Comparative Anatomy of Angels-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner.

March 26, 2018 | Author: gabriel brias buendia | Category: Planets, Eye, Angel, Sun, Senses



Gustav Theodor Fechner Comparative Anatomy of Angels A sketch Foreword The recent time has an excellent merit acquiredby the diligence with which it seeks to spread through the education of the people through comparative studies of the structure of lower creatures. Alone is something you have not thought of to be sent for the same purpose, observations on the construction of higher creatures, regardless of circumstances to expect from this at least as much fruit. It is the purpose of current sketch to make a start to fill this gap. As I looked around in vain Linnéischen system for a name for the object of my observations, I saw myself obliged to take the popular name for this angel, you know, goes under the higher creatures in general. Now also perform the following considerations in some respects from the hergebrachten ideas about angels from, so you will but the corrections thus obtained can only rejoice. Introduction The man is on the whole not less small urban and full of himself, as a large proportion of individuals. Standing before the mirror of self-contemplation, he considers himself pleasing and sees the masterpiece of creation. But after all, it may be that he keeps on the globe along with the orb of dominion the apple of beauty in the hand at a general price advertising world creatures at the latter he might not deserve the Grübs it. We certainly pleases the human form, because we do ourselves are human, our feeling so set as judges, instinctively party takes, but even Cicero says that very reason would probably be the horse in the horse and the donkey looking in the ass sex the ideal of the form . The vanity is, as you can see, a natural error that attaches not only individuals, but families, and we may therefore at least our sense of self does not make for Paris, who distributes the apple. So we leave this corrupt judge and ask the mind, which of course has a callous and cold, but clearer the more and more unbiased view to assessing the form of man, he tells us, is beauty, what she was, at least harmony of form I ask of her. But I consider the human figure with its many corners, protruding knots, excesses, holes, caves, etc., I see indeed most probably to a different useful chores suitable equipped engine in it, but do not quite know where the beauty of the whole are to. It seems to me rather a had crashed, or better vorzuwalten a first halbgeglücktes pursuit on what more or less in parts emerges: in the bulge of the forehead, in the shape of the female breast, in the flower of the whole person, the mind, the only almost completed parts, but these different parts that seem to have tasted the beauty, agree but even to any whole together by the mind would find a harmony, as he calls the beauty and many parts he sees only as a tool and usable household items attached to the body, but not as members, which called for the concept of beauty. But the beauty is to wear their unit in itself, is not the purpose or benefit, the Jews borrow. These considerations, we must, as I said, impartially hire by setting we feel what the aboriginal people as human beings aside. We are now high above the earth, behold the same time with the other world bodies to compare their creatures, and it is lawful for us if we can find anywhere more perfect to smile the sinuous and mountainous character of the people in whose tone you were, the rough fingerprints the nature stümpernden here yet seen anywhere. In fact, even apart from the fact that the mind is indelicate enough to tell us that it could not be more beautiful creatures than we are, and if we are reluctant to believe it, it was just the same reason why the lovers it evil would take if you have a different level than would first instruct the charms of his beloved, we are but in love with ourselves, even apart so by this reasoning the mind, and the end is not far that we ever on earth to find the most perfect figure can not expect. We could then, if our earth would occupy the highest level in space, that they but they did not even occupy in our planetary system, it is clear from their position in it, because they still even in neither the sun at first, yet farthest from her, is located midway between the other planets, therefore, if our sun does not even have as king over them would have protrude, they do, their ranking in the planetary system according to definitely appear only as an intermediary in it. On a more educated world body one will expect to find well-trained perfect beings. If, however, the peak of the divine art of drawing the human figure has not been reached: Can not we at least think about what shapes they will be guided through their further progress? We then take our tube at hand, look at the world body, which we do not make the ranking above ours dispute and see if there really are such creatures exist. It will keep this to Gruithuisens discoveries in the moon for the impossible. The physical eye converts already with forty thousand league boots in the world around, how much more will line up with the intellectual, which I took to help where the gap that still seemed too powerful. I put the results of my observations that were specifically directed at the sun and its surroundings, in front of the world: he sees through the same tube as I do, they will find confirmed and need no further evidence. The evidence and the whole Einkleidungsart the following illustration are only for those who lack the means to direct perception. First Chapter From the form of the angels I looked at the human form, I saw, as I said, an aggregate of bumps, ridges and valleys in it, in which I could perceive no inherent form unit. I wondered, could not be anything more perfect form of it. I began to undress the man from his uneven and unbalanced excesses, and when I had finished, I had taken his last hump and smoothed out, the entry still did his former unit, lay a mere ball. I looked at my creature and shook his head as it rolled around in front of me, and nothing ever ball as a sphere. It is true, an old famous philosopher (Xenophanes), whose thoughts are now reprinted often enough have already mentioned God's form a ball, it is true, harmony, unity is the essence of beauty and this is reflected in any form remarkably clean, as in the ball, but the harmony is to live in a manifold to mean something. I expect the most perfect creature that mentally the ausgebildetste was that the body expression is possible in which abspiegele the Spirit, and what kind of expression can show a ball that never shows an impression? - I saw my creature with disgust. Is there lovers among my readers, so they can not forgive me this ad nauseam. I rejected my creature because it was a ball, and "what do I look different when I look into your blue eyes when two balls, which seems to have created the soul itself to her residence; yes is not always that of the eye what most spiritual expression granted in man! " I thought about it and knew now that even a bullet could have soul and soul express, only one must not think bowling ball underneath. My dear creature was me again, it had become a beautiful eye. Man is the microcosm, that is, a world in miniature; philosophy and physiology combine to show it. His noblest member is a ball of light nourishing themselves, even the noblest member of the larger world will be such a being, only infinitely and independently trained. We see only two circumstances are united then, the angels to instruct the spherical shape. The notion of a perfect form as it brings with it, and the ball, which could preclude here is lifted by showing that even on earth the highest, most soulful member of the creatures has the spherical shape. The Earth, as standing on a lower level, only had not power enough, the ball as independent beings to witness the whole person, as her most noble member, to make the ball, but her most noble member ieses could now at its finest limb to the eye, this shape to achieve the pinnacle of all forms. Fully lift the ball will be when we show later that the spherical shape of the angel variations that produce a multiplicity it, but not come off, it can only show everything at once. Basic form of the angels, the ball always remains, and more than a basic form of beauty, we do not want to see even in the ball. The elements of the evidence would have been given, as only partially based on conceptual claims may be weak for himself there, but they receive strength through the surprising context in which they show up with the following, which is founded on facts of nature. Every natural being is the element in which it lives, adequately formed, each element forms its creatures, so to speak, would it not set up according to the same building, so it could not live in it. Now on the sun light the element, if there is, therefore, sun creatures (and who will this make the higher rank on the Erdgeschöpfen dispute, since they are children of the world body, which is dominant in the center of the other), what will they be different can become as independent eyes? Our eyes may be regarded as an independent creature in our body, the light is his element, and its construction is shaped according to the elements. A creature, the light is the element, conversely, the structure of the eye, just because the mutually related. We can look at our eye already almost as a sun creature on earth even. It lives on, and in the rays of the sun, and therefore has the form of his brothers on the sun itself, but of course the sun has on our planet only slightly, and the man lives for the most part in earthly elements, and therefore they are also the most part of his nature, the sun has been able to make it through their remote influence only a small part of it to his creature and had to stop at the first stage of his training. The sun creatures but I call them as superior beings angels are vacant eyes of the highest internal training, but always formed by the same type. Light is its element, as the air we. Her whole construction is calculated to the core it. Following circumstance also helps to make it likely find that the type of the eye to a higher self and indeed creatures lie at the foundation: The eye contains all the systems that make up the whole body of the people, united in the little ones, but in a most orderly manner: by always arranges a system concentric to the other, while the same systems in the rest of the organism in a highly unregulated as intertwined. The eye is a whole organism in miniature, but one in which the visual nature has come into clear with yourself. The nervous system has become the retina, the vascular system has been set as the choroid it, this is the system of fibrous skins, hard skin, including; thereto set in beautiful order, the eye muscles, and the whole is the skeletal system, the walls of the orbit , enveloped. The outwardly facing portion of the eye is covered by the conjunctiva, a continuation of the outer skin, which may take the same the outer skin and the nature of a mucous membrane, the anterior chamber is lined with a serous membrane. So since the eye has all the elements of an independent creature in itself, on most orderly manner, as well as its outer form with the general concepts of beauty in line, since it also leads a life in the light, as such we are also of the expect angels as we finally got the sun, the place of residence of the highest creatures can be as a central point of our planetary system in the same take, see surrounded by a light atmosphere for which the structure of the eye is appropriate, we have herein been a significant amount all led to the same results agree together of data and see us on very different paths to the same goal. But further: Extremes meet, is a proverb, and a deep true word. But only one side of stir itself from the other they are infinitely distant apart. The nature obeys this law in all their relationships. Here are examples: Consider a water surface, free from any disturbing effect: it will be smooth as glass, cast into a stone: it hits a wave, throw two into it: two waves intersect, the water is getting more colorful, the more you thrill waves, but excite now infinitely waves at each point a, and the water will re-appear as smooth, because now can not emerge visible wave front of the other. In the external form, the water surface with no and with infinite waves appear the same, and so far are touching the extremes and fall together, but while they coincide in this respect, is an internal difference between them in which they infinitely apart in other respects keeps. For there is nothing active in the water, here the infinite alertness attracts only the same dress. Other examples: objects, driven by none at all, or in all directions at the same time, remain evenly in peace. A skull has no Gall'sches organ, or has it all in the most perfect uniform training will be equal smooth. The first child's natural ideas of humanity are always the last to which the most perfect philosophy comes back, but with fully developed consciousness. The infinitely small and infinitely large are equally incomprehensible. The previous examples will suffice, although their are many more could be cited to prove the generality of our theorem. Let him now. The lowest Aufgußtierchen, the first beginning of the living creation is a small ball, but only a very undeveloped, consisting of a homogeneous mass in which nothing can be distinguished under the microscope. Internal organs or systems are not available. The highest creature will be a ball at our laws such as the Aufgußtierchen, only the highest development of internal organization. Also, every creature begins with the development of the sphere, the egg on (even the man in the womb) and would develop in the progression back to the ball when not even one by the nature of the ground on which it must live and belongs to lower order, should be held to a lower level of education. Now we see but in rising through the lower levels of the majority of the creatures, the head always gravitate to the more spherical shape, and achieve almost the same in humans. The human head is already spherical than that of any animal. But this is not yet the most remarkable, but the way how nature moves in Kugelung of the head, the reference to be held to the eyes here. They put a human skull next to the skull of any four-footed animal (who does not have such skulls, the comparison can do to living minds, but it falls here less clearly in the eye), and look at how the human transforms the animal's head . You will find the following: The whole head dislocates itself, in upgrades to the people to a certain point, or, in other words, aims to reshape so that he would be a ball, and a certain point in it the center of this sphere. This attractive center that strives as a ball to arrange the whole head around, is the center between the two eyes, the nose. In the animal's forehead occurs from the nose to the rear back in people she bends forward and pulls the entire upper part of the skull with forward. Moved even further before the end, they would, by their nadir, the point between the eyes (in the sense it is rooted as a radius vector) remains unmoved, Hinsch lay ahead of him. As such, the upper half of the skull moves forward in order to overcome strike from above the eyes, pulls the lower forward in order to strike the other hand, from the bottom up, so to complete the enclosure. Clearly, this follows from the advance of the foramen magnum and the small wing of the sphenoid. Not enough: In animals the eyes are to the side, often almost to the rear, and the gap between them is very large. The upgrades to the human eye sockets go from the page to the front around our center from two sides closer, making the space between them is increasingly narrows, thereby sweeping the pupil always more forward. So even from the side, the head pushes back against our center. We follow the latter movement of the point from where they remained after people on, so finally both eyes move together throughout our centers and merge into an eye. In the union of the optic nerves and the single vision through both eyes, this fusion is already vorbedeutet. But it is basically wrong when we point the nose called the general focus, after all hinstrebe. The eyes themselves actually give the centers from which attract the whole head: But because the nose point lies midway between the two, so only the whole head in relation seems to balls to him while he actually dislocates against the eyes, equally widely different from him. Not even the advance of the eye itself from the sides to the front actually has reference to this point. The eyes pull the whole head, but even they are only attracted one another, and by now every attracts the opposite, they are increasingly becoming both against each other and are last in the nose point, the center of the space, which it still gets disconnected merge. Only then will this have his dignity as a central point in the deed and in truth. Apparently, there is the proof that not actually the middle between the two eyes, but the eyes are the attracting center itself, from the behavior of the two nasal bones, their movement and shape change in the progress of the organization do not relate to that center, but directly to the eyes betrays itself. In fact, in cattle, the nasal bones are still flat in the same inclined plane with the face on; well but the eyes come forward around the nasal bones rise outward and upward to meet them, each nasal bone from his side, and so creates the curved nose of the person. From this general contraction of the head parts to the eye because it touched her also, that man has the most closed orbits in all animals. Nature will not stop at the closing but only half that she has achieved in humans. The eye sockets located in the head as two hollow hemispheres Imagine. In animals these are to the side of the head used, to turn your back more or less, the people they are around come forward and have been rotated so that their mouths rather fall into a plane forward, they will but, while they move together, continues to rotate so that the mouth of one hemisphere least, watching the other, and the hollow hemispheres combine to form a whole hollow sphere, or that is made from the two orbits, which then, as I said, eye will only be one. Any kind of movement and progression is namely in nature without limit continued if it is not canceled by a counter effect. On Earth, takes the opposite effect, which inhibits the progressive development to the higher, earlier, as it occurs at higher creatures, and even the animals earlier than in humans, but we see that very fact, the direction of progression to more perfect formation indicated. Everything that we see in humans only in the development stage, in transition, will be completed at the highest creatures. The brain is hereby have beaten around the eye and is the same as surround his body, which revolves nervous ether, held in our gross mass of blood, thus not hindering that light penetrate to the core. Even our brain and nervous mass consists of transparent substance that is opaque only in death by coagulation of the protein. 1) 1) According to the recent research has anatomic penetrate the light in our eye by a layer of transparent nerve ganglia substance before it enters the nerve fibers of the retina, which is for the conduit to the brain. All parts of the body but which owe their origin and meaning only the relationship to the earth fall away. So the head constricted already in man by the neck and half from the rest of the body would, by both the severity opposed to after the sun rises, then fly away, but her feet would pin him to the ground. This constriction is significant in humans than in any animals, because although Swan and giraffe have a long neck, but the head appears as more than a continuation of the neck itself, and the fish does not even have a neck. Of upper and lower jaw but, as it were, mean an earthly body and earthly limbs of the head itself, puts together the main part of the head, on whose preservation in height it last arrives, not from, but they dwindle by as early as the approximation atrophy to the people and the transitions are Eßwerkzeuge from Freßwerkzeugen. An angel does not need any more Eßwerkzeuge, because there is nothing left for him to eat feast. Finally, still demonstrates the central importance of the eyes in our heads to the following. When printouts of joy a general expansion of the facial features of the eyes goes out, the pain is a general concentration thereof to take to the eyes; 2) the expression of love pulls the whole face parallel to the line of the eyes gently in width, the expression of hatred or anger draw the facial features from the centerline to the inside, so that longitudinal wrinkles of the forehead intersect the perpendicular direction of the eyes. What you can now safely conclude on the expression of the same moods with the angels by just the same as completed thinks of them as it is possible by their perfect shape. So the ball is an angel in the expression of joy on all sides will expand, shrink when expression of pain in the opposite sense, the expression of love according to the standard disk objects to expand them, stretching the expression of hatred of retreating rod-like. The head of a man succeeds not just as, so to speak just because he is an angel halbverknöcherten krüpligen and why man seeks nachzuhelfen the expression with his whole body, as he gets in the overjoyed and kicking in all directions, all the pain , the Hasse raises his fist in the air in it creeps, arms spread against the object of love in love, and thus striking out from behind against the enemy, with all the course is still no angel. In regard to the lower parts of the face you notice that the mouth opens quietly in laughter, and in general the expression of joy, and thus makes the chin go down, the expression of pain but the whole area around the nose, mouth and chin convulsively upward moves . Not in conflict herewith is that it's chin goes down when the man opens his mouth to cry out in pain because the screaming is itself an instinct-like quest to ease the pain, whereas those contraction is the pure expression of the pain itself . 2) Second Chapter From the language of the angels The angels share their thoughts with each other by the light. Instead they have tones colors. A very dead mass makes the other only through the sense perceptible by direct pressure, so the stone when it is on the rocks. The solid material itself, from which both exist, is their medium of communication. Lively show itself to the masses, between which there is a release by taste, ie by chemical interaction (namely, the taste is just a sensation chemical action that goes on in substances). The salts belong here. Their medium of communication is the liquid substance in which they are dissolved. (Because only dissolved they able to engage in chemical interaction.) Your language that they call to each other, already goes further than the previous issues, where she has held only in the immediate contact itself. The plants share with each other by scent, their medium of communication is the haze; their language ranges in turn further than the previous creature. But as with the chemicals the language only in achieving curls of atoms against each other to spouses, and at the very dead masses in the genus took place themselves, so it also seems the scent of the plant, since it only in bloom, where their gender is active, shows itself to have the purpose to stimulate the male and female parts of the plant for the reciprocal genus. The animal shall notify the animal by the ear; their medium of communication is the air; their language ranges in turn further than the previous creature. Again, it is usually only the purpose is to attract the mutual genus. Even the human language is still the main cause of the sound, but he does it only for the procreation of ideas through cross-fertilization of two minds. But man is more his approach to the higher level, by informing themselves and also in writing, a language which in turn extends further than the previous one. Namely it now lacks even a supreme creature that may impart to the other through the face, and for which light is the medium of language. The step response of nature leads us to this. This creature is the angel. His language ranges in turn further than the last, and if we in the sequence of steps listed earlier could already notice how the language became more developed, allowed an ever more varied expression, we see here in the light, as a medium of language, reached the summit; because in color and drawing, there are infinitely more varied combinations than in the sounds, and it can assume that the angels will not hear many modifications of light that are hidden from us, because her whole construction is adapted to during our eyes only a faint imprint are the same. Might differ in a similar way many animals the pitch not because their hearing tool is not the same perfect construction than ours. The eyes of love language is a portent of the language of the angels, who are even more perfect eyes only. On this occasion I would like to mention a strange sequence of stages with an equally strange interruption. It is known that love always comes down from heaven to the earth, often though still deeper by finding even her grave is, once it has come down so far, about like a shining meteorite coming down by the pure sky spaces , extinguished on earth anlangend, only makes a sad slag behind, and the fiery and quick he was digging himself a deeper grave so in earth. The love so if it comes down from heaven, yet brings the language that is spoken there, with the language of the eyes. Therefore, the first looks are everywhere, thus discuss lover. But soon she feels that she is no longer in heaven, and her body language that was in his element in the sky, so it fails the service soon, she grabs the language of the people. The lovers speak to each other. The love rises even further down, but strangely, it skips the people the language of the plant, it has left the animals in rut. But the fourth stage has not forgotten them. It is the kiss. It clears out in the fifth, which I called up first. This hergenommene of the sequence of steps in the proof of the natural language of the angels in turn is in exact relation to the following, based on the natural properties of the sun. The angels of light is the element, such us the air. The medium of our thoughts, we notice the air, because the sound is vibrations in air, and the angels will be its element means the communication of thought. In itself, the angels are indeed transparent, but they can arbitrarily grant colors. What an angel will say to the other, which he painted on its surface, and the other sees the picture and knows what is going on in that soul. Also, we usually breathe quietly, letting the air, our element, freely by us to enter and exit, where they will not echoes, but it can also bring to the arbitrary tones. So can also be an element of the angels, the light, in the ordinary unmodified state by a leak and what exactly caused the clear transparency, but if he wants to talk to the others, he compels it to be colored by it to its arbitrariness scattered (or Euler, like us, causes the air to vibrate). Also, our proposition that touch extremes, speaks for our view. Aufgußtierchen are transparent, angels will be too. But infusoria have to leave all the rays undeveloped, so they remain stable colorless, angels can can all rays pass, but with the ability to develop them in their colors. 3) The person serving as intermediate between the extremes to confirm. He already puts the fur from hair, and his skin is translucent; also his feelings paint already partly due to his skin color in his face. Many of the lower extremities related animals approaching the angels in the property, the mannigfachste, to produce changing colors as it seems by voluntary movements and contractions on their skin or in the transparent substance of her body, the cuttlefish and Beroen , but they have, to my knowledge at least, no colorless transparency of the base color and the angels unite both the assets of colors and transparency, the lowest animals is always only one metered. 3) The way the colors change as the angels, through which they produce speak, is probably the following. The skin of the angel is very delicate, fine, transparent, probably even consisting only of a continuous extractor, as the bubble itself. - Because of the sun, everything is essential, solids are on her and in her immediate environment does not, because of the enormous heat in which everything has to melt. 4) - So the angels need only their skin any at individual points move in together and expand and thereby densify or to dilute, to be equal to the bubble, the physicists after the well-known principle of the colors of thin plates, the colors mannigfachste game that they require for their language, to bring forth. We are the face of the highest sense, the angels but the face is only at the stage where the hearing is with us. You need an even higher sense than we have, the stage of the face takes up with them. From this sense, we can not own anything, just because he exceeds our position. Assets, we also did not even specify what kind of meaning is? - Oh, yes, but that can only happen in one of the following chapter. An angel would be able to understand just as little as we can live in our world body froze, as it is difficult for us to think, such as on Saturn, where even all the water freezes and ice is likely to exist living creatures can. The key to the mystery is, however, merely the that give each element forms its creatures, so to speak. 4) Chapter Three Whether the angels have legs. If the angels are pure balls, it will be understood of course self-evident that they do not have legs, but first, to understand with all the previous not saying that they purely are balls, secondly, you can reverse the previous evidence for the spherical shape of the Angels so come to the aid that shows from other points or probably makes that they have no legs. This leads us but following consideration by the rising number of beings. Some worms, such as the centipede, have God knows how many legs, it takes them a couple of not more or less, the butterflies and beetles have still only 6, yet only 4 mammals, birds, which the angels come even closer than the mammals, such as humans, flies over with his thoughts all the animals and in his own opinion even only half animal by its elevation above the earth and move freely in space, half is already angels have only still 2; any new approach to the angels falling off stage each 2 feet. The angels because that is the next stage it still has only two legs, so you can even have no more. Now the very lowest infusoria have no legs, but that is only the meeting of extremes, which we recalled earlier, the support even of the opposite side to the evidence. This leads me to a function via the hands of the people. It was left to the people the choice whether he wanted to be his two front legs into wings like the birds, which he then, however, more could have cast off from the earth. But he saw that this was only apparent deblocking; remain on earth had he but if he could move toward its various parts also free. So he chose the swing with which he would have only the earth searched in vain to escape, to be transformed into hands to have a weapon with which he could make her his slave at least. Instead of the bodies that have him all the treasures of earth can lead, rather he chose institutions with which he of all treasures. Earth can win them for himself and himself. It would certainly have been good if the man had received both hands as wings. Alone could not. Nature had, when they had reached in their gradual progress to the proximity of the people to dispose only have about four foot; loose at once all four of the earth and thus make animals equal angels could not, so she tore at least two going , and made the wings in birds, in which people's hands from it. The fable is this thus: The earth spoke to the creative spirit or demon who walks dominant by nature: let my children that I witnessed that I feed and care, why will you take from me? No, said this when they stay with you, it is nothing out of them, the child has to complete by the mother, his education. He pointed at the sun: there I'll kill your children. The earth would not give up their children. And the devil said to the stone: you can stay with your mother, and her blind affection saturate, out of you will anyway not an angel, but the plant: come out of your womb, the sun sends you your messengers, and calls you to himself in her warm colorful kingdom. The plant followed the lure and sought to wrest the womb by force, which always called her child stay with me, the sun attracts you well with shiny promises, but nourishes and cherishes you do not like me. And they bethaute of their aspirant with her tears and held her forcibly at the root of that: for she thought, I'll continue my child, so it languishes me so in the sun. Now not stand it longer, the child is mature to a higher school: when the demon came again to the earth and said! They would not let because he's pulled her forcibly from the womb. But the mother snatched it and took it even on the feet. Like the human wife still holds her child in arms at the feet if it continues the same aims and love despised, so she kept her creature longed to follow the call itself, yet, and handed him the allernährenden bosom, there to to bind themselves. - Yet he remained four feet at the time. Again, the demon came to the earth and said: Now give me your child, because it's time I bring it into the realm of light where it become the angels. Ah, said the Earth, which helps me if it has become an angel and I can no longer press on my breast's. But he was deaf to their entreaties, took the child to escape it's still two feet and snatched her by force. But when the mother's love more powerful than the demon of violence, and he could not, the rest of her snatch. Well, he said, unreasonable mother, keep your child in your lap and let it remain an undeveloped cripple. But at the same time bear the punishment of your monkey love, and he took hold of the two feet, which he had gotten into his power, and made the wings of the bird of it, and said to him: here are the wings that allow you to raise you had there, where you had become an angel. Your mother was ever in fear, when you upset that you still want to escape it. And when the creature felt elated because want to 'get away from it the mother, but she held it still, that it probably flutter, but could not deviate from thence, and was glad that she could feed her child and cherish and triumphed over the demon. Since this was very angry, and took the wings and hands made it, and said to the child: beat your mother because she does not want to leave you by yourself, and thus forcing them, you reach for the food that you just made it before selfish love enough that you should perish, the last undeserved consolation. If she left you by yourself, so no longer did you need their coarse food, but dwelt there in the light, and were a beautiful angel. Man with his hands fulfilled the curse of the demon spoke out against his mother. I return to this episode back to business. The feet and even irregular prominences of the earth creatures arise from the fact that their education is not merely determined by a center outside them, but by several. The plant is mostly attracted by the earth, some of the sun, so she goes halfway down, half up. The animal is not so much attracted in its formation of the earth, but also, so the shoots that drives it down the legs. But with the formation of the solar creature looks just the attraction of the sun, because the planets are peas from the sun, so the spherical shape can be formed freely. And that the sun itself has the desire to produce kugliche formations seen partly in the form of the planet, partly in the fact that the human head, which is opposed by all the heads on our earth the sun the most, the kuglichste shape has and preferably in the eye, which belongs to the sun even more special. Only the return, the Earth exerts against the sun in the formation of terrestrial creatures, prevents the formation kugliche. It has this as the reason why the creatures on our planet can not be spherical, but why sun creatures can be, and why these are missing legs. But if the Angels do not have legs, they move it? - As the planets move kuglichen. Because they have legs? Chapter Four The angels are living planet Basically, we can rightly say, the living creatures of the sun are planets, but those that occur with legs to walk on her, circling nearby, the birds of the air, not only have the wings of birds, because they such to Flights not need. Life increases with the sun nearby. The most distant planets may be beeiste lumps of Saturn's ring is an ice rink. The earth has been covered with a beautiful vibrant, verdant and flowery rind, it is itself a sun creature, but just outside lively and colorful color. By Venus and Mercury, the sun's rays will penetrate ever deeper, their outer living layer will pass up towards the center, and in the next planet of the sun, the heat of the sun can thoroughly penetrate the living layer will go to the center itself; they will be quite consistently lively, and such a thoroughly lively ball is then randomly you can call it a planet or an independent individual. Here first and foremost a proof of my acceptance as near planet. By dividing the mean distance of Saturn from the Sun into 100 equal parts, so come for the mean distance from the Sun to Mercury 4 of this part, from Mercury to Venus 3, from there to the ground 6, from here to 12 to Mars, from Mars to the middle distance of the four small planets Vesta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, which appear to be only fragments of the same, 24, 48 of these to Jupiter to Saturn, and from there to 96th From this progression already Kepler concluded that at the point between Mars and Jupiter, a major planet must move where after the four fragments thereof were actually discovered. It will be noticed that this progression continues only goes to the Mercury in its regularity. It would be wonderful if they would be merely accidental, and its not really a law would be a basis. Yet would the latter, laws according to mathematical series, the case, if you do not want to assume that the progression, then also goes on in the way that it extends to the Mercury between Mercury and the Sun. (The series was not canceled series.) Thereafter, would, because the gaps between the planet always decrease in size toward the sun by half, still a planet between the Sun and Mercury to be present, which would be removed from the latter 1.5, this would have a back between them and the sun, which would be 3/4 away from him, and it would still fall infinitely many planets between the Sun and Mercury in this way, because the progression can never be zero. This planet now represent the infinity of living beings on the sun dar. In general, the planets decrease with the sun close in size, and are the sun next likely than originally belonging to her, already self-luminous, are therefore not detected by the telescopes of astronomers, partly because of their small size, partly because of its light not the sun distinction; also contributes to its transparency, making it invisible, astronomers so you have to not ask for it. I certainly have called above the angels eyes, and now I call them planets come alive. But the name does not change the matter and serves merely be emphasized that soon, soon the relationship more. One can also, if you will, also called an eye our earth and our own eye only perfected a repetition of the earth, in which it reproduces itself. Which expressions but I continue to say nothing, as that allows the earth to put together in a kind of relationship with one eye, or in other words, these short terms, the earth is an eye, the angel is an eye must only Abbreviations are considered for the expression of some, taking place between two points equation. Our Earth is equal to the eye a sphere consisting of concentric layers, including more transparent of different densities, atmosphere and sea, through which incident sunlight to produce on their surface, vivid colorful images, which then passes only an impression in our mind . But what is to be noted well, our earth is an inverted eye, the surface of the earth with their sentient beings that swept convex outer retina; sea and atmosphere of the vitreous and the deal flowed lens, under whose Using only the sun's rays, the colorful paintings of life bring on the retina of the earth can, just like in our eyes. The Earth Eye is the only real thing is just perfect in our footprint, the conditions are the same. Naturally as heavenly creatures, the angels also fit the celestial order and do not run randomly here and there by mere caprice, but follow willingly and from internal drives, so far free, the divine part, just as on earth, albeit in a somewhat different sense , every good man follows the laws of a higher order, the stricter the better he is, but he does it out of free internal drives. The angels keep only the information required by the laws of the celestial kingdom in ways even greater freedom even stricter one, as the best man, there are just angels. For a more detailed explanation of this strange relationship between freedom and necessity, and of course neither of them really knows how it is with itself and the other in mind, I refer to the treatises of philosophers and theologians about it, who know better and no difficulty Find. It may be from necessity or freedom or freedom as an inner necessity, or something else it the way that, and how to move the angels, success remains the same. That is, because the angels are very many, and each, as befits a well-ordered, and more so in the bestgeordneten state, taking care of the present and the movements of the other with - what they call the astronomers foolishly disorders, as there are rather mutual considerations, - that the angels an inexhaustible variety of movements between each other delight with and around each other, so they are always to return new pages that relate to each other in ever new and changing relationships, and this diversity defies calculation as well as if you wanted to calculate the movements of a society of people who move through each other, and it appears here and there by other than a Wibbeln and tingling, which only understand the meaning and purpose that perform these movements. Return but even the most distant from the sun planet never again another very same positions back yet again exactly the same paths; indeß they certainly in the main clearly be performed clockwork, from such a clockwork but you will notice nothing in the next. With the same, if not a more thorough freedom with which to move the angels, but they can also change their shape, which you can re-distant planet from the sun not get at because they are rigid or rigid but as the earth have bark. The angels but, as I said, nothing rigid, all as woven of air and light, the strongest skin it just like stretching a mist or foam bladder to contract, by nature also spherical, but still arbitrary, constrict, bulging, could fold if you only just as a principle of life from the inside to driving dwelt than the angels. Without the rigid crust of the earth but would like to get a similar capacity as the angels, as to conclude that the creatures on its surface, which have escaped the freezing, but are still parts of the world, such assets more or less still plays. What is now left now keep the soil just yet in some parts to and from the original full vibrancy, the angel through and through over from one mold, ie with inner driving forces talented, verfügendes about his own form of freedom creature, with much greater freedom but as the earthly creatures. For those who participated in solid bone or shells or leathery skin but in some of the solidification of the earth's crust, making them more or less limited in the freedom of shape change, and only the simplest infusoria make exceptions with this rule if, after the principle the meeting of extremes, including freedom of shape change meet with the angels as in the basic shape and free movement together 5) . 5) . As the simplest organisms now called Monera, simple slimy lumps that show the varied shape changes are voluntary. So, as only the basic color of the angel was the clear, remained left to them but how they want to divide the simple light in color, so the ball is just the basic shape of the angels, what they want it to be, is at their own discretion. But the basic shape remains spherical in so far as any changes in the shape of her out of such a center, around the same fluctuate in every possible direction, and the angels return to full peace again. Now you can even go a step further. It is indeed also give different levels and types of angels, and only the angels of the highest order may have a very pure spherical basic shape, but the others only sphere-like, so-called ellipsoidal shapes, plattere and more elongated show with various aspect ratios, but turn to the sphere as such fluctuate around a central form. Any other ellipsoidal shape will mean an expansion in another direction predominantly. Yet it is also in the real planet like that. Meanwhile, as a classification of angels now is not our job, and the elliptical deviation of the angel of the spherical shape would just be a little everywhere, we neglect them here, as we neglect small deviations anywhere in the first approximation, and keep us further to the ball as essential basic form of the angels. After everything previous but not speak more of it, that it lacks the appearance of the angels at sufficient diversity of beauty. On the contrary, let us suppose the same although from home as transparent spheres through but shines through an ordered internal organization, and also can give any other shape and color they like, and can switch between them as they like, thus in itself can create the most beautiful paintings and sculptural forms.Compared to the wonderful and wonderfully changing beauty that such a shape can be an angel to give color and shape - different talents in this regard, but there will undoubtedly also with the angels - remains the largest human beauty only a pale bellows mannequin; and when the painter thinks he can make it through simple approach of angel wings because of it, it must happen that the real angels very funny. But should know this not to appreciate the beauty of our Angel human expert, it would be to write to the beginning besprochenem principle the fact that they themselves are not angels. Chapter Five Of the senses of the angels Is our highest sense of the face, his messenger, the fastest weitausgreifendsten swing and the finest body, because it is the light beam. But the Angels have a still higher sense, His messenger has wings with which he is not flying at the time, but the time flies over itself, a body that is finer than the finest in space, because it is the room itself. The Messenger of sight approaches this spirituality: the sense of the highest angels has reached him. What is this meaning? Recall that the angels are living planet. My sense is the sense of universal gravitation, or gravity, which sets all the body in relation to one another, and which is felt by its living center. Would have one physical body;; sense than this feeling of pure power has in fact no messenger who would back behind the times, because the gravitational effect without loss of time because it is purely through the room. The gravitational linked the distant celestial bodies in an immediate way, and the angels feel that way immediately as they made the whole world and the whole world is made to them, so the slightest change in the world building is felt by them, as far as it is not infinite in so regions remote from happening to them, that they themselves administered the gravity of there in no noticeable effect more. Even the angel is still a finite creature, the sense of the universe is only God who is beyond time and space. On the sensations which received the angels through this meaning, they react with their movements, so how should they be determined to motion by the gravitational force when they felt nothing of the effect of this force, the sensation of it rather the drive is to only motion triggered and determines its direction and strength. Did they not give this impulse, they would feel it with displeasure, but there is nothing to prevent it, to give him, so they do it. But then the earth would not feel the same impulse as it moves around the sun and is diverted from other planets here and there? Do we know whether it is not really the case? Man has the sense of this world only a weak analogue in the feelings, like his shareholders emphasis is placed against the ground, which can not leave him in his rank and progress. But the corresponding feeling the angels in relation to the world. Meanwhile, the angel us with this heavenly sense exceeds it goes for our basest earthly sense just as lost as lost him limbs, the reference only to the solid earth, ie the Getast, maybe even the taste, our higher senses but has he did. development in higher than we As the angel eyes are independent in other references, the whole construction is calculated for the light as an element, it is seen as perfectly may be her face. However, we are blind moles. They should be sensitive to the sensation of electricity and magnetism, which are only modifications of the light, so I would not mind, but will also be felt like somewhere. Then they are like, but can also excite arbitrary, and be the most perfect electric ray in the first sense. Magnetic is already the earth, the distant planet, why it should not be the next. In any case, the angels will also produce sounds and can hear, like ourselves, or rather better than we do. A privilege that they have in this regard before us, I want to mention that. Dance and music are sisters who seem originally sprung from a germ. Do we want to dance, so we must make only foreign music to which the dance is not as often as us. Not so with the angels. With them is music and dancing one, so that the dance brings his music himself with it. Namely, it is with them as with the smallest physical particles. When body tones, there is only the sound in a rapid vibration of the atoms, a dance of the same, and by several of them dancing together so they make regular trips to the sound figures dar. The speed of the planet and yet is tremendously increases with proximity to the sun. Therefore, when the living planet rapidly rotate around the sun or around each other, it must sound like a self-produced, and this must be sound according to the motion. So if dancing angels, then the piece of music composed themselves to it; whose sound they dance figures. This is the true harmony of the spheres, the beautiful eyes of the angels. But the question is not simply whether God hears these harmony. But an angel can also produce sound, without moving from the spot by putting any parts in rapid oscillation. This is an infinite variety of ways, can be done in infinitely different clock and infinitely different result, and as an angel can produce sounds in such a way, he is able to hear and such. One can speak of angelic voices of our singers, who could still hear a song from a real voice of an angel, or even a chorus of those! An angel now but can be entirely surprising alternately expand and contract, and according to what we know of the printouts of joy and pain in an angel, we can think that this means his laughter or sobs, whichever it a such a rapid change takes place while it is stretched over the whole, its middle or contracted under the same condition. It will just sound more musical than with us. That the smell would be with the angels on a very high level, it can be concluded from the huge evaporation, which must take place out of the sun and in the solar neighborhood. Again, however, we will find a meeting of extremes in this area. In the lowest animals have the same skin surface is the common organ for the reception of all sensory stimuli, even in the angels will be the case, but while in the lowest animals no clear distinction is made, the angel is his skin to accommodate the various sensory stimuli in such a way may vote differently, that he not only now these, now those senses, but also different from the perceived the smallest modifications. Also, our sight and hearing organ is provided with arbitrarily clogging in activity Accommodationsvorrichtungen, but these are only for modifications in the same sense in areas, the angel is his skin surface can even accommodieren for sensations in different sensory areas. Chapter Six Final hypothesis Now that I have presented these incontrovertible truths, which Newton himself would not have denied his reverence, it allowed me to order, or add a hypothesis. Because of the immense heat of the sun, as I said, nothing solid exists in itself and its immediate surroundings, and the angels can not, therefore, have a coarser body of air and vapor. So they can be regarded as more or less filled with ether vapor and air bubbles that are still added to any a to internal organs, tissues can think of fine vapor bubbles expanded as a whole. My hypothesis is now: some are preferably oxygen, the other filled with hydrogen gas, that male, this female. They rise from the sun resistant body, spouses and bring in the combustion process of the hydrogen produced by the oxygen, which itself takes her wedding, the light that shines out at us from the sun. The sunlight is therefore only the wedding torch of angels. Since then, have recently been transformed into vapor bubbles my creatures after they have been angels, eyes, planets, as I realize now, merely by the exertion of my eye in looking at the sun in the aqueous moisture of my own eye chamber emerged, and excited me just the cosmetic appearance, I see them objectively, and since they are just bursting, I hereby see the thread of my observations suddenly demolished.
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