Copy of SDE Fairshare Install Config Guide R5.60 C04

March 29, 2018 | Author: Roger Beraldi Martins | Category: Computer Cluster, Ip Address, Computer Network, Installation (Computer Programs), Telecommunications



Installation & Configuration Guide Service Delivery Engine (SDE) Release 5.60 For Fairshare Part Number: 05-00095 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 Installation & Configuration Guide: Service Delivery Engine Release 5.60 Rev. C04 For Fairshare Part Number: 05-00095-C04 Last modified: July 8, 2010 The most current version of this document is available on Sandvine’s support web site at This document and the product described within are copyrighted. Under copyright laws, neither this document nor the product may be reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable or other form without prior written authorization from Sandvine Incorporated. Copyright 2007 - 2010, Sandvine Incorporated. All rights reserved. Sandvine Incorporated™ and Sandvine Leaf design are trademarks of Sandvine. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. The following are trademarks of Sandvine: Sandvine Incorporated™ Powering IP Services™ Sandvine Virtual Switch Cluster™ Intelligent Broadband Networks™ Sandvine Incorporated shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Sandvine is committed to ensuring the accuracy of our documentation and to continuous improvement. If you encounter errors or omissions in this user guide, or have comments, questions or ideas, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments to Sandvine via e-mail at [email protected]. Contents List of figures...................................................................7 List of tables....................................................................9 Chapter 1 Deployment overview...................................................... 11 Installation guide overview...................................................... 13 Hardware requirements.......................................................... 14 Minimum server requirements.................................................. 14 Hardware verification............................................................ 14 Operating system................................................................. 15 Network requirements for SDE installation................................... 16 Dummy VIPs........................................................................ 16 Virtual IPs for SDE services...................................................... 17 Deployment architecture........................................................ 18 Data collection.................................................................... Fairshare enforcement........................................................... Sample deployment configurations............................................ SDE clusters........................................................................ 18 18 19 21 Installation prerequisites........................................................ 24 Pre-installation requirements................................................... 24 VIP requirements.................................................................. 26 RHEL 5.4 installation packages................................................. 26 Requesting a support account.................................................. 28 Chapter 2 Installing the management cluster...................................... 29 Pre-installation check list....................................................... 31 Management cluster overview.................................................. 32 Creating RHEL accessibility to yum............................................ 33 Local yum installation............................................................ 35 Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server..... 37 Installing the SDE software from the yum repository....................... 39 Installation verifications......................................................... 41 Installation troubleshooting..................................................... 44 Missing dependencies............................................................. 44 yum troubleshooting.............................................................. 44 SDE machine hostname.......................................................... 45 Logging into the EMS............................................................. 46 EMS access options................................................................ 46 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 1 .................................... 69 Configuring the nodes................. 55 Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf........................................................... 50 Configuring the services.......................................................... 81 COPS parameters................................................................................................. 47 Configuring the management machine............................................... 50 Configuring the WSAM service..................... 70 71 71 71 71 72 Installation checks and troubleshooting......................................................... Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf. 65 Chapter 3 Adding additional clusters........................................ 73 Chapter 4 Global SDE parameters.... 53 Attaching new services to the SDE node.......................... Adding an edge service.................. 75 Overview of SDE parameters.. 84 Fairshare parameters...... 68 Installing the SDE software........................................................................................................... 2010 05-00095-C04 .......... 83 WSAM file............................................................................................................ 67 Cluster overview............... 63 SDE system view................................................ Configuring the edge VIP(s).. Configuring the outbound IPDR relay......................................... Configuring the outbound relay.......................................................... Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf..................................... C04 July file..... 73 Cluster installation complete................................... 85 2 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5...... 46 Installing the X Window System package group.................................. 60 61 61 61 62 62 Installation checks and file.............................................. 60 Adding SDE nodes.... 58 Second SDE machine......................................................Windows EMS installation............. 47 EMS login sequence................................................................................................................................................... 63 Cluster installation complete............ 78 Garbage gates................................................ 57 Configuring the outbound IPDR relay.................. 77 General parameters........................................ 80 Log parameters................................................................... Attaching services to the new node.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 Adding SDE nodes............................................................................ Attaching the services......... Configuring a second edge VIP..........60 Rev.............. SDE node parameters........................................................ 77 Configuring SDE parameters........................................... ....... 113 SPB configuration overview........................................................................................................................................... 119 Mapping edge services to SPBs...................................................................................60 Rev.................................. 126 Record Keeping Servers (RKSs)....Data collection parameters................................. 117 Excluding subnets.......................... 97 CMTS XML description file....................................................................................................... 119 Configuring the SPB to the SDE................................................................................................................... 107 Import errors........................................................... 132 Configuring trap receivers.................................. 128 Chapter 8 SNMP................ 131 SNMP agent..... 133 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5...................................................................................................... 114 IP exclusions........ 109 CMTS maps XML description file.......................................... 97 CSV data file................................................ 127 RKS parameters.......................... 110 Chapter 6 Configuring SPB connections. 123 Application managers......... 109 Map import process.............................. 117 Excluding individual IPs...................... 86 General data collection parameters................................................................................................................................... 86 89 89 90 Subscriber mapping parameters........................................................................... SNMP collection parameters.................................................................................................. 105 Importing CMTS lists............................................................. 101 Importing CMTSs when using inbound IPDR relay.................................................................................................. 96 Import CMTSs...................... IPDR collection parameters.. 108 Import CMTS maps.. 107 Viewing CMTSs in the EMS following import.................... SPB collection parameters........... 124 Application manager parameters.................................................................................................................... 92 Chapter 5 Import CMTSs............................................................................................................................................ 95 Import CMTSs/CMTS maps overview.................... 100 CMTS and IPDR session attributes.... 133 SNMP parameters........................ 125 Application servers.................................................... 118 SPB configuration process....................................................................................................................................................... 2010 3 ........................................... 126 Application server parameters... C04 05-00095-C04 July 8........................... 120 Chapter 7 Configuring additional network elements to the system.... ..................................................................................... 141 Configuring the NetPortal services......................................................................................................... 171 4 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5...................................... 139 NetPortal overview.............................. 156 CMTS parameters............................................. 135 Reports overview............... 143 Upgrade process.. 151 Transferring files to the SDE machine... 164 Configuring CMTSs through the CLI................ 152 Appendix B External configuration procedures........................................................... 145 APPENDICES................................................................................................................................ 162 Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps. 154 Appendix C Manually configuring CMTSs.................................................. 144 Post-upgrade procedures......................Chapter 9 Reports...................................................................... 137 Chapter 10 NetPortal............................................................................... 140 NetPortal installation........... 167 Appendix D Example XML description files for CMTS import..................................................... 142 Edge service.......................................... 136 Configuring SDE nodes for reports... 147 Appendix A Additional install procedures................................. 166 CMTS.................. 150 Changing the location of the log files..............60 Rev......................... 2010 05-00095-C04 ................................................................................................................................. 153 Application Servers....... 164 Configuring CMTS maps......... 152 SFTP program............................... 142 Chapter 11 SDE upgrade..................................... 152 SCP program........... 158 Configuring IPDR sessions.... 166 Accessing the CLI............................................................................ C04 July 8.......................................... 164 Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps.............................................................. 166 Using the CLI......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 149 Configuring SSL between EMS and SDE..................... 142 Management service............................ 155 Configuring CMTSs through the EMS.................................................................................................................. ...... 174 Appendix E Uninstalling the SDE...... 2010 5 ........... 185 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5........................60 Rev..................................Example XML description file for IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement................................................................................................................................ 178 Appendix F SDE ports... 180 Index............................................................................................................................................................... 172 Example XML description file for SPB data collection and PCMM-PTS enforcement...... C04 05-00095-C04 July 8............. 177 SDE uninstall procedure........................... 179 Ports used for SDE communications..................... 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. C04 July 8.6 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. .............118 New SPB dialog box..21 Support registration dialog box...........................162 New Subnet dialog box...............................................................117 New Subnet dialog box.................................................111 New IP dialog box..........................................................70 Import CMTS List dialog box................19 Internal IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement ................................................107 Import CMTS Maps dialog box................54 Expanded SDE node list...............55 Attached SDE services............................................................60 New SDE Node dialog box.124 New AS dialog box..............................................................................................List of figures SPB collection and PTS enforcement via the SPB..............................................................................................................................................60 Rev..................................................48 Virtual IP dialog box.......................................................................................................56 New SDE Node dialog box..........................133 Add SDE Report View dialog box............................ C04 05-00095-C04 July 8........................................................................................................................119 New AM dialog box....................................................................53 New Service dialog box.................................................................................................................50 New Service dialog box........................................20 External IPDR data collection and PCMM enforcement.........156 New IPDR Session dialog box.........................................137 New CMTS dialog box....................................... 2010 7 .......................................................................................126 New RKS dialog box...........................28 EMS login dialog box................127 New Primary RKS dialog box..............................................................................................164 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.....128 New Trap Receiver dialog box......... 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. C04 July 8.8 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. ..................................................................................120 Table 20: AM attributes...........................................................................180 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5..54 Table 7: SDE node parameters..........................................101 Table 19: SPB parameters..........................................................................60 Rev................16 Table 4: Pre-installation check list............................................................................................83 Table 11: WSAM parameters..............................84 Table 12: Fairshare parameters.........125 Table 21: Application server attributes..........................................................126 Table 22: RKS values...............................................................................78 Table 9: Log parameters.............90 Table 16: SPB collection parameters...................................................... 2010 9 .............................................14 Table 2: Partitions............................158 Table 26: IPDR session parameters....... C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.................................162 Table 27: CMTS interfaces and maps ..........................................61 Table 8: General parameters............................................89 Table 15: IPDR collection parameters.......................91 Table 17: Subscriber mapping and P2SPB parameters..........86 Table 14: SNMP collection parameters.........................................................................................................................................92 Table 18: Attributes for CMTS import...............................................................133 Table 25: CMTS EMS parameters.............................165 Table 28: Communications ports...................................................................85 Table 13: General data collection parameters............................128 Table 23: RKS primary/secondary parameters..81 Table 10: COPS parameters.......15 Table 3: SDE cluster IP requirements for multiple subnets.............................129 Table 24: SNMP parameters..31 Table 5: VIP parameters.........................................List of tables Table 1: Hardware requirements...........................................51 Table 6: Services parameters/nodes................................................................. 60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 .10 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. The following topics are included in this chapter: • • “Installation guide overview” on page 13 — explains the purpose of this guide “Hardware requirements” on page 14 — presents the hardware and operating system requirements prior to SDE software installation “Network requirements for SDE installation” on page 16 — explains the different types of IP addresses required for the SDE machine and software “Deployment architecture” on page 18 — describes the deployment architecture in a multi-cluster environment “Installation prerequisites” on page 24 — explains the necessary preparations on the SDE machine prior to SDE software installation 1 • • • .Deployment overview This chapter provides an overview of the necessary concepts and procedures required for installing and configuring the SDE for Fairshare Traffic Management. It also lists the installation prerequisites for each SDE machine and cluster. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.60 Rev.Chapter 1: Deployment overview • “Requesting a support account” on page 28 — explains how to open a Sandvine customer support account 12 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. It also provides explanatory information. It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information in this chapter prior to commencing installation in order to facilitate your ability to perform the necessary procedures. the SDE system can be configured for Fairshare. The instructions in this guide are presented in the exact order in which they should be performed. depending on your system’s architecture.60 Rev. to the system. They also explain how to install and configure additional SDE clusters to achieve scalability within a multi-cluster site. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Following completion of all steps in this guide. installation prerequisites. 2010 13 . C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Note: Details of the installation process may vary somewhat according to your system’s specific architecture. They navigate the operator through the steps for installing and configuring an SDE cluster that contains all the management functionality. included in this chapter. Finally. see the Fairshare Solution Guide. such as CMTSs.Installation guide overview Installation guide overview This guide provides detailed instructions for installing the SDE (Service Delivery Engine) in the service provider’s network and performing initial system configuration. For instructions. this guide explains how to configure all external network elements. and the services and virtual IP addresses used by the SDE. regarding hardware requirements. Table 1: Hardware requirements Item Industry-standard server meeting the requirements explained in the section “Minimum server requirements” on page 14 Console (including monitor. verify that the actual hardware included in the SDE server meets or exceeds the minimum server requirements listed above.4 64-bit implementation compatibility Hardware verification The hardware used in systems is known to change frequently.60 Rev. Therefore. C04 July 8. keyboard. The most recent list of RHEL 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . equipped with RS232 cable and USB ports Quantity 1 per SDE node 1 Minimum server requirements The SDE can be run on industry-standard servers meeting the following requirements: • • • • • • • • Intel Xeon® 2.cgi? version=5&cf_internal_whiteboard=Server&cf_internal_whiteboard=Desktop/ Workstation&cf_internal_whiteboard=Laptop 14 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.4.4supported hardware can be found at: https://hardware. you should verify that the hardware you are using is 100-percent compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.redhat.4GHz (EM64T) Quad Core 64-bit processor 16GB RAM Minimum 500GB HDD available capacity with a minimum supported 10K rpm HD SAS Raid 5 minimum 2 (minimum) 1GB Ethernet network ports (4 recommended) CD ROM drive Red Hat Enterprise Linux and mouse). prior to commencing the installation using third-party hardware. In addition.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Hardware requirements Table 1: Hardware requirements displays the hardware requirements for installing the SDE software. rather than relying solely on the vendor's server type part numbers. RAID 10 Minimum .Hardware requirements Operating system • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.60 Rev. For instructions. with 64-bit implementation Recommended partitioning model The following partitioning model is recommended: RAID • • Recommended .4.RAID 5 Installation • • No Swap 3 partitions (see following table) Partitions Partition / /opt /var Table 2: Contents OS (RHEL 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. 2010 15 .4) SDE and MySQL database System logs. see “Changing the location of the log files” on page 151. but the SDE can be configured upon installation so that the logs are written to a different partition. configuration and database backups Recommended Size 10 GB 480 GB 10 GB SDE logs are stored by default in /opt. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. or “dummy” VIP.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Network requirements for SDE installation Prior to installing RHEL on the servers. These dummy VIPs ensure that the service VIPs.60 Rev. check that the following network requirements are available and at hand for each SDE machine: • • • • • 1 physical IP address Subnet mask Default gateway 1 primary name server IP If the physical IPs and virtual IPs used for each SDE cluster are not all in the same subnet.. which “float” between servers to address load and provide failover. have a place to “land.” The SDE commonly is deployed in clusters of two SDE nodes to provide for failover. 2010 05-00095-C04 . each SDE machine must be assigned a primary. Table 3: SDE cluster IP requirements for multiple subnets No. When subnets differ from cluster to cluster (each cluster uses physical IPs and service VIPs within the same subnet).g. C04 July 8. dummy VIPs aren’t required. of dummy VIPs 16 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Dummy VIPs When the physical IPs used by the SDE machines and the service VIPs used by the SDE system are not all in the same subnet. of physical IPs 2 4 2 4 No. The following table displays physical IP and dummy VIP requirements on the SDE machine for the following deployment examples when a cluster’s physical IPs and service VIPs are in different subnets. each SDE machine also requires a “dummy” VIP. When the SDE is deployed in a multi-cluster configuration—e. of SDE machines 2 (1 cluster) 4 (2 clusters) No. the system comprises two or more clusters—dummy VIPs are required only to address the use of different subnets within a cluster. its virtual IPs fail over to the second SDE machine. required for each SDE machine. the SDE system requires virtual IPs (VIPs) to configure the system following installation of the SDE software. CMTSs. Each service is assigned at least one VIP. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The SDE communicates with the outer world (e. If an SDE host fails. but is linked to at least one service and.Network requirements for SDE installation Virtual IPs for SDE services In addition to the physical IP.60 Rev. Each SDE node is assigned a physical IP address. VIPs are dynamic IP addresses assigned to services.g. 2010 17 . Services are high-availability network connections delivered by a group of SDE nodes to other network elements. along with the services—and their corresponding network elements— attached to the VIPs. to its VIP(s). external IPDR collectors) using these VIP addresses. and possibly the dummy VIP. by association. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.. In the first type. the nodes in each cluster receive subscriber data directly from the SPB. depending on the service provider’s requirements. In the second type. but not both. In this case.60 Rev. The SDE also allows a hybrid enforcement solution in which both PTS and PCMM enforcement are used. When the SDE’s internal policy server is used. or using PacketCable™ Multimedia (PCMM). When SNMP is disabled. the SDE’s internal IPDRC (IPDR collector) can receive IPDR and SNMP data directly from the CMTSs or from a third-party IPDR collector can using the SDE’s inbound IPDR relay function. When data collection is via the SPB. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Fairshare enforcement Fairshare enforcement can be implemented by setting a subscriber attribute in the Sandvine Policy Traffic Switch (PTS). bandwidth is calculated using data received from the IPDR records or traffic statistics stored in the SPB. A third-party policy server also can be used for PCMM enforcement. For PCMM enforcement. each SDE is associated with one or more SPBs and the SDE sets a subscriber attribute in the PTS through all SPBs associated with that SDE. which then forwards them to the designated CMTSs. the policy server forwards the gates directly to the relevant CMTS. Data collection Data collection can be either via the Sandvine SPB (Subscriber Policy Broker) or using an IPDR collector. depending on the Fairshare rule’s action. the CMTS interfaces are configured manually in the system.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Deployment architecture Each SDE deployment consists of an SDE management cluster. as well as the additional number of SDE clusters required for scaling to support the total number of CMTSs provisioned within the site. Depending on the type of data collection. the SDE sends PCMM gates to the policy server based on Fairshare decisions. The SDE supports two types of IPDR data collection. the management cluster (first cluster configured to the system) sends gates for Fairshare actions to the external policy server. The SDE allows a number of deployment solutions. C04 July 8. 18 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The nodes also connect directly to the CMTSs provisioned to the network to receive QAM interface information via SNMP. When Fairshare is enforced by setting an attribute in the PTS. the SDE nodes also connect directly to the CMTSs provisioned to the network to receive interface information via SNMP. SNMP collection also can be disabled. 2010 19 . A third diagram shows IPDR data collection and PCMM enforcement using third-party network elements. The first diagram illustrates SPB collection and PTS enforcement via the SPB.Deployment architecture Sample deployment configurations The following diagrams of the SDE within the service provider’s network portray different types of data collection and enforcement. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. while the second shows IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement using the SDE’s internal IPDR collector and policy server.60 Rev. 1 2 · Management Service · Edge Service SNMP Enf orc em ent Collection CMTSs Management Cluster 1 3 4 Cluster 2 · Edge Service nt me rce nfo E n tio llec Co SNMP CMTSs MP SN CMTSs 5 6 Cluster 3 · Edge Service Enforce ment Collection 2 SPB collection and PTS enforcement via the SPB Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. all of them configured for active-standby mode. The services shown in the diagrams are explained in the SDE cluster information that follows. Chapter 1: Deployment overview 1 2 Management Cluster · · · · Management Service Border Service WSAM Service Edge Service IP DR SN M P PCMM CMTSs 3 4 Cluster 2 · Edge Service IPDR SNMP PCMM CMTSs 5 6 Cluster 3 · Edge Service IPDR SNMP PCMM CMTSs Internal IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement 20 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.60 Rev. 60 Rev. or nodes. deployed in active-standby or active-active mode. A Fairshare engine and MySQL database sit on each node. in the event of failover. the only cluster in the site. a highavailability service that provides connections to SDE’s management system. This cluster is in charge of the following: • The system’s management functionality. which is used to configure and monitor the SDE. connects to the management service using a virtual IP. Alternatively. In both scenarios. in the case of a two-node deployment. the CMTSs provisioned to the failed machine—and their subscribers—are transferred automatically to the functioning machine. the CMTSs are all connected to the first SDE machine. you can configure the CMTS load to be balanced evenly between the two SDE machines (active-active mode). Management cluster The management cluster is the first cluster configured to the site or. is configured to the first SDE node in the system. There is only one management service and only one Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. The Element Management System (EMS). and the management service spreads changes to all SDE nodes. The management service.Deployment architecture IPDR Collector 1 2 · · · · IPDR records IPD R SNMP CMTSs Management Cluster Management Service Border Service WSAM Service Edge Service ord er s erv er) Policy Server PC M PC MM (v ia b M IPDR Collector 3 IPDR records IPD R SNMP CMTSs 4 Cluster 2 · Edge Service PCMM (via IPDR Collector Policy Server 5 IPDR records IPD R SNMP CMTSs 6 Cluster 3 · Edge Service b or d er ser ver) Policy Server External IPDR data collection and PCMM enforcement SDE clusters An SDE cluster consists of two SDE machines. When the SDE is deployed in active-standby mode. 2010 PC M PC MM (via M PC M border server) M 21 . The WSAM receives service requests through the first VIP and sends the gates to the external policy server through the second VIP. by association. Database relay and replication A MySQL database sits on each node in the cluster.Chapter 1: Deployment overview management VIP per site. One border service is configured to the system. but the management service may be attached to a few or all nodes in the site. For failover purposes. When each cluster is configured for active-active mode. logically through one or more edge VIPs. The SDE uses edge services to provide for failover and high availability within every SDE cluster: • • When the SDE is deployed in active-standby mode. as well as to the SPB or an external IPDR collector. no border service is required. as well as any SPBs defined in the system. All clusters Edge services support connections to CMTSs.the service is attached to both nodes. • The connections to the WSAM (Web Services Application Manager) and the policy server when Fairshare is applied using PCMM. also are linked to the edge VIP. The SDE node that “owns” the VIP communicates with the CMTSs attached to this VIP address. Although each SDE node is assigned a physical IP address. All SDE nodes in the site connect to the WSAM using the VIP assigned to the border service. to one of its VIPs. One WSAM service. two border services are configured to the system. No VIP is configured for the WSAM service. If Fairshare will be applied by setting subscriber attributes in the PTS. one edge service and one VIP is configured for each cluster. if relevant. both nodes are linked to the cluster’s edge service and. • The connection between the WSAM and the Fairshare engine when Fairshare is applied using PCMM. The data collector relays bandwidth usage information (subscriber statistics or IPDR data. but for failover purposes is attached to both nodes in the cluster. When the SDE uses an external policy server. Each CMTS. The second border service connects to the external policy server using the policy server’s IP address. If the active SDE node fails. along with the CMTSs—and. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. the SPB—attached to the VIP. The first border service’s VIP supports the internal connections to and from the WSAM. the edge service and edge VIP are transferred to the other node in the cluster. a high-availability service that provides the connection between the Fairshare engine on each node and the WSAM. If Fairshare will be applied by setting subscriber attributes in the PTS. C04 July 8. is created for the cluster. respectively) to the 22 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. one edge service and a minimum of two VIPs are configured for each cluster. The border service is configured to the first SDE node. no WSAM service is required. This border service is a high-availability service that supports the internal connections to and from the WSAM. 2010 23 . also using the edge VIP. The Fairshare engine on each SDE node polls the database. When an edge service is attached to both nodes in the cluster. The SDE stores the information in the MySQL database on the node. in order to make Fairshare decisions. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. the databases on the two nodes are configured automatically as master-slave/slave-master for full replication in the event of failover.Deployment architecture SDE nodes according to the node to which each SPB or CMTS is attached according to the edge VIP configured to the node.60 Rev. Each SDE machine has been assigned a hostname. Recommended pre-installation checks It is highly recommended that the following checks be performed on every server prior to SDE software installation: 24 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. you must verify that the following installation prerequisites have been met: • • • Each SDE machine has been assigned a physical IP address on the eth0 interface. • • • • Warning: Failure to comply with the above pre-installation requirements may result in system failure. 2010 05-00095-C04 . to perform the above steps. Perform the recommended pre-installation checks. The /etc/issue folder contains Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4. each SDE machine has been assigned a primary. The machine’s primary. localhost.4 has been installed as the operating system on each machine. Do NOT use the default hostname. or use commands or tools provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The time and time zone of all SPBs and PTSs deployed in the Fairshare system is synchronized with the NTP server and coordinated with the time and time zone of all SDEs.” Each SDE has access to a DNS server. Each SDE node's time is synchronized with the NTP server and is modified to the correct time and time zone. Pre-installation requirements Prior to SDE software installation. below. virtual IP ensures that the VIPs assigned to services have a place to “land. The time and time zone on all SDE machines must be coordinated for the SDE to work properly.60 Rev. The hostname has been configured properly in the following locations: • • • • hostname /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network If a cluster’s IPs and VIPs are not all in the same subnet.localdomain. as necessary.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Installation prerequisites The procedures described in this guide assume that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. according to any special instructions regarding packages provided to the operator. virtual IP address. C04 July 8. If portmap isn’t running.1 localhost. enable portmap..0. Check that /etc/sysconfig/network contains information similar to the following: NETWORKING=yes NETWORKING_IPV6=no HOSTNAME=<SDE-hostname> Where <SDE-hostname> is as it appears in the hostname command output 4. 2.Installation prerequisites 1.localdomain6 localhost6 <SDE-IP> <SDE-hostname(as it appear in the 'hostname' command output)> 3.localdomain localhost ::1 localhost6. run the domainname command. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.60 Rev. The output will be similar to the following: Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Speed: 1000Mb/s Duplex: Full Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: on Supports Wake-on: d Wake-on: d Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) Link detected: yes If a response similar to the following appears. do not add a domain name to the hostname. Verify in the /sbin/ethtool output for eth0 (/sbin/ethtool eth0) that the eth0 interface was configured properly. see “Installation verifications” on page 41. 2010 25 .0. Check that service portmap is running by using the following command: service portmap status The following response (with the appropriate PID) should appear: portmap (pid xxxx) is running. you should reconfigure the interface as default: Settings for eth0: Cannot get device settings: No such device Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: No such device Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 5. If the command returns (none). If the hostname doesn’t contain a domain name.. Check that /etc/hosts contains information similar to the following: 127. the SDE uses VIPs to provide high availability connections to the various system functions. Each cluster is assigned 1 edge service. Prior to SDE installation and configuration. the VIP is available.4 installation packages The Red Hat Linux 5. 2 edge VIPs are required for each cluster: one for each node. 1 edge VIP is required for each cluster configured for active-standby mode. you should have the following VIPs at hand: • • • 1 VIP for the SDE management service 1 VIP for the border service that connects to the WSAM (PCMM only) 1 or more VIPs for each edge service. 7. change the line to ‘SELINUX=disabled’ and then reboot the machine.60 Rev. C04 July 8. prior to beginning the installation process. 2010 05-00095-C04 . you ping the assigned VIPs to verify that they are not already in use.4 64-bit operating system should be installed as server mode on the SDE server. If the ping receives no response. Check the RHEL is not set to secure mode by running the following command: cat /etc/selinux/config The following line should appear: SELINUX=disabled If the response shows that secure mode is enabled. Therefore. If the clusters are configured instead for active-active mode. Check the RPC connectivity using the following command: rpcinfo -p A response similar to the following should appear: program vers proto port 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 2 udp 111 portmapper 100024 1 udp 791 status 100024 1 tcp 794 status VIP requirements As explained in the previous section. RHEL 5. Note: It is recommended that.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Cannot get message level: No such device Cannot get link status: No such device No data available 6.4 installation: 26 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The following is a list by section of the packages that should be selected for the RHEL 5. including management and the connection between each SDE machine and its assigned CMTSs. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.60 Rev. Applications: Only editors should be installed if vi is not sufficient.) Development: no packages Servers: no packages Base System: • • • Administration Tools: default sub-options Base: default sub-options Optional: X Window System (if EMS Linux will be used) • Languages: Install languages depending on the customer’s location and preferences. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 27 .Installation prerequisites • • • • • Desktop Environments: No packages should be installed. (Editors will automatically install Vim and Emacs. 2010 05-00095-C04 . 4.sandvine. Click Submit. 2. you will be emailed a confirmation indicating that your support account is active.Chapter 1: Deployment overview Requesting a support account In order to download SDE software and updates. A registration dialog box appears. Navigate to https://support. When your request has been processed. To request an account: 1. Click Register for Support Account. you need to create a Sandvine customer support account. Support registration dialog box 3. Fill in all mandatory fields.60 Rev. C04 July 8. 28 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release This is the first cluster installed in the site. or the only cluster in a deployment with two SDE machines. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Pre-installation check list” on page 31 — provides a mandatory checklist of requirements that must be met before you can begin the installation process “Management cluster overview” on page 32 — lists the step-by-step procedures for installing and configuring the management cluster “Creating RHEL accessibility to yum” on page 33 — explains how to create accessibility to the RHEL installation folder 2 • • .Installing the management cluster This chapter provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring the network architecture of both SDE machines in the management cluster. Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster • • “Local yum installation” on page 35 — explains how to install the SDE using a local yum installation “Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server” on page 37 — explains how to configure yum on the SDE machine so that the SDE software can be installed from an FTP site or HTTP server “Installing the SDE software from the yum repository” on page 39 — gives instructions for installing the SDE software on the SDE machine from the SDE yum repository “Installation verifications” on page 41 — lists the procedures for verifying the SDE installation “Installation troubleshooting” on page 44 — provides procedures for troubleshooting the SDE installation “Logging into the EMS” on page 46 — explains how to log into the EMS Web interface in order to configure the SDE system “Configuring the management machine” on page 50 — explains how to configure the network architecture on the management SDE machine “Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf. 2010 05-00095-C04 .properties file” on page 57 — gives instructions for an additional configuration of the border VIP when Fairshare is implemented using PCMM “Configuring the outbound IPDR relay” on page 58 — gives instructions for configuring the SDE to relay IPDR data to an external data collector “Second SDE machine” on page 60 — provides instructions for installing the SDE software on the second machine “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 63 — provides a list of verification procedures that should be performed after the SDE is installed and configured on both machines • • • • • • • • • 30 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8.60 Rev. The time and time zone of all SPBs and PTSs deployed in the Fairshare system are synchronized with the NTP server and coordinated with the time and time zone of all SDEs. virtual IP address. Each SDE has access to a DNS server that is configured properly. please use the following checklist to make sure that your network and the target SDE machines are ready to begin the process. 2010 31 .Pre-installation check list Pre-installation check list Before reading this chapter and starting to install the SDE software.x 64-bit implementation is installed on every SDE machine Each SDE machine has been assigned an IP address on the eth0 interface. Table 4: Pre-installation check list Prerequisite Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5. Every SDE machine's time and time zone are synchronized with the NTP server and are modified to the correct time and time zone. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Each SDE machine has been assigned a hostname (do NOT use the default) that is configured properly in: • hostname • /etc/hosts • /etc/sysconfig/network 4 Each SDE machine has been assigned a second IP address that will be used as a primary. Mark if ‘yes’ 1 2 3 5 6 7 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. Note: This is required ONLY if the IPs assigned to the two SDE servers in the cluster and the virtual IPs that will be assigned through the SDE EMS later in the SDE configuration processs are not all in the same subnet. the WSAM and border services are configured to the management cluster. Or. The management service is configured to this cluster. To install the SDE software from an HTTP or FTP repository. This access is required for first-time SDE installation. Step 1: The first step in installing and configuring the management cluster is to install the SDE software on both Linux machines designated as SDE servers. Step 2: Once you have created access to the RHEL 5. you must create access on the Linux machine to the official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. C04 July 8. see “Local yum installation” on page 35. For sites containing only two SDE servers. To create access to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. as well as SDE upgrades. it is the only cluster.x installation folder. 32 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. An edge service also is configured to this cluster. you can install the SDE software from an HTTP or FTP yum repository.x installation folder. To perform a local yum install.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Management cluster overview The management cluster is the first cluster installed in the site. If the SDE will implement Fairshare using PCMM. see “Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server” on page 37. 2010 05-00095-C04 . see “Creating RHEL accessibility to yum” on page 33. You can copy the SDE install folders to your server and install the SDE software locally.x installation folder.60 Rev. the SDE uses the yum installer to install the SDE software on the machine. enabling the SDE to spread configuration changes to all SDE nodes in the site. As an installation prerequisite. x installation folder containing the Red Hat installation RPMs. Prior to installing the SDE for the first time. If you are creating local access to the RHEL installation folder. You also must update accessibility to the correct RHEL installation folder each time you update the RHEL operating system. you need to create this accessibility. 2010 33 . 2.x For the RHEL installation stored on an FTP site: [rhel_x64] name= RHEL RPM Cache Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.x installation DVD (using rsync r or cp -r) and store it on the SDE machine at /opt/RHEL5.x/.60 Rev. the file will contain the following content: Note: For all installations. Warning: Sandvine qualifies each SDE release against specific versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. keep in mind the server address (for installations using FTP and HTTP ) and full path to the server folder of the RHEL installation. make an integral copy of the /Server directory from the RHEL 5.d/rhel.repos. Depending on the way you want to access the RHEL official installation. For all access types. Local copy of the official RHEL installation folder 2. you must create accessibility to a qualified release only.repo file that contains the yum repository definition for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server official installation RPMs. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Installation folder on an HTTP server To create the accessibility: 1. To ensure proper SDE functionality.Creating RHEL accessibility to yum Creating RHEL accessibility to yum All SDE installations and upgrades must be able to access a RHEL 5.{x}/Server enabled=1 protect=0 gpgcheck=0 where {x} is the exact version of RHEL 5. Installation folder on an FTP site 3. The folder needs to be accessible. Do not upgrade to a new version of the operating system until Sandvine has qualified the release and sent notification to the field. Three types of access are possible: 1. For a local copy of the RHEL official installation: [rhel_x64] name= RHEL RPM Cache baseurl=file:///opt/rhel5. create a /etc/yum. x installation folder. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8. 34 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster baseurl=ftp://{FTP site IP address}/${full path rhel installation disc}/Server enabled=1 protect=0 gpgcheck=0 For the RHEL installation stored on an HTTP server: [rhel_x64] name= RHEL RPM Cache baseurl=http://{MY http SERVER Ip address}/${full path rhel installation disc}/Server enabled=1 protect=0 gpgcheck=0 Next step: Now that you have created accessibility to the RHEL 5. proceed to “Local yum installation” on page 35 to install the software locally or “Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server” on page 37 to install the SDE software from an HTTP or FTP site. with the appropriate file path. 2010 35 . Run the following command to cleanup the yum cache: yum clean all 7.60 Rev.d/ Where <install path> is the full path of the SDE RPM directory. On the SDE machine.repo under /etc/yum. Check that you have accessibility to the Red Hat installation respository.x86_64 5Server-5.0. 2. For example: /opt/install/sde-5. refer to “Creating RHEL accessibility to yum” on page 33. Confirm that your system is running with RHEL-64 bit by entering the following command: uname -p The following should appear: x86_64 6. enter the following command: export sde_dont_install_firewall_table=yes 5. should appear: baseurl=file:///opt/install/sde-5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.Sandvine SDE for \$releasever .x86_64 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.repo. Enter the following installation command: yum install sde-with_fs_edge. If you want to preserve your current firewall settings following the install.3 rhel_x64 If the package is not displayed. Copy the following folder from the Sandvine FTP site to: /opt/install/: • SDE-5.60 A response similar to the following.60 [sde] name= SDE .Local yum installation Local yum installation The following instructions enable operators to install the SDE software locally.x86_64 package.4. similar to the following example: Available Packages redhat-release. enter the following command: yum list --showduplicates redhat-release |grep -vi installed The output should show the available redhat-release. To install the SDE software locally using yum: 1. Create a file called svsde.Sandvine baseurl=file://<install path> enabled=1 protect=0 gpgcheck=0 3.60 4. 2010 05-00095-C04 . When the installation process is complete.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster After initial installation of packages. Type ‘y’ to continue the SDE software installation. a response similar to the following should appear: Transaction Summary =============================================== Install 40 Package(s) Update 0 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s) Total download size: 254 M Is this ok [y/N]: 8. C04 July 8. signifying that the installation is complete: Complete! 36 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. a script appears that includes the following notification. xxx> where <xxx. Create a file in /etc/yum. Run the following command: Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. To point the installer to the yum repository: 1.sandvine. On the SDE machine.d/ called a.Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server The SDE uses the yum installer to automatically install or update the SDE software from the Sandvine FTP site or the service provider’s HTTP site. proceed directly to “Installing the SDE software from the yum repository” on page 39. At the prompt. If you are installing the SDE software from an HTTP or FTP site. If you have already performed C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.4. 3. Note: This procedure is for first-time SDE installation only. refer to “Creating RHEL accessibility to yum” on page 4. b. enter the following command: yum list --showduplicates redhat-release |grep -vi installed The output should show the available> is the IP address of the SDE machine.60 Rev. At the password prompt.0.x86_64 5Server-5. 2. The yum installer must be included in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation.repos. Connect to the SDE machine using SSH: ssh root@<xxx.60/sde-5. enter the password you assigned during RHEL installation. the first time you install the software on the machine you need to point the installer to the correct yum repository.3 rhel-disc If the package is not Check that you have accessibility to the Red Hat installation respository.repo with the following contents: [sde] name= Sandvine Service Delivery Engine baseurl=ftp://<user_name>:<password>:ftp.60 enabled=1 protect=0 gpgcheck=0 where <user_name> is the customer support user name and <password> is the customer support password.x86_64 package. enter ‘yes’. similar to the following example: Available Packages You will be asked whether you want to continue connecting to the machine. 2010 37 .com/ SDE/SDE-5. See “Installing the SDE software from the yum repository” on page 39. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster yum clean all Next step: You are now ready to install the SDE software. C04 July 8.60 Rev. 38 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July After initial installation of packages. a response similar to the following should appear: Transaction Summary =============================================== Install 40 Package(s) Update 0 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s) Total download size: 254 M Is this ok [y/N]: 5. 2010 39 . a script appears that includes the following notification. b.> is the IP address of the SDE machine.Installing the SDE software from the yum repository Installing the SDE software from the yum repository Caution: Make sure that the RHEL version installed on the machine is supportd by the SDE software you want to install. Type ‘y’ to continue. If you are not already connected. signifying that the installation is complete: End Post-Install script Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. If you want to preserve your current firewall settings following the install. enter the following command: export sde_dont_install_firewall_table=yes 3. enter the password you assigned during RHEL installation. At the password prompt. Confirm that your system is running with RHEL-64 bit by entering the following command: uname -p The following should appear: x86_64 Warning: If the output is ‘i686’ or ‘i386’. Do not proceed with the installation until the system is running with execute the following lines: yum install sde-with_fs_edge. 2. enter ‘yes’. 4. At the prompt. When the installation process is complete. You will be asked whether you want to continue connecting to the> where < To install the SDE software on the machine: 1. your system is running with RHEL-32bits and does not meet system specifications. To proceed with the install. connect to the SDE machine using SSH: ssh root@<xxx. See “Installation verifications”. 40 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Next step: Following software installation. verify that the software has been installed correctly. ps_agent_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running..60-xxxx EMS-Linux-5. At root..60.60-xxxx SDE_Agent-5. 2010 41 . Reload the shell variable environment by running the following command: source ~/. svAgent (pid xxxxx) is running.60-xxxx jdk_config-5. perform the following steps to verify that the SDE installation was successful: 1.60-xxxx IPDR_DB-5.. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.. wsam_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running.60-xxxx IPDRC-5.60-xxxx svIp2Qam-5.60-xxxx svupdate-1-17 WSAM-5..Version: 5.. svWsam (pid xxxxx) is running.40-xxxx sde_ems-5. At root.40-xxxx SDE_CONF-5.60 Rev.60-xxxx sde_config-5.. with the appropriate version numbers: SDE with Fairshare Edge ..60-xxxx SDE_Upgrade-5...60-xxxx SDE_Monitoring-5. svPolicyServer (pid xxxxx) is running.60-xxxx sde-with_fs_edge-5....60-xxxx PS-5.60-xxxx sde_common_libs-5.60-xxxx svDBMaintenance-5.Installation verifications Installation verifications Following installation.60-xxxx FSAS-5.60-xxxx NetReport-5.60-xxxx 3.bashrc 2. fs_am_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running.60-xxxx SDE_MIBS-5.60-xxxx SDE_CMD-5. enter the following to verify that the proper system modules were installed: sde_info The following response should appear.xxxx 3dm-5. verify that the SDE is running successfully by checking the status of the SDE and spread services with the following command: service sde status The following response (with the appropriate PID) should appear: ps_watchdog (pid xxxxx) is running. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.. Verify that the rules are enabled: chkconfig --list | grep portmap portmap 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off c. Start portmap: service portmap start d.. ip2qam_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running. by executing the following: mysql SDE_DC_DB 42 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.). manually create it now: mkdir /opt/tmp chmod 777 /opt/tmp d. dbm_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running. Check that MySQL was correctly installed: a. 2010 05-00095-C04 . 4. Run MySQL...60 Rev. 5... wdogReplication.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster svFSAS (pid xxxxx) is running. Note: In the event that the above response shows that the SDE Agent is stopped (svAgent stopped. enable portmap's levels: chkconfig --levels 35 portmap on b..... If the appropriate response does not appear: a. Check that MySQL is located in /opt/mysql: ll /opt/mysql b.. Verify that portmap is running: service portmap status 6. svDBMaintenance (pid xxxxx) is running.. svIPDRCollector (pid xxxxx) is running..... ipdr_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running. Verify that the spread watchdogs are running by entering the following: service spread status The following response (with the appropriate PID) should appear: spread_wdog (pid xxxx) is running.. Verify that the /opt/tmp directory was created during the installation: ll /opt/tmp c. svIp2Qam (pid xxxxx) is running... db_wdog (pid xxxxx) is running.. C04 July (pid xxxxx) is running. Verify that portmap is running: service portmap status The following response (with the appropriate PID) should appear: portmap (pid xxxx) is running... If the /opt/tmp directory was not created.. see “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 63.. Load the database schema using the following command: mysql -u root SDE_DC_DB < /opt/SDE/IPDRC_DB/SDE_DC_DB. halt installation and contact Sandvine customer support. enter the following commands: cd /var/lib mv mysql /opt cd /var/lib ln -s /opt/mysql f. If the /opt/mysql/ was not created upon SDE installation. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. e.cnf was not loaded correctly into the database. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. If my.Installation verifications MySQL should start with the correct my.60 Rev. enter the following commands: rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/ib* rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/SDE_DC_DB service mysql restart g.sql Caution: If any of the above steps failed. 2010 43 .cnf loaded. 60 Rev.el5. as explained in “Creating RHEL accessibility to yum” on page 33. Rerun the SDE install command. C04 July 8.noarch.40-0020.el5 is needed by package 1:net-snmp-perl-5.3. 2.5.noarch: failure: SDE_Monitoring-5. as described in “Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server” on page 37. 2010 05-00095-C04 . yum troubleshooting If the yum installer was not configured correctly. a message similar to the following appears: 1:net-snmp-perl-5.el5.rpm from sde: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. Verify that you have access to the RHEL installation folder.5.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Installation troubleshooting Missing dependencies If net-snmp RPMs are missing during yum installation.noarch.2.noarch: failure: SDE_CONF-5.x86_64 from sde-retail has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: net-snmp = 1:5.40-0020.3.2.2-7. To clean the yum cache: • Enter the following command: yum clean all 44 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.2.x86_64 (sde-retail) To solve the problem: 1.el5. error message 256 appears when you start the yum installation: Error Downloading Packages: SDE_Monitoring .2-7. In this case.2-7.el5 is needed by package 1:net-snmp-perl-5. then reconfigure the yum installer. SDE_CONF .2-7. you should clean the yum cache. See “Installing the SDE software from the yum repository” on page 39.40-0021.x86_64 (sde-retail) Error: Missing Dependency: net-snmp = 1: from sde-udpate: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.2. localdomain localhost xxx. Run hostname and add the hostname to the machine (example new name is shown in bold). or various programs that require network functionality will fail.localdomain6 localhost6 change the hostname on the machine. Stop Spread: service spread stop localhost. Edit and save the /etc/sysconfig/network file for the new hostname (changes shown in bold): /etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes NETWORKING_IPV6=yes HOSTNAME=<sde hostname> 4. Wait 5 seconds and then start Spread: service spread start and spread doesn’t work properly. so that you can configure the services that run on the machine.0. C04 05-00095-C04 July Edit and save the /etc/hosts file for the new hostname (changes shown in bold): /etc/hosts Do not remove the following line. 2010 45 . Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 3. as explained in “Logging into the EMS” on page 46. Restart the SDE and services: a.Installation troubleshooting SDE machine hostname If the SDE machine’s hostname is not changed from the default (localhost. To change the host name: 1. Wait 5 seconds and then restart the SDE: service sde start Next step: You are now ready to log into the EMS. ::1 localhost6.60 is the IP address of the SDE <sde hostname> Where xxx. the SDE agent fails to mount. then save the file: hostname <sde hostname> 2.0. Stop the SDE processes: service sde stop b.localdomain) prior to SDE software installation. To resolve the problem. 2010 05-00095-C04 . It enables you to configure the SDE system.. The EMS is the graphical user interface for configuring.g. • The SDE also includes an EMS command line interface (CLI) that enables operators to configure network elements and view the status of different system elements in an SDE node from the command line on the local SDE machine. If you are working with the latest SDE release. Click the SDE EMS version that you want to download to your with your user name and password. The Linux EMS can be run from the SDE machine. C04 July 8. Note: Every installation of the Windows EMS comes with JRE 1. select the latest version of EMS. Log into the Sandvine Customer Support Site located at https:// support. 46 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The Windows EMS can be installed and run on any Windows machine. KDE or GNOME) through an SSH connection to the SDE machine. then select the correct stream and software release. or from a Linux host machine using a full Linux graphic interface (e. Windows EMS installation The Windows EMS install file can be accessed through the Sandvine Customer Support Web site. EMS access options The SDE includes three EMS graphic interfaces: • • The Web EMS interface enables users to access the EMS from any Windows machine using a Web browser.6.60 Rev. This JRE is used only when the EMS is running. select SDE > EMS from the Family of Products.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Logging into the EMS Following installation of the SDE software on both machines. To install the EMS on a Windows machine: 1. connect to the first machine in the cluster using the SDE EMS (Element Management System). In the Software tab.sandvine. 2. managing and troubleshooting the SDE system. EMS software file path 3. The Linux EMS also can be run from a Windows machine via an X Windows interface. 0. Click Run. click Save.exe file icon. 3. 6.104:8085/sde_ems/.bit distribution yum repository. 2010 47 . The SDE EMS login dialog box appears. Click Launch SDE EMS. For example. click OK or Run to run the EMS installer. make sure that an X Windows interface is installed. To run the EMS using the Web interface from any machine: 1. At the security warning.0. When running the SDE from a remote Linux machine.i386 libXtst.xxxx.16.i386 EMS login sequence Note: The following information assumes the EMS is already installed on a Windows machine and/or that the X Window System package group for Red Hat Enterprise Linux has been installed on the SDE machine. the port is usually 8085. To run the Linux EMS from a Windows machine. the URL might be: http://172. Open your Web browser and go the following URL: http://<SDE_MACHINE>:<port>/sde_ems where <SDE_MACHINE> is the IP or FQDN of the SDE machine and <port> is the port specified during Tomcat installation. and a security warning appears. On a Linux machine. such as KDE or GNOME. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. to install the X Window System package group: 1.60 Rev.104. In the dialog box that appears. for an SDE machine with IP address 172. Double-click the downloaded SDE-EMS-x. 2. Installing the X Window System package group For systems with access to a RHEL 5. The EMS Web portal appears. Java Web is activated. Run the following commands: yum groupinstall "X Window System" yum install gtk2.Logging into the EMS 4. Log into the SDE machine. 5.xx. must be installed on the machine. a Linux distribution with graphic support.x 64.16. 2. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Note: To run the EMS from an SDE machine. 3. Connect to the SDE machine using an X Windows interface. Click OK. The EMS Manager appears. log into the EMS using the management VIP. Execute the following lines: cd /opt/SDE/SDE_EMS/ . Note: The SDE machine’s IP address or FQDN is used for first-time EMS login only. Once the system’s management VIP is configured. the Red Hat Enterprise Linux X Window System package group must be installed already on the machine. Type sv_admin as the user name and sv_admin as the password. double-click the EMS icon on the desktop. type the IP address or FQDN of the machine on which the SDE is installed. • • 48 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Or. To log in: 1./ems_start From a Windows machine: 1. from the Start > All Programs menu select Sandvine > SDE EMS 5./ems_start On a remote Linux machine. To run the Linux EMS on the SDE machine or from a remote machine (Linux or Windows): • On the SDE machine.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster EMS login dialog box To run the Windows EMS: • On the Windows machine.xx > SDE EMS The EMS login dialog box appears. execute the following lines: cd /opt/SDE/SDE_EMS/ ./ems_start The EMS login dialog box appears. 2. execute the following lines: ssh -X <IP address of SDE machine> cd /opt/SDE/SDE_EMS/ .60 Rev. In the SDE Server field. C04 July 8. 2. 60 Rev.Logging into the EMS SDE EMS manager Next step: You are now ready to proceed to the next step. 2010 49 . “Configuring the management machine” on page 50. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Configuring the services The SDE comes with three predefined services—one each for management. Configure the management machine’s network architecture before adding the second machine to the system through the EMS. The management service MUST be assigned a VIP in order to enable operators to add more than one node to the SDE for high availability. 50 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Configure the VIP for the management and edge services. Assigning the management VIP The management VIP is the first VIP assigned to the system. then select Add Virtual IP. If the SDE will implement Fairshare actions using PCMM. Type the VIP in the Virtual IP field.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Configuring the management machine The management machine is the first SDE server in the cluster. To assign the management service a VIP: 1. border.60 Rev. open Services List > Management Service. The different VIP parameters are explained in “VIP parameters” on page 51. The EMS connects to the management service using this VIP. Rightclick Virtual IPs. and the management service spreads changes to all SDE nodes. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Follow the order described in the instructions for these configurations. also configure a border service VIP and a WSAM service. and edge—and one predefined SDE node (the machine whose IP you just used to log into the EMS). In the Configurations tree. The Virtual IP dialog box appears. C04 July 8. Virtual IP dialog box 2. Click OK. 4. IP of the node on the computer network that serves as an access point to another network IP of the predefined SDE node that assumes “ownership” of the VIP Parameter Virtual IP Default Value -- Netmask 255. 2010 51 . An alert appears that the EMS will automatically reconnect to the SDE using the management VIP. In the Configurations tree. This is the SDE machine that assumes ownership of the VIP. in the future. It remains with the VIP if it moves from node to node. Netmask assigned to the VIP.60 Rev.255. Assign at least one per service. SPBs. You will be unable to add any additional nodes to the SDE without the management VIP. open Services List > Edge Service. subnet mask. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. and default gateway. The VIP appears under the management service in the Configurations tree. ASs) using these IP addresses. In the event of failover. 5. 2. Right-click Virtual IPs. The Virtual IP dialog box appears. Click OK to continue. Select the correct netmask and default gateway from the drop-down lists. 3. Caution: The management service must be assigned a VIP for the SDE to work properly. Specify the virtual IP. Click OK. AMs. the VIPs move from the failed node to an active node.255. including a Web browser.Configuring the management machine 3. VIP parameters Table 5: VIP parameters Definition Dynamic IP address assigned to a service. This is the pre-defined SDE node that assumes “ownership” of the VIP. then select Add Virtual IP. The SDE automatically designates the first SDE node as the VIP’s primary SDE node. The system automatically assigns the first SDE node as the primary SDE node. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.255 Default Gateway -- Primary SDE Node -- Configuring the edge VIP To configure the edge VIP: 1. Use the management VIP instead of the SDE machine’s physical IP address when logging into the SDE EMS from any location. The SDE communicates with other network elements (CMTSs. right-click Services List. In the Configurations tree. then select Add Service. Specify the virtual IP. The system automatically assigns the first SDE node as the primary SDE node. The New Service dialog box appears. 3. 2010 05-00095-C04 . which connects to the external policy server using the policy server’s physical IP. 2. subnet mask. configure the external PS connection at this point. C04 July 8. then select Add Virtual IP. and default gateway. If the SDE will apply Fairshare actions using an external policy server. assign the border service a VIP. you are now ready to configure a WSAM service. Click OK. This is the SDE machine that assumes ownership of the VIP. open Services List > Border Service. If the SDE will implement Fairshare using PCMM. 52 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Right-click Virtual IPs. you are now ready to configure the database decimation. as explained in Configuring database decimation. The Virtual IP dialog box appears. Configuring the external PS connection When the SDE will connect to third-party policy servers for PCMM Fairshare implementation. To configure the border VIP for the external policy server: 1. In the Configurations tree.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Next step: If the SDE will apply Fairshare actions by setting attributes in the PTS. Otherwise. To assign the border VIP: 1. you are required to configure an additional border service. Configuring the border VIP If the SDE will implement Fairshare actions using PCMM.60 Rev. you should configure the border service VIP at this point. open the node for the border service you just created. The IP appears under the border service in the Configurations tree. Change the Use for external PS attribute to ‘Yes’. In the Configurations tree.. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. The service appears in the Services list. The External PS IP dialog box appears. 2010 53 . Assign the service a name (e. ‘External PS’). You are now ready to configure a WSAM service.g. Configuring the WSAM service To configure the WSAM service: 1. Right-click External PS IPs. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. 6. and then click OK. 5. Type the IP of the policy server.Configuring the management machine New Service dialog box 2. Optionally type a description of the service (e. Right-click Services List. 3. ‘Border_2’). then select Add external PS IP. 4. Click OK.g. then select Add Service. 7. External PS IP dialog box 8.. The New Service dialog box appears. The PS Entry Point is the VIP of the border service. Define only one management service per system. Click the Type field and select WSAM from the list. For a complete list of WSAM service parameters. C04 July 8. Service parameters Table 6: Services parameters/nodes Definition Defines the type of service being added Supports connections from the Fairshare Engine to the WSAM and/or from the WSAM to the policy server to achieve high availability Supports connections to CMTSs and SPBs to achieve high availability Provides connections to management systems. Assign the service a name (e.. 6. see “Service parameters” on page 54. Optionally type a description of the service. 3.60 Rev.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster New Service dialog box 2. The service appears in the Services list. Click OK. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Specify the PS Entry Point and the AM ID. ‘WSAM Service’).g. 5. 4. The WSAM uses this VIP to receive Fairshare rule actions from the different SDE nodes and to communicate with the policy server. Defines the WSAM (Web Services Application Manager) Parameter Type Border Default Value N/A Border Edge Edge Management Management WSAM WSAM 54 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 60 Rev. 2010 55 . Expanded SDE node list 2. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Default Value ServiceType_X -none -- -- Port (WSAM service only) 8080 Attaching new services to the SDE node If you created a WSAM service so that the SDE can implement Fairshare actions using PCMM. All services should be marked as attached in the EMS right pane.Configuring the management machine Parameter Name Description OSS (edge service only) PS Entry Point (WSAM service only) AM ID (WSAM service only) Definition Name of service as it appears in the EMS Optional description of the service OSS to which the edge service connects VIP of the border service used to communicate with the policy server Operator-assigned ID of this AM. expand the SDE node and select Attached Services. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. you need to attach this service to the SDE node: To attach a new service: 1. Select the check box for the WSAM service. A list of services appears in the EMS right pane. In the SDE Node List. Used by the policy server to send gates HTTP port on which the WSAM receives requests for service from the application server and sends responses in turn. Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Attached SDE services Next step: For all deployments that will implement Fairshare using PCMM, continue on to “Changing the border VIP in the file” on page 57. For deployments that apply Fairshare solely through the PTS, proceed to the installation and configuration of the second machine in the cluster, as described in “Second SDE machine” on page 60. If the SDE will relay the DOCSIS 2.0 IPDR data to an external data collector, configure the outbound relay after changing the border VIP or before installing the second machine, as explained in “Configuring the outbound IPDR relay” on page 58. 56 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 Changing the border VIP in the file Changing the border VIP in the file For all deployments that will implement Fairshare using PCMM, edit the file in order to define the border VIP that the Fairshare engine will use to send Fairshare requests to the WSAM. To define the border VIP: 1. Stop the SDE service if you haven’t already done so: service sde stop 2. Open the file for editing: vi /opt/SDE/FSAS/config/ 3. The file currently is configured to send Fairshare requests to the WSAM on the local machine. In the WSAM Parameters section, change the parameter com.cmx.odsp.fsam.wsam_url=localhost:8080 to com.cmx.odsp.fsam.wsam_url=<border_VIP>:8080 where border_VIP is the VIP defined for the border service and the PS entry point of the WSAM. If the WSAM sends the gates for the Fairshare actions to an external policy server, border_VIP is the second VIP of the border service configured to the system. 4. Save the file. 5. Restart the SDE service: service sde start Next step: If the SDE will relay the DOCSIS 2.0 IPDR data to an external data collector, configure the outbound relay after changing the border VIP or before installing the second machine, as explained in “Configuring the outbound IPDR relay” on page 58. Otherwise, proceed to the installation and configuration of the second machine in the cluster, as described in “Second SDE machine” on page 60. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 57 Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Configuring the outbound IPDR relay If the SDE will also relay IPDR data to an external data collector, configure the outbound IPDR relay at this point. The SDE relays the IPDR data from all CMTS vendor types in streaming mode. To configure the outbound relay: 1. On the SDE machine, open the /etc/sysconfig/sde file for editing: vi /etc/sysconfig/sde 2. At the end of the file, add the following line: RUN_IPDR_REDIRECT=yes The file should appear as follows: RUN_WIMAX=noRUN_IPDR=yes RUN_FSAM=yes RUN_SPBC=yes RUN_MYSQL=yes RUN_WEBEMS=yes RUN_MYSQL=yes RUN_MYSQL_CLUSTER=yes RUN_IPDR_REDIRECT=yes 3. Save the file. 4. Execute the following commands: service sde init service sde restart 5. Check the status of the IPDR redirect process: service sde status The response should include the following, with the appropriate PID, indicating that svIPDR redirect is running: svIPDRRedirect (pid 1234) is running... 6. In the SDE EMS, in the SDE Parameters > IPDR Collection node: a. Set Enable File Logging to ‘Yes’. b. Configure the IP address of the external collector in the Relay Collector IP field. c. Configure the port of the external collector in the Relay Collector Port field. The relay collector port is usually 6210. Note: Make sure you also set Enable File Logging to ‘Yes’ on every CMTS configured to the SDE. For instructions, see “Import CMTSs/CMTS maps overview” on page 96 or “Configuring CMTSs through the EMS” on page 156. 58 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 as described in “Second SDE machine” on page 60.Configuring the outbound IPDR relay Next step: Proceed to the installation and configuration of the second machine in the cluster.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 59 . Type the SDE’s physical IP address or FQDN.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Second SDE machine Following configuration of the first SDE node. Adding SDE nodes To add an SDE node to the system: 1. and the failover node hands off the border and edge VIPs to their original owner. C04 July 8. For load balancing purposes. New SDE Node dialog box 2. the edge VIP designated for the node fails over to the first SDE node.60 Rev. In the Configurations tree. In the event the second SDE node fails. and the net mask assigned to the machine upon OS installation. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Note: Upon recovery of a failed SDE node. along with all the CMTSs attached to the first node’s edge VIP. the node tries to resume its original configuration. configure the cluster’s high availability by configuring the second node to the system and attaching all services to the second node. right-click SDE Node List and select Add SDE Node. you can assign a second VIP to the edge service and designate the second SDE machine as the VIP’s primary SDE node. 60 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. however. remains on the failover machine. This enables you to configure half the CMTSs in the cluster to the first SDE node and half to the second SDE node. The New SDE Node dialog box appears. The management service. In the event that the first node fails. its VIPS—and services—are transferred to the second SDE node. Second SDE machine 3. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. The Progress Information bar appears to inform you of the configuration's progress. When this configuration is used. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. etc. 2010 61 . A list of services appears in the EMS right pane. the node appears in the SDE Node List. Select the check box for every service shown in the Attributes pane. Click OK. 3. When the configuration is complete. expand the second SDE node. This configures the cluster for activeactive mode. Select Attached Services. you can optionally configure a second edge VIP to the system for CMTS load balancing purposes and designate the second SDE machine as the VIP’s primary SDE node. half the CMTSs connect to the SDE using the first VIP and half the CMTSs connect to the second VIP. The name enables you to differentiate the different types of nodes in the EMS GUI. For a description of the different node parameters. In the SDE Node List.0 Description -- Attaching services to the new node To attach the services to the second SDE node: 1. The configuration may take up to 2 minutes.255. SDE node parameters Table 7: SDE node parameters Description Defines the name of the SDE node as it appears in the SDE Node List Physical IP address or FQDN of the machine The mask assigned to the machine upon installation Optional description of the machine (types of services it hosts.) Parameter Label Default Value SDE_1 IP or FQDN Mask -255. see “SDE node parameters” on page 61. 4. Optionally give the node a name and description. Configuring a second edge VIP Depending on your system’s configuration.255. 2. For instructions.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster Adding an edge VIP To add an edge VIP: 1. 3. In the Configurations tree. as described in “Configuring the outbound IPDR relay” on page file For all deployments that will implement Fairshare using PCMM. select the second node from the list.odsp. 4. Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf. The system automatically assigns the first SDE node configured to the system as the primary SDE node.60 Rev. Change the primary SDE node so that the new SDE node assumes ownership of the file to define the border VIP that the Fairshare engine will use to send Fairshare requests to the WSAM.fsam. b. The Virtual IP dialog box appears. and default gateway. Next step: Proceed to “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 63. Right-click Virtual IPs. 2. see “Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf. subnet mask. then select Add Virtual IP. or else first configure the outbound IPDR relay. Specify the virtual IP.wsam_url=<border_VIP>:8080 parameter in the fsam_conf. In the Primary SDE Node dialog box. open Services List > Edge Service. C04 July 8. Click Change. To change the primary node: a.cmx. 62 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Next step: Proceed to “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 63. on the SDE machine edit the file” on page 57. then click OK. configure the outbound IPDR relay at this point. Configuring the outbound relay If the SDE will relay IPDR data to an external data collector. Click OK. verify that the SDE machines are green and that all required VIPs are attached to them. or disabled.Installation checks and troubleshooting Installation checks and troubleshooting Following configuration of the second SDE node. disconnected.60 Rev. the active SDE node should appear as green and the standby node should be yellow. see below. halt installation and contact Sandvine. 2010 63 . In the EMS SDE Nodes List > Logs node. Note: SDE System also displays simulators. Log into the SDE machine and verify that the VIPs are listed using the following command: ifconfig If any of the above checks failed. AMs) that communicate with the node on a given VIP The statuses of elements are displayed as follows: • • • • • Green — element connected Yellow — element is operational but no services are linked to it Red — element is disconnected Gray — element is disabled Blue — neutral element. It contains the following levels: • • • SDE nodes WSAMs and VIPs configured to the node Devices (CMTSs. such as a VIP When a cluster is configured in active-standby mode. verify that all logs are free of errors. 3. SDE system view The Status > SDE System node displays a hierarchical diagram of the SDE system and indicates whether the different elements are connected. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. For an explanation of the status view for the different SDE configurations. both should be green. 2. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. In the EMS Status > SDE system node. perform the following steps to verify that the SDE is properly configured: 1. When both nodes are active. Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster SDE System: cluster in active-standby mode SDE System: active-active mode 64 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.60 Rev. Installation checks and troubleshooting SDE System: failover from active-active mode Cluster installation complete Next step: If the deployment includes more than one SDE cluster. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. continue on to Chapter 3: “Adding additional clusters” on page 67. 2010 65 . continue with Chapter 4: “Global SDE parameters” on page 75. For a single-cluster deployment (2 machines). 60 Rev.Chapter 2: Installing the management cluster 66 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Adding additional clusters This chapter provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring additional clusters to the site. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Cluster overview” on page 68 — describes the new SDE cluster and the required configurations “Installing the SDE software” on page 69 — gives instructions for installing the SDE software on the SDE machines “Configuring the nodes” on page 70 — provides instructions for configuring the cluster’s high availability. distributed architecture “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 73 — provides a list of verification procedures that should be performed after the SDE is installed and configured on both machines 3 • • • . 60 Rev.Chapter 3: Adding additional clusters Cluster overview Every additional cluster in the regional data center contains two SDE nodes. One edge service is configured to the cluster. One or two VIPs are assigned to the edge service. C04 July 8. 68 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Configure each additional cluster in the system in the exact order that the information is provided in this chapter. depending on whether it will run in active-standby mode (1 VIP) or activeactive mode (2 VIPs). The number of clusters you configure will depending on the scaling requirements for the deployment. For instructions see “Local yum installation” on page 35. Following installation of the software. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. • Configure the SDE machine’s yum installer to point to the correct repository (first-time installation only when the yum repository is used) and install the software from the yum repository. or. 2010 69 . verify that the installation is correct by using the procedures in “Installation verifications” on page 41. see “Configuring yum to install the SDE from an FTP site or HTTP server” on page 37 and “Installing the SDE software from the yum repository” on page 39. On each machine you need to: • Install the SDE software from the local yum repository.Installing the SDE software Installing the SDE software Install the SDE software on both machines in the cluster prior to configuring the VIPs. For information. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.60 Rev. The New SDE Node dialog box appears. C04 July 8. In the Configurations tree. right-click SDE Node List and select Add SDE Node. create a new edge service and attach it to both nodes. 4. and the net mask assigned to the machine upon OS installation.Chapter 3: Adding additional clusters Configuring the nodes After installing the SDE software on the machines. Next. After the services are attached to the nodes. assign the edge service one VIP (activestandby cluster) or two VIPs (active-active cluster). the node appears in the SDE Node List. Click OK. Designate the VIP(s) primary SDE node. Adding SDE nodes To add an SDE node to the system: 1. Type the SDE’s physical IP address or FQDN. Optionally give the node a name and description. For a description of the different node parameters. New SDE Node dialog box 2. Depending on the specific configuration of your system. 70 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The configuration may take up to 2 minutes. When the configuration is complete. you also can attach the management service to the nodes at this point. 2010 05-00095-C04 . add both nodes to the SDE system. The name enables you to differentiate the different types of nodes in the EMS GUI. see “SDE node parameters” on page 61.60 Rev. The Progress Information bar appears to inform you of the configuration's progress. 3. 2. 2. and default gateway.wsam_url=<border_VIP>:8080 parameter in the Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Click OK. 4. Attaching the services To attach the services to the nodes: 1.60 Rev. Right-click Services List. expand the first node in the cluster. open Services List > Edge Service. Right-click Virtual IPs. To change the primary node: a. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. b. do so at this time. In the Configurations tree. Select Attached Services.cmx. 3. A list of services appears in the EMS right pane. then select Add Virtual IP. 2010 71 . In the SDE Node List. subnet mask. Change the primary SDE node so that one of the nodes in the new cluster assumes ownership of the VIP. 3.fsam. on each SDE machine edit the com. 2. Specify the virtual IP. The New Service dialog box appears. 4.odsp. In the Primary SDE Node dialog box. Note: If your system’s configuration calls for attaching the management service to all SDE nodes. Click OK. Configuring the edge VIP(s) To configure the VIP(s) for the edge service: file If the deployment will implement Fairshare using PCMM. then select Add Service. The system automatically assigns the first SDE node configured to the system as the primary SDE node. The service appears in the Services list. Select the check box for the edge service. select Edge as the type of service and give the service a name. In the New Service dialog box. select the second node from the list. then click OK. Click Change.Configuring the nodes Adding an edge service To create an edge service: 1. Repeat the above steps for the second node in the cluster. Optionally type a description of the service. 4. 3. The Virtual IP dialog box appears. Changing the border VIP in the fsam_conf. 72 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Configuring the outbound IPDR relay If the SDE will relay IPDR data to an external data collector. Next step: Proceed to “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page 63 to verify that the SDE is properly installed and configured.Chapter 3: Adding additional clusters fsam_conf. see “Changing the border VIP in the file to define the border VIP that the Fairshare engine will use to send Fairshare requests to the WSAM. on each SDE machine configure the outbound IPDR relay. For instructions.60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8. Next step: Proceed to “Installation checks and troubleshooting” on page file” on page 57. as explained in “Configuring the outbound IPDR relay” on page 58. or else first configure the outbound IPDR relay. Installation checks and troubleshooting Installation checks and troubleshooting Following configuration of the second SDE node. halt installation and contact Sandvine. keep the EMS open and proceed to Chapter 4: “Global SDE parameters” on page 75. Cluster installation complete Next step: If the deployment includes more than two SDE clusters. 2010 73 . 3. verify that the SDE machines are green and that all required VIPs are attached to them. repeat the steps in this chapter for each cluster in the site. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. perform the following steps to verify that the SDE is properly configured: 1. In the EMS Status > SDE system node. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Log into the SDE machine and verify that the VIPs are listed using the following command: ifconfig If any of the above checks failed. For an explanation of the status view for the different SDE configurations. 2. In the EMS SDE Nodes List > Logs node. verify that all logs are free of errors.60 Rev. If you have finished installing additional clusters. see below. 60 Rev.Chapter 3: Adding additional clusters 74 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . These parameters define the SDE’s behavior. as well as parameters that define system behavior when the SDE policy server is deployed “Log parameters” on page 81 — define the behavior of the different SDE logs “COPS parameters” on page 83 — protocol parameters for the COPS connection between the SDE and each AM or CMTS that connects to it when the SDE policy server is deployed “WSAM parameters” on page 84 — define the WSAM configuration parameters 4 • • • • .Global SDE parameters This chapter provides instructions for defining the global SDE parameters as part of the SDE configuration process. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Overview of SDE parameters” on page 77 — contains information on configuring SDE parameters “General parameters” on page 78 — miscellaneous parameters common to the SDE. which collects subscriber usage and network topology information “Subscriber mapping parameters” on page 92 — explains how to configure the SDE for subscriber topology mapping • 76 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters • • “Fairshare parameters” on page 85 — define the attributes of the different Fairshare elements “Data collection parameters” on page 86 — used to configure the SDE’s data collector module.60 Rev. If necessary. 2010 77 . Configuring SDE parameters To configure SDE parameters: 1. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Define the global parameters only once. Unless otherwise indicated. In the Configurations tree. use the default values. according to the values in the parameter tables.60 Rev. 3. log into the Web EMS. The SDE applies them to every cluster and node in the system.Overview of SDE parameters Overview of SDE parameters The SDE contains a number of global parameters that define the behavior of different system elements. then select the type of parameters you want to configure. 2. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. open the SDE Parameters node. In the attributes pane. define the parameters as necessary. 000. For use with the SDE policy server only Network-wide unique identifier in the range of 0-99. define only the RO Community and RW Community parameters. no new gates are processed by the SDE for forwarding to the CMTS. For use with the SDE policy server only Time interval before the SDE erases a gate from the gate store if the CMTS doesn’t respond to the gate. Element ID * 1 Stateful Limit 100000 Stateful Sync Yes Sync Time Between GateInfo (ms) 500 Storage Gate Timeout (sec) 180 (3 min) Garbage Gates Maximum Time (hour) 0 78 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . If the number of gates in the system exceeds the stateful limit. For use with PCMM I02 when the SDE policy server is used Time interval between Gate-Infos during the gate synchronization process following a CMTS reconnection. Parameter FEID Default Value Sandvine Inc. Defined by the MSO according to PCMM specifications. If you are using Fairshare with a third-party policy server or the SPB for data collection. All other general parameters are for use when the SDE policy server is used. For use with the SDE policy server only SDE verifies a gate’s existence after CMTS reconnection by sending a Gate-Info.000. For use with the SDE policy server only Maximum number of gates the edge service keeps in stateful storage. Range = 0 250. C04 July 8.60 Rev. For use with the SDE policy server only Maximum amount of time a gate can exist before it is labeled a suspect garbage gate. Table 8: General parameters Description Financial Entity ID.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters General parameters General parameters are miscellaneous parameters that are common to the SDE system. Note: Parameters marked with an ‘*’ require configuration when the SDE policy server is used. Identifies the paying entity. For use with the SDE policy server only If a CMTS temporarily disconnects from the SDE.all gates may be suspect T3=0 . Default Value Garbage Gates Start Time Determines the starting time for calculating the maximum amount of time in the above parameter: Creation . For use with the SDE policy server only If ‘yes. For use with the SDE policy server only Amount of time that elapses after system restart before the lead SDE node checks that all the nodes in his group are running.only those gates without an idle time out can be suspect Cleans the IPsec configuration if the COPS connection is closed because the number of reconnect tries exceeds 10. Creation Accounted Gates Determines which gates may be suspected as garbage gates: all gates . below.calculation of maximum amount of time from the last time the gate was modified For use with the SDE policy server only. For use with the SDE policy server only All gates Enable Security No Failover on Startup Time (sec) 30 PSID 3333333333 Remote Stateful Update Yes Enable CMTS buffering Yes Maximum wait time in CMTS buffer (sec) 10 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. the maximum time the gate waits in the queue before the SDE returns the gate with an error. For use with the SDE policy server only. For use with the SDE policy server only SDE node’s ID number (I03 only).General parameters Parameter Description When the time is set to ‘0’ the feature is disabled.60 Rev.maximum amount of time is calculated from when the gate was created Modification . For use with the SDE policy server only If CMTS buffering is used. the SDE buffers the gates while waiting for the CMTS to reconnect. below. See “Garbage gates”. 2010 79 . C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.’ the system enables high availability for the gate store within each service. “See Garbage gates”. Use the Gates status list to view or delete suspect garbage gates.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Parameter RO Community Description The read only community for the SDE SNMP agent The read-write community for the SDE SNMP agent The cycle between DNS resolutions when a connection fails Default Value svPublic RW Community svPrivate 60 DNS resolution retry period (sec) Garbage gates The garbage gates feature (for use with the SDE policy server only) enables the SDE to tag gates as “suspect garbage gates” if they remain in the system unused for long periods of time. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8. 80 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. These may be gates that remain in the system after they are no longer needed. or the CMTS may have deleted them though they are still recognized by the SDE. but not in the log specific to the network element. Warning. the SDE generates an activity log for each CMTS (and—when the SDE policy server is used—for each RKS and AM) defined in the system. Error. Table 9: Log parameters Description No Activity: No log activity on any system interface Main Activity Log disabled: Log activated only for the SDE node. debug and other information. Maximum size = 10MB Defines the debug level: None. Default values may be used. Error. the IP of the Syslog server and its threshold. etc. which records system errors. Debug The maximum size. which displays all activity on the SDE. when it is enabled. Network element activity (CMTS. Alert. in bytes. of the COPS library log before the SDE stores it and starts a new one. In addition. 2010 81 .60 Rev. and the error log. with the exception of the IP address for the Syslog server. The log parameters also allow operators to configure the SDE so that each node sends messages to an external Syslog server.) appears in the SDE node log. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Main Activity Log enabled: All activity logs activated Defines the debug level of the different processes: None. The SDE contains two central logs: the activity log. Maximum size = 10MB The maximum size. Info. Debug Internal debug flag. N/A Parameters Activity Log Level Default Value Main Activity Log Disabled Debug Level Info Max Error Log Size (Bytes) 512000 Max COPS Log Size (Bytes) (Internal PS only) 0 COPS Debug Level (Internal PS only) Info Debug Mutex (Internal PS only) No Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Configure the log parameters according to the values in the following table. Info. Use the log parameters to define whether the Syslog is enabled or disabled and. warnings. in bytes. that a log can reach before the SDE renames it and starts a new one. Critical. Notice.Log parameters Log parameters Log parameters define the behavior of the SDE system logs. Warning. N/A Default Value No Internal debug flag. N/A No Internal debug flag. C04 July 8. Info. N/A No Defines the debug level of the log for the SDE agent: Error. N/A No Internal debug flag. N/A No Internal debug flag.60 Rev. N/A No Internal debug flag. N/A No Internal debug flag. Info. Warning.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Parameters Debug Thread (For use with SDE PS) Debug Socket (For use with SDE PS) Debug COPS (For use with SDE PS) Debug FSM (For use with SDE PS) Debug Gate (For use with SDE PS) Debug PS (For use with SDE PS) Debug Sharing (For use with SDE PS) Debug Dump (For use with SDE PS) Management Log Threshold Description Internal debug flag. Debug Enables SDE to write to the Syslog IP address of the Syslog Server Defines the Syslog level: Error. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Warning. Debug Info Enable Syslog Syslog Server Syslog Threshold No -Info 82 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. N/A No Internal debug flag. 2010 83 .COPS parameters COPS parameters COPS parameters define the protocol parameters for the COPS connections between the WSAM and the policy server when the SDE’s policy server is used. Timeout in ms when resending OPN Parameter PCMM Client Type Default Value 32778 Listening Port PEP ID COPS OPN Timeout (ms) 3918 SV-SDE_tm 60000 KA Timeout (sec) 30 COPS OPN Resend Timeout (ms) Reconnect Timeout (ms) Compatible PCMM Version 2000 Time in ms before reconnecting to the CMTS The most recent PCMM version with which the SDE is compatible. The SDE will also be compatible with all previous versions.60 Rev. Ethernet card on which the SDE runs 10000 PKT-SP-MM-I03 Interface name eth0 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. All default parameters may be used. This value can be changed for each CMTS through the CMTS attributes. Table 10: COPS parameters Description Defines the COPS client type according to the PCMM protocol Port on which the AM connects to the SDE String that identifies the SDE The amount of time in milliseconds that the SDE waits between opening a COPS connection and waiting for the CAT message Keep Alive Timeout in seconds for the CMTS. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Use the default value. Use all default parameters. The attribute must be set to this mode for Fairshare to work. ‘Yes’ for this configuration. No: Accepts service requests that arrive without a user name in the header or from an unknown application server. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . If HTTP is used. Note: If you change this value to ‘No’ you must restart the SDE. These parameters are used when the SDE applies Fairshare actions using PCMM. Note: If you change this value to ‘Yes’ you MUST restart the SDE. rather than HTTP (the default). Parameter Use HTTPS Default Value No Time between retries (sec) Retries number 60 30 Ignore AS Username Yes Session Store Capacity 100000 Enable WSAM Session Sharing Yes Caution: The Ignore AS Username attribute must be set to ‘yes’ for Fairshare to work. Retry interval for the persistency function The number of times the persistency function tries to recreate a WSAM session Yes: WSAM only authorizes service requests from application servers with known user names (configured in SDE).60 Rev. The SDE assigns a default user name in this case. The maximum number of sessions that the WSAM can hold in its session store Determines whether the WSAM nodes will share service requests among themselves. it also must be activated in the AS. Table 11: WSAM parameters Description Determines whether HTTPS is used to secure the connection between the AS and WSAM or Fairshare Engine and WSAM. 84 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters WSAM parameters WSAM parameters define the configuration of the WSAM in the SDE. the parameters should be set to ‘6’. in a 6-node. or 3 cluster. data center. Note: To enable IPDR logging to sFlow files. 2010 85 . This parameter is used only for applying Fairshare actions using PCMM. Default number of periods for which the Fairshare policy is applied (1 period = 15 minutes). (For example. the Enable File Logging parameter MUST be set to ‘yes’. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Use all default parameters.) Parameter Realm Name Default Value DEFAULT Default Duration 1 Connections per Node 20 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The number of connections the SDE supports between the Fairshare Engine on each node and the WSAM. EXACTLY as defined in the SPB.Fairshare parameters Fairshare parameters Fairshare parameters define the parameters for the different Fairshare elements. Table 12: Fairshare parameters Description Realm name of the service provider. This parameter is required only when Fairshare uses data from the SPB. and the parameter should be defined accordingly.60 Rev. The total number of connections in a regional data center cannot exceed 40. They also contain parameters that enable the NetPortal to access the subscriber usage and topology information from a central location. C04 July 8. They also contain parameters that enable the NetPortal to access the subscriber usage and topology information from a central location.60 Rev. The SDE can use SNMP to discover CMTS interfaces and retrieve bandwidth usage information. 86 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Table 13: General data collection parameters Description Defines the source of subscriber usage data: IPDR: receives IPDR data from CMTSs or an external data collector SPB: collects subscriber statistics from the SPB None: The SDE doesn’t collect subscriber data. The data collection node contains four sets of parameters: • General parameters: define the source of subscriber usage data and the method of configuring interfaces and calculating bandwidth. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Data collection parameters Data collection parameters define the method the SDE uses to collect subscriber and network topology data. SNMP collection: enable the operator to define the interval for polling CMTSs using SNMP IPDR collection: enable the SDE to collect subscriber data using IPDR SPB collection: enable the SDE to collect subscriber statistics from the SPB • • • General data collection parameters General data collection parameters define the source of subscriber usage data and the method of configuring interfaces and calculating bandwidth. or interfaces can be configured manually and bandwidth can be calculated using IPDR data. Subscriber usage data can be collected using IPDR or from the SPB. The source of the information for CMTS interface properties: Parameter Data Collection Default Value IPDR Interface Definitions Source SNMP SNMP: SDE receives interface properties through SNMP. Use this setting in a real network environment. IP address of the secondary NetPortal node. all SDE clusters except the NetPortal are set to ‘Yes’. No: The SDE cluster doesn’t log to the central database. IP address of the primary NetPortal node. this parameter is set to ‘No’ . (See “Data tier injection” on page 88 for an explanation of this feature. 2010 87 .) Determines whether the contents of each cluster’s database is copied to the central database for use by the NetPortal: Yes: Each cluster’s database is logged to the central database. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. the Primary Central Database parameter for all SDE clusters except the NetPortal should be set to the edge VIP of the NetPortal cluster. this parameter should be left empty. On the NetPortal cluster.60 Rev. this Yes Use SCN Enable Central Database Logging Primary Central Database -- Secondary Central Database -- Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.Data collection parameters Parameter Description By Configuration: SNMP is disabled in the SDE. Use XML: Retrieves the SDE subscriber list (cmxSubscribers. When the NetPortal is used. When the NetPortal is used. On the NetPortal cluster. When the NetPortal is used. Use SCN: Retrieves the tier information from the CMTS. Use External Source: Retrieves the tier information from an external source via a CSV file. Use this setting in a test environment.xml). Interface properties are configured manually through the EMS Default Value Interface Bandwidth Source The source of interface congestion information: SNMP SNMP: SDE receives the congestion information through SNMP IPDR: Interface congestion information is obtained from the IPDR record Subscriber Tier Source The source of the SCN for determining the subscriber’s tier. If the interfaces are not configured in the EMS . in the EMS. For information. For this option. see Configuring CMTS interfaces. Data tier injection In order to apply Fairshare policies by tier. it is possible to import subscriber tier attributes directly into the SDE from a third-party source. It may retrieve bandwidth using SNMP or IPDR (for deployments collecting data using IPDR). • To configure CMTS interfaces manually when the ‘By Configuration’ value is used for the parameter. Instead. In the SCN Source field. In order to enable importing of tier attributes. If this option is enabled.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Parameter Description parameter should be left empty on the NetPortal cluster. The Interface Definitions Source is set to ‘By Configuration’ and the Interface Bandwidth Source is set to ‘IPDR’. you may want to specify a different Upstream ifSpeed default and Downstream ifSpeed default for each CMTS. To import subscriber tier attributes from a third party: 1. select Use External Source. interfaces are configured manually for the CMTS through the EMS and bandwidth is calculated using data received from the IPDR records. select SDE Parameters > Data Collection > General. Default Value Collecting CMTS interface information The SDE provides different options for collecting CMTS interface information and calculating bandwidth usage: • SNMP is used to discover CMTS interfaces. C04 July 8. the IPDR collector does not overwrite the field in the Fairshare database. If the deployment uses IPDR data collection. 2. The Interface Bandwidth Source parameter can be set to ‘SNMP’ or ‘IPDR’ depending on the type of deployment and the service provider’s needs. 88 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. the Interface Definitions Source parameter is set to ‘SNMP’.60 Rev. SNMP is not used. see “CMTS and IPDR session attributes” on page 101. the SDE uses the interface properties acquired from the IPDR data and the Upstream/ Downstream ifSpeed default parameters defined for the CMTS in the SDE. 2010 05-00095-C04 . This option can be used only if the system is configured for IPDR data collection. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.60 Rev.172. Table 14: SNMP collection parameters Description Polling interval when SNMP is used to fetch CMTS interface information Parameter SNMP Polling Time (ms) Default Value 900000 IPDR collection parameters IPDR collection parameters define how the SDE collects subscriber data using IPDR.<Tier>. The CSV file entries should appear in the same format as the following example: 020300083100.<CMTS IP>. Place the file in the /opt/SDE/data_injection directory. 2010 89 . Create a CSV file.3.Data collection parameters EMS showing Subscriber Tier Source drop-down menu 3.152. The SDE imports the subscriber tiers from the third-party source. The file should include three columns in the following exact order: <Subscriber CM MAC address >. named <csv_file_name>.16. SNMP collection parameters SNMP collection parameters define the interval for polling CMTSs using SNMP. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. that contains the data to be 4. Enables the IPDR collector to write all IPDR records to file. SPB collection parameters SPB collection parameters define how the SDE collects subscriber data from the SPB.60 Rev. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . -- Relay Collector Port -- IPDR File Listening Port 6210 IPDR SP Listening Port 4737 Logging inbound IPDR files to the SDE You can optionally configure the SDE so that inbound IPDR files are written both to the Fairshare database and directly to the SDE machine. Used only when the SDE relays data to a third-party collector When IPDR Stream is used. This value is used for IPDR data collection. Used only when the SDE relays data to a third-party collector The port that must be opened on the external IPDR collector when it receives data from the SDE. Note: Make sure that Enable File Logging is also set to ‘Yes’ for each CMTS. When this parameter is set to ‘Yes’. Enable File Logging also has to be enabled for each CMTS. The SDE port used when the CMTS sends data over SP. set Enable File Logging to ‘Yes’. 90 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Yes: writes to file No: doesn’t write to file Parameter TFTP Directory Default Value /opt/tftpboot/ Enable File Logging No Relay Collector IP The IP to which the IPDR data will be sent when the SDE relays data to an the external IPDR collector. the port on which the IPDR collector listens for incoming connections (NA for the inbound IPDR relay).Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Table 15: IPDR collection parameters Description Home directory of the TFTP server. To configure the SDE to log the inbound IPDR files to the SDE: • In the Data Collection > IPDR Collection parameters. However. the minimum value is 15 minutes. The value should be equal to or lower than that configured for the PTS to report to the SPB. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. How often the PTS reports to the SPB.60 Rev.Data collection parameters Table 16: SPB collection parameters Description How often the SDE requests information from the SPB. This value must match the interval configured on the PTS and SPB for PTS reporting. 2010 91 . The amount of time the SDE waits after a request to the SPB before timing out and starting a new polling request The maximum number of SPB collection sessions that are allowed to run simultaneously Parameter Check for new data every (min) Default Value 3 PTS Reporting Period (min) 15 SPB Request Timeout (sec) 60 Number of SPB Connections 1 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. including the number of subscribers whose topology No Parameter Enable Subscriber To QAM Mapping Enable Push to SPB Default Value Yes Push all subscribers to SPB on start-up No 92 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. It writes the subscriber topology information to the Fairshare database to provide full subscriber mapping. Yes: Performs a ‘push all’ whenever the SDE detects that an SPB was reactivated. SCN and tier information in a non-SDE reporting environment (e.g. Required when SPB data collection is used Enables operators to map subscriber topology information from the Fairshare database to the SPB Pushes all subscriber topology data to the SPB. interface or tier between IPDR reporting periods. all P2SPB parameters must be configured. It detects changes in subscriber mapping and associates the subscriber’s cable modem with its upstream/ downstream channels. this feature can be used optionally to enable the SDE to detect changes to a subscriber’s CMTS. This feature can be used with either SPB or IPDR data collection. Subscriber to QAM mapping is required when SPB data collection is used. C04 July 8. Subscriber to QAM mapping dynamically discovers subscriber IP addresses and QAM mapping based on DHCP packets teed by the PTS.Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters Subscriber mapping parameters The subscriber mapping parameters enable operators to provide full subscriber mapping for the different types of data collection. When IPDR data collection is used and the PTS is deployed in the system. The P2SPB (Push to SPB) feature enables operators to map subscriber topology information from the Fairshare database to the SPB. Table 17: Subscriber mapping and P2SPB parameters Description Enables the SDE to dynamically discover subscriber IPs and topology information.. bonded group. No: The SDE doesn’t perform any push all. the NDS). as it enables the SPB to provide reports containing subscriber QAM. When P2SPB is enabled.60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Changing this parameter from to ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ activates an immediate push all. CMTS. This operation is required when there are long intervals between Push to SPB activity or if the SPB was disconnected. The results of the push all action. It enables the SDE to push tier information to the correct attribute. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. continue on to the next step. The attribute name of the SCN as it appears on the SPB. configuring CMTSs to the system. tier SCN attribute name scn_attr Next step: After configuring the global SDE parameters. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 93 . are displayed in the SDE node’s Push To SPB activity log. It enables the SDE to push SCN information to the correct attribute. Default Value Tier attribute name The attribute name of the tier as it appears on the SPB.Subscriber mapping parameters Parameter Description information was pushed to the SPB. See Chapter 5: “Import CMTSs” on page 95.60 Rev. Chapter 4: Global SDE parameters 94 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. including how to set a CMTS XML description file to accompany the CSV file.Import CMTSs This chapter provides instructions for configuring large numbers of CMTSs and their related maps to the system in a single action using the Import/Export CMTSs and CMTS Maps feature. This step is required only if the SDE policy server will be used to apply Fairshare actions 5 • • • . The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Import CMTSs/CMTS maps overview” on page 96 — explains the Import CMTS option and outlines the different steps in the procedure “Import CMTSs” on page 97 — explains how to set up a CSV data file and CMTS XML description file and import CMTS lists “Importing CMTS lists” on page 107 “Import CMTS maps” on page 109 — explains how to import CMTS map lists from a CSV file. For instructions regarding how to manually configure individual CMTSs to the system. C04 July 8. However. the actual import should be performed after configuring the SDE clusters for services.Chapter 5: Import CMTSs Import CMTSs/CMTS maps overview The Import CMTS and Import CMTS Maps options allow operators to configure large numbers of CMTSs and their related maps to the system in a single action by importing them from CSV files containing the attributes for each CMTS being imported. see Appendix C: “Manually configuring CMTSs” on page 155. This feature facilitates the configuration process by eliminating the need to manually configure every CMTS using the EMS or the EMS command line interface. 96 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Note: The Import CMTS Maps option is required only when the SDE policy server will be used to apply Fairshare actions. 2010 05-00095-C04 . The files necessary for the import can be prepared in advance.60 Rev. You can create a single CSV data file for the site. see “Importing CMTS lists” on page 107. 2010 97 . Create an XML description file that explains each of the attributes in each CMTS that will be imported. Create a dedicated folder on the SDE machine from which you are running the EMS (the machine on which you are using the Web browser). Create one or more CSV data files for the CMTSs provisioned to the site. The corresponding XML file provides metadata about each column in the CSV files. see “CSV data file” on page 100. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Create one or more CSV files containing the attributes for each CMTS being imported. Make sure that each column matches the appropriate Index ID in the XML file. 4. The steps for performing the Import CMTS or Import CMTS Maps process are as follows: 1. • At a minimum.Import CMTSs Import CMTSs In order to import a list of CMTSs or CMTS maps from a CSV data file. For information. and then build the CSV files according to the XML file. They all MUST follow the same template. For instructions. only the IP (Ip attribute) and vendor ( attribute) of each CMTS is required in the XML and CSV files. CMTS XML description file The CSV files contain a list of all the CMTSs you are importing. Import the CSV and XML files using the Import CMTS List feature. They also contain the required values for each CMTS’s IPDR sessions. Save the CSV and XML files to the folder. 2. see “CMTS XML description file” on page 97. It is recommended that you create the XML file first to define the specific attributes (and their corresponding column). The DOCSIS type also is required for non- Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. Save both files in the directory of your choice on the machine from which you are running or connecting to the Web EMS. you need to create an XML file that provides metadata about each column in the CSV files that you also will create. 5. along with the attributes you want to configure for these CMTSs. 3. as defined in the XML description file you create for the process. including the metadata and parameters for the CMTSs’ IPDR sessions. or one for each edge service or CMTS. For instructions. the Service attribute must appear before the VipId attribute. SnmpCollection and IpdrCollection attributes. the XML and CSV files also must define the value for the CollectOnly. If DOCSIS 2. the DocsisVersion parameter must be defined for DOCSIS 2.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CmtsView> <Index id="0">IsEnabled</Index> <Index id="1">CmtsLabel</Index> <Index id="2">Id</Index> <Index id="3">Ip</Index> <Index id="4">IpdrIP</Index> <Index id="5">SnmpIP</Index> <Index id="6">IpdrRecordIP</Index> <Index id="7">Port</Index> <Index id="8">CmtsVendor</Index> <Index id="9">CmtsKATimeout</Index> <Index id="10">RksId</Index> <Index id="11">Service</Index> <Index id="12">VipId</Index> <Index id="13">CmtsJitter</Index> 98 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.Chapter 5: Import CMTSs DOCSIS 3. it is recommended that you assign each CMTS a unique ID (Id attribute).0 CMTSs. If the system contains more than 1 edge service or more than 1 VIP for the edge service. Depending on the specific Fairshare configuration. see “CMTS and IPDR session attributes” on page 101. see Appendix D: “Example XML description files for CMTS import” on page 171.0 (‘20’). or the DOCSIS 3. separated by the IPDRSessions tag. When these attributes are defined.0 CMTSs are used. Available CMTS attributes The XML file below displays all available CMTS attribute fields that can be included in the XML file and corresponding CSV file. depending on your system’s configuration. For deployments using IPDR collection. C04 July 8.0 CMTSs will send SAMIS IPDR data to the SDE (as opposed to SAMIS-TYPE-1). • If you also will be importing CMTS maps. Otherwise. you also must define the edge service and VIP for each CMTS. each CMTS will default to the first edge service and edge VIP defined in the system. <?xml version="1. • • • • The only other requirement is that the index IDs must match the columns in the CSV file. All other values will fall back to the defaults defined in the system. the IPDR session parameters are defined after all CMTS parameters. For an explanation of each of the attributes and possible values. This unique ID is used to identify the CMTS when importing ranges or subnets. Note: To see sample XML description files for different Fairshare deployment types. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. <?xml version="1. This tag also indicates the number of IPDR sessions added to the current CMTS.60 Rev. the import won’t work. IPDR session definitions IPDR sessions are configured in the CMTS XML and CSV files and are imported with the CMTSs in a single action.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CmtsView> <Index id="0"> CmtsLabel </Index> <Index id="1"> Ip </Index> <Index id="2"> IPDRSessions </Index> <IPDRSessionParams> <Index id=“3">SessionName</Index> <Index id=“4">DocsisType</Index> <Index id=“5">SessionId</Index> <Index id=“6">ConnectionMode</Index> <Index id=“7">SessionType</Index> <Index id=“8">Port</Index> </IPDRSessionParams> </CmtsView> In the CSV file. Define the IPDR attribute fields at the end of the XML file. indicating that 2 IPDR sessions are defined for the CMTS. separated by a comma. The following XML file displays a sample XML file with the minimum CMTS parameters and one IPDR session.Import CMTSs <Index id="14">CmtsUPDelay</Index> <Index id="15">CmtsDownDelay</Index> <Index id="16">RCGap</Index> <Index id="17">CollectOnly</Index> <Index id="18">community</Index> <Index id="19">AllSubnets</Index> <Index id="20">SnmpCollection</Index> <Index id="21">IpdrCollection</Index> <Index id="22">CmtsUpstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="23">CmtsdDownstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="26">DocsisVersion</Index> <Index id="27">EnableFile</Index> </CmtsView> Caution: If the Service attribute is not listed before the VipID. 2010 99 . The values for each session are listed one after another. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. the IPDRSessions attribute might be assigned a value of 2. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. using the IPDRSessions tag to separate them from the CMTS fields. Chapter 5: Import CMTSs For example, for two IPDR sessions, the values might be defined in the CSV file as: session_1,CPE-TYPE,24,CMTS,Event,1432,session_2,SAMIS-TYPE-1,22,CMTS,Event, 1432 For an explanation of each of the IPDR session attributes and their possible values, see “CMTS and IPDR session attributes” on page 101. CSV data file Each row in the CSV file defines the attributes for a specific CMTS. Each column in the CSV file corresponds to a specific index ID (CMTS attribute) defined in the XML description file. The CSV file columns are listed in the same order as the XML description file index IDs so that each consecutive CSV column maps to the next index ID in the XML description file. For example: • • • CSV column A = <Index id="0"> CSV column B = <Index id="1"> CSV column C = <Index id="2"> The following figure displays the attributes contained in a sample CSV file for five CMTSs, while the accompanying sample XML file illustrates how these columns correspond to CMTS attributes. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CmtsView> <Index id ="0">IsEnabled</Index> <Index id ="1">CmtsLabel</Index> <Index id ="2">Id</Index> <Index id ="3">Ip</Index> </CmtsView> In the above example, the Index ID explains which column of the CSV file is mapped to each CMTS attribute: • • • • Index id = 0, IsEnabled is mapped to column A. Index id = 1, CmtsLabel is mapped to column B (and used to identify the CMTS when importing CMTS map ranges or subnets). Index id = 2, Id is mapped to column C. Index id = 3, Ip is mapped to column D. 100 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 Import CMTSs CMTS and IPDR session attributes The following table describes the CMTS and IPDR session attributes that may be included in the CSV file. Table 18: Attributes for CMTS import Description Determines whether the CMTS is enabled. CMTS name, as it appears in the EMS Unique ID of the CMTS Physical IP address or FQDN of the CMTS. If the SDE connects to the SPB for data collections and/ or Fairshare enforcement, the format must match the format (IP or FQDN) used to define CMTSs in the SPB. When the SDE initiates the IPDR/ SP connection, the IP address the SDE uses to connect to the CMTS to receive IPDR data, if different than the CMTS IP. If the CMTS or external relay initiates the connection, this is the IP value contained in initiatorId field of the CONNECT message. If the IPDR IP is empty, the value of the CMTS IP is used. The IP address the SDE uses to connect to the CMTS to receive SNMP data, if different from the IP address defined above for the CMTS. Used for all deployment types The IP address sent by the CMTS in the IPDR record’s CMTSipAddress field, if different from the IP address defined above for the CMTS. Use this IP when the CMTS or external relay Attribute IsEnabled / IsDisabled CmtsLabel Value to Define Disabled/ Enabled Default Value Enabled <alphanumeric> CMTS_<X> Id Ip numeric < > or alphanumeric --- IpdrIP < > -- SnmpIP < > -- IpdrRecordIP < > -- Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 101 Chapter 5: Import CMTSs Attribute Description sends IPDR data to the SDE using file mode. If the IPDR Record IP is not configured, the SDE by default uses the IPDR IP. If no IPDR IP is configured, either, the SDE uses the CMTS IP for the IPDR data. Value to Define Default Value Port CMTS COPS port number . Used only with the SDE policy server CMTS vendor: Cisco, BigBand, Motorola, Arris, Relay (used for third-party IPDR collectors) Keep Alive Timeout in sec. between the CMTS and PS. Optimize the value (30s) according to the CMTS’s status. Used only with the SDE policy server The RKS linked to this CMTS. Optional parameter used only with the SDE policy server Name of the edge service connected to the CMTS, as defined in the cmxServices.xml file Edge VIP that the selected service uses to connect to the CMTS Minimum jitter guarantee capacity. Used only with the SDE policy server Minimum delay on the cable modem. Used only with the SDE policy server Minimum delay on the CMTS. Used only with the SDE policy server Time interval in ms that the SDE waits before forwarding the next usually ‘3918’ (the standard) <Vendor name> 3918 CmtsVendor -- CmtsKATimeout 0 = no time 1 - 4294967295 -- RksId -- None Service <alphanumeric> Edge Service VipId < > -- CmtsJitter 0 - 4294967296 200 CmtsUPDelay 0 - 4294967296 30 CmtsDownDelay 0 - 4294967296 200 RCGap 0 = disables the rate limit feature, 0 102 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 (Use this setting when setting up the relay from third-party IPDR collectors. This parameter is used only when the SDE is set to SNMP collection (the default) in the L2 Topology parameters. No: SDE doesn't collect SNMP data. Accuracy is ± 5 ms. Used only with the SDE policy server Value to Define no delay. 2010 103 . No community The SNMP community used for CMTS Discovery on this CMTS Determines whether the discovery process discovers all CMTSs subnets.60 Rev. Yes Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Min delay range = 20 ms to 2^31-1.) Yes: SDE collects IPDR data from the CMTS or SPB statistics. ‘Default’ or <alphanumeric> Yes: Discovers all subnets No: Discovers only those subnets belonging to a DOCSIS MAC layer Yes: SDE collects SNMP data from the CMTS. No: The SDE collects both IPDR and/or SNMP data from and sends policies to the CMTS using the SDE policy server Yes: The SDE only collects IPDR and/ or SNMP data from the CMTS. Optional parameter used only with the SDE policy server Default AllSubnets No SnmpCollection Determines whether the SDE collects SNMP data from the CMTS. Yes IpdrCollection Determines whether the SDE collects IPDR or SPB data. Default Value CollectOnly Determines whether the SDE connects to the CMTS as a policy server.Import CMTSs Attribute Description gate command. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Use this setting for deployments using an external policy server or only the PTS to apply Fairshare actions. 2010 05-00095-C04 . or CPE-TYPE 1 . select ‘DOCSIS 2’. this parameter must be set to ‘Yes’.1 20 = 2.0 30 = 3.0. DOCSIS version supported by the CMTS: DOCSIS 3.100 80 CmtsDownstreamCongestion 1 . Enables the IPDR collector to write the CMTS’s IPDR records to file. C04 July 8. When using the outbound IPDR relay function. DOCSIS 2.Chapter 5: Import CMTSs Attribute Description Value to Define No: The CMTS only sends COPS messages and SNMP data Default Value CmtsUpstreamConge stion Percentage of the upstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested Percentage of the downstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested Default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS upstream interface in an IPDR record.100 80 IfSpeedUpstreamDef ault All positive values are accepted. or DOCSIS 1.60 Rev. This parameter is used for IPDR data collection. SAMIS.0 30 EnableFile Yes = writes to file No = doesn’t write to file No IPDRSessions SessionName <numeric> <alphanumeric> (maximum length of 50) SAMIS-TYPE-1 CPE-TYPE SAMIS 1 IPDR Session_1 -- DocsisType 104 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. even if the CMTS is DOCSIS 3. Default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS downstream interface an the IPDR record. 10240000 IfSpeedDownstream Default DocsisVersion All positive values are accepted. If the CMTS will send SAMIS data to the SDE. 42884296 11 = 1. Indicates the number of IPDR sessions added to the CMTS Optional name assigned to the IPDR session type for identification purposes Defines the type of data sent to the SDE: SAMIS-TYPE-1. Ad Hoc: The IPDR closes the session between the intervals at which the CMTS sends the data (Server connection mode only). and the SDE treats the IPDR data in the same manner as if it were received directly from the CMTS. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 105 . according to the CMTS’s configuration: Time Interval Port The SDE port used when the CMTS sends data over SP (Client connection mode only) 4737 Importing CMTSs when using inbound IPDR relay When the SDE receives IPDR data from an external IPDR collector rather than directly from the CMTSs. Event: An event serves as the trigger for the CMTS to send the data. the collector initiates an IPDR connection to the SDE.65535 SDE SessionType Determines the type of IPDR flow. according to the CMTS’s configuration: Value to Define 0 .255 1 Default Value ConnectionMode CMTS: the IPDR waits for the CMTS to initiate sessions. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. SDE: the SDE initiates the connection. Time Interval: The CMTS sends IPDR data at intervals.Import CMTSs Attribute SessionId Description Unique ID that must match the IPDR Session ID configured on the CMTS Defines whether the SDE or CMTS initiates the IPDR sessions. 1025 .60 Rev. The XML and CSV files for the CMTS import must contain the following attributes specific to this deployment type: Note: No other configurations are required on the SDE for the inbound IPDR relay. include the IpdrRecordIP parameter. SAMIS. Use the SnmpCollection attribute and set the value of the attribute to ‘Yes’. The relay uses the IpdrIp value to fill the initiatorId field of the CONNECT message instead of the CMTS’s IP address. The parameter should match the CMTSipAddress field that the relay fills for the particular CMTS. If the relay will send the IPDR data using file mode. Include the DOCSISType attribute and define the type of data sent for each CMTS (SAMIS-TYPE-1. • • • • • • • • 106 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. Use the attribute and set its value to ’Yes’. include the IpdrIP field. Include the ConnectionMode tag and set the value to ‘CMTS’. Include the IPDRSessions tag and define the IPDR sessions: The SessionName attribute is option. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Chapter 5: Import CMTSs • If the relay will send the IPDR data using an IPDR/SP connection. Include the SessionId and SessionType attributes and define their values according to the configurations on the relay.60 Rev. or CPE-TYPE). right-click CMTS List and select Import CMTSs from CSV file. Set the path for the CSV and corresponding XML file to be imported.Importing CMTS lists Importing CMTS lists Note: Prior to importing a CMTS list. an error message appears on the EMS. Import errors If an error occurs during the CMTS import procedure. 3. 2010 . This message refers you to the EMS log for a list of CMTSs that were not imported successfully. verify that a CMTS XML description file has been created that provides metadata about the CSV data file. Import CMTS List dialog box 2. Repeat the procedure for each CSV file you need to import.60 Rev. The CMTSs appear in the CMTS List > CMTS tree in the Configurations tree. 4. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. To import a CMTS list: 1. Click Import. Validated fields are: • • • • • • IsEnabled ServiceID VipId CollectOnly community IpdrRecordIP 107 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. In the Configurations tree of the SDE EMS. The Import CMTS List dialog box appears. Errors are reported only for fields that are validated during the import process. Note: When viewing the SDE system through the EMS using Status > SDE System. and then maximize it. even though the correct number of CMTSs is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. the correct number of CMTSs is displayed. 2010 05-00095-C04 . To display all CMTSs in the CMTS tree.g. 108 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev.g. resize the EMS window using the mouse. the EMS displays only the first 99 CMTSs in the CMTS list > CMTS Tree..C:\Program Files\EMS \SDE_EMS Linux EMS: /opt/SDE/SDE_EMS/ Viewing CMTSs in the EMS following import When 100 or more CMTSs are configured to the system in a single import.Chapter 5: Import CMTSs • • • SnmpIp SnmpCollection IpdrCollection The EMS log is created on the machine from which you are running the EMS at the following location: • • • Mozilla Firefox: Firefox installation folder (e. C04 July 8. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox) Windows EMS: Windows EMS installation folder (e.. Import CMTS maps Import CMTS maps The Import CMTS Maps feature enables you to import subscriber maps for the CMTSs you import using the Import CMTS feature. When this feature is used, you do not need to manually define the maps for a long list of imported CMTSs when the SDE enforces Fairshare using its internal policy server. The Import CMTS Maps feature supports both subnets and ranges. It is enough to define either the CMTS’s range or the subnet, but you can define multiple ranges and subnets for the same CMTS depending on your system’s requirements as long as they don’t conflict with each other. Prior to importing CMTS maps, you must create a CMTS map XML description file that provides metadata about the CSV data file. Separate XML and CSV files must be created for importing ranges or subnets. Create one XML file for ranges and one XML file for subnets, but as many CSV files as required to import the different ranges and/or subnets for each CMTS. Caution: You can import CMTS maps only after importing their related CMTSs. When the SDE collects subscriber data from the SPB, you must configure the IP exclusions for MTA and CPE IP addresses prior to importing subnets or ranges for a CMTS. For information regarding IP exclusions, see “IP exclusions” on page 117. CMTS maps XML description file The EMS supports two CSV files for CMTS maps: a range file and a subnet file. In order to import the CMTS maps from either of these files, you first must create a CMTS map XML description file that provides metadata about the CSV data file. This file resides on the EMS machine in the directory of your choice. Sample subnet file The following is a sample XML file for map subnets. The MapID attribute in column 0 is mapped to the MapID for the corresponding CMTS. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <MapDescription> <General> <Type>Subnet</Type> <Index id="0">Id</Index> </General> <Subnet> <Index id="1">Net</Index> <Index id="2">Mask</Index> </Subnet> </MapDescription> Where Id (Index ID 0) is the unique ID of the CMTS as specified in the CMTS CSV file. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 109 Chapter 5: Import CMTSs The following sample CSV file contains a single subnet for the CMTS corresponding to MapID 1 and three subnets corresponding to MapID 2 (shown in column 0). Sample CMTS map subnet CSV file Sample range file The CSV file for map ranges closely resembles the file for map subnets. However, the XML file contains different fields, as shown in the sample map range XML file, below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <MapDescription> <General> <Type>Range</Type> <Index id="0">Id</Index> </General> <Range> <Index id="1">FirstIP</Index> <Index id="2">LastIP</Index> </Range> </MapDescription> Where Id (Index ID 0) is the unique ID of the CMTS as specified in the CMTS CSV file. Map import process To import CMTS maps: 1. In the Configurations tree, select CMTS List, then click the arrow next to Import/Export on the toolbar and select Import CMTS Maps from CSV file. Or, in the Configurations tree, right-click CMTS List and select Import CMTS Maps from CSV file. The Import CMTS Maps dialog box appears. 110 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 Import CMTS maps Import CMTS Maps dialog box 2. Set the path for the CSV and XML files. 3. Click Import. The CMTS maps appear under the corresponding CMTS in the CMTS list. Next step: If your Fairshare system includes SPB data collection or PTS enforcement, see Chapter 6: “Configuring SPB connections” on page 113 Otherwise see Chapter 7: “Configuring additional network elements to the system” on page 123 for instructions on configuring third-party network elements to the system for use with non-Fairshare PCMM or Chapter 8: “SNMP” on page 131 for instructions on configuring the connection to the SNMP trap receiver. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 111 C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev.Chapter 5: Import CMTSs 112 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Instructions are provided for both configuring the SPB for subscriber data collection and for applying Fairshare actions by setting PTS attributes. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “SPB configuration overview” on page 114 — explains the SPB and how it is used in the Fairshare system “IP exclusions” on page 117 — explains how to exclude MTA and CPE IPs relayed by SPBs during data collection from the Fairshare database “SPB configuration process” on page 119 — provides instructions for configuring the Sandvine SPB to the SDE 6 • • .Configuring SPB connections This chapter provides detailed instructions for configuring SPBs to the system. Chapter 6: Configuring SPB connections SPB configuration overview The SDE can connect to the Subscriber Policy Broker (SPB) both to collect subscriber traffic data in order to make Fairshare decisions and to apply Fairshare actions by setting subscriber attributes in the PTS.60 Rev. two SPBs are configured to the system. Many edge services can be mapped to the same SPB. one for data collection (Collector Edge Services List) and one for Fairshare enforcement (Enforcement Edge Services List). 2010 05-00095-C04 . many edge services can be mapped to the same SPB for data collection. Each SPB collects data for two SDE clusters. The following diagrams depict the different ways the SPB is connected for the two different uses. each SDE cluster’s edge service is mapped to an SPB for data collection and/or Fairshare enforcement. each cluster’s edge service is configured to one SPB for collection. Each cluster connects to the SPB using the VIP configured for the edge service. many edge services—and their clusters—can be mapped to the same SPB. 114 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. and each cluster connects to only one SPB. For subscriber data collection. The SDE also uses a cluster’s edge VIP to connect to the SPB for PTS Fairshare enforcement. each edge service is mapped to only one SPB. and each cluster sets PTS attributes through the same SPB. However. The type of SDE deployment determines the manner in which edge services are mapped to the SPB to apply Fairshare actions using the PTS: • When data collection is through the SPB and Fairshare actions are applied through the PTS. and only one SPB is configured to each service. each edge service is configured to the same SPB for both collection and enforcement. In the first diagram. C04 July 8. but can be configured to many SPBs for Fairshare enforcement. When data collection is through IPDR and Fairshare actions are applied through the PTS. Again. The attribute used to apply a Fairshare action is set only on the SPB containing the subscriber’s data. After the SPBs are configured to the system. • Two mappings are created. SPB configuration overview 1 2 Cluster 1 Edg eS erv ice 1 3 4 Cluster 2 e Servic Edge 2 1 5 6 Cluster 3 E dge Serv ic e3 2 Edg eS er 4 v ic e 7 8 Cluster 4 SDE configured for SPB data collection with PTS enforcement The second diagram is for deployments that collect data using IPDR and apply Fairshare through the PTS. Request to set an attribute are sent to both SPBs. Two SPBs are configured to the system. 2010 115 . but only the SPB containing the subscriber’s data acts on it. both are connected to all SDE clusters.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.60 Rev.Chapter 6: Configuring SPB connections 1 2 Cluster 1 Ed ge Se r vi ce 1 3 4 Cluster 2 e2 Edge Servic ge Ed er S 3 ice erv 1 ce vi 1 Ed ge 6 Cluster 3 Edge Ser vice 3 Ed ge S er v 5 ic e eS Se Edg rv i ce 2 4 2 7 8 Cluster 4 e4 e rvic eS Edg SDE configured for SPBs used for PTS Fairshare enforcement only (IPDR collection) 116 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Exclude IPs ranges and IPs through the IP Settings > IP Exclusions node of the EMS. In the Configurations tree. This enables you to exclude MTA and CPE IP addresses—as well as any other IP addresses that should be excluded (for example. The PTS collects subscriber data for each MAC address.IP exclusions IP exclusions Before configuring SPBs to the system. All non-MTA and non-CPE IPs that should be excluded from the Active_Users table also need to be excluded at this phase. This usually is when the SPB is first configured to the system or new ranges of MTA or CPE IP addresses are added to the subscriber network. New IP dialog box 3. Each MAC address can contain multiple IPs: MTA. Type in the IP address of the IP address you want to exclude. open IP Settings > IP Exclusions. transponder IPs)—from the subscriber data collected from the SPB and entered in the Fairshare database Active_Users table. CPE. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Excluding individual IPs To exclude individual IPs from the active users: 1. which the SPB sends to the SDE when Fairshare is configured for SPB data collection.60 Rev. 2010 117 . The New IP dialog box appears. MTA and CPE IPs addresses must be excluded before the SDE begins to collect data from the SPB for any IP range or MAC address. 2. only the CM IP address is required because the Fairshare Engine applies Fairshare actions on this IP. However. and cable modem (CM) IP addresses. you must configure the IP exclusions in the SDE. Right-click IP List and select Add New IP. New Subnet dialog box 3. In the Configurations tree. 4. The New Subnet dialog box appears. 118 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each IP address you want to add to the list.60 Rev.Chapter 6: Configuring SPB connections 4. Click OK. 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Click OK. Define the IP address and mask of the subnet you want to exclude. open IP Settings > IP Exclusions. Right-click Subnet List and select Add New Subnet. Excluding subnets To exclude a subnet from the active users: 1. 5. 2. C04 July 8. Repeat steps 2-4 for each subnet you want to add to the list. 2010 119 . 6.60 Rev. In the Configurations tree. The default database is ‘sv_stat’. In the IP field. • Configuring the SPB to the SDE To configure the SPB: 1.SPB configuration process SPB configuration process For each SPB that will be used in the deployment. 4. In the SPB Password field. The defaults may be used for Database user name. Map the edge service configured for each SDE cluster to SPBs to define the SPB’s Fairshare roles. the configuration process is as follows: • • Configure the SPB to the system. Fairshare actions. See “Configuring the SPB to the SDE” on page 119. See “Mapping edge services to SPBs” on page 120. Click OK. create SPB policies in order to define the active users in the Fairshare database. See SPB policies. 5. type the password used to log into the SPB database and Web service. Define the database for storing the SBP data. SPB user name and SPB Port. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. type the IP address of the SPB being configured to the SDE. New SPB dialog box 2. This is the name of the database in the SPB. or both. Type in the name of the SPB. 7. For each SPB that will collect subscriber data. right-click SPB List and select Add SPB. 3. The SPB appears in the SPB list. The mapping defines whether the SPBs will be used for data collection. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.The New SPB dialog box appears. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Chapter 6: Configuring SPB connections SPB parameters Table 19: SPB parameters Description Name of the SPB configured to the system IP address of the SPB User name for accessing the database through the Web service Password used to connect to the SPB database and Web service Port the SDE uses to communicate with the SPB Time zone in which the SPB is located GMT Attribute Name IP SPB user name Default Value SPB_1 -spbadmin SPB Password sandvine SPB Port SPB Time Zone 8081 Mapping edge services to SPBs To define how each SPB is used in the system. 120 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. you can map each edge service to only one SPB’s Collector Edge Services List. This maps each SDE cluster to many SPBs for setting PTS attributes. SPB edge services lists While each list can contain many edge services. This is the edge service that the SDE cluster uses to collect data from the SPB. you can map each edge service to as many SPBs as are configured in the system.60 Rev. designate the purpose of each edge service that will be used to communicate with the SPB by mapping it to the Collector Edge Services List and/or Enforcement Edge Services List located under each SPB node in the EMS. For enforcement purposes. C04 July 8. The New Edge Service dialog box appears. 2. right click Enforcement Edge Services List. Next. 4. To map more than one edge service to the SPB’s Enforcement Edge Services List. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Next step: Proceed to Chapter 7: “Configuring additional network elements to the system” on page 123 for instructions on configuring third-party network elements for use with non-Fairshare PCMM or Chapter 8: “SNMP” on page 131 for instructions on configuring the connection to the SNMP trap receiver. In the EMS Configurations tree > SPB List. From the drop-down list. To map an edge service to the SPB for collection purposes right click Collector Edge Services List. New Edge Service dialog box 3. To map edge services to the SPB for enforcement purposes. open the SPB to which you want to map the edge service.60 Rev. 2010 121 . repeat steps 2-3.SPB configuration process To map edge services to SPBs: 1. select the edge service you want to map to the SPB. select Add Edge Service from the menu. 60 Rev.Chapter 6: Configuring SPB connections 122 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8. Configuring additional network elements to the system This chapter provides detailed instructions for configuring the additional third-party network elements that can optionally connect to the SDE system when the SDE policy server is used. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Application managers” on page 124 — provides step-by-step instructions for configuring external application managers to the SDE “Application servers” on page 126 — provides step-by-step instructions for configuring application servers to the SDE “Record Keeping Servers (RKSs)” on page 127 — provides step-by-step instructions for optionally configuring RKSs to the SDE 7 • • Chapter 7: Configuring additional network elements to the system Application managers Note: For use when the SDE policy server is deployed for end-to-end QoS. Application managers are devices that interface to PCMM policy servers using PCMM COPS to request QoS-based service for applications on behalf of an end user or network management system. These include PCMM-compliant session border controllers and softswitches. The SDE accepts gates only from third-party AMs configured to the system. This provides an added level of security. Each AM is linked to a border service and assigned a VIP during configuration. The border service supports the COPS connection from the AM, and the SDE listens to the AM using the specified VIP. To configure an application manager: 1. In the Configurations tree, right-click AM List; then select Add Application Manager. The New AM dialog box appears. New AM dialog box 2. Define the AM’s ID, as defined by PCMM. 3. Define the AM’s IP address or FQDN. 4. Define the service to which it is connected and the listening VIP. All other attributes are optional. The operator may optionally disable or re-enable the AM. When an AM is disabled, it is as if it is not defined in the system. The SDE does not accept any gate commands from the AM; nor will it send any alarms on the component. 124 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8, 2010 05-00095-C04 Application managers 5. The Label value defines the name of the AM as it appears in the AM List. 6. Click OK. The AM appears in the AM List. Application manager parameters Table 20: AM attributes Description Determines whether the AM is enabled. When an AM is disabled, it is as if it is not defined in the system. The SDE does not accept any gate commands from the AM, nor will it send any alarms on the component. Identity of the AM as defined by PCMM (included in all COPS messages) AM label IP address or FQDN of the AM The specific service to which the AMs connects The VIP the selected service uses to listen to the AM AM Vendor Attribute Enabled/Disabled Default Value Enabled AMID* -- Label IP or FQDN* Service* Listening VIP* AM_1 localhost Border Service -- Vendor none Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8, 2010 125 3. WSAM creates a new session with given ID. To configure an application server: 1. If AS sends context ID. The AS appears in the Application Servers list. Click OK. WSAM creates new session with new ID Attributes AS Username Default Value AS_1 Generate ContextId Both 126 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. Application server parameters Table 21: Application server attributes Description Application server’s user name. then select Add Application Server. right-click Application Servers.60 Rev.Chapter 7: Configuring additional network elements to the system Application servers Note: For use when the SDE policy server is deployed for end-to-end QoS. as defined in system AS: AS generates its own ID (used for stateless application server) WSAM: WSAM generates the context ID Both: WSAM searches for context ID. Define the application server’s user name. If AS doesn’t send contect ID. In the Configurations tree. 2010 05-00095-C04 . New AS dialog box 2. The New AS dialog box appears. but context ID not found. Optionally redefine the RKS’s attributes according to the RKS Values table. 2010 127 .Record Keeping Servers (RKSs) Record Keeping Servers (RKSs) Note: For use when the SDE policy server is deployed for end-to-end QoS. Use of the RKS is optional. then select Add Primary/Secondary RKS. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. To configure an RKS: 1. The RKS appears in the RKS Servers list. You can define up to two RKSs (primary and secondary) for each CMTS. but the same RKS also may be used for many CMTSs. New RKS dialog box 2. In the Configurations tree. The New Primary/ Secondary RKS dialog box appears.60 Rev. The New RKS dialog box appears. Right-click the RKS. The Record Keeping Server (RKS) stores event messages generated by the CMTS and SDE regarding volume-based and time-based usage information. right-click RKS Servers and select Add RKS. 3. 4. Click OK. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . No: non-default CMTS Yes: default CMTS. The Port parameter is optional. Attributes Label Vendor Default Default RKS_1 none No Retry Number 3 Retry Time Interval (ms) 500 128 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. repeat steps 4-6 above.Chapter 7: Configuring additional network elements to the system New Primary RKS dialog box 5. Define the RKS’s IP or FQDN. 7. continue on to Chapter 8: “SNMP” on page 131 to optionally configure the SNMP trap.60 Rev. RKS parameters Table 22: RKS values Desciption RKS label Vendor of the RKS RKS to which event messages are routed if the CMTS isn’t linked to an RKS. Number of times the PS retries to send an Event Message to the RKS in case of an error. Next step: After configuring the RKSs to the system. C04 July 8. Waiting time in ms between retries when sending an Event Message. Click OK. 6. It is recommended that you also define the Shared Secret. To create a secondary RKS. 2010 129 . Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.60 Rev.Record Keeping Servers (RKSs) Table 23: RKS primary/secondary parameters Description IP address or FQDN of the RKS RADIUS accounting port RADIUS authentication secret (recommended) Attribute IP or FQDN* Port Shared Secret Default Value localhost 1813 0000000000000000 (0 x 16) Note: Parameters in the above table marked with with an ‘*’ require configuration. C04 July 8.60 Rev.Chapter 7: Configuring additional network elements to the system 130 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . The following topics are included in this chapter: • • .SNMP 8 “SNMP agent” on page 132 — explains the SDE SNMP agent and how to change its community “Configuring trap receivers” on page 133 — explains how to configure the SDE to send alarm notifications to an external trap receiver This chapter explains the SNMP agent and how to optionally configure the trap receivers so that external NOCs can receive SDE alarms. using the SDE SNMP agent. such as notification that a network element is disconnected. The structure and parameters in each message depend on the type of notification message sent. When trap receivers are configured to the system.Chapter 8: SNMP SNMP agent The SDE system provides SDE-specific fault notifications via SNMP. You can change the SDE’s RO and RW communities through the SDE general parameters in the EMS. 2010 05-00095-C04 . the SDE SNMP agent forwards alarm information to external NOCs using different interfaces. The read-write community is ‘svPrivate’. The SDE supports SNMP v2c.60 Rev.s 132 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8. The SNMP community for retrieving information is ‘svPublic’. 4. New Trap Receiver dialog box 3.60 Rev. The trap receiver appears in the Trap Receivers list. To configure the trap receiver: 1. open SNMP. Right-click Trap Receivers. 2. Click OK. then select Add Trap Receiver. 2010 133 . C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. For a trap receiver to receive these alarm notifications.Configuring trap receivers Configuring trap receivers The SNMP alarm notification system can send alarms to external trap receivers. The New Trap Receiver dialog box appears. SNMP parameters Table 24: SNMP parameters Description Identifying name of the trap receiver IP of the machine receiving the traps generated by the SDE SNMP community Version of SNMP being used Attribute Label IP Default Value TrapReceiver1 -- Community SNMP Version public 2c Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. you must configure it in the SDE. Define the values for the trap receiver. In the Configurations tree. 134 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. continue on to Chapter 9: “Reports” on page 135 to configure the system for stability monitoring reports. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.Chapter 8: SNMP Next step: After configuring trap receivers. The following topics are included in this chapter: • • .Reports 9 “Reports overview” on page 136 — describes the types and frequency of reports the SDE generates “Configuring SDE nodes for reports” on page 137 — explains how to configure the nodes to create reports This chapter explains the SDE stability monitoring function. which enables operators to monitor the performance of each SDE machine. CPU and hard drive usage.Chapter 9: Reports Reports overview The Reports option enables operators to view each SDE node's stability.60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 . The SDE stability monitoring function collects data on system memory. The SDE creates two types of reports: • • Report log Graphs in JPEG format. and monthly status reports in the form of logs and graphs. as well as on gate and session traffic on the SDE node. weekly. broken out by data type. 136 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. reliability. and creates daily. C04 July 8. The monthly reports are generated at 23:50 on the last day of each month and are a summary of system performance for the month. and availability in real time through the EMS when Fairshare is applied using PCMM. Weekly reports are generated each Saturday night at 23:50 and are a summary of system performance for the week. that enhance the operator's understanding of the system's behavior: • • • • • Gate and session traffic for each system node PS process CPU and memory activity (internal PS only) PS gate and memory consumption in KB (internal PS only) WSAM CPU and memory activity WSAM session and memory consumption in KB System reports are generated each day at exactly 23:50. 2010 137 . 3. The Add SDE Report View dialog box appears. For instructions regarding how to configure these external elements for the SDE. you may need to perform additional configurations on the network elements connected to the system. To configure a node for reports: 1. Select the node you want to monitor.Configuring SDE nodes for reports Configuring SDE nodes for reports Prior to viewing reports in the EMS. For information on configuring the Fairshare application within the SDE. see the SDE Fairshare Solution Guide.60 Rev. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Add SDE Report View dialog box 2. right-click Reports and select Add SDE Report View. Click OK. you must configure each SDE node in the system for reports. However. see Appendix B: “External configuration procedures” on page 153. In the Configurations tree. Mission accomplished: The SDE system is now fully installed and configured. Chapter 9: Reports 138 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 . NetPortal 10 “NetPortal overview” on page 140 — describes the NetPortal “NetPortal installation” on page 141 — explains how to install and configure the SDE software on the NetPortal machines “Configuring the NetPortal services” on page 142 — gives instructions for configuring the NetPortal’s management and edge services This chapter provides detailed instructions for installing the NetPortal. The following topics are included in this chapter: • • • . which enables operators to view NetReports from all sites in a multi-site deployment from one central location. The NetPortal connects to the CMTSs or clusters within a site using the cluster’s edge VIP in order to access NetReports. It consists of two SDE machines located in a national data center (NDC).60 Rev. for a specific CMTS or for a specific MAC address. configured in active-standby mode to allow for failover. You can view NetReports by cluster within a specific site. The reports are exactly the same as those accessed using the NetReport application within the data center. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Support Site Rsync/ FTP Internet National Data Center (NDC) Centralized package update server SDE NetPortal HTTP HTTP HTTP HTTP HTTP HTTP Site Site SDE Fairshare Cluster#3 SDE Fairshare Cluster#1 SDE Fairshare Cluster#2 CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS CMTS NetPortal architecture 140 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.Chapter 10: NetPortal NetPortal overview The NetPortal provides a central location for accessing NetReports from all sites in a deployment. C04 July 8. beginning with Chapter 2: “Installing the management cluster” on page 29. Stop and start the Tomcat server: /opt/TOMCAT/bin/shutdown. The SDE Fairshare software is installed on each NetPortal machine. Configure both SDE machines in the NetPortal cluster to run as a NetPortal: a. 3. Set the portal property to ‘true’: central. Both a management and edge VIP are configured for the NetPortal cluster. To install the SDE software on each NetPortal machine: 1.db=false portal=true c.db=false /opt/TOMCAT/bin/ Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.NetPortal installation NetPortal installation The NetPortal installation process closely resembles the installation process for installing SDE clusters within a site. “Installation troubleshooting” on page 44. The edge VIP is used to communicate with the SDE sites and for replication within the NetPortal cluster to ensure high availability. C04 05-00095-C04 July file for editing: vi /opt/TOMCAT/webapps/NetReport/WEB-INF/classes/ conf. Save the file. including all installation verifications and concluding with the troubleshooting steps. 2. Follow the instructions for installing the SDE software on a machine. On the SDE machines. 2010 141 . but the machine is set for NetPortal use. open the /opt/TOMCAT/webapps/NetReport/WEBINF/classes/ b.60 Rev. See “Configuring the edge VIP” on page 51. C04 July 8. See “Attaching services to the new node” on page 61. the NetPortal will use this VIP to communicate with the SDE sites and to replicate the MySQL database between the two nodes. 2.60 Rev. Assign the management service a VIP. In addition to edge functionality. See “Assigning the management VIP” on page 50. See “Attaching services to the new node” on page 61. Edge service To configure the edge service: 1. 2. Management service To configure the management service: 1. 142 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. connect to the SDE EMS and configure the management and edge services. Attach the edge VIP to both nodes for high availability. Attach the management VIP to both nodes for high availability.Chapter 10: NetPortal Configuring the NetPortal services To configure the NetPortal services. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Assign the edge service a VIP. SDE upgrade This chapter provides instructions for upgrading the SDE to the current SDE release. The following topics are included in this chapter: • “Upgrade process” on page 144 — explains the SDE upgrade process 11 . RHN support will be disabled. enter ‘yes’. run the following command: yum -c <INSTALL_PATH>/sv. C04 July 8. The following should appear: iptables 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 6:off Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ] Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat mangle filter [ OK ] Unloading iptables modules: [ OK ] Applying iptables firewall rules: [ OK ] Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n[ OK ] This system is not registered with RHN. 5:on ************************************************************* **** Check if this node is the management node *** ************************************************************* ************************************************************* 144 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The following result should appear: Enter the path of the local repository Enter the path of the Yum local repository. The upgrade process also updates the database and system configurations to the new version.noarch where <INSTALL_PATH> is the path for the yum repository 2. 4. To upgrade the SDE: 1.repos. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Chapter 11: SDE upgrade Upgrade process SDE upgrade enables services providers to upgrade the SDE software from a central location. Run the upgrade script by running the following command: sde_upgrade The following result should appear: To update the components. On the SDE management machine. If you are using the yum repository.d) enter [yes] else if you want to use a local directory enter [no] 3.60 Rev. enter ‘yes’. enter ‘no’. The following result should appear: Do you want to preserve your current iptables settings [yes/ no] If you want to save the current iptables settings (firewall rules). then type Enter.repo –y upgrade SDE_Upgrade. if you want to use the default yum repository (/etc/yum. If you are not using the yum repository. 40 to SDE 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. After the upgrade process is complete. After performing the installation verifications. A detailed upgrade log is located at: /opt/install/svUpgrade_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm. If you are upgrading from a previous SDE stream (e. If you are not using the administrative group ‘sv_admin’ to receive EMS administrator access. if you are using the Windows EMS to manage and monitor to the system. starting Upgrade *** ************************************************************* <GROUP_NAME> Where <GROUP_NAME> is the group name of the administrator. When the upgrade is finished on every machine. it is recommended that you also perform the following upgrade verifications: 1. check the firewall rules: service iptables status 2. install the most recent release of the SDE EMS on the remote machine. 2010 145 fs_admin 3.log.60). run the following command on every SDE node: /opt/SDE/cmd/setSDEGroupAdmin. repeat steps 1-4 above on all other SDE machines while the management machine is running the upgrade. SDE 5.log.. perform the installation verification procedures described in “Installation verifications” on page 41.log. On every SDE node. A log of the upgrade is located at: /opt/install/sde_install_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_min. For example: /opt/SDE/cmd/setSDEGroupAdmin.60 Rev.Upgrade process **** You are in the Management Master node . Post-upgrade procedures Following completion of the upgrade process. if the system is being upgraded to a new SDE stream the following notification appears on all non-management machines: ************************************************************* **** This is not the Master management node then exit *** ************************************************************* For all upgrade types. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 6. See “Windows EMS installation” on page 46. the following notification appears on the management machine when the upgrade is complete: ************************************************************* **** Finish to Upgrade all the System *** ************************************************************* You can verify on each machine that the upgrade was performed properly. A log of the database upgrade is located at: /opt/SDE/logs/svUpgrade_db. clean the cache of the Internet browser prior to connecting to the SDE. 146 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev.Chapter 11: SDE upgrade If you are using the Web EMS. C04 July 8. and for version checks Appendix B: “External configuration procedures” on page 153 — explains the external configuration procedures required on the thirdparty network elements to set up the end-to-end system Appendix C: “Manually configuring CMTSs” on page 155 — provides instructions for configuring CMTSs to the system using the EMS GUI or command line interface Appendix D: “Example XML description files for CMTS import” on page 171 — provides examples of XML description files for importing CMTSs • • • .Appendices This section contains the following appendices: • Appendix A: “Additional install procedures” on page 149 — provides instructions for configuring SSL between the EMS and SDE. C04 July 8.60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Section 1: Appendices • • Appendix E: “Uninstalling the SDE” on page 177 — provides the procedure for uninstalling the SDE software and packages Appendix F: “SDE ports” on page 179 — provides a table of ports used for communications between the SDE and the different system elements 148 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Additional install procedures This appendix describes additional installation procedures that may be required. The following topics are included in this appendix: • “Configuring SSL between EMS and SDE” on page 150 — provides instructions for configuring SSL between the EMS and SDE “Changing the location of the log files” on page 151 — explains how to move the SDE logs to a different partition on the machine “Transferring files to the SDE machine” on page 152 — explains how to transfer files from the client to the SDE machine using secure FTP or SCP A • • . Change the following line: com.Appendix A: Additional install procedures Configuring SSL between EMS and SDE The default protocol used for configuration between the EMS and the SDE system is Rev.use_ssl=true 150 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 .cmx.odsp.agent. This can be changed to RMI over SSL (with encryption) by editing the following file in the SDE: /opt/SDE/SDE_Agent/config/agent_conf.agent.use_ssl=false to: com. C04 July 8. 2010 151 . To change the location of the log files: 1. Create a symlink from /opt/SDE/logs to /var/log/SDE/ by entering the following: ln -s /var/log/SDE logs /opt/SDE/logs 4.60 Rev. run the following command: service sde stop 2. On the SDE machine. Start the SDE: service sde start Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. However.Changing the location of the log files Changing the location of the log files The SDE logs are located by default at /opt/SDE/logs. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. you can optionally move logs to any other location on the machine. Move the /opt/SDE/logs folder to /var/log/SDE by entering the following: mv /opt/SDE/logs /var/log/SDE 3. The following instructions use the example of changing the log location to /var/log/ SDE. SFTP program SFTP (secure file transfer program) is an interactive file transfer program. Synopsis: sftp [-vC1] [-b batchfile] [-o ssh_option] [-s subsystem | sftp_server] [-B buffer_size] [-F ssh_config] [-P sftp_server path] [-R num_requests] [-S program] host sftp [[user@]host[:file [file]]] sftp [[user@]host[:dir[/]]] Example: sftp user@example. Copies between two remote hosts are permitted. Synopsis: scp [-aAqQprvBCL] [-S path-to-ssh] [-o ssh-options] [-P port] [-c cipher] [-i identity][[user@]host1:]filename1.Appendix A: Additional install procedures Transferring files to the SDE machine Files may be transferred from the client to the SDE machine using secure FTP (FTP over SSH) or the SCP program. such as public key authentication and compression. It connects and logs into the specified host and then enters an interactive command mode.. This section contains an example use of each of the two tools. C04 July 8. [[user@]host2:]filename2 Example: scp SourceFile user@host:directory/TargetFile scp user@host:folder/SourceFile TargetFile 152 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. similar to FTP. that performs all operations over an encrypted SSH transport. SFTP may use many features of SCP program Any file name may contain a host and user specification to indicate that the file is to be copied to/from that host..60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 . The following topics are included in this appendix: • “Application Servers” on page 154 — gives instructions for configuring application servers to connect to the SDE B .External configuration procedures This appendix describes the configuration procedures required on external network devices so that they can work in conjunction with the SDE. For detailed instructions. refer to the specific device’s product documentation. For detailed instructions. refer to the specific device’s product documentation. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Appendix B: External configuration procedures Application Servers Following installation and configuration of the SDE. 154 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. configure application servers to send requests to the WSAM. Note: The application servers must also be configured in the SDE in order for the WSAM to communicate with them.60 Rev. To do so. configure the virtual IP of the designated SDE border service in the AS. Manually configuring CMTSs This appendix describes the different methods of manually configuring individual CMTSs to the system. The SDE allows you to configure a CMTS to the system through the EMS GUI or using the EMS command line interface (EMS CLI). The following topics are included in this appendix: • “Configuring CMTSs through the EMS” on page 156 — provides step-by-step instructions for configuring CMTSs to the SDE “Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps” on page 164 — explains how to manually configure CMTS interfaces and maps to the system “Configuring CMTSs through the CLI” on page 166 — explains how to configure CMTSs through the CLI C • • . 8. The vendor can be used for CMTS identification purposes when using the EMS CLI. 2010 05-00095-C04 . 6. If the CMTS uses IPDR/SP to send IPDR data to the SDE. When a CMTS is disabled. Optionally define the CMTS vendor in the Vendor field.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs Configuring CMTSs through the EMS To configure a CMTS to the system through the EMS: 1. In the Configurations tree. it is as if it is not defined in the system. If the SDE connects to the SPB for data collections and/or Fairshare enforcement. The Label value defines the name of the CMTS as it appears in the CMTS List. If a different IP address is configured on the CMTS for the SNMP relay. specify the IPDR Record IP if the IP address sent by the CMTS in the IPDR record’s CMTSipAddress field differs from the CMTS IP. The SDE does not try to connect to the CMTS. If the CMTS sends IPDR data using using file mode. 156 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. nor will it send any alarms on the component. you can optionally disable the CMTS. the address format must match the format (IP or FQDN) used to define CMTSs in the SPB. Define the CMTS’s IP address or FQDN. 3. 5. in the SNMP IP field configure the SNMP IP to which the SDE connects to collect the data. then select Add CMTS. New CMTS dialog box 2.60 Rev. 4. 7. C04 July 8. right-click CMTS List. and the connecting VIP. Define the CMTS’s label. The New CMTS dialog box appears. In the Enabled/Disabled field. configure the IPDR IP if the IP address the SDE uses for IPDR/SP communications differs from the CMTS IP. Define the edge service to which the CMTS is connected (Service field). The AllSubnets value determines whether the discovery process discovers all CMTS subnets. above which an interface on the CMTS is considered to be congested. If the policy server is used. configure the DOCSIS version as 2. you also need to set the SNMP Collection value to ‘No’. If the CMTS will send SAMIS IPDR data (as opposed to SAMIS-TYPE-1) . The Cmts Upstream Congestion and CMTS Downstream Congestion fields define the precentage of upstream and downstream bandwidth. select ‘Yes’. Other fields are not applicable when the policy server is disabled (the Disable COPS field is set to ‘Yes’). you Must specify the correct version in the DOCSIS Version field. 2010 157 . Defaults may be use Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. In the Disable COPS field. 12.0. It overrides the global threshold values defined in the Fairshare parameters.Configuring CMTSs through the EMS 9. Caution: When the SDE uses a third-party policy server or only uses the PTS to apply Fairshare actions. 15. If the CMTS’s SNMP community differs from that defined for the system in the SDE general parameters. 17. 14. the CMTS will be displayed as being disconnected in the Status > CMTS node. even if the CMTS supports DOCSIS 3. If SNMP is disabled in the Data Collection > General parameters (Interface Definitions Source and Interface Bandwidth Source). 10. its data collection won’t work. set the Enable File Logging parameter to ‘yes’. If the CMTS uses a different DOCSIS version. Otherwise. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. if the SDE only collects IPDR and/or SNMP data from the CMTS (the SDE applies Fairshare actions through an external PS or the PTS) . 11. 13. By default. The Upstream ifSpeed default and Downstream ifSpeed default fields define values used for the interface ifSpeed in cases where the IPDR collector receives a record for a flow on an interface that has not been configured in the EMS or has not yet been received using SNMP. If Fairshare actions will be applied using the SDE policy server.60 Rev. set this value to ‘No’. If you want the IPDR collector to write all records from this CMTS to file on the SDE. define the SNMP community for this CMTS in the SNMP Community field. The default DOCSIS version of the CMTS is 3. or Data Collection parameter to ‘No’ to disable IPDR collection so that no data of that type is received from the CMTS. Note: To enable IPDR logging on the CMTS. the Disable COPS field MUST be set to ‘Yes’. respectively. Set the SNMP Collection parameter to ‘No’ to disable SNMP data collection. the Enable File Logging parameter also must be set to ‘yes’ in the Data Collection > IPDR Collection parameters. 16. This percentage can be used to define conditions for triggering Fairshare actions on users on the specific CMTS. optionally configure all other attributes. the SDE receives both IPDR and SNMP data from a CMTS. If the wrong community is defined for this CMTS. The SNMP Collection and Data Collection fields enable you to determine the type of information received from a CMTS.0.0. Configure the IPDR sessions for the CMTS. this is the IP value contained in initiatorId field of the CONNECT message. Note: You can optionally disable or re-enable the CMTS. see “Configuring IPDR sessions” on page 162. This determines the flow of the IPDR data. C04 July 8. The CMTS appears in the CMTS Tree in the EMS right pane. When the SDE initiates the IPDR/ SP connection. the format must match the format (IP or FQDN) used to define CMTSs in the SPB. If the CMTS or external relay initiates the connection. Map Discovery won’t work. 2010 05-00095-C04 . For instructions. It also doesn’t receive any IPDR data. or if SNMP is disabled (the IPDR Collector Interface Definitions Source parameter is configured to ‘By Configuration’). it is as if it is not defined in the system. 20. the value of the CMTS IP is used. The SDE does not try to connect to the CMTS or send any alarms on the component. Table 25: CMTS EMS parameters Description Determines whether the CMTS is enabled CMTS name Physical IP address or FQDN of the CMTS. if different than the CMTS IP. Attribute Enabled/Disabled Default Value Enabled Label IP or FQDN* CMTS_1 -- IPDR IP -- 158 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. the IP address the SDE uses to connect to the CMTS to receive IPDR data. Define the CMTS interfaces and subscriber maps: Right-click the CMTS and select Map Discovery. The interface and map information are imported from the CMTS. If the SDE connects to the SPB for data collections and/ or Fairshare enforcement. 19. Caution: If the SNMP community defined in the SDE differs from the community defined in the CMTS. When a CMTS is disabled. Click OK.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs 18. If the IPDR IP is empty.60 Rev. CMTS parameters The following table explains all possible parameters used in the New CMTS dialog box for manually configuring CMTSs to the system through the EMS. CMTS COPS port number. Arris. Optional parameter used only with the SDE policy server Name of the edge service connected to the CMTS. Motorola. Used only with the SDE policy server -- Default Value IPDR Record IP -- Port 3918 Vendor -- KA Timeout (sec) -- RKS none Service * Edge Service Connecting VIP * -- Upstream Delay (ms) 30 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. BigBand. if different from the IP address defined above for the CMTS. Optimize the value (30s) according to the CMTS’s status. the SDE by default uses the IPDR IP. Used for all deployment types The IP address sent by the CMTS in the IPDR record’s CMTSipAddress field. either. Used only with the SDE policy server CMTS vendor: Cisco. Relay (used for third-party IPDR collectors) Keep Alive Timeout in ms between the CMTS and PS. as defined in the EMS Edge VIP that the selected service uses to connect to the CMTS Minimum delay on the cable modem. 2010 159 .60 Rev. if different from the IP address defined for the CMTS. Used only with the SDE policy server The RKS linked to this CMTS. the SDE uses the CMTS IP for the IPDR data. If the IPDR Record IP is not configured. If no IPDR IP is configured. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. Use this IP when the CMTS or external relay sends IPDR data to the SDE using file mode.Configuring CMTSs through the EMS Attribute SNMP IP Description The IP address the SDE uses to connect to the CMTS to receive SNMP data. Used only with the SDE policy server Time interval in ms that the SDE waits before forwarding the next gate command: 0 = disables the rate limit feature. Used only with the SDE policy server Determines whether the SDE connects to the CMTS as a policy server. Change to ‘Yes’ for deployments using an external policy server or only the PTS to apply Fairshare actions. Yes: The SDE only collects IPDR and/or SNMP data from the CMTS.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs Attribute Downstream Delay (ms) Description Minimum delay on the CMTS downstream. 200 Default Value Min Delay Between Gate Commands (ms) 0 Disable COPS No SNMP Community* Default AllSubnets No SNMP Collection* Yes 160 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Yes: SDE collects SNMP data from the CMTS. No: The SDE collects IPDR and/or SNMP data from the CMTS and sends policies to the CMTS. Accuracy is ± 5 ms.60 Rev. no delay. This parameter is used only when the SDE is set to SNMP collection (the default) in the L2 Topology parameters. The SNMP community used for CMTS Discovery on this CMTS Determines whether the discovery process discovers all CMTSs subnets. C04 July 8. Min delay range = 20 ms to 2^31-1. Optional parameter used only with the SDE policy server No: Discovers only those subnets belonging to a DOCSIS MAC layer Yes: Discovers all subnets Determines whether the SDE collects SNMP data from the specific CMTS. ) Default Value Data collection* Determines whether the SDE collects IPDR or SPB data. select ‘DOCSIS 2’.0. This parameter is used for IPDR data collection. DOCSIS 2. No: The CMTS only sends COPS messages and SNMP data Percentage of the upstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested.1. Percentage of the downstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested. When using the outbound IPDR relay function. Default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS upstream interface in an IPDR record Default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS downstream interface an the IPDR record DOCSIS version supported by the CMTS: DOCSIS 3. even if the CMTS is DOCSIS 3.60 Rev. If the CMTS will send SAMIS data to the SDE. Yes: SDE collects IPDR data from the CMTS or SPB statistics.Configuring CMTSs through the EMS Attribute Description No: SDE doesn't collect SNMP data. 2010 161 . (Use this setting when setting up the relay from thirdparty IPDR collectors. Yes = writes to file No = doesn’t write to file Yes Cmts Upstream Congestion (percentage) 80 Cmts Downstream Congestion (percentage) 80 Upstream ifSpeed default 10240000 Downstream ifSpeed default 42884296 Docsis Version* DOCSIS 3 Enable File Logging No Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The default may be used. Enables the IPDR collector to write the CMTS’s IPDR records to file. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. The default may be used. or DOCSIS 1. this parameter must be set to ‘Yes’. Click OK. connection initiator and session type according to the configurations on the CMTS. C04 July 8. Define the session type (SAMIS-TYPE-1. only the SAMIS IPDR session is configured. 5. or CPE-TYPE). 4. IPDR session parameters Table 26: IPDR session parameters Description Optional name assigned to the IPDR session type for identification purposes Parameter IPDR Session Name Default Value IPDR_Session_1 162 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Open the CMTS to which you are adding the session. you canconfigure two IPDR sessions: one for SAMIS-TYPE-1 and one for CPE-TYPE. To configure the CMTS’s IPDR sessions: 1. 3. New IPDR Session dialog box 2. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Optionally assign the session a name for identification purposes.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs Note: Parameters in the above table marked with an ‘*’ require configuration. The New IPDR Session dialog box appears. and then right-click IPDR Sessions and select Add IPDR Session.60 Rev. Configure the session ID. Configuring IPDR sessions IPDR sessions enable service providers to configure the SDE to support the SAMIS and flow type of the IPDR data according to the CMTS’s configurations. SAMIS. The session appears in the IPDR Sessions list. When the CMTS supports SAMIS-TYPE-1. When SAMIS is used. (Used when the SDE initiates the connection) Number of the port to which the IPDR/SP connection initiator should connect.Configuring CMTSs through the EMS Parameter IPDR Docsis Type Description Defines the type of data sent to the SDE: SAMIS-TYPE-1. according to the CMTS’s configuration: CMTS: the IPDR waits for the CMTS to initiate sessions. If the CMTS is the initiator. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. according to the CMTS’s configuration: Time Interval: The CMTS sends IPDR data at intervals. or CPE-TYPE Unique ID that must match the IPDR Session ID configured on the CMTS Defines whether the SDE or CMTS initiates the IPDR sessions. the SDE listens to this port. Event: An event serves as the trigger for the CMTS to send the data.60 Rev. SAMIS. SDE: the SDE initiates the connection. 2010 163 . Time Interval Port 4737 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Default Value -- IPDR Session Id 1 Connection Initiator SDE IPDR Session Type Determines the type of IPDR flow. If the SDE is the initiator. it connects to this port on the CMTS. Ad Hoc: The SDE closes the IPDR/SP connection when it is finished receiving data. and select Add Range or Add Subnet.60 Rev. 164 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. The New Subnet/Range dialog box appears. In the Configurations tree. Define the range for the CMTS. Repeat for each range or subnet on the CMTS. New Subnet dialog box 2. instead of importing them from directly from the CMTS using SNMP. open the node for the CMTS you are configuring. Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps The SDE allows you to manually configure CMTS interfaces and maps. Configuring CMTS maps Caution: When the SDE collects subscriber data from the SPB. 3. you must configure the IP exclusions for MTA and CPE IP addresses prior to adding new subnets or ranges for a CMTS. instead of importing them from directly from the CMTS using SNMP. To manually configure the maps: 1. 4. or define the net and mask. Select the interface. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps The SDE allows you to manually configure CMTS interfaces and maps. For information regarding IP exclusions. see “IP exclusions” on page 117. right-click Maps. Click OK. 0.0.0.Manually configuring CMTS interfaces and maps CMTS interface and map parameters Table 27: CMTS interfaces and maps Description Adds Interface Name of the interface.0 255.255.0 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Adds map to the CMTS Adds map range to CMTS First IP address in CMTS map range Last IP address in CMTS map range (must be larger than first IP) Adds subnet to the CMTS map Subnet net Subnet mask Node/Attribute Interfaces Name Default Value -If_1 CM Capacity (bits/sec) -- Maps Add Range First IP Last IP --0.1 0.60 Rev.0 Add Subnet Net Mask -0. 2010 165 . as defined in the CMTS Interface’s CM capacity. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. as defined in the CMTS. 2010 05-00095-C04 ./ems_cli <command type> <parameter(s)> For example: 166 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. edit its attributes using the . Accessing the CLI 1. Establish an SSH connection to the SDE management machine or log onto the management machine locally. It is for use on the SDE machine that owns the management service VIP./ems_cli ? CLI conventions Commands and command descriptions use the following conventions: Convention Courier New font <parameter> [parameter] [1st choice|2nd choice|3rd choice] Commands Parameters for which you supply values are in angle brackets A single parameter in square brackets is optional A ‘|’ between text indicates a choice of options Definition Using the CLI The command line interface requires use of specific syntax and user input for viewing and modifying elements. 2. To configure CMTSs using the CLI./ems_cli addconfig command. C04 July 8. Command syntax CLI commands use the following syntax: . you first must add the CMTS to the system using the . enter the following: cd /opt/SDE/SDE_EMS . After adding the CMTS./ems_cli editconfig command.60 Rev.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs Configuring CMTSs through the CLI The EMS CLI enables you to configure individual CMTSs to the SDE directly from the command line. At the command line. /ems_cli addconfig cmts <CMTS_label> <CMTS IP> [<service name> <connecting VIP>] To add a subnet to the specified CMTS: . 2010 ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CollectOnly [Yes|No] To change the CMTS's name: .Configuring CMTSs through the CLI ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsLabel <new CMTS name> To change the CMTS's IP address or FQDN: ./ems_cli addconfig maps <CMTS_label> Subnet <mask> <interface> To add a range to the specified CMTS: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> AllSubnets [Yes|No] To determine whether the SDE only collects data from the CMTS: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> AllSubnets Yes Edits the CMTS’s parameters so that the discovery process discovers all CMTS subnets CMTS Add CMTS • To add a new CMTS: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> ip <new IP address or FQDN> 167 • • • • Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5./ems_cli addconfig cmts <CMTS_label> <CMTS IP> [<service name> <connecting VIP>] Configures a CMTS to the SDE ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> Changes a parameter on the specified CMTS • To disable/enable the CMTS: .60 Rev./ems_cli addconfig interfaces <CMTS_label> interface <interface name> Edit CMTS . C04 05-00095-C04 July 8./ems_cli addconfig maps <CMTS_label> Range <last IP> <interface> <subnet IP> • • <first IP> • To add an interface to the specified CMTS: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> IsEnabled [Disabled| Enabled] To determine whether the discovery process discovers all CMTS subnets: . 60 Rev.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs • • To change the CMTS's COPS port number: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> rksid <new ID> To change the service to which the CMTS is connected: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> RCGap <new value> To change the CMTS's jitter: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> vipid <new IP> To change the CMTS's minimum delay between gate commands (ms): . if different from the IP address defined for the CMTS: . C04 July 8./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsUPDelay <new value> To change the CMTS's downstream delay: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsDownDelay <new value> To change the CMTS's Max Grant Size parameter: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> port <new port value> To change the CMTS's vendor: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> service <new service> To change the VIP used to connect to the CMTS: . if different from the IP address defined for the CMTS: Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> MaxGrantPerInterval <new value> To change the CMTS's SNMP community: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> Community <new value> To configure the IP address the SDE uses to connect to the CMTS to receive SNMP data./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> MaxGrantSize <new value> To change the CMTS's Max Grants Per Interval parameter: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsKATimeout <new value> To change the CMTS's RKS: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsVendor <vendor name> To change the CMTS's KA timeout (ms): ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> SnmpIP <value> To configure the IP address sent by the CMTS in the IPDR record’s CMTSipAddress field. 2010 05-00095-C04 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 168 ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsJitter <new value> To change the CMTS's upstream delay: . /ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> interfaces <interface name> MinInterfaceBW <value> To change the interface's CM capacity: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> Enable file <value> • To change the CMTS's map auto discover source: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> IPDRSession <interface name> MinInterfaceBW <value> • • • • • • • • • • Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> interfaces <interface name> DownstreamBW <value> To change the interface's CM capacity: . C04 05-00095-C04 July 8./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsDownstreamCongestion <value> To change the default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS upstream interface in an IPDR record ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> interfaces <interface name> UpstreamBW <value> To change the downstream bandwidth of the specified interface (bits/sec): ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> interfaces <interface name> interfacename <new interface name> To change the upstream bandwidth of the specified interface (bits/sec): ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> ifSpeedDownstreamDefault <value> ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> CmtsUpstreamCongestion <value> To change the percentage of the downstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested: .Configuring CMTSs through the CLI ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> discovery <new source> To display parameters for changing a CMTS's interface: . 2010 169 ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> IpdrRecordIP <value> • To change the percentage of the upstream bandwidth above which an interface on a CMTS is considered congested: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> interfaces <interface name> ? To change the name of the specified interface: ./ems_cli editconfig cmts <CMTS label> ifSpeedUpstreamDefault <value> To change the default ifSpeed assigned to any unrecognized CMTS downstream interface in an IPDR record .60 Rev. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. C04 July 8.Appendix C: Manually configuring CMTSs 170 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Example XML description files for CMTS import This appendix provides example XML description files for configuring large numbers of CMTSs to the system. The following topics are included in this appendix: • “Example XML description file for IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement” on page 172 — provides an example XML description file for IPDR collection and Fairshare application using PCMM “Example XML description file for SPB data collection and PCMM-PTS enforcement” on page 174 — provides an example XML description file for SPB data collection and PCMM and PTS Fairshare application D • . or by using PCMM to apply Fairshare on the upstream and the PTS to apply Fairshare on the downstream. the SnmpCollection value must be set to ‘no’. If the CMTS will not collect SNMP information.Appendix D: Example XML description files for CMTS import Example XML description file for IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement The example XML file below displays the maximum number of CMTS and IPDR session attribute fields that need to be defined for Fairshare when the SDE collects subscriber data using IPDR and applies Fairshare policies either through its policy server using PCMM. <?xml version="1. see “Import CMTS maps” on page 109. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. For information about importing CMTS maps. CMTS maps are required to apply Fairshare actions using the SDE policy server. C04 July 8. 2010 05-00095-C04 • 172 .60 Rev.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CmtsView> <Index id="0">IsEnabled</Index> <Index id="1">CmtsLabel</Index> <Index id="2">Id</Index> <Index id="3">Ip</Index> <Index id="4">IpdrIP</Index> <Index id="5">SnmpIP</Index> <Index id="6">IpdrRecordIP</Index> <Index id="7">Port</Index> <Index id="8">CmtsVendor</Index> <Index id="9">CmtsKATimeout</Index> <Index id="10">Service</Index> <Index id="11">VipId</Index> <Index id="12">community</Index> <Index id="13">AllSubnets</Index> <Index id="14">SnmpCollection</Index> <Index id="15">CmtsUpstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="16">CmtsdDownstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="19">DocsisVersion</Index> <Index id="20"> IPDRSessions </Index> <IPDRSessionParams> <Index id=“21">SessionName</Index> <Index id=“22">DocsisType</Index> <Index id=“23">SessionId</Index> <Index id=“24">ConnectionMode</Index> <Index id=“25">SessionType</Index> <Index id=“26">Port</Index> </IPDRSessionParams> </CmtsView> • The Id parameter is optional and is recommended when CMTS maps also will be imported. 0 • • • • • Defaults may be used for the CmtsUpstreamCongestion and CmtsDownstreamCongestion attribute values. If the CMTS’s DOCSIS version differs from the default (DOCSIS 3). If the CMTS COPS port number differs from the default. The RksId attribute is defined only if the system will also connect to a record keeping server. Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.60 Rev. The CmtsKATimout parameter sets the Keep Alive Timeout between the CMTS and policy server. the default values will be used: • • • • • • CmtsJitter . All other PCMM-related attributes are optional. The AllSubnets parameter can be used to configure the SDE to display CMTS interfaces and subnets. you MUST include the DocsisVersion field and define the correct DOCSIS version in the CSV file. 2010 173 .0 MaxGrantPerInterval . Table 19: Attributes for CMTS import on page 101 explains the CMTS attributes defined by the above Index IDs. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. define the Port attribute in the file.200 CmtsUPDelay .0 ms MaxGrantSize .200 ms RCGap .30 ms CmtsDownDelay .Example XML description file for IPDR collection and PCMM enforcement • • • The SnmpIP and IpdrRecordIP fields are defined only if they are different from the IP address defined for the CMTS. If they are not defined in the XML and CSV files. 2010 05-00095-C04 .Appendix D: Example XML description files for CMTS import Example XML description file for SPB data collection and PCMM-PTS enforcement The following example XML file displays the maximum number of CMTS attribute fields that need to be defined for Fairshare when the SDE collects subscriber data from the SPB and applies Fairshare policies using PCMM on the upstream and the PTS on the downstream.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CmtsView> <Index id="0">IsEnabled</Index> <Index id="1">CmtsLabel</Index> <Index id="2">Id</Index> <Index id="3">Ip</Index> <Index id="4">Port</Index> <Index id="5">CmtsVendor</Index> <Index id="6">CmtsKATimeout</Index> <Index id="7">Service</Index> <Index id="8">VipId</Index> <Index id="9">CollectOnly</Index> <Index id="10">community</Index> <Index id="11">AllSubnets</Index> <Index id="12">SnmpCollection</Index> <Index id="13">IpdrCollection</Index> <Index id="14">CmtsUpstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="15">CmtsdDownstreamCongestion</Index> <Index id="22">DocsisVersion</Index> • In the CSV file. • • • • 174 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. see “Import CMTS maps” on page 109. you MUST include the DocsisVersion field and define the correct DOCSIS version in the CSV file.60 Rev. The SnmpIP field is defined only if it is different from the IP address defined for the CMTS. The XML description file appears as follows: <?xml version="1. the value for the CollectOnly. The value for SnmpCollection should be set to ‘yes’ to allow the SDE to collect SNMP data from the CMTS. If the CMTS COPS port number differs from the default (3918). If the CMTS’s DOCSIS version differs from the default (DOCSIS 3). For information about importing CMTS maps. CMTS maps are required to apply Fairshare actions using the SDE policy server. attribute should be set to ‘no’ to allow the SDE to send policies to the policy server. C04 July 8. the Port field also should be added. The Id parameter is optional and is recommended when CMTS maps also will be imported. The RksId attribute is defined only if the system will also connect to a record keeping server.200 CmtsUPDelay . 2010 175 . Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.0 ms MaxGrantSize .200 ms RCGap .30 ms CmtsDownDelay . The AllSubnets parameter also may be used to configure the SDE to display CMTS interfaces and subnets. the default values will be used: • • • • • • CmtsJitter .Example XML description file for SPB data collection and PCMM-PTS enforcement • • • • The CmtsKATimout parameter sets the Keep Alive Timeout between the CMTS and policy server.0 • Defaults may be used for the CmtsUpstreamCongestion and CmtsDownstreamCongestion attribute values.60 Rev. Table 19: Attributes for CMTS import on page 101 explains the CMTS attributes defined by the above Index IDs. If they are not defined in the XML and CSV files. All other PCMM-related attributes are optional. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.0 MaxGrantPerInterval . 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.60 Rev.Appendix D: Example XML description files for CMTS import 176 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Uninstalling the SDE This appendix explains the procedure for uninstalling the SDE software The following topics are included in this appendix: • “SDE uninstall procedure” on page 178 — explains how to uninstall the SDE software from the server E . To delete the SDE software: 1. It also gives you the option of deleting the database. The uninstall procedure removes all /opt/SDE files. Verify that no SDE package is still installed by entering the following command exactly as is: rpm -qa --qf '[%{SUMMARY} :%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n]' | grep SDE | cut -f2. 2010 05-00095-C04 . Enforce removing the SDE packages if they still exist by entering the following command exactly as is: rpm -qa --qf '[%{SUMMARY} :%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n]' | grep SDE | cut -f2. run the SDE uninstall script: /opt/install/uninstall4sde 2.-d: 4. On the SDE machine. Warning: The following procedures remove the SDE software from the server.Appendix E: Uninstalling the SDE SDE uninstall procedure The following procedure should be used In cases where the SDE software must be deleted from the server before new software can be installed. Verify that the SDE is not running any more: service sde status 178 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 July 8.60 Rev.-d: | xargs rpm -e Note: To delete a specific SDE package you can use the following command: rpm -e <package name> 3. SDE ports This appendix contains a table of ports the SDE uses to communicate with the EMS. The following topics are included in this appendix: • “Ports used for SDE communications” on page 180 — describes the ports used between the SDE and the different network resources F . NetPortal and external system elements through the firewall. Appendix F: SDE ports Ports used for SDE communications The following table describes the ports used between the SDE and the different network resources: Table 28: Communications ports SDE CMTS 3rdparty PS 3rdparty IPDR relay SPB NetPortal (From) Accessing Element (To) Accessed Resource SDE From physical IP: ports 4803.60 Rev.WSAM SOAP (TCP) ----------From border VIP: port 8888 WSEventing (From Fairshare Engine to WSAM) From physical IP to CMTS IP: 161 (UDP) ----------From edge VIP to CMTS IP: 4737 ----------From edge VIP to CMTS IP: 3918 (COPS) From physical IP to 3rd party PS IP: 3918 From edge VIP to 3rd party IPDR relay IP: 4737 From edge VIP to SPB IP: 8081 From physical IP: 3306 to NetPortal IP (For access to the MySQL database on the NetPortal machine) SDE port 111 RPC (UDP) 180 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8.4804 spread (UDP) port 1138 WSAM Session Sharing (TCP) port 1140 PS Session Sharing (TCP) ----------From mgmt VIP: port 22 (SSH) ----------To border VIP: port 8080 . 60 Rev. 2010 181 .XDR relay (TCP) SDE border VIP: port 3918 SDE border VIP: port 8080 To management VIP: port X X X X X 3rd-Party PS X X X X X 3rd-party IPDR relay X X X X X Applicaton Manager Application Server Operator Management System X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8.Ports used for SDE communications (From) Accessing Element (To) Accessed Resource SDE CMTS 3rdparty PS 3rdparty IPDR relay SPB NetPortal port 3306 MySQL database (TCP) ----------From physical IP: ports 7000-7015 EMS (TCP/ UDP) CMTS From edge VIP: port 6210 (TCP) From physical IP: port 3918 (UDP) From edge VIP: port 6210 IPDR file streaming (TCP) ----------From edge VIP: port 4737 . communications are through the 182 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5.Appendix F: SDE ports (From) Accessing Element (To) Accessed Resource SDE CMTS 3rdparty PS 3rdparty IPDR relay SPB NetPortal 161/162 (UDP. as DB/ NetReports are located on the cluster) Management Service To management VIP: port 22 (SSH) ----------Physical IP: port 7000-7015 EMS (TCP/ UDP) From management VIP: 8085 (to NetPortal communicati ng with the NetReports X X XX X NetPortal X X X X From edge VIP to NetPortal IP: port 3306 (MySQL replication) Note: When no edge VIP used. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. SNMP) port 1099 (EMS) ----------From edge VIP: port 8085 (NetReports connecting to the edge VIP. C04 July 8. 60 Rev.Ports used for SDE communications (From) Accessing Element (To) Accessed Resource SDE CMTS 3rdparty PS 3rdparty IPDR relay SPB NetPortal on the SDE clusters) Accessing element (outbound) will use any local port to connect to the accessed resource (inbound) when specific ports should be allowed. SDE-FS-1 can communicate with SDE-FS-2 through any port. managemen t VIP Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. Systems belonging to the same cluster are allowed to connect to each other with no limitations—e.g.. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. 2010 183 . C04 July 8.Appendix F: SDE ports 184 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 .60 Rev. 60 Rev. 71 B border service border service 52 external PS connection 52 border VIP changing in properties file 57 configuring 52 procedure 107 XML description file 97 CMTS interfaces configuration parameters 165 manually configuring 88 CMTS maps configuration parameters 165 configuring 164 import process 110 importing 109 sample import range file 110 sample import subnet file 109 XML description file 109 CMTS XML description file hybrid Fairshare application 174 IPDR and PCMM 172 CMTSs IPDR sessions 162 command line interface. missing 44 dummy VIPs 16 C CLI accessing 166 command syntax 166 conventions 166 cluster 21. CMTS 100 D data collection parameters 86 data tier injection 88 database excluding IPs from 117 for Fairshare 22 dependencies.Index /etc/hosts 25 /etc/stscibfug/network 25 A active-active mode. 2010 . 71 EMS accessing 46 Linux GUI 47 loging in 47 usage 46 Windows installation 46 error log 81 eth0 25 185 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 68 CMTS CLI add command 167 CLI edit command 167 configuring through CLI 166 configuring through EMS 156 default ifSpeed 157 disabling 156 importing 97 interfaces and maps 164 parameters 158 CMTS import attributes for CSV file 101 available attributes 98 CSV data file 100 errors 107 IPDR sessions 99 E edge service adding 71 purpose of 22 edge VIP adding 62 configuring 51. see CLI 46 COPS parameters values 83 CSV data file. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. configuring 61 activity log 81 application manager configuring 124 parameters 125 application server configuring 126 external configuration 154 parameters 126 attaching services 55. excluding from database 117 L log parameters values 81 logs activity 81 changing location of 151 error 81 management 81 G garbage gates 80 gate store 79 general parameters values 78 global parameter settings 75 H hardware minimum server requirements 14 Recommended partitioning 15 requirements per node 14 verification 14 high availability 70 M machine hostname troubleshooting 45 management cluster 21. 73 verifications prior to 24 VIP requirements 26 yum 39 interface congestion 88 IPDR N net-snmp 44 NetPortal edge service 142 installing 141 management service 142 overview of 140 Network requirements 16 O operating system 15 186 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 60 management log 81 management VIP assigning 50 purpose of 21 map range.event messages 127 external policy server 52 F Fairshare enforcement 18 Fairshare parameters values 85 file logging 58. 90 file logging. 32 node 50 service 21. 2010 05-00095-C04 . C04 July 8. CMTS 107 importing CMTS maps 109 CMTSs 97 installation additional clusters 69 local yum 35 of NetPortal 141 prerequisites 24 troubleshooting 44 verifications 41 verifications on second machine 63. sample XML import file 110 I ifSpeed 88 import file 57 FTP 152 collection parameters 89 IPDR file logging 157 IPDR relay inbound 105 outbound 58 IPDR session parameters 162 IPDR sessions configuring through EMS 162 importing 99 IPs. enable 161 file transfer 152 fsam_conf.60 Rev. 2010 187 . see VIP 17 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. C04 05-00095-C04 July 8. 70 SDE node parameters 61 SDE parameters configuring 77 COPS 83 Fairshare 85 garbage gates 80 general 78 log 81 WSAM 84 SDE system view 63 SDE uninstall 178 second edge VIP 61 second SDE machine 60 service parameters 54 services attaching to nodes 55 predefined 50 session border controller 124 SFTP program 152 SNMP T tier injection. see data tier injection 88 trap receiver configuring 133 parameters 133 troubleshooting machine hostname 45 yum install 44 U uninstall procedure 178 upgrade management machine 144 verification procedures 145 usage information 127 V VIP parameters 51 VIPs border 52 edge 51 management 50 purpose of 17 required 26 Virtual IP.P portmap 25 ports table 180 pre-installation checklist of requirements 31 recommended checks 24 requirements 24 primary SDE node 51 R recovery 60 reports configuring 137 RHEL accessibility 33 RKS configuring 127 parameters 128 RPC connectivity 26 agent 132 collection parameters 89 trap receiver parameters 133 trap receivers 133 softswitch 124 SPB collection parameters 90 configuring to SDE 119 excluding individual IPs 117 mapping edge services 120 parameters 120 used with SDE 114 SSL.60 Rev. configuring 150 stateful limit 78 subnets excluding from database 118 sample XML import file 109 support account 28 Syslog server 81 system monitoring SDE system view 63 S SCN source 87 SCP program 152 SDE cluster 21 SDE architecture 18 SDE deployment types 19 SDE node adding 60. C04 July 8.W WSAM parameters values 84 WSAM service configuring 53 purpose of 22 XWindow. CMTS 98 188 Fairshare Installation & Configuration Guide: Release 5. 2010 05-00095-C04 . installing 47 Y yum configuring as client 37 installation from repository 39 local installation 35 troubleshooting 44 X XML description file.60 Rev. . 9892 Web Site: www.2600 Fax: (+1) 519.880. Canada N2L 3V3 Phone: (+1) ® .884. Ontario.sandvine.sandvine Sandvine Incorporated 408 Albert Street Waterloo.
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