Consumer Behavior Final Proposal

March 26, 2018 | Author: insane_artist | Category: Nikon, Survey Methodology, Canon Inc., Brand, Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera



A proposal onCustomers’ Buying Behavior towards Canon Camera and Nikon Camera Prepared For: Ms.Tasnima Aziza Course Instructor Consumer Behavior Md. Rezaul Alam Omar # 794 Md. Hasibul Haque Sakib #818 Augustin Mondol # Abu Hanif Chowdhury # Mustafa Sadiq # Prepared By: Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University Savar, Dhaka-1342. Submission Date: 11-10-10 Tasnima Aziza Lecturer Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University Savar. Any short of suggestion regarding this proposal will be greatly acknowledged and we will feel proud if my paper serves its purpose. Dhaka-1342 Ref: Submission of report proposal “Customers’ Buying Behavior towards Canon Camera and Nikon Camera” Sir. This is to inform you that the report proposal on “Customers’ Buying Behavior towards Canon Camera and Nikon Camera” that you assigned us to prepare for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Consumer Behavior course has been submitted. Sincerely Yours Md. Rezaul Alam Omar # 794 Md. Hasibul Haque Sakib #818 Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University . We have provided the outline of the report in this proposal and if you allow us we will try our best to submit this report based on this outline within the given time limit. We express our gratitude to you for your guidance and we hope that this report proposal will fulfill your requirements.October 11. 2010 Ms. the respective camera manufacturers will be benefited in various ways. The survey will be conducted in Dhaka City among 25 persons in order to evaluate the position of the product in the market. entrepreneurs who are interested to join in the market. will be able to improve the product according to the consumer preference. The market position of the product will also be clear to the manufacturer. On the other hand. it will be easy for the manufacturer to know the consumer satisfactions and dissatisfactions about his product and. Therefore. The main purpose of this study is to gather information on the public buiyng behavior about Canon camera in relation to its competing product Nikon camera. the information will be very helpful for the manufacturer to improve his products and stay in the competition and the entrepreneurs who wants to introduce a new product in the market. But two among them are currently reigning the market – CANON and NIKON. price etc. There are many companies manufacturing camera. therefore. choice and need about the product. Through this report. Besides. Besides. If there is need of extended promotional activities it will also come out from the report. will be able to know whether there is any scope for them to make position in the market. . The manufacturer will be able to know whether the consumers will switch to other products for any specific deficiency like quality.Executive summary: Camera is a common accessory now a days. Cameras are mailny two type – DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Camera which delivers the best quality image and designed for those who look in exellence in photography and P&S (Point and Shoot) camera. if they want to introduce a new product they should know about consumer preference. They will be able to know the opportunity in the market and the consumer preference. There are many camera companies like Canon. The report will also reveal if there is need of more promotional activities. Background: Bangladesh has a quite good market of cameras. which will help them designing their product. Urban dwellers. However. high availability. Therefore. . specially Youngsters. Vivitar etc. The survey will take place in Dhaka city. are the biggest users of camera. This report will also be very helpful for the entrepreneurs. who are interested in launching a new product in the market. Nikon. availability of accsesories etc. choice and needs of camera. 2. Almost every household owns a camera now a days. Sony. This report will benefit the camera manufacturer by providing the customers preferences. 3. The main idea: The main idea is to gather information about what public thinks while buying Canon camera in relation to competing product Nikon Camera. These include superior quality. Samsung. lower price. But everyone is continuously changing their choice due to some reasons. Foreword: As a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Consumer Behavior course this report is initiated.1. Time and place context: This study will cover the present camera market situation. Pentax. user friendliness. attractive design. after sales service. Factors of the problem: The consumers consider various factors while they buy the camera. a camera company should learn about what public thinks of its products in relation to competing product.Problem Statement: • • • • The topic: Consumers’ buying intention towards Canon camera and Nikon Camera. durability. functions. The study is conducted for gathering information in order to determine the public buying opinion about the products of Canon Camera in relation to its competing product Nikon Camera. Besides.  Specific objectives: a) identify brand awareness position and consumer perceived value of Canon camera. Therefore. b) Secondary data: The secondary data will be collected from the . Methodology: 5. 4. Data collection method:  Source of data: Both the primary data and the secondary data will be needed to conduct this is hard for them to find every desirable feature in one single camera. c) To identify the most frequently used camera by the consumers. f) To find out any suggestions from the consumers to increase their satisfaction level of using Canon Camera. a) Primary data: The primary data will be collected from the consumers directly. Canon will be able to take all necessary steps to fulfill the consumers’ expectations. On the other hand. 4. 5. Objective of the study: 4. e) To find out the consumers' expectations about Canon Camera. determining the opportunity for an entrepreneur who wants to introduce a new product in the market.1. b) To identify different factors those are considered by the consumers when they buy a camera. Expected outcome: This report will make it possible to figure out the whole camera market of Bangladesh.  Broad objective: To analyze the market of Canon Camera as well as to find out about their competing product Nikon Camera. an entrepreneur can understand the market situation properly that will help him/her a lot in determining his/her prospect in the existing market.2. Apart from this. d) To find out the consumers ' satisfaction level of using Canon Camera. this report will provide information about consumers’ suggestions and expectations and the competing brands of Canon.1. This report will focus on the factors that are highly considered by the consumers. Specific findings: The study has a broad objective and some specific objectives. through this report. Besides.  Sampling plan: In order to retrieve the necessary information as precisely as possible from the survey. a) Sample: The consumers. the information will . We have decided to survey at least 25 consumers. Conclusion: Through this report. b) Sample size: The sample size will be chosen on convenience basis. They are pointed below. it will be easy for Canon to know the consumer satisfactions and dissatisfactions about it’s product and. But the study will not be conducted through the whole country.  Data collection instruments: Structured questionnaires will be used as the data collection instruments. the opinion of the brand managers and operations managers will not be taken. 7. To make the report more precise and graphic. 5.2. travellers etc. therefore. c) Sample area: The sampling area will be Dhaka City only. 8. businessman. the respective camera manufacturer will be benefited in various ways. If there is need of extended promotional activities it will also come out from the report. photographers. a) Lack of availability of information. It is assumed that the consumers of this study will represent the consumers of the whole country. Besides. b) Time constraints. Limitations: I have faced some problems during preparing the proposal. will be able to improve the product according to the consumer preference. Therefore. 6. price etc. Data analysis method: Both the qualitative and quantitative method will be used analysis the collected data. The market position of the product will also be clear to Canon. this it is less time consuming. Because. office. Canon will be able to know whether the consumers will switch to other products for any specific deficiency like quality. the following sampling plan will be pursued. Besides. Scope: The study will be conducted among students. questionnaire method is more flexible and acceptable than the other methods. .............. Would you please mention the brand name of camera your friends/relatives use most? ..................................... I assure you that your valued information would be kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only... I sincerely appreciate your sincere co-operation and your valuable time if you kindly provide me the following information......... Bibliography: Consumer Behavior (Hawkins) 2........ I am a student of BBA program of the Institute of Business Administration at Jahangirnagar University..... Appendices: 1........ What factors do you look for buying a camera? (Please check multiple) a) Brand e) Durability service i) Attractive design j) Availability of accsesories b) Price f) User friendliness c) Availability g) Functions d) Quality h) After sales 3.......... Data Collection instruments: Survey Questionnaire on Buying Intention Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University Savar............. Dhaka Dear Valued very helpful for Canon to improve it’s products and stay in the competition and the entrepreneurs who wants to introduce a new product in the market....... Please respond to the questions and tick in the appropriate circle......... 1... This survey is purely conducted as a part of my academic program only.. I am conducting a research on “Customers’ Buying Behavior towards Canon Camera and Nikon Camera”. . Which camera do you use personally?............. 2.......... ... what do you do? a) Search to others shops b) Buy another camera brand c) Other (Please mention).......................4.............. Please mention the reasons behind using this camera.......................... Was this brand outlet available? a) Yes b) No If no............... How long have you been using this camera? a) Less than 3 months d) For 1 year b) For 3 months e) More than 1 year c) For 6 months 8...... 6............. (Please check multiple) a) Brand e) Durability service i) Attractive design j) Availability of accsesories k) Mostly used by your friends and relatives b) Price c) Availability d) Quality h) After sales f) User friendliness g) Functions 5......................... what is the alternative? (Please specify one) ....................... How satisfied are you about the quality with the given price? (Please check 1) a) Highly satisfied c) Somewhat dissatisfied b) Somewhat satisfied d) Not at all satisfied e) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied . 7. If you have to buy another camera instead of canon...... ........ Reason behind using another camneraa) More quality in a better price b) Mostly used by the other consumers c) Other (Please mention) ....... ............................................................................................. 11.............................................. Particular of the respondent Name: Occupation: Age: Thank you for your kind co-operation.....9...................... Do you have any suggestion for getting better quality of Canon camera? (Please mention) ................. Would you always use this camera? a) Yes b) No If no......... 10........................ Was the after sales service upto your expectations from Canon? (Please mention) ................... would you please mention the name of the camera you would use next? (Please specify one) ................................... 12........
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