Cost Data System Improvement Schemes 33kV/11kV



COST DATA33 kV LINES & 33/11 kV SUB-STATIONS 2013-14 COST DATA FOR 33kV LINES AND 33/11kV SUB-STATIONS FOR FY- 2013-14. 1 The cost data for sub-station equipments and material for lines indicates the rates for individual items. The complete estimate for a work shall however be prepared on the basis of actual lay out of the sub-station & other requirements etc. 2 Cost of civil works for lines, sub-station and equipment has not been incorporated which other wise varies from place to place. The area & site specific conditions shall be taken into account while preparing the estimates. 3 Cost of land for sub-station and lines which comprises of requirement of land excavation is not envisaged in the cost data and will be incorporated in the estimates as per actual requirements. 4 The estimates for the works/equipments not specifically covered in the cost data shall be prepared by suitably taking into account the estimated cost of the other similar equipments/ works included in the cost data along with suitable modifications and the effect of other relevant factors specific to the works/ equipment to be estimated. 5 In case of works awarded on turn-key basis after following the bidding process. The estimates shall be prepared/ revised on the basis of cost as per such awards. 6 The prices are subject to increase or decrease as per IEEMA formula applicable for the basic raw material i.e. steel, copper, aluminium etc. 7 The Service Tax and Labour Cess will be payable extra as admissible. 8 The Labour Rates for erection/manual carriage for the labour hired on daily wages basis in the Scheduled Tribal Areas/ Remote Area/Hard Area as notified by State Government from time to time shall be allowed 25 % enhancement as per the Finance Department's Office Memorandum No. FIN(PR)B(7)-1/95-II dated 17.04.1998. (i) Abstract of Cost for 33 kV Lines and 33/11 kV Sub-Stations( FY 2013-14) S. No Description Unit Rate (Rs. Lacs) Page No km km km 8.42 10.94 9.42 1 1 1 km 15.34 1A km km km 8.02 10.54 9.01 2 2 2 km 14.43 2A 1 33 kV LINE A) 33 kV Single Circuit line with 6/1/4.72 mm or 6/1/4.09 ACSR Cond. (Double Pole Structure) with single continuous earth wire on I 9.75mtr . Long PCC Pole (W.L .300 Kg.) ii 10 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) iii 60 %9.75mtr . Long PCC Pole & 40% 10 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) B) 33 kV Double Circuit line with 6/1/4.72 mm or 6/1/4.09 ACSR cond. with single continuous earth wire on 11 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) C) 33 kV Single Circuit line with 7/4.26 mm AAAC cond. (Double Pole Structure) with single continuous earth wire on I 9.75mtr . Long PCC Pole (W.L .300 Kg.) ii 10 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) iii 60 %9.75mtr . Long PCC Pole & 40% 10 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) D) 33 kV Double Circuit line with 7/4.26 mm AAAC cond. with single continuous earth wire on 11 mtr . Long S/T Pole (W.L.300 Kg ) 2 33/11 kV Sub-Stations I 33/11 kV Sub-Stations incorporating common breaker (Vacuum/SF-6 type ) control for transformer A) 1 2 3 4 5 2x0.63 MVA, 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder No. No. No. No. No. 212.04 218.38 224.43 230.77 236.82 3 3 3 3 3 B) 1 2 3 4 5 2x1.6 MVA , 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder No. No. No. No. No. 237.44 243.78 249.83 256.17 262.22 4 4 4 4 4 C) 1 2 3 4 5 2x3.15 MVA, 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder No. No. No. No. No. 249.68 256.02 262.07 268.42 274.47 6 6 6 6 6 D) 1 2 3 4 5 2x0.63 MVA, 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder No. No. No. No. No. 220.14 229.29 238.15 247.31 256.17 18 18 18 18 18 E) 1 2 3 4 5 2x1.6 MVA , 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder No. No. No. No. No. 245.54 254.69 263.55 272.70 281.57 19 19 19 19 19 (ii) 75 248.72 60 60 (iii) . No. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. No. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder 7 nos.15 MVA.14 4. out going feeder 8 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. No. b 33/11 kV where PT's do not exists No.26 52 52 4 Installation of 11 kV Auto Voltage Booster a Out door type 100 Amps rating No. out going feeder 8 nos.97 220. No. No.44 232.94 275.21 16. No.15 MVA. out going feeder 6 nos. No. out going feeder 5 nos.79 308.F) 1 2 3 4 5 2x3. out going feeder No.98 295.8 MVAR No. out going feeder No. 206. 290. No. out going feeder 5 nos. No.38 307. out going feeder 7 nos.93 10.04 220.77 8 8 8 8 8 B) 1 2 3 4 5 1x3. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder No. out going feeder 7 nos. No. 207. No. out going feeder No.63 299. No. out going feeder 8 nos. 13. 33/11 kV Sub-Station(Un-Manned) with 4 nos. No. out going feeder 6 nos. No. 15.70 214. 288. No.62 242.32 226.59 239.3 MVA .6 MVA 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 nos. 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 nos. out going feeder 5 nos. out going feeder 8 nos. No. No. 7. No. No. a Auto reclosure b Line sectionalizer No.6 MVA 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 nos. 257. out going feeder 6 nos.3 MVA .) where a 33/11 kV where PT's exists. No. out going feeder No. out going feeder 7 nos.47 233.95 293.15 MVA. 7. No. No. 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 nos. No. out going feeder 8 nos.65 317.58 207. out going feeder No. No.61 22 22 22 22 22 F) 1 2 3 4 5 1x1. out going feeder 5 nos.32 301.49 7 7 7 7 7 C) 1 2 3 4 5 1x1.66 23 23 23 23 23 E) 1 2 3 4 5 1x3.73 230. No. 201. a 1.58 221. Incorporating independent breaker (Vacuum/SF-6 type ) control for transformer A) 1 2 3 4 5 2x6. out going feeder 6 nos. out going feeder 6 nos. No.81 21 21 21 21 21 II 33/11 kV Sub-Stations. 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 nos.10 226.2 MVAR b 1. out going feeder 6 nos.92 213. out going feeder 7 nos. out going feeder 7 nos. No.80 326.79 266. out going feeder 5 nos.B.37 5 5 5 5 5 D) 1 2 3 4 5 2x6.95 57 57 6 Installation of 11 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank with rating.72 313. 33/11 kV Sub-Station(Manned) with 4 nos. No. No. No. out going feeder No.48 20 20 20 20 20 3 Terminal equipment for each of 33 kV out going feeder from Sub-Station (with Vacuum/SF-6 C.46 215. 212.61 224. No. out going feeder 7 nos.80 284.90 55 5 Installation of 11 kV Auto Reclosure / line sectionalizer. cross bracing set (consisting of one1800x65X65x6 mm. 7 1124 7868 7868 PCC poles 9. 20 6872 Muffs No. os M.) Half clamps No. Steel Tubular Poles and 60 % PCC & 40 % ST Poles with single continuous earth wire S.94 288 7868 137444 7360 8650 27710 35712 4522 5775 10425 7965 7680 33750 190 4960 1100 12360 7044 2384 1440 1126 1770 1730 266 9145 183478 522142 15664 15664 44300 250608 848379 93322 941700 9.Load.for suspension structures with No. S/T 60 % PCC Pole & 40 % S/T Poles Material for surveying and stacking of line (1 km) Wooden pegs No. Dead End structure and 3 NosTangent Structure) Three discs insulator suspension string (P-54) No. 2 865 1730 1730 Half clamps No.0 kg Per Stay Set) kg 24 60 1440 1440 Earthing set No. 10 2771 27710 27710 and 2700x50x50x6 mm-2 Nos. for wind pressure Zone upto 150 kg / M 2) on 9. 1 a b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a b c d e f g 20 21 Description of item ISS. 12 24 288 288 Stone pillar/RCC pillars with one wastage No.S Angle irons including clamps and bolts.Page -1 Cost Data for Construction of one km of 33 kV Single Circuit (S/C) Double Pole Structures line with ACSR 6/1/4. 10 1236 12360 12360 Material for 2 nos.. Long 1678/1978 No. 10 865 8650 8650 M.72 mm Conductor (100 mm2.with pole cap (Working. 10 110 1100 1100 HT Earthing set No. 300 kg) 2713/1980 No. 15 512 7680 7680 ( on 2 Nos. In lacs 8. 80 62 4960 4960 Danger plate (203X200X1. Long (Working. and 2 Nos.S. PCC Pole Amount in Rs. 30 59 1770 1770 Cross Arm ( 2 Nos of Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm) No.75 mtr.42 .S. 4 596 2384 2384 Stay Wire 7/3.for dead end structure each= 4 Nos. 10 19 190 190 Barbed wire Kg.10 mtr. suspension structure=8 Nos. path/road guarding in 1 km of line PCC poles 8 mtr.) M. 34 133 4522 4522 Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes Kg 75 77 5775 5775 Stay set complete (2 nos. 20 2765 55300 S/T poles. 27 1250 33750 33750 (on 5 Nos suspension Str. Long PCC Poles. 20 920 18400 Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm cross arm for earth wires No.Load.75 mtr. dead end with angle) Stay Wire 7/4.72 including 3 % sag and wastage km 3. 4 1761 7044 7044 Stay set LT No. No. road.0 % 12979 19692 Transportation Charges as per statement (P-61) 49910 35890 Erection charges as per statement (P-72) 250490 253980 Total 758996 985652 Departmental Charges @ 11. 12 2976 35712 35712 8 Nos.42 10.0 % 83490 108422 Grand Total 842486 1094074 Say Rs./10 mtr. And 2 Nos Dead End Structure) Earth Reel No.00 mm ( @ 9. REC STD No. Unit Qty Rate Rs.03 km @ 150 kg/km ACSR 6/1/4. channel iron cross arm (4000x125x65x6 mm for No. Eq. 20 13033 260660 60 % PCC & 40 %S/T poles No.No. 6 SWG for earth wire sag & wastage 280/1978 kg 155 59 9145 9145 = 1.0 % 12979 19692 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 300 kg) 1678/1978 No.15 mm ( @ 6.2 Nos No. 2 133 266 266 GI wire no. 15 695 10425 10425 angle & 1 no.0 kg Per Stay Set) Kg 135 59 7965 7965 33 kV Pin Insulators alongwith Pin No.6mm) No.09 59378 183478 183478 S/Total 432638 656398 Storage Charges @ 3. 2 563 1126 1126 Catenary wire mtr. 1 a b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a b c d e f g 20 21 Iss. In lacs 8. for wind pressure Zone upto 150 kg / M 2) on 9.) Half clamps No.26 including 3 % sag and wastage km 3. cross bracing set (consisting of one1800x65X65x6 mm. with pole cap (Working Load 300 kg) 2713/1980 No.26 mm Conductor (100 mm2 Eq. 10 2771 27710 27710 and 2700x50x50x6 mm-2 Nos.0 kg Per Stay Set) Kg 135 59 7965 7965 33 kV Pin Insulators alongwith Pin No. 10 1236 12360 12360 Material for 2 nos. 7 1124 7868 7868 PCC poles 9. 20 6872 Muffs No. 4 596 2384 2384 Stay Wire 7/3.75 mtr. 2 865 1730 1730 Half clamps No. S/T 60 % PCC pole & 40 % S/T Poles Material for surveying and stacking of 33 KV line (1 km) Wooden pegs No. Dead End structure and 3 NosTangent Structure) Three discs insulator suspension string (P-54) No. 4 1761 7044 7044 Stay set LT No.00 mm ( @ 9. 10 865 8650 8650 M. 27 1250 33750 33750 (on 5 Nos suspension Str.S. 80 62 4960 4960 Danger plate No. os M. 2 133 266 266 GI wire no.2 Nos No. 12 2976 35712 35712 8 Nos. Description of item No. PCC pole Amount in Rs. road. 20 2765 55300 S/T poles.09 48001 148323 148323 S/Total 398609 622369 Storage Charges @ 3.10 mtr.0 % 79488 104419 Grand Total 802103 1053680 Say Rs. channel iron cross arm (4000x125x65x6 mm for No. 30 59 1770 1770 Cross Arm ( 2 Nos of Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm) No. And 2 Nos Dead End Structure) Earth reel No. 15 512 7680 7680 ( on 2 Nos.02 10.0 % 11958 18671 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 49600 35570 Erection charges as per statement (P-72) 250490 253980 Total 722616 949261 Departmental charges @ 11. 10 110 1100 1100 HT Earthing set No.for dead end structure each= 4 Nos.S. dead end with angle) Stay Wire 7/4.01 . 20 920 18400 Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm cross arm for earth wires No. suspension structure=8 Nos.75 mtr.03 km @ 150 kg/km AAAC 7/4. Unit Qty Rate Rs. 20 13033 260660 60 % PCC & 40 %S/T poles No. and 2 Nos. REC STD No.0 % 11958 18671 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 12 24 288 288 Stone pillar/RCC pillars with one wastage No.No.) M. Long (Working Load 300 kg) 1678/1978 No.0 kg Per Stay Set) kg 24 60 1440 1440 Earthing set No./10 mtr. Long PCC Poles.Page-2 Cost Data for Construction of one km of 33 kV Single Circuit (S/C) Double Pole Structures line with AAAC 7/4. 4 563 2252 2252 Catenary wire mtr. 15 695 10425 10425 angle & 1 no. 34 133 4522 4522 Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes Kg 75 77 5775 5775 Stay set complete (2 nos.S Angle irons including clamps and bolts.15 mm ( @ 6. Steel Tubular Poles and 60 % PCC & 40 % ST Poles with single continuous earth wire S. 6 SWG for earth wire 280/1978 kg 155 59 9145 9145 sag & wastage =1. path/road guarding in 1 km of line PCC poles 8 mtr. Long 1678/1978 No.54 288 7868 137444 7360 8650 27710 35712 4522 5775 10425 7965 7680 33750 190 4960 1100 12360 7044 2384 1440 2252 1770 1730 266 9145 148323 488113 14643 14643 43990 250608 811998 89320 901318 9.for suspension structures with No. 10 19 190 190 Barbed wire Kg. for suspension structures with No.03 km @ 150 kg/km ACSR 6/1/4. REC STD No. 8 Nos. GI wire no.34 . Cross Arm ( 2 Nos of Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm) No.0 % Contingencies Charges @ 3. suspension structure=8 Nos. Catenary wire mtr. S/T poles.S Angle irons including clamps and bolts. S/T pole 12 7 20 20 10 10 24 1124 15243 920 865 2771 288 7868 304860 18400 8650 27710 24 2976 71424 58 100 15 133 77 695 7714 7700 10425 135 30 59 512 7965 15360 54 1250 67500 10 80 10 10 19 62 110 1236 190 4960 1100 12360 4 4 24 2 30 2 2 155 1761 596 60 563 62 865 133 59 7044 2384 1440 1126 1860 1730 266 9145 6. (on 5 Nos suspension Str.0 kg Per Stay Set) Kg 33 kV Pin Insulators alongwith Pin No.) Half clamps No. Half clamps No. and 2700x50x50x6 mm-2 Nos. with pole cap (Working.11 mtr. In lacs Rate Rs. Barbed wire Kg. M. dead end with angle) Stay Wire 7/4. Dead End structure and 3 NosTangent Structure) Three discs insulator suspension string (P-54) No. Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes Kg Stay set complete (2 nos. No. Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm cross arm for earth wires No.2 Nos No. cross bracing set (consisting of one1800x65X65x6 mm.72including 3 % sag and wastage km S/Total Storage Charges @ 3. and 2 Nos. road. And 2 Nos Dead End Structure) Earth reel No.Load. Stay Wire 7/3.No.) M. Stay set LT No. Long Steel Tubular Pole with single continuous earth wire S. Stone pillar/RCC pillars with one wastage No. Material for 2 nos. path/road guarding in 1 km of line PCC poles 8 mtr. Long 1678/1978 No. channel iron cross arm (4000x125x65x6 mm for No.S. 1 a b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a b c d e f g 18 19 Description of item ISS. Danger plate No.72mm conductor (100 mm2 Equivalent for wind pressure Zone upto 150 kg / M 2) on 11 mtr.18 59378 366956 966425 28993 28993 35890 321420 1381721 151989 1533710 15.S. os M.Page -1A Cost Data for Construction of one km of 33 KV Double Circuit (D/C) Double Pole Structures line with ACSR 6/1/4. ( on 2 Nos.15 mm ( @ 6. angle & 1 no. 6 SWG for earth wire 280/1978 kg sag & wastage =1. 300 kg) 2713/1980 No.00 mm ( @ 9. HT Earthing set No.0 kg Per Stay Set) kg Earthing set No.for dead end structure each= 4 Nos. Amount in Rs.0 % Grand Total Say Rs. Unit Qty Material for surveying and stacking of line (1 km) Wooden pegs No.0 % Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) Erection charges as per statement (P-72) Total Departmental charges @ 11. Muffs No. 2 Nos No. (on 5 Nos suspension Str. Stay set LT No. In lacs Rate Rs. cross bracing set (consisting of one1800x65X65x6 mm. channel iron cross arm (4000x125x65x6 mm for No. Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes Kg Stay set complete (2 nos. Steel Pole 12 7 20 20 10 10 24 1124 15243 920 865 2771 288 7868 304860 18400 8650 27710 24 2976 71424 58 100 15 133 77 695 7714 7700 10425 135 15 59 512 7965 7680 54 1250 67500 10 80 10 10 19 62 110 1236 190 4960 1100 12360 4 4 24 4 30 2 2 155 1761 596 60 563 62 865 133 59 7044 2384 1440 2252 1860 1730 266 9145 6. road. And 2 Nos Dead End Structure) Earth Reel No. 1 a b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a b c d e f g 18 19 Description of item Iss.for dead end structure each= 4 Nos. Long Steel Tubular Pole with single continuous earth wire S. suspension structure=8 Nos. REC STD No.0 % Contingencies Charges @ 3. Material for 2 nos.03 km @ 150 kg/km AAAC 7/4. Dead End structure and 3 NosTangent Structure) Three discs insulator suspension string (P-54) No. Catenary wire mtr. Barbed wire Kg. dead end with angle) Stay Wire 7/4.0 kg Per Stay Set) Kg 33 kV Pin Insulators alongwith Pin No. Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm cross arm for earth wires No. M.11 mtr.15 mm ( @ 6. S/T poles. Muffs No. and 2 Nos.No.S Angle irons including clamps and bolts. ( on 2 Nos. Cross Arm ( 2 Nos of Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm) No. Amount in Rs.) Half clamps No.26 mm conductor (100 mm2 Equivalent for wind pressure Zone upto 150 kg / M 2) on 11 mtr. GI wire no. Unit Qty Material for surveying and stacking of 33 KV line (1 km) Wooden pegs No.with pole cap (Working Load 300 kg) 2713/1980 No.00 mm ( @ 9. Half clamps No.Page-2A Cost Data for Construction of one km of 33 KV Double Circuit (D/C) Double Pole Structures line with AAAC 7/4. Stone pillar/RCC pillars with one wastage No.S. angle & 1 no. os M.18 48001 296646 889561 26687 26687 35570 321420 1299925 142992 1442917 14. 6 SWG for earth wire 280/1978 kg sag & wastage =1.0 % Grand Total Say Rs.) M. path/road guarding in 1 km of line PCC poles 8 mtr. Danger plate No.for suspension structures with No. HT Earthing set No. No. Long 1678/1978 No.0 % Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) Erection charges as per statement (P-72) Total Departmental charges @ 11.0 kg Per Stay Set) kg Earthing set No. 8 Nos.S. Stay Wire 7/3.43 . and 2700x50x50x6 mm-2 Nos.26 including 3 % sag and wastage km S/Total Storage Charges @ 3. 63 MVA. 8 Nos. Description of item ISS.77 236. 6 Nos.0 % S/Total 279457 291007 301817 313367 324177 Contingencies Charges @ 3.9 to 11) 2 0.0 % Say Rs. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 Mtr 100 450 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000 9315230 9700220 10060550 10445550 10805890 Storage Charges @ 3. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No.0 % 279457 291007 301817 313367 324177 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 19102460 19673749 20218999 20790299 21335559 2101271 2164112 2224090 2286933 2346912 Grand Total 21203730 21837862 22443089 23077232 23682471 212. of out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S. 4 Nos.82 Departmental charges @ 11. 1 -- 7495230 7880220 8240550 8625550 8985890 with 4 to 8 nos.3 Cost of 2x 0. 5 Nos. out going feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P.63 MVA. of out going Feeders.63 MVA.PAGE.33/11 kV Sub-Station No.04 218.38 224. Unit Qty REC Std. 2 887500 1775000 1775000 1775000 1775000 1775000 3 95 mm2.No. Rs. In lacs .No. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 0. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos.43 230. 7 Nos. In lacs .No. 2 1963500 3927000 3927000 3927000 3 120 mm2.6 MVA. 6 Nos. Unit Qty REC Std.No.33/11 kV Substation No. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P.78 249.6 MVA. Rs. Description of item ISS.0 % 344215 355765 366575 378125 388935 Contingencies Charges @ 3.0 % 344215 355765 366575 378125 388935 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail (P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 21390576 21961866 22507116 23078416 23623676 2352963 2415805 2475783 2538626 2598604 Grand Total 23743539 24377671 24982899 25617042 26222280 237. 4 Nos.PAGE-4 Cost of 2x1. 100 516 51600 51600 51600 S/Total 3927000 51600 3927000 51600 11473830 11858820 12219150 12604150 12964490 Storage Charges @ 3. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No.44 243. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos.6 MVA. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 1. of out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S. 8985890 with 4 to 8 nos. 5 Nos. 8625550 8 Nos.22 Departmental Charges @ 11.0 % Say Rs. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No. of out going Feeders. 1 -- 7495230 7880220 8240550 7 Nos.9 to 11) 2 1.17 262. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No.83 256. PAGE-5 Cost of 1x1. 1 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 3 120 mm2.6 MVA.92 213.58 207. Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. 6 Nos. In lacs . 50 516 25800 25800 25800 25800 25800 8410480 8795470 9155800 9540790 9901130 Storage Charges @ 3.No. out going Feeders with Independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S. Description of item ISS. 5 Nos. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P. of out going Feeders.6 MVA. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No. 7 Nos.33/11 kV Sub-Station No. Unit Qty Rate REC Std. 4 Nos.32 226.97 220.No. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x1. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No.12 to 14) 2 1. 8 Nos. 6421180 6806170 7166500 7551490 7911830 with 4 to 8 nos.0 % 252314 263864 274674 286224 297034 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 18160424 18731714 19276964 19848354 20393514 1997647 2060489 2120466 2183319 2243287 Grand Total 20158071 20792203 21397430 22031673 22636801 201.0 % S/Total 252314 263864 274674 286224 297034 Contingencies Charges @ 3.37 Departmental Charges @ 11 % Say Rs. 1 Amount for Sub-Station With No.6 MVA. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1992 No. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos.PAGE-6 Cost of 2x3.68 256.No. of out going Feeders. out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S.0 % Say Rs.47 Departmental Charges @ 11.No.15 MVA. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 Mtr 100 647 64700 64700 64700 64700 64700 12514576 12899566 13259896 13644896 14005236 Storage Charges @ 3. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No.0 % S/Total 375437 386987 397797 409347 420157 Contingencies Charges @ 3. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer &11 kV incoming cable (P.07 268.02 262. 6 Nos. 8 Nos. 7 Nos. Unit Qty REC Std.15 MVA. 2 2477323 4954646 4954646 4954646 4954646 4954646 3 185 mm2.0 % 375437 386987 397797 409347 420157 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 22493766 23065056 23610306 24181606 24726866 2474314 2537156 2597134 2659977 2719955 Grand Total 24968080 25602212 26207440 26841583 27446821 249. Rs. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 3. 1 -- 7495230 7880220 8240550 8625550 8985890 with 4 to 8 nos. In lacs .42 274.9 to 11) 2 3. Description of item ISS.15 MVA. 5 Nos.33/11 kV Sub-Station No. 4 Nos. PAGE-7 Cost of 1x3.0 % 267926 279475 290285 301835 312645 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 18712020 19283310 19828559 20399949 20945109 2058322 2121164 2181142 2243994 2303962 Grand Total 20770342 21404474 22009701 22643943 23249071 207. 5 Nos.15MVA.10 226. In lacs .No.49 Departmental charges @ 11. 1 -- 6421180 6806170 7166500 7551490 7911830 with 4 to 8 nos. 8 Nos.0 % Say Rs.12 to 14) 2 3. 4 Nos. Description of item ISS. of out going Feeders.0 % S/Total 267926 279475 290285 301835 312645 Contingencies Charges @ 3.04 220.No.15 MVA. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No.15 MVA. 6 Nos. Unit Qty Rate REC Std.33/11 kV Sub-Station No.70 214. 7 Nos. Amount for Sub-Station With No. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x3.44 232. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P. out going Feeders with Independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S. Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. 1 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 3 185 mm2. 50 647 32350 32350 32350 32350 32350 8930853 9315843 9676173 10061163 10421503 Storage Charges @ 3. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No. 11 kV grade cable 15838878 16223868 16584198 16969198 17329538 Storage Charges @ 3. 1 -- 8458840 8843830 9204160 9589160 9949500 2026 No. 7 Nos. In lacs :- .0 % 475166 486716 497526 509076 519886 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 4376016 Total 26034527 26605816 27151066 27722466 28267626 2863798 2926640 2986617 3049471 3109439 Grand Total 28898325 29532456 30137683 30771937 31377065 288.3 MVA. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer &11 kV incoming cable (P.3MVA.38 307. 8 Nos. 33/11 kV Transformer 3 240 mm2.PAGE-8 Cost of 2x6.77 Departmental charges @ 11. 5 Nos.32 301. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 6. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station ( Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. 2 3650219 7300438 7300438 7300438 7300438 7300438 7098/1985 No. 100 796 79600 79600 79600 79600 79600 with 4 to 8 nos.98 295. out going Feeders and incorporating independent breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) control for Transformer S.0 % S/Total 475166 486716 497526 509076 519886 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 6 Nos. Unit Qty Rate REC Std.33/11 kV Sub-Station Amount for Sub-Station With No.3 MVA.0 % Say Rs. Rs. 4 Nos.72 313. Description of item ISS. No.No. of out going Feeders.No.15 to 17) 2 6. set of 11 panels set 1 3265050 -- -- -- -- 3265050 set set set set 4 5 6 7 4582 4582 4582 4582 18328 ---- -22910 --- --27492 -- ---32074 ----- set 8 4582 -- -- -- -- 36656 (II) 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with 1 2 3 4 following no. Unit Qty REC Std. Rs. set of 8 panels set 1 2414049 -- 2414049 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 1 4 nos. 8 Nos. of out going Feeder 4 nos. 2 268446 536892 536892 536892 536892 536892 4 33 kV CT's Single Unit 2705/1992 No. 6 nos.No.PAGE-9 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x'X' MVA. No A) Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. 3 26867 80601 80601 80601 80601 80601 6 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade 9921/1992 No. 5 Nos. set of 9 panels set 1 2697716 -- -- 2697716 -- -- 4 7 nos. 1 208101 208101 208101 208101 208101 208101 3 33 kV Feeder Panel No.No. Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. 1 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 7 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade 9921/1992 No. 4 Nos. 7 Nos. single phase PT's 3156/1992 No. 6 30992 185952 185952 185952 185952 185952 5 33/11 kV. 1326/1977 . Transformer No. 6 Nos. 2 226242 452484 452484 452484 452484 452484 2 33 kV Bus Coupler Panel No. 5 nos. 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. of out going Feeders. 7 nos. set of 7 panels set 1 2130382 2130382 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos.4 kV S/Stn. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 B) 33 kV Switchgear Equipment 1 33 kV T/F C&R Panel without Differential Relay No. set of 10 panels set 1 2981383 -- -- -- 2981383 -- 5 8 nos. 5 8 nos. 7 71508 500556 500556 500556 500556 500556 8 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 55/1987 set 5 5371 26855 26855 26855 26855 26855 9 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 5292/1970 set 2 10304 S/Total (B) :C) 11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment (I) 11 kV panel board with 2 incomer panels with PT's 1 20608 20608 20608 20608 20608 2089935 2089935 2089935 2089935 2089935 busbar coupler and following of out going Feeder panels. 33/0. Description of item ISS. out going Feeders incorporating Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :- 34/1984 4047/1967 -- -- -- -- 17432 2281638 2603119 2924600 3246081 3567562 No. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. No. No. 200 450 90000 -- 2 5 nos. 18 493 -- -- 8874 -- -- 4 7 nos. No. 5 7074 -- 35370 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 400 450 -- -- -- -- 180000 (V) 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. No. 15 493 -- 7395 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 8 2179 S/Total (C) :D) General Equipment 1 30 V. No. 21 493 -- -- -- 10353 -- 5 8 nos. 1 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 No. 5 2179 -- 10895 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 6 7074 -- -- 42444 -- -- 4 7 nos. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. No. 7 2179 -- -- -- 15253 -- 5 8 nos. mtr. 250 450 -- 112500 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 6 2179 -- -- 13074 -- -- 4 7 nos. 1 551591 551591 551591 551591 705791 705791 705791 551591 705791 551591 705791 . mtr. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos.C. No. mtr. 24 493 -- -- -- -- 11832 -- -- -- (IV) 95 mm2. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 2 30 V DC Distribution Board 3 400 V. No.S/Stn with following no. 4 7074 28296 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 4 2179 8716 -- 2 5 nos.PAGE-10 (III) 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no. A. 7 7074 -- -- -- 49518 -- 5 8 nos. No. No. 350 450 -- -- -- 157500 -- 5 8 nos. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. 1 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 No. 8 7074 -- -- -- -- 56592 -- -- -- (VI) HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. mtr. mtr. No. 12 493 5916 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 300 450 -- -- 135000 -- -- 4 7 nos. No. No. job 1 243360 -- 243360 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. :- 7495230 7880220 8240550 8625550 8985890 . job 1 179850 179850 -- 2 5 nos.PAGE-11 E) Super structure & busbar (I) 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) (II) 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 -- -- -- with following no. job 1 282210 -- -- 282210 -- -- 4 7 nos. job 1 384580 -- -- -- -- 384580 793590 857100 895950 959460 998320 S/Total (E) :F Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) job 1 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 G Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) job 1 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 H Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) job 1 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 I Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) job 1 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 85440 85440 85440 85440 85440 J) Foundation of :-- 1 Transformer as per detail (P-46) job 2 42720 K Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) job 1 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 S/Total (F to K) :- 1299800 1299800 1299800 1299800 1299800 Grand Total (A to K ) :- 7495232 7880223 8240554 8625545 8985886 Say Rs. of out going Feeder (P-36) 1 4 nos. job 1 345720 -- -- -- 345720 -- 5 8 nos. No. 1 226242 226242 226242 226242 226242 226242 2 33 kV Feeder Panel No. Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. (II) 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with following no. No. No. 4 71508 286032 286032 286032 286032 286032 7 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 55/1987 set 3 5371 16113 16113 16113 16113 16113 8 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 5292/1970 set 1 10304 10304 10304 10304 10304 10304 1058600 1058600 1058600 1058600 1058600 C) 11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment (I) 11 kV panel board with 1 incomer panel with PT's 1 4 nos. 8 Nos. 7 Nos. set of 9 panels set 1 3265050 -- -- -- -- 3265050 S/Total (B) :- and following of out going Feeder panels.PAGE-12 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x'X' MVA. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 B) 33 kV Switchgear Equipment 1 33 kV T/F C&R Panel without Differential Relay No. of out going Feeder 1326/1977 1 4 nos.4 kV S/Stn. 4 Nos. No A) Amount for Sub-Station With No. 3 26867 80601 80601 80601 80601 80601 5 400A 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade 9921/1992 No. of out going Feeders.No. 5 4582 -- 22910 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. Transformer No.No. set of 7 panels set 1 2697716 -- -- 2697716 -- -- 4 7 nos. single phase PT's 3156/1992 No. 1 268446 268446 268446 268446 268446 268446 3 33 kV CT's Single Unit 2705/1992 No. 5 Nos. No. 3 30992 92976 92976 92976 92976 92976 4 33/11 kV. 6 Nos. 4 4582 18328 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 6 4582 -- -- 27492 -- -- 4 7 nos. 1 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 6 400A 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade 9921/1992 No. 33/11 kV Sub-Station ( Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. 33/0. 7 4582 -- -- -- 32074 -- 5 8 nos. Description of item ISS. out going Feeder incorporating independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. 8 4582 -- -- -- -- 36656 . No. Unit Qty Rate REC Std. set of 6 panels set 1 2414049 -- 2414049 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. set of 8 panels set 1 2981383 -- -- -- 2981383 -- 5 8 nos. set of 5 panels set 1 2130382 2130382 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 4 7074 28296 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. No. 250 450 -- 112500 -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 6 7074 -- -- 42444 -- -- 4 7 nos. 8 2179 -- -- -- -- 17432 2281638 2603119 2924600 3246081 3567562 S/Total (C) :D) General Equipment 1 30 V. 15 493 -- 7395 -- -- -- 3 6 nos.C. mtr. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 5 2179 -- 10895 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. No. 21 493 -- -- -- 10353 -- 5 8 nos. A. No. 200 450 90000 -- -- -- -- 1 4 nos. 7 2179 -- -- -- 15253 -- 5 8 nos. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :- 34/1981 4047/1967 No. No.S/Stn with following no. No. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 2 30 V DC Distribution Board 3 400 V. No. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 12 493 5916 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos.PAGE-13 (III) 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no. 5 7074 -- 35370 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 6 2179 -- -- 13074 -- -- 4 7 nos. 350 450 -- -- -- 157500 -- 4 7 nos. No. 7 7074 -- -- -- 49518 -- 5 8 nos. No. No. (V) 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. 1 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 No. No. No. mtr. 400 450 -- -- -- -- 180000 5 8 nos. 24 493 -- -- -- -- 11832 (IV) 95 mm2. 1 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 No. No. mtr. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 1 551591 551591 551591 551591 551591 551591 705791 705791 705791 705791 705791 . No. No. 4 2179 8716 -- 2 5 nos. of out going Feeder mtr. 300 450 -- -- 135000 -- -- 3 6 nos. 8 7074 -- -- -- -- 56592 -- -- -- (VI) HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. mtr. 18 493 -- -- 8874 -- -- 4 7 nos. job 1 282210 -- -- 282210 -- -- 4 7 nos.PAGE-14 E) Super structure & busbar I 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) II 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 1 4 nos. job 1 384580 -- -- -- -- 384580 793590 857100 895950 959460 998320 with following no. of out going Feeder (P-36) S/Total (E) :F Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) job 1 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 G Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) job 1 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 H Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) job 1 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 I Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) job 1 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 42720 42720 42720 42720 42720 J) Foundation of :-- 1 Transformer as per detail (P-46) job 1 42720 K Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) job 1 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 S/Total (F to K) :- 1257080 1257080 1257080 1257080 1257080 Grand Total (A to K ) :- 6421177 6806168 7166499 7551490 7911831 Say Rs. job 1 243360 -- 243360 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. job 1 179850 179850 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. :- 6421180 6806170 7166500 7551490 7911830 . job 1 345720 -- -- -- 345720 -- 5 8 nos. No A) Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 B) 33 kV Switchgear & Equipment 1 33 kV T/F C&R Panel with Differential Relay No. 1 4 nos. 2 254440 508880 508880 508880 508880 508880 5 33 kV CT's Single Unit 2705/1992 No. 2 268446 536892 536892 536892 536892 536892 4 36 kV Vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. 33/11 kV Sub-station (Manned) with 4 to 8 nos.No. set 6 4582 -- -- 27492 -- -- 4 7 nos. 1 208101 208101 208101 208101 208101 208101 3 33 kV Feeder Panel No. 6 30992 185952 185952 185952 185952 185952 6 33/11 kV. single phase PT's 3156/1992 No. set 7 4582 -- -- -- 32074 -- 5 8 nos. Description of item ISS. set of 7 panels set 1 2130382 2130382 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 5 Nos. Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. 6 Nos. 2 10304 20608 20608 20608 20608 20608 9 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade 9921 set 7 71508 500556 500556 500556 500556 500556 10 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 5292/1970 set 5 5371 26855 26855 26855 26855 26855 3013945 3013945 3013945 3013945 3013945 S/Total (B) :C) I 11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment 11 kV panel board with 2 incomer panels with PT's 1 busbar coupler and following out going Feeder panels.4 kV S/Stn. 33/0.No. 8 Nos. set 5 4582 -- 22910 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 1 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 77886 8 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 55/1987 No. of out going Feeder 3070/1985 1 4 nos. set of 9 panels set 1 2697716 -- -- 2697716 -- -- 4 7 nos. Transformer 1180 & 2026 No. 4 Nos. set of 8 panels set 1 2414049 -- 2414049 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 12-/1979 No. Rs. set of 11 panels set 1 3265050 -- -- -- -- 3265050 II 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with -- -- -- following no. of out going Feeders. out going Feeders incorporating independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. 3 26867 80601 80601 80601 80601 80601 7 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade 9921 No. set 8 4582 -- -- -- -- 36656 . 2 433807 867614 867614 867614 867614 867614 2 33 kV Bus Coupler Panel No. Unit Qty REC Std.PAGE-15 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x'X' MVA. set 4 4582 18328 -- 2 5 nos. set of 10 panels set 1 2981383 -- -- -- 2981383 -- 5 8 nos. 7 Nos. 5 7074 -- 35370 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :- 34/1984 4047/1967 No. 1 551591 551591 551591 551591 551591 551591 705791 705791 705791 705791 705791 . 15 493 -- 7395 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. No. 200 450 90000 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. 1 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 45736 No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 6 2179 -- -- 13074 -- -- 4 7 nos. No. 250 450 -- 112500 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. 350 450 -- -- -- 157500 -- 5 8 nos. 6 7074 -- -- 42444 -- -- 4 7 nos. mtr. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. 7 2179 -- -- -- 15253 -- 5 8 nos.C.S/Stn with following no. 21 493 -- -- -- 10353 -- 5 8 nos. No. mtr. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 1 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 108464 No. 12 493 5916 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. No. No. No. 300 450 -- -- 135000 -- -- 4 7 nos. 4 7074 28296 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. mtr. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. A. No. No. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 2 30 V DC Distribution Board 3 400 V. 8 2179 -- -- -- -- 17432 2281638 2603119 2924600 3246081 3567562 S/Total (C) :D) General Equipment 1 30 V. 400 450 -- -- -- -- 180000 V 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 18 493 -- -- 8874 -- -- 4 7 nos.PAGE-16 III 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no. No. No. No. 5 2179 -- 10895 -- -- -- 3 6 nos. No. 8 7074 -- -- -- -- 56592 VI HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. mtr. mtr. 4 2179 8716 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. No. 24 493 -- -- -- -- 11832 IV 95 mm2. No. 7 7074 -- -- -- 49518 -- 5 8 nos. of out going Feeder (P-36) S/Total (E) :F Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) job 1 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 249550 G Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) job 1 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 421090 H Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) job 1 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 126130 I Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) job 1 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 93510 42720 85440 85440 85440 85440 85440 J) Foundation of :-- 1 Transformer as per detail (P-46) job 2 2 Circuit breaker (P-47) job 2 19800 39600 39600 39600 39600 39600 K Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) job 1 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 324080 1339400 1339400 S/Total (F to K) :- 1339400 1339400 1339400 Grand Total (A to K ) :- 8458842 8843833 9204164 9589155 9949496 Say Rs. job 1 384580 -- -- -- -- 384580 793590 857100 895950 959460 998320 with following no. job 1 179850 179850 -- -- -- -- 2 5 nos. job 1 345720 -- -- -- 345720 -- 5 8 nos. job 1 243360 -- 243360 -- -- -- 3 6 nos.PAGE-17 E) Super structure & busbar I 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) II 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 1 613740 613740 4 nos. job 1 282210 -- -- 282210 -- -- 4 7 nos. :- 8458840 8843830 9204160 9589160 9949500 . PAGE. Description of item ISS.15 247.0 % 324565 343278 361252 379965 397938 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 19832614 20657011 21455367 22279763 23078131 2181588 2272271 2360090 2450774 2538594 22014202 22929282 23815458 24730537 25616725 220. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P. 4 Nos.0 % 324565 343278 361252 379965 397938 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No.18 Cost of 2x 0.29 238. 2 887500 1775000 1775000 1775000 1775000 1775000 3 95 mm2. of out going Feeders. of out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S.24 to 26) 2 0.17 S/Total Total Departmental Charges @ 11. 1 -- 8998840 9622610 10221720 10845490 11444610 with 4 to 8 nos. 8 Nos. 5 Nos.14 229. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 0. Unit Qty REC Std. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 Mtr 100 450 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000 10818840 11442610 12041720 Storage Charges @ 3.33/11 kV Sub-Station No.63 MVA. 7 Nos.63 MVA.31 256. In lacs 12665490 13264610 . 6 Nos.No.63 MVA.0 % Grand Total Say Rs. Rs. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No.No. 7 Nos.6 MVA. Rs. of out going Feeders.PAGE-19 Cost of 2x1. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No.0 % 389323 408036 426010 444723 15423210 462696 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 2 1963500 3927000 3927000 3927000 3 120 mm2. of out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S.No.0 % 389323 408036 426010 444723 462696 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 Total 22120730 22945126 23743484 24567880 25366246 2433280 2523964 2611783 2702467 2790287 Grand Total 24554010 25469090 26355267 27270347 28156533 245. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. 6 Nos.57 Departmental Charges @ 11.24 to 26) 2 1.33/11 kV Sub-Station No. 4 Nos.54 254.No. 5 Nos.6 MVA. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P. 100 516 51600 51600 51600 S/Total 3927000 51600 14824090 3927000 51600 12977440 13601210 14200320 Storage Charges @ 3. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x1. 8 Nos.0 % Say Rs.55 272.70 281. In lacs . Unit Qty REC Std. 1 -- 8998840 9622610 10221720 10845490 11444610 with 4 to 8 nos. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No. 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. Description of item ISS.6 MVA.69 263. 6 MVA. Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. Description of item ISS. 4 Nos. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x1. 50 516 25800 25800 25800 25800 25800 9639840 10263610 10862730 11486500 12085620 Storage Charges @ 3. 1 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 1963500 3 120 mm2. 6 Nos. 7650540 8274310 8873430 9497200 10096320 with 4 to 8 nos. 5 Nos.62 242.0 % S/Total 289195 307908 325882 344595 362569 Contingencies Charges @ 3.PAGE-20 Cost of 1x1.No. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No. 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No.27 to 29) 2 1.6 MVA.47 233. 1 Amount for Sub-Station With No.33/11 kV Sub-Station No. In lacs .No.0 % Say Rs.0 % 289195 307908 325882 344595 362569 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 Total 18599874 19424271 20222638 21047134 21845401 2045986 2136670 2224490 2315185 2402994 Grand Total 20645860 21560941 22447128 23362319 24248395 206.61 224.48 Departmental Charges @ 11. Unit Qty Rate REC Std. of out going Feeders.46 215. out going Feeders with Independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S. 8 Nos. 7 Nos. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P.6 MVA. PAGE-21 Cost of 2x3.15 MVA, 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeders with Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S.No. Description of item ISS.No. Unit Qty REC Std. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 3.15 MVA,33/11 kV Sub-Station No. Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. of out going Feeders. Rs. 4 Nos. 5 Nos. 6 Nos. 7 Nos. 8 Nos. 1 -- 8998840 9622610 10221720 10845490 11444610 with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer &11 kV incoming cable (P- 24 to 26) 2 3.15 MVA, 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1992 No. 2 2477323 4954646 4954646 4954646 3 185 mm2. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 Mtr 100 647 64700 64700 64700 S/Total 4954646 64700 15864836 4954646 64700 14018186 14641956 15241066 Storage Charges @ 3.0 % 420546 439259 457232 475945 16463956 493919 Contingencies Charges @ 3.0 % 420546 439259 457232 475945 493919 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4539400 4702600 4865900 5029100 5192400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 Total 23223921 24048317 24846674 25671070 26469437 2554631 2645315 2733134 2823818 2911638 Grand Total 25778552 26693632 27579808 28494888 29381075 257.79 266.94 275.80 284.95 293.81 Departmental Charges @ 11.0 % Say Rs. In lacs PAGE-22 Cost of 1x3.15 MVA, Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeders with Independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer S.No. Description of item ISS.No. Unit Qty Rate REC Std. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x3.15MVA,33/11 kV Sub-Station No. Amount for Sub-Station With No. of out going Feeders. 4 Nos. 5 Nos. 6 Nos. 7 Nos. 8 Nos. 1 -- 7650540 8274310 8873430 9497200 10096320 with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P- 27 to 29) 2 3.15 MVA, 33/11 kV Transformer 2026/1993 No. 1 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 2477323 3 185 mm2. 11 kV grade cable 7098/1985 No. 50 647 32350 32350 32350 32350 32350 10160213 10783983 11383103 12006873 12605993 Storage Charges @ 3.0 % S/Total 304806 323519 341493 360206 378180 Contingencies Charges @ 3.0 % 304806 323519 341493 360206 378180 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 Total 19151470 19975866 20774233 21598729 22396997 2106662 2197345 2285166 2375860 2463670 Grand Total 21258132 22173211 23059399 23974589 24860667 212.58 221.73 230.59 239.75 248.61 Departmental Charges @ 11.0 % Say Rs. In lacs PAGE-23 Cost of 2x6.3 MVA, 33 kV Terminal Equipment & Sub-Station ( Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeders and incorporating independent breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) control for Transformer S.No. Description of item ISS.No. Unit Qty REC Std. No 1 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x 6.3MVA,33/11 kV Sub-Station Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. of out going Feeders. Rs. 4 Nos. 5 Nos. 6 Nos. 7 Nos. 8 Nos. 11260620 11859740 No. 1 -- 9413970 10037740 10636850 No. 2 3650219 7300438 7300438 7300438 No. 100 796 with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeder excluding the cost of Power Transformer & 11 kV incoming cable (P- 30 to 32) 2 6.3 MVA, 33/11 kV Transformer 3 240 mm2. 11 kV grade cable 2026 7098/1985 7300438 79600 79600 79600 16794008 17417778 18016888 18640658 19239778 Storage Charges @ 3.0 % 503820 522533 540507 559220 577193 Contingencies Charges @ 3.0 % 503820 522533 540507 559220 577193 Transportation charges as per statement (P-61) 312900 312900 312900 312900 312900 Erection charges as per statement(P-74) 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 Cost of control room building as per detail(P-51) 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 3512344 26183292 27007689 27806045 28630541 29428809 2880162 2970846 3058665 3149360 3237169 29063455 29978534 30864710 31779901 32665978 290.63 299.79 308.65 317.80 326.66 S/Total Total Departmental Charges @ 11.0 % Grand Total Say Rs. In lacs 79600 7300438 79600 33/0. 8 Nos. 4 Nos. 12-/1979 33 kV T/F C&R Panel without Differential Relay 33 kV Bus Coupler Panel 33 kV Feeder Panel 33 kV CT's Single Unit 2705/1992 33/11 kV. 7 nos. set of 9 panels 7 nos. set of 10 panels 8 nos. out going Feeders incorporating Common Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. No.No. No. set of 8 panels 6 nos. Amount for Sub-Station With No. 5 nos. single phase PT's 3156/1992 400A 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade (Motorised) 9921/1992 400A 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade (Motorised) 9921/1992 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 55/1987 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 5292/1970 S/Total (B) :11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment 11 kV panel board with 2 incomer panels with PT's 1 Busbar coupler and following of out going Feeder panels. REC Std. set of 11 panels 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with following no.4 kV S/Stn. of out going Feeders. Transformer 33 kV Switchgear Equipment 36 kV Vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. set set 2 2 1 2 6 3 1 7 5 2 254440 226242 208101 268446 30992 26867 77886 71508 5371 10304 508880 452484 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 500556 26855 20608 2598815 508880 452484 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 500556 26855 20608 2598815 508880 452484 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 500556 26855 20608 2598815 508880 452484 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 500556 26855 20608 2598815 508880 452484 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 500556 26855 20608 2598815 set set set set set 1 1 1 1 1 2130382 2414049 2697716 2981383 3265050 2130382 ----- -2414049 ---- --2697716 --- ---2981383 -- ----3265050 set set set set set 4 5 6 7 8 4582 4582 4582 4582 4582 18328 ----- -22910 ---- --27492 --- ---32074 -- ----36656 . 5 Nos. No Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. No. 6 Nos. No. 8 nos. No. No. 4 nos. set of 7 panels 5 nos. 7 Nos. No. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 No.PAGE-24 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x'X' MVA. of out going Feeder 1326/1977 4 nos. No. Description of item A) B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C) (I) 1 2 3 4 5 (II) 1 2 3 4 5 ISS. Unit Qty Rate Rs. 33/11 kV Sub-Station(Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos.No. 6 nos. 4 7 nos. No. No. (IV) 95 mm2.PAGE-25 (III) 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no. mtr. (V) 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. No. No. 2 5 nos. (VI) HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. No. 12 15 18 21 24 493 493 493 493 493 5916 ----- -7395 ---- --8874 --- ---10353 -- ----11832 mtr. No. mtr. 3 6 nos. 200 250 300 350 400 450 450 450 450 450 90000 ----- -112500 ---- --135000 --- ---157500 -- ----180000 No. 3 6 nos. No. No. 5 8 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. mtr. 5 8 nos. 4 7 nos. mtr. 5 8 nos. 2 5 nos. No. No. No. 2 5 nos. 3 6 nos. 4 7 nos. No. No. No. 5 8 nos. 4 7 nos. 4 7 nos. No. 1 4 nos. 3 6 nos.S/Stn with following no. 4 5 6 7 8 7074 7074 7074 7074 7074 28296 ----- -35370 ---- --42444 --- ---49518 -- ----56592 No. 5 8 nos. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 4 5 6 7 8 238781 238781 238781 238781 238781 955124 ----3236762 -1193905 ---3797024 --1432686 --4357286 ---1671467 -4917548 ----1910248 5477810 . S/Total (C) :- No. 3 6 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 4 5 6 7 8 2179 2179 2179 2179 2179 8716 ----- -10895 ---- --13074 --- ---15253 -- ----17432 No. 2 5 nos. 2 5 nos. (VII) 12 KV vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. A. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 30 V DC Distribution Board 400 V. S/Total (E) :Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) Foundation of :-Transformer as per detail (P-46) Circuit breaker (P-47) Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) S/Total (F to K) :Grand Total (A to K ) :Say Rs. No. 6 nos. 7 nos. :- 34/1984 4047/1967 No. 8 nos. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :Super Structure & Busbar 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station with following no. 5 nos. of out going Feeder (P-36) 4 nos. 1 1 1 108464 45736 551591 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 job job job job job 1 1 1 1 1 179850 243360 282210 345720 384580 179850 ----793590 -243360 ---857100 --282210 --895950 ---345720 -959460 ----384580 998320 job job job job 1 1 1 1 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 job job job 2 2 1 42720 19800 324080 85440 39600 324080 1339400 8998836 8998840 85440 39600 324080 1339400 9622608 9622610 85440 39600 324080 1339400 10221720 10221720 85440 39600 324080 1339400 10845492 10845490 85440 39600 324080 1339400 11444614 11444610 .C. No.PAGE-26 D) 1 2 3 E) (I) (II) 1 2 3 4 5 F G H I J) 1 2 K General Equipment 30 V. out going Feeder incorporating independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) Control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. No Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. Unit Qty Rate Amount for Sub-Station With No. set of 7 panels 7 nos. No. No. 6 Nos. set of 8 panels 8 nos. No. set of 6 panels 6 nos. Transformer 33 kV Switchgear Equipment 36 kV Vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 No. 6 nos. No. set of 9 panels 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with following no. No.No. No. 7 Nos. 33/0. Description of item A) B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C) (I) 1 2 3 4 5 (II) 1 2 3 4 5 ISS. 7 nos. 5 Nos. No.No. No. 4 Nos. 5 nos. set set 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 254440 226242 268446 30992 26867 77886 71508 5371 10304 254440 226242 268446 92976 80601 77886 286032 16113 10304 1313040 254440 226242 268446 92976 80601 77886 286032 16113 10304 1313040 254440 226242 268446 92976 80601 77886 286032 16113 10304 1313040 254440 226242 268446 92976 80601 77886 286032 16113 10304 1313040 254440 226242 268446 92976 80601 77886 286032 16113 10304 1313040 set set set set set 1 1 1 1 1 2130382 2414049 2697716 2981383 3265050 2130382 ----- -2414049 ---- --2697716 --- ---2981383 -- ----3265050 No.4 kV S/Stn. 8 nos. single phase PT's 3156/1992 400A 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade (Motorised) 9921/1992 400A 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade (Motorised) 9921/1992 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 55/1987 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 5292/1970 S/Total (B) :11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment 11 kV panel board with 1 incomer panel with PT's and following of out going Feeder panels. No. 12-/1979 33 kV T/F C&R Panel without Differential Relay 33 kV Feeder Panel 33 kV CT's Single Unit 2705/1992 33/11 kV. REC Std. 4 5 6 7 8 4582 4582 4582 4582 4582 18328 ----- -22910 ---- --27492 --- ---32074 -- ----36656 324478 324478 . No. 8 Nos. of out going Feeders. 4 nos. 33/11 kV Sub-Station ( Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. No. set of 5 panels 5 nos. of out going Feeder 1326/1977 4 nos.PAGE-27 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 1x'X' MVA. (IV) 95 mm2. 3 6 nos. mtr. No. 5 8 nos. No. mtr. No. No. (VI) HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. No. No. No. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 5 8 nos. mtr. No. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 12 15 18 21 24 493 493 493 493 493 5916 ----- -7395 ---- --8874 --- ---10353 -- ----11832 mtr. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 3 6 nos.PAGE-28 (III) 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no.S/Stn with following no. 2 5 nos. 4 7 nos. 4 7 nos. (V) 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. 3 6 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 2 5 nos. No. 3 6 nos. 4 5 6 7 8 238781 238781 238781 238781 238781 955124 ----3236762 -1193905 ---3797024 --1432686 --4357286 ---1671467 -4917548 ----1910248 5477810 . No. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. 4 5 6 7 8 7074 7074 7074 7074 7074 28296 ----- -35370 ---- --42444 --- ---49518 -- ----56592 No. S/Total (C) :- No. 5 8 nos. 4 5 6 7 8 2179 2179 2179 2179 2179 8716 ----- -10895 ---- --13074 --- ---15253 -- ----17432 No. 2 5 nos. No. (VII) 12 KV vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker 1 4 nos. No. 4 7 nos. 200 250 300 350 400 450 450 450 450 450 90000 ----- -112500 ---- --135000 --- ---157500 -- ----180000 No. 2 5 nos. No. 5 8 nos. No. 2 5 nos. 3 6 nos. 4 7 nos. 5 8 nos. mtr. 4 7 nos. 5 nos. 7 nos. S/Total (E) :Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) Foundation of :-Transformer as per detail (P-46) Circuit breaker (P-47) Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) S/Total (F to K) :Grand Total (A to K ) :Say Rs. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :Super Structure & Busbar 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station with following no. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 30 V DC Distribution Board 400 V.PAGE-29 D) 1 2 3 E) I II 1 2 3 4 5 F G H I J) 1 2 K General Equipment 30 V. No. No.C. 1 1 1 108464 45736 551591 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 job job job job job 1 1 1 1 1 179850 243360 282210 345720 384580 179850 ----793590 -243360 ---857100 --282210 --895950 ---345720 -959460 ----384580 998320 job job job job 1 1 1 1 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 job job job 1 1 1 42720 19800 324080 42720 19800 324080 1276880 7650541 7650540 42720 19800 324080 1276880 8274313 8274310 42720 19800 324080 1276880 8873425 8873430 42720 19800 324080 1276880 9497197 9497200 42720 19800 324080 1276880 10096319 10096320 . of out going Feeder (P-36) 4 nos. 6 nos. :- 34/1984 4047/1967 No. 8 nos. A. of out going Feeders. of out going Feeder 3070/1985 4 nos. No. set of 10 panels 8 nos. REC Std. 8 Nos. set of 8 panels 6 nos. set set 2 2 1 2 6 3 1 2 7 5 254440 433807 208101 268446 30992 26867 77886 10304 71508 5371 508880 867614 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 20608 500556 26855 3013945 508880 867614 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 20608 500556 26855 3013945 508880 867614 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 20608 500556 26855 3013945 508880 867614 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 20608 500556 26855 3013945 508880 867614 208101 536892 185952 80601 77886 20608 500556 26855 3013945 set set set set set 1 1 1 1 1 2130382 2414049 2697716 2981383 3265050 2130382 ----- -2414049 ---- --2697716 --- ---2981383 -- ----3265050 set set set set set 4 5 6 7 8 4582 4582 4582 4582 4582 18328 ----- -22910 ---- --27492 --- ---32074 -- ----36656 2705/1992 3156/1992 9921 55/1987 9921 5292/1970 11 kV switchgear and allied Equipment 11 kV panel board with 2 incomer panels with PT's 1 Busbar coupler and following out going Feeder panels. 33/0. No. No. 7 Nos. Amount for Sub-Station With No. 33 kV T/F C&R Panel with Differential Relay 33 kV Bus Coupler Panel 33 kV Feeder Panel 33 kV CT's Single Unit 33/11 kV. Description of item A) B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C) I 1 2 3 4 5 II 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-Station Transformer 100 kVA. set of 9 panels 7 nos. 1180 & 2026 No. 6 Nos. Transformer 33 kV Switchgear & Equipment 36 kV Vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. No. No. 1 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 324478 12-/1979 No. 5 nos. 4 nos. 4 Nos. 7 nos. .4 kV S/Stn. No. 5 Nos. 33/11 kV Sub-station (Un-Manned) with 4 to 8 nos. out going Feeders incorporating independent Breaker ( vacuum/SF6 ) control for Transformer (excluding cost of power Transformer and 11 kV incoming cables ) S. 6 nos. set of 11 panels 11 kV triple pole GO Switch/Isolator without E/blade for S/Stn with following no. No Unit Qty Rate Rs.PAGE-30 Cost of Terminal Equipments for 2x'X' MVA. set of 7 panels 5 nos. single phase PT's 33 kV Isolator with E/Blade (Motorised) 33 kV Expulsion Dropout fuse unit 33 kV Isolator without E/Blade (Motorised) 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type S/Total (B) :- ISS. No.No.No. 8 nos. No. No.PAGE-31 III 11 kV LA's Sub-Station Type for S/Stn with following no. 1 4 nos. mtr. No. No. 4 7 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. mtr. No. No. 4 5 6 7 8 2179 2179 2179 2179 2179 8716 ----- -10895 ---- --13074 --- ---15253 -- ----17432 No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 4 5 6 7 8 7074 7074 7074 7074 7074 28296 ----- -35370 ---- --42444 --- ---49518 -- ----56592 No. 4 5 6 7 8 238781 238781 238781 238781 238781 955124 ----3236762 -1193905 ---3797024 --1432686 --4357286 ---1671467 -4917548 ----1910248 5477810 . No. No. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. 4 7 nos. 3 6 nos. 5 8 nos. 2 5 nos. IV 95 mm2. (VII) 12 KV vacuum/SF-6 Circuit Breaker. No. 5 8 nos. 3 6 nos. of out going Feeder 1 4 nos. No. No. 5 8 nos. 5 8 nos. 3 6 nos. No.S/Stn with following no. 2 5 nos. S/Total (C) :- No. 2 5 nos. VI HT compound & other material in sets for cable boxes of panels. 2 5 nos. mtr. No. 4 7 nos. mtr. 3 6 nos. 2 5 nos. No. No. V 11 kV epoxy terminating kits for S/Stn with following no. 12 15 18 21 24 493 493 493 493 493 5916 ----- -7395 ---- --8874 --- ---10353 -- ----11832 mtr. 11kV grade cable for S/Stn with following no. 4 7 nos. 3 6 nos. 4 7 nos. 200 250 300 350 400 450 450 450 450 450 90000 ----- -112500 ---- --135000 --- ---157500 -- ----180000 No. No. 5 8 nos. of out going Feeder (P-36) 4 nos.C. No. 7 nos. S/Total (E) :Earthing of 33 kV Sub-Station Equipments as per detail (P-38) Yard & colony fencing as per detail (P-43) Yard lightening as per detail (P-44) Control and LT power cables as per detail (P-45) Foundation of :-Transformer as per detail (P-46) Circuit breaker (P-47) Cost of trenches as per detail (P-50) S/Total (F to K) :Grand Total (A to K ) :Say Rs. :- 34/1984 No. 100 AH Lead Acid Battery alongwith Battery Charger 30 V DC Distribution Board 400 V. 6 nos. No. 5 nos.PAGE-32 D) 1 2 3 E) I II 1 2 3 4 5 F G H I J) 1 2 K General Equipment 30 V. A. distribution switchgear S/Total (D) :Super Structure & Busbar 33 kV super structure & busbar as per detail (P-33) 11 kV super structure & busbar detail as per for Sub-Station with following no. 1 1 1 108464 45736 551591 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 108464 45736 551591 705791 job 1 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 613740 job job job job job 1 1 1 1 1 179850 243360 282210 345720 384580 179850 ----793590 -243360 ---857100 --282210 --895950 ---345720 -959460 ----384580 998320 job job job job 1 1 1 1 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 249550 421090 126130 93510 job job job 2 2 1 42720 19800 324080 85440 39600 324080 1339400 9413966 9413970 85440 39600 324080 1339400 10037738 10037740 85440 39600 324080 1339400 10636850 10636850 85440 39600 324080 1339400 11260622 11260620 85440 39600 324080 1339400 11859744 11859740 . 8 nos. 42 112 4704 (8x4. Description of item Unit Qty Rate (Rs.PAGE-33 33 KV super structure and bus-bar for 33/11 kV or 33/22 KV S/Stn. SUPER STRUCTURE 1 R. joists supports as per detail p-37 job 18 6130 110340 4 a) M. S. For jumpers at 2 mtr.07 56800 231176 (6x33.e. I.isolators. Joists. average S/Total (B) :- 95822 Total (A+B) :- 613741 Say Rs. 2000.No. 2x3x25x1.e. At MT 2 56800 113600 MT 0. I.14 kg II 4725 mm long =14 no.854 MT MT 0. 165 59 9735 III Tee connections No. angle iron 65x65 X-arm @ 5. 4620 517919 BUS-BAR I 3 disc insulators tension string complete with fitting p-54 No.S. X-arm @13. 24 209 5016 IV PG clamps No. 51 1347 68697 II ACSR conductor 100 mm2 at 10 % wastage mtr.00 .) Amount(Rs.1=165 mtr.1 kg/mtr.e.9)=4068kg say 4. channel iron 125x65mm.854 56800 48507 3 Foundation of R.07 56800 A.00 kg =25 no. size 4200x225x150mm supports for lightening arrester differential CT's 5% wastage for bus-bar.S. 20.e.5)x3x1. mtr.8 kg/mtr & 5% wastage for 5680 3806 body supports belt of station transformer b) Add 5% w/shop charge on item 5 a) Nuts & Bolts with Washers off sizes 190 Kg 60 77 S/Total (A) :B. I 9150 mm long =9 no.Joists.07 MT 2 R.5+1x3. I.e.11 kg III 750 mm long Total b) 5 a) =2 no.2) =854 kg say .S.9x4. 613740.S.1=130.S. (12x10x33.000x225x150mm 12 supports I.LA's.e.transformer etc. size 10. I.35 say 130 mtr.25 kg =2 MT Add 5 % workshop charges on item 4 a) M. 130 59 7670 25 sets I. 882.) MT 4. 1098. 8 13033 -- -- -- 104264 -- e 8 nos.75 long M. 62 2036 -- -- -- -- 126232 . 7 no. A Description of item Unit Qty Rate (Rs. 8 13033 -- -- -- -- 104264 2 Steel tubular pole 9 M long for:-- a 4 nos. 6 no. 30 2036 61080 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. Cross arms for Sub-Station With a 4 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. channel iron 100X50X6 mm 9. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 11 920 10120 S/Total (A) :B 1 -- -- -- -- 66268 94174 104630 132536 142992 CROSS ARMS 3. 46 2036 -- -- 93656 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 6 13033 -- -- 78198 -- -- d 7 nos.) Amount for out going Feeder of Rs 4 no. -- -- -- SUPPORTS 1 Steel tubular pole 10 M long for:-- a 4 nos.S. 8 no. 54 2036 -- -- -- 109944 -- e 8 nos. out going Feeder No.56kg/mtr. 8 920 -- -- 7360 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. S. out going Feeder No. 6 13033 -- 78198 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 3 9536 -- -- -- -- 28608 3 RCC muffs & concreting thereof a 4 nos. 2 9536 -- -- 19072 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No.PAGE-34 11 kV Super Structure & Busbar for 33/11 kV Sub-Station. 4 13033 52132 -- b 5 nos. 1 9536 9536 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 38 2036 -- 77368 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 1 9536 -- 9536 -- -- -- c 6 nos.No. 7 920 -- 6440 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 10 920 -- -- -- 9200 -- e 8 nos. out going Feeder No. 2 9536 -- -- -- 19072 -- e 8 nos. 5 no. out going Feeder No. 5 920 4600 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder No. PAGE-35 2 3. 12 975 -- 11700 11700 -- -- c 7&8 nos. 80 210 -- -- 16800 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. 16 959 15344 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder Mtr 315 59 -- -- -- 18585 -- e 8 nos. 48 210 10080 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos.5 mtr.5 kg/mtr. half clamps with nuts & bolts for S/Stn with a 4 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder Mtr 46 59 -- 2714 2714 -- -- c 7&8 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder Mtr 69 59 -- -- -- 4071 4071 -- -- -- For jumpers & 6 sets of jumpers at 2. 32 959 -- -- -- 26852 -- -- -- -- -- 30688 3 M. out going Feeder No.S. out going Feeder No. angle iron 50X50X6 mm 4. out going Feeder No. 64 210 -- 13440 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 96 210 -- -- -- 20160 -- e 8 nos. Average per Feeder for a 4 nos. Cross arms for Sub-Station With a 4 nos.75 long M. out going Feeder Mtr 360 59 -- -- -- -- 21240 . out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder Mtr 23 59 1357 -- -- -- -- b 5&6 nos. out going Feeder Mtr 180 59 10620 -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder Mtr 270 59 -- -- 15930 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. 24 959 -- 19180 -- -- -- -- 23016 -- -- d 7 nos. 20 959 -- c 6 nos.S. out going Feeder No. 112 210 -- -- -- -- 23520 86504 109988 133472 156956 -- S/Total (B) :C 1. out going Feeder Mtr 225 59 -- 13275 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 28 959 e 8 nos. 18 975 -- -- -- 17550 17550 2 ACSR CONDUCTOR For bus-bars a 4 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 6 975 5850 -- -- -- b 5&6 nos. 180440 BUS-BAR Single insulators tension string for S/Stn with a 4 nos. out going Feeder No. 45 216 -- 9720 -- -- -- c 6 nos. out going Feeder No. 26 105 -- -- -- -- 2730 4 CLAMPS a 4 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. . 17 105 -- 1785 -- -- -- c 6 nos. 63 216 -- -- -- 13608 -- e 8 nos. 72 216 -- -- -- -- 15552 S/Total (C) :- 27073 39194 44108 56229 61143 Total (A+B+C):- 179845 243356 282210 345721 384575 179850 243360 282210 345720 384580 Say Rs. 54 216 -- -- 11664 -- -- d 7 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 23 105 -- -- -- 2415 -- e 8 nos. out going Feeder No. out going Feeder No. 20 105 -- -- 2100 -- -- d 7 nos. 14 105 1470 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos. out going Feeder No. 36 216 7776 -- -- -- -- b 5 nos.PAGE-36 3 11 kV pin insulators with pin & helically formed fittings a 4 nos. 46+2x4x0.8x0.+0.002=0. 4 77 308 4 R.) kg 52 57 2964 kg 5.11x0.925x2x4+0.S. Or 7.045)=0.1 =17.4x2x4+1.61 kg ii) Round 8 mm dia = 2x8x0.52 kg Total (i+ii) = 51.046+0.205)+2(0.2 mtr.72x0.35kg kg 1. 6130 .S.23+2x4x0.08)+2(0. HPSEB-154 S.017 .35x0.S.804 mtr Adding 10 % wastage =49.68 57 324 2x0.05x0.e.13 say 52 kg 2 i) M.091+0. joists supports I.517x0.155x0.8+2x4x0.C.5=1.96x0.065)+2(0.208x0.+2(0. after adding 10% wastage =19.4x0.287 8577 2462 0.205 x0.35x0.C. 2x2. No. 0. plate 225x160x10mm for top & bottom of R.35 57 77 3 M.S.095)+2(1.PAGE-37 Foundation of R.625x2x4+0.15x4.68kg ii) Angle iron 50x50x6mm supports at the bottom of .28 mtr or 43. 16 mm dia foundation bolts with washers and nuts etc.52 mtr. 1:2:4=(1.325) mtr.04+0.091+0. joists as per drawing no.) Amount(Rs.84 =5.No. Description of item 1 i) Round 12 mm dia = Unit Qty Rate (Rs.927x4x3 =44.287 Total :- 6134 Say Rs. 00 . kg 25 59.5 mtr. For 3 no. C For 4 nos. VCB & CT body earthing at 10 mtr. D For 2 nos.05=94.00 Total :- 249551.00 2010.S. flat 20x60mm. 1. At 5% wastage A. 650 kg =0.00 1475. 33 kV super structure at 20 mtr each 4x2x20x1. 1 Cost of material for earth mat laying as per detail P-40 2 Earthing of 33 kV yard & equipment & 22 kV or 11kV panels M.00 Say Rs.2 kg/mtr.00 207300.5 mtr. B For 3 sets of LA's at 20 mtr each 3x20x2x1.00 36920. Transformer earthing at 3 points (body & neutral) at 10 mtr.00 MT 0. 6 SWG for screening etc.05 =168 mtr. Each (3x3x10) 1.No.65 MT 3 Welding of risers and corrosion protection @ 5% of 2 4 GI wire no.00 5 Eye block for screening No 30 67. Each E For earthing of 22 kV or 11kV super structure 80 mtr each F For earthing of 22 kV or 11kV super structure 15 mtr each (2x10)2x1.wt.00 Rs.05 =31. Total (A+B+C+D+E+F) =542 mtr.05=126 mtr. 249550. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount No 1 207300.00 1846.PAGE-38 Schedule of cost for Earthing of 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station With indoor type of switchgear S.65 56800.05 2x15x1. e.00 38.S.S.No. Rs. flat connection with the mat to mat Kg 4. plates 150x150x6mm for two connection Kg 1.50 6 Chequred plate cover 500x500x6mm I.45 64.00 . Pipe 50 mm dia with holes of 16 mm dia at 150 mm Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.80 Total :- 4239.41 4 50x6 mm M. Description of item 1 G.00 273.5 77.00 from centre to centre for 2 mtr.8 57.13 57.60 5 Nuts & bolts galvanized 16 mm dia.00 955. 1 3 M.00 138.PAGE-39 Schedule of cost and material Earthing Electrode (pipe type) ( refer REC Construction Std. Distance from bottom. 50 mm long Kg 0. :- 4240.8 kg Kg 11. No 3 923.00 2769. 11.76 Say Rs.8 81. 2 Workshop charges 5 % on item no. J-2 ) S.I. 50 Total :- 207301.00 .3 Schedule of cost & material for layout of Earthmat at 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station S.00 electrode 4x3x2.2 kg say 2. 4 no. 3 mtr. 12 4240.No. No. say 30 kg 4 Welding etc. E.PAGE-40 E 1.00 144840. Kg 30 57.50 Say Rs.00 2 Earthing pipe electrode as per detail No. Rs.2.5 mtr.55 56800. :- 207300.47 =29.55 MT MT 2. flat 50x6 mm for ground mat including 5% wastage & weighing 2.00 1710.00 3 20 mm round.S. or 2545. of points @ 5% on above items 9871.00 50880.47 kg/mtr. 2(37x10+27x5)x1.1. M. Long & weighing 2.64 kg. Description of item 1 Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.4 kg/mtr.05=1060. No. Rs. flat 20x6 mm weighting 1.1 =44 mtr. Wire no.00 Total :- 10534.16 MT MT 0. Description of item Unit 1 M. 56800.40 2 G.00 3 Eye block for screening No. VCB & set of CT's body earthing at 10 mtr.00 9088. Or 158 kg say 0. :- 10530.1= 44 mtr.00 402. 6 67.00 each 2x10x2x1. b Structure at 20 mtr each 20x2x1.40 Say Rs.16 d Welding of riser and corrosion protection @ 5% of above 454. Total a+b+c =132 mtr. c For 1 no.00 590. 6 SWG for screening kg 10 59.1=44 mtr.PAGE-41 E 1.S.00 .I.1 Extension Earthing of Equipments for 33 kV out going feeder S. Qty Rate Amount Rs.2 kg/mtr at 10% wastage a For each set of LA's at 20 mtr each 20x2x1. Rs.00 Foundation of R. Joists. BUS-BAR MT Kg 1562.20 = 0. b For jumpers at 2 mtr. size 10.3 kg/mt 2 no.00 .isolators. I.transformer etc.00 S/Total (A) :- 1925.e. 37. :- 107960.e.00 25 77.95 mtr.1 =11.PAGE-42 Super structure for 33 kV bay for 1 no.55 MT b) Add 5 % workshop charges on item 3 a) 4 M.00 2352.00 II 3 disc suspension tension string complete with fitting P-54 III ACSR conductor 100 mm2 at 10 % wastage a for busbar 3. channel iron 125x65x6mm. 2x3x9x1.e.I.3(Extension) for each 33 kV VCB 33 kV super structure and busbar controlled tapping for each outgoing 33kV feeder from existing 33 kV line S. Say 71 mtr.55 mtr.73 kg =2 no.00 3 a) M.e.1=59.3) MT MT 0.No.4 mtr.47 kg =9 no.1 kg/mtr At 5% wastage for bus-bar.000x225x150=746kg say 0. out going feeder C.00 8082.55 56800.S. I 4650 mm long II 3725 mm long Total =7 no.00 MT 0. SUPER STRUCTURE 1 R.00 4189.75 56800. X-arm @ 12. 102.75 MT 2 Qty Rate Amount Rs.S. 71 59.00 3750. average 9 sets I. c PG clamps S/Total (B) :- 18373.00 89587. I.5x3x1. 21 112.00 42600.00 Say Rs. 447. Description of item Unit A.00 No.LA's.S.(2x10x37. 550.00 mtr. supports I.e. 3 1250.00 12260.00 I 3 disc insulators tension string complete with fitting P-54 No.00 No. Total (a+b) =70. I.S. joists supports as per detail P-37 job 2 6130.00 Total (A+B) :- 107960. 6 1347. nuts and bolts (off size) with washers B.00 31240. mtr.126 58889. Periphery of switchyard 64 nos.00 No.00 250880. angle iron 65x65x6 mm2 gates.4 mtr. 7.00 6180.00 6 Barbed wire 3 strands of 127 mtr at 10% wastage kg 84 62.00 31320. Sagged and concreted in ground and 2 mtr. Each 389138. For 127 mtr.00 grill works 2 no.126 MT 4 Angle iron stays with eye hooks etc.5x2.00 88960.S.1x127x2=279.PAGE-43 Schedule of cost & material for 33kV yard and colony fencing of 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station S.5x2.00 5208.4 No.00 MT 0. I. Rs. 1 3549.01 say 280 sq.00 Sq. 3 G. 6 SWG 6 strand all along the periphery to hold the metal 10% wastage I.00 Cost of 2 no. 3 M long supports 0.5 mtr. for 20% of supports set 13 1243.5 sq. 280 896. 421090.01 No.S.00 5 Cement etc. 1.5 = 7.00 7420. Wire no. for concreting of supports & angle iron stays bag 90 348.5 824.00 3549. bent outwards at top & to contain 3 strands of barbed wire 0.1x3x127=419 mtr. gates :- 31956.00 . Description of item Unit A) Expended metal fencing around switchyard 1 M. 2 Expended metal at 10 % wastage 1.01 Say Rs.e.e. mtr.1x127x6=833. Supports required at every 2 mtr.00 1. =84 kg S/Total (A) B) Gate at colony & switchyard entrance a Gate cost of masonry b M. 1.6 M Qty Rate Amount Rs. 64 1390.2 M @ 0.00 5350. angle iron 65x65x6 mm. mtr.No.I. 3 2083.73 kg or 0.150 kg/mtr =125.00 Total (A+B) :- 421094. 2x1. Vertical for gauge fencing. c Wicket gate 15978.00 Sq. 4 1009. 5 4116.00 4 Post Erection for gate No. 100 mm dia GI pipe poles for yard lighting No.00 5 Clamps for GI pipe bracket No.00 4522.No.00 682.00 72573.PAGE-44 Schedule of cost of yard lighting for 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station or 22 kV control point S.00 Say Rs.00 2 Mercury vapour lamp fittings No.00 6 Underground cable 16 mm2 for yard lighting Mtr 220 69.) Amount (Rs. 17 4269.00 7 PVC cable size 6 mm2 for connecting mercury vapour lamp supply Mtr 75 10.00 8 Junction box No.00 4036.00 3 GI pipe bracket for murcury vapour lamp No.) 1 8 mtr.00 .00 20580. 126130. 34 133.00 750.00 Total :- 126126.00 15180. 17 459.00 7803. 11 62. Description of item Unit Qty Rate (Rs. 300 85. Description of item Unit Length Rate Amount Rs.5 core 95 mm2 aluminium cable suitable for 415 V.00 1 2x2. Rs. 55 168.00 25500. 93510.00 3 12x2.00 29645.00 9240. 1.5 mm2 screened control cable Mtr.5 mm2 screened control cable Mtr. 605 2 4x2.00 4 3.00 Total :- 93510.5 mm2 screened control cable Mtr. AC Mtr. 125 233. (Refer P-53) S.PAGE-45 I.00 29125.2 Schedule of cost and control cable for 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station using 22 kV indoor type switchgear.00 . 49.00 Say Rs.No. 8=401.175)+2(0.S.837 8577.5x133.8 kg/mtr.00 kg 402 57.00 X0.75 mtr length 1.00 2697.00 22914. rails 133.00 1778.00 2058.00 Say Rs.68x7x6x7x0. 42720.1 kg 7 GI drain pipe 100 mm dia 2 mtr long mtr 8 Stoppers for Transformer wheels & horing of M.15 kg say 31.175)=0. rails 2x1.S angle iron slapper 75x75x8 mm.00 kg 31.00 7178.No.175)-(1. 2 no. 2 nos. 1 PCC 1:4:8= 3.1 57.00 & angle iron with stoppers.5X0. say 73 kg 4 M.00 .026 2629.8 mtr.026 mm3 m3 1.5X1.837 3 M.40 kg 23. rails L.325X0.00 1316.35X0.5x7.39 m3 0. round 12mm dia 230 mm center to center at 18% wastage (21x1. of 1.2)-2(1. In length 2x1. Total :- 42717.70 2 1029.9= 31.25=1.8X1.2)1.4X0.S.1=81.5+3.68X0. Or 72.95 kg 73 57.7=23.35 2 RCC 1:2:4=(3. angle iron 65x65x6 mm supports along the M.S.S. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.75x2x8.8X0.4X0.5x7x2)+(0. Rs.9 kg.PAGE-46 Foundation of each of 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Transformer (refer 33kV Sub-station standard layout) S.2 57.31 say 80 mtr.00 4161. 1. 613.S.4 say 402 kg 5 M.2 kg 6 M.S. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.2+5x4x0.2x1.3x1.No. 1 RCC 1:2:4 (2.1.016 m3 m3 2.65x0.2 Foundation of each of 33 kV or 22 kV CB (outdoor type) .5)=2.PAGE-47 I.00 . 19800.17 kg say 44 Total :- 19799.016 8577.75x0.00 17291.[33kV Sub-station Standard layout] S.23 2 M.S.00 1.1(10x1.00 2508. Rs.65+8x2.51 M =43.6)=48.05)+(2. round 12 mm dia at 10% wastage kg 44 57.00 Say Rs. 043+0.068 4 Brick Masonary1:6=2(0.04x0.9 kg 7 Angle iron 40x40x6 mm at10% wastage= 0. Rs.301 m3 m3 0.24x1)+(0.00 1163.15 57.09x0.025 =0.301 3866.00 6.025x0.08 2 PCC 1:2:4=( 0.55 1:4(22/7x0.00 .085 m3 m3 0.075x1) =0. 2490.00 246.6x1)+(0.02 mtr =2. of OB Type Trench with cover .No.5x1)+ 0.08 m3 0.05)=0. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.25x1)+(0. Or 5.48 Say Rs.25x1)=0.021 4718.05x0. 1 PCC 1:5:10=(1.1(8x0.S.13x0.05x1)+(0.67 5 10 mm cement plaster in cement mortar m2 0.00 293. S.05x1)=0.00 99.085 2895.021 m3 3 RCC 1:2:4 =2(0.25x0.24x0.30 kg 5.PAGE-48 Schedule of cost of construction of 1 mtr.075x0. round 6 mm dia for at 10% wastage = 1.00 514.80 kg 2.49x3= 1.085 80.15 kg Total :- 2488.068 7559.00 165.085 m2 6 M.01 0.73+6x1) =13.25x1)+ m3 0.9 57.5(22/7x0.47 mtr. 64 57.09x0.00 214.64 kg 7 Angle iron 40x40x6 mm.12 kg 2. S.018 m3 0.00 29.101 m3 m3 0.21x1)=0.175x1)+0.061 m3 0.01 kg Total :- 1506.00 390.No.05x0.075x1) =0.20 4 Brick Masonry 1:6=2(0.864 m2 6 M.792 mtr =2.3 mm long =2.364 80.018 4718.061 8577.5(0.01 57.35x1)= 0.152+0.00 523.00 84.00 114.074 2895.1(8x0.152)x1=0.48 kg 2.59+6x1) =11.00 .47 5 10 mm cement plaster in cement mortar 1:4= m2 0.PAGE-49 Schedule of cost of construction of 1 mtr. of OC Type Trench with cover.S.05x0.074 m3 m3 0.57 (0.101 3866.00 150.92 3 RCC 1:2:4 =2(0. 8. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.98x0. 1510. Rs. 1 PCC 1:5:10=(0.23 2 PCC 1:2:4=2( 0.99 Say Rs.24x1)+(0.24x0. round 6 mm dia for at 10% wastage = 1.025x0.175x1)=0. 4 2490.00 Mtr 63.PAGE-50 Cost of Trenches in 33/11 kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station S.00 227586.00 control room 2 Construction of OC type of Trench in the yard and control room Total :- 324075. Description of item 1 Construction of OB type of Trench in the yard and Unit Length Rate Amount Rs.9 1510. Mtr 91.00 .00 Say Rs. 324080.00 96489.No. Rs. 0 1785000 Total :- Total 73504 183760 1727344 1785000 3512344 .PAGE-51 Switch Room & Control Room Building of 33/11kV or 33/22 kV Sub-Station or 33 kV control point S. mtr Covered Area Sq. mtr 80 18376 1470080 2 Cost of Land (tentative ) Sq. Rs.No.0 1785000 A) Manned Sub-Station 1 2 Electrical installation service Storage connectio tank@12. mtr 7000 255.5 7 8 110256 275640 Amount 9 2591016 1785000 Total :- 4376016 B) Un-Manned Sub-Station 1 Sub-Station Building/ Control Room of 80 sq. mtr Covered Area Sq. mtr 7000 255. Description of item 1 2 Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs. mtr 120 18376 2205120 Cost of Land (tentative ) Sq. 3 4 5 6 Sub-Station Building/ Control Room of 120 sq. 2x76 M Mtr 152 85 12920 12920 2 core 2.5 mm2. single phase PT's 3156 No. on which PT already PT not Installed installed A) 33 kV equipment 1 36 kV Vacuum C. type (additional ) as per detail P-48 S/Total Transportation charges as per statement P-63 32820 32820 Total 1370308 1464715 150734 161119 Grand Total 1521042 1625834 15. as per detail P-41 job 1 10530 10530 10530 D Foundation of circuit breaker as per detail P-47 job 1 19800 19800 19800 E Additional control cables 4 core 2.PAGE-52 TERMINAL EQUIPMENT AND ALLIED MATERIAL FOR EACH OF 33 kV OUTGOING FEEDER S.No.26 Departmental Charges @ 11.) No. 2 33 kV control and relay panel 3 33/11kV.5 mm2.B. Unit Qty Rate (Rs. 1 254440 254440 254440 No.0 % 31116 33534 Contingencies Charges @ 3.21 16.0 % 31116 33534 Erection charges as per detail P-75 238070 247040 Trench O. 2x76 M Mtr 76 49 3724 3724 12 core 2. 2x76 M Mtr 76 233 17708 17708 Mtr 9 2490 F 12-/1979 80601 22410 22410 1037187 1117788 Storage Charges @ 3. 3 26867 4 33 kV multi core.B. Description of item Iss.5 mm2. multi ratio CT's 2705 set 3 30992 92976 92976 5 33 kV isolator with E/Blade set 1 77886 77886 77886 6 33 kV isolator without E/Blade 52/1964& 1968 52/1987 set 2 71508 143016 143016 7 33 kV lightening arresters metal oxide type 16/1981 set 1 5371 5371 5371 B 33 kV super structure & busbar extension as per detail P-42 job 1 107960 107960 107960 C Extension of earthing etc. 1 268446 268446 268446 REC STD No. Amount for 33/11 kV S/Stn.No.0 % Say Rs in lacs . Board light points --do-Sub-Total :- 10% as wastage of above Total :Say (Mtrs) 200 -- -- -- 547 271 112 50 54. WITH COMMON BREAKER CONTROL (Note this cable schedule is strictly for preparation of cost data. CT's control Board 33kV Differential protection -- 55 -- -- Supply to the relay -- -- 15 -- -- -- 25 -- D.1 123. Board control Board D.1. To carry supply from 2x2.(a) CONTROL CABLE SCHEDULE FOR 33/11 kV OR 33/22 kV S/STN.PAGE-53 I. Board 11/22kV control Board D.5x95 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 -- -- -- 50 transformer to ctrl.C.2 5 601.No. protection -- -- 72 -- 33kV diff. Name of circuit 1 3-ph.7 298.2 55 605 300 125 55 .5 4x2.C. 400 volt Stn.5 12x2. exact cable schedule be had as per site requirements from quarter concerned) S.7 27.1 11.C.1. room I1 33 kV control panel 70 -- -- -- I2 33 kV control panel Carry isolator position indication --do-- 65 -- -- -- I2 33 kV control panel --do-- 56 -- -- -- I5 33 kV control panel --do-- 52 -- -- -- I6 33 kV control panel --do-- 47 -- -- -- I7 33 kV control panel --do-- 57 -- -- -- VCB 33 kV control panel -- 72 -- -- To carry indication to carry circuit healthy check 3 4 AC circuit Emergency lighting VCB AC control board To change MOCB spring -- 72 -- -- VCB Control panel Trip close -- 72 -- -- VCB (CT's) control Board Metering. Transformer supply 2 From Station To LT :AC Board transformer Indication circuit Purpose Length in mtrs.5 3. Conductor No. Conductor No.00 177.00 Total :- .00 372. 2 186.00 1347. 3 186.00 3 Bend staple set/ chain link No. 2 disc insulator.00 -- -- -- -- 558.00 -- -- 372.00 2 Eye socket ball cleaves I For 1 disc insulator String Set 1 135.00 -- -- III For 3 disc insulator String Set 1 135.00 186.00 -- 5 Suspension clamps for 65 mm2 Cu-eq.00 177.00 135. Strain Strings S.00 477.00 4 Dead end clamp for 65mm2 Cu-eq.00 186.00 177.00 -- -- -- -- 135.00 -- 380.00 -- 477.00 177.00 177.00 975.00 -- -- 135.) Amount ( In Rs.00 1064.00 -- -- -- -- II For 2 disc insulator String Set 1 135.00 1250.PAGE-54 Analysis for 1 disc insulator.00 -- 380. 1 477.00 177.00 -- 380.00 -- -- III For 3 disc insulator String No.00 558.No.00 -- -- -- -- II For 2 disc insulator String No.00 135.00 135.00 -- 477. 1 177.00 1161. 3 disc insulator Tension/ Suspension. 1 186. Description unit Qty Rate ( Rs.) 1 disc insulator String 2 disc insulator String 3 disc insulator String Tension Suspension Tension Suspension Tension Suspension 1 Disc insulator 90 KN I For 1 disc insulator String No.00 135.00 878. 1 380. 3 493 1479 B) 11 kV four pole structure as per detail P-56 Sub-Total 1017881 77800 Sub-Total 1095681 Storage Charges @ 3. Rs. No. Description A) EQUIPMENT 1 11 kV 1-Phase auto voltage booster outdoor type Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs.O switch vertical type 200 Amps (4826/77) No.PAGE-55 Cost of installation of 11 kV Auto Voltage Booster S. 1 1717 1717 4 11 kV substation type LA's ( 0/70) No.0 % 32870 Contingencies Charges @ 3. 1 1010103 1010103 100 Amps( set of 2 for 10% booster) 2 11 kV G.O.No.0 % 1254432 137988 Total Less cost of dismantled material as per detail P-59 1392419 -1950 Grand Total Say Rs in lacs 1390469 13.90 .0 % 32870 Erection charges as per detail P-76 81680 Transportation charges as per statement P-61 11330 Total Departmental Charges @ 11. 1 4582 4582 3 11 kV D. fuse unit (5792/70) No. /71 No 6 975 5850 6 11 kV pin insulators with side tie.00 620 11 Set of jumpers with PG clamps (each of 3 nos.) Set 2 357 714 Total 77799 Say Rs. 77800 . helically formed fittings.O. Alongwith G-2/1975 No 6 105 630 total = 16 nos. Rate Amount Rs.No. No 4 9536 38144 No 16 1303 20848 No 14 133 1862 II For G. Rs. 3 Half clamps with nuts & bolts 4 Full --do-- No 8 216 1728 5 11 kV strain insulator complete with fittings 3. Unit Qty REC STD No. 1 Steel tubular pole 9 mtr long 2713/80 2 Channel Iron 2400x100x50x6 mm I For line & four pole structure =6 nos. fuse unit =4 nos.No. Description of item Iss. 7 Stay set complete with guy grip G-2/1973 Set 5 695 3475 8 Earthing set complete I-1/1972 Set 3 1236 3708 9 Danger plate No 2 110 220 10 Barbed wire Kg 10 62. III For foundation of Auto voltage booster =6 nos.O. switch & G.PAGE-56 Material cost of 4 Pole Structure on 11 kV line for installation of Auto Voltage Booster S. PAGE-57 Cost of installation of 1 no.946 Total Departmental Charges @ 11.0 % 16178 10581 Contingencies Charges @ 3.) 11 kV Auto- 11 kV 3-ph line reclosure Sectionalizer 1 11 kV 3-ph auto reclosure No.No. 1 40520 40520 40520 Sub-Total 497254 310709 539253 352708 Storage Charges @ 3. 3 493 1479 1479 4 Material cost for double poles structure bed as per detail P-58 No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Rs.141 4.0 % Total Less cost of dismantled material as per detail P-59 Grand Total Say Rs in lacs . Auto Reclosure / 11kV Sectionalizer S. Amount(Rs. 1 497254 2 11 kV . 1 310709 3 11 kV S/Stn type LA's No.0 % 16178 10581 Erection Charges as per detail P-76 62110 62110 Transportation Charges as per statement P-61 11330 11330 645048 447310 70955 49204 716003 496515 -1950 -1950 714053 494565 7. 11 kV 3 ph. 3-ph sectionalizer No. No. 6 216 1296 12 Set of jumpers with PG clamps( each set of 3 no.) Set 2 357 714. 2 133 266 11 M.PAGE-58 Material cost of Double Pole Structure on 11 kV line for installation of Voltage Booster/ Auto line sectionalizer S.S. 2 110 220 Barbed wire Kg 8 62. Full clamps with nuts & bolts No. 2 9536 19072 Channel iron cross arm (2400x100x50mmx6mm) No. 1 Steel tubular poles 9 mtr long 2713/80 2 3 4 Channel iron cross arm (980x100x50x6mm) 5 11 kV strain insulators complete with fittings 6 7 8 9 Rate Amount Rs.00 Total :- 40521. 2 532 1064 3./71 No. No. 2 192 384 No. Rs.No. Description of item Iss.00 Say Rs.00 496 10 M.S. Unit Qty REC STD No. half clamps with nuts & bolts No. 40520 . 6 975 5850 Stay set complete with guy trip G-2/1976 Set 5 695 3475 Earthing set complete T-1/1972 Set 2 1236 2472 Danger plate No. 4 1303 5212 Angle iron bracing set (750x50x50x6mm) No. 45 Say Rs. 3 105(1-0.3x15)= 39 39 fitting 5 Top Clamp Total:Less 5% dismantling charges 2051 -102.55 Total:- 1948. 1 9 mtr long PCC poles No.PAGE-59 Credit for Material to be Dismantled S. Rs. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs. 1 816(1-0.No.3x15)= 58 174 No. 1 383(1-0.3x15)= 449 449 4 11 kV pin insulator &side tie with pin A/w helically formed No. 1 2141(1-0. 1950.3x15)= 211 211 3 Channel Iron cross arm(1500x100x50mm) No. 1 71(1-0.00 .3x15)= 1178 1178 2 Angle Iron bracing set (750x50x50mm) No. 2 MVAR 1.72 Sub-Total Departmental Charges @ 11. Description 1 11 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank along with Series Reactor a 1.8 MVAR Unit Qty Rate Amount(Rs.8 MVAR 628328 ----- No.) Rs.0 % 18850 25950 Contingencies Charges @ 3.60 Cost of installation of 11 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank S.Page.No.00x2(76+33) 9810 9810 Total 714438 965323 78588 106185 Grand Total 793026 1071508 7.2 MVAR b 1.93 10.0 % Say Rs in lacs . 1.0 % 18850 25950 Erection charges as per detail P-70 38600 38600 Transportation charges 45. 1 628328 No. 1 865012 ---- 865012 628328 865012 Storage Charges @ 3. Description 1 Road Manual Transportation Transportation Unloading & Total Stacking of material 33 kV line material a b 2.72mm I On PCC poles Km 15840 34070 -- 49910 II On steel tubular poles Km 15840 20050 -- 35890 III On 60% PCC & 40% S/T poles Km 15840 28460 -- 44300 Conductor size AAAC 7/ 4. 297000 -- 530x30= 15900 312900 II Material for 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) No. Unit Conductor size ACSR 6/1/4.26mm I On PCC poles Km 15840 33760 -- 49600 II On steel tubular poles Km 15840 19730 -- 35570 III On 60% PCC & 40% S/T poles Km 15840 28150 -- 43990 I Material for 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) No. 10800 -- 530x1= 530 11330 Sectionalizer/ Autoreclosure .No. 297000 -- 530x30= 15900 312900 III Material for 33/11 kV Terminal Equipment No.PAGE-61 Abstract of Transportation Charges S. 28080 -- 530x3= 4740 32820 IV Material for 11 kV auto Voltage Booster/ No. 00 Transportation charges for 1 km of 33 kV line material Average distance of divisional store to central stores (Km) = 77. Per Km = 45.00 Average out turn of departmental truck in Rs.00 Average out turn of Departmental truck in Rs.00) = Say Rs.00 Line material of 1 km of 33 kV line length requires 2 trip of truck. therefore total journey of truck (30x2(77+33)) = 6600. so total journey of truck = (77+11)x2x2 = 352.00 297000.PAGE-62 Transportation Charges for 33 kV line and 33/11 kV Sub-Station Average distance of divisional store to central stores (Km) = 77.00 Average lead distance from Divisional store to site of work (Km) = 11.00 Average lead distance from Divisional store to site of work in Kms = 33.00 Transportation charges for item of line material (352x45.00 Transportation Charges for 1no.00) = 15840.00 Average lead distance from Divisional store to site of work in Kms = 33. = 15840.00 Carriage of material for 1 no.00 .00 Transportation charges for 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Un-Manned) Average distance of central store to Divisional store (Km) = 77. 33/11kV Sub-Station material (6600x45. 33/11kV Sub-Station material (6600x45. 33/11 kV Sub-Station requires 30 trips of truck.00 Carriage of material for 1 no.00 Transportation charges for 33/11 kV Sub-Station (Manned) Average distance of central store to Divisional store (Km) = 77. Per Km = 45.00 Say Rs.00) = 297000.00 Say Rs.00 Transportation Charges for 1no.= 297000. = 297000. 33/11 kV Sub-Station requires 30 trips of truck. therefore total journey of truck (30x2(77+33)) = 6600. 00 28080 Transportation charges for 11 kV auto voltage booster/11 kV line sectionalizer/ 11kV auto reclosure 1 Average distance from Central store to Divisional store = 77 Kms 2 Average lead distance from Divisional store to 33/11 kV Sub-Station site = 33 Kms 3 Average lead distance from 33/11 kV.00 per Km 6 Transportation charges for 1 no. Sub-Station site to site of installation of 11 kV auto voltage booster/ 11 kV line sectionalizer/11kV auto reclosure= 10 Kms 4 Total journey of truck (1 trip) = 1x2 (77+33+10) =240 5 Average out turn of truck = Rs. 11kV auto voltage booster / 11 kV sectionalizer/11kV auto reclosure = Rs. 45.= 10800.00 .00 per Km = Say Rs.= Rs. Total 4 Average out turn of truck 5 Transportation charges for 1 set Terminal Equipment 77 kms = 27 kms = = 3x2 ( 77+27) =624 Rs. 624x45.PAGE-63 Transportation Charges for Terminal Equipment and 11 kV auto voltage booster/ line sectionalizer/ auto reclosure Transportation charges for Terminal Equipment 1 Average distance from central store to Divisional store 2 Average lead distance from Divisional store to site of work = 3 Carriage of material for 1 no. Terminal Equipment (3 trips). 240x45.00 Say Rs. 45. 33 Say 33 Kms Average distance for carriage of 1 km of 33 kV line material = 32/3 = 10. Store Point at Distance from divisional store to Sub-Station (Km) 33 kV Tapping Point (km) 1 Chauntra Joginder Nagar Bassi 15 5+20 (line length) 2 Chowari Dalhousie Lahru 45 40+5 (line length) 3 Sandole Sarkaghat Jaisinghpur 40 35+7 (line length) 100 80+32 (line length) Total :Average distance of Sub-Station From Divisional store = 100/3=33.66 Say 27 Kms Remarks . 33 kV Tapping to Divn.66 Say 11 Kms Average distance for carriage of Terminal Equipments = 80/3= 26. Operating Divn. Name of Sub-Station No.PAGE-64 Average Distance from Divisional Store to Site of Work Sr. 00 13300.00 20. Medical Allowance Conveyance All.00 11772. of festival Holidays No. Washing All. snow falls. = = = = 150 52 days 11days 3 days = = = 12 days 20 days 10 days Total working day in a year = 365-(52+11+3+12+20+10) = 257 days Actual wages of Beldar per day = 150x365/257 = 213.e.00 50.00 18626. Pay per day Pay per day Pay per day Pay per day Foreman Line man AL/man T/mate PB-3 PB-2 PB-1 PB-1 10900-34800 6400-20200 5100-10680 5100-10680 22850.00 955. of paid holidays in a year I. road blockages & non availability of material.00 50.00 110. ROAD BLOCKADE.00 140.00 7890. House Rent Risk Allowance Danger Allowance TA for 7 day a month Foreman @ Rs 160/.00 250.00 7890. of Earned Leave in a Year Deduction of working hours lost due to unforeseen circumstances I.00 140.00 250.00 -1120.00 0. HEAVY RAINS.80 6796.30 2516.00 19728. Electricity All.24 955.00 150.) No.00 800.per day T/mate @ Rs 130/-per day Total :Total working days in a month Pay per day Rs.50 1564.04 Say with escalation of 10%for 2013-14 (Rs. of Days S. 15th Aug.00 1563.00 1550.00 150.e.80 20.00 50.00 ---910. 365 52 30 12 24 10 7 8 TOTAL WORKING DAYS IN A YEAR = 365-(52+30+12+24+10) = TOTAL WORKING DAYS IN A MONTH = 237/12= 237 20 A S.00 2516. LOCAL) WORKING DAYS LOST DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES I. OF DAYS IN A YEAR SUNDAY HOLIDAYS EARNED LEAVE CASUAL LEAVE GAZZETED HOLIDAYS (RELIGIOUS.) = 234.80 250.00 .00 250.00 931.e.00 0.per day L/Man @ Rs 160/.00 140.00 700. of Sundays in a year No. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL NO. of Casual Leave in a Year No.00 138.34 931.00 3050. Say for 2013-14 Rs.00 -19104.00 1700.00 250.00 --910. SNOWFALL AND NON AVAILABILITY OF MATERIAL ETC. heavy rains.00 --31270.00 300.NO.00 1120.00 110.No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Details of labour cost per day Pay Band Scale of Pay Average Basic pay Grade Pay DA @ 72% (On Basic+Grade Pay) Compensatory All.00 300.00 100.00 4550.per day ALM @ Rs 130/.00 ---50326.00 250.00 Per day working wages for Beldar B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Daily wages (Rs.00 1000.00 500.00 30.PAGE-65 ANALYSIS OF WORKING DAYS IN THE YEAR No.80 20.00 140. NATIONAL.00 138.00 6904.00 50.00 250.00 250.00 20. 2nd Oct & 26th Jan No. 00 33758. 1564.00 2335.00 No.00 2647. 234.26 mm -GI wire 6 SWG -Total for S/P (ACSR 6/1/4.26 mm = 33758 33760 19733 19730 T/mate @ Rs.00 .26) Manual carriage for 1 km line with PCC poles Say Rs Manual carriage for 1 km line with S/T Say Rs.00 1092.00 12597.00 19733. of No wages days 15 16 17 --- 1 1 6 9 5586 8379 9 14 6 9 ---------- 1 -1 1 ------ 1 -1 1 ------ 931 0 931 931 0 7448 7448 10241 10241 11 5 9 7 2 ----- 1 0.72 cond.00 19656.09= 34070 34070 20045 20050 --- --- ---------- ---------- ALM @ Rs. 931.00 1404.00 468. of wages days 6 7 8 ------------------ACSR 6/ 1/4. of No wages days 9 10 11 --- --- ------------------= AAAC 7/4.00 2023. of No wages days 12 13 14 Beldar @ Rs. -AAAC 7/4. 955.00 23517.00 20045. of No wages days 3 4 5 No --- --- 2 Manual carriage of material for 1 km of 33 kV line Assuming avrg lead distance of 1 km from road head -Steel poles 10 M long -PCC poles M.00 1716.00 28035.00 585.00 23829.00 12285.PAGE-66 Abstract for Manual Carriage Sr.00 585. cross arms.75 1 1 1. 2516. bracing sets insulators -nuts & bolts Etc.72) -(AAAC 7/4.00 14010.00 No.00 468.72) -(AAAC 7/4. 1 1 2 3 4 a b c Description Foreman @ Rs.S.26) -or PCC poles (ACSR 6/1/4. poles ---------= Rs = --- L/Man @ Rs. -Stay set complete with stay wire -ACSR 6/1/ 4. No.00 No.00 No.00 34070.5 ----- Total 18 8424.00 No. 931.75 M) a Placing of templates & filling of concrete b painting of poles Total :- 6 0. 955.5 0.25 1074.75 119.75 0.25 2793 232.38 9870.50 Say Rs.5 232.00 9064.00 --- --- 782 391 1173 --- --- 1074.4 1 -- 0.5 702.72 mm ACSR/ AAAC 7/4.5 238.4 1 2 2 1 1 1 -- 1 0.50 -- 0 2516 -- -- 0 1173 -- -- 0 1313.5 0. Cross bracing Fixing of barbed wire danger plate etc.5 -- 0.00 8934. 1564. Total :- C) Erection of double S/T pole structure (As per head "B" for PCC (9.75 0 0 1074.13 --- --- 3258.5 -- 931 465.5 2 2 Erection of double PCC pole structure Digging of pits Erection of two pole structure Drilling of poles in X-arms cross bracing Fixing of X-arm string insul. of No wages days 3 4 5 L/Man @ of Rs.125 0.25 351. 234.50 699.00 8934. actual surveying profiling & final survey of 1 km of line b Stacking of 1 km of line work c Camp shifting Total :- 1 6 15096 2 6 18768 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 6 -1 -- -0.25 0.00 0.5 0 477.00 No.00 Say Rs.5 8424.Detailed analysis of Labour Rates for 33 kV line with 6/1/4. 3 no.5 -- 0 1258 16354 2 2 -- 2 0.5 0.00 Beldar @ of Rs.25 0.50 234.00 234.5 1404.5 ---- 0 0 0 782 0 0 0 782 -1 1 1 1 --- -0.00 8934.50 -- -- 0 0 -- -- 0 782 -- -- 0 477.25 232.00 -11934.25 --- 0 238.25 -0.5 0 3258.4 238. D) Erection of double PCC pole structure (Dead End) a (9.00 702.25 1887 629 -1 0. 2516.5 0 782 -1 -0. String insulator dead end clamp only c Painting of cross arm -Total :- 42288.1 -- -- 0 3025.13 2983.00 2035. E) Erection of double pole S/T poles (Dead End) structure (dead end 9.38 477.5 --- --- 0 0 6 2 1 0.00 0. No.25 3480.00 0.00 T/mate @ of Rs. dead end) as per S/head B -b Fixing of additional cross-arms for dead 1 end. -2398.5 1 0.75 6 0. Filling of pits & ramming Painting of steel cross arms etc.75 465.5 0 2793 6 12 --1 4 2 0.75 11389.13 11390.75 465.75 3491.25 2427.25 10455.63 10460.5 -- 465.00 Say Rs.88 234.3 --- --Say Rs.50 --- --- 0 0 1887 --- --- 0 0 782 --- --- 0 0 1074. clamp earth wire and connecting to the structure Filling of the pit with material & earth Total :- 1867.25 2895.00 2866.4 238. Description 1 2 Foreman @ of Rs.50 0.25 782 391 -1 -0.50 468.125 29.75 -1 -0.88 8930.50 234.5 -- 6256 1564 26588 ---- ---- 0 0 0 ---- ---- 0 0 0 6 6 -- 2 2808. addl. .25 0.5 0.25 0.75 9868.8 1 0. of No.5 232.75 1313.00 54876.25 352.00 583.5 0. of No No No wages wages wages days days days 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total S/C 18 A) Surveying & Stacking(33 kV line) a Preliminary.00 No.5 ---- 0 629 0 1258 0 0 0 1887 ---1 ---- ---0.75 1887 -- 0.38 1520.00 3524. of No wages days 6 7 8 ALM @ of Rs.00 234.00 Say Rs.00 2398.88 1491.00 0.50 29.75 M long) a As per sub head (C) b As per item b+c of S/head (D) Total :- --- --- 1887 629 2516.4 -- -- 2793 -- Say Rs. F a b c Earthing of 33 kV line Digging of pit Fixing of earth red.00 No.00 58.25 --0.00 234.00 9868.5 232.75 3481.00 1989.75 --- --- 2398.75 29.00 1493.75 232.00 8398.00 530.125 0.00 933. 54880. of No.75 M .26 SR.00 B) a b c d e f g -1 -1 ---- -0.6667 0.00 2866.00 936.5 782 -- -- 1074.00 --- --- 0 0 -1 -0. 33 -0.625 0.00 1127.75 116.00 7298.00 468.8 0.875 --Say Rs.00 2047.25 1.25 438.125 0 314. and its lighting Total :- H I 1 a b c Fixing of jumpers (1 set) for 33 kV line Stringing of 1 km of line (33 kV) GI wire Laying of GI wire Straining and sagging Binding with insulator Total :- 2 a b c J) 1 a b c 2 a b c 3 a b c d 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -1 -1 -0.25 0 931 5 5 0 10 0.75 1 0.625 1193.00 763.1 G a b c d 2 Erection of stay set of 33 kV lines Digging of pit Filling of stay rod.00 0.375 1.00 100 mm2 33 kV (SC) line Laying of conductor ACSR (AAAC) Straining and sagging ACSR (AAAC) Winding with insul.625 1193.5 1 0.33333 310. 0.125 0 391 0 195.25 -0.5 1572.4 -- 0 382 0 -2 -- -0.75 195.25 -0.50 0.125 0 238.5 0 3145 2 2 2 2 2 -- 0.5 -1 -1 -0.33 ----- ----- 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -0.875 0.88 1926.00 234.625 --- 1572.25 1.125 0 195.3 1629.625 0.00 466. 39.00 12 10 12 10 --- 1755.00 0. nuzzling & tightening Filling of pits Earthing (s) 2 no.50 8398.625 0.5 1572.375 1.00 234.75 0.75 482. -Say Rs.75 510.00 Total AAAC7/4.25 162 -- -- 0 1 Say Rs. PCC poles 8 M long Digging of pits Erection of poles Filling of pits & ramming Erection of 2 no.00 5474 2 2 2 2 2 -- 0.8 1629.625 1193.00 1579.125 232.50 18260.75 698.3 0 2793.125 0.50 18970.625 0.00 6 -1 4 0. 466.125 351.00 0.50 2457.375 0 0.00 1462.00 7347.00 0.625 0.25 0.5 3342.25 4342.88 1986.125 0.5 391 ----- ----- 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 1 0.88 4 -4 -- 0.33 629.5 955.33 6 -2 0.5 0 1258 1 1 1 3 0.00 Road path stream etc.00 0.5 0 171 485. fixing of bird guards Total ACSR 6/1/4.875 --- 1163.6 0 -1 -- -0.50 -- -- 2793.38 1930.8 1163.50 8850.00 585. its template etc.25 -- 0 391 0 -1 -- -0.75 238.26 mm -- -- 3145 -- -- 5474 -- -- 3342.00 234. Erection of 2 no.33333 310.625 0.625 0. 7640.8 0.75 544. Digging of pits Fixing of earth rod.5 1955 2737 2 2 2 6 0.625 0.50 8853.6667 1 468.5 314.75 0 1 -1 0.25 -- 0 238.50 .3333 -0. earth wire& conn.72 mm 1 1 1 1 --- 0.375 0 0.5 Say Rs.8 0 6 4 1 0.38 581.125 0.25 Say Rs.33 -0.8 0.25 -- 234.00 -3342.00 117.5 -- 1955 1955 1955 1955 1564.50 2 2 2 2 --- 0.11 7300.40 234.00 2519.625 0.125 0.00 -- 0.00 ---- ---- 0 0 0 -1 -- -0.13 Say Rs.5 0 195.125 0.25 220.33 629.5 2 2 0 4 0. Filling of pits Stringing of catenary wire & filling with poles & earth connections Total :- 0 1603.625 0.25 341.75 544.5 468. 146.00 624.75 0 119.875 0. Filling of the pit Nuzzling of stay rod.25 -0.33333 310.25 760.00 778.00 1 0.00 0.75 0 232.38 1 -1 -- 0.00 2376.00 468.5 1572.00 18966.00 234.5 586.625 1193.33333 310.00 661.5 -1 -1 -0.00 1 1 0 2 0.00 ---- ---- 0 0 0 -1 -- -0.4 -- 0 744.00 18264.4 -- 0 625.1 978.625 0.88 2730.375 0 0.5 232.8 0.25 2387.3333 0.50 8807.25 -0.33 431.75 716.25 -1 0.75 3383.125 -0.125 -0.00 4212.33 -0. stay sets (LT) Digging of pits Fixing of stay rod.5 943. 25 5806.25 1 -- -55692.5 0 477.S.00 No.00 --- --- 0 0 1 -- 1 -- 1564 0 1 -- 1 -- 955 0 --- --- 0 0 2 6 1 8 468.50 408.5 5 6 0. 2516.00 175. Filling of pit Total :- III Erection of each cross arms of various sizes including drilling of pole&fixing clamps etc. pipe type electrodes for earthing Fixing of pipe type electrodes with earth mat Filling of earth excavated item a.75 2 Say Rs.b & d filling of item c.00 1369.00 Say Rs.00 No. 10000x225x150 mm with muff complete etc.00 22692.50 1 0.00 -- -- -- -- 0 -- -- 0 1 6 5586 6 2 2808. Total :- Foreman @ of Rs.00 8306.5 0.00 2808.00 -- -- 11322 -- -- 18768 -- -- 4775 -- -- 19551 -- -1 -0. of No.00 2987.50 1579. -1 -1 0 2516 2516 -1 -1 0 1564 1564 -1 -1 0 955 955 1 1 1 1 931 931 12 10 1 1 1862 Say Rs.00 Say Rs.00 -- -- 0 2 3 9384 -- -- 0 2 3 5586 11 3 7722.8 3 6 -- 0.00 1050.00 702. 0.25 Say Rs.00 No.00 36488. & (25x1) Laying fault welding Erection earth riser &painting other treatment after welding.5 0.00 11232.75 931 931 2094.00 1 3 7548 1 3 4692 1 3 2865 1 3 2793 6 3 4212.50 1404.00 -- -- 0 1258 -- -- 0 0 -- -- 0 477.00 110108.00 12050. of No wages No wages No wages days days days 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total 18 1 0. 1564. 234.5 585.25 232.5 1 1 0. 931. of No.25 292. 110110. joists 10000x225x150 mm Digging of pit Erection of R. of No wages days 3 4 5 L/Man @ of Rs.25 629 1 0.00 117.) Fixing of solid earth rods with earth mat Digging of 3.00 T/mate @ of Rs.00 4246.00 11232. Description No.5 465.75 1370.00 Beldar @ of Rs.15 M deep earth pit for 11 no.00 -1 1 -1 1 0 2516 2516 5032 --1 --1 0 0 1564 1564 -1 1 -1 1 0 955 955 1910 1 1 1 0.00 5966.50 4246.25 1 1 232. Digging of 3 M deep pits for solid earth rods of Mat ( 4 no.00 0.PAGE-69 Detailed analysis of Labour Charges for 33/11 kV Sub-Station SR.00 22110.5 -- -- 0 931 5 0.5 1258 1 1 1564 -- -- 0 1 6 5586 20 6 28080.00 5148.00 6205. .00 12045. of No wages days 6 7 8 ALM @ of Rs.00 1579.00 12180. 1 I a b c d e f g II a b c 2 Laying of earth material rods & pipe Excavation for laying earth metal at 0.00 8394. IV a b c Foundation of VCB Digging of pit PCC masonry foundation Erection of steel structure Total :- V a b Foundation of transformer Digging of pit PRCC masonry foundation including filling of pit & laying of rail etc. 955. 292.00 3739.00 1 1 2516 1 1 1564 1 1 955 -- -- 0 5 1 1170.25 12180.00 2340.5 465.25 391 -- -- 0 1 0.75M depth (37xM)= 22nos.50 2903.S. e. to be done with charcoal & salt preparation of demanded pits for later treatment for pipe Total :Erection of R.5 0 1258 --- --- 0 0 -1 -0. 5 0 782 782 --- --- 0 0 0 -1 -0.00 0.75 1 0.5 2 0.00 819.00 7516.00 -0. 1 1404.00 0.O.875 4403 4 0.00 Say Rs.375 349.00 Say Rs.00 93700.75 -- XVI Connection set 1 0.75 3774 2 0. -0.75 -- XVII Installation of 11 kV incoming panel 3 5 37740 3 5 23460 3 6 17190 -- -- 0 6 XVIII Laying of control cable 2 3 15096 2 3 9384 2 3 5730 2 3 5586 -- XIX Installation of 11 kV out going feeder panel or bus coupler 3 5 37740 3 5 23460 3 6 17190 -- -- 0 6 -1 -- -0.00 5890. including dehydration) 3 5 37740 3 5 23460 3 5 14325 3 5 13965 18 XIII Installation of S/Stn transformer 3 4 30192 3 4 18768 3 4 11460 3 4 11172 12 XIV Installation of VCB with CT 11 kV voltage booster 11 kV line sectionalizer 3 2 15096 3 2 9384 3 2 5730 3 2 5586 6 XV Erection of 1 set of jumper inclu.375 698.875 3342. Total :- -1 -0.00 38604.00 Say Rs.875 819.75 1432.6667 0.50 Say Rs.13 -- X 1 0.75 2346 -- -- 0 2 0.375 175.00 79794.25 629 1 0. 1491.00 Say Rs.00 73000.875 5474 4 0. 2 2808.5 1 0. -0.375 943.00 2990. 72996.5 0 465. 1 1404.00 VII Erection of 1 set of Bus bar 1 -- -- 0 1 0.00 79790.00 79794. fuse unit 1 0.13 1880.67 2 0.00 Say Rs.00 14038.25 629 1 0.50 3320.00 Say Rs. -0.375 943.25 391 1 0.00 5870.25 2990.33 Say Rs.00 4464.00 Say Rs. -0.00 35800.75 1173 2 0.00 5868.5 936.5 3 3 0.00 1491. XXI Connecting the cable ends to cable box or epoxy kit 2 0.00 2808.66667 1241.5 2 0.375 586.00 35796.5 -- -- 0 1 0.5 -- PAGE-70 18 -Say Rs.5 468.00 3555.00 Say Rs.75 1396.375 1173 -- -- 0 2 0.00 Say Rs.00 1879.25 232.25 238.5 0 1258 1258 -1 -0.5 1404.75 -- 0 1887 0 1887 -1 -- -0.25 232.00 936. 0.33 3560.25 238.75 1 0.50 1490.66667 1677. PG clamps 1 0.50 7520.75 0.50 1490.00 93702.00 468.00 0.75 -- 0 1173 0 1173 ---- ---- 0 0 0 0 ---- ---- 0 0 0 0 8 8 4 XX a b c 2 Installation of PT's (single phase) Laying of power cable (per no.3 -- VIII Installation of isolator 2 0.667 636.5 -- -- 0 4 IX Installation of Lightening Arrestors 1 0.25 391 1 0.) a Earth excavation b trench lining etc.00 38600. of 50M) Digging of earth Laying of cable in bricks & sand Filling of earth Total :- 0.00 Say Rs.75 1887 1 0.5 0.00 79790.00 5889.50 3324.00 Say Rs. -0.50 14040. 1 4212.00 Say Rs.00 Say Rs.5 465.1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 VI Laying of trenches (per Mtrs.00 468.00 1404. 0.00 351.00 2856.5 -- XII Installation & commissioning of power transformer (1 no.25 2 XI Installation of D.75 1396. 468. . 875 6604.25 d Installation of Stn.5 1671.875 2443.00 594.9 18 XXIV a b c ---- ---- 0 0 0 -1 1 -0.3 -- -- 0 0 1 0. 125870.875 2506.75 0. Battery set with trickle charger & rectifier.50 -- -- 0 0 -- -- 0 1955 1 0.75 Say Rs.00 351.50 Say Rs.5 ---- ---- 0 0 0 2 2 2 0.00 234.5 465. 16710.00 .00 351.75 0. A.00 21544.5 0 1173 782 -1 1 -0.5 3 0.50 4563.00 125868.5 234.00 0.00 103508.75 0.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 2 -- 5 2 -- 50320 10064 0 60384 4 2 -- 5 2 -- 31280 6256 0 37536 4 2 -- 5 2 -- 19100 3820 0 22920 --1 --0.25 477.5 0.5 0 0 465.00 816.00 2240.00 16713.5 0 716.5 477.25 1493.5 XXIII Yard lighting 3 0.00 936. control board Fire fighting equipment Total :- Erection of yard fencing ( 1 Mtr) Digging of pit Erection of angle iron supports Filling the pit & muffing of angle iron support Fixing of barbed wire Total :- 17 PAGE-71 18 3 XXII a b c 2 2808.5 117.9 3 0.00 1404.C.875 4105.5 6 6 3 2 1 0.00 234.5 3 0.25 1053.50 4562. . 88 1491.00 2035.13 11390.00 8398.00 .00 9868.25 4708.50 234.00 54880.38 9870.00 530.00 11246.63 10460.50 29.00 1493.00 9868.38 1520.75 11389.50 583.25 3480.00 9064.75 3481.00 11250.00 3524.00 699.00 933.25 704.00 8934.00 54876.00 1867.25 10455.PAGE-67 Total D/C 19 42288.50 468. 25 4342.75 510.75 482.00 18966.50 8398.00 1127.00 18264.00 778.33 629.75 3383.33 629.00 .50 8807.11 7300.75 544.88 1926.40 234.00 7640.00 7347.50 8850.33 661.00 1526.75 544.50 8853.PAGE-68 19 466.5 1520.50 18260.00 2376.38 1930.33 431.50 18970.00 2519.00 466.88 7298.00 468. . . . /km) J 2 No. S. 11390 11390 7 Erection of 60% PCC & 40% S/T Pole structure(dead end) -- 2 No. 10832 G 15 No. I)2 3 No.09 ACSR cond. Total . 3480 3480 10440 10440 10440 10440 9 Road path stream crossing guarding ( avrg 2 no. 18970 18970 56910 56910 56910 56910 II Stringing of 100 mm2 7/4. 9306 5 Erection of PCC Pole structure( Dead end) D 2 No. 8930 11250 35720 54880 54880 3 Erection of S/T Pole structure( susp) C 4 No.75/10 M long Double Pole Structure with ACSR 6/1/4. 10 Stringing of telephone & earth wire (GI No. Unit Refer S/head Rate (Rs.) S/C D/C PCC Poles S/T Poles 54880 40% S/T+ S/T Poles 60 % PCC (D/C) Poles 1 Surveying & stacking of line A 1 Km 54880 54880 54880 2 Erection of PCC Pole structure( susp) B 4 No.N o. 8850 8850 26550 26550 26550 26550 I)2 3 No. Two dead end with angle =10 no.PAGE-72 Erection/ Labour charges for construction of 1 km of 33 kV line on 9. 10460 10460 6 Erection of S/T Pole structure( dead end) E 2 No.) Amount (in Rs. 9870 9870 4 Erection of 60% PCC & 40% S/T Pole structure( susp) -- 4 No. 18260 18260 54780 54780 54780 54780 12 Making jumpers H 2 Set 760 1520 1520 1520 1520 3040 250490 253980 250608 321420 45000 39480 39480 37224 20920 20920 22780 22780 21664 STAY SET COMPLETE One suspension structure with angle =5 no.72 mm or 6/1/4. Total =11 no.72 mm Conductor with single continuous earth wire . 6 SWG) 11)I Stringing of 100 mm2 6/1/4. 7300 7300 14600 14600 14600 14600 I)1 3 No.26 mm AAAC cond. 1930 1930 28950 28950 28950 28950 8 Earthing of line at every alternate structure F 3 No. Description Qty. PAGE-73 Erection charges for 33/11 kV Sub-Station with common/ independent breaker control of Transformer S.N o. 93700.00 125870. earthing rod & pipes 2 Erection of super structure & busbar c Erection of T-set XV No. 73000.00 1 12180 1 12180 c Laying of trenches 4 Installation of equipment VI Mtrs.00 1 73000 1 73000 g Power Transformer h 11 kV incoming panel with PT's XII XVII No.5 .00 2 24100 2 24100 b Circuit breaker (VCB) IV No.00 18 76428 18 76428 b Erection of cross arms III No. 12050.5 16710 3903334.5 16710 N 12 2+N 2(2+N) 1 378 1 j 5 6 7 8 9 10 Station Transformer 11kV bus coupler 11 kV out going panels Laying of control cables set (for 50 M) Laying of power cables set (for 50 M) Connecting the power cable to cable for epoxy Installation of Sub-Station auxiliaries Erection fencing Erection of yard lighting Total 100700 N + 3886314.3 515596 155. 3320. Description 33/11 kV Sub-Station with Rate (Rs. 4246. 1490.00 4562. No. 14040. Set Set No.00 9 16920 9 16920 c PT's (1-phase) d D.00 3 1 1 8970 5890 38600 3 1 1 8970 5890 38600 f XIII No.O. 3560.00 25 37250 27 40230 d Erection of Jumper sets XVI No. joists II No.3 515596 a Isolators VIII No. No.00 2 2 187400 159580 2 2 187400 159580 I XIX No. 1370.00 155. 79790.00 7520.00 35800. No.) 110110.00 38600. fuse unit e Circuit Breaker ( V/SF6 CB) with CT's X XI XIV No.00 29 39730 29 39730 1 Laying of earth mat.00 8 112320 9 126360 b Lightening Arresters IX No.00 79790.00 5870. 12180.S.00 5890. 1880. 2990.25 16710. No.) Common Breaker control Independent Breaker of Transformer control of Transformer Qty Amount (Rs.5 100700 N + 70180N 429600 10300+5150N 10300 26520+13260N 30080 125870 15040 1724530.00 9 32040 9 32040 a Power Transformer V No. No. a Erection of R.00 1 110110 1 110110 S/head Unit I No.00 12 17880 12 17880 e Erection of one set of bus bar 3 Erection of foundations VII No. 79790.) Qty Amount (Rs.00 N 12 2+N 2(2+N) 1 378 1 70180N 429600 10300+5150N 26520+13260N 125870 1724530. No.00 1 79790 1 79790 XIX XVIII XX XXI XXII XXIV XXIII No. 1490. 1880.No.5 Say Rs. b Erection of cross arms III No. 14040. therefore N no. 1490.5 4702615 4865875 Say Rs 4539400 4702600 4865900 7 nos. c Erection of set of Busbar VII No. Total 4539354.00 REF Unit Rate(Rs.00 62557.PAGE-74 Erection of 11 kV yard for 4 feeder. 4719635 4882895 5 nos. 6 nos. 5029135 5192395 5029100 5192400 Erection Charges for 33/11 kV Sub-Station with Independent control of Transformer 7 nos. feeder S.00 f IX No.00 8 112320. 62560. Description Qty Amount (Rs.00 1370. 5 nos.00 Erection Charges for N feeder = N x Sub-Total /4 = 54930. 5046155 5209415 Say Rs 4556400 4719600 4882900 5046200 5209400 . 6 nos.00 250230.00 e Erection of isolators VIII No.00 x N Erection Charges for 33/11 kV sub-station with common breaker control of Transformer 4 nos.) 4246.) a Erection of structures II No.00 5 21230.00 1 3560.00 12 Erection of LA's Sub-Total :Erection Charges for Single feeder = Sub-Total / 4 = 22560. 8 nos.00 24 35760. 8 nos. 3560.00 d Erection of jumpers XV No. Total 4556375 4 nos.00 40 54800. 00 c Erection of Jumper sets XV Job 9 1490.00 B Foundation of VCB IV Job 1 12180.00 247040.00 Total 238065.00 54416.00 C Laying of trenches O.00 29880.00 3560.00 II LA's IX Job 3 1880.00 8492. joists Erection of equipment I Isolator IV Circuit breaker with CT's & CR panels 8970.00 b Erection of cross arms III Job 9 1370.00 A Earthing D Laying of control cables (set of 50 M) E Erection of super structures a Erection of R.00 13410.00 12180. 238070.00 17437.00 II Job 2 4246.00 12330.PAGE-75 Erection Charges for Terminal Equipment & Allied Material for each of 33 kV out going Feeder S.00 XVIII 50 M 76 35800.00 247035.00 . type VI M 9 3320.00 8492.00 38600.00 5640.00 d Erection of a set of bus bar VII Job 1 3560.00 38600.00 XIV Job 1 38600.00 17437.00 13410.00 5640.00 12330.00 29880.00 Say Rs.N Description o. Amount for 33/11 kV S/Stn PT's already PT's not installed installed Refer S/head Unit Qty Rate (Rs.00 3560.) I (e+f) Job 1 17437.00 III PT's X Job 3 2990.00 54416.00 42120.S.00 VIII Job 3 14040.00 12180.B.00 42120. 81680 62110 4 Erection of GO switch 8 Installation of 11 kV voltage booster/ line sectionalizer/ 11 kV auto reclosure . 1 2425 2424. 1 38600 38600 38600 Total 81682 62113 Say Rs. 1 5890 5890 5890 XIV No. 2 1490 2980 2980 7 Erection of D. Description Unit Qty Rate Rs.5 VIII No. S/head A-3 S/head A-1 & A-3(b) No. No. 1 2808 2808 2808 3)b Erection of Platform S/head C 6 2424. 1 14040 14040 5 Erection of LA's IX No. 1 3771 3771 3771 3)a Preparation of Platform Structure S/head C 3 No. 1 5529 5529 No.5 1 Erection of Double PCC Poles Structures (9 M) 2 Erection of Single Pole (9 M) including fixing of X-arms insulator of cross bracing set etc.PAGE-76 Erection Charges for 11 kV Auto voltage Booster/Sectionalizer/ Auto reclosure S. Refer S/head RE Cost SI Cost Data Data Amount 11 kV auto voltage Amount 11 kV line sectionalizer booster reclosure No. 3 1880 5640 5640 6 Erection of Jumpers (set) XV No. fuse unit XI No.O. Al.8*2+2. long PCC/Steel Tubular or 60 % PCC & 40 % S/T Pole (Double pole structures) with single continuous earth wire Sr Description No 1 Angle iron 2240*65*65*6 mm cross arm for earth wires (2.) (1. angle iron 50X50X6 mm 4.75 mtr.7*4.56.5*56. Cross arms for S/Stn. half clamps with nuts & bolts for S/Stn M.1*56. No.S.S.S.8*2) M. No. of M. 1 2976 M.24*6./10 mtr.S Angle Irons including clamps and bolts. 1 Amount (Rs. 3.8) ANALYSIS Page --34 A 1 2 CROSS ARMS 3.S. cross bracing set (consisting of 1800x65X65x6 mm.S.75 long M.8) 2 3 Unit Qty No.75 long M.) 865 No. 1 2771 No. channel iron 100X50X6 mm 9.5 kg/mtr.8*Rs. equivalent) conductor on 9. channel iron cross arm consisting of 4000x125x65x6 mm (4*13.56kg/mtr. 1 1 2036 959 B 3 4 CLAMPS M. Cross arms for S/Stn.2 Nos and 2700x50x50x6 mm-2 Nos. full clamps with nuts & bolts for S/Stn No No 1 1 133 216 .S.PAGE-77 ANALYSIS Page --1 Construction of 1 km of 33 kV line with ACSR (100 mm sqr.8*56.8*6. 2*6.56.6*6.8)*Rs. 3 M lomg supports 0.8)*0% Rates on HPSSR 2009 P/LCC 1:4:8 (1 cement 4 sand 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm normal size ) in foundation/pludg item 09130000 P151 No. sagged and concreted in ground and 2 mtr.56. angle iron 65x65x6 mm. For 127 mtr.6 M bent outwards at top & to contain 3 strands of barbed wire 0.4 mtr.(3.56.8)*0%=979 2 1 Supports required at every 2 mtr.PAGE-78 ANALYSIS Page --43 A) Expended metal fencing around switchyard 1 M.6*6. Periphery of switchyard 64 nos. Vertical for gauge fencing.8+((3.8+((3.8)*Rs.2*6.8)*Rs. 1 1390 No.56. 1 1236 cmt 2629 2 P/LCC 1:5:10 (1 cement 5 sand 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm normal size ) in foundation/pludg item 09150000 P151 cmt 2366 3 P/LCC 1:2:4 (1 cement 2 sand 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm normal size )in foundation/pludg item 0920010 P152 cmt 3629 4 RCC 1:2:4(1 cement 2 sand 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm normal size ) in foundation/pludg item 09380100 P157 cmt 8577 5 1st class brick Masonry 1:6 item 010010901 P165 cmt 3340 10MM cement Plaster 1:6 item 17046040 P345 cmt 62 7 Trench O B (TYPE) cmt 1128 8 Trench O C (TYPE) cmt 916 6 .8)*Rs. (3.S. 56.8)*Rs.S. Each grill works 2 No. Gate cost of masonry M.4 say 280 Sq mtr No. (3. 1 824 No. 1 1390 No.8+((3. Sagged and concreted in ground and 2 mtr.1x127x2 =279.e. mtr.8)*Rs.8)*Rs. 3 M long supports 0. 1 1236 Sq.(3.8+((3. 1.5 mtr.21*1.6*6.8)*Rs. Periphery of switchyard 64 nos.56. I.2*6.56.8+((8*6.Mtr. ((8*6. For 127 mtr.5sq.8)*Rs.2*6. Vertical for gauge fencing.5x2.1*1399)*3 Expended metal at 10 % wastage 1. 2x1.8)*0% (B) Gate at colony & switchyard entrance.8)*0%)*2 Gate cost of masonry ((1. 1 2083 Sq. Wicket gate.6*6. 693 .4 mtr.56.56.5x2.5*0. Mtr.S angle iron 65x65x6mm gates.6 M bent outwards at top & to contain 3 strands of barbed wire 0.PAGE-79 ANALYSIS Page --43 A) Expended metal fencing around switchyard 1 M.6)*1.8)*Rs.8)*0% 2 Supports required at every 2 mtr.56. angle iron 65x65x6 mm. 00 122604171.60 7913.26 432.89 6726806.27 1313.60 Total 1340 9MTRS 850 Total 850 10 MTRS 600 Total 600 8 MTRS 2055 Total 2055 9MTRS 13444 Total 13444 10 MTRS 1081 Total 1081 11 MTRS 253 Total 253 9 MTRS 850 Total 850 10 MTRS 600 No.00 Total 600 6812928.73 3598064. 3 M/S Electro Steels India I Near Truck Union.00 13991.12.91 484. No.25 75.80 14221.18 % Hike 16 54400608.28 122604171.2012.00 54400608. 6546.00 12170. 9336.00 12160.68 520.00 11355.00 8482.50 13382776.00 8897.73 13054.00 14222.00 6234.31 374.00 13054.41 .30 No.73 5667. DESCRIPTION CE(MM)-II-STP/Gaurang/TE-05/12 -L-12-16788-844 dated 11. Poanta Sahib.18 904181.00 10604612.60 3598064. No.52 1786.71 424.87 No.00 Total 9600 9 MTRS 1340 No.00 6980. Sirmour (HP)-173025 CE(MM)-II-STP-Electro Steel -TE-11/2011-L-33-14343-394 Dt.NO.00 12170.67 227.16 916. 4707.92 318.73 3598064.50 211. 10629. SUPPLIER 1 2 A STEEL TUBULAR POLES :1 M/S Jindal Industries Ltd.00 0.50 659.00 6812922.00 532.00 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 87 157246.25 206.50 6512.21.00 5666.09 309.92 1787.60 7913. I Plot No.00 15243.00 1937.D Edu.50 7913. No.41 1807.15. 6546.00 1505.00 75.00 9536.05. Madam Bhikaji Cama Bhawan 11.00 15243.89 6812928.26 12160.80 6726806.00 619.11.00 10604612.50 146662396. South Side of GT Road Bulanshahar Road Gaziabad (UP).12 2 M/S Gaurang Products Pvt.00 11354.P-80 STATEMENT SHOWING RATES OF EQUIPMENTS/MATERIAL FOR THE COST DATA 2013-14 (11 kV SYSTEM) S.39 327.79 10603..00 199.52 1786.27 14221.43 Total 87 157246.00 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 MTRS 9600 No.52 296.00 8482.62 122604171.-10.33 14111730. G.73 13054.00 14222.50 7913.62 14111730.2011 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 506 904181.00 7914.50 6812928.09.13 492.92 318.00 6726806.82 8897.89 7914.88 27737580.00 1915.92 Total 506 904181.87 6812922.00 6726806.60 6726806. road Damtal. No.31 374.38 7417.00 CE(MM)-XI-PCC Poles-Farm Fresh -09/2011-L-21-11760-82 Dt. 4 QTY UNIT RATE E. Paonta Shahib.29.88 .00 6512.00 13033. 7413.52 157246. Cess SALE TAX/VAT Entary Tax F&I.& DATE 3 CE(MM)-I-STP(Jindal)-TE-11/2011 L-32-Adll-8091-8148 Dt.66 674. I 605. Kangra (HP) Average Rate of Steel Tubular Poles B PCC Poles 4 M/S Farm Fresh Foods Pvt.50 No. Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi-110066 II P.66 536. Ltd. Ltd.11.60 5816.08 674.2011 No.80 14221.45 11583.48 14111730. 5332.80 1431.00 11354.91 205.88 11355.00 11354.50 6512.21 13382776.00 9120.91 268.33 3598064.43 1807. I Batamandi.00 11354.2012 CE(MM)-I-STP(Jindal)-TE-11/2011 L-33-23662-91 Dt.UNLOADING CHARGES TOTAL DIS-COUNT GRAND TOTAL UNIT RATE ROUNDED RATE FOR 2012-13 12 13 14 15 ROUNDED RATE FOR 2013-14 with 7.T.50 7913.80 5815.89 7914.00 5666.00 No No 1505.9.89 10604612.00 8 MTRS LONG 9 MTRS LONG 10 MTRS LONG 11 MTRS LONG Total Total Total Total 11655 16484 2281 253 67783384.66 674.30 13382776.73 54400608.00 6726806.00 9775.20 358.28 9119.41 1807.53 961.70 0.89 6812922.O.28 9119.50 7913.00 6074.00 8482. 00 1807.75 202878.00 130060.75 Mtrs (W/L 173 kg) 230 Total 230 9.00 P-82 .00 1576.43 93986.09.50 227. Nalagarh Distt.00 2558. Tehsil Nurpur Distt.00 75. The.00 1626.00 70.-09/2011-L-18 (AO)-11695-26472 -509 dated 27.00 1959.75 595412.00 1625.43 360957.00 130060.43 93986.75 250.00 1807.50 391900.75 135771.00 182061.00 2101.00 1686.50 1959.00 1415.25 135771.50 2588.00 170.00 1787.00 2198. 27.00 1937.75 202878.00 200.75 No 1415.75 1575.00 2559. Malpur.18 80.90 1807.00 93986.2012 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 200 Total 200 CE(MM)-XI-PCC Poles-Deep .18 234965.75 No No No No No 1715. Baddi. Kangra (HP) 6 M/S Deep Concrete Products I Vill. 29.36 1807.00 2775.00 2101.00 85.00 2275.75 Mtrs (W/L 173 kg) 100 Total 100 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 43 Total 43 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 82 Total 82 8 9 10 11 75.00 1686.00 Total 130 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 202 Total 202 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 35 Total 35 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 52 Total 52 CE(MM)XI-PCC Poles-KCI -09/2011-L-20-11783-99 Dt.00 2589.00 1790.90 1807.75 255875.75 70.75 1575.00 2275.75 595412.50 2588.00 2050.00 12 13 14 234965.75 135771.00 1960. 29.43 234965.50 255875.03.50 15 16 1807.25 1685.75 1753809.50 No 1415.00 2091.75 1753809.00 1960.75 150. Solan(HP)-173205 3 5 6 7 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 130 No 1505.00 75.00 70.84 No 1505.00 1415. Lodhwan.00 2558.00 1937.90 No 1505.25 89.25 227.00 202878.00 1959.00 2743.92 63260.03.75 113.00 1950.50 1655.50 391900.05 No No No 1505.00 2051.84 1786.00 1790.00 1937.00 1807.67 360957.75 255875.43 977790.00 1689.50 391900.00 85.43 63260.00 1656.2011 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 499 Total 499 CE(MM)XI-PCC Poles-KCI -09/2011-L-20(AO-26522-532 Dt.18 63260.O.75 140.00 1950.75 113.50 1959.25 227.75 No 1715.00 70.2011 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 108 CE(MM)-XI-PCC Poles-Farm Fresh -09/2011-L-21 (AO)-26511-521 Dt.00 75.-09/2011-L-18-11695-11742 Dt.2012 4 Total 108 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 1113 Total 1113 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) II CE(MM)-XI-PCC Poles-Deep .00 1558570.50 89.00 2050.75 72487.00 595412.00 1685.05 1807. P.36 977790.03.09.05 1807.25 206.75 1558570.25 1685.00 1775.00 1951.36 1807.75 200.00 200.75 130060.00 1558570.75 No 1415.00 1807.00 1753809.75 70.00 1685.00 1743.84 1786.P-81 1 2 II 5 M/S Kreative Concrete Industries I VPO.50 977790.92 360957.75 72487.00 72487.50 1655.2012 80 Total 80 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 760 Total 760 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 104 Total 104 9.00 1625.00 182061.27.00 80.75 90.00 170.00 1915.75 182061. 75 705178.75 276377.00 1686.08 5107894.03.75 2002086.75 1715.50 2080.00 1900.00 1707.00 2002086.75 266028.00 2037.75 266028.00 85.50 328721.75 1592.75 406265.00 85.75 38015.00 851287.00 13 14 15 No 1455.00 623428.2012 8 Mtrs 503 Total 503 801153.00 1901. 27.00 1593.00 1626.00 1707.25 1685.00 1951.75 1415.00 1761.75 328721.75 81931.00 2230.50 2080.00 13 14 155575.75 328721.50 262174.00 81931.25 1685.00 150. Ind.00 70.00 1626.00 12 276377.75 1415.00 1998.75 1715.75 1685. 29.75 2002086.00 9 10 11 70.25 1592.1 2 7 M/S K.00 Total 126 CE(MM)XI-PCC Poles-KBI -09/2011-L-19-11743-59 Dt. Chachelli.75 623428.00 1900.25 1900.00 85.00 2198. Sujanpur (PB)-145023 Average Rate of PCC Poles 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 100 No 1415.25 38015.50 1950.50 1643.00 2177.50 1950.50 1625.25 1900.75 70.00 1743.00 Total 100 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 170 Total 170 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 195 Total 195 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 241 Total 241 8 Mtrs (W/L 200Kg) 32 Total 32 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 304 Total 304 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 42 Total 42 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 371 Total 371 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 131 Total 131 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 20 Total 20 9 Mtrs (W/L 180 kg) 126 No No No No No No No No No 8 1415.75 MTRS LONG Total Total Total 4936 2557 330 8110991.00 200.25 1592.00 140.00 2765.00 70.75 155575.00 1901.00 2081.B.25 406265.75 15 16 1556.2011 8 Mtrs 1257 Total 1257 CE(MM)XI-PCC Poles-KBI -09/2011-L-19(AO)-26501-510 Dt.50 705178.00 2050.75 280.75 1715.00 70. P.00 1743.75 1685.61 2579.75 65.00 72.00 250.00 85.75 1593.00 2051.00 155575.75 262174.00 2031.00 72.00 70.23 1997.00 100.O.00 100.75 406265.00 2037.09.00 230.00 8 MTRS LONG 9 MTRS LONG 9.75 1715.75 1715.00 1686.00 200.00 85. Area Defence Road.00 1807.75 1592.75 1415.00 2091.75 81931.75 801153.75 65.66 1643.00 801153.00 1555.75 No 1715.75 52024.25 P-83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 .00 1807.00 262174.75 276377.00 85.00 1555.00 1668.25 2030.00 2141.25 266028.75 140.75 52024.75 623428.75 52024.25 2030.00 1625.75 38015.00 2580.00 2050.75 No 1455.75 705178.00 1625. Industries I Vill.50 1625. 10 55813.46 Total 20.11 CE (MM)/IV:-GMS-(AO)-07/2011) 24150-82 Dt.46 10 SWG 3.53 55233.00 7305. I G. 30.75 54944.75 1825090.13 560977.90 730036.00 59820.00 781384.00 47.64 55813.97 224171.16 3649064. Road.39 250.12 8 M/S Himachal Wire Industries (P) Ltd.75 55233.0 mm 47.15 55813.15 781384.15 mm 14.13 55813.97 1309314.02.00 59820.70 ISS 280/1978 & ISS 4826/1979 GI wire 6 SWG 5. Damtal Distt.00 7345.00 1130082.00 58889.40 55856.00 1309314.75 730036.T.02.76 Total 47.97 2637963. Kangra (HP) ISS 280/1978 & ISS 4826/1979 GI wire 6 SWG 5. I E-762(A).80 52907.83 8 SWG 4.64 4738354.00 59200.70 1638.15 mm 5.00 55234.8017-8066 dt. Kangra (HP) II CE (MM)/IV:-GMS-07/2011)-L-16 9145-65 Dt.97 2614.40 1309314.27 84.00 59200.7 Total 32.99 55233.00 55813.00 4738354.97 2614.00 59200.15 mm 13.16 1825090.40 250.00 250. 27.00 ISS 280/1978 & ISS 4826/19379(2001-06) GI wire 6 SWG 5.63 1638.40 4738354.16 54944.64 55813.53 8 SWG 4. WIRE/BARBED WIRE/STAY WIRE 7 M/S Bajrang Wire Products(India) (P) Ltd.75 55813.00 59200.75 6594909.81 54943.15 224171.00 7424. India II CE (MM)/IV:-GMS-07/2011)-L-15 9092-9144 Dt.08 8 SWG 4.C G.08 ISS 280/1978 & ISS 4826/19379(2001-06) GI wire 6 SWG 5.00 55234.75 1825090.83 Total 23.93 54943.76 10 SWG 3.17 10 SWG 3.75 1130082.00 58889.15 mm 32.0 mm 9.97 6594909. Road No.00 55813.97 2826310.81 54943.92 2637963.90 55233.0 mm 20.76 2655.95 2627.16 560977.08.90 55233.00 250.34 46250.0 mm 10.33 55813.12 Average Rate of GI wire 9 M/S Himachal Wire Industries (P) Ltd.75 55233.08. 16.95 2627.39 53460. Road.10 MT 52079.00 59820.92 54943.92 54943.08 Total 13.83 P-84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 .53 55233.70 1638.21 8 SWG 4.75 2637963.15 Total 5.40 54943.75 2826310.93 MT 52355.05 46750.97 55233.00 2146.00 54944.97 560977.00 mm 84.00 54944.08 MT MT MT MT MT MT 46000.99 55233.70 250.06 13189267.00 224171.13 55813.11 CE (MM)/IV:-GMS-(AO)-07/2011 L-24128-49 Dt.27 55856.00 58889.00 59200. 27.0 mm 23.00 55813.0 mm 51.00 59866. I G.97 1130082.00 58889.21 Total 10.16 730036. 30.0 mm 4.17 Total 51.33 523725.10 55813.00 1638.65 238.00 54944.I Area Jaipur-302013.53 312553. K.79 65.97 523725.81 6594909.00 7305.20 54943.99 MT 52907.75 781384.00 55234.16 523725.76 2655.27 55856.40 10 SWG 3.831 Total MT MT MT 52355.00 2826310.00 58889.00 Total 14.40 54943.I.00 59820. Rajsthan.T.70 1638.00 7424.00 13 14 15 6 SWG 8SWG 10 SWG KM KM KM CE (MM)/IV:GSS-10/2011 -L-13.00 250.46 46000.80 250.0 mm 119.63 1638.2011 MT ISS 2141/1992/2006 & 4826/1979(2001-06) 7/4.4 Total 119.00 Total 4.00 55234.532 Total 9.00 59820.60 312553.05 46750.08.38 2618190.00 55813.00 55234.60 312553.33 55813.93 54943.00 7345.46 52079. 9F-1 V. Damtal Distt.34 46250. 50 4595973.00 250.00 0.50 70.54 8929.05 54892.00 8928.00 Total Total Total Total Total Kms.00 13763.78 12991.00 58833.00 21752.00 56548.00 250.00 19313. 14.20 2Cx10 mm2 54450.00 7376464.08 2906493.014 Total 54.00 53810. 18844.00 Kms.00 13924. 10375.00 50000.708 Total 53.2012 MT 7376464.00 8928.00 CE(MM)/XII/TE-11/2012-15310-42 Dt.00 9544.75 1140.65 55856.47 223.671 Total 129.00 30311.93 Total Average Rate of Stay Wire D PVC TWIN CORE 11 M/s Shaan Aluminium Company.00 13876.00 2906493.00 909345.50 3920.00 289695.00 8905.15 mm 129. 13.40 250.00 Total 15.00 1411.20 2833634.50 8905.9.15 mm 54.15 mm 172.75 Total 105.75 2Cx16 mm2 15.93 6696405.00 Kms.00 250 Total CE(MM)/XII/TE-5/2011-5634-53 Dated 07.00 1348278.00 2020.55 8322.00 19313.CE (MM)/IV:GSS-17/2010 -L-42 (AO).19 12946.00 780.50 30312.11 CE (MM)/IV:GSS-10/2011 (AO) -L-16.50 249646. District Solan (HP) 12 M/s Preeti Industries I Village Kamli.2012 II 7/3.89 9467196.34 53810.34 1895207.00 56886.00 51000.08.00 949. VPO Mohtli Distt. I Village Kamli.00 2146.00 0.00 60840.00 250.00 Total CE(MM)/XII/TE-11/2012-15376-408 Dt.2012 Average Rate of Twin Core PVC MT 54450.00 2286817. 11940.75 300.75 12840.00 2510.50 Total 30.54 Total 750. District Solan (HP) II MT MT 2186.75 1348278.00 1420615.00 30311.47 2186.00 289695.23460-91 dt.08.00 2Cx6 mm2 30.00 2286817.55 170.00 12946.00 12990.00 500.00 20294. 14.00 289695.51 2833634.00 3247695.08 52760.50 909345.00 40.00 56886.00 55856.40 60970.00 7376464.00 903.71 7/3.00 20294.00 249646.08 56886.00 20700.00 2Cx25mm2 13 M/s Himachal Aluminium & Conductors I GT Road.2012 2Cx6 mm2 750. Parwanoo.20 0.00 909345. 6696405.78 3247695.67 ISS 2141/1992/2006 & 4826/1979(2001-06) 7/4.00 30312.51 7/3.07.00 250.65 55856.00 32488.00 2906493.00 1348278.00 12990.00 8321.34 53810.08.01 ISS 2141/1992/2006 & 4826/1979(2001-06) 7/4.00 0.50 8321.00 52760.00 Stay Wire 7/4.00 mm 33. 17910.00 2833634.00 59866.00 390. 7761.00 85.00 2Cx16 mm2 70.29 30311.00 56144.00 250.03 0.00 2560.00 1895207.00 8920.00 53460.00 Kms.00 2286817.16 56143.50 20295.00 Kms.00 355.00 909345.00 mm 53.10353-385 dt.75 12840.65 52760.00 30.55 2Cx10 mm2 105. 13.00 21566.51 40.00 13 14 15 P-85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 .00 1420615.00 60175. Parwanoo.00 mm 7/3. Kangra (HP) MT 30 Total 30.20 56886.00 12841.00 6946051.00 12569775.00 20121. 24980.00 56886.00 57674.00 33.40 20121.89 54892.75 1710310.02.00 0.74 500.76 0.2 7371.11 PVC 2x6mm2 PVC 2x10mm2 PVC 2x16mm2 PVC 2x25mm2 Kms.00 417.00 3247695.00 19313.00 249646.00 9570.00 Kms.00 6696405.07 595.00 1420615.00 56886.00 32488.00 600.40 1895207.15 mm CE(MM)/XII/TE-5/2011-15343-75 Dated 13. 5Cx120mm2 PVC 3.00 211723.00 88129.00 8.5Cx50mm2 PVC 3.5Cx150 mm2 4.00 16.80 403047.80 2423572.16 1905511. 376530.00 43864.56 302946.00 3.00 9.60 1149062.30 1930658.98 2336.03 4030477.56 302946.13 39915.85 7395.00 49959.5Cx35mm2 PVC 3.23 1149062.2011 Total 10.5Cx300mm2 Kms.39 14254.5 C Cable-14/2010 4Cx16 mm2 10.00 3.00 3.00 157108. 33868.54 40926.00 94457.5Cx70mm2 PVC 3.21 1924460.32 40926.60 1149062.20 2423572.00 257031.80 239812.57 403047.00 31.00 120279.57 35524.5Cx150mm2 PVC 3.81 26622.5Cx185 mm2 8.00 324699.00 10. 131418.00 66751.00 431987.75 1924460.35 11324.32 959248.80 3648092.15 2918.30 18669.5Cx95mm2 PVC 3.76 8769.24 Kms.30 62279.32 10498.00 403048.92 1905511.30 881292.00 302947.00 3. New Delhi-39 Average Rate of 3.00 3.30 881292.00 49959.5Cx240mm2 PVC 3.5Cx240 mm2 10.60 40925.E 3.(A)-3837-3898 Dt 02.29 1930658.54 8.00 62279.00 94457.00 3613482.00 3.00 Total 23.00 L-21.57 4030477.00 Total 16.66 49959.00 120279. 253300.00 62279.00 4.15 6106.32 211723.32 40925.75 157107.62 9996.00 120278.80 3846.00 409256.92 211723.00 13 14 15 P-86 1 2 F 3-Core XLPE Cables and HT & LT AB Cables 15 11/22/33 kV XLPE Cables 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 .78 4030477.53 21149.80 239812.00 157108.10 1924460.54 4149.00 53546.48 1905511.54 456012.00 120278.5 CORE PVC 14 M/s Rajesh Enterprises.21 120278.30 62279.32 959248.20 959248.10 88129.00 239812.80 41512. 177632. SIDC Industrial Area Bhavana.23 1930658.00 211723.29 1930658.60 1591.5Cx120 mm2 9.00 Total 31.00 3.80 403047.00 3.00 8.00 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total PVC 4Cx16mm2 PVC 3.40 3648092.30 881292.00 5425.16 157107.5Cx50 mm2 10.49 5641. Kms.00 Kms.21 881292.75 3613482.00 226925.5Cx25 mm2 23.23 62279.00 53546.80 2423572.00 488754.32 211723.00 257031.29 49959.60 40925.90 13812. Kms. 201231.98 18194. F-274 I Sector-3.57 2423572.5Cx300mm2 8.00 Total 9.48 239812.00 Kms.32 456011.48 959248.00 168388.66 409256.00 403048.72 10536.00 10.08 5450.5Cx185mm2 PVC 3.20 1747.00 128915.00 456012.00 239812.5Cx 70 mm2 16.66 1149062.56 4030477.10 88129.00 3648092.00 226925.10 1924460.00 Kms.06.56 Kms.03 21371.37 1905.30 88129.00 3.60 3559.00 168388.00 23.60 73735.16 1905511. 338003.80 Kms.00 456011.92 3613482.00 Total 4.00 302947.78 3648092.40 2494.5Cx95 mm2 23. 409256.32 10.45 Kms. 100254.00 128915.68 4363.00 3.20 Kms.00 431987.16 157107.00 Total 23.00 Total 10.86 19021.00 66751.78 456011.00 23.00 324699.80 51861.00 43864.20 302946.00 88129.00 4482.00 488754.20 2048.5Cx25mm2 PVC 3.00 Total 8.29 49959.76 7749.00 409256.5 core PVC CE(MM)/XII:3.00 3613482.5Cx35 mm2 31.00 Total 10. 00 847382.55 420034.04.00 908224.60 420034.00 105.75 3Cx95 mm2 (22kV) 0. Ltd.91 195820.00 37039.00 80.00 13200 2000 Nos.00 846660.00 99545.00 649568.58 23.00 2600 P-87 1 2 3 4 22 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 200 Nos.55 Kms.00 546234.55 420034.67 865922.60 1198277.25 5.00 649568.52 847381.00 225.75 Total 1.00 210.60 847381.00 97.50 1198277.60 847381. 719125.00 603581.04 3168800.39 8.52 12.11 601521.00 742630.66 601521.67 742629.00 210. 190.00 20.00 49044.44 7192.00 646918. 652364.01.97 151513.30 15429.00 1128880.50 Total 3Cx95 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx120 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx185 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx240 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx300 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx400 mm2 (11 kV) 3Cx95 mm2 (22 kV) 3Cx185 mm2 (22 kV) 3Cx120mm2 (33 kV) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total CE(MM)/IV.00 450194.55 1515363.03 1128880.67 742629. 514323.00 80.00 1515363.04 603580.28 847381.51 7. 741340. Road No.00 Kms.00 Kms.00 515768. HPSEBL/CE(MM)/II-XLPE&AB Cables/TE-33/2011/L-01/6939-68 dated 26.55 420034.04.25 195820.00 450194.00 Nos.00 928095.55 481217. 359603.00 1065768.39 481217.00 856210.60 1198277.00 908224.00 65485.00 742629.24 847381.11 16200.00 603581.03 1515363.00 87.25 Total 0.39 3168800. 966465.88 67190.25 3Cx240 mm2 (11 kV) 1. 74.2012.27 74069.25 Total 1.D.00 1.28 798851.00 1128880.02 33398.91 98. 411983.25 Total 5.01 32612.00 12 16 .24 151513. I Village Jodhpur.00 245.50 1.11 603580.74 1065768.24 1128880.01 14826. Romana Dabali Road Bathinda (Pb) No.24 1198277. 10.00 606053.00 1.67 742629.32 846660.11 Kms.55 865922.00 53224.00 76358.00 928095.67 1515363.00 420034.25 1.39 481217. B-141 (9A).60 847381.55 865922.00 17.00 No.00 43540. 162. 09-D Vishwa Karma Industrial Area. 516742.00 646918.09 546234. 430 mm) Total 2600 Kms. Akruti Trade Centre.00 Total 1.00 1065768.2012 3Cx185 mm2 ( 22 kV) 1.24 606052.84 3168800.67 742629.12 23325.96 742629.96 3168800.32 151513.00 3Cx300 mm2 (11 kV) 1.52 798852.00 546234.96 420035.00 742630. 230 mm) Total 13200 11 kV Pin Insulator with Pin (C.00 Kms.03 846660.00 798852.24 606052. 62.96 28642.83 26.00 Total 1.22 Kms.00 97.24 1128880.75 3Cx400 mm2 (11 kV) 0.20 8239.60 420035.00 1.14 3.00 481217.00 1209934.00 795951. HPSEBL/CE(MM)/II-XLPE&AB Cables/TE-33/2011/L-02/6939-68 dated 26.09 210.28 Nos.97 798851.TE-1/2011-INS-L-08 (A)-19516-19551 Dt.75 41640.97 847381.69 10334.24 151513.00 515768.D.00 8.75 0.00 13 14 15 49044.75 0.25 1.00 195820.00 6.67 Kms.00 865922.55 846660.00 865922.55 420034. MIDC Andheri East Mimbai-400093 Average Rate of XLPE Cables G PIN/DISC INSULATORS 17 M/s Bathinda Ceramics (P) Ltd.28 798851.00 420034.55 601521. 320 mm) Total 2000 22 kV Pin Insulator with Pin (C.00 847382.00 1209934.I M/s Tirupati Plastomatics Pvt.00 Kms.04 603580.25 18560.D.00 3Cx120 mm2 (11 kV) 1.52 19329.00 856210.39 601521.25 3Cx120 mm2 (33 kV) 1.00 795951.69 21573.00 Total 1.32 606052.71 12715. Jaipur (Raj)-302013 16 M/s Ravi Cables Limited I 302.52 1.97 37657.04 742629.00 606053.75 Total 0. 635786.74 81.25 3Cx185 mm2 (11 kV) 5.90 52975.94 9.43 23279.2012 3Cx95 mm2 (11 kV) 1.00 42434. 11 kV Pin Insulator with Pin (C.00 481217.80 2. 00 460. 3921. 28.00 174.TE-9/2012-INS-L-10 -16021-16063 Dt.00 140330.555 15.00 HPSEBL/CE(MM)/II-35/2011 -LA-L-04-10771-10817 Dated 26.00 785.33 503181.00 493.11 14. 560 mm) Total 200 33 kV Pin Insulator with Pin (C.00 225. 11 kV Metal Oxide 18 kV.00 1257561. Average Rate of L A 9 kV.80 785.40 279040. Centre Jankpuri-new Delhi-110058 II HPSEBL/CE(MM)/II-35/2011 -LA (Addl. Average Rate of Pin Insulators Disc Insulator CE(MM)/IV.00 841.00 CE(MM)/IV.00 70. 280 mm) Total 10000 11 kV Disc.90 8 9 10 11 196.00 95600.12 4 11 kV.2012. Insulator 45 KN (B&S) (C. 22kV Metal Oxide No.00 1132980.00 Tension Total Total 2000 1000 280660.00 279040.00 2832220. 840 mm) 200 Total 18 M/s Daga Ceramics Pvt. 9 kV.33 1257561.2 8. 400.22 478.2012. 160.00 460.00 49044.555 15.33 280660. 381.00 Total Total 8620 2243 3965200.98 1132980.00 460.00 174.20 49044. Distt.82 9.00 140.00 140.00 140. Insulator 45 KN (B&S) (C.00 95600.00 174.00 478.00 186. 320 mm) Total 1600 11 kV Comopsit Insulator 45KN(B&S) Ploymeric Suspension Type Total 2000 11 kV Comopsit Insulator 45KN(B&S) Ploymeric Tension Type Total 1000 140330.TE-1/2011-INS-L-07 (A).06.00 210.00 478.00 478.09 245.00 195820.00 11 kV Disc. Una (HP)-174315 3 CE(MM)-II-GOS-GOV-18/2011-L24(AO)/11254-76 dated 07.99 1602 No.00 4275.33 200 245.5 KA.00 150.00 512. 401-406 I Viswa Sadan-9. 5 KA Polymeric Type Housing for 11 kV Total 2463 1132980.00 546234.00 95600. I Ltd.00 174.00 13 14 15 1710000.81 280660.20 279040.00 263.00 841. Bikaner (Raj) 19 M/s Lamer Power & Infrastructure Pvt.00 174.19552-19597 Dt.00 80.22 17.00 174.00 785.20 11.2 8.40 174.00 18 kV.00 87.00 174.79 460.D.01.00 186.99 785.00 140.00 3.00 41. Near Uday Park.00 150.00 1600 Nos.00 11 kV Composit Insulator 45 KN Suspension H LIGHTENING ARRESTOR (LA's) 20 M/s Raychem RPG Ltd.00 105.00 Nos.00 493.00 785.00 150.40 279040.00 3. 5-B Industrial area Mehatpur Distt.80 38. 5 KA Polymeric Type Housing for 11 kV Total 6157 2832220.40 1744000.00 140.D.00 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 13200 2000 2600 200 200 10000 1600 1065768.81 140330.08.00 95600.2012. Triple Pole.33 140. 118.00 186.(C.00 245.00 186. 118.50 15. 10.11 14.40 81.00 150.00 2000 Nos.40 280660.82 9.00 478.00 512. 5 KA Polymeric Type Housing for 22 kV Total 641 503181. New Delhi-49.98 2832220. 400. Nos.00 1744000.00 460. 400 A.00 263.00 98.00 140.99 785. O. 2nd Floor.1 157.2012. 160.00 1744000.74 97.20 1744000.)/2012-L-04(AO)-23477 -521 Dated 17.00 245.02.00 174. 685.80 785. 685.02 6.00 1710000.D.00 70.50 15.00 No. Outdoor Type Single Throw.00 9 kV.91 210. 11 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 230 mm 11 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 320 mm 22 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 430 mm 22 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 560 mm 33 kV Pin Insulator with Pin 840 mm 11 kV Disc Insulator 45 KN 280 mm 11 kV Disc Insulator 45 KN 320 mm 10000 Nos.D. I First Floor Labhu Ji ka Katla.00 1760743.33 140. 5 KA Polymeric Type Housing for 22 kV Total 1602 1257561. Masjid Moth.00 460.00 641 503181.00 785.12.00 12 16 .00 18 kV.00 174.. Single Break 5 6 7 400 No.00 460. Gang Operated. Ltd..33 1000 140330.00 140.33 140.5 KA.00 6157 No.80 2463 P-88 1 2 I G.20 11.00 493.00 41.00 841.00 41.02 6. SWITCH 21 M/s Govind Wires I Plot No.00 460. 5 50/1 A 1 Nos 75/1 A 4 Nos 100/1 A 9 Nos 100/5 A 1 200/1 A 2 100-50/1 A 1 Total 18 37300.Y and B & 1 No.00 3 P-89 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heat Shrinkable Outdoor Type Termination Kit for 11 kV XLPE Cable Confirming to ISS of Size 3x240 mm2 4 No.00 4582.00 6975.00 6450.00 J CURRENT AND POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS: 22 M/S Floral Electrical Pvt.Y and B & 1 No.5 Consisting of Three CT on R. Pvt.88 258.00 12 16 .K.10 305961.Y and B & 1 No.42 305961.00 11 kV/110 V CT-PT Combined Unit Outdoor.00 212.00 1500. 260614/DSJ /2011-9201-09 dated 02. Industrial Area Tahliwal Distt.00 309573.00 39173.5 10/5 A 50 Nos 15/5 A 76 Nos 25/5 A 54 Nos 50/5 A 35 Nos 100/5 A 40 Nos Total 255 21500.12. Una (HP) Average Rate of GO Switch CE(MM)-II-GOS-Amrit-18/2011-L23(AO)/-5479-524 dated12.00 13 14 15 26400.00 11 kVCT-PT Combined Unit 22kVCT-PT Combined Unit 33kV CT-PT Combined Unit SE(Op) Una PO No.2011 14 Total 18 Total Total Total 255 14 18 37300.00 373.00 7476.00 705114.00 705114. Shiv Lok 16434-54 Dt.00 23423.00 39173.00 23423.00 1710000.00 23423.00 20925. W. 5524.00 8 9 10 11 26400. CE(MM)/VII: CT-PT/2012-L-11 I 223.12 22 kV. Gang Operated.42 21854.00 21854.00 305961.00 4275.42 400.6 166. Oil Immersed.42 21854. Total 6975. 7 6600. Phase-III.00 20925.40 759. Opp. Road.00 41986.5 Consisting of Three CT on R.00 6913.5 30/5 A 1 Nos 50/5 A 3 Nos 50/1 A 1 Nos 100/5 A 2 Nos 100/1A 1 Nos 200/5 A 2 Nos 100-50/5 A 1 Nos 100-50/1 A 1 Nos 300-50/5 A 2 Nos Total 14 21500.88 21854.2012 Meerut-250001 (UP) i) ii) iii) iv) v) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Total i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Average Rate of CTs and PTs K XLPE Cable Termination Kits 23 M/s Nardev Singh Kanwar & Sons I VPO Bela.10 5572877.00 Heat Shrinkable Outdoor Type Termination Kit for 33 kV XLPE Cable Confirming to ISS of Size 1x400 mm2 3 No.88 21854. Class .00 6450. Class . Hamirpur(HP) 21500. 400 A.00 6450.00 593400. Single Break 92 11 kV GO Switch 22 kV GO Switch Total Total 400 92 No.00 6975. Oil Immersed. 33 kV/110 V PT Class . Ltd.00 5572877.00 39173. 22 kV/110 V PT Class . Plot No 33-34.00 21854.5 Consisting of Three CT on R.00 23423.00 5572877.00 4275.00 705114.88 705114.10 258.00 6975. Outdoor Type Single Throw.00 593400.00 5638667.00 6600.04.00 39173.08.00 33 kV/110 V CT-PT Combined Unit Outdoor. 11 kV/110 V PT Class . Oil Immersed.00 212. Class .42 21854. Tehsil Nadaun Disst.42 400.00 593400.00 20925.42 39173.42 21854. Ltd.II M/s Amrit Insulators. Triple Pole. 31.00 21854.00 15 kV/110 V CT-PT Combined Unit Outdoor.00 Total 255 21500.10 21854.00 41986. 260614/PCA /2012-12177-85 dated 21.00 7074.00 695.00 6975.00 720.00 72.10 647.10 99456. 51 I Industrial Area Focal Point Naya Nanglal.00 LTStay Set 179 99506. 260614/PCA /2012-9388-96 dated 18.10. Distt. No.00 7074.00 672.00 6600. No.90 648.01.00 624.00 669.00 71.S Nuts and Bolts 26 M/s Ruhani Industries. Una(HP) Average rate of MS Bolts with Nuts Off Sizes of IS: 1363/1992 SE(Op) Una PO No. Mehatpuu The & Distt.00 Hexagonal MS Bolts with Nuts of Off Sizes of IS: 1363/1992 Total 880 63756.00 624.9 32 1.00 545.00 26400. 260614/PCA /2012-9073-81 dated 10. Una(HP) HT/LT Stay Set M M. kg 612.00 SE(Op) Una PO No.10.42 93636. 260614/DSJ /2011-13852-60 dated 23.2.00 Total 1380 99966.00 HT Stay Set 148 99456.00 6975. Plot No.00 Total 148 99456.00 640.00 672.10 555.00 .00 99506.45 63756.00 77.00 556.00 99506.10 555.00 72.00 72. Ropar (Pb) II Total 4 26400.00 596.2012 HT Stay Set 150 93636. Plot No.00 HT Stay Set LT Stay Set Total Total 298 179 193092.45 72.00 7476.42 36210. Ropar (Pb) M/s Aeri Electricals & Engineering Works 56 Industrial Area.96 555.42 72.00 36210.00 500 kg 880 Kg 69.13 Hexagonal MS Bolts with Nuts of Off Sizes of IS: 1363/1992 Total 500 36210.00 SE(Op) Una PO No. Distt.44 72. 51 I Industrial Area Focal Point Naya Nanglal.13 No.90 Total 179 99506.00 SE(Op) Una PO No.2012 25 M/s Aeri Electricals & Engineering Works I 56 Industrial Area.2012 SE(Op) Una PO No.00 6600.90 556.00 77.45 63756.01. 260614/PCA /2012-12168-76 dated 21.00 72.00 6600.24 Total 150 93636.00 596.00 672.24 624.00 12.00 77.00 3.00 72. Mehatpuu The & Distt.00 1x400 mm2 33 kV 3x240 mm2 11 kV Total Total 3 4 20925.Heat Shrinkable Outdoor Type Termination Kit L Stay Set HT/LT 24 M/s Ruhani Industries.00 6600.24 10. 19.50 209.08. 175000 18025.00 Fabricated Hot Dip galvanised steel supporting structure including foundation bolts including CT Mounting structure 14 No.25KA breaking capacity VCB suitable for 3Ph auto reclosing complete with Gang operating machenism Auxilary Switches interlock Control Cabinet Multicore Cable terminal connectors & Accessories etc.00 17309. Additional Purchase order have been placed during 07.44 3268643.05.52 1377. Live tank design.73 35514.06 1175. & DATE 3 A CURRENT AND POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS: 1 M/s Heptecare Power Industries HPSEBL/SED/SSD-289(Heptacare) I Pvt.00 300-150/0.00 33 kV Single Phase Outdoor Type.46 72.00 693973.0 1947.72 a) Isolator Blades for main contacts 2 600.00 551.77 18.23 376009. 800A.0 1298. CT along with Bimetatic Terminal Connector and other accessories.00 30992. H-1016 road No. Total 15 Total Total 24 15 21392.55 28916.23 28915.A.00 Nos.0 1478196.00 341.18% Hike 17 174759. double break. 1000 103.-14 V. Auxilary switch 1 No. Hermatically Sealed VT along with Bimetatic Terminal Connector and other accessories.11.25 376009. Closing Coils 9 No.59 265813.48 237395.00 2626.18 237395.08 1000.00 2.57 66453.P-90 STATEMENT SHOWING RATES OF EQUIPMENTS/MATERIAL FOR THE COST DATA 2013-14 (33 kV SYSTEM) S.46 25.without Earthing switch. 9500 978.68 19.00 529.27 252012.00 254440.00 267201. Self Cooled.A-9/10 Udyog Puram.72 231. Self Cooled. 800A.00 iii.00 600.49 29563.with Earthing switch.2011 as such same PO has been considered for the Cost data 2013-14.2011 Partappur. New Delhi-011-23324360 Additional Purchase order have been placed during 12.00 33 kV Electromagnetic Single Phase Outdoor Type.45 12. isolators triple pole.10. manually operated outdoor type. group operated.00 2871197.92 3323532.92 265813.00 Total 14 Total 14 1.48 1200.03 1000.59 10575.09 991.00 2.00 252012.91 1000.50 29689.54 1737.28 Average Rate of CTs and PTs as per supply order No.00 iv. Cess SALE TAX/VAT F&I.54 973.577-1-1-1 A 6 Nos 25000.50 8200.577-1-1-1 A 9 Nos 25500.0 1159703.00 2575.25 28915. NO SUPPLIER 1 2 P.03 28001.00 48.44 1000.44 693973.00 22.50 1000.00 1279.00 174759.00 25067.50 33.00 2203.94 26.18 237395.00 2575.NO. double break.06 50.00 4.66 13496. Mandatory spares for normal operation: i.00 3323532. Stack of 36KV solid core insulators for above creepage 1116 mm (9 no.96 Total 24 74500. Live tank design.UNLOADING CHARGES TOTAL DISCOUNT GRAND TOTAL UNIT RATE ROUNDED RATE FOR 2012-13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ROUNDED RATE FOR 2013-14 with 7.27 400-200/0. Oil Immersed. 1500 154.93 36152.577-1-1-1 A 9 Nos 24000.50 163632.54 10575.00 30992.07.76 1000. 58000 5974.28 25067. 1000 103. 2010-777-808 Dt.2011 as such same PO has been considered for the Cost data 2013-14.00 254440.25 25067.00 205085.00 22.110 V 15 Nos 21392.57 1000.09 50.96 29126. Vacuum interuptor a/w chamber and supporting insulator 4 No.28 28916.07 10575.00 26867.18 2 Nos. manually operated outdoor type.54 10575.06 50. conforming to IS:9921 without solid core insulators and support structures.99 676.85 560.0 26993. conforming to IS:9921 without solid core insulators and support structures. 23.O.D 8 Edu.38 471.00 376009. 17 Set 31900.98 11688.Per set) 67 Set 17050. 36KV VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS C ISOLATORS 3 M/S Faraday Electricals Pvt.55 25067.10 Marg.K.00 2472.50 562.00 1.00 26867.57 237395.07.00 13727. 1250.25 25067. 36KV.00 ii.00 Sub Total 5. Ltd. 30.75 638.00 3. group operated. PT 36/ 3KV /110/ 3-110/ 3.00 3860. isolators triple pole.00 c) Bearings for central rotating post(Top& Bottem) per pole 2 Nos. 25 KA Breaking Capacity HPSEBL/SE(D)ES/SSD-269 FEPL/10-2600-2638 Dt. for above .54 1737.77 b) Female contacts Assy. Meerut-2501303 DESCRIPTION 4 QTY 5 UNIT 6 RATE 7 E. I Ltd. Support structure for above 2 Nos. 100. 14 No.I.75 17650.00 267201.53 1000.06 1737. Oil Immersed.59 1175. 50 Set 26400 2131.69 245.00 376009. 36KV.18 12. Mandatory spares for 36KV isolators 30091. 36KV. CTs 200-100/0. Jaipur-302013 36 kV 1250A.36 649. 900.0 603750.73 661. 1 & 2 33 kV CTs Single Unit 33 kV PTs Single Unit B 36KV VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS 2 M/S Crompton Greaves Ltd: HPSEBL/SED/SSD-275/2010I Vandhana Building.0 2704.93 528. 11 Tolstoy CGL/2010-4238-70 Dt.92 1352. 11550. 1250A. Tripping Coils 9 No.98 163632.00 2871197.00 932. P-91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Nos. 750.00 60.56 15.91 2 Nos. 750.00 60.56 15.91 8 Nos. 1770.00 11 12 13 14 15 826.48 15.0 1622.95 811.48 16 17 29564.00 35515.00 17309.00 13497.00 6348.00 66718.00 72668.00 31687.00 38065.00 18552.00 14466.00 6804.00 71508.00 77886.00 d) Pair of 6 NO : 6NC Aux. contacts e) Isolator blades for Earthing switch 826.48 15.0 1622.95 811.48 1770.00 35.40 13876.80 23087.52 1478196.49 603750.73 1159703.00 26993.44 23073.52 1734.60 6347.96 29563.93 35514.75 17309.00 13496.72 6347.96 66717.61 72668.43 f) 36KV solid core insulators Sub Total Isolators without Earth blade Total 50 Isolators with Earth blade Total 17 Stack of 36KV solid core insulator Total 67 Support structure for above Total 2 Spares Total Isolators without Earth blade with Stack of 36KV solid core insulators Support structure and Spares Isolators with Earth blade with Stack of 36KV solid core insulators Support structure and Spares D 33/11KV & 33/22 kV Power TRANSFORMER: No. HPSEB/DDSS/SSD4 M/s Fatehpuria Transformers & 284/10-FTS/11-7317-45 I Switchgears (Pvt.) Ltd ,13, Jaipura Mansion, Tholia Circle dated 31.03.11 MI Road, Jaipur-302001 6.3 MVA, 33/11 kV, ONAN Cooled , Oil imersed, Copper wound, Outdoor type,with winding connection Delta-Star, having vector group DY11, complete with fittings and acessaries Nos 12 2945000 SPARES: a) 36KV HV bushing complete with metal parts 2 Nos 2500 b) 12KV LV bushing complete with metal parts 2 Nos 1250 c) Complete set of baskets 2 Sets 5000 d) Spare winding Limb for HV & LV 1 Sets 500000 e) Buchholz Relay 1 Nos 5000 Total 35862500 3693837.5 791126.75 360000 40707464.25 40983214.25 (Including Test Charges) Type Test and special test: a) Heat Run Test b) Lightening Impulse voltage withstand Test 250000 25750 (Service tax on Test Charges) Total (Test Charges) 275750 (i/c Service tax) 3.15 MVA, 33/11kV, ONAN Cooled , Oil imersed, Copper wound, Outdoor type,with winding connection Delta-Star, having vector group DY11, complete with fittings and acessaries Nos 6 1980000 SPARES: a) 36KV HV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos 2500 b) 12KV LV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos 1250 c) Complete set of baskets 1 Sets 5000 d) Spare winding Limb for HV & LV 1 Sets 250000 e) Buchholz Relay 1 Nos 5000 Any other spares Total 12143750 1250806.3 267891.125 150000 13812447.38 14093347.38 Type Test and special test: (Including Test Charges) a) Heat Run Test b) Lightening Impulse voltage withstand Test 250000 30900 (Service tax on Test Charges) Total (Test Charges) 5 M/s Fatehpuria Transformers & I Switchgears (Pvt.) Ltd ,13, Jaipura Mansion, Tholia Circle MI Road, Jaipur-302001 No. HPSEB/DDSS/SSD284/10-FTS (Addl.)/11-4278-96 dated 13.12.11 280900 (i/c Service tax) 6.3 MVA, 33/11 kV, ONAN Cooled , Oil imersed, Copper wound, Outdoor type,with winding connection Delta-Star, having vector group DY11, complete with fittings and acessaries Nos 2 2945000 SPARES: a) 36KV HV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos 2500 P-92 1 2 3 4 5 6 b) 12KV LV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos c) Complete set of baskets 1 Sets Total Type Test and special test: a) Heat Run Test 7 8 9 10 11 12 130126.425 60000 6696447.68 13 14 15 16 17 2311367.00 3405690.00 4425535.00 2477323.00 3650219.00 4743288.00 1250 5000 5898750 b) Lightening Impulse voltage withstand Test 0 Total (Test Charges) 0 607571.3 0 6696447.68 (Including Test Charges) (Service tax on Test Charges) (i/c Service tax) 3.15 MVA, 33/11kV, ONAN Cooled , Oil imersed, Copper wound, Outdoor type,with winding connection Delta-Star, having vector group DY11, complete with fittings and acessaries Nos 4 1980000 SPARES: a) 36KV HV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos b) 12KV LV bushing complete with metal parts 1 Nos c) Complete set of baskets 1 Sets Total Type Test and special test: a) Heat Run Test 6 M/s PME Transformers B-10 & 11 I Surajpur-C, Greater Noida-201306 No. HPSEB/DDSS/SSD284/10-PME/10-139-54 dated 07.04.2011 2500 1250 5000 7928750 b) Lightening Impulse voltage withstand Test 0 Total (Test Charges) 0 816661.3 174908.225 30900 100000 9020319.48 9020319.48 (Including Test Charges) (Service tax on Test Charges) (i/c Service tax) 10.0 MVA, 33/11 kV, ONAN Cooled , Oil imersed, Copper wound, Outdoor type,with winding connection Delta-Star, having vector group DY11, complete with fittings and acessaries Nos 3 3614384 SPARES: a) 36KV HV bushing complete with metal parts 2 Nos 2500 b) 12KV LV bushing complete with metal parts 2 Nos 2000 c) Complete set of baskets 1 Sets 22000 d) Spare winding Limb for HV & LV 1 Sets 525000 e) Buchholz Relay 1 Nos 5000 f) WTI 1 Nos 7500 g) OTI 1 Nos 7500 Total 11419151 1176172.5 251906.468 120000 12967229.88 13276604.88 Type Test and special test: (Including Test Charges) a) Heat Run Test b) Lightening Impulse voltage withstand Test Average Rate of 33/11 kV Power Transformer 3.15 MVA 33/11 kV 6.3 MVA, 33/11 kV 10.0 MVA, 33/11 kV 250000 c) tan delta test 25000 Total (Test Charges) 309375 Total Total Total 10 14 3 34375 (Service tax on Test Charges) (i/c Service tax) 23113666.85 47679661.93 13276604.88 2311366.69 3405690.14 4425534.96 P-93 1 2 E Lightening Arrestors 7 M/s Reychem RPG Ltd. I 1107-1112, 11th Floor, Vishwa Deep Building, Distt. Centre 3 No. HPSEB/SEES/SSD287/10-Raychem/11-1515-43 4 30 kV Surge Arrestor 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5010.81 5011.00 5371.00 30 kV, Single Phase, Voltage Coordinated, Station Class, Zinc Oxide, Gapless, outdoor type, without insulating base and Discharge counters dated 23.06.2011 21 No. 4009.5 0 551 450 105227 105227 Jankapuri, New Delhi 110058 Total 18 kV Surge Arrestor 21 27 Average Rate F 33KV CONTROL & RELAY PANEL: 8 M/s EASUN Rayrolle Limited I 98, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Hosur-635126 Chennai (TN) 30 KV LA for 33 kV 18 KV LA for 22 kV HPSEBL/SED-291/10(ER)/11-1023-54 Dated 01.06.2011. 4009.50 105227 18 kV, Single Phase, Voltage Coordinated, Station Class, Zinc Oxide, Gapless, outdoor type, without insulating base and Discharge counters Total 27 Total Total 21 27 No. 3069 0 422 33KV Simplex Type Transformer C&R Pannels without Differencial & with Ref Relay & with inbult LBB relay 5 No. 183000 18849 4036.98 Total 340 5 5200 2 2 7 Average Rate of Control and Relay Panels 33 kV T/F Pannel without Diff. Relay 33 kV T/F Pannel with Diff. Relay 33 kV Bus Coupler Pannel 33 kV Feeder Pannel 22 kV Feeder Pannel G 12KV INDOOR SWITCHGEAR PANEL BOARDS. 9 M/s Electrotechnica switchgear Pvt. No. HPSEBL/SED/SSD-292/2011 I Ltd. 1/5 A Raja Basata Roy Road -1970-83 dated 16.07.2011 Kolkata-700026 7 Total Total 5 2 2 7 7 01 Panel Board of 1 No. Outgoing Feeder 5150 388320.16 22454 4809.08 5200 1753241.56 22454 4809.08 5200 1753241.56 218000.00 1250 Amp. 12.5 KA Pannel Board comprising 03 Panel Board of 01 No T/F Panel, 01 Bus Cuppler 1 set 01 No. Outgoing Feeder 11Panel Board of 02 No T/F Panel, 01 Bus Cuppler 08 No. Outgoing Feeder 3706.08 218000.00 22 KV SimplexType Feeder Pannels with inbult LBB relay 7 No. 218000 Total 17304 168000.00 33KV SimplexType Feeder Pannels with inbult LBB relay 7 No. 218000 Total 809492.60 355000.00 33KV SimplexType Bus Cuupler Pannels with inbult LBB relay 2 No. 168000 Total 1055429.90 183000.00 33KV Simplex Type Transformer C&R Pannels with seprate Differencial & with Ref Relay & with inbult LBB relay 2 No. 355000 36565 7831.3 5350 Total 103437 3069 103437 103437 3830.99 3831.00 4106.00 105226.93 103436.66 5010.81 3830.99 5011.00 3831.00 5371.00 4106.00 1055429.9 211085.98 1055429.90 211085.98 211086.00 226242.00 809492.6 404746.30 809492.60 404746.30 404746.00 433807.00 388320.2 194160.08 388320.16 194160.08 194160.00 208101.00 1753241.6 250463.08 1753241.56 250463.08 250463.00 268446.00 1753241.6 250463.08 1753241.56 250463.08 250463.00 268446.00 1055429.90 809492.60 388320.16 1753241.56 1753241.56 211085.98 404746.30 194160.08 250463.08 250463.08 211086.00 404746.00 194160.00 250463.00 250463.00 226242.00 433807.00 208101.00 268446.00 268446.00 692000.00 71276.00 15265.52 15000.00 793541.52 793541.52 1 set 2535000.00 261105.00 55922.10 55000.00 2907027.1 2907027.1 1 set 235000.00 24205.00 5184.10 5000.00 269389.1 269389.1 66 1052467.92 1 14820.15 1392531. No.00 333511.1 16 1140.35 365105. No.00 1236.0 mm2 km km km km km km km km km km km km 4. 12000.43 246911.35 365105. 60-30/1-1-1A 1 No.50 9.06 27361.70 1.99 246087.00 71975. 1000.75 128883.5 mm2 16Cx2.00 2752.50 67152.83 2774.72 13518.00 103.00 1236.07 543072.00 705.5 mm2 16Cx2.2012 1.42 208174.00 12000.74 19785.98 676.00 142720.T.70 1.74 1391. 200-100/1-1-1 A III.15 1392531.90 1.5 mm2 10Cx2. Ring Road New Delhi 15 Spares 199388.10 1.69 156991.69 156991.00 18.79 12769.00 1236.30 2787.00 4266.00 b) Closing Coil 1 No.08 111874.06 15.00 1002.P-94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22. 13000.72 13518.5 mm2 2Cx4.10 340199.86 199388. No.80 284450.95 160073.72 264.27 289497.00 36481.80 3.00 264.77 92204. Rajouri Garden. Panel (Rs.00 303855.69 333510.00 285828.5 mm2 7Cx2.04 3252.00 14820.5 mm2 2Cx4.5 mm2 12Cx2.06 13 14 Spares a) Tripping Coil 1 No.5 mm2 10Cx2.00 1236.15 1392531.00 217383.00 18.39 35781. 1000.12 1257.60 8.46 1031069.00 1776.06 15.86 17 Average Rate for one no.44 360.06 1140.94 248107.93 7204.78 HPSEBL/SEDS/Setellite/SSD-304/ 2012-4398-4418 dated 06.56 285827.5 mm2 19Cx2.60 8.36 1978184.00 1140.72 18.0 mm2 10Cx6. I A-36.0 mm2 Average Rate of Control Cables (un-screened) of various Sizes 2Cx2.00 3296.00 12000.92 36481.72 264.1 kV.40 4.72 13518.00 0.00 85070.20 8.06 b) Closing Coil c) Vacuum Interrupter d) C.90 1.10 11.95 119019.00 1339.46 1031069.00 1924.13 15312.00 22.78 195.00 184409.)= 264664.70 3.73 142719.00 103.00 144713.46 1031069.00 48570. 300-150/1-1-1 A I.72 13518.72 13518.0 mm2 7Cx6.63 2934892.18 2765.10 1.66 1052467.92 1 No.0 mm2 10Cx4.00 306350.0 mm2 4Cx4.00 18.72 e) Voltage transformer 11000/ 3 /110/ 3-110/ 3-110 V e) TVM 1 No. of Metering AC-0.66 1052467.06 c) Vacuum Interrupter d) C.00 3245.72 13518. 60-30/1-1-1A e) Voltage transformer 11000/ 3 /110/ 3-110/ 3-110 V e) TVM Total Total 1 1 1140.78 Panel Board 4.77 92204.36 1978184.00 1140.00 283500.36 1978184.T.5 I.80 3.00 27361.00 13518.5 mm2 7Cx2.92 480.00 67153.96 1160.20 8.72 13518.00 135019. 300-150/1-1-1 A I.03 1798. of Metering AC-0.11. HR-FRLS Cpper Control cables (Un-screened) 2Cx2.00 14820.86 123885.87 .00 4978.35 365105.00 79371.10 km km km km km km km km km km km km 39335.0 mm2 10Cx6.00 4246.98 774.42 208174.63 2934892.5 mm2 19Cx2.0 mm2 7Cx6. 100-50/1-1-1A IV.72 13518. 100-50/1-1-1A IV.54 30518.5 I. PVC.00 119020.69 156991.89 8515.00 0.00 199388.77 92204.72 184408.63 2934892.10 11.70 30416.00 2130.72 Switchgear Pannel Board As per Supply Order NO.42 208174.07 543072.00 283667.00 284451.20 103313. 24000.5 mm2 12Cx2.10 340199.86 45315.06 Average Rate of 12 kV Indoor H Control Cables 10 M/s Satellite Cables (P) Ltd.63 4861.00 152967.44 27361.00 2472.4 4.72 36481.10 340199.0 mm2 4Cx4.58 2120.00 12000.10 188694.07 543072.44 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 1 1 1 1 13518.70 3.0 mm2 10Cx4.67 68896. 200-100/1-1-1 A III.80 654. 32000.72 13518.78 Total (15 Panel) 15 3969957.78 58291.50 9.00 138138.00 45316.32 30666.44 1 1 1 1 No.26 441.00 304875.00 286.87 283499.56 13827.72 264.72 13518.00 128884.00 529.00 197650.00 1185.00 232991.5 mm2 4Cx2.04 23322.53 79370.00 357457.00 127566.5 mm2 4Cx2. 5 Spares iv) Spares a) Tripping Coil Total Total 1 1140.00 4231.72 217382. Tribhbvan Complex.00 56182.9488 149047.00 56182. New Delhi-110065 3 HPSEBL/SEES/SSD-288/10 (AZURE)/11 -1265-89 dated 14.24 487.00 939312.5 1000.75 42672.95 623669.50 50017.00 42671.00 167112. Battery consisting of 15 No.20 313104.59 939312.85 42671.594 939312.00 170687. 200 AH Tubular Sealed Cells (each 2V) in hard rubber/Polypropylene container etc.32 24841.00 45736.25 1400 . 100 AH Tubular Sealed Cells (each 2V) in hard rubber/Polypropylene container etc.85 52417.5 0 100674 100674 458143.00 52417. 100 AH Battery 220 V Battery Charger 30 V Battery Charger 220 V DCDB 30 V DCDB Total 4 No No Set Set Set Set 3 6 4 6 1 4 67116 67116 623669.00 155917. Battery consisting of 110 No.00 76357. & accessories 3 Total Nos 3 278300 28664.00 167112. Nafjagarh Road.P-95 1 2 I Battery/Battery Chargers/DCDB 11 M/s Azure Multitrade & Vanjiya Pvt.00 52418.00 81839.25 76357.85 52417.75 Spares 6 Total wit Spares Set 6 220 V DCDB suitable for 220V-200 AH Battery Bank 1 Set Total 1 30 V DCDB suitable for 30V-100 AH Battery Bank 4 Set Average Rate Battery/Battery Chargers/DCDB 220 V. 231.50 40462.00 81839.50 809. I Ltd.59 149047.. 200 AH Lead Acid Stationary. 100 AH Lead Acid Stationary.00 24841.00 458143.50 16450. Mathura Road.75 313104.20 24841.25 155917.35 1400 50017. I A-68 Adhyapak Nagar.594 939312.85 170687. New Delhi-110041 HPSEBL/SEES/SSD-288/10(JVV)/111290-1315 dated 14.25 76357.00 26625..00 24841.0 329.85 52417.50 52417. Nos 6 22080.25 52417. Nangoli.00 335585.85 170687.00 42672.32 155917.00 76357.00 155917.5 2700.50 458143.50 52417.00 1400 357469.59 149047.85 52418. Ishwar Nagar. 200 AH Battery 30 V.0 329.0 2274.00 939312.00 313104.00 26625.5 357469.0848 22080.2011.00 0 30 V Battery Charger suitable for 30V-100 AH Battery Bank Comprising of float & Boost Chargers 6 Set 57037.00 45736.298 278300.5 40462.00 220 V.06.5 1140.06.75 1400 16450.00 170687 170687.95 556553 556553 30 V. & accessories 6 Total 12 M/s JVV Electrotech Pvt. Ltd.00 623669.00 335585.00 220 V Battery Charger suitable for 220V-200 AH Battery Bank Comprising of float & Boost Chargers Spares Total wit Spares 4 Set 4 Set 4 135037.00 73487.90 6139.00 151487.2011 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 313104.9488 149047.95 149047. 00 56800.00 47841.17 45200 45280 45440 45460 45790 45810 50400 49690 49350 48810 49180 48810 49180 48810 48830 48460 48830 48460 48830 48460 48830 48460 48300 47590 48180. No.83 46171.steelworld.67 44830 44830 45080 45080 45430 45430 48560 48910 47510 48030 47510 47680 47510 47680 47160 47400 47160 47400 47160 47400 47160 47400 46630 46810 46808.00 .58 ) Sr.33 Statistics website:-www. Per MT) Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Dec-12 Dec-12 Amount in Rs per MT (Average) 44130 44270 44550 44830 45250 45430 48380 47800 47330 46750 47580 46990 47580 46990 47330 46680 46810 46500 46740 46500 46740 46500 45410 44820 46485.18 % Hike = 53000.32 1539.67 Average Rate per MT VAT @4%= Transportation @ 5%= Total = Entry Tax @ 3% = Grand Total = 47081.94 1883.90 Say Rs. (Per MT) = Say Rs. (Per MT) with 7. 1 2 3 Description Angle Iron 50x50x6 mm 75x75x6 mm Joists 125x70 mm 200x100 mm MS Channels 75x40x6 mm 150x75x6 mm Rates (Rs.10 51319.ANALYSIS OF STEEL RATES (As per Steel world.28 2354.
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