Course Design (Programming) Nc IV

March 27, 2018 | Author: enssanchez8291 | Category: Computer File, Cognition, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Technology, Computing



1COURSE TITLE : PROGRAMMING NOMINAL DURATION : 252 hours QUALIFICATION : NC IV COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes in developing or writing program codes using a personal computer or workstation as part of a systems development team. It also includes design program logic, apply program development approach, apply object – oriented program language skills, apply programming skills in a second language. COURSE OUTCOMES : Upon completion of the course, the trainees / students must be able to !. Utili"e speciali"ed communication skills #. $evelop teams and individuals %. &pply problem solving techni'ues in the workplace (. )ollect, analy"e and organi"e information *. +lan and organi"e work ,. +romote environmental protection -. &pply 'uality standards .. $esign program logic /. &pply program development approach !0. &pply programming skills in a second language ENTRY REQUIREMENTS : Trainees or students should possess the following re'uirements  )an communicate both oral and written  1ust be computer literate  2ith good moral character  +hysically and mentally fit  1ust be !. years old or above 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4 2 COURSE STRUCTURE Units o Co!"#t#n$% Mo&u'# Tit'# Mo&u'# Cont#nts No( o )ours *ASIC !. Utili"e speciali"ed communicati on skills #. $evelop teams and individuals %. &pply problem solving techni'ues in the workplace (. )ollect, analy"e and organi"e information !. Utili"ing 8peciali"e communication skills !. $eveloping teams and individuals !. &pplying problem solving techni'ues in the workplace. !. )ollecting, analy"ing and organi"ing information !. &pply communication strategies to meet specific needs of internal and e=ternal client. #. 3epresent the organi"ation in internal and e=ternal forums. %. <acilitate group discussion. (. )onduct interview. !. $etermine development needs. #. <oster individual and organi"ational growth. %. 1onitor and evaluate workplace learning (. $evelop team commitment and cooperation. *. <acilitate accomplishment of organi"ational goals !. +repare communication or documentation report. #. +resent recommendation to appropriate personnel. %. Implement solution !. 8tudy information re'uirements #. +rocess data % hours % hours % hours % hours 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4 3 *. +lan and organi"e work ,. +romote environmenta l protection !. +lanning and organi"ing work. !. +romoting environmental protection %. &naly"e, interpret and organi"e information gathered. (. +resent findings / recommendations *. 8et work objectives. !. +lan and schedule work activities. #. Implement and monitor plans/activities. %. 3eview and evaluate work plans and activities. !. 8tudy guidelines for environmental concerns. #. Implement specific environmental programs. %. 1onitor activities on environmental protection / programs. % hours % hours COMMON !. &pply 'uality standards. #. ;perate a personal computer !. &pplying 'uality standards. !. ;perating a personal computer. !. &ssess 'uality of received materials. #. &ssess own work. %. 5ngage in 'uality improvement. !. 8tart the computer. #. &rrange and customi"e desktop display / window setting. %. 2ork with files and folders. (. 2ork with user application programs. *. +rint information. ,. 8hutdown computer. , hours !# hours CORE !. $esign +rogram !. $esigning program logic. !. 8elect the program logic design approach *( hours 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4 4 6ogic #. &pply +rogram development approach %. &pply object – oriented program language skills (. &pply programming skills in a second language !. &pplying program development approach. !. &pplying object – oriented language skills. !. &pplying programming skills in a second language. #. $ocument the program logic or design %. >alidate the design !. $etermine and select appropriate program development approach. #. &pply the selected development approach. !. &pply basic language synta= and layout. #. &pply basic ;; principles in the target language %. $ebug code (. $ocument &ctivities *. Test )ode !. &pply basic language synta= and layout. #. )ode using standard algorithms %. $ebug code (. $ocument &ctivities *. Test )ode *( hours *( hours *( hours 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4 5 COMPETENCY ANALYSIS This table reflects the number of modules develop in a particular unit of competency Units of )ompetency ! Total *ASIC !. Utili"e speciali"ed communication skills ! ! #. $evelop teams and individuals ! ! %. &pply problem solving techni'ues in the workplace ! ! (. )ollect, analy"e and organi"e information ! ! *. +lan and organi"e work ! ! ,. +romote environmental protection ! ! Tot+' , COMMON !. &pply 'uality standards. ! ! #. ;perate a personal computer ! ! Tot+' # CORE !. $esign +rogram 6ogic ! ! #. &pply +rogram development approach ! ! %. &pply object – oriented program language skills ! ! (. &pply programming skills in a second language ! ! Tot+' ( ASSESSMENT MET)ODS: !. 2ritten and oral e=aminations #. $emonstration of practical skills %. $irect observation w/ ?uestioning (. )ase study @defenseA 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4 6 COURSE DELIVERY: !. $emonstration #. 6ecture %. $iscussion (. 9ands – on e=ercises RESOURCES: TOOLS EQUIPMENT MATERIALS >isual 8tudio +) +ackages 1anuals Bava 6anguage ;9+ 9andCouts 8mallTalk 6)$ +rojector Tutorial )$Ds 18 ;ffice #00% 2hite Eoard 3eference Eooks 18 >isio &cetates >isual 8tudio.4et 1arkers $;8, U4IF 8torage 1edium 2I4$;28 ;8 6I4UF / 1&) ;8 TRAINERS QUALIFICATIONS • 1ust be a holder of +3;73&11I47 4) I>. • 1ust have undergone training on T1 II • 1ust have at least one year job / industry e=perience or any COMPUTER PROGRAMMING related works. • +ass the re'uired government e=amination. @OptionalA • 1ust be computer literate. • +hysically and mentally fit. +repared by 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8outhern 6u"on Technological )ollege <oundation, Inc. 1&345I6 &6654 7. 8&4)95: 8;U9534 6U:;4 T5)94;6;7I)&6 );66575 <;U4$&TI;4
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