Cost sheet.xlsx

March 28, 2018 | Author: Tejas Desai | Category: Cost Of Goods Sold, Corporate Jargon, Management Accounting, Industries, Business Economics



Q.5 (A) Period form 20__ to 20__ COST ITEMS Direct materials Direct wages Chargable expenses PRIME COST ADD: factory Overheads Factory Cost/ Works Cost ADD: Office Overheads Cost of Goods Manufactured Add: opening finished goods less: closing finished goods Cost of Production of FG sold Add: S&D expenses Cost of Sale ADD: Profit Sale cost AMOUNT (Rs.) 20,000 30,000 2,000 52,000 -50 Q. 5 (b) Opening stock of FG add: Production Less:Closing stock Total Finished goods sold Cost per unit sold Total Selling expense 3,000 30,000 -5,000 28,000 ₹ ₹ 5 140,000 Q.5 © Prime Cost Add: Factory Overheads Factory cost Add: Office Overheads Cost of Production 400,000 240,000 640,000 80,000 720,000 Q4 Period form 2011 to 2012 COST ITEMS Direct materials Direct wages Chargable expenses cost AMOUNT (Rs.) 320,000 800,000 - 08 Q1 Period : March.000 128.430.PRIME COST ADD: Fixed factory Overheads Add: Variable Factory Overheads Factory Cost/ Works Cost ADD: Fixed Administrative Overheads Add: Variable Administrative Overheads Cost of Goods Manufactured Add: opening finished goods less: closing finished goods Cost of Finished Goods Sold add: Fixed S&D overhead add: Variable S&D overhead add: additional advertisement expenses Cost of Goods Sold ADD: Profit Sale @125/unit 1.120.000 48.000 240.000 2.) 80.000 360.930.000 No of units CASE 1 2.000 40. 2012 COST ITEMS Direct materials Direct wages Chargable expenses PRIME COST ADD: factory Overheads Factory Cost/ Works Cost ADD: Office Overheads cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 80.000 120.000 480.000 .000 120.000 160.000 SP/ unit 122.000 160.000 500. 000 40.000 20.000 10.600 Q2 units 10.000 80.000 .000 20.Cost of Goods Manufactured Add: opening finished goods less: closing finished goods Cost of Production of FG sold Add: S&D expenses Cost of Sale ADD: Profit Sale 4.000 120.000 40.000 320.000 40.) 200.000 Period form 2011 to 2012 COST ITEMS Direct materials Direct wages Chargable expenses PRIME COST ADD: Fixed factory Overheads Add: Variable Factory Overheads Factory Cost/ Works Cost ADD: Fixed Administrative Overheads Add: Variable Administrative Overheads Cost of Goods Manufactured Add: opening finished goods less: closing finished goods Cost of Finished Goods Sold add: Fixed S&D overhead add: Variable S&D overhead add: additional advertisement expenses Cost of Goods Sold ADD: Profit Sale @125/unit cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 sP Prof 100 25 150.000 3.000 10. 15 111.000 - .15 cost AMOUNT (Rs.) 65.00 111.00 117.000 40.000 105.3 Raw Foundry WIP O/P of foundry WIP O/P of machining FINISHED O/P of Assembly Period : xxxx COST ITEMS Direct materials Direct wages Chargable expenses PRIME COST ADD: factory Overheads Factory Cost/ Works Cost ADD: Office Overheads Cost of Goods Manufactured Add: opening finished goods less: closing finished goods Cost of Production of FG sold Add: S&D expenses Cost of Sale ADD: Profit Sale 130. 800 88.000 - .) 422.933 =640000-400000 =1/3rd of Factory overhead cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 78.200 130933.33333 -9.000 20.000 26.733 130.)AMOUNT (Rs.400 900.) Period form 2012 to 2013 AMOUNT (Rs.) 52.000 cost sales 75 100 98.000 98.cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 98.200 10.200 32. 000 1.953.500 3.037.322.322.500.1.000 151.124.000 100.500 cost AMOUNT (Rs.400 - 1.000 .760.000.000 500.800 45.430.000 2.600 2.000 32.430.) 2.000 1.000 126.000 24.5625 profto sale 0.000 2.240.430.000 1.400 480.120.430.2 SP Cost 100 80 3.500 2.000 1.000 Case2 case3 2.000 20.400 170.124.760.000 2.000 607.200 306.400 1.200 631.000 3.000 810.000 135 Profit to sale Add 25% to existing profit Sale 100 3.000 16.200 120.000 160.500 2.000 prof 607.000 50.000 160.600. )AMOUNT (Rs.000 440.176.000 150.400 5.200 12.) Period form 2012 to 2013 AMOUNT (Rs.000 198.000 450.400 cost 75 745.200 .000 90.000 400.000 130.000 688.000 40.200 248.000 600.000 745.400 163.000 cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 15.000 558.000 20.600 320.400 993.000 cost sP 75 450.000 158.) 360.000 440.000 12.200 733.000 558.000 25.200 733.200 45.000 Prof 100 25 248.200 180.800 16. 000 165.000 165.000 .000 165.Material cost Dir cost 65.000 OVERHEADS 30.000 40.000 tonne tonne tonne tonne 20.) 105.000 165.000 60.000 cost AMOUNT (Rs.000 20.000 15.000 60.000 5.000 10.000 165. AWFDRWW . 430.2 0.25 4 2.000 240.430.25 cost 75 2.000 2.000 111.000 . . . 800 20 21 40.000 27.000 39.000 7.000 units days Rs Rs -600 A 600 F 1.000 24.000 49.000 A V_OH Exp Var -3.000 12.360 A V_OH Efficiency -360 F - units hours days Rs Rs .150 Rs Variable OH Variance -150 A V_OH Exp Var -400 A V_OH Efficiency -250 F - 3 Particular Production Working hours Working days Fixed OH Variable OH Standard actual 22.000 25.000 Variable OH Variance -3.000 12.000 9.000 33.000 39.Rs 10.200 A - 2 Particular Production Working hours Fixed OH Variable OH Standard actual 400 360 units 8.000 25 26 44.1 Particular Production Working days Fixed OH Variable OH Variable OH Variance V_OH Exp Var V_OH Efficiency Standard actual 4.000 hours .000 3. 000 33.000 60.640 units hours days Rs Rs .000 25 26 45.840 38.830 38.5 Particular Production Working hours Working days Fixed OH Variable OH V_OH V V-OH EXP VAR V-OH EFF VAR 4 v-oh UNITS VOH V Standard actual 30.000 50.000 A -2.000 -3.000 A 1.400 34 F 3.000 68.500 30.000 32.000 A - BUDGETED 3.
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