
April 2, 2018 | Author: Balaji Venkataraman | Category: Telephone Exchange, Software Architecture, Telecommunication, Educational Assessment, Homework



GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015- 2016 1.COURSE CODE / NAME : 10EC82/ DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 2. BASIC INFORMATION DEPRATMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COURSE PROGRAMME CREDIT VALUE PRE-REQUISITE COURSE LECTURER CONTACT FORMAL CONTACT PERIODS PRIVATE STUDY HOURS COURSE WORK COURSE COORDINATOR APPROVED BY REFERRAL POLICY ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR VIII SEM ECE 4 (LECTURE: 4 ) PRE- COMMUNICATION THEORY MS.A.DEEPA ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ECE DEPARTMENT FACULTY ROOM 3:00 PM TO 3:55 PM 67 PERIODS FOR SLOW LEARNERS HOMEWORK, ASSIGNMENT, TUTORIAL HOD ECE VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (VTU) VTU ACADEMIC COUNCIL 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES 3.1 COURSE OBJECTIVES The objectives of this course are      Understand the activities followed by the exchange administration in the management of trunk and routes. Understand the numbering plan and hierarchy in Network Analyze telecommunication standards organizations and the standards. The telephone systems, transmission systems To understand the working principles of switching systems from manual and electromechanical systems to stored program control systems. DSL technologies and SONET/SDH network and gives idea about OSI 3.2 OUTCOMES Knowledge and Understanding Having successfully completed the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS A.DEEPA Principle of cross bar switching. 2002 T2: Syed R. the student will be able to: The students will be able to design and analyze the telecommunication switching networks.2016        Historical development of telecommunication networks and switching systems. Network traffic load parameters and Grade of service and blocking W2:http://vtu. and calculate the telecommunication traffic.Ltd. TMH.2008.  Assess the need for voice digitization and T carrier systems  Compare and analyze Line coding techniques and examine its error performance  Design multi stage switching structures involving time and space switching stages  Analyze basic telecommunication traffic theory General transferable (key) skills Having successfully completed the course. 3rd CHING_SYSTEMS_NOTES. “Digital Switching Systems”.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015. Electronic space division switching. 3rd Ed.DEEPA . LECTURE NOTES L1: prepared lecture notes / handout by the lecturer RELATED MATERIALS and WEB RESOURCES W1: http://freevideolectures. Pearson Education. Telephone networks. REFERENCE BOOKS R1: John C Bellamy. The elements of switching systems. Ali. Wiley India Pvt. 4th Ed. Time division switching and Combination switching.allsyllabus. Differentiate single stage and multistage networks. Intellectual Skills Having successfully completed the course. 2002. Signaling techniques. RESOURCES TEXT BOOKS T1: J E Flood “Telecommunication and Switching Traffic and Networks”.“Digital Telephony”. 4. the student will be able to:  Explain the working principle of switching systems involved in telecommunication switching.pdf 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS A. Subscriber loop systems and switching hierarchy and routing. terminology.W1 T1. Four wire circuits Four wire circuits. Standards Power levels.2016 5. R1 L1. Basic central office linkages Outside plant versus inside plant Switching system hierarchy.DEEPA .W2 A.L1.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015. Basics of crossbar systems Electronic switching 22-2-16 22-2-16 Digital switching systems. Developments of telecommunications 2 3 C&B (Chalk & Board) C&B C&B 4 5 C&B C&B 4 5 6 7 8 C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B 9 10 C&B C&B 11 12 13 C&B C&B C&B 15-2-16 15-2-16 Network structure Network services. R1. LESSON PLAN DATE TOPIC REFERE NCE MATERI ALS CUM UL PERI ODS TEACHING AID UNIT – I INTRODUCTION 1-2-16 1 Introduction. Regulation. R1. Introduction to Digital transmission Frequency Division Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing PDH SDH Transmission performance UNIT-II EVOLUTION OF SWITCHING SYSTEMS Introduction. Message switching Circuit switching 16-2-16 17-2-16 17-2-16 Functions of switching systems Distribution systems. Evolution of digital switching systems Stored program control switching systems Digital switching system fundamentals Building blocks of a digital switching system Basic call processing 16 17 18 C&B C&B C&B 19 20 21 22 C&B C&B C&B C&B 1-2-16 2-2-16 3-2-16 3-2-16 8-2-16 8-2-16 9-2-16 10-2-16 10-2-16 1-3-16 8-3-16 9-3-16 9-3-16 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS T1.L1.W1 T1. Tutorial-1 DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 14 15 C&B C&B 23-2-16 24-2-16 29-2-16 Purpose of analysis. Unit of traffic Congestion Traffic measurement.W1 Four stage networks 23 24 25 26 27 28 C&B C&B C&B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B 38 C&B 39 40 41 42 43 44 C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B 45 C&B 46 47 48 C&B C&B C&B 49 C&B C&B C&B UNIT-V TIME DIVISION SWITCHING 5-416 6-4-16 11-4-16 11-4-16 12-4-16 13-4-16 18-4-16 Introduction space and time switching Time switching networks Time switching networks Synchronisation Synchronisation Tutorial-2 T1.W2 T1.2016 14-3-16 15-3-16 16-3-16 21-3-16 21-3-16 22-3-16 23-3-16 28-3-16 28-3-16 29-3-16 30-3-16 30-3-16 4-4-16 4-4-16 5-4-16 UNIT-III TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC Introduction. L1. L1. W2 UNIT-VIII A GENERIC DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEM MODEL 25-4-16 25-4-16 26-4-16 26-4-16 27-4-16 Introduction. Scope Hardware architecture Software architecture Recovery strategy. L1. L1. W2 A. Mathematical model lost call systems Queuing systems Queuing systems UNIT-IV SWITCHING SYSTEMS Introduction Single stage networks Gradings Design of progressive grading Skipped grading Two stage networks Three stage networks GOS of linked systems T1.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015.Simple call through a digital system Common characteristics of digital 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS T1.DEEPA . Number of patches maintainability applied per yearmetrics Diagnostic resolution rate. Growth of digital switching system central office.W2 51 52 53 54 55 56 C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B C&B 57 C&B 58 59 C&B C&B 60 C&B 61 C&B 62 C&B 63 C&B 64 C&B 65 C&B 66 C&B 67 C&B Content Beyond the Syllabus 17-5-16 18-5-16 1. A strategy improving software quality. Metrics. Software linkages during call. 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS A. Software maintenance. A Performance Analysis for Umts Packet Switched Network based on multivariate kpis.DEEPA . Database Management Concept of generic program Software architecture for level 1 control Software architecture for level 2 control Software architecture for level 3 control. Generic program upgrade. Software processes. Connect sequence. Call features Feature flow diagram. Reported critical and major faults corrected. Defect analysis T2. Digital switching system software classification Call models.2016 switching systems 2-5-16 2-5-16 2-5-16 3-5-16 4-5-16 4-5-16 4-5-16 10-5-16 4-5-16 6-5-16 6-5-16 7-5-16 11-5-16 12-5-16 13-5-16 UNIT-VI SWITCHING SYSTEM SOFTWARE Introduction. Advances In Telecommunication Technologies. Switching system Upgrade process success rate. Program for software process improvement. 2. Defect analysis. Software processes improvement. Scope. L1. Feature interaction T2. Firmware-software coupling. Basic software architecture Operating systems. L1. Scope.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015. Impact of software patches on digital switching system maintainability Embedded patcher concept. Interface of a typical digital switching system central office System outage and its impact on digital switching system reliability. A methodology for proper maintenance of digital switching system Effect of firmware deployment on digital switching system.W2 Tutorial-3 UNIT-VII MAINTENANCE OF DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEM Introduction. FEEDBACK AND STUDENT SUPPORT Individual feedback during lectures.1 Teaching Methods      Lecture/Chalk & Board (C&B) Lectures supported by examples Tutorials Prepared / printed notes Homework / Assignments 6.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015. tests and from Class Committee Meetings 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS A.DEEPA . ASSIGNMENT TOPIC 1 Introduction to Telecommunication 2 Evolution of switching and digital switching systems 3 Telecommunication Traffic switching systems ISSUE DATE 10-02-16 DUE DATE 17-02-16 17-03-16 22-03-16 05-04-16 12-04-16 8. tutorials. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT Assessment method Number Internal assessment exam Improvement test 2 1 Contribution (Max:25 marks) 25/0 0/15 9.2016 6. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 6.2 Learning Activities  Individual work on examples supported by tutorials  Use of internet for gaining associated knowledge and writing assignments 7. ASSIGNMENTS SI NO. understanding the fields of communication problem solving related to application of switching networks are tested in the written examinations. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TEACHING.DEEPA . assignments and tutorials STAFF IN-CHARGE HOD 10EC82/DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS PRINCIPAL A.GOPALAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN Academic Year: 2015.2016 10. LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT METHODS AND THE PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES The learning outcomes related to knowledge.
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