Control-M Concepts Guide



Control-M Concepts GuideSupporting Version 7.0.00 of Control-M/Enterprise Manager Version 7.0.00 of Control-M/Server for UNIX® and Microsoft Windows Version 7.0.00 of Control-M/Agent for UNIX and Microsoft Windows October 2010 Contacting BMC Software You can access the BMC Software website at From this website, you can obtain information about the company, its products, corporate offices, special events, and career opportunities. United States and Canada Address BMC SOFTWARE INC 2101 CITYWEST BLVD HOUSTON TX 77042-2827 USA Telephone 713 918 8800 or 800 841 2031 Fax 713 918 8000 Outside United States and Canada Telephone (01) 713 918 8800 Fax (01) 713 918 8000 © Copyright 2010 BMC Software, Inc. BMC, BMC Software, and the BMC Software logo are the exclusive properties of BMC Software, Inc., are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. 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Outside the United States and Canada, contact your local support center for assistance. Before contacting BMC Have the following information available so that Customer Support can begin working on your issue immediately: ■ product information — — — product name product version (release number) license number and password (trial or permanent) ■ operating system and environment information — machine type — operating system type, version, and service pack or other maintenance level such as PUT or PTF — system hardware configuration — serial numbers — related software (database, application, and communication) including type, version, and service pack or maintenance level ■ ■ ■ sequence of events leading to the issue commands and options that you used messages received (and the time and date that you received them) — — — product error messages messages from the operating system, such as file system full messages from related software 3 License key and password information If you have questions about your license key or password, contact BMC as follows: ■ (USA or Canada) Contact the Order Services Password Team at 800 841 2031, or send an e-mail message to [email protected]. (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) Fax your questions to EMEA Contracts Administration at +31 20 354 8702, or send an e-mail message to [email protected]. (Asia-Pacific) Contact your BMC sales representative or your local BMC office. ■ ■ 4 Control-M Concepts Guide Contents About this book Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 9 11 11 13 13 14 16 19 20 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 29 Understanding Control-M architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing basic Control-M tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modeling your batch production environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organizing batch flows into hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Key batch modeling concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Placing your model into the production environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automating daily job scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring job processing in your batch environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring jobs by exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring mission-critical batch services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analyzing your production environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing analysis using Control-M tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forecasting production flows and scheduling with Control-M/Forecast . . . . . . Performing Control-M administrative tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing main administrative tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implementing security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2 Implementing work flows Planning and implementing business logic according to SLAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Monitoring and intervening in production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Analyzing and optimizing the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Glossary Index 35 47 Contents 5 6 Control-M Concepts Guide . . 20 Job ordering and forcing . . . . . . . . . .Figures Main Control-M components . . . . . . . . . 12 Write. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . upload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . load. . . and download operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figures 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Control-M Concepts Guide . Most product shipments also include the books on a documentation CD.About this book This book contains important concepts and background information about the Control-M suite of products. About this book 9 . To access Help. print. you can obtain the reader at http://www.adobe. To view. The software also offers online use the free Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems. To request printed books or to view online books and notices (such as release notes and technical bulletins). You should read and familiarize yourself with the material in this guide before using Control-M. Like most BMC documentation. or copy PDF books. this book is available in printed and online If your product installation does not install the reader. press F1 within any product or click the Help button in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). see the Customer Support website at http://www. NOTE Online books are formatted as PDF or HTML files. 10 Control-M Concepts Guide . . Placing your model into the production environment. . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 11 . enterprise-wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow . . . . dynamic system that offers a comprehensive solution to your batch processing production control requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control-M lets you totally automate the scheduling of your batch flows. . . . . . . . and lets you monitor the processing of your batch flows across the enterprise from a single point of control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Control-M administrative tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Understanding Control-M architecture Before examining the main tasks that you perform using Control-M. . . . . . . Analyzing your production environment . . . . . . . Performing basic Control-M tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chapter 1 11 13 13 19 20 23 25 27 1 Introducing Control-M This chapter presents the following topics Understanding Control-M architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring job processing in your batch environment . . . . . . . . . . Control-M is a unified. . . . . it is worthwhile taking a brief look at Control-M architecture and main components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modeling your batch production environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control-M/Agents submit jobs on behalf of the Control-M/Server. Control-M/Agents are commonly used to place computers under the control of a Control-M/Server. track the jobs’ processing. These are the scheduling engines that schedule jobs.Understanding Control-M architecture Figure 1 Main Control-M components ■ Control-M/Enterprise Manager (Control-M/EM) The Control-M/Enterprise Manager application provides a single. 12 Control-M Concepts Guide . ■ Control-M/Servers At the heart of Control-M processing are Control-M/Servers. centralized point of access and control of your batch processing environment. and provide notification of job flow status. manage job processing flows. they can schedule jobs on other computers that come under their control. ■ Control-M/Agents and remote hosts Though Control-M/Servers are responsible for job scheduling and processing. they do not have to limit their activity to the computer on which they reside. Each Control-M/Server is resident on a particular computer and is specific to its operating system. and provide status information back to the Control-M/Server. ■ Control modules To bring Control-M functionality to your external. that can be executed at the operating system level. you must provide Control-M with the scheduling and processing instructions for each job. Control-M/Agents and remote hosts are identified by their node IDs. instead of to a specific Control-M/Agent. Control-M provides Control Modules (CM) that enable Control-M/Agents to interface with the external applications. Performing basic Control-M tasks The following list briefly outlines the major tasks you perform when you automate your production environment with Control-M. Modeling your batch production environment In Control-M. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 13 . according to the processing load at that particular moment. Jobs are assigned to specific node IDs. The job will be processed on any agent in the group. or under a packaged external application.Performing basic Control-M tasks As an alternative to having a dedicated Control-M/Agent installed on each computer under the control of a Control-M/Server. and then assigning jobs to the node group. such as a script or program. You provide these instructions by defining job processing definitions for each job. such as an ABAP program in SAP. packaged application environment (for example SAP and Oracle E-Business Suite). a job is an execution unit. You can balance processing loads by grouping a number of Control-M/Agents together into a node group. To model your production batch processing flows. Control-M/Server can submit jobs to agentless computers known as remote hosts. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Modeling your batch production environment Placing your model into the production environment Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow Monitoring job processing in your batch environment Analyzing your production environment Performing Control-M administrative tasks These tasks are discussed in more detail on the following pages. and then fill in the rest of the values in the job editing form manually. Mass job creation and update—using this facility in conjunction with templates. and allows subsequent schedule changes to be made at a single location.Organizing batch flows into hierarchies To help you define job processing definitions. such as type of job. but you can define as many different templates as you need. ■ Application => Group = > Table => Job 14 Control-M Concepts Guide . including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ essential information about the job. Control-M/Desktop also provides a number of features that streamline the process of creating job processing definitions. program scheduling instructions. you provide information for each job. Calendars—Calendars are reusable job schedules. you can use the Control-M/EM API or command line utilities to model your production environment. The following are some of the more important features: ■ Templates—You can use templates to populate each job processing definitions with a set of common values. such as cleanup. Using the job editing form of Control-M/Desktop. graphic user interface called Control-M/Desktop (described in the Control-M User Guide). ■ ■ Organizing batch flows into hierarchies Each job processing definition is characterized by the following two functionally different hierarchies. such as which jobs must precede the current jobs post-processing instructions. This saves you from defining the criteria individually for each job. Control-M provides a robust. You define a calendar once. Templates are operating system-specific. script. The product comes with a predefined template for each supported operating system. and then apply the calendar to all relevant job processing definitions. such as required system resources flow dependencies. such as on what days to run the job runtime preconditions and instructions. you can create or update large numbers of jobs with a single request. notifications and escalations NOTE Alternatively. you can view the jobs belonging to an application or group. by your very act of creating a job processing definition. according to need. you must have previously created its table. you must associate it with its particular Control-M. the type of hierarchy display is determined by the ViewPoint definition. Accounting. When you view jobs in Control-M/EM. other jobs that run weekly or monthly. Government Reporting. and still others that run once per year.Organizing batch flows into hierarchies Your site has many different applications. Expenditures. Customer Service. you can toggle between the two types of hierarchy displays. with scheduling table running on a particular Control-M NOTE You specify values for both types of hierarchies when you define job processing definitions: ■ Before you can create a job processing definition. at the time that you create a table. such as Payroll. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 15 . Each application has many jobs. It is at this time that you define its Application => Group => Table => Job hierarchy. this hierarchy reflects how your site’s jobs are organized according to application. ■ Control-M => Table => Job Each application. When you view jobs in Control-M/Desktop. you organize jobs that are generally scheduled together into a logical grouping called a scheduling table. For this reason. You can also view the jobs belonging to a table in a particular Control-M. ■ At the time that you fill in the details of the job processing definition. They also generally run on the same Control-M. Therefore. jobs that run together are interdependent — that is. Thus. For example. the Accounting application) may have jobs that run daily. and the jobs within an application may be further divided into groups. and so on. the jobs in the Accounting application may be divided into groups such as Receivables. you identify the application and group to which it belongs. Furthermore. (for example. For example. you are establishing its Control-M => Table => Job hierarchy. Inventory. Frequently. one job may need to complete before another job can run. and so on. Some jobs get scheduled daily.Key batch modeling concepts To change the hierarchical arrangement of the displayed data 1 Choose View => Hierarchy and then choose either the Application/Group/SMART Table/Job hierarchy or the Data Center/Table/Job hierarchy. You define extended processing instructions in the Table Editing Form in Control-M/Desktop. Therefore. When a table which has extended processing parameters enabled is ordered. you associate it with a particular scheduling table. in the active environment you will be able to monitor the status of the table and perform actions which affect all the jobs in the table. others monthly or quarterly. job processing definitions are organized into “containers” called scheduling tables. and you assign each scheduling table to a specific Control-M. When you define a job. you can enable a table to define extended processing parameters that are applied to the jobs as a whole. You can define as many scheduling tables as you need. you should understand the following Control-M concepts. When you select SMART in the Table Editing Form. For example. Key batch modeling concepts To effectively model your batch environment. you can define post-processing tasks that Control-M should perform when all the jobs in a table with extended processing parameters successfully end. The submission criteria of the jobs are now dependent on the scheduling parameters of the table. However.each job is handled only according to the parameters in its own job processing definition. just as you can define post-processing tasks that Control-M should perform when a job successfully ends. the extended parameters can be set. Organizing and storing together jobs with similar schedules is very useful. It does not affect the List view. 16 Control-M Concepts Guide . Jobs in a table are normally processed independently of each other . NOTE Changing the hierarchy affects the flow diagram view (and the navigation tree). In conditions are job submission criteria. Control-M adds a job’s Out conditions to the active environment only when the job ends. This helps you control the nodes available to the jobs in the active environment. ■ When a predecessor job ends. Out conditions are post-processing parameters. by completion of the predecessor job). This is done in three primary areas: ■ ■ ■ Limiting resources available to groups of jobs in the active environment Routing groups of jobs to execute on specific resources Defining a resource’s availability in the dynamic environment according to specific times With Control-M’s Workload Management you can divide any or all of the jobs in the Control-M active environment into smaller groups of jobs. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 17 . Most commonly. an In condition of a successor job. For more information about Nodes Management. see the Control-M User Guide. This is done by defining a job attribute filter for a Workload which associates any job with those attributes in the active environment with that Workload. These groups of jobs are called Workloads. Nodes Management is performed using the Control-M Configuration Manager. You can limit the usage of a node and the specific times when those limitations will be applied. Jobs can be associated with more than one Workload. For information about Workload Management. see the Control-M Administrator Guide Establishing dependencies between jobs (job flows) Job flows often require dependencies between jobs so that some jobs run before or after other jobs. A node’s participation in a node group can also be defined for specific times. manage and balance the workload on Control-M resources and nodes. the load on any node machine or node group can be controlled. Control-M uses conditions (Out conditions and In conditions) to establish job dependencies. the addition of its Out conditions to the active environment enables successor jobs with the corresponding In conditions to run. With Nodes Management.Key batch modeling concepts Workload Automation Control-M’s Workload Management and Nodes Management features help you to better control. the same condition is defined as both: ■ an Out condition of a predecessor job. Control-M cannot submit a job until its In conditions have been added to the active environment (for example. Jobs are grouped together according to shared general attributes in their job definitions. and databases. Global conditions can be created to establish dependencies between jobs running on different Control-M/Servers. A condition can be used as an In condition in more than one job. the user defines a condition. Control-M frees up those resources for use by other jobs. such as files. ■ ■ ■ Identifying resources required by jobs You can define the following types of resource requirements for each job: ■ Control resources—resources that are generally characterized by the control that a job needs over them: exclusive or shared. When you plan to use conditions. When the job ends. PAYCALC-ENDED-OK is defined as an In condition for job PRINTPAY. remember the following facts: ■ Jobs can be dependent on more than one condition. the dependency of job PRINTPAY on job PAYCALC is established. Data information resources. ■ NOTE You also define the corresponding resources available on each Control-M/Server. are frequently considered quantitative resources. To create the necessary job dependency. 18 Control-M Concepts Guide . called PAYCALC-ENDED-OK. Quantitative resources—resources that are generally quantified.Key batch modeling concepts EXAMPLE The payroll calculating job PAYCALC must be run before the payroll check-printing job PRINTPAY. (PRINTPAY cannot be submitted unless the condition has been added to the active environment. and then submits the job and adjusts the availability of those resources accordingly. are frequently considered control resources. Physical resources. Control-M determines when the resources required by a job are available. megabytes of storage. as follows: ■ PAYCALC-ENDED-OK is defined as an Out condition in job PAYCALC. tables.) ■ Because the condition required by job PRINTPAY is not created until job PAYCALC terminates successfully. such an quantity of memory. or number of tape drives. (This condition is added to the active environment when PAYCALC terminates successfully). Conditions are date-specific. percentage of CPU. the Definition file and the Active Jobs file. for example. such as emailing a message or shouting a message to the Alerts window. you can.) ■ Control-M/Server database—each Control-M/Server has its own database that contains the job processing definitions (organized by scheduling table) for which it is responsible. and similar terms) which you specify in place of values that change from job submission to job submission. For example. you must first have a basic understanding of the relevant databases—the Control-M/EM database and the Control-M/Server databases—and the main files in each of those databases. the Active Jobs file is discussed in the next section. user defined variables. automatically change the job’s status from Ended Not Ok to Ended Ok.Placing your model into the production environment Defining variables that are dynamically resolved at runtime To eliminate the need to manually modify job processing definitions and job scripts with information known only at time of job submission. and opening a Remedy ticket in response to problems (or integrating with other external monitoring applications). Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 19 . Control-M’s AutoEdit facility allows you to use AutoEdit terms (predefined system variables. You can also define automatic interventions. functions. Placing your model into the production environment To understand how you place your batch model (the scheduling tables that contain job processing definitions) into production. if a job ends with a particular error code. (The Definition file is discussed here. If a minor error that does not impact production occurs. Common activities include notifications. AutoEdit variables can be used when: ■ ■ ■ ■ an output file should have the current working date appended you must supply the volume label of a loaded CD the job’s order ID must be passed to the script certain job script steps should only be included for end of month runs The AutoEdit facility is described in detail in the Control-M Parameters Guide (and the Control-M for z/OS User Guide for mainframe Control-M users). These definitions are stored in the Definition file of the database. Automating post-processing You can define different activities that Control-M should perform after a job has ended. such as rerunning a job or forcing a remedial job. However. you virtually never need to do this. the Definition file of the Control-M/EM database must contain a copy of all job processing definitions in all Control-M/Server databases. load.” Figure 2 illustrates the process. you can perform a load operation.Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow ■ Control-M/EM database—to allow you to control your entire batch production enterprise from a single point of control (Control-M/EM). the scheduling tables) in the Definition file of the Control-M/EM database. which copies the job processing definitions from the Control-M/EM database back into Control-M/Desktop. Figure 2 Write. and download operations To modify job processing definitions that have already been placed into the Control-M/EM database.” You then copy the job processing definitions from this Definition file into the Definition file of the relevant Control-M/Server database. (To copy job processing definitions from the Control-M/Server database to the Control-M/EM database. you must first become familiar with the Active Jobs file in the Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM databases. upload. You place the job processing definitions (or more exactly. 20 Control-M Concepts Guide . To understand job scheduling. because the Control-M/Server database is never more up-to-date than the Control-M/EM database. they are eligible to be scheduled and run under the Control-M/Server to which they have been defined.) Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow Once you have defined your production batch flows. you perform a download operation. This operation is called “writing to Control-M/EM. This operation is called “uploading to Control-M/Server. you can do either of the following (illustrated in Figure 3): — ordering the job or table—An order request only schedules requested jobs whose scheduling parameters indicate that the jobs are eligible for scheduling that day.Using Control-M to schedule the batch flow In the previous section. To manually schedule jobs or scheduling tables. you can monitor the status of jobs in all Control-M/Servers ■ Having the Active Jobs file separate from the Definition file provides several advantages. This is the most efficient way to schedule jobs. the Control-M/EM GUI console (described later). in both databases. Each day. including the following: ■ The “active” file must only contain those jobs that are scheduled on that day rather than the total of all defined jobs. Control-M automatically schedules those jobs whose scheduling criteria (defined in its job processing definition) are satisfied. ■ the copy in the Active Jobs file of the Control-M/Server database gets processed the copy in the Active Jobs file of the Control-M/EM database gets real time status updates from Control-M/Server so that at any given moment. Manual job scheduling (ordering or forcing)—You can manually schedule jobs as needed. ■ Jobs can be scheduled (that is. you saw that job processing definitions are stored in the Definition file of these databases. When a job is ordered. — forcing the job or table—A force request schedules requested jobs regardless of whether their scheduling parameters are satisfied that day. ■ Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 21 . These are “permanent” copies of the job processing definitions—permanent insofar as they remain unchanged until you modify or delete them. Both options are available from Control-M/Desktop. and command line utilities. placed in the Active Jobs file) automatically or manually: ■ Automated job scheduling—Control-M automatically performs job scheduling. a non-permanent copy of the job processing definition is copied from the Definition file to the Active Jobs file. You can modify instructions in the active copy of the job processing definition (for that particular job execution) without modifying the permanent definition. the Control-M/EM API. active environment—consists of the copies of the job processing definitions that have been placed into the Active Jobs for processing on the current day. and quite possibly a very small subset. all the job processing definitions that you permanently store in the Definition file of the databases. Based on the concepts presented in this topic. scheduled jobs are placed under the control of the Control-M/Server. and running maintenance and cleanup utilities (for example. ■ Automating daily job scheduling At the same time each day (known as New Day time). we have referred to the production environment. but this definition will suffice for now. or from a Control-M perspective. of the production environment. including scheduling the day’s jobs. Whether automatically or manually scheduled. (The Active environment actually consists of slightly more than this. but are not submitted for execution until their submission criteria are satisfied.Automating daily job scheduling NOTE The term “ordering” is often used generically to refer to either ordering or forcing when it does not matter which process is used. we can now differentiate between the production environment and the active environment: ■ production environment—consists of all the jobs that you can run at your site. This procedure performs a number of tasks. Figure 3 Job ordering and forcing Throughout much of this book. the New Day procedure deletes the old jobs from the previous day. each Control-M/Server runs a procedure known as the New Day procedure.) 22 Control-M Concepts Guide .) This is a subset. before adding the day’s jobs to the Active Jobs file. Monitoring job processing in your batch environment The New Day procedure can schedule all the current day’s jobs. defined as follows. Control-M provides a powerful graphic user interface that allows you to view. However.000 jobs are not needed until 8:00 p. but ■ 10. User Daily jobs are job processing definitions whose sole purpose is to order jobs. ■ another 30.000 jobs are not needed until 3:00 p. Odates conform to the working days. The date that a job is scheduled in Control-M is called the “Original Scheduling date” abbreviated Odate (or in some cases. which schedules the 20. one day ends and a new day begins at midnight. it is more efficient to have the New Day procedure utilize a mechanism called User Daily jobs. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 23 .000 jobs.000 jobs. then from 6:00 a. would be submitted at noon. Monitoring job processing in your batch environment Batch flows at most sites exist in a distributed environment spanning many computers of different types. to handle job automation at large sites. which schedules the 10. until 6:00 a.m. The Control-M administrator is responsible for the New Day procedure.m. which schedules the 30.” For example. Instead of all those jobs being scheduled by the New Day procedure at New Day time. you can set the New Day time according to your site’s actual business processing “working day. the New Day procedure can schedule User Daily jobs. called the Control-M/Enterprise Manager console (sometimes referred to as Control-M/EM GUI or Control-M/EM). Odat). Control-M date and time concepts On a regular clock.. However. at New Day time: ■ ■ ■ One user daily job. EXAMPLE New Day time is at 5:00 a. monitor. on August 4th. and those User Daily jobs can schedule the production jobs. would be submitted at 3:00 p. User daily jobs provide an additional advantage. on August 5th.m. Instead of directly scheduling production jobs.m.m.000 jobs are not needed until noon ■ another 20.. One user daily job.000 jobs. if New Day time is 6:00 a. and control all enterprise-wide batch flows from a single console.m. One user daily job. the working day is August 4th. not midnight to midnight calendar days.m. the New Day procedure can schedule three User Daily jobs. would be submitted at 8:00 p. but a site can allow different departments to be responsible for their own User Daily jobs.m. or returned a particular condition code. To monitor by exception. jobs that were submitted late. ended Not OK. such as job was submitted late. Monitoring jobs by exception Control-M tracks and monitors all jobs scheduled under it. You only need to focus on problems and potential problems. you can view and monitor: ■ ■ ■ jobs on a particular Control-M jobs belonging to a specific user jobs having a particular status. ■ Monitoring mission-critical batch services Using BMC Batch Impact Manager. BMC Batch Impact Manager ■ provides you with the status of critical batch business services proactively detects and notifies you of potential delays and errors in critical batch business services allows you to take corrective actions before business services are affected ■ ■ 24 Control-M Concepts Guide . For example.Monitoring jobs by exception Using Control-M/EM. dynamic tool called ViewPoints to allow you to display only those jobs and job flows of interest. and identify problems and potential problems. Alerts and shouts—Escalate events that you define when you define job postprocessing. This is known as managing by exception. Control-M/EM provides a customizable. and jobs that did not get submitted. you can use the following tools: ■ ViewPoints—Display jobs that ended Not Ok. As long as batch job processing proceeds smoothly—jobs are executing on time and ending OK—you can ignore them. Control-M provides a set of predefined ViewPoints. and intervene as needed. you can monitor critical batch services and intervene if delays or problems are detected or anticipated. an add-on product to Control-M. You can define other ViewPoints according to need. you can see the progress of your batch flows. such as failed jobs ViewPoints are constantly updated and show in real-time the execution status of the batch production. and their dependencies. you will want to analyze and determine root causes of job processing problems and delays. such as jobs not starting or finishing on time. Performing analysis using Control-M tools Control-M provides a number of capabilities for analyzing your production environment. Control-M/Forecast reports and BMC Batch Impact Manager reports. see the BMC Batch Impact Manager User Guide. But even when there are no apparent problems. and inserts the information into the BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database. ■ Reporting facility The Reporting facility provides a comprehensive set of predefined reports that let you retrieve all types of information. historical data. audit reports. Analyzing your production environment Analyzing your production environment is a very important task. You can collect and generate detailed data reports and summaries on current production workflow data. You can generate alert reports. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 25 . BMC Batch Discovery identifies batch services defined using BMC Batch Impact Manager.Analyzing your production environment BMC Batch Impact Manager further enhances Business Service Management by integrating with the following BMC products: ■ BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (through BMC Batch Discovery) BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database is a repository that contains information about all the components of your IT environment and how they are configured and interrelated. For more information. ■ BMC Service Impact Manager BMC Service Impact Manager allows you to monitor services and components (not just batch services) defined in the BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database. When there are production problems. you can use analyses to make the system more efficient (for example. and data about your job definition environment. to deallocate unneeded resources and apply them somewhere else). you can use it to: ■ forecast on what date a given job or a scheduling table will be submitted generate an estimate of the full production flow for a given future date. You can also view statistics online. add-on product. you can validate your batch production modeling. Forecasting production flows and scheduling with Control-M/Forecast Using Control-M/Forecast. such as if a job is unlikely to finish in time. Control-M can “archive” each day’s processing events. ■ Collecting and examining runtime statistics The Control-M ctmjsa utility enables Control-M/Servers to compile runtime statistics for each job that executes. This powerful tool then lets you replay these events and view problems or potential problems as they unfold. allowing you to validate job dependencies and scheduling criteria for any future dates. a powerful. you monitor your production environment in real time. as an enterprise-wide view forecast the impact of adding or shifting resources in your production site ■ ■ For more information. It also allows you to export and copy reports. see the Control-M Business Service Management Solutions User Guide. ■ Reviewing old data (Archived Net and Playback features) Normally. and use these for analysis. Control-M/Forecast loads and simulates the processing of your batch flows. you may want to view job processing data accumulated over a particular period. separately licensed. and allows you to define your own templates that you can use to generate reports about your production environment. For example. you can determine how best to eliminate these problems in the future and how to optimize your batch processing environment. 26 Control-M Concepts Guide . Using this available data. However.Forecasting production flows and scheduling with Control-M/Forecast The Reporting facility comes with predefined report templates. These statistics can be used by the Control-M/Server to determine certain critical issues. or capture a snapshot of your batch production environment and job flow status from any give moment. for analysis purposes. defining new Control-M/Servers. it is defined at the Control-M/EM. Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent levels. and maintain all Control-M components. and connected ensuring that maintenance.Performing Control-M administrative tasks Performing Control-M administrative tasks Though your enterprise is a distributed environment across many computers. extending the database size. Control-M/Agents. see the Control-M Administrator Guide. Control-M provides you with a single point of control. monitor. see “Automating daily job scheduling” on page 22). For details see “Implementing security” on page 27. Performing main administrative tasks The main administrative tasks that administrators perform include: ■ ensuring that Control-M components are up. Instructions are provided with the release or fix pack. including migration of data. The Control-M Configuration Manager lets you administer. Implementing security Control-M security is three-tiered. manage. job scheduling and data backup is performed—daily tasks are generally performed as part of New Day processing (for details. for example. ■ ■ ■ ■ For more information on the Control-M Configuration Manager. active. remote hosts. performing migrations and upgrades—administrators must ensure a smooth upgrade to a new release. as needed. Chapter 1 Introducing Control-M 27 . including Control-M/Servers. and so on. and their corresponding Control-M/Agents and remote hosts ensuring security by setting and assigning user and group permissions. You perform other maintenance. configure. resources. At Control-M for z/OS sites. utilize operating system security. it is centered around the owner that is defined for each job. 28 Control-M Concepts Guide . A Control-M/EM Audit facility records data about the occurrence of a wide variety of security-sensitive activities. Control-M/Agents. Security can be defined at the user level and group level. When a Control-M/Agent receives a job execution request.Implementing security Control-M/EM security and Control-M/Server security are centered around the user that is defined for each job. which actually process the jobs. it seeks authorization from Control-M/Server. and TOP SECRET). Users can be associated with multiple groups. the operation is rejected and the application issues an appropriate message. Security for communications between Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM components can be enhanced by using SSL (for details. User and group authorizations are discussed in detail in the Control-M Administrator Guide. but only if the owner is defined to the operating system security. You define Control-M/EM security using the Authorization facility. These security mechanisms authorize: ■ ■ the operations (for example. jobs. For each user request that Control-M/EM receives. ViewPoints) that each user can view or modify Control-M/EM interacts directly with Control-M/Server security. If the Control-M/Server security modules determine that the user is not authorized. ACF2/SAF. it submits the job on behalf of the owner. Hold or Rerun) that each user is allowed to perform the entities (for example. see the Control-M SSL Guide). the Control-M security mechanism interacts with external security tools used at the site (such as RACF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This chapter describes some of those same tasks. decisions you must make. . . . . . . . . it described the tasks you perform to implement automated job processing from a Control-M perspective. . . . As such. . . . . .Chapter 2 2 Implementing work flows This chapter presents the following topics: Planning and implementing business logic according to SLAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Monitoring and intervening in production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but from the perspective of your production environment. . . . . . . . It identifies the workflow of that implementation—some of your site’s needs that must be examined. . . and planning that you should perform as a prelude to implementing automated job scheduling. . . . . 33 The previous chapter provided an overview of Control-M. . Planning and implementing business logic according to SLAs You plan and implement scheduling tasks: ■ ■ ■ when you initially set up the production environment whenever a new job must be added to production whenever you must modify existing job requirements Chapter 2 Implementing work flows 29 . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Analyzing and optimizing the system . 30 Control-M Concepts Guide .) 4 When the design is implemented correctly. you can temporarily identify the job processing definitions as type “Dummy. use of conditions in the SMART table level. and other criteria). or need to run at the same time. If they do not. 3 Validate the design to ensure it implements business logic. you can enable a table to be a SMART table. All jobs in a table are ordered for scheduling at the same time. priorities. 5 Check that the jobs work as intended. repeat preceding steps as necessary. (For details. To test your design. such as setting up daily automation (also known as the New Day Procedure). B Move the jobs to production by placing the definitions into the appropriate databases (using the Write process and the Upload process).Planning and implementing business logic according to SLAs To plan and implement the production environment 1 Get information about production jobs (work flow. it is advantageous to group them into the same table. such as. thereby exploiting more capabilities. For details about designing the production environment. If it does not meet your requirements. and so on. deploy the jobs and related entities to either a test or production environment: A Define security requirements. and so on. Optimize the system as necessary. Often this information is provided to the IT department using SLAs (service level agreements) provided by other departments. In addition. C Set up remaining entities for automated scheduling of jobs. To define jobs 1 Determine whether you can group jobs according to: ■ Scheduling criteria If jobs will run on similar schedules. tasks. see the Control-M User Guide. repeat the preceding steps starting with Step 1. post processing in the SMART table level. defining resources and global conditions. 2 Design the production environment or modifications to the existing environment using Control-M/Desktop as a tool.” which executes the batch flow without actually running the jobs. see “To define jobs” on page 30. Jobs that calculate the bonuses of managers of the ground crew staff and managers of the reservations staff might be similar enough to include in the same group. Jobs in an Employees application might be divided into groups called Pilots. EXAMPLE Examples of groups are: ■ Jobs in an Accounting application might be divided into groups such as Budgets. and Reservations. Ground Crew. Receivables. and Expenditures. such as backup procedures in the event of a natural disaster ■ Applications You can group jobs that are related to each other. but do not necessarily have to run at the same time. On which computer at which location should the job run? Is workload balancing on several computers an option? Chapter 2 Implementing work flows 31 . operating system command.Planning and implementing business logic according to SLAs EXAMPLE Examples of scheduling tables are: ■ End of year jobs ■ Daily jobs ■ Jobs that must run to produce reports for an audit ■ Jobs that must run as a group to handle emergency situations. Finance. Flight Attendants. or a job designed by your developers? 3 Determine: ■ where the job should run. Is the job a script. EXAMPLE Examples of applications are: ■ Inventory ■ Accounting ■ Payroll ■ Groups Similar to applications. since processing of managers remains the same regardless of the department (application) in which they work. Jobs in any application might be divided into groups called Managers. ■ ■ 2 Determine the type of job you are automating. groups are another level of categorization that you can use to organize your jobs. if delayed. Ideally no intervention should be required. are required? Does the job need exclusive access to these resources? ■ ■ 4 Decide whether specific actions should be taken if ■ ■ the job finishes as expected the job does not finish as expected 5 For BMC Batch Impact Manager: Decide whether any jobs represent batch tasks that will seriously impact critical business services if delayed. you will likely want to monitor special critical processes. ■ Monitoring and intervening in production Once you have implemented job scheduling under Control-M. you will want to ensure that business stays on track.Monitoring and intervening in production ■ when the job should run. This means not only getting at the root cause of the problem and fixing it. if they finish way ahead of schedule. you want to know about it. EXAMPLE Examples of critical batch business services are: ■ A set of jobs that. and potentially problematic situations indicated by user complaints or error messages. If so. will cause a shipping company to miss the express mail delivery truck. define these jobs as a batch service. Shall it run daily? Shall it run based on specific days indicated in a calender? Shall it run repeatedly throughout the day (cyclically)? Should it take precedence over other jobs because it is high priority? whether the job depends on other jobs. Therefore. indicate that proper processing did not occur. or whether other jobs depend on it. and that jobs are processing as required. but sometimes bypassing the problem or applying a temporary fix to it. but if intervention becomes necessary. Does this job depend on the successful completion of other jobs? Conversely. should this job trigger other jobs? required resources. A payroll application that finishes too soon might indicate that the proper calculations did not occur to process employees’ salaries. so BMC Batch Impact Manager can provide early warning. What physical resources. If you do identify a problem or temporary business need. such as tape drives. A set of jobs that. you will want to be sure that Control-M is up and running. 32 Control-M Concepts Guide . view the relevant jobs for exceptions. alerts). perform an immediate fix or bypass. 3 If intervention is necessary for an identified problem. Examples of possible immediate fixes or bypasses in Control-M include: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Forcing a job to end OK (for a minor error that does not require rerun) Viewing and modifying details of the job order Reordering or forcing that or a different job Changing resources Changing the job script 4 Perform further root cause analysis. if needed. 5 Change the existing application definition if necessary. B Gather the information and perform an entry-point root cause analysis. or if there is a general error message that impacts production: A Identify what or where the problem is (job identification. C Identify the owner of the problem and relevant information. or if there is a temporary business need. Analyzing and optimizing the system In many cases you can analyze your system immediately after implementing job scheduling under Control-M. Analysis offers the following benefits: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ helps you identify the root causes of problems (such as tasks running over their deadlines) helps you identify resource shortages helps you identify poor workload balancing helps you determine the potential impact of adding applications or changing resources helps you optimize the system Chapter 2 Implementing work flows 33 .Analyzing and optimizing the system To monitor and intervene in job processing while Control-M is running 1 On an ongoing basis. For a special or critical process. if there is a user complaint. look for or view exceptions and alerts. 2 If you find exceptions. continue with Step 3. 3 Do any combination of the following: ■ ask for a redefinition or prioritization of requirements. continue with Step 3. and if so perform them. C See if the current task or tasks can be rearranged to eliminate the problem. or existing tasks start running over deadlines: A Issue a report on current tasks and workload. buy more resources. 2 For housekeeping issues regarding existing tasks: A Issue a report on current tasks. and modify existing applications.Analyzing and optimizing the system To analyze the system for problems (and optimize it) 1 If you cannot fit a new application into existing schedules. ■ 34 Control-M Concepts Guide . Examples of such rearrangement include (many of these are administrator tasks): ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Move jobs between environments Optimize the self configuration of the Control-M/Server Check load balancing Modify system parameters Improve maintenance procedures (for example. update job processing definitions accordingly. If you cannot perform needed adjustments. B Determine if improvements and adjustments are necessary. D If you cannot adequately rearrange tasks. manage conditions better) Where necessary. B Identify conflicts with the new application. The Active Jobs file is in the Control-M database. Before the job is submitted. Application is one of these parameters. the status of all quantitative and control resources. For a definition. The Agent computer handles requests from Control-M/Server to execute jobs or provide information. It is in the default hierarchy which is: Control-M installation followed by application. Agentless job scheduling Ability to run jobs on computers without a resident Control-M/Agent. Each job in the Active Jobs file is not submitted until all conditions in the job processing definition for the job are satisfied. (This term is also sometimes used in the context of external applications to refer to an external application. Computer on which jobs can run without having a resident agent installed. Agent computer Computer on which Control-M/Agent runs.) Application Programmer’s Interface Interface that allows requests for services from other computer programs to Control-M. jobs are organized into a hierarchy based on certain parameters in the job processing definition for each job. AutoEdit variables AutoEdit variables enable the automatic assignment of dynamic environmental values to the execution parameters of the job. and all conditions in all Control-M installations that are currently connected to Control-M/EM. see External application. Active environment The Active Jobs file. group and job. Agentless computer Remote host computer. and allows data to be exchanged between Control-M and those programs.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Glossary A Active Jobs file (AJF) The Active Jobs file contains all jobs scheduled for submission in the current day. Application In a Control-M ViewPoint. its AutoEdit variables are resolved Glossary 35 . API See Application Programmer’s Interface. BMC Remedy Action Request System BMC Software product that provides a platform for automating and managing service management business processes.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z by Control-M/Server. BMC Batch Impact Manager Add-on product to Control-M that lets you monitor critical batch services and intervene if delays or problems are detected or anticipated. Business service See Batch service. B Batch service A set of batch jobs that are critical to the client’s business. The Calendar Manager is accessed through Control-M/Desktop. Business Service Impact Manager BMC product that allows you to monitor services and components in your IT environment. The contents of the original job processing definition remain unchanged. C Calendar A collection of dates that are used by Control-M to schedule the ordering of jobs. 36 Control-M Concepts Guide . BMC Atrium Configuration Management database Repository that lists all the components of your IT environment and details how the components are configured and interrelated. and inserts the information into the BMC Atrium CMDB. BMC Topology Discovery BMC Software product that identifies IT components and the relationships between them. BMC Batch Discovery BMC Software product that identifies batch services and their dependencies in the IT environment. The resolved values can then be passed as parameters of the job submission command. BMC Remedy Change Management Application BMC Software product that provides a system that identifies the impact and risk that proposed IT changes have on business objectives. Calendar Manager A window where you can view or modify calendars. and are used for the current execution of the job. For example. Control-M verifies that a job is not submitted for execution unless the Control resources required by the job are available in the required state (shared/exclusive). Collection Criteria that determine which jobs from the Active Jobs file are loaded into memory in Control-M/EM. Condition See Prerequisite condition. CMDB See Configuration Management database.) Glossary 37 . For each job the user specifies whether the job requires exclusive or shared access to the resource. or in context of defining Control-Ms. Configuration Management database Repository that lists all the components of an IT environment and details how the components are configured and interrelated. Control resources are recorded in the Resources table. tracks and follows up the execution of jobs in a specific installation. Control-M Software product that schedules. the term Control-M refers to a Control-M/Server. the term refers to Control-M/Servers. Control module Mechanism supplied with Control-M that enables Control-M/Agents to interface with external. Common Data Model Schema for the BMC Atrium Configuration Management database (CMDB). Conditions table A component of the Control-M database that lists the status of all conditions in the Control-M installation. packaged application environments (for example SAP and Oracle E-Business Suite). Control resource User-defined physical or logical resource in a Control-M installation. (Note: In certain contexts. This prevents deadlock situations or contention between jobs for a given resource. in context of the job organization hierarchy. CDM See Common Data Model.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CCM See Control-M Configuration Manager. submits. In older implementations of Control-M. and performs post-processing analysis of completed jobs. Multiple Control-M/EM Servers can be installed in a Control-M/EM environment. performs requests from Control-M/Server. Control-M/Enterprise Manager Component of Control-M that provides a central point of control for Control-M installations. the component of Control-M that runs on each agent platform. calculations and procedures for each GUI. a Control-M installation typically consists of a single computer. Control-M working date Date used by Control-M when assigning the scheduling date (Odate) to jobs. Control-M installation One or more computers controlled by a single installation of Control-M. to issue requests for additional information. Control-M/Desktop Application used to define job processing definitions. 38 Control-M Concepts Guide . and changes to the next day at New Day time. Control-M/Agent Under the server/agent implementation of Control-M. Control-M database See Control-M/Server database. Control-M/Desktop is a stand-alone application that can also be activated directly using the Control-M/EM GUI. Control-M/Agent submits jobs. This interfaces incorporates functionality previously provided by the Administration facility. a Control-M installation consists of a server platform and all the agent and agentless platforms that it handles. This date does not necessarily conform to the calendar date. Control-M/EM provides the GUI that allows users to graphically view the status of job schedules and execution in Control-M installations.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Control-M Configuration Manager Graphic user interface that enables administrators to administer Control-M components from a single point of control. uploading and downloading tables. and forcing and ordering jobs are executed via Control-M/Desktop. Control-M/EM See Control-M/Enterprise Manager. The Control-M/EM Server executes database queries. Control-M log Log containing a complete audit trail of every event occurring under the Control-M production environment. Creation and modification of job definitions. Control-M/EM Server Process that handles communication between Control-M/EM GUI computers and other components of Control-M/EM. and enables data-sharing between GUIs. scheduling tables and calendars. In server/agent implementation of Control-M. Scheduling tables (job processing definitions) and the Resources/Conditions table. The database is maintained by Control-M/EM. You can also perform download manually. after which updates are constantly issued to maintain the accuracy of the Active environment. scheduling tables (job processing definitions) and the Resources/Conditions table. allowing you to validate job dependencies and scheduling criteria for any future dates. sends job-handling requests to agent platforms. Contents of the database include the Active Jobs file. Control-M/Forecast Separately licensed. performs load balancing. whether internal or external to the organization. Glossary 39 . Contents of the database include the Active Jobs file. Control-M/Server maintains the Control-M/Server database (including the Active Jobs file). It is commonly referred to as the Control-M/EM database. Control-M/Server database Repository of operational data relating to the functioning of the Control-M installation. and handles requests from Control-M/EM. Control-M/Enterprise Manager database Repository of operational data relating to the functioning of all Control-M installations. Control-M/Server Under server/agent implementation of Control-M. who has triggered a Control-M job by submitting a transaction to be processed by the Control-M installation.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z to make changes in the Active Jobs file. Download occurs upon completion of the New Day procedure. Draft Locally stored file containing job processing definitions for purposes of editing and modification by the user in Control-M/Desktop. the component of Control-M that runs on the server platform. and to handle problems. This allows Control-M/EM to display of the current situation in the Control-M installation. schedules jobs. Control-M/Forecast loads and simulates the processing of your batch flows. Control-M/EM also passes global conditions among Control-M installations. D Discovery Process of identifying physical and logical components located on a given network. Download (of Active environment) Transmission of the Active environment from a Control-M installation to the Control-M/EM database. E End user An end user is any user. add-on product that you can use to validate your batch production modeling. F Federated data Data linked from a configuration item (CI) in the BMC Atrium CMDB. such as change requests on the CI. that is not part of the Common Data Model (CDM). The Global Conditions Server connects to each Control-M/EM gateway to receive and transmit conditions to the appropriate Control-M. Global Alerts server The process that identifies and distributes alerts between Control-M installations and Control-M/EM computers. Global conditions allow jobs in one Control-M to depend on completion of a job in a different Control-M. General Daily procedure See New Day procedure. Global Conditions server The process that identifies and distributes global conditions between Control-M installations. but stored externally federated data might represent more attributes of the CI or related information. The Global Alerts Server connects to each Control-M/EM Gateway to receive alerts from Control-M and transmit them to the Control-M/EM GUIs. See also Order. Forecasts Batch flow simulations that enable you to validate job dependencies and scheduling criteria for any future dates. External application Packaged third-party application environments (for example SAP and Oracle E-Business Suite) with which Control-M can interface. Force Operation that instructs Control-M to place the job in the Active Jobs file for possible submission. regardless of the scheduling parameters in the job processing definition for the job. There are gateway processes on both the Control-M platform and on the Control-M/EM computer.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z extension A logical set of classes and attributes. G Gateway The process that handles communication between Control-M and Control-M/EM. usually in its own name-space. Global condition Condition that is passed between Control-M installations. 40 Control-M Concepts Guide . The job editing form is accessed through Control-M/Desktop for purposes of job definition. specify. or modify job processing parameters for the job. H Hierarchy Criteria that determine how jobs selected by the collection and filter are displayed in the Control-M ViewPoint window. Job editing form Used to view. L Load Operation that copies selected scheduling tables and job processing definitions from the Control-M/EM database to the Online or Local workspace in which the user is working in Control-M/Desktop. Job processing definition Set of user-defined parameters for each job which provide Control-M with detailed instructions on processing the job. Job processing definitions are organized into scheduling tables. K Key attributes Attributes that CMDB reconciliation rules use to identify identical CIs. based on workload considerations. Glossary 41 . jobs are organized into a hierarchy based on certain parameters in the job processing definition for each job.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Group In a Control-M ViewPoint. Job processing parameter Generic name for one of the user-defined parameters that comprise a job processing definition. J Job Daemon utility Utility used to track and detect job termination (Extended and Standard versions are the same). Group is one of these parameters. and through Product Short for job monitoring and intervention. Load balancing Mechanism for maximizing throughput of production jobs by automatic selection of the platform on which to execute each job. Examples of key attributes are “host” and “domain” names for Windows and UNIX systems and “Name” for mainframe systems. as well as conditions which are normally added automatically.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Local workspace Area on the user’s computer in which the user defines or modifies job processing definitions using Control-M/Desktop. N New Day procedure Formerly “General Daily Procedure. The Mirror database allows Control-M to resume functioning with minimal time loss in the event of a primary database failure. but the jobs which add them are not scheduled for the day.” Daily scheduling and housekeeping procedures that run on the Control-M/Server platform. LPAR (Logical partition) Virtual computer environment. These conditions include conditions which are never added automatically by scheduled jobs because manual confirmation is always desired. from an earlier Control-M version to a later Control-M version. Migration Transfer of data. The Control-M date is advanced to the next day when this procedure runs. Mirror database A backup copy of the Control-M/Server database which is constantly updated. added to the Conditions/Resources table) unless there is some form of manual intervention. Control-M begins New Day processing by running the New Day procedure. which cleans up the database from the previous day’s processing and loads new jobs to the Active Jobs file for the current day’s processing. During this processing. Control-M runs the New Day procedure which runs cleanup utilities and loads jobs to the Active Jobs file for the current day’s processing. At this same time each day. New Day time Site-defined time at which the new processing day begins. M Manual Conditions file The Manual Conditions file contains conditions which are required by jobs in the Active Jobs file but which will not be available (that is. New Day Processing Processing for the new day that Control-M initiates each day at the same time (New Day time). 42 Control-M Concepts Guide . A mainframe computer can have a number of LPARs. with necessary modifications. Submission of a job for execution can be made dependent upon the existence of one or more conditions. A node group is specified in a job processing definition to indicate a group of agent platforms on which Control-M/Server can execute the job. Original scheduling date Control-M working date at the time a job is ordered (placed in the Active Jobs file) and represents the date on which the job should be submitted for execution. This is generally the Agent platform’s host name. Online workspace Work area that the user can use in Control-M/Desktop for defining or modifying job processing definitions in the Control-M/EM database. place the job in the Active Jobs file for possible submission. the quantity required/used by that job. The user defines the total quantity of this resource in the Control-M and. a user-defined collection of Node IDs. O Odat. Order Request that Control-M review the scheduling parameters in the job processing definition for the job and. Control-M verifies that a job is not submitted for execution unless the Quantitative Glossary 43 . Node ID Under the Agent Technology implementation of Control-M. The variable ODAT (representing the Odate) is used when defining job dependencies to ensure that a job waiting for completion of another job is only triggered by a job with the same working date. It is abbreviated Odate. if the parameters are satisfied. Conditions are recorded in the Conditions table. See also Force.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Node group Under server/agent implementation of Control-M. Odate See Original scheduling date. P Prerequisite condition A flag representing a user-specified situation or condition. Production environment Complete set of job processing definitions and related entities defined to automate batch processing at your site. name by which an Agent platform is identified to the Server platform. Q Quantitative resource User-defined variable representing a resource in the Control-M installation. Odate is also the default date assigned to conditions at the time they are created. for each job. such as. Sleep time The length of time that a Control-M/Server process lies dormant before “waking up” to determine if any request to perform an action was received. post-processing tasks or conditions. in the active environment you can monitor the status of the table and perform actions which affect all the jobs in the table. A sub-table inherits the Rule-Based Calendars from the parent table. Computer that runs jobs without using a resident Control-M/Agent. Sub-tables can be defined within the table.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z resources required by the job are available. R Remote host Agentless computer. Quantitative resources are recorded in the Resources table. SMART Table A table that contains an extended set of definition parameters. 44 Control-M Concepts Guide . maintain and Control Scheduling tables in the Control-M/EM database. When ordered. SYSOUT Output of the commands run on a job. System parameter Configuration parameters that influence the behavior of a wide range of Control-M components and features. S Scheduling Table Manager Used to define. The value assigned to Sleep Time affects Control-M/Server throughput and the load on the Server computer’s resources. Resources table A component of the Control-M database that lists the current status of all Control resources and Quantitative resources in the Control-M installation. Sub-table A table nested inside a SMART table is a sub-table. Service Set of jobs that are critical to the client’s business. The Scheduling Table Manager is accessed through Control-M/Desktop. Topology Physical or logical layout of a communication network. which jobs are displayed (filter). thereby simplifying the process of defining jobs. Tables are “ordered” by the New Day procedure or User Daily jobs. Glossary 45 . Tables are stored in the Control-M database (and duplicated in the Control-M/EM database).A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z T Table A collection of related job processing definitions. User exits Mechanism which enables users to modify Control-M operations to suit site needs. (Templates replace the skeleton editor that was formerly available in earlier versions of Control-M/Desktop. W Write (to Control-M/EM database) Operation that copies scheduling tables and job processing definitions from the local or online workspace into the Control-M/EM database. Template Set of job processing definition parameter values that can be used to populate job processing definitions. Upload Operation that copies scheduling tables and job processing definitions from the Control-M/EM database to the Control-M/Server database. and how they are displayed (hierarchy) in the Control-M/EM window. U Upgrade Transition from an earlier version of Control-M to a new version that does not necessitate a migration of data in the databases. User Daily job User-defined job that can be used to automate the ordering of production jobs. V ViewPoint Criteria that determine which jobs in the Active Jobs file are loaded into the database (collection).) TokenID Key attribute that CMDB reconciliation rules use before other key attributes. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 46 Control-M Concepts Guide . A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Index publications. contacting 2 business logic 29 F forcing 21 forecasting production flows 26 H Help. related 11 A active environment 22 Active Jobs file 19. 24 BMC Service Impact Manager 25 BMC Software. variables 19 E electronic documentation 9 B balancing processing loads 13 basic CONTROL-M tasks 13 batch services 24 BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database 25 BMC Batch Discovery 25 BMC Batch Impact Manager. 22 CONTROL-M/EM database 19 CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager 12 CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager console 23 CONTROL-M/Forecast 26 CONTROL-M/Server 12 CONTROL-M/Server database 19 ctmjsa utility 26 customer support 3 D Definition file 19. online 9 C calendars 14 cleanup utilities 22 conditions 17 Control module 13 control resources 18 CONTROL-M administrative tasks 27 CONTROL-M architecture 11 CONTROL-M security 27 CONTROL-M tasks 13 CONTROL-M/Agent 12 CONTROL-M/Desktop 14 I implementing business logic 29 intervening in production 32 J job dependencies 17 job forcing 21 job ordering 21 job processing definitions 14 job scheduling 20 Index 47 . 21 dependencies between jobs 17 download operation 20 dynamic variables. 21 administrative tasks 27 agentless computers 13 agentless job scheduling 13 alerts 24 analyzing the production environment 25 analyzing the system 33 architecture 11 archived data 26 Archived Net feature 26 Audit facility 28 Authorization facility 28 AutoEdit facility 19 automated job scheduling 21. customer 3 T technical support 3 templates 14 N New Day procedure 22 New Day time 22 U uploading to CONTROL-M/Server 20 User Daily jobs 23 O Odat 23 Odate 23 online Help 9 optimizing the system 33 ordering 21 Organizing batch flows 14 original scheduling date 23 V ViewPoints 24 W working day 23 writing to CONTROL-M/EM 20 P planning business logic 29 Playback feature 26 predecessor job 17 Prerequisite Condition Example 18 product support 3 production environment 22 Q quantitative resources 18 R remote host 12 48 Control-M Concepts Guide .A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z L load balancing 13 load operation 20 Reporting facility 25 resources 18 runtime statistics 26 M main administrative tasks 27 maintenance utilities 22 managing by exception 24 manual job scheduling 21 mass job creation 14 mass job update 14 mission-critical batch services 24 modeling batch flows 13 monitoring job processing 23 monitoring jobs by exception 24 monitoring mission-critical batch services 24 monitoring production 32 S security 27 shouts 24 SLA 29 SSL 28 successor job 17 support. 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