Conferentiar Universitar

March 20, 2018 | Author: Vasilică MV | Category: Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Hepatitis C, Placebo Controlled Study, Liver



1GRILA DE EVALUARE PRIVIND CONFERIREA TITLULUI DE CONFERENTIAR UNIVERSITAR CRITERIUL 1: ACTIVITATEA DIDACTICA A. CONDITII PRELIMINARE DA Studii universitare de licenta * Studii de masterat ** Studii de doctorat Pozitia Asistent universitar profesionala Sef de lucrari actuala Din afara invatamantului Total punctaj Vechime minima obligatorie Da Nu Da Da Da NU Maxim 3 2 4 1 2 0 PUNCTAJ Autoevaluare 3 4 2 9 Comisie 3 4 2 9 * competente in 1) ecografie (ultrasonografie); 2) hepatologie; 3) managementul serviciilor de sanatate ** nu se aplica in domeniul pentru care candideaza B. CRITERII DE EVALUARE Criterii a. Autoevaluarea activitatii didactice DA NU Da b. Evaluare Din partea colegilor DA NU Da Sef catedra DA Da NU Experienta profesionala in domeniul pentru care candideaza 2 Activitati de predare Participari la comisii de concurs - ex. admitere - ex. licenta - ex. Promovare - indrumare de LD Calificativul Da Da Da Da Da FOARTE BINE Da Da Da Da Da FOARTE BINE Da Da Da Da Da FOARTE BINE CRITERIUL 2: ACTIVITATEA DE CERCETARE IN ULTIMII 5 ANI Da/Nr. Contract/grant international - director Contract/grant international – membru in echipa de cercetare Contract/grant national - director Contract/grant national – membru in echipa de cercetare Studii multicentrice internationale – investigator principal Studii multicentrice internationale – membru in echipa de cercetare Studii multicentrice nationale – investigator principal Studii multicentrice nationale – membru in echipa de cercetare TOTAL PUNCTAJ NU Alocat 20 x Nr 12 x Nr 6 x Nr 2 x Nr 1÷3 x Nr 1÷2 x Nr 1÷2 x Nr 1 x Nr PUNCTAJ Autoevaluare Comisie Da / 2 Da/6 Da/6 Da/5 Da/3 Da/4 12 12 12 7.5 4.5 4 52 12 12 12 7.5 4.5 4 52 TOTAL DE PUNCTE 3 x 26 = 78 1x6=6 84 84 b) Carti si capitole in carti de specialitate CARTI Autor (1) Coautor (2) Coordonator (3) Da/Nr Nu Da/Nr Nu Da/Nr Nu Da/2 Da/19 Da/1 NR. TOTAL DE PUNCTE Alocat per item (1) (2) (3) 1÷10 x Nr 1÷4 1÷12 x Nr x Nr PUNCTAJ Autoevaluare (1) (2) 18 57 85 (3) 10 (1) 18 Comisie (2) 57 85 (3) 10 c) Studii publicate in volumele unor manifestari stiintifice nationale / internationale recunoscute (cu ISSN sau ISBN) STUDII PUBLICATE PUNCTAJ ISSN ISBN Alocat per item Autoevaluare Da/Nr Nu Da/Nr Nu Da/47 1÷3 x Nr Nr. care fac un proces de selectie a revistelor pe baza unor criterii de performanta) si reviste din tara recunoscute de catre CNCSIS Articole / studii PUNCTAJ ISI CNCSIS Alocat per item Autoevaluare Comisie Da/Nr Nu Da/Nr Nu ISI CNCSIS Da/26 Da/6 1÷4 x Nr 1 x Nr NR. Articole / studii publicate in reviste de specialitate de circulatie internationala recunoscute (reviste cotate ISI sau indexate in baze de date internationale specifice domeniului.3 CRITERIUL 3: CONTRIBUTIA STIINTIFICA a). total de puncte 141 d) Brevete de inventie: NU ESTE CAZUL Comisie 141 . Proiect CEEX 89/2006 Implicaţii diagnostice şi prognostice ale aspectul endomicroscopic al microvascularizaţiei leziunil premaligne şi maligne ale tubului digestiv superi (DIAPROGENDO) 2006-2008 7. Proiect VIASAN 324/2004 Rolul evidentei computerizate a pacientilor in identificar potentialilor candidati pentru transplantul hepatic si urmarirea dinamicii listei de asteptare (HEPASIST) 3. Proiect CEEX 60/2006 Evaluarea fenotipica si genotipica a pacientilor cu bo inflamatorii intestinale cronice din Romania si generar unui registru biregional computerizat de urmari prospectiva (IBDPROSPECT) executant executant Director d de proiect Cercetator echipa coordonato ului (I Fundeni) Cercetator Cercetator echipa coordonato ului (UM Carol Davila) . London 2006-2008 8. PROIECTE DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE-INOVARE OBTINUTE PRIN COMPETITIE PE BAZA DE CONTRACT/GRANT TITLU (ACRONIM) Perioada Functie cercetator Director d de proiect 1. Proiect VIASAN 322/2004 2004-2006 Rolul manometriei esofagiene in diagnosticul achalasiei pacientii cu disfagie si in evaluarea eficientei tratamentul endoscopic sau chirurgical al afectiunii (ROMAC) 2004-2006 4. Proiect CNCSIS 184/2001 2001-2003 Aplicatii ale reologiei fluidelor in biologie si medicina 2004-2006 2. Proiect CEEX 65/2006 Potentialul terapeutic al celulelor stem hematopoetice afectiunile hepatice (LIVER STEM) cu partener exter Faculty of Medicine. Proiect CEEX 142/2006 Diagnosticul non-invaziv si markeri de prognostic hepatocarcinomului detectat in leziunile focale nodula din ciroza hepatica (PROSONOHEP) 2006-2008 6. Proiect VIASAN 428/2004 Evidenta computerizata prospectiva a pacientilor cu ri pentru dezvoltarea cancerului colorectal la care se impun screeningul si supravegherea (COLOCANS) 2006-2008 5.4 CRITERIUL 2 ACTIVITATEA DE CERCETARE A. Imperial College Londo Hammersmith Campus. Phase IV Study Evaluating th derulare Efficacy and Safety of 360 microg Induction Dosin 2.2. 2. 7. INTERNATIONALE Studiu 1. over 4 or 8 weeks” (BY 1023/M3-904) PROGRESS Study: Randomized. D si C 2006-in derulare Romania Standard protocol to assess the diagnost 2006-in derulare value of Fibrotest . 6. 1. in comparison pantoprazole-sodium sesquihydrate 40 mg o. Perioada Functie Co-investigator “Healing of patients suffering fro 2004 gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis grade Caccording to Los Angeles classification aft treatment with pantoprazole-magnesiu dehydrate 80 mg o. NATIONALE 1.5 CRITERIUL 2 ACTIVITATEA DE CERCETARE B. Evaluarea ratei de aderenta la pacientii 2004 .2006 primesc terapie combinata cu PegIntron Pen Rebetol pentru tratamentul hepatitei C Studiu noninterventional desch 2005 – 2006 necomparativ cu un singur brat. STUDII MULTICENTRICE NATIONALE / INTERNATIONALE B.d. nationa multicentric. Multicente 2006 – Double-Blind. investigator . B.Actitest Principal investigator Coinvestigator 3. Coinvestigator Principal investigator Coinvestigator Principal investigator Coinvestigator 4. de evaluare a raspunsului tratamentul standard cu PegInterferon alfa 2 si Ribavirina in functie de genotipul virusul hepatitic C si de evaluare epidemiologica genotipurilor virusului hepatitei C la pacien din Romania care au inceput tratament standard cu PegInterferon alfa 2a Ribavirina dupa 1 septembrie 2005 Efficacy and safety of Peginterferon alfa 22005 – in derulare (40kD) (Pegasys) in patients with HBe A positive chronic hepatitis B (Protoc ML18089) An open label uncontrolled study to assess th2005-in derulare response of PegIntron in naïve patients chronic hepatitis B and D coinfection (V P04603) Open label multicenter trial evaluatin2005 – in derulare efficacy and safety of Peginterferon alfa 2 (Pegasys) in patients with chronic hepatitis (CHD) (Protocol ML18788) Epidemiologia infectiilor virale B. 5. double-blin 2005 . placeb 2006 – controlled. double blind. Chemoprevention of colorectal adenom 2006 – (International.6 of Pegasys in Combination with Higher Copeg Doses in Treatment-naïve Patients with Chron Hepatitis C Genotype I Virus Infection of Hig Viral Titer and Baseline Body Weight Greater tha or Equal to 85 kg (NV18210) 3. randomised. dos comparison study (NORMO-CAT) 4. SR121463B in cirrhotic ascites treatment wi 2004 hyponatremia: placebo-controlled. 52-week dose comparison Study of th Efficacy and Safety of 25 mg QD and 50 mg QD OPC-6535 Oral Tablets and 800 mg BID of Asac in the maintenance of Remission in Subjects wi Ulcerative Colitis (197-02-220) 9. placebo-controlled. double-blind. parallel-arm study of th efficacy and safety of OPC 6535 tablets in th treatment of subjects with active ulcerative colit (197-02-218) 8. SR121463B in cirrhotic ascites treatment wi 2004 normonatremia: placebo-controlled. placeb controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy an safety of a combination treatment administere over 3 years in patients at risk of experiencing r occurrence of colorectal adenomas) (COLO CP-01) 3. A phase 3. parallel-grou derulare comparison of satavaptan at 5 to 10 mg daily placebo in the absence of diuretics in patients wi recurrent ascites due to cirrhosis of the liv (SPARe-2) (EFC 6682) 7. Satavaptan in the prevention of ascites recurrenc 2006 – a double-blind. dos comparison study (HYPO-CAT) (LTS5634) – 2004 5. prospective. Multi-centre. A phase 3. A multicenter. multi-center. parall derulare group. SR121463B in cirrhotic ascites with hyponatremi 2004 . long-ter treatment study (EXPO-CAT) (LTS5634) 6. multicenter.2006 a single-blind. open-label trial to evaluate the lon 2006 – term safety and tolerability of a new balsalazidderulare disodium tablet formulation in patients wi ulcerative colitis (BZUC 3005) – 2006 (Princip investigator) Co-investigator Principal investigator Principal investigator Principal investigator Principal investigator Co-investigator Co-investigator Principal investigator Principal investigator .2006 parallel arm. randomized.2006 placebo-controlled. randomised. parallel group trial to evaluate the safe derulare and efficacy of a new tablet formulation and dosin regimen balsalazide active ulcerative colitis (BZU 3004) – 2006 Principal investigator 10. randomized. A multicenter. randomized. double-blin 2005 . Bolog. A. 16: 585-592 11. Iacob. I. M. R. I. R. R. C. G. Bancilă. Sima. I. Preda. C. Endoscopic mucosal resection for early gastric cancer. I. C. M. 11: 149-152 4. Bancila. Mihalcea. Regression of gastric MALT-lymphoma under specific therapy may be predicted by endoscopic ultrasound. C. S. Toader. D. Simionov. Diculescu. Papuc. Toader. 13: 33-38 10. N. Gheorghe. Ciurea. 12: 107-112 6. I. Dumitrescu. L. Becheanu. L. Transplantation 2003. I. R. Stoia. Vidu. Iacob. C. C. R. Bancilă. Gheorghe. Vadan. L. Catana. Parvulescu. G. Antroduodenal tuberculosis causing gastric outlet obstruction – a rare presentation of a protean disease. A. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004. Gheorghe. I. L. T. Arbanas. T. I. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of pancreatic masses. Gheorghe. Popescu. Case report. Rom J Gastroenterol 2002. G. R. A. M. L. Gheorghe. S. G. Croitoru. Iacob. Gheorghe. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004. N. L. Hancu. M. Iacob. L. S. Calin. C. L. Iacob. Badea. Parvulescu. Vadan. Vadan. L. C. Niculescu. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004. Gheorghe. Wilson’s disease: a challenge of . Popescu. Chemoembolization in the treatment of metastatic ileocolic carcinoid. C. Iacob. Herlea. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. G. Iacob. 11: 141-148 3. C. Rom J Gastroenterol 2003. Nicolaie. Sporea. O. Gheorghe. Diculescu. I. Jinga. 11: 33-38 2. L. Vasilescu. A. Gheorghe. 13: 129-134 12. Gheorghe. Aposteanu. C. I. Simionescu. Becheanu. M. Iacob. Costinean. S. L. G. I. Gheorghe.7 CRITERIUL 3 CONTRIBUTIA STIINTIFICA I. Parvulescu. M. Frequency and predictive factors for overlap syndrome between autoimmune hepatitis and cholestatic liver disease. Infliximab for Crohn’s disease in clinical practice: the experience of a single center in Romania. Overlap syndrome between autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma. Rom J Gastroenterol 2002. Mihaila. Tulbure. Iacob. Argon plama coagulation for radiation proctitis. R. Becheanu. I. Stoicescu. Dobre. Rom J Gastroenterol 2003. Gheorghe. Becheanu. Atanasiu. Becheanu. Angelescu. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. C. M. C. Diculescu. I. R. Becheanu. A. Constantinescu. Simionov. 12: 7-13 5. L. Rom J Gastroenterol 2002. Gheorghe. C. C. R. L. R. 13: 49-54 9. Predictive factors for the severity of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C and moderate alcohol consumption. M. Gheorghe. Vadan. C. 12: 183-188 7. S. Rom J Gastroenterol 2003. Ionescu. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004. V. Capsa. L. Tugui. S. R. S. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. 76: 1345-1350 8. Gheorghe. C. Popescu. Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: specific indication for domino liver transplantation. R. G. V. Brescan. LUCRARI ORIGINALE PUBLICATE IN EXTENSO IN REVISTE INDEXATE ISI SI MEDLINE 1. Tantau. Liana Gheorghe. Baila S. Vadan. Brasoveanu V. Saftoiu. L. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. Dumitru. I. E. R. Experienta Centrului de Chirurgie Generala si Transplant Hepatic Fundeni. Iacob. M. Razvan Iacob. Goldis. Sarbu-Boeti P. Sarbu-Boeti P. I. Gheorghe. Iacob. I. L. Tulbure D. Speranta Iacob. M. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. S. Gheorghe C. Liana Gheorghe. 14: 97-98 19. Vadan. Gheorghe. L. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2004. Roxana Vadan. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. Iulia Parvulescu. Alexandrescu S. Ileana Constantinescu.8 diagnosis. R. R. R. 30 (3-4): 359-364 16. cost-effective and easy acceptable procedure (Letter). G. D. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. 14: 426-429 24. Experimental determination of blood permittivity and conductivity in simple shear flow. Razvan Iacob. Baluta C. 100: 13-26 17. Predictors of death on the waiting list for liver transplantation characterized by a long waiting time. Bancila. Balan. Dorobantu B. Hrehoret D. S. Hrehoret D. Gheorghe. Iacob. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. Speranta Iacob. Liana Gheorghe. Liver biopsy under ultrasound control for diffuse liver disease – toward a faster. Simionov. A. O. Ursu G. Cristian Gheorghe. Tomulescu V. Vadan. Popescu. Herlea V. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004. Balan C. Natural history of compensated hepatitis B and D viruses cirrhosis. The use of IT in the medical system has economic and research advantages – the experience of Fundeni Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center. Gheorghe. Progression of liver fibrosis in young blood donors infected with hepatitis C virus: different predictive factors? (Letter). Cristian Gheorghe. Roxana Vadan. 14: 329-336 23. Boros M. Gheorghiu E. Pascu. D. Transplant International 2005. Pietrareanu D. Speranta Iacob. Alexandrescu S. Anghel . Jemna C. Parvulescu. Living donor liver transplantation and hepatitis C. Gheorghe C. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease in adults who refer to gastroenterology care in Romania: a multicentric study. Gheorghe. Gheorghe L. C. Damian. R. Croitoru M. The 5-years experience of a tertiary centre. Gheorghe L. S. Mihaila M. Ciurea S. L. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. safer. 13: 179-185 13. I. 14: 109115 21. Popescu. Cristian Gheorghe. Transplantul hepatic ortotopic de la donator cadavru la adult. Iacob. 16: 1153-1161 14. C. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004. 14: 231-238 22. Gheorghe. Rom J Gastroenterol 2005. Grigorescu. Popescu I. Dobru. Razvan Iacob. R. Gheorghe. Dorobantu B. Ciurea S. Improvement of hepatic encephalopathy using a modified high-calorie high-protein diet. L. 14: 99-100 20. S. Popescu I. Mircea Diculescu. C. S. 13: 317-327 15. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004. L. Iacob. Iulia Simionov. A. Gheorghe L. Ionescu M. Effectiveness and tolerability of pegylated interferon α-2a and ribavirin combination therapy in Romanian patients with chronic hepatitis C: from clinical trials to clinical practice. Iacob. Gheorghe. Ionescu M. Grigorie R. Iacob. C. Chirurgia 2005. Brasoveanu V. I. Iacob. 18: 572-576 18. S.Afecţiuni ale tubului digestiv (partea I) L. G. Pietrareanu. I. Gheorghe. Codrut Stanescu. 8: 13-21 3. Liana Gheorghe. CARTI 1. The preoperative noninvasive EUS evaluation in patients with esophageal cancer considered for esophagectomy. C. 15: 131-137 Formatted: Font color: Auto. V. Popescu. Daniela Voinea. Herlea. The role of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) for re-staging of esophageal squamos carcinoma after chemoradiotherapy. Rodica Anghel. English (U. V. LUCRARI ORIGINALE PUBLICATE IN EXTENSO IN REVISTE RECUNOSCUTE CNCSIS 1. Roxana Vadan.) II. Liana Gheorghe. L. Gheorghe. L. Iacob. Adina Croitoru. Becheanu. Vademecuum în Gastroenterologie . A. Roxana Vadan. Primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhotics awaiting liver transplantation. Gheorghe. Boros M. C. D. R. The natural history of an inflammatory bowel disease with particular complications. Constantinescu. Herlea V. D. 9: 44-54 5. Liana Gheorghe. C. Tratamentul hepatitei recurente posttransplant. Gabriel Becheanu. Chirurgia 2005. Analiza unei experiente clinice de 123 cazuri in 5 ani. Ion Bancila. G. Razvan Iacob. Cristian Gheorghe. Becheanu. 321-331 25. L. Tratamentul multimodal al carcinomului hepatocelular. Cancerele digestive: diagnostic. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 2005. . Annals of Fundeni Hospital 2004. Irinel Popescu. S. G. Herlea. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2006. supraveghere si tratament – indrumar practic. V. Gheorghe. Biologic therapies: the new era in inflammatory bowel disease\treatment. Cristian Gheorghe. Liana Gheorghe. 9: 33-38 4. Vlad Herlea. Herlea. I. Gheorghe. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 2005. CARTI SI CAPITOLE DE CARTE III. and Irinel Popescu. A. 40: 61-62 6.9 R. Dysplasia-associated lesion or mass (DALM) during the neoplastic sequence inflammation-dysplasia-carcinoma: diagnosis and management. Bucureşti 2002 2. Popescu. Hrehoret.K. Gastric neuroendocrine tumor in a child: endoscopic and echoendoscopic features. Gheorghe. Annals of Fundeni Hospital 2004. Annals of Fundeni Hospital 2002. Mihaela Badea. L. Iacob. 40: 123-125 CRITERIUL 3 CONTRIBUTIA STIINTIFICA III. 100. 7: 25-30 2. Annals of Fundeni Hospital 2003. Speranta Iacob. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Becheanu. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2006. Ioana Lupescu. Editura Nemira. 53: 552-557 26. Croitoru A. Report of three cases. Punctia bioptica hepatica. Hipertensiunea portala. Marinescu. Popescu. Popescu. Teste functionale hepatice. Ciroza biliară primitivă L. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. O. C. Gheorghe. Hepatitele autoimune. In: I. Editura Celsius-All. C. Gheorghe. L. C. ed. In: I. ed. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 897-906 15. In: I. Gheorghe. Medicala Naţional 2004 : 539-553 . O. Stanciu. Ciurea. C. Stanciu. Popescu. Encefalopatia hepatica. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003. Stanciu. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 943-967 6. Ed. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Popescu. eds. Pascu. C. Gheorghe. C. Chirurgia ficatului. În: T. O. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003. T. L. Ciurea. eds. Gheorghe. Tratat de Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie (volumul II). Gheorghe. Bucuresti 2005 3. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 743-764 7. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 201-234 2. Tratamentul antiviral al hepatitei recurente post-transplant L. Sindromul hepato-renal. Tratamentul medical al pancreatitei cronice L. L. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 829-840 12. Bucureşti. În: M. În: T. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003. ed. ed. L. eds. Gheorghe. Pascu. Actualitati in hepatita C – 2006. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 853-862 13. Chirurgia ficatului. Gheorghe. Ascita si peritonita bacteriana spontana. Ciroza hepatica. CAPITOLE DE CARTE 1. Gheorghe. L. În: T. Pascu. L. O. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 825-841 4. In: I. Gheorghe. Sub redactia Liana Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. C. eds. ed. În: T. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 863-872 14. Gheorghe. Chirurgia ficatului. C. Gheorghe. Ciurea. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 867-873 5. Boala Wilson. Gheorghe. Pascu. Popescu. Cristian Gheorghe. Grigorescu. Gheorghe. Chirurgia ficatului. L. C. In: I. Principii de terapie nutriţională în gastroenterologie şi hepatologie L. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 759-775 3. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003. Pascu. L. O. In: I. Popescu. In: I. C. C. Popescu. Stanciu. Chirurgia ficatului. Popescu. Editura Celsius. L. C.10 C. C. Stanciu. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003. ed. Gheorghe. Ciurea. C. ed. ed. Gheorghe. Bolile inflamatorii intestinale idiopatice L. ed. Bucuresti 2006 III. eds. B. Bucuresti: Editura “Carol Davila” 2004: 841-852 9. Ciurea. L. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 175-184 8. C. Chirurgia ficatului. În: T. Gheorghe. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 185-198 10. Chirurgia ficatului. In: I. Chirurgia ficatului. Gheorghe. Bancila. L. Gheorghe. eds. Frujinoiu. C. Vadan. Gheorghe. C. Becheanu. L. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Hrehoret. Sindromul de overlap autoimun. Dumitrascu. Nedelcu. C. In: Doru Dejica. 36 (Suppl 1): 55 (177) 3. STUDII PUBLICATE IN REZUMAT IN VOLUMELE UNOR MANIFESTARI INTERNATIONALE RECUNOSCUTE (ISSN. 51 (Suppl 3): A184 7. Cristian Gheorghe. 36 (Suppl 1): 171 (605) 5. ed. J Hepatol 2002. C. L. Gut 2002. C. Stanciu. C. A. Iova. Gheorghe. G. 51 (Suppl 3): A261 6. Boli inflamatorii intestinale: de la imunopatogeneză la tratament. Tratat de imunoterapie. A. A. J Hepatol 2002. C. Vadan. Gut 2002. Mihăilă. Frujinoiu. A. Iova. I. Cluj Napoca 2006: 682-705 19. L. Gheorghe. ed. I. Constantin. Medicala Naţional 2004: 554-561 17. L.L. R. L. Differences in baseline esophageal intraluminal impedance between achalasia patients and patients with normal esophageal peristalsis – A case-control study. R. C. C. Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor cornice virale. Simionov.11 16. Croitoru. Effect of high-calorie. Diminutive colonic adenomas and the risk for colorectal cancer. Vadan. Neurogastroenterology – from basic knowledge to clinical practice. Croitoru. Ed. Vadan. Mihaila. L. R. Elena Savulescu. C. Ion Bancila. I. In: D. Grigorescu. Standardul actual de tratament in hepatita cronica C – este acesta susceptibil la optimizare? In: M. Liver steatosis in chronic hepatitis C: a factor of severity ? J Hepatol 2002. Cluj Napoca 2005: 8892 18. Radu Tutuian. Iova. I. 36 (Suppl 1): 38 (114) 2. C. Tratat de Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie (volumul II). I. Grigorescu. Croitoru. Frujinoiu. L. Gheorghe. L. Mihaila. C. Diminutive colonic adenomas and the risk for colorectal cancer. Gheorghe. Compliance of cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis to prophylactic antibiotic therapy: influence on the recurrence. Castell. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Vadan. Cluj Napoca 2006: 36-43 CRITERIUL 3 CONTRIBUTIA STIINTIFICA IV. Donald O. Gheorghe. Mihaila. C. Editura Medicala Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu”. În: M. Editura Teognost. Frujinoiu. C. 51 (Suppl 3): A261 . Bucureşti. Gut 2002. I. I. J Hepatol 2002. Liana Gheorghe. Editura Mega. R. ISBN) 1. C. L. high-protein diet in cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy. C. 36 (Suppl 1): 249 (897) 4. Mihaila. Predictive factors of rebleeding in patients with endoscopic variceal ligation. L. Becheanu. Băncilă. Prophylactic banding ligation of high risk esophageal varices in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation: An interim report. Gheorghe. C. G. D. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Popescu. eds. R. Gheorghe. C. S. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. L. J Hepatol 2003. I. R. Gheorghe. Bancila. 52 (Suppl 6): A160 (TUE-G-213) 17. R. Popescu. C. M. C. C. The influence of moderate alcohol intake on the severity of chronic hepatitis C. Becheanu. C. Gheorghe. S. L. C. C. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2002. I. Gheorghe. Iacob. Diculescu. C. C. Gheorghe. Parvulescu. Iacob. M. Gheorghe. 52 (Suppl 6): A188 (WED-G-050) 18. Simionov. I. Vadan. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. R. Efficacy of simultaneously administration of terlipressine and human albumin versus terlipressine and plasma expanders for the reversion of type I hepato-renal syndrome in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Iova. R. Efficacy of the treatment with Famotidine in non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease. S. Minimal histopathological changes in non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gut 2002. Gheorghe. C. L. Mihaila. C. Stoicescu. G. 51 (Suppl 3): A184 9. Iacob. Becheanu. Gheorghiu. Predictive factors of rebleeding in patients with endoscopic variceal ligation. A. 49 (Suppl 2): CXII-CXIII (P033) 12. Gut 2002. L. Gheorghe. Croitoru. Gheorghe. I. Parvulescu. L. I. Toader. Badea. Al. I. A. Iacob. A. Simionov. L.4 16. Ionescu. L. Gheorghe. M. Iacob. L. Becheanu.12 8. I. 51 (Suppl III): A38 11. The role of HBV coinfection on severity of liver disease and the response to treatment compared with HCV infection only. I. Gheorghe. Gut 2003. Parvulescu. C. Gut 2003. L. 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Phase IV Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of 360 microg Induction Dosing of Pegasys in Combination with Higher Copegus Doses in Treatment-naïve Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype I Virus Infection of High Viral Titer and Baseline Body Weight Greater than or Equal to 85 kg) Investigators’ Meeting. Geneva. 27-28 septembrie 2002 4. R. Sindromul de overlap Congresul National de Hepatologie. B. Atena. 14th International Postgraduate Course of IASGO. L. 13-16 iunie 2002 3. Gheorghe. Double-Blind. L. Vadan. Tratamentul de intretinere in bolile inflamatorii intestinale idiopatice Sesiunea: “Tratamentul bolilor inflamatorii intestinale idiopatice” Simpozionul National de Gastroenterologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. Cluj-Napoca. L. Croitoru. D. Antiviral therapy peri-liver transplantation Session: “Liver transplantation” 5-th Symposium and Postgraduate Course of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (IASG). Brasov. Gheorghe. Iacob. C. 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Infliximab (Remicade) in tratamentul bolii Crohn Simpozion Schering-Plough: Boala Crohn: prezent si viitor Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. Cluj-Napoca. Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. 26-27 iunie 2003 8. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. 24-27 septembrie 2003 . Gheorghe. Tratamentul antiviral al hepatitei recurente post-transplant Sesiunea: “Tratamentul hepatitelor cronice virale” Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. L.17 5. Craiova. L. 24-27 septembrie 2003 14. L. L. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. 24-27 septembrie 2003 10. Craiova. L. L. Craiova. Craiova. L. Bucuresti. 18-20 iunie 2003 6. Craiova. Tratamentul medical al pancreatitei cronice Sesiunea: “Pancreatita cronica” Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Gheorghe. Terapia antivirala in hepatita recurenta post-transplant Al 13-lea Congres National de Hepatologie. Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. Ciroza biliara primitiva Sesiunea: “Ciroza hepatica” Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. Infliximab (Remicade) in tratamentul bolii Crohn Conferinta Nationala a Societatii Romane de Alergologie si Imunologie Clinica. 24-27 septembrie 2003 12. L. Terapia combinata cu Peginterferon alfa-2a si Ribavirina versus Interferon alfa-2a si Ribavirina in hepatita cronica C – efecte adverse si tolerabilitate Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. Bucuresti. 24-27 septembrie 2003 11. Principiile terapiei nutritionale Simpozion Fresenius-Kabi: Nutritia in gastroenterologie si hepatologie Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. 24-27 septembrie 2003 13. 26-27 iunie 2003 7. Profilul de siguranta si tolerabilitate al noii generatii de interferon pegylat alfa-2a (Pegasys) Simpozion Hoffmann–La Roche: Pegasys: Noua generatie de terapie antivirala in managementul hepatitei cronice virale C Al 9-lea Congres Roman de Gastroenterologie. L. Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva. Craiova. 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