


Festo CPX Driver Block Library forSIMATIC PCS 7 Table of Contents Introduction/Designated Use ............................................................................................................................... 1 Important User Information .................................................................................................................................. 2 Danger Categories.......................................................................................................................................... 2 Limited Warranty ............................................................................................................................................ 2 System Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 3 What's New In This Version?................................................................................................................................. 4 Supported Modules .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Installation Notes ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Rack Driver Blocks .............................................................................................................................................. 10 RACK_CPX: Festo CPX Terminal Monitoring .................................................................................................. 10 Module Driver Blocks .......................................................................................................................................... 15 MOD_CPX1: Festo CPX Digital Input Module ................................................................................................ 15 MOD_CPX2: Festo CPX Digital Output Module ............................................................................................. 20 MOD_CPX3: Festo CPX Digital Input/Output Module.................................................................................... 25 MOD_CPX4: Festo CPX Analog Input Module, Incl. T/TC Temperature Modules ............................................ 29 MOD_CPX5: Festo CPX Pressure Sensor Module .......................................................................................... 34 MOD_CPX6: Festo CPX CP Master Module .................................................................................................... 39 MOD_CPX7: Festo CPX Digital NAMUR Input Module ................................................................................... 45 MOD_MPA: Festo MPA Valve Terminal Module ............................................................................................. 50 MOD_VMPS: Festo VMPA-FB-PS Pressure Sensor Module............................................................................ 56 MOD_VPPM: Festo VPPM Proportional Pressure Regulator Module ............................................................. 60 MOD_VTX: Festo non-MPA valve terminal module ........................................................................................ 65 Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) ........................................................................................................................ 74 CHAI_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel ............................................................................................. 74 CHAO_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel ......................................................................................... 80 CHCN1CPX: Festo CPX-P Counter/Frequency Channel .................................................................................. 85 CHDI_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Input Channel ................................................................................................. 90 CHDO_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel ............................................................................................. 93 Channel Driver Blocks (APL) ............................................................................................................................... 97 CPXAnIn: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel ............................................................................................... 97 CPXAnOu: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel ......................................................................................... 106 CPXCnt1: Festo CPX-P Counter/Frequency Channel .................................................................................... 112 CPXDiIn: Festo Digital Input Channel .......................................................................................................... 119 CPXDiOu: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel ............................................................................................... 123 Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 128 Message Classes ........................................................................................................................................ 128 Marking Special Information ...................................................................................................................... 128 Contacting Festo ........................................................................................................................................ 129 How Diagnostic Information Is Retrieved .................................................................................................... 129 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 130 ii 1 Introduction/Designated Use The Festo CPX driver block library described in this documentation is designed for seamlessly integrating Festo CPX remote I/O terminals with or without attached valve terminals to a Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system. It fully supports the "Generate Module Drivers" function of PCS 7 and allows for convenient and automated set-up and module and channel diagnosis. Please check the System Requirements about supported modules and required configuration settings. This library is not to be used simultaneously with other manufacturer's libraries for Festo CPX, including the one by Siemens. Such libraries need to be removed from the Engineering System before installing the Festo CPX driver block library. It is absolutely necessary to follow the safety instructions as well as the designated use of the relevant hardware referred to in this documentation. Please check the appropriate hardware manuals for further information. If additional components such as sensors and actuators are connected, the specified limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. must not be exceeded. Please do also check the Siemens specifications regarding the use of SIMATIC PCS 7. The Festo CPX driver block library can be used free of charge. 1 This information is marked with a signal word (warning.1 Important User Information Danger Categories This document contains information on possible dangers that can occur if the product is not used as designated. At the moment when the software is transferred or made available.. A distinction is made between the following danger warnings: Warning .. 2. means that injury to people and damage to property can occur if this warning is not observed. it is in a state in which it will function under normal operating and application conditions. means that damage to property can occur if this warning is not observed. 2 .2 2. The same applies to the written material supplied with the software. or that it is compatible with these programs.. The responsibility for the correct selection and the consequences of using the software within the scope of use defined by the user. means that serious injury to people and damage to property can occur if this warning is not observed. You can find information on how special information is represented at "Marking Special Information".. caution. Note . As a rule the software must therefore be used in the designated manner as specified in the program description and in the user instructions. The use of the programmed software does not exempt you as customer from your duties and responsibility for observing and adhering to technical machine and safety regulations as well as for a comprehensive functional check.. or that it will function without problems when used with other programs. Festo does not guarantee that the software will suffice for all applications and purposes intended by the user. placed on a grey background and additionally marked with a pictogram.). etc.2 Limited Warranty Please note that it is not possible with the present state of technology to create programmed software which functions without problems and is compatible with all applications and combinations intended by the user. as well as for the intended and achieved results therefore lies with the user. Caution .. 04. A comprehensive list of all supported modules can be found in an own section. depending on whether you use FB33. "R23". In HW Config. For CPX terminals connected via Profibus DP. two scenarios exist: 1. no error is raised by the "Generate Module Drivers" function. A PCS 7 compliant CPU with ALARM_8P support is to be used. 34 or 35. Some modules have officially been released for usage with the driver library. valid entries are either "SW 17. For Profinet IO.1 or newer must be installed. 22 or higher. certain system error messages might not be triggered correctly under rare circumstances. stating that for the channel in question. The reason is that for each module. 19 or higher. It might also work with older versions of PCS 7. If a module is installed and configured in HW Config that is not supported by the Festo CPX driver block library. the "DP-Slave [DPV1]" GSD file entry is to be used for the CPXFB13 bus node module. the fieldbus node CPX-FB13 must be Rev. and the latter is to be installed in the terminal's first slot. PCS 7 Version 7. In this case. 2 is required. as soon as an error occurs on the respective module. Please consult the "Module Driver Blocks" chapters for finding out which modules are supported.0 SP 1 Upd. e. too. For Profinet support. 3 . At least one of the module's digital or analog channels is accessed from within the PCS 7 program. a separate diagnostic message is sent via Profibus. "R24" or any higher revision number. i. and the system will operate normally. Please be aware that the Fast Startup mechanism is not supported. undervoltage alarms are displayed correctly. and the default "inactive" setting might lead to sporadic "Device x/y/z: Multiple alarm (OB82)" alarm messages. the "DP Interrupt Mode" setting of the CPX terminal is to be kept at the default "DPV0" setting (HW Config/DP Slave Properties/Parameter Assignment/Station Parameters/DP Interrupt Mode).07". The Festo CPX driver library does not use OB 82 for that purpose. If Profinet IO is used. Suppressing such messages via the "Filter alarm Vout/Vven" setting does not affect the Festo CPX driver library. at least Basis Library V8. and raises an alarm as soon as more than 5 instances are called.3 System Requirements The Festo CPX driver library for PCS 7 has been tested with SIMATIC PCS 7 Version 7. PCS 7 monitors the number of OB calls. but no guarantee is given. 2. Modules not officially released are technologically supported. the suitable "FB3x PNIO Modul[STI]" entry ist to be used for configuring the bus node in slot 1. This prevents the fieldbus nodes from flooding the bus system with alarm messages in case of undervoltage. Always make sure only to use modules that are supported by the Festo CPX driver block library. Please note that changing the byte order for analog values (Intel/Motorola) requires revision 23 or newer.1 SP2 and 8. no supported hardware is found.0 SP 1. In this case. the CPX-FB3x bus node must be Rev. using an appropriate channel driver block. the "Area Of Application" section provides information about which modules are supported. This library supports both the PCS 7 Standard Library and the Advanced Process Library (APL) standards by Siemens. For each module driver block. even with the filter activated. recurring error messages are triggered by the terminal driver block ("Fatal system error"). It is furthermore advised to set the "Filter alarm Vout/Vven" station parameter to "active" instead of the default "inactive" value. but does a monitoring of the status byte sent by the fieldbus node instead. None of the module's channels is accessed via a channel driver block. the "Generate Module Drivers" function will raise an error. Please check the label on the fieldbus node. For direct access to this online help system from SIMATIC Manager (via the F1 key). If you use Profibus DP. but there is no suitable module driver block to provide detailed diagnostics. triggering OB 82. as can be seen from the "Release" column there. This is due to the fact that the driver block recognizes the presence of a module error. If DPV1 is selected here. but have not been tested to the same extend as the released ones. However. 0 12.0 04.0. support for PCS 7 Standard Library (no APL support) 1. CPXDiOu) . CPXDiIn.RACK_CPX: Collective fault messages read from CPX status byte are suppressed by default (new parameter EN_STMSG) .1.0. Please check our Support Portal from time to time for newer versions of the Festo CPX driver block library for PCS 04.0 SP1 Basis Library Update 2 requirements Note There might be updates added from time to time.07.CHAO_CPX: Added consistency check for scaling limits 2.0.04. added QCFG_ERR to indicate an incorrectly configured CPX-FB13 Profibus node .Corrected formal error in AL_CH_FE_CPX059E.1.1.xml file name to PNDRVSWTVENDOR_333_Festo.0.07..2011 Minor release: .0.Added support for APL standard (new channel driver blocks CPXAnIn.Added support for CPX-P-8DE-N.xml due to PCS 7 V8.2012 Maintenance release: .0 20.MOD_VTX: Resolved OMODE8 not being updated correctly 1.03.1.Changed PNDRVSWT_333_Festo. CPXAnOu.0 25.Added support for VMPAL-EPL-CPX pneumatic interface .1. added immediate broken wire detection via analog input value for temperature sensors .0 28.2013 Maintenance release: ..2011 Maintenance release: .2013 Major release: . modules .RACK_CPX: Prevented periphery access error in case FB13 Profibus node was not configured correctly.Added support for Profinet IO Additional changes: .07.Added support for CPX-L-16DI and 8DI-8DO modules 1.0.xml 2. 4 .CHAI_CPX: High and low range values are set up automatically for pressure sensor channels and forwarded to respective output parameters to allow for proper processing on succeeding blocks.4 What's New In This Version? The following table provides an overview of the versions of the Festo CPX driver block library for PCS 7: Version Date Description 1.2011 Initial version. 12 bit resolution Yes CPX-4AE-U-I CPX-4AE-U-I [4AI-U-I] 4 channel analog input module. *CPX-4DE [4DI]x0 4 channel digital input module No CPX-8DE CPX-8DE [8DI] 8 channel digital input module Yes CPX-8DE-D CPX-8DE-D [8DI-D] 8 channel digital input module with channel diagnosis Yes CPX-8NDE CPX-8NDE [8NDI] 8 channel digital input module. Modules not officially released are technologically supported.10 bar Yes CPX-CP-4-FB CPI: 0 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/4 Byte O CP interface (master module) No 5 . *CPX-4DA [4DO]x0 4 channel digital output module No CPX-8DA CPX-8DA [8DO] 8 channel digital output module Yes CPX-8DA-H CPX-8DA-H [8DO-H] 8 channel digital output module.+1 bar Yes CPX-4AE-PD10 CPX-4AE-P-D10 [4AI-P] 4 channel pressure sensor module. voltage or current. voltage or current. IP20 Yes CPX-M-16DED CPX-M-16DE-D [M-16DI-D] 16 channel digital input module with channel diagnosis. as can be seen from the "Release" column in the table below. 15 bit resolution Yes CPX-2AE-T CPX-2AE-T [2AI-T] 2 channel analog input module. metal housing No CPX-4DA CPX-4DA [4DO]x2. 0.. high current No CPX-L-8DE8DA-CC CPX-L-8DE-8DA-CC [L-8DI/8DO-CC] 8/8 channel digital input/output multi I/O module.. negative logic No CPX-16DE CPX-16DE [16DI] 16 channel digital input module Yes CPX-L-16DECC CPX-L-16DE-CC [L-16DI-CC] 16 channel digital input module. IP20 Yes CPX-8DE8DA CPX-8DE-8DA [8DI/8DO] 8/8 channel digital input/output multi I/O module Yes CPX-2AE-U-I CPX-2AE-U/I [2AI] 2 channel analog input module. temperature sensors Yes CPX-4AE-T CPX-4AE-T [4AI-T] 4 channel analog input module. 12 bit resolution Yes CPX-4AE-PB2 CPX-4AE-P-B2 [4AI-P] 4 channel pressure sensor module. -1. current only. thermocouple sensors No CPX-2AA-U-I CPX-2AA-U/I [2AO] 2 channel analog output module. The following hardware modules are supported by the Festo CPX driver library for PCS 7: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-4DE CPX-4DE [4DI]x2. voltage or current.5 Supported Modules Some modules have officially been released for usage with the driver library. but have not been tested to the same extend as the released ones. temperature sensors Yes CPX-4AE-TC CPX-4AE-TC [4AI-TC] 4 channel analog input module. 12 bit resolution Yes CPX-4AE-I CPX-4AE-I [4AI-I] 4 channel analog input module. diagnostics Yes VMPA-FB-PS1 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor. without electrical isolation. monitoring externally connected pressure Yes VMPAF-FB- VMPAF-FB-EPL-PS [1AI-P] MPAF pneumatic interface with Yes 6 . without electrical isolation. with electrical isolation. 4 valve coils. 4 valve coils. 4 valve coils.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 CPI: 0 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/16 Byte O CPX-P8DE-N CPX-P-8DE-N [P8DI-N] CPX-P-8DE-N X [P8DI-N X] 8 channel digital NAMUR input module. without electrical isolation Yes VMPA2-FBEMS-D2-4 MPA2SD: VMPA2-FB-EMS-D2-4[4DO]x2 *MPA2SD:VMPA2-FB-EMS-D2-4[4DO]x0 size 2. with electrical isolation. for intrinsically safe signals Yes VMPA1-FBEMS-8 MPA1S: VMPA1-FB-EMS-8 [8DO] size 1. channels 3 and 5 Yes VMPA-FB-PSP1 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor. for non EX signals Yes CPX-P8DE-NIS CPX-P-8DE-N-IS [P8DI-N-IS] CPX-P-8DE-N-IS X [P8DI-N-IS X] 8 channel digital NAMUR input module. 8 valve coils. monitoring pneum. channel 1 Yes VMPA-FB-PS3/5 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor. with electrical isolation Yes VMPA1-FBEMG-D2-8 MPA1GD: VMPA1-FB-EMG-D2-8 [8DO] size 1. monitoring pneum. with electrical isolation Yes VMPA2-FBEMG-D2-4 MPA2GD:VMPA2-FB-EMG-D2-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2GD:VMPA2-FB-EMG-D2-4[4DO]x0 size 2. without electrical isolation Yes VMPA1-FBEMS-D2-8 MPA1SD: VMPA1-FB-EMS-D2-8 [8DO] size 1. 4 valve coils. 8 valve coils. 8 valve coils. diagnostics Yes VMPA1-FBEMG-8 MPA1G: VMPA1-FB-EMG-8 [8DO] size 1. diagnostics Yes VMPA2-FBEMS-4 MPA2S: VMPA2-FB-EMS-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2S: VMPA2-FB-EMS-4 [4DO]x0 size 2. diagnostics Yes VMPA2-FBEMG-4 MPA2G: VMPA2-FB-EMG-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2G: VMPA2-FB-EMG-4 [4DO]x0 size 2. 8 valve coils. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H VPPM 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module. output pressure 0. output pressure 0.2 bar.... output pressure 0.. size 6. size 8. size 6.. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HS1-C1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 6. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L6H-C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 8. output pressure 0. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HS1 VPPM 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module.. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 6.. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display.6 bar. output pressure 0.. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L10HC1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 6.. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L2H-C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display.6 bar.6 bar. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display.6 bar.6 bar. size 6. output pressure 0. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display.10 bar. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1 VPPM 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module. size 6. 1 % accuracy Yes VABA-1056X1 Until 08/2012: ISO Plug-In DIL1 [8DO] ISO Plug-In DIL2 [16DO] ISO Plug-In DIL3 [24DO] CPX pneumatic interface for VTSA pneumatics (ISO.10 bar. type 44) Yes 7 . output pressure 0.Supported Modules EPL-PS pressure sensor VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H VPPM 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module..2 bar. output pressure 0.6 bar. size 8.2 bar. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10H VPPM 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module.10 bar. size 6.. output pressure 0. size 6. output pressure 0.2 bar. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HC1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 8. output pressure 0. output pressure 0. 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. size 8. size 6.10 bar.. size 8. output pressure 0. output pressure 0.10 bar. output pressure 0..... size 6.. output pressure 0.. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1 VPPM 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module.10 bar. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L10HS1-C1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display. output pressure 0. output pressure 0.2 bar.2 bar. size 6. type 44). Please check our Support Portal from time to time for newer versions of the Festo CPX driver library for PCS 7.0 Midi/Maxi DIL1 [8DO] Midi/Maxi DIL2 [16DO] Midi/Maxi DIL3 [24DO] Midi/Maxi DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for Midi/Maxi (Type 03) No CPX-GP-CPA10 CPA10/CPA14 DIL1 [8DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL2 [16DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL3 [24DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for CPA10 No CPX-GP-CPA14 CPA10/CPA14 DIL1 [8DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL2 [16DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL3 [24DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for CPA14 No Note There might be updates added from time to time. 8 . metal version Yes VMPAL-EPLCPX VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL1 [8DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL2 [16DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL3 [24DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatics interface for MPA-L pneumatics Yes CPX-GP-034.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 ISO Plug-In DIL4 [32DO]#def Since 09/2012: VTSA Type44/45 DIL1 [8DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL2 [16DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL3 [24DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL4 [32DO]#def VABA-1056X2 Until 08/2012: ISO Plug-In DIL1 [8DO] ISO Plug-In DIL2 [16DO] ISO Plug-In DIL3 [24DO] ISO Plug-In DIL4 [32DO]#def Since 09/2012: VTSA Type44/45 DIL1 [8DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL2 [16DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL3 [24DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for VTSA pneumatics (ISO. e. Note There might be updates added from time to time. g.exe" that can be downloaded form the Festo Support Portal. 9 . Note Please make sure that all editors of PCS 7 are closed during installation. The exact path depends on the installation folder you chose when installing PCS 7. It is then automatically installed in the standard folder for PCS 7 libraries. The library is furthermore registered automatically with SIMATIC Manager. such that it becomes available in the "Libraries" tab in CFC editor. C:\Program Files\SIEMENS\STEP7\S7LIBS. Please check our Support Portal from time to time for newer versions of the Festo CPX driver block library for PCS 7.6 Installation Notes Installation of the Festo CPX driver block library for PCS 7 is done by executing the setup file "CPX_PCS7_v[Version Name]. An context-sensitive online help document can be accessed by selecting a driver block in SIMATIC Manager or CFC editor and pressing F1. see Siemens Help for PCS 7 Library for more details).1 7. DIAG_QW. MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os are configured by the subordinate module drivers MOD_CPXx. and the latter is to be installed in the terminal's first slot. RACK_CPX is installed in the run sequence after the previously installed OB_DIAG1 block. Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 82 Diagnostic Interrupt Organization Block OB 86 Rack Failure Organization Block OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX Terminal found in the hardware configuration. The "DP-Slave [DPV1]" GSD file entry is to be used for the CPX-FB13 bus node module. The EN input of OB_DIAG1 is interconnected with the output of an AND block whose inputs are interconnected to the EN_SUBx output of the OB_BEGIN block. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly.1 RACK_CPX: Festo CPX Terminal Monitoring RACK_CPX: Festo CPX Terminal Monitoring This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 7. SUBN1ERR and SUBN2ERR I/Os of the OB_DIAG1 block. For Profinet IO. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: OB_DIAG1 is installed in the run sequence after the corresponding SUBNET block (for monitoring the Profibus DP slave/Profinet IO device upon failure and recovers.2 Description of RACK_CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FB 800 Area of Application RACK_CPX monitors the status of a Festo CPX Terminal with electrical I/O and/or valve terminal modules connected via Profibus DP or Profinet IO.1. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration.1. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if 10 . The RACK_NO. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. The RACKF. Furthermore. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx. and EN_MSG I/Os are configured. and to the EN_Rx output of the SUBNET block. SUBN1ERR and SUBN2ERR I/Os of the RACK_CPX block are interconnected with the QRACKF.7 Rack Driver Blocks 7. choose the "FB3x PNIO Modul [STI]" entry for configuring the bus node. The CPU_DIAG and CPU_OB5x OUT structures of the OB_BEGIN block and SUB_DIAG of the SUBNET block are interconnected with the IN_OUT structures of the same name of the OB_DIAG1 block. SUBN_ID. The DIAG_IW. It also calculates the CHNIDXx channel index values which tell the MOD_CPXx blocks the number of their first respective channel. Last not least. the error information is forwarded to the module driver blocks by setting QSUBN_ERR = TRUE. This is done by forwarding the information received via the respective DIAGxQW connector to the output word defined by DIAG_QW. e. this is signalled via the QERR connector. but the interface can only be accessed by one single block. RACK_CPX starts requesting module specific diagnostic data to find out which of the installed modules are affected. and QCFG_ERR is set to TRUE if this is not the case. all channels have been checked upon errors). Please make sure that the "DPSlave [DPV1]" GSD file entry is used for configuring the CPX-FB13 Profibus node or "FB3x PNIO Modul [STI]" for Profinet IO devices (HW Config. that they can be found in the hardware configuration for the first slot of the respective CPX Terminal. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. CPX status byte messages are suppressed by default to prevent message flooding. Consequently. Error Handling There are different levels of error handling. The block provides messages for the collective faults sent by the terminal via the status byte (e. e. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. 11 . Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. the addresses configured via DIAG_IW and DIAG_QW are checked upon correctness (see above). neither does the RACK_CPX driver block. If the OB_DIAG1 block signals a subnet/redundancy error via the SUBN1ERR/SUBN2ERR connectors. During normal operation. After startup. based on the values set up at the CHNCNTx connectors. Messaging Functionality RACK_CPX only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX Terminal. In this case.Rack Driver Blocks changes are applied online.checking the module errors. A "Configuration Error" message is triggered. If a module driver doesn't release the diagnostic interface within the stretch of time configured via the TIMEOUT parameter. When the last module has finished its diagnostic cycle. e. When all modules have been checked. Since the subordinate MOD_CPXx driver blocks of the same terminal need to request data via the I/O interface. Functional Description The main task of RACK_CPX is to coordinate the access to the CPX Terminal's diagnostic interface. The second level of error handling covers the routing of the diagnostic interface. first checking the status byte upon collective faults and . As soon as a collective fault is signalled. RACK_CPX relays the diagnostic interface (both input and output word) to the installed modules one after the other. The same message is also raised if DPV1 is not activated on the Profibus master's side. For Profinet IO. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. If the OB_DIAG1 block superior to RACK_CPX detects a slave failure (complete DP slave missing or not working). g. The response by the CPX Terminal as read from the input word defined by DIAG_IW is consequently forwarded to the respective DIAGxIW connector. this is signalled via the RACKF connector to RACK_CPX which in turn forwards the information to the module driver blocks via its QRACKF connector. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. Additional messages are raised in case of a time out of the diagnostic interface or configuration errors. i. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. they can be enabled by setting EN_STMSG = TRUE. "valve module error"). i. all DIAGxIW connectors are set to 0. redundancy is not supported. RACK_CPX works as router between the module driver blocks and the hardware. ALARM_8P is used for that purpose. As soon as the module driver block indicates that a communication cycle has been completed (i. If no collective fault is coded in the status byte. first slot of CPX Terminal) if a configuration error is indicated. signalling the module driver blocks that no errors are present anymore. RACK_CPX starts the whole thing over. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from OB_DIAG1 via the RACKF input connector.if a fault is still present . If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. One covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. RACK_CPX shifts to the next faulty module. RACK_CPX generates an error message via ALARM_8P ("fatal system error") and continues with the next module. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. messages are suppressed and the status byte is ignored for the time specified by DELAY in order to allow for proper bus protocol initialization. the one behind the Y-Link. The third level ensures that the diagnostic interface's addresses (DIAG_IW/DIAG_QW) are configured correctly. RACK_CPX initializes its internal error memory and resets the diagnostic information sent to the module driver blocks. the terminal's status byte send by the bus node is just checked upon errors. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. the address of the interface is supplied INT -1 X V 12 X V . "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Additional Information For further information. not via connecting to the respective input word. the address of the interface is supplied directly as Integer. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. since those cannot be edited due to their type. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run.1. Profibus only) BYTE 16#FF X V RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V NODETYPE Type of field bus node (FB13/33/34/35) INT 0 X V DELAY Startup alarm delay (sec) INT 4 TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request INT 2 EV_ID Message ID DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE EN_STMSG Enable collective fault messages read from status byte BOOL FALSE RACKF From OB_DIAG1: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN1ERR From OB_DIAG1: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN2ERR From OB_DIAG1: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C DIAG_IW Address of input word coming from FB13/FB3x diagnostic interface (-1=not set). the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Profibus only) BYTE 16#FF X V SUBN2_ID ID of redundant DP master system (when behind a Y-Link. If an "X" is shown in this column. INT -1 X V DIAG_QW Address of output word to FB13/FB3x diagnostic interface (-1=not set).3 I/Os of RACK_CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 7. IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF X V SUBN1_ID ID of primary DP master system (when behind a Y-Link. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 N/A C CHNIDXx (x=1.. forwarded to DIAG_QW as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). calculated by adding the number of channels of all previous modules.47) First channel index of module x. not via connecting to the respective output word.47) Input word of FB13/FB3x diagnostic interface (for module x). see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A C QSUBNERR 1=DP subnet system failure (redundancy error..47) Output word of FB13/FB3x diagnostic interface (from module x). DIAGxQW (x=1. used for calculating the CHNIDXx values sent to the module driver blocks BYTE 16#0 X X MOD_CNT Number of modules installed INT 0 X X MS Maintenance state WORD 16#0 Set by Driver Generator OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed..47) Number of I/O channels of module x. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 C CHNCNTx (x=1. needed by the module driver block for requesting channel related information from the terminal. Profibus only) BOOL FALSE N/A C QCFG_ERR 1=Configuration error (CPX-FB13 Profibus node not configured as "DPSlave [DPV1]" or CPX-FB3x Profinet node not configured as "FB3x PNIO Modul [STI]") BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A MSG_ACK Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STAT Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAGxIW (x=1. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 N/A C Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description 13 .Rack Driver Blocks directly as Integer.. forwarded from DIAG_IW as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). Block Parameter Description EV_ID 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) Additional Information For further information.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Valve module error S EV_ID SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Digital output module error S EV_ID SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Digital input module error S EV_ID SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Analog/function module error S EV_ID SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Fatal system error S EV_ID SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@: Configuration error S EV_ID SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID SIG8 (not used) N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 7. re-initialize BOOL V FALSE Additional Information For further information.1. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 14 .4 Message Texts And Associated Values of RACK_CPX Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-4DE CPX-4DE [4DI]x2. For CPX Terminals connected via Profinet IO.. try to do the following: Delete the respective (asterisk-)module in HWConfig and save the configuration. Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: 15 .1.4 to x. IP20 Yes CPX-M-16DED CPX-M-16DE-D [M-16DI-D] 16 channel digital input module with channel diagnosis. Re-insert the module again from the hardware catalogue (thus inserting the asterisk module chronologically after the non-asterisk module) Save the configuration and restart the "Generate Module Drivers" function. negative logic No CPX-16DE CPX-16DE [16DI] 16 channel digital input module Yes CPX-L-16DECC CPX-L-16DE-CC [L-16DI-CC] 16 channel digital input module. so the *CPX-4DE module in the hardware catalogue can be used after CPX-4DE in order to fill up the binary addresses x. with or without channel diagnosis. bits 4.7 of a byte are left unused when configuring four channel digital modules. If you encounter errors or warnings when executing the "Generate Module Drivers" function referring to one or several modules using packed addresses.1 MOD_CPX1: Festo CPX Digital Input Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.7.2 Description of MOD_CPX1 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 801 Area of Application MOD_CPX1 monitors up to 16 channels of a Festo CPX digital input module. The following restrictions apply: Address stacking is only supported on Profibus DP. please make sure to (in chronological order) first place the non-asterisk module for the lower four bits and then the asterisk module for the higher four bits.1 MOD_CPX1: Festo CPX Digital Input Module 8. metal housing No Address stacking is supported. *CPX-4DE [4DI]x0 4 channel digital input module No CPX-8DE CPX-8DE [8DI] 8 channel digital input module Yes CPX-8DE-D CPX-8DE-D [8DI-D] 8 channel digital input module with channel diagnosis Yes CPX-8NDE CPX-8NDE [8NDI] 8 channel digital input module. For the "Generate Module Drivers" to recognize packed addresses correctly.1.8 Module Driver Blocks 8. this is signalled via the QERR connector. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. The DIAG_IW. e.. i. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. Furthermore. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. neither does the module driver block. DIAG_QW. please check the following sections: Interface Description 16 . which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. The CHNCNTx (x=1. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. the one behind the Y-Link. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. The RACK_NO. SLOT_NO. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. Additional Information For further information. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. Consequently. In this case. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. SUBN_ID. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input.3 I/Os of MOD_CPX1 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. If an "X" is shown in this column. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal.1. low BYTE = output). calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. 8. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module WORD 16#0 V X C 17 . The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. since those cannot be edited due to their type. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. I/O name normal = I/O not visible.Module Driver Blocks Message Texts And Associated Values 8.1. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator.5 Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX1 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance 18 Message No. Default Message Text Message Class . this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! Maintenance state MS DWORD 16#0 OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed.1. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). 10: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. mod. 11: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. ch. @3%d@. 15: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. 7: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. 12: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. mod. 9: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 8: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Unknown module error no. Mod.. mod. mod. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 4: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 0: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 5: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod.Module Driver Blocks EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. mod. mod. ch. 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch.3 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to 19 . @3%d@. ch. ch. Mod. 14: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @4%d@ S EV_ID3 SIG4 N/A EV_ID3 SIG5 N/A EV_ID3 SIG6 N/A EV_ID3 SIG7 N/A EV_ID3 SIG8 N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. 6: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 13: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 3 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. high current No Address stacking is supported.4 to x. For CPX Terminals connected via Profinet IO.7. bits 4. For the "Generate Module Drivers" to recognize packed addresses correctly. *CPX-4DA [4DO]x0 4 channel digital output module No CPX-8DA CPX-8DA [8DO] 8 channel digital output module Yes CPX-8DA-H CPX-8DA-H [8DO-H] 8 channel digital output module. If you encounter errors or warnings when executing the "Generate Module Drivers" function referring to one or several modules using packed addresses. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-4DA CPX-4DA [4DO]x2..1 MOD_CPX2: Festo CPX Digital Output Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8... The following restrictions apply: Address stacking is only supported on Profibus DP.2.2. please make sure to (in chronological order) first place the non-asterisk module for the lower four bits and then the asterisk module for the higher four bits.2 Description of MOD_CPX2 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 802 Area of Application MOD_CPX2 monitors up to eight channels of a Festo CPX digital output module.3 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID3 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. Re-insert the module again from the hardware catalogue (thus inserting the asterisk module chronologically after the non-asterisk module) Save the configuration and restart the "Generate Module Drivers" function.7 of a byte are left unused when configuring four channel digital modules.2 MOD_CPX2: Festo CPX Digital Output Module 8.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID1. 20 . try to do the following: Delete the respective (asterisk-)module in HWConfig and save the configuration. so the *CPX-4DA module in the hardware catalogue can be used after CPX-4DA in order to fill up the binary addresses x. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. DIAG_QW. SUBN_ID. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. The RACK_NO. 21 . Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. this is signalled via the QERR connector. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. the one behind the Y-Link. neither does the module driver block. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. The DIAG_IW. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. In this case. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block.. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. SLOT_NO. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface.Module Driver Blocks Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. The CHNCNTx (x=1. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. Furthermore. i. e. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. Consequently. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block).3 I/Os of MOD_CPX2 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. If an "X" is shown in this column. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal.2. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules.2. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Additional Information For further information. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. since those cannot be edited due to their type. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal WORD 16#0 22 Locked Set by Driver Generator V X C . 8. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. low BYTE = output). I/O name normal = I/O not visible. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block).extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! Maintenance state MS DWORD 16#0 OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX).Module Driver Blocks is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 23 . re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. ch.2 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1.module @3%[email protected] @3%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX2 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No.module @3%d@.. ch.2 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID2 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information.module @3%d@. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 24 . @3%d@: Undervoltage in power supply S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] @3%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No.module @3%d@. 0: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. ch. 7: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 5: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. ch. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID2 SIG4 S EV_ID2 SIG5 S EV_ID2 SIG6 S EV_ID2 SIG7 S EV_ID2 SIG8 S Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. ch.module @3%d@. mod.2. 4: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 6: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch.module @3%d@. ch...Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 8. The DIAG_IW. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. DIAG_QW. SUBN_ID. IP20 Yes CPX-8DE8DA CPX-8DE-8DA [8DI/8DO] 8/8 channel digital input/output multi I/O module Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. Furthermore.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured.3 MOD_CPX3: Festo CPX Digital Input/Output Module 8.3. The RACK_NO. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented.1 MOD_CPX3: Festo CPX Digital Input/Output Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.3. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block.Module Driver Blocks 8. SLOT_NO. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured..2 Description of MOD_CPX3 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 803 Area of Application MOD_CPX3 monitors the 16 channels of a Festo CPX digital input/output module (eight channels each). ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. it sends a "start 25 . The CHNCNTx (x=1. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-L-8DE8DA-CC CPX-L-8DE-8DA-CC [L-8DI/8DO-CC] 8/8 channel digital input/output multi I/O module. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.3 I/Os of MOD_CPX3 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. Consequently. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. since those cannot be edited due to their type.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 26 Locked Set by Driver Generator V . this is signalled via the QERR connector. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. i. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. Additional Information For further information. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. In this case.3. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. 8. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. If an "X" is shown in this column. The block provides messages with channel specific error information.3. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. e. neither does the module driver block. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. the one behind the Y-Link. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block).extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block).Module Driver Blocks EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 X EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. this output word is written to the WORD 16#0 N/A C 27 . x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. low BYTE = output). CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . . 0: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. output ch.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). @3%d@. 5: Short circuit/overload S 28 . 4: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. output ch. @3%d@. 0. @3%d@. @3%d@. 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected]: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. input ch. mod. mod. output ch.. output ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod.7: Undervoltage in power supply S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected]. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. output ch. 0. output ch. re-initialize BOOL FALSE Locked Set by Driver Generator V Additional Information For further information. output ch. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID1 SIG5 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX3 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. mod. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. current only. @3%d@. including T/TC temperature modules. 15 bit resolution Yes 29 . Incl. mod. T/TC Temperature Modules This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8..4. @3%d@.. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-2AE-U-I CPX-2AE-U/I [2AI] 2 channel analog input module. 12 bit resolution Yes CPX-4AE-I CPX-4AE-I [4AI-I] 4 channel analog input module. mod. 6: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1.4 MOD_CPX4: Festo CPX Analog Input Module.4. output ch. output ch.1 MOD_CPX4: Festo CPX Analog Input Module. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. voltage or current. Incl. voltage or current.. T/TC Temperature Modules 8.2 Description of MOD_CPX4 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 804 Area of Application MOD_CPX4 monitors up to four channels of a Festo CPX analog input or output module. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8.Module Driver Blocks EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID1 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information.2 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1. 7: Short circuit/overload S Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. 12 bit resolution Yes CPX-4AE-U-I CPX-4AE-U-I [4AI-U-I] 4 channel analog input module. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured.. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. Consequently. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. this is signalled via the QERR connector. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. voltage or current. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. the one behind the Y-Link. DIAG_QW. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. e. The CHNCNTx (x=1. neither does the module driver block. thermocouple sensors No CPX-2AA-U-I CPX-2AA-U/I [2AO] 2 channel analog output module. SLOT_NO. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. In this case. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. The DIAG_IW. Furthermore. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. 30 . The RACK_NO. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 CPX-2AE-T CPX-2AE-T [2AI-T] 2 channel analog input module. temperature sensors Yes CPX-4AE-T CPX-4AE-T [4AI-T] 4 channel analog input module. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. i. temperature sensors Yes CPX-4AE-TC CPX-4AE-TC [4AI-TC] 4 channel analog input module. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. 12 bit resolution Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. SUBN_ID. 8. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. Additional Information For further information. If an "X" is shown in this column. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.4. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. since those cannot be edited due to their type. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose.4. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector.Module Driver Blocks Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. needed for requesting channel related information from the INT 0 X C V X 31 . low BYTE = output).3 I/Os of MOD_CPX4 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 X V C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver BOOL FALSE 32 V . CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch.extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 terminal. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. ch. mod. 0: Parameter fault S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. re-initialize Additional Information For further information. mod. ch. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. mod. 1: Parameter fault S EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 0: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Fault in actuator supply S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Signal underflow/overflow S EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX4 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. 1: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 2: Wire fracture/idling at current input/output S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. @3%d@. ch. ch. ch. ch. mod. @3%d@. mod. ch. ch. 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. 0: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Driver Blocks generator. ch. 0: Signal underflow/overflow S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. 2: Upper limit exceeded S 33 . mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch.4. 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 1: Wire fracture/idling at current input/output S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 0: Input overload S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 1: Input overload S EV_ID2 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. ch. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. 1: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@. mod. 2: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 0: Wire fracture/idling at current input/output S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. 0: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. ch. @3%[email protected] MOD_CPX5: Festo CPX Pressure Sensor Module MOD_CPX5: Festo CPX Pressure Sensor Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 34 . 2: Input overload S EV_ID3 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch.5 8. 3: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID4 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 3: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID3 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. 4: Signal underflow/overflow S Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. @3%d@. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. mod.. mod.5.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID3 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. @3%d@. 2: Signal underflow/overflow S EV_ID4 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 3: Parameter fault S EV_ID4 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. ch. 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@.. mod. mod. ch. ch. ch. 2: Parameter fault S EV_ID3 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. @3%[email protected] 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1.4 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1. mod. 3: Wire fracture/idling at current input/output S EV_ID4 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. 3: Input overload S EV_ID4 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID3 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod.. 2 Description of MOD_CPX5 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 805 Area of Application MOD_CPX5 monitors up to four channels of a Festo CPX pressure sensor module.. Consequently. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. SLOT_NO. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. SUBN_ID..47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. The CHNCNTx (x=1. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly.+1 bar Yes CPX-4AE-PD10 CPX-4AE-P-D10 [4AI-P] 4 channel pressure sensor module. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. The RACK_NO. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block.5.Module Driver Blocks 8. DIAG_QW. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. 0. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is 35 . trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. The DIAG_IW. -1. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. In this case. Furthermore. neither does the module driver block.10 bar Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-4AE-PB2 CPX-4AE-P-B2 [4AI-P] 4 channel pressure sensor module.. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. this is signalled via the QERR connector. i. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. low BYTE = output). I/O name normal = I/O not visible. since those cannot be edited due to their type. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run.5. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. the one behind the Y-Link. Additional Information For further information. WORD 16#0 36 Locked Set by Driver Generator V X X V . The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors.3 I/Os of MOD_CPX5 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. e. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 connected to. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution.5. 8. If an "X" is shown in this column. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C 37 .Module Driver Blocks needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules.extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod.5 Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX5 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. @3%d@. mod.5. ch. 0: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. 0: Sensor limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 0: Parameter fault S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. 0: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. re-initialize BOOL FALSE Locked Set by Driver Generator V Additional Information For further information. 1: Sensor limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 1: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG3 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. ch. MOD. ch. mod. 1: Invalid process value S EV_ID2 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. 2: Upper limit exceeded S 38 . mod. @3%d@. 0: Invalid process value S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Wrong device type mounted S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 1: Parameter fault S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. mod. ch. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. @3%d@. 2: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No.4 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1. ch.6. mod. 3: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG3 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 2: Sensor limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 2: Parameter fault S EV_ID3 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 3: Invalid process value S EV_ID4 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG8 (not used) N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes.4 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1.. @3%d@. mod. ch. ch. 3: Sensor limit exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Driver Blocks EV_ID3 SIG3 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. mod. @3%[email protected] MOD_CPX6: Festo CPX CP Master Module MOD_CPX6: Festo CPX CP Master Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 39 . Block Parameter Description EV_ID1.4 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID1 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. 3: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@.. 2: Invalid process value S EV_ID3 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch.. @3%d@. ch. mod. ch. ch. ch. @3%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. 3: Parameter fault S EV_ID4 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] 8. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries CPX-CP-4-FB CPI: 0 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 0 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 4 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 8 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 12 Byte I/16 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/0 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/4 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/8 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/12 Byte O CPI: 16 Byte I/16 Byte O Description Release CP interface (master module) No Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. The CHNCNTx (x=1.2 Description of MOD_CPX6 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 806 Area of Application MOD_CPX6 monitors a Festo CPX CP master module. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. SUBN_ID.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 8. The RACK_NO.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured.6. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. 40 . The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented.. SLOT_NO. For technical reasons. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. this is signalled via the QERR connector. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. In this case. e. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module 41 . Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. If an "X" is shown in this column. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. DIAG_QW. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually.3 I/Os of MOD_CPX6 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details.6. Furthermore. Consequently. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. each of which can consist of up to four modules. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. CP modules are monitored line-wise. Up to four CP lines can be connected to the CP master module. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. i. since those cannot be edited due to their type.Module Driver Blocks The DIAG_IW. If an error is raised by at least one module of a line. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Additional Information For further information. If more than one CP module shows an error. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. it is not possible to provide a (CP-) module or even channel specific diagnosis. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. the respective subcollective fault is triggered by MOD_CPX6. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. several messages are triggered for the respective line at the same time. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. neither does the module driver block. the one behind the Y-Link. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.6. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 V X C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. see BOOL FALSE N/A 42 Set by Driver Generator . calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). 8.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Drivers" function is run. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. low BYTE = output). needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). mod. @3%d@. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. CP line 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). mod. CP line 1: CP configuration failure S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. CP line 1: CP module lost/fault S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX6 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No.Module Driver Blocks MSG_STAT) QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . mod. mod. CP line 1: Short circuit CP line S 43 .extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. @3%d@. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 1: Undervoltage S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. CP line 4: CP module lost/fault S EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. CP line 2: Short circuit CP line S EV_ID2 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 3: CP configuration failure S EV_ID3 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 3: Undervoltage S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@. CP line 3: Short circuit CP line S EV_ID3 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID3 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. CP line 4: Undervoltage S EV_ID4 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. CP line 4: Short circuit CP line S EV_ID4 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG8 (not used) N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. @3%[email protected] CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID1 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. mod. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance 44 Value No. @3%d@. CP line 2: Undervoltage S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 2: CP module lost/fault S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. CP line 3: CP module lost/fault S EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. CP line 4: CP configuration failure S EV_ID4 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. CP line 2: CP configuration failure S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. CP line 4: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Block Parameter Description . @3%d@. 45 ...4 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1.7 8.4 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release CPX-P8DE-N CPX-P-8DE-N [P8DI-N] CPX-P-8DE-N X [P8DI-N X] 8 channel digital NAMUR input module.1 MOD_CPX7: Festo CPX Digital NAMUR Input Module MOD_CPX7: Festo CPX Digital NAMUR Input Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.2 Description of MOD_CPX7 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 807 Interface Description Area of Application MOD_CPX7 monitors a Festo CPX digital NAMUR input module. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8.4 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID1 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block.7.. for intrinsically safe signals Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration.Module Driver Blocks EV_ID1. for non EX signals Yes CPX-P8DE-NIS CPX-P-8DE-N-IS [P8DI-N-IS] CPX-P-8DE-N-IS X [P8DI-N-IS X] 8 channel digital NAMUR input module.7. The CHNCNTx (x=1. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. The DIAG_IW. Consequently. Furthermore. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. Additional Information For further information. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. In this case.. SUBN_ID. e.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. The RACK_NO. neither does the module driver block.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. this is signalled via the QERR connector.3 I/Os of MOD_CPX7 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. since those cannot be edited due to their type. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. 46 . Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. If an "X" is shown in this column. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. i. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector.7. SLOT_NO. the one behind the Y-Link. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. DIAG_QW. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Module Driver Blocks The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run.7. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 Data Type Default Value V X C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Locked Set by Driver Generator 47 . 8. low BYTE = output). needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. ch. 0: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . @3%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_CPX7 Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. @3%d@. 0: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 0: Upper limit exceeded S 48 . ch. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. ch. Mod.7. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. ch. @3%d@. @3%[email protected] status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). 0: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. Mod. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX).Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. @3%d@. 0: Parameter fault S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 5: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID4 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. @3%d@. 1: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 3: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID3 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. @3%d@: ch. 2: Parameter fault S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. 3: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. Mod. 3: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 2: Invalid process value (counting range exceeded) S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. Mod. ch. Mod. @3%d@. ch. 1: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 3: Invalid process value (counting range exceeded) S EV_ID4 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. Mod. ch. @3%d@. 1: Invalid process value (counting range exceeded) S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: ch. ch. Mod. ch. 2: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. 4: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: ch. ch. @3%d@. ch. 1: Parameter fault S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. Mod. ch. 4: Parameter fault S EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. Mod. ch. Mod. Mod.Module Driver Blocks EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 3: Parameter fault S EV_ID3 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 2: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. @3%d@. Mod. ch. Mod. ch. 3: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. @3%d@. Mod. 2: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. Mod. ch. Mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. Mod. 1: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 5: Parameter fault S 49 . @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. Mod. ch. @3%d@. Mod. @3%d@. ch. Mod. Mod. 2: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. Mod. 0: Invalid process value (counting range exceeded) S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 5: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID4 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 4: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID4 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. ch. Mod. 1: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 8 8. 6: Parameter fault S EV_ID5 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 6: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID5 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch.. Mod.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID4 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID4 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID5 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Mod. 7: Wire fracture/idling S EV_ID5 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No.8..8 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. ch.8 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1.8.8 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID8 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. Mod. 7: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID5 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%[email protected] Description of MOD_MPA Object Name (Type + Number) FB 810 50 . 7: Parameter fault S EV_ID5 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. @3%d@: ch. @3%[email protected] MOD_MPA: Festo MPA Valve Terminal Module MOD_MPA: Festo MPA Valve Terminal Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. @3%d@. Mod. Mod. Mod. 6: Short circuit/overload S EV_ID5 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@.. ch. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID5 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. Mod. Mod. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. ch. without electrical isolation. 8 valve coils. For CPX Terminals connected via Profinet IO. 8 valve coils. 4 valve coils.Module Driver Blocks Area of Application MOD_MPA monitors a Festo MPA valve terminal module installed in a CPX system. The CHNCNTx (x=1.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured.4 to x. try to do the following: Delete the respective (asterisk-)module in HWKonfig and save the configuration. without electrical isolation Yes VMPA2-FBEMS-D2-4 MPA2SD: VMPA2-FB-EMS-D2-4[4DO]x2 *MPA2SD:VMPA2-FB-EMS-D2-4[4DO]x0 size 2.7 of a byte are left unused when configuring four channel digital modules. 4 valve coils. bits 4. diagnostics Yes Address stacking is supported. 51 . The following restrictions apply: Address stacking is only supported on Profibus DP. 4 valve coils. with electrical isolation. 4 valve coils. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release VMPA1-FBEMS-8 MPA1S: VMPA1-FB-EMS-8 [8DO] size 1. with electrical isolation Yes VMPA2-FBEMG-D2-4 MPA2GD:VMPA2-FB-EMG-D2-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2GD:VMPA2-FB-EMG-D2-4[4DO]x0 size 2. Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. If you encounter errors or warnings when executing the "Generate Module Drivers" function referring to one or several modules using packed addresses. so the MPA size 2 modules marked with an asterisk (*) in the hardware catalogue can be used after their non-asterisk equivalents in order to fill up the binary addresses x. 8 valve coils.. 8 valve coils. diagnostics Yes VMPA1-FBEMG-8 MPA1G: VMPA1-FB-EMG-8 [8DO] size 1. diagnostics Yes VMPA2-FBEMS-4 MPA2S: VMPA2-FB-EMS-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2S: VMPA2-FB-EMS-4 [4DO]x0 size 2. with electrical isolation. with electrical isolation Yes VMPA1-FBEMG-D2-8 MPA1GD: VMPA1-FB-EMG-D2-8 [8DO] size 1.. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. without electrical isolation Yes VMPA1-FBEMS-D2-8 MPA1SD: VMPA1-FB-EMS-D2-8 [8DO] size 1.7. without electrical isolation. For the "Generate Module Drivers" to recognize packed addresses correctly. please make sure to (in chronological order) first place the non-asterisk module for the lower four bits and then the asterisk module for the higher four bits. Re-insert the module again from the hardware catalogue (thus inserting the asterisk module chronologically after the non-asterisk module) Save the configuration and restart the "Generate Module Drivers" function. diagnostics Yes VMPA2-FBEMG-4 MPA2G: VMPA2-FB-EMG-4 [4DO]x2 *MPA2G: VMPA2-FB-EMG-4 [4DO]x0 size 2. SLOT_NO. since those cannot be edited due to their type. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. the one behind the Y-Link. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. SUBN_ID. this is signalled via the QERR connector. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector.3 I/Os of MOD_MPA The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. DIAG_QW. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. 52 . e. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. If an "X" is shown in this column. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. neither does the module driver block. i.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 The RACK_NO. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector.8. In this case. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. Consequently. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. Additional Information For further information. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. The DIAG_IW. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Furthermore. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. low BYTE = output). needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules.Module Driver Blocks 8. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A Set by Driver Generator 53 . needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 V X C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block).8. 1: Wire fracture (open load) S 54 . mod. re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). ch. 0: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 0: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 0: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%[email protected] status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. @3%d@: Undervoltage in power supply S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. ch. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. @3%[email protected] CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . mod. ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). mod.8. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_MPA Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. mod. 1: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. mod. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. ch. mod. mod. Associated Values ALARM_8P Value No. 4: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG5 EV_ID3 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 5: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. 7: Condition counter exceeded S S N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. 6: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 6: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG5 EV_ID4 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 4: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. ch. 7: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID4 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. 4: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 2: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG5 N/A EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 7: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID4 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. 3: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID3 SIG1 EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. 5: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. ch. 3: Short circuit at valve EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. @3%d@. 5: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID4 SIG1 S N/A N/A N/A EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 2: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. Block Description 55 . @3%d@. 3: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID2 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. mod.Module Driver Blocks EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. ch. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. mod. ch. ch. @3%d@. 1: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. 2: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. mod. 6: Short circuit at valve EV_ID4 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. .9 8. the following actions are executed automatically by 56 .9. The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release VMPA-FB-PS1 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor. monitoring externally connected pressure Yes VMPAF-FBEPL-PS VMPAF-FB-EPL-PS [1AI-P] MPAF pneumatic interface with pressure sensor Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. channels 3 and 5 Yes VMPA-FB-PSP1 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor. monitoring pneum..Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Instance Parameter EV_ID1.4 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1.1 MOD_VMPS: Festo VMPA-FB-PS Pressure Sensor Module MOD_VMPS: Festo VMPA-FB-PS Pressure Sensor Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.4 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID2 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. channel 1 Yes VMPA-FB-PS3/5 VMPA-FB-PS [1AI-P] MPA pressure sensor.9.2 Description of MOD_VMPS Object Name (Type + Number) FB 811 Area of Application MOD_VMPS monitors a Festo VMPA-FB-PS pressure sensor module mounted in an MPA type valve terminal.4 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1.. monitoring pneum. please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. The CHNCNTx (x=1.47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. The RACK_NO. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. the one behind the Y-Link. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. i. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. 57 .3 I/Os of MOD_VMPS The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. SUBN_ID. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. SLOT_NO. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. Furthermore. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF.9. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to.Module Driver Blocks the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. Consequently. Additional Information For further information. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.. neither does the module driver block. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. In this case. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. this is signalled via the QERR connector. e. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. DIAG_QW. The DIAG_IW. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. If an "X" is shown in this column. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. low BYTE = output). "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. since those cannot be edited due to their type.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! WORD 16#0 MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 58 Locked Set by Driver Generator V X C . needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.9. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. 8. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. mod. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). @3%d@: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_VMPS Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected]. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.Module Driver Blocks OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed.extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). @3%d@: Upper limit exceeded S 59 . mod. re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@, mod. @3%d@: Parameter fault S EV_ID SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@, mod. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@, mod. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID SIG8 (not used) N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID1 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information, please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8.10 MOD_VPPM: Festo VPPM Proportional Pressure Regulator Module 8.10.1 MOD_VPPM: Festo VPPM Proportional Pressure Regulator Module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.10.2 Description of MOD_VPPM Object Name (Type + Number) FB 812 Area of Application MOD_VPPM monitors a Festo VPPM proportional pressure regulator module mounted in an MPA type valve terminal. The proportional pressure regulator VPPM−6TA−... (VPPM/MPA) has been designed to regulate a pressure proportional to a specified setpoint value. An integrated pressure sensor records the pressure at the work connection and compares this with the setpoint value. If the actual value differs from the setpoint value, the pressure regulator is actuated further until the setpoint value is reached. The following modules are supported: 60 Module Driver Blocks Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H VPPM 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..2 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1 VPPM 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..2 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..2 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..2 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H VPPM 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..6 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1 VPPM 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..6 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..6 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..6 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10H VPPM 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..10 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HS1 VPPM 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module, size 6, output pressure 0..10 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HC1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..10 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-6TA-L1-F-0L10HS1-C1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 6, output pressure 0..10 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L2H-C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..2 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L2H-S1C1 VPPM Display 2 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..2 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L6H-C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..6 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L6H-S1C1 VPPM Display 6 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..6 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L10HC1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..10 bar, 2 % accuracy Yes VPPM-8TA-L1-F-0L10HS1-C1 VPPM Display 10 bar [1AI/1AO] Pressure regulator module with display, size 8, output pressure 0..10 bar, 1 % accuracy Yes Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: Type Description 61 Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration, the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. The CHNCNTx (x=1..47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. The RACK_NO, SLOT_NO, SUBN_ID, EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. The DIAG_IW, DIAG_QW, CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually, it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block, which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. Furthermore, ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX, it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels, trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX, the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. Consequently, neither does the module driver block. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. In this case, the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to, i. e. the one behind the Y-Link. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution, this is signalled via the QERR connector. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart, via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID, the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. Additional Information For further information, please check the following sections: Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 62 Module Driver Blocks 8. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel WORD 16#0 V X C 63 . low BYTE = output). "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block). "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. since those cannot be edited due to their type.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input.10. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. If an "X" is shown in this column. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface.3 I/Os of MOD_VPPM The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal.10. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. 8. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX).Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 and module diagnostics from working! Maintenance state MS DWORD 16#0 OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed. see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8.5 Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_VPPM Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No. mod.10. @3%d@: General fault S 64 . re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block). Default Message Text Message Class EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@: Parameter fault S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Upper limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@: Fault in parametrizing upper limit S EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod.2 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No. mod.. @3%d@: Lower limit exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod.2 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1.1 MOD_VTX: Festo non-MPA valve terminal module This chapter contains the following information: Block Description 65 . please check the following sections: Block Description Interface Description 8. @3%d@: Wrong device type mounted S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Condition counter exceeded S EV_ID1 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@: Missing valve S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@.. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1.11. @3%d@: Fault in parametrizing lower limit S EV_ID1 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Driver Blocks EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] MOD_VTX: Festo non-MPA valve terminal module 8. mod.2 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID2 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. @3%d@: Undervoltage in power supply S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID2 SIG5 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG8 (not used) N/A Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. mod. mod.. mod. 2 Description of MOD_VTX 8. type 44). The following modules are supported: Type GSD/GSDML File Entries Description Release VABA-1056X1 Until 08/2012: ISO Plug-In DIL1 [8DO] ISO Plug-In DIL2 [16DO] ISO Plug-In DIL3 [24DO] ISO Plug-In DIL4 [32DO]#def Since 09/2012: VTSA Type44/45 DIL1 [8DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL2 [16DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL3 [24DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for VTSA pneumatics (ISO.11.0 Midi/Maxi DIL1 [8DO] Midi/Maxi DIL2 [16DO] Midi/Maxi DIL3 [24DO] Midi/Maxi DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for Midi/Maxi (Type 03) No CPX-GP-CPA10 CPA10/CPA14 DIL1 [8DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL2 [16DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL3 [24DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for CPA10 No CPX-GP-CPA14 CPA10/CPA14 DIL1 [8DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL2 [16DO] CPA10/CPA14 DIL3 [24DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for CPA14 No Calling OBs The block is installed in the run sequence in the following OBs: 66 . metal version Yes VMPAL-EPLCPX VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL1 [8DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL2 [16DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL3 [24DO] VMPAL-EPL-CPX DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatics interface for MPA-L pneumatics Yes CPX-GP-034.3 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 819 Area of Application MOD_VTX monitors a Festo non-MPA valve terminal module installed in a CPX system.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Interface Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. type 44) Yes VABA-1056X2 Until 08/2012: ISO Plug-In DIL1 [8DO] ISO Plug-In DIL2 [16DO] ISO Plug-In DIL3 [24DO] ISO Plug-In DIL4 [32DO]#def Since 09/2012: VTSA Type44/45 DIL1 [8DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL2 [16DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL3 [24DO] VTSA Type44/45 DIL4 [32DO]#def CPX pneumatic interface for VTSA pneumatics (ISO.11. The CHNCNTx (x=1. Several ALARM_8P instances are used for that purpose. e. neither does the module driver block. SLOT_NO. Additional Information For further information. please check the following sections: Interface Description 67 .47) I/O of the superseding RACK_CPX block is configured. the following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The module driver block is installed in the run sequence after the superseding RACK_CPX block. Detailed information can then be found via the MSG_STAT connector. DIAG_QW. Messages are suppressed if a rack failure notification is received from RACK_CPX via the RACKF connector. the module driver block sets the OMODEx output parameter accordingly. The ACC_ID parameter is set to TRUE. It also generates channel-specific quality codes (using the OMODEx output parameters) that are passed to the signal processing blocks. Error Handling Error handling only covers the proper execution of the ALARM_8P block used for sending messages to the visualization system. The DIAG_IW. It may however be used behind a Y-Link interface. The RACK_NO. Monitoring is done as follows: As soon one or more module errors are detected by RACK_CPX. This especially applies to MOD_CNT and CHNCNTx I/Os of the superseding RACK_CPX block. Furthermore. SUBN_ID. Functional Description The module driver block monitors the modules specified above and raises messages via ALARM_8P in case of errors. Redundancy The CPX Terminal does not natively support redundant field bus connections. Messaging Functionality The module driver block only reports events that apply to the monitored CPX module. trigger ALARM_8P messages if applicable and sends a "finished channel diag" flag to RACK_CPX via the DIAG_QW connector.Module Driver Blocks Type Description OB 1 Cyclic program OB 100 Warm restart Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" For each CPX module found in the hardware configuration. the subnet/DP address information displayed in error messages refer to the values for the DP master system the CPX terminal is connected to. ACC_ID needs to be set to TRUE to tell RACK_CPX to re-initizalize if changes are applied online. the one behind the Y-Link. CHN_IDX and RACKF I/Os are interconnected with the superseding RACK_CPX block. i. which need to be adjusted to the new channel configuration. Consequently. The latter then subsequently requests error codes for all available channels. it sends a "start channel diag" flag to the DIAG_IW connector of the affected module driver block. via OB 100) or a TRUE signal at ACC_ID. Please check the ALARM_8P block documentation for details. The block provides messages with channel specific error information. Depending on each channel's error status and a possible rack failure received from RACK_CPX. the module driver block resets its internal sequencer for channel diagnosis and recalculates the channel configuration according to CHN_CFG.. this is signalled via the QERR connector. In this case. Manual Configuration If the terminal's module configuration is changed manually. Startup Characteristics Upon CPU startup (warm restart. If ALARM_8P encounters errors during execution. it needs to be taken care that all the I/Os specified above are set up correctly. Message generation can also be suppressed by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. EN_MSG and CHN_CFG I/Os are configured. Rack failure information is forwarded to QRACKF. The MOD_CNT value of the superseding RACK_CPX block is incremented. since those cannot be edited due to their type. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module WORD 16#0 68 Locked Set by Driver Generator V X C . CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! INT 0 X C REF_NO Reference number for identifying CPX module INT 0 X V DIAG_IW Diagnostic input word (from RACK_CPX block).Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Message Texts And Associated Values 8. low BYTE = output). The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. the input word read from the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal is forwarded by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface.11.5 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value SUBN_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to WORD 16#FFFF RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) BYTE 16#0 X V SLOT_NO Slot number BYTE 16#0 X V TIMEOUT Timeout for reply by CPX on diagnostic request (sec) INT 2 EV_IDx Message ID for ALARM_8P instance x DWORD 16#0 EN_MSG Enable messages BOOL TRUE V RACKF From RACK_CPX: DP slave/IO device broken (1=error) BOOL FALSE C SUBN_ERR From RACK_CPX: DP master system/Profinet IO system failure (1=error) BOOL FALSE C CHN_CFG Number of input/output channels (high BYTE = input. calculated by RACK_CPX by adding the number of channels of all previous modules. If an "X" is shown in this column. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal.11. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. needed for requesting channel related information from the terminal WORD 16#0 X V CHN_IDX Index of first input/output channel within terminal.4 I/Os of MOD_VTX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. 8. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. re-initialize BOOL FALSE V Additional Information For further information. x DWORD 16#0 N/A C DXCHGx Bidirectional data exchange ch. this output word is written to the diagnostic interface of the CPX terminal by RACK_CPX as soon as the module driver block in question is allowed to access the interface (decision by RACK_CPX). x DWORD 16#0 N/A C MSG_ACKx Acknowledge status for messages WORD 16#0 N/A MSG_STATx Error information of ALARM_8P WORD 16#0 N/A DIAG_QW Diagnostic output word (to RACK_CPX block).Module Driver Blocks Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working! Maintenance state MS DWORD 16#0 OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator QERR 1=program error (ALARM_8P failed.11. CAUTION: Removing the CFC connection created by the "Generate Module Drivers" function will prevent channel and module diagnostics from working for this module! WORD 16#0 N/A C Locked Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value ACC_ID 1=parameters changed by driver generator.6 Message Texts And Associated Values of MOD_VTX Message Texts and Classes ALARM_8P Instance Message No.extended status DWORD 16#0 N/A OMODEx Status + MODE ch. Default Message Text Message Class 69 . see MSG_STAT) BOOL FALSE N/A QRACKF 1=DP slave/IO device broken BOOL FALSE N/A O_MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_EXIST Existing channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_ACTIVE Active channels DWORD 16#0 N/A CH_OK Channels without errors DWORD 16#0 N/A EXT_STAT Maintenance release . please check the following sections: Block Description Message Texts And Associated Values 8. @3%d@. @3%d@: Undervoltage in power supply S EV_ID1 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Module failure S EV_ID1 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. 5: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. ch. 9: Wire fracture (open load) S 70 . ch. mod. 1: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID2 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 0: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID2 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 8: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID4 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. 0: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID2 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. 9: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID4 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@. 2: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID2 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 4: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 3: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID2 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. mod. 3: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 5: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 7: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID4 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. 6: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. ch. 4: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID3 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. 2: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID2 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. 8: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID4 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 6: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. mod. ch. ch. mod. ch. @3%d@. ch. 1: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID2 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. mod. mod. ch. ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. mod. ch. mod.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID1 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@: Unknown module error number @4%@ S EV_ID1 SIG4 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG5 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG6 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG7 (not used) N/A EV_ID1 SIG8 (not used) N/A EV_ID2 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. 7: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID3 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 16: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID6 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. @3%d@. 18: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID6 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. 22: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID7 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. @3%d@. 11: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID5 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. 15: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID5 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. 10: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID4 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. 19: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID7 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. 11: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID4 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 14: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID5 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. ch. @3%d@. ch. mod. ch. @3%d@. 14: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID5 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 21: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID7 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 17: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID6 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 18: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID6 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%[email protected] Driver Blocks EV_ID4 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. ch. ch. @3%d@. ch. 20: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID7 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 21: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID7 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. @3%d@. ch. ch. @3%d@. mod. 17: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID6 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. mod. mod. @3%d@. mod. ch. mod. 22: Wire fracture (open load) S 71 . ch. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. 12: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID5 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. ch. mod. mod. 10: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID4 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. 13: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID5 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 15: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID6 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. @3%d@. mod. mod. mod. mod. @3%d@. mod. mod. mod. 12: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID5 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 20: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID7 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. 16: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID6 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 19: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID6 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. 13: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID5 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. ch. mod. ch. 26: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID8 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 25: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID8 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. please check the following sections: Block Description 72 . 23: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID8 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@.. mod. @3%[email protected] 1 SUBN1_ID ID of DP master/sub system or Profinet IO system the CPX terminal is connected to EV_ID1. @3%d@. 28: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID9 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 29: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID9 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. 26: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID8 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod. ch. mod. 30: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID9 SIG6 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. ch. 24: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID8 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 31: Wire fracture (open load) S Please check the Message Classes section for details on the different possible classes. mod.. 25: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID8 SIG4 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. ch. 27: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID9 SIG1 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. @3%d@. mod. ch. 23: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID7 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. ch. @3%d@. mod.. @3%d@. 27: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID8 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 29: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID9 SIG5 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. ch. 31: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID9 SIG8 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. 30: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID9 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. @3%d@. mod. mod. ch. mod. mod. @3%d@. @3%d@. mod.9 3 SLOT_NO Slot number EV_ID1 4 N/A Module error code Additional Information For further information. 24: Wire fracture (open load) S EV_ID8 SIG3 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. ch. @3%d@. Associated Values ALARM_8P Instance Value No.9 2 RACK_NO Rack number (Profibus address) or device number (Profinet IO) EV_ID1. mod. 28: Short circuit at valve S EV_ID9 SIG2 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. ch. ch. @3%[email protected] CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 EV_ID7 SIG7 CPX Terminal @1%d@/@2%d@. mod. Block Parameter Description EV_ID1. Module Driver Blocks Interface Description 73 . 20 mA") or predefined values for certain modules. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. in some cases with additional places. The CHLRANGE and CHHRANGE parameters are set to either the values defined in HWConfig ("Scale lowest value"/"Scale highest value") or predefined values. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The MODE parameter is interconnected with the appropriate OMODEx output of the respective module driver block. and the risk of misconfigurations is high. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user.9 Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) 9.2 Description of CHAI_CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FC 532 Area of Application CHAI_CPX is used for any analogue input signal coming from a Festo CPX terminal. for any reason. Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task. Manual Configuration If. the internal scaling algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. This includes CPX analogue input modules as well as pressure sensors or the feedback signals of proportional valves mounted in a valve terminal. the input word provided by the module then directly contains the actual physical value (e. g. depending on the installed module and which input format has been chosen in HWConfig. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. The INPTTYPE parameter is set to either the signal area chosen in HWConfig (e. Scaling is then only applied by CPXAnIn to convert it to its base unit. the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CHAI_CPX instances. The BYTEORDR parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used.1. g. "4. CHAI_CPX is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig. the block's MODE input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal.1. Thus. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" 74 . pressure in mbar). Thus.. OB35 would be suitable. Additionally. g. The VLRANGE and VHRANGE parameters are set up for pressure sensor signals to reflect the measurement range correctly. The FORMAT parameter is set to the input format chosen in HWConfig or predefined values for certain modules. In most cases.1 9.1 CHAI_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel CHAI_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel (Non APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 9. This driver block has been designed for usage in non APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. a cyclic interrupt like e. the parameters that are normally set up by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). As for temperature sensor signals. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig. For the external part. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. The processed result is supplied at the V output parameter. SUBS_ON and LAST_ON parameters (see table below).. value substitution and keeping the last valid value must all be deactivated via their respective input parameters. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. Functional Description CHAI_CPX processes an analogue signal interconnected by the user from the process image (input word of the respective channel) to the VALUE parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). If the input format "process value + comparator bit" is used. the process value will be displayed as 0. 75 . 4. If the input format "comparator bit" is used for VPPM proportional valves. the VLRANGE and VHRANGE parameters are ignored. Quality Code The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. since those modules provide the actual physical value directly. Scaling is only applied if the analogue signal is provided as either voltage or current (e.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) function and not to configure the channel driver block manually. The internal part is based on the setting of the SIM_ON. This would provide the same result as using the "process value" setting. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active SIM_ON = TRUE 16#80 Valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 16#48 Substituted value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE 16#44 Last valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = TRUE 16#00 Invalid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. In these cases. scaling is not necessary. and the current value is used as process value. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details).20 mA). g. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. For temperature and pressure values provided by the appropriate modules. while for the "Invalid value" state simulation.0 if the comparator bit is not set by the VPPM module and 1. If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. The block reads the raw data value and converts it to the corresponding physical value by scaling it between the lower and upper physical limits defined by the VLRANGE and VHRANGE parameters. the comparator bit is ignored by the channel driver block. sensors or proportional valves. the high byte of the value provided at the MODE input parameter is evaluated.0 if the comparator bit is set. g. "IW 512") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE parameter by the user. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. It is advised to deactivate the latter by leaving the "Channel x: Monitor lower (resp. a CPX analogue input module might not provide overshoot and undershoot ranges. QBAD = TRUE (channel error) is also set if overflow or underflow is detected.10 V VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#3 +/.. undershoot and/or overshoot might not be supported. the nominal range sets the range for converting analog signals into digital values (raw values). Depending on its hardware revision. Additionally. Alternatively..5 V VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#5 0. rendering the NAMUR limit check ineffective. The type of the signal connected to CHAI_CPX is defined by the INPTTYPE parameter..Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Raw Value Check Depending on the measurement type and range of the analog input module. for example. VHRANGE 16#0 unknown/by DIL switch VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#1 0.. the raw data value is converted to its physical value by scaling it between the limits defined by the VLRANGE and VHRANGE parameters (for voltage and current signals) or by forwarding the physical value received from the hardware (for temperature and pressure signals). and QBAD = TRUE is set. NAMUR Limit Check By NAMUR definition. based on the configuration done in HWConfig..10 V VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#2 +/.20 mA (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#A 4.20 mA VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#7 +/-20 mA VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#8 0.10 V (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#9 0. might be limited to either the lower physical limit (4 mA).. which provide the physical value directly and do not require additional scaling by CHAI_CPX. Values outside this range constitute an overflow or underflow. In detail. QCHF_LL = TRUE indicates that the raw value is below the lower physical limit (undershoot). If CHAI_CPX is used for processing other signal formats. In this case. QCHF_HL = TRUE that it is above the upper physical limit (overshoot). the check is omitted.20 mA (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#14 Pressure in mbar VALUE is converted to bar (by dividing by 1000).20 mA loop is valid as long as 3.20 mA signal. customized current limits may be defined via CH_F_HL and CH_F_LL and activated by setting CH_F_ON = TRUE. A 4.. NAMUR limit checks only apply to 4. the raw data value is limited to the nominal signal range (4 and/or 20 mA) by the module itself.20 mA signals. the upper limit (20 mA). This includes an overshoot/undershoot range within which an analog signal can still be converted.. NAMUR limit checks are processed in the AS and do not correlate with the analogue input module's internal limit monitoring. The block indicates whether the raw value lies within the nominal range of the module. if those limits are exceeded.. the device is considered dead. undershoot and overshoot are not supported by temperature and pressure sensor modules. the following conversions are applied for the different types of input signals: INPTTYPE Type of Input Signal Default Data Conversion VLRANGE. or both. Depending on the module type and its hardware revision. VLRANGE and VHRANGE are calculated Not used 76 .20 mA VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#6 4. which is set by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically.5 V VALUE is scaled between VLRANGE and VHRANGE Used 16#4 1. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). upper) limit" parameters to their default disabled setting.6 mA <= current <= 21 mA.. the current of a 4. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. Other data formats and/or modules do not provide broken wire information within the raw data value. 77 . The value provided at SIM_V is then written to the V output parameter instead of processing the raw value VALUE. The lower and upper limit parameters (VLRANGE/VHRANGE) are copied to the outputs OVLRANGE and OVHRANGE to allow the interconnection of the settings to other block I/Os. For that reason. and QUALITY is set to 16#00. linear scaling is always applied for voltage and current input signals.0. VLRANGE and VHRANGE are ignored Not used 16#1F Temperature in 0. VLRANGE is set to 0. and the process value's low limit value (VLRANGE) is written to V.0 and VHRANGE to 100. °F). with the scaling limits being defined by VLRANGE and VHRANGE. However. °C. For more information about the parameters mentioned above.150 °C temperature sensor via 4. However. Exception: If CHAI_CPX itself detects an error during the scaling (broken wire or input overload). please also check the Interface Description for CHAI_CPX. QBAD = TRUE is set and the last valid value is held at the V output (i. Or. Substitute Value If SUBS_ON = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid. QUALITY is set to 16#80 and QBAD to FALSE. it is advised to stay with the default settings and just change the byte order to "Motorola" in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes. QBAD = TRUE indicates the invalid value.1 psi VALUE is converted to psi (by dividing by 10). g. VLRANGE and VHRANGE are calculated automatically Not used 16#1E Temperature in 0. such that the CHAI_CPX block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. QBAD is set to FALSE. For pressure values. it does not make a difference to the driver block which data format is applied.20 mA. kPa. This also affects the substitute and hold last value values. Invalid Value If both SUBS_ON and LAST_ON are set to FALSE and the value read from the process image is indicated as invalid (MODE high byte <> 16#80). the data format (e. QBAD = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to SUBS_V is written to the V output parameter. e. During normal operation (valid value). for processing the value delivered by a 0. the input value is converted to a percentage. VLRANGE and VHRANGE are ignored Not used As shown above. which are not effective when simulation is active. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig.0 and VHRANGE to 150. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the SIM_ON = TRUE. VLRANGE needs to be set to 0. The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter.. QUALITY is set to 16#48. In both cases. SUBS_ON = FALSE and the value read from the process image is invalid (MODE high byte <> 16#80).1 °C VALUE is converted to °C (by dividing by 10). QUALITY is set to 16#44. VLRANGE and VHRANGE are calculated automatically Not used 16#16 Pressure in 0.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) automatically 16#15 Pressure in kPa VALUE is used without scaling. psi. Hold Last Value If LAST_ON = TRUE. they do not affect the internal calculation of CHAI_CPX in this case. That means that as long as SIM_ON is set to TRUE. VHRANGE and VLRANGE are set up according to the channel's measurement range. The last valid value is additionally provided at the V_LAST IN_OUT parameter. QUALITY is set to 16#60. Pressure and temperature values are scaled to their base units (bar. the value that was effective before it was detected that the process data has become invalid).0. for example. any other value is ignored. 12 bit right bound). the result of the scaling is still written to the V output parameter. while QSIM = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). byte order (Intel/Motorola) and low and high range limits of the raw data value are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. while the QLAST = TRUE states that the value currently provided at V is the (held) last valid value. This only applies if a 2AE-U-I or 4AE-I module with data format "12bit left bound + diagnosis" or a CPX-4AE-U-I with "sign+15 bit" data format (FORMAT = 3 or 4) is used. If. the result of the scaling is ignored. QSUBS = TRUE states that the value currently provided at V is substituted..1 °F VALUE is converted to °F (by dividing by 10). depending on the module type).1. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at MODE. QMOD_ERR = TRUE is set.3 I/Os of CHAI_CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. since those cannot be edited due to their type. If an "X" is shown in this column. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Valid values: BYTE 0 X V 16#0=15bit linear scaled 16#1=12 bit right bound 78 Locked Set by Driver Generator C . the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V FORMAT Input format ("Input format" or "Input signal type" in HWConfig. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run.1. 9. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. please check the following sections: Interface Description 9. Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. I/O name normal = I/O not visible.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 CHHRANGE High range of raw value: "Scale highest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals. Startup Characteristics N/A Time Response N/A Message Response N/A Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V CHLRANGE Low range of raw value: "Scale lowest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties. fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V BYTEORDR Byte order (0=Intel. Additional Information For further information. 1 deg C 16#1F=temperature in 0.5V 16#5=0..20mA 16#7=+/-20mA 16#8=0. "Dimension unit" or "Input unit" in HWConfig.1 deg F If the input format "comparator bit" is used for VPPM proportional valves.. and the current value is used as process value.20mA 16#6=4..Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) 16#2=15bit 16#3=12bit left bound + diagnosis 16#4=sign+15 bit (ET200 compatible) 16#A=process value (no scaling required) 16#B=comparator bit 16#C=process value + comparator bit INPTTYPE Input signal type ("Signal area".0 if the comparator bit is not set by the VPPM module and 1..5V 16#4=1. OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QBAD 1=bad process value: (Quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 or broken wire detected or signal out of NAMUR or defined range) and simulation not active BOOL FALSE N/A Set by Driver Generator 79 . This would provide the same result as using the "process value" setting.10V (without undershoot range) 16#9=0..10V 16#3=+/.0 if the comparator bit is set. "Measuring adjustment". Valid values: BYTE 0 X V 16#0=no sensor connected/range set via DIL switch/linear scaled (only 4AEP) 16#1=0. the process value will be displayed as 0. If the input format "process value + comparator bit" is used.20mA (without undershoot range) 16#A=4.10V 16#2=+/.20mA (without undershoot range) 16#14=pressure in mbar 16#15=pressure in kPa 16#16=pressure in 0.1 psi 16#1E=temperature in 0. depending on the module type)... the comparator bit is ignored by the channel driver block. 0 (V)* VLRANGE Low limit of scaled process value REAL 0. SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QMOD_ERR 1=higher level error: Quality information in MODE high byte = 16#40 BOOL FALSE N/A OVHRANGE High range of process value (copy) REAL 0.2.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 QCHF_HL 1=process value high limit failure: VALUE < CHHRANGE BOOL FALSE N/A QCHF_LL 1=process value low limit failure: VALUE < CHLRANGE BOOL FALSE N/A QSIM 1=simulation active: SIM_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QSUBS 1=failure substitution active: Invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QLAST 1=failure last value active: Invalid value. please check the following sections: Block Description 9.0 SIM_ON 1=activate simulation BOOL FALSE SIM_V Simulation value REAL 0. In both cases as well as for temperature values. Additional Information For further information.0 N/A QUALITY Quality code BYTE 16#0 N/A IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator VALUE Input/periphery value WORD 16#0 VHRANGE High limit of scaled process value REAL 100. in some cases with additional decimal places.0 LAST_ON 1=enable last valid value BOOL FALSE SUBS_ON 1=enable failure substitution BOOL FALSE SUBS_V Substitution value REAL 0.2 9. g.0 * If the analogue signal processed by the channel driver block is a pressure value. the input word provided by the input module directly contains the actual physical value (e.0 (V)* V_LAST Last valid process value REAL 0.0 CH_F_LL Low limit of input value (in mA) REAL 0. the VLRANGE and VHRANGE parameters are set up to reflect the measurement range of the module in question.1 CHAO_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel CHAO_CPX: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel (Non APL) This chapter contains the following information: 80 . in °C).0 N/A OVLRANGE Low range of process value (copy) REAL 0.0 N/A V Process value REAL 0. Scaling is then only applied by CHAI_CPX to convert it to its base unit.0 CH_F_ON 1=limit failure active BOOL FALSE CH_F_HL High limit of input value (in mA) REAL 0. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The MODE parameter is interconnected with the appropriate OMODEx output of the respective module driver block. the internal scaling algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CHAO_CPX instances. Thus. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: 81 . this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. depending on the installed module and which input format has been chosen in HWConfig.2. Additionally. and the risk of misconfigurations is high. for any reason. Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. OB35 would be suitable. Quality Code The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. In most cases. Manual Configuration If. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" function and not to configure the channel driver block manually. the high byte of the value provided at the MODE input parameter is evaluated. SUBS_ON and LAST_ON parameters (see table below). The CHLRANGE and CHHRANGE parameters are set to either the values defined in HWConfig ("Scale lowest value"/"Scale highest value") or predefined values. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) Block Description Interface Description 9. CHAO_CPX is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig. a cyclic interrupt like e. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. the parameters that are normally set up by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). For the external part. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig. Linear scaling is applied in order to do the conversion from process to periphery format. the block's MODE input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal. This driver block has been designed for usage in non APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. which is to be interconnected to the process image (output word of the respective channel) by the user. Thus. Functional Description CHAO_CPX processes an analogue set point value interconnected to the U parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user) and provides a suitable raw value at the VALUE output parameter. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). The internal part is based on the setting of the SIM_ON. g. The BYTEORDR parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user.2 Description of CHAO_CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FC 533 Area of Application CHAO_CPX is used for any analogue input signal written to a Festo CPX terminal. This includes CPX analogue output modules as well as set point values for proportional valves mounted in a valve terminal. a CHAO_CPX block is configured with ULRANGE=0. An example might be a VPPM proportional valve with physical limits of 0. But in contrast to the latter. For that reason. scaling is always applied by CHAO_CPX. the byte order (Intel/Motorola) and low and high range limits of the raw data value are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. please also check the Interface Description for CHAO_CPX. the set point value is therefore always limited to the values given at the ULRANGE/UHRANGE parameters.0/6000.0/6. The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig. for example. and QCHF_HL = TRUE would be set. For more information about the parameters mentioned above. However. QUALITY is set to 16#80 and QBAD to FALSE. it does not make a difference to the driver block which byte order is applied. g. In contrast to the analogue input driver block CHAI_CPX. but only apply the following limits to the process value U: U > V_HL: U is limited to V_HL U < V_LL: U is limited to LL_V (not V_LL!) Activation of those limits is not indicated at the block's interface.0 or 0. such that the CHAO_CPX block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. the former do not take influence on the scaling algorithm itself. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value).0 and UHRANGE=6.or overshoot for the periphery signal. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. a process value U=6. The QCHF_LL and QCHF_HL output parameters indicate whether the process value has been limited. Now. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e.. and the ULRANGE and UHRANGE parameters are set up by default to interpret the value provided at U as percentage. it is advised to change the byte order to "Motorola" in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes. ULRANGE = 0. The lower and upper limit parameters (ULRANGE/UHRANGE) are copied to the outputs OVLRANGE and OVHRANGE to allow the interconnection to other block I/Os. During normal operation (valid value). "QW 512") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE parameter by the user.0. before scaling is applied. g..6 bars.0 for a 0. 0. the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). Additional limits can be applied if LIMIT_ON = TRUE is set. So. ULRANGE and UHRANGE need to be set to the appropriate physical limits of the hardware (e. depending on whether the value is provided as millibars or bars by the PCS7 application).5 would be treated as 6. the process value is converted to the raw value by scaling it between the limits between the process value limits ULRANGE/UHRANGE and the raw data limits CHLRANGE/CHHRANGE. If.0 and 82 . V_LL and V_HL are effective in addition to ULRANGE and UHRANGE.0 internally. If the set point value for a VPPM proportional value is to be interpreted as physical value.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active SIM_ON = TRUE 16#56 High limit exceeded SIM_ON = FALSE and U > UHRANGE 16#55 Low limit exceeded SIM_ON = FALSE and U < ULRANGE 16#80 Valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 and ULRANGE <= U <= UHRANGE 16#00 Invalid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. Limiting Of The Process Value The CPX/MPA hardware does NOT support an under.6 bar VPPM valve. Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) UHRANGE = 6.0 would allow for providing the process value U in bars from the PCS7 application. If now the actual pressure at the valve's outlet connector would need to be limited to 5 bars, LIMIT_ON = TRUE and V_HL = 5.0 would allow for exactly that. If UHRANGE was used instead, the scaling would be affected such that U = 5.0 would then make CHAO_CPX deliver a raw value telling the proportional valve to go for the maximum, i. e. 6 bars (instead of the desired 5 bars). It is important to keep in mind the difference between the two parameter sets that form limits for the process value U. ULRANGE/UHRANGE limit, indicate active limits via QCHF_LL/QCHF_HL and affect the internal scaling algorithm. V_LL/V_HL need to be activated via LIMIT_ON and - once activated - do not affect the scaling itself, but only provide "silent" limiting without indication at the block's interface. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the SIM_ON = TRUE. The value provided at SIM_U is then processed instead of the process U, and the result is written as raw data value to the VALUE output parameter. QUALITY is set to 16#60, QBAD is set to FALSE, while QSIM = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. That means that as long as SIM_ON is set to TRUE, any other value is ignored. This also affects the substitute and hold last value values, which are not effective when simulation is active. I/O Fault Even if a module error is signalled via the MODE parameter's high byte, the value provided at the U input parameter is always written to the VALUE output parameter. QBAD = TRUE indicates the invalid value, and QUALITY is set to 16#00. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at MODE, QMOD_ERR = TRUE is set. Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. Startup Characteristics N/A Time Response N/A Message Response N/A Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. Additional Information For further information, please check the following sections: Interface Description 9.2.3 I/Os of CHAO_CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible, I/O name normal = I/O not visible. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. If an "X" is shown in this column, the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters, since those cannot be edited due to their type. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run, "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. 83 Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 9.2.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 CHHRANGE High range of raw value: "Scale highest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals, fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V CHLRANGE Low range of raw value: "Scale lowest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals, fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V BYTEORDR Byte order (0=Intel, 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties, "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V Set by Driver Generator C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QCHF_HL 1=process value high limit failure: U > UHRANGE BOOL FALSE N/A QCHF_LL 1=process value low limit failure: U < ULRANGE BOOL FALSE N/A QBAD 1=bad process value: Quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 and simulation not active BOOL FALSE N/A QSIM 1=simulation active: SIM_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QMOD_ERR 1=higher level error: Quality information in MODE high byte = 16#40 BOOL FALSE N/A OVHRANGE High range of process value (copy) REAL 0.0 N/A OVLRANGE Low range of process value (copy) REAL 0.0 N/A VALUE Periphery output (raw) value WORD 16#0 N/A QUALITY Quality code BYTE 16#0 N/A IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value U Setpoint value REAL 0.0 UHRANGE High range of process value REAL 100.0 ULRANGE Low range of process value REAL 0.0 LIMIT_ON 1=enable limiting of the process value: V_HL/V_LL limit monitoring BOOL FALSE V_HL High limit REAL 100.0 V_LL Low Limit REAL 0.0 LL_V Process value, if U < V_LL REAL 0.0 SIM_ON 1=activate simulation BOOL FALSE 84 Locked Set by Driver Generator Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) Simulation value SIM_U REAL 0.0 Additional Information For further information, please check the following sections: Block Description 9.3 9.3.1 CHCN1CPX: Festo CPX-P Counter/Frequency Channel CHCN1CPX: Festo CPX counter type 1 channel driver block (Non APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 9.3.2 Description of CHCN1CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FC 534 Area of Application CHCN1CPX is used for reading counter or frequency measurement values from a CPX-P-8DE-N... module. It furthermore controls the function of the respective channel via triggering its corresponding output signals. Please note that if a channel is not configured as counter or frequency measurement but as NAMUR digital input instead, the CHDI_CPX channel driver block needs to be used instead. This driver block has been designed for usage in non APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. Thus, the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. In most cases, a cyclic interrupt like e. g. OB35 would be suitable. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The MODE parameter is interconnected with the appropriate OMODEx output of the respective module driver block. The INPTTYPE parameter is set to the signal type chosen in HWConfig (e. g. counter value). The BYTEORDR parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). The EDGE_POL parameter is set according to the edge polarity (positive/negative) set up in HWConfig. The CNT_DIR parameter is set according to the counting direction (up/down) set up in HWConfig. The STATE parameter is interconnected to the "State" digital input signal (limit exceeded yes/no) for the respective channel. The DIAG parameter is interconnected to the "Diag" digital input signal (channel error yes/no) for the respective channel. The QSTART parameter is interconnected to the "Start/Stop" digital output signal (start counting/frequency measurement yes/no) for the respective channel. The QRESET parameter is interconnected to the "Reset" digital output signal (reset counter yes/no) for the respective channel. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function, CHCN1CPX is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig. Thus, the internal algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig, the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CHCN1CPX instances. 85 For the external part. If the block is used for a frequency measurement signal. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. Functional Description CHCN1CPX processes a counter or frequency measurement signal interconnected by the user from the process image (input word of the respective channel) to the VALUE parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. The internal part is based on the setting of the SIM_ON. for any reason. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" function and not to configure the channel driver block manually. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). value substitution and keeping the last valid value must all be deactivated via their respective input parameters. the high byte of the value provided at the MODE input parameter is evaluated. Thus. the raw data value is scaled using the F_FACT parameter. When used for a channel configured as counter. the default setting for F_FACT is 1.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Manual Configuration If. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. Additionally. while for the "Invalid value" state simulation. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active SIM_ON = TRUE 16#80 Valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 16#48 Substituted value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE 16#44 Last valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = TRUE 16#00 Invalid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. Quality Code The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. the status of the DIAG parameter (interconnected to the corresponding input signal by the "Generate Module Drivers" function. see above for details) is considered. "IW 512") of the counter or 86 . As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. g. the frequency value supplied in Hz by the hardware can conveniently be converted into rounds per minute. for example. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. The processed result is supplied at the V output parameter. Additionally. Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. SUBS_ON and LAST_ON parameters (see table below). the block's MODE input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal. and the risk of misconfigurations is high. the raw data (counter value) is directly forwarded to the V output parameter. the parameters that are normally set up or interconnected by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). QUALITY is set to 16#80 and QBAD to FALSE. QBAD = TRUE (channel error) is set in case of broken wire or shortcut. the raw data value received from the hardware is either scaled (for frequency measurement values) or forwarded directly (for counter values). it is advised to change the byte order to "Motorola"in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes. counting or frequency measurement is activated. This also affects the substitute and hold last value values. it does not make a difference to the driver block which data format is applied. QUALITY is set to 16#60. During normal operation (valid value).Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) frequency measurement value that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE parameter by the user. VALUE is used without conversion 16#29 Frequency measurement VALUE is scaled using F_FACT As shown above. the speed of an agitator can be easily calculated in rounds per minute. The value provided at SIM_V is then (directly. The type of signal connected to CHCN1CPX is defined by the INPTTYPE parameter. It is forwarded to QSTATE output parameter and thus can be interconnected to other block I/Os. Suitable messages are generated by the MOD_CPX7 module driver block in both cases (provided that the "Generate Module Drivers" function has been executed before). As long as RESET = TRUE. e. CNT_DIR = FALSE) or to the upper limit (when counting down. the counter value is reset to either the lower limit set up in HWConfig (when counting up. The RESET value does have no effect if frequency measurement is used. If START = TRUE. However. use CHDI_CPX digital input driver block instead 16#28 Counter value None. The digital input signal interconnected to the STATE parameter by the "Generate Module Drivers" function provides information about whether the respective value is in range or not. i. for example. In detail. scaling is applied for frequency measurement values only. Please see the module's hardware documentation for further details. either the lower or upper limit set up in HWConfig has been exceeded. and the appropriate value is supplied by the hardware at the input word interconnected to the VALUE input parameter. That means that as long as SIM_ON is set to TRUE. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. Thus. while QSIM = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. QBAD is set to FALSE. without using the F_FACT parameter for frequency measurement) written to the V output parameter instead of processing the raw value VALUE. based on the configuration done in HWConfig. Both parameters are forwarded to the QSTART and QRESET output parameters. any other value is ignored. CNT_DIR = TRUE). The CNT_DIR and EDGE_POL parameters are copied to the outputs QCNT_DIR and QEDGEPOL to allow for the interconnection of the settings to other block I/Os. The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter. The START and RESET parameters are used for controlling the counter or frequency measurement. For that reason. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). For more information about the parameters mentioned above. the following conversions are applied for the different types of input signals: INPTTYPE Type of Input Signal Default Data Conversion 16#0 NAMUR digital input N/A. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig. the byte order (Intel/Motorola) and input type setting are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the SIM_ON = TRUE. the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). Limit Check Both counter and frequency measurement values are monitored upon limits by the hardware. 87 . please also check the Interface Description for CHCN1CPX. Counter values are always transferred without any data conversion. such that the CHCN1CPX block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. START = FALSE freezes the counter value or sets the frequency measurement value to 0. If QSTATE = TRUE. which are interconnected to the appropriate hardware output signals by the "Generate Module Drivers" function and thus control the behaviour of the respective channel. which is set by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically. QBAD = TRUE is set and the last valid value is held at the V output (i. Additional Information For further information.3. SUBS_ON = FALSE and the value read from the process image is invalid (MODE high byte <> 16#80 or DIAG = TRUE). 9. e. QUALITY is set to 16#48.3 I/Os of CHCN1CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. Startup Characteristics N/A Time Response N/A Message Response N/A Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. while the QLAST = TRUE states that the value currently provided at V is the (held) last valid value.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 88 Locked Set by Driver Generator C . QBAD = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to SUBS_V is written to the V output parameter. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. the value that was effective before it was detected that the process data has become invalid). "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Substitute Value If SUBS_ON = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid. QMOD_ERR = TRUE is set. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. Invalid Value If both SUBS_ON and LAST_ON are set to FALSE and the value read from the process image is indicated as invalid (MODE high byte <> 16#80 or DIAG = TRUE). QBAD = TRUE indicates the invalid value. and QUALITY is set to 16#00. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. QSUBS = TRUE states that the value currently provided at V is substituted. The last valid value is additionally provided at the V_LAST IN_OUT parameter. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at MODE. since those cannot be edited due to their type. the same value as during normal operation is still written to the V output parameter. QUALITY is set to 16#44.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 which are not effective when simulation is active. If an "X" is shown in this column. Hold Last Value If LAST_ON = TRUE. please check the following sections: Interface Description 9.3. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. "Measuring adjustment".Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) BYTEORDR Byte order (0=Intel. SUBS_ON = FALSE and LAST_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QMOD_ERR 1=higher level error: Quality information in MODE high byte = 16#40 BOOL FALSE N/A QSTART Start/stop command to hardware (0=stop. "Dimension unit" or "Input unit" in HWConfig. 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties. 1=falling) BOOL FALSE N/A QSIM 1=simulation active: SIM_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QSUBS 1=failure substitution active: Invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QLAST 1=failure last value active: Invalid value. 1=reset counter) BOOL FALSE N/A C V Process value BOOL FALSE N/A QUALITY Quality code BYTE 16#0 N/A IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked Set by Driver Generator VALUE Input/periphery value WORD 16#0 STATE Channel state (0=limits not exceeded. depending on the module type). 1=channel error) BOOL FALSE C START Start/stop command (0=stop. 1=falling) BOOL FALSE X V Set by Driver Generator OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QBAD 1=bad process value: (Quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 or VALUE_QC = FALSE and external quality information is activated via PQC = TRUE) and simulation not active BOOL FALSE N/A QSTATE 1=limit exceeded BOOL FALSE N/A QCNT_DIR Counting direction (0=up. 1=limit exceeded) BOOL FALSE C DIAG Channel diagnostics (0=ok. 1=start counter/measurement) BOOL FALSE 89 . Valid values: BYTE 0 X V 16#0=digital input (NAMUR) 16#28=counter value 16#29=frequency in Hz CNT_DIR Counting direction (0=up. 1=start counter/measurement) BOOL FALSE N/A C QRESET Reset command to hardware (0=counter active. "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V INPTTYPE Input signal type ("Signal area". 1=down) BOOL FALSE N/A QEDGEPOL Edge polarity (0=rising. 1=down) BOOL FALSE X V EDGE_POL Edge polarity (0=rising. 0 Additional Information For further information.4. the block's MODE input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal.0 LAST_ON 1=enable last valid value BOOL FALSE SUBS_ON 1=enable failure substitution BOOL FALSE SUBS_V Substitution value REAL 0.1 CHDI_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Input Channel CHDI_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Input Channel (Non APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 9. Functional Description CHDI_CPX processes a digital signal interconnected by the user from the process image to the VALUE parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user).0 SIM_ON 1=activate simulation BOOL FALSE SIM_V Simulation value REAL 0. for any reason. If the hardware provides quality information via a digital input signal. Thus.2 Description of CHDI_CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FC 530 Area of Application CHDI_CPX is used for any digital input signal coming from a Festo CPX terminal.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 RESET Reset command (0=counter active.4 9. please check the following sections: Block Description 9. The processed result is supplied at the Q output 90 . a cyclic interrupt like e.0 V_LAST Last valid process value REAL 0.4. Manual Configuration If. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions a executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The MODE parameter is interconnected with the appropriate OMODEx output of the respective module driver block. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. g. This driver block has been designed for usage in non APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. In most cases. the PQC parameter is set to TRUE and VALUE_QC is interconnected with the hardware quality bit. OB35 would be suitable. This includes CPX digital input modules as well as modules connected via CPI to a CPX terminal. 1=reset counter) BOOL FALSE F_FACT Factor for scaling of frequency measurement (V = VALUE * F_FACT) REAL 1. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. That means that as long as SIM_ON is set to TRUE. Quality Code The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. it is nevertheless written to the Q output parameter. The value provided at SIM_I is then written to the Q output parameter. The internal part is based on the setting of the SIM_ON and SUBS_ON parameters (see table below). and PQC needs to be set to TRUE. For suitable CPX modules. "I 10. QBAD is set to FALSE. the input signal provided at VALUE is written to the Q output parameter. QMOD_ERR = TRUE is set. An external binary (good/bad) quality signal can be interconnected to the VALUE_QC input and activated by setting PQC to TRUE. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). QUALITY is set to 16#80 and QBAD to FALSE. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at MODE. For the external part. QSUBS = TRUE states that the value currently provided at Q is substituted. while QSIM = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. QUALITY is set to 16#48. it is to be interconnected to the VALUE_QC input parameter. which is not effective when simulation is active. 91 . Invalid Value If SUBS_ON is set to FALSE and the value read from the process image (via VALUE) is invalid. both information parts need to show a "good" value (logical AND) for the block to consider the value as such. Substitute Value If SUBS_ON = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid. any other value is ignored. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. and QUALITY is set to 16#00. In this case. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. this is done automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. QBAD = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to SUBS_I is written to the Q output parameter. This also affects the substitute value.4") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE parameter by the user. g.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) parameter. QBAD = TRUE indicates the invalid value. the high byte of the value provided at the MODE input parameter is evaluated. If an external quality signal is to be used. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active SIM_ON = TRUE 16#80 Valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 and (VALUE_QC = FALSE or PQC = FALSE) 16#48 Substituted value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE 16#00 Invalid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value and SUBS_ON = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. and QUALITY is set to 16#60. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting SIM_ON = TRUE. while for the "Invalid value" state simulation and value substitution must be deactivated via their respective input parameters. Startup Characteristics N/A Time Response N/A Message Response N/A Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. please check the following sections: Interface Description 9.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value MODE Quality and mode (from MOD_CPXx module driver block) DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QBAD 1=bad process value (quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 or VALUE_QC = FALSE and external quality information is activated via PQC = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QMOD_ERR 1=higher level error (quality information in MODE high byte = 16#40) BOOL FALSE N/A QSIM 1=simulation active (SIM_ON = TRUE) BOOL FALSE N/A QSUBS 1=failure substitution active (invalid value and SUBS_ON = TRUE) BOOL FALSE N/A Q Process value BOOL FALSE N/A QUALITY Quality code BYTE 16#0 N/A 92 Set by Driver Generator .Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. 9. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually.3 I/Os of CHDI_CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. Additional Information For further information. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. If an "X" is shown in this column. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters.4. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.4. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. since those cannot be edited due to their type. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. This driver block has been designed for usage in non APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. please check the following sections: Block Description 9. g. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user.5. Additional Information For further information. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used.5 9.1 CHDO_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel CHDO_CPX: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel (Non APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 9. for any reason. This includes CPX digital output modules as well as valve terminal and CPI modules connected to a CPX terminal. OB35 would be suitable.5. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The MODE parameter is interconnected with the appropriate OMODEx output of the respective module driver block. the block's MODE input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal. In most cases.2 Description of CHDO_CPX Object Name (Type + Number) FC 531 Area of Application CHDO_CPX is used for any digital output signal sent to a Festo CPX terminal. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PQC 1=use process image quality bit BOOL FALSE VALUE Input value BOOL FALSE VALUE_QC Process image quality bit (only used if activated via PQC = TRUE) BOOL FALSE SIM_ON 1=activate simulation BOOL FALSE SIM_I Simulation value BOOL FALSE SUBS_ON 1=enable failure substitution BOOL FALSE SUBS_I Substitution value BOOL FALSE Locked Set by Driver Generator (V)* (C)* * Only for modules providing hardware quality information in the process image data. a cyclic interrupt like e. Thus. Manual Configuration If. 93 . The internal part is based on the setting of the SIM_ON parameter (see table below). Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. QBAD = TRUE indicates the invalid value. QBAD is set to FALSE. Time Response N/A 94 . As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. which needs to be interconnected to the appropriate periphery signal by the user. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the SIM_ON = TRUE. the signal provided at I is written to the VALUE output parameter. I/O Fault Even if a module error is signalled via the MODE parameter's high byte. The value provided at SIM_I is then written to the VALUE output parameter. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. That means that as long as SIM_ON is set to TRUE. while QSIM = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Functional Description CHDO_CPX processes a digital signal interconnected by the user from the user program to the I input parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). QMOD_ERR = TRUE is set. the value provided at the I input parameter is always written to the VALUE output parameter. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. the high byte of the value provided at the MODE input parameter is evaluated. Quality Code The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. QUALITY is set to 16#80 and QBAD to FALSE. and QUALITY is set to 16#60. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value).4") of the signal that is to be provided by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE output parameter by the user. and QUALITY is set to 16#00. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at MODE. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active SIM_ON = TRUE 16#80 Valid value SIM_ON = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 16#00 Invalid value SIM_ON = FALSE and invalid value The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. g. This also applies to the startup phase of the CPU. any other value is ignored. "Q 10. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. The processed result is supplied at the VALUE output parameter. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. Startup Characteristics The value provided at the I input parameter is always written to the VALUE output parameter. For the external part. 4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Locked QBAD 1=bad process value (quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 or VALUE_QC = FALSE and external quality information is activated via PQC = TRUE BOOL FALSE N/A QMOD_ERR 1=higher level error (quality information in MODE high byte = 16#40) BOOL FALSE N/A QSIM 1=simulation active (SIM_ON = TRUE) BOOL FALSE N/A VALUE Output value BOOL FALSE N/A QUALITY Quality code of the output value BYTE 16#0 N/A Set by Driver Generator IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value I Process value BOOL FALSE SIM_ON 1=activate simulation BOOL FALSE SIM_I Simulation value BOOL FALSE Locked Set by Driver Generator Additional Information For further information. please check the following sections: Interface Description 9. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. 9. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.5. since those cannot be edited due to their type. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually.5.3 I/Os of CHDO_CPX The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible.Channel Driver Blocks (Non APL) Message Response N/A Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. Additional Information For further information. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. please check the following sections: Block Description 95 . If an "X" is shown in this column. Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 96 . "4.2 Description of CPXAnIn Object Name (Type + Number) FB 532 Area of Application CPXAnIn is used for any analogue input signal coming from a Festo CPX terminal. The D a t a X c h g parameter is interconnected with the appropriate D X C H G _ x x output of the module driver block.1.1 CPXAnIn: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel 10.. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig. g. The I n p t T y p e parameter is set to either the signal area chosen in HWConfig (e. In most cases. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. L o w and S c a l e . g. This driver block has been designed for usage in APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. The C h L R a n g e and C h H R a n g e parameters are set to either the values defined in HWConfig ("Scale lowest value"/"Scale highest value") or predefined values. CPXAnIn is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig.10 Channel Driver Blocks (APL) 10.1 CPXAnIn: Festo CPX Analogue Input Channel (APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 10. the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CPXAnIn instances. the input word provided by the module then directly contains the actual physical value (e. H i g h parameters are set up for pressure sensor signals to reflect the measurement range correctly. The P V _ I n U n i t parameter is set up according to the settings made in HWConfig for temperature and pressure signals. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. Thus. g. As for temperature sensor signals. Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded. Scaling is then only applied by CPXAnIn to convert it to its base unit. pressure in mbar). 97 . depending on the installed module and which input format has been chosen in HWConfig. OB35 would be suitable. The S c a l e . The B y t e O r d r parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). in some cases with additional places.20 mA") or predefined values for certain modules. the internal scaling algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. This includes CPX analogue input modules as well as pressure sensors or the feedback signals of proportional valves mounted in a valve terminal. Thus. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The M S parameter is interconnected with the O _ M S output of the respective module driver block. The F o r m a t parameter is set to the input format chosen in HWConfig or predefined values for certain modules.1. a cyclic interrupt like e. The M o d e parameter is interconnected with the appropriate O M O D E x output of the module driver block. the process value will be displayed as 0. the S c a l e . 4.20 mA). Functional Description CPXAnIn processes an analogue signal interconnected by the user from the process image (input word of the respective channel) to the P V _ I n parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). F e a t u r e . and the risk of misconfigurations is high. B i t 2 9 = FALSE and F e a t u r e . sensors or proportional valves. substituted value or last valid value Condition S i m O n = TRUE OR S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . scaling is only applied to convert the physical value to its base unit. Signal Status The status of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. Additionally. B i t 2 9 = TRUE OR S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. L o w and S c a l e . the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. If the input format "comparator bit" is used for VPPM proportional valves. B i t 2 9 (bad value substitution) and F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 = TRUE 16#80 Valid value S i m O n = FALSE and High byte of M o d e input = 16#80 16#00 Invalid value S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and 98 . L o w and S c a l e . the parameters that are normally set up by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task. The processed result is supplied at the P V _ O u t output parameter. the high byte of the value provided at the M o d e input parameter is evaluated..Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Manual Configuration If. H i g h parameters are ignored. For temperature and pressure values provided by the appropriate modules. The following signal states are generated by the channel driver block: Signal Status Description 16#60 Simulation active. and the current value is used as process value. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" function and not to configure the channel driver block manually. In these cases.0 if the comparator bit is set. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. The internal part is based on the setting of the S i m O n . If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. If the input format "process value + comparator bit" is used.0 if the comparator bit is not set by the VPPM module and 1. the block's M o d e input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the B a d output signal. Scaling is only applied if the analogue signal is provided as either voltage or current (e. B i t 3 0 (hold last value) parameters (see table below). for any reason. For the external part. This would provide the same result as using the "process value" setting. the comparator bit is ignored by the channel driver block. The block reads the raw data value and converts it to the corresponding physical value by scaling it between the lower and upper physical limits defined by the S c a l e . g. H i g h parameters. Channel Driver Blocks (APL) F e a t u r e . B i t 2 9 = FALSE and F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual states. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column, "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states, while for the "Invalid value" state simulation, value substitution and keeping the last valid value must all be deactivated via their respective input parameters. The signal status is transmitted at the P V _ O u t . S T parameter for further processing by APL blocks. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. g. "IW 512") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the P V _ I n parameter by the user. Raw Value Check Depending on the measurement type and range of the analog input module, the nominal range sets the range for converting analog signals into digital values (raw values). This includes an overshoot/undershoot range within which an analog signal can still be converted. Values outside this range constitute an overflow or underflow. The block indicates whether the raw value lies within the nominal range of the module. Depending on its hardware revision, a CPX analogue input module might not provide overshoot and undershoot ranges. A 4..20 mA signal, for example, might be limited to either the lower physical limit (4 mA), the upper limit (20 mA), or both. Additionally, undershoot and overshoot are not supported by temperature and pressure sensor modules, which provide the physical value directly and do not require additional scaling by the CPXAnIn. P V _ L o A c t = TRUE indicates that the raw value is below the lower physical limit (undershoot), P V _ H i A c t = TRUE that it is above the upper physical limit (overshoot). B a d = TRUE (channel error) is also set if overflow or underflow is detected. NAMUR Limit Check By NAMUR definition, the current of a 4..20 mA loop is valid as long as 3.6 mA <= current <= 21 mA; if those limits are exceeded, the device is considered dead, and B a d = TRUE is set. Alternatively, customized current limits may be defined via H i g h L i m i t and L o w L i m i t and activated by setting N a m u r O f f = TRUE. NAMUR limit checks only apply to 4..20 mA signals. If CPXAnIn is used for processing other signal formats, the check is omitted. Depending on the module type and its hardware revision, undershoot and/or overshoot might not be supported. In this case, the raw data value is limited to the nominal signal range (4 and/or 20 mA) by the module itself, rendering the NAMUR limit check ineffective. NAMUR limit checks are processed in the AS and do not correlate with the analogue input module's internal limit monitoring. It is advised to deactivate the latter by leaving the "Channel x: Monitor lower (resp. upper) limit" parameters to their default disabled setting. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value), the raw data value is converted to its physical value by scaling it between the limits defined by the S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h parameters (for voltage and current signals) or by forwarding the physical value received from the hardware (for temperature and pressure signals). The type of the signal connected to CPXAnIn is defined by the I n p t T y p e parameter, which is set by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically, based on the configuration done in HWConfig. In detail, the following conversions are applied for the different types of input signals: INPTTYPE Type of Input Signal Default Data Conversion Scale.Low, Scale.High 16#0 unknown/by DIL switch VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#1 0..10 V VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#2 +/- 10 V VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#3 +/- 5 V VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 99 Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 16#4 1..5 V VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#5 0..20 mA VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#6 4..20 mA VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#7 +/-20 mA VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#8 0..10 V (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#9 0..20 mA (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#A 4..20 mA (w/o undershoot) VALUE is scaled between S c a l e . L o w and Scale.High Used 16#14 Pressure in mbar VALUE is converted to bar (by dividing by 1000), S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h (and thus S c a l e O u t . L o w and S c a l e O u t . H i g h ) are calculated automatically Not used 16#15 Pressure in kPa VALUE is used without scaling, S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h (and thus S c a l e O u t . L o w and S c a l e O u t . H i g h ) are calculated automatically Not used 16#16 Pressure in 0.1 psi VALUE is converted to psi (by dividing by 10), S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h (and thus S c a l e O u t . L o w and S c a l e O u t . H i g h ) are calculated automatically Not used 16#1E Temperature in 0.1 °C VALUE is converted to °C (by dividing by 10), S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h are ignored Not used 16#1F Temperature in 0.1 °F VALUE is converted to °F (by dividing by 10), S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h are ignored Not used As shown above, linear scaling is always applied for voltage and current input signals, with the scaling limits being defined by S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h . If, for example, S c a l e . L o w is set to 0.0 and S c a l e . H i g h to 100.0, the input value is converted to a percentage. Or, for processing the value delivered by a 0..150 °C temperature sensor via 4..20 mA, S c a l e . L o w needs to be set to 0.0 and S c a l e . H i g h to 150.0. Pressure and temperature values are scaled to their base units (bar, kPa, psi, °C, °F). For pressure values, S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e . H i g h are set up according to the channel's measurement range. However, they do not affect the internal calculation of CPXAnIn in this case. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig, the data format (e. g. 12 bit right bound), byte order (Intel/Motorola) and low and high range limits of the raw data value are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter, such that the CPXAnIn block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. For that reason, it does not make a difference to the driver block which data format is applied. However, it is advised to stay with the default settings and just change the byte order to "Motorola" in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes, the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). The lower and upper limit parameters (S c a l e . L o w /S c a l e . H i g h ) are copied to the outputs S c a l e O u t . L o w and S c a l e O u t . H i g h to allow the interconnection of the settings to other block I/Os. During normal operation (valid value), P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#80 and B a d to FALSE. For more information about the parameters mentioned above, please also check the Interface Description for CPXAnIn. 100 Channel Driver Blocks (APL) Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the S i m O n = TRUE. The value provided at S i m P V _ I n is then written to the P V _ O u t output parameter instead of processing the raw value P V _ I n . P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#60, B a d is set to FALSE, while S i m A c t = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. That means that as long as S i m O n is set to TRUE, any other value is ignored. This also affects the substitute and hold last value values, which are not effective when simulation is active. Substitute Value If F e a t u r e . B i t 2 9 = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid, B a d = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to S u b s P V _ I n is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#60. F e a t u r e . B i t 2 8 needs to be set to FALSE for Bit29 to become effective. Hold Last Value If F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 = TRUE, F e a t u r e . B i t 2 9 = FALSE and the value read from the process image is invalid (M o d e high byte <> 16#80), B a d = TRUE is set and the last valid value is held at the P V _ O u t output (i. e. the value that was effective before it was detected that the process data has become invalid). P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#60. Invalid Value If both F e a t u r e . B i t 2 9 and F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 are set to FALSE and the value read from the process image is indicated as invalid (M o d e high byte <> 16#80), the result of the scaling is still written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. Exception: If CPXAnIn itself detects an error during the scaling (broken wire or input overload), the result of the scaling is ignored, and the process value's low limit value (S c a l e . L o w ) is written to P V _ O u t . This only applies if a 2AE-U-I or 4AE-I module with data format "12bit left bound + diagnosis" or a CPX-4AE-U-I with "sign+15 bit" data format (F o r m a t = 3 or 4) is used. Other data formats and/or modules do not provide broken wire information within the raw data value. In both cases, B a d = TRUE indicates the invalid value, and P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#00. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at M o d e , M o d E r r = TRUE is set. Flutter Suppression Flutter suppression is not supported by CPXAnIn. If you encounter fluttering messages due to limits being exceeded repeatingly, you might want to use the "Filter measured value" parameter in HWConfig to steady the measurement value. Feature Parameter CPXAnIn can be configured using the F e a t u r e parameter. Please check the Siemens APL online help for an overview of all reactions which are provided by the F e a t u r e parameter. The following functionality is supported by CPXAnIn: Bit Description 28 Use invalid value 29 Use substitute value if value is invalid 30 Use last valid value if value is invalid Sign-Of-Life Monitoring Sign-of-life monitoring is not supported by CPXAnIn. Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. Additional Information For further information, please check the following sections: 101 0 PV_InUnit Unit of process value: Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded.1.3 SimOn 1=Activate simulation STRUCT Value: BOOL Set by Driver Generat or (V)** FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimPV_In Simulation value STRUCT Value: REAL 0.0 16#80 ST: BYTE SubsPV_In Substitution value REAL 0. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually.5 LowLimit Low limit of input value (in mA) used if NamurOff=1 REAL 3.0 Low: REAL Low: 0.3 I/Os of CPXAnIn The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. 10. since those cannot be edited due to their type.0 ChHRange High range of raw value: "Scale highest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals. I/O name normal = I/O not visible.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Interface Description 10.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PV_In Input/periphery value WORD 16#0 Scale Range of process value STRUCT Locke d - (V)* High: REAL High: 100. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. If an "X" is shown in this column. INT 1001 NamurOff 1=NAMUR limits off BOOL FALSE HighLimit High limit of input value (in mA) used if NamurOff=1 REAL 21. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.1. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V ChLRange Low range of raw value: "Scale lowest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals. fixed value for temperature and pressure INT 0 X V 102 . The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. "Dimension unit" or "Input unit" in HWConfig.20mA (without undershoot range) 16#A=4..10V 16#3=+/. 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) values ByteOrdr Byte order (0=Intel. depending on the module type)..5V 16#4=1. "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V Format Input format ("Input format" or "Input signal type" in HWConfig.10V (without undershoot range) 16#9=0.20mA (without undershoot range) 16#14=pressure in mbar 16#15=pressure in kPa 103 .20mA 16#6=4.20mA 16#7=+/-20mA 16#8=0. "Measuring adjustment".... Valid values: 16#0=no sensor connected/range set via DIL switch/linear scaled (only 4AE-P) 16#1=0. depending on the module type)..10V 16#2=+/..5V 16#5=0. Valid values: BYTE 0 X V BYTE 0 X V 16#0=15bit linear scaled 16#1=12 bit right bound 16#2=15bit 16#3=12bit left bound + diagnosis 16#4=sign+15 bit (ET200 compatible) 16#A=process value (no scaling required) 16#B=comparator bit 16#C=process value + comparator bit InptType Input signal type ("Signal area". 0 if the comparator bit is set.. This would provide the same result as using the "process value" setting. the comparator bit is ignored by the channel driver block.1 deg F MS_Relea se Maintenance release STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 C Feature Status of various features STRUCT Bit0: BOOL FALSE FALSE .. and the current value is used as process value.. TRUE Bit28: BOOL FALSE FALSE . If the input format "process value + comparator bit" is used.1 deg C 16#1F=temperature in 0.0 if the comparator bit is not set by the VPPM module and 1. the process value will be displayed as 0..Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 16#16=pressure in 0. Bit31: BOOL If the input format "comparator bit" is used for VPPM proportional valves.1 psi 16#1E=temperature in 0. OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Bad 1=bad process value: (Quality information in M o d e high byte <> 16#80 or broken wire STRUCT - 104 Value: BOOL ST: BYTE Locked N/A FALSE 16#80 Set by Driver Generator . .31: Not 105 .0 16#80 ST: BYTE PV_OutUnit Unit of process value: Copied from PV_InUnit parameter.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) detected or signal out of NAMUR or defined range) and simulation not active PV_Out Process value STRUCT - N/A Value: REAL 0. STRUCT - N/A 1=process value high limit failure: PV_In > ChHRange STRUCT 1=process value low limit failure: PV_In < ChLRange STRUCT 1=simulation active: S i m O n = TRUE STRUCT PV_HiAct PV_LoAct SimAct High: REAL High: 100.0 Low: REAL Low: 0. Copied from S c a l e input parameter. INT 0 N/A ScaleOut Range of process value. maintenance in progress STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value DataXchg Data exchange: DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C Bit 0: Maintenance release Bit 1.0 - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE ModErr OosAct 1=higher level error: Quality information in M o d e high byte = 16#40 STRUCT Field device out of service. Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded. in °C). OB35 would be suitable. The D a t a X c h g parameter is interconnected with the appropriate D X C H G _ x x output of the module driver block. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.2. Additional Information For further information. the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CPXAnOu instances. The M o d e parameter is interconnected with the appropriate O M O D E x output of the respective module driver block. the internal scaling algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. Scaling is then only applied by CPXAnIn to convert it to its base unit. In most cases. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The M S parameter is interconnected with the O _ M S output of the respective module driver block. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig.2 Description of CPXAnOu Object Name (Type + Number) FB 533 Area of Application CPXAnOu is used for any analogue input signal written to a Festo CPX terminal. in some cases with additional decimal places. H i g h parameters are set up to reflect the measurement range of the module in question. Thus. depending on the installed module and which input format has been chosen in HWConfig. In both cases as well as for temperature values. please check the following sections: Block Description 10.2 CPXAnOu: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel 10. g. This includes CPX analogue output modules as well as set point values for proportional valves mounted in a valve terminal. g. the input word provided by the input module directly contains the actual physical value (e. a cyclic interrupt like e.2. Thus. This driver block has been designed for usage in APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. the S c a l e . The C h L R a n g e and C h H R a n g e parameters are set to either the values defined in HWConfig ("Scale lowest value"/"Scale highest value") or predefined values. 106 . ** The P V _ I n U n i t parameter is set up according to the settings made in HWConfig for temperature and pressure signals. CPXAnOu is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 used * If the analogue signal processed by the channel driver block is a pressure value. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. The B y t e O r d r parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). L o w and S c a l e .1 CPXAnOu: Festo CPX Analogue Output Channel (APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 10. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" function and not to configure the channel driver block manually.Low) 16#80 Valid value S i m O n = FALSE and High byte of M o d e input = 16#80 and S c a l e . and the risk of misconfigurations is high. and the S c a l e . "QW 512") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the VALUE parameter by the user.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) Manual Configuration If. scaling is always applied by CPXAnOu. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). the high byte of the value provided at the M o d e input parameter is evaluated. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task.High 16#00 Invalid value S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. L o w <= P V _ I n <= Scale. Additionally. the parameters that are normally set up by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). S T parameter for further processing by APL blocks. H i g h and the raw data limits C h L R a n g e /C h H R a n g e . L o w /S c a l e . The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Signal Status Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active S i m O n = TRUE 16#78 Low or high limit exceeded S i m O n = FALSE AND( P V _ I n > S c a l e . H i g h or PV_In < Scale. H i g h parameters are set up by default to interpret the value provided at P V _ I n as percentage. If the set point value for a VPPM proportional value is to be 107 . Linear scaling is applied in order to do the conversion from process to periphery format. The signal status is transmitted at the P V _ C h n S T . this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. which is to be interconnected to the process image (output word of the respective channel) by the user. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. the block's M o d e input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the B a d output signal. Signal Status The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. L o w and S c a l e . g. For the external part. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). The internal part is based on the setting of the S i m O n parameter and a comparison of the set point value provided at P V _ I n against the limits defined by the R a n g e parameter structure (see table below). the process value is converted to the raw value by scaling it between the limits between the process value limits S c a l e . Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. for any reason. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. Functional Description CPXAnOu processes an analogue set point value interconnected to the P V _ I n parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user) and provides a suitable raw value at the P V _ O u t output parameter. If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. In contrast to the analogue input driver blocks. H i g h are effective in addition to S c a l e O u t .0 and S c a l e . L o w =0. L o w /S c a l e . before scaling is applied. If F e a t u r e .0.6 bars. i. L o w /L i m i t s . B ut in contrast to the latter.0 would allow for providing the process value P V _ I n in bars from the PCS7 application. P V _ O u t is set according to P V _ I n in spite of the external simulation. the byte order (Intel/Motorola) and low and high range limits of the raw data value are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. H i g h . L i m i t s O n = TRUE and L i m i t s . An example might be a VPPM proportional valve with physical limits of 0. P V _ C h n S T . The lower and upper limit parameters (S c a l e . If now the actual pressure at the valve's outlet connector would need to be limited to 5 bars.0 and S c a l e . H i g h need to be activated via L i m i t s O n and . it does not make a difference to the driver block which byte order is applied.0/6000. L o w and S c a l e O u t . This also affects the substitute and hold last value values. S T and F e a t u r e . g. L i m i t s . S c a l e . L o w Activation of those limits is not indicated at the block's interface. S c a l e . S c a l e .. it is advised to change the byte order to "Motorola" in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes. For that reason. For more information about the parameters mentioned above.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 interpreted as physical value. It is important to keep in mind the difference between the two parameter sets that form limits for the process value P V _ I n . L o w : P V _ I n is limited to L i m i t s . the former do not take influence on the scaling algorithm itself. H i g h need to be set to the appropriate physical limits of the hardware (e. the value provided at the P V _ I n 108 . such that the CPXAnOu block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. If an external simulation is detected via a 16#60 value provided at P V _ I n . L o w to provoke a powerless state for the analogue output and P V _ C h n S T . but only provide "silent" limiting without indication at the block's interface. H i g h = 6. while S i m A c t = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. e. H i g h parameters. However. but only apply the following limits to the process value P V _ I n : P V _ I n > L i m i t s . any other value is ignored. and P V _ H i A c t = TRUE would be set. H i g h =6. L o w /S c a l e . L o w /S c a l e . the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). So. H i g h ) are copied to the outputs S c a l e O u t .0 would then make CPXAnOu deliver a raw value telling the proportional valve to go for the maximum. P V _ O u t .0 for a 0. B i t 3 0 = TRUE (default). If. S T remains at 16#80. the scaling would be affected such that P V _ I n = 5. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the S i m O n = TRUE.. S T is set to 16#80 and B a d to FALSE. Now. The P V _ H i A c t and P V _ L o A c t output parameters indicate whether the process value has been limited.6 bar VPPM valve. 0. H i g h : P V _ I n is limited to L i m i t s . The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter. That means that as long as S i m O n is set to TRUE. During normal operation (valid value). B i t 3 0 = FALSE.or overshoot for the periphery signal. If S c a l e . Additional limits can be applied if L i m i t s O n = TRUE is set. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig. H i g h was used instead. and the result is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. L o w and S c a l e . H i g h limit. L o w = 0.5 would be treated as 6.0 internally. a CPXAnOu block is configured with S c a l e .0 would allow for exactly that. for example. H i g h to allow the interconnection to other block I/Os. a process value P V _ I n =6. B a d is set to FALSE. S T is set to 16#60. H i g h = 5. 6 bars (instead of the desired 5 bars).0 or 0. L o w and L i m i t s .once activated do not affect the scaling itself. Limiting Of The Process Value The CPX/MPA hardware does NOT support an under. which are not effective when simulation is active. I/O Fault Even if a module error is signalled via the M o d e parameter's high byte. please also check the Interface Description for CPXAnOu.0/6. the set point value is therefore always limited to the values given at the S c a l e . L o w and S c a l e O u t . L i m i t s . depending on whether the value is provided as millibars or bars by the PCS7 application). indicate active limits via P V _ H i A c t /P V _ L o A c t and affect the internal scaling algorithm. H i g h P V _ I n < L i m i t s . The value provided at S i m P V _ I n is then processed instead of the raw value P V _ I n . P V _ O u t is set to S c a l e . If an "X" is shown in this column.3 I/Os of CPXAnOu The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function.0 16#80 ST: BYTE PV_InUnit Unit of process value: Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) input parameter is always written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. INT 1342 Scale Range of process value STRUCT High: REAL Low: REAL High: 100.0 Low: 0. ST STRUCT Value: REAL Locked Set by Driver Generator 0. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. M o d E r r = TRUE is set. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at M o d e . 10.2. The following functionality is supported by CPXAnOu: Bit Description 30 1=Use de-energized value at a block-external simulation Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. S T is set to 16#00. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. and P V _ O u t .4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PV_In Process value incl.0 109 . B a d = TRUE indicates the invalid value. please check the following sections: Interface Description 10. Feature Parameter CPXAnOu can be configured using the F e a t u r e parameter. Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. Please check the Siemens APL online help for an overview of all reactions which are provided by the F e a t u r e parameter. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. since those cannot be edited due to their type.2. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. Additional Information For further information. Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 LimitsOn 1=Use additional limits for process value STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Limits Additional limits for process value STRUCT High: REAL High: 100. 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties. fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V ChLRange Low range of raw value: "Scale lowest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals. fixed value for temperature and pressure values INT 0 X V ByteOrdr Byte order (0=Intel. "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V MS_Release Maintenance release STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C MODE Quality and DWORD 16#0 C 110 .0 16#80 ST: BYTE ChHRange High range of raw value: "Scale highest value" in HWConfig for voltage and current signals.0 SimOn 1=Activate simulation STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimPV_In Simulation value STRUCT Value: REAL 0.0 Low: REAL Low: 0. INT ScaleOut Range of process value. Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded.0 Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A 111 . FALSE Bit30: BOOL TRUE FALSE Bit31: BOOL OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Bad 1=Bad process value: Quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 and simulation not active STRUCT - PV_Out Periphery output (raw) value WORD 16#0 N/A PV_ChnST Value and state of PV_Out STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL Locked Set by Driver Generator N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Value: REAL 0. STRUCT 1=process value high limit failure: PV_In > ChHRange STRUCT 1=process value low limit failure: PV_In < ChLRange STRUCT 1=simulation STRUCT PV_HiAct PV_LoAct SimAct 0 N/A High: REAL N/A High: 100. Copied from S c a l e input parameter.0 16#80 ST: BYTE PV_OutUnit Unit of process value: Copied from PV_InUnit input parameter..Channel Driver Blocks (APL) mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block Feature Status of various features STRUCT Bit0: BOOL FALSE ..0 Low: REAL Low: 0. please check the following sections: Block Description 10... It furthermore controls the function of the respective channel via triggering its corresponding output signals.3 CPXCnt1: Festo CPX-P Counter/Frequency Channel 10. the CPXDiIn channel driver block needs to be used instead. This driver block has been designed for usage in APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. In most cases. g..31: Not used Additional Information For further information. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: 112 . the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. module. a cyclic interrupt like e.2 Description of CPXCnt1 Object Name (Type + Number) FB 534 Area of Application CPXCnt1 is used for reading counter or frequency measurement values from a CPX-P-8DE-N. OB35 would be suitable. Please note that if a channel is not configured as counter or frequency measurement but as NAMUR digital input instead.3. Thus.1 CPXCnt1: Festo CPX counter type 1 channel driver block (APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 10. maintenance in progress STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value DataXchg Data exchange: DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C Bit 0: Maintenance release Bit 1. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 active: S i m O n = TRUE Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE ModErr OOSAct 1=higher level error: Quality information in M o d e high byte = 16#40 STRUCT Field device out of service.3. 113 . the block's M o d e input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the B a d output signal. Finding the correct settings for the block's parameters manually is a complex task. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. the high byte of the value provided at the M o d e input parameter is evaluated. Additionally.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) The M S parameter is interconnected with the O _ M S output of the respective module driver block. for any reason. g. When used for a channel configured as counter. The D a t a X c h g parameter is interconnected with the appropriate D X C H G _ x x output of the module driver block. Please be aware that after changes are applied in HWConfig. The S t a t e _ I n parameter is interconnected to the "State" digital input signal (limit exceeded yes/no) for the respective channel. and the risk of misconfigurations is high. the default setting for F a c t o r is 1. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. counter value). Manual Configuration If. Signal Status The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. Additionally. After a run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. The R e s e t _ O u t parameter is interconnected to the "Reset" digital output signal (reset counter yes/no) for the respective channel. The D i a g _ I n parameter is interconnected to the "Diag" digital input signal (channel error yes/no) for the respective channel. the raw data (counter value) is directly forwarded to the V output parameter. Functional Description CPXCnt1 processes a counter or frequency measurement signal interconnected by the user from the process image (input word of the respective channel) to the P V _ I n parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). The B y t e O r d r parameter is set to the value defined for the CPX terminal in HWConfig (right click the CPX terminal's icon in HWConfig -> Object Properties -> Parameter Assignment -> Device-specific parameters -> Byte order of analogue values). The I n p t T y p e parameter is set to the signal type chosen in HWConfig (e. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. the status of the D i a g _ I n parameter (interconnected to the corresponding input signal by the "Generate Module Drivers" function. the raw data value is scaled using the F a c t o r parameter. the internal algorithm fully adjusts itself to the settings made by the user. The S t a r t _ O u t parameter is interconnected to the "Start/Stop" digital output signal (start counting/frequency measurement yes/no) for the respective channel. For the external part. the block is configured automatically to adjust the internal algorithms to the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). see above for details) is considered. The E d g e P o l _ P a r parameter is set according to the edge polarity (positive/negative) set up in HWConfig. If the block is used for a frequency measurement signal. The processed result is supplied at the V output parameter. the frequency value supplied in Hz by the hardware can conveniently be converted into rounds per minute. It is therefore strongly suggested to use the "Generate Module Drivers" function and not to configure the channel driver block manually. Thus. for example. The C n t D i r _ P a r parameter is set according to the counting direction (up/down) set up in HWConfig. If the "Generate Module Drivers" function is used. CPXCnt1 is fully adjusted to the settings made in HWConfig. The M o d e parameter is interconnected with the appropriate O M O D E x output of the module driver block. the "Generate Module Drivers" function must be run in order to transfer the changed settings to the CPXCnt1 instances. Thus. the parameters that are normally set up or interconnected by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically need to be configured according to the module used and the settings made in HWConfig (see above for details). g. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. Suitable messages are generated by the MOD_CPX7 module driver block in both cases (provided that the "Generate Module Drivers" function has been executed before). The signal status is transmitted at the P V _ O u t . P V _ I n is used without conversion 114 . Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). B i t 3 0 = TRUE 16#80 Valid value S i m O n = FALSE and High byte of M o d e input = 16#80 16#00 Invalid value S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e .Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 The internal part is based on the setting of the S i m O n . B i t 2 9 = FALSE and F e a t u r e . which is set by the "Generate Module Drivers" function automatically. B i t 2 9 = TRUE OR S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Signal Status Description 16#60 Simulation active. B i t 2 9 (bad value substitution) and F e a t u r e . substituted value or last valid value Condition S i m O n = TRUE OR S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. B i t 3 0 (hold last value) parameters (see table below). F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual states. S T parameter for further processing by APL blocks. the raw data value received from the hardware is either scaled (for frequency measurement values) or forwarded directly (for counter values). use CPXDiIn digital input driver block instead 16#28 Counter value None. B a d = TRUE (channel error) is set in case of broken wire or shortcut. In detail. either the lower or upper limit set up in HWConfig has been exceeded. The digital input signal interconnected to the S t a t e _ I n parameter by the "Generate Module Drivers" function provides information about whether the respective value is in range or not. "IW 512") of the counter or frequency measurement value that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the P V _ I n parameter by the user. based on the configuration done in HWConfig. If S t a t e = TRUE. B i t 2 9 = FALSE and F e a t u r e . while for the "Invalid value" state simulation. the following conversions are applied for the different types of input signals: InptType Type of Input Signal Default Data Conversion 16#0 NAMUR digital input N/A. Limit Check Both counter and frequency measurement values are monitored upon limits by the hardware. value substitution and keeping the last valid value must all be deactivated via their respective input parameters. The type of signal connected to CPXCnt1 is defined by the I n p t T y p e parameter. It is forwarded to S t a t e output parameter and thus can be interconnected to other block I/Os. During normal operation (valid value). S t a r t = FALSE freezes the counter value or sets the frequency measurement value to 0. and the appropriate value is supplied by the hardware at the input word interconnected to the P V _ I n input parameter. e. while S i m A c t = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. F e a t u r e . B i t 3 0 = TRUE. The C n t D i r _ P a r and E d g e P o l _ P a r parameters are copied to the outputs C n t D i r and E d g e P o l to allow for the interconnection of the settings to other block I/Os. Invalid Value If both F e a t u r e . The "Generate Module Drivers" function fully takes care of that matter. For that reason. the result of the scaling is still written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. S T is set to 16#60. for example. P V _ O u t . S T is set to 16#00. counting or frequency measurement is activated. However. Counter values are always transferred without any data conversion. Hold Last Value If F e a t u r e . which are not effective when simulation is active. S T is set to 16#80 and B a d to FALSE. B a d = TRUE is set and the last valid value is held at the P V _ O u t output (i. This also affects the substitute and hold last value values. B i t 2 9 and F e a t u r e . B a d = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to S u b s P V _ I n is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. P V _ O u t . B i t 2 9 = FALSE and the value read from the process image is invalid (M o d e high byte <> 16#80 or D i a g _ I n = TRUE). it is advised to change the byte order to "Motorola"in the CPX terminal's system parameters in HWConfig for easier debugging (due to the swapped bytes. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the S i m O n = TRUE. Substitute Value If F e a t u r e . it does not make a difference to the driver block which data format is applied. C n t D i r _ P a r = TRUE). scaling is applied for frequency measurement values only. C n t D i r _ P a r = FALSE) or to the upper limit (when counting down. and P V _ O u t . If S t a r t = TRUE. For more information about the parameters mentioned above. the counter value is reset to either the lower limit set up in HWConfig (when counting up. In order to adjust the internal scaling algorithm to the settings made in HWConfig. B i t 3 0 are set to FALSE and the value read from the process image is indicated as invalid (M o d e high byte <> 16#80 or D i a g _ I n = TRUE). Please see the module's hardware documentation for further details. P V _ O u t . That means that as long as S i m O n is set to TRUE. P V _ O u t . such that the CPXCnt1 block is fully adjusted to the hardware configuration automatically. The value provided at S i m P V _ I n is then written to the P V _ O u t output parameter (directly. any other value is ignored. The S t a r t and R e s e t parameters are used for controlling the counter or frequency measurement. The R e s e t value does have no effect if frequency measurement is used. without using the F a c t o r parameter for frequency measurement) instead of processing the raw value P V _ I n . S T is set to 16#60. the speed of an agitator can be easily calculated in rounds per minute. the default "Intel" setting does not allow for convenient monitoring of the raw value in CFC test mode). i. the value that was effective before it was detected that the process data has become invalid). e. which are interconnected to the appropriate hardware output signals by the "Generate Module Drivers" function and thus control the behaviour of the respective channel. Thus.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) 16#29 Frequency measurement P V _ I n is scaled using F a c t o r As shown above. M o d E r r = TRUE is set. S T is set to 16#60. the byte order (Intel/Motorola) and input type setting are to be set up at the appropriate parameters. B a d = TRUE indicates the invalid value. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. As long as R e s e t = TRUE. B a d is set to FALSE. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at M o d e . please also check the Interface Description for CPXCnt1. 115 . B i t 2 9 = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid. Both parameters are forwarded to the S t a r t _ O u t and R e s e t _ O u t output parameters. If an "X" is shown in this column. please check the following sections: Interface Description 10. INT 1998 Factor Factor for scaling of frequency measurement (PV_Out = PV_In * Factor) REAL 0. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.3. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. 10. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. 1=channel BOOL FALSE C 116 Locke d Set by Driver Generato r . "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. since those cannot be edited due to their type.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Feature Parameter CPXCnt1 can be configured using the F e a t u r e parameter.0 State_In Channel state (0=limits not exceeded. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. 1=limit exceeded) BOOL FALSE C Diag_In Channel diagnostics (0=ok. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. Additional Information For further information. Please check the Siemens APL online help for an overview of all reactions which are provided by the F e a t u r e parameter.3 I/Os of CPXCnt1 The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. The following functionality is supported by CPXCnt1: Bit Description 28 Use invalid value 29 Use substitute value if value is invalid 30 Use last valid value if value is invalid Sign-Of-Life Monitoring Sign-of-life monitoring is not supported by CPXCnt1.3.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PV_In Input/periphery value WORD 16#0 PV_InUnit Unit of process value: Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded. 1=reset counter) STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimOn 1=Activate simulation STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimPV_In Simulation value STRUCT Value: REAL 0. 1=start counter/measurement ) STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Reset Reset command (0=counter active.0 ByteOrdr Byte order (0=Intel.0 16#80 ST: BYTE SubsPV_In Substitution value REAL 0. "Dimension unit" or "Input unit" in HWConfig. "Byte order of analogue values" BOOL FALSE X V InptType Input signal type ("Signal area". 1=Motorola): As set up in HWConfig in the terminal's (not module's!) properties. 1=falling) BOOL FALSE X V MS_Releas e Maintenance release STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 C Feature Status of various features STRUCT Bit0: 117 . depending on the module type). "Measuring adjustment". Valid values: BYTE 0 X V 16#0=digital input (NAMUR) 16#28=counter value 16#29=frequency in Hz CntDir_Par Counting direction (0=up.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) error) Start Start/stop command (0=stop. 1=down) BOOL FALSE X V EdgePol_Pa r Edge polarity (0=rising. .. maintenance STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Value: N/A FALSE Set by Driver Generato r . 1=falling) STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimAct 1=simulation active: S i m O n = TRUE STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE ModErr OosAct 118 1=higher level error: Quality information in M o d e high byte = 16#40 STRUCT Field device out of service. FALSE Bit31: BOOL OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Bad 1=bad process value: (Quality information in M o d e high byte <> 16#80 or broken wire detected or signal out of NAMUR or defined range) and simulation not active STRUCT - Process value STRUCT PV_Out Value: BOOL Locke d N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Value: REAL N/A 0. Please check the Siemens APL online help for details on how physical units are coded. FALSE Bit28: BOOL TRUE FALSE .. 1=down) STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE EdgePol Edge polarity (0=rising.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 BOOL FALSE ..0 16#80 ST: BYTE PV_OutUni t Unit of process value: Copied from PV_InUnit parameter. INT 0 N/A State 1=limit exceeded STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE CntDir Counting direction (0=up. 4. This includes CPX digital input modules as well as modules connected via CPI to a CPX terminal. please check the following sections: Block Description 10. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) in progress BOOL 16#80 ST: BYTE Start_Out Start/stop command to hardware (0=stop. 119 . OB35 would be suitable. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions a executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The M S parameter is interconnected with the O _ M S output of the respective module driver block. 1=start counter/measurement ) BOOL FALSE N/A C Reset_Out Reset command to hardware (0=counter active.. The M o d e parameter is interconnected with the appropriate O M O D E x output of the module driver block. g.1 CPXDiIn: Festo CPX Digital Input Channel (APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 10. a cyclic interrupt like e.2 Description of CPXDiIn Object Name (Type + Number) FB 530 Area of Application CPXDiIn is used for any digital input signal coming from a Festo CPX terminal. This driver block has been designed for usage in APL (Advanced Process Library) projects.31: Not used Additional Information For further information. Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart.4 CPXDiIn: Festo Digital Input Channel 10. Thus. 1=reset counter) BOOL FALSE N/A C IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value DataXchg Data exchange: DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C Bit 0: Maintenance release Bit 1. In most cases.4. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. the high byte of the value provided at the M o d e input parameter is evaluated. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. this is done automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function. and S e l Q B needs to be set to TRUE. the S e l Q B parameter is set to TRUE and P r o I m Q B is interconnected with the hardware quality bit. For suitable CPX modules. B i t 2 9 (bad value substitution) parameters (see table below). both information parts need to show a "good" value (logical AND) for the block to consider the value as such. If the hardware provides quality information via a digital input signal. the block's M o d e input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the B a d output signal. the input signal provided at P V _ I n is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). 120 . In this case. Manual Configuration If. An external binary (good/bad) quality signal can be interconnected to the P r o I m Q B input and activated by setting S e l Q B to TRUE. B i t 2 9 = FALSE The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. For the external part. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. Signal Status The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. while for the "Invalid value" state simulation and value substitution must be deactivated via their respective input parameters. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used. and F e a t u r e . g.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 The D a t a X c h g parameter is interconnected with the appropriate D X C H G _ x x output of the module driver block. If an external quality signal is to be used. S T is set to 16#80 and B a d to FALSE. The processed result is supplied at the P V _ O u t output parameter. "I 10. P V _ O u t . B i t 2 9 = TRUE 16#80 Valid value S i m O n = FALSE and High byte of MODE input = 16#80 and ( P r o I m Q B = FALSE or S e l Q B = FALSE) 16#00 Invalid value S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . The internal part is based on the setting of the S i m O n . Functional Description CPXDiIn processes a digital signal interconnected by the user from the process image to the P V _ I n parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user).4") of the signal that is to be processed by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the P V _ I n parameter by the user. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. for any reason. it is to be interconnected to the P r o I m Q B input parameter. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Signal Status Description 16#60 Simulation active or substituted value Condition S i m O n = TRUE OR S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value and F e a t u r e . I/O name normal = I/O not visible. B i t 2 9 = TRUE and the value read from the process image is invalid. it is nevertheless written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. F e a t u r e . B a d = TRUE is set and the value defined at or interconnected to S u b s P V _ I n is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at M o d e . Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. please check the following sections: Interface Description 10. Feature Parameter CPXDiIn can be configured using the F e a t u r e parameter. B a d is set to FALSE. Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. That means that as long as S i m O n is set to TRUE. S T is set to 16#00.4. P V _ O u t . any other value is ignored. Substitute Value If F e a t u r e . Additional Information For further information.4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PV_In Input/periphery value BOOL FALSE Locked Set by Driver Generator 121 . while S i m A c t = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. This also affects the substitute value. S T is set to 16#60. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. which is not effective when simulation is active. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. Invalid Value If F e a t u r e . Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. B i t 2 9 (bad value substitution) is set to FALSE and the value read from the process image (via P V _ I n ) is invalid. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. The value provided at S i m P V _ I n is then written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. B i t 2 8 needs to be set to FALSE for Bit29 to become effective.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting S i m O n = TRUE. since those cannot be edited due to their type. The following functionality is supported by CPXDiIn: Bit Description 28 Use invalid value 29 Use substitute value if value is invalid Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. Please check the Siemens APL online help for an overview of all reactions which are provided by the F e a t u r e parameter. The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run.3 I/Os of CPXDiIn The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. and P V _ O u t . M o d E r r = TRUE is set.4. and P V _ O u t . The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. 10. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created. S T is set to 16#60. If an "X" is shown in this column. B a d = TRUE indicates the invalid value. .Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 SimOn 1=Activate simulation STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimPV_In Simulation value STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SubsPV_In Substitution value BOOL FALSE ProImQB Process image quality bit (only used if activated via SelQB = TRUE. visible if supported by the CPX module) BOOL FALSE (C)* SelQB 1=use process image quality bit BOOL FALSE (V)* MS_Release Maintenance release STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 C Feature Status of various features STRUCT Bit0: BOOL FALSE .. FALSE Bit28: BOOL TRUE FALSE . FALSE Bit31: BOOL OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Bad 1=bad process value: Quality information in M o d e high byte <> 16#80 and simulation not active STRUCT - Process value STRUCT PV_Out 122 Value: BOOL Locked N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Set by Driver Generator ... 5 CPXDiOu: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel 10.2 Description of CPXDiOu Object Name (Type + Number) FB 531 Area of Application CPXDiOu is used for any digital output signal sent to a Festo CPX terminal.5. Additional Information For further information.31: Not used * Only for modules providing hardware quality information in the process image data. This driver block has been designed for usage in APL (Advanced Process Library) projects. This includes CPX digital output modules as well as valve terminal and CPI modules connected to a CPX terminal. maintenance in progress STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value DataXchg Data exchange: DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C Bit 0: Maintenance release Bit 1.5. 123 . please check the following sections: Block Description 10.1 CPXDiOu: Festo CPX Digital Output Channel (APL) This chapter contains the following information: Block Description Interface Description 10.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimAct 1=simulation active: S i m O n = TRUE STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE ModErr OosAct 1=higher level error: Quality information in M o d e high byte = 16#40 STRUCT Field device out of service.. which needs to be interconnected to the appropriate periphery signal by the user. In most cases. the block's M o d e input parameter is to be set to 16#80000000 manually in order to prevent the channel driver block from setting the QBAD output signal. The M o d e parameter is interconnected with the appropriate O M O D E x output of the module driver block. OB35 would be suitable. The D a t a X c h g parameter is interconnected with the appropriate D X C H G _ x x output of the module driver block Manual Configuration If. Automatic Configuration via "Generate Module Drivers" The following actions are executed automatically by the "Generate Module Drivers" function: The M S parameter is interconnected with the O _ M S output of the respective module driver block. the calling OB depends on the insert point chosen by the user. the "Generate Module Drivers" function is not used.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Calling OBs The block is installed manually in the appropriate CFC chart. That means that as long as S i m O n is set to TRUE. The value provided at S i m P V _ I n is then written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. S T parameter for further processing by APL blocks. The internal part is based on the setting of the S i m O n parameter (see table below). Addressing Either the symbol defined in the symbol table or the absolute operand (e. "Simulation active" overrides all other quality states. the high byte of the value provided at the M o d e input parameter is evaluated. Normal Operation During normal operation (valid value). a cyclic interrupt like e. "Q 10. As can also be seen from the "Condition" column. If the "Generate module Drivers" function is used. any other value is ignored. Simulation has the highest priority of all the operating modes. g. The following quality codes are generated by the channel driver block: Quality Code Description Condition 16#60 Simulation active S i m O n = TRUE 16#80 Valid value S i m O n = FALSE and High byte of M o d e input = 16#80 16#00 Invalid value S i m O n = FALSE and invalid value The table reflects the priority of the individual quality codes. The processed result is supplied at the P V _ O u t output parameter. S T is set to 16#80 and B a d to FALSE. Thus. this parameter is interconnected automatically with the corresponding MOD_CPXx module driver block. the signal provided at P V _ I n is written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. and P V _ C h n S T . The signal status is transmitted at the P V _ C h n S T . 124 . while S i m A c t = TRUE indicates the activated simulation mode at the block's interface. For the external part. Simulation Mode Simulation can be activated by setting the S i m O n = TRUE. B a d is set to FALSE. Signal Status The quality of the signal processed is defined by information provided both from externally and internally. g. P V _ C h n S T .4") of the signal that is to be provided by the channel driver block must be interconnected to the P V _ O u t output parameter by the user. for any reason. Functional Description CPXDiOu processes a digital signal interconnected by the user from the user program to the P V _ I n input parameter cyclically (depending on the insert point chosen by the user). S T is set to 16#60. "V" states that a value is written to the parameter upon each run. P V _ O u t is set according to P V _ I n in spite of the external simulation. If an "X" is shown in this column. M o d E r r = TRUE is set. the value provided at the P V _ I n input parameter is always written to the P V _ O u t output parameter.5. "N/A" is stated for OUT parameters. 10. B a d = TRUE indicates the invalid value. I/O name normal = I/O not visible. I/O Fault Even if a module error is signalled via the M o d e parameter's high byte. Feature Parameter CPXDiOu can be configured using the F e a t u r e parameter. S T remains at 16#80.3 I/Os of CPXDiOu The default setting for a parameter's visibility can be seen in the "I/O Name" column: I/O name bold = I/O visible. "C" indicates a CFC connection automatically created.Channel Driver Blocks (APL) If an external simulation is detected via a 16#60 value provided at P V _ I n . The "Set by Driver Generators" defines whether a parameter is set up automatically when the "Generate Module Drivers" function is run. S T is set to 16#00. Operating And Monitoring The block does not have a faceplate. the respective parameter cannot be changed manually. The following functionality is supported by CPXDiOu: Bit Description 30 0=Use lowest/de-energized value at a block-external simulation Error Handling The plausibility of input parameters is not checked. Startup Characteristics The value provided at the P V _ I n input parameter is always written to the P V _ O u t output parameter. Additional Information For further information. Please check the Siemens APL online help for an overview of all reactions which are provided by the F e a t u r e parameter. since those cannot be edited due to their type.5. B i t 3 0 = FALSE. B i t 3 0 = TRUE (default). P V _ O u t is set to FALSE to provoke a powerless state for the digital output and P V _ C h n S T . please check the following sections: Interface Description 10. ST STRUCT Value: BOOL Locked Set by Driver Generator FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE 125 . Module Error If a higher order module error is detected via a 16#40 high byte in the value provided at M o d e . and P V _ C h n S T .4 IN Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value PV_In Process value incl. If F e a t u r e . Please be aware that any manual changes applied to parameters defined as either "V" or "C" in this column will be overridden on each run of the "Generate Module Drivers" function. The "Locked" column indicates whether a parameter is locked against changes by the user in order to provide configuration errors. This also applies to the startup phase of the CPU. S T and F e a t u r e . FALSE Bit30: BOOL TRUE FALSE Bit31: BOOL OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value Bad 1=Bad process value: Quality information in MODE high byte <> 16#80 and simulation not active STRUCT - PV_Out Periphery output value BOOL FALSE N/A PV_ChnST Value and state of PV_Out STRUCT - N/A Value: BOOL Locked N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE Value: REAL 0.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 SimOn 1=Activate simulation STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE SimPV_In Simulation value STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS_Release Maintenance release STRUCT Value: BOOL FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE MS Maintenance state DWORD 16#0 C MODE Quality and mode: Interconnected from MOD_CPXx module driver block DWORD 16#0 C Feature Status of various features STRUCT Bit0: BOOL FALSE ...0 16#80 ST: BYTE SimAct 1=simulation active: S i m O n = TRUE STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE ModErr 126 1=higher level error: Quality information in M o d e high byte = 16#40 STRUCT Value: BOOL ST: BYTE N/A FALSE 16#80 Set by Driver Generator . please check the following sections: Block Description 127 . maintenance in progress OOSAct STRUCT Value: BOOL N/A FALSE 16#80 ST: BYTE IN_OUT Parameters I/O Name Description Data Type Default Value DataXchg Data exchange: DWORD 16#0 Locked Set by Driver Generator C Bit 0: Maintenance release Bit 1..Channel Driver Blocks (APL) Field device out of service.31: Not used Additional Information For further information. 1 General Information Message classes are used to group messages according to their cause. tips and references to other sources of information. Information: Recommendations.1 online help.2. general process messages) are reached or exceeded.1. 128 .2 Available Message Classes Message Class Description With Ack. AH Alarm high (High High Alarm) Yes AL Alarm low (Low Low Alarm) Yes WH Warning high (High Alarm) Yes WL Warning low (Low Alarm) Yes TH Tolerance high (Tolerance High) Yes TL Tolerance low (Tolerance Low) Yes F AS control system message (error) Yes S AS control system message (fault) Yes S* OS control system message (fault) Yes M Preventive maintenance (Maintenance) Yes PM Process message (Process Message) Yes - Operating message No OR Operator request (Operator Request) No OM Operator message (Operation Message) No SA Status AS No SO Status OS No Source: PCS 7 Basic Library V7. warnings. 11.1. draw the operator's attention to the necessity of an operator intervention (for example.1 Message Classes 11. Process-control messages.11 Appendix 11. 11. Requests for operator input which. 11. Accessory: Information on necessary or useful accessories.2 Marking Special Information You can find information on how danger warnings are represented under "Important User Information". in the case of certain operation sequences. The following message classes are used in SIMATIC PCS 7: Process messages triggered when process-specific monitoring values (for example. high/low tolerances. alarms. request to acknowledge a stepping operation manually in order to enable transition) or operation logs.1 Pictograms The following pictograms mark passages in the text that contain special information. output by the control system (system messages) or the I/O units (errors in the field) or for preventive maintenance. 3 Contacting Festo Contact Address Festo AG & Co. several entries for the CPX-FB13 Profibus node are available. dialogs and buttons such as "Message Window".2 Further conventions [Project] [New] Menu items are framed in square brackets. In the hardware catalog in HW Config. for example the [New&ldots. communication needs to be routed from the module driver blocks through the terminal driver block (see the Description of RACK_CPX for details). combined with time needed by the terminal to response on a module driver block's diagnostic request. If "click" or "double-click" is mentioned. This is represented in the text as CTRL + C. CTRL. Since this interface cannot be accessed by several blocks in the PCS 7 application in parallel. it is not possible to use the event-based organisational blocks like OB 85 or OB 86 for generating all available diagnostic messages.festo. In any other case. "Dearchivate Project" or "OK" are shown in inverted commas. 11. F1. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Germany Tel. CTRL Names of keys on the PC keyboard are represented in the text with uppercase letters (e.4 How Diagnostic Information Is Retrieved Due to internal mechanisms in the CPX system. This routing of diagnostic information.] command in the [Project] menu opens a new project. the DIAG_IW and DIAG_QW parameters of RACK_CPX will not be configured 129 .g.2. If the right-hand mouse button is to be used.. ENTER.). For "broken wire" messages of analog 4. etc. the required information is retrieved via the CPX's diagnostic I/O interface. The respective messages would then not be signalled on the Operator Station or the respective channel driver block's QUALITY output signal.com E-mail [email protected] Fax ++49 (0)711 / 347 . So. CTRL + C For some functions you need to press two keys simultaneously. 11.20 mA-signals. causes a slight delay of the diagnostic data. this always applies to the left-hand mouse button. which consists of two bytes each for input and output data. ++49 (0)711 / 347 . For example.com 11.21 44 Internet www. Please see the Invalid Value section at the description of the CHAI_CPX channel driver block for details. diagnostic information is never fully synchronous. Instead. "OK" Names of windows. press and hold down the CTRL key and also press the C key. C.Appendix Environment: Information on the environmentally friendly use of Festo products. and very short diagnostic events that only last for a couple of milliseconds (depending on the CPU's cycle time) might not be recognized correctly. this will be explicitly mentioned. but only the one named "CPX-FB13: DP-Slave [DPV1]" provides the input and output ranges for the diagnostic interface. synchronous processing is possible if certain configuration settings are made in HW Config. It must therefore be ensured that the terminal's first slot is configured with this entry. ] object (order number [.]) will not be processed" CPX-FB3x Profinet IO node is not configured correctly in HW Config: I/O diagnostic interface (STI) is missing Make sure to use the "FB3x PNIO Modul [STI]" entry from the GSDML file.Festo CPX Driver Block Library for SIMATIC PCS 7 correctly by the "Generate module drivers" function.. It is also necessary to run the "Generate Module Drivers" function after changing the hardware configuration in order to correctly configure the parameters of RACK_CPX. a) Change byte order to "Intel" (HW Config/DP Slave Properties/Parameter Assignment/Device Specific Parameters) or b) Replace the CPX-FB13 fieldbus hardware by rev. but hardware does not support changing the byte order yet.5 Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause Solution Error message during "Generate module drivers" run: "The 0/64 object (order number CPX-FB13 [.... Error message during "Generate module drivers" run: "The FB3x PNIO Modul [.. 130 .]) will not be processed" CPX-FB13 Profibus node is not configured correctly in HW Config: I/O diagnostic interface (STI) is missing Make sure to use the "CPXFB13: DP-Slave [DPV1]" entry from the GSD file.1 or newer. 11. Please check the System Requirements chapter for more information about how to find out the revision of your hardware. but diagnostics cannot be provided until the terminal's configuration is corrected in HW Config. Signal handling will function properly.. "Device x/y/z: Multiple alarm (OB82)" message upon undervoltage Station parameter "Filter alarm Vout/Vven" not set to "active" in HW Config Set filter parameter to "active" (HW Config/DP Slave Properties/Parameter Assignment/Device Specific Parameters). Analog input or output modules do not provide proper data (implausible and/or heavily changing values) Byte order set to "Motorola" in HW Config. RACK_CPX will then trigger a "Configuration error" message as soon as the system is started. Online help cannot be accessed by pressing the F1 key Installed PCS 7 version does not support HTML help format Install PCS 7 version 7. 23 or newer.
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