Computer Science 2012 13

March 26, 2018 | Author: sameer43786 | Category: Object Oriented Programming, Curriculum, Technology, Computing, Artificial Intelligence



CURRICULUMOF COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR BS/MS HIGHER EDUCATION ISSION COMM (Revised 2013) HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION ISLAMABAD CURRICULUM DIVISION, HEC Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Executive Director Mr. Fida Hussain Director General (Acad) Mr. Rizwan Shoukat Deputy Director (Curr) Mr. Abid Wahab Assistant Director (Curr) Mr. Riaz-ul-Haque Assistant Director (Curr) Composed by Mr. Zulfiqar Ali HEC Islamabad 2 CONTENTS Introduction Computer Science Computer Science Programme BS(CS) Programme Structure University Electives Eligibility Criteria General Recommendation regarding implementation of Programme BS Computer Science Curriculum Computer Science courses University Elective courses Structure of BS(CS) Programme Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (CS) Course Outline Common Computing Core Courses Computing Supporting Courses for Computer Science Porgramme Computing General Education Computer Science Core Courses Computer Science Supporting Courses Computer Science Electives Curriculum for MS (Computer Science) Programme Objectives Programme Structure Eligibility Scheme of Studies MS (CS) List of Electives Courses MS (CS) Semester-wise Model Programme MS (CS) Elective Courses with Course Details MS (CS) Course Outlines Introduction Software Engineering The Discipline of Software Engineering Definition Vision Software Engineering Degree Programme Nomenclature Duration of Programme Admission Criteria Curriculum for BS Software Engineering — BS (SE) Programme Objective Programme Model Software Engineering Core Courses 15 Credit Hours Software Engineering Elective Computing 15 Credit Hours Computing Requirements-Supporting Sciences 12 Credit hours (refer to Computing part) Computing Requirements-General Education 15 Credit Hours (Refer to Computing part) Sample Scheme of Study for BS (SE) 4-year Programme (8 Semesters) BS (SE) - Software Engineering (Core) BS (SE) - Software Engineering Courses (Electives) Elective Supporting Courses 7 10 12 13 13 14 15 15 17 17 18 19 19 25 27 30 33 35 45 45 46 46 47 47 51 53 63 72 73 74 75 77 77 77 77 78 78 79 82 82 83 84 84 85 89 100 3 Curriculum for MS Software Engineering, MS (SE) Eligibility Duration Degree Requirements List of Elective Courses Sample Scheme of Study for MS (SE) MS (SE) Elective Courses with course outline Introduction Information Technology (IT) The Discipline of Information Technology IT Programs’ Rational Vision of Information Technology Education Information Technology Degree Programmes Nomenclature Duration of Programmes Admission Criteria Curriculum for BS Information Technology, BS (IT) Programme’s Aims & Objectives Structure of BS Information Technology IT Electives Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (IT) Model 1 Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (IT) Model 2 Computing Supporting Elective Courses Contents of General Education Elective Courses University Elective Courses Information Technology Core Courses Contents of Information Technology Supporting Courses Contents of Information Technology Elective Courses Curriculum for MS Information Technology MS (IT) Programme’s Rationale Programme Aim Program Objectives Program Structure Eligibility Criteria Duration Degree Requirements: Distribution of Courses: List of Elective Courses Sample Scheme of Study for MS (IT) Programme Course Outline for MS (IT) Programme (Core) 103 103 103 103 104 105 107 113 114 115 116 117 117 117 117 117 117 118 120 122 124 132 135 142 146 151 154 177 177 177 178 178 178 179 179 179 180 181 182 4 Applied Sciences. Since knowledge in all disciplines and fields is expanding at a fast pace and new disciplines are also emerging. prepared by the respective NCRC’s. with varying definitions. Sub-Section 2 (ii). and it would also provide the level of competency specified in Pakistan Qualification Framework to make it compatible with international educational social and economic needs. the same function was assigned to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) under its Ordinance of 2002. teaching methodologies and methods of assessment of X of 1976 titled “Supervision of Curricula and Textbooks and Maintenance of Standard of Education”. review and revise curricula beyond Class-XII vide Section 3. Section 10. Act of Parliament No. The curriculum is also placed on the website of HEC (www. University Grants Commission (UGC) was designated as the competent authority to develop. SubSection 1 (v). councils. would serve the purpose of meeting our national. It is hoped that this curriculum document. Social Sciences. scheme of studies. course contents. the Curriculum Division of HEC undertakes the revision of curricula after every three years through respective National Curriculum Revision Committees (NCRCs) which consist of eminent professors and researchers of relevant fields from public and private sector universities. It includes objectives & learning outcomes. In order to impart quality education which is at par with international standards. In compliance with the above provisions. With the repeal of UGC Act. industry and civil society by seeking nominations from their organizations. Agriculture and Engineering in 2007 and 2009. (Fida Hussain) Director General (Academics) 5 . it is imperative that curricula be developed and revised accordingly. HEC NCRCs have developed unified templates as guidelines for the development and revision of curricula in the disciplines of Basic Sciences. R&D organizations. is said to be a plan of the teachinglearning process that students of an academic programme are required to undergo.PREFACE The curriculum. QUESTIONNAIRE CONS.C. BY V. REVIEW IMPLE. OF COL. Experts COL.CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROCESS STAGE-I STAGE-II STAGE-III STAGE-IV CURRI. UNDER CONSIDERATION CURRI.C. COMMENTS PREP. OF CRC.C. Colleges UNI. OF DRAFT BY CRC APPROVAL OF CURRI. Universities PREP. IN DRAFT STAGE FINAL STAGE FOLLOW UP STUDY COLLECTION OF REC APPRAISAL OF 1ST DRAFT BY EXP. Preparation REC. OF V.C. PRINTING OF CURRI. Curriculum Revision Committee VCC. BACK TO STAGE-I Abbreviations Used: CRC. OF FINAL CURRI. Vice Chancellor’s Committee EXP./UNIV PREP. OF CURRI. FINALIZATION OF DRAFT BY CRC INCORPORATION OF REC. ORIENTATION COURSES Recommendations 6 . Dept. Member 3. Associate Professor. Software Engineering. Dr. Imdad Ali Ismaili. Abu Turab Alam Sub-Committees 1. Computer Science (Chair: Dr. Lahore. The information covered in this document was the effort of the people worked under the following structure: National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) year 2013 Convener: Dr. Software Engineering (Chair: and Convener Dr. School of Electrical Engg & Computer Science National University of Science & TechnologyH-12 Islamabad. ISRA University. Kazi Campus.Introduction: National Curriculum Revision Committee A three day final meeting of the National Curriculum Revision Committee pertaining to revising the curriculum for Computer Science. of Electrical Engg & Computer Science. of Software Engg. Abu Turab Alam) 3. Sindh Member 4. Associate Professor & Chairperson. Hameedullah Kazi. Institute of Information & Communication Technology. in the same areas. Shariffullah Khan) 2. Professor & PVC. Dr.I. Abu Turab Alam. (Chairperson CS committee) 2. Sharifullah Khan. Dr. University of Sindh. held in February 2013. 2013 at HEC regional Centre. Jamshoro. Sindh. Assistant Professor. and IT degree programmes developed in 2008-09 was held from June 10-12. Information Technology (Chair: Dr. Member 7 . The aims and objectives of the meeting were to discuss the deliberations and finalization of curricula drafted by committees of the last meeting. Dr. Allama I. Dept. convener of the revision committees. Muhammad Anwar-ur-Rehman Pasha) Committee Members and Curriculum for Computer Scinece 1. Abdul Basit Siddiqui. Hyderabad. Committee Members: The following members took part in revising the curricula of Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Member 7. of Computer Science. Syed Asad Raza Kazmi. Aftab Ahmed Shaikh. New Lalazar Rawalpindi 5. of Computer Science. Member 11. Faculty of ICT Dept.Foundation University Institute of Engg. Balochistan University of Information Tech. Dr. Head of Dept. The University of Lahore. Head. Lahore. Dr. Member 8 . Bannu. University of Science & Tech. Ferozepur Road. Assistant Professor. Dr. Member 8. Assistant Professor. Associate Professor & Dean. Quetta. Lahore. Member 10. Lahore. Mr. Computer Science & Information Tech. & Management Sciences. Aurangzeb Khan. Professor / Chairman. Engg & Management Sciences. International Islamic University. Asim Munir. Dept. Amjad Hussain Zahid. of Computer Science & Software Engg. Islamabad. Member 9. Muhammad Abuzar Fahiem. Director/Assistant Professor. Dr. of Computer Science. H-10. Zahid Hussain. Dr. of Computer Science. Institute of Engg & Computing Sciences. Professor. Lahore. Member 6. Mr. Dept. Dept. Government College University. Dept. Lahore College for Women University. Forman Christian College. Department of Electrical Engineering Pakistan Navy Engineering Colledge National University of Science and Technology PNS. Karachi. Wah Cantt. of Computer Science & IT. Aqil Burney HoD. Arshad Aziz Professor. Syed M. Syed Jamal Hussain. Dr. Depart of Actuarial Science. Dr. Member 14. Dept. Associate Professor. Sehat Ullah. Dr. Chakdara Dir (Lower).12. Dr. Prof. University of Karachi. Dr. Associate Professor / HOD. Assistant Professor & Coordinator Dept. Dr. Member 9 . Johar. Aftab Ahmad Malik. Assistant Professor. Topi. Member 13. Department of Computer Science. Quaid Avenue. 15. of Computer Science. Assistant Professor. Dr. Awan-e-Tijarat Road. Sindh Madresatul Islam University. University of Malakand. Dept. Dept. Ayesha Maqbool. Karachi-74000 Member 19. of Computer Science. COMSATS Institute of Information Tech (CIIT). Dr. Syed Asif Ali. Dean. Ehsan Ullah Munir. Swabi. IoBM. of Computer Science. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University. GIK Institute of Engg & Tech. Habib Rehmatullah Road Member 16. Member Peshawar. Member 18. KPK Member 17. Karachi.Faculty of Computer Science Engg. 20. general recommendation regarding the update and revise of the curricula. Blue Area. Table-1. Islamabad Campus.        Programme Objectives Programme Outcomes and Strategies Fast Changing Disciplines Emerging Technologies International Standards Industrial Challenges Possible Programme design structure The committee unanimously approved the proposed objectives of each programme. Virtual University of Pakistan. to revise the curricula of BS(CS). 9-E. Islamabad. Section-I Computer Science Programme BS (CS) Many changes were recommended in various sections of the curricula developed by this Committee in the last meeting held in February 2013. Sc. 1 2 Category Computing Courses Core Courses Supporting Areas Courses Computer Science Courses Com.1: Course Category and Credit Hours for BS(CS) S. its structure. Member Curricula Consideration The committee used the following basis. The structure and other details of the programme proposed by the committee were designed inline to the recommendations of various leading bodies continuously in the quest of designing the educational programme of Computer Science and related disciplines. Pakistan. the Committee finally agreed to the curriculum model presented in the following table. BS(SE). particularly on panel discussion.No. Supporting Courses Credit Hours 40 12 52 21 9 48 10 . Core Courses Com Sc. Rizwan Plaza. In the meeting scheduled on June 10-12 2013. Muhammad Anwaar Saeed Assistant Professor Computer Science Department. eligibility criteria. and BS(IT). These bodies include IEEE and ACM. Sc. software and communication technologies have offered new exciting opportunities and challenges for creation of innovative learning environments for Computer Science and its curricula design. results. The challenge of getting all newly emerging technologies incorporated in to the curriculum is becoming pivotal for the effectiveness of curricula. There is a need for curricula structures that are really able to grow as we put new demands on them. Electives 18 General Education Courses 18 University Elective Courses 12 Total Credit Hours 18 12 130 A complete detail of BS programme involving programme structure and distribution of credits among various components of programme are discussed in the following pages. the principles and techniques learnt during the course of implementation of academic programme. theory. One of the key elements here is to prepare the graduates for the future. The Computer Science curriculum is expected to provide environments to put into practice. They must be able to produce well-organized reports. and education at the research. government. The programme may encourage students to develop and use abstract models in addition to apply respective technology in practical situations. and conclusions for a complex task. Computer Science graduates require special communication skills both orally and in writing. The curriculum is required to provide integration of all components and the foundations that allow accessing all of the new knowledge and technology to fulfil the vision of future. and techniques. methods of solution. As a result the graduate should be able to assume responsible positions in business. The following summarizes some key characteristics for consideration as a basis of a successful academic programme in Computer Science: The programme should provide a broad understanding of the field via introducing concepts. The programme should also provide an excellent foundation for further formal learning and training. and planning levels.3 4 Comp. Recent Development in Technology: Recent developments in computer hardware. The curriculum must be structured to provide a balanced mixture of learning experiences to make the graduate capable of sound professional decisions. development. which clearly delineate objectives. The basic intention of an academic programme in Computer Science is to develop the student’s critical professional thinking and intuition. Intensive education/training in focused areas of Computer Science is desirable. 11 . Core courses CS – Electives CS .Supporting areas Computing .Supporting courses University Electives Credit hour 40 12 18 21 18 9 12 Percentage 31% 9% 14% 16% 14% 7% 9% 12 . Student may choose a particular option. The programme should be dynamic and flexible enough to maintain currency with the latest scientific and technological developments in the field.2: Percentage Distribution Course Group Computing . which is most appropriate to their planned future career. The proposed structure is dynamic and provides basis for various options including Breadth-Based. and Integrated Breadth & Depth-Based specializations. The following are some relevant details:  Minimum credit hours shall be 130 for BS (Computer Science) programme including computing related courses. The students are expected to learn theoretical and practical understanding of the entire field of Computer Science. Each major area shall comprise of 4-6 courses. Programme Structure: The structure of a BS programme in Computer Science is proposed to meet the needs of students with formal computing experience and with established relevant skills.General Education CS . Depth-Based.Core courses Computing .  The following table gives the percentage distribution of total credit hours.  The major area of specialization shall be incorporated in the structure. The programme should provide professional orientation to prepare students for industry.  The programme shall comprise 8 semesters spread over 4 years with two semesters a year. Table 1.The programme should provide formal foundations for higher learning. The university may add any number of courses to the general elective courses preferably other than Computer Science courses.General Education (13.85%) CS .77%) Computing .Supporting areas (9.Core courses (30.Computing . The House unanimously recommended the eligibility criteria for admission to BS (Computer Science) as given: 13 . It was thoroughly discussed by considering all input streams of BS (Computer Science).15%) CS – Electives (13.Supporting courses (6.85%) CS .Core courses (16.92%) Some knowledge areas in Computer Science Electives Courses are listed below: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Networking Information Management Intelligent Systems Graphics & Visualization Software Engineering Web Engineering E-Commerce Multimedia Distributed Computing Security Languages and Translators Computer Architecture Systems Software Scientific Computing Soft Computing University Electives: It was unanimously recommended that 18 credit hours shall require to be taken from the list of general elective courses.23%) Computing . Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria of the curriculum by the last meeting were opened for discussion in the House. Dedicated computing facilities are essential for hands-on experience. Variety of programming languages systems and operating systems must be available. 14 .The candidates require intermediate or equivalent qualification. the university shall define their selection criteria. 8 Besides faculty and computing facilities. Professional areas of specialization such as computer graphics. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pre Req 1 1 3 2 - Computing . substantial library resources are important to support a rigorous graduate programme in information technology. Students should have access to digital libraries and knowledge resources via Internet technologies. multimedia systems. computer networking and virtual reality or design automation require very special and dedicated computing facilities. However. The access to state of the art computing and information technology is essential for creation of innovative learning environments. General Recommendation Regarding Implementation of Programme: Faculty level and orientation is vital for the successful implementation It is strongly recommended that the BS programme should be only implemented via experienced computer science faculty having formal education in Computer Science.CS Core Courses Course Title Programming Fundamentals Object Oriented Programming Data Structure and Algorithms Discrete Structures Digital Logic Design Operating Systems Database Systems Software Engineering Data Communications and Computer Networks Human Computer Interaction Final year Project Credit hours 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 3 (2+1) 3 3 (2+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 3 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 6 40 Total Credit hours Proposed Semester 1 2 3 1 3 5 5 6 6 7 7. BS Computer Science Curriculum Computing courses: Code PreReq MT MT MT EL - # 12 13 14 15 # Code 16 EG 17 18 19a 19b 20 21 EG EG PK PK SS CS PreReq - Computing – Supporting Courses Course Title Credit hours Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 Probability and Statistics 3 Linear Algebra 3 Basic Electronics 3 (2+1) Total Credit hours 12 Computing – General Education Courses Course Title English Composition and Comprehension Technical and Business Writing Communication Skills Islamic Studies / Ethics Pakistan Studies Professional Practices Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies Total Credit hours Proposed Semester 1 3 2 2 Credit hours Proposed Semester 3 3 2 2 3 3 (2+1) 2 3 1 2 7 1 3 1 19 Computer Science Courses Computer Science – Core Courses # Code PreCourse Title Credit Proposed Req Hours Semester 22 CS 5 Microprocessor and Assembly 3 (2+1) 4 Language 23 CS Theory of Automata 3 5 24 CS 3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 5 25 CS 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 (2+1) 6 26 CS 5 Computer Architecture and 3 4 Organization 27 CS 23 Compiler Construction 3 (2+1) 7 28 CS 9 Information Security 3 7 Total Credit Hours 21 15 . # Code 29 30 31 CS ST ST Computer Science – Supporting Courses Pre Course Title Credit Req Hours 12 Numerical Computing 3 (2+1) 12 Multivariate Calculus 3 12 Differential Equations 3 Total Credit Hours 9 Computer Science – Elective Courses Not limited to the list below Course Title Proposed Semester 8 4 5 32 Computer Graphics Credit hours 3 (2+1) Proposed Semester 33 Digital Image Processing 34 Digital Signal Processing 3 (2+1) 3 6 6 3 7 3 (2+1) 6 3 7 3 (2+1) 3 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 8 8 5 6 # 35 Computer Vision 36 Distributed Computing 37 Data and Network Security 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Wireless Networks Social Computing Mobile Application and Development Web Design and Development Data Warehousing Expert Systems Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy Logic Web Engineering Fundamentals of Data Mining Computational Intelligence Multi Agent Systems Natural Language Processing Game Development Logical Paradigms of Computing Formal Methods for Software Engineering 6 16 . 5  Regular graduate students are required to take 9 Credit hours but can take maximum 12 if they meet the above conditions.) 109 Philosophy Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Proposed Semester 3 6-8 4 5 6 7 6 7 7-8 Structure of BS (CS) Programme # 1 2 3 4 Category Computing Courses Core Courses Supporting Areas Courses Computer Science Courses Computer Science Core Course Computer Science Supporting Courses Computer Science Electives Courses General Education Courses University Elective Courses Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 40 12 21 9 18 18 12 52 48 18 12 130  Between 124-136 Credit hours are required for UG Degree  51-63 Credit hours should be taken in courses prescribed as major  34 Credit hours must be earned taking courses outside the major but within the same school as major  30 Credit hours must be earned taking multi-disciplinary courses outside the school of major. Sindhi.  Regular students are required to take 12 Credit hours. Punjabi. 17 . Urdu etc. but can take maximum 18 Credit hours if their CGPA is equal or more than 3. German.University Elective Courses # Computer Science – University Elective Courses Not limited to the list below Course Title 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Financial Accounting Financial Management Human Resource Management Marketing Economics Psychology International Relations Foreign/Regional Language (French. Hrs. Supporting) 3 (2+1) 2 Cr.) Data Structure and Algorithms(Comp. Core) Discrete Structures(Comp. Hrs. Hrs. Edu) Islamic Studies/Ethics (Gen.) Microprocessor and Assembly Language (Comp. Edu) University Elective II Cr. Core) University Elective I Digital Logic Design (Comp. Edu) 3 Pakistan Studies(Gen. Hrs.) Semester 3 (15 Cr. Hrs. Core) Probability and Statistics (Comp. 3 (2+1) 3 3 3 3 18 . Supporting) Communication Skills(Gen.Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (CS) 4-Year Programme (8 Semesters) Semester 1 (18 Cr. 3 (2+1) 3 3 (2+1) 3 3 3 Semester 4 (15 Cr. Hrs. Object Oriented Programming 4 (3+1) (Comp. Edu.) Cr. Edu) 2 3 (2+1) 3 Basic Electronics (Comp. Hrs. Core) Computer Architecture and Organization (Comp.) Programming Fundamentals (Comp. Hrs. Sc. Sc. Core) Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Comp. Core) Linear Algebra (Com – 3 Supporting) Technical and Business Writing(Gen. Edu) English Composition and Comprehension (English-I) (Gen. Core) Multivariate Calculus (Comp Sc. Supporting) Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (Intro to Information System) (Gen. Support) University Elective III University Elective IV Cr. 4 (3+1) 3 3 Semester 2 (12 Cr. truth tables. Sc. 3 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) Computer Science Elective I Computer Science Elective II Semester 8 (9 Cr. composition of functions. 3 (2+1) 3 3 (2+1) 3 Semester 6 (15 Cr. Core) Differential Equations (Comp. natural deduction.) Database Systems (Comp.) Compiler Construction(Comp Sc. quantifiers. Sc.) Human Computer Interaction (Comp. Core) 4 (3+1) Semester 5 (17 Cr. Relations. Core) Artificial Intelligence (Comp.Cr. propositional and predicate calculus. Core) Data Communications and Computer Networks (Comp. Core) Professional Practices (Gen. rules of Inference. Hrs. Core) Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Comp. equivalence relations and partitions. Hrs. Core) Information Security(Comp. special functions. Peano postulates. Edu. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Supporting) 3 Semester 7 (15 Cr. Core) Computer Science Elective III Final Year Project 3 3 Cr. Core) Cr. properties of relations. inductive definition of sets and proof by induction. and BS(SE) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Discrete Structures 3 None Course Outline: Mathematical reasoning: introduction to logic. Sc. Sc. predicates.) Numerical Computing (Comp Sc Supp) Computer Science Elective IV Final Year Project (Comp. injection and surjection. Functions: mappings. Set theory: Paradoxes in set theory. Partial orderings. BS(IT). Hrs. Linear and wellordered sets. use in program proving. resolution principle. Core) Cr.) Introduction to Software Engineering (Comp. 3 (2+1) 3 3 3 3 COURSE OUTLINE Common Computing Core Courses to BS (CS). methods of proofs. inverse functions. representation of relations by graphs. Hrs. Operating Systems (Comp. Core) 4 (3+1) Theory of Automata (Comp. implication and equivalence. negation disjunction and conjunction. Hrs. Recursive 19 . 1985. Reference Materials: 1. Discrete Mathematics. Kolman. Prentice Hall. Continue Statement. Ralph P. Graph Theory: elements of graph theory. C How to Program. 3. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Grimaldi. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. 9 th edition (March. Data Types. 4th edition (September 25. 2nd Edition. Planar Graphs. Kochan. P. Prentice Hall Publishers. 2013). Nested If-Else. 7th edition. 2008. Translating Algorithms into Programs. Break Statement. 20 . Reference Materials: 1. generating functions. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction. trees and their applications. Prentice Hall. Kenneth H. Selection and Decision (If. McGraw-Hill. 2013). Prentice Hall. Control Structures. Rosen. Principles of Structured and Modular Programming. 5. Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Science Perspective by Winifred Grassman. Functions. 2012) Programming in C. Testing & Debugging. Busby & Ross. recurrence relation. Algorithms and Problem Solving. Prentice Hall. Addison-Wesley Pub. Winifred Grassman. Euler graph. Hamiltonian path. 9 th edition (February. 4. Basics of Input and Output. Prentice-Hall Publishers. J. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. Repetition (While and For Loop. Jean-Paul Tremblay. 6th edition. Discrete Mathematical Structure with Application to Computer Science. Richard Johnson Baugh. Designing Algorithm/Solution. ISBN-10: 0321776410 Java How to Program. Stephen G. counting techniques. Graph Colouring. Overview of Structured Programming Languages. Testing Designed Solution. 4th edition. Temblay and B Manohar. 2000. Co. If-Else. 2011) C++ How to Programme. 3. 2006. 4. Records. Fundamental Programming Constructs. Switch Statement and Condition Operator).. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. 6. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1995 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals 4 (3+1) None Course Outline: This course covers overview of Computer Programming. Do-While Loops). Pointers. 2. Files (Input-Output). 2. 7 th edition (March 4. Discrete Mathematical Structures. Elementary combinatorics.function theory. Program Development: Analyzing Problem. Arrays. Addison-Wesley Professional. Insertion. Prentice Hall. Non-tail Recursion. Heap Sort. 2010 21 . Selection Sort. Robert Sedgewick. Deletion. Reference Materials: 1. C. Nested Recursion. Deitel and Deitel. composition. constructors and destructors. Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists. 4. 5. Bubble Sort. Indirect Recursion. Deitel and Deitel. objects and encapsulation. Traversal. Koffman and Wolfgang. Ivor Horton C++: How to Programme. and Cycle Detection. ISBN: 9780073523309 Java: How to Programme. Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. polymorphism. Bucket Sort. Stacks. Graph Traversal Algorithms. 2nd Edition (or latest Edition). virtual functions. problem solving in Object Oriented paradigm. 0131016210/ 0131202367 International Edition. Doubly Linked Lists. Queues. Spanning Tree. Binary Search. Quick Sort. and Priority Queue. classes. Thomas Wu (2010). Robert Lafore Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms 4(3+1) Programming fundamentals. Backtracking. Tail Recursion. Object Oriented Programming in C++. aggregation. function/method overriding. Princeton University Publisher: AddisonWesley Professional (latest Edition) Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java. 5/e. Ivor Horton’s Beginning Java. Complexity Analysis. derived classes. Heap. Mark Allen Weiss. Wiley. Circular List.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming 4 (3+1) Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Evolution of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Splay Trees. Pearson. inheritance and its types. McGraw-Hill. generalization. Addison-Wesley (latest Edition) Algorithms. and Balancing a Tree. Binary Heap. Recursion: Function call and Recursion Implementation. 5/e. 5th Edition. Isomorphic Graphs. functions/methods. Florida International University. 2. Shell Sort. Memory Management and Garbage Collection. Tree Traversal. 2. exception handling. Arrays. Radix Sort. Trees: Binary Trees. 7/e. Merge Sort. association. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java. abstract and concrete classes. Object Oriented concepts and principles. Shortest Path. Reference Materials: 1. 3. 3rd Edition. Sorting Algorithms: Insertion Sort. OOP design process. Graphs: Representation. B-Tree. Hashing. 3. operator and function/method overloading. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis. MultiSim. L. 11/e. S. Shift Registers. Lab assignments involving different single and multithreaded OS algorithms.. and protection and security. Course Technology. Mc-Cluskey. Digital Fundamentals by Floyd. Adam Drozdek. State Machines. Introduction to the techniques used to implement operating systems and related kinds of systems software. Combination logic circuits and designs. etc. 3rd Edition. Quinne. Reference Materials: 1. 2012. J. Logic Gates. Multi-Threading. segmentation and page-replacement algorithms). 2. Reference Materials: 1. Introduction Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD. C. FPGA). Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Operating Systems 4 (3+1) Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: History and Goals. Fundamental of Digital Logic with Verilog Design. & Galvin P. Peterson. file-system structure and implementation. avoidance. Silberschatz A..4. Memory Elements. 2/e. virtual memory management (swapping. Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits.. 4th Edition. Stephen Brown. Lab Assignments using tools such as Verilog HDL/VHDL. 2. Among the topics covered will be process management (creation. Evolution of multi-user systems. and recovery. and communication). Counters. processor scheduling. main-memory management. Modern Operating Systems. Simplification Methods K-Maps. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Digital Logic Design 3 (2+1) Basic Electronics Course Outline: Number Systems. Boolean Algebra. control of disks and other input/output devices. deadlock prevention. paging. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. 2012. synchronization. Shift Registers Counters. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits. Flip Flops and Latches. Triggered devices & its types. Tanenmaum A. Operating System Concepts. 22 . 9th Edition.. 2008. Navathe.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Database Systems 4 (3+1) Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Basic database concepts. concurrency control and recovery techniques. D. Encoding. Media. Schema Architecture. Database Systems A Practical Approach to Design. ISBN-10: 0132662256 3. OpNet. Flow Control. Analogue and digital Transmission. Structured Query language (SQL). 2013 2. 4. Inter-networking. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Communication and Networks 4 (3+1) None Course Outline: Data Communication concepts. and Management. DB Design Life Cycle. Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission. 5th Edition Prentice Hall 2010 3. Switched and IP Networks. Local Area Networks and MAC Layer protocols. Lab exercises using tools such as Wireshark. mapping ERD to relational model. Application Layer Protocols. Error Control. Network system architectures (OSI. Logical and physical database Modelling and design. 2005. Noise. Jeffrey Hoofer. by Behrouz A. 4th Edition. 2012). 5 th edition. 2012). Entity Relationship diagram (ERD). Relational Algebra. Packet tracer etc. Multiplexing. Date. UDP and SCTP. J. Wetherall. Transport layer protocols TCP. Conceptual. Database Architecture. ISBN-10: 0136086209. Carolyn Begg. Data Communications and Networking. Reference Material: 1. Computer Networks by A. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Reference Material: 1. 1st Edition (April 24. TCP/IP). Enhanced ERD .Relational data model. Forouzan. Wireless LANs. Routing. Data and Computer Communications By William Stallings 9 th Edition 2011 23 . S. Modern Database Management by Fred McFadden. Thomas Connolly. 2. Data Link Protocols. 11th Edition (July 26. 6th Edition. Implementation. O'Reilly Media. Addison Wesley. Addison-Wesley (2010). Mary Prescott. ISBN-10: 1449328016. Transaction processing. Functional dependencies and Normalization. J. Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All That Jazz by C. Query optimization concepts. Elmasri and S. Tanenbaum. Bridging. Prentice Hall. Diagrams: Data Flow. Internal and External View of Testing. Evolutionary Process Model. Logical Versus Physical Models. Project Management. Difference between Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis. Context. Difference between FDD Diagrams & UML Diagrams. User Interface Design. CMM Prescriptive. Process Patterns. The Design Process. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Maintenance and Reengineering. ISBN-10: 0321313798 2. Detailed Level DFD’s. Agile Development. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. Architecture Design Elements. The Importance of Strategic Planning. Component-Level Design Elements. Conventions. Software Engineering 8E by Ian Sommerville. Practice & Myths. Shelly. Software Quality Assurance. Architectural Styles. Pressman. and Evaluating methods. 8 th Edition (2006). Addison Wesley. 7th Edition (2009). System Architecture. Task Set. Cashman and Harry J. Types. Requirements Engineering. 7 th Edition (2007). Course Technology. Reference Materials: 1. Risk Management. Process Improvement.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Introduction to Software Engineering 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Overview of SE. Interface Design Elements. Evaluation of Systems Requests. System Planning. Specialized Process Models: Component Based Development. Process Models: Waterfall Model. Levelling and Balancing. Generic Process Models: Framework Activity. System Testing. SWOT Analysis. SDLC: Phases. WebApps Interface Design. ISBN-10: 0073375977. the Software Processes. Validation Testing. the Formal Methods Models. Incremental Process Model. Preliminary Investigation. Systems Analysis and Design by Gary B. ISBN-10: 1423912225 3. Data & Process Modelling. Thomas J. Business Information Systems: Components. Deployments Design Elements. 24 . Rosenblatt. Functions and Graphs. Graphical representation of Data Stem-and Lead plot. Symmetrical Properties. Box-Cox plots. Diprima. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Statistics. Application to Tangent and Normal. Brooks/Cole Publishers. moments of frequency distribution. by Parts. DeMoivre’s Theorem and its Applications. Erwin. 4.2002. events. Geometric. Pence. Calculus and Analytical Geometry 10th edition. Simple Cartesian Curves.Richard. E. Conditional probability and Baye’s theorem with application to random variable (Discrete and continuous) Binomial. laws of probability. Statistics in decision making. Reference Materials: 1. 7th edition. Indefinite Integration of Simple Functions. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Regression and Correlation. Derivative as Slope of Tangent to a Curve and as Rate of Change. ISBN: 0471093335. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Negative Binomial Distributions. John Wiley and Sons. Volume and Surface of Revolution. and by Partial Fractions. William. Arc Length. Counting techniques. Calculus. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Definite Integral as Limit of a Sum. F. Linearization. K. Taylor and Maclaurin Expansions and their convergence. 25 . Descriptive Statistics. Differentiation of Functions. use of elementary statistical packages for explanatory Data analysis. 1994. measures of central tendencies and dispersion. John Wiley and Sons (WIE). Curve Tracing. Swokowski Olinick. 1993. introduction to probability. sample space. 5. 7th edition. Limit and Continuity. Thomas. C. Poisson. Estimation and testing of hypotheses. Boyce .COMPUTING SUPPORTING COURSES FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE PORGRAMME Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3 None Course Outline: Complex Numbers. 3. Exponential Gamma and Normal distributions. Methods of Integration: Integration by Substitution. 6 th edition. Application to Area. Calculus. Integral as Anti-derivative. Maxima/Minima and Point of Inflexion. Strang's Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Halliday. Positive Definite matrix. Chris. 3. Freedman. Reference Materials: 1. BJT amplifiers. Operations on matrices. Y. Rank. Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Ronald. 2007. Zener diode and voltage regulator. B. Gilbert. nMOS. clipper and clamper circuits. 9th edition. Reference Materials: 1. 2. Coonley. H. Course Name: Prerequisites: Basic Electronics None Course Outline: Fundamentals of Semiconductor physics: Band theory. 2. L. Linear Transformations. BJT biasing circuits. Singular Value Decomposition. 2005.1998. Solution of system of Linear systems. Transistors: Bipolar Junction transistors. Myers. Devore. Andy. B. B. University Physics. Cofactor and Inverse. power amplifiers. 3. Applications to Systems of Equations and to Geometry. K. pMOS and CMOS inverters circuits. Statistical Data Analysis. Inner products. G. Brooks/Cole. David. semiconductors (intrinsic and extrinsic). 8th edition. Strang. A. Resnick. Duxbury Publishers.Reference Materials: 1. 2003. Introduction to A/D and D/A conversion circuits. Andrew. PN junctions as a rectifier. 26 . W. 4 th edition. orthgonality and least squares. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences Lay. Version. LED and LCD etc. Cowan. Matrices & Determinants. Q-point. S. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Howard. Metal oxide transistors. 2008”. 10th and higher editions. Linear Independence. 6th and higher editions. Vector Spaces. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Linear Algebra 3 None Course Outline: Vectors. 2. Prentice Hall Publisher. College Physics. Krane. classes of amplifiers. Young. Clarendon and Oxford. PN junction. Eigenvalue & Eigenvectors. 2005.. BJT as a switch. Prentice Hall PTR. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 9th edition Bernard. manuals and documentation. typesetting systems. Linear verses hierarchical structure documents. document design: document structure. skills for taking notes in class. plagiarism. technical research reports. persuasive writing. Leaflets. research papers. Technical and Business Writing for Working Professionals. pomposity. outlining conventions. preamble. Ray E. appendices. generation solutions. pompous vocabulary. ISBN = 1456819402 2. empty words. mechanical elements and graphical elements. glossaries. reading skills. 15-Dec-2010. skills for exams. description and argumentation. summaries. table of contents. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Technical and Business Writing 3 None Course Outline: Overview of technical reporting. casual analysis. sentence and paragraph. magazines articles. Organizing information and generation solution: brainstorming. Electronic documents. drafting and revising. organizing material. index. understanding the composition process: writing clearly. listening sentence structure. classification and division. Technical exposition. Bill Wesley Brown. observing. John E. definition. clarity. word. Reports: Proposals. 27 . administering questionnaires. use of library and information gathering. reviewing the gathered information. progress reports. Successful Technical Writing/Instructor’s Guide. Polishing style: paragraphs. composing. thesis. technical narration. Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition. handbooks. footnotes. length and order. Process of writing. collecting. exemplification. Xlibris Corporation. elements. feasibility reports. persuasive strategy. project reports. Warriner. Use of grammar and punctuation. 01-Mar-193-Technology and Engineering. Reference Materials: 1.Computing General Education Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: English Composition and Comprehension 3 None Course Outline: Principles of writing good English. abstracts. electronic communication. Comprehension and expression. construction of the formal outline. topical arrangement. cross-referencing. Reference Material: 1. brochures. Goodheart-Willcox Publisher. audience analysis. effective exposition. listening skills and comprehension. glossaries. Hardesty. citation and bibliography. creating the professional report. writing concise but with impact. time management. summaries. The Emergence of Pakistan. observing. composing. Constitutional and Administrative issues. the establishment of British Raj. Business communications. Pakistan and its geo-political dimension. 2008. drafting and revising. ISBN = 1453506748 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Pakistan Studies 2 None Course Outline: Historical background of Pakistan: Muslim society in Indo-Pakistan. words. Presentation skills.. Political evolution of Muslims in the twentieth century: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. defining the objective. reading skills. understanding the composition process: writing clearly. Reference Material: 1. memo and applications. listening skills and comprehension. Allama Iqbal: Independence Movement. 1976 28 . skills for taking notes in class. Collen Vawdrey. Pakistan and International Affairs. Muslim League. use of audio-visual aids. Pakistan culture and society. 1993. oral communications. scope and audience of the presentation. the movement led by the societies. Nehru. Reference Material: 1. ISBN = 0256192740 2. small group communication. The making of Pakistan. letters. the downfall of Islamic society. verbal and non-verbal communication. persuasive writing.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Communication Skills 3 None Course Outline: Principles of writing good English. Aziz.Causes and consequences. mechanics of business. delivery and presentation. Comprehension and expression. material gathering material organization strategies. planning messages. Effective Communication Skills: The Foundations for Change. Practical Business English. audience collecting. opening and concluding. taking minutes. conducting meetings. proposals. Use of grammar and punctuation. presentation strategies. Letter formats. Chaudary M. John Nielsen. Process of writing. skills for exams. styles and formats. 1967 2. Pakistan and the challenges ahead. sentence and paragraphs. writing resumes. letter writing. Lahore Resolution. Course Name: Credit Hours: Pre-requisite: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies 3 (2+1) None Course Outline: Basic Definitions & Concepts. Hutchinson. social responsibilities. Stacey. professional competency and life-long learning. Communications & information: A user's introduction. and economic context of Computing (software engineering. Collaborative Computing and Social Networking. N. McGraw-Hills. uses. Computer Science. 4.F. Introduction to Computers 6th International Edition. Introduction to Programming. McGraw-Hill 2. Definitions of Computing (software engineering. Swayer. Storage Devices. Computer Science. information security and privacy. Williams.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Professional Practices 3 None Course Outline: Historical. Information Technology) subject areas and professional activities. E. and risks of software. C. S. Number Systems. software related contracts. social. Networks. Alexis L Mathewsleon Leon Press. Review Week Reference Materials: 1. Sarah. Fundamentals of Information Technology. 6th Edition. 3. Reference Material: 1. professional ethics. Computers. IT Security and other issues. Programming and Application Software. Professional Issues in Software Engineering M. intellectual property and software law (cyber law). professional societies. Peter. Project Week. business practices and the economics of software. Databases and Information Systems. 29 . misuses. The Internet: E-Commerce. Software: Operating Systems. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computer & Communications. Software house organization. Data Communication. Bott et al. The Internet: Email. Hardware: Computer Systems & Components. Information Technology). The Internet. Browsers and Search Engines. h tml 3.1144. Transducers (automata with output). NFAs. Introduction to computer theory. Manipulate and translate machine and assembly code. Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines.Computer Science Core Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Microprocessor and Assembly Language 3 (2+1) Digital Logic Design Course Outline: Microprocessor Bus Structure: Addressing. Formal Languages and Computation. Describe actions inside the processing chip. The Intel Microprocessor 8th ed. 2011 3. Barry B Brey. Introduction to the Assembler and Debugger.00. Eugene. Introduction to Registers and Flags. Reference Materials: 1. Data and Control. Post machine. TM encoding. By Peter Linz. Cohen. Computability and Complexity: Theory and Applications. Finite automata (FAs). Stack and its operation. A. 2005. Regular expressions/Regular languages. Universal Turing Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers. 2 nd Edition 2. Arithmetic and Logic. Addressing Modes. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. derivation trees and ambiguity. Defining Computers by TMs.0132383101. Pumping lemma and non regular language Grammars and PDA: Context free grammars. by Elaine Rich. Instruction sets including Data Movement. The 8086/8088 Microprocessor 4th Edition by Avtar Singh. Transition graphs (TGs). grammars and linear bounded automata (LBA). By S. http://vig. Simplifying CFLs . Kavier. Normal form grammars and parsing. P. Context sensitive languages. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Theory of Automata 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries. Programme Control. ISBN (13): 978-81-224-2334-1. Kleene’s theorem. Reference Materials: 1. Decidability. Peripheral Control Interrupts. 30 . ISBN (10): 81-224-2334-5. Daniel I. 2. Automata. Theory of Automata. Derivations. 2006 4. 4th edition. 6th Ed Irvine. New Age Publishers. Variations on TM. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata.prenhall. Languages. T. Cormen. by Stuart Jonathan Russell. 3nd Edition. 31 . By John C. 6th edition: Pearson Education. Knowledge and reasoning: Logical Agents. Greedy approach. and R. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Introduction. NP complete problems. Probabilistic Reasoning. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation. 2002. Luger. John F. Asymptotic notations. Probabilistic Reasoning over Time. Dynamic programming. Learning: Learning from Observations. Hashing. Intelligent Agents. 3rd Edition. Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Search trees. Communicating. Leiserson. Introduction to Cognitive and Conscious Systems. Disjoint Sets. perceiving. Reference Materials: 1. 2001. Difference between Cybernetic Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. Peter Norvig. First-Order Logic. 6. Graph algorithms. Approximation algorithms. John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman. New York. 2010. H. Uncertain knowledge and reasoning: Uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving: International Edition by George F. Inference in First-Order Logic. Issues in Safe AI. NY. Making Complex Decisions. Network flow. 2. Sorting. Probabilistic Language Processing.) Artificial Intelligence 3 (2+1) Discrete Structures Course Outline: Artificial Intelligence: Introduction. Problem-solving: Solving Problems by Searching. Knowledge Representation. Reference Materials: 1. McGraw-Hill Professional. Objectives and Scope of Weak AI and Strong AI. 2nd edition. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. and acting: Communication. Divide-and-conquer approach. C. Algorithms in C++. Prentice Hall. Perception and Robotics. String matching. Reinforcement Learning. Polynomial and matrix calculations. AI Paradigms and Hypothesis. L. Addison-Wesley. E. Making Simple Decisions. and Computation. Shortest paths. 2. McGraw-Hill. Learning Methods. MIT Press. Artificial General Intelligence. Introduction to Automata Theory. Informed Search and Exploration. Introduction to Algorithms. Heaps. Martin 3rd edition. Recursion and recurrence relations. Adversarial Search. Robert Sedgewick Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: (Intro. 2008. Canny. Knowledge in Learning. Planning and Acting in the Real World. Introduction to LISP/PROLOG and Expert Systems (ES) and Applications.5. Rivest. protection models. security kernels. Jacobs. Types of parsers. Langendoen. Processor design. Organization of compilers. Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface By Patterson & Hennessy. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Computer Architecture and Organization 3 Digital Logic and Design Course Outline: The design of computer systems and components. 2001. Koen G. Reference Materials: 1. and addressing. Jacobs. 2. Ravi Sethi. by Dick Grune. caches. Parallelism. Ceriel J. 2nd edition. Bal. detection and recovery from errors. Compiler techniques and methodology. Ivan Bratko. Aho. John Wiley & Sons. Henri E.. Ullman. Contributor Maia Ginsburg. control structures and microprogramming. authentication models. Modern Compiler Design by Dick Grune.3. Addison Wesley. 4. Addison-Wesley Pub. top-down parsing. by Andrew W. integrity. Techniques. Type checking. Parsing techniques. and Tools By Alfred V. 2006 Original from the University of Michigan 2. Morgan & Kauffman Series (2008) 4 th Edition. instruction set design. Modern Compiler Implementation in C. Morgan & Kauffman Series (2006) 4th Edition. Lexical and syntax analysis. John Wiley. and interrupts and I/O structures. Reference Materials: 1. Contributor Jeffrey D. H. Jeffrey D. Bal. Encryption. and memory hierarchies. Henri E. 2004. bottom-up parsing. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Security 3 Data Communication and Computer Networks Course Outline: Basic notions of confidentiality. exception handling. Ceriel J. Semantic analyser. Co. Koen G. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by Hennessy & Patterson. Maia Ginsburg. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Compiler Construction 3 Theory of Automata Course Outline: Introduction to interpreter and compiler. Appel. Hashing and Digital 32 . Ullman. Multiprocessor Systems. H. 2003. Pipelining of processor Issues and Hurdles. 3rd Edition. Cambridge University Press. Langendoen. 3. availability. Modern Compiler Design. 2000. Object code generation and optimization. Compilers: Principles. memory management. Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 4. Computer Security: Art and Science. Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation. Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing by J. Åke. Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. Solution of Equations in one variable. Functions of any period P-2L. Reference Materials: 1. 3. intrusion detection and response. Difference Tables. Heinbockel. Theory of Differences. hostbased and network-based security issues operational security issues. Numerical Analysis by I. Fourier Series: periodic functions. Matthew Bishop 2. H. Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra. Multiple Integrals. database security. audit. classification and trust modeling. policy formation and enforcement. Green’s and Stoke’s Theorem.Signatures. B. Numerical Analysis and Programming by Shan S Kuo. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multivariate Calculus 3 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Course Outline: Functions of Several Variables and Partial Differentiation. identification and authentication in local and distributed systems. reliability and accuracy of a method. Laplace Transform. access controls. Numerical Differentiation and Numerical Integration. Half Range expansions. Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems. 2012 3. physical security issues. A. Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing by Germund. Backward Differences and Central Differences. 6. Principles of Information Security 3rd E by Michael E. Numerical Analysis by Berden. Even & odd functions. Numerical Analysis by Gerald. Line and Surface Integrals. F. Z-Transform. risk assessment Reference Materials: 1. 5. Whitman and Herbert J. Difference Operators. Khubaza. personnel security. Mattord Computer Science Supporting Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Numerical Computing 3 (2+1) Calculus and Analytical Geometry Course Outline: The concepts of efficiency. Mathematical Preliminaries. Cryptography and Network Security by William Stalling 6th Edition. 2. Minimising computational errors. D. legal and social issues. Forward Differences. Fourier Transform. Solution of non-linear equations. 33 . information flow. Cullen.Thomson Learning EMEA. Olinick and Pence. 0) Calculus and Analytical Geometry Course Outline: Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order: Geometrical Considerations. Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order. Multivariable Calculus. Homogeneous Second-Order Equations with Constant Coefficients. A First Course in Differential Equation Zill. 4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Schmidt. G. 2. Cauchy Equation.Reference Materials: 1. variation of Parameters. 1993. K. Brooks/Cole Publishing. Ltd. Partial Differential Equations: Method of Separation of variables. General Solution. R. Reference Materials: 1. Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems. Weber. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Differential Equations 3 (3. H. Brooks/Cole Publishing.1994. Advanced Engineering Mathematics Michael. Erwin. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. Penney. David. Linear First-Order Differential Equations. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Prentice Hall. A. 6th edition James. Systems of Differential Equations. Zill. 2. Michael. John Wiley. G. Multivariable Calculus. 5th edition Howard. 3. 1993. Integrating Factors. Prindle. Prentice Hall Publishers.1996. Modelling of Electrical Circuits. Heat & Laplace equations and their solutions by Fourier series method. Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order with Constant Coefficients. 1995. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Non-homogeneous Linear Equations. 34 . Dennis. 7th edition. Albert.1996. 3. Exact Differential Equations. Stewart 2007 Cengage Learning publishers. Double Root of the Characteristic Equation. Ordinary Linear Differential Equations. Real Roots. wave. Equations Reducible to Separable Form. Isoclines. Differential Operators. E. 5. Complex Roots. 1996. 6th edition. Homogeneous Linear Equations of the Second Order. Separable Equations. Swokowski. H. Elementary Differential Equations with Applications C. Edwards. F. Hill. Peter Burger and Duncan. ISBN 9780131687288. Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition) by Rafael C. E. Relationships between pixels. 3 rd edition. Region filling and clipping. Foley. Spatial filtering. Colour Image Processing. Region oriented segmentation. Translation. Some basic morphological algorithms. Gonzalez. Hadamard Transform Reference Material: 1. 2005 2. Image Enhancement: Enhancement by point processing. Two and three dimensional imaging geometry (Perspective projection and Orthogonal projection) and transformations. (2003) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Digital Image Processing 3(2+1) Course Outlines: Introduction: Elements of digital image processing. rendering. Principles and Practice. K. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: 2 nd Edition by Peter Shirley A. Hughes. Programming raster display systems. D. shading. Edge linking and boundary detection. 3. Reference Materials: 1. Computer Graphics. S. panning and zooming. Prentice Hall. image Segmentation: Discontinuity detection. Gillies. Interactive Computer Graphics: Functional. 2008. van Dam. F. and segmentation. Gonzalez & R. Extensions to gray level images. Representation and Description: Boundary description.Computer Science Electives Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Computer Graphics 3 (2+1) Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Graphics hardware. Scaling. characters and circles. Enhancement in the frequency domain. Techniques of image registration. C. Feiner and J. A. Applications of graphics. Morphological Image Processing: Dilation and Erosion. Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-12110-7. Fundamental algorithms. Curve and surface design. Maxwell MacMillan ISBN: 0-02-354860-6. Regional description. Image Registration: Introduction to image registration. Image model. Differential Line Algorithm. Prentice Hall. F. colour and animation. Woods. Use of motion for segmentation. J. windows and clipping. Image Transforms: Discrete Fourier Transform. Tresh holding. Raster algorithms and software — ScanConverting lines. S. Sampling and quantization. K. 3rd edition (2007) 35 . 2. Procedural and Device-level methods. Rotation. Haar Transform. Digital Image Processing. Interactive graphics programming — graph plotting. Opening and Closing. Addison-Wesley. Peters. 4. R. Computer Graphics. Discrete Cosine Transform. George Coulouris. Computer Vision. Prentice Hall. Concurrency and Synchronization. Cloud Computing. System Models. 3rd edition (2010) Computer Vision Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Concepts behind computer-based recognition and extraction of features from raster images. Reference Materials: 1. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. Stockman. applications of vision systems and their limitations. Lyons. Andrew S. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Distributed Computing 3 Operating Systems Course Outline: Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Systems.3. Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg. Segmentation: region splitting and merging. Communication Models and Abstractions (Message passing. Security and Access Control. Stereoscopy. by Nikos Paragios. remote method invocation). Computer Vision: A Modern Approach 2 nd ed. Distributed Shared Memory (DSM). Addison-Wesley. Overview of early. 2005 36 . by Linda G. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms. parameterisation of conic sections. 3. 3D vision. Distributed Data Replication. Software Architectures: Threads and Shared memory. 2002. Prentice Hall. 2. Understanding Digital Signal Processing (3 rd Edition) by Richard G. Processes and Message passing. Networking and Internetworking. 2011. 2001. intermediate and high level vision. Olivier Faugeras. stream-oriented communications. Jean Ponce. Triangulation principle. improved Hough transform with perceptual features. Naming in Distributed Systems. By David Forsyth. Birkhäuser. 2. 2006. limitations of the Hough transform. Shapiro. Yunmei Chen. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design by 4th edition. grouping line segments into curves. Process Synchronization. Distributed Shared Data (DSD). Prentice-Hall. Prentice Hall. remote procedure calls. mean and variance pyramids. computing the first and second derivatives of images using the Sobel and Laplacian operators. Distributed Transaction and Concurrency Control. Perceptual grouping: failure of the Hough transform. Overview of Web Services. Reference Materials: 1. Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision. grouping edge points into straight lines by means of the Hough transform. quadtree structures for segmentation. George C. perceptual criteria. Social Network Analysis. Android Wireless Application Development. Social networks in e-learning. Peter. 2004). Deployment Reference Materials: 1.0? O’Reilly. John. Sentiment classification. Behind the Cover. Philip et al. 4. enterprise and media. outlier detection. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis (Foundations and Trends(R) in Information Retrieval by Bo Pang Lillian Lee 2. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile Application and Development 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Mobile Development Concepts. (Sep 30. (Feb 21. Services and Content Providers. 2012. 2007. 5. Identity. etc). Web Services: Principles and Technology. Linked Data for social networks (FOAF. Security. Aspects of recommendation engines and information retrieval in social networks. 2002). social knowledge acquisition.3. Papazoglou. Tim. Lauren Darcey. Activities.g. Data Storage. Tablets Graphics Speech Sensors Networking. Resource Management and Media. Managing Evolution. Suler. (Feb 17. London. SKOS. privacy and ownership in social networks. Pearson Prentice Hall.. third edition. Reference Materials: 1. What is Web 2. Open Social. Service architectures for social networks. etc. Charles. Social network interoperability. O’Reilly. Processes and Threads. Social network topologies and ecosystems. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Social Computing 3 Web Programming Course Outline: The topics covered will reflect the latest research and development activities in social networking e. opinion extraction. Shane Conder. Common APIs for popular architectures (Facebook. Media Studies: The Essential Resource by Rayner. Introduction to Social Network Theory by Kadushin.). Addison Wesley. The Online Disinhibition Effect. The Psychology of Cyberspace. social group identification and clustering. 6. Open ID and Shibboleth. Morville. Michael P. Social network properties and analysis methodologies. ISBN 0321813839 37 . 3. Semantic studios. 2005). Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. 2005.. CSS. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Indexing techniques used in data warehousing. php. BPS Publications. clients side scripting. Data Marts. Beginning ASP by Richard Reference Materials: 1. Mobile Design and Development: Practical concepts and techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps. NY. by Brian Fling Publisher: O'Reilly Media. 38 . Building the Data Warehouse. Differentiate Data Marts and Data Warehouse. Overview of XML Reference Materials: 1. 2nd Edition.. Online analytical processing (OLAP) and data aggregations. Introduction to current technology e. 2nd Edition Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross. Inmon. 2002. transformation and loading (ETL and ELT). Brain Francis. Hardware and software systems consideration for data warehousing. website hosting. 4th Edition. Data extraction..2. DHTML. The Data Warehouse Toolkit. Labs: 1 3(2+1) Fundamentals of programming Course Outline: HTML. Wrox series Publications. dynamic website development. Data Warehouse Design Methodology: De-normalization and Dimensional Modelling. ASP. Macromedia. Data warehouse maintenance. W. 2.. Data Warehousing Fundamentals.g. 2009. Web Design and Development Course Name: Course Structure: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Lectures: 2. John Wiley & Sons Inc.g. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Warehousing 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction of the business context for data warehousing and decision support systems. 3. NY. NY. Differences between TPS and DSS environments. H. John Wiley & Sons Inc. MySQL. Introduction to related methods and tools e. Web enabled Commercial application development using HTML. JAVASCRIPT by Ivon Bayross. database connectivity. server side scripting. 2010. DHTML. ASP. 2. Data warehouse Architecture. Paulraj Ponniah. Perceptron. Proof of Convergence. Brain and Neural System as Cybernetics. Linear Transformation. Jess in Action: Java Rule-Based Systems. Bioinformatics. Advance expert system programming techniques. Hagan. Gary D. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) 3 (2+1) Discrete Structure Course Outline: Introduction to cybernetics. Review of typical programming errors. rule-based expert systems.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Expert Systems 3 Discrete Structures Course outline: Introduction of expert systems. Hamming Network. Neuron Models. Competitive Networks using SOM. Feed forward Layer. Joseph C. Ernest Friedman-Hill. 4th Edition. Hebbian and Widrow-Hoff Learning. Network Architecture and Toplogy. Application of Neural Networks in Signal and Image Processing. Review of course expert system development software. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming. Study of logic. Demonstration of a rulebased expert system. Riley. Review of knowledge representation. ISBN: 0534384471. Associative Learning. Study of inexact classification. Martin T. Review of MYCIN. Static and Dynamic Neural Networks. Training and Validation Procedure. Reference Material: 1. Reference Materials: 1. 2. Recurrent Layer. intelligent distributed problem solving. Spike Neural Networks. Perceptron Learning Rule. Beale. Mark H. Review of inference techniques. Demuth. ISBN: 0-9717321-0-8 39 . Overview of inexact reasoning. Performance Surface and Optimization. Manning Publications. Signals and Weight Vector Space. Biological Motivation for Vision using Grossberg Network. Howard B. ISBN: 1930110898. Telecommunication and High Energy Physics. July 2003. Hopfield Network. Cellular Neural Network. Evolutionary Neural Network. Adaptive Resonance Theory. 2004. Course Technology. Back-propagation and Variations. Giarratano. Neural Network Design. intelligent database management. Type of Neural Networks. Quantum Neural Networks. Workshop: Building a small rule-based expert system. Methodologies to design fuzzy models and feedback controllers for dynamical systems. XLink. stability. Wrox series Publications. DOM. and their geometrical interpretations. 2011 40 . data normalization and discretization). 3 rd Edition Jiawei Han. classification). RDF-SCHEMA. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Web Engineering 3 (2+1) Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: XML. Jian Pei. Hardware and Software based design of fuzzy logic control system. 2. SMIL RDF. Web enabled Commercial application development using HTML. patterns and trends. genetic algorithm and neural network). operations on these sets. rules. feedbackcontrol design. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Data Mining 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Concepts of Data mining. Brain Francis. Data mining learning methods.0 and the semantic web. fundamental concepts of dynamical systems. Richard Anderson. JAVASCRIPT. .Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Fuzzy Logic System 3 (2+1) Discrete Structures Course Outline: Mathematical introduction of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. Beginning ASP. Reference Material: 1. XSL. Fuzzy systems and properties Fuzzifier and Defuzzifier design. Ivon Bayross. clustering. DHTML. Li-Xin Wang (Prentice-Hall) Hand out and research papers related with the subject. decision trees. Micheline Kamber. Reference Materials: 1. Web Searching. BPS Publications. multi-input multi-output dynamical systems. and MATLAB® Control System Toolbox.(noisy and missing data. A Course in Fuzzy Systems and Control. data pre-processing and pre-mining. Web 3. Reference Materials: 1. Data mining classes (association rule mining. A study of the fundamentals of fuzzy sets. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. fundamental of other algorithms related to data mining(fuzzy logic. outlier detection. Design of fuzzy systems Fuzzy controllers. web services. Agent Communications. Agents and Expert Systems. 4. Kwang Y. Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Neighbourhood Structure. 2007. Control Parameters Estimation. Fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Computational Intelligence 3 Discrete Structures Course outline: Introduction to Computational intelligence. Online ISBN: 9780470512517. Fundamentals of Ant Colony Search Algorithms. Distributed Planning. Principles of Data Mining. Handling Constraints. Margaret H. Data Mning: Concepts. Tournament Selection. Mohamed A. Second Edition. Hybrid PSO (HPSO). Distributed Problem Solving and Planning. Fundamentals and background of Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques. Introductory and Advanced Topics. Cooling Schedule. 2008. Dunham and S. El-Sharkawi (Editor). IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering. Springer-Verlag. 2011. Lee (Editor). Behavior of Real Ants. Publication Date: February 8. Task Sharing. deliberate agents Concrete Architectures for Intelligent Agents. Creation of the Fuzzy Control. Fundamentals of Simulated Annealing. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites by topic: Multi Agent Systems 3 Discrete Structure Course Outline: Intelligent Agents Introduction. 2007. Computational Intelligence: An Introduction. Fuzzy Systems. 2nd Edition. Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to Power Systems. 3. Key Operators for Differential Evolution. Search Algorithms for Agents. Reference Materials: 1. 2006.Abstract Architectures for Intelligent Agents reactive agents. Pearson Education. Determination of Cooling Rate. Encoding. Discrete PSO. Andries P. 2. Elitist Selection. 41 . Truncation Selection. Engelbrecht. Max Bramer. Mehmed Kantatardzic. Characterization of the Neighbourhood. and Algorithms. Methods. Print ISBN: 9780470035610. Adaptive PSO (APSO). The Use of Long-Term Memory in Tabu Search. Stopping Criterion. Mutation. Data Mining. Models. Fundamentals of Tabu Search. Crossover. Use of Greedy Search and Constructive Heuristic Information. Fitness Function. Recency-Based Tabu Search. The Max-Min Ant System. Applicability and history.2. Sridhar. Multiagent Systems and Societies of Agents. Evolutionary Algorithms. Differential Evolution. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Natural Language Processing 3 Discrete Structures Course outline: Introduction and Overview. Chomsky hierarchy. Wooldridge. Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence. Its application to some language phenomena. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. 1999. Part of Speech Tagging and Hidden Markov Models. use and limitations. Their application to building an automatically-trained email spam filter. bottom-up parsing. sentence segmentation. String edit operations. Probabilistic language modeling and its applications. The "noisy channel model. Probabilistic Context Free Grammars. John Wiley & Sons. first a simple example. regular languages. 42 . Maximum entropy classifiers and their application to document classification. Ferber. Multiagent systems: a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence. Michael. edit distance. Reference Materials: 1. Constituency. Probabilistic (weighted) finite state automata. An Introduction to Multi Agent Systems. Generative models of language. Top-down parsing. cross-entropy. Information Theory. Regular Expressions. Context Free Grammars. The need in NLP to integrate many pieces of weak evidence. The Penn Treebank and Brown Corpus. Learning in Multiagent Systems Reference Materials: 1. A little morphology. 2." The "Shannon game"--motivated by language! Entropy. Chomsky Normal Form. Maximum Entropy Classifiers. Martin. and examples of use in spelling correction. Ambiguity and uncertainty in language. 2008. In class demonstrations of exploring a large corpus with regex tools. Task Allocation Negotiation. Estimating the probability of a word. G. Finite-state automata. and machine translation. Steven J. N-grams. What is information? Measuring it in bits. examples. Weiss. and their limitations. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing. The maximum entropy principle. 1999. and smoothing. Key algorithmic tool: dynamic programming. 3. Addison-Wesley. Weighted context free grammars. The concept of parts-of-speech. Hidden Markov models (HMMs). usage. Practical regular expressions for finding and counting language phenomena. CFG definition. String Edit Distance and Alignment. and automatically determining the language. Language modeling and Naive Bayes.Distributed Rational Decision Making. Markov models. The MIT Press. definition and use. then its use in optimal alignment of sequences. and its relation to maximum likelihood. and the problems with each. The desirability of combining evidence from both directions. 2009. information gain. 43 . Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Logical Paradigms of Computing 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to logic. 2. MA: May 1999 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Game Development 3 Programming Fundamentals. MIT Press. Imperial College of Science. linear time temporal logic (LTL). Sprites and Animation. University of Birmingham. Game Engines. AI for Game Developers. relational and temporal logic. Fundamentals of Game Design. Physics. 2010). Agile Game Development with Scrum. Loose Ends. Game Development Methodologies. formal program verifications. Storytelling. 2D Game Group Project Check-In. MMORPGs. Introduction to Model checking and model checking algorithms. Principles of Model Checking by Christel Baier and Joost-Pieter Katoen MIT Press. Second Edition. Prentice Hall. Object Oriented Programming Course Outline: History of Computer and Video Games. mu-Calculus. Ethics. 2004 2. partial order correctness. 2010) 2. and evolutionary computing. 2008. Manning and Schütze. London Mark Ryan. Game Testing. Second Edition. Computation Tree Logic (CTL). and Securing Online Games. Audio. introduction to statistical and stochastic processes (random walk. Pygame. Cambridge. Games in 2012 and Beyond Reference Materials: 1. iOS Development. by Ernest Adams (New Riders. by Clinton Keith (Addison-Wesley. Cocos2D. Sound.Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition. modal logic. Game Design Principles. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. by David Bourg and Glenn Seemann (O'Reilly Media. Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems 2 nd Edition Michael Huth. propositional and predicate logic and their proof theories. CTL*. proof calculus for partial proof rules. and Music (PDF). Python Programming. Reference Materials: 1. 2008) 4. introduction to process algebra. hidden Markov chains). 2004) 3. by Jesse Schell (Morgan Kaufmann. Markov chains. Technology and Medicine. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems 2 nd Edition Michael Huth.Course Name: Course Structure: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Formal Methods in Software Engineering Lectures: 3 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to formal methods. checking complexity of model checking. Software Reliability Methods. safety properties. developing and acquiring formal methods. London Mark Ryan. University of Birmingham. completeness of specification. Introduction to Hoare's Logic. specifications using Buchi-automata. Z-Specification. Doron A. modelling formalism. sequential. combining state spaces. Formal Specifications Linear temporal logic. Imperial College of Science. Principles of Model Checking. 2004 3. combining Buchi-automata. state space explosion problem. a brief introduction to logic and set theory. Peled . logic and theorem proving. using and applying formal methods. concurrent and reactive systems. Automatic verification. Structure and Schema. 2001 Springer-Verlag 2. fairness. translating LTL into automata. Reference Materials: 1. checking emptiness. model checking examples. Christel Baier and Joost-Pieter Katoen MIT Press. state spaces. modelling software systems. representing states. Technology and Medicine. 2008. 44 . partial order view. state space verification. automata on infinite words. states. the automata framework. transition systems. Curriculum for MS (Computer Science) The recommendations of the last meeting held in August 2009 were also considered and very minor changes in the structure have been made in the light of committee’s recommendations. The complete detail regarding proposed MS (Computer Sciences) Programme is available herein the following pages  Minimum credit hours shall be 30 for MS (Computer Science) programme.  The programme shall comprise 4 semesters spread over 2 years with two semesters a year.  The additional major areas may be added in the list of specialization as appropriate to university Category wise Credit Hours Distribution Category or Area Core Electives Thesis Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 6 18 6 30 Programme Objectives: A challenging graduate programme may be structured on the basis of the classical objective, which is the preparation for study of doctoral level, and this remains an important aspect of such programmes, but it is believed that all programmes should prepare the student for study beyond the master’s level. Many people already in the field desire additional training in Computer Science. These individuals may have undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and desire to advance; or they may have considerable experience in Computer Science, but little formal education in the field. While this latter group should be declining in number as more undergraduate Computer Science majors enter the job market, the demand does exist and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. In addition, there will be a continuing need for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science to update their training. Among the objectives for students in master’s programmes is entry into the Computer Science field at a relatively high level of responsibility and expertise. Computer Science is such a new and rapidly expanding field that individuals entering with a master’s degree in this field will almost 45 immediately move to positions with great responsibility. This, in turn, implies the requirement for an advanced level of prior training in both technical and related areas (e.g. communication skills). In all these cases, the master’s degree provides both motivations for the student and a standard for reward by the employer. Programme Structure: The graduate programme should embody sufficient flexibility to fulfill the requirements of either an “academic” degree (Breadth-Based) obtained in preparation for further graduate study or a terminal “professional” degree (Depth-Based). The discipline of Computer Science has matured enough that the distinction between academic and professional programmes is beginning to appear. However, the concept of an utterly terminal programme is not widely accepted in the field. All Computer Science academic programmes should provide the possibility of additional study in the field. The proposed programme is intended to establish an integrated breadth and depth based curriculum model to assure that the common aspects of various potential masters’ programmes in Computer Science are captured. The proposed curriculum structure may be implemented within four-semester time. A project/thesis work may be unified with student’s chosen depth oriented specialties. Generally graduate programmes are structured with a common core of fundamental material and wide range of options for the rest of the course work. Eligibility: BS (CS) 4 Years Degree Programme (min 130 credit hours), or Computer Science Conversion Course 2 Years Degree Programme referred to as “MCS” or “MSc (CS).”  BCS-3 years Degree Programme-Student will be required to complete the deficiency of difference of total earned credit hours and 130 credit hours.  16 year Science and Engineering graduates are eligible but they have to cover deficiency. 46 SCHEME OF STUDIES MS (CS) Courses Requirements: List of Core Course # Code Course Title 1 CS 2 CS Advanced Theory of Computation Advanced Algorithm Analysis Credit hours 3 Semester 3 1 1 List of Electives Courses: Specialized Areas (not limited) to the list given below (Students will select 6 Courses of 18 credit hours.) Course details are not included. Code CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Specialization Areas Software Engineering Advanced Software Development Topics in Software Engineering Object Oriented Software Engineering. Software Quality Assurance Requirements Engineering Software Architecture Agent Oriented Software Engineering Software Project Management Software Design Software Engineering and Formal Specifications Empirical Software Engineering Software Process Improvement Component-Based Computing Programming Environment Safety-Critical Crt. Hrs Code Specialization Areas CS 3 CS Artificial Intelligence Design of Intelligent Systems 3 CS Machine Learning 3 3 CS Neural Networks 3 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS Natural Language Processing 3 3 CS Agents 3 3 CS Robotics 3 3 CS Symbolic Computing 3 3 CS Genetic Algorithms 3 3 CS Semantic Web 3 Mathematical Reasoning Decision Support Systems Computer Vision Automated Reasoning Knowledge based systems Planning systems Crt. Hrs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 47 Systems Information Management CS CS CS Advanced DBMS Multimedia Information Systems Database Design Transaction Processing Distributed and Object Databases Data Mining Spatial and Temporal Databases Semantic Databases 3 Data Warehousing 3 Object Oriented Databases 3 Digital Libraries 3 CS CS CS Web-Based DBMS Topics in DBMS 3 3 Data Grids 3 CS Text Mining 3 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 System Engineering CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Digital Signal Processing Switching and Fault Diagnosis CS CS 3 3 3 3 Integrated Circuit 3 System on a chip 3 CS CS VLSI Development Device Development 3 CS Graphics and Visual Computing Advanced Computer Graphics Multimedia & Hypermedia System Virtual Reality Visualization Geographical Information Systems Computer Animation Genetic Algorithms Human Computer Interaction CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FPGAs and Verilog 3 Control Systems and Robotics 3 Real Time Systems 3 Parallel & Distributed Systems Control Systems and Robotics Real Time Operating Systems Embedded System ASIC Design CS CS Computer Architecture and Organization Embedded Systems Parallel and Distributed Systems Design Verification 3 3 3 3 3 CS CS CS CS CS CS Computer Science Education Educational Technology Multimedia and Hypermedia Sys Computer Aided Instructions Web Based Education Systems Measurement of Learning Topics in Comp Science Education Research Methods 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 48 CS VHDL 3 CS 3 3 CS Net-Centric computing CS Advanced Computer Networks 3 CS CS Network Security 3 CS CS Topics in Computer Networking 3 CS 3 CS Multimedia Systems Development 3 3 CS Interactive-Systems Development 3 CS CS CS Broadband and Satellite Communication Mobile and Pervasive computing Wireless and Mobile Computing Networks CS Human Computer Interaction Intelligent User Interfaces Information Retrieval Techniques Rich Internet Applications Graphical User Interfaces ComputerSupported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Intelligent and active networks 3 CS Network Performance Evaluation 3 CS CS Cluster Computing 3 CS CS Distributed Computing 3 CS CS CS Data Compression Network Management 3 3 CS CS CS Enterprise Networking 3 CS CS CS CS CS CS Programming for the World-Wide Web Programming Language Design and Translators Programming Paradigms Functional 3 3 Social and Professional Issues (SP) Social Context computing Computing and Ethics Computing Economics Computer Law Intellectual Property Privacy and Civil Liberties 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CS Concurrent and Distributed Systems 3 CS Dependent Computing 3 3 CS Fault.Tolerance 3 3 CS Real.Time Systems 3 Compiler Construction Programming Language Design Programming Language Semantics 3 3 CS CS 3 3 3 Advanced Discrete 49 . CS Programming Logic Programming 3 CS CS Scripting Languages 3 CS 3 CS CS CS Algorithm and complexity (AL) Advanced Algorithmic Analysis Automata and Language Theory 3 CS Cryptography 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS CS Geometric Algorithms Parallel Algorithms CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Grid and Cloud Computing Autonomous Computing Data Grids Semantic Grid Computational Grid Utility Computing Autonomous Computing Data Grids 3 3 3 3 CS CS Structures Combinatorics Probability and Statistics Coding and Information Theory 3 3 3 3 3 Computational Science Computational Science Numerical Analysis Operations Research Simulation and Modelling 3 3 3 3 CS Scientific Computing 3 CS Computational Biology 3 CS CS Web Engineering Semantic Web Web Services 3 3 3 3 50 . No.No. 3 Total: Total (all semesters) 3 30 51 . 3 3 3 9 Code Subjects CS Thesis (full registration) Credit Hrs. 1 2 3 Code Subjects CS CS CS Semester 3 S.No.No. 1 2 4 Code Subjects Credit Hrs. 1 Credit Hrs. 1 2 Code CS CS Semester 4 S. CS Advanced Theory of Computation 3 CS Advanced Algorithm Analysis 3 CS Research Methods (University 3 Preferred Elective Course) Elective I Total: 9 Semester 2 S.MS (CS) Semester-wise Model Programme Semester 1 S. Elective II Elective III Elective IV Subjects Thesis (partial registration) Elective V Elective VI Total: 3 3 3 9 Total: Credit Hrs. 1st Edition. and numerical approximations) are covered. Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Tao Jiang. 4. students should be able to explain the mathematical concepts used in describing the complexity of an algorithm. CRC Press. Addison-Wesley. Introduction to Algorithms. computability theory and reducibility. ISBN: 0669-17342-8. space hierarchy. 1997. determinism. non-determinism. Search Techniques. Introduction to Automata Theory. Christos Papadimitriou. Reference Materials: 1. NP-completeness. and select and apply algorithms appropriate to a particular situation. 5. 6. using recurrence relations to analyze recursive algorithms. Upon completion of the course. computational complexity. AddisonWesley.H. noncomputable functions. Peter Linz. in Handbook of Computer Science. divide-and-conquer. 2. Heuristic and Approximation Algorithms. Also included are standard graph and tree algorithms. et al. and Computation. Formal models and Computability. branch-and-bound. backtracking. NP completeness. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Algorithm Analysis 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Advanced algorithm analysis including the introduction of formal techniques and the underlying mathematical theory. Turing machines. and theta notation. the halting problem. (or the second edition). selected advanced topics. Algorithmic animation is used to reinforce theoretical results.MS (CS) Core Courses Course Description Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Theory of Computation 3 Theory of Automata Course Outline: Automata theory. 1979. Additional topics include standard complexity classes. PWS Publishing Company. John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman. time and space tradeoffs in algorithms. Michael Sipser. 52 . An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata. pattern matching. 1990. formal languages. MIT Press and McGrawHill Book Co. time hierarchy. Languages. 3. greedy. Fundamental algorithmic strategies (brute-force. and Bala Ravikumar. Randomized Algorithms. T. Topics include asymptotic analysis of upper and average complexity bounds using big-O.. little-o. Computational Complexity.. 1994. Ming Li. and the implications of noncomputability. 1996. Cormen. Generic advice. Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg 2. Isms: necessary assumptions. file systems. context and the like: things we take for granted. MS (CS) Elective Courses with Course Details Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Operating Systems 3 Operating Systems Course Outline: Characterization of Modern Operating Systems. Problems of coordination and agreement in Distributed Systems. Approximation Algorithms. Introduction to Algorithms. Research questions. Issues of Security in Distributed Systems (Partial coverage). procedures. Ronald L. Leiserson. and how to handle the various types of answer. 1998. things to beware. and the nature of evidence: deciding what type of question to ask. memory management techniques. Inter-process Communication. Controlled experiments: changing things systematically and seeing what happens. 2. Field experiments: doing research in the world. Process scheduling and resource management. Distributed Systems Concepts and Design 4th edition by George Coulouris. Mud pits and how to avoid them: things that go wrong. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook. Vazirani. and being caught in crossfire. Summary and technical terms. Distributed File System. Cormen. Research in society agendas. By Thomas H. dubious assumptions. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. By Vijay V. By Mikhail J. Surveys and sampling. Fault-tolerant services. things to remember. Reference Materials: 1. Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design by Pradeep k. Clifford Stein. Rivest. 3. Sinha 3. and things that can cause you trouble. Replication. equipment. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems by Singhal and Shiviratri Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Research Methods 3 Probability and Statistics Course Outline: Research: introduction to the nature of research. and types of Research. what for and how. where. 53 . advantages and requirements. Searching the literature: why. CRC Press. Charles E. Springer. 2 nd edition.Reference Materials: 1. Arranging a study: subjects. Atallah Contributor Mikhail J. Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems. 2004. System Models Architectural models. Published by MIT Press. Research design: Types of design: which to use and how to use them. 2001. Atallah. and practical points to remember. Writing up: demonstrating your excellence efficiently. 2. Face-to-face interactions with respondents: the nuts and bolts of asking questions. Reports: getting respondents to talk about how things happen. thinking forward about what you really want your life to be? Reference Materials: 1. Recording. Peter Kacsuk. Inferential statistics: what are the odds against your findings being due to random chance? Conclusion: the end game. Discourse analysis: who says what. Kai Hwang. about what. Various coarse-grained and finegrained architectures with reference to SIMD and MIMD designs should also be covered. and choosing and using the appropriate method. A Gentle Guide to Research. McGraw-Hill Publishers. Card sorts: getting respondents to categorise things. 1998. reconfigurable computing and power aware designs. 1997. Gordon Rugg & Marian Petre. structures and concepts for making sense of knowledge. and how often it’s said. How To Books Ltd. Advanced topics in this course will cover multiprocessors on a chip. References and referencing: using and citing the right texts to demonstrate your excellence.Handling subjects. Questionnaires: when to use. Knowledge representation: formats. what next. 2002. Practical Research Methods. when not to use. Data collection methods: the methods. Scalable Parallel Computing Technology. in what format. inter-connection networks and system scalability. Reference Materials: 1. Laddering: unpacking the respondents’ concepts systematically. and assessing the odds. Advanced Computer Architecture: A Design Space Approach. which questions to ask. Measurement theory: types of measurement and their implications. Descriptive statistics: giving a systematic description of the numbers you’ve found. Statistics: describing things with numbers. Open University Press McGraw-Hill Education. Architecture. to whom. 3 Newtec Place. Addison-Wesley Publishers. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Computer Architecture 3 Computer Architecture Course Outline: This course is aimed at the hardware aspects of parallel computer architectures including the design and protocols evaluation for memory coherence. Repertory grids: a systematic representation for respondents’ knowledge interviews: asking people questions. CATHERINE DAWSON. 54 . Content analysis: what is said in a text. Zhiwei Xu. how it is said. Dezso Sima. Observation: watching what happens. what format to use. Programming. Terence Fountain. Data analysis. Data collection. 2007 2. 55 . Oppenheim and Ronald W. Impulse invariance. Reference Materials: 1. Locks and semaphores. Concurrency and synchronization. Prentice-Hall. distributed shared memory (DSM). Sampling theorem. B. Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment. FIR filter design. Common parallelization strategies. etc. Enterprise: Process templates. Prentice Hall. Reference Material: 1. Aurora: Scoped behaviour and abstract data types. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. 1/e. Examples: parallel search. Distributed shared memory. Pthreads. Allen. distributed shared data (DSD). bilinear transform. Other Parallel Programming Systems. Data and work partitioning. Software architectures: threads and shared memory. processes and message passing. Granularity. Linear filtering of signal: Time domain: Difference equations and convolution. MPI. Research Topics. clusters (latest variation). discrete Fourier transform. ztransforms: stability and minimum phase signals/systems. Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers. networks of workstations (distributed memory). Discretetime Fourier transform. PVM. Possible research and project topics. Adaptive filters: LMS and array processing. 2. 1999. Shared-Memory Programming: Threads. parallel sorting. Wilkinson and M. Load balancing. Schafer.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Digital Signal Processing 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: One and N-dimensional signals and systems. Optimal filtering: Wiener filters. 2nd edition Alan V. 2D filter design. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Parallel and Distributed Computing 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outlines: Why use parallel and distributed systems? Why not use them? Speedup and Amdahl's Law. W. Statistical signal processing: Stochastic signals: correlation functions and power density spectra. Hardware architectures: multiprocessors (shared memory). Stevens. Distributed-Memory Programming: Message Passing. Parallel Algorithms. fast Fourier transform. Addison Wesley. 1993. Relay auto tuning. ISDN. including robotics and manufacturing. solution of the state equations. The TCP/IP protocol stack: IP. Introduction to robotics. State space models. Design using state feedback. and construct sample applications on representative platforms. Addison-Wesley. Publisher: Chapman & Hall. and others.C. Control Engineering. PID controllers. Real-time and quality of service system principles.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Control Systems and Robotics 3 Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Review of classical control analysis methods. use of observers. Prentice Hall. phase lead and lag controllers. R. Ogata. pole placement. Nyquist stability criterion. Platforms may also include specialized systems used in application-specific contexts. 1994. K. 3. TCP and UDP. Classical design using frequency domain methods. packet and circuit switching. smart sensors. Bissell. interactive and multimedia. LQR design. Reference Material: It is an advanced course and the instructor may make his notes from various resources from internet (this need revision before print ready format). 56 . state transformations. Introduction to state space methods. such as autonomous robotics. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Networking 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: Review of basic concepts: The OSI Model. C. understand real-time operating systems and the resource management and quality of service issues that arise. 8th (1998) or 9th (2001) Edition. 2nd Edition. Controllability and observability. Modern Control Systems. Platforms range from handheld and mobile computers to media and real-time server systems. Reference Materials: 1. immersive and omnipresent applications. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Real Time Operating Systems 3 Operating Systems Course Outline: The principles of real-time and embedded systems inherent in many hardware platforms and applications being developed for engineering and science as well as for ubiquitous systems. 2.C. network topology. Modern Control Engineering. 2nd ed. 1990. 7th (1995). ARP. Dorf. Transducers. actuators and robot control. 2. Congestion Control: Control vs. John Wiley and Sons. Upper Saddle River. FL. 1997. Boca Raton. Addison Wesley. distributed systems management Protocols.DNS. Conventional encryption techniques. A. Avoidance. 2003. web-based management Reference Materials: 1. Voice over IP (VoIP). 1995. The Advanced Encryption Standard. Richard A. Viruses. Next Generation IP Ipng. FL. Boca Raton. Mobile IP. E-mail security. 2002. network vs. ICMP. NJ. Internet Addressing. Satellite Systems. CRC Press. P. 4. W. Network Security. Stinson. Prentice-Hall Sixth Edition (for those who want to review basics of networking). RSA and Discrete Logarithms. Kaufman. Identification schemes. Speciner. RSVP. current trends. Stallings. WAP. Menezes. Miscellaneous topics. Emerging Internet security standards. VPNs. 2001. Mollin. PGP. 1996. William Stallings. Issues with wireless over TCP. 5. Coulouris. 57 . "Data and Computer Communications". 7. “Distributed Systems Concepts and Design”. Kindberg. Upper Saddle River. Stream and block ciphers. Congestion in the Internet. Computer Security: Art and Science Addison-Wesley. Digital signatures. Firewalls. DES. VPNs. Reference Materials: 1. Oorshcot. An Introduction to Cryptography. 3. M. B. CRC Press. Perlman. Prentice Hall PTR. Routing. Addison Wesley. Cryptology and simple cryptosystems. Algorithms. Dial-up security. Bishop. R. Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World Prentice Hall PTR. Ross. 2. M. Cryptography and Network Security. Dollimore. Public key Encryption. S-MIME. Applied Cryptography. Management: Quality of Service (QoS). 3. Wireless: Radio basics. 2003. Key management schemes. SET. Confidentiality & Message authentication: Hash functions. IP Multicast. Schneier. NJ. James F. More on Block Ciphers. Kurose and Keith W. Chapman and Hall/CRC. NY. Elliptic curves. Handbook of Applied Cryptography. Cryptography: Theory and Practice. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Security 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: Introduction. Vanstone. 6. Number theory and algorithm complexity. and S. “Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet”. Kerberos and directory authentication. SSL and IPsec. Prentice Hall. an original and novel research contribution. Fundamentals of per-flow and aggregate scheduling algorithms. scheduling for best-effort and guaranteed services. students will be able to plan. QoS mechanisms and architectures. Worst-case analysis for multimedia networking. 2001. Application-level and network-level signalling protocols for data. and design and implement a Web Site on the Web Server created. 58 . critical analysis. 3rd Edition. and optimize a Web Server. and configure a Web Server. 3rd Edition. optical networking. Switching and Routing. Traffic Engineering (TE) concepts and mechanisms including label assignment. label distribution. 1998. Prentice Hall. Addison Wesley. network interface design. 3. typical topics are listed below: Overview of packet switching networks and devices. Router architecture and performance. 5. High-Speed Networks: TCP/IP and ATM Design Principles. Resource signalling and resource reservation protocols. and constraint-based routing algorithms. 4. March 1996. Detailed operation of Internet routing protocols such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Peterson and Davie. ISBN: 0135259657. Puzmanov. Morgan Kaufman. Garica and Widjaja.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Topics in Computer Networking 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: This course offers an advanced introduction and research perspectives in the areas of switch/router architectures. McGraw-Hill. TE-based routing and signalling protocols. Route lookup algorithms. Quality of service mechanisms for multimedia and real-time communications. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Administration 3 Data Communication and Networks Course Outline: Through completion of this course. web protocols and applications. Tanenbaum. 2003. Multi-protocol label switching and its generalization. 2. and video communications. monitor. and network economics. manage. voice. Integrated and differentiated network service models. Andrew S. Fundamentals of Internet Protocol (IP) networking. William Stallings. and finally. install. Reference Materials: 1. Computer Networking a Systems Approach. 2002. the course also includes a research project in computer networking involving literature survey. Communication Networks: Fundamentals Concepts and Key Architectures. Computer Networks. Springer-Verlag. 2001. Robertazzi. (2002) Course Technology. 59 . Prentice Hall. “The UMTS Network and Radio Access Technology Air Interface Techniques for Future Mobile Systems”. Information Technology Project Management. IS-136. simulation and experimental methods should be used to evaluate and design networks and protocols.Reference Materials: 1. This course is intended for graduate students who have some background on computer networks. Principles of Web Design. (2000) Course Technology. Reference Materials: 1. etc). Castro. Toskala. T. Wireless Communications and Networks. GPRS. Analytical. common air protocols (AMPS. 1994. Holma and A. Stallings. Reference Material: 1.P. Computer Networks and Systems: Queuing Theory and Performance Evaluation. 5. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Performance Evaluation 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: This is an advanced course in networks and protocols. Schiller. Wireless Communications: Principles & Practice. Wiley. radio propagation models. error control techniques. ISBN: 0-619-03528-5. As an example for the third generation air interfaces. Rappaport. IS-95 CDMA and cdma 2000. G. second. ISBN: 0-61901526-8. H. EDGE. Addison Wesley. W. Mobile Communications. GSM. 2nd edition. T.K. handoff. cdma2000. 2002. 2000. “WCDMA for UMTS Radio Access for Third Generation Mobile Communications”. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Wireless Networks 3 Data Communications and Computer Networks Course Outline: This course covers fundamental techniques in design and operation of first. 6. 4. J. 2. medium access techniques. Garg. Prentice Hall. Investigate network management tools and techniques. 2000. V. power control. 3. and third generation wireless networks: cellular systems. John Wiley & Sons. Prentice Hall PTR. 2001. Second Edition. 2002. radio resource and network management. J.S. WCDMA. 2. IS-95. WCDMA is discussed in detail since it is expected to have a large impact on future wireless networks. Logic Programming. Control Structures. Butterworth-Heinemann. and Tools. Fischer and Grodzinsky 5. Aho. Reference Materials: 1. Raphael Finkel. Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages Bertrand Meyer 3. Advanced Programming Language Design. Compilers: Principles.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Theory of Programming Languages 3 Compiler Construction Course Outline: Introduction and History. predicated and speculative execution. Functional Programming and Lambda calculus. Theoretical study should depend on the level of the first course Design I and the student needs. optimization for instruction-level parallelism. Addison-Wesley. Advanced topics include memory hierarchy management. Alfred V. 60 . 2. 1988. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Compiler Design II 3 Advanced Compiler Design I Course Outline: The course should consist of one or two major projects. 1998. Ravi Sethi. Topics include control-flow and data-flow analysis. Techniques. Reference Materials: 1. Morgan Kaufmann. The class focus is processor-specific compilation techniques. The Anatomy of Programming Languages. Object-oriented Programming. Ryan Stansifer 4. and Jeffrey D. modulo scheduling. Building an Optimizing Compiler. Concepts of Programming Languages. Steven S. Ullman. instruction scheduling. The Study of Programming Languages. classical optimization. Robert Morgan. Syntax and Semantics. Sebesta Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Compiler Design I 3 Compiler Construction Course Outline: An in-depth study of compiler backend design for high-performance architectures. 3. 1997. ISBN: 0805311912 2. thus familiarity with both computer architecture and compilers is recommended. AddisonWesley. Dataflow. Types. Concurrent and Distributed Programming. and register allocation. Muchnick. Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation. XML Databases. 2. The text covers the topic well. Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Company. An Application-Oriented Approach. Weiyi Meng. Alfred V. ISBN: 1558604669. Arthur Bernstein. agile. Techniques. similarity based search (spatial. Addison Wesley Publishers.736 pages (April 1998) Morgan Kaufman Publishers. Logical Frameworks. ISBN: 0201708728. image. CA. 2002. Principles of Database Query Processing for Advanced Applications (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems). and Micheal Kifer. The promise of interfaces that are knowledgeable. Robert Morgan. Mark T. Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation. 1988. Subrahmanian. Yu. Principles of Multimedia Database Systems. Reference Materials: 1. Butterworth-Heinemann. sensitive to our needs. by Clement T. 3. Building an Optimizing Compiler. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multimedia Database 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction. Temporal Data Models. ISBN: 1558604448. Lewis. 1998. 3. Multidimensional Data Structures. Reference Material: 1.Reference Materials: 1. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Intelligent User Interfaces 3 Human Computer Interaction Course Outline: The increasing complexity of software and the proliferation of information make intelligent user interfaces increasingly important. Text/Document Databases. Philip M. Compilers: Principles. audio). Overview of Relational and Object-Relational Data Representations. by V. 2. San Francisco. 1997. 1998. Maybury (Editor). Addison-Wesley. Databases and Transaction Processing.S. Paperback . Ravi Sethi. 61 . Muchnick. ISBN: 1558604340. 1998. and genuinely useful has motivated research across the world to advance the state of the art and practice in user interfaces that exhibit intelligence. Steven S. and Jeffrey D. and Tools. Wolfgang Wahlster (Editor). Readings in Intelligent User Interfaces. Morgan Kaufmann. Ullman. Aho. limitations of the Hough transform. computing the first and second derivatives of images using the isotropic. However. analogy to edge point detection and Hough transform. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Rich Internet Applications 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: This course covers the concept and technology evolution regarding the internet applications and the use of interface tools. applications of vision systems and their limitations. 2006. Reference Materials: 1. grouping line segments into curves. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach. Grouping of contours and straight lines into higher order features such as vertices and facets. Shapiro. by Linda G. the course can focus on any one of the technologies of modern day. Depth measurement in images. Computer Vision. the course will use the concepts of data structures. George C. grouping edge points into straight lines by means of the Hough transform. 3. Relaxation labeling of images: detection of image features. Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision. by David Forsyth. Overview of early. Yunmei Chen. for example. mean and variance pyramids. 2003. object oriented programming.Computer Vision Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: 3 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Concepts behind computer-based recognition and extraction of features from raster images. Reference Materials: The contents and teaching approach depend on the instructor and the latest trends in the area. Prentice Hall. Mainly. improved Hough transform with perceptual features. 62 . Prentice Hall. Perceptual grouping: failure of the Hough transform. parameterisation of conic sections. 2. intermediate and high level vision. programming languages and the software design and engineering to develop projects of medium to large magnitude. macromedia’s FLASH. 2001. by Nikos Paragios. Stockman. perceptual criteria. Jean Ponce. Overview of mammalian vision: experimental results of Hubel and Weisel. Sobel and Laplacian operators. Birkhäuser. quadtree structures for segmentation. Segmentation: region splitting and merging. Olivier Faugeras. Macromedia’s presence on the web can be utilized for information transfer. Virtual Reality 14. Evolutionary Computation/Algorithms 11. Advanced Optimization methods 3. Text Mining 18. Unsupervised learning. Logistic regression. EM algorithm.. The Elements of Statistical Learning. 1. Bishop. ICA (Independent components analysis). Supervised learning. T. Learning theory. 2009Bishop. K-means Clustering. R. Generative learning algorithms. Advanced database systems 15.. C. Distributed Databases 16. J. Machine Learning. Reinforcement learning and control. Logic Programming & Automated Reasoning 8. Machine Learning 2. Tibshirani.. Qlearning. Evaluating and debugging learning algorithms. PCA (Principal components analysis). Visualization in Medicine 13.. Robotics 4. Decision Theory Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Machine learning 3 Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Basic concepts of Machine Learning. Bellman equations. Value function approximation Reference Materials: 1. Factor analysis. Fuzzy Systems 6. Perceptron. Support vector machines. C. Bias/variance tradeoff. Gaussian discriminant analysis. Intelligent Planning 5. Union and Chernoff/Hoeffding bounds. Cybernetics 10. Intelligent Data Modelling 7. Model selection and feature selection. Value iteration and policy iteration. McGraw-Hill. Hastie. 1995 63 . Advanced statistical methods 9. (1997) 3. Linear quadratic regulation.. Knowledge Management (3 credits) 12.MS (CS) Course Outlines Following are some of the new course outlines for MS (CS) Programme suggested by Computer Science Committee. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. and Friedman. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. 2006 2. Supervised learning setup.. Mitchell. Web Mining 17. T. Belmont. 4. Convex sets. 6. DC motors. 5. MA. Kalman filter. Practical Springer. New York. Behavior based programming. Behavior based architecture. New York. Derivative-free optimization. 9. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Robotics 3 Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: A brief history of robotics. 1986. 2. Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications. 64 . Linear and convex quadratic optimization problems. Robot evolution. Athena Scientific. Algorithms for smooth unconstrained optimization. Convex Optimization. optical encoders. 7. Nonlinear Programming. Belmont. Localization and mapping. Dechter (2003): Morgan Kaufmann. Gill. Athena Scientific. Sequential quadratic programming. 2006. Bertsekas. Potential field approach. Chong and Zak. Second Edition. 2007. 2009. Robot behaviors. second edition. Potential applications of intelligent systems and robotics. Sonar. Combinatorial optimization. Practical Optimization. Multi-robotic systems. Reference Materials: 1. 2001. 2004. Multiobjective Optimization. Control.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Optimization methods 3 Discrete Mathematics Course Outline: A taxonomy of optimization problems and solution methods. Duality. Cambridge. MA. 1999. Cambridge University Press. Convex analysis and optimization. 8. Outline of techniques for discrete optimization. London. convex functions and convex optimization. Dead-reckoning. Triangulation. Geometric and semidefinite optimization. Convex optimization theory. Uncertainty grid. Constraint processing. Wiley. Bertsekas. with Nedic and Ozdaglar. MA. Second Edition. including relaxation. Sensors and Actuators. Numerical Optimization. types of robots. 3. laser scanner. Murry and Wright. 2003. Feedback control. including interior point methods. R. Recent advances. Springer. Bertsekas. Academic Press. Algorithms for constrained optimization. Athena Scientific. Antoniou and Lu. Boyd and Vandenberghe. Computational complexity and NPcompleteness. Belmont. Nocedal and Wright. An Introduction to Optimization. Reference Materials: 1. Robot Motion Planning, Jean-Claude, Latombe Kluwer, Academic Publishers, Boston, 1991. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots, D. Kortenkamp, R. Bonasso, and R. Murphy, ed., AAAI Press, 1998. 3. Handbook of Robotics, Siciliano, Bruno; Khatib, Oussama (Eds.), Springer Springer 2008 4. An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control, P. Antsaklis and K. Passino, Kluwer, 1993. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Intelligent Planning 3 Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Introduction to Planning Approaches; Plan generation and causal-link planning; Planning as constraint satisfaction; Planning Problems; Planning on a computational grid; Planning using temporal logics; Heuristic search planning; Knowledge representation for planning, ontologies, description logics; Reasoning about time: temporal reasoning and scheduling; Controlling Search; Complexity of planning problems; Learning search control knowledge & case-based planning; Distributed & multi-agent planning; Learning from an external environment; Planning and execution; Reactive systems; Probabilistic planning; Planning and decision theory, Markov decision processes; Mixed-initiative planning Reference Materials: 1. Planning in intelligent systems, Wezel, Wout van and Jorna, René J., 2006, Wiley. 2. LaValle, Steven Michael, 2006, Planning Algorithms. 3. Machine learning methods for planning, Minton, Steven, 1993, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 4. Planning Algorithms, LaValle, Steven Michael, 2006. 5. Planning with Markov Decision, Kolobov, Andrey, 2012, Morgan & Claypool Publishers. 6. Intelligent Task Planning Using Fuzzy Petri Nets, Cao, Tiehua and Sanderson, A. Arthur C., 1996,. World Scientific Publishing Company Incorporated. 7. Intelligent Techniques For Planning, Vlahavas, Ioannis and Vrakas, Dimitris, 2005, Igi Global. 8. Planning in intelligent systems, Wezel, Wout van and Jorna, René J., 2006, Wiley. 65 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Fuzzy Systems 3 Discrete Mathematics Course Outline: The Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems and Control; Fuzzy Sets and Operations on Fuzzy Sets; Fuzzy Relations and the Extension Principle; Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning; Fuzzy Systems and Their Properties; Fuzzy Rule Base and Fuzzy Inference Engine; Fuzzifiers and Defuzzifiers; Fuzzy Systems as Nonlinear Mappings; Approximation Accuracy of the Fuzzy System; Fuzzy Systems with Second-Order Approximation Accuracy; Approximation; Accuracy of Fuzzy Systems with Maximum; Design of Fuzzy Systems from Input-Output Data; A Table Look-Up Scheme; Gradient Descent Training; Recursive Least Squares; Design of Fuzzy; Systems Using Clustering; Non-adaptive Fuzzy Control; Adaptive Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy Linear Programming Reference Materials: 1. A course in fuzzy systems and control, Wang, Li-Xin, 1997, Prentice Hall. 2. Advanced Fuzzy Systems Design and Applications, Jin, Yaochu, 2003, Physica Verlag. 3. Advanced Concepts in Fuzzy Logic and Systems with Membership Uncertainty, Starczewski, Janusz T., 2012, Springer. 4. Advanced Fuzzy Systems Design and Applications, Jin, Yaochu, 2003, PhysicaVerlag. 5. Siddique, Nazmul and Adeli, Hojjat, 2013, Computational Intelligence. Wiley. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Intelligent Probabilistic Data Modeling 3 Probability and Statistics Course Outline: Bayes' Theorem and Simple Bayesian Inference; Bayesian Decision Trees; Approximate Inference; Exact Inference; Graphical Models; Sampling and Resampling; Data Models and Distributions; Feature Reduction, Principal Component Analysis; Linear Discriminant Analysis; Support Vector Machines; Maximum Weighted Spanning Tree; Learning in Belief Networks; Hidden Markov Models; Probabilistic Relational models; Relational Uncertainty in Probabilistic Relational models Reference Materials: 1. Learning from Data, Cherkassky, Vladimir and Mulier, Filip M., 2007, Wiley-IEEE Press. 2. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Hastie, Trevor J. et el, 2009, Springer. 3. Computational Vision in Neural and Machine Systems, Harris, Laurence R and Jenkin, Michael R. M., 2007 66 4. The Art of the Sale, Broughton, Philip Delves, 2013, Penguin Group USA. 5. Optimized Bayesian Dynamic Advising, Karny, Miroslav, 2006, SpringerVerlag New York Incorporated. 6. Scalable Optimization Via Probabilistic Modeling, Pelikan, Martin and Sastry, Kumara, 2006, Springer Verlag. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Logic Programming & Automated Reasoning 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Propositional logic; Propositional logic reasoning using resolution; Firstorder/predicate logic; First-order reasoning using unrestricted resolution; Well-founded orderings; Multi-set and Multi-set orderings; Structural transformation; Fuzzy logic; Bayesian inference. Reasoning with maximal entropy. Reference Materials: 1. Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming, Raedt, Luc De, 2008, Springer-Verlag New York Incorporated. 2. Meta-reasoning, Cox, Michael T. and Raja, Anita, 2011, The MIT Press. 3. Thinking As Computation, Levesque, Hector J., 2012,. MIT Press (MA). 4. Automated Theory Formation in Pure Mathematics, Colton, Simon, 2002, Springer Verlag. Course Title: Credit Hours: Evolutionary Computation/Algorithms 3 Course Outline: Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Algorithms, Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming, Genetic Programming, Learning Classifier Systems, Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms, MultiModal Problems and Spatial Distribution, Hybridisation with Other Techniques: Memetic Algorithms, Theory of EAs, Constraint Handling Special Forms of Evolution, Working with Evolutionary Algorithms, Practical implementation of EAs. Reference Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, Agoston E. Eiben, J.E. Smith. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, S.N. Sivanandam, S. N. Deepa Evolutionary Computation, Kenneth A. de De Jong, Kenneth A. De Jong Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, David E.Goldberg. 5. Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Zbigniew Michalewicz 67 Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Visualization in Medicine 3 Probability and Statistics and Graph Theory Course outline: Introduction: 2D and 3D Visualization in Medicine; Medical Image Data and Visual Perception; Acquisition of Medical Image Data; Medical Volume Data in Clinical Practice. Image Analysis for Medical Visualization; Volume visualization Exploration of Medical Volume Data; Measurements in Medical Visualization; Virtual Endoscopy; Image Guided Surgery and Virtual Reality Reference Material: 1. Visualization in Medicine: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Bernhard Preim, Dirk Bartz Course Name: Course Structure: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Database Systems Lectures: 3 3 Introduction to Database Systems Course Outline: Advance Normal Forms such as Multivalued Dependency, 4 th and 5th normal forms, Domain Key normal form, Hierarchical structure of DBMS, Storage and File Organization, Storage Indexing and Hashing, Relational Calculus, Query Processing Transaction processing, ACID properties, Serializability, Recoverability, Concurrency control and Recovery, Protocols (Lock-based, Graph-based, Timestamp-based, Validation-based), Deadlock Handling techniques and prevention, Log-based Recovery, Failure with loss of Nonvolatile storage. Reference Materials: 1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, By R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, 6th Edition, 2011. 2. Database Management Systems, By R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke, 3rd Edition, 2003. 3. Database System Concepts, By Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth S. Sudarshan, 6th Edition, 2010. 4. Database Systems, The Complete Book. By H. Garcia-Molina, J. D. Ullman, and J. Widom; Prentice Hall, 2002. 5. Database Systems, C. J. Date, 8th Edition, 2004 68 fragmentation. and structure mining. mining information sites and streams.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Distributed Databases 3 Advanced Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction to distributed database systems (DDBMS). classification. architectural models. distributed query optimization algorithms. identifying and mining social networks and social media. locked-based and timestamp-based algorithms. semantic integrity control. Use of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence Techniques for web mining and information networks. distributed query processing problems. serializability theory. join ordering in fragment queries. transaction processing. Network partitioning. Contents. Prentice Hall. Morgan Kaufmann. ranking and filtering algorithms using content and link analysis summarizing and analyzing web information. data processing in multi-databases and inter-operability issues. design issues. 2nd Edition. recommendation. 69 . dealing with site failures. Ozsu. 2002. P. G. 1999.): (2nd Edition). concurrency control mechanisms. reliability concepts and measures. usage. query decomposition. database integration. indexing. 2. DDBMS architecture. failures in DDBMS. and Web intelligence. 2. Weikum and G. view management. 2nd Edition. deadlock management. distributed reliability protocols. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Web Mining 3 Data Mining Course outline: Introduction to web. allocation. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks. Reference Materials: 1. Applications for searching. Web crawling. and Usage Data. Soumen Chakrabarti. optimistic algorithms. Bing Liu 2011. Vossen. mining opinion and reviews. Transactional Information Systems.T. Valduriez (eds. M. Principles of Distributed Database Systems. data security. Mining the Web. Morgan-Kaufmann. query optimization. local reliability protocols. localization of distributed data. distributed database design strategies. content. Reference Materials: 1. 2011. and Applications (Human Factors and Ergonomics). Collaborative Work. The Nature of Knowledge. Structuring Text. Biological and Physical Sciences. Searching. Data Mining. Latent Semantic Indexing. relation finding. Games VR. Immersion. Converting Tacit Knowledge to Explicit. stereoscopic image creation. Document-Term Matrix Formation Processing. Motion trackers. Normalization. Factors Influencing KM. 70 . Stop words. Technologies to Manage Knowledge. Topic Modeling. Knowledge-Based Systems. and Technologies. Sensory motor interfaces. Ergonomic studies. Rajiv Sabherwal (2004). covering programming and tuning existing modules. Assembling and Repairing. Irma Becerra-Fernandez. (edition with accompanying CD). Stemming. Edited by Kay M Stanney. Solutions. Reference Materials: 1. Knowledge Sharing Systems. Knowledge Discovery. Training Simulation. I 3 diagram for VR (Interaction. Knowledge Application Systems. Fighting Simulation. Knowledge Management Challenges. GATE.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Text Mining 3 Fundamental of Data Mining Course outline: Introduction to text mining. Discovering New Knowledge. Avelino Gonzalez. Introduction to Augmented Reality. Knowledge Capture Systems. Using different software tools such as Weka. Spam Detection. Application of (Medical. and named-entity recognition. Stereoscopic vision(depth perception. part-of-speech tagging. phrase chunking. Prentice Hall. Human centric reference model of VR. Design and evaluation of virtual environments. Organizational Impacts of KM. KM Assessment of an Organization. KM Solutions. active and passive stereoscopy). Psychotherapy. Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design. and Manipulations. Course Title: Credit Hours: Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems 3 Course Outline: Introduction to Virtual Reality. ISBN: 0-13-109931-0. Human and its environment. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Virtual Reality Technology by GRIGORE Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Knowledge Management 3 Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Overview of Knowledge Management (KM). Clustering and Classification. Imagination). Implementation. The Future of Knowledge Management Reference Materials: 1. Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. and sensitivity analysis related to an optimal decision. Bayesian Data Analysis. Addison-Wesley.5. P. A. K. G. Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. Inc. John Wiley & Sons. 2. principles and approaches in decision making. & Tiow. and Rubin. Q. 2nd Ed. J. Decision Making and Forecasting.B3862003) 2. utility and reward. London (QA279. Marshall. B. J. (1988). T..95. identify prior distributions and likelihood functions. Gelman. Bryan Bergeron. Springer-Verlag. M. Essentials of Knowledge Management. (1995). explores the methods and applications of information that are used in making an optimal decision. (2003). C. which will then be combined with loss function to obtain Bayesian estimators. A Bayesian Approach. Carlin. (T57. proving admissibility and inadmissibility of a decision. 2003 Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisite: Decision Theory 3 Probability and Statistics Course Outline: Introduces the basic problems and techniques of decision making may be covered in two basic parts: 1. & Oliver.4. Concepts of conjugate distributions on prior and posterior distributions. (QA276. and combine these two entities to obtain posterior distributions. O. (QA279. McGraw-Hill. process of making an optimal decision.B681973) 71 . Decision Analysis: Chapman & Hall. Smith. Chapman & Hall. Inc. Box.M351995) 3. important definitions in decision theory.2. D. G. (1973). (QA279.B461985) 4.5. B. Analysis of subjective probabilities Reference Materials: 1. E. Berger J. (1985).S641988) 5. R. Differences between the classical frequencies approach and Bayesian approach in making decision. Sector “U”. Karachi. Muhammad Shakeel.National Curriculum Revision Committee Software Engineering The National Curriculum Revision Committee for Software Engineering (NCRC-SE) met on 6-8 February. Participants represented most of the universities and software industry of the country. GIFT University. Member 5. Dept. Fakhar-ul-Islam Lodhi. Mirpur A. Lahore Cantt Member 72 . 2013 to develop the vision for Software Engineering education and curriculum for software engineering programme. Institute of Business Management. DHA. Naveed Arshad. Dr. Korangi Creek. Assistant Professor. The Committee met again on 10-12 June. Name and Address Dr. Dept.K Convener and Chairperson of SE committee Member 3. of Computer Science. Dean. Mohammad Riaz Moghal. Assistant Professor. Computer Systems Engg. 2013 to finalize the curricula recommendations. College of Computer Science & Information System. Mr. Main Campus. Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). of Computer Sciences. Gujranwala Member 4. Dr. Following experts participated in the meetings for sub-group on Software Engineering: 1. Dr. Gujranwala. Of Computer Sciences. Abu Turab Alam Professor. Professor. Deptt. Opp. Mirpur University of Science & Tech. Industrial Area. GIFT University. 2. Assistant Professor. processes and higher level tools by which these applications can be developed in a timely. Iftikhar Ahmed Khan. Dr. Dr.6. Dept. Member 7. maintainable. Member The Discipline of Software Engineering: Software Engineering is a bridge connecting the basic concepts and principles of Computer Science with the variety of users who can benefit from technologies based upon those principles. NED University of Engg & Tech. of Computer & Information Systems Engg. of Computer Software Engg. Dept. Professor. of Telecommunication Engg. Shahbaz Khan. Peshawar. efficient. of Computer & Software Engg. Muhammad Akram Shaikh Director General Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre QAU Campus. Mardan Campus. Dept. It includes the design and development of software systems which are effective. Islamabad. It also includes the design and development of techniques. and maximally useful and usable. University of Engg & Tech. Dr. Mardan Campus Peshawar. E-8. Muaz Ahmad Khan Niazi. Member 10. Professor. cost effective and sustainable manner. Member 9. University of Engg & Tech. as well as attention to the critical nature of the various products of the process. At both levels it requires a systematic approach which deals with quantifiable measures of quality and effectiveness. Dr. Dr. Member 8. Chairman. Dept. with the principles of good 73 . Karachi. Islamabad. Bahria University. Software engineering therefore requires familiarity with the basic needs and processes in the various application domains. Najmi Ghani Haider. robust. practice and with the underlying concepts and principles of computer science. practice. pp. David Parnas. Software Engineering and Computer Science differ in much the same way as do Electrical Engineering and Physics 1. quantifiable approach to the development. Nov/Dec. while science is more theoretical. design. IEEE Software. theory. solution design. 1 David Parnas. pp. 1999. measurement. IEEE Software. Therefore. Nov/Dec. program development and documentation. Software Engineering derives its essence from computer science as other engineering disciplines do from natural or life sciences. 2 74 . Definition: Software Engineering is a discipline concerned with the development of software systems by applying engineering principles with the goal of developing cost-effective quality systems. and process. 1999. the goal of Computer Science. and maintenance of software" [IEEE 1990]. engineering should be concerned with applying what we already know to create products. SE on the other hand aims to use the science and technology already available to create products and tools for use. disciplined. There are many definitions in literature. 19-30.  "Software engineering is that form of engineering that applies the principles of computer science and mathematics to achieving costeffective solutions to software problems. analysis and verification providing a strong foundation in engineering principles and practices as applied to software development." [CMU/SEI-90-TR-003]  "The application of a systematic. “Software Engineering Programmes are not Computer Science Programmes”. A software engineering programme should develop professionals who have a mastery of software development principles. “Software Engineering Programmes are not Computer Science Programmes”. Generally. 19-30. It requires facility in problem analysis. It also requires a basic understanding of the ways in which humans interact with technological systems. is to learn and to extend the science. according to Parnas2. with an emphasis on issues of process. Such as:  "The establishment and use of sound engineering principles (methods) in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works on real machines" [Bauer 1972]. techniques. quantifiable approach to design. practices.” Software Engineering could also be defined as: “The application of systematic. Knowledge Areas of SE Curriculum Development ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 notes: “The curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range of engineering and computer science topics implied by the title and objective of 75 . The programme will also strive to develop a capacity for innovation and a passion for lifelong learning.” Vision: Software engineering is the discipline of creating high-quality software systems in a systematic. A software engineering programme should develop professionals who have a mastery of principles. concept with application. deployment. quantifiable approach to development. SE curricula thus developed would reflect the aim to satisfy professional demands of the industry and academia both in terms of immediate needs and the capacity for longer term development. and maintenance of reliable and economical software systems. operation. The application of systematic. and methods to the design. disciplined. and processes necessary to produce quality software systems. develop. and maintenance of software. It will help students to enhance their ability in oral and written communication. deployment and maintenance of software systems. IEEE defines software engineering [IEEE-93] as “1. development. professional and ethical responsibility. It involves the application of engineering concepts.The study of approaches as in 1. and processes to design. The graduates thus produced will be adequately equipped to exploit the opportunities and answer the challenges offered by the modern world. that is application of engineering to software. deploy. 2. and their adaptability to team environments. development. theory. The programme will lead to development of student’s professional and interpersonal skills. disciplined. practices. The programme will inculcate among students a strong sense of civic. controlled and efficient manner. and problem with solution. It will prepare them to apply ably engineering principles. The curriculum committee formalized the Vision Statement for SE education in Pakistan as follows: The SE education in Pakistan will focus on imparting the knowledge and training which should enable students to harmonize theory with practice. and maintain software systems. It will help them learn and demonstrate the application of software engineering practices. It should gradually introduce and strengthen the core professional competencies and desired skill-sets. The graduates. 2004August 23. verify. and maintain software systems. 2004 5 Computing Curriculum 2008—Draft 3 4 76 . Humanities. in the spirit of engineering criteria above. The programme must demonstrate that graduates have: the ability to analyze. Guide to Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. design. Software engineering concepts should be taken up as early as the start of 2 nd year. The main technical SE content should be covered during the third and fourth years. Good SE practices must be nurtured all through the education programme. The following major areas of relevant pedagogy have been identified to be appropriate for design of the software engineering curriculum: 1 Computing Foundation (CS/SE/CE) 2 Software Engineering (SE Major) 3 Software Engineering Application Domain 4 Supporting Areas (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) 5 General Education (Management. The practice of software engineering is often in the context of non-software application domains. Outcome of these efforts is documented in Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)3. Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK) 4. implement. the ability to appropriately apply discrete mathematics. Social Sciences) The committee is of the view that good curriculum should focus on building a solid foundation in the early stages of learning. probability and statistics. and relevant topics in computer and management sciences to complex software systems..the programme. therefore. and Computing Curriculum 20085. 2004 Edition.” SE curriculum specified here has been developed systematically by identifying the major knowledge areas of SE education. validate. It is noted that efforts carried out by ACM and IEEE-CS to develop international software curricula are very relevant and provide excellent guidelines on the issue. A capstone design project should provide the opportunity to bring together all the knowledge gained in a wide variety of courses to solve realistic problems in a team-based environment. should be provided an opportunity for reasonably broad exposure to at least one application area in the senior years. Practical component should use medium to large scale projects to develop in students a systematic approach to problem solving and program development. apply. Software Engineering – Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering. The BS Software Engineering Degree would be a 4-year programme spread over 8 semesters and MS Software Engineering programme would be a 2year programme spread over 4 semesters. however. universities may define their own admission criteria. The eligibility criterion for admission to MS Software Engineering was unanimously agreed to be 4-year BS Software Engineering or equivalent qualifications. In normal circumstances a semester comprises 15 to16 teaching weeks followed by the final examination. It was agreed that 3 weekly lab hours shall be treated as one credit hour. universities may define their own admission criteria. It is also recommended that one week may be given to students as preparation week before final exam.Software Engineering Degree Programme: Nomenclature: The committee emphasized that the nomenclature followed for Software Engineering programs should correspond to international trends and standards. Admission Criteria: The eligibility criteria for BS Software Engineering admission was agreed to be intermediate with mathematics or equivalent qualifications. The following nomenclature was thus agreed upon for various degrees: Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Master of Science in Software Engineering — BS Software Engg — BS (SE) — MS Software Engg— MS (SE) Duration of Programme: The committee defined a credit hour as one lecture hour in a course offered in a particular semester. 77 . however. The curriculum is designed to ensure breadth across allied disciplines and supporting subjects.  Be able to understand and apply software project management skills: measurement.  Be capable of independent learning. planning.  Have an awareness of current industry standards and practices. estimation. implement. They will have grounding in communication.  Be able to design. deployment and tracking of resources. costing. subject to realistic constraints. Graduates will be able to understand and assess their own software engineering capabilities and performance.  Have strong communication and interpersonal skills.  Be able to work in one or more application domains. methodologies. Graduates of such a programme will be able to function as proficient software developers and effective team members.  Be able to verify and validate the software systems.Curriculum for BS Software Engineering-BS (SE) Programme Objective: The objective of the programme is to prepare students for professional careers and for graduate studies in software engineering. historical.  Be able to model. and social issues that influence and effect or relate to the development of high quality software systems. both functional and non-functional.  Understand professional responsibility and application of ethical principles. computer science and related disciplines. deploy and maintain software systems. and the cultural. physical science.  Understand and apply the principles of the team process. mathematics and science. They will have knowledge of and experience with software product engineering and engineering management and an understanding of professional issues and practices. document and track system requirements. and depth in most areas of the software engineering body of knowledge.  Understand and be able to apply the principles of software engineering practice and process. With a balance between computing theory and practical application of software engineering concepts including software project management.  Have knowledge of economics. 78 . humanities and social sciences. tools and technologies in the modern software development environments. analyze. Various components have been included in the curriculum to ensure that the graduates will:  Understand and be able to apply mathematics. Table for BS (SE): The Credit Hour Distribution of the Core and Elective Courses Major Areas Computing Foundation Software Engineering Supporting Studies (Math/Science ) General Education Total Core/ Required 46 Elective Credit Hours 21 85 (64%) 12 9 21 (17%) 15 12 91 (68%) 42 (33%) 27 (21%) 133 18 79 . These areas will be taken care of in the supporting courses which have been allocated reasonably sufficient space. The final year project will mark the crystallization and culmination of the students’ four-year learning experience. During the senior years the students will be given exposure to the more specialized aspects of the discipline. The students will be exposed to the discipline in a systematic. Students will also be trained in the skills and techniques which are rooted in the basic sciences like mathematics and physics. A host of slots for elective courses have also been proposed to give to the students an opportunity to move towards their areas of interest. During the first two years of the programme the students will be given core understanding of the programme may be similar to other focusing areas in computing—computer science. gradual and definite way. information technology. which will prepare them for the industry and for further research oriented studies. Table for BS(SE) gives the credit hour distribution of the core and elective courses. Students’ personal traits and personality polishing will be cared for by the general education courses including communication and writing skills. In order to inculcate among them a scientific attitude they will go through a substantial lab work. the demands of the market and trends.Programme Model: The programme is designed to achieve systematically the objectives set out above. They will also be given training in at least one application domain which will help institutions to prepare human resource well suited to the needs of different segments of the job market. It has been structured to suit the needs of the students. 1 IS 2 NS 3 IS Domains Enterprise Systems Engineering Net-Centric Systems Enterprise Security Architecture Topics /Component ERP Systems. Cryptography. Security weaknesses and risk analysis. Depth in networks 6 6 80 . Common domains may include banking. etc. SCM Systems. Depth in security Business issues related to security. agriculture. Elective Computing and Software Engineering Courses (15/133) Domain Specific Elective Courses (6/133) In-depth treatment of one of the following SE Application Domains should be offered in the form of set of two to three courses of 3 credits each in the selected domain. computing concept of the domains and the domain specific computing examples with general sprit of implementation using SE principles. medicine. cryptanalysis..Computing-Core Courses-45 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PreReq 2 3 3 5 4 3 6 11 - # Course Title Introduction to Computing Programming Fundamentals Object Oriented Programming Discrete Structures Data Structure and Algorithms Digital Logic Design* Operating Systems Introduction to Database Systems Software Engineering * Computer Communications and Networks* Final Project Credit hours 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 3 (3-0) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) Proposed Semester 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 (0+6) 7. insurance. steganography. implementation details are left upon the concerned Institutes. CRM Systems Cr 6 Knowledge and skills in Web-based Technologies Depth in networking. oil exploration. textile and garments. Institutions may add new domains. However. defense. Each domain treatment should be organized as domain introduction. etc.8 *: Labs preferred in these courses. The list below is by no means exhaustive. Depth in databases Depth in business administration 6 Accounting. Proof of correctness. etc. Knowledge of control systems Hardware for embedded systems Languages and tools for development Depth in timing issues. information theory. and entertainme nt Systems Safety Critical Systems Embedded & Real time Systems Data warehousing. haptics. distributed systems. game.4 IS Information Systems and Data Processing Financial and Ecommerce Systems Fault Tolerant and Survivable Systems 5 IS 6 CE 7 CE 8 CE 9 BI Bio-medical Systems 10 SS Scientific Systems 11 TE Telecommu nication Systems 12 AS Avionic & Vehicular Systems 14 IE Industrial Process Systems 15 ES Multimedia. Depth in statistics Visualization and graphics Depth in signals. etc. Hardware verification Biology and related sciences Related safety critical systems knowledge Depth in related sciences. Telephony and telecommunication protocols Mechanical engineering concepts Related safety critical systems knowledge Related embedded and real-time systems knowledge Control systems Industrial engineering and other relevant areas Related embedded and real-time systems knowledge Visualization. Intrusion detection Failure analysis and recovery Depth in formal methods. Finance Depth in security 6 Knowledge and skills in heterogeneous. and graphics Depth in human computer interface design Depth in networks 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 81 . Depth in security. 9 Object Oriented Software Engineering 2 SE 9 Software Requirements and Specifications 3 SE 13 Software Architecture Design 4 SE 13 Software Vérification and Validation 5 SE 9 Software Project Management Credit Hours 3 Semester 3 5 3 3 6 6 3 7 4 Software Engineering Elective Computing 15 Credit Hours Elective Computing & Software Engineering Courses (15/133) (The list below is by no means exhaustive.10 3 Business Process Engineering Distributed Computing Introduction to Soft Computing 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 6 CS 7 CS 8 CS 9 CS 7. Wireless technology Related embedded and real-time systems knowledge Related telecom systems knowledge Agent based Systems Machine learning. Fuzzy logic Knowledge engineering 6 6 Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering: BS (SE) Software Engineering Core Courses 15 Credit Hours Required Software Engineering Courses (15/133) # Code PreCourse Title Req 1 SE 3.16 WN System for Small & mobile Platforms 17 AI Artificial Intelligence Depth in human computer interfaces for small and mobile platforms. Institutions may add new course) # Code Prereq Course Title Credit hours 1 SE 9 Software Engineering Economics 3 (2+1) 2MG - Information System Audit 3 (2+1) 3 CS 4 SE 5 CS 9 7.10 8 8 4 Real-time systems Data Warehousing Data Mining Artificial Intelligence 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 10CS 3 Data Security and Encryption 3 (2+1) 82 . 4 33 16CS 2 Secure Software Development Automata Theory and Formal Languages Advance Database Management Systems Introduction to Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Software Engineering Web-Engineering 3 (2+1) 3 17CS 9 System Analysis and Design 18CS 19SE 3 12 Event Driven Programming Aspect Oriented Software Design 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 20SE 21SE 3 20 Agent Based Computing Cloud Computing 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 22SE - Social Networks 3 23SE - Intro. Institutions may add new course) 1 MT 1 Advanced Calculus 3 2 MT 3 Numerical and Symbolic Computing 3 3 MT 3 Stochastic Processes 3 4 Sc Physics-II (Mechanics) 3 5 Sc Bio-Chemistry 3 6 Sc Biology/ genetics 3 7 EE 4 Digital Electronics 4 (3+1) 8 Sc -Software Engineering Economics 3 9 MT -Computational Linear Algebra 3 10 MT -Operation Research 3 11 MT -Simulation and Modeling 3 12 CS -Natural Language Processing 3 83 . to Complex Networks 3 24CS 2 Functional Programming 3 (2+1) 25CS 26SE 2 9 Mobile Computing Formal Methods 3 (2+1) 3 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 (2+1) 3 Computing Requirements-Supporting Sciences 12 Credit hours (refer to Computing part) Elective Supporting Courses (9/130) (The list below is by no means exhaustive.11CS 12CS 14 4 13CS 8 14CS 15CS 1. Hrs. 3 4 (3+1) 3 3 3 2 18 Cr. German. Hrs. Institutions may add new course) 1 SS English Literature 3 5 2 SS - Economics 3 7 3 4 5 6 SS SS SS HU - 3 3 3 3 2-6 6 7 7-8 7 8 9 10 11 MG MG MG MG MG Sociology Psychology International Relations Foreign Language (Arabic.Computing Requirements-General Education 15 Credit Hours (Refer to Computing part) Elective General Education Courses (12/130) (The list below is by no means exhaustive. etc. Hrs. 3 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 3 Semester 2 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Object Oriented Programming Supporting Elective-I GE/University Elective-I English-II (Communication Skills) Islamic Studies/Ethics Semester 4 Object Oriented Software Engineering Cr. Hrs.) Information System Audit Principles of Management Human Resource Management Marketing Accounting and Finance 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 5 6-7 5-7 - - Sample Scheme of Study for BS (SE) 4-year Programme (8 Semesters) (130 Credit Hours) Semester-wise 4-Year Plan Semester 1 Introduction to Computing Programming Fundamentals Discrete Structures Physics English-I (Functional English) Cr. 4 (3+1) 4 (3+1) 3 3 3 17 Semester 3 Software Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms Digital Logic & Design Linear Algebra Cr. 4 (3+1) Supporting Elective-II 3 GE/University Elective II Introduction to Database Systems Pakistan Studies 3 4(3+1) 2 84 . French. Modeling with UML. Hrs. Project Management. Hrs. Methodologies: Putting It All Together. Object Design: Specifying Interfaces. Hrs. Rationale Management. Semester 6 SE Elective I 3 Supporting Elective III 3 SE Elective II 3 GE/University Elective III Software Verification and Validation Software Architecture & Design Human Computer Interaction SE Application Domain Elective I English-III (Technical and Report Writing) Total 19 Total Probability and Statistics Computer Communication and Networks Semester 7 Final Year Project Software Project Management Professional Practice SE Application Domain Elective –II GE/University Elective IV Total 3 16 3 4 (3+1) Cr. 85 . 3 18 3 3 3 3 3 Cr. Requirements Elicitation. Analyses. Project Organization and Communication. 3 Semester 8 Final Year Project Cr. System Design: Addressing Design Goals. Mapping Models to Code. Object Design: Reusing Pattern Solutions. Software Life Cycle. Testing. System Design: Decomposing the System.4 (3+1) 18 Operating Systems Semester 5 Software Requirement and Specifications Cr. Configuration Management. 3 3 3 SE Elective III SE Elective IV 3 3 3 3 15 SE Elective V 3 Total 12 BS (SE)-Software Engineering (Core) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Object Oriented Software Engineering 4 Object Oriented Programming Course Outline: Introduction to Software Engineering. Hrs. Allen H. generic design processes. 2nd Edition. Software Requirements. Bertrand Meyer. Deriving operational requirements from goals. and Java. 2010 (or Latest Edition). McGraw-Hill. and Andras Pataricza . 1998 (or Latest Edition). Microsoft Press. and design management. Wiegers. Fundamentals of goal-oriented Requirements Engineering. 2005 ( or Latest Edition) 4.Reference Materials: 1. 3. Ian Sommerville. Loucopoulos and Karakostas. Patterns. 1995 (or Latest Edition). Prentice Hall. Dutoit. Requirements management. Modeling scenarios. Object modelling notations. 2. System Requirements Engineering. 8th edition. 2004. Prentice Hall in 1997 (or Latest Edition) 3. including analysis activities such as 86 . Modelling behavioural goals. David Tuffley. 2003(or Latest Edition). M. Fundamental concepts and activities of Requirements Engineering. 4. Information elicitation techniques. Gerald Kotonya and Sommerville. Object modelling heuristics. Addison & Wesley. Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML. 2010 ( or Latest Edition) 2. Techniques for requirements evaluation. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Design and Architecture 3 Software Engineering Course Outline: Introduction to the discipline of design. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Requirements traceability Reference Materials: 1. Identifying objects from goals. Akademiai Kiao. Software Engineering. Formal Methods in Computing. Object modelling for Requirements Engineering. Karl E. John-Wiley Sons. Ferenczi. Microsoft Press. Requirements Engineering: Processes and Techniques. Code Complete: A practical handbook of software construction. selection and prioritization. (or Latest Edition) 5. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Modelling quality goals. Bernd Bruegge. Management of inconsistency and conflict. Software Requirements Specification. Modelling Use Cases and state machines. software product design. Requirements verification and validation. 2006 (or Latest Edition) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Requirements and Specifications 3 Introduction to Software Engineering Course Outline: Definition of Requirements Engineering and role in system development. Requirements Specification. Goal modelling heuristics. SQA-Organizational Level Initiatives. Springer. Data flow oriented test construction techniques. 2004 (or Latest Edition). and use case modelling. Others comprehensive software testing techniques for SDLC. “Software Quality Assurance: Principles and Practice”. 3. engineering design analysis. Principles of software validation.needs elicitation and documentation. Structure. Specification based test construction techniques. Walkthroughs and Inspections. Quality Assurance in Software Projects (Phases). Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Plans. Numbers. 1st Edition. 2012 (or Latest Edition). Checklist. CRC Press. Software verification. Critical System Validation. SQA Planning (Observations. Alpha Science. Carlos Otero. Audits. 2012. Reliability Validation. Kai Qian. Wiley. Results). Krzysztof Sacha. Inspections and reviews. Principles and Patterns with UML2. Lixin Tao. Chong-Wei Xu. Jorge L. requirements development activities such as requirements specification and validation. Quality Assurance and Standards. Inspections. Principles and Practices. 2. Quality Control v/s Quality Assurance. 87 . 2. White-box and grey-box testing. Control flow oriented test construction techniques. Nina S. (or Latest Edition). The Quality Challenge. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Quality Management. Godbole. Safety Assurance. Reference Materials: 1. Fundamentals of Software Testing. etc). Xiang Fu. Introduction to Software Engineering Design: Processes. 2006 (or Latest Edition). including architectural styles and common mid-level design patterns. Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice. Software Architecture and Design Illuminated. Diaz-Herrera. Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality. Roles and Responsibilities (Reviews. Planning for Software Quality Assurance. Verification and Validation. Product Quality and Process Quality. including conceptual modelling and both architectural and detailed design. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Verification and Validation 3 (Intro to) Software Engineering Course Outline: Introduction to software quality assurance. 2006 (or Latest Edition). Christopher Fox. How to make Reviews and Inspections most effective. Quality Planning and Quality Control. prototyping. Planning Verification and Validation. Bernard Hom. Software Testing. 4. Reference Materials: 1. 2009 (or Latest Edition). Clean-room approach to quality assurance. Security assessment. Addison-Wesley Professional. Standards for process quality and standards for product quality. survey of patterns in software design. Overview of Project Management. 2005 (or Latest Edition). Estimation of effort and cost (Expert Judgment. Closing. CPM. Project plans. FP and Use Case point methods). 5. Dorest House. PERT. and Quantifiable Improvement. PMI Process Groups. Assigning Resources. Project charter. 2. Software Quality Engineering: Testing. Resource leveling. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Post Project Reviews. Addison-Wesley. The Software Project Manager's Handbook: Principles that work at work. Quality Assurance. Critical chain scheduling. John-Wiley & sons. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley Interscience. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Project Management 3 (Intro. Managing conflict and motivating. 88 . Jeff Tian. EVM. Kit. Classic Mistakes. Mike Cotterell. Project Monitoring and Control: Status reporting. 1998 (or Latest Edition). Reference Materials: 1. 2nd Edition. matching lifecycles to projects. Planning Phase: Development lifecycle models. Risk management and Change control Project Recovery. Dwayne Phillips. 2004 (or Latest Edition). Weinberg. Software project Phases. Gerald M. Project metrics. 2009 (or Latest Edition). 2008 (or Latest Edition). to) Software Engineering Course Outline: Software Crisis and Software Engineering. Scheduling: Project network diagram fundamentals. Perfect Software: And other illusions about testing. Cutover/Migration. Work Breakdown Structures (WBS). 5th Edition. Edward.3. Bob Hughes. 4. Software Project Management. Communications Techniques. Gantt charts. Team models. Using MS-Project. Statement of Work (SOW). Documentation. Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the Process. 2011 (or Latest Edition). www. Software Maintenance. Auditing Management and Organization. development effort and schedule. economic aspects. Business process re-engineering: IS audit proposal.BS (SE) . The Software Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)..Software Engineering Courses (Electives) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Engineering Economics 3 (Intro. Ron Weber. Auditing Information Systems. basic software maintenance effort estimation. John-Wiley & Sons. social impact. Backup and procedures Reference Materials: 1.isaca. Auditing IT infrastructure. Audit computer networks and communication. Prentice Hall. Addison Wesley. Information System Audit and Control Association. Information Systems Control and Audit. phase distribution. Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II. CISA Review Manual. Making the Software Business Case: Improvement. evidence and follow-up. Performance Models. 2001. Don. Polices. report. human relations aspects. Optimal Performance. Software Engineering Economics. Cost-Effectiveness Models. Sensitivity Analysis. Pearson. Maintenance. Reference Materials: 1. 2. to) Software Engineering Course Outline: Programming aspects. introduction to COCOMO. Champlain. Boehm et al. 3. IP pro count policies and process. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information System Audit 3 None Course Outline: IS Audit charter. Prentice Hall. (or Latest Edition). 3. software trends: cost. complaint to standard. Jack J. 1981(or Latest Edition). Enterprise service agreement. 2003 (or Latest Edition). interpolation. 2000 (or Latest Edition). Boehm. definitions and assumptions. The GOALS Approach to Software Engineering. Acquisition. Reifer. 2. the plurality of SE Means. 89 .org. Procedures. The Raylaigh Distribution. Auditing software development. 2004. Process Qualification. CORBA. Harrington. Feedback. Naïve Bayes. DempsterShafter Theory of Belief Functions. Understanding the Process Characteristics. Computer Communications and Networks Course Outline: Introduction to distributed systems. Parameter and Structure Learning. Distributed processing system. Applications of Predictive Models. Multithreading. Measurements. Distributed data. Business Process Improvement. Jean Dollimore. 90 . Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms. Streamlining the Process. Coordination of web services with the grid. Storage elements. Fuzzy Logic. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Introduction to Soft Computing 3 Object Oriented Programming Course Outline: Neural Networks. and Action. Load balancing. Organizing for Process Improvement. MPI. Web Services. Tim Kindberg. 2nd Edition. Reference Materials: 1. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design. Resource brokerage. Classification Tree. Net. Measurements. Probabilistic Reasoning using Bayesian Networks: Knowledge Acquisition. The Breakthrough Strategy for Total Quality. H. George Coulouris. Middle layer architecture. Belief Updating. Course Name: Credit Hours: Distributed Computing 3 Prerequisites: Operating Systems. Resource monitoring. Exact and Simulation-based Propagation Algorithms. Tanenbaum. Thread synchronization. Influence Nets. Productivity.Business Process Re-Engineering Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: 3 Introduction to Software Engineering Course Outline: Why Focus on Business Processes? Setting the Stage for Business Process. Batch processing models. Resource clustering. Flowcharting: Drawing a Process Picture. and Action. Feedback. 2. Gordon Blair. 2011(or Latest Edition). Reference Materials: 1. RMI. and Competitiveness. J. 2002 (or Latest edition). Mobile and ubiquitous computing. Seppo J. Schedulers in commodity and real-time operating systems. Phillip A. Measures and Metrics Degree and eccentricity Centrality. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Real Time Systems 3 Operating Systems Course Outlines: Introduction to Real-Time and Embedded Systems: Reference Model. Network Models (Erdos-Renyi random. 2. AddisonWesley. Job Scheduling: Clock driven scheduling algorithms. Enhanced quality of service. Ben Coppin. Gephi. Implementation. Springer. Large-scale Nature of Networks. LinkedIn and Beyond. Twitter. Liu. “Artificial Intelligence Illuminated”. “Bayesian Artificial Intelligence”. Ovaska.Reference Materials: 1. 2005 (or Latest Edition). Visone. Social Network Analysis. Network Modeling tools overview (Pajek. Matching index. Network Workbench. Cytoscape. Fakhreddine O.). Hermann Kopetz. Priority driven scheduling algorithms. Kevin Korb. 2000 (or Latest Edition). 2 nd Edition. “Soft Computing & Intelligent Systems Design: Theory. Clustering coefficient. Calculation of basic measures in networks). Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Introduction to Complex Networks 3 None Course Outline: Fundamentals of networks. Scale-free network models. Ann Nicholson. 3. Tools and Applications”. Resource access control: Algorithms. Jane W. Hard versus soft real-time. 3. Laplante. Karray. 2004 (or Latest Edition). Google+. CRC Press. Centibin etc. Small-world . Edition. Modeling Software Components as Agents in Networks 91 . Clarence W De Silva. Reference Material: 1. Shortest path between Centrality. 4th Edition. Evolution of Online Social networks: Facebook. S. 2011 (or Latest Edition). Wiley-IEEE Press. Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: Tools for the Practitioner. Real-Time Systems. Prentice Hall. Mathematics of Graphs and Networks. 2. Real-time communication: On best-effort networks. 2011. 1st. 2010 (or Latest Edition). (or Latest Edition). 1st Edition. Jones and Bartlett. Reference Materials: 1. 2011 (latest Ed. Margaret H. Methods. Intro to data marts. hierarchal. Principles of Data Mining. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age. Trends. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) by Wouter De Nooy. Transformation and loading. Heikki MAnnila and Padhraic Smyth. Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Set Theory. Data Extraction. Dunham and S. 2003. Reference Material: 1. Info delivery strategy. John Wiley and Sons. Data Mining. Defining Requirements. 2001. Data Mining: Concepts. OLAP Models. Metadata. Data Reduction Techniques. Architectural components and frameworks. Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj. Course Name: Data Warehousing Course Structure: Lectures: 2 Lab: 1 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Introduction to Database Systems Course Outline: Need for DW. (latest edition) 92 . (latest edition) 2. Data Quality. DW building blocks. Evolution of Business intelligence. Artificial Neural Networks. (latest edition) 3. 2004 (latest Ed). Cambridge University Press. Types of functional areas for metadata. (2011). Star Schema. Cluster Analysis. (Latest Edition) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Mining 3 Introduction to Database Systems Course Outline: Concepts of Data mining. Association Rules. Genetic Algorithm. John Wiley and Sons. and Algorithms. Data Preparation Techniques: outlier and missing data analysis. Other Soft Computing Approaches in Data Mining. 2006. Sridhar. David Hand. Watts. Web enabled DW. Decision Trees and Decision Rules. Vintage. agglomerative and Naïve Bayesian methods. Storage Specifications. Networks: An Introduction by Mark Newman. Introductory and Advanced Topics. Duncan J. Oxford University Press.) 3.) 2. learning methods in Data mining. Mehmed Kantatardzic. Statistical Methods in Data Mining. architectural types. The MIT Press. Reference Materials: 1. 2010 (latest Ed. Models. Schemas. evolutionary algorithms. Pearson Education. Dimensional Modelling. Data warehousing fundamentals for IT Professionals by Paulraj ponniah. Planning and Project management. Tools. SHA-1. 2. rules. Knowledge Representation: Natural language. electronic mail security (S/MIME. Prolog programming. SET). SSL. 3 rd Edition (latest). RC-4. Prentice Hall. frames. meta-rules. Russell and Norvig. translating English equations. fuzzy sets. including conventional and symmetric encryption (DES. means-ends analysis. scripts. ELIZA. hill climbing. including authentication protocols (X. cryptography. best first search. simplification rules. RIPEMD160.509. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Security and Encryption 3 Discrete Structures. rule based translators. HMAC). solving algebraic equations. Artificial Intelligence by Luger. Reference Material: 1. 2005. RC-5). 6th edition (latest). rules. Reference Materials: 1. web security and protocols for secure electronic commerce (IPSec. Prolog. semantic networks. predicate logic.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Artificial Intelligence 3 Discrete Structures. Logic Programming: Resolution. digital signatures. The first part (mathematical background) introduces the principle of number theory and some results from probability theory. hash functions (MD5. objects. min-max search. Diffie-Hellman). including Primes. William Stallings. breadth first search. PGP). AI classical systems: General Problem Solver. simple search. Search: Depth first search. A brief appreciation of state of the art computational techniques like neural networks. Sample case studies of shells and Knowledge Based Systems. solving algebra problems. IDEA. pattern matching. horn-clause logic. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. Macsyma. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. and certificates. Rijndael. Symbolic Mathematics: student. unification. TLS. Blowfish. Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: The course consists of three parts: mathematical background. A* search. Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Introduction to Common Lisp. Pearson Education. OPS-5. The second part (cryptography) covers cryptographic algorithms and design principles. 93 . random numbers. re-write rules. genetic algorithm. public key or asymmetric encryption (RSA. 6th Edition (latest). modular arithmetic and discrete logarithms. Kerberos). and network security. Pearson Education. ATLAS. productions. PRESS. The third part (network security) deals with practical applications that have been implemented and are in use to provide network security. key management. (latest edition) 4. Writing Secure Code. Sc. Regular expressions/Regular languages. Jones and Bartlett Learning. D. Universal Turing Machine. by J Hopcraft. (latest edition) 2. To comprehend language-based security (or platform-based security). McGraw-Hill. O'Reilly. by Denial Cohen. Sudkamp. Microsoft Press. Secure Coding: Principles & Practices. security middleware and runtime monitoring. Pumping lemma and non regular language Grammars and PDA: Context free grammars. Languages and Computation. 2009 (latest edition) 3. Data Structures and Algorithms Course Outline: Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries. Context sensitive Grammars. Formal Languages and Automata. Normal form grammars and parsing. Reference Materials: 1. TM encoding. kleene’s theorem. Introduction to Computer Theory. To grasp static analysis tools. Peter Linz. (Latest edition) 4. 2011 (Latest edition) 2. Building Secure Software. John Wiley & Sons. derivation trees and ambiguity. Finite automata (Fas). (latest edition). 2002. Defining Computers by TMs. 2002. Course Name: Course Structure: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Theory of Automata and Formal Languages Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 3 Discrete Structures. 2006. An Into to the Theory of Comp. Addison- Wesley. check lists and coding standards. by John Viega and Gary McGraw. typing and static analysis. by Thomas A. Decidability. Ullman. Push-down Automata. Variations on TM. by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc. Transition graphs (TGs).. Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines. Pumping lemma and non-context free languages. by Michael Howard. van Wyk. Graff and Kenneth R. 1996 (Latest edition) 3. Post machine. David LeBlanc and John Viega. Introduction to Automata Theory.. (Latest edition) 94 . The 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security. NFAs. by Mark G. Reference Materials: 1. Inc. 2003. Simplifying CFLs. Understand code reviews. Languages and Machines. Transducers (automata with output). 5th Edition. Derivations.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Secure Software Systems 3 Software Architecture and Design Course Outline: Different techniques to prevent or detect problems including: threat modeling. Reference Materials: 1. Statistical models. Brief overview of key Biological concepts related to DNA. Introduction to Bioinformatics by T K Attwood. Scoring and Substitution Matrices (PAM & BLOSUM). Dynamic programming algorithms. Protein analysis including protein structure prediction from a sequence. clustering. XML and the Web Database Access for Web Applications. Dirk Bongartz. Pearson Education (Latest edition) 2. predictions using distance methods (such as UPGMA). Gerti Kappel. protein interaction. Discrete Structures Course Outline: Origin of the field . Phylogenetics. Performance Analysis. Springer. 95 . Introduction to Bioinformatics by Arthur Lesk 3. Sequence similarity. Security and Privacy. Web Basics. Java Server Pages. Siegfried Reich and Werner Retschitzegger. Algorithms how to write them. Algorithms in Bioinformatics by Gary Benson. and calculate their complexities. Advances in biology and computers . Springer Verlag. Servlets and Sessions. etc. Roderic Page. Android Programming. . Wireless application development. amino acids. Performance and Scalability. Mutations. BLAST and FASTA. Nucleotide analysis principals and tools . evolution and protein families.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 Introduction to Computing. Multiple Sequence Alignment. (2006) or Latest Edition 3. proteins. McGraw-Hill. Dot Matrix.. Roger S. Global pair wise alignment using Smith-Waterman and Needle-Wunsch algorithms. Samiron Phukan. Birgit Prýýll. RNA. etc. Algorithmic Aspects of Bioinformatics by Hans-Joachim Bockenhauer. Dynamic Programming for local . etc. (2010) or Latest Edition. . Web Engineering: A Practitioners’ Approach. McGraw Hill (2008) or Latest Edition 2. Pressman. Artificial intelligence algorithms. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Web Engineering 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Introduction. Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley. Design Patterns for Web Applications. WAP Protocol. Springer 4. Databases and web resources. Gap penalties including Affine gap penalty. Reference Materials: 1. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications. nucleotides. D J Parry-Smith. Web Engineering. Ben Shneiderman.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Human Computer Interaction 3 Introduction to Software Engineering Course Outlines: The Human. On-demand Rendering in event-driven applications. A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises. shipments. Len Silverston. Event-driven programming basics.. System Outputs. John Wiley & Sons. Finlay. Reference Materials: 1. Revised Edition Volume 1. Leeds Metropolitan University. Creating the Data Warehouse Data model from the Enterprise Data Model. “Human-Computer Interaction”. University of Maryland ISBN-10: 0321197860 ISBN-13: 9780321197863 Publisher: Addison-Wesley 4th Ed or Latest Edition. Timer and perpetual tasks. Maintaining state. Relationships. University of Maryland Catherine Plaisant. Introduction to specialized topics such as Groupware. Lancaster University Janet E. A "window/frame" as a drawing surface + event-handling unit . Introduction to design basics. Invoicing. Alan Dix. Reference Materials: 1. Usability paradigm and principles. Russell Beale. task analysis. Interesting 96 . Universal design and User support and Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Georgia Institute of Technology. Account and Budgeting. prototyping. Abowd. Inc. HCI in software process. Human resources. evaluation techniques. Design rules. Gregory D. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Event Driven Programming 3 Object Oriented Programming Course Outline: Introduction to the course and its importance. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: System Analysis and Design 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Concept of Entity. history and course format . Computing Department. Multithreading and event-driven programming. The Data Model Resource. products. (2001) or Latest Edition. System Inputs. Introduction to C# or Java. ordering of products. pervasive and ubiquitous applications. “Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction”. People and Organizations. University of Birmingham ISBN-10: 0130461091 ISBN-13: 9780130461094 Publisher: Prentice Hall 3 rd Ed or Latest Edition 2. Computer and Interaction. Adam Nathan (Latest Edition) 3. Agent-based Models. Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed. Adaptive Behaviour. Framework-based AOP approaches. Apress (Latest Edition) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Aspect Oriented Software Design 3 Object Oriented Software Engineering Course Outline: AOSD is a novel programming paradigm that aims at a better separation of concerns. Modeling Complex Real-world Problems using Agents. Gui on mobile devices/smart phones. Opher Etzion (Latest Edition) 2. The topics covered in the course are: Separation of Concerns and AOSD. GUI design patterns. Prediction. Ted Faison. Software Multiagent Systems. (2009) or Latest Edition. Event Processing in Action. Using Aspect-Oriented Programming for Trustworthy Software Development. Manning Publication Co. Observation. Current research topics in AOSD Reference Materials: 1. AOSD emerged from the academic world in the late nineties and experiences a significant acceptance by industry. Ramnivas Laddad. Aspect in Action: Enterprise AOP with Spring Applications. Case study: Design Patterns in AOP. Aspect-Oriented Programming in Aspect J. Introduction to Net Logo. Performance issues. Describing ABMs. Model Design. 97 . Event-Based Programming: Taking Events to the Limit. Deductive Reasoning Agents. Case study: Aspects in Enterprise Software. From Animation to Science. Intelligent Agents. Model Verification & Validation. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Agent Based Computing 3 Object Oriented Programming Course Outlines: Introduction to Agent-based Computing. Agent Methodologies. Safonov.widgets. Reference Materials: 1. John Wiley and Sons (2008) or Latest Edition 2. Emergence. Vladimir O. Big Data in the Clouds. Cloud Computing: SaaS. Oxford University Press (Latest Edition) 4. Scheduling and Resource Management in clouds. Key-Value Store and Interactive Query Systems. and More. Software Level Agreements. Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation. Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction. Lustre. Cloud Computing and SOA: Convergence in your enterprise. Virtualization. Ceph. Google file system. Data-flow Computation Frameworks. Programming Languages for the Cloud. Steven F. Springer (2010) or Latest Edition 2. IaaS. Cluster File Systems. (2012) or Latest Edition 3. Kris Jamsa Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Security. Off system. Reference Materials: 1. Donald Miner and Adam Shook. Cognitive Agent-based Computing-I. Availability. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Cloud Computing 3 Distributed Computing Course Outline: Datacenter Architectures. Muaz A. PaaS. Technology Trends. Google File System. Hadoop file system. Networking: Transport Protocol Improvements. Michael Woodridge. Cloud Stack . O’ Reilly and Sons. Handbook of Cloud Computing. Distributed File Systems: Hadoop. General books LLC. Niazi and Amir Hussain. Macal.Reference Materials: 1. Partitions. An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems. David Linthicum (2009). (2010) or Latest Edition 5. Business Models. Geographic distributed Storage. In-Memory Frameworks. Distributed File System”. Security. Borko Furht. Addison Wesley (Latest Edition) 4. (2012) or Latest Edition 98 . OSes and Clouds Networking: topologies. North and Charles M. DBases in the Cloud. Mobile. Michael J. Railsback and Volker Grimm (Latest Edition) 2. Map Reduce Design Patterns. Consistency. Andrew File System. Wiley (Latest Edition) 3. Networking: Traffic Management. MapReduce. Springer (Latest Edition). diffusion and information propagation on the web. (2010). Course Outline: Types of Mobile Applications How are Users of Mobile Devices (Smartphones) Different from Users of Other Devices? Technologies Involved in Application Development. The Craft of Functional Programming. (Latest Edition) 2. User Interface components. network operators. logic and programs. Data Storage and Content Providers. Android application development tools. Social and Economic Networks. Princeton University Press. map. applications and domains for functional programming. or Latest Edition Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Functional Programming 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Introduction. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile Computing 3 Programming Fundamentals. Functions. Mathew O Jackson. application developers. Differences from Desktop and Server Side Software Development. Services. (Latest Edition). Using Android platform APIs. virus outbreak detection in networks. Software Design Concerns.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Social Networks 3 None Course Outline: Link analysis and network community detection. and connections with work in the social sciences and economics. Broadcast Receivers. (Latest Edition) 3. Android Platform Architecture and Application Fundamentals. Reference Material: 1. algebraic data types. filter. Paul Hudak. Reference Materials: 1. Addison Wesley. lists and Recursion. fold. type classes. binding. Introduction to 99 . Stakeholders in mobile applications: manufacturers. consumers. content providers. The Haskell School of Expression. Simon Thompson. Cambridge University Press. Graham Hutton. Programming in Haskell. Introduction to games for mobile platforms. abstract types. Application Testing Framework. Application Resources and other android structures. Web applications. Cambridge University Press. Sewell. Beginning Android Games. iterative methods for linear systems. (Latest Edition) 2. (Latest Edition) 5. Wavelets Made Easy.Implementation and testing of algorithms for typical linear algebra problems. Golub. Professional Android 4 Application Development. Reference Materials: 1. Apress. Reference Materials: 1. Nievergelt. the symmetric eigenvalues problem. Wrox. Wiley. Barbara Ballard. Gaussian elimination. Windows Phone. the unsymmetrical eigenvalues gaming engines. (Latest Edition) 3. Elective Supporting Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Linear Algebra 3 Calculus Course Outline: Background matrix algebra. Error analysis and estimation for all techniques studied. LLC. Overview of game development using a game engine. functions of matrices. Lanczos methods. Designing the Mobile User Experience. (2/e). Van Loan. special linear systems. and C. (Latest Edition) 4. (Latest Edition). Introduction of discrete transforms. Java ME. discrete Fourier and cosine transforms and simple applications. G. Pro Android 4. (3/e). matrices. (2005) or Latest Edition 3. Reto Meier. including an analysis of errors. and linear system sensitivity. Matrix Computations. orthogonalization and least squares methods. Y. Professional Apress. Mark Murphy. (1996) or Latest Edition 2. The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development. measuring vectors. CommonsWare.Satya Komatineni and Dave MacLean. (1999) or Latest Edition 100 . G. Sample labs and assignments: . Mario Zechner et al. Apple iOS. Comparison and limitations of popular Cross platform development tools. Computational Methods of Linear Algebra. numerical matrix algebra. subspaces. Probabilistic models. J. Decision models. tests on generators. tests on simulated distributions.S. correlations. min weight spanning tree.M. Batch Arrivals. dynamic programming. Prentice Hall International. and G. F. (8/e). shortest path. Nonstationary Poisson Processes. specialized LP models (transport. Markov chains. simulation of multivariate distributions. queuing models. Nelson.D. A. Simulation of a Single-Server Queueing System. Estimation of Means. Sample labs and assignments: Given a scenario. Introduction to Operations Research. Variances. and Correlations. stochastic inventory models. sensitivity analysis. and analyze the sensitivity of the solution to changes in the problem parameters.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Operations Research 3 Probability and Statistics Course Outline: Introduction to mathematical modeling. Leibermann.). (2006) or Latest Edition 2. McGraw Hill. simulation of models of arrival processes. rejection method. other solution techniques for LP models. The Laws of Large Numbers. games theory. Discrete-Event Simulation. (2000) or Latest Edition 2. select and develop an appropriate model. J. (1994) or Latest Edition 101 . Operations Research: An Introduction. continuous probability distributions and empirical distributions. Variance-Reduction Techniques. simplex method for solving LP models. Simulation of discrete. Hillier.S.Chain Monte-Carlo simulations. Taha. Reference Materials: 1. expected return models. stochastic processes. Alternative Approaches to Modeling and Simulations. Random number generators. Reference Materials: 1. Linear program models. assignment. J. Data Structures Course Outline: Introduction to Simulation and Modeling. Law and W. Kelton. PERT/CPM.L. max flow. Banks. Carson and B. (2005) or Latest Edition Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Simulation and Modelling 3 Probability and Statistics. Hamdi A. Markov. etc. Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests for the Mean. (8/e). Poisson Processes. Discrete-event System Simulation. and stochastic processes. Simulation Modelling and Analysis. solve it for the given parameters. Review of Basic Probability and Statistics. Network based models. (Latest Edition). Bott et. (1998) or Latest Edition 4. Ross. Deborah G. Johnson. M. Social Application of Ethics. 102 . Simulation and Modelling. Ethics and the Internet. Reference Materials: 1. Accountability and Auditing. al.F. Sheldon M. Cambridge University Press. Philosophy of Ethics. Computer Ethics. Intellectual Copy Right. Professional Issues in Software Engineering. Probabilistic Modelling. (2002) or Latest Edition 5. Pearson Education (2001) 3rd edition or Latest Edition 2. Mitrani. Brian Ripley. Computing Ethics. Stochastic Simulations. (Latest Edition) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Professional Practices 3 None Course Outline: Introduction.3. BS (SE/CS) 4 years degree programme. OR 2.Sc. 103 . from the BS (SE) curriculum. Duration:  4 semesters  30-36 credit hours from graduate Software Engineering courses including thesis Degree Requirements: In order to obtain MS (SE) degree a student must pass a minimum of: i) Four (4) courses (12 credit hours) from the core courses AND ii) Four (4) courses of 12 credit hours graduate elective courses of which two graduate courses may be taken from other areas. The deficiency coursework will be determined on the basis of the core SE courses of the BS (SE) degree. Candidates will be required to take additional courses to complete credit hour requirement of min.Curriculum for MS Software Engineering. Under eligibility criterion 4 candidates will be required to complete the deficiency coursework prior to the MS (SE) coursework to ensure the pre-requisite competency in SE. Computer Science conversion course two years degree programme referred to as MCS or M. 16-years education science/engineering degrees. AND iii) Satisfactorily complete a Research Project Thesis of 9 credit hours. OR 3. considering the deficiency of the candidates. OR 4. (Computer Science). MS (SE) Eligibility: 1. BCS 3-year programme degree applicants may be provisionally admitted in the MS (SE) programme. Under eligibility criteria 1-3 the university/department may recommend additional deficiency courses. 130 before being formally enrolled in the MS (SE) programme. Agent Based Modelling 9. Software Process Engineering 14. No. Component Based Software Engineering 6. 3 Software Quality Assurance 3 1-2 1-2 List of Elective Courses: Candidate has to select a total of four courses from the list of SE electives including electives offered in the areas to support the research in software engineering by the university. Simulation and Modeling Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Semester 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 104 .Core Courses: Following two courses are considered as core courses for MS (SE) Program S. Semantic based Software Engineering 12. Advanced Web Services 15. Design Patterns 7. Software Configuration Management 4. Complex Networks 8. Reliability Engineering 5. Code 1 SE 2 SE Course Title Semester Requirements Engineering Cr. Hrs. Model Driven Software Development 13.) S. Software Engineering Ontologies 11. Formal Methods 10. Graduate Level SE courses (Institution may add courses to the list of Electives.No Course Title 1. Advanced Human Computer Interaction 16. Software Risk Management 2. Software Measurement and Metrics 3. 3 3 3 9 S. Information elicitation techniques.No. 1 2 3 Semester 2 S. the role of quality goals in the requirements selection process. 3 3 6 S. Requirements traceability and impact analysis. Fundamental concepts and activities of requirements engineering. Modeling quality goals. selection and prioritization. Fundamentals of goal-oriented requirements engineering. Hrs. Techniques for requirements evaluation. Requirements management. 1 2 3 (30 Credit Hours) Code SE SE SE Code SE SE SE Semester 3 Course Title Requirements Engineering Software Quality Assurance Research Methods (University Elective I) Semester Total Course Title Elective II Elective III Elective IV Semester Total Cr. requirement change control board and process. Requirements Specification. 3 3 3 9 Cr. 1 2 3 Cr. requirements engineering risks.No. Code Course Title 1 SE Elective V 2 SE Thesis (Partial Enrolment) Semester Total Cr. Management of inconsistency and conflict. Deriving operational requirements from goals.No. Modeling behavioral goals. Goal modeling heuristics.No.Sample Scheme of Study for MS (SE) 2–year Programme (4 Semesters) Semester 1 S. Hrs. Hrs. 105 . Requirements verification and validation. Hrs. 3 3 6 30 Semester 4 Code SE SE SE Course Title Thesis (Full Enrolment) Elective VI Semester Total Total Credit Hours Course Descriptions (Core) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Requirements Engineering 3 None Course Outline: Role of requirements engineering in system development. and Quantifiable Improvement. 2005(or Latest Edition). David Tuffley. Requirements Engineering: Processes and Techniques. Input Domain Partitioning and Boundary Testing. Test Activities. J. Coverage and Usage Testing Based on Checklists and Partitions. 4. Wiegers. and Automation. and Techniques. Microsoft Press. Quality Engineering Software Testing: Testing: Concepts. John-Wiley Sons. Quality Assurance. Specialization. 2003(or Latest Edition). 2010 (or Latest Edition). Software Quality Engineering: Testing. Issues. Loucopoulos and Karakostas. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. Management. and Integration. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2. Jeff Tian. Risk Identification for Quantifiable Quality Improvement. 3. Karl E. McGraw-Hill. Quality Assurance Beyond Testing: Defect Prevention and Process Improvement. 1995(or Latest Edition). Testing Techniques: Adaptation. Quantifiable Quality Improvement: Feedback Loop and Activities for Quantifiable Quality Improvement. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Quality Assurance 3 Software Engineering Course Outline: What Is Software Quality: Quality Assurance. Murali Chemuturi. Data Dependency. Comparing Quality Assurance Techniques and Activities. Software Requirements. Quality Models and Measurements. Reference Materials: 1. Defect Classification and Analysis. Software Requirements Specifictaion. Control Flow. 1998 (or Latest Edition). Gerald Kotonya and Sommerville. 2. Formal Verification. “Mastering Software Quality Assurance: Best Practices. Tools and Techniques for Software Developers”. System Requirements Engineering.Reference Materials: 1. Software Inspection. 1st Edition. and Interaction Testing. Coverage and Usage Testing Based on Finite-State Machines and Markov Chains. 2010 (or Latest Edition). Software Reliability Engineering. Fault Tolerance and Failure Containment. Ross Publishing. 106 . and views. RiskManagement Infrastructure. ARID). a method for eliciting critical quality attributes. variability. and Practice. Software Architecture in Practice. Building a documentation package. Medvidovic. Advanced concepts such as refinement. Methods and tools. 2001(or Latest Edition). interoperability. Senior managers. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Risk Management 3 None Course Outline: Risk-Management Discovery. Evaluating a software architecture (ATAM. and modifiability. context diagrams. Lattanze. Theory. Risk-Management Process. Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns. View types. Klein. Process steps. Reference Materials: 1. Documenting the behavior of software elements and software systems. 1st Edition. software interfaces. 4. Clements. Auerbach Publications. 2nd Edition. Evaluating software architecture. the architecture business cycle. Architecture Driven Design. Clements. Future of Software Design. 2. 2009(or Latest Edition). Wiley. Software Architecture: Foundations. 5. engineering 107 . Addison-Wesley Professional. and outputs. P. CBAM. establishing a baseline for quantitative process improvement. Addison-Wesley. Understanding and achieving quality attributes. and Kazman. AADL: Continued . Taylor. Choosing relevant views. infrastructure. 2002(or Latest Edition). Anthony J. Documenting software architecture. Architecture Description Languages . and how to document interfaces. Architecture reuse Life-cycle view of architecture design and analysis methods. Attribute-driven design. such as availability. styles. Architecting Software Intensive Systems: A Practitioners Guide. Testing a Family of Products. Principles of sound documentation. reusable process component. performance. 3. and Dashofy. The QAW. Feature Modeling in SPLs. Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies. inputs. Introduction to AADL . Kazman. 2003(or Latest Edition). security. Bass. Clements and L. Testing Architectures. Training metrics. Addison-Wesley Professional. Northrup. 2008(or Latest Edition).MS (SE) Elective Courses with course outline Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software System Architecture 3 System Analysis and Design Course Outline: Definition and overview of software architecture. there is no strategic plan in place to institutionalize risk management. budgeting. Architecting Your Application for CM. and staffing. Release Management. Addison-Wesley(or Latest Edition). and change agents should benefit from these organizational building blocks. models of software engineering measurement. software process metrics and measuring management. object-oriented metrics) Measurement management Reference Materials: 1. Environment Configuration. measuring external product attributes: quality. standard process. empirical investigation in software engineering). software test metrics. S. PWS Publishing (or Latest Edition). Rightsizing Your Processes. Munson. Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development. risk-management evolution stages. Elaine M. Effective and ineffective practices. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Configuration Management 3 System Analysis and Design Course Outlines: Source Code Management.E. Change Control. Risk-Management Implementation. Crisis and Control. Addison-Wesley Professional (or Latest Edition). A Rigorous and Practical Approach Software Metrics. N. goal-based framework for software measurement. Overcoming Resistance to Change.L. scheduling. Reference Materials: 1. Software Engineering Measurement. Hall. Kan. Build Engineering. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Measurements & Metrics 3 Software Engineering Course Outline: Introduction to foundations of measurement theory. measuring cost and effort. Deployment. Software product and process measurements (measuring internal product attributes: size and structure. Stephen H. 3. software products metrics. measuring software reliability. Pfleeger. Auerbach Publications (or Latest Edition). Measurement theory (overview of software metrics. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering. John C. basics of measurement theory. Risk management activities. Hardware Configuration Management. Personality and CM: A 108 . Fenton. 2.managers. lifecycle planning. Magnus Larsson. Service-oriented Computing: Semantics. Addison Wesley. Fractal component model. Patterns for Interactive Systems. Addison Wesley.). Failures of frameworks. Frameworks and Patterns.Key Concepts and Principles. Second Edition. Stephen P. Learning From Mistakes. Artech House. 2005 (or Latest Edition) 2 Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork. Adaptable Systems. Basic Concepts in CBSE. Applications of design patterns for: Organization of Work. 3. Object Management and Adaptation. Component integration and Predictable composition. Component Software: Beyond Object Oriented Programming. Reference Materials: 1. 2002 (latest ed. Modeling components with UML. Achieving benefits of frameworks. 2005 (latest ed. SOA. Component contracts component specification techniques. 2. Reference Materials: 1 Software configuration management handbook. Building reliable component based software systems. Service Oriented Computing . Service Variation and Service Extension. Design Patterns (Concepts.). Creational Patterns. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Component Based Software Engineering 3 None Course Outlines: Introduction to CBSE. Component Models and Technology. Structural Patterns. Ivica Crnkovic. Practical Integration. Munindar P. 2004 (or Latest Edition). Patterns for Distribution. Brad Appleton. Access Control. Open-COM component model. Processes. Patterns for flexibility. 109 . Huhns. Agents. Berczuk. Reuse of ideas). Establishing IT Controls and Compliance.Psychologist Loods at the Workplace. Idea of frameworks. Reuse. Behavioral Patterns. Clemens Szyperski. Singh and Michael N.) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Design Patterns 3 None Course Outline: Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Industry Standards and Framework. Architectural Patterns. 2002 (latest ed. Alexis Leon. Major issues. Artech House. Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied. Junker and Falk Schreiber.) 4. Animation to Science.) 2. 2008 (latest ed. Matching index and case study. Describing ABMs.Reference Materials: 1. Björn H. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable OO Software. Introduction to NetLogo. Duncan J. Prediction. Richard Helm. Network Simulation (Agent-based simulation of networks). Centibin. Second Edition. case study of calculation. Emergence. Cytoscape. 1994 (latest ed. Complex Network Modeling.) 3. Erdos-Renyi random. Addison-Wesley Professional. Wouter De Nooy. Cambridge University Press. Alain Barrat. Modelling Communication Networks as graphs/networks. Scientometric study using Networks. Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj. The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Ralph Johnson. Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics). Gephi. Disk Graph models such as WSNs. Model Verification & Validation. Descriptive AB Modeling. 110 . Pajek. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences). Cognitive AB Computing Framework. Validated AB Modeling. Network Workbench. Clustering coefficient. Adaptive Behavior. small-world and scale-free network models. Mark Newman. Albert-Lazlo Barabasi. Addison-Wesley Professional. 1998. Shortest path between start and end nodes. Social Networks. John Vlissides. Watts. Cambridge University Press. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Complex Networks 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: What are networks and why networks. Network tools overview. Erich Gamma. Marc Barthélemy.) 2.) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Agent-based Modeling 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Agent-based Models. Alessandro Vespignani. Wiley-Interscience. Vlissides. Exploratory AB Modeling. First ABM Development. 2012. 2006 (latest ed. Degree and eccentricity Centrality. Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks. 2011 (latest ed. Princeton University Press. Calculation of basic measures in networks. Visone. Reference Materials: 1. (latest ed. Biological networks. Reference Materials: 1. 2002 (latest ed. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable OO Software by Ralph Johnson. 2005 (latest ed. Patterns for Interactive Systems. Adaptable Systems. John Vlissides. Michael J. 2007. Reuse. 1994 (latest ed. SOA. Frameworks and Patterns. Addison-Wesley Professional. Artech House. Singh and Michael N.Key Concepts and Principles . Architectural Patterns. 2. Open COM component model. Creational Patterns. Component integration and Predictable composition . Design Patterns (Concepts. Component contracts component specification techniques. Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction by Steven F. Munindar P. Building reliable component based software systems. Reusibility). Addison Wesley. Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation. Macal. Access Control. Patterns for flexibility. Failures of frameworks. Component Software: Beyond Object Oriented Programming. Basic Concepts in CBSE. 2. Huhns.).) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Design Patterns 3 None Course Outline: Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Ivica Crnkovic. Major issues. Processes. Applications of design patterns for: Organization of Work. Service Variation and Service Extension. Behavioral Patterns. North and Charles M. Achieving benefits of frameworks. Railsback and Volker Grimm.) 111 . Erich Gamma. Agents. 2002 (latest ed.). 3.Reference Materials: 1. Component Models and Technology. Object Management and Adaptation. Richard Helm. Clemens Szyperski. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Component Based Software Engineering 3 None Course Outlines: Introduction to CBSE. Second Edition. Reference Materials: 1. Patterns for Distribution. Modeling components with UML. Fractal component model. Service Oriented Computing . 2011 (latest ed.). Structural Patterns. Service-oriented Computing: Semantics. Magnus Larsson. Idea of frameworks. case study of calculation. Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics) by Björn H. Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks by Alain Barrat. Network Simulation (Agent-based simulation of networks).2. Addison-Wesley Professional. Duncan J. Cytoscape. Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj. Marc Barthélemy. Cambridge University Press. Centibin.) 2. (latest ed. Second Edition. 2011 (latest ed.) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Complex Networks 3 Data Communication and Network Course Outline: What are networks and why networks. Gephi. Pajek. Alessandro Vespignani. Modeling Communication Networks as graphs/networks. Wiley-Inter-science. Disk Graph models such as WSNs. Calculation of basic measures in networks.) 4. Network Workbench. Watts. 112 . Degree and eccentricity Centrality. 2006 (latest ed. Network tools overview.) 3. Reference Materials: 1. Visone. Scientometric study using Networks. The Structure and Dynamics of Networks by Mark Newman. 2008. Biological networks. Albert-Lazlo Barabasi. (latest ed. 2012. Cambridge University Press. Junker and Falk Schreiber. Erdos-Renyi random. small-world and scale-free network models. Shortest search path. Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied by Vlissides. Social Networks. Matching index and case study. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) by Wouter De Nooy. Clustering coefficient. 1998. Princeton University Press. 2013 to finalize the curricula recommendations. Jamshoro.National Curriculum Revision Committee for Information Technology (IT) The National Curriculum Revision Committee for Information Technology (NCRC-IT) met at HEC Regional Office Lahore on 6-8 February. 6. Institute of Business & Tech (IBT) Main Ibrahim Hydri Road. Associate Professor & Chairman. Institute of Information & Communication Technology. 2013 to develop the vision for Information Technology education and curriculum for Information Technology programs. Member Prof. Imdad Ali Ismaili. Dept. Dept. Faculty of Computer Sciences & IT. Sindh. No. Khairpur. Kazi Campus. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Memon. Dr. Karachi. Dr. of Computer Science. Sargodha 2. Dr. Mansoor-uz-Zafar Dawood. Allama I. Madad Ali Shah. 5. Department of Electrical & Telecommunication Engineering. Prof. Dean. Muhammad Anwar-ur-Rehman Pasha. Peshawar. Quaid-e-Awam University of Engg Science & Technology. The Committee will met again on 10 th to 12th June. Following experts participated in the meetings for sub-group on Information Technology: Sr. Sukkur. Member 3. Chairman. Name & Address Prof. Airport Road. Dr. Member 4. Shah Abdul Latif University. Professor. 7. Department of Computer Science & Information Technology. Dr. Saeed Mahfooz. University of Peshawar. University of Sargodha. Sindh. Dept. University of Sindh. Professor & Director. 1. of Computer System. of Computer Science. Nawabshah.I. Sukkur IBA. Professor and Head. Mumtaz Hussain Mahar. Chairperson committee on BS(IT) Member Member Member 113 . Professor. Dr. is concerned with issues related to advocating for users and meeting their needs within an organizational and societal context through the selection. implementation. Department of Engineering. Pakistan Dr. Asfandyar Khan. [Wikipedia] Figure 1:Key Pillars of IT 6 Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report. Dr. Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Technology (2008) explains that “Information Technology (IT) in its broadest sense encompasses all aspects of computing technology. Member Member The National Curriculum Revision Committee for Information Technology (NCRC-IT) met at HEC Regional Office Lahore on meet again on 10th to 12th June. particularly software applications and computer hardware”. 2013 and finalized the curricula recommendations. it also refers to undergraduate degree programs that prepare students to meet the computer technology needs of business. store. depicts the key pillars of academic discipline of Information Technology Information Technology as an academic discipline. and other kinds of organizations. Bannu. 9. support or management of computer-based information systems. the term information technology is often referred to computing. Muhammad Khalid Badini Chairperson Department of CS & IT UoB Quetta. as defined by The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA). healthcare. is “the study. IT. The experts attended were same as in the first meeting. application. creation. integration and administration of computing technologies. schools. application. and retrieve information. as an academic discipline. design. process. transmit. The Discipline of Information Technology According to ACM Curricula 2005 6: “Information Technology” is a label that has two meanings. input. Furthermore. Institute of Engg & Computing Sciences. output. It deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to securely convert. University of Science & Tech.8. government. Assistant Professor/Chairman.” Figure 17. IEEE and ACM Press. In the broadest sense. Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Technology (2008) 7Curriculum 114 . development. protect. it also created new work place challenges regarding the development. and up-gradation of organizational IT infrastructure. nationally. organizations need appropriate systems that work properly and professionals who make these systems secured. computation. E-business and other online technologies forced organizations to find IT based solutions to all kinds of business challenges. operation. email. It will also provide an integration of all components that allow accessing all of the new knowledge and technologies for meeting the above discussed challenges (See Fig. Meeting this demand is the key rationale behind the IT programs. and internationally).converting computer technology into information technology (IT) and industrial society into an “information society”. expand. For this. the latest advancements in technologies for communication. upgraded. and delivery of information brought a paradigm shift in the business world . Inventions like the Internet. employees require support from these professionals to make technology effective for enhancing organizational productivity. bulletin board systems. maintenance. applications and research which positively impact society (locally. the IT programs offer a curriculum structure that can produce graduates who can meet above discussed challenges of the 21st century’s knowledge driven complex work places. In this regard. virtual communities.IT Programs’ Rational The digital revolution not only reshaped the way scientists conduct their research but also expedite the pace of inventions. In parallel. This has created a huge demand of IT professionals both locally and globally. disseminate and teach the information technology body of knowledge through academics. Figure 2 IT Knowledge Areas and Technologies 115 . Consequently. The curriculum structure will create. While this paradigm shift improves productivity.from data processing to information processing . the World Wide Web. and maintained. 2). 116 . information assurance and security. and the use of appropriate tools. to develop students’ capacity for innovation and passion for lifelong learning. practical assignments. These should gradually be strengthened through developing the core competencies and desired skill-sets during the second. design. implement. 4. course projects and a capstone design project. human-computer interaction. patterns. create. to develop students’ interpersonal and organizational skills to communicate effectively with a range of audience. IT emphasizes the pervasive themes of user centeredness and advocacy. IT curriculum thus aims to achieve the targets set in the vision statement. administer and evaluate a computer-based system. Information Technology concepts should be taken up as early as the start of 1 st year. to use and apply current technical concepts.Vision of Information Technology Education As defined in cc2008 “Information Technology is very much an integrative discipline.” In the light of this explanation. networking. 5. and the management of complexity through abstraction and modeling. and society and to identify their computing needs. Thus. It should strive to meet the professional demands of the industry and academia both in terms of immediate needs and the capacity for longer term development to avail the opportunities and face the challenges of the modern world. best practices. component. techniques. programming. skills. standards. The students must also be provided opportunities to bring together the knowledge gained in a wide variety of courses to solve realistic problems in a team-based environment through lab sessions. third and fourth years. mathematical and theoretical foundations on which information technologies are built. it pulls together the IT pillars of databases. 2. 3. to strengthen students’ understanding of professional. create operative project plans and work in a collaborative environment. to understand and contribute to the scientific. The committee is of the view that the curriculum must focus on building a solid foundation in the early stages of learning. process. regardless of their origin. ethical. the curriculum committee formalized the Vision Statement for IT education in Pakistan as follows: The IT education in Pakistan will focus on imparting the knowledge and training which enable students: 1. and select. tools and practices to analyze the local and global impact of IT on individuals. and web systems and uses a solid background in each of them to enable graduates to solve all types of computing and informational problems. As a discipline. legal and social issues and responsibilities. or program to meet the desired needs and integrate them into the user environment. organizations. Master of Science in Information Technology. however. It was agreed that 3 weekly lab hours shall be treated as one credit hour for a course. The eligibility criterion for admission to MS Information Technology shall be 4year BS Information Technology or equivalent qualifications. universities/institutions may define their own admission criteria. BS (IT) 2. universities/institutions may define their own admission criteria. 117 . marketable skills. IT graduates who have ability to: 1. The goals of the program are to produce. Curriculum for BS Information Technology. Admission Criteria: The eligibility criteria for BS Information Technology program shall be intermediate or equivalent qualifications. MS (IT) Duration of Programs: The committee defined a credit hour as 15 lecturing hours in a course offered in a particular semester. Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.Information Technology Degree Programs Nomenclature: The committee emphasized that the nomenclature followed for Information Technology programs should correspond to international trends and standards. In normal circumstances a semester comprises 15 teaching weeks followed by the final examination. competence. globally compatible dispositions and culturally and professionally acceptable values to take on appropriate professional roles in information technology domain or proceed to further or higher education or training. vision and drive equip with up-to-date knowledge. in coordination with organizational management. The BS Information Technology Degree would be a 4-year program spread over 8 semesters and MS Information Technology program would be a 2-year program spread over 4 semesters. X represents total credit hours. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. however. Y represents credit hours for theory and Z represents credit hours for practical lab work. The notation used for this purpose is X(Y+Z). unique expertise. The following nomenclatures were thus agreed: 1. valuable competencies. One of the key objectives of the program is to equip students with skills and knowledge that enable them to take on appropriate professional positions in IT and grow into leading roles. BS (IT) Program’s Aims & Objectives: The aim of the BS (IT) program is to produce entrepreneurs of great character. 11. 9. evaluation and administration of computerbased systems. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. 5. Depth-Based. organizations. Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.2. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development. implement. 7. Followings are the distribution of total credit hours: # 1 2 3 4 Category Computing Courses Core Supporting Areas Information Technology Courses Core Electives Supporting General Education Courses University Elective Courses Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 40 12 21 21 15 18 9 136 118 . Assist in the creation of an effective project plan. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection. security and social issues and responsibilities. 14. and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution. and Integrated Breadth & Depth-Based specializations. Understand the best practices and standards and their application. skills. Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals. 12. and society. Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment. Structure of BS Information Technology: The structure of BS (IT) program is dynamic and provides basis for various options including Breadth-Based. Design. component. creation. Students may choose a particular option. 3. 13. and tools necessary for computing practice. legal. Use and apply the latest technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies. Understand the professional. and evaluate a computer-based system. Use the current techniques. ethical. 6. Analyze a problem. 4. which is the most appropriate to their planned future career. 10. or program to meet desired needs. process. 8. However. 3* 3 (2+1) 3* 3 (3+ 0) 3 (3+ 0) 3 3 (21/136) * Labs are preferred in these courses. However.21 24 IT 9 25 IT 8 26 IT 7 27 IT Total Credit Hours Course Name IT Project Management Internet Architecture & Protocols Object Oriented Analysis & Design Database Administration & Management Information Systems Credit hours 3 3 3* 3 (2+1) 3 (3+ 0) (15/136) 119 . Hrs. implementation details are left upon the concerned Institutes.Computing — Core Courses (40 Credits Hours) Required Computing Courses # Code Pre-req Course Name Cr. 1 CMP Programming Fundamentals 4 (3+1) 2 CMP 1 Object Oriented Programming 3* 3 CMP Discrete Structures 3 4 CMP 3 Data Structures and Algorithms 4 (3+1) 5 CMP Digital Logic Design 4 (3+1) 6 CMP Operating Systems 3* 7 CMP Database Systems 4 (3+1) 8 CMP Software Engineering 3 Computer Communications and 9 CMP 3* Networks 10 CMP Human Computer Interaction 3 11 CMP IT Capstone Project 6 (0+6) Total Credit Hours (40/136) * Labs are preferred in these courses. implementation details are left upon the Institutes. IT — Core Courses (21 Credits Hours) Required IT Core Courses # Code Pre-req Course Name 16 IT Web Systems and Technologies 17 IT Multimedia Systems and Design 18 IT 6 Systems and Network Administration 19 IT Network Security 20 Cloud Computing IT System Integration and Architecture 21 IT Technology Management Total Credit Hours Cr. IT — Supporting Courses (15 Credits Hours) Required Supporting Courses # Code Pre-req 23 IT 8. Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IT Electives (7 Courses. Hrs. IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT Telecommunication Systems Routing & Switching Network Design and Management Network Programming Computer Game Development Multimedia Technologies 3D Modeling & Animation Mobile Computing Software Agents Technology E-Commerce Applications Development Enterprise Application Development Distributed Computing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 . Networking.General Education (18 Credits Hours) Required General Education Courses # Code Pre-req Course Name 1 ENG Functional English (English-I) 2 ENG Communication Skills (English-II) 3 ENG Technical Report Writing (English-III) 4 SS Islamic Studies /Ethics 5 SS Pakistan Studies 6 SS Professional Practices Information & Communication IT Technologies Total Credit Hours Cr. Hrs 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 (2+1) (18/136) University Electives (9 Credits Hours) University Elective Courses # Code Pre-req Course Name 34 MNG Principles of Accounting 35 MNG Human Resource Management 36 MNG Principles of Management 37 MNG Organizational Behaviour 38 SS Principles of Philosophy 39 SS Principles of Psychology 40 SS Foreign/Regional Language 41 MNG Entrepreneurship Cr. A student must select at least 4 courses from one domain for his/her major area of specialization. 21 Credits Hours) Following is a suggestive list of the elective courses for different domain including Databases. and Software Engineering. Universities/institutions may add other courses in this list. Web Base Application Development. Multimedia Systems. IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE IT IT IT IT Mobile Application Development Web Engineering Data Warehousing Data Mining Business Intelligence and Analytics Distributed Database Systems Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Information Systems Auditing and Assurance Business Process Management Knowledge Management Artificial Intelligence Formal Methods in Software Engineering Software Requirement Engineering Software Design and Architecture Software Quality Engineering Software CASE Tools & Applications Software Construction Software Engineering Economics Design Patterns Service-Oriented Architecture Computer Graphics Bioinformatics Biometric Systems 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 121 . ) Cr. Edu) 3 Islamic Studies/Ethics (Gen.Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (IT) Model 1 4-Year Program (8 Semesters) (136 Credit Hours) Semester 1 (18 Cr. 4(3+1) 3* 3 3 3 3 Semester 4 (18 Cr.) Object Oriented Programming (Comp. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs.) 2 (2+0) Semester 2 (18 Cr. Edu. Supporting) Cr. Core) Principles of Psychology (Uni. 3 3 3 4 (3+1) 3 (2+1) 2 (2+0) Semester 5 (18 Cr. Core) Multimedia Systems and Design (IT Core) Pakistan Studies (Gen. Programming Fundamentals (Comp. Edu. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Core) Discrete Structures (Comp. Core) Database Systems (Comp.) Organizational Behaviour (Uni.) Data Structures and Algorithms (Comp. Edu. Edu.) Probability and Statistics (Comm. Elective) Information Systems (IT – Supporting) Technical and Report Writing (English-III) (Gen. Core) 4 (3+1) Basic Electronics (Comp. Elective) Communication Skills (English-II) (Gen.) IT Elective-I Operating Systems (Comp. 3 3* 3 3* 3 3 122 . Hrs. Supporting) Cr. Core) Digital Logic Design (Comp. Core) OO Analysis & Design (IT – Supporting) DB Administration & Management (IT – Supporting) Web Systems and Technologies (IT Core) Technology Management (IT Core) Cr. Supporting) 3 Fundamentals of ICT (IT Core) 3 (2+1) Functional English(English-I) (Gen. Elective) Internet Architecture & Protocols (IT – Supporting) Software Engineering (Comp. Hrs. Core) Computer Communication and Networks (Comp.) Linear Algebra (Comp.) Cr. Supporting) 3 Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Comp. Core) Principles of Accounting (Uni. 3 3 (2+1) 3 3 3 3 Semester 3 (19 Cr. Core) Professional Practices (Gen. Core) Data & Network Security (IT Core) IT Elective IV IT Elective V Cloud Computing Cr. Hrs.Semester 6 (18 Cr. However.) Human Computer Interaction (Comp. Core) Systems and Network Administration IT Elective II IT Elective –III System Integration and Architecture (IT Core) IT Project Management (IT – Supporting) Cr. 3 3 3 3 3 Semester 8 (12 Cr.) Capstone Project Part II (Comp. Hrs.) Capstone Project Part I (Comp. 3 2(2+0) 3 3 * Labs are preferred in these courses. implementation details are left upon the concerned Institutes. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. 123 . 3 3* 3 3 3 3 Semester 7 (15 Cr.) IT Elective VI IT Elective VII Cr. Hrs. Edu. 4(3+1) 3 3 3 (2+1) 3 2 (2+0) Semester 2 (19 Cr. Edu. Supporting) Cr. 4 (3+1) 3 3 3 3 3 Semester 3 (19 Cr.) Principles of Accounting (Uni. Edu. 3 2 (2+0) 3 4 (3+1) 3 3 Semester 4 (19 Cr.) Probability and Statistics (Comm. 3 3* 3 3* 3 3 124 . Core) Basic Electronics (Comp. Core) Software Engineering (Comp. Elective) Computer Communication and Networks (Comp. Hrs. Supporting) Cr. Edu) Islamic Studies/Ethics (Gen. Core) Principles of Psychology (Uni. Hrs.) Programming Fundamentals (Comp. Supporting) Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Comp. Hrs.) Cr. Hrs. Core) Technical and Report Writing (English-III) (Gen.) Data Structures and Algorithms (Comp. Supporting) Fundamentals of ICT (IT Core) Functional English(English-I) (Gen. Hrs. Elective) Communication Skills (English-II) (Gen. Elective) Digital Logic Design (Comp. Core) Cr.Proposed Scheme of Study for BS (IT) Model 2 4-Year Program (8 Semesters) (136 Credit Hours) Semester 1 (19 Cr. Hrs. Core) Multimedia Systems and Design (IT Core) Operating Systems (Comp.) Internet Architecture & Protocols (IT – Supporting) Systems and Network Administration OO Analysis & Design (IT – Supporting) DB Administration & Management (IT – Supporting) Web Systems and Technologies (IT Core) Technology Management (IT Core) Cr. Hrs. Core) Database Systems (Comp. Hrs.) Organizational Behaviour (Uni.) Linear Algebra (Comp. Edu. Hrs.) Object Oriented Programming (Comp. 3 3 3 4 (3+1) 3 (2+1) 3* Semester 5 (18 Cr. Edu. Core) Information Systems (IT – Supporting) Discrete Structures (Comp. Hrs. Core) Pakistan Studies (Gen. Core) Data & Network Security (IT Core) IT Elective IV IT Elective V System Integration and Architecture (IT Core) Cr. Hrs. Hrs. implementation details are left upon the concerned Institutes. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Semester 7 (15 Cr.) IT Elective VI IT Elective VII Cr. 3 (0+3) 3 3 3 3 Semester 8 (12 Cr.) Capstone Project Part II (Comp. 125 . Hrs. 3 2 3 3 * Labs are preferred in these courses.) Capstone Project Part I (Comp. Hrs. Hrs. Core) (IT – Supporting) Cr. Edu. However.Semester 6 (15 Cr. Core) Professional Practices (Gen.) Human Computer Interaction IT Elective-I IT Elective II IT Elective –III IT Project Management Cloud Computing (Comp. Hrs. Reference Materials: 1. Programming in C by Stephen G. 9th edition (March. Translating Algorithms into Programs. Deitel. objects and encapsulation. ISBN-10: 0136053068 126 . Deitel and Paul J. Harvey M. Fundamental Programming Constructs. Java How to Program by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Testing & Debugging. Repetition (While and For Loop. generalization. Functions. Break Statement. Prentice Hall. Kochan.BS Information Technology. 9 th edition (February. inheritance and its types. Reference Materials: 1. Pointers. Prentice Hall. polymorphism. composition. Switch Statement and Condition Operator). C How to Program by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Object Oriented concepts and principles. association. exception handling. Nested If-Else. Data Types. Prentice Hall. derived classes. 7 edition (March 4. Selection and Decision (If. C++ How to Program by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Testing Designed Solution. operator and function/method overloading. 2009). BS (IT). problem solving in Object Oriented paradigm. Prentice Hall. Arrays. Program Development: Analyzing Problem. Control Structures. ISBN-10: 0321776410 3. Java: How to Programme. OOP design process. Files (Input-Output). Designing Algorithm/Solution. Do-While Loops). If-Else. Addison-Wesley Professional. classes. 2013). Algorithms and Problem Solving. aggregation. 2012). Continue Statement. Principles of Structured and Modular Programming. 4 edition (September 25. Overview of Structured Programming Languages. Records. function/method overriding. constructors and destructors. virtual functions. COURSE CONTENTS Computing Core Courses: Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals 4 (3+1) None Course Outline: This course covers overview of Computer Programming. functions/methods. 8 edition (March 27. abstract and concrete classes. 2013) Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Evolution of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). ISBN-10: 013299044X 2. 2011) 4. Basics of Input and Output. Reference Materials: 1. Tail Recursion. 2nd Edition (January 26. Arrays. Binary Heap. 4th Edition (October 7. Inc. Memory Management and Garbage Collection. Nested Recursion. B-Tree. Hashing. Selection Sort. and Cycle Detection. Graph Traversal Algorithms. 2010.2. Prentice Hall. Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore. 2009). Sorting Algorithms: Insertion Sort. Bucket Sort. Shell Sort. Beginning Java by Ivor Horton. Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java by Koffman and Wolfgang. Stacks. 7th Edition. Deletion. Isomorphic Graphs. Heap. 4 edition (December 29. 2011). Addison-Wesley. Shortest Path. Doubly Linked Lists. Queues. Quick Sort. Wiley. ISBN-10: 0672323087 4. Radix Sort. ISBN 978–0– 07–352335–4 5. Binary Search. 8 edition (March 25. 2001). Recursion: Function call and Recursion Implementation. Bubble Sort. Princeton University Publisher: AddisonWesley Professional (latest Edition) 3. Sams Publishing. Tree Traversal. John Wiley & Sons. 2010). Graphs: Representation. Spanning Tree. and Priority Queue. C++: How to Programme. ISBN10: 0132662361 3. Trees: Binary Trees. and Balancing a Tree. Circular List. Java Programming: From the Ground Up by Ralph Bravaco and Shai Simonson. B+Tree. Robert Sedgewick. Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java by Mark Allen Weiss. Treversal. Heap Sort. Non-tail Recursion. 2011. Merge Sort. Splay Trees. Complexity Analysis. Indirect Recursion. Backtracking. Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists. Insertion. ISBN-10: 0321541405 (or Latest Edition) 2. McGraw-Hill Higher Education New York. Algorithms. ISBN-10: 0470128704 127 . ISBN: 978-0-470-40414-0 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Discrete Structures 3 None Course Outline: Please See in BS (CS) Section Reference Materials: Please See in BS (CS) Section Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Structure and Algorithms 4 (3+1) Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. State Machines. ISBN-10: 0132933950 4.. 2nd Edition (July 31. Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits. deadlock prevention. Charles H. Mc-Cluskey. Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ by Michael Main and Walter Savitch. Course Technology. Floyd. etc. paging. Combination logic circuits and designs. Boolean Algebra. 4 th Edition (March 6. 2009). Evolution of operating systems. 2013). Thread Libraries. Operations on Processes. 11 th edition.4. ISBN-10: 0495471690 Course Name: Credit Hours: Pre-requisites: Operating Systems 3* None Course Outline: History and Goals. ISBN-10: 0324782012 6. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits. Digital Fundamentals: A Systems Approach by Thomas L. 4th Edition (August 27. Floyd. ISBN-10: 1133608426 5. Prentice Hall (2007). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design by Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic. ISBN-10: 0132129485 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Digital Logic and Design 3 Basic Electronics Course Outline: Number Systems. 2009). Fundamentals of Logic Design by Jr. FPGA). Roth and Larry L Kinney. Inter-process Communication. 6th Edition (March 13. Reference Materials: 1. Types of System Calls. 2012). Simplification Methods K-Maps. Logic Gates. S. and recovery. Scheduling. by M. Lab Assignments using tools such as Verilog HDL/VHDL. Operating System: Services. Prentice Hall. (July 13. Malik. Structure. 2. Threading: Multithreading Models. Virtual Machines concept. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Data Structures Using C++ by D. Introduction Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD. User Interface. 3rd Edition (February 12. processor scheduling. Ciletti. Counters. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Adam Drozdek. Prentice Hall. 2010). Disks management and other 128 . Triggered devices & its types. avoidance. Processes: Concept. CL Engineering. Digital Design. Quinne. Michael D. virtual memory management (swapping. Course Technology. Morris Mano. ISBN-10: 0131989243 5. 4 th Edition. Shift Registers Counters. Flip Flops and Latches. Prentice Hall. System Boot. McGraw-Hill. MultiSim. Shift Registers. Threading Issues. ISBN-10: 0073380547 3. segmentation and page-replacement algorithms). System Calls. Memory Elements. main-memory management. 2012). Wiley. Addison-Wesley (2010). Navathe. 9th edition (December 17. Peter B. Mapping ERD to Relational Model. Date. protection and security. Prentice Hall. Database Architecture. Modern Operating Systems by Tanenmaum A. *Lab assignments involving different single and multithreaded OS algorithms. and Management.S. Structured Query Language (SQL)..C. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg. 11th Edition (July 26. Prentice Hall. 4. Applied Operating Systems Concepts by Silberschatz A. Implementation. Reference Materials: 1.input/output devices. Wiley. Schema Architecture. ISBN-10: 013230998X 3. 2012). ISBN-10: 1118112733 4. ISBN-10: 0132662256 3. Peterson. ISBN-10: 1449328016. 1 st Edition (April 24. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings. Functional Dependencies and Normalization. Mary Prescott. Relational Data Model. 2012). and Greg Gagne. Query Optimization Concepts. Relational Algebra. ISBN-10: 0136086209. 8th Edition (2011). 2012). Prentice Hall.. ISBN-13: 978-0136006633 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Database Systems 4 (3+1) Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Basic Database Concepts. Conceptual. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Enhanced ERD. DB Design Life Cycle. Jeffrey Hoofer. Galvin. & Galvin P. Jeffrey Hoofer. 6th Edition.. Case studies: Linux/Windows Operating Systems. 11th Edition (July 26. file-system structure and implementation. 3rd Edition (2007). ISBN-10: 0132662256 129 . J. 2011) 2. 2012). Concurrency Control And Recovery Techniques. O'Reilly Media. Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz. Modern Database Management by Fred McFadden. 5.L. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Logical and Physical Database Modelling and Design. Modern Database Management by Fred McFadden. 7th edition (March 10. Database Systems A Practical Approach to Design. J. Prentice Hall. Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 1118063333 2. Reference Materials: 1. 7 edition (March 10. Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All That Jazz by C. . 2011). Mary Prescott. Elmasri and S. Transaction Processing. Encoding. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Validation Testing. User Interface Design. and Evaluating methods. Maintenance and Reengineering. Requirements Engineering. Risk Management. Error Control. The Formal Methods Models. Switched and IP Networks. Bridging. the Importance of Strategic Planning. Multiplexing. Data Link Protocols. 8 th Edition (2006). System Architecture. SDLC: Phases. Routing. Difference between FDD Diagrams & UML Diagrams. Specialized Process Models: Component Based Development. Difference between Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis. Project Management. Pressman. the Software Processes. 130 . Types. Software Quality Assurance. Addison Wesley. Detailed Level DFD’s. Evolutionary Process Model. Prescriptive Process Models: Waterfall Model. Interface Design Elements. Local Area Networks and MAC Layer protocols. Practice & Myths. OpNet. Process Patterns. Network system architectures (OSI. Generic Process Models: Framework Activity. WebApps Interface Design. Wireless LANs.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: (Intro. Conventions. System Planning. TCP/IP). Transport layer protocols TCP. Packet tracer etc. Analogue and digital Transmission. Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission. Incremental Process Model. Architecture Design Elements. CMM. Architectural Styles. Lab exercises using tools such as Wireshark. 7th Edition (2009). Software Engineering 8E by Ian Sommerville. Agile Development. Process Improvement. Data & Process Modelling. Internal and External View of Testing. SWOT Analysis. Flow Control. Evaluation of Systems Requests. UDP and SCTP. Inter-networking. ISBN-10: 0073375977 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Computer Communications and Networks 3 None Course Outline: Data Communication concepts. Component-Level Design Elements. Noise. Task Set. Business Information Systems: Components. the Design Process. to) Software Engineering 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Overview of SE. Application Layer Protocols. Deployments Design Elements. Reference Materials: 1. Media. Preliminary Investigation. System Testing. Context. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. Diagrams: Data Flow. ISBN-10: 0321313798 2. 2011). Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts And Design by J. Y. T. 2010). Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules by Jeff Johnson. Russell Beale.Cognitive models. Computer Networks and Internets by Douglas E. Prentice Hall. Wiley. 2010). 2008).Computer Interaction by Yvonne Rogers. CRC Press. ISBN-10: 0130461091 2. Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities Reference Materials: 1. Helen Sharp. 3 Edition (May 4. Human-Computer Interaction by Alan Dix. Comer. ISBN-10: 0073376221 2. HCI in the software process. ISBN-10: 012375030X. Rogers. Human psychology and ergonomics. Janet E. . Gregory D. 5th edition (February 17. Benyon. Data Communications and Networking. 3 rd Edition (June 15. Prentice Hall. Interaction Design: Beyond Human . Evaluation techniques. 131 . 2012). Prentice Hall. Wetherall. Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0201627698. Tanenbaum and David J. 5 th Edition (April 28. Forouzan. 2010). Dialog notations and design . User support. 1994). Evolving Technologies. H. Holland. Communication and collaboration models. Socioorganizational issues and stakeholder requirements. Abowd. 9th Edition (August 13. Finlay.Reference Materials: 1. 3. 2012). and Emerging Applications by Julie A. Interaction design basics. D. Addison Wesley. Morgan Kaufmann. 5th Edition (October 7. Preece. Task analysis. Groupware. 1st Edition (April 30. Interaction Paradigms. Jacko. ISBN-10: 1439829438 4. and Jenny Preece. 2003). Carey. McGraw-Hill Science. Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals. ISBN-10: 0132126958 4. by Behrouz A. S. Modeling rich interaction. ISBN-10: 0470665769 5. Sharp. Universal design. Computer Networks by Andrew S. Design rules. ISBN-10: 0131392050 3. Data and Computer Communications by William Stallings. 1st Edition (June 3. 3 rd Edition (December 20. Models of the system. ISBN-10: 0136066984 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Human Computer Interaction 3 None Course Outline: The human and the computer and their interaction. Implementation support. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. Sampling Procedures. Applications of Derivatives. L'Hôpital's Rule. Substitution in Definite Integrals. Finney. Populations. Integration in Polar Coordinates. Numerical Integration. 1994. Functions. Vector-Valued Function Cartesian (Rectangular) Coordinates and Vectors in Space. Olinick and Pence. Rules for Finding Limits. Extensions of the Limit Concept. Differentiation Rules. Rates of Change. Polar Equations for Conic Sections. and the Role of Probability.Computing Supporting Elective Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 None Course Outline: Real Numbers and the Real Line. The Exponential Function. Addison Wesley. Vectors and Analytic Geometry in Space. Growth and Decay. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Stephen Davis. Cross Products. and Increments. Natural Logarithms. Wiley. Calculus by Howard Anton. Discrete and Continuous Data. Implicit Differentiation and Rational Exponents. Samples. ISBN-10: 0471105899 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis. Lines. Shifting Graphs. Inverse Trigonomic Functions. Irl C. Trigonometric Functions. Continuity. 132 . Reference Materials: 1. The Chain Rule. Conic Sections. Lines and Planes in Space. Wiley. Integration by Substitution. 6th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishers. Calculus with Analytic Geometry: Student Solution Manual by Howard Anton. Statistical Inference. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by George B. Vectors in the Plane Dot Products. ISBN-10: 0470647728 4. Statistical Modeling. Dot Products. Graphing in Polar Coordinates. Calculus and Analytical Geometry by Swokowski. and Polar Coordinates. Transcendental Functions: Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Coordinates. 10 th Edition (2012). Integration: Indefinite Integrals. Target Values and Formal Definitions of Limits. Hyperbolic Functions. 10th Edition (1995) ISBN-10: 0201531747 2. Tangent Lines. Bivens. Thomas and Ross L. Relative Rates of Growth. 3. Definite Integrals. Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications of Integrals. Limits and Continuity: Rates of Change and Limits. ax and logax. Parametrized Curves. 5th Edition (1995). Derivatives: The Derivative of a Function. Types of Statistical Studies. Independence. Nonlinear Regression Models. Pearson. Graphs and Networks. Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics. and Economics. Variance and Covariance of Random Variables. Discrete Transforms and Simple Applications. Vector Spaces and Subspaces. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Anthony J. Elimination Factorization. Computer Graphics. Sampling Distribution of S2. Mathematical Expectation: Mean of a Random Variable. The Discrete Fourier Transform.and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses. ISBN-10: 0071544259 4. Linear Regression and Correlation. Simplification and Factorization of the DFT 133 . Bayes’ Rule. Myers and Keying E. ISBN-10: 0321629116 2. Probability: A Very Short Introduction by John Haigh. Myers. Fourier Series. Linear Programming. Linear Algebra for Functions. Events. Multiple Linear Regression and Certain. Single Sample & One. Applications of Matrices in Engineering. The Use of P-Values for Decision Making in Testing Hypotheses (Single Sample & One. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Conditional Probability. Complex Vectors and Matrices. Alu Srinivasan and Murray Spiegel. and the Product Rule. Single Sample & One.Probability: Sample Space. t-Distribution. 3rd Edition (2008). Chebyshev’s Theorem. 9th Edition (January 6. DeTerminants. F-Quantile and Probability Plots. 2011). ISBN-10: 0495107573 3.and Two-Sample Estimation Problems.and TwoSample Tests). Linear Regression Model Using Matrices. Additive Rules. Oxford University Press (2012). 2006). 3rd Edition (February 3. by John Schiller. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Ronald E. Sampling Distributions. Solving Linear Equations. Sampling Distribution of Means and the Central Limit Theorem. Duxbury Press. Population. Counting Sample Points. Random Variables and Probability Distributions. Linear Transformation. Walpole. Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions: Random Sampling. Probability of an Event. Sharon L. ISBN-10: 0199588481 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Linear Algebra 3 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Course Outline: Introduction to Vectors. Linear Algebra for Statistics and Probability. Linear Transformations. R. Hayter. Raymond H. Properties of the Least Squares Estimators. Discrete Probability Distributions. Orthogonality. Continuous Probability Distributions. Reference Materials: 1. Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables. Markov Matrices. Least Squares and the Fitted Model. Ye. Numerical Linear Algebra. McGraw-Hill. Cosine Transform. Linear & Non-Linear Resistors. Capacitors. 4th Edition. Photomultiplier Tube. Transistor Biasing. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications by Bernard Kolman. 9th Edition. Theory of Solid State. P-N Junction Photodiode. 1999. Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction by David Poole by Brooks Cole. 2007. The Basic Transistor. Brooks/Cole. Andrew Bulman-Fleming. 5 th Edition. Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR. PIN Photodiode. Transistor Circuit Configuration. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0980232716 2. 2010). Inductors. 6th Edition. Reverse Saturation Current. 2005. Brett Coonley. The Discrete Time Fourier Transform. Spectral Response of Human Eye. Carrier Waves. Junction Breakdown. 3rd Edition (May 25.Matrix. Energy Sources. ISBN-10: 0132296543 4. Rectifiers. Reference Materials: 1. Resistive Circuits. Wellesley Cambridge Press. Fast Fourier Transforms. Integrated Circuits. DC Power Supplies. 2007. Forward Biased P-N Junction. David Hill. Junction Capacitance. Ohm’s Law. Photodiodes. Filters. Bulk Type Photoconductive Cells. Prentice Hall PTR. and Avalanche Photodiode. 4th Edition (February 10. The ZTransform. Wiley. Andy Bulman-Fleming. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by Howard Anton. Theraja. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Basic Electronics 3 None Course Outline: Zero Reference Level.ISBN-10: 0538735457 3. Reverse Biased P-N Junction. Photoemission Devices. Cells in Series and Parallel. ISBN-13: 978-8121925563 2. L. Electronic Principles by Albert Paul Malvino. ISBN 0-07115604-6 134 . PN Junction. Forward V/I Characteristics. Chris Rorres. 2005 5. Basic Electronics Solid State by B. Strang. 2009). S Chand & Co Ltd. Modulation and Demodulation. Light Emitting Diode (LED). Reverse V/I Characteristics. Resistors. Opto-electronics Devices. Photovoltaic Devices. Magnetism and Electromagnetism. Voltage Multipliers. 9th Edition. Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications by Gilbert Strang. Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang. Reference Materials: 1. Spelling Rules. J. ISBN-10: 0194311872 3. Language as a Representational System. Any. Purpose. Will and Should. Complete Course Benchmark Edition (January 1988). Suggestions. and Relative Pronouns and Clauses. A Practical English Grammar by A. Must. Need for Obligation. Phrasal Verbs. Time. Past. Weights and Measures. Literature and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences Southern Luzon State University (2012) 4. Guintomary Ann R. Personal. Factors Affecting Communication Perspective. The Importance of Communication. Must. Perspectives in Communication. Kins of Nouns. Antonyms. Writing Mechanics. ISBN-10: 9814070904 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Communication Skills (English II) 3 None Course Outline: What is Communication. Communication Skills. Indirect Speech. Like. Both. Interrogatives. 2. The Auxiliaries Dare and Used. Requests. Villaverde Dept. Hate. Martinent. Classes of Verbs. Love. Invitations. etc. Can.Contents of General Education Elective Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Functional English (English I) 3 None Course Outline: Punctuation Principles. The Communication Process. V. Auditory & 135 . Companion to English: Vocabulary (Learners Companion) by George Davidson. Each. Reflexive. Have To. Usage of May. Future and Perfect Tenses. Warriner. Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) (January 1986). 2003). None. Clauses of Reason. Overview of Present. The Subjunctive.4 th Edition Oxford University Press (1986). Should. Frequently Misused Words. Ought. Functional English In Aglobal Society: Vocabulary Building and Communicative Grammar by Nicanor L. Sibal Brian D. Prefer. The Gerund & The Participles. English Composition and Grammar: Complete Course by John E. Wish. The Passive Voice. Possessive. No. Dates. Numerals. Have. Neither. Internal Representation of Our World: Visual. Idioms. Some. General Vocabulary. This. of Languages. All. Either. Basic English Usage by Michael Swan. Prim-Ed Publishing (March 1. Concession. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Result. Prepositions. Frequently Confused Words. Use of Articles and One. That. Care. ISBN-10: 0153117362 5. Phrases. Advice. Every. Clauses: Noun Clauses. Irregular Verbs. Conjunctions. A Little/ A Few. Commands. Synonyms. Thomson and A. Comparison. 3rd Edition (March 3. S. Letter to the Editor. ISBN-10:3659217557 4. Listening: Self-Awareness. Communication Styles. Responding to Criticism. The Art of Conversation. Interviewing. Arguing Persuasively & Logically. Tension & Nerves. Reference Materials: 1. Writing Tasks. 136 . Drafting in Digital Environments. Rules of Effective Expression. Hidden Agendas. Language Models. Prejudgment. ASIN: B008HYUDWQ Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Technical and Report Writing (English III) 3 None Course Outline: Characteristics of Academic. Assertiveness. Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Matthew McKay PhD. Patty Ann. Public Flyer. (2010) ISBN 978-87-7681-598-1 (TB1) 2. Editing. Public Speaking. Essential Communication Skills. The Power of Validation. Elements of Communication. ISBN-10: 1572245921 3. Reasoning Critically. Dealing People with Disabilities. Lab Report. Negotiations. 1st Edition (July 5. EAN: 9788131806920 5. Public. Presentation for International Audience. Para-language and Meta-messages. Communication Styles. 2012). Speaking Effectively. Clear and Emphatic Sentences. Designing Documents. Effective Communication Skills. Building Rapports. Writing in Online Communities. Unclear. Types of Expression. Types of Public Writing. Common Mistakes & Their Remedies. Handle Questions. Paragraphs: Unfocused Paragraphs. elements of effective Delivery. and Proofreading. Project Reports. Poorly Developed Paragraphs. Handling Tough Situations. Pseudo Listening. Dealing with Unexpected Disasters. Public Writing Tasks. Types of Writing: Abstract. Influencing Others. Drafting: Drafting Collaboratively. Body Language. New Harbinger Publications. Incoherent Paragraphs. 2009). and Patrick Fanning. Pasha. Pasha & Dr. Making Contact. Audiences. Reading Critically. Preparing Formal Oral Presentations: Design elements. MTD Training & Ventus Publishing ApS. Public Audiences. Teacher Edition with Talking Points by Patty Ann. Effective Listening. Secrets of Successful Presenters: A Guide for Successful Presenters by Dr. Public Writing: Goals of Public Writing. Purpose. Lambert Academic Publishing (2012). and Audience. Academic Writing for Social and Natural Sciences: Goals of Writing. Martha Davis PhD. A. Informative Report. Research Report. Work and Electronic Communities. Myths and Realities about Writing. Validation Strategies. Revising. M.Kinaesthetic Representational System. Effective Writing: Discovering and Planning. Elements of Effective Written Communication. Communication Skills in English by Prof P N Kharu. Active Listening. Thesis. Special-Purpose Paragraphs. Total Listing. Dr Varinder Gandhi Publisher: Laxmi. Creating a Research File and a Timeline.21. Reading. Robert A. The Technical Writer’s Companion by Alred. 8th Edition 3. Reference Materials: 1.6. Anson. Summarizing. 4th Edition 2007. Detail of Courses: Introduction to Quranic Studies 1) Basic Concepts of Quran 2) History of Quran 3) Uloom-ul-Quran Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran 1) Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286) 2) Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18) 3) Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11) 4) Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.58. Objectives: ISLAMIC STUDIES (Compulsory) This course is aimed at: 1 To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies 2 To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization 3 To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships 4 To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and religious life. Technical English: Writing. Reading and Note taking.) 137 . ISBN 0-312-25978-6. Writing a Position Paper. Schwegler and Marcia F. Pearson Longman.63-77) 5) Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154) Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran 1) Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No. and Speaking by Pickett and Laster. Muth. and Synthesizing. Charles T. 3rd Edition. Paraphrasing.56.57. Developing a Research Question. Writer's Companion – The Longman by Chris M. ISBN10: 0-20556-252-3 2.Researching and Writing: Types of Research Writing. Oliu.40. Brusaw and Walter E. Developing a Preliminary Thesis. Gerald. A.W) II 1) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina 2) Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina 3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina Introduction To Sunnah 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Basic Concepts of Hadith History of Hadith Kinds of Hadith Uloom –ul-Hadith Sunnah & Hadith Legal Position of Sunnah Selected Study from Text of Hadith Introduction To Islamic Law & Jurisprudence 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence Nature of Differences in Islamic Law Islam and Sectarianism Islamic Culture & Civilization 1) 2) 3) 4) Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues Islam & Science 1) Basic Concepts of Islam & Science 2) Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science 3) Quranic & Science Islamic Economic System 1) 2) 3) 4) Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics Islamic Concept of Riba Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce 138 .14) Seerat of Holy Prophet (S. Day of Judgment 3) Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar.19.2) Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18.A.Tadabar (Verse No-1.W) in Makkah 3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I 1) Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood) 2) Life of Holy Prophet (S.20) Related to thinking. Islamabad (1993) 7) Mir Waliullah.Political System of Islam 1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System 2) Islamic Concept of Sovereignty 3) Basic Institutions of Govt. Islamabad (2001) Course Name: Prerequisites: Ethics None Course Outline: Follow Institution/University syllabus 139 . “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute. ‘Introduction to Islam 4) Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi. “Emergence of Islam” . Bhatia. “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic Book Service (1982) 8) H. Religion and Society” Deep & Deep Publications New Delhi (1989) 9) Dr. Islamabad 2) Hameed ullah Muhammad. in Islam Islamic History 1) Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida 2) Period of Ummayyads 3) Period of Abbasids Social System of Islam 1) Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam 2) Elements of Family 3) Ethical Values of Islam Reference Books: 1) Hameed ullah Muhammad. IRI. International Islamic University. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.S. “Muslim Conduct of State” 3) Hameed ullah Muhammad. Pakistan. “Studies in Islamic Law.” 5) Hussain Hamid Hassan. 6) Ahmad Hasan. “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open University. “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication Islamabad. Shahid Javed. Mehmood. nd. Washington: American Enterprise. Institute of Public Policy Research. Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-eIslamia. Wayne. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. national development. Factors leading to Muslim separatism c. issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Safdar. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges e. Society and social structure c. 2. Karachi: Oxford University Press. Safdar. 1999 onward 3. Akbar. Course Outline: 1.. b. Muslim advent iii. Ethnicity d. politics. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. 5. Historical Perspective a. Burki. Lahore. Wilcox. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan Recommended Books: 1. The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980. 2. Indus Civilization ii. Economic institutions and issues b.The Emergence of Bangladesh. Club Road. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis. 1988-99 f. Location and geo-physical features. government. 1947-58 b. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 3. State & Society in Pakistan. 1958-71 c.M. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. 4. Contemporary Pakistan a. 1977-88 e. 1971-77 d. contemporary Pakistan. 2000.  Study the process of governance. Government and Politics in Pakistan Political and constitutional phases: a. Zaidi. S. Pakistan Kayyun Toota. S. Mehmood. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. 1994. 1972. People and Land i. 140 . ideological background of Pakistan. 6.Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) Introduction/Objectives:  Develop vision of historical perspective. 1993. University Press of America (1993). 3rd Edition (2000). Muhammad Waseem. 12. Health and Safety at Work. Software Liability. Social Application of Ethics. Professional Issues in Software Engineering by Frank Bott. Afzal. Overview of the British Computer Society Code of Conduct. Reference Materials: 1. and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet (3rd Edition) by Sara Baase. 2009). Computer Contracts. Jack Eaton and Diane Rowland. 1998. Johnson. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Khalid Bin. History & Culture of Sindh. Amin. Aziz. Prentice Hall.National Movement in Pakistan. I. Intellectual Property Rights. Pakistan Under Martial Law. Enigma of Political Development. Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and cultural Research. Kent England: WmDawson & sons Ltd. Anatomy of a Software House. Noor ul. ISBN-10: 0748409513 2. 1967. ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Human Resource Management and IT. Computer Ethics by Deborah G. ISBN-10: 0131112414 3. 9. Applied Professional Ethics by Gregory R. 4th Edition (January 3. Zahid. Accountability and Auditing. 11. Computing Ethics. 3 rd Edition (2008). Political Parties in Pakistan. Liability and Practice.K. Ziring. Regulation and Control of Personal Information. 1980. The Political System of Pakistan. Haq. A Gift of Fire: Social. Philosophy of Ethics. Legal. M. ISBN-10: 0136008488 4. ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. 14. Sayeed. 141 . The Structure of Organizations. Politics in Pakistan. 1976. 13. Lawrence. Party. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Professional Practices 2 None Course Outline: Computing Profession. Karachi: Royal Book Company. Lahore: Vanguard. Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies. The Framework of Employee Relations Law and Changing Management Practices. CRC Press. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.7. II & III. Pearson. 1980. 1993. IEEE Code of Ethics. Rafique. 10. Finance and Accounting. Ethno . 1987. Vol. Ansar. 8. Beabout. Islamabad. Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research. Tahir. Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research. Allison Coleman. Computer Misuse and the Criminal Law. ISBN-10: 0819193747. K. Organizational Culture and Environment. Health and Safety. Fundamentals of Accounting by Wang’ombe. Human Resource Planning. The Essence of Manager’s Job. Fundamentals of Financial Management by J. Planning. 10 th Edition (November 3. 2010). Mark Bettner and Joseph Carcello. The Dark Side of Software Engineering: Evil on Computing Projects by Johann Rost and Robert L. The Personnel Function. Financial Activities. Balance Sheet. D. Accounting Principles. Prentice Hall. Adjustments to Financial Statements. Union and Management. ISBN-10: 9966-01-087-4 2. Focus Publishers (2008). Motivation. 2008). McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Property. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0077505980 3. ISBN-10: 0132090716 142 . 1st Edition (2011). Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0470597178 University Elective Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Accounting 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Accounting. 13th Edition (2008). Control Accounts. Recruitment and Selections/Testing and Interview. Zutter. ISBN-10: 0273713639. Book Keeping. Management by Robbins. Organization Structure and Design. Compensation Administration. Communication. Job Design and Analysis. K. Prentice Hall. S. Reference Materials: 1. Fundamental Accounting Principles with Connect Plus by John Wild. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.5. Mary. Statement of Cash Flows. Controlling. Van Horne and John M Wachowicz. Basics of Financial Statements. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Management 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Managers and Management. Plant and Equipment (PPE). Gitman and Chad J. Decision Making. ISBN-10: 0136119468 5. Sue Haka. Financial & Managerial Accounting by Jan Williams.. & Coulter. Accounting Errors. Glass. Ken Shaw. Leadership. and Barbara Chiappetta.P. The Cash Book. 20th Edition (December 27. Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Accounting for Partnerships. 13th Edition (2011). 16th Edition (2011). Bank Reconciliation. ISBN10: 0078111048 4. Human Resource Management by Robert L. Prentice Hall. Schuler and Steve Werner. 10th Edition (January 27. Mathis and John H. 2010). S. David A. 2010). Myron D. David A. 2010). 2011). Principles of Management by Charles W. Using Job Analysis and Competency Modeling. Health. Providing Benefits and Services for Employees' Well-Being. Randall S. Fundamentals of Management by Robbins. Daft. Management of Human Resources by Gary Dessler. 2010). Human Resource Management Applications: Cases. South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 0073530123 4. Ensuring Fair Treatment and Legal Compliance. Understanding Unionization and Collective Bargaining. ISBN-10: 0538479531 5. DeCenzo and Mary Coulter. Developing an Approach to Total Compensation. and Employee Well-Being. and Skill Builders by Stella M. Risk Management. Employee Relations. Hill and Steven McShane. ISBN-10: 0136109829. Training and Developing a Competitive Workforce. Nkomo. ISBN-10: 0538468076 143 . Exercises. ISBN10: 053845315X 4. Reference Materials: 1. Risk Management. Fundamentals of Management by Stephen P. 2010). Prentice Hall. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Human Resources Management 3 None Course Outline: Managing Human Resources. Using Performance-Based Pay to Achieve Strategic Objectives. Safety. 2011). ISBN-13: 978-0132090711 3. 11th Edition (June 16. Incidents. Cole. Carolin Rekar Munro and Nina D. Managing Human Resources by Susan E. Robbins. South-Western Cengage Learning. Jackson.2. L. 7th Edition (January 13. Selecting Employees to Fit the Job and the Organization. Bruce McAfee. South-Western College Pub. Management by Richard L. 13th Edition (August 19. & DeCenzo. Conducting Performance Management. Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Employees. Jackson. Pearson Education Canada. ISBN-10: 0321687140 3. HR Planning for Alignment and Change. Understanding the External and Organizational Environments. 7th Edition (January 13.P. 7th Edition (September 29. Fottler and R. South-Western College Pub.ISBN-10: 1111580227 2. 3 rd Edition (February 28. 1st Edition (2006). Knowledge. 2012). 11th Edition (January 26. Johnson. Empiricism. Morality. ISBN-10: 1412982227 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Philosophy 3 None Course Outline: The Nature of Philosophy. Attitudes. Communicating in the Digital Age. Robbins and Timothy A. Group Dynamics. Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Reference Materials: 1. Organizational Behavior by Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki. The Start of Modern Philosophy. Feedback. Individual and Group Decision Making. Leadership. Socialization. Key Individual Differences. Developing and Leading Effective Teams. Inc. People-Centered Organizations and Ethical Conduct. Managing Conflict and Negotiating. Polity. Metaphysics. Philosophical Theories: History and Back Ground. and Empiricism. Organizational Design. ISBN-10: 1463688881 3. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow by Craig E. Improving Job Performance with Goals. 4 th Edition (February 28. Reference Materials: 1. and Positive Reinforcement. Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering by James L. Perception and Reality. Causality and Substance. Law. 2012). Christian. and Politics. Foundations of Motivation. ISBN-10: 0078029368 2. Wadsworth Publishing. Realism and Idealism. SAGE Publications. Mind & Body. Empowerment. Criticism. Politics. Organizational Culture. Science. 15th Edition (January 16. An Introduction to Philosophy by Jon Nuttall. Touchstone. 10th Edition (January 17. Influence. Rewards. 2011). Revised Edition (December 31. Values. An Introduction To Philosophy by George Stuart Fullerton. 2011). 1st Edition (July 29. McGrawHill/Irwin. 2002). ISBN-10: 0132834871 3. Mentoring. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 18. and Innovation. Judge. Language. Space. Job Satisfaction and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. 1999). ISBN-10: 0745616631 2. ISBN-13: 978-0671581107 144 . Belief and Logic. Rationalism. Prentice Hall. Effectiveness. Knowledge. Pleasures of Philosophy by Durant. ISBN-10: 1111298084 4. 2011). Social Perceptions and Attributions. Monism and Dualism.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Organizational Behaviour 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to OB. Time. Creativity. Introduction to Psychology by James W. 2010). ASIN: B005NJRTUW Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Psychology 3 None Course Outline: Basics concepts of Psychology and Research Methods. Conditioning and Learning. 2011). 2011). Sensation and Perception. ISBN-10: 0495810762 3. Sources of Capital. The Business Plan. Language. Creativity and the Business Idea. 2009). Psychology: Modules for Active Learning by Dennis Coon and John O. 9 th Edition (January 1. 2010). Identifying and Analyzing Domestic and International Opportunities. Introduction to Psychology by Rod Plotnik and Haig Kouyoumdjian. Wadsworth Publishing. The Marketing Plan. Motivation and Emotion. Wadsworth Publishing. Philosophy Basics: A Jargon-Free Guide for Beginners by Doug Erlandson. The Financial Plan. Mitterer. Wadsworth Publishing. 12th Edition (January 1.5. Stress. ISBN-10: 0495903442 4. 9th Edition (February 25. and Sexuality. Creating and Starting the Venture. ISBN-10: 1429215976 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Foreign/regional Language (French/ German/ Chinese/ Arabic) 3 None Course Outline: Institution/Universities follow their approved syllabus Course Name: Credit Hours: Pre-requisite: Entrepreneurship 3 None Course Outline: Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Mind-Set. Myers. Doug Erlandson (September 15. Intellectual Property and Other Legal Issues for the Entrepreneur. Gender. Entrepreneurial Intentions and Corporate Entrepreneurship. Human Development. Personality. Social Behaviour. Generating and Exploiting New Entries. Worth Publishers. and Intelligence. Informal Risk 145 . Health. Reference Materials: 1. 9 th Edition (January 10. and Coping. Memory. Entrepreneurial Strategy. Brain and Behaviour. The Organizational Plan. Kalat. ISBN-10: 1111342849 2. Sex. Cognition. Psychology by David G. States of Consciousness. Strategies for Growth and Managing the Implication of Growth. Search Technologies. Wiley. Server Configuration. ISBN-10: 0470450371 4. XHTML. Privacy and P3P. Jackson. Kuratko. South-Western Educational Pub. Server Security. SGML. 2011) Information Technology Core Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Web Systems and Technologies 3* Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction to Web Applications. Reference Materials: 1. Succession Planning and Strategies for Harvesting and Ending the Venture. Web Services: Operations. Semantic Web. Web Servers: Basic Operation. Entrepreneurship by William D. ISBN-10: 0131856030 146 . XML Query Language. Prentice Hall. Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective by Jeffrey C. Extensibility. JSON. Approaches to Web Application Development. 8th Edition (November 14. Process. Web Service: SOAP. ISBN-10: 0324590911 5. Reference Materials: 1. South-Western College Pub. Search Engine Optimization. Barringer and Duane Ireland. TCP/IP Application Services. and Practice by Donald F. Cooki Coordination. 2008). Processing HTTP Responses. WML. XML Languages and Applications: Core XML. Entrepreneurship by Robert Hisrich. ISBN-10: 047051860X 2. Prentice Hall. protocols and practices by Leon Shklar and Richard Rosen. 9th Edition (September 27. Greene. Venture Capital. Chunked transfers. 2nd Edition (October 12. 1st Edition (August 27. 2012). McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 2nd Edition (May 5. Caching support. REST. Web Browsers Architecture and Processes. Web Application Architecture: Principles. 2009). Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action by Cynthia L. Dynamic Content Delivery. Wiley. 2006). DHTML. Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures by Bruce R. Virtual hosting. AJAX. Future Web Application Framework. ISBN-10: 0078029198 2. Complex HTTP Interactions. HTML5. Entrepreneurship: Theory. Programing in any Scripting language. 2010). 2011). Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd. Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis. 5th Edition (January 6. CSS3. XSL. and Going Public. ISBN-10: 0538496894 3. Active Browser Pages: JavaScript. Processing HTTP Requests. 4 th Edition (October 27. XHTM MP.Capital. Reliable Products. Configuring Local Services and Managing Basic System Issues. Multimedia Making It Work. 8th Edition (October 29. Pros and Cons. Chapman. Reference Materials: 1. Prentice Hall (2004). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Delivering Multimedia Product. 2011). Multimedia Presentation. Managing Network Services and Network Monitoring Tools. Multimedia Authoring. Designing for the World Wide Web. Sound. USA (June 13. ISBN-10: 0240805801 5. M.3. ISBN: 0-13-127256-X 3. Web Technologies by Uttam Kumar Roy.(Proprietary/open Source). Maintenance Contracts and Spare Parts. Chapman and J. Automatic Authoring. 1 st Edition (2012). 2 nd Edition. Digital Multimedia by N. 2nd Edition (2004). Planning & Costing. Drew. VRML. Multimedia Production. Linux Installation and Verification. Server Environment (Microsoft and Linux). The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming by David Austerberry. 8th Edition by Tay Vaughan. Server Hardware Costing. Multimedia Skills and Talent. SA Components. Focal Press. Boot 147 . 2010). Li and M. Comparative Analysis of OS: Important Attributes. Designing and Producing. Ed Youngblood and Susan Youngblood. Focal Press. Making Multimedia: Handling Images. Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design by Vic Costello. Instructors can devise a Lab work plan using a multimedia Authoring tool in line with the contents of the syllabus. Wiley 2004. Editing and Authoring Tools. ISBN-10: 0240813944 Course Name: Systems and Network Administration Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Computer Communication and Networks. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Z. Client Server OS Configuration. ISBN-10: 0198066228 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multimedia Systems and Design 3 None Course Outline: What is Multimedia? Multimedia Authoring Tools. The Internet and Multimedia. Operating Systems Course Outline: Introduction To System Administration. S. ISBN: 0-470-85890-7 4. Oxford University Press. Administer Users and Groups. Key Features. Providing Remote Console Access. Animation and Video. Software Management. Maintaining Data Integrity. ISBN-10: 0071748466 2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Bible: Administering Enterprise Linux Systems by William vonHagen. ISBN-10: 0470502495 4. 2004). Network Security Bible by Eric Cole. Networking Systems Design and Development by Lee Chao. Limoncelli. 4th Edition (March 22. 2nd Edition (2007). 1st Edition (December 21. Integrity. 2nd Edition (September 8. ISBN-10: 0132390779 2. IP Tables and Filtering. Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. Linux Administration Guide Latest Edition Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Security 3 System and Network Administration Course Outline: Security Concepts. Prentice Hall.Management and Process Management. 2010). Wiley. Cisco Press. System Security. Reference Materials: 1. 2009). Reference Materials: 1. Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography and Their Uses. 1st Edition (September 18. Legal Aspects of Computer Security. Such as Confidentiality. Configuring Servers (FTP. Network Security Fundamentals by Gert DeLaet and Gert Schauwers. Security Models and Security Evaluation. Studyguide for Practice of System and Network Administration by Thomas A. Prentice Hall. Christina Hogan and Strata Chalup. Availability etc. ISBN-10: 0321492668 2. 2nd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1587051672 3. CRC Press. ISBN-10: 1428851755 4. Communication Protocols for Authentication. Authenticity. Microsoft Press 6. NFS. Network Security. Bash Shell Scripting. Intrusion Detection and Malicious Code. Second Edition by Thomas Limoncelli. Confidentiality and Message Integrity. Discretionary and Mandatory Access Control Policies for Confidentiality and Integrity. ISBN-10: 0136108059 148 . ISBN-10: 142009159X (TB2) 5. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards by William Stallings. 2011 3. Samba. Windows Administration Latest Edition. 4th Edition (2006). DHCP. Administration of Security. Cram101. The Practice of System and Network Administration. DNS and Apache). Addison-Wesley Professional. Security in Computing by Charles P. Securing Network Traffic. Key Distribution and Digital Signatures. Advanced File Systems and Logs. 2009). Key Characteristics of Cloud Computing. Strategic Modeling for Rapid Delivery of EA. Securing the Cloud: Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics by Vic (J. ISBN-10: 1597495921. Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for Enterprises by John Rhoton. End-User Access to Cloud Computing. Enterprise Application Integration Concepts. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).R. Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps (BSSM). Wiley. Screen Design. Legal Issues. Mobile Internet Devices and the Cloud. Rittinghouse and James F. Management. and Business Rules. Identity. Building Cloud Networks. ISBN-10: 0956355609. Virtualization. Software as a Service (SaaS). Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky. Benefits of Cloud Model. Ransome. Recursive Press (2009). Platform as a Service (PaaS). Syngress. Cloud Computing Implementation. Web Services Delivered from the Cloud: Communication-as-a-Service (CaaS). Monitoringas-a-Service (MaaS). 149 . Using Strategy Analysis (SA). Service-Oriented Architecture for Integration. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Grid Computing. 4. Global Nature of the Cloud. 1st Edition (2011). Menu Design. Performance Analysis. Common Standards in Cloud Computing. Web Services for Real-Time Integration. Using Business Normalization for Future Business Needs. Managing and Delivering EA. and Process Modeling. Presence. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: System Integration and Architecture 3 None Course Outline: Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Enterprise Engineering (EE). Infrastructure-as-a-Service. Federation. Enterprise Portal Technologies for Integration. Reference Materials: 1. and Security by John W. 3. Reliability of Cloud Model. ISBN-10: 0470903562. Taylor & Francis Group. Strategic Alignment. 1st Edition (2011). Activity and Workflow Modeling. ISBN 978-1-4398-0680-7. The Evolution of Cloud Computing. LLC (2010).Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Cloud Computing 3 Internet Architecture and Protocols Course Outline: Overview of Distributed Computing. Governance Analysis Using EA. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Using Business-Driven Data Mapping for Integrated Data.) Winkler. 2. Cloud-Based Service Offerings. Emergence of Cloud Computing. Security in the Cloud. Challenges for the Cloud. and Privacy in the Cloud. Future Directions in EA and Integration. Enterprise Architecture Methods. ISBN-10: 0471400106. and David Probert. 2009). ISBN-10: 019926323X 4. Managing Engineering and Technology by Lucy C. Exploitation. Artech House Print on Demand. Brown. 5th Edition (August 20. Cummins. 2002). 1st Edition (February 14. Jeffrey A.Reference Materials: 1. 2010). 7th Edition (March 18. Morse And Daniel L. Rob Phaal. Managing Information Technology by Carol V. TM ToolsRoadmapping. Selection. 2006). Enterprise Integration: An Architecture for Enterprise Application and Systems Integration by Fred A. Thamhain. 2011). ISBN-10: 0136098096 (TB2) 3. 1 st Edition (March 31. TM Tools-Patent Analysis. Wiley. Prentice Hall. TM Tools-Value Analysis/Value Innovation. Andrew Davies. Hoffer. Wainright E. TM activities and tools. ISBN-10: 0132146320 5. Enterprise Architecture for Integration: Rapid Delivery Methods and Technologies by Clive Finkelstein. The TM framework. Acquisition. Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Technology Management 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Technology Management. ISBN-10: 0230233341 150 . 2010). The Business of Systems Integration by Andrea Prencipe. Reference Materials: 1. Perkins. Management of Technology: Managing Effectively in TechnologyIntensive Organizations by Hans J. TM Tools-Portfolio Management. USA (June 30. Rob Phaal. ISBN-10: 0849378311 3. Prentice Hall. 1st Edition (September 30. Technology Management: Activities and Tools by Dilek Cetindamar. TM activities behind technological capabilities. Decision Making. Palgrave Macmillan (April 27. and David Probert. Martin. ISBN-10: 0471415510 4. Organizing. Wiley. CRC-Press. TM Activities: Identification. 2005). 2005). and William C. Technology Management: Activities and Tools by Dilek Cetindamar. 1994). DeHayes. 2nd Edition (May 25. ISBN-10: 1580537138 2. Babcock. Mike Hobday. ISBN-10: 0230233341 (TB1) 2. Learning. Daniel W. Oxford University Press. Protection. Leading Technical People. Palgrave Macmillan (April 27. TM Tools. Systems Integration (Systems Engineering) by Jeffrey Grady. TM-Functions: Planning and Forecasting. Systems Analysis. Systems Design. 6th Edition (January 1. Project Quality Management. System Development Life Cycle. Reference Materials: 1. Project Integration Management. 2010). Project Cost Management. Kelly Rainer and Casey G. ISBN-10: 0840062184 2. and Global Challenges. System Implementations. 2012). The Project Management Process Groups. Project Risk Management. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (March 20. Ethical and Social Issues. Cegielski. The Project Management and Information Technology Context. 2010). Watson. Information Systems Development: Methodologies. System Investigation. 2011). ISBN-10: 0077114175 3. Types. Technology Management Course Outline: Introduction to Project Management. 4th Edition (May 1. Techniques & Tools by David Avison and Guy Fitzgerald. 6th Edition (July 22. Reference Materials: 1. Project Management Tools. Information Technology Project Management by Kathy Schwalbe. Project Procurement Management. Project Time Management. ISBN-10: 1111221758 151 . 2006). Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business by R. Information Systems Development Methodologies. Fundamentals of Information Systems by Ralph Stair and George Reynolds. System Development Techniques. ISBN-10: 0470473525 4. 3 rd Edition (June 16.Contents of Information Technology Supporting Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Systems 3 None Course Outline: Information Systems Concepts. ISBN-10: 1475074921 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Technology Project Management 3 Software Engineering. Advantages. Systems Operations and Maintenance. Environmental Design Considerations. Project Human Resource Management. Information Systems by Richard T. Themes in information systems development. Wiley. Course Technology. Project Communications Management. Course Technology. Information Systems Development Tools and toolsets. Project Scope Management. McGraw-Hill. 2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition (PMBOK Guides), ISBN-13: 978-1930699458 3. IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish by Joseph Phillips, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 3rd Edition (February 25, 2010). ISBN-10: 0071700439 4. Information Technology Project Management by Jack T. Marche, Wiley; 3rd Edition (January 6, 2009). ISBN-10: 0470371935 5. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme by Robert K. Wysocki, Wiley; 6th Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 111801619X Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Internet Architecture and Protocols 3 Computer Communications and Networks Course Outline: Terms and Concepts. Functioning of the Internet. Review of the TCP/IP Model. Network Layer Addresses (IP Addresses). DHCP. DNS Servers& Configuration. Error Recovery Operations. Internet Local Area Networks (LANs). IEEE Standards. (CSMA/CD), (CSMA/CA) LANs. CSMA/CD Protocol Stacks. Review of Ethernet. CSMA/CD Frames. Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). CSMA/CD. Ethernet Layers. CSMA/CD Standards. The Token Ring Network. The Ring Configuration. FDDI. FDDI Configuration. The FDDI Layers. FDDI Backbones. Switched LANs. Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet and the Layered Model. Auto-Negotiation. Gigabit Ethernet. Internet Wide Area Networks (WANs). Message Switching and Packet Switching. Frame Relay. Cell Relay. Comparing WAN Technologies. X.25, Frame Relay, and ATM Virtual Circuits. Mapping IP Addresses to “Labels”: Label or Tag Switching. IP and ICMP. Time-to-Live. Destination Unreachable. Redirect. Router Discovery. Pings. IPv6. TCP and UDP. Round Trip Time (RTT). Nagle's Algorithm. The Slow Start. Congestion Window and Threshold Size. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). Routing Protocols. Autonomous Systems. Multiple Routing Protocols. Operation of Internet Operates with the Routing Protocols. Levels of Access. Peering through the Routing Protocols. Reference Materials: 1. Internet Architecture: An Introduction to IP Protocols by Uyless D. Black, Prentice Hall PTR; 1st Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 0130199060 2. Internet Routing Architectures by Sam Halabi, Cisco Press; 2nd Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 157870233X 3. TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4th Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0073376043 4. Next-Generation Internet: Architectures and Protocols by Andrei Gurtov, Cambridge University Press (2011). ISBN-10: 0521113687 152 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Principles of Object Technology. OOP Review. Principles of Modeling. OOA&D Overview. OO Development Process. Requirements Engineering, Analysis, and Specification: Requirements Engineering, Use Cases, Prototyping, Class Models. Interaction Diagrams. Verification and Validation. Architectural and Detailed Design. Class Diagrams. Interaction Diagrams. State Machines and Diagrams. Implementation, Package Diagrams. Activity Diagrams. OO Patterns, Verification and Validation. Note: Students may also be introduced to Object Diagram, Component Diagram, Package Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Network Diagram. Reference Materials: 1. Applying UML and patterns: An introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development by Craig Larman, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (October 30, 2004). ISBN-10: 0131489062 2. Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components by Perdita Stevens, Addison-Wesley; 2nd Edition (February 13, 2006). ISBN10: 0321269675 3. Fundamental of Object-Oriented Design in UML by Meiler Page-Jones, Addison Wesley, 2000. ISBN: 020169946X. 4. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by G. Booch, J. Rambaugh and I. Jakobson, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (2005). ISBN10: 0321267974. 5. The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (2004). ISBN-10: 032171895X. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Database Administration & Management 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Installation of DBMS; SQL* Plus; DBA Tools. DBMS Physical Structure & Architectural Components: Server, Instance, SGA, Shared Pool, Library Cache, Data Dictionary Cache, Large Pool, Processes. Startup and Shutdown Database. Managing Instances. Managing Files. Creating Database and Data dictionary. Managing Tablespaces. Operations with Tablespaces. Data File Management, Segments, Block. Managing Undo Data, Undo Data Statistics: Managing Tables and Users. Indexes Management, Maintaining Data Integrity, Constraints. Managing Privileges. Server Side Configuration. Client Side Configuration. Usage and Configuration of Oracle Shared Server. Backup and Recovery. Sizing Shared 153 Pool, Sizing Buffer Cache, I/O Issues. Tuning Rollback Segments. Tuning Shared Servers, Types of Locks, Block Efficiency, Storage hierarchy, Avoiding Dynamic allocation, Statistics, PCTFREE and PCTUSED, Monitoring Index Usage. Reference Materials: 1. Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures by Craig S. Mullins, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (October 21, 2012). ISBN-10: 0321822943 2. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management by Thomas M. Connolly and Carolyn E. Begg, AddisonWesley; 5th Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0321523067 3. Online Material URL (this should be avoided) Contents of Information Technology Elective Courses Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Telecommunication Systems 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Communication Channel and the Communication Network Technologies. Digital Telephony. Switching and Signaling Systems. Switching Fabric Interfaces and ICs, Optics and the Future. Cellular Systems. Fixed Wireless Access Technologies. Digital Subscriber Loop. Transmission Techniques. Telecommunication Systems Testing. Embedded Systems Design for Telecommunications. Reference Materials: 1. Essentials of Modern Telecommunications Systems by Nihal Kularatna and Dileeka Dias, Artech House (May 2004). ISBN-10: 1580534910 2. The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications by James Harry Green, McGraw-Hill; 5th Edition (October 26, 2005). ISBN-10: 0071452222 3. Telecommunications Essentials: The Complete Global Source for Communications Fundamentals, Data Networking and the Internet, and Next-Generation Networks by Lillian Goleniewski, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st Edition (January 5, 2002). ISBN-10: 0201760320 4. Fundamentals of Communications Systems by Michael Fitz, McGraw-Hill Professional; 1st Edition (June 27, 2007). ISBN-10: 0071482806 154 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Routing & Switching 3 Internet Architecture & Protocols Course Outline: Ethernet Basic: Ethernet Layer 1, Ethernet Layer 2, Switching and Bridging Logic, SPAN and RSPAN.: VLANs, VLAN Trunking Protocols, VLAN Trunking: ISL and 802.1Q, Configuring PPPoE. Spanning Tree Protocol: 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol, Optimizing Spanning Tree, Protecting STP, Troubleshooting Complex Layer 2 Issues. IP Addressing. IP Services. IP Forwarding (Routing). EIGRP. OSPF. IGP Routing. Fundamentals of BGP Operations. BGP Routing Policies. Wide Area Network. IP Multicasting. IP Multicast Routing. Reference Materials: 1. CCIE Routing and Switching Certification Guide by Wendell Odom, Rus Healy and Denise Donohue, Cisco Press; 4 th Edition (December 18, 2009). ISBN-10: 1587059800 2. Packet Guide to Routing and Switching by Bruce Hartpence, O'Reilly Media (September 3, 2011). ISBN-10: 1449306551 3. CCIE Routing and Switching v4.0 Quick Reference by Brad Ellis, Jacob Uecker and Steven Means, Cisco Press (October 4, 2010). ASIN: B00452V45O Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Design and Management 3 (Lab may be assigned or adjusted by the University) Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Analyzing Business Goals and Constraints. Top-Down Network Design Methodology. Characterizing the Existing Internetwork. Designing a Network Topology. Designing Models for Addressing and Numbering. Selecting Switching and Routing Protocols. Developing Network Security Strategies. Developing Network Management Strategies. Physical Network Design. Selecting Technologies and Devices for Enterprise Networks. Testing Network Design. Optimizing Network Design. Documenting Network Design. Network Management Standards & Models. SNMP Management. SNMP Management. Broadband Network Management. Reference Materials: 1. Top-Down Network Design by Priscilla Oppenheimer, Cisco Press; 3 rd Edition (September 3, 2010). ISBN-10: 1587202832 (TB1) 2. Network Management: Principles and Practice by Mani Subramanian; Timothy A. Gonsalves; N. Usha Rani, Pearson Education India (2010). ISBN-10: 81-3172-759-9 155 3. Networking Systems Design and Development by Lee Chao, CRC Press; 1st Edition (December 21, 2009). ISBN-10: 142009159X (TB2) 4. Networks: Design and Management by Steven Karris, Orchard Publications (August 2002). ISBN-10: 0970951140 5. Network Warrior by Gary A. Donahue, O'Reilly Media; 2 nd Edition (May 13, 2011). ASIN: B004W8ZL3W. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Programming 3 Operating Systems Course Outline: The Network Programming course is aimed at developing Network programming concepts and skills in general. Unix Programming Environment, TCP Protocol suite, Socket Programming , UDP and TCP Sockets, I/O Multiplexing including Non-blocking I/O, Advanced Socket Options, Name and Address Conversions, IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability, Unix Domain Protocols, Broadcasting and Multicasting, Routing and Communication, Pipes and FIFO’s Message Queues, Mutexes and Locks, Semaphores, POSIX Shared Memory, Doors and RPC (Remote Procedure Calls). Reference Materials: 1. UNIX Network Programming Volume I by Richard Steven, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (September 4, 1998). ISBN-10: 0130810819 2. Windows System Programming by Johnson M. Hart, Addison-Wesley Professional; 4 Edition (February 26, 2010). ISBN-10: 0321657748 3. The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook by Michael Kerrisk, No Starch Press; 1 st Edition (October 28, 2010). ISBN-10: 1593272200 4. Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love, Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd Edition (July 2, 2010). ISBN-10: 0672329468 5. System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming (3 rd Edition) by Leland L. Beck, Addison Wesley (1996). ASIN: B0084YEEWO. 156 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Computer Game Development 3 Data Structures & Algorithms Course Outline: Introduction to Game Development, Platform and Player Modes, What Is The Framework? Goals And Genres? What Are The Possibilities? Player Elements, Player Motivation, Geographic, Psychographics. Demographics, Gender, Generation, Rating, Applying Player Market to Platform. Story and Character Development: Classic Charters, Traditional Story Structure, Story Element. Plot, Game Story Devices, Game Characters. Character Development Element, Point-of-view, Visual Character Development, Verbal Character Development, Movement. Visual Character Development, Verbal Character Development, Movements, Character Description, Game Storytelling and Documentation. Gameplay: Rules to Play, Interactivity Modes, Game theory, Challenges, Balance. Levels: Level Design, Structure, Time, Space. Interface: Playe-Centerd Design, Interface & Game Feature, Interface Types, Usability. Audio: Importance of Game Audio, Sound Effect, Voiceover, Music. Company Role, Team Roles, Tools, Business Side of Game Development. Production and Management, Development Phases, Game Documentation. Reference Materials: 1. Game Development Essentials by Jeannie Novak, Delmar Cengage Learning; 3rd Edition (August 17, 2011). ISBN-10: 1111307652 2. Game Development Essentials: An Introduction by Jeannie Novak, Delmar Cengage Learning; 3rd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1111307652 3. Game Development Essentials: Mobile Game Development by Kimberly Unger and Jeannie Novak, Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 st Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1418052655 4. Game Development Essentials: Game Interface Design by Kevin Saunders and Jeannie Novak, Delmar Cengage Learning; 2 nd Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 1111642885 5. Game Development Essentials: Online Game Development by Rick Hall and Jeannie Novak, Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 st Edition (2008). ISBN10: 1418052671 Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multimedia Technologies 3 Course Outline: What is Multimedia? Text, Multimedia Authoring and Tools, Multimedia Authoring, Multimedia Production, Multimedia Presentation, Automatic Authoring; Editing and Authoring Tools- (Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver), VRML, Handling Images, 157 Sound, Making Animation and Video, Making Multimedia, Multimedia Skills, Planning and Costing, Designing and Producing, Content and Talent, The Internet and Multimedia, Designing for the World Wide Web, Delivering Multimedia Product. Instructors need to devise a content delivery and Lab work plan using a multimedia Authoring tool in line with the contents of the textbook. Reference Materials: 1. Multimedia Making It Work 8th Edition by Tay Vaughan, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 8th Edition (October 29, 2010). ISBN-10: 0071748466 2. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Z. M. Li and M. S. Drew, Prentice Hall (2004), ISBN: 0-13-127256-X 3. Digital Multimedia by N. Chapman and J. Chapman. 2nd Edition, Wiley 2004, ISBN: 0-470-85890-7 4. The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming by David Austerberry, Focal Press; 2nd Edition (2004). ISBN-10: 0240805801 5. Multimedia Security: WaTermarking, Steganography, and Forensics by Frank Y. Shih, CRC Press; 1st Edition (2012), ISBN-10: 1439873313 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: 3D Modeling & Animation 3* Multimedia Systems and Design Course Outline: Introduction to 3D Modeling & Animation, History of Computer Graphics and Special Effects. Polygons, Polygon Meshes, Extruding, Controlling Edges and Edges Loop, Subdividing and Simplifying, Combining Meshes, Polygon Count, Normals, UV Coordinates. NURBS, Advantages and Disadvantages of NURBS. Subdivision Surfaces. Deforming, Sculpting and Special Selections, Morph Targets, Lattices and Curves, Specialized Deformers, Managing Soft and Rigid Bodies. Managing Animation. Coloring, Shaders, Ray Tracing, Photon Mapping. Working with Textures, Shading, UV Mapping, Paining in 3D, Changing Geometry, Seamless Reporting Pattern, Multiple Maps. Light Effect. Virtual Camera, Faking Camera Effects, Matching Virtual Cameras to Real One, Cameras and Image Planes, Animating the Camera, Camera Views, Camera Movements. Environments, Rendering. Procedures and Graphs. Scripting. Animation Tools. Reference Materials: 1. 3D Art Essentials: The Fundamentals of 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Animation by Ami Chopine, Focal Press; 1 st Edition (March 23, 2011). ISBN-10: 0240814711 2. 3D Modeling, Animation, and Rendering: An Illustrated Lexicon, Colour Edition by Michael E. Mortenson, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (2010). ISBN-10: 1453728481 158 3. The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling and Animation by John M. Blain, A K Peters/CRC Press; 1 st Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 1466517034 4. Digital Modeling by William Vaughan, New Riders; 1st Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 0321700899 5. Blender Game Engine: Beginner's Guide by bacone Victor kuller, Packt Publishing (2012). ISBN-10: 1849517029 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile Computing 3 Internet Architecture & Protocols, Web Systems and Technologies Course Outline: Introduction to Mobile Computing, Architecture of Mobile Software Applications, Mobile Development Frameworks and Tools. Creating Consumable Web Services for Mobile Devices. Memory Management. Mobile Applications. Mobile User-Interface Design. Dynamic Linking. Concurrency. Managing Resources. Introduction to Mobile Application Development with Android. Introduction to Mobile Application Development with IOS. Introduction to Mobile Application Development with Windows Phone. Introduction to Mobile Application Development with Blackberry. Reference Materials: 1. Programming Mobile Devices: An Introduction for Practitioners by Tommi Mikkonen, Wiley; 1st Edition (March 19, 2007). ISBN-10: 0470057386. 2. Professional Mobile Application Development by Jeff McWherter & Scott Gowell, Wrox; 1st Edition (September 4, 2012). ISBN-10: 1118203909 3. Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML by Reza B'Far and Roy T. Fielding, Cambridge University Press (2004). ISBN-10: 0521817331. 4. Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing by Frank Adelstein, Sandeep KS Gupta, Golden Richard III and Loren Schwiebert, McGrawHill Professional; 1st Edition (2004). ISBN-10: 0071412379. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Agents Technology 3 Web Systems and Technologies Course Outline: Basics of Intelligent Agents. Intelligent Agents Application. Desktop Agents. Internet Agents. Web search Agents, Information Filtering Agents, Personalized Newspaper, Offline Delivery Agents, URL-minder, Bargain Finder. Intranet Agents. Mobile Agents. Technology of Intelligent Agents. Agent Machinery. Agent Content. Agent Access. Agent Security. Developing Agent Applications. 159 1st Edition (March 6. John Wiley and Sons Ltd (1997). and Referrals. Springer. Rüdiger Zarnekow. Shipping. PHP 5 E-commerce Development by Michael Peacock. Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based Business by Janice Reynolds. The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design. 2010). The Shopping Basket. ISBN-10: 184719964X 2. Rayport.Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0470030305. User Account Management. Managing Orders. Product Variations and User Uploads. ISBN: 9780471153276 2. McGraw-Hill. Voucher Codes. Prentice Hall. Nieto. Deitel and Tem R. 2000). Prentice Hall. Vouchers. Deploying. Packt Publishing (January 20. e-Business and e-Commerce How to Program by Harvey M. ISBN-10: 8090466117 4. Intelligent Software Agents: Foundations and Applications by Walter Brenner. 2012). ISBN-10: 013028419X 5. Managing Products and Categories. Shipping and Tax. ISBN-10: 157820061X 160 . Design of Agent-Based Models by Tomas Salamon. Wiley. Discounts. and Maintenance. Intelligent Agent Source book by Caglayan. Cmp Books (2000). Rudd. Alper. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: E-Commerce Applications Development 3 Web Technologies Course Outline: An overview of e-Commerce & Models. (July 31. Agent Technology for E-Commerce by Maria Fasli. E-Commerce by Kenneth Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver. 2nd Edition (2007). Customers. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence by Gerhard Weiss. Paul J. Checkout. Reference Materials: 1. The MIT Press (July 31. Hartmut Wittig and A. ISBN-10: 3642804861 5. Planning an e-Commerce Framework. 2011). 1 st Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 0262731312 3. Security. The Checkout and Order Process. 2007). ISBN-10: 0071232664 3. Deitel. 8th Edition (2011). Tomas Bruckner (September 1. Introduction to E-Commerce by Jeffrey F. Administration: Dashboard. Refunds. Managing Products and Categories. SEO. Enhancing the User Experience. Taking Payment for Orders.S. ISBN-10: 0138018812 4. Hash Functions. 2002). 2 nd Edition (May 10. J2EE Internationalization and Localization.P. Service-Oriented Architecture. ISBN10: 0131482033 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Distributed Computing 3 Web Systems and Technologies Course Outline: Centralized and Decentralized Systems. Discovery Protocols.0 by Sriganesh. Web Services Protocols. P2P Deployment Using Jxta. Freenet. The Enterprise JavaBeans Tier. And Silverman. Prentice Hall. The Semantic Web. Distributed Objects and Agent Technologies. Web Services Deployment. J2EE Scenarios. 2003). Peer-2-Peer Environments. Transaction Management. 2 nd Edition (February 8. Secure Mobile Code. Print ISBN-10: 0-201-78790-3 2. Security. R. Distributed Security Techniques. Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.. Web Services: Architecture and Development.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Enterprise Application Development 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Object-Oriented Programming Review. The Web Tier. Structured Document Types. Architecture of the Sample Application. The Client Tier. Indianapolis. Brose. Grid Computing. M. Wiley Publishing. Middleware Protocols and Architectures. Challenges and Platform of Enterprise Application Development. G. 2010). Software Architectures Overview. ISBN-10: 0131422464 4. Volunteer Computing. Beth Stearns. Prentice Hall (March 25. Distributed Object Deployment Using Jini. P2P Applications Protocols and Architectures. 161 . J2EE Platform Technologies. HTTP and Security. (2006). Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide by Mark Cade and Humphrey Sheil.. Prentice Hall. 3. ISBN 0-471-785415. Taxonomy Dependency Considerations. Secure Channels. Dan Malks and John Crupi. Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier. Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies by Deepak Alur. 2 nd Edition. Reference Materials: 1. Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE™ Platform by Inderjeet Singh. Mark Johnson. The Web as Distributed Environment: URI Templates. Digital Signature. Packaging and Deployment. Representational State Transfer. 2012). 2008). Taylor and Andrew Harrison. Springer-Verlag. ISBN-10: 1848001223. 2001) 3. Fonts. From P2P and Grids to Services on the Web: Evolving Distributed Communities by Ian J. 1st Edition (March 15. 2. Scaling. Creating Services. ISBN: 1430239840. Professional Android 4 Application Development by Reto Meier. Wiley. Fragments. ISBN:1430239301 Apress 5. Getting Feedback. User Preferences. 2nd Edition (November 14. 2005. Springer. Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems: Fundamentals of Hierarchical Organization. Sending SMS Messages. Beginning Android games by Mario Zechner. O'Reilly Media. Peer-to-Peer : Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies by Andy Oram. Creating Android Application. From P2P to Web Services and Grids by Ian Taylor. Apress. ISBN: 1-85233-869-5. John Wiley & Sons. Views. Apress. 3.Reference Materials: 1. Springer. Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile Application Development 3 Web Technologies Course Outline: What is Android? Installing and Configuring the Android SDK Manager. Android games Development. and Security by Dmitry Korzun and Andrei Gurtov. 2012 2. Anatomy of an Android Application. Displaying Notifications. (2012). ISBN: 1430230428 4. Sending E-mail. Calling Built-In Applications Using Intents. (2011). Components of a Screen. Displaying Maps. Beginning Android 4 Application Development by Wei-Menge Lee. Adapting to Display Orientation. Managing Changes to Screen Orientation. Sharing Data. Beginning Android 4 by Grant Allen. Publishing Android Applications. (2012). (November 12. 4. Handling Telephone Calls. Consuming Web Services Using HTTP. Taylor Ian J. ISBN:1118237226 162 . Routing. Listening for UI Notifications. Accessing Web Services. Threading. Eclipse. Utilizing the Action Bar. Presisting Data. Creating the User Interface. (2011). Pro Android 4 by Satya Komatineni and Dave MacLean. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 3642066453 W3C Online Resources. ISBN10: 3642066453 Web Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger Pressman and David Lowe. Data Warehouse System Lifecycle. 2010). 2006 Edition (November 9. Wiley. 3. Performance of Web Applications. Web Application Architectures. User Requirement Analysis. Security for Web Applications. Technology-away Web Application Design. 2008 Edition (December 10. 2010). Architecture. Data Mart Design Phases. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1 st Edition.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Web Engineering 3 Web Systems and Technologies Course Outline: An Introduction to Web Engineering. 2nd Edition (May 5. Springer. Populating Fact Tables. Protocols and Practices by Leon Shklar and Rich Rosen. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st Edition. 4. Requirements Engineering for Web Applications. Cleansing Data. Conceptual Design. ISBN-10: 0073523291 Web Application Architecture: Principles. Testing Web Applications. Populating Dimensional Tables. Accessing Data Warehouse. Conceptual Modeling. 2006 Edition (November 9. Birgit Pr ¨ oll. 1st Edition (January 22. Testing Data Marts. 2010). Analysis and Reconciliation of Data Sources. Springer. The Semantic Web. ISBN-10: 184996677X Web Engineering by Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley. Temporal Scenarios. ROLAP Systems. Usability of Web Applications. Data-staging Design: Population Reconciled Databases. 2009). Werner Retschitzegger. Populating 163 . Applications by Gerti Kappel. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. Data Staging and ETL. Operation and Maintenance of Web Application. Reference Materials: 1. Meta-data. Technologies for Web Applications. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Warehousing 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Data Warehousing: History. 6. Logical Modeling: MOLAP and HOLAP Systems. Springer. Siegfried Reich. Views. 5. Web Application Development Process. Multi-Dimensional Model. Workload and Data Volume. Logical Design. Risk Factors. Web Project Management. 2008). Characteristics. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web 2. ISBN-10: 047051860X Web Engineering by Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley. Web Applications Modeling. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st Ed. Methodological Framework. JoinAlgorithm. Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) by David J. 1998). 2nd Edition (August 16. Web Mining and Text Mining.Materialized View. Hand. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic. 2nd Edition (2010). Ensemble Learning. Indexes for the Data Warehouse: B*-Tree Indexes. Splitting a Database into Tablespaces. CBA and Yale. 3rd Edition (2011). Disk Block Size. Index Selection. Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. Laura Reeves. ISBN-10: 026208290X 164 . ISBN-10: 0123814790 3. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 1st Edition (May 26. Case Studies and Tools for Data Warehousing. Data Mining: Concepts. Data Warehouse Project Documentation: Data Warehouse Levels. Allocating Data Files. Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies by Matteo Golfarelli and Stefano Rizzi. Models. Building the Data Warehouse by William H. Margy Ross and Warren Thornthwaite. Data Mart Level. Learning From Data. Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals by Paulraj Ponniah. and Algorithms by Mehmed Kantardzic. Genetic Algorithms. ISBN-10: 0071610391 2. Wiley. ISBN-10: 0470462078 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Mining 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Data-Mining Concepts. Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) by Jiawei Han. Data Reduction. 4th Edition (2005). Artificial Neural Networks. Morgan Kaufmann. Preparing the Data. ISBN-10: 0471255475 4. Inmon. Physical Design: Optimizers. 2011). Cluster Analysis. 2009). Visualization Methods. ISBN-10: 0764599445 3. and Deploying Data Warehouses by Ralph Kimball. Wiley (August 13. Wiley-IEEE Press. Wiley. Statistical Methods. Methods. Spatial Indexes. Fact Level. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Reference Materials: 1. etc. Decision Trees and Decision Rules. Data Mining Tools: Weka. Association Rules. ISBN-10: 0470890452 2. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit : Expert Methods for Designing. Reference Materials: 1. A Bradford Book (August 1. Developing. Projection Indexes. 2001). Bitmap Indexes. Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth. Join & Star Indexes. Data Requirements Analysis. Prentice Hall (2011). Business Rules. Installations. 2nd Edition. 2012). King. Distributed Database Design. Creating Repositories from OLAP Data Sources. McGraw-Hill Companies. Optimization of Distributed Queries. Principles of Distributed Database Systems by M. Multidatabase Query Processing. ISBN: 13-978-0-136-10066-9 5. Sharda. ASIN: B009K7INOY Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Distributed Database Systems 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Distributed Data Processing. Transaction Management. Applied Data Labs Inc. 2012). (March 2. Distributed Concurrency Control. ISBN-10: 0123858895 2. 3rd Edition (March 16. Database Integration. 1st Edition. ISBN-10: 0071759387 3. 2011).Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Business Intelligence and Analytics 3 Data Warehousing. 3rd Edition. The Data Warehouse Mentor: Practical Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Insights. Data Quality. Business Intelligence in Plain Language: A practical guide to Data Mining and Business Analytics by Jeremy Kolb. Morgan Kaufmann. ASIN: B008UYJJ8C 4. Tamer Özsu and Patrick Valduriez. Distributed Database Systems. Deriving Insight from Data. 2 nd Edition (October 31. Creating Repositories from Relational Sources. Reference Materials: 1. BI User Types and Reports. ISBN-10: 1441988335 165 . Query Decomposition and Data Localization. Query Processing. Distributed DBMS Architecture. Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3/E by Brian Larson. Data Profiling. Data Warehouses and the Technical BI Architecture. Data Integration. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Data and Access Control. Creating Reports Using Answers and Dashboards. BI Environment. (2012). Reference Materials: 1. Business Intelligence by David Loshi. Springer. Design Issues. Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach by Turban. Delen. Business Process and Information Flow. Distributed DBMS Reliability. by Robert Laberge. (2012). Knowledge Discovery & Delivery. Data Replication. Data Mining Course Outline: Business Intelligence Introduction. Configuring and Maintaining the BI Server. ASIN: B005CDYQSC 3. Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chain. 2011). ERP Life Cycle: Planning and Package Selection. I K International Publishing House (February 15. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design by Jean Dollimore. ISBN-10: 1423901797 4. Addison Wesley. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. ISBN-10: 0130888931 4. ISBN-10: 0072861126 3. 4th Edition (May 20. ERP Sales. Assurance and Internal Control. 2009). Course Technology. Systems Diagramming and the Process Map. ERP and Business Process Reengineering. 2005). Human Capital Management. Business Continuity Planning. Internal Controls. Auditing ERP. 2. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 2008). Distributed Database Management Systems: A Practical Approach by Saeed K. Prentice Hall. 1st Edition (September 10. Implement & Use Today's Advanced Business Systems by Marianne Bradford. 2003). 2012). Tim Kindberg and George Coulouris. ASIN: B009NEMZ0W Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. 1st Edition (May 23. Auditing IT Governance. ISBN-10: 0557012910. Infrastructure Development and 166 . ERP Technology. Pearson (October 3. IT Life Cycle Management. 2010). Modern ERP: Select. ISBN-10: 9380578148 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Systems Auditing and Assurance 3 Information Systems Course Outline: Introduction to Auditing. ERP Financials. Self-Service and Outsourcing. IT Governance and Management. and Frank S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. Business Intelligence and Performance Management. Enterprise Resource Planning by Bret Wagner by Ellen Monk. 2002). Distributed Database Systems by Chhanda Ray. Rahimi. lulu. Organization Structure and Responsibilities.2. Haug. CRM and Knowledge Management. Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems by David Olson. ISBN-10: 0321263545 5. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. US Edition (January (October 19. ERP Systems by Dimpi Srivastava and Aarti Batra. 3rd Edition (February 4. ERP Life Cycle: Implementation and Operation and Maintenance. Reference Materials: 1. The Audit Process. . Languages.Implementation. ISBN-10: 3642286151. Process Orchestrations. Cangemi and Tommie W. Classification of Business Processes. Managing the Audit Function: A Corporate Audit Department Procedures Guide by Michael P. Information Systems Auditing and Assurance by James A. et. 2nd Edition (August 9. Business Process Lifecycle. Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge by Yvonne Lederer Antonucci. Auditing the Software Development Life Cycle.Modeling in BPMN. 3rd Edition by Sandra Senft and Frederick Gallegos. Goals. Workflow Management Architectures. Business Process Modeling. Information Technology Control and Audit. 2. 2011). CISA® Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide By: Peter Gregory. ISBN-10: 0324191995 2. Network Security Controls. Wiley. Framework and Guidelines. ISBN-10: 0071769102 3. Hall and Tommie Singleton. Evolution of Enterprise Systems Architectures. ISBN-10: 0471281190 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Business Process Management 3 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Course Outline: Introduction d BPM. 2 nd Edition (January 21. Reference Materials: 1. Springer. Auditing Business Controls. Application Controls. Business Process Management: Concepts. 2011). Process Choreographies. Business Processes. Advanced Service Composition. Architectures by Mathias Weske. Disaster Recovery Planning. Auerbach Publications. Martin Kugeler and Michael Rosemann. Reference Materials: 1. 2004). 3 rd Edition (2003). Structure. 3 rd Edition (2008). South-Western College Pub. Motivation and Definitions. and Organization. 2012). IT Service Delivery and Infrastructure. ISBN-10: 1420065505 4. Information Asset Protection. Over view of Popular Methodologies. Process Management: A Guide for the Design of Business Processes by Jörg Becker. Web Services and their Composition. Overview of Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques. 2 nd Edition (May 3. Auditing Application Controls. Singleton. 2009). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 8. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. ISBN-10: 3642151892 167 . al. Data-Driven Processes. ISBN-10: 1442105666 3.. Properties of Business Processes. Maintaining Information Systems. Business Process Management Methodology. Springer. 2nd Edition (July 27. Flexible Workflow Management. 2002). ISBN-10: 0750686561 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Knowledge Management 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: History and paradigms of knowledge management. Competitive Intelligence. Tools and Applications (6-volume set) by Murray E. and Strategic Intelligence. Knowledge Management: Definitions. Essentials of Knowledge Management: Concepts. Creation. Business Process Management. Prentice Hall. Practice and Cases by Elie Geisler and Nilmini Wickramasinghe. Globalization. Sharpe (January 15. Innovators Knowledge Services (2012). Utilization. ISBN-10: 013009224X 4. 2nd Edition (March 24. Principles of Knowledge Management: Theory. KM Frameworks and Models. Implications for KM. Reprint Edition (August 10. Business Intelligence. Organization. and Knowledge Platforms by Amrit Tiwana. Knowledge Agents. Knowledge Taxonomies. Knowledge Artifacts. ButterworthHeinemann. ISBN:978-969-9791-04-8 2. 2011). Knowledge Revolution. 2008). The MIT Press. E. Knowledge Management In Theory And Practice by Kimiz Dalkir. The KM Team. Knowledge Application. ISBN-10: 1599049333 168 . KM Processes: Discovery/Detection. Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory. Strategic and Practical Implications of Knowledge Capture and Codification. Jennex. Reuse. 2 nd Edition (August 29. Theories and Practices by M. Methodologies.4. Knowledge management Cycles. M. Strategy. Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice. The KM Profession. A. Verification. 2007). KM Core Competencies. Pasha & S. IGI Global. Benefits of KM. Capture and Codification. Knowledge Management: Concepts. ISBN-10: 0765613220 5. Relationships among Knowledge Management. transfer. Knowledge Management Tools. Sharing. Knowledge Management Strategy. Knowledge Codification. Knowledge Economy. Pasha. ISBN-10: 0262015080 3. The Role of Organizational Culture. 2009). KM Frameworks and Models. Types of knowledge. Reference Materials: 1. the Ethics of KM. 2nd Edition: Practical Guidelines to Successful Implementations by John Jeston and Johan Nelis. The Knowledge Management Toolkit: Orchestrating IT. The Value of Knowledge Management. Knowledge Capture and Codification. Knowledge Workers. Acquisition. 3rd Edition (March 4. Hierarchical Planning. Generate-andTest Paradigm. Search Using Game: Game Trees and Minimum. Logic in AI: Logic and Representation. Question Answering System. Heuristics. Evolutionary Computation: Simulated Annealing. Syntax and Formal Grammar. Recent Approaches. Natural Language Processing: History of NLP. Other Logics. Applications and Methods. Artificial Intelligence in the 21 st Century by Stephen Lucci by Danny Kopec. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach by M. Case-Based Reasoning. Prentice Hall 3. Inc. The Beam Search. Back propagation. 2 nd Edition. Weak Methods. Automated Planning: Planning Terminology. Syntax and Formal Grammars. 1st Edition (December 26. ISBN-10: 0763773379. Agents. 2012). Discrete Hopfield Networks. Strong AI vs Weak AI. Production System and Inference Methods. Mercury Learning and Information (May 18. The Bidirectional Search. 169 . Prolog Programming. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Reference Materials: 1. The Perceptron Learning Rule. Informed Search: Heuristics. Signature Table and Book Learning. 2008). [Uncertainty in AI: Fuzzy Sets. Objects. Wordnet. Planning as Search.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Artificial Intelligence 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to AI. Probability Theory and Uncertainty. Genetic. Stochastic Processes and Markov Chain. Predicate Logic. Planning Approaches to Learning System. Blind Search Algorithm. by Russell and Norvig. ISBN-10: 1936420236 2. Application Areas. The A* Search. Tim Jones. Hidden Markov Model. Uninformed Search: Search in IS. Game Theory. Search in Machines. Semantic Networks. Scripts & the Conceptual Dependency System. Knowledge Engineering. Production System. Fuzzy Inference. Turing Test. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Genetic Algorithms. Classical ES. History of AI. Programing Methods. Advanced Computer Games: Rote Learning and Generalization. Propositional Logic. Case-Based Planning. Production Systems: Strong Methods vs. Statistical Parsing. Frames. Fuzzy Logic. Neural Networks: Introduction. Genetic Programming. Knowledge Acquisition. [Expert Systems: Characteristics of ES. Knowledge Representation: Search Tree. The Best-First Search. Cambridge University Press (August 13. MIT Press. Petrucci. Software Quality Attributes. Tasks. Kim Guldstrand Larsen and Jiri Srba. Reference Materials: 1. Schemas and Schema Calculus. Springer-Verlag (1985). Ehrig & B. Requirements Creeping. Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry. Introducing Z. 1 st Edition . H. Evaluation. 2001. Safety-Critical Protection System. and P. Wiley. Van Horebeek & J. Mahr. RE Processes. 1996). Tracing Requirements. A. F. Springer. ISBN-10: 3642074782 7. The Way of Z: Practical Programming with Formal Methods by Jonathan Jacky. Clarke Jr. Schnoebelen. Validating the Requirements. Using Predicates in Z. Program Derivation and Formal Verification.. Dealing with Customers. Petit. M. Requirements Management Principles and Practices. 1st Edition (December 19. 1989). 1994). Requirements Analyst Role. Fundamentals of Algebraic Specifications: Equations and Initial Semantics. Orna Grumberg. Peled . Refinement. Modeling Large Systems. Finkel. By B. Essential Skills & Knowledge. Specification and Verification by Luca Aceto. ISBN-10: 3540516263 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Requirements Engineering 3 Intro. Berard. ISBN-10: 0471939730 3. Non Functional Requirements. 170 . Risks. Anna Ingólfsdóttir. Concurrency and Real-time. ISBN-10: 0521875463 5. L. Model Checking by Edmund M. Rule-Based Programming. Doron A. Systems and Software Verification: Model-Checking Techniques and Tools. Prototype Categories. to Software Engineering Course Outline: Basics of Requirements Engineering. Special Requirements Challenges. Object-Oriented Programming Model and Z. 1st Edition (1999). Algebraic Specifications in Software Engineering by I.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Formal Methods in Software Engineering 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Introduction to Formal methods. 4. Cambridge University Press (November 28. 2007). Laroussinie. Bidoit. ISBN 0-38713718-1. 2nd Edition (July 27. Reactive Systems: Modelling. Springer. ISBN-10: 0521559766 2. Elements of Z. Requirements Development Plans. Logic. A. Case Studies in Z. Formal Reasoning. ISBN-13: 978-0262032704. Lewi. Documenting the Requirements. Graphical User Interface. Setting Requirements Priorities. Converting Z into Code. 6. Z: An Introduction to Formal Methods by Antoni Diller. Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass. Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass. ISBN-10: 0201325713. Addison-Wesley Professional (1999). Architectural Patterns. Creating Architecture. Requirements Engineering: Processes and Techniques. ISBN10: 0321154959 3. Execution Architecture View. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. 2 nd Edition (1997). and Techniques by Klaus Pohl. Conceptual Architecture View. 3rd Edition (2012). Thayer and Merlin Dorfman. Principles. Designing & Documenting the Architecture. Springer. Lixin Tao and Chong-weiXu. 3 rd Edition (October 11. ISBN-10: 3642125778 5. Jackson. Architecture Qualities. Quality Attributes. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 1849964041 6. ISBN-10: 0471972088 2. 1st Edition (July 23. Business Qualities. Robert Nord and DilipSoni. John Wiley Sons. ISBN-10: 0735618798 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Design and Architecture 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Basics of Software Architecture (SA). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Requirements Engineering by Hull. Kotonya and Sommerville. and Dick. Addison-Wesley Professional. 2nd Edition (2003). ISBN-10: 0321815734 4. Addison-Wesley Professional. Achieving Qualities. Requirements Engineering: Fundamentals. Paul Clements and Rick Kazman. SA Business Cycle and Software Processes. Software Requirements Risk Reference Materials: 1. 1998. 2010). Module Architecture View. Wiley. 2nd Edition by Richard H. Analyzing Architectures. 4. Microsoft Press. ISBN-10: 0818677384 3. Software Requirements 2 by Karl Wiegers. Software Architecture and Design Illuminated by Kai Qian. 2010). ISBN-10: 0470012706. Code Architecture View. Management. 1 st Edition (2009). 2nd Edition (April 19. SA Case Study.Tools for Requirements Management. Springer. Xiang Fu. Global Analysis. 2003). Importance of SA. Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications by A. van Lamsweerde. The CBAM. Characteristics of SA. 1st Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 076375420X 171 . Applied Software Architecture by Christine Hofmeister. Reconstructing Software Architectures. 2. Software Requirements Engineering. Paul Clements and Rick Kazman. Software Quality Engineering: Testing. Audit Types. Quality Management System. Examples of Process and CASE Tool Interactions. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Quality Engineering 3 Intro. published Dorest House (2008). (2005). Properties and Types of Integration Mechanism. Book Surge Publishing (2009). N. Reference Materials: 1. and Practice by R. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software CASE Tools & Applications 3 Intro. ISBN-10: 1604270322. Leadership Skills. published by John Wiley & sons. N. Organization and Process Benchmarking. Methodologies for Quality Management. Benefits of Quality. McCaffrey. to Software Engineering Course Outline: Introduction to CASE. ISBN-10: 0873897307 2. 4. Audit Process. Wiley. 3. J. Perfect Software: And other illusions about testing by Gerald M. 2009). Testing Planning and Design. Customer Deliverables. Dashofy. The Role of Process in Integrated CASE Environments. ISBN-10: 1439229074. ISBN-10: 0470167742. Software Testing: Fundamental Principles and Essential Knowledge by James D. 5. Software Product Evaluation. Software Quality Assurance: Principles and Practice by Nina S. (September 28. Project Tracking and Control. Medvidovic and E. Godbole. ISBN-10: 1842651765. to Software Engineering Course Outline: A Quality Principles. Tracking Methods. Types of CASE Tools. Quality Assurance. published by Alpha Science (2004). Replacing the Message Service in a CASE Integration 172 . Mastering Software Quality Assurance: Best Practices. The Certified Software Quality Engineer by Linda Westfall. Approaches CASE Tool Integration. Reviews and Inspection. Test Execution Documentation. Configuration Control and Status Accounting. ISBN-10: 0932633692. ISBN-10: 0471713457 6. Weinberg.5. Ethical and Legal Compliance. Theory. Project Reviews and Program Reviews. Audit Roles and Responsibilities. Ross Publishing (2010). Taylor. Software Architecture: Foundations. M. Standards and Models. Tools and Techniques for Software Developers by Murali Chemuturi. 1 st Edition (2009). Software Verification and Validation Method. Integration as a Design Activity. Quality Press. and Quantifiable Improvement by Jeff Tian. Service Based Model of a CASE Environment. 2000). S. Selection of Construction Practices. Prentice Hall. Practice Real Life Problem for Development Through CASE Tools. ISBN-10: 0201403536. Design Reuse. Springer-Verlag (1978). The Waterfall Model. Object-Oriented Software Construction (Book/CD-ROM) (2nd Edition) by Bertrand Meyer. 1994)ISBN-10: 0195094786 2. by Bertrand Meyer. Softcover reprint of the original 1 st Edition 1996 (September 27. Arbib. USA. 2nd Edition (July 7. 2004). Self-Documenting Code. Program Size & Software Construction. 2 nd Edition (March 21. ISBN-10: 0136291554. ISO. Comparison of Popular CASE Tools. Microsoft Press. Design Building Blocks. Localization Aspects of Technology. 3. 4. Computer Aided Software Engineering by Hausi A. Norman and Jacob Slonim. A.Framework. Muller. The Basic COCOMO 173 . ISBN-10: 1461286263. Springer. Alagic & M. Defensive Programming. Refactoring. Reference Materials: 1. The Design of Well-Structured and Correct Programs. Published by. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Compiler Construction (International Computer Science Series) by Niklaus Wirth. 2nd Edition (2000). The Software-Quality Considerations. Programming Conventions. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction by Steve McConnell. 3. ISBN-10: 0735619670 2. Most popular software CASE tool documentation Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Construction 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Introduction to Software Construction. 2nd Edition. Case Environments in Practice. Integration of CASE Tools with CM Systems. Prentice Hall. 1st Edition. Brown. Integration. Prentice Hall in 1997. Principles of CASE Tool Integration by Alan W. 2011). to Software Engineering/Software Construction Course Outline: The Software Life-Cycle. E-Commerce. ISBN-10: 0136291554 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Software Engineering Economics 3 Intro. (1996). Importance of Prerequisites of Target Software. 5. Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Modeling. The Software Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Software Maintenance. Oxford University Press. Collaborative Construction. Managing Software Construction. Programming Tools. Key Construction Decisions: Choice of Programming Language. (September 1. ISBN 0-387-90299-6. Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd). Layout and Style. Reference Materials: 1. Design in Software Construction. Ronald J. Why design patterns? Creational patterns: Singleton. Springer London. LEXP. Detailed COCOMO Cost Drivers: Project Attributes–Modern Programming Practices. 2005). E. Helm. Synchronization and Concurrency patterns. 5. Interpreter. Prentice Hall. 2007). Concurrency Controller pattern. Johnson. Recovering from bad designs. Bridge. and Guidelines by Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. Alternative Software Cost Estimation Methods. Detailed COCOMO. Gulledge. Reference Materials: 1.Cost Analysis. Iterator. Development Modes. Mediator. Decorator. PCAP. Goals as Constraints. Software Engineering Economics and Declining Budgets by Pamela T. Proxy. concerns. 1981. Geriner. AEXP. ISBN-10: 0956575846 174 . Boehm. Estimating Software Costs: Bringing Realism to Estimating by Capers Jones. Prentice Hall (August 11. Adapter. Introduction to Aspect-Oriented design: Aspects. Prototype. Model-Product Level Estimates. 4. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.Model. Introduction to design patterns. Overview of UML & OCL. Visitor. 31Jul-2012 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Design Patterns 3 Programming Fundamental Course Outline: Overview of Object-oriented design. Present vs. Detailed COCOMO Cost Drivers-Personal Attributes: ACAP. William P. R. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software. Patterns for concurrent and distributed systems: Event handling patterns. themes. Performance Models & Cost Effectiveness Models. Detailed COCOMO Cost Drivers. 1995 2. Builder. Structural patterns: Facade. 2 nd Edition (October 11. Strategy. Behavioural patterns: Chain of responsibility. Chris Abts. Future Expenditure & Income . Schedule Constraint. Software Engineering Economics by Boehm.ISBN-10: 0138221227 2. 2nd Edition (April 19. ISBN-10: 0833037137. Refactoring to patterns. VEXP. Decision Criteria. A. Composite. Java Design Pattern Essentials by Tony Bevis. Vlissides. Observer. Coping with Unreconcilable & Un-quantified Goals. R. Issues. Hutzler. 2000). Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II by Barry W. Reference Materials: 1. Use of Software Tools. Rand Publishing (September 13. Coupling and Cohesion.ISBN-10: 0071483004 3. Ability First Limited. and J. Gamma. Command. ISBN-10: 0130266922. Software Cost Estimation and Sizing Methods. Memento. Antipatterns: Common pitfalls and antipattern examples. Winsor Brown and Sunita Chulani. Abstract Factory. Addison -Wesley Professional. 2012). Statistical Decision Theory-The Value of Information. Thomas R. Limited. Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML. Entity Centric Business Service Design. Dutoit. Volume 1. SOA Design Patterns by Thomas Erl. The WS-I Baisc Profile. WSDL-Related XML Schema Language. Web Services & Primitive SOA. Service Oriented Design Steps to Composing SOA. Wiley. Web Services & Contemporary SOA (Activity Management & Composition). Web Services & Contemporary SOA (Advanced Messaging. Prentice Hall PTR. 1 st Edition (April 28. SOAP & SOA. Technology. Smith and Marc J.3. 5. SOAP Language Basic. 2005). Metadata & Security). Prentice Hall (August 12. 1st Edition (January 9. ISBN-10: 0471768944 5. UDDI & SOA) Considerations for Choosing SOA Extensions (Choosing SOA Characteristics. Service Interface Design Tools. Course Title: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Service-Oriented Architecture 3 Programming Fundamentals Course Outline: Introducing SOA. 2009) 4. 2004. H. 2003. ISBN-10: 0136061257. ISBN-10: 0321213351. Addison-Wesley. ISBN-10: 0470223650. Prentice Hall. WDSL & SOA. Service Oriented Design. Service Modelling (Process). WS-BPEL & SOA). Service Oriented Analysis. 1 st Edition (June 16. 2nd Edition . ISBN-10: 0131858580 3. 2005). Technology. Application Service Design. 175 . Considerations for Positioning Core SOA Standards (Industry Standards. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Concepts. and Design by Thomas Erl. Patterns. Considerations for Choosing Service Layers. Service Design Guidelines. Wiley. XML Schema & SOA. Bruegge and A. Principles of Service-Orientation. and Java by B. Balcer. XML & SOA. Prentice Hall (August 12. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology by Eric A. ISBN-10: 0471227293 4. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0131858580 2. Wiley. 2002. Service Orientation & Contemporary SOA. 2008). Kerievsky. Marks and Michael Bell. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Concepts. Boris Lublinsky. & SOA. Namespaces & SOA. 2nd Edition. Choosing WS* Specifications. Refactoring to Patterns by J. 2006). Kevin T. SOA Delivery Strategies. and Design by Thomas Erl. Patterns in Java: A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML by Mark Grand. Applied SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies by Michael Rosen. The Nature of light. and Computer Graphics. Visibility and Algorithms. 2nd Edition. Classification. Computer Graphics: Theory and Practice by Jones Gomes. Graphics and Planar Graphics Objects. Application of computer Graphics. Digital Geometry Processing.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Computer Graphics 3 Discrete Structures Course Outline: Computer Graphics Introduction. Hearn. ISBN-10: 1568815808 2. Springer. Mapping Graphics Objects. ISBN-10: 1447127323. Image Abstraction Paradigms. CRC Press. 4th Edition. Objects Hierarchy. Sampling and Ray Tracing. 2012. Computer Graphics with Open GL (4th Edition) by Donald D. Reference Materials: 1. and Clipping. Geometry. 2010. Modeling and Representation. Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D. Partitioning. 176 . Plane Rotations. Colour Systems and Computer Graphics. Data. Colour in the Physical Universe. 2012. Images. Prentice Hall. Illumination. ISBN-10: 0136053580 3. Transformations and Computer Graphics. One of the key rationales behind MS(IT) program is the development of a dynamic curricula structure that allows IT graduates to gain a broad technical understanding of current and evolving technologies in the IT field with an emphasis on moving technology from the laboratory to the realm of business development through offering Breadth-Based. Ecommerce. many significant developments have been made and many new concepts have been introduced.g. bulletin board system. “e-Science” managing massive experimental data and collaborating via the Net. and delivery of information introduced invention like the Internet. computational physics. the program develops technically competent.). interactivity. disseminate and teach the information technology body of knowledge through academics. nationally. computational finance. “Biological Computing”. “Computational Thinking”. etc. “Ternary Computing” dealing with computing for the masses. As a result Computing becomes a rapidly progressing domain. but also experts from other domains offering a unique and comprehensive body of knowledge that exposes the learners to a practical application of information technology within an area of specialization. Students may choose a particular option. virtual communities. highly productive. Programme Aim: MS (IT) Programme is aimed to create. In recent years. etc. email. “Computational Lens” which articulates a new relationship between computer science and other sciences. and other online technologies. and Integrated Breadth & Depth-Based courses.converting industrial society to an “information society. computational mathematics. etc. Through offering these options.” This paradigm shift not only affected the way scientists conduct their research but also expedite the pace of inventions. dental-informatics..) and “x . the integration of computing in other disciplines introduces new disciplines such as “Computational . Depth-Based. computation. clinicalinformatics. the World Wide Web.from data processing to information processing . Many such developments compel IT graduates to update their knowledge to meet the needs of the time. The program will groom not only IT professionals. expand. applications and research which positively impact society locally.x” (e. and internationally. In parallel.g..Informatics” (e. health-informatics. bio-informatics. and self-motivated professionals in tune with the demands of an ever changing market. which is the most appropriate to their planned future career. 177 .Curriculum for MS Information Technology MS (IT) Program’s Rationale: A high pace of innovations in technologies for communication. These inventions brought a paradigm shift in business world . For example. “Cloud Computing”. identify and define the requirements that must be satisfied to address problems or opportunities faced by individuals or organizations.0 or 60% marks). 7. before being formally enrolled in the MS (IT) program. 5. Hrs. including ethical. users and peers both verbally and in writing. OR 3. Following are the key objectives of the program: 1. The program provides graduates with competency and knowledge to take on appropriate professional roles in information technology industry or to pursue further education.5 CGPA on scale 4. Analyze. (minimum 2. Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies. 4. Program Structure: The Program is designed for full-time students.0 or 60% marks). The program comprises of 33 Cr. using appropriate terminology. Under eligibility criteria 1-3. Collaborate in teams to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative and group cooperation. Hrs. Hrs. Identify and evaluate current and emerging technologies and assess their impact on individuals.Programme Objectives: One of the key objectives of the programme is to produce well rounded individuals who are productive and responsible members of society familiar with the technical concepts and practices in the computing & information technology domains. Communicate effectively and efficiently with clients. 6. with 4 core courses.5 CGPA of scale 4. 4 elective courses. Demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem solving skills.Sc. which is the most appropriate for planned future career. Hrs. OR 2. and a research thesis of 9 Cr. organizations and society. (IT). BCS 3-year program degree applicants may be provisionally admitted in the MS (IT) program. Sc. Followings are the program details: Eligibility Criteria: 1. Recognize the need for continued learning throughout career. with minimum 2. 3. the university/department may recommend 178 . Computer Science conversion course two years degree program referred to as MCS or M. BS (IT/CS/SE) 4 years degree program or equivalent (minimum 130 Cr. The dynamic structure of the program allows students to choose a particular option. 2. (CS) or M. Candidates will be required to take additional courses to complete credit hours requirement of minimum 130 Cr. legal and policy issues. In order to obtain MS (IT) degree a student must pass a minimum of: i. AND iii. considering the deficiency of the candidates. Transition courses are assigned based on an applicant's credentials and will not be counted towards the MS degree program. 179 . Satisfactorily complete a Research Thesis of 6 credit hours. Four (4) core courses (12 credit hours). for MS (Information Technology) program including course work and research thesis/project. Hrs.5 CGPA of scale 4. Under eligibility criterion 4. candidates will be required to complete the deficiency coursework prior to the MS (IT) coursework to ensure the pre-requisite competency in IT.0 or 60% marks). 16-years education engineering degrees (minimum 2. Degree Requirements: Minimum credit hours shall be 30 Cr. Duration: Four (4) semesters/terms spread over two (2) calendar years with two semesters/terms a year. Test (University/Institution rules shall be observed). AND ii. The deficiency/transition coursework will be determined on the basis of the core IT courses of the BS (IT) degree. OR 4. Four (4) courses (12 credit hours) from graduate elective courses. from the BS (IT) curriculum. 5. Distribution of Courses: Followings are the distribution of total credit hours: Category or Area Core Elective Thesis Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 12 12 6 30 8Transition courses cover essentially undergraduate material mastery of which is crucial for student success in the program.additional deficiency courses/ transition courses 8. * * Course Title Advanced Database Management Systems Information Security and Assurance Credit Hours 3 3 List of Elective Courses: Universities/Institutions may add courses in this list. IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT PreReq. and Security Virtualized Data Center Advanced Computer Networks Network Performance Modeling and Evaluation Integrated Services over Packet Networks Stochastic Systems Stochastic Processes Knowledge-Based Systems Distributed Databases Advanced Telecommunication Networks Multimedia Databases Telecommunication Systems Advanced Network Security Principles of Multimedia Systems Advanced Multimedia Systems Distributed System Cr. Hrs. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Course Mobile and Wireless Networks Information Technology Infrastructure Telecom Management Data Warehousing Trends & Issues Data Mining Trends & Issues Advanced Business Intelligence and Analytics Multimedia Databases Information Retrieval Cloud Computing Mobile & Pervasive Computing Enterprise Data Center Design and Methodology Data Center Network Design. Implementation. No Code 1 2 IT IT PreReq. # Code 1. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 180 .List of Core Courses: S. Hrs. 3 3 3 9 Semester/Term 2 (9 Credit Hours) # Code Course Title 1 IT Elective II 2 IT Elective III 3 IT Elective IV Semester Credit Hrs. Hrs. 3 3 6 Semester/Term 4 (6 Credit Hours) # Code Course Title 1 IT Elective VI 2 IT Thesis (Full Registration) Semester Credit Hrs. 3 3 6 30 181 . Hrs. Cr. Cr.IT IT IT 2. Hrs. IT * * * * 3 3 3 Computer Graphics Computer Vision Image Processing Sample Scheme of Study for MS (IT) Programme 2–year Programme (4 Semesters/Terms) (30 Credit Hours) Semester/Term 1 (9 Credit Hours) # Code Course Title 1 IT Advanced Database Management Systems 2 IT Information Security and Assurance 4 IT Research Methods (University Elective-I) Semester Credit Hrs. Cr. Total Credit Hours Cr. 3 3 3 9 Semester/Term 3 (6 Credit Hours) # Code Course Title 1 IT Thesis (Partial Registration) 3 IT Elective V Semester Credit Hrs. Methods of Defence. Non-Cryptographic Hashes. Subrahmanian. Crypto Basics. Spatial Databases. Object-Oriented Databases. Stefano Ceri (Chapter 5. Faloutsos. Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Snodgrass. Public Key Encryption. Transpositions (Permutations). The Uses of Encryption. RSA Timing Attack. HMAC. The Data Encryption Standard. Temporal. Integrity.Course Outline for MS (IT) Programme (Core) Course Name: Credit Hours: Pre-requisites: Advanced Database Management Systems 3 Database Management System/Equivalent Course Outline: Overview of Databases Management Systems. Computer Security. ISBN-10: 155860443X XQuery by Priscilla Walmsley ISBN: 0596006349 Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS by Hilippe Rigaux. Research Trends in database systems. Encryption Algorithms. V. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Security and Assurance 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Basics of Information Security. Hash Functions++: Cryptographic Hash Function. Christos 2. Computer Criminals. The AES Encryption Algorithm. 5. Public Key Crypto: Knapsack. ISBN: 142009050X. XML Documents and DTD. Authorization. Richard T. 4. RSA. DiffieHellman. Advanced Database Systems by Carlo Zaniolo. Symmetric Key Crypto: Stream Ciphers. Lattice Reduction and the Knapsack. 6) Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies by Pascal Hitzler. Uses for Public Key Crypto. Public Key Infrastructure. Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis. 1997). Uses for Hash Functions. 182 . S. Geographic Databases. Cryptography: Substitution Ciphers. 1st Edition (May 15. Tiger Hash. Implementation and Applications of Advance Database Systems. Access Control Matrix. Security Attacks. Authentications. Roberto Zicari. Advanced Cryptanalysis: Enigma. Mobile Databases. XML Data Models. RC4 as Used in WEP. Stefano Ceri. Modeling Tools and Techniques for Advance Database Systems. Reference Materials: 1. Block Ciphers. Distributed Database Design. ISBN: 1558605886 Advanced Database Systems by Carlo Zaniolo. Distributed Multimedia Database Systems. Object-Relational Databases. Morgan Kaufmann. Data Warehouse and OLAP Systems. 3. Public Key Notation. Advance Database Designing Techniques and Trends. XML Query Languages. Elective Courses for IT Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile and Wireless Networks 3 Internet Architecture and Protocols Course Outline: Basics of Wireless Local Area Networks. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. GSM/Cellular Networks. Wireless Communications & Networks by William Stallings. Malware. Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. 2nd Edition (2011). Software Security: Building Security In by Gary McGraw. Radio Transmitters and Receivers. Insecurity in Software. GSM. Software Flaws and Malware: Software Flaws. TDMA. Compartments. Multiple Access Methods: FDMA. Newnes (September 28. SSL. Computer Security: Art and Science by Matthew Bishop. Dobkin. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. ISBN-10: 1401837271. Ultra-wideband Technology. Voice Over Wi-Fi and Other Wireless Technologies. Antennas and Transmission Lines. IPSec. Research Trends in information security. Roberta Bragg and Keith Strassberg. ISBN-10: 0201440997 4. Authentication and TCP. CDMA. Wiley. Covert Channel. Communication Protocols and Modulation. Addison-Wesley Professional. Addison-Wesley Professional. Intrusion Detection Systems. Prentice Hall. Security in Wireless Local Area Networks. ISBN-10: 0470626399 3. The Best Authentication Protocol. Authentication Protocols. ISBN-10: 0321356705 5. Reference Materials: 1. David Lide. ISBN-10: 0072226978 6. Radio Propagation. Daniel M. 1st Edition (2003). Information Security Intelligence: Cryptographic Principles & Applications by Thomas Calabrese. Applications and Technologies. Kerberos. 1st Edition (2002). Information Security: Principles and Practice by Mark Stamp. Reliable Wireless Networks for Industrial Applications. Network Security: The Complete Reference by Mark Rhodes-Ousley. WEP. PAP/CDR Edition (2006). Ron Olexa. Wireless Sensor Networks. Slotted ALOHA. Security in Computing. Reference Materials: 1. and Farid Dowla. Botnets. Prentice Hall. 183 . Conflict and Compatibility.Multilevel Security Models. Real-World Security Protocols: SSH. Miscellaneous Software-Based Attacks. 4 th Edition (2006). ISBN-10: 0750685824 (TB1) 2. 2007). CAPTCHA. Wireless Networking: Know It All by Praphul Chandra. 4th Edition by Charles P. ALOHA. Zero Knowledge Proofs. ISBN-10: 0132390779 2. Random Access. Reservation-based ALOHA. Firewalls. Authentication Protocols: Security Protocols. Dan Bensky. Indoor Networks. HighSpeed Wireless Data. Web 2. W2000: A Modeling Notation for Complex Web Applications. Mobile Web Applications. Cisco Press. WICD. SVG Tiny. Declarative Web Applications. DOM events. SVG. Model-Based Web Application Development. 2012). Process Improvement in Small Settings. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). Media Access. Web System Reliability and Performance. XBL. CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide by Brandon James Carroll. Internationalization. 1st Edition (July 20. 2004). ISBN: 0131918354. Device Independence Authoring. 2006 edition (November 9. Mobile Web for Social Development. CSS Mobile. Mobile Web Applications. ISBN-10: 0071797890 5. ISBN-10: 0471670758 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Web Systems & Technologies 3 Web Engineering Course Outline: The Need for Web Engineering. Mobile Web Applications. Geospatial. Mobile Web Authoring. CSS Mobile. Web Productivity Measurement and Benchmarking. 2005). Audio. Statistics Analysis. Wiley-Interscience. Wireless and Mobile Data Networks by Aftab Ahmad. SMIL. 3rd Edition (September 5. Mobile Web Applications. Springer. Device Independence Authoring. 1st Edition (November 2. Web Components. W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Mobile Web for Social Development. Web Quality. SVG Tiny. Web Components. XHTML For Mobile. McGraw-Hill Professional. Audio. Conceptual Modeling of Web Applications. ISBN10: 3642066453 184 . Web Fonts. Web Performance. Best Practices for Authoring HTML5. 3. CSS. Timed Text. Web Application Testing. CSS3. JavaScript APIs. 2008).0 & Associated Technologies. DOM events. Classroom Group Assignments: Instructors are advised to ask students to review the Current Status of W3C Specifications: HTML5. WICD. DOM. Best Practices for Authoring HTML. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). Web Fonts. Declarative Web Applications. Wireless Crash Course by Paul Bedell. 2010). Timed Text. XHTML For Mobile. SMIL. Web Real Time Communication. Google Technologies. Widgets. Web Effort Estimation. [W3C website] Reference Materials: 1. Web Usability. JavaScript APIs. SVG. Mobile Web Authoring.2nd Edition (November 22. Web Performance. Media Access. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st Edition. DOM. Geospatial. XBL. Classroom Group Assignments: Instructors are advised to ask students to review the Current Status of W3C Specifications: HTML. ISBN-10: 1587202115 4. Web Engineering by Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley. Widgets. Web Real Time Communication. ISBN-10: 0073523291 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Technology Infrastructure 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Definition of IT Infrastructure. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited (October 6. Managing Internet Services. 2008). Janet Abbate. IT Architecture For Dummies by Kalani Kirk Hausman and Susan Cook. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. Service Support Processes. Networking: Building Blocks. Availability Patterns. Service Delivery Processes. Security. Performance. Performance. Security. 2009). Security. Integrated Systems by Chris Britton and Peter Bye. Servers: Availability. Data centres. organizational and technical issues related to IT infrastructure. 1st Edition (January 22. Non-functional Attributes. IT Infrastructure Management. Reference Materials: 1. Performance. Availability Concepts. Virtualization: Availability. ISBN-10: 0070699798 3. 1st Edition (November 9. Web Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger Pressman and David Lowe. 2nd Edition (June 3. Managing Long-Distance Services. 185 . Security. Security. OS Performance. 1995). Telecommunication Strategic Planning. Implementing Various OSs. 2004). IT Infrastructure and its Management by Prof Phalguni Gupta. ISBN-10: 026211206X 5. Ethics. W3C Online Resources 3. Performance. Availability. Performance. Developing Requirements and Specifications. Performance. The MIT Press (August 14. Lulu. ISBN-10: 0321246942 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Telecom Management 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Introduction to Telecommunication Management and Planning. Managing Voice Processing Equipment. Standards Policy for Information Infrastructure by Brian Kahin and. IT Infrastructure Architecture: Infrastructure building blocks and concepts by Sjaak (November 5. ISBN-10: 1447881281 2. For Dummies. Storage: Availability. Operating Systems: Building Blocks. OS Security.2. Managing Automatic Call Distributors. Trends. 2010). End User Devises: Building Blocks. Sources of Unavailability. Device Availability. ISBN-10: 0470554231 4. 2011). OS availability. IT Architectures and Middleware: Strategies for Building Large. Addison-Wesley Professional. Managing PBX and Key Telephone Equipment. Security Concepts. Telecom Management Crash Course: A Telecom Company Survival Guide by P. Data Warehouse Hierarchies. ISBN-10: 1434397254 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Warehousing Trends & Issues 3 * Course Outline: Overview of Databases and Data Warehouses: Database Concepts. 2002). Louis. Conceptual Modeling for Databases and Data Warehouses. Temporal Measures. J. Rationale of the Logical-Level Representation. Data Warehouse Design. Temporal Data Warehouses: Temporal Databases. The Entity-Relationship Model. Implementing Hierarchies Spatial Databases General Concepts. McGraw-Hill. Metamodel of the Spatially Extended MultiDim Model. Logical Representation of Hierarchies. Spatial Hierarchies. Spatial Data Warehouses: Spatial Extension of the Multi Dim Model. The Essentials of Telecommunications Management: A Simple Guide to Understanding a Complex Industry by Jayraj Ugarkar. Spatial Databases and Spatial Data Warehouses. Conventional Data Warehouses: Multidimensional Model. Spatial Fact Relationships. Disaster Prevention and Recovery. Logical Representation of Temporal Data Warehouses. Database Design. 2001). Metamodel of the Multi Dim Model. Temporal Support for Levels. Temporal Fact Relationships. Temporal Databases and Temporal Data Warehouses. Reference Materials: 1.Managing Local Area Network and Internets. Rationale of the Logical-Level Representation Object-Relational Representation of Spatial Data Warehouses. 3rd Edition (March 22. Spatiality and Measures. Conceptual Design. 1st Edition (June 1. Logical Data Warehouse Design. Physical Data Warehouse Design. Advanced Modeling Aspects. Developing a Telecommunication Operations Plan. McGraw-Hill Professional. Temporal Extension of the MultiDim Model. Metamodel of the Temporally Extended MultiDim Model. Variations of the Architecture. Requirements Specification. Managing Different Temporal Granularities. Temporal Hierarchies. Designing Conventional Data Warehouses: Current Approaches to Data Warehouse Design. Data Warehouse Architecture. Oracle 10g with the OLAP Option. 186 . ISBN-10: 0071370587 2. Managing Wide Area Networks. ISBN-10: 0071386203 3. Data Warehouses. 2010). Managing Convergence. Mapping to the Relational and ObjectRelational Models. Telecommunications Project Management. Conventional Data Warehouses. Author House (March 29. Spatial Levels. Managing Video and Audio Conferencing Equipment. Analysis Services 2005. Managing Telecommunications Security. Current Trends and Practices of Telecom Management. The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications Management by James Harry Green. Wiley. ISBN-10: 0470890452 4.Characterization of the Various Approaches. 1998). 4. Physical Design. ISBN-10: 0471255475. 1st Edition (May 26. Mining Frequent Patterns Using Self-Organizing Map. Research and Trends in Data Mining Technologies and Applications (Advanced Topics in Data Warehousing and Mining) by David Taniar. 5. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Mining Trends & Issues 3 Database Management System Course Outline: Combining Data Warehousing and Data Mining Techniques for Web Log Analysis Computing Dense Cubes Embedded in Sparse Data. 2011). Margy Ross and Warren Thornthwaite. Pattern Comparison in Data Mining. Principles of Data Mining by Max Bramer. Springer. ISBN-10: 1599042711 2. Temporal Data Warehouses. Methods. Spatial Data Warehouses. ISBN-10: 0764599445 The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit: Expert Methods for Designing. Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications) Elzbieta Malinowski and Esteban Zimányi. Compression Technique for Vertical Mining Methods. 3. Models. 2011). Inmon. Methods. Exploring Similarities Across High-Dimensional Datasets. 2nd Ed. Spatiotemporal Data Warehouses. Design Methods. ISBN-10: 0071610391 WWW Resources Building the Data Warehouse by William H. Reference Materials: 1. Spatial-Data-Warehouse Design. 3rd Edition (The Morgan 187 . 2007). 2nd Edition (August 16. and Deploying Data Warehouses by Ralph Kimball. IGI Global (February 5. (2013). 7 Designing Spatial and Temporal Data Warehouses: Current Approaches to the Design of Spatial and Temporal Databases. Graph-Based Data Mining. Springer. 2 nd printing 2008 edition (April 6. Logical Design. Laura Reeves. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Developing. Wiley (August 13. Research trends in Conventional Data Warehouses. 4th Edition (2005). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN10: 1447148835 3. ISBN-10: 3540744045 Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies by Matteo Golfarelli and Stefano Rizzi. and Algorithms by MehmedKantardzic. Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and 2. Facilitating and Improving the Use of Web Services with Data Mining. Wiley-IEEE Press. 2009). Data Mining Techniques via Multiple Criteria Optimization. Data Mining: Concepts. Data Quality Management.Off-Line Solution.Principles. Server Applications Solution. Specification of these Areas. 2012). Planning and Analysis Design and Modeling -. ISBN-10: 0123814790 5. Morgan Kaufmann. Microsoft Press (December 22. Relations To BI And Other Applications. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Hand. 2012). Data Mining -. BI Market Segment. Reference Materials: 1. Position in IS/ICT Architecture. Functions and Options Client Applications Solution. Sharepoint. Effect and Critical Success Factors of BI. Michael Luckevich. Data Pumps Parameters and Logging. Effects of BI Applications. Links to other Applications.Excel. Export Of OLAP Cube . Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3/E by Brian Larson. Business Intelligence by Elizabeth Vitt. BI Tasks Management. 2008). BI Trends.Principle. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Components. BI Tools . BI Implementation Principles. A Bradford Book (August 1. Basic Principles Of MS Analysis Services. Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Business Intelligence and Analytics 3 Data Mining Course Outline: Basic principles of Business Intelligence. 2012). 3rd Edition (March 16. ISBN-10: 0071759387 4. Architecture. Documentation In MS -. ISBN-10: 026208290X. BI in the Company Management. BI Application Areas. Management Basics. Development in BI Area.SAP.Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) by Jiawei Han. Morgan Kaufmann. Data Granularity Problems Management. Demonstration of Principles on Examples. Relationship Between Measures And Relevant Dimensions. Database Environment. Access. Data Warehouse in MS SQL Server-. Business Intelligence by David Loshi.Customer Intelligence. MS Office . 2001). Query Tools In Multidimensional Databases. 2 nd Edition (October 31. 1st Edition (September 18. Data Pumps. Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth. Relationship Between CRM And BI . ISBN-10: 073562660X 188 .Core Principles and Application Options. Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Developers Guide by Mark Rittman. ETL -.DTS. Activex Script. Proclarity. Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) by David J. 3rd Edition (2011). Core OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing) Technologies. ISBN-10: 0123858895 2. ISBN-10: 0071798749 3. Physical Design And Modeling. and Stacia Misner.Principles of Dimensional Modeling. Oracle. Synchronization and User Interaction in Distributed Multimedia Presentation Systems. Clustering Algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Company. IR System Block. ISBN-10: 146138060X 3. CRC Press. Indexing and Classification. IR Models. ISBN-10: 0849318548. Automatic Text Analysis. 1st Edition (November 24. Characterizing the Web. Browsing. Dealing with Video Databases. Object-Oriented Multimedia DBMS. Using Multimedia Metadata.S. Reference Materials: 1. 2011). The Human Sensory System and Multimedia. 1998. Dealing with Text Databases. Modeling Multimedia Databases. Searching the Web. Model for Interactive Retrieval of Videos and Still Images. Multimedia Databases: An Object-Relational Approach by Lynne Dunckley. Multimedia and the Internet. Dealing with Image Databases. Latest Developments and Research Trends in Multimedia Database Systems. Mata 189 . 2003). File Structures. Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies by Kingsley C. Distributed and Parallel IR. Query Languages Indexing & Searching. Search Engines. 4.Data Modeling Techniques to Represent Audio and Visual Document. Content-dependent Metadata. ISBN: 1558604669. CA. Thuraisingham and P. (October 28. Multimedia Database Architecture and Performance. Querying Multimedia Data. Taxonomy and Ontology. Springer. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Information Retrieval 3 None Course Outline: Basic Concepts of IR. B. Query Processing. ISBN-10: 0201788993 2. Two Dimensional Color Images. Database Approach for the Management of Multimedia Information. Query Databases of Multimedia Documents. San Francisco. Performance Evaluation. Subrahmanian. 2003).Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multimedia Databases 3 Course Outline: Multimedia Data. Multimedia IR Models & Languages. Nwosu. Multimedia Databases. Distributed Multimedia Database Technologies Supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 by HaraldKosch. Principles of Multimedia Database Systems by V. Measures of Association. Automatic Feature Extraction. Diagram. Display the Results of Multimedia Searches. Online IR Systems & Interfaces Standards. Search Strategies. Bruce Berra. One Dimensional Time Series. Pearson Education (January 31.Generic Multimedia Indexing Approach. Multimedia Query Specification Language. SQL and Multimedia. Quality-of-service Issues. Challenges. ISBN-10: 0321416910 2. 2nd Edition (December 20. and Security by John W. Cambridge University Press (September 13. Geographic distributed Storage. ISBN-10: 0521838053 3. 1st Edition (June 22. Bargain Finder. In-Memory Frameworks. Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images by Ian H. Scheduling and Resource Management in clouds. Ransome. Web Agents (Web Shopping. Networking: Traffic Management. Web Data Mining. Taylor and Francis Group. Web Crawlers. van Rijsbergen. Prentice Hall. MapReduce. LLC (2010). Linthicum. Networking: Transport Protocol Improvements. 1st 190 . Security. Cloud Computing Trends &Issues Reference Materials: 1. Alistair Moffat. Witten. Rittinghouse and James F. & Timothy C. Recursive Press (2009). OSes and Clouds Networking: topologies. Software Level Agreements. 1999) 4. Data-flow Computation Frameworks. Availability. Bell. Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for Enterprises by John Rhoton. Morgan Kaufmann. Wiley. Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A Step-byStep Guide by David S. 1992). Latest Development and Economic.). The Geometry of Information Retrieval by C. Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms by William B. Programming Languages for the Cloud. Hadoop file system. ISBN-10: 0134638379 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Cloud Computing 3 * Course Outline: Datacenter Architectures. 2010). Cluster File Systems.. Ethical. Partitions. Collaborative Filtering. Frieder. Grossman and O. Consistency. Legal and Political Issues related to Information Retrieval. Metacrawler. ISBN-10: 1402030045 5. Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology behind Search by Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto. Google file system . ISBN 978-1-4398-0680-7 WWW resources 2. Cloud Computing Implementation. J. ISBN-10: 0956355609. An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation by Mark Levene. Management. 1 st Edition (May 17. Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics by D. Frakes and Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Reference Materials: 1. 2004). Springer. 2004). Key-Value Store and Interactive Query Systems.. AddisonWesley Professional. ISBN-10: 047052684X 6. Technology Trends. Robot Exclusion. 2nd Edition (February 10. Addison-Wesley Professional. Cloud Stack . 2nd Edition (October 18.Searchers. 3. DBases in the Cloud. 2011). Big Data in the Clouds . Server Performance Metrics. Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML by Reza B'Far and Roy T. Wireless Technologies.Edition (2009). Vision And Challenges. Challenges of Mobile Computing. IT Infrastructure Course Outline: Introduction to Data Centres. Fielding. Intelligent Systems and Interaction. Characteristics of Mobile Computing Environments. Ubiquitous Communication. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Mobile & Pervasive Computing 3 Operating Systems. Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices. Reference Materials: 1. December 2004. Wiley. Management of Smart Devices. 1st Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 0470035609 2. Data Centre Services. 2009). Cambridge University Press (2004). Application Architectures. Sensing and Controlling. 4. Requirements of Pervasive Computing Applications. Network Infrastructure. Designing the Data Centre Infrastructure. McGrawHill Professional. Smart Home. Pervasive Computing Applications. Infrastructure of Pervasive Computing. Characteristics of Pervasive Computing Environments. Wiley. ISBN-10: 0071412379. Data Centre Requirements. Application Architecture Models. 191 . Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing by Frank Adelstein. Server Architecture. Autonomic Systems and Artificial Life. 4. 3. Integrating Security into the Infrastructure. Server LoadBalancing. Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing by Golden Richard. HCI Aspects of Smart Devices. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. ISBN-10: 0470903562. Sandeep KS Gupta. Tagging. Mobile and Pervasive Computing Environments: Mobile Computing Infrastructure. 1st Edition (2004). Data Centre Security. Performance Metrics of Data Centre Devices. 1st Edition (April 27. Environments and Interactions by Stefan Poslad. Data Centre Design. Data Centre Architecture. Server Capacity Planning. Smart Devices and Services. Utility Computing. Context-Aware Computing and Systems. RFID. Power Distribution. Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Enterprise Data Centre Design and Methodology 3 Information Security and Assurance. ISBN-10: 0136009220. Overview of P2P Computing. Web Systems and Technologies Course Outline: Mobile and Pervasive Computing Basics. Golden Richard III and Loren Schwiebert. ISBN-10: 0521817331. and Voice over IP by Kailash Jayaswal. Morgan and Claypool Publishers. Load-Balancing. Data Center Fundamentals by Mauricio Arregoces and Maurizio Portolani. 1st Edition (November 28. HTTP and Related Concepts (In-depth Investigation). Wiley. Internet Access Technologies and VPNs. Administering Data Centers: Servers. ISBN-10: 159829556X 192 . 2005). The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines by Urs Hoelzle and Luiz Andre Barroso. ISBN-10: 159829556X. 2009). Storage. Wiley. Modes and Predictors. Streaming Protocols. DNS Essentials and Site-Selection Considerations. ISBN-10: 047177183X 3. Authentication and Digital Certificates. 1st Edition (May 29. Infrastructure Layer 2 Protocol. 2003). Disaster Recover. Cisco Press (December 14. SSL. Storage. Ciphersuites. Infrastructure Layer 3 Protocol. Voice over IP and Converged Infrastructure. Performance Implications. Persistence Mechanisms on Load Balancers. SSL and TLS : Operations. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Data Centre Network Design.Reference Materials: 1. Analyzing SSL Traces. Administering Data Centers: Servers. Data Center Fundamentals by Mauricio Arregoces and Maurizio Portolani. Server Health Management. 1st Edition (November 28. 2005). and Security 3 Enterprise Data Centre Design and Methodology Course Outline: Network Devices & Technologies. 1st Edition (May 29. IP. TCP. ISBN-10: 047177183X 3. 2009). Cisco Press (December 14. Morgan and Claypool Publishers. Network Design. ISBN-10: 1587050234 2. The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines by Urs Hoelzle and Luiz Andre Barroso. Security Protocols and Technologies. and Voice over IP by Kailash Jayaswal. and UDP Protocols (In-depth Investigation). 2003). Reference Materials: 1. Implementation. ISBN-10: 1587050234 2. Reynolds. Cisco Press. Return on Investment and Cloud Benefits. and Pierre Vachon. 193 .Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Virtualized Data Centre 3 Enterprise Data Centre Design and Methodology Course Outline: Virtualization. Cloud Service Assurance. Reference Materials: 1. Deployment Models. Cloud Strategy. Cloud Use Cases. Data Centre Architecture and Technologies. 2003). 1 st Edition (July 10. Mc Press. Typical Design Patterns and Use Cases. Private Cloud Services. Service Models. Diggit Service Requirements.Hybrid Cloud: Cisco Cloud Enablement Services. Malcolm Orr and Greg Page. Auerbach Publications. Orchestration and Automation Transition Architecture. 1st Edition (January 1. Mithkal Smadi. Cloud Computing. Patrick Lownds. 2006). ISBN10: 1587050234. 1st Edition (May 17. and Jim Rymarczyk. Billing and Chargeback. Cloud Service Fulfilment. Data Center Virtualization: A practical guide to successful deployments of a Virtualized Data Center Infrastructure by Sukento Sukirya. Case Study . Microsoft Private Cloud Computing by Aidan Finn. Sybex. Cloud Capacity Management. Cloud Consumer Operating Model. Virtualization Types. Out-of-the-Box Services. IT Virtualization Best Practices: A Lean. ISBN-10: 1587204347. ISBN-10: 0849339316 5. Business Goals. 1 st Edition (December 9. Cloud Adoption and Barriers. ISBN-10: 1118251474 4. Wade A. IT Platform. ISBN-10: 1583473548 3. 2011). and Damian Flynn. Company Profile. Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Centre by David Marshall . Cisco Press (December 14. Cloud Reference Model. Chris Molloy. Hans Vredevoort. The Cisco Cloud Strategy. Cloud Maturity. Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Centre by Venkata Josyula. Virtualization Management. IT Services. Solution. 2012). Pete Gore. Technical Building Blocks of IaaS. Cloud Management Reference Architecture. Green Virtualized Data Centre Approach by Mickey Iqbal. 2011). Automating and Orchestration Resources. IaaS as a Foundation. Telco Solution. Design Patterns. and Dave McCrory. 2. Brian Clay. Peterson. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach by Larry L. 2. Performance of Networks. Tanenbaum. Security related issues. Network services and Layered architecture. ISBN-10: 0123850592. CIDR – Introduction. basic protocol. Ad Hoc Networking: An Introduction.characteristics. AddisonWesley. Conditional Probability.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Computer Networks 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Network architecture. etc. Prentice Hall. Results Definition and 194 . 2nd Edition (October 25. Scheduler. Reference Materials: 1. The Poisson Process. Event Derivations. 2005). 5th Edition (March 25. Terminating Simulation. NAT and Virtual Private Networks (L2. Adhoc Networks. support for QoS. auto-configuration.Congestion Control Analysis. A DoD Perspective on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. security. MPLS Architecture and related protocols. DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ISBN-10: 0132126958 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Network Performance Modeling and Evaluation 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Introduction to Probability Theory. End-to-End Analysis. 5 th Edition (October 7. Mobile IP operation. Computer Networks by A. Application Programming Interface for IPv6. Wireless Networks. Mobile IP. IP switching and Multi-Protocol Label Switching MPLS). Cluster-Based Networks. routing. L3. DSDV: Routing over a Multihop Wireless Network of Mobile Computers. ISBN-10: 1558605746 4. Voice and Video over IP (RTP. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol –I by Douglas E. neighbor discovery. Queuing Theory. Future Networks. QoS) IPv6: Why IPv6. Traffic Engineering (TE) and TE with MPLS. Simulating Complex Communication Networks – Discrete Event Simulation. Random Variables. Multiple Access Control. Networking principles. extensions and options. Routing between peers ( BGP) . Morgan Kaufmann. Advanced Technologies. Mobility in networks. Morgan Kaufmann. Changes to other protocols. RSVP. 5th Edition (July 10.. S. Bruce S. Metro Ethernet by Sam Halabi Publisher: Cisco Press ISBN: 158705096X 5. High Performance Communication Networks by Jean Walrand and Pravin Varniya. 2011). CIDR addressing. Advancing Simulation Clock. CIDR address blocks and Bit masks. 2010). Modeling Complex Communication Networks -. Continuous Time Markov Processes. Advanced Routing: Routing architecture . and Hybrid). 1999). Markov Chains. ISBN-10: 0131876716 3. Comer. Speech. MEGACO. MGCP. Per-Hop Packet Processing . Input Traffic Modeling. Mesut Günes and James Gross. Selecting Input Probability Distributions. Macmillan Technical Publishing. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 195 . Glomosim. Voip and SS7. ISBN-10: 1848213123 4. MPLS.245 Signaling. 1st Edition (2006). RTCP.323. Interworking with H.Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). H.Classification. 2000 2. ISBN-10: 1584889861 2. Edge To Edge Network Models . H. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) . Springer. Scheduling. 3rd Edition 2010. SDP. ISBN-10: 3540343083 3. Edge to Edge IP Qos . Predictable Edge-to-Edge Behaviour.Integrated Services (Intserv).Accumulation. Quality of Service in IP Networks. NS3. Predictable Per-Hop Behaviour. Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation by Klaus Wehrle. Image and Video Coding Techniques. 1 st Edition (2010). Carrier Grade VOIP. Grenville Armitage. 2nd Edition by Daniel Collins. Differentiated Services (Diffserv). Marking. 1st Edition (2008). NGN (Next Generation Networks).SIP Signaling. 1st Edition (2011).323 Architecture. Dattatreya.Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP). Communication Network Performance Analysis Tools . Policing. Network Performance Analysis (ISTE) by Thomas Bonald and Mathieu Feuillet. H. Performance Analysis of Network Architectures by Dietmar Tutsch. ISBN-10: 3642123309 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Integrated Services over Packet Networks 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Multimedia Service Requirements. Reference Materials: 1. Internet and Components of Network Qos . by Irakli Natsvlishvili. Comparative Analysis of Performance Analysis Tools. ISBN: 0071494219 3. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Queue Management. Wiley-ISTE. Transporting Multimedia (Voice) .NS-2. Springer. McGrawHill Publishing. Media Gateway Control .248. OMNET++. 2003. Carrier Grade Voice Over IP.Soft Switch Architecture. Reference Materials: 1. R. ISBN: 1578701899. IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and IP-TV.Connectivity and Routing. Performance Analysis of Queuing and Computer Networks (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science Series) by G. Tomasz Zastawniak. ISBN-10: 012410956X Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Stochastic Processes 3 Stochastic Systems Course Outline: Review of basic probability. Reference Materials: 1. 2005). Two Random Variables. ISBN-10: 0444517960 3. Basic Stochastic Processes: A Course Through Exercises by Zdzislaw Brzezniak. ISBN-10: 1461272033. Elsevier Science. Renewal Theory. Essential concepts of Statistics. Finite Markov Chains. Repeated Trials. Probability. Schinazi. Continuity. Stochastic Processes: with Applications to Reliability Theory by 196 . Distribution and Density Functions. The Power Spectrum. Random Walks and Other Applications. Branching Processes. Dynamics of Stochastic Systems by V. Asymptotic Approximations for Binomial Random Variable. Birkhäuser (May 1. Conditional Distributions. Markov Processes. ISBN-10: 0071226613 3. Academic Press (May 28. ISBN-10: 0898716896 5.Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Stochastic Systems 3 Probability and Statistics Course Outline: Overview of Probability. McGraw-Hill Europe. Discrete-Time Processes. Stochastic systems by George Adomian. Stochastic Processes with Applications by Rabi N. ISBN-10: 3540761756 4. Probability. 2009). Waymire. Unnikrishna Pillai. Integration. I. 1 st Edition (December 15. 4th Edition (January 1. Mean Square Estimation. Stochastic Convergence and Limit Theorems. Bhattacharya and Edward C. The Axioms of Probability. 2000). Classical and Spatial Stochastic Processes by Rinaldo B. Unnikrishna Pillai. Brownian Motion. McGraw-Hill Europe. Shift Operators and Stationary Processes. Society for Industrial & Applied (August 5. 2002). Meaning and Generation. Differentiation. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0071226613 2. 1999). Klyatskin. Functions of One Random Variable. 2002). Systems with Stochastic Inputs. 4th Edition (January 1. Random Variable. Springer (September 6. Random Variables and Stochastic Processes by Athanasios Papoulis and S. Sequences of Random Variables. Random Variables and Stochastic Processes by Athanasios Papoulis and S. Random Numbers. 2. Specific Random Variables. 1983). 3rd Edition (January 1999). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Latest Edition) by Stuart Russel. Prentice Hall. PWS Publishing Co. Example Systems. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming by Joseph C. Springer. (Involves Study of a Variety of Attacks on the Components of System (Such as on Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks). Knowledge representation and reasoning models. Distributed Control for Synchronization and Concurrency (Will Include the Models for Concurrent Processing and Transactions. or latest edition. 197 . General Systems Issues. 1st Edition (June 9. 2. 2004. Logic and automatic reasoning (forward and backward reasoning). Rule-based expert systems. Distributed Database Systems: Architecture. Requirements specification and design.. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Distributed Database Systems 3 Network Programming Course Outline: Distributed Data Processing. 4 th Edition. Centralized Control vs. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing. Dankel. Resiliency in Distributed Systems (Involves Design of Protocols for Site Failure. Loss of Messages or Variable Transmission Delays. The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems by A. Riley. Luger. Theory of Serializability. Prentice Hall. 5. 2nd Edition (Preprint). Knowledge acquisition and system implementation. Thomson/PWS Publishing Company. Decentralized Control).Toshio Nakagawa. 4. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving by George F. Consistent Recovery). Verification and validation. 2011). 3. Gary D. Giarratano. Classes of Concurrency Control Approaches. Reference Material: 1. Software lifecycle in knowledge-based systems. Performance Evaluation of these Classes. Blocking/Non-Blocking Protocols). Architecture of a knowledge-based system. ISBN-10: 0857292730 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Knowledge-Based Systems 3 Intro to Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Introduction to knowledge-based systems. Introduction to Expert Systems by Peter Jackson. Feasibility analysis. Distributed Commitment/Termination (Involves Preservation of Atomicity of Transaction Execution. Peter Norvig. Security in Distributed Systems. Gonzalez and D. Bayesian inference and other models of reasoning and decision making under uncertainty. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Company. Network Partitioning. 16). Springer. Quality of Service (QoS) in NGNs. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (January 24. ISBN-10: 047057528X 3. IEEE 802. ASIN: B005CDYQSC 4. Research Trends in networks. Latest developments and Research Trends in Distributed Databases. US edition (January 15. ISBN-10: 0137058918 198 . Quality of Service (QoS) in New Generation Networks. Dodd. 1st Edition (May 23. ISBN-10: 0470396075 2. 2nd Edition (July 21. Security Issues in DDBs. Distributed Database Management Systems: A Practical Approach by Saeed K. ISBN-10: 0130888931 5. and Frank S. Advanced topics need to be covered. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. 2005). Next Generation Telecommunications Networks. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. The Essential Guide to Telecommunications by Annabel Z. Veli Sahin. Evolution Data Optimized (EVDO). 2011). Prentice hall. Rahimi. M-WiMAX. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design by Jean Dollimore. IEEE Press Series on Network Management 1st Edition 2010. ISBN-10: 1441988335 3. Design and Implementation of Prototype/Commercial Systems.Privacy Issues in Peer to Peer Systems. 5th Edition (July 1. 2012). Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook by Ray Horak. Details of Peer to Peer System Developed at Purdue and Several Commercial Systems. 2002). (March 2. Wireless Mesh Networks (IEEE 802. ISBN-10: 3847372971 2. and Management by Thomas Plevyak. Reference Materials: 1. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. Tamer Özsu and Patrick Valduriez. Addison Wesley. Cognitive (and Software Defined) Radios and their internetworking. 3rd Edition. Distributed Database Systems Integration: Models and Approaches by Mohamed Osman Hegazi.11s for WMN). 4 th Edition (May 20. Prentice Hall. 2011). Tim Kindberg and George Coulouris. Wiley-Interscience. Reference Materials: 1. ISBN-10: 0321263545. Long Term Evolution (LTE).11n. Principles of Distributed Database Systems by M. Personalized and Extended WiFi. Services. Haug. 2012). Trusted Collaboration and Dissemination of Data Among Cooperative Entities). Broadband Wireless Networks (IEEE 802. Experimental Evaluations. 2008). Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Telecommunication Networks 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Next Generation Wireless Networks: ZigBee. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and their Management. 2003).4. Multimedia and the Internet. Telecommunication Systems Testing. Multimedia Databases: An Object-Relational Approach by Lynne Dunckley. ISBN-10: 0849318548. Emerging Technologies in Telecommunication Systems. ISBN-10: 146138060X 3. Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Company.. B. Dealing with Text Databases. 8th Edition. Digital Telephony. Optics and the Future. Algorithmic Complexity of the AMR Speech Codec. 199 . Reference Material: 1. Pearson Education (January 31. Introduction to SQL and Multimedia. Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies by Kingsley C. 1998. Cellular Systems. Switching Fabric Interfaces and ICs. AMR Speech Codec. Embedded Systems Design for Telecommunications: AMR Speech Codecs and the GSM Environment. 2011). ISBN: 0136153402 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Multimedia Databases 3 Database Systems Course Outline: Introduction to Multimedia Databases. (October 28. Subrahmanian. CRC Press.S. Springer. 1st Edition (November 24. San Francisco. The Human Sensory System and Multimedia. Multimedia Database Architecture and Performance. CA. Business Data Networks and Telecommunications by Panko. Quality-of-service Issues. ISBN: 1558604669. 4. Digital Signal Processor Architecture. Transmission Techniques. Digital Subscriber Loop. Multimedia Data. AD6526 Multiprocessor Architecture. Content-dependent Metadata. Switching and Signaling Systems. Prentice Hall: 2009. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Telecommunication Systems 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Communication Channel and the Communication Network Technologies. Dealing with Video Databases. 2003). ISBN-10: 0201788993 2. Using Multimedia Metadata. Nwosu. Querying Multimedia Data. Distributed Multimedia Database Technologies Supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 by HaraldKosch. Panko Julia L. Raymond R. Dealing with Image Databases. Principles of Multimedia Database Systems by V. Thuraisingham and P. Implementation considerations of AMR Speech Codec and porting the Code. Fixed Wireless Access Technologies. Bruce Berra. Modeling Multimedia Databases. Graphics and Image Data Representations. Network Warrior by Gary A. Network-Based Detections and Host-Based Detections. 2011). 2 nd Edition (June 2. Lossless Compression Algorithms. Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Advanced Network Security 3 Computer Communication and Networks Course Outline: Network Security Overview. Springer. Basic Video Compression Techniques. Colour in Image and Video. ISBN-10: 3540796975 2. MPEG 200 . Data Encryption Algorithms. 4-7. Reference Materials: 1. MPEG Video Coding MPEG-1. Artech House (May 2004). 1st Edition (January 5. Donahue. 2009). 3rd Edition (April 13. Essentials of Modern Telecommunications Systems by Nihal Kularatna and Dileeka Dias. Behavioral Data Forensics. Lossy Compression Algorithms. Wireless Network Security. 2nd Edition (September 8. Basic Audio Compression Techniques. Data Authentication. Basics of Digital Audio. 1st Edition (November 17. 2012). ISBN-10: 0071452222 3. Intrusion Detection. Network Security Bible by Eric Cole. Latest Development in Network Security. Image Compression Standards. Public-Key Cryptography and Key Management. 2. Network Security: The Complete Reference by Mark Rhodes-Ousley. 2003). McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. PHI Learning Private Limited. Network Perimeter Security. Computer Network Security: Theory and Practice by Jie Wang. and Keith Strassberg.Reference Materials: 1. 2002). 5th Edition (October 26. ISBN-10: 1449387861 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Multimedia Systems 3 None Course Outline: Introduction to Multimedia and Tools. Network Security and Management by Brijendra Singh. Roberta Bragg. Wiley. Data Networking and the Internet. ISBN-10: 1580534910 2. 2009). (March 16. Telecommunications Essentials: The Complete Global Source for Communications Fundamentals. Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN-10: 0201760320. ISBN-10: 0072226978 3. Statistical Analysis. ASIN: B007U49118 4. Anti Malicious Software. The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications by James Harry Green. Honeypots. O'Reilly Media. ISBN-10: 0470502495 5. and Next-Generation Networks by Lillian Goleniewski. Network Security Protocols in Practice. Signature Detections. 2005). Video Recording Systems. Latest developments and Research Trends in Animations Technologies. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Virtual Objects Basics of VRML. Principles of Animation. 3D Animation. Principles of Multimedia by Ranjan Parekh. Communication. Digital Image Processing. Marks S. ISBN-10: 0240805801 4. Image Data Types. Prentice Hall. CRC Press. Steganography. ISBN-10: 1439873313 5. ISBN: 0-470-85890-7 3. Video File Formats. Multimedia Database Systems. Storage Processing. M. 2nd Edition (2004). Multimedia Computing. Video: Video Signal Formats. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Reference Materials: 1. Chapman. Animation on the Web. 8th Edition (October 29. Multimedia Building Blocks. 1995). US edition (July 27. Multimedia Making It Work by Tay Vaughan. ISBN-10: 0071748466 4. VR Devices. Course Name: Credit Hours: Pre-requisites: Advanced Multimedia Systems 3 Multimedia Systems: Theory & Principles Course Outline: Multimedia Basic Concepts. Animation: Uses of Animation. 1 st Edition (2012). Focal Press. Focal Press. Image Acquisition. ISBN: 0-13-127256-X 2. Chapman and J. And Display. and Forensics by Frank Y. Prentice Hall (2004). Drew. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Z. Multimedia Security: Watermarking. 2nd Edition. The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming by David Austerberry. Latest Compression techniques and Research Trends in Multimedia systems. ISBN-10: 0240813944. Video Transmission Standards. Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design by Vic Costello. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Ze-Nian Li. Techniques and Technologies of Animation. Drew. Types of Animation. Text Compression. Image Enhancement. Wiley 2004. 3DMAX. Virtual Reality and Multimedia. VR Applications. Communication and Applications by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt. Li and M. Multimedia Authoring Tools.Audio Compression. 201 . Reference Materials: 1. Ed Youngblood and Susan Youngblood. Maya. ISBN-10: 0133244350 3. Lexden Publishing Ltd (2005). S. ISBN-10: 0070588333 2. Text: Types Of Text. and Image File Formats. 1st Edition (2012). 2010). ISBN-10: 1904995055 6. Creating Animation Using Flash. Multimedia Computing by Daniel Cunliffe and Geoff Elliott. Audio and Audio Compression. Prentice Hall. Windows Multimedia Support. Image Compression. Shih. Digital Multimedia by N. ISBN-10: 0262631857 5. Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Introduction GA For Problem Solving. Third Printing Edition (February 6. Membership Functions. ISBN-10: 0070428077. Learning and Generalization. Soft Computing for Smart Machine Design. Wiley. Wiley. Digital Multimedia by Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman. Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design: Theory. Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing. 3rd Edition. Fuzzy Rules/Relations. De Silva. and Applications by F. Error Functions. Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms by M. Learning Sets of Rules. Analytical Learning. Importance. Instance-Based Learning. Addison-Wesley. Evaluating Hypotheses. Ross. Computational Learning Theory. Fuzzy Sets. ISBN-10: 0130618721 5. 2003). A Bradford Book. Karray. Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy Systems. 3 rd Edition (March 31. 1st Edition (March 1. Programming with Matlab. Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Fuzzy Arithmetic. 1996. The Multi-Layer Perceptron. 2010). ISBN-10: 0321116178 2. Decision Tree Learning. 2004). Fuzzification and Defuzzification. Theoretical Foundations. Machine Learning: Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering. Oxford University Press. Bishop.1st Edition (November 1. Fuzzy System Design. Decision Making With Fuzzy Information. C. 1st Edition (June 4. Fuzzy Logic. 1998). Tools. ISBN-10: 0470512164 Course Name: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Principles of Soft Computing 3 Intro. Radial Basis Functions. Reference Materials: 1. Mitchell. Machine Learning by T. Parameter Optimization Algorithms. 202 . ISBN-10: 047074376X 3. Decision Support Systems. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications by T. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. 1997). Dynamic Neural Networks and their Applications. ISBN-10: 0198538642 4. Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition by C. Fuzzy Classification and Clustering. Mitchell. Neural Networks: Single-Layer Networks. 3rd Edition (March 1. to Artificial Intelligence Course Outline: Introduction to Soft Computing: Soft-Computing. Bayesian Nets: Symmetric Matrices. 2009).
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