Company Profile Rekind.pdf



For more than 30 years, REKIND was reliable and trusted in building: More than 11 Fertilizer Plants in Indonesia; The largest Ammonium Nitrate Prill Plant in the ASEAN region with capacity of 300,000 tons / year; More than 12 Geothermal 2 / 96 Power Plant with total capacity of 727 MW; The first floating Liquefied Natural Gas facilities in Indonesia; The first national company that develops Basic & Detail Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning (EPCC) of CO2 Removal Unit. Focusing on the development of it's expertise, we always try to become a part of solution for our client and become pride of the nation. 3 / 96 VISION & MISSION 9 SEVERAL PROJECTS 42 BRAND PERSONALITY 10 SBU REFINERY & PETROCHEMICAL CORPORATE VALUES 12 ABOUT US 15 OUR HISTORY 17 REKIND SERVICES 18 SCOPE OF PROJECT 21 PROJECT GUARANTEE 21 4 / 96 PROJECT EXECUTION 22 HSE, QUALITY, 24 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY PROJECT PROFILE TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST 44 48 52 SBU M.E.I. (MINERAL, 58 ENVIRONMENT, & INFRASTRUCTURE) PROJECT PROFILE TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST 62 64 SBU ONSHORE OIL & GAS 68 SBU GEOTHERMAL & POWER 76 SBU OFFSHORE OIL & GAS 84 PROJECT PROFILE TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST PROJECT PROFILE TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST 72 74 80 82 OUR PEOPLE 25 PROJECT PROFILE TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST HEALTH & SAFETY ENVIRONMENT 29 PORTFOLIO UNIT 91 CORPORATE SOCIAL 33 RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE FACILITIES 92 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 38 STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNIT 41 CONTENTS 88 89 AWARDS & CERTIFICATES 93 CONTACT US 96 5 / 96 6 / 96 REKIND is an Indonesian integrated EPC company with an excellent track record in technology and innovation that provides comprehensive and effective solutions, including project investment services in new and renewable energy sector. 7 / 96 VISION TO BECOME A WORLD CLASS 8 / 96 COMPANY IN THE FIELD OF INTEGRATED INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION, COMMISSIONING, AND COMPETITIVE INVESTMENT MISSION • To provide and complete engineering and • construction services, for domestic and To increase company long term value through investment management overseas market, by giving priority to high quality services and innovation in technology • To give added values to customers, share holders, employees and public in line with the • To improve competency in engineering and construction and develop responsive and powerful organization • To perform a good corporate governance company’s growth 9 / 96 REKIND consistently proactive through its Nationalistic continuing dynamic spirit that drives the REKIND believes that the strength of our nation anticipation of opportunities and challenges for must be further leveraged in the interest of all both short and long term. THE LETTER ‘R’ FORMED BY RECTANGLES THAT MERGE INTO ARROW SHAPES STRENGTHENS THE IMAGE OF DYNAMIC SPIRIT AND FUTURE ORIENTATION . the need for building good relationships with Future-Oriented 11 / 96 and among its stakeholders. ethical behavior and responsibility.BRAND PERSONALITIES 10 / 96 Reliable Caring REKIND consistently fulfills its promises with REKIND always fosters the consciousness of integrity. Knowledgeable REKIND has comprehensive knowledge relevant to its expertise so that it can provide the solutions needed. of our people rather than a privileged few. in order that they can willingly make responsible and accountable in active contributions by prioritizing any situation and condition. as seriously apply the values and proportional manner. 12 13 / 96 / 96 P O S I T I V E I M P A C T 2 CUSTOMER'S SATISFACTION Strongly commits to provide services beyond the expectation 3 5 4 INNOVATION Having high spirit of creating. as well transparent. optimal performance achievement all capabilities sincerely and with due observance of the intelligently in order to achieve professional and ethical standards. expertise according to the functions. of decency and compliance. occupational safety and health as well as increasing the values of the company by taking into account the interests of the stakeholders. honesty. and the willingness Resources as the company’s to sacrifice personal interests. searching and utilizing PROFESSIONALISM TEAMWORK through harmonious relationship Continuously possessing and Awareness and willingness technology in the context of in order to achieve mutual developing knowledge and to form synergy among providing quality excellence.6 1 CONCERN FOR PEOPLE INTEGRITY Sincerity. candid. work units. clients. by treating them in a applied consistently. consistency between words Improving and developing Human and actions. the company’s objectives. individuals. main asset. of each customer by providing quality services and products opportunities continuously through the implementation of information. knowledge and in a reliable and timely manner CORPORATE VALUES . fair. satisfaction. objective. improving competitiveness and and being responsible for the and work partners by utilizing added value of the company. " 15 / 96 .14 / 96 01 ABOUT US "REKIND always works professionally and consistently where both of them are the synergy in making good corporate governance in every business process. piping. completed in the highest international standard. 1981 to develop national from project conception up to the operation and capabilities in Engineering. REKIND re-emphasized its commitment to become a company with a global and customer REKAYASA OFFICE BUILDING 2. such as PDS (Plant Design System). All works undertaken were Construction services for large industrial plant. toward a world class company in its field. taking into consideration of REKIND utilized advance and modern information the current market segment and demand. Through 2. 4. Offshore Oil & Gas companies in Indonesia and abroad.OUR HISTORY 16 / 96 PT Rekayasa Industri (also called as REKIND) was Each Strategic Business Unit works as a partner established by the Government of the Republic of of the client. Geothermal & Power Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) 5. each technical discipline will be responsible those are: for the project execution from the initial stage of 1. evolves and develops its competency and expertise E – Procurement and ERP AXAPTA. KALIBATA TIMUR I NO. Refinery and Petrochemical engineering up to the commissioning. In 2007. Procurement. took a bold step by changing its management Through the cluster systems. Environment. structure and establishing Strategic Business mechanical. REKIND technology. Procurement and maintenance services. giving one stop solution. instrument. In the first 5 years of its operation. SOUTH JAKARTA To meet market requirement and improve better centric vision through the implementation of ways to serve the wider market. Onshore Oil & Gas of the leading national Engineering. and Infrastructure our 32 years of experience. electrical. 17 / 96 . its main core supported by a strong operational team and business were chemical and petrochemical modern technology. REKIND today is one 3. JL. industries. comprising of civil. since 2005 REKIND cluster systems during the project execution. process and Units focusing in industry and energy segments. To present the finest result. Furthermore. ranging Indonesia on August 12. Mineral. 36. raw material for local fabricator. Procurement. SURABAYA / OWNER: PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) 18 / 96 Total EPCC Procurement Services Provides complete and integrated Provides purchasing. 19 / 96 . drawing-up to inquiry documents PDS (Plant Design System of INTEGRAPH and AUTOCAD). supplying personnel and consumables. Plant layout. including. if necessary. expediting. Project Management Consultancy Services Single line diagram. rigging study (including our latest PDS rigging simulation). provides importing Engineering Services Provides basic and detail engineering services-from PFD (Process Flow Diagram). if necessary shop Management). P & ID. shipping & Engineering. Construction & Commissioning Provides construction management services.REKIND SERVICES MODERNIZATION OF LUBE OIL BLENDING PLANT. Loop diagram. including Feasibility Study Services. Civil G including Provides project management services and project foundation and structure design. Construction & transportation of foreign and local equipment or Commissioning services. material. including furnishing plant management. Plant Operation & Maintenance Provides operation and maintenance services. pipe stress management consultancy on behalf of owner (EPC- analysis. construction works. Equipment & motor list. and commissioning services. Expansion Projects All of the projects were commissioned in Plant capacity increase: from basic and detail accordance with the schedule and project engineering. including its simulation. with more than engineering of. procurement. survey. of the plant. 10 millions man-hour of work with no-accident and up to procurement & commissioning. received the OHSAS certificate for International Relocation Projects Plant relocation and recondition: from the assessment of the existing plant condition. including its simulation. Most all of the projects were completed on or soil study. reclamation) up to the commissioning ahead schedule. & commissioning. assembly. construction. quality specifications. relocation. SURALAYA COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT 1 X 625 MW.20 / 96 SCOPE OF PROJECT PROJECT GUARANTEE Complete Turnkey Projects Schedule Guarantee Starting from grass root (site preparation. 21 / 96 . Safety Guarantee Revamping Projects REKIND received THE 2004 SAFETY AWARD from Plant improvement: from basic and detail the President of Republic Indonesia. and retrofit with new facilities. BANTEN / OWNER: PT PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA (PERSERO) Quality Guarantee Health and Safety standard in 2007. With the approach of Cost-Quality- “SIMPROSA”. E-Doc (Electronic study. MMS (Material assistance and financing arrangement of their Management System). technology arrangement.PROJECT EXECUTION 22 / 96 REKIND has a proven track records of success in To present the finest result of our services. WCS (Welding Control System). R&D institutions and government under the direction of a Vice President of the department and agencies. where cost. Project Services Unit. known as as our suppliers. the own internal networking system is integrated schedule. responsible for maintaining the quality.O. teams work hand in hand with our respected and ERP AXAPTA. the company’s time are considered as our main constraints. As an overall groups. Customers have communication technology. REKIND has also developed customers and our most valuable partners as well its own Project Management Software. REKIND many types of upstream and downstream projects utilized advanced and modern information & in domestic and foreign countries. suppliers. Using Time based Competition. CO2 REMOVAL SUBANG PROJECTS. FMCS (Field Material projects. quality and the “borderless office” system. JAWA BARAT / OWNER: PT PERTAMINA D. project initiation Document Management System). who participate in the project execution. E-Pro and expertise to the project conception. with international networks for Head Office to 23 / 96 communicate directly with Site Offices. cost and schedule of the project and reporting to the Executive Vice President. to control project executions. mobile Every project awarded to REKIND is organized stations. and Shared Services Unit. preparation of proposals and consultancy services.H CIREBON . feasibility (Electronic Procurement System). including but not the opportunity to apply this wealth of knowledge limited to PDS 3D Plant Modelling System. quality and cost are our first priority. REKIND’s project Control System). Each Strategic Business Unit being supported by Strategic Resource Unit consists of EPC Operations Unit. responsible SBU whose together with the respective supporting units. implementation and maintenance of HSE Management System. "REKIND’s major capital in winning the objectives. SMK3. Prevent environmental pollution and impact on any operation. Continually continues efforts in increasing product quality. Prioritizing safety and environment with 2." 25 / 96 . Facilitate all employees. vendors and sub- accomplishments and capabilities working on contractors in giving information regarding all aspect of HSE implemented under the control large scale projects. To continuously monitor risks which particularly have signi­ficant impact to the company. Provide the framework to set and review HSE 7. Put the occupational health. Developing new capabilities through innovative value creation by implementing knowledge management system. 3. To detect/identify risks as early as possible in any and all activities. & ENVIRONMENT POLICY needs (customer oriented) to meet or exceed customer’s contractual requirement.QUALITY POLICY 1. OHSAS 18001:2007 standards and ISO 14001:2004 standards which adjusted to the condition and risk level identifi­ed at the company. 5. safety and targets in achieving the company’s growth by always applying transparency principles. 4. Performing all of its activities based on customer HEALTH. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY improving HSE performance based on legal requirement. and cost saving by implementing state of the arts technologies and also expanding its network of resources. Review HSE Management System periodically in ensuring that it remains relevant and appropriate to the company. environment to our top priority. 1. To control risks which may jeopardize the sustainability of the company. and 5. our human capital is integral of the company. 02 OUR PEOPLE 8. Achieving or exceeding all corporate financial 1. 3. Prevent injuries and job illness related to hazard on workplaces. SAFETY. speed of execution. & invaluable ingredient for our success. competition is a long experience with diverse 6. Comply with applicable legal and other requirements in relation to hazards that exist in the company. 4. To evaluate the risk sources and causes as the basis to map and control signi­ficant risks. and 24 / 96 4. government regulation. and 9. 2. Organize documentation. 2. To conduct assessment on risk level by taking into account the impact and the likelihood of the risks. 3. Structured career path and plan. REKIND’s Competency Directories was firstly published in 2008.OUR PEOPLE “ TA L E N T W I N S GAMES. talent management. so that the company has been able INTELLIGENCE 1. POSITIVE CORPORATE CULTURE education and training programs. several program such as Rekayasa Knowledge monitored using Human Capital Center (RKC). that serves as guideline for both employees and management in reaching the ultimate goals on Human Capital Development. competency – based career path Management System Software initiative. Seminar and Workshop 4. Competency Based Development Program (COMBAD Pro). Training and courses. throughout the years there have been several milestone achieved in reaching the vision. job evaluation. Declaring concern for people as one of its corporate value. Coaching 7. This WINS Rekayasa Knowledge Center Software refined through various domestic and overseas as Knowledge Management platform of public classes. Based 3. or lessons to anticipate the challenges. Talent assessment 8. either in the form in order to fulfil client’s expectations on expert C H A M P I O N S H I P S .” Systemized learning and sharing using capability has been continuously honed and learned. . in the form of Competency Based Development Program (COMBAD Pro) competition and increasing rapid development of global technology. in-house trainings. REKIND’s success relies The human capital development focused on the heavily on the capability of human capital as the following programs: spearhead of the company’s competitiveness. Professional membership and Certification 5. REKIND is committed in implementing competency based human resources management and competent quality oriented resources. 6. and Human Capital Management System (HCMS). In the years after. BUT 26 / 96 TEAMWORK AND As an EPC company. Scholarship on Human Capital Development blue print. namely the fierce 27 / 96 2. By log-in skill and knowledge are continuously arranged and RKC employees are eligible to access individual always been involved the employees participation record of learning & development. REKIND believes that As a web-based knowledge system on-line. Teamwork. We also can find services of Counseling for employees both for the e-Library as well in here. and even to Program." 29 / 96 . we are not only achieve but also activating Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) in our daily activities. such as Sharing Program and Lesson Learned on-going and incoming program. Centre). Human Capital Empowerment as the unit register on-line for the whole programs within in-charge on human resources matters also provides learning & development programs. REKIND has resources quality by implementing corporate established the knowledge system on-line which values which consists of Integrity. such local universities. Some others programs to improve as office files and interactive video files. Focus on is known as RKC (Rekayasa Industri Knowledge Customer.Professional. training program. Everyone is able to share differentiation values. It is able to be accessed by all employees. Innovation. personal counseling and career counseling. to get the problem solving through HEALTH & SAFETY ENVIRONMENT "They may defined success by many criteria. and Concern for People. we are ensuring that the safest work environment for our employees is a must. In getting there. It helps us to build trust which have been given by customers. knowledge. REKIND focuses on the development of human To speed up the knowledge transfer. RKC human resource is one of the REKIND’s strongest is a hub of knowledge.EPCIC SUBSEA PIPELINE AND ORF MUARA KARANG – FLNG WEST JAVA / OWNER: PT NUSANTARA REGAS 03 28 / 96 Throughout the years REKIND has awarded 56 forum of discussion with the expert. but in REKIND. It is also as a scholarships for its staff to further study abroad and knowledge data bank in various kinds of files. Corporate HSE / 96 become a World Class Industrial. personnel who are competent and have sufficient insight into the HSE. IT’S P R I C E L E S S . whose certification is granted by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Material presented covers 17 HSE passport training at the end of 2007. and Safety Assessment Series) 18001 : 2007. Engineering. security of working project as the pilot project. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT MATTERS. this program is also a form of sub contractor in their daily activities. to enable organization to receive a certificate of graduation which will surely control its performance and minimize its risk and add value to the participants of the HSE training business also to ameliorate the performance of school.“SAFETY ISN’T 30 / 96 EXPENSIVE. HSE training school was held in Pusri II-B devices. working procedure. In every corporate HSE CSR program to educate the public implementation of its project.) has been fulfilled in every aspect expected to be a solution to meet the needs of HSE of activity conducted by REKIND. PRIORITIZING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH. safety and environment matters as top the HSE personnel in supervisor level in order to priority and being the concern and business of be ready for the assigned projects in REKIND. business. REKIND always and the stakeholders surrounding the project refers its standards to international scale of Safety as HSE training school participants come from Management System: OHSAS (Occupational Health surrounding communities. initiated a program called HSE training school in and Construction Company placing occupational 2013. The purpose of this program is to create health. self protection Currently. etc. Later this program is environment. management system. Procurement. This certificate specification’s gives requirement Participants who take part in this training and for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) ​​ will successfully pass the standard values specified.” HEALTH & SAFETY ENVIRONMENT REKIND as an Engineering. In every REKIND’s employee’s related vendor and addition to that. plus some other material deemed necessary and in accordance with the conditions of each project. . and In line with the increasing demand for HSE 31 Construction (EPC) company has a vision to personnel on REKIND projects. This also a proof that all requirements related to safety (emergency team. It is a long term commitment to develop a sustainable environment. function has strengthened REKIND’s achievement as a leading EPC company." 33 / 96 .04 32 / 96 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY "Our continuous effort to give the best contribution through social responsibility IMPLEMENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS. knowledge need of stakeholders: 35 / 96 . CSR ACTIVITIES IN WAYANG WINDU GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT. Sustainability means paying fundamental idea of Corporate Social Responsibility attention to the need of current generation. WEST JAVA purpose and policy which support CSR activities. compromising the need of next generation. budget and corporate awareness (as a concept) boost business program of CSR can represent the seriousness of organization to voluntarily consider wide public the company to carry out CSR. the kind and type of its business make REKIND clients. management and all employees have purposes by consistently paying attention to the personal awareness initiative empathy. The essence of REKIND CSR program is the increasing Firstly. without (CSR). This is a quarter environment. the placement and its environment. shareholders. the company is also and skill to carry out social role of the company pro- insisting to increase quality of life for community actively (corporate culture). employee. impact and finance) can present obligation to the company to increase quality of descriptive information.” Beside reaching a profit. Awareness concerning life from its stakeholder (customer. Thirdly.CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY “ O N LY A L I F E 34 / 96 LIVED FOR OTHERS IS A LIFE W O R T H W H I L E . company to accommodate and reflect background. The objectives of CSR role for REKIND has three Secondly. The appearing of collective of task force in organization structure. Fourthly. report interest by involving more than its basic adhered (activities. public surroundings) and give focuses on sustainability role to project and head added value to quality of environments. CSR program appears from the Principal quality of life environment either before or after idea concerning the vision and mission of the REKIND project. REKIND tries is badly needed and it is more than the project image now becomes more important as part of to understand and provides the best contribution cosmetic meaning. The image development is not only made which is not only measuring to the accuracy of existing positive mutual relations between REKIND in certain project area. which plays to improve the intangible transformation in the steps to arrange the CSR program. the improvement of and the project stake holders in the surrounding the existing positive correlation between a project the living quality is significant portion to measure environment. It is undeniable that the role of corporate consistency of this paradigm business. impact to the project execution as well as the Image. but become an initial series of Corporate intangible asset and CSR as important to the improvement of living environment and REKIND relations with the project. asset value. part. As a realization of the accordance with the project stake holder demand means. but more than that which is time and execution quality. . SOUTH SULAWESI REKIND IS ALSO AWARE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM AND ALSO CONSCIOUSLY MAKES CONTINUOUS INNOVATION IN THE FIELD OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 36 37 / 96 / 96 1 Local Sociality Around Project 2 REKIND Socialization in Project Environment 3 Development of Corporate Image REKIND is aware that the execution of a project has The importance of public support and the creation The impact of good CSR program has close a direct impact to the environment. In accordance of conductive environment will have a very positive relations with the development of Corporate with REKIND commitment to the project execution. A good CSR program which is in and another through parallel massive and systemic the success of a project.CSR ACTIVITIES IN TONASA COAL FIRED POWER PLANT PROJECT. E.OPERATION DIRECTOR SUB DIRECTORATE OPERATION EPC OPERATION UNIT SBU GEOTHERMAL & POWER SBU MINERAL. & INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT SERVICE UNIT INTERNAL AUDIT & COMPLIANCE UNIT ENERGY & INFRASTRUCTURE DIRECTORATE 38 / 96 C. ENVIRONMENT.O. 39 PORTFOLIO UNIT / 96 INDUSTRIAL PLANT DIRECTORATE SBU REFINERY & PETROCHEMICAL SBU ONSHORE OIL & GAS SBU OFFSHORE OIL & GAS SHARE SERVICE UNIT HUMAN CAPITAL EMPOWERMENT UNIT PKBL CORPORATE TECHNOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT UNIT BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE DIRECTORATE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE . 40 / 96 05 STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNIT "To fit in market requirement and improve better ways to serve the wider market. we took a bold step with reshaping our business model and significant performance." 41 / 96 . E.) CENTRAL JAVA SEVERAL PROJECTS Based on Ongoing Projects GONDORUKEM & TERPENTIN DERIVATIVES PLANT Owner: Perum Perhutani EAST JAVA MOORING TOWER & OFFSHORE PIPELINE EPC 3 Owner: Mobil Cepu Limited Refinery & Petrochemical Onshore Oil & Gas EAST JAVA PHOSPORIC ACID AND BY PRODUCT PLANT Owner: Petro Jordan Abadi Offshore Oil & Gas . Environment." SOUTH SULAWESI COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT TONASA Owner: Semen Tonasa Indonesia 43 JAMBI / 96 DAYUNG GAS EPC Owner: ConocoPhilips CENTRAL SULAWESI PPGM DONGGI Owner: Pertamina EP SOUTH SUMATERA PUSRI II-B FERTILIZER PLANT Owner: PT Pupuk Sriwidjadja Palembang LAMPUNG WEST JAVA GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT KAMOJANG 5 Owner: Pertamina Geothermal Energy EAST JAVA BANYU URIP EPC 5 Owner: Mobil Cepu Limited EPC LABUHAN MARINGGAITANJUNG KARANG PIPELINE PROJECT (CP 7) Owner: PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) LAMPUNG Geothermal & Power FSRU LAMPUNG Owner: PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Mineral.I.EAST KALIMANTAN RIAU ENGINEEERING & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROJECT Owner: Chevron PMS LEMBAH BATU Owner: PTPN XIII MALAYSIA RIAU SABAH AMMONIA UREA PLANT Owner: Petronas Chemical Fertilizer Sabah Sdn Bhd COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT RIAU Owner: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) JAMBI WEST SUMATERA 42 / 96 COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT SUMBAR Owner: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) CNG SEI GELAM JAMBI Owner: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) "WE HAVE BEEN PROVEN FOR MORE OVER THREE DECADES IN HANDLING VARIOUS AND CHALLENGING PROJECTS IN DOMESTIC AND REGIONAL AREA. & Infrastructure (M. on the company’s organizational change in 2005. Chemical and Petrochemical are REKIND mainly core of business. 45 / 96 SBU REFINERY & PETROCHEMICAL BALONGAN BLUE SKY PROJECT. SBU R&P now is one of the SBU with varied experiences more than 32nd years of REKIND period. BALONGAN. in accordance with the market segment focused by REKIND. WEST JAVA / OWNER: PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) . the Strategic Business Unit Refinery & Petrochemical (SBU R&P) was formed.44 / 96 Rooted of history of REKIND. Responding the dynamics of clients’ requirements and market needs and also to optimize internal resources to a specific field of activity. KALTIM-4 FERTILIZER PROJECT. 3.P. EAST KALIMANTAN / OWNER: PT PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR BIOETHANOL PLANT FOR GASOHOL PROJECT. East Kalimantan. Kaltim-4 Fertilizer Plant Fertilizer Plant abroad. West Java.500 MTPD Urea Synth. Indonesia (2012-2015) NPK Optimization Plant East Java. The Project have already launched REKIND contributed to build the Pusri II-B plant by the President of the Republic Indonesia. Fertilizer Malaysia Plant REKIND awarded ASEAN ENGINEERING AWARD by The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Malaysia Southeast Asia and Pacific (FEISAP). owned by MNFSB. with production capacity of 2. PUSRI II-B Ammonia and Urea Plant South Sumatera.2002) Procedure. . N. Kujang – IB Fertilizer Plant 7. content. (2003-2004) REKIND has also completed in assignment on the construction of Balongan Blue Sky Refinery owned As a follow up of from the Presidential Instruction by PT Pertamina (Persero). 5.100 MTPD Ammonia. August 2005. Urea IV Optimization Plant East Kalimantan. on August 2005. The local content of the Balongan Blue Sky Refinery are 44%. and 3.2/2010 about the revitalization of fertilizer plant. expertise. the Fertilizer Plant was NPK Malaysia. Malaysia (2011 . BONTANG.750 MTPD the national contractor as its main contractor and Urea. Indonesia (1996 . Indonesia Refinery & Petrochemical become the 1st SBU in (1998 .850 MTPD Urea Granule . REKIND is currently engage in the construction of a large scale fertilizer plant. LAMPUNG / OWNER: PT MEDCO ETHANOL LAMPUNG 46 47 / 96 / 96 Major Fertilizer plant in Indonesia was handled by REKIND. Mr. The Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. REKIND’s success in earning the trust of an esteem global company in the regional area is one of many proof in our competency. This plant is located in Palembang and has production Project is the 1st Refinery project commenced by capacity 2.1999) 3.2014) 8. West Java. For the completion of the NPK Project. located in Gurun Kedah. Indonesia (1990 .K. Indonesia This project were tendered in International Tender (1999 . owned by Petronas Chemical Group Berhard located in Sabah – Malaysia.1993) 2. Indonesia (2003-2005) PUSRI I-B Fertilizer Plant South Sumatera.000 MTPD Ammonia and 2. Sabah Ammonia/Urea (SAMUR) Plant Sabah. and safety standards. owned by PT Pupuk Sriwidjaya Palembang.1999) REKIND which is commended and completed the 4. located at Balongan No. such as : 1. Our final achievement priority is committed to satisfy our client. This plant will contribute to the fulfillment of it is 1st Project with the biggest Indonesian local national fertilizer supply. 6. located at Bontang. Plant 2 Bioethanol for Gasohol Cikampek. REKIND is Engineering Corporation. The plant produced its first prill urea in October 24th 2005 and became . expected to produce 52. Indonesia. 4 Kujang IB Fertilizer Plant In April 3rd 2006 the Pupuk Kujang 1B Plant. REKIND Pertamina (Persero) as the owner develop this collaborate in consortium with Mitsubishi Heavy 48 project with specific objective to produce high Industries Pte Ltd executed the EPCC Kaltim 4 49 / 96 quality unleaded fuel to be consumed by Jakarta Project owned by PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur and surrounding area.000 KL per day. The plant is located in Lampung. / 96 The project is located at Balongan. produce fuel from a Cassava Fruit and Molasses with the capacity of 60. Indonesia. officially put into operation. the capacity caused by motor vehicles emission for the most installed were 1725 Metric Ton Per Day of Urea and part by propagating the use of unleaded fuel. West Java. owned by PT Pupuk Kujang has been The current fuel crisis in Indonesia motivates PT the first and only new plant ever built in the Medco Ethanol Lampung (PT MEL) to produce world utilizing the ACES 21 technology from Toyo alternative fuel for the community. East Kalimantan. as the primary contractor undertaking EPC work for this project to construct and REKIND in collaboration with PT Inti Karya the one and only plant in the world which will Persada Teknik (IKPT) as its local subcontractor.000 Barrel daily. REKIND taking part in a consortium group with Toyo Engineering Corporation Japan to undertake this project.PROJECT PROFILE SBU REFINERY & PETROCHEMICAL 1 Blue Sky Balongan Blue Sky Balongan Project is a nation wide 3 Kaltim-4 Fertilizer Plant The project was developed to increase the programs that aims to address air pollution issues production of urea and ammonia. PT 1000 Metric Ton Per Day of Ammonia. hard work by the country’s best talent. executed at the Gresik Asphalt Area (PAG). The owner is with EPCC scope of work. was the first overseas production facility to develop palm plantation into Crude Palm Oil. REKIND. Long Kali. and increasable and commissioned by all Indonesian professionals. procured. 10 RCC Revamping II Pertamina Balongan As a solution to anticipate the increase of fuel Crude Tank 7 Cilacap Floating Roof Type price. revamp and expand the existing refinery in order to increase the production capacity. REKIND is also .500 lpm and 2 small aircraft system into the more modern one for quality units at 1. BHD. PT 51 Project of PT Pertamina (Persero) Surabaya is Pertamina – Directorate of Marketing and Trading. The project is located in the Malaysian plant is a high point in our nation’s Munggu village. of its kind solely engineered.000 barrel. Maros Regency. It is located in Cilacap. goal of this PT Pertamina UP-IV owned project is to increase stock of supply for a day or more with a capacity of 2 x 600. East In due course. outstanding achievement emanating from years of and REKIND collaborated with PT Indomarine Corp. executed participating in this Pertamina initiative by working an EPCC-scope Cilacap Crude Tank Floating Roof with PT JGC as a consortium to revamp and expand Type Project with a duration of 23 months. PT Pertamina (Persero) is now prioritizing to REKIND incorporation with PT Barata. up to 60 tons / hour.5 NPK Fertilizer Plant NPK Fertilizer production complex in Gurun Kedah. competition ability in oil business.500 lpm with 50 psi minimum pressure consistency purposes which will lead to increase its on the planes’s nozzle. PT history of EPC turn key lump sum project – an Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (PTPN XIII) is the owner. in partnership with Skytanking in undertaking the EPCC scope of work and Basic. NPK Malaysia Fertilizer. the Hasanuddin DPPU Project will / 96 Java. 9 DPPU Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Airport relocation project is located 6 50 / 96 Lube Oil Blending Plant Surabaya Modernization at the Hasanuddin Airport. This PT Pertamina (Persero) project is state have Airplane Filling Depot with a capacity of of the art LOBP project in southeast asia. Engineering and Commissioning supervision and Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP) Modernization submitted the plant to the project owner. constructed with a capacity of 30 tons / hour. Central Java. The production is set to meet the needs in Surabaya and other areas. Pasir. The the Pertamina UP VI facility at Balongan. east Kalimantan. The goal -/+400 KL per day to meet the needs of 2 (two) of the project is to change the manual operational large aircrafts units: 3. 8 Longkali Palm Oil Mill Longkali Palm Oil Mill Project is a project designated Malaysia. SDN. South Sulawesi. West Java. 500 MT Double Wall Project Kujang – IB.2011 2010 . Capacity: 2. C. C 08 09 10 11 12 Brunei Methanol Project SWS PTM Plaju DPPU (Aviation Filling Facility) Hasanuddin Airport Ammonia Tank Gresik Brunei Methanol Company Sdn Bhd Pertamina RU III Plaju Ammonium Nitrate at Bontang. Capacity: .2008 2006 .2008 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance 53 / 96 .2008 2007 2007 . Indonesia 2012 .2014 2012 . 3. P.500 MTPD Urea Synth. Indonesia PROJECT SCOPE: E. Kalimantan (Phase Site Preparation Reclamation) PT Petrokimia Gresik PT Pertamina 2011 . PROJECT SCOPE: E. North Sumatera Indonesia PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek West Java. P. P. Com. Urea 1.Urea 1. Indonesia 2004 .2007 PT Bakrie Rekin Bio Energy 2007 .2002 13 14 15 16 17 18 RCC of Gas to Propylene RCC Revamping II Pertamina Balongan Biodiesel Plant Cilacap Crude Tank Floating Roof Type Modernisasi Lube Oil Blending Plant UPP Surabaya LPG Plant Lembak. C.NH3 1. C 01 02 03 04 Glenmore Sugar Plant PUSRI II-B Ammonia and Urea Plant. C. P.725 t / day 05 06 PT Sentana Adidaya Pratama.2009 2007 .2015 / 96 PT Petro Jordan Abadi (PJA) Kaltim-4.2012 PT Kaltim Nitrat Indonesia (Orica Australia) 2008 . for Tank Work PROJECT SCOPE: E. Capacity: 2.000 MTPD Ammonia. South Sumatera PT Pertamina (Persero) PT Pertamina (Persero) PT Pertamina (Persero) UP IV Cilacap PT Pertamina (Persero) PT Surya Eka Perkasa 2007 .2005 2003 .100 MTPD Ammonia.TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST SBU REFINERY & PETROCHEMICAL PROJECT SCOPE: E. Capacity: Ammonia 1. Urea 2. C. P.2014 PT Industri Gula Glenmore.850 MTPD Urea Granule PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja. Medan. East Java. South Sumatra.000 t /day . and Supply Ammonia Tank. 3.000 MTPD.2015 07 Petronas Chemical Fertilizer Sabah PROJECT SCOPE: E.750 MTPD Phosporic Acid and By Product Plant Sabah Ammonia/Urea Plant (SAMUR). Capacity: 7. Indonesia 52 2013 .2013 2007 .2009 2010 .2005 2011 .2009 1999 .725 MTPD PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang – East Kalimantan. Capacity: 570. Capacity: Ammonia 1. Urea 1. BHD.K. Indonesia PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero) / P.Indonesia PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang – East Kalimantan.5000MT NH3 Tank Conveyor Urea Granul Popka K2 / K3 –Melamine Integration NPK Optimization Plant. Indonesia 1998 .2000 1999 .19 20 21 22 23 24 Bioethanol Plant for Gasohol Bonna Pipe Stabilization N.2007 2004 .1994 1993 .T.2006 NAFAS Bajakimia SDN.200 MTSD. Pontianak – West Kalimantan. Indonesia PT Medco Ethanol Lampung PT Kaltim Pacific Amoniak 2006 .Surabaya East Java. Indonesia 39 40 41 42 Melamine Plant Relocation Petronas Lube Oil Blending Carbon Black Plant PT Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) Lhokseumawe – North Aceh.725 MTSD DSM Kaltim Melamine Bontang – East Kalimantan.1999 1998 . Indonesia PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang – East Kalimantan. Sumatera.000 MT / Day Ammonia Plant (AMJOS) PT Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) Lhokseumawe – North Aceh. Indonesia ABB Lummus Global B.1996 38 Kaltim I NH3 Optimization Plant Ammonia Optimization Plant E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services 1993 .000 MTPY PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur. Singapore 2001-2002 2000 .III) Supply Desalination Unit-3 Rehabilitation and Operation Flexibility of Superphosphate Plant Urea Bulk Storage – 4 Long Kali Palm Oil Mill DKM Air Compressor Pertamina Unit Pengolahan – V Balikpapan . Indonesia PT Kaltim Pacific Ammonia Bontang – East Kalimantan. Indonesia PT Cabot Chemical Jakarta.1999 C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance 55 . Indonesia 1995 1993 .1999 1998 – 2003 37 Urea Granule-POPKA (Urea IV Optimization Plant).N. Indonesia Petronas Penapisan PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang – East Kalimantan DSM Kaltim Melamine Bontang East Kalimantan.2003 25 26 27 28 29 30 ABI / 00403 (Modification Colomn HVU.2004 2002 . East Java. Sumatera.1999 1999 .P.V. Indonesia PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) Surabaya – East Java.1992 1996 . Indonesia Pupuk Iskandar Muda-2 Project (PIM-2 Project).N. XIII Pontianak – West Kalimantan. Indonesia 1997 . Indonesia PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) Gresik .P.1994 1991 .7. Capacity: 1. XIII. Bontang – East Kalimantan. Indonesia PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang – East Kalimantan.2000 PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (Persero) Lhokseumawe. Indonesia 2000 / 96 2001 2001 31 32 33 34 35 36 Ammonia Tank .T.2001 54 / 96 2001 PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) Gresik – Surabaya.2005 2002 2002 .500 MT Single Wall PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero) / P. Malaysia PT Pertamina (Persero) Direktorat Hilir Manajemen Proyek Hilir Pengolahan 2003 .P. Fertilizer Malaysia Capasity: 917 MT / Day Balongan BlueSky Rimba Belian Palm Oil Mill Ammonia Tank . 1984 55 PROJECT SCOPE: M 56 Biodiesel Wilmar 2 & 3. M PROJECT SCOPE: E. Indonesia / 96 PROJECT SCOPE: E.000 t/day.43 44 PUSRI – IB Fertilizer.Urea 1.Japan 1991 .South Sumatera. .1993 1986 .T. P.1993 2000 PROJECT SCOPE: E.East Kalimantan. P Kaltim I NH3 Optimization Plant 45 46 47 48 Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) PT Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) Lhokseumawe – North Aceh 1998 1990 . M PROJECT SCOPE: E 50 51 52 53 54 Iskandar Muda Fertilizer. C Subcontracting Work for Detailed Engineering and Supply Equipment CO2 Pretreatment Unit AAF Separex Membrane System PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang .2012 2012 .2008 2008 .UREA 1.Ammonia 1.000 t/day .East Kalimantan.1988 PROJECT SCOPE: C. C.NH3 1. Indonesia P. Makassar PT Wilmar.2013 49 56 PROJECT SCOPE: E. Indonesia PROJECT SCOPE: C 2008 1982 . Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Bontang .725 t/day PFK Fertilizer Plant De-Bottlenecking PMS Lembah Batu Palm Oil Plant Gondorukem / Terpentin Plant Engineering SWS EPC KPA Ammonia Pump PT Pertamina PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia Petronas Fertilizer Kedah. M PTPupuk Iskandar Muda (Persero) Lhokseumawe.725 t/day Kalimantan Timur – III Fertilizer.Urea 1. C. South Sumatera Maintenance Bone & Takalar Sugar Plant. Sentana PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV 2007 .2013 2012 .NH3 1. North Aceh. Capacity: . Capacity : . Capacity: .1992 1991 .2012 2011 .2009 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance 57 / 96 . Malaysia PTPN XIII Perum Perhutani 2012 . Indonesia Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Tokyo .300 t/day .725 t/day PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Persero) Palembang . SBU M. (MINERAL.I. EAST KALIMANTAN / OWNER: PT KALTIM NITRAT INDONESIA . Our solution is to work closely with the clients and provide them with necessary services and technology to achieve this goal. ENVIRONMENT. and alumina production. BONTANG.MINERAL 58 / 96 Realizing the growing demand in cement & mineral such as ferronickel. & INFRASTRUCTURE) AMMONIUM NITRATE PRILL PLANT. REKIND has embarked on a mission to provide the country with cost effective and fast constructed mineral plants. coal.E. 59 / 96 One of our responsibility to our customers is to develop Project Conception as an initial tool for customer to evaluate further feasibility of a particular project. we are considered as the pioneer Indonesia and developing and newly developing in Indonesian cement & mineral engineering and regions located in the eastern. Our experience is more than just to build the plant. such as processing The Infrastructure Projects Include but not limited of municipal solid waste. Port/Jetty. resources. have low in Mineral Processing and Infrastructure. although To support and strengthen its technology capability having similar demand for infrastructure. The developed construction industry. to Power Plant. Coal Terminal. at the developed region located in the western part of present time. REKIND have a lot of experiences and technology we provide the integrated services reflecting our to the problem of waste industry that meets knowledge & expertise accumulation in the effort to environmental laws. competitiveness enhance customer.Such concept we found to be valuable both to In the developing Infrastructure sector. have low commercial viability. environmental concern is the current issue and all industries have to adapt. oil and other. 61 / 96 . especially us and our clients in terms of getting the most considering the diverse availability of natural competitive plant. REKIND has adopted regional approach by dividing the country into three regions: the 60 Based on our extensive experiences. naturally have brought REKIND to and high commercial viability. although having similar ENVIRONMENTAL / 96 demand for infrastructure. However the other enter mineral processing industry. Such experiences. REKIND commercial viability. INFRASTRUCTURE In-line with the one of the priorities of the five-year development plant of the Indonesian Government which is acceleration development through a public private partnership and supported by the SURALAYA COAL FIRED STEAM POWER PLANT 1 X 625 MW / OWNER: PT PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA (PERSERO). Roads. plus region is where the economic activities are inherent similarities with other solid handling concentrated with high demand for infrastructure processes. REKIND has developed the infrastructure sector. waste water treatment. two less developed regions. air pollution control. disposal. flue gas desulfurization. Two less Developed Regions. and disposal of soil provide the best solutions to environmental problems. BANTEN company’s experience in the similar projects. project scope. South Sulawesi.E. The scope of work was Mechanical and Electrical and completed in 14 months. West Java. and be the biggest REKIND has earn the trust from PT Semen Tonasa 62 producer of Ammonium Nitrate in Asia. a subsidiary is located in Pangkep. Once again in Bontang – Kalimantan Timur. It produced 8000 tons/day of cement to distribute around East Side Indonesia. Located at Pomala. Orica. in consortium with 63 / 96 product of this plant will be used to fulfil the mining Kawasaki Heavy Industry for its EPCC and fertilizer industry demand in Indonesia. Banten. South Sulawesi. .000 tons / year production capacity is located to power up Tonasa Cement Plant. This plant has MW power plant will produce the needed electricity 300. 1 Ammonium Nitrate Prill Plant The plant that produce Ammonium Nitrate is owned 3 Tonasa Coal Fired Plant PT Semen Tonasa is the owner of the project that by PT Kaltim Nitrat Indonesia (KNI). The end to construct this power plant.PROJECT PROFILE SBU M.I. This 2 x 35 of an Australian Company. this project is owned by PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. Listrik Negara (Persero) and constructed by the consortium consist of REKIND and 3 other China Nationality Contractor. was built with the capacity of 625 MW and completed in 36 months with scope of work of EPC.000 metric tones of 2 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant (1x625 MW) This project was owned by PT Perusahaan nickel in Ferronickel per year. REKIND completed this cement plant in 33 months with PMC and EPC scope of work. 5 Tonasa IV Cement Plant This project is located at Pangkep. / 96 4 Ferronickel Smelting Plant – 3 This project produce 15. owned by PT Semen Tonasa. South Sulawesi. This steam Power Plant project is located at Suralaya. Indonesia PT Semen Kupang (Persero) Kupang – East Nusa Tenggara 2000 .Indonesia Dome Semen Indarung . C PROJECT SCOPE: E.2012 PT INCO Sorowako PT Semen Tonasa 64 / 96 65 2010 . FERRONICKEL SMELTING PLANT – 3.2011 2007 – 2008 PT PLN ( Persero ).1998 1996 . East Java.000 MTPY Calcium Carbonate Plant Cement Tuban III Tonasa Steam Power Plant Boiler Turbine Generator 2 x 25 MW PT Semen Kupang (Persero) Kupang – East Nusa Tenggara.South Sulawesi.2012 / 96 2013 . 2x240 T/H Steam.2001 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services 1996 . P.V PT Semen Padang (Persero) Padang – West Sumatera. Kupang Semen Kupang-2 Capacity: 300. Jakarta – Indonesia 2009 . Indonesia 1993 – 1995 .1997 1997 . SOUTH SULAWESI / OWNER: PT ANEKA TAMBANG (PERSERO) PROJECT SCOPE: E. POMALA. 1x32 MW INCO Services 2 Tonasa Coal Fired Power Plant PT Pusri Palembang 2010 .I. Indonesia PT Camco Omya Indonesia Jakarta .TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST SBU M. Indonesia 1996 .E. P.2015 04 05 06 Ammonium Nitrate Orica Project at Bontang Boral Cement Terminal Project Suralaya Coal Fired Power Plant 1 x 625 MW PT Kaltim Nitrat Indonesia PT Rocla Persada. C.1997 C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance PT Semen Tonasa (Persero) Pangkep . C 01 02 03 Boiler & STG Batubara Pusri Palembang. Jakarta – Indonesia 2007 – 2010 07 08 09 10 11 12 Semen Kupang-2.1999 PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tuban – Gresik. 3) Construction of Steel Silo and Conveyors for Indokodeco Cement Plant Batulicin PT Industri Sandang II Jakarta-Indonesia PT Aneka Tambang 1992 – 1993 / 96 PROJECT SCOPE: P. 3 (FeNi . Sulawesi PT International Nickel Indonesia (PT INCO) 1997 .South Sumatera. Indonesia PT Petro Jaya Boral Plasterboard Cilegon – West Java.1994 66 17 18 Copper Smelter Plant Phase-I Lurgi AG Jakarta – Indonesia 19 20 Cilacap Spinning Mill Renovation Ferronickel Smelting Plant No.000 ton Tonasa IV Cement Plant Capacity: 8.2008 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance PROJECT SCOPE: E Pomala Expansion Palapa Tyre PTAneka Tambang (Persero) Jakarta – Indonesia PT INCO 23 24 2007 1993 1999 PT Semen Gombong Jakarta. Indonesia PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tuban – Gresik. C 13 14 15 Dome Clinker Storage of Tonasa-IV Plant Capacity: 80. Indonesia 2000 21 22 Civil Works and Supply of Lines for Vertical Shafts Pongkor Gold Mine Petro Jaya Boral Plasterboard PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) & PT Murray and Robert.000 t/day Cement Plant Baturaja Cement Tuban II PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Palembang . JAKARTA – INDONESIA / OWNER: PT ROCLA PERSADA PROJECT SCOPE: E. Indonesia 1992 1995 PT Semen Tonasa (Persero) Pangkep – South Sulawesi.2000 2007 . Indonesia 16 1990 .BORAL CEMENT TERMINAL. Indonesia PROJECT SCOPE: C. C 2004 . East Java. P PROJECT SCOPE: E.2005 1988 .1990 UBE Industries Limited Banjarmasin – South Kalimantan. Jakarta. Indonesia PT Semen Tonasa (Persero) Pangkep – South Sulawesi. Indonesia 1997 PROJECT SCOPE: C 25 26 Cement Gombong INCO Services Soroako. P 67 / 96 .1994 1993 . (COPI) .REKIND serves various private domestic and foreign Customers in numerous business of areas. including Gas and Energy Sector Customers. The advantage to the Customers is in having a team of dedicated professionals with an unsurpassed level of expertise. competently managing all aspect of any Grass-Root. Revamp. 69 / 96 SBU ONSHORE OIL & GAS DC-1/CGPX DEBOTTLENECK PROJECT. SOUTH SUMATERA / OWNER: CONOCOPHILLIPS (GRISSIK) LTD. the Business Unit Gas was established 1995. Expansion and Relocation Projects. 68 / 96 Fully dedicated to cater the specific need of the Customers. and has successfully undertaken several offshore mega and Refrigeration Section.DC-1/CGPX DEBOTTLENECK PROJECT. . Compression System. In Synthesis CO2 Removal Project for Pertamina. Pertamina EP are also underway. Such giving the best contribution in the development REKIND has developed its skills and competence section consist of the H2S Removal. (COPI) GAS FACILITY STATION PROJECT. projects. The synthesis gas. and built to enhance the capacity of gas and the by product CO2 Removal Unit within CGP production facility from 310 MMSCFD to 460 the Front End Section and it will be sent to the Urea REKIND has successfully completed some Gas MMSCFD. In Refrigeration line for Pertamina. SOUTH SUMATERA / OWNER: CONOCOPHILLIPS (GRISSIK) LTD. Glycol Dehydration Unit and also CO2 of REKIND’s engineers working with High Pressure in the development of EPC Dayung Compression Removal Unit. EPC of the Matindok Gas Facility Station of Donggi owned by Section. the Cleaned which is very valuable in developing REKIND’s sweet gas production by reduce CO2 and H2S level Natural Gas will be processed to produce synthesis competencies in Gas Industries. Gas Processing Plant. REKIND Section. if not identical Refrigeration Compressor. and various Gas Processing As an EPC company with global expertise. of the Ammonia Plants is very similar. the Ammonia produced will be knocked facilities project of engineering. the synthesis gas will be converted to Badak LNG Condensate Floating Roof Tanks. procurement. in CGP facility. Infrastructure facilities Plant as the feed gas. very and Central Gas Plant Debottleneck owned by low temperature process (refrigeration system) Conoco Phillips Ltd. The project aimed to enhance In front End Section of Ammonia Unit. SUMATERA-JAVA / OWNER: PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) 70 71 / 96 / 96 Ammonia Plants consist of the Pretreatment high Pressure (150-180 Bar). mainly Project. Front End Section. The Pretreatment Section down from gas to liquid by utilizing the circuit of construction services. Ammonia within the Ammonia Converter in very Gas Gathering Station Musi Barat including flow of the nation in the future. etc. Synthesis Gas Section Section. In addition to that. Mercaptan The above illustration shows proving the capabilities on onshore project executions by directly involved Removal. to the gas treatment Plant Gas Industries. such as PGN Gas Booster Station and Banyu Urip EPC 5 owned by Mobil Cepu Ltd and consist of Hydrogen is very explosive. both in the national and regional scope. This project will be completed in 26 months with scope of work EPC. This project project is located at Sulawesi Tengah.PROJECT PROFILE SBU ONSHORE OIL & GAS 1 72 Gas Booster Station 4 Dayung CCGP Debottleneck The location of these projects are Sakernan (Jambi The project aimed to enhance sweet gas production Province) and Belilas (Riau Province). / 96 73 / 96 2 CO2 Removal Subang 5 Banyu Urip EPC 5 The location of these project are Cepu Area. Domestic Gas the Power Plant and other industrial needs. Germany. owned by by reduce CO2 and H2S level in CGP facility. This MCL project located in Cepu. and others gas based utilization. the project of 165. The Usage. . With majority of the infrastructure.00 barrels of oil / day from the overall 5 pack was entirely a work of Indonesia’s finest. Jambi and Palembang. project was owned by PT Pertamina (Persero). West Java. owned by PT is owned by PT Pertamina (Persero). owned by Mobil Cepu produced by wells around Subang. The Ltd (MCL). between MMSCFD to 360 MMSCFD. Pertamina EP. This project will be completed in 36 separation process made use of aMDEA solution months with scope of work civil engineering and licensed from BASF. The project aimed to reduce CO2 level in natural gas Bojonegoro. and will be processed will supply the gas to Sumatera-Java Gas Piping into LNG and distributed to PLN for the needs of to cater The Power Plant Industry. Sumatra Selatan. This Station with capacity 60 MMSCFD. This project will support production components from domestic production. Jawa Timur. 3 PPGS (Gas Facility Station) The outcome of the project will be Gas Collection 6 Matindok Gas Facility Station of Donggi The outcome of the project will be sweet gas Facility for South Sumatra Region. And PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk and built built to enhance the capacity of CGP production to enhance the capacity of gas supply channelling facility from 310 MMSCFD to 460 MMSCFD. This through Booster Station increasing from 200 project located in Dayung and Grissik. Indonesia Gulf Resources (Grissik) LTD Jakarta . Jakarta .Indonesia PT Badak NGL Company. Jakarta – Indonesia VICO Indonesia.2017 2012-2017 2000 2010 – 2010 1995 .Indonesia 75 2002-2003 2002 2007 – 2008 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. (COPI) PT Perusahaan Gas Negara 2011 . Bontang – East Kalimantan PT Humpuss Aromatik. Jakarta .Indonesia 2002 17 Pagerungan Island Refrigeration PROJECT SCOPE: E. C 01 02 03 04 Dayung CCGP Debottleneck Labuhan Maringgai . Cirebon – West Java. C 18 19 EPC ARUN LNG Engineering & Construction Management (ECM) 20 Matindok Gas Facility Station of Donggi Perta Arun Gas ARCO Indonesia.Indonesia Vico Indonesia Jakarta . West Jakarta .P – V Refinery Balikpapan – East Kalimantan. CIREBON.1997 PROJECT SCOPE: O & M PROJECT SCOPE: C PT Pertamina – Hess Jambi Merang Gulf Indonesia Resources. Jakarta . Indonesia 2005 .TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST SBU ONSHORE OIL & GAS PROJECT SCOPE: E. P. Jakarta .Indonesia Pertamina U.H. C PROJECT SCOPE: E. Storage Tank 20D-6 Humpuss Aromatic Tank Erection Mutiara Gulf Indonesia Resources.O.1996 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services 21 C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance / 96 .Indonesia Chevron Pacific Indonesia 22 Operation & Maintenance Support Services (OMSS) Gunung Salak North Duri Backbone Piping PT Pertamina EP 2013-2015 PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia Chevron Geothermal Salak Ltd 2012 .Indonesia 1996 1995 2001 1999 . Indonesia PERTAMINA D. C.2008 2003. P.2012 74 / 96 05 06 07 08 09 10 EPC Pipeline System for Gas Production Facility Jambi Merang Development South Sumatera West Java Phase 2 Facility Station Mutiara LP Gas Compression Gasoline Tankage CO2 Removal Subang Grissik Operations Support Contract GGCJ-2815 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara.2014 PT Pertamina (Persero) ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.Tanjung Karang Pipeline(CP-7) Banyu Urip EPC 5 Mobil Cepu Ltd Modification and Completion of Merbau Gas Collecting Station 2011 .2004 2002-2003 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gas Booster Station Project No.2000 1996 . West Jakarta .015/064/59020/ PLPBJ-ST1/2001 Installation of Gelam Gas Compression Equipment Installation of Gas Pre-Treatment Equipment Additional New Condensate.2013 2013-2015 2011 . Indonesia has the biggest geothermal potential. TOMOHON. 77 / 96 SBU GEOTHERMAL & POWER LAHENDONG 4 GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 1 X 20 MW. NORTH SULAWESI / OWNER: PT PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA (PERSERO) . REKIND has enhanced the company’s global engineering capability owned by Government which has developed and provided technology for these purpose.76 / 96 Geothermal is one of a renewable energy that is being driven recently by many people around the world to be utilized due to its sustainability and environmentally friendly. which is estimated at the amount of 29 GW or accounted about 40% of the world total. The advantage to Construction and Commissioning of Geothermal the Customer is in having a team of dedicated Plant that has been acknowledged by the “player” professionals with in unsurpassed level of expertise. REKIND around 727 MW or more than 50% of Geothermal enhance our capabilities and transformed our has competency in Engineering. The construction had been / 96 successfully completed and the power plant has In future. Wayang Windu II as an expansion Long Term Power Purchase Agreement/Energy project of existing unit I (1x110 MW) project (2007- Sales Contract or alternatively sell the electricity 2009) owned by SEG (Star Energy Geothermal). of Geothermal Industries. Ulubelu. REKIND is Expansion and Relocation Projects. up to producing the feasible (2007-2009) owned by PT Perusahaan Listrik steam and sell the electricity power to PLN through Negara (Persero). of REKIND in Geothermal development has reached Peaker Power Plant in Sumatera Island. expertise and the belief of the client. Those a consortium or joint operation with local and/or two projects were inaugurated by President of International Companies to develop and explore Republic Indonesia on December 2007. the Strategic Business Unit (SBU) built through years of EPC experience in several Unit 1 & 2 (2x55 MW) project (2010 – 2012) owned in Indonesia. Wayang Windu. Drilling. Surveying. and EPCC Power project such as Lahendong III (1x20 MW) project Plant and Steam Field. SBU into Geothermal & Power. by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. REKIND also awarded for save the world nature and environment by special Kamojang 4 Project as a main contractor. Lahendong IV (1 x 20 MW) project (2009 – 2011) owned by PT REKIND has also participated in development of The Geothermal competencies of REKIND is Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) and Ulubelu Non-Geothermal Power Plant project that scatter of the Clients. owned contribution reducing the global warming issues by PT Pertamina (Persero) by the International for the better life of the world community. which is some of them are Coal Fire of Geothermal was established in January 2005. In the year 2008 we Dieng.ULUBELU GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 2 X 55 MW. and others in recent years. consortium with Japan contractor. REKIND Geothermal Working Area. customer satisfaction. Total involvement Steam Turbine Power Plant and CNG facilities for We build and develop our expertise to establish Such as Gunung Salak. to the industrial captive consumers. JAKARTA the partners which responsible to take the full By this integrity REKIND also being prepared to turnkey EPC responsibility for Lahendong II (1x20 enter and support by along their experiences the MW) Project owned by PT Perusahaan Listrik new Government National Energy policy which to Negara (Persero). concentrate build the renewable energy resources in next coming future and contributing also to 78 One year after. REKIND looks forward to become as been commercially operated ahead from the an Independent Power Producer (IPP) or having committed schedule and meet and satisfy the ownership for Geothermal Power Plant.including Feasilbility also has completed other Geothermal Power Plant Study (FS). Power Plant built in Indonesia. through highest quality objectives of our customers. 79 bidding process. Geothermal Steam Field and Power Plant project. As evidence of its competently managing all aspect of any Grass Root. appointed by tender process together along with With fully dedicated to cater the specific need / 96 . Procurement. LAMPUNG / OWNER: PT PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA (PERSERO). Lahendong. / 96 2 The Kamojang -4 Geothermal Power Plant This project is the first geothermal power plant project in Indonesia financed by local bank which 5 Lahendong – 4 Geothermal Power Plant was a historical breakthrough. This Project was the first EPC Geothermal Unit I (1x110 MW) and in order to fill electricity project of REKIND in 2002. West Java. .1 Geothermal Power Plant Dieng-1 Re-commissioning Geothermal Power Plant 4 Wayang Windu – 2 Geothermal Power Plant Project the capacity of 60 MW. PT Pertamina (Persero) Plant Project has extended with capacity of as the owner of this project and it’s located at the 20 MW in North Sulawesi. Wayang Windu Unit 2 Geothermal Power Himpurna California Energy Ltd. Project. Indonesia with capacity of 2x55 MW. Construction. Lahendong 4 Geothermal Power energy crisis in Indonesia. North Sulawesi. completed on 2012. With the project As continuing development of Lahendong-2 & 3 REKIND provides another solution to overcome the Project. 1 X 20 MW. The scope work was Engineering. Commissioning and which has the same capacity as Lahendong-2 completed in 32 month. REKIND executed Negara (Persero).PROJECT PROFILE SBU GEOTHERMAL & POWER 1 Dieng . Lahendong-3 Geothermal Power Plant Project Procurement. The project owner is demand. All projects has been border between Bandung and Garut Regencies. located in Central As an expansion project of existing Wayang Windu Java. 3 Lahendong – 2 & 3 Geothermal Power Plant This project has successfully completed reliability 6 Ulubelu Geothermal Power Plant test run and in mid of June 2007 has been handed This project is the biggest geothermal power plant over to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) in Sumatra. This 80 project is owned by PT Star Energy and finished 81 / 96 one month earlier from determined schedule. as the owner of this project (1 day earlier from This project is owned by PT Perusahaan Listrik the determined schedule). This project is located at Tomohon. Plant Project was built with capacity of 110 MW. 1 X 60 MW West Java Ulubelu Geothermal Power Plant 2 x 55 MW. C 01 02 03 Total Geothermal Power Plant Kamojang-5 1x35 MW CNG Plant For Peaking Generation (80MW) Sei Gelam. Jambi Coal Fired Steam Power Plant Riau 2 x 110 MW. C 04 05 06 07 08 09 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant Sumatera Barat 2 x 112 MW. WEST JAVA / OWNER: PT STAR ENERGY HOLDING Ltd TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST SBU GEOTHERMAL & POWER PROJECT SCOPE: E. West Java Lahendong Geothermal Pipe Line North Sulawesi Sarulla Unocal Project North Sumatera Gunung Salak Geothermal Power Plant. P. Tomohon North Sulawesi PT Persahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia PT Persahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia 2009 . Indonesia PT PERTAMINA DIT HULU PT Star Energy Holding Limited PT Persahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia 2006 – 2008 2010 .1999 1993 . Jakarta Indonesia 82 / 96 PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia 83 / 96 2010 .2013 2013 . North Sulawesi Lahendong 3 Geothermal Power Plant 1 X 20 MW. and Sumitomo Corporation Jakarta – Indonesia B U D Engineering Pte. Lok Yang Way . C.1995 UNOCAL Geothermal of Indonesia Ltd Jakarta .2007 E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance 1998 . Riau PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy. C PROJECT SCOPE: E PROJECT SCOPE: C 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lahendong 2 Geothermal Power Plant 1 x 20 MW.Indonesia PT Mandala Nusantara Ltd. Tomohon. 1 X 117 MW Pengalengan. Jakarta .2011 2007 – 2009 PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta.2015 2012 . West Java Total Geothermal Power Plant Kamojang .WAYANG WINDU GEOTHERMAL UNIT 2 PROJECT 1 X 117 MW.Singapore PERTAMINA (UNOCAL Geothermal of Indonesia) Jakarta . Lampung Lahendong 4 Geothermal Power Plant 1 x 20 MW.2012 2008 – 2011 2007 – 2009 PROJECT SCOPE: E.2013 PROJECT SCOPE: E. West Sumatera Wayang Windu Unit 2 Geothermal Power Plant. West Java PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta Indonesia Badan Pengelola Dieng Patuha / Himpurna California Energy Ltd.Indonesia 1994 . Ltd.Indonesia 2002 1997 – 2000 2005 . North Sulawesi Dieng 1 Geothermal Power Plant 1 x 60 MW. Central Java Wayang Windu Geothermal Unit 1 1 x 110 MW. P.4. REKIND has divided Strategic Business Unit Gas into Strategic Business Unit Onshore Oil & Gas and Strategic Business Unit Offshore Oil & Gas. in 2012.2. Construction. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR OFFSHORE GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINE. Offshore Platform and Subsea Cable. SBU Offshore Oil and Gas is one of Strategic Business Unit in REKIND that offers a variety of offshore services including EPCI (Engineering.84 / 96 Responding the clients requirement and market needs and also to specific field of activity. 85 / 96 SBU OFFSHORE OIL & GAS SOUTH SUMATERA WEST JAVA . Installation) Contract for Subsea Pipeline. SUMATERA-JAVA / OWNER: PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA . Procurement. REKIND has established Strategic Business Unit Offshore Oil and Gas (SBU Offshore Oil and Gas) in order to expanding the market in the Offshore Oil & Gas sector. In 2010. this project enables to offer the wide range of integrated owned by Santos (Sampang) Pty. EPCI Offshore Pipeline – Oyong Phase 2 3. Installation. WEST JAVA / OWNER: PT NUSANTARA REGAS 16' Offshore Pipeline Relocation West Madura Offshore owned by PHE WMO. Oyong Maleo Underwater Inspection Service REKIND has undergone a transformation. REKIND was commence EPC 3 Banyu Urip – Mooring Tower & 86 REKIND has successfully completed Offshore Offshore Pipeline that owned by Mobil Cepu Ltd / Project in Indonesia. By 2013 REKIND also have been awarded Project called 2. Construction. / 96 Lampung LNG FSRU Project that owned by PT SSWJ 2 Offshore Pipeline Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. In addition to that. and services. In November 2011. REKIND set a 168 km line of pipes along the SUBSEA PIPELINE AND ORF MUARA KARANG – FLNG WEST JAVA. In those projects.Ltd. developing its skills and competence on offshore project executions by directly involved in the development of offshore pipeline and station facility at SSWJ-2 (South Sumatera West Java) owned by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. REKIND successfully acquired the Engineering. 87 / 96 . EPCIC Subsea Pipeline and ORF Muara Karang – FLNG West Java 4. Construction. The advantages to the customers are in Commissioning Onshore Receiving Facility (EPCIC having integrated and professional team work and ORF) project in Muara Karang owned by PT competency to managing all offshore aspect.The qualifications and our experience coupled with undersea. such as: Exxon Mobil. The experience and the collaboration with global companies have given REKIND what it takes to improve its competence in the offshore industry. services which centres around Engineering. EPC offshore pipeline the complementary skills of our offshore officer Oyong phase-2 are also underway. One year after. and Installation Procurement. Procurement. Nusantara Regas. REKIND also awarded 1. 2014 2011 . distributing gas from and connecting Labuan Maringgai Station (in South Sumatera) and (Muara Bekasi Station) in West Java in order to handle shortage of gas supply in Java South SumateraWest Java. Pipeline Construction Contract for Offshore Gas Transmission Pipeline 2008 . C.Ltd. C. Riser Installation. consist of Installation of 14” diameter gas offshore pipeline from the Wellhead Platform to Grati. C 01 Lampung LNG FSRU PT Perusahaan Gas Negara 2012 . The scope of work are EPCIC subsea pipeline. Installation mini jacket for crossing support.85 meters depth beneath the sea.2. WHP Platform PROJECT SCOPE: Inspection Santos (Sampang) – Pty Ltd.2012 2013 .2006 and Pre-Commissioning. P. Above Water Tie-In 2005 . P. with 56 km of length and water depth vary from 0-56m. South Sumatera West Java . The gas will transport from TABLE OF EXPERIENCE LIST SBU OFFSHORE OIL & GAS PROJECT SCOPE: E.PROJECT PROFILE SBU OFFSHORE OIL & GAS 1 Subsea Pipeline and ORF Muara Karang – FLNG West Java The location of these projects are Muara KarangJakarta Bay. Modification. I. Flexible Jumper 07 05 06 EPCI Offshore Pipeline – Oyong Phase 2 Oyong and Maleo Underwater Inspection Services Santos (Sampang) – Pty Ltd. Pipeline – 2 Offshore Oyong Phase 2 This project owned by Santos (Sampang) Pty. Subsea Tie-In.2014 ORF to Muara Karang Power Plant.2014 02 03 04 EPCIC Subsea Pipeline and ORF Muara Karang – FLNG West Java 16' Offshore Pipeline Relocation West Madura Offshore EPC 3 Banyu Urip – Mooring Tower & Offshore Pipeline PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) Mobil Cepu Ltd.2012 complete with pig launcher and receiver. This project is owned by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk as one of the stated owned enterprises companies. I PROJECT SCOPE: E. PT Nusantara Regas 2011 . 24" 16 km including Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) and built to transport gas from FSRU (Floating Storage & Regasification Unit) to ORF 88 through subsea pipeline with send out rate up to / 96 maximum 500 mmscfd. 3 South Sumatera West Java 2 Offshore Pipeline SSWJ 2 Project is a project of installation of 168 km pipes in 20 . Installation.2009 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara 2011 . E: Engineering P: Procurement PM: Project Management Services C: Construction S: Services C: Commissioning F: Feasibility Study / Supervision CM: Construction Management O & M : Operations and Maintenance 89 / 96 . providing the recommendation to Portfolio Business Unit as the Project Developer the top management in taking the final decision is expected to contribute significant revenue and for development on investment opportunity and maintain sustainable profit to the company in the coordinating all projects related to the investment. Other than to provide the solution for the nation in energy managing the affiliate companies. and PT Puspetindo." TAKING THE FINAL DECISION FOR DEVELOPMENT ON INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Business Unit Portfolio originally manages all local REKIND is focusing its investment business on and overseas subsidiaries and affiliate companies renewable energy resources sector and other for support REKIND as an EPC Company. developer and Business Unit Portfolio responsible for analizing. projects currently developed by REKIND. Development Mechanism (CDM). Bio-Ethanol Project. HARD WORK. IT IS 90 / 96 T H E R E S U LT O F P R E PA R AT I O N . Several investment PT Tracon Industri (Tracon). AND LEARNING F R O M F A I L U R E .“THERE ARE PORTFOLIO UNIT NO SECRETS TO SUCCESS. since 2005. short coming future and thus expected could be support REKIND Consolidation Performance. Comspain XXI SA in Spain. There industries which are environmentally friendly are four subsidiaries of REKIND: PT Yasa Industri and also pursuing the projects related to Clean Nusantara (YIN). 91 / 96 . Geothermal i. and some which are all in-line with the mission of the company local affiliate companies in Indonesia. Those in Malaysia.e. are: REKIND also have 2 overseas affiliate companies Bio-Diesel Project. sector as well as in other sectors related to the REKIND has started its business as the project new technology. Rekayasa Industri Malaysia Sdn. Bhd (REKMAL) Projects and Coal Steam Power Project. PT Rekayasa Engineering (RE). It was formerly opened AWARDS & CERTIFICATES “The starting point of all achievement is desire and optimism is essential to achievement which also the foundation of courage and true progress. REKIND owns a library named “Chandra Widodo Library”. a fitness center fully equipped with modern gadgets. 2 to expand its employees knowledge and as media to keep company’s important documents. Basket. emergency.OFFICE FACILITIES 06 92 / 96 REKIND’s office facilities consist of 4-storey by Mrs." 93 / 96 . which function as corporate operational of good health is also supported with the existence rooms. Employee’s needs buildings. To make it all more comfortable. Tennis. and a sports center which can be In addiction to all that is Ulul Albab Mosque. a few offices of existing project of a Policlinic and a selected physician practicing representatives and subsidiaries. projects. after a former Director of Operations who passed away on September 2005. used for Futsal. Erry Chandra Widodo. more Designed 2 floors up and constructed on 660 m parking space is also provided inside REKIND’s land. the extension of REKIND office Abdullah Gymnatiar widely known as AA Gym. In order offices area. Integrated Facilities Services Division built mosque is built to meet the daily needs of Moslem two more temporary buildings for the on going employees and local people for spiritual purposes. namely: PT Tracon 3 times a week. a standby ambulance unit for Industri and PT Rekayasa Engineering. In inaugurated on February 2006 by the famous early year 2008. and Gymnastics. it facilities as many as 600 prayers. The land. Malaysia. lost time injury throughout hours without Medical Treatment Kaltim Industrial Estate. Malaysia. ISO 18001:2007 certification for Occupational Healthy & Safety Management System acquired on 29 November 2007 and valid up to 28 November 2013.000 man-hours without reached a result when in April PT Kalimantan Timur Industrial (LTI) award to REKIND in Prill Lost Time Injury in Suralaya Coal 2012 REKIND achieved the total Estate.000. BUMN MARKETING AWARD 2013 & 2012 Awarded by BUMN Track Magazine.000.000 Man-hours Without Lost Time Injury 22.000 Man-hours Without Lost Time Injury 12.500. Rekind won the Silver Winner of 3 Aspects which are : Strategic (Brand.000 Safety Man-hours Without Medical Treatment Injury 10. and "Company With The Most Associate Professional Engineers ". customer engangement). TOP BEST IT SYSTEM & THE BEST E-CORP 2007 AWARD Awarded by SWA Magazine as the best IT system Implements and The 10 Best IT Teams. implementing Health. 94 / 96 PII AWARD 2013 Awarded by PII (Indonesian Engineers Association) as "Company With The Most PII Members".000. as a result of Environment (HSE) program has Prill Plant project located in Without a Lost Time Injury 12.000 Man Hours Banten Province. as “Outstanding Figures in Supporting Industries”. ANNUAL REPORT AWARD 2009. Department of Labor with gold OHSAS 14001 : 2004 CERTIFICATION flag as the highest rank. service).000. Bontang.0 marketing and new wave). KMI AWARD 2011 Awarded by Indonesian Oil and Gas Committee. CERTIFICATES OHSAS 18001 : 2007 CERTIFICATION SMK3 2011 Certification ISO 14001:2004 certification for Achievement for SMK3LL Occupational Healthy & Safety (Occupational Health and Management System acquired Safety Environmental Protection on 20 May 2011 and valid up to 3 Management System) from years after issued. This award is a mark of the commitment REKIND in developing quality and competency of human resources. MBNQA (MALCOLM BALDRIDGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD) 2012. ASIA ENGINEERING AWARD 2005 Awarded by The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Southeast Asia and Pacific (FEISAP) to the achievement of development REKIND in NPK fertilizer plant located in Kedah. & 2005 Rekind became the 3rd winner of the Annual Report Award in the Non Finance State Owned Enterprises Non Listed Company category. 2009 Awarded by the Indonesian National Quality Award Foundation.000 Man Hours Without Lost Time Injury PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia Awarded by Department of REKIND’s achievement in Orica Australia Pte Ltd as the as the owner of the project Manpower & Transmigration. TECHNOLOGY AWARD 2006 Awarded by Dunamis as a result of the development of Knowledge Management REKIND.500. MOST ADMIRE KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISE (MAKE) AWARD 2008 Awarded by Dunamis as a result of the development of Knowledge Management REKIND. Safety & owner of Ammonium Nitrate gave 10. ADHIKARA 2005 Awarded by the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to REKIND as a accomplishment of NPK fertilizer plant construction.000. PII AWARD 2009 Awarded by the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). "Company With The Most Professional Engineers".000 man hours without rewarding 6. and Special Award (marketing 3. Rekind won category of sustainable engineering for achievements of development Geothermal in Indonesia. sales. in Kedah. Bontang. 2006. FROST & SULLIVAN AWARD 2011 Awarded by Frost & Sullivan Indonesia as a Oil & Gas EPC Company of the Year. MBNQA is an award to support quality improvement in the business world. East Kalimantan Ammonium Nitrate Plant project Fired Power Plant 1x625 MW of 22. COMPETENCY AWARD 2009 Awarded by the National Board for Professional Certification (BNSP).000 safety man development which located in PT Project. The Award was given to President Director of Rekind. Rekind has reached a better level as Early Improvement from previous level as Early Result. 95 / 96 . product. Tactical (Communication. project activities. East Kalimantan. In 2012.000. Injury (MTI) to REKIND. 6.AWARDS BUMN INNOVATION AWARD 2013 Awarded by Ministry of State Owned Enterprise as The Best Corporate Innovation Culture & Management. THE BEST PR OFFICER BUMN 2013 Awarded by Ministry of State Owned Enterprises to assess the implementation of public relations and increasing competence in public relations to meet the challenges of business & corporation. SPAIN Phone: +62-21-7988700 / 7988707 Phone: +60-3-22645555 MANUFACTURING AND TRADING COMPANY FOR EUROPE.rekayasa. Jakarta 12740. 97 COMSPAIN S. No. Indonesia http://mail. SOUTH Fax: Fax: Menara Perak e-mail: tracon@rekayasa. e-mail: [email protected] 798 87 07 798 87 07 Fax: +62-21-798 87 01 / Fax: +62-21-798 87 01 / 798 87 02 798 87 02 e-mail: marketing@ e-mail: [email protected]. Jakarta PT REKADAYA ELEKTRIKA EPCC SPECIALIZED IN POWER PLANT INDUSTRY www. BHD. Kalibata Timur www. No.CONTACT US HEAD OFFICE AFFILIATES PT REKAYASA INDUSTRI PT REKAYASA INDUSTRI REKAYASA INDUSTRI MALAYSIA SDN. AND NORTH AFRICA REGION +62-21-7988701 / 7988702 +60-3-321643932 www.36 12th Floor.Malaysia MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR REPRESENTATIVE ENGINEERING. Jakarta www. e-mail: [email protected]. No.A .rekayasa. MIDDLE EAST.Raya Pasar Minggu Pertani PT PUSPETINDO .rekayasa.SURABAYA EQUIPMENT FABRICATION PT YASA INDUSTRI NUSANTARA PT REKAYASA ENGINEERING PT TRACON INDUSTRI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DETAIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY AND COMPANY PROCUREMENT SERVICES Indonesia Phone: +62-21-798 78 00 Phone: +62-21-798 87 00 / Phone: +62-21-798 87 00 / Fax: +62-21-794 20 30 e-mail: [email protected] 1st floor. Kalibata.MADRID.traconid.comspain. KUALA Kalibata Timur http://re. PT MEGA ELTRA COMMODITY TRADING COMPANY SUBSIDIARIES www. Perak 50430 Indonesia Kuala Lumpur PT BAKRIE REKIN BIO ENERGY BIODIESEL PRODUCER COMPANY PT JABAR REKIND GEOTHERMAL CONCESSION HOLDER OF CISOLOK SUKARAME GEOTHERMAL WORKING AREA e-mail: corpsec@rekayasa. e-mail: [email protected]. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR SOUTH EAST ASIA REGION 96 / 96 www. e-mail: [email protected]. e-mail: corpsec@rekayasa. e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: corpsec@rekayasa. Kalibata Timur / 96 . 98 99 / 96 / 96 .
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