Cpt Excel Practice Questions

April 2, 2018 | Author: balaraju | Category: Microsoft Excel, Typefaces, Arial, Typography, Printing



SSCEXAMFORUM.COM QUESTION 1 8 9 F G SC 100 105 123 85 ST OBC 25 225 45 230 133 412 39 362 Gen Total 556 852 965 475 O Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 Average RU 10 11 E .C 7 D M 6 C Category wise list of candidates 4 5 B M A 1 Name 2 Roll No 3 SS C EX A M FO By following the given steps, you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1. Open new Workbook of Excel. 2. Set paper size to ‘A4’, orientation to Portrait and margin to ‘Normal’ or according to given measurement. 3. Change font size of cell to ‘14’ and font name to ‘Arial’. 4. Merge the cells of row 4, change the font size to 16 and make it Bold, Underlined and Center aligned. 5. Make the title of category and year (content of row 5 and column A) Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) Right aligned. 6. Change the Background colour of Total and Average to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. 7. Create border as given in above worksheet. 8. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required. 9. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this Worksheet. SSCEXAMFORUM.COM QUESTION 2 A 1 Name 2 Roll No 3 C D E F Hindi 66 42 78 80 85 English 98 66 95 93 99 Total Average O Maths 97 44 68 98 79 .C Class 1 A B C D E RU By following the given steps, you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1. Open new Workbook of Excel. 2. Set paper size to ‘A4’, orientation to Portrait and margin to ‘Normal’ or M FO according to given measurement. 3. Change font size of cell to ‘14’ and font name to ‘Arial’. 4. Merge the cells of row 4, change the font size to 16 and make it Bold, Underlined and Center aligned. 5. Make the title of Subject and student (content of row 5 and column A) A Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) Right aligned. 6. Change the Background colour of Total and Average to given colour (as CE X shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. 7. Create border as given in above worksheet. 8. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required. 9. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this SS Worksheet. M Subject wise Marks of students M 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 B Underlined and Center aligned. Change font size of cell to ‘14’ and font name to ‘Arial’. Make the title of Marks and schools (content of row 5 and column A) Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) Right aligned. 6.COM D E F School Name sarvodaya Vidyalya Delhi Public School Lko Govt School Loreto convent Total Marks Marks in Test 2678. 3. Merge the cells of row 4. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this Worksheet.75 Marks in practical Exam 435. Change the Background colour of Total and Average to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. 4. Create border as given in above worksheet.SSCEXAMFORUM.75 432.C Scoresheet of class XII Total marks RU M 6 7 8 9 10 11 C FO 4 5 B O A 1 Name 2 Roll No 3 M QUESTION 3 Average per student 345 368 789 234 SS CE X A M By following the given steps. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1. . 7. 9. 8. orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘Normal’ or according to given measurement. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required.5 234.75 3242. Open new Workbook of Excel.77 5336. Set paper size to ‘A4’.35 3424.5 Total student . 2.7 345. 5. 8.C Net Salary of Emloyee Sl.Provident Fund By following the given steps. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required. . Make the title of content of row 5 and column A Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) Right aligned. orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘Narrow’ or according to given measurement. 3. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. Change the Background colour of Allowance and Net Salary to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1. Create border as given in above worksheet. Merge the cells of row 4. 2. Set paper size to ‘A4’. Open new Workbook of Excel.Sheet 5 SSCEXAMFORUM.no. Change font size of cell to ‘14’ and font name to ‘Arial’. 7. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this Worksheet. 5. 6.COM C D E G H I . 4. Name suresh abhinav himanshu abhishek Ramesh` Basic Salary Clerk Peon Saleman Gardener Guard 17000 12500 14500 7500 9000 House Rent Allowance FO 1 2 3 4 5 Designation Medical Travel Allowance Provident Fund Net Salary Allowance RU M 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F O A B Name 1 2 Roll No 3 M QUESTION 4 SS CE X A M House Rent Allowancw = 9% of Basic Salary Medical Allowance = 6% of Basic Salary Travel Allowance = 7% of Basic Salary Provident Fund = 5% of Basic Salary Net Salary = Basic Salary + House Rent Allowance + Medical Allowance + Travel Allowance . Underlined and Center aligned. Set paper size to ‘A4’. Open new Workbook of Excel. 4. 5 CENTER aligned.M SSCEXAMFORUM.C 1 NAME 2 ROLL NO.65 45 56 8 AMRITA 17 56 33 58 RITU 19 58 75.COM QUESTION 5 B C D E F G O A NAME AGE HINDI ENGLISH MATH 6 HEMA 18 85 95 75. 3 By following the given steps. 6. Merge the cells of row 4. 2. orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘NARROW’ or according to given measurement. you have to design the above worksheet using SS CE X MS-Excel: 1.PER.65 45 10 PINKU 21 95 56 33 18 45 58 58 18 33 85 RAVI MAX 95 A 11 PAWAN PER(%) M 9 TOTAL FO 5 RU M SCORESHEET OF CLASS XII 4 12 .65 7 SHILPA 19 75. change the font size to 18 and make it Bold. MIN to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get MIN . Change font size of cell to ‘13’ and font name to ‘Arial’. Underlined and Center aligned. MAX. Change the Background colour of Total. 3. Create border as given in above worksheet. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required. 8. 7.SS CE X A M FO RU M .C O M these values. 9. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this . 3 AGE 18 19 17 19 21 18 18 SALARY -1 5000 7000 5600 5800 9500 4500 3300 RU M CALCULATE HRA FOR THE YEAR.800) TOTAL HRA . 6. 4. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. HRA-2 HRA-3 IF(D7>5000. Open new Workbook of Excel. 3.COM B C D E F G 1 NAME 2 ROLL NO.27. Change the Background colour of Total and HRA 1.HRA 2. Change font size of cell to ‘13’ and font name to ‘Arial’. 2.1500. Make the title of (content of row 5 and column A) Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) CENTER aligned. Merge the cells of row 4. orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘Narrow’ or according to given measurement. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1.11. 5.C A O QUESTION 6 SS CE X A M HINT: IF SALARY IS MORE THAN 5000 THAN HRA IS PAID 1500 REST 800 By following the given steps. HRA 3 to given colour and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. Underlined and Center aligned.2014 M SSCEXAMFORUM. Set paper size to ‘A4’.2013-2014 SALARY-2 SALARY-3 TOTAL SALARY 9500 7656 4500 5600 3300 5800 7565 4500 5600 3300 5800 5982 8500 9500 HRA-1 FO 4 5 NAME 6 ABHI 7 VIN 8 SAHU 9 ARJ 10 PRI 11 PAWAN 12 RAVI . 2014 SS CE X A M FO RU M . Adjust Height and Width of cells as required.11. 8. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this 10 HEDER AND FOOTER .27.C O M 7. Create border as given in above worksheet. 9. orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘Narrow’ or according to given measurement. 3 SS CE X A M HINT: IF(B >20. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1.C 1 NAME 2 ROLL NO. Change font size of cell to ‘13’ and font name to ‘Arial’. Create border as given in above worksheet. Merge the cells of row 4. 3. 7.COM A B C D E F O QUESTION 7 G NAME A B V B N Q R AGE 18 19 17 19 21 18 18 STATUS AGE STATUS AGE 35 65 55 25 45 18 44 15 16 12 13 17 11 10 RU M CALCULATE THE AGE OF STUDENT STATUS AGE 14 78 25 65 32 22 31 FO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . STATUS . 4. Set paper size to ‘A4’.Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) LEFT aligned. 6.M SSCEXAMFORUM."YOU ARE MAJOR"."YOU ARE MINOR") By following the given steps. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. Underlined and Center aligned. 5. 2. Open new Workbook of Excel.Change the Background of AGE and STATUS in different colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this 10 HEDER AND FOOTER . 9.SS CE X A M FO RU M . Adjust Height and Width of cells as required.C O M 8. Create border as given in above worksheet. orientation to PORTRAIT and margin to ‘Narrow’ or according to given measurement. Merge the cells of row 4. 6.2014 10.03.2014 F-DATE DIFF-DAYS 08. 2. 5. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this 10 HEDER AND FOOTER & Make a CHART OF NAME AND FINE .06.05. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1.10000.Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) CENTER aligned. IF(G7<30.05. Underlined and Center aligned. 7.2014 08.2014 11.02.06.C NAME ABHI VIN ASHOK SHILPA RAVI ASHU RAHUL RU 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B M 1 2 3 4 A NAME ROLL NO.5 FINE 0 ABHI VIN ASHOK SHILPA RAVI ASHU RAHUL SS CE X A M FO By following the given steps.SSCEXAMFORUM.15000. 8. Change font size of cell to ‘13’ and font name to ‘Arial’. 4.07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 11.02.2014 06.01.2014 11.COM QUESTION 8 C D E F G CALCULATE LATE FEE OF STUDENT A-DATE 05. 9.05. FINE 1 0.09.2014 HINT: IF(G7>60.))) FINE M COURSE MBA MBBS CAT MAT CA CS MA O AGE 18 19 17 19 21 18 18 . IF(G7>30. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required.20000. Change the Background colour of Name and Fine to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. 3.06.2014 11.2014 09. Set paper size to ‘A4’. Open new Workbook of Excel.04.03.2014 07.2014 11. 156 8. Open new workbook of Excel.878 10. Underlined and center aligned.784 3.258. Change font size of cell to "13.COM D E CITY Population in year 2001 delhi mumbai Lucknow Allahabad Total 2.832. Change the Background colour of "City" and "Percentage increase in Population " to given colour (as shown in SS CE X above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values.512. 8. 6.745 2.247.586.825. . Set paper size to'A4' orientation Landscape and margin to "Narrow" or according to given measurement.569. Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this Worksheet. 3. 4.824. Merge the cells of row 4. 5. 7.C O C FO 5 6 7 8 9 10 B percentage increase in population RU M 1 2 3 4 A NAME ROLL NO.458 2. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold.245. Make Graph and Header & Footer.368 1. Adjust height and width of cell as required.365 1.935.643 Population In Different Cities Population in year 2002 Increase in population 2.SSCEXAMFORUM.754 2. M QUESTION 9 A M By following the given steps you have design the above worksheet using MS-Excel:1. Create a border as given in above worksheet.5" and font name to "Arial".865 . 2. SSCEXAMFORUM. Insert new row above 'Ankit' and fill up entry menu Mehra 42 66 73 6.C 1. Apply heading on the table 'Delhi Public School' font size "20" style com 5. 2. set the table data in ascending oder 8.COM QUESTION 10 Q1. find the "Heena" and convert it to "Heena" . Give status by using following conditions if the total manks>100 so "Pass" if the total manks>100 so "Fail" 3. Table field bold itlics shade green center aling 4.Total colum width should be "25" 7. Compute the table marks and percentage of each student. Create athe following table Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 52 53 26 74 83 92 25 35 62 42 24 41 48 86 92 M Last Name Gender Mishra Mehra Manchanda Sinha Kashyap O Frist Name Neha ritu hema Pawan shilpa SS C EX A M FO RU M . Center Align Throught "Word Art". Set Title "2013 APPLICATION FORMS" in Algerian. Compute the total average made to each states iii Compute total nunber of online application and offline application bellow the colum iv Compute v 1.43. 2. Create this table in MS-Excel SS C EX A M FO RU M . 4. Apply your name and current date in header. Page size should be "A4".right:0. font 15. Apply conditional formating on total application less than 60000 colour red more than 60000 green.COM QUESTION 11 Q2.Bottam:0.53. 8.59 3. Set column width of total 10. .Apply page number in footer. 6.C O M Online Application Offline Application States 15620 Delhi 45000 up 15820 12600 jharkhand 25000 13500 Maharashtra 35600 14800 i Compute the total number of application ii. left:0. 5.5.Create a bar graph represent total number of applications. 7.SSCEXAMFORUM.0. Set Margin top :0. NO M SITAPUR SANSTHAN (SSS Technical Campus) Fee Structure (session 2012-13) EXAM FEE 3550 3550 0 3550 3550 0 3456 3596 0 3256 2150 0 .64. Margin size form Top:0. ii .COM QUESTION 12 Q3. Title fonts size second line too and center align. Completed table should be print in single page.bottam :0.59. 1. Minority st Boys/SC. Minority OTHERS Ist Sem IInd Sem M FO IVTh Year M Ist Sem IInd Sem OTHERS RU IInd Year EX A i .C I Sem IInd Sem OTHERS TUTION FEE O S. Apply All Border on Table. right : 0.SC. Minority IIIed Year Boys/SC.SC. left:0. Margin size form Top:0. Ist Year REG FEE NAME OF HEAD Boys/SC. iii.bottam :0. 5. 3. left:0. 5. 2.59.Compute the total number of fees. Create a new table in ms-excel and fill up entries.35. Type your Name and Roll Number in header.SC.64. iv. right : 0.SC. 4. Minority Ist Sem IInd Sem OTHERS Boys/SC. Apply accounting number format on total fee.SSCEXAMFORUM.Table Headings font size 13pt. SS C 1500 1600 0 1800 1400 0 1800 1300 0 1750 1360 0 0 32600 32890 0 33600 34600 0 32560 35690 0 32560 12566 . Create a pie chart representing Total Fee against S No. Apply duble line border around the title. Apply all border on table. Insert title "THIS YEAR RESULT" font size 20. 8. Create a table as given bellow 100 100 100 100 Education 61 53 72 83 SS C EX A M FO RU M . 9. Create pie chart representing total marks.roll name and page number in footer.COM QUESTION 13 Q4. 5.C 1. Globalization 53 65 61 93 M Hindi-A 85 55 56 68 O Frist Name Last Name shilpa Mishra amrita Khandelwal Pooja Mehra sona Shukla Political Scince 81 53 62 75 . 6. 7.Insert your name in header . Compute total marks and percentage by using avreage formula.style 'Impact' colour "Red". your page size should be Standard.SSCEXAMFORUM. 10. 2. Apply grades by using condition given belllow:GRADE 'A'--More than 300 GRADE 'B'--More than 200 GRADE 'C'--More than 100 GRADE 'D'--Less than 100 4. Insert a new row at the top of 'Pooja' and fill up new entry. 3. All columns width 15. Apply Formula to get the eligible age for rvoting. 2.C M RU M FO EX A 15 85 32 25 41 8 65 52 32 12 52 32 2 15 32 52 86 62 25 5 61 16 18 59 18 26 M AGE SS C Name Ram Sham Sunita Yatin Nitin Kanika Gagan Naveen Mehar Sita Lakshman Anil Tanya Yatin Atin Nikita Arun Tarun Neha Ravi Vevan Vikram vikek Kannu Aman Heena 1. Apply Margin from top 0.7 & right 0. 6. Create the following table and fill up all entries: ELIGIBILITY O .53 4. 5. Filed size 16 font stlye impact. 3. Count the number of eligible and not eligible persons. .Apply All Border on table. Page size should be Letter.COM QUESTION 14 Q5.SSCEXAMFORUM. SSCEXAMFORUM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conditions Scholarship and subject offered which is on the following criteria:- M FO RU Gread Name of student 'A' Financial Accounting 'B' Offical Management 'C' Business Marketing 'D' Reading Gandhi Sholarship is given on the basis of Monthly income on the following conditions:50 per cent for those who having monthaly income up to 10. Set colum width of scholarship and subject offered 18.75. 4.COM QUESTION 15 ASIA PACIFIC MAN GEMENT STUDITS Institution Area. All figures in center align.000 and 100 per cent for those who having more than 10. A And apply fomating as mentioned below:- SS C EX 1. 3.000 get a maximum of scholarship 15. allahabad-211001 M Scholarship Subject Offered O Monthly Income Gread 14000 A 22000 B 13000 A 9500 C 7500 D 8000 B 19000 C .C Name ramu dinu sudhir ravi deepu shalu prity M S No.000 with a condition that students having monthaly income of more 10. .Set margins left:0. Sort entre list in Ascending order time.000. 2.Give all Boundary lines on your table.center align through "Word Art" 6.size 20. cell*50%. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 O Q7. 7. Underlined and Center aligned.COM M QUESTION 16 Basic 4000 Than:- DA HRA Income PF I Tax Deductions Net Salary . 4. you have to design the above worksheet using MS-Excel: 1. (content of row 5 and column A) Centre aligned and figures (data entered in concerned cell) Right aligned. Open new Workbook of Excel. change the font size to 16 and make it Bold. . orientation to Landscape and margin to ‘Narrow’ or according to given measurement. 2. 6.C 6000 9000 5000 3000 7000 RU M Formula Condlitions:If Basic 8000 than:- Basic IF(cell>8000. Create a salary satement for the following format and date details using Ms-Excel. Merge the cells of row 4.cell*40%.no. Set paper size to ‘A4’. Create border as given in above worksheet. Change font size of cell to ‘14’ and font name to ‘Arial’. Make the title of marks and sl.SSCEXAMFORUM. 8.cell*30%)) DA 50% of Basic HRA 40% of Basic PF 6% of Basic I Tax 4% of Basic DA 40% of Basic FO Name shadab pawan pihu pulkit ankit M SNO. Adjust Height and Width of cells as required. SS CE X A By following the given steps. 5.IF(cell>4000. Change the Background colour of Total and Average to given colour (as shown in above worksheet) and used appropriate function of excel to get these values. C O M 9.SS CE X A M FO RU M . . Save your Workbook with the name in given format and also Print this Worksheet.
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