Control and Instrumentation Works

March 23, 2018 | Author: meledath | Category: Valve, Programmable Logic Controller, Arbitration, Pressure Measurement, Instrumentation



I H LPROTECT TO PROSPER HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI TENDER FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION 1 DOC NO : : : : PLANT-1 7722 LIST OF DOCUMENTS SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ANNEXURE-I- HIL TENDER DOCUMENT- GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER( 4 PAGES) ANNEXURE-II- HIL SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS( 3 PAGES) ANNEXURE-III- GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION( 42 PAGES) ANNEXURE-IV- INSTRUMENT DATA SHEET AND INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT-I ( 37 PAGES) ANNEXURE- V- INSTRUMENT DATA SHEET AND INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT-II ( 56 PAGES) ANNEXURE- VI- PLC IO LIST FOR PLANT-I & II ( 5 PAGES) ANNEXURE- VII- VENDOR LIST FOR INSTRUMENTS ( 3 PAGES) ANNEXURE- VIII- PRICE BID DOCUMENT, PART A- SUPPLY & PART B- ERECTION( 5 PAGES) 00-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------00 Annexure-I I H L PROTECT TO PROSPER HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) RASAYANI-410207, DIST: RAIGAD,MAHARASHTRA GRAM : HINCIDES, RASAYANI PH.NO.: 02192-2503 Email : [email protected] FAX NO.: (02192) 250392/250970 TENDER DOCUMENT ISSUED TO : Ref. No. - 09/2012 No. : Ref. No. - 04//12-13 Tender Documents, when issued in Hindi & English, must be filled up in only one language either ISSUE AUTHORISATION: English or Hindi. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1. 2. 3. SUBJECT OF TENDER :Tender for work contract for CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION WORKS at Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., Rasayani(Maharashtra) SCOPE OF WORK : Details of the scope of work including specification and guarantee are given in the tender papers. MODE OF SUBMITTING TENDER : Tender in the prescribed terms as given in tender papers should be sent either by Courier Service/Speed Post/Regd. A.D. OR personally delivered in SEALED Envelopes addressed to the Commercial Manager Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., Rasayani-410207 in two separate bids i.e. * * Techno Commercial bid accompanied by EMD as given at clause 9 below and duly signed General Terms & Conditions of Tender ( Annexure-1) in one sealed envelope. Price bid in another sealed envelope. Both these sealed envelopes, duly super scribed as “Techno Commercial Bid” and “Price Bid” must be put in one separate sealed envelope super scribed as “TENDER for_ CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION WORKS DUE ON 15.01.2013 before submitting the same in the tender box kept at HIL Corporate office at above mentioned address. The price quoted should either be typed or written in clear legible terms both in figures and in words. In case of variation in figures and words the words version shall be taken as final. Over writing in the tender is not allowed. Correction made in the tender should be initialed by the tenderer and each page of the terms and conditions, tender forms duly filled in should be signed and dated by the tenderer. Tenderers may also download the Tender document from HIL Website ( and submit their offer as mentioned above by enclosing the required Tender cost by way of Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favor of M/s Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. payable at Panvel / Rasayani alongwith Techno- commercial bid. SIGN OF AUTHORISED SIGNATORY NAME OF SIGNATORY _____ FIRM’S NAME _________________ SEAL _______________________ Date ___________ (Contd…2 of the firm should be submitted. Income Tax Regn.01. In case of proprietary firm copy of registration certificate. Company a copy of articles of association/memorandum should be submitted. f g 5. Excise duty and any other taxes or levies payable if any in addition to the quoted item-wise price should be mentioned separately. /Public Ltd. When the annual Total contract value of the quoted item is Rs. guidelines. Organizational details of the tendering firm viz: proprietary/partnership/private Ltd.30 Hrs on 15. c. 20. DUE DATE FOR OPENING TENDER :The Techno commercial bids under sealed envelopes will be opened at 14. along with satisfactory performance certification from their customers for the last three years. TENDER PRICE: The price break-up should be quoted for all the materials/ equipments/services separately and should be given separately in the prescribed format . There would generally be no negotiations hence please submit your most competitive prices while submitting the price bid. partnership firms a copy of partnership deed and in case of Private Ltd.. for necessary action. Please note that any tax/levies imposed by the State Govt.I & PSU should also submit copies of their audited Balance sheets for immediately preceding three financial years. 8.00 Hrs. Since HIL is a manufacturer of pesticides it would be possible for HIL to obtain material and equipment at concessional duty rates for the specific purchase for utilizing the same in the production of insecticides/pesticides provided the intimation is given to Hindustan Insecticides Ltd.01. List of works carried giving full addresses of the parties where such contract was done in the past along with photo state copies or duly attested true copies of any certificate in support of similar satisfactory works. The bidders who have not carried out contract work HIL earlier would be required to submit documentary evidence of being in business for similar works. LAST DATE FOR SUBMITTING TENDER : The sealed tender should be sent so as to reach on or before 15. No.-24. or Public Ltd. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONGWITH TENDER: a. However any change in Excise duty and CST shall be on HIL’s a/c after order placement. Such bidders would be subject to satisfactory testing of their samples whenever required. d.00 lakhs or more the Tenderers including S.2013 in the HIL office in the presence of such Tenderers or their duly authorized representative who desire to be present personally. e. STATUTORY LEVIES AND TAXES: Sales Tax. HIL shall provide the ‘C’ form to avail the concessional Central Sales Tax rate. b. 6. SEAL ________________________ SIGN OF AUTHORISED SIGNATORY NAME OF SIGNATORY _______ FIRM’S NAME _________________ Date ___________ (Cont…3 . Tender received after this date and time may not be entertained and considered.S.2013 at 14. Service Tax Registration of the firm should be submitted./Local authorities other than octroi after submitting the tender shall not be considered by HIL and the cost attributed on this account will be borne by the Tenderers. Income tax clearance certificate should be submitted as per prevailing Govt. 7. Request for adjustment of EMD against pending bills will not be entertained. PURCHASE ORDER/WORK ORDER/AGREEMENT : The successful tenderer shall be issued a Work Order or shall be called upon to enter into an agreement for execution of supply work/services after the issue of letter of intent to the successful tenderer as per clause 14 above and such successful tenderer shall be called hereafter ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER : M/s. 14. 12. Tender received without EMD shall be rejected. Price breakup should be shown distinctly in the Price Bid.-39. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. 17. While evaluating the lowest bidder discounts such as prompt payment discount or discount on particular day of payment would not be taken into account though our order may include this option. Hindustan Insecticides Limited. For such cases the decision of the tender opening committee constituted by HIL management will be final. PAYMENT : As mentioned in the special terms & conditions.. 16. should be submitted alongwith TechnoCommercialbid for each item as shown in NIT on our Web Site www. No interest shall be payable by HIL on EMD/ Security Deposit amount. EMD deposited against our earlier tenders shall not be adjusted. 11. SUCCESSFUL TENDERER : The successful tenderer shall be informed of the intention of HIL to award the work through letter of intent/ Purchase Order before the date of expiry of the validity of the tender. EMD is to be deposited along with this tender a fresh. Price offered by the tenderers should remain firm during the validity of order from the date of issue of LOI/Placement of order as the case may be. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 13. The supplies shall be taken in staggered manner as per HIL's requirement. 10. EMD shall be given in the form of a Bank Draft/Pay Order in favor of M/s. There would generally be no negotiations hence please submit your most competitive prices while submitting the price bid. INCOMPLETE TENDER OR LATE TENDER : Tenders received late. Rasayani on any Scheduled Bank at Panvel/Rasayani. unsealed or without superscription and without Earnest Money deposit or incomplete in any other respect are liable to be rejected. During the pendency of order no revision of price shall be entertained. the earnest money shall be liable to be forfeited. 15. Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. The EMD amount shall be converted into Security Deposit for all the successful Tenderers and same shall be refunded to them after completing the order satisfactorily. SEAL ________________________ SIGN OF AUTHORISED SIGNATORY NAME OF SIGNATORY _______ FIRM’S NAME _________________ Date ___________ . VALIDITY PERIOD OF THE TENDER :The tender should be valid for a period of 120 days. HIL may seek clarification on the tendered prices and the terms and conditions before accepting any tender.hil-india. FORFEITURE OF EARNEST MONEY : If any Tenderer subsequently withdraws his tender or makes any modification/alteration unilaterally in the tender after opening of the tender. EARNEST MONEY: Earnest Money deposit. Small scale Units registered with NSIC are exempted from Tender Document fee & EMD but Authenticated copy of the valid NSIC certificate should be submitted along with Techno commercial bid of the tender to qualify for such exemptions. The contractor shall not be allowed to sublet or assign the work awarded hereunder to any other party unless approved by HIL in writing. HIL . The damages so claimed by HIL will be in addition to the liquidated damages recoverable by HIL as mentioned in our liquidated damage clause. fire.(contd…. 21 i. In such an event the earnest money deposit will be forfeited without prejudice to HIL’s right to claim compensation from supplier for the loss incurred by HIL as a result of supplier’s failure to fulfill his obligation under the contract/order conditions.22 will not be applicable without arbitration. subject to a maximum of 5% of the total order value for such failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Work Order. LIQUIDATED DAMAGE: Any breach of the terms of the purchase order contract including timely completion of the order as per the schedule and to the satisfaction of HIL as per specification and scope of work laid down. The decision of the arbitration of all the parties to the proceeding will be binding and the laws applicable will be Law of India. strikes. Commercial Manager SIGN OF AUTHORISED SIGNATORY NAME OF SIGNATORY __________ FIRM’S NAME _________________ SEAL ________________________ Date __________ . The venue for arbitration shall be Rasayani. 23. 19. LEGAL JURISDICTION : Dispute. 20. 21. HIL shall have the right to terminate the order/contract and make necessary alternate arrangements for completion of the order/contract through other means at delinquent suppliers risk and cost. arbitration will be applicable first. FORCE MAJEURE: If the execution of the work by the successful tenderer is delayed beyond the stipulated period given in the work order as a result of outbreak of war. arising out of supplies made against purchase order for Rasayani unit shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Panvel or Alibaug courts respectively for all legal matters pertaining to the Purchase Order. . In case any dispute arises then clause no. The Arbitration is to be proceeded under the Indian Arbitration Act and the rules framed there under.e. Clause No. The supplier shall have no claim for compensation for any loss that may accrue from any material he might have collected or engagements. ARBITRATION/CONCILIATION: All disputes and differences arising between the parties in respect of the order/contract or breach thereof will be decided by a sole arbitrator appointed by General Manager. acts of God. in full or in part that would put HIL to loss HIL shall have right to impose a liquidated damages @ ½% of the total value for every week or part thereof of delay. The contractor shall have to provide proof of existence of such condition of force majeure as stipulated above to entire satisfaction of HIL duly certified by an appropriate authority as required by HIL in the event of enforcement of the force majeure clause to justify the delay in execution of the work. riots or acts of nature the supplier shall not be held responsible for such delay and HIL and the supplier shall immediately consult with each other to determine the measures to be taken.4 -418. 22. he may have entered into on account of the order/contract. flood and earth quakes. as the case may be. RISK PURCHASE: In the event of failure or delay on the part of the supplier to fulfil his obligation in the execution of the order/contract to HIL’s satisfaction. if any. For HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LTD. 3. Erection & commissioning:-Interim payment will be made against running bills duly certified by the engineer in charge after deducting the statutory deductions and any other amount due from the contractor in the following manner a.80 % of the value of the supply items will be paid after receipt of the items at HIL store. inspection. erection. storage. These two plants are batch operated plants and are located side by side at a distance of about 20 meters apart. b. a Government of India enterprises. Final 20 % payment will be made after completion of the work in all respects and after settlement of accounts of all the department issues and reconciliation of its use/return. clearance of site and removal temporary structures and debris and settlement of all claims on account of labour employed by the contractor and after deducting statutory deductions (taxes) and any other deduction due from the contractor. Fabrication of steel structures required for installation of instruments including fixing of anchor fasteners where ever required. 2. 4. removal temporary structures made for erection. field instrumentation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for the PLANT-I & PLANT-II . 20 % after commissioning. These two plants will have a common control room situated inside PLANT-I. loop checking. 80% after installation and hook ups. etc 5. delivery to site. engineering. Special Terms and conditions and General Instructions 1. Requisite steel & anchor fasteners will be supplied by HIL. calibration. No mobilisation advance will be paid 2. programming. The contractor has to submit 10 % of the contract value as security deposit at the time of signing the agreement before starting work for the faithful execution of the work. Site clearing. manufacture. removal debris. Balance 20 % will be paid after installation and commissioning of the system. commissioning and handing over of control and instrumentation.ANNEXURE-II ERECTION & COMMISSIONING OF CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM FOR PLANT-I & II Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. This amount will be retained by HIL for 1 year from the date of completion (till the 1 . is setting up two pesticide manufacturing plants( PLANT-I & PLANT-II) at their unit at Rasayani. All necessary works required for commissioning of the system . The plants are multi storied building( ground + three floor) with a ground floor plinth area of approximately (20 m x 20 m) Scope of work: Scope of the work involves the following: 1. All minor civil works associated with the installation is in party’s scope. termination. 3. procurement. Supply :. Time of completion Two months (60 days) from the date of “work to proceed notice” issued by HIL Payment terms 1. testing. Maharashtra state. Design. 10 % amount will be withheld from the contractor’s bill towards security deposit. 4. 3. if required. from the company’s safety department for carrying out the works. The Contractor will be responsible for any damages to the equipment during erection of the equipments. The contractor should use the correct tools and correct practices in handling and installation of the equipments. state Government. All the drawings. local bodies and other statutory authorities in the employment of labour for the work assigned to him. 5. the same is to be informed to the engineer –in-charge immediately. The contractor at his own expense abides all the rules of the company with respect to safety. experienced and competent for the respective item of work. along with the liquidated damages for the delay in the work due to damages during erection will be in the contractors account. labour etc. If the contractor fails to submit this. The contractor at his own expense abide all the statutory rules. The contractor at his own expense abide all the statutory rules. 11. workmen engaged by the contractor shall hold licenses/permits for carrying out the respective work. Government of India. The contractor shall not sublet or subcontract the work or part of the work to any other party without the prior consent of the company. given by the company to the contractor shall remain the property of the company. Any special instruction given shall be strictly followed. 14. specifications etc related to the work. The instruction manual given by the instrument supplier should be read before starting the erection. The contractor shall not disclose the details of the said documents to anybody or shall not publish any information contained in that without the written consent of the company. 13. 2. documents. 10. 7. The contractor shall indemnify the company against any claims from any person engaged by the contractor in connection with the work for any kind payment. The work men engaged by the contractor shall be qualified. state Government. laws of the Government of India. 2 . 8. regulations. Wherever necessary the supervisors. The contractor should obtain safety clearance in the prescribed format. if required. local bodies and other statutory authorities in execution of the work assigned to him. 12. The contractor shall be responsible for all obligations under ESI act. regulations. The equipments handed over to the contractor for erection is to be handled very carefully. laws of the company. All the equipments handed over to the contractor for erection are to be inspected thoroughly by the contractor for any damages which might have occurred during transportation/handling and if damages are observed.completion of the guarantee period) of the work as guarantee for the work. 6. All the tools & tackles required for the work is to be brought by the contractor. Valid test certificates of the lifting equipments is to be produced before starting the work and is to submitted to the engineer in charge for verification and approval. 9. The cost of repair/replacement of the equipment. PF act and any other acts and regulations that may be relevant in carrying out the work assigned to him. 15. Utilities like electricity, water, air etc will be provided free of cost by the company at a point about 50 meters away from the site. 16. Steel plates and other structural materials required for the erection will be supplied by the company on weight basis. Materials will be issued only for the works specified in the contract and not for making templates, lifting, moving of the equipments. 17. After completion of the work, the contract has to submit a material reconciliation statement showing the receipt and the consumption details. Balance quantity if any will have to be returned to stores. 18. Wastage /scrap allowance permitted will be 3.0 %. Wastage more than this will be deducted from the contractors bill based on the market value of the steel items at the time of billing. All the scrap items shall be the property of HIL and will have to be returned to stores as per the instruction of the engineer in charge. 19. All the instruments for erection will be issued from the HIL stores which are about 500 meters from the site. Shifting the equipments from the stores to site is in contactors scope. 20. Where ever required, anchor fasteners are to be provided and are to be done by the contractor. Anchor fasteners will be supplied by HIL. 21. Consumables like welding rods, cutting wheel, grinding wheel, cutting gas etc are to be brought by the contractor. 22. After completion of the work, clearance of the site, removal of temporary structures used for erection works, removal of debris etc are in the contractor’s scope. 00------------------00 3 ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:- 7722-JTS-001 REV NO:- 00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 1.0 INTRODUCTION This specification is intended to provide the technical guidelines for Control & Instrumentation (C&I) system with auxiliaries and accessories for the PLANT-I & PLANT-II at Rasayani, Mahashatra for Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL). The C&I system called for in the specification shall be designed for safe, reliable, efficient and smooth operation of the plant and its associated auxiliaries with minimum intervention of the operating personnel during normal working of the plant, load fluctuation / safe shut down of the unit. The C& I system shall be based on PLC with the latest state of the art technology. This technical specification covers the design, engineering, procurement, manufacture, testing at vendor’s works, supply with all taxes-duties & other charges as applicable, packing, forwarding to site, unloading, storage, handling at site, erection, testing, loop checking, commissioning of Field Instrumentation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) with its associated IO sub-system, hardware, software, peripherals, accessories, control & monitoring system and all necessary installation materials on turnkey basis for insecticides and to complete the quantum of work given in this specification to quality standards and trouble free operation of plant. The specification shall be read in conjunction with the attachments giving the technical details. All these documents shall form as a whole the complete specification. Technical specifications and annexed drawing and documents are to be thoroughly read and understood by the Vendor. Vendors are required to check and satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the information provided and shall stand guarantee for the performance of the system as whole. Changes in the specification where specifically required to suit the design shall be listed out in the form of deviation in the offer and the reason for the same shall also be furnished. It is not the intent to completely specify all details of design and construction features herein. Nevertheless, the instruments / systems / equipments and their installation shall conform to high standards of engineering design and workmanship in all respects. In the event of any conflict between this specification, related standards, etc., the vendor shall refer the matter to HIL / JP Consulting Engineer’s and obtains clarifications and then proceeds with the manufacture of the items in question. 2 SCOPE OF WORK & SERVICES 1|Page ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:- 7722-JTS-001 REV NO:- 00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 This specification together with the attachments like, drawings, documents annexed herewith covers the basic requirement of design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing, commissioning of control and instrumentation system. 2.1 SCOPE OF SUPPLY, WORK & SERVICES The scope of supply and works shall completely cover all the C&I equipment, functions, activities and documentation specified under the accompanying Technical Specifications. It shall also include but not limited to the following: 1. Design, engineering, manufacture, procurement, programming, inspection, delivery to site, storage, erection, termination, testing, calibration, loop checking, commissioning and handing over of control and instrumentation, field instrumentation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for the PLANT-I & PLANT-II . 2. The automation of each of the valve, motor’s and its related auxiliaries shall be through a PLC. 3. The PLC shall have redundancy in processor, communication modules, and communication networks. 4. Automation includesRedundant PLC and its sub-systems. Cabinets / panels with base frames Earthing required for automation Communication cable, special cables, etc. Required mounting racks and furniture Design and development of software for HMI functions Erection hardware and accessories power supply, PLC shall be provided with their STD. communication port to facilitate communication with other system in case of future expansion. The control equipments shall be located in the control room which is airconditioned and shall have suitable partitions for installation of various equipments. Laying of instrumentation cables – signal, control, power, and earthling. Supply and erection of junction boxes, local panels, conduits, glands, impulse tubing, pneumatic tubing. 2|Page vendor shall further distribute using piping & instrument air header and distribution lines to suite the requirement. consoles. Submission of documents as mentioned in the “Drawings and Documents” clause 6. Vendor shall distribute the electrical power from UPS-PDB to the field instrument. in the control room.0 of this volume. One Universal hand-held calibrator with rechargeable battery and batterycharger shall be supplied for calibrating the field transmitters. if any. etc. Laying. using multi-core / multi-pair cables. Arranging inspection of client / Consultant or any third party appointed by HIL at 3|Page . Erection of desk / furniture like console desk.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Supply & erection of hardware and accessories required for installation. Supply. panel / local panel to marshalling cabinet of PLC.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Supply. chairs. Vendor shall design and develop software and logic required for safe and trouble-free operation of the plant. printer desk. The Vendor shall provide necessary support and assistance during interfacing and integration of free issue equipments provided by HIL.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Laying. Laying. termination of cables of all inputs / outputs from marshalling rack to PLC. Supply and erection of earthling pits required for instrumentation and automation. terminating of cables from MCC to marshalling rack of PLC. PLC. erection. terminating of cables from field instrument. Vendor shall terminate all the field instrumentation inputs / outputs to local junction box / panel by segregating analog and digital signal and from the local junction box / panel to the marshalling rack of PLC. testing and commissioning of UPS system of sufficient capacity with Power Distribution Board (PDB). Instrument Air line will be provided in the plant at various locations. 5. efficient. 3. level sensors. reliable operation and guaranteed performance shall be considered and listed by the Vendor. tackles or equipment at site for installation period. safety belt shall be provided by vendor. Damage to the painting suffered during transit/erection shall be made good by the vendor without price implications 4|Page . Proper sizing of PLC. The Vendor shall provide skilled technical personnel for the erection. considering the spares in I/O channels. junction boxes. pressure sensors. to provide sufficient power to PLC.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 the manufacturer’s premises. tools. Any additional item / instrument which are not specifically mentioned in technical specification but are required to make the system complete in all respects for safe. PLC under the supervision of respective equipment suppliers. Proper sizing flow meters. testing and commissioning of field instruments. etc. CPU. Contractor has to make the level & finish as it was in original. grouting. Before dispatch to site. The Vendor shall arrange all tools and tackles.2 VENDOR’S RESPONSIBILITY 1. 2. Proper sizing of UPS.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. its accessories and field instruments and with spare capacity. actuators. cabling etc. So vendor will have to mention this point in meeting of technical bidding. Any exception / deviation from the technical specification shall be indicated and description of exception / deviation and reason shall be provided. concreting including filling material etc. required for the erection of instrumentation equipments like cabinets. surfaces of all instrument / components / accessories which are intended to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and be painted with undercoat and finishing paints. If vendor require any safety. 6. digging. for the process conditions. it shall be provided by HIL on daily charge basis. Civil works like chipping. special testing equipments and consumables required for erection and commissioning activities. All safety tools required to the workmen’s working on site like helmets.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. UPS. 4. 2. The components shall be assembled at the vendor’s premises and ship the materials in assembled condition. Only Cutout required at the entry of Panel Rooms shall be provided by HIL. shall be done by contractor. valves. Besides this. 5|Page . commissioning.3 TRAINING & SUPPORT The vendor shall train HIL Engineers & Operators / Technicians on PLC system for acquaintance. Vendor will be responsible for all damage due to improper preparation of the goods / Instrument for shipment and storage. 9. STANDARDS & METERING BASIS 3.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. NEC. earthing and other essential provision specified therein for installation and operation of electrical / electronic equipments. Training period shall be a week for three engineers and three supervisors of HIL. IEEE. The equipments shall also conform to the latest Indian Electricity Rules as regards. SAFETY. wherever applicable. operation and maintenance at manufacture’s works / site. ISA. State and Central Government of India. The instrument / equipment supplied shall meet the guaranteed performance specified in the specification when operated at the rated / specified conditions. 2. IEC.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. the equipment and works shall conform to the relevant Acts.. DIN. installation. 3. 8. Design criteria for C&I equipments shall be as indicated / mentioned in this specification. NEMA. The vendor also shall provide post-commissioning support on asrequired basis beyond guarantee period.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 before the final acceptance. 7. ASTM. BS. safety. testing. The acceptance of the equipment shall be subject to satisfying these parameters during shop test at vendor’s works and / or at site installation in complete assembled condition. in order that specific aspects under Indian conditions are taken care of. and Directions of the Statuary Institutions.1 STANDARDS All the equipments and their accessories covered in this specification shall be designed. etc. Rules. manufactured and tested in compliance with the latest relevant standards and codes of practices published by the Bureau of Indian Standards and Foreign Standards such as ANSI. OSHA. 7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. class II A/B IP-65 IP-42 3.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 3. Isolated loop Powered 24 VDC by PLC Potential free form Instrument & MCC interrogated to 24 VDC by PLC 24 VDC for solenoids & Lamps Potential free for MCC 5. UPS Voltages a) Input Voltage b) Output Voltage Instrument Power Transmitters 415 V AC. DC. Devices / instruments in field Panels. 1992 and IS 13947 (Part-1). IEC 529. 1 Phase 24 VDC (UPS Power) 4 . zone 2. PLC SIGNAL LEVELS a) Analog Input b) Analog output c) Digital Input d) Digital output 4-20 mA.2 PROTECTION Degree of protection of the Instrumentation equipment shall be of the following classes of International Protection as per IEC 947. Isolated loop powered 24V DC by PLC 2. shall be generated using redundant power packs. 50 Hz. 50 Hz.1. isolated.20 mA DC Output. 1988. loop powered 24 VDC by PLC 4-20 mA.SIGNAL AND INSTRUMENT AIR LEVELS 1. 3 Phase 230 V AC. 1993. 3. PLANT Power 415 V AC. 3Phase 24V DC required for input interrogation.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. 4. 50 Hz. lamps etc. Panels in Control/electrical room IP-65. Generally the Lamp indications in field panel / 6|Page .3 VOLTAGE . relay. Boxes in field Cabinets. cm and draft Vacuum Differential pressure Temperature Flow (gases) Flow (steam & condensate) Flow (liquid) Flow (lube. kg/cu m micro mho/cm 4. wet atmosphere containing grit and micron size dust particles. (d) Operating range (e) Supply Voltage (f) Body material (g) Wetted part material. (c) Tag No. cm.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 control panel shall be LED type. All instructions shall be in English.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.4 Instrument air 5-6 kg/cm2 METERING BASES Pressure above 0. position switches. etc.0 4.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION GENERAL Each instrument shall be tagged using a SS nameplate attached firmly to it at a visible place furnishing the following information as applicable: (a) Manufacture’s name/trade mark (b) Model No. oil) Level Density Conductivity : : : : : : : : : : : : kg/sq.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.1 kg/sq.m .cm Degree Celsius N cu.1 kg/ Pressure below 0.m/h or T/Hr liters (totalized) mm.) in assembled condition. Serial No. Enclosure shall be IP-65. 6. air filter regulator with pressure gauges. mm WC mm Hg or mm WC mm WC . kg/sq.m/h kg/h or t/h cu. The Control and On-Off valves shall be supplied complete with actuator and accessories (such as electro-pneumatic positioner. Accessories shall be securely mounted and easily removable for maintenance 7|Page . liter gms / cu. solenoid valve. m . Instruments shall be designed for continuous operation in dusty. with over pressure withstand capacity of at least 30% of range or maximum working pressure whichever is higher. Accuracy shall be ±0.70. Orifice plate shall be of concentric type designed & manufactured to ISO 5167 or better. For Temperature compensation RTD Pt 100 shall be provided with thermo well. Wetted parts shall be made of material. For flow measurement. 4.34 & 0. or Temperature. The dial face shall be marked with pressure element material. integral LCD display with ½” NPT (F) process connection. Refer Temperature measurement specification for details of RTD. Vent hole shall be located at top & drain holes at bottom of plate. density. 4-20mA output. The calibration range shall be easily changed without removal of the flow meter from the process. Multivariable type pressure Transmitter shall be of SMART. with black figures.2 FIELD INSTRUMENTS 4. It shall be provided with inbuilt temperature & pressure compensation to calculate flow of steam in mass. The Control valve / On-Off valve on failure will move to safe end position as per process requirement / as indicated in the data sheets. Pointers shall have micrometer 8|Page . integral LCD display with ½” NPT (F) process connection. 2-wire type. DP type Pressure transmitters shall be of SMART. Orifice plate shall be SS316 & shall not be less than 3 mm thickness upto 300 mm pipe or not less than 6mm for pipe having more diameters. The accuracy of the system shall be 1 % Mass flow rate. Pressure gauge dial shall be 150mm size. 4. The flow direction shall be clearly marked on the valve body. All instruments shall be provided with double compression type cable glands. 4-20mA output. DP type transmitters shall normally have 3 valve manifold of SS316.1 FLOW INSTRUMENTS For Steam flow meter.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.075% of span or better. The transmitter housing shall be of die-cast aluminum.2.2 Pressure Measurement All pressure measuring instruments shall be IP65. white.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 works. 2wire type. which is corrosion resistant to process fluid. System accuracy shall not be affected by changes in process medium concentration.2. non-rusting aluminum. Beta Ratio shall be determined by contractor based on the services but shall be between 0. Span and zero adjustments shall be easily accessible. 4-20mA output.2 Battery free.2% or better. with over pressure withstand capacity of at least 30% of range or maximum working pressure whichever is higher. 9|Page . Pressure gauges shall be provided with snubbers. non-volatile memory. Resolution of the system shall be 1mm. where long elements are used. the bourdon tube type of pressure gauge shall be used. Window shall be of shatterproof glass.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. as per installation requirement. Transmitters shall be of the SMART type with HART Protocol.3 Output linearization to create output signal proportioned to level. The system shall be capable of continuously measuring and displaying the level of the slurry / acid / water in the tanks/ reactors. bottom entry. The process connection shall be ½” NPT (M).1 Adjustable blanking zone. The gauge shall have accuracy of ±1% of FSD as minimum. 4. 2-wire type. The cable entry to the transmitter shall be ½” NPT. gauge savers wherever applicable. Pressure transmitters shall be of SMART. The output of the transmitter shall be 4-20mA DC. bypass.5% of FSD. Process connection shall be ½” NPT (M) or otherwise indicated.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.2. isolated. well-supported protecting tube shall be installed to prevent mechanical damage and erosion of the elements. Pressure switches shall be either diaphragm type or bellow type. The sensing material and movement material SS304. drain/vent valves etc. The system shall have the following features: 1. Accuracy shall be ±0. 1.3 Level Measurement Ultrasonic type level consists of the sensor and the transmitter. The accuracy of the system shall be 0. For water / air / Processor applications. The system shall be suited for outdoor installation and shall have IP65 or better enclosure. with over range protection of 130% of FSD. The transmitter housing shall be of die-cast aluminum. Repeatability shall be ±0. Electrical connection shall be ½” NPT (F). Wetted parts shall be made of material. 1.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 adjustment. integral LCD display with ½” NPT (F) process connection. All pressure instruments shall be provided with block and bleed.5% of URV as a minimum. which is corrosion resistant to process fluid. Span and zero adjustments shall be easily accessible. For low-pressure application. Transmitter shall be of integral type with LCD display. 4-20mA output. DP type Pressure transmitters shall be of SMART.65” thick shall be used for 10 | P a g e . Window shall be of shatterproof glass. 2wire type. Element datasheet. normally thermocouple shall be considered.2. isolated with LCD display. white. Pointers shall have micrometer adjustment.4 Temperature Measurement For temperature measurement in the range of -50-200ºC.1/ IS 2054. Thermocouples shall be of K-type magnesium oxide filled and metallic sheathed as per ANSI MC-96. Local temperature gauge shall be hermetically sealed type with dial of 150mm size. Wetted parts shall be made of material. non-rusting aluminum.  Impulse lines Seamless SS316 tubes of size ½” (12 mm OD) 0. The dial face shall be marked with temperature element material. with black figures. Accuracy shall be ±0.4 Temperature compensation. 4.075% of span or better. 2056 & 2057. Any pipe of less than 3” nominal diameter shall be expanded to 4” size to install thermo well. The temperature transmitters shall be SMART type and capable of accepting the universal inputs from the sensors. For temperature measurement above 300ºC.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. DP type transmitters shall normally have 3 valve manifold of SS316. Insertion of thermo well as per mentioned in Temp. The gauge shall have accuracy of ±1% of FSD as minimum.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 1. Temperature element calibration shall confirm to relevant IS/DIN standards of latest revision. Span and zero adjustments shall be easily accessible. For level measurement. integral LCD display with ½” NPT (F) process connection. with over pressure withstand capacity of at least 30% of range or maximum working pressure whichever is higher. Temperatures elements shall be provided with SS thermo well fabricated out of bar stock of material and shall be flanged type. 2055. which is corrosion resistant to process fluid. 3-wire type RTD-Pt100 (100ohms at 0ºC) shall be used. The output of the transmitter shall be 420mA DC. Vendor shall guarantee that the size of the actuator is adequate to meet the operating thrust requirement for the valve under extreme condition. All erection fittings shall be rust proof. Butterfly valve shall be of Quarter turn type with controllability ranging between 20% and 70%. For proper drainage.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 impulse pipes.3 ON OFF VALVES 4.2 Actuator Actuator sizing shall be such that it must be capable to generate power to stroke the valve through its full travel at 125% of maximum pressure drop condition with specified stroke time.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. For detailed specification. Double compression type joints shall be provided.3. Ball valves used for On-Off services shall have “On-Off” characteristics. Butterfly valves used for On-Off services shall have “On-Off” characteristics. Actuator shall be sized for shut11 | P a g e .3. refer technological volume. The valve shall be suitable to mount between ANSI 150# flanges. Calculation for selection of actuator size shall be submitted. 4. 4. impulse lines from primary point to transmitter shall be laid with gradient of 1:10 at least. Ball Valve Ball valves shall be of full bore type with flanges suitable for ANSI 150#.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Material of construction of the valve shall be as specified in the datasheet / shall be suitable for indicated process medium. Ball valves shall be of Quarter turn type with controllability ranging between 20% and 70%.1 Valves Butterfly Valve Butterfly valves shall be wafer type design flangeless. Material of construction of the valve shall be as specified in the datasheet / shall be suitable for indicated process medium. Butterfly valves used for modulating / control services shall have “Equal Percentage” characteristics. Each switch shall have potential free contacts.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Electrical connection shall be terminated at terminal box. 4. size cv shall be calculated based on 1.3 times normal flow.5sq.3. Valves in which considerable expansion takes place or substantial quantities of liquid flash to vapour. 4. High pressure control valves in steam feed water services and for flashing service shall have plug material 1712 | P a g e . Contact rating shall be 24V DC. valve stem travel.4 Control Valve 4. However. 4. when maximum flow is greater than 1. shall have body one size larger than trim. Terminals shall be suitable for 1. Control valves trim shall be stellited. Sizing CV shall generally be calculated based on Normal Pressure Drop and 1.3 Accessories Limit Switch Proximity type switches shall be considered.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. the contractor shall ensure that the valve outlet velocity does not exceed 8 m/sec for liquid service. the contractor shall ensure that valves.2 Control Valve Sizing The valve sizing shall be suitable for obtaining maximum flow conditions with valve opening at approximately 80% of total stem travel and minimum flow conditions with valve stem travel not less than 10% of total valve stem travel .All the valves shall be capable of handling at least 120% of the required maximum flow. Control valves (CV) shall be properly sized for the operating conditions and to suit the system requirement characteristics.the manufacturer’s published CV values shall be used to determine valve size. The position of Limit switches shall be adjustable and secure mounting over full stroke range. While deciding the size of valves. the valve stem travel range from minimum flow to maximum flow condition shall not be less than 50% of the total.4. Further. experienced manufacturers of specified type and range of connection and cable entry for external cables shall be of ½” NPT (F).1 times maximum flow .3 times normal flow.1 General requirements All Control valve and accessories shall be from reputed. 150 m/sec for steam service and 50%of sonic velocity for flashing services.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 off differential pressure.4. However. characteristics  Action on Air/Supply failure  Spring range  Stem Travel in mm. seals. The characteristic of the control valves shall be determined based on the application/service.15 and high pressure control valve shall be either butt or socket weld type as per piping standard. size and pressure rating  Trim material. size. for high pressure steam and water service the trim design shall be cage type low noise. wire drawing.5% of rated capacity. The control valves size calculation and data sheets along with all detail data. Double seated valve leakage shall not exceed 0. Necessary type of gland packing.The design of all Control valves shall be such that the internal parts shall not chatter or vibrate due to any Operating condition. and edge preparation drawing for these control valves shall be furnished. Valves with tight shut off trim shall be bubble tight. All control valves shall have bolted bonnets and the design of bonnet shall be as per service conditions and subject to Owner’s approval.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. flashing on the downstream side of valve and downstream piping. 13 | P a g e . The name plate shall include the following information  Tag No. All flange dimensions shall be as per ASA B 16. Cage guided valves shall not be supplied for viscous service.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Each control valve shall have stainless steel name plate permanently fastened to the yoke which shall be visible when valve is in service and fully insulated. Valve stem shall be polished and finished to 2-4 Microns RMS in case of Teflon packing. and valve serial material  Body material. Hysteresis of valve shall be limited to 5% of input signal span for valves without positioners and 0.5% of input signal for valves with positioners. Control valves for water applications shall be designed to prevent cavitations. lubricating and isolating valves or any other such accessories shall be provided as per service requirements.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 4PH stainless stellited . drawing shall be furnished to Owner for approval. All control valves having positioners shall have mounting plate’s drilled holes for mounting of air filter regulators. weather proof type to IP 65 & Flameproof to IIA. shall be provided in selection of the actuator to ensure tight sealing unless otherwise specified. The travel time of the actuators should not exceed 10 seconds. The valve actuators shall be capable of operating at 300 deg c continuously.4. the contractor shall furnish the comparsion of properties including cavitations resistance. (ii) &(iii) above. hardness. All actuator accessories such as limit switches. erosion resistance etc.cavitations series (ii) Alloy steel as per ASTM A-217 GR. All air connection shall be ¼” NPT (F) unless otherwise limited by condition such as speed response.5 PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OVERVIEW This specification and system architecture drawing enclosed defines the 14 | P a g e . 4.3 Valve Body Material The control valve body material shall be (i) carbon steel as per ASTM-A216 GR WCB for non-corrosive.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Face to Face dimensions of flanged straight through control valve shall conform to ISA-RP 4.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. solenoid valves. An adequate allowance for stem force. at least 0. tensile strength. complete with pressure gauges. the contractor shall provide valves with body and trim materials better than specified materials and in such cases.4 Valve Actuators All control valves shall be furnished with suitable pneumatic actuators. Electro pneumatic shall be side mounted. However.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. strain energy. of the approved material vis-àvis the specified material for owner’s engineer consideration approval. non flashing and non. IIB. shall be provided as per the requirements. for severe flashing/cavitations services. 4.15 kg/cm2 per linear millimeter of sealing surface.1 4. The control valve trim shall be (a) 17-4 PH SS for severe services listed under item nos. (b) 316 SS for services listed at (iv) and (c) 316 SS with satellite faced guide posts and bushing for remaining application.4. electro pneumatic transmitters & air filter regulator etc. 1 General Plant-I & Plant-II shall be operated. power supply. The keyboard & mouse of the workstation enables the operator to provide the set-points and commands to control the process.6 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER 4.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.C and 20%95% humidity. The visual display of the workstation provides various colour graphics of the plant process. communication ports and Ethernet as indicated in the architecture drawing.6. monitored and controlled through dedicated PLC. PLC shall be featured to provide Std. The system shall be programmed in general as per logic diagram or ladder 15 | P a g e . 4. The philosophy shall be that the plant shall be operated and controlled from PLC with all closed-loop set in auto-mode.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 minimum technical requirements of plant automation system comprising of PLC and its peripherals. All the specified redundancies shall be achieved by duplication of hardware. Sequencing. PLC shall have the data acquisition and control of the process parameters of the various plant units. etc. cable. and not only through software.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Operator’s interface to the plant and process is on Human Machine Interface (HMI) which is a PC based workstation. Redundancy in PLC is adopted to increase the availability of the control system. interlocking and logic functions shall be implemented in the PLC. which are dynamic and real time to plant operating conditions. Redundancy in the PLC shall be provided towards processor. The plant automation system shall be capable of controlling and monitoring the entire functional unit by executing all functional requirements. communication modules and communication network as indicated in the architecture drawing.C to 55 Deg. PLC shall be able to operate satisfactorily from 15 Deg. located in the respective area control room. which can also be subsequently used to generate various reports for Management Information System. e. graphic creation shall be possible from the engineering station without affect on the plant operation. logic / sequence table creation. Online modification of program (ladder logic). On failure of one processor. Switching over from main processor to standby processor shall be automatic and bump-less. The design of system electronics shall be in compliance with the Electro magnetic compatibility requirements as per IEC: 801 [Electro magnetic compatibility for industrial Process measurement and control Equipment]. Online replacement of any modules shall be possible so that removal / addition of any module shall not interrupt the system. if any. The processor shall be redundant and work on hot redundant mode. 4. In case of failure of complete processor system i. communication link failure. communication module failure. the control shall get transferred to the standby processor. Alarms like processor failure. Operation of PLC shall not be affected by a momentarily power loss. HMI levels.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:..2 Processor The processor shall microprocessor-based system with 32-bit processor. Single hardware failure shall affect few numbers of control loops and shall not affect the process. input / output assignment. 16 | P a g e . The take over time of the backup controller shall be less than one configured cycle time.6. The system shall have extensive set of self-diagnostic hardware and software for easy and fast maintenance. Processor shall be of modular in construction and expandable in future by extending additional modules. loop creation. Failure of engineering station shall not affect the process and dynamic data shall be available in operating station and also operation shall be possible from Operator stations and local control stations. FORCE ON and FORCE OFF of any input or output internal coils / contacts of the ladder logic or logic diagram shall be done during online and test run. power supply failure. Diagnostics shall be provided at PLC. Communication. IO link failure are to be configured for display in the operator’s screens.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 diagram. These features allow the operator for troubleshooting and bypassing the interlocks. Critical system alarms are to be configured for display in the operator’s screens.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. The processor shall have capability to implement all the control functions required to execute the logic schemes. selector. The size of the primary memory shall be sufficient for the storage of the program instructions required by the logic schemes. OFF delay. the system output shall take fail safe automatically. Communication with various levels Diagnostics of the entire system as well as its connected equipment. Arithmetic function. etc. Cascade. Loading of memory shall be 60% and shall have 40% free space for future use. PID.6. The loading of the processor shall be upto 60% to achieve optimum performance.3 Input-Output System General This subsystem basically comprises input / output (I/O) units along with other accessories. Failure of processor should be annunciated in the Operator cum Engineering station for buprofezin plant & operator station for Multi product plant. feedback control Timer ON delay..7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. and logic function etc. weighing. 4. Emergency and safety shutdown. The minimum functional requirements of the processor are as follows: Multi loop controls. Memory shall be expandable generally memory shall be Non-volatile. limiter. Algorithms.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 both processors failing. Ladder logic or Structured-Text programming shall be accessible by any windows based operating system. The offered processor type shall have a minimum reference capacity to handle 1000 real time inputs/outputs. Self-tuning capacity for closed loop.. Capable of interfacing special modules like positioning. Automatic start up sequence and automatic shutdown sequence. It provides the main interface between process/ instrumentation system and the control room automation system Each input / output channel shall be electrically isolated from external control 17 | P a g e . comparison. 00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 circuit by suitable means.11 Healthy status indication on the module shall be provided. On-line replacement of modules shall be possible and shall not affect the processing / other cards in the rack.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. 18 | P a g e . 1. Surge withstands capacity for IO modules shall be as per IEEE standards or IEC/EN 61000.9 Load driving capability of minimum 600 ohms at 24 VDC 1.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. 1. The minimum isolation level between input / output logic circuit shall be 1000V DC.8 Channel shall loop power the transmitters with 24VDC.5 Analogue input cards shall be differential type.6 Galvanic isolation shall be provided for individual channels of Analog input modules.  Digital Output Module : 16/32 Channel  Analog input Module : 8/12 Channel  Analog output Module : 8/12 Channel Analog Inputs Modules 1. All internal wires shall be neatly dressed. The input / output channel shall be protected against the reversal of power supply polarity. 1.7 Channel shall be capable to accept SMART transmitter 1. For different type of inputs /outputs.10 Module shall have provision of filtering the measuring signals and input-open circuit detection. different coloured wires and terminal blocks shall be provided. bundled together and routed in PVC channels / cable alleys with removable covers. The same shall be routed through the field termination / marshalling racks. All the cards shall be modular & plug-in type. 1. The size of marshalling rack/panels shall be decided during detail engineering considering number of field cables to be terminated. Measurement DC signals shall be in the range 4-20 mA. The field cables shall not be brought directly to the I/O cards. The terminals for connection of external cables shall be located in marshalling rack/panels. The maximum number of inputs / outputs per module shall be limited as follows:  Digital input Module : 16/32 Channel. interposing relays working on 24V DC shall be used.4 Power Supply Module Power supply module shall be redundant and suitable to operate on 230V AC.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. 2. 19 | P a g e . * For switching of external devices through binary output from PLC. Switchover due to power supply failure shall be bumpless and automatic.6. The signal shall be interrogated at 24V DC. Binary / Digital Output Module * Binary output channels shall be optically isolated.4 Healthy status indication on the module shall be provided. * The channel state of binary input module shall be visible from the indicators on the front panel of the card. The module shall provide power supply to the processor / IO rack. and single phase from UPS. * The voltage used for the binary output module for field instruments shall be 24V DC and towards MCC.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Analog Output Module 2. potential free contacts are to be provided. * Binary outputs shall be taken through fused terminals having fuse-blown indication.3 Load driving capability of minimum 600 ohms at 24 VDC. 4. 2. 2. All interposing relays shall be preferably located separately in the panel.2 Analog DC output signals shall be generally in the range 4-20 mA. * Contacts to be sensed are potential free from the field switches or from MCC.1 Galvanic isolation shall be provided for individual channels of Analog output modules.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Binary / Digital Input Module * Binary input channels shall be optically isolated. Failure of the power supply module shall not affect the process control. 50 Hz. * The channel state of binary output module shall be visible from the indicators on the front panel of the card. 4. Indication for failure of communication module / network shall be available in module and station level. 100 m-sec 20 | P a g e .7 Scan Time & Update Time The parameters indicated are under worst loaded conditions and shall be better during normal operating conditions.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Communication shall be envisaged on industrial Ethernet with TCP/IP. Communication between processor and operator / engineering station shall be redundant.6. • Scan time for analog signals : Max. process input.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Switchover between the bulk power supply modules shall be bumpless and automatic. Standard communication port shall also be provided as a feature. Operating speed shall be 100 Mbps. the other shall takeover without interruption of processor operation.5 Communication Module The communication module and network shall be redundant and offer continuous uninterrupted communication for all the connected equipment. 4. Suitable cooling arrangement shall be provided for each module to ensure their continuous operation.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 The bulk power supply modules shall work on hot redundant mode and shall have a common output to feed to the processors / IO-system in such a way that in case of failure of one module. The power supply module shall have LED for showing healthiness of the module. Switching over shall be bump less and automatic. Communication between IO sub-system (RIO) and processor shall be redundant. Redundant communication network links shall be connected to redundant network modules. Scan Time is the time taken by system to read input.6. All modules shall have over-current and over-voltage protection. to communication for future expansion. 250 m-sec • Scan time for digital signals : Max. Executing logic and update control output for all the logics configured within the system. It shall be vendor's responsibility to modify and / or replace any hardware or software if the specified functions are not completely achieved satisfactorily during a FAT. Following tests shall be performed by the vendor and reports shall be forwarded to purchaser Quality Control Test. No material or equipment shall be transported until all required tests have been successfully completed and the material / equipment have been certified 'Ready for shipment' by purchaser / consultant. System Power-Up Test. Testing and FAT shall be carried out in 2 phases.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Scan time for pulse signals : Max. 4. The second phase of the testing shall systematically. Under the first phase. vendor shall perform tests at his works to ensure that all components function in accordance with the specification for each type of test. racks.7 OPERATOR STATION. the total integrated system. as close as possible.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.6. 100 m-sec Scan for closed loops : Max 5 m-sec Screen update Time is the time taken to update the dynamic parameters on the HMI graphic screen • Screen update time for real time data : 2 seconds • Keyboard command execution time : 2 seconds • 4. fully and functionally test all hardware and software in the presence of purchaser / consultant. All systems shall be interconnected to simulate. which shall be physical check of all modules. which shall test functionally all hardware and software. ENGINEERING STATION AND PRINTERS 21 | P a g e . cabinets etc.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Vendor shall submit the procedure for Factory Acceptance Test for approval by purchaser / consultant.8 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST (FAT) to PLC Vendor shall demonstrate functional integrity of the PLC system hardware and software. A test report shall be submitted for purchaser / consultant review. which shall be carried out to assure quality of components and modules. System Pretest. etc. Parallel. Software offered for programming. * Latest DVD-RW for data back-up and installation. hardware status displays. logs. 22 | P a g e . Dedicated individual licenses shall be provided for use of the software in this workstation. The Workstation shall be on Windows XP platform. The workstation shall have the following minimum design features and shall be identical and interchangeable: * Processor of latest configuration (preferred above 2. printers etc. sequences of event list with time stamping.. These displays shall be in the form of plant overviews. One USB Flash drive (4GB Pen Drive). controlling and monitoring shall be fully compatible with Windows 2000/XP platform or latest operating platform available. drive level displays.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 The PLC System shall be provided with Workstations – One Operator Cum Engineering Station for Plant-I & another Operator Station for Plant-II. It shall also be possible to use the Engineering Station as Operator Station. alarm list. area overviews. The Operator cum Engineering Station shall also provide the facilities to engineer and program the plant so as to control the plant process and shall be loaded with engineering software. * * * Optical scroll mouse and QWERTY keyboard. The Operating Station shall present the necessary plant information in a manner.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.5GHz). Console for mounting the printer shall be provided. * * * Minimum 1GB RAM and shall be expandable Minimum 250 GB Hard Disc. mimic diagrams. report generation and alarm printing. Drive controllers * High resolution 22-inch TFT colour monitor with pixel resolution of 1280x1024. group and sub group overviews. trends curves. Sufficient quantity of consumables shall be supplied for operating the system up to guarantee period and hand over the excess after commissioning. which can be easily understood and absorbed by the Operator. High resolution A3-colour Laser printer shall be provided for data logging. 32 bit color support as minimum. Necessary consumables for printing shall be provided with the printer. * Console for mounting the monitors.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. USB. * Serial. bar charts. Dynamic graphic capability with control through dynamic graphics. Network interface ports for connecting the data highway. key-board. mouse and the electronic unit of the workstation along with strain relieving type of chair for each station. In this mode PLC will be bypassed. HMI software shall be accessible using any Windows based operating system. Trend Display Analog / Digital indication and controls. It will not be affected to sequence of plant control logic. valve/motor/ equipment level symbols on the graphic display shall be a multi-colour variable. which trips or running must be displayed. Visual display call up time shall not exceed one (1) second. d.8 HMI (OPERATOR & OPERATOR+ENGINEERING STATION) Generally. f. Historical trend. In this mode motor / valve to be operated from HMI screen of PLC through software.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 4. the operation of plant will be carried out from the PLC with HMI Software in Operator cum Engineering stations and Operator station in the following modes: Manual Mode: Enables the Motor to be operated from the local start/stop station located in MCC room & local Push Button station in field. HMI software shall have the following as minimum: a. b. indicating by colour code their current status. The general philosophy is that any function. c. Loop detail displays. Typically. for maintenance purposes. so that the operator can rapidly determine the cause of any problem preventing the plant from running. AUTO / MANUAL status should be indicated by the appearance of text “auto “adjacent to the motor symbol when in auto. Report graphics 23 | P a g e . Group displays. text blanked when in manual. Plant overview graphics.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Plant detail graphics. Sequence control. however the Local field & MCC stop button always functional. with interlock and permissive active. or some equivalent display format. Auto Mode: Enables the Plant to be fully controlled from the control room. Real time trend. The local start button in MCC and Local Start field Push Button is disabled. e. i.  Accept alarms.. manipulated variable. from the graphic display. Alarm monitoring & display HMI Workstations shall have a page configured “System Configuration”.  Action "stop/start". j. Process flow will generally be indicated with the status of plant sections and main process variables displayed. Window operator function and Popup screens Reports. k. to display all the nodes & buses in the network and indicate healthiness / status of each. It shall be possible to monitor any variable/parameter/alarm status in the controllers and change set point value. Loop details shall be displayed in a bar graph format.e. PLC Diagnostics displays. Other displays shall be accessible by function key available in MIMIC screen. as a minimum:  Perform "auto/manual" selection. "open/close". h. colour changes and descriptions and shall include the following details: 24 | P a g e . The operator shall be able to select a plant detail graphics from the plant overview graphics. Alarm and event handling.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 g. .7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. numeric displays. a) Plant Overview Graphics These graphics will be designed and developed to provide unit / area status and control.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. The operator will control the plant rotating equipment and on-off devices utilizing control functions available on the plant detail graphics i. The overview display will have freely assignable blocks. Also motors / pumps status and valve status shall be displayed on the graphic display with different colour. b) Plant Detail Graphics Custom built graphics shall be used for showing a detail of sections of the plant. controller mode etc. The status of all relevant rotating equipment and all process and utility variables shall be displayed. c) Group Displays All the relevant process data shall be grouped together to enable the operator to perform a control management of individual small sections of the plant. 1 hour. open/close process devices. Each measurement signal shall show identification data. and the instantaneous value of measurement. loop description. * At intervals of 1 second or 10 second for the real time trend. 20 mins. * Sequences: Status of sequence in process terminology. step control in manual.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. 5 mins. * Totalizes: Numeric values of totalized units and actual value.point indication. loop tag. controller status such as auto/ manual. The operator will perform all the analogue control functions from these displays. target adjustment. numeric values of process variable. * Analog Controller: Bar graphs of process variable and controller output. loop description. At least 4 separate measurement signals shall fit simultaneously onto one screen display with different colors. loop tag. selection of various modes. numerical value. * Binary Indication: Status of all selections. * Binary Control: Stop/start motor and pump equipment. e. engineering units. Multi-colour assignment of tag references shall be possible. Storage of historical trend will be on non-volatile memory such as hard disk or CDs. loop descriptions. * Sequences: Manual/auto selection. scale and unit. alarm set points. loop tag. and manual output adjustment. local/remote. loop tag.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 * Analog Indicator : Bar graph. The time scale of the trend display shall be selectable at. 25 | P a g e . 3 hours and 12 hours. As a minimum the operator shall be able to perform the following actions: * Analog Controllers: Control set point adjustment. It shall be possible to scroll back the trend display over the previous 24 hours minimum to 15 days depending on scan interval.g. manual/auto selection. engineering units.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. totalizer status.. engineering limits. controller output and control set point. alarm set point and control set. loop description. It shall be possible to sample and store data at the intervals mentioned below. d) Trend Displays Trend displays of both "real-time” process variables and historical process variables shall be available and shall be designed to allow for variable time frames as well as range adjustment "zooming". loop description. * Totalizers: Reset functions. status of loop tag. PID parameter. of interval for historical trend. The PID parameter adjustments are as specified elsewhere in this specification. output (on demand) .Output to final control element (manipulated variables) .Control mode .Specifying alarm by-pass function .Changing alarm set points . The alarm list generated shall carry relevant information as to the alarm nature.Process variable zero and span values .Changing tuning constants .7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. A priority code shall determine the manner in which alarms and events are handled. valves opening or closing shall be considered events and a list of selected events shall be provided. Normal operational events such as motors starting or stopping. the loop tag and time of occurrence. .Alarm set point . The object will be to avoid the situation where a large number of alarms are routinely acknowledged by the operator without investigating the cause thereof. The alarm / event list shall extend at least up to the 300 latest entries. 10 min.Limits on set point. * Loop display shall provide separate detailed display for each of the process inputs.Changing process variable for testing . * It shall be possible to change the following through the key-board of operator station: ..Changing control mode 26 | P a g e . where events and alarms are distinguished by priority levels. * Alarm and Event Listing * Whenever a condition occurs that falls outside of the normal operating envelope an alarm will be generated. 2 min.. The graphic representation will be similar to that of group display. The event list and alarm list will be considered one chronological list.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 * At 1 min.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.. These displays will be interactive allowing adjustments of all control and indication parameters. 5 min. The following additional information shall be displayed in alpha numeric form: .Controller tuning constant (on demand) . outputs etc.Engineering units.Changing limits on set points. e) Loop Detail Displays * Loop detail displays will mainly be used by system control engineers. Access to the adjustments will be by a password. ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. * f) Output limits shall be settable and displayed. it shall be possible to issue start/stop or open /close command.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.Graphic display . The following function shall be operate from Popup screen . . Report Graphics All latest reports generated by the PLC shall be available as a graphic display to the operator.Changing time span of trend * The loop display shall also contain a trend displaying process variable for six minutes for tuning purpose. etc. h) Window Operation Function Multi-window: The multi-window functions shall be provided to display without erasing the currently displayed panel.. valves. 27 | P a g e . by opening up multiple rectangle windows on the screen.Loop display .Changing output to final control element . Quarter size window: The following standard operation displays shall be displayed as quarter size windows:.. The number and function of windows shall be as follows:  Process window  Alarm window  Graphic window  Menu window Minimum of two windows shall be displayed simultaneously.Alarm summary display Popup screen: Popup screen shall be provided for all motors.Trend display . valves. etc.Switching ON / OFF of all motors.Group display .For digital points.Feed back / demand of control valve etc..00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 . . g) PLC Diagnostic Alarm / Indication / Graphics Detail PLC diagnostic alarm / indication/ graphics shall be available on operator station. .Scheduled reports.Rotating equipment running hours report. The PLC shall provide a priority level distinction of alarms and events. An engineering facility shall be provided to override alarms.Latest reports System configuration and all software programs. The following printouts shall also be available to be printed out on a request: . Events: An event is defined as a change of the state of a binary variable not defined as an alarm.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 i) Reports Report formats shall be freely selected by the customer. The following standard printouts shall be initiated automatically: . logs and scratch pad. every 8 hours.Events . Acknowledge facility shall be provided to silence the audible device. .Historical and real-time trends. The following reports shall be included as a minimum: . set point changes. Events shall be displayed as colour changes or message lines and no operator action shall be required to confirm these changes in process conditions. depending on the alarm priority. complete with suitable comments for clarifications purposes.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.Alarms for process and system diagnostics. Alarms may be acknowledged but not reset until the cause of the alarm has returned to normal. . selections.Shift reports. .ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Process Alarms: New alarms shall be brought to the attention of the operators by means of audible devices and blinking fields on the graphics displays.Monthly report.Operator actions such as acknowledgements of alarms. j) Alarm and Event Handling All alarms and selected events shall be time tagged. . etc. . motor stop/ star commands. every 24 hours. k) Alarm Monitoring & Display 28 | P a g e . System Alarms: The operator shall be alerted to failures and be provided with detail information as to the type of fault and its location.Daily report. Alarm shall be identified without changing display by using of multi-window technique. activating on audio signal. it shall be possible directly to group display or any display by touching the screen.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.  It shall be possible to set process alarm limits from the operator keyboard i. Alarm History 29 | P a g e .  Alarms can be selectively displayed limited to important alarms or limited to a certain area. rate of change of measured variable high and low deviations set points and.unacknowledged alarm  Steady display . which contains the latest alarm with a maximum of two keystrokes.  Top of the screen shall be reserved for showing the latest alarms irrespective of type of display. high extra-high and low.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. It shall be possible to access to any type of display. alarm limits on absolute value of measured variable.Acknowledged alarm Alarm Summary Display  It shall be possible to display summary of all alarms in the sequence of their occurrence and shall disappear from display only when they are acknowledged and cleared.  All alarms shall be displayed as they occurred or generated with change in the color of display in the following sequence.  Continuous flashing . The alarm display shall list the following for each alarm as a minimum:  The data and time of occurrence  Point identification (i. tag number)  Point description  Type of alarm (absolute value or deviation)  The system shall be able to display on alarm summary a minimum of alarms. Alarms shall appear immediately on the operator stations and when they occur on priority basis.e.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Alarm Management  It shall be possible to display process alarms as well as system alarms on the operator stations for operator's attention and action. extra-low points on process variable and output.e.  For the latest 20 tags displayed on alarm summary panel. Sequences can automatically change the mode of controllers. indicators integrating / differentiating and computing units shall be provided as complete software function blocks.Tag number . perform interlock functions and sequence status units allow sequence progress to be monitored and controlled from an operator station. on-off valves and solenoid valves. motorised valves.9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT (LADDER LOGIC OR STRUCTURED-TEXT PROGRAMMING) The minimum software requirements of the processor are listed below. Feedback control Feedback control function such as regulatory controllers. Feedback controllers shall have self-tuning capacity and also tuning from operator station (manual) Sequence logic control functions: Sequence logic control functions shall be used with feedback control functions to perform a pre-defined sequence of steps. Open loop control shall be implemented using software functional blocks.Process alarm messages . Search items .Status change messages .00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 The history of alarm shall be maintained in the hard disk and can be reported by specifying the following search items and search conditions.Control station number . with the aid of which it shall be possible to program the controls easily. quickly and 30 | P a g e .Annunciator messages .System alarm messages .7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.Search conditions .Start time and stop time 4. * * Sequence Table (Table decision method) Sequence Logic Diagram (Interlock block diagram method) Open Loop Control Open loop control is to be used to operate individual equipment as process drives / motors. Sequence logic control functions shall be executed in any way as below.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.Sequence messages . The closed loop control and measurement functions shall be programmed using a method based on the combining together of functional blocks. General requirements for the functional blocks are: * The open loop control software package shall perform the combining of incoming commands into logical groups and also perform the forming of a priority system. ratio control and feed forward control blocks wit Manual/auto selection.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. * In the cases of a voltage failure and a voltage return or change. state of safety switches and error signals.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 clearly. the open loop control software package must not give unintended control commands. protection (tripping) signals. The PID loop shall receive process variable from field instruments (e. transmitter) through the input channel and perform the required PID algorithm. Closed Loop Control Closed Loop Control is based on Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control. In circuits with back-up provision. * The control software package shall have inputs for the manual and automated control switch-over.g. locking (release) signals. * The control software package shall not allow pumping of devices being controlled. Sequence control functions shall also include a provision for step-by-step control.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. The control output limiting shall be included. state and range limit signals. Group Control Loops The software package shall contain functional blocks for the implementation of group controls and other sequence control functions. Manual operation of sequences via operator station is required. Control of the device is prevented after tripping of the protection Switch until tripping has been acknowledged in the control room and a new command has been issued. absolute alarming and for special cases set point deviation alarming. Start up and shut down procedures shall be controlled by the group control software package (in the same manner as individual control software package). the changeover to back-up circuit in cases of a malfunction shall be automatic. cascade control. The controlled 31 | P a g e . It shall be possible to control adjusting parameters with outside signals on a continuous basis. It shall be made possible to form hours. It shall also be possible to change parameter according to external criteria. High-low signal selector is needed for control purposes. After a power failure. or manually from the control room. Each individual closed loop control circuit shall be switchable from manual state to automatic state and vica versa.of-operation and start-up -quantity computations from the binary outputs. It shall be possible to form quantity computations from the analog signals.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. The upper and lower regulators of cascade circuits shall be connected together bumpless. Any program malfunction shall prevent the switching of the circuit to automatic. The switching shall be possible both via the program software as an automatic control. the controller circuit will automatically switch to manual.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. control valve) through the output channel. Supervision Function 32 | P a g e . and there shall be possibility to select manual/auto mode case by case. the controller circuit will output one of the following states: * Remains constant * Settles at the selected value * Settles at the interlocked value The adjusting parameters of the regulator circuit (PID measurement filtering constant) shall be selectable from the control room operations terminal by pressing a single key or selecting a single code. and this event will be announced in the control room. Selector blocks and computations Alarm blocks for low-low. unless it receives a separate command either manually or automatically. In case of a malfunction of the measurement circuit.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 variable shall be sent to final control element (e. When in the manual mode. Changeover of control state from manual to automatic and vica-versa shall take place in a bumpless fashion.The controller’s output or actuator shall remain in the state that it was when last under automatic control.g. high and high-high switch points are required. Self-calibration and manual calibration of PID loops shall be possible. Password protection of selected function is required. low. The panel shall be made from CRCA steel sheet with a minimum thickness of 2 mm. The panel surface shall be thoroughly degreased. The operator shall be able to supervise and carry on trouble shooting by means of the system trouble shooting displays. Panel power supply shall be through circuit breaker. Cabinets shall be equipped with front and rear access doors. indications. Doors shall be equipped with lockable handles. smoothed.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Panels shall be provided with antivibration mounting pads. 4. The width of panel shall be as per approved panel G. The inside of panel shall be illuminated. All the cabinets shall be free standing. maintaining overall consistency and clarity and avoiding size variations. Legend plates shall be provided on the panel face. Panels shall have lifting hooks or eyebolts on the top at the four corners. Front of panels shall be primed and file as required giving at least two coats of primer and minimum three coats of final colour above the primer coating to present a smooth and mat finish. Equipment inside the panel shall be so located that their terminals and adjustments are readily accessible for inspection and maintenance. the operator cum engineering stations / workstations shall get alarms.A. The inside colour of all these panels shall be brilliant white. drawings. In case of a disturbance. floor mounted and dead front type and shall have ventilation with steel mesh. The outside colour of the panels shall be powder coated with colour RAL 7032 or equivalent international code.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 The PLC shall continuously supervise all its components and the equipment connected to it.10 CABINETS / PANELS / CONSOLES The panels shall be up right. Such critical alarms shall be specified in the application software and shall also be user programmable. desk face and for instruments behind panel/desk to identify equipment. enclosed type and shall be designed for bottom entry of cables. Miniature circuit breakers shall be provided on the outgoing side. Overall dimensions of nameplates shall be decided by the text of legend. The 33 | P a g e . filled and painted with rust resistant two coats of primer and three coats of paint to present a smooth and flat finish. for ease of transportation. preferably using CFL lamp.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. Instrument power supply shall be through a 1:1 isolation transformer. and graphics notice on the monitor and critical alarms shall be printed out in the printer located in the control room with time stamping. The gland plate shall be of thickness 3mm. Common signal ground points of PLC. 15W rating). Terminal connecting screws and shall be suitable to connect 1.5 sq.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. light switches etc. The lower 300 mm of panel section shall be free from equipment’s / module except terminal blocks and glands plate. in construction and electrical features. at control room. i. panel lighting fixtures.g. Fans shall be used for effective cooling of PLC and subsystem panel. 34 | P a g e . which shall be connected with plant critical earthing system. Control rooms shall be provided with TE bars and shall be different from PE system connected to the electronic earthling system. Shields of 24 VDC signal cables shall be connected to TE system only at one end. Panel / cabinets shall be provided with the following items: * Utility Power socket (of 240V AC. control switches.  SYSTEM GROUNDING Generally the earthing for the system shall confirm to IS: 3043 Protective Earthing – PE (Frame Earthing): All enclosures of the PLC equipment shall be connected to separate earth conductor. Electrical accessories e.5 sq.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 illumination lamp shall be switched on/off using a door switch. having minimum earth resistance as specified by PLC manufacturer. These should be suitable for the application and environmental conditions.e. push buttons. Instruments and screens of signal cables shall be earthed to this technical earthling system. * Visual indication shall be provided for failure of power supply on the local instrument signal earthing. * Copper bus-bar (of size 25x3mm) mounted on an insulated base inside the panel with holes and nut-bolts .0 / 1. Consoles shall have specification similar to as defined * Power earthing bolts on either side of the panel at the bottom. required for the panel shall be of acceptable reputed make and these shall be supplied with the panels/desks. Cables. Terminal blocks shall not have smaller than 2. Technical Earthing – TE (Signal Earthing): Technical earthling (with one or more separate earth pits) shall be provided. circuit breakers. 5. Voltage levels within the junction box shall be isolated from lower voltages and shall be labeled. Field cable termination and inter cabinet cabling and termination. instrument in field. Terminal blocks shall be of 2. IIA. Installation of the system including free supply equipment if any.1 Field Inspection: All Instruments shall be inspected thoroughly by vendor after its receipt at site 35 | P a g e .00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13  JUNCTION BOXES Junction boxes shall be weather proof IP65 & Flameproof to Gas Gr. and check out. Material of Construction shall be die cast aluminum LM-6. 0 INSTALLATION.5 sq. During erection. IIB. Laying the interconnecting cables inside control room.0. Commissioning and online debugging of the system. Involvement during plant commissioning and performance of final acceptance test. Check out instrument. 5.All wires in junction boxes shall be neatly dressed and ferruled.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC Vendor's responsibility at side shall include all activities necessary to be performed to complete the job including: Receipt of hardware / software and checking completeness of supplies.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. overall system functioning etc. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Vendor shall offer the services of an installation team which would install the panel in the control room. necessary erection equipments and accessories shall be provided by the vendor. hardware and software configuration. panel installation Checking of interconnections. Spare entries shall be provided with blind plugs. test and commission the system. Junction box size shall be as per mentioned in tender sheet. Junction boxes shall be provided with double compression type cable glands and these shall be firmly grounded. Loop checking. After setting. Pipe fittings shall be of suitable material and covered by rust inhibitor. Ermeto type of joints shall be provided for impulse lines. All impulse lines shall be supported at regular intervals.2 ERECTION: Instruments installed in open shall be provided with suitable canopy/protection boxes.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. . Pressure / differential pressure measurements For pressures above 1. mm seamless tubes of sizes 12mm x 0. Vendor must initiate the remedial action. 5.. Vendor must document all observations including details of any malfunction observed. with intimation to Engineer-in-charge.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 for completeness and proper functioning. Junction boxes shall be installed at man-height. Items / equipments requiring total replacement must document the reasons for the same. Valves 36 | P a g e . Transmitters shall be positioned as close as possible to the measuring point and yoke mounted on instrument stands approximately 1. All the level and flow sensors installation shall be as per manufacturer’s recommendation and relevant standards / practices only. For proper drainage impulse lines from primary point to transmitter shall be laid with a gradient of 1:10 atleast.065” or more shall be used for impulse lines.0. All alarm and trip switches shall be calibrated over the entire range and finally set and checked for alarm / trip points and reset points as per the alarm / trip set point schedule.5m above floor level. drain / vent etc. in case unsatisfactory operation of any item is observed. which are to be fabricated at site. as per the hook up diagram. All the equipment fed from electrical system and installation shall meet the statutory requirements of Indian Electricity Rules.6 Kg/sq.035” wall thick SS tubing. Pneumatic signal lines shall be 6mm dia with 0. these shall be sealed.All pressure/ differential pressure instruments shall be provided with block and bleed / bypass. Flow Meter Flow meter shall be installed as per instruction given in the manufacture instruction manual. Measurement in the following locations shall be avoided: • Highest point of a pipeline due to risk of air accumulating. equalizing valves. shall be installed based on instruction given in the manufacturers manual and installation diagram/hook-up diagram. Level Measurement Ultrasonic level transmitter mainly for liquid level of tanks. drain valves at suitable places and shut off valves at tapping points wherever applicable. Full flow in the pipe shall be always ensured. Smaller tubing with reducer fittings shall not be used. Pneumatic tubing to the final actuator shall be of the same size as the connector provided on the actuator. • Directly upstream from a free pipe.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 Instruments shall be provided with isolating valves. Isolation valves on instrument airlines shall be of full-bore ball valves. for correct measurement. t-pieces. Panels / Cabinets 37 | P a g e . elbows. • Directly on the down pipe. etc.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. The flow meter shall be installed well clear of fitting such as valves. Upstream and downstream straight length distance shall be maintained as per the manufacture’s recommendations. the flow meter shall be installed on vertical pipe section. Grounding rings of flow meter shall be fixed properly and grounded using the ground wire as per manufacture’s recommendation. Instrument air lines shall be pneumatically tested for leaks. Required pipe length at the up-stream and down-stream of the flow meter shall be maintained. Installation shall be as per the manufacture’s recommendation. outlet in a down pipe. Level range/ calibration range shall be adjusted based on calibration range as indicated in the data sheet.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. Wherever possible. If it is already calibrated in factory then adjustment to be done during installation. During termination no cards will be placed in the respective places.0. Ferrules shall be used during termination. Marshalling panels and shall be sealed properly. Limit switches shall be adjusted to the specified values. Alignment of valve positioners shall be checked. Before charging of PLC panels all short circuit test and earthing shall be completed.5 CABLE LAYING 38 | P a g e . shall be neatly dressed and served with nylon chord. Proper connection and the action of the actuator shall be checked. All the gland plate shall be installed after termination of all cables in PLC panels. Crossferruling philosophy shall be adopted. After operating the valve from the control room. The rated pressure of the flanges shall be checked.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. These pads shall attenuate vibration / shock effects to tolerate levels of PLC control equipment. 5.4 CABLE TERMINATION Termination of copper conductor cables shall be by means of compression type tinned copper lugs. The control valve along with positioner shall then be calibrated for the rated stroke and checked for linearity as per manufacturer’s specification.0. Marshalling panels shall be erected with anti. etc.vibration pads / mounting. Cable inside the PLC panels and Marshalling panels shall be properly dressed and incoming / outgoing cables shall have sleeves indicating cable tag number and origin / termination of the cable.0.3 CALIBRATION Calibration and functional checking of all type of primary and secondary instruments shall be done strictly as per manufacturer’s instructions and as per the general procedural guideline prior to installation All control valves shall be checked for free movement of the stem.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 PLC panels. Polymer sleeve with full ferrule number printed shall be used instead of individual alpha-numeric ferrule. Glanding at the field side and at control room side shall be done using double compression cable glands.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. 5. the position indication of the valve shall be balanced. Each control cable core entering control panel. Field side termination shall be carried out first then panel side will be done. as finalized during cable engineering. 5. size and voltage grade.5 m. All cables shall be provided with identification tags indicating cable numbers in accordance with the cable schedule. accessibility and neatness of installation. at joints and at 30m spacing for straight runs. These tags shall be in addition to the end tags. The tags shall be of durable fiber or aluminum sheet with the numbers punched on them and securely attached to the cables with noncorrosive wire. Sharp bends in cables should be avoided. The cables shall be handled as per the manufacture’s recommendation and installed as per standard industrial practice. Cables shall be fixed to rack/trays as required for proper support. Cable racks for cable trays shall be fixed at a maximum interval of 1. drops etc. if cutting of foundations or structures is necessary. For cable run shorter than 30m. Tags shall be fixed at both ends of cable.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. one cable tag shall be provided in the middle. All wall openings shall be effectively sealed after installation of cables to avoid leakage of water. prior permission shall be obtained from the HIL.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 All instrumentation cables shall be carried in perforated cable trays except when installed in rigid steel conduits or in duct banks or embedded conduits or buried underground. are not installed in such a way as to make difficult the maintenance and/or removal of mechanical or electrical equipment.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. For cable laying. Hanging of cable racks over panels shall not be permitted. Cables shall be clamped rigidly at intervals of not more than 1 meter. Wherever a cable crosses a temperature expansion point in structure. The cable tags shall be marked with cable number. Individual cores of control cables shall have for identification plastic interlocked 39 | P a g e . The Vendor shall ensure that cable trays. sufficient sag shall be provided. A minimum clearance of 300mm shall be kept between instrument and power cable. Instrument cables and power cable shall not be installed on the same cable tray. All cables shall be tested for proper insulation prior to laying. Cable cut from the drums and distributed for various route lengths shall be carefully planned bearing in mind that splices will not be allowed in PVC cables. Supporting brackets for trays shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 1. checking of interconnection between instrument / equipment.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. ferruling of field cables in control room and performing overall loop performance check. Control cables shall be terminated by crimping All openings for cable entry in the equipment shall be sealed and made proof against entry of creeping reptiles. if any. After loop checking is completed. 40 | P a g e .ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. The input signals shall be simulated by disconnecting / connecting the field wires for all field switches connected to PLC. Vendor shall coordinate with the field contractor for smooth and proper loop checking. The control cables shall be clamped by means of suitable PVC straps both for horizontal and vertical runs. Wherever receiver cards are used. For future installation of cables. provision shall be made to keep 20 percent space as spare on each rack/tray. either for actual operation of solenoid valve or actual pick-up of electrical contractor for rotary equipments.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 type ferrules with engraved numbers at both ends of the circuit.0. 5. The supporting brackets shall be galvanized after fabrication. configuration and overall system functioning. All power cable terminations shall be by means of crimping type cable lugs.5 meter. Complete loop checking shall be performed in his / her or his / her authorized representative's presence. ferruling / tagging of interconnecting cables in control room. vendor shall connect back any terminals and connections removed for loop checking. the set point shall be generated by giving the input signal to receiver card. All outputs shall be checked in filed.6 Loop Checking: Loop checking shall be carried out by vendor including checking the interconnections. Vendor's scope of work in loop checking shall include termination of field cables in the control room. shall be effectively closed. The clamps shall be placed at an interval of 1. Unused openings. Any discrepancy found during checking shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge.5 meter in horizontal run and 1 meter in vertical run. at each bend and turning from horizontal to vertical direction and vice versa. All spare cores shall also have ferrules at both ends for identification and use. ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:.0. * Demonstration of all system function. 41 | P a g e . * Complete system configuration loading. 6. 5. * Checking of all system displays.7 Functional Test: All the system functions shall be checked thoroughly for proper functioning.8 SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TEST The purchaser shall provisionally take over the system from vendor after system acceptance test. * Demonstration of all system diagnostics. Vendor shall provide the procedures for the same.0.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:.00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 5. System acceptance test shall be started only after the satisfactory performance of loop checking and verification of records. valve. * Checking of correct functioning of all keyboards. data bus. * Complete checking of logic system: loading of user's program and check out of results. The tests shall include: * Visual and mechanical.0 DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS Vendor shall submit the drawing and documents at various stages in sufficient sets. communication unit etc. a) Vendor shall provide the following along with the offer: * Catalogues of offered instrument. * Checking of proper functioning of all printers and printing of all reports. * System configuration diagram * Technical details with literatures of the PLC system viz. Vendor shall provide the procedures for the same.0. system cables.9 FINAL ACCEPTANCE TEST The owner will take over the system from the vendor after the final acceptance test which involves successful uninterrupted operation of the total integrated system. 5. The warranty period commences from the day owner takes over the system. process I/O unit. * Checking of all disc drives. processing units. SDM Any other documents modified due to site conditions 42 | P a g e . UPS and its Accessories with catalogues. * Deviations if any from the specification. with reason. * Utility power & air consumption for instruments .00 CONTRACT NO:7722/2012-13 * Sizing Calculations for selection of instruments & valves.7722-JTS-001 REV NO:. b) The successful vendor shall furnish the following in minimum 3 sets: Specification of Field Instrument. valves. Cable schedule Cable layout Termination drawings Installation drawings Instrument List PLC Input-Output List IO Assignment PLC HDM. (for approval) * System architecture drawing (for approval) * Panel GA drawings (for approval) * Hardware Design Manual (for approval) * Control Philosophy (for approval) * Quality Assurance Plan (for approval) * Factory Acceptance Test (for approval) * Earthing details and calculation (for approval) * Software Design Manual (for reference) * I/O assignment (for reference) * Logic description (for reference) * panel wiring diagram (for reference) * Graphic displays (for reference) * Earthing Layout (for reference) * Test and Inspection Report (for reference) * Heat load for PLC room equipment (for reference) Any other required drawings * Vendor shall submit following drawing / documents with final corrections / modifications (if any) as: “AS BUILT DRAWING”. PLC.ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED RASAYANI GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION WORK DOC NO:. 8. 11. 12. INSTRUMENT INDEX FLOW SWITCH DP TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER MULTIVARIABLE FLOW TRANSMITTER PH ANALISER PRESSURE TRANSMITTER CONTROL VALVE TEMEPERATURE ELEMENT ORIFICE PLATE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE SCANNER PRESSURE SWITCH DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER DP TRANSMITTER . 13. 4. 14. 10. 7. 6. 5. 15.ANNEXURE-IV DOC NO : : : : PLANT-1 7722 PLANT-I DATA SHEET SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED INSTRUMENT DATA SHEET 1. 2. 9. 3. JB NO.DOC. Element T-516 Temp. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO. Transmitter HWR-006-A5-50 Pressure Gauge R-501A Temp. Transmitter T-501B Pressure Transmitter HW-003-A5-40-IH Temp. : 7722-JIND-101 PLANT-I : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. Element R-502A Temp. / LINE NO. Transmitter R-501A Pressure Transmitter R-501A PH Analyzer PR-X6-25/1 On-Off Valve With f/b PR-007-Y5-150 Temp. Transmitter T-501A Pressure Transmitter T-501A Weight Transmitter HB-501A Weight Transmitter CWR-008-A5-50 Pressure Gauge PR-010-X2-150 Pressure Gauge T-506A Level Gauge PR-009-2Z-150 Pressure Gauge T-506B Level Gauge T-507A Pressure Gauge T-507B Pressure Gauge T-502 Level Transmitter PR-017-A5-50 Flow Transmitter PR-Y5-50/1 On-Off Valve With f/b T-502 Level Gauge T-503 Level Transmitter PR-Y5-50/2 On-Off Valve With f/b CWR-005-A5-50 Pressure Gauge HW-007-MS-50 Temp. NO. MAKE MODEL REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 PG-P510 LG-T517 PG-P001 LG-ST501 PG-P507 LG-ST503 FT-T503 LG-T-518 LT-T504 LT-T505 PG-P501A PG-P501B TE-R501A/1 TT-R501A/1 PG-R501A TE-R501A/2 TT-R501A/2 PT-R501A PHIC-R501A XV-R501A/1 TG-R501A XV-R501A/2 TG-T501A TE-T501A TT-T501A PT-T501A WT-T501A WT-HB501A PG-H501A PG-BL501 LG-T506A PG-T506 LG-T506B PG-T507A PG-T507B LT-T502 FT-T502 XV-T502 LG-T502 LT-T503 XV-T503 PG-H501B TE-R501B/1 TT-R501B/1 PG-R501B TE-R501B/2 TT-R501B/2 PT-R501B PHIC-R501B XV-R501B/2 XV-R501B/1 TG-R501B WT-HB501B WT-T501B TE-T501B TT-T501B PT-T501B TG-T501B PG-P508A PG-P508B LT T-516 TE T-516 TT T-516 TCV T-516 XV T-516 TE-R502A/1 TT-R502A/1 TCV-R502A PG-R502A PG-H502A/1 PT-R502A HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PR-014-X2-40 T-517 PR-040-A5-50 ST-501 PR-002-A5-50 ST-503 Water PR-002-A5-50 T-518 Organic Mixture T-504 Organic Mixture T-505 Hot Water Hot Water Organic Mixture Organic Mixture Organic Mixture Toluene Vapours Organic Mixture Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid Vaccum Vaccum Corrosive Liquid Toluene Toluene Toluene Toluene Water Water Hot Water NA Organic Mixture Organic Mixture NA Vaccum Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid Toulene Vapours Corrosive Liquid Corrosive Liquid NA Vaccum Vaccum Hot Water Hot Water Steam Hot Water Organic Mixture NA Steam Toluene Vapours Pressure Gauge Level Gauge Pressure gauge Level Gauge Pressure gauge Level Gauge Flow Transmitter Level Gauge Level Transmitter Level Transmitter Pressure gauge PR-Y5-50 Pressure gauge HW-005-A5-50 Temp. Gauge DISCHARGE OF P508A Pressure Gauge DISCHARGE OF P508A Pressure Gauge T-516 Level Transmitter T-516 Temp. Element R-501B Temp. Element HW-005-A5-50 Temp.: 7722/2012-13 TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. Transmitter T-516 Control Valve T-516 On-Off Valve With f/b R-502A Temp. Transmitter ST-004-A5-25-IH Control Valve ST-004-A5-25-IH Pressure Gauge PR-041-Y5-150 Pressure Gauge R-502A Pressure Transmitter Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Tubular DP Type Flow Transmitter Tubular DP Type DP Type Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Diaphgram Ball Valve Bimetallic Ball Valve Bimetallic RTD Field Mounted Diaphgram Load Cell Load Cell Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube DP Type DP Type Flow Transmitter Ball Valve Tubular DP Type Ball Valve Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Diaphgram Ball Valve Ball Valve Bimetallic Load Cell Load Cell RTD Field Mounted Diaphgram Bimetallic Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube DP Type RTD Field Mounted Globe Type Ball Valve RTD Field Mounted Globe Type Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Diaphgram 25 NB 80 NB ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-20 m3/hr PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-2400 mm 0-1300 mm ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C 0-3 kg/cm2 0-14 ph ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-20 m3/hr 50 NB 0-1300 mm 50 NB 0-200 DEG C PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C . SERVICE EQUP. Gauge T-501A Temp. P & ID NO. Element T-501B Temp.-1 to 3 Kg/cm2 0-14 ph 25 NB 80 NB ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-2000 mm 0-200 DEG C CS 25 NB 0-200 DEG C CS ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 ALREADY PROCURED . Element T-501A Temp. Gauge HB-501B Weight Transmitter T-507B Weight Transmitter T-501B Temp. NO. Element HW-007-MS-50 Temp. TAG NO. Transmitter R-501B Pressure Transmitter R-501B PH Analyzer PR-X6-25/2 On-Off Valve With f/b PR-027-A5-250 On-Off Valve With f/b Temp. Gauge PR-015-A5-250 On-Off Valve With f/b HWS-002-A5-40-IH Temp. Transmitter HWR-008-MS-50 Pressure Gauge R-501B Temp. AH NO. Element R-501A Temp. Pressure Transmitter Diff. Element Temp.DOC. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Flow Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp. / LINE NO. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp.: 7722/2012-13 TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. NO. NO. : 7722-JIND-101 PLANT-I : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. Element Temp. Element Temp. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge On-Off Valve On-Off Valve Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Weight Transmitter Diff. JB NO. P & ID NO. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO. Element Temp. SERVICE EQUP. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp. Element Temp. MAKE MODEL REMARKS 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 PG-P502A LT-T508A PG-T508A LG-T509A PG-T509A XV-T509A TE-R502A/2 TT-R502A/2 PG-H502A/2 PG-H503A PG-H504A TE-R502B/1 TT-R502B/1 TCV-R502B PG-R502B PG-H502B/1 PT-R502B PG-P502B LT-T508B PG-T508B LG-T509B PG-T509B XV-T509B TE-R502B/2 TT-R502B/2 PG-H502B/2 PG-H503B PG-H504B LT-T513 FT-T513 PG-P002 LT-T514 PG-H505 TE-C501 TT-C501 PG-C501 TE-C502 TT-C502 PG-C502 TE-C503 TT-C503 PG-C503 TE-C504 TT-C504 PG-C504 TE-C505 TT-C505 PG-C505 TE-C506 TT-C506 PG-C506 PG-CF501 PG-CF502 XV-CF501 XV-CF502 PG-P503A LT-T510A PG-P503B LT-T510B PG-P503C LT-T510C WT-HP501C DPT-S501 DPT-S502 DPT-MA532 TE-R503A/1 TT-R503A/1 TCV-R503A PG-R503A PT-R503A PG-P504A HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Toluene Toluene Vaccum Toulene Vapours NA Organic Mixture NA Steam Toluene Vapours Toluene Vapours Toluene Toluene Vaccum Toulene Vapours Methanol Methanol Methanol Slurry NA Slurry Slurry NA Slurry Slurry NA Slurry Slurry NA Slurry Slurry NA Slurry Slurry NA Slurry Oragnic Oragnic Oragnic Oragnic Slurry Slurry Slurry Slurry Methanol Methanol Methanol Organic Mixture NA Steam Organic Mixture Toluene Vapours PR-051-Y5-50 T-508A T-508A T-509A T-509A PR-048-Y5-50 PR-041-Y5-150 PR-041-Y5-150 CW-009-A5-50 CHBRR-001-A1-50-IC CHBRR-001-A1-50-IC R-502B R-502B ST-007-A5-25-IH ST-007-A5-25-IH PR-055-Y5-150 R-502B PR-052-Y5-50 T-508B T-508B T-509B T-509B PR-060-Y5-50 PR-055-Y5-150 PR-055-Y5-150 CWR-013-A5-50 CHBRR-006-A1-50 CHBRR-008-A1-25 T-513 PR-062-A5-50 P-002 T-514 BRS-010-A1-25 C-501 C-501 BRR-012-A1-40 C-502 C-502 BRR-014-A1-40 C-503 C-503 BRR-016-A1-40 C-504 C-504 BRR-018-A1-40 C-505 C-505 BRR-020-A1-40 C-506 C-506 BRR-022-A1-40 NH-A5-15 NH-A5-15 PR-067-Y5-50 PR-068-Y5-50 PR-083-Y5-50 T510A PR-083-SS-50 T510B PR-082-SS-50 T510C HP-501C S-501 S-502 MA-532 R-503A R-503A ST-012-A5-25-IH ST-012-A5-25-IH R-503A PR-094-Y5-50 Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Gauge Pressure Gauge On-Off Valve With f/b Temp. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp. Transmitter Control Valve Pressure Gauge Pressure Transmitter Pressure Gauge Bourdon Tube DP Type Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Ball Valve RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Globe Type Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Diaphgram Bourdon Tube DP Type Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Ball Valve RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube DP Type DP Type Flow Transmitter Bourdon Tube DP Type Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Ball Valve Ball Valve Bourdon Tube Ultrasonic type Bourdon Tube Ultrasonic type Bourdon Tube Ultrasonic type Load Cell Diaphgram Diaphgram Diaphgram RTD Field Mounted Globe Type Bourdon Tube Diaphgram Bourdon Tube ALREADY PROCURED 0-1000 mm ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C CS ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 50 NB PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-1000 mm ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-1200 mm 0-20 m3/hr ALREADY PROCURED 0-1200 mm ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY PROCURED 0-200 DEG C ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-2000 mm ALREADY PROCURED 0-2000 mm ALREADY PROCURED 0-2000 mm ALREADY PROCURED 0-600 0-600 0-600 0-200 CS 25 NB ALREADY PROCURED -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 50 NB PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED 50 NB 50 NB PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED mmwc mmwc mmwc DEG C ALREADY PROCURED . Element Temp. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Temp. Element Temp. Transmitter Pressure Gauge Temp. Pressure Transmitter Temp. Element Temp. Pressure Transmitter Diff. TAG NO. AH NO. Transmitter Control Valve Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Gauge Pressure Gauge On-Off Valve With f/b Temp. Element Temp. Element Temp. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO. Transmitter Control Valve Pressure Gauge Pressure Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Transmitter Level Gauge Pressure Gauge On-Off Valve With f/b Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Temp. Element Temp. Element Temp. Transmitter Multivariable Transmitter Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Flow Switch Flow Switch Temp. / LINE NO. Element Temp.: 7722/2012-13 TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. SERVICE EQUP. Element Temp. Transmitter DP Type Bourdon Tube Tubular Bourdon Tube Ball Valve Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted Globe Type Bourdon Tube Diaphgram Bourdon Tube DP Type Tubular Bourdon Tube Ball Valve Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube Bourdon Tube RTD Field Mounted RTD Field Mounted DP Type Multivariable Transmitter Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Paddle Paddle RTD Field Mounted 0-1000 mm ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-200 DEG C CS 25 NB ALREADY PROCURED -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 50 NB PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED ALREADY PROCURED 0-1000 mm ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY 0-200 DEG C 0-200 DEG C 0-1000 kg/hr PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED PROCURED 50 NB 0-200 DEG C . P & ID NO. MAKE MODEL REMARKS 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 LT-T511A PG-T511A LG-T512A PG-T512A XV-T512A PG-H507A PG-H508A TE-R503B/1 TT-R503B/1 TCV-R503B PG-R503B PT-R503B PG-P504B LT-T511B LG-T512B PG-T512B XV-T512B PG-H506B PG-H507B PG-H508B TE-R503A/2 TT-R503A/2 TE-R503B/2 TT-R503B/2 FT-101 PS-001 PS-002 PS-003 FS-001 FS-002 TE-S501 TT-S501 HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HEADER Steam header Air Header Nitrogen header CW Header Brine Header HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Methanol Methanol Vacuum T-511A PR-100-Y5-50 T-512A T-512A PR-102-Y5-50 CHBRS-023-A1-50 CHBRS-025-A1-25 Toulene Vapours Steam STL-015-MS-25-IH Toluene Vapours STL-015-MS-25-IH Toluene vapours R-503B PR-094-Y5-50 Methanol T-511B Methanol T-512B Methanol T-512B Vacuum PR-112-Y5-50 CWR-023-A5-50 CHBRS-027-A1-25 CHBRS-029-A1-25 Organic Mixture PR-095-Y5-150 NA PR-095-Y5-150 Toulene Vapours PR-105-Y5-150 NA PR-105-Y5-150 Steam Steam Air Nitrogen Cooling Water Brine 4 Radiator Outlet PR-088-SS-200 4 Radiator Outlet PR-088-SS-200 Level Transmitter Pressure Gauge Level Gauge Pressure Gauge On-Off Valve With f/b Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Temp. TAG NO.DOC. AH NO. : 7722-JIND-101 PLANT-I : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. NO. JB NO. Transmitter Temp. NO. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . : 7722-JDF-103 CAD NO. : 7722-JHF-103 SHEET NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. :1 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO.7722/2012-13 FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV. max 3 5 4 6 Flow Range 0-120 m3/hr 0-90 m3/hr SET POINT 50 m3/hr 30 m3/hr REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 * VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 REV.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MAKE MODEL NO. Pressure Op.7722/2012-13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 230 VAC ½" NPT (F) 11/4" NPT (M) FLANGED DPDT PTFE SS 316 DI CAST AL EX-PROOF IP 67 T3 IIC X X SS 304 MATERIAL X EX-PRROF/CMRI X LINE NO CW HEADER BRINE HEADER P & ID NO. TYPE OF SWITCH CONTACT RATING END CONNECTION CABE ENTRY DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS CONNECTION OVER PRESSURE LIMIT CONTACT FORM MATERIAL WETTED PARTS CONNECTION HEAD ENCLOSURE INGRESS PROTECTION TEMPRATURE CLASS GAS GROUP PAINT FILL FLUID MEASUREMENT ELEMENT CERTIFICATES GENERAL TAG NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . :2 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO.IIB ZONE 2 MFG. GLYCERINE SS 316 TEST DOC NO. : 7722-JHF-103 SHEET NO. FS-001 FS-002 FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET * * PADDLE TYPE 24 VDC 1 AMP ½" NPT (M) 1/2" NPT (F) CLOSED & FIXED 1/2" NPT (M) SCREWED 130 % OF SPAN SPDT SS 316 DI CAST AL DI CAST AL WEATHERPROOF IP 65 T4 IIA. STD. : 7722-JDF-103 CAD NO. : 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES 1 FLOW METER .DP TYPE SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. 7722-JDF-101 :7722-JHP-104 CAD NO. SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. ACCEPTANCE TEST. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CATALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. NOT REQUIRED NR :- 15/12/12 REV. PERFORMANCE TEST. 9 SP.0 m3/hr 0. / OP. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0.MIN.LP SIDE CABLE ENTRY ACCURACY OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY ZERO/SPAN ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TEMP.0 5.0 5.0 kg/cm2 0.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2.0 2. / OP.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 15/12/12 REV. IIA.0 m3/hr PRESSURE .89 CP 0-2500 0-1200 0-3000 DP RANGE(mmWC) * * * MAXIMUM RANGE 0-20m3/hr 0-20m3/hr 0-20m3/hr SET RANGE TRANSMITTER MAKE MODEL NO.0 15.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2. IIA.0 1.0 15. / MAX 0.0 2.0 1. CONDITION 1 0. 50 NB 50 NB 25 NB LINE SIZE / SCHEDULE SCH 40 SCH 40 SCH 40 ONE ONE QUANTITY ONE TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER FLOW TRANSMITTER FLOW TRANSMITTER APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS Methanol Toluene Water FLUID / STATE Liquid liquid Liquid FLOW . IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED DOC NO. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0.9 1 DENSITY AT OP.DP TYPE SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL FT-T503 SERIAL NO. / MAX 0.HP SIDE PROCESS CONNECTION. / OP.8 0. / TAG NO. FT-T502 FT-T513 1 2 3 Methanol PROCESS WATER SERVICE Toluene HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 P & ID NO.VALVE MANIFOLD OF SS 316 CERTIFICATES MATERIAL CALIBRATION EX-PRROF IBR * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0.5 cp VISCOSITY 0.8 0. IIA.MIN.0 kg/cm2 0.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 7722-JDF-101 :7722-JHP-104 CAD NO. GRAVITY 512 cp 0.0 15.0 5. CLASS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET 3 . SHEET : 2 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO.MIN. HIL/161/3001 1/ 4 PR-017-A5-50 PR-062-A5-50 PR-002-A5-50 LINE/ EQPT NO. FLANGE DIAPHRAGM WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING BOLTS AND NUTS PROCESS CONNECTION.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.0 m3/hr 0. .0 3. / MAX amb amb amb deg c amb amb amb deg c amb amb amb deg c 0. MUMBAI FLOW METER .0 15.0 kg/cm2 TEMP. DOC NO.: 7722/2012-13 15/12/12 REV. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. 7722-JDF-102 : 7722-JHF-102 :1 0F 2 PLANT-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MULTIVARIABLE FLOW METER DATA SHEET CAD NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS MULTIVARIABLE FLOW METER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. / TAG NO. 1 FT-101 STEAM SERVICE P & ID NO. STEAM HEADER LINE/ EQPT NO. 80 NB SCH 40 LINE SIZE / SCHEDULE QUANTITY ONE TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS STEAM FLUID / STATE FLOW - MIN. / OP. / MAX 0 600 1000 kg/hr PRESSURE - MIN. / OP. / MAX 0 3 4 kg/cm2 TEMP. - MIN. / OP. / MAX amb 120 150 deg c DENSITY AT OP. CONDITION SP. GRAVITY VISCOSITY 0-1600 DP RANGE (mmWC) MAXIMUM RANGE RANGE TRANSMITTER * MAKE * MODEL NO. SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS 1/2" NPT F PROCESS CONNECTION- HP SIDE 1/2" NPT F PROCESS CONNECTION- LP SIDE 1/2" NPTF CABLE ENTRY ±1% OF MASS FLOW RATE ACCURACY 4-20 mA HART OUTPUT 24 VDC POWER SUPPLY REQUIRED ZERO/SPAN ADJUSTMENT 600 Ώ MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC IP65 INGRESS PROTECTION ZONE-2, IIA, IIB EX-PROOF PROTECTION T3 TEMP. CLASS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS DIGITAL LCD LOCAL INDICATOR SS316 VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 3 - VALVE MANIFOLD OF SS 316 PRESSURE COMPENSATION REQUIRED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION REQUIRED RTD ELEMENT THERMOWELL U LENGTH 200 200mm CERTIFICATES REQUIRED MATERIAL REQUIRED CALIBRATION REQUIRED EX-PRROF IBR NOTE:EXTENSION CABLE OF RTD SHALL BE PROVIDED BY VENDOR. DOC NO. 7722-JDF-102 CAD NO. : 7722-JHF-104 SHEET 2 of 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSCETICIDE LIMITED NOTES:This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PH ANALYZER DATA SHEET DOC NO. : 7722-JDPH-101 CAD NO. : 7722-JHPH-101 SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT : BURO CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL, PERFORMANCE TEST, ACCEPTANCE TEST, IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. 4 SENSOR SHALL BE IN A CASING PIPE OF MSGL / PVDF EXTERNALLY LINED MOC, WHICH WILL BE DIPPED IN A STIRRED MSGL 4 KL REACTOR (AE 4000). SUITABLE CASING PIPE SHALL BE IN VENDOR SCOPE. FJ - 032/0 ` REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PH ANALYZER DATA SHEET KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL PHIC- R 501A PHIC- R 501B SERIAL NO. / TAG NO. 1 2 * * MAKE * * MODEL NO. Organic mixture Organic mixture SERVICE R 501 A R 501B EQUIPMENT NO. TYPE OF EQPT. HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 P & ID NO. ONE ONE QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS Organic mixture Organic mixture FLUID / STATE PRESSURE - MIN. / OP. / MAX Atm Atm Atm Atm Atm Atm TEMP. - MIN. / OP. / MAX Rt 60 100 Rt 60 100 DENSITY AT OP. CONDITION RTD PT 100 REQUIRED RTD PT 100 REQUIRED TEMP. COMPENSATION VISCOSITY CONDUCTIVITY 0 TO 14 PH 0 TO 14 PH MEASUREMENT RANGE SENSOR * * MAKE * * MODEL 0 TO 14 PH 0 TO 14 PH RANGE CONFIGURABLE CONFIGURABLE SET RANGE DIP TYPE ( VENDOR TO SPECIFY) DIP TYPE ( VENDOR TO SPECIFY) CELL TYPE SS 316 SS 316 ELECTRODE HOLDER SEALED DOUBLE JUNCTION SEALED DOUBLE JUNCTION REF ELECTRODE GLASS, HIGH IMPENDANCE GLASS, HIGH IMPENDANCE MEASURING ELECTRODE MSGL / PVDF MSGL / PVDF CASING PIPE CASING PIPE LENGTH 2000 mm 2000 mm VITON VITON O-RING SS 316 SS 316 OTHER WATTED PARTS 80 NB FLGD, ASA 150, ANSI B16.5 80 NB FLGD, ASA 150, ANSI B16.5 PROCESS CONNECTION 5 MTR CABLE 5 MTR CABLE ACCESSORIES IP 65 IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION REMOTE REMOTE TRANSMITTER * * MAKE * * MODEL 2 WIRE MICROPROCESSOR BASED 2 WIRE MICROPROCESSOR BASED TYPE TOP MOUNTING TOP MOUNTING MOUNTING 24 VDC LOOP POWER SUPPLY 24 VDC LOOP POWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY 4-20 MA DC 4-20 MA DC OUTPUT 600 OHMS 600 OHMS PERMISSIBLE LOAD DIGITAL LCD DIGITAL LCD LOCAL INDICATOR IP 65 IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX 'd', ZONE-2, IIA,IIB EX 'd', ZONE-2, IIA,IIB ELECTRICAL PROTECTION 1/2 NPT (F) 1/2 NPT (F) CABLE ENTRY 0.1% OF FULL SCALE 0.1% OF FULL SCALE ACCURACY CERTIFICATIONS TEST MATERIAL EX-PRROF DOC NO. : 7722-JDPH-101 CAD NO. : 7722-JHPH-101 SHEET : 2 OF 2 PLANT : BURO CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt.Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FJ - 105/2/0 REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED : 7722-JHF-132 SHEET : 1 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET DOC NO. PERFORMANCE TEST. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. NOTE:1) 2) ALL TRANSMITTER SHALL BE WITH TRADITIONAL FLANGE MOUNTING.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. ACCEPTANCE TEST. P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED NOTES 1 This document is the property of J. FILL FLUID SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE PROCESS TEMPRATURE. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. ISSUED FOR ORDER 1 15/12/12 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS 0 DATE REVISION .P. MUMBAI SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED Email-jpce@rediffmail. : 7722-JHF-132 SHEET : 2 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 * 3 4 * 5 Vaccum 6 HIL/161/3001/1 of 4 7 R-501B 8 ONE GAUGE 9 MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 10 11 12 -1 0 1 Kg/cm2 13 amb 60 100 deg C 14 NA NA NA 15 16 17 -1 to 3 Kg/cm2 18 Configurable 19 20 SS316 21 SS316 22 SS316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 3 PT-R 501B DIE CAST AL.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP. CLASS 1/2' NPT F CABLE ENTRY NOT REQUIRED SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . . / TAG NO. DOC NO. HIL/161/3001/1 of 4 LINE/ EQPT NO. R-501A QUANTITY ONE TYPE GAUGE APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . * SERVICE Toluene vapours P & ID NO. SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0. / MAX amb 60 100 deg C FLOW .VALVE MANIFOLD FIELD COMMUNICATOR *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 1 0 REV. / OP. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 PT-T501A * * Vaccum HIL/161/3001/1 of 4 T-501A ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 2 -1 amb NA 0 amb NA 1 amb NA Kg/cm2 deg C -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 Configurable SS316 SS316 SS316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0.MIN.LP NOT REQUIRED FLUSHING 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE 0-3 Kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS316 FLANGE SS316 DIAPHRAGM SS316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST AL. / OP.MIN. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO.HP PROCESS . Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted KALYAN. 1 PT-R 501A * MAKE MODEL NO.P.2 % OF SPAN MINIMUM ACCURACY 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION FLAME-PROOF TYPE 2 ZONE IIA.MIN.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET This document is the property of J. / MAX -1 0 1 Kg/cm2 TEMP. / OP. ± 0. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR LCD DISPLAY VENT / DRAIN SS 304 REQUIRED MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 3 . ELECTRONIC HOUSING SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . / MAX -1 0 1 Kg/cm2 TEMP.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 1 0 REV. SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR LCD DISPLAY VENT / DRAIN SS 304 MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 2 .MIN. DOC NO. T-501B LINE/ EQPT NO.MIN. IIB 42 T3 43 1/2' NPT F 44 NOT REQUIRED 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 LCD DISPLAY 53 SS 304 54 REQUIRED 55 REQUIRED 56 6 PT-R502B This document is the property of J.MIN.2 % OF SPAN 33 4-20 MA 34 10-30VDC 35 600 OHM 36 NON-INTERACTIVE 37 IP 65 38 39 FLAME-PROOF 40 2 41 IIA.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PT-R502A * * Toluene vapours HIL/161/3001/2 of 4 R502A ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 5 -1 amb NA 0 100 NA 1 150 NA Kg/cm2 deg C -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 Configurable SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL.LP NOT REQUIRED FLUSHING 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. ± 0.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. 25 SS 316 26 27 1/2'NPTF 28 29 NOT REQUIRED 30 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 31 32 ± 0. 4 * MAKE * MODEL NO. Vaccum SERVICE HIL/161/3001/1 of 4 P & ID NO. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL PT-T501B SERIAL NO. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS DIE CAST AL. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. / TAG NO. ONE QUANTITY GAUGE TYPE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . / OP. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SKJ PREPARED CHECKED JPP APPROVED .JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET KALYAN. CLASS 1/2' NPT F CABLE ENTRY NOT REQUIRED SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . . / OP. : 7722-JHF-132 SHEET : 3 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 * 3 * 4 Toluene vapours 5 HIL/161/3001/2 of 4 6 R502B 7 ONE 8 GAUGE 9 MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 10 11 12 -1 0 1 Kg/cm2 13 amb 100 150 deg C 14 NA NA NA 15 16 17 -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 18 Configurable 19 20 SS 316 21 SS 316 22 SS 316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 DIE CAST AL. IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP. / MAX amb amb amb deg C FLOW . / OP.HP PROCESS .2 % OF SPAN MINIMUM ACCURACY 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION FLAME-PROOF TYPE 2 ZONE IIA.P. 2 % OF SPAN MINIMUM ACCURACY 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION FLAME-PROOF TYPE 2 ZONE IIA.LP NOT REQUIRED FLUSHING 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL PT-R503A SERIAL NO. 7 * MAKE * MODEL NO. DOC NO. / TAG NO. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS DIE CAST AL.MIN. : 7722-JHF-132 SHEET : 4 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 This document is the property of J.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 1 0 REV. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .MIN.P. / MAX -1 0 1 Kg/cm2 TEMP.MIN. SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR LCD DISPLAY VENT / DRAIN SS 304 MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 2 . ELECTRONIC HOUSING SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . ONE QUANTITY GAUGE TYPE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . / OP. CLASS 1/2' NPT F CABLE ENTRY NOT REQUIRED SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . / OP.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET KALYAN. .MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP. R503A LINE/ EQPT NO. ± 0. / OP.HP PROCESS . Toluene vapours SERVICE HIL/161/3001/4 of 4 P & ID NO. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. / MAX amb 80 100 deg C FLOW . Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PT-R503B * * Toluene vapours HIL/161/3001/4of 4 R503B ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 8 -1 amb NA 0 80 NA 1 100 NA Kg/cm2 deg C -1 to 1 Kg/cm2 Configurable SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. DOCUMENTS CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. PERFORMANCE TEST.2 TO 1 kg/cm2. ONE SWITCH SHALL BE FOR OPEN POSITION AND ANOTHER FOR CLOSE POSITION. 10 ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE PROXIMITY LIMIT SWITCHES TYPE HOUSED & TERMINATED IN ONE ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR ZONE2.DOC NO. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. SEAT & TRIM PARTS SHALL BE HARDENED FOR STEAM SERVICE. FOR EACH CASE.083/0 15/12/12 REV.NOT REQUIRED 2 ALL TUBING SHALL BE OF 1/4" OD SS 316 TUBE. 11 SOLENOID VALVE SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR ZONE2. IIA / IIB. ACCEPTANCE TEST. (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL: ALL IN 3 COPIES. IIA / IIB. 4 INSTRUMENT SHALL BE SUITABLE TO MOUNT IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT & OUT DOOR APPLICATION. : 7722-JDV-111 : 7722-JHV-111 : 1 of 3 PLANT-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. 9 PLUG. FJ . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. GR. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED CONTROL VALVE . GR. 8 VENDOR TO PROVIDE ELECTROPNEUMATIC POSITIONER WITH INPUT SIGNAL OF 4-20 mA AND OUTPUT OF 0. 6 AIR FILTER REGULATOR SHALL BE SHAVO NORGEN MAKE WITH OUTPUT GAUGES AND 1/4" NPT (F) END CONNECTION. 7 DOCUMENTATION: VENDOR TO SUBMIT FOLLOWING AS MINIMUM. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . ACTUATOR SIZE.: 7722/2012-13 This document is the property of JP Consulting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted GENERAL NOTES: 1 NR . ENCLOSURE WILL HAVE TWO CABLE ENTRIES OF 1/2" NPT(F) WITH ONE PLUGED. NOISE (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) CATALOGUE AND INSTRUCTION AND OPERATING MANUALS. (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) CALCULATION: VALVE Cv. 5 VENDOR TO CONFIRM SUITABILITY OF STANDARD BONNET FOR SPECIFIED TEMP. 3 ALL TUBE FITTINGS SHALL BE SWAGE LOCK OR EQUIVALENT. HYDRO TEST ETC. DOUBLE COMPRESSION TYPE.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO. 10 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - FJ . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED REFER NOTE.MIN.0 0. COND. LINE SIZE MAKE MODEL SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE FLOW RATE . LINE NO.0 120 150 2 TCV-R502A Steam HIL/161/3001 2 / 4 25NB * * STEAM 100. / OP. VAPOUR PRESS.083/0 15/12/12 REV. 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MFG. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.MIN. / MAX TEMP.0 4.0 3. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. POSITIONER ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LUBRICATING VALVE SOLENOID VALVE LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY AIR FILTER REGULATOR QUICK EXHAUST VALVE VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY CERTIFICATE IBR CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT *VENDOR TO SPECIFY CONTROL VALVE .0 120 150 3 TCV-R502B TOULENE VAPORS HIL/161/3001 2 / 4 25NB * * TOULENE VAPORS 0 100.MIN.DOC NO. STD.0 RT 120 150 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 0.00 400. STD.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO.0 4.AT 1 M SELECTED CV / FLOW AT 100% LIFT BODY SIZE / TRIM SIZE TRIM TYPE VALVE TYPE MATERIAL BODY / TRIM PACKING / BONNET SEAT INSERT/ BELLOW LEAKAGE CLASS / CHARACTERISTIC STELITING GUIDING TYPE CONNECTION TYPE SIZE. / OP. 10 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MGF. 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MFG. STD.0 RT Kg/hr Kg/cm2 deg c 0 0.0 RT Kg/hr Kg/cm2 deg c Kg/hr Kg/cm2 deg c * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - CONTOURED GLOBE CS SS 316 * * CONTOURED GLOBE * * CONTOURED GLOBE PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . / TAG NO.0 3. / OP. * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED REFER NOTE.: 7722/2012-13 1 TCV-T516 Steam HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 25NB * * STEAM 100.0 250. / MAX PRESSURE DROP . FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY (CP) DP SHUT OFF VALVE SIZING DATA CALCULATED CV % OPENING NOISE LEVEL dBA . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED REQUIRED REFER NOTE. RATING AND FACING BONNET TYPE FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR MAKE MODEL TYPE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING AIR FAIL ACTION PNEUMATIC CONNECTION/ AIR SUPP HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR PAINTING ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE MAKE / MODEL NO.0 4. WT. 150 # RF STANDARD * CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * .0 0. / CRITICAL PRES. / MOL. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 10 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . / OP. : 7722-JDV-111 : 7722-JHV-111 : 2 of 3 PLANT-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. / MAX DENSITY AT OP.0 250. . / MAX INLET PRESSURE .0 3.MIN. COMPRE. SERVICE P & ID NO. WT. 150 # RF SIZE. COND.0 RT Kg/hr Kg/cm2 deg c * * * * * * * * * * * - * * CONTOURED GLOBE CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * .MIN. / OP. 10 LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY REFER NOTE: 6 AIR FILTER REGULATOR NOT REQUIRED QUICK EXHAUST VALVE NR NR VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY MATERIAL CERTIFICATE NR IBR CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT *VENDOR TO SPECIFY PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. 25NB LINE SIZE * MAKE * MODEL SERVICE CONDITIONS Steam FLUID / STATE FLOW RATE .MIN. / MAX 0 100. .MIN.083/0 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY (CP) DP SHUT OFF VALVE SIZING DATA CALCULATED CV * * * % OPENING * * * NOISE LEVEL dBA .0 3. / OP. 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MGF.0 4. / OP. / MOL. 10 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - FJ . / OP.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO.AT 1 M * * * * * SELECTED CV / FLOW AT 100% LIFT * * BODY SIZE / TRIM SIZE CONTOURED TRIM TYPE VALVE GLOBE TYPE MATERIAL CS SS 316 BODY / TRIM PTFE PACKING / BONNET PTFE SEAT INSERT/ BELLOW CLASS VI EQUAL % LEAKAGE CLASS / CHARACTERISTIC NOT REQUIRED STELITING TOP GUIDED GUIDING TYPE FLANGED CONNECTION TYPE * . / MAX 0. / CRITICAL PRES. 4 TCV. SHEET KALYAN. RATING AND FACING STANDARD BONNET TYPE * FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR * MAKE * MODEL DIAPHRAGM TYPE SINGLE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING CLOSE AIR FAIL ACTION 1/4" NPT(F) PNEUMATIC CONNECTION/ AIR SUPP NR MFG. / MAX TEMP.0 3. HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR PAINTING * * ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE * * MAKE / MODEL NO.MIN.R503A Steam SERVICE HIL/161/3001 4 / 4 P & ID NO.: 7722/2012-13 5 TCV. / MAX RT 120 150 deg c DENSITY AT OP. STD. : 7722-JDV-111 : 7722-JHV-111 : 3 of 3 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTROL VALVE . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE.R503B Steam HIL/161/3001 4/ 4 STL-015-MS-25-IH 25NB * * Steam 100.0 120 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 0 0. / TAG NO.0 Kg/hr INLET PRESSURE . STD. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. ST-012-A5-25-IH LINE NO.0 Kg/cm2 PRESSURE DROP .0 250. REFER NOTE: 8 POSITIONER ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS NOT REQUIRED LUBRICATING VALVE FLP TYPE REQUIRED SOLENOID VALVE REFER NOTE.0 4.0 250. VAPOUR PRESS.0 0 0 DOC NO. COMPRE. 7722/2012-13 TAG NO. Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted CAD NO.DOC NO. TE-R501A/1 TE-R501A/2 TE-T501A TE-R501B/1 TE-R501B/2 TE-T501B TE-T-516 TE-R502A/1 TE-R502A/2 TE-R502B/1 TE-R502B/2 TE-C501 TE-C502 TE-C503 TE-C504 TE-C505 TE-C506 TE-R503A/1 TE-R503A/2 TE-R503B/1 TE-R503B/2 TE-S501 LINE / EQUIPMENT NO.062/2/0 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 . NO. OP. ' U ' mm C OP. HW-005-A5-50 R-501A T-501A HW-007-MS-50 R-501B T-501B HOT WATER TANK R-502A R-502A R-502B R-502B C-501 C-502 C-503 C-504 C-505 C-506 R-503A R-503A R-503B R-503B PR-088-SS-200 PRESSURE PID NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. 1 2 3 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt. HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MAX TEMP. MAX 0 200 150 0 200 2300 0 200 1655 0 200 150 0 200 2300 0 200 1655 0 200 2400 0 200 1615 0 200 150 0 200 1615 0 200 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 o S/D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Therm ll REQUI RED process CAPILIARY connection REQUIRED 1/2" NPTM M20 1" BSP M 1/2 " NPTM M20 1" BSP 1/2" NPTM 1" BSPM 1/2" NPTM 1" BSP 1/2" NPTM 1" BSP 1" BSP 1" BSP 1" BSP 1" BSP 1" BSP 1" BSP 1/2" NPTM 1" BSP 1/2" NPTM 1/2" NPTM N 2100mm 1500mm N 2100mm 1500mm 2200mm 1500mm N 1500mm N 1600mm 1600mm 1600mm 1600mm 1600mm 1600mm 1500mm N 1500mm N N REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Y N N Y N N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N Y N Y Y 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1615 150 1615 150 150 FJ . :7722-JDT-121 :7722-JHT-121 : 1 OF 2 : BURO TEMPERATURE ELEMENT DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. ANSI 150# RF * 30 mm 7 mm REFER SECOND SHEET FOR TAG NO.1 CLASS 1 SS 316 6 mm DIE CAST AL SS 304 SS 316 1/2" NPT (F) 1/2" NPT (M) IP 65 Ex 'd' ZONE 0 GR IIA.062/1/0 *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 REV. CLASS THERMOWELL TYPE CONNECTION TYPE MATERIAL CONNECTION REFERENCE DRAWING BAR DIAMETER BORE NOTES : 1 2 3 4 THERMOCOUPLE Pt-100 DIN 43760 CLASS A GROUNDED ANSI 96. Ltd. IIB T3 DRILLED BAR STOCK FLANGED SS 316 25 NB.INDICATED DUPLEX ELEMENT. 2 3 4 X 5 6 7 8 NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NIPPLE-UNION-NIPPLE ADJUSTABLE COMPRESSION NUT SENSOR ELEMENT RTD TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS THERMOCOUPLE TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS MATERIAL SHEATH MATERIAL SHEATH DIAMETER HEAD NIPPLE-UNION-NIPPLE ADJUSTABLE COMPRESSION NUT CONNECTION ELECTRICAL PROCESS PROTECTION INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE ZONE GAS GROUP TEMP. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RTD 3 WIRE IEC 751 CLASS B UNGROUNDED CLASS 2 SS 304 MFG. 40 NB ASA WITH END CONNECTION OF 1/2" NPT (F). RTD WITH THERMOWELL TO BE SUPPLIED RTD SHALL BE CAPILLARY TYPE WITHOUT THERMOWELL FJ . STD. S . Ni PLATED CS SS 304 SINGLE REFER NOTES IP 66 Ex 'ia' ZONE 1 GR IIC T4 TAPERED SCREWED SS 304 X X X 4 WIRE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 X X TWO 25 26 27 28 29 30 ZONE 2 T5 PIPE FABRICATED WELDED CS X 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 THERMOWELL FLANGE SHALL BE OF 150#. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE ELEMENT DATA SHEET CAD NO.7722/2012-13 * REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED X X FOR HEAD MOUNTED TX. :7722-JDT-121 :7722-JHT-121 : 1 OF 2 PLANT-II 1 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE ASSEMBLY HEAD This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . WISE DATA.INDICATES SIMPLEX AND D .DOC NO. I ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JFE-104 : 1 OF 3 PLANT. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted DOC NO. PERFORMANCE TEST.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS. ACCEPTANCE TEST. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 REV.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES:1 This document is the property of J P CONSULTING ENGG. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SCHEDULE AND ID PIPE MATERIAL 4 * * DOC NO.6 FLANGE TAP. NO. EDGE 3. / TAG NO. EDGE 3. MAKE MODEL NO. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 300# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA CERTIFICATION / OPTIONS MATERIAL IBR 0 REV. QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE MINIMUM FLOW NORMAL FLOW (m3/hr) MAXIMUM FLOW (m3/hr) PRESSURE . / SP. SQ.MIN. SCHEDULE AND ID PIPE MATERIAL CONNECTION RING MATERIAL ORIFICE PLATE CALCULATION STANDARD MATERIAL PLATE TYPE PLATE THICKNESS VENT / DRAIN HOLE BETA RATIO (d/D) ORIFICE BORE DIAMETER FLANGE ASSEMBLY STANDARD MATERIAL CARRIER RING GASKET NUTS & STUD BOLTS JACK SCREW PAIR ORIFICE TAPPING TYPE / RATING INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY MATERIAL TAPPING BLOCK THICKNESS METER RUN ASSEMBLY MATERIAL UP STREAM / DOWN STREAM END CONNECTION DOC NO. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. CONDITION VAPOUR PRESSURE MOL.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS.18 mm NA * * B16.: 7722/2012-13 1 FE-T502 * * Toluene PR-017-A5-50 HIL/161/3001 1/ 4 1 TOULENE 5 10 0 amb 1 amb 2 amb 0. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR.MIN.MIN.6 42 FLANGE TAP.5 cp * 50 NB SS 316 FLANGED * SCH 40 * 25 NB SS 316 FLANGED * SCH 40 ISO 5167 SS 316 CONC. / OP. 1/2" NPT (F) 43 WNRF / 300# 44 NOT APPLICABLE 45 46 47 NOT APPLICABLE 48 49 50 51 52 REQUIRED 53 NA 54 3 FT-T503 512 cp 0. GRAVITY VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR ALLOWABLE/PERMANENT DP(mmWC) CONNECTION PIPE SIZE.: 7722/2012-13 FT-101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 steam steam header 1 steam 600 1000 3 4 120 150 0 amb Kg/cm²g ˚C * 80 NB SS 316 SCH 40 . 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS. / OP. / MAX TEMP.6 FLANGE TAP. / TAG NO. GRAVITY VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO ALLOWABLE/PERMANENT DP(mmWC) CONNECTION PIPE SIZE. : 7722-JDF-104 : 3 OF 3 PLANT-I ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. NO.2H 41 IS 1367 CLASS 4. .5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR.B7 / A194 C1.18 mm NA * * B16. SQ. : 7722-JDF-104 : 2 OF 3 PLANT-I ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. WT.MIN. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 300# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA ISO 5167 SS 316 CONC.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR. MAKE MODEL NO. QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE MINIMUM FLOW NORMAL FLOW (m3/hr) MAXIMUM FLOW (m3/hr) PRESSURE . / MAX TEMP.B7 / A194 C1. / OP. SQ. P & ID NO.18 mm 32 NA 33 * 34 * 35 36 B16.89 CP 19 20 21 * 22 23 50 NB SCH 40 24 SS 316 25 FLANGED 26 * 27 28 ISO 5167 29 SS 316 30 CONC.9 Kg/cm²g ˚C 0 amb 1 amb Liquid 2 FE-T513 * * Methanol PR-062-A5-50 HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 1 METHANOL 5 10 2 amb 0.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4. / SP. SERVICE LINE NO. CONDITION VAPOUR PRESSURE MOL. SERVICE LINE NO.8 Kg/cm²g ˚C Liquid 1 2 * 3 * 4 Process Water 5 PR-002-A5-50 6 HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 7 1 8 9 Water Liquid 10 11 10 12 20 13 0 3 5 Kg/cm²g 14 amb amb amb ˚C 15 1 16 17 18 0.B7 / A194 C1. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. WT. / OP. EDGE 31 3. P & ID NO. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.5 37 SS 316 38 39 CAF 40 A193 GR. . 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 300# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA CERTIFICATION / OPTIONS MATERIAL IBR 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 0 REV.6 FLANGE TAP. EDGE 3.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.18 mm NA * * B16.B7 / A194 C1.CONNECTION RING MATERIAL ORIFICE PLATE CALCULATION STANDARD MATERIAL PLATE TYPE PLATE THICKNESS VENT / DRAIN HOLE BETA RATIO (d/D) ORIFICE BORE DIAMETER FLANGE ASSEMBLY STANDARD MATERIAL CARRIER RING GASKET NUTS & STUD BOLTS JACK SCREW PAIR ORIFICE TAPPING TYPE / RATING INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY MATERIAL TAPPING BLOCK THICKNESS METER RUN ASSEMBLY MATERIAL UP STREAM / DOWN STREAM END CONNECTION FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 CONC. SQ. Ltd. OP o :7722-JDT-123 DOC. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted . PRESSURE P&ID NO. NO. TAG NO.: 7722/2012-13 MAX C 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RANGE oC SENSOR REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TT-R501A/1 TT-R501A/2 TT-T501A TT-R501B/1 TT-R501B/2 TT-T501B TT-T-516 TT-R502A/1 TT-R502A/2 TT-R502B/1 TT-R502B/2 TT-C501 TT-C502 TT-C503 TT-C504 TT-C505 TT-C506 TT-R503A/1 TT-R503A/2 TT-R503B/1 TT-R503B/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FJ . NO. :7722-JHT-123 CAD. NO.CLIENT: HINUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITTD SR. :1 OF 2 SHEET : BUPRO PLANT CONTRACT NO. OP Kg/cm2 g MAX TTMP.068/2/1 This document is the property of JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt. DOC. IIB DIE CAST AL. NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 2WIRE 4-20mA HART 600 OHM MAX. DIGITAL 0. STD STANDARD MFG. TYPE SENSOR TYPE RTD TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS THERMOCOUPLE TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS TRANSMITTER ACCURACY BURN OUT SPAN / ZERO ADJUSTABLE RANGE POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE AT 24 VDC LOCAL DISPLAY RESOLUTION MOUNTING CABLE ENTRY INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION HOUSING MATERIAL CLIMATE PAINTING NOTES : * * SMART WITH HART THERMOCOUPLE PT 100 DIN 43760 CLASS A GROUNDED ANSI 96. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.068/1/1 *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 REV.1 CLASS 1 ± 0. :7722-JDT-123 :7722-JHT-123 :1 OF 2 PLANT-I 1 JPCONSULTING ENGINERS KALYAN CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL This document is the property of jp cONSULTING ENGINEERS Pvt.25% OF SPAN DOWNSCALE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IP 55 EX 'ia' IIC MFG.Ltd. TROPICAL EPOXY PAINTED FJ .1 °C 2" PIPE MOUNTED 1/2" NPT (F) IP 65 EX 'd' IIA. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD.: 7722/2012-13 2 3 X SMART RTD X X 3 WIRE IEC 751 CLASS B UNGROUNDED CLASS 2 ± 0.5% OF SPAN UPSCALE EXTERNAL REQUIRED 24 VDC. STD HEAD MOUNTED RAIL MOUNTED ANALOG NOT REQUIRED LINEAR NON INTERACTIVE NOT REQUIRED X CONFIGURABLE X X X X CONVENTIONAL UNIVERSAL 4 WIRE 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 MAKE MODEL NO. NO. IIA & IIB M.P.55 DEG CEL 95% RH 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY FOR CHANNEL NO & TEMP INDICATION 4 DIGIT FOR LED FOR DATA 2 DIGIT FOR LED FOR CHANNEL 2 DIGIT FOR LED FOR INDICATION OF ALARM STATUS 5 LED FOR MODE 1 LED FOR POWER ON 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISPLAY SCAN RATE SAMPLING SPEED ACCURACY POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION COMMUNICATION PORT MOUNTING SETTABLE 1 TO 99 SECONDS 450 Msec PER CHANNEL 0.1% OF SPAN 110 VAC/ 230 VAC.S. POWDER COATED IP65 0 REV. 50 Hz < 20 VA RS-485 MODBUS PROTOCOL PANEL MOUNTED SIZE . MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE MODEL NO.DOC. 3-WIRE 3 NO'S 0 .7722 TYPE INPUT QUANTITY AMBIENT TEMPRATURE AMBIENT HUMIDITY INDICATION DISPLAY 12 CHANNEL RTD PT-100. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE SCANNER DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO:. 3-Dec-12 DATE ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION MN PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .96(W) X192 (H) X250 (D) mm PANEL CUT OUT -92 (W) X188 (H) mm AREA CLASSIFICATION HOUSING ENCLOSURE NOTES : ZONE 2 . : 7722-JDT-124 : 1 OF 1 PLANT-I 1 2 3 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. This document is the property of J. NO. 7722/2012-13 PRESSURE SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . : 7722-JDP-133 CAD NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. :1 0F 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JHP-133 SHEET NO. PS-001 PS-002 PS-003 PRESSURE SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET * * MICRO SWITCH CONTACT 24 VDC 1 AMP ½" NPT (M) 1/2" NPT (F) FIXED 1/2" NPT (M) SCREWED 130 % OF SPAN SPDT SS 316 DI CAST AL DI CAST AL WEATHERPROOF IP 65 T5 IIA. : 7722-JHP-133 SHEET NO. max 3.7722/2012-13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 230 VAC ½" NPT (F) ADJUSTABLE 11/4" NPT (M) FLANGED DPDT PTFE SS 316 DI CAST AL EX-PROOF IP 67 T3 IIC X X SS 304 MATERIAL X EX-PRROF/CMRI X LINE NO Steam header Air header Nitrogen header P & ID NO. STD. TYPE OF SWITCH CONTACT RATING END CONNECTION CABE ENTRY DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS CONNECTION OVER PRESSURE LIMIT CONTACT FORM MATERIAL WETTED PARTS CONNECTION HEAD ENCLOSURE INGRESS PROTECTION TEMPRATURE CLASS GAS GROUP PAINT FILL FLUID MEASUREMENT ELEMENT CERTIFICATES GENERAL TAG NO.IIB ZONE 2 MFG.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MAKE MODEL NO.0 0-600 kg/hr 6.0 7. : 2 0F 2 PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO.0 0-10 m3/hr SET POINT Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 REV. Pressure Flow Range Op.0 7. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .0 0-120 LPM 6. : 7722-JDP-133 CAD NO. GLYCERINE SS 316 TEST DOC NO.0 5. DOC NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 15/12/12 REV. SHEET PLANT PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JDF-121 : 7722-JHF-121 : 1 OF 6 J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD NO. / MAX Atm Atm Atm TEMP.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE . SS316 REQUIRED NR DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE . / OP. HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 LINE/ EQPT NO. 7722/2012-13 2 LT-T 505 * * Organic mixture HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 T-505 ONE LT-T 503 * DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Organic mixture Atm Atm Atm amb 45 60 NA NA NA 1.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Horizontal Cylindrical with dish ends Without Agitator 0-1300 mm * NOT REQUIRED * Water HIL/161/3001 1 / 4 T 503 ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Water Atm 45 NA Atm amb NA Atm 60 NA 1 1300 mm 0-1300 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0. T-504 QUANTITY ONE TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE Organic mixture PRESSURE .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY .VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR NR NOTE:.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1. LT-T 504 1 * MAKE MODEL NO. / OP.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS .MIN.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP.MIN. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SS316 REQUIRED NR 15/12/12 REV. CAD NO.* (vendor to specify) DOC NO.MIN. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT 3 : 7722-JDF-121 : 7722-JHF-121 : 2 OF 6 PLANT-I NO. / TAG NO. / MAX amb 45 60 FLOW .2 1300 mm 0-1300 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Vertical Cylindrical with dish ends Without Agitator 0-1300 mm * NOT REQUIRED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. SS316 3 . / OP. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. Without Agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) C-C Distance 0-2400 mm CCD (mmWC) * SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE Vertical Cylindrical with dish ends WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. ENC. .2 MAXIMUM RANGE 2400 mm SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-2400 mm MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS . * Organic mixture SERVICE P & ID NO. 075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. CAD NO.8 liquid -1 amb NA Atm amb NA 0-1000 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.9 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-1000 mm MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT 6 : 7722-JDF-121 : 7722-JHF-121 : 3 OF 6 PLANT-I NO.9 1 40 60 NA NA 0. Without Agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) C-C Distance 1000 mm CCD (mmWC) * SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .* (vendor to specify) DOC NO. / OP. 7722/2012-13 5 LT-T 508 B * * TOULENE HIL/161/3001 2 / 4 T-508 B ONE LT-T 513 * DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE TOULENE 0. SS316 REQUIRED NR * (vendor to specify) 15/12/12 REV. / OP.MIN. * TOULENE SERVICE P & ID NO.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR NR NOTE:. / TAG NO. T-508 A QUANTITY ONE TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE liquid TOULENE PRESSURE .J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. / OP. ENC. .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE . / MAX -1 0.LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.9 liquid * METHANOL HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 T-513 ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE METHANOL Atm Atm amb amb NA NA 0. HIL/161/3001 2 / 4 LINE/ EQPT NO. CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE Horizontal Cylindrical with dish ends WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG.MIN. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. 4 LT-T 508A * MAKE MODEL NO.9 1 TEMP. / MAX amb 40 60 FLOW .IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. SS316 3 . MINIMUM ACCURACY 0.MIN. SS316 REQUIRED NR DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Vertical Cylindrical with top dish end Without Agitator 1200 mm * NOT REQUIRED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Horizontal Cylindrical with dish ends Without Agitator 1000 mm * NOT REQUIRED 0-1200 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . / MAX Atm Atm Atm TEMP.8 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-1200 mm MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS .VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR NR NOTE:.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE Vertical Cylindrical with top dish end WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . / OP. SS316 3 . Without Agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) C-C Distance 1200 mm CCD (mmWC) * SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .8 -1 amb NA -1 amb NA 0-1000 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Horizontal Cylindrical with dish ends Without Agitator 1000 mm * NOT REQUIRED 0-1000 mm SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.* (vendor to specify) DOC NO.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 LINE/ EQPT NO. 7722/2012-13 8 LT-T 511 A * * METHANOL HIL/161/3001 4 / 4 T 511A ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE METHANOL 0. / TAG NO.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA.8 LT-T 511 B * * METHANOL HIL/161/3001 4 / 4 T 511B ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE METHANOL 0. * METHANOL SERVICE P & ID NO.MIN.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO.MIN.T514 7 * MAKE MODEL NO. CAD NO.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . / OP.9 1 40 60 NA NA 0. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0. SS316 REQUIRED NR 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SS316 REQUIRED NR DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE .9 1 40 60 NA NA 0. ENC.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Horizontal Cylindrical with dish ends Without Agitator 1000 mm * NOT REQUIRED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. / MAX amb amb amb FLOW . LT. / OP. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT 9 : 7722-JDF-121 : 7722-JHF-121 : 4 OF 6 PLANT-I NO. T 514 QUANTITY ONE TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE METHANOL PRESSURE .MIN. .LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. / OP. HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 LINE/ EQPT NO.MIN.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. / MAX Atm Atm Atm TEMP.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. / TAG NO. LT.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR NR NOTE:. T 514 QUANTITY ONE TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE HOT WATER PRESSURE . SS316 3 .MIN. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE Vertical Cylindrical with top dish end WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. / MAX amb 60 100 FLOW . CAD NO.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. / OP.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-8000 liters MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS . ENC.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE . Without Agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) C-C Distance 2000 mm CCD (mmWC) * SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .9 Atm Amb NA 0-4000 liters SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0.T 516 10 * MAKE MODEL NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT : 7722-JDF-121 : 7722-JHF-121 : 5 OF 6 PLANT-I NO.* (vendor to specify) DOC NO.LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 11 LT-T502 TOLUENE HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 T-502 ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE TOLUENE Atm Atm 60 100 NA NA 0.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. * HOT WATER SERVICE P & ID NO.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . .IIB T3 1/2' NPT F Vertical Cylindrical with top dish end Without Agitator 1900 mm * NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .MIN. / OP. SS316 REQUIRED NR 15/12/12 REV. . : 7722-JDH-122 SHEET : 1 of 2 PLANT : PLANT-I CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV. : 7722-JDL-122 CAD NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HNDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 8 0. 1 Methanol SERVICE HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 P& ID NO.8 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.MIN.5% Configurable 24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED. / OP. / MAX. NO. LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T6 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0. ORIENTATION 80 NB FLANGED PROCESS CONNECTION FLANGED PROCESS CONNECTION TYPE SENSOR ULTRASONIC TYPE Horn ANTENNA SHAPE ANTENNA LINING SS 316 FLANGE MATERIAL FLANGE FACING & FINISH SS 316 SENSOR MATERIAL Time of flight PRINCIPAL OF OPERATION RANGE MIN CLEARANCE REQUIRED TRANSMITTER TYPE OUTPUT ACCURACY MAX.8 FLUID DENSITY @ OP. Atm Atm Atm TEMP.5% Configurable 24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED.8 0. / MAX Rt Rt Rt 0.: 7722/2012-13 1 LT-T 510 C 1 2 3 Methanol HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 4 T-510 C 5 1 6 7 Methanol Methanol 8 Atm Atm Atm Atm Atm Atm 9 Rt Rt RT Rt Rt RT 10 0.8 11 0. / TAG NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTANI INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL LT-T 510 A SR.MIN. ENC.D. (mm) 2000 mm 1400 mm TANK HEIGHT (mm) CONNECTION TOP PROCESS CONN. CLASS CABLE ENTRY HOUSING MATERIAL HOUSING PAINT CLIMATIC PROTECTION CERTIFICATION IBR MATERIAL CALIBRATION EX-PROOF * (VENDOR TO SPECIFY) DOC NO. . LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T6 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0. 1 QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS Methanol FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . : 7722-JDH-122 SHEET : 2 of 2 PLANT : PLANT-I CONTRACT NO. LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T6 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM 15/12/12 REV. No FOAMING / TYPE TANK DETAILS Vertical Cylindrical with dish ends TANK SHAPE Without Agitator WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. : 7722-JDL-122 CAD NO. / OP. COND. T-510 A EQUIPMENT NO.8 12 No No 13 14 Vertical Cylindrical with dish ends Vertical Cylindrical with dish ends 15 Without Agitator Without Agitator 16 2000 mm 1400 mm 2000 mm 1400 mm 17 18 TOP TOP 19 80 NB FLANGED 80 NB FLANGED 20 FLANGED FLANGED 21 22 ULTRASONIC ULTRASONIC 23 Horn Horn 24 25 SS 316 SS 316 26 27 SS 316 SS 316 28 Time of flight Time of flight 29 30 2 LT-T 510 B Methanol HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 T -510 B 1 300 mm min clearnce from side 300 mm min clearnce from side 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 301 mm min clearnce from side INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SET RANGE POWER SUPPLY LOAD RESISTANCE FREQUENCY USED LOCAL INDICATION MEASUREMENT INDICATION INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PRROF PROTECTION TEMP.5% Configurable 24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED. I. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JDP-134 :7722-JHP-134 : 1 OF 2 PLANT-I 1 J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.: 7722/2012-13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL.DOC NO.NOT REQUIRED 15/12/12 REV. NR :. PERFORMANCE TEST. ACCEPTANCE TEST. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 3 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES 1 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD NO. 075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 Flameproof ZONE 2 IIA. / OP.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET 3 . / MAX FLOW . / MAX TEMP. / OP.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . SS316 57 REQUIRED 58 NR DPT-BL 501 *VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 REV. / TAG NO.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 36 10-30VDC 37 600 OHM 38 NON-INTERACTIVE 39 IP 65 40 41 42 Flameproof ZONE 2 43 IIA.LP FLUSHING ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.: 7722/2012-13 1 DPT-S501 * * Powder laden air 2 DPT-S502 * * Powder laden air HIL/161/3001 / 3 OF 4 S 502 ONE HIL/161/3001 / 3 OF 4 S 501 ONE DPT MEASUREMENT& INDICATION Air 300 150 300 50 2000 Gas mmwc mmwc mmwc C m3/hr DPT MEASUREMENT& INDICATION Air 300 150 300 50 2000 Gas mmwc mmwc mmwc C m3/hr 0 amb 0 600 80 3000 0 amb 0 600 80 3000 0-600 mm WC 0-300 mm WC 0-600 mm WC 0-300 mm WC SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0. . MUMBAI CLIENT: GENERAL SERIAL NO. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE MATERIAL FLANGE DIAPHRAGM WETTED PARTS WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION PROCESS .HP PROCESS .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 Flameproof ZONE 2 IIA.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE . MAKE MODEL NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. SS316 REQUIRED NR DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE . MINIMUM ACCURACY OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC SPAN AND ZERO INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE ZONE GAS GROUP TEMP.IIB 44 45 T3 46 1/2' NPT F 47 NOT REQUIRED 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 DIGITAL LCD 55 SS 316 56 2" PIPE . SS316 REQUIRED NR 1 2 * 3 4 * Powder laden air 5 6 HIL/161/3001 / 3 OF 4 BL 501 7 ONE 8 9 DPT MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 10 11 Air Gas 12 500 mmwc 13 150 mmwc 14 0 300 600 mmwc 15 amb 50 80 C 16 0 2000 3000 m3/hr 17 18 19 0-600 mm WC 20 0-300 mm WC 21 22 23 SS 316 24 SS 316 25 SS 316 26 TEFLON/VITON 27 DIE CAST EPOXY 28 SS 316 29 30 1/2'NPTF 31 1/2'NPTF 32 NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 33 34 35 0. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . CLASS CABLE ENTRY SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . LINE/ EQPT NO. CAD NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT 3 : 7722-JDP-134 :7722-JHP-134 : 2 OF 2 PLANT-I NO.MIN. QUANTITY TYPE APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE INLET PRESSURE OUTLET PRESSURE PRESSURE .VALVE MANIFOLD FIELD COMMUNICATOR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET DOC NO.MIN. SERVICE P & ID NO. / OP.MIN. 19. 15. INSTRUMENT INDEX FLOW SWITCH DP TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER MULTIVARIABLE FLOW TRANSMITTER PRESSURE GUAGE SAFETY VALVE ON-OFF VALVE THREE WAY ON-OFF VALVE PH ANALISER PRESSURE TRANSMITTER CONTROL VALVE TEMEPERATURE ELEMENT TEMPERATURE GUAGE ORIFICE PLATE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE SCANNER PRESSURE SWITCH LEVEL GUAGE-MAGNETIC TYPE DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER LEVEL SWITCH ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER LIMIT SWITCH . 9. 14. 7. 22. 12. 2. 18. 11. 6. 5. 17. 4. 3. 16. 20.ANNEXURE-V DOC NO : : : : PLANT-1I 7722 PLANT-II DATA SHEET SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED INSTRUMENT DATA SHEET 1. 10. 8. 21. 13. element RTD Temp.: 7722/2012-13 REMARKS TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. Transmitter Field Mounted Temp. element RTD Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Level Transmitter DP Type on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Temp. Transmitter Field Mounted Control valve Globe Pressure safety Valve Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Temp. TAG NO. AH NO. Transmitter Field Mounted Temp. element RTD Temp. JB NO. NO. SERVICE EQUP. element RTD Temp. Transmitter Field Mounted Pressure safety Valve Pressure transmitter Diaphgram flow Transmitter DP Type Flow Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Level Gauge magnetic Level Transmitter DP type Level Transmitter DP Type on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Weight transmitter Load cell Weight transmitter Load cell Temp. Transmitter Field Mounted Control valve Globe Pressure safety Valve Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Temp. NO. Gauge Bimetallic THREE WAY VALVE Ball valve Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Temp. MAKE MODEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 LT-V105 LT-V106 LT-V102 FT-V102 XV-V102/1 XV-V102/2 LT-V013A LG-SV101 TG-V103A LT-V108 XV-V102/3 XV-V103A/1 XV-V103A/2 TG-V103B LT-V103B XV-V103B/1 XV-V103B/2 LT-V109 TE-R106 TT-R106 PSV-R106 PT-R106 FT-R106 XV-R106 LG-V119 LT-V119 LT-V110 XV-V110 XV-V117 WT-T101A WT-T101B TE-R101 TT-R101 TCV-R101 PSV-R101 PT-R101 TE-VP-R101 TT-VP-R101 TG-R101 TG-E102 TG-R102 TG-E104 XV-E105 TG E-106 LG-V107 PG-V107 XV-V107 LG-V111 PG-V111 XV-V111 PHIC-R102 PT-R102 TE-VP-R102 TT-VP-R102 TE-R102 TT-R102 TCV-R102 PSV-R102 PT-R103 TE-VP-R103 TT-VP-R103 TE-R103 TT-R103 TCV-R103 PSV-R103 LS APND 101/1 LS APND 101/2 PSV-APND 101 PT-APND 101 TE-APND 101 TT-APND 101 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT METHANOL SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT SOLVENT Organic material Organic material Organic material SOLVENT Organic material Organic material Effluent water Organic material Organic material Organic material Organic material Organic material Organic material Organic SOLVENT solvent Organic SOLVENT solvent Organic SOLVENT Organic SOLVENT Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture vapours Oragnic Mixture vapours vapours vapours methanol vapour methanol vapour methanol vapour Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture steam Oragnic Mixture oragnic vapours oragnic vapours oragnic vapours Oragnic Mixture Oragnic Mixture steam nitrogen slurry na nitrogen oragnic vapours slurry slurry V-105 V-106 V-102 PR-201-25-A5 PR-205-25-Y3 PR-204-25-A5 SV-101 V-103A V-108 PR-204-25-A5 PR-211-25-Y5 PR-215-50-Y5 V-103B V-103B PR-211-Y5-25 PR-216-50-Y5 V-109 R106 R106 R106 PR-220-25-Y5 PR-220-25-Y5 V-119 V-119 V-110 PR-210-25-Y5 PR-231-25 T-101A T-101B R-101 R-101 STEAM STEAM PRG-218-150-Y5 PRG-218-150-Y5 PRG-218-150-Y5 PRG-218-150-Y5 PR-282-50-Y5 PRG-228-200-Y5 PR-2100-50-Y5 V-298-50-Y3 PR-2105-80-Y5 V-107 V-107 V-238-50-A5 V-111 V-111 V-264-50-A5 R-102 PRG-228-200-Y5 PRG-228-200-Y5 PRG-228-200-Y5 R-102 R-102 ST-289-50-A5-IH ST-289-50-A5-IH PRG-253-200-Y5-1H PRG-253-200-Y5-1H PRG-253-200-Y5-1H R-103 R-103 ST-276-50-A5-IH ST-276-50-A5-IH APND 101 APND 101 PRV-250-100-Y5-IH V-249-40-I3 APND 101 APND 101 Level Transmitter DP Type Level Transmitter DP Type Level Transmitter DP Type flow Transmitter DP Type Flow Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Level Transmitter ultrasonic Level Gauge magnetic Temp.DOC. element RTD Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Temp. element RTD Temp. / LINE NO. Transmitter Field Mounted Temp. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO. Gauge Bimetallic Level Transmitter ultrasonic on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Level Transmitter DP Type Temp. P & ID NO. Transmitter Field Mounted Control valve Globe Pressure safety Valve Level switch tunning fork Limit switch Proximity type Pressure safety Valve Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Temp. element RTD Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Level Gauge magnetic Pressure gauge BOURDEN on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Level Gauge magnetic Pressure gauge BOURDEN on-off valve with f/b Ball valve PH CONTROLLER PH analyser Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Temp. Transmitter Field Mounted NA NA NA NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 NA NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA NA SS 316 NA NA NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA CS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SS 316 NA NA NA SS 316 NA NA SS 316 NA NA NA NA NA NA CS NA NA NA NA NA CS NA NA NA NA NA 0-2000 mm 0-2000 mm 0-1000 mm 0 -8. : 7722-JIN-101 PLANT-II : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. element RTD Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Temp.0 m3/hr 25 NB 25 NB 0-2000 ltr 1000 0-100 deg c 0-1800 mm 25 NB 25 NB 50 NB 0-100 deg c 0-2000 ltr 25 NB 50 NB 0-1800 mm 0-200 deg c 0-3 kg/cm2 0-3 m3/hr 25 NB 1000 0-2000 ltr 0-1600 mm 25 NB 25 NB 0-200 deg c (-)1 to 3 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 50 NB 0-100 deg c 550 (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 deg deg deg deg c c c c 50 NB 550 (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 50 NB 0-14 ph (-)1 to 3 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 0-200 deg c (-)1 to 3 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 0-200 deg c (-)1 to 7 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c . : 7722/2012-13 REMARKS TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. MAKE MODEL 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 XV-APND 101/2 XV-APND 101/1 PG-APND 101/1 PG-APND 101/2 XV-APND 101/5 XV-APND 101/4 XV-APND 101/3 LT-V112A LT-V112B XV-APND 102/3 XV-APND102/5 XV-APND 102/2 PG-APND 102/2 TE-APND 102/1 TT-APND 102/1 TE-APND 102/2 TT-APND 102/2 XV-APND 102/1 XV-APND102/4 LS APND 102/1 LS APND 102/2 PSV-APND 102 PG-APND 102/1 PT-APND 101/1 PT-APND 101/2 WT-T 102 TE-R104 TT-R104 LG-V 113 LG-V 114 PG-V 114 XV-V 114 TE VP-R105 TT. Transmitter Field Mounted V-116 Control valve Globe LINE SIZE 80NB SCH. / LINE NO. SERVICE EQUP. Transmitter Field Mounted Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Temp.C 101 FT. AH NO. element RTD Temp.V104 PG-V104 LG-V104 LG-V116 TE-V116 TT-V116 TCV-V116 FT-301 PS-301 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/001 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/002 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 HEADER Steam header slurry slurry slurry slurry vacuum vacuum vacuum solvent solvent slurry SOLVENT water oragnic vapours slurry slurry slurry SOLVENT slurry na nitrogen oragnic vapours oragnic vapours oragnic vapours slurry na Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent steam nitrogen metahnol liquid corrosive liquid corrosive liquid corrosive liquid Methanol Methanol Methanol water water water water water water steam methanol methanol oragnic liquid hot water oragnic liquid oragnic liquid oragnic liquid Organic solvent Organic solvent Organic solvent hot water hot water na steam STEAM on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Pressure gauge BOURDEN Pressure gauge BOURDEN THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE Ball valve Level Transmitter DP Type Level Transmitter DP Type THREE WAY VALVE Ball valve THREE WAY VALVE on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Pressure gauge BOURDEN Temp. Transmitter Field Mounted flow Transmitter DP Type Flow Transmitter flow Transmitter DP Type Flow Transmitter Control valve Globe Level Transmitter DP Type on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Level Transmitter DP Type flow Transmitter DP Type Flow Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Temp. P & ID NO. Transmitter Field Mounted Pressure gauge BOURDEN Control valve Globe Pressure safety Valve Temp.DOC. Gauge Bimetallic SP 101 Level Transmitter ultrasonic SP 101 Pressure gauge BOURDEN on-off valve with f/b Ball valve V-104 Pressure gauge BOURDEN V-104 Level Gauge magnetic V-116 Level Gauge magnetic V-116 Temp.40 Multivariable Transmitte DP Type Multivariable Transmitter Steam PRESSURE SWITCH Diaphgram HW-244-40-A5-IH PR-210-25-Y3 N2-248-20-A4 V-251-50-A5 V-249-50-Y5 V-255-50-Y5 PR-243-80-Y5 V-112A V-112B PR-310-80-Y5 V-340-40-Y5 HW-311-40-A5-IH V-308-40-Y3 APND 102 APND 102 PRG-309-80-Y5-1H PRG-309-80-Y5-1H PR-300-80-Y5 V-338-40-Y5 APND 102 APND 102 V-308-40-Y3 N2-307-20-A4 V-308-40-Y3 PRG-309-80-y3 T-102 R-104 R-104 V-113 V-114 V-114 V-330-50-A5 PRG_-350-200-Y3 PRG_-350-200-Y3 PRG_-350-200-Y3 R 105 R 105 R 105 ST-345-40-A5-IH ST-345-40-A5-IH C 101 C 101 PR-360-40 -Y3 PR-359-40 -Y3 PR-359-40 -Y3 V 115 PR-363-25-Y3 PR-362-40-Y3 V-120 PR-002-A5-50 V-120 V-120 V-120 V-120 ST-345-40-A5-IH V 101 SS 316 SS 316 NA NA SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 NA NA SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CS SS 316 NA NA NA NA CS NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 NA NA SS 316 SS 316 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CS NA NA 40 NB 25NB 0-10 kg/cm2 (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 50 NB 50 NB 80 NB 0-1800 mm 0-1300 mm 80 NB 40 NB 40 NB (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 0-200 deg c 80 NB 40 NB 0-10 kg/cm2 (-)1 to 7 kg/cm2 (-)1 to 7 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 550 550 (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 50 NB 0-200 deg c 0 to 5 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 0-200 deg c 0-3 m3/hr 0-3 m3/hr 0-2000 mm 25 NB 40 NB 0 -20m3/hr 50 25 50 25 NB NB NB NB 0-100 deg c 0-600 mm 50 NB 25 NB 0-200 deg c 0-100 deg c 0-10000 ltr 0-6 kg/cm2 50 NB (-)1 to 1 kg/cm2 550 1800 0-200 deg c 0-1000 kg/hr 0-4 kg/cm2 . : 7722-JIN-101 PLANT-II : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. Transmitter Field Mounted on-off valve with f/b Ball valve THREE WAY VALVE Level switch tunning fork Limit switch Proximity type Pressure safety Valve Pressure gauge BOURDEN Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Pressure transmitter Diaphgram Weight transmitter Load cell Temp.V101 XV.C101/1 FT. Transmitter Field Mounted Temp. element RTD Temp. element RTD V-116 Temp. Gauge Bimetallic Level Transmitter DP Type on-off valve with f/b Ball valve on-off valve with f/b Ball valve V-116 Temp. element RTD Temp.R 105 TE C-101 TT. TAG NO. element RTD Temp. element RTD Temp.V101 XV-SP 101 TG-V116 TG-SP 101 LT-SP 101 PG-SP 101 XV. Transmitter Field Mounted Level Gauge magnetic Level Gauge magnetic Pressure gauge BOURDEN on-off valve with f/b Ball valve Temp. NO. NO. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO.C101/2 FCV-C 101 LT-V 115 XV-V 115/1 XV-V 115/2 LT-V120 FT-V120 XV-V120/1 XV-V120/2 XV-V120/3 XV-V120/4 TG-R105 LT. Gauge Bimetallic SP 101 Temp. element RTD Temp. JB NO.VP R105 PT-R105 TE-R105 TT-R105 PG-R105 TCV-R 105 PSV. P & ID NO. MAKE MODEL 143 144 145 146 147 PS-302 PS-302 FS-301 FS-302 FT-T102 Air Header Nitrogen header CW Header Brine Header HIL/P & ID MPP/002 METHANOL Air Nitrogen Cooling Water Brine METHANOL PIPE LINE PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH FLOW SWITCH FLOW SWITCH flow Transmitter Diaphgram Diaphgram PADDLE PADDLE DP Type Flow Transmitter NA NA NA NA NA 0-6 kg/cm2 0-6 kg/cm2 . JB NO. AH NO. SERVICE EQUP. TAG NO. / LINE NO. INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INDEX PLANT SHEET CLIENT CONTRACT NO. NO.DOC.: 7722/2012-13 REMARKS TYPE VALVE MOC VALVE SIZE RANGE/SET PTS. : 7722-JIN-101 PLANT-II : 1 0f 1 : HIL JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTANT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. NO. 7722/2012-13 FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . : 7722-JDF-102 CAD NO. :1 0F 2 PLANT PLANt-II CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JDH-102 SHEET NO. :2 0F 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. Pressure Op.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MAKE MODEL NO. : 7722-JDH-102 SHEET NO. max 3.90 m3/hr SET POINT 2 Kg/hr 2 Kg/hr REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 * VENDOR TO SPECIFY 15/12/12 SJ REVISION PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED REV. : 7722-JDF-102 CAD NO. FS-301 FS-302 FLOW SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET * * PADDLE TYPE 24 VDC 1 AMP ½" NPT (M) 1/2" NPT (F) CLOSED & FIXED 1/2" NPT (M) SCREWED 130 % OF SPAN SPDT SS 316 DI CAST AL DI CAST AL WEATHERPROOF IP 65 T3 IIA. STD. GLYCERINE SS 316 TEST DOC NO.IIB MFG.0 5.0 4 6 Flow Range 0-120 m3/hr 0. DATE . TYPE OF SWITCH CONTACT RATING END CONNECTION CABE ENTRY DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS CONNECTION OVER PRESSURE LIMIT CONTACT FORM MATERIAL WETTED PARTS CONNECTION HEAD ENCLOSURE INGRESS PROTECTION TEMPRATURE CLASS GAS GROUP PAINT FILL FLUID MEASUREMENT ELEMENT CERTIFICATES GENERAL TAG NO. 7722/2012-13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 230 VAC ½" NPT (F) 11/4" NPT (M) FLANGED DPDT PTFE SS 316 DI CAST AL EX-PROOF IP 67 T5 IIC X SS 304 MATERIAL X EX-PRROF/CMRI X LINE NO CW HEADER BRINE HEADER P & ID NO. DOC NO. : 7722-JPF-102 : 7722-JHF-102 :1 0F 2 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. / TAG NO. 1 FT-301 STEAM SERVICE P & ID NO. STEAM HEADER LINE/ EQPT NO. 80 NB SCH 40 LINE SIZE / SCHEDULE QUANTITY ONE TYPE MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS STEAM FLUID / STATE FLOW - MIN. / OP. / MAX 0 600 1000 kg/hr PRESSURE - MIN. / OP. / MAX 0 3 4 kg/cm2 TEMP. - MIN. / OP. / MAX amb 120 150 deg c DENSITY AT OP. CONDITION SP. GRAVITY VISCOSITY 0-4000 DP RANGE(mmWC) MAXIMUM RANGE RANGE TRANSMITTER * MAKE * MODEL NO. SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS 1/2" NPT F PROCESS CONNECTION- HP SIDE 1/2" NPT F PROCESS CONNECTION- LP SIDE 1/2" NPTF CABLE ENTRY ±1% OF MASS FLOW RATE ACCURACY 4-20 mA HART OUTPUT 24 VDC POWER SUPPLY REQUIRED ZERO/SPAN ADJUSTMENT 600 Ώ MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC IP65 INGRESS PROTECTION ZONE-2, IIA, IIB EX-PROOF PROTECTION T3 TEMP. CLASS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS DIGITAL LCD LOCAL INDICATOR SS316 VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 3 - VALVE MANIFOLD OF SS 316 PRESSURE COMPENSATION REQUIRED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION REQUIRED RTD ELEMENT THERMOWELL U LENGTH 200 200mm CERTIFICATES REQUIRED MATERIAL REQUIRED CALIBRATION REQUIRED EX-PRROF IBR NOTE:EXTENSION CABLE OF RTD SHALL BE PROVIDED BY VENDOR. DOC NO. : 7722-JPF-102 CAD NO. : 7722-JHF-104 SHEET 2 of 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED PRESSURE GAUGES - BOURDON TYPE DATA SHEET CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P&ID NO. TAG NO. LINE / EQUIPMENT NO. FLUID PRESSURE MIN MAX TEMP MIN MAX o C RANGE KG/cm²g 0-10 (-)1 to 1 (-)1 to 1 (-)1 to 1 (-)1 to 1 0-10 (-)1 to 1 (-)1 to 1 0-6 (-)1 to 1 DOC NO. :7722-JDP-131 CAD NO. :7722-JHP-131 SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT :MPP CONTRACT NO.:7722/2012-13 ACC. (SEE NOTE 1) REMARK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 This document is the property of JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt.Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/003 MPP/003 PG-APND 101/1 PG-APND 101/2 PG-V107 PG-V111 PG-APND 102/2 PG-APND 102/1 PG-V 114 PG-R 105 PG-SP 101 PG - V104 N2-248-20-A4 V-251-50-A5 V-107 V-111 V-251-50-A3 N2-307-20-A4 V-114 R-105 SP 101 V-104 Nitrogen Solvent vapour Methanol vapour Methanol vapour Solvent vapour Nitrogen Methanol vapour Methanol vapour Organic vapour Organic vapours a a a a a a a a DELETE : a .SNB . DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . SENSOR BOURDON ACCURACY ± 1% OF SPAN TEMP. :7722-JHP-131 SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted CLIENT:HINDUSTANI INSECTICIDE LIMITED * MAKE * MODEL NO.Ltd.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN PRESSURE GAUGES .SYP .GS .BOURDON TYPE DATA SHEET This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt.SYPHON b . WHITE SCREWED ½" NPT (M) NEOPRENE DISK EXTERNAL IP 55 EPOXY OIL FREE DOC NO.043/1/1 15/12/12 SKJ JP REV. LIMIT 200 o C OVER PRESSURE LIMIT 130 % OF SPAN SIZE MOUNTING ENTRY MATERIAL SENSOR SOCKET MOVEMENT CASE BEZEL WINDOW POINTER DIAL BEZEL TYPE END CONNECTION BLOW OUT PROTECTION MICROMETER ADJUSTMENT ENCLOSURE PAINT SPECIAL REQUIREMENT SYPHON TYPE MATERIAL CONNECTION SNUBBER TYPE MATERIAL CONNECTION GUAGE SAVER 100 MM DIRECT BOTTOM SS 316 SS 316 SS 304 SS 316 SS 316 ACRYLIC MFG. STD. :7722-JDP-131 CAD NO.:7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 X BELLOW X ± 2% OF SPAN X X 150 MM X SURFACE X BACK X X X X X CAPSULE X 250 MM PANEL X X X X PHOSPHOR BRONZE SS 304 BRASS CAST ALUMINUM ALUMINUM SHATTERPROOF X BLACK ALUMINUM X BLACK MARKING X PUSH FIT X ½" NPT(F) BACK SIDE X INTERNAL X IP 65 ENAMEL O2 SERVICE PLASTIC TOUGHENED GLASS BLACK PLASTIC POINTER STOPS WITHOUT BEZEL SOLID FRONT NOT REQUIRED MFG. STD. X X U' TYPE SS 316 ½"NPT(M) X ½"NPT(F) EXTERNAL SS 316 ½"NPT(M) X ½"NPT(F) ½"NPT(M) X ½"NPT(F) SS 316 PIG TAIL TYPE X SS 304 X X INTERNAL X SS 304 X X X SS 304 X CS NOTES : 1 ACC.SNUBBER c .GUAGE SAVER FJ . 7722/2012-13 NOTES: 1 ' * ' VENDOR TO INDICATE 2 VENDOR TO SUBMIT CALCULATION 3 DETAIL DRAWING TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE OFFER 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO:.DOC NO. :7722-JDS-101 :7722-JHS-101 : 1 of 4 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE DATA SHEET CAD NO. DOC NO.7722/2012-13 PSV-R106 * * STEAM HIL/ MPP/001 ONE FULL BORE SPRING LOADED CLOSED STEAM 0 0 0 3 130 250 1 4 150 500 kg/cm2 deg c KG/HR 1 0 0 2 PSV-R101 * * STEAM HIL/ MPP/001 ONE FULL BORE SPRING LOADED CLOSED STEAM 3 130 4 150 1 1 1 kg/cm2 deg c 0 0 3 PSV-R102 * * STEAM ST-289-50-A5-IH HIL/ MPP/001 ONE FULL BORE SPRING LOADED CLOSED STEAM 3 130 4 150 1 kg/cm2 deg c 3.TEST SCREWED PACKED NR NUT * * * * SAME AS OP. TEMP SAFETY VALVE NO MATERIAL.PLAIN OR PACKED GAG LOCKING DEVICE ORIFICE DATA CALCULATED AREA SELECTED AREA ORIFICE DESIGNATION ACTUAL CAPACITY RELIEVING TEMP. NO. TEMP SAFETY VALVE NO MATERIAL. / SP. . VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO SET PRESSURE SET PRESSURE RANGE CONSTANT BACK PRESSURE VARIABLE BACK PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL SET PRESSURE ALLOWABLE OVERPRESSURE BLOW DOWN MATERIAL BODY / NOZZLE / BONNET SEAT / DISC GUIDE / RING SPRING BELLOWS CONNECTION END CONNECTION INLET / OUTLET SIZE FLANGE RATING / FACING BASIS OF SELECTION CODE FIRE OTHER ACCESSORIES CAP . / OP. GR.TEST FJ . WT.0 kg/cm2 10% 10% SS SS 316 SS 316 CS NR FLANGED 40 NB ASA 150# ASME SEC VIII SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 10% 10% SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 10% 10% SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 CS NR FLANGED * RF 40 NB ASA 150# ASME SEC VIII * RF SS CS NR FLANGED * RF 40 NB ASA 150# ASME SEC VIII - SCREWED PACKED NR NUT * * * * SAME AS OP. P&ID NO. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . SERVICE LINE/ EQUIPMENT NO. / MAX TEMP. COLD SET PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE -RUPTURE DISC COMBINATION CERTIFICATE REQUIRED 1 PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE DATA SHEET CAD NO.TEST SCREWED PACKED NR NUT * * * * SAME AS OP.086/1 15/12/12 REV. QUANTITY NOZZLE TYPE DESIGN TYPE BONNET TYPE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE CAPACITY REQUIRED PRESSURE . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO:. :7722-JDS-101 :7722-JHS-101 : 2 of 4 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR.MIN. / OP. / TAG NO.SCREWED OR BOLTED LEVER .0 kg/cm2 3.0 kg/cm2 3. MAKE MODEL NO. / MAX FLOW MOL. TEMP SAFETY VALVE NO MATERIAL.MIN. 0 Kg/cm2 SET PRESSURE RANGE CONSTANT BACK PRESSURE VARIABLE BACK PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL SET PRESSURE 10% ALLOWABLE OVERPRESSURE 10% BLOW DOWN MATERIAL SS 316 BODY / NOZZLE / BONNET SS SS SS 316 SS 316 SEAT / DISC SS 316 SS 316 GUIDE / RING CS SPRING NR BELLOWS CONNECTION FLANGED END CONNECTION 40 NB * INLET / OUTLET SIZE ASA 150# RF FLANGE RATING / FACING BASIS OF SELECTION ASME SEC VIII CODE FIRE OTHER ACCESSORIES SCREWED CAP . / OP.PLAIN OR PACKED NR GAG NUT LOCKING DEVICE ORIFICE DATA * CALCULATED AREA * SELECTED AREA * ORIFICE DESIGNATION * ACTUAL CAPACITY SAME AS OPT TEMP RELIEVING TEMP. COLD SET PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE SAFETY VALVE -RUPTURE DISC NO COMBINATION MATERIAL.1 (-) 1 0 Nitrogen V-308-40-Y3 HIL/ MPP/001 ONE FULL BORE SPRING LOADED CLOSED Nitrogen 1 130 4 150 kg/cm2 deg c 3.TEST CERTIFICATE REQUIRED DOC NO. 1 VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO SET PRESSURE 3. ONE QUANTITY FULL BORE NOZZLE TYPE SPRING LOADED DESIGN TYPE CLOSED BONNET TYPE SERVICE CONDITIONS STEAM FLUID / STATE CAPACITY REQUIRED PRESSURE . / MAX 0 130 150 deg c FLOW 0 250 500 KG/HR 1 MOL. 1 * MAKE * MODEL NO. / TAG NO. :7722-JDS-101 CAD NO.0 Kg/cm2 10% 10% SS SS 316 SS 316 CS NR FLANGED 40 NB ASA 150# ASME SEC VIII * RF 40 NB ASA 150# SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 SS SS 316 SS 316 10% 10% SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 CS NR FLANGED * RF SS ASME SEC VIII - SCREWED PACKED NR NUT * * * * SAME AS OPT TEMP SAFETY VALVE NO MATERIAL.2 1. NO.TEST SCREWED PACKED NR NUT * * * * SAME AS OPT TEMP SAFETY VALVE NO MATERIAL.086/1 15/12/12 REV.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE DATA SHEET CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL PSV-R106 SR. . WT. / SP.MIN. / MAX 0 3 4 kg/cm2 TEMP. :7722-JHS-101 SHEET : 3 of 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO:. STEAM SERVICE ST-276-50-A5-IH LINE/ EQUIPMENT NO.0 Kg/cm2 3. GR.SCREWED OR BOLTED PACKED LEVER . / OP.TEST FJ .7722/2012-13 PSV-APND 102 * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2 PSV-APND 101 * * Nitrogen PRV-250-100-Y5-IH HIL/ MPP/001 ONE FULL BORE SPRING LOADED CLOSED Nitrogen (-) 1 0 1 130 4 150 kg/cm2 deg c 1. HIL/ MPP/001 P&ID NO.MIN. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . COLD SET PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE SAFETY VALVE -RUPTURE DISC NO COMBINATION MATERIAL.0 Kg/cm2 SET PRESSURE RANGE CONSTANT BACK PRESSURE VARIABLE BACK PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL SET PRESSURE 10% ALLOWABLE OVERPRESSURE 10% BLOW DOWN MATERIAL SS 316 BODY / NOZZLE / BONNET SS SS SS 316 SS 316 SEAT / DISC SS 316 SS 316 GUIDE / RING CS SPRING NR BELLOWS CONNECTION FLANGED END CONNECTION 40 NB * INLET / OUTLET SIZE ASA 150# RF FLANGE RATING / FACING BASIS OF SELECTION ASME SEC VIII CODE FIRE OTHER ACCESSORIES SCREWED CAP .TEST CERTIFICATE REQUIRED DOC NO.MIN. 7 * MAKE * MODEL NO. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED .SCREWED OR BOLTED PACKED LEVER .086/1 15/12/12 REV. / OP. / MAX 0 130 150 deg c FLOW 0 250 500 KG/HR MOL.PLAIN OR PACKED NR GAG NUT LOCKING DEVICE ORIFICE DATA * CALCULATED AREA * SELECTED AREA * ORIFICE DESIGNATION * ACTUAL CAPACITY SAME AS OPT TEMP RELIEVING TEMP. / TAG NO. GR. WT. HIL/ MPP/001 P&ID NO. . :7722-JDS-101 CAD NO. / MAX 0 3 4 kg/cm2 TEMP. STEAM SERVICE ST-276-50-A5-IH LINE/ EQUIPMENT NO.MIN. / OP. ONE QUANTITY FULL BORE NOZZLE TYPE SPRING LOADED DESIGN TYPE CLOSED BONNET TYPE SERVICE CONDITIONS STEAM FLUID / STATE CAPACITY REQUIRED PRESSURE . VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO SET PRESSURE 3. :7722-JHS-101 SHEET : 4 of 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO:.7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 FJ .JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE DATA SHEET CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL PSV-R105 SR. NO. / SP. 3 0.V101 XV-SP 101 XV. SERVICE EQUP.3 0. P & ID NO.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 atm (-)730 mm Hg 3 (-)730 mm Hg 0.5 25 NB atm atm 25 NB atm atm 25 NB REMARKS SS 316 SS 316 SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 0.5 5 5 5 5 0. :7722-JHV-103 SHEET : 3 0F 3 PLANT :MPP CONTRACT NO:-7722/2012-13 Pressure kg/cm2 VALVE SIZE operating max 25 NB 0.5 0.5 atm (-)760 MM Hg 6 (-)760 MM Hg 0. FAIL SAFE MOC BODY BALL SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 XV-V102/1 XV-V102/2 XV-V102/3 XV-V103A/1 XV-V103A/2 XV-V103B/1 XV-V103B/2 XV-R106 XV-V107 XV-V111 XV-APND/ 101/2 XV-APND 101/1 XV-V-110 XV-APND 102/1 XV-APND 102/2 XV-VP.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS ON OFF BALL VALVE ANNEXURE CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR.5 25 NB 0.3 (-)730 mm Hg 1 0. / LINE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TAG NO.5 (-)760 MM Hg 50 NB 50 NB 40 NB 25 NB 25 NB 80 NB 40 NB 50 NB 25 NB 40 NB 50 NB 25 NB 50 NB 25 NB 50 NB 25 NB 50 NB 25 NB .5 0. :7722-JDV-103 CAD NO.5 0. NO.V104 XV-V117 Solvent Solvent Solvent Solvent Solvent Solvent Solvent Organic PR-220-25-Y5 corrosive liquid Organic solvent vapours V-238-50-A5 Organic solvent V-264-50-A5 vapours HW-244-40-A5-IH Hot water PR-210-25-Y3 Solvent PR-210-25-Y5 Solvent PR-300-80-Y5 Slurry HW-311-40-A5-IH Water Organic solvent V-330-50-A5 vapours PR-363-25-Y3 Methanol liquid PR-362-40-Y3 Methanol liquid V 120 water V 120 water V 120 water V 120 water FROM V 106 Organic To SP-101 Organic V-104 Organic V-117 PR-205-25-Y3 PR-204-25-A5 PR-204-25-A5 PR-211-25-Y5 PR-215-25-Y5 PR-211-25-Y5 PR-216-25-Y5 PR-205-25-Y3 PR-204-25-A5 PR-204-25-A5 PR-211-25-Y5 PR-215-25-Y5 PR-211-Y5-25 PR-216-25-Y5 PR-220-25-Y5 V-238-50-A5 V-264-50-A5 HW-244-40-A5-IH PR-210-25-Y3 PR-210-25-Y5 PR-300-80-Y5 HW-311-40-A5-IH V-330-50-A5 PR-363-25-Y3 PR-362-40-Y3 V 120 V 120 V 120 V 120 FROM V 106 To SP-101 V-104 PR-231-25 CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 DOC NO.5 4 0.3 3 3 3 3 0.5 25 NB 0.114 XV-V 115/1 XV-V 115/2 XV-V120/1 XV-V120/2 XV-V120/3 XV-V120/4 XV.3 0.3 0.5 25 NB 0.3 0.3 0.5 25 NB 0.3 2 0. DOC NO. :7722-JDV-103 :7722-JHV-103 : 1 OF 2 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED ON-OFF VALVE-BALL TYPE DATA SHEET CAD NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 FJ - 083/1 This document is the property of JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt.Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted NOTES: 1 INSTRUMENT SHALL BE SUITABLE TO MOUNT IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT & OUT DOOR APPLICATION. 2 MAXIMUM AVALIABLE AIR PRESSURE IS 4 kg/cm2 g. ACTUATOR SPRING RANGE TO BE DESIGNED ACCORDINGLY. 3 ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE PROXIMITY TYPE LIMIT SWITCHES HOUSED & TERMINATED IN ONE ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR ZONE 2, GR. IIA / IIB. ONE SWITCH SHALL BE FOR OPEN POSITION AND ANOTHER FOR CLOSE POSITION. ENCLOSURE WILL HAVE TWO CABLE ENTRIES OF 1/2" NPT(F) WITH ONE PLUGED. 4 ALL MOUNTING BRACKETS / COUPLER PLATES SHALL BE IN SS316. 5 CLOSING TIME SHOULD BE LESS THAN 4 SECONDS, 6 VENDOR TO PROVIDE ACTUATOR SIZING IN TABULATED FORM INDICATING SAFETY FACTOR of 30% 7 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL, PERFORMANCE TEST, ACCEPTANCE TEST, IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CATALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. 8 VENDOR TO PROVIDE AIR FILTER REGULATOR OF SHAVO & NORGEIN MAKE WITH OUTPUT GAUGE,PVC BOWL,5 MICRON FILTER & END OF 1/4" NPT(F) 9 SOLENOID VALVE SHALL BE 3/2 WAY IN IP-65, WITH FLAMEPROOF ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR AREA ZONE-1, IIA, IIB., OPERATING AT 24 V DC WITH COIL INSULATION CLASS F 10 ALL BALL VALVES SHALL BE DESIGNED TO FIRE SAFE AS PER BS 5351 & FIRE TESTED AS PER API607 1993,4TH EDITION 11 ALL BALL VALVES SHALL BE WITH ANTI BLOW OUT PROTECTION 12 VALVES SPECIFIED AS ES IN THE SUFFIX OF VALVES SPEC. ARE FOR HIGH TEMP. APPLICATIONS AND SHALL BE PROVIDED EXTENDED STEM 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED DOC NO. :7722-JDV-103 :7722-JHV-103 : 2 0f 3 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN, MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED ON-OFF VALVE-BALL TYPE DATA SHEET CAD NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE * * PROCESS REF ANNEXURE amb 50 80 deg c GENERAL SERIAL NO. / TAG NO. SERVICE LINE NO. QUANTITY MAKE MODEL NO. SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE INLET PRESSURE - MIN. / OP. / MAX PRESSURE DROP - MIN. / OP. / MAX TEMP. - MIN. / OP. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. COND. / MOL. WT. DP SHUT OFF VAPOUR PRESS. / CRITICAL PRESS COMPRE. FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY MAKE TYPE PORT SIZE MATERIAL BODY / BALL SEAT PACKING LEAKAGE CLASS CONNECTION TYPE SIZE, , RATING AND FACING FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR TYPE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING AIR FAIL ACTION ACTUATOR MOUNTING PNEUMATIC CONNECTION HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR COLOUR ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE SAFETY FACTOR FOR SIZING POSITIONER MODEL NO. ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LUBRICATING VALVE SOLENOID VALVE LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY AIR FILTER REGULATOR QUICK EXHAUST VALVE VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT This document is the property oF JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt. Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 1.5 Times of max. pressure * 2 PIECE, FLOATING BALL FULL PORT REF. ANNEXURE PTFE PTFE CLASS VI FLANGED REF. ANNX. 150# RF * RACK AND PINION SINGLE REF. ANNEXURE ISO-5211 1/4" NPT ( F ) NOT REQUIRED MFG. STD. * * 30% NOT REQUIRED YES, REFER NOTE :9 REFER NOTE: 3 2 NOS. REQUIRED, REFER NOTE:8 NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED REQD., REFER NOTE:7 NOT REQUIRED FJ - 083/1 This document is the property of Shroff & Associates (Engineers) P Pvt.Ltd. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not per rmitted 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED ON OFF BALL VALVE ANNEXURE CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TAG NO. P & ID NO. SERVICE EQUP. / LINE NO. FAIL SAFE CONDITIO MOC BODY BALL SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 XV-APND 101/4 XV-APND 101/5 XV-APND/ 102/4 XV-APND/ 102/5 XV-E105 XV-APND 101/3 XV-APND 102/3 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Organic solvent VACCUM SOLVENT V-255-50-Y5 PR-243-80-Y5 V-338-40-Y5 V-340-40-Y5 V-298-50-Y3 V-249-50-Y5 PR-310-80-Y5 CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 DOC NO. :7722-JDV-102 CAD NO. :7722-JHV-102 SHEET : 3 0F 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO:-7722/2012-13 Pressure kg/cm2 VALVE SIZE operating max 50 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg 80 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg 40 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg 40 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg 50 NB 0.3 0.5 50 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg 80 NB (-)730 mm Hg (-)760 MM Hg REMARKS THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE 5 MICRON FILTER & END OF 1/4" NPT(F) 9 SOLENOID VALVE SHALL BE 3/2 WAY IN IP-65.DOC NO.PVC BOWL. ENCLOSURE WILL HAVE TWO CABLE ENTRIES OF 1/2" NPT(F) WITH ONE PLUGED.4TH EDITION 11 ALL BALL VALVES SHALL BE WITH ANTI BLOW OUT PROTECTION 12 VALVES SPECIFIED AS ES IN THE SUFFIX OF VALVES SPEC. IIA. ARE FOR HIGH TEMP. OPERATING AT 24 V DC WITH COIL INSULATION CLASS F 10 ALL BALL VALVES SHALL BE DESIGNED TO FIRE SAFE AS PER BS 5351 & FIRE TESTED AS PER API607 1993. 6 VENDOR TO PROVIDE ACTUATOR SIZING IN TABULATED FORM INDICATING SAFETY FACTOR of 30% 7 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. INSTRICALLY SAFE SUITABLE FOR AREA ZONE-1. APPLICATIONS AND SHALL BE PROVIDED EXTENDED STEM SJ 15/12/12 REV. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CATALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES..: 7722/2012-13 FJ . IIA / IIB. 4 ALL MOUNTING BRACKETS / COUPLER PLATES SHALL BE IN SS316.083/1 This document is the property of JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt. :7722-JDV-103 :7722-JHV-103 : 1 OF 2 :MPP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.Ltd. 8 VENDOR TO PROVIDE AIR FILTER REGULATOR OF SHAVO & NORGEIN MAKE WITH OUTPUT GAUGE. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED THREE WAY VALVE DATA SHEET CAD NO. 3 ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE PROXIMITY LIMIT SWITCHES TYPE HOUSED & TERMINATED IN ONE ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR ZONE 2. ONE SWITCH SHALL BE FOR OPEN POSITION AND ANOTHER FOR CLOSE POSITION. GR. PERFORMANCE TEST. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted NOTES: 1 INSTRUMENT SHALL BE SUITABLE TO MOUNT IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT & OUT DOOR APPLICATION. 2 MAXIMUM AVALIABLE AIR PRESSURE IS 4 kg/cm2 g. IIB. ACCEPTANCE TEST. ACTUATOR SPRING RANGE TO BE DESIGNED ACCORDINGLY. 5 CLOSING TIME SHOULD BE LESS THAN 4 SECONDS. DATE REVISION PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. / MOL. Ltd. / TAG NO.. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 1. FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY DP SHUT OFF MAKE TYPE PORT SIZE MATERIAL BODY / BALL SEAT PACKING LEAKAGE CLASS CONNECTION TYPE SIZE.: 7722/2012-13 REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE REF ANNEXURE * * PROCESS REF ANNEXURE amb 50 80 deg c GENERAL SERIAL NO. REFER NOTE :9 REFER NOTE: 3 2 NOS. * * 30% NOT REQUIRED YES. / MAX PRESSURE DROP . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.L Ltd. pressure REF. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitt ted SJ 15/12/12 REV. 150# RF * RACK AND PINION SINGLE REF. DP SHUT OFF VAPOUR PRESS. / OP.MIN. :7722-JDV-102 :7722-JHV-102 : 2 0f 3 :MPP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.083/1 This document is the property of Shroff & Associates (Engineers) Pvt. RATING AND FACING FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR TYPE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING AIR FAIL ACTION ACTUATOR MOUNTING PNEUMATIC CONNECTION HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR COLOUR ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE SAFETY FACTOR FOR SIZING POSITIONER MODEL NO. ANNX. QUANTITY MAKE MODEL NO. ANNEXURE ISO-5211 1/4" NPT ( F ) NOT REQUIRED MFG. SERVICE LINE NO. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. / CRITICAL PRESS COMPRE. REFER NOTE:7 NOT REQUIRED FJ . . REQUIRED. REFER NOTE:8 NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED REQD. / OP. STD.MIN. DATE REVISION PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .5 Times of max.DOC NO. ANNEXURE * 2 PIECE. SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE INLET PRESSURE . ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LUBRICATING VALVE SOLENOID VALVE LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY AIR FILTER REGULATOR QUICK EXHAUST VALVE VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT This document is the property oF JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt. COND. / OP. ANNEXURE PTFE PTFE CLASS VI FLANGED REF.MIN. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED THREE WAY VALVE DATA SHEET CAD NO. / MAX TEMP. FLOATING BALL FULL PORT REF. WT. JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . PERFORMANCE TEST. WHICH WILL BE DIPPED IN A STIRRED REACTOR. :7722-JHPH-101 SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. ACCEPTANCE TEST. :7722-JDPH-101 CAD NO. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSCETICIDE LIMITED NOTES:This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PH ANALYZER DATA SHEET DOC NO. 4 SENSOR SHALL BE IN A CASING PIPE OF SS 316 L MOC. SUITABLE CASING PIPE SHALL BE IN VENDOR SCOPE.032/0 ` 15/12/12 REV. FJ . HIGH IMPENDANCE MEASURING ELECTRODE SS 316 CASING PIPE 2000 mm CASING PIPE LENGTH VITON O-RING SS 316 OTHER WATTED PARTS 80 NB FLGD. IIA. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . / OP. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FJ . CONDITION RTD PT 100 REQUIRED TEMP. Organic mixture SERVICE R102 EQUIPMENT NO.5 PROCESS CONNECTION 5 MTR CABLE ACCESSORIES IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION REMOTE TRANSMITTER * MAKE * MODEL 2 WIRE MICROPROCESSOR BASED TYPE WALL MOUNTING MOUNTING 24 VDC POWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY 4-20 MA DC OUTPUT 600 OHMS PERMISSIBLE LOAD DIGITAL LCD LOCAL INDICATOR IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX 'd'.R102 SERIAL NO.105/2/0 REV. COMPENSATION 0. :7722-JHPH-101 SHEET : 2 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. / MAX atm (-)730 (-)760 mmhg TEMP.1% OF FULL SCALE ACCURACY CERTIFICATIONS TEST MATERIAL EX-PRROF DOC NO. HIL/ MPP/001 P & ID NO. ANSi B16.Ltd. / MAX amb 80 100 deg c DENSITY AT OP. / TAG NO. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL PHIC. TYPE OF EQPT. :7722-JDPH-101 CAD NO.IIB ELECTRICAL PROTECTION 1/2 NPT (F) CABLE ENTRY 0.MIN. / OP.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PH ANALYZER DATA SHEET KALYAN.95 VISCOSITY CONDUCTIVITY 0 TO 14 PH MEASUREMENT RANGE SENSOR * MAKE * MODEL 0 TO 14 PH RANGE CONFIGURABLE SET RANGE DIP TYPE ( VENDOR TO SPECIFY) CELL TYPE TOP MOUNTING SS 316 ELECTRODE HOLDER SEALED DOUBLE JUNCTION REF ELECTRODE GLASS.MIN.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt. ONE QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS Organic mixture FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . ASA 150. . ZONE-2. 1 * MAKE * MODEL NO. co . : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. NOTE:1) 2) ALL TRANSMITTER SHALL BE WITH TRADITIONAL FLANGE MOUNTING. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET DOC NO. ISSUED FOR ORDER 1 15/12/12 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS 0 DATE REVISION REV.P. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED NOTES 1 This document is the property of J. P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. ACCEPTANCE TEST.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. FILL FLUID SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE PROCESS TEMPRATURE. MUMBAI SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED Email-jpce@rediffmail. : 7722-JHP-132 SHEET : 1 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. PERFORMANCE TEST. -730 80 . SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF WITH SS304 CABLE GLAND 1/2'NPTF WITH SS304 CABLE GLAND 1/2'NPTF WITH SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL PT-R106 SERIAL NO.3 1 kg/cm2 TEMP.LP FLUSHING ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. PR-218-50-Y5 LINE/ EQPT NO.MIN. / MAX amb 40 60 deg c FLOW . .HP PROCESS . 1 * MAKE * MODEL NO. MINIMUM ACCURACY OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC SPAN AND ZERO INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE ZONE GAS GROUP TEMP.MIN.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA.VALVE MANIFOLD FIELD COMMUNICATOR DIE CAST AL.MIN.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . / MAX 0 0. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 316 REQUIRED REQUIRED ± 0. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted KALYAN. / OP.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET This document is the property of J.-1 to 3 kg/cm2 Configurable SS316 SS316 SS316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL.-760 100 mmhg deg c amb .-760 100 mmhg deg c .3 kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS316 FLANGE SS316 DIAPHRAGM SS316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION PROCESS . : 7722-JHP-132 SHEET : 2 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 3 PT-R102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 PT-R101 * * Vaccum HIL/ MPP/001 PRG-218-150-Y5 ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 2 * * Vaccum HIL/ MPP/001 PRG-228-200-Y5 ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION amb . CLASS CABLE ENTRY SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . / OP. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 316 REQUIRED REQUIRED ± 0. Solvent vapours SERVICE HIL/ MPP/001 P & ID NO.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .-730 80 . SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED DOC NO.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET 2. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 316 REQUIRED REQUIRED 1 0 REV. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. / TAG NO. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE 0. ONE QUANTITY GAUGE TYPE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED . / OP.P.-1 to 3 kg/cm2 Configurable SS316 SS316 SS316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. -1 to 3 kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS DIE CAST AL. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED .MIN.MIN.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PT-APND 101 * * Oragnic solvent vapours HIL/ MPP/001 V-249-40-I3 ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 5 amb 1 amb 4 amb kg/cm2 deg c 30 .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR LCD DISPLAY VENT / DRAIN SS 304 MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 2.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY .-760 mmhg TEMP.-730 .-730 80 .VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR DOC NO. ± 0. Vaccum SERVICE HIL/ MPP/001 P & ID NO. PRG-253-200-Y5-1H LINE/ EQPT NO. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE . IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED 1 0 REV. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO.MIN. 4 * MAKE * MODEL NO.2 % OF SPAN MINIMUM ACCURACY 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION FLAME-PROOF TYPE 2 ZONE IIA. .JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET KALYAN. IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA. ONE QUANTITY GAUGE TYPE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE .-1 to 4 kg/cm2 Configurable SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. / OP.LP NOT REQUIRED FLUSHING 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.-760 100 mmhg deg c 1 to 4 kg/cm2 Configurable SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. / TAG NO. 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .HP PROCESS . CLASS 1/2' NPT F CABLE ENTRY NOT REQUIRED SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0. / OP. / OP.P. ELECTRONIC HOUSING SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . : 7722-JHP-132 SHEET : 3 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 PT-APND 102/1 * * Oragnic solvent vapours HIL/ MPP/002 V-308-40-Y3 ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 This document is the property of J. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL PT-R103 SERIAL NO. SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0. / MAX . / MAX amb 80 100 deg c FLOW . / OP. . Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PRG_-350-200-Y3 ONE GAUGE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION 0 atm 90 2 150 kg/cm2 deg c 0 to 5 kg/cm2 Configurable SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST AL. ONE QUANTITY GAUGE TYPE MEASUREMENT& INDICATION APPLICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE .LP NOT REQUIRED FLUSHING 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ELECTRICAL PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. / TAG NO.-1 to 4 kg/cm2 SET RANGE Configurable SCALE RANGE MATERIAL SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS TEFLON/VITON WETTED 'O' RINGS DIE CAST AL. IIB T3 1/2' NPT F NOT REQUIRED LCD DISPLAY SS 304 REQUIRED REQUIRED 1 0 REV. / OP.2 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAME-PROOF 2 IIA.-730 .MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . Oragnic solvent vapours SERVICE P & ID NO. 7 * MAKE * MODEL NO.MIN.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR LCD DISPLAY VENT / DRAIN SS 304 MOUNTING BRACKET REQUIRED 2. IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP. ± 0. SS 316 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND ± 0. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED GENERAL PT-APND 102/2 SERIAL NO. 15/12/12 DATE ISSUED FOR ORDER ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .P. PRG-309-80-Y3 LINE/ EQPT NO. ELECTRONIC HOUSING SS 316 BOLTS AND NUTS CONNECTION 1/2'NPTF PROCESS .MIN. / MAX 30 80 100 deg c FLOW . / MAX . CLASS 1/2' NPT F CABLE ENTRY NOT REQUIRED SEAL UNIT SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . : 7722-JHP-132 SHEET : 4 OF 4 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 8 PT-R105 * * solvent vapours This document is the property of J. : 7722-JDP-132 CAD NO. / OP.JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET KALYAN.HP PROCESS .-760 mmhg TEMP.2 % OF SPAN MINIMUM ACCURACY 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION FLAME-PROOF TYPE 2 ZONE IIA.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR DOC NO. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM RANGE .MIN. (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL: ALL IN 3 COPIES. 3 ALL TUBE FITTINGS SHALL BE SWAGE LOCK OR EQUIVALENT. NOISE (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) CATALOGUE AND INSTRUCTION AND OPERATING MANUALS. 10 ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE PROXIMITY LIMIT SWITCHES TYPE HOUSED & TERMINATED IN ONE ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR ZONE2.083/0 15/12/12 REV. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. ACCEPTANCE TEST.2 TO 1 kg/cm2. DOCUMENTS CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. ENCLOSURE WILL HAVE TWO CABLE ENTRIES OF 1/2" NPT(F) WITH ONE PLUGED.NOT REQUIRED 2 ALL TUBING SHALL BE OF 1/4" OD SS 316 TUBE. 5 VENDOR TO CONFIRM SUITABILITY OF STANDARD BONNET FOR SPECIFIED TEMP. PERFORMANCE TEST. 9 PLUG. 11 SOLENOID VALVES SUITABLE FOR ZONE 2 GROUP IIA/B FJ . DOUBLE COMPRESSION TYPE.DOC NO. 7 DOCUMENTATION: VENDOR TO SUBMIT FOLLOWING AS MINIMUM. :7722-JDV-111 :7722-JHV-111 : 1 of 3 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED CONTROL VALVE .:7722/2012-13 This document is the property of JP Consulting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted GENERAL NOTES: 1 NR . FOR EACH CASE.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO. ONE SWITCH SHALL BE FOR OPEN POSITION AND ANOTHER FOR CLOSE POSITION. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. 4 INSTRUMENT SHALL BE SUITABLE TO MOUNT IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT & OUT DOOR APPLICATION. HYDRO TEST ETC. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . 8 VENDOR TO PROVIDE ELECTROPNEUMATIC POSITIONER WITH INPUT SIGNAL OF 4-20 mA AND OUTPUT OF 0. SEAT & TRIM PARTS SHALL BE HARDENED FOR STEAM SERVICE. 6 AIR FILTER REGULATOR SHALL BE SHAVO NORGEN MAKE WITH OUTPUT GAUGES AND 1/4" NPT (F) END CONNECTION. GR. ACTUATOR SIZE. (2 COPY + 1 ELECTRONIC) CALCULATION: VALVE Cv. IIA / IIB. 150 # RF STANDARD * CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . / OP. POSITIONER ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LUBRICATING VALVE SOLENOID VALVE LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY AIR FILTER REGULATOR QUICK EXHAUST VALVE VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY CERTIFICATE IBR CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT 1 CONTROL VALVE . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE.MIN. 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MFG. STD. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. :7722-JDV-111 :7722-JHV-111 : 2 of 3 PLANT-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. / CRITICAL PRES. / OP. / MAX PRESSURE DROP . FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY (CP) DP SHUT OFF VALVE SIZING DATA CALCULATED CV % OPENING NOISE LEVEL dBA . / MAX TEMP. .MIN. / MAX INLET PRESSURE . 10 2 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - FJ . VAPOUR PRESS. * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE. STD. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE. RATING AND FACING BONNET TYPE FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR MAKE MODEL TYPE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING AIR FAIL ACTION PNEUMATIC CONNECTION/ AIR SUPP HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR PAINTING ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE MAKE / MODEL NO.083/0 15/12/12 REV.AT 1 M SELECTED CV / FLOW AT 100% LIFT BODY SIZE / TRIM SIZE TRIM TYPE VALVE TYPE MATERIAL BODY / TRIM PACKING / BONNET SEAT INSERT/ BELLOW LEAKAGE CLASS / CHARACTERISTIC STELITING GUIDING TYPE CONNECTION TYPE SIZE. SERVICE P & ID NO. / OP. 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MFG. 10 2 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . COND. LINE NO.DOC NO. / MOL. 10 2 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MGF.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. / OP.:7722/2012-13 TCV -R 101 STEAM HIL/MPP/001 STEAM 25 NB * * STEAM 125 3 80 2 TCV-R 102 STEAM HIL/MPP/001 STEAM 50 NB * * STEAM 125 250 3 4 80 100 3 TCV-R103 STEAM HIL/MPP/001 STEAM 50 NB * * STEAM 125 250 3 4 80 100 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 25 0 amb 250 4 100 kg/hr kg/cm2 deg c 25 0 amb kg/hr kg/cm2 deg c 25 0 amb kg/hr kg/cm2 deg c * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - CONTOURED GLOBE CS SS 316 * * CONTOURED GLOBE * * CONTOURED GLOBE PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . LINE SIZE MAKE MODEL SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE FLOW RATE . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. WT.MIN.MIN. STD. COMPRE. / TAG NO. STD. :7722-JDV-111 :7722-JHV-111 : 3 of 3 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTROL VALVE .083/0 15/12/12 REV. / MAX 0 3 4 kg/cm2 PRESSURE DROP .MIN. / OP. STD. .5 amb 50 6 TCV-V 116 HIL/ MPP/003 25 NB * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted 0 0 amb kg/hr kg/cm2 deg c 25 0 amb 125 3 80 250 4 100 kg/hr kg/cm2 deg c * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - * * CONTOURED GLOBE * * CONTOURED GLOBE CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . 150 # RF STANDARD * * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MGF. 10 2 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - FJ . / TAG NO. 10 LIMIT SWITCH AND QUANTITY 2 REFER NOTE: 6 AIR FILTER REGULATOR NOT REQUIRED QUICK EXHAUST VALVE NR NR VOLUME TANK / BOOSTER RELAY MATERIAL CERTIFICATE NR IBR CERTIFICATE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. / MOL.3 0. SHEET KALYAN.MIN.AT 1 M * * * * * SELECTED CV / FLOW AT 100% LIFT * * BODY SIZE / TRIM SIZE CONTOURED TRIM TYPE VALVE GLOBE TYPE MATERIAL CS SS 316 BODY / TRIM PTFE PACKING / BONNET PTFE SEAT INSERT/ BELLOW CLASS VI EQUAL % LEAKAGE CLASS / CHARACTERISTIC NOT REQUIRED STELITING TOP GUIDED GUIDING TYPE FLANGED CONNECTION TYPE * . 10 2 REFER NOTE: 6 NOT REQUIRED NR NR MATERIAL NR - * * DIAPHRAGM SINGLE CLOSE 1/4" NPT(F) NR MGF. / OP. / MAX 25 125 250 kg/hr INLET PRESSURE . COMPRE. RATING AND FACING STANDARD BONNET TYPE * FACE TO FACE DIMENSION ACTUATOR * MAKE * MODEL DIAPHRAGM TYPE SINGLE SINGLE / DOUBLE ACTING CLOSE AIR FAIL ACTION 1/4" NPT(F) PNEUMATIC CONNECTION/ AIR SUPP NR MFG.C 101 Process HIL/MPP/002 STL-015-MS-25-IH 25NB * * Process 300 600 0. 150 # RF STANDARD * CS SS 316 PTFE PTFE CLASS VI EQUAL % NOT REQUIRED TOP GUIDED FLANGED * . HAND-WHEEL / ACTUATOR PAINTING * * ACTUATOR SIZE / SPRING RANGE * * MAKE / MODEL NO. / MAX TEMP. 150 # RF SIZE. COND.:7722/2012-13 5 FCV. 25NB LINE SIZE * MAKE * MODEL SERVICE CONDITIONS STEAM FLUID / STATE FLOW RATE . * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE. 4 TCV-R 105 Steam SERVICE HIL/MPP/002 P & ID NO.GLOBE DATA SHEET CAD NO. / CRITICAL PRES. / OP. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. * * * * REFER NOTE: 8 NOT REQUIRED FLP TYPE REQUIRED REFER NOTE. / MAX amb 80 100 deg c DENSITY AT OP.MIN. FACTOR / CP / CV RATIO VISCOSITY (CP) DP SHUT OFF VALVE SIZING DATA CALCULATED CV * * * % OPENING * * * NOISE LEVEL dBA . STD. REFER NOTE: 8 POSITIONER ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS NOT REQUIRED LUBRICATING VALVE FLP TYPE REQUIRED SOLENOID VALVE REFER NOTE. WT. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .0 0 0 DOC NO. ST-012-A5-25-IH LINE NO. / OP. VAPOUR PRESS.MIN. HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/003 TEMP. R106 R-101 PRG-218-150-Y5 R-102 PRG-228-200-Y5 R-103 PRG-253-200-Y5-1H APND 101 APND 102 PRG-309-80-Y5-1H R-104 R-105 PRG_-350-200-Y3 C 101 V-116 PID NO. Ltd.7722/2012-13 PRESSURE TAG NO. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. LINE / EQUIPMENT NO. NO. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TE-R106 2 TE-R101 3 TE-VP-R101 4 TE-R102 5 TE-VP-R102 6 TE-R103 7 TE-VP-R103 8 TE-APND 101 9 TE-APND 102/1 10 TE-APND 102/2 11 TE-R104 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ' U ' mm S/D C OP. MAX OP. o This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt.DOC NO. 1 CAD NO.062/2/0 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 . :7722-JDT-121 :7722-JHT-121 : 2 OF 2 :MPP TEMPERATURE ELEMENT DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. MAX 40 60 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D 125 150 200 D 80 100 200 D 80 100 200 D (-) 20 50 200 D 90 90 90 80 125 125 125 100 200 200 200 200 D D D D Therm ll REQUI RED process CAPILIARY REMARK connection REQUIRED S 1/2"NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" NPT NPT NPT NPT 2MTR 2 MTR 2 MTR 2 MTR 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 7 8 9 10 12 13 NA NA Y NA Y NA Y Y Y Y NA NA Y Y NA 2 MTR 2 MTR 14 15 16 17 TE-R105 TE-VP-R105 TE-C101 TE-V116 2MTR 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 FJ . CLASS THERMOWELL TYPE CONNECTION TYPE MATERIAL CONNECTION BAR DIAMETER BORE NOTES : 1 2 3 4 THERMOCOUPLE Pt-100 DIN 43760 CLASS A GROUNDED ANSI 96. IIB T3 DRILLED BAR STOCK FLANGED SS 316 25 NB. RTD WITH THERMOWELL TO BE SUPPLIED RTD SHALL BE CAPILLARY TYPE WITHOUT THERMOWELL FJ . :7722-JDT-121 :7722-JHT-121 : 1 OF 2 PLANT-II 1 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE ASSEMBLY HEAD This document is the property of JP Consulting (Engineers) Pvt. STD. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RTD 3 WIRE IEC 751 CLASS B UNGROUNDED CLASS 2 SS 304 MFG. ANSI 150# RF 30 mm 7 mm REFER SECOND SHEET FOR TAG NO. WISE DATA.INDICATED DUPLEX ELEMENT. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE ELEMENT DATA SHEET CAD NO. Ltd. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED .7722/2012-13 * REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED X X FOR HEAD MOUNTED TX. S . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.062/1/0 15/12/12 REV. 25 NB ASA WITH END CONNECTION OF 1/2" NPT (F).INDICATES SIMPLEX AND D .DOC NO. Ni PLATED CS SS 304 SINGLE REFER NOTES IP 66 Ex 'ia' ZONE 1 GR IIC T4 TAPERED SCREWED SS 304 X X X 4 WIRE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 X X TWO 25 26 27 28 29 30 ZONE 2 T5 PIPE FABRICATED WELDED CS X 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 THERMOWELL FLANGE SHALL BE OF 150#. 2 3 4 X 5 6 7 8 NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NIPPLE-UNION-NIPPLE ADJUSTABLE COMPRESSION NUT SENSOR ELEMENT RTD TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS THERMOCOUPLE TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS MATERIAL SHEATH MATERIAL SHEATH DIAMETER HEAD NIPPLE-UNION-NIPPLE ADJUSTABLE COMPRESSION NUT CONNECTION ELECTRICAL PROCESS PROTECTION INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE ZONE GAS GROUP TEMP.1 CLASS 1 SS 316 6 mm DIE CAST AL SS 304 SS 316 1/2" NPT (F) 1/2" NPT (M) IP 65 Ex 'd' ZONE 0 GR IIA. V-103A V-103B PRG-218-150-Y5 PR-282-50-Y5 PRG-228-200-Y5 PR-2100-50-Y5 PRG-309-80-Y5-1H SP 101 V-116 PID NO. :7722-JDT-122 CAD NO.: PRESSURE TEMP. 1 2 3 This document is the property of JP consulting (Engineers) Pvt. Ltd. TG-V103A TG-V103B TG-R101 TG-E102 TG-R102 TG-E104 TG-APND-102 TG-SP 101 TG-V116 LINE / EQUIPMENT NO. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted DOC NO. OP. MAX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 o TAG NO. :7722-JHT-122 SHEET PLANT : 2 OF 2 :MPP 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 CONTRACT NO.0 TEMPERATURE GAUGE DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/001 HIL/ MPP/002 HIL/ MPP/003 HIL/ MPP/003 MAX 'U' mm 1500 1500 150 150 150 150 150 1200 1800 THERMO REMARKS WELL NA NA Y Y Y Y Y NA NA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FJ . NO.062/2/0 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 . C OP. STD. X WITHOUT BEZEL NOT REQUIRED X X X X TOUGHENED GLASS BLACK PLASTIC PLASTIC POINTER STOPS X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 DIAL DIAL SIZE WINDOW POINTER CASE MATERIAL BEZEL MATERIAL BEZEL TYPE MICROMETER ADJUSTMENT ENCLOSURE PAINT BULB DIAMETER & EXTENSION DIA. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . THE EMERSION LENGTH OF TEMPERATURE GAUGE ' U' IS GIVEN IN SPECIFICATION. :7722-JDT-122 :7722-JHT-122 :1 0F 2 PLANT-II 1 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE MODEL NO.DOC NO. ACCURACY This document is the property of jp Consulting (Engineers) Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE GAUGE DATA SHEET CAD NO.062/1/0 15/12/12 REV. FILLED SYSTEM SAMA CLASS COMPENSATION FILL FLUID ADJUSTABLE UNION BULB MATERIAL BULB EXTENSION CAPILLARY TYPE CAPILLARY MATERIAL CAPILLARY LENGTH ARMOUR MATERIAL OVER RANGE PROTECTION BI-METAL STEM TYPE TEMPERATURE ELEMENT VIEW ANGLE STEM MATERIAL STEM DIAMETER THERMOWELL TYPE PROCESS CONNECTION MATERIAL NOTES : 1. 2 TEMPERATURE GAUGE WITH THERMOWELL 3. SS 304 SS 304 SCREWED EXTERNAL IP 55 EPOXY * CLASS IB CASE MERCURY 1/2" NPT (M) 316 SS RIGID SOLID ARMOURED SS316 5M 316 SS 130% ADJUSTABLE UNION COILED BI-METAL ALL ANGLE 304 SS TO SUIT THERMOWELL DRILLED BAR STOCK FLANGED 316 SS X X X X X FIXED 304 SS 8 MM TAPERED SCREWED 304 SS X X 6 MM PIPE FABRICATED WELDED CS X X X 304 SS X CLASS V FULL NITROGEN REQUIRED 304 SS ANGLE FLEXIBLE ARMOURED BENDABLE X INERT GAS NOT REQUIRED CLASS III X X X X ± 2% OF SPAN BLACK MARKING 150 MM SHATTERPROOF BLACK ALUMINUM CAST ALUMINUM ALUMINUM PUSH FIT INTERNAL IP 65 ENAMEL X X X MFG. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. STD. REMAINING GAUGES WILL BE WIHTOUT THERMOWELL FJ . * * ± 1% OF SPAN WHITE 100 MM ACRYLIC MFG. ACCEPTANCE TEST. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES:1 This document is the property of J P CONSULTING ENGG. PERFORMANCE TEST. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 REV. : 7722-JFE-104 : 1 OF 4 PLANT-II ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted DOC NO. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. 5 CP 19 20 21 * 22 23 40 NB SCH 40 24 SS 316 25 FLANGED 26 * 27 28 ISO 5167 29 SS 316 30 CONC.2H 41 IS 1367 CLASS 4.0 Kg/cm²g 14 amb 120 150 ˚C RT 40 60 ˚C RT 40 60 ˚C 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 50 NB SCH 40 25 NB SCH 40 25 NB SCH 40 24 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 25 FT-301 5 FT-R106 * * 6 FT-V-102 . .5 37 SS 316 38 39 CAF 40 A193 GR. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR. NO. EDGE 31 3. WT. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR.18 mm NA * * B16. P & ID NO. QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE MINIMUM FLOW NORMAL FLOW (m3/hr) MAXIMUM FLOW (m3/hr) PRESSURE .J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS. / TAG NO. / SP.18 mm 32 NA 33 * 34 * 35 36 B16. / OP.B7 / A194 C1. SCHEDULE AND ID PIPE MATERIAL CONNECTION RING MATERIAL ORIFICE PLATE CALCULATION STANDARD MATERIAL PLATE TYPE PLATE THICKNESS VENT / DRAIN HOLE BETA RATIO (d/D) ORIFICE BORE DIAMETER FLANGE ASSEMBLY STANDARD MATERIAL CARRIER RING GASKET NUTS & STUD BOLTS JACK SCREW PAIR ORIFICE TAPPING TYPE / RATING INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY MATERIAL TAPPING BLOCK THICKNESS METER RUN ASSEMBLY MATERIAL UP STREAM / DOWN STREAM END CONNECTION DOC NO.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR.5 0. SQ. P & ID NO.MIN. SERVICE LINE NO. / OP. GRAVITY VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO ALLOWABLE/PERMANENT DP CONNECTION PIPE SIZE. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA CERTIFICATION / OPTIONS MATERIAL IBR 0 REV. / MAX TEMP.5 13 0 1 2 Kg/cm²g 14 RT 40 60 DEG C 15 16 17 18 0.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.5 Kg/cm²g ˚C 0 RT 1 40 2 60 Kg/cm²g DEG C liquid 1 2 3 4 5 METHANOL 6 7 HIL/MPP/002 1 8 9 METHANOL liquid 10 11 0.C101/1 * * METHANOL HIL/MPP/002 1 liquid METHANOL 0.MIN.MIN. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS.B7 / A194 C1.6 42 FLANGE TAP.MIN.5 CP * 25 NB SS 316 FLANGED * SCH 40 * 40 NB SS 316 FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 CONC. QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE MINIMUM FLOW NORMAL FLOW (m3/hr) MAXIMUM FLOW (m3/hr) PRESSURE . 1/2" NPT (F) 43 WNRF / 150# 44 NOT APPLICABLE 45 46 47 NOT APPLICABLE 48 49 50 51 52 REQUIRED 53 NA 54 3 FT. MAKE MODEL NO. NO. / SP.7 12 1.18 mm NA * * B16.3 1. CONDITION VAPOUR PRESSURE MOL. / TAG NO.6 FLANGE TAP. SCHEDULE AND ID PIPE MATERIAL 4 DOC NO. : 7722-JDF-104 : 3 OF 4 PLANT-II ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.5 12 1000 1 5 13 0 3 4 Kg/cm²g 0. / MAX TEMP. : 7722-JDF-104 : 2 OF 4 PLANT-II ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. GRAVITY VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO ALLOWABLE/PERMANENT DP CONNECTION PIPE SIZE. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. EDGE 3.3 1. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA SCH 40 ISO 5167 SS 316 CONC. / OP. SQ.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.B7 / A194 C1. SQ.C101/2 * * 1 METHANOL 250 500 0 amb 1 amb 2 amb 0.5 CP 0. CONDITION VAPOUR PRESSURE MOL.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR. WT.: 7722/2012-13 1 2 * * 3 * * 4 STEAM 5 ORAGNIC CORROSIVE METHANOL STEAM HEADER 6 PR-201-25-A5 PR-220-25-Y5 HIL/ MPP/001 7 HIL/ MPP/001 1 1 1 8 9 STEAM ORAGNIC CORROSIVE LIQIUD METHANOL LIQIUD 10 11 600 0.0 0.6 FLANGE TAP. / OP. .0 0.7 1. EDGE 3. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. SERVICE LINE NO.: 7722/2012-13 FE-T102 * * METHANOL HIL/MPP/002 1 2 FT. MAKE MODEL NO.0 Kg/cm²g 0. 2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.0 RT RT 1. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA CERTIFICATION / OPTIONS MATERIAL IBR 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 0 REV. CONDITION VAPOUR PRESSURE MOL.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.6 FLANGE TAP. . QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE MINIMUM FLOW NORMAL FLOW (m3/hr) MAXIMUM FLOW (m3/hr) PRESSURE .5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR.CONNECTION RING MATERIAL ORIFICE PLATE CALCULATION STANDARD MATERIAL PLATE TYPE PLATE THICKNESS VENT / DRAIN HOLE BETA RATIO (d/D) ORIFICE BORE DIAMETER FLANGE ASSEMBLY STANDARD MATERIAL CARRIER RING GASKET NUTS & STUD BOLTS JACK SCREW PAIR ORIFICE TAPPING TYPE / RATING INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY MATERIAL TAPPING BLOCK THICKNESS METER RUN ASSEMBLY MATERIAL UP STREAM / DOWN STREAM END CONNECTION FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 * 3.18 mm NA * * B16.B7 / A194 C1.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS. NO.0 5. : 7722-JDF-104 : 4 OF 4 PLANT-II ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.MIN. / MAX TEMP. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 * 3.18 mm NA * * B16.6 FLANGE TAP.18 mm NA * * B16.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR. WT.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4. / OP.18 mm NA * * B16.6 FLANGE TAP. P & ID NO.B7 / A194 C1. GRAVITY VISCOSITY COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR SPECIFIC HEAT RATIO ALLOWABLE/PERMANENT DP CONNECTION PIPE SIZE.B7 / A194 C1. / MAX DENSITY AT OP. KALYAN MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR.00 1. / TAG NO. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA CERTIFICATION / OPTIONS MATERIAL IBR . MAKE MODEL NO. SERVICE LINE NO.2H IS 1367 CLASS 4.6 FLANGE TAP. / OP. SCHEDULE AND ID PIPE MATERIAL CONNECTION RING MATERIAL ORIFICE PLATE CALCULATION STANDARD MATERIAL PLATE TYPE PLATE THICKNESS VENT / DRAIN HOLE BETA RATIO (d/D) ORIFICE BORE DIAMETER FLANGE ASSEMBLY STANDARD MATERIAL CARRIER RING GASKET NUTS & STUD BOLTS JACK SCREW PAIR ORIFICE TAPPING TYPE / RATING INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY MATERIAL TAPPING BLOCK THICKNESS METER RUN ASSEMBLY MATERIAL UP STREAM / DOWN STREAM END CONNECTION DOC NO.5 SS 316 CAF A193 GR.B7 / A194 C1.0 RT Kg/cm²g ˚C 25 NB SCH 40 SS 316 FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 * 3. / SP.MIN.: 7722/2012-13 FT-V-120 * * PROCESS WATER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 6 PR-002-A5-50 HIL/MPP/002 1 PROCESS WATER 10 20 3.00 LIQIUD 0. 1/2" NPT (F) WNRF / 150# NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE REQUIRED NA FLANGED * ISO 5167 SS 316 * 3. 0 REV. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . OP o DOC.TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. :7722-JHT-123 SHEET :1 OF 2 PLANT :MPP CONTRACT NO.Ltd. HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ HIL/ MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/003 TAG NO. :7722-JDT-123 CAD.: MAX RANGE oC SENSOR 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 DELETED 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 C 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 50 125 125 125 100 FJ .068/2/1 This document is the property of JP CONSULTING (Engineers) Pvt. NO. NO. TT-R106 TT-R101 TT-VP-R101 TT-R102 TT-VP-R102 TT-R103 TT-VP-R103 TT-APND 101 TT-APND 102/1 TT-APND 102/2 TT-R 104 TT-R105 TT-VP-R105 TT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PRESSURE P&ID NO. NO.C 101 TT-V116 SERVICE OP Kg/cm2 g 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 125 80 80 (-)20 90 90 90 80 MAX TEMP. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted . DIGITAL 0. STD STANDARD MFG. IIB DIE CAST AL. Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD.25% OF SPAN DOWNSCALE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IP 55 EX 'ia' IIC MFG.DOC. STD HEAD MOUNTED RAIL MOUNTED ANALOG NOT REQUIRED LINEAR NON INTERACTIVE NOT REQUIRED X CONFIGURABLE X X X X CONVENTIONAL UNIVERSAL 4 WIRE 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 MAKE MODEL NO. :7722-JDT-123 :7722-JHT-123 :1 OF 2 PLANT-II 1 JPCONSULTING ENGINERS KALYAN CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL This document is the property of jp cONSULTING ENGINEERS Pvt.1 CLASS 1 ± 0. TROPICAL EPOXY PAINTED FJ . TYPE SENSOR TYPE RTD TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS THERMOCOUPLE TYPE CALIBRATION ACCURACY CLASS TRANSMITTER ACCURACY BURN OUT SPAN / ZERO ADJUSTABLE RANGE POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE AT 24 VDC LOCAL DISPLAY RESOLUTION MOUNTING CABLE ENTRY INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION HOUSING MATERIAL CLIMATE PAINTING NOTES : * * SMART WITH HART THERMOCOUPLE PT 100 DIN 43760 CLASS A GROUNDED ANSI 96. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO.Ltd.1 °C 2" PIPE MOUNTED 1/2" NPT (F) IP 65 EX 'd' IIA.: 2 3 X SMART RTD X X 3 WIRE IEC 751 CLASS B UNGROUNDED CLASS 2 ± 0. NO.5% OF SPAN UPSCALE EXTERNAL REQUIRED 24 VDC.068/1/1 15/12/12 REV. 2WIRE 4-20mA HART 600 OHM MAX. NO. 3-Dec-08 DATE ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION MN PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .55 DEG CEL 95% RH 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY FOR CHANNEL NO & TEMP INDICATION 4 DIGIT FOR LED FOR DATA 2 DIGIT FOR LED FOR CHANNEL 2 DIGIT FOR LED FOR INDICATION OF ALARM STATUS 5 LED FOR MODE 1 LED FOR POWER ON 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISPLAY SCAN RATE SAMPLING SPEED ACCURACY POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION COMMUNICATION PORT MOUNTING SETTABLE 1 TO 99 SECONDS 450 Msec PER CHANNEL 0. POWDER COATED IP65 0 REV. : 7722-JDT-124 : 1 OF 1 PLANT-II 1 2 3 JPCONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TEMPERATURE SCANNER DATA SHEET SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO:. 3-WIRE 3 NO'S 0 . This document is the property of J. 50 Hz < 20 VA RS-485 MODBUS PROTOCOL PANEL MOUNTED SIZE . MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE MODEL NO. NO.7722 TYPE INPUT QUANTITY AMBIENT TEMPRATURE AMBIENT HUMIDITY INDICATION DISPLAY 12 CHANNEL RTD PT-100.1% OF SPAN 110 VAC/ 230 VAC.DOC.P.96(W) X192 (H) X250 (D) mm PANEL CUT OUT -92 (W) X188 (H) mm AREA CLASSIFICATION HOUSING ENCLOSURE NOTES : ZONE 2 . IIA & IIB M.S. PLANT CONTRACT :-7722-JDP-133 : 7722-JHP-133 :1 0F 2 PLANT-II NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PRESSURE SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. SHEET NO. CAD NO.7722/2012-13 PRESSURE SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV. PLANT CONTRACT :-7722-JDP-133 : 7722-JHP-133 :2 0F 2 PLANT-II NO.7722/2012-13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 230 VAC ½" NPT (F) ADJUSTABLE 11/4" NPT (M) FLANGED DPDT PTFE SS 316 DI CAST AL EX-PROOF IP 67 T4 IIC X SS 304 MATERIAL X EX-PRROF/CMRI X LINE NO Steam header Air header Nitrogen header P & ID NO. TYPE OF SWITCH CONTACT RATING END CONNECTION CABE ENTRY DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS CONNECTION OVER PRESSURE LIMIT CONTACT FORM MATERIAL WETTED PARTS CONNECTION HEAD ENCLOSURE INGRESS PROTECTION TEMPRATURE CLASS GAS GROUP PAINT FILL FLUID MEASUREMENT ELEMENT CERTIFICATES GENERAL TAG NO.0 bar 6.0bar 0-500 kg/Hr 4. STD. PS-301 PS-302 PS-303 PRESSURE SWITCH SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET * * MICRO SWITCH CONTACT 24 VDC 1 AMP ½" NPT (M) 1/2" NPT (F) FIXED 1/2" NPT (M) SCREWED 130 % OF SPAN SPDT SS 316 DI CAST AL DI CAST AL WEATHERPROOF IP 65 T3 IIA. Pressure Flow Range Op. CAD NO.0 bar 0-10 m3/hr SET POINT Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15/12/12 REV. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .IIB MFG. max 3.0 bar 4. GLYCERINE SS 316 TEST DOC NO.0 bar 0-120 m3/hr 4. SHEET NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED MAKE MODEL NO.0 Bar 6. LEVEL GAUGE . / LINE NO. PRESSURE Kg/cm²g OP MAX TEMP. GR. NO.MAGNETIC DATA SHEET CAD NO. MUMBAI CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED SR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P&ID NO. :7722-JDL-124 : 7722-JDH-124 : 1 OF 2 :MPP J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.DOC NO. °C OP MAX 1000 550 1000 550 550 550 550 1800 CCD mm GUIDE PIPE REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V-119 V-107 SV-101 V-111 V-113 V-114 V-104 V-116 . SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. HIL/MPP/001 HIL/MPP/001 HIL/MPP/001 HIL/MPP/001 HIL/MPP/002 HIL/MPP/002 HIL/MPP/003 HIL/MPP/003 TAG NO LG-V119 LG-V107 LG-SV101 LG-V111 LG-V 113 LG-V 114 LG-V104 LG-V116 EQUP.: 7722/2012-13 FLUID ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT ORAGNIC SOLVENT HOT WATER SP. CONTACT RATING ALARM TYPE INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE ZONE GAS GROUP TEMP. STD MAGNETIC TRANSMI. 5 A REQUIRED REQUIRED SIDE .SIDE LEVEL GAUGE . IIB T4 1/2" NPT (F) TROPICAL REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED 15/12/12 REV. :7722-JDL-124 : 7722-JDH-124 : 1 OF 2 PLANT-II 1 J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT:HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL MAKE MODEL NO. REED SWITCH STRAIGHT X X X LEAST COUNT 5mm SS X SS 316 PP LINED CS 304 SS X X PP PP 20 NB ASA 150# X X X SIDE-TOP MOUNTED 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SIDE MOUNTED INSIDE VESSEL BALL MFG. MOUNTING FLOAT LOCATION FLOAT CONSTRUCTION FLOAT DIMENSIONS INDICATING DEVICES CONNECTION PROCESS CONN. SHEET PLANT CONTRACT NO. DATE REVISION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED .: 7722/2012-13 * * 2 3 X TOP MOUNTED INSIDE CHAMBER CYLINDRICAL X X X TOP 50 NB ASA 150# 1/2" NPT PLUG 1/2" NPT PLUG X X X X X CS SS 316 LAMINATED MS NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED X X X X X CS CS CS MICRO SWITCH ONE SPDT 24 VDC. ORIENTATION PROCESS CONNECTION DRAIN CONNECTION VENT CONNECTION MATERIAL CHAMBER FLOAT GLASS FLANGE SCALE PROTECTING GUARD OPTION HEATING JACKET AUTO SHUT OFF VALVE CALIBRATION SCALE AUTO SHUT OFF VALVE TYPE END CONNECTION BODY MATERIAL TRIM MATERIAL BONNET MATERIAL LIMIT SWITCH TYPE QTY.5 P COASTAL NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED T6 ZONE 2 X X POTENTIAL FREE MAG. 2 A MAKE TO ALARM IP 55 INTRINSICALLY SAFE ZONE 1 II C T5 M20 X 1. 25 NB SORF 150# 15 NB ASA 150# 15 NB ASA 150# 316 SS 316 SS BOROSILICATE 316 SS SS 304 ALUMINIUM BLACK ENGRAVED SS OFFSET FLANGED 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS NOT REQUIRED INDUCTIVE BREAK TO ALARM IP 65 NOT REQUIRED EX-PROOF ZONE 0 IIA.DOC NO. CLASS CABLE ENTRY CLIMATIC PROTECTION CERTIFICATION IBR MATERIAL EX-PROOF NOTES : FORM 230 V.MAGNETIC SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET CAD NO. P. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . :7722-JDL-123 CAD NO. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES This document is the property of J. NR :. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted TUNNING FORK TYPE LEVEL SWITCH DATA SHEET DOC NO. :7722-JDL-123 SHEET : 1 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO :.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. ACCEPTANCE TEST. PERFORMANCE TEST. IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES.7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL.NOT REQUIRED 0 REV. . :7722-JDL-123 CAD NO. / OP.II A.IIB T3 IP-65 FLAMEPRROF NR REQUIRED NR 0 REV. 1 * MAKE * MODEL NO. ORIENTATION Flanged PROCESS CONNECTION TYPE 25 NB. 150# SORF SS 316 DIE-CAST ALUMINIUM SS 316 SS 316 ±1 % IP 65 ZONE 2 .MIN. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL LS APND 101/1 SERIAL NO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted LS APND 102/1 * * SLURRY 1 SLURRY 5 30 L Kg/cm²g ºc TOP Flanged 25 NB. / TAG NO. :7722-JDL-123 SHEET : 2 OF 2 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO :. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . CLASS IP-65 CLIMATIC PROTECTION FLAMEPRROF ENCLOSURE OPTIONS CERTIFICATE NR IBR REQUIRED MATERIAL NR EX-PROOF / INTRINSICALLY SAF NOTES : DOC NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS TUNNING FORK TYPE LEVEL SWITCH DATA SHEET KALYAN. RATING AND FACING MATERIAL SS 316 PROBE TYPE DIE-CAST ALUMINIUM HOUSING SS 316 FLANGE SS 316 WETTED PARTS ±1 % ACCURACY IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION ZONE 2 . / MAX 5 Kg/cm²g TEMP.MIN.P. CONDITI SPECIFIC GRAVITY CONNECTION TOP PROCESS CONN. SLURRY SERVICE 1 QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS SLURRY FLUID / STATE L PRESSURE .II A.II B AREA CLASSIFICATION 1/2" NPT (F) 2 NOS CABLE ENTRY CONTROLLER UNIT FIELD (INTERNAL) MOUNTING 24 V DC SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUTPUT CONTACT TYPE SPDT CONTACT FORM EX-PROOF PROTECTION EX 'd' TYPE ZONE 2 ZONE II A.IIB GAS GROUP T3 TEMP.II B 1/2" NPT (F) 2 NOS FIELD (INTERNAL) 24 V DC CONTACT SPDT EX 'd' ZONE 2 II A. 150# SORF SIZE. / MAX 30 ºc FLUID DENSITY AT OP. / OP.7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 This document is the property of J. 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SJ REV. DATE REVISION PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . :7722-JDL-121 : 7722-JDH-121 :1 OF 5 J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CAD NO.DOC NO.:. SHEET PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE vertical. Without agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) 1200 mm C-C Distance 1000 mm * CCD (mmWC) SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 * 5 Solvent HIL/ MPP/001 6 V-110 7 8 ONE 9 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE 10 Solvent 11 (-)730 (-)760 mmhg 12 13 amb deg c 14 15 1. LT-V102 1 * MAKE MODEL NO. SS316 59 REQUIRED 60 3 LT-V110 * 2 LT-V101 * * Solvent HIL/ MPP/001 V-101 ONE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Organic mixture atm atm atm amb amb 50 NA NA NA 1. / MAX atm atm atm TEMP. / OP.MIN. :7722-JDL-121 : 7722-JDH-121 CAD NO.MIN. / MAX amb amb amb deg c FLOW . V-102 LINE/ EQPT NO. conical bottom.:. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS .MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . ENC. SHEET :2 OF 5 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. / OP. HART OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. DATE REVISION PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . SS316 3 . QUANTITY ONE TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE Organic mixture PRESSURE .LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.2 16 17 18 19 20 SS 316 21 SS 316 22 SS 316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 DIE CAST EPOXY 25 SS 316 26 27 1/2'NPTF 28 1/2'NPTF 29 NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 30 31 32 0. / TAG NO. .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA DC .VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR DOC NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SERIAL NO. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0. HART 33 10-30VDC 34 600 OHM 35 NON-INTERACTIVE 36 IP 65 37 38 39 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 40 IIA. flat top WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. / OP. flat top Without agitator 800 mm 600 mm * NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA DC .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA DC .IIB 41 42 T3 43 1/2' NPT F 44 45 Vertical both end dished 46 Without agitator 47 1800 mm 1600 mm * 48 49 NOT REQUIRED 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 DIGITAL LCD 57 SS 316 58 2" PIPE .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE . SS316 REQUIRED SJ REV.MIN. * SERVICE Solvent HIL/ MPP/001 P & ID NO.2 deg c SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0. conical bottom.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F vertical.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS . HART 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. ENC.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA.2 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-10000 LTR MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS .MIN. QUANTITY 1 TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE Organic mixture PRESSURE . SS316 59 REQUIRED 60 6 LT-V112A * 5 LT-V109 * * EFFULENT WATER HIL/ MPP/001 V-109 1 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Organic mixture atm atm atm amb amb 50 NA NA NA 1. HIL/ MPP/001 V-108 LINE/ EQPT NO.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR DOC NO.2 deg c 0-15000 LTR SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.:. Without agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) 2000 mm C-C Distance 1800 mm * CCD (mmWC) SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. / MAX atm atm atm TEMP.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL LT. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. / MAX NA NA NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1. / OP.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. SHEET :3 OF 5 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO.7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 * 5 Solvent HIL/ MPP/002 6 V-112A 7 1 8 9 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE 10 Solvent 11 (-)730 (-)760 mmhg 12 13 14 15 1. / OP. SS316 REQUIRED 15/12/12 REV.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY . 4 * MAKE MODEL NO. SS316 3 .MIN.2 16 17 18 0-10000 LTR 19 20 SS 316 21 SS 316 22 SS 316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 DIE CAST EPOXY 25 SS 316 26 27 1/2'NPTF 28 1/2'NPTF 29 NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 30 31 32 0.V108 SERIAL NO.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F vertical both end dished Without agitator 2000 mm 1800 mm * NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE . CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE vertical both end dished WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. / OP. * SERVICE Solvent P & ID NO.IIB 41 42 T3 43 1/2' NPT F 44 45 vertical both end dished 46 Without agitator 47 2000 mm 1800 mm * 48 49 NOT REQUIRED 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 DIGITAL LCD 57 SS 316 58 2" PIPE . . :7722-JDL-121 : 7722-JDH-121 CAD NO.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE . / TAG NO.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS .MIN. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 33 10-30VDC 34 600 OHM 35 NON-INTERACTIVE 36 IP 65 37 38 39 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 40 IIA. / MAX amb amb amb deg c FLOW . 075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 33 10-30VDC 34 600 OHM 35 NON-INTERACTIVE 36 IP 65 37 38 39 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 40 IIA. SERVICE Solvent HIL/ MPP/002 P & ID NO.LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0.IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. / OP.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA. ENC. 1 QUANTITY TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS Solvent FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .MIN.MIN. V-112A LINE/ EQPT NO. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1. .IIB 41 42 T3 43 1/2' NPT F 44 vertical both end dished 45 Without agitator 46 2000 mm 47 1600 mm * 48 49 NOT REQUIRED 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 DIGITAL LCD 57 SS 316 58 2" PIPE . / MAX (-)730 (-)760 mmhg TEMP. / MAX FLOW . SHEET :4 OF 5 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. Without agitator TANK HEIGHT (mm) 1500 mm C-C Distance 1300 mm * CCD (mmWC) SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY .VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR NR DOC NO. SS316 3 .:. CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE vertical both end dished WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. / OP. SS316 REQUIRED NR 15/12/12 REV. / OP.MIN.HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS .7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 Solvent 6 HIL/ MPP/001 7 V-106 1 8 9 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE 10 Solvent 11 12 atm atm atm 13 amb amb amb deg c 14 NA NA NA 15 1.IIB T3 1/2' NPT F vertical both end dished Without agitator 2000 mm 1600 mm * NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE .J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL LT-V112B SERIAL NO. :7722-JDL-121 : 7722-JDH-121 CAD NO. SS316 59 REQUIRED 60 NR 9 8 LT-V105 LT-V106 Solvent HIL/ MPP/001 V-105 1 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Solvent atm amb NA atm amb NA 1 atm amb NA deg c 0-6000 LTR SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY .TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE .2 16 17 18 0-6000 LTR 19 20 SS 316 21 SS 316 22 SS 316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 DIE CAST EPOXY 25 SS 316 26 27 1/2'NPTF 28 1/2'NPTF 29 NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 30 31 32 0.2 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE 0-5000 LTR MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. / TAG NO. 7 MAKE MODEL NO. TANK HEIGHT (mm) C-C Distance * CCD (mmWC) SEAL UNIT NOT REQUIRED SEAL TYPE CAPILLARY . SERVICE Water HIL/ MPP/002 P & ID NO.7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 Solvent 6 V -119 7 1 8 9 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE 10 Solvent 11 atm atm atm kg/cm2 12 amb amb amb deg c 13 14 1. V-120 LINE/ EQPT NO. / OP.LP 1/2'NPTF FLUSHING NOT REQUIRED ELECTRICAL 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND PHYSICAL / FUNCTIONAL SPEC.075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 10-30VDC 600 OHM NON-INTERACTIVE IP 65 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 IIA.IIB 41 42 T3 43 1/2' NPT F 44 vertical both end dished 45 Without agitator 46 1500 mm 1500 mm 47 1000 mm * 48 49 NOT REQUIRED 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 DIGITAL LCD 57 SS 316 58 2" PIPE .2 15 16 17 18 19 20 SS 316 21 SS 316 22 SS 316 23 TEFLON/VITON 24 DIE CAST EPOXY 25 SS 316 26 27 1/2'NPTF 28 1/2'NPTF 29 NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 30 31 32 0. / MAX atm atm atm kg/cm2 TEMP.VALVE MANIFOLD REQUIRED FIELD COMMUNICATOR DOC NO. / OP.TYPE FILL FLUID FLUSHING RING ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR DIGITAL LCD VENT / DRAIN SS 316 MOUNTING BRACKET 2" PIPE .:.MIN.2 atm amb kg/cm2 deg c SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2'NPTF 1/2'NPTF NOT REQUIRED 1/2'NPTF SS304 CABLE GLAND 0.MIN. 10 MAKE MODEL NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS DP TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL LT-V120 SERIAL NO. / OP. CLASS T3 CABLE ENTRY 1/2' NPT F TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. MINIMUM ACCURACY 0. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1 MAXIMUM RANGE SET RANGE SCALE RANGE MATERIAL FLANGE SS 316 DIAPHRAGM SS 316 WETTED PARTS SS 316 WETTED 'O' RINGS TEFLON/VITON ELECTRONIC HOUSING DIE CAST EPOXY BOLTS AND NUTS SS 316 CONNECTION PROCESS .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA 33 10-30VDC 34 600 OHM 35 NON-INTERACTIVE 36 IP 65 37 38 39 FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 40 IIA. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . :7722-JDL-121 : 7722-JDH-121 CAD NO. SS316 3 . / MAX amb amb amb deg c FLOW .IIB GAS GROUP TEMP. 1 QUANTITY TYPE DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE SERVICE CONDITIONS Water FLUID / STATE PRESSURE .IIB T3 1/2' NPT F vertical both end dished Without agitator 2200 mm 2200 mm 1800 mm * NOT REQUIRED DIGITAL LCD SS 316 2" PIPE . SS316 REQUIRED 15/12/12 REV. SS316 59 REQUIRED 60 11 LT-V119 11 LT-V115 Methanol liquid V -115 1 DIFFFERNTILAL PRESSURE Methanol atm atm amb amb 1.MIN. SHEET :5 OF 5 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO.MATERIAL/LENGTH CAPILLARY .HP 1/2'NPTF PROCESS .075 % OF SPAN 4-20 MA OUTPUT 10-30VDC POWER SUPPLY 600 OHM MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC NON-INTERACTIVE SPAN AND ZERO IP 65 INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TYPE FLAMEPROOF ZONE 2 ZONE IIA. / TAG NO. ENC. . :7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET 15/12/12 REV. : 7722-JDH-122 SHEET : 1 of 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JDL-122 CAD NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HNDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . flat top Without agitator 1500 mm 1300 mm TOP 80 NB FLANGED FLANGED ULTRASONIC Horn SS 316 * PVDF Time of flight * INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0.5% Configurable Loop powered . LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T3 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM * * 15/12/12 REV. I.5% Configurable Loop powered . LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T3 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM * * vertical.MIN. : 7722-JDL-122 CAD NO. FOAMING / TYPE TANK DETAILS TANK SHAPE WITH AGITATOR / TANK DRG. QUANTITY SERVICE CONDITIONS FLUID / STATE PRESSURE . LCD DIGITAL LCD VOLUME MEASUREMENT IP 65 FLAMEPROOF T3 1/2" NPT (F) DIE CAST ALUMINUM * * vertical. / OP.MIN. / MAX SPECIFIC GRAVITY FLUID DENSITY @ OP.2 deg c atm amb atm amb vertical. ENC.24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED. ORIENTATION PROCESS CONNECTION PROCESS CONNECTION TYPE SENSOR TYPE ANTENNA SHAPE ANTENNA LINING FLANGE MATERIAL FLANGE FACING & FINISH SENSOR MATERIAL PRINCIPAL OF OPERATION RANGE MIN CLEARANCE REQUIRED TRANSMITTER TYPE OUTPUT ACCURACY MAX.5% Configurable Loop powered . SET RANGE POWER SUPPLY LOAD RESISTANCE FREQUENCY USED LOCAL INDICATION MEASUREMENT INDICATION INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PRROF PROTECTION TEMP. flat top Without agitator 1300 mm 1500 mm TOP 80 NB FLANGED FLANGED ULTRASONIC Horn SS 316 * PVDF Time of flight * * INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0. (mm) TANK HEIGHT (mm) CONNECTION PROCESS CONN. / OP. COND.2 deg c 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 LT.2 deg c atm amb atm amb atm amb 1.24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED. / TAG NO. conical bottom. : 7722-JDH-122 SHEET : 2 of 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. / MAX.24 VDC 600 OHM REQUIRED.:7722/2012-13 LT-V 103A 3 LT-V 103B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 atm amb 1.SP101 2 Methanol liquid SP-101 1 Oragnic Solvent V-103 A 1 Solvent Solvent V-103 B 1 Solvent atm amb atm amb atm amb 1. EQUIPMENT NO. . CLASS CABLE ENTRY HOUSING MATERIAL HOUSING PAINT CLIMATIC PROTECTION CERTIFICATION IBR MATERIAL CALIBRATION EX-PROOF * ( VENDOR TO SPECIFY) ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. 1 SERVICE P& ID NO.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTANI INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL SR. TEMP. NO. conical bottom.both end dished Without agitator 1500 mm 1450 mm TOP 80 NB FLANGED FLANGED ULTRASONIC Horn SS 316 * PVDF Time of flight * INTEGRAL 4-20 mA ± 0.D. . NOT REQUIRED NR :- 0 REV. 7722/2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 1 CERTIFICATES: MATERIAL. PERFORMANCE TEST.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN.DP TYPE SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET DOC NO. ACCEPTANCE TEST. 7722-JDF-101 CAD NO. 15/12/12 DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . IBR CERTIFICATE (WHERE EVER APPLICABLE) (2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY) 2 CTALOGUE / MANUALS: 2 HARD COPIES + 1 SOFT COPY 3 DRAWING / DOCUMENT APPROVAL: 3 HARD COPIES. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED NOTES 1 FLOW METER . : 7722-JHF-104 SHEET : 1 OF 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. : 7722-JHF-104 SHEET : 3 OF 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO. 7722/2012-13 FT-V-120 PROCESS WATER HIL/ MPP/002 PR-002-A5-50 50 NB SCH 40 ONE FLOW TRANSMITTER MEASUREMENT& INDICATION PROCESS WATER Liquid 0 10 20 m3/hr 0.5 CP 0-1200 0 -3.5 40 60 0. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED 0 0. / OP.0m3/hr RANGE TRANSMITTER MAKE MODEL NO.9 0.9 0.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2.0 m3/hr Liquid m3/hr kg/cm2 DEG C 5 0 0. 4 ORAGNIC CORROSIVE LIQUID SERVICE HIL/ MPP/001 P & ID NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FT.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600Ώ IP65 ZONE-2. IIA. IIA.3 1.785 SP.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2.0 40 60 0. PR-220-25-Y5 LINE/ EQPT NO. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS FLOW METER .0 RT 15/12/12 REV.0 m3/hr PRESSURE .8 0-2500 0 -8.3 0. / OP.VALVE MANIFOLD OF SS 316 CERTIFICATES MATERIAL CALIBRATION EX-PRROF IBR * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0. 25 NB LINE SIZE / SCHEDULE SCH 40 QUANTITY ONE TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS Methanol FLUID / STATE Liquid FLOW . FLANGE DIAPHRAGM WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING BOLTS AND NUTS PROCESS CONNECTION.5 kg/cm2 40 60 DEG C 0. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED - 15/12/12 REV.C101/1 CORROSIVE LIQUID HIL/ MPP/002 PR-360-40 -Y3 40 NB SCH 40 1 NO.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2. GRAVITY 0. LINE/ EQPT NO.0 0.0 5. CONDITION 0. MUMBAI FLOW METER .5 1. FLANGE DIAPHRAGM WETTED 'O' RINGS ELECTRONIC HOUSING BOLTS AND NUTS PROCESS CONNECTION. DATE REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED . CLASS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET 3 . CONDITION 0. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FT-V-102 METHANOL HIL/ MPP/001 PR-201-25-A5 25 NB SCH 40 ONE FLOW TRANSMITTER MEASUREMENT& INDICATION METHANOL 0. 25 NB LINE SIZE / SCHEDULE SCH 40 QUANTITY ONE TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER APPLICATION MEASUREMENT& INDICATION SERVICE CONDITIONS ORAGNIC CORROSIVE FLUID / STATE Liquid FLOW . / MAX 0.0m3/hr * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 268 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0.9 SP. / MAX RT 40 60 deg c 0.DP TYPE SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET KALYAN. IIA.0 kg/cm2 TEMP.0m3/hr * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 292 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED DOC NO. .MIN.0 0. / OP.0 RT 0 0.0 RT * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0. / MAX RT 40 60 DEG C DENSITY AT OP. .5 CP VISCOSITY 0-200 DP RANGE(mmWC) MAXIMUM RANGE RANGE TRANSMITTER MAKE MODEL NO.0 0.DP TYPE SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL FT-T102 SERIAL NO.3 1.MIN.9 DENSITY AT OP. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED - DOC NO. IIA. / OP. GRAVITY VISCOSITY 0-1000 DP RANGE(mmWC) MAXIMUM RANGE 0 -3. / MAX 0 0. / MAX 0. 7722-JDF-101 CAD NO. / TAG NO.HP SIDE PROCESS CONNECTION.MIN. 7722/2012-13 3 FT. / OP.MIN. 7722-JDF-101 CAD NO.C101/2 CORROSIVE LIQUID HIL/ MPP/002 PR-359-40 -Y3 SCH 40 40 NB 1 NO.5 5.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600 Ώ IP65 ZONE-2.9 0. IIA.3 0. IIA. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED GENERAL FT-R106 SERIAL NO. / TAG NO.LP SIDE CABLE ENTRY ACCURACY OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY ZERO/SPAN ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TEMP.HP SIDE PROCESS CONNECTION.MIN. IIB T3 DIGITAL LCD SS316 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED Liquid kg/hr kg/cm2 DEG C 2 FLOW TRANSMITTER MEASUREMENT& INDICATION Methanol Liquid 300 600 kg/hr 0. / OP.075% OF SPAN 4-20 mA HART 24 VDC REQUIRED 600Ώ IP65 ZONE-2.9 0.5 CP 0-400 0 -3.3 1.LP SIDE CABLE ENTRY ACCURACY OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY ZERO/SPAN ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM LOAD @ 24 VDC INGRESS PROTECTION EX-PROOF PROTECTION TEMP.0 kg/cm2 RT RT RT DEG C 1 0-8000 0 -20m3/hr * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0. 1 SERVICE Methanol HIL/ MPP/002 P & ID NO.0 3.VALVE MANIFOLD OF SS 316 CERTIFICATES MATERIAL CALIBRATION EX-PRROF IBR * * SS 316 SS 316 TEFLON/VITON DIE CAST EPOXY SS 316 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPT F 1/2" NPTF ±0.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS KALYAN. CLASS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS LOCAL INDICATOR VENT / DRAIN MOUNTING BRACKET 3 . / MAX 0 250 500 kg/hr PRESSURE . : 7722-JHF-104 SHEET : 2 OF 3 PLANT PLANT-II CONTRACT NO.MIN.0 kg/cm2 TEMP. FLOW TRANSMITTER MEASUREMENT& INDICATION Methanol 300 600 0. . . CAD. 15 Dec 2012 DATE ISSUED FOR APPROVAL / COMMENTS REVISION SJ PREPARED JP CHECKED APPROVED .GROUP IIA/B PNP 20 mm EMBEDDABLE 0-16. SHEET PLANT : 7722-JDL-126 :7722-JHL-126 : 1 0F 1 PLANT-II 1 CONTRACT NO:. RASAYANI GENERAL TAG NO. NO.1MICROAMP AT 25ºC ≤ 20 MA LED GREEN LED YELLOW -25 TO 80ºC -40 TO 80ºC V1-CONNECTOR PA-GF35 PA-GF35 IP69K SUITABLE FOR ZONE 2.7722 LS-APND 102/2 2 3 LS-APND 101/2 PNP 20 mm EMBEDDABLE 0-16. SWITCHING ELEMENT FUNCTION This document is the property of J. Conslting Engineers Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or duplication is not permitted PROXIMITY LIMIT SWITCH DATA SHEET DOC.5MA 0.1MICROAMP AT 25ºC ≤ 20 MA LED GREEN LED YELLOW -25 TO 80ºC -40 TO 80ºC V1-CONNECTOR PA-GF35 PA-GF35 IP69K 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RATED OPERATING DISTANCE INSTALLATION ASSURED OPERATING DISTANCE NOMINAL RATINGS OPERATING VOLTAGE SWITCHING FREQUENCY HYSTERSIS REVERSE POLARITY PROTECTION SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION VOLTAGE DROP DESIGN DATA OPERATING CURRENT OFF STATE CURRENT NO-LOAD SUPPLY CURRENT OPERATING VOLTAGE DISPLAY INDICATION OF SWITCHING STATE AMBIENT CONDITION AMBIENT TEMPRATURE STORAGE TEMPRATURE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION CONNECTION TYPE HOUSING MATERIAL SENSING FACE PROTECTION DEGREE ENCLOSURE NOTES : 0 REV. MAKE MODEL NO. NO.P.5MA 0.J P CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED .2 mm 10 TO 30 V 0-150 Hz 5% PROTECTED PULSING ≤ 2V 0-200 MA 0-0.2 mm 10 TO 30 V 0-150 Hz 5% PROTECTED PULSING ≤ 2V 0-200 MA 0-0. SPECIFICATION FOR CABLE TRAYS & AIR HEADER CABLE TRAYS Cable trays shall be perforated type. made of hot dip galvanized steel sheet of thickness 2 mm. INLET Valve 1" NPT(F) DISTRIBUTION Valve 10 NOS WITH 1/4" NPT(F). FOR DRAIN Valve 1/2" NPT(F) 1 NOS Isolation valve on instrument air service shall be packless gland type full bore ball valves. AIR HEADER Seamless galvanized. Of 1 1/2" NB X SCH 40 PIPE. carbon steel pipe used for instrument air distribution shall be as per IS 1239 class heavy. The trays shall have vertical edge of height not less than 25 mm on both the sides. inside & outside. 000-----------------000 . ltd 6. Ltd. M/s. Virgo Engineers Ltd. 4. Rank control M/S Valcode Engineers M/s Khrone Marshall . 5. M/s Endress Hauss CONTROL VALVES 1. Siemens india limited M/s. . Fluid Tech M/s.ANNEXURE-VII DOC NO : : : : 7722-JPCE-101 1 of 3 BUPRO & MPP 7722 VENDOR LIST FOR INSTRUMENTATION ITEMS SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED FLOW TRANSMITTER 1. 7. M/s. 4. 2. Dembla Valves Pvt. M/s. M/s. RK Controls M/s Fisher (Emerson) ON / OFF VALVES 1. Nirmal Industries M/s. 3. Draling Museco M/S. M/s. ABB Limited 4. Khrone Marshall pH TRANSMITTER 1. 2.(I) Pvt. 2. 5. 6. Ltd 3. 3. Yokogawa India Ltd. Fainger Leser Valves (P) Ltd. 2. Elomatic India Pvt. M/s.Tyco Valves & Control India Pvt. 3. Emerson Process Management. 3. M/S. M/s. 6. Micro pneumatic M/S Sidharth Engineers M/s Weir BDK M/s Avcon Controls M/s Delval Festo PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE 1. Emerson Process Management. Ltd. Forbes Marshall pvt. Samson Controls Pvt. M/s. Endress + Hauser M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. 8. 5. 4.(I) Pvt. 7. 4. Rotex India Ltd. Ltd M/s. M/s. M/S. ABB Limited M/s. Yokogawa India Ltd. M/s. 2. M/s. 5. Ltd. M/s. Ltd. 6. Chemtrol Engineering Ltd 5. Pyro Electric & Allied Instrument Pvt. M/s. H-Guru instruments M/s General Instrument Consortium M/s. M/s. Eureka Industrial Equipments Pvt. THERMOCOUPLE 1. R. Trusts M/s Manometer India (Guages Bourdan (I) Pvt Ltd) TEMPERATURE GAUGES 1. 7. 4. 5.RASAYANI DOC NO SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT : : : : 7722-JPCE-101 2 of 3 BUPRO & MPP 7722 RTD. M/s. 2. M/s.K. M/s. Ltd. M/s Engineering Specialities Pvt Ltd 6. 2. Dutt M/s. M/s Hydropneumatic . 5. Ltd. M/s waree instruments M/s. A. 4. 5. Revathi Electronics & Controls M/s Pune Techtrol M/s Khrone Marshall ORIFICE ASSEMBLY 1 M/s. 6. Exotherm Instruments Pvt. J P consulting engineers kalyan.N. Ltd. 3. 4. 2. 4. M/s. Ltd. M/s General Engineering 5. M/s Manometer India (Guages Bourdan (I) Pvt Ltd) LEVEL GAUGES ( MAGNETIC TYPE ) 1.ANNEXURE-VII VENDOR LIST FOR INSTRUMENTATION ITEMS CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED . 3. Tansa Equipments Pvt. M/s. Altop Industries Ltd. Ltd. M/s. M/s. Altop Industries Ltd. General Instruments Consortium M/s. 3. Pyro Electric & Allied Instrument Pvt. General Instruments Consortium 2. J P consulting engineers kalyan. 3. 6. M/s Radix M/s General Instrument Consortium M/s Ambetronix PRESSURE GAUGES 1. 4. 2. M/s. M/s. Schinder Electric. switzer Instrument M/S Dag Instruments Temp Scanner 1. 2. General Instruments Consortium M/s. M/s. M/s. 5. M/s Radix instruments M/s Masibus instruments PROFRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLLER 1. M/s. 2. ROCKWELL (Allen Bradley) M/s.ANNEXURE-VII VENDOR LIST FOR INSTRUMENTATION ITEMS CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED . Honeywell India limited. 3.RASAYANI DOC NO SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT : : : : 7722-JPCE-101 3 of 3 BUPRO & MPP 7722 Pressure / Flow switch 1. 3. 4. HP . 4. M/s ABB Ltd M/s Siemens COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 1. Danfoss M/s. DELL M/s. 2. 2. NO. Transmitter Temp. PLANT-I IO LIST P & ID NO. Transmitter Pressure transmitter flow Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter Weight transmitter Weight transmitter Temp. Transmitter 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Temp. EQUP. NO. DOC. Transmitter Temp. / LINE NO. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. Transmitter THREE WAY VALVE on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter PH analyzer Pressure transmitter Temp. Transmitter Control valve Level switch Limit switch Pressure transmitter Temp.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 LT-V105 LT-V106 LT-V102 XV-V102/1 XV-V102/2 LT-V013A LT-V108 XV-103/3 XV-V103A/1 XV-V103A/2 LT-V109 XV-V103B/1 XV-V103B/2 TT-R106 PT-R106 FT-R106 XV-R106 LT-V110 WT-T101A WT-T101B TT-R101 TCV-R101 PT-R101 TT-VP-R101 XV-E105 XV-V107 XV-V111 LT-V103B PHIC-R102 PT-R102 TT-VP-R102 TT-R102 TCV-R102 PT-R103 TT-VP-R103 TT-R103 TCV-R103 LS APND 101/1 LS APND 101/2 PT-APND 101 TT-APND 101 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 V-105 V-106 V-102 PR-205-25-Y3 PR-204-25-A5 V-108 PR-204-25-A5 PR-211-25-Y5 PR-215-50-Y5 V-109 PR-211-Y5-25 PR-216-50-Y5 R106 PR-220-25-Y5 PR-220-25-Y5 V-110 T-101A T-101B R-101 STEAM PRG-218-150-Y5 PRG-218-150-Y5 V-298-50-Y3 V-238-50-A5 V-264-50-A5 V-103B R-102 PRG-228-200-Y5 PRG-228-200-Y5 R-102 ST-289-50-A5-IH PRG-253-200-Y5-1H PRG-253-200-Y5-1H R-103 ST-276-50-A5-IH APND 101 APND 101 V-249-40-I3 APND 101 Level Transmitter Level Transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Temp. TAG NO. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Temp. C101/1 FT.C101/2 FCV-C 101 LT-V 115 XV-V 115/1 XV-V 115/2 LT-V120 XV-V120/1 XV-V120/2 XV-V120/3 XV-V120/3 LT.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 XV-APND 101/2 XV-APND 101/1 LT-V119 XV-APND 101/5 XV-APND 101/4 XV-APND 101/3 XV-V117 LT-V112A LT-V112B XV-V110 XV-APND 102/3 TT-APND 102/1 TT-APND 102/2 XV-APND 102/1 XV-APND102/4 XV-APND102/5 XV-APND 102/2 LS APND 102/1 LS APND 102/2 PT-APND 101/1 PT-APND 101/2 WT-T 102 TT-R104 XV-V 114 TT.V101 XV. P & ID NO.C 101 FT. NO. Transmitter flow Transmitter flow Transmitter Control valve Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. DOC. Transmitter on-off valve with f/b THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE on-off valve with f/b Level switch Limit switch Pressure transmitter Pressure transmitter Weight transmitter Temp. EQUP. Transmitter Control valve Temp. NO. Transmitter Temp. TAG NO. Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp.V101 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/003 MPP/003 HW-244-40-A5-IH PR-210-25-Y3 V-119 V-249-50-Y5 V-255-50-Y5 PR-243-80-Y5 PR-231-25 V-112A V-112B PR-210-25-Y5 PR-310-80-Y5 APND 102 PRG-309-80-Y5-1H PR-300-80-Y5 V-338-40-Y5 V-340-40-Y5 HW-311-40-A5-IH APND 102 APND 102 V-308-40-Y3 PRG-309-80-y3 T-102 R-104 V-330-50-A5 PRG_-350-200-Y3 PRG_-350-200-Y3 R 105 ST-345-40-A5-IH C 101 PR-360-40 -Y3 PR-359-40 -Y3 PR-359-40 -Y3 V 115 PR-363-25-Y3 PR-362-40-Y3 V-120 V-120 V-120 V-120 V-120 V 101 on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE THREE WAY VALVE on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b THREE WAY VALVE Temp.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR.VP R105 PT-R105 TT-R105 TCV-R 105 TT. / LINE NO. Transmitter Pressure transmitter Temp. P & ID NO.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 XV-SP 101 LT-SP 101 XV. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. EQUP. NO. Transmitter Control valve flow Transmitter PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH FLOW SWITCH FLOW SWITCH flow Transmitter flow Transmitter flow Transmitter SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/003 MPP/003 MPP/003 MPP/003 HIL/P & ID MPP/001 HIL/P & ID MPP/001 . / LINE NO.V104 TT-V116 TCV-V116 FT-301 PS-301 PS-302 PS-302 FS-301 FS-302 FT-T513 FT-V102 FT-V120 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-109 AUTO START/STOP M-P-109 RUN F/B M-P-109 TRIP F/B M-P-109 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-102 AUTO START/STOP M-P-102 RUN F/B M-P-102 TRIP F/B M-P-102 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-108A AUTO START/STOP M-P-108A RUN F/B M-P-108A TRIP F/B M-P-108A AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-108B AUTO START/STOP M-P-108B RUN F/B M-P-108B TRIP F/B M-P-108B AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-106 AUTO START/STOP M-P-106 RUN F/B M-P-106 TRIP F/B M-P-106 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-R-106 AUTO START/STOP M-R-106 HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 & ID MPP/003 HEADER Steam header Air Header Nitrogen header CW Header Brine Header SP 101 V-116 V-116 Steam Air Nitrogen Cooling Water Brine METHANOL on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. NO. DOC. TAG NO. Transmitter Temp. Transmitter Pressure transmitter PH analyzer on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Temp. / LINE NO. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. DOC.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 120 RUN F/B M-R-106 121 TRIP F/B M-R-106 122 RUN F/B M-R-101 123 TRIP F/B M-R-101 124 RUN F/B M-R-102 125 TRIP F/B M-R-102 126 RUN F/B M-VP-104 127 TRIP F/B M-VP-104 128 RUN F/B M-VP-103 129 TRIP F/B M-VP-103 130 RUN F/B M-VP-102 131 TRIP F/B M-VP-102 132 RUN F/B M-VP-101 133 TRIP F/B M-VP-101 134 RUN F/B M-R-103 135 TRIP F/B M-R-103 136 RUN F/B M-APND-101 137 TRIP F/B M-APND-101 138 RUN F/B M-APND-102 139 TRIP F/B M-APND-102 140 RUN F/B M-R-104 141 TRIP F/B M-R-104 142 RUN F/B M-R-105 143 TRIP F/B M-R-105 144 RUN F/B M-BL101 145 TRIP F/B M-BL-101 146 RUN F/B M-P-101 147 TRIP F/B M-P-101 B PLANT-II IO LIST 148 FT-T503 149 LT-T504 150 LT-T505 151 TT-R501A/1 152 TT-R501A/2 153 PT-R501A 154 PHIC-R501A 155 XV-R501A/1 156 XV-R501A/2 157 TT-T501A 158 PT-T501A 159 WT-T501A 160 WT-HB501A HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P HIL/P & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/003 MPP/003 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/001 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/002 MPP/003 MPP/003 MPP/003 MPP/003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK Flow Transmitter Level Transmitter Level Transmitter Temp.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. NO. NO. Transmitter Pressure transmitter Weight transmitter Weight transmitter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 . TAG NO. P & ID NO. EQUP. Transmitter Level Transmitter Level Transmitter 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Transmitter Temp. Transmitter Control valve on-off valve with f/b Temp. P & ID NO. Transmitter Temp. Transmitter Temp.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. Transmitter Pressure transmitter Level Transmitter Temp. Transmitter Temp. NO. Transmitter Pressure transmitter PH analyzer on-off valve with f/b on-off valve with f/b Weight transmitter Weight transmitter Temp. Transmitter Temp. EQUP. Transmitter Temp. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. NO. DOC. TAG NO.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 LT-T502 FT-T502 XV-T502 LT-T503 XV-T503 TT-R501B/1 TT-R501B/2 PT-R501B PHIC-R501B XV-R501B/2 XV-R501B/1 WT-HB501B WT-T507B TT-T501B PT-T501B LT T-516 TT T-516 TCV T-516 XV T-516 TT-R502A/1 TCV-R502A PT-R502A LT-T508A XV-T509A TT-R502A/2 TT-R502B/1 TCV-R502B PT-R502B LT-T508B XV-T509B TT-R502B/2 LT-T513 FT-T513 LT-T514 TT-C501 TT-C502 TT-C503 TT-C504 TT-C505 TT-C506 LT-T510A LT-T510B HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 HIL/161/3001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Level Transmitter Flow Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. Transmitter Temp. / LINE NO. Transmitter Level Transmitter flow Transmitter Level Transmitter Temp. Transmitter SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Transmitter flow Transmitter PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH FLOW SWITCH FLOW SWITCH Temp. Pressure Transmitter Temp. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. NO. P & ID NO. Pressure Transmitter DIFF. Transmitter Temp. EQUP. TAG NO. Pressure Transmitter DIFF.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 LT-T510C WT-HP501C DPT-S501 DPT-S502 DPT-MA532 TT-R503A/1 TCV-R503A PT-R503A LT-T511A XV-T512A TT-R503A/2 TCV-R503B PT-R503B LT-T511B XV-T512B TT-R503B/1 TT-R503B/2 FT-101 PS-001 PS-002 PS-003 FS-001 FS-002 TT-S501 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-001 AUTO START/STOP M-P-001 RUN F/B M-P-001 TRIP F/B M-P-001 RUN F/B M-BL-501A TRIP F/B M-BL-501A RUN F/B M-BL-501B TRIP F/B M-BL-501B RUN F/B M-P-510 TRIP F/B M-P-510 RUN F/B M-R-502A TRIP F/B M-R-502A RUN F/B M-R-502B TRIP F/B M-R-502B RUN F/B M-K-501A TRIP F/B M-K-501A RUN F/B M-K-501B HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 3 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HIL/161/3001 4 / HEADER Steam header Air Header Nitrogen header CW Header Brine Header HIL/161/3001 3 / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Level Transmitter Weight transmitter DIFF. / LINE NO. DOC.JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. NO. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. Transmitter Control valve Pressure transmitter Level Transmitter on-off valve with f/b Temp. JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. TAG NO.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 TRIP F/B M-K-501B AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR P-505 AUTO START/STOP M-P-505 RUN F/B M-P-505 TRIP F/B M-P-505 RUN F/B M-506 TRIP F/B M-506 RUN F/B M-532 TRIP F/B M-532 RUN F/B M-BL-501 TRIP F/B M-BL-501 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-R-501B AUTO START/STOP M-R-501B RUN F/B M-R-501B TRIP F/B M-R-501B AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-R-501A AUTO START/STOP M-R-501A RUN F/B M-R-501A TRIP F/B M-R-501A AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-502A AUTO START/STOP M-P-502A RUN F/B M-P-502A TRIP F/B M-P-502A AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-502B AUTO START/STOP M-P-502B RUN F/B M-P-502B TRIP F/B M-P-502B RUN F/B M-CF-501 TRIP F/B M-CF-501 RUN F/B M-CF-502 TRIP F/B M-CF-502 AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-002 AUTO START/STOP M-P-002 RUN F/B M-P-002 TRIP F/B M-P-002 TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . NO. DOC. EQUP. / LINE NO. NO. P & ID NO. JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT : JP CONSULTING ENGINEERS SR. P & ID NO. TAG NO. / LINE NO. DOC. : 7722-JDIO-101 PLC INPUT OUTPUT LIST PLANT SHEET CLIENT : PLANT-I & II : 1 0f 1 : HIL CONTRACT NO. NO. EQUP. NO.: 7722/2012-13 INSTRUMENT DI DO AI AO REMARKS AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-504A 279 280 AUTO START/STOP M-P-504A 281 RUN F/B M-P-504A 282 TRIP F/B M-P-504A AUTO/ MANUAL SELECTOR S/W FOR M-P-504B 283 284 AUTO START/STOP M-P-504B 285 RUN F/B M-P-504B 286 TRIP F/B M-P-504B 287 RUN F/B M-C-501 288 TRIP F/B M-C-501 289 RUN F/B M-C-502 290 TRIP F/B M-C-502 291 RUN F/B M-C-503 292 TRIP F/B M-C-503 293 RUN F/B M-C-504 294 TRIP F/B M-C-504 295 RUN F/B M-C-505 296 TRIP F/B M-C-505 297 RUN F/B M-C-506 298 TRIP F/B M-C-506 299 RUN F/B M-RV-501 300 TRIP F/B M-RV-501 301 RUN F/B M-RV-502 302 TRIP F/B M-R-502 303 RUN F/B M-R-503 304 TRIP F/B M-R-503 305 RUN F/B M-K-501C 306 TRIP F/B M-K-501C 307 RUN F/B M-K-501D 308 TRIP F/B M-K-501D SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK SELCTOR SWITCH AUTO START/STOP RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK RUN FEEDBACK TRIP FEEDBACK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL IO COUNTS FOR PLC 20 % spare 241 290 DI 69 82 DO 107 128 AI 11 14 AO . SUPPLY(2 PAGES) PART B.ANNEXURE-VIII DOC NO : : : : PLANT-1 7722 PRICE BID SHEET NO PROJECT CONTRACT CLIENT : M/s HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PART A.ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING( 2 PAGES) . Nos. Nos. IV AND AS PER THE VENDER LIST IN ANNEXURE-VII SR. Nos. 25 TEMP SCANNER 12 INPUTS 6 Nos.DOC NO. Nos. VAT/CST FREIGHT TOTAL (Rs) 24 PRESSURE GAUGE 10 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ITEM DESCRIPTION DP TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER LEVEL TRANSMITTER ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DP TYPE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE ELEMENT PT 100 PH ANALYZER CONTROL VALVE ( GLOBE TYPE) ON-OFF VALVE 25 NB ON-OFF VALVE 40 NB ON-OFF VALVE 50 NB ON-OFF VALVE 80 NB THREE WAY VALVE 40 NB THREE WAY VALVE 50 NB THREE VALVE VALVE 80 NB FLOW SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH LEVEL SWITCH LIMIT SWITCH MAGNETIC TYPE LEVEL GAUGE TEMPERATURE GAUGE QTY. : 7722-JTX-101 : 1 OF 2 : PLANT-I & II JP CONSULTING ENGINEER KALYAN. Nos. Nos. Nos.SUPPLY SUPPLY TENDER SHEET PLANT SUPPLY SHALL BE AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-III. 26 ORIFICE PLATE 11 Nos. Nos. TOTAL PRICE P & F RS. 9 2 6 23 16 3 37 37 3 11 15 4 8 1 2 3 2 4 6 2 2 8 11 UNIT Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. RS. Nos. . 27 SAFETY VALVES 7 Nos. NO. Nos. Nos. UNIT PRICE RS. Nos. Nos. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PART-A. Nos. ED RS. Nos. Nos. Mtrs. 10 15 8 UNIT Nos. Tube Fittings And Accessories 1/4" PVC Coated copper Tube 0. Nos.Ltd.DOC NO. 0. BRASS Tube Union . : 7722-JTX-101 JP CONSULTING ENGINEER KALYAN. Nos. Mtrs.1/2" O.5meter Length Tubing .065" THK . . IV AND AS PER THE VENDER LIST IN ANNEXURE-VII SR. 2" A Class MS Pipe . SS304 Condensate Pot .SS 316 25NB BLRF ANSI 150# With 1/2" NPT Female Socket Weld "U" type Syphon. Nos. Nos.. 1/4" OD . MTRS NOS. Unauthorized disclosure to any third par rty or duplication is not permitted JUNCTION BOXES & AIR HEADER a Junction box 48 Terminal b Junction box 36 Terminal c Air Header. 1/4"OD x 1/4"NPT Male CONNECTOR . 2 420 35 35 600 300 1000 1000 250 80 100 230 200 40 40 70 10 4 Nos. ITEM DESCRIPTION NO.CHAIRS ETC 1 SET TOTAL OF PAGE 1 & 2 . 80nb Sch 40 pipe x 300mm Long CS Pipe with 1/2" NPTF Socket 4 nos. BRASS Pipe Stanchion . QTY. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PART-A-SUPPLY SUPPLY TENDER SHEET PLANT : 2 OF 2 : PLANT-I & II SUPPLY SHALL BE AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-III. UNIT RATE TOTAL P&F ED VAT/CST FREIGHT TOTAL (Rs) 1 This document is the property of JP C Consulting (Engineers) Pvt. UPS SYSTEM CONSOLE DESK. PRINTER DESK. SS 316 1/2" OD X 1/2" NPT MALE CONNECTOR.D. Mtrs.1/2 " OD.10 Points Flameproof SS 304 double compression Cable Glands With Check Nut & PVC Hood a b c 3 1/2" NPT 1" NPT 1" ET GI PERFORATED CABLE TRAY 2mm THK. MTRS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS 4 a b c d e f g h i j k 5 CONTROL PANEL /PLC PANEL WITH ACCESSORIES(INCLUDING HMI WORK STAIONS.035" THK. TUBING Tube Union . NOS. SS 316 Tube end cap. Each 1. Nos. 1/2" OD .( erection) (50 W x 25 H ) mm (100 W x 25 H ) mm (300 W x 25 H ) mm Tube. Nos. Nos. NO. Nos. For this instrumentation scope includes cable laying and termination to PLC . : 7722-JTX-101 : 1 OF 2 : PLANT-I & II JP CONSULTING ENGINEER KALYAN. Nos. MUMBAI CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PART-B. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ITEM DESCRIPTION DP TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER MULTIVARIABLE TRANSMITTER LEVEL TRANSMITTER ULTRASONIC TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER DP TYPE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE ELEMENT PT 100 PH ANALYZER QTY. RATE/UNIT RS. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Scope includes cable laying & termination to PLC. Nos Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. III.DOC NO. Nos. 10 CONTROL VALVE ( GLOBE TYPE) 11 ON-OFF VALVE 50 NB 12 THREE WAY VALVE 50 NB 13 ON-OFF VALVE 25 NB ON OFF VALVE 40 NB 14 ON-OFF 15 THREE WAY VALVE 40 NB 16 ON-OFF VALVE 80 NB 17 3 WAY VALVE VALVE 80 NB 18 FLOW SWITCH 19 PRESSURE SWITCH 20 LEVEL SWITCH 21 LIMIT SWITCH 22 MAGNETIC TYPE LEVEL GAUGE 23 TEMPERATURE GAUGE 24 PRESSURE GAUGE 25 SAFETY VALVES 26 TEMP SCANNER 12 INPUTS LOAD CELL( erection not in scope. No. & IV SR. All the valves are erected by piping. Nos. Nos. Nos. TOTAL RS. Nos.ERECTION ERECTION & COMMISSIONING SHEET PLANT ERECTION SHALL BE AS PER THE SPECIFICATION GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-II. Scope is only 27 8 NO cable laying and termination) NOTE : Load Cell is already erected. 9 2 6 23 16 3 37 37 3 11 16 3 17 3 2 3 2 4 6 2 2 8 10 10 7 6 UNIT No. BRASS Pipe Stanchion . Mtrs.5MM2 g 1 Traid X 1 mm² ( from RTD & TRANSMITTER ) 100 2 a b c 3 a c d 4 a b c 3 a b c d e f g h i j k 6 GI PERFORATED CABLE TRAY 2mm THK. SS304 Condensate Pot . MUMBAI ERECTION & COMMISSIONING SHEET PLANT CLIENT: HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDE LIMITED PART-B. MTRS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS MT UNIT Mtrs.000 e 24C X 1.DOC NO. Mtrs.1/2 " OD.ERECTION ERECTION SHALL BE AS PER THE SPECIFICATION GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-II. Tube Fittings And Accessories 1/4" PVC Coated copper Tube 0. Nos. including fixing of anchor fastners where ever required) 420 35 35 1000 250 80 100 230 200 40 40 70 10 4 2 Nos. SS 316 1/2" OD X 1/2" NPT MALE CONNECTOR. 1/4"OD x 1/4"NPT Male CONNECTOR . MTRS NOS.0 mm2 b 12 P X 1.SS 316 25NB BLRF ANSI 150# With 1/2" NPT Female Socket Weld "U" type Syphon.1/2" O.CHAIRS ETC 1 SET TOTAL OF PAGE 1 & 2 Service TAX GRAND TOTAL NOTE: All Cables .000 c 2C X 1.5meter Length Tubing .800 a 1P X 1. cable tray & it's support.PRINTER PRINTER DESK. 7 CONTROL PANEL /PLC PANEL WITH ACCESSORIES(INCLUDING HMI WORK STAIONS. . Contactor Scopes includes cable laying & temination .Ltd.065" THK . Mtrs.000 d 4C X 1. 9 15 8 Nos.D. BRASS Tube Union . Nos. UPS SYSTEM CONSOLE DESK. SR. Mtrs. & IV ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. 1/2" OD . Each 1. 0.. 1 Instrument Armoured Cables( cabling) 1.000 1. Nos. . Nos Nos. : 7722-JTX-101 : 2 OF 2 : PLANT-I & II JP CONSULTING ENGINEER KALYAN. Nos.10 Points Flameproof Nickel Plated Brass double compression Cable Glands With 1/2" NPT 1" NPT 1" ET Tube. Mtrs. TUBING Tube Union .( erection) (50 W x 25 H ) mm (100 W x 25 H ) mm (300 W x 25 H ) mm JUNCTION BOXES & AIR HEADER( erection) Junction box 48 Terminal Junction box 36 Terminal Air Header. Mtrs. & structural will be supplied by HIL . Mtrs. UNIT RATE TOTAL This document is the property of JP Consulting g (Engineers) Pvt. NOS. SS 316 Tube end cap.035" THK. 2" A Class MS Pipe . Unauthorized disclosure to any third party or dupl lication is not permitted 600 300 1000 Mtrs.5MM2 1.0 mm² 1. III. 1/4" OD . 80nb Sch 40 pipe x 300mm Long CS Pipe with 1/2" NPTF STRUCTURAL STEEL( fabrication and erection.5MM2 1.
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