Comp 5

March 20, 2018 | Author: gurmeetsinghbhurwal | Category: Java (Programming Language), Computer Network, Osi Model, Operating System, Personal Computers



1225.1 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS AND INTERFACING L T P 3 - 3 RATIONALE A computer engineer should be able to interface and maintain key-board, printer, mouse monitor etc along with the computer system. The course provides the necessary knowledge and skills regarding working construction and interfacing aspects of peripherals. The students will get to know how various peripherals communicate with central processing unit of the computer system and pattern their respective operations. The student will be able to maintain keyboard, printer, monitors and Power Supplies (CVTs and UPSs) along with computer system. This subject provide the required background of computer installation, maintenance and testing of peripheral with micro computers So a course on Computer Peripherals and Interfacing Devices is required to develop such skills. DETAILED CONETENTS 1. Video Display (06 hrs) The basic principle of working of video monitors (CRT, LCD,LED), video display adapters, video modes, Video display EGA/VGA/SVGA/PCI adapters and their architecture, Overview of raster scan, vector graphic, their main difference and relative advantages, Concept of reduction and bandwidth of monitors refreshing of screen Hardware Organization of PCs (06 hrs) Types of motherboard and their details ( Form Factor, Chipset), types of processors (INTEL, AMD) and their compatibility with motherboards, serial and parallel ports, PS/2, USB Ports, Interconnection between units, connectors and cables. Storage Devices (05 hrs) Types of Hard Disk Drives- EIDE, SATA, SCSI, SAS External Hard Disk. Constructional features and working of hard disk drive, optical (CD, DVD, Blue Ray) disk drive and Flash Drive, Logical structure of Hard Disk and its organization, boot record. Input Devices (08 hrs) Detailed working principle and troubleshooting of various input devices such as keyboard, mouse, scanner. Basic principle of touch screen, light pen, digitizers. Drivers for various input devices and their role. Output Devices (07 hrs) Overview of printer and its classification, impact and non-impact printer, principle and working of desk Jet, dot matrix, line Printer and laser printers (Monochrome and Colour), plotter (Piezoelectric and Thermal), and modems. Software drivers for various output devices and their role. Power Supplies (05 Hrs) Explain the working of SMPS used in computers. On-Line/Off-Line/LineInteractive/uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), basic principle of working their importance and maintenance 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LED (coloured and black and white monitor) and its troubleshooting . New Delhi 9. Hardware Trouble Shooting and Maintenance by B. 4. LCD. 3. 8) Setup and configuration of ROM BIOS 9) Visit to nearby industry INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY While teaching the subject the teacher may take the interfacing devices like disk drives. WiMax. 2nd Ed. 6) Study the operation and maintenance of UPS. Upgrading and Praparing PC . The waite group writing MS DOS Device. printers. key-boards. Khanna Publishers. Douglas: McGraw Hill 6. Computer Peripherals And Interfacing by Priti Srivastav. mouse and their troubleshooting 4) Study of components and internal parts and working of DMP. Hardware and Software of Personal Computers by SK Bose. CDMA etc. ATMs. 7) Exercise on assembling a PC with peripherals and testing the same. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Wi-Fi. digital camera. Govinda Rajalu. software interrupts. Jalandhar. Tech Media Publication. IBM PC and Clones. Other Technologies (06 hrs) Mobile. Some aspects of cost performance analysis while procuring the computer LIST OF PRACTICALS 1) To study the construction and working of CRT. web camera. working of hard disk and CDROM. S Lai: Addison. Inkjet printer and Laser printer and various installation of printers 5) To study the SMPS circuit and measure its various voltages. Flash Drives 3) To study the operations and components and internal parts of Key Board. Microprocessors and Interfacing by Hall. DVD. plotters etc. Computer Peripheral & Interfacing by Gourav Gupta. Microprocessors and Interfacing by Uffenbeck. smart card. configuring the system 8.123 7. . Microprocessor and PC by Levis Hahensteu 8. 1992. Drives byRobert. New Delhi 9. Wiley Eastern Limited. 2) To Study the components and internal parts. scanners. Blue Tooth. Inside the PC (Eight Edition) by Peter Norton. 7. infrared. 5. Additional practical exercise on maintenance and repair on peripheral devices will help the students to develop adequate skills. Wesley Publishing Co. The Basic Input/Output System 05 hrs) What is BIOS? Function of BIOS. testing and initialization. physically and explain its working. Tata McGraw Hill 1991 2. Connecting SMPS to motherboard and other devices. Eagle Prakashan. New Delhi.Ishan Publication 8. Fundamentals of Computers by Sukhvir Singh. Computer Peripherals for Micro Computers. 4. Topic Video Display Hardware Organisation of PCs Storage Devices Input Devices Output devices Power Supplies The Basic Input/Output System Other Technologies Total Time Allotted (hrs) 6 6 5 8 7 5 5 6 48 Marks Allotted (%) 15 15 10 15 12 15 10 8 100 . 5. 3. 7. 2. 8.124 SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Sr No 1. 6. Storage Devices. Physical file system. Simple file system. Fixed Partition Memory. open linux. Functions of Operating System (24 hrs) Process Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept). Directory commands File commands Process management . Segmentation.T. Linux Overview. Logical file system. Structure of Linux. Linux releases. input. Shared Devices. write. wc. While imparting instructions. mail.] L T P 3 . Dedicated Devices. Introduction. its features and practical utility. file structures. cd. who. I/o Devices. Buffering. I/O Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept). Swapping.2 OPERATING SYSTEMS (OS) Definition of Operating Systems. Condition for Dead lock. The students will also get hands-on experience and good working knowledge to work in windows and Linux environments. Spooling. 2. Memory Management Function (Principles and Brief Concept). processor scheduling and memory management in Unix. news LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Importance of Operating Systems.125 [Common in Computer Engineering and I. Linking. ls. history of Linux and Unix. Single Process System. Linux Commands and Filters: Shell: concepts of command options. Virtual Memory. grep. Overview of Operating Systems (04 hrs) 5. Types of File System. chmod. Linux Operating System (20 hrs) Introduction. the teachers are expected to lay more emphasis on concepts and principles of operating systems. Memory organization. wall. whoami. cat. Simple Paging System. DETAILED CONTENTS 1. more. process and communication commands like: mkdir. Principles and Brief Concept. system requirements. Basic file system. sort. head. kill.4 RATIONALE The course provides the students with an understanding of human computer interface existing in computer system and the basic concepts of operating system and its working. mv. System Loading. File Management. output redirecting and network file. Types of Operating Systems. Process Scheduler. The aim is to gain proficiency in using various operating systems after undergoing this course. 3. Dead Lock. Process synchronization. loading and executing control program 2. Dead Lock Preventions. Dead Lock Avoidance 3. tail. Job Scheduler. Operating Systems. 3. New Delhi Linux – Install and Configuration Black Book by Die Annlebalnc and Issac Yates. must be taught practically. Unleashed Linux by Tech Media Publishers. stress must be given on particulars along with theory. Using file permission commands Mail commands Editing file system rights in a Linux environment. 10.A Concept Based Approach by Dham Dhare. Eagle Prakashan. 6. 6.Ishan Publication SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Sr No 1. remote testing g) Trouble shooting of networks h) Writing login scripts INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY This subject is both theory and practical oriental. Therefore. New Delhi Linux – The Complete Reference by Ruichard Peterson.. c) Establishment of LAN network for homogeneous systems d) Establishment of LAN network for heterogeneous systems e) Use of protocols and gateways in establishing LAN f) Writing small programs such as file security. Operating System by Abhishek Sagar.126 4. New Delhi Operating Systems by Stallings Tata McGraw Hill. Topic Overview of Operating Systems Functions of Operating System Linux Operating System Total Time Allotted (hrs) 4 24 20 48 Marks Allotted (%) 20 50 30 100 . 2. a) Interfacing with the network (Ethernet) b) Preparing of network cables including hubs. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . 3. 5. 9. New Delhi. Laboratory must have windows as well as Linux operating system. New Delhi System Programming by Dham Dhare. New Delhi Operating System by Hemant Kapila. 5. file transfer. 8. System Programming by John J Donovan. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.S. 7. Khanna Publishers. 4. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . IDG Books India Private Ltd. Jalandhar. New Delhi Operating System Concepts by Ekta Walia. connectors etc. Concepts of O. Tata McGraw Hill. 11. New Delhi. 2. Operating Systems by Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate: Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . Knowledge about hardware and software requirements of networks is essential.127 5. I. A diploma holder in computer engineering should therefore understand the function of networks. ELTX.. Global connectivity can be achieved through computer networks.3 COMPUTER NETWORKS [Common in Computer Engg. Introduction to TCP/IP Concept of physical and logical addressing Different classes of IP addressing.. (µP)] L T P 4 . MAN and WAN Network Services Topologies Switching Techniques ( 8 hrs) ( 6 hrs) OSI Model Standards OSI Reference Model OSI Physical layer concepts OSI Data-link layer concepts OSI Networks layer concepts OSI Transport layer concepts OSI Session layer concepts OSI presentation layer concepts OSI Application layer concepts 3. special IP address Sub netting and super netting Loop back concept IPV4 and IPV6 packet Format Configuring IPV4 and IPV6 (10 hrs) . ECE. What is network Models of network computing Networking models Peer-to –peer Network Server Client Network LAN. DETAILED CONTENTS 1.T. Networks Basics 2.3 RATIONALE The future of computer technology is in computer networks. Network Printing Print Services (3 hrs) 8. VSAT. Firewall ATM VOIP and Net-to-Phone Telephony. TRACEROOT. Optical and IPLC) ( 6 hrs) 6. Laws and Protocols 7. RF. Protocol Suites Models and Protocols Network IPX/SPX Intranet Protocols Network Architecture ( 3 hrs) 5. NETSTAT. 10 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) and 1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet). (8 hrs) ARC net specifications Ethernet Specification and Standardization: 10 Mbps (Traditional Ethernet). IFCONFIG.IPCONFIG. Networking. Wireless LAN. PSTN. . Wi-Fi. ISDN. Wiresharp/ Dsniffer/ Pcop (05 hrs) 10. Network Connectivity Network connectivity Devices NICs Hubs Repeaters Multiplexers Modems Routers and Protocols. Introduction to Media Connectivity (Leased lines. Network Administration / Security Client/Server Technology Server Management RAID management and mirroring Hauffman codes Cryptography ( 9 hrs) 9. Wireless Networking Basics of Wireless: Wireless MAN. Network Trouble Shooting Techniques - (6 hrs) Trouble Shooting process Trouble Shooting Tools: PING.128 4. WiMax(Broad-band Wireless) and Blue-Tooth technology. OFC. crone Tool. Computer Networks by Tanenbaum. STP) of a network. 9. 3. Study and Demonstration of sub netting of IP address 8. Prentice Hall of India. 6. Making of cross cable and straight cable 4. SCST Coaxial Cable. New Delhi Data and Computer Communication by William Stallings. 2. UTP. Managing user accounts in windows and LINUX 7. Identify the IP address of a workstation and the class of the address and configure the IP Address on a workstation 6. New Delhi Network+ Lab manual. Use of Netstat and its options. 8. Cable tester. RJ 45 connectors.BPB Publications -by Tami Evanson Networking Essentials – BPB Publications New Delhi . 2. RJ-11. Install and configure a network interface card in a workstation. (Edition 2nd and 4th ).129 LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. 7. BNC. STP. Recognize the physical topology and cabling (coaxial. 5. IPCONFIG. Installation of Network Operating System(NOS) 11. Recognition and use of various types of connectors RJ-45. RJ-11. New Delhi Data Communications and Networking by Forouzan. OFC cable Screw Driver Kit Switch/Hub Manageable Switch INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY This subject deals with both theory and practicals.. Pearson Education.BNC and SCST 3. Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi Local Area Networks by Peter Hudson Understanding Local Area Network by Neil Jenkins Area Networks by Stan Schatt. The students should be made to practically establish LAN with various hardware and software and their integration. Visit to nearby industry for latest networking techniques Required Software  Windows Server/Linux Server Required Tools and Supplies 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Crimping tool. UTP. Connectivity troubleshooting using PING. 4. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. 5. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . IFCONFIG 10. Cyber Tech Publications. Jain and Narija Bajaj. 10. 11. Unleashed Linux by TechMedia Publishers. Linux – The complete Reference by Richard Peterson. IDG Books India Private Limited.Ishan Publication Computer Network and Communications By V.130 9. New Delhi. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd. Linux – Install and Configuration Black Book by Dee Annleblanc and Issac Yates. 13. New Delhi Computer Network by J. 12. Katre. Delhi. Tech-Max Publication.K. 14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Topic Networks Basics OSI Model Introduction to TCP/IP Protocol Suites Network Architecture Network Connectivity Network Printing Network Administration / Security Network Troubleshooting Techniques Wireless Networking Total Time Allotted (Hrs) 6 8 10 3 8 6 3 9 6 5 64 Marks Allotted (%) 10 10 15 05 15 10 05 15 10 05 100 . Computer Network by Priti Srivastav. New Delhi. Pune SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Topic No.S. Combo Boxes. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Picture Boxes.NET applications. Building Projects Using simple components. Data validation.NET Object Model. Common Type System (CTS). Strings. Catch Block 4 Windows Applications (10 hrs) Developing Windows Applications: Introduction to Windows Applications. Text Boxes. Common Language Specifications (CLS).NET Basics (12 hrs) Visual Basic .NET framework. Status Bar and Progress bars. and Radio Buttons. 3 VB.Net. Buttons. Command Objects.NET Integrated Development Environment ( 04 hrs) VB. Select Case. Dataset Class. Data binding with controls like Text Boxes. DETAILED CONTENTS 1 Introduction to Microsoft. Introduction to . Error handling using Try. The practical exercise of VB. Connection to database with server explorer. Arithmetic Operators. Data adapters and datasets.NET: ADO.4 Visual Programming (Using VB . Using Windows Forms.Net framework.131 (Common in Computer Engineering and Information Technology) L T P 3 . Navigating data source.NET Programming Language-Variables & Data Type. Loops. architecture and component of .NET. Running VB .Net. Splitters. Functions Call and Arguments. Data Grid View. Common Control Controls. Net Framework ( 06 hrs) Introduction to client server architecture. Just In Time Compiler. Windows Forms.NET is the visual programming technique based on Object Oriented Concepts. Connection Objects.NET Development Environment. Database: Connections. Decision Structures. Menus.. elements of . Built-in Dialogs.NET) RATIONALE VB . Scrollbars. Visual Inheritance. List Boxes. Data grid etc. feature of . Common Language Runtime (CLR). Building the project. Check Boxes. Labels. Nesting of Loops. Creating Applications. Data Adapters. 5 Database Connectivity (10 hrs) Database Programming with ADO. 2 VB.NET during the course of study will reinforce the understanding of the subject. Tree Views. Data Reader. Multiple Table Connection. Image List. Timer. This subject will give the students an indepth understanding the features of VB . List Views. . Data form wizard.4 5. List Boxes. Toolbars. Visual Basic.NET Basics Windows Applications Database Connectivity Crystal Reports Total Time Allotted (Hrs) 6 4 12 10 10 6 48 Marks Allotted (%) 15 10 20 25 20 10 100 . Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . Exercise on Creating Crystal reports. 8. Building Report. NET. 4. Formatting Fields and Object. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . New Delhi Programming Microsoft visual Basic . Shapiro Visual Programming using VB. 2. Net Frame work VB.NET Technologies. Exercise on designing form. Eagle Prakashan.132 6 Crystal Reports (06 hrs ) Crystal reports. 4.NET-Francesco Balena The complete Reference-Visual Basic.NET database programming with ADO. Jalandhar. 3. LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. 7. Exercise on opening projects.Jefrey R.Ishan Publication Murach’s VB . Exercise on all the menus of opening window of VB . Table. 5. 6. 6. 5. Connection to Database. Exercise on all basic Controls.NET Step by Step by Michael Halvorson Visual Programming by Vipan Arora. 2.NET 3. New Delhi Visual Basic.NET by C Muthu.NET Integrated Development Environment VB.NET-Anne Prince and Doug Lowe SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topic Introduction to Microsoft. Modifying Report. Applications of . RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Exercise on Database Connectivity. by ISRD Group. Queries.NET by Priti Srivastav. redirection. password. PHP. My SQL. 4. CPio. Introduction to C/C++ Programming in Linux environment. 3. Introduction (02 hrs) Introduction to Open Source Technologies like LINUX. 2. umount. (08 hrs) (04 hrs) (04 hrs) LIST OF PRACTICLES 1. Practice of Linux commands-I Practice of Linux commands-II Shell programming-I Shell programming-II Experiments with communication commands. 6. pipes. 3. C shell and their functionality. chmod. and shell programming in context of any of three shells. mail. etc. 5. sort. unzip. 5. Communication Commands(utilities) Telnet. cmp. WAP on Text handling in C Programming under Linux environment. file name substitution. rlogin. Introduction to Apache Server with PHP and My SQL. configuration of DHCP. talk write. Is. rcp. grep and restore (egep and grep). mount. gzip. Crontab. rm.133 (Common in Computer Engineering and Information Technology) L T P 2 – 4 5. mic. 4. Practice with Linux Commands (04 hrs) CP. DETAIL CONTENTS 1. Concept of GPL (General Public License). Shell Programming (10 hrs) Introduction to Korn shell. Umask. . 6. dump.5(a) Elective-I OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES RATIOANLE This subject is a step to expose the students towards open source technologies. Bourne shell. common Built in Commands like Eval. Apache. Mata characters. Cron. So linux is prime focus and other technologies based on matter students should be able to use open source s/w primarily in linux environment. find. tar. diff. stp. difference between freeware and open source. Comparison of open source and proprietry Software. wall. 2. finger. compress. etc. Execc. cat. Linux is a very good example of open source s/w. UNIX for programmes. 2. Teachers should use these software to teach the students. 3. 12. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Already available computers in the lab can be made dual bootable. 9. Open Source Technologies by Sugandhi Malhotra.sourceforge. Any flour of linux can be downloaded from Internet and also LAMP technology software available on various websites like www. 10. 4. Configuration of DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) Programming with Arrays in C/C++ under Linux Download and Installation of LAMP (Linux Apache My SQL PHP) Packages.134 7. Eagle Prakashan. www. Program related to file handling in C/C++ under Linux environment. 1-2 3-4 5-6 Total Time Allotted (Hrs) 6 14 12 32 Marks Allotted (%) 35 35 30 100 . 8. 5. Graham Glow. PHI.sourceforge. Jalandhar. WAP to find Prime numbers in C++/C Programming under Linux environment.Ishan Publication SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Topic No. PHP and My SQL Bible Open Source Technology by Rahul Sahni. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Any Website using PHP My SQL with Apache Web Java In Time (JIT) compiler. method available to exceptions (The throw statement. creating your own exception classes 6. Java has shifted the programming paradigm of single machine to distributed network of machines. The web acts as convenient transport mechanism for Java programs and the web’s ubiquity has popularized Java as an Internet development tool. constructors and finalizers.5 (b) JAVA PROGRAMMING L T P 2 . building applets with JDK. the most likely place you will find Java is on World Wide Web. building application with JDK. method to use exception handling. comparison with C and C++ 2. command line arguments (4 hrs) Java Classes and Memory Management (4 hrs) Introduction to Classes. Introduction to Applet. Application and JDK (4 hrs) Java applets Vs Java applications. 3. native code. thread basics – creating and running a thread. The thread control methods. Any application on World Wide Web can be easily implemented.4 RATIONALE Today. The threads life cycle and synchronization 7. garbage collection. the throws class. This course will enable the students to learn in detail network programming language Java. casting. encapsulation and polymorphism. HTML for Java applets. how Java works?. access specifier 4. Working with data types. managing input-output stream 8. Java application types.135 Elective-I 5. using Java packages 5. using Java with other tools. Exception Handling and Stream Files (6 hrs) (4 hrs) Over view of exception handling. Introduction to Java (4 hrs) A brief history. Threads and Multi-threading (4 hrs) Overview. DETAILED CONTENTS 1. control flow statements. arrays. Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) (2 hrs) . Internet can have numerous applications and various protocols. inheritance. Interfaces and Packages Using Java interface. finally class). Java features. +1/n the value of n should be given interactively through the keyboard 2 Write a programme to convert the given temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius using the following conversion formula C = F. The programme should use a minimum number of if statement Admission to a professional course is subject to the following conditions: Marks in mathematics >=60 Marks in physics >=50 Marks in chemistry >=40 Total in all 3 subjects >=200 (OR) Total in mathematics and physics >=150 given the marks in the 3 subjects. .. Write programme using a do ….32/1. each number is the sum of the 2 preceding the numbers) Write a programme to evaluate the following investment equation V=P (1+r)n and print the tables which would give the value of V for various combination of the following values of P. Write the programme to process the application to list the eligible candidates 4. 6. 5.8 and display the value in a tabular form 3 Write a programme to find all the numbers and sum of all integers greater than 100 less than 200 that are divisible by 7 Given a list of marks ranging from 0 to 100. r and n. Take a range from 1 – 50 b) Display the output which is given below: * * * * * * c) Write a program which sorts an array of type integer d) Write a programme to determine the sum of the following harmonic series for a given value of n: 1+1/2+1/3………. The number in the sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ……….136 LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. 7. write a programme to compute and print the number of student should have obtained marks (a) in the range 81 to 100 (ii) in the range 61 to 80 (c) in the range 41 to 60 (d) in the range 0 to 40.. Are called Fibonacci numbers. a) Write a program which tells whether a number is even or odd. while loop to calculate and print the first m ibonacci numbers (Hint: after the first 2 numbers in the series. Mastering Java by John Zukowski. New Delhi 110002 . Exercises on exceptional handling Exercises on creating and running threads Exercises on database Connectivity INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY The subject deals with object oriented concept. Darya Ganj. Narosa Publishing House Pvt Ltd.137 8. The Complete Reference Java by Herbel Schildt.. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd .“How to Program Java” by Dietal and Dietel 9. Prentice Hall of India 10. Ltd. Java 2 Swing. Netaji Subhash Marg. Java Programming by Anu Roy. Introduction to Cryptography with applets by David Bishop. IDG Books India Pvt. 14. Justin Couch. Ltd. 10. 11. New Delhi 3. 12. Set of Books on Java by Sun Microsystems 6. Java Programming by Balagurusamy. Java Pogramming. 12.. New Delhi 2. Core Java by Cay S Horseman and Lray Carnell. As the subject has both theory and practicals. Darya Ganj. New Delhi 8. The Complete Reference by Patrick Naughton. IDG Books India Pvt. Servlets. McGraw Hill. New Delhi 4. names and total marks in the database Write a program which will display all those records whose marks are above 75% Write a programme to draw the following using Applet: 9. An Introduction to Java Programming by Y Daniel Liang. New Delhi 7. JDBC and Java Beans Programming Black Book by steven Holzner. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd . Java 2 Programming Bible by Aaron Walsh. more stress should be given to practical work. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1.Ishan Publication 5. New Delhi 11. Daniel Steinberg. 13. Exercises on implementing Java Classes. Write a program which will store the students roll no. BPB Publication. Application and JDK Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) Total Time Allotted (Hrs) 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 2 32 Marks Allotted (%) 10 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 100 .138 SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS FOR FACILITATING THE PAPER SETTER Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topic Introduction to Java Working with Data types Java Classes and Memory Management Interfaces and Packages Exception Handling and Stream Files Threads and Multi-threading Introduction to Applet. Write a procedure function to convert all data function (create your own) Database connectivity. It is expected from them to get acquainted with computer environment possess desired attitudes..139 5.6 MINOR PROJECT WORK L T P . Library classes in C++ (same application).. The students should be guided by the respective subject teachers. Note: The teachers may guide /help students to identify their minor project work and chalk out their plan of action well in advance. (SQL server. Criteria for assessment will be as follows: Criteria Attendance and Punctuality Initiative in performing tasks/creating new things Relation with people Report Writing Weightage 15% 30% 15% 40% (a) (b) (c) (d) . Oracle. Encryption decryption program. each teacher may guide a group of 4 to 5 students. use of graphics in C++. Access). Active-X controls in VB. The teachers along with field supervisors/engineers will conduct performance assessment of students. For this purpose student during middle of the course are required to be sent for a period of two to four weeks at a stretch in different establishments.4 Minor project work aims at exposing the students to the various industries dealing with computers. As a minor project activity each student is supposed to study the operations at site and prepare a detail project report of the observations/processes/activities by him/her. Depending upon the interest of students they are sent for exposure to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Industrial practices in installation and maintenance of computers and computer networks Fabrication of computers Fault diagnosis and testing of computers Industrial practices in respect of documentation and fabrication A variety of computers and peripherals in assembly organizations Software package development organizations Maintenance of database Write be stored procedure or functions which can be attached as the library objects to the main projects Write a procedure function to convert number of words. 10. 8. 4. panel interviews. Communication Skills Correspondence and job finding/applying/thanks and follow-up Resume Writing Interview Techniques: In-Person interviews. There will be no examination for this subject. Presentation Techniques Group Discussions Techniques Aspects of Personality Development Motivation Leadership Stress Management Time Management Interpersonal Relationship Health and Hygiene 5. . 3. 13. 1. Extension Lectures by experts or teachers from the polytechnic will be delivered on the following broad topics. 11.140 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT CAMP This is to be organized at a stretch for two to three days during fifth or sixth semester. 12. 9. group interviews and video conferencing etc. 7. 6. 2. telephonic interviews.
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