Compressor magazine, October 2017.pdf
Compressor magazine, October 2017.pdf
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BEYOND BASIC SEALS UNDER FIRE SUCTION VALVE ACTUATIONPACKAGER DOES IT ALL NEW ROXTEC LAB COZANNI CAPACITY CONTROL OCTOBER 2017 www.compressortech2.com/subscribe/ Q Customer: LNG producers throughout the world. Q Challenge: Select a compression partner to ensure years of efficient, reliable production. Q Result: Elliott refrigeration compressors and unmatched experience have been central to successful LNG projects for decades. They turned to Elliott for leadership in LNG compression. From the first commercial LNG baseload plants to today’s mega-plants in Russia, the Middle East and Asia, LNG producers have chosen Elliott for efficient, reliable compressors and matchless expertise. Elliott’s proven experience with different processes and drivers is supported by manufacturing centers in the US and Japan, and a global network of service centers. Who will you turn to? C O M P R E S S O R S Q T U R B I N E S Q G L O B A L S E R V I C E The world turns to Elliott. www.elliott-turbo.com Box 456. ON L2E 6V2. June. Waukesha. Copyright © 2017 Diesel & 60 A Tutorial On Hydrodynamic Bearings For Reciprocating Engines Gas Turbine Publications. November. May. WI 53186 and at addi- tional mailing offices. 20855 Watertown Road.com. Printed in the USA. WI 53186- 46 Panacea Pursues Ideal Pistons 1873.October 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 is the premier resource for gas compression news and information. October.00 per copy worldwide. 50 Torsional Analysis Of Reciprocating Machinery: Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Damping And Forced Response P. Canada. April.00 per year/$10. And Compressors. WI 53186-1873 USA.com 4 Page 4 — Team Humanity Follow @COMPRESSORtech2 on: 6 Monitoring Government — Court Orders More Focus On Global Warming In Pipeline Permitting 10 Events & Meetings 44 Prime Movers 45 Media MEMBER OF … 59 Featured Products 68 Scheduled Downtime 69 Marketplace 70 Advertisers’ Index 72 Cornerstones Of Compression — The Knight K-Line .compressortech2. Waukesha. Suite 220. All Rights Reserved.S. and international copyright laws and treaties. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Manager. COMPRESSORtech2. No. Periodicals 56 Energy Savings Through Electromechanical Stepless Capacity Control postage paid at Waukesha. Email: ssmith@dieselpub. Unauthorized dupli- cation and publication is expressly prohibited. TECHcorner Canadian Publication Mail Agreement # 40035419. 20855 Watertown Road. July.O. 8 — Published 10 issues/year 34 Outsourced Compressor Bearing Maintenance (January-February. Departments www. August-September. Part 5 Materials protected by U. 38 Clash Of Compression Perspectives December) by Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications. Featured Articles 8 MGT Gas Turbine Ramps Up 12 NEA Goes Bigger Into Midstream 16 Beyond Basic 20 (Complete) Compression Service Technology 24 Trash Compactors And Old TVs Cover Designed By 28 Vessels Are Not Piping: US$600 For A US$60 Part Alyssa Loope 32 Seals Under Fire COMPRESSORtech2 (ISSN 1085-2468) Volume 22. March. USA Subscription rates are $85. Niagara Falls. C "% ## ." #. # -. # . .#/# "% ## S 4'. 0' 1. #. #. # 1. ". #. ## "*. . / 0 %. # 1. #& "%. . "% ## 0"*. . /" . . / E *.-. %" 8 & # 1. . / 0#%. . 5. /. /# 0 %. #%. . 5#. . . #*. . /#0 0 "% ## # 0 /# ) . /#%% +. * 0. 0/# "% ## % #& /#&6# #-.0 '4' . *. %" % 1. 0 . * #-. *(# "% ##. 22&. "%/# "% ## %(/# % ". . /6) "7 1 * 2#" . " . /* / . 1 + (& ". 0+. *-. % 1.0#.. 0# " #+. *% . # 0%. )% # 40 Years Service To The Gas Compression Industry Providing all your compressor needs Monahans. Texas Granbury. Texas !'&' ( ) * # .03. ! ! ##+ $ "% ## " #& " " #$ "% ## " #& " . ............. It inspires Telephone:Yokohama.. ... Neither the storm nor the vol- Dunderbacksvagen Dunderbacksvagen 612-46 20 Finspong.. arguing that here....................... Michael J. hope for humanity in a difficult time............ HOUSTON.. The flood of emotions mirrored 38062+39 Telephone: Arco. Mark Thayer Senior Editor ..... +81 45 624 231-0824 3502 Fax: Japan +81 45 624 3503 can be an emotionally charged subject.com DIESEL & GAS TURBINE PUBLICATIONS President . the protests and Go team! CT2 D... Katie Smith Graphic Artist Circulation ... Jack Jack Burke Burke Associate Associate Editor Editor ......... 2 391 4255 82 Pyeongchangmunhwa-ro..... there is often turbulence....... 5062 4982 Advertising Manager Hurricane Harvey leveled buildings boatmen who caravanned into town Gabriele Gabriele Dinsel.. hoc Cajun Navy. SWEDEN pening..... Ashbourne....... the flood waters..... Ohio do Sul........ JAPAN any climate change at all.... It to take care of each other................Michael J.. Brezonick 4 Team Humanity Associate Associate Editor Editor ... Advertising Manager GERMANY entire Florida peninsula...... Michael J... Tel: 82 +82 2 391 4254 Fax: +82Jongno-gu Pyeongchangmunhwa-ro........... but also by the anonymous Via Cerere 38062 18 Arco.. Texas 77070 decimated islands in the Caribbean the hardest..Associate USAPublisher ern coast while Hurricane Katia bat. USATexas magnitude earthquake off the south........ Dinsel... Sweden fighting the climate is a waste of time unteers were selective about whom 612-46 Telephone: +46 70Finspong.... Mexico sustained an 8....S.. Advertising Advertising Manager Manager along the Texas coast and then sat to rescue thousands of folks strand- Tel: +49 711 3416 97471 Niemöllerstr...... Suite 220 Tel:Waukesha... Hurricane Irma that volunteers have had on those hit 12777 Jones Road.. (132 cm) of rain on In the weeks following the storm................ 231-0824 Naka-ku Japan opinions....... Houston... Harvey’s total damage? session heaped on the curb to be DE6 1LH......... waterlogged houses down to the Tel: +44 20 31 79 40 29 79 Fax: +44 20 31 79 29 70 Premier Avenue fected and up to 1 million cars were bare frame..... & CEO .............. Everyone I’m encouraged that even though Akiyoshi Ojima............... Paul Damon Digital Content Advertising Manager Manager . United Kingdom DE6 Telephone: +44 20 1LH..... Jerry Jerry Karpowicz Karpowicz Digital Publishing Manager . but with the incred- 20855 Watertown Road.................... Seoul.1 no damage to COMPRESSORtech2 Patrick Crow – Austin.. Advertising Cameron. Alyssa Lemke .... Sue Smith J Graphic Graphic Artist Artist ....000 homes were af... 890-5287 Associate Publisher 9597 Jones RoadSuite #924225 tered its east coast... but it sure seemed ters.. UNITED Houston before drifting slowly toward tens of thousands of volunteers from UNITED KINGDOM KINGDOM Ian Ian Cameron. An surrounding cities came to help strip Linda Linda Cameron... Telephone: +82 2 39103011 Korea 4254 Fax: +82 2 391 4255
[email protected]
Loope world is subject to natural di.Brenda Burbach ust about every part of the even ecoterrorism that fuel the conflict............ but I Mark Thayer....... flooded........ there are many hot topics that divide Tel: +81 45 624 51-16-301 3502 Sannotani.. dropping ed in their submerged homes... PUBLICATION HEADQUARTERS Alyssa Loope sasters..... Italy 0464 014421 say that while climate change is hap... Norm Shade – Cambridge.. Chai. Advertising Manager Manager estimated 100............ scores of Louisiana Tel: +49 711 Lisa Hochkofler........ Texas Grande do Sul... Suite 220 HEADQUARTERS Waukesha.. Derbyshire.Catrina . the costliest hauled away.. (262) 754-4100 Fax: (262) 754-4175 Wisconsin 53186-1873 North America in the latter part of ible volume of cleanup and restora- Telephone: (262) 754-4100 Fax: CONTRIBUTING (262) 754-4175 EDITORS this summer........ associate publisher Seoul..... tion work to be done..... Graphic Graphic Artist Artist ..... man’s influence on the cli............ company or employee property).... S..... Page COMPRESSOR A Member of the Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications Group PUBLICATION STAFF Associate Publisher ....... . 9 Ostfildern.. Brazil the West.. history. Brazil Montana and peppered throughout of the destruction firsthand (there was Mauro BeloPatrick Crow––Rio Schneider Austin...............Brenda Manager Burbach ... Others aid...... Avenue Derbyshire...... 73760Niemöllerstr... stationary for several days............. Those receiving help were often Roberta Prandi..... people can easily band together 51-16-301 Honmoku Yokohama.. not only by the storm’s Tel: Via +39Cerere 0464 014421 18 clear evidence that man-made cli.................................... Cameron.... HOUSTON.................. 31 79 United Kingdom 29 79 Fax: +44 20 31 79 29 70 Around US$190 billion.. Sweden 2405369 Fax: +46 122 14787 and money.... In the wake of the natural disas- Graphic Artist ... DJ Slater Senior Editor ............. have also seen the remarkable impact Tel: +1 (281) Mark Thayer...... Italy mate change is undeniable.. Regional Manager/Editor Some people see these events as overwhelmed. SueBivens ....Carla Lemke ....... . KOREA Witness the debates........ damage........Chad Elmore Elmore Copy Copy Editor Editor ...... Telephone: (281) 890-5310 GERMANY and left a trail of destruction up the You may have heard of the ad- Lisa Hochkofler........... Field Editor/Business Manager Tel: +46 70 2405369 Fax: +4620122 14787 mate is inconsequential.......... Klinton Klinton Silvey Silvey Associate Associate Editor Editor . Carne Katie Bivens Circulation AdvertisingManager Manager .....Chad . however. 03011 KoreaJongno-gu Mark Thayer............... Sales Manager Dongmyung Communications Inc. ITALY natural disaster in U..... Regional Regional Manager/Editor Manager/Editor Louisiana to cause more flooding.. Sannotani...... TX 77065-4818 Houston........ the fight will not be 20855 Watertown PUBLICATION Road.. Germany 73760 Telephone: +49 Ostfildern... There has been no discrimination Bo Svensson... Wisconsin 53186-1873 like there was an acute attack on with other people........................ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Ohio There were record wildfires in I live in Houston and have seen some Mauro Belo Schneider – Rio Grande Norm Shade – Cambridge... Osenga Executive Vice President . 711 3416 Germany 74 0 Fax: +49 711 3416 74 74 as much as 52 in............ Still others deny there’s they touched......... Honmoku Fax: +81 45Naka-ku 624 3503 At the confluence of these varied us. Brezonick . every personal pos- 40 Premier Ashbourne..... Branch Manager claims science is on their side. STASSFURT HOUSTON GERMANY USA SEALING EXPERTS SINCE 1920 SDS100 STASSKOL DynamicSeal Suitable for high pressure gas applications Labyrinth Ring Newly developed with special dimensions and inner grooves Further Benefits More efficient Easy to assemble Shorter installation length Less expensive www.de .stasskol. They ulations) and the Trump administration (establishing new sued FERC and the Sabal Trail owners (Spectra. not raise. 38).91 m) pipeline was commissioned in July. or to The US$3. FERC explained that with the addition of compression. It extends 515 mi. or how ‘informed public in. house gas emissions because gas-fired power plants emit Sabal Trail gas mostly will be used to generate electric half as much carbon dioxide as coal plants.5 billion pipeline connects with the Transcontinental regional or national emissions-control goals. noted that fired electricity generating capacity. Florida has added 3. NextEra policies) are moving in opposite directions. environmental justice issues. writer and a former COMPRESSORtech2 And a few days before the appeals court ruling. Capacity comment’ could be possible. pipeline lution. CT2 6 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . in ‘informed decision making’ with respect to the green- The first 810 MMcfd (23 x 106 m3/d) of capacity for the 36 house-gas effects of this project. It did not require pipeline emissions from this project to emissions from other proj- operations to cease. it is difficult to see how FERC could engage (829 km) southeasterly through Georgia to central Florida. The court sustained FERC on all points tions seems to be the rule rather than the exception except the greenhouse gas issue. president and cumbersome but perhaps would not be a major barrier.3 x 106 m3/d) in 2020-21 During arguments before the court. and a recent federal Judge Thomas Griffith said the agency “should have ei- court decision may have given naysayers another weapon. The The long-term impact of the ruling is hard to assess. green- have been built and three more are planned. working with landowners and key stakeholders to construct if it stands. He has taken several other actions to reverse U. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia house emissions that will result from burning the natural Circuit ruled in August that the Federal Energy Regulatory gas that the pipelines will transport or explained more spe- Commission (FERC) failed to adequately estimate the cifically why it could not have done so.S. including withdrawal from the inter- national Paris Climate Accord.9 GW of natural gas-fired capacity is gas emissions in every agency decision because some- planned to come online in Florida over the next six years. the ruling will make pipeline permitting even more this new pipeline system.and oil-fired plants are retired. permits after environmental reviews are completed. president and chief executive officer of the beginning of 2016. Without such Gas Pipeline in east central Alabama. safety considerations. and the initial rates and global warming policy. including the green.Monitoring Government Court Orders More Focus On Global Warming In Pipeline Permitting Long-term impact of Sabal Trail decision unclear BY PATRICK CROW L ocal opposition to gas pipelines and compressor sta. alternatives. large infrastructure projects. ther given a quantitative estimate of the downstream green- The U. U. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said: “Since the Don Santa. Patrick Crow is an Austin.S. ects. Interstate Natural Gas Association of America. Ironically.” could grow to more than 1 Bcfd (28. Most likely.S. The government could appeal the ruling and perhaps win ronmental permitting process over the past four years while a reversal. Energy and Duke Energy) soon after FERC approved the Soon after taking office. He has reported for oil and gas publications since 1967 ordered federal agencies to streamline their approvals for and has written extensively about energy issues before Congress. p.” times it’s just not feasible. comparisons. plant emissions and to recalculate the costs of carbon pol- house gas implications. Two compressor stations the Sabal Trail obviously would lower. Texas. including faster decisions on federal agencies and the courts. the courts (interpreting existing laws and reg- The Sierra Club and some landowners disagreed. to total emissions from the state or the region. “Sabal Trail has successfully navigated a rigorous envi. Trump editor. power when existing coal. market need findings. President Donald Trump ordered pipeline in 2016. which is more than any the court did not require quantification of greenhouse- other state. (0. the federal government to reconsider restrictions on power They raised a battery of objections. Another 3. chairman Spectra Energy Partners.” said Bill Yardley. Congress could void it with legislation. these days (see story. greenhouse gas emissions by the potential customers of “Quantification would permit the agency to compare the the Sabal Trail Pipeline project.4 GW of natural gas. solarturbines. anytime. And we’re committed to your success throughout your equipment’s life cycle. Visit us at www. Building. We’re ready to serve you anywhere.com. helping your team to construct and assemble a fully functional compression station with minimal time spent at site. we succeed. utility and process systems are provided as configurable blocks and packages. And we can help you succeed by providing greater cost and schedule predictability for your projects with Solar’s modular compression solutions. Solar’s world-class service organization provides unmatched support and innovative solutions that enhance performance and safety. A MODULAR SOLUTION THAT WORKS FOR YOUR BOTTOM LINE When you succeed. at the same time allowing you to manage project risks and control capital costs. ©2017 Solar Turbines Incorporated . Our extensive experience creating a wide variety of modular solutions provides you with predictability for operations and maintenance personnel.com for more information about modular compression solutions.WE HAVE A COMPRESSION OBSESSION. extend equipment life and prevent obsolescence. call +1-619-544-5263 or email infocorp@solarturbines. two electrically driven MAN motor pipeline RV 050 centrifugal compressor. All parts are However. these units change of a complete turbine can be carried out in less than 48 hours. the company included 3-D printing technology in the manufacturing process of the MGT series. MAN said. This was followed by launching a dual- fuel version and options for reduced emissions. Germany. increasing the station’s compressors (MOPICO) with magnetic bearings have been natural gas transportation capacity. with China ranking first among the geographical areas adopting these options. MAN said it fewer than 48 hours. in use for years. market introduction in the 8000 hp (6 MW) power class has been successful with projects in power generation and mechanical drive applications using single and two-shaft designs. For example. MAN said one of its strengths in the gas compression ap- plication field is train competence: the capability of designing n The 8000 hp (6 MW) category in the MGT gas tur. Recently. the turbine family is not limited to CHP or designed to be easily accessible by service technicians. the additional compressor train from MAN will en. So far. the company said. CT2 8 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . gave special attention to the service side of the units. the largest hub in the company’s supply network. able the operator to significantly raise the capacities of its An MGT 6200 two-shaft gas turbine was installed at a long-distance gas pipelines.000 operating hours. with the exchange of a complete turbine possible in n During development of the MGT gas turbine series.MGT Gas Turbine Ramps Up MAN gas turbine family expanding into new applications BY ROBERTA PRANDI T he MGT gas turbine family by MAN Diesel & Turbo (MAN) has been on the market for a while. Gascade is a long-term customer for MAN and operates cade Gastransport GmbH. operated by Gas. from the compressor and return it to the gas system. compressor station in Rehden. From its idle state. an MGT 6200 two-shaft turbine drives an MAN In Rehden. the next steps will include additional power classes. for example. bine series by MAN has demonstrated its capability in In Rehden. an MGT turbine needs less than 10 minutes to reach full-scale output. According to MAN. in Rehden. MAN also indicated that the MGT gas turbine family has some new members in development. There. cade. This range of products is gaining popularity with com- bined heat and power (CHP) installations. According to Gas. including the station transportation companies. The manufacturer explained that in addition to high ef- ficiency — fuel efficiency above 90% in CHP applications — one of the primary development aims for the MGT series was that these turbines had to be equally economic and environmentally friendly. a precisely coordinated installation of turbine and compressor. rather than dispersing it into the atmosphere. the company said that the system power generation applications and as a mechanical design allows it to capture the low volume of seal gas leakage driver in the oil and gas industry. with com- missioned installations accumulating more than 35. have already been adopted as mechanical drivers in gas compression applications in the oil and gas industry. one of Germany’s largest gas numerous stations with MAN products. and the ex- power generation applications. especially NOx. The turbine’s parts are also easily accessible by service techni- cians. *"/-$*2+*$"(&."#)&&$+&%+.0."#/$'/05-*/+0(3$ >"%.-/506-."#$(--'..3$4"$%2.#!)('$*)+ !"#$%"#&'()*$%+.587638<.-/506-$. 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Romania Gas and NGL Forum +44 845 868 8234 Dec.com Jan. 12-14 www. Colorado Egypt Petroleum Show +1 (703) 276-0110 Cairo. 15-18 Las Vegas Convention Center 2017 Gasification and Syngas +1 (918) 831-9160 FEBRUARY Technologies Conference Feb.adipec.A. Texas Nov.gasification-syngas. 25-28 ADIPEC http://turbolab.edu Laurance Reid Gas Stop by Booth #518 at the GMC for more information .gmrc. 2018 Oct. Pennsylvania Myanmar Oil & Gas Summit +1 (972) 620-4026 DECEMBER Yangon. Egypt Dec.myanmaroilsummit.tamu. Myanmar www.com Oct. 13 basraoilgas. 24-26 Feb.egyps.E. 11-14 Houston. Texas www. U.Events & Meetings Boldface indicates shows and conferences in which COMPRESSORtech2 is participating OCTOBER Abu Dhabi. Iraq +90 212 356 00 56 Oct.org/ +971 4 445 3781 7th Iraq Oil & Gas Show – Basra events/2017-conference www. 13-16 +1 (979) 845-7417 Feb.org Dec. 25-26 Pittsburgh.globuc. 1-4 +971 2 444 4909 JANUARY Gas Machinery Conference www. 17–20 May 22–24 Gastech Exhibition Feb.org Trade in your old Analyzer.pvpcexpo.egcr.A. get $1.org www. 26-March 1 Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference Eastern Gas Compression & Conference ICC.compressortech2.ciooe. China +86 10 58236555/58236588 www.E.edu/outreach/engr/lrgcc_home. please visit our website at www.otcnet. Abuja.com.gastechevent.au .000 off for a 6-gas. Nigeria Roundtable +44 (0) 203 615 5914 +234 813 893 8564 Pittsburgh.org Tel: +1 (405) 325-3136 www.org new Testo emissions analyzer. Oklahoma http://2018. 0 00 March 27-28 $ 1 F! OF PVPC Expo 2018 Abu Dhabi.com/ www.oil-gas.kz/en April 15-18 2018 GPA Midstream Convention Austin.cn/en/exhibitorsservices/ exhibitionrule/ APRIL April 10-12 Global Oil & Gas Atyrau Exhibition 2018 Atyrau.com MARCH March 14-16 Australasian Oil and Gas Conference Perth.000 off a new Testo Gulf South Rotating Machinery Symposium Baton Rouge.aogexpo.html SEPTEMBER MAY Sept. Texas www.For a complete listing of upcoming events.ou.gpaconvention. April 23-25 and get up to $1...ae March 27–29 China International Offshore Oil & Gas Exhibition Beijing. Australia +61 3 9261 4500 to Up www.cwcnog. +1 (225) 578-4853 or $500 off for a 4-gas with your trade in for a gsrms.com. Kazakhstan +44 (0) 207 596 5161 www. April 30-May 3 Offshore Technology Contact your participating Authorized Emissions Distributor Conference (OTC) or Testo at 800-227-0729 for full details Houston. Texas COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 11 . Pennsylvania www. Louisiana Working or not. U.com/events/ Conditioning Conference +1 (972) 952-9494 +1 (412) 372-4301 Norman. www. gas gathering.000 lb. The 320hs was for the natural gas storage market. Since 2011. hanced oil recovery applications. the compressor line to utilize the high-speed capability speed model are gas storage. The company optimized Primary midstream applications for the 560hs high. gas pipelines and various residues and to 1200 rpm. powerful compressor targets North America BY ROBERTA PRANDI N euman & Esser Group (NEA) introduced a high.000 bhp hydrocarbon gas mixes.000 psi (1034 bar) and has been ent in the North American midstream compression market optimized for 600 to 1200 rpm large gas engines or elec. NEA Goes Bigger Into Midstream New distinctive. service: the 560hs. and the flexibility offered a good fit for engine 12 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . customer feedback and requests.9 in. “NEA frames were already available with a large range NEA said the development of the 560hs was driven by of strokes. NEA has been pres- (7456 kw) and up to 15.n The one-piece frame is a distinct fea- ture of the 560hs compressor model for the midstream gas market. boosting and all technical gases. four or six-throw 560hs has a 6. with major orders for various natural gas and CO2 for en- tric motors. The compressor is rated up to 10. ensuring a robust design that maintains alignment from factory to site.000 kg) rod load and runs at 600 gas generation. gas available of its portfolio. (57. but The two-. (175 mm) the frame has been utilized in gas boosting. industrial stroke. 126. pipeline. NEA began its foray into speed compressor frame optimized for midstream high-speed frame compressors in 2000 with the 320hs. along with the tri-metal material. in Katy. Neu. when compared to a conventional split in the 180° position. These features. the main bearings feature a split design in the sor but with high rod load capabilities to pair easily with 90°or vertical arrangement.000 bhp (7. such as piston rings. crank frame enables transportation without special road many and collaborated with the NEA USA division to de. n The compact compressor design of the 560hs with high rod load capabilities pairs easily with large gas engines or electric motors up to 10. along with the robust In addition. customers recog.45 MW). the NEA’s Central frame design to be the preferred option for both safety and Division of Technology decided to design a new optimized cost savings. kets between the frame and crosshead distance piece. main bearings. velop the product specification. maximizes proven API 618 running gear to handle higher loads. head of Strate.” Lesak said.” said Andreas Hirschter. in the packaging process. “NEA R&D stud- the larger engines of this industry. “Since alignment of the frame is the most important step man & Esser USA Inc. Other continued on page 14 COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 13 . the new frame has an improved design of nodular iron crankcase. vents frame twisting as well. The original constant wear. key account manager. crankshaft axis.” with fewer throws.” Lesak said. To ease transportation. bearing journals. “Also. The length of the four- NEA utilized its team of engineers and designers in Ger. a one-piece design eliminates nized the flexibility of NEA’s compression portfolio and wasted labor aligning bolted joints and ensures a true per- started questioning why NEA didn’t just go ahead and pendicularity and flatness in reference to the feet and main make a new frame designed specifically for larger mid. crosshead and piston rod derived from an existing and This design. The one-piece frame eliminates bolting and gas- frame for the midstream service: the 560hs. a perfect perpendicularity of the rod axis compared to the gic Marketing at NEA.” Lesak said. According to Joseph Lesak. but strength of the bearing and its operational lifetime. “The team decided on the need for a compact compres.” After studying the larger engine-drive applications and Stringent FEA studies by NEA in Germany have proven this gaining more feedback from customers. ied bearing simulations and found this increased reliability sion was taken to utilize the crankshaft. “The deci. permits with installed cylinders and distance pieces. enable the 560hs to handle higher the foot mounts for skid installation. gas and inertial loads. Lesak said NEA’s philosophy has always been to guar- The 560hs will have the typical NEA feature of a one. drive applications. Texas. “Such a robust casting pre- stream applications.” width limits were also considered. Some of these parts have piece frame casting including the crosshead. packing rings or cyl- intention of the one-piece frame construction is to ensure inder bores and are known as routine spare parts. antee a quick exchange of parts. With that philosophy in mind. NEA’s cylinder lineup is customizable and able to maximize the flow in the most efficient way.com 14 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . the 560hs is made with a crosshead liner that is easily replace- able. cylinder clearances and flow paths.modulift. Power losses are minimized by combining optimized compres- sor valve selections. The company cooperates in component design with Stasskol. the complete cylinder line can be sup- plied in air-cooled or liquid-cooled design. a leading manufacturer of sealing elements for oscillating and rotating systems with operations in Germany n A carryover feature of NEA’s API 618 compressor lineup is the and Texas and part of the NEA Group. optimized pressure packing designs are incorporated.com Trunnion Spreader Beam system www.components are not usually viewed as routine spare parts. In the unlikely occurrence that a major damage event happens to the crosshead. To minimize gas leakage or fugitive emissions under all op- erating conditions. Spreader Beams Adjustable Lifting/ Experts in the design Spreader Beams and manufacture of standard and custom lifting equipment within the oil and gas industry Trunnion Spreader O Modular Spreader Beams up to 400t in stock Beams and available worldwide for distribution O Experts in custom lifting solutions and projects requiring high QA standards O Adjustable Lifting/Spreader beams stocked Spreader as a boxed product for immediate shipping & Lifting O In house rig design team building the ideal Frames solution for your lifting needs For more information contact O Reduce your rigging weight and health & +HDG2I¿FH +44 (0) 1202 621511 safety concerns by using the shackle-free (PDLO sales@modulift. Finally. the liner ensures the crankcase is protected. hydraulic bolting of all dynamically stressed connections ensure Hydraulic bolting has been a standard feature on the joint strength. ease of maintenance and safety. but can be subject to wear under unintended conditions. president of Neuman & Esser USA Inc. look forward to serving our customers and gaining new “Hydraulic bolting improves joint strength. large-horsepower NEA API 618 medium to high-speed compressor market. A reproducible.” CT2 safety. long-stroke. the cylinder to distance piece and anchor point connections are all hydraulically bolted up to 17. Standard packages compliant to ISO 13631 will be offered. “The connecting rod bearing on the big end and all crank bearings will have their best performance and reliability when they are equally sup- ported on their circumference. narrow tol- erance connection is vital for the per- formance of the machine. the distance piece to frame connection.” Lesak said. “Accurate bolt loading with speed and unifor- mity is a cost savings highlight of this compres- sor.” Lesak said. this connection must be disconnected over the years when maintenance on wear parts is required. bust design.400 psi (1200 bar). “Finally and again for safety reasons. Easy-to-handle tooling and the elimination of pinch points increase the safety rating.” The 560hs has hydraulic bolting on all dynamically loaded connec- tions. but customized pack- ages are NEA’s core competence. which is ensured by the bolting tension. “We is no different.” NEA will supply the 560hs as a bare shaft compressor to select packagers or as a packaged system designed by NEA Sales and Appli- cation Centers worldwide. “The development and introduction of the 560hs demonstrates the com- mitment of Neuman & Esser Group to the needs of the North American COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 15 . and the 560hs DeBaldo. In addition. which has the highest load concentration under pure dynamic conditions.” Le- sak said. opportunities to prove that basic reliability starts with ro- ease of maintenance and. “The most critical connection is the piston rod to crosshead.” said Scott compressors for many years. most importantly. It’s con- startup and commissioning. The downturn in the industry just kind of set every- testing. construction (EPC) capabilities. slow-speed Ajax compressors. “Revamps are attractive to some customers. procurement and provides financing for their products. piping.” said James La. offer much more than a few fundamental servic. picking up all the pieces continued on page 18 16 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . is convenient to major roadways and the Houston Ship Channel.’ is what we like to say. giving them access to their high- might not expect this compressor packager to speed reciprocating compressors (Gemini and Superior). “It’s not real old and it’s in fairly good mentation. Waukesha and Superior es. But Basic is a niche compression expert with a full array engines and GE’s complete product line.. skid. Texas.” LaCombe said. there.Beyond Basic Niche compressor packager packs a lot into consolidated campus n Basic Compression’s 37 acre (15 ha) facility in eastern Houston. “There’s quality used equipment out package.” venient for them not have to deal with finding a used ma- LaCombe said Basic is a full channel partner of Baker chine. vice president of Basic Compression. control every element of the packages we build and refurbish. going and inspecting it. including engineering. Basic can also package or refurbish Cat-Ariel configura- “ ‘Cradle to grave. “We’re able to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). tions or equipment from just about any of the compressor Combe. trailers to deliver to location and perform the installation. instru. including process vessels. The company has found success refurbishing idle com- “We can take care of the fabrication of the compressor pression packages. We maintain a fleet of heavy haul trucks and thing idle for a while. assembly and factory acceptance shape. GE Capital also of competencies. you Hughes. BY MARK THAYER W ith a name like Basic Compression Inc. a GE Company. painting. Federal-Mogul’s extensive ignition portfolio originated more than a century ago under the brand names of Champion® and Beru®. Since joining the Federal-Mogul family these technologies have BEENÏlNELYÏTUNEDÏWITHÏORIGINALÏEQUIPMENTÏAPPLICATIONSÏANDÏ COMBUSTIONÏSTRATEGIESÏTOÏRELIABLYÏFULlLLÏAÏFULLÏRANGEÏOFÏIGNITIONÏ PRODUCTÏNEEDSÏFORÏMARINE.Bred for Performance. ÏTRANSIT. ÏINDUSTRIALÏPOWERÏGENERATION. As the champion of ignition. CHP and Co-Generation engines.com/IndustrialIgnition BERU® is a Registered Trademark of BorgWarner BERU Systems GmbH . Federal-Mogul has the most advanced ENGINEERINGÏCAPABILITIESÏANDÏUNIQUEÏELECTRODEÏCONlGURATIONSÏ TAILOREDÏFORÏSPECIlCÏAPPLICATIONÏPERFORMANCEÏANDÏDURABILITYÏ REQUIREMENTSÏ$ONTÏSETTLEÏFORÏANYTHINGÏLESSÏTHANÏORIGINALÏEQUIPMENTÏ MANUFACTURINGÏANDÏENGINEERINGÏQUALITY federalmogul.Ï compression. drawing on his experi- ence at some the largest packagers in Houston. compressor packages and drill- ing rigs. startup and commissioning service. All of these things that they have been holding off doing — everybody’s wanting to do these things right now at the same time. They pick one. LaCombe said Basic began working with compression equipment around 27 years ago. They can basically give us their concept. and bringing it to a facility. He joined the company five years ago and.” LaCombe said. began as a service within Basic Equipment. and we’ll go out and find something. we’d split the com- pany off and have it stand on its own.” Packagers like Basic have seen a sharp increase in demand this year.” Basic Compression is a stand-alone company sitting on a 37 acres (15 ha) complex with their three other compa- nies. 2016. like the other companies in the group. we give them a price that is all-inclusive — freight. even a maintenance contract if required. helped develop the compres- sion business full time. Basic Equipment was founded in the late 1980s when Thomas Balke and James Smith. n In addition to compressor package fabrication and refurbishing. the end of the year came. “That happened early n Basic Compression partners with Basic Equipment. Basic Compression. startup and commissioning. Basic Logistics and Xtreme High Performance Coatings. who had been supplying bearings and other essentials to refineries and plants in Houston. the election passed and there were no big financial upheav- als. Basic Equipment. give them a few choices and recommendations. taking care of whatever is needed to get it ready for the new process conditions. I think people feel like it’s worth taking the risk now.” LaCombe said. Basic offers installa. to have stabilized. Basic Equipment gradually expanded its services to become a full-fledged EPC firm specializing in modular refin- eries. things seem tion. “The idea all along was that when we got things right. reconditioning. Texas. “All of a sudden. We started this new entity during 18 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . n Basic produces new and refurbished compressor packages to meet API standards. “I think people were planning through 2015 and 2016 and not willing to com- mit. de- veloping expertise until it could function successfully as separate companies. which has EPC capabilities. We do all that. and formed Ba- sic Equipment & Supply. Certifications include ISO9001:2008.554. reducing Packages prepared by the company can meet API stan. with a high percent- age right here in Texas. and the equipment guys did the piping MODULAR and the building expansion. So we’ll take these one-offs and build them. “One project started out as a compressor sale. as well as CNG. VII. “U.600 m2).” Basic Compression primarily packages reciprocating compressors. Larger packagers tend to not want do those because it interrupts their product line flow.” he said. You get everything set up and the production follows. which means a boost in the need for compression. The ZVI piston-style dards (e. “Basic Compa- nies work together.” Basic Compression got a boost from the drilling in- dustry as business has been slowly recovering. startup and commissioning. “Maybe we’ll never be one of the biggest packagers. but we are well known as a high-quality com- pressor packager and a company that does high-quality work on refurbishing that fits a niche.COM COMPRESSORtech2 +1 713. but the ones we specialize in are the ones that are unique. (9 m). two with 40 ton (36 In an economy where it is important to reduce operational tonne) capacity. “We could go up to the OEM’s maximum rating. acid speed.S. API QMS Q1. but due to the economy. API 4F. We tend to do jobs that are a bit out of the ordinary. CT2 WWW. Div 1. (11. but it has done other projects such as va- por recovery units or jacket water and lube-oil consoles as part of larger projects parts for larger systems.000 sq. The current facility has six main buildings totaling more than 125. we’ve done as small as 20 hp (15 kW) and as large as 5000 hp (3700 kW). piping. “Rig counts are up in the U. they are content to fill a small but important position in the industry. CO2. We’re quite happy doing that. 618. two climate-controlled paint booths. though we could do larger. not just the standard cookie-cutter packages. We picked up enough work to sustain us. LaCombe said that while the company is enjoying steady growth. We do those too.. We picked up a couple of good jobs that gave us a good start.” Eddy said the relationship between the two companies provides good opportunities for each other. “They’re knocking the dust off those old drilling rigs. but the customer asked us to also build a metering skid. for both lubricated and non-lubricated applications gas reinjection or nitrogen extraction and high-pressure reinjection.” he said. business development manager at Basic Equip- ment.” said Eugene Eddy.” and NB Registration. “We’ve done some unique packages in the last year. six-throw com- pressor packages.a pretty bleak time in our industry.” Basic’s facility is on the east side of Houston and was consolidated from three separate locations to improve ef- RELIABLE ficiency.ZAHROOFVALVES. maintenance costs and improving efficiency.” “R. the ZVI unloader does so by reducing down time. 14C) for use in pipelines. ISNetworld Accreditation. and ASME Sec. The compressor guys set the unit and prepped for startup. 11P.COM SALES@ZAHROOFVALVES. gas unloader valve can be used in all brands of compressors. “Size-wise. we weren’t doing well until about the end of last year.2678 . costs. at any gathering or gas lift applications. do the field installa- tion. a reclamation blast booth and 12 overhead EFFICIENT cranes with a hook height of 30 ft.ft.” LaCombe said.. storage. It was not real great at first.g. tion with highly qualified partners. fol- lowed by software for pressure pulsation. At first. Italy. which soon brought us also velopment. the company designed its first compression package for storing natural gas underground. and virtual prototyping. and on to troubleshooting. revamping. field supervision. A few years later. These can lead to mode analysis.” he said. however. nowadays. “Thanks also to the integra- to the design of machine components for centrifugal com.(Complete) Compression Service Technology CST grows from small service provider to full compression system engineering company in 15-year span BY ROBERTA PRANDI C ompression Service Technology (CST) was found- ed in Florence. The first turnaround for the company happened in 2004 when Allesandro Taversari. procurement specification. technical universities. The company. up to material requisition. staffed initially with four people. bearing stress analysis vibration issues with potential failures. the company developed its own proprietary software for performance simulation.” full-scope customer support from the conceptual design to CST’s complete compressor system projects is a com. with piping mote monitoring and diagnostic. instrumentation and con. pany started its consultative services and troubleshooting “Our company is divided into four main divisions: Ma- for turbomachinery. CST is capable of offering compressor system projects. “The latest step was to add to the com. upgrades. balance of plant (BOP). in 2005. CST used existing simulation software for design- ing components. System Engineering and Construction. acoustic studies. bill of material (BOM). worked as a service- engineering provider mainly to Nuovo Pignone (now Baker Hughes. acoustical and structural studies. a GE Company) for reciprocating compressors. conversions.” continued on page 22 20 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . failure reciprocating forces and pressure pulsations. re- prehensive service including engineering. asset life-cycle management. mainly for reciprocating com- pressors. One of Traversari’s first endeavors was to set up a re- mote monitoring and diagnostic service for reciprocating compressors. fluid-structure interaction (FSI).” Traversari said. He then started the process of transitioning the company into an independent service- engineering provider. lateral. computational fluid n The operation of reciprocating compressor systems generates dynamics (CFD). CST started with its own de- sign of machine components. high-performance computing centers and international pany’s competences the design and execution of complete regulatory bodies. when the com. Then. testing and said that another milestone came in 2011. supervision and total project management. Today. In 2010. modal and stability analysis). chine Design. the company’s software arsenal includes finite element analysis (FEA). vibration and ro- tordynamic analyses (including torsional. “This includes centrifugal compressors. joined CST. who had just retired as the general manager for rotating machines at Nuovo Pignone. pressors. steam and gas Service and Remote Diagnostic. in 2002. and Research and De- turbines and centrifugal pumps. site service and trol. the final project execution. Alessandro Traversari. now CST’s managing director. It’s the bedrock we’ve built our business on since 1954 – delivering standard-setting cooling solutions for gas compression and processing. It’s not just a slogan. Deliver.JUST SAY: WHEN WHERE & HOW MANY.com 918. Respond. lube oil cooling and more. harscoAXC.619.8000 (USA) . refineries. Solve. studied the feasibility of new supports and soon determined their optimal posi- tions. CST also reinforced the cooler structure and foundation. CST. The company discovered that the interstage cooler and nearby piping were the most susceptible to vibration. CST has transformed from a lo- and causing welding failures. collecting data and anaylzing the failure history. This year.9 ips (100 mm/s) root mean square (rms) on the piping expects 50% of sales to come from foreign markets. CST applied the appropriate tightening torque on the support bolts.9 ips (200 mm/s) rms on the cooler structure. player for critical machine applications in oil & gas and oth- curred on a high-pressure line that normally operated at er industrial sectors. CST carried out an intervention to the cooler and the piping system near it. bration values from the FEM analysis. a frequency vibration measurement campaign took place to verify the effectiveness of the modifications. 22 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . Shown here are the modifications in- troduced to the cooler structure after FEM analysis. High damping rubber pads were also added between the sup- ports and piping. the overall vibration on the foreign markets. the 50-person company 3. At the end of this set of corrective actions. CST saw about 90% of its around 14. n Italy-based CST expects to reach this year 50% of sales from nificant positive outcomes. One recent example of the comprehensive industrial Nearly all of the vibration values on the piping system also approach that CST adopted was solving a serious vibra. the tion issue that occurred at a low-density polyethylene new measured values were very close to the predicted vi- (LDPE) plant. vening quickly for any project all around the world. high vibration issues were breaking pipes In the span of 15 years. CST’s solution cov- ered two main areas: the piping system near the cooler and the cooler itself. fell below the recommended correction values. The proposed solution had to be implemented during the next 10-day plant maintenance outage. At the start. and reached values around sales occurried in Italy. Lastly. Vibrations oc. The company also used the vibration measurements to find the areas where stiffer supports were necessary. Many of the existing supports needed reinforcements.500 psi (100 Mpa). The FEM analysis encouraged CST to design a new stiffening structure for the cooler and inject a flowable fill concrete into the foundation. analyzing the piping system.n To solve vibration issues at an LDPE plant. The study showed sig. Its international team has the capability of inter- cooler was reduced up to 90% in the most critical points. In order to achieve the highest damping effect. CST started with an on-site survey. Additionally. At the plant. cal maintenance-engineering provider into an international ery three to four months over several years. CT2 system and even more than 7. which ruled out any drastic changes in the plant’s layout. using the results of a dynamic forced response fi- nite element method (FEM) analysis. actions that would occur ev. First. YOUR BENEFIT: LOWEST LIFE CYCLE COSTS LABY -GI ® 1ST CHOICE FUEL GAS COMPRESSION MARINE DESIGN FOR LNGC. Best operation flexibility due to Full range of services and top FSRU AND FPSO warm and cold gas operation performing components through capabilities and side stream gas global organization and local Fuel gas systems for ME-GI diesel delivery to auxiliary engines service centers engines and reliquefaction systems → www.com/bog-gi No vibrations due to elimination Suitable for Boil-off gas suction of unbalanced forces and moments temperatures down to –160 °C at best efficiency Maximum reliability and availability supported by unique piston sealing technology. robust marine standard design and advanced diagnostic solution .recip. ” continued on page 26 24 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . fluid or both just build his own compressor. Irwin decided he would was in the bin. pressure in the cylinder or a set distance — it was controlled sors when he worked for Energy Industries in the 1990s. and outside they had ing. but not because Curious inspiration Orla is a modern-day ghost town. writes his own control software and is fortunate not to have been arrested for building and launching his own rockets from his backyard in Houston. but I could The trash compactor technique was the first major dif- not buy anything new or used. or. problem when any fluid got in the cylinder. high. and I made ately dubbed “the green machine. they had it. owner of Clark Compression. “I try that technique. Irwin’s first design was so obviously out the need to travel the full length of the cylinder. plus. The machine pression hydraulic compressor back in 1981 and tried to would stall and shut down until someone came and fixed buy one. it didn’t matter how much trash With nothing readily available. developed paint coatings that were used on the lunar lander and rover. Texas. the stroke would stop pushing forward and return with- instantly find success. during the space-race era. he didn’t point. In 1998. if the gas pressure was too significant problems. “I used to work in the paint industry. Previous hydraulic compressor designs Irwin had to search for something besides high-speed pushed the piston full-stroke every time. CSI … and especially Hanover. Texas. regardless the necessary knowledge. That meant and had built separators for Surface Equipment. which became a compressors. Weatherford had also made hydrau. with the help of packager Bob Clark. Once that hydraulic pressure reached a set was available to work with. Irwin’s foray into hydraulic compression didn’t begin until the late 1990s. change the stroke on. of the reason.” Irwin said.Trash Compactors And Old TVs How Charlie Irwin made long-stroke. Irwin had that as pressure inside the cylinder increased. The need Though he had been in the gas compression industry for decades. some did work as intensifiers. Nothing was available. He remembered seeing a Universal Com. in this case. how much gas. n A first generation backwash production unit (BPU). a big trash compactor.” Irwin said. it created more hydraulic pressure needed to “Designing really wasn’t the issue. ference from other compressors because it uses variable were buying everything back then. He had experience packag. If he was going to “In the high-speed compressor industry we always succeed with a hydraulic compressor design.” Irwin said. but they had stopped making them. I knew how it worked and decided to “I decided I was going to solve the problem. However. He. but they didn’t work for Irwin’s purposes.” stroke lengths. is also the man trying to make the use of hydraulic compressors the go-to for gas lift and well-bore treatment.” it four. it was more about what push the piston. appropri- “At the time. large-pulse. And it did it by itself. Irwin was doing gas lift. going to fail. reach the end of the stroke. has filed five patents. started looking for compressor frames to work with. he took his “dream job” to be a field operator in Orla. though. but wet gas was damaging compressors. got into the cylinder. the compressor would run out of power before it could lic compressors. So Irwin began to think outside tradition. But with a trash compactor. that he never even built it. The stroke wasn’t controlled by the gas ing and writing the sizing programs for natural gas compres.” Irwin said. gas-lift compression work C harlie Irwin is just your average American who loves motorcycles. beginning as a field serviceman with no train- ing and learning the trade through books. “And all of the sudden I had one that I could the industry. Even without a fluid problem. by the hydraulic pressure controlling the ram. as he took over as president of LenOp.” Irwin said. it was going dreamed of a rubber cylinder that could change size eas- to have to be significantly different than its predecessors in ily. The job turned out to be a nightmare. Orla had a population of three. full-spectrum asset safety that operates in hazardous areas without expensive housings. The elite pedigree for machinery protection and life cycle cost efficiency. PROGNOST®-SILver combines condition monitoring. PROGNOST®-SILver. machine protection and emergency shutdown – Now in one SIL 3 certified beast. reply@prognost. That’s reliable.Anomalies beware There’s a new watchdog guarding Rotating Equipment.prognost.com www.com . ” there who understood the old technology. Once again. I was 13-years-old repairing televisions. That was the big parties who could figure it out. solve my (control) problem. Irwin and company knowledge of a technology that has been obsolete for de. While the trash-compactor style of compression and Ir- “I grew up in the ’50s and ’60s. the compressors into the transistor era. it would be outside-the-box thinking using With the control module in place.” every type of electronic and mechanical relay for control. According to Irwin. TVs. We tried PLCs and heavy-duty relays. However. He didn’t tell me about those capacitor things. but “There aren’t too many old people like me left alive out the controls would get destroyed. We could get the mechanical function to work. problem — automated control. “When you have a liquid pushing a gas.” Irwin said. Radio and TV technology win’s unique control module are the key components to was still tube-type back then. television repair shop. I Irwin’s compressor idea work. I started looking at a lot of the draulic cylinder. had to learn about that myself.” Irwin said. with this technology and has no problems with the pulsing able cannot stand all the millions of cycles of the piston action. I had a cousin who had a radio and themselves also comprise some novel features. And yes. “The piston moves in tiny little chips that were available. I got zapped a not gas pressure or distance was a breakthrough in making few times. a “backwash produc- and watched him work on stuff. lovingly dubbed “the green machine. it’s not likely there are too many interested a lot of times it was down to five minutes. and was just starting to move making hydraulic compression work. hurdle. It’s a little bitty module and it controls a set of bigger actually moving in tiny jerking motions. Having the stroke controlled by hydraulic pressure and it and let me have stuff to work on. And say. That al- controls. were ready to get their compressors to work.” . … I got to where I could fix perhaps bigger. and this wreaks havoc on any kind of old (TV) technology techniques to lie to the chips. the secret sauce to making hydraulic compression Surprise benefits has something to do with old TVs. and he taught me all about tion unit” (BPU). Irwin and Clark will not The best we could do was about three days of run time. but the liquid is very turbulent inside the hy. And for years I went over to his shop The first generation compressor. Exactly how the module works. but there was still another. and all of your current sensors avail. All of the modern (sensors) are polling in many lowed me to develop a control board that works beautifully microsecond intervals. the gas is nice “So after a long time of not finding anyone who could and spongy. And I realized I could use some jerks all the time. cades to make his compressor controls work. HOTSTART hazardous location equipment is MAINTAIN designed and manufactured to meet approval agency ENGINE TEMPERATURE requirements across the globe.com REDUCE to see the heating systems available for North American MAINTENANCE and International installations. Backwash production unit flow diagram.com . compression cylinders. are manufactured by Bowers Equip. The idea behind of Irwin’s designs. This prototype. as well as all cylinders inside one large separator unit. continued on page 28 HOTSTART is your CONTINUOUS partner for heating and HEATED lubricating systems for gas LUBRICATION compression applications. the green machine is that the oil and water coming into the ment in Houston. was built in 2001 (Figure 1). The heat from compression would The two-stage design comprised two long compression also help stimulate the oil/water separation (Figure 2). ELIMINATE CONDENSATION hotstart. n Figure 2. Visit HOTSTART. Patents are held by BI-Comp LLC separator from the well would act as a coolant for the internal (Bowers/Irwin Compression). worked. even though salt-water loose inside the large cylinder. but more benefits were discovered. But Irwin’s packager. Bob Clark. What we also didn’t know was go- take care of the temperatures and everything would heat up ing on is that this wet gas is acting as a solvent to clean up at the same rate. It didn’t.” But boy. the BPU was stimulating and cleaning the well “That was a really unique part (of the design). but there were benefits associated with but with the well fluid containing paraffin and low wellhead the long stroke and large gas pulses he had not anticipated. a 36-hour test was con- the compressor. was going to ask that question because there are no codes … If I would have torn the stamp off and called it piping we that directly apply to it because it’s a hydraulic cylinder … would have been fine! but it’s also a gas compressor. so I used the same thing. back into the formation and it moves stuff around. the plunger would routinely become stuck. It was complete well treat- “It took the patent office a couple of years to understand it ment. as they are al- “I had forgot to anticipate thermal expansion inside the ways moving toward the well-bore — that stuff gets moved hydraulic cylinders. only the connection. this guy knew his stuff. gas lifting. But But because I had a code stamp on that — if it would have he asked. they had to problem. since 1996 with the plunger still left in the well. pistons and rods were all also holding water that was salt-free. We waited two to the filter on the front of the trailer that was going to filter extra days for a $60 relief valve. I do all kinds with. I stamped it. CT2 28 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . And See the code stamp ‘U’ on the side of this filter?” usually. Irwin’s team took their prototype to the well. which was originally intended as a solution for shut in. It would be like using barsol or gasoline to The problem was solved by making nearly all the compo. “What codes did you build it to?” I was afraid he been a “pipe. “I thought the fluids would around and cleared up. … of stuff and they’re all challenges and fun for me. He said. tion VIII and Division 1. So they send out this PE.” They have degrees.” it would have been fine — it made it a vessel. So now you have hot water vapor other than the flange for the hydraulic oil to enter and the going into the well that is being absorbed by the salts.” Irwin In 2003. … I gave the filter to “Oh boy. You But they’re very sharp people and learn very quickly. You called it a vessel. Bob. no problem at all. find a relief valve in any shop. “So the permeability — which is getting blocked by it up.” flange for the gas to discharge. and formation at the same time. I had to have my son Fred We ran the machine a little for him … and we get around go to Odessa. A heater treater. Texas. And he looks at the filter and says. I couldn’t find any codes that apply Clark: But we were in Southern Mexico. another PE. Before being Irwin’s idea. but by that time During the first field test of the green machine. Essentially. should have called it ‘piping’ and then you wouldn’t have a We go to Mexico. but being a manufacturer of equipment like that you’re Bob Clark: The deal was they told (the PE). … Where’s your relief valve?” certify the safety of it. Irwin: So he’s looking at the machine. and it broke immediately. and I thought. … I said. And with the gas being hot. The result was the Americas oil well in Buffalo. fired said. The PE told me to get a relief valve on it and send a pic- I told him I designed the cylinders per ASME code.” the well bore. Sec. and to get the machine in. a few we already had them out in the field and running. I run into PEs who don’t know anything. long time to see how it could be functional. wasn’t completely continued on page 30 Vessels Are Not Piping: US$600 For A US$60 Part Irwin. find one and FedEx it. “Yeah. Clark share story of compressor inspection gone wrong in Mexico C harlie Irwin: I build ASME code vessels. Irwin and two partners bought an Expro ducted in which the well was stimulated. to look at a gas compressor. To test With the new BPU prototype. “That’s the problem. ture and he would approve it.” him through it and he understood it. it cost us $600 to get it the gas that P-Mex was going to give us to run the machine there.” And we had not screwed a dang relief valve on to that filter. that had been dormant production of 42 barrels of oil.” problems arose. It took their engineering group a in one machine on one fairly portable skid. but they just don’t have any experience. separator and compressor were now all and give me a patent on it. I had a connection for a relief valve. scrub the tubulars down. it was nents free-floating. the fines and the paraffin and asphaltines. We could not to the hydraulics. the well had produced one to two barrels per day. Nothing was rigidly attached came up out of the well. I did that. pressure. The cylinders. and we walked Everything else was protected because it was “hydraulics. “I see a problem. I’m an ASME shop. “You’re here not required to supply the relief valve. Texas.” Irwin said.” Irwin said. The “(The pulse into the bottom of the well) creates a wave well was set to be plugged and abandoned. Global Compressor is your single source for natural gas compressor parts. From piston rods to crossheads to con rods to valves. Global Compressor takes the alarm out of compressor breakdown. 713-983-8773 . new or refurbished. Potemkin’s specialty design & engineering and same day shipping. With 28. Your single source for natural gas compressor parts. our rapid response team is ready at a moment’s notice.000 inventoried OEM parts.globalcompressorparts. Pull the alarm today. domestic or international.com.www.globalcompressorparts.com Ariel Gemini Ajax Ingersoll Rand Chicago Pneumatic Joy Clark Knight CB Knox Western Dresser-Rand Superior Gardner Denver Worthington 24/7/365 /7/3 Your order has been shipped. 24/7/365 customer service. visit www. (82. HEC diagram. Although more than 20 BPUs have been built and sold. Precision in compressors. The HGC or “MMULLET” compressor. the ma- chine runs at about 10 rpm. two-stage machine with the compression cylinders plates. heavy and not very portable. “But in return. According to Irwin. (307) 314-2700 | logilube. The HEC is available as a quences of over or under lubrication three-stage design with a discharge pressure of 3000 psig (207 barg). When gas pressures inside the cylinder are high. both stages use 10 in. HGC was very portable. they are large. Clark asked for a portable compressor that could be taken from well to well for treatment. satisfied. the Multistage Multi- phase Unitized Linear Liquid Entrained-Gas Transfer compressor. Irwin essentially took the adjacent minimize the conse- cylinders inside the BPU out of the separator (Figure 4). While the Tightly control force. low rpm and Ryton rings allow the hydraulic compres- Costs and valve plate stiction sors to operate with a consistent temperature of up to 450°F (232°C) trouble-free.55 mm) ram and and cleanliness stage two pushed by a 6 in.” Irwin said. (254 Repairs of oil quality mm) pistons. more frequent strokes.25 in. Increase reliability and life of divider blocks. Clark renamed the MMULLET as simply “hydraulic gas compressor” (HGC) (Figure 3). $ increase revenue by optimizing compressor efficiency and minim- izing losses due to The HGC runs with an inlet pressure of around 50 psig (3. its stroke was limited by having both hydraulic cylinders feed lube rate to back-to-back. Irwin’s third-model compressor is called the heat-exchange compressor (HEC). such a jump in pressure in only two stages would not work in high-speed compres- Reduce O&M excess oil lube rate sion. seals and other facing back-to-back inside one long cylinder as opposed to adjacent positioning compressor components inside a large separator cylinder. (2032 mm) and through real-time Minimize precision monitoring stage two has a stroke length of 20 in. which meant longer strokes than the HGC could provide. so we gave up something there. Irwin designed his second-generation compressor.4 mm) ram. the machine will run Reduce O&M costs and shorter. (152. When gas pressures allow the machine to run full-stroke distances.com “We also don’t want to cycle this thing too fast. because then we lose the effect of our pulse. increasing the hydraulic pressure needed to push the piston. In order to get longer strokes. You can pat your Proudly presenting at hand a lot and get little waves. It is always self-adjusting for maximum efficiency. valve The HGC is a portable. with stage one being pushed by a 3. or the MMULLET. (508 mm). COMPRESSORtech2 .” Not wanting the equipment to share its name with an outdated haircut or a fish. but that’s not what we want. Stage one has a stroke of 80 in.5 barg) maximum operating gas discharge pressure of about 1100 psig (76 barg). We want big waves. we gained the ability to go to much higher ratios and higher capacities. Get A Grip On Your Lubrication System With Real-time Oil Condition Monitoring n Figure 3. “It’s not quite as portable as the HGC. Lube Rate coalescing filters and transmission pipelines lube TM LogSmartOil n Figure 4. No mullets allowed In 2006. But the slow strokes. It was designed with gas flooding in mind and called for higher temperatures and pressures. It’s like patting your hand in a bathtub full of water. ” Irwin said. I really ton that is compressing on the opposite end. for compressed natural gas. of it to protect myself.’ Oil companies want to keep everything in the formation up and moving in solution. Irwin reluc. For example.” CT2 All trademarks. “(The fourth-generation compressor) is something that I The pistons are each at the end of a single rod (Figure 5). I put safeties inside is lower relative to the gas it is compressing due to the gas assist. in differen ap d shielded for n on -shielded an ny existing coil Available igns to replace a al des and electric ■ CSA A appr approved versions for ■ Safe and reliable design reduces risk of ■ Designed and manufactured in Europe Class I. they don’t want it to screen out. ized that there is no real problem.de | www. The slower you go and bigger you go. This allows the thought it was going to have some issues that were going compressor to do more work because the hydraulic pressure to be safety concerns.6 MMCFD (73. and they did exactly what they were as important as interest is. LLC Phone: 1-504-355-4212 | www. “I felt it was falling into The inlet gas coming into one cylinder helps to push the pis- the same trap that other hydraulic compressors did. Venezuela and Mexico. the bigger wave you double-acting compressor that uses inlet gas pressure to have and the better it affects the formation.” Clark said. double acting compressor. financial backing to go out and support the equipment. Div. and interest is growing in the United States as well. did not want to build. pressures and even phase-change in the cylinder.motortech.600 m3/d). “We call it the ‘elastic wave. the average amount of total flow each day might only be 700 MCFD (19. this message is being a single-stage. But then we real. A standard cylinder (top) and step cylinder (bottom) of According to Irwin and Clark. Irwin and Clark are in a viable supposed to do and broke immediately.motortechamericas.” n Figure 5. heard loud-and-clear in Colombia. “The message is our pressure pulsing effect. 2 Group C/D personal injury ■ Available in different versions to work with ■ Modern manufacturing process every popular ignition controller MOTORTECH Americas. but during a pulse. and is able to tolerate high tantly designed yet another hydraulic compressor. But I was wrong. It is intended To maximize the pulsing effect even more. it is the equivalent of a machine with a flow rate of 2. And. THE #1 SOURCE FOR YOUR IGNITON COIL DEMANDS t models plications.800 m3/d).com . which means higher discharge pressures and very high volumetric flow during a pulse. position to handle the growth.” assist the hydraulics in moving the pistons.” “We are able to work with distributors today who have the The fourth-generation compressor is a single-stage. logos and symbols are exclusive objects to the right of their owners and are used for reference purpose only. we keep adding safety solutions for use in new applications. The size erson said. Roxtec’s seals wrap securely around cables and pipes. but preventing threats such as fire. “Multidiameter.ft. including fire. pressure and electromagnetic energy to pass. “At the same time. This intensive development makes us perform more fire protection tests than ever before.Seals Under Fire Roxtec test lab will be operational in 2018 BY BO SVENSSON R oxtec Group. “The Roxtec sealing system is used all over the world by large companies such as Siemens and GE. further growth. It will help ensure an efficient workflow. material and n Roxtec’s Multidiameter pipe and cable seals prevent threats logistics. “Owners and contractors within everything from shipbuilding and construction to renewable energy rely on the seals. close to the material test lab and the product develop- ment and production facilities. Roxtec said the test facility would be ready in 2018.” Helm- from passing around the pipe or cable through a barrier. The company’s invention for adaptability to cables and pipes of different sizes.” said Mikael Helmerson.” “We see a lot of opportunities for our cable and pipe tran- sits and are growing in many sectors.” to witness tests with specific products for specific applications. CEO. the company is now building a new fire test laboratory in Karlskrona. The 5800 sq. Roxtec paves the way for den. 80 markets through subsidiaries and distributors. a swedish provider of modular-based cable and pipe seals.” CT2 32 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . but also to be able to invite customers and certifying authorities to witness tests with specific products for specific applica- tions. which are tested and certified to protect against multiple risk factors.” Helmerson said. manager. gas. (540 m2) two-floor fire lab will reflect this in all aspects. In order to meet the increasing demand for product test- ing and pave the way for continuous growth. Swe- n By investing in a new fire test lab. technical and com- mercial support at Roxtec. speeds up installation and reduces the need for stock. regardless of the outside dimension of the cable or pipe. With n Roxtec can fire-test cable and pipe transits according to specific our new fire laboratory we increase our capacity and pre- requirements. Customers and certifying authorities can be invited pare ourselves for further growth. a good working environment and a sustainable testing procedure. “The Roxtec technology simplifies design. allowing them to pass through a barrier such as a wall. water. “We perform fire tests in order to develop our transits and ensure quality.” is based on sealing modules with removable rubber layers and allows for a perfect sealing.” said Ulf Hildingsson. and provides spare capacity for upgrades. Sweden. “We serve and support customers in more than can be adjusted thanks to removable layers. announced a new fire test lab- oratory in Karlskrona. The lab will enable Roxtec to set up tests according to most national and international standards. It will be built at the Roxtec global headquar- ters. Rox- tec Group. to protect life and secure operations. 50% lower maintenance costs DQGEHWWHUHIÀFLHQF\SDWHQWHG5LQJ'DPSHGYDOYHVVDYH \RX PRQH\ $QG E\ GHFUHDVLQJ YDOYH FKDQJHV E\ RQHKDOI WKH\UHGXFHWKHIUHTXHQF\RIWKHPRVWLQMXU\SURQHFRPSUHVVRU PDLQWHQDQFHWDVN²²VDYLQJVRPHWKLQJHYHQPRUHYDOXDEOH Visit us at the Gas Machinery Conference Booth #300 See the video at cookcompression.Ring Damped Compressor Valves MEASURABLE SAVINGS. SAFETY BEYOND MEASURE.com/rdv North America +1 877 266 5226 Europe +44 0 151 355 5937 Middle East +971 2 5575250 %DVHGRQDFWXDOUHSRUWHGUXQWLPHJDLQVDQGDYHUDJHHQHUJ\VDYLQJV China +86 21 24112600 . With at least 100% more run time. the been serviced in the span of five years. For a long time. France-based SAMR the intervention. A technical team from SAMR was present at the re- sisted in checking the main bearings after the dismounting mounting of the bearings. One example of SAMR activity in the service and mainte- nance field is the intervention for preventive maintenance of the sliding bearings in five Dujardin gas-reciprocating com- pressors at a coke plant in eastern France. a specialist in multimetal sliding bearings located in Troyes en Champagne. a material check of the bear. All the machines in the plant have ponents. Coste succeeded in the production of sliding bearings thanks to the creation of a homogeneous fusion of two im- miscible materials and mastering the delicate procedure of the application of anti-friction material by centrifugation. In both cases. five compressors are used to supply the gas directly to the thermal power plant located across the coke facility. SAMR was founded in 1947 by Jules Coste to cope with the demand of sliding bearings to repair engines after World War II. In another example of outsourced preventive mainte- ings. SAMR also offers training courses in sliding bearing technology. or to completely rebuild them. With n A specialist in multimetal sliding bearings. The maintenance operations carried out by SAMR con. SAMR set up a complete program of pre. Nowadays. carrying out a visual inspection. a research and development specialist company If the bearings were found in order. crankshaft and the bearings. building on its expertise in sliding bearings. centrifugal compressors for specific tests. the maintenance at this company was carried out by internal parts were sent to the SAMR workshop. until. At that point. parts were machined by SAMR. they were cleaned.Outsourced Compressor Bearing Maintenance French sliding bearing specialist offers preventive maintenance for gas compressors BY ROBERTA PRANDI T he Société d’Application du Métal Rouge (SAMR). maintenance started to solutions were given to the customer: to repair the com. the French manufacturer is a worldwide supplier with international operations and has extended its field of activities by adding the installation and main- tenance of rotating machines. The company strived and developed rapidly in the automo- tive and truck markets. two specialized teams. specifically performed before putting the compressor back in operation. a metrological check of the SAMR said there were no failures in the first five years. tional cycle of five years. France. ventive maintenance where each year a compressor was stopped and serviced. gradually. If the bearings were damaged. for aeronautic propulsion systems operated three Oerlikon adjusted and placed back in their housing for a new opera. coke oven gas is generated. aimed specifically at the compressors’ can manufacture bearings and all types of friction parts based on sliding bearings. nance. and a check of the bearings’ lift. crossheads and crankshaft. be outsourced. drawing designs or model prototypes. During the plant process. 34 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . SAMR reported that it was the first time the plant operator outsourced maintenance to a compressor specialist. has an interest- ing company history. and a number of checks were of connecting rods. which is used also as a source of energy. SAMR said bearings were dismantled and examined the same day. a very quick reaction tating machines and training courses in sliding bearing technology. Today. and an electrolytic deposit station. all types of geometrical shapes: cylindrical. lemon. this stock n SAMR offers its expertise in installation and maintenance of ro- can be used and. and environmentally safe? Let us help you. The failure was found and the bearing was sent to the SAMR workshop. SAMR can manufacture bearings and all types of fric. The company said it could master chines. How can we help you make your compressors efficient. According to SAMR. in case of failure. Today. You knew us then. To keep the compressors safely in service and avoid any other shutdowns. CPIcompression. After more checks and the neces- sary repairs. Air. to name a few. CT2 Sometimes you have to stand back to see the full picture. these compressors were manufac- tured in 1954 and the owner still preferred to work with them rather than adopting more recent machines. tions with ultrasonic and penetrating tests. You might have called us by different names—France Compressor Products. Premier Lubrication and R. and pads and tilting pads. and SAMR technicians were contacted for an urgent intervention. so the company proposed to create a stock of semi-finished raw bearings. advancing the performance of your reciprocating compressors through customized solutions and application expertise. At each maintenance intervention. A metrological SAMR’s integrated production site is fully equipped with room is available for sizing and dimension controls. By servicing only one compressor at a time. SAMR said some bearings suffer more than others. offset.A. The company is able to carry out nondestructive inspec- multilobes. we are CPI. casting rooms for copper alloys (red metal) and babbitt tion parts based on drawing designs or model prototypes alloys (white metal). When two of the compressors failed in the same period of time. You know us now. reliable.com | 1-800-675-6646 . is guaranteed.M. it had been decided to set up a complete program of preventive maintenance that includes service for each unit every three years or after a defined number of running hours. Progressive Equipment. operation is not interrupted. SAMR technicians reassembled the bearings and put the compressors back in operation. among others. high performing manufacturing ma- by reverse engineering. the company faced a standstill in its testing activities. we are united. Metallic Plates|Thermoplastics|Springs|Buttons|Poppets|Kits|Center Bolts|Pins|Lift Washers|O-Rings . 24 7hrs days www. California USA
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. that number will cation for the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America jump 3. the permitting the East Coast. helping move natural gas from producers ral gas production will average 73. which continue to propose Even though compressor stations have surfaced rapidly and build pipelines within the shale plays. will receive a booster pump upgrade to eliminate planned blowdowns and direct natural gas back into the pipeline. BY DJ SLATER N atural gas is expected to have a prominent pres. “We believe that once the local community learns Demand isn’t slowing down either. for continued on page 40 38 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . education might be the unifying factor in ence in the future energy needs of the United bringing about compromise between the sides. These trends have caught the how they operate. pipeline network. how they work. Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts natu. New York. communi- Bcfd higher than last year’s level. located in Delaware County. the “Compressor stations play a critical role in the natural gas U. public remain at odds on compressor stations n Pipeline companies often modify compressor stations to mitigate environmental impacts and placate the public. which is 1 to end users.3 Bcfd higher than this year’s amount. especially along in the United States over the past decade. Each compres- It also has caught the public’s attention.S. eral and state agencies. States. consumption levels in 2018 will be higher about how they are built. turning many sor station must adhere to the requirements of several fed- residents in affected communities into protesters with a ral.3 Bcfd in 2017. The EIA forecasts that about compressor stations and gets accurate information all monthly U. what they do and than their 2017 counterparts. In 2018. vice president. Despite a dip in production in 2016.” said Cathy Landry. process is not designed for swift approval. pipelines and compressor stations and the swelling tide of The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).Clash Of Compression Perspectives Pipeline companies. (INGAA).” attention of pipeline companies.S. lying cry: “Not in my backyard!” With the growing need for some of which surpass federal mandates. along with state and local laws. The Hancock compres- sor station. concerns are generally alleviated. public opposition. vibration. Watch the video.PRECISION CRAFTSMANSHIP FOLLOW THE VALUE ADDED CHAIN COMPRESSOR OF AN API 618 PACKAGE @NEA TECHNOLOGY THE RUN TEST @NEA: NO CHANCE FOR ANY NON-CONFORMITY OF THE 6-CRANK GIANT. piston clear- ance and rod run out measurements are just some of the many requirements covered during the rigorous testing procedure.com Manufacturing in Germany . NEA's mechanical run test area and process is reflective of the diligence that has been applied to each component of the 6-crank compressor from engineering to manufacturing including the 360° quality management. Temperature.neuman-esser. NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP www. as well as wildlife and vegeta. Online.9 million station. notifications from FERC through its e-Subscription option. tiple opportunities and outlets to voice their opinions. and during the operation of the facilities. and weight. pressor station proposal by visiting FERC’s e-Library.S. Millennium built the US$50. Citing health concerns and adverse effects on home values. Intervenors are able and operated in a safe manner.” Young-Allen said. also expects compressor stations to protect all Individuals can also access all public documents on a com- surface and groundwater. If some- tion. Millennium Pipeline ([SHULHQFH5HOLDELOLW\. Public meetings and environmental site reviews are two mental evaluation. an individual must file as station approval process — the station must be designed an intervenor through FERC’s website. individual or many. as did the formation of the Stop the Minisink Compressor Station (StopMCS) pro- test group. dealt with its share of back- lash when it brought its plans to FERC in July 2011 to build a compressor sta- tion in the Town of Minisink. ways for individuals to share their comments and concerns such as schools and homes. which became operational in June 2013. they haven’t stopped people from protesting whenever a new compressor station proposal surfaces. to measure at or below 55 dB(A). no matter the method provided. determines the necessity of a compressor station Tamara Young-Allen of FERC’s division of media relations. knows this all too well. Getting actively involved in a project’s proceedings is also ministration (PHMSA) also has a say in the compressor available to the public. For stations in noise-sensitive locations.” the number of times an issue or concern is raised by one Before the first shovel cracks the soil. Despite the suggestion. cies. Public outcry soon followed. A station’s impact on the land it occupies must also one wants to stay updated on a specific project. The EPA. the source or struction. The e-Comment option allows individu- air conditioning unit at 100 ft. 60 dB(A) is ments to FERC regarding any proposed compressor station equivalent to a conversation in a restaurant or hearing an or pipeline project. (30 m). in a given area and also conducts an independent environ. said Though these outlets from FERC are available. director of six plants. Michelle Hook. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) re. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad. StopMCS wanted Millennium to build its compressor station at an alterna- tive site surrounded by 1289 acres (522 ha) of hunting land. said her company heard the complaints. a manufacturer of noise control products. they can get be minimal to gain favor from the EPA and similar agen. along with local and state supporting files. but couldn’t alter its plans because of the complex nature of compressor stations . totaling 559. agencies.example. the public has mul.” decision on a project. FERC requires sound levels in person. or less. to participate in FERC hearings on a specific project.QWHJULW\ Co. the public has even more avenues to send com- tics. file “The permitting process … is robust to protect the health for a rehearing. To do this. Landry said. “Natural gas compressor stations must meet “All comments are treated with the same consideration all applicable federal regulations prior to and during con. as well as the ability to attach air quality standards. public relations for Millennium. If they want to exceed that amount. file briefs and challenge the commission’s and safety of individuals living near a compressor station. According to IAC Acous.100 SF on 67 acres. on the original site close to the Minisink The AXH manufacturing complex consists of residents. The com- pany. FERC’s e-Filing quires any proposed compressor station to meet current option offers unlimited space. als to provide brief remarks on a project in 6000 characters The U. whose natural gas pipeline runs from Steuben to Rockland counties in New York. )D[. it’s the opti- 40 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 .ZZZD[KFRP and their locations. “When we choose a site. 9 miles (1. the organization placed five consumer model particulate matter (PM 2. The air quality monitors found that the hourly air quality index ranged from 4 to 20 ug/m3. If you place it too close. Sometimes a compressor sta- tion must be built near a residential area. “More continuous monitoring and reporting of emissions is needed at operating sites to determine the level of risk. said that the study used poor methods to gather its conclusions. “It is apparent to us that their voices need to be heard. however.5 km) of the station. 22 individuals reported respira- tory problems. the study provided the hourly air quality index for the Newburgh. the protests have decreased. “(The study) tells us that living near a compressor station may harm your health in the short term and potentially in the long term. The Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project.” Hook said. Pipeline companies have to consider the collective needs of energy consumers in these situations.” Hook added that compressors stations are approved and constructed based on need. she said. conducted a study on the health effects of the compressor station on area residents. 17. Between Oct. and industry and regulatory agencies can be more responsive and proactive in protecting peoples’ health. 19 and Dec. and that usually draws public criticism. “Four or five people’s opinions do not outweigh the de- sires of those who need access to natural gas. For perspective. “If you always take the one or two nearby homeowners and put their needs before those who need energy. “If you place the station too far away (from other stations). airport.mal location. such as by using consumer air quality monitors instead of EPA Federal Reference Method continued on page 42 COMPRESSORtech2 . Some residents also obtained volatile or- ganic compound (VOC) samples using Summa canisters on four occasions.” Lewis said.” Hook said. “EHP’s focus is on helping people protect the health of their families when they find themselves in harm’s way. with six dealing with nosebleeds.” Four years since the Minisink compressor station went operational. you would never get anything done.4 ug/m3. 2014. which is about 32 mi. research and communica- tions consultant with the environmental health organization. Lewis said that those regulations don’t require the disclosure of real-time emissions nor do the air quality standards take into account the short-term emissions peaks from compres- sor station blowdowns. Twelve people reported headaches and 10 experienced skin rash- es. a nonprofit en- vironmental health organization. (51 km) from Minisink. According to the study.5) monitors near area homes and collected health informa- tion from eight families living within 0. New York.” Even though FERC and other agencies ensure that com- pressor stations follow environmental standards. you put too much pressure in one location.” Hook.” said Celia Lewis. you need more compression and larger engines. Those hourly levels were 6. but rumblings from nearby residents haven’t stopped. Misinformation appears to be the common enemy against any natural gas- related project.Applications@Sullair. Just ask Warren Craddock While the protests didn’t stop the Minisink compressor station. they can play a role in halting a project. the Millennium pipeline and transports natural gas to customers via compressed thus meeting the overall demands required natural gas (CNG) trucks. NG Advantage has stated that those claims are inaccurate and that the spread of misinformation has put their project in jeopardy. COMPRESSORtech2 . As of early August. GAS COMPRESSION High-Pressure Gas End In the Gas Compression Industry n While the EPA requires any proposed compressor station to meet current air quality Reliability is everything standards. Consumer monitors. even if it doesn’t convince everyone. the school district states the township’s devoted until the job is done. local residents are not sitting idle. It’s why Warren planning board did not take the proper steps before approving the station.” Hook said. are highly inaccurate compared with the EPA models. such relies on it every single day.com have made appearances at township meetings and have expressed their con- cerns to local media outlets. the judge has not made a decision on whether to stop the project indefinitely or let construction resume. While pipeline companies get a bad reputation in the public eye. she said. NG Advantage is the com- “We found the Sullair equipment line to be pany behind the proposal. on many fronts. All rights reserved. some people feel the standards aren’t strict enough or that companies that fail to meet the standards aren’t held accountable.” The lawsuit prompted a Broome County Supreme Court judge to halt the Warren Craddock station’s construction. LLC. durable and Valley School District. a proposed Sullair gas compression technology is a lot like compressor and loading station is in flux following a lawsuit by the Chenango the people who use it — resilient. In the Township of Fenton. (FRM) or Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) monitors. “There are © 2017 Sullair. They OEM. Hook said companies like Millennium do their best to be a good neighbor. giving the school district and NG Advantage a chance to Senior Technical Advisor. New York. Those concerns range from increased traffic from the CNG trucks to pollution. diverse and extremely reliable. “There will always be those who are anti-fossil fuel. which calls for a US$100 million facility that taps into extensive. To learn more. Bidell Gas Compression present their cases before the court. please contact While the waiting game continues. as conducting an environmental review of the project. In the lawsuit. We work with gas compressor OEMs. While these efforts are helpful. “We also try to solve yours.5823 // info@klsummit. packagers. backed by our pipeline. who serves as president of the environmental database firm known as Toxics Targeting. The firm’s website provides several examples of these incidents.” 800. Millennium is taking them further. New York. such as by pro- viding tours of their facilities and shar- ing scientist-backed health studies on natural gas facilities. “We do this to be environmentally operators and end users around the world to solve compressor lubrication-related issues. Klüber Lubrication NA LP Sometimes it doesn’t. Millennium has also been using radio and Facebook advertisements to share information on its projects. such as a petro- leum spill at the Borger compressor station in Ithaca.” she said. The documentation reveals that the spill does not meet the department’s current cleanup standards. be a good neighbor. If we cut down trees.klsummit.klsummit. To see all our products visit www.749. Using Summit lubricants. making the station nearly experience and technical expertise.com “We do these things to reduce our footprint. This technology Avoid Unplanned Downtime prevents blowdowns by holding and Summit’s specialty lubricants succeed where conventional redirecting natural gas back into the lubricants fail. in 1998. of Environmental Conservation.com Products You Can Trust people that you’re never going to reach.com COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 43 . And we’re ready to conscious. Hang said the problem with natural gas operations is when an incident oc- curs. state and federal government sources and shares it with the public on its website. we plant new ones. Hook said. but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a good company. Sometimes it resonates.” Hook said her methods of thwarting misinformation include being trans- parent with the public. continued on page 44 Quality www. the resulting mess is usually not cleaned up to the standards of the New York State Dept. In September. Those efforts haven’t swayed Walter Hang. has proven to result in TJHOJæDBOUEFDSFBTFTJOPQFSBUJOHBOENBJOUFOBODFDPTUT emissions free. the company planned to install a booster pump at the Minisink compressor station. such as a leak or spill. The firm collects envi- ronmental data from local. site.com. extending engine capability and performance. such as an electronic Liane Hinrichs. Freeman has more than 30 J. These grated scope of supply (all rotating equipment. has engine environments can be significant. Transmission. “There are so many checks and balances in place. “The challenge in providing reliable data from reciprocating compressors.nocompressor. functional and leadership courses to achieve tions. In Franklin Township. who will retire from engine balancer for large-bore gas engines and an elec.” Imes USA. Assembly. known as the Fore River Residents Against the Hang said there are better energy alternatives to natural Compressor Station. Virginia. Freeman years of legal experience in both Oxsensis the private and public sectors. and often in new loca- technical. “That raises sor station has drawn the ire of the community. Classroom. that is fully protective of environmental health.” Hang said. www. vice Imes. New Jersey.” said Manuel Bajaksouzian. to build the sta- ture incidents. His most recent position was U. Freeman was group (cor- has signed an agreement with Parker Aerospace to develop porate) general counsel for Technip. wide portfolio of Customer Training solutions on the inte. a Spectra Energy subsidiary. however. be alleviating. continued on page 55 44 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . procurement and America since 2009. He has McDermott International Inc. Massachusetts. Prior used in compression. combustion and turbine applications operating at digital industry. designs and provides a temperature sensors for aerospace engine applications. in Abingdon. Hang Commission has already denied a permit to Algonquin Gas said the proper safeguards must be in place to prevent fu. together we will provide dynamic pressure and temperature data that hasn’t been Imes available previously. Morris president. a GE company. distance and 3-D virtual interactive training Oxsensis optical instrumentation addresses compres- sessions. compressor station proposals. that are already successfully deployed in land-based gas tur- practical and on-the-job delivery methods are blended bine systems. injecting OEM expertise to excel in evolving sor. The Weymouth Conservation natural gas operations will disappear anytime soon. You hear plan to build a compressor station within the area as part of about the planes that crash. Tailor-made learning pathways combine higher temperatures. tion. based on innovative fiber optic sensor technologies. including static and dynamic pressure and Baker Hughes. has appointed Besides offering the company’s John Freeman as senior vice range of pressure sensors directly D. “By combining our capabilities. operational excellence. construction firm. While he doesn’t think mental impacts of the station. nonelectrically. Hook feels confident in the future of is going to get more scrutiny..” CT2 Prime Movers Baker Hughes. in 2009. which he hopes will gain more mainstream traction. about the potential environ- especially with government officials. a GE company instrumentation. He succeeds Imes USA also hosts new facilities.” ist group. general counsel and to the North American market. this is a opened a U. and the Massachusetts governor has called on several “Until we achieve some kind of new standard of behavior state agencies to evaluate the company’s proposal.” he said. especially with all the require- The opposition to compressor stations doesn’t seem to ments and laws that ensure the safety of each building. control and include direct-mount sensors operating up to 1800°F (982°C) auxiliary systems) to global customer basis. “After these incidents occur. a proposed compres- handle it or clean it up properly. the company at the end of the year.S. corporate secretary. tronic pressure indicator for diesel engines. a manufacturer of optical sensors special advisor to the integration of Technip and FMC. with online. That’s the same with compres- the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project. warns the community through its web- gas. the two companies will develop harsh-environment number of different legal and compliance positions.K. Prior to joining Technip aerospace engine sensor technology. the state authorities don’t In Weymouth. this industry Despite the backlash. An activ- profound concerns over the use of compressed gas. Freeman was with Baker Hughes. problem we are solving together.-based subsidiary.” Hook man Joe Danielsen has crafted a resolution that opposes a said. a Germany-based specialist in cylinder pressure president and general manager for Parker’s Fluid Systems sensors for large-bore engines and Division. “You don’t hear about the planes that land. combustion and turbine applications. Dave Morris has been named McDermott president of Imes USA. represented the company in North an engineering.-based Oxensis. to the merger of Technip and FMC. sor stations. where he held a Together. compressortech2. Its software performs than conventional screw gmrc. Prüftechnik’s Vibguard Color-coded 3-D diagrams Research Council has pany. kobelcocompressors. housing options. Media Baker Hughes. Condition Advanced Screw GMRC a GE company Monitoring Compressors The Gas Machinery The newly formed com. on every channel. Skids are designed membership information product information as well requires no active cooling.com E ) s F RE (It ’ LIKE WHAT YOU’VE SEEN HERE? SUBSCRIBE OR RENEW! AT www. investor and and TCP networking and layouts.” has and comes in a variety of Dry Screw Compressor a resource library are launched a new website.org.com/subscribe/ . a supplier portal. to provide smaller footprints and training programs. True Hughes and GE Oil & Gas. Modbus Compressor system site. features Ethernet. gas machinery “the world’s first and only measurement channels standing of its Advanced research projects and fullstream company. The unit and Advanced Wet Screw prominent features on the The site includes news.com continuous data recording compressors. comprised of Baker condition monitoring system in this Kobelco brochure redesigned its website.com pruftechnik. along with event and BHGE careers. features 20 synchronous facilitate a quick under- to its name. bhge. saw an opportunity for the commercial application of a new lightweight compressor piston design. [0. The sleeve. The hybrid structure of SPP allows for the best materials The initial results were presented in 2014. a the weight reduction potential higher. be obvious for several reasons. mise for performance and cost. The Panacea Pis- 46 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . were pre-competitive in Its potential for significant weight reduction in the study from form. of both worlds may be combined and transition would be SPP is a hybrid combination of metal parts and a compos. residual strength —after accelerated fatigue — of 400 kN. Those investigations. on the other hand. and affordable engineering manufacture lightweight pistons has been experimented in development sufficient to guarantee infinite fatigue life. as is customary with any project within the EFRC EFRC was identified with three key characteristics: a low working groups. cantly heavier than the crosshead and piston rod. In this cutaway the Solid Polymer Piston concept is duction of reciprocating components in general would of. shown with its three basic elements: sleeve. The next step was the challenge of turning density core material that allows the efficient transfer of gas a good idea into a readily available technology under the pressure loads to the piston rod using a solid or pseudo-solid restrictions of pre-competitive research. the relative ease of consistent manufacture from one. this concept. rial concept to be used in lightweight pistons. research evolved into the validation of a new hybrid mate. in 2014. The results of early fourth element may be introduced: a piston pressure face liner. industrial applications can follow. higher machine capacity and increased efficiency. The according to considerations of weight and manufacturing. a core with cavities — cavity SPP (CSPP) — to maintain With the demonstration of the technology readiness for weight reduction despite the square cube law. As it turned out.4 m] diameter upward) is to design utilizing the SPP concept with CCPC material. Mass re. shaft/hub. A crosshead’s structural complexity limits the potential for choice for metal such as stainless steel or aluminum would mass reduction. the crosshead proved not to be the being well-supported by the core. and core. n Figure 1. low-density core of.. a 30 to 70% mass reduction was reported by pistons (from 16 in. load transfer area (via the shaft or hub) is large. the concept of SPP material used to off pieces to series production. which could be metal and could be integrated with the sleeve. Austria. Results of this research were presented in a technical pa- per at the 9th EFRC Conference in Vienna.Panacea Pursues Ideal Pistons Dutch company aspires to take EFRC compressor research to market BY ROBERTA PRANDI C yril Wentzel. shaft/hub. For that purpose. and for that Shear stresses in this design are relatively low because the reason a spin-off company was created. One design possibility that has been explored for larger aluminum. ite polymer: controlled cavity polymer compound (CCPC). however. In particular. metal is ini- sible solution for lightweight piston construction. making For lower values in the piston length-to-diameter ratio. easier. as well as the tially retained in the inner and outer zones so that the best characterization of polymer composite materials in fatigue. describing the to be applied locally and thus achieves the best compro- definition of the solid polymer piston (SPP) concept as a pos. core. The concept for the new piston was the groundwork of a pre-competitive research study by the European Forum For Reciprocating Compressors’ (EFRC) R&D Working Group. Wentzel also co-authored a paper titled “Closing The In- novation Cycle In Lightweighting Compressor Piston Tech- nology” presented in 2016 at the 10th EFRC Conference. a full-scale validation process which included a 1:10 scale The SPP basically consists of three elements (Figure 1): piston fatigue test and a full scale test that demonstrated a sleeve. The research around a new concept for lightweight pis- tons in reciprocating compressors started as an exercise in exploring the weight reduction potential of very heavy crossheads by the EFRC R&D Working Group. founder of Panacea Piston Co. The pistons. but not required in itself. can be shaped as desired component on which to focus weight reduction efforts. fer benefits in less vibration. The solid. fers a simple load path from pressurized faces to the piston Compared to common piston designs based on steel and rod. and core. are signifi. reducing potential risks. feasibility of the SPP concept. the scaled and The manufacture of the demonstrator hardware (at the the full scale (room temperature) fatigue test at the level continued on page 48 .” Wentzel said. was founded with the intent of finding partners in major compressor manufacturers to design and launch ma- chines utilizing this new piston design. it can be disassembled showing the internal structure. With regards to the validation process carried out so far. Since it is not performance as well as for finding a way to test it in an bonded.ton Co. In the three years since the initial feasibility study. economical way. the transfer of the idea of using a hybrid polymer concept toward actual application was built into the original EFRC project using concepts of disruptive innovation theory. A n The manufacturing demonstrator prepared in the EFRC proj- minimum level of demonstration was necessary for fatigue ect embodies all the essentials of the SPP concept. The company produced parts and tested them in cooperation with the Aerospace Structures and Materials Laboratory at Delft University of Technology. such as the potential mechanical capabilities at level of a mock-up) was also essential in illustrating the elevated temperatures and the resistance to lubrication oils. which is where Wentzel’s spin-off company comes into play. Wentzel said the pre-competitive study addressed ques- tions that involved the feasibility evaluation as such. Other aspects of the material have been evaluated. “Nevertheless. Wentzel set up the independent company and worked with some partners in the Netherlands. Wentzel said launching a still unknown “plastic material” into a self-declared conservative industry poses some chal- lenges. And finally. the structural concept has been investigated and technology has been developed. which is a significant effort and investment 10:34 AM on our side. Wentzel is confident that other applications will be able to benefit significantly from the insights that will result from such an exercise. complete with the re- quired manufacturing tolerances for its installation. This process could turn into an expensive exercise. Short. It’s clear that any application needs to be preceded by a test of the actual piston in a testbed compressor. Among the variables to be monitored are temperature distribution and the specimen stiff- ness. • 90-degree and 316 stainless steel versions available. • resonance. straight-through flow path minimizes channel maximizes accuracy. “Members of the EFRC’s R&D Working Group obviously have an interest in this development. • Compact design. Thus the SPP piston has been produced as a low-pressure trunk type and successfully tested in a 15 hp (11 kW). “A preliminary study.com Telephone: 1-800-264-5950 e-mail: info@kienediesel.” Wentzel said. gives us good hopes to have an actual product launch close to that time. .kienediesel. namely companies in the USA. Also. and we carried out studies with some of them. This would involve the manufacture of the full piston. and this is the reason why Wentzel decided for an application into a smaller compressor as a reasonable intermediate step. • Designed specifically for compressors. “We also did studies for companies outside the EFRC’s R&D Working Group members. Fits tight locations. CV-Series valves have a quarter-turn handle for fast operation. CV AND KN SERIES INDICATOR VALVES CV-72 KN-22-90 FOR MAXIMUM ACCURACY. “Impor- tantly. which is being finished mid-2017.” CT2 48 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . Safety locking handle option available. WKN-Series valves now offer pressures NE to 6000 PSI. Website: www. 500 psi (35 bar) air compressor. . Netherlands. The testing itself could take weeks or longer.indd 1 9/14/17 materials level. a periodic inspection may be labor intensive and costly. two- stage. temperatures to 500° F CONTACT US NOW FOR INFORMATION n Panacea Piston Company worked to validate the SPP concept by testing it in cooperation with the Aerospace Structures and Materials Laboratory at Delft University of Technology. since on-piston temperature measurement is not trivial. for the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) — a billion cycles — the materials database is being expanded on a Kiene_TAG. BOTH OFFER .com Fax: 630-543-5953 of high cycle fatigue (HCF) confirmed the ability to resist See Us At GMC #613 enhanced fatigue loading up to 1 million cycles.” Wentzel said. COM/ADVERTISE .COMPRESSORTECH2. this ar- ticle is intended to review two common issues requiring de- cisions that can significantly impact the results of a torsional analysis involving reciprocating machinery: damping assump- tions. n Figure 1. can accommodate transients or off-design conditions. Compressors. nose and remedy the situation are usually more dramatic than The intent of this article is not to provide a listing of require- methods that could have been used at an earlier stage. see the Gas Machinery Research Council publica- to avoid failures such as the example shown in Figure 1. comparing them with potential excitation on the specific equipment involved. For reciprocating machines. This is normally accomplished by preparing a values of 80 or more. Contact him at: jhollingsworth@swri. (such as reciprocating compressors directly driven by electric chinery train and excitation energy produced by the driver motors through rigid couplings) have been known to exhibit Q and load. and can eventually be catastrophic if left untreated. This tion “Guideline and Recommended Practice for Control of approach can help eliminate the need for retrofit solutions or Torsional Vibrations in Direct-Driven Separable Reciprocating repairs in the field. profound impact on the analysis results. among others). this parameter. including friction. as the dynamic torque Consumers of this information also need to ensure that they and stress levels developed in the shafting are proportional to understand and agree with the assumptions made to per. Damping occurs when the amplitude of an oscillation de- ing machine. ample. vided by a number of sources.Torsional Analysis Of techc Reciprocating Machinery: orner Damping And Forced Response Early analysis and treatment help prevent catastrophic failure BY JUSTIN HOLLINGSWORTH T orsional problems with machinery trains have been or torque levels expected in the rotating components for compared to high blood pressure in humans — both the anticipated operating conditions. Rather. the extra measures necessary to diag. continued on page 52 50 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . as several notable case of reciprocating machinery.org. various orders of running speed traverse the torsional modes. Such an analysis may issues often go undetected using common observation also need to include additional work to ensure that the train methods. depending and mode shapes. sional testing experience with similar configurations and can A torsional analysis fundamentally seeks to minimize vary greatly depending on the systems involved. inherent system damping can be pro- Unfortunately.” and API 684. The assumed Q value can have a vide an effective outcome while avoiding excessive cost. such Once finally detected. Fluids and Machinery Engineering Department utilizing the half-power point method (described in API 684 and Mechanical Engineering Division at Southwest Research and elsewhere) to examine the response peaks that occur as Institute. and calculating Q by Services Section. determining the torsional frequencies chinery might be subject to values of 35 or lower. which can be costly and time consuming. Torsional damping is normally accounted for during an analysis as either an inherent system dynamic amplification factor (Q). In the ments for a complete torsional analysis. Torsional failure of a crank Damping assumptions web in a reciprocat. teresis and bearing oil films. conducting a torsional analysis does re. resources are available that outline such information (for ex- ough torsional analysis undertaken early in the design stage. Some trains interaction between the torsional critical speeds of a ma. material hys- quire that some judgment calls be made in order to pro. the best cure involves a thor. sources and determining the forced response stress and/ One method of experimentally determining an appropriate Q value involves capturing a waterfall plot of torsional oscil- Justin Hollingsworth is a principal engineer in the Machinery lation during a startup event (Figure 2). while other types of reciprocating ma- mass-elastic model. creases as energy is removed from a system to overcome resistive forces. as startup or engine misfire events. or discrete component damping. and the scope of forced response calculations. Assumptions for Q are normally guided by tor- form the analysis in order to minimize the risks involved. . eters such as mean torque and temperature. These factors have the come elevated while the machine operates on a torsional potential to result in shaft or coupling failures if not properly critical speed. 52 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . One very important activity to con- CENTAX-Series N/NL CENTAFLEX-Series A sider is that all appropriate compres- For reciprocating compressors For compressors & pumps sor load steps are evaluated. However. Another common source of discrete damping is an elasto- Manufacturers of these devices normally provide a damp. As a result. These de. durometer of the elastomer utilized. The torsional stiffness from these devices is ing value for the torsional analyst to utilize. Therefore. meric coupling. the scope of Over 20 unique designs |7RUVLRQDO9LEUDWLRQH[SHUWV the forced response evaluation plays a very important role in the ultimate usefulness of a torsional analysis. MAKE THE CONNECTION Forced response scope Many modern reciprocating ma- chines run over wide speed range. Failure of the viscous fluid can also cause the internal fluid between an external housing and internal flywheel. and produce several significant orders of excitation energy. Discrete damping is generated in specific components.236. which can be.info | Email inquiries to ct@centacorp. because it examines whether the ma- chine can tolerate the anticipated criti- cal speed behavior. it is nonlinear and can vary over a wide range. These factors must also be taken into account during the torsional analysis. resulting in a loss of the damping mechanism.n Figure 2. Parameter stud- ies or other special techniques may be necessary to properly characterize the behavior over the range of anticipated operating conditions. depending on the important to realize that this damping can degrade (or com. accounted for in the torsional analysis. Over time. Loading schedules. and operating param- pletely disappear) if the device is not maintained.com for the various configurations available.3500 ual cylinder pocket or unloader settings Catalog downloads at www. which are normally provided CENTA POWER TRANSMISSION by reciprocating compressor manufac- L E A D I N G B Y I N N O VAT I O N turers for their products. shift in the torsional critical speeds. #128. flywheel and housing of the damper to seize. Aurora. cous fluid. IL 60502 T 630. specify individ- 2570 Beverly Dr. the heat can break down the vis. it is prudent for the analyst to consider how the stress lev- such as viscous dampers attached to engines. inducing a This shearing action also produces heat. els in the machine can be influenced if the viscous damper vices produce torsional damping by shearing a viscous fails. Excitation of a torsional critical speed and representative amplification factor (Q) calculation. These factors combine to make avoiding all possi- 7KHJOREDOOHDGHULQÀH[LEOHFRXSOLQJVIRUSXPS ble critical speed excitation scenarios FRPSUHVVRUDSSOLFDWLRQV7UXVWWKHLQQRYDWRUWUXVW&(17$ problematic.centa. as illustrated in Figure 4. Representa- tive allowable stress and Uncertainty (SU) = 0. torque. the composite stress level in a shaft is a combination of mean stress (which generally increases with the power level) and dynamic stress (which can be significantly influenced by excitation of the torsional critical speeds).5 Size Factor (SZF) = 0.5% of the UTS. although straightforward. Many torsional forced response analyses evaluate acceptability at fixed speed steady state conditions. It is not unusual for the highest composite stress level to occur at a load step that produces less power than the full load case.7 n Figure 3. However. This approach. Operating conditions re- sulting in significant load asymmetry (some cylinders unloaded. Tensile to Shear Factor (TSF) = 0. However. along with representative single-acting (head end or crank end deactivation) and double-acting (both ends active) cases.9 (not recommended for an actual analysis). the stress levels might be considered acceptable at the planned running speed. Mean Stress Factor (MSF) = 1-(mean stress/[TSF*UTS]) Allowable Stress = UTS*TSF*ER*SZF*SFN*SU*SSF*MSF In some cases. many load steps are possible with a given design. and uncertainty factors in the example below to 0. tends to be quite conservative. and some fully loaded) should also be included in the analysis. In addition. but at a minimum the analyst should ensure that fully loaded and unloaded operation. and fully evalu- ating all of these during a torsional analysis could potentially be cost prohibitive. and neglecting the mean stress factor. presuming that this would cause the highest shaft stress. General guidelines are available for determining which load steps to analyze. arbitrarily increasing each of the size. as these have the potential to re- sult in the highest dynamic shaft stress. The Mil Std 167 approach involves simply dividing the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the shaft material by 25. similar calculations conducted over a hypotheti- cal speed range can provide valuable insight into the separation margins between the planned operating speeds and critical speeds. The Mil Std 167 approach results in an allowable stress of 4% of the UTS. guided by experience and reasonable conservatism to manage the risks involved. Determining the acceptance criteria for torsional oscillation is another topic that requires careful consideration. the strength reduction factors actually utilized during an analysis require careful consideration. Therefore.8 strength reduction factors Stress Safety Factor (SSF) = 0. where the ASME B106M approach results in an allowable stress of about 5. two industry-accepted approaches for evaluating shaft stress include Military Standard 167 (Mil Std 167) and ASME B106M. while the double-acting cases similarly influence even excitation orders. and involves multiplying the UTS by a series of factors which reduce the allowable stress. but could potentially be unacceptable at the critical speed located just above running speed. surface. The less conservative approach outlined in ASME B106M is known as a strength reduction method. torsional velocity or viscous damper heat dissipation. To illustrate this sensitivity. The allowable stress is very sen- sitive to the multiplicative effects of the various factors assumed.577 Endurance Ratio (ER) = 0. The torsional analysis results should be compared to any provided manufacturer limit for allowable shaft stress.5 (ASME B106M method).65 Surface Finish Factor (SFN) = 0. In this example.3% utilizing the representative factors shown in Figure 3. These types of speed sweep calculations can be valuable tools that continued on page 54 COMPRESSORtech2 . This is important because the single-acting cases tend to elevate odd excitation orders. would cause the allowable stress to increase to about 10. One might be tempted to consider only the most loaded (highest power) case provided. are included. Call or click to learn more. Torsional Power Cylinder stress calculation wa- terfall plot for a hypo- Monitoring That’s thetical speed range. The effects of misfire events should be taken into account during a torsional analysis involving engine drivers. in order to establish which one causes the highest shaft stress levels for a given machine operating at the anticipated conditions. In such cases. record and play back allow the analyst to produce waterfall plots for direct comparison with those captured real-time pressure-time traces in the field. at- www. the orders below the lowest primary order can increase substantially. it may be necessary for the analyst to con- TruTrace sider several potential phasing relationships to ensure acceptability. The cylinder phasing relationship between engine drivers and reciprocating com- pressors should also be considered. sentative single engine cylinder misfire effects. Just Right Easy to use and a nice price. • Pressure Monitoring • Engine Balancing • Basic Combustion Analysis • Rugged PC-based platform • No reference signal input needed • View. One recommend- ed practice involves conducting separate single-cylinder misfire calculations for all cylinders. especially when simultaneous engine and com- pressor excitations are applied. Repre- basic combustion analysis. Another judgment to consider is which cylinders to include while simulating such an event. to mitigate frequently overlooked problems before they become Technologies Corporation catastrophic. the analyst should clearly state the assumed phasing relationship (such as engine cylinder one and compressor cylinder one at top dead center simultaneously) so that the machine can be configured in the field during initial installation and maintenance events to minimize the potential for excessive shaft stress. the figure also shows that during a single cylinder misfire event. In some cases.com tention to detail with regard to damping and forced response evaluations can play a key role in improving long-term reliability. applied at Advanced Engine an optimal time. n Figure 4. In the case of reciprocating machinery torsional rotordynamics. exciting critical speeds that are not typically a factor during normal operation. single-cylinder pressure monitoring system for engine balancing and n Figure 5. In the example shown in Figure 5. such as the one shown in Figure 2. CT2 info@aetco. as this parameter can have a significant effect on the predicted stress behavior. TruTrace is a real-time. However.aetco. Summary Humans and machines can both benefit greatly from experience.com (510) 614-6340 COMPRESSORtech2 . the fre- quency content below the fourth order is null for normal operation. Serbia. COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEMS Archrock Archrock has appointed Stephanie C. The group has other sites in Frankenthal. Germany. and as a member of the University of St.0250 Sales@SloanLubrication. The company is also a member of the global gasoline engines. industrial group WEG. on. maintains and repairs from insulation fabrics and integral insulation solutions to com. and held various other roles at Enterprise. Thomas President’s Advisory Board. China. Minnesota.800. WHEN energy transactions and mergers and acquisitions..com markets that covers applications such COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 55 . repairs. MACHINES Hildebrandt was senior vice president. maintains.T. a publicly STOP. is a a manufacturer of thermal and acoustic insulation systems manufacturer and service provider for large electric motors for engine compartments and exhaust lines for diesel and and generators. based in Houston. Illinois. general counsel and secretary of Enter- prise Products Partners LP. Each company has a presence in several SloanLubrication. Hildebrandt serves as a B[jekhY[hj_Ó[ZbkXh_YWj_edj[Y^d_Y_Wdil_i_j director for Rice Midstream Management LLC.and off-highway vehicles and in applications in power gen. traded pipeline partnership and provider of midstream energy services from 2010 PROBLEMS to 2014. Sloan’s Service is the key to WEG Group ÔWmb[iiYecfh[iiehef[hWj_ed$ Electric Machinery (WEG Group). Currently. Cotter Turbine Services and Axis Mechanical Group have formed a busi- ness alliance to provide aftermarket 1. and electric drive systems. majority of Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH.Prime Movers Thermamax as power generation plants and oil and gas processing Capvis Equity Partners AG (Capvis) has acquired the plants to various heavy industrial sites. marine. S. deputy general counsel and assistant START. Taicang. including vice president. continued on page 69 Thermamax is based in Mannheim. overhauls and upgrades industrial equipment. fuel cells. eration. installs.industrial turbines and rotating equipment. Minnesota. Group Inc. They are installed in light vehicles. Based in Clearwater. secretary from 2004. with a prac- tice focused on corporate governance. the general partner of Rice Mid- oekhbeYWj_edWdZYedZkYjWikhl[oe\Wbboekh stream Partners LP. services. Hildebrandt as senior vice presi- dent. Texas. and as a member bkXh_YWj_edioij[ci$?jÊiWi_cfb["j_c[#iWl_d] of the conflicts committee. Axis Mechanical plex insulation claddings. S.722. and on. Its subsidiary.com service for rotating equipment. WdZWm[bb#hkdd_d]Yecfh[iieh$ ley Hutchison Center for Energy.and offshore platform markets. and Železnièka. is located in Aurora.T. Law & Business at the University of Texas. Hildebrandt most recently served as a partner with global business law firm Norton Rose Fulbright. Germany. as a member [lWbkWj_edj^Wjm_bb]_l[oekf[WY[#e\#c_dZ" of the advisory council of the Kay Bai. Electric Machinery. general counsel and secretary.. Thermamax’s high-temperature insulation systems range Cotter Turbine Services Inc. based in Minneapolis. Thermamax Inc. flow method. with a Beijing and is home to about 1 million people. It’s located 500 mi. WANG YONG T he optimization of energy consumption in reciprocat. 40 Yuanda reciprocating compressors were in- ing compressors has recently been improved by new stalled at a newly constructed petrochemical plant. Among the installed fleet. required accurate control. able speed drives. The region capacity of 680. recent application occurred on a reciprocating compressor Compressor and process conditions at a petrochemical plant (Figure 1). It is the first method operated solely by an The components were designed to fulfill the operating electric current to control the closure of suction valves at requirements and also to face the severe ambient con- each compression cycle. in less than a decade. This allows the compressor to ditions. special requirements were Project evolution needed on four reciprocating compressors where. -4°F (-20°C).000 ncfm (19. and a a heating system. Some technologies that enable the diffusion of advanced of the machines involved in the acid gas removal process capacity control devices. stage cylinder.260 Nm3/h) and a total power is rich with natural resources. In 2014. COSTANZELLI. Cozzani also wanted clar- Cozzani has developed an electric system — FluxtoFlow ity on the battery limits and the interfaces of the FluxtoFlow — which allows capacity adjustment through the reverse and the plant’s control system.Energy Savings Through Electromechanical Stepless Capacity Control A case study on an acid gas compressor at the Ordos petrochemical plant in China BY A. which lead to the consideration The stepless control has been achieved by using vari. Actuators on first stage. such as gas. stepless capacity control was needed along rose up from the barren deserts of China’s Inner Mongolia with strict control on process parameters (Figure 2). including the Design Institute of Ningbo and the end user. Aside from removing acid gas. is dry and double acting. so the actuators have been equipped with Many compressors worldwide have this system. Compressor installation. n Figure 2. in order Tuke Town is a district in Ordos City. 56 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . During winter. ZHTC. (800 km) west of The horizontal-type compressors run at 333 rpm. opening time has also found more applications. Each machine has a first. of Cozzani’s FluxtoFlow. heavy-duty usages. the temperature can drop below handle the exact capacity required by the process. n Figure 1. Reverse flow acting on the suction valve Cozzani examined the operating conditions with Yuanda. A. a small town that to save energy. RAGGI.and second- earth metals. coal and rare of 1900 hp (1400 kW). Significant parameters — pressure trends. By setting a point manually through a PID controller. The required precision and repeatability of the control The valve materials were selected according to their abil. respectively. The end user can also disable an actuator by acting on the software. This results in reducing the wear of the discharge valves in the first stage.3 in. during the compressor cycle is guaranteed by an advanced ity to withstand low temperatures. The final expected temperature is 223°F (106°C). (470 and • stainless steel (low Carbon and 13% Chromium) for 330 mm) in the first and second stage.4°F (-38°C). Ing Mario Cozzani completed the installa- tion and put the control systems in operation. for whatever reason. Two internal electro- The gas is directly flowing without an intercooler into the magnets are used to produce a magnetic flux that moves second-stage cylinder. The cylinders’ diameters are 18. The compressor is controlled from the DCS control room by implementing a logic in DCS that generates the refer- ence signal for the reverse flow capacity control system. subsequently. (110 mm). tigue stresses: The FluxtoFlow control system exchanges compressor sig- nals for management and monitoring with the control room and receives the reference signal to control the capacity. corrosion risks and fa. If in a system. the suction pressure is kept constant. repetitiveness of the actuator positions — have been kept under control. the second stage is springs and the sealing element (plate or rings). During installation. CO=18%. starting from the first instant of the suction phase up to the charge of the first stage is about 100°F (38°C). the cylinders of the compressors have been continued on page 58 COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 57 . electronic system that dialogues with the DCS control room. there are disabled actuators. The system continuously performs diagnostic functions on each actuator. The gas is compressed from 145 psi to the amount of gas flowing back into the suction plenum. in order to keep the sealing element in the open position The suction temperature is -36. (10 bar) up to 856 psi (59 bar) with an interstage pressure To perform its duty. regulates the flow rate of the compressor. Valve and actuator. If a fault is detected. an accurate test was carried out by making suitable measurements to verify the proper behav- ior of the FluxtoFlow at the different capacities required by the production plant. the actuator is dis- abled and the system keeps operating with the other actua- tors. the system reacts by increasing (or de- creasing) the delay in suction valve closing and reducing (or increasing) the capacity. ability and corrosion resistance The gas has a molecular weight of 35 kg/kmol with the • plates in PEEK material following composition CO2=66%. H2=14%. H2S=0. better reliability and longer valve life. control range. If the suction pressure drops under (or goes over) the reference value.5 and 13 in.33. n Figure 3. making flut- The cylinders are provided with four suction and four tering impossible. particularly on the Experience on the new compressors first stage. the system adopts the strategies stud- ied for that specific compressor and makes it possible to control the capacity through the available actuators. A key benefit of having such a control system is the seal- Valve features ing element is open during the suction phase. the valve finger is actuated (Figure 3) of 406 psi (28 bar). Dott. a common material for reli- of 4. Performance check In 2016. In particular. ensuring equipped with two suction and two discharge valves.2 %. seats and guards The stroke is 12.6 in (320 mm) with a piston rod diameter • springs in Inconel X-750. The dis. PV diagrams. The design was made considering the gas involved and the low operating temperatures. instant defined by the control system. and controls the finger position of the suction valve and. The capacity of the compressor is reduced proportionally N2=0. 5 bara) for the second stage. allowing considerable energy savings between full load and the par- tial load of 40%. PV Diagram at 40% and 100% (first phase). pate any arising problems and make corrections during the stallation of a data acquisition system. This is essential to antici- equipped with taps for pressure acquisition to allow the in. their be- to evaluate the global behavior of the compressors. CT2 n Figure 6. to analyze and to optimize the behavior of the system and Since the four compressors have been running. are identical. havior has been remotely monitored and analyzed. Also. which would be used operation if needed. making it easy to verify deviations that could be a sign of possible anomalies. Pressure sensors have been installed on both cylinder ends The reverse flow system has shown a higher capability in to measure the internal cylinder and discharge pressures. The suction pressure has been assumed around 145 psia (10 bara) for the first stage and 384 psia (26. n Figure 7. The power has been measured on the head end and crank end sides for the first and second stage. capacity control as requested by the process. Full load PV cycle (first stage). The FluxtoFlow system is properly operating. measurements at the partial load of about 40% until full load have been carried out. The diagram in Figure 6 puts the trend of power at different control steps in the range from 40% to full-load operation. 58 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . Trend of power versus the capacity control. Conclusions The system has been properly controlling the compres- sor capacity required by the plant. The four compressors n Figure 5. P versus angle (first phase).n Figure 4. 2 in. >ÀVVÌi>ÀÀi° The NW150L is compatible with the frames of the extensively used NT150L series. the company said. • Continuous data logging Thanks to its excellent signal-to-noise ratio and compact design.Featured Products Digital Proximity Sensor Metrix Vibration’s Digital Proximity Sensor (DPS) system is a field-configurable device that can work with multiple target materials. hazardous area compliant See what’s happening and configurable for unknown materials.4 in. inside your cylinders metrixvibration. which allows efficient heat treatment of viscous media and of liquids with particle diam- eters up to 0. As a result.com with best-in-class tools. Pressure Sensor Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics has introduced a Continuous Pressure Monitoring new version of the CP501 miniature pressure sensor software is the most advanced — the CP521 — for monitoring pressure pulsations continuous cylinder combustion at high temperatures and in extreme conditions in monitoring tool available. In addition. assures highly turbulent flow at all points of the plate.2.com ÜÜÜ°>iÌV°V vJ>iÌV°V COMPRESSORtech2 (510) 614-6340 . Technologies Corporation kelvion. (5 mm) with only a slight pressure drop. The NW models have a wider plate gap than those in the NT series. Customized and fast-track versions are available. Capable of 1040°F (560°C) maximum temperature and 932°F (500°C) in per- • Ion Sense and Pressure Ratio manent use. and older probe systems from a variety of manufactur- Monitor your engine’s ers. gas turbines or turbochargers.39 in. 0. users with NT150L plates of the same size — which require cleaning more frequently owing to particle fouling — can change to the new plate Advanced Engine without great expense. the sensor features Piezocryst’s GaPO4 sensing elements and • Trapped Equivalence Ratio Crystal Match technology that enable precise measurements even at high tem.3 and 0. the extremely wide herringbone plate corrugation. The company says this plate complements its range of heat exchanger plates for viscous and particle-containing media as a new product in the lower range. with compressors. the sensor is • Capture.08 in.com/en Heat Exchanger Plate German company Kelvion has launched the new NW150L stainless steel heat exchanger plate. The new system is API 670 compliant. cable lengths. (10 mm). which will be sold through the end of 2017. piezocryst. with a gap width of 0. (5. health like a The DPS is compatible with 0. an interface simple enough to Designed as a flush-mounted sensor with 10-32 ÕÃiÌiëyÀ° UNF thread. It is intended to eliminate the need for dozens of different proximity probe drivers and transmitters. which CPM in turn counters fouling. • Combined fault detection logic perature gradients. the CP521 was optimized for • Engine Balancing simple installation in demanding environments while keeping the robustness and • Advanced Combustion Analysis signal quality of the proven M5-sized sensor CP501. 0. 8 and 11 mm) proximity probes and will replace Real-Time Expert the Metrix TXR/TXA. (2 mm) hardline cable and high-temperature extension cable (932°F [500°C]). play back recordings well-suited for a wide range of applications. operating conditions. Appropriate cleanliness of the environment is necessary when changing oil or per- forming maintenance to the system or within the engine or compressor crankcase. the bearing potentially has to go through another break-in process. opening the bearing shell without a specific reason is not advisable. required. The Miba Bearing Group retains the rights and ownership of all technical data and intellectual property contributed for this tutorial. The appearance of two new bimetal bearings is ing shells. All specific bear- ing designs and materials referenced in this tutorial. The oil should also be inspect- ed. problems) will generally continue to provide good service. Dull. 60 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . were provided by Miba Bearings US LLC. Without flash An undisturbed bearing (absent any external indications of The running surface has a silvery. as well as camshaft bear. Appearance of new bimetal bearings.A Tutorial On Hydrodynamic Bearings For Reciprocating Engines And Compressors Part 5: Guidelines For Hydrodynamic Bearing Replacement Editor’s Note: This is the final part of a five-part tutorial on hydrodynamic bearings that is based on training materials de- veloped by Miba Bearings US LLC with significant contributions of knowledge.. Regular oil filter changes and maintenance of oil cleaning equip- ment. General guidelines for bearing replacement ings and thrust washers in many engines and some com- This section provides a number of examples intended to pressors. Depending on the intended application. The running surface of the upper alu- shafts were free of damage. causes bearing damage. bright color. coolant and fuel content With flash in the oil must be constant and ongoing through analyses. when used. This may become dull silver. which has no flash.g. etc.) decreases bearing life and. excessive oil temperature. For faultless operation and attainment of the prescribed life expectancy. The running times leading up minum bimetal bearing. Ohio. and any prior wear or minor damage may become problematic. The development of silver color. to the removal of the bearings varied.g.. However. Control of water. Oil filters should not be bypassed for any reason. performance lim- its are prescribed. In all cases for the pictured bearings. overloading. Exceeding these limits (e. after only the manifestations shown in the pictures was influenced by the running time. ex- cessive compressor rod load. n Figure 1. large end of connecting rods. and the engines and compressors are accordingly adapted by the manufacturer. has a bright. in extreme cases. It is es- sential that engine or compressor manufacturer oil (quality and viscosity class) is used. application engineering manager and key account manager for the bearing group in McConnelsville. excessive speed of rotation. however. light gray running layer. maintenance (e. Once disturbed and reinstalled. the engine and compressor manufacturers prescribe exact maintenance instructions. especially where better corrosion resistance is help in evaluating the condition of used hydrodynamic bear. shown in Figure 1. Lines along side faces are traces caused by wall thick- Replacement criteria for bimetal bearings ness checking and do not have any influence on bearing Bimetal bearings are used for main bearings and the performance. lubrication) and correctness of assembly/installation. as well as included charts and figures. time and resource material from Greg Bone. analyzed and changed at prescribed intervals. are important. the crank. Lead bronze lining material under the respective load profile. The useful service life of appearance. and a symmetrical running pattern in the Actual wear can be determined by measuring wall thickness most loaded zone of the bearing. partly removed flash and asymetrical faces. flash. highest loading zone. n Figure 3. For example. has slightly polished areas. is reached or can be expected to be loading and a typical running pattern. a bearing is also determined by the fatigue strength of the rosion resistance or as an aid for running-in. continued on page 62 COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 61 . bearings based on the calculated bearing load. bearings without flash show the typical orange color of the Figure 2 shows typical bimetal bearing running pat- bronze material. The middle bearing. with slightly polished reached during the next period of operation. Due to overstressing (thermal influences is evidence of a heavy disturbance in bear. Bimetal bearings may have a tin flash for cor. The lower bronze bimetal bearing. manufacturers often specify a maximum operating time for Figure 3 shows three bimetal bearings with damage that Replace Replace Replace Localized heavy smearing of lining Extensive area of damage with Bimetal aluminum bearing with material due to local disturbance of seizure localized separation of AISn20 and the oil film Locally smeared lining material caused by AIZn4. slightly polished Slightly polished stripes along the side the most loaded zone of the bearing. lining material. has slightly polished zones.Reusable Reusable Reusable Without flash With flash Minor edge loading and usual Usual running pattern. In the highest load. The Unlike the trimetal bearings discussed in the next section. running pattern are visible. A bearing should be minor scoring and an asymmetrical running pattern in the replaced if the wear limit.) ing operation in the past (most probably in evidence of a heavy disturbance in bearing This effect occurs due to overheating of the a single occurrence). upper bearing. Slightly polished Usual running pattern. light gray oil film thickness and load profile. engine 2 are reusable. The lower bearing has minor edge pressor manufacturer. An ex. fication for a bearing in new condition. tensive area of damage with seizure is an combined with excessive shear forces. Minor edge loading is tolerable if it scoring. visual evaluation of wear is not possible for bimetal bearings. has a dull. operation in the past. Minor scoring. minimum with a flash on the running surface. Appearance of damaged bimetal bearings. All of the bearings in Figure useful service life of the bearing. terns after completing a running-in operating period. running pattern zones and symmetrical running pattern in ed zone of the bearing. a short period of time. minor scoring. as specified by the engine or com. n Figure 2. partly removed flash. It is typically caused by deflections of housing or shaft. with or via clearance measurements in comparison to the speci. Minor edge loading is toler- Another method is to specify a certain time limit for the able if it is not too pronounced. Appearance of bimetal bearings after run-in. stripes along the side faces. is not too pronounced. Minor area. without flash.5 lining materials Localized heavy smearing of lining material a severe disturbance of the oil film. This starts with the development of fine cracks low and they are not in the main loaded area. and steel shell. spreads along the interface may be attacked by cavitation. not only the lining mate- to foreign particles. The other in the lining material that become a network of cracks. with local smearing of the lining. not only the lining material Minor and shallow removal outside the the steel shell. Both of these are evidence of damage. requires replacement. although this type of damage is also typical of cavitation at the interface is larger than the visible damage. end of the oil groove. The lower bearing has localized separation of the in the middle has deep punctual cavitation that extends to lining materials due to overstressing and overheating of the the steel shell. Bimetal bearings with cavitation damage. most a long time of operation. beteen steel shell and lining material. spreading along the interface with the lin- lining material. The bearing can be reused or imprints in loaded area. which eventually cause small pieces of many scores and multiple deep grooves and/or imprints in the lining to break away. In severe cases. n Figure 4. shallow material probably in a single occurrence. The upper bearing has shallow scoring rial. The other two bearings are not reusable. Lining material if there are only a few shallow imprints and locally smeared. continued on page 64 62 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . the imprints are not in the main loaded area. an overspeed operating condition which creates excessive which increases the risk of substantial amounts of material thermal and shear forces. The lower heavy smearing of the lining material.Reusable Replace Replace Damage due to foreign particles Damage due to foreign particles Damage due to foreign particles Shallow scoring and/or a few imprints in Many scores or multiple deep grooves and/ Many deep imprints. and the bearing is re- low oil pressure or small foreign particles floating into the usable. The middle bearing has called micro-crazes. The upper bearing has only minor cavitation after a heavy disturbance in bearing operation in the past. There may be some cases where two bearings. ing material. such as a short period of removal outside of the loaded zone. but also the steel shell. Bimetal bearings with foreign particle damage. and/or a few imprints in an unloaded area. The bearing can The bearing in Figure 6 shows fatigue rupture of the lin- be reused if there are only a few imprints. often two bearings require replacement. has a more extensive area of damage with seizure and lo. but also the most loaded zone. unloaded area. the cavitation extends to In severe cases. The middle bearing bearing has many deep imprints. cavitation at the undermines the AlSn20 lining. The lower bearing has cavitation at the end Figure 4 shows three bimetal bearings with damage due of the oil groove. For example. The cause could be the same as the other ing and undermining it. breaking away. The one bearing. The upper bearing has localized the loaded area. may be attacked by cavitation. Figure 5 shows three bimetal bearings with cavitation cally smeared lining material. Reusable Replace Replace Minor cavitation after long time in Deep punctual cavitation Deep cavitation operation In severe cases. they are shal. n Figure 5. There is minor. net COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGY SOURCING SUPPLEMENT + COMPRESSION SOURCING TECHNOLOGY SUPPLEMENT Visit Us At CTSSnet. #1 The industry’s reference tool for packagers.net . purchasers and training providers! CTSSnet. thrust and gear bearings in engines and compressors. ate layer and the bearing alloy. light gray running layer. Actual operation has shown that. has a bright color from silvery to slightly grayish. they generally reveal one of the wear conditions shown in figures 8-12. for example due to mixed friction during operation. The surface of the upper bearing. Wear of the running surface results from several different reasons. from too little lubricating oil Fatigue rupture of the lining material present. However. The dark colored overlay shines through the bright tin flash starting at most loaded areas. Opening the bearing without a specific reason is not advisable.. The appearance of two new trimetal bearings is shown in Figure 7. bearing damage is evi- dent). With lead flash Bearing with lead flash Dull. n Figure 7. with a tin flash. as well as camshaft. The surface of the lower bearing. the nickel (Ni) intermediate layer (where appropriate) and the bearing alloy layer. after wear. Appearance of trimetal bearings after run-in. the bearing functions without any problem on (micro-crazes) and parts of the lining material break out. new running-in procedures must follow. from the introduction of foreign particles (abrasion) Fatigue starts with the development of fine cracks in the and from corrosion.Replace Trimetal bearing shells should only be removed when prescribed by the engine or compressor manufacturer or when conclusively necessary (i. during every start procedure. because whenever the bearing is removed. These develop into a network of cracks running in. gray color. The condition of wear is judged es- sentially according to the visible portions of the overlay.e. The dark colored overlay shines through the dull gray lead The bearing surface has a dull gray appearance. 64 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . Bearing with tin flash Flash just worn through into overlay. Fatigue rupture of bimetal bearing lining material. Reusable With tin flash The bearing surface has a bright color from silvery to slightly grayish. When bearing shells are removed. with a lead flash. the running surface and. on the nickel intermedi- n Figure 6. after lining material. has a dull. Appearance of new trimetal bearings. n Figure 8. the risk of failure Reusable Replacement criteria for trimetal bearings Trimetal bearings are used for main bearings and the large end of connecting rods. flash starting at most loaded areas. The upper bearing in Figure 8. The dark colored overlay shines through the bright tin copper-lead layer is bronze colored. When evaluating bear. the aluminum layer is flat silver. one side. If there is any doubt flash starting at the most loaded area. renew or update your email address at www. Reusable Reusable Reusable Usual runing pattern. it is relatively easy to The two photos in Figure 8 and the three photos in Fig- distinguish between the tin flash (a bright silvery layer) and ure 9 show typical trimetal bearing running patterns after the running surface (light to dark gray with possible black completing running-in. shows the dark colored overlay continued on page 66 COMPRESSOR ECT Dedicated To Gas Compression Products & Applications EE E-NEWSLETTER FR Get The Latest News Delivered Twice-Monthly Straight To Your Inbox u t er m p Co (1) ox Inb red r SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Sta t S e n www. intermediate layer (due to coloration from oil coke. overload. Appearance of trimetal bearings after run-in. running layer.com/subscribe/ .g. layer without damaging the bearing.) increases when the pin runs on the bearing alloy light scrape test is recommended.. out with light pressure from a dull triangular scraper or a ing shells.compressortech2. Tin flash is not worn through. and the lay. Dark running traces. Beaing shell has light Bearing shell has worn running surface on Running layer is worn on one side. etc.compressortech2. with spots). Tin flash is worn through this area. (e. with lead flash. surface caused by corrosion or embedding of soot particles. The nickel intermediate layer appears with a light tin flash. a ing. due to the introduction of dirt.com/subscribe/ World-wide delivery on the 3rd and 18th of each month to valid email addresses. This should be carried and/or the nickel intermediate layer. pocket knife.). The lower bearing whether the running surface is worn through to the nickel in Figure 8. a lack of oil. For lead/tin based trimetal bearings. shows the flash just worn through into the over- yellowish color. Subscribe. it is important to remember that in case of doubt. It is easy to distinguish between the much replacing a bearing costs considerably less than possible softer running surface and the harder nickel intermediate damage to the crankshaft. Light running traces in the n Figure 9. etc. once disturbed. The on the running surface. if the bronze colored bearing n Figure 11. but the overlay mediate layer on both sides of shell. Reusable if undisturbed.. There are light running traces in the surface layer. i. The upper trimetal bearing in Figure 9. tin depletion reusable. If the worn zone is wider than one-third of the sary due to the removal for inspection. Causes include wear a large area. the situation lower bearing is also worn on one side. through the tin flash. The light yellowish zone is the Ni intermediate layer. do not one-third running surface width. through to the nickel intermediate layer over a large area. Aluminum bearings should be replaced if. provided the bearing is not not be reinstalled. Replace. There are to the nickel intermediate layer on both sides. once disturbed. material is visible in the worn area. the bearing is risky condition. the bearing but once removed from the housing. although the bearings would still have reusable. but the tin flash is not worn through at ing is worn through to the nickel intermediate layer in the all. The running surface in the upper shell is worn due to diffusion. surface. tin depletion due to diffusion. Replace Replace Running surface is worn through to the Ni intermediate layer over Black spots appear on running surface. once disturbed. with tin flash. Reusable if undisturbed. and.Reusable if undisturbed. running surface corrosion or oil coke em. n Figure 10. The bearing can spots and light dirt scratches on running and dirt scratches in the running surface. The upper bearing running surface width. All of these bear. The middle bearing shell has a worn running surface on indicated region and has black spots and dirt scratches one side and the tin flash is worn through in this area. be reused if it remains in the housing and surface. rosion or oil coke embedment. the Ni layer is worn through and the Al alloy is vis- ible. The dark surface is more borderline. has and are not too numerous. not too deep. it must extend into the bearing alloy and not too is reusable. 66 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . Both of these bearings are reusable. Generally. even shows dirt scratches in and black spots on the running if not disturbed in the bearing housing. if the worn zone is narrower The three trimetal bearings shown in Figure 10 are in a than one-third of the running surface width. shining through the dull grey lead flash at the most loaded bedding. This bearing can be reused if the scratches are area. Corrosion of the overlay is evident in dark places.e. removed from the housing. The running surface is worn through is corrosion and/or embedding of soot particles. If worn zone is narrower than The bearing is operational if not disturbed. provided that it has not been removed from the been reusable if left undisturbed. The running surface is worn through to the Bering shell shows dirt scratches and black Running surface worn through to Ni inter- Ni intermediate layer in the indicated region spots in the running surface. the scratches are not too deep (i. Trimetal bearings in risky/borderline condition. and for lead-bronze bearings. black spots on the running surface and running traces with ings are reusable as well. surface cor- Large foreign particles are embedded in the running surface. In the lower bearing. numerous). replacement is neces. they do not cut into the bearing alloy. Trimetal bearings requiring replacement. Replace.e. housing. the bearing must be replaced. Black and has black spots on the running surfacde is still in good condition. Replace. in the gray zone. Possible causes of black spots on the running The trimetal bearing shells shown in Figure 11 are not surface include wear through the tin flash. light dirt scratches.. The surface in the middle bear- light running traces. accelerated wear of the created during a cavitation event. are the most prevalent type used in the gas compression All of the trimetal bearings shown in Figure 13 require re. CT2 Replace Replace Replace Cavitation damage has spread to the When a compressor bearing experiences This bearing has heavy cavitation damage majority of the lower portion. Corrosion of the overlay is evident in the dark places. This bearing can be risky. black spots appear on the running lay will occur. are in a risky condition. replacement. Since majority of the bearing. there damage affecting extensive sections of the running surface. but reusable. compressor or bearing manufacturers should portion of exposed nickel barrier in the bottom left quadrant. however the overlay edge wear. cavitation erosion. of the overlay has been worn away due to the oil grooved to fill the low-pressure area cavitation erosion. once disturbed. This remaining overlay will occur. The upper trimetal bearing in Figure 12 has grooving This rapid flow of oil leads to flow erosion along the oil from foreign particles and heavy wear on one side. such as sputtered overlay or Miba’s Synthec over- bearings after only a few hundred hours of operation. However. In the lower shell. the other types are beyond the scope of this tuto- placement. are somewhat different than reviewed in the foregoing the lower bearing. as shown in the middle bearing where cavitation it requires replacement. Once enough cavitation erosion. oil will rapidly flow through and the aluminum alloy is visible. In the gray zone. The middle and lower bearings erosion has started to remove the bronze lining material. the overlay has no signs bimetal and trimetal bearings with electroplated overlays of polishing due to contact with the mating shaft journal. In the middle bearing. Replace. When a compressor layer. to fill the low-pressure area created by a cavitation event. This reduces the erosion has started to remove the bronze emergency running ability and mandates lining material. Small amount of cavitation erosion damage Cavitation damage has spread to the ma- Grooves by foreign particles with heavy is very light for a compressor bearing and jority of the surface. Trimetal bearings requiring replacement. This bearing leads to flow erosion along the groove. cavitation has left a large rial. can commonly be seen after only a few has no signs of polishing due to contact hundred hours of operation. is a small amount of cavitation erosion damage.Replace Reusable Reusable if undisturbed. be consulted for guidelines for those types. The lower bearing is a further example of heavy cavitation disturbed in their housings. and groove. This much-exposed nickel will decrease the surface. cavitation damage has spread to the discussion of bearings with electroplated overlays. This has a large portion of exposed Ni barrier in bearing must be replaced because the flow the bottom left quadrant. and Once enough of the overlay has been worn away due to large foreign particles are embedded in the running sur. but would be reusable if left un. accelerated wear of the remaining over- face. the nickel intermediate layer is worn bearing experiences cavitation erosion. COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 67 . In the upper bearing. but must be replaced if disturbed. industry. n Figure 13. Engine. which is The appearance of various other types of trimetal bear- typical of what can be seen in reciprocating compressor ings. Condition is with the mating shaft. Trimetal bearings requiring replacement. The light yellowish zone is the nickel intermediate bearing’s emergency running ability. n Figure 12. oil will rapidly flow from and must be replaced. In lay. reused if undisturbed in the housing. Plus Shipping . 2 3 Scheduled Downtime DJ SLATER.compressortech2. 204 pages US$24.558..800.com Paperback.95 has nothing to do with peer pressure.co/dictionary 1.com/scheduled-downtime/ for answers 7 5 6 Location. PUZZLEMASTER 4 Visit www. Location. Location Arlington Kraft A B F L D I C M G L L Y X Z H A W K I C Beechview Larimer U N F F U L B S R E H T N A P E A R D U Bloomfield Manufacturing U O C R M A H T A H C I Y O A D T P P L Bluff Mister Rogers C T L P I E R O G I E S I SW I E I A J Bridges Ohio River I G K A S C N H S H Y N T M X S R R G O Brookline Overbrook Carlow Panthers P N R P T R K S O U T H P AW Y U A D V Carnegie Penguins X I D L E C K PW P I O P N A D A T N E Carrick Penn Station V L D T R N I S A L H OW U O A E E I R Chateau Pierogies J R S I R P N R L R I H N F H H T S W B Chatham Pirates Dogma PNC R A E G O L K S T N K J Y A I S A T E R Duquesne Point Breeze EW C A G W C P T S R TW C O D H E S O East Hills Point Park M O N K E A T B S A I B I T R L C E T O Eastern Rivers I L E M R E R E T C T D U U I H S L W K Elliott Shadyside R R F R S E G F M D O I P R V V X E O L Esplen Sloan Fences Southpaw A A I P E D A A I G V L O I E O H R O I Frick Park Steel L C L Z I R H C M E I G E N R A C S D N Garfield Steelers K E E R K T O A H N L WW G S T O S H E Gotham City Strip District N I B L O O M F I E L D U Q U E S N E S Greenfield Water Hays Wesco P E N G U I N S N G R E E N F I E L DW Heinz Westwood R I S T E E L L I O T T J M S H K P M B Jack Reacher Windgap Because . 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GAS FOR SALE CLASSIFIED AD EXPLOSION PROOF AC&DC ENGINE STARTING SYSTEMS • STARTER MOTORS • ALTERNATORS RATES GENERATOR SETS FOR SALE • SWITCHES • CLASS I. which enables oil-free and decades of knowledge in the field of test automation and contact-free compression. It also features the labyrinth sealing system on its by taking over Vester. The company said it would deliver the compressor as part of a reclaim compressor system. other sales development activities. Custom Reprints Available 1 – VGF48GLD – 710 KW Articles in COMPRESSORtech2 can be re- Payment must printed at a very reasonable cost and used 1 – VGF24GSID – 280 KW accompany order. will have an annual capacity of 700. AND MORE. compressor will be a part of the United States’ largest announced the acquisition of Vester Elektronik GmbH monoethylene glycol (MEG) plant.000 tons in Germany. U. DIV. it also facilitates the establishment of a Monoethylene glycol is a key ingredient for industrial and center of excellence for optical measurement in Germany.kraftpower. designed to compress gases that are dry. said that sive.029 tonnes). Katie Bivens Mary Graesing Call: Alvaro Escobar Cell: +1 973 418 6239 kbivens@dieselpub. the company said. answering 2 – VGF18GLD – 280 KW 1 – 400 KW – SFGLD240 inquiries. a Swiss specialist in dynamic pressure. the site itself and its skilled lb. Energy Corp 1k x 1" 3/11/03 11:06 AM Marketplace FOR SALEWAUKESHA NAT.USENERGYCORPORATION.Burckhardt (635. The Laby compressor. which can provide 17. dirty or abra- Rolf Sonderegger. CEO of the Kistler Group. 3 – 500 KW – VHP3600GSI No charge for typesetting. the company is not only acquiring piston and piston rod gland. trade show distribution and many For an immediate price quote. near Karlsruhe. COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 69 . Vester is a family-owned company. which includes an electric motor drive. fibers. Germany. CA 92801 (714) 871-8185 • (714) 871-9229 FAX 5 – 1150 KW – VHP7044GSI fied advertising accepted. .............Second Cover *Solar Turbines Incorporated ... 5 Federal-Mogul Powertrain ......................................................... 7 Exline Inc.......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 *Elliott Group ...................... 48 The BG Service Co...Dieselandgasturbineguide................. 54........... 19 Articles published by COMPRESSORtech2 can be reprinted for trade shows..... 51 Harsco Industrial AIr-X-Changers / Hammco ................................. 59 IMES GmbH ................................... 52 MOTORTECH GmbH .....Advertisers’ Index *Further information on this company’s products can be found in the 2017 Edition of the Diesel & Gas Turbine Sourcing Guide (at www.............................................. .............................................................. 29 Turbomachinery/Pump Symposia .................................................................................................................. 23 Modulift ........ ............ ACI Services Inc............... 3 *Neuman & Esser Group .......... 30 *Burckhardt Compression AG ......................... 43 GE Power & Water .... 39 Compressor Products International ............... 25 E Instruments International .........com .............................. 9 Cook Compression ..... .................... .......................... 31 Compression Elements .............. brochures and offices...... 53 Zahroof Valves Inc........... Fourth Cover Summit Brand ..................Distributed Energy ..................... Inc..................................................... 48 Sloan Lubrication Systems ......net)....... 14 Centa ............36-37 *ARIEL Corporation .............. Contact Mary Graesing for a custom quote +1 (262) 754-4147 or mgraesing@dieselpub.................................................................................... 47 STASSKOL GmbH .............................CTSSnet....................................................... 69 *HOERBIGER ...................... 17 Sullair ............................. ...............net) and/or 2017 Compression Technology Sourcing Supplement (at www................................................. 26 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers ....................................................................... 41 LogiLube LLC ...................................................... 15 Kraft Power Corp........................................................................ 40 KB Delta Compressor Valve Parts...............Kluber Lubrication NA LP .... 11 Global Compressor Parts/Potemkin ... ..................... 10 HOTSTART .................. 42 FW Murphy Production Controls .......................... .......................................................... 35 Philadelphia Gear ..................................... 1 Kiene Diesel Accessories .................................................. ................................. 21 United States Energy Corporation .............. Mfg................................... 27 Advanced Engine Technology Corp........... 33 PROGNOST Systems GmbH ..............................Third Cover Testo Inc................. 69 Boll & Kirch Filterbau GmbH .................. 000 sq.25 (57) *With forged steel crankshafts. Knight cylinders were available for a wide range of pres. data suggest had a 6. IR maintained the K-Line for several Hundreds of Knight compressors were produced in pack. Dean promptly started the “Dean B.000 (9070) 1. Buchwald indicated that this experience was rangement with Knight. (mm) Range rpm hp (kW) Load lb. but never produced. and its small rental fleet to owned by Dean Knight.873) 2. they an- on two-throw frames. Cartwright again had to have Dean es- Knight packaging plants in Broken Arrow. (9977 kg) rod design features.and four-throw configurations. load KOC frame encroached on the Superior range and which featured a 6 in. among other conflicts. Dean Knight’s new company became a suc- depending on the model. as hav. but it may have In the 1940s.875 (48) KOCE 2/4 5. including steeple (tandem) premises. heads were ductile iron. **Designed. (mm) KHB 1 5. the KOD would compete In a 1955 ASME paper. Oklahoma. which were In 1977.375 (35) KOA 2/4 4.875 (48) KOCA 2/4 6. But he didn’t leave quietly. and sembled more Superior compressor packages than any not long after the merger. two-.5 in. champion of the K-Line.75 (44) KOC 2/4 6. had the local sheriff escort Dean off the sure ratings and diameters. often in the two. claiming facilities to 15. In ad.0 (152) 600 to 1000 750 / 1500 (559 / 1119) 22. which application developed later. (4831 m2) with 16 compressor assembly that Dean looked Cartwright in the eye and said. KOCA and KOCE versions were Buchwald then designed a KOD frame.875 (48) KOD** 2/4/6 6. more years until it was discontinued after the formation of ages with Caterpillar and Waukesha gas engines. Neal Cartwright. K-Line crankshafts were ductile iron or forged steel. dition to manufacturing Knight compressors for smaller With a lousy business environment in 1988. A 1977 brochure described the out by stockholders. Knight Industries was one of the largest merged the rest of the company with Crawford Enterprises packagers of field gas compressors at that time. Although the KOD never went into to shut off the cylinder water permanently in a number of production.0 (152) 600 to 1000 1200 / 2400 / 3600 (895 / 1790 / 2685) 35. Dresser-Rand. The KOC.375 (35) KOB 2/4 5. actually been 6.0 (152) 800 to 1000 750 / 1500 (559 / 1119) 22. Dean B. “You’re bays and an ASME-coded vessel shop with hydrostatic test making a habit out of this. to form KCI. also the basis for developing Ariel cylinders without water. the design of Knight’s compressor cylinders. The cylinders used Hoerbiger plate swered as “Knight Industries.0 in.” Cartwright had to get a court valves and cast-iron or aluminum pistons. Dean Knight.000 (9977) 1. Buchwald’s team.0 (127) 800 to 1200 750 / 1500 (559 / 1119) 22. It was reported ing 52. Cooper canceled the exclusive packaging ar- noncooled. Evans experimented with shutting the cyl. went on to become the midst of conflict.000 (4535) 1. Evans carried that experience into purchased the Superior business from White in 1976. CT2 COMPRESSORtech2 OCTOBER 2017 71 . despite disagreements with Knight over engines and compressors.Cornerstones Of Compression story continued from page 72 Knight K-Line Compressor Models And Ratings Model Throws Stroke Speed Max. continued to push ahead with his K-Line.5 (114) 800 to 1200 450* / 900* (149 / 224) 14.and six-throw frames. forced Dean Knight out of his own cooling jackets.000 (9977) 1. he reported that he had been able directly with Superior. that he had packaged about 2500 compressors during his Knight was the largest packager of White Superior long career.000 lb. Oklahoma. sold its 85 rental units to Dresser-Rand and compressors. four. Knight cylinders that allowed three. 1000 rpm frame in touched some nerves at White. company. Connecting rods and cross. (kg) in. the conflict intensified after Cooper Industries the company’s plants. packaging manufactured in a Tulsa. and the president.000 (15.” This time Knight retired. corted off the premises by the county sheriff. Numbers in. produced the KOC design. Knight Industries sold the K-Line. It as.or four-stage compression Company” in 1978. Losing its biggest customer.ft.0 (127) 400 to 550 150 (112) 10.0 (127) 700 to 1200 500 / 1000 (373 / 746) 20.000 psig (1034 bar). (165 mm). (152 mm) stroke. Dean Knight was again forced other packager in the world. (152 mm) stroke. Nevertheless. When answering the phone. size.000 (6349) 1. depending on order to force Dean’s new company from using that name. applications than those normally considered for Superior Knight Co. machine shop.000 (9977) 1. Neal Cartwright became KCI’s president. All of the compressors where In 1980. Power Rated Rod Piston Rod Dia. With designs completed for inder cooling water off on some of Sinclair’s compressors. Ingersoll Rand (IR). cessful packager and rental fleet company. but the 22. and manufacturing facilities. a large supply company Around the same time. selling and leasing gas els. was a compressor packages that he assembled. but the model ciprocating compressor to compete with the popular was not successful. (127 mm) stroke. 10. to design the KHB. whose power Oil & Gas. The first model. slow-speed and four-throw configurations initially covering a range units. compressors for Knight. Early field gas 4. with White selling the “White office warehouse and using a bathtub for a filing cabinet. Knight started his first business — a general compressors in 1960.000 lb. (127 mm) stroke. in 1947. a former White Superior employee who became Superior’s new line of gas engines and reciprocating a consultant while developing Ariel’s first small compressor. of 60 to 300 hp (45 to 224 kW). and Supply Co. the arrange- oil-field supply company — in 1946. reached up to 600 hp (447 kW). Knight hired Harry Evans. the KOA introduced in 1970. The Knight K-Line Packager Knight Industries developed its own high-speed reciprocating compressor line BY NORM SHADE Dean B. Next.” these Organized as Knight Mfg. enlisting Jim Knight became the principal packager for White Buchwald. Oklahoma. Evans. his compressors were smaller than White Superior’s mod- business grew and flourished. Known as the “K-Line. continued on page 71 72 OCTOBER 2017 COMPRESSORtech2 . began designing a series of gas compressor unit for use at the wellhead and in pipeline high-speed horizontal balanced opposed reciprocating operations. Evans designed a mechanical engineer who spent 27 years at Sinclair the 5 in. belt-driven. Worthington HBGG. 1200 rpm machine. 250 hp (186 kW) per throw at 1200 rpm. By the late 1960s. It was later uprated to 550 rpm. 1000 rpm KOB. a 5 in. Knight” engine compressor packages built by Knight. (114 mm) stroke. Cornerstones Of Compression n A Knight Industries package with a two-throw Knight KOC three-stage compressor driven by a Caterpillar G379 gas engine.5 in. After less than a year in business. Knight continued to develop the line. built in two- compressors were single-throw. storing inventory in an ment had become exclusive. then operating as a con- asked him to design and assemble a 30 hp (22 kW) natural sultant in Tulsa. (4535 kg) rod load single-throw re. Seeing an opportunity. So began Knight’s lifelong specialty. visit: https://www. visit: https://www. 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