Congestion or Low Throughput Mitigation Strategy



Optimization StrategyTitle : Dynamic CE & CE Overbooking Trial How to Solve Different Type of Object : RNC Menara Mulia 2 Congestion/Low Throughput in Cell Level By : Strategic Optimization Team Strategic Optimization Team Huawei Confidential Congestion/Low Throughput Mitigation Strategy 3G Huawei 3G Nokia 2G Huawei 2G Nokia 2G Siemens • CE Blocking/CE High Utilization • Iub Blocking/Iub High Utilization • DL- Power Blocking/DL Power High Utilization • UL- Power Blocking • Code Blocking • FACH Congestion • HSPA Throughput Optimization • CE Blocking/CE High Utilization • Iub Blocking/Iub High Utilization • DL- Power Blocking/DL Power High Utilization • UL- Power Blocking • Code Blocking • CS Blocking & Non PS blocking • PS Blocking & Non CS blocking • CS Blocking & PS blocking • 2G/3G reselection ( traffic share) • CS Blocking & Non PS blocking • PS Blocking & Non CS blocking • CS Blocking & Non PS blocking • PS Blocking & Non CS blocking • CS Blocking & PS blocking • 2G/3G reselection ( traffic share) HUAWEI-H3I MANAGED SERVICES INDONESIA Huawei Confidential FailEstabPS.ULIUBBand.FailEstabCS.DLCE.DLCE.RRC.Rej.Cong+VS.FailEstabPS.RRC.DLCE.RAB.Power Blocking upgrade Increase Physical Audit (involving TP ULTOTALEQUSERNUM (e.FailEstabCS.FailEstabCS.RAB. DLOTHERTHD.ULCE.Cong+VS.RRC.   DLCONVNONAMRTHD. Sets Util involved : IPPATH.Code. DLHOTHD.Code.Cong+VS.Cong Huawei 3G UL CE VS.Rej.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Rej. UCELLLDR Modify FTI to reduce Active Factor.DLI 1st Action 2nd Action 3rd Action 4th Action Huawei Case 3G DL IuB UBBand.DLIUBBand.RAB.Cong+VS. IPLOGICPORT analysis) Physical Audit (involving TP Iub BW upgrade analysis) DL. DSP BBPTC Verify Iub BW setting in Iub Blocking/Iub High Node-B and in RNC.Cong+VS.RRC. maintain Power High Util analysis) existing PCPICH setting UL.RRC.RAB.Rej.ULPower .Cong+VS.Rej.Cong Huawei 3G HighCode CE Blocking/CE board capability.FailEstabPS.Cong+VS.RAB.3G Huawei Performance Counter for Congestion Vendo Resource r Tech Type Congestion Counter VS.FailEstabPS.RAB.RAB.DLPower Huawei 3G DL Power .RAB.FailEstabPS.Cong+VS.ULCE.Cong VS.Cong+VS.FailEstabPS.Rej.RAB.Power Blocking/DL .ULIUBBand.Cong+VS.Cong Verify CE license and CE Modify LDR threshold.DLPower.Cong+VS.ULCE.FailEstabCS. Sets VS.Cong+VS.Physical Audit (involving TP Activate 40W.Cong+VS.RAB.RAB.RAB. ADJNODE Modify DL CAC parameters set to higher value.Code. Sets involved : TRMFACTOR.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Rej.RRC. Parameters involved : DLCONVAMRTHD. ADJMAP.Cong VS. DLCELLTOTALTHD Turn-off NBMULCACALGOSELSWI   TCH (set to ALGORITHM_OFF) .ULI Huawei 3G UL IuB UBBand.g analysis) from 160 to Confidential 180) Huawei Modify involved : UCELLLDM. Physical Audit (involving TP CE license and/or board Huawei 3G UL Power Step of Action Util Commands involved : DSP LICENSE.FailEstabPS.RAB.RAB.Cong+VS.Cong Huawei 3G DL CE VS.Cong VS.DLIUBBand.DLPower.FailEstabCS.RRC. SF32 to SF 64) or RRC >0.ULCE. >0. Congestion only 10 ms TTI >0.HSPDSCHCODENUM=5.g occur while HO UCELLCAC:CELLID=31890.g from 3 the system is to 1 overloaded PS Total Traffic increase CELL-PCH will decrease & inactivity timer for High SPU Load PsInactTmrForPreFst SPU RRC SR will SET UEs enabled with the due traffic R3 Drm Load statistically UPSINACTTIMER:PSINACTTMRFORPREFSTDRM=900. Load CONNECTION increase >70% the Uu interface REQUEST quality is poor or message.ULHOCERESVSF=SF32. RRC. Fast Dormancy increase >70% degrade due less feature attempt When Cell HSDPA Reduce having Low Throughput will MOD Code HSPDSCHCODENUM HSPDSCHMINCODEN accessibility due degraded with R4 UCELLHSDPA:CELLID=XXXXX.g from occur while HO Code Blocking F64.DLHOCECODERESVSF=S F Blocking to lower SF (e.E.5% When Cell Set lower SF on degrading having Low ULHOCERESVSF& Code ULHOCERESVSF& bitrate might ADD accessibility due R4 ULRRCCERESVSF Blocking ULRRCCERESVSF e.5% Code When Cell Modify degrading having Low MOD DLHOCECODERESVS Code DLHOCECODERESVSF bitrate might accessibility due R4 UCELLCAC:CELLID=31890.3G Huawei-CE.5% lower value UE reduce Maximum experiences number of difficulty retransmissions of High SPU Load accessing the SPU the RRC N300 due traffic network when R4 SET UIDLEMODETIMER:N300=1.Rej.g from 5 to 4) Code Blocking lower PDSCH anual.ALLOCCODEMODE=M Blocking UM (e.Co SF16->SF32 or RRC ng Purpose Huawei Confidential . SPU & Code Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Applicable Severi Cons Command Sample (Optional) Condition ty When Cell having Low HSUPA MAPSWITCH_MAP_H SET CE Disable 2ms TTI for accessibility due Throughput will SUPA_TTI_2MS_SWIT R4 UCORRMALGOSWITCH:MAPSWITCH=MAP_HSUPA_TT Blocking HSUPA service UL Power degraded with CH I_2MS_SWITCH-0. CTFC=5. TBNUMBER1=0. CTFC=2. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. TBNUMBER3=2. RLCSIZE=168. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706.3G Huawei-FACH Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Purpose Applicable Condition Cons Severi ty Command Sample (Optional) DEA UCELL: CELLID=30706. TOAWE=10. TRCHID=4. . ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. MAXCMCHPI=D13. RATEMATCHINGATTR=220. TOAWS=35. MAXFACHPOWER=30. RMV UFACHLOCH: CELLID=30706. TFSNUMBER=D3. RLCSIZE=360. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. CTFC=6. RMV USCCPCH: CELLID=30706. TRCHID=4. PHYCHID=9. CHCODINGTYPE=CONVOLUTIONAL. PHYCHID=9. RMV UFACHDYNTFS: CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. ADD UFACH: CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. TOAWE=10. MINCMCHPI=D0. SIGRBIND=FALSE. TRCHID=5. PHYCHID=9. RMV UFACH: CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. ADD UFACHDYNTFS:CELLID=30706. RLCSIZE=360. TBNUMBER3=2. TBNUMBER2=1. TRCHID=4. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. ADD UFACHLOCH: CELLID=30706. TOAWS=35. SCCPCHOFFSET=100. TRCHID=4. CHCODINGTYPE=TURBO. CTFC=4. Huawei 3G SLOTFORMAT Change FACH FACH SlotFormat to expand Congesti FACH Bandwidth on using Higher format ex : from D8 to D10 When Cell having High FACH Congestion   Huawei Confidential R3 ADD USCCPCHBASIC: CELLID=30706. ADD UFACHDYNTFS:CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. DEA USCCPCH: CELLID=30706. RMV UFACHDYNTFS: CELLID=30706. PHYCHID=9. RMV UFACH: CELLID=30706. RLCSIZE=168. TRCHID=5. SCRAMBCODE=0. PHYCHID=9. CTFC=0. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. SLOTFORMAT=D10. PHYCHID=9. TRCHID=5. TRCHID=5. ACT USCCPCH: CELLID=30706. RATEMATCHINGATTR=130. TFCIPRESENCE=EXISTS. TRCHID=4. ADD UFACH: CELLID=30706. TRCHID=4. CTFC=1. CTFC=3. TBNUMBER2=1. PHYCHID=9. ADD USCCPCHTFC: CELLID=30706. TBNUMBER1=0. PHYCHID=9. TFSNUMBER=D3. ACT UCELL: CELLID=30706. 3G Huawei-HSDPA & HSUPA Details of Parameter Equipm Tech ent Huawei 3G Parameter Name EAGCHCODENUM Categor y Severit y Command Sample (Optional) When HSUPA higher value will HSDPA Throughput is low.EAGCHCODENUM=2. MACHSPARA:LOCEL Throughpu allocation mode to Power suitable to optimize L=4. MAXTARGETULLOADFACTOR=90. Purpose Huawei 3G Huawei HSUPA Increase UL Load Factor of 3G MAXTARGETULLOADFACTOR Throughpu HSUPA t Huawei 3G HSPAPOWER Huawei 3G SM RSCALLOCM HSDPA Throughpu t Increase HSDPA Power HSDPA Change MACHSPARA SM to Throughpu MAXCI t Applicable Condition Cons Low Throughput in Cell Level     MOD UCELLHSUPA: CellId=1.g from 1 to 2 codes t adhoc site such as VIP site R4 ADD UCELLHSUPA:CELLID=31890. site R4 SET MACHSPARA:LOCELL=4. Low Throughput in Cell Level     MOD UCELLHSDPA: CellId=1. Huawei Confidential .SM=MAXCI.RSCALLOCM=P t Code Balance adhoc site such as VIP OWERCODE_BAL. increase EAGCHCODENUM. Low Throughput in Cell Level     SET MACHSPARA:LOCELL=1. waste downlink Throughpu suitable to optimize E. HspaPower=0. When HSDPA SET HSDPA Change NodeB Resource Throughput is low.RSCALLOCM=POWERCODE_BAL. Di Load SMPAGECTHD=95. .CPUS) PAGERTHD=85.DLLDRTRIGTHD=80.g from RNC High Paging SMPAGECTHD & SMPAGECTHD=85. R4 ADD UCELLLDM:CELLID=31890.Paging. Cell with High DL Power Overall Blocking . R4 ADD UCELLLDM:CELLID=31890. R4 ADD UCELLSELRESEL:CELLID=XXXXX. 2G Blocking DCR >1% Increase SMS Threshold e.SMPA GERTHD=85.To impact to 3G set DLLDRTRIGTHD to implement processor load if DLLDRRELTHD Radio lower value many cell need too many cells Blocking consider implemented Processor Load is low to Medium Huawei Confidential Severi ty Command Sample (Optional) R4 MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH:CELLID=XXXXX.Num. R3 SET USTATETIMER:HOASUTMR=8000.To impact to 3G set DLLDRTRIGTHD to implement processor load if DLLDRTRIGTHD Radio lower value many cell need too many cells Blocking consider implemented Processor Load is low to Medium Cell with High DL Power Overall Blocking . R3 SET FCCPUTHD:BRDCLASS=XPU.SMPAGECTHD=95.SM sc.3G Huawei-Overall Block & Paging Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Purpose Applicable Condition Cons PS service setup When Cell success rate and Overall having Low the cell capacity 3G Enable loose CAC accessibility due for PS services CSRABCacOptSwitch Radio algorithm for CS RAB CS RAB will decrease in Blocking Congestion the case of cell >0.5% resource congestion Overall when many cells 3G is having High SHO Overhead HoASUtmr Increase HoASUtmr Radio Drop CS due to will be degraded Blocking ASU/SRB Reset when many cells Overall is having High Traffic 3G time being increase SSEARCHRAT Drop CS due to aggresively to Radio SSEARCHRAT >0 interference.SM deletion increase CPU Paging SMPAGERTHD PAGERTHD=75 to (VS.CSRABCACOPTS WITCH=ON.DLLDRTRIGTHD=80.FC.SSEARCHRAT=0. 3G Huawei-RTWP Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Huawei 3G BeHsupa2msTTIratet RTWP hd Huawei 3G CQIFbCk.g 75 to 90 congestion issue 2ms in case of overload Huawei Confidential Severi ty Command Sample (Optional) R3 SET UFRC:BEHSUPA2MSTTIRATETHS=D1024.5% 2ms TTI Cell having high Reduce Uu Load & DCR CS with improve RTWP to   High RTWP increase CS Traffic indication when cell is having High Drop CS due to Increase RL/No Reply & RLMAXDLPWR & Power Blocking DL Power Cong RLMINDLPWR (eg: 0/.5%) Might impact to capacity since Increase Cell with High UE QOS will TrigRatiororUlRTWP RTWP and no trigger to TTI e.CQI FBCKFORSHO=D20 R4 MOD low (suggest will increase 150 to 20/-130) on cell with high power Capacity & DL Power cong <0. CQIFbCkforSHO RTWP Huawei 3G RLMAXDLPWR & RLMINDLPWR RTWP Huawei 3G TrigRatioforUlRTWP RTWP Purpose Applicable Condition Cons user perceive UL CE will degraded increase Threshold of Congestion. RLMINDLPWR=-130 R4 MOD UCELLLDM:CELLID=XXXXX. R4 MOD UCELLHSDPCCH:CELLID=XXXXX.CQIFBCK=D20. . UL with higher selecting TTI 2ms for Power threshold to HO HSUPA Congestion from 10ms to >0.TRIGRATIOFORULRTWP= 73.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1. DLLDRTHIRDACTION=BERateRed.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1. DLLDRFIRSTACTION=CodeAdj.5% Cons Severi ty Command Sample (Optional)   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1. Huawei Confidential . DLLDRSECONDACTION=InterFreqLDHO.3G Huawei-Power/Code Blocking Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Purpose Huawei 3G DLLDRFIRSTACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRSECONDACTI ON Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRTHIRDACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRFOURTHACTIO N Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRFIFTHACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Applicable Condition When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0. DLLDRFIFTHACTION=PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO. DLLDRFOURTHACTION=CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1. DLLDRFIFTHACTION=PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1.3G Huawei-Power/Code Blocking Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Purpose Huawei 3G DLLDRFIRSTACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRSECONDACTI ON Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRTHIRDACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRFOURTHACTIO N Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Huawei 3G DLLDRFIFTHACTION Power/C ode Blocking Rearange LDR Sequence Applicable Condition When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0. DLLDRFIRSTACTION=CodeAdj.5% Cons Severi ty Command Sample (Optional)   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0. Huawei Confidential .5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0. DLLDRTHIRDACTION=BERateRed. DLLDRSECONDACTION=InterFreqLDHO.5% When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong/Code Cong >0. DLLDRFOURTHACTION=CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO.   R4 MOD UCELLLDR: CELLID=1. -100 High DL Power increase to 0. When Cell the cell capacity having Low for uplink Increase accessibility due ULTOTALEQUSERNU Power equivalent user Huawei 3G ULTOTALEQUSERNUM UL.5%)after Algorithm_OFF .5% Severi ty Command Sample (Optional) R4 MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH:CELLID=xxxxx. impact to increase UlOlcTrigThd Power To implement processor load if Huawei 3G UlOlcTrigThd to 100 (while still in Blocking many cell need too many cells ALGORITHM_OFF) consider implemented Processor Load is low to Medium (<70%) When Cell decrease RLPower : having Low Fail due Uu No RLMAXDLPWR & Power RLMAXDLPWR.ULOLCTRIGTHD=100. .5% When Cell having Low Noise will Power Increase DL Power Huawei 3G DLCONVAMRTHD accessibility due increase.Power M Blocking number (ENU) is (e.NBMULCACALGO SELSWITCH=ALGORITHM_OFF R4 MOD UCELLCAC:CELLID=XXXXX. 50.ULTOTALEQUSERNUM=1 80.5% RTWP/degrade EcNo If value is larger.-150 ) Cong >0. R4 ADD UCELLLDM:CELLID=31890.3G Huawei-Power Blocking Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Purpose Applicable Condition Cons Noise will When Cell increase without having Low admission Disable uplink call NBMULCACALGOSEL Power accessibility due control Huawei 3G admission control SWITCH Blocking UL Power Algorithm.RLMIN Huawei 3G accessibility due reply/RL fail will RLMINDLPWR Blocking DLPWR (eg. might Blocking threshold for AMR High DL Power increase RTWP Huawei Confidential Cong >0. RLMINDLPWR=-150 R4 MOD UCELLCAC: CELLID=1. DLCONVAMRTHD=90. R4 MOD UCELLRLPWR:RLMAXDLPWR=0. might algorithm Congestion increase >0.g from 160 to 180) Blocking for large and more Existing value is users will be less than 200 admitted Cell with High UL Power Cong (>0. 5% When Cell having Low Increase DL Power accessibility due Total threshold High DL Power Cong >0. Noise will increase.5% When Cell having Low Increase DL Power accessibility due threshold for HO High DL Power Cong >0.5% When Cell having Low Increase DL Power accessibility due threshold for Other High DL Power Cong >0. DLCELLTOTALTHD=95. DLCONVNONAMRTHD=90. might increase RTWP R4 MOD UCELLCAC: CELLID=1. DLOTHERTHD=80.3G Huawei-Power Blocking Details of Parameter Equip Catego Tech Parameter Name ment ry Huawei 3G DLCONVNONAMRTH Power D Blocking Huawei 3G DLOTHERTHD Power Blocking Huawei 3G DLHOTHD Power Blocking Huawei 3G DLCELLTOTALTHD Power Blocking Purpose Applicable Condition When Cell having Low accessibility due High DL Power Cong >0. might increase RTWP R4 MOD UCELLCAC: CELLID=1.5% Increase DL Power threshold for NonAMR Cons Severi ty Command Sample (Optional) Noise will increase. DLHOTHD=95. Noise will increase. Huawei Confidential . Noise will increase. might increase RTWP R4 MOD UCELLCAC: CELLID=1. might increase RTWP R4 MOD UCELLCAC: CELLID=1. adjust DeltaPrxMaxUp.Power Blocking analysis) Physical Audit (involving Code Blocking analysis) 2nd Action Physical Audit (involving TP analysis) TP IuB VC Split TP Activate 40W.DeltaPrxMaxDown TP Decrease used MaxBitrateDLPSNRT (128 kbits/s. maintain existing PCPICH setting TP Increase PrxTarget. PtxMaxHSDPA     .Power Blocking/DL .Physical Audit (involving Power High Util analysis) Physical Audit (involving UL.3G Nokia Performance Counter for Congestion Vendo Tec Resource r h Type NSN 3G UL CE NSN 3G DL CE NSN 3G UL Power NSN 3G DL Power NSN 3G IuB NSN 3G Code Step of Action Congestion Counter rrc_conn_stp_fail_bts+rab_stp_fail_cs_voice_bts+rab_stp_fail_ps_strea_bts+rab_stp_fail_ps_inter _frozbs+rab_stp_fail_ps_backg_frozbs+setup_fail_bts_hs_dsch_str_1+setup_fail_bts_hs_dsch_bgr rrc_conn_stp_fail_bts+rab_stp_fail_cs_voice_bts+rab_stp_fail_ps_strea_bts+rab_stp_fail_ps_inter _frozbs+rab_stp_fail_ps_backg_frozbs+setup_fail_bts_hs_dsch_str_1+setup_fail_bts_hs_dsch_bgr rrc_conn_stp_fail_ac+rab_stp_fail_cs_voice_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_strea_ac +rab_stp_fail_ps_inter_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_backg_ac rrc_conn_stp_fail_ac+rab_stp_fail_cs_voice_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_strea_ac +rab_stp_fail_ps_inter_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_backg_ac rrc_conn_stp_fail_iub_aal2+rab_stp_fail_cs_v_iub_aal2+setup_fail_iub_hs_total_str_1+setup_fail_ iub_hs_total_int+setup_fail_iub_hs_total_bgr rrc_conn_stp_fail_ac+rab_stp_fail_cs_voice_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_strea_ac +rab_stp_fail_ps_inter_ac+rab_stp_fail_ps_backg_ac Case 1st Action Check trending of CE CE Blocking/CE High Util Availability Physical Audit (involving Iub Blocking/Iub High Util analysis) DL. 64 kbits/s) Huawei Confidential 3rd Action CE license and/or board upgrade Iub BW upgrade Increase PtxTarget. Physical Audit (involving Power High Util analysis) Physical Audit (involving UL. PtxMaxHSDPA     .2G Huawei Performance Counter for Congestion Vendo r Tech Huawei 2G Huawei 2G Huawei 2G Huawei 2G Resource Type Congestion Counter SDCCH K3001:Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH TCH K3011A:Failed TCH Seizures due to Busy TCH (Traffic Channel) [A9003:Number of Failed Uplink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel] +[A9203:Number of Failed Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel]+ TBF [A9103:Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel] +[A9303:Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel]} [R9394:Number of PDCH Application Failures due to no Convertable TCHs]+[R9395:Number of PDCH Application failures For CELL PDCH Ratio Thresh]+[R9346:Number of Dynamic PDCH PDCH Requests Without Application Attempts Because the Number of Activated PDCHs Reaches Board Specification]+[R9347:Number of Dynamic PDCH Requests Without Application Attempts Because No Abis Timeslot is Available for Use] R9347:Number of Dynamic PDCH Requests Without Application Attempts Because No Abis Abis Timeslot is Available for Use Huaweiof2G Step Action Case 1st Action Check trending of CE CE Blocking/CE High Util Availability Physical Audit (involving Iub Blocking/Iub High Util analysis) DL.DeltaPrxMaxDown TP Decrease used MaxBitrateDLPSNRT (128 kbits/s.Power Blocking/DL . 64 kbits/s) Huawei Confidential 3rd Action CE license and/or board upgrade Iub BW upgrade Increase PtxTarget. adjust DeltaPrxMaxUp. maintain existing PCPICH setting TP Increase PrxTarget.Power Blocking analysis) Physical Audit (involving Code Blocking analysis) 2nd Action Physical Audit (involving TP analysis) TP IuB VC Split TP Activate 40W. AMRTCHHP RIORLOAD=1.AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW=ON.AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW=ON. TCH blocking TCH blocking & SDCCH. quality SET R4 GCELLCHMGAD:IDTYPE=BYID.CELLID=1 R4 . TCH blocking Cons Sev erity Command Sample (Optional) TCH utilization SET R4 GCELLCHMGBASIC:IDTYPE=BYID. .AMRTCHHP RIORLOAD=1.CELLID=1 . quality quality Huawei Confidential SET GCELLCHMGAD:IDTYPE=BYID.TCHBUSYTHRES=2. SET GCELLCHMGAD:IDTYPE=BYID.IDLESDTHRES=8.TCH & SDCCH Blocking Details of Parameter Equi Tec pme h nt Parameter Name Categ ory Purpose SDCC Huaw H Reduce SDCCH 2G IDLESDTHRES ei Blocki blocking ng TCH Huaw Reduce SDCCH 2G TCHBUSYTHRES Blocki ei & TCH blocking ng TCH Huaw AMRTCHHPRIOR Reduce SDCCH 2G Blocki ei ALLOW & TCH blocking ng TCH Huaw AMRTCHHPRIOR Reduce SDCCH 2G Blocki ei LOAD & TCH blocking ng Applicable Condition SDCCH blocking & Non TCH Blocking TCH blocking & SDCCH.CELLID=1 R4 . TCH blocking TCH blocking & SDCCH.2G Huawei.CELLID =1. SET R4 GCELLPSCHM:IDTYPE=BYID.P DCHDWNLEV=160.CELLID=1. SET R4 GCELLPSCHM:IDTYPE=BYID. SET R4 GCELLPSCHM:IDTYPE=BYID.U PDYNCHNTRANLEV=70. CELLID=0.CELLID=1.CELLID=1. SET R4 GCELLPSCHM:IDTYPE=BYID.P .CELLID=1.D WNDYNCHNTRANLEV=80.PDSCH Blocking Details of Parameter Equi Tec pme h nt Parameter Name Categ ory PDCH Huaw 2G MAXPDCHRATE Blocki ei ng Huaw 2G ei PDCHUPLEV PDCH Blocki ng PDCH Huaw 2G PDCHDWNLEV Blocki ei ng PDCH Huaw UPDYNCHNTRA 2G Blocki ei NLEV ng PDCH Huaw DWNDYNCHNTR 2G Blocki ei ANLEV ng PDCH Huaw PSServiceBusyT 2G Blocki ei hreshold Purpose Applicable Condition Cons PDCH blocking due Reduce PDCH to no Throughput blocking Convertable TCHs PDCH blocking due Reduce TBF to CELL Throughput congestion PDCH Ratio Thresh PDCH blocking due Reduce TBF to CELL Throughput congestion PDCH Ratio Thresh PDCH blocking due Reduce TBF to no Throughput congestion Convertable TCHs PDCH blocking due Reduce TBF to no Throughput congestion Convertable TCHs PDCH blocking due Reduce TBF Huawei Confidential to no Throughput congestion Sev erity Command Sample (Optional) R4 SET GCELLPSCHM: IDTYPE=BYID. MAXPDCHRATE=80.2G Huawei.P DCHUPLEV=70. SET R4 GCELLPSCHM:IDTYPE=BYID.CELLID=1. Add Dedicated GPRS Capactity (CDED) by increase the number 2. Add Default GPRS Capacity (CDEF) byt increase the number (Dynamic) . Change SDCCH &PDCH to TCH channel 4. same as upper reduce SDCCH & TCH blocking 2.Reduce CRO (Cell Resellect Offset =REO) or Blocking not (Alarm).Reduce CRH (Cell Reselect Hysteresis = check channel availability rate HYS) if site in the LAC border area and increase (TCH Availability) & Transmission CRH for the NR cell in another LAC SDCCH blocking & Non TCH performance. any intermittent or 2. If all Ok then do the action coloum PS Blocking & Non Huawei Confidential CS blocking check channel availability rate (TCH Availability) & Transmission 1. Reduce hoMarginPbgt from blocking cell and increase hoMarginPbgt to NR cell that is no blocking 1. Change PDCH to TCH if PDCH not blocking or less 3. If all Ok then do the make negative value by set Penalty Time (PET) to 640s action coloum 3. TCH not Blocking not (Alarm). If all Ok then do the action coloum check channel availability rate (TCH Availability) & Transmission performance.[SUCC_TCH_SEIZ_CALL_ATTEMPT])/ Nokia 2G TCH [TCH_REQUESTS_CALL_ATTEMPT] 100 * ([NO_RADIO_RES_AVA_DL_TBF] + [NO_RADIO_RES_AVA_UL_TBF])/([NBR_OF_DL_TBF] + Nokia 2G PDCH [NBR_OF_UL_TBF]) Nokia Type 2G Abis dl_tbfs_with_inadeq_edap_res + ul_tbfs_without_edap_res Blocking Analyze Action 1. any intermittent or not (Alarm). If all Ok then do the action coloum check channel availability rate (TCH Availability) & Transmission TCH Blocking & SDCCH blocking performance. increase (btsSpLoadDepTchRateLower = FRL) & (btsSpLoadDepTchRateUpper=FRU) maximum value is 90 2. any intermittent or PS Blocking.upgrade TRX 1. any intermittent or not (Alarm).[TCH_SEIZ_DUE_SDCCH_CON])/[SDCCH_SEIZ_ATT]) 100 * ([TCH_REQUESTS_CALL_ATTEMPT] .Add fix SDCCCH channel Step of Action CS Blocking & Non TCH Blocking & Non SDCCH PS blocking blocking check channel availability rate (TCH Availability) & Transmission performance.2G Nokia Performance Counter for Congestion Vend Tec Resource Congestion Counter or h Type Nokia 2G SDCCH 100 * ([SDCCH_BUSY_ATT] . Increase (amrSegLoadDepTchRateLower = AFRL) & (amrSegLoadDepTchRateUpper = AFRU) 3. 2G Nokia – TCH & PDCH Blocking Details of Parameter Equipm Tech ent Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Parameter Name TCH Blocking TCH 2G Blocking TCH 2G Blocking TCH 2G Blocking TCH 2G hoMarginPbgt Blocking dedicatedGPRSCapacity PDCH 2G (CDED) Blocking defaultGPRSCapacity PDCH 2G (CDEF) Blocking egprsInitMcsAckMode PDCH 2G (MCA) Blocking egprsInitMcsUnAckMod PDCH 2G e (MCU) Blocking 2G btsSpLoadDepTchRateL ower (FRL) btsSpLoadDepTchRateU pper (FRU) amrSegLoadDepTchRat eLower (AFRL) amrSegLoadDepTchRat eUpper (AFRU) Categor y Purpose Reduce TCH Blocking Reduce TCH Blocking Reduce TCH Blocking Reduce TCH Blocking Reduce TCH Blocking Reduce PDCH Blocking Reduce PDCH Blocking Reduce PDCH Blocking Reduce PDCH Blocking Huawei Confidential Applicable Condition Cons TCH Blocking Rate > 1% TCH Blocking Rate > 1% TCH Blocking Rate > 1% TCH Blocking Rate > 1% TCH Blocking Rate > 1% PDCH Blocking Rate > 1% PDCH Blocking Rate > 1% PDCH Blocking Rate > 1% PDCH Blocking Rate > 1% Degraded voice quality and SQI Degraded voice quality and SQI Degraded voice quality and SQI Degraded voice quality and SQI Degraded voice quality and SQI Possible increase TCH Blocking Possible increase TCH Blocking Possible increase TCH Blocking Possible increase TCH Blocking Severit y R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 . Add SUBTSLB on A-bis 1.any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe to PDT resource due to Abis problem) PS Blocking-> no Abis Timeslot is   Available CS Blocking & PS   blocking 2G/3G Blocking check channel availability rate & Abis transmission availiblity rate. Reduce GMANPRESPRM & EMANPRESPRM 4. FDD Qmin (7-->6[max -14db]) & SSEARCHRAT (2-->0) 1. Reduce RACHBT (109 --> 106) 1.Load sharing to 3G.change PDCH to TCH (CS high priority) 3. Reduce HRACCT1 and HRACTAMRACT1 2. Increase GPDPDTCH Rebalancing PRPTPGID 1. Upgrade TRX 1.37 / (NUACATCL_3 + NUACATCL_6) ABISPSUP[7]/(ABISPSUP[6] + ABISPSUP[7]) Step of Action Type CS Blocking & Non PS blocking PS Blocking & Non CS blocking First step check channel availability rate & Abis transmission SDCCH blocking & availiblity rate.Upgrade TRX or Abis transmission capacity 2. Add fix SDCCH timeslot 4.Qsearch C Initial(seach 3G in Idle mode) .any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe to no PDCH resource due to Abis problem) check channel availability rate & Abis transmission PS Blocking -> due availiblity rate.any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe SDCCH blocking due to Abis problem) check channel availability rate & Abis transmission PS Blocking -> due availiblity rate. Increase CELLRESH (LAC border area) 3.any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe SDCCH blocking due to Abis problem) check channel availability rate & Abis transmission TCH Blocking & availiblity rate.2G Siemens Performance Counter for Congestion Vendor Siemens Tech 2G Resource Type Congestion Counter ATSDCMBS / NATTSDPE SDCCH Siemens 2G TCH Siemens Siemens 2G 2G PDCH Abis (ATCHSMBS_1 + ATCHSMBS_2) /(ATTCHSEI_1 +ATTCHSEI_2) --> excluding A-bis blocking (ATCHSMBS_1 + ATCHSMBS_2 + ATCHSMBS_3 + ATCHSMBS_4) /(ATTCHSEI_1 +ATTCHSEI_2) --> including A-bis blocking REJPDASS_1.any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe due to Abis IP capacity problem) Huawei Confidential Second step 1. Reduce SDCCHCONGTH (70 --> 50/40) 2. Same as upper reduce SDCCH & TCH blocking 2.If upgrade limit.. Increase SDCCHCONGTH (max: 100) 1. Increase GMANPRESPRM & EMANPRESPRM 2.Inter-RAT Cell Reselection Enable(IRAT reseclection) 2. Increase PWRRED to 2 3.any intermittent rise TT (cause maybe Non TCH Blocking due to Abis problem) check channel availability rate & Abis transmission TCH Blocking & Non availiblity rate. Reduce GPDPDTCH 3. Change TCH_HLF timeslot to TCHSD timeslot 4. Change GASTRABISTH to 60-70-40-50 2. 5% improve PDASR Reduce SDCCH CHTYPE=SDCCH (from SDCCH Blocking with change SDCCH Blocking TCH) Blocking Channel Type from TCH > 0.5% to SDCCH Reduce TCH Blocking TCH Blocking > CHTYPE=TCH (from SDCCH with change Channel 1% AND SDCCH SDCCH) Blocking Type from SDCCH to Utilization < 50% TCH Resolve AGCH and PCH CHTYPE=CCCH (from SDCCH overload with change PCH load + AGCH TCH) Blocking Channel Type from TCH load > 80% to CCCH PCU Load > 90% To reduce initial Coding and PDCH INIMCSDL PCU Load Scheme Blocking Rate > 1% Parameter Name Huawei Confidential Cons Possible increase TCH Blocking Degraded voice quality and SQI Severi ty R3 R3 Possible increase TCH Blocking R3 Low throughput R3 Possible increase TCH Blocking R3 Possible increase SDCCH Blocking R3 Possible increase TCH Blocking R2 Low throughput R3 . PDCH.2G Siemens – SDCCH. Abis. TCH. Blocking & PCU Load Details of Parameter Equipm Tech ent Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Siemens 2G Categor Applicable Purpose y Condition SDCCH Reduce SDCCH SDCCH Utilization SDCCHCONGTH Blocking Blocking > 80% HRACTT1. TCH TCH Blocking Rate Reduce TCH Blocking HRAMRHRACT1 Blocking > 1% Increase/decrease PDCH dynamic PDCH PDCH Blocking GPDPDTCHA Blocking allocation to reduce Rate > 1% PDCH Blocking Reduce A-bis pool Abis Abis Pool Loss GASTRABISTH blocking in order to Blocking Rate > 0. SME DEPARTMENT/00_C. link : /00_G. TECHNICAL GUIDELINE & DOCUMENTS !!! Please use document as internal consume. not to be share to inappropriate subject Huawei Confidential . please spare time to download & read through below NIA FTPDOCUMENTS/05.Supporting Document Congestion Guideline For other Radio Optimization guide.
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