Configuracion Retail Datos Maestros en MX 600
SAP ECC 6.00 March 2008 English R80: Retail Master Data Generic Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Copyright © Copyright 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, Parallel Sysplex, MVS/ESA, AIX, S/390, AS/400, OS/390, OS/400, iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, zSeries, z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere, Netfinity, Tivoli, and Informix are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. 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Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Key: <XXX> 'XXX' [XXX] © SAP AG Page 2 of 81 Variable entries Fixed entries Pushbutton SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide © SAP AG Page 3 of 81 SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note or Tip Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text <Example text> © SAP AG Page 4 of 81 ...........................................31 8................................................................................................................................7 2...................................................................................3 Assign sites to site group.................................................26 7........................................................................................................15 5.........6 Create customer group............................................................................................34 8..19 6...3 Assign site to assortment................8 3...........................................................................................38 9 Articles.......................................................................1 Create merchandise category hierarchy...............................................................................6 Start Report : Conversion Report at Release Change................1 Create Customer Account Groups..19 6.......22 7........................................................................................................................41 © SAP AG Page 5 of 81 ...................................................................9 4 Article Hierarchy...........1...........................................................................................17 5........29 8.............................................................1 Assign Partner Schemas to Account Groups.....................................................................................22 7.................8 3........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Create Customer Account Groups ......................................................SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Contents R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide...............8 Create assortments Food..............9 Create assortments Hardlines........................................................................4 Maintain additional vendor data........................................................................................................................................................3 Create vendors CPD...................................3 Create customers..............10 5 Sites................................................................................1 Maintain condition type RD00 (Customer Returns)..........................................................................................................................................................................................19 6...24 7..................21 7 Customers.....................2 Assign merchandise categories to assortment...................................................1 Create Articles.................15 5...........23 7....................................................................39 9....................................7 Assign customers to customer group.............................................................4 Change number range for store customers to internal.................1 Building Blocks................................................30 8....................2 Create site group......................................40 10..........26 7...........................7 Create assortments Fashion.....................................................................................................5 Maintain additional customer data..................7 2.....................28 8 Assortments..29 8................39 10 Output conditions...................1 Create sites..........................................33 8....................7 3 Merchandise categories and hierarchy..........................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Create Merchandise Categories..........40 10........................2 Create output conditions: Billing (Customer Returns)........................7 2 Preparation....................................................................................................................................................................................32 8........27 7.........................................................................7 1 Purpose...........................20 6............................................................................................................................................1 Create assortments..18 6 Vendors............................................................................................................................................................................................1 Create article hierarchy....1 Prerequisites.........................................................2 Create vendors LIEF................................10 4...............................................................................Partner Determination...5 Maintain merchandise category parameters in site............................................................4 Assign merchandise category to local assortment..................................................36 8...................................................................................................................................35 8........................ .....................................................................51 10.....68 12........................................3 Assign purchase........................................69 12........5.........................75 12................3 Create output conditions: Article Document (return delivery)..7 Create output conditions: Retail Promotion...............................58 11..............................................5 R31: Sales Order Management.........69 12.............................................................42 10...................................2 SWEL: Switch on event trace......4............... Price Point Group to Organizational......................................70 12........... Level....1 Create Characteristic for PO release.........................................50 10....8 Change view EDI Conversion of external Tax Rate.........1 R11: Item Management.............54 11.......................................67 11........1 Assing...........1 PFTC: Activate Workflow template for article discontinuation.....3 R13: Assortment Operations.............................................5..1 Manual Activity: Create PRECONF user..........................................48 10..4 R21: Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise.............................8 Create output conditions: Allocation Table................................2 Customer Business-Change Credit Limit......71 12........1...............................................................................................................................52 10............................................................................................................76 12.....................................................................................................4........76 12.............................................6 Customer Business ............71 12............2 R12: Retail Pricing.........80 © SAP AG Page 6 of 81 .........70 12....5 Activate update info structure S136...........1 Assign condition type groups to rebate agreement types.................................55 11..........................10 Create output conditions: Sales Order (VMI).......70 12......................................68 12................................................................... Group type release strategy..............................SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 10.... Merchandise Category..................................1 Assign Site to Reference Site for Assortment (Table WREFA).......5..................................1...............................................11 Create output conditions: Shipping (LAVA).........................................................................................5.................................................................................................................................................................66 11.................4 Create partner profiles (inbound parameters)......................................................................4....................5..........66 11..12 Create output conditions: Billing (EDI)..Calculate Card Category..................74 12...3.................53 10......................................46 10...........................................77 12...........................................................................63 11..54 11...................................1...........49 10.......................................3 Create partner profiles (outbound parameters)..78 12..................53 11 EDI ................3 Create date proposal for billing plan type......68 12.....2 Create partner profiles (header entries)....76 12....................................................6 Assign Name in Invoice to the Company Code.......4 Maintain Delivery Relationship...............................3 Assign Reference Site for Logistic Data (Table WLOSITEREF)...........4 Maintain rebate relevancy of sales organization......................5 Copy partner profile..........................................73 12............70 12.....78 12.........6 Create output conditions: Invoice Verification.......4 Create output conditions: Purchase Order.................................................4.......................7 Change View EDI-INVOIC Program Parameters.........67 12 Extensions For Scenarios: Number Range for Attributes...........................................................5 Create output conditions: Purchasing RFQ.....................9 Create output conditions: Sales Order..............5............................2.............................2 Create Class for Purchase Order Release..........partner profiles.47 10................................................................................................................................. You will be able to install the data without these settings via manual corrections or using the error mode of the eCATTs. 2 Preparation 2.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 1 Purpose This document is intended to specify the Master Data Basic configuration for Best Practice Retail. For a fully automatic installation you will need to install all Retail master data building blocks but R61. the installation of the following building blocks must have been completed: Building Block R01 R11 Rxx © SAP AG Page 7 of 81 .1 Building Blocks Description Retail Organization Item Management Other retail building blocks provide specific customizing settings that are assigned to the master data created in this building block. Further business specific settings can be found in the documentation for Fashion. Food and Hardgoods.1 Prerequisites 2.1. The settings described in this document represent the general basic settings for basic master data. Before you start installing this building block. Furthermore hierarchies can easily be created.1 Create merchandise category hierarchy Procedure 1. Every article is assigned uniquely to only one merchandise category (enterprise-wide = clientwide). On screen 'Create Hierarchy Level: Initial' make the following entry and press [ENTER] Field name Hierarchy Level Description User action and values <see below> Note 3. 3.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 3 Merchandise categories and hierarchy Use Organizing and structuring an assortment is easily done by maintaining merchandise categories. A merchandise category can be assigned to a store or as an alternative to a department. On tabstrip 'Basic Data' make the following entry and press [ENTER] Field name Description Description User action and values <see below> Note © SAP AG Page 8 of 81 .TXT BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. To create a merchandise category hierarchy level use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menú EN IMG Menu ES CLWM Logistics → Retailing → Master Data Merchandise Category Data Merchandise Category Hierarchy Level Create Logistica Gestión De mercancias Datos Maestros Datos de Grupos de articuloNivel de jerarquia Grupo de ArticuloCrear SMB91_MC_HIERARCHY_O001 SMB91_MC_HIERARCHY_I001 SMB91_MC_HIERARCHY_O001_R80. g. enter language. On tabstrip 'Basic Data' enter description for second language. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant /SMBA0/V438A_O1MY_J01 /SMBA0/V438A_I1MY_J01 SMBA0_V438A_O1MY_J01_R21. 6. e. On screen 'Merchandise Category Create: basic data' make the following entries and press button [Save]: Field name MC Category Desc.txt WG21 Logistics → Retailing → Master Data Merchandise Category Data Merchandise Category Create Logística Gestión De mercancias Datos Maestros Datos Grupo Aticulos Grupo de articulosCrear 1. 7. Press button [Change language] 5. Press button [Save] 3.2 Create Merchandise Categories Procedure 1. On popup. On screen 'Merchandise Category Create: Initial Screen' make the following entries and press [ENTER]: Field name Merchandise Category Description User action and values <see below> Note 2. 'DE' and press [ENTER].SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide To maintain a description in an additional language: 4. Division MG hierarchy level Description User action and values <see below> 01 <see below> parent hierarchy level for MC Note © SAP AG Page 9 of 81 . The article hierarchy is used in planning. To create a MC value article. Using the procedures described in the chapters above. 5. For the detailed procedure of creating articles please refer to the Business Process Procedure of R11: Item Management.1 Create article hierarchy Use The Article Hierarchy in SAP ERP enables customers to structure goods based on customerindividual criteria. Category Description Supplies Empties Boxes Bottles Transport equipment Palettes Rolling hallstands Rolling trolleys Tickets and additional Tickets Packaging hangers Coupons Coupons Auxiliary articles MC21001 MC21002 MC22000 MC22001 MC22002 MC22003 MC23000 MC23001 MC23002 MC23003 MC24000 MC24001 MC25001 Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: MC hierarchy levels: SMB91_MC_HIERARCHY_O001_R80. To create a MC reference article.TXT Merchandise categories: SMB91_MERCH_CAT_O001_R80. operations and reporting on different levels of aggregation. create the following merchandise category hierarchy: Merchandise Hierarchy MC20000 MC21000 Merch. press button [MC article] on screen 'Merchandise Category Create: Initial' For the detailed procedure of creating articles please refer to the Business Process Procedure of R11: Item Management. Prerequisites The hierarchy ID and the root node have already been created in building block R11. Press button [Save] 4. © SAP AG Page 10 of 81 . Whereas merchandise categories mostly observe physical attributes of the goods the article hierarchy groups articles from a sales perspective. press button [MC ref article] on screen 'Merchandise Category Create: Initial'.TXT 4 Article Hierarchy 4.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 3. 12. On screen 'Change Article Hierarchy' make the following entries and press button [Execute] Field name Hierarchy Description User action and values B1 Note 8..B11112 © SAP AG Page 11 of 81 Hierarchy Parent Level Node 01 02 03 04 05 05 B1 B11000 B11100 B11110 B11110 Category X Description Enterprise Best Practices Fashion Women Basic Shirts & T-shirts Intimates X Category Industry Category Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment .B11100 ….TXT WMATGRP02 Logistics → Retailing → Master Data → Article Hierarchy Data → Change Logística Gestión De mercancias Datos Maestros Datos de Gerarquia de Articulos Modificarr 7.B11110 ……...9999 Note 10. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menú EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB91_MATGRP_CREATE_O001 SMB91_MATGRP_CREATE_I001 SMB91_MATGRP_CREATE_O001_R80.B11111 ……. On the following screen select (double-click) a parent node on the left subscreen tree structure. 9. Create child nodes using tabstrip 'Node Assignments' and button [Create Node Assgnment] on the right screen side.B11000 . Field name Hierarchy Node Description Valid from Valid to Description User action and values <see below> <see below> <today> 31. Maintain additional languages using tabstrip 'Language-Specific Texts' and button [Insert Lines] Create the following article hierarchy: Hierarchy Node B1 .SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Procedure 6. .B11141 …….B11133 …….B11220 …….B11233 ……......B11130 …….B11250 …….B11251 …….B11126 …….B11243 …….B11240 …….B11142 …….B11210 …….B11214 ….B11123 …….B11212 …….B11224 …….SAP Best Practices …….B11140 …….B11244 ….B11131 ……..B11121 …….B11152 …….B11223 …….B11132 …….B11154 .B11144 …….B11120 ……..B11150 …….B11231 …….B11153 ……..B11242 …….B11113 ….B11124 …….B11225 ….B11230 …….B11122 …….B11222 …….B11234 ….B11211 …….B11241 …….B11200 ….B11221 …….B11127 ….B11134 ….B11232 …….B11213 …….B11151 …….B11145 …..B11143 …….B11252 © SAP AG 05 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 03 04 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 B11110 B11100 B11120 B11120 B11120 B11120 B11120 B11120 B11120 B11100 B11130 B11130 B11130 B11130 B11100 B11140 B11140 B11140 B11140 B11140 B11100 B11150 B11150 B11150 B11150 B11000 B11200 B11210 B11210 B11210 B11210 B11200 B11220 B11220 B11220 B11220 B11220 B11200 B11230 B11230 B11230 B11230 B11200 B11240 B11240 B11240 B11240 B11200 B11250 B11250 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Sleepwear Classic Tops Skirts Dresses Trousers & Jeans Shirts & Blouses Knitwear Coats & Jackets Eveningwear Formal dresses Ball gowns Cocktail dresses Bride dresses Young Fashion Jeans Leggings Tunics Dresses Skirts Accessories Hats Scarves Gloves Belts Men Basic Tops & T-shirts Socks Underwear Nightwear Business 2-Button suits 3-Button suits Formal shirts Dress shirts solid colour Non-iron dress shirts Traditional 2-Button suits 3-Button suits Knitwear Stripe & Pattern dress shirts Young Fashion Jeans Shirts & T-shirts Casual trousers Rugby styles Accessories Leather Belts Ties Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Page 12 of 81 ..B11125 ……. B12200 ….B12311 …….B12500 …...B12122 …...B12310 …….B12442 ……..B12432 …....B12130 …..B12422 …….B12120 ……..B12512 ….B12221 ……..B12430 …….B12520 © SAP AG 05 03 04 04 03 02 03 04 05 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 04 04 03 04 05 05 04 05 05 03 04 05 05 05 05 04 03 04 04 05 05 05 04 05 05 04 05 05 05 03 04 05 05 04 B11250 B11000 B11300 B11300 B11000 B1 B12000 B12100 B12110 B12110 B12110 B12110 B12110 B12100 B12120 B12120 B12100 B12100 B12000 B12200 B12210 B12210 B12200 B12220 B12220 B12000 B12300 B12310 B12310 B12310 B12310 B12300 B12000 B12400 B12400 B12420 B12420 B12420 B12400 B12430 B12430 B12400 B12440 B12440 B12440 B12000 B12500 B12510 B12510 B12500 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Cuff Links Children New Baby Clothing Sports Food Fruits & Vegetables Fruit Apples Bananas Strawberries Peaches Pineapples Vegetables Cucumber Olives Salad Nuts Dairy Products Milk Full cream milk UHT-milk Cheese Full cream cheese Sliced cheese Bakery Bread Rye bread Whole-wheat bread Organic bread White bread Pastry Frozen Food Ice cream Convenience Food Pasta dishes Home cooking Fish dishes Pizza Stone baked Pizza American Pizza Frozen vegetables Spinach Beans Cabbage Seafood Fish Sea fish Freshwater fish Seafood Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Segment Sub-Category Category Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Segment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Sub-Category Segment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment X Page 13 of 81 ....B12111 …….B12440 …….B12313 …….B12210 ……......B11320 .B11310 ….B12121 …….B12431 ……..B12410 …...B12300 ….B12113 …….B12320 ..B12420 …….B12222 .B12312 …….B12112 …….B12140 .SAP Best Practices …….B12400 …..B12110 …….B12510 …….B12220 …….B11400 ...B12314 ….B12115 …...B12423 …….B12212 ….B12114 …….B12000 .B12424 ….B11300 …...B11253 .B12211 …….B12100 ….B12511 …….B12441 …….B12443 . ...B12715 ….B13160 ……...B12612 ….B12712 …….SAP Best Practices …….B13150 ……..B13120 …….B13140 …….B12610 …….B13121 ……..B12630 ……..B13162 ……..B12710 …….B12640 …….B12720 …….B13100 ….B13000 .B13111 …….B12522 ...B12700 ….B13130 …….B13210 ….B12642 .B13142 …….B12620 ….B12711 …….B13112 ….B13132 …..B12611 ……...B13151 ……...B12714 …….B12721 …….B13200 ….B12722 .B13152 …….B13122 ….B13220 © SAP AG 05 05 03 04 05 05 04 04 05 05 04 05 05 03 04 05 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 02 03 04 05 05 04 05 05 04 05 05 04 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 04 05 05 05 03 04 04 B12520 B12520 B12000 B12600 B12610 B12610 B12600 B12600 B12630 B12630 B12600 B12640 B12640 B12000 B12700 B12710 B12710 B12710 B12710 B12710 B12700 B12720 B12720 B1 B13000 B13100 B13110 B13110 B13100 B13120 B13120 B13100 B13130 B13130 B13100 B13140 B13140 B13140 B13100 B13150 B13150 B13150 B13150 B13100 B13160 B13160 B13160 B13000 B13200 B13200 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Sushi Prawns Sweets Chocolate Chocolate bars Chocolates & Truffles Licorice Candies Mints Toffees Jelly beans Jelly babies Wine gums Beverages/Tinned Food Beverages Soft drinks Beer Wine/Sparkling wines Spirits Coffee/Tea Tinned Food Canned meat Delicatessen Hardgoods Home Decorative Accessories Vases Cashmere Throws Bathroom Textiles Accessories Bedroom Bed linen Duvets & Pillows Dining Room Barware Dining Glass & Crystal Kitchen Electricals Cook shop Textiles Accessories TV/Hi-Fi TV Hi-Fi Video Garden Garden Furniture Flowers Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Category Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Segment X Page 14 of 81 .B13110 …….B12631 …….B12713 ……...B12632 …..B13153 …….B13154 ….B13161 …….B12521 …….B12600 …..B12641 ……...B13163 .B13143 ….B13141 …….B13131 ……. ..B14130 ……..B14000 ..B14321 ……. inventory valuations based on retail prices that are common e. A purchase organization and a sales area (sales organization-distribution chain-division) are assigned to the store.B14320 ……. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) © SAP AG Page 15 of 81 .B14122 …. in the textiles business can be realized. If additionally an assignment to a site (-> usually to the DC itself) and a sales area is maintained..B14131 …….B14110 ……...B14312 …..B13320 ….. Since a distribution center has to handle warehouse transfer prices and sales order units.. distribution centers.SAP Best Practices .B14310 …….B14111 …….B14210 …….B14211 …….B14200 ….B14120 …….1 Create sites Use Examples of a site are stores. Prerequisites Reference Sites are created in R01 Procedure 1..B14212 ...B14112 ….B14100 ….B14322 03 04 04 04 02 03 04 05 05 04 05 05 04 05 05 03 04 05 05 03 04 05 05 04 05 05 B13000 B13300 B13300 B13300 B1 B14000 B14100 B14110 B14110 B14100 B14120 B14120 B14100 B14130 B14130 B14000 B14100 B14140 B14140 B14000 B13300 B13310 B13310 B13300 B13320 B13320 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Toys Infant Playthings Games Drug Store Beauty Body Body lotion Soap Cosmetics Eyes Lips Perfume Women's Fragrances Men's Fragrances Cleaning Cleanser Washing detergent Floor cleaner Pets Dogs Dog food Dog accessories Cats Cat food Ca accessories Sub-Category Segment Segment Segment Category Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Sub-Category Segment Subsegment Subsegment Segment Subsegment Subsegment X 5 Sites 5.B13300 ….B14132 .g.B13310 …...B14300 ….B14311 ……. it is assigned to a purchasing organization and in some cases to a sales area as well.B13330 ..B14121 …….. followed by Button [Save]. (Only for site type DC): On Screen 'Vendor Create' . 5. followed by Button [Save]. press button [CONFIRM]. select button [NO]. On Screen '… Create: Copy Customizing for site'. 9. Create the following sites: Site Profile Reference Site Site VZ01 P100 R100 M001 P110 R110 M002 P120 R120 M003 P130 R130 M004 P110 R110 M005 P120 R120 M006 P130 R130 M007 P110 R110 M008 P110 R110 M009 P110 R110 M010 P110 R110 M011 P110 R110 M012 P110 R110 M013 P110 R110 © SAP AG Page 16 of 81 Description BP VZ BP Filiale 1 BP Filiale 2 BP Filiale 3 BP Filiale 4 BP Filiale 5 BP Filiale 6 BP Filiale 7 BP Filiale 8 BP Filiale 9 BP Filiale 10 BP Filiale 11 BP Filiale 12 BP Filiale 13 CoCd BP01 BP01 BP01 BP0X BP01 BP01 BP0X BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 POrg BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 SOrg BP01 BP01 BP01 BP0X BP01 BP01 BP0X BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 DCh 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 . 7. 4. Create' review organizational assignments of customer and press button [Enter]. On Popup: ' Should the classification of reference site be copied ?'. On Screen 'Site Create: Initial Screen' make the following entries and press button [ENTER]. 6.TXT 2. On Screen 'Customer Create' review organizational assignments of customer and press button [Enter]. Check/enter your customer settings. Field name Site Site profile Reference Site Description User action and values <see below> <see below> <see below> Note 3. followed by Button [Save].SAP Best Practices Transaction Code IMG Menú EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide WB01 Logistics → Retailing → Master Data → Site Data → Site → Create Logistica Gestión De mercancias Datos Maestros Datos de CentroCentroCrear SMB91_WB01_O001_R01 SMB91_WB01_I001_R01 SMB91_WB01_O001_R01_R80. Check/enter your settings. Check/enter your customer settings. 8. 16.TXT 5. A site group is not inevitably related to company codes. select 030 Site Grouping and press [ENTER]. SMB91_CL01_O001_R80 SMB91_CL01_I001_R80 SMB91_CL01_O001_R80_SITE. sales areas or other organizational units. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menú EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 12. Filiale 3 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Sites: SMB91_WB01_O001_R01_R80. Procedure 11. 13. 19.SAP Best Practices M014 M015 M016 RA00 RA01 REFL P110 P110 P110 P110 P110 P110 R110 R110 R110 R110 R110 P110 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide BP Filiale 14 BP Filiale 15 BP Filiale 16 Ref. 14. Filiale 2 Ref. enter language 'DE' and press [ENTER]. Prior to grouping the sites. one or more class types have to be defined. 18. On tabstrip 'Basic Data' enter description for second language <see below> Press button [Save] Create the following site groups: Class © SAP AG Page 17 of 81 Description Description second language . 15. Filiale Ref.TXT WB80 Logistics Retailing Master Data Site Data Grouping Other Create Logistica Gestión De mercancias Datos Maestros Datos de CentroCentroAgrupación OtrosCrear On popup 'Class Type'. 17. Press button [Create] On screen 'Create Class:' enter class <see below> and press button [Create] On tabstrip 'Basic Data' enter description <see below> Press button [Change language] On popup.2 Create site group Use Classification is used to create site groups. 8. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menú EN IMG Menu ES WB86 Logistics → Retailing Master Data Site Data Grouping Other Maintain assignment Sites in a Class Logística Gestión De mercancías Datos Maestros Datos de CentroCentroAgrupación OtrosActualizar AsignaciónCentro de una clase SMB91_CL24N_O001_R80 SMB91_CL24N_I001_R80 SMB91_CL24N_O001_R80_SITE. 6. M002. Press button [Maintain sites in a class] On screen 'Assign Objects/Classes to Class' enter class <see below> Press button [Create only new assignments] On popup 'Set Object type'. Press button [SAVE] Create the following assignments: Class PCS-STORES01 PCS-ALLOC01 PCS-BGR-POS PCS-BGR-SRS Assigned Sites M001. M002 M004 © SAP AG Page 18 of 81 . M005.TXT BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. 4. M006 M001. M004. M002.3 Assign sites to site group Procedure 1. 7. 3. select Site and press [ENTER] In field CustomerNoSite.SAP Best Practices PCS-STORES01 PCS-ALLOC01 PCS-BGR-POS PCS-BGR-SRS R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Site group Stores Stores Allocation Site group POS Site group SRS Gruppe Märkte Märkte Aufteiler Betriebsgruppe POS Betriebsgruppe SRS 5. 5. On popup 'Class Type'. maintain the values from the table below in separate lines. M003. select 030 Site Grouping and press [ENTER]. M005 M001. TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. emisor de la factura. Press Button [Save] En esta actividad IMG se asignan esquemas para interlocutor a grupos de cuentas. Ejemplo El grupo de cuentas 0001 cuenta con los interlocutores proveedor. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG PathEN SM30. Procedure 1. El grupo de cuentas desempeña los mismos papeles y además el papel de receptor alternativo del pago.1 Assign Partner Schemas to Account Groups Use With the assignment of a partner scheme. 6.number assg)' and enter into field 'PS EKORG': L1 3.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 6 Vendors 6. view V_T077K_P Materials Management → Purchasing → Partner Determination Partner Settings in Vendor Master Record Assign Partner Schemas to Account Groups Gestión de Materiales Compras Determinación de Interlocutor Parametrzación de Interlocutor en Registro Maestros de Proveedores Asignar esquema de Interlocutor a Grupos de Cuentas SMBA0_V_T077K_P_B0JE_J01 SMBA0_V_T077K_P_O0JE_J01 SMBA0_V_T077K_P_I0JE_J01 SMBA0_V_T077K_P_O0JE_J01_R80.2 Create vendors LIEF Use © SAP AG Page 19 of 81 . proveedor de mercancías. Find row for 'LIEF Vendor (ext. partner roles are assigned automatically to a new vendor master record when it is created. A distribution center plays the role of a vendor (for the stores).3 Create vendors CPD Use A vendor is an organizational unit which delivers merchandise to a site or a customer.txt Additional vendor data: SMB91_XK02_O001_R80.txt 6.TXT For details regarding the creation procedure. PCS-V301 BP01 BP01 Etiketten & Verpackungen LIEF PCS-V999 BP01 BP01 Exp. Inv. A distribution center plays the role of a vendor (for the stores).SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide A vendor is an organizational unit which delivers merchandise to a site or a customer. In most cases the vendor is external. Lieferant SRS LIEF Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Vendor data: SMB15_XK01_O010_J30_R80. Procedure To create vendors use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES M-51 or XK01 Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Execution Master Data Partner Vendor Create Logistica Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Datos de centro Agrupación Otros Actualizar asignación Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor Proveedorcrear Logistics Retailing Master Data Vendor Data Edit Vendors Vendor Create Central M-51 or XK01 BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB37_XK01_O001_J30 SMB37_XK01_I001_J30 SMB37_XK01_O001_J30_R80. please refer to the configuration guide of J30: Central Master data. Create the following vendors: Account Company Purchasing Vendor Name group Code Org. To create vendors use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) © SAP AG Page 20 of 81 . 1. In most cases the vendor is external. 4 Maintain additional vendor data Use A vendor is an organizational unit which delivers merchandise to a site or a customer. A distribution center plays the role of a vendor (for the stores). Create the following vendors: Account Company Purchasing Vendor Name group Code Org. PCS-CPD BP01 BP01 CPD – Lieferant CPDL 6.SAP Best Practices Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide M-51 or XK01 Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Execution Master Data Partner Vendor Create Logistica Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Datos de centro Agrupación Otros Actualizar asignación Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor Proveedorcrear BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB0I_XK01_O001 SMB0I_XK01_I001 SMB0I_XK01_O001_R80. In most cases the vendor is external. please refer to the configuration guide of J30: Central Master data. Procedure To create vendors use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES XK02 Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Execution Master Data Partner Vendor Change Logistica Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Datos de centro Agrupación Otros Actualizar asignación Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor ProveedorModificar BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration SMB91_XK02_O001 © SAP AG Page 21 of 81 .TXT For details regarding the creation procedure. SAP Best Practices ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide SMB91_XK02_I001 SMB91_XK02_O001_R80. qué datos del registro maestro son obligatorios u opcionales. sí el número debe ser asignado por el usuario o por el sistema.TXT 7 Customers 7. A través del grupo de cuentas se determina: • • • en qué rango de números ha de estar el número de la cuenta del cliente. Procedure 1.1 Create Customer Account Groups El grupo de cuentas es una característica de clasificación dentro de los registros maestros de deudor. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: RUTAS VERIFICAR Transaction IMG Path OVT0 Logistics – General → Business Partner → Customers Control Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers OVT0 Logistics – Merchandise Logistics l → Business Partner → Customers Control Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers Logistica Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Datos de centro Agrupación Otros Actualizar asignación Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor ProveedorModificar SMBA0_V_T077D_V_O0RU SMBA0_V_T077D_V_I0RU SMBA0_V_T077D_V_O0RU_J01_R80.TXT SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 22 of 81 . view cluster VC_TPAR_KU Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Partner Determination Set Up Partner Determination © SAP AG Page 23 of 81 .Competitor Press Button [Copy as] Make the following entries: Field name Account Group Account Group Name Number Range 9. and assign the key of the relevant partner object to this procedure. 1.Partner Determination Use In this activity.Competitor 3. Procedure 1. When you create a customer master record. Define the partner functions that differentiate the roles of partners in your system. Select entry 0006 . Define the partner determination procedure. Press Button [Copy as] 4. 8. you define the rules that should be used to perform automatic partner determination.SAP Best Practices 2. 6. 7. according to the rules you have defined. The partners are copied from the sold-to party's customer master records into the sales documents. Make the following entries: Field name Account Group Account Group Name Number Range 5. Assign the partner functions you define to the account groups. 2. Press button [Save] Select entry YG01 . 3.2 Create Customer Account Groups . the SAP system proposes the allowed partner functions for maintenance. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN SM34. Press button [Save] R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Description User action and values YG06 Competitor BP XX Note Description User action and values YG07 Store Customer BP XX Note 7. These information are maintained in individual customer master data records. SP BP PY SH Name Sold-to party Bill-to party Payer Ship-to party Account grp YG07 YG07 YG07 YG07 Name Store Customer BP Store Customer BP Store Customer BP Store Customer BP 4. Since a customer’s role in accounting is on the debits side.Function Assignment' 3.TXT 2. the customer master data record is used by SD as well as by accounting.SAP Best Practices IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Comercial Funciones básicas Determinación de interlocutor Parametrizar determinación de interlocutor SMBA0_V_TPAKD_SD_O1CW_J0C SMBA0_V_TPAKD_SD_I1CW_J0C SMBA0_V_TPAKD_SD_O1CW_J0C_R80. Select (double-click) 'Account Groups . In the following different types of customers are listed: • internal customers (own sites) • external customers (with customer master data) • anonymous customers/consumers (without customer master data) The customer master data contains information on an enterprise’s customers. Stored customer data is automatically proposed in varying business processes such as creating sales orders. Make the following entries: Partn. Procedure To create customers use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN © SAP AG Page 24 of 81 XD01 Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Logistics Retailing Master Data Edit customers Business Partner Customer Create Full XD01 . In accounting customers are referred to as debtors / customers. deliveries or invoicing. Press button [Save] 7. Funct.3 Create customers Use A customer is a business partner to whom articles can be sold. Ch.TXT For details regarding the creation procedure. Create the following customers: Account Cmpny Sales Customer Name Group Code Org. Hardgoods YG01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C315 Kunde für Kreditlimit YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C320 Kunde3 für EDI-Kommunikation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C381 Kunde1 für SLS YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C382 Kunde2 für SLS YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C383 Kunde3 für SLS YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C396 Kunde 1 für VMI YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C397 Kunde 2 für VMI YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C398 Kunde 3 für VMI YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C399 Kunde für EDI-Kommunikation CD / FT YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C401 Kunde1 für Versandhandel YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-REFKON Referenzkonsument YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-CC01 PCS Wettbewerber 01 YG06 BP01 BP01 PCS-CC02 PCS Wettbewerber 02 YG06 BP01 BP01 PCS-CC03 PCS Wettbewerber 03 YG06 Distr. Food YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C309 Kunde für Bonusabwicklung YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C310 Kunde2 für EDI-Kommunikation YG01 PCS-C314 Kunde2 für Produktvorschlag. 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 © SAP AG Page 25 of 81 . please refer to the configuration guide of J30: Central Master data.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Execution Master Data Partner Customer Create Full IMG Menu ES Logística Gestión de mercancías Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor Cliente CrearTotal BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB99_SD_CUSTOMER_O034_J01 SMB99_SD_CUSTOMER_I034_J01 SMB99_SD_CUSTOMER_O034_J01_R80. BP01 BP01 PCS-C101 Kunde mit Kreditkarte YG07 BP01 BP01 PCS-C102 Kunde mit Kundenkarte YG07 BP01 BP01 PCS-C103 Kunde mit debitorischer Buchung YG07 BP01 BP01 PCS-CPD CPD-Kunde CPDA BP01 BP01 PCS-C300 Kunde1 für EDI-Kommunikation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C301 Kunde1 für Kundenauftrag YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C302 Kunde2 für Kundenauftrag YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C303 Kunde3 für Kundenauftrag YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C304 Kunde1 für Kalkulation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C305 Kunde2 für Kalkulation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C306 Kunde3 für Kalkulation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C307 Kunde4 für Kalkulation YG01 BP01 BP01 PCS-C308 Kunde1 für Produktvorschlag. Press button [Save] Description User action and values 01 Note 7. Select entry YG07 .5 Maintain additional customer data Procedure © SAP AG Page 26 of 81 .TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2.Store Customer BP 3.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 7.4 Change number range for store customers to internal Use After the creation of the customers numbers with externally assigned fixed numbers for the BBP. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN OVT0 Financial Accounting (New) – Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Customer Accounts → Master Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups Gestión financiera (nuevo) Contabilidad de deudores y acreedores Cuentas de deudor Datos maestros Preparar creación de datos maestros de deudores Asignar rangos de números a grupos de cuentas para deudores SMBA0_V_077D_B_B11D_J01 SMBA0_V_077D_B_O11D_J01 SMBA0_V_077D_B_I11D_J01 SMBA0_V_077D_B_O11D_J01_R80. Procedure 1. Make the following entries: Field name Number Range 5. Press Button [Details] 4. additional customers will be created in internal number range. SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN XD02 Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Execution Master Data Partner Customer Create Full Logística Gestión de mercancías Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Datos maestros Interlocutor Cliente Modificar Total IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB91_XD02_O001 SMB91_XD02_I001 SMB91_XD02_O001_R80.TXT 7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN CL02 Logistics Production Capacity Requirements Planning Requirements Maintenance Order Order Inspection Processing Environment Classification System Master Data Classes Logística Producción Planificación de capacidades Necesidad Orden de fabricación Orden mantenimiento Orden Gestión de inspección Entorno Sistema de clasificación Datos maestros Gestión de clases Logistics Retailing Master Data Edit customers Grouping Classification Master Data Classes CL02 IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script © SAP AG Page 27 of 81 SMB91_CL01_O001_R80 SMB91_CL01_I001_R80 .6 Create customer group Procedure 1. enter language 'DE' and press [ENTER].TXT 2.SAP Best Practices ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide SMB91_CL01_O001_R80_CUST. On screen 'Class' enter the following values: Field name Class Class type 3. 6. Description User action and values <see below> 011 (Customer Class) Note Press button [Create] On tabstrip 'Basic Data' enter description <see below> Press button [Change language] On popup.7 Assign customers to customer group Procedure 1. 4. 7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN CL24N Logistics Retailing Merchandise Logistics Logistics Execution Transportation Transportation Planning External Planning System ALE Monitoring Goto Master Data Distribution Cross-Application Assign Objects/Classes to Class Logística Gestión de mercancías Logística de mercancías Logistics Execution Transporte Planificación de transporte Sistema de planificación externo Supervisión ALE Pasar a Distribución de datos maestros Multiaplicaciones Asignar objetos/clases a clase SMB91_CL24N_O001_R80 SMB91_CL24N_I001_R80 SMB91_CL24N_O001_R80_CUST. 8. On tabstrip 'Basic Data' enter description for second language <see below> Press button [Save] Create the following customer groups: Class PCS-COMP01 PCS-CUSTOMER01 Description PCS Competitors PCS Customer Group Allocation Description second language PCS Wettbewerber PCS Kundengruppe Aufteiler 7. 5.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 28 of 81 . 1 Create assortments Procedure © SAP AG Page 29 of 81 . PCS-CC02. 8. assigned to a target group for a specific period of time.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 2.and therefore which articles . 6. maintain the values from the table below in separate lines. select Customer and press [ENTER] In field Customer. 5. Description User action and values <see below> 011 (Customer Class) Note Press button [Create only new assignments] On popup 'Set Object type'. Multiple assignment of assortments to sites is possible. By assigning assortments to sites you specify which assortments .a site can buy and sell. The range of an assortment is determined by the assortment modules assigned to it. On screen 'Assign Objects/Classes to Class' make the following entires: Field name Class Class type 3. 4. PCS-CC03 PCS-C301. Press button [SAVE] Create the following assignments: Class PCS-COMP01 PCS-CUSTOMER01 Assigned Customers PCS-CC01. PCS-C302 8 Assortments Use An assortment is defined as a part of the entire range of goods offered by a retail company. TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant For details regarding the creation procedure.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide To create an assortment use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA1 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Create Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido. 8. Create the following assortments: Assortment HILFSSTOFF Description Assortment Auxiliary Materials Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Assortment: SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80.TXT Additionally. please refer to the Configuration Guide and the Business Process Procedure of R13: Assortment Operations.2 Assign merchandise categories to assortment Procedure © SAP AG Page 30 of 81 . general Crear SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_I001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80. a local assortment per site is automatically created together with the site. M001. please refer to the Configuration Guide and the Business Process Procedure of R13: Assortment Operations. MC24001. MC23002. MC21002. MC22003. MC23003. MC22001. M006 Merchandise Categories MC21001. Create the following assignments: Assortment HILFSSTOFF VZ01. M004.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide To assign merchandise categories to an assortment use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA2 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Modificar Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido. M002.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant For details regarding the creation procedure. MC25001 MC_ECKP 8. M005. MC22002. general Change SMB91_WSOA2_MC_O002 SMB91_WSOA2_MC_I002 SMB91_WSOA2_MC_O002_R80. MC23001.3 Assign site to assortment Procedure © SAP AG Page 31 of 81 . M003. M001. M005. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB91_WSOA2_MC_LOCAL_O004 SMB91_WSOA2_MC_LOCAL_I004 SMB91_WSOA2_MC_LOCAL_O004_R80.TXT WB02 Logistics → Store Retailing → Master Data → Site →Change Logística Gestión de mercancías tienda Datos maestros Centro Modificar © SAP AG Page 32 of 81 . M003. please refer to the Configuration Guide and the Business Process Procedure of R13: Assortment Operations. M004.4 Assign merchandise category to local assortment Procedure 1. Create the following assignments: Assortment HILFSSTOFF Assortment Users (Sites) VZ01.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings For details regarding the creation procedure. M006 8. general Asignar usuario del surtido SMB91_WSOA2_SITE_O003 SMB91_WSOA2_SITE_I003 SMB91_WSOA2_SITE_O003_R80. M002.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide To assign assortment users (sites) to an assortment use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA6 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Assign Assortment User Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido. In 6. On Screen 'Site Change: Initial Screen' make the following entries and press button [ENTER]. Field name Site Description User action and values <see below> Note 3.TXT 8. mark the entry of the merchandise category. enter Article and Posting article (here: value-only article of the merchandise category) and press button [Back]. then press button [Except. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script SMB91_WB02_MC_O001 SMB91_WB02_MC_I001 WB02 Logistics → Store Retailing → Master Data → Site →Change Logística Gestión de mercancías tienda Datos maestros Centro Modificar © SAP AG Page 33 of 81 .SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 2. Make the entries listed below. 4. To maintain exceptions in inventory management for a merchandise category in the site.]. MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP PL Pricing Class Competitor Strategy Type Group Article Posting Article Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Assortment / Site assignments: SMB91_WB02_MC_O001_R80.Cat. Press button [Save] Make the following entries: Site M001 M001 M002 M002 M004 M004 M005 M005 Mer.5 Maintain merchandise category parameters in site Procedure 7. Press button [Merchandise Categories]. 5. MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP MC22003 MC_ECKP PL Pricing Class Competitor Strategy Type Group Article Posting Article 8.].TXT Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 8. Field name Site Description User action and values <see below> Note 9. 11.SAP Best Practices ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide SMB91_WB02_MC_O001_R80. Press button [Save] Make the following entries: Site M001 M001 M002 M002 M004 M004 M005 M005 Mer. enter Article and Posting article (here: value-only article of the merchandise category) and press button [Back]. 10. In inv. 12. Make the entries listed Press button [Merchandise Categories]. Procedure 1. then press button [Except. On Screen 'Site Change: Initial Screen' make the following entries and press button [ENTER]. SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN SE38 Tools ABAP Workbench Development User Interface ABAP Editor Tools ABAP Workbench Development User Interface SE38 © SAP AG Page 34 of 81 . To maintain exceptions in inventory management for a merchandise category in the site.6 Start Report : Conversion Report at Release Change Use Report RWLAYLIST_CONVERT must be started to make sure layout listing conditions are up to date.Cat. mark the entry of the merchandise category. Execute twice if present error 3. select a server group via F4 help and press button [Execute] 8. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA2 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Modificar Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido. Food and Hardgoods are used in planning and thus must be created regardless of which segment specific master data is required.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Procedure © SAP AG Page 35 of 81 .SAP Best Practices IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Herramientas Workbench ABAP Desarrollo Interfase de usuario Editor ABAP /SMB91/LIST_CONVERT_O001 /SMB91/LIST_CONVERT_I001 Layout listing conditions have already been converted 2.7 Create assortments Fashion Use The assortments for Fashion. On screen 'ABAP Editor: Initial Screen' enter program RWLAYLIST_CONVERT and press button [Execute] 4. general Change SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_I001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R81. On screen 'Simple Layout Listing Concept: Conversion Report at Release Change'. 8 Create assortments Food Use The assortments for Fashion. classic. Men's.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Compare chapter Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found for procedure. medium profit. Food and Hardgoods are used in planning and thus must be created regardless of which segment specific master data is required. 50 sqm. Men's Fash. high profit Women. classic. 30 sqm. medium profit. medium profit Women. Men's Fash. classic. medium profit.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 36 of 81 . Men's Fash. 30 sqm. 50 sqm. high profit Women. 30 sqm. Create the following assortments: Assortment B11100_11 B11100_12 B11100_21 B11100_22 B11200_11B B11200_12B B11200_21B B11200_22B B11200_11F B11200_12F B11200_21F B11200_22F Description Women. Men's. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA2 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Modificar Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido.. 50 sqm.. 30 sqm. high profit.TXT 8. 50 sqm. 50 sqm. 50 sqm. 50 sqm. 30 sqm. general Change SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_I001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R82. Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Assortment Fashion: SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R81. high profit. medium profit Men's. high profit.. Men's. Men's Fash. high profit. classic.. high profit. Dairy products. medium pr Beauty. high profit. 50sqm. high profit. 50sqm. 50 sqm. high profit. 30sqm. Seafood & Deli. Bakery. 50 sqm. 30 sqm. medium profit Frozen foods. high profit Bakery. Cleaning. . 30sqm. 30 sqm. medium profit. medium profit. 50sqm. high pr. Confectionery. medium profit. Seafood & Deli. Frozen foods. Beauty. high profit. 30 sqm. mid prof. Dairy products. 50sqm. Pets. 50 sqm. 50 sqm.. 50 sqm. 30 sqm. 50 sqm Fruit & Vegetables. medium profit. 30 sqm. medium profit. Confectionery. medium profit. 30 sqm.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Procedure Compare chapter Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found for procedure. 30 sqm. high profit. high prof. Drinks & Canned Foods. Dairy products. high profit. 30sqm. 50sqm. Beauty. medium prof. 30 sqm. 30 sqm. 50sqm. Fruit & Vegetables. Seafood & Deli. 30 sqm. Create the following assortments: Assortment B12100_11 B12100_12 B12100_21 B12100_22 B12200_11 B12200_12 B12200_21 B12200_22 B12300_11 B12300_12 B12300_21 B12300_22 B12400_11 B12400_12 B12400_21 B12400_22 B12500_11 B12500_12 B12500_21 B12500_22 B12600_11 B12600_12 B12600_21 B12600_22 B12700_11 B12700_12 B12700_21 B12700_22 B14100_11 B14100_12 B14100_21 B14100_22 B14200_11 B14200_12 B14200_21 B14200_22 B14300_11 B14300_12 © SAP AG Page 37 of 81 Description Fruit &Vegetables. high profit. high profit. 50 sqm. Confectionery. 50 sqm. Dairy products. medium profit. Cleaning. high profit. medium prof. high profit. Seafood & Deli. medium profit. medium profit. Bakery. Beauty. 30 sqm. 50 sqm. Frozen foods. high prof Drinks & Canned Foods. 30 sqm. Pets. 50sqm. medium profit. Cleaning. high profit. 30 sqm. medium profit. medium profit. Confectionery. high prof Drinks & Canned Foods. Drinks & Canned Foods. Cleaning. high profit. 30sqm. 50 sqm. 30 sqm. high profit Bakery. medium profit. 50 sqm. 50 sqm. medium profit. Frozen foods. Fruit & Vegetables. 50sqm. high profit. Pets. high profit. Food and Hardlines are used in planning and thus must be created regardless of which segment specific master data is required. Garden&Home Imprv. high profit. Garden&Home Impr. 30sqm. medium profit. . 30sqm. 30sqm. medium profit. 30 sqm. Home. Garden&Home Impr. medium profit.SAP Best Practices B14300_21 B14300_22 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Pets. Home. 50sqm. 50sqm. Home. 50 sqm. Create the following assortments: Assortment B13100_11 B13100_12 B13100_21 B13100_22 B13200_11 B13200_12 B13200_21 B13200_22 © SAP AG Page 38 of 81 Description Home. medium profit. medium profit. 30 sqm.TXT IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Procedure Compare chapter Error: Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found for procedure. general Change SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_I001 SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R83. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN WSOA2 Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Environment Sales and Distribution Master Data Products Assortments Assortment General Assortment Modificar Logística Servicio al cliente Gestión de servicios Entorno Comercial Datos maestros Productos Surtidos de productos Surtido Surtido.TXT 8. high profit. 50 sqm.9 Create assortments Hardlines Use The assortments for Fashion. 30sqm. Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Assortment Fashion: SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R82. high profit. high profit. Garden&Home Imprv. Toys.1 Create Articles Procedure To create articles use one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SMB91_ARTICLE_O001 SMB91_ARTICLE_I001 SMB91_ARTICLE_O001_R80. please refer to the Business Process Procedure of R11: Item Management. medium profit. 9. There are also articles which are reserved for a specific process and are named differently.SAP Best Practices B13300_11 B13300_12 B13300_21 B13300_22 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Toys.TXT MM41 Logistics Store Retailing Master Data Article Create Logística Gestión de mercancías tienda Datos maestros Material Crear Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings For details regarding the creation procedure. In the SAP Best Practices for Retail articles are divided into categories that are defined by an article’s characteristics. 50sqm. ART stands for article and means that the article may be employed freely from all processes. © SAP AG Page 39 of 81 .TXT 9 Articles Use An article is the smallest unit that can be ordered individually and that can not be subdivided into even smaller units. The categories of an article can be read from the article numbers (PCS-01-ART111). 30sqm. Toys. Toys. high profit. This procedure enables specific category-assigned processes. Articles are generally procured for and sold to a site whereas the packing unit in which they are purchased often differs from the one in which they are finally sold. high profit. Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Assortment Fashion: SMB91_WSOA1_CREATE_O001_R80_R83. 50sqm. medium profit. 30sqm. TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. Press button [Display -> Change] to enter change mode.1 Maintain condition type RD00 (Customer Returns) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN V/40 Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Output Control → Output Determination → Output Determination Using the Condition Technique → Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents → Maintain Output Types Comercial Funciones básicas Control de mensajes Determinación de mensaje Determinación de mensajes vía técnica de condiciones Actualizar determinación de mensajes p. Type COUP HAWA HAWA Art.SAP Best Practices Create the following articles: Article PCS-02-POS401 BONUS1 WKA1 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Description Voucher Settlement article Bonus Dummy article value contract Art. 5. Category 00 single article 00 single article 00 single article MC MC24001 MC25001 MC25001 10 Output conditions Use Output conditions are used to control the output of documents in printed form.facturas Actualizar clases de mensaje SMB91_V_40_O001 SMB91_V_40_I001 SMB91_V_40_O001_R80. 10. 3. On screen 'Change View: "Output Types": Overview' select output type RD00 in the list of the right screen side and press button [Details]. EDI. enter: 0004 (SalesOrg/Customer). etc. email. 4. fax. Press button [Save] © SAP AG Page 40 of 81 . In field Access sequence. SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 10. 3. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Billing' enter output type RD00 and press [ENTER]. mark an entry and press the button [Communication].TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Factura Crear SMB91_VV31_O001 SMB91_VV31_I001 SMB91_VV31_O001_R80. make the following entries: Customer PCS-C301 PCS-C302 PCS-CPD Funct. BP (bill-to-party) BP (bill-to-party) BP (bill-to-party) Partner Medium 1 1 1 Date/Time 3 3 4 Language DE DE DE 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN VV31 Logistics → Retailing →Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation →Environment→ Shipping → Environment →Output → Billing document→Create Logística Compras Planif.'. For the all entries. 4.2 Create output conditions: Billing (Customer Returns) Procedure 1. Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER]. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 Print immediately X Number of messages 1 © SAP AG Page 41 of 81 . In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 Print immediately X Number of messages 1 © SAP AG Page 42 of 81 . Mark the entry and press the button [Communication]. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management' enter output type WE01 and press [ENTER]. 3. Partner Medium 1 Date/Time 4 Language DE 5.3 Create output conditions: Article Document (return delivery) Procedure 1.TXT BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. make the following entries: Print Item 2 (Return Delivery) Funct.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Factura Crear SMB91_MN21_O001 SMB91_MN21_I001 SMB91_MN21_O001_R80. Enter the following values and press [ENTER] Field name Trans.'. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN IMG Path ES MN21 Materials Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory Output Determination Maintain Conditions Logística Compras Planif./Event Type Print version User action and values WE (Goods Receipt for Purchase Order) 1 (Individual Slip) 4. Press button [Save] R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 10.SAP Best Practices 6. /Event Type Print version User action and values WE (Goods Receipt for Purchase Order) 2 (Individual Slip with Inspection Text) 7. 1 for material document printout) Print immediately X Number of messages 1 For each goods movement. Example You define condition records for output type WA01. goods receipt for purchase order). the goods receipt/issue slips will be printed in the logon language. If so. you define the conditions to be met for a certain output type. they will be printed in the language defined for the plant. the system checks whether the conditions thus created are met for the output type. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 9. WA for goods issue) version (for example. 1 for individual slip) print indicator (for example. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. language If you maintain a language in the condition. Mark the entry and press the button [Communication].SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 6.'. an output of this type is created. which is assigned to access sequence 0003 (table 072). If this is not known to the system at the time of updating. immediately upon updating) The time may differ from that of the output type. You have to enter the following values accordingly: • • • transaction type (for example. the goods receipt/issue slips will be printed in this language. © SAP AG Page 43 of 81 . that is. If you do not maintain a language in the condition. It is also possible to maintain the following data in the conditions: • • time (for example. Partner Medium 1 Date/Time 4 Language DE 8. Press button [Save] You use the condition records to assign an output type to a goods movement (for example. The values to be entered for an output type depend on the access sequence defined for the output type. Enter the following values and press [ENTER] Field name Trans. make the following entries: Print Item 2 (Return Delivery) Funct. fixed mail partner This is not generally useful since the mail partners are automatically determined by the system (for example. The condition records cannot be transported.) Default setting The condition records are not maintained in the SAP Standard configuration because condition records are like master data. parameters for sending a mail message You can. These are the possible transactions: o o o MB03 (display material document) for GR mails ME23 (display purchase order) for GR mails CO06 (backorder processing) for missing parts messages • • • When calling up these transactions. purchase order number. In this case. Version Print indicator WA01 WA 1 1 WA01 WA 1 6 WA01 WE 1 6 © SAP AG Page 44 of 81 . MLUD below. no action is required on your part. for example. MLMD. material number. define whether a message is to be sent as an express mail. printer) This is not generally useful since printer determination is more flexible via plant/storage location or user. Recommendation SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. create the following conditions: • goods receipt/issue slips OutTy Trans. for example. you can also transfer parameters. material document number. (See the sections Missing part message (MLFH) and Notifications of goods receipts (MLGR. by the person entering the purchase order or by the MRP controller). parameters for processing a mail message Here. you can define a transaction that is called up automatically when the recipient processes the mail message. If this is not the case.SAP Best Practices • R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide fixed print parameters (for example. Activities Select Material document -> Condition -> Display to check whether the condition records have been maintained for a given output type. You reach the dialog box Change Execution Parameter. Only maintain a condition for output type MLUD if you want to receive a mail for underdeliveries. Choose Goto -> Means of Communication and then Goto -> Execution Parameter. It is useful to work with either MLGR (mail for every goods receipt) or MLUD (mail only for underdelivery).SAP Best Practices WA02 WA02 WA02 WA03 WA03 WA03 WE01 WE01 WE02 WE02 WE03 WE03 WF01 WF01 WF02 WF02 • WA WA WE WA WA WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WF WF WF WF 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide goods receipt/issue slips for materials provided to subcontractors OutTy Trans. missing parts message (MLFH) Create a condition with missing parts indicator = X. You reach the dialog box Change Execution Parameter. Debits/credits indicator WLB1 WA 1 3 H (= credit) WLB2 WA 2 3 H WLB3 WA 3 3 H • label printout You maintain the conditions for this output type with the same data as for goods receipt/issue slips plus the label type and label form. create a condition with GR message indicator = X. Version Print ind. MLMD. and MLUD In each case. Choose Goto -> Means of Communication and then Goto -> Execution Parameter. Here you maintain the following data for mail processing: o o o o transaction code: CO06 (backorder processing) parameter CAUFVD-MATNR Id MAT parameter CAUFVD-WERKS Id WRK parameter CAUFVD-PRREG Id PRR • • goods receipt notifications MLGR. Here you maintain the following data for mail processing: © SAP AG Page 45 of 81 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN MN04 Logistics Retailing Purchasing Requirements Planning Environment Allocation Environment Goods receipt Environment Additionals Environment Purchase Order t Master Data Messages Purchase Order Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.mercancías Entorno Accesorios de venta Entorno Pedido Datos maestros Mensajes PedidoCrear.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings © SAP AG Page 46 of 81 . 10.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Entr.SAP Best Practices o o o R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide transaction code: MB03 (display material document) parameter RM07M-MBLNR Id MBN parameter RM07M-MJAHR Id MJA Alternatively. you can call up transaction ME23 (display purchase order): o o • transaction code: ME23 (display purchase order) parameter RM06E-BSTNR Id BES kanban (WEK1) Create a condition with kanban indicator = 1. SMB91_MN04_O001 SMB91_MN04_I001 SMB91_MN04_O001_R80. Notes on transport The condition records are like master data and therefore cannot be transported.4 Create output conditions: Purchase Order Procedure 1. necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Entr.mercancías Entorno Accesorios de venta Entorno Pedido Datos maestros Mensajes Petición de Oferta Crear. 3. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order' enter output type NEU and press [ENTER]. SMB91_MN01_O001 SMB91_MN01_I001 SMB91_MN01_O001_R80. Type UB NB Funct. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 6. VN (vendor) VN (vendor) Partner VZ01 Medium 1 1 Date/Time 4 4 Language DE DE 5.'. make the following entries: Doc. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings © SAP AG Page 47 of 81 . Press button [Save] Print immediately X Number of messages 1 10. For the all entries.5 Create output conditions: Purchasing RFQ Procedure 1. mark an entry and press the button [Communication]. Select Key Combination Purchasing Output Determination: Document Type and press [ENTER] 4.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN MN01 Logistics Retailing Purchasing Requirements Planning Environment Allocation Environment Goods receipt Environment Additionals Environment Purchase Order t Master Data Messages Request for Quotation Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN IMG Path ES MRM1 Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Message Determination → Maintain Conditions Logística Gestión de materiales Verificación de Factura Logistica Determinación de Mensajes Actualizar Condiciones SMB91_MRM1_O001 SMB91_MRM1_I001 SMB91_MRM1_O001_R80. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Invoice verification' enter output type ERS6 and press [ENTER]. make the following entries: Doc. Select Key Combination CoCde and press [ENTER] 4. PI Partner Medium 1 Date/Time 1 Language © SAP AG Page 48 of 81 . make the following entries: CoCode BP01 Funct. VN (vendor) VN (vendor) Partner Medium 1 1 Date/Time 4 4 Language DE DE 6.'.6 Create output conditions: Invoice Verification Procedure 1. Press button [Save] 10. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. 3. Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER]. Type AB AN Funct. Select Key Combination Purchasing Output Determination: Document Type and press [ENTER] 4.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 2.TXT BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. 5.'. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ' enter output type ABSA and press [ENTER]. 3. Press button [Save] Print immediately X Number of messages 1 10. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 6. Select Key Combination Site and press [ENTER] 3. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Retail Promotion' enter output type RTB1 and press [ENTER]. Partner Medium 1 1 1 1 Date/Time 2 2 2 2 Language DE DE DE DE © SAP AG Page 49 of 81 . Condiciones WB/A .Crear SMB91_WBA_O001 SMB91_WBA_I001 SMB91_WBA_O001_R80.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 5. Mark the entry and press the button [Communication].TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 1. make the following entries: Site M001 M002 M003 M004 Funct. 2.7 Create output conditions: Retail Promotion Procedure Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN WB/A Logistics → Production → KANBAN → Environment → Purchasing → Master Data → Subsequent Settlement → Vendor Rebate Arrangements → Environment → Condition/Arrangement →Conditions: Sales → Bonus Buy → →Environment →Promotion →Promotion →Announcement →Conditions → Create Ventas Liquidación posterior Entorno Condición/Acuerdo Condiciones venta Compra de rappel Entorno Promoción de ventas Anuncio prom.'. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Registros de condición WA/A Crear SMB91_WAA_O001 SMB91_WAA_I001 SMB91_WAA_O001_R80. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Allocation Table' enter output type RTA1 and press [ENTER]. R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Partner Medium 1 1 Date/Time 2 2 Language DE DE 4. make the following entries: Site M001 M002 M003 M005 © SAP AG Page 50 of 81 Funct. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN WA/A Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → → Condition records →WA/A . mark an entry and press the button [Communication]. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 5. Press button [Save] Print immediately X Number of messages 1 10.Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.SAP Best Practices Site M005 M006 Funct.'. For the all entries. 3.8 Create output conditions: Allocation Table Procedure 1.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. Partner Medium 1 1 1 1 Date/Time 1 1 1 1 Language DE DE DE DE . SAP Best Practices Site VZ01 Funct. RTA3. R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Partner Medium 1 Date/Time 1 Language DE 4.'.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Documento venta Crear SMB91_VV11_O001 SMB91_VV11_I001 SMB91_VV11_O001_R80. Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER]. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. For the all entries. then make the following entries and press the button [Back] Output Device LP01 Print immediately not selected Number of messages blank 5. Press button [Save] Repeat steps 2 to 5 for output types: RTA2. make the following entries: Customer PCS-C300 PCS-C399 PCS-C381 Funct. RTA4 10. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN VV11 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Shipping → Environment → Output →Sales document →Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. 4. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Sales' enter output type BA00 and press [ENTER]. SP (sold-to-party) SP (sold-to-party) SP (sold-to-party) Partner Medium 6 6 6 Date/Time 4 4 4 Language DE DE DE © SAP AG Page 51 of 81 . mark an entry and press the button [Communication].9 Create output conditions: Sales Order Procedure 1. 3. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. 3.10 Create output conditions: Sales Order (VMI) Procedure 1. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Sales' enter output type BAV0 and press [ENTER]. Press button [Save] 10. Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER].'. R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Partner Medium 6 6 6 6 Date/Time 4 4 4 4 Language DE DE DE DE SP (sold-to-party) SP (sold-to-party) SP (sold-to-party) SP (sold-to-party) 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN VV11 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Shipping → Environment → Output →Sales document →Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.SAP Best Practices Customer PCS-C382 PCS-C383 PCS-C310 PCS-C320 Funct. SP (sold-to-party) Partner Medium 6 Date/Time 4 Language DE 5. Press button [Save] © SAP AG Page 52 of 81 .TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Documento venta Crear SMB91_VV11_O002 SMB91_VV11_I002 SMB91_VV11_O002_R80. 4. make the following entries: SalesDocTy TAV Funct. 3. make the following entries: Customer PCS-C300 PCS-C399 PCS-C381 PCS-C382 PCS-C383 PCS-C310 PCS-C320 Funct.12 Create output conditions: Billing (EDI) Procedure © SAP AG Page 53 of 81 . Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER]. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Shipping' enter output type LAVA and press [ENTER]. Press button [Save] 10.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 10.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. 4.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Expedición Entregas de salida Crear SMB91_VV21_O001 SMB91_VV21_I001 SMB91_VV21_O001_R80. SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) SH (ship-to-party) Partner Medium 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Date/Time 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Language DE DE DE DE DE DE DE 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN VV21 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Shipping → Environment → Output → Shipping →Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.'.11 Create output conditions: Shipping (LAVA) Procedure 1. BP (bill-to-party) BP (bill-to-party) BP (bill-to-party) Partner Medium 6 6 6 Date/Time 4 4 4 Language DE DE DE 5. which gives them full authorization rights. 3.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Expedición Entorno Mensajes Factura Crear SMB91_VV31_O002 SMB91_VV31_I002 SMB91_VV31_O002_R80. make the following entries: Customer PCS-C300 PCS-C310 PCS-C320 Funct. Users created automatically are assigned the profiles SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW. Press button [Save] 11 EDI . you should restrict the rights of the user according to your internal authorization guidelines. 4.1 Manual Activity: Create PRECONF user Use Create default system users for system connection and communication. Enter the Sales Organization BP01 and press [ENTER].SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 1. Please see SAP Note 0338537 for some guidelines.'. If this authorization does not apply to your project. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN VV31 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Shipping → Environment → Output → Billing document →Create Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. On screen 'Create Output – Condition Records: Billing' enter output type RD00 and press [ENTER]. In the subscreen 'Condition Recs.partner profiles 11. © SAP AG Page 54 of 81 .TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2. maintain Last Name IDoc User.89 and Date format DD. Press the button Create. keep the default Decimal Notation as 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code: SU01 SAP Menu Tools -> Administration -> User Maintenance -> Users 1.567. 2. Go to tab Logon data and input Initial password init. put user PRECONF into field User. e. In screen User Maintenance: Initial Screen. First Name IDoc User. NOTE:Its important to create a user named PRECONF with a SAP ALL profile for the EDI and WORKFLOW activation.234. 3. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code © SAP AG Page 55 of 81 WE20 .2 Create partner profiles (header entries) Use Partner profiles control the EDI communication with partners. Procedure 1. 11. Go to tab Profiles. 7. maintain the Logon Language as EN. Press button Save.MM. Go to tab Defaults.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Procedure To carry out the activity. In tab Address. set the User Type as Communication Data. 6.g. messages types supported and message versions used. maintain profiles SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW. 5.YYYY. On the right side of the screen. make the following entries: Field name Partner role Message type Message code Description User action and values <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> Field is listed as I_MESTYP Note 8. press button [Create outbound parameter].TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings 2.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI SMB91_VV31_O002 SMB91_VV31_I002 SMB91_VV31_O002_R80. fill header data: Field name Partner No.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide IMG Path EN Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. On subscreen: Outbound parameters. Press button [Create] 3. 7. On tapstrip: Post processing: permitted agent Field name Type Agent Language User responsible for IDoc postprocessing Description User action and values US (User) PRECONF DE or other user as required or other language as required Note 5. On tabstrip Outbound Options make the following entries: Field name Receiver port © SAP AG Page 56 of 81 Description User action and values <see variant file> Note . Partner Type Description User action and values <see below> <see below> Note 4. Press button [Save] 6. On screen Partner profiles: Outbound parameters. Save changes'. select button [YES] Repeat steps 6 to 11 for additional outbound parameters.SAP Best Practices Field name Output Mode: Transfer Idocs Immed. On popup: 'Data was changed. On tabstrip Inbound Options make the following entries: Field name Process code Description User action and values <see variant file> Note 15. press button [Create inbound parameter]. Save changes'. 13. On screen Partner profiles: Inbound parameters. Start Subsystem Basic Type R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Description User action and values X <see variant file> <see variant file> Note 9. make the following entries: Field name Partner role Message type Message code Message function Test Description User action and values <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> Field is listed as I_MESTYP Note 14. then make the following entries: Field name Application Message type Process Code Change Description User action and values <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> <see variant file> Field is listed as I_KSCHL Note 10. On tabstrip Message Control press button [Insert Row]. 12. Press button [Back] 11. On subscreen: Inbound parameters. Create the following partner profiles: Partner Type KU (Customer) KU (Customer) © SAP AG Page 57 of 81 Partner profile M001 M002 . Press button [Back] 16. On popup: 'Data was changed. select button [YES] Repeat steps 12 to 16 for additional inbound parameters. 11.TXT Inbound parameters: SMB91_WE20_INBOUND_O001_R80. For easier maintenance.TXT Outbound parameters: SMB91_WE20_OUTBOUND_O001_R80.TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 58 of 81 .3 Create partner profiles (outbound parameters) Procedure Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN WE20 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.TXT Parameters for M001 in the variant file also apply identically for M002-M006 and VZ01.SAP Best Practices KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) KU (Customer) LI (Vendor) LS (Logical system) R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide M003 M004 M005 M006 VZ01 PCS-C300 PCS-C307 PCS-C310 PCS-C320 PCS-C381 PCS-C382 PCS-C383 PCS-C396 PCS-C397 PCS-C398 PCS-C399 PCS-V301 <logical system of your ERP client> Please review the following variant files in your installation folder for the specific settings: Header Entries: SMB91_WE20_HEADER_O001_R80.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI SMB91_WE20_OUTBOUND_O001 SMB91_WE20_OUTBOUND_I001 SMB91_WE20_OUTBOUND_O001_R80. you can copy partner profiles with identical inbound and outbound parameters using button [Create Copy] on header level. Type ORDRSP INVOIC DESADV ORDRSP INVOIC DESADV ORDRSP INVOIC DESADV ORDRSP DESADV DESADV ORDRSP ORDRSP ORDRSP DESADV ORDRSP ORDRSP ORDRSP ORDRSP DESADV WTADDI ORDCHG ORDERS WPDREB ORDERS SYNCH WBBDLD Mess. code 1 1 1 2 2 2 VMI VMI VMI VMI 2 © SAP AG Page 59 of 81 .SAP Best Practices SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Please review the variant files in your installation folder for the specific settingsartner number PCS-C300 PCS-C300 PCS-C300 PCS-C300 PCS-C300 PCS-C310 PCS-C320 PCS-C320 PCS-C320 PCS-C381 PCS-C381 PCS-C381 PCS-C382 PCS-C382 PCS-C383 PCS-C383 PCS-C383 PCS-C397 PCS-C398 PCS-C399 PCS-C399 PCS-V301 PCS-V301 PCS-V301 M001 M001 M001 M001 R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Partner Type KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU LI LI LI KU KU KU KU Partner Function of recipient AG RE WE AG RE WE AG RE WE AG WE WE AG AG AG WE AG AG AG AG WE VN VN Mess. SAP Best Practices SAP Retail Menu (W10T) M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide WGSREQ WPDCUR WPDNAC WPDSET WPDTAX WPDWGR WP_EAN WP_PLU WVINVE WPDBBY WPUERR WMATGRP © SAP AG Page 60 of 81 . SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide © SAP AG Page 61 of 81 . SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide App. form mes. type BA00 RD00 LAVA BA00 RD00 LAVA BA00 RD00 LAVA BA00 LAVA LAVA BA00 LAVA BA00 LAVA BAV0 BAV0 BAV0 BAV0 LAVA NEU NEU Outbound process code SD10 SD09 SD05 SD10 SD09 SD05 SD10 SD09 SD05 SD10 DELV DELV SD10 DELV SD10 DELV SD10 SD10 SD10 SD10 DELV ME11 ME10 X X X X X X X X X WPDREB01 ORDERS05 SYNCHRON WBBDLD06 WGSREQ02 WPDCUR01 WPDNAC01 WPDSET01 WPDTAX01 Page 62 of 81 . Cond.Without value tab V1 V3 V2 V1 V3 V2 V1 V3 V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 EF EF Receiver port PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS-RFC PCS_FILE PCS_FILE PCS_FILE PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS © SAP AG Selection: Start subsystem X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Basic Type ORDERS05 INVOIC01 DESADV01 ORDERS05 INVOIC01 DESADV01 ORDERS05 INVOIC01 DESADV01 ORDERS05 DELVRY03 DELVRY03 ORDERS05 DELVRY03 ORDERS05 DELVRY03 ORDERS05 ORDERS05 ORDERS05 ORDERS05 DELVRY03 WTADDI01 ORDERS05 ORDERS05 Mess. TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 63 of 81 .4 Create partner profiles (inbound parameters) 1. Cond. type Outbound process code 11. form mes.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide App.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI SMB91_WE20_INBOUND_O001 SMB91_WE20_INBOUND_I001 SMB91_WE20_INBOUND_O001_R80.Without value tab Receiver port PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS PCS-POS Selection: Start subsystem X X X X X X X Basic Type WPDWGR01 WP_EAN01 WP_PLU03 WVINVE03 WPDBBY01 WPUERR01 WMATGRP01 Mess. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN WE20 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. SAP Best Practices Partner number Partner Type RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Message Message Message Flag for test Type code function mode ORDERS ORDRSP ORDCHG ORDRSP ORDCHG DESADV DESADV INVOIC PRICE CATALO GUE PROACT RSRQST ORDERS ORDERS WGSREQ WGSREQ WMINVE WMINVE WPUBON WPUBON WPUERR WPUERR WPUFIB WPUFIB WPUKSR WPUKSR WPUTAB WPUTAB WPUUMS WPUUMS WPUWB W WPUWB W WP_EAN WP_EAN WP_PLU WP_PLU WVINVE WVINVE X X Page 64 of 81 X X X X X X X X X X ISR ISR X VMI VMI 1 2 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 RTGCLNT117 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 © SAP AG M001 M001 M001 LS LS LS KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU . SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide © SAP AG Page 65 of 81 . necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI SMB91_WE20_COPY_O001_R80.5 Copy partner profile 1.TXT SMB91_WE20_COPY_O001_R80.TXT Partner number Source M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 M001 IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Partner number Target M002 M003 M004 M005 M006 VZ01 Partner Type KU KU KU KU KU KU 11.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI IMG Path ES © SAP AG Page 66 of 81 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN WE20 Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.6 Assign Name in Invoice to the Company Code 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN OBCA Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 11.TXT SMB91_WE20_COPY_O001_R80. necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI /SMB0I/OBCE_I001 /SMB0I/OBCE_I001 NA IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant When running this ecatt. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN OBCD Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif. and assign the Ecatt Default value (ECATTDEFAULT).TXT IMG Path ES BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration © SAP AG Page 67 of 81 .SAP Best Practices BC-Set ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide SMB0I/OBCA_I001 SMB0I/OBCA_I001_ NA When running this ecatt. 11.7 Change View EDI-INVOIC Program Parameters 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code IMG Path EN OBCE Logistics → Retailing → Purchasing → Requirements Planning → Environment → Allocation → Environment → Messages → Partner profile Logística Gestión de mercancías Compras Planif.8 Change view EDI Conversion of external Tax Rate 1.necesidades Entorno Asignación de stock Entorno Mensajes Acuerdo entre interlocutores EDI SMB0I_OBCD_O001_R80. 11. be sure to do it in Foreground. and assign the Ecatt Default value (ECATTDEFAULT). be sure to do it in Foreground. SAP Best Practices ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide SMB0I_OBCD_O001_R80.TXT SMB0I_OBCD_O001_R80.TXT 12 Extensions For Scenarios: Number Range for Attributes 12. Tareas/Grupos de tareas PFTC_INS – Crear PFTC /SMB91/PFTC_O001_R11 /SMB91/PFTC_I001_R11 SMB99_BC_SET_NO_VARIABLES.1 PFTC: Activate Workflow template for article discontinuation Procedure 1.TXT Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant © SAP AG Page 68 of 81 .1.1 R11: Item Management 12. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Menu EN SAP Menu ES Tools ABAP Workbench Development WorkflowDefinition tools Tasks/Task groups Herramientas Workbench ABAP Workbench ABAP SAP Business Workflow Herramientas def. Gestión centros Retail de referencia REFSITE /SMB91/WLOSITEREF_O001_R80 /SMB91/WLOSITEREF_I001_R80 SMB91_WLOSITEREF_O001_R80.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 12.3 Assign Reference Site for Logistic Data (Table WLOSITEREF) Procedure 1.TXT Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. On popup Create a New Reference Site make the following entries and press [ENTER] Field name Group type Class Reference Site Description User action and values 02 Logistics & Replenishment ALL_CLASS REFL Note © SAP AG Page 69 of 81 .1. Press Button [Switch On] 4./Desactivar trace eventos SWELS /SMB91/SWEL_O001_R11 /SMB91/SWEL_I001_R11 SMB99_BC_SET_NO_VARIABLES.TXT Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 3. Press [ENTER] 12.2 SWEL: Switch on event trace Procedure 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Logistics → Retailing → Master Data Assortment/Listing Mass Maintenance Reference Sites Management Logística Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Surtido/Catalogación Actualización en masa REFSITE . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Menu EN SAP Menu (ES) Tools Business Workflow Development Utilities Events Switch Event Trace On/Off Herramientas Business Workflow Desarrollo Utilidades Eventos Trace eventos SWELS Act. Press button [Creation] 3.1. 01 Mdse. M003 6.3 R13: Assortment Operations 12.3.Cat. Procedure 1. Price Point Group to Organizational. Merchandise Category.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 4. Make the following entry and press button [Save]: SOrg.TXT IMG Menu (ES) Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. Level. MC_ECKP PrPtCy EUR PPCat 01 PrPnGrp PCS002 Description Eg price point group 12. M002. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Path EN Logistics – General Retail Pricing Sales Price Calculation Price Point Group Assign Price Point Group to Organizational Level/Merchandise Category Logística en general Determinación de precios Determinación de precio de venta Grupo puntos precio Asignación grupo puntos precio a nivel organización/grupo artículos SM30.2. view V_TWEGO or SPRO /SMBA0/V_TWEGO_O2TX_J01 /SMBA0/V_TWEGO_I2TX_J01 SMBA0_V_TWEGO_O2TX_J01_R80. Select node REFL in the tree structure on the left screen side 5.2 R12: Retail Pricing 12. Assign the following sites to references sites via drag and drop from the area Sites to be assigned on the left screen side to the area List of Assigned Sites for Logistic Data Reference Site REFL: M001. BP01 Dchl.1 Assing.1 Assign Site to Reference Site for Assortment (Table WREFA) Procedure © SAP AG Page 70 of 81 . Press button [Save] 12. Press button [Creation] 3. Check which fields you want to use as characteristics for your release strategy. Create Characteristic for PO release Prerequisites In the communication structure CEKKO you will find all the fields that you can use as characteristics for a release condition.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 1. M003 6.4 R21: Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise 12. Select node RA00 in the tree structure on the left screen side 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Logistics → Retailing → Master Data Assortment/Listing Mass Maintenance Reference Sites Management REFSITE /SMB91/REFSITE_ASSORT_O001_R80 /SMB91/REFSITE_ASSORT_I001_R80 SMB91_REFSITE_ASSORT_O001_R80.1 Use In this step you define the characteristics for a release procedure for purchase orders.TXT 2. IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES Transaction Code Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Release Procedure for Purchase Orders Edit Characteristics Gestión de Materiales Compras Pedido Procedimento de Liberación para Pedidos Tratar Característica SPRO or CT04 © SAP AG Page 71 of 81 . On popup Create a New Reference Site make the following entries and press [ENTER] Field name Group type Reference Site Description User action and values 01 Assortment RA00 Note 4. Press button [Save] 12. for the order type and for the entire purchase order value. enter CEKKO in the database table and select display. To do this select Tools ABAP Workbench Development Dictionary. for example.4. Assign the following sites to references sites via drag and drop from the area Sites to be assigned on the left screen side to the area List of Assigned Sites for Assortment Reference Site RA00: M002. SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide /SMB91/OMGQ_CHAR_O001_R21 /SMB91/OMGQ_CHAR_I001_R21 SMB91_OMGQ_CHAR_O001_R21_R80.TXT ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 1. Characteristic: EINKAEUFERGRUPPE 2. Choose CREATE 3. Go to BASIS DATA Tab Subscreen Basic data: Description: Chars group: Status: Subscreen Value Assignment: Radiobutton Multiple Values Subscreen Format: Data Type: Number of Chars: Tabstrip [DESCRIPTIONS]: Sprache: Description: Tabstrip [ADDNL DATA]: Subscreen Reference to Table Field: Table name: Field name: Subscreen Procedure for Value Assignment: click 'Not Ready for Input' Tabstrip [VALUES]: Character Value: Tabstrip [RESTRICTIONS]: Class type: Description: 4. Choose SAVE 032 Release strategy 002 CEKKO EKGRP EN Purchasing group CHAR 3 Purchasing group Blank Released Blank Edit © SAP AG Page 72 of 81 SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide If you want to define your own release strategy for the different document types (purchase order, inquiry etc) you must create a characteristic for the document type. For more details, please refer to the Configuration Guide of R21: Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise, chapter 'Edit Characteristic for Purchase Order Release'. 12.4.2 Use Create Class for Purchase Order Release In one class you combine together the characteristics that are to form a release condition for a release strategy. You assign this class to the release strategy in the step release procedure for purchase orders. Prerequisites In this step you define classes for a release procedure for purchase orders. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu EN IMG Menu ES CL02 Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Release Procedure for Purchase Orders Edit Class Gestión de Materiales Compras Solicitud de Pedido Textos para Soclicitudes de Pedido Especificar Classes de Texto /SMB91/CL01_O001_R21 /SMB91/CL01_I001_R21 SMB91_CL01_O001_R21_R80.TXT ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. In Class, enter PURCHASEORDER 3. In Class type, enter 032 4. Choose CREATE 5. Go to CHARACTERISTICS tab 6. Characteristic: PURCHASING GROUP Description: Purchasing group 7. Press ENTER 8. Choose SAVE. For more details, please refer to the Configuration Guide of R21: Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise, chapter 'Edit Class for Release Procedure'. © SAP AG Page 73 of 81 SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 12.4.3 Assign purchase. Group type release strategy Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu EN SPRO CL20N Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Release Procedure for Purchase Orders Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders Getión de Materiales Compras Pedido Procedimento de Liberación para Pedidos Especificar Procedimento Liberación p. Pedidos /SMB91/CL20N_O021_R21 /SMB91/CL20N_I021_R21 SMB91_CL20N_O021_R21_R80.TXT IMG Menu ES ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2. Create a release group for your release procedure and then assign a class to it. In doing this you allocate release conditions to the release procedure. Create the release codes here that you need for your release strategy and assign the release codes to your release group. Press Enter 3. Assign object to classes © SAP AG Page 74 of 81 SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 1. Press button 12.4.4 Maintain Delivery Relationship Procedure 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Logistics Retailing Purchasing Requirements Planning Forecast Delivery Relationships for PDF and Alternative Historical Data (AHD) Delivery Relationships for PDF (Post Distribution Forecast) Change Logística Gestión de mercancías Datos maestros Compras Planif.necesidades Pronóstico Relaciones de suministro para PDF y datos históricos alternativos (DHA) Relaciones suministro p.PDF (Post Distribution Forecast) WDRD2 - Modificar WDRD2 /SMB91/WDRD2_O001_R80 /SMB91/WDRD2_I001_R80 SMB91_WDRD2_O001_R80.TXT SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 3. In field Supplying site, enter VZ01. 4. Select Recipient Type: Site and press button [Execute]. 5. In subscreen Recipient, maintain the following sites: M001, M002, M004, M005 6. Press button [Back]. 7. Select Recipient Type: Customer and press button [Execute]. 8. In subscreen Recipient, maintain the following customers: PCS-C301, PCS-C302,PCS-C303 9. Press button [Save]. © SAP AG Page 75 of 81 Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP Retail Menu (W10T) SAP Retail Menu (W10T) Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Credit Management → Master data Finanzas → Gestión financiera→ Deudores Gestión de créditos →Datos maestros FD32 /SMB91/FD32_O001_R80 /SMB91/FD32_I001_R80 SMB91_FD32_O001_R80.2 Customer Business-Change Credit Limit Procedure 1.5.5 R31: Sales Order Management 12.TXT IMG Path (ES) ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 2.type group Customer 12.5.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 12. Make the following entry and press button [Save]: ATyp Z003 Agreement Type Customer Rebate CTyGr 0003 Cond.TXT © SAP AG Page 76 of 81 . view V_T6B1_ZU Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control → Pricing Agreements → Set up Sales Deals → Condition Type Groups → Assign Condition Type Groups/Sales Deals Logística en general → Determinación de precios → Determinación de precio de venta→ Grupo puntos precio → Asignación grupo puntos precio a nivel organización/grupo artículos /SMBA0/V_T6B1_ZU_O0VL_J01 /SMBA0/V_T6B1_ZU_I0VL_J01 SMBA0_V_T6B1_ZU_O0VL_J01_R80.1 Assign condition type groups to rebate agreement types Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Path SM30. On screen Customer Credit Management Change: Status make the following entries and press [ENTER]: Field name Credit limit 10. Check/enter your settings.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 2. chapter 'Maintain Date Proposals For Billing Plan Types'.TXT User action and values AN 01 0000000001 For details.3 Create date proposal for billing plan type Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Plan Maintain Date Proposals For Billing Plan Types ComercialFacturación Plan de facturación Actualizar propuesta de fecha OVBM /SMB91/OVBM_O001_R80 /SMB91/OVBM_I001_R80 SMB99_BC_SET_NO_VARIABLES. IMG Menu IMG Menu Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant 1. On screen Customer Credit Management Change: Initial Screen make the following entries and press [ENTER]: Field name Customer Credit Control Area Central data Status Description User action and values PCS-C315 BP01 Set flag Set flag Note 3.5. Field name Billing plan type Start Date RefBillPlanNo © SAP AG Page 77 of 81 . please refer to the Configuration Guide of R31: Sales Order Management. On screen Customer Credit Management Change: Central Data make the following entries and press [ENTER]: Field name Total amount Individual limit Currency Description User action and values 1 1 EUR Note 4. Press button [Save] twice. Description User action and values 0 Note 12. 5 Activate update info structure S136 © SAP AG Page 78 of 81 . Choose SAVE 12.4 . Maintain rebate relevancy of sales organization Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant OVB1 /SMB91/OVB1_O001_R31 /SMB91/OVB1_I001_R31 SMB91_OVB1_O001_R31_R80.5.TXT 12.5.SAP Best Practices Field name Date Category FCode-OvervScrn R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide User action and values 03 0003 click and 2. 1. sales order).General Logistics Information System (LIS) Logistics Data Warehouse Updating Updating Control Active Updating Logística en general Sistema de información para logística (SIL) Data warehouse de logística Actualización Control de actualización Activar actualización OMO1 /SMBA0/TMC4_O0GS_J01 /SMBA0/TMC4_I0GS_J01 SMBA0_TMC4_O0GS_J01_R31_R80.g. An event is a point in time when information is created that needs to be recorded. purchase order. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Path Logistics . Updating is triggered by an event in a logistics application (e.Data analysis in the information systems is based on statistical data which is updated from the operative application to the information structures.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide Use In this IMG activity.TXT IMG Menu Transaction Code ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant Choose press clic Then Press button © SAP AG Page 79 of 81 . you make settings for updating the information structures. In popup window Limit. then press button [Execute] Field name Payment cards from Description User action and values 5* Note Master Card numbers start with 5.TXT 2.Calculate Card Category Procedure 1. enter the following value. © SAP AG Page 80 of 81 . view V_TVCTD SPRO Sales and Distribution → Billing → Payment Cards → Maintain Card Categories → Determine card categories Comercial→Facturación→ Tarjetas de pago →Actualizar tipo de tarjeta /SMB91/V_TVCTD_O001_R31 /SMB91/V_TVCTD_I001_R31 SMB91_V_TVCTD_O001_R31_R80. press button 3. enter the following value.5.SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 12. 4. for entry with type VISA. then press button [Execute] Field name Payment cards from Description User action and values 4* Note Master Card numbers start with 4. for entry with type MC. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Path IMG Menu ECATT Test Configuration ECATT Test Script ECATT External Variant SM30. In popup window Limit. press button 5.6 Customer Business . SAP Best Practices R80 Retail Master Data Generic: Configuration Guide 11. © SAP AG Page 81 of 81 . Press button [Save].
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