CP Project on Green Technology



CERTIFICATEThis is to Certify that the following Students Of B.P. COLLEGE OF BUSUNESS ADMINISTRATION, GANDHINAGAR Have Submitted their Capstone Project Report On “Scope of Green Technology in Market as a Solution to Environment Disbalance” In the Academic Year 2012-13 in Partial Fulfillment if the Requirements for the Paper “CAPSTONE PROJECT” in this SEMESTER-VI of B.B.A. Programme Under “KADI SARVA VISHWAVIDYALAYA” Sr. No. Name of the Students Roll No. (Faculty Guide) Prof. JyotiNehra (Principle/Director) Dr. Ramakant Prusty A Capstone Project Report On “Scope of Green Technology in Market as a Solution to Environment Disbalance” Submitted To: Bholabhai Patel College of Business Administration (A Constituent College of KADI SARVA VISHWAVIDYALAYA) Near GH-06, Sector 23, Gandhinagar. Submitted By: “Group No. B-19” Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Roll No. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 1 Acknowledgement We are indebted to the powerful almighty of God for all the blessing he showered on me and being with me throughout the study. We are would like to place my sincere gratitude and appreciation to our project guide “Prof. Jyoti Nehra” for his kind co-operation and guidance which enabled us to complete our project. We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our loving parents and friends who are constant source of motivation and there never ending support and encouragement during the project. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 2 The data elements in the model include sales. storage. B-19 3 .Executive Summary Consumer electronics have become increasingly popular and culturally important over the past several decades. product weights. As the nature. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. manufacturers. and the quantity of used electronic products collected from secondary sources. and policymakers need reliable and current information to inform and improve the management of used electronics. and number of electronic products change over time. and end-of-life management (disposal and collection for recycling) also change. patterns of sales. use. and entertain ourselves—and the speed with which we do so. Waste managers. get information. lifespan and Storage estimates. changing how we communicate. No.1 1. I Ii Acknowledgement Contents Page No.3 Introduction Backdrop Of Green Tech Pros Of Green Technology 9 9 Industry (Electronics) Background Of Panasonic 10 & Lg Inc.Table Of Content Chapter No. B-19 17 17 17 18 19 4 .8 2 Analysis Of Global Warming Attributed Of Conventional Technology 2. Rationale Of The Study Significance of Study Research Methodology Objective Of Study Constraints Of Study 12 13 14 15 15 1. 2 3 Executive Summary 1 1.4 2.1 2.2 1.6 1.5 Global Warming Background What Is Global Warming What Is Greenhouse Effect What Causes Global Warming Hazards BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.3 2.7 1.2 2.4 1.5 1. 6 3.4 4.10 29 31 31 4 Green Tech: A Viable Solution Of Global Warming 4. B-19 5 .3 3.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 4.8 3.5 What Is Green Technology Criteria Of Green Tech Why Green Technology Green Technology Of India The Present Scenario Of Green Tech In India 39 39 39 40 40 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.7 What Is Carbon Footprint Carbon Dioxide Emission Emission And Trends Of Carbon Dioxide Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emission Green House Gases Overview How Long Do They Stay In The Atmosphere How Strongly Do They Impact Global Temperature Source Of Greenhouse Gas Emission Emission & Trends Of Greenhouse Gas Global Emission 23 23 25 26 27 28 29 3.9 3.5 3.2.2 3.6 Effect Of Global Warming 20 3 Conventional Technology Responsible For Carbon Emission & Global Warming 3.4 3. 2 5.5 5.1 5.6 Lg & Panasonic Trump Card: Green Tech Background Of Panasonic 2006 To Present Panasonic Green Technology Background Of Lg Green Product And Technologies Environmental Policy For Lg Electronics Products Green Product Evaluation System Green R&D Investment Green Technology Certification Productivity And Technology Research Institute Selected Green Product Released In 2010 Green Packaging 44 45 48 50 51 53 5.8 5.7 4.8 The Prime Concern Of Green Tech Key Areas For Green Techies Green Industry 40 41 42 5 5.10 5.6 4.3 5.12 59 62 64 67 70 71 6 6.1 6.7 5.4 5.4.2 Comparison Of Lg & Panasonic Lg Overview Consumer Electronic Products Of Lg 74 74 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.9 5. B-19 6 .11 5. 3 6. B-19 7 .7 6.4 6.6.8 Panasonic Overview Consumer Electronic Products Of Panasonic Market Segmentation Competitive Analysis Of Lg& Panasonic Lg V/S Panasonic Panasonic V/S LG 77 77 80 80 81 87 7 8 Final Conclusion Webography 94 96 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.6 6.5 6. Chapter:6 Comparison of LG and Panasonic:Green Tech. B-19 73 . market BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Digital Display Products. B-19 74 .2 Consumer Electronic Products LG  TVs BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 6.1 LG Overview LG Electronic India Pvt. A wholly owned subsidiary of LG Electronics South Korea was established in January. Ltd. Consumer Durables. 1997. it is the recognized trendsetter for the consumer durable industry in India with the fastest ever nationwide reach latest global technology and innovation.6. Acknowledged as one of the most formidable brands. LGEIL has an impressive portfolio of Home Appliance. In India for more than a Decade now it is a market leader in consumer durables and a leading technology innovator in information technology and mobile communication business. GSM Mobile Phones and IT Product. B-19 75 . Monitors  PDPs  Video tapes BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  DVD-R Disc  Notebook PC BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 76 . 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry. “Panasonic ideas for life. (SANYO) wholly-owned subsidiaries on April 1. Panasonic Corporation has been guided by its basic management philosophy.6. the Company is actively undertaking Group-wide reorganization in an effort to become the No...4 Consumer Electronic Products Panasonic  TV BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Panasonic made Panasonic Electric Works Co. Ltd. Consistent with its brand slogan. 6. which states that the mission of an enterprise is to contribute to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people worldwide. (PEW) and SANYO Electric Co.3 Panasonic Overview Since its foundation in 1918. As a part of this reorganization. Currently. B-19 77 . 2011. Ltd.” the Company will continue to enrich the lives of people around the world and contribute to a future for the earth and the progress of society. B-19 78 . Camcorder  DVD Players BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 79 . Home Audio  AV Accessories BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Occupation 2. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Close fight between the two companies.Personality 4.    The target audience of both companies is same.Value . Psychographic .Life style .5 Market Segmentation LG and Panasonic have segmented the market on the basis of the following: 1.6. Geographic -Tier 1 class . B-19 80 . Behavioral . Demographic .Income . Product categories are more or less same.Tier 2 class 3.6 Competitive Analysis  The market share and data shows that Samsung is the main competitors of LG electronics in India.Benefit sought 6. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Brand ambassador “Akshay Kumar”. In 2008 it reverted back to its premium positioning. Panasoni Competitor Panasonic  Initially the strategy of Panasonic in India was to create premium image by emphasizing global brand. 6.   Tag line “Life‟s Good”.  In line with the Global Digital Initiative of the Parent Company. Panasonic India is seeking to acquire digital leadership in India by introducing its digital ready televisions like the 40" LCD Projection TV. although it resulted in some loss of market share. Price war with its closest competitors.7 LG v/s Panasonic Communication strategy of LG.43“ Projection TV and the Plano series of Flat Color televisions. Panasonic also started playing price game.   After facing stiff competition from LG. B-19 81 . LG Electronics is committed to the program‟s mission of achieving superior energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  LG home appliances communication message is totally based on health message like “Golden eye technology” and “Intello”. vibrant and premium. Product range of LG Electronics As a proud longtime ENERGY STAR® partner. B-19 82 .LG Electronics India has announced the appointment of actor Akshay Kumar as its brand ambassador for the flat panel display (FPD) segment. LG Electronics aims to constantly develop and communicate groundbreaking products and next generation technologies in the FPD segment. LG is BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  For Television market they are using child.  They want to position the brand as being young. So they picked Akshay Kumar as he portrays Indian values.  LG positioned itself as an Indian brand. They are hitting the emotional attributes of Indian consumer  The warmth and affection that a brand showers upon its target audience will be reciprocated. because child plays the role of influencer in purchase of TV sets. Positioning itself as a frontrunner in the increasingly competitive digital TV market. which launched a range of eco-friendly products 'Eco-Chic' such as the platinum coated two-door refrigerator and washing machine with steam technology here.working hard to develop the most innovative products that provide consumers with significant savings through energy efficiency. The others products launched by LG include electronic home systems and a new range of LCD TV sets under the 'Scarlet' brand. standards.5 billion dollars globally in the current year and the contribution from its operations in India stood at less than $3 billion. and offering green values. LG electronics is targeting a sale of 49. 2) Develop and implement a system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. as it looks to strengthen hold in the country's white goods market. and local laws associated with the environment and engage in voluntary activities to improve the environment. by contributing to environmental protection efforts. LG Electronics’ Environmental Product Policy LG Electronics is committed to providing a better experience for its customers. B-19 83 . The firm also claims that its products are very energy efficient and some of them save energy up to 70 per cent as compared to similar products available in the market. measure and improve the performance of this system. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. and always make the results available to the public. ENERGY STAR is the trusted government-backed symbol for energy efficiency helping us all save money and protect the environment through energyefficient products and practices South Korean consumer durables major LG Electronics will introduce eco-friendly products in India early next year. 1) Comply with international conventions. will be introducing them in India. The company. 4) Make all manufacturing processes. including raw materials. by promoting the sustainability of our products and stimulating the consumption of greener products. 8) Expand cooperation with our stakeholders to protect the environment PRICE OF LG ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCT 1 LG 26CS460 In-Use: £0.10 » 32" HD Ready LCD TV kgCO2 From £220 Compare prices Standby: £0. use.32 LG 32CS460 In-Use: £0.00 £0. comply with environmental protection initiatives.47 46.00 £0.65 » 26" HD Ready LCD TV kgCO2 From £179 Compare prices Standby: £0. 7) Educate our employees on green issues and environmental initiatives while teaching them to develop greener products and reduce greenhouse gases. B-19 84 . and disposal. production.3) Identify and meet the needs of green consumers. 5) Recognize eco-friendliness as a vital part of product development and manufacturing. throughout the product life cycle.32 2 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 6) Take the lead in establishing a sustainable society by developing new environmental and energy businesses.07 60.03 £12.04 £16. and take preventive measures to minimize the environmental impact throughout a product‟s life cycle. B-19 85 .11 £38. Key accomplishments include: • Increasing total sales of ENERGY STAR qualified products by nearly 30 percents over 2010. LG Electronics also received 2012 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award and is committed to improving the environment through energy-efficient innovations.90 145.00 £0. Products that are recognized as the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR in 2012 prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting rigorous energy efficiency performance levels set by the U.50 » 42" Full HD LCD TV kgCO2 From £628 Compare prices Standby: (np) (np) 4 Advertisement Policy of LG Electronics Among the products that qualify for the ENERGY STAR. total 48 products of LG Electronics have been designated as the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR in 2012.37 94. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.S. Environmental Protection Agency.89 » 42" Full HD LCD TV kgCO2 From £291 Compare prices Standby: £0.3 LG 42CS460 In-Use: £0.32 LG 42LK530T In-Use: £0.07 £25. to promote products which have a high level of environmental performance. KOREA Carbon footprint label KOREA Carbon footprint label is a voluntary certification program to choose eco-products. B-19 86 . There are two steps of certificates in the Carbon footprint labeling: Carbon footprint certification label (Step 1) and low carbon product certificate (Step 2). as only the common certificate (Product category rules 1) is required. To acquire a certificate for goods BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. EU Ecolabel The European Ecolabel is a voluntary award scheme run by the European Commission and designated Competent Bodies at national level. Acquiring a Carbon footprint labeling certificate for goods that do not use energy is easy. operated by KEITI (Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute). to promote a consumer-led purchasing pattern of low carbon goods and to encourage enterprises to develop technologies towards low-carbon goods. thus ultimately contributing to the international efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.• Leading the industry as one of the first manufacturers to participated in the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient pilot with a wide variety of products that demonstrate high efficiency performance. in the European market. 8 Panasonic v/s LG Communication strategy of Samsung. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 6. Brand ambassador “Diya Mirza” and “Ranbir Kapoor”. B-19 87 . LG Electronics is a leading company for acquiring not only KOREA Carbon footprint label but also other carbon footprint labels. a common certificate and description scenario for each good (Product category rules 2) are required.that use energy.   Panasonic the second market in home appliances in India.    Brand communication message “Ideas for Life”. They positioned themselves as a brand which offers freshness and technology strong.   In order to create brand awareness. they came up with Team Panasonic India. B-19 88 . Panasonic in India signed several Bollywood celebrities to cash the image and popularity of Bollywood like Katrina Kaif. PRODUCT RANGE OF PANASONIC BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. They want to tap their target audience by offering them fresh product. 00£0. PRICE OF PANASONIC ECO PRODUCT Ranked by in use power consumption Panasonic TX-L24C5B In-Use: £0. The Inverter 55 series can cool 1. The new products from the Japanese manufacturer include VIERA televisions. which incorporate cutting-edge design.03£12. the new ECONAVI washing machines now reduce wash time and power consumption by 45 percent as well as consuming 40 percent less water. Panasonic is proud to introduce to the region a complete new range of innovative and eco-friendly products.05 45. Keeping with the eco theme. Panasonic Marketing Middle East and Africa FZE. air purifiers. All future VIERA televisions will serve as „smart‟ interactive communication devices.” said Seiji Koyanagi. audiovisual equipment. Panasonic also introduced stylish and powerful new vacuum cleaners and 360-degree irons and kitchen appliances. providing users with an infinitely configurable and immersive new TV-viewing experience. We are confident that these new additions to our portfolio will once again meet the needs of all our customers and consolidate our industry leading position.Panasonic Marketing Middle East & Africa has used its annual media convention to announce the launch of a complete range of eco-friendly products for the MEA region. washing machines and refrigerators with the new Econavi and Nano technology.07 24" HD Ready LCD TV » kgCO2 From £170 Compare prices Standby: £0. enhanced picture quality and a series of energy efficiency features. B-19 89 . “As the company expands its market reach to include the African continent and Indian Ocean countries. New models for office automation and industrial solutions were also introduced. New additions in the beauty and health category included the Milano series of shavers and mobile beauty products. Key among its flagship products is the new range of VIERA televisions. A new range of “World‟s first” Tropical Inverter Air-conditioners were introduced.5 times faster and saves 30 percent more energy compared to the conventional model of air conditioners.32 1 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. air conditioners. as well as easy access to the Internet. MD. LUMIX cameras. the Inverter 55 series can cool 1.00£0. Keeping with the eco theme. Seiji Koyanagi. Panasonic is proud to introduce to the region a complete new range of innovative and eco-friendly products. Making its debut this year is the compact BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. "As the company expands its market reach to include the African continent and Indian Ocean countries. B-19 90 . the new ECONAVI washing machines now reduce wash time and power consumption by 45% as well as consuming 40% less water. has used its annual media convention to announce the launch of a complete new range of eco-friendly products for the Middle East and Africa (MEA).51 32" HD Ready LCD TV kgCO2 From £220 Compare prices Standby: £0." commented Mr.2 Panasonic TX-L32C5B In-Use: £0. A new range of World's first Tropical Inverter Air-conditioners were introduced.04£15.32 ADVERTISEMENT POLICY OF PANASONIC Panasonic Marketing Middle East and Africa (PMMAF). Managing Director of Panasonic Marketing Middle East and Africa FZE. Panasonic LUMIX G Series is an exciting new digital interchangeable lens camera system that is based on the new Micro Four Thirds System Standard. New additions in the beauty and health category included the "Milano" series of shavers and mobile beauty products. Panasonic also introduced stylish and powerful new vacuum cleaners and 360-degree irons and kitchen appliances.5 times faster and saves 30 % more energy compared to the conventional model of air conditioners. They are confident that these new additions to their portfolio will once again meet the needs of all our customers and consolidate our industry leading position.64 58. formerly Panasonic Marketing Middle East (PMM). Panasonic's eco business efforts are recognized on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and the FTSE4Good index by The Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange. B-19 91 . and we will continue to add to our successes as we move towards becoming the leading green innovation company in our industry by 2018. it is our duty to ensure a sustainable future.1 green innovation company in the electronics industry by 2018. which engages children aged from seven to 14 years to come up with green ideas on how to preserve the environment.and lightweight LUMIX GF5 that boasts a new 12. Many of these activities were in collaboration with business partners. • Panasonic remains active with its eco initiatives and in the past year alone more than 15 ecorelated educational activities and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes were completed to raise public awareness in Middle East and Africa region. We have had excellent success with our eco initiatives. • Organized the Kids Witness News (KWN) and the Eco Diary initiative. and other stakeholders." added Koyanagi.1 megapixel High Picture Quality Live Mos sensor with built-in flash. This initiative has now encompasses the entire region. Panasonic announced its Eco Ideas declaration for the region in line with the company's global theme of environmental sustainability and a determination to become the No. as well as Eco Ideas for Business-styles. Panasonic will continue to pursue Eco Ideas for Lifestyles by promoting sustainable and comfortable green living. "As a global leader in the electronics industry. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. governments. international NGOS. In October 2010. B-19 92 . BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.Panasonic NR-D511X refrigerator. B-19 93 .Chapter: 7 Conclusion BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 94 . heating and cooling system. competitive analysis and how they compete each other on the basis of: BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.According to our project: we conclude that global warming rise the temperature of earth since 19 century it happens when greenhouse gas trap heat we found that to decrease the earth temperature the electronic companies LG and Panasonic have made various eco-friendly products to decrease the temperature of the atmosphere  Global warming is the biggest problem of the earth so we defined the criteria.  We have also concluded consumer electronic product of LG & Panasonic.here we consider the past & present scenario of these two industries. market segmentation. SWOT analysis..  In our study we found that carbon dioxide is most responsible gas for global warming the emission of carbon dioxide heat the temperature of earth.  The two electronics company (L. pros and cause. effect of global warming which are spoil the life on earth.We are also consider in our study the key area of green techies like energy.  Green technology is the application of product which minimizes the negative impact of human activity.G & PANASONIC). It include the criteria to minimizes the cause of global warming . We have observed the main sources of carbon dioxide emission and also consider that how we tackle with this emission that causes the human life on the earth surface. nanotech etc. They are using more marketing strategy to positioning themselves in competitive market. sufficient price. we have considered that both company(LG & Panasonic) are offered almost same type of product in the market . Both company are offered (LED. Refrigerator .  ADERTISEMENT POLICY: According to our study we have found that LG is giving more value to its advertisement policy so those consumers easily prefer it. So we are consider that LG is more better& preferable than Panasonic. ) which are eco friendly in nature and also consume less energy.  PRICE: when we are concern about price. B-19 95 . PRODUCT RANGE: According to our study.Digital camera . Air conditioner . BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. So we have found that LG is emerged as a leader in green market because of their good quality. we found that weather LG& Panasonic have same product range yet. innovative ideas and technology which provide safe and eco life. LG provide good quality at low price. greencertif.com/in www.pdf mddb.PDF www.htm BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.com/in/ www.Webography The sources where we have collected the data are: Web Sites: www.uncrd.co.org/wiki/Panasonic www.wikipedia.green-technology.nationalgeographic.kr http://www.or.green-technology./2-1VisvanathanKL3Rforum.gov.com http://en..jp/env/3r_02/.kiat.apec.org/Documents/2010/MM/EMM/10_emm9_005.google.com/global/sustainability/environment/greener-products/index.lg.org/ www.or.or.in/ http://www..red-dot.org/ www.lg.pdf archive.ir52.kr http://www.wikipedia.. B-19 96 .panasonic../laura_ipsen.treasury.co.jsp http://www.org/green_technology.uk/pdf/2001/green_tech.in/ en.org/ www. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 97 . Chapter: 1 Introduction BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 8 . and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth‟s atmosphere. and plants. so they die. water vapor. nitrous oxide. Since the early 20th century. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.4 °F).  It is safe to use and promotes healthy and improved environment for all forms of life. which increases the temperature. animals. and scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide. equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources.1. which minimizes and reduces the negative impact of human activities” 1. with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. B-19 9 .  It has a zero or low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. These findings are recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations. Earth's mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.1 Backdrop of Green Tech. Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). Warming of the climate system is 1unequivocal. “Green technology is the development and application of products. This hurts many people.8 °C (1.2Pros of Green Technology:  It minimizes the degradation of the environment. Many cannot take the change. 2008 after consultation with the Matsushita family. The name change was approved at a shareholders' meeting on June 26. Ltd (Matsushita Denki Sangyō Kabushikigaisha). BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. alongside Sony. and  It promotes the use of renewable resources. Panasonic  Panasonic Corporation (Panasonikku Kabushiki-kaisha). Osaka Securities Exchange and New York Stock Exchange. 2008 the company name was "Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. 1. it offers non-electronic products and services such as home renovation services.  Panasonic was founded in 1918 by Konosuke Matsushita as a vendor of duplex lamp sockets. It has secondary listings on the Nagoya Stock Exchange. Ltd. is a Japanese multinational electronics corporation headquartered in Kadoma.. 2008 to conform with its global brand name "Panasonic".3 Industry (Electronics) Background of Panasonic & LG inc.   From 1935 to October 1." On January 10. Japan. In addition to electronics. 2008. formerly known as Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.  Panasonic has a primary listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Nikkei 225 and TOPIX indices. with effect from October 1. the company announced that it would change its name to "Panasonic Corporation". It conserves the use of energy and natural resources. It has grown to become one of the largest Japanese electronics producers. Toshiba and Canon.. Panasonic is the world's fifth-largest television manufacturer and is among the world's 20 largest semiconductor vendors. B-19 10 . Osaka. but the brand was mostly associated with its Lucky and Perioe toothpaste. The Lucky brand was famous for hygiene products such as soaps and HiTi laundry detergents. As the company expanded its plastic business.) in 1958. the Lucky-Gold Star Corporation was renamed "LG". such as laundry detergent. (the abbreviation of "Lucky-Gold star").LG (Life’s Good) LG Corporation (Korean: LG) is a South Korean multinational conglomerate corporation. Both companies Lucky and Gold star merged and formed Lucky-Gold star. to compete better in the Western market. Many consumer electronics were sold under the brand name Gold star. LG makes electronics. LG Corp. LG Telecom and LG Chem in over 80 countries. Its headquarters are situated in the LG Twin Towers building in Yeouido-dong. Hyundai Motors Group and SK group. (currently LG Electronics Inc. In 1995. chemicals. and telecom products and operates subsidiaries such as LG Electronics. LG Display. Gold star produced South Korea's first radio. Lak-Hui (pronounced "Lucky". Zenith. Ltd. B-19 11 . currently LG Chem) became the first Korean company to enter the plastic industry. LG continues to manufacture some of these products for the South Korean market. founder Koo In-Hwoi established Lak-Hui Chemical Industrial Corp. Yeongdeungpo-gu. It is the fourth-largest company of its kind in South Korea. The company also associates BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. In 1952. it established Gold star Co. in 1947. and Seoul. while some other household products (not available outside South Korea) were sold under the brand name of Lucky. following Samsung Group. Even today. sustainability and the major business houses taking market control in the same direction. On 1 April 2000.4 Rationale of the Study The rationale lies in the fact of global warming being a prime reason for environmental disorder and green tech. LG Chem merged with LG Petrochemical. Ltd. creating LG-Nortel Co. We would therefore. 1. LG Chemical was split into three separate companies. LG has owned the domain name LG.com. namely LGCI. but Philips sold off its shares in late 2008. B-19 12 . and LG Household & Health Care. In 1996 LG formed a joint venture with IBM. Later.the letters LG with the company's tagline "Life's Good". The company logo of LG features the letters L and G. On 1 December 2012. presented in the form of a smiling human face. South Korea. LG has two joint ventures with Royal Philips Electronics: LG Philips Display and LG Philips LCD. Since 2009. which is actually a backronym. LG entered into a joint venture with Nortel Networks. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. LG Chem. LG has owned the LG Twins baseball club in Seoul. with Apple overtaking them to second place. comScore announced that LG was the third largest mobile manufacturer in the US. Since 2001. as a trouble shooter has established itself in science. In 2005. On 20 January 2013. since 1989. Counterpoint Research announced that LG has overtaken Apple to become second largest smart phone manufacturer in the US. like to check the viability of green projects. in July 2007. it was later terminated. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Some of the most common problems that we know caused by global warming are alteration in the sea level, decreased crop yield, effects on rainfall and providing opportunity to different natural calamities.  Increased sea level: Due to global warming sea level is increasing rapidly as glaciers are melting with steady pace engulfing the islands having low land level. Drowning of islands results in food chain brake or chain reaction wherein animals and plants dependent on each other for their habitat lose their means of food. As they have lost their habitat, they have option of adapting to the new environment or die.  Increased water temperature: As global warming is associated with the rise in average temperature of the planet this increased temperature passes on the heat to water sources present on earth. This increased water temperature is a reason to worry because they are responsible in killing Flora and Fauna available in these sources. Already due to this reasons we have lost some of the rarest and oldest algae species present deep below the sea.  Increased climatic disasters: global warming problems are a major threat to our planet as they have increased the frequency of natural disaster. Many of the disasters caused in recent years like tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and droughts are some of the best problems of super imposed threats.  Reduction in overall food production: Due to this immoderate behavior of nature and climatic conditions average crop yield will vary depending on the geological location. This effect on crop yield will lead to reduction on global food production resulting in increased cases of malnutrition.  Future Problems: According to scientists, global warming problems are going to be worsened in near future causing coastal flooding, reduction in natural water reservoirs and increased health problems and malnutrition problems.  Economic Problems: Often with new natural and climatic calamities, different nations have to spend excessive amount on refurbishing and maintaining the city structures, Apart from this increased diseases and treatment costs will BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 13 furthermore weaken the economies of different countries resulting in reduced world gross domestic product (GDP).  Green Technologies are goods and services that improve the quality of air, water, soil, waste and noise related problems. They vary from extremely complex and expensive advanced technology (high-tech) to more simple solutions.  Companies‟ trade related technical assistance team defines Green Technologies as environmentally supportive technologies and services, which are affordable, adaptable and available for use in - but also exportable from - developing countries. 1.6 Research Methodology Research Method: Descriptive study It is the research done primarily to determine and describe the data and the subject of the study. The research is done to answer marketer‟s questions like who is the primary target group for the product is. The research is primarily done when a company wants in depth understanding of something. For example: A company might be seeing a dip in sales due to a substitute product. Data type: Secondary data Definition: Information that has been gathered by researchers and recorded in books, articles, and other publications. "Secondary sources are research reports that use primary data to solve research problems, written for scholarly and professional audiences. Researchers read them to keep up with their field and use what they read to frame problems of their own by disputing other researchers' conclusions or questioning their methods. You can use their 14 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 data to support your argument, but only if you cannot find those data in a primary source." 1.7 Objective of the Study 1) Analysis of Global warming attributed to conventional technology 2) To analyze the reasons behind Green technology being a viable solution 3) To compare the green projects marketed by Panasonic & LG  Secondary Data The data for the project has been collected from: 1) Browsers, Support materials 2) Websites 3) Newspapers, Magazines  Time Frame 5 years 2007-2012 1.8constraints 1) Time constraint: 2) Financial constraint: 3) Current database non-availability BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 15 B-19 16 .Chapter: 2 Analysis of Global warming attributed to conventional technology BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Earth's mean surface temperature has increased by about 0. and plants.2 What is global warming? Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide. water vapor.4 °F). animals. Many cannot take the change.8 °C (1. This is because the BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 2. This hurts many people. On a very hot day. Since the early 20th century. and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth‟s atmosphere.3 What is the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun‟s heat and light is trapped in the earth‟s atmosphere. B-19 17 .1 Global Warming Background Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. 2. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal. which increases the temperature.2. and scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. so they die. nitrous oxide. the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. These findings are recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations. the earth can get unusually warmer. The sun‟s heat can get into the car through the windows but is then trapped. a building. This makes whatever the place might be. and many plants. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth. or the earth‟s atmosphere. and people will die. a car. and animals would all die of hunger. Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. animals. but it can‟t get out. This would happen because the plants would not be able to take the heat. like grass. or on the other hand it would be burning hot. Gradually. by going through the windows. just like it does in the earth‟s atmosphere. people. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere. especially during the summer. but it would also limit the food that animals have. fossil fuels are burned to create electricity. We would not get the sun‟s heat and light to make the night somewhat warm. This would cause us to have less food to eat. Without it. plants. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. B-19 18 .4 What causes global warming? Many things cause global warming. it is trapped and the heat builds up. Fossil fuels are made of dead plants BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. wheat. some worse than others. One thing that causes global warming is electrical pollution. Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it. and other vegetables and fruits). it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter it. With less food. Once the light is inside the car. so people. but it can‟t get back out. the earth would be freezing. In most cases. It would be freezing at night because the sun would be down. plants. if there gets to be too many gases. the temperature rises. This diagram shows the heat coming into a car as visible light (light you can see) and infrared light (heat). During the day. a greenhouse.heat and light from the sun can get into the car. for the animals that we need to survive (like cows) we would even have less food. They would die because there would be less food (plants like corn. and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat. Electricity causes pollution in many ways. hotter. 2. As a result. As they have lost their habitat.  Increased sea level: Due to global warming sea level is increasing rapidly as glaciers are melting with steady pace engulfing the islands having low land level. one of the sources of energy. hurricanes. Many pollutants (chemicals that pollute the air. Petroleum. decreased crop yield.5 HAZARDS Some of the most common problems that we know caused by global warming are alteration in the sea level. 2. Already due to this reasons we have lost some of the rarest and oldest algae species present deep below the sea. Some examples of fossil fuels are oil and petroleum. floods and droughts are some of the best problems of super imposed threats. This increased water temperature is a reason to worry because they are responsible in killing Flora and Fauna available in these sources. water. it is used for 38% of the United States‟ energy. We use these sources of energy much more than the sources that give off less pollution.  Reduction in overall food production: Due to this immoderate behavior of nature and climatic conditions average crop yield will vary depending on the BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  Increased climatic disasters: global warming problems are a major threat to our planet as they have increased the frequency of natural disaster. B-19 19 . and making many other things. effects on rainfall and providing opportunity to different natural calamities. is used a lot. Although this source of energy gives off a lot of pollution. making electricity. It is used for transportation. Many of the disasters caused in recent years like tornadoes.and animals.  Increased water temperature: As global warming is associated with the rise in average temperature of the planet this increased temperature passes on the heat to water sources present on earth. Drowning of islands results in food chain brake or chain reaction wherein animals and plants dependent on each other for their habitat lose their means of food. and land) are sent into the air when fossil fuels are burned. Some of these chemicals are called greenhouse gasses. they have option of adapting to the new environment or die. Signs are appearing all over.6 Effects of Global Warming The planet is warming. global warming problems are going to be worsened in near future causing coastal flooding.000 in 30 years. Globally.  Economic Problems: Often with new natural and climatic calamities. and everywhere in between.   Sea level rise became faster over the last century. where their numbers have fallen from 32.  Ice is melting worldwide. foxes.8 degree Celsius). And the effects of rising temperatures aren‟t waiting for some far-flung future. it‟s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.000 breeding pairs to 11. 2. This includes mountain glaciers. This effect on crop yield will lead to reduction on global food production resulting in increased cases of malnutrition. from North Pole to South Pole. different nations have to spend excessive amount on refurbishing and maintaining the city structures. Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice.  Future Problems: According to scientists. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.  Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica. ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland. and some of them are surprising. They‟re happening right now. the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0. B-19 20 . Some butterflies. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Apart from this increased diseases and treatment costs will furthermore weaken the economies of different countries resulting in reduced world gross domestic product (GDP). reduction in natural water reservoirs and increased health problems and malnutrition problems. and Arctic sea ice.   Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe. and even more in sensitive Polar Regions. on average.geological location. cooler areas. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher. especially at the Earth‟s poles. leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either. the polar bears will as well. and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). Species that depend on one another may become out of sync.  Floods and droughts will become more common. polar bears have gotten considerably skinnier. where droughts are already common. He fears that if sea ice disappears.Other effects could happen later this century. Wildlife research scientist Martyn Obbard has found that since the mid-1980s. if warming continues. B-19 21 .  Less fresh water will be available. with less ice on which to live and fish for food. For example. Polar bear biologist Ian Stirling has found a similar pattern in Hudson Bay. Rainfall in Ethiopia. it will be gone by 2100. plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active. could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years. others won‟t be able to move and could become extinct. Ecosystems will change—some species will move farther north or become more successful. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century.   Some diseases will spread such as malaria carried by mosquitoes.   Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate. B-19 22 .Chapter:3 CONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESPONSIBLE FOR CARBON EMISSION AND GLOBAL WARMING BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. like forests.3. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere. 3. Human activities are altering the carbon cycle--both by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere and by influencing the ability of natural sinks. soil. and animals). B-19 23 . In 2010. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.S. plants. CO2 accounted for about 84% of all U.The term “carbon footprint” refers to the amount of carbon (C02) we emit individually in any one-year period. human-related emissions are responsible for the increase that has occurred in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. While CO2 emissions come from a variety of natural sources. oceans. C02 is produced from many sources and is the primary gas responsible for Global warming and the resulting alarming changes in our climate. to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.1 What is carbon footprint . greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.2 Carbon Dioxide Emission Properties of Carbon Dioxide Chemical Formula Lifetime in Atmosphere CO2 50-200 years Global Warming Potential (100-year) 1 Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. such as gasoline and diesel to transport people and goods is the second largest source of CO2 emissions. greenhouse gas emissions in 2009. The type of fossil fuel used to generate electricity will emit different amounts of CO2.  Transportation. To produce a given amount of electricity.S. B-19 24 . business.S. and industry. CO2 emissions and 33% of total U. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.The main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal. The combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity is the largest single source of CO2 emissions in the nation. burning coal will produce more CO2 than oil or natural gas.  Electricity. accounting for about 40% of total U.S. accounting for about 31% of total U. natural gas. although certain industrial processes and land-use changes also emit CO2. and oil) for energy and transportation.S. CO2 emissions and 26% of total U. The main sources of CO2 emissions in the United States are described below. The combustion of fossil fuels. Electricity is a significant source of energy in the United States and is used to power homes. new technologies. which means that more CO2 is removed from the atmosphere. the production and consumption of mineral products such as cement. the increase in BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. However. and stored in plants and trees. CO2 emissions and 20% of total U. and seasonal temperatures. Since the Industrial Revolution began around 1750.S. Several processes also produce CO2 emissions through chemical reactions that do not involve combustion.greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. Between 1990 and 2010.  Industry. In the United States. air travel. and land surface as it is both produced and absorbed by many microorganisms. since 1990. Carbon dioxide is constantly being exchanged among the atmosphere. emission trends. the production of metals such as iron and steel.3 Emissions and Trends Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States increased by about 12% between 1990 and 2010. Changes in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are influenced by many factors. ocean. Various industrial processes accounted for about 14% of total U. emissions and removal of CO2 by these natural processes tend to balance. and the production of chemicals. economic growth. This sink offset about 15% of total emissions in 2010 and is discussed in more detail in the Land Use and Forestry section. and animals.S. 3. human activities have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere. changing energy prices. plants. Note that many industrial processes also use electricity and therefore indirectly cause the emissions from the electricity production. than is emitted. greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. marine transportation. B-19 25 . Since the combustion of fossil fuel is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. changing behavior. changes in emissions from fossil fuel combustion have historically been the dominant factor affecting total U. the management of forests and non-agricultural land has acted as a net sink of CO2. This category includes transportation sources such as highway vehicles. for example.S. Many industrial processes emit CO2 through fossil fuel combustion. including population growth. and rail. Transportation emissions also contributed to the 12% increase.5% between 2005 and 2020. although the economic downturn starting in 2008 influenced the decrease in emissions in 2009.CO2 emissions corresponded with increased energy use by an expanding economy and population. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. and transportation. Carbon Dioxide Gas Emissions. 1990-2010 Going forward. largely due to an increase in miles traveled by motor vehicles.4 Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions The most effective way to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is to reduce fossil fuel consumption. CO2 emissions in the India are projected to grow by about 1. industry. Many strategies for reducing CO2 emissions from energy are crosscutting and apply to homes. businesses. B-19 26 . 3. 822 Million Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse Gases Overview Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2010 Total Emissions in 2010 = 6. B-19 27 . BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 3. Fluorinated gases are sometimes used as substitutes for stratospheric ozone-depleting substances (e. These gases are typically emitted in smaller quantities. is the amount of a particular gas in the air. solid waste. or abundance. as well as during combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste. Carbon dioxide (CO2) : Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal. powerful greenhouse gases that are emitted from a variety of industrial processes. and even parts per trillion. Fluorinated gases : Hydro fluorocarbons. but because they are potent greenhouse gases.g. and halons). natural gas and oil).g. One part per million is equivalent to one drop of water diluted into about 13 gallons of liquid (roughly the fuel tank of a compact car). B-19 28 . and oil. and also as a result of certain chemical reactions (e.6 How long do they stay in the atmosphere? BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. How much of these gases are in the atmosphere? Concentration. natural gas.. Methane emissions also result from livestock and other agricultural practices and by the decay of organic waste in municipal solid waste landfills. hydrochloro fluorocarbons.  Methane (CH4) : Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal. they are sometimes referred to as High Global Warming Potential gases ("High GWP gases"). 3. visit the Causes of Climate Change and the Climate Change Indicators Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases pages. and sulfur hexafluoride are synthetic. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere (or "sequestered") when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle..  chlorofluorocarbons. Greenhouse gas concentrations are measured in parts per million.  Nitrous oxide (N2O) : Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities. per fluorocarbons. manufacture of cement). parts per billion. trees and wood products. Larger emissions of greenhouse gases lead to higher concentrations in the atmosphere. To learn more about the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 3. per pound. 3. on average. and thus contribute more to warming Earth. and how strongly it absorbs energy. regardless of the source of the emissions.8 Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector in 2010 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.7 How strongly do they impact global temperatures? Some gases are more effective than others at making the planet warmer and "thickening the Earth's blanket. B-19 29 . a Global Warming Potential (GWP) has been calculated to reflect how long it remains in the atmosphere. than gases with a lower GWP. ranging from a few years to thousands of years.Each of these gases can remain in the atmosphere for different amounts of time." For each greenhouse gases. Gases with a higher GWP absorb more energy. All of these gases remain in the atmosphere long enough to become well mixed. meaning that the amount that is measured in the atmosphere is roughly the same all over the world. The primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the India are:  Electricity production (34% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) . [2]  Transportation (27% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) . Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. This annual report estimates the total national greenhouse gas emissions and removals associated with human activities across the United States.  Commercial and Residential (11% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) Greenhouse gas emissions from businesses and homes arise primarily from fossil fuels burned for heat. B-19 30 . trains. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. emissions by publishing the Inventory of Greenhouse Gases and Sinks . and the handling of waste. the use of certain products that contain greenhouse gases.Total Emissions in 2010 = 6. and transportation. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity. Over 70% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels.Electricity production generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions.Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture come from livestock such as cows. ships. EPA tracks total U.S. heat.Greenhouse gas emissions from industry primarily come from burning fossil fuels for energy as well as greenhouse gas emissions from certain chemical reactions necessary to produce goods from raw materials.Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for our cars. trucks.  Agriculture (7% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) . About 90% of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based. and planes.822 Million Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. mostly coal and natural gas. which includes gasoline and diesel. agricultural soils. [3]  Industry (21% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) . and rice production. and other factors. emissions can rise and fall due to changes in the economy. since 1990.9 Emissions and Trends Since 1990. U. greenhouse gas emissions increased compared to the 2009 levels. greenhouse gas emissions have increased by about 10%.10 Global Emissions BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. the price of fuel. In 2010.Land areas can act as a sink (absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere) or a source of greenhouse gas emissions. 3. In addition. B-19 31 . 1990-2010 All emission estimates from the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2010. From year to year. Land Use and Forestry (offset of 15% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions) . much warmer summer conditions resulted in an increase in electricity demand for air conditioning that was generated primarily by combusting coal and natural gas. This increase was primarily due to an increase in economic output that increased energy consumption across all sectors. Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In the United States.S. managed forests and other lands have absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere than they emit. 3. Land can also remove CO2 from the atmosphere through reforestation. the key greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are:  Carbon dioxide (CO2) . Details about the sources included in these estimates can be found in the Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. B-19 32 . Global Emissions by Gas At the global scale. The way in which people use land is also an important source of CO2.Fossil fuel use is the primary source of CO2. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. improvement of soils. and other activities. based on global emissions from 2004.    Global Emissions by Gas Global Emissions by Source Trends in Global Emissions Emissions by Country Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas Source: IPCC (2007). especially when it involves deforestation. Learn more about BC and climate change on our Causes of Climate Change page. such as fertilizer use.Agricultural activities. and energy use all contribute to CH4 emissions. Details about the sources included in these estimates can be found in the Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change .Agricultural activities. Methane (CH4) . per fluorocarbons (PFCs). Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source Source: IPCC (2007). Nitrous oxide (N2O) . and the use of a variety of consumer products contribute to emissions of F-gases. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. not a gas. refrigeration.Industrial processes.   Black carbon (BC) is a solid particle or aerosol. are the primary source of N2O emissions. but it also contributes to warming of the atmosphere. B-19 33 . and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). based on global emissions from 2004. which include hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs). waste management. Fluorinated gases (F-gases) . and oil for electricity and heat is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions. land clearing for agriculture. rice production. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. (Note: Emissions from electricity use are excluded and are instead covered in the Energy Supply sector.Global Emissions by Source Global greenhouse gas emissions can also be broken down by the economic activities that lead to their production. Land-Use Change. natural gas.)  Land Use.  Industry (19% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) . rail. ecosystems on land remove about twice as much CO2 as is lost by deforestation. metallurgical. Almost all (95%) of the world's transportation energy comes from petroleum-based fuels. air. B-19 34 .  Energy Supply (26% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) . and marine transportation.global greenhouse gas emissions) .  Transportation (13% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) .Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector arise from on-site energy generation and burning fuels for heat in buildings or cooking in homes. largely gasoline and diesel. and biomass burning.Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector primarily involve fossil fuels burned for road. and mineral transformation processes not associated with energy consumption. This estimate does not include the CO2 that ecosystems remove from the atmosphere.Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector primarily include carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from deforestation. This sector also includes emissions from chemical. The amount of CO2 that is removed is subject to large uncertainty. and fires or decay of peat soils. livestock.The burning of coal. and Forestry (17% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) .  Agriculture (14% of 2004 GHG emissions) .Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture mostly come from the management of agricultural soils.  Commercial and Residential Buildings (8% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) .Greenhouse gas emissions from industry primarily involve fossil fuels burned on-site at facilities for energy. although recent estimates indicate that on a global scale. U. and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions.. Trends in Global Emissions Global Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil-fuels 1990-2008 Source of data: Boden. Emissions increased by over 16 times between 1900 and 2008 and by about 1. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Incineration of some waste products that were made with fossil fuels.(Note: Emissions from electricity use are excluded and are instead covered in the Energy Supply sector. G. Oak Ridge.S. also results in minor emissions of CO2. Department of Energy.)  Waste and Wastewater (3% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) .A. U. doi 10. B-19 35 .J. and R. Tenn.5 times between 1990 and 2008. T.3334/CDIAC/00001_V2010.S. Andres (2010). such as plastics and synthetic textiles.The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in this sector is landfill methane (CH4).. Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have significantly increased since 1900. Global.A. followed by wastewater methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Regional. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Marland. Emissions by Country In 2008. changes in land use can be important . Japan. changes in land use associated BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 36 . These data include CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. Tropical deforestation in Africa. Areas such as the United States and Europe.2008 Global CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion and some Industrial Processes (million metric tons of CO2) Source: National CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning. or about 16% of emissions from fossil fuel sources. the United States. Cement Manufacture. the top carbon dioxide (CO2) emitters were China.global estimates indicate that deforestation can account for 5 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions. the Russian Federation. as well as cement manufacturing and gas flaring. Asia. However. the European Union. and Canada. these sources represent a large proportion of total global CO 2 emissions. and Gas Flaring: 1751-2008. Emissions and sinks related to changes in land use are not included in these estimates. India. and South America are thought to be the largest contributors to emissions from land-use change globally. Together. B-19 37 . partially offsetting the emissions from deforestation in other regions.human activities have the net effect of absorbing CO2. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 38 .Chapter: 4 GREEN TECH. : A VIABLE SOLUTION TO GLOBAL WARMING BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  It is safe for use and promotes healthy and improved environment for all forms of life. equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources.2 Criteria of Green Technology:  It minimizes the degradation of the environment. and  It promotes the use of renewable resources.1 Green Technology “Green technology is the development and application of products. B-19 39 .  It conserves the use of energy and natural resources. 4.4. which minimizes and reduces the negative impact of human activities” 4.3Why Green Technology? Green Technology  solve the problems of destruction of the environment and natural resources  increase health levels and the quality of life  conserve the ecosystem as well as costs to the government in  overcoming the negative effects from development  an alternative to improving the national economy without harming the environment BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.  It has a zero or low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. However. one may say that clean technology is still struggling its way into the market that is heavenly dominated by products and services that do not take seriously the aspect of saving the environment.6The Prime Concern of Green Technology For many environment activists. Environmental technology is making efforts to change or improve the current technology to make it environment. 4. It has also been coined as “environmental technology” and clean technology or clean tech. in many literary resources. clean Technology is the future of mankind since human beings cannot survive with the continuous use of dangerous technologies that are capable of causing lethal effects on the environment and almost kind of living organism that supported by mother earth for sustenance. Various campaigns and promotions have been conducted by numerous „environment saving societies‟ from time to time to inform people about its significance and importance to humankind.friendly 40 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 . it is important to first understand the core definition of the term. Not only the awareness about clean tech has reached people.4 Green Technology in India To actually view and gauge the benefits and future of Green technology.4.5 The present scenario of Green Technology in India It would be wrong to state that clean technology is a fresh thing. the understanding of saving the dire state the planet has also been infused within the society. Green technology is basically the application of the environmental sciences to preserve the natural environment and resources. 4. The continuous efforts have successfully resulted in the delegation of enormous resources to the research and development of cleaner technologies which eventually boosts the anticipation for much better advancements on the mentioned field. It is applied to ensure the mitigation of the negative effects of human involvement in the environment. The idea is to successfully drop or just eradicate the requirement for heating as well as cooling systems. efficiency and satisfaction.7 Key areas for green techies Energy: The traditional forms of energy productions such as coal and oil produce massive air pollution when combusted or extracted for energy. the use of petrol should be converted to the use of CNG. Like such. time.and save it from creating adverse effects on the planet. Hence for people working for green technology the issue of environment friendly energy generation remains at the top. Air pollution then leads to global warming which is the primary concern for environmentalists. However. Chemicals: They are also looking for chemical products that can potentially help in the reduction of proper elimination of the current destruction elements present in the environment for example as oil spills. Heating and cooling systems: Green activists are consistently making efforts to find ways to design buildings that keep it self-cool during the day and relatively ward in the nights. it is ensured that the new green technology offers the same amount of productivity. 4. at the same. various smart technologies have been introduced in a great number of industries to make Earth a much better and healthy planet to live on. 4. For instance. Nanotechnology: Green technology works to create and render innovations that have the ability to amalgamate green principles to nanotechnology.8 Green Industry An evolving group of methods and materials Includes techniques for: Generating Energy Creating non-toxic cleaners BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 41 . climate control equipment and other technologies Leads popularization of “Sleep Mode” and other information systems Green Disposal Process of refurbishing and reusing of old computers Properly recycling unwanted computers and other electronic equipment and utilizing sound components. and application of safer chemicals Green Nanotechnology Application of Green Chemistry/Engineering in the field promote and recognize energy-efficiency in monitors. and other data servers Green Manufacturing various electronic components with minimal effect on the environment BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. cooling equipment. B-19 42 .generations from meeting theirs “Cradle-to-Cradle” Design Creating products that can be fully reclaimed/reused Source Reduction Reducing waste and pollution Innovation Developing alternative technologies Choice of building materials and locations Green Chemistry Invention. computers. servers. design. Chapter:5 LG AND PANASONIC TRUMP CARD : GREEN TECH. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 43 .  Panasonic was founded in 1918 by Konosuke Matsushita as a vendor of duplex lamp sockets.  Panasonic has a primary listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Nikkei 225 and TOPIX indices. It has secondary listings on the Nagoya Stock Exchange. In addition to electronics.. B-19 44 . BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. formerly known as Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. 2008 to conform with its global brand name "Panasonic". Panasonic is the world's fifth-largest television manufacturer and is among the world's 20 largest semiconductor vendors. The name change was approved at a shareholders' meeting on June 26. Ltd (Matsushita Denki Sangyō Kabushikigaisha).1 Background of Panasonic  Panasonic Corporation (Panasonikku Kabushiki-kaisha). Japan. Osaka Securities Exchange and New York Stock Exchange. is a Japanese multinational electronics corporation headquartered in Kadoma. Osaka. 2008. Ltd. with effect from October 1.5. Toshiba and Canon.   From 1935 to October 1.. it offers non-electronic products and services such as home renovation services. It has grown to become one of the largest Japanese electronics producers. 2008 the company name was "Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. 2008 after consultation with the Matsushita family. alongside Sony. the company announced that it would change its name to "Panasonic Corporation"." On January 10. and resulted in a corporation with revenues of over ¥11. The curtailment is about 10 percent of its group work force. Hyogo Prefecture by March 2012. In April 2011. 2006. With the announcement that Pioneer would exit the production of its Kuro plasma HDTV displays.2 2006 to Present The Panasonic world headquarters in Osaka. Panasonic announced that it will trim its money-losing TV business as it will cease production of Plasma TVs at its plant in Amagasaki.000 by the end of fiscal 2012 in a bid to streamline overlapping operations.000 jobs in the process. the company has been involved with the development of high-density optical disc standards intended to eventually replace the DVD and the SD memory card. in order to concentrate on digital televisions. it was announced that Panasonic would cut its work force by 40. Japan On January 19.5. The merger was completed in December 2009. which eventually resulted in the acquisition of Sanyo by Panasonic. Panasonic announced that it would stop producing analog televisions (then 30% of its total TV business) from the next month. B-19 45 . In recent years. Panasonic and Sanyo announced that they were holding merger talks. In October 2011. cutting 1. 2008.2 trillion (around $110 billion). BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. Panasonic purchased many of the patents and incorporated these technologies into its own Viera plasma displays. On November 3. On May 11. 2012. Myspace TV. Panasonic announced that it had struck a deal with MySpace on its new venture. On November 14. B-19 46 .In January 2012.000 jobs and make further divestments. video surveillance and building management. the shares plunged 41 percent. Myspace TV will allow users to watch live television while chatting with other users on a laptop. The Sanyo brand is being phased out. fire suppression. Panasonic said it will cut 10. 2012. Brand Names Panasonic's current and historic brands Panasonic Corporation produces electronic products under the Panasonic and Sanyo brands. In 2012. Myspace TV will be integrated into Panasonic Viera televisions. the shares fell to the lowest level since February 1975 to 388 yen. on November 5. Panasonic announced plans to acquire a 76. With the partnership. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. tablet or the television itself.2% stake in Firepro Systems. In line with company prediction of a net loss of 765 billion yen. an India-based company in infrastructure protection and security solutions such as fire alarm. 2012. In June 1994.In 1927. which ranks electronics manufacturers on policies and practices to reduce their impact on the climate. It also scores maximum points for the energy efficiency of its products with 100 percent of its TVs meeting the latest Energy Star standards and exceeding the standby power requirement." In 1955.. the company announced that it would phase out the brand "National" in Japan. The use of multiple brands lasted for some decades." The company began to unify its brands to "Panasonic" and. produce greener products. Ltd. and has also sold MEI/Panasonic products under the original brand names. The company began to use a brand name "Technics" in 1965. replacing it with the global brand "Panasonic" by March 2010. and make their operations more sustainable. by March 2004 replaced "National" for products and outdoor signboards. Environmental Record Panasonic is ranked in joint 9th place (out of 15) in Green peace‟s Guide to Greener Electronics. were established by joint venture between Matsushita Electric Industrial and Shun Hing Group respectively. praised for its good product life cycles and the number of products which are free from polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC). except for those in Japan. a company that has imported Panasonic and National branded product since Matsushita Electric Industrial era. "Panasonic ideas for life. the company labeled its export audio speakers and lamps "PanaSonic". Panasonic Shun Hing Industrial Devices Sales (Hong Kong) Co. Rasonic is a brand name of Shun Hing Electric Works and Engineering Co. The company is one of the top scorers on the Products criteria. In January 2008. and Panasonic SH Industrial Sales (Shenzhen) Co. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. the company founder adopted a brand name "National" (Nashonaru) for a new lamp product. knowing "national" meant "of or relating to a people. In May 2003.. the company announced "Panasonic" as its global brand. a nation. B-19 47 . Ltd. Ltd . and set its global brand slogan. which was the first time it used the "Panasonic" brand name. making Rasonic a product brand for MEI and subsequent Panasonic Corporation. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry. set targets to reduce GHG emissions by at least 30% by 2015 and increase renewable energy use by 2020. digital cameras and cellular telephones. DVD players.from concept to retirement . flat-panel displays. B-19 48 .   78% of Panasonic factories recycle 98% of their waste. a document that outlines concrete initiatives all Panasonic Group employees should carry out in order to make the environment central to all business activities. Our mission to continually minimize impact on the Earth is outlined in the Green Plan 2018. are built using lead-free soldering.3Panasonic Green Technology Eco-friendly Initiatives Commitment to the Future By its 100th anniversary in 2018. for easier recycling. with the Guide stating it must focus on planned reductions of greenhouse gases (GHG). To this end:  Panasonic products. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 5.However.manufacturing can often have the biggest impact on the environment. Panasonic is committed to ensuring that the manufacturing process has the smallest environmental effect possible. Plastic resins are kept to a minimum. Eco-Manufacturing Over the life of a product . including mobile computers. Panasonic aims to be the No. Panasonic's score is let down by its low score on the Energy criteria. Milestones and Awards Panasonic's reputation as an environmentally-conscious company dates back to it's founder Konosuke Matsushita and his belief in putting people before products. VISIT PANASONIC ECO-IDEAS Ongoing Eco-Education Efforts Panasonic's reputation as an environmentally-conscious company dates back to founder Konosuke Matsushita and his belief in putting people before products. As a result. Panasonic has been developing eco-friendly policies in a quest to minimize its impact on the environment. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 49 .S. convenient and eco-efficient. From tapeless video production tools to energy-efficient mobile computers. As a result. and projectors with auto power save to plasmas with eco-friendly NeoPDP technology. Panasonic products are some of the most eco-friendly in their category.Innovative Features The engineers at Panasonic keep the environment in mind by designing products that are long lasting. Panasonic has been developing eco-friendly policies in a quest to minimize its impact on the environment. From the establishment in 1970 of a pollution survey committee to the formation in 2006 of a full-time environmental specialist position. From the establishment in 1970 of a pollution survey committee to the formation in 2006 of a full-time environmental specialist position. Environmental Protection Agency to Dow Jones. the company has been recognized with environmental awards by groups ranging from the U. Environmental Protection Agency to Dow Jones. the company has been recognized with environmental awards by groups ranging from the U.S. For more information. LG makes electronics. Zenith. following Samsung Group. chemicals. It is the fourth-largest company of its kind in South Korea. Gold star produced South Korea's first radio. B-19 50 . while some other household products (not available outside South Korea) were sold under the brand name of Lucky.) in 1958. but the brand was mostly associated with its Lucky and Perioe toothpaste. As the company expanded its plastic business. Its headquarters are situated in the LG Twin Towers building in Yeouido-dong. Hyundai Motors Group and SK group. Even today. Both companies Lucky and Gold star merged and formed Lucky-Gold star. In 1952. it established Gold star Co. Ltd. Many consumer electronics were sold under the brand name Gold star. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. such as laundry detergent. (currently LG Electronics Inc.4 Background of LG (Life’s Good) LG Corporation (Korean: LG) is a South Korean multinational conglomerate corporation. LG Corp. founder Koo In-Hwoi established Lak-Hui Chemical Industrial Corp. LG continues to manufacture some of these products for the South Korean market. Lak-Hui (pronounced "Lucky". LG Display. and telecom products and operates subsidiaries such as LG Electronics. Yeongdeungpo-gu. and Seoul. LG Telecom and LG Chem in over 80 countries. The Lucky brand was famous for hygiene products such as soaps and HiTi laundry detergents.5. in 1947. currently LG Chem) became the first Korean company to enter the plastic industry. it was later terminated. B-19 51 . 5. On 20 January 2013. and LG Household & Health Care. in July 2007. the Lucky-Gold Star Corporation was renamed "LG".5 Green Products and Technologies Green Product Strategy LGE defines greener products as products in which the environmental impact has been reduced throughout the entire manufacturing process. The company logo of LG features the letters L and G. presented in the form of a smiling human face. Counterpoint Research announced that LG has overtaken Apple to become second largest smart phone manufacturer in the US. but Philips sold off its shares in late 2008.com. LG has owned the LG Twins baseball club in Seoul. Ltd. In 1996 LG formed a joint venture with IBM. Since 2009. Since 2001. comScore announced that LG was the third largest mobile manufacturer in the US. LG entered into a joint venture with Nortel Networks. creating LG-Nortel Co. namely LGCI. since 1989. LGE classifies its "Green Product BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. The company also associates the letters LG with the company's tagline "Life's Good". LG has owned the domain name LG. LG has two joint ventures with Royal Philips Electronics: LG Philips Display and LG Philips LCD. LG Chem merged with LG Petrochemical. On 1 December 2012. with Apple overtaking them to second place. LG Chem. LG Chemical was split into three separate companies. to compete better in the Western market. which is actually a backronym. South Korea.In 1995. In 2005. (the abbreviation of "Lucky-Gold star"). On 1 April 2000. Later. by promoting the sustainability of our products and stimulating the consumption of greener products. Educate our employees on green issues and environmental initiatives while teaching them to develop greener products and reduce greenhouse gas. LGE constantly endeavors to provide green value to its customers using its product environmental policy.6 Environmental Policy for LG Electronics Products LG Electronics is committed to providing a better experience for its customers. and offering green values. The strategies are based on eco-design for high energy-efficiency. Recognize eco-friendliness as a vital part of product development and manufacturing. a reduction in raw/subsidiary materials. Identify and meet the needs of green consumers.Strategy" into three factors : human. and take preventive measures to minimize the environmental impact throughout a prod-uct's life cycle. We. and the improvement of living environments. and local laws associated with the environment and engage in voluntary activities to improve the environment. comply with envi-ronmental protection initiatives. You can also find LGE's green product strategies on the LGE website: 5. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. throughout the product life cycle. Take the lead in establishing a sustainable society by developing new environmental and energy businesses. and always make the results available to the public. B-19 52 . use. Make all manufacturing processes. and disposal. Develop and implement a system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. including raw materials. standards. production. Expand cooperation with our stakeholders to protect the environment. by contributing to environmental protection efforts. at LG Electronics. energy and resources. will: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Comply with international conventions. measure and improve the performance of this system. B-19 53 .LG Electronics Green Product Strategy Direction · Reduce product weight/volume · Use recycled material Resource Reduction Hazardous Substances Management r u m o s u e · Use recyclable material · Design for easy disassembly R Recyclability Improvement Green Product an Home Environment E · Decrease noise and vibration n CO2 Emissions Reduction er g y Energy Efficiency Enhancement · Reduce power consumption Renewable energy · Reduce CO2 emission · Reduce stand-by power BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. and vacuum cleaners. In order to rest hazardous substance content in components. For parts and products with a higher risk of containing hazardous substances. In fact. such as EU RoHS. Hazardous Substances Management LGE complies with international regulation concerning hazardous substances. You can find out more information on LGE‟s website. etc. LGE has been conducting hazardous substance monitoring for all product lines through the Green Program since 2005. In order to achieve this. LGE has established schedule to replace them as they are known to have a negative effect on the environment. and batteries for a number of years. LGE BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. headset. you can see the detailed schedule for each product category on LGE‟s website. Even though there are currently no regulation restricting PVC and BFR (Brominated Flame Retardants). B-19 54 . refrigerators. LGE is gradually replacing them through safety and reliability tests. LGE also expanding the replacement of parts to cover ODDs (Optical Disk Drivers).Human LGE believes that reducing the environmental impact on human through eco-design should be one of the main strategies in product development. LGE has also been using replacement of PVC or BFR in all new mobile phones since January 2010 and has replaced PVC and BFR in the entire rabge of models introduced in 2011. laptops and LCD TVs. including washing machines. LGE is replacing hazardous substances with safer ones and is developing and applying technologies to reduce the noise and vibration produced by home appliances. LGE is operating a hazardous substance testing system using x-ray fluorescene (XRF) technology that performs a screening analysis for all domestics and overseas manufacturing sites. LGE has already been replacing the halogen used in the PCBs of mobile phones. Home Environment LGE applies anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic technology to improve the home environment in which LGE products are used. As the energy efficiency of products improves. LGE will try to make a difference for the sake of our environment and future generations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the manufacturing process. Energy LGE's energy strategy focuses on two key areas: improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing process. LGE's vacuum cleaners have received certification relating to the removal of allergens and fine dust from the British Allergy Foundation and the German SLG certificate authority.frequently monitors the mass product process to verify. LGE's washing machines' steam function and the "Allergy Care" function are approved by the British Allergy Foundation (BAF) and the Korea Asthma Allergy Foundation (KAF). LGE is constantly working towards reducing the noise and vibration produced when products are in use. . greenhouse gas emissions decrease and customers' electricity bills can also be reduced. Energy Efficiency Enhancement Energy Efficiency in On-mode LGE's top priority is to improve energy efficiency of our products based on Technology Roadmap(TRM) for each product line and achieving the specific goals set out on the roadmap. B-19 55 . LGE BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. has met the EU ErP regulation on energy efficiency and has also set its own future goals and detailed strategies to reduce energy consumption and standby power usage. The International Energy Agency(IEA) suspects that 60 watts. LGE has set a target to reduce standby power to below 0. and mobile phone chargers. etc to below 1 watt. please refer to "Low Carbon Green Management" BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. but not being used. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Products LGE has set a goal to cut the 30 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions produced by LGE products by 2020 through long-term and systematic investment in R&D to improve the energy efficiency of its prod-ucts. Complying with technology development and regulation change. Standby Power Electronic devices and home appliances not only consume energy when they are being used. B-19 56 . is the average standby power and urged each country to reduce the standby power of all electronic products to below 1 watt by 2010. TVs. LGE has reduced the standby power of its home appliances such as washing machines.5 watt for most home electronic products from 2013. To provide information about greenhouse gas emissions of product life cycle. LGE is collaborating with the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) to expand the carbon labeling scheme. For more information about LGE's greenhouse gas/energy management. they also consume energy when they are plugged in. which is about 10% of power consumption in each household in OECD countries. The power that is consumed when the device is not being used is called standby power. In addition. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. the new washing machine (FR2350EAZ) can hold more laundry compared to the previous models while maintaining the products at the same size Recyclability Improvement LGE has an internal process to check the recyclability when products are designed and developed. The strategy for lowering resource usage involves measures to reduce resource usage by decreasing the weight and volume of products and measures to improve the resource efficiency. Resource Reduction LGE is conducting R&D to reduce resource usage by reducing the volume and weight of products while improving the convenience of product usage and appearance. For example. All these resource-related strategies are a part of LGE's efforts to improve how efficiently resources are used. which is hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. With checklists. there are two main areas : lowering resource usage in products and improv-ing product recyclability. recyclability is evaluated and the results are used as a guidance to modify product design and development. B-19 57 .Resources In terms of the efficiency of resources. Another way to raise resource efficiency is to increase the capacity while keeping the size of the products. The strategy for improving product recyclability involves measures to simplify conjoined parts so that disposed products can be easily dismantled. LGE is sponsoring "Uni-material Idea Competition" since 2010. and to minimize the number of raw material types. Please see the page 50 for LGE's recycled plastic usage. 2kg · Same dimensions: 635 X 1122 X 743mm · Improve washer capacity from 12kg to 13kg · Improve dryer capacity from 6kg to 8kg BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 58 .07kg to 4.Resource Reduction Model: W2361VZ-PF (23 inches) Model: M2380D-PN (23 inches) Model: F4350GAZ Model: FR2350EAZ · Improve contrast ratio 71 times · Reduce the weight from 6. 7 Green Product Evaluation System The Eco Index Eco-Index is LGE's own rating system which quantifies the eco design level of products in terms of their eco-con-sciousness.g. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. LGE meets. 2 Star and 3 Star to increase the portion of the products satisfying the relevant requirements(e. environment regulations such as Energy related product(EU ErP) and divided the product environmental performance rating to Green 1 Star. in advance.. B-19 59 . The rating system is described below. LGE will continue increasing the portion of products meeting the higher Eco-Index. Energy Star). and it is used as the tool to manage their environmental performance and goal-setting.Three Design Strategies for Improving Recyclability Three Design Strategies for Improving Product Recyclability A design that has taken product identification/ accessibility into account A design that has taken product decomposability into account A design that has taken material recyclability into account 5. NGOs and buyer requirements are applied) 100% Green 2 Star Green 1 Star BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. the new green technology or USP* is applied) ·Meets the Green 1-Star ·Meets the LGE‘s standard equivalent to Energy Star(for mobile phone.Eco-Index Ratings and 2010 Rating Results Green 1 Star Green 2 Star Green 3 Star ·Meets the local environment requirements and relevant environment labels and standard. ·Meets the LGE’s energy efficiency standard Green 17% 3 Star 71% ·Meets the Green 2-Star ·Meets the LGE’s standard for high energy efficiency strategy(for mobile phone. B-19 60 . LGE plans to establish an infrastructure that will enable LGE to perform LCA on entire product lines and to continuously and efficiently evaluate greenhouse gas emission from the entire product process. use. managed by KEITI. As of December 2010. At the differentiating stage with the LCA (2009-present). which can be used to find improvement factors and to verify improvement performance by quantify-ing the environmental impact of the products' entire manufacturing. During the early stage of adopting the LCA(2002-2005). it will develop low carbon products further and expand its global label certifications by evaluating greenhouse gas emissions. LGE is providing carbon footprint of its major product to customers based on "Carbon Footprint Label" from KIETI. As a mid-to-long term project. and disposal stages. For this. B-19 61 . distribution. for the manufacturing. particularly in terms of the issue of climate change. During the settling stage with the LCA(2006-2008). which discloses products' environmental performance based on the LCA result. and disposal process. LGE will be developing databases for major product lines and establishing and operating internal IT systems(CCMS). and by systematically managing the databases. LGE's 239 models from seven major product lines were certified by Korea Eco Labeling. distribution. LGE has been working towards product development process that will minimize the environmental impact of the entire product process for every product line by conducting the LCA. Since 2002. LGE acquired "Carbon Footprint Label" for 8 models and 4 parts In 2011. LGE is planning to establish a system to evaluate the entire process' carbon emission and to fully utilize the LCA to develop low carbon products. LGE worked towards developing the methodologies most suitable for LGE in order to apply the LCA to its development process. on model basis.Evaluating the Entire Product Process and Product Carbon Footprint System Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) is the internationally standardized(ISO 14040 series) tool for evaluating environmental performance. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. and Chinese. and the use of natural materials Regulation response management. LGE is currently reviewing the R&D investment in Korea and will include R&D investment for overseas businesses in the future.086 44% 2009 2010 Energy Resources 4. English.5. Green R&D Investment (Unit : KRW 100 million) Item Green R&D Energy efficiency improvement.8 Green R&D Investment LGE established an environmental accounting guideline in 2009 to get green R&D investment. This is a 44% increase from 2009. The guidelines also relate to the Japanese Environmental Accounting Guidelines of 2005 and the Introduction to Environmental Accounting as a Business Management Tool.586 8. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. green IT system Investment Cost 3. LGE invested KRW 808 billion for green R&D in 2010. The majority of the investment came from improving products' energy efficiency and improving resource use efficiency. water consumption reduction Technology for the replacement of hazardous substances.125 5. renewable energy Product volume/mass reduction.080 Human 698 Green Infrastructure 171 * LGE's Environmental Accounting Guidelines are based on the Environmental Accounting Guidelines issued by the Korea Ministry of Environment in 2005. The guidelines have been translated into Korean. B-19 62 . published by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1995. The following table shows the green R&D results. Washing Machines ·Dual-Injection Steam Washing Machine This energy-efficient technology effectively agitates liquid detergent and uses steam to provide a hightemperature wash without having to boil water. ·High-efficiency Parallel Cooling System This innovative technology has established the foundations for next-generation multi-evaporator refrigerators by improving the cooling capabilities of the high-efficiency linear compressor. AirConditioners ·High-efficiency Central Air Conditioning System Using eco design for every part of the product has improved the energy efficiency of this air conditioning system. All LGE's six-motion washing machines have achieved a Grade 1 energy efficiency rating in Korea. low-k dielectric and low-voltage power. improving product design to facilitate recycling. as well as Korea's first high-efficiency. ·The World's First Six-Motion Washing Machine Unlike conventional front-load washing machines that use the force of the drop impact. are significantly quieter and energy efficient. Refrigerators ·High-efficiency Inverter Linear Compressor Refrigerators using this technology. squeezing. loosening. rubbing. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No.4 W per unit in comparison to existing models. providing continuous heating. kneading. High-efficiency Inverter Compressor and Motion Sensor This super energy-saving technology with inverter compressor saves up to 72% of electricity by automatically controlling the unit according to the indoor temperature and motion sensor. ·Energy-saving. Microwaves PDP TVs Solar Cells LED Lights ·High-efficiency. ·Standby Power of 0. High-color Rendering Index LED Flat Panel Design LED technology is known as better energy efficiency than existing incandescent bulb or fluorescent lights. and shaking with rapid reverse rotation.9 W or Less The technology has reduced the annual standby power of 12 kWh by 1. this technology has revolutionized the structure of front-load washing machines. which features an improved piston movement mechanism in the compressor. this technology features six different types of motion: dabbing. High-efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Technology This solar cell technology uses an ultra-thin (130 microns) plate which is more than 30% thinner than the existing plates and can increase efficiency by up to 18%. LGE has been conducting R&D to reduce the environmental impact of products in addition to ensuring Customers are satisfied with the products they use. ·High-Capacity Washing Machine With Fixed Drum By fixing the washer basket to the cabinet. All LGE washing machines which use this technology have been awarded a Grade 1 energy efficiency rating in Korea. high-pressure inverter compressor. B-19 63 . Major research areas have included developing a range of highly efficient products.Green Technologies LGE is aware of the impact of electronic products on humans and on the environment. ·High-efficiency Panel This technology uses highly efficient phosphors. And their energy efficiency has improved by 20%. and establishing an infrastructure to enable the development of green products and technologies. Ultra-Thin. increasing laundry capacity and reducing noise and vibration. ·130-Micron. It features the world's first heat exchanger. replacing hazardous substances in products. a high-speed operation shield and a high-efficiency driving algorithm. the six-motion front-load washing machine offers enhanced and more delicate washing with six different motions: dabbing.or. http://www. FR4233FH5. loosening.ir52. lownoise indoor unit technology . High-performance.Features: · Highly efficient inverter heat pump. solar products and LED lights. enhanced heating and cooling technology. FR2233LH5.Six-motion washing machine with hand-washing motions . and shaking.Features : Unlike conventional front-load washing machines which use the force of the drop impact to wash clothes with a constant rotating speed. please visit the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology website: http://www. with up to 115% improvement on cost effectiveness in comparison to constant-speed air conditioners · Sleep-mode noise of 20 dBA due to its low-noise heat pump · The most compact outdoor unit in its class with an A/A EU energy efficiency rating BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. kneading. B-19 64 . FR2233DH5. High-efficiency Inverter Heat Pump Air Conditioner . F4233FH5 .Applicable models : FR4331SA. (For more information about the award. FR2332WA. F2332NA.com Six-Motion Tromm Washer . The Jang Young Sil Award is an industrial technology award which was established in 1991 by the Maeil Economic Daily newspaper and the Korea Industrial Technology Association and is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology.9 Green Technology Certifications LGE has obtained certifications for 11 of its green products and technologies. The certified technology has also been used in other LGE products.kiat.kr Prize-Winning Technology : Jang Young Sil Prize Winner LGE's green technology received the Jang Young Sil Award in two areas in 2010.Applicable models: ASNH126HDW0(indoor unit). with varying rotation speed and rapid reverse rotation. ASUW126HDW0(outdoor unit) . squeezing. F4332SA. rubbing.Compact outdoor unit technology. including home appliances. from the green technology certification system established by the Korean government in 2010. FR4332SA. please visit the website. For more information.5. FR4233BH5. Laboratories Hazardous Substance Analysis Lab. 2006 Jan. and the Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme(KOLAS). the lab has been supporting the replacement of hazardous substances and verifying greener products by identifying high-risk materials and inspecting products to establish the levels of hazardous substances present in the parts and end products. VOC chamber and IC. Hazardous Substance Analysis Lab Certification Certification Date Dec. The lab has been approved as a certified lab by Underwriters Laboratories(UL) in the United States. PBDEs Integrated Green Energy Lab. PBBs. a German certification authority in April 2011. cadmium. cadmium. B-19 65 . It also plays an important role in improving product reliability and reducing development time by offering technical support for new products. mercury. hexavalent chromium * RoHS 6 hazardous substances: lead. 2005 TÜV Rheinland TÜV Rheinland UL * RoHS 4 heavy metals: lead. LGE runs an accredited precision analysis and environmental testing lab for hazardous substances. 7. and 27 water quality parameters Authorized testing lab for analyzing REACH 15 high risk chemical materials and VOC Authorized testing lab for analyzing *RoHS 6 hazardous substances Testing lab for analyzing *RoHS 4 hazardous substances Sep. LGE is running an integrated "Green Energy" lab for its green business areas: solar cell/modules and LED lights. TÜV Rheinland in Germany. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. hexavalent chromium. HPLC. 8. The lab is equipped with a variety of testing facilities and analysis technologies to enable it to evaluate the durability and safety of the solar cell modules and LED light products that are sold by LGE. The lab is actively responding to new environmental regulations by developing technological support and was approved as a photobiological safety evaluation laboratory for LED lights by TÜV Rheinland. GC-MS. The testing lab has developed standardized analysis methods for new regulated materials and prepared hazardous substance management criteria to enable the com-pany to proactively respond to environmental regulations. mercury. 2009 Certification Authority KOLAS Certification Details Recognized as ISO 17025 certified testing lab Authorized testing lab for analyzing *RoHS 6 hazardous substances. 2009 May 15. which is equipped with an ICP-OES. UV-Vis. 21. phthalate. In particular. 26. 30. 9. 2011 Feb. B-19 66 . 1. 2010 Nov. 2009 Nov. 2010 Apr. 28. 2009 Certification Authority TÜV Rheinland UL TÜV Rheinland UL UL TÜV Rheinland Certification Details Photobiological evaluation certified laboratory of LED lightings Integrated Green Energy Laboratory Certified laboratory for LED lightings Certified laboratory for LED lightings Certified laboratory for photovoltaic modules Certified laboratory for photovoltaic modules BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. 2009 Oct. 26.Integrated Green Energy Laboratory Certification Certification Date Mar. As gas decomposition can be processed at low temperatures. 2010 January. 23 communication sectors Bluetooth RF and profile testing 5.Certified Lab. The laboratory was involved in automating the mandatory KCC certification test to improve the efficiency of the certification process. 2010 December. The work carried out by the lab contrib-uted significantly to a reduction in certification time. B-19 . Through technical collaboration with TÜV Rheinland. for Smart Grid Wireless Communication Technology LGE has a laboratory dedicated to wireless communication technology. minimizing the gap between power generation and real-time demand. LGE is working toward creating leading products in the smart-grid market by actively engaging in the standardization of smart grid communication technologies and consistently obtaining relevant information.10 Productivity and Technology Research Institute Plasma Characterization Lab. The lab analyzes plasma-producing devices for surface modifica-tion. as well as film deposition and the etching process. A smart grid delivers electricity from energy sources to consumers using two-way digital technology. and plasma sterilization technology. Bluetooth. thermal plasma torch technology. Communication Laboratory Certification Certification Date September. this means that both the convergence and decomposition of chemical reactions which take place in high 67 BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. its technology has been approved by many countries around the world. Wi-Fi. Plasma(ionized gas) has a high level of conductivity and so it is able to control positive and negative ions. LGE's plasma characterization lab. The laboratory was approved for the integrated Bluetooth certification in 2008. ultimately reducing delays to product release time. the lab has also received a ZigBee certification for a refrigerator(RT769MBESX) and a washing machine(F4754NCBZ). It also carries out research into the industrial gas waste process. Relevant communication technologies include ZigBee. 2009 September. and PLC. whose main focus is the environment. As the laboratory is also CTIA certified. 2008 Certification Authority TÜV Rheinland CTIA KOLAS Bluetooth SIG Certification Details ZigBee pretesting CTIA Bluetooth testing ISO17025 international laboratory certification. is developing a plasma production process and developing technologies based on plasma. temperatures are possible using plasma. As ions can be created as well as radicals, it can also be adopted to various technologies for use in the healthcare industry. Because of these characteristics, there are many studies be-ing carried out into etching, nuclear fusion plasma(tokamak), and the decomposition or cleaning of waste gas in a 1 LED Photobiological Safety Test 1 2 3 2 PV Performance Test 3 Integrated UL Lab Certification Awarded at the Green Energy Innovation Cer-emony (February 9, 2010) BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 68 number of industries, including the medical, semiconductor, photovoltaic, and display industries. The Plasma Char-acterization Lab is proactively responding to the nextgeneration plasma industry by analyzing the characteristics of plasma, actively seeking ways to apply the plasma process in various plasma lines, and providing an optimized model to improve the characteristics of plasma. Plasma Characterization Lab. Material Manufacture Surface Modification Lighting Plasma Technology Patterning Pollution Modification Coating Slim Product and Mounting Technology Development Lab. The Slim Product and Mounting Technology Development Lab at the LGE Research Institute focuses on developing various parts and mounting technologies to improve the slim and light-weight design and productivity of products. It continually works to find ways to make products slimmer and lighter and endeavors to optimize the performance and mounting characteristics of electronic parts. The lab also works on improving productivity and quality and developing manufacturing techniques for high-density product mounting. By leading the industry in the development of lead-free materials and parts, the lab is proactively responding to the various regulations, which have been becoming increasingly strict within Europe since 2006. It also contributes to developing and manufacturing products with better quality by analyzing various malfunctions related to electric circuits. Supporting the Development of a Leading Product (2008, LGE Watch Phone) 1 ZigBee Wireless Test 1 2 2 ZigBee Wireless Test BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 69 5.11 Selected Greener Products Released in 2010 In 2010, LGE released various products using green technologies such as a hybrid solar air conditioner, refrigerator with a top energy efficiency rating in U.S., mobile phones with recycled plastic, and robot cleaners with improved energy efficiency and reduced noise. Hybrid solar air conditioner FQ232LASS Energy Efficiency Enhancement ·Inverter: Power saving function ·Air purifier function operable by max 100% solar energy; cooling function operable by up to 15% solar energy vs. minimum power consumption Mobile phone using recycled plastic LG-VN270 Energy Efficiency Enhancement ·High efficiency charger with standby power 0.03W and energy efficiency 70% better than conventional charger Resource Reduction ·30% of recycled plastic used in battery cover Hazardous Substances Management ·Meets the EU RoHS requirements ·No use of BFRs, PVC and phthalates Home Environment ·Human Care Robot : auto wind direction/volume/ temperature control function through sensors ·Green-tea HEPA filter ·Platinoid enzyme filter ·Deodorization function Hazardous Substances Management ·Meets EU RoHS requirements Awards & Certifications ·2010 Green Technology Certification (Inverter and solar technology) - Korea ·2010 Energy Winner Award Grand Prix - Korea ·2010 Green Growth Brand - Korea ·Carbon Footprint Label - Korea Recyclability Improvement ·76% of recycled paper used for package box ·Soy ink printing of package box and user manual Awards & Certifications ·Displayed in CES 2011 - U.S. Top tier refrigerator LFC21776ST Energy Efficiency Enhancement ·North America energy efficiency rating - Top tier level* ·High-efficiency linear compressor ·High-efficient/high-luminous LED lighting Resource Reduction ·Recycled plastic used (PP and ABS material, 1kg/unit) Hazardous Substances Management ·Meets EU RoHS requirements ·Eco-conscious foaming agent, cyclopentane** Adopted Awards & Certifications ·2010 Green Technology Certification (Linear compressor technology) Robot Vacuum Cleaner VR5902KL Energy Efficiency Enhancement ·Energy saving - On-mode:18W - Power-saving mode ·Reduce cleaning time using "Dual Eye" sensor ·Li-ion polymer battery Home Environment ·Reduce noise level to 50dB ·HEPA filter Hazardous Substances Management ·Meets EU RoHS requirements Awards & Certifications ·Displayed in CES 2011 – U.S. * Top tier level : The efficiency level higher than the Energy Star requirements of US EPA (varies per product; 10% for refrigerator) ** Cyclopentane : A substitute for CFC and HCFC BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. B-19 70 digital games. keeping the package compact and using greener materials. LGE has not only been able to reduce the shipping cost. and no ad-hesives have been used. LGE was recently awarded a Best of Best Grand Prix at the Red Dot Awards. 68g 50g Mobile Phones (applicable model : GW520-UK). The Grand Prix is the most prestigious prize and is awarded to an especially outstanding entry in each of 6 categories. it has also reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1 kg per box. It has also been designed so that it can be reused as a desk tidy or a photo frame . Refrigerators (applicable model : 3D/4D 25Cuft). By doing this. BPCBA/2010-13/Sem-VI/Group No. advertising. LGE is carrying out research to find ways to reduce resource usage by reducing the weight of packages.5. among 60 awarded products. LGE has increased the loading efficiency of its refrigerators by approximately 8. The LGE entry which was awarded the prize was the "Reusable Eco Packaging" which includes green messages inside the mobile phone package such as "What I Can Do for Environment?" and "About Endangered Species". for its reusable eco packaging. It tries its very best to improve the efficiency of shipping while providing safe product protection solutions. LGE tries to introduce a new package with smaller size and recycled paper. This mobile phone box uses recycled paper and soy ink. Packages of some mobile phones use recycled paper and are printed with soy ink. B-19 71 . Communication Design 2010.3%. and TV & cinema. magazine & daily press. The six categories include packaging. reduc-ing the package volume while maintaining the level of safety provided by the product packag-ing. In fact.12 Green Packaging LGE has been working hard to create greener packaging suitable for each of its products.
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