Correas Agricolas

March 22, 2018 | Author: locuazg | Category: Belt (Mechanical), Mechanical Engineering, Manufactured Goods, Nature



ASAE S211.5 JUL1998 (R2008) V-belt and V-ribbed Belt Drives For Agricultural Machines S T A N D A R D ASABE is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dedicated to advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. ASABE Standards are consensus documents developed and adopted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers to meet standardization needs within the scope of the Society; principally agricultural field equipment, farmstead equipment, structures, soil and water resource management, turf and landscape equipment, forest engineering, food and process engineering, electric power applications, plant and animal environment, and waste management. NOTE: ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data are informational and advisory only. Their use by anyone engaged in industry or trade is entirely voluntary. The ASABE assumes no responsibility for results attributable to the application of ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data. Conformity does not ensure compliance with applicable ordinances, laws and regulations. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents. ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data initially approved prior to the society name change in July of 2005 are designated as ‘ASAE’, regardless of the revision approval date. Newly developed Standards, Engineering Practices and Data approved after July of 2005 are designated as ‘ASABE’. Standards designated as ‘ANSI’ are American National Standards as are all ISO adoptions published by ASABE. Adoption as an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by ASABE. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. CAUTION NOTICE: ASABE and ANSI standards may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Additionally, procedures of ASABE require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw each standard. Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. All rights reserved. ASABE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA ph. 269-429-0300, fax 269-429-3852, [email protected] ANSI/ASME B46.41 0. J. Table 1a – Nominal dimensions of cross sections.88 0. revised July 1998. K. All standards are subject to revision. They may be used individually or in matched sets.00 0. December 1996.38 0.53 0. 3. 1962.50 0. Double-V belts Adjustable speed V-belts 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which. mm Cross section 13F 16F 22F 32F 9FN 15FN 25FN 13FD 16FD 22FD 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV FPJ FPL FPM Belt type Classical V-belts bb 13 16 22 32 9 15 25 13 16 22 25 32 38 44 51 57 63 76 See Fig. 75 ASAE S211. CC. Standards organizations maintain registers of currently valid standards.5 36. revised May 1986. flat conveyor belting. September 1988.38 0.59 0. BB.66 0. At the time of publication. 3.688 1. and Lay) ISO 1000:1992. 3.78 0. are included in tables 1a through 15a. D. 2) S g is specified pulley groove spacing (see table 7). Use of this Standard will contribute to the design of simple and economical drives.50 0. December 1978.2 This Standard is unique to agricultural belt drives and should be used in lieu of standards for industrial drives published by the Rubber Manufacturers Association.5 28.000 1.125 Narrow V-belts 1 Purpose 1. Waviness. revision proposed by a joint committee representing the Rubber Manufacturers Association and the Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute.41 0.20 0. B. 3. and 8V Cross Sections) RMA/MPTA IP-26.00 2. and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. 2) S g is specified pulley groove spacing (see table 7). L.70 9. Cross section HA HB HG HD H3V H5V H8V HAA HBB HCC HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HQ J L M Belt type Classical V-belts bb 0.94 1. or synchronous belts. constitute provisions of this Standard.092 0.50 0.1-1995.5 The term belt(s) used throughout this Standard means V-belt(s) and V-ribbed belt(s).25 0.62 1.88 1. Double V-Belts (AA.53 0. and E Cross Sections) RMA/MPTA IP-21. 3.750 1. and M Cross Sections) V-ribbed belts 0.438 0.6 3 Scope 3.5 10. reaffirmed February 2003. flat power transmission belts.406 0. It is a defined value not subject to tolerance and is usually ASABE STANDARDS 2008 1) Classical and narrow V-belts are also available in the joined belt configuration as illustrated in figure 1.5 JUL1998 (R2008) V-belt and V-ribbed Belt Drives For Agricultural Machines Adopted by ASAE June 1950.ASAE S211. December 1983.38 0. February 2008. Classical Multiple V-Belts (A.50 3.5 JUL1998 „R2008… . and DD Cross Sections) RMA/MPTA IP-22. 1 hb 8 10 13 19 8 13 23 10 13 18 13 15 18 20 22 24 26 30 4 10 17 h bb 1) 10 13 17 21 10 16 25 s g 2) 15 19 25.25 2.4 This Standard does not include belts for automotive accessory drives.75 0.625 0.66 h bb 1) 0.41 0. the editions indicated were valid. metric-SI units. 5V.1 effective width of V-belt groove: A groove width characterizing the groove profile. revised editorially February 1987.75 2. Narrow Multiple V-Belts (3V. December 1995. approved by the ASAE Power and Machinery Division Technical Committee December 1968. Surface Texture (Surface Roughness.84 0.31 0.00 See Fig.50 1. consistent with International Organization for Standardization Standard 1000.3 17.91 0.50 0.00 1.62 1. V-belt Table 1 – Nominal dimensions of cross sections. reaffirmed December 1990. V-Ribbed Belts (H.25 1. C.3 This Standard does not specify the load-life characteristics of belts.34 4. Keywords: Belt.66 0.1 The purpose of this Standard is to provide sufficient technical data for the uniform physical application of belt drives to farm machines and mobile industrial equipment.00 1. in. methods of measuring. SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units RMA/MPTA IP-20. 1 hb 0.00 s g 2) 0.31 0.6 In the interest of international standardization. revised editorially March 1998. reconfirmed December 1973.69 0.16 0. SI Units and Recommendations for the Use of Their Multiples and of Certain Other Units. revised 1960.40 4 Definitions 4.1 This Standard establishes acceptable manufacturing tolerances.185 0.88 1.370 1) Classical and narrow V-belts are also available in the joined belt configuration as illustrated in figure 1.53 0. through reference in this text. and proper application for drives using V-belts or V-ribbed belts.69 0. Narrow V-belts Double-V belts Adjustable speed V-belts V-ribbed belts 2.66 0. ) 4. all belts of a given cross section shall operate interchangeably in standard grooves of the same cross section.13 clutching allowance: A design length factor to facilitate the belt drive systems operation as a clutch (see clause 9. dimensions. 5 Cross sections 5.7 pitch diameter of pulley: The diameter of the pulley at the pitch width of pulley groove. but belts of different manufacturers should never be mixed on the same drive (see tables 7 through 9). 4. 4. However. 4. 4. Belt speed is the linear speed of the belt calculated using the pitch diameter of the driver pulley.1 for procedure). Because of different constructions and methods of manufacture. 4.3 effective diameter of V-ribbed pulley: The outside diameter of the pulley as a defined value at the specified pulley groove dimensions (without tolerances). generally expressed as a number equal to or greater than unity.1 Nominal dimensions of belt cross sections for agricultural machines are shown in tables 1 and 2.11 measuring pulleys: Pulleys used for determining the effective length of a belt (see tables 5 and 6 for dimensions).2 effective diameter of V-belt pulley: The diameter of the pulley at the effective width of the pulley groove.9 installation allowance: A design length factor permitting the unforced installation of a belt (see tables 12 through 15).8 speed ratio and belt speed: Speed ratio is the ratio of the pitch diameter of the pulleys.5).1 The length ranges for agricultural belts are shown in tables 2 and 2a.located at the outermost extremities of the straight side walls of the groove. For all V-belt measuring pulleys and for most machined-type pulleys. and included angle between the sidewalls may differ among manufacturers. 4. 4. 4.5 JUL1998 „R2008… ASABE STANDARDS 2008 .12 ‘‘y’’ center distance: The center distance between measuring pulleys used to determine the effective length of a belt (see clause 7. 4.5 pitch width: The width of the belt at its neutral zone.4 effective length: The length of a line circumscribing a belt at the level of the effective diameter of the measuring pulleys with the belt at a prescribed tension. 4. 6 Available lengths 6. it coincides with the actual top width of the groove within reasonable tolerances.6 pitch width of groove: That width of the pulley groove which has the same dimension as the pitch width of the belt used with this pulley. 4.10 take-up allowance: A design length factor to permit sufficient tensioning over the life of the drive (see tables 12 through 15). Figure 1 – Belt types 76 Figure 2 – Relationship between sheave or pulley outside diameter and the corresponding effective diameter ASAE S211. the cross-sectional shape. (Formerly designated Effective outside diameter. Over 98 to and incl.0–200. Over 197 to and incl.08 0.0–130. in. mm V-Belts Classical 1) Narrow 9FN 15FN 25FN 1) Adjustable speed 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV 1020–3175 1270–4065 1525–4570 1780–5080 2030–5080 2160–5080 2285–5080 2285–5080 13FC 16FD 22FD Double-V 1270–3300 1270–7620 2160–9270 V-Ribbed Belts FPJ FPL FPM 455–2540 1270–3685 2285–9270 13F 16F 22F 32F 635–3300 760–7620 1400–9270 3050–9270 635–3560 1270–9020 2540–15240 1) Includes joined belts.24 0. Figure 3 – Diagram of a fixture for measured belts ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211.0 HM 80.0 HBB 50.0–365.80 Ϯ 1. 2500 incl. Over 111 to and incl.0 HB 30.0–600.0 HJ 50.0 H5V 50.0–145. Table 3 – Effective length tolerance.60 Ϯ 0.16 0. 10000 Effective length tolerance Ϯ 10 Ϯ 13 Ϯ 16 Ϯ 20 Ϯ 25 Ϯ 32 Ϯ 40 Ϯ 50 Effective length range Up through Over 51 to and incl.12 0.0 HC 55.0–200. or steel cable reinforcement. fiberglass.0 Double-V HAA 50.0 V-Ribbed Belts J 18. mm Table 4 – Limits of difference in effective length for matching sets. 1) Examples of high tensile modulus belts are those containing aramid.0–365.0 Adjustable speed HI 40. Examples of high tensile modulus belts are those containing aramid.00 Table 4a – Limits of difference in effective length for matching sets.25 Ϯ 1.0–130.50 Ϯ 0.Table 2 – Effective length ranges. 4000 incl.0 H8V 100.0–140.0–300. Over 236 to and incl. 3150 incl. Over 2820 to and incl.0–100. 1) Matching limits for one set Normal tensile modulus 1375 2820 6000 10. fiberglass.0 HN 85.0–355. Matching limits for one set Normal tensile modulus 54 111 236 390 0.0 L 50.63 High tensile modulus1) 0.0 HCC 85. 6300 incl. V-Belts Classical1) HA 25.0–160. 8000 incl.0 HO 90. in.40 Ϯ 0.000 4 6 10 16 High tensile modulus1) 2 3 5 6 Effective length range Up through Over 54 to and incl.0 HL 70.0 M 90. Over 315 to and incl.20 0. Over 124 to and incl. 5000 incl. Table 3a – Effective length tolerance.0–300. Over 157 to and incl. in.60 Ϯ 2.00 Ϯ 1.0 Narrow1) H3V 25.0 HK 60. mm Effective length range Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Up through 1300 to and 2500 to and 3150 to and 4000 to and 5000 to and 6300 to and 8000 to and 1300 incl.0–180.39 0.0–200.0–365. or steel cable reinforcement. 51 98 124 157 197 248 315 390 Effective length tolerance Ϯ 0.0–200. Table 2a – Effective length ranges.24 Effective length range Up through Over 1375 to and incl.0–365.0–125. V-belt 77 . Over 248 to and incl.0 1) Includes joined belts.0 HQ 90.0 HD120. Over 6000 to and incl.0–200.5 JUL1998 „R2008… Figure 4 – Measuring belt ride. 879 1.6 5.536 4.89 15.780 0.10 0.158 11.02 30. Table 5a – Data for use in measuring belt effective length and belt ride (see figure 7) Pulley groove angle ␣ Ϯ 0.3 207.5625 0.5 15.000 40.8 95.519 Groove depth hg .1 6.2 346.000 10.25 deg 32 32 34 34 32 32 34 38 38 38 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 Pulley groove top width bg .601 10.5 143.30 *Measuring pulley dimensions for HA and HB grooves are different than those recommended for production pulleys.4375 0.000 30.01 15.5625 0. 3.7812 0.813 0.02 12.Figure 5 – Measuring belt ride.22 0.4 32.18 0.50Ϯ0.000 35.630 0.203 8.25 0.16 0.0Ϯ0.22 0.000 12.3 127.083 7.02 24.7 242. 3.20 0.5 22. 10.20 0.8 254.8 0.775 7.536 11.775 7.490 0.25 0.990 0. lb 65 100 190 405 65 100 190 100 225 500 180 290 405 560 740 740 740 740 0.22 Joined 0.6 5.25 deg 34 34 34 36 34 34 36 38 38 38 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 Pulley groove top width bg . in.750 2.50Ϯ0.7 298.10 0.266 14.28 Belt cross section HA* HB* HC HD HAA HBB HCC H3V H5V H8V HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HQ Pulley outside diameter Ϯ 0.181 8.9062 2.490 0.3 Pulley effective circumference mm 300 450 700 1000 300 450 700 300 600 1000 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1000 Diameter over balls or rods Ϯ 0. mm Not joined 2.366 9.499 5.50Ϯ0.40 31.8 261.490 0.10 0.5 318.000 1.2 104.2 222.5 Groove depth hg .000 1.00 63.03 0.5 191. Not joined 0.3750 2.1 5.225 10. reference in.00Ϯ0.4 7.6875 1.000 15.1 4. min.3 159.01 72.183 4.00Ϯ0.000 25.141 3. The dimensions in this table reflect previous recommendations so that precision measuring pulleys will not need to be replaced and to assure correlation of length measurement.633 17.1 386.00 76.01 15.5Ϯ0.0 25.8 2.188 1.3 150.938 1.50Ϯ0.000 1.732 12.000 Diameter over balls or rods Ϯ 0. double-V belt Figure 6 – Measuring belt ride.590 0.8 13 16 22 8.6 Joined 4.16 0.6 78 ASAE S211.549 9.4 372.24 25.5 JUL1998 „R2008… ASABE STANDARDS 2008 .0 Cross section 13F 16F 22F 32F 13FD 16FD 22FD 9FN 15FN 25FN 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV Pulley outside diameter Ϯ 0.5Ϯ0.5 2.10 mm 108.456 1.3438 0. min. 0.000 20.20 0. in.500 Diameter ball or rod d B Ϯ 0.4375 0.820 7.2 222.9531 1.000 25.50Ϯ0.000 30.01 36.250 2. 0.50Ϯ0.03 0. N 300 450 850 1800 300 450 850 445 1000 2225 800 1300 1800 2500 3300 3300 3300 3300 5.000 30.0Ϯ0.12 0.339 1.00Ϯ0.45 50.250 1.2 191.549 12.600 1.01 15.1250 0.000 15.1 5. in.8 224.916 6.6 108.7 336.5 2.1250 2.20 Diameter ball or rod d B Ϯ 0.879 0.5Ϯ0.259 0.350 0.7 242.958 11.10 0.5Ϯ0.5 3.20 0.50Ϯ0.1 4. reference mm 13 16.02 21.10 mm 95.02 8.03 0.0005 in.575 Total measuring force per belt.8 318.6 5.18 0.0 318.1 4.0000 0.02 21.3 95.005 in.125 1.340 0.5 3. 0.01 48.958 15.01 mm 12.75 38.4375 1.0 4.5Ϯ0.01 Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove.50Ϯ0. V-ribbed belt Table 5 – Data for use in measuring belt effective length and belt ride (see figure 7) Pulley groove angle ␣ Ϯ 0.8 0.5938 1.3 318.1 20 23 26 29 32 34 37 40 Total measuring force per belt.996 3.490 0.8750 Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove.580 0.732 Pulley effective circumference.183 4.02 25.000 40.000 25.01 60.40 25.5 143.01 30.005 in.16 0.549 9.558 14.6 286.780 1.5 7.181 8.000 30.732 12.5 5.0 6.0 222.549 9.580 0.01 54.10 44.8 346.2 157.80 57.836 15.7 187.0 0.499 5.958 3.01 42.000 2.2 157.879 11.7812 1.000 50.12 0.630 0.500 1. mm 12 14 19 26 12 14 19 8.060 0.1875 1.000 40. 0625 0.01 mm 1.10 0.082 0.25 deg 40 40 40 Top radius rt ϩ 0.15 Ϫ 0. 0.40 ( Ϯ 0.015 0.50 5.183 6.2 Groove depth hg .70 ( Ϯ 0. mm 2. min.370 Ϯ 0. Values for HA. in.Figure 7 – V-belt measuring pulley groove Figure 8 – V-ribbed belt measuring pulley groove Table 6 – Data for use in measuring effective lengths and ride of V-ribbed belts.08) Diameter ball or rod d B Ϯ 0. reference mm 95. ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211. mm Deep groove 0.22 0.25 0.000 in.5 163.25 deg 40 40 40 Top radius rt ϩ 0.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 79 .030 Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove.000 30. reference in.60 Cross section 13F 16F 22F 32F Standard groove 6 8 12 18 Deep groove 141) 18 26 36 Values for HA.30 Cross section J L M Pulley outside diameter. 0. min.6 Pulley effective circumference. 2ap.1 mm 97.531) 0. 13F belts in RMA/MPTA combination A/B or 13C/16C grooves.71 1.43 1) Standard groove 0.06 4.005 Ϫ 0.008 0. lb 11 45 100 Table 6a – Data for use in measuring effective lengths and ride of V-ribbed belts.50 4.1406 0.185 Ϯ 0.00 Diameter over ball or rod Ϯ 0.001 0. in.366 9.000 Pulley groove spacing Sg . 3. Cross section HA HB HC HD 1) Table 7a – Pitch diameter location.000 20. 13F belts in RMA/MPTA combination A/B or 13C/16C grooves.35 0.40 0.60 Cross section FPJ FPL FPM Pulley outside diameter.5 259.0005 in.60 7.00 mm 0.002 0.03) 4. (see figure 8) Pulley groove angle ␣ Ϯ 0.2 254.34 ( Ϯ 0. in.92 10.092 Ϯ 0. mm 2. 0.2812 Groove depth hg . 2ap in. 0.20 0. in. 0.75 Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove mm 2.196 0. mm (see figure 8) Pulley groove angle ␣ Ϯ 0.01 1.549 Pulley effective circumference.5 159.0003 Diameter ball or rod d B Ϯ 0. mm 300 500 800 Pulley groove spacing Sg . in.40 0.393 Total measuring force per rib.03 Total measuring force per rib.05) 9.00 7. newtons 50 200 450 Table 7 – Pitch diameter location. 10. 00 2. 9 Recommended design practices 9.25 21.7 65. (This terminology does not apply to V-ribbed belts). mm Recommended minimum outside diameter 190 250 290 355 405 450 490 530 Groove angle ␣Ϯ 1 deg 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 Cross section 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV 1) bg 25.1 shall be used to determine these values.00 16.2 Construction 8. 1) Maximum surface roughness height (arithmetic average)1) µin. 5a. L. FPL. One of the pulleys is fixed in position while the other is movable along a graduated scale with a specified force applied to it.02 3. 6.5 JUL1998 „R2008… .11 2. FPM RMA/MPTA STD IP22 Sections 3V. NOTE 1: Please consult RMA or MPTA if there is uncertainty concerning the latest available standard.7 100. 8.9 88.1 Pulley groove dimensions 8. in.75 38.27 8. and 6). C.75 11.48 3. 8.2.1. consisting of two pulleys of equal diameter having standard groove dimensions (see tables 5. HBB. 32F (see clause 8. and 32F sections. The gage of the sheet metal used should be such that the groove will not deflect under the load imposed by the belt. 22FD V-Ribbed Belt Drives Sections J.0 211. L.45 3.50 3.260 in.60 0.30 Adjustable Speed Belt Drives See tables 8.0 95. B.2. M PJ.92 2a 0.9 2a 7. NOTE 2: Select deep groove pulleys for ‘‘quarter turn’’ or other situations where belts enter pulley groove at an angle. ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211. 8 Specifications for pulleys used with V-belts and Vribbed belts 8. HC.00 76. 25N RMA/MPTA STD IP21 Sections AA. The material should be sufficiently close-grained to allow the machining or forming of a smooth groove sidewall. and 9a along with figures 9 and 10.25 2. 22D RMA/MPTA STD IP26 Sections J. Classical Belt Drives RMA/MPTA STD IP20 Sections Sections A. 8V 9N.52 0.7 b go is calculated to provide for a clearance of 6.41 4. HD. 6. 15N.68 0.65 2. HB.4 13.00 1.45 50. indicating heavy duty construction.3 12.00 Groove angle ␣Ϯ 1 deg 26 26 28 26 26 26 26 30 Cross section HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HQ 1) bg 1. 5a.0 132. HB. In designing belt drives.2.50 1.50 14.1 76.2 15.7 Method of measuring belts 7.7 The measuring methods defined in ANSI/ASME B46.2) Narrow Belt Drives Sections H3V. 9.0 186. H5V.94 4.25 1. µm 125 63 250 500 3.20 b go 1) 42. H8V 9FN. 16D.40 31.35 mm as shown in figure 9 (dimension C L ). 15FN. Table 8 – Dimensions for pulleys using adjustable speed belts.37 0. The belt is rotated around the pulleys at least twice to properly seat it in the pulley grooves and to determine the midpoint of the center distance range. M FPJ.0 23. or 6a.62 5.9 210. rim O.5 117.2 1. 5.4 11.2 Pitch diameter location (dimension 2ap in pulley groove tables) is dependent on belt construction and pitch diameter location of the belt.84 3. which materially reduces belt life and may set up undesirable vibration of the machine on which it is used (see tables 8 and 8a). as shown in figure 9 (dimension C L ). 16FD.1 Pulleys used with agricultural V-belts or V-ribbed belts shall be made of a material which is resistant to abrasion between the groove wall and the belt.5 164. PL.75 2.80 57. 16C.73 4.2 Machined pulleys shall have surface finishes equal to or smoother than the following values: 80 b go is calculated to provide for a clearance of 0.60 9. 7. CC 13D.2. HCC 13FD.10 44. Failure to accomplish this results in a nonuniform groove width. and 6a). 5V.4 Adjustable-speed pulleys should be so designed that the movable disk is perpendicular to the axis of rotation at all times without appreciable runout or wobble. 13F. 22C. 16F. Please observe that the ASAE V-belt designations are prefixed with an H.D.00 b go 1) 1. BB.1. Rim edges. and the belts are not to be replaced with RMA/MPTA Standard belts even though they are dimensionally equivalent. 5a. HC.6 9.1 The effective length of an agricultural belt is determined using a measuring fixture (fig.00 17.6 6. 8.1 Pulley diameters. Refer to table 7 for recommended values of 2ap for HA. D HA.30 0.75 19.0 2 av 72.36 8. 4. Belt ride shall be within the maximum limit given in tables 5.0 140.D. 6.1 Refer to the appropriate RMA/MPTA standard for pulley groove dimensions as follows below.3 Pulleys formed from sheet metal shall be made so that the groove width and angle are uniform throughout the circumference of the pulley. HD 13C. 8.75 0.1. 3). and 6a. Recommended minimum outside diameter 7. 8a. 25FN Double V-Belt Drives Sections HAA.41 7. PM 8.0 54. Effective length of the belt is determined by adding twice the average center distance measured on the fixture to the effective circumference of the measuring pulley specified in tables 5.90 2 av 2.2 112.00 63. 16F. 32C 13F.45 0.2 The belt ride dimension is checked by measuring the distance from the top of the belt to the top of the measuring pulley groove (figs. Machined surface area Pulley groove sidewall Adjustable pulley sidewall Flat pulley rim O. it should be recognized that the use of larger pulley diameters will result in lower bearing loads and can result in the use of smaller and less expensive belt cross sections.2 19. 22F.52 6. 22F. For V-belts the belt ride dimension is the only method of determining proper belt fit in the groove.2 17. Table 8a – Dimensions for pulleys using adjustable speed belts. it should be located on the slack side of the drive.10 7. the approximate center distance between pulleys may be calculated as follows: Table 9a – Dimensions for adjustable speed companion or idler pulleys. diameter of large pulley.00 Groove angle ␣Ϯ 0.20 hg min.5 deg 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 Cross section 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV bg Ϯ 0.Figure 9 – Adjustable pulley dimensions Figure 11 – Relation between center distance and belt length for drives with two pulleys Figure 10 – Adjustable speed companion pulley dimensions 9.00 63.05 1.25 25.75 6.57͑ D e ϩ d e ͒ ϩ where: ͑ D eϪ d e ͒2 4C (1) Cross section HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HQ bg Ϯ 0.2 19.75 38.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 81 .69 1. 9.97 2a 0.2.5 deg 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 30 L e ϭ 2 C ϩ 1.94 1.45 0.56 1.80 57.2.0 23.60 0. 20 24 27 32 36 40 43 50 2a 7.3 Length calculations 0.25 1.00 12. (see figure 10) Minimum recommended effective diameter 4.78 0.25 8.6 9.3.50 9. Other factors that affect the location of the idler are its effectiveness in belt take-up and its effect on arcs of contact.4 11.50 3.00 76.10 44.2 Idlers 9.30 0.4 Minimum diameters recommended for idlers are shown in tables 10 and 10a. (See figure 11). mm (see figure 10) Minimum recommended effective diameter 120 155 185 215 240 270 280 305 Groove angle ␣Ϯ 0.40 1. between centers of pulleys.25 1.2 15.001 1. in. diameter of small pulley.0 Figure 12 – Belt drive with more than two pulleys ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211. 0. If an idler is needed.25 2.00 2. 9. 9.75 2. The idler mounting should be strong enough to maintain this relationship at all times. the groove dimensions should be as shown in tables 9 and 9a.1 Idlers may be necessary on agricultural belt drives to provide take-up or to increase the arc of contact to obtain the required drive capacity.50 11.75 0.45 50.4 31.00 1.88 0.4 13.1 The approximate belt length for a two-pulley drive may be calculated using the formula: Table 9 – Dimensions for adjustable speed companion or idler pulleys.90 Le C De de is is is is effective distance effective effective length of belt.2 An idler should have its axis of rotation perpendicular to the plane of the belt strand on which it runs.2 17.50 10. If pulley effective diameters (D e and d e ) and belt effective length ( L e ) are known.50 1.3 If grooved idlers are used.37 0.00 hg min. 9. NR.00 1) 2) Table 10a – Minimum recommended diameters for idlers.D.75 8.80 3.75 in. The length of the connecting arcs can be calculated by the formula: Length of arcϭ D e A /115 where: a ϭ L e /4Ϫ 0.00 17.25 3.D.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 82 ASABE STANDARDS 2008 . b ϭ 0.25 1.50 1. of outside idler 108 108 152 152 216 216 343 108 254 444 32 114 267 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR.50 4.00 7.25 4.125͑ D e Ϫ d e ͒ 2 .50 9. not recommended. C ϭ a ϩ ͱa 2 Ϫ b where: (2) tangents and the connecting arcs around the effective diameters of the pulleys.25 10.75 13.00 12.75 2. belt width + 0.60 Minimum face width of flat idler2) 1. of flat inside idler 2.50 NR NR NR 0. mm1) Minimum O.D.00 2.2 To determine belt length when more than two pulleys are used on a drive (figure 12).D.00 9.50 5.50 2.D.00 6. the angle in degrees subtended by the arc of belt contact on the pulley. not recommended.25 6.50 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Cross section 13F 13FD 16F 16FD 22F 22FD 32F 9FN 15FN 25FN FPJ FPL FPM 25FV 32FV 38FV 44FV 51FV 57FV 63FV 76FV Minimum O.00 5.00 3.25 10.00 1. of flat inside idler 57 108 95 152 146 216 190 NR NR NR 16 67 159 114 143 172 197 222 251 279 320 Minimum face width of flat idler2) 25 25 32 32 38 38 51 29 35 44 BW BW BW 44 51 57 64 70 76 83 100 Cross section HA HAA HB HBB HC HCC HD H3V H5V H8V J L M HI HJ HK HL HM HN HO HQ 1) 2) Minimum O.75 8.00 1. For both inside and outside idlers.63 6.1) Minimum O. 9.13 1.75 BW BW BW 1.25 4.00 6.38 1.50 2.75 6.393͑ D e ϩ d e ͒ . of grooved inside idler 2.75 3.50 0.50 10.50 6. of outside idler 4.75 4.10 12. of grooved inside idler 70 108 102 152 172 216 229 67 180 318 20 76 178 140 172 203 235 267 299 330 350 Minimum O.75 9.75 8. BW.25 4. For both inside and outside idlers.75 8.63 6.50 11.25 1. The length of belt shall be the sum of the De A is is the effective outside diameter of the pulley.50 8.65 7. lay out the pulleys in terms of their effective diameters to scale in the position desired when a new belt is applied and first brought to driving tension.00 5.50 7.25 2.00 6.25 4.D.00 8.Table 10 – Minimum recommended diameters for idlers. Figure 13 – Installation and take-up of agricultural belts ASAE S211.25 4. BW.50 13. in.00 2.00 15.00 1.00 Minimum O.50 1.3.25 4. belt width + 19 mm.88 11.75 7.65 2. 69 4.91 7.73 5. NOTE – For all other cross sections.0 to & incl. mm Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 39 75 95 120 150 189 240 300 High tensile modulus 33 62 79 100 125 157 200 250 Effective length range Up through Over 1300 to & incl.64 1.74 2.91 7. in.44 1.68 1.2 to & incl. 315.09 1.73 1.10 3.90 4. 196.56 4. consult belt manufacturer. Over 4000 to & incl.84 Effective length range Up through Over 51.7 HA HAA 1.62 3.7 3V 1.0 to & incl.93 2.46 3.4 to & incl.22 3.5 to & incl.69 5V joined 1.4 124.47 2. Table 13 – Installation and take-up allowances for narrow and joined narrow belts. ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211. 18 22 28 37 18 28 Table 11a – Minimum tangent lengths for 180 deg twist.81 High tensile modulus 1. Over 98.84 Effective length range Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Up through 51.45 11.92 6.0 315.26 2. 1300 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10.57 3.44 1. Over 8000 to & incl.9 to & incl.58 3V joined 1. mm 460 560 710 940 460 710 Cross section HA HB HC HD H3V H5V Cross section 13F 16F 22F 32F 9FN 15FN NOTE – For all other cross sections.87 2.67 4.25 1.25 1.0 to & incl.76 3. Over 248.22 3. in.4 to & incl.41 HC joined 1.28 3.39 1.81 4.92 6. mm Minimum tangent length.44 9.53 2.22 2.88 9.40 2. Over 157. Over 5000 to & incl. Minimum tangent length.83 8V 2.07 HB HBB 1.94 4.28 2.74 2.5 196.93 2.5 to & incl. 51.26 2.89 NOTE – Refer to table 14 for footnote key.54 2. joined classical and double-V belts.0 to & incl.72 4.09 1. 124.0 to & incl.0 393.Table 11 – Minimum tangent lengths for 180 deg twist.2 98.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 83 .69 5V 1.07 2.00 3.04 4.88 2.50 HB joined 1.08 3.29 5.15 NOTE – Refer to table 14 for footnote key.83 3. Table 12a – Installation and take-up allowances for classical. Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 1.43 5.43 2.20 1.54 1. Over 124.58 1.07 2.45 11.94 4.67 3.92 HA joined 1.46 3.75 3.65 HC HCC 1.20 7. Over 196. consult belt manufacturer.93 2.0 315.0 157.03 3.18 4.0 to & incl.00 8V joined 2.72 4.0 393.54 2.95 3.51 2.9 248.58 1.62 3. Over 3150 to & incl.28 2. Over 6300 to & incl.95 3. Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 1.75 2.000 13F 13FD 28 35 40 49 13F joined 32 39 44 53 16F 16FD 32 39 44 53 62 73 89 16F joined 35 43 48 56 65 77 93 22F 22FD 37 44 49 57 67 78 94 112 22F joined 42 49 54 63 72 83 99 117 32F 32F joined 66 75 87 103 121 70 79 90 106 124 NOTE – Refer to table 14a for footnote key. Over 2500 to & incl.47 2.20 7. 248. 157.11 3. Table 12 – Installation and take-up allowances for classical.54 1.5 196.9 248.44 9.32 2. 98.36 3.2 to & incl.38 1.0 157.73 1.42 4. Over 315.88 9.13 2.2 98. in.97 3.4 124.73 5. in.86 3.08 3.89 3.81 High tensile modulus 1. 51.49 1.9 to & incl.61 HD HD joined 2.10 3.38 1. joined classical and double-V belts. Over 157.94 4. 2) Allowance for stretch and wear includes the plus manufacturing tolerance from table 3a as well as an allowance for the stretch and wear of the belt resulting from service on the drive (see tables 12a.18 2. the center distance is fixed. and the allowance for installation and take-up is provided by the idler pulley.87 HL 1.66 3. Over 248.51 2. 6300 Over 6300 to & incl. 10.95 3.0 157. In the second sketch.81 1.49 1. Over 4000 to & incl. the center distance of the drive can be adjusted to furnish the necessary installation and take-up allowances.44 9.0 315.000 9FN 28 35 40 9FN joined 30 38 43 15FN 37 44 49 57 67 78 94 15FN joined 40 47 53 61 70 82 97 25FN 59 64 73 82 93 109 127 25FN joined 63 68 76 85 97 113 131 NOTE – Refer to table 14a for footnote key.0 to & incl.99 2. Examples of the calculation of center distance.5 196.32 2. 5000 Over 5000 to & incl.46 3.69 1.88 2. Over 98.10 3.93 2.2 to & incl. 2500 Over 2500 to & incl.61 Effective length range Up through 1300 Over 1300 to & incl.73 5.81 3. the difference between the length of belt under no tension and the length under installation tension.20 1. Over 5000 to & incl. and 15). 1) J 0. 3150 Over 3150 to & incl. Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 1.2 to & incl. In the first sketch.36 2.37 2. In the first sketch.91 High tensile modulus 1. Over 196.83 2.83 3.88 9. and 15a).03 M 1.7 Allowance for installation includes the minus manufacturing length tolerance from table 3.48 2.0 to & incl.95 3.Table 13a – Installation and take-up allowances for narrow and joined narrow belts.4 to & incl. 14.9 1. 1300 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10.46 3. 13. Over 6300 to & incl.36 HK 1.000 1) FPJ 22 29 FPL 30 38 43 52 FPM 49 54 63 72 83 99 117 51.28 2. Over 157.54 2.84 Table 14a – Installation and take-up allowances for V-ribbed belts.90 4.0 to & incl.82 2.28 2.2 98.92 Effective length range Up through Over 51.47 2. Installation and take-up methods are shown in figures 11 and 12.10 3. 8000 Over 8000 to & incl. Over 8000 to & incl.69 2.91 3. Over 3150 to & incl.4 124. In the first sketch.01 HM 1. effective length. Over 315. Examples of the calculation of center distance.47 2. the center distance is fixed.54 Installation allowance on a drive using two adjustable pulleys can be neglected.22 HJ 1. in. Installation and take-up methods are shown in figure 13. 14a.4 to & incl.92 6. 14.17 HN 2.67 3. 13a.0 393.72 4.86 1. Table 15 – Installation and take-up allowances for adjustable speed belts. and installation and take-up allowances are shown in Annex A. Over 124.00 3.36 HQ 2. Over 2500 to & incl.20 7.5 to & incl.0 to & incl.27 HO 2.98 2. and the allowance for installation and take-up is provided by the idler pulleys.15 L 1.94 4.91 7. the difference between the length of belt under no tension and the length under installation tension.28 3.9 248. effective length. in.12 2. ASAE S211.13 2. 4000 Over 4000 to & incl. mm Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 39 75 95 120 150 189 240 300 High tensile modulus 33 62 79 100 125 157 200 250 Effective length range Up through Over 1300 to & incl. the center distance of the drive can be adjusted to furnish the necessary installation and take-up allowances. Over 98. Installation and take-up methods are shown in figure 13. Allowance for stretch and wear includes the plus manufacturing tolerance from table 3 as well as an allowance for the stretch and wear of the belt resulting from service on the drive (see tables 12. 2) Allowance for stretch and wear includes the plus manufacturing tolerance from table 3 as well as an allowance for the stretch and wear of the belt resulting from service on the drive (see tables 12. and an amount for installing the belts over the pulley flanges without injury. the center distance is fixed. 13.4 124. 1) 2) HI 51. and the allowance for installation and take-up is provided by the idler pulleys.45 11. Over 124.02 2. In the second sketch. Allowance for installation includes the minus manufacturing length tolerance from table 3a.9 to & incl. In the second sketch. and installation and take-up allowances are shown in Annex A.5 to & incl.72 4.28 2.39 1.2 98.15 3.53 1. Table 14 – Installation and take-up allowances for V-ribbed belts.5 196. the center distance of the drive can be adjusted to furnish the necessary installation and take-up allowances.73 5.0 157.57 2. and 15).95 3.68 1.08 2.18 2.5 JUL1998 „R2008… ASABE STANDARDS 2008 84 .54 2. mm Allowance for installation1) Allowance for 2) stretch and wear Normal High tensile tensile modulus modulus 39 75 95 120 150 189 240 300 33 62 79 100 125 157 200 250 Effective length range Up through Over 51. Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal High tensile tensile modulus modulus 1. and an amount for installing the belts over the pulley flanges without injury.70 2. 9.4 Installation and take-up (see figure 13) 9. 14a. 12a. 13a.1 The calculated belt length (clause 9. The required belt effective length is determined by adding the clutching allowance to the calculated declutched length.4. A belt drive shall be arranged so that any belt within the length tolerances given in tables 3 and 3a can be placed in the pulley groove without forcing. Over 4000 to & incl. Installation and take-up methods are shown in figures 11 and 12.2 Installation and take-up allowance specified in tables 12. 9.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 85 . Properly designed belt drive systems can be used as a clutching mechanism. In the first sketch.3 Belt manufacturers have computer programs for calculating belt length and will provide assistance in solving complex drive geometries. and 15a shall be provided on every belt drive to ensure satisfactory operation. 15. provision shall be made to compensate for the change in effective length caused by the seating of the belt in the pulley groove and by the stretch and wear of the belt during its life. In the second sketch. Allowance for stretch and wear includes the plus manufacturing tolerance from table 3a as well as an allowance for the stretch and wear of the belt resulting from service on the drive (see tables 12a. the center distance is fixed. In addition. 14. 9. Over 2500 to & incl. 13.3) shall be the effective length of an ideal belt under operating tension.3.Table 15a – Installation and take-up allowances for adjustable speed belts.5 Clutching belt drives. the center distance of the drive can be adjusted to furnish the necessary installation and take-up allowances. 1) 2) 25FV 1300 2500 3150 4000 5000 35 43 48 56 32FV 39 46 51 60 38FV 43 50 55 64 73 44FV 46 54 59 68 76 51FV 51 58 63 71 81 57FV 53 60 65 74 83 63FV 55 63 68 76 85 76FV 60 70 75 80 90 Installation allowance on a drive using two adjustable pulleys can be neglected. 9. and the allowance for installation and take-up is provided by the idler pulley. Over 3150 to & incl.4. 13a. The clutching allowance is calculated from the formula Figure 14 – Typical two-pulley drive with one shaft movable for take-up ASABE STANDARDS 2008 ASAE S211. mm Allowance for installation1) Allowance for stretch and wear2) Normal tensile modulus 39 75 95 120 150 High tensile modulus 33 62 79 100 125 Effective length range Up through Over 1300 to & incl. 14a. and 15a). 6. In submitting a drive design problem to engineering departments of the different belt manufacturers.5 times the diameter of the large pulley is necessary to ensure this condition where one belt is used. it is strongly recommended that complete information be given. and other twisted-belt drives Figure 15 – Two-pulley drive with centers fixed and idler used for take-up 86 ASAE S211.7 Specification of belt drives.. mule drives. On quarter-turn drives. 9.14 h b ͩ ␪ +(minus belt length tol.2 The drive design should provide proper belt guide(s) to permit the belt to disengage from the driving pulley.5.1 The calculated clutching allowance should be equal to or exceed the allowance for installation given in tables 12 through 15 and 12a through 15a. 180 Adjustable-speed belts are not recommended for these drives. where h b is belt thickness (see tables 1 and 1a). A center distance at least 5.)ϭ 3.5. ␪ is arc of contact on clutching pulley. the angle of entry of the belt into the plane of the pulley grooves should not exceed 5 deg. 9.) 306 deg ͪ 9. 9.6 Cross drives. 9.6. Annex A provides examples of the data needed.Clutching allowance (min. Minus belt length toleranceϭ values from tables 3 and 3a. deg. 9. The minimum tangent length for any amount of twist other than 180 deg can be obtained by multiplying the minimum tangent length by the fraction degrees of twist required .1 The minimum tangent length for a 180 deg twist in a belt is shown in Tables 11 and 11a.5 JUL1998 „R2008… ASABE STANDARDS 2008 .2 Quarter-turn drives. the minimum center distance needed for installation of the belt.0 in. The preferred center distance is about 20 in. Round to the nearest tenth of an inch. Add this amount to the effective belt length of 79. Effective diameters have been determined. Subtract this amount from the effective belt length of 79. 1. (Note: From table 5.09 in. ␣ϭ 32 deg. Installation allowance 1.630 in. Substitute the effective diameters and preferred center distance in formula [1].580 in.46 in. 2. to get a maximum length of 81.51 in. center distance. 3.54 in.775 in.0 in. and inspection requirements EXAMPLE 1 (Refer to figure 14) The drive consists of two pulleys. installation and take-up allowances. This length substituted in formula [2] will give the maximum required center distance of 21. the effective circumference of the measuring pulley is 15. b g ϭ 0. Inspection requirement Fill in the inspection requirements for the belt required in Example 1.000 in. or 79. Belt length and center distance 1.5 JUL1998 „R2008… 87 .Figure 16 – Double-V belt drive with four pulleys on fixed centers Annex A (informative) Examples of the calculation of belt length. 2. This length substituted in formula [2] will give a center distance of 19.97 in.16 in.02 in. Take-up allowance 1. From table 12 the allowance needed for take-up is 2. 2. one of the shafts may be moved for installation and take-up. Fill in values from table 5 as follows: Tensionϭ 100 lb h g ϭ 0. From table 12 the installation allowance will be 1. Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove is 0..0 in. ODϭ 4. The effective belt length required is 79.95 in.) ASAE S211. to get a length of 77. ASABE STANDARDS 2008 3. 3. This length substituted in formula [2] will give a center distance of 19.95 in. Fill in values from table 5 as follows: Tensionϭ 190 lb h g ϭ 0. From the effective length of 79. Check the drive with the idler in its maximum take-up position to see that this length of belt can be accommodated.000 in.01 in.0 in. This added to the length of 80.000 in. subtract 25. All shafts will be fixed in position and belt take-up will be accomplished by means of a grooved idler pulley. With the idler in its ‘‘installation position.7 in. Inspection requirements Fill in the inspection requirements for the belt required in example 3. (Note: From table 5. ␣ϭ 34 deg ODϭ 7. By one of the methods outlined above for determining belt length when more than two pulleys are used on a drive. EXAMPLE 3 (Refer to figure 16) 2.’’ use one of the methods outlined above for determining belt length when more than two pulleys are used on a drive.73 in. gives a maximum length of 84. and divide the remainder by 2 to find Y . The resulting belt length is 80. or Tolerance on Y ϭ Ϯ0. the shortest possible belt must go on the drive with the idler out of the way. gives a required effective belt length of 81. From the effective length of 81.) 2. Belt length 1.000 in.25 in.7Ϫ 25. Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove is 0.000͒ /2ϭ 75. or Tolerance on Y ϭϮ 0.03 in.958 in. EXAMPLE 2 (Refer to figure 15) The effective diameters have been determined. Consequently.630 in. the effective circumference of the measuring pulley is 25.01 in. subtract 25.25 in. An 8. Both shafts are fixed in position and the center distance is 26.5 JUL1998 „R2008… ASABE STANDARDS 2008 .95 in. Since the centers cannot be moved for installation. Belt length 1.74Ϫ 25.780 in. To find the length of belt for the drive.000)/2ϭ 28. The tolerance on dimension Y will be equal to these length tolerances divided by 2.5 in. The installation allowance from table 12 is 1. 1. the effective circumference of the measuring pulley is 25.50 in. or Tolerance on Y ϭϮ 0.0Ϫ 15. the length tolerance is Ϯ 0.69 in. This amount added to the effective belt length of 81.85 in..50 in.. The tolerance on dimension Y will be equal to these length tolerances divided by 2.09 in.000 in. 88 ASAE S211. the take-up allowance needed for this belt is 2.50 in. or Y ϭ (81. 1. subtract 15.958 in. locate the position of the idler so that it will provide take-up for this length of belt. or Yϭ͑176.879 in.66 in. 3.74 in. ␣ ϭ 34 deg ODϭ 7. and divide the remainder by 2 to find Y. The effective diameters have been selected and shaft centers have been located approximately. 1. From the effective length of 176.74 in. or Yϭ ͑ 79. 3.000͒ /2ϭ 32. b g ϭ 0. b g ϭ 0. 2.74 in.00 in. (Note: From table 5.66 in.2. add the allowance for take-up from table 12.37 in. Fill in values from table 5 as follows: Tensionϭ 190 lb h g ϭ 0.0 in. 2. the length tolerance is Ϯ 0.780 in. the installation allowance must be added to the belt length obtained above. Take-up allowances From table 12. Maximum ride position of belt with respect to top of groove is 0. From table 3.000 in. outside diameter flat idler will be used for take-up on the drive. The tolerance on dimension Y will be equal to these length tolerances divided by 2.) 2. Substitute the effective outside diameters of the pulleys and the fixed center distance of 26. in formula [1]. From table 3. Take-up allowance To the length of belt for the drive. and divide the remainder by 2 to find Y . add to the length obtained in step 1 the allowance for installation from table 12. Inspection requirements Fill in the inspection requirements for the belt required in example 2. the length tolerance is Ϯ 1. From table 3.
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