Connection 2011 Spring

March 30, 2018 | Author: hamid4777 | Category: Quality Assurance, Insulator (Electricity), Mechanical Engineering, Materials, Engineering



A Publication of Thermoseal Inc., Sidney, OH The pacesetter in gasket sealing technology Spring 2011 Klinger HCT now ASTM Standard The well-established Klinger Hot Compression Test determines the load bearing capabilities of gasket materials under hot and cold conditions. The original hot compression test concept was developed by the Klinger Group in the late 1940s. In contrast to BS 7531 and DIN 52913 tests, the Klinger Hot Compression Test keeps the gasket stress constant throughout the entire test. This subjects the gasket to more severe conditions. Assembly is simulated by applying defined pressures and temperatures and startup is simulated by increasing the temperature. The gasket’s thickness measurements are taken at timed intervals, and percent thickness decrease is reported. Hot compression properties are now covered in a new standard that was recently approved by ASTM. The new ASTM F2837, Test Method for Hot Compression Properties of Gasket Materials, provides gasket manufacturers with a test for measuring the hot compression properties of a gasket material, including, creep resistance and compression set. These results can be used as a QA tool as well as for material evaluations. Thermoseal’s commitment to quality is best demonstrated in our on-site lab and testing facilities, a rarity in the industry. Quality assurance specialists subject sealing materials to a battery of tests to ensure performance will meet or exceed specifications for the product. And, all testing adheres to strict ASTM, national and/or international specifications to ensure performance, reliability and continued quality. Product Training and Support Keeps up with Market Demands Thermoseal recently conducted a two-day seminar with APG (American Packing & Gasket Co.) of Houston, TX. The training seminar was to familiarize APG’s sales force with Thermoseal’s recently launched Performance Technology Group gasket materials. This product line was designed specifically for the Original Equipment and Aftermarket industries. Comprehensive training on the Multi-Layer Technology Grades of compressed fiber gasket materials and the cost effective Advantage Roll Goods products consisted of material specifications, technical training, case studies including discussions regarding markets and applications as well as various materials testing in Thermoseal’s lab. APG conducted hands-on material testing in accordance to the recently approved ASTM Hot Compression Test Method and were able to measure and compare material properties. C-7400 Electrical Values In relation to gasketing applications, a gasket acts as an insulator to the flow of electrical current from one conductive surface to another. The dielectric strength is the maximum working voltage a material can withstand without experiencing failure of its insulating properties. Dielectric strength is usually expressed as a voltage gradient such as volts per mm (kV/mm). KLINGERSIL C-7400 EPDM and Aramid fiber gaskets satisfy both sealing and electrical requirements. The dielectric strength for this material is 22 kV/mm. Gaskets from this material provide an effective seal and electrical isolation of the flanges. The high dielectric properties provide good electrical characteristics and bulk resistivity. PlantI automatically guided K L I C-44sheet onLthe C-44 KL K L I C-44 engineers and maintenance L AL L L L overL the material SEAL I L to A A SEA S I L SEA S I L OSE L I OSE S I L OSE S I L O R S RMO EAL I L THERM OSEAS I L THERM OSEAL I L HERMO OSRAL I L THERM disperse a THERM E R S E R S departments T have Ebeen uniform E 9 E R9 OS THE G E R9 G E43R S M G G 43 G4 9 R RM RG NM 9 ERM 43 R RS N 3 T I E C-4 THE G E R 3 THE 4 39 -4 -4 K LHI N G E433 K LTIHNusingE433 K L I NN-G4E433 K L I NCcoating K L I NCare 3 and C4 K L I C-44 N-G4 Ireplace this Kproduct4 to I NC-443 I CCstyles.2005 on a HER E E T T THE G L I N -4433 C Hot E ® E ® Approvals HareEARL S I L ® NewsS I L ® ® THERMOSEARL S I L ® T ERMOSE ® THERMOSEARL ® ® ® K G L I N -4433 C Anti-Stick for Graphite Sheet Just Got Better Klinger AG. EAL L EN L L AL L L SEA SEA S I I OSE MO R S I MO R S I RMO E R S flanged ball valve. SEA S I L ® keeps gaskets from sticking L S I ® THERMOSE R S MO MO RMO RM E S ® HER G E R HER G E R T THE G E R9 T they can 9 easily separated andTthe spent gasket can be quickly T T G 9 G G GE L I NC-4439 of L I NC-443 L I NC-443 be K L I NC-443 L I N performance by reducing L I NC-4439 L I NC-4439 K K K removed. L AL L AL L AL L AL L SEAsteam sheetsOSEAL outstanding OSEAL I L with I L I I OSE I OSE OSE OSE S I L MO R S I S M ER R ERM E R S ER ERM E R S ERM E R S ERM E R S ERM E R E stress TH G 9 H TH TH TH TH AS coating isTonly G TH G 39 G 39 9 request N G 39 relaxation properties. L C-4 L CL L K K K multiple cleaned at controlled AL L L AL AL L OSE LS I L types. KLINGERSIL its • Apply the AS coating L AL AL L A L OSE S I L OSE IL OSEC-4433 has solidified S Ireputation SEA S I L • Dry the surface RM E R S ERM E R ERM E R a RMO asR TH TH THE G THE G E G high I NC-4433 ING 3 N -44 I NC-4433the premier C-443end compressed 33 • Print the KLINGER branding KL KL KL KLI C gasket sheet for steam and plant • Cut and finish the material L L L L EAL SEA It SEA S I L SutilityI K L I C-44 FAX: 937-498-4911L ®I L ® N G 39 K L I C-44 THE SEA I L RMO E R S ® ® .3 ® SIL® E ® E ® S I L ® HERMOSE R S I L ® HERMOSE R S I L E R3 T T G 43 G 433 G 433 N N N -443 N Value-Added K and KLI C K L I C-4433 L I C-4 C-4439 -4 K L I C-4 C R THE MO ® SIL® G E R3 SEA L R THE MO SEA L AL AL L SEA I L RMO E R S N G4433 C L® K A OSE N G C-4433 and N G 33 KLINGERSIL 433 C-4439 gaskets L N Grecently were 4433 K L I C-4 by an L I C-44 K independent labKto Ithe -protocol C fire-safe tested of DIN L ISO 10497. and EAvarieties that OSEAAL I L intervalsSEto Sprevent MOSEAL S I L S AL I L I OSE EALI L O L O ES A M A I L THERMG SER9S I L THERMG OSR9 S I L THEhistorically I LcloggedG EER9S I L THERMG E R9 E S have RMGOSRR S THEERRMOS RS clogging of theHER G E R9 OE S T RM EE 9 RM E R RM E 3 R N G N 3 HNG R TI E LH N 443 KTL IENC-44 33 K LTIHEN-443433 K L HNN-Gof3 33fabricatorsCG E433 K L I NC-443 K TLII N --4 C 4 inventories C 44 4 33 K L I C-44 I C-4 4 L injectors.THERM E R S HER 6. It also promotes higher gasket K K K The combination 3 L AL L EAL ® ® EAL EAL ® ® SEA ® L EAL OSE ® TH MO EAL S MO EALS I ® MO L MO R S LS MO MO ®I L ® THEIERNMGKLINGERSIL THEEIRRN GSSEARhasIILan TaddedSSEEA4RSSIILL® THEEIRRN GSSE4ARL9®II L ® TKLINGER R9®IGraphiteEI RN GSE4R9®I L ®THERN GSE R S I L ® S R S I L ® C-4439E ® L ® HER O E 9® L HERMG E S S MO R9 MO 3 S R O 4R 3 3 3S ERN I M G R39 IN 3 K L C-44 synthetic Land glass fibersL has no effects on material L A A AL graphite build-up. 11. The end L I CL I C-44 K K C K K and plant storerooms alike. L I 2350 439 N 39 K L I C-44 K K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 C- THE L SEA I L RMO E R S ® ® ERMOSEARL S I L ® ERMOSEARL S I L ® ERMOSEARL S I L ® ERMOSEARL S I L ® ® ® H E E E E TH T TH TH N G 39 G E R9 K GE L I N 4439 C- SE RMO ®L RSI ® N 3 K L I C-44 THE SE RMO G E R9 Phone: 937-498-2222 L Toll Free: 800-990-SEAL (7325) AL L A AL L AL I OSE S I L OSE OSE SI ® ® ERM TH N 3 K L I C-44 ® ® ERM TH N 3 K L I C-44 S G E R9 ® ® ERM TH N 3 K L I C-44 S G E R9 www. fifth edition. ® ® N G4433 C M L L ® L MOSEARL S I L ® ER results®I L ® ER gaskets®I L ® ® SEA SEA R S I ®testERprocedure. The new process replaces coating rollers with a spray system that improves the production. N G E 39 N available upon N G 39for a minimal fee. K G L I N -4433 C T ® ® N G 33 K L I C-44 R THE N 3 K L I C-44 K GE L I N 4433 C- N G 33 K L I C-44 N KLI MO GER following processes: L SEA S I L The automated one-step system is now able to perform the Since L introduction in 1996. As L result is an improved AL AL L AL L SEAL S I L EAL I L EAL I L EALL I L I OS L OS OSE S I L OSE I MO EA OSS operational costsALhave OSE result. K L I C-44 N G4433 loads due433 N -443 L N KLI C K L I C-44 CK L I C-4 to pressure and/or L L A ®L E ® EAL ®I L ® ® SEA S I L ® SE ®I L ® HETheOASARLcoating HERMOSEARL S I L ® HERMOSEARL S Ito flange faces so SEtemperature fluctuations. OH 45365-9573 N G 39 N G 39 Thermoseal Inc. Switzerland recently developed and installed a new processing line for the Anti-Stick (“AS”) coating on KLINGER Graphite Laminate gasket materials. For 3 N N 3 N I ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 4 -44 K L I C-44 K L I additional K L I C-44 on K L I value-added K L I C-44 K L I C-44 C-4 information this C AL Inside L AL AL Thermoseal’s ®I L ® Sales Team. and function of the graphite laminate AS materials. K anti-stick properties.2004 / API 607. I L AL AL OSE S SEA ®I L OSE ®I L ® OSE ®I L ® OSE ® ® OSE ®I L ® ERM E R S ERM E R S RMO E R S ® THERM E R ERM E R S ERM E R S TH TH TH TH THE G N G 39 N G 39 N G 39 N G 39 N G 39 L I NC-4439 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® option. S I L has SEA S I L SEA S I L RMO RMO R S RMO RMO E R3 THE G as 3 THE G Ebeen described E Rthe bestE G E R The spray nozzles are TH THE G E R 3 3 N 3 N 3 N N 3 443 K I market. finish. contact THE G L I NC-4439 THE L SEA I L RMO E R S ® ® ERMOSEARL S I L ® ® E TH AL N G 39 N G4 Campbell Road GSidney. Egliswil. The metalCreinforcementI C-44 KL K K L I C-44 loading. ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®®® ® ®® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 4 H H E TL C4 TL L C-44 G GE KTL NC-4E433 KTLlowC-4carbon KH N G-E 33 K H N C-4 33 K do CKLaminate materials L not4flow under Ipressure and temperature KL galvanized L I N G4433 steel -4 K L I Cinsert.E TH N G L I C-4 -4 KTL I N G44 33 K L I C-4 while still maintaining K L I C-4 K L I C-4 L I NC-4433 K L I NC-4433 K L I NC-443 KL C K L I C -44 C enhanced. and are Ea L ® L source for sealing of gases and liquids. LThe AS coating L AL AL L L SE I L ERMOSEcharacteristics. L AL AL ® A reliable EAL ® L EAL ®I L L SEA ®I L OSE ® L OSE S I L OS S R ®II ® THERMOSEAR® IL ® THER when S I ® THERMGEELR®I L ® THERMOSE RThey ®haveRMG E R S I ®THERMresistance against temperature LS E an outstanding O E R S AL S L strengthens the materialM SEEL ® L AR A E TH SE S ® S SE SI ® S MO MOG 39I ® ERMO R39 ® S NGER N N 39 MG NO N G 39 IN N G 39 subjected 439 THL G E R THL G E 4 3 TL C 4 K ERI C-44 K N C-4 3 K L I C-44 KHEIR G-E R to mechanical 3 K L I C-44 variations and high thermal conductivity. and the MO R Sshow both MO E R Smet H H E E L The valves were burned for 30 minutes according to the T TH G 3 the test requirements. OASAcoating can help save both time I OSE OSE OSE I I OSE bonded withI a nitrileRbinder S I L ERM E R S E M ER ERM E R SperformanceE R S ERM E R S ERM E R S TH TH TH TH TH TH G N 39 NG 3 N G 39 NG N G 39 makeG both KLINGERSIL9 money 4439 L I NC-4439 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 K L I C-44 andK L I C-by reducingLdowntime and the cost of prepping and K K I C-44 C-4433 and C-4439 ultimate cleaning the flanges. A S R S R ERM E R S HERMGSE R S I L THERM OEEA S I L a HERM OEER S I L THERM OSE R S I L THERM Esurface THERM E R S appearance O M S TH T RM R G SE R G 439 G 439 ER G 439 EN E 39 N G44R9 3 ERM 439 beenHER G E39 and safety G E Rbeen H H T Ireduced 3 N N N G4 N has L I C.
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