Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration



Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) inProcess Integration Author Company : Syed Umar : SAP Labs India Pvt.Ltd Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Preparation................................................................................................................................................. 3 CONFIGURATION REQUIRED FOR SENDER CHANNEL WITH IDOC_AAE ADAPTER TYPE ................. 4 1. Default (recommended) option in sender communication channel. ........................................ 4 a. Creating Default Destination in NWA of the PI System .................................................................. 4 b. Create RFC destination in NWA for Backend System (Optional) ................................................... 7 c. Configuring the resource adapter inboundRA. ............................................................................... 7 d. Sender Communication Channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type. ..................................................... 9 e. Configuring RFC Destination in Sender R/3 system. ..................................................................... 9 2. Manual Option in sender communication channel ..................................................................10 a. Sender Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Manual Option. ......................10 b. Configuring RFC Destination in sender R/3 system. .....................................................................11 3. From NWA option in sender communication channel .............................................................12 a. Create Custom Resource adapter. ...............................................................................................12 b. RFC destination in Sender ERP system. ......................................................................................14 CONFIGURATION REQUIRED FOR RECEIVER CHANNEL WITH IDOC_AAE ADAPTER TYPE .............14 1. Default (Recommended) option in receiver communication channel .....................................14 a. RFC destination in NWA ..............................................................................................................14 b. Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Default Option. ...................................14 2. Manual option in receiver communication channel. ................................................................15 a. Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Manual Option. ..................................15 3. From NWA option in receiver communication channel. ..........................................................16 a. JCA Connection Factory in NWA. ................................................................................................16 b. Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and From NWA Option..............................18 TESTING END TO END CONFIGURATIONS WITH IDOC ADAPTERS .....................................................19 1. Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in Default (Recommended) Option..........19 2. Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in Manual Option......................................20 3. Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in From NWA Option................................21 4. Testing File to IDoc scenario with receiver adapter in Default (Recommend) Option............21 5. Testing File to IDoc scenario with receiver adapter in Manual Option....................................23 METADATA REFRESH AND IDOC MESSAGE MONITOR IN NWA. .........................................................26 CHOOSING RFC SERVER PARAMETER OPTION IN IDOC_AAE ADAPTER ..........................................28 RELATED CONTENT .................................................................................................................................30 2 Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration This guide helps to understand the configurations required for IDoc scenarios with IDoc_AAE adapter type in PI 7.3/ 7.31 involving advanced adapter engine. Unlike other type of adapters, the Java IDoc adapter has dependencies on configurations in backend SAP systems and configurations in NWA apart from the configurations which have been maintained in communication channel with Adapter type IDoc_AAE. INTRODUCTION The new IDoc Adapter IDoc_AAE is part of the advanced adapter engine and is a java implementation which does not use ABAP services. The configuration for IDoc_AAE adapter is different when compared to the IDoc Adapter (ABAP Stack). For configurations related IDoc Adapter in PI Dual Stack refer how-to guide How to Configure IDoc Adapters (NW7.0). However this current document provides the details about the configurations required for using Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) and other important settings like creation of destinations, configuration of resource adapter in NWA which are required for IDoc related scenarios. The three different modes which are available for configuring communication channels with the IDoc_AAE Adapter type are: 1. Default (recommended) 2. Manual 3. From NWA Note: The configurations shown here are from swing client and similar options are available if configurations are done via NWDS. In dual stack installation we can use either IDoc or IDoc_AAE adapters. The additional configurations in R/3 system related to creation of Partner Profiles (WE20), Ports (WE21) will not be discussed in detail as part of this guide. The configuration steps for each mode (Default, Manual and From NWA) in case of Sender and Receiver IDoc channels are mentioned separately below. Preparation The developer should have necessary permissions to log-on to PI system, SOA Monitor and Configure Destination and Resource adapters in NWA. Required Business systems need to be imported in Integration directory of PI from SLD. 3 The same RFC connection can also be used by the PI system to post IDOC acknowledgement messages to the R/3 system once the IDOC has been successfully processed or when errors are encountered by PI. There are different RFC connections that are maintained on PI and the R/3 system. This destination allows the IDOC layer in the R/3 to call the program ID that is registered on the RFC gateway either on the PI system or the R/3 system.g ERP) that contains the IDOC definition. This connection is created in the section ‘1. However if needed a different destination can be maintained. Finally a RFC destination is created in the R/3 system. A RFC destination is maintained in the PI system with details of the R/3 system to query the IDOC structure. The destination maintenance step enables the IDOC adapter to create a RFC connection internally for metadata query of the IDOC structure. This step is outlined in section ‘1. The connectivity is established using RFC technology. The RFC destination in the R/3 system is referenced in the IDOC port configurations.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration CONFIGURATION REQUIRED FOR SENDER CHANNEL WITH IDOC_AAE ADAPTER TYPE The goal of the sender configuration is to establish a technical connection from the R/3 system to the PI system for sending the IDOCs from the former into the latter. To support multiple ERP systems the parameter named MultiRepository is used. A single resource adapter is shared between all the sender channels of this option. The same RFC destination can also be used by the PI system to post IDOC acknowledgement messages to the R/3 system once the IDOC has been successfully processed or when errors are encountered by PI. The creation of this destination is outlined in section ‘1.b’. The PI system receiving the IDOC needs to query the sending R/3 system to understand the structure of the received IDOC.a’ below. The registration of the Program ID by the PI system into the RFC gateway is achieved by configuring inboundRA resource adapter in the NWA.c’ The creation of the RFC destination in the R/3 system is described in section ‘1. Creating Default Destination in NWA of the PI System The destination is used by the sender communication channel to retrieve the metadata for the IDoc types that are processed on the communication channel. Default (recommended) option in sender communication channel. 1. Open NWA (http://<host>:<port>/nwa) Configuration Infrastructure Destination.e’ a. The PI system registers a Program ID with a web application server gateway to receive RFC calls from the R/3 system. The gateway chosen is typically that of the PI web application server but can also be that of the R/3 system. An RFC connection is created for this purpose on the PI system. The details are explained in the following sections. The default setting is recommended as the configuration is simplified by using a central configuration in the NWA. 4 . The destination must point to a SAP web application server (e. Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Click on Create button to create a new Destination. Enter the Destination Name (XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION) and select destination type as RFC. 5 . the destination will be added in the available list of destinations. Enter the log-on Credentials and click finish. Select this newly added destination and click on Ping Destination button to check if connection is successful. Results will be displayed on top of the page. Once completed.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Enter ERP system details below. 6 . c. The step is initially executed during the installation process when the CTC template JIDOC is executed. 7 . This configuration is a one-time activity on the PI system. Separate RFC Destinations need to be created for each R/3 system. Note: If this is not set the default destination of inboundRA XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION is used for metadata of any idoc messages from the R/3 system. b. If not configured during the time of installation. Create RFC destination in NWA for Backend System (Optional) RFC Destinations can be created with the below name for metadata read. The above destination can also be used for sending acknowledgements but this needs to be explicitly defined in the channel.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration In case of errors in Ping Destination. check the system and logon details which has been provided while creation of destination. Open NWA (http ://< host> :< port>/nwa) resources. Configuration Infrastructure Application Select Resource Adapters from show drop down list. it will have to be configured later. XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_<SID>. Separate RFC destination can also be created for sending acknowledgements in this case naming pattern is not mandatory. Configuring the resource adapter inboundRA. The resource of the name inboundRA must already exist if the CTC template is executed during installation. Then Click Properties tab and enter the details as shown in screenshot below. - Set the value of the Program ID field as XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_<SID> where SID is system ID. 8 . (If certain property is not shown in the list. Note: This is the same program id which will be used to create RFC destination (TCP/IP) in ERP system as described in step ‘e’. Set BindingKey as PI_AAE_IDOC Save changes.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Filter for inboundRA in the list. it can be added from Add New Property option available). Note : Program ID can be arbitrary but must be unique name for the used gateway - Set MaxReaderThreadCount value between 5 – 10 (Default value is 10) Destination Name as XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION Set Local as true. Note : If Local is set to false then default Gateway server and Gateway service of PI system need to be provided while configuring inboundRA. Sender Communication Channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type. Create RFC Destination of type T in sender R/3 system (In this guide it is P73_AAE) and in technical settings tab select registered server program.Select Adapter Type as IDoc_AAE . Refer SAP Note 1826256 for further details.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration d. Configuring RFC Destination in Sender R/3 system.Select Default (Recommended) option in RFC Server Parameters.c’ above. (Note: The required business systems should be already imported into integration directory from SLD) . Create a communication channel in Integration Directory (In this guide it is IDoc_AAE_Default) as shown below. Note: Maintaining Ack Destination is not mandatory. Gateway Host and Gateway service in RFC Destination which was added earlier while configuration of inboundRA resource adapter in section ‘1. 9 . e. Same details need to be provided for Program ID. Manual Option in sender communication channel In the manual mode. Sender communication channel with Manual option can be used for test purpose. In case of Manual option we have no control of the gateway. Here a distinct gateway name cannot be specified in the channel. Create Sender Communication channel (in this guide it is IDoc_AAE_Sender_Manual) in Integration directory Select Adapter Type IDoc_AAE and select RFC Server Parameters as Manual. The parameters to create a RFC connection to retrieve the IDOC structure are already available in the channel configuration. The same RFC connection can also be used by the PI system to post IDOC acknowledgement messages to the R/3 system once the IDOC has been successfully processed or when errors are encountered by PI. The creation of the RFC destination in the R/3 system is described in step ‘b’. all the configuration parameters are provided in the channel itself.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Click on connection test to ensure connection is successful with the details specified in RFC Destination. 2. 10 . Similarly. the registration of the Program ID by the sender channel into the RFC gateway of the R/3 system is implicitly performed. Sender Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Manual Option. a. 11 . Create RFC of Type T in sender R/3 system (Tcode sm59) and provide the details as shown below in Technical settings tab. Maintain Gateway host and Gateway service of R/3 system where Program ID has been registered. This Program ID will be used later while configuring RFC Destination in sender R/3 system. (In this guide it is P73_AAE_MANUAL) Program ID name should be the same which has been mentioned in the sender communication channel (IDoc_AAE_Sender_Manual). Save and Click on Connection Test to ensure RFC Destination is working fine without any issues. System details of R/3 system with valid user id and password need to be provided in channel so that the Program ID is registered in R/3.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Provide unique Program ID (in our case it is SAP_XI_MANUAL_TEST) as shown in below screen shot. Configuring RFC Destination in sender R/3 system. b. Create a custom resource adapter in NWA Go to NWA -> Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Application Resources. Custom Resource adapter is created as in step ‘a’ below. A resource adapter configuration is created manually and is shared between all the sender channels sharing the same resource adapter name. From NWA option in sender communication channel The mode is very similar to the default mode and offers convenience of a central configuration in the NWA. The details are explained in the following sections. a. This adapter can be specified in sender communication channel to receive IDoc from R/3. RFC destination need to be created in the R/3 system. Click Button Create New Resource -> Select New Resource Adapter – 12 .Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration 3. Create Custom Resource adapter. client. . Now a NWA Resource Adapter is created.adapter. .raclonetemplateRAR’ & Enter a name for Application and click Next Enter JNDI Name example ERPCLNT800_RA Press Next Again -> Enter JNDI Name again and press Tab for save button to activate and Press Save. Create an RFC Destination in R/3 system as done earlier of type ‚‘T‘ and enter the Program ID(SAP_ERP_NWA) which has been mentioned in properties on Resource Adapter ERPCLNT800_RA Create a communication channel (In this guide it is IDoc_AAE_NWA) in Integration Directory as per below screen shot. Now in the properties tab for newly created resource adapter enter the Program ID(Example : SAP_ERP_NWA) which will be used in RFC Destination in R/3 Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Select Template as ‘com.aii.idoc. 13 . If required separate Java IDoc communication channels can be created for each customer interface scenario which is using one central NWA configuration .logon details etc. and other details like server. Do not change the binding key value which is PI_AAE_IDOC.Select RFC Server Parameters as From NWA and provide the Resource Adapter Name as ERPCLNT800_RA.Select Adapter type IDoc_AAE. Enter the Program ID(SAP_ERP_NWA) which has been mentioned in properties of Resource Adapter ERPCLNT800_RA CONFIGURATION REQUIRED FOR RECEIVER CHANNEL WITH IDOC_AAE ADAPTER TYPE The objective of the receiver channel configuration is to establish a technical connection from the PI system to the R/3 system for sending the IDOCs from the former into the latter. A new java connection factory is created and the required parameters of the RFC destination are maintained in the connection factory. 1.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration b. The PI system can be configured with a RFC destination to specify the content of the RFC connection parameters. The following options are available. Note: The Java IDOC Receiver Adapter is a bit more strict when checking the syntax of the IDOC XML. Create Receiver Communication channel (In this guide it is IDoc_Receiver_Default) in Integration Directory with below details. The connectivity is established using RFC technology. Create RFC destination in Sender R/3 system as done in section 1. The RFC connection parameters can be directly maintained in the PI channel.e for Default Mode in Sender IDoc Adapter. b. Default (Recommended) option in receiver communication channel a. The PI channel can refer to the RFC destination in the NWA. RFC destination in NWA Create RFC destination in NWA as defined in step 1. Single RFC connection needs to be created on PI system.b with target R/3 system details in our case its XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_ERP (Separate RFC Destinations need to be created for each R/3 system if not already done). 14 . The connection factory is then referenced in the PI channel. RFC destination in Sender ERP system. For “BEGIN” and “SEGMENT” fields of the IDOC XML and the adapter expects the constant value “1” . Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Default Option. user name. 2. Create a receiver communication channel (In this guide it is IDoc_Receiver_Manual) in Integration Directory with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and enter the details as show in screen shot below. and server name and system number of receiver R/3 system. (In our case it is XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_ERP). a. Enter the details for client. Manual option in receiver communication channel. Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and Manual Option. Select Default (Recommended) option in RFC Client Parameters. 15 . Provide the RFC Destination created in NWA for Destination section in RFC Client Parameters.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Adapter type IDoc_AAE. Select Manual in RFC Client parameters section. pwd. Configuration Infrastructure Application From the drop down list select JCA Resources and filter for outboundRA. JCA Connection Factory in NWA.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration 3. 16 . Create JCA Connection factory in NWA which will be used in channel configuration for NWA Mode. From NWA option in receiver communication channel. a. Open NWA (http://<host>:<port>/nwa) Resources. Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration In Related JCA Connection Factories tab select outboundRA_CF and click on Copy and Add New JCA Connection Factory. Separate connection factory to be created for each IDoc receiver system. 17 . Naming convention can be used as <SID>CLNT<MANDT>_CF where SID is system ID and MANDT is client number. Provide the JNDI Name which will be used later in Communication channel. From NWA option for RFC Client Parameters and enter the created JCA Connection factory details as shown in below screen shot. Select IDoc_AAE as adapter type. Communication channel with IDoc_AAE Adapter type and From NWA Option.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Click on Configuration Properties Tab and enter the RFC destination name which has been created pointing to target R/3 system and click on save. 18 . b. Create a new receiver communication channel in Integration Directory (In this guide it is IDoc_Receiver_NWA). Note: If property is not visible the DestinationName property can be added by clicking Add New Property button. The created JCA Connection Factory will be available in the list and can be used in communication channel. Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in Default (Recommended) Option. Assign the RFC Destination which was created earlier for Default mode (P73_AAE) in section 1. Create File Receiver channel in Integration Directory and Create integrated configuration with sender channel IDoc_AAE_Default which was created earlier and Receiver File channel.e to the sender port (WE21) in sender R/3 system. 1. The same integrated configuration has been used for testing by assigning different IDoc communication channels which were created earlier as mentioned in document above.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration TESTING END TO END CONFIGURATIONS WITH IDOC ADAPTERS For testing the scenario of IDoc to File using IDoc_AAE adapter type. a Receiver file channel has been created and integrated configuration using the sender IDoc channel and Receiver file channel has been created. 19 . Trigger the IDoc from tcode WE19 from sender ERP system. the IDoc details like IDoc number will be available in processing details section which has been received by PI system. 2. 20 . Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in Manual Option. Assign the RFC destination which was created for Manual mode earlier (P73_AAE_MANUAL) section 2.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Check the communication channel monitoring for the channel IDoc_AAE_Default.b to sender port (tcode we21) in sender R/3 System Assign the sender channel (IDoc_AAE_Sender_Manual) which was created earlier in integrated configuration. Follow the steps for trigger the IDoc via WE19 tcode from sender R/3 system as done before for Default mode.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Follow the same testing steps to trigger the IDoc from sender R/3 system via WE19 which was done previously for Default Mode. Create a Sender File Channel (File_IDoc_Sender) in Integration Directory. Assign the RFC Destination which has been created earlier in section 1. Create integrated configuration with sender file channel and IDoc_Receiver_Default (Default Mode which was created earlier) in Outbound processing tab for receiver channel. Assign the Sender channel (IDoc_AAE_NWA) created earlier for sender communication channel in integrated configuration. 21 . Testing IDoc to File scenario with sender adapter in From NWA Option. 4. Testing File to IDoc scenario with receiver adapter in Default (Recommend) Option.b for the sender port (WE21) in sender R/3 system. 3. Channel monitoring for IDoc_Receiver_Default channel 22 .Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Start the sender communication channel. Inbound IDoc has been received at target system. However additional data need to be maintained in target system for successful IDoc processing. Change the Receiver channel in integrated configuration to IDoc_Receiver_Manual which was created earlier.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Check the IDoc status in tcode we05 receiver R/3 System. 5. 23 . Testing File to IDoc scenario with receiver adapter in Manual Option. 24 . Communication channel monitoring for IDoc_Receiver_Manual channel.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Start the Sender File communication channel. Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Check the IDoc status in tcode we05 receiver R/3 System. Inbound IDoc received at target system Similarly. 25 . we can test for communication channel IDoc_Receiver_NWA which has been configured with From NWA Option. If any changes have been done in the IDoc structure. Select tab message monitor and enter the filter criteria for Inbound or Outbound IDocs. 26 . Select http://host:port/nwa --> SOA Monitoring PI IDoc Adapter Monitoring.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration METADATA REFRESH AND IDOC MESSAGE MONITOR IN NWA. IDoc metadata can be reloaded via Metadata Monitor Tab. Local : To improve performance and tie the Lifecycle of gateway with that of Adapter engine it is possible to use local gateway.The number of Reader threads or parallel server connections registered to the gateway can be configured in the Resource adapter.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Properties of InboundRA resource Adapter MaxReaderThreadCount : IDoc works on the SAPJRA and JCo 3 model. If 'Local' property is chosen.The property is called MaxReaderThreadCount. Binding Key : It is binding key used to activate IDoc message listener and constant value ‘PI_AAE_IDOC’ has to be maintained for this property. 27 .” where <SID> is the SID name of the sender system of a started sender channel. However if you do this at SAP Backend side too the same gateway needs to be chosen. multiRepository : The miltiRepository property should not be changed manually as it is populated by the IDoc_AAE adapter. It specifies a list of RFC destinations from the PI system to several SAP systems that are used to query for IDoc metadata when parsing the received IDoc documents or IDoc document lists to valid IDoc-XML. Default value is 10 and is the highest which is recommended to this property. Set MaxReaderThreadCount value between 5 – 10. the GatewayServer and GatewayService configured in inboundRA has no significance. In SM59 transaction you have to enter local gateway details manually. The property value consists of pairs <SID>=XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION_<SID> separated by “. SAPJRA application instance allows idoc adapter to receive iDoc messages (sender adapter).Also please remember to set Local property to false if you don't wish to use Local gateway. There is local gateway available with Adapter engine installation.For this you need to set the 'Local' property to true. can be used for error tracking as separate RAs can be created per incoming servers (trace level and server connections can be increased). Manual: Quick and easy configuration by the integration developer is enabled. Manual option can be used for test purpose. Connection can be shared between multiple R/3 systems . Operational maintenance of the connection settings on a long term operational lifecycle of the integration scenarios requires the PI developer role. However it may not give good isolation as we have multiple R/3 systems are reusing same set of inbound connections. Flexible. Could lead to monitoring issues as the request processing is not tied to channel lifecycle (server connection may be started even when channel is stopped). Cannot add trace level or log level since the server connections are per ABAB Backend system. The PI integration developer testing phase requires pre configuration activities by BASIS Administrator. Basis administrator role is required for maintenance of the connection parameters. And therefore ideal configuration for long term operational maintenance of the IDOC connection.Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration CHOOSING RFC SERVER PARAMETER OPTION IN IDOC_AAE ADAPTER Default (Recommended): Default mode in sender communication channel can be used to receive IDoc from multiple senders. No NWA Administration role is required for configuration and is ideal during adhoc development time testing. Uses logical destination which allow reuse of connection data. Channel configuration is simple compared to manual mode as no authentication parameters are maintained in the channel. Ideally to be used with PI Gateway (in InboundRA resource adapter). NWA: NWA Option can be used if there are numerous senders/receivers to be configured Simple Configuration. this reduces the chances of Gateway related issues and reduces the channel start and stop time. No requirement of the PI Integration Developer Role for administration of the connection details. 28 . No maintenance of authentication parameters in the channel. Configuring Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration Could lead to monitoring issues as the request processing is not tied to channel lifecycle (server connection may be started even when channel is stopped). 29 . NWA option can be used for communication with Non-SAP systems using Java IDoc_AAE adapter type. inboundRA startup Idoc adapter performance tuning 30 Java IDoc Adapter (IDoc_AAE) in Process Integration RELATED CONTENT SAP Help Portal : Configuring IDoc Adapter (AAE) in the Integration Builder SAP Help Portal : Comparison of IDoc Adapter (IE) and IDoc Adapter (AAE) Wiki Link : Troubleshooting common errors with IDoc_AAE Adapter configurations SAP Note references : Note 1826256 1719180 1729575 1688780 1795609 1790977 1647147 1641541 Details ACK destination not available Handling of multiple acknowledgements Sending IDoc acknowledgements fails because of long text IDoc AAE Adapter fails to insert empty strings in database Multiple idoc types in single queued RFC call Receiver IDoc_AAE adapter fails with NullPointerException PI CTC: com. m@gic EDDY. ByDesign. Xcelsius. if any. PartnerEdge. Business Objects is an SAP company. 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