Congregation Shaarey Zedek Recorder Feb-Mar-Apr 2014



RecorderCONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK VOL. LXXXII NO. 3 • FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 THE Happy Purim! HELENA ZWEIG AS QUEEN ESTHER. SEE PAGE 2 ADULTS Saturday, March 15, 2014 8:30 p.m. Generously sponsored by the Sidney Katzman Memorial Fund FAMILIES Sunday, March 16, 2014 11:00 a.m. Walt-z on over to Shaarey Zedek for a very Goofy time! Saturday: Shake your groggers and Tınkerbells! Free food and special Purim Drinks! 8:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE AND TRADITIONAL MEGILLAH READING 9:30 P.M. ADULT COMEDY PERFORMANCE FEATURING AVI LIEBERMAN. Win! Call the Purim Hotline 248.357.5544 ext. 26 by March 13, 2013 and enter to win a Google Nexus tablet. Avi was born in Israel, raised in Texas, attended college in New York, and lives in Los Angeles. His style is a winning combination of life experiences and topical issues told through a varied blend of characters and voices with worldwide expertise. Sunday: Be the Belle of the ball at the Family Purim Carnival! FAMILY PURIM SHPIEL AND COSTUME PARADE BRING AN UNOPENED BOX OF PASTA TO SHAKE AS A GROGGER AND DONATE TO YAD EZRA AT THE END OF THE SERVICE • CARNIVAL GAMES • CLOWNS • SLOT CAR RACING • INFLATABLES • FACE PAINTING • FOOD • DANCING WITH STAR TRAX And More! On the Cover: Congratulations to CSZ’s Purim Cover Contest winner Helena Zweig, whose entry was titled Me as Queen Esther. Helena is five years old, is a kindergarten student at Hillel and is the daughter of Susan Zweig and Russell Orlando, and the granddaughter of Barbara and Eugene (z’l) Zweig. Visit us on the web at or follow us on Twitter @shaareyzedek Purim “Mick-illah” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rabbinic Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 Passover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Synagogue Office 27375 Bell Road Southfield, Michigan 48034-2079 Phone: 248.357.5544 • Fax 248.357.0227 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday Please note our office will be closed for Passover on the following dates: Tuesday, April 15, Wednesday, April 16; Monday, April 21 and Tuesday, April 22, 2014. Affiliates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Education & Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-24 Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Yahrzeits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 Memoriams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-37 Quality Kosher Catering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 CSZ Clover Hill Park Cemetery 2425 East Fourteen Mile Road Birmingham, Michigan 48009 Phone: 248.723.8884 • 248.723.8886 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2014 at 2:00 a.m. C H A N G E C L O C K S F O R WA R D O N E H O U R Scholar-in-Residnce Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Woman’s World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Congregation Shaarey Zedek is a warm, welcoming, inclusive and egalitarian Conservative Jewish community. We provide to all generations innovative, stimulating and diverse spiritual, educational leadership and social opportunities that nurture our love and commitment to Jewish life, our Synagogue, our country and the State of Israel. Our spiritual direction is led by committed, knowledgeable and caring clergy available to all. Together, we participate in celebrating our history, enriching our community and planning our future. Connect With Us Rabbi Joseph H. Krakoff ( Rabbi Aaron L. Starr ( @rabbikrakoff) ........................................................................................................................ [email protected] Rabbi Aaron Starr) .................................................................................................. [email protected] @rabbistarr, Hazzan David Propis, Cantor .................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Leonard Gutman, Assistant Cantor ............................................................................................................................................ [email protected] Cantor Chaim Najman, DM, Emeritus ....................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Shira Shapiro, Executive Director ............................................................................................................................................. [email protected] Janet Pont, Director of Member Support Services .......................................................................................................................... [email protected] Tobye Bello, Program Director ...................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Ronald Miller, CPA, Controller .................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Shelley Golsky, Office Manager ................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] Allison Gutman, Assistant Director of Education and Youth ..................................................................................................... [email protected] David Lerner, Director of Youth and Young Adult Programming ................................................................................................. [email protected] Mary Knoll, President ................................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] Larry Nemer, Vice President ....................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Robert Goodman, Vice President .......................................................................................................................................... [email protected] Jeri Fishman, At-Large Member of the Executive Board ............................................................................................................ [email protected] Janice Stoneman, At-Large Member of the Executive Board ................................................................................................... [email protected] Rick Cohen, At-Large Member of the Executive Board ........................................................................................................... [email protected] CSZ Men’s Club, Affiliate ....................................................................................................................................................... [email protected] CSZ Seniors, Affiliate .................................................................................................................................................................. [email protected] CSZ Sisterhood, Affiliate ........................................................................................................................................................ [email protected] FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 DIRECTORY Synagogue Contact Information CONTENTS 3 4 A Late Purim: The Lunar Calendar Revealed Rabbi Joseph H. Krakoff [email protected] • @rabbikrakoff RABBINIC REFLECTIONS CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG hile the High Holy Days and Chanukah were very early this year, Purim and Passover are later than might have been anticipated. How is this possible? Remember that the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, and there are only 354 days in a year. With approximately 11 fewer days in a Jewish year than in a secular year, after three years’ time, the Jewish calendar would lose an entire month. For that reason, we insert a leap month at the very end of the Jewish year. This means that on February 1, 2014 we begin Adar I (the twelfth month) and on March 3, 2014 we begin Adar II (a thirteenth Hebrew month!). This also means Purim is pushed back to Adar II and is celebrated on Saturday night, March 15 and Sunday, March 16, 2014. Since we now have one additional month to prepare for Purim, let me put forth that there are actually four mitzvot (commandments) to fulfill: hearing the Megillah read evening and morning, giving gifts to friends (Mishloach manot), giving W gifts to those in need (Matanot l’evyonim), and partaking in a festive meal (seudah) on Purim afternoon. It is interesting to note that Purim originally appeared among the Jews of Persia who, even before the onset of Purim as a formal holiday, were accustomed to celebrating a spring masquerade festival each year in the middle of the last winter month. It is also noteworthy that in the Book of Esther, God’s name is never mentioned, despite the fact that throughout the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) nothing takes place without God’s intervention. Purim is the only Jewish holiday not imbued with some form of religious solemnity. It is a day of great feasting and drinking (responsibly, please!) until we cannot decipher between the phrases “blessed is Mordechai” and “cursed is Haman.” On the deepest level, though, Purim is about putting on our masks and costumes in order to reveal our true identity. It is actually a very profound concept and one worth contemplating. Susan, Atara, Micah and Elan join me in wishing you a Happy Purim and a Happy Passover! What is it that keeps you up at night? Rabbi Aaron L. Starr [email protected] • @rabbistarr Rabbi Aaron Starr hat is it that keeps you up at night? Thank God, for a majority of Jews, it is not the threat of annihilation that we confront–as they did in the days of Purim–or the question of from where our next meal might come–as they did in the days of the Exodus that we celebrate on Passover. Rather, we worry about aging parents or raising good, Jewish children and grandchildren. We worry about job stability or retirement realities. We worry about our own health and the health of those whom we love. We worry about the future of the Jewish people and we worry whether the lives we are leading are ones of true meaning and purpose. We worry about our legacies and about how and if we will be remembered after our days on earth come to an end. We worry. We ALL worry. Yet, it is those exact worries that our synagogue addresses on a daily basis. Through our prayer services and our adult education opportunities, we confront the realities of life in the 21st century and seek to find comfort from, and meaning in, those concerns. Through individual conversations with Rabbi Krakoff and me, or with Hazzan Propis and Assistant Cantor Gutman, we can address specific situations and invite God into our lives. Through spending times with friends new and old within the synagogue, W we come to learn that there are others sharing the same concerns; we come to discover we are not alone in our struggles. Through engaging Jewish life in our most difficult times as well as our most joyful (note: Purim and Passover are holidays of celebration!), we remember that there is strength in faith. And, while the majority of Jews are not threatened with physical annihilation or crises of hunger, there are some who still are. As a community, we can more successfully protect Israel from her enemies and we more actively rally together in true acts of Tikkun Olam: helping to feed the hungry and raise up the poor. The stories of Purim and Passover are not one-time events, but recurring themes in history. Let us not forget that the nation that sought to destroy the Jews during the time of Purim is the same seeking to develop nuclear technology today (Persia = Iran). Let us also not forget the Passover obligation that each of us must regard ourselves as having come out of Egypt, and that we must declare, Let all who are hungry come and eat. Congregation Shaarey Zedek is truly a sacred community. Let us join together in the coming months to address those concerns that keep us up at night; let us unite to right the wrongs of society; and, perhaps most of all, let us together celebrate the miracles God performed for us in days of old … and today as well. FEBRUARY 2014 • ADAR I 5774 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBAT SHABBAT TERUMAH ROSH CHODESH ADAR I Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Simcha Aliyah for February birthdays or anniversaries Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:30 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 6:31 p.m. SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 3 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. BLOOD DRIVE 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. TZEDAKAH EXPERIENCE 9:45 a.m. Temple Israel EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MEN’S CLUB WINE & THEOLOGY 7:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. 4 5 6 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 5:30 p.m. T.G.I.S. MUSICAL SERVICE 5:30 p.m. Nosh & Schmooze 6:00 p.m. Service SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 5:36 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 5:45 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 5:45 p.m. 7 SHABBAT TETZAVEH Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Shabbat 4 Kidz 10:45 a.m. Lunch & Learn Rabbi Krakoff Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:30 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Mincha/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 6:40 p.m. 8 9 10 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. 11 12 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. GAME DAY 11:00 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 13 14 SHABBAT KI TISA Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:45 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 6:48 p.m. 15 MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. THE BEGINNING OF JUDAISM WITH HINDY NAJMAN 4:00 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. TEL AVIV CANTORIAL INSTITUTE CHOIR CONCERT 7:30 p.m. MEN’S CLUB INTERCONGREGATIONAL DINNER 6:45 p.m. Adat Shalom MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 16 17 18 19 20 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. DSO CONCERT 7:30 p.m. 21 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 5:45 p.m. CARLEBACH SHABBAT SERVICE 6:00 p.m. 22 EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. PRESIDENTS’ DAY MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. SHABBAT VAYAKHEL Shacharit: 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Shabbat 4 Kidz 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:45 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 6:57 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. 23 25 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. VASHTI’S BANQUET 7:00 p.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. 24 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 26 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 27 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. 28 SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:03 p.m. MARCH 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II 5774 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBAT SHABBAT SHEKALIMPEKUDEI Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Simcha Aliyah for March Birthdays and Anniversaries Me & My Preschooler Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:00 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 7:05 p.m. ROSH CHODESH ADAR II MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. PASSPORT TO ISRAEL 9:30 a.m. Shalom Street EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 1 2 SECOND DAY ROSH CHODESH ADAR II MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. 3 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. SENIORS OPENING MEETING FEATURING HAZZAN DAVID PROPIS 1:00 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 4 5 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 6 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. 7 MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:11 p.m. SHABBAT VAYIKRA Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Lunch.& Learn Rabbi Starr Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:15 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Mincha/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 7:13 p.m. 8 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. PURIM PARCEL PROJECT 12:15 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. 9 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 10 11 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. SENIORS EVENT WITH HARRY HOVAKIMIAN 1:00 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 12 FAST OF ESTHER Fast Begins 6:36 a.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. Fast Ends 8:19 p.m. 13 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 7:20 p.m. 14 Purim Begins at Sundown SHABBAT ZACHOR-TZAV 15 Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah and S’udah Sh’lishit 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Ends 8:21 p.m. Ma’ariv and Adult Megilliah Reading 8:30 p.m. Comedian Avi Lieberman 9:30 p.m. PURIM SHACHARIT 9:00 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. PURIM CARNIVAL 11:00 a.m. MINCHA/MA’ARIV 5:00 p.m. SHUSHAN PURIM MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. 16 17 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 18 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 19 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. GAME DAY 11:00 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 20 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. CARLEBACH SHABBAT SERVICE 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 7:28 p.m. 21 SHABBAT PARAH-SHEMINI Shacharit: 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:30 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 8:30 p.m. 22 MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. CHOCOLATE SEDER 11:15 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. MATZAH FACTORY 10:00 a.m. J-SERVE DAY OF SERVICE EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. 23 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. SEVENTH GRADE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM TRIP 6:00 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID 6:45 p.m. 24 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 4:15 p.m. @ CSZ 4:30 p.m. @ Hillel EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORE THAN MATZAH AND MAROR 7:30 p.m. 25 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 26 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 27 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE SHABBAT AND T.G.I.S. MUSICAL SERVICE 5:30 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 7:36 p.m. 28 SHABBAT HACHODESH-TAZRIA Shacharit: 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Shabbat 4 Kidz 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:30 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 8:38 p.m. 29 30 31 APRIL 2014 • NISAN 5774 TUESDAY ROSH CHODESH NISAN MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 1 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MONDAY 2 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/ MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 7:44 p.m. WEDNESDAY 3 4 THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBAT SHABBAT METZORA Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Simcha Aliyah for April Birthdays or Anniversaries Me & My Preschooler/ Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:45 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 8:47 p.m. 5 6 7 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. KERMIT’S PASSOVER PARTY 6:00 p.m. Huntington Woods Library MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. SENIORS EVENT WITH THE VARITONES 1:00 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. GAME DAY 11:00 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 8 9 10 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. LEYL CHAMETZ DINNER AND T.G.I.S. MUSICAL SHABBAT 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 7:52 p.m. 11 SHABBAT HAGADOLACHAREI MOT Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & MyPreschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:45 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Mincha/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 8:55 p.m. 12 13 14 16 EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. PESACH-SECOND DAY SHACHARIT 9:00 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 8:30 p.m. FAST OF THE FIRST BORN PESACH NIGHT, FIRST SEDER 15 MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. Forms for the selling of chametz must be turned in before morning services PESACH CHOL HAMOED MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. 17 PESACH CHOL HAMOED 18 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 8:00 p.m. 19 SHABBAT CHOL HAMOED PESACH Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 9:04 p.m. SHACHARIT 7:00 a.m. SEARCH FOR CHAMETZ AFTER DARK Siyyum to follow Can eat chametz until 10:56 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 5:30 p.m. CANDLE LIGHTING 7:55 p.m. PESACH-FIRST DAY SECOND SEDER SHACHARIT 9:00 a.m. AFIKOMEN SCAVENGER HUNT 10:30 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 5:30 p.m. CANDLE LIGHTING 8:59 p.m. CHOL HAMOED PESACH SEVENTH NIGHT SHACHARIT 8:30 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 5:00 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. PESACH EIGHTH DAY SHACHARIT 9:00 a.m. Yizkor Service and dedication of Memorial Plaques MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 8:45 p.m. YOM TOV ENDS 9:08 p.m. Chametz may be touched after 9:15 p.m. 20 21 22 PESACH SEVENTH DAY SHACHARIT 9:00 a.m. MINCHAH/MA’ARIV 5:30 p.m. 23 24 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. THRILLING THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m. FEDED WITH RABBI STARR 11:15 a.m. at Federation EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. DSO CONCERT 7:30 p.m. 25 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. MINCHAH/KABBALAT SHABBAT/MA’ARIV 6:00 p.m. CARLEBACH SHABBAT SERVICE 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 8:07 p.m. 26 SHABBAT KEDOSHIM Shacharit: 9:00 a.m. Me & My Preschooler Shabbat 4 Kidz 10:45 a.m. Minchah/Ma’ariv 8:15 p.m. S’udah Sh’lishit between Minchah/Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 9:13 p.m. CANDLE LIGHTING 9:07 p.m. PESACH CANDLE LIGHTING 8:02 p.m. MORNING MINYAN 8:30 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. SEVENTH GRADE CLOVER HILL PARK CEMETERY TRIP 9:30 a.m. FOUNDATIONS FOR JEWISH FAMILY LIVING 9:30 a.m. MUNCHIES, MITZVAHS AND MARVIN’S 12:15 p.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:00 p.m. 27 MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. CSZ ANNUAL MEETING 7:00 p.m. YOM HASHOAH MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. ATID GRADUATION 28 29 ROSH CHODESH IYAR MORNING MINYAN 7:30 a.m. EVENING MINYAN 5:30 p.m. 30 8 TERUMAH FEBRUARY 1 JONAH ROSS WEINBAUM Son of: Lisa and Marc Weinbaum Brother of: Adam, Anna and Robert Grandson of: Shirley Ann and Neal Kruman Jeanette and Seymour (z’l) Weissman TETZAVEH FEBRUARY 8 HANNAH LILLY KNOLL Daughter of: Lisa Knoll and David Knoll Sister of: Sydney Granddaughter of: Maureen Fill Craina Knoll (z’l) Richard Knoll Barbara and Joel Leib TETZAVEH FEBRUARY 1 - HAVDALAH AARON JACOB FORBES Son of: Catherine and Nathan Forbes Brother of: Andew, Caitlin and Tony Grandson of: Maddie and Sidney Forbes Connie and H. John (z’l) Jacobs SHEKALIM-PEKUDEI MARCH 1 IAN ZERKEL Son of: Emma and Michael Zerkel Brother of: Leah Grandson of: Robyn (z’l) and Jay (z’l) Gorell Dorothy Nelson and Michael Kleerekoper SERVICES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Marlene and David Zerkel Great-Grandson of: Rose Miller Beatrice Zerkel VAYIKRA MARCH 8 DALIA SCHWARZBAUM Daughter of: Bea and Paul Schwarzbaum Sister of: Ezra Granddaughter of: Leon and Enid Manee and Saeng VAYIKRA MARCH 1 - HAVDALAH ELIANA JULIET SILVERMAN Daughter of: Jennifer and Paul Silverman Sister of: Nathan and Levi Granddaughter of: Leslie and Robert Golding Renee Dagher and Richard Pulford Lila and Gilbert Silverman Great-Granddaughter of: Dorothy Golding Fanny Zuckerman TZAV MARCH 8 - HAVDALAH SAMUEL ETHAN GAWEL Son of: Leah and Randall Gawel Brother of: Sophia Grandson of: Paula Murray and Norman Silverman Great-Grandson of: Edna and William Silverman PARAH-SHEMINI MARCH 22 EMILY MORGAN STERN Daughter of: Marla and Ronald Stern Sister of: Ethan, Jonah and Noah Granddaughter of: Joanne and Lawrence Cohen Francine and Robert Stern Babs (z’l) and Herb Kaufman Listen-in Program Son of: Amy and Eric Grosinger Brother of: Samantha and Ryan Grandson of: Roberta and Emery Grosinger Maxine and Herb Weinberg allows our members to hear Shabbat & Holiday morning services over the phone. For more information on this, call the Synagogue office at 248.357.5544 Watch services online by going to our homepage,, and clicking on Live Streaming. Generously sponsored by Richard and Sharon (z’l) Brown. JOIN US FOR A LIVELY MUSICAL FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE FEATURING HAZZAN DAVID PROPIS THIS SERVICE IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. February 7, 2014 March 28, 2014 in conjunction with our Scholar-in-Residence weekend April 11, 2014 as part of the Leyl Chametz Dinner 5:30 p.m. Nosh and Schmooze, 6:00 p.m. Service See page 39 for information on the Scholar-in-Residence Weekend and page 13 for the Leyl Chametz Dinner FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT TOBYE BELLO AT 248.357.5544 OR [email protected] Carlebach Shabbat FRIDAYS, FEBRUARY 21, MARCH 21 AND APRIL 25 6:00 p.m. Shabbat service followed by an Oneg This fun, uplifting vocal Kabbalat Shabbat service is inspired by the melodies of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (z’l) and led by David Lerner For information, please contact David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 SERVICES KEDOSHIM APRIL 26 BENNETT JAY GROSINGER WHEN YOU CANNOT BE AT SHAAREY ZEDEK 9 10 D E D I C A T I O N O F SERVICES MARCH 1, 2013 THROUGH JULY 31, 2014 MEMORIAL PLAQUES Our next Memorial Plaque Dedication will take place during the Yizkor Service on the eighth day of Passover Tuesday, April 22, 2014 d FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 SECOND DAY OF ROSH HASHANAH To purchase a plaque in the name of a loved one, please contact Janet Pont at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] If you would like your plaque to be dedicated during the April Yizkor Service, please place your order no later than February 20, 2014. For more information, please contact Janet Pont, Director of Member Support Services, at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] Thank You! Breakfast and S’udah Sh’lishit Sponsors In memory of beloved father Manuel Zechman by Neil Zechman In memory of beloved husband Joseph Klaiman by Zelda Klaiman In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Arnold by Wendy & Philip Arnold In memory of beloved husband Dr. Robert Tam by Elizabeth Tam In memory of beloved father Irving Rollinger and beloved grandmother Bessie Krell by Susan & Robert Rollinger In memory of Fanny Eidelman by the Aleman and Eidelman families In memory of beloved husband Rabbi Irwin Groner by Rebetzin Leypsa Groner Yom HaShoah Candles The Men’s Club CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG is pleased to offer Yom HaShoah candles to our Congregation. Please stop by the Synagogue office prior to Friday, April 25, 2014 to pick up your candle. Yom HaShoah is Monday, April 28, 2014. Your candle should be lit on Sunday evening, April 27 after sundown. Please contact Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. Sponsor a Morning Minyan breakfast and/or a S’udah Sh’lishit Tuesday, April 8, 2014 6:00-7:15 p.m. Families with young children ages 0-5 will gather at the Huntington Woods Library for Passoverthemed games and snacks. RSVP to Tobye at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] Scavenger Hunt Children ages 7-12 are invited to this indoor “road rally” style scavenger hunt, where they can win huge prizes! The Great Afikomen Tuesday, April 15, First Day of Pesach 10:30 a.m. Delegation of Power of Attorney for Sale of Chametz I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Congregation Shaarey Zedek Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all chametz possessed by me (knowingly and unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law (e.g. chametz, doubt of chametz, and all kinds of chametz mixtures). Also, chametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the inside surface of pans, pots or cooking and usable utensils, and all kinds of live animals that have been eating chametz or mixtures thereof. And to lease all places wherein the chametz may be found, especially in the premises located at ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS Leonard Gutman has the full right to sell and lease by transactions, as he deems fit and proper, and for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detailed terms and detailed forms as explained in the general authorization contracts which have been given this year to Leonard Gutman to sell chametz. This general authorization is made a part of this agreement. Also, I do hereby give Leonard Gutman full power and authority to appoint a substitute in his stead with full power to sell and lease as provided herein. The above given power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic regulations and laws, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and of the United States, and to this I hereby affix my signature. Please remember that chametz should not be touched from 10:56 a.m. Monday, April 14 to Tuesday, April 22 after 9:15 p.m. Name (Please Print): _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE NO LATER THAN 7:00 A.M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014. I/We wish to perform the ritual of Mechirat Chametz / Me’ot Chetim, donating money to help buy matzah and Passover food for a family in need. Please accept my donation of : m $18 m $36 m $72 m Other $ _________________________ Please make checks payable to CSZ Men’s Club Me’ot Chetim Project and mail to: CSZ Men’s Club c/o Congregation Shaarey Zedek • 27375 Bell Road, Southfield, MI 48034-2079 Re: Sale of Chametz PASSOVER Kermit’s Passover Party COME AND PLAY! Will You Be the First to Find the Matzah? 11 12 Summary of the Rabbinical Assembly Passover Guide 5774 FOODS PROHIBITED FOODS include leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, coffees containing cereal derivatives, wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye, and all liquids containing ingredients of flavors made from grain alcohol. PERMITTED FOODS that require no kosher le-Pesach label if purchased prior to Pesach include unopened packages or containers of natural coffee without cereal additives (be aware that coffees produced by General Foods are not kosher for Passover unless marked KP); sugar, pure tea (not herbal tea); salt (not iodized); pepper; natural spices; frozen fruit juices (with no additives); frozen (uncooked) vegetables; milk; butter; cottage cheese; cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar (hard), muenster (semi-soft) and Camembert (soft); frozen (uncooked) fruit (with no additives); baking soda. PERMITTED FOODS that require no kosher le-Pesach label if purchased before or during Pesach include fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, fresh fish and fresh meat. PERMITTED FOODS that require a kosher le-Pesach label if purchased prior to Pesach include all baked products (matzah, cakes, matzah flour, farfel, matzah meal and any products containing matzah); canned or bottled fruit juices; canned tuna; wine; vinegar; liquor; oils; dried fruits; candy; chocolateflavored milk; ice cream; yogurt and soda. DETERGENT If permitted during the year, powdered and liquid detergents do not require a kosher le-Pesach label. MEDICINE required for life-sustaining therapy may be used on Pesach. If not for life-sustaining therapy, consult the rabbi. In all cases, capsules are preferred to pills, with or without chametz binders. Before discontinuing any medication, consult the rabbi and physician. PASSOVER CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG KASHERING OF UTENSILS The process of kashering utensils depends on how the utensils are used. According to halakah, leaven can be purged from a utensil by the same process in which it was absorbed in the utensil (ke-voleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils used in cooking are kashered by boiling, those used in broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used only for cold food are kashered by rinsing. EARTHENWARE may not be kashered. However, fine translucent chinaware which has not been used for more than a year may be used if scoured and cleaned in hot water. METAL UTENSILS USED IN FIRE Metal (wholly made of metal) utensils used in fire (spit, broiler) must first be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed and then made hot until it glows. Those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and not used for 24 hours. Then they are completely immersed in boiling water. Metal baking utensils cannot be kashered. GLASSWARE Authorities disagree as to the method of kashering glass utensils used for drinking and eating. One opinion required soaking in water for three days, changing the water every 24 hours. The other opinion requires only that one thoroughly scrub them or put them through a dishwasher. Glass cookware includes cookware made of modern materials that are as non-porous as glass, such as Pyrex®. There is a difference of opinion as to whether glass cookware needs to be kashered. One opinion is that it must be kashered. After thoroughly cleaning it, wait 24 hours. Then, boil water in it that overflows the rim, or immerse it into boiling water. The other opinion is that, only a thorough cleansing is required. Others believe that glass cookware cannot be kashered. Glass bakeware, like metal bakeware, cannot be kashered for Passover. COSMETICS AND TOILETRIES All varieties of body soaps, shampoos and stick deodorants are permitted for use on Pesach, regardless of ingredients. All types of ointments, creams, nail polish, hand lotions, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, foot and face powders, ink and paint may be used, regardless of their ingredients. Colognes, perfumes, hairspray, shaving lotions, and deodorants that have restorable, denatured alcohol should not be used. This applies only to products in a pure liquid state. Lipstick that contains chametz should not be used. TABLES, CLOSETS AND COUNTERS If used with chametz, they should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, and then they may be used. Note that the covering material should be made of material that is not easily torn. CHAMETZ AND NON-PASSOVER UTENSILS Non-Passover dishes, pots and chametz whose ownership has been transferred to a non-Jew should be separated, locked up or covered, and marked in order to prevent accidental use. For more detailed information, as well as additional categories, refer to the website of the Rabbinical Assembly at KITCHEN SINK A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning it, then leaving it unused for 24 hours, and then pouring boiling water on it. A porcelain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin must be used. Getting Ready for Passover 2014/5774 13 T he Torah prohibits the eating of chametz (leavened bread) during the festival of Pesach (Exodus 12:15-20), referring to food prepared from five species of grain—wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye—that has been allowed to rise. To theseforbidden grains, Ashkenazic rabbis added rice, millet, corn, and legumes (kitniyot). Before the advent of Pesach all leaven must be removed from one’s premises/legal possession. The Selling of Leaven (Mechirat Chametz) One must not have any leaven in his/her legal possession during Pesach. To sell excess chametz, we use an authorization document that gives Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman, the buyer, power of attorney to sell it to someone who is not Jewish. Those who wish to sell their leaven sign their names under this agency appointment and authorize Assistant Cantor Gutman to act on their behalf. At the conclusion of Pesach he/she buys it back. While this transaction is not intended to be a real sale, it satisfies the requirement of the law forbidding the possession of leaven by Jews during Passover. You can form from page 11 or sign it at morning minyan beginning the week before Pesach. The Search for Leaven (Bedikat Chametz) - Sunday evening, April 13 The night before Pesach, immediately after sundown, we begin the search for leaven. Our aim is to insure that no leaven has been left behind after the cleaning of the house. Places where no leaven is used during the year do not need to be searched. The procedure is as follows: a candle is lit, the blessing is recited, and the house is searched by the light of the candle. Since by this time the house has been cleaned thoroughly and the chances of finding any leaven are minimal, it has become customary to put a number of bread pieces in places where they can be easily found. The crumbs of bread that are found and the leaven left over for breakfast should be guarded carefully lest a new search become necessary. Kits are available from CSZ Men’s Club by calling the Synagogue. The Nullification and Burning of Leaven (Bittul/Biur Chametz) After the search for leaven, one recites the formula for bittul chametz – nullification. The following morning (Monday, April 14, 2014), between ten and eleven o’clock, the leaven is disposed of and the formula for bittul/biur chametz is recited. If a person is leaving on a trip during the thirty days preceding Pesach and does not plan to be back by the start of Pesach, he/she should perform bedikat chametz without a blessing before departing (prior to the thirty days preceding Pesach no bedikah is necessary). Families that go away for the entire Pesach period should sell their leaven and lock up the house. They need not do any additional preparation for Pesach. The Fast of the First-Born - Monday, April 14, 2014- 7:00 a.m. A first-born son should fast on this day to commemorate the deliverance of the first-born Israelites in Egypt. Rabbi Krakoff will celebrate a siyyum (concluding a section of Rabbinic literature he has been learning) after morning services. Since eating at such an occasion is a mitzvah, any first-born who present at the siyyum may join in the festivities and eat, thereby counteracting the fast. Leyl Chametz Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Dinner Friday, April 11, 2014 5:30 p.m. Nosh & Schmooze • 6:00 p.m. $25 Members • $35 Non-Members • $5 Children Finished cleaning for Pesach and still need your Shabbat chametz? STOP! We have you covered. Register and join us for a delicious Shabbat dinner. No mess, no fuss and no chametz in your house! If your out-of-town guests are coming early, bring them to CSZ! RSVP to Tobye Bello at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 PASSOVER 14 L’CHAIM! Congregation Shaarey Zedek celebrates with you on your special occasion. MEMBERSHIP CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG “SPECIAL” BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY Marvin Aronovitz Frances Barsky Ruth Beck Gilbert Borman Marvin Cherrin MARCH Mildred Bernstein Ronald Berris Norman Brant Herbert Brode Marc Brodsky Heidi Budaj Estelle Elkus Dolores Fishman Steven Fishman APRIL Beverly Baker Firooz Banooni Norman Beitner Jan Berris Sam Beznos Carol Bromberg Justin Ceresnie Mitchell Cicurel Harold Daitch Lawrence Elkus Marcy Feldman Barbra Giles Doreen Hermelin Joan Inwald Joel Jacob Paul Freedman Henry Goldberg Barbara Goldstein Jodi Goodman Marjorie Grossman Micki Grossman Millicent Grossman Lois Kaplow William Kohen Alene Landau Pamela David Lisa Feldberg Darren Findling Donna Goren Tamara Gorosh Alan Kanter Herbert Kaufman Michael Kent Alyssa Knoll Jerold Levine Ruben Kurnetz Jain Lauter Michael Levey Lynn Levi Mitchell Ribitwer Linda Rosberg David Moss Anita Naftaly Larry Nemer Russell Orlando Rhoda Perlin Lawrence Prussack Brad Rosen Elizabeth Rubinstein Rowe Ruch Kelli Saperstein A Bart Lewis Arlene Licht Herman Lifton Kimberly Lotzoff Beth Margolin Stephanie Miller Alan Must Janet Pont Jenifer Rosenwasser Stephen Rosman Jeffrey Rothenberg Steven Schlafer Pamela Torraco A. Robert Zeff Stanley Zeidner Stanley Satovsky Glenn Shapiro Pearl Sherman Jay Shienbaum Amelia Steiger Leora Tapper Ruth Tobias Michele Saulson Sandra Schechter Judy Shapiro Esther Siegel Samantha Siegel Susan Small Judith Sternberg David Victor “SPECIAL” ANNIVERSARIES FEBRUARY 20th Wendy and Jeffrey Eisenshtadt Laurie and Bradley Sabin 15th David and Candy Cuttner MARCH 70th 60th 55th 50th 45th 25th Shirley and Alvin Lezell Naomi and Jerome Kelman Phyllis and Sheldon Lublin Rena and Gerald Chernow Miriam and William Konstantin Sharon and Phillip Cohen Laurie and Greg Katz Denise and Fred Kalt Elizabeth and Aaron Sherbin Yvette and Mark Diamond Andrea and Marc Wolf APRIL 60th 30th 25th Audrey and Bertram Spiwak Margo and Michael Siegel Barbara and Jeffrey Shillman Linda and Spencer Minns Linda and Kenneth Gold 20th 15th MAZEL TOV! FROM YOUR SHAAREY ZEDEK FAMILY AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Mazel Tov to Sarah and Matthew Rappaport on the opening of their new business, The Tutoring Center of Birmingham. Matthew is the son of Ilene Rappaport and the brother of Megan Topper. We wish them much success. Mazel Tov to Ronald Victor who has been named an Up and Coming Lawyer of the year 2013 by Michigan Lawyers Weekly. Ronald was honored at a special luncheon at the Troy Marriott Hotel. He is the son of Denise and Richard Victor and the husband of Heather. Mazel Tov to Betsy Kellman upon receiving the Director’s Community Leadership Award presented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Betsy served the Jewish community as the Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League. She is currently a consultant to the Detroit Crime Commission. Betsy and her husband, Joel, have been members of our congregation for more than 30 years. Mazel Tov to Suretta and Alan Must as their son-in-law, Andre Douville, has been honored with the Beacon of Light Award by Stand With Us-Michigan, for his continued support for the State of Israel. He has been the head of the annual Walk for Israel since 2005 and recently became its CEO. Andre serves the Jewish community as the Executive Director of Temple Shir Shalom. He and his wife, Amy have four children. Mazel Tov to Dr. Sylvia Koss, as she celebrated her 95th birthday. Mazel Tov to Sophie and Jonah Erlich, a special sibs connection, as they have successfully created a tee shirt fundraiser for the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue. The shirts say Daven Downtown and they have already sold more than 80 shirts. Sophie and Jonah are the children of Renee and Craig Erlich and the grandchildren of Helene and Marvin Cherrin. ENGAGEMENTS & MARRIAGES Mazel Tov to Elyse and Richard Jacobs on the recent marriage of their daughter, Megan to Matthew Swain. Megan is the granddaughter of Dr. Sylvia Koss and the late Bernard (z’l) Koss. She is also the granddaughter of the late Sonia and I. Murray Jacobs (z’l). Megan is the great-granddaughter of Rachel and David Radin. Come to Congregation Shaarey Zedek to hear our own Hindy Najman, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, as she speaks on The Beginnings of Judaism: New Perspectives For information, please contact Tobye Bello at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. There is no charge to attend this event, which is co-sponsored with A S P E C IAL EVE N I N G WITH TH E FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute Choir SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2014 7:30 P.M. CONGREGATION S HAAREY Z EDEK 27375 B ELL ROAD, SOUTHFIELD FOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT TOBYE BELLO AT [email protected] OR 248.357.5544 GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY Members $18 • Non-Members $25 Patron of the Arts Preferred Front Seating • $118 Sponsor Mid-Level Seating • $54 General Admission Joyce and George Blum AND THE Betty Fishman Memorial Fund MEMBERSHIP Hindy Najman 15 February 9, 2014 4:00 p.m. 16 The Michigan Board of Cantors To Everything There is a Season P E R F O R M S MEETING NOTICE Shaarey Zedek’s 153rd Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 29, 2014 7:00 p.m. Please save the date COMMUNITY CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Thursday, March 27, 2014 • 7:30 p.m. Temple Israel This year, the JCC Stephen Gottlieb Music Series hosts Earl Berris from Congregation B’nai Moshe, Tiffany Green from Temple Kol Ami, Samuel Greenbaum from Congregation Beth Shalom, Daniel Gross from Adat Shalom Synagogue, Leonard Gutman from Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Rachel Gottlieb Kalmowitz from Temple Beth El, Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo from Congregation Beth Shalom, Neil Michaels from Temple Israel, David Propis from Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Pamela Schiffer from Congregation Shaarey Zedek East Lansing, Michael Smolash from Temple Israel, and Penny Styer from Temple Shir Shalom. and look for additional information coming soon. 5725 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield Immediately following the concert, please join us for a dessert reception with our honorees. For more information, or to become a Patron, please contact JCC Music Series Director Linda Levy 248.432.5652 or [email protected] Underwritten by the William and Audrey Farber Family Fund Tickets on sale. JCC Member: $32 • Non-Member: $42 (Prices include service charge) Visiting the Sick Due to privacy rules, hospitals are no longer able to provide the synagogue with a list of Jewish patients. The only way we know that you, a relative or friend is in the hospital is if we are informed. Please contact Kelly Woerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] if you know of one of our members who is in the hospital, so our clergy can be in touch with them. Blood Drive Sunday, February 2 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaarey Zedek Choose your donation time at, select Sponsor Code CSZ-TBE and pick a slot. Donors must be at least 17 years old and bring a driver’s license, a donor card, or other form of ID. SPONSORED BY SHAAREY ZEDEK SISTERHOOD AND MEN’S CLUB THANK YOU! 17 MITZVAH DAYS Shaarey Zedek’s volunteer days at Forgotten Harvest on December 24 and 25, 2013 would not have been successful without the time and hard work donated by our wonderful volunteers. A very special Thank You to everyone who pitched in, including event chair Steve Korn. Join Rabbi Starr JULY 1, 2014 TO AUGUST 1, 2014 Students in grades 9 to 12 are eligible Interested? Get on the List! Contact Danielle Longo at 248.203.1467 or [email protected] Are you seeking employment or know someone who needs assistance with his/her job search? Congregation Shaarey Zedek is taking a proactive approach to help keep individuals and families in Metro Detroit by directly and confidentially matching candidates with potential job opportunities. Our team of professional volunteers is prepared to hear from you. Send your resumé to [email protected], and we could help find you opportunities like these: • Help desk technician • Branch manager, title sporting goods company company • Inside sales, communication • IT support for web focused retail business equipment company • Executive administrative • Vocational rehab position: engineering firm counselor and work coach • Administrative assistant in commercial real estate firm Do you have an opening? We have candidates: • Newly graduated civil engi• Executive director, COO neer, interested in road design person with MBA • Financial analyst, Wall Street • Hotel, facility manager experience, just relocated • Communication, sales person • Attorney experienced in • Attorney just out of law non profits, school manschool agement • Social worker, experienced • Apartment and commercial administrative skills property manager. • Graphic arts specialist • Executive level marketing • Supply chain person, black and social media expert belt in quality FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 COMMUNITY EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER • EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER 18 EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER Intercongregational Dinner with Guest Speaker MEN’S CLUB EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER • EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER AFFILIATES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG a.m. p.m. February 13 March 20 April 10 Charlie Langton Reservations are required no later than the Monday prior to play. y Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:00 p.m. - Appetizers & Cocktails 6:45 p.m. - Dinner 29901 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills Legal Analyst for Fox Detroit and WWJ For more information, or to reserve your seat, please contact Tobye Bello at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] $54 per person RSVP to Mike Tobin at [email protected] Adat Shalom Synagogue EUCHRE • GIN RUMMY • RUMMIKUB • DOMINOES • PAN • CALUCCI • MAH JONGG • BRIDGE • CANASTA • POKER Vashti’s Banquet SHE’S BACK! Sisterhood presents their annual community-wide girls’ night out. An unforgettable event, complete with bazaar delights, belly dancing, henna body art, Middle Eastern food, sounds and smells, and original tantalizing drinks! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2014 • 7:00 P.M. $25 per person RSVP by February 18, 2014 to 248.357.5544 or [email protected] Same old ideas for Pesach – need something new? We have just the event for you. Tell us something you do, or an idea you can share That will help us all for Pesach to prepare. Share a tradition, a joke, a Seder item, or tale, And we’ll assemble a booklet using our e-mail. It could be a recipe you love, or something you do. What makes the Pesach holiday special for you? Share cake, coffee and ideas with Sisterhood Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:30 p.m. at CSZ Free of charge, and go home with a souvenir booklet RSVP by Tuesday, March 18, 2014 to [email protected] or 248.357.5544 To have your idea appear in the souvenir booklet, it must be submitted to Eileen Glogower by Thursday, March 13, 2014. E-mail [email protected] H A B B AT S L U N C H Sisterhood Shabbat Lunch is supported entirely by contributions to the Sisterhood Shabbat Lunch Fund. Please contact Janice Stoneman at 248.770.3454 for details. OPENING MEETING featuring HAZZAN DAVID PROPIS Wednesday, March 5, 2014 1:00 p.m. Reservations Requested Violinist A musical afternoon with HARRY HOVAKIMIAN Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:00 p.m. THE VARITONES Wednesday, April 9, 2014 1:00 p.m. For more information, please call Janet Pont at 248.357.5544 FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 AFFILIATES Make it more than just Matzah and Maror 19 Feel the spirit and warmth! Our Shabbat Lunch has become the place to be! 20 EDUCATION AND YOUTH CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Come to CSZ for fun, FREE Youth Shabbat experiences! Preschooler A parent-child experience for children to years of age. 10:45 a.m. Every Week! Me & My FREE joyful classes with music, snacks, Shabbat-oriented games and small group activities. Programs will continue in the Sanctuary for an end-of-services treat. FREE adult and kid-friendly community lunch follows. For more information, please contact Rabbi Aaron Starr at [email protected] or 248.357.5544. Shabbat A parent-child experience for children to years of age 10:45 a.m. with Darrien Sherman February 8, 2014 February 22, 2014 March 29, 2014 April 26, 2014 4 Kidz Ruach Activities A lively Shabbat babysitting experience for children ages 2-7 years whose parents wish to attend services 10:00 a.m. every week Thrilling Thursdays Come play and explore at Congregation Shaarey Zedek 10:00 a.m. February 9, 13, 20, 27, 2014 March 9, 13, 20, 27, 2014 April 3, 10, 17, 24, 2014 Children ages 0-5 years bring an adult and join us each Thursday morning for a kid-friendly, creative and innovative experience. You won’t want to miss any of our themed play sessions! Each session is open to the community, and is FREE! For more information, contact Tobye Bello at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] Religious School Yom Ruach Days Our monthly Ruach days bring fun, enjoyment and humor into Religious School. Smile with us! March 2: Grade Color Day Show off your class spirit by wearing the color assigned to your grade: Kindergarten - Yellow First Grade - Red Second Grade - Purple Third Grade - White Fourth Grade - Brown Fifth Grade - Green Sixth Grade - Blue Seventh Grade - Black March 16: Costume Day Wear your favorite costume as we celebrate Purim together! April 27: Camp Day What summer camp do you attend? Show off your camp pride by wearing your favorite gear! 21 February 2, 2014 9:45 a.m. Temple Israel 5725 Walnut Lake Road West Bloomfield Sixth grade students and their families will learn about ways to help our Detroit Jewish community. Help a family through a “choose your own adventure” activity, shop for mitzvah opportunities at the Mitzvah Mall, and help determine which agencies will receive donations from money collected throughout the day. For more information, please contact Allison at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. February 2, 2014 9:30-10:40 a.m. Fourth grade Shaarey Zedek and Hillel students will create mosaic candlesticks with Artist-in-Residence Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan. Cost: $42 for Hillel students CSZ Religious School students are free. For information, please contact Allison at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] March 2, 2014 9:50 a.m. Shalom Street JCC West Bloomfield 6600 West Maple Road Children free/ adults $5 each Visit all your favorite Israeli cities and sites! RSVP by February 23 to Allison at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 Mosaic Candlestick Craft with Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan Kindergarten and First Grade students: Help celebrate Israel’s 65th Birthday! EDUCATION AND YOUTH 22 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION & YOUTH CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG CHOCOLATE SEDER SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Seventh grade students will join their parents for a special tour of the Holocaust Memorial Center Monday, March 24, 2014 6:00-8:15 p.m. 28123 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills. Students in grades 4-7 will engage in a creative, exciting seder opportunity using only CHOCOLATE! Admission is free for students, with a $5 suggested donation for parents. RSVP by February 17 to Allison at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] There’s Matzah family fun at Shalom Street. Come put on an apron and join us! Kitah Gimmel (Third grade) Religious School classes will have the incredible opportunity to participate in the exciting Matzah Factory! Sunday, March 30 10:00 a.m. Meet at the JCC West Bloomfield Seventh Grade Visit to Sunday, April 27, 2014 9:30 a.m. 2425 East 14 Mile Road Birmingham Seventh grade Religious School students will visit the cemetery for a chance to observe a G’nizah ceremony. Students will meet their teachers at Clover Hill Park Cemetery. Why Join MCUSY? • Local events like our upcoming Israeli Culture Night on February 23, or our Purim-style Limo Scavenger Hunt on March 23 • USY regional conventions • Volunteering/community service opportunities • Leadership development • Connecting with local teens • See our recent Jewish News article, Motor City USY To learn more about us, visit our Motor City USY Facebook page, join our Facebook Group, or contact MCUSY Youth Director David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. Sunday, April 27, 2014 12:15-5:00 p.m. Pizza and Mitzvah Party at CSZ to benefit Project Night Night CRUSY Specialty Kinnus February 6-9, 2014 Adath Israel, Cincinnati, Ohio $185 per person Specialty Kinnus is a unique Jewish experience focusing on social action and Israel affairs. Throughout the weekend, Jewish teens in grades 8-12 from throughout the Midwest will volunteer, participate in interactive Israel programs and games, and have fun. RSVP by January 24, 2014 to For more information, contact David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. Third through Fifth grade Religious School and Hillel students are invited to make blankets for homeless children, and can also donate new or gently-used books and stuffed animals. Afterward, bus transportation will be provided for an afternoon of fun and games at Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum in Farmington Hills. Cost for the day is $20. Parent pickup is at the Museum, and parents are invited to stay and play. Join us! RSVP by April 24, 2014 to David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] At the final convention for the year, elections for the new executive board take place, along with study sessions and activities planned by the teens. RSVP to For more information, contact David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. FEEDING THE HUNGRY • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2014 2:30-6:30 P.M. DROP-OFF & PICK-UP AT ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE • SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2014 INFORMATION TO COME March 9, 2014 12:15-3:00 p.m. CSZ Youth Lounge Third through Fifth grade Religious School and Hillel students will create Mishloach Manot parcels, which will be delivered to a variety of residents of senior facilities, Jewish Family Service clients, Yad Ezra and others. Sixth through Eighth grade students will volunteer to combat hunger in the Detroit area. For information or to get involved, please contact David Lerner at 248.357.5544 or [email protected], visit the J-Serve website at, or the Facebook Page JSERVEDetroit. FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 CRUSY Regional Convention April 3-6, 2014 Hiram House Camp, Cleveland, Ohio $255 per person EDUCATION AND YOUTH Munchies, Mitzvahs and 23 24 Motor City USY in action EDUCATION AND YOUTH CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Adult Learning Opportunities Shabbat Lunch and Learn Following the Congregational Lunch THE GOLDEN CALF EXPOSED with Rabbi Joseph Krakoff February 8, 2014 25 HEAVENLY BARBEQUE OR HUMAN NEED: UNDERSTANDING THE SACRIFICES with Rabbi Aaron Starr March 8, 2014 No Charge. For information, please contact Karen Davis at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. Jewish Men, Jewish Women: Gender Roles through the Ages with Rabbi Aaron Starr Gender roles in Judaism have evolved significantly since the days of the Torah, and often remain a point of contention today. What does Judaism teach us about the role of men and women in Judaism? What does it mean to be a Jewish man? A Jewish woman? How do we understand traditional permissions and prohibitions when it comes to men and women in Judaism? 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 8 weeks: Mar. 6, 13, 20, 27, Apr. 3, 24, May 1, May 8 Tuition: $115 FedEd All classes meet at the Max M. Fisher Jewish Federation building. To register, call 248.205.2557. FedEd is a program of Federation’s Alliance for Jewish Education. Thursday, February 6, 2014 7:30 p.m. an evening featuring Hazzan David Propis at the home of Michael Langnas. Sponsored by Men’s Club For information, please contact the Synagogue office at 248.357.5544 or [email protected]. FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 Wine & Theology ADULT EDUCATION 26 YAHRZEITS CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG FEBRUARY 1, 2014 1 ADAR I, 5774 Diana Blumstein Morris Bradley Joseph Dobrojevich Allan William Gilbert Hyman Grossman Arthur Hare Saul Kopman Freda Leemon Harry Margolin Dorothy S. Rosenthal Bernard Weisberg FEBRUARY 2, 2014 2 ADAR I, 5774 Selma Feinberg Irving S. Giles Gilbert Greenbaum Harry Jack Housman Louis Kozak Joseph R. Leemon Rebecca Lipshaw Marianne Reinstein Morris Rothenberg Faye Ruskin Sadie Sklar Adele Ruth Sonenklar Anna E. Spielberg Gloria Spinner Eliahou Zwi Weiss FEBRUARY 3, 2014 3 ADAR I, 5774 Lily Ruth Belinsky Joseph Epel Morris Fixler Betty Hearst Shirley Purther Sylvia Rosenbloom Arthur Sills Nissim Soleymani Gussie Wedgle FEBRUARY 4, 2014 4 ADAR I, 5774 Bess Bleznak Ruth Coblentz Ella Greenspon Samuel Hechtman Babs Kaufman Gladys Moiseev Fanny Rebecca Prinstein David Richardson Mary Rosemont Leonard Sandweiss Samuel Stone FEBRUARY 5, 2014 5 ADAR I, 5774 Samuel C. Binkow Robert Brickner Irving Feldman Walter Feldmesser Conrad Goode Morton Groner Betzalel Kaplan Mary Krakoff Hyman ”Hy” Lezell David Miro Morris Stein Gloria Weberman Harry Wright There are many ways to honor the memory of a loved one, 18, 2014 FEBRUARY 6, 2014 FEBRUARY 13, 2014 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 24, 2014 none so enduring as aYahrzeit Plaque synagogue wall. 6 ADAR but I, 5774 13 ADAR I, 5774 mounted on the 18 ADAR I, 5774 24 ADAR I, 5774 James Cary Berris Gloria Braverman Davidof Bittker Joseph Bale These handsome brass plaques are engraved with names and dates in tribute your departed loved Isador Cogan Celia Cohen Isadore Brown Anita L Hayman one. For more information, or to purchase an eternal remembrance of a soul now passed, Gussie Friedman Elizabeth Freeman Stuart Chosid Ida London please call Janet Pont, of Member Support Services, Norman Herman LouisDirector Goldman William Davidson Isadore Mendelson at 248/357-5544 x33 or e-mail [email protected]. Eve Kanat Fany King Sophie Edelson Louis R. Seiton Isadore Jerome Reisman Monte M. Korn Sylvia Frumin Samuel Steinberg Joseph C. Snider Pauline Lipstein Erwin Harvith Jack Warshawsky Samuel A. Malitz Erwin Kornwise FEBRUARY 7, 2014 Max Moiseev Ernest Lakind FEBRUARY 25, 2014 7 ADAR I, 5774 Rose Moscow Edith Lublin 25 ADAR I, 5774 Herman Ashman Milton Nathanson Sylvia Miller Louis Chaleff Charles Martin Brode Harry Satovsky Lillian Pushkin Florene Audrey Elkus-Kuhn Pauline Feierstein Blanche Siegel Abraham Spiwak Wilbur Aaron Kane Leo Weber Alex Wilenkin FEBRUARY 26, 2014 Fannie Luchtan Lillian Wener Jan Winkelman 26 ADAR I, 5774 Clara Ross Irving Zeff Hyman Blumenstein Charles Rubiner Dorraine Zief FEBRUARY 19, 2014 Hilda Gold Charles Siegel 19 ADAR I, 5774 Ernest Goodfriend FEBRUARY 14, 2014 Rabbi Morris Adler Stuart Goodstein FEBRUARY 8, 2014 14 ADAR I, 5774 Irene Borkin Nathan Grunt 8 ADAR I, 5774 Max M. Barahal Nathan Cohen Morris Holtz Leon Cristian Abramovici Harry Beresh Samual Herman Mildred B. Singer Rebecca Charnes Harry L. Fox Samuel H. Lewis George Snyder Robert Ernstein Sam Guz Zelda Perlman Meyer Fishman Joseph Kaplansky Vera Stern FEBRUARY 27, 2014 Morris Friedman Donald Kay Jean Sucher 27 ADAR I, 5774 Philip E. Goodman Frances Koppelman Frank White George Bremen Deborah Groner Arlyle R. Levi Sally Chodoroff Seymour Kallick Elias Levine FEBRUARY 20, 2014 Rubin Fischoff Rose Konikof Celia Orley 20 ADAR I, 5774 Herman S. Fried Raymond F. Lipton Lillian Reisman Irving S. Cane Becky Fuller William Naftaly Cantor Sidney Rube Shary Kabiljo Louis Kamin Jay M. Rosenthal Lilyan Shekter Sigmund Lowenthal Edwin G. Siegel Gabriel Salama Samuel Shulman Doris Barahal Tron Louis Sugarman Sylvia Sole Annie Warshaw Jerrold Alan Weinberg Sam Stewart Alvin Wasserman Bernard Weintraub FEBRUARY 28, 2014 Abram Tsitrin Bess Weintraub 28 ADAR I, 5774 Edith Weber FEBRUARY 15, 2014 Lucille Weisberg Samuel Altman Jerome Winkler 15 ADAR I, 5774 Peter Weisberg Samuel Belkin Karl Feber Esther Silk Mendelson FEBRUARY 9, 2014 Ann Gilman FEBRUARY 21, 2014 Hattie Schwartz 9 ADAR I, 5774 Sol Iwrey 21 ADAR I, 5774 Rose Sell Morris Aaron Morris Karbal Blanche Baren Esther Sklar Laura Berkovic Jack Upfal Doris Gantz Coleman Jeffrey L. Weisberg Morton Berlin Earl Grant Leah Wiener Joseph Firestone FEBRUARY 16, 2014 Herbert Lefkofsky Phyllis Marshak 16 ADAR I, 5774 Abraham Lester MARCH 1, 2014 Harry Rosen Stephen Bendix Sam Madorsky 29 ADAR I, 5774 Sara Conn Jack Provizer Adolph Bassin FEBRUARY 10, 2014 Sam Dan Minette Slobin Yetta Dubrinsky 10 ADAR I, 5774 Mourad El-Gazzar Rose Finkelstein Minnie Applebaum Charles Klein FEBRUARY 22, 2014 Florence Gaynor-Gallison Gerald Brody Pauline Krass 22 ADAR I, 5774 Bette Goldman Samuel Carel Molly Reiss Oscar Barahal Harold Goodman Joseph Raymond Eder Abraham “Al” Schwartz Lucille Bendix Louis Iwrey Gayle Halperin Kahn Zwi Steiger Isadore Birnbaum George Kirstein Bernard Klein Mollie Sternberg Max M Fisher Milford Harold Sobel Clara Mehlman Bernice Tukel Mary Gonte David Spinner Jacob Steinberg Morrey Harris Jean Stolsky FEBRUARY 17, 2014 Clara Hausner Frances Zucker FEBRUARY 11, 2014 17 ADAR I, 5774 Annabel Isberg 11 ADAR I, 5774 Ethel Baker Geraldine Rochkind MARCH 2, 2014 Louis Berman Lillian Belkin Gerald Rosen 30 ADAR I, 5774 Anne Brent Annette Berry Martha Schechter Maxwell Goldstein Yetta Drachler Bertha Cohen Hazel B Schloner Ethel J. Sherman Emilee Fleischer Anna B. Goldstein Joel F. Katz Florence Leider FEBRUARY 23, 2014 MARCH 3, 2014 Herbert Lazarus Milton Maurice Maddin 23 ADAR I, 5774 1 ADAR II, 5774 Leah Schuster Jacob Sandberg Shirley Brasch Lillian Gurowitz Robert Smith Ethel Simons Philip Einstandig Louise Hinds Lucille Stein Louis Perlin Celia Jacobs Marvin Rosen Nisan Kam FEBRUARY 12, 2014 Lillian Schane Sidney Nickin 12 ADAR I, 5774 Allen Seel Chaim B. Seiger Moshe Bizaoui Shirley Anne Shanbon Ann Sheehan Esther A. Bolton Alvin Topper Sheldon Ellison Eva Lebowitz Sadie Lipsky Douglas S. Pergament Richard Glen Zalla 27 MARCH 4, 2014 2 ADAR II, 5774 Betty Feldman Jeffrey Gendloff Saul Jackson Alfred Landau Julius Shuback Ida S. Wagner MARCH 5, 2014 3 ADAR II, 5774 Raymond S. Barry Robert Levy Gerald F. Perlman Rose Siporin Tillie Zussman MARCH 6, 2014 4 ADAR II, 5774 Minnie Feldstein Fanny Kowalsky Ralph Raimi MARCH 7, 2014 5 ADAR II, 5774 Sylvia Cohen John Hurley Lebow Zoodick Milinsky Eileen Levy Randall Sylvia Stashefsky Harry Zekelman MARCH 8, 2014 6 ADAR II, 5774 Joseph Feuereisen Rose Raimi Donald Sklar Henry Sternberg MARCH 9, 2014 7 ADAR II, 5774 Sara Banooni MARCH 10, 2014 8 ADAR II, 5774 Estelle G. Burke Norman Feder Fay Freedman Jack Garfield Jeffrey S. Kriger Rebecca Sorscher Meizlish MARCH 11, 2014 9 ADAR II, 5774 Lillian Rifkin Marvin Robinson MARCH 12, 2014 10 ADAR II, 5774 Max Snider Robert Sosnick Ruth Wengrow MARCH 13, 2014 11 ADAR II, 5774 Kate Kramer MARCH 14, 2014 12 ADAR II, 5774 Jeanette Brown Sally Feldman MARCH 15, 2014 13 ADAR II, 5774 Shirley Dubin Alpiner Jetty Alter Martin Benson Ethel Cabot Epel There are manyMARCH ways to 27, honor the memory of a loved one, MARCH 16, 2014 2014 APRIL 4, 2014 APRIL 10, 2014 none so enduring as aYahrzeit Plaque synagogue wall. 14 ADAR but II, 5774 25 ADAR II, 5774 mounted on the 4 NISAN 5774 10 NISAN 5774 Patricia L. Dube Mary with Baskin Craig Blum Kalman Bruss These handsome brass plaques are engraved names and dates in tribute of your departed loved Benjamin Jacobinformation, or to Charles Pierce Helen Elaine Dones one. For more purchase an eternal remembrance of aBraverman soul now passed, Sandra Kanat Jack Rom Irwin Clayman Arnold Frank Director of Member Support Services, Emma Rosin please call Janet Pont, Joseph Steuer Sadie Cohn George V. Leib at 248/357-5544 x33 or e-mail [email protected]. Alfred Thomas Eliozer Eisenman Rose Levin MARCH 17, 2014 Menashe Rohtbart Lillian Meckler 15 ADAR II, 5774 MARCH 28, 2014 Allen Jay Tyner Irma Mogill Isadore Lifton 26 ADAR II, 5774 Steven D. Moss Florence Meltzer Eugene Curtis APRIL 5, 2014 Mary Pregerson Sylvia Riklin Lillian Kagan 5 NISAN 5774 Sara Solomon Julius Schaumberg Vera Rom Dorothy Brode Lillian Zumberg Nell Smolowitz Martin Harold MARCH 29, 2014 Louis Horowitz APRIL 11, 2014 MARCH 18, 2014 27 ADAR II, 5774 Robert Kasle 11 NISAN 5774 16 ADAR II, 5774 Jane Ellen Koenigsberg Sam Katz Rae Cohen Sarah Dorothy Borman Allan Rigefsky Frieda Morof Sheldon Kantor Harry Shapiro Hy Pilchik Abraham Kaufman Ralph Shiffman MARCH 30, 2014 Jacob Rubinoff Frank S. Koppelman Louis Stotzky 28 ADAR II, 5774 Mary Saidman Albert Koss Isidor Eisenberg Edith Snider Donald Lakind MARCH 19, 2014 Bessie Koss 17 ADAR II, 5774 Rose S. Moss APRIL 6, 2014 APRIL 12, 2014 Louis I. Galin Bertram Risin 6 NISAN 5774 12 NISAN 5774 Abraham Goldstein Essie Rosenbloom Carl Bayer Ann Arkin Lawrence Gubow Rose Gold Bernard Blumenstein Jonathan Michael MARCH 31, 2014 Ida Goldman Ethel Safran Chudnow 29 ADAR II, 5774 Solomon Krevsky Alvin Lester Goodman MARCH 20, 2014 Julius Aran Gittel Langer Tessie Grant 18 ADAR II, 5774 Sarah Feuereisen Leonard Levin Annette Hamburger Meyer O. Cantor Benjamin Labe Seymour S. Lowen Rayza Ida Labovna Shekhet Benjamin B. Gordon Claire Faygel Reifler Ruth Malerman Abraham Tukel Ida Levine Irving Rosenberg Carl S. Schiller Fannie Weinstock John Mandel Michlin Benjamin J. Sabin Isaac Shewach Morris Samuels APRIL 7, 2014 APRIL 13, 2014 Ada Zweig 7 NISAN 5774 13 NISAN 5774 MARCH 21, 2014 Herbert Belber Sidney Ferst 19 ADAR II, 5774 APRIL 1, 2014 Harold Milton Ellias Fannie Heller Carl Braun 1 NISAN 5774 Abraham Eppstein Joshua Joyrich Ruth Carel Leora Adler Shirley Goutman Bernard Ryback Carol Ellman Benjamin Goldberg Jill Ann Hooberman Sam Wengrow Ethel Flanders Bessie H. Kornwise Sarah Litvin Betty Winter Joseph P. Rosen Harry Latt Marian Mann Jewel Dorothy Shuback Blanche Levine Irving Seymour Marshall APRIL 14, 2014 Charles Ornstein Meyer Must 14 NISAN 5774 MARCH 22, 2014 Evelyn Coden Sipher Ralph Pierce Ethel Auslander 20 ADAR II, 5774 Anne Stone Milton Resnick Louis Harold Chaenko Katie Vivian Brown Jack Stoneman Arthur Rubin Elizabeth “Libby” Colbert Harry Burstein Benjamin Tauber Rosa Schaumberg Helen Anne Ellias Jennie Greenberger Ben Walt Ruth Silverman Jolyn Feldman Freedman Sasha Arlene Kwaselow Samuel Tabor Jeffrey M. Garton Samuel Leib APRIL 2, 2014 Irving I. Winkelman Harry I. Laker Miriam Levine 2 NISAN 5774 Charlotte Levitan Ann Partrich Elsie Feldman Bremen APRIL 8, 2014 Rebecca Littman Matthew David Colman 8 NISAN 5774 John Lurie MARCH 23, 2014 Mary Dean Hazel Bernstein Norman Ross 21 ADAR II, 5774 Regina Friedman Max Derin Harry L. Silverman Lillian Carroll Miriam L. Hamburger Phillip Shiener Henry J. Smolinsky Anita Gray Richard S. Kaplan Max Stulberg Anna Green Nathan Lachman Benjamin Surowitz APRIL 15, 2014 Benjamin Hertz Rose Lofman Natinsky Sara Wilenkin 15 NISAN 5774 Eva Weston Leslie Rosenberg Iliene Winkelman Anne Novack Cohen Nellie Wolf Helene Rothstein Morris Fein Barney J Schwartz APRIL 9, 2014 Esther Jacob MARCH 24, 2014 Morris Shillman 9 NISAN 5774 Philip Meizels 22 ADAR II, 5774 Eugene Sole Joseph Ainbinder Martha Ornstein Abraham Dubrinsky Jack Stone Stanley Elder Ida Serlin Ruth Raimi Kathleen Wiener Rochelle Geller Alice Stein Roxanne L. Stromer Anna Shewach APRIL 3, 2014 Emma Sikov APRIL 16, 2014 MARCH 26, 2014 3 NISAN 5774 Grace Helen Simon 16 NISAN 5774 24 ADAR II, 5774 Terry Arnkoff Harry Aaron Sugar Earl Bennett Louis Beerman Sadie Begun Marcus Sugarman William Edelson Sandra Silver Davis Rochelle Blum Dorothy Frazien Seymour Lipsitt Fannie Brodie Rose Grossman Isadore Podolsky Harry Eisenshtadt Hyman Schechter George M. Goldstein Leo Traibman William Gonte Emanuel Koenigsberg Daniel Niss Eva Stein Tillie Leib Weiner Jerrold M. Zalla FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 YAHRZEITS 28 YAHRZEITS CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG APRIL 17, 2014 17 NISAN 5774 Hyman Babcock Julius Bello Morris Canvasser Benjamin Cowan Jules Feldmesser Russell S. Nida Robert Schneider Robert Shatanoff Maurice Siden Eugene Zweig APRIL 18, 2014 18 NISAN 5774 Ruth Frank Stanley Gilbert Johanna Berke Keene Oscar Koenigsberg Albert D. Schlussel Markus Samuel Simon Rose Slovis APRIL 19, 2014 19 NISAN 5774 Sonia Firestone Lilo Klayman Molly Kozak Yosef Lis Phyllis Robinson Bertha Simon Samuel Spring Sherrie Teman ways to honor the memory of a loved one, APRIL 20, 2014 There are many APRIL 23, 2014 APRIL 26, 2014 APRIL 29, 2014 but none so enduring as23 aYahrzeit synagogue wall. 20 NISAN 5774 NISAN Plaque 5774 mounted on the 26 NISAN 5774 29 NISAN 5774 Jennie Feldman Cindy Friedman Brownstein These handsome brass plaques are engraved with names and dates in Fay tribute of your departed loved Celia Bigelman Zangwell Pauline Cogan Louis Goldsmith one. ForGarber more information, or to Barbara purchaseKatz an eternal remembrance of a soul now passed, Edith Gilbert Jacob Reiss Michael Garfinkle Arnold Grant please call Janet Pont, Director of Member SupportEsther Services, Lillian Goldstein Harriet Richmond Gutman Milford T. Lewis x33 or e-mail [email protected]. Dorothy Green at 248/357-5544 Ruth Rosenthal Clarence “Doc” Heuer Jack Milen Joseph Jaffe Sheldon J Scott Allen Kaufman Sam Rubinstein Wolf William Kadushin Edith Snider Ellis B. Rifkin Margie Samuels Leonard Lyons Samuel Stulberg Harry Hirsch Small Frank Mulivor Fannie Weider APRIL 30, 2014 Sarah Pleiss APRIL 24, 2014 Bess Yura 30 NISAN 5774 Morris Pushkin 24 NISAN 5774 Ruth Aftel Robert Schechter Leo Frank APRIL 27, 2014 David Beckovsky Gloria Sobel Samuel Gabriel Harvith 27 NISAN 5774 Eveleen Budnitzky Shirley Hellman Norman Blumeno David Deitch APRIL 21, 2014 Helene Hyman Doris Boschan Boris Gaynor 21 NISAN 5774 Milton Lenobel Bernard Carroll Samuel Kurnetz Ruth S. Barsky Sylvia Perlman Joseph Chodoroff Abraham Kusnetz Louis Colman Shirley Irene Resnick Robert Eppstein Edward Lester Stanley Friedman Ida Winnick Silas C. Feinberg Gertrude Jacobs Lipsitt Jay Gorell David Fishel Mendel Rozenblum Carol Line APRIL 25, 2014 Harold Harold Grossman Jacob Wecker Albert J. Pines 25 NISAN 5774 Morris Schwartzman Samuel J. Siegel Joseph Borinstein Norma Stahl Helen Tukel Charles Brasch Helen Weintraub Bessie Green APRIL 28, 2014 Menasche Haar 28 NISAN 5774 APRIL 22, 2014 Menasche Haar Grace Galens 22 NISAN 5774 Louis Hayman Belle Greenfield Bernard Berkovic Sander Hillman Marion Leib Esther Einstandig Josephine Kazdan Sylvia Panush Joseph Gartner Aba Makowsky Sara Gastfraind Goldye B. Markow Jennie Robinson Alexander Rosin Freeda Spring Nettie Sukenic Peter Torraco In Memoriam Congregation Shaarey Zedek extends heartfelt sympathies to the families of the following: CAROLE AARON – Beloved wife of 58 years of Stanley Aaron; devoted mother of Michael (Einya) Aaron, Burton Aaron, Lisa (Danny) Kurzmann and Neil (Mindy) Aaron; proud grandmother of Elisheva, Abigail, Nicole, Amanda and Bryan Aaron, David (Katie) Kurzmann, Matthew, Ari and Isaac Kurzmann, Molly, Max and Madeline Aaron; cherished sister of Rita (the late Eliot, z’l) Folbe. SHIRLEY ARNOLD – Beloved mother of Philip (Wendy) Arnold and Heather (Jay) Cykiert; grandmother of Denise, Ryan and Justin Cykiert, Sam, Adam and Shoshana Arnold; also remembered by many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. FLOYD BORNSTEIN – Beloved husband of Esther Bornstein; dear father of Allan (Nancy) Bornstein, Linda (Daniel) Dunn, and Carol Bornstein; dearest brother of Norman (Barbara) Bornstein and the late Phillip (the late Lois) Bornstein (z’l); loving grandfather of Laura Dunn, Aaron (Erica) Bornstein, and Sam Bornstein; great-grandfather of Liam and Owen Bornstein. Also remembered by many loving nieces, nephews, family members, and friends. HAROLD BERRY – Beloved husband of 67 years to Barbara Berry; father of Larry (Sharon) Berry, Elliott Berry (Campbell Harvey), Miriam Berry Seagle (Peter); brother of Selma Berry Schwartz (Jack), Barbara Morse (Stephan), Marcy Feldman (Michael), the late Joan Provizer (z’l); grandfather of Matthew Berry, Katherine Berry, Jacob Berry (Anna), Meggie Berry Harvey, Olivia Seagle Brennan (Tim), Elizabeth Seagle; great-grandfather Eliana Seagle Brennan; loving uncle of Betsy Heuer (Jeff), and Rebecca Snider; survived by many great-nieces & nephews, and a world of loving family and friends. DR. CYNTHIA COLVIN – Beloved wife of the late Dr. Wallace “Wally” Colvin (z’l); mother of Lisa Elrom and Barnett “Jay” (Sandy) Colvin; grandmother of Rachel Elrom, Joseph (Dayna) Elrom, Jeffrey Colvin, Steven Colvin and Jaclyn Colvin; sister of Eugene (Judy) Malitz, and the late Barbara Simons (z’l). Also survived by many loving nephews, other family members and friends. BYRON “BUD” GERSON – Beloved husband of Dorothy Gerson; father of Ralph (Erica) Gerson, Matthew (Marysia) Gerson; grandfather of Madeleine Gerson and Stephanie Gerson; brother-in-law of Karen Davidson and Jeanne Gerson; special uncle of Ethan (Gretchen) Davidson and Marla (Cyrus) Karimipour. Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, cousins and a world of friends. SYLVIA GOLDSTEIN – Beloved wife of 67 years of the late Maxwell Goldstein (z’l); cherished mother of David (Marcia) Goldstein, Judith (Jerry) Greenbaum and Marci Goldstein (Bijan Amini); loving grandmother of Julie Greenbaum, Matthew (Elka) Goldstein, Molly (Hugo) Decker, Mari Amini and Alex Amini; adored daughter of the late Molly and the late Louis Kozak (z’l). FREDERICK GOREN – Beloved husband of 62 years of Eleanor Goren; cherished father of Karen (Dr. Gary) Fanton and Lesley (Dr. Barry) Gimbel; loving Grandpa of Daniel (Jamie) Fanton, Sara (Jason) Weiser, Adam Fanton, Darren (Andrea) Fanton, Justin Gimbel, Dr. Brandon (Dr. Devon) Gimbel, and Harrison Gimbel; proud great-grandfather of Caylin Fanton and Zoe Weiser; dear brother of Irwin (Donna) Goren, and of Jean (Jeffrey) Clemes, and the late Gerald Goren (z’l); brother-in-law of Wahli Goren. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. In Memoriam Congregation Shaarey Zedek extends heartfelt sympathies to the families of the following: ELAINE GREEN – Beloved wife of 48 years of Marvin Green; dear sister of Dr. Seymour (Rose) Berman; loving aunt of Laura (Brian Dickerson) Berman, Paul (Linda Shayne) Berman, Joyce (Dan Carol) Berman and Dora Kilburn; dear sister-in-law of Albert Kilburn and the late Lila Kilburn (z’l). Also survived by many loving relatives and friends. PAUL GREENSPAN – Beloved husband of Sally Greenspan; father of Peggy (Dr Mark) Saffer; grandfather of Sarah (David) Leib, Melissa Saffer and fiancé Matt Goldstein; great-grandfather of Brooklyn Leib. HENRY “SKIP” KOVINSKY – Beloved husband of Brenda Kovinsky; cherished father of Milton (Cheryl) Kovinsky and Matthew (Anna) Kovinsky; loving grandfather of Hannah and Max Kovinsky; dear brother of Iris (Robert) LaJoie; brother-in-law of Marsha Kowal and Bonnie Kowal; loving uncle of Jody Kaufman, Stacey and Mark Levy and their children Josh and Jourdan Levy. Also survived by many loving family members and friends. BERNARD KRAKAUER – Beloved husband of Edith Fay Krakauer; devoted father of Dr. Yeoshua (Sarah) Krakauer, Dr. Rowena (Marc Miller) Krakauer, Sabrina Lynn (Dr. William) Streusand and Melissa Beth (Herbert Ganz) Krakauer-Ganz; loving grandfather of Nir Krakauer, Ora (Noson) Rosenfeld, Noga (Sender) Levine, Yochai (Racheli) Krakauer, Tova (Shmuli) Winters, Bracha (Moshe) Elbaz, Yocheved (Akiva) Haimovitz, Yechiel Krakauer, Chana Rivka Krakauer, Gabriel Tabashnik, Toby Krakauer-Ganz and Zachary Krakauer-Ganz. Survived by many loving great-grandchildren. Cherished brother of Anne (late Morris, z’l) Tenenbaum and Marilyn (late Harvey, z’l) Borlak. ANN LEDERMAN – Beloved wife of Leon Lederman, and the late Rabbi Joseph Katz (z’l); mother of Sara (Tom) Borin; grandmother of Stacey Singer and Jeremy Borin; sister of Leon Brenner. JEANETTE GOLDBERG MINK – Beloved wife of the late Herbert Goldberg (z’l) and the late Eugene Mink (z’l); mother of Sandy (Alan) Schwartz and Judy (Mannie) Smith; grandmother of Stacey Smith, Lisa (Steve) Sonenshine, David (Jodi Cohen) Schwartz, Mark (Denise) Schwartz; proud great-grandmother of Elena, Ian, Sam, Zach, Hannah, Harris and Andrew; devoted daughter of the late Anna Cohen Klein (z’l) and the late Joseph Klein (z’l); sister of the late Paul Klein (z’l); sisterin-law of Jean Molofsky, Vita Klein, the late Sheldon Molofsky (z’l), the late Elkin Goldberg (z’l), the late Edna Goldberg (z’l); survived by a number of loving nieces, nephews and Gene Mink’s family. JOAN PROVIZER – Beloved mother of Dr. Jeffrey (Kari) Provizer, Marc Provizer and Traci (Jeffrey) Kaye; proud Bubbie of Noah, Jake and Ellie Provizer, and Vivian and Sascha Kaye; beloved sister of Barbara (Dr. Stephan) Morse, Marcy (Michael) Feldman, Harold (Barbara) Berry and Selma (Jack) Schwartz; dear sister-in-law of Betty Starkman; devoted daughter of the late Louis Tatken (z’l), and the late Vivian and the late Louis Berry (z’l). Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, cousins and a world of friends. THELMA PRUSSACK – Beloved wife of Bob Prussack; mother of Dr. Larry (Miriam) Prussack and Nancy (David) Taub; grandmother of Jeffrey Prussack, Andrew Prussack and fiancé Dr. Julie Kaplan, Michael Taub, and Jacqui Taub. Also remembered by many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. JACK ROWENS - Survived by loving wife, Marilyn Rowens; daughter, Tracey Rowens; son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Bradley Rowens and Dr. Julie Finn, and so-loved granddaughter Alissa Rowens. Also survived by brother Robert (Nettie) Rubinstein, sister Jean (the late Stanley, z’l) Dudelson, brother the late Lawrence (Sella) Rubinstein, all of his dear nieces and nephews, and the many members and friends of the Detroit Tennis and Squash Club. ELIZABETH SAFRAN – Beloved wife of the late David Safran (z’l); mother of E. Joel Safran, Frank (Diane) Safran and Cheryle L. (Harry) Waters; grandmother of Elysa Safran, Rebecca Safran and Sam Flaxman, Dayna Safran-Muller, Jon and Nicole Safran, Karen Safran, Deborah Safran and George Rooney, Howard and Linda Kramer and Jennifer and George Lukowski; proud great-grandmother of Connor, Katie, and Gillian Kramer, George Lukowski III, Elijah, Alex, and Charlie Muller, Noah and Ayla Flaxman and Joshua and Isaac Safran; sister of Joe Silver. DR. TERANCE “TERRY” SHAPERO – Beloved husband of Shirley Shapero; father of Dana Shapero (Brad Merker), and David Shapero; brother of Zelda (Irving) Mandell, and Marilynn (Ira) Goldfield; he will be sadly missed and remembered by his nephews, nieces, cousins, extended family and many friends. DR. GARY SOLE – Beloved husband of Carol Sole; father of Marc (Pamela) Sole and Jay (Meryl) Sole; grandfather of Annabelle Sole, Lucy Sole and Carly Sole; brother of Dr. Eugene (Grace) Sole. SAMUEL SOLOMON – Beloved husband of the late Eva R. Solomon (z’l) and adoring companion of Evelyne Feigenson; dear father of Susan (Dennis) Kay and James (Julie) Solomon; loving grandfather of Sherri (Jimmy) Ketai, Marc (Amy) Kay, Stacy (Andy) Doctoroff, Michael (Sara) Solomon and Adam (Holly) Solomon; dearest greatgrandfather of Joshua, Adam, Evan, Jordyn, Meredith, Nicole, Alana, Matthew, Ari, Elan, Elise, Aaron Jacob, Jayden and Cooper; brother of the late Meyer Solomon (z’l) and the late David Solomon (z’l). Also survived by his devoted caregiver, Lori, and many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. SAMUEL TRON – Beloved husband of the late Doris Barahal Tron (z’l); devoted father of Rebecca Tron and Geula (Dr. Stanford) Rapp; loving grandfather of Nicole and Julianne Rapp; dear brother of Harmon (Leah) Tron and Roselyn (the late Harry, z’l) Weinberg, the late Molly (the late Sol) Klinger (z’l) and the late Lillian (late Abe) Bram (z’l); brother-in-law of Pauline Schwartz, Irene Barahal and Reva Barahal, the late Barney (late Esther) Barahal (z’l), late Sarah (late Morris) Hurwitz, (z’l) late Edith (late Boris Ash) Baker (z’l), late Irene (late Dave) Marks (z’l), late Dr. Hyman Barahal (z’l), late Ann (late Dan) Silverman (z’l), late Max Barahal (z’l), late Rose (the late George) Palmer (z’l), late William Schwartz (z’l), late Dr. George (late Frieda) Barahal (z’l) and late Helen Barahal (z’l); the son of the late Rebecca and the late Louis Tron (z’l); son-in-law of the late Pearl and the late Rev. Oscar Barahal (z’l). Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, other relatives and dedicated caregiver, Peggy Green. PESIA WECKER – Beloved wife of the late Jacob Wecker (z’l); loving mother of Evelyn (Fred) Freeman and Dr. Sheldon (Gail) Wecker; cherished grandmother of Dr. Erica (Jeffrey) Lawson, Daniel (Rebecca Zylberman) Freeman, Helene (Dr. Kareem Kazkaz) Wecker, and Eric (Monyk) Wecker; adored great-grandmother of Micah Jacob Lawson, and Maya Wecker Kazkaz. Also survived by many other loving relatives and friends. ESTHER WEISBERG – Beloved wife of the late Nathan Weisberg (z’l); mother of Fred (Nona) Weisberg and Cheryl (David) Gutow; grandmother of Jennifer (Mark) Rosen, Lisa (Gary) Berman, Ryan (Susan) Weisberg; great-grandmother of Jack Rosen, Isabella Rosen, Zachary Weisberg and Liam Berman. BERYL WINKELMAN – Beloved wife of the late Dr. Louis Zlatkin (z’l) and the late Isadore Winkelman (z’l); cherished mother of Dr. Ned (Joan) Winkelman, Dr. Harriet (Robert Stewart) Winkelman and the late Dr. Jan Winkelman (z’l); mother-in-law of Sarajane Winkelman. Also survived by Isadore’s son Eric (Barbara) Winkelman and predeceased by Isadore’s daughter, the late Margot (the late James) Proctor (z’l). Loving grandma of Mark (Dara) Winkelman, Laura Winkelman, Larry (Julie) Winkelman, Jeffrey (Karen) Winkelman, Dr. Michael Winkelman, Justin Winkelman, Grant (Amy) Winkelman & Aaron Winkelman. Also survived by 7 great grandchildren. Dear sister of the late Dr. Clarence (the late Florence) Jacobs (z’l) and the late Seymour (the late Lillian) Jacobs (z’l). Also survived by her loving caregivers Janina and Evelina. 29 FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 MEMORIAMS 30 RABBI JOSEPH KRAKOFF DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: High Holy Day Honors by Nita and Allan Cohen, Pamela and Jacob David Rabbi Krakoff for the Baby Naming of Hadassa Raviv by Tzvi and Ariella Lis Raviv Beautiful High Holy Day Services by Frederic and Harriett Rosen Rabbi Krakoff’s participation in Eliana’s Baby Naming by Peter and Miriam Seagle Rabbi Krakoff’s kindness and support for Ryan Zalla’s Bar Mitzvah by Harvey and Linda Zalla Rabbi Krakoff’s kindness to our family by Barbara Zweig In Honor of: The marriage of Sam Shanbom and Franci Goodstein by Frank and Elaine Roth Emma Gray’s Bat Mitzvah and Jacob Bean’s Bar Mitzvah by Connie Jacob Ronit and Joel Jacob’s Marriage by Cookie and Leonard Lachover Alan Schwartz’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Sharon and Stuart Mills’ 50th Anniversary by Harriet Ruza A Happy Chanukah by Marcy Grossman In Memory of: Thelma Prussack by Nancy and Jay Berman Mark Berman by Seymour and Rose Berman Harold Berry by Marvin and Helene Cherrin, Dee Fishman, Robert and Bryna Frank, Ralph and Erica Gerson, Freddie and Alan Harvith, Jeanne and Leo Maxbauer, Elaine Serman, Neil Zechman Carole Aaron by Celia Cicurel, Jules and Barbara Olsman Rosaline Gilson by Arnie & Wilma Fellman Nancy Karbal by Robert and Bryna Frank Joan Provizer by Barbara Grant, Noreen Aberly and Howard Geller, Sheldon and Barbara Larky, Gerald and Fran Uzansky, Stephen and Sandra Wittenberg, Neil Zechman Rhoda Sills by Ronald Koenigsberg Dr. Gary Sole by Erwin and Roberta Madorsky Byron Gerson and Pesach Rosen by Ann Newman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Dr. Elliott B. Folbe by Rita Folbe Leah Davidson by Jeffrey Davidson Barbara Manko by Earle and Beth Erman Samuel Schlimovich and Michael H. Wainer by Leon and Debbie Warner Norma Hudosh by Robert and Bryna Frank, Francie and Scott Watson Rose Grossman, Reubin Sherman, Fannie Sherman by Micki Grossman Dorothy R. Sarut, Abraham J. Redblatt by Sylvia Harvith Reva Stein, Abraham Stein by Sharon Krakoff Saul Kroopnick by Richard and Ellen Kroopnick Ben D. Krugel, Ida Pultman by Lawrence and Alyeen Krugel Leah Lillian Lublin by Daniel Lublin Dr. Harold D. Margolis by Marlene Margolis and family Bernard Tucker by Marlene Margolis Mollie Olsman by Jules and Barbara Olsman Harry Partrich and Joan Partrich by Richard and Debra Partrich Helen Podolsky Posner, Seymour Podolsky by Harold and Shirley Podolsky Yetta Shiener by Harriet Ruza and Gerald Shiener Marvin Segal and Rose Segal by Andrew Segal Alma Derin Yaffe by Carol Sole Neil Tabor by Harry and Jeanie Tabor Dorothy Brightman, Anna Pearlman by Ferah Tarockoff Bernice Waldman by Norman and Ferah Tarockoff Louis Tron by Samuel Tron (z’l) Irving Belinsky by Brenda Zales Bertha Lupovitch by Jacqueline Zeff Robyn Gorell by her children and grandchildren Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Pauline Fine by Gail Goodstein RABBI AARON STARR DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: Pulpit Honor by Stephen Coden Rabbi Starr’s participation in Eliana’s Baby Naming by Peter and Miriam Seagle Rabbi Starr’s care and kindness during the illness of Dr. Gershon Weiner by Jeannie Weiner Rabbi Starr’s kindness and support for Ryan Zalla’s Bar Mitzvah by Harvey and Linda Zalla In Honor of: Jeffrey & Leigh Moss’ and Sandra & Joshua Lerner’s Special Anniversaries by Sheldon and Barbara Larky In Memory of: Pesach Rosen by Ann Newman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Betty Ellias by Paul and Roberta Ingber Rose Grossman, Reubin Sherman, Fannie Sherman by Micki Grossman Rose Kobylanski by Martin and Florence Koby HAZZAN DAVID PROPIS DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: Hazzan Propis’ participation in Eliana’s Baby Naming by Peter and Miriam Seagle In Honor of: Denise & Richard Victor’s Special Anniversary by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Sandy Schwartz’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky In Memory of: Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Marvin and Helene Cherrin ASST. CANTOR LEONARD GUTMAN DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman’s participation in Jennifer Beitner’s Wedding by Norman and Ruth Beitner Pulpit Honors by Nita and Allan Cohen, David Kramer, Neil Zechman Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Jacob and Pamela David Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman’s kindness and for a good recovery by Connie Jacob and Family Assistant Cantor Gutman’s kindness by Seymour Nayer and Susan Nayer Kesner Assistant Cantor Gutman’s participation in Eliana’s Baby Naming by Peter and Miriam Seagle Assistant Cantor Gutman’s kindness and support for Ryan Zalla’s Bar Mitzvah by Harvey and Linda Zalla In Honor of: Assistant Cantor Gutman by Marvin Cherrin Janice and Marty Stoneman receiving the Brandeis Award from ZOA by Arleen Karbal and family Levi Smith’s and Phil Neuman’s Special Birthdays by Sheldon and Barbara Larky In Memory of: Dr. Gary Sole by Richard and Sally Krugel Pesach Rosen and Byron Gerson by Ann Newman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Abraham Moore by Leon and Marlene Cogan Dr. Robert Galin by Gary and Gina Galin Henry J. Ulanski by Arnold and Diane Gartner Bette Hooberman by Paul and Carol Hooberman H. John Jacob, Constance Wineman by Connie Jacob and Family TRIBUTES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Lucille Larky by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Harold Perlstein by Morris and Bonnie Levin Julius Robinson by Jack and Aviva Robinson Ruthe Feldmesser by Markus and Beanie Rohtbart Rebecca Sandberg by Hershel Sandberg Ellen Schlafer by the Schlafer family Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Sandra and Bob Moers, Leonard and Roberta Borman, Mel and Karol Chinitz, Sally and Richard Krugel, Ron Koenigsberg, Martin and Janice Stoneman, Neil Zechman RABBI IRWIN GRONER PUBLICATION FUND In Honor of: Mala Dorfman’s 90th Birthday by Gary and Gina Galin In Memory of: Carole Aaron by Marvin and Helene Cherrin Marking the Yahrzeit of: Rabbi Irwin Groner by Beverly Baker, Ann Newman Lillian Seiger by Audrey Spiwak CANTOR CHAIM NAJMAN MUSIC FUND Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Sherry Najman by Sidney and Eileen Bradley EDUCATION FUND In Honor of : Franci and Sam Shanbom’s marriage by Judy Fridson Pearl Baum’s Special Birthday by Gail, Franci, Sam, Vicki, Amy, Mike, Margo, and family Sandy and Alan Schwartz’s Special Birthdays, Mitchell Sabin’s Special Birthday by Gail Goodstein, Franci and Sam Shanbom Marilynn and Mitchell Sabin’s Special Anniversary by Gail Goodstein, Franci and Sam Shanbom Franci and Sam Shanbom’s Marriage by Cookie and Leonard Lachover, Maida Portnoy, Elaine Serman Sam Arnold’s Bar Mitzvah by Cookie and Leonard Lachover Leonard Lachover’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Saul Saulson’s Special Birthday by Helen Lerner Drew Tarnopol’s Bar Mitzvah by Sara Matz Manson Elliott Schubiner for his constant love and generosity by Beverly and Martin Miller TJ and Sandy Ruza’s daughter, Nicole’s Bat Mitzvah by Betty Shipper Steve Coden’s Special Birthday by Art Berlin and Sue Ellen Simon In Memory of: Harold Berry by Mark and Tobye Bello, Gail Goodstein, James and Ellen Labes, Beverly and Martin Miller Joan Provizer by Mark and Tobye Bello, Gail Goodstein, Beverly and Martin Miller, Yolanda and David Tisdale, Art Berlin and Sue Ellen Simons Esther Sirlin by Howard, Ilene and Max Emmer Arlene Starr by Franci and Sam Shanbom, Gail Goldman Goodstein Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Gary Sole by Gail Goodstein and Franci and Sam Shanbaum Pesia Wecker by Gail Goodstein Esther Nessel by Karen Katz Terrence Shapiro by Cookie and Leonard Lachover Rosaline Gilson by Pandy Lan Byron “Bud” Gerson by Helen Lerner Carol Dorfman by Beverly and Martin Miller Thelma Prussack by Franci and Sam Shanbom Marking the Yahrzeit of: Esther Kolovsky by Ilene Emmer Norman Roslin by Matthew, Sophia, Sydney, Chloe and Noah Roslin Leo Straus, Lisa Straus, Gladys Straus Feldman by Betty Straus GENERAL FUND Donation: by Sylvia Halpert Marking the Yahrzeit of: Joel E. Weingarten by Barbara Heller Harrison Myers by Marlene and Steve Myers In Appreciation of: Saul Saulson for record of Class 46 Central High by Seymour and Rose Berman Space for Yoga for MS Class throughout year by Mindy Eisenberg Pulpit Honor given to Dr. Paul Gold by Paul and Linda Gold In Honor of: Nicole Ruza’s Bat Mitzvah by Herb and Mildred Chad, Rosalie Gold Bill Berman’s Birthday by Avern and Lois Cohn, Barbara Heller, Jack and Aviva Robinson Marlene and Jack Guz’s daughter Natalie’s forthcoming marriage by Ileene and Seymour Zate and Dee Fishman Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Illana and Daniel Greenberg FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 Mala Dorfman’s 90th Birthday by Rena and Paul Gritt Saul Saulson’s Special Birthday by Diane Klein, Ann Newman Sam and Enid Wapner’s daughter Rebecca’s Marriage by Ritchie and Shelley Leebow Gregg Orley’s Special Birthday by Alan and Sandra Schwartz Birth of granddaughter Hadassa to Hannan and Lisa Lis by Jeannie Weiner In Memory of: Harold Berry by Eugene and Marcia Applebaum, Elliott Baum, Alan and Elaine Belkin, George and Joyce Blum, Eric and Julie Borman, Dee Fishman, Richard Cavaler, Annie and Bob Cohen, Gerald and Karen Couf-Cohen, Larry and Shirley Cohen, Avern and Lois Cohn, Rosalind Dann, Gary and Barbara Eisenberg, Ike and Judy Engelbaum, Oscar and Dede Feldman, Judy Snyder Fridson, Davida Gale, Jim and Sydonia Gajda, Ida Steuer, Joel and Linda Garfield, Paula and Lou Glazier, Joseph and Lola Goldring, Paul and Gail Jacobs, Norman and Ann Katz, George and Helen Kerwin, Zelda Klaiman, Mark and Nori Klar and Family, Diane Klein, David and Bethany Kramer, Graham and Alene Landau, Sheldon and Barbara Larky, Terran and Roger Leemis, Linda and Ed Levy, Jr., Doris Luria, Michael and Donna Maddin, Sara Matz Manson, Steven and Beth Margolin, David and Pamela Marinero, Sandra and Bob Moers, Ilene Nemer, Rosalind and Larry Nemer, Jack and Aviva Robinson, Charlotte Rosenbaum, Stanley and Phyllis Satovsky, Suzanne Schatz, Roz Schiff, Lois Shiffman, Elliott and Lila Schubiner, Alan and Sandra Schwartz, Karen and Keith Simmon, Carol Singer, Joel and Shelley Tauber, Allen and Lita Zemmol Esther Sirlin by Jody and Gary Astrein, Neil and Shelley Chaness and Family, Suzanne Ellades, Karen, Ken, Michael, Aaron and Ilana Goss, David and Debra Tukel, Paul R. Ziegler Joan Provizer by Mandell and Madeleine Berman , George and Joyce Blum, Richard Cavaler, Annie and Rob Cohen, Gerald and Karen Couf-Cohen, Shelley and Peter Cooper, Derek and Karen Davis, Linda and Dennis Deutsch, Howard and Jean Dubin, Ike and Judy Engelbaum, Beverly and David Frank, Jeffrey , Debora and Beatrice Feldman, Davida Gale, Linda and Joel Garfield, Paula and Lou Glazier, Elayne Greenspan Galin, Brian and Jennifer Hermelin, Doreen Hermelin, Mark and Nori Klar and family, Zina and Michael Kramer, Roger and Terran Leemis, Donna and Michael Maddin, Sara Manson, Steven and Beth Margolin, Mark Milgom, Nathanson family, Marcie and Rob Orley, Friends at URC Camp George, Neil and Joan Satovsky, Jeannie Weiner, Neil and Lois Zemmol 31 TRIBUTES 32 Dr. Eli Kuhel by Gerald and Karen Couf-Cohen Blanche Haas by Suzi and Larry Dell Byron “Bud” Gerson by Mark and Margaret Eichner, Steven and Beth Margolin, Robert and Anita Naftaly, Stanley and Phyllis Satovsky Jeanette Goldberg Mink by David and Beverly Frank, Barbara and Michael Kratchman, Steven and Beth Margolin, Robert and Anita Naftaly, Ilene Nemer, Rosalind and Larry Nemer, Neil and Joan Satovsky, Jeannie Weiner Semen Smolkin by Judy Gudenau Shryle Gilbert by Jan Kaplan Carole Aaron by Mark and Nori Klar and family Dr. Gary Sole by Barbara and Michael Kratchman Thelma Prussack by Steven and Beth Margolin Nancy Karbal by Anita and Robert Naftaly, Elliott and Lila Schubiner Dr. Gershon Weiner by Ilene Nemer, Larry and Gladys Rockind Murray Mahlin by Elliott and Lila Schubiner Marking the Yahrzeit of: Eva Adelman, Ellen Burnstein, Aaron Rose by Joel and Judy Adelman Deanna Averbuch, Minnie Wolman by Freddie Averbuch Betty Berry by Harold (z’l) and Barbara Berry, Selma and Jack Schwartz Anne Brent by Robert and Dasi Brent Belden Carroll by Natalie Carroll Joseph Silver, Goldie Levin by Lawrence and Suzi Dell Belle Eisenberg by Harry M. Eisenberg Betty Garber by Maddie Forbes Harry Borkin by Burton and Victoria Leib Yale Ginsburg, Meyer Levine, Josh Horowitz by Jerry and Lynne Levine Jack Erman by Melvy Lewis Alfred Lipshaw, Samuel Lipshaw by Ilene Nemer David Sislin by Evelyn Noveck Lillian Rubenstein by Erwin and Judy Rubenstein Harold Perlstein by Rita Salama Nathan Siegel, Ann Jaffe by Marvin and Gloria Siegel Marion Siskind by Marvin Siskind Charles Warshaw, Louis Warshaw by Leo and Libby Sklar Pearl Sonenklar, Sol Sonenklar, Robert Blumberg by Jerome Sonenklar Goldye Nelson, Lester Taubman, Philip Taubman, Samuel Taubman by A. Alfred and Judith Taubman Bella Hordes, William Hordes by Evelyn Wishnetsky GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Harold Berry, Joan Provizer by Lois and Hadar Granader Mary Schwartz by Steven Schwartz & Ronna Ross MORNING MINYAN FUND In Appreciation of: Pulpit Honors by Philip Kraft, Manus and Barbara Krasman, Kathleen Allessio Wedgle In Honor of: Steven Goodman’s Special Birthday by Marvin and Helene Cherrin Sam Arnold’s Bar Mitzvah by Sheilah Goldberg Saul Saulson’s Special Birthday by Paul and Barbara Goodman Howard Tapper’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Nomi and Michael Wilenkin’s Special Anniversary by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Bat Mitzvah of Nicole Ruza by Jeffrey and Julie Meltzer Beverly and Howard Stone’s Special Anniversary by Aunt Sylvia Serwin Saul Shipsol Saulson by Lorraine Solomon In Memory of: Harold Berry by Leonard and Roberta Borman, Stephen and Carol Sue Coden, Pauline Crows-Lewert, Aaron and Cynthia Greenspon, Judith Haynes, Ronald and Stacy Klein, Yale and Anna Levin, Geri Margolis and David Roberts, Francey Bornstein-Sager, Neil and Joan Satovsky, Helen, Marcy, Enid and Dorene Weisberg Dr. Gary Sole by Leonard and Roberta Borman, Yale and Anna Levin Joan Provizer by Ilene and David Chait , Marvin and Helene Cherrin, Stephen and Carol Sue Coden, Dee Fishman, Ronald and Stacy Klein, Yale and Anna Levin, Bonnie Seligson, Elaine Serman, Jeffrey and Linda Serman Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Norman Blatt, Fred Gluckson by Yale and Anna Levin Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Murray and Shirley Levin Thelma Prussack by Julie and Jeff Meltzer, Peter and Miriam Seagle Manuel Rott by Edward Ruzumna Byron Gerson by Elaine Serman Esther Weisberg by Morry and Shayna Silverman, Julie and Jeff Meltzer Marking the Yahrzeit of: Judith Guz by Dolores Fishman Tillie Smolinsky by Frieda Leemon Eve Averbuch by Fred Averbuch Anne Fisher Rose by Carol Sue Coden Goldie Levin by Cynthia Daitch Henry Dorfman by Joel Dorfman, Mala Dorfman Belle Eisenberg by Leo and Robin Eisenberg Arthur Barit, Morris Fishman by Dee Fishman George Greenspon, Albert H. Dworkin by Aaron and Cynthia Greenspon and family Harold I. Grossman, Sophie Feldman by Marjorie Grossman Sol Jonas, Albert Dworkin by Lawrence and Shirley Jonas Pearl Klein and Szymon Kozik by Jeffrey and Susan Klein Agnes Klein by Ronald and Stacy Klein James Kramer by Michael and Zina Kramer Joseph Silver by Manus and Barbara Krasman Samson Labes by James and Ellen Labes Mildred Cohen, Wilma Pickney by Elaine Laker Lucille Larky by Sheldon and Barbara Larky William Kovinsky by Anna Levin Edith Tucker by Marlene Margolis Maurice Sell by Janet Randolph Irving Rollinger, Bessie Krell by Robert Rollinger Ruth Stotzky by Frederic and Harriett Rosen Ruth M. Schurgin, Ivan S. Bloch by Leon Schurgin Dorothy Sherman, Fanny Alfeld by Edward and Esther Sherman Aron and Ida Markowitz by Zita Weber Paul Worona by Estelle Worona Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Sheldon Jacobs, Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman, Irving Tukel by Florence Goode Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Alan and Sandra Schwartz SISTERHOOD GENERAL FUND In Honor of: Julian and Deborah Isakow, Birth of Aiden Isakow by Elizabeth Tam TRIBUTES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG HERMAN BRODSKY MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Franci and Sam Shanbom’s Marriage by Dina Brodsky, Helene Brody Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Dina Brodsky Dina’s Special Birthday by Ann and David, Helene, Jeffrey and Stacy, Marc and Susan Brodsky, Gail Goodstein, Marvin and Sharon Fleischman, Steve and Liz Schubiner Shelley Rosenberg passing the Virginia Bar, special birthday of Dr. David S. Rosenberg by Stacy and Jeffrey Brodsky FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 SISTERHOOD SHABBAT LUNCH FUND In Appreciation of: Bob and Gail Kaplan’s holiday hospitality by Ron Koenigsberg Janice Stoneman’s kindness by Steven Schwartz & Ronna Ross In Honor of: Eileen Bradley’s Birthday by Leonard and Bobbie Borman Nancy Kalef’s 80th Birthday by Floyd (z’l) and Esther Bornstein Saul Saulson’s Special Birthday by Bernard and Judith Cantor, Marvin and Helen Cherrin Janice and Marty Stoneman being honored by ZOA of Michigan, Linda and Rick Cohen being Honored by Israel Bonds, Megan and Matt Swain’s Marriage, Anita and Bob Naftaly, Birth of Grandson Binyamin Millman by Marvin and Helen Cherrin David and Candy Cuttner, marriage of son and Bar Mitzvah of grandson, Sam Phil and Wendy Arnold’s son Sam’s Bar Mitzvah, Gail Goodstein’s daughter, Franci’s marriage by Rick and Linda Cohen Nicole Ruza’s Bat Mitzvah, Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Candy and David Cuttner Janice and Marty Stoneman being honored by ZOA of Michigan, Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Gail Goodstein Nancy Finkel’s Special Birthday, Warren and Lynn Silverman’s special anniversary, Matthew and Nicole Lester by Ron Koenigsberg Charlene and David Berman, birth of grandson, Rose and Julian Wagner’s 65th anniversary, Martin Joseph’s 90th birthday by Eleanor Korn Bill Berman’s Birthday by Eleanor & Monte (z’l) Korn Judy and Jack Elder’s 40th Anniversary, Sam Arnold’s Bar Mitzvah by Richard and Sally Krugel Franci and Sam Shanbom’s Marriage by James and Ellen Labes Graham Landau’s 90th Birthday by Alene Landau, Robert and Julee Landau Shahon, Marc Landau Michael Feldman’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Judie Blumeno’s granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah by Robert and Anita Naftaly Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Elaine Serman Sam Arnold’s Bar Mitzvah by Andi and David Sklar, Martin and Janice Stoneman GOLDIE & RABBI MORRIS ADLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Joan Provizer by Melvin and Karol Chinitz Marking the Yahrzeit of: Dorothy R. Barsky, Abraham O. Barsky by Frances Barsky and Family Nettie Deutch by David and Deena Fishman Henry S. Kaplan by Mary Kaplan MORRIS & BEVERLY BAKER ISRAEL COLLEGE STUDIES FUND In Appreciation of: Marcia and Ed Kersch’s and Rayna and Natalio Kogan’s Hospitality by Beverly Baker In Honor of: Bill Berman’s birthday by Beverly Baker Sharon Alterman’s special retirement by Beverly Baker In Memory of: Dr. Gershon Weiner, Hugh Greenberg, Byron “Bud” Gerson, Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Joan Provizer, Dr. Murray S. Mahlin, Harold Berry by Beverly Baker Marking the Yahrzeit of: Morris D. Baker, Rachel Franzblau, Eugene Franzblau by Beverly Baker Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Leslie Katz, Leonard Baruch, Reva Kuhel by Beverly Baker ANN & LEONARD P. BARUCH TZEDAKAH FUND In Honor of: Linda and Rick Cohen being honored by Israel Bonds by Leonard and Ann Baruch Leonard Baruch’s Birthday and Ann and Leonard Baruch’s Anniversary by Wallace and Marlene Handler In Memory of: Joan Provizer, Harold Berry by Shoshana Wolok Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Sherry Najman by Leonard and Ann Baruch TRIBUTES In Memory of: Harold Berry by Martin and Janice Stoneman Harriet Drissman by Elizabeth Tam Rabbi Krakoff’s community interfaith work and in appreciation of his kindness by Jeannie Weiner In Memory of: Burt Osborne by Floyd (z’l) and Esther Bornstein Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Donald and Marcia Boxman Floyd Bornstein by Jan Carp Dr. Gary Sole by Marvin and Helene Cherrin Harold Berry by Melvin and Karol Chinitz, Rick and Linda Cohen, Candy and David Cuttner, Estelle and Philip Elkus, Frieda Langnas, Marvin and Dorie Shwedel, Martin and Janice Stoneman Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Rick and Linda Cohen, Paula and Lou Glazier, Stephen and Rusty Rosman, Martin and Janice Stoneman, Stephen and Sandra Wittenberg Joan Provizer by Rick and Linda Cohen, Candy and David Cuttner, Judy Fridson, Frieda Langnas, Robin Lash, Stephen and Rusty Rosman, Alan and Sandra Schwartz, Marvin and Dorie Shwedel, Martin and Janice Stoneman Floyd Bornstein by 1946 Central High Reunion Group Diana Tobin, Liddy Weinberg, Gershon Weiner, Esther Weingarden by Ronald Koenigsberg Carole Aaron by Frieda Langnas Dr. Gershon Weiner by Robin Lash, Stephen and Rusty Rosman, Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Janice and Martin Stoneman Paul Greenspan by Kimberly and Kenneth Levin Byron “Bud” Gerson by Marvin and Dorie Shwedel, Milton and Gloria Siegel H. Douglas Resnick by Rachel Siegel Marking the Yahrzeit of: Bertha and Sam Klein, Celia and Morris Bornstein by Floyd (z’l) and Esther Bornstein Nathan Elkus by Philip and Estelle Elkus Robert Galin by Elayne Galin Joanne Tintori Rodzik and Raymond Tintori by Lawrence and Karen Katz Phyliss Kusnetz by Harold Kusnetz Dr. Stephen Selfon by Maureen Selfon Harry Nathan Tachna, Selden Tachna by Rachel Siegel Golda Averbach by Mollie Stein Rose Morris by June Stillman Wishing Speedy Recovery to: Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Floyd (z’l) and Esther Bornstein, Candy and David Cuttner Lauren Cohen, Leslie Katz, Robin Lash by Marty and Janice Stoneman 33 34 Lisa Weiner’s Graduation, Heidi Dreyfuss’ Engagement to Jared Owen, Noah Gorman’s Bar Mitzvah, Sami’s Bat Mitzvah, Susie and David Harold, Birth of Granddaughter, Layla Harold by David and Ann Rosenberg In Memory of: Joan Provizer, Harold Berry, Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Dina Brodsky Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Stacy and Jeffrey Brodsky Harold Berry, Joan Provizer by Helene Brody Emery Klein, Esther Sirlin, Robert Kannon, Lawrence Terebelo, Elaine Greenfield, Rosaline Gilson, Francis Leuchter, Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Thelma Prussack, Harold Berry, Joan Provizer by David and Ann Rosenberg Marking the Yahrzeit of: Pearl Brodsky, Ida Chaenko by Bernard and Ruthan Brodsky Anna Brodsky by Dina Brodsky, Helene Brodsky Brody and Family, Stacy and Jeffrey Brodsky, Ann Brodsky Rosenberg Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Carole Hooberman by Dina Brodsky, David and Ann Rosenberg Martin Gene, Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman, Leonard Baruch by David and Ann Rosenberg RICHARD & SHARON BROWN EDUCATION FUND In Appreciation of: Dr. Richard Brown for bringing live streaming to our services by Martin and Janice Stoneman In Honor of: The B’nai Mitzvah of Michael Drew Viviano, Jonah Daniel Stone, Nicole Ruza, Jaclyn Morganroth, Melanie Ann Teper, Sam Arnold by Richard Brown Henrietta and Alvin Weisberg on their 60th Anniversary by Richard Brown Franci and Sam Shanbom’s Marriage by Richard Brown The special birthdays of Bill Berman, Stephen Coden, Dina Brodsky, Sandy and Alan Schwartz, Charles Soberman by Richard Brown Anita and Ronald Taylor’s Special Anniversary by Richard Brown In Memory of: Pesach Rosen, Dr. Gershon Weiner, Esther Sirlin, Blanche Haas, Byron “Bud” Gerson, Dr. Murray Mahlin, Paul Greenspan, Harold Berry, Joan Provizer, Carole Aaron by Richard Brown Esther Weisberg by Nison and Doreen Sabin Marking the Yahrzeit of: Jennie Folbe by Rita Folbe Sharon Brown, Esther Kohn, Florence Kohn by Nison and Doreen Sabin Rose Silverstone by Bob and Charlotte Silverstone FANNIE & MEYER COOPER HEARING IMPAIRED FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Fannie Milgrom Cooper by Howard and Linda Perlman Max Milgrom by Jack Perlman HARVEY ALAN DEUTCH MEMORIAL FUND FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION In Honor of: The Marriage of daughter, Dana, of Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernstein by Alan and Lenore Deutch-Singer In Memory of: Michael Roth, Hugh Greenberg, Nancy Karbal, Carol Ann Dorfman, Sue Feldstein by Alan and Lenore Deutch-Singer and family REUBEN & YETTA DUBRINSKY EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Herbie Bernstein being inducted into the Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame by Marvin and Innis Dubrinsky In Memory of: Arlene Kingston by Marvin and Innis Dubrinsky DR JOSEPH & NAOMI EDER CHILDREN’S FUND In Honor of: Bill Berman’s Birthday by Mitchell and Eder Families BETTY FISHMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Appreciation of: Steven Fishman by Harriet Ruza In Memory of: Harold Berry, Joan Provizer by Steven and Jeri Fishman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Mickey Fishman by Steven Fishman Herman Fishman by Steve and Jeri Fishman Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Steven and Jeri Fishman MAE & MILTON GOODMAN ISRAEL FAMILY MISSION FUND In Memory of: Esther Sirlin, Thelma Prussack, Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Harold Berry by Robert and Jodi Goodman DEBBIE GRONER JEWISH ACADEMY BOOK FUND In Honor of: Leypsa Groner’s special birthday by Robin Lash In Memory of: Harold Berry by Marcia and Agustin Arbulu Joan Provizer by David and Susan Harold Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Debbie Groner by Carl and Lorelei Lipnik Debbie Groner by Shirlee Marshall and family Marking the Yahrzeit of: Rabbi Irwin Groner by Marvin and Sharon Fleischman, Barbara Heller, Larry and Robin Lash, Ilene Nemer, Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek LILLIAN & SAMUEL HECHTMAN EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Harold Berry by Graham and Sally Orley HERMELIN FAMILY YOUTH CHOIR FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Sophie Herman by Gladys Brasch SONIA & I MURRAY JACOBS BIRTHRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Bernard Koss by Steven and Mary Koss MORRIS & HANNAH KARBAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Nancy Karbal by Stephen and Sandra Wittenberg ABE & BEA KATZMAN CAMP RAMAH FUND In Memory of: Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Harold Berry by Judie Blumeno Liddy Weinberg by Steven Schwartz & Ronna Ross Marking the Yahrzeit of: C. Hertzl Silber by Donald and Marcia Boxman SIDNEY KATZMAN MEMORIAL PURIM FUND In Honor of: Janice and Marty Stoneman being honored by ZOA of Michigan by Linda Katzman In Memory of: Dr. Louis Heyman by Linda Katzman Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Marlene Gouhmet by Rhoda Katzman Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Rhoda and Linda Katzman HERB & BABS KAUFMAN LISTEN IN FUND In Honor of: Birthdays of Jerry Eisenshtadt, Paul Borman, David Broner, Jennifer Hermelin, Nancy Levy, Sandi Matz, Hon. David Groner, Cynthia and Robert Steinberg, Leonard Lachover, Harriet Sklar, Herb Pont, Tracey Grosinger, Yale Levin, Marvin Siegel, Selma Schwartz, Peter Alter, Eugene Applebaum, Bill Berman, Steve Coden, Howard Tapper, Sandra TRIBUTES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Moers, David Fishman, Ralph Gerson, Ruthan Brodsky, Rusty Rosman, Leonard Borman, Marcia Applebaum, Penny Blumenstein, Graham Landau, Melvy Erman Lewis, Sandra Gutman, Estelle Gubow, Nison Sabin, Joseph Orley, Gordon Moss, Henrietta Weinberg, Beverly Frank, David Gutow, Carl Lauter, Hannan Lis by Babs (z’l) and Herb Kaufman Anniversaries of Julie and Steven Schlafer, Marilyn and Walter Wolpin, Jerome and Margot Halperin, Rhea and Robert Brody, Henrietta and Alvin Weisberg, Alene and Graham Landau, Amy and David Groner, Lynda and Conrad Giles, Bryna and Bob Frank, Rusty and Stephen Rosman, Harold and Penny Blumenstein, Miriam and Bruce Milen, Fern and Brian Kepes, Jain and Carl Lauter, Reinart and Eugene Gelzayd, Gayle and Richard Burstein, Aviva and Jack Robinson, Fran and Kenneth Eisenberg, Roberta and Erwin Madorsky, Dede and Oscar Feldman, Sally and Richard Krugel, Donna and Michael Maddin, Estelle and Philip Elkus by Babs (z’l) and Herb Kaufman In Memory of: Harold Berry by Herbert Kaufman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Lillian Bram by Samuel Tron (z’l) RITA & JERRY KEYWELL NEW MEMBER FUND In Memory of: Harold Berry by Rita Keywell DENNIS KLAR MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Edwin Bierman by Edie and Steven Arbit and family, Shirley Klar, Mark and Nori Klar and Family, Lynn, Warren, Nathan and Jessica Silverman, Sol and Marion Stein BELLE AND HAROLD KUKES MEMORIAL FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Harold Kukes, Belle Kukes by Michael and Barbara Kratchman Harold Kukes by Thomas and Rosanne Kukes HARRY & SARAH LAKER CONCERT FUND In Honor of: Art Berlin’s Special Birthday by Joel and Betsy Kellman Sylvia Pearlman’s Special Birthday and Sonia Kudewitz’s 100th Birthday by Elaine and Gerald Laker In Memory of: Joan Provizer by Elaine and Gerald Laker LORELEI & CARL LIPNIK CAMP RAMAH FUND In Honor of: Dina Brodsky’s Special Birthday by Carl and Lorelei Lipnik Jenny and Sam Maxbauer’s marriage by Carl and Lorelei Lipnik In Memory of: Harold Berry, Thelma Prussack by Bertha Beitner, Norm and Ruth Beitner Dr. Eli Kuhel, Elliot Kaplan, Thelma Prussack by Carl and Lorelei Lipnik Marking the Yahrzeit of: Louis Lipnik, Rabbi Irwin Groner by Carl and Lorelei Lipnik SAMUEL M. & LILLIAN KEIDAN LEVIN ARCHIVE FUND In Honor of: Judy Cantor being inducted into the Michigan Woman’s Hall of Fame by Alene and Graham Landau In Memory of: Dr. Eli Kuhel by Bernard and Judith Cantor DR. DAVID KLIGER & CEIL RUDA KLIGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Bill Berman’s Birthday by Seymour and Joyce Kliger and Nancy Kliger BETTY & SAMUEL LEHRMAN BETH HAYELED FUND In Memory of: Richard Sucher, Charlotte Atkins by Sylvia and Hans Weinmann TILLIE MARTIN MEMORIAL HEBREW RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In Honor of: Marriages of Todd and Nicole Miller and Franci and Sam Shanbom by Arlene and Chuck Beerman In Memory of: Joan Provizer, Arlene Kingston by Chuck and Arlene Beerman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Abraham Primack by Geraldine Baskin IRVIN & LILLIAN MECKLER MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Blanche Haas by Marvin and Adria Aronovitz Oscar Shapiro by Marvin and Adria Aronovitz, Ellen, Howard, Meredith, Ian and Joey Berlin BARBARA & MICKEY NEMER LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Mickey Nemer’s Special Birthday by Dick and Myrna Edgar Linda Ross’ Special Birthday by Barbara and Mickey Nemer In Memory of: Blanche Haas, Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Joan Provizer, Stanley "Buzz" Garber, Harold Berry, Carol Ann Dorfman, Arlene Gail Kingston by Barbara and Mickey Nemer CELIA ORLEY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Sheldon Lax by Larry and Melissa Lax and Family GAIL PARR MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Special Anniversaries of Denise and Elliott Parr, Barbara and Philip Kraft by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Marking the Yahrzeit of: Morris Kraft by Philip Kraft Jack Parr, Max Parr by Louis Parr GEORGE C & ANNA PARZEN CHOIR FUND In Memory of: Joan Provizer, Harold Berry by Steven and Susan Parzen Marking the Yahrzeit of: Anne Parzen by Steven and Susan Parzen JANET PONT MITZVAH FUND In Honor of: Franci and Sam Shanbom’s marriage by Sharon Fountain Dr. Sion Soleymani’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Bill Berman by Janet and Herb Pont Sharon Lipton Receiving Josephine S. Weiner Community Service Award by Neil Zechman In Memory of: Blanche Haas by Janet and Herb Pont and family Joan Provizer, Harold Berry by Janet and Herb Pont Nancy Karbal, Byron “Bud” Gerson, Dr. Eli Kuhel, Dr. Gershon Weiner, Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Janet Pont Marking the Yahrzeit of: Belle Steinberg, Julius Steinberg by Muriel Wetsman Brooks Wolfe Nagus, Herb Lewis by Shiela Lewis Robert and Danny Bayer by Betsy Bayer Peterman Rabbi Irwin Groner by Janet and Herb Pont Helen Weiner, Frederick Mann, Morris Weiner by Jeannie Weiner ANDREA LYNN RUBINSTEIN OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AWARD FUND In Honor of: Mickey Nemer’s Special Birthday by Marvin and Sharon Fleischman Sharon and Marvin Fleischman’s Granddaughter Erica’s Marriage by Frederic and Harriett Rosen, Murray and Shirley Levin 35 FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 TRIBUTES 36 In Memory of: Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Thelma Prussack, Harold Berry by Marvin and Sharon Fleischman Roz Stone by Steven and Andrea Migdal Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman by Marvin and Sharon Fleischman IRVING AND FAYE SAFFER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Celebration of: Chanukah by Karen Blanke In Honor of: Mark Saffer by Ronald and Kathleen Harkness In Memory of: Paul Greenspan by Jacob and Pamela David, Gail Goodstein and Franci Shanbom, Stephen and Sandra Wittenberg Faye Saffer by Mark Saffer Marking the Yahrzeit of: Faye Saffer by Mark and Peggy Saffer LEAH & HYMAN SAFRAN LIBRARY FUND In Appreciation of: High Holy Day Honor by Mark and Miriam Goldberg In Honor of: Bill Berman’s Birthday by Judy Snyder Fridson In Memory of: Carole Aaron, Shyrle Gilbert by Mandell and Madeleine Berman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Claire Lee Goldberg by Mark and Miriam Goldberg Molly Silver by Elizabeth Safran (z’l) DON SCHILLER MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Joan Provizer by Jan Berris SEGEL-JAFFE MEMORIAL DISCRETIONARY SUPPORT FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Milton Hubert by Robbie Segel BELLE & MAURICE SIDEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Joan Provizer by Harriet Siden ISADORE & EVELYN SILVERMAN FUND In Honor of: Julie and Brian Gordon, Birth of Granddaughters by Eileen and Hayim Gross Marriages of Elise and Jerry Schostak’s daughter Stephanie, Marsha and Mark Klein’s daughter Rachel, Gina and Arthur Horwitz’s Son Daniel to Miriam by Mark and Lois Langberg Jerry Schostak’s Special Birthday by Mark and Lois Langberg Laurie Golden’s son Ronnie’s marriage to Lindsay by Linda and Spencer Minns Max Emmer passing the Michigan Bar exam by Linda and Spencer Minns Mike Ceresnie’s 60th Birthday by Warren and Lynn Silverman In Memory of: Esther Sirlin, Leonard Schultz by Eileen and Hayim Gross Joan Provizer, Harold Berry, Esther Sirlin by the Gubow family Esther Sirlin by Kathe Langberg, Mark and Lois Langberg, Warren and Lynn Silverman Leonard Schultz by Mark and Lois Langberg Rosalyn Stone by Warren and Lynn Silverman Jeffrey Marx by Lynn, Warren, Nathan and Jessica Silverman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Benjamin Williams, Rose Dubrinsky, Nathan Silverman by Raymond and Nancy Silverman Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Susie Solarz by Warren and Lynn Silverman NATHAN SOBERMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Esther Weisberg, Judy Robinson, Roz Stone, Mother of Bill Leuchter by Marcia and Roger Fenton Blanche Haas, Esther Weisberg, Harold Berry, Joan Provizer by Sally Soberman ROXANNE STROMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marking the Yahrzeit of: Nancy Goldstein by Stuart and Iris Goldstein Rachel Kellman, Selma Stromer, Max Stromer by Joel and Betsy Kellman DR. ROBERT TAM VETERANS FUND In Honor of: Alvin Nachman’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Sam Arnold’s Bar Mitzvah by Elizabeth Tam In Memory of: Dr. Gershon Weiner, Joan Provizer, Dr. Gary Sole, Harold Berry by Elizabeth Tam Marking the Yahrzeit of: Robert Tam by Elizabeth Tam DR. ALEXANDER ULLMANN EDUCATIONAL MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Lindsay and Ronnie Brant’s Marriage, Saul Saulson’s Special Birthday, Anita and Bob Naftaly, Birth of Grandson Binyamin Millman, Sandy and Alan Schwartz’s Special Birthdays by Audie and Faye Ullmann Kanter In Memory of: Rosaline Gilson, Cynthia Colvin by Faye Ullmann Kanter Dr. Gershon Weiner, Jeanette Goldberg Mink by Audie and Faye Ullmann Kanter Marking the Yahrzeit of: Joseph Ginis, Tillie Ginis; Dr. Morris Ginis by Betty Straus David Schrage by Faye Ullmann Kanter MEL & HELENE WALLACE FUND FOR SZUZY /HEBREW HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT In Honor of: Gail Goodstein’s daughter Franci’s marriage by David and Barbara Wallace In Memory of: Harold Berry by Ruth Tobias Thelma Prussack, Harold Berry by David and Barbara Wallace HARVEY & LUCILLE WEISBERG SPECIAL PURPOSE FUND In Honor of: Anita and Bob Naftaly, Birth of Grandson, Binyamin Millman by Harvey and Linda Zalla Wishing a Speedy Recovery to: Sherry Najman by Harvey and Linda Zalla PETER & CLARA WEISBERG CONCERT FUND In Honor of: Henrietta & Alvin Weisberg’s Special Anniversary by Sheldon and Barbara Larky Henrietta Weisberg’s Special Birthday by Sheldon and Barbara Larky ANN ZUCKMAN SPECIAL NEEDS FUND In Appreciation of: Ralph Zuckman by Bob and Linda Bodzin In Memory of: Ann Keller by Barry and Elaine Resnick Edythe Jackier, Liddy Weinberg, Mary Schwartz, Jeanette Goldberg Mink, Joan Provizer, Alexander Ornstein, Norman Blatt, Frieda Kramer, Harold Berry by Ralph Zuckman Marking the Yahrzeit of: Sidney Maxman, Zelig Zuckman, Ann Zuckman by Ralph Zuckman TRIBUTES CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG EUGENE ZWEIG MEMORIAL CHOIR FUND In Appreciation of: Anna and Yale Levin’s kindness to the choir by Russell Orlando and Susan Zweig In Honor of: Russell Orlando and Susan Zweig’s Special Anniversary by Sheldon and Barbara Larky In Memory of: Leo Rosen by Michael and Linda Shewach Dr. Eli Kuhel by Barbara Zweig Joan Provizer by Susan and Barbara Zweig Harold Michaels by Susan Zweig, Russell Orlando and Helena Marking the Yahrzeit of: Sheldon Grant by Barbara Grant Joseph Shewach and Ann Shewach by Barbara Zweig, Susan Zweig and Russell Orlando Carmy Zweig, Tzivia Zweig Sinclair by Barbara Zweig for making online contributions to the synagogue. To ensure the accuracy of your year-end statement, please remember to log in as a “member” each time you make a contribution. If you do not know your user name or password, please contact Shelley Golsky at 248.357.5544 or [email protected] ! CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK TRIBUTE FORM Please clip, complete and send to 27375 Bell Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 or call the synagogue office at 248.357.5544. Your Name: ____________________________________ Your Address: __________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State and ZIP Code: _____________________________ Please make a contribution to the following fund: _______________________________________________ In the amount of: $ ______________________________ o Check enclosed o Visa o MasterCard o In memory of o Wishing a speedy recovery to o Marking the Yahrzeit of o Simchah (please list, e.g., Bat Mitzvah, graduation): _______________________________________________ From: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Please send acknowledgement to: Name: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State, ZIP Code: ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Please make checks payable to Congregation Shaarey Zedek Card number: __________________________________ Expiration Date: _________ Security Code: __________ Name(s) to list: _________________________________ _______________________________________________ FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL 2014 • ADAR I-ADAR II-NISAN 5774 o In honor of o In appreciation of TRIBUTES Thank you 37 38 QUALITY KOSHER CATERING CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK • WWW.SHAAREYZEDEK.ORG Passover this year starts on Monday night, April 14, 2014. Our Passover menu will be in the mail and on our website during March. Your orders can be called in to our office at 248.352.7758 or placed on the website Order deadline will be Friday, April 4, 2014. Order pick up will be Monday, April 14, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you then. Scholar-in-Residence Weekend featuring ARNOLD EISEN Chancellor, Jewish Theological Seminary FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 5:30 p.m. Starters ARNOLD M. EISEN, one of the world’s foremost authorities on American Judaism, is the seventh chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Since taking office in 2007, Chancellor Eisen has brought the immense learning gathered and furthered at JTS to bear on the most pressing needs of the Jewish community. Among other initiatives, he has expanded the digitization and online accessibility of historic and contemporary JTS and JTS Library resources. He launched, which provides Torah commentaries, lectures, classes, and podcasts for students, scholars, and the general public, along with additional JTS websites, and established popular JTS social media sites. He discusses Judaism and Jewish education, philosophy, and values on his blog, On My Mind, Arnie Eisen. Before coming to JTS, Chancellor Eisen served in the department of Religious Studies at Stanford University, the department of Jewish Philosophy at Tel Aviv University, and the department of Religion at Columbia University. He earned a PhD in the History of Jewish Thought from Hebrew University, a BPhil in the Sociology of Religion at Oxford University, and a BA in Religious Thought from the University of Pennsylvania. The chancellor has published several books, including Rethinking Modern Judaism: Ritual, Commandment, Community; The Chosen People in America: A Study in Jewish Religious Ideology; and Taking Hold of Torah: Jewish Commitment and Community in America, a personal essay. He contributes regularly to print and online media, including the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and Tablet magazine. 6:00 p.m. Join us for a lively musical Friday evening service with Hazzan David Propis 7:15 p.m. Shabbat dinner Cost: Adults $25 Children ages 5-13 $5 7:45 p.m. Chancellor Eisen will speak: Conservative Judaism, Today and Tomorrow Babysitting and youth activities will be available SHABBAT, MARCH 29, 2014 During Morning Services, Chancellor Eisen will deliver a D’var Torah. After the congregational lunch (no charge), Chancellor Eisen will speak: Judaism in the APP Generation THESE EVENTS ARE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Reserve your place at Shabbat dinner and lunch no later than Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Contact Tobye Bello at [email protected] or 248.357.5544 TIME VALUE USPS 458-040 The Recorder of Congregation Shaarey Zedek is published quarterly by Congregation Shaarey Zedek 27375 Bell Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034-2079 Periodical Postage paid at Southfield, Michigan 48037 Postmaster: Send address corrections to Congregation Shaarey Zedek 27375 Bell Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034-2079 A TRADITION OF SISTE RHOOD AN D COM M U N ITY SI NCE 1964 4:00 P.M. Financial Editor for NBC’s Today Contributing Editor for More Magazine Columnist for The New York Daily News BOUTIQUE SHOPPING LUNCHEON AND RAFFLE Reserve Your Space: [email protected] Connect on Facebook: Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood FEATURED SPEAKER President and Chief Executive Officer of The WW Group, Inc. WOMAN OF VALOR
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