Cost Consulting 4th Edition Final

March 25, 2018 | Author: primavera1969 | Category: Feasibility Study, Request For Proposal, Construction Management, Insurance, Surveying



Quantity Surveying & Cost Consulting ServicesSchedule of Services and Recommended Charges published by the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors 4th edition 2002 Quantity Surveying & Cost Consulting Services, 4th edition, 2002 ISBN # 1-896606-38-5 Copyright © Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, 2002. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors. QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 The Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS) ................................................................................................ 2 Available Services ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Cost Planning Services 1.1 Feasibility Studies ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Functional Program ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Schematic Design ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Design Development (Preliminary Drawings) ............................................................................. 5 1.5 Working Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Pre Tender .................................................................................................................................... 5 1.7 Tender Package ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.8 Tender Review & Contractor Selection ....................................................................................... 6 1.9 Functional Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................. 6 2.0 Post Tender Services 2.1 Services related to Fixed Price or Stipulated Sum Contracts ....................................................... 7 2.2 Services related to Cost Plus Contracts ........................................................................................ 8 2.3 Services related to Management Contracts .................................................................................. 8 3.0 Recommended Charges 3.1 Feasibility Studies ........................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Functional Program ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Project Design (Schematic Design to Tender Review) ................................................................ 9 3.4 Functional Cost Analysis ........................................................................................................... 10 3.5 Multi Building Projects .............................................................................................................. 10 3.6 Alteration Work ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.7 Post Tender Services .................................................................................................................. 10 3.8 Other Services ............................................................................................................................ 10 3.9 Fees for Mechanical and Electrical Quantity Surveyors ............................................................ 10 3.10 Special Consultants .................................................................................................................... 10 3.11 Hourly Charges .......................................................................................................................... 11 3.12 Disbursements ............................................................................................................................ 11 3.13 Payment of Accounts, Interest & Copyright .............................................................................. 11 4.0 Requests for Proposals 4.1 Recommended Format ............................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Proposal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 13 4.3 Submission Evaluation ............................................................................................................... 14 4.4 Suggested Consultant Evaluation Form ..................................................................................... 15 5.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement ................................................................................... 16 Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Publications ............................................................................................................................................... 26 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors While defining the proposed facility broadly in terms of size and function is possible. allowing for timely decisions on additions or deletions to the design while maintaining the initial program budget. there are significant variables that need attention such as: • • • • How well and how long will the facility serve its intended purpose? Will it be responsive to the needs of its users and the community? What will it say about your image? Will it be financially feasible? The PQS you select will work with you and the design team to establish the program budget. success is achieved by skill and cooperation. The PQS is specifically focused on the management of construction cost and value. Prior to tender. an estimator and an accountant. or for specific tasks therein. and brings added value to. the PQS will prepare elemental cost plans which will be used to report changes and variations in the anticipated cost. When you embark on a construction program. Experience has shown that clients who include the PQS as part of their team from inception to completion tend to maximize their return on this investment in professional expertise. The CIQS is the governing body for the six regional affiliated associations of: • • • • • • Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Quantity Surveyors Nova Scotia Association of Quantity Surveyors Les Économistes en Construction du Québec / Quantity Surveyors of Quebec Ontario Institute of Quantity Surveyors Association of Quantity Surveyors of Alberta Quantity Surveyors Society of British Columbia The PQS is a vital member of. the design and construction team. As the design progresses through the various design stages. experience and expertise in the field of construction costs. the PQS can be retained to provide input and advice from inception to total completion.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preface This booklet has been prepared by the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS) as a guide to Clients wishing to engage the services of a Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS). enabling them to perform duties combining the functions of an economist. just as in any other. The skills of the PQS emanates from their training. the elemental cost plan will again be reviewed and this pre-tender estimate will be used to evaluate bids received. you are making a commitment to what may be a major investment in an unknown quantity. In this team. Depending upon the sophistication of the client in design and construction. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . followed by several years of monitored experience in all aspects of practice. Obviously. serving as advisor and technical manager and in large measure. 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . interests and capabilities fit your requirements best. The CIQS gives each affiliated association authority to administer the terms of the CIQS and regulate the conduct of the members within their jurisdiction. an individual must successfully complete the education requirements of the CIQS. The designation PQS can only be granted by the CIQS.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preface (continued) During the design and construction of your project. and with whom you can work well. he or she will determine the financial success of the project. The Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS) The PQS is a professional who has dedicated his or her career to the practice of construction economics and the management of construction through effective cost control. You will want to find a PQS whose experience. the PQS effectively becomes a major contributor to your organization. Any breach of the established ethical standards by a PQS can result in disciplinary action. To become a PQS. selecting the right PQS should not be a casual or offhand process. suspension or cancellation of membership. architectural firms. Service Provider for Value Management Workshops. however. Bills of Quantities and/or Materials. Verification of Borrower payments. Construction and Project Cash Flows. For additional information please contact the CIQS or your local affiliated association. it should be noted that not all members will be able to provide all of the services listed. Discounted Cash Flows. Insurance Replacement Cost Assessment. Risk Analysis. Evaluating Processes and Components. Functional Cost Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis. Project Scheduling. Cost Planning / Cost Control Estimates (in either elemental or trade format). government departments at municipal. Construction Management. contractors. provincial and federal levels and educational facilities. Tender Review and Contractor Selection. Assembly of Tender Packages. incorporating: Review of Project Program. including: Life Cycle Cost Plans. incorporating: Review and Verification that Project Budget is adequate to complete Project. Material Take-offs. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . Progress Draw Review and Monitoring of Costs incurred. incorporating: Feasibility Studies and Conceptual Estimating. The enquirer should ensure that the member requested to perform a particular service is suitably experienced. Project Management. Review and recommendation of Project Progress Payments. The following list identifies services that can be provided by members of the CIQS. Cost Consulting. Review and Negotiation of Change Orders and Contractual Claims Mortgage Monitoring. Mediation and Arbitration. Design and Cost Studies. Life Cycle Costing. Property Condition Reports. Project Budgeting. Other Services: Reserve Fund Studies and Cost to Complete Reports.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Available Services Members of the CIQS operate in all areas of construction including private consulting firms. Value Management. Expert Witness. Preparation of Recommendations. profitability. Where additional solutions are required to be reviewed. This advice will assist the client in determining the viability of the project. land acquisition. The cost study at this stage will enable a choice to be made of the building size. may also be costed at this stage based on a Facilities Program. The PQS may also. The more complex projects. advise on feasibility studies analysing commercial returns.1 Feasibility Studies The PQS will undertake studies into the feasibility of construction projects including an analysis of construction costs. the PQS typically prepares a study which will consist of an analysis of budget requirements. revenue forecasts and market analysis. possible construction materials and services systems. able to provide costing advice on an ongoing and continuous basis. analysis of possible building size within a fixed budget and preparation of cost studies including operating and maintenance cost evaluations. It is reasonable to expect up to three alternative solutions to be studied for costing. site servicing and cash flows. prior to design. institutional and commercial construction projects. financing arrangements. working with other market specialists.2 Functional Program As an integral part of the above. The client will only recognize the full benefit of engaging a PQS if that person or firm is an active participant in the design team.3 Schematic Design The PQS will prepare analytical studies of a number of design solutions based on schematic drawings showing the approximate shape and size of the proposed construction and brief outline specifications. The PQS will draw upon accumulated experience and recorded cost data to prepare an estimate of the probable cost consistent with the known requirements.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. For public. 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . Clearly this early assessment of cost will involve a number of basic assumptions as to the nature and construction of the project. This estimate will assist the client in assessing the feasibility of undertaking the project under consideration and in establishing a tentative budget. an additional fee should be negotiated. operating and maintenance costs. generally institutional developments. 1. the PQS will provide construction cost advice to a client concerning their proposed project at the very earliest stage of the deliberations. 1. shape. 1. The following sets out some of the cost planning services a PQS can provide.0 Cost Planning Services The following services are identified at specific stages in the work for ease of reference only. and together with the designer. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . alternatively. This estimate is the first cost plan and all subsequent cost planning and fiscal changes must relate to it. 1. the PQS will advise where savings in other elements can be made to compensate for the over expenditure. With its use. and will advise the client and design team of the cost implications of alternative design solutions. and close attention to.0 Cost Planning Services (continued) 1. or. If the proposed design details exceed the budget. the designer will start Working Drawings. construction cost creates a special awareness of the financial implications of the various methods of selecting a contractor and of the various types of building contracts. On larger projects. The cost distribution in the final estimate can be re-arranged to provide a means of direct comparison with the price breakdown requested in the tender documents from the successful tenderer and upon which progress payments during construction will be based. may make any necessary changes which may be required with full knowledge of their effect on the original budget.4 Design Development (Preliminary Drawings) Following selection of a basic design. and General Conditions) are virtually complete. the client may judge the economic viability not only of the entire project but also of each part.e. the PQS will re-evaluate the work and provide a final estimate.5 Working Drawings Following the Design Development stage during which the cost plan has been established. 1.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. The PQS will therefore examine and report on the contractor’s qualifications. Working Drawings. The PQS’s expertise in. During this stage the PQS will provide continuous cost control.6 Pre Tender When the contract documents (i. which involves consideration of detailed design of all parts of the building. This re-appraisal provides the opportunity to conduct an overall review of the project and to take into account last minute changes in market conditions that may prevail during the tendering period. using the cost plan as a basis for checking the cost of the evolving design against the budget. will investigate other design solutions with the design team in an attempt to bring the cost of the element within its target cost. preliminary drawings will be prepared from which an estimate will be developed to show the cost of each functional element of the construction and its relationship to the whole. Specification. interim reports will be issued during this stage to provide an update on the cost plan and the budget. Life cycle costing will also be provided to guide in the selection of the most appropriate design solution. the type of contract and all matters concerning the financial implications of the contract. circulation space.7 Tender Package As the tender package is being assembled. In the event that the tendered prices are unacceptable. the PQS will examine the bids together with alternative prices and the various unit prices. Such negotiations are facilitated by reference to the PQS’s estimates. based on the accepted tender. It is not uncommon for the final details to significantly alter costs of the work. The PQS can consider these changes and advise the client and design team to take appropriate action.9 Functional Cost Analysis When required. A functional cost analysis shows the cost of various functions contained within a project. and the like. 1. 6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . This will enable proper appraisal of the tender results. Where a cost plus contract is to be used. analyse the particulars and report to the client and design team with a recommendation as to the most satisfactory tender. The PQS should receive all of the addenda for review and report on any cost impact to the client prior to tender closing. During the tender period. the PQS can prepare a functional cost analysis of the project. offices.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. questions often arise that result in addenda being issued by the design consultants.0 Cost Planning Services (continued) 1. the cost of classrooms in schools or patient areas in hospitals. for instance. 1. mechanical rooms. the PQS should be made aware of all changes from the documents used to prepare the pre tender update. the PQS will advise on the selection of a suitable contractor and on the form of the contract.8 Tender Review & Contractor Selection In the case of competitively tendered prices. the PQS will assist the client and the design team in the negotiations and recommend an equitable price. e) Final Account On completion of the work a full and detailed final account incorporating all change orders and cash allowances adjustments will be prepared.0 Post Tender Services While many Client / PQS agreements are completed at the successful conclusion of a tender. d) Contract Status During the course of the construction work. the PQS is ideally equipped to deal with the administrative issues that arise during the construction of a project. b) Progress Advance Approvals The PQS will examine the various applications from the contractor for progress payments. As such the PQS is an appropriate choice to provide the Payment Certifier functions described by the Act. f) Payment Certifier Services (British Columbia) The PQS is trained in the administration of contracts and is knowledgeable of the provisions of the Builder’s Lien Act. 2. evaluate the work in accordance with the contract. adjustments and acceptance.1 Services Relating to Fixed Price or Stipulated Sum Contracts a) Schedule of Values The PQS will review the schedule of values submitted by the contractor. the client. in conjunction with the design team. advise on the amount of Lien Holdback. The following sets out some of the post tender services a PQS can provide. and in consultation with the client and design team make recommendations for changes. and make recommendations as to the amount of such payments. statements showing the current expenditures to date incorporating all change orders authorized and contemplated indicating the anticipated final cost. including the balance to complete. can benefit greatly from the detailed cost information the PQS has compiled and their knowledge of the quantities of the work. the PQS will prepare at regular intervals. also initiate and maintain procedures for evaluating change orders and will negotiate with the contractor and recommend adjustments to the contract sum and project schedule. With all of the pre-contract information at hand. c) Contract Changes The PQS will. verify them against the work actually performed. by utilizing the services of a PQS after the contract has been awarded.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . incorporating all changes and adjustments to cash allowances etc. the PQS will prepare at regular intervals. negotiate costs and make recommendations on changes to the contract amount and progress schedule. 2. c) Contract Status During the course of the construction work. d) Final Account On completion of the work. and make recommendations for the amount of such payments. b) Contract Changes The PQS will also initiate and maintain procedures for evaluating change orders and will negotiate with the contractor and recommend adjustments to the contract sum.0 Post Tender Services (continued) 2. to assist in calling tenders. d) Evaluate change orders. e) Prepare a final account of all the trade contracts. and reporting same against the target budget. b) Provide a breakdown of the elemental estimate to conform with trade packages identified by the Project or Construction Manager. statements showing the current expenditures to date incorporating all change orders authorized. e) Payment Certifier Services (British Columbia) The PQS is trained in the administration of contracts and is aware of the provisions of the Builder’s Lien Act. evaluate the work in accordance with the contract.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. c) Examine the various applications from the contractor for progress payments.3 Services Relating to Management Contracts a) Provide a breakdown of the elemental estimate to conform with the Masterformat™ Index and to enable a budget target cost to be agreed with the Project or Construction Manager. verify them against the work actually performed. As such the PQS is a natural choice to provide the Payment Certifier functions described by the Act. a full and detailed final account incorporating all change orders and cash allowances adjustments will be prepared. 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . and indicating the anticipated final cost.2 Services Relating to Cost Plus Contracts a) Cost Reporting The PQS will set up proper accounting procedures for checking the contractor’s labour and material costs. the fees should be apportioned.000 $ 231.05% of amount over $100 million __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . 3.000 $ 51.000 + + + + + + + + + + 0. and the Goods and Services Tax.3 Project Design (Schematic Design to Tender Review) For project design work including schematic design through to tender review inclusive. 3.2 Functional Program For services at the functional program stage as described in section 1.11 “Hourly Charges”. which should be charged in accordance with section 3.0 Recommended Charges The undernoted fee scales and hourly rates are exclusive of disbursements. the PQS’s fee should be charged in accordance with section 3.12. Amount of Approved Construction Budget Less than $1 million $1 million to $2 million $2 million to $5 million $5 million to $10 million $10 million to $20 million $20 million to $30 million $30 million to $40 million $40 million to $60 million $60 million to $80 million $80 million to $100 million Above $100 million hourly rates $ 12.1 Feasibility Studies For providing studies into the overall feasibility of construction projects during the feasibility study stage. the PQS’s fee should be charged in accordance with section 3. 3. based on the services to be provided. which will be charged at the prevailing rate.40% of amount over $5 million 0. the PQS’s fees should be calculated in accordance with the following table.30% of amount over $20 million 0.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.45% of amount over $2 million 0.500 $ 31.15% of amount over $60 million 0.000 $ 181.000 $ 211.000 $ 116.25% of amount over $30 million 0.2 above.20% of amount over $40 million 0.50% of amount over $1 million 0. Where not all available services are provided.500 $ 17.10% of amount over $80 million 0.000 $ 86.35% of amount over $10 million 0.11 “Hourly Charges”.000 $ 141. 3.11 “Hourly Charges”.5% on the value of the alterations.4 Functional Cost Analysis For functional cost analysis services described in section 1.9 above. the fee shall be increased by 0.11 “Hourly Charges”.7 Post Tender Services For post tender services described in section 2 above. b) Electrical PQS fees should be the portion of the fees equal to the value of the electrical construction budgets as a percentage of the value of the total budget for those portions of the services on which advice is provided.0 Recommended Charges (continued) 3.6 Alteration Work The foregoing Fee Schedule shall apply only to new work. 3. When any work of alteration or repair is involved.10 Special Consultants Where approved special consultants are retained by the PQS.11 “Hourly Charges”. 3. 3.9 Fees for Mechanical and Electrical Quantity Surveyors a) Mechanical PQS fees should be the portion of the fees equal to the value of the mechanical construction budgets as a percentage of the value of the total budget for those portions of the services on which advice is provided. fees should be charged on the special consultant’s fee scale plus 10%.5 Multi-Building Projects On projects comprising two or more separate buildings in a complex.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. the foregoing Fee Schedule shall apply to each building as if on separate projects. 10 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . 3.8 Other Services Fees for other services should be negotiated. 3. the PQS’s fee should be charged in accordance with section 3. or charged in accordance with section 3. the PQS’s fee should be charged in accordance with section 3. 12 Disbursements Disbursements normally include.13 Payment of Accounts. employee benefits such as medical insurance. the documents prepared by the PQS as instruments of service. 3.11 Hourly Charges a) For services in connection with arbitration or contractual disputes.1 of the Form of Agreement.11 (c) below. for their intended purpose only.00 per day. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .00 per hour and staff engaged on work shall be charged at hourly rates equal to 2% of their monthly payroll cost as defined in 3. b) For any other work performed on an hourly basis. or as otherwise set-out in Article 4. or sold. or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by the client. but are not limited to. holiday and sick pay. Any other agreed disbursements. a principal’s time should be charge at not less than $150.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Recommended Charges (continued) 3. 3. or as otherwise set-out in Article 2. or as otherwise set-out in Article 4. c) Payroll cost shall be defined as including employment insurance premiums. group life insurance and pension contributions. with a minimum of $700.00 per hour. The copyright and ownership of these instruments of service remains with the PQS and may not be used for any other project. when appearing in a court or at an arbitration hearing whether formal or informal. and should be charged at cost plus 10%. or as otherwise set-out in the Form of Agreement. The PQS’s account for fees and disbursements is due when presented. the following. Accounts overdue by 30 days or more will be subject to interest charges as set-out in the Form of Agreement. the PQS’s fee should be $175.1 of the Form of Agreement.5 of the Form of Agreement. Payment of the PQS’s fees give the client the right to use. unless the PQS has given written consent accordingly. Interest & Copyright The PQS’s fees shall be paid monthly in direct proportion to the amount of work done. government pension plan contributions. worker’s compensation contributions. Travelling and living expenses Long distance telephone calls and facsimile transmissions Photocopying and/or printing. Courier services. The name of the project and its location. 3. Consultant services to establish project budget and cost control during design and construction for new Junior High School. Request for Proposals for Professional Quantity Surveying and Cost Consulting Services. the following information should be provided to PQS’s who will be submitting proposals.e. 3. The project client. i.000 m² four storey multi-tenant office building or Renovations and alterations to existing 25. Contact: name. address. As detailed a breakdown of the project budget as possible. 5.1 Recommended Format 1. 4. New 10. • Feasibility Study • Functional Program • Schematic Design • Design Development • 30% Working Drawing • 75% Working Drawing • Pre-Tender The PQS shall also • Review the documents as issued for tender • Review and price accordingly all addenda during the tender period • Prepare a written post tender analysis of the bids received. at the following stages of project development. As detailed a description of the project as is possible. The number of copies required of the proposal and the time. If first placing an advertisement to solicit expressions of interest. including. 5.e. The name of your organization. The requirements of the project PQS. Request for Expressions of Interest for Professional Quantity Surveying and Cost Consulting Services. The name of the project and its location. A brief description of the project and the scope of quantity surveying services required. the following brief information should be provided. Heading: i. 1. i. i. The PQS will provide written elemental cost estimates in accordance with the current CIQS elemental format.e. 4.e.e. When requesting proposals.000m² Junior High School.0 Requests for Proposals 4. fax and e-mail. date and location for receipt of proposals. 7. 2. • Prepare a functional cost analysis 12 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . 6. 2. Heading: i.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 2. and. 1. phone. A minimum of three references is recommended. recent projects undertaken of a similar nature and their proposed fees for carrying out the defined scope of quantity surveying work in addition to the following information that should be used in connection with the suggested evaluation form included in section 4. Proposals should also include the following requirements: Submitting PQS’s must: • Have offices established in the province where the project is located. resumes of key personnel. • The principal PQS with overall responsibility for the project. • Have staff and sub-contractors available for attendance at all meetings as required for the project. • Include an estimate for reimbursable expenses required for the completion of the project in accordance with the guidelines. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .4. • Past performance in Cost Consulting. specialized abilities.2 Proposal Requirements PQS’s submitting proposals should detail their experience. Individual contracts will not be signed with individual consultants. • Provide a time frame to complete each estimate. contact person. qualifications. • Include fees in accordance with the schedule of services and charges for all services.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. • Have the lead PQS registered with the affiliate holding jurisdiction in the location of the work. (Client reserves the right to approve all consultants proposed by the submitting firm). with a brief description of current office workload and the ability to complete the commission within the suggested time frame. their responsibilities. It is understood that “time is of the essence” for this project. • List the firm’s experience in Cost Consulting for the project type. including name of organization. • The project team indicating the names of individuals who will work on the project. disciplines and experience. title and phone number. • Have Mechanical and Electrical sub-consultants qualified as PQS’ and members in good standing with CIQS.0 Requests for Proposals (continued) 4. • Assemble the necessary team required to complete all aspects of the project. • Make available on request all information to the Project Manager noted in the RFP. • Have Principals qualified as PQS’s and members in good standing with CIQS. • Provide a current list of client references. A suggested format for an evaluation form follows.3 Submission Evaluation 1. especially other clients. the client will not be liable to any proponent for any claims or damages incurred by the submitting Proponent in preparing the proposal. • The client reserves the right to negotiate changes after proposals have been evaluated and the contract awarded. • Proposals are to be irrevocable and open for acceptance for 30 days from date of submission. • Proponents are encouraged to seek clarification if required by contacting the Project Manager noted in the RFP. 3. 2. Ensure that the preferred PQS seems able to work with you. if any. If the client elects to reject any or all proposals. This advice may be in an oral or written form.2 Proposal Requirements (continued) Other general information that should be included in a Request for Proposal includes: • The proposal must be signed by the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the Proponent and bind the Proponent to statements made in response to this RFP.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. • Submitting Proponents are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing a proposal and for subsequent negotiations with the client. Check their references. Should any discrepancy in terms and conditions arise between the Proponent’s documentation and the documentation of the client. interview the PQS’s you have ranked highest (usually three to five) and complete a consultant evaluation for each of the proponents. • The contents of the selected proposal. the client’s documentation will prevail. 4. and will be binding on all parties.0 Requests for Proposals (continued) 4. and should be provided individually to each PQS. From review of the proposals submitted. these Terms of Reference and all further correspondence related to it will become a part of any contract entered into by the parties. Advise unsuccessful PQS’s of the basis upon which you made the selection and reasons why their proposal was not accepted. 14 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . 0 Requests for Proposals (continued) 4. C. Proponent A.4 Suggested Consultant Evaluation Form Evaluation Date …………………….QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. B. C. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . Points Ranking points available A. D. Team Experience & Capabilities Team experience & ability specific to project Past performance Current workload Proposal Organization & clarity Proposed methodology Ability to meet time lines Understanding of project objectives & goals Demonstration of understanding of related issues Compensation Fees Total 25 20 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 100 B. D. 0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF QUANTITY SURVEYORS INSTITUT CANADIEN DES ÉCONOMISTES EN CONSTRUCTION STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND PROFESSIONAL QUANTITY SURVEYOR 16 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. location and address) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ NOW THEREFORE. project name.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate as of the _______________ day of _____________________ in the year ___________________ BETWEEN _______________________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) AND _______________________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “PQS”) FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: ___________________________________ (Include detailed description of scope of work.0 SERVICES 1.1 The PQS shall perform for the Client those services described in the SCHEDULE OF QUANTITY SURVEYING SERVICES as follows:.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.(List services below or attach list) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . the Client and the PQS for the considerations named herein agree as follows:ARTICLE 1. which are excluded from all undernoted fees and hourly rates.2 The Client shall pay to the PQS. all applicable Value Added Taxes. 2.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.(List amount of fee for each stage) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 18 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .1 The Client shall provide the information required by the PQS to perform his services.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 1. 2. such additional work to be as set out below.1 in accordance with the following terms:. the PQS shall perform such additional work as may be agreed between the parties.4.1.0 SERVICES (continued) 1. and or as subsequently agreed and paid as set out in Article 2. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ARTICLE 2.0 THE CLIENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES 2. The Client agrees that the PQS shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and correctness of the documentation provided and any additional work required due to inaccuracies in the documentation will be paid for at the rates set out in Article 4.3 The Client shall pay to the PQS a fee for the services specified in Article 1. in addition to the undernoted fees and hourly rates. Such information shall be provided in sufficient time for the PQS to meet any scheduled date for the completion of his work.2 At the request in writing of the Client. 2 in accordance with the following terms:.(List agreed fees for additional services) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .5 The Client shall reimburse the PQS for the following disbursements charged at cost plus _____ percent to cover office services and handling: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.0 THE CLIENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) 2.4 The Client shall pay to the PQS a fee for additional services specified in Article 1.6 All amounts included in this agreement are in Canadian funds.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 2. 0 of this agreement. or sold.0 VARIATION OF FEE 3. the documents prepared by the PQS as instruments of service.0 HOURLY CHARGES 4. INTEREST & COPYRIGHT 5.1 For additional services requested on the project but not identified in Article 1.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by the client. The PQS’s account for fees and disbursements is due when presented. unless the PQS has given written consent accordingly. Principal Principal performing other work Senior Quantity Surveyor Quantity Surveyor Junior Quantity Surveyor Technical Assistant $____________ per hour/diem $____________ per hour/diem $____________ per hour/diem $____________ per hour/diem $____________ per hour/diem $____________ per hour/diem ARTICLE 5.0 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS.1 The PQS’s fees shall be paid monthly in direct proportion to the amount of work done. or as otherwise set-out in the Form of Agreement. the following rates will be charged.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 3. 20 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . for their intended purpose only. the PQS shall be paid an additional fee based on the time spent.1 If. ARTICLE 4. Accounts overdue by 30 days or more will be subject to interest charges as set-out in the Form of Agreement.0 of this agreement the construction budget is revised to a sum which is 10% or more above the approved budget. The copyright and ownership of these instruments of service remains with the PQS and may not be used for any other project. after the PQS has commenced the services described in Article 1. The agreed rates shall be as noted in Article 4. 5.2 of this agreement.2 Payment of the PQS’s fees give the client the right to use. Automobile Liability on all vehicles owned. In the event of such termination. during the term of this agreement.1 All estimates.0 INSURANCE 8. maintain and pay for the following insurance:Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $ _____________ inclusive per occurrence. insuring against bodily injury.0 ARBITRATION 7. they shall be prepared by the PQS. the PQS shall be paid for his services to the date of termination on the following basis:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ARTICLE 7.1 The PQS shall. operated or licensed in the name of the PQS in the amount not less than $1.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. and similar documents prepared by the PQS shall remain the property of the PQS.000.1 All matters in dispute between the parties under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration by a single arbitrator in accordance with the laws of the Province of __________________________ at the application of either party.0 TERMINATION 6.1 Either party may terminate this agreement at any time upon giving notice in writing at least thirty days prior to the date of termination.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 6. ARTICLE 9. The Client shall have access to all documents and worksheets related to the project and they shall be made available upon request. The award of the arbitration board shall be final and binding on both parties. budgets. provide. Should copies be required.000. personal injury and property damage. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . The cost of reproduction shall be borne by the Client.0 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS 9. ARTICLE 8. reports. 0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 9.0 CONFIDENTIALITY 10. 11.2 All documentation provided to the PQS in the provision of services shall remain in the hands of the PQS. and assumes a minimum of five (5) general bidders.0 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS (continued) 9. The PQS acknowledges that this is for record only and ownership of the documents so provided does not transfer to the PQS.2 This pricing assumes competitive bidding for every portion of the construction work including all subcontractors as well as the general contractor. ARTICLE 11. however. ARTICLE 10. the bid results can be expected to be higher. or over competitive bidding. 22 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . materials or equipment. the PQS cannot and does not warrant or represent that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from this nor any subsequent estimate of construction cost or evaluation prepared by or agreed to by the PQS.0 COST ACCURACY 11.1 Pricing by the PQS reflects probable construction costs obtainable in the location of the project as of the date of the report and is a determination of fair market value for the construction of this project and should not be taken as a prediction of low bid.4 Accordingly.1 The PQS shall not divulge any information that has been given to him or acquired by him on a confidential basis in the course of carrying out services as provided herein. 11. over a contractor's methods of determining bid prices. If fewer bids are received.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. market or negotiation conditions. 11. that the PQS does not have control over the cost of labour.3 It is recognized. 0 Addresses for Notice 12.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) ARTICLE 12.1 Notices in writing between the Client and the PQS should be addressed as follows: To the Client _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ To the PQS at: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. CLIENT ___________________________________ name of client WITNESS ___________________________________ signature ___________________________________ signature ___________________________________ name and title of person signing ___________________________________ name and title of person signing PROFESSIONAL QUANTITY SURVEYOR ___________________________________ name of professional quantity surveyor WITNESS ___________________________________ signature ___________________________________ signature ___________________________________ name and title of person signing ___________________________________ name and title of person signing 24 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .0 Recommended Standard Form of Agreement (continued) IN WITNESS HEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the _______________________ day of ___________________________________ in the year __________________. oiqs.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact us Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors E-mail: info@ciqs. N. suite 205 Anjou QC H1M 3M2 Tel: (514) 354-3857 Fax (514) 354-6480 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]. STN R Toronto ON M4G 3Z3 Tel: (905) 471-0882 Fax: (905) 471-7545 Association of Quantity Surveyors of Alberta (AQSA) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . des Galeries d’Anjou.610 6th Street New Westminster BC V3L 3C2 Tel: (604) 521-3671 Fax: (604) 521-6632 E-mail: info@oiqs. STN R Toronto ON M4G 3Z3 Tel: (905) 471-0882 Fax: (905)471-7545 Affiliated Associations Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Quantity Surveyors (NLAQS) P.O. Box 57051 SPO 2525 – 36th Nova Scotia Association of Quantity Surveyors (NSAQS) P. boul. Calgary AB T1Y 6R4 Tel: (403) 252-7070 Fax: (403) 291-0983 Quantity Surveyors Society of British Columbia (QSSBC) 260 .org Web site: E-mail: info@qssbc. Box Web site: www. Box 8774. John's NF A1E 5X7 Tel: (709) 722-0505 Fax: (709) 722-1504 E-mail: [email protected] Ontario Institute of Quantity Surveyors (OIQS) P. STN A Halifax NS B3K 5M4 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www. Box 124.qs-alts.ciqs. RPO Village Mall St. Box Web site: Web site: Les Économistes en Construction du Québec / Quantity Surveyors of Quebec (QSQ) c/o Association de la Construction du Québec 7400. 1997. Estimate Pads (take-off paper) 26 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors . 2000. contact the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors at (905) 471-0882 or order on-line at www.QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Publications The following publications are produced by the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors. Selecting and Engaging a Quantity Surveyor 1st edition.An Introduction 1st edition. 2002. 2000. 7th edition.ciqs. Quantity Surveying and Construction Estimating 1997. ISBN # 1-896606-30-X Construction Budgeting 2nd edition. 2001. Method of Measurement of Construction Works. ISBN # 1-896606-18-0 Construction Economist (quarterly journal of the CIQS) ISBN #0836-6179 Index of Standard Abbreviations 2nd edition. ISBN # 1-896606-16-4 Available Services & Finding. For ordering information. 1998. 2002. Measurement of Buildings by Area & Volume 3rd edition. ISBN # 1-896606-34-2 Construction Planning & Scheduling . ISBN # 1-896606-26-1 Canadian Building Law 5th edition. ISBN # 1-896606-36-9 Quantity Surveying & Cost Consulting Services Schedule of Services and Recommended Charges 4th edition. ISBN # 1-896606-28-8 Elemental Cost Analysis. ISBN # 1-896606-38-5 Careers in the Value Professions. QUANTITY SURVEYING & COST CONSULTING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND RECOMMENDED CHARGES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors .
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