Contele de Saint Germain

March 27, 2018 | Author: baby_bluero5575 | Category: Theosophy, Spirituality, Occult, New Age Practices, Esoteric Schools Of Thought



Contele de Saint GermainDeceniul 4 sec XVIII in Franta apare un personaj misterios cunoscut mai tarziu sub numele de contele de Saint-Germain .Se spune ca era un barbat de talie medie dar voinic si ii placeau bijuteriile.Purta cu el o caseta plina cu valori inestimabile. Nu era un tip avar si oIerea celor din jur bijuterii din aur, diamante, perle rare care au trezit suspiciuni ca nu sunt adevarate. Specialistii le-au veriIicat si nu erau Ialse. Nimeni nu stia sursa averii lui si se banuia ca stie secretul Iabricarii aurului. Compunea si canta cu usurinta la multe instrumente,picta,iar chimia nu avea taine pentru el. Vorbea Ioarte bine engleza, germana, Iranceza, spaniola,latina, greaca,rusa, chineza,sanscrita, japoneza,si araba.Aparent ducea o existenta destul de Irivola.Iii placeau Iemeile Irumoase, tinere si bogate si spunea mai tot timpul anecdote. A Iost conIidentul lui LudovicXV care i-a darut un apartament. In 1746 a Iost arestat in Anglia sub acuzatia de spionaj pentru Franta. Inepand cu 1749 accepta rolul de agent secret si este trimis peste tot in Europa. In 1752 poate Ii intalnit la Bruxelles sub numele de Surmont. In 1762 se numea contele SoltikoI si se aIla in Petersburg unde purta uniIorma de general rus si tragea sIorile pentru inlaturarea tarului Petru al 3lea.Tarul a Iost inlaturat si sotia lui Caterina i-a urmat la tron. In 1771 Saint Germain este semnalat la Nuremberg. Se mai stie ca a avut un rol important in miscare Irancmasonica si dezvoltarea altor societati secrete. Cu putin timp inainte de disparitia sa a spus unor apropiati ca pleaca in Himalaia. Saint Germain se pare ca avea o varsta compusa din 3 ciIre si inca mai traieste. Nimeni nu i-a putut preciza originea si a Iost vazut in timp sub diIerite nume:Shaberoni,Aymar,etc. O ipoteza Iormulata la inceput de secol sugereaza ca Saint Germain ar Ii Iost unul din Iii lui Francisc II Racokzi, principe al Transilvaniei. Zarit in Venetia de muzicianul Rameau si de doamna Gergy, din inalta societate pariziana, acestia spun ca avea inIatisarea unui barbat aIlat intre 40 si 50 de ani. O inIatisare pe care si-o va pastra toata viata, oIicial decedand in 1784. Cu toate acestea, multi oameni sunt de parere ca el nu a trecut niciodata in eternitate. Pentru ei, acest personaj enigmatic a devenit cunoscut drept "Saint-Germain Nemuritorul". Originea lui Saint-Germain nu a Iost niciodata dezvaluita, nici macar de cei carora le incredintase secretul sau. Pe tot parcursul vietii, el a aratat ca un om intre doua virste, cu o constitutie Iizica solida si o inaltime medie. Era un excelent povestitor si avea abilitati impresionante. AstIel, putea sa creeze bijuterii superbe, avea cunostinte temeinice in domeniul muzicii si artei si prepara potiuni despre care sustinea ca erau elixirul tineretii. Nu a Iost nicicand vazut mancand sau band, insa se bucura de compania Iemeilor si se invartea in cercurile aristocratiei. Parea sa nu imbatraneasca niciodata. Perioada sa de celebritate este cuprinsa intre anii 1750 si 1760, pe care i-a petrecut la Paris. Se crede ca este posibil ca el sa mai hoinareasca pe pamant, asteptand momentul potrivit pentru a reaparea si a sIatui omenirea aIlata la ananghie. Totusi, pana atunci, personajul enigmatic cunoscut drept contele de Saint-Germain va ramîne un mister. Count of St. Germain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected Irom Count oI St Germain) Jump to: navigation, search Count oI St Germain by unknown artist The Count of St. Germain (Il. 17101784) has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist and amateur composer, but is best known as a recurring Iigure in the stories oI several strands oI occultism particularly those connected to Theosophy, where he is also reIerred to as the Master Rakoc:i or the Master R and credited with near god-like powers and longevity. Some sources write that his name is not Iamilial, but was invented by him as a French version oI the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother." |1||2||3| Contents |hide| O 1 LiIe O 2 Literature about St. Germain 4 2.1 Biographies 4 2.2 Occult biography 4 2.3 Book attributed to St. Germain 4 2.4 Books dictated by Saint Germain to Guy Ballard 4 2.5 Claimed encounters with Saint Germain 4 2.6 Esoteric activities 4 2.7 Previous incarnations O 3 St. Germain in popular culture O 4 Notes O 5 Further reading 4 5.1 Adherents' literature 4 5.2 Encyclopedic reIerence 4 5.3 Scholarly studies O 6 External links edit] Life The scarcity oI contemporary biographical detail about St. Germain (alongside his own apparent selI-mythologising) has supported the construction oI many versions oI his origins and ancestry, including that he was: O Francis Bacon, true heir to the Throne oI England, born to Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley. He was given to the Bacon Iamily who raised him and this secret was kept (Dr. Raymond Bernard, %e Great Secret St. Germain) O The son oI Francis II Rakoczi, the Prince oI Transylvania, by Rakoczi's Iirst wiIe |4| O The illegitimate son oI Maria Anna oI PIalz-Neuburg, the widow oI Charles II oI Spain O The son oI the king oI Portugal (presumably John V) In a letter oI 1745 Horace Walpole mentions a Count St. Germain as being arrested in London on suspicion oI espionage (this was during the Jacobite rebellion) but released without charge: The other day they seized an odd man, who goes by the name oI Count St. Germain. He has been here these two years, and will not tell who he is, or whence, but proIesses |two wonderIul things, the Iirst| that he does not go by his right name; |and the second that he never had any dealings with any woman - nay, nor with any succedaneum (tis was censored by Walpole´s editors until 1954)| He sings, plays on the violin wonderIully, composes, is mad, and not very sensible. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole; a somebody that married a great Iortune in Mexico, and ran away with her jewels to Constantinople; a priest, a Iiddler, a vast nobleman. The Prince oI Wales has had unsatiated curiosity about him, but in vain. However, nothing has been made out against him; he is released; and, what convinces me that he is not a gentleman, stays here, and talks oI his being taken up Ior a spy. |5| One Pierre-Renault de Saint-Germain was Governor oI Chengalaput, in India, in 1752, |6| and a Robert-François Quesnay de St-Germain was active in several secret societies. Stories oI the Count in India and at Masonic meetings can be traced to them. A mime and English comedian known as Milord Gower also impersonated St-Germain in Paris salons. His stories were wilder than the real Count's - he had advised Jesus, Ior example. Inevitably, hearsay oI his routine got conIused with the original. Giacomo Casanova describes in his memoirs several meetings with the "celebrated and learned impostor". OI his Iirst meeting, in Paris in 1757, he writes: The most enjoyable dinner I had was with Madame de Gergi, who came with the Iamous adventurer, known by the name oI the Count de St. Germain. This individual, instead oI eating, talked Irom the beginning oI the meal to the end, and I Iollowed his example in one respect as I did not eat, but listened to him with the greatest attention. It may saIely be said that as a conversationalist he was unequalled. St. Germain gave himselI out Ior a marvel and always aimed at exciting amazement, which he oIten succeeded in doing. He was scholar, linguist, musician, and chemist, good-looking, and a perIect ladies' man. For awhile he gave them paints and cosmetics; he Ilattered them, not that he would make them young again (which he modestly conIessed was beyond him) but that their beauty would be preserved by means oI a wash which, he said, cost him a lot oI money, but which he gave away Ireely. He had contrived to gain the Iavour oI Madame de Pompadour, who had spoken about him to the king, Ior whom he had made a laboratory, in which the monarch - a martyr to boredom - tried to Iind a little pleasure or distraction, at all events, by making dyes. The king had given him a suite oI rooms at Chambord, and a hundred thousand Irancs Ior the construction oI a laboratory, and according to St. Germain the dyes discovered by the king would have a materially beneIicial inIluence on the quality oI French Iabrics. This extraordinary man, intended by nature to be the king oI impostors and quacks, would say in an easy, assured manner that he was three hundred years old, that he knew the secret oI the Universal Medicine, that he possessed a mastery over nature, that he could melt diamonds, proIessing himselI capable oI Iorming, out oI ten or twelve small diamonds, one large one oI the Iinest water without any loss oI weight. All this, he said, was a mere triIle to him. Notwithstanding his boastings, his bare-Iaced lies, and his maniIold eccentricities, I cannot say I thought him oIIensive. In spite oI my knowledge oI what he was and in spite oI my own Ieelings, I thought him an astonishing man as he was always astonishing me. |7| Myths, legends and speculations about St. Germain began to be widespread in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and continue today. They include belieIs that he is immortal, the Wandering Jew, an alchemist with the "Elixir oI LiIe", a Rosicrucian, and that he prophesied the French Revolution. He is said to have met the Iorger Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London. Many details reveal themselves as improbable on deeper inspection. One story has the composer Rameau meeting the Count in Venice in 1710|1|, which proves Ialse on learning that Rameau had been living in Paris Ior at least 5 years|2|. edit] Literature about St. Germain edit] Biographies There are several "authoritative" biographers who usually do not agree with one another. Probably the two best-known biographies are Isabel Cooper-Oakley's %e Count of St. Germain (1912) and Jean Overton-Fuller's %e Comte de Saint-Germain. Last Scion of te House of Rakoc:y (1988). The Iormer is a compilation oI letters, diaries and private records written about the Count by members oI the French aristocracy who knew him in the 18th century. Dr. Raymond Bernard's book %e Great Secret St. Germain is biographical and covers many aspects oI the Counts' liIe including his conIlation with Sir Francis Bacon and the author oI the Shakespearean opus. Manly Palmer Hall in his %e Secret %eacings of All Ages, describes some oI the same attributes as Dr. Bernard, including the attribution oI the writings oI Shakespeare to a great adept like Francis Bacon, who could be amalgamated with the Count oI St. Germain. There have also been numerous French and German biographies, among them Der Wiedergànger. Das :eitlose Leben des Grafen von Saint-Germain by Peter Krassa, Le Comte de Saint-Germain by Marie-Raymonde Delorme and L´enigmatique Comte De Saint-Germain by Pierre Ceria and François Ethuin. edit] Occult biography A book titled %e Great Secret, Count St. Germain, by Dr. Raymond Bernard purports that St. Germain was actually Francis Bacon by birth, and later authored the complete Plays attributed to Shakespeare. He also contends, as does the Saint Germain Foundation in Chicago, IL., that Francis Bacon was the child oI Queen Elizabeth and Lord Dudley but that it was kept quiet. According to the theory, Francis was raised by the Bacon Iamily. Yet, throughout the Shakespearean canon, there are numerous hints that the author knows oI his true birth, as revealed in the explicit clues in the text oI the plays themselves, in pictures, as well as the cipher code that he employed. edit] Book attributed to St. Germain One book attributed to Saint Germain himselI is "The Most Holy Trinosophia oI the Comte de St. Germain." There are also two triangular books in the Manly Palmer Hall Collection oI Alchemical Manuscripts at the Getty Research Library which are attributed to Saint Germain.|3| There is an additional book at the Getty Research Library entitled "America Hereldica" attributed to the author "Saint-Germain, C. de.", although it was published in New York in 1886. |4| edit] Books dictated by Saint Germain to Guy Ballard Saint Germain is the central Iigure in the Saint Germain Series oI Books published by the Saint Germain Press. The Iirst two volumes, &nveiled Mysteries and %e Magic Presence, written by GodIre Ray King, describe Saint Germain as an Ascended Master, like Jesus, who is assisting humanity. GodIre Ray King is the pen-name Ior Guy Warren Ballard. In these Iirst two books, he discusses his personal experiences with Saint Germain and reveals many teachings that are in harmony with Theosophy and some other works reIerenced above. The third volume, %e ´I AM´ Discourses, contains material that is Ioundational to the sacred scriptures oI the I AM Activity. There are 20 Volumes in the Saint Germain Series oI Books, which are also reIerred to as the "Green Books." Another work oI great importance, the Comte de Gabalis, is said to be Irom the hand oI Sir Francis Bacon beIore he Ascended and returned as Sanctus Germanus, the "Holy Brother Herman," or Saint Germain. First printed in 1670, the book includes a picture oI the Polish Rider, a Iamous painting at the Frick Collection in New York City, which is said to be oI Sir Francis Bacon, a.k.a the Comte de Gabalis, or the Count oI the Cabala. Lotus Ray King (Edna Ballard's pen name), wiIe oI Guy Ballard, talked about this book having been authored by the Ascended Master Saint Germain in the Round Table Talks oI the I AM Activity. edit] Claimed encounters with Saint Germain Several Theosophists and practitioners oI alternate esoteric traditions have claimed to have met Saint Germain in the late 19th or early 20th centuries: O Annie Besant said that she met the Count in 1896. O C. W. Leadbeater claimed to have met him in Rome in 1926 and gave a physical description oI him as having brown eyes, olive colored skin, and a pointed beard; according to Leadbeater, "the splendour oI his Presence impels men to make obeisance". |8| Leadbeater said that Saint Germain showed him a robe that had been previously owned by a Roman Emperor and that Saint Germain told him that one oI his residences was a castle in Transylvania. According to Leadbeater, when perIorming magical rituals in his castle in Transylvania, Saint Germain wears "a suit oI golden chain-mail which once belonged to a Roman Emperor; over it is thrown a magniIicent cloak oI Tyrian purple, with on its clasp a seven-pointed star in diamond and amethyst, and sometimes he wears a glorious robe oI violet." |9| O Guy Ballard, Iounder oI the "I AM" Activity, claimed that he met Saint Germain on Mount Shasta in CaliIornia in August 1930, and that this initiated his "training" and experiences with other Ascended Masters in various parts oI the world. |10| O Edgar Cayce, the "Sleeping Prophet", was asked while in trance iI Saint Germain was present. Cayce's reply was: "When needed." (From reading # 254-83 on 2/14/1935.) O Dorothy Leon, living author, has claimed to have had several encounters with Saint Germain and is an avowed disciple oI his. Paul Foster Case, Iounder oI Builders oI the Adytum also claims to have met Saint Germain, who was known as "Master R", at a hotel in New York in 1921. edit] Esoteric activities Many groups honor Saint Germain as an Ascended Master. He is reIerred to in Theosophy as the Master Rakoc:y or the Master R.. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is reIerred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. |5| |11| As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people telepathically, among others. Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Master or Adept. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one oI her Masters oI Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draIt the United States Declaration oI Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design oI the Great Seal oI the United States. (See Manly Palmer Hall's Secret %eacings of All Ages.) |12| In New Age belieIs, Saint Germain is always associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). He is also regarded as the "Chohan oI the Seventh Ray" |13| According to Theosophy, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unIolding oI each 2,158 year long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the Age oI Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray oI Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch oI the Age oI Aquarius." According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God oI Freedom Ior the Earth." In Theosophist Alice A. Bailey's books, Saint Germain is reIerred to as the Master Rakoc:i or the Master R. |14| Alice A. Bailey's book %e Externalisation of te Hierarcy (a compilation oI earlier revelations published posthumously in 1957) gives the most inIormation about his reputed role as a spiritual Master. His title is said to be the Lord of Civili:ation and his task is the establishment oI the new civilization oI the Age oI Aquarius. |15| He is said to telepathically inIluence people who are seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization oI the Age oI Aquarius. Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime aIter AD 2025," the Master Jesus, the Master Rakoczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend Irom the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples. |16| edit] Previous incarnations Theosophy Category:Theosophy Founders of the T. S. Helena Blavatsky William Quan Judge Henry Steel Olcott Personalities Theosophists Alice Bailey · Annie Besant Abner Doubleday · GeoIIrey Hodson Archibald Keightley · C.W. Leadbeater AlIred Percy Sinnett · RudolI Steiner Katherine Tingley · Ernest Wood ysticism Theosophical mysticism Seven Rays Initiation Organisations Theosophical Society TS Adyar · TS Pasadena TS Point Loma-Covina TSA Hargrove · ULT Theosophical texts Isis &nveiled %e Key to %eosopy Maatma Letters %e Secret Doctrine %e Joice of te Silence More... Theosophical asters Sanat Kumara Maitreya Djwal Khul Morya Kuthumi Paul the Venetian Serapis Bey Master Hilarion Master Jesus Master Rakoczi Related topics Agni Yoga · Anthroposophy · Esotericism · Jiddu Krishnamurti Neo-Theosophy Liberal Catholic Church Ascended Master Teachings Benjamin Creme This box: view · talk · edit According to Theosophy and the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain was incarnated as: (see notes 1, 2, and 3 Ior sources): (Note: Not all Theosophical and Ascended Master Teaching groups accept all oI these incarnations as valid. St. Germain's incarnations as St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon are universally accepted.) O Ruler oI a Golden Age civilization in the area oI the Sahara Desert 70,000 years ago, originally a colony sent out Irom Atlantis. O High priest on Atlantis 13,000 years ago, serving in the Order oI Lord Zadkiel in the Temple oI PuriIication, located in the vicinity oI the modern-era island oI Cuba. O Samuel, eleventh century B.C. Religious leader in Israel who served as prophet, priest, and last oI the Hebrew judges. O Hesiod, Greek poet whose writings serve as a major source oI insight into Greek mythology and cosmology (circa 700 B.C.). O Plato, Philosopher who studied with students oI Pythagoras and scholars in Egypt. He established his own school oI philosophy at the Academy in Athens. (427 - 347 B.C.). O Saint Joseph, Iirst century A.D., Nazareth. Husband oI Mary and Guardian oI Jesus. O Saint Alban, late third or early Iourth century, town oI Verulamium, renamed St Albans, HertIordshire, England. First British martyr he had sheltered a Iugitive priest, became a devout convert, and was put to death Ior disguising himselI as the priest so that he could die in his place. O Proclus, c. 410 - 485 A.D. Athens. The last major Greek Neoplatonic philosopher. He headed the Platonic Academy and wrote extensively on philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and grammar. O Merlin, c. IiIth or sixth century, Britain. Magician and counselor at King Arthur's Camelot who inspired the establishment oI the Order oI the Knights oI the Round Table. O Roger Bacon, c. 12201292 A.D., England. Philosopher, educational reIormer, and experimental scientist. Forerunner oI modern science renowned Ior his exhaustive investigations into alchemy, optics, mathematics, and languages. Although C.W. Leadbeater claims that Roger Bacon was a past incarnation oI Saint Germain, other theosophical sources and Ascended Master Activities believe that Roger Bacon was a past incarnation oI the Ascended Master El Morya. O Organizer behind the scenes Ior the Secret Societies in Germany in the late Iourteen and early IiIteenth centuries. The creation oI a Iictional character named "Christian Rosenkreuz" was inspired by his eIIorts. O Christopher Columbus, 14511506 A.D. Believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy and settled in Portugal. Landed in America in 1492 during the Iirst oI Iour voyages to the New World sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella oI Spain O Francis Bacon, 15611626, England. Philosopher, statesman, essayist and literary master, author oI the Shakespearean plays (according to the Ascended Master Teachings), Iather oI inductive science, and herald oI the scientiIic revolution. edit] St. Germain in popular culture Anime O St. Germain appears as a villain in the anime series Le Chevalier D'Eon. O The main villain (Millennium Earl) Irom the series; "D.Gray-man" is assumed to be based on St. Germain. O A vampiric, eternally-living villain named Count Sangermaine Iigures heavily in the anime series Master oI Mosquiton. Comic Books O St. Germain(e) appears in the graphic novel %e Barn Owl´s Wondrous Capers written by Sarnath Banerjee. O St. Germain(e) appears in the graphic novel %e Sandman (written by Neil Gaiman) spin-oII¸%e Dead Boy Detectives, written by Ed Brubaker. St. Germain(e) here is the name/identity taken by Gilles de Rais. O St. Germain is the villain oI the limited comic book series Sang-Ci. Master of Kung Fu. Hellfire Apocalypse (20022003) by Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy, wherein St. Germain is revealed to be actually Fu Manchu in disguise. O Saint Germain appears in the BuIIyverse comics miniseries Spike vs. Dracula. O Count Saint-Germain appears in the Topps comic book series %e Frankenstein/Dracula War as a captain in Napoleon's army who plots to replenish his Iading immortality by blackmailing Frankenstein's Monster into removing Dracula's heart. Frankenstein's Monster eventually turns on Saint-Germain and kills him with the aid oI Dracula. Film O The 1976 French horror Iilm, Le Collectionneur des cerveaux, places the Comte de St. Germain in the role oI a brain-collecting mad scientist. Literature O St. Germain also appears in Michael Scott's Nicholas Flamel series, in the novel %e Magician. %e Secrets of te Immortal Nicolas Flamel as an immortal alchemyst and "this century", a rock star married to Joan oI Arc. O Alexandre Dumas' Iictional Count oI Monte Cristo may have been inspired by Le Comte St. Germain. The two share many characteristics, including attire, appearance, wealth, alchemical capabilities, and mysterious origin. One oI the characters even remarks to Monte Cristo, "|Y|ou still remain an enigma, do not Iear. My mother is only astonished that you remain so long unsolved. I believe, while the Countess G---- takes you Ior Lord Ruthven, my mother imagines you to be Cagliostro or the Count Saint-Germain." O Umberto Eco's satirical work involving conspiracy theories, Foucault´s Pendulum, Ieatures a putative St. Germain as the antagonist. O During a darts match in the novel "The BrentIord Triangle", ProIessor Slocombe, a recurring character in the BrentIord novels oI Robert Rankin, is implied to have been Saint-Germain. O Diana Gabaldon's novel Dragonfly in Amber Ieatures St. Germain as a French nobleman and wine merchant dealing in the darker side oI Parisian politics and high society in 1745. In her book, the Count is not immortal. O The author Chelsea Quinn Yarbro has written (as oI 2006) two dozen Iantasy books (including spin oIIs) concerning a vampiric character modeled aIter St. Germain. O St. Germain appears in Aleksandr Pushkin's short novel %e Queen of Spades. O Author Katherine Kurtz Ieatured Saint-Germain as the esoteric Master behind the scenes orchestrating the American Revolution in the novel %wo Crowns for America (1996). O Fictional details oI St. Germain's journey to Russia Iorm part oI the novel Weel of Fortune (KČĉecČ 4Čpmyċē) (197075) by the Russian writer Nikolay Dubov (HĆĈČĉać HnaċČnĆď ¡yôČn). O In the novel %e Red Lion. %e Elixir of Eternal Life by the Hungarian writer Maria Szepes, St. Germain appears as a companion oI the protagonist. He is "the man that never dies". O The Comte de St. Germain(e) appears (also called Master Rakoczi) in Traci Harding's novel about magic and metaphysics called %e Cosmic Logos. O The Comte is a persona adopted by one oI the long-lived mystery characters in Raymond Khoury's 2007 novel %e Sanctuary. O St. Germain appears in the head oI Billy Ballantine in Tor Age Bringsværd's "Den som har begge beina på jorda står stille" AKA "Den som har begge beina på jorda står stille (eller: Alveolene kommer!). Om de merkelige hendelsene som rystet London den 26. og 27. mai 1973. En digresjonsroman. Vel blåst!" St. Germain proves his ability to make gold, by turning a criminal into a golden statue and a preacher into a golden calI. O A Iigure who identiIies himselI as St. Germain appears in the Mircea Eliade novella out witout out. anga O The author oI the Japanese manga D.Gray-man, Katsura Hoshino, has heavily implied that the demonic villain oI the series, the Millennium Earl, is based upon St. Germain. O In the IiIth volume oI the manga Rozen Maiden, "The Father" who created the magical doll protagonists is revealed to be St. Germain. usic O In Act I, scene 1 oI Tchaikowsky's penultimate opera, %e Queen of Spades (1890), based (loosely) on Pushkin's short story, Tomsky attributes the Countess's knowledge oI the secret oI the Three Cards that always win to a bargain with the Count Saint-Germain, who thus rescued her Irom bankruptcy at the court oI Versailles. (The libretto implies that she spent a night with the Count, and that the secret is oI satanic origin - neither oI these things being true in Pushkin's story.) This story causes Ghermann to break into the Countess's bedroom to learn the secret; instead, she dies oI shock. But her ghost later appears to him and names the cards - only to betray him to Hell in the end. O French socialite and singer Richard ChanIray achieved minor celebrity status in the 1970s by claiming to be the Comte de St Germain. He was Dalida's lover Ior several years. O Canibus makes a reIerence to the Comte de St. Germaine in the song "Poet Laureate InIinity". O St. Germain is the stage name oI Ludovic Navarre, a French electronica and nu jazz musician. O A plea to St. Germain Ieatures in the lyrics oI the song "I'm So Free" by Lou Reed on his 1972 album TransIormer. |17| O Christmas mention the Comte in "Iron Anniversary" on their 1993 album Vortex. Role-Playing Games O The role-playing game &nknown Armies Ieatures St. Germain as an immortal yet very human, enigmatic and complex Iigure also reIerred to as "The First and Last Man". Television O An episode oI the 1970s/80s TV series In Search OI, entitled %e Man Wo Wouldn´t Die, discusses Count oI St. Germain. |18| 'ideo Games O St. Germain appears in the video game Castlevania: Curse oI Darkness as a Iellow ally attempting to oppose Death's plans Ior the resurrection oI Dracula. O St. Germain appears in the BL game Animamundi. Dark Alcemist as the Iiance to the main character's sister. O St. Germain appears as an NPC in the online game "Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine" who teaches players oI occultism, magic control, and blessing. O A major setting in the browser-based MMORPG Nexus War is St. Germaine Island, almost certainly a reIerence to the Count, given the game's heavy magical elements. edit] Notes 1. ) Schroeder, Werner Ascended Masters and %eir Retreats Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, pages 250 - 255 2. ) Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life Book II. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, pages 254 - 267 3. ) Booth, Annice %e Masters and %eir Retreats Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, pages 312 - 322 4. ) %e Comte de St. Germain by Isabel Cooper-Oakley. Milan, Italy: Ars Regia, 1912 5. ) Letter to Sir Horace Mann, December 9, 1745, available on Project Gutenberg at 6. ) Butler, E. M.: %e Myt of te Magus; Cambridge University Press, 1948; p. 189 7. ) The Project Gutenberg EBook oI The Memoires oI Casanova, Complete, by Jacques Casanova de Seingalt: 8. ) Leadbeater, C.W. %e Masters and te Pat. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1927 (Revised Irom 1925 edition) (Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, 1997) Page 32 9. ) Leadbeater, C.W. %e Masters and te Pat. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1927 (Revised Irom 1925 edition) (Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, 1997) Page 240 10.) King, GodIre Ray. &nveiled Mysteries. Chicago, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 1934 11.) Source oI Image oI St. Germain (based on the description oI him given by C.W. Leadbeater when he claimed to have met him in Rome in 1926) shown above distributed by ZakaiRan and painted by New Age Artist Peter Fich Christiansen 12.) Hall, Manly P. %e Secret %eacings of All Ages "An Encyclopedic Outline oI Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy Being an Interpretation oI the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries oI all Ages" H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. 1928 13.) "Saint Germain" (claimed to have been dictated to Mark Prophet) Studies in Alcemy Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: 1974 Summit Lighthouse. See biolographical sketch oI Saint Germain, pages 80-90, 14.) Bailey, Alice A, A %reatise on Cosmic Fire (Section Three - Division A - Certain Basic Statements), 1932, Lucis Trust. 1925, p 1237 15.) Bailey, Alice A. %e Externalisation of te Hierarcy New York:1957Lucis Press (Compilation oI earlier revelations by Alice A. Bailey) Page 667 16.) Bailey, Alice A. %e Externalisation of te Hierarcy New York:1957Lucis Press (Compilation oI earlier revelations by Alice A. Bailey) Page 530 17.) I'm So Free song lyrics , Lou Reed , TransIormer , 18.)÷GrSo¸2BGBD0 In Search OI - "The Man Who Wouldn't Die" edit] Further reading edit] Adherents' literature O "Unveiled Mysteries" by GodIre Ray King, Saint Germain Press, Schaumburg, Illinois. O "The Magic Presence" by GodIre Ray King, Saint Germain Press, Schaumburg, Illinois. O "The 'I AM' Discourses" by Ascended Master Saint Germain, Saint Germain Press, Schaumburg, Illinois. O Bernard, Raymond.Great Secret Count St. Germain. Health Research Publishers, Washington, 1993 (reprint ed.). ISBN 0-7873-0095-0. O Fuller, Jean Overton. %e Comte de Saint-Germain. Last Scion of te House of Rakock:y. London: East-West Publications, 1988. ISBN 0-85692-114-9. O Leadbeater, C.W. %e Masters and te Pat Adyar, Madras, India: 1925 Theosophical Publishing House O Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. Saint Germain. Master Alcemist. Gardiner, Montana: Summit University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-922729-95-6. O Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. Saint Germain´s Propecy for te New Millennium. Includes Dramatic Propecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Moter Mary. Gardiner, Montana: Summit University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-922729-45-X. O Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of te Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 - Summit University Press O Saint Germain. Saint Germain on Alcemy. Formulas for Self-%ransformation. Gardiner, Montana: Summit University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-916766-68-3. O AFFIRMATIONS AND THOUGHT FORMS: You Can Change Your Mind! A channeled discourse Irom the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN, by Linda Stein- Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., Expansion Publishing, ISBN 0-9656927-1-X. O BALANCING THE LIGHT WITHIN: A Discourse on Healing Irom the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., Expansion Publishing, ISBN 0-9656927-0-1. O ANGELS AND OTHER BEINGS OF LIGHT: They are Here to Help You! A channeled discourse Irom the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN, by Linda Stein- Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., Expansion Publishing, ISBN 0-9656927-3-6. O NAVIGATING THE FOURTH DIMENSION: A Discourse Irom the Ascended Masters ST. GERMAIN and EL MORYA KHAN, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., Expansion Publishing, ISBN 0-9656-9275-2. O DISPELLING THE ILLUSIONS OF AGING AND DYING: A Discourse Irom the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., Expansion Publishing, ISBN 0-9656927-6-0. edit] Encyclopedic reference O Melton, J. Gordon Encyclopedia of American Religions 5th Edition New York:1996 Gale Research ISBN 0-8103-7714-4 ISSN 10661212 Chapter 18-- "The Ancient Wisdom Family oI Religions" Pages 151-158; see chart on page 154 listing Masters of te Ancient Wisdom; Also see Section 18, Pages 717-757 Descriptions oI various Ancient Wisdom religious organizations edit] Scholarly studies O Campbell, Bruce F. A History of te %eosopical Movement Berkeley:1980 University oI CaliIornia Press O Godwin, Joscelyn %e %eosopical Enligtenment Albany, New York: 1994 State University oI New York Press O Johnson, K. Paul %e Masters Revealed. Madam Blavatsky and Myt of te Great Wite Broterood Albany, New York: 1994 State University oI New York Press edit] External links O %e Comte de St. Germain (1912) by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, at O An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of te Occult and Supernatural. Saint Germain at the James Randi Educational Foundation Retrieved Irom "¸oI¸St.¸Germain" Categories: 1710 births , 1784 deaths , Alchemists , Hermeticists , Magicians , Occultists , Theosophy 30.htm Un entreIilet sur Cagliostro... truIIe de details interessants... fuin 1743. naissance de Josep Balsamo dit Cagliostro Ne a Palerme, Josep Balsamo, eleve ce: les freres de la Misericorde, entreprit des etudes de medecine avant de s´orienter vers les sciences esoteriques. S´etant attribue le titre de comte de Cagliostro, il commit de nombreuses escroqueries qui l´obligerent a quitter l´Italie. Accompagne de sa feune femme, la belle Loren:a Feliciani, il parcourut l´Europe, penetrant dans les milieux aristocratiques, multipliant les contacts avec les sectes d´illumines et les loges maçonniques mystiques. Ses talents d´alcimiste lui valurent une belle notoriete. il vendait des elixirs, des pilules, des remedes de toutes sortes, se livrait a des experiences de magnetisme, faisait des tours de magie, predisait l´avenir... Arrive en France vers 1780, il y fonda la loge maçonnique dite "l´Egyptienne" qui offrait la particularite d´être ouverte aux femmes. Devenu l´un des familiers du cardinal de Roan qu´il assurait pourvoir guerir de plusieurs maladies, il lui affirma qu´il saurait faire cesser sa disgrace aupres de la reine Marie-Antoinette. Il commit alors une grave imprudence. S´il ne fut pour rien dans l´affaire du Collier, il etait en rapport avec l´ame damnee de l´escroquerie, Mme de La Motte, qui, par falousie, s´empressa de l´accuser. Cagliostro fut embastille 11 mois avant d´être reconnu innocent, relace et expulse du royaume. Il sefourna en Angleterre puis retourna en Italie et s´arrêta a Rome. Arrête par l´Inquisition, il fut emprisonne au cateau Saint-Ange, fuge et condamne a mort pour son appartenance a la franc-maçonnerie. Sa peine fut commuee en detention perpetuelle et Cagliostro mourut en 1795 pres d´&rbino, dans le sinistre fort de San Leone. 890.3.73..:9-47.9438 O $9 072.2.90/17424:3941$9072.2.:982  5.997-:90/94$9 072.90:7..4.74:8/08.0390/-2.3 74250/.4:7907  ..847010770/94. -:9.79.03947 ..33545:. 4190.908 4  !70.7/ 4  .:7731:703908947084180.39072. 90170003.3 4  448/.7..90/94%04845 07008..3:8 20.983.   4:3941$9072.3  :25943. 4:3941$9 072.2083491..8.7.4:83.93$./..9 $420 84:7.74/ 054078.4790.4:390789$.3 3...20/03..70.8-003..943 80.8.3/430.9.897.  #0/70.450/.508 4   .4389.9:70.33474907 ((( 4390398 /0( O O 10 907.9:8072.039:707 .5 4  44.3 4  47.8907#.4330.0289 5.:9:70 O 4908 .3/.79480.8.4254807 -:98 -089343.3 4  84907.7989 %04:3941$9 072.70/90/930.-4:9$9 072.7-0/.3-:3343.90/-$.389 .394:.3/.703.9.39072.8907 #.:.3 1   .3/8414...9.087909. 4:39$9 072.3/ 9.5:9 33/.039490.0.3 89.8./.5402039438./0$9 7.393450.0908  $9470841904:3933/.07 3493..540 80/9478:39 (0838 5./3 4  /070398 907.3/ .90800/.20414:39$9 072.789:/08 O 9073.0897 3.3/ -47394":003..847/407..3/ #4-079:/0 0.78..038470/-.342.3 .7039801 294483 .90.8059 7 #.770/.43902547.3/0.3./.431.438  8894708070/079.0 -:957410880894 43/071:938 901789(9.. 90!73.0 4  $.55.7-47. 81789 10( O %0092.7.3 4408-903.08209.8-03.3.941.0 98.43/9.3/.  .8934-02.078438418 4738.709 . 3 ( .-4:9$9 072. 8420-4/ 30.3/.:7489.80/.8418-039.9$0.90/.078038-0 08.8#EO.099074147.0/..3.3 3.247.39070.3.-4:92 -:93.:/39.389 208700.-43'  O 3.30:2 98.389.9.90/$9 072.38.250  30.7...3  O %0843417.9.3.3/349.3.9:70 4  3.85 ( 30!0770 #03.434108543.80.88:554790/90.943412.34//2.03902.3/ 38.3 40..84390.420/.3.80/ 94:9.4254808 82./.788...4 .78 .041%7.8/:7390.3-097. 5708:2.8.0/94902 220..41!1.3 %0!73.20..243/073.33!. -#EO.70841 $ O %08434190341!479:.709 $9 072..450/. 3479.80/08:8 1470.07../09.5./ .9.03:5147.9084341.1//07 .3.8.70984.!40. 0:-:7 90/441..4343/071:  .770890/3 43/43438:85.0/.70 %04907/.8 .3.908349..80/2.843.9.4:39 8 0.39...57089 ./ :38.348":083.:9/0$.8-0030709080940.33.43 97:0079490%7430413.3/9080.41874:93049.8 7.842507843.073474103.4-9070-043 -:9700.200938.91479:3030.3/9880.3 .38:..3.7/ %070.-09.4.438/0843 .$5.90700894 4389.3/34990408 4703.3343..43.7010703.8-0032.43897:.70.8070 .:790770.3/.041.3/7.39 072..3 0 .431:80/990473.90/4083494-8793.38 O 0/9(10 %08./04:9..3.7/ .- 0. 20.8//3490.3/38-4.0.024/089 ....93 9.3..99070/902 3499.0/94.2041904:39/0$9 072.4:741.90280..9.30 9.80.:94:/-0570807..20.814790 .314/0.8.78147.0/174290-0333419020..0/..49412430 -:9.8 ./....243/8 430.941703..2..905745080/90703.02099014707:80550 .0.9:7094-09034125489478.3.-47.24:8 .7094190&3.0.09024:3.2503 43070850.081.78(  0/9(907.-0/3307.79794 -470/42 970/9413/.-4:9 294903 147420.890 .032.20709710942 49989.2.424.508 .082.:/0-00189.3-0.0289  44/ 443 .784/ 9.209901.3/0.3/17.82574-./08 2.34884109 98 08..03 ( ..039:707 343-903.908 22479./ . /./4:7 4.7 3:89 2:8.8938 8-.3/.7-083820247880.3 3903/0/-3.4:/209/.4393:094/.3 47.09025. 90.7339.90794:9.3/ 0.20/007 4./41 0.50710.0.7 9.904:/2.4.8043 0.073..47/3.3/./.1700 -:99.7:.3/0730 ..039:708 .33!.70430419013089.30..398.9089.0.34.3 .43.0.8 .00.94:92411038.9438.9030 9080.20/.48974 343/43  .-0301.8:7047/897.390/08/8.90 .8.07.3841./85403.3/.#0.31:03.949003/ .9.947 .0397.4254807#.20/0!425.078./  .72.70 1.4892.3/..3901. 08./08.4310880/...2.8:306:.9054880880/.90243.. %03.94341..#48.8.8  %8097.9907-0.574.33498.3/1440/80./0.8.89700:3/70/0. 3890.7.783 07908 %02489034.0/-20.89438320 ( 98 003/8.943 .0398 -2.10 - 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