


IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Tue Oct 04 10:43:17 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 14075 kB Total Memory: 16320 kB No Arguments java.class.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData\Execute. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData\Resource C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData\Execute. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\InstallerData sun.boot.class.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java.ext.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317717744\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.version java.vm.vendor java.vm.version == == == == 1.6.0_17 (Java 1) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Sun Microsystems Inc. 14.3-b01 == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.vm.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. java.vm.specification.version == 1.0 == Java Platform API Specification java.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. java.specification.version == 1.6 java.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. java.vendor.url == java.class.version == 50.0 java.compiler == null java.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317 717744\Windows\resource\jre == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ == Windows 7 os.arch == x86 os.version == 6.1 path.separator == ; file.separator == \ file.encoding == Cp1252 == Administrator user.home == C:\Users\Administrator user.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1317 717744\Windows user.language == en user.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Installs all of the software you'll need. This is a safe ch oice if you do not know which installation type to select. Substituted: Installs all of the software you'll need. This is a safe choice if you do not know which installation type to select. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Installs the storage subsystem server software. Use this ty pe of installation for the host (server) connected to the storage subsystem. Substituted: Installs the storage subsystem server software. Use this type of in stallation for the host (server) connected to the storage subsystem. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Includes the software needed to configure, manage, and moni tor a storage subsystem. This option is for your workstation or management PC. Substituted: Includes the software needed to configure, manage, and monitor a st orage subsystem. This option is for your workstation or management PC. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Choose this option to customize the features to be installe d. Substituted: Choose this option to customize the features to be installed. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover, failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover, failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM MPIO DSM Substituted: IBM MPIO DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the eve nt of a controller failure (most storage subsystems contain 2 controllers). Inst all this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystem via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Substituted: This driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be auto matically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure (most storage subsystems contain 2 controllers). Install this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystem via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: RDAC Substituted: RDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: Substituted: Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure, manage, and monitor the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. This applicatio n can be installed on a workstation or server. This application also installs t he storage manager monitoring service. Substituted: Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure, manage, and monitor the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. This application can be installed on a workstation or server. This application also installs the stora ge manager monitoring service. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration, man agement, and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch annel, iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. This software should only be installed on the servers and you mu st also install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration, management, and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel, i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. This software should only be installed on the servers and you must also install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the eve nt of a controller failure (most storage subsystems contain 2 controllers). Inst all this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystem via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Substituted: This driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be auto matically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure (most storage subsystems contain 2 controllers). Install this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000, DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystem via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel, iSCSI or SAS). Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: N/A Substituted: N/A Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: Substituted: Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer Support Substituted: IBM Customer Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003-2010 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM Support URL= Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003-2010 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM Support URL= Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management software. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality, including trend and usage analysis. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality, including trend and usage analysis. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs... ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\614479.tmp\win Info.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1317717744/InstallerData/!/winInfo.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32=true Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64= Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Storage Manager Client v$CLIENT_VERSION$, Storage Manager A gent v$AGENT_VERSION$, Storage Manager RDAC v$MPP_VERSION$, Storage Manager Util ities v$UTIL_VERSION$ Substituted: Storage Manager Client v10.70.G5.25, Storage Manager Agent v10.01.3 5.03, Storage Manager RDAC v0, Storage Manager Utilities v10.00.35.13 ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE_CATERA Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Localizing AUTO_START_QUESTION Localization result: The $MONITOR_NAME$ will be installed. Substituted: The IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Monitor will be installed.Start the monitor automa tically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-booted in th e future.Start the monito r automatically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-boot ed in the future. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the storage subsystem.Do not start the monitor au tomatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the storage subsystem.exe . Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. Substituted: Also. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. Localizing AUTO_START_TITLE Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor? Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor? Required is : 1326791424 Available is : 86209601536 Able to install : TRUE ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ CDS: Assuming sufficient disk space. Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):. if needed. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_0 Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):. (V) # # INSTALLING VM: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\ia\jre # XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped ExtractToFile: target = C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\Uninstall IBM System Stora ge DS Storage Manager 10\Uninstall IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10. use this option to install the Java Accessibility Bridge. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the array. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the array. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_1 Localization result: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:. if needed. Localizing WINDOWS_JAB_NOTE Localization result: Also.Do not start the mo nitor automatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). Substituted: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the monitor. Substituted: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:. Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. use this option to install the Java Access ibility Bridge.================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ Localizing WINDOWS_AUTO_WARN Localization result: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the mon itor. 70.G5.25) Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0 Deferral retries done because: There were no deferrals in the last pass.exe Key_Only && trueParentKey = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData .class.ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1317717744/InstallerData/!/makeExecutable/ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData\Execute.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData\Resource 1. RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry REGISTRY ALREADY STORED! (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 1 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10. Localizing COMMENTS_STRING Localization result: SMclient (v$ACTUAL_CLIENT_VERSION$) Substituted: SMclient ( C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\InstallerData\IAClasse s.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Fri Oct 28 10:26:25 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13757 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments java. sun.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319 790285\Windows user.0 java.language == en == Windows 7 os.vm.compiler == null java.vm.version == 16.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.separator == .name == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.vm.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.6.version == 1.separator == \ java.class.specification. java.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. java.0 java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.sun.3-b01 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java. java.boot.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.specification.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319 790285\Windows\resource\jre java.home == C:\Users\Administrator user.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.1 path.class.version == 1.specification.vm.version == == Java Platform API Specification java.ext.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.url == http://java.specification.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() .name == Administrator user.version == 50.vendor.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.arch == x86 os.specification. java. file.encoding == Cp1252 user.vm.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1319790285\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.6 java.version == 1.0_20 (Java 1) java. version java.class.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData\Resource 1.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Tue Nov 01 11:31:57 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13805 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil.ext.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData\IAClasse s.6.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ java.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.class.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData sun. .zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320139821\InstallerData\Execute.vendor == 1.Exiting with exit code: 0 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.0_20 (Java 1) == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM == Sun Microsystems Inc.boot. 1 path.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software.3-b01 java.version == 16.language == en user.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320 139821\Windows user.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ == Administrator java.vm. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data == Java Platform API Specification == \ file.version == 50.encoding == Cp1252 user.vm.version == 1.version == 1. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server.compiler == null java. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management java.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION .separator == .arch == x86 os. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. java. java. java.version == 6.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.specification.home == C:\Users\Administrator user. file.0 == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.specification.vendor.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.sun.6 java. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320 139821\Windows\resource\jre java. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.specification.vm.vm. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r == Windows 7 os.url == http://java. iSCSI or SAS.Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. iSCSI or SAS.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. which enables the ac cessibility features for the software.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC . failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. which enable s the accessibility features for the software. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. manage. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the Substituted: Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. and mon itor the DS3000. iSCSI or SAS . i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation . Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. iSCSI or SAS). Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. manage. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. This application can be installed in a workstation or server.Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option.) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. man agement. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. and monitor the DS3000. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. management. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the Substituted: http://www. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage iSCSI or SAS). .ibm. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality.Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Substituted: http://www. Duplication. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management software. including trend and usage analysis. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights . or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\626322..Use. IBM Support URL=http://www.exe .ibm. US Government Users Restricted Rights . IBM Support URL=http://www.tmp\win Info. including trend and usage analysis. html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@152f2fb [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="!/winInfo.0.77. Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE_CATERA Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Storage Manager Agent v10.5.0" name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\AppD ata\Local\Temp\614479. use this option to install the Java Access ibility Bridge.00.Start the monito r automatically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-boot ed in the future.8.0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\e ula. Substituted: Also. Localizing AUTO_START_QUESTION Localization result: The $MONITOR_NAME$ will be installed. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the array. Storage Manager Utilities v10.14. Storage Manager Util ities v$UTIL_VERSION$ Substituted: Storage Manager Client v10.0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\e ula. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the storage subsystem. if needed.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64=true Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Storage Manager Client v$CLIENT_VERSION$. Storage Manager RDAC v0. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the storage subsystem. .exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] value VersionNew doesn't exist Localizing WINDOWS_AUTO_WARN Localization result: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the mon itor.3 5. Storage Manager RDAC v$MPP_VERSION$. Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Substituted: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the monitor. Substituted: The IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor will be installed.tmp\tekprofiler.0. Storage Manager A gent v$AGENT_VERSION$.0.jar" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@f874ca [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10cad a82a" version="4. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_0 Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):. use this option to install the Java Accessibility Bridge.G5.html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@4408f4 [element_name="component" id="8cded4e3-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c41 3610" version="1.15 ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@152f2fb [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="1. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature.ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1320139821/InstallerData/Execute.0. Localizing WINDOWS_JAB_NOTE Localization result: Also.07.5. if needed.35.0" name="SMclient" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\ client\SMclient.5. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the array.01. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. Adding deferrals[0]. ip.actions.Exec -..exe" -u Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS3000 Storage Manager from the registry. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000\FAStT Storage Manager from the registry.ia.Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):...getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. Substituted: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:.exe"": CreateProcess error=2...Do not start the monitor au tomatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). ip.. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry.. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry.Start the monitor automa tically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-booted in th e future.Do not start the mo nitor automatically (you will need to start the monitor manually).. ip...getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\P rograms\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000/FAStT Storage Manager from the registry. (V) # # INSTALLING VM: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\ia\jre # XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped .Execute Comm and: "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\client\monitor\SMmonitor.getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.. ip. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_1 Localization result: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:.getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client CDS: Assuming sufficient disk space.. Installer: pass 0: deferred: Cannot run program ""C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\client\monitor \SMmonitor. The system cannot find the file specifi ed Creating deferrals.installer.zerog.. Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. Localizing AUTO_START_TITLE Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor? Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor? Required is : 1354164992 Available is : 46896549888 Able to install : TRUE value dsmname doesn't exist ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ Command. CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip .ExtractToFile: target = C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\Uninstall IBM System Stora ge DS Storage Manager 10\Uninstall IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData\Resource 1. Localizing COMMENTS_STRING Localization result: SMclient (v$ACTUAL_CLIENT_VERSION$) Substituted: SMclient ( C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData\Execute. RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry REGISTRY ALREADY STORED! (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 0 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version:!/makeExecutable/lax_gui_admin.exe Key_Only && trueParentKey = true.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Tue Nov 01 12:06:24 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13724 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1.14) Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0 Deferral retries done because: There were no deferrals in the last pass.77.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1320139821/InstallerData/ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil. language == en user.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ == Administrator user.ext.version == 6.separator == .io.version == 1.compiler == null == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.0 java.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320 141902\Windows\resource\jre java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce. == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.home == C:\Users\Administrator == Windows Vista os.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp cleanUp() . java.arch == x86 os.6 java.C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\InstallerData sun.3-b01 java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.vm. java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt. java.0 == Java Platform API Specification java.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vm.version == 1.version == 16.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.version == 50.specification.vm.vm.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java.vm.specification.url == http://java. file.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vm.encoding == Cp1252 user.separator == \ file.sun.specification.boot.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.class.specification.0 java.version == 1.6.0_20 (Java 1) java.class.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320141902\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1320 141902\Windows user. class.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData\IAClasse s.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData\Execute. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.0_20 (Java 1) .zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData\Execute.calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 0 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData sun.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Tue Dec 20 08:06:05 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13712 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments java.ext.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData\IAClasse s.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\InstallerData\Resource 1.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.version == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361113\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1.boot. arch == x86 os.vm.specification. java.specification.3-b01 java. Su pport Monitor software will not be == Java Platform API Specification java. java.0 java. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.version == 50.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.vendor.version == 16. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server.encoding == Cp1252 user.vm.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.version == 1.vm.url == http://java.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 361113\Windows user.language == en user.version == 6.version == 1.compiler == null java.vm.specification.specification.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 361113\Windows\resource\jre java.0 java. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.home == C:\Users\Administrator user. java.vm.class. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client .name == Windows 7 java.6 java. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r == Administrator user.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or java.vm.separator == . file. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.1 path.separator == \ DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel.Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME . Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. which enables the ac cessibility features for the software.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS. which enable s the accessibility features for the software. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. iSCSI or SAS. and mon itor the DS3000. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service.Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. This application can be installed in a workstation or server. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the man agement. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the Substituted: http://www. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. and monitor the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch annel. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. iSCSI or SAS).) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. manage. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. iSCSI or SAS. manage. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. iSCSI or SAS). iSCSI or SAS . . Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating Substituted: http://www. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended .com/systems/storage/disk Substituted: http://www.Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation.. IBM Support URL=http://www. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality. IBM Support URL= Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software.Use. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs. Duplication.. including trend and usage analysis. US Government Users Restricted Rights . US Government Users Restricted Rights . including trend and usage analysis. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Duplication. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData\Execute.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32=true Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64= SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 1000 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Tue Dec 20 08:10:23 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13810 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments java. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData sun. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData\Resource C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData\Execute.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.class.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil.ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\174275.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1324361113/InstallerData/!/ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l .tmp\win Info. io. java.specification.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.encoding == Cp1252 user.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor == Java Platform API Specification java.0_20 (Java 1) java. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.6.url == http://java. file. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server.version == 1.3-b01 java. java.compiler == null java. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.version == 1.separator == \ file.specification.vm.specification.sun.specification. == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 361354\Windows\resource\jre java.language == en user.0 path.class.vm.6 java.0 java.version == == Administrator java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.specification.arch == x86 os.vm.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 361354\Windows user.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Windows Vista os.version == 16. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r software. .ib\jce.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324361354\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.vm.0 java.ext. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server. java.vendor.vm.version == 1.home == C:\Users\Administrator user.separator == .version == 6. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC . which enables the ac cessibility features for the software. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover.Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage. which enable s the accessibility features for the software. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management station. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. management. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service.Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. manage. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. iSCSI or SAS). Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based Substituted: http://www. DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS . and monitor the DS3000. i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. iSCSI or SAS).) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. This application can be installed in a workstation or server. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. man agement. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. manage. iSCSI or SAS. and mon itor the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. US Government Users Restricted Rights .ibm. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t . IBM Support URL= Substituted: http://www. IBM Support URL=http://www. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management software. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines US Government Users Restricted Rights .) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: iSCSI or SAS. Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Substituted: http://www. Duplication. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. including trend and usage analysis.) Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1324361354/InstallerData/Execute. zip ..path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData\Resource 1. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData\Execute. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs. including trend and usage analysis.he storage management software..tmp\win C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData\!/winInfo.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\041284.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Fri Dec 23 09:04:47 CAT 2011 Free Memory: 13721 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments java.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32=true Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64= SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 1000 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.class. 3-b01 == Windows 7 os.specification.compiler == null java.separator == \ file.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.ext.url == http://java.sun.version == 6.C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\InstallerData sun.version == 16.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.6. java.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.specification.vm.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java.0 java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.separator == .class.6 java.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Administrator user.vm. java.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vendor.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 623832\Windows user.encoding == Cp1252 user.specification.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324 623832\Windows\resource\jre java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.0_20 (Java 1) java. file.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.version == 1.arch == x86 os.language == en user.version == 50.vm.home == C:\Users\Administrator user.vm.specification.specification.specification.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.0 path. == Java Platform API Specification java.version == 1.version == == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1324623832\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ java.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp . Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station. which enable s the accessibility features for the software. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r software. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management station. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION . which enables the ac cessibility features for the software. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge.Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. and monitor the DS3000. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch iSCSI or SAS.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. man agement. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. manage. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. This application can be installed in a workstation or server. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. and mon itor the DS3000. i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. iSCSI or SAS. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. Install this fe . DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service.Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path Substituted: http://www. management. DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. manage. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. US Government Users Restricted Rights .ibm. IBM Support URL=http://www. IBM Support URL=http://www.Use. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. US Government Users Restricted Rights . or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. iSCSI or SAS. Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation.) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. iSCSI or SAS).com/systems/support/storage/disk/ Substituted: Substituted: http://www. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation.Use. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel.) Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Duplication. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. iSCSI or SAS). iSCSI or SAS . DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY .ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@1a20140 [element_name="component" id="8cded4e3-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="1.0. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software.. Storage Manager Agent v10.3 5.G5.01. including trend and usage analysis." name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\App Data\Local\Temp\614479.0.5.0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\e ula.tmp\tekprofiler.tmp\!/winInfo. Storage Manager Utilities v10.28.tmp\win Info.exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@1e1f8d [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10cad a82a" version="4.5.0.html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@17bf8a5 [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="1.8..0" name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\AppD ata\Local\Temp\626322.0. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs. Storage Manager RDAC v$MPP_VERSION$.15 ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@17bf8a5 [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="1.77.jar" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@1a73afe [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10ca da82a" version="4. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\412166. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality.0.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64=true Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Storage Manager Client v$CLIENT_VERSION$. Storage Manager A gent v$AGENT_VERSION$.exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] value VersionNew doesn't exist Localizing WINDOWS_AUTO_WARN .8. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality.0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\e ula. including trend and usage analysis. Storage Manager Util ities v$UTIL_VERSION$ Substituted: Storage Manager Client v10.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1324623832/InstallerData/Execute. Storage Manager RDAC v0.0" name="SMclient" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS \client\SMclient.Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management software.35. Start the monito r automatically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-boot ed in the future.Localization result: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the mon itor. Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE_CATERA Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. use this option to install the Java Access ibility Bridge. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. use this option to install the Java Accessibility Bridge. . Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry.Do not start the mo nitor automatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the storage subsystem. Substituted: Also. Localizing AUTO_START_QUESTION Localization result: The $MONITOR_NAME$ will be installed. if needed. Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the array. Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature.Do not start the monitor au tomatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). if needed. Localizing WINDOWS_JAB_NOTE Localization result: Also. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000\FAStT Storage Manager from the registry. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000/FAStT Storage Manager from the registry. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_1 Localization result: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:.Start the monitor automa tically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-booted in th e future. Substituted: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:. Substituted: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the monitor. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the array. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_0 Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):. Localizing AUTO_START_TITLE Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor? Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor? Required is : 1355582208 Available is : 38366732288 Able to install : TRUE value dsmname doesn't exist ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS3000 Storage Manager from the registry. Substituted: The IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor will be installed. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the storage subsystem. getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. (V) # # INSTALLING VM: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\ia\jre # XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped ExtractToFile: target = C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\Uninstall IBM System Stora ge DS Storage Manager 10\Uninstall IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10.getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows \Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\P rograms\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.. ip.....77.!/makeExecutable/lax_gui_admin.. ip.Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.exe Key_Only && trueParentKey = true.getVariable($PREV_IA_COMPONENTS_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip...... ip. ip. ip. ip..getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $PREV_IA_COMPONENTS_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying...... RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 SHUTDOWN REQUESTED ..getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client CDS: Assuming sufficient disk space.getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip..G5. ip.getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..28) Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0 Deferral retries done because: There were no deferrals in the last pass. Localizing COMMENTS_STRING Localization result: SMclient (v$ACTUAL_CLIENT_VERSION$) Substituted: SMclient (v10.. ip.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1324623832/InstallerData/Execute. (X) commiting registry REGISTRY ALREADY STORED! (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 0 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.class.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Wed May 16 15:13:31 CAT 2012 Free Memory: 13719 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData\Execute.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData\Execute.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses .jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData\Resource 1.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData sun.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\InstallerData\IAClasse s.boot. separator == .dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 173894\Windows user.sun. java.version == 6.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data java.0_20 (Java 1) java. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.compiler == null java.encoding == Cp1252 user. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.separator == \ file.version == 16.specification.vm.class.vm.ext. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem .version == 1. java.0 java.6 java.specification.0 == Java Platform API Specification java. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.vm.specification.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc. file.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 173894\Windows\resource\jre java. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server.vm.url == http://java.version == 1.version == 1.version == 50.3-b01 == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM == en user.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337173894\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java. java.specification.home == C:\Users\Administrator user.arch == x86 os.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Windows 7 os. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r software.1 == Java Virtual Machine Specification java. java.vendor == Sun Microsystems == Administrator DS4000/FAStT o . which enable s the accessibility features for the software. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. which enables the ac cessibility features for the software. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover.ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management station. This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. iSCSI or SAS). DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 . Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch annel. iSCSI or SAS . i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the Substituted: http://www. and mon itor the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. management. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this This application can be installed in a workstation or server. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. manage. man agement. manage.r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. iSCSI or Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. and monitor the DS3000. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. iSCSI or SAS. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. iSCSI or SAS).) Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software. iSCSI or Substituted: http://www. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality. IBM Support URL=http://www. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights . Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS .) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. including trend and usage Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Substituted: http://www.00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. US Government Users Restricted Rights . IBM Support URL= You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. including trend and usage Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil.tmp\win C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData\!/winInfo.exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32=true Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64= SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 1000 IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: 10.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData\IAClasse s.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1337173894/InstallerData/Execute.Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs.jar .class.. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData\Resource 1. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\966937.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\InstallerData\ Resource1.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData\IAClasse s. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Wed May 16 15:18:39 CAT 2012 Free Memory: 13810 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\InstallerData\Execute.. 1 path. java.ext.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.version == 1.specification.version == 1.version == == Cp1252 user.separator == .jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jsse.separator == \ file.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.compiler == null java.language == en user.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp __________________________________________________________________________ InstallAnywhere 2009 Version: == Windows 7 os.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 174198\Windows user.C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ == Administrator java.0_20 (Java 1) java.3-b01 java. java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.version == == Java Platform API Specification java.specification. java.home == C:\Users\Administrator == Java Virtual Machine Specification java.version == == Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM java.vm.specification.url == http://java.vm.vm.vendor.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.sun.6.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.0 java.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.vm.vm.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 174198\Windows\resource\jre java.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.version == 6.specification.specification.6 java. file.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174198\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses java. java.vm.0 .arch == x86 os.0 java.specification. name java.vm.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\resources.version java.boot. java.class. 1.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\sunrsasign.dirs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ext C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext java.specification.__________________________________________________________________________ Wed May 16 15:18:51 CAT 2012 Free Memory: 13643 kB Total Memory: 15872 kB No Arguments java.3-b01 Java Virtual Machine Specification Sun Microsystems Inc.ext.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\c lasses C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\InstallerData ZGUtil. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\InstallerData\ Execute. .vendor == == == == == == == == == 1.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\rt.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\InstallerData\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData\Resource 1.vm.version java. zip C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData sun.specification.vendor java.vm.specification.vendor java.path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData\IAClasse s.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\charsets.0_20 (Java 1) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Sun Microsystems Inc.specification.specification.CLASS_PATH: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData\IAClasse C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData\Execute.6.class.jar C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\Windows\resource\jre\l ib\jce.0 Java Platform API Specification Sun Microsystems Inc.vm.version C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337174217\InstallerData\Execute.vm. specification.language == en == http://java. which enable s the accessibility features for the software.vendor.separator == \ file. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.sun. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.vendor == Sun Microsystems Inc.compiler == null == Administrator user. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 .encoding == Cp1252 user.6 java. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge.separator == .version == 1. which enables the ac cessibility features for the software. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management == Windows Vista os.home == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 174217\Windows\resource\jre java. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server.tmpdir == C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ os.version == java.home == C:\Users\Administrator user. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana gement station.version == file.dir == C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\I1337 174217\Windows user.region == null __________________________________________________________________________ Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software.0 path. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r software.arch == x86 os. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server. Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. java.0 java. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.class. Install thi s driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. This applica .Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. and monitor the DS3000.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Substituted: http://www. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage iSCSI or SAS. DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. iSCSI or SAS. Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this Substituted: http://www. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. iSCSI or SAS .) Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. iSCSI or SAS). This application can be installed in a workstation or server. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch annel. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre Substituted: http://www. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: management. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre and mon itor the DS3000. Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. manage.) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 Localizing PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem.tion can be installed in a workstation or server. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration. i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. 2003-2011 Licensed Material - . Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. iSCSI or SAS).ibm. man agement. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.3 5.. Storage Manager Utilities v10. Storage Manager RDAC v$MPP_VERSION$.35.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1337174198/InstallerData/Execute. including trend and usage analysis. Storage Manager A gent v$AGENT_VERSION$. Storage Manager Agent v10.15 ================================ query registry ================ .Use. US Government Users Restricted Rights .exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64=true Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Storage Manager Client v$CLIENT_VERSION$.Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved.G5. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. Storage Manager Util ities v$UTIL_VERSION$ Substituted: Storage Manager Client v10. Duplication. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended functionality.01. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\434430. IBM Support URL= Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management!/winInfo. Duplication. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. including trend and usage analysis.00.Use. US Government Users Restricted Rights .ibm.28.tmp\win Info. IBM Support URL= or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs. Storage Manager RDAC v0.07. 0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\eu la.5. Substituted: Also. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem management soft ware and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the primary mana .0" name="Common" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\eu la. if needed. use this option to install the Java Accessibility Bridge.tmp\tekprofiler. Localizing MGMTSTA_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem managem ent software and the Support Monitor software on your workstation or on the prim ary management station.html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@1a72267 [element_name="component" id="8cded4e3-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c4 13610" version="1.0.exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@98f429 [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10cad a82a" version="4.html" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@7ee063 [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c41 3610" version="1.0" name="SMclient" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS \client\SMclient.0.8.jar" vendor="IBM Corporation"] ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ XMLElement@c5fc21 [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10cad a82a" version="4.8. Substituted: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host software on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.0. if needed.0.0" name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\AppD ata\Local\Temp\614479.0. Localizing HOST_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install the storage subsystem host so ftware on the host server that is using the storage subsystem for data storage.exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] XMLElement@129da5 [element_name="component" id="bfb3ae72-1eef-11b2-b7a7-8ee10cad a82a" version="4.0" name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\AppD ata\Local\Temp\626322.8. Localizing WINDOWS_JAB_NOTE Localization result: Also. Substituted: Select this choice to install all software including Support Monito r software.0" name="TekProfiler" location="C:\Users\Administrator\AppD ata\Local\Temp\412166. Loading externalized properties System's temporary directory = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp Localizing FULL_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice to install all software including Suppor t Monitor software.XMLElement@7ee063 [element_name="component" id="8cdea89b-1eec-11b2-8e8a-90555c41 3610" version="1. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one mana gement workstation or server.tmp\tekprofiler.exe" vendor="IBM Corporation"] value VersionNew doesn't exist Localizing WINDOWS_AUTO_WARN Localization result: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the mon itor.tmp\tekprofiler. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed.5. Su pport Monitor software will not be installed. use this option to install the Java Access ibility Bridge. Substituted: A subsequent screen asks you to choose how to start the monitor.5.0. Attention: You must install Support Monitor on only one management w orkstation or server. Ins tall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. Install thi . Localizing SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing CUSTOM_INSTALLATION Localization result: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Mo nitor software or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. failback and multiple path hand ling Localizing MPIO_SHORT_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 DSM Localizing MPP_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 RDAC Localizing MPP_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Substituted: Select this choice if you do not want to install Support Monitor so ftware or if you want to install Java Accessibility Bridge. failback and multiple p ath handling Substituted: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO infrastruc ture which provides automated I/O path failover. DS4000/FAStT o r DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. which enable s the accessibility features for the software.) Substituted: The Linux RDAC driver enables the storage subsystem logical drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the e vent of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing INSTALLER_TITLE Localization result: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: Install IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Localizing CLIENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing SHORTCUT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing SAVE_AGENT_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Agent Localizing RDAC_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing UTILS_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Utilities Localizing MPIO_NAME Localization result: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Substituted: IBM DS3000/DS4000/DS5000 MPIO Device Specific Module (DSM) Localizing MPIO_DESCRIPTION Localization result: an IBM DS-specific DSM to work within the Microsoft MPIO in frastructure which provides automated I/O path failover. iSCSI or SAS. which enables the ac cessibility features for the software.gement station. Localizing UTIL_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This software component contains utilities used to help reg ister and map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. Localizing RDAC_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logic al drives to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controlle r in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem.) Localizing SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER Localization result: 1-800-426-7378 Substituted: 1-800-426-7378 . and mon itor the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. This applica tion can be installed in a workstation or server. iSCSI or SAS). iSCSI or SAS. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 st orage subsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. Substituted: This agent software enables server-based configuration. iSCSI or SAS). DS4000/FAStT or DS5 000 subsystems. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. Substituted: This software component contains utilities used to help register an d map logical drives to volumes to the operating system. and monitor the DS3000. iSCSI or SAS.) Localizing MPP_SHORT_NAME Localization result: LinuxRDAC Substituted: LinuxRDAC Localizing MONITOR_SERVICE_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing MONITOR_DISPLAY_NAME Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor Localizing SUPPORT_URL Localization result: http://www. iSCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. Install t his driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. This application also installs the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. management.) Substituted: The IBM MPIO DSM driver enables the storage subsystem logical drive s to be automatically re-assigned to another storage subsystem controller in the event of a controller failure in a dual controller storage subsystem. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre ch annel. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. Install this feature on all servers that are connected to the Install this fe ature on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS50 00 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. iSCSI or SAS . man Substituted: http://www. manage. i SCSI or SAS interface from the server to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT and DS5000 storage subsystem. and monitoring through the Storage Manager 10 Client using the fibre channel. This software should only be installed on servers and you might need to install a multi-path driver if you choose this option. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage su bsystem via an I/O interface (Fibre Channel. A subsequent screen asks you to choo se how to start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. A subsequent screen asks you to choose how t o start the Storage Manager Event Monitor service. I nstall this driver on all servers that are connected to the DS3000. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 subs ystems. manage.s driver on all servers that are connected to the Localizing CLIENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. DS4000/FAStT or DS5000 storage subsystems via the I/O interface (Fibre Channel. This application also installs the Sto rage Manager Event Monitor service. This application can be installed in a workstation or server. Substituted: The Storage Manager 10 Client is used to configure. Localizing AGENT_DESCRIPTION Localization result: This agent software enables server-based configuration. IBM Support URL= PRODUCT_UPDATE_URL Localization result: http://www. 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved.Use. US Government Users Restricted Rights Substituted: http://www. Localizing NATIVE_DIR Localization result: /opt/IBM_DS Substituted: /opt/IBM_DS Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler Server Localizing TEKPROFILER_SUBDIR_NATIVE . 2003-2011 Licensed Material Program Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. including trend and usage or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Localizing VENDOR_EMAIL Localization result: IBM Customer and Technical Support Substituted: IBM Customer and Technical Support Localizing COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Managemen t) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Localizing VENDOR_NAME Localization result: IBM Corporation Substituted: IBM Corporation Localizing VENDOR_URL Localization result: http://www. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended Substituted: http://www. You can optionally upgrade the Support Monitor to provide extended including trend and usage analysis. Substituted: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configur ed to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems managed by t he storage management software. US Government Users Restricted Rights .com/systems/support/storage/disk Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM Support URL=http://www.Use. Localizing COMMENTS Localization result: Substituted: Localizing LAX_FILE_NAME Localization result: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Substituted: DS Storage Manager 10 Client Localizing ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY Localization result: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Substituted: IBM DS Storage Manager Host Software version Localizing TEKPROFILER_NAME Localization result: Support Monitor Substituted: Support Monitor Localizing TEKPROFILER_DESCRIPTION Localization result: The Support Monitor is a web-based application that can be configured to automatically collect support data for the storage subsystems mana ged by the storage management software. Do not start the mo nitor automatically (you will need to start the monitor manually).Localization result: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Substituted: IBMStorageManagerProfiler_Server Checking for Admin Privs. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the storage subsystem.Start the monito r automatically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-boot ed in the future.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1337174217/InstallerData/Execute. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the storage subsystem. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. ExtractToFile: target = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\!/winInfo. The monitor should be running on only one of the comput ers connected to the array. The monitor should be running on only one of th e computers connected to the array. Substituted: The IBM DS Storage Manager 10 Event Monitor will be installed. Substituted: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Support Bun dle Collection feature. Localizing AUTO_START_QUESTION Localization result: The $MONITOR_NAME$ will be installed. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_0 Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):.Do not start the monitor au tomatically (you will need to start the monitor manually). Localizing AUTO_START_TITLE Localization result: Automatically Start Monitor? Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor? Required is : 1355582208 Available is : 28196384768 Able to install : TRUE value dsmname doesn't exist ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ ================================ query registry ================ . Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE_CATERA Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Substituted: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:...exe Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_32=true Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_64= Loading variable from Metabase: SUPPORT_ARCH_X64= SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 1000 Localizing AUTO_START_NOTE Localization result: Note: The monitor must be running to use the Automatic Sup port Bundle Collection feature. Substituted: Automatically Start Monitor (Recommended):.tmp\win Info.Start the monitor automa tically when installation completes and whenever the computer is re-booted in th e future. Localizing AUTO_START_BUTTON_INFO_1 Localization result: Do not Automatically Start the Monitor:. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry.. ip. ip.....getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Mana ger 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Clie nt Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\P rograms\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip...getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying... Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000/FAStT Storage Manager from the registry. ip. ip..getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip.getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Clie nt Setting $CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip.getVariable($CLIENT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client ... Setting $SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. ip. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS4000\FAStT Storage Manager from the registry...getVariable($USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP$): C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows \Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Window s\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.. ip. ip. ip..Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM DS3000 Storage Manager from the registry...getVariable($LAX_FILE_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $USER_SHORTCUTS_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying.. Removed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\I BM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 from the registry. ip... ip.. Verifying.77.28) Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0 Deferral retries done because: There were no deferrals in the last pass.getVariable($PREV_IA_COMPONENTS_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying. RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage RepositoryManager: repository successfully written to stable storage Localizing PRODUCT_NAME Localization result: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 Substituted: IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10 SHUTDOWN REQUESTED (X) commiting registry REGISTRY ALREADY STORED! (X) shutting down service manager (X) cleaning up temporary directories cleanUp() calling cleanUpWin32() Exiting with exit code: 0 .zip!/makeExecutable/lax_gui_admin.. Localizing COMMENTS_STRING Localization result: SMclient (v$ACTUAL_CLIENT_VERSION$) Substituted: SMclient (v10.getVariable($SHORTCUT_PARENT_DIR_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client CDS: Assuming sufficient disk space.getVariable($SHORTCUT_NAME_BACKUP_BACKUP$): DS Storage Manager 10 Client Setting $PREV_IA_COMPONENTS_BACKUP$ to DS Storage Manager 10 Client Verifying..exe Key_Only && trueParentKey = true. ip.exe ExtractToFile: extractWhatURL = jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/T emp/I1337174198/InstallerData/Execute. (V) # # INSTALLING VM: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\ia\jre # XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped ExtractToFile: target = C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM_DS\Uninstall IBM System Stora ge DS Storage Manager 10\Uninstall IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager 10. ip..G5... ip..
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