Compliance to Local Industry Preference

March 28, 2018 | Author: sssureshbe | Category: File Transfer Protocol, Email, Technology, Computing, Internet



Attachment IV to TBESubject: Resolution to Comments on TBE regarding Local Industry Preference for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC 31 Project. Project: KOC GC 31 Package: Pressure Vessels This is with reference to Company comment on the Technical Bid Analysis submitted by the Contractor vide Document Number GC31-ADV-TBA-0684-15 dated 12th July 2015. Contractor hereby submits the following: Sr. No. Name of Vendors Quoted/ NotQuoted/ Regretted Remark 1 2 3 Gulf Stainless Steel Factory, Kuwait John Pickle Middle East Khalil Bahman & Partners Gen. Trdg. & Cont. Co. W.L.L., Kuwait Kuwait Industrial Refinery Maintenance and Engineering Co., Kuwait ABJ Engineering & Contracting Co. KSC, Kuwait ARABI Enertech KSC (Workshop Division), Kuwait Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co., Kuwait Bader-Al-Mulla & Bros. Co., Kuwait Integral Services Company, Kuwait Naser Mohammad Al-Baddah & Partner, Kuwait Not Quoted Not Quoted Not Quoted RFQ mail attached RFQ mail attached RFQ mail attached Not Quoted RFQ mail attached Regretted Regretted Regretted Quoted Quoted Quoted Regret mail attached Regret mail attached Regret mail attached Offer attached Offer attached Offer attached 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Encl.: Attachment – I Mail correspondence with Vendors listed in Sr No 1 to 4 who did not submit their Offer Attachment - II Regret Mails from Vendor listed in Sr No. 5 to 7. Attachment - III Priced Offers of Vendors listed in Sr No 8 to 10 Sr.No:1 Hirenkumar Kothari - Procurement - GC31 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hirenkumar Kothari - Procurement - GC31 Wednesday, February 04, 2015 5:50 PM '[email protected]' Mukesh Rathod - Procurement - HO Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC - 31 Project Importance: High Dear Sir, With reference to trailing mails regarding subject requirement, we have extended Bid submission date till 16/02/2015. Please note that there will not be any further extension and we will not consider any incomplete bid or bid received after due date. You are requested to ensure submission of the techno-commercial offer strictly in line with instruction given in RFQ alongwith confirmation/comment on GCP/PCP. Regards, Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. Ltd., PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor, U-Bora Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE | Office: +971 - 4 - 503 8000 | Direct: +971 - 4 - 503 8535 | Fax: +971 - 4 - 503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari - Procurement - GC31 Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 3:14 PM To: '[email protected]' Cc: Mukesh Rathod - Procurement - HO Subject: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC - 31 Project Importance: High GULF STAINLESS STEEL FACTORY - KUWAIT BUILDING NO. 68, BLOCK NO. 2, STREET NO. M 10, WEST SHUAIBA INDUSTRIAL AREA, KUWAIT Tel No: 00965-2326 0060 / 66 / 67 Fax No: 00965-2326 1166 Email ID: [email protected] Kind Attn. : Sales Team Subject : Request for Quotation for Pressure Vessels Project : Execution of the Gathering Centre - 31, Kuwait Oil Corporation We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and start up assistance together with the provision of 2 years’ operating spare parts for Execution of the Gathering Centre - 31, Kuwait Oil Corporation (KOC) In this connection, we hereby invite you to submit your most competitive, lowest and firm Bid for “Pressure Vessels” based upon the Specification, Data Sheet, MR, and other documents, as applicable. Attached is RFQ along with GCP, PCP & Annexure IV. MR Documents can be downloaded from FTP Link below: FTP Address : 1 Please provide enquiry receipt acknowledgement (Ref. U-Bora Tower. Should you have any query. Dubai. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Request to submit offer as per clause no.503 8000 | Direct: +971 . 5 of enclosed RFQ alongwith compliances / comments of enclosed GCP & PCP.170.4 . Business Bay.503 8006 | 2 .4 .Username Password URL : : : KGCPMRPV 5m6$FG19 ftp://KGCPMRPV:5m6$FG19@194. UAE | Office: +971 .4 . Ltd. please feel free to contact undersigned. Regards. Please note that as per KOC standard we require the offer directly from the manufacturer and we shall enter into Purchase agreement directly with the manufacturer. in case of selection. ANNEXURE – VII of RFQ.179. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte.180 The Offer Due Date is 04th February 2015.. attached) positively by 26th Jan’ 15. com' Cc: Mukesh Rathod .4 .. Data Sheet. lowest and firm Bid for “Pressure Vessels” based upon the Specification. Commissioning and start up assistance together with the provision of 2 years’ operating spare parts for Execution of the Gathering Centre .Procurement . OF KUWAIT PIPE INDUSTRIES & OIL SERVICES CO. MR Documents can be downloaded from FTP Link below: FTP Address : 194. Attached is RFQ along with GCP.Procurement . February 04.. Pre-commissioning. as applicable.Sr. '[email protected] . PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.S. Kuwait Oil Corporation We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Engineering.) .170.4 . SUIAIBIYAH INDUSTRIAL PARK. 2015 5:52 PM 'ajaiteh@kpios. Please note that there will not be any further extension and we will not consider any incomplete bid or bid received after due date. U-Bora Tower.GC31 Wednesday. Procurement.31. K.Procurement .31 Project Importance: High Dear Mr. OPPOSITE CENTRAL PRISON.Procurement . 'makjpme@kpios. we hereby invite you to submit your most competitive. Ltd.HO. we have extended Bid submission date till 16/02/2015.503 8000 | Direct: +971 . Dubai. : Mr.KUWAIT BUILDING No. Regards.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Kuwait Oil Corporation (KOC) In this connection.31. Abdulah Jaiteh Subject : Request for Quotation for Pressure Vessels Project : Execution of the Gathering Centre .com' Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .' Subject: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . PCP & Annexure IV.180 1 . Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. and other documents. KUWAIT Mo No: + 965 2467 1753 Email ID: [email protected]. With reference to trailing mails regarding subject requirement.800013.HO. AL-SHADADIYAH STREET. Construction.GC31 Sent: Thursday.No:2 Hirenkumar Kothari . You are requested to ensure submission of the techno-commercial offer strictly in line with instruction given in RFQ alongwith confirmation/comment on GCP/PCP. 2015 3:56 PM To: 'ajaiteh@kpios. January 22. UAE | Office: +971 . Installation.4 . Abdulah Kind Attn.503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari' Mukesh Rathod . Business Bay.31 Project Importance: High JOHN PICKLE MIDDLE EAST (A DIV.GC31 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hirenkumar Kothari . 4 .503 8000 | Direct: +971 . in case of selection. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. Should you have any query.503 8006 | 2 . Dubai.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Please note that as per KOC standard we require the offer directly from the manufacturer and we shall enter into Purchase agreement directly with the manufacturer.170. U-Bora Tower. Regards. 5 of enclosed RFQ alongwith compliances / comments of enclosed GCP & PCP.179. Request to submit offer as per clause no. ANNEXURE – VII of RFQ. please feel free to contact undersigned.Username Password URL : : : KGCPMRPV 5m6$FG19 ftp://KGCPMRPV:5m6$FG19@194.. Please provide enquiry receipt acknowledgement (Ref.180 The Offer Due Date is 04th February 2015. UAE | Office: +971 . PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.4 . Business Bay.4 . attached) positively by 26th Jan’ 15. Ltd. TRDG.4 . Business Bay.No:3 Hirenkumar Kothari .4 . CO. 2015 10:16 AM 'kbp@kb-partners. February 04. W. Ltd.31 Project Importance: High Dear Sir.Procurement . This is reference to trailing mails regarding RFQ for Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Project. Trdg.L. &' Cc: Mukesh Rathod .com' Cc: Mukesh Rathod .Procurement . we consider it as regret from M/s. PLOT 83-92 EAST AHMADI. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.4 .L. February 18.4 . Dubai. Co.Procurement .GC31 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hirenkumar Kothari . INDUSTRIAL' Mukesh Rathod . PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor. Dubai.HO Subject: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .GC31 Sent: Wednesday.Procurement . Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte.GC31 Wednesday.HO Subject: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .L. We have not received offer from your end within due date. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. Khalil Bahman & Partners Gen.Sr. W. You are requested to ensure submission of the techno-commercial offer strictly in line with instruction given in RFQ alongwith confirmation/comment on GCP/PCP. 2015 5:52 PM To: 'kbp@kb-partners.. UAE | Office: +971 . January 22. UAE | Office: +971 . U-Bora Tower.503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari . & CONT.503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari . With reference to trailing mails regarding subject requirement. . Regards.KUWAIT BLOCK NO. Regards. Ltd. we have extended Bid submission date till 16/02/2015.4 .4 . U-Bora Tower.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . AHMADI 1 . 6. 2015 3:57 PM To: '[email protected] Project Importance: High Dear Sir.GC31 Sent: Thursday. Business Bay.Procurement . .Procurement . Hence.HO RE: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC ..Kuwait. Please note that there will not be any further extension and we will not consider any incomplete bid or bid received after due date.503 8000 | Direct: +971 .503 8535 | Fax: +971 .Procurement .503 8000 | Direct: +971 .L.31 Project Importance: High KHALIL BAHMAN & PARTNERS GEN. MR Documents can be downloaded from FTP Link below: FTP Address : Username : Password : URL : 194. Attached is RFQ along with GCP.Tel No: 2398 8389 Fax No: 2398 7650 / 2398 7655 Email ID: kbp@kb-partners. MR.31.4 . in case of selection. Ltd. 5 of enclosed RFQ alongwith compliances / comments of enclosed GCP & PCP. ANNEXURE – VII of RFQ.170. Kuwait Oil Corporation We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Engineering.4 . Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. U-Bora Tower.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Dubai.31.503 8006 | 2 . Please provide enquiry receipt acknowledgement (Ref. Pre-commissioning. Commissioning and start up assistance together with the provision of 2 years’ operating spare parts for Execution of the Gathering Centre . UAE | Office: +971 .180 KGCPMRPV 5m6$FG19 ftp://KGCPMRPV:5m6$FG19@194. Request to submit offer as per clause no. : Sales Team Subject : Request for Quotation for Pressure Vessels Project : Execution of the Gathering Centre .179. Please note that as per KOC standard we require the offer directly from the manufacturer and we shall enter into Purchase agreement directly with the Kind Attn. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor. lowest and firm Bid for “Pressure Vessels” based upon the Specification. Kuwait Oil Corporation (KOC) In this connection.4 . as applicable. Should you have any query. Procurement. attached) positively by 26th Jan’ 15. and other documents..503 8000 | Direct: +971 . Regards. please feel free to contact undersigned. Installation. we hereby invite you to submit your most competitive. PCP & Annexure IV.179. Data Sheet.180 The Offer Due Date is 04th February 2015. Business Bay.170. Construction. 503 8535 | Fax: +971 . You are requested to ensure submission of the techno-commercial offer strictly in line with instruction given in RFQ alongwith confirmation/comment on GCP/PCP. KUWAIT 1 . January 22.GC31 Sent: Wednesday. Hence.' Mukesh Rathod .31 Project Importance: High Dear Sir.KUWAIT SHUAIBA INDUSTRIAL AREA PLOT NO.Procurement . UAE | Office: +971 . Dubai. February 04. Business Bay. U-Bora Tower.GC31 Sent: Thursday. 2015 10:24 AM '[email protected] Subject: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .GC31 Wednesday. AREA .Procurement . Ltd. Kuwait Industrial Refinery Maintenance and Engineering Co..503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari .4 . U-Bora Tower.4 .Procurement .HO RE: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .Procurement . Regards.Kuwait. we consider it as regret from M/s.31 Project Importance: High KUWAIT INDUSTRIAL REFINERY MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING CO.' Cc: Mukesh Rathod . 2015 5:53 PM To: 'armulla@kremenco. We have not received offer from your end within due date. PO Box 8034 | 47th .4 .503 8000 | Direct: +971 .4' Cc: Mukesh Rathod .Procurement . Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. This is reference to trailing mails regarding RFQ for Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Project.31 Project Importance: High Dear Sir.HO Subject: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .GC31 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hirenkumar Kothari .com. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor. we have extended Bid submission date till 16/02/2015. February 18.4 . Business Bay. 2015 4:28 PM To: 'armulla@kremenco. . .Sr. 36.4 .503 8000 | Direct: +971 ..Procurement .No:4 Hirenkumar Kothari .503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Please note that there will not be any further extension and we will not consider any incomplete bid or bid received after due date. Ltd. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte.503 8006 | From: Hirenkumar Kothari . With reference to trailing mails regarding subject requirement. UAE | Office: +971 . MR. PCP & Annexure IV.Tel No: 23261 250 Fax No: 23261 366 Email ID: [email protected]. and other 8000 | Direct: +971 .179.4 . Please note that as per KOC standard we require the offer directly from the manufacturer and we shall enter into Purchase agreement directly with the manufacturer. Request to submit offer as per clause no. : Sales Team Subject : Request for Quotation for Pressure Vessels Project : Execution of the Gathering Centre . Business Bay.31.170.. please feel free to contact undersigned. 5 of enclosed RFQ alongwith compliances / comments of enclosed GCP & PCP.180 KGCPMRPV 5m6$FG19 ftp://KGCPMRPV:5m6$FG19@194. attached) positively by 26th Jan’ 15. ANNEXURE – VII of RFQ. Please provide enquiry receipt acknowledgement (Ref. we hereby invite you to submit your most competitive. UAE | Office: +971 .4 . Should you have any query. Dubai.179. as applicable. Kuwait Oil Corporation (KOC) In this Kind Attn.31. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.503 8006 | 2 . Installation. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. Attached is RFQ along with GCP. U-Bora Tower.180 The Offer Due Date is 04th February 2015. MR Documents can be downloaded from FTP Link below: FTP Address : Username : Password : URL : 194.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Commissioning and start up assistance together with the provision of 2 years’ operating spare parts for Execution of the Gathering Centre . in case of selection. Regards. Kuwait Oil Corporation We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Engineering. Procurement. Pre-commissioning. Construction. Data Sheet.4 . Ltd. lowest and firm Bid for “Pressure Vessels” based upon the Specification. abjengineering. should a right opportunity arises.65454. We acknowledge the receipt of your enquiry and thank you for the [email protected]. Page 1 of 1 Sr.. we are sorry to inform you that considering our shop loading in the year 2015. Please note this decision is only for this particular RFQ and we would be very pleased to submit our proposal for all your future enquiries.cgi?delivery=1423.kharafinational. In this regard..31 Project 2015-02-05 13:21:13 Jeeva Muthiyan Hirenkumar.RE: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times. we are not in a position to accommodate these pressure vessels. 8/30/2015 . Best Regards.No: 5 Subject: Date: From: To/Cc: RE: Extension in Bid submission date: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . Kuwait ' : + 965 22259 000 (Ext: 6605) 7: 22295340 + 965 Email: jeeva.31 + View Message Help View Source Dear Sir. Don't print this e-mail unless it's really http:// www. (KSC) (Fabrication Facility of Kharafi National) P. Jeeva Muthiyan Estimation Engineer ABJ Engineering & Contracting http:// www. Box P Save trees. Shuaiba.Kothari@dodsaldxb. Thanking you and assuring you of our best services and co-operation always. Regards. Business Bay.. Thank you very much for your E-mail dated 29th January 2015 for the subject enquiry.B 'Hirenkumar Kothari .Procureme nt .No: 6 Subject: Date: From: To/Cc: RE: Resend: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . U-Bora Tower.K.R. Ltd.31 Project Page 1 of 1 Sr. K.RE: Resend: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC .cgi?delivery=1423..GC31' + View Message Help View Source M/s. We regret to inform you that we are unable to quote for the requested Pressure Vessels as the same are not falling in We assure you that we shall submit prices for all enquiries that are coming in our manufacturing Web: www.arabienertech.dodsaldxb.. Pushpalal Asst. Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. UAE | Kind Attn: Mr. http://archive.550/555 +965 23986522 Mob +965 66496014 Email: plal@arabienertech. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor. General Manager (Costing) Tel Fax +965 23986083 Extn. Hirenkumar Kothari Procurement Dear Sir.31 Project 2015-02-04 17:18:35 8/30/2015 . STREET-MA1 .ae] Sent: Thursday. Subramani Thirunarayanan. we would like to thank you for your interest shown on us for the supply of pressure vessels to GC-31 project.Procurement .No: 7 Suresh Sadhasivam .GC31. SHUAIBA . Kuwait.HO Medhat Khedr.heisco. KOC. Shuaiba 65452 Kuwait Tel: + 965.Procurement .Procurement . Mukesh Rathod . 2015 10:04 AM Hirenkumar Kothari .23253000. Thanks.GC31 [ Website: www.(Public) P. Kamala Kannan Senior Lead Engineer. Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co.> Wednesday. Ronald Pravin Castelino Subject: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . BLOCK-2. April 29.Procurement . Proposal Department.66738750 Email [email protected]. Further to your trailing enquiry for the supply of pressure vessels. Unfortunately. 2015 2:48 PM To: Kamala Kannan Cc: Mukesh Rathod . We are always assuring our best services to the valuable client like DODSAL and expecting your potential future enquiries. Hirenkumar. Oil and Gas Division. we are in a position not able to assist you at this time considering our tight schedule on various already committed projects and we regret to decline this enquiry. January 22.31 Project:M/017/2015 Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Dear Mr.10155.GC31 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kamala Kannan <kamala. -KUWAIT SHUAIBA INDUSTRIAL AREA (WESTERN SECTOR)[email protected] /23263259 Mob: +965 [email protected] -3016 Fax: + 965 .com From: Hirenkumar Kothari .Box.Engineering . KUWAIT Tel No: 24624010 / 23253000 extn:3120 Fax No: 24830291 / 23262142 1 .HO. Poovaragan Narayana Swamy Feedback: RFQ for Pressure Vessels for KOC GC . Kind Regards.31 Project Importance: High HEAVY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES 8 SHIPBUILDING CO.kamala. ANNEXURE – VII of RFQ. PO Box 8034 | 47th Floor.180 KGCPMRPV 5m6$FG19 ftp://KGCPMRPV:5m6$FG19@194. Should you have any query. MR Documents can be downloaded from FTP Link below: FTP Address : Username : Password : URL : 194.179.503 8006 | 2 .31. A. Data Sheet. U-Bora Tower. Business Kind Attn. MR. lowest and firm Bid for “Pressure Vessels” based upon the Specification. UAE | Office: +971 .170. Ltd. Please provide enquiry receipt acknowledgement (Ref.180 The Offer Due Date is 04th February 2015. attached) positively by 26th Jan’ 15. Kamala Kannan Subject : Request for Quotation for Pressure Vessels Project : Execution of the Gathering Centre . Commissioning and start up assistance together with the provision of 2 years’ operating spare parts for Execution of the Gathering Centre . Attached is RFQ along with GCP.. Installation. [email protected] . in case of selection. 5 of enclosed RFQ alongwith compliances / comments of enclosed GCP & PCP.503 8000 | Direct: +971 .4 . Request to submit offer as per clause no.503 8535 | Fax: +971 . Construction.4 . Regards.Email ID: kamala.170. and other documents. PCP & Annexure IV. Kuwait Oil Corporation We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Engineering. : Mr.31. as applicable. Pre-commissioning. Hirenkumar Kothari – Procurement Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte. Procurement. please feel free to contact undersigned. Kuwait Oil Corporation (KOC) In this connection. Please note that as per KOC standard we require the offer directly from the manufacturer and we shall enter into Purchase agreement directly with the manufacturer.179. we hereby invite you to submit your most competitive. We should get clear PO without linking it to KOC approval. If it is acceptable.03. In this regard please note our following observations: 1.000 only. Your email shows some more technical clarifications are required. (Annex-V) 8. However.pdf From: Gilbert Regu [mailto:agilbert@almullagroup. Offered prices KD 513. Thanks for your below email and attached letter for counter offer. we will incorporate KOC comments in all our drawings and other documents. We are surprised to see that we have submitted our revised quotation (MF 20035784 dated 16.169.TQ-3) and many other emails including telephonic conferences.000 is not acceptable at all. In view of above. 4. we can re-iterate that your counter offer is not acceptable to us. 3. Please change the reference No. Ambrose Gilbert Regu. We will work for your technical and commercial queries only after your acceptance of our prices. 2 times personal visits to your Dubal office. 10. completing your Annexure ( I to IX) considering that we are one of the shortlisted bidder & Dodsal will evaluate our offer seriously. 5.Order placement Recommendations: Obtaining approval of order from KOC is not our responsibility. 5% after document approval by KOC & 5% after provisional acceptance by KOC is not acceptable by us. please confirm the above to further work on TQs 1 . Clause 12 -Delivery Schedule: 40 weeks delivery shall be from the date of approval of Techno Commercial documents . please let us know. We have spent lot of time in answering your technical Queries (TQ-1.Bader Al Mulla Dodsal CO_028_005-00_Bader-Al-Mulla. we feel that we have been utilized only as an estimation dept for Dodsal.Sr. in your letter.] Sent: Tuesday. 2015 1:14 PM To: Yousuf A. We have preliminarily reviewed the content of the same and noted that target price set for this package is KD 513. Is the material being free issued by Dodsal? 2.GC31 Subject: Attachments: FW: Counter Offer for Supply of Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Project .392 for 39 Nos of vessels. Harish Bisht . which is less than half of our quoted prices. Clause 16-Liquidated Damages: As we agreed “ shall be applicable for delayed portion only” 7. We are not able to understand the basis of comparison and your counter offer for KD 513. Payment terms should be as per our suggested terms in attached comments on GTC. Clause 17-Offered Payment terms: 90% after delivery. May 19. we have submitted our offer for these pressure vessels to other EPC contractors for other GCs which are identical to GC-31 and our prices are well accepted by them. 6. For your information. Otherwise it is merely wastage of time for both of us. Clause 28.Bader Al Mulla Dear Mr. Further we can offer only 6% discount on our quoted prices in order to have good start with Dodsal. Delay in obtaining approval from KOC shall have implication in delivery of items.No: 8 Hirenkumar Kothari .HO Subject: RE: Counter Offer for Supply of Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Project .Procurement . However. We have submitted our offer based on your MR and subsequent TQs. Saudagar Cc: Rajeev Shrivastava. drawings etc.000.2015 ) based on your TQ-1 for an amount of KD 1.TQ-2.Yousuf Saudagar.Procurement . Regards. Shuaiba Industrial Area.L.L | Trading & Manufacturing Group Al Mulla Steel .com / [email protected] Al Mulla Importance: High CONFIDENTIAL To Bader-Al-Mulla & Bros. Yousuf Saudagar Vice President – Procurement 2 . Harish Bisht . 137. I would like to mentioned here that. further we can discuss on Better delivery. Web : www. Co. If you agree for the above terms. Please • furnish us following details for our record and evaluation purpose alongwith your reply: • Vendor’s Company Profile showing capabilities of manufacturing • Last 3 years Financial Statement (Audited Balance Sheet) • Concurrent Commitment • Experience list for Pressure Vessels till date Experience list for Pressure Vessels with KOC Request you to send your response to the] Sent: Dear Mr.11. . 18 May. With Kind regards. Nevertheless. Saudagar [mailto:YASaudagar@dodsaldxb. Ambrose Gilbert Regu. as mentioned in the attached letter together with Company Details. Looking forward for your response.Kuwait Plot no.HO Subject: Counter Offer for Supply of Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Project . Please find attached our comments on your counter offer letter. Kindly confirm your acceptance per return mail. payment terms etc. Kuwait Tel: +965-22205111 Ext 8467 Fax: +965-24839725 Email: [email protected] . Ambrose Gilbert Regu. attached as Annexure III. W.Kuwait Email : steel@almullagroup. 2015 1:38 PM To: Gilbert Regu Cc: Rajeev Shrivastava. AMBROSE GILBERT REGU SENIOR MANAGER – AL MULLA STEEL BADER AL MULLA & BROTHERS CO.: 8460 Mobile : +965 66417246 Fax : +965 22205200 / 22205111 Ext : 8655 From: Yousuf A. Please find attached our Counter Offer for Supply of Pressure Vessels for GC-31 Tel : +965 22205144 / 22205111 Ext.almullagroup. Dodsal Engineering and Construction Pte Limited PO Box 3 . Dubai UAE Tel: +971 – 4 – 503 8000 Direct: +971 – 4 – 503 8363 Fax+971 – 4 – 503 8006 E-mail: YASaudagar@dodsaldxb. U-Bora Tower Business Bay. No: 9 .Sr. . . . . . . . . Sr.No: 10 .
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