Computer Networks mcq.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: santoshmanoj05 | Category: Osi Model, Transmission Medium, Computer Network, Internet Protocols, Communications Protocols



1 of 36http:// B.Sc(IT) (2014 - 2017), Semes... Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science (Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Reaccredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 Certified CRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes III B.Sc(IT) (2014 - 2017) Semester V Core: Computer Networks - 512B Multiple Choice Questions. 1. Network of networks is known as _________ A. intranet. B. internet. C. Local Area Network D. WAN. ANSWER: B 2. An interconnection of ________________________ computers is called an Internet A. Distributed. B. Co-Ordinated. C. Autonomous. D. Integrated. ANSWER: C 3. When a packet with the code is transmitted, it is received and processed by every machine on the network. This mode of operation is called A. broadcasting. B. multi casting. C. unicasting. D. point-to-point. ANSWER: A 4. point-to-point transmission with one sender and one receiver is sometimes called ________ A. multicasting. B. unicasting. C. personal area network D. LAN. ANSWER: B 5. The entities comprising the corresponding layers on different machine are called ________ A. protocol. B. peers. C. interface. D. flow control. ANSWER: B 6. When the packets are small and all the same size, they are often called ________ 8/10/2016 2:33 PM 2 of 36 B.Sc(IT) (2014 - 2017), Semes... A. packet switched. B. cells. C. circuit switched. D. virtual circuit. ANSWER: B 7. A collection of interconnected networks is called as __________ A. internet. B. intranet. C. topology. D. interface. ANSWER: A 8. Starting around 1988, the more advanced ______ twisted pairs were introduced. A. category3. B. category5. C. category 8. D. category10. ANSWER: B 9. Each ray is said to have a different mode, so a fiber having this property is called ________ A. unimode. B. singlemode. C. multimode. D. triplemode. ANSWER: C 10. The number of oscillations per second of a wave is called its ______ A. wavelength. B. frequency. C. spectrum. D. sequence. ANSWER: B 11. Most governments have set aside some frequency bands called the _______ bands for unlicensed usage. A. IFS B. ISM C. IRS D. IVS ANSWER: B 12. The downward beams of a satellite can be broad , covering a substantial fraction of the earth's surface or narrow, covering an area only hundreds of kilometers in diameter. This mode of operation is known as a ____ A. bent pipe. B. foot print. C. uplink. D. downlink. ANSWER: A 13. The first geostationary satellite had a single spatial beam that illuminated about 1/3 of the earth's 8/10/2016 2:33 PM 3 of 36 B.Sc(IT) (2014 - 2017), Semes... surface called its _______ A. bent pipe. B. downlink. C. foot print. D. uplink. ANSWER: C 14. Each end office has a number of outgoing lines to one or more nearby switching canters called ______ A. toll connecting trunks. B. toll office. C. local loop. D. end office. ANSWER: B 15. __________ is the loss of energy as the signal propagates outward. A. Attenuation. B. Distortion. C. Noise. D. Baud. ANSWER: A 16. Sending packets to a group of stations is known as ______ A. broadcasting. B. multicasting. C. unicasting. D. point-to-point. ANSWER: D 17. Each area has a _________ agent which keeps track of all mobile hosts visiting the area. A. mobile. B. home. C. visitor. D. foreign. ANSWER: B 18. Ad-hoc networks are also called as ____________ A. MAN. B. MANET. C. LAN. D. LANET. ANSWER: B 19. An example for dynamic routing algorithm is _______. A. Shortest path. B. Flooding. C. Dijkstra. D. Distance vector. ANSWER: D 20. ISO stands for _____________ A. International Standard Organization. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM A. ANSWER: D 25. D. B. bus. C. 1000 mbps. B. D. ANSWER: A 21. D. D. ANSWER: B 27. 100 ft. C. ring based.2.php?heading=III B.16.. 100 mbps. star. irregular. C. it is called _____ A. Semes. frame relay. frame relay. B. Integrated Services Organization.2017). B. A. C. star. B.. bus. 200m. D. ring. server. B.4 of 36 http://172. X. ANSWER: B 26. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use. packet switched. ring based.Sc(IT) (2014 . D. C. What is the maximum data capacity of STP? A. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . 200ft . D. What is the maximum length of STP? A. ANSWER: A 22. 100m. client. In ______ topology if the computer cable is broken. C. networks get down A. 10 mbps. mainframe.25 is an example of __________ network. For large networks _____ topology is used. ANSWER: C 23. microcomputer.20/printqp. B. A. circuit switched. circuit switched. International Student Organization. B. ring. ANSWER: A 24. packet switched. Integrated standard organization. 10000 mbps. C. C. ISDN is an example of _______ network. ring. Security management.2017).. The most flexibility in how devices are wired together is provided by ______ A. B. B.20/printqp. queue. mesh. bus B. Resource management. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . C. ring. A. ring.Sc(IT) (2014 . Data Link. A. Performance management. C. A. A. A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is _______ network. Network. B. B. C. B. ring. FDDI is a _______ network. ANSWER: C 32. mesh.16. D. star. Semes. Configuration management. star. star. ANSWER: C 30. node. ANSWER: B 31. C. irregular. bus. A. ANSWER: A 28. Transport. buffer. ANSWER: B 34. D. D. B. C. ANSWER: A 33. The ______ portion of LAN management software restricts access. irregular. ANSWER: A 29. C. ring.php?heading=III B. records user activities and audit data etc. star. ________ layer decides which physical path the data should take. Print server uses spool which is a ______ that holds data before it is send to the printer.2. Terminators are used in ________ topology. mesh. D. Physical.5 of 36 http://172.. D. bus. A. C. D. D. crawlers. A.20/printqp. websites. quantization. B.. webpages. C. C. ANSWER: A 41. Group Information Format. D. Every domain can have a set of ______ records associated with it. D. Quantum. A. bus. star. ANSWER: B 39. ANSWER: A 35. C. D. ANSWER: B 36. mesh. Semes. B. The internet is divided into over 200 top level __________ A.2017).6 of 36 http://172. B. C. Graphical Information Format. DNS. D.. stream. Frame. A. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . ANSWER: C 40. B.16. quality. domain. resource. B. A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is _______ A. sliding window. B. The error introduced by the finite number of bits per sample is called the _______ noise. ________ bursting allows a sender tot transmit a concatenated sequence of multiple frames in a single transmission.php?heading=III B. D. stop and wait. mail. D. frame buffer. Stream. Protocols in which the sender sends one frame and then waits for an acknowledgement before proceeding are called __________ A. C. Packet. D.2. ring. Group Interchange Format. websites. C. B. ANSWER: A 37. error. ANSWER: C 38. GIF stands for _______ A. bus.Sc(IT) (2014 . C. Graphical Interchange Format. sender.7 of 36 http://172. transport layer D. B. D. C. D. WML.20/printqp. network layer B. Semes. trailer. physical layer C. A. error control C. C. B. framing B. packet.2017).2.16.Sc(IT) (2014 . The commonly used protocol for webpage transfer is ________ A. WTTP. reachability. HTML. receiving window. D.. ANSWER: A 46. reliability. ANSWER: B 43. The data link layer takes the packets from _____ and encapsulates them into frames for transmission. frames. The frames which are intimated for receiving are called ________ A. analog. B. PRP. Protocols in which the sender waits for a positive acknowledgement before advancing to the next data item are often called ___________ A. ARQ. HTTP. flow control D. ARS. The analysis which helps in checking whether the protocol is correct is _________ A. channel coding ANSWER: D 45. B.. ANSWER: B 42. application layer ANSWER: A 44. ANSWER: B 47. C. C. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . D. Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer? A. C. sending window. receiver.php?heading=III B. B. The data link layer takes the packet it gets from the network layer and encapsulates them into ___________ A. PPR. correctness. D. ANSWER: B 48. cells. D. D.8 of 36 http://172. defines the users port into the network.. C. ordered. B. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via __________ A. distributed. C. trailer.. B. The application layer of a network ________ A. The most flexibility in how devices are __________ together is provided by bus topology. consists of software being run on the computer connected to the network C. The IP address of a system can be known using the DOS command _______ A. payload. D. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . Datagrams using header extension are called __________ A. B. ipconfig. jumbograms.php?heading=III B. utility server.16. maintains and terminates virtual circuits. C. printer server. B. ANSWER: B 50. C. A. central. ANSWER: D 51. D. ring. file server. switched. redundancy. D. allows communication channel to be shared.20/printqp. ANSWER: D 54. B. ring network. ipnum. bus network.switched network. D. D. B. T . B. datagram packets. ANSWER: A 49. ANSWER: B 52.Sc(IT) (2014 . establishes. star.2017). T. ipconfir. A network that requires human intervention of route signals is called a ______ A. star network. A _________ network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is star network. D. C. ipconf . ANSWER: D 53. C. wired.switched ANSWER: C 55.2. gateway. Semes. A. Gateway allows devices on one network to ________ with devices on another network? A.s handset into two flexible receptacles in the coupler A. Communicate. converting analog signals to digital signals. C. ANSWER: B 61. A. Semes. B. B. What routing algorithm is being used? A. time . D. point to point protocol C.9 of 36 http://172. Hot potato routing. C. HDLC D. ethernet B. Flooding. D. B. sending a file from one computer to another computer. Decode. B. How many pairs of stations can simultaneously communicate on Ethernet LAN? A. Delta routing. ADDI. FDI. Which one of the following is a data link protocol? A. gateway. 3 D. ADI. B. D. Multiple ANSWER: A 58.division multiplexer. ANSWER: C 59. ANSWER: A 56. converts digital signals to analog signals. C. all the above 8/10/2016 2:33 PM .2017). ANSWER: B 60. bridge.Sc(IT) (2014 . 2 C.. 1 B. D. C. Convert.16. Modulation is the process of ________ A. Seperate.2. acoustic coupler. ANSWER: D 62. Static routing.20/printqp. _______ is a ring network. A station in a network forwards incoming packets by placing them on its shortest output queue. D.php?heading=III B.. FDDI. echoing every character that is received. A modem that is attached to the telephone system by jamming the phone. C. ANSWER: D 57. 3200 bands. Which of the following is used for modulation and demodulation? A. modem.2.php?heading=III B. B. frame identifier 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . addresses C. synchronization bytes B. C. media access control sublayer C. ANSWER: A 64.10 of 36 http://172. Transport layer. D. the modulation rate is ______ A. D. 4800 bands. 15 D. Data link layer. 8 C. terminal emulation.20/printqp. D. Multiplexer. Physical layer. Gateway. Network layer. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend it as a terminal is _______ A. Which sublayer of the data link layer performs data link functions that depend upon the type of medium? A. B. C. bulletin board. Protocols. Semes. C. Four bits are used for packet sequence numbering in a sliding window protocol. network interface control sublayer D. ANSWER: B 67. ANSWER: A 65. none of the mentioned ANSWER: B 66. If digital data rate of 9600 bps is encoded using 8 .level phase shift keying (PSK) method. D. ANSWER: C 68. Which layer of OSI model is responsible for creating and recognizing frame boundaries? A. logical link control sublayer B. C. 9600 bands. auto dialing. ANSWER: D 63.Sc(IT) (2014 . 4 B.2017)..16. B. 16 ANSWER: C 69. Header of a frame generally contains A. 1200 bands.. What is the maximum window size? A. Modem. B. ANSWER: B 71. B. modified. The ________ model shows how the network functions of a computer ought to be organized. D. programs. all the above ANSWER: D 70.Sc(IT) (2014 . D. When data is transmitted from device A to device B.16. protocols. B. B. dialogs. C. sending a file from one computer to another computer. C. headers are _____ A.php?heading=III B. As a data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers. session. A. D. 8 ANSWER: C 72. Transport. Which layer functions as a liaison between user support layers and network support layers? A. network. Demodulation is the process of _________ A. subtracted. C. The physical layer is concerned with the transmission of ______ over the physical medium. B. D. D. C. D. converting digital signals to analog signals. transport. A. bits. ANSWER: C 75. Semes. ISO. added. echoing every character that is received. physical. ANSI. B. A. Physical. ANSWER: D 73. CCITT.. D. C. The OSI model consists of ______ layers. A. Session. B. rearranged.20/printqp.11 of 36 http://172. Network. 5 C. converting analog signals to digital signals. 3 B. OSI. ANSWER: B 74. ANSWER: D 76.2017). C. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . the header from A's layer 5 is read by B's ____________ layer. 7 D.2.. D. Time division multiplexer. C. B.2. ANSWER: C 82. primary memory or disk to another computer is called ___________ A. cyclic redundancy check B. coaxial cable.12 of 36 http://172. C. time division multiplexer. C. D. ANSWER: A 80. ANSWER: A 81. B. hang on. ground station. code redundancy check D. repeaters. transport layer. ANSWER: A 78. Code Division Multiplexer. logging on. C. B. cyclic repeat check ANSWER: A 79. Sending a file from users personal computers. C. fibre optic cable. Many low -speed channels are interwoven into one high. code division multiplexer. D. microwaves. In OSI network architecture the dialogue control and token management are responsibilities of ________ A. Frequency Division Multiplexer. Semes. downloading.20/printqp. coaxial cable. B. D. The slowest transmission speeds are those of ________ A. code repeat check C. session layer.speed transmission by a __________ A. ANSWER: C 77. frequency division multiplexer.16. ANSWER: A 83. B.. B. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . C. twisted pair.php?heading=III B. uploading.Sc(IT) (2014 . To connect a computer with a device in the same room user will likely to use ___________ A.. fibre optic cables. Which of the following divides the high speed signal into frequency bands? A. D. CRC stands for A. D. data link layer. network layer.2017). dedicated line. T switch. D. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer? A. 1 B. ANSWER: A 84. simplex lines. data link layer.2017). ANSWER: C 89. DSR.. 6 ANSWER: B 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . congestion control D. none of the above ANSWER: D 85. biflex lines.Sc(IT) (2014 . D. What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link layer? A. data bit rate.2. RTS. B. 2 C. full duplex lines. Semes. DTE/DCE interface. Which of the following signals is not standard RS-232-C signal? A. The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to __________ A. half duplex.25 standard specifies a _________ A. C. The third layer of OSI model is _____ A. routing B. transport layer. technique for dial access. ANSWER: A 90. inter-networking C. B. B. technique for start stop data.25 standard? A. ANSWER: A 86. physical layer. How many OSI layers are covered in the X.13 of 36 http://172. C. 2 C. CTS.php?heading=III B. 4 D. D. 3 B. VDR. 6 ANSWER: A 87.20/printqp. network layer. C.. B.16. C. ANSWER: C 88. D. The X. 7 D. nrz. While transmitting odd -parity coded symbols. B. tapped delay lines. B. D. B. ANSWER: A 93. statistical. machester. B. ANSWER: A 97. C. Which of the following systems provides the highest data rate to an individual device? A. Telephone lines. The receive equalizer reduces delay distortions using ________ A.Sc(IT) (2014 . ANSWER: B 95. C. How much power a light emitting diode can couple into an optical fiber? A. Computer bus. A.2017).14 of 36 http://172. C. The transmission signal coding method of TI carrier is called _________ A. D. Full duplex. Leased lines. D. ANSWER: D 96.php?heading=III B. D. Simplex..16. B. descrambler. Half duplex. the number of zero in each symbol is _______ A. Voice band modem. multiple repeaters are known as A. modulator. odd. ANSWER: A 92. difference edging. the receive equalizer is known as ___________ analyzer. D. Bi flex. 100 microwatts. C. 440 microwatts. Semes. D. 100 picowatts. C. detector. In a synchronous modem. B. stations. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link? A. 91. C.2.. gearshift. transponders. adaptive. ANSWER: B 94. B. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . 10 milliwatts. bipolar. In communication satellite.20/printqp. impairment. compromise. D. C. binary. ANSWER: A 98. B. To deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host . ANSWER: C 105. Node-To-Node Delivery. even.20/printqp. Session layer checkpoints _____ A. D. IP. control the addition of the headers. tunnel. Which of the following is possible in a taken passing bus network? A. one.. In-service expansion. C. which address does the router look at? A. What is the main function of the transport layer? A. D. D. Synchronization. When a host on network A sends a message to a host on network B. C. B. D.16. ANSWER: A 100. D. are involved in dialog control ANSWER: A 103. 5 D. C. C. Updating And Maintenance Of Routing Tables.15 of 36 http://172.php?heading=III B. C. port. Semes. between an interface. D. ANSWER: D 99. B. 9 ANSWER: C 101. B. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place _________ A. allow just a portion of a file to be resent. unknown. 8 C. A. ANSWER: B 102. 7 B. detect and recover errors. Physical. the _______ address must be consulted. IP. Process-To-Process Message Delivery. across an interface.Sc(IT) (2014 . between modems.. Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot code is _______ A.2017).2. C. Port. physical. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . between peers. B. ANSWER: A 104. Tunnel. B. . ANSWER: A 111.20/printqp. C. ANSWER: D 109. PAS. B.16 of 36 http://172.16. C.. A. D. 128 D. SDLC. C. Unlimited number of stations. 4 C. C. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . Twisted pair. To detect problems in protocol. D. One important characteristics of the hub architecture of ARC-net is A. ANSWER: C 112. B. Fiber-optic. infrared. D. SLIP. Which of the following is not a standard synchronous communication protocol? A. light. B. radio.php?heading=III B. C. To determine the type of switching used in a data link. fixed or unfixed. 32 B. IPV6 has _____ bit addresses. ANSWER: A 107. B.2017). ANSWER: A 108. In fiber optics. metallic or nonmetallic. directionalized transmission. Transmission media are usually categorized as __________ A. Radio. D.2. ANSWER: A 106. C. variable ANSWER: C 110. very low frequency. guided or unguided. C. To determine the flow of data. B. Limited distance. alternative routing. access control and addressing. Semes.Sc(IT) (2014 . D. multiple virtual networks. ___________ cable consists of an inner copper core and a second conducting outer sheath.the signal source is ______ waves. A. To determine the type of transmission used in a data link. A. D. What is the main purpose of a data link content mirror? A. B. SMTP. B. determinate or indeterminate. Unlimited distance. the same diameter. Atmosphere. D. twice C.16. D. B. Satellite Communications. C. Semes. never ANSWER: B 8/10/2016 2:33 PM ..2. C. ANSWER: A 119. once B. B. Fiber-optic. Shielded twisted pair.php?heading=III B. above the common axis. C.. The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is called ______ A. ANSWER: B 115. ANSWER: C 113. entrophy. Coaxial cable. every character type will appear on the screen _______ A. Radio broadcasting. gateway. analog signals. a common axis.17 of 36 http://172. ANSWER: C 117. three times D. C. equal resistance. A device that converts digital signals into analog signals is __________ A. D. Coaxial cable has conductors with ________ A.pair. Quantum ANSWER: B 116. repeater. Which of the following is not a guided medium? A. Cellular telephone system. ANSWER: C 118.20/printqp. bandwidth.2017). All of the parts in a computer talk to each other by sending _________ A. B. B. Twisted . If user get both local and remote echoes. smoothly varying signal waves. B. C. D. Local telephone system. ANSWER: D 114. C. D. B.Sc(IT) (2014 . Which of the following primarily uses guided media? A. modem. a packet. digital signals. loss. D. light. D. transmission media. The inner core of an optical fiber is _____ in composition. D. C. B. Outer conductor. 120.. Diameter of cable. the atmosphere. Insulating material.Sc(IT) (2014 . B. the same density as. glass or plastic. ANSWER: C 125.18 of 36 http://172. What protects the coaxial cable from noise? A. digital modulation. liquid. ANSWER: B 8/10/2016 2:33 PM .16. twisted pair.2. ______ occurs. C. phase modulation. ANSWER: A 122. D. When a beam of light travels through media of two different densities. frequency modulation D. reflection. cost and hardware. C. ANSWER: A 123. Bits can be send over guided and unguided media as analog signal by A. Inner conductor. criticism. bimetallic.20/printqp. more dense than. another name for. ANSWER: A 124. frequency. B. A. The radio communication spectrum is divided into bands based on ___________ A. Semes. coaxial cable. B. amplitude modulation C. the best transmission medium would be _________ A. copper. B. if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. A. D.php?heading=III B.2017). ANSWER: A 126. ANSWER: B 121.. C. D. C. optical fiber. D. less than dense. In an optical fiber the inner core is ______ the cladding. B. B. refraction. incidence. C. D. amplitude. A. In a noisy environment. 1981. both (a) and (b) D. 127. 10 Base 8.16. 1971. 10 Base 2. Very High Frequency : 30 MHz to 300 MHz. physical layer provides 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . _____________ specifies a star topology featuring a central hub and unshielded twisted-pair wire as the medium. none of the above ANSWER: C 133. PSS was introduced in the year ________ A. 10 Base T. 1961.php?heading=III B. D. B. 1991. The portion of physical layer that interfaces with the media access control sublayer is called A. C. physical data sublayer C. B. presentation layer. physical address sublayer D. C. C. A. Very Low Frequency : 0 Hz to 30 Hz. transceiver. 10 Base 5. 9-pin connector.. Low frequency: 30 KHz to 300 MHz.Sc(IT) (2014 . transport layer. ANSWER: D 128. C. D. ANSWER: C 129. Semes. none of the mentioned ANSWER: A 130.. The _______ houses the switches in token ring.19 of 36 http://172. physical signalling sublayer B. session layer. D. What is the frequency range used for FM radio transmission? A. A. network address B. ANSWER: C 134.20/printqp. The 4 byte IP address consists of A. B. B. network layer. C. NIC. High frequency : 3 MHz to 30 MHz. D. host address C. MAU. D.2017). End-to-end connectivity is provided from host-to-host in _________ A.2. B. ANSWER: C 131. ANSWER: C 132. 20 of 36 http://172. D. A. Which of the following is a wrong example of network layer? A. the angle of refraction is _______ the angle of incidence. fiber optic.. A.25 level2 ISO. optical fiber D. ANSWER: C 141. D. specification for IR over optical fiber D. equal to. X. A. Usenet. ANSWER: A 140. optical fiber.25 PLP-ISO. When talking about unguided media. ANSWER: B 136.ARPANET. twisted pair. ANSWER: D 137. metallic wires.php?heading=III B. B. C. twisted pair. ANSWER: A 138. B. Application. greater than. 10 Base 5 uses the _______ cable. presentation and session.2017). C.20/printqp.. When a light beam moves to a less dense medium. C. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . C.Sc(IT) (2014 . electrical specification of transmission line signal level C. Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network? A. D. metals. the atmosphere. coaxial cable. coaxial cable B. Semes. less than equal to. usually it is referred to A. less than.25 specifies ______ three layers of communications. thick coaxial. IP . electrical cable ANSWER: C 139. twisted pair cable C. The most efficient medium for ATM is _____________ A. X. D. B. mechanical specifications of electrical connectors and cables B.16. thin coaxial. A. B. all the above ANSWER: D 135.2. B. D. The CCITT Recommendation X. the atmosphere. nonmetallic wires. C. Semes. Layer 6 protocols. data link and network. voltage. which of the following layer transforms information from machine format into that understandable by user? A. ANSWER: C 147. D.. ANSWER: A 144. flow control C. Session. In OSI reference model. Presentation layer.2. Datagram. Which of the following layer protocols are responsible for user and the application programme support such as passwords. C. C. Data link.Sc(IT) (2014 . carrier. Layer 4 protocols. Physical. Application. B. ANSWER: A 148.. start and stop signalling B. In OSI model. resource sharing etc? A. A medium access control technique for multiple access transmission media is ______ 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . Layer 5 protocols.16. Network layer. Physical. Transport layer. Layer 7 protocols. B. B. D. Session layer.20/printqp. B.2017). transport and network.php?heading=III B. D. Circuit switching. a power signal in transmission between points is known as _________ A. none of the mentioned ANSWER: C 143. aloha. C. ANSWER: C 145. C. C. D. Which type of switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link? A. Virtual Circuit.21 of 36 http://172. D. which of the following layer provides error-free delivery of data? A. ANSWER: C 142. ANSWER: D 146. C. amplitude. both (a) and (b) D. B. D. attenuation. In asynchronous serial communication the physical layer provides A. network and transport. A decrease in magnitude of current. Presentation. Message switching. Session. B. Data link. C. Application. bridge.22 of 36 http://172.20/printqp. aloha. amplitude.php?heading=III B. B. B. aloha. D.2017). C. attenuation.Sc(IT) (2014 . C. C. D. carrier. amplitude modulation. ANSWER: C 152. aloha. Network. Physical. aloha. C. D. hub. ANSWER: A 154.. ANSWER: C 150. A device that links two homogenous packet-broadcast local networks is __________ A.2. Modulation in which two binary values are represented by two different amplitudes of the carrier frequency is known as ___________ A. modem. amplitude modulation. B. B. B. amplitude. Semes. broadcast. amplitude shift keying. D. B. D. ANSWER: A 153. ANSWER: B 149. The size or magnitude of a voltage or current waveform is ___________ A. C. attenuation. D.. C. carrier. analog transmission. angle modulation. is known as ___________ A. Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time? 8/10/2016 2:33 PM .16. aloha. A. Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user? A. ANSWER: D 151. D. gateway. ANSWER: B 155. amplitude. B. repeater. The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations is known as ____________ A. bandwidth. A form of modulation in which the amplitude of a carrier wave is varied in accordance with some characteristics of the modulating signal. . C.Sc(IT) (2014 . Lower 3. C. B. All but the physical layer. Coder-decoder.. All 7 Layers. Contention. presentation. network. Collision. ANSWER: C 159. Checksum.2017). Which of the following method is used for dedicated communications packet between two devices through one or more intermediate switching nodes? 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . D. session. C. D. data link D. B. ANSWER: C 161. transport. B. Gateway.16. ANSWER: C 157. D. data link. Which layer in the network supports Gateways? A. Which of the following summation operation is performed on the bits to check an error-detecting code? A. B. application. D. none of the above ANSWER: B 162. Upper 4. Transceiver. full source and destination address B.php?heading=III B. ANSWER: C 158. Repeaters function in the ________ layers A. Hub. physical. B. A.2. Which of the following is not a connecting device? A. ANSWER: C 160. Asynchronous. Attenuation. C. ANSWER: B 156. both (a) and (b) D. presentation. application. session. Frame relay operates in the _________ A. C. data link. Bridge. network.23 of 36 http://172. B. physical. Synchronous. transport. C. D. data link.20/printqp. In virtual circuit network each packet contains A. a short VC number C. Semes. Codec. Bridge. regenerates.2017). data link.16. transport. ANSWER: B 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . MAC. Frequency modulation. X. C. C. ANSWER: B 167. Which of the following device is used to connect two systems. application. C. presentation. A. Hub. CSMA D. D. network. D. B. ANSWER: C 165. Which of the following network access standard is used for connecting stations to a packet. A. B. Gateway. Switch network.. D. Packet switching. D. ANSWER: C 166. Token bus. resamples. A repeater takes a weakened or corrupted signal and _______ it.25 D. Circuit switching. session. amplifies. ANSWER: B 163. B.20/printqp. ANSWER: B 164. Frequency division multiple access. Which of the following medium access control technique is used fro bus/tree? A. physical. Token ring. A bridge functions in a _______ layer.switched network? A.. A. Repeater. C. especially if the systems use different protocols? A. reroutes. X. Semes. B.2. Which of the following technique is used for allocating capacity on a satellite channel using fixedassignment FDM? A.24 of 36 http://172. D. Message switching.3 B. Frequency shift keying. C. B. X. B.Sc(IT) (2014 . X. Amplitude modulation.php?heading=III B. C. data link.21 C.75 ANSWER: C 168. all the above ANSWER: D 175. Routers functions in the _________ layers. RARP. RARP.25 of 36 http://172. C.0 _______ A. What destination address can be used to send a packet from a host with IP address 188. physical. Identify the following IP address: 192. channel coding C. TELNET. 0. B. 169. Semes. D. 0. network address. ANSWER: A 173.0. ANSWER: A 171. C. FTP. presentation and session. A. UDP. D. C. line coding B. The protocol used for transferring files from one system to another is _________ A. session.0. direct broadcast address. C. application. host ip address. FTP.16.Sc(IT) (2014 . B. 192.0. network and transport. data link.1. data link and network. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for remote terminal connection service? A.php?heading=III B. ANSWER: C 176.5. modulation D.1 to all hosts on the network __________ 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . What is the host IP of a system having the IP address 192. transport and network. D.10 C. TFTP. ANSWER: C 174. B. TELNET. C.2017). 192 B. D. ANSWER: C 170. RARP. limited broadcast address.0.. The TCP/IP protocol used for file transfer with minimal capability and minimal overhead _______ A. B. D. The physical layer is responsible for A. TELNET.1. B.2.10 D. FTP.0 ANSWER: C 172.10? A.20/printqp.. UDP. What is the usual number of bits transmitted in parallel data transmission used by micro computers? A. A. ANSWER: B 177. D. B. Semes. admission control C. user agent.0. 0.0..255.255. D.26 of 36 http://172. D.16.php?heading=III B. B.2.0. 300. gateways.2.0. Which transmission mode is used for data communication along telephone lines? A. traffic aware routing B.0. 4 ANSWER: C 183. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . none of the above ANSWER: D 179. bridges. C. C. Parallel. C. Repeater. A machine that connects to two or more electronic mail systems and transfers mail messages among them is known as _________ A. Which one of the following algorithm is not used for congestion control? A. ANSWER: B 181. Passive hub.3. Hub. spanning tree B. D. 8 C.20/printqp. 188. B.255.Sc(IT) (2014 . Asynchronous. A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called A. C. ANSWER: B 182. 9 D.0. spider tree D. Which of the following device copies electrical signals from one Ethernet to another? A. mail gateway. 16 B. 1. Serial.2017). Bridge. What are the most commonly used transmission speeds in BPS used in data communication? A. B. load shedding D. none of the above ANSWER: A 178. 255.. Synchronous. ANSWER: B 180. spider structure C. WAN. a connection oriented. ECONET. none of the mentioned ANSWER: B 188. a connectionless. a connection oriented. hypertext transfer protocol D. B.2. C.16. A. 1 C. 3 ANSWER: A 186.27 of 36 http://172. packets of a message are logically connected to one another.20/printqp. D. ANSWER: D 187. a connectionless. C. LAN.. C.2017). a packet is not connected to any other packet. a direct. Semes. What is the minimum number of wires required for sending data over a serial communications links? A. satellites. ANSWER: B 185. D. C. all of the above. A. Working of the WAN generally does not involve ________ A. B. D. In ________ delivery. Many large organization with their offices in different countries of the world connect their computers through telecommunication satellites and telephone lines. B. In ________ delivery. microwaves.Sc(IT) (2014 . an indirect. ethernet B. 2 B. ANSWER: C 189. 9600. B. 4 D. B. 2400. both the deliverer of the IP packet and the destination are on the same network. ETHERNET.php?heading=III B. ANSWER: D 184. an indirect. telephone lines. a connectionless. The network layer protocol of internet is A. D. D. A. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . C. 1200. Such communication network is called _________ A.. internet protocol C. In _______ delivery. a direct. ANSWER: C 190. 1950. informatics. netid. C. interface card. network. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . The word telematics is a combination of _________ A. B. B. duplex channel. a direct. When was Modem invented and in which country? A. ANSWER: B 197. Different computers are connected to a LAN by a cable and a/an _______ A. ANSWER: B 194.2.php?heading=III B.20/printqp. Laser. B. 1950. D. telephone lines.Sc(IT) (2014 . Microwave. C. an indirect. Hardwiring. ANSWER: C 193. Satellite.28 of 36 http://172. (b) and (c). B. D. computer. host id. simplex channel. both the deliverer and receiver have the same _______ A. B. B.. 1965. routing table. modem. serial port. C. Which of the following data transmission media has the largest terrestrial range without the use of repeaters or other devices? A.Germany. D. Semes. ANSWER: C 195. A modem is connected in between a telephone line and a ________ A. Japan. IP address. telecommunication. special wires. computer. B.2017). C.. D. D. C. C. ANSWER: D 196. communication adapter.16. ANSWER: D 191. C. B. a connection oriented. USA. When a direct delivery is made. An ROP would be attached to a _________ A. 1963. ANSWER: D 192. D. D. USA. 16. data transfer. CPU. DDD. All of the above. ANSWER: A 203.. B. line printer. C. full duplex mode. B. Transmission of computerized data from one location to another is called __________ A. line printer. half duplex channel.php?heading=III B. data communication. simplex mode.. C. B. D. good time slice. An example of digital. ANSWER: C 201. data flow.2. ANSWER: A 198. B. A hard copy would be prepared on a ________ A. C. ANSWER: A 199. D. plotter. Communication circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in ______ A. D. D.2017). more than one CPU. A batch processing terminal would not include a ________ A. offline batch processing. typewriter terminal. full duplex channel. transaction processing. B. B.20/printqp.Sc(IT) (2014 . asynchronous mode. DDS. batch processing. D. Semes. distribute processing. D. The term remote job entry relates to __________ A. card punch. C. A required characteristics of an online real-time system is A. .29 of 36 http://172. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . real time processing. data management. card reader. ANSWER: C 204. WATS. no delay in processing. ANSWER: D 200. C. C. rather than analog communication is _______ A. half duplex mode. C. ANSWER: C 202. B. D. C. 16.20/printqp. C. B.0.Sc(IT) (2014 . D. B. A. A. the same IP address. network-specific. ANSWER: D 208. C. host-specific C. Mixed band channels. cyclization.. the destination address is a network address in the routing tables. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . next-hop.. D. ANSWER: A 207. Narrowband channels. In ______ routing. next-hop. C. mutarotation. B. ANSWER: C 205. D. ANSWER: C 206. In ________ routing. . A. Semes. host-specific. the deliverer and the receiver have __________ A. D. When an indirect delivery is made. different netid.2017). host-specific. B. B. Full duplex channel. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? A. ENVIRON/1.0. default. DDT. default. Data communications monitors available on the software market include__________ A. D. In ______ routing. B. BPL. network-specific. B.30 of 36 http://172. network-specific. C. isomerisation. D. ANSWER: D 211. Simplex lines. C. TOTAL. the mask and the destination address are both 0. C. The change in specific rotation due to interconversion of a form into b form or vice versa is known as __________ A.2.0 in the routing table. different IP address. epimerisation. D.php?heading=III B. the routing tables hold the address of just the next hop instead of complete route information. the same netid. next-hop. ANSWER: D 209. Telnet. ANSWER: B 210. ANSWER: C 212. B. the ________ flag is on. What is it called? A.16. C.20/printqp. ANSWER: B 215. telex or satellite to the receiver where the signal is decoded and an exact copy of the original document is made. gateway. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as __________ A. host specific. television. User datagram protocol is called connectionless because A. D. none of the above ANSWER: A 216. Electronic mail. C. C. Videotex is a combination of _______ A.. B. ANSWER: D 213. ANSWER: C 218. default. ANSWER: C 214. C.2017). ANSWER: A 217. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . After coding a document into a digital signal. it can be sent by telephone. Concentrator. B. computers. D. Which of the following does not allow multiple users or devices to share one communication line? A. it sends data as a stream of related packets C. B. up. computer technology. D. The ________ flag indicates the availability of a router. added by redirection.Sc(IT) (2014 . C. B. demodulation. Telex. added by redirection. D. B. A.. default. Gateway. Multiplexer. Controller. A. Up. Word processor. synchronizing. Doubleplexer. both (a) and (b) D. all UDP packets are treated independently by transport layer B. modulation. For a direct delivery. C.2. Facsimile. D.31 of 36 http://172. D.php?heading=III B. Semes. host specific. series parallel. socket B. Who invented the modem? A. D. ANSWER: B 221. 20 D. area wise.php?heading=III B. C. hierarchically. serial.. C. ANSWER: D 219. Apple computers. Satyam conferencing. D. Usually it takes 10 bits to represent one character. D. B. none of the mentioned ANSWER: A 222. AT & T. all of the above. A. gateway. D. randomly. The IP address is assigned ________ A. Which of the following is not used in Local Area Networks (LAN)? A. D. ANSWER: C 223.2017). B. pipe C. alternatively. port D.. Computer. B.2. direct. B. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called A.32 of 36 http://172. Wang Laboratories.16. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . Printer. Modem. C. 1200 ANSWER: B 220. B. The_____ flag indicates that the entry of the destination column is a host-specific address.Sc(IT) (2014 . Semes. How many characters can be transmitted at a speed of 1200 bps? A. Cable. 12 C. 10 B. Communication between computers almost always ________ A. C. host-specific. D. ANSWER: A 224. added by redirection ANSWER: D 225. parallel. C. modified by redirection.20/printqp. Sc(IT) (2014 .fhda. 128 B. A. gateway. 32 D. The _______ flag indicates that a redirection message has added a new entry to the routing table. atc. ANSWER: D 231. 24 C.33 of 36 http://172. In the domain name chal. modified by redirection.atc.. D. A. B. C. host-specific C. B. A. application layer D. 64 C. 16 ANSWER: C 230. C. network layer B. 1024 D. B C. physical layer ANSWER: A 228. TCP/IP reserve _______ ports for protocols. D ANSWER: C 227.20/printqp. C D.2017). A B.. A.atc. added by redirection. 21 _______ is the most specific label. atc. ________ is the least specific label. A. Semes. chal.fhda.php?heading=III B. ANSWER: D 226. In the domain name chal. D.2. data link layer C. chal. ANSWER: A 232. Most of the internet users are on a class ________ network A. edu. B. Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to A. fhda ANSWER: C 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . IPV4 uses ______ bit value to represent address.16. 2042 ANSWER: C 229. D. fhda. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . Coaxial Cable. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission? A. Coaxial Cable. ANSWER: D 234.php?heading=III B.2017). D. C. reverse. partition.speed. D. B.20/printqp. Dataphone 50. ANSWER: D 235. B. D. country. Semes. time-shared program. Series 1000. 233. C. generic. D. B. inverse. Optical Fiber. C. ANSWER: B 239. ANSWER: C 236. voice grade telephone line. B. Optical Fiber. none of the above. B. A sub division of main storage created by operational software is referred to as ________ A. Default. B. A. A. A. Twisted Pair. both (a) and (b) D. DDD. laser beam. Twisted Pair.Sc(IT) (2014 . microwave.. C. D.2.34 of 36 http://172. UDP C. compartment. Microwaves ANSWER: D 237. Which is not an example for analog communication __________ . TCP B. In address-to-name resolution the _______ domain is used.. divided core. C. Light Wave. Identify the Odd term among the following group. D.16. Resistance to data theft. An example of a medium. switched communications service is _________ A. Microwaves. C. ANSWER: D 238. ANSWER: A 240. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in internet? A. Which among the following is not a guided transmission media? A. none of the above ANSWER: B 244. HTML. Broadband channel. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . hyperlinks. B. wins D.2017). C. Wideband channel. ANSWER: C 241. Hypertext documents are linked through _______ A. B. structured stream transport D. HTTP. B. datagram congestion control protocol B. B. C.Sc(IT) (2014 . pointers. Gopher. an interactive. ANSWER: C 245. hierarchical network B.35 of 36 http://172. ANSWER: C 246. D..20/printqp. a recursive. Which one of the following is a version of UDP with congestion control? A. Fast data transmission rate C. stream control transmission protocol C. D. Socket-style API for windows is called A. a cache. D. Semes. C. C. Which of the following is not a retrieval method? A. D. Low noise level.16.2. Narrowband channel D. ANSWER: C 242. spider network. wsock B. none of the mentioned ANSWER: A 247. In ______ resolution the client is in direct contact more than one server. Archie. winsock C. A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through a centrally located computer is called a _________ A. DNS. Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly? A. ANSWER: D 243. A. B. TELNET. default.. Few transmission errors.php?heading=III B. Voiceband channel. buffer. C. Printer server uses a _____ which is a buffer that holds data before it is send to the printer. ring network. B. transport. neighbor discovery protocol D. physical. spool. dynamic host configuration protocol ANSWER: A Staff Name Saravanan. D. A. 8/10/2016 2:33 PM . ANSWER: A 249. ANSWER: B 250. stream control transmission protocol B. Network cable lies on ______ layer. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol? A. network D. data link C. data control network. ANSWER: B 248.V. internet control message protocol C. terminal. A.Sc(IT) (2014 .20/printqp. Semes. queue.16. C..php?heading=III B.36 of 36 http://172.2.2017).. B. D.
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