Copy of Ineos ABS ltd.docx

March 17, 2018 | Author: Chandresh Bhatt Astro Gujarati | Category: Bayer, Industries, Business (General), Manufacturing And Engineering, Chemicals



Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITMREPORT ON VISIT TO INEOS ABS INDIA LTD. Submitted by:-YESHA SHAH Roll No:- 56 Class:-Fy BBA ITM Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM Certificate Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM Index Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM Primary Information I. Company Profile: The Company was originally incorporated as ABS Plastics Limited in the year 1973 then changed its name to ABS Industries Limited. The erstwhile ABS Industries Limited now INEOS ABS Limited June 17, 2008, is a pioneer in developing the market for the versatile engineering thermoplastic material – Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) in India, when it started its operation in 1978 by manufacturing and marketing ABS polymer under the brand name of ABSOLAC. Since then the company has been continuously growing through a planned process of aggressive market development and consolidation, technology updation and capacity build up. The company also set up India’s first modern and dedicated Styrene Acrylonytrile (SAN) plant in 1993, with technical know-how from M/s JSR, Japan for manufacture of various grades of ABSOLAN – SAN. In 1997 the company became a part of the Bayer group and was rechristened as “Bayer ABS Limited”. The business operations at Bayer ABS Ltd were regrouped within the LANXESS group, LANXESS AG has become an ultimate holding Company under the spin off process.LANXESS India Private Ltd. acquired 89,63,564 equity shares of Rs.10/- each in Bayer ABS Ltd constituting 50.97% of the paid up share capital of Bayer ABS Limited from Bayer Industries Private Ltd and became a holding Company of the Company.Consequent to acquisition of 50.97 % share capital by LANXESS India Private Ltd. and the shareholders approval at the 32nd Annual General Meeting held on 28th April, 2005, the Office of Registrar of Companies (ROC) has approved the change of name of the Company from Bayer ABS Limited to LANXESS ABS Limited 29th April, 2005. The Company is now public listed company and trade in National stock Exchange Limited (NSE)& Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE). The 3rd major global Chemical giant INEOS Group, approx. turnover of 45 $ Bn, entered into an agreement with LANXESS AG, Germany, to acquire world over the styrenic business (ABS) and in the process INEOS ABS Limited entered into an agreement with the promoters of the Company and LANXESS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. to acquire major the stake in LANXESS ABS Ltd. INEOS Group made an offer to the general shareholders through Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM open offer, to acquire major stake in LANXESS ABS Ltd. to an agreed price stated in the open offer. The office of Registrar of Companies has granted the change of name on June 17, 2008 to INEOS ABS Limited. The INEOS ABS ltd. Produces mainly THERMO PLASTIC. This Companies final product becomes Raw Material for household, automotive, electronic and telecom sector. The ABS ltd. Was the first company of India to produce the SPECIALIZE PLASTIC. Among the total production ,30% of the production was supplied to the automobile companies. Some of the prominent clients of the Company include Samsung, LG, Videocon, BPL, Ford, Hero Honda, Cello, Lexi and Bajaj. The raw material for producing ABS PALLETS are ABS powder and SAN Pallets. They have there own storage yard at KANDLA. They established there own 40 WIND MILLS in the period of 1996-1999. There mother plant is at NANDESARI and there head office is at VADODRA. Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM II. HISTORY IN BRIEF: YEAR DETAILS 1978 Production Started at 2000 TPA Capacity 1992- 1993 Production increase to 5000 TPA Capacity 1995- 1998 Installed Wind Energy and Establish owned Storage area 1996 Establish R&D Centre 1996 Increase production to 12000 TPA Capacity 1997 Merge with BAYER Group 1998 Increase the PBR production from 3000 to 6000 TPA Capacity 2001- 2002 Increase the production to 44000 TPA Capacity Increase the SAN Capacity from 22000 to 36000 TPA 2003 Increase PBR Production from 6000 to 7500 TPA Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM III. Organisational Structure: The company follow the LINE AND STAFF Organisational structure. Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM IV. Form of organisation: This isan PUBLIC ltd company. And the form of organisation is Partnership. V. Promoters: Sr. No. Name of Person Designation 1) Dr. Gerhard Franken Chairman 2) Mr.Rakesh S. Agrawal Managing Director 3) Mr. Andrew Pizzey Director 4) Mr. S M Kulkarni Director 5) Mr. Jal R Patel Director 6) Mr.RavindraKulkarni Director Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM VI. Products: Compounding Mix is the main process of the production Department. Extruder is the heart of the production. 5000 ton is the production capacity per month. The annual production capacity of ABS Plastic is 60000 TPA and SAN Plastic is 65000 TPA. 60% of the Indian market is been capture by ABS ltd.  PRODUCTS Absolac - (ABS) Absolac is plastic resin produced from Acrylonitrile, Butadiene & Styrene. It is a widely used intermediary product. Its applications ranges from home appliances to Automobile and consumer durables to business machines. Absolan - (SAN) Absolan is also a polymerized plastic resin which is produced from Styrene & Acrylonitrile. It has its main applications in the Lightings, Stationeries and novelties, Refrigerators and cosmetic packing Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM VII. Marketing Department The marketing & technical task force is headquartered at Vadodara. The company has a network of regional offices, resident representatives and distributor/dealers to effectively serve the customers in the domestic as well as the international market. The sales & marketing team comprises of well qualified and experienced personnel at all important consumption centres. A dedicated team of technical services personnel provides assistance in on site trouble shooting, mould trials for new product launches, technical inputs for new projects, grades selection and product development for the customers. They have there marketing office at Delhi , Mumbai , Bengluru. . VII. VIII. Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM IX. X. XI. R & D Center: As a raw material supplier, apart from ensuring supply of right quality of material, the company has also directed its efforts to redefine process efficiency through continuous R&D programmes. The company has set up an ultra modern state-of- the-art Research and Application Development cell The R&D facilities are being used to meet the requirements of the company including global LANXESS activities as well as its customers in the areas of : Process and product development and improvement Polymer characterisation Tailor-made grades & special colour development The R&D facilities have also been identified as a main station for Global Research on engineering thermoplastics including blends and alloys. Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM XII. Infrastructure: Nandesari Plant: Nandesari Plant is located in GIDC Industrial Estate Nandesari. This plant manufactures ABSOLAC (Acrylonytrile Butadiene Styrene). The plant was started with an installed capacity of 2000 Tones/ annum in 1978. The Plant is now doing exceedingly well. This year the production of ABS has remained at the level of 50000 MT. Katol Plant: This fully automated plant produces the ABSOLAN Plastic Resin. The plant was started in 1993. Wind Farm: Wind farms have been an important source of energy generation which in turn has reduced the power consumption worth 8 mio Units. Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM XIII. : Report on visit to Ineos ABS Submitted by:- yesha shah , 56 , Fy BBA ITM Concluding Remark
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