Copy of School Ranking Form



Schools Ranking FormName of assessment officer: Reference Information 1 Dropout (0% 10 marks, 1% 9 marks, 2% 8 marks, …….………...…. 9% 1 mark, and for 10% or greater 0 marks) Date of visit: Designation: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CNIC No. 9 10 11 12 13 Sr.No. EMIS Code of School Name of School Maximum Marks Percentage of attendance for students above 80% and for staff above 90% Percentage of Monthly Test record results communication above 50% Percentage of Average marks obtained by each student in school above 50% Seating arrangement + Participation Questioning by percentage of Cleanliness teacher + students in percentage of Questioning by Scouting / G.Guide students , staff and student + Use of & Co-curricular Institution + AV Aids + HW Activities Plantation Checking Ranking of Use of library+ students and staff Computer Lab + displayed Science Labs Maintenance of school fascilities like drinking water, Implementation of Furniture, Toilets, English Medium Building Scheme Total Marks Position in DTE Schools 10 5+5=10 5 10 2+8=10 2+3+3+2=10 2x5 =10 5+5=10 2+1+2=5 2+2+4+2=10 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1-15) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total in each category Signature of DTE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Signature of CTSC Head: 2% 8 marks. Science Exhibition.Guide & Co-curricular Activities Participation percentage of students = (Students participated in activity / Total students ) x 100 Participation marks in scouting / Girl guide = (Participation percentage / 50) x 2 Max.50)/50} x 10 Participation percentage of students in Scouting / G. marks = 1 mark Bazm-e-Adab.50)/50} x 5 Percentage of Average marks obtained by each student in school above 50% Percentage of average marks = (Marks obtained by students / Total Marks for all students) x 100 Marks awarded on Average marks obtained = {(Percentage of average marks .……….90)/10} x 3 Cleanliness percentage of institution= {Clean ( rooms + varandas + Lawns + Grounds)/ Total (rooms + varandas + Lawns + Grounds)} x 100 Marks awarded on institution cleanliness = {(Percentage of cleanliness . 1% 9 marks. Qira'at and Na'at.80)/20} x 5 Percentage of attendance of teachers= (Actual Headcount of teachers / Total teachers)x100 Marks awarded on teachers attendance = {(Percentage of attendance calculated above . Drama / variety shows.Instructions for use of school ranking Form 1) Dropout {(Count of students expelled from school during the previous month -Count of students admitted during the previous month)/Total Students in school} x 100 (0% or below 0% 10 marks. Physical Training (PT) Cleanliness percentage of students . staff and Institution + Plantation Cleanliness percentage of students= (Clean students in uniform / Total Students) x 100 Marks awarded on students cleanliness = {(Percentage of cleanliness . Debates.70)/30} x 2 Cleanliness percentage of Teachers + Head Teacher= {(Clean Teachers + HT) / (Total Teachers + HT)} x 100 Marks awarded on (Teachers + HT) cleanliness = {(Percentage of cleanliness .. ……. and for 10% or greater 0 marks) Percentage of attendance of students above 80% and for staff above 90% Percentage of attendance of students = (Actual Headcount of students / Total students)x100 Marks awarded on students attendance = {(Percentage of attendance calculated above .90)/10} x 5 Percentage of Monthly Test record results communication above 50% Percentage of communication = (Monthly Test reports signed by parents / Total Students) x 100 Marks awarded on communication = {(Percentage of communication .80)/20} x 3 Plantation marks = {No.. marks = 2 marks Participation marks in each cocurricular activity mentioned below= (Participation percentage / 25) x 1 Max.…. Essay writing. of new plants x expected height (m) in three years / (Area available in square meters)} x 2 Seating arrangement Seating according to students physical need = 1 mark Seating according to seating plan of week displayed in room = 1 mark Questioning by Teacher Questioning for checking of previous knowledge = 1/4 mark per question Maximum = 1 mark Questioning for checking of knowledge delivery= 1/4 mark per question Maximum = 1 mark 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) . Games. 9% 1 mark. 50)/50} x 2 Ranking of students and staff displayed Percentage of class students previous months ranking displayed = (Sections ranking displayed/ Total Sections) x 100 Marks awarded on ranking of students = {(Percentage ranking displayed .80)/20} x 2 Ranking of staff displayed at three prominent places in school = 3 marks Use of library Marks awarded on use of library books during previous month = (Students book review deposited x 5 / Total students) x 1 Marks awarded on use of library books during previous month = (Teachers book review deposited / Total teachers) x 1 Use of computer lab Marks awarded on use of computer lab = (Students attending computer labs periodically / Total students from Grade 6-10) x 1 Use of science labs Marks awarded on use of science labs = (No. of experiments allocated in month) x 2 Maintenance of school fascilities like drinking water.50)/50} x 5 Percentage of staff members previous months ranking displayed = (Staff ranking displayed/ Total Staff) x 100 Marks awarded on ranking of staff= {(Percentage ranking displayed . of toilets x 50)/Total Students} x 2 Maximum 2 marks Marks of toilets cleanliness = (No. of experiments performed by students during previous month / Total students from Grade 9-10 x no.5) Marks awarded on use of dress code by Head Teacher = 1 mark Marks awarded on use of dress code by teachers = More than 90% staff dressing according to dress code (1 mark) Marks awarded on workload of teachers = [Total Periods allocated to Teachers / {(Total students /50) x 45}] x 2 Maximum 2 marks 10) 11) . of maintained rooms + varandas + lawns) / Total (rooms + varandas + lawns)} x 2 Implementation of English Medium Scheme Marks awarded on timing of staff according to EM Instructions = Staff timing more than 90% (1 mark) Marks awarded on use of 100 % English in (Name of school + registers + applications) = 2 marks (1+0. of clean toilets / Total toilets) x 2 Maximum 2 marks Marks of building maintenance = {(No.5) Marks awarded on use of 100% English in (assembly + introduction by teachers+ introduction by students)= 2 marks (1+0.5+0. Toilets. Building Marks of drinking water = (Drinking points working x 50 / Total Students) x 2 Maximum 2 marks Marks of furniture = (Items well maintained / Total Items) x 2 Maximum 2 marks Marks of toilets availability ={(No.5+0.8) 9) Questioning by Students Marks awarded = (Students asked questions x 10 / Total students) x 2 Maximum = 2 marks Use of AV Aids Marks awarded = 1 mark per AV aid Maximum = 2 marks Homework Checking Percentage of Homework copies checked accurately = (Checked HW copies / Total students ) x 100 Marks awarded ={ (Percentage of checked copies . Furniture. DTEs Ranking Form Name of assessment officer: Reference Information 1 2 3 4 Designation: CNIC No. by participants school Lab + Toilets. Code of DTE Name of DTE Maximum Marks Percentage of reports submitted in time Percentage of mentoring performed according to schedule Percentage of cocurricular Percentage of activities started Percentage of attendance of in schools accurate result school staff according to Percentage of reports provided communicated academic news letters in time to schools in time calendar issued in time Maintenance of school Ranking of Use of fascilities like Percentage of students . library+ drinking water. Science Labs Building Implementa tion of English Medium Scheme Total Marks Position in DTE s allocated to TE 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 5+5+10=20 2+1+2=5 2+2+4+2=10 5 100 (1-50) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total in each category Signature of DTE: Signature of CTSC Head: . marks awarded staff and Computer Furniture.No. on PD Day displayed. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 Sr.
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