Conversion Oriental Adventures AD&D Vers AD&D2

March 16, 2018 | Author: madmaxus | Category: Dungeons & Dragons, Samurai, Ninja, Magic (Paranormal), Leisure



Oriental Adventuresfor Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition By: Andrew R Twyman PDF Design By: Lord Eadric Twyman PDF Layout: Phillip Riley Illustrations: On pages 1 and 11 Ernest Lehner from Symbols Signs & Signets. and other product identifiers are copyright © Wizards of the Coast. TSR. Second Edition AD&D Psionicist Handbook. Editor: Phillip Riley Editor's Note This book requires the following books in order to be used correctly: Oriental Adventure First Edition. we have included fewer than ten of those images. AD&D. Second Edition AD&D Player’s Handbook. In accordance with the terms of use in Symbols Signs and Signets.Credits Original AD&D Game: Gary Gygax Original Oriental Adventures Concept: Gary Gygax with Francois Marcela-Froideval Written By: Andrew R. Other Illustrations found various pages on the web. . The order of preference for the source of proficiencies is mostly the same as that for rules as stated above. all weapons and equipment are taken from the OA hardback. but I've received comments from plenty of people who have found these rules useful. The notable exception was that I kept the OA proficiency system. Dragon Kings (DarkSun). I included comments with each section to describe what it contains and how I came up with it. to point out mistakes. What follows is my conversion of the OA rules to 2nd-Edition performed at that time. and mail me with any comments that you to make comments or suggestions. "The Complete Ninja's Handbook". not mine. to those in the OA hardback. I do still hope to improve these rules over time. but simply a summary of the main rules. Do not try to use these rules without the OA hardback. and specifically to do a conversion to 3rd-Edition at some point in the future. For instance. and decided that I would be a lot better off if I could play OA under the 2nd-Edition AD&D rules. proficiencies. Note: Priest and Wizard spell advancement tables above 20th level can be found in Forgotten Realms Adventures. Again feel free to alter them. and first published on Usenet in the fall of 1994. My goal is simply to allow those who are interested to continue playing OA despite TSR's (and now WotC's) lack of support of it. I haven't had a chance to go back and update them since for sourcebooks released in the years since (e. and may allow characters to advance in power faster than their western counterparts. in the OA categories. while all spells are taken from the 2ndEdition materials. I still invite anyone to email me (kurgan@alum. excepting those not included there (listed later). The experience tables in particular are unplaytested.I made attempts to change or re-interpret rules only where I had I did.g. however. They're also intended to be as close as possible to the original rules in OA . Since then I've regrettably had very little chance to playtest them myself. So. but the style-creation rules are simple enough that any DM should be able to do without them if necessary. When I first published them in 1994. PC races are as listed in the OA hardback. The sections are: a listing of character classes and their abilities. Feel free to alter or discard any rules in here. Any rules here pre-empt the ones in the OA hardback. Fortunately WotC's policy of releasing old AD&D supplements online has made the task of an aspiring OA DM easier in recent years. a listing of proficiencies. I have also found these rules to be a useful source when one needs to find rules or info in a hurry.). but fortunately the Web has made that easier as well. as many of them are not understandable without their explanations in the hardback. "Sword & Fist"). with rules governing the use of any abilities that don't work under 2nd-Edition AD&D. and perhaps in other sources Alignment Non-Lawful Any Lawful Lawful Non-Good Any Non-Chaotic Lawful Good Lawful Non-Lawful Lawful Table 1: Class Ability Requirements (Minimum: Experience Bonus) Class Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Barbarian 15 14 15 <16 Bushi 9:14 8 8 Kensai 12 14:14 12:14 Monk 15 15 11 15 Ninja 14 15 14 Priest Varies Psionicist 11:14 12 15 Samurai 13 13 14 13 Shukenja 9 9:15 12:14 Sohei 13:15 10 10-15 Wu Jen 13:15 Yakuza 11 15 15 16 . these rules had been given a lot of thought. since it is necessary for the martial arts system to work.Introduction In the summer of 1993 I managed to get my hands on a copy of the old Oriental Adventures hardback. At this time I think you still need to resort to the used book market to find a copy of the core OA rules themselves. blend the actual proficiencies between OA and the 2nd-Edition system. etc. a list of martial arts special maneuvers. After all it's your game. and you know what's best. abilities. or when absent or unsuitable there. which I have omitted here in order to save typing time and avoid copyright issues.) This is not a replacement for the OA hardback (since I reference it for many spells. though I did add some original material such as the additional martial-arts styles. (Some of the special-maneuvers for those styles were taken from a Dragon article referenced in that section. sample martial arts styles. and any rules not included here default to those listed in 2nd-Edition AD&D. I have included a list of usable proficiencies. I decided to go through all of the basics and make the conversions. or to show me any different or additional rules that they have come up with. and a listing of oriental spells. Oriental Classes Each class here is pretty much a summary of the class specifications in the OA hardback. but very little playtesting. simplified and with the ability to include some non-OA classes (such as Psionicists and Specialty Priests). 000 2d12 3 6. 1/2 chance for smo other surfaces.000. Restrictions/Penalties: § Hatred of magic: Gain little or no XP for adventuring with Wu Jen or Spirit folk until high levels. 3ft up Running start .000 11 780. but full XP for destroying them. § Hide: In natural Surroundings.000 17 2.Table 2: Racial Level Limits Class Korobokuru Hengeyokai Barbarian 10 Bushi U U Kensai 6 Monk Ninja Priest 9 8 Psionicist 8 7 Samurai 6 Sohei Wu Jen 7 9 Yakuza 10 - Human U U U 17 U U U U U U U Spirit Folk U 9 17 11 7 12 - Proficiencies per Level: 1/3 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -2 Attacks/Round: Level 1-6 1/1 Level 7-12 3/2 Level 13+ 2/1 Armor Use: Any Shield Use: Any Weapon Use: Any Abilities/Bonuses: § Con Bonus: No standard Con Bonus.000 8d12+20 13 1.000 4d12 5 24.100.000 16 2.000 5 16.000 20 3.000 8d12+16 12 1.560.000 7 65.000 12 1. spell Can summon a barbarian horde +3 vs.820.000 8d12+40 18 3.000 6 35. Wis <16 Prime Requisites: None Races: Human.000 14 1.000 8d12+12 11 1.000 8d12+8 10 650.000 8d12+48 20 4.750.000 8d12+44 19 3.000 8d12+52 21+ +350.080.000 8d12+36 17 3. Dex 14.000 15 1. spell Table 4: Barbarian Abilities Back Level Climb Hide Protect 1 85 25 5 2 86 61 10 3 87 37 15 4 88 43 20 5 89 49 25 6 90 56 30 7 91 63 35 8 92 70 40 9 93 77 45 10 94 85 50 11+ +1 +8 +5 Max% 95 95 100 Detect Illusion 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5 75 Detect Magic 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 +5 90 Bushi (Warrior) Table 5: Bushi Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 1. +2HP/Level for each Con point over 14.000 8d12+28 15 2.150.000 8d12+32 16 2.050.340.400.800. § Back Protection: Negates Back-Attack and Backstab modifiers.000 3d12 4 12.040.000 6d12 7 95. § Surprise: 3/6 chance to surprise an opponent.000 5d12 6 55. w/ wu jen or spirit folk Use weapon-like misc magic item Full exp w/ wu jen or spirit folk Can use protection scrolls +2 vs.750 3 2.000 +4 HP Ability Use magical weapons Use magical potions.450.500 4 7.860. 4ft+d4x6in up § Detect Illusion: Requires 1r of concentration. 1/2 chance in unfamiliar terrain.000 9 260. Barbarian (Warrior) Table 3: Barbarian Exp.000 8 130. 3ft back. § Leaping and Springing: Standing start . Con 15.000 8d12+4 9 335.000 19 2. Korobokuru Alignment: Non-Lawful Combat/Saves: Warrior/Warrior Birth Table? Yes Family? Yes Base Honor: Family Starting Money: d6 tael/ch'ao & d100 yuan Initial Proficiencies: 9 .300. Surprised only on a 1.000 8d12+24 14 2.350.000 8d12 8 175. § Climb: Cliffs & Trees. spell Use magic armor ½ exp.000 21+ +260.700.10ft forward. Gain no XP for finding magic items. +1 vs.000 18 2. Does not detect Illusions.000 10 520.000 Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 9d10 9d10+3 9d10+6 9d10+9 9d10+12 9d10+15 9d10+18 9d10+21 9d10+24 9d10+27 9d10+30 9d10+33 +3 HP Pick Pockets 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 +2% Requirements: Str 15.600.000 13 1. § Detect Magic: Requires 1r of concentration. and gives a free attack at the end of the round.15+d6ft forward. Hit Level Needed Dice 1 0 1d12 2 3.120. § Leadership: Level is added to Cha when dealing with barbarians of the same tribe or region. § Healing: Heal at twice the normal rate. 375. Table 6: Kensai Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 2. etc. HPs.200. § Optional: If starting equipment is bought before the start of game play.000 12 1. § Nimbleness: -1 AC per 5 levels.100.000 18 2. Dex 8.500 6 37.000 19 3.000 10 550. Better THAC0. Wis (14) Races: Human.300. AC.600 4 8.000 7 74.500 3 4.00 21+ +275. Wis 14 Prime Requisites: Dex (14). Hengeyokai. Fear Pupils Whirlwind Attack Table 7: Kensai Bonuses Level Initiative AC 1 -1 0 2 -1 0 3 -1 -1 4 -2 -1 5 -2 -1 6 -2 -2 7 -3 -2 8 -3 -3 9 -4 -3 10 -4 -4 11 -5 -4 12+ -5 -4 With Specialty Weapon/Style Damage To Hit 0 0 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 Requirements: Str 12. § Ki Power: 1/day by entering a fight with a fierce kiai.000 9 275.000 Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 9d10 9d10+3 9d10+6 9d10+9 9d10+12 9d10+15 9d10+18 9d10+21 9d10+24 9d10+27 9d10+30 9d10+33 +3 HP Ability Meditation 1/6 Surprise Two Weapons.000 8 140. Spirit Folk Alignment: Lawful Combat/Saves: Warrior/Warrior Birth Table? Yes Family? Yes Base Honor: Family Starting Money: d4 ch'ien & d10 tael/ch'ao Initial Proficiencies: 3 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -3 Attacks/Round: Level 1-3 1/1 Level 4-7 3/2 Level 8-14 2/1 Level 15+ 5/2 Armor Use: None Shield Use: None Weapon Use: Any Abilities/Bonuses: § Free proficiency in Specialty Weapon/Style.400 5 18. Roll of 95 or higher indicates discovery. Saves. Max 95% chance. .025. 75% price can be a good rule of thumb.750. § Cheap Deals: Chance to find free or halfprice items.000 14 1.000 11 825. Dex 14. Con 8 Prime Requisites: Str (14) Races: Any Alignment: Any Combat/Saves: Warrior/Warrior Birth Table? Yes Family? Choice Base Honor: Family or 10 Starting Money: d4 tael/ch'ao & 2d100 fen Initial Proficiencies: 4 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -2 Attacks/Round: Level 1-5 1/1 Level 6-10 3/2 Level 11+ 2/1 Armor Use: Any Shield Use: Any Weapon Use: Any Abilities/Bonuses: § Weapon Specialization: Must be chosen when created. 20% Village 25% Medium Village 30% Large Village 40% Small Town 60% Large Town 90% City § Pick Pockets: Cash only.000 17 2.000 15 1. Lasts for 1turn. level is raised by two.Kensai (Warrior) Requirements: Str 9.000 13 1. the DM can allow the bushi to spend less money on equipment due to his ability to find it free or at half price.925.650.000 20 3.000 16 2.475. Causes Specialty Weapon/Style to do maximum damage on one hit.200 4 8. Monk (Rogue) Table 8: Monk Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 2. 7th Level . Table 9: Monk Abilities: Additional Weapon Level AC Move Damage 1 10 15” 2 9 16” +1 3 8 17” +1 4 7 18” +2 5 7 19” +2 6 6 20” +3 7 5 21” +3 8 4 22” +4 9 3 23” +4 10 3 24” +5 11 2 25” +5 12 1 26” +6 13 0 27” +6 14 -1 28” +7 15 -1 29” +7 16 -2 30” +8 17 -3 32” +8 Additional Martial Attacks 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/1 3/2 3/2 3/2 2/1 2/1 3/1 3/1 Additional Martial Damage +1 +2 +2 +1d +1d+1 +1d+2 +1d+2 +2d +2d +2d+1 +3d +3d+1 +4d Surprise Normal 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 ESP Normal Normal Normal 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Charm Resist Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 18 10 Requirements: Str 15. Non-Kensai. fear is caused in creatures of 1HD or less who fail save vs.000 3 4.000 16 2.000 12 830. 11th Level . Double XP for defeating another Kensai in a duel.800 5 19. he becomes a Bushi of the same level.000 15 2.000 14 1.000. Ki Power: Level/day Declared before roll to hit.800 6 41. § Cannot use weapon specialization.Surprise: The Kensai is surprised only on a 1 on a d6. Dex 15.000 10 435. Psychic Duels: +2 bonus vs.Fear: At will.550. although style specialization is allowed.450.§ § § § § § § § § § Base AC of 23-Dex. 6th Level . § Cannot use magical Specialty Weapons.Meditation: Twice as restful as sleep. Missing hours must be made up at the rate of 2 extra hours per day before level advancement. Con 11. Immunity to fear. 10% x new Level chance to be challenged to a duel.000 13 1. Still aware of surroundings. (once per level per opponent) 4th Level .000 Hit Dice 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 9d4 10d4 11d4 12d4 13d4 14d4 15d4 16d4 17d4 18d4 Title Novice Initiate Brother Disciple Immaculate Master Superior Master Master of Dragons Master of the North Wind Master of the West Wind Master of the South Wind Master of the East Wind Master of Winter Master of Autumn Master of Summer Master of Spring Grand Master of Flowers Restrictions/Penalties: § Only one starting proficiency can be used for proficiency in a second weapon all other starting proficiencies must be peaceful. He keeps old abilities but gains no new Kensai abilities. § § § § § 1/2 XP for opponents defeated using any nonSpecialty Weapon/Style.800 7 86. Loss of Status: If the Kensai's honor ever falls below his family's. Duel Challenges: At each level. Allows simultaneous attack with Specialty Weapon/Style of all opponents within a 10ft radius.000 17 2.100.000 8 175. Spirit Folk Alignment: Lawful Combat/Saves: Rogue/Rogue Birth Table? No Family? No Base Honor: No Honor Starting Money: 4d10 yuan & 2d100 fen Initial Proficiencies: 5 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -4 Attacks/Round: 1/1 (Except Martial Arts) Armor Use: None Shield Use: None .000 9 305. must win a duel to gain a level.Whirlwind Attack: Requires all Ki Power for the day. Duels: 10th level and beyond.900. Wis 15 Prime Requisites: None Races: Human. Practice: 2h per day. Breath Weapon.000 11 610.Two weapons: Has the effect of free Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon style specialization. 7th Level . 700.Healing: 1/day.Charm Resistance: Resistance to Charm. parang.000 11 1. Restrictions/Penalties: § Bonuses: No Str to hit or damage bonuses.5’ 13’ 13. crossbow (any). etc. kusari-gama. Suggestion. 13th Level .ESP Protection: ESP spells and Psionic contact have a small chance of success (see table). § Can only own 2 magical weapons and 3 other magic items. naginata. Ninja (Rogue) Table 10: Ninja Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 3. 12th Level .Immunity to Geas and Quest spells. spear.Speak With Plants: Plants can react in simple ways such as parting bushes. 6th Level .Total immunity to all types of poisons.400. 10th Level .000. Maximum unadjusted chances of 95%. axe (hand). halberd. § Religion and Calligraphy Proficiencies must be taken at character creation. Cha 14 Prime Requisites: None Races: Human Alignment: Non-Good Combat/Saves: Other Class/Rogue .000 8 175.5’ 18’ + .Psionic Defense: The Monk defends against telepathic and mind blast attacks as if he had an Int of 18.300.One free Martial Arts special maneuver of the player's choice.000 18 3. Armor class improves with level as shown. § Can never own horses or property.000.000 16 2. Free Martial Arts style and 2 of its special maneuvers. kama. Hypnosis.000 21+ +300. and magic items useable by Thieves.000 Hit Dice 1d2 2d2 3d2 4d2 5d2 6d2 7d2 8d2 9d2 9d2+1 9d2+2 9d2+3 9d2+4 9d2+5 9d2+6 9d2+7 9d2+8 9d2+9 9d2+10 9d2+11 +1 HP Pole Vault 8’ 9’ 9.Falling: Can fall up to 20 feet and take no damage if within 1ft of a wall or vertical surface. § Monks generally do not leave old magic items for new ones. magical rings. trident Abilities/Bonuses: § Monk Skills: § § § 11th Level .600. No Dex AC Bonuses. spells as shown.5’ 14’ 14. lasso. Int 15. § Cannot keep more money than necessary.000 20 3. 9th Level .5’ 10’ 10.000 12 1. chijiriki.Cataleptic State: Feign Death for up to Level x2 turns.000 5 22. dagger.Falling: Can fall up to 30 feet and take no damage if within 4ft of a wall or vertical surface. 4th Level .000 15 2.5’ 17’ 17. § Cannot have henchmen or hirelings until 6th level. § Disobedience to monastery superiors results in being barred temporarily from monastery.5’ Fall 0’ 0’ 10’ 15’ 20’ 25’ 30’ 35’ 40’ 45’ 50’ 55’ 60’ 65’ 70’ 75’ 80’ 85’ 90 95’ + 5’ Backstab X2 X2 X2 X2 X3 X3 X3 X3 X3 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X4 X5 X5 Requirements: Dex 14.000 7 88.100. Hirelings can only be hired on a one adventure basis. 4th Level .000 17 2. The Monk is oblivious to his surroundings in this state.000 10 700. § Can use only OA Monk magic items. 8th Level . § No advancement beyond 17th Level. untangling thickets.900. 3rd Level .5’ 11’ 11.Weapon Use: martial arts (any). 9th Level . 25 Points to add at each level after first. bokutoh.5’ 16’ 16. Failed attempt meets a closed mind. Ki Power: Level/day Magic Resistance. javelin. Heal self for d4+ 1/level starting at 7th.Speak With Animals: Allows communication with any animal of Int 1 or greater. and still no effect on a successful save. 7th Level . daikyu. Allows no effect from magic on a successful save (only if one is allowed).000 3 6.5’ 12’ 12. § Excess treasure/magic must be given to NPC religious institutions. § Duels required to gain levels beyond 8th (see OA). If a Martial Arts style is used the best AC is used. Free Missile Deflection and Arrow Cutting special maneuvers.000 9 360. and thus state duration before entering it.000 4 11.Improved Ki Power: Allows 1/2 damage (damaging spells only) always.300.000 6 44. but will keep using old ones until they are unusable. 5th Level .000 13 1.600.Immunities: Immunity to disease and unaffected by haste and slow spells.5’ 15’ 15. All adjustments apply.000 19 3. § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Base Scores Climb Walls: 60% Find/Remove Traps: 10% Hear Noise: 5% Hide in Shadows: 5% Move Silently: 10% Open Locks: 15% 50 Points to add at first level. 6th Level . etc.000 14 1. the Ninja dies in it. or use those of the Chinese and Japanese mythoi in Legends & Lore. he can take no damage. The Assassination table in the 1st- § § § Edition DMG can be used. The distance shown is the maximum height that can be vaulted to. Each hit die for the other class is halved. Psionicist. Second Edition. All adjustments apply. but will keep his true identity a secret. Con bonuses are given normally to the other class. and falls the distance shown or less.Ki Power #3: 1/day After spending 3 rounds concentrating (the power for the day is lost if the Ninja is interrupted or attacked). § Backstab: On a successful back attack upon a humanoid (at +4 to hit) the damage done is multiplied by the backstab multiplier. § A Ninja can never reveal his true identity. Sohei. If not through the obstacle at the end of the round.Birth Table? As Other Class Family? Yes (Ninja Clan) Base Honor: As Other Class Starting Money: As Other Class plus d2 ch'ien Initial Proficiencies: 2 Proficiencies per Level: 1/3 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -4/0For Ninja Weapons Attacks/Round: Level 1-6 1/1 Level 7-14 3/2 Level 15+ 2/1 Armor Use: leather. full damage is suffered. For greater distances. § Assassinate: This skill should be handled as the DM sees fit. and requires twice the normal amount of experience to advance as a Ninja. Restrictions/Penalties: § Disobedience to the Ninja family is punished by death. If vaulting for distance rather than height.) See Players Handbook. § Any ninja without a family (usually with his family close on his heels) is a Nukenin. Wu Jen. rounding up. 12th Level . Concentration is broken if the Ninja is injured in any way while using this power. is within reach of a vertical surface that can slow his fall. Priest (Priest) (This class allows the use of specialty priests in OA. 40 Points to add at each level after first. leather scale. 5th Level . not even to PCs. § Ninja Skills: Base Scores Climb Walls: 60% Disguise: 10% Escape: 5% Find/Remove Traps: 10% Hide in Shadows: 5% Move Silently: 10% Open Locks: 15% Pick Pockets: 20% Tightrope Walk: 10% 80 Points to add at first level. The DM may create his own deities and priesthoods. or the DM can make his own calls. Experience are divided between classes at the DM's discretion. Ki Power #1: 1/day The Ninja can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to his Ninja level. or Yakuza. the maximum distance is equal to twice the length of the pole. § The Ninja must retain his honor above his family's or be killed by the clan. The other class is unaffected. plus any other armor allowable to the other Class (armor may limit the use of Ninja abilities) Shield Use: As other Class Weapon Use: As other Class plus Ninja Weapons Abilities/Bonuses: § Split Class: All Ninjas must also be a Bushi. and that the character wear no metal armor. Any specification marked as "varies" must be specific to the specialty priesthood. He can be known to be a Ninja by those he is working with. padded. reduce the height by 1ft. Second Edition . § Fall: If the Ninja is wearing no metal armor other than chainmail. chain. Maximum unadjusted chances of 95% § Pole Vault: Requires a 30ft running start and a pole at least four feet longer than the Ninja is tall. Birth Table? Choice Family? Choice Base Honor: Varies Starting Money: d10 tael/ch'ao & 5d10 yuan Abilities/Bonuses: § Rituals: Any Priest can perform the rituals of the Shukenja (see OA) § Other Abilities/Bonuses as Specialty Priesthood § Can take a Meditation proficiency without any Martial arts style. § Additional Abilities As Specialty Priesthood Restrictions/Penalties: § As Specialty Priesthood Psionicist (Psionicist) See Complete Psionicist Handbook. If trying to land atop an obstacle. the Ninja can walk through 1ft per Ninja level of wall or obstacle in 1r.Ki Power #2: Level/day The Ninja can walk on smooth water for 5ft per Ninja Level at a speed of 30ft/r. hide. § -7th Level .850.000 15 1. sling. Wis 13 Prime Requisites: None Races: Human.200 5 16. Painting.750. § Damage Bonus: The Samurai has the bonus shown on the table to all rolls for damage.125. tui-fa. Samurai (Warrior) Table 11: Samurai Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 2.000 10 375. jingasa. nunchaku.The Samurai starts to be offered responsibilities by his daimyo (see OA). § 3rd Level . § Proficiencies: By 2nd Level the Samurai must have the Riding proficiency. § Can take a Meditation proficiency without any Martial arts style. dagger. Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -2 Attacks/Round: Level 1-4 1/1 Level 5-8 3/2 Level 9+ 2/1 Armor Use: Any Shield Use: Any Weapon Use: Any Abilities/Bonuses: § Two Specializations: A Samurai can specialize in both the Katana and the Daikyu.300 3 4. kau sin ke. Ronin can become Samurai again. haramaki. mace. § Ki Power: Level/day With a kiai (shout).000 12 925. studded leather Shield Use: buckler.025. chain. in which case the player must find Family? Yes a sponsor and begins at Lower Upper Class) Base Honor: Family Starting Money: 2d6 ch'ien & d10 tael/ch'ao Initial Proficiencies: 5 Proficiencies per Level: 1/1 . wakizashi Abilities/Bonuses: § Psionics: As per The Complete Psionics Handbook. but require twice the normal amount of experience.Surprise: The Samurai is surprised only on a roll of 1 on a d6. Korobokuru Alignment: Lawful Combat/Saves: Warrior/Warrior Birth Table? Yes (+10.000 20 3.000 11 610. kiseru. Int 14.200. § Honor: A Samurai must follow the code of Bushido.475. siangkam.Birth Table? Choice Family? Choice Base Honor: Family or 15 Starting Money: d6 tael/ch'ao & 4d10 yuan & 2d100 fen Armor Use: haidate. Meditation gives the same PSP gain as sleep. and Poetry.Fear: At will. § 6th Level . By 6th Level the Samurai must have proficiencies in Calligraphy. dart.300. hara-ate. with the same daimyo or another one. leather. padded. sword (short).600 4 9. fang.000 21+ +275.500 6 33. bow (short).000 14 1. By 3rd Level the Samurai must have proficiency with the Daikyu. The Samurai can specialize only in Katana and Daikyu.000 13 1.000 19 2.Immunity to Fear. kama. the Samurai can raise his Strength to 18(00) for 1r. shaken.575. fear is caused in creatures of 1HD or less who fail save vs. chu-ko-nu. sai. club. Restrictions/Penalties: § Specialization: The Samurai must specialize in Katana when created. jo stick.000 17 2. chopsticks. Con 13.000 8 125. leather scale. Spirit Folk. unless Korobokuru. shuriken (any). and maintain his honor above a specific point or become Ronin. § 5th Level . hankyu. Ronin can still advance as Samurai. Breath Weapon. jitte.000 Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 9d10 9d10+3 9d10+6 9d10+9 9d10+12 9d10+15 9d10+18 9d10+21 9d10+24 9d10+27 9d10+30 9d10+33 +3 HP Damage Bonus 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +1/3 Levels Requirements: Str 13.000 9 220.500 7 69. gunsen.000 18 2. crossbow (light). blowpipe. gunsen Weapon Use: axe (hand/throwing).000 16 2. three-piece rod. They gain full XP for defeating evil spirits.500 2d6 3 3.000 16 1. Creation. All modifiers and bonus spells apply.600.775.000 19 2. Necromancy (no reverses). Con 9. and gain XP only for treasure donated to charity or the poor. Healing. padded. hara-ate.000 14 1. § Non-violence: The shukenja gains 1/2 XP for defeating enemies.000 21+ +225.400. etc.000 7 56. Wis(15) Races: Human Alignment: Lawful Combat/Saves: Priest/Priest Birth Table? No Family? No .000 13 1.000 17 2.000 10 425. spells used to aid NPCs or creatures not associated with the party. boku-toh.) o Cannot eat meat. Wis (15) Races: Human. § Rules: Failure to follow these roles results in punishments (loss of spells.000 9d6 10 400. Sun.000 +1 HP Wisdom Requirement: 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 3 2 5 4 4 3 2 1 6 5 5 3 2 2 6 6 6 4 2 2 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 6 6 6 6 4 2 1 7 7 7 6 4 3 1 7 7 7 7 5 3 2 8 8 8 8 6 4 2 9 9 8 8 6 4 2 9 9 9 8 7 5 2 See Forgotten Realms Adventures § § § Ki Power: Level/day Declared before the die is rolled. Hengeyokai Alignment: Good Combat/Saves: Priest/Priest Birth Table? No Family? No Base Honor: 20 Starting Money: d5 tael/ch'ao & 2d10 yuan & d100 fen Initial Proficiencies: 6 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -4 Attacks/Round: 1/1 Armor Use: leather. the Shukenja can gain a +3 on any saving throw. Astral. Self Defense: Free proficiency in one style of martial arts. Thought. jingasa. o Must avoid immoderate drinking and eating.000 15 1. § Meditation: Twice as restful as sleep.100. Sohei (Priest) Table 13: Sohei Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 2.000 9d6+4 14 1. Law or Chaos or neither (if NG) (Additionally.500 4 7.000 9d6+1 11 600.000 11 650.550.675. studded leather Shield Use: None Weapon Use: axe (hand). Restrictions/Penalties: § Only 2 initial proficiencies can be weapon proficiencies. Weather. sling staff. Requirements: Str 9. loss of honor. Divination.000 9d6+10 20 2. bo stick. some of which have specific effects (see OA). Still aware of surroundings.900 5 15. Plant.225. sling.250 3 4.000.000 6 28. special penance. jitte. Animal. kama.500 3d6 4 6.000 9 200.200. Shukenja can cast the 7th Level Holy Word spell from the Combat sphere). o Must avoid violence (especially killing) wherever possible. spear. Charm.325.000 9d6+8 18 2.000.000 8d6 9 200.Shukenja (Priest) Table 12: Shukenja Exp Hit Level Needed Dice 1 0 1d6 2 1. etc. § Rituals: The Shukenja can perform various rituals. jo stick.200. Extra XP: 100XP per level of cure. Wis 12 Prime Requisites: Con (15).000 18 2.000 9d6+7 17 1. chain.000 12 875. heal.400. gunsen.000 7d6 8 100.500 6d6 7 50.000 9d6+3 13 1.000 9d6+6 16 1.000 9d6+5 15 1. tetsubo.000 8 110. § Certain religions may have other specific rules or restrictions. haramaki.000 Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 9d10 9d10+2 9d10+4 9d10+6 9d10+8 9d10+10 9d10+12 9d10+14 9d10+16 9d10+18 9d10+20 9d10+22 +2 HP Spells 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 See Oriental Adventures Requirements: Str 13. sai.450. Protection. Con 10.800 5d6 6 25.400 4d6 5 12.000 9d6+9 19 2.800.000 20 2.000 9d6+2 12 800.000 9d6+11 21+ +200. kiseru. tui-fa Abilities/Bonuses: § Priest Spells: Spheres = All.000. Combat. § Poverty: Shukenja are sworn to poverty. Summoning. Wis 10 Prime Requisites: Str (15). Restrictions/Penalties: § Receives 1/2 XP for defeating foes unless it is in the service of his monastery. § Rules: o Cannot eat meat (fish is allowed). blowpipe. sling. Healing (Except Cure X Wounds. uchi-ne Abilities/Bonuses: § Wizard Spells § Specialization: Wu Jen can become specialists under the same rules as mages.Priest Spells: Spheres = All. sai. K Water H. shuriken (any). He. Hengeyokai. +1d. dagger. gunsen. +3" movement. Wards (minor) (Additionally.Duties: The Sohei begins receiving duties and powers from his monastery (see OA). metsubishi. . the Wu Jen can choose one favored weapon.Ki Power: 1/day For 1 turn. He. K. K. jo stick. depending on death's door rules). Those who wish to be purely Oriental are should feel free to create their own earth/metal/fire/water/wood system. siangkam. K Earth H. needle. He Invoker H Necromancer H Wild Mage H. and tell me about it. shikomi-zue. kiseru. Fortify. boku-toh. shuriken (any) Abilities/Bonuses: § Weapon of Choice: One weapon may be chosen at creation. He. Second Edition for more information about specialty mages. He H=Human. He. Combat. § 3rd Level . He=Hengeyokai. § Favored Weapon: At creation. jitte. K Enchanter H. nekode. Animal (minor). Protection. +1 save. The allowable races. Guardian (minor). (Note that the elemental system does not agree fully with the OA elemental system. He. and Neutralize Poison). Divination.) Requirements: Int 13 Prime Requisites: Int (15) Races: Human. o Must refrain from excesses of personal behavior. At -10HP. S (B/R/S)=Spirit Folk (Bamboo/River/Sea) See Players Handbook . Table 17: Specialty Wu Jen Specialist Races Abjurer H Transmuter H. tui-fa. bow (short). and opposition schools are shown in the table. He. sword (short). § 6th Level . S (B) Fire H. K Conjurer H. Breath Weapon. § 6th Level . § 5th Level . He. +1 th. requirements. K. The Sohei has +1 to hit and damage with that weapon. -1AC. shakem. Sohei can cast the 5th Level Mental Strength spell from the sphere of Thought) All modifiers and bonus spells apply. and he thereafter has a +1 to hit when using that weapon. Second Edition. Law. dart. S (R/S) Illusionist H. can dodge or deflect missile weapons on a successful save vs. he collapses (unconscious or dead.Final Word: The Sohei can continue fighting (with +2 th & d) until he reaches -10HP. S Air H. K=Korobokuru. but I decided to keep it in order to agree with existing rules. chain. Wu Jen (Wizard) See Player’s Handbook. shaken.Base Honor: 15 Starting Money: d10 tael/ch'ao & 4d10 yuan Initial Proficiencies: 4 Proficiencies per Level: 1/3 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -2 Attacks/Round: Level 1-6 1/1 Level 7-12 3/2 Level 13+ 2/1 Armor Use: Any Shield Use: None Weapon Use: Any except blowpipe. Korobokuru Alignment: Non-Lawful Combat/Saves: Wizard/Wizard Birth Table? No Family? No Base Honor: 15 Starting Money: d3 ch'ien & 2d10 tael/ch'ao Initial Proficiencies: 6 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -5 Attacks/Round: 1/1 Armor Use: None Shield Use: None Weapon Use: bo stick. katana. K Diviner H. He. or when his enemy is defeated. Oriental Proficiencies These are the proficiencies available to Oriental characters.000 7 60. 11th. He gains more tattoos as he gains levels.175. but until he does he is treated as a non-person.900.000 20 3.075. For those proficiencies listed in 2nd-Edition. Cha 16 Prime Requisites: None Races: Human. Maximum unadjusted chances of 95% § Investigate: Allows the Yakuza to find out secret or uncommon information. Korobokuru Alignment: Lawful Combat/Saves: Rogue/Rogue Birth Table? Yes (-10) (Determines birth status only. See OA for more details. Gem Cutting to Jeweler. § Contacts: A Yakuza receives 1 contact for each two experience levels.000 17 2. 4th Level . at 6th. The proficiencies are divided into groups as in the OA hardback.000 18 2. any character can learn any Requirements: Str 11. Riding (Land Based) and Riding (Airborne) to Horsemanship (which applies only to horselike creatures). Of course. Reactions: The Wu Jen receives a +4 on reaction rolls when dealing with Tengu and Oni.000 12 1. and the characters to which they are available should be obvious (Rogue to Yakuza and Ninja. Still aware of surroundings. The groups to which a character has normal access is the decision of the DM. 20 Points to add at each level after first. a Barbarian who gains 1/3 proficiencies per level gains his first new proficiency at level 3). § Honor: If the Yakuza's honor falls below that of his family. Gains are calculated from level 0 (i. § Yakuza Skills: Base Scores Hear Noise: 5% Hide in Shadows: 5% Move Silently: 10% Open Locks: 15% Pick Pockets: 15% 40 Points to add at first level. has no effect on family Family? Yes or honor.000 10 525.000 21+ +275.000 14 1. I have added a few groups. the Yakuza can reduce the damage of an attack on him to 1/2 (round up). he is cast out of his family. and gains one more with each five levels (i.000.e.725. Restrictions/Penalties: § Taboos: The Wu Jen has 1 taboo at first level. See OA for more details.000 8 130.000 19 3. He may regain his position. etc. See OA for more details.000 16 2.450. § Stipend: The Yakuza receives 2 ch'ien/level per month from his Yakuza kumi. § Ki Power: Level/day Once per round.000 6 30. Dex 15.350.000 15 1. Ki Power #1: 1/day +3 initiative for 1 round. Int 15.e.Ki Power #2: 1/day One spell of at least three levels lower than the Wu Jen's level can be cast at maximum effect. I decided to maintain the OA proficiency system. while only uniquely Oriental proficiencies should be taken from the OA rules. Languages: The Wu Jen speaks the languages of the Tengu and Oni.e. as martial arts become almost impossible to handle without it.625.000 5 16.000 9 260.000 4 8.The Yakuza can call for aid from his brethren once per level.) but should be easily recognizable.§ § § § § Meditation: Twice as restful as sleep.000 11 800. § 2nd Level . and how fast they gain new proficiencies. etc.000 Hit Dice 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 9d6+2 9d6+4 9d6+6 9d6+8 9d6+10 9d6+12 9d6+14 9d6+16 9d6+18 9d6+20 9d6+22 +2 HP Investigate 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 95 95 Area Covered 1 block 1 block 2 blocks 2 blocks 3 blocks 3 blocks 1 ward 1 ward 1 ward 2 wards 2 wards 2 wards 1 district 1 district 1 district 2 districts 2 districts 2 districts 3 districts 3 districts Province Abilities/Bonuses: § Free Gaming proficiency.000 3 4. padded Shield Use: None Weapon Use: Any .000 13 1.) Starting Money: d3 ch'ien & 2d10 tael/ch'ao Initial Proficiencies: 3 Proficiencies per Level: 1/2 Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -3 Attacks/Round: 1/1 Armor Use: leather. See OA for more details. All adjustments apply. those rules should be used.) Yakuza (Rogue) Table 18: Yakuza Exp Level Needed 1 0 2 2. No Ancestry or Birthrights are Base Honor: d20+20 rolled. Restrictions/Penalties: § Tattoos: The Yakuza starts with a small tattoo on his arm. § Reactions: +2 on all reaction rolls except those that involve social status. Psionic to Psionicists). Below are tables of the number of initial proficiencies that characters receive at creation. as the groups are based more on social standing and situation than on character class. Some proficiencies have been renamed (i.275. Modern Local History Mountaineering Musical Instrument Reading/Writing Reading Lips Rope Use Sailing Craft Singing Small Water Craft Swimming Ventriloquism Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dex Wis Wis Int NA Str/Cha Dex Int Cha NA Dex Int Int Dex Dex Cha Dex Str Int -1 -1 -1 -1 NA 0 -1 0 0 NA -1 +1 -2 0 +1 0 +2 0 -2 Relevant Ability Int Str Dex Int Str Int Dex Wis Int Dex Dex Dex Wis Int Wis Dex Dex Dex Str Int Int Int Check Modifier -2 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 -3 -2 -3 -2 -1 -3 -2 0 -3 -1 Proficiency Ancient History Astrology Calligraphy Etiquette Falconry Flower Arranging Heraldry Landscape Gardening Language.proficiency if he finds a teacher. Table 19: Character Proficiency Slots Initial Prof per Non-Prof Class Prof Level Weapon Barbarian 9 1/3 -2 Bushi 7 1/2 -2 Kensai 3 1/2 -3 Monk 5 1/2 -4 Ninja 2 1/3 -4 Priest 6 1/2 -3 Psionicist 5 1/2 -4 Samurai 5 1/1 -2 Shukenja 6 1/2 -4 Sohei 4 1/3 -2 Wu Jen 6 1/2 -5 Yakuza 3 1/2 -3 Table 20: Proficiency Groups Artisan # of Slots Proficiency Required Armorer 2 Blacksmith 1 Bowyer/Fletcher 1 Brewer 1 Carpenter 1 Civil Engineer 2 Cobbler 1 Healer 2 Herbalist 2 Jeweler 2 Locksmith 1 Masseur 1 Miner 2 Navigator 1 Paper-Maker 1 Potter 1 Seamstress/Tailor 1 Silk Maker 1 Stonemason 1 Tanner/Leatherworker 1 Weaponsmith 3 Weaver 1 Barbarian Proficiency Animal Lore Chanting Direction Sense Fire Building Running Signaling Snare Building Sound Imitation Survival Tracking Weather Sense Common Proficiency Agriculture Animal Handling Appraising Begging Cooking Dancing Endurance Fishing Gaming # of Slots Required 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Relevant Ability Int Wis Int Cha Int Dex Con Wis Cha Check Modifier 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 # of Slots Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 Relevant Ability Int Cha Wis Wis Con Int Dex Int Int Int Ws Check Modifier 0 -2 +1 -1 -6 -2 -1 -2 0 0 -1 Horsemanship Hunting Hunting Husbandry Iaijutsu Intimidation Juggling Language. Ancient Noh Origami Painting Poetry Religion Spellcraft Tea Ceremony Psionic Proficiency Harness Subconscious Hypnosis Meditation Medatative Focus Rogue Proficiency Fast-Talking Forgery Looting Observation Trailing Voice Mimicry Weapon Proficiency Ambidexterity Single-Weapon Style Two-Handed Style Two-Weapon Style Weapon & Shield Style Weapon Proficiency Weapon Specialization # of Slots Required 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Relevant Ability Int Int Dex Cha Wis Wis Int Wis Int Wis Dex Wis Wis Wis Int Wis Check Modifier -1 0 -3 0 -2 -1 0 -2 0 -3 -1 -3 -3 0 -2 -1 # of Slots Required 2 1 1 1 Relevant Ability Wis Cha NA Wis Check Modifier -1 -2 NA +1 # of Slots Required 1 1 1 1 1 2 Relevant Ability Cha Dex Dex Int Dex Cha Check Modifier 0 -1 0 0 0 0 # of Slots Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 Varies . though perhaps at double cost. Arrow Cutting (S.4 Strike: 1. Ladies of the Court Hard/Soft: S Principle Method: Movement Body Part: Legs Armor Class: 5 . Iron Fist (H.3 M & P Training II: 2. Flying Kick (H. Backward Kick (H/S. Quick Strike (H/S. OA) 5. The martial artist will appear to almost be dancing when using this style. as some methods have relatively few. OA) 2. A1) 5. Distant Death (S. Many Bushi use this style. Concentrated Push (S. music and dance are vital parts of training. "Flying Feet and Lightning Hands" Kick 1. A1) 4. Paralyzing Touch (S.5 Availability: Not Uncommon. OA) 7.5 Throw: 1 M & P Training: 1. OA) 2. rather than fighting back. Instant Stand (H/S. Steel Cloth (S. OA) 5. Controlled Breathing (S. Style: Fists of Stone Requirements: None Preferred by: Bushi. OA) 2. OA) 2. Crushing Drop (H. OA) 4. OA) 2. Levitation (S.2. Prone Fighting (S. and peasants often learn it for self defense. Description: The Dancing Wind style is a beautiful method of self defense. A1) 6. Throwing Mastery (H/S. OA) Strike 1. OA) 7. OA) 3. OA) 3.4 Availability: Common. Stunning Touch (S. Crushing Blow (H.4. OA) Vital Area 1. and its widespread use often comes as an unpleasant surprise to an invading army trying to subdue the populace of a conquered land. and in fact. In some noble households. A1) 7. OA) 4. OA) 6. 11. Feint (H/S. Immobilizing (H/S. Great Throw (S. Scissors Kick (H/S. Pause & Silence (H/S. made to give the common man the ability to defend himself without the need for weapons. OA) 4. I included some sample martial arts styles that I created. OA) 3. OA) 4. Maneuver (Hard/Soft. Many Shukenja use this style. OA) 5. a Shukenja is hired permanently as a teacher.Location) Locations: OA = Oriental Adventures. organized schools exis t to teach this style to the common people. OA) 5. OA) 4. OA) 3. Choke Hold (H/S. Weapon Breaker (H/S. OA) 3. A1) 5. You should also feel free to create more special maneuvers for your players to use. Resuscitation (S. A1) Lock 1. OA) 2. Slowed Aging (S. Light Step (S. OA) Mental And Physical Training II 1. Immovability (S. OA) 2. OA) 2. Crushing Hug (H. Leap (S. In some areas. The Tuifa is taught as a relatively nonviolent weapon which can be kept in normal surroundings without offending or arousing suspicion. OA) 3. OA) 3. Missile Deflection (S. OA) 6. Slow Resistance (H/S. Suppressed Desire (S. A1) Attacks: 1 Damage per Attack: d4 Weapons: Tui-fa Special Maneuvers: Movement: 2. OA) 4. and they often teach it to ladies of the court for their own self-defense. but you are free to omit them if you wish. Sticking Touch 3. in case you don't feel like making your own and agree with my opinion that Karate's three attacks per round is a bit too unbalancing.4 M & P Training II: 3. Peasants Hard/Soft: H Principle Method: Strike Body Part: Hand Armor Class: 8 Attacks: 2 Damage per Attack: d8 Weapons: None Special Maneuvers: Movement: 1. A1) Throw 1. Fall (H/S. Pain Touch (S. OA) 4. All-Around Sight (S. Weapon Catch (H/S. I included some maneuvers from an article in Dragon Magazine #164. Locking Block (S. Double Fist Punch (H/S. A1) 3. All martial arts are handled by the rules in the OA hardback. Incapacitator (H/S. OA) 4. OA) Push 1. One Finger (S. Townspeople Hard/Soft: H Principle Method: Kick Body Part: Foot Armor Class: 8 Attacks: 2 Martial Arts Styles Style: Dancing Wind Requirements: Dance or Noh Proficiency Preferred by: Shukenja. Nobles. Speed (H/S. Circle Kick (H. Hurl (H. OA) 2. A1) 2. Description: The Fists of Stone style is a utilitarian style. and is useful in blocking or disarming attackers. Blind Fighting (S. Notation Key: Level. Flowing Water (S. OA) Weapon 1. A1 = Dragon #164 p. Mental Resistance (S. It is simple but effective.Martial Arts Spe cial Maneuvers This is a complete table of special maneuvers for martial arts styles. Ironskin (H. Style: Forked Lightning Requirements: None Preferred by: Bushi. or if you don't have the magazine. A1) Movement 1. Eagle Claw (H. OA) 3. A1) Mental & Physical Training 1. Meditation (H/S. It concentrates primarily on the avoidance of danger. so difficult to learn as to keep it out of the hands of anyone with the discipline to learn it.6.4 Movement: 6 Strike: 4 M & P Training II: 4 Availability: Common.4 M & P Training: 1. and he will explode into action to land a blow.4 Throw: 1 M & P Training: 1. Self perfection through this style is a lifelong task.5 Availability: Uncommon. It is also often learned by Bushi who seek to gain some of the powers that come with such discipline of the body and spirit. Only the rare ascetic has learned this style. however. The path of this style is much like the discipline of a Monk. Schools of this style exist in many towns. Since the Ki is channeled but never expended. Style: Ki-Strike Requirements: Wis 12 Preferred by: Psionicists. Description: The Peace of Spirit style is the path of the seeker of true spiritual enlightenment.3.3 M & P Training II: 3. Style: Peace of Spirit Requirements: Wis 13.7 M & P Training II: 2. It is not. often standing still or moving slowly. Description: The Forked Lightning style is a fast. The Ki-Strike specialist will appear calm in combat. Three-piece rod Special Maneuvers: Movement: 4 Push: 1. Shukenja.3. The followers of the Peace of Spirit path are often seen as wise and crazy old men. This style allows the common man to feel the inner peace of a monastic order. The Nunchaku and . in several different ways.2. but is said to be able to make a man one with the universe. escaping the vanity of the world. Many Bushi use this style. Because of its difficulty. Psionicists.2. or avoid one. It requires an intensive program of meditation and fasting. but rather on calmness. Many Psionicists (who are themselves very rare) and a very few Monks know this style. When he does strike. Monks Hard/Soft: S Principle Method: Strike Body Part: Hand Armor Class: 6 Attacks: 1 Damage per Attack: d6 Weapons: Kau sin ke Special Maneuvers: Kick: 1 Movement: 5.3. but the spiritual rewards are well worth the effort.Damage per Attack: d8 Weapons: Sang Kauw Special Maneuvers: Kick: 1. and often live as hermits in the forest or mountains. nobles.2. "more suited to a real man" (or woman).6 M & P Training II: 1. there will be no warning. though far less rigorous and demanding. The Ki-Strike style focuses not on speed and the ability to land as many strikes as possible. without actually leaving his lifestyle and joining one. The master of the Ki-Strike style has learned to channel his Ki to different parts of his body to enhance the effects of his actions. and bushi seeking enlightenment.7 Availability: Very Rare. it is often considered a more dignified style than the Fists of Stone Style. The wisdom requirement expresses the need for the martial artist to have great control over his Ki.3. preparation.3 M & P Training: 1. and getting maximum effect from a single strike.6 Strike: 1. It concentrates on delivering multiple blows with lightning speed. Int 12 Preferred by: Monks.2. Some monasteries will teach this style to commoners.3.5.3. and rigorous one. Description: The Inner Power style is a tool of the common man who is seeking spiritual enlightenment.7 Availability: Very rare. Description: The Ki-Strike style focuses strongly on the inner power (Ki) of the individual.2. the use of the Ki-Strike style does not interfere with the use of other ki-powers. The Sang Kauw is taught due to its ability to strike blows in rapid succession. and many townsfolk and a few nobles use this style. Style: Inner Power Requirements: None Preferred by: Anyone seeking a glimpse of enlightenment Hard/Soft: S Principle Method: Movement Body Part: Legs Armor Class: 5 Attacks: 1 Damage per Attack: d4 Weapons: None Special Maneuvers: Movement: 3. Hermits Hard/Soft: S Principle Method: Push Body Part: Hand Armor Class: 5 Attacks: 1 Damage per Attack: d4 Weapons: Nunchaku. and even chanting softly while preparing to strike. Description: The Weight of Might style is optimized for large.6 M & P Training II: 4.4 M & P Training: 2. and they teach it with the same dedication that they they teach the beliefs of their religion.4 M & P Training II: 5 Availability: Common. Description: The Soft Strike style is primarily defensive. as well as many who train Sumo wrestlers will be able to teach this style. the Soft Strike style can be viciously effective when violence becomes necessary.5 Availability: Uncommon. It follows the belief of the Shukenja that violence should be avoided when possible. However.3 Throw: 2 M & P Training: 2. Any Ninja is to be feared. which stresses speed and agility. Sumo Wrestlers Hard/Soft: H Principle Method: Throw Body Part: Body Armor Class: 8 Attacks: 2 Damage per Attack: d6 Weapons: None Special Maneuvers: Lock: 1. for a precious few have ever seen such a master and lived long enough to feel fear.4. Some Yakuza families.5 Availability: Very Rare. Style: Soft Strike Requirements: None Preferred by: Shukenja.4. in addition to the proper placement of a blow.5 Strike: 1. Believers in Nonviolence Hard/Soft: S Principle Method: Strike Body Part: Hand Armor Class: 6 Attacks: 1 Damage per Attack: d6 Weapons: Nunchaku Special Maneuvers: Movement: 4. Many Shukenja use this style. It is a relatively easy style to learn. It is a lightning-quick style. . Its special maneuvers include skills which augment the Ninja's own.2.Three-piece rod are taught due to the great amount of concentration.5 Throw: 3. and is optimized for their methods of action and combat. and vigilance required to wield them.3. A Ninja who is also a master of the Serpent Strike style is to be feared only in his absence. discipline. Weight >250 Preferred by: Thugs. as well as special attacks which increase the ninja's chance of successful assassination. As such it is also very well suited to Sumo wrestlers.2. if one has the strength to perform its maneuvers. Style: Weight of Might Requirements: Str 12. Description: The Serpent Strike style was made for Ninja. Style: Serpent Strike Requirements: Dex 12 Preferred by: Ninja Hard/Soft: H/S Principle Method: Vital Area Body Part: Hand and Foot Armor Class: 6 Attacks: 2 Damage per Attack: d8 Weapons: None Special Maneuvers: Kick: 2 Movement: 5 Throw: 2 Vital Area: 1. except that they seem particularly adept at using their weight and size to throw or lock their opponents. as the Shukenja. strong men using their strength as their main weapon. Weight of Might masters appear little different from other thugs or wrestlers when using it. Only Ninja families know this style. Tome of Magic. Nec OA Page 67 68 68 68 Priest Spells * = reversible 1st Level Spell Sphere(s) Animal Companion Calm Deflection Detect Disease Detect Harmony Detect Poison Divining Rod Know History Omen Resist Trance Weapon Bless Location Ani. Those who wish to be purely Oriental are should feel free to create their own earth/fire/air/water/wood (as in OA) or earth/metal/fire/water/wood (as in the real Orient. Div Pro Pro All Cha Ani Hea. as far as I know) system. EIW Div Div Div Pro Cha Hea Ani. Tho OA Page 70 71 71 72 . Note that the elemental system does not agree fully with the OA elemental system. as well as all those included in the PHB. Pro Div Ani Nec Cha Cre Ani. can be made available to Oriental characters as the DM wishes.) Spell Schools Abj Abjuration Alt Alteration Con/Sum Conjuration GDy Greater Divination LDy Lesser Divination ElA Elemental Air ElE Elemental Earth ElF Elemental Fire ElW Elemental Water Enc/Cha Enchantment/Charm Ill/Pha Illusion/Phantasm Inv/Evo Invocation/Evocation Nec Necromancy Wil Wild Magic Spell Spheres All All Ani Animal Ast Astral Cao Chaos Cha Charm Com Combat Cre Creation Div Divination ElA Elemental Air ElE Elemental Earth ElF Elemental Fire ElW Elemental Water Gua Guardian Hea Healing Law Law Nec Necromantic Num Numbers Pla Plant Pro Protection Sum Summoning Sun Sun Tho Thought Tim Time Tra Travellers War War Wrd Wards Wea Weather 2nd Level Spell Aid Commune with Lesser Spirit Create Spring Detect Life Dream Sight Know Motivation Protection from Spirits Request Slow Poison Snake Summoning Warning 3rd Level Spell Castigate Death’s Door Detect Curse Dream Vision* Flame Walk Invisibility to Spirits Levitation Oath* Possess Animal Substitution 4th Level Spell Detect Shapechanger Endurance* Exorcise Fate Pacify Penet rate Disguise Polymorph Self Reanimation Remorse Reward Snake Barrier Sustain Sphere(s) All Div Cre. These spells. Any other spells from the OA hardback should not be used. as their 2nd-Edition equivalents are more appropriate. Pro OA Page 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 62 Sphere(s) Com Hea Div Cha. Pro Cre Cha Pro Nec Pla All OA Page 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 Sphere(s) All Cha Wea Nec. etc. Pro OA Page 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 Sphere(s) Div Hea Pro Div. but I decided to keep it in order to agree with existing rules. Tim Cha.Oriental Spells This is a list of all spells listed in the OA hardback which are not covered in the standard 2ndEdition materials. and tell me about it. Sum Div. Tho Cha. Sum Cha Pro Div Div Div Div Div Div Pro Div Com OA Page 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 Sphere(s) Cha Com. Tho Com. Wrd Hea OA Page 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 5th Level Spell Commune with Greater Spirit Possess Remember* Strength 6th Level Spell Force Shapechange Immunity to Weapons Inanimate Servant Instruct Invisibility to Enemies Longevity Quickgrowth* Smite 7th Level Spell Ancient Curse* Compel Divine Wind Restore Spirit Sphere(s) Div Cha. EIE Location (OA Page) 90 90 91 91 PHB 217 91 92 92 92 School(s) Enc/Cha Ill/Pha Con/Sum. Enc/Cha. EIE Con/Sum Alt Evo Alt. EIF Alt. EIF Enc/Cha Alt Evo Ill/Pha Enc/Cha Inv OA Page 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 . EIA. Evo Evo. EIE Inv Nec Abj. ElF Con Con/Sum. EIW Enc. Ill/Pha Evo. Sum.El(All) Evo. EIW Ldv Ldv Ill/Pha Enc/Cha Enc/Cha. EIW OA Page 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 5th Level Spell Aiming at the Target Creeping Darkness Fire Breath Ironwood Mass Metal Skin Servent Horde Spirit Self Sword of Deception Water to Poison* Wood Rot* 6th Level Spell Aura* Gambler’s Luck Metal to Rust Pain Speak with Dead Spiritwrack Sword of Darkness Vessel Warp Stone School(s) Inv Evo. EIA Alt. Inv Alt. Inv Alt Alt. Evo Nec Con/Sum Evo OA Page 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 94 3rd Level Spell Animate Fire Cloudburst Commune with Lesser Spirit Detect Shapechanger Disguise Fabricate Face* Fire Rain Fire Wings Magnetism* Memory* Steam Breath Scry Wood Shape 4th Level Spell Bargain Dancing Blade Dispel Illusion Dream Vision* Elemental Turning Emotion Fire Enchantment Melt Metal Quell Reverse Flow* Shout Spectral Force Transfix Vengeance School(s) Con/Sum. EIF Con/Sum Con/Sum. ElW Alt EIW Alt Alt. EIF Evo. EIE Alt. EIA Evo. EIA Alt. EIF Alt. EIF Alt Alt. El(All) Enc/Cha Enc/Cha. EIA Evo OA Page 78 78 78 78 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 7th Level Spell Body Outside Body Commune with Greater Spirit Elemental Servant Ice Blight* Obedience Reanimation Tool Withering Palm 8th Level Spell Call Cloud Trapeze Finding the Center Giant Size* Summing Wind Surelife Whirlwind 9th Level Spell Astral Spell Internal Fire Planar Call Summon Spirit Tsunami School(s) Con GDv Con/Sum. EIA Alt Con/Sum. Nec Evo Location (OA Page) PHB 231 97 97 97 97 School(s) Enc/Cha Evo Abj Inv Abj. EIE Enc/Cha Evo. EIW Evo Evo. EIA Evo. EIA El (All Alt OA Page 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 School(s) Con/Sum Alt. ElF Alt Con Alt Alt. Nec Con Alt. EIF Alt. ElE LDv Alt. El (All) Alt. EIF Ldv Abj Alt. EIW Evo OA Page 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 2nd Level Spell Animal Companion Apparition Animate Water Enchant Blade Fire Shuriken Omen Protection from Charm Smoke Shape Smoky Form Wind Breath Whip School(s) GDv Enc/Cha.Wizard Spells * = reversible 1st Level Spell Accuracy* Animate Wood Chameleon Cloud Ladder Drowsy Insects Elemental Burst Fiery Eyes Ghost Light Hail of Stone Know History Melt Message Prestidigitation* Secret Signs Still Water* Swim* Warp Wood Water Protection School(s) Enc/Cha Alt Ill/Pha Alt Con/Sum Con. EIA OA Page 94 94 94 95 95 96 96 School(s) Evo Evo.
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