ." View Access WorkInfoViewAccess Required if creating a work information record." z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name Optional if creating a work information record. and required if creating a new work information record. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. Email System. Supported values are "Internal" or "Public.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Web. If a new Instance ID is provided (one that is not in the database). Voice Mail. BMC Asset Management 8. The following table lists input values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseRequisition operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseLineItem form. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2Name Optional if creating a work information record. Supported values are "Yes" or "No. Input field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId WorkInfoInstanceId Provides the work information Instance ID to be updated. Work Log Type WorkInfoType Required if creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2Data Optional if creating a work information record. General Information.1. PR Instance ID SourceInstanceID This is the foreign key. Detailed Description WorkInfoNotes Optional if creating a work information record. Walk In. Supported values are: Email. Communication Source WorkInfoSource Required if creating a work information record. and Other. Pager. Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandling Amount If a value is provided. must provide the currency code. Actual Price /currencyValue ActualPriceAmount If a value is provided. Taxable Taxable Supported values are "Yes" or "No". Actual Price /currencyCode ActualPriceCurrency Code Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. must provide the currency code. must provide rate. Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure Required if creating a new purchase line item. BladeLogic Confidential. must provide the currency code. a purchase line item will be created. Tax Amount /currencyValue TaxAmount If a value is provided. RequestedFor_Company RequestedForCompany Required if creating a new purchase line item. Asset Class AssetClass Required if creating a new purchase line item in the format of Proper Name of CI. must provide the currency code. Part Number PartNumber Required if creating a new purchase line item. Received Qty ReceivedQty Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount If a value is provided. For example. must provide the currency code. If a new Instance ID is provided. Asset Class ID AssetClassID Required if creating a new purchase line item in the format of CI Keyword. Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandling CurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. BMC_COMPUTERSYSTEM. Input field values DB field on form Displayed on web Notes services instanceId InstanceID Provide the purchase line item Instance ID to be updated. Description Description Required if creating a new purchase line item.1. Estimated Price /currencyCode EstimatedPriceCurrency Code Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. BMC Asset Management 8. Product Categorization Tier 1 ProductTier1 Required if creating a new purchase line item. and CI Type is Software Class. Status Status Required if creating a new purchase line item.01 Page 20 of 51 .Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Tax Rate TaxRate If Taxable = "Yes". Tax Amount /currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. Required Qty* RequiredQty Required if creating a new purchase line item. Estimated Price /currencyValue EstimatedPriceAmount If a value is provided. Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Must provide a currency value if currency code is provided. This value is the value used.1. Software Contract ID SoftwareContractID Either SoftwareContractID or Certificate ID is required if creating a new line. The GUID will be displayed when type is selected. Supplier Name+ SupplierName Required if creating a new purchase line item. CI Type is Software Class. Product Categorization Tier 3 ProductTier3 Required if creating a new purchase line item. Version Number ModelVersion MarketVersion MarketVersion Required if creating a new purchase line item. Model ProductName Required if creating a new purchase line item. user must go to the interface form and use the drop down box to select the type. If the CertificateID is specified. Need to provide the license type GUID. BladeLogic Confidential. and CI Type is Software Class.01 Required if creating a new purchase line item. and CI Type is Software Class. Page 21 of 51 . and CI Type is Software Class. Estimated Receiving Date DateToReceive LicenseCertificateType CertificatePurchaseType Required if creating a new purchase line item. zID_LicenseType LicenseType Required if Software Contract ID is provided. and CI Type is Software Class. and Auto receive is set to "Yes" or if Status is On Order or higher. Date Ordered DateOrdered Required if creating a new purchase line item. it must be a valid Certificate ID and should not be related to another purchase line item. and Software Contract ID is provided. and Software Contract ID is provided. PRNumber PRNumber PO Number PO]Number Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo Data Tags Data Tags Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1 /attachmentName PLIAttachment1Name BMC Asset Management 8.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. and CI Type is Software Class. Manufacture Name+ Manufacturer Required if creating a new purchase line item. zID_CertificateID CertificateID Either SoftwareContractID or Certificate ID is required if CI Type is Software Class. and CI Type is Software Class. DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes Product Categorization Tier 2 ProductTier2 Required if creating a new purchase line item. In order to get this. Date Required DateRequired Required if creating a new purchase line item. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated or added purchase line item. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated purchase requisition.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on form Displayed on web services Attachment1 /attachmentData PLIAttachment1Data Attachment1 /attachmentOrigSize PLIAttachment1OrigSize Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier BMC Software Confidential. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseRequisition operation from the AST: PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 22 of 51 . Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated or added work information record. BMC Asset Management 8. Requisition ID RequisitionID Unique visible Requisition ID for each updated purchase requisition.1. Notes The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseRequisition operation from the AST: PurchaseRequisitionInterface form. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseRequisition operation from the AST: PurchaseLineItem form. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Order ID OrderID Returns unique system-generated Order ID.1 Query_PurchaseOrder This operation supports a qualification to query for purchase orders. based on the qualification entered. startRecord maxLimit The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Query_PurchaseOrder operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseOrderInterface form. The following table lists input values for the Query_PurchaseOrder operation against the parent AST: PurchaseOrderInterface form. startRecord and maxLimit can be used to determine how many records should be shown at a time.1.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Qualification AR System qualification required and is based on AST:PurchaseOrderInterface fields. 3 AST_PurchaseOrder_QueryModify_WS This is a complex web service based on the PurchaseOrderQueryModify.xsd file. BladeLogic Confidential. Status Status PO Number PONumber Date Ordered DateOrdered Payment Terms PaymentTerms Buyer Buyer BMC Asset Management 8.01 Page 23 of 51 . Depending on how general the qualification is. This web service contains the following two operations: Query_PurchaseOrder (see page 23) Update_PurchaseOrder (see page 26) 3. It will also return related children purchase line items for each purchase order found. which is provided with the application. BladeLogic Confidential.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Requested By+ RequestedBy Supplier Name+ SupplierName Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Tax Rate TaxRate Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandlingAmount Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandlingCurrency Code BillToAddr_Street BillToStreet BillToAddr_City Name+ BillToCity BillToAddr_State/Prov BillToStateProv BillToAddr_Postal Code BillToPostalCode BillToAddr_Country BillToCountry ShipToAddr_Street ShipToStreet ShipToAddr_City Name+ ShipToCity ShipToAddr_State/Prov ShipToStateProv ShipToAddr_Postal Code ShipToPostalCode ShipToAddr_Country ShipToCountry Freight Terms FreightTerms Ship Via ShipVia Shipping Options ShippingOption OrderConfirmation Type Code OrderConfirmationTypeCode WebServiceOrder WebServiceOrder BMC Software Confidential. Output field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Returns unique identifier. Notes The following table lists output values for the child level of the Query_PurchaseOrder operation and maps to the AST: PurchaseLineItem form.1.01 Page 24 of 51 . BMC Asset Management 8. purchase line item Instance Id. Notes Page 25 of 51 .01 BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on form Displayed on web services Part Number PartNumber Description Description Status Status Asset Class CIType RequestedForCompany RequesterCompany Unit of Measure ProductUnitOfMeasureCode Required Qty* RequiredQty Total Received Qty TotalReceivedQty Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Estimated Price/currencyValue EstimatedPriceAmount Estimated Price/currencyCode EstimatedPriceCurrencyCode Actual Price/currencyValue ActualPriceAmount Actual Price/currencyCode ActualPriceCurrencyCode Taxable Taxable Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandling Amount Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandling CurrencyCode Product Categorization Tier 1 Tier1 Product Categorization Tier 2 Tier2 Product Categorization Tier 3 Tier3 Model ProductName Version Number ModelVersion MarketVersion MarketVersion Manufacture Name+ Manufacturer Supplier Name+ SupplierName Requisition ID RequisitionID Order ID OrderID BMC Asset Management 8.1. 1. Input field values DB field on interface form Order ID Displayed on web services Notes Qualification AR System qualification required. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 26 of 51 . Notes 3. The qualification entered determines which purchase order is updated. Only child records related to the parent can be updated. The following table lists the input values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseOrder operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseOrderInterface form.2 Update_PurchaseOrder This operation supports the update of a purchase order plus updates to existing purchase line items. and is based on AST:PurchaseOrderInterface fields. OrderID BMC Asset Management 8.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on form Displayed on web services Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo Date Required DateRequired Date Ordered DateOrdered Estimated Receiving Date DateToReceive Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1/attachmentName DetailsAttachment1Name Attachment1/attachmentData DetailsAttachment1Data Attachment1/attachmentOrigSize DetailsAttachment1OrigSize Audit Trail ReadNotes LicenseCertificateType PurchaseType Software Contract ID SoftwareContractID zID_LicenseType LicenseType zID_CertificateID CertificateID BMC Software Confidential. Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential.1. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 27 of 51 . Shipping & Handling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandling CurrencyCode Must provide currency code if currency value provided. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Supplier Name+ SupplierName Status Status PO Number PONumber Payment Terms PaymentTerms Buyer Buyer Requested By+ RequestedBy Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Tax Rate TaxRate Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount Must provide currency value if currency code provided. The following table lists input values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseOrder operation and maps to the AST: PurchaseLineItem form. BillToAddr_Street BillToStreet BillToAddr_City Name+ BillToCity BillToAddr_State/Prov BillToStateProv BillToAddr_Postal Code BillToPostalCode BillToAddr_Country BillToCountry ShipToAddr_Street ShipToStreet ShipToAddr_City Name+ ShipToCity ShipToAddr_State/Prov ShipToStateProv ShipToAddr_Postal Code ShipToPostalCode ShipToAddr_Country ShipToCountry Freight Terms FreightTerms Ship Via ShipVia Shipping Options ShippingOption OrderConfirmation Type Code OrderConfirmationType Code WebServiceOrder WebServiceOrder Available for storing external purchase order reference number. Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Must provide currency code if currency value provided. BMC Asset Management 8. Shipping & Handling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandling Amount Must provide currency value if currency code provided. Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount Must provide currency value if currency code provided. Output field values BMC Asset Management 8. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseOrder operation from the AST: PurchaseLineItem form. BladeLogic Confidential. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated purchase order. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web Notes services instanceId InstanceID Provide the purchase line item Instance ID to be updated. Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Must supply currency code if currency value provided.01 Page 28 of 51 .1.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Taxable Taxable Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo EstimatedReceivingDate DateToReceive Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1/attachmentName DetailsAttachment1Name Attachment1/attachmentData DetailsAttachment1Data Attachment1 /attachmentOrigSize DetailsAttachment1OrigSize Received Qty ReceivedQty The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseOrder operation from the AST: PurchaseOrderInterface form. 1.01 Page 29 of 51 . BMC Asset Management 8.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes instanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated purchase line item. BladeLogic Confidential. Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. based on the qualification entered. Depending on how general the qualification is. This web service contains the following two operations: Query_PurchaseLineItem (see page 30) Update_PurchaseLineItem (see page 34) 4. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Qualification AR System qualification required and is based on AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface fields. purchase line item Instance Id.xsd file. The following table lists input values for the Query_PurchaseLineItem operation against the parent AST: PurchaseLineItemInterface form. which is provided with the application. 4 AST_PurchaseLineItem_QueryModify_WS This is a complex web service based on the PurchaseLineItemQueryModify. BladeLogic Confidential. It will also return related children work information and return records for each purchase line item found.1 Query_PurchaseLineItem The query operation supports a qualification to query for purchase line items.01 Page 30 of 51 . Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceID InstanceID Returns unique identifier. startRecord and maxLimit can be used to determine how many records should be shown at a time.1. Part Number PartNumber Description ItemDescription Status ItemStatus Asset Class CIType BMC Asset Management 8. startRecord maxLimit The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Query_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface form. Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services RequestedFor_Company RequesterCompany Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure Required Qty RequiredQty Received Qty ReceivedQty Total Received Qty TotalReceivedQty Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Estimated Price/currencyValue EstimatedPriceAmount Estimated Price/currencyCode EstimatedPriceCurrencyCode Actual Price/currencyValue ActualPriceAmount Actual Price/currencyCode ActualPriceCurrencyCode Taxable Taxable Tax Amount/currencyValue TaxAmount Tax Amount/currencyCode TaxCurrencyCode ShippingAndHandling /currencyValue ShippingAndHandlingAmount ShippingAndHandling /currencyCode ShippingAndHandling CurrencyCode Product Categorization Tier 1 ProductTier1 Product Categorization Tier 2 ProductTier2 Product Categorization Tier 3 ProductTier3 ProductName Model ModelVersion VersionNumber MarketVersion MarketVersion Manufacturer ManufacturerName+ SupplierName Supplier Name+ RequisitionID Requisition ID OrderID Order ID QuoteNumber Quote Number QuoteDesc QuoteInfo PRNumber PRNumber BMC Asset Management 8. Notes Page 31 of 51 .01 BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.1. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 32 of 51 . Purchase Line Item Instance ID SourceInstanceID This is the foreign key. Work Log Type WorkInfoType Work Log Date WorkInfoDate Communication Source WorkInfoSource Description WorkInfoSummary BMC Asset Management 8. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId WorkInfoInstanceID The unique Instance ID for the work information record.Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services PO Number PONumber Data Tags DataTags Date Required DateRequired Date Ordered DateOrdered EstimatedReceivingDate DateToReceive Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1/attachmentName PLIAttachmentName Attachment1/attachmentData PLIAttachmentData Attachment1/attachmentOrigSize PLIAttachmentOrigSize Audit Trail ReadNotes License Certificate Type CertificatePurchaseType Software Contract ID Software Contract ID zID_LicenseType LicenseType zID_LicenseCertificateID CertificateID BMC Software Confidential. which the work information record is linked to.1. Notes The following table lists output values for the child level of the Query_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form. purchase line item Instance ID. 1. Output field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Instanceid InstanceID Returns unique identifier. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 33 of 51 . Type Type RMA Number RMANumber Quantity to Return QuantityToReturn Reason for Return ReasonForReturn Replacement Received ReplacementReceived BMC Asset Management 8. Line Item Instance ID LineItemInstanceID Purchase line item Instance ID.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Detailed Description WorkInfoNotes Secure Work Log WorkInfoLocked View Access WorkInfoViewAccess z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1Data z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1OrigSize z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2Name z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2Data z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2OrigSize z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3Name z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3Data z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3OrigSize Notes The following table lists output values for the child level of the Query_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseReturn form. 01 Page 34 of 51 .2 Update_PurchaseLineItem This operation supports the update of an existing purchase line item. Only child records related to the parent can be updated. Unit Price/currencyValue UnitPriceAmount Unit Price/currencyCode UnitPriceCurrencyCode Taxable Taxable Quote Number QuoteNumber QuoteDesc QuoteInfo EstimatedReceivingDate DateToReceive Notes to Purchasing NotesToPurchasing Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Cost Center CostCenter Accounting Code AccountingCode Project Number ProjectNumber Budget Code BudgetCode Attachment1/attachmentName DetailsAttachment1Name Attachment1/attachmentData DetailsAttachment1Data Attachment1 /attachmentOrigSize DetailsAttachment1OrigSize Received Qty ReceivedQty The following table lists input values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form. 4. In addition. BladeLogic Confidential. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes Qualification AR System qualification required. children work information and return records can also be created. The following table lists the input values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseLineItemInterface form.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Input field values BMC Asset Management 8.1. The qualification entered determines which purchase line items are updated. and updates to related children work information and return records. The following table lists input values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation and maps to the AST:PurchaseReturn form. BladeLogic Confidential. which the work information record is linked to." z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1Name Optional if creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1Data Optional if creating a work information record. General Information. Supported values are: "Yes" or "No. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. Email System and Paging System. If existing instance Id is provided the matching work information record will be updated. Voice Mail. Supported values are: "Internal" or "Public. System Assignment. Work Log Type WorkInfoType Required if creating a work information record. Web and Other. Pager. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2Data Optional if creating a work information record. Communication Source WorkInfoSource Required if creating a work information record. Supported values are: Email. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. Required if creating a new work information record. Description WorkInfoSummary Required if creating a work information record. Secure Work Log WorkInfoLocked Required if creating a work information record. a new work information record will be created.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential.01 Page 35 of 51 . Purchase Line Item Instance ID SourceInstanceID This is the foreign key. Detailed Description WorkInfoNotes Required if creating a work information record. Walk In. purchase line item Instance ID. Work Log Submit Date WorkInfoDate Required if creating a work information record. DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId WorkInfoInstanceID If a new Instance ID is provided (one that is not in the database). Input field values BMC Asset Management 8. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3OrigSize Optional if creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3Data Optional if creating a work information record." View Access WorkInfoViewAccess Required if creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3Name Optional if creating a work information record. Phone. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2Name Optional if creating a work information record.1. Purchase Requisition Task. Fax. Supported values are: Detailed Clarification. Output field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes Instanceid ReturnsInstanceID Unique identifier for each updated or added purchase return.1. Line Item Instance ID LineItem InstanceID Purchase line item Instance Id is required. Type Type Required field "Replace" and "Return. BMC Asset Management 8. BladeLogic Confidential. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation from the AST: PurchaseRequisitionWorkLog form. The following table lists output values for the child level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation from the AST: PurchaseReturn form.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. If existing Instance ID is provided updates can be made. DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes Instanceid Instanceid If a new Instance ID is provided.01 Page 36 of 51 . Output field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId InstanceID Unique identifier for each updated purchase line item. a purchase return will be created and this is the typical usage." RMA Number RMANumber Required field Quantity to Return QuantityToReturn Required field Reason for Return ReasonForReturn Required field The following table lists output values for the parent level of the Update_PurchaseLineItem operation from the AST: PurchaseLineItemInterface form. Output field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceId WorkInfoInstanceID Unique identifier for each updated or added work information record. Short Description Short_Description Required for creating a work information record. Work Log Submit Work_Log_Submit_Date Required for creating a work information record. "CREATEPR" to create a work information for purchase requisition and "CREATEPLI" to create a work information record for a purchase line item. Assignee Groups Assignee_Groups Vendor Assignee Groups Vendor_Assignee_Groups Requisition ID Requisition_ID Set using workflow. Description Description Required for creating a work information record. It contains one operation and supports the creation of a work information record for either a purchase requisition or purchase line item. SourceInstanceID SourceInstanceID Required field Provide either the purchase requisition Instance Id or the purchase line item Instance Id. Purchase Requisition Task. Submitter Submitter Required for creating a work information record. Supported values are "Internal" or "Public. BladeLogic Confidential. 5 AST_WorkInfoInterface_Create_WS This is a simple web service.1. Work Log Type Work_Log_Type Required for creating a work information record." Status Status Required for creating a work information record. Assigned To Assigned_To Optional for creating a work information record. Create_WorkInfo (see page 37) 5.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Secure Work Log Secure_Work_Log Required for creating a work information record. Supported values are Detailed Clarification.1 Create_WorkInfo The following table describes the input field values for this function. Date BMC Asset Management 8. Data Tags Data Tags Optional for creating a work information record. Email System and Paging System. Input field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes zID_Action zID_Action Required field with two keywords supported." View Access View_Access Required for creating a work information record.01 Page 37 of 51 . General Information. PRNumber PRNumber Set using workflow. Supported values are "Yes" or "No. DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes Notes Notes Optional for creating a work information record. Output field values DB field on form Displayed on web services Notes InstanceID InstanceID Unique identifier generated for a work information record. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment3 OrigSize Optional for creating a work information record.01 Page 38 of 51 . z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment3 Name Optional for creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment1 Data Optional for creating a work information record. Number of Attachments Number_of_Attachments Optional for creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment1 OrigSize Optional for creating a work information record. Work Log Date Work_Log_Date Recommended for creating a work information record. The following table lists output values for the AST:WorkInfoInterface_Create form. BMC Asset Management 8.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment2 Data Optional for creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment2 Name Optional for creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log01 /attachmentName WorkInfoAttachment1 Name Optional for creating a work information record. Work Log Submitter Work_Log_Submitter Optional for creating a work information record. Communication Source Communication_Source Recommended for creating a work information record. BladeLogic Confidential.1. z2AF Work Log03 /attachmentData WorkInfoAttachment3 Data Optional for creating a work information record. z2AF Work Log02 /attachmentOrigSize WorkInfoAttachment2 OrigSize Optional for creating a work information record. you must set the OrderConfirmationTypeCode field to null on the AST: PurchaseOrder form. Note The WebServiceOrder and OrderConfirmationTypeCode fields appear on the Tracking tab of the AST: PurchaseOrder form.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential.1. see: Update_PO_Confirmation (see page 40) Get_Specific_PO (see page 40) Get_List_Of_New_POs (see page 42) BMC Asset Management 8. The qualifications across these two web services differ from each other as described in the following table: Qualifications Web service Qualifications AST_PurchaseOrder_WS This function has a value of 1 (Yes) for the WebServiceOrder field on the AST:PurchaseOrder form. 6 AST_PurchaseOrder_WS and AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDate This section describes the inputs and outputs for the following web services: AST_PurchaseOrder_WS AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDate Note With a few noted exceptions. For the Get_List_Of_New_Pos functions.01 Page 39 of 51 . See the Notes column in the following tables for details about the exceptions. these web services share the same mapping structure. For the Get_List_Of_New_Pos functions. BladeLogic Confidential. you must set the OrderConfirmationTypeCode field to null on the AST: PurchaseOrder form. AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDate This function has a value of 0 (No) for the WebServiceOrder field on the AST:PurchaseOrder form. For details of the related functions. Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.1 Update_PO_Confirmation Use the Update_PO_Confirmation function to update information about a specific purchase order and its set of line items. MonetaryAmount Shipping & Handling field on AST: PurchaseOrder currencyCode ShippingCost.01 Page 40 of 51 .MonetaryAmount currencyCode UnitPrice.CurrencyCode Line items are a subset of a purchase order. 6. 6.CurrencyCode Shipping & Handling field on AST: PurchaseOrder Tax Rate TaxRate OrderConfirmationTypeCode OrderConfirmationTypeCode AST:PurchastLineItem getListValues instanceId ItemID currencyValue UnitPrice. Input field values Displayed on web services Notes PONumber Qualification on which to search Supplier BMC Asset Management 8. A one-to-many relationship is defined for line items to purchase orders.2 Get_Specific_PO This function returns the values of a specific purchase order and its line items.1. Input field values Field DB name on form Displayed on web services Notes N/A POID Qualification to search on Supplier Name+ Supplier Used in AST_ PurchaseOrder_ WS qualification only PO Number PONumber Freight Terms Freight Terms Ship Via ShipVia Shipping Options ShippingOption currencyValue ShippingCost. The following table describes the field values required to use this function. It has a one-to-many relationship with purchase order.MonetaryAmount ShippingCost.1. The following table lists the output field values.AddressLine1 ShippingTo. ItemID PartNumber BMC Asset Management 8.01 Page 41 of 51 .AddressCountry ShippingTo.AddressLine1 BillingTo.AddressState ShippingTo.CurrencyCode TotalPrice.AddressCity ShippingTo.MonetaryAmount TotalPrice.AddressCity BillingTo.AddressState BillingTo. AddressPostalCode ShippingTo.AddressPostalCode BillingTo.CurrencyCode BillingTo.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. Output field values Displayed on web services Notes POID PONumber POStatus DateOrdered Supplier Buyer NotesToSupplier FreightTerms ShipVia ShippingOption ShippingCost. BladeLogic Confidential.AddressCountry Item Line items on a purchase order. 1.01 Page 42 of 51 .Creating BMC Asset Management web services Displayed on web services BMC Software Confidential.3 Get_List_Of_New_POs This function returns the values for a list of purchase orders and its line items. Output field values Displayed on web services Notes POID PONumber POStatus DateOrdered Only displayed in the AST_PurchaseOrder_WS web service Supplier Buyer NotesToSupplier FreightTerms ShipVia ShippingOption ShippingCost. Input field values Displayed on web services Supplier The following table lists the output field values.MoneteryAmount UnitPrice.MonetaryAmount BMC Asset Management 8. Notes ItemDescription ItemStatus Quantity ProductUnitOfMeasureCode UnitPrice. BladeLogic Confidential.CurrencyCode QuoteNumber Taxable 6. AddressState ShippingTo.AddressCity ShippingTo.AddressLine1 BillingTo.01 Page 43 of 51 .AddressLine1 ShippingTo.CurrencyCode BillingTo.CurrencyCode QuoteNumber Taxable BMC Asset Management 8.AddressCity BillingTo. It has a one-to-many relationship with purchase order.AddressPostalCode BillingTo.1.AddressCountry OrderConfirmationTypeCode Item Line item for purchase order. AddressPostalCode ShippingTo. Notes ShippingCost.AddressCountry ShippingTo.MoneteryAmount UnitPrice.AddressState BillingTo. ItemID PartNumber ItemDescription ItemStatus Quantity ProductUnitOfMeasureCode UnitPrice. BladeLogic Confidential.Creating BMC Asset Management web services Displayed on web services BMC Software Confidential. 01 Page 44 of 51 .1 PO_Modify_Service This function updates a purchase order by way of the AST:PurchaseOrderInterface form. but interact directly with the AST:PurchaseOrder form.1. BladeLogic Confidential. Input field values DB field on interface form Displayed on web services Notes N/A POID A qualification to search on N/A Supplier Used for qualification Requisition ID Requisition_ID PO Number PONumber Notes to Supplier NotesToSupplier Status Status WebServiceOrder Buyer Buyer Date Ordered Date_Ordered Payment Terms Payment_Terms Tax Rate Tax_Rate BillToAddr_City_Name+ BillToAddr_City_Name BillToAddr_Country BillToAddr_Country BillToAddr_PostalCode+ BillToAddr_PostalCode BillToAddr_State/Prov BillToAddr_State_Prov BMC Asset Management 8. You cannot update the line items for a purchase. The AST_PurchaseOrder_WS and AST_PurchaseOrder_WS_noDateweb services also perform these functions. PO_Modify_Service (see page 44) PO_Query_Service (see page 45) PO_GetListofNewPO_Service (see page 46) 7.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. 7 AST_PurchaseOrderInterface_WS The purchase order interface web service lets you modify and query purchase order records through an interface form. Creating BMC Asset Management web services DB field on interface form Displayed on web services ShipToAddr_Street ShipToAddr_Street ShipToAddr_City_Name+ ShipToAddr_City_Name ShipToAddr_Country ShipToAddr_Country ShipToAddr_PostalCode+ ShipToAddr_PostalCode ShipToAddr_State/Prov ShipToAddr_State_Prov ShipToAddr_Street ShipToAddr_Street BMC Software Confidential. Input field values Displayed on web services Notes Order_ID Used as a qualification The following table lists the output field values.2 PO_Query_Service The PO_Query_Service function returns a specific purchase order by way of the AST:PurchaseOrderInterface form.01 Page 45 of 51 . BladeLogic Confidential. Notes 7. Output field values Displayed on web services Order_ID PO_Number Status Supplier_Name Buyer Notes_to_Supplier Freight_Terms Payment_terms BMC Asset Management 8. Note A query cannot return line item values for a purchase order.1. Output field values Displayed on web services Order_ID BMC Asset Management 8. Input field values Displayed on web services Notes Qualification A valid AR System qualification The following table lists the output field values.3 PO_GetListofNewPO_Service The PO_GetListofNewPO_Service function returns a group of purchase orders by way of the AST: PurchaseOrderInterface form. Note This function cannot return the line item values for a purchase order. BladeLogic Confidential.1. Displayed on web services ShippingVia ShippingOptions OrderConfirmationTypeCode BillToAddr_City_Name+ BillToAddr_Country BillToAddr_PostalCode+ BillToAddr_State/Prov ShipToAddr_Street ShipToAddr_City_Name+ ShipToAddr_Country ShipToAddr_PostalCode+ ShipToAddr_State/Prov ShipToAddr_Street 7.01 Page 46 of 51 .Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. 1.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. BladeLogic Confidential.01 Page 47 of 51 . Displayed on web services PO_Number Status Supplier_Name Notes_to_Supplier Buyer Date_Ordered Freight_Terms Payment_Terms OrderConformationTypeCode ShipVia Shipping_Options BillToAddr_City_Name BillToAddr_Country BillToAddr_PostalCode BillToAddr_State/Prov ShipToAddr_Street ShipToAddr_City_Name ShipToAddr_Country ShipToAddr_PostalCode ShipToAddr_State/Prov ShipToAddr_Street BMC Asset Management 8. 8 AST_CIUnavailabilityInterface_WS The AST_CIUnavailabilityInterface_WS allows for a user to query for a list of unavailability records that are associated with a CI. BladeLogic Confidential. Input field values Displayed on web services Notes Qualification A valid AR System qualification The following table lists the output field values. GetListOfUnavailability function (see page 48) 8.1 GetListOfUnavailability function The GetListOfUnavailability function returns a list of unavailable CIs by the way of the AST: CI Unavailablity join form.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential.1. Output field values Displayed on web services ActualEndDate ActualStartDate CIName CIReconID CrossReferenceID Description ScheduledEndDate ScheduledStartDate UnavailabilityClass UnavailabilityStatus UnavailabilityType BMC Asset Management 8.01 Page 48 of 51 . 42.1. 37. 5. 23. 44. 48. 30. 46. 12. 39. 12. 48 BMC Asset Management 8. 44. 45.Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. 30. 40. 5. Index A Ast Purchaserequisitioninterface Query 12 C Create Purchaserequisition 5 Create Workinfo 37 G Get List Of New Pos 42 Getlistofunavailability 48 Get Specific Po 40 P Po Getlistofnewpo Service 46 Po Modify Service 44 Po Query Service 45 Q Query Purchaselineitem 30 Query Purchaseorder 23 Query Purchaserequisition 12 R Reference 3. 12. BladeLogic Confidential. 17.01 Page 49 of 51 . 37. 34. Creating BMC Asset Management web services BMC Software Confidential. 40. 48 BMC Asset Management 8. 40. 26. 45. 39. 30. 37.1. 12. 5. U Update Po Confirmation 40 Update Purchaselineitem 34 Update Purchaseorder 26 Update Purchaserequisition 17 W Web Services 3. 5. 46. 23. 42. 44. 23. 37. 34. BladeLogic Confidential. 30. 48. 44.01 Page 50 of 51 . IT Infrastructure Library® is a registered trademark of the Office of Government Commerce and is used here by BMC Software.S.227-7014.227-7015. Government is subject to restrictions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. The information included in this documentation is the proprietary and confidential information of BMC Software. All other BMC trademarks.. © Copyright 1991 . and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. and logos may be registered or pending registration in the U. HOUSTON TX 77042-2827. and is used here by BMC Software. BMC Software Inc. UNPUBLISHED—RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.2014 BMC Software.. or in other countries. Houston TX 77042-2827. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2101 CityWest Blvd.S. UNIX is the registered trademark of The Open Group in the US and other countries. or in other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. or licensors. ITIL® is a registered trademark. as applicable.S.S. BladeLogic Confidential. 2101 CITYWEST BLVD. Inc. 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Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. or disclosure of any data and computer software by the U. its affiliates. Any contract notices should be sent to this address. and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. service marks. Inc. and IBM are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States. Contractor/Manufacturer is BMC SOFTWARE INC. or both. and DFARS 252. other countries. Inc. Inc. Patent and Trademark Office. BladeLogic and the BladeLogic logo are the exclusive properties of BladeLogic. Restricted rights legend U. as amended from time to time. Government Restricted Rights to Computer Software. All other BladeLogic trademarks. BMC Software.S. 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