Course Plan

March 28, 2018 | Author: Vicky Lakhwal | Category: Alternating Current, Inductance, Electrical Substation, Frequency Modulation, Vhdl



GULZAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYCOURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN FIRST SEMESTER BTEE- 101 BASIC ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 LTP 410 TEXT BOOK: BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS BY J.S KATRE, TECH MAX PUBLISHER Topics to be covered Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) Lect. No. Chapter name 1 DC Circuits Circuits : Identifying the Elements and the Connected Terminology 2 DC Circuits Kirchhoff’s Laws Statement and Illustration ,Method of CH1 42-43 (T1) solving a Circuits by Kirchoff’s Laws Technology/New_index1.html 3 DC Circuits Star-Delta Conversion Technology/New_index1.html 4 DC Circuits Computation of Resistance at Constant temperature, CH1 18-19 (T1) Temperature Dependence of resistance Technology/New_index1.html 5 DC Circuits Computation of Resistance at CH1 19 (T1) different temperature Technology/New_index1.html 6 DC Circuits Ohm ‘ s Law- Statement , Illustration and limitation CH1 17 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 7 DC Circuits Units – Work, Power and energy (Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical) CH1 23-26 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 8 DC Circuits DC Transients for RL and RC series circuits From Notes Technology/New_index1.html CH1 30 (T1) From Notes WebLinks Technology/New_index1.html 9 AC Fundamentals Generation of Alternating emf CH2 1-3 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 10 AC Fundamentals Concept of 3-phase EMF Generation Technology/New_index1.html 11 AC Fundamentals Root Mean square or Effective CH2 11-13 (T1) Value, Average value of AC Technology/New_index1.html 12 AC Fundamentals Phasor Representation of Alternating quantities Technology/New_index1.html CH2 49 (T1) CH2 15 (T1) Signature 13 14 Analysis of AC Circuit, Representation of Alternating AC Fundamentals NOTES Quantities in Rectangular and polar forms Introduction of Resistive, inductive, & capacitive circuits AC Fundamentals CH2 23,27 (T1) & their series & parallel combinations. Concept of resonance in Series CH2 29,44 (T1) and Parallel 15 AC Fundamentals 16 Analysis of balanced 3 phase AC Fundamentals system with star- delta connections CH2 53-55 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html Technology/New_index1.html Technology/New_index1.html Technology/New_index1.html TEST 17 Magnetic Circuits Comparison between and Machines magnetic and electric circuits From Notes Technology/New_index1.html 18 Magnetic Circuits Magnetic Effects of Electric and Machines Current CH3 12 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 19 Magnetic Circuits Current carrying conductor in CH3 16 (T1) and Machines Magnetic field Technology/New_index1.html 20 Magnetic Circuits Law of Electromagnetic and Machines Induction & its law CH3 33 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 21 Magnetic Circuits Self Inductance, Mutual and Machines Inductance CH3 38-39 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 22 Coupling Coefficient between Magnetic Circuits two magnetically coupled CH3 42 (T1) and Machines Circuits Technology/New_index1.html 23 Single Phase Transformer : Magnetic Circuits Construction, Working and Machines principle, Efficiency, Voltage regulation and applications CH3 46-59 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 24 Rotating Electrical D.C. machines (motors and Machines generators) CH3 63-71 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 25 Rotating Electrical Three phase Induction Motor Machines CH3 90-96 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 26 Rotating Electrical Synchronous machines Machines (motors and generators): From Notes Technology/New_index1.html 27 construction, working Rotating Electrical principle, classification and Machines applications. From Notes Technology/New_index1.html TEST 28 Transducers Introduction CH5 10-11 (T1) Technology/New_index1.html 29 Transducers working and application of LVDT CH5 12 (T1) 30 Transducers Strain Gauge and Thermistor CH5 16 (T1) 31 Transducers Introduction and application of Digital Multimeter CH5 3-8 (T1) 32 Semiconductor devices Principle of operation characteristic and application CH6 24-28 (T1) of PN Junction Diode 33 Semiconductor devices Rectifiers CH6 45-54 (T1) 34 Semiconductor devices Zener Diode From Notes 35 Semiconductor devices Principle of operation characteristic and application CH6 92-99 (T1) of Bipolar Junction Transistor 36 Semiconductor devices Principle of operation and characteristic Field Effect Transistor CH6 103 (T1) 37 Semiconductor devices Regulated Power Supply CH6 112-122 (T1) TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 38 Digital Electronics Binary number System , Octal CH8 1-5 (T1) and Hexadecimal 39 Digital Electronics logic Gates, Introduction and truth tables 40 Digital Electronics Introduction of R-S, J-K, D and CH8 35-43 (T1) T Flip Flops & its truth tables CH8 8-17 (T1) TEST REVISION PLAN Lect.No. Topic Chapter Kirchhoff’s Laws Statement and Illustration ,Method of solving a Circuits by Kirchoff’s Laws – 1 DC Circuits 2 Computation of Resistance at different temperature, Ohm ‘ s Law- Statement , Illustration and limitation 3 Concept of 3-phase EMF Generation 4 Root Mean square or Effective Value, Average value of AC 5 AC Fundamentals Phasor Representation of Alternating quantities 6 Analysis of AC Circuit, Representation of Alternating Quantities in Rectangular and polar forms 7 Introduction of Resistive, Inductive & Capacitive circuits and their series and parallel combinations. Concept of resonance in series and parallel circuits, Analysis of balanced 03 phase system with star-delta 8 Comparison between Magnetic and Electric circuits 9 10 Magnetic Circuits and Machines Electromagnetic Induction Magnetic Effects of Electric Current , Law of Electromagnetic Induction 11 Single Phase Transformer: Construction, Working principle, Efficiency, Voltage regulation and applications 12 D.C. machines (motors and generators), Three phase Induction motor, 13 Rotating Electrical Synchronous machines (motors and generators): construction, working principle, classification and Machines: applications. 14 Three phase Induction Motor: principle, construction, working, application 15 Introduction, working and application of LVDT 16 Transducers Strain Gauge and Thermistor. 17 Introduction and application of Digital Multimeter 18 Principle of operation; characteristic and application of PN Junction Diode ,Zener Diode 19 Semiconductor devices Bipolar Junction, Field effect transistor, Thyristor Rectifiers , Regulated Power Supply 20 Binary number System , Octal and Hexadecimal 21 Digital Electronics 22 logic Gates, Introduction and truth tables , Flip Flops and the truth tables ; R-S, J-K, D and T Flip Flop Signature GULZAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN SIXTH SEMESTER BTEE- 605E PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 LTP 310 TEXT BOOK: Mittal G. K., Radio and TV Engineering, Khanna Publishers Ref. Chapter/Sec. Topics to be covered WebLinks (Book) Lect. No. Chapter name 1 Review of Communication Engineering 2 Review of Communication Engineering 3 Review of Communication Engineering Comparison, sampling theorem Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 4 Review of Communication Engineering Different pulse modulation techniques, Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 5 Review of Communication Engineering Radio & TV width modulation (PWM) Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 6 Review of Communication Engineering Radio & TV modulation(PPM) Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 7 Review of Communication Engineering 8 Review of Communication Engineering Radio & TV multiplexing Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 (FDM), Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 9 Review of Communication Engineering Radio & TV division multiplexing (TDM) Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 10 Review of Communication Engineering Introduction to Fourier series and Radio & TV transform of periodic Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 signals Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 11 Review of Communication Engineering Radio & TV functions and properties Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 of practically realizable filters Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 12 Radio Transmitters Block diagram explanation of low Radio & TV high level amplitude Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 modulation (AM) transmitter Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 13 Radio Transmitters Radio & TV modulation broadcast Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 transmitter Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 14 Radio Transmitters 15 Radio Transmitters Single sideband (SSB) transmitter Radio & TV Independent sideband Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 transmitter Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 16 Radio Transmitters Block diagram and explanation of Radio & TV tube Frequency Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 modulation (FM) transmitters Mittal Technology/New_index1.html Introduction, amplitude modulation (AM) Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html Radio & TV modulation (FM), their Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 side bands Mittal Technology/New_index1.html Pulse-code modulation (PCM) Double sideband (DSB) transmitter Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html Signature TEST Block diagram and explanation of Radio & TV Frequency modulation Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 (FM) transmitters Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 17 Radio Transmitters 18 Radio Transmitters Stereophonic FM broadcast transmitter Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 19 Radio Receiver Amplitude modulation diode detector Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 20 Radio Receiver Characteristics of radio receiver: Radio & TV,selectivity, fidelity and Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 image rejections Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 21 Radio Receiver Radio & TV of radio receivers Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 22 Radio Receiver Tuned radio frequency (TRF) receiver Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 23 Radio Receiver Super heterodyne receiver Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 24 Radio Receiver Block diagram explanation of amplitude modulation receiver Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 25 Radio Receiver Amplitude modulation receiver using Phase lock loop (PLL) Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 26 Radio Receiver Double sideband and single sideband receiver Radio & TV By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html 27 Radio Receiver 28 Radio Receiver 29 Radio Receiver 30 Radio Receiver 31 Radio Receiver 32 Radio Receiver 33 Radio Receiver 34 Television Engineering Radio & TV sideband receiver Engineering By G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Mittal Technology/New_index1.html TEST Radio & TV Amplitude modulation broadcast Engineering receiver Mittal Radio & TV Noise in amplitude modulation Engineering systems Mittal Radio & TV Frequency modulation detection Engineering Mittal Radio & TV Block diagram explanation of Engineering Frequency modulation receiver Mittal Radio & TV Stereophonic Frequency Engineering modulation broadcast receiver Mittal Radio & TV Noise in Frequency modulation Engineering systems Mittal Radio & TV Principle of camera Engineering Mittal G.K. contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic%20Electrical%20 Technology/New_index1.html By G.K. By G.K. By G.K. G.K. contents/IIT-ROORKEE/BASICELECTRONICS/home_page.htm G.K. contents/IIT-ROORKEE/BASICELECTRONICS/home_page.htm G.K. contents/IIT-ROORKEE/BASICELECTRONICS/home_page.htm 35 Television Engineering 36 Television Engineering 37 Television Engineering 38 Television Engineering 39 Television Engineering Radio & TV Engineering By G.K. Mittal Radio & TV Scanning, frame, field sync video Engineering By G.K. signal Mittal Radio & TV Vestigial sideband transmission Engineering By G.K. Mittal TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK Radio & TV Block diagram of Television (TV) Engineering By G.K. receiver & its working Mittal Radio & TV Block diagram of Television (TV) Engineering By G.K. transmitter & its working Mittal TEST Introduction of picture tube REVISION PLAN Topic Lect.No. Chapter 1 Introduction, amplitude modulation (AM), Frequency modulation (FM), their side bands 2 Comparison, sampling theorem, different pulse modulation techniques- Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) Review of Communication Pulse width modulation (PWM), Pulse-position modulation (PPM) and Pulse-code modulation (PCM) Engineering Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), Time division multiplexing (TDM). Introduction to Fourier series and Fourier transform of periodic signals 3 4 5 Transfer functions and properties of practically realizable filters. 6 Block diagram explanation of low and high level amplitude modulation (AM) transmitter 7 Amplitude modulation broadcast transmitter, double sideband (DSB) transmitter 8 Radio Transmitters Single sideband (SSB) transmitter and Independent sideband transmitter 9 Block diagram and explanation of reactance tube and Armstrong Frequency modulation (FM) transmitters, 10 Stereophonic FM broadcast transmitter. 11 Amplitude modulation diode detector, characteristics of radio receiver: sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity and image rejections, 12 Classification of radio receivers, Tuned radio frequency (TRF) receiver and super heterodyne receiver, 13 Block diagram explanation of amplitude modulation receiver, amplitude modulation receiver using Phase lock loop (PLL) 14 Radio Receiver double sideband and single sideband receiver, Independent sideband receiver 15 Amplitude modulation broadcast receiver, noise in amplitude modulation systems 16 Frequency modulation detection, block diagram explanation of Frequency modulation receiver 17 Stereophonic Frequency modulation broadcast receiver, noise in Frequency modulation systems 18 Principle of camera, introduction of picture tube 19 Scanning, frame, field, sync video signal 20 Television Engineering Vestigial sideband transmission 21 Block diagram of Television (TV) receiver and working 22 Television (TV) transmitter. Signature GULZAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOURTH SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN L T P 3 2 0 Course No.: BTEC-204 Course Title: Digital Electronics Recommended Books : 1. Text Books: Digital Fundamentals Floyd & Jain Pearson(T1) Reference Books: 1 Modern Digital Electronics by R.P.Jain(R3) 2 Digital principle and applications Malvino (TMH) 3 An Engg. Approach to digital design Fletcher (PIH) Lect. No. Chapter name Topics to be covered 1 Number System & Codes Binary number system, Octal number system, Hexadecimal number System Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) Weblinks DCLD by course-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T1.4 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index to 1.6) .html 2 Number System & Codes DCLD by Signed & unsigned binary course-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T1.1 numbers, %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index 5 to 1.16) .html 3 Number System & Codes 1’s & 2’s complement of DCLD by course-contents/IITa number,Different types J.S.Katre(T1.1 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index 7 to 1.19) of codes .html 4 Number System & Codes DCLD by course-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T1.1 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index 9 to 1.20) BCD Code, Gray code, .html 5 6 Number System & Codes Number System & Codes Binary operationsaddition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division DCLD by course-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T1.1 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index 4) .html DCLD by Parity for error detection, course-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T1.2 Check sum %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/index 3) .html TEST 7 8 9 10 Number System & Codes Webcourse-contents/IIThamming code for error DE by R.P.Jain (T2.10) detection and correction. %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Concept of positive and DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITnegative logic, J.S.Katre(T2.1 Combinational Circuits Introduction to boolean %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in to 2.2) variables dex.html DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITBoolean theorems and J.S.Katre(T2.4 Combinational Circuits DeMorgan Theorem %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in ) dex.html Signature 11 12 Sum of product and DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITCombinational Circuits product of sum form of J.S.Katre(T2.1 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in logic expressions, Duality 4 to 2.15) Combinational Circuits Logical functions using Karnaugh map dex.html DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T3.3 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in to 3.5) dex.html 13 TEST 14 DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITLogical functions using J.S.Katre(T3.1 Combinational Circuits Quine-McClusky methods %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in 0) 15 Combinational Circuits Multiplexers, Demultiplexers DCLD by J.S.Katre(T4.8 to 4.15) 16 Combinational Circuits Encoders, Decoders DCLD by J.S.Katre(T4.1 8 to 4.20) 17 Combinational Circuits Adders, Subtractors DCLD by J.S.Katre(T4.2 to 4.3) 18 Combinational Circuits Parity generators, Parity DCLD by J.S.Katre(T4.2 checkers, Code 1 to 4.22) converters 19 Sequential Logic Circuits Flip-flops, SR flipflops,JK J.S.Katre(T5.2 flip-flops to 5.5) 20 Sequential Logic Circuits D flip-flops, T flipDCLD by flops,Edge triggered and J.S.Katre(T5.6 to 5.9) clocked flip-flops 21 Sequential Logic Circuits DCLD by Registers: Series and parallel registers DCLD by J.S.Katre(T6.5 to 6.8) dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html 22 TEST 23 DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T7.1 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in to 7.3) 24 Sequential Logic Circuits Sequential Logic Circuits Synchronous & asynchronous counters dex.html Up and down counters, DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITRing counters & Mod- J.S.Katre(T7.4 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in & 7.15) counters. dex.html 25 26 27 28 Digital Logic Families Introduction, DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITCharacteristics of digital J.S.Katre(T10. %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in 1 to 10.3) ICs dex.html DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITDigital Logic Families Resistor-transistor logic J.S.Katre(T10. %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in 4) dex.html Integrated-injection logic, DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITDigital Logic Families Direct-coupled transistor J.S.Katre(T10. 4 to 10.5) %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in logic dex.html DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITDiode-transistor logic & J.S.Katre(T10. Digital Logic Families transistortransistor logic 5 to 10.7) %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html 29 TEST 30 Webcourse-contents/IITEmitter-coupled logic and J.S.Katre(T10. Digital Logic Families MOS logic %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in 13) DCLD by 31 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters 32 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters Binary ladder, D/A DCLD by converter, specifications J.S.Katre(T8.5 to 8.6) for D/A converters 33 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters Parallel A/D converter, DCLD by Successive approximation J.S.Katre(T8.1 0) A/D converter 34 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters single & dual slope A/D J.S.Katre(T8.1 converter 0) 35 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters AID converter using voltage to frequency DCLD by J.S.Katre(T8.1 conversion, A/D 0) converter using voltage to time conversion 36 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters Countertype AID converters. DCLD by J.S.Katre(T8.1 0) Semiconductor Memories Introduction, Memory organization, Classification & characteristics of memories DCLD by J.S.Katre(T9.2 to 9.3) 37 Introduction,Weighted register D/A converter DCLD by J.S.Katre(T 8.3) DCLD by dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html Webcourse-contents/IIT%20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in dex.html 38 Semiconductor Memories Sequential memories, DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITRead only memories, J.S.Katre(T9.4 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in ) Read & write memories dex.html TEST 39 40 Semiconductor Memories Content addressable memories, Programmable array Logic DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITJ.S.Katre(T9.4 %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in & 9.24) dex.html 41 Semiconductor Memories Programmable logic DCLD by Webcourse-contents/IITarrays and Programmable J.S.Katre(T9.2 Logic Device, Field Array %20Guwahati/digital_circuit/frame/in 3) Programmable Gate array dex.html 42 Introduction to VHDL Overview of digital design VHDL by with very-high-speed df J.Bhaskar(1.1 integrated circuits to 1.4) 43 Introduction to VHDL 44 Introduction to VHDL (VHSIC) hardware description language (VHDL) VHDL by J.Bhaskar(1.1 to 1.4) df HDL format and syntax, VHDL by Entity, Data df representation in VHDL J.Bhaskar(2.2, 3.3 & 4.1) 45 Truth table using VHDL, Decision control structure VHDL by Introduction to VHDL and sequential circuit J.Bhaskar(5.1 df using VHDL. to 5.3) TEST REVISION PLAN Lect.No. Topic Chapter Binary number system, Octal number system, Hexadecimal number System Signed & unsigned binary numbers, 1 to 6 Number System & Codes 1’s & 2’s complement of a number,Different types of codes BCD Code, Gray code, Binary operations- addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division Parity for error detection, Check sum hamming code for error detection and correction. Concept of positive and negative logic, Introduction to boolean variables 7 to 11 Number System & Codes Boolean theorems and DeMorgan Theorem Sum of product and product of sum form of logic expressions, Duality Logical functions using Karnaugh map Logical functions using Quine-McClusky methods Multiplexers, Demultiplexers 12 to 16 Combinational Circuits Encoders, Decoders Adders, Subtractors Parity generators, Parity checkers, Code converters Flip-flops, SR flipflops,JK flip-flops D flip-flops, T flip- flops,Edge triggered and clocked flip-flops 17 to 21 Sequential Logic Circuits Registers: Series and parallel registers Synchronous & asynchronous counters Up and down counters, Ring counters & Mod- counters. Introduction, Characteristics of digital ICs Resistor-transistor logic 22 to 30 Digital Logic Families Integrated-injection logic, Direct-coupled transistor logic Diode-transistor logic & transistortransistor logic Emitter-coupled logic and MOS logic Introduction,Weighted register D/A converter Binary ladder, D/A converter, specifications for D/A converters 31 to 36 Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital Converters Parallel A/D converter, Successive approximation A/D converter single & dual slope A/D converter AID converter using voltage to frequency conversion, A/D converter using voltage to time conversion Countertype AID converters. Introduction, Memory organization, Classification & characteristics of memories 37 to 41 Semiconductor Memories 42 to 45 Introduction to VHDL Sequential memories, Read only memories, Read & write memories Content addressable memories, Programmable array Logic Programmable logic arrays and Programmable Logic Device, Field Array Programmable Gate array Overview of digital design with very-high-speed integrated circuits (VHSIC) hardware description language (VHDL) HDL format and syntax, Entity, Data representation in VHDL Truth table using VHDL, Decision control structure and sequential circuit using VHDL. Signature GULZAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN BTEE-602 Course No. Course POWER Title SYSTEMS-2 (SWITCH GEAR AND PROTECTION) Course Coordinator Team of Instructors : Reference Books: 1 power system by J.B.Gupta 2 Course in Electrical Power, C.L. Wadhwa Ref. Chapter/Sec. Lect. No. Objective Topic (Book) LT P 31 0 WebLinks lectric-power-substation 1 Sub-Station Types J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 2 Sub-Station Main equipment in Substation J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 3 Sub-Station substation layout J.B.Gupta,S.RAO lectric-power-substation 4 Sub-Station Busbar-arrangements. J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 5 Isolators and Fuses Isolating switches functions J.B.Gupta,S.RAO /.../$file/itsce-603052011.pdf 6 Isolators and Fuses Isolating switches Types J.B.Gupta,S.RAO /.../$file/itsce-603052011.pdf 7 Isolators and Fuses Rating and operation J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 8 Isolators and Fuses Fuse-types, rating J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 9 Isolators and Fuses Selection, theory and characteristics and applications J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 10 Circuit Breakers Need for Circuit Breakers J.B.Gupta,S.RAO e-contents/IIScBANG/Microprocessors%20and%20Micro 11 Circuit Breakers Arc phenomenon J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 12 Circuit Breakers Theory of Arc Interruption J.B.Gupta,S.RAO kers.pdf 13 Circuit Breakers Recovery Voltage and Restriking Voltage. J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 14 Circuit Breakers Various Types of Circuit Breakers J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 15 Circuit Breakers 16 Circuit Breakers 17 Circuit Breakers 18 Protective Relays: Principles and Constructional Details of Air Blast Minimum Oil, SF6, and Vacuum Circuit Breakers J.B.Gupta,S.RAO kers.pdf e-contents/IIScBANG/Microprocessors%20and%20Micro e-contents/IIScBANG/Microprocessors%20and%20Micro J.B.Gupta,S.RAO Vacuum Circuit Breakers J.B.Gupta,S.RAO Introduction and classification J.B.Gupta,S.RAO J.B.Gupta,S.RAO MST-1 20 Protective Relays constructional features 21 Protective Relays Characteristics of Electromagnetic J.B.Gupta,S.RAO ../characterradiation.h 22 Protective Relays Induction, Thermal and Overcurrent relays J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 23 Protective Relays Induction, Thermal and Overcurrent relays J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 24 Protective Relays Distance relays, Differential relay J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 25 Protective Relays Translay, Negative sequence relay J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 26 Protective Relays introduction to static and upbased relays J.B.Gupta,S.RAO s/general/get-8048a.pd 27 Protection of Feeders Time graded protection J.B.Gupta,S.RAO -graded-protection 28 Protection of Feeders Differential and Distance protection of feeders J.B.Gupta,S.RAO -graded-protection 29 Protection of Feeders Differential and Distance protection of feeders J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 30 Protection of Feeders choice between Impedance J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 31 Protection of Feeders Reactance and Mho relays J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 32 Protection of Feeders 33 Protection of Feeders 34 Protection of Generators and Transformers Types of faults on alternator J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 35 Protection of Generators and Transformers Types of faults on alternator J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 36 Protection of Generators and Transformers Stator and rotor protection J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 37 Protection of Generators and Transformers Negative sequence protection J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 38 Protection of Generators and Loss of excitation and overload Transformers protection J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 39 Protection of Generators and Loss of excitation and overload Transformers protection J.B.Gupta,S.RAO › Technical Articles 40 Protection of Generators and Transformers Types of fault on transformers J.B.Gupta,S.RAO › Technical Articles 41 Protection of Generators and Transformers percentage differential protection and Gas relays J.B.Gupta,S.RAO /.../multifunction-generator-moto 42 Protection against over voltage and earthing Ground wires, Rod gap and Impulse gap J.B.Gupta,S.RAO 43 Protection against over voltage and earthing Valve type and Metal Oxide Arresters J.B.Gupta,S.RAO ers%7CGET-6497A%7Cgeneric 44 Protection against over voltage and earthing Line Arrester/Surge Absorber J.B.Gupta,S.RAO Elementary idea about carrier current protection of lines MST-2 Elementary idea about carrier current protection of lines cal%20Engineering/Power%20System%2 0Protection/Course%20Objective.html e-contents/IIScBANG/Microprocessors%20and%20Micro s/general/get-8048a.pd J.B.Gupta,S.RAO J.B.Gupta,S.RAO › Products › Protection Relays and Controls 10-152-169.pdf nloadAsset.aspx?id=2396 › ... › Distribution Feeder Protection nloadAsset.aspx?id=2396 45 Protection against over voltage and earthing Ungrounded neutral system and Grounded neutral system J.B.Gupta,S.RAO _vse_o_prenapetostni_zasciti.pdf 47 Protection against over voltage and earthing Selection of Neutral Grounding J.B.Gupta,S.RAO LP%20Wind%20turbines%20. MST-3 Lecture REVISION PLAN Chapter Topic Types, Main equipment in Substation 1 Sub-Station 2 Sub-Station substation layout, Busbararrangements. 3 Isolators and Fuses Isolating switches functions, Types 4 Isolators and Fuses Rating, Selection, theory and characteristics, applications 5 Circuit Breakers Need for Circuit Breakers, Arc phenomenon, Theory of Arc Interruption, 6 Circuit Breakers Recovery Voltage and Restriking Voltage Various Types of Circuit Breakers Principles andConstructional 7 Protective Relays Introduction, classification, constructional features; and Characteristics of Thermal, Overcurrent relays, Directional relays, Distance relays Differential, Translay, Negative sequence relay, introduction to static and up-based relays 8 Protection of Feeders Time graded protection, Differential and Distance protection of feeders choice between Impedance, Reactance and Mho relays, Elementary idea about carrier current 9 Protection of Generators and Transformers Types of faults on alternator, Stator and rotor protection, Negative sequence protection, Types of fault on transformers, 10 Protection against over voltage and earthing: Ground wires, Rod gap, Impulse gap, Valve type and Metal Oxide Arresters, Line Arrester/Surge Absorber Ungrounded neutral system, Grounded neutral system and Selection of Neutral Grounding. GULZAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SIX SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN Course No.:BTEE-OP3 Course Title: NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Chapter name Topics to be covered Ref. (Book) 1 Introduction Limitation of conventional energy sources Rao.S. and Parulekar 2 Introduction need and growth of alternative source Rao, S. and Parulekar 3 Introduction basic scheme Rao, S. and Parulekar 4 Introduction application of direct energy conservation Rao, S. and Parulekar 5 MHD Generators Basic principles Rao, S. and Parulekar 6 MHD Generators gaseous, conduction and hall effect Rao, S. and Parulekar 7 MHD Generators generator and motor effect Rao, S. and Parulekar 8 MHD Generators different types of Magneto-HydroDynamic (MHD) Rao, S. and Parulekar 9 MHD Generators types of MHD material 10 MHD Generators 11 MHD Generators 12 MHD Generators 13 MHD Generators 14 Thermoelectric Generators conversion effectiveness analysis of constant area MHD generator practical MHD generator, application and economic aspects Thermoelectric effects Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar 15 Thermoelectric Generators 16 Thermoelectric Generators 17 Thermoelectric Generators 18 Thermoelectric Generators 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Thermoelectric Generators Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy Photovoltaic Effect & Solar Energy 27 Fuel Cells 28 Fuel Cells 29 Fuel Cells Seeback effect,Peltier Rao, S. and effect Parulekar Thomson effect, Rao, S. and thermoelectric Parulekar converters figures of merit, properties of Rao, S khanna thermoelectric publisher material TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK brief description of the construction of Rao, S. and thermoelectric Parulekar generators application and Rao, S. and economic aspec Parulekar Photovoltaic effect Rao, S. and Parulekar different types of photovoltaic cells Rao, S. and Parulekar cell fabrication, Rao, S. and characteristics of Parulekar photovoltaic cells TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK conversion efficiency, solar,batteries Rao, S. and Parulekar application, solar radiation analysis Rao, S. and Parulekar solar energy in India, solar collectors Rao, S. and Parulekar solar furnaces, and application Rao, S. and Parulekar : Principle of action, Gibb's free energy general description of fuel cells Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar Rao, S. and Parulekar types and construction 30 31 32 33 34 35 Fuel Cells Miscellaneous Sources Miscellaneous Sources Miscellaneous Sources Miscellaneous Sources Miscellaneous Sources Lect.No. Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK operational Rao, S. and characteristics and Parulekar application Rao, S. and Geothermal system, Parulekar Rao, S. and hydro-electric plants Parulekar Rao, S. and wind power Parulekar Rao, S. and , tidal energy Parulekar Rao, S. and Bio-mass energy Parulekar REVISION PLAN Topic 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 F ENGINEERING STER UCTION PLAN WebLinks CLOSE BOOK CLOSE BOOK CLOSE BOOK GULZAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SIXTH SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN L T P 3 2 0 Course No.: BTEE 605-C Course Title: INSTRUMENTATION IN POWER SYSTEM Recommended Books : 1. Text Books: Cegrell,T., Power System Control Technology(T1) Reference Books: 1 Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control and Instrumentation(R3) 2 Jarvis, E.W., Modern Power Station Practice Lect. No. Chapter name Topics to be covered 1 Introduction Measurement of electrical quantities 2 Active and reactive power in power plants 3 Energy meters Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) D.M. Lindsley Power Plant Control and Instrumentati on D.M. Lindsley Power Plant Control and Instrumentati on D.M. Lindsley Power Plant Control and Instrumentati on Weblinks cu/elessonshtml/Measurements/MeasInt ro.htm cu/elessonshtml/Measurements/MeasInt ro.htm cu/elessonshtml/Measurements/MeasInt ro.htm D.M. Lindsley Power Plant Instrument transformers Control and Instrumentati cu/elessonshtml/Measurements/MeasInt on ro.htm 4 D.M. Lindsley Instrument transformers Power Plant Control and and their transient Instrumentati cu/elessonshtml/Measurements/MeasInt response on ro.htm 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Instrumentation Techniques Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Telemetry and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Remote Control and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control remote signaling and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power supervisory control and Plant Control and data acquisition (SCADA) Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control signal formation and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power conversion and Plant Control and transmission Instrumentati on _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm Signature 12 Signal Transmission Techniques 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Telemetry Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Analog pulse and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control digital modulation and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Amplitude Plant Control and modulation(AM) Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Frequency modulation Plant Control and (FM), Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control AM and FM Transmitter and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control AM and FM Transmitter and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Receiver and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Receiver and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Phase Modulation and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Plant Control Pulse modulation and Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power Digital transmission Plant Control and techniques Instrumentati on Lindsley, D.M. , Power error detection and Plant Control and correction Instrumentati on TEST Jarvis, E.W., Modern Power Telemetry errors Station Practice bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html bcourse-contents/IITMADRAS/Prin_of_Comm/New_index1 .html _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Jarvis, E.W., Modern Power DC, pulse Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern digital telemetry Power methods and systems Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Function of SCADA Supervisory Control Power and Data Acquisition system Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern remote terminal unit Power (RTU) details Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern remote terminal unit Power (RTU) details Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Power Control center details Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Communication between Power control centers Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern control center and Power remote terminal unit. Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Hydroelectric power Power Plant Power Instrumentation plant instrumentation Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Thermal power plant Power instrumentation Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Modern Nuclear Power plant Power Instrumentation Station Practice Jarvis, E.W., Applications of SCADA Modern Power system to Indian Power Station Systems. Practice TEST _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm _Engg/IIT%20Bombay/Electrical%20a nd%20Electronic%20Measurements.h tm 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 3/L-39-SM-IA-C-EE-NPTEL 88/Power-Plant-Instrumentation 88/Power-Plant-Instrumentation 88/Power-Plant-Instrumentation 88/Power-Plant-Instrumentation GULZAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SIXTH SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN L T P 3 2 0 Course No.: ME-251 Course Title: TQM Recommended Books : 1. Total Quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Reference Books: 1 Total Quality Management Handbook by J.L. Hradeskym MCGraw Hill 2 TQM for engineers by M.Zairi, Aditya Books Lect. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Chapter name Topics to be covered Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) Quality and Total Quality and Total Quality Total Quality Quality Management Management Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Excellence in Total Quality Manufacturing & factors Management by of Excellence sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Relevance of TQM Total Quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Concept and Concept and Definition Total Quality Definition of Quality, of Quality, Total Quality Management by Total Quality Control Control sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Total Quality Management by Management sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Salient Features of TQC Management by and TQM sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Total Quality Management by Management Models sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Total Quality Management by Management Models sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Total Quality Management by Management Models sunder Raju, Tata and Benefits of TQM. Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Just in Time: Just in Time: Definition: Management by Elements, benefits, equipment layout for JIT sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill system Total Quality Kanban system MRP vs Management by JIT system sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Waste Elimination, Management by workers involvement sunder Raju, Tata through JIT Mcgraw Hill Total Quality JIT Cause and Effect Management by chain and JIT sunder Raju, Tata implementation Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Customer Customer Satisfaction, Management by Data Collection sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Complaint and Redressal Total Quality Management by Mechanism sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Weblinks _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf Signature 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Planning Process : Policy Total Quality Management by development and sunder Raju, Tata implementation Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Plan Formulation and Management by implementation sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Process Management Process Management, Factors affecting process Management by sunder Raju, Tata management Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Quality Function Development and quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata assurance system. Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Total Employee Total Employee Management by Involvement Involvement, Empowering Employees sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Team Building, Quality Management by Circles sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Reward and Recognition, Total Quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Education and Training and suggestion schemes Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Problem Solving Problem Solving Management by Definition problem sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Definition problem Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Problem identification Management by and solving process sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Problem identification Management by and solving process sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Benchmarking Definition Total Quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Quality Control Tools Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Benchmarking Benchmarking Concept Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Process and types of Management by benchmarking sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Quality system: Quality system: Concept Total Quality Management by of Quality system sunder Raju, Tata standards Mcgraw Hill Quality system: Concept Total Quality Management by of Quality system sunder Raju, Tata standards Mcgraw Hill Planning Process : _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Total Quality Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Elements of ISO 9001, Management by ISO 9002 sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Elements of ISO 9003 Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Advanced Advanced Techniques of Total Quality Management by Techniques of TQM TQM sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Advanced Techniques of Total Quality Management by TQM sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Designs of Experiments Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Failure Mode Effect Management by Analysis sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Failure Mode Effect Management by Analysis sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Total Quality Taguchi Methods Management by sunder Raju, Tata Mcgraw Hill Relevance and origin of ISO 9000: Benefits _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf _1.pdf GULZAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN Text Books: Electromagnetic Fields & Waves by Amit Sarin Reference Books: 1. Electromagnetic Wave : Jordan and Balmain : PHI And Radiation System 2. Telecommunications : Fraser 3. Electromagnetics : Kraus : T.M.H. Course No. Course Title 1 2 3 4 5 REVIEW OF VECTOR ANALYSIS Chapter name BTEE-403 Electromagnetic Field Theory Topics to be covered Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) Author Vector analysis Amit Sarin Physical interpretation of gradient Amit Sarin divergence and curl Amit Sarin vector relations in other coordinate systems Amit Sarin integral theorems: divergence theorem, stoke’s theorem Amit Sarin green’s theorem and Helmholtz theorem Amit Sarin 7 Introduction to fundamental relations of electrostatic field Amit Sarin 8 Gauss's law and its applications Amit Sarin 9 Potential function; Field due to continuous distribution of charges Amit Sarin Equipotential surfaces Amit Sarin Divergence theorem Amit Sarin Poisson's equation and Laplace's equation Amit Sarin 13 capacitance, electrostatic energy, Amit Sarin 14 Conditions at Boundary between dielectrics Amit Sarin 10 11 12 ELECTROSTATICS 6 Uniqueness theorem. Amit Sarin 16 Magnetic induction and Faraday’s laws; magnetic Flux Density Amit Sarin magnetic field strength Amit Sarin 17 STEADY MAGNETIC FIELD 15 18 19 20 21 STEADY MAGNETIC FIELD TEST BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS AND POYNTING VECTOR 22 magnetomotive force Amit Sarin Ampere’s work Law in the differential vector form Amit Sarin permeability; energy stored in a magnetic field Amit Sarin ampere’s force law; magnetic vector potential Amit Sarin Analogies between electric and magnetic fields Amit Sarin Equation of continuity for time varying fields Amit Sarin Inconsistency of ampere’s law Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential form for static and time varying fields Amit Sarin conditions at a Boundary surface Amit Sarin Concept of Poynting vector Amit Sarin Poynting Theorem Amit Sarin Interpretation of ExH Amit Sarin Amit Sarin TEST BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 31 32 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES 30 Solutions for free-space conditions Amit Sarin Uniform plane Wave Propagation Amit Sarin Wave equations for a conducting medium Amit Sarin Sinusoidal time variations; Polarization Amit Sarin Conductors and Dielectrics Amit Sarin 35 Direction Cosines Amit Sarin 36 Reflection by Perfect Conductor -normal and oblique incidence Amit Sarin 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES TEST BOOK/CLOSE BOOK Perfect Dielectric-normal incidence Amit Sarin Perfect Insulator –Oblique incidence; Brewster angle Amit Sarin Reflection at a surface of Conductive medium Amit Sarin Reflection at a surface of Conductive medium Amit Sarin Surface impedance Amit Sarin ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TH SEMESTER INSTRUCTION PLAN Date: 06/01/2014 gnetic Field Theory WebLinks K K K GULZAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COURSE INSTRUCTION PLAN FIRST SEMESTER BTEE-601 ELECTRIC POWER AND UTILIZATION Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 TEXT BOOK: Gupta J.B., Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction, S.K. Kataria and Sons Lect. No. Chapter name Topics to be covered Ref. Chapter/Sec. (Book) 1 Electric Drives Electrical drives & Mechanical drives, UEP & ET by J.B.B.Gupta 2 Electric Drives Concept of electrical drives, Basic features From Notes 3 Electric Drives review of operating and starting characteristics of different types of electric motors for various drives (AC and DC motors). From Notes 4 Electric Drives Estimation of rating and heating of motors, From Notes 5 Electric Drives Load equalization (Fly wheel effect), . From Notes 6 Electric Drives Drives for particular services From Notes 7 Electrolysis: Laws of Electrolysis, Process From Notes 25 Electrolysis: voltage, current, energy, efficiency, From Notes 26 Electrolysis: Applications of electrolysis From Notes Illumination Production of light by different methods, terms used From Notes 18 Illumination laws of illumination, From Notes 19 Illumination Different Artificial light sources their construction and operating principles From Notes 20 Illumination Design of lighting schemes and From Notes equipment used for indoor, industrial TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 13 Electric Heating and Welding Methods of electric heating, types of electric heating NOTES 14 Electric Heating and Welding constructional details and performance of resistance heating furnace. NOTES 15 Electric Heating and Welding Dielectric heating, NOTES 16 Electric Heating and Welding Alternating current (AC).and Direct current (DC)Welding, Resistance and Arc Welding. NOTES TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 17 Electric Heating and Welding Electric Beam Welding, Laser Welding. . From Notes 18 Electric Heating and Welding Typical construction of electrical welding AC and DC set From Notes 21 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Refrigeration system, Domestic refrigeration, From Notes 22 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Air conditioner, From Notes TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK 23 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Comfort Air conditioning, Effective temperature From Notes 24 25 26 27 TEST OPEN BOOK/CLOSE BOOK G AND TECHNOLOGY N PLAN R D UTILIZATION LTP 310 and Electric Traction, S.K. Kataria and Sons WebLinks ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html bcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basic% ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html BOOK ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html BOOK ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html BOOK BOOK ebcoursecontents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Basi c%20Electrical%20Technology/ New_index1.html
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