Common Coal Cadre All

April 3, 2018 | Author: Gopichand Ramteke | Category: Apprenticeship, Postgraduate Education, Diploma, Test (Assessment), Labour



"t\ ~t~ 9.~'~ c1l \(\ ~~ Common Coal Cadre and operation of executive establishment in coal india limited and its subsidiary companies .•.•. Second Edition : With amendments upto 30.11,1984 I I '. ,'i COAL INDIA LIMITED 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA 700001 I I I J j 'Ii ,:~.',.,,~ ,,~,' ',' .. ."""" " ""', ,.', il!.~ ..,"'" .,_ ':.~ ..,__,' _ ',,_. .....•.. _','_.. ",." ', " "~-":"'~:';':~t:"::'>~·,1~~"!:iJ:~~~4i~~·,i:~~ig,~:'¥~~~ ..;C;"i~~~"li~'I'i!iJ:!I..·ill,;"j'~".·>'<il.):;!ll,\i.l!"il!l.illt;}",J1~ ....•i!Ili .. 1_ ' ",.' ',.'_., ' ' " --- ~ 1 '~ ~: ,~ &il 9,.i>~ ,,1\'(\ Common Coal Cadre and operation of executive establishment in coal india limited I [ and its subsidiary companies I ! I 1 Second Edition : With amendments upto 30.11.1984 COAL INDI4 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA 700 001 LIMITED I N T ROD UCT I ON One of the main functions of Coal India, a holding company, was the setting of a tmmon coal cadre. This involved integrating personnel taken over from the erstwhile lal companies, those in the NCDC and others joining the organisation through open cruitment. It is necessary that detailed rules and procedures are evolved for the admistration of the executives and their integration to a common and uniform set of rules. l1eprocess of drawing up these rules and procedures bas been going on continuously r the last two years and these have been issued as and when finalised. I am glad that al\ these rules have now been put togetber and a comprehensive .anual on the Common Coal Cadre and its operation has been prepared. This manual ould go a long way to help in the administration of Common Coal Cadre in Coal India Id the subsidiary companies. This will also provide all the relevant data pertainmg to .reer prospects of all the executives. The compilation of this manual has involved bard work on the part of the officers . Coal India as well as subsidiary companies. I would like to convey my sincere thanks ,all of them. With the formation of Coal India Limited as a holding company, the pa: administration of executive cadres was set out in the Government of India'.s lettt 38011/1/74-CAF, dated 27 September 1975, which stiputlated the following, in so personnel matters are concerned : "10. The functions of CI L Will be to set overall corporate objectives and approve and strategIes for tbe achi~vement of tbose objectives, to establish policies regrading ....••.••. recruitment, training, safety, industrial relations, wages, .•••..•.•••.•.••.••.••.••....•• to set and monitor prices and evaluate performance, and to co- ordinate amongst suI companies ...•..•.... -•.••...........•.•••.•..•..•.••..•• " "12. There would be a common 'Coal Cadre' for elL and the subsidiary compani recruitment of all personnel at the level of the executives would be made by CIL on b the subsidiary companies. CIL would arrange for trainiag of personnel where necessa would thereafter allot tbem to different subsidiary companies, taking into considera companies' respective needs. Transfer of personnel in the lower scales of pay from one cto another is not envisaged tho.ugh there sbould be no bar to such transfers on admin grounds. At higher levels, transfer of personnel from one company to another shc freely effected as this wuuld enable optimum use and development of managerial talent.' 2 In pursuance of tbe Government's directives for administering the common coal a task force on common coal cardre, consisting of representatives of Coal India subsidiary companies, examined various aspects of the matter and made its recommen which' were further considered by the CMD's co·ordination meetings. As a result c discussions, norms and procedure for operating the executive cadre in differeat compa' at the Coal India headquarters were evolved. 3. Based on tbe variousdecisions taken, a brochure on the common coal cadre set placed at the 13th meeting of the Board of Directors of Coal India held on 24and 2S F 1978atNewDelhi. The Board considered the matter and approved the coal cardre wit suggestions a~d minor modifications. In the light of these deeissions, the coal cadre has been fin:.tlisedand is being published for information of all concerned. Lt. Gen. K. S. Garewa I Chairman o Maheepatl Chief of Personnel Coal India Limi1 ~r ~l~~~~""";"'''c';"w, c,,,,,,""" ••;" ..l..'''''i':-:...*>. II.~~_""".!i!/>.•.~~~~Ii1iAIitU~'~ •• . & Marketing H V Disciplinary -.~~' '-~!ll-_'"')"".j._. .. ANNEXURE CONTENTS IV (3) 11(1)(1) VIII(6) III (4) (a).I.i&.1''' i:.. (d)..'.. I•• . Private Report (2nd Class) representations and Apex Policy Committee 45 47 Secretaries / Secretaries Extracts from Seniority Committee's Seniority of Senior Under Managers Fixation of pay on promotion in Mining Discipline Transfer Policy of applications of dependents C'fexecutives dying 1 Retirement and exits from B-2 to E-3 Forwarding Appointment in harness XV (1) XV Notice for retirement on superannuation Voluntary retirement scheme XV (2) XV Vii Vi ' ...'.. selection and placement Executive cadre schemes and promotion Determination Appraisal Training [1 Trainee (Finance) for JErS and LWO (T)s of inter-se seniority Training period and stipend of JETs/MTs Revi<sed emoluments/stipend w.Ii<. .. ..e.~_.. '"_-"'.."!!·""[.••. 1II (3) III (5) XII Page lV (2) V (1) XI (2) IV (2) (1) IV (6) m(7) V (4) X (1) III (1) 1 4 5 16 24 29 Annexure ."iIli_Ij!\li!ll1.~.h.'-'.~.ter Subject (c). (e) - III XlI III IV m Xl X V IV V II VlU IV Chapter Subject Standard designations of executives Po Pay structure and grades of executives designations of executives procedures Requisition for recruitment Reservation for Scheduled Caste/Tribe Proforma for obtaining approval service or re-employment Absorption of Management for extension of Creation of posts and standard Recruitment.I__ •• •• "... . . -'"''-''-''''''.._..• i.lIi."""". (b)."'.._~---"'-"'-"'·'".""J" '" ""!l._".Sales & Marketing consideration avenues for Offiice Supdts..~t...". •• ""' ------...~~~.'&\la. 24-2-83 Systems and development of executives cadre employees 31 35 RevIsion of stipend of welfare officers (Trainee) Revision of Cadre Scheme for Engineering Vigilance Clearance Horizontal Promotional Horizontal Promotional Movement Movement Materials Management avenues for office supdts dis~ipline Principles for fixation of pay of executives Acting and officiating arrangements Transfer of executives of applications 38 39 40 Forwarding 1 General Removal for outside employment of executives of 42 44 service conditions Procedures of anomalies.'.~iii<!l.~~"~_~~~~"'.:"I!"."...f.".liJ1.••• ~ .'~~.IIi~'lit~. . Bharat Coking C031 Limited adopted a ration structure and fitted all the officers into the same. 1975 as follows : Revised salary Structure for Officers other than Medical by the revised executive salary grades as given below: Officers we The then existing pay scales.Si. 5. together with Dearness Allowance/CLA.". ~ '-"'&.""l... there was very wide variations in the salary and perquisi enjoyed by the officers of the erstwhile coal companies After nation< the coking coal mines..•• '••••••••••• ~-III'-I!I' ·~.~j3'M~.~Y:_:l-~~~..¥.1 GRADES OF EXECUTIVES Offer of appointment to graduate apprentices/JETs 120 Proforma for personal data 121 Cadre Schemes for different disciplines While the salary structure in erstwhile NC DC corresponded to the Centr ment pay scales.~~~~. 1. effect to only SJ."iiili't~"'.- APPENDICES Page No.. (*The Scales 600-100-1 of Grade was given Rs.iI!it.~.._-~-"""'.~~.. (D) 6.. ~ppendices [V (2) IV (1) ]1 (3) IV III IV Chapter Subject 98 Ch PAY STRUCTURE AND 1. 40-800-E6-50-1250 30-800-EB-30-830-35-900 4.800-50-14M Existing Scales2250'100-2 then 7.illt"_liliilllWll . thl salary structure for the entire nationalised coal industry was revised from 1st February._"~~ iII8I""'I"". After nationalisat non'cGking coal mines.?h#'.ii.J"<""I:lfu"'('. No.&'. 3.."\llij"..'. 1. '." '. scale 80l) -5 725-40-132' 1350-50·1"j Rs. g..:.2000-100-2500 30-600 1600·100-2000 1800-100-2200 2000-100-2 1850-100-: 1550-60-18£ Rs.350-25-500-30-590-EB E·7 E-4 1050-50-1 Rs....s~~::.!. 400-400-510-(w.~J~: -. (a) 2."._I_i _ .~. I E-l E-6 E-8 1300 revised [-3 E-2 1100-50-1300-60-1600 E-8* E Rs.~jt~·~1~~. "i. 800-50-1 250 675-30-103! Revised -60 -1 Rs.&!iiI..2 On the basis of the approval accorded by the Government of India. 1973.~\llR.~J~.. .' '. NCDC executives ware also fitted into the BCCL salary stn perquisites with effect from 1st May. the erstwhile CMAL adopted the pay scales 01 BCCL.-. from 1st May. 2700-100-3500 Rs.."'~:' .30'1'-5200. 1050-50-1650 for non-specialists.::>'000("6250-175-7475 3500-100-4000 -::J. \. 675-30-1035-40-1235.1. -. 2050-100-2650 Rs. The existing GDMO Gr.. II/Assistant Medical Officers having less than 2 years post-qualification experience were placed in the scale. detailed below : 1. .:(39 O£. Rs.2900 1680-60-1800-100-2700-1:? "17<1-1. 3500-100 40000 01 (iil Rs./9'7(:. 11001. _ 2.8. 1350-50-1750 for specialists who have crossed the stage 01 Rs. 1600-75-2200 Rs. 2800-100-3600 Rs..g65Q' '4600-150-5350-160-6470 1 Gtll'O!~ :l. upto 31.17. Rs.o&. 1300-60-1600-100-1800 E-7 E-8 E-9 It has also been decided to introduce discipline. 2200-100.'j-~ "D(-' 1 I~ and 1. "'. E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 Revision of Pay Scales : The revised pay scales would be as under Existing scales of pay (Rs.:2-.5750-175-7325 2800-100-3600 6000-175-7400 3000-100-3700 . who have not crossed the stage of Rs.2. 1550-60-1850-75-2075. Pay structure of executives stands revised with effect from 1.3 oelSD Revised salary Structure for Medical Officers (from 1.0{. 725-40-1325 for those who were drawing a basic pay of Rs. e. 1850-100-2450 in the Medical 37501l4(). " .----------------------------- Grade Scales of pay effective from 1.>-00/.O'.-- • -- ...1-1987.1! 2-):T9f~ 6 >()/= .1979 to 31.8.':7b()/~ 7250-200-8_2_50 The revision shall be effective from 1 .ljt'l.' .>""'1:: bur> /:c 2. 800-50-1400 Rs. 6601. 10001. Rs.Revised Scales Rs. Rs. of Rs.1987 shall remain operative for a period 3. Fitment Amount : Tbe figures in colum (4) above would be the admissible to the executives who were on3the rolls of 31-12-1986 and continued to be on roll thereafter. 1130-50-1380-60-1800Revised scales of pay. 660/.and below in the existing scales and those not selected under (ii) below. the scale of Rs./:f"4 I07'>'l:>/::.:J. 250Q-100·3000 2.. 1400-50-1950 Rs.. (j) The existing GDMO GR. Specialists in the existing scale of Rs.7.ftl· ••••• .>-q_2500-120-3100-130- IM-~~OO (b) Rs.2. 1050-50-1650 for those who have crossed the stage of Rs./.' Scales then Existing . >'F'. 600-1300. 2200-100-2900 Rs 2400-100-3200 Rs.275) 51. (a) Rs. Rs..{.o(.8. 600-40-1000-EB-50·1300 (j) (ii) 1. 1680-60-1800-100-2700 Rs.) with effect fro 3 (. 1900-100-2500 Rs. Rs. 1000/(Rupees one thousand) in the existing scales will be entitled to a minimum starting basic pay of Rs. Rs.1982 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 Rs 750-40 1350 Rs 1030-50-1380'60-1800-10' Rs.-----. (Rs.. --.. 350-25-500-30-590-EB30-800-E B-30-830-35-900 ! > the scale of 1050-1650.lch .. II/Assistant Medical Officers having a minimum of two years post-qualification experience were placed in the scale of Rs.00/_2250-100-4150 Grade 1 E-1 1-1- <1'1 '3(.. 2250-100-2750 Rs. 3000-100-3700 Rs.~ . !... elL fitment amount tbat and its subsidia: ···d _"idiiiJ:{~~i#~~U'~H:'f •• ~~~~~.160-6000-175-6875 2700-100-3500 I S >O(t~.13 ~ 22. 450·30-660-EB-40 50-1250 -1100- (I) E-7 E-8 E-9 (ij) Pay structure revised with effect from 1.82 years i.otl -3700-140-4400-150-5900 2400-100-3200 . 1130-50-1380-60-1800~1 the existing scale. the existing scale on selection basis.J20 ~ .) 2 1030-50-1380-60-1800100-2000.~. 1100-50-1700 Rs..16 7.2. 600-40-1000-EB-50-1300 Rs.782 Revised scales of pay with effect from 1 ..1979 No. I' " ~ --.5150 4.-. . standardisation of executive designations and a need 'was felt to have standard designations in respect of executives in alt the companies . experience. On receipt of such requisition. 4000/. Subsidiary Companies - (b) - As Trainee Welfare Officers or Mal . 4 ) . 380Qllj1174-CAF.nees. recruitmeI personnel at the level of executives would be made by Coal India Limited. 2. Electronic.1982).. Full powers the all posts by for respe<. This will. at present. however. Full powers upto E4 for executives . therefore. Note: Annexure II t1. decided that the existing executivedesignati()ns should be repiaced by the standard designations as indicated in the Annexure II (I). Departl Coal. the incumbent may be allowed to retain the existing designation at the discretion of the CM D concerned as personal to him till he vacates the existing post.rovided the posts are in the manpower budget approved Boards. Full powers for posts included in the sanctioned project reports/advanced action reports... for Recruitment normally fol IV (2).tive included in the sanctioned project reports/advanced action reports subject to the phasing indicated therein. qualifications and age will be observed : however. Sales &: . proforma given at Annexure III [I]. In case any officer is enjoying. f . dated 27 September. 1975. Mechanical.e....1 2.As Management Trainees Marketing disciplines (d) Others ..~J~ _------. 1. In terms of para 12 of the Government of India.i MAM~duenl Tra. Full powers for crQation of all posts' upto E-6 for executives provided the posts are in the manpower budget approved by the Board.1 Creation of Posts The following revisions to the delegation of powers in regard to creation of posts have been approved by the CIL Board in its meeting held on 23.In the grade of E-I/E-2 as the case ) Recruitment at senwr level may also be resorted to at the discretion of the I ment. It was. Coal India Ltd .. OJ) OF EXECUTIVES Chairman-cum-Managing Director. Coal Indil quarters will initiate necessary recruitment action.'If JUl\iM B!~tutjv~ Tt'Ail\l!~§ lH\.2 Oii) Board of Subsidiary Companies - (a) Mining Discipline & Engineering Discipline (Electrical. Initial Recruitment ... Full powers uptograde' E7.2..) has been revised.! ! I' at Trainees (c) Material Management. Electronics etc.3 Qualifications etc..(as revised w. not entitle him to any higher grade merely because he has been allowed higher designation. Mechanical. Designation (a) Junior Executive Trainee - -----Qualification First or high second class degree ctrical.•. Normally recruitment as indicated below : 3. Industrial Engineering or from an relevant branch of engineering.2 Standard Designations Because of the historical reasons there was no. The qualificaticms. Ministry of Energy. will be made at the eKecutives entry level in different di: As Junior Executive Trainees. letter No.f.• "I" 1 Chapt RECRUITMENT 3. higher designatilln than the designation now approved. if qualified and experienced executives are Ilot available department requisite numbers.1983 : (i) Coal India Board Full powers for creation of all posts below Board level the maximum of whose scale of pay does not exceed Rs. etc for outside recruitment will cadre rules of the respective disciplines as indicated in Annexure t . In the iD . (:. 3.) Personnel Discipline (iv) Chairman-cum-Managing Directors. OI of the subsidiary companies will indicate their specific requirement of executiv. Civil. Chapter II CREATION OF POSTS AND STANDARD DESIGNATIONS ~ •.8. it shaH be with the specific approval of the Chairman or any authority delegated with such powers. In case of departmental candidates. In the case of departmental candidates there will be no age bar (Added vide O. on written test followed interview. determined by the ~ committee aher interview. preference will be given to the cal belonging to scheduled castes scheduled tribes. (6) Departmental candidates selected for posts against Press advertisement relieved for posting at the place where vacancies exist. the requisite number of posts adver outside recruitment will be reserved for scheduled castes I schedulec candidates and the number of such reserved vacancies will be notifiec percentage of posts reserved for scheduled castes I scheduled tribes is ir in Annexure III (2). a vacancy notice will also be sent out to all subsidiary companies for giving publicity to enable the eligible internal candidates to apply for the same. Receipt of Applications and Screening Normally. a separate clause in the advertisement will also be inserted in that "other things being equal. These will be scruitinised on the same lines as outsiders. would be interviewed by one single selection committee and the ranking of the departmental 6 ~ .-. 3. Presidential.. Desirable ccmdidates will be strictly on the basis of merit as.5. advertisements inviting applications exclusively frc candidates belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes will be issued. ex-service n~cnand exceptionally meritorious candidates. in case of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes candidates). M. relaxation in educational qualifications and experience mi be given. no charges will be made. may be appointed to the'posL 3) For the purpose of selection of the departmental candidates against the Press advertisement the criteria laid down in the cadre rules will not apply and instead. Where necessary... for publication in important national newspapers Simultaneously with the release of the Press advertisemenl. 101-) in case Qf general candidates and Rs.~-' -. Coal India headquarters will undertake initial screening of the applicati received with reference to the advertised norms." (2) I (3) The prescribed age limit will be relaxed by 5 years in their case anI possible. No. candidates. both outsiders as will as departmental candidates. Wherever relaxation is required.directive. Departmental Candidates Reservation Candidates of Vacancies to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled In terms of the. Those who are not recommended by the screening committee will a simultaneously informed of the position. one month's time will be given for submission of applications Press advertisements both for external and internal candidates. In order to attract sufficient number of scheduled 'castes I schedule. In case of Mana Trainees and Junior Executive Trainees or such posts where the response to be large. an application form will be sent to a candidate on receipt of l Order of requisite value (Rs.1981. Age limit relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes. Age Below 28 years for graduate and 30 years for candidates with post-graduate qualification.6 (11 Recognised degree in relevant branch of engineering in addition to the above will be desirable. Heplacements at t level will be provided by elL. only the criteria stipulated in the Press advertisement will be the guiding factor. Recruitment Action coal India headquarters will issue necessary Press advertisement giving full details of the job specifications etc. 7 (4) Applications received from the departmental candidates will be considered on the following guidelines : 1) Applications from departmental candidates who fulfil the advertised qualificatIOns in response to Press advertisements will be forwarded to the Coal India headquarters. Normally. After initial screenir selection will be based.""'~-""""""" . Candidates recommended by the screening committee will be indio informed to appear for interview. wherever necessary. -----~----b) Management Trainee Essential Recognised degree or equivalent postgraduate diploma/degree in Business Admi· nistration/M anagement. is given to the candidates so as to enable them to necessary travel arrangements. C5A/509721759dated 14. Efforts will be made that adequate not about two weeks. 5) All the applicants.) !) Departmental i candidates who fulfil the advertised norms with regard to both qualification and experience may be called for interview and if selected. . candidates may be permitted to apply on a plain paper accon by a P06tal Order of the requisite value. t) Departmental candidates who do not fulfil the stipulation in the advertisement would not be considered. ElCecutive Trainees and Management Trainees is resorted to and where test will be conducted there will be no 3. be invited for a written examination which may consist of general knowledge and test of reasoning and technical knowledge. recommended for appointment in E-2 grade.recruited from outside will be on probation for a period 0 which may be extended at the discretion of the cadre controlling au 8 i f 9 '~~~.~~~~~~~~~~JII l· I~L~ . The final selection will be made on the basis of the candidates performance in the written examination and the interview. Second class train fare. bulk recruitment of Jr._"'..ia will. after which the panel lapses. . (j) Two officers designated by name from other subsidiary companies and belonging to the discipline for which th~ officers are being re. Advance Increments 3.arranged either at Coal India headquarters or at the headquarters of subsidiary companies in rotation. will be paid to the interview for the posts of E-3 grade and above. They will also be paid an honorarium per sitting as may be de::ided from time to time. a panel of candidates for filling the posts will up and on approval by the Chairman. disciplines Survey Medical 2/3r I ! t eiii) (jv) Iv) (vi) (vii) (viii) 2/3r 501. will be paid to the candidates called for interview in resp3ct of the posts of Junior Executive Trainees etc.:-i. In case outside experts are invited for participating candidates called for (ij) Acoountt. or for the posts of E-l or E-2 grades. to and fro. viz•• E-1 and E-2 grades and reserved for outside recruitment is as indicated below : Discipline Direct Recruitmer 90!. Method of SE procedure to be adopted for appointment of non-executives to the exe against departmental quota will be laid down by Coal India headquarte.~~~~~~. Candidates and Composition of selection Committees In respect of Medical Officers possessing postgraduate qualifications al experience.. the followir increments may be given 4 advance in Post graduate degree 2 -doPost graduate diploma l -doExperience Over 2 years and upto 5 years 1 -doFor every 3 addl. An outside expert.12 in the selection committee. but all candidates that fulfil the prescribed (g) The candidates who fulfil the eligibility criter. Nil 100 C9 3. ~Iaborate screening of applications.i'"~.(f) Where. however. Coal Incompetent authority.cruit. Coal India or his represanlative.ear unless extended specifically by the Chairman.ed. certaiA percentage of posts are reserved for d· employees at the executive entry level. :. Only those candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for interview by the selection committee. This will be a person of renown who has specialised in the subject for which the. (a) Executives . First class train fare. (h) Maximum number of candidates vac~ncy will vacancies. avenues for growth..L~ •• . 501.)Ij I iF'. nc exceeding 5 advance increments in deserving cases. Probation :. (a) (b) (c) 1. the panel w for one y. plus the h01eljguest house charges.10 In order to encourag~ non-executive employees to provide impetul t. Coal India Limited. to and fro.ten elCamination. Other members of the selection committee will be as follows.:. Materials management Engineering Personnel Sales & marketing Other misc. selection is being made.17 Promotion of non-executives to executive cadre would also be centra II' and appointment orders issued to such employees by Coal India head suchpromotees will be entering into the executive cadre. Chief of Personnel Division. years Quota Reserved for Direct Recruitment Normally.9 The selection committee for recruitment of executives will normally be qhaired by Chairman-cum-Managing Director of one of the subsidiary companies or an officer deSignated by name by him in case the CMD IS unable to praside ovar the deliberations). they will be paid AirjACC fare.. to and fro.<J.. On the basIs of awarded or grading given by the selection committee. commi- 38 Selection of. interviews will be. a final select list i merit will be prepared by Coal India headquarters.11 1.15 The selection committee may recommend higher initial starting pay..13 qualifiCiitions will be allowed to appear at the writ. with a view to giving the prospective employees an idea of the coalfield areas where they will be deployed if selected.14 be as may be decided from time to time depending upon (i) Candidates who are not recommended for appointment by the selection ttee will be individually informed by issue of a regret letter.<. where Possible. that would be called for interview for each the (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. 501.. On therecommen the selection committee.<. cutiv~ beyond one year. be effective from 24/2/83 (Annexure III (7) may be seen). 1977.6.p.per month in the first year of their training and Rs. the Jr. were not required to execute any separate contract under the App tices Act. I 1 j ! I ! i Recruitment of Trainee Welfare Officers. He will be placed in the regular scalf Rs. 7501.per month in lhelr second year of training as against the present rates of Rs.77 (that is.p. They will become eligible for absorption as regular welfare Officers in E-l grade after successful completion of two years training period. it must be ensured that the executive has submitted all documentary evidence to the satisfaction.p.m.M.6. 725-40-1325/. m. For this purpose. 459/3241 dated 9th July. may be placed in the regular scali Rs. 850/.in the case of graduates and Rs. Executive Trainees are taken in CIL on a corisolid stipend of Rs. of the competent authority ill respect of his age.Procedure with regard to closure of probation or otherwise: first year aI)d Rs.p. 7251-. the executive concerned should be informed of the reasons for s'uch extensions in order to provide him adequate opportunity to improve.2·1983 (Anl)exure /II (5) may be seen). m. I Before confirming an officer against a particular post. experience etc.m. Confirmation of an executive after successful completi'on of the probationary period will be issued after obtaining written approval of the competent authority in each case. however. ! i I I I t (2) To avoid disparity between the fresh entrants under the new scheme and thOSe all" recruited as JETs. education. 600/. who have initially been appointed in a particular post. 8051. From the second year onwards and on successful completion oj apprenticeship during the first year. In respect of officers in the grade of E-6 and above.725-40-1325/with effect from 1st June. (6) (7) The period of training for JETs (Mining) will continue to be the revised scheme.p. 10801. They will become eligible for consideration for promotion to E-2 grade after putting in a minimum of two years: service in E-2 grade. will now be under the Apprentices Act. Managing Directors of the respective companies will exercise the powers of the competent authority in respect of officers in the grade of E-5 and below. m. in the second year. will be confirmed in that post on successful completion of the probatiQnary period. during the first year of training and to Rs. This will come into effect from 1.75. for the first year and registered under the Apprentices During this period they arc also entitled to leave facilities as provided unde] said Act. UJ I r non-mining engineel laid down iJl this 0: 1975. the date from wbich the revised scheme came) force) with a fixed pay of Rs. On satisfactory completion of two years trah 11 10 l . in the first year and Rs. the recommendation for closure of probation or otherwise may be forwarded to the Coal India headquarters supported by reasons for extension wherever recommended so that Coal India headquarters can communicate to the executive concerned the reasons for extending the probation JJ~riQ~ iHllJropriatflly. only after satisfactory completion of the full period of their illustrations would elucidate the position : one year which. 3. In respect of officers in the grade of E-6 and above. 765/.10.f. Stipend for Welfare Officer (Trainees) has been increased to Rs.e. 725-13251. 850/. they may be placed in the regular seal Rs. Junior Executive Trainees and Management Trainees Recruitment of Welfare Officers : Qualified Welfare Officers would be recruited as Trainee Welfare Officers with a fixed stipend of Rs.on 1. Other JETs already under trai should be given this scale as and when they complete the first year of trail They. as memo No.1977. effect from 1. The conSOlidated stipend payable to Welfare Officer1. durin-g the second year of training w. (5) The revised scheme is also applicable to the Jr. 1977. in the second year of training.19 Recruitment of JET (MininglElectrical/Mechanical/Civiljlndustrial eering and Management Trainee) 1) En~ ! f f As decided in the MDs' Conference No. 8001.and be allowed all facilities that are presently available to other executives. A specimen appoint! letter is enclosed at Appendix III (3) I Whenever it is considered necesS\lry to extend the probationary period of an exe.1977. Executive Trainees in the stores purchase cadre who are graduates in any of the above mentioned enginee disciplines. (3) The JETs and Management Trainees are also required to execute a bond to s the company for at least three years after successful completion of the training. will be admiss training. qualification. 700/. m. lhe follov (a) 'A' joined as JET (Meeh) on 1. Tllese Ttvised rates Issue of formal confirmation orders to the executives who have successfully completed probationary period: the case of mining graduates.p.p. 750/.6. it was also decided tlJat such of the JETs who bad completedre! training of one year as on Ist June 1977. in the i i (4) The revised scheme is also applicable to the Management Trainees who join company as such after obtaining MBA degree although they are not required t« registered under the Apprentices Act. Chairman Coal India will be the competent authority. Apx/Adm/167D/O. The benefits of higher initial start of Rs. 24. 1030/. (Trainee) has been revised to Rs. Junior Executive Trainee or Management Trainee will not be confirmed unless and until he has successfully completed the probationary period after his appointment in a regular scale which will be after his successful completion of the training period. m.4 heMin the first week of May. 77.I During this pe:riod also they will not I?e entitled to any other allowances.10.On the.12.1977 with the initial pay of Rs. after successful completion cf the training. and passed the final qualifying departmental examination in the fi.12. these Ml (F) will bj'l apppinted regljlijf scale in the grC!deof Rs. Apx/Admn 1670/0. training period etc.1978. 725/. His next normal inCrelUnlt will fall due on 1. The condition mode of execution of bond will remain unaltered.77 may be allowed the leave as admissible to the JETs registered' under the Apprentice Act with effect from 1.78 and will be given the initial pay of Rs.79.78 at the fixed pay of Rs.12. Howeverf those whl? Were not declilred successful in the qualifying examin in the 'first attempt and appeared in subsequent examinations will be absorb E-2grade from ihe date of announcement of the result of the particular examin in which they qualify for absorption (Annexure III (4) may be . who has been a graduate apprentice under the Apprentices ~ct an: whose case the contract of apprenticeship was terminated for any reason w sQl\lVer .9. They will not be entitled to any other allowances dl the period of their training. m. 1975 will continue to apply to the extent indicated below. may bj'l seen at annt III (5).77 pro . l) No engineering graduate. In addition to fixed pay.78 he will be absorbed as Engineer in E-2 grade with effect from 31. In respect of t the orders contained in this office memo No. 725-1325/will be eligib]e to other allowances and facilities as are available to other execu~ives.77 with a fixed pay of Rs. 320.rst attempl be absorbed in E-2 grade from the date of completion of two years training pective of the date of announcement of the result. be as per leave rules of the company applicable to executive cadre employees. does not apply to the Management Trainee (Fin who are governed by a separate scheme and who will be absorbed in the reI scale of Rs. The Jr.76.459/3241 d 9th July. In such cases the entire two years training would be under the company's scheme and the trainees would not be required to execute any contract of apprenticeship.11. (b) The: MT (F) will bll on training for a minimum period of two yellrs.1977.on 30.8.Dllring second vear the said trainees will be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs.Payable during the second year of training would continue to be:: paid during the extended pc::rjodof tmining witbOlH ilny inmm. In other words.12. the fixed pay of Rs. 900/.) on 1. 725-1 ~25/. 765/. shall be e]igib1e for being engaged as an apprentice under the Apprentices Act.only with effect from 1.ale they wiH be entitled to all allowances and perquisites as admissible to executive cadre employees of CIL. M. They will. however. The admissibility of leave during the second year to all the JETs and MTs will.12. however. the JETs on being placed in the scale of Rs.only after successful completion of two years training on their passing the departmental qualifving exa~ination.after successfully completing one year's training with effect from 31.ithout the prior approval of the concerned Apprenticeship Adviser.seen) Further amendments of emoluments.p. He will be absorbed as Under Manager in the regular E-2 scale with effect from 10. 725-13251.with effectfrom 1.rata.1977 and is registered as apprentice under the Apprentices Act. 3·20.3 Bond The MT (F) will have to execute.79 when he is absorbed as Engineer on satisfactory completion of extended period of training. 725-1325/. before joining.•• .11 76 On satisfactory completion of one year's training he will be placed in the regular scale of Rs. He should normally complete another year of training undcr elL's scheme on 31-8-79 but his performance during the.6. 725/-.M.with effect from 1. He satisfactorily completes the training under tbe Apprentices Act on 31.1979.77 with a fixed pay of R5.2 Emoluments (a) During the period of 1st year of training the MT(F) will be paid a consolid stipend of Rs. On satisfactory completion of two years training on 30. have to execute the usual bond in favour of the company. (11) A person. however. 3·20.5. apppintment in a reI sc. (c) After successful completion of the training. C5A (jjj)/51186/4272 dated 2nd Septen 1981 that the Management Trainees (Finance) who had completed two years tr.12.11.~halliillso not be eligible for being engaged as an apprentice under the Act w. 775-1325/. He will be placed in the scale ofRs.12. who had training or job experien~e for a period of one year or more after the graduation. ]3 l' ' . 'B' joined as JET (Civil) on 31. 12 The revised scheme. 725/-.9.10. He obtains the 2nd class mine manager's certificate on 10. a bond to serve the compan atleasfthree years. 725-]3251.91977 he will be absorbed as Engineer in the E-2 scale with an initial starting pay of Rs.with effect from having not been found satisfactory the period of training is extended by two months upto 31.1 Management Trainee (Finance) 'c' Joined as JET (Mining) on 1.ut. 8001. 7251-. Executive Trainees and Management Trainees who had not completed the first year of their training by 31. 805/joined as JET (Elec. He will be given the higher start of Rs 765/. He will be placed in the regular scale of Rs. '0' Note: It has been clarified vide O. 765/-. 1 grade plus usual allowances like DA/ HRA/CCA and coalfields allowance wherever admissible.3. confidential report of the executive c. Annexure III (3). Even in respect of such cases 60 years of age should be the dead II (3) The overriding considerations for re-employment or grant of extension are: 20. m. c) During the second year of training period. During the first year they will draw pay at the minimum of E. Their confirmation in the E·2 grade will be done in terms of extant rules on the subjact and guidelines given in Annexure III (6). dated 30. 11/3296. On successful completion of the training they will be fixed at the minimum of E-2 scale. _ .1979 it has been decided that the Junior Executive Trainees/Management Trainees who will be directly recruited after the date of issue of this order will be on training for a period of two years.arned leave) as per the provision contained in the leave rules.6 Qualifying Service for the Purpose of Gratuity The period spent on training will be treated as qualifying service for the purpose of retirement gratuity scheme of the company provided the trainee successfully completes the training period and is appointed in the regular scale. The casual leave will be calculated proportionately from the date of joining the organisation. the trainees will be entitled to.!~~!!!I .: I 15 I . .. C5A/50972/45 dated 2.4 Leave 3) Proposal with Regard to Extension/Re-employment of Executives Compulsory Retirement on Attaining the age of 58 years. b) They will not be entitled to any other leave during the 1st year of training. ClL/C5 (A)/50990!Vol. The policy of Coal India in regard to extension of service to officers who have rl the age of superannuation is not to give any extension to officers who have r.per month during the first year and Rs. 950/· per month during the second year.3. should be carefully scrutinised and all other information that may be should be taken into account to judge whether the it terest of the services of the exec: good r. besides the casual leave. The JETs on successful completion of their training/apprenticeship will be placed. They Will not be entitled to any other type of leave during the period of training. however.1983 the period of training of the JETs has been reduced from two years to one year. the services of an execut essentially required in the interest of the company on the ground that a' pa expertise is not available. As per CIL's Office Memorandum No. leave on full paY(E. 9001· p. ~B 1. (I) No proposal for extension of service/re-employment beyond the age of superam should ordinarily be considered. during which time. As per CIL's letter No. essentially required in the company and he has a for integrity and honesty. iDtm~t 9f t!!~ l!fa company: (4) Whenever re-employment or extension of service of an executive beyond of superannuation is recommended. (5) Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the concerned company will pe scrutinise the proposal before recommending re-employment/extension ( beyond the age of superannuation and every such proposal must specify ane the written approval of Chairman-cum-Managing Director.20 7 General The management reserves the right to extend the period of their training without notic@ lit it~ dl~Grtltionl DurinQ lhll ~xtended period of training the MT (F) will continue to get a consolidated stipend of Rs. the age of superannuation. Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the COI subsidiary company may recommend re-employment in preference to extel service. there is any exceptional cirCUlI on the ground of a particular expertise not available the following uniform dure for submission of such proposals to Coal India is laid down : During the 1st year of training period. they will be paid a conso· lidated stipend of Rs.20. ~~~'~~I~~~~~~~~~!~~ . (Further clarification may be seen at Annexure 111(5) 2. .11. at minimum of E-2 grad3.21 W. The unavailtd portion of the earned leave will be carried forward on their appointment in the regular scale.. 14 (a) that other executives of the company are not ripe enough to take over the view of shortage of personnel in the particular specialisation : or (0) that the retiring executive is of outstanding merit : or (c) that the employee concerned has a good reputation for integrity and hon iba! his sei'lJil!e~ euentilIly fcquirod in tb.. ~. (6) All the proposals concerning re-employment I extension of service of the should be sent to C-5 Division of Coal India Limited headquarters we on the profol'ma enclosed.5 leave Travel Concession The trainees will be entitled to leave travel concession during the second year of training period in terms of the company's LTC rules. trainees will be entitled to only 12 days' casual leave in a calendar year. In case. (2) Whenever. in rare and exceptional circumstances. 8501. 1_. follows promotion In order tofrom one that promotions ensure grade to another will be laid down are Coal hI'.•..... 16 ' . (ii) Members unless for promotion ! i I k t ~:' (b) (i) Promotion of Executives Within Each Company and on all Company Basis Itltra Company Promotions The companies may hold meetings of Departmental Promotion Committees as I fi I Board No.e. . e. No officer on deputation I foreign service may be considered he has given his option for absorption in the company... (c) A representative quarters. ~ K¥ftr¢~~f~. f '--PC '11 II b for holding meetll1gs 0 'U S WI norma yeas June/July each year.. consisting of Chairman. and E-6.i!:~ •• •. (b) Head of the Department of the cerned company when considerin cases of their particular discipline. of Coal India f i Ii t I Board No... r (iC) Board No... -. -. i t. ) Board No. Coal India.. in the companies by the by andIndia y head uarI i •. ". There will be three Departmental Promotion Committees for cO!l~iQGrin&the 01fi()l!f~ for promotion fram One grade to another as indicated below : t I ..All CMDs of subsidiary Companies any other member(s) nominated by Chairman. I I I (ii) Members Cellttalised Promotio1lS I ! The cases of officers for promotion from E-5 grade to E-6 grade and above will be considered centrally at Coal India headquarters..:hapter IV CADRE SCHEMES AND PROMOTION PROCEDURES basis of reco- Composition The composition of 0 pes of the Depaltmclltal Promotion Committees will be as follow (a) Board No I: 0) Presiding This Board will deal with all promotion cases of officers froll to E-8 grade. All promotions from one executive grade to another will be on the mmendation of duly constiluted Departmental Promotioll Committee.1~jJII:8Il~I.. of the remaining compames. Division. 4. jllM~~..:r~~f. and issue orders of promotion against existing vacancies...f. Coal India Limited.IJn11111'Jlf •• II.. Coal India. The composition of the Board will be : Presiding Officer One of the CMOs to benominah Chairman.. whether they are employed at Coal India headquarters or in any of the subsidiary companias. will be considered for promo. consisting of all CMOs of subsidiary companies and Chi. q I.5 grade) conslstlOg of representatives of the company concerned and also the representatives of the other subsidiary companies and Coal India headquarters. (c) Chief of Personnel Limited. the cases of officers in E-5 grade and above. while normally the cases of officers upto E-4 grade will be considered for promotion in their respective companies. and above. Coal India Limited. Coal India Limited... on t e of officers to be considered for .. .•..II: It will deal with DPCs of all officers in the pay scale of grad..DPe for of DPes 17 ters every year. III: i. all CMDs of subsidiary companies and any other member nominated by the Chairman... promotions grades. per approvtld composition for considering officers for promotion from one grade to another upto E-5' grade.. II in respect of OPC for prom0tion from E-5 to E-6 grade and E-6 to E-? grade.. (a) CMDs... The composition of the DPC will be as under : Officer Chairman. HI in respect of company DPCs (upto E.. The schedule . Departme same b· 'd' aSlS. i.ef of Personnel Division of Coal India and the Head of the Division concerned at Coal India he"dquarters..I'. (i) Presiding Officer (ii) Members CMD of the company Board No. GUi e hnes and datum lines and block . I t (b) Head of the Division concerne· Coal India headquarters when c dering cases of their particular pline only. These Boards will de-. Coal ~ .5 Scheduleengineering cadre (a) ..tion at the Coal India headquarters...IJJn"'''I.. I in respect of DPC for promotions from E-? to E-8 grade. (a) One nominee of each of the CMI the remaining companies_ Such I nees shall not be below the grac E-7. (d) Chief of the Personnel the concerned company.]~ I~U..••.. arge.r~11..d with cases of officers from upto the grade E-5 and will be on company E-! wise to Tbe BOllfd(~) will COmprisE of (be following - ! concerned. of Para 4.ll duly with immediate to implement the atter of promotion. A suggested proforma is placed at Appendix iv (1). II and I.dings for considerations of the cadre controlling authority. i. (b) All efforts should be.JPC for accounts and finance cadre August each year. .7. 3. G.CMD orCIL.8./1026 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date 17-8-88 in the above schedule s may be decided by the cadre controlling authority. All Divisional Reads. (0). All concerned are rcques'ed (P) /lav •• bet. Directors (Pl.>~r 9f :fore the DPG for information. the reasons thereof shall be clearly explained in the pro.NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA .700001 No. 2. ClL. indicate Id those found suitable for promotion. The above 'recommendations approwd by the competent authority. )PC for medical cadre. Calcutta. before consiring other eligible departmental candidates. full personal data indicating I relevant information relating to the eligible executives shall be presented to the . in respect If Boards Nos. 1. 4 5. Yil~iin\liGB in the grllde(. (a) It is decided that there will be no relaxation from nOll-executive to executive cadre.7 of the Common Coal Cadre lays down eligibility norms for promotion from non-executive to executive cadre as well as from one grade to another within executive cadre.mmittee.1973. in its proceedings.1972/1. ClL. Rooghly.UtJ .the confidential ppraisal reports at least for the last three years are complete in all respects for >nsideration of the committee. 1eetings of DPCs may be convened COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL BHAWAN 10 . of engineering disciplines 2 While necessary guidelines for grant of relaxation in qualification norms for consideratiun of promotion:within the executive cadre upto E-5 grade have already been issued to all subsidiary companies. ECL/BCCL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SEQ. May each year. ( R. it shall be ensured that . Calcutta Add!. each year 30 Aprit. 6. effect.r. CMPBI. Ie DPC shall. (c) Date of eligibility should be counted as on 31st December of the previous of the meeting of the Directors above decisions year. C-5 A (iii)/521OH/Pt.CMD of the concerned compllny. SINGH) GENERAL MANAGER (PERSONNEL) Chairman -cum-Managing Directors. 4. made to make the in the (P) held in elL prop~r evaluation by the DPCs. the DPC adopts certain norms different from the norms indicated in Appendix (2) and the d<itum lines fixed by elL from time to time while recommending any rticular executive(s).e. For promotion to the grade of E-7 and E-8 . September at any time than those each year. Chief Engineer (Operations). Coal India Ltd. Ie DPC should determine the number of eligible candidates to be considered DISTRIBUTION 1. Dankuni. ghJIl aI~o be j3IRlleli every year. each year For promotion to the grade from E-l to E. Assam. For any relaxation either in the minimum length of service or minimum the following are the cadre controlling authorities. each time.I~~n~ I . the question of grant of relaxation for promotion from nonexecutive to executive cadre was discussed in the 3Jrd meeting the Directors on 21-12-1987 when the following consensus was arrived at. III and Chairman.5 . Ie DPC shall consider those who have not been promoted at all since nationalition of coking coat/non-coking coal mines. >PC for other general services. CMDs of subsidiary ompanies in respect of Board No. nnual appraisal/confidential reports in respect II respects including final review and forwarded Ie date indicated hereunder : 1 respect of all executives 1 respect of all others. the reason for their recommendations shall be recorded by ~ concerned Departmental Promotion Committee to provide sufficient oppornity to the executive concerned to improve. DCC. G~neral Manager. the names of executives considered Where an officer is by-passed in the 3. viz. qualification :fore convening the meetings of the DPC. Margherita.) length of service for promotion in a particular month examination atement showiqg tlW !!l!I!11. iuidelines for Holding DPC Meetings • clear 15 days notice for holding DPCs shall be given to the representatives oal India headquarters and other subsidiary companies. on the basis of the number of vacancies available in the higher grade the ratio of 1:5 While considering the eligible departmental candidates in 18 NEe. 1 order to enable (0 (ii) of executives will be completed in to the competent authorities by 31 May./CMPDI. ECLlBCCL/CCL/NCLIWCL/SECL/Director General Manager (HRD). the guidelines for relaxation were approved with the t"oll modifications. CMPDJ. P. (0). . 2. withiJ executive cadre upto E-5 grade and cases of relaxation for promotion to tbe bigber fulfilling the above guidelInes are submitted to ClL lHQ) with complete details and fication well in advance from the date of DPC for approval by Director (P&IR). CALCUT POST BOX NO. requested to see that the above men' ..)~. CIl. 871 COAL BHAWAN 10 . "Very Good". therefore. sub-para Office Memorandum dated 2-3-1988 stands modified as follows . ECL/BCCL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SECL/CMPDI.5 (A) (iii)/51823/Pt. C-5 A liii)/51823/Pt.COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL lNDlA LIMITED "COAL 10-~E1'AJT BHAWAN" \ SUBHAS ROAD. . All subsidiary companies are./1824. All Divisional Heads.guideliIW~for relaxations are strictly followed for consideration of promotion. Margherita. randmll Tbe otber conditions for grant of relaxation dated 2-3-1988 will remain unaltered. (P). the subject of grant of relaxation in qualification norms for the purpose of consideration promotion within the executive cadre was discussed in the 24th CMOs' meet held 24-9-1988 at New Delhi and as per decision taken therein. Ycurs GENERAL faithful! MANAG: ( A. Further to this Office Memorandum dated 2-3-19{ ~ ~. Assam. C·5A/(iii)/51823/Pt/l090 dated 28-H Date: rA - 700 001 t' Dated 6-10-19J Ref. General Manager. Ranchi. Chief General Manager. Dankuni. elL. 3.700001 No. SINGH) OI1NRltAL MANAGER justification well in advance from the date or BPe for approval by Di (P&IR). SINH DISTRIBUTION 1. DCC. The performance of tbe officer during the last 3 years should atle ii). I . All cases of relaxation for promotion to the higher grade fulfilling the guidelines should be submitted to ClL (HQ) with complete details in the Office Memr' ' ( R./1404 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. No relaxation in respect of executives who are not graduates be cons iii) iv) v) for promotion beyond E-5 level for non-technical disciplines. ECL/BCCl/CCL/NCl/WCl/SECl/Dtrector Hooghly. Similarly the executives who do not possess even Diploma in Tee disciplines should not be considered for promotion beyond E-5 grade. 5. as mentioned tbe subject of grant of relaxation either in the minimum length of service or min qualifications for the purpose of consideration of promotion within the executive cadre E-5 grade and discussed in the 17th meeting or'the CMOs held on 7-2-1988 at CIl after due deliberations. C-5A (iii)/51823/Pt. G./1824 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. The concerned executives should have put in atleas! 6 years service i) 'grade against the normal eligibility period of 3 years.- (i) of the sai I ! I " i) The concerned executive sbould bave put in at least 5 (five) years' servii in the grade against tbe normal eligibility period of 3 years.NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA . No. 4.. Calcutta. C·. i f Further to tbis Office Memorandum f . elL. NEC. " 2. Chairman -cum-Managing Directors Directors.. . . \ Yours faithfL (AP Copy to :1. Ranchi. Nagpur. Northern Coalfields ltd. Central Coalfields Ltd . ./631 OFFICE MEMORANDUM No: Reference is invited to CIL's Office Memorandum No. 2. SINGH GENERAL MANAGER (P) ISTRIBUTION Chairman -cum-Managing Directors. Executive Secretary to Director (P & IR). WCL. Ranchi.• Sanctoria. ECL/BCCL/CGL/NCL I WC L/SECL/CMPDI. Chief Personnel Manager (EB). Director (Personnel) Eel: CCL : acel : WCL : NCl :SECL. Chief Personnel Manager/Personnel Manager(EB). General Manager (P&W). bilaspur.utives for promotion upto E-5 grade posted in the snbsidiary will be· consiqert:d by CMD of the concerned subsidiary company on the basis of guidelines embodied in : Office Memorandum dated 2-3-1988 referred to above. The above milt on 29th December. CMPDI. Chief Personnel Manager. Sinha General Manager ( [ for informati [ & necessary l . JANUARY 8.. BCL..700 001 CIL: C-5A (ii) : 51287 Eastern : 348 Director Ltd . All Divisional Heads. (EE)!Officer-in-Charge of the Executive Establishment of the Company and )roval of Dir(P) and CMO of the concerned company obtained before-hand for putting such cases before a duly constituted DPC. Oankuni Coal Complex.5 A (iii)151823/Pt.~. Western Coalfields Ltd. . guidelines should be laid down for guida~t&. BCCL Dhanbad. '. ltd .. It Wft!l decided t relaxation in qualification norms the qualifying period will be in place of normal 3 years in the grade below. Hooghly.. Chief Personnel Manager (EEl. Grant of relaxation in the qualification norms in respect of executives in E-S SUBI-IAS ROAD CALCUTTA . CMPOIL.. Chief Personnel Manager/Dy. It is clarified that grant of relaxation in the qualification norms in respect of .~~.• Assam. 'c. Nagpur. Sallctoria.. Sub: Dear Sir.ct~t hioher &rade will continue be dealt with by CIL(HQ) on the basis of guidelines approved in the CMD's meet held 7-2-1988. \t'. . Add!. Dankuni. General Manager (EE). Ranchi. C-5 A (iii)/51823/P/1824 ~d 2-3-1988 circulating guidelines laying down the norms for grant of relaxation in the lification for consideration of promotion within the executive cadre upto E-5 grade as .}'l!f: '.roved in the 17th meeting of the CMDs held on 7-2-1988 at CIL. CIL.•••. ClL. norms for promotion.-'J~ COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHA WAN" 10 • NETAJI C . The executive rned must have earned a 'Very Good' assessment consecutill the last 3 years before his case is considered. Calcutta Chief General Manager.cum . The decision of the CM Os in the that! and it was decided ~de and above cons.. Add!.-r'""::":7l'!:. Dist. is as under :-"The individual cases were examined matter was discussed North Eastern Coalfields ":~~ -. R.• Ranchi. ECL/BCCL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SECL. Each case for grl1nt of relaxation the qualification nC\fms in respect of the executives who are not eligible for consideration promotion to the next higher grade on the baSIS of the prescribed qualification llllllliQ Nn in the relevant Cadre Scheme/Cummon Coal Cadre has to be thoroughly scrutinised the G.700001 Date 23-6-8t~ COAL INDIA LIMnED "COAL BHAWAN" 10 . Ltd. G.' . The Dir(P) of the Coal Companies are o to ensure that there is absolute no deviation from the laid down norms in matter grant of relaxation. SECL. Grant of relaxation in qualification in the meeting of the CM Os 1987 at Cil Hqs. Singrauli. Calcutta.".NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTT A.Managing Coalfields __.. CMPDI. and all cases be referred to CMOs' Meet for decision. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. Singrauli. Ranchi. Dhanbad . General Manager (P&A). NCL.". .-" ". The companies were ( to send cases afresh in light of the above guidelines. Directors (P). Director (0).dWHtM of their promotion tl? tb. This issues with the approval of competent authority. Dy. (EE). Add!.H' The Chairman . M. General Manager. 6i1aspur. '. IJ. ceL.~ Bharat~Coking Coal 'Ltd. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute The General Manager. The above is for your information and necessary action. No. Assam. 5. All Divisional Chief General General Manager. CALCUTTA . Hooghli. mee! from time 10 lime. lhe issue was also discussed at the 86th meeting of the Board of Directors of CIL vide Item No. t 2.purpose of consideration of promotion within the executive cadre upto E-$ grade including promotion froIll nonexecutive to executive cadre as provided under para 4. 4. ECL/BCCL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SECl.. ECL/BCCL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SECL/(MPDI./1090 Dated 28-10-1987.·~~~~t. . Margherita. C-5A (iii)/51823/Pt.. ••• . I" . DCC.fi1'~fJll~r."'~~l..I~~_~~~~~'~.~. Heads. Calcutta. 871 ! . . I I Ref. I I I I I ~ I I I r ( A.. 3.)i:.. NEe.(CMPDJ. Chairman-cum-Managing Directors Directors.'.COAL INDIA LIMITED "COhL BHAWAN" lO-NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD. SlNGH) GENERAL MANAGER (P) DISTRIBUTION 1.7 of chapter . Manager. P. 86:4 (p) held on 6-7-1987 when the Board directed that specific proposals regarding grant of relaxation for individual cases may be decided in the CMOs meet so that the discretion could be exercised uniformly thereby avoiding the possibility of imbalances in career growth and discontentment amongst the employees. Dankuni.700 001 POST BOX NO. 2. Accordingly. (P). all proposals regrading grant of relaxation either in the mInImum length of service or minimum qualifications for individual cases for promotion to the grade from E-I to E-5 should be forwarded to Coal India Headquarters for being put up before the C!._~JfiI •• um~!~~:lUilllJJQrn ~II.ID.~ I . OFFICE MEMORANDUM The matter regarding evolving of a uniform policy about grant of relaxation either in the minimum length of service or minimum qualifications for the .IV of the common coal cadre has been engaging the attention of the management for some time. CIL.1:\~t'~. 9 (i) Criteria lor ~romotion The criteria for . No.79). (ij) Beyond E-3 grade the criteria for promotion would be merit·cum-seniority. (jv) The candidates considered for promotion would be grouped into three categc \liz._riI1'~nfll't. each year.'~~i~i\ii. consideration for promotion to (e) Any relaxation.promotion from one grade to another upto the level of E-3 g Would be seniority-cum-merit.87. E-7 and E-8. A. 'IftP'1I&1llI8r •••• '&IUiMr.M. the ratio of the for.~"~~Ji~lll'it~~~~~)'~=~~~Jf ••• 19 . this limit may not apl instead the DPC may consider all the eligible departmental candidates and n mmend a panel of officers in order of merit. to E 5 For promotion to the grades of E-6. (f) (0 (ii) For promotion to the grade from E-. Unless otherwise stipulated in the relevant cadre schemes. Officers.10. an executive ha put in a minimum of three'years service in a particular grade 'before he beco 1 (d) and block of officers to be of Coal India promotion from will ~. E-2 and E-3. will be first C( dered for promotion befOre considering those categorised as 'B' Normally. type and length of exper: qualifications. 28.~(MinOlJJt1t11!rMU •• - "_·lnl g .etermine datum 0 The Personnel Division considered for headquarters one grade to the I eligible for whch shall be strictly followed.ti~. and C. either in the minimum length of service or minimum qualifical shall be only with the specific written approval of the cadre controlling autho The following scheme: shall be the cadre controlling authorities for purposes of coal c. etc.however. .. <D (Deleted Vide O.) (a) tb) The promotions of departmental executives will be step-by-step according to channel of promotion indicated in the cadre schemes placed at Appendix IV The eligibilitY of exequtives for consideration for promotion shall be determi on the basis of minimum qualification and minimum period of service in a p. 4. no established seniroity is avail in the grades of E-1.7 Eligibility Nqrms for Promotion (See Circular Dt. the next higher grade.7. 'iiil Where there is an established seniority.. vacancy.theconcerned DPC will determine the r inter-se am0rlgst t~ose found suitable which will form the basis for promotion also for evolving seniority in the promoted grade. /4. B.CMD of the concerned comp --CMD of coal India Limited. C5(A)/S099611432 dated 5. off categorised as 'C' are not recommended for promotion. each. cutar grade as indicated in the respective cadre schemes placed at Appendix IV (cl.lf.whose cases inter-se seniority has not yet been established. who are categorised in the grade 'A'. on the basis of recorded preformance. Amongst those catego number of eligible cc dates for consideration against the vacancies should be at the rate of five candie I m~~~~\t. CIL. the purpose of drawing emoluments of those in the COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL BHA W AN CONFIDENT! higher grades will be from the date the concerned officer assumes charge of t. . they might automatically claim entitlement for relaxation of qualificatioJ experience. : 871 Dated.Selection for promotion . for appointrni for conducting thlt tgit will be 115 laid down by the Apex TminingBollrd India headquarters. Ranchi and finance management 10% of the posts to. . . for these fact. the date of issue of promotion shall determine the seniority and eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade. The maximum aggreg. 10 . it has been decided that the followi norms may be adopted for selection of non-executive cadre employees in executive cadre posts after passing the qualifying cxamination. However. Sub :. in any exceptional executive cadtes. marks for these five factors will be 100 and minimum qualifying marks in aggregate 1 emparolment will be 60. ·" IJJ•• _ ••• _Ql~f •• tll.700001 NO. It is seen that the list of candidates furnisl by the . 2. be filled in a financial year 113rd 1/3rd 50% 50'10 50% 100% -do-do-do-do-do-doDear Sir.. For the purpose of uniformity.ensule that onl! those candidates wh~ fulfil I eligibility nurms with regard to quallficatlOlls and expenence as per the prescnbed Cal Schemes appear in the examination and the in~1i8i~l._.'c . : Mining Discipline - from Non-executive to Executive Cadre In order to provide promotional who are unable to obtain second opportunites to the Overmen/Senior Overmen. the next qualifying examination for selection for promoti of non-executive cadre employees to executive eadres in non-technical disciplines scheduled to be held in December next.•. The syllabi and the methodology As yon are aware..1) above will be on the basis of selection test and interview on the basis of merit. (0 Qualifications (ii) experiel (iii) ACRs for the last 3 years (iv) Written Test (v) Interview. CCL.Companies to the General Hanager (MD&T). Iillmlidllteliam not allowed to in the written test.NETA 1T SUBHAS ROAD .as 'A' or'S' the order of promotion would be according to the seniority in 'A' liSt first and then according to the seniority of those in'S' list The date of effect of promotion for.~~~il~_IJIBl[ll11lII: ••. class competency certificate. Ranchi Director. CALCUtTA POST BOX No. it has been decided to by the following eligible Overment for consideration for promotion Overman or Head Overman in upgrade 15% of each of the total posts occupied Senior Overmen to E-1 grade.•. suitability or otherwise of an employee for promotion to execut cadre will be determined on the basis of five factors vi:il. etc.•••" •.trI~rnlnj__ • - . . It is also seen that varying standards and methodology are being followed different Subsidiary Compllnies in selection of non-executive cadre employees for promoti to executive cadres. It is therefore. As su~h. requested that the lists of candidates sent by yc Company should be re-examined and names of all ineligible candidates be removed the from with mtimation to the General Manager (MD&T).. the 16th Nov. contain many names of candija who are not eligible for considrration for promotion to executive cadre as per t relevant Cadre Schemes. from non-executive Engineering (Non-mining) Personnel & administration Sales & marketing Other miscellaneous Survey All promotions from the senior most non-executive grade to the executive grade to fill in the departmental quota as indicated in 11.. In case the candidate does D possess the prescribed minimum qualification and has been given relaxation by tbe eal Controlling Authority. BCCL. CMPDlL. WCL. GENBRAL MANAGER (P} _iiiil. •. Dhanbad Dircctor. the marks will be reduced as per disCICti of the ope.he higher post on receipt of the promotion lorders. to . The methodology for allotment of marks. in case the incum- 20 Six marks will be given for possessing the minimum qualiticatiolls as prescribed the relevant Cadre Scheme. C-5 A (iii}/51023/I/925 The Chairman-cnm-Managing The The The The Chairman-cnm-Managing Chairman-cum-Managinl: Chairman-cum·Managing Chairman-cnm-Managing Director.~:~:~~~~i4~~~~~~~0. Sanctoria to Executive Cadre promotion to grade : E-1 or E-2l.1s the case will be as follows for departmental desciplines Director. 3 As at present. Nagpur Director. Promotional Opportunities From Non-executives The quota reserved may be.10 marks Seven 'years experience as Senior Overman or Head Overman bent does not possess anyrecognised diploma. will be as under: - (i) Qualifications . If the ineligible candidates are allowed to sit in the qualifyi examination. CIL. Additional marks may be given for additional' qualificatic acquired by the candidates as may be decided by the DPC. it is necessary.. in various Accounts Materials to Certain Categories of Employees ECL. The eligibility would be : Seven years total experience as Overman/Senior the case of recognised mining diploma holders. Hod CO~I Promotion of non-executives to the executive entry grade in the discipl ines where there is no established channel of promotion will be only on the basis of the recommendation of the selection committee against advertisement! notification of vacancies which will be centrally controlled by Coal India HQs. Copy for information General General General C-S(A) Manager Manager. - will be examined by the DPC. Calcutta.5 A/(iii)/S1823/1/1252 To. (MD&T).-2COAL Experience : 10 marks Six marks will be given for the maybe minimum experience as prescribed year's in the t Cadre Scheme. : 871 highest non-executive grade from which the employee is considered for promotion.• I . The maximum aggregate marks f these 4 factors will be 100 and minimum qualifying marks in aggregate for empanelme will be 60 The methodology for allotment of marks etc. Additional marks the minimum qualifications as prescril: qualificatic 10% in Wr. e.ITherefore. ACRs .10 marks Six marks will be given for possessing Cadre Scheme. CCL. Ranchi INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHA WAN" lO-NETA}I'SUBHASROAO. One mark given· After each additiol1al experience No. Written Test . qualifyil)g marks in the written test will be 40%. (iv) I C-S(A) of six: months and more as on the date of the DPC I Selection Committee be treated as one year and experience of less than six months be ignored. (i) Qualifications (ii) Experien Yours faithfully (Hi) ACRs for the last 3 years and (iv) Interview. down for selcc~i9n of non-executive cadre employees for cadre posts after passing the qualifying examination It selection are being followed in the case of appointment employees to the posts of Under Managers and Accounts in whose cases qualifying tests are presently not bemg uniformity. Tests 10% in Interview ( C. Dankuni. Interview - 25 marks concerned ill your Company may be advised to adhere to the the fo\1owing norms H 1s requested thataH e norms in future. ECL. for these factors will be as under:(i) Qualifications . The suitability or othClrwise of an employee for promotion to executive cadre in sUo ca~es will be determined on the basis of 4 factors viz.. Manager. Calcutta. CALCUTTA-700 001 Date 7-2-198: CON FIDENTIAI POST BOX NO. C-S (A) (iii)/SI823/1192S. (iii) ACHs 30 marks Confidential reports for the previous three years will be examined Marks to be given for each year's performance will be as follows . to :CIL.[a] Outstunding 10 Ib] Very Good l:) Chief of Marketing. xation in the period of experience has been given by the Cadre Controlling rity in any excePtional case.40 marks The. C . Ranchi Director. whose performance Barely Adequate is assessed less tban good in any of years under etc" will not be considered i. it has been decided to adopt cadre employeM far llPpointment/promotion dated 16-11-1984. BeeL. CIL. BHANDARI ) GBNERAL MANAGER. The marks actually obtained e each 'candidate will he converted to 40% for the purpose of selection. CMPDIL. R. Experie meeting D NEC. ~~~~~~~II_" . by the D (ii) I C~S(A) (viii). to nw i\~Qve mentioned 2. Assam Experience . Adequate.15 marks Confidential reports for the previous three years to be given for each year's prformance 43 5 Outstanding Good Good Very a) c) b) will be as' follows :- . CIL. Sub :. CIL. The Chairman-cum-Managing The The The The Chairman-cum-Managing Chairman-cum-Managin~ Chairman-cum-Managing Chairman-cum-Managing Director. WCL. Candidates marks Two marks may be given for each year's experience in the lower post. norms were la appointment/promotion to executi is noticed that varying standards f( promotion of non-executive cad Officers (fully qualified Accountant held. Marghorita. In this office letter No. the marks wiII be reduced at the discretion of the DPC. for the purpose for selection of non-executi executive cadre posts. Calcutta. Sanctoria Director. Dhanbad Director. Nagpur Director. fit for selection. (Pl in the relevant (ii) may be given for additional aquircd by the candidates as may be elecided by the DPC.Selection for appointments/promotion from non-executive grades to the posts of under Managers & Accounts Officers in E-2 grade Dear Sir. 1985. e.<'I" f'r\ QeU \l'~ ~~. BHANDARI) GENERAL MANAGER (P) Please reier to your letter No. . 10% in Written tests 10% in Interview Clarification regardilllg promotion from non-executive to executive cadre in Security Discipline. D.fl1f : ~<. it~Hiil'~ ~y 1I"'f'fi'6T-700 001 ~\Hq •.. e. october. f.50 marks adhere It is requested thllt all concerned in your Company may be advised to lbove norms in future. This decision is applicable for all disciplines for appearing in the ensuing qualifying test for pr.ity ling fl!gfl!ttl!d to grant relaxation either in the minimum length of service (3 years or 5 years as the case may be) and/or qualification with a view to appearing in the qualifying test to be held 011 3-1-88."iUf""~1-!ii ~~. on the above subject. marks for for the other years may some of the candidates. Chief Personnel Manager (rEE) (. CIl. Calcutta.eral Manager (HD&T). Calcutta. Ycurs faithfully ( G. Yours faithfully. SECl : BSP : EE (SECURITY): 87: 2850 dated 18-11-1987. Calcutta. ( A. Adequate. Gupta Personnel Manager (EE) South Eastern Coalfields Limited . Barely Adequate etc••will not be considered fit for selection. it is likely >r 3 years may not be available in respect of lsed on the CR report Ipany. CIL. subsequenl afcular lo aU Companies tliAt th! Climj5!tl!.:C5A (IU):51767:1475 Shri H. ell. There is a cadre scheme ofthe non-executive in Security discipline duly approved by the JBCCI-IlI. Cll. : 20-9980. NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD. De) Dr.-2et'iiW Candidates whose performance is assessed less than good in \lny of the years uuder . q.ftt Authl'>. GRAMS: COALlNE>IA TELEX 21-71130 CIL IN ~\l ijlro Ref.. Dankuni.:. nterview . We have already conveyed on our telex dated 22-12-1987and 'lJy for information to :- . CALCUTT A 700 001 PHONE 20-9geO. In such the period the employee had been in the service of ~~T T~~e.y. Dear Sir. which has been implemented w.omotion from non-executive to executive cadre.j'Z:rQ6lff ~~if~ : f~~ 21-7180 mamtl.. . leral Manager.BllASPUR Sub:- ftlf'f 29th December.g '0:"1 10. 1987 be allotted on average basis to avoid es being put to disadvantage.(A) (ii) I C-5(A) (iv) I C-5(A) (viii). . No. R. Since the non-executive cadre employees who have passed the final examination of 'A/Company Accounts (New Syllabus) do not require any experience for eligibility ideration for promotion to the post of Accounts Officer in E-2 grade. Coal India Limited 10.. ef of Marketing. CMPDI. The Dy. The Addl.700 001 POST BOX No. Singrauli The Dy. G-5A (iii)/51185/Pt. Calcutta.Managing Directors in the meeting held on 2~ has been approved as follows:· (i) The post of Sacretary'(in E-3 grade) attached to CMOs and other FL Directors in Schedule. p. CCL. Nagpur SECl.'B' scale of pay be upgraded to E-4 grade as E Secretary. . General Manager. connection The above matter was you that thein the D (P)opinion ofon 21-12-1987.. BCCL. while approving the revised staffing pattorn/promotionalopportunity of personnel tron E-3 to E·4 and E-4 to E-5 grades. they will also be entitle..001 POST BOX NO. General Manager (MP&IR). In addition to one Executive SecretarY. CPM (EE). I. CPM (EE). 4. Director. in T & S Grade-'A' Yours faithfully. Tile Director (Operations). The revised Stalfin./501 The Chairman-cum-Managing The Chairman-cum-Managing The Chairman-cum-Managing The Chairman-cum-Managing The Chairman-cum-Managing . In addltlon to one Exe. Sanctoria. 7 Personal Manager (AW). ECL. CALCUT fA . 871 Ref. CMPDI' Rancbi. Chief General Manager. P. Nagpur. ECl/BCClL/CCL/NCL/WCL/SECL.The Chairman-cum-Managing The Chllirman-cum-Managing Sub :. The Personnel Manager tEE). SECl. (HRD). The Sr. DE) DY. Director. Private Secretary/Sr. No. Ranchi.will be l to E-5 as Sr. CIL. SINHA GENERAL MANAGI I . NEC. . No' C-5 {iii)/51823/I/14S1 The General Manager (P&W) WeL. CCL Rachi The Add!.700. ' in~ conducted by coal India Limited on length relaxation will regards eligibilty period of Sr. {ii) The post of Secretary in E-4 grade attach8d to Chairman.1-1988r Dear Sir.••. Dhanbad. Sanctoria CCL. CIL. Minimum experience Minimum qualification 5 years' experience as i) Matriculation Sr.~""'""""~"" COAL INDIA. The Dy. Secretary in E-3 grade and one Private Secretary in E·2 grade will also bl at Cheirman s' Secretariat.} pattern and entitlement of Secretarial Perso recommended by the Chairman-cum. Calcutta.. Singrauli WCL. NCL.. Dhanbad CMPDI. it has been decided that such will bl on Selection basis and all c~ndidlltes found suitable will !:laveto underg ssful training before they are confirmed in promoted post. CHIEF PERSONNEL MANAGER Copy to -: L The Directors (P). Director. A. (iii) One Secretary in E-3 grade may be provided to all Functional Directors· all officers in E-9 grade posted at the corporate level of Company Hqrs. ECL.. Bilaspur. experience and aptitude for doing SUI 2. CPM (EE). CPM (EE & A) SECL. Dhanbad. BCCL. K. 3 Chief General Manager. Dankuni Coal Complex. that th~ I am directed to inform discussed consensus s meet the D (P) s was In n~' Dated 7-1 ECL. CPM (NEE & A). Assam. LIMITED COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10 _ NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA . Margherita. yours faithfl (Iv) (A. p. Calcutta. Director. II of staffing pattern{entitlem3nt of: Secretarial personnel for other off prevailing practice will continue till further orders.• 3-1-1988. Staffing bemgeligibility of non-execu~ive~a~re empioyees to appear beFore the wfilteft teQt eXlimioatill . Dankuni. Sub:Relaxation in the minimum length of service / qualification norms f~' appearing in the written test examination conducted by CIl on 3. A. CMPDl. (A. The General Manager (EE). Bilaspur BCeL. Director. CIL .Revised Dear Sir. 5. Ranchi. : 871 To "COAL BHAwAN" lO-NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD.•. 6. ell.'~\'1't "". Ranchi. The Personnel Manager (A) (Om. Ranchi pattern for Secretarial Personnel. The Personnel Manager (EE). The Secretarial personnel in E-3 grade mllYalso be allowed to move hi to personnel & Administration discipline besides Estate & Revenue I depending upon their qualification. in T & S Grade .. Director. A. PAs of service / Squalificationto the post of privat " As be granted in the minimum from T & Grade' A' norms for conSide1 Secretary in E-2 grade in executive cadre the period of eligibiltry to appear before the writte~ test examination will be as follows. Manager (Admn). Director. CPM (EE).i::f~"'.'A' 3 years' experience as ii) Graduate in Arts/Science/ Sr. Bilaspnr The Dy. Ranchi Nel. 2.~utiV!!I gMP~t: Dated Ref. P. Executive S~c'etary. Sanctoria. performance.(b) For PromotiOt~ WithitJ Executive Grades (i) ~P6111otj6iial aveiiUes fop 'A' ~1A§s m~uvjsory cerljhcale be._...10..liM. . '.above. There be by strict selec~ion.1979 may be 4. CALCUTTA .. Subject to the usual conditions relating to availablity of vacancies against sanctioned posts.. .i .. Consumption pattern of coal by different industries.''':''''''.'~~"Q.onal Avenues for Under Manager who could not Obtain 1st Class Manager's Certificate.1987. "Q. ~~~.1/3% in each year through the process of selection test and in~erview. seniority etc. the examinations scheduled to be held on 29th December' 86 has been postponed to Sunday the 4th January.. LTC Project. promotion to higher level if the candidateeoncerned is of will be no bar on their promotions.5 Promoti."'"·.e..:::._---~ rated. aCCl/ CCl 1 ECl / NCL / SECL I wCL.c.i.will get two additional chances to pass the qualifying lation if they have failed in any of the previGlus examinations.. aCCl / C(. The minimum qualifYing marks obtained by the candidates is 40%.:..acquiredby them .~'Q:j.. No. 440dtd..... Coal and itS Mininq: Oifferent grades of coal price. . Vide letter No. The methodology and syllabi for the examination will be same as mentioned in ~. Cll. The next qualifying examination for promotion from non-executive to executive Jon-Technical Discipline) is scheduled to be held on 29th December. 2..... r... 1986 * (d) Promotion to the grades beyond E-l will be· considered only if they possess the requisite statutory qualifications as laid down in the cadre scheme for mining discipline... '.. their. .. 'Q~ of Cll.c.monthly service rules and conditions (c) (Personnel). H! holders wlll hereafter time rated. (iii) In respect of existing diploma holders who are not in the executive cadre or are in E-1 to E-2 grade..•. neral Manager Sub: r..:''.10.m.'~.~'~'~"". who are already in E. October.." "..3 Survey Oiscipline.. The duration of the examination will be two hours from11.. There will be only one paper carrying 100 marks. functions and responsibilities of Coal India and its subsidiaries. rector (T)..I··'"''·'~'" . \i. . ~c::a~~~o..700 001 Dated 23rd. ... "s.. {Sales & Marketing). a) Coal India Limited . ~M~kt.. Qualifying Examination for promotion from non-executive cadre to executive cadre (non-technical disciplines! on 29th December.l / ECl / NCL / SECl / WCL..""" '.""".~~"'. but the prpmotions will Special training to widen their outlook may be given. CMPDIL. seen at Annexure IV (I) ] C5AI52017 /3176 da~ed 19.. for promotion will be considered as under: 21 . . ~. . ·". . the non· executive and other subordinate et\~\\eet\\\~ ex~ent staff having diploma in engineering will be considered for promotion to the of 33. ..From Non. 'B' Class (a) From Not~-exectltiw to Executive Grade Asa QromotiQnal avenue. . Assam.3 grade and .... .\N" . LTC. ~~.''''_i~.. Oankuni. Role.·'. they will continue Senior Overman.C~fllllli!iillll ••• ' .~~~. [Amendment circulated vide DIM No.' ~Q.te. 'ector (F)... All eligible condidates . 4.. .l. ".. nl~'II_u. of Competency. .. ~'tIl'_~~~~/O'-.~~ .. Contd .. .lfI..Organisational structure and its relationship with various subsidiary companies. i... lA. ------_.. provided for necessary powers cadre controlling authority to relax the same' .' -"' . personal traits. ::. who are not able to obtain 1st Class Mine Manager's Certificate.4 Promotional Opportunities Available to Diploma Certificate Holders In Engineering (Non~mining) Holners and 'A' and Descipline. . ~Il: CIMI: HRD : 03031.. "~I".. (d) coal India Service Rules: Different scales of pay . their promotions would be restricted 'Wto E-3 grade unless qualification equivalent to degree is .... The above will be followed uniformly in all the centres •.i.. . 1986 * for all candidates...... _ . :...•..i. . lef Finance Manager.~~ ~ . t (ii) Diploma holders. from Surveypr All posts of Assistant Survey Officer in grade 'E-1 will be filled in departmentally from amongst the surveyors with minimum of seven years' experience after acquiring the qualification for Surveyor's post. : 03031 : 423 'ector (P). Margherita."... ief General Manager.."u"' •••.".d. 20-11-1986. Ranchi lief General Manager. ief General Manager..e.d.. names will not iuded in the panel maintained by the personnel DePartments of the respective nies ror considering promotion from non-executive to executive cadre.•.11._'. Mining methods and safety. pieCe rated etc..executive to the post of Assistant Survey Officer to Executive in E-1 Grade Cadre. The minimum qualification and minimum years of service in the highest non ive cadre for deciding the eligibility for sitting in the examination will be reckoned :. Cal.10. suitability I merit. . On promotion.. which is reproduced or ready reference. to discharge the statutory functions of the selection of Overman! SUBHAS ROAD.COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAW. NEC.10-NETAJI L : CIMI : HRD (b) Promotions to this grade would be on the basis of recommendations committee • (c).. CIL..""...· .. aCCl / CCl 1 ECl / NCL / SECl I WCl. the cases of Under Managers.. per the common Coal Cadre Rules which. however. GENERAL MANAGER (P) may be considered for exceptional merit...."". Calcutta. CIL: MOW: C-5A Ox) : 03031 I 13 dated 8-1-82..s.t'G.00 hours. 1986. In case the candidates t able to qualify even after availing of two additional chances...()~-~ 't. . <. i':'i. who are in the tech. grade •A' would have promotional avenues .". subject to their having exceptional merit and the specific written approval of the cadre controlling authority. (e) may be se (23 ) I .l only upto E-3 grade after which they have no channel of promotion... due to exigencies of work.li4elines Apnex1. Is.liberations..2 to E. who are in Tech.SeCtetat\es •.6 Promotional Avenues of office Supdts.~anagem On successful cOllwletion of the p~obation period.· who are under-graduates. " . Subject to passing of specified written and oral examinations after complection of the above training programme and on comple tion of 3 years service in E-4 grade.~':::"!I.Me J\s prQqlotions tc?higher grades ~. (b) Before issuing promotion orders (In the basis ot the recommendation of a priate Departmental Promotion Committee...<:> \.'\0. such cases are to be dealt with separately under·' the I allowance rules and not by giving pro~otions retrospectively. (c) In the case of e}tecutives in E-5 and above grades details of \lll pending vigi departmental proceedings should be intimated· to the Personnel' Division ( India headquarters. • . ••t. they will be eligible to be considered for promotion to a selection grade equivalent to E-S._ . >' •••.'. which may be extended at the dis~~etionof the .. . Private Secretaries bave promotional aven..6 will a be available to the Private Secretaries I Secretarll. when such officers had not OCC\ higher positions and discharged higher responsibilities.17... a ' •. therefore.. In case an executive has more than two companies during the period of last five years. They however. in this discipline subject to their being otherwise qualified according to the cadre sheme for estate discipline. may also be considered for promotion to E·2 grade in the estate discipline in relaxation of the minimum qualification according to the cadre scheme. (d) (rt.~.1I.. (c). .•. Promotions will be effected against vacancies reckoned at a maximum of 40% of the posts occupied by Senior Under managers in E·3 grade.)J\a\~"et\ue\i Q' Pt\":ate· SeCt~t~~\~j>.-~ '5i•. Office Supdts. In view of t limited scope for them it has been deCided to allow them promotional opportunil in estate discipline for discharging general management functions subject to th fulfilling other stipulation according to the cadre scheme 'for estate'discipli Relaxation to the under-graduates at the discretion of the cadre controlling authol \T\ =ce'Qtiofia\ callell all available in tb~ foregoing para. t\~ . . [Revised as above as per OM\lsIV (2) ((Il). The Under Managers promoted to E-4 grade in terms of this Cadre Scheme will be designated as Senior Under Managers (Special grade) and shall continue"to carry out statutory duties of Under Managers and/or such other functions as may be assignd by the Management.13 (a) The general management functions would be discharged by the executives in estate discipline who will look after the revenue functions.. Vigilance CleAP.• ~ i) The eligibility period for consideration for promotion from E·3 to E·4 grade will be 4 years' service in E-3 grade. so that these facts are placed before the·D~p~rtllldntal ] tion Committee and the Committee is aware of all the facts at the time c ~c. clearance from the vigilanc depa of t~e concerned company should be obtained..•.u.•.. -'-'. .) ="':1 '0•• _ ••n~ Probation Officers promoted from one executive grade to the other shall be on probatior a peri04 of one year. .~:. Wh~never an 'officer is transferred from one company to another the transf company should inform details of any depar~mentai I vigilance case pending a the executive concerned.\\ con'-'n".A Maximum of 25% of the posts occupied by such Senior Under Managers in E-4 grade (who have not been able to pass 1st Class Certificate) may be operated in the aforesaid selection grade corresponding to E-5. \"nne1l.12 4.Giving Effect.~~ii.'(). The under Managers promoted to B·3 grade will be designated as Senior Under Managers and 'Wi.o d\SCnaT\!. Grade 'A' 411 According to the existing practice.~/ ."1 \(. .' • .•.i~~l/.!iU~of PrQ(llo~ion Orde~s.:'l'~~-'ht~""tf'IT'1 - --~ I The eligibility period for consideration for promotion from E. (Hi) The Senior Under Manager (Special grade) in 8-4 grade who are not able to pass First Class Mine Manager's Certificate of Competency. viz... thaexecutive concerned be confirmed in writing by an order with the approval of the coml?ete~t autho The procedure in this regard will be as explained in para 3. :J-"".e sta.ive Ret. if required. • .10.1983 4.3 grade w\\\ be 4 years' service in E-2 grade.. para 4..14 ~el'l~ral IlQr Jurth~g1. to the company to which the executive is trans'rerred..· jl ' .. shall be exposed to an intensive training programme. CILIC-5A (ii)/52100(2)/1l24 dated 19.tutor)' duties of Under Manager and I or such other duties as may be assigned to them. 4. does not Even in cases where.rospective are necessarily for assu~ption of higher rcspl bilities..~. will have promotional avenues only upto E·3 grade. issuing p~omotion orders giving retrospective effect' will not be' in 0 The question of giving retrospective effect.. clearlLUcefre vigilance departments of all the companies where the employee had v previously should be obtained before issue of promotion order.. The cases of eligible Under Managers will be considered for promotion agalUst vacancies of Senior Under Manager (E·3 grade) The cases of Under Managers with 7 years' service in E-2 grade will be considered for promotion even by upgrading the posts to E·3 grade. ~2 (ll). Office Supdts. an officer was asked to disci higher responsibilities prior to the approval of the OPC proceedings and iSSl promotion orders. .. .' PtQmQ\\(. 4.10. I'he Under Managers promoted to the aforesaid selection grade in terms of this Cadre Scheme shall continue to carry out statutory duties of under manager andJ or suchtother functions aslmay be assigned by the Management. .. constituted for the purpose of examining the representations~ each gradE! (Added as per Q..: ."" drawn up but " ". (24) J~ " . Formation of Coal India Limited with effect from 1st November.. subject to their eligibility reckoned from the dat issue of orders.1973 in respect of N officers) will be determined on the basis of their date of entry into the grade su to the condition that in respect of the officers consideled by a single OPC thereafter promoted.. the cases of all eligible off should be considered by the OPCs irrespective of the number of vacancies in higher post."':'o'..". Two high power committees appointed by the CMAL Board went into the matter and found it difficult to determine inter-se seniority of all the officers and recommended that all the eligible officers should be considered together for promotion.l.5 of the Common Coal Cadre. the OPC should deten the order of merit of those found suitable for promotion.nd in in. "''' no.". (c) If."~~. CIL/C5-A (ii)/52100 (2)/1124.e.". will be maintaine cutives of Coal India.".-.1973 and 1. procedure shall be followed: The seniority of NeDe officers got gradually evolved on the basis of the date of entry of the individual officers in a particular gra<.of seniority were .[ pIes for .4 After the formation of Coal India. (iin Separate seniority lists of 2nd class Under Managers promoted to E-3 gradE The matter was also examined in depth by the Apex Policy Committee for exe· •.."--' - With the nationalisation of coal mines in two spells. in the CMAL. 1. I .. seniority position should be followed..'"" ••• -r. 1. diffioulti" of \hnnorms ".o.1972 or 1.1972 or 1...1973 and 1._-..ldconsider the cases of these ofl first before considering omcers who have been promoted at least once after absorption 0.~..:.le and there ~was certain determined seniority of NCDC officers prior to their absorption in the CMAL._ •.. ficers referred co-ordi..._. §h9l}. sbove in terms of para 4.. No..:~.5.For further clarification Annexure V (2) may be seen· ·1·· . Seniority lists of executives in grade and discipline should be drawn up following the general principles indil below by the respective companies in respect of executives in the grades 01 and below and by Coal India for officers in the grades of E-5 and above· Subsequently.'--. 1-7-1972 or 1-8and 1-5-1973 in respect of NCDC officers).. one in respect of coking coal mines and formation of Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. •.'_".1973 in respel NCDC officers). Th8 OrG~.5.. _ 25. who have not been promoted at least once after their initial absofl of taken over officers (i.7.montin.5.-. all such ofl together will be considered. (A) Seniority in Respect of Officers in the Grade of E-4 and Below (i) Wherever there is an established seniority in the grades of E-4 and below.8..7.~. the question of drawing up inter-se seniority of the taken over officers and those borne on NCDC cadre came up. --.."-'.. will be the senior-most in the list and they should be clu tafJBtMr....':'. the foil.. ~~~~ ~ ~ _ . whflmwflr meet.:.~ in an integrated manner.i. which will form the I for promotion to the next higher grade and for evolving inter-se seniority on promoted grade in due course...8. further efforts were made to formulate pnncl.""_~.1~73 in respect of NCDC offi( i ... 5.o<lly we<' fon< for of olf~"' nation meetings certain ox"""""d determination•.e.on of seniority of all the of discussions held at the CMD's to earlier I. ixati. in the case of officers who were considered by a single DPC and there promoted. This committee felt that in view of the difficulties encountered . and another in respect of noncoking coal mines and formation of Coal Mines Authority Limited. in impl.. (i) Executives borne on NCDC cadre : (ii) Executives taken over from coking coal csector : and 5. all the officers prorr in that batch will be clubbed together. whose seniority position has not been determined.6 :iii) Executives taken over from ..onp'.'~'.'~~ ". (a) The officers..-. A large number of promotions have been effected from· one executive grad the other after the initial absorption of taken over officers (i.:.. Once they are recommended for Ipromotion.. Coal Board was abolished and tbe officers of Coal Board (forming a fourth set) came to be absorbed in CMAL and BCCL with effect from 1st April.••.•"~. dt· 19·10.-~ "..ion th..e. 1975 and the constitution of common coal cadre necessitated integration of these four groups of executives into one main stream.. OJ) In respect of officers.. who got at least one promotion their initial absorption (i.tain "".. the merit as determined by the DPC will be taken irrespe of their date of entry in the grade.. viz. relative merit was not determined by the OPC. As a result four groups of o. 1975.M. the non-coking coal sector forming bulk of officers integrating the seniority of the four groups of officers.~. •• ~~ •• j II ~ ••~.7.10.1972 or 18.e. three sets of executives were brought together.5 ..1 of executives. whenever OPC meets. and recommendations for promotion would be mainly in orde merit.' f f (b) The seniority inter-se in respect of Officers..1973 and 1. With the formation of CMAL.-"".. 1973 in respect of NCDC olIicers).ted. etc. the promotions from one grade to the other in the executive cadre are being done on the following basis considering all eligible departmental candidates irrespective of the number of vacancies : (i) The eligibility for consideration for promotion to the determined in terms of t he provision in the respective next higher grade cadre schemes.1973 and 1 5. When the gap between these two promotions is not more than six months. 1.1973 in respect of NCOC officers). their seniority inter-se has to be detered. with effect from 1. deration.e.8. and prepared a select list drawn in order of merit. If inter-se merit icers will be clubbed and they will all Il:P8ctivg of tho numlm ~f y~<:~ncies.t in a particular grade and discipline. who were promoted . seniority entry into the grade subject to the conby a single OPC and thereafter prowill be taken irrespective of their actual was not determined by the OPC such be considered together by the OPC (iii) The executives promoted after formation of Coal India on the basis of recommen- dation of a single OPC.M.1972 in respect of officers of coking coal sector and 1.8. These executives will be bracketted to· her and the OPC would consider all such ofticers together first before consi ing the officers who got atleast one promotion after their initial absorption '. While considering their cases for promotion. e.e. h a view of integrating these officers.t April to 30th :larified September. who have not got at least one promotion since their absorption (i.1972 or 1. No. on the basis of the recommendalion of two different.1975.1973 and 1. but prior to 1.5. irrespective of their actual . such people will be lor promotion to the next higher grade on the Till it becomes possible to determine inter-se seniority of the executives in various grade$.5. 1.the seniority inter-se amongst them. NCOC.5:1973 in respect of NCDC officers).8. (iv) In the case of inter-se officers promoted after formation will be drawn in order of merit of Coal India._~~'_""'-"""""-~"""""~"""""'''''''' liority in Respect of Officers in the Grade of E-5 ording to the eXisting practice the companies promote officers working in that icular company' from E-4 to E-5 grade. Officers promoted at least once after their initial absorption (Le.1972 or 18.e. OPCs separately by HCCL and CMAL. e· . case of officers promoted by two different subsidiary companies within a span of months.1972 or 1.7 whenever DPe considers. who have not got at least one promotion since their absorption (i.andAbove Executives.1973 and 1.) t October to 31 st March. these officers will be clubbed together irrespective of their date of entry into the grade.11. i._"'.1973 in respect of non-coking coal sector.7. the OPC will consider all these officers together and recommend promotion to the next higher grade after determining their relative merit.8.te of entry into the grade.7. their seniority in the promoted grade will be on the basis of the panel irrespe:tive of their actual date of joining. will (ii) The eligibility for consideration for promotion in respect of the taken over officers who are absorbed in the nationalised coal mines on different dates would be determined as if they had all been absorbed together. CMAL. i no specilic date covering the said period of six months has been stipulated in Ie above provision.1973 and 1.8.1973 and 1. as per a. (i. dated 1/2nd September.1973 and 1. 1. clubbed together when the merit without deter· was not determined such officers mining their seniority inter-se and considered together for consideration basis of their relative merit. Whenever OPC meets. Integration of officers in E-5 grade 110ted by various subsidiary companies is essential because the promotion from to E 6 grade and above is to be handled centrally covering all executives posted II the subsidiary companies.-' ~ . 1983. the elJgibility and.1972 or 1. C5A(ii)/52106(2)/871 26 periods in a financi. prior to formation of Coal year will be bracketted according to their date of promotion: together (i.7. all will be clubbed together without mentioning . For the purpose of eligiblity and seniority of these officers promoted two different subsidiary companies within a span of six months. (ii) at least once after their initial absorpin reapect of NCOC officers).1972 or 1.e 1.1973 in respect of NCOC officers).•••••••• . will be the senior.1973 I be drawn on the basis of their date of ion that in respect of officers considered . (27) l.e. In otber words. i. when tbey become eligible for such consi. For this purpose the following guidelines will be adopted by Coal India ited : ~utives.1972 or 1. they will be bracketted together without mentioning seniority inter-se longst them. (C) (i) Seniority in Respect of Officers in the Grade of E-6 .7. the case of officers. all the officers so clubbed will considered together in order to recommend a select list in order of merit. the merit as determined by the OPC te of entry in the grade. the officers lmoted later will be deemed to have been promoted to this grade and entered :l grade of E-5 along with the officers promoted earlier. 5. These ofl'icers are bracketted together and the DPCs should consider all such officers together first before considering the officers who got at least one promotion after their initial absorption (i.8.51973 in respect of NCOC officers) will be the seniormost in the particular grade and discipline. it has ~en decided that the officers promoted to E-5 grade by the CIL and its subsidiaries Hing the under mentioned )I the purpose of seniority .7. and in order to avoid any ambiguity in this regard. which considered all eligible officers of HCCL. the seniority of the officers promoted later will be dttermined as if the officers promoted later have entered the grades along with the officers promoted earliel. . a task force for recommending an effective and uniform ap system was constituted in March.~"li. regarding writing of annual performance reports on officers and others. if the gap of promotion period is not more than six months for determining their eligibility for consideration for promotion. which camE! into b in 1972.5 and above and another in respcct of aPpraisal of executives in the grades and below· 6. .1:.. the appraisal reports are studied by the memb the OPCs and on the basis of the reports. performance appraisal systems had to be. there is provision for review by one or more senior officers.1 SYSTEMS Majority of the executives in Coal India and its subsidiary companies were f the taken over sector.(a) results achieved... mostly based on the NCDC pattern. In respect of officers of NCOe.3 6.i.5 In respect of senior officers in the grades of E-5 and above.l. where there was hardly any laid down system of performa appraisal in a systematic manner. Report giving further guidelines ale placed Chapter' APPRAISAL 6.. in these 6..- . At present two sets of forms are in use... officers promoted later will be deemed to have entered the grade along with the officers promoted earlier.~ _. This benefit will not be allowed if the gap of promotion is more than six months.4 6.. irr melltlild after nationalisation and the first reporte in respect of thOSE! execl. the officers under considerati< grouped into 'A' '8' and 'C' The officers. <' i ..:'t'i1 . while the officers graded as 'B' are sidered after exhausting the olficers who are graded as 'A'· 6. adopted certain formats. .6 At the time of holding OPCs. lb) review.·~. for apprai the performance of individual officers· As a result of discussions held in a 11 shop on appraisal systems in BCCL a proforma for evaluating the performanc Colliery Managers was drawn up· The appraisal form consists of three ~ viz.'I. 1977· 29 (28) I ~ . whose grading is categorised as ' normally not considered for promotion. .lt were available from the year 1973 onwards. Apart from the Reporting Officer's assessment.~L"::J!i·'. howe systems of annual appraisals in the form of confidential reports existed.ii. discussions and summary. Hencl respect of majority of the officers..':1'.. a syster:nof self app exists. one for apPraisal of executives in the g E. and (c) action on key result areas· 6. hm_ •••• L I) Since BCCL and erstwhile CMAL promoted officers independently till the formation of Coal India Ltd" while considering such officers who were promoted in two different batches by BCCL and CMAL. The BCCL.7 As experience has shown that there is scope for improving the objective asseE of executives.r:..2 The Coal Mines Authority Ltd' had issued comprehensive instructions in 1974. Extract from Seniority Committee's at Annexure V (1).. .~~ I .. consisting of representatives of different companies and different disciplines is expected shortly and detailed instructions in regard to appraisal systems and Procedures will be issued separately. taking into cc deration the companies' respective needs. Management in mining. the system of its communication and counselling procedures. To undertake a dynamic review of tile corporate training policy from timl time and to review the progress of training activities within the palicy." The report by the task force. 7. materials management and perso of executives of outstanding merit and calibre. of training for these executive trainees have been drawn 7.3 Detailed programmes Board 7. and . To examine and evaluate the various existing performance appraisal forms for officers of different categories and grades in Coal India and its subsidiaries. To examine and approve long term and short term budgets. the authorities to initiate the reports.Chapter "\ "The terms of reference of the task force include the following. Coal India has recruiting the following categories of executive trainees : Junior Executive Trainees disciplines. both pre are lhe the requi! prese) dra\\ scrul (d) capital I '~l) 30 . revenue.4 A Training Board for Coal India has been constituted to examine and review corporate training policy for the organisation as a whole and to suggest meas for growth of training activities in all directions. mechanical and civil enginee 1 for grewth. electrical. 38011 /I /74-CAF dated 27th S 1975.5 (a) The charter of activities of the Board are as follows Note: Revised Appraisal System is under examination. will come within of the Board. deficiency areas and training needs. 111 pursuance of this. Trainees in sales and marketing. 7. SpecifiC key factors and qualities for appraisal in different disciplines/grades: Possibility of quantification of performance in key areas and desirability of its (ii) analysis through EDP : Identification of potentialities Determination (i) 7. Management disciplines. the reviewing tiers in respect of line and staff functionaries will also be considered by the task force. To co-ordinate all growth oriented developmental for employees at all levels. . up of syllabi and methodology of examinations. Coal India would arrange for training of flersonnel where necessary would thereafter allot them to different subsidiary companies. The periodicity and procedure for handling performance appraisal reports. The subsidiary companies have Management Development Divisions to pro necessary skills of management to update professional knowledge and for trai : in new techniques of management.1 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT OF EXECUTIVES In terms of Government of India's letter No. activities related to career pIam (b) (c) To define systems of departmental examinations and other qualifying for promotions for all function as supplementary 10 those which carried out statutorily and to oversee the conduct of such activities. taking into account.. pertliining to training activities in the company. . (iii) trainees in finance. etc. To evolve and recommend appropriate comprehensive performance appraisal system based on individual's demonstrated performance and ability for different disciplines and grades.2 The task force will also identify and recommend norms as to what would constitute adverse comment. Incentive for Acquiring Additional Approved Skills and Qualifications It has also been decided to provide incentive by way of grant of advance increment for acquiring approved additional qualifications and technical/professional skills as per Schedule I attached. after successful completion of their training.1ving first cla~s certificate of competency in the case of officers in minin diS. The following procedure should be followed with regard to sponsoring departmental candidates for long term. of efforts and for cost reduction. industry oriented. free loan to a candidate full payment of course fees only after his formal selection for admission to the course to be recovered from the individual in a reasonable number of instalments or within the duration of the course. the acquisition of additional qualification will either hclp improve employees' efficiency in his existing area of responsibility or increase his potential Grant of an interest for shouldering higher responsibility. their seniority and the period of eligibility for consideration for promotion to the next higher grade should also be reckoned as if they spent this period on duty. therefore. excepting normal increment(s). For the T'\urpcse of selection for sponso ring to these specialised courses. in consul tation with the institution concerned. It should. f9r training abroad. (6) The executive SO selected must sign a bond to serve the company at least for fiv Sponsoring of Departmental Candidates for Long Term Specialisation Courses of not less than One Year's Duration. depending on the requirements. To prepare master plans to meet our requirements To take action on any other matter related to the training function tbat may arise or such other matters that may be entrusted to the Board by the Chairman. a mmimum of three year's experience) an preferably h.To re-examine the training infrastructure with a view towards same to optimally cope with the training load. The Board normally meets twice a year. depending on the actual requirement. towards approve. (32) I J ~:-. :) 1) of 50% of the fees to the cand. No other allowances. courses. be ensured that tbe executives wi~! sufficient practical experience (say.dat~ 15ft 9Ue01l9gfulcompletion of Reimbursement of 75% of the class where class is awarded. The service of such executives.>uld not be sponsored for specialisatio The competent authority may. (2) Tuition and other connected fees will also be paid fully by the company concerned Arrangements for Self Development (3) Witb a view to provide necessary impetus to the executives to equip themselves for higher assignments and also to enrich their expertise for better performance in their existing po~itions.' (33) l . exists. should be paid basic pay and dearness allowancl as Dlay be admissible to them from time to time for the full period of their training. whichever is less. Reimbursement of Fees (4) Every year each of the suh~:diary companies of Coal India would nominate tw or three executives to these cour<es. Reimbursement the course. an executive must have adequate exposure to th actlwl work situation. Coal India. would be admissi· ble to them during the period of their training.t (5) Reimbursement of 100% of the fees to the candidate who would obtain any of the first three positions in the order of merit where positions are awarded. if in his opinion. Trainees sh. which is as indicated below : Since the period spent by the executive so sponsored in the interest of thl company should be treated as on duty. the training resources in the companies. fees to the candidate who would obtain a fir.cipline. who are sponsored for long term specialisation coursel in tbe intertlst of the company. A committee under the chairmanship of a Functional Director or a General Manage (Co-ordination) of the concerned subsidiary company should screen the recommen dations received in this regard and finally select two or three candidates for eac of such courses. should be utilise in the appropriate field of specialisation for which purpose utilisa~ion plan shoul be linalised prior to sponsoring for these courses. Nominations can be finalise with the approval of the Chairman-cum-Managing-Director concerned. speciahsation C0urses of not less than one year's duration : years after completion of the course before proceeding on training. with necessary incentives. a scheme for self-development. To optimally share and mobilise cularly to ensure against duplication reorganising the (1) partiDepartmental executives. should be sponsored. notionally arrived at under the foregoing clause. Chapter INDIA LIMITED 1 10 ._::__::::__------------_ :d Qualification Eligible Employees Number of Increment I A & B of Associate xamination India. AU employees.Chapter VIII. t· lised graduate diploma or degree )ur Welfare/Social Work. gradu- Amendment of Common Coal Cadre fixation ot pay . 150/. camination of Cost and tants of India or UK. however may be granted at the discretion of the management .executives executives. The initial basic pay of an executive cadre employee newly r~cruited and appointed to a post will be fixed normally at the II)inimum of the scale of pay of the post to which pe has been appointed. CHAPTER VIII Mine Manager's Certi- Pay on Initial Appointment : Non executive working in mines.R. normally of not more than five IllCremenls. 22(C). 8.8) Subhas Road. pay will be fixed at the minimum of the said higher scale. of graduates with Mathematics as major subj ct. there is a stage of pay equivalent to the pay thus .of the Company lD deserving cases. e. one increment will be notionally given in his own lower pay scales. 1986 Approved Professional QmlJifications No.2 Pay fixation on Promotion from Non-executive Grade under NCWA Pay Scales to Executive Cadre Scales of Pay and on Promotion from E-1 to E-2 Grade : The pay on promotion from non-executive pay scales under the National Coal Wage Agreement to the executive cadre scales of pay (i. 3 The following amendment to Chapter-VIII fixation of pay in Executive Cadre is made . the pay of the employee will be fixed in the higher scale at the appropriate stage as follows (a) All employees 1 1 1 I i) All employees ship of the Institute of Chartered ies. ler type of recognised technical :>nal skill or proficiency relevant industry.COAL SCHEDULE (Ref. Works qua!ift~!!tiQnl and 8. I class of Institute Memberof EngiEmployees other than ates in Engineering. as above mentioned. If. which the employee will be in receipt of on the date of his joining the: higher post. sed degree or :5. E-1 or E-2 Grad~) and on promotion from Executive E-! grade to E-2 grade will be fixed in accordance with the provisions of P. duty Medical Offi- 4 for Degree 2 for Diploma 8. on the recommendations of the selection committee. is less than the minimum of the next higher scale to which the employee has been promoted. It will be fixed at the next higher stage : Hi) If the national pay. ised post graduate degree or ~ in concerned medical branch led under CHS scheme. Higher initial pay. I 1 2 AU non . etc • diploma in General cers. EDP. than the pay will be fixed at that stage : All employees ii) If their is no such stage. employees 1 ~. (b) Than.:-~:---------:::_:_""7.Netaji "Coal Bhawan" VII. in the higher pay scale.elL : C-SA (vi) : S0729 : 11 : 169 OFFICE Sub: -----. Para 7.chever is more. I .4 Pay Fixation on Promotion of an Executive from E-3 onwards : On the pay. 2 lised graduate el"aminatbn ised post graduate diploma ial engineering / operations or in re- Graduates in the existing pay III E-2 grade or at the minimum of E-2 grade whi. Calcutta _ 700 001 PostBox No : 871 Dated October MEMORANDUM relation of Common to' the Coal Cadre relating to 7.3 Pay Fixation on Promotion of an Executive from E-2 to E-3 : The pay will be fixed at the stage next above the amount arrived at after adding Rs. Employees in personnel and industrIal relations department who do not possess equivalent lised post graduate degree or 1 in any branch of management. do be done)n accordance with the provisions re-fil'ation of F. granted 1 i 8·8 Fixation of Pay on. Calcutta· Calcutta. . Secrlltariat. ": . CIl..' !. The re-fixation will be done on the same principles as applied of the incumbent. 22(e). 5. to the executive grade increment ) ..1. . of increment of executive whose pay has thus been re-fixed will. 9. Cll. . R. ' Re-fixation to Another: of pay on promotion from One Effective Scal~s of Pay 4. Nole ~ li I . would o6basio~ refixation. lower' grade had he not been promoted. . '. Cil. 'provided' such re·fixiition given him a benefit. . isalf8ll11ed.•• '\ ' Normally...of service and they may be allowed SUb'" pay notexceedin.. i '''''.1. qualifications "i _'oil between the .• MANAGER (P) ~ ~ ::.. New Delhi. ")". I . 7. ( in Executive Grade ~ •• The anniversary wQuld be after re-fixed •." '" " L. Calcutta.would·have drawn in the. with reference to the pay. Chief General Manager.T\1i:oissues . j'!( If OiEitPlhution ..) This amendment will tal<e immediate eUect.. the date on which his increment in the lower grade would have become due had he not been promoted. j . Re~employment ofl' Retired officers in Executive Cadre: '. It IS also clarified that the anniversary date. between the period I 30th June "'·ill be granted !. Calcutta. (Liaison Office). Cil.g the last. • 1'1'. CFM!Addl. from Re-fixation of Pay on Promotion Executive Cadre : Non""'.. jn res~ect of Authorityl)l~ . the :date on which thenextincreinent inthe lower grade of an emplo~ee wouid have' bedome due had he not been promoted.Director. / 3rant ~'. Regional Managor In case of promoted from One Executive grade to another executive higher grade. .j' Ji -". Chairman-cum-managing 2.ef. '" J. Chief of Marketing. ~' I. Cll. In case of certain spec~fiedi pps. Cll.\~ '. NEC/OCC. 58 years.raWn 'rni~~s 'pension andler pensionery equivalent of other retirement benefits as initial pay as may be decided by the Competent •• j.• •. Calcutta. re-~fixation.'1Vith specified ~erms and cOQditionll ..\R~y.he approval fo the Competent " !. the higher post will be fixed at the' next 'higher stage. date of Increment completion of the executives from the whose pay has thus been re·fixec date his pay has thus been 01 12 months :a) An executive appointed/promoted from ] st January ana" of the f~llowing y~r. no extension of service beyond the age of superannuation. Increment on Promotion/Appoint~ent of " . for initial" fixation of' pay: on promotion Calcutta. 3. All Divisional Heads.3:c) For employees on ttie'~aximum of their pay sc~le in the lower post. from 1st January ~ 'HJI· -. be re-employed on contract . . be after completion of 12 months from the date of such re-fixation of pay. Calcutta.bcJSlg. Chief of Vigilance.'.period from 1st July and 31st increment in the grade froin' :lst iuly of the d. but no aorrears will be paid arising out of such promotions already effected prior to 22th OFtober"1977. All wing Heads of C-5 DivisiC!ln. f.: Authority •.\ 2.'. whichhe. . l... ECL!CCL/WCL/BCCl/CMPDIL/SECl/NC(.~~ such 9ases. ': I~ . !.d.' ' . e. would occasion re-fixation in the higher grade with reference to the' pay which he would have drawn in the lower grade had he not been promoted."' requiring special i. 3. 8. The.. 6.. Chairman's Gll.with . OSO. howey. Cll. 10. Addl.\ In case of promotion from non-exeCutivetc) executive grade. ClM. Executive " C~dre to llnd/or statutory 'requ'irements..provided the re-fixationgives him a benefit. P.i lj (b) An executive appointed/promoted December' will' be following year. PM CAW). pUicers may. 1.. pay in Note: ". ".. of his pay in ''the 'higher grade. SINHA) GENER'Al f 'j"" •. (A. 10er will be granted il\C.. to the executive grade between increment 11' Ij· from 1st January th~ pe~iod from following 31st be'-j 9rantelt' .~~~ ~I)' I~t J~~L!.~mil1l~~..5A (vi) : 52068: 658 . from Is~ July of the following year. All Regional!6ranch Sales Offices.e . : t.' . pay in c) ( G. For employees on the maximum of their pay scale in the higher post will be lixed at the next higher stage. All Heads of Departmants.and 30h aRRpi. 8. to a post will be fixed normallv at the minimum of the scale of pay of the post which he has been appointed. R. pay will be fixe.. Nagpur. NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA . I· .1' \. • .a of the shallr~m ' am 'il) The above proceclllm wpm~ltJdo 111U \Jr\1YiijQn~ contained Pay Fixation on Promotion of an Executive other than in Mini! DigCiplin9 from E. 1\.2 will It has~Reen d~cided that henceforth An executive uary. .ext EE : 245 forwarded for information and necessary action to :Director-in-Charge. to CMD!D(P)!DlT)/D(F)/D(Proj. will be fixed in accorda l. MEMORANDUM ~ SUb:7 - Annual Tncrement in the Executive Grades': . •• " :. G.rr'miili'':'. This issues with the approval of competent authority.nted!promoted Ju/. 150/..-3to E-4 onwards.. in the of on the date of his join given in his own lower higher scale at the appro non ..' SECL. IS.adre.". S. On the the existing pal in E-2 grade or at the minimum of E-3 grade whi ever is more.~\l.iiil\l'~:lii''tII. lower post. however. 8. normally of not more tha'n fi increments. Kapur) Addl. WCL. E-I or E-2 grade) ~ on promotion from executive E-I grade to E.1-. the annual increment in Executive Grades Pay Fixation on Promotion from Non-executive Grade under NCW Pay Scales to Executive Cadre Scales of pay and Promotion fro E-1 to E-2 Grade The pay on promotion fwm non-executive pay scales under the National Co Wage Agreement to the executive cadre sea es of pay (I. . there is a stage notionally arrived at under the foregoing that stage." t-.2 grade with the provisions of F.ll. ' 1-'1' .tj ange d-' •. Bilaspur.3 their · nil Pay Fixation 0 n Promotion of an Executive 0 ther than in Minir Discipline from E-2 to E-3 Grade The pay will be fixed at the stage next above the amount arrived at after add Rs. If there is no snch stage. ii) iii) it will be fixed at the . in tbe higber pay scale. WCL : PER: JY LIMITED' NAGPUR':' 440001 29!1/1986 of pay equivalent to the pay t clause. conditions regarding grant of increment .~'J"~'T~''"-- Chapter VII' COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10. is less than the minimum of the ] hig ler scale to which the employee has been promoted. R.. 1"- ( sd/-.'I " '. WCL. "' .).. All General Managers. the minimum of the said higher scale. iln IIU__ J I .1 AU otllOr. )/ViII .a~yor' 1st' J'uiy ~s~e~'t~e procedur~ given herein. one increment will be notionally scale.1 r::. of the An executive appointej!promoted between the period fr~m 1st July and '.~.OFFICE .:... PRINCIPLESFOR FIXATION OF PAY OF EXECUTIVE CADRE EMPLOYEE 8. Higher initial pay. Then.\l. t 1986 and 30th June 1986 will be 1986 will The increments due between 1st July 1986 and 31st be released on 1st July 1986.13. which the employee will be in receipt the higher post. we L· Secy.h·.. as above mentioned. e.. may be granted at the discretion of the management of t company in deserving cases.7000001 JanuarY. WCL.• '.4 in paru a. If the notional pay. .1 Pay on Initial Appointment 1986 The initial basic pay of an executive cadre employee newly recruited and appoint.I.~handari ) General Manager (p) b) i) WESTERN (OALFIELDS PERSONNEL DEPART~ENT. the pay of the employee will be fixed riate stage as follows : If.1 1. on the recommendations of the selection committ. Chief Personnel Manager (p) 35 ~ "._d' -: -I·t:. 22 C).. I"" /' Coal )-. then the pay will be fixec higher stage. will December 8. grade In the case of employees in executive grades nents during 1986 will be regulated as uriaet":-' 0) The increments due between January released on 1st January 1986· (ii) as' on 31st December 1985. '-"_~~.. m J • IY Fixation 'ade on Promotion of an Executive in Mining Discipline from E-2 to E-3 Promoted..••..:._i.._. Amended as per Annexure VIII (1)] :ixation 3rade of pay on Promotion of Executives in all Disciplines to E-5 and Above Normally no extension of service beyond tbe age of superannuation...• ••.~~~.. i. Srant of Increment on Promotion to and Within Executive Grades Amended as per DIM No.. however. Re-fixation of Pay on Promotion from one Executive Scales of Pay to Another In case of a promotee from one executive grade to another executive higher grade. . Annexure m(l)] ay Fixation irade on Promotion of an Executive in Mining Discioline from E-3 to E-4 8.. C5A/358 dated 13-1-86 Re-fixat ion of Pay on Promotion from Non-executive Cadre to Executive Cadre In case of promotions from non-executive to executive grade. •• ~~!i~~t~~~~~~_~~~lj~"'" ••. . . would O(!(!ll~ionrufiJllltiRIl l?f his pay in the higher grade..._:.~ij:. provided such refixation gives him a benefit. is allowed.. C5A/52013 (8)/1332 dated 2012761979... Note It is also clarified tbat the anniversary date of increment of executives whose pay has thus been re-fixed will be after completion of 12 months from the date of such re-fixation of pay.1~~._._~z~".A. fbe pay will be fixed in accordanctl with the principles laid down in para 8.. ...4 shall apply.'.__.. 58 years.. Note 3eprinciples for fixation of pay on promotion as stipulated in para 83 shall apply.....11 The anniversary date of increment of the executive whose pay has thus been retlxed would be after completion of 12 months from the date his pay has been re-fixed.JM!~~!Jild •...~ _ ...•. e.basis with specified terms and conditions of service and they may be allowed such pay Ilot exceeding the last pay drawn minus pension andior pensionery equivalent of other retirement benefits as initial pay as may be decided by the competent authority.'. "-. The re-fixation in such cases is to be done in accordance with the provisions of F R 22 (C).'.~~~!~... Fixation of Pay on Re employment of Retired Officers in Executive Cadre 'he principles for fixation of pay on promotion as stit'ulated in para 8... •.:l2JI~.~"'~~.•••••.&......~.~~..~•••••••O" •••.• _ .-.~. would occasion re-fixation in the higher grade with reference to the pay which he would have drawn in the lower grade had he not been 37 36 __~_.'. with reference to the pay.. provided the refixation gives him a benefit.. In case of certain specitled posts requiring special qualification andJ or statutory requirements...•••. which he would have drawn in the lower grade had he not been promoted. '0 I . but no arrears will be paid arising out of such re·fixation in respect of promotions already effected prior to 25 October..4 above. the date on which the next increment in the lower grade of an employee would have become due had he not been promoted. The refixation will be done on the same principles as applied for initial fixation of pay on promotion of the incumbent.~~~~"'·:7"""jllrulll .-.•i.. Amended as per OIM No. officers may be re-employed on contract . 1977.!1..~" •.~." . the date on which his increment in the lower grade would have become due had he not been promoted.. or from ve panel. whose cases fall in any of the following considerations.her level. luarterly report for such officiating arrangement be submitted to the Coal India ud in regard to the employees in the scale of pay of E-7 and above.ged. At higher levels transfer of personnels from one company to another should be freely effected as they would enable 'the optimum use and development of managerial talent. nployees under training or on probation will not be eligible for any acting allowance r performing functions in higher positions.M. for promotion to the next iy). No. in the opinion of the competent authority. If the senior . arrangements for temporary promotion uld be made from amongst the eligible executives in the usual manner. F1Jrtber guidelines in tbe matter of transfers of executives were circulated in May. who. to be in the same field/company after the nationalisation: for ~ii) Senior executives.O. may be allowed 'Inter .nsferred in each year. other than that where the vacancy has occurred. viz. 38 (3~) I . ~he Chairman· cum . it is not in the interest of the company to temporarily transfer him to the sub· " where the temporary vacancy has occurred. vacancies lasting more than 30 days. it was agreed that officers should be rotated between line and stuff functions. amongst other guidelines. Keeping the above in view.Chapter X r IX ACTING/OFFICIATING ARRANGEMENTS OF EXECUTIVE POSITIONS IN RESPECT TRANSFER POLICY With the formation of Coal India Limited. CIL's D. acting/officiating 1gements become necessary and acting/officiating arrangements for such tempovacancies should be made in accordance with the following principles. was to form a . ided vide a. sanction officiating allowance to the officer officiating on the her post even beyond the period of 90 days. preferably after a tenure of three years and thut 'as. semor executives fhlJing in any of the above categories may bc identified ana at least 10% of such executives trd. whichever is lower.e.pect of temporary executive vacancies on account of leave.most person in the area. who did not get any promotion since nationalisation of the Since large scale transfers of senior executives is likely to cause dislocation or disruption of work. Senior executives. C5A (vi)/5074I.many line functionaries as pOSSible should be given opportunity in staff functions. had ~pecified the principles to be followed regarding transfer of executives. Intra .s. etc. one of the objectives. ere it is not possible to fill up a vacancy for more than 90 days by making !ii) Seniorexecutivt. though there should . CH/31/502 dated 2. i. who have been working in the same coalfield / company "more than four years in the same capacity or in d.1':180 to the CMDs is annexed (Annexure X (1). in grades E-6 and above.779 dated 29-9-1983] nporary acting arrangements e period of 'Acting' .5. the senior-most person in the sub ~in the line of promotion.Company Transfers Senior executives.S and below from one company to another will not normally be effected. and who have earned two or more promotions in the same company lpofilry promotign Qf 9tbmyjs~. is lble of shouldering the responsibility and is eligible otherwise. which the company envis:j. It was envisaged that transfer of personnel in the scales of pay of E. c) Such transfers can be effected either in December/January on the acad~mic year on the localtty. who is considered suitable and ble otherwise may be allowed to act. lens to be working in a sub-area.common coal cadre. lis discretion. are to be transferred to other companies. made will not confer any claim for promotion.Mana~in~ Director may. [(0 "Senior executives. sation and continued who had worked in the same coalfield/oompany before nationli. which. ct. :spect of vacancies of executive positions for more than 30 days. or in June/July depending will not count towards eligibility Ian turn of Acting Allowance le amount of acting allowance payable to an employee acting in a higher post all not exceed 20% of his payor the pay to which he would be entitled to in case promotion to the higher post. the senior t person in the area in the line of promotion.ifferent capacities : 'e. letter No. '1980 A COpy of mlnes. 'co. the following transfer policy for the executives has been adopted : .Company Transfer In regard to in-company no bar to such transfers on administrative grounds. pplications registration may freely be forwarded'. .."_ !AJJ-:-mll..] ... . ~>". ._. •• . .c.. •. (ii) Cases where applications of employees belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe could not be forwarded due to compelling grounds of interest of the company should be reported within a month to the officer nominated as Liaison Officer in the company... .of the Cadre Controlling Authority keeping in view thol following norms in supersession of the earlier orders : may be seen at Annexure XI (1).lOJmllJmurll.II_~_ .. entry level have to be provided by elL [Clarified as p. ".'. .~hat applicationsa.. who do not fulfil the stipulations in the adve£ ment.2995 guidelines in this connection dated 20.""" " ...2 Against Advertisement Issued by Coal India limited against advertise be considered on qual: (a) Applications received from superseded executives or from those who have put in more than 5 years service in a particular grade may be forwarded without any limit. •....._·_·-'·..forwa. with regar and if selc (c) Applications received from the executives who have served for less than two years after their promotion/appointment in a particular grade will not be forwarded.rding of for such of suitable departmental executival.~_"_. C-5AJ51172.. C-SA/50986/48 dated 44. .•~_._p"""~~.. (I) (b) Applications received from the executives who have served fO~SS Apphcations received from dtpartmental candidates issued by Coal India Ltd for executive positions will fon<)wing guidelines t in a particular grade after their promotion/appointment more than once in a calendar year... ·.•••••... (4) Departmental candidates....1979] (7) For the purpose of selection of the departmental candidates against the advertisement._ ~. Outside Employments AppJicaticns of departmental executives for outside employment may be dealll with at the discretion .. ••• " . the criteria laid down in the cadre rules will not apply instead."~. a stipulated shall not be are not . CIL/C-SA(vi)/S0982/G/328 dated 18.'-"'"'..""'" .. (6) Departmental candidates selected for promotion to the r. ·.•'"."..'. to tbat post. who fulfil the advertised norms and experience.11. complete the stipulated period of service with the company . The.".. .••.IJll~ILa~J.tFor A.••"'-''''''.~. . than two years may be forwarded not Applications from departmental candidates who fulfil the advertised tions will be forwarded to the Coal India headquarters."""' .1978] are of ] . (2) Applications received in response to Press advertisements from the de] mental candidates will be scrutinised on the same lines as outsiders. who shall underapplybondthem servethey.-"'"_i. H .••. OM No.Personnel & Administrative Reforms for foreign assignment has been reviewed and.."".. ~ _tr..3.•.• :..Chapter Xl FORWARDING OF APPLICATION OF DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES through Coal India unless the services of the concel ned executives nature tbat cannot be spared (Added Further as per OM No.• ·: it has been decided .I_~.....L~._._'.1.. may be called for interview.. . L~ l .1979 artd(! selection committee after interview.. ~"""... '.••••. (5) All tbe applicant!'...•..'_.... would not be called for interview.. ' '.. therefore.ext higher g: against the Press advertisement along with othtrs shall be relit ved for FO in to to till thllt' at the places for which the advertisement was issued.·for Tcgistration In the panel of' e~perts being maintained in the Department of' .._. CIL/e-S(A) 50986/3864 dated 19/21. c.. •. Wherever relaxallon is require· shall be whh !ht ~~~~H~e nppfOVlll of the Chllirffillfi or lIny lIuthofi!y delel with such powers. Provided that : (i) Applications for employment elsewhere of employees belonging to Scheduled Castel Sc"eduled Tribe should be readily forwarded except in very rare cases where there may be compelling grounds of interest of the company for with-holding applications.. both outsiders as weB as departmental candidates.•.~ .•._ •••..... company for received from the 11. wou interviewed by one single selection comn itHe and the tanking of the de mental candidates will be strictly on the basis oj medt as determined by [Revised as above as per OM No. issue relati.y be appointed candidates. .."'.TLI .... 11.+ ."..executives." OM No. 41 "40) [. The norms indicated above period. Replacements at to.' Application.1981.' :._.. (3) The departmental both qualification mll..~_. ':~ l . """. guiding factor..forwarded for aoutside emPlOyment'..·...12. ' ..~ '.••• . only the criteria stipulated in the Press advertisement Will be ..~.... On successfu] completion of probation period an executive cadre employee may either be confirmed in the senice in writing or may be continued in the service as a temporary employee after closer of probation period. For employees who are miltdculates or have higher educational qualifications.5 (j) Every employee appointed to the post of an Engineer or Doctor in the compan\ The age of supdannuation of all ei~~\Hi\'e emf>ll3y~g §lull ~I! fig yellER. If no such proof is available for good and sufficient reasons. Classification Q of Employees (ij) All executive cadre employees of Coal India and its subsidiaries are cIassiil fied as 'Confirmed employees'. who have been appointed for a limited petiod and those who have not been confirmed in writing. \1iz. period but before confirmation in the service. 58 years· An executive cadre employee. (il) No ElmploYInl1ihflll B~ r~Q\lir~~ \~ ~m<? ~~ aforesaid after the expiry of ten year: from the ldate of appointment.meaning those. for a fixed period of time which may be extended by the cOtJsent. The age declared at the time of appointment if accepted by the compewot authority. shall lose his lien and be deeme to have left the services of the company on his own accord with effect from the date he was due to return to work. on either side : With one month's notice or pay in lieu thereof after closure of probatio0l. provided that : (jji) (iv) 12.7 Miscellaneous Coal India Limited shall have exclusive right to formulate new terms and cond tions or to curtail or to add to the existing ones or to regroup or rearrange thel in the manner it deserves without assigning any reason whatsoever· 43 l . The employee will. 'Temporary employees'. and No employee shall ordinarily age of forty 'years. on eithr side. . shall be taken as proof of such age. Unless extended by the competent authority. C-5(B)/50800 381 dated 13.6 Unless otherwise specifically provided. who absents himself without leave for more than 8 calendar days or fails to report without sufficient reasons within 8 days of the posting of a notice or being otherwise duly notified. shall be taken as the age for determining the age of superannuation. (Hi) 12. ) 'Employees on probation.81 (Annexure XII (I). after verification. Unless extended by the competent authority the service of an employee on contract shall automatically stand terminated on 'the expiry of the contract period.. N. 1·2 12. ~ Termination . meaning those.M. Employment ti) dependents of executives dying in harness may be considered 0 compassionate grounds in accordance with the guidelines contained in a. meaning who have been appointed 00 contra".3. on either side. Age of Superannuation Nothing in the foregoing provisions shall prohibit the right of the company to dismiss or remove or terminate the services of any employee in terms of Conduct. The allowances and perquisites and other service conditions of the employees wi be governed by the respective rules framed/issued by the company from time to tim. Discipline and Appeal Rules of the company. section 0 department to another and from one place to another. which term includes Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries shal have the right to transfer any employee at any time from one job post. the employee may be reinstate with or without break in service· shall be liable to serve in any Defence service or post connected with the DefenCE of India for a period of not less than four years including the period spent on trainin~ if any. Without notice and without assinging any reason during the period 0 probation. be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining th. the services of an employee shall automatically stand terminated on his attaining the age of superannuation. the contract of appointment of the executive cadre employee nay be terminated otherwise than on disciplinHt grounds. (b) \iil The company. . whose services have been confirmed in writing with the approval of the competent authority. age shall be determined to the satisfaction of the management. ) 'Employees on contract services'. The following genetal terms and conditions of selvice 1n addition to thos specified elsewhere shall apply to all executive employees. be entitled to reo present his case to the management explaining the reasons of his absence· It wil be upto the management to accept the explanation or not and if the explanatior is accepted. however.apter XII ENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES OF EXECUTIVES (c) With three months' notice or pay in lieu thereof on confirmation in the service.' unless otherwise specifically stated in the oHel of appointment every appointee other than those appointed on contra'ct for a fixed petiod shall be on probation for a period of one year whkh may be extended or reduced at the discretion of the competent authority. the age as recorded in the Matriculation) Higher Secondary School leaving certificate. ...lapter XIII DISCIPLINARY After nationalisation of non-coking Chapter PROCEDURES coal mines. The committee was also authorised to co-opt any other member(s) from any subsidiary company or Coal India headquarters to facilitate speedy clearance of all the caSllS. II Part ... disparties.2.\>.~. Coal India Limited...~Jl.:III •.'-::iiTiII·~ . POLICY CONSIDERATION COMMITTEE FOR ·OF APEX EXECUTIVES XIV REPRESENTATIONS- and Discipline Rules and these Conduct & Discipline Rules were in force both BCCl and CMAl/Cll for executives.••. " • ~•.1I~ ~II. penalties Apex Policy . ~.i •• ·.j:I. . Vol. •• • •• 'II'·· ·1I1<~Iil"~II·.~!~ . Companies may send any issue meant for examination by the Apex Policy Committee to the Chief of Personnel Division..~. review of cases arising out of existing executive policies. ••~ ~' . The head of Executive Establishment Division is the Member-Secretary of the Committee..•.~~~·I. there is an Apex Representation Review Committee which consists of the Chairman-cum-Managing Directors of the five subsidiary companies and the representatives of the Coal Mines Officers Association of India. The committee was to work out their methodology for dealing with representations! For such provisions which are not specifically provided for in the company's Conduct. an of subsidiary of Coal India Subsequently..-i· ·ilininiil:~Ii. the Conduct & Discipline Rules were amended on the basis of the model Conduct & Discipline Rules circulated by the Central Vigilance Commission and a comprehensive set of rules to govern conduct. Part . Discipline and Appeal Rules.Committee 'for executives consisting of two CMDs companies and Chief of Finance and Chief of Personnel Divisions Ltd. ..==. Coal India Limited for final decision.I and Vol. (b) At the subsidiary These Committees company deal level there is a Grievance with the representations Committee of in each company. and its subsidiary companies REMOVAL OF ANOMALIES. These rules have been approved by the Cll Board of Directors in its meeting hel don 24.Il:~. i __ -~~~:~-: }lItIll7.~~~. grievances of executives and Jay down policy guidelines on which such cases are to be decided.. The Apex Policy Committee for executives has been meeting periodically.ifi~~~ij"1~~Ii~~fI ]1 l .. I. the following machinery exists in Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries : (a) At Coal India level.. examining and disposing of executive representations. discipline and appea I of all executives in Coal India and its subsidiary companies have been formulated.•• ·. Vol.1978 and are being circulated separately. service conditions and promotion cases of senior executives in E-5 and above grades. reference to the Vigilance Manual. the under mentioned procedure is in vogue : Besides redressal of grievances of the executives through normal administrative channels. The above mentioned Apex Policy Committee for executives is not functioning now.··". The committee was empowered to examine any issue referred to it or otherwise come to its notice relating to the executive cadre management. has been constituted. ~:~~~=~'=:~]C~:~t~.:. Discipline and Appeal Rules specify various authorities for imposing major and minor and also provide for appellate authorities. Instead.·'~'=~.. This Committee after examining the cases submits its recommendations to the Chairman.~~ ••. is to be made.~ .}.~ii. II.•.1III··IIIi "' ••·~_. The revised conduct. NB .jjj. received from the executives involving policy matters. The Committee deals with the representations concerning matters involving inter-company anomalies.::. CMAL had adopted BCCl Conduct in In order to deal with various grievances/representations of Coal India Ltd.II. grade executives below E-5 44 (45) .~·ii··•. is involved.. in the absence of spe orders to the contrary by the competent authority.dia Limited headquarters deal witb the rcplescntations of CIL headquarters there of the executives below E-5 grade borne Eastern Coalfields.1~~~~. Clarifications regarding the date of retirement as their birth day are given below : of officers having the first of a mo Dat~ of Nrl" First of a month Date of f'etif'ement on attainitlg 58 yeaf'S Afternoon month. this may be m over by the retiring officer to the relieving officer on the close of the previ working day. . stores etc.~. which is the normal age of superanm tion.. Disciplme and Appeal Rules of' and North (4) Removal/dismissal Company. headed by a scniority. unless his services are extended in writing by the competent authority. He should make over charge on the due date to Head of the Department/Head of the Division or such officer Authority.!~~~~:f~~.rlil_I"U·' •• _i•• 'Ill' _ l . (c) In Coal It.". the age of the last day of the preced [Added as per OM No. and (5) Termination of services in accordance with the contract of employment. .3.1981 ] If the last day of the month happens to be a closed holiday.JUl~lIlll.. representatives of from the Management Committees The recommendations such Grievance for decision. C-SA/52014 (3)/4381 dated 26. e' Such Committees of the Campa: and the om are considc. Director promotions Chapter X.~. is a similar The services of an employee may cease in any of the following manners : Superannuation. (3) Completion of specified period of employment.2 Superannuation An executive of the company shall retire on the afternoon of the last day of month in which he attains the age of 58 years. 15. 01' the respective companies which are of regarding normally service conditions.. Retirement on attaining the age of 58 is automatic and. 15. the actual relinquishment of charge of office should made on tile last day of service for •••• hich the phjsical presence of the reti officer in the office is not required. by the CMD of (he concerned company (l) Grievance Committec on the r (2) Resignation.:ij~.. the retiring empIc should formally relinquish charge of office in the afternoon of the last day ill In oases in which handing over of cash. in terms of the Conduct.. an executive of the comt: must retire on that date. Thereafter.~..•• 'j (46) .1 RETIREMENT AND EXITS oonsist of equal number Association. llS may be nc l1ated by the Head of the Department/Competent 47 ••••.. pect of an employee who has executed a bond and is undergoing training :ving the period obligatory under the bond.1.-.ch1'~. 15.:i:. a temporary the initial period of probation on his employ_ employee whose probation period has been led will have to give at least one month's notice or salary in lieu thereof. The scheme circulated vide letter..\lio>!~~~a.~.:J:.. ... case of the regular employees confirmed~~~!. Such re-appointment will not ordinarily be beyond the I the employee attains the age of 60 years.~an be submitted .in_!ieu thereof. Copies of the notice lay be endorsed to the and the Personnel Division of Coal ldia Limited headquarters . C5A(vi) / 50718/425 dated office concerned 15. his duties only after he is communicated lb. While no notice resignation is required during Ilt in the company.' "".i.'·''~.:''.7 Voluntary Retirement The Executive Cadre Employees governed by Coal India's terms and conditions of service and scales of pay. o executive.. No.82 may be seen at Annexure XV (2) ote .~._!~_!ary.ij ""-"'''''U~'2'. who have put in not less than 20 years of approved qualifying service including service rendered under the mine I company from which the employees were taken over. :tirement on attaining the age of superannuation is automatic.". 15. ::::'. against re the resignation is accepted.::. " .<i.5 Removal! Dismissal An employee may be removed / dismissed from service in terms of the provision of the Conduct.). order to ensure quick settlement of retirement dues to the executives cessary to initiate action in this regard 6 months in advanct" it is ..SignatiOn) ~e~ may resign from the job by informing the appointing authority ough his controlling officer in writing of his intention to do so.~:.\~~~!\. been taken by the Competent Authority to is ue a Charge-sheet etc.. necessary No DEMAND ClERTlFICATE should be ned from the concerned a~count's section and other areaS/divisions/sections : the employee was working and/or whose properties were under his control.n!rL.Ee~if~ati<:>. iltiGlJptlIllC@ l'!§jgnaUon 'ided that the Management reserves the right not to accept the resigation :he executives against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision her./:. lletion of Specified Period of Employment Ie case of an employee re-appointed after attaining the age of 58 years. may retire from Coal India's service voluntarily subject to fulfilment of stipulated conditions. to say that he has been granted extension of service. ment or by paying one month / three nonths' pay in lieu of the notice.6 The contract of employment may be terminated by either side by giving one months' notice as the case may be in terms of the contract of employ.------------controlling officer will make necessary recommendation to the appointing lority for acceptance or otherwise of the re. R-t (Annexure XV (1) may be issued to the concerned Kecutive intimating the date of his relirementatleast six months in advance in rder to enable him to plan his post·-r13tirement activities.kili~t'~8 \ notice in the form giving three mont~~~c~_<:>!:.>ignation and the employee will be of ved from writing. however. the :s shaH stand terminated automatically on completion of the period for which 'as re-appointed.!l. the tl~rms of appointment and ond will also have to be fulfilled before his resignation is accepted. Discipline and Appeal Rules of the Company...1. 48 49 . can take advantage of non-receipt of formal notice or ders regarding his release etc.:::~i~~:i~1"J~~'. • r:>- n m o ::xl :!! o m ::0 <> (') t:r" r » Z !T1 G> "'tl » 8 (") Z ""» » :z ~0 m ::c G> Ul Ul -.• » en Z -t (") :I: 2 ...m n Z -t ::xl •••• » o s: z o ~ Z > m » r- z " Z o "TI v.~ > !:... I ..:j o z CO G'l .50 o Ui -t 2? c .I ~ 0\ 00 -.. C I 0....l <> I'l l:I <> .. o -..I z (") I:"'" ~ m ~ rI> 11 ~ \0 00 00 o ~ » o Z m 0 ::c ~ en tTl Z m t"" o Z sO'" <> I! e ..• -t C m I r I i r- (") ~ z > o m . e matter has been considered carefully in tbe light of para 22 of Chapter-II of VlVlOVl o'~ i .)..:. g 0'-'2 .l c/j~ . tlO •••• (I'). . ROAD.. >.. U ~ u .~:. Supdtg.l ::: 1..• ~ ~ l! "" '.5 & ~ . :g~. I:: If: VllE'"lE f.OlloO If: U " . as personal to them.•.1988 •• il: ~ . r-: ~ 00 " '" "d c: '" ow·· . ..... ~i5 1.4 Sr. . Ii'.'" ". not entitle them to any higher grade because herto being enjoyed by them....•• :a " .:J ... Jl :.. Drilling Supdt (DDS) Sr.. S. OIl '" U ...~.••~ ' "' •••• .".. 1. ~ .• ~.. O~:f: . 'n L VlVlO '!. ••.0 " '0 ~ C '0 U " <llo:f: .:. "8..l"'" ~li . V) ~ 't c: .•• ~":~. ~ <> _ ~ i! U oll '::.5 •• ..'" "••.! ~•. :~ U .. '-' cJl:oO~~ --r-: ~. ~..' .~ II '" " c .. c: .f! •• ...". '" d r. ~ •.) Regional Director of all Regional Institutes. ~ " <cJl~ 't..••..~ .~o. i....t " <:f::f: " c: ] u '"C " :a (J - •..o >..·. j1 ojj~ tJ ~ ~ ~ ~ .••••.• U :a u U c: " C 011 .. " C " ~ r:t .:i ~ a.l " ~ a '•...~. . 01 the higher designation ai5~~ ~ e ~~ III . ~ ... 'tl 't..'-'~~... CMPDI: HQ : OE: 'illing : Cadre: Scheme' 155 : 4788 dated 7.. <o<~o (S. Driller Dy. (J ~ lS ~ ~ 5 •..... ~~ '" ell..t ~. ('4 Q:2: l. Supdtg.. CCL/BCCL/WCL/ECL/SECL/NCL Addl. ~~ <1)0 • j " ... CMPDI : HQ : OE : Drilling/l~5/8009 Dated 6. U st c O'~~ ... U 011 .._.. " " •.c: _ •• t ...~2' rl " ..••••• "'i.• fE ::: <0 ~f.". ::: 1. Chief Finance Manager.•._""i-·"~"lIIO.. ~". ::l •. '" ..•. Driller Designation changed per Office Order ali o Q' S::E~ u :a ." . u 'l1 ..••• . ij ]~ 'n Co " E "" .....!:! Driller "E 0. •. '•.c~...' . _ *II "" ~ Z0:!. LAHIRI) PERSONNEL MANAGER E :0 " ...... ~ E -" bb _J " .. 'E ~ •. tU ..: " 1...• 2 MJ OFFICE ORDER ~sigoations of the executives borne of Drilling discipline in terms of cadre scheme 'proved for this discipline was notified vide office Order No. CHIEF istribution General Manager (Expln..... !! ~ ~ ~ •••• ~~ '" c: a -:" 0. . Cl '.. U •• •..•••••• """"". General Manager (P).• " ..••... U '" ~~ ~ u u ~~ •. tion of the executives in drilIing cadre as indicated below :_ :ade Existing Designation ~ ~ 8 o~1f: ".'.'88 which necessitated change of desig.l ~1i"~iiv :: v Sl ~ ~ II •. tion of the existing executives of drilling discipline upto E-5 grade who hitherto have en enjoying higher designation : incubents may be: allowed to thau the designation approved retain their eXisting designation in the cadre scheme. •••.J mmon Coal Cadre and it has been decided by the competent authority that the desig. ~ 1Il~0 L. .•••..1" •._~ '"" cu u ·2 ·3 ...g 51 Ii General Manager (1'). ::I ~tI') ••. ~ ~ H .. ~ ~ ...•"'.. =:- PLACE... C ~ ~t l1J u:J~ U £. • .• IS....l ::: '8 ~ If: If: 1.l ~~ ~ ~ _u u: o c: :::0 «rtici .1:.... ( Sr. •__ &l.' ' •._ ...•.~ :a '.~ ~ "" 0 .••_.: i~ '{1 : ~ c: "'" o ~~ Q'~:z U -..~.0 u:f::f: . 8 -. u '" U '0 .E ---- DY.. '" O· ~ ~1 V ~"(.. :f:OdC. ~~ .'. Drilling Supdt. " 01. Clf...l j~ •• .~~..12.•••.' 'n •• ~ . " c o'~ t.. :f:o ~ IB (It~~f~t ~ t) IJ () u is will however.... Driller Dy. ::::J :presentations were submitted by the officers of Drilling discipline protesting the change their existing designation and requesting that their existing designation in vogue be tintained... .7. '"C '"C " •.CENTRAL MINE PLANNING GONDWANA AND DESIGN KANKE INSTITUTE LTD.§ <.!:! ..1 ~J Oil •...... .~ ..•"""". ------Driller G.: "'" '0 •.. DDS) ·5 rilling Supdt...~ ]" " ~ c Vl "V C c: <> •• OIl '" '" C Cl~. c/jO~O ~-~ 1 ...."". :a ....~ . " '" o § ~ ~g~ . "'" o/l~ ••• V " " . RANCHI o.~ ~.... II Sr...! Qp.i..••••.!.'" <J!~ OJ " •. Dy. •• 'n U .!:! ~ '"'..• G . Calcutta." I . L... '''' ~i'.cs)."'fi"''''''.C'i'f:' 5'''' (E:Iect:r.."Public Engineer (IE)Executive Dy (CP) EDgr Engr...Engineer Vigilance Vigilance Manager Ass! Dy Chief Addl Chief Chi<:f Statistical (CP) (IE) Engineer Engr.ics) Engineer...• 9' ."'. Comf"1.2 >< m ~= -_::a ..a]Asslt Dy Comm.. Vigi!ancc Dy T'" " ''''' .'.• c .:+ 3 ::l r+ 1=- ."". Coal Engineer Officer v •• }(Tele.•..'T··. Engineer <E:lect:r<on..f'•. Vigilance Comm.Officer :>"7"~. o o CD .(lIE) sstt (CP) Public Chief Officer ".t Sr Executive 'i"1'..: Secretary (Eleclronics) 14.'·.0 .g""'S"'S~"!i' Execu...""l'_co' ~"~m. ::l ..y..'I·:nu'.. (Elc=tr< p - -- ..2 .)Asstt Add! Executi'll\'e.) Manager Security Corom)(IEl (Tete..A.•.sng Data T (CP) Cnle[ Public Asstt Relations Slatisti:.. •.~~' Security . ····~···~·.• ..?'<''''~ (CP) Chief Statistical Public ChiefChief..Officer E"gin~:r Asstt Supdtg.7"·""~. VJ.raining Engin~r Dy Pub!k (Systems) Engineer Sr''l?.?"'c'fff:""" Relations Executi.i'"\'e Processing (TeleEngineer Security Camm. Manager SClpdtg.'·!'·.~"'-..cs) Engin~r Englne~r ?\~''''.····'··"'P~··~' .. SrPublic Process..ticz{ Data ChiefProcessing Officer Relations OfikerEngr.sstlTraining Private Executi.0 C CD ~ r.) Engineer (MD Engineer (MD& (Systems) EngineezrAsstt (Systems) (CP) Training Secretar:yT) o. Statis.'''...e Asstl Data Addl Chief SecurityChief Manager Addl Mana2er Officerof A Training Officer& Relatior.) l\'ianager (Tele. Sr Trailhing Securit).""'l'!:.:JJ 2 CD () ..~(IE) OfficerChief .'" ':"".<>ni-=:s> Engineer (Electronics) Engiaeer ~Elec"'r~raics'> <EJec=t:r~Dics) (Eloctrorlt.f'l':"k(IE)Dy ChiefEngin= Manager Relati0ns Sr SecurityAssll Supdtg.• .••e Engr..011n. and technical posts required for research ) Direct Recruitment Direct recruitment of open competitive Direct recruitment than at (i) above.6) acts from letter No.>r Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 16-2/3% 7-1/2% I! Tribes apply also to appointments made to "Scienti. 'lrvation what in such appointis applicable to Only such 'scientific and technical' posts as satisfy all the following conditions can be exempted from the purview of the reservation orders : (i) The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A (Class I) of the service concerned : They should posts: and be classified as 'scientific or technical' (Iii (iii) ~ . '" ~~ 0 C1) . the posts may be treated as Groups 'A'. 1.~ ~g & Dcategoryin ~ or posts ~.0) ~ . like flood relief work. f -\' \ 0. 2.... like flood relief work. "". mum of not less than Rs. president is pleased to direct the Coal India Ltd.~O.. accident restoration and relief etc. '."" 15% (55) I . Sl~ 81 ~I 'e " . under Article 37 of the Articles of . if any.= .14017/13!83-Adm. ~.oeiation that the following measures should be taken with regard to the reservations Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in appointments to the various posts in the npany : Vacancies filled by transfer Temporary duration: Those appointment posts. ...vation f.. In some undertaking. days work-charged which are required for emergencies. 'B'. In such cases. 'v. ' '.• . for purpose of . the classification of posts may not be identical or similar to that in vogue in the Central Government services..7. . 15% from selection ~8~ .•.1. : Scientific etc. should generally be suitably applied to the extent possible. New Delhi (Circulated to the Subsidiary Companies with CIL's letter No. The principle of reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.' or .300/- Group 'A' \..2 1984 of the Ministry of Posts filled by promoti~n on the basis of seniority SIC SIT subject to fitness in Group 'A'. to work-charged posts also except those required for emergencies. 7-1/2% ~ implementing the reservation orders... fie & technical" posts upto and including the lowest grade of Group A (Class I) in the respective services and such posts are not exempted of the reservation orders. guiding and directing research. Direct recruitment attracting candidates on an All-India test. Department of Coal. on an All-I ndia basis to Groups C & D posts otherwise normally basis by means Scheduled Castes 15% Scheduled Tribes 7-1/2% IJ The reser.~ "' 0) C. 'The above reservation will not apply to : or by deputation of less tha11-45 15% 7-1/2'% rgy.. 'C' & 'D' posts in grades or services in which the element of direct recruitment. accidents restoration and relieLetc. CIL!C5A(vi)!50982!N!177 dated 26. I dated 15.t2.ed 66-2/3%.\.. from the purview from a locality or a region.1984) .. 'B'.A.. . 'C' and 'D' as follows: Posts carrying a payor a scale of pay with a maxi. does not exceed 66-2/3/~. They should be posts 'for conducting research' 'for organisil1g. '~gh limited 1ns within .ANI\lEXURE III (2) (Revised) (Para 3.. \l.element of Approval of the Board of Directors should be obtained before exempting any posts satisfying the above conditions from the purview of the scheme of reservations. The percentao"ments m~v Gr"" . Departor to Direct 7-1/2"/.. C & 0 posts in grades or services in which the element of Direct recruitment. in such appointis applicable to The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A (Class 1) of the service concerned : They should posts. Direct recruitment than at (i) above. I dated 15. accidents restoration and relief _ etc. 'e' & 'D' posts in grades or services in which the element of direct recruitment. 'B'. does not exceed 66-2/3 ~ They should be posts 'for conducting research' 'for organisiug. if any.sociation that the following measures should be taken with regard to the reservations . Department of Coal. rn such cases. like flood relief work.Coal India Ltd.300/Group 'A' 54 (55) I .14017/13!83-Adm. guiding and directing research. to work-charged po~t~ 1I1~o 8XC8pt thOS8 r@quir@d for @m8rg@nci@g. CIL!C5A(vi)!50982!N!177 dated 26.. New Delhi (Circulated to the Subsidiary Companies with CIL's letter No. should generally be suitably applied to the extent possible.A. does not exceed 66-2/3%. if any. Posts filled by promotion made by selection from Group '8' (Class II) to the lowest rung or category in Group 'A' (Class I) and Group B.21984 of the Ministry of ergy. and technical posts required for research The reservation fi>r Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes apply also to appointments made to "Scientific & technical" posts upto and including the lowest grade of Group A (Class I) in the respective services and such posts are not exempted of the reservation orders. will not apply to : or by deputation of less than-45 days SIC SIT 15% 7-1/2 The above reservation Vacancies filled by transfer Temporary duration: appointment ~) Direct Recruitment Scheduled Castes Direct recruitment on an AII. posts as following conditions can be exempted the reservation orders : from the purview of like flood relief work.ANI\lEXURE III (2) (Revised) (Para 3. the classification of posts may not be identical or similar to that in vogue in the Central Government services. 'C' and 'D' as follows: Posts carrying a payor a scale of pay with a maximum of not less than 1\s.6) :racts from letter No. C & D in wnich the element of Direct Recruitment. In Some undertaking. : Scientific etc. Scheduled Impany: Castes and Scheduled Tribes in appointments to the various posts in the ~ Posts filled by promotion on the basis of seniority subject to Iltness in Group 'A'. 'B'. which are required for emergencies. such 'scientific and technical' from the purview satisfy all the Direct recruitment to Groups C & 0 posts normally attracting candidates from a locality or a region. if any.lndia of open competitive test.7. accident restoration and relief etc. 1. under Article 37 of the Articles of . for purpose of 15% implementing the reservation orders. the posts may be as Groups 'A'.' 01' 15% Approval of the Board of Directors should be obtained before exempting any posts satisfying the above conditions from the purview of the scheme of reservations. does not exceed 66-2/3/~. 2.1984) e president is pleased to direct the . on an All-India basis basis by means 15% otherwise 16-2/3% b Scheduled Tribes Those work-charged posts. and be classified as 'scientific or technical' Promotion !losts filled by promotion through limited Departmental Competitive Examinations within or to Groups B. The percentages of reservation ments may correspond to what Group 'C' and Group '0'. The principle of reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. 290/. 900/Post carrying a payor a scale of pay the maximum Group'D' of posts consequent In otber words. Whether performance of the executive concerned as revealed from appraisal report justified exten. in finding a under Group 'D' '1he same rationale posts irre~pective will be to the existing cadre of that group applicable 'D'. or less I: There wilI be no change in the classification posts classified on of the pay scales in a Public Sector Enterprises. . Signature with Designation of Chairman-eum-Managing Director or his nominee 57 l . 4.but Rs. on the periodical for tbe purpose Group 'C' 1. 5.04I/75-MAN : categorised ed subsequently r Group as (6.' Name of the employee Designation Date of birth Date of superannuation Scale of pay Proposal for Approval at Chairman. and its Subsidiary Companies of which is Rs. 900/. 3. 290/. of the to revised Whether sanctioned post exists for the proposed extensionlre employment 7. Specific recommendation of Chairman· cum _ Managing Director of the subsidiary company concerned for extension/re-employment indicating the period proposed. Reasons for not taking timely action replacement. . sion/re-employment 'Z n: Is the reputation of the executive concerned integrity and honesty beyond doubt? for 13.Post carrying a payor mum of not a scale of pay with a maxiless than Group 'B' ANNEXURE III (3) (Para 3. employment is essentially required in the intertst of the company). why 'I ) 6. 2. . If not.(Please indicate specific field of expertise of the executive concerned and why his extension I re. for Grant of ExtensionjRe-employment to the Executive of Coal India Ltd. 81i (Jalis IV (Group 'D') prior (lC).300/Post carrying a payor a scale of pay with a maxi- Proforma for Sending mum of over Rs." Qualification ~.75-BPE addition Ilth December. Rs. servations. Coal India Ltd. Reasons for proposing extension Ire-employment. Can the post be filled in by promoting any of the existing eligible departmental candidates in the next below grade or by making officiating or ad-hoc arrangement 'Z 15. ·Full service particulars of the executive concerned 9.M.l. but less than Rs.21) less than . other categories 10. 1. 1975 will continue pay scales. What specific steps have been taken to place a suitable replacement in position before completion of the period of proposed re-employment I extension ? 14. 6. of Posts posts will also be grouped 3PE/GL. dated the to the issue of HPE's O. 11. :.p.. as laid 1 in this Office Memorandum No. a separate scheme as porated in paras 3..2.pletion of the two yeers period. therefore.80. 900/. those who were not declared successful in the qualifying examinatipn in irst attempt and appeared in subsequent examinations will be absorbed in E-2 grade ] tb~~i!te of announcement of the result of the particular examination in which they !ify for abwrption. departmental examination in the first attempt may be absorbed in E-2 grade from of completion of two years training irrespective of the date of announcement of result.~~:=:. M. Those who pass the said examination after 2 years may be absorbed in E·2 grad frum the date of announcement of their result. (b) (II) (al (b) Fixation in the grade in thE Pay wIll be flxed at the mInImum of ~-~ grade from the date of absorptIon grade. 11th February. No.been preted differently by the different Subsidiary Companies. •• -.~ . Sd/Chief of Personnel Division (Actg 58 59 l u. in regular B-2 ~ in respect of Management Trainees (Finance). hereby clarified that under item (1)Ia) of the said a. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.ANNEXURE 111(4) COAL INDIA "COAL COAL IN DIA LIMITED "COAL BHA WAN" 10. governed by. as incorporated in paras 3.1 to 3. governed by a separate Scherr of the Common Coal Cadre. to avoid any possible disparity in the matter of absorption in regular E. Netaji Subhas Road Post Box No. 871 Ref. However.M. have . C-5(A)/51186/3903 Dated. on their passing the departmental qualifying examinstion. [lU. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No.) Till such time as they are absorbad in E-2 grade on passing of necessary exami nation. they will continue to draw stipend of Rs."_~.7 of Chapter has been decided that the following guidelines should be fOllowed uniformly by all t~ subsidiary companies: It has come to notice that the guidelines in the matter of absorption. the 2nd September '81 OFFICE MEMORANDUM In order. grade in respect of the Management Trainees (Finance).7 of Chapter III of the Common Coal Cadre.. 10 : I" (I) (a) Date of absorption in E-2 grade The Management Trainees (F) who pass the Departmental Examination:'within th. 2 (tWo) years training period may be absorbed in E-2 grade from the date of com . C-5(A)/51186/3903 dated 11.1 to 3·20. Accordingly. the Managet Trainees (Finance) who had completed two years training and passed the final qualify. j J .•JJI.20. the orde for absorption of the Managem9nt Trainee (Finance) in the regular E-2 grade may t issued by the respective companies direct.80 Sd/· Chief (Executive Estb. 871 Calcutta 700 001 ::_5(A)(iii)/51186/4272 OFFICE MEMOR ANDUM Datad.20. under intimation to this office The matter regarding inter-se seniority on absorption of the Management TraineE (Finance) in E-2 grade is under consideration of the Seniority Committee and the dec sion in this regard will be intimated in due course.~:=. LIMITED. m.~~jj~~J~~nn . and Admn. only.114~j~J~~~-~LJ~~. O. SHAWAN" 10.2.~ l1lmm~"I_~I.~~~~:~:=·~J.. It is. 198. dated 11.20. for which were issued under this Office Memorandum No.p. Instructions to ffect were issued to all companies under ih. of this They will continue to be governed by tho No.2.y 6f Pay of all stipend Pay ofIt theofallowances and of otherallowances 80S/.14oo{.le pay will be following stipend/pay and allowances during the first year.&. 1981 . 1979. 1980.l979 who were appointed announcement revised salary slfucture. m. 30 September. Atter careful consideration.800-50-1400/-with all other allowances as admissible to the executive cadre employees. & Adm! • 60 .Rs. who were appointed with 3rms and conditions before 1. m· in the Non-mining JETs/MTs with MBA scale of pay of Rs.m.1979. 725/. I) /4765 Dated. it )een decided that the JETs/MTs with MBA qualification. the JETs rs with M BA qualification were to be allowed a fixed pay of Rs· 725/.ANNEXURE HI :5) 3.2. 800 -50-1400/-. The issul:l relating to the regulating of pay lowances to such JETs/Management Trainees consequent upon the revision of E-2 was examined and it was decided that such JETs/MTs would be allowed a basic pay 8001.other all otherRs.rl.11. instead of Rs. <. Pre- the revised E-2 grade during the second year of 3inin~ besides all other admissible allowances on or after 1. C·5(A) 52071 (Vol. Netaji Subhas Road were appointed pre-revised sca.I 10. 850 p. There is no change in the after stipend/pay and of the allowances payable to the JETs/MT! viz. all other the scaleRs. Summarising the above decisions. \)/2845 dated 3rd mber.during the PostRs. 800-50-1400/with all qualification other allowances as admissible to the executive cadre employees· An initial basic pay of Rs. 800-1400/scale 725-1325/-of Rs.1.11.. in 725-1325/allowances andin all Rs. JETs in mining discipline Sd/- (Chief Bx. 900/. entitled whO to get COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAW AN. Subsequently. 850/Rs. of of scale of pay of Pay allowances in F. and and 725/. The then existing E-2 grade of Rs. before l.1979 would be eligible to get the following pay and lances after successful completion of their training period and on absorption in the lar executive cadre : An initial basic pay of Rs.725-13251-the the the Rs.:_5\A'!52071/voll)/ dated 5th September. scale of pay of pay revision year of their training revision besides other allowances of payor period admissible in the scale of pay o~pay 725-40-1325/The executive salary structure was revised effective from .'.p. the matter with regard to the pay and allowances admissible to these 3es after successful completion of the training period and on absorption in the regular I has been under consideration of the management.1979 in the the JETs and MTs with of MBA qualification. II/3296 provisions of para-10 Office MemoranduD dated 30th November.1979. 1!:l79. CIL/C-5lA)/509901 3296 dilted 30th November.Rs. CIL/C-5(A)/50990/Vol. otherscale in ofpay and of 800. Bstb.p.725·40-1325/lnsequently revised to Rs. 800/-of900/.ccording to the then prevalent rules and terms of appointment issued. second year cadre : and after successful completion of the training and on absorption in regular executive Calcutta 700 001 _5(A)/52071 (Vol. l. A consolidatedallowances Rs.765/-pay of other-do. After 1st year Mining Nonmining 2nd year Mining Nonmining successful Mining completion of the trainoadre Non-mining OFFICE Subject: MEMORANDUM ing and on absorption in the regular Pay and allowances admissible to JETs/Management Trainees appointed 'Prior to the announcement of the revised salary structure effective from 1. :!t ~~.s Offing l€ltt~r No.800/.the l'ay scale800-1400/of allowances 4. 1980 and letter No. m· in the scale of pay of Rs. they will draw pay at the minimum of the E-l scale (i. Netaji Suqhas Road. 1 heir confirmation in the E-2 grade will Y OlIni faithfully.- plus usual allowances like HRA/CCA/DA coalfield allowance wherever admissible. The JETs on successful completion of their rraining 1 apprenticeship will be placed in minimum of E-2 grade (i. I am directed to refer to your D. CIL I C-5A / 50972 /18 /1604 dated 24.12.83 Yours faithfully. 850/. O. 493/Fin/83 dated 21.1982. e. Calcutta 700001 Subject C-5A/50972/451 Date . 49015/1/80-PIR dated 24th February. No. During the first year. The revised rates will take effect from the date of issue of this order. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700 00I To Ministry of Energy Department of Coal New Delhi..2.. 800-1400 -). the 23rd/24th February.[). 600/.1983 :hairman-Cum-Managing Director 'CCL/WCL/BCCLICMPDIL Subject Sir. 1983 The Chairman. _ . ' Sd/Chief (Executive Estllblishment) '. This issues with the approval of IF vide their U.3.\ 63 (62) ..on the above mentioned subject and to convey the sanction of the President to the amendment of pay and allowances and service conditions of Junior Executive Traineesin Coal India as detailed below : The period of training ofthe JETs in the miningllnd non-mining technical disciplines is reduced from two years to one year.. 700/. Coal India Limited. Junior Executive Trainees in elL Revised Stipend/Emoluments l Junior Executive Trainees in CIL Revised Stipend 1 Emoluments.per month in their second year of training as against Rs. e Rs..I (iii) lhe consolidated stipend payable to Welfare Officer (Trainees) will be Rs. be done in tcrm~ of extont rullJ6 on thli Bubj"lt. Rs 750/.in the first year and Rs. Dy. Department of Coal on the above subject for your nation. 2. Q. Sd/Under Secretary to the Government of India .750/per month in first year of their training and the second year of training.----- ANNEXURE III (6) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA COAL INDIA LIMITED 'COAL BHAWAN' 10..-- l.. I am to forward herewith a copy onetter No.. letter No. from the Ministry of Energy. Those posted Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.e "'" .Mining and Non-fTlining Technical DisCiplines to the following disciplines will be treated as Non-mininl Persons belonging Technical Qisciplines : (a) Electrical & Mechnical Engineering).d ..1 If a JET in Mining and Non-mining 1982 and has Training City 1983.nd. 1983 will be One year. 6th April. We have received some queries from the companies . 3.1983... seeking clarifications February. During the first year all rules and as exp'a.. "r" AlIQvy~nce/Undergrol North East Illation and implementation. Dbanbad estern Coalfields Limited. 1983 on successful completion of their training/apprenticeship.". Nagpur mtral Mine planning & Design Institute Ltd. period shall include the extended AlIowgnCll! DemnBSS the period of the said training he will draw pay at the minimum ~ompen5alory Allowance and Coalfield Allowance. with ro&lllll19th' . effect from the next date.s Under manager.h"" o<d" ••• . he shall be required Technical to undergo Discipline has been appointed one year's period training subject. on the above 4. Ranchi lstern Coalfields Limited."..e Chairman-cum-Managing Directors larat Coking Ooal Limited.U•• .--~heL obtain the Second period has been flund to be satisfactory.."J g"iJ. C_SAjS0972/18/1707 .. training.. Civil Engineering (including Architecture).fthe Ministry's order No. Technical Disc 2. designated -. in CIL Revised Stipend/Emoluments All JETs in the Mining and Non-mining Technical Disciplines who have succes Subject: lear Sir Kindly lentioned Junior Executive Trainees fully completed one year's training o~ 23rd February. not successfully completed training period of training Our: 1-'01 for the period that h of E-1 scale plu~ in ~.. Class Mine Manager's 43 Their placement in E-2 grade shall be provisional but will be deemed to be . Sanctoria ~ntral Coalfields Limited.3.... Engineering (including Industrial Engineering and Electronic (b) (c) Mechanical Engineering tincluding Excavation) .nclo. shall be placed in E-2 gra. '0' yoo. Sd/Chief (Executive Establishment) 42 JETs (Mining) will be placed in tha minimum of E-2 grade on successful com tion of one year's training"apprenticeship and they will be on probation for a pe of minimum one year They will continue to be on probation till : ----. 4901S/1/&O-PIR dated 24th short of one year.. Y ours Faithfully. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700 00'\ f. Rent Allowance. ------Certificate (a) (b) the performan. Engineer until After obtaining be designated Mining he obtains and submits ~ine Manager s Certificate of competency.•.GUIDELINES COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" Dated. Rancbi 1. 1983. JETs-. The training period of all JETs in the Mining and Non-mining pUnes appointed on or after 24th FebrJary.. of Competency . they shall be deemed to be on probation below... that faUs after the successful completion of one year's trail Enclo apprenticeship period or extended period of such training· the JETs (Mining) the 2nd fie 11\ 44 After the completion as Junior of one year's training/apprenticeship. where admissible Coalfields will be entitled for Assam Allowanc.:e during the probation the DGMS· ~----. the said certificate (64) 65 .. 24th Februarv. .n af as per nermal refer to our letter No. 1983 '\0... No. 3. The in respect mater has 24th February. C_SA/S0972/4S1 dated 2. Sales & Marketing and Fina who are MBAs and have also undergone post graduate training in their respe( areas of specialisation should also get stipendlemoluments in accordance with Ministry's letter dated 23rd/24th February.80-PIR dated the 23/24th February. Millo Dressing. 1983. Terms and conditions of Labour Welfare Officer (Trainee) shall remain the Sl as aid down in the Ministry's letter No.referred to above. 19113. 49015/1 . Dated May 27. Letter No. 750/. In partial modification of the guidelines forwarded with this office letter da 6th April.==::!I~~~~:::~~~~IUWmmIllUmIllJ~I.: Ref. Mining Machlnery. Sanctoria Central Coalfields Limited.J~I I •. C-5(A)/50972/18/333 The Chairman-cum-Managing Director Bharat Coking Coal Limited. he will draw a stipend of Rs· 850/month with effect (rom 24th February. Ranchi Dea.e Junior Executive Trainees in the Mining & N( mining Technical Discipline.3. (ii) The Management Trainees in Materials Management. 1983 forwar to you with this office letter No.r Sir.1983.Revised Stipend/Emoluments.IIU 1_. rli<" ~f (iii) SdlChief (Executive Establishm 66 (67) _____ 'ti=. ~eo-physic8. Sub. like Chemical Engineering. (i) The Junior Executive Trainees/Management Trainees in disciplines other tI those mentioned in the guidelines forwarded with this office letter dated 6th A~ 1983. 1983 for the remaining period of training. Junior Executive Trainees in CIL . referred to above. 19 (r) will be Other Trainees The terms and conditions of other trainees remain unchanged. Fuel Technoogy. Dhanbad Western Coalfields Limited. 2. C-5A/S0972/18/1707 dated the 6th April. 1983 referred to above like those Junior Executive Trainees in Mining and Non-mining Technical Discipline. On satisfactory completion of the two years' training petiod an LWO fixed in E-' scale La Rs. the following guidelines are issued . C-SA/50972/451 dated 2. Yours faithfully. 1983 for the remaining od of the first year of training. If an LWO(T) is in the second year of training.per month with effect from 24th February.11 n I f. I . COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10.: it. he will be entitled to get stipend at rate of Rs. Kindly refer to our above mentioned letter forwarding guidelines in respect of revised stipend/emoluments of th. 4901SJ1/80-PIR dated the 23rdJ February. G~1I1agy Rnd Otb@fg with finginccJ Degree qualification shall also get stipend/emoluments similar to Junior Exeeu Trainees of Mining and Non-mining Technical Discipline as mentioned in Ministry's letter No. 1983. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700 001 No.Labour welfare Officer (Trainees) If an LWO (T) is in the first year of training. 750-40·1350/with all other allowances. Nagpur Central Mine Planning & Design Institute LId" Ranchi Eastern Coalfields Limited. 1030/. Dy. It has also been decided in the said meetil '!hat the recognised diploma holders with 3 years minimum service in E. It lIas also been incorporated tbat pro [(Dlotiona1 avenues to the executives possessiM recollnised diploma are restricted onl ruptoE-3 grade beyond which tbey will not b.5 of the sai [CadreScheme and para 4. the exist: Clldre Scheme for Engineering disciplines has been revised which comes into force w effectfrom Ist September. Keeping in view the above decisions of the Beard of Directors of CIL. !. It bas been decided to increase tbe consolidated stipend payable to Welfare lfficers (Trainee) to Rs. With regard to the diploma holders who were in E-3 grade and above at the til of introduction of Common Coal Cadre Scheme. 850/. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. will be effective from 24th February 1983.n respect recognised diploma llolden.1978. . and 1st September. february. have to put in a minimum 5 years experience in E-2 Brade fo :J.otion to B-3 grade in the Enjlineering disciI' rUnesas against 3 years for tbe degree holders. The stipend to V"elfare Officers (Trainee) may be paid accordingly. There will be no change in respect of the departmental candidates who opt to contilue to draw pay and allowances as per NcwA during thelr fralnlng perIod as Welfare )fficers (Trainee) ~. these provisior .. it bas been decid that such executives will continue to be oonsidered for promotion to the grades beyo E-S in exceptional cases witb specific written approval of the Cadre Controlling Authority. 1979.10. NetajiSubllas Road Calcutta 700 001 Dated 19th November.2 grade will eligible for consideration for promotion to E-3 grade and onwards upto E·S grade. 4. a (. No.Manager Please see Appendix IV (2)-2 1 Sd/Chief of Personnel Division (Act (69) (68) .in le first year and Rs. Keeping in view the appeal of the diploma holders requesting for relaxation in tll rsaidCadre Scheme to enable them to get better promotional avenues. 2. The maller regarding revision of stipend of Welfare Officers (Trainee) bas been :viewed.: eligible for consideration for promotio .. 1979 that the existing differential elll i:~i1ityeriod for promotIon from B-2 to E-3 grade between degree and diploma holdt p 'rjn the Engineering disciplines be removed.per month in the first year of their training Rs.~eritoriousservice in sllpersession of the existing provision • '3. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700 001 ~f No : CIL : C-5A (i) : 50308/ OFFICE Sub: MEMORANDUM 10.4 (Iii) of the Manual on Common Coal Cadre Scheme). 1979 C_5(A)f52107/3176 Date : 6 Dec.Relaxation . 84 t' OFFICE Sub MEMORANDUM 01 Revision of stipend of Welfare Officers (Trainee) Cadre Scheme for Engireering Discipline . 1080/· er month in their Second year of training as against the present rates of Rs 7501.pavG boon HwiGWGd Ilml i\ bi5 ~~~I! 9~cided by the Board of Directors of elL in the 251 eeting held on 31st August.unless]theyacquire qualifications equivalent to a recognised degree (SI. Chief ~ersonnel.ecoming eligible for consideration for prom. The above revised the Second year of Training. wbo are in possession of recoJlnised diploml 'of three years duration..ANNEXURE ANNEXURE III (7) IV (1) COAL INDIA LIMITED 'COAL BHA W AN" COAL INDIA LIMITED 10. According to the existing approved cadre scbeme as inC'orporated in the Manua of Common Coal Cadre the executives. viz. ANNEXURE IV (2) (a) could not be promoted to the next higher grade as a case for fatal accident was pendi COAL INDIA ,LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10, Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta -700 001 . C-S(A)/52106(Pt./S061 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub ~ Seniority in the promoted against him at the time of issue of the promotion orders and orders promoting 20 officl to the next higher grade issued, excluding 'X'. Subsequent to the issue of these prom tion orders, the safety clearance is given in respect or 'X', after processing the case agaiJ Dated 22nd October, 1981, him he is proIDGted at a later date. The seniority of 'X' on promotion should be fb as if he had been promoted ill accordance with the position assigned to him in tbe sel list. The pay of 'X' on promotion should be fixed notionally by allowing the interven: quiry, tElbe counted for increments in the hiBher grade, but ssible to him.. no arrears would be adr scale of an executive whose promotion has been delayed due to pending prosecution procedings on fatal and or serious mine accidents. In terms of this Office Memorandum No. C-S'A /52045(1)/1040 dated 27.1980 ,motions of officers against whom DGMS started procecution proceedings on accounl their being considered responsible in serious and / or fatal mine accidents should ~ ulated in the same manner as that of officers whom there are pending. depart~ ntal/vigilance enquiries that is, in terms of para 4,13(b) of the Wanual on Commo~ ,al Cadre Ce'rtain procedure in regard to reviewing the delayed promotions 011 th~ :ount was laid down in this Office Memorandum No. C-5(A)!52045(l)/3521 dated 14th lUary, 1981, A question, has now been raised as to the methf,d of determining the seniority iif : officers whose promobons have been delayed due to pendIng prosecutlon proceedjfi~ fatal/serious mine accidents and promoted after a review contemplated in this Office :morandum dated 14th January, 1981 or acquittal in the court. After detailed exanii· tion it has been decided that the seniority of such officers will be determined in the , same manner as in the case of officers whose promotion was delayed due to pending )artniental/vigilance proceedings. In other wOlds, they will be given the benefit enurated in para l(c) of this Office Memorandum No. C-5\A 150972 (Vol. 1) Pt./l334 :ed 27th June, 1979 read with O,M. No. C-S(A)/50972 (Vol 1) Pt./I507 dated 10th y, 1979 (copies enclosed for ready reference). An illustration of a typical case is also pended. / Sd/Chief (Executive Estb. & n example in this tfgard is bivcn below: Admn.) Suppose an officer 'X' has been empanelled for promotion and bis position is at No. 10 in the p:lllel prepared by the Departmental Promo:ion Committee. (71) ~70) I .•..•... '''~,,--;-,--_ ... ..•.-~ ,...,''~~ ... ..•. ANNEXURE IV (2) (c) COAL INDIA LIMITED Personnel Division ANNEXURE IV (2) (b) COAl. INDIA LlMlTlm "COAL .DBAVi AN" "COAL BHAWAN" Calcutta 700001 ~o. C-5A}S204S(l)3521 14th January, 1981 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: 10, Netaji SubItlls Road Calcutta 700001 No. C-5(A)/52045(1)/1040 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Dated: 2.7. I980 Sub Ref· : Promotiom ofaccidents. Officers or fatal mine : This (Copy enclosed). 1980 office m~m3randu!D / who have b~~n conne.:ted with serious and C.5:A)SW4S(I)lOWlated 2nd July. I Promotion of officers who have been connecte I with serious and/{lr fal:l~ mine accidents. No. In partial modification of tbe office memorandum ure will Its, etc. be followed in respect of officers considered referred to above the fOllowing responsible for serious mine rhe queltioll of withholding of promotions of the officers involved in fatal acci. It has been brought to the notice of CIL that certain officers considered responsible in serklus mine accidenls against whom DOMS has started prosecution proceedings in the Court, were promoted without awaiting final o·utcome of the said prosecution. The intention of the provisions of 4.13 (b) and 4.13 (c) of Manual on CoriuuQn Coal Cadre is not only to cover the cases of vigilance and departmental inquiries but also the cases when an executive has been held guilty by the DOMS in serious andlor fatal mine accidents. Executives so involved will fall under this category and therefore, clearance for promotion in these cases shall be withheld. 2. In order 10 enable the Personnel Division of Coal India LimiteJ to be kepI posted on maIlers rel:lting 10 involvement of executives in E-S and above grades in such mines nccidenls, the relevant information as soon as received from DOMS should. as a malleI' of course, be passed on to this office as the cadre of these seniol' officers is centrally controlled. 3. Subsidiary henceforth. COin! '. nics arc requested 'as examined by the Department of ('oal in consultation with the DOMS, Ministry Ir and the CMDs of the coal companies and in the context of the delays which 'ac~ in completion of prosecutions launched in the courts of law, it was decided question of withholding of promotions of the officers concerned Would be reviewed :ar at the level of the Board of Directors of the company and a decision cou!~ b; , the Board in r;iiud to case. at such yearly reviews ng on the merits ef th.: promotion of tbe 8fftcers concemed to ensure stri{ t adherence 10 these guidelines s and when the Board of Directors of the company take decisions in respect of s referred to above, tbe same, in respect of officers of E-5 and above grades, may ated to tile Personnel Division of Coal India for record and necessary action. Sd/- Chief of Personnel Division (Actg.) Sd/Adviser (P & IR) (72) 73 ~~' .. :ft"'!ttii"~~F!hi6~~·?l{:f~ .L u~~,,~ 1, ~"".,.,,,,, ~ n '~,1 EASTEHN COALFIELDS UMITED ANNEXlJlm DIIU£C!'OI( IV (2) (d) CILIC 5A(ii)/50996{404 The Cbairman-cum-Managing Director, Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Sanctoria. Bharat Coking Coal Ltd , Dhanbad. Central Coalfields Ltd., Ranchi, Western Coalfields Ltd., Nagpur. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Bilaspur Northern Coalfields Ltd., Singrauli. Ceotral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd., Ranchi. The General Manager, North Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Assam. Sub; Simplification of procedure for obtaining vigilance and other clearances viz. Coal Stock Shortage, Safety Internal Audit etc., in respect of the executives of Mining Discipline for the purpose of issue of promotion orders January 18 88. OFl<'ICE OF THE CHAIRMAN-CUM-MANAGING SANCT.ORIA I. CMD/ECL/HQ/62/42 Dated, 8th January, J 981 I' letter No. CIL/X-/(E)/05057/20 e, CIL, Calcutta to undersigned OFFICE Sub : Officers. clearance Vigilance dated 6. J.! 911J & others. MEMORANDUM in matters from Shri S B Sahai, Chief of of promotion, conlirmution, etc. of Ref: No. Memo No. C-5(A)/50972 (Vol. I) PI./1334 dated 19/27 June, 1979. has been laid down in CIL O.M. number quoted above that all orders for prowill be issued only after vigilance clearance. The stage at which a vigilance hould affect the promotion, confirmation etc. of an employee of CIL and its es has not been clearly defined in the above' quoted office memorandum. inquiries take considerable time to complete and in absence of a clear indication the point at which such inquiries should stand in the way of an officer's pro1ere is scope for confusion on this score. This matter has been engaging the :>f1he management for quite Some time. Taking into considcnttion .thc existing the Governrient of India in thi~ regard, the fOlloWing decision has· been taken : 's for promotions will be issued only after vigilance clearance. However, vigiance shall not be withheld for the mere fa..:t that a fl.E. or R.C. has been f~§ihe CHI aiainst !tn gfflGUf or that oll.fi1plu;nts are being looked into in a prelimi:ry departmentally but no conclusion has been reached about the prima facie ~ offic<::r. Vigilance clearance shall be withheld only when : Ie case of a Preliminary Enquiry, either by the CBI or departm<:ntal agencies, :ompetent authority, on consideration oi the results of the investigation, has ed the action, and rtmental opinion that a charge-sheet may be issued on specific imputations for se of a regularthe officer io Court. case, the competent rosecution of authority has del'ided to accord sanction Dear Sir, As per Chapter-IV of the Common Coal Cadre, before issue of promotion orders on the basis of recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee, vigilance clearance in respect of executives in different grades from the concerned Company and also from ClL's Vigilance Department is required to be obtained. Disciplines the information with regard to Whae io ihe case or non-MinIng vigilance clearance and / or status of the departmental proceedings contemplated or pending against the concerned officers are obtained, but, in the case of Mioing Discipline in addition to the said positions, safety, coal stock & internal clearances are obtained. In order to stremeline I simplify the procedure, the matter was placed before the CMD's meet held on 23rd August, 19&7 at Calcutta, where it was decided that safety, coal stock shortage and internal audit clearances need not be obtained in respect of executives in Mining Discipline. However, the Companies will intimate the factual position regarding any departmental proceedings I Court case pending or contemplated against the executive concerned in respect of above matter, to ClL Hqs, while intimating vigilance clearance to this office. The above is fol.' your ioformation ~Ild necessary guidance, the competent authority arrives at such a conclusion, the oJlker may be treated Ir with others in the lIJatter of promotion, confirmation etc. , instructions shall come into force with immediate effect Sd/for Chairman-cum-Managing Director 74 Yours faithfully, ( A. V. BRAHMA) DIRECTOR (P & IR) l ·C-5A(ii):50996!700 ECL. promo· tion on ad-hoc basis will be subject to availability of a vacancy in the higher grade ni the relevlInt discipline. CALCUrrA PHONB I 20-9980." foflQ' Date 1st Seplember. BCCL.. NEC. re. PM. on the above subject. dated 18th January. You are. Singrauli. as mentioned in sul>-para-(iii) of the 2nd para of the aforesaid OM dated 7-2-1986.m~ 1JTqI ifiT~~:fu~lfr .ft ~\lTlf ~T~. 1988. 1988 Sz. :ral Manager. Gen. SECL. CHOUBEY) ( R. P. 7.7180 Date 3rd Dec. 4.b: Promotion of employees of Public Sector undertakings whose conduct is uuder investigation or against them disciplinary / criminal proceeding. SECL. Dy. Sub : Vigilance Clearance Kindly refer to letter No...) l . CILIC-5A(ii).NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD.~ ~~r 20-9980. SOUTH EASTERN OFFICE OF THE ~d • GENERAL ANAGBR (PERS) COALFIELDS BILASPUR LIMITED DIRECTOR.--. . Ranchi. for whom vigilance clearance has ht for is furnished. G. CCL. Cl)Ms. Staff Officer (Mining)j(Civil)I(E&M)f(Fxcv). NeL. Nagpur. Dhanbad. CIL. closure of probation etc. Reference is invited to this Office Memorandum No. All Heads of Deptt.~ \l'~ I 21 . PER: to :- ROAD. GRAMS: TELEX 700001 COALINDIA CIL IN COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHA WAN" 10. '86 Ref· No. All Chief General ManagerslGeneral Managers. WCL. it has been decided that the two years period for consideration of ad-hoc promotion of an employee whose promotion was withheld because of pending discipinary/court proceedings should be reckaned from the date his Junior in the panel was promoted on availability or vacancies. Calcutta. are ----. No CIL1C-5A (iii)j50996(Pt)l991 OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~. CWSM. 5. Sllpdt. . SECL. lse report intimating It is further proposed that the Company's department may from the Company Vigilance Department and send a the status with regard to vigilance/departmental Your faithfully. SECL. ifi'fifi'a'T-700 001 II : 21-7180 IITarr€~~~. 2. ctor(Operations). Add!. All Dy. (M. CMPDIL. SECL. we request anies for vigilance and other clearances. Bilaspur. Korba."'°<11 Coal India Limited 10. gilance clearance :d etc. P. S./PMs. CMS. case/ EE (CIR) .50996. SECL Hqrs. SECL : BSP .. 871 Ref.. Ranchi. Biiaspur. :ctor (Pers. C-5A(iiJ)/50996 Pt)/1205 dated 7th' Feb'86. . the position 'd to factual position regarding departmental proceedings Court case etc. requested to kindly issue suitable instruction to the officers concerned that while earance the consolidated position with regard to vigilanceldepartmental proceet case in respect of each and every employee. Korba.S_M. A question has arisen as to from which date the two years' period during which the promotion is withheld because of pending disciplinary/court proceedings should be reckoned for considering the case of a employee for ad-hoc promotion. SINGH) General Manager (Pers.404 love subject (copy enclosed).) PERSONNEL MANAGER (EE) BILASPUR tM. C. 3. and not from the actual date of DP • While I5M~~Sijiig the cases or promotlon.r ti't\ " 1. 6. CHAIRMAN-CUM-MANAGING SEEPAT No. . Assam... Netaji Subhas Road CALCUTTA 700 001 POST BOX NO. 67 : 350 Copy forwarded L 2. Since. . Sanctoria. You will agree that while processing the cases of promotions etc. ( G.) Dated 5-3-1987 I red to take a view as to the issue of promotion order or otherwise. It is observed that some times we ~ vigilance clearance position directly from the Chief Vigilance Officers of the ~ intimating the position regarding vigilance cases only. Eastern fcDmeg 700 001 'a'T. 1985 (copy enclosed). 'lii\'iMfT i~ IfTlif : flJ~ 239101 (10 ~T~) l. Safety Internal Audit etc.1/ \{\~ . 1988 14. Sir. Dhanbad. While in the case of non-Mining Disciplines the information with regard to nee clearance and/or status of the deparmental proceedings contemplated or pending st the concerned officers are obtained. However. V. KAPOOR) DIRECTOR (M all the administrative Ministries/Deptt. coal stock & internal clearances are obtained. CIL/C-5A(ii)/509961404 :hairman-Cum-Managing Director. 1eneral Manager. OFFICE Subject: MEMORANDUM Sector Undertakings whose against whom disciplinaryl Promotion of employees of Public conduct is under investigation or criminal proceedings are pending. stock shortage and internal audit clearances need not be obtained in respect of ltives in Mining Discipline. In order to stremeline/simpIify the procedure.5ta1 ~ro5(. As per Chapter-IV of the Common Coal Cadre. Singrauli. 11 Coalfields Ltd. .ia Company Affairs.f 'li<f ('I'" ~ 0..ern Coalfields Ltd. before issue of promotion ~ on the basis of recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Ilittee.110003. but.rl ~\TTl'f ~)i'. 15/20/85-GM Government of India Ministry of Finance Bureau of Public Enterprises (COpy) CGNFIDENTIA ~o. Lodi Road.. New Delhi . North. il Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd. the matter was placed before the )'s meet held on 23rd August. Assam. Ranchi. Ltd. t Coking Coal Ltd. Eastern Coalfields. I . 1987 at Calcutta. of Govt. where it was decided that safety. Simplification of procedure for obtaining vigilance and other clearances viz.. of Personnel & AR and as refterat under reference should be followed by the Public Sec1 Ministry of Industry. The above is for your information and necessary guidance. (A.. COALINDlA TELEX: 21-7180 CIL IN No. BRAIDIA) (P & IR) DIRECTOR The undersigned is No· 6 P DSP 4 dated 1st instructions on the subject by the CVC in their letter Enterprises scrupulously. Na&pur.(V. P. to elL Hqs.. while intimating vigilance ance to this office. CALCUTTA 700001 PHONE. the Companies will intimate the factual position 'ding any departmental proceedings/Court case pending or contemplated against the ttive concerned in respect of above matter. in the case of Mining Discipline in ion to the said positions. Sub: Date January 18. Ranchi.~ Coal India Limited 10 NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD.. Dated: 23rd. directed to reJer to the Central Vigilance Commission's let July. CGO Complex. It has been decided that t issued by the Deptt. Coal Stock Shortage. 1985. of India. Sd. July. safety. are requested to bring the instructions to the notice of Public Enterprises under their administrative control ' strict compliance. Bilaspur. rn Coalfields Ltd. in respect of the executives of Mining Discipline for the purpose of issue 'of promotion orders. vigilance clearance in respect of executives in different grades from the rned Company and also from GIL's Vigilance Department is required to be obtlLined.'l'f~ : 'Ii)~f'lifQE:l:fT 21-7180 lJTaTTt~l. 289101 (10 LINES) GRAMS. 'n Coalfields Ltd" Sanctoria.. Commerce etc. Yours faithfully. l . • No objection" countries on personal grounds.7. 'The company's interest may be treated as "public I . Cil. In this connection Copies of 'CVe's letter No. (b) For promotions to E-6 and E-7 grades and also fal promotions upto E-5 grade of employees of CIL (HQ) and its attached and subordinate offices.85 and BPN's Q. No. M. the purpose of the well as the source of fund for making such visits should be indicated. dated 23/7/85 are enclosed.700001 The question about obtaining of givilance clearance in respect of Executives foreign countries on personal grounds has been engaging the attention of the ment for some time. the 7 Febry. (c) (ii) For promotions to E-8 grade and above Chairman. of personnel & Administrative Reforms. Govt. The Department ~ Chief Vigilance Commission have issued Certain instructions for allowing ad-hoc promoti to the officials against whom disciplinary/court proceedings have not concluded even afl . Netaji Subhas Road Post Box No. Cil. E-S gtade. . certificate to an executive intending to visit Sub: OFFICE MEMORANDUM Promotion of employees of Public Sector Undertakings whose condUl is under investigation or against whom disciplinary/criminal prcceedir are pending. 15/20/85-GM. C-5(A)/50996 (Pt>/1205 Dated. The BPD have advised that the said instructions should be {ollowed by tl Public Sector Enterprises scrupuloUsly. and tl as also been decided that while seeking vigilance clearance. It has been decided that vigilance dearance should be No. has been decided that the instructions contained in the enclosed letter of CVC shall al be followed in Cil and its subsidiaries~Of impl@m8otiltioo of thn ill1Qve mentioned instructions. of India. 86 j before issuing. clearance/1411 Dated 11-12-87 Calcutta "COAL BHAWAN" 10. Interest". the Cadre Controlling Auth( may be treated as "Appointing Authority"· 'rhus. 871 CONFIDENTIAL Calcutta . the following Authorities review such cases :CMOs of the concerned (a) For ptomotions upto Companies. - Director ( personnel). OSP 4 dated 1. It has been decided to a( the following :(i) For the purpose of the review of the cases for issue of ad-hoc promotion 01 where the disciplinary/court proceedings have not concluded even after expiry or 2 years from the date of the first OPC. No C-5A (Hi) 50970!Vig. the expiry of 2 years from the date of the DPC which first considered the officer f promotion. Cil.COAL INDIA LIMITED Office Memorandum Manager (P). he sealed cover procedure is to be followed as prescribed in the Ministry of Home .iry of the {ear period to decide whether the officer is suitable for promction on ad-hoc basis. v( COP Y ) CONFIDENTIAL (iii) Promotion on ad-hoc basis in terms of this O.. 6P DSP 4 dated 1. are appliIe to Central Government servants. the appoI authority would review his case and in cases it comes to the conclusion that it would Ie against the public interest to allow ad-hoc promotion to the official. policy decision of the Cen Government. The Commission has come across a case in which the Commission is noW advising sition of a penalty on an employee of tha L1Cof India. m though the Central Government Public Sector undertakings are normally supposed conform to the latest policy decision of the Central Government. 2. has formed the In that a charge-sheet may be issued to him on specific imputations where departII action is contemplated or that sanction for prosecution may be accorded where :ution is proposed. Calcutta. This employee was however promoted by the L1Cin January. as per DP & AR's OM No:22011 /1 /79-Estt. There does not seem to be any specific guidelines led by the BPE on this subject. In 1982 he was exonerated of the charges under the previous Iiry But in the mean-time. Exceptions to this however are to be made in those cases where scipainary/court proceedings have not concluded even after the expiry of two years the date of the DCP which first considered the officer for promotion and whose gs were kept in the sealed cover. M. will be subject to availability of a vacancy in the higher grade in the relevant discipline. 3. CIL.~11~T . his case is red be placed before the next DPC held in the normal course after the ex\'. As per instructions issued by the Department of nel and Administrative Reforms. (v) The ad-hoc promotions under the above instructions will be effective only from the date of issue of the ad-hoc promotion order. 05 i'l rlf~~l\of such consideration. his promotion was against threatened. CIL. when the competent authority on consideration of the . Having regard to the tiiCt that the officer had sed his turn for promotion four tirras because of the inquiry proceedings pending . and confirmed also in the post of promotion while the disciplinary proceedings were ling against him. (iv) In this company we have a practice that where after recommendation of the DPC an officer has not been promoted for want of vigilance clears his case Is put up at the neltt meeting of the DPC for re-validation. the Commission would Igest that the BPE may consider the matter and issue necessary guidelines on the subject strict compliance by the publiC sector undertakings. However.Charge of Subsidiary Companies. on the completion of disciplinary eedmgs against him. I . If . Central Vigilance Commission's letter No. f This issues with the approval of the competent authority. of the recommendations of tile previous ope in respect of the concerned officer. 1960 in respect of officers whose ct is under investigation. All CMDs/Director-in. referred to above. or otherwise.Hieeris recomme~dl!8 bv tM OfG.7.85. where the recommendation for promotion of an official has already become validated by a subsequent DPC. tn such cases provided the officer concerned is not under suspension. R. A)-dated 1882.inst him L1C decided to consider him for promotion. for ad-hoc iotion. from time. CIL/Chief Vigilance Officers of Subsidiary.Estt (A) dated 14th July. AU Directors (Personnel) of Subsidiaries. applicable to the employees of public sector undertakings. S. regarding the procedure to be followed by the Departmental promotion ttees in the cases of officers under suspension and also in the cases of officers t whom the inquiries are pendi ng. vide OM No· 22011/3/77. All Wing Heads of C-SA and C-SB Divisions. 3. the case may be placed before the competent authority for review and issue of ad-hoc promotion order. rhe Department of personnel & Administrative Refor ms have issued ins'ructions. All Divisional Heads. 6. oject : Promotion of employees of Public Sector Undertakings whose conduct is under investigaeion or against whom the disciplinary/criminal proceedings pending.. his actual promotion would be subject to the decision of the appoining authority. Calcutta. Chief of Vigilance. OM No 39/8 59-Estt(A) dated 31 st August. in other cases. Calcutta. he'should not have been regular promotion and thereafter confirma :h6t post as the departmental proceeding were pending against him. Director(T)/Director(F)/Director(P&M). For taking such action. of investigatigation either by the CBI or by any other agency. BHANDARI MANAGER (P GENERAL To 1. The guidelines issued by the DPeAR as stated Contd in para 1/2 supra. Enclo : Two (G. CIL. the Commission would suggest that the BPE may conduct the matter issue necessary guidelines on the subject for structure compliance by the public sel undertakings. had started and there. 4. the L1Chave stated that the officer's first turn romotion came in 1978 but he was denied promotion at that time as another inquiry in progress against him. the another inquiry. Therefore. the same may be placed before the next OPC held in the normal course. Hough there does not seem Je any irregularity in considering the officer tor promotion as his promotion had been nheld for four years. C-S(A)/S0972 (Vol. The 'warning' is not a penalty under Conduct. C-5A/50972 (Vol.7./1334 OfFICE Sub : Promotion suspension pending. MEMORANDUM Dated 19/27 June. who has been placed under suspension pending enquiry and/or against whom departmental/vigilance proceedings lue pending. The pay of such un executive on promotion should be fixed notionall~ by ailowing the intervening period during which the officers could not be promoted due to his suspen. This is administered by IIny lIuthority superior to the executive in the event of minor lapses with a view to toning 7' (d\ (e) ·•••• ~~. Sometimes an officer might have be~n warned. "Complete exoneration" shall mean conclusion of departmental proceedings without imposing any prescribed penalty.<. Discipline lInd Appe~1 Rules.c·c"'' •• l __ u n u _ . 1979 to a higher post of an officcr who hus been kcpt under and/or against whom vigilance/departmental llction is The issue relating to procedure to be followed with regard to pr'omotion of an officer who has been kcpt under suspension and/or against whom a vigilance/departmental action is pending. 1978. but no arrears would be admissible to him. Netaji Subhlls Road Calcutta 700 001 No. only after vigilance clearance. as per Conduct. his seniority should be fixed as if he had been promoted in uccordance with the position assigned to him in the select list. An executive. I) PI.sion und/or pending depurtmental enquiry to be counted for increments in the higher gmde. wi!! be promoted. only after completion of the proceedings und his complete exoneration of the charges. I) Pt. Discipline and Appeal Rules.l1S07 dated 10.ANNEXURE COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL BUAWAN IV (2) (c) 10. [Corrected as p~r No._·"·. Period of his eligibility for consideri:tion for promotion to the next higher grade should be reckoned with reference to the date his immediate junior has been promoted. has becn engaging the attcntion of the management for some time past. Taking into consideration the extant rules and orders or the Government of India in this regard the following decision has been taken: (a) (b) All orders for promotion will be i~slled .liI. (c) When an olticer has been completely exonerated and he is subsequently promoted. if selected lInd placed in the selectUst by a DPC. Such an ofllcer shull be promoted in lhli nr~t YiUliInGY thUl lTIilY bli i1Yililill?lli 'illlm~~litH~IY lIf\~r Ills 90mplete exoneration with prospective elrect.1979]. Where. Dear Sir. exceptional of cadre perticularly for purchase and such demands are We have been that situation. 'a copy or warning is Iiso kept in the Confidential Report dossier it will be taken to constitule an adversc mtry and the otlker so warned will have the righttJ represent against the same in Iccordance with the existing rules reluting to communication or adverse remarks.Ip efliciency and mainwining discipJin.Jf the disciplinary proceedings that somc blame attaches to the officer concerned which necessitates cognizance of such fact. NCL.vould. ClUJbe consiIered fo/' promotion ncntal proceedings. WCl. In such a situulion a recordable warning should not be issued as it . DirectortP). after conclusion . Dt. Sd/Chief of Personnel Division Sd/(A. 1978. CALCUTTA700 001 Dated. he should be !lwarded . however. CMPDIL. Under the ted or allowed from Cll.rIC/' conclusion To. NO. resisting such permit such we do not by by unless pressures in for executives of the Dep"l"- of cadre it will comc into force with immedia Ie ell'ect. P) Pl ECL. if it is considered. If a recorduble warning has ali'eudy been issued as a result of disciplinary proceedings before issue of (his Oflke Memorandum it should be treated as "censure".ior penalty.:. Netaji Subhash Rc~d. :. In tile circumstances. then no recordllble . Di rectort P) • Di rectort Pl Addl. A line circumstances. u depurtmenlal procee~1iilg hus been completed !lnd it is consj. the recommendation of the Departmental PromotiQn COIi:mittee ill '<Ivour of the exe"utive whose promotlOll was Wilhl]. CCL.:!d due to IllS suspensiollllIld/or )ending departmcntal enquiry will not be given cfTcct to but his case.Iered that the ollicer concerned deserveS to be punulised. Bilaspur Singrauli. Sanctoria Dhanbad. no ~uch ch. COAL EHAWAN 10. Where departnlt'ntal proceedings have ended wilh the i1~lposition of a minor or na. therefore. howcver.ange of cadre by permllin any subsidiaries unless previous clearance is obtained in confirmation is requested. Thre are frequent ives who went supported s sur €I 5 execut often pre change to demands for change take market in9 or from m in 9 is a very such VIPs. Discipline and Appea! Rules. Nagppur. SECl. Rlnchi.Sidhi IMP). If the intention of the disciplinary authority is not to award a penalty. the disciplinary authority should award tile punishment vI' "censure" at least.CPM.BRAHMAl DlftCTOR (P&IR) 76 l . 6th May. OCCL.Jne of the rccognised penalties according to the Conduct. for all practical purposes. amount to "censure" which is a formal punishment under the Rules. ~nchi.V. rhcse instructions by rile next DPC when it meet:. 1988 Wherc.:"arning should be awarded. IMP). Yours faithfully. The Di rectort The Directort The Di rectort The The The The P) .CIL:C-5j005j35j386 COAL INDIA LTD. . 1/3rd of the tolal number of vacancies in a pt\rticular year. All concerned arc requested to' implement the above decisions with immediate elreet. holders may be recruited from outside at the executive entry level i. The management has also considered the demand of the Second Class Asstt. 3. _ .77 l. C-5(/()l52041/1333 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Discipline. 2/3rd of totul number of vacancies in a particular year. 4. IV (3) Dated 27 June. On certain representations received. Required number of Engineering degree. it has been decided that horizontal movement from other diciplinesto Materials Management discipline will be allowed in E-2 grade within the quota reserved for direct recruitment viz. 1979 Sub : Cadre Scheme for Materials Management The approved on Common Manual Cadre Scheme for Materials Management Coal Cadre has a provision for horizontal as incorporated in the movement frol11 Engin- neering disciplines in E-3 grade.e. continue to remain the same. Sd/Chief of Personnel Division . in E-2 grade in M'a\~rials Managl?ment discipline. The quota reserved for departmental promotion will. this provisiun has been reviewed and it has been decided that this provision will be deleted with immediate effect. vizo. 5. Colliery Managers/Under Managers who are unable to get promotion in the Mining discipline as because they could not obtain the statutory qualification of First Class Competency Certificate for allowing them alternative career growth. 2.ANNEXURE No. subject to the condition that the total number of such horizontal movements will not exceed 17 % of the total number of vacancies in E-2 grade in this discipline in any particular year. Keeping this demand in view. however. Board held on 31st August. ' t11li' i1\J{m ~~. Aii concel'l1cd are requesled t~ lllke nuoeiiJry nolion on immediate elTect. 1979 oved the Cadre Scheme for Sales & Marketing discipline. Board of Directors of CIL in the 24th meeting held on 24th & 25th May.. x IV (2)-9 mllY be seen] Sub : Cadre Scheme for Sales & Marketing ment from other disciplines. 50~1.delines with Sd/Chief of Personnel Division (Actg. No.tal number of vacancies in E-2 grade in this discipline in any particular' year. CIL/C5A/520n/3208 OFFICE MEMORANDUM discipline Horizontal move1979 Cadre Scheme for Sales & Marketing discipline. las been decided that the officers' presently employed in Quality Control and lctions should grow in the Sah:s & Marketing discipline along with those working ~ icipline.1979 10. 2.19?9 when it was decided that horizontal movement from other disciplines to Sales & Marketing discipline may be allowed in circumstances where adequate number of persons are lIot available in suitable grades within the Sales & Marketing cadre at the discretion of the Sli/Chief of Personnel Division management from time to time to the extent necessary. Tn other words Traffic and Quality Control would not be developed :e (. A rel'erence' is invited to this Office Memorandum 1979 enclosing therewith the Cadre Scheme for Sales No.ANNEXURE 1)/52072/1433 OFFIC€ Sub: 'MEMORANDUM IV (4) COAL INDIA UMITED .7. In case such horizontal movement is allowed in E-2 grade.BUAWAN" ANNEXURE IV (5) Date 5.) 79 78 . 3.les & Marketing clldre was discussed in 25th meeting of CIL. this movement may be regulated within the quola reserved for direct recruitment.subject to the condition thai the total number of such horizontal movement will 110t exceed 17 % of the to. las ll\SO been decided by the Board of Directors that officers may be appointed Itien from Railways in any grade depending upon the requirement upto E-8 he discretion of thF Management.adres but would be merged with Sales & Marketing disoipline. viz. & Ma~keting discipline. C5(A)/520n dated 5th July."COAL . Netujl Subhlls Roud Calcutta 700 001 Dated 23rd November. The issue relating to the horizontal movement from other disciplines to the Sa. 3 The scniol'i(y of the JETs on regular appointmcnt in B-2 grudejpost after SUl'cessful l'olllplelion of the truining will be as per the merit list dmwn at the lime of rccruilmcnt.10I1ths will not get this benefit.IETs who were recruited on the basis of recommendations which had not drawn an inter-se merit list. shall be fixed as if he entered the grade on the date of his assumption of charge in the new company. however. When ..nYi~ag{jd on a permanent bil§j§ duo to l:tck oj' lie persollncl ill . his seniority in the company to which he is transferred. reco- Discipline: This may be divided into the following groups : of a Selection Committee .. the' executive concerned in a disadvantageous posiI career prospects in 'his parent cadre and for the purpose of computing the period ibility for promotion to the next gmde in his present cadre. their seniority after. Such ntal movement should not put. if sUl'h a list wils drawn up. In the event of such induction at levt. the officers.. etc. This Committee recommends that such determination of seniority on compklioll of probationaryltraining 13. Determination of seniority on horizontal inter-discilliinary movement been deployed in another discipline for considerable -period and they are still borne on their parent cadre. The Committee recommends tlUlt nil such case~ should be d. Premllbsorption on successful completion of the probation will be subject to suitability. but will be detcrmincd on the basis of daie of their appointment in the regular post in E-2 grade. ompany notification should be issued. noled that in Ee'l 'lIerll I.2 above' the ollicers will ue to be borne on their parent cadre anu would be eligible for promotion in that as per rules.sls arc B~i"g UrllWIl Up by it COl1llllittee eonstitutcd for consideration of the cases of JETs for appoinltl1cnt in the regular post.. ~ -.. The Committee further recommends that the officers.p~Eil!~L()IJ2.ttl~c'S recommcnulltions in rcspcct of the above categories are as follows: " ii 13. Their service in the HIre for the purpose of determination of seniority and eligibility will COUllt frolll te on which they entered their grade in the parent cadre.determined according to their panel position. he would be reverted to his parent discipline.6 III the case of JETs who join the organisation after a lapse of ~\ period of foUl' During the prob. their regular appointlll£nt ill E-2 grade wi~ not be . 13.1 (i) Intcr-se scniority or JETsjM(T) J ET. l Thc Committee noted that there are many cases where officers of one discipline have When an inter company transfer is elfected on administrative grounds the seniority of the executive shllll be lixed in the company to which he is transterred taking into lICColint his dllte of entry into the grade. In such cases. period arter issliC or above E-5 or when adequate r of persons lire I:ot available within the company in case of officers upto B-5. such executive will lose his past seniority in the grade.IETs or at the lime of regular appointment as stated the seniority will be determined on the b. executives mny be drawn from olher. On permanent absorption in the new disciplinc. ines horizontally only on obtaining applications through internal notificlltio'l the company.sue has the following aspects: Movement Movement of officers from one discipline of ollkers from one uisciplinc movement to the other tcmporarily to the other all permancnt basis.seniority on the basis of the puncl position.letter. months of the date of issue of appointment letter wi!! get their . should also be simultaneously completcd. executive is found to be unsuitable. such as severing of connection wilh the \xlrenl cadre.The Committee recommends that : 12 .1. who have put in more than two years' service the new discipline.ile determining seniority in lhe new discipline the circumstances of each case and the aforesaid guidelines should be kept in view. the periou spent in other ine should 1\lso be counted. In other words..ltionary period refcrreu to in para 12. (iv) JETs whose Iraining period wus cxtenucu 1.\dres.!11: . . Sel~ction from amongst the applicants shall je on the basis of qualifications.cided wilhin a period of six months in order to determine whetl~er these arc cases of temporary transfers or permanent transfer.list was drawn by the Selection Committee at the time of appointment as .. 83 ':'hi~B[!I!i1I-iiil~Ii•• IIIII•• _ I . 82 lllonths fr0111Jhe date of issue of appointmcn. (ii) JETs having intcr-se mel'it list as determined by the Selection Committee. Necessary formalities. In other words. ' inter-disciplinary movenwn\ . 13.the inter-company trans'fer is effected 011 personal grounds at the request of the excelltiVl' concerned. the ollicers will be j to be considered for promotiOIl only in the new discipline. If no merit . after suc:cessful complction of truining. while the JETs. the JETs who join aftcr four '. In such cases. 13. should either be permanently absorbed in that cadre or reverted to their parent c.1 particular l\1drejdiscipline. f (iii) JETs who joined liS trainees IIl'lel' a hlpse 'of u considemblc letter of appointment.\sis of the date of coming into E-2 grade/post on regular basis. As regards inter-disciplinary on temporary basis. thcir seniority position will be us uetcrmincu by the saiu COlllmittee.I' in Non-mining . Wh. 1..2 because of unsatisfactory The Conlm. ' The COlllmiltec. type of experience and nptitude for the new disci.'selecteu for the lIew discipline may be kept on probation teriod of one year before their permanent absorption in the new uiscipline.5 period should be stopped forthwith.t .1 . who join the orgt\l1isation within a•. the Committee ds that officers may be moved as may be decided by the management from o timc and sUl'h omeers should continue to be borne on their parent cadre. The Committee. provIsion was made for Dated.ANNEXURE ANNEXURE COAL INDIA LIMITED IV (6) V (1) "COAL BHAWAN" 10. When an executive in these grades moves from one company to lhe other. different pro\. The Commitree then examined the rules for inter-se seniority of executives as incorporatcd in the Common Coal Cadre and found the same to be reasonable and fair in the circumstances and background of the nationalisation of the coal industry and the developmcnt or different cadre~ as constituted todllY. shall be slrictly Allthurity.ltions . the Commillee would like to stress thut the intention of the Coml11illee is to help in sellling the unsettled issues' und not to reopen the settled issues.5. it has now been dl.:d on these issues to evolve their recommendations which are included in this report.10.•. 10.1980] >1<** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 5. Thc main issues as identinc:d by the Committee are givcn ill the following paragraphs: II. dated 19th May ]980. WCL. the interest of uniformity.7 of Common Coal Cadre. C5A/52 106(2)/538 dated 19. the 6th Nuvr. *** )tional avenues of Office Superintendents in Technical & Supervisory GI ade-A )rolllotional avenues of Private . 80 81 l . in accorJance with Ct'mmon desired that all promotions mmended by the Committee should be restricted to his placement/seniority grade and discipline in which he is currently placed. 84 Extrllcfs from fhe Report of the Comnlittee Constituted by Chairman. transfer e(Tected on administrative grounds. C-5 HIre.10. OB Determinllticm of seniority of executives in E-I to E-4 grades intcr-company transfers This issue has two aspects : General Manager (P) (a) Inter-company (b) Inter-company grounds. and its rccomlllend.. l also *** *** *** *** *. he gets absorbed in the appropriate Clldre of tllllt company.c<!lIres een adopted by different S4bsidiary Companies for promotion of such employees. cirCUlated 10 all lhc vide this OJHce lelt~r No. The Committee deliberatl. NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTr A 700001 ~-5 (A) (iii) / 51823/1/874 OFFICE 'MEMORANDUM As per paras 410. then Director (P).•. within the thereon . vide the I on the cover page of the printed booklet of the Common Coal Cadre these .7 of the Common Coal Cadre will be Operative with immediate efrect.ions were n(\tto be operative till further orders. the Commillee feels that anr reconsideration of the S~f1j9fity 9f un lillmlliv. Coal India to go into the Issues relating to determination of Inler-se Seniority of the Executives [Circulated to all subsidiary companies vide letter No. noted thllt there are various issues/situations which lIrise in practice but lire not covered in the existing seniorily rules. issues with the approval of lhe Competent A~ Stated. r the purpOSe of availing the promotional opportunities in Estate Discipline. These norms may be lIpplied in resolving the unresolved cases of seniority and f~r delerminution of seniority' in future: While making these recommendations. Further. Meanwhile.'Cided that the prOVISIOns omotional avenues of Office Superintendents who are in Technical Grade-A omotional avenues of Private Secretaries and Secretaries as incorporated in paras and 4. Their career growth upto E-5 grade is within the compllny. the Hal movement of Private Secretaries and Secretaries to this discipline wil! be cd in accoriance with para 12 of the repOrt of the Seniority Cummillee under airmanship of Shr. R K Gupta..he executive concerned on personal According 10 the existing system. transfer effected at the request of t.Secretaries and Secretaries. however. The Committee hopes that the norms for determination ci inter-se seniority now being recommended should go u long way in resolving many of the outstanding problems on this issue. the officers in E-I to E-4 grades belong to the respective company cadres on 'as-in-where-is' basis.* ••••••• *** \ 9. *** *•. However.6 and 4. un IhGbilBiB of thl! normB reeo' (A)j52 106 (2}/s~a. While recommending us that the provisional certificate issued in this regard ne after one becomes eligible to hold the statuotry' post ~ may take some time 'in submitting the certificate issued ations. I to respect of Management Tr~inees (MBA) other than Manugement Trainee (Finance). 1 respect of JETs in Mining discipline where no joint me~it list wus drawn at the period or in the first examination hell. Ig. company-wise.\ The Committee examined the issue relating to the fixation of inte"-si seniority or J ETsjMTs on their regular appointment in E-2 grade vis-a-vis executives who arc promoted from non-exccutive grudes The Committee recommends that inter-se seniority in these cases should be determined on the basis of the deemed date of entry into a grade. .! immediately after completion of the training period will be alloUed inter-se seniority according to the panel position at the time of recruitment.1 The Committee noted that Common Coal Cadre already provides that the date of issue of promotion orders shall be the deemed dllte of entry into a grade of promotees. I~ lInmittee recommends adoptio'n of the principle enumerated in paragraphs 13. they should all be bracketted and should be considered together by a subsequent OPC for next promotion so that their intel'-se merit can be determined in the promoted grade.! successfully complete the training period andjor who fail to pass the prescribed departmental examination (Parts I und II) within the training period or in the first examination held immediately ufter completion of the truining period. seniority on the basis or'their panel position will not be given.nt of JETs in Miningcadre on regular basis in E~2 gradej e Committee' noted that varying practices were prevalent in different companies. the holder is effect. 17. Determination <. 16.g.~lll_lln .:adre Oth regard to appointmr. the Comrnit~~e WilS takes sometimes unduly und <llso the concerned by the Board of Mining Certificate.2 If no merit list was dmwn by the Selection-cum-DPC seniol'ity may be determined on the basis of an established inter-se seniority of the candidates in the IQwer grade.JETs whose training period has been extended because of unsatis)erformance during the training period. The Committee also noted that according to the eligible "to hold the statutory position with rctrospective Further guidelines may.reasons other 'tainini Second class Certificllte.. The procedure for determining the deemed date of entry into a grade in respect of direct recruits has been recommended in para 17. The Committe also recommends that in future the ope cum-Selection Committee must determine the inter-se merit at the time of preparing the merit list. 19. whichever is latec. will be detcrmined on thc basis of their regular appointmcnt in E-2.rade ufter successful complction of truining. I . 8$ "i'~J~. In " also. This deemed date may be fixed in reference to the date of joining of ~ person from the same butch. Seniority of the Management Trainees (l<'huUlce) :ommittee recommends that ide be ~etermined as under : their seniority on appointment in regular post in liixation of Seniority of Promo tees vis-a-vis Direct Recruits 1\ Management Trainees (Finance).2 Seniority of such of the MT (F)s who do no. If the training period is extended due to any reason the seniority will be led on the basis of actual date of appointment on regular basis in E-2 gmde. 17. recommends that the JETs in Mining discipline may be atlowed emoluments as applicable to regular E·2 post in Mining discipline aftcr successful ion. III (5). who successfully complete their truining period ss both Part-I and II of the prescribed departmental examination within the training 84 19. of training period or from the date of effect of second class Certificate (Provi~ whichever is later unless their training penod hus been extended for . the seniority will be determincd on the busis position drawn at the time of their appointment as trainees unless their training IUS been extended by six months or more due to not obtaining the 2nd Class rship Certificate or unsatisfactory performance during their training period or bad etc.Ie seniority of . Deemed Date of Entry Into u Grade t their appointment as Trainces. 17. 18.1 When there is a joint merit list drawn up by the Selection-cum-OPC be as per the merit list. seniority wiII be determined on the basis of date of the second class Mine Manager's Certificates of Competency or satisfactory ion of training ptlriod. be seen at Annexure ieniority of: Management.ter-se seniority of JET (Mining) 'here a joint merit Jist is availlible. in u eomptlny. Trainees " of lnter-se Seniority of the Promotees from Non-executive to Executive seniority will this. wiII be fixed on the basis of actual date of their absorption in the regular grade. If there is no established seniority even in the lower grade. mmittee.2 This deemed date witl help in fixing the seniority inter-se of direct recl'uits vis-a-vis promotees from non-executive cadre.1 The Committee recommends that a common deemed date of entry into a grade shatl be determined for new recruits appointed in a butch on a particular date. 18. The said deemed date will be applicable only in respect of direct recruits whose training period is not extended for any reason. therefore. ANNEXURE .kcn over ofIiccrs \\ ho werc g('Uing higher Jlay prior to uulionOllisalion llud were ;t'd in II Jlllrlicullir grade afl(" ulilioualisliliou claiming S('uillril.l' HI'l'r ollwrs qucstion of inil ialfilmcnt in .q':Hlicular grade af'tcr nlltionalisation of non-c()king es and coking coal mines should be takcn as linal and should not be rc-opencd the purpose of det~nnination of their seniority in a particular grade, ni~rity - Whcn Demoted and Latcr Restored IC V (2) COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL ,)3HAWAN" 10 NETAJI sUBI-IAS ROAD CALCU'ITA - 700001 No : CIL : C-5A (ii) : 50972 : 22 : 3497 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Datcd : NOVRMBER 7. 1984. Ie Committee also discussed as to the method of fixing the scniority and period lity for the ncxt promotion with regard to an officer who was oncc demotcd to gra<)e for a particular period and subsequently his position \Vas reslorcd. In ,tiQll, the Commiqee' fell that the period of eligibility should be fixed taking the ~th of service one had rendered in the promoted grade prior to the dClllolion and nt to the restoration of the position. niorify of Executives ' jn Case of Delayed Movement e Committee noted that in Some cases of transfers on promotion, SOll1e('Hieers As per CIL's O.M, No, CIL : C-5A (ii) ': 52100(2) :1124 dated 191h October, 1983. umendments to COllllllon Coal Crde for providing promotional av<.'nues for Under Managers who could not obtain 1st Class Manager Certificate "I' Compe1ency were circulated. It was also indicated that a separate seniorily lisl of 2nd Class Under Managers promoted to E-3 grade and above in terms of Para 4. 10. 5 of the Common Coal Cadre will be maintained for each grade. '2. References have bee received seeking clariJicl\!ions regarding determination of seniority of Senior Under Manager s (2nd Class Certificate hlllders) on their passing 1Sl Cluss Mine Manager's Certificate. ), It is clurined that conseq,!cnt <lpon the introduction of revised cadre scheme for 2nd Class Mine Managers Certilicate holders and us u separate seniority list of Sellior Under Managers in different grudes is to be maintained as per para S. (; (A) (iii) of Common Coal Cader as Slated ,above, all instruclions/guideJines issued in respecl of Senior Under Munagers (2nd Class) prior tll issue of said 0, M. dated 191h OClol-er, 1983 stand s,lipersede~' 4, If any Senior Under Manllger(2nd Class) in E-3 garde and above ancr passing I Sl Class M inc MalUlgl~rs examination wishes to opt out of the seniorily list of Senior Under Managers for placement in the regular channel of Mining discipline (1st Class Ceriificate holders)' the following {lrocedure may be adOPted :-,The concerned Seni6r'Unaer Managers should apply in writing for their horizontal movemem to the regular channel of Mining diSCipline. ii) Such applicaticns may be examined by a Committee constituted by the concernedcndre COiltrolling authority and subject 10 suitability and availability of vacancies in the regular channel of Mining dsicipline in the relevant grade. thc requests of Senior Under Managers f,?r horizontal movemCJ1! mllY be (dlowed, iii) Their seniority in ,the relevant gmde on horizontal movcmcnt to the regula! channel of Mining discipline will be reckoned from Ihe date of iSSllC or orders allowing such horiwntal movcnll:nt. 5, This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. General Manager (Personnel) 'i) . :lay movement for their personal rcasons. Such practice needs 10 be discouraged, mittee recommends thut in the event of failure of an ofHcer 10 mow lIS pt'r llnkrs reasonable time he may Jose his panel seniority in the higher gradc, In cxcep;es, this may be condoned by the appropriate cadre controlling lllithorily either . partially as may be deemed fit. Icrminlltion of scnlority position of cx~cutiVl'S who could lIill trainill~ abroad/for('i~!l mrirc 11(' JlrlllllOll'd IIhil,' ~ eligible executivcs while on training ubroud should bc considercd for 11I"lillllll with others by the OPCs and subject to suitability and availability of vacancies, d be given proforma promotion depending upon their rank in the panel rccoby sls. the OPC. Their position in the punel will uetcrmine the scniority in the 86 87 'Iil _ l. __ ANI'\EXURE COAL INDIA LIMITED 'COAL BHAWAN" VIII (I) ANNI';}.UIU~ No. ClI/31/502 My DeHl'; X (I> 1980 Dated 2nd May, 10, Nctaji Subhas Road Culcutta 700 00 J ./52013(8)/] 332 OFFICE SII~il'ct :. MEMORANDUM from E-2 to E-3 grade Dated. 20/27th June, 1979 Sub : Transfers. Vide ollr leller No. CH/31fl35 dated 1/4.2.80 we have advised you Ministry's instrllctions to withhold all transfers, intra-company or inter-company, pending approval of the tnlnsfer policy by Minister for take etTect : The following trunsfer policy will Principle of fixation of pay on promotion in Mining Discipline - Revision. I. 2. 1;0,'NOI\-Exccl\itivcs For Executives III/e/'-C'O/llI't/lIY T/'ill/.~/i'/'.\' ccording to the existing rules, fixation of pay on promotion from E-2 to E-3 grade ase of non-mining disciplines and from E-3 to E-4 grade in the case of Mining e is to be done lit the stllge next ubove the umount ulTived at al'lt'l' addition (If • to the existing pay. has now been decided that the above formula shall be adopted while fixing the promotion from E-2 to E-3 grade in the case of officers in Mining ciscipline also lct from 12,78 in supersession of, the existing orders in this regal'll. (a) 0) Senior executive who has worked in the same coalfield/company before nalionli· salion und continued to be in the same field/company after the nationalisation for mol'( i (ii) Senior exee~ltives who have been working in t'le same coalfield/eomJll.ny than four: ':lfS in the sume capacity or in dUTerent capacities ; (iii) Senior executives who huve earned two or more promotions (iv) Senior executives who did not get lIny promotion mines. (b) also been decided in supersession of the existing orders that the pay of otliccrs 19 discipline on prol11olion with elrect from 1.12.78 from E-3 to E-4 grade will in accordance with the principles laid down in para 2 of OIl1ce Order No. Apex/ 0.100 dated 18.3.74 (p,lra 8.4 of Chapter VIif of the "Colllmon ConI Cadre" iH ilmended from time to time. Th~y.will [jPIlW tl\e:j: Ilex! ;ncrcmcnl in till' ·d scale after completion of one year. IUlS in the sa·r,e compuny of the cou since nalionalisation Ill//'a-company Transfe/'.\' The of11cers arc rotated between line and stall' functions, prefernbly after a tenlll'o of-Ihree ye,lIs and as many line functionaries ItS possible arc given opportunity il staff functions and vice-versa. I the case of officers inMining discipline, who are in E-3 grade as on 1.12.78 and rlier. promoted from E-2 grade, their fIxation of pay on promotion from E-2 10 Ie was l)ot done in accordance with the pres~nt decision. Their pay on promotiol~ 2 to E-3 grade may, therefore, be refixed notionally applying the present formula !itions to the pay from time to time added nationally to arrive at their pay us on They will uctually be puid the puy so arrived ut withetTecl from 1.12.78. Arrears be paid. he omcers on promotion from E-2 to E-3 gmde will retain the anniversary ment as applicub1e to them in E-2 gnlde. dale 3. While prog:l.mming such transfers we ensure that transfers are purposeful a11l not a routine afl·air. With this end in view greater pains are taken in matching the talen of the omcer so tn\l1sferred with the talent available in the team in which he is to wor on lranst(:r so thut these talents are complementary. The policy is implemented in convenient phases ill order to avoid dislocation ofworl It is U)SO ollr policy to see that the ollicers retirin3 within the next 2 cr 3 years all( or the executives stlffering from bud heullh which prevent them form underground wol' or uny olher form of work involving physical strain arc not normally transferreJ out ( their company. These transfers are normally programmed concerned and ar~ done at the beginning or Jnne/July of tl c year as far as practicable. 89 Sd/Chief of Personnel Division to S'JiL the convenience of t'lc executiv, of the academic year viz. 'DecemberjJanuu' 88 """'''''O~i'i>!a'~iili_. __ 'ii 'j ~11111 l. __ ANNEXURE NormalJ)' executives in the Junior IIllinagement cadre IIrc not tr;I!lsterred out 0[' eir cOlllpany unless on :Idlllinistrative grounds or. on compassionate grounds. You nl:l) .IOW de:1I willi tmnster rssues accordingly. No. C·5(A)/5ll72/4000 OFFICE Your sincerly, Sd/(R. N. Sharma) Sub: Forwarding maintenance MEMORANDUM of llpplications' of lien. for employment· outside COAL INDIA LIMITED "Coal Bhawan" 10, Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta 700001 Dated 20th February XI I! India II 'j C. S. J ha, eM D, ECL, Sanctoria. 'j R. G. Mahcndru, CMD, BCCL, Dhanblld. .j D. P. GUPl:J, CMD, WCL, Nagpur. i A. N. Banerjcc, CMD, CMPDIL, Ral1chi. i B. L. Wlldchru, CMD, CCL, Rlll1chi. The company's policy with regard to forwarding of applications for employm outside the country and maintenance of lien on their posts in the> company in case tl are selected for appointments in pt.her organisation within India and outside the coun has been under consideration of the management for some time past. After detai discussion in the 4th meeting of the Committee of Directors (Personnel) in has been deeiC to lay down the following guidelines for dealing with such cases : 1. Forwarding of applications (a) The guidelines incorporated in CIL's O. M. No. C-5(Al/50986/3864 dated 19 21.3 read with O. M. No. C-5(A)/50986/48 dated 4th April. 1979 are applicable for seek employment within India. Executives intending to apply for employment within India in private concerns shOl (b) apply throu~h I)roper channel and forwardin~ of such applications will be,: rcg1J!!I in terms of the said Office Memoranda dated 21st March, 1979 and 4th April, 19 (c) Applications seeking employment in the Government and Govt. Agencies abrc have to be routed through Government of India and their applications will be f. warded by the company according to the instructions issued by the Government India from time to time. Applications received from the executives seeking employment outside the country should not normally. be forwarded. in private organisat (d) II. (a) Maintenance of lien on the posts held in the company Executives whose applications have been forwarded through proper channel employment lien on their two years. of the Board within India in a Government or a sister undertaking, may be gran posts in the company for a period which normally should not exet This period may be extended in deserving cases only with the appro of Directors of the Company concerned. 91 90 ~1lIiI~ flil~1 l deputation.ANNEXURE XU (1) utives whose applications have been forwarded through proper ehannel for oyment in Government or Government agencies in foreign countries will enjoy le benefits ensured to them by the Government of India from time to time. Sd/Chief (EE & j 93 92 l . principles and practice followed by the Government of India and otheJ Public Sector Underakings. For the purpose of compassionate appointment requirement of registration Employment Exchanges will not be insisted upoa. etc. 3. The criterion is that the officer shoul be on the roll of the company. No. \ 2. suspension. (v) Dependant for this purpose will mean dependent wife or husband as the case WI be. C-5(B)f50800/381 utives who have secured employment in foreign countries by direct applications cured employment in private concerns abroad should not be given any benefits. it has been decided tbat from now onwards is Coal Indif Limited and its Subsidiary Companies appointment on compassionate ground of dependants of executives dying in harness VIIill e considered and the following guidelines wi! b be followed in this regard : (i) Death of the executive concerned sbould be while in service. The company should maintain a Register of the dependants secking employme on compassionate ground and found suitable by the Selection Committee and offer appointment subject to vacancies strictly according to the position in the Register. covering incidence 0 leave. according t. protection of seniority etc. protecion of . (iv) The candidate to be considered should have the minimum qualification includin educational qualification and age requirement for the job for which he is cons dered. (Hi) Employment of dependants should only be in non-executive posts. son. training. COAL INDIA LIMITED "Coal Bhawan" 10.) The matter regarding appointment of dependandants of the executives dying in harnes! has been under consideration of the management for some time and considering all aspect! of the matter. I (vi) Only one job for each compassionate case will be considered. 1981 Sd/ Chief of Personnel Division (Actg. Netaji Subhas Road ( alcutta 700 001 OFFICE MEMORANDUM J 13th March. maintenance of lien on ~heir posts in the company. (vii) If a dependant is already in service. job requirement of the post and qualification of the dependant.rity etc. These fits include maintenance of lien on their posts in the company. unmarried daughter and widowed daughter. employment of additional dependant will n be considered. Limit's of age require~ent may be relaxed in deserving cases. The suitability c the cfndidate will be considered by a Selection Committee ccnstituted for th: purpose. (iil The case of executives who are totally disabled due to accident or otherwise whiJ in service should also be treated as compassionate cases for this purpose. but miniwul qualification required will not be relaxed. .•... shall retire on Date: 25..•• on superannuation. liUll crIW!9§in/jherewith a ~op~ of the Voluntary Retirement Scheme for executive cadre employees of Coal India Lirnited as approved by the BOllrd for your information ..••.••••. Acknowledgement • ••• ..•..•..•• g the age of fiftyeight years on .••...•.• lsted .•••.•.•••. ..•• ••• ...•••.•.. _ ••••••••••••.•.1982 tion from service with effect from of .•• 0_ .•. the afternoon 19 ..•• "'~.•.••••• _ .•..•••.1. .•. C-5A(vi)/50718/425 10. Dear Sir..••.•••.•• (da~e) The Chairman-cum-Managing ECL/BCCL/CCLjWCL Director Siguature of the appropriate Designation : authority Sub: Voluntary Retirement Scheme for executive cadre employees.••..•. Netaji Subbas Road Calcutta 700 00 1 ..•..ANNEXURE XV (1) ANNEXUIU: XV (2) FORM R 1 See Para 15..••.•• now holding the post of .•••••..•••••.••.•..•.2 COAL INDIA LlMITED "COAL BHAWAN" Notice for Retirement on Superannuation ' Designation is hereby informed that he/she No...•.•..••••.•..••••••••••••...•• " " •...•..•. lOwledge the receipt of the notice of retirement Yours faithfully..•..) Signature of the executive ~signation : 95 94 l.•.•••.••..•.•.•..•• ••...••.. ..... & Admn..••••..••... Sd/Chief (Executive Estb.••••••.•. shall be allowed to be encashed.ember. years towards qualifying service shall be allowed.. subject to a maximum of 180 days. vigilance clearance will be required Iowan executive to retire voluntarily under this Scheme. i n executive wishes to retire under this Scheme while he is on study leave. Definition of COIll!lctent Authority The following shall be the Competent Authorities for the purpose of this Scheme (i) CMD of the concerned Company : In respect of executives from E·I to 12-5 grades. 198I. fits . (ii) Chairman.. A notice of less than 3 months may also be accepted he competent authority in deserving cases. (cl Pay for thc purpose of gratuity in terQls of Rule 5 of the Executive Cadre Retirement Scheme or such of the gratuity rufes as may be applicable to the executives of Coal India Limited in future. in . Coal India Limited In respect of executives in E-6.8 grade and those in Rs. exceed the qualifying service the tive would have rendered on attaining the age of superannuation. be recovered from the dues payable im on 'voJunt~ry . (f) Any other benefits/facilities as may be made. II n l. but otal qualifying service actually rendered.y. 2500·3000/· grade other than Functional Directors. shall apply mutatis-mutandis to the executives who will voluntarily retire under this Scheme . for the purpose of gratuity. (e) The Travelling Allowance as applicable to the executives on retirement on superannuation in terms of. shall be applicable to the executiv~s who will relire voluntarily under this Scheme. he should sfy himself by means of a reference to the appropi-iate authority that he has lally completed 20 years' qualifying service .. shall. . oH(. -. the T A Rules. (d) The amount of Earncd Leave standing to the credit of the executives. admissible to the executives on retirement on superannuation from time to time.. the ement shall take effect from the date of commencement of such leave and' ihe e salary paid in respect of such leave. employee shall give notice of at least 3 month~ to the competent authority 10 Intarily retire from service.eXecutive cadre employees of Coal India Limited Ibsidiary companies. Ilditions . shall not be allowed to . 5 97 !i4W"J~iiM[lliM~~~-.. in any event. shall be the rate of pay admissible to the executive for the month preceding the month in which he will be allowed to voluntarily retire from service. E-7 and E. 4. 1978. :xecutive against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending or contcmplated rms of Conduct. on the date preceding the date of voluntary retirement. Disdipline and Appeal Rules. company will not have the right to retire 'any executive on its own under Ihis :me•. vol~ntarily' under this Scheme. Further.retircment. ' .COAL INDIA LIMITED fARY RETIUEMENT SCHEME I-OR EXECUTIVE CADRE EI\'lPLOYEES (b) Thc mllximum amount of gratuity payable to an executive in terms of the scheme would be as laid down in the Retiremcnt Gratuity Schemc.e envisages incentives by way of certain weightage towards qll<t1ifying service pose of payment of gratuity to the executives who retire voluntarily under this d others as indicated hereunder . Commencemellt of the Scheme This Scheme comes into force with effect from 26t6 De(. i of ore an executive gives notice for voluntary retirement frol11 service.. 96 5. shall not. 'pc me shall cover all whole-time .e of voluntary reti.e~l~'nt may be withdrawn subsequently only with the oval of the competent authority provided thc requcst for such withdrawal is e ~efore the expiry of the notice period.lddition :htage upto e total qualifying service actually rendered.. together with the weightage of upto rs qualifying service.tive c~dre employees governed by Coal India's terms and conditiuns of service pr. 1974 as amended from time to time. who have put in not less than 20 yellrs of approved qualifying servicc service rendered under thc mine/compllny from which the cmpluyee was takcn I retire from Coal India's service voluntarily subject to the following : : Competent Authority will hllve lIbsolute discretion to refuse permission to an :utive for voluntary retirement without assigning any reason. .5 in Ag. Kindly report' to the Chief Medical ficer of the the Company. Medical Examination. Unucrground Allowllnce and Coalfield AI/owance..3 After successful completion of your probation period and on receipt of a satisfactory report about your antecedents.. as advised b)' the Head of EslaComp.Ljl' i/Ii.19. as per rules.4 without any notice or assigning any Act...__ ..jam wlll be entitled to Assam Al/owMlce._. ······· . 'e joining the Company. During your regular service in thut Compuny you will be entitled to leave. in the presence of 10. · · and ir not possible then the signature oJ'the surety/sureties may be obtained at the place where he/they resides/ reside and in the case his/their signature should be attested by a Gazetted Government Officer and it should bear the ..1) COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL BIlAWAN..· for appointment rganisation._'. can be terminated by the Company you notice of one month or one month's salary in lieu thereof. Other . 98 On confirmation in writing your services can also be terminated by the Company by giving three month's notice and without assigning any reason. or non performunce of your 5. 5.•. Thereafter. the Company always retaining the right of giving you salary in lieu of notice.4 for at least three yenrs after The Bund shall be executed by you and by Your services can be terminated at any time by lhe Company without any previous notice if lhe Company is satislied on medical evidence that you are unfit ant! are likely for a considerable time to remain u~fit by reasons of ill health for discharge of YOUI' uties.:~"' •. will depend upon your aptitude and performance during the training.-"'~- E. 5. 3. medic.1 di<Jiltli~pmted Wil/IIOt be entitled to uny other allowances during the said period of tndllillg. 4.. (Annexure I) in triplicale The age of superannuation Termination of Service will normally be 5/l yeurs. During the training period... intemperance or other misconduct or breach of any rules pertaining to youI' services or conduct dUlies or performance of your duties ineflieienlly.~ . ··. d 99 I .1 by the Company with- crence to your interview on· . the Chairman. 1171 1. is pleased to olrer you appointGraduate Apprentice/Junior Executive Trainee ( ) Ie lerm~ and condition of your appointment are given bclow : )ur appointment is subject to your being found medically fit by Medical Ollicer! lief Medical Officer of the Company.. 4. Netaji Subbas Hoad. 5. FitI'll 3.3 will be eligible during the training under the Apprentices Act. during probation. 1961 leave in "dance with Schedule I of the enclosed Contract of Apprenticeship. 4.2 Your services. a surety/sureties at . if you are found guilty of insubordination. APPENDIX IJ/ (3) (ner. your service may be confirmed in writing by the Competent will have to execute a Bond (Anllcxure II) Oil udieial stamp-paper of appropriate value as pel' rules prevalent in lhe Stale lich the Bond is executed to serve the Company isfuJ completion of your training.£eal of office of such Officer.IIlY for shment of st Year i. Calcutta CIL/C-5A(I)/JET/ 700001 D'lled . you shall have to execute the same by signing at."H' .• ..Chairman-c~m-Managing purpose. Apprentice/Junior Executive Trainee 4. Coal India Limited.1I 111cilil{es.. trlliniuci period may be extended without notice at the discretion of the Com'. 4. will have to execute the Contract of Apprenticeship re joining as Graduate Apprentice. 1961 as amended from time 10 timc. be (~ecided from be accordance with training programme ot'the Company.leave travel concession and other allowances and perquisites as pel' rules/ orders framc'd/issued from time to time. you may be appointed on probation for a period of one year to a regular post in E-2 grade carrying the scale of pay of Rs at the discretion of the Company. Appointment as Graduate in Coal India Limiled.••. POST Box No.S an officer specified by the Companyis . The llctual post. )wance/Dcarness per month ~lus House Rent Allowance/City Compensatory Allowance. · ·. ••:Tl~~"'~ -. YOllr services c. by giving 5. your services can be terminated out any notice and without assigning any reason. the Training Period u will initiully be on training for one year under the Apprentices ! On satisfactory completion of your training und after passing such tests and examinations as may be prescribed from time to time for the purpose. to which you will be appointed. 1961 and be paid Rs dmissible.n be terminated by the Company without previous notice.e. and ponditions of your Apprenticeship will be governed by the provisions r the Apprenticeship Act.. lay Your training willtimeinto time.. 4. . I~eglllllr Appointment Director for the Sl/~il!cl:.2 The period of probation may be extended reasons at the discretion of the Company."_. to the Company at the or service and administrative o. Director copy of recent passport si7e . if so reqllir.". the the Chief of Personnel binding.. If the ubove terms and conditions duplicate copy are acceptable to you....~:.• shall devote your whole time Y in any business or occupation shall stotes be responsible be assigned time to time 6. Id thereafter ael u'al amount drawn plus from Govt.14 you arc ho!Jing a post' in any Public Undertaking. if any during the truining interest thereon at the rate slipulaled In resJlcct provisions (..: your acceplan~'e by reI : for dUly to Jming of this Jetter duly signed to this ofl:ce and report II arc married you will have to fUl'llish a declaration in lhe nttnched l'orm to 'fect that you do not have more than one wife living.ce in India or abroad.."~~.1 ] goods ('. You are rellt. or in and shall truly and all money. not be in-company Icr Terms u shall secrecy.tores account :e on and property thewhich shall at any time come of Company. It assigning any reason action as the Company lall be a subscriber and regulations thereof and without may deem necessary. the"total amount u shall in no event exceed Rs . You willlliso be liable to serve for a minimum period of 4 (four) years (including the time spent on training) in the Defence service or work relating to the Defence cll'orts anywhere DcI'ence serV. or your services being terminated by the Company 'llowing rlltes : rider the provisions of para 5.•0 years your will have certilic ••le from of the to your duties whatsoever.d/undetgone training training so repayable by thousand only). declaration to be false or if photograph within 15 days frol11 date A copy of your acceptance Qund that you ble to removal have wilfylly from service Suppressed forthwith ltny lUaterial information. J. -1::.7 You shall be liable to serve in any part of Inlht and will be governed or lhe Company by the rules in force from and regullllions lime to time.ired to deposit puny till eX'liry of the bonJ..'~ Vbi/e during tIle first year of training of your you will be governed the job before by the the expiry contract of ('. original educ ••tiol'al certificates/degree oj reportin/i 1'01' rUlly accoullt for or pay Over or deliver. COllllllunical. ••. 6..27.:.9 sion or the or any matters I'or whieh no provision h. th:lt YOIl arc not interested JOJ to uc'~ept the olfer of the aJ'. you should make a representation y of your immebeing alongwilh YU'Uf and this offer of appointment in that case will be subject Hed in that behalf from the rules in force in the Company. you will without any notice whatsoever and enquiry proceeding and to such K. to the proper person Ivith the COlll- ..'ders :>tal emoluments drawn less reimburscment the Bond.<.'ointment.". In any The expression Company" in the letter sl:a:I be deemed p the you have to 'nt Act. will bc admissible to )'1.10 us to the interpretatlun of lIny part of this letter rules goven1ing the service of the employees or otherwise decision of 'hc Chairman-cum-Manuging Director and/or Division of [:le Company "the thereon shall be final and howsoc>vcr arising.""o../2 ordimlrily You apply . In the event g more than one wife for any reason. and II? and shall 110t carry 011 or be a 6.4 you shall repay.. the in the rules or orders issued by the Company shall apply and the deciCompany as to their applicability shall be linal and binding.W_~"" . 1"< ~". trainingwilll)eriod shall undergo reduced. JJ A ... . wilJ be Iimiled to the lil'~t 10 (Ien) to Graduate to produce Engineers a release above The liability to serve in . I .. 7. nay IUld Condition of Scrviec fuithfully and to you. and any property you. present employer in case or truly and diligently carefully..3 and. to your hands. ..the ye ••rs of service and wjJl not of uge. or under goods your Ill\:llirnl cxilmin:llion 01' fol' jl'lln.OOO/~ (Rupees rwenty seven en if you have alreudy been regisfef\. it will to the Provident thereof of the Company you shllll abide in lIccordance If no reply be presumed the dllte of th'g offer e rules with which 100 by in all respects. of the In the case L'f any dispute ovided that if you arc trained only in India. given or information f~rnished by you proves to your The Chairman-cum-Managing original certificates and \In att::sted of this leller. Fund should also be endorsed to the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the Company 10 whic11 your are posted.6!. to include all or any ul}der the Apprentice_ for one year. learn to your duties and work as may obey perform its lawful such during from ordcrs and such maintain business hours as 6 II officers or officer of the Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries for the time being placed in authority or by virtue of his position having aUlhority over you. serve attend the Company.:::'.' . in the event leaving of the said )ntraet period of three years. '~Ii~. No lravelJing ullowance organisation Central/SUlle G( vcrnment for the charge entruste~ care of the Company's YBUi' hands money..K pprenticeship...J..-'i.:d..5.~. Your uctual place of posting wilJ be intimated by the Compuny :lI'ter you have submitted the Medieai Ccrtificule and after you have furnished the c(·ntract is received of Apprellticeship from you within llnd the 10 days 30nd from referred to in P:lra 3 :Ibove.lIJ for the purpose duly as all Ajlprentice/Trainec. work be entrusted regularly ' be prescribed and perform such maintain perfect diScipline .IS bccn made in this letter. ...~:i If you do not join the place of posting within the stipulated appointment will automatically competent authority. 'Name {in Capital) Full addres~ .. Pursuant to uppointment teller No and record. Score 011' ......stand canccJledunJess period' this oller of ill writing by a SCHEDULE IV extended Date ... .. Dear Sir.. . The Chail'lUlln (C-51\) Coal India Limited Coal Ilhawan \0.................... Nclllji Subhas Road Calculla 700001 '\'/Ib: OITer of aprointment.r1l _1__ l . . Yours faithfully Signature whatever is not applicahle.. .nilii... :0 The Chairman-cum-Managing Director Dy ellie/Pe/'sol/I/e! Mill/age/' ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFEJ{ '/1 read the contents or this letter and I hereby accept/do not accept the olTer of appointthe terms IInd conditions cOlllllined therein and unqertake to ubidc by the same. ..... I have since joined in This is for your information Sign:lture Full N:ul1e {in Capita!) Full address .. . Yours fllilhfully. 103 102 :•• 11 1~_tt:~iJ?i~~*"I~·~~~~. duted on .. .. resident of · .... ' 7..... NOW'TIIESE \'lUlSEN'\' wrr'NESS AND IT IS Mu·i'UALLY agreed by und between th~ pllrtics liS follows: I............. administrators. 1961.. Nature of industry & stltl1dard industrial classification Code No . \ ..I\tie\: Il\:reby declares that on other tOi\tract of Apprenticeship 1I1ready subsists be'tween him and . Date of commencement of training is a student of sandwich coursc V IC This contract made this :· : day of .: period of his apprenticeship until he completes the prescribed period if so req~lired by the.... pcr month. (Ref.. quulilication/examinution onwards only may be shown. · . of the Board of Practical Training. ... I) Cols. resident of hereinafter culled the 'suie/y' Subject field in Engineering/Technology Name & address of guardiun passcd which expression shall include his heirs.... ·· .ontained. (8) (8) (ii).1 ANNEXURE COAL INDIA LIMITED Ltd...."l'~. Shri Son of . (B) (10) and (B) (12) have already been Hlled in and no further entry is required..":~i~~ ..lddress of establishment ation No. The Employer hereby agrees to enguge the Apprentice as an apprentice in the designated subject Iield of and the Apprentice hereby agrees to serve the Employer as an Apprentice as hereinafter provided..... During Apprentic. · son of .~Mt!r..... 104 3. . .1ddress of Itice 4. 1961 and the rules made thereunder.prentices (Amendment) Act 1973) submitted (ill duplicate) within tcn days aftcr cngagement of Allllrcntlccs) (A) Where the apprentice No . & contract of ticeship and . And whereas the Employer having sutisfied himself that the Apprentice has requisite qualifications for being engaged as an Apprentice under Apprentices Act... 1961 and rulcs thereof (to which this contruct relates) Apprenticeship programme for the lirst twelve months within the said period owing... Those will be filled in the omce pussed sturting from gl'llduution 4.. In Col.... Signature of Apprcntice Coho (A). Period of training 12 months •. plus DA/HRA/CCA/~mderground/CoalCaste/Scheduled Tribe/Minority 2. Rule IJ (A) Under the Ap... of One Tholl sand Nine Hundl:ed Eighty between carrying on business at : (hereinafter called the 'Employer') of the First Part.... l\lodcl Contract of Apprclltieeship in the Case of Graduate Apprentices for CoallJldhi SCHEDULE ... Muslim/Christian/Jain/Sikh/Parsee.... Rcmarks Date of completion of training ".e~itip training .llled the Apprentice) of the Second Part Ilnd Slll'i ·· .lny other contract of Apprenticeship with any othcr cmployer before the expiry or termination of t..his contract of apprenticeship.. . .. And whereas the Surety at the request of the Apprentice and in consideration of the pl'Ovisionhas 'agreed to join in this agreement....... the Employer shall extend th. Apprenticeship Adviser concerned... (8) Personal details: e and .... 5.......... of institution year of birth (iv) D'lte of passing 10. The Apprc....:. legal representatives und a5signs of the 'Third Part' WHEREAS the apprentice has requested the employer to engage him us an Apprentice for training in the designated subject field of . PHOTO Itional qualiHcation ry (ii) Examinution APPRENTICE (Passport sizc) (v) II.. to illness or other circumstllnces beyond his control........ The period of training shall be 12 months commencing rrom the date lhe Apprel\lil!~ is a~ked to report for training under the provisio:1S of Apprentice Act..... · ····(hereinaftel' cl...~.... (B) 2 and (B) 3 may be left blank.. hU5 agreed to engage him us an Apprentice in employer's estllblishment on the terms and condition hereinllfter' appearing subject to the surety joining in the agrecment us herein .......-"-·"'l or ..e. Subject liS here:nbefore and hereinafter provided this contract of apprenticeship shall terminute 011 the expiry of the first 12 months of apprenticeship lrailling..... her. executers.. thc apprentice belongs to Suheduled nunity i... 2.ither party may make an application to tbe Central Appren105 '\".""~ ~"~l_~ ent to be madc Rs lliowance as admissible.. under the Apprentices Act.. . the Apprenlice above nnmed ...Y. ... t~eEmpl9yer .. the party making the application shall send by a post copy thereof to the :r party of the contract...... ~ : ... and with such uddition:t1 terms und conditions us arc..._ ." •••• .in the • . in the scnle of Rs.!l the presence of .. ' "" i. if any filed by the other party...••••. mployer shall further carry out his obligation as under: The ny the stipend to the Apprentice at the rate of Rs pCI'month nces and underground allowances..... ' .. " . '. lJ'ry out their obligation as contained in Schedules I II Signed by . of.... ... or' the Central Government . """" 2 ..•..••... decision .. : ......ble under the rules or the establishment of the Employer.. SC. und during his apprenticeship Employer plus usual establishcalculated 't'roin the in the first RD. if it so required by him... The decision... ••••.••••... rate of Rs per month on quarterly basis and in lIrreras I Government aner having paid in full stipend to the Apprentice every month.....unY time exceed l\ sum of Rs.... .. the Employer above named in the presence of ... Signed .••. dded thllt the party responsible for the termination of contract due (0 his re to carry out the terms lInd conditions of' the COil tract shall pay compensation id down in the Apprentice Act...... 2550/. .....the event of termination .. \: "' The liullility of the surety shalll!ot at.not be affected any chnnge in the constitution of the Employer or in the constitution of the suret..... the Apprentice be olTered im employment and the Apprentice shall be bound to accept the >yment and to continue with the employment for a period of 3 years from the of his employment.. : '....•.ss. i ' . in E-2 !j:rude together with USlIul ullow. The terms and conditions referred to in the previous sentence shall be g on the Apprentice during his employment .."'. mployer. The 'neglect .(Rupees with interest Two thousand five hU!ldred fifty only) in c!lse of graduate apprentice thereon at the prevalent bank rate..... . The guarantee hereinbefore cQntained shull.' .. of upprenticeship for failure on the purl of the A/>pn:lllicc to' curry o'ut 'ierms ofll1e COlltJ'[jct~tile Surety ilL Llle request of' the Apprentice hereby guurentees' to the Etnployer and the Central Government the payment on demand imd without demuroI' such amountas may be determined the .. ided further that no compensation shall be payable any party. ••• I •• I ••••••••••• I.. 1961 and rules thereunder..'~....." Sillnlllllre of the Employer .......: <J~ml. if all the parties greed that it is desirable in the interest of the parties or any of them to terminate ontract subject to the condition that the Apprentice shalf not be eligible for lement by the same or any other Employer liS Apprentice under the Act.... /v...... admissible to the executive of the Company. .: Surety of the Apprentice presence of 1~ •....... RA... Iyrr 3n:J lHe ~~Pin...... .. During the regular-service you shall be paid Rs ..l:Illt by lilt.' •• ...... ' ..~.': : ' forcing payment of any . the Employer or... :: : above noted ..of contract. cost of training of the by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser ~sand'towards Apprentice.. RH...' '. ' by ... ..) Adviser for the termination of the contract and when such an application is Ie...~. pprentice shall be bound to sign such Bond before joining the upprenticeship Ig.. 107 .. shull ntthe time of joining the llPprenticeshifi Ig ask the Apprentice to sign :1 Bond requiring him to serve Employer for u lum period of 3 yellrs :Ifter successful completion of training und inpay scale of .._1 lUll ~ I . WIlNESS WIIEREOF TIlE IN parties h~rlitll him \i~\iIi\lllilllhliSu prrSrnl'i lhl' CJ1\! rll1l\ ytilUI' I lirst above wrillen Signed by\lC paYI~ent :whercof is intended to be hereby secured or th~ gi~ing of the time by.•. as per rules of the Employer's The Employer shull claim re-imbul'sement of 50:%... In .led \......' i '.. non'lh... forbearence'. " ... of stipend..~ ~. ~~f .' . .. as hereinbefore and hereinafter 'provided the Employer and the Apprentice & enclosed. '.~ ......... SiglHltllre of the Appn:ntice I..... The C~!llral Apprenticeship Adviser after considering contents of the application and the objections..t 12 months under the Act.y person uggrieved by the decision of the Central ApprenticeshIp Adviser may within 30 days from the datc of communicution ot him of such decision prefer an appeal against the decision LQthe Central Apprenticeship Council and such appeal shull be he:lI~dand determil..of'such committee and subject to such decision of the Central Apprenticeship Councilbeflnal. I 2 .. the Central Gov':rnmcnt for the payment thercof shall not in nny wny rclca~c the surety of his liability ulllh:r the guarentec hereinbefore contained..''.'f..• salisfied that tl'e parties to the contract or any Ilem have or has failed to carry out the terms and condition of the contract and it is desirable in the interest of the parties or any of them terminate the same.. sagreement of dispute between the Employer and the Apprentice arising this contract shall be referred to the Central Apprcnticeship Adviser for 106 I •••• 2 "~ ':..•....••••.. uccessful completion of 12'months of apprenticeship training..)y the Commitl~e of th:\t Council appointed for the purpose.... terminate the contract if he .• in enor . .rllntel! to the Apprentice after he has exhausted the entire casual and medical leave. . duty owlDI toJJl~oas. who shall give his approval he is satisfied that it is in the interest of the training of the Apprentice or in blic interest..~l1.~' . I llpprcntiCli~hilll b. the apprene shaH be entitled to the following kind of leave and subject to the conditions ecified under such kind of leave. 108 ..lximum period of twelve days ill a as laid down under the Act and Rules thereul)der. (iv) It shldl be open to the employer'to arrange a specialml... ~~~n d~)'s d~~ng trlti!ling may ~'granted io the Apprentice . however.Leave lsual leave shall be::admissible for m. .u?J ere any person has. ~o unused. ' ! . 109 ."".." "" .The employer. provided that it shall not be allowed to exceed the maximum period 'escribed in respect of medical or casual leave.. . >}.~~~"ull.SCWWVI.Yintery#ip. and 6 a.(?!1 trairyin/) between hours of 10 p.r the purpose of limit of twelve days... aSltal. ".ay be called QpOntJie Apprentice to produce a medical certificate practitioner in suppon of hii medical ieave .leave$~I1. .~~~~I. lsualleave not utilisedduring any year shall stand lapsed at the end of the year.. e continuance of the stipend payment will be subject to satisfactory report on : Apprentice's work and conduct. :ept with the approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser.blo'~o attend. at the rate of Rs ' per month plus estipend pa'yment for' pa~ticull\r month... however. during his course in technical institution. shall b~ paid by the 10th day of the lowing month. . .. as the case may be.di~al examination of an Apprentice if he has reason to believe that the Apprentice is not really ill or the i1lne~s is not such a nature as to prevent his attendance.~. " i"'< .certificate shall... the Employer may withhold the stipend payment and refer the matter the Apprenticeship Adviser concerned. 'ant of Leave of Apprentices establishments where proper leave rules do not exist or the total leave of different )es admissible to their workers is less than thirty seven days in a year.~~t~....thePeri<>4 of medical... not be paid for the period 'for which Apprentice remains on extralinary leave. ..n'ili~4. then the'Employer shall release such person from training to live the relating instruction in such institution for such period as may be speciI by the Apprenticeship Adviser. training to the apprentice l~ of the Act and Rules thereunder:and with the approval of the Apprenticehsip 'fl).shall be made to the appropriate authority'aad saaction obtained prior to the availing of leave. in his establishment in accordance for imparting a with the provi. tho leave to lbe apprentices shall be grante~ by 'the employers in accordance with those rules.. The employer will arrange for a suitable person t9 be placed in charge of the training of apprentic.'.. the entire leave taken shall be treated as medical or lsual leave. . where proper leave rufes exist for workers. Pllte ~:. Signature of the Apprentice. ni. if casual leave is preceedcd r followed by medical leave.~re.ted instruction. (d) In alSC of llstabIishments S.' " ..'::t9. ~ t~a~ed as medical ' . In case of unsatisfactory progress of the .E Obligulioll of Employer e employer shall make suitablc_<mangement rrse of apprenticeship viser . .. . Signature of Employer .. ".. .~ '.'(iitAny ~olida.. I (v) Except in the case of extreme urgency. (~). ~. 11I1 : Employer shall pay to the Apprentice allowances as per rules... become a graduate technician apprentice and during his apprenticeship training he has to receive . ny holiday intervening during the period ·of casual leave shall not be counted . (iii) .te'~JD.prentice. . li~l!dt...m.. be'necessary if the leave exceeds six days.. or more in II year may be . application for such leave.rt~fl!IYs.. If the employer is satisfied with genuineness of the grounds on which the leave is applied for. A medical fWm i1 r~gi8icredmcdical .• . asual leave shall not be combined with ll1edicalleave. '(c) EXlr'a-ordlnary Leave' :' Extra-ordinary leave upto a maximum of ten day.... '.g d~ring '. and a~~nted for in'th(liiDjts preScribCdunderclausC (i) above.m...leav!.fl/l1ave " ..leave shall be allowed ~ffo. No deduction shall be made from the stipend payment for the 'iod during which the Apprentice remains on casual and medical leave~ Stipend ~ll. " . ...... that decision or the Company has or has not performed o ALWAYS that it is hereby agreed and d:dared ether thz above bounden* . sence of"''''''' ..the above boundcn"' maue to him during the course of the training/service will be liable ..~~... ) nor shall it be necessary before suing '::"""" .. salary with allowances recevied by Iring the subsequent period of your Iterest thereon calculated lank ratt.howcver.000 I for the period of training and the (Rupees twenty seven thousand) only. *** Signature......... I'URT"/liR ... missioJ1 of the Company 0[' any person authorised by them (whether with or :onsent or knowledge of the said"'''' ~'oll1paI1Yto usc the above bOullden II.....lbove writteJ1 obligation shall be void and of no therwise it shall be and shall remain in full force and virtue.~ti~~~~.~J~i . (SEAL) J delivcred by the ubovc ...... ..•....... .... ••• : •••••••••••••••.~~'i!tt~ I . ut its discretion alter intcrrupt thc trllinin!~ und service for JI whutsoever without incuning 'Iny jhlbility either to the above bounden .. '......~n11..'... Prescnt : Fulluudress : Permanent: * Full 'nume of th..... · wed the obligations and conditions herein before rejected shall be final ano binding [) I'URTH/JR that the liability of the said'" hereunucr be imp ired or discharged by reason of lillie being grunted or by any forbearance........ name... -_.... . if any. Gr\lduate Apprentice. Siglluture of Gmduute Arprclllicc .. · · ' terminah:n and.. lhe d from Gov!...................•.........:. (Place) Dated the (Seal) . Signature of the Surety with fullllddrC~i 112 113 ·........ IIIL .... seal..•••• 01' the said** ... ' and-HI11 said"" .....••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.~" ... that this bond shall in all rcspects bc govcrned by thc luws of India. ~~lOJumeJ1lSdruWll less reimbursement Provided that if he is trained in India.... designation and full address of the Attesting Officer with his official . by thc ubove bounden"'* In the presence 01'*** at..•. Present: ss ....~/~1I 'ailing to rcfunu the Company any overpayment 'aining ·· · · ... " ........•••• Por umounts......... if any (proportionate total amount so repayable by the ell1nt in eas: the period is less than one ployce shall in no event exceed Rs...:.. .' shall jointly or severally forthwith refund' the Company on demand and without demur an amount at the following rates ....•••••••••... .... &.... . Perlllanent ............ ** Full name of the surety.)Jflf....' ·:r'....) ON at the pl'e- his making such refund the . SIGNEO AND DELIVERED . · .... ~:... 27..... The officer attesting the Bond should be Gazetted Officer in the employment of the Gov!... or any officer of the Company..... puny llHIY.'- l' ~!r. under: widower/a widow.e:. Ir the ract tJ. his servicl's would be liable to be terminated. (ij) & (iii) only.l (All i1I/SII'eJ'. . 2.It any stuge any part of your name or surname).)use Number.'" I . subsequent to the completion and submission of this form.~~'T\1'!' :'Z'~i&"~Z. convicted. "'Please delete clauses not applicable. That I lIIn unmarried/a That T VI . Surnume: Name 2. the details should be cOl11l11unicuted immediately to the authorities to whom the attestation form has been senl early. fined.1'1 am married and have only one wife living.. debarred. Village. if any (Please indicate. Village. for grant of exemption is enclosed. If detuined. arrested. The furnishing of false information or suppression of any fuctllal information in the Attestation form 'would be a disqualification and is likely to render the candidate unlit for employment in the Company under the Government. Signature . be gil'C'1/ il/ wurds dol~'or dastres) emnly affirm that the above declaration is correct and I understand that in the event Ie declaration being found to be incorrect after my appointment I shall be liable 10 ismissed 1'1'0111 service. declare. prosecuted. J. . In case of stay ubroad (including J 14 115 !~i.. if you have added or d~opped . Thanu and & District or H.I' 11I11. 4. Lane/Street/Road Town) (a) Home H!dress ill full (i. Nume in full (in block cupituls) with aliases. failing \vhich it \vill be deemed to be a suppression of fuctuul informution. (b) [I' originully a resident of Pakistan the address in that Country :lIld the date of migration to India Union. acquitted etc. Particular of places (with periods of residence) where you have resided for more than one year ut a time during the preceding five years. FORM allt/llul by That I am married and my husband has no other wife or more living. : 1. COAL INDIA LIMITED (A Government of t'ndin Enterprise) ATTESTATION Application WarnillJ.. Present address in full ( lalse inrormation has been slIppression of uny fuctual information in the i\ttestution Form comes to notice at any time during the service of a person. hound down. Thana and Districl vI' House number Lane/Street/Road and Town and Nu·me of the District Headquarlers.e.. I. '"Applicable in case of clause (i).R (DECL-I1) SCHEDULE hri/Shrimati/Kumari . give dctails. Village. Thana &: District or House No.ul:lrs wilh dates of employment. lJ6 with years in Schools and I . Lune/Strcet/Road Namc of the District Headquarters of the place mentioncd in column. or a lJrivate linn or . Period Designation. Place of Birth Country in which studying/ living with full address Date from which studying/living in the country mcntioned. or at a subsequent date before your services were :Ictllally terminuted.e. and Town).me State India in case 01' a State Govel'l1ment/an Autonomous Body/Univcrsity/Local Body. ~ver been convicted by a COllrt of law for any ofrence '! Ilave YOll ever becn debarred from any examination or rusticated by any lJniversity or any other educational authority/institution by any Public Service Commission/StuO' Selection Commillee for any of ils examinatiLln/ Sclection '! (11) Ilayc YO'J ever been debarred/disqualified (i) (j) Is any cas. emoluments and nature of employment Full name and address of employer Rcasons for leaving previous service From To (b) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/a Governmcnt/an Undertaking owncd or controllcd by the Government of Information to be furnished with regard to son(s) and/ordaughter(s) yare studying/living in a foreign country : .Nume of School or College with full address . up·to-dute. giving a month's notice under Rule 5 of lhe Central Service Nationality (by birth and/or by domicile) . in previous column. 12 (i) (a) I-lave you every been arrested? '! '! ? Yes/No Ycs/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/l-{o Yes/No (b) Have you ever been prosecuted tionality : (c) Have you ever been kept under dctention I-lave you ever been bound down? Date of Birth Present Age Age at Matriculation Place of Birth : (District and State in which situated) District and State in which you belong : District and State to which your father originally belongs : Your Religion : (in tig. or a public undertaking. / /lave yo'.institution '! If so. were any disciplinary proceedings framed against you 01 had you been culled UpOIl to explain YOllr conduct in any mailer at the time you have notice of termination of service. give full parltl.lrvice) Rules.. thc prcceding (a) Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under the Central or State Government or a Semi·Government or a Quasi-Government body or an autonomous body.----(in words) (d) (e) (f) (g) Ilaye YOIIeve: been lined by a Court of La ••••. (Tempomry 8\.. To Residential address in full (i. Date of Entering Leaving Educlllion Passed II.-------. 1965 or any similal corresponding rules. particulars of all places where you havc re~ided for more than. if you had left servj~·..onc ycar aflci' tllc age of 21 years sllould be given.: pcnding against you in any COllrt of Law at the time of filling Ui> this Attestation.Form '! Is uny case pending against you in any University or any other educatioHd authority/in~t1tution at the time of filling up this Attestatiull Form? 117 If a member of Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribes? Answer 'Yes'or 'No' cational qualifications showing places of education eges since 15th years of age.) . ... . . 'daughter of Shri ·· .. Note: (i) Please . years mont and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars furnished by him/hera corree\. and/or the nulure of the case pending in Ihe Courl/University/Educalional Authority elc. - - is correct und complele to Ihe bc~t of my knowwhich mighl imp:lir my Iilncss . und belief.. I am not aware of unycircumstances 'mployment under Government.ll'nmcnl ../Kulnari........ Signature of thc cundidutc TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE (i) (ii) Name.iYes/No (Certificate CERTIFICATE IUlion under Ihe Govcrnment or otherwisc '! to be signed by any Olle of tile fo/loll'ing) If lhe :lillieI' 10 uny of Ihe abovc-illcntioncd question is 'Yes' givc full p:lrliculur~ of Ihe cUSC/:UTCSI/dclcnlion/line/conviclion!sentenee/punishmcnl CIC.... Panchayat Inspectors.... Members of Parliament or State Legislative belonging to the consitueney the candidate or his parent/guardian is oridinarily resident : Sub-Divisionul Tchsildars Magistrate/Officers. have known Shri/Smt.. : · so -----------------------tify that Ihe foregoing informulion .. Certified thall of the rec9gnised SchOOl/College/Institution ' Oll\cer j wlwm you ... designation lmJ full nddfe~~of the appointing authority: Post for which the candidate is being considered : 119 .... Signature .. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Gazcllcd Ollicers of Cenlral or Stale Govl. Tehsildars aUlhorised 10 where or Naib/Deputy exercise n1:lgisterial powers where the candi (ii) Specific answers to each of the questions should be given by striking out 'Yes' or 'No' as Ihe case may be. Date · Designation (lr status and addr' Place ..... 118 I ~~ ... . for the last.. al the lime of mling up this form........ .....Ilso see the 'WARNING' ut the lop of this Attestation Form.lDl<:NTlT\' (k) Whcthcr dischurcd/cxpelled/wilhdmwn frnm uny Iruining ins... ' Numes of two responsible persons of your loculily or two rcfcrcnce are· known : 2 .... 10 Principal/Headmaster dale Sludiediasl : Block Development Post Masters.... ...... .E 6 0 '. I •.g ~ C4.20.:Q l'l 'C <It Q. .••. CALCUTTA70(' 001 ..:< COAL INDIA llMJ1ED Netaji Subhash Rbad. • E ~.• .. e~Cl 'Os..•C "0 •• . '" /j ..s] 0 U c: 1 C C II WC l / S E C l INCL. These recommendations have been accepted and have to be implemented.-S si I~ 120 ~ o Z I . ..5 ~ _ . fes '-" 0 .s~"5 . 0'.• of '0 •• .. C <It ..= -Svi II .0 ' '. ...BRAHMAl DiroctorlPersonnel & lRl ••• ....<It ll:.V.c: "'.. I::g...i ~ li . :: ~ Q '8 VI .~ .. ~~= _::0.. g ~' (j IE . of up-grading itelR ~0. S •• '':: "l:l 0"" .'equested to ~p~y U~ ~~ b¢~ion plDn In accordance with Sr.s tVt:. ~ :> .c: :::!. E 'B :> U Q.. I I .e up the question with 7 years experiencce to the executive level It but may be noted that the supervisors the post would be up-graded to ~ 0 . ... (l )' 11 1«> Yours faithfully..c: !.CIl: 'J/25 dtd..{!l •• C U 0 10..5 you may tal.. u-=~ 'oE I I '" ~ ~g ~'..!JJt &•.0.87 v• ~~J I~ '"' ~ 'i o :< :. _ "0 ~ constituted by the CMDs to examine the problems of fi~tline supervisions in mines with a view to improvement in the quality of supervision and improve the Morate had submitted its report to the CMOs at the meeting held on 22nd October...!Ii ~ -5 0 g '. •• ~ri I on 'E .. Q. VI Q.0 • ~.u 'c. 0' ...g &E '5 oS Ret....i5. I~ I~ e '" 15: <It U .. ~ U "0 !: r. •• c '0 .. 5 31 " ~ ~ IN . _ •.. -'H'i.c: r: .- ~ 0.• ''0 ::: E E •..~ l'I ~ f:! c.:. will cOl1tinue to do the same Job E-1 level.. ~ -ei Sub : Improvement in the quality 'S ...c: ~ •..:. d:5 ~ I~ ..•u '" ljX. i •• I 5h":s:! .86. Based on this report specific recommendat ions were put up at the CMDs meet ing held on 27th January 87. Dear sir...Overmen •. A copy of these recommendations is enclosed here"ith and you ap'Ie. The group of Firstline Supervision.- -S v"'"g "t:I o E 0 5 u ~ Cl:I sd/lA. -.~ 0 <It of E-l post on ACRs and interviews.Foremen/Sr. ["t ~..:: Di rectorl E C liB Pi CC l Q. ~ - ~ .!. .2.:: :< .!l & for ImplementlltIon. o .E~ ••• ~. Q.. OC> ~ :. '- g g " e •.. :> J!g o Q.. :> VI '. .. ..··IND'-A. 2. OR 7 years post qualification experience out of which minimum 3 years must be in the Tech & Supvr_ Gr. J.... production achieved "ith reference to t>:rget. elc. ]0 ] I Name of the company Career growth since entering the executive cadre (_) Post held From To 7 Date of Qualibirth fication 4 5 Yea r of pass. Exellutivc E:ngineer (E&T) E-3 -do- 6 ~rs post qualificat-ion experience -do· 3. -..'. years in the next below grade in Electronics/Telecommunication Supervisor. Advance Diploma in Mining Electronics of atleast one year duration for those haviDg 3 years diploma In Electronics' Telecommunicationl Instrumentation._ . Engineer (E&T) rs--. I. Gra::le-in E&T. the committee shall also be supplied with the perfonnance dala in appropriate form indicating.. E. OMS.--4 E-I E-l Minimum qualification I . ••• ~_ 8 Remarks - Matriculation 7 years as Foreman·ln ( harge In the SupervisQry! Tech. so that the commiUee can objecliveiy assess the performance of each individual officer.. Three years experience In E-l grade as Asstt.... No.•. Name SC!ST 3 ·c · ... sirikes and lock outs. Present place of Remarks posting 13 14 2 8 9 12 Note: Besides the aPave details..Para 4. 2. COA. Minimum 5Experience Mlnl~um_ 6 QuaUfic"atlon ---" I 'Minimum 7 Experience -~_. 4. I.. (E&T) 1st or high 2nd Class degree In Electronics I Telecommunl· cation! Instrumentation/M. 'A'if they acquire Diploma.. inter-alia.. T..•.rs relevant post quali:ficatlon experi· ence. whenever DPC meeting is comened...b-. Engineer (E&T) B-2 3 yea. of Engineers (IndiaJf IETE India I UPSC I Educallon -Ministry as Eq ulvalent to Engineering degree & In Electronics Telecommunication -do- 3.... PERSONAL Discipline SI.. cost of productions. Engineer (E&T) if they acquire Degree. Departmental Asstt Engineer who are already in E-l grade may be considered for promotion to E-2 grade in e<ceptional cases with the approval of Cadre Controlling Authorit\ provided they put in S years experience In E-) grade. DATA Grade Date of entrY Date of in the present Gr initial Actual Deemed appn. PROPOSED Designation I Grade CAURE SCHEME FOR ELffiCTRONICS CuUlde Recruitnnent -----'::-IIV\ITel> & TI":LECOMUNICATION DISCIPLINE Prmotlon (E&T) ~ J. of each exam. Sc t'hysics with speciality In Electronics duly recognlsed by lnstt. I (b) Must obtain ANIE (Elec.\~u:n.1il:>p 1:>.10 .).A~u::'I:xIwo" UO!ldLU~X~ " .l::. .l::..ltjl (I! .) •)0 sJ~S'l?u-g~c'i -Op'iluu!w U! ". -do.jU!U!~'1l~allullWsSllD sseD 3~\j::> l::..)!l:xlx~ wmlI!U!W" UO!lOWOJd UO!lll:l!l!Ienb WnlU!U!W 3N:l"1dDSIO 9XIl\.{ ':>I~Y!)l. Sc..• -do-· -do• do·-do·22 post qualiqualiAddl.OU~!l.ol~ lX~U . Phy witb speciality in Electronics duly recognised by Tnstt. lent to Engineering Degree in Electronics & Telecommunication -do- 5 9 years post qualification experience.)!lddx~ S1:lpl°'l llLUOld!Q-u0N: .>.. 8 6.. --doe. Engineers (India)IETE India/UPSC/ Education Ministry equiva. 6 1 (a) Advanced Diploma in mining Electronics of atlcast one 'years duration for those baving 3 years Diploma in Electronics I" Telecommunication I Instru-· mentation..U!ploqns 1I0!1l!:)!l!lenb (.( £ ·U.) I TETE or other recognised equivalent membership.)U.---.-~. 7 3 years in the next below grade in ElectronIcs I Telecommunication Supervisor.· Diploma holders WeO are already in rl-4 grade may be considered for promotion to R-S grade in exceptbnal cases with the approval of Cadre ontrolling Authority.J-"'~ :lp!Slno Sl""" L ~~U.>(q) 'ON 'pel!) 'IS 1""u!llu3 gmu!w (".)1!P!l!U:l:> S..alluIIW .3f L-3 UO!llP!3 .W'Ii L't llllld 'J"M I-t.1 l~pUn "Sl.'O'O P~H 10 'lS SII .( Pll! 9-3 '9W 1 -!Illnb 'y -!renb 1m 1m ~llPY!ll:l:> JO JO -!IllOb lwd -op-!renD£c3ISodSSllp I 'Z -![lInb gm"€ 'Sl.{ L 'UIIUll~AO p~H 10 UllUll~. & Tele. Cbief Engineer Chief Chief. Engineer16 years E-? Engineer E-8 19 pOst quaUDy.) "Sl. Sr Executive Engineer (E&T) 3 E-4 4 1st or high 2nd Class Degree 10 Electronicsj Telecommunication I Instrumentation I M.. .allulIy</ 'AIl0:) P!lj:) '8Z-3'''IlO::> 0~ -Dp.dd\f 2 S.J:>dx~ 'S"" £ 'l~5eUIIW •.-do.:) AI XJOS:3.):) s.( 'L (S:lU!Y</)'lpdnS'Sl. .)11!:)!l!)l~~S.alluew ~) lPy!u:xJ 10 "~U::'I:<iwo..)AO SII lUXU1!".: qg!lj 10 IS 1 -op-op.: ISl-op-'[PPY 'lIssy :lU!y</ 1-3 Ii:: ·op>-3 8-. .}u'..(BUf S·Ol'-7 ~nd 'UllWl~..a.·do-· (E&T) E-6 ficatlon flcation experience.. T3 --8.-cp- W SSllD ISI xlX:lUO!I~ :> UO!llP!!I l:xl'(~ ldX~uoplO!f UO!llP!J SSlIp pu.. -do.xiw~~ <-l " l:>:alluew'5lsoa IS$1.~li0::> 'IISSY Sll ~U~!l:x1X~ 'Sl.-. l 7.>!l:x1X~ (. Bngineer (E&T) E-5 13 years post qualification experience .) Slll:>~ £) aUIU!LU 1-3 WnUI!U!l-'I U! llWOld!(J '[ ------------(q)!llu3 .Deptt.UIIW 3YD'''Q ~U:l!-l:xlx:> (guIU!W) l.i~ ~ .) .. Supdtg. 3 years in the next below grade in Electronicsl Telecommunication.l:)U~!.l.'I ~pelg .: LUnW!UI~'l uOlleug!S:lQ (p) '[ (~)~1. . are eligible for consideration for promotion as Sr._".10. R.1988 /(A)(iii)/51823/579 Raf No. tho CIl l30ard at Diroctors qual if icat ion and experience If' tor prolllot ion to and 'g' (agaInst E-2 grade.. . BHANDARI) veneral Manager(P) In y~~W ot th8 !lbOVO lla!iHon..~_".7th Oct..Under Manager (2nd class). No. minimum approved 'add it ion of the following the Cadre SCheme The addition will In Appendix-IV52)_2 Minimum Qualification of Engineering DiSCiplines be item under columns of Common Coal Cadre.1988._ • •••" _ '"""""'-~:"O"":'~""'".CIL/C-5A(ii)50972/22/860 COAL INDIA LIMITED Netaji Subhash nead.5 of thl' common coal Cadre. CALCUTTA 700 001 239101 (10 Lines) Gram.1985. be vacancies of senior Under Manager1 Sd/CG. .Ctlief 'Yours faithfully.. serial No...7.._.Jdldre_ Managers certificate sir.$ of Common Coal (Non-Minin~ 'I/we to Sub In tholr 68th mooting hold on 15. Discipline ..Chief Personnel Manager .". Sub: Amendment to the OFFICE MEMORANDUM Cadre Scheme for Engineering NAGPUR e:~f~~~ ~g~fVT~la~e[fa~ : Promotional avenues ._••••~_~.-~.9. .•. .3 years exper ience in Technical and Sup 9 rv isor y Grade-A" per para 4.. . above to your letter No. Phone COAL INDIA LTO. __ """"-'""_" . The period of service as Junior Mining Engineer should in el grade. who could of Competency' .Sekhon. "'.para 4...3 Dear ... . who have completed 4 years of s.S.. 26th August 1985.". Dtd. the Under Manager~ in E-2 grade.a·'~. .•. Post Box No. for Under Managers. 1 10.--' .•'-_'_ a" . of E-3 igibll ity for consideration not be taken into account for promot ion to Senior for the purpose Under Manager c CIL:EE:85:37801-8001CA) _ Dtd. Shri B.871 Calcutta 700 001 T~.ervice as Under Manf\ger after obtaining2nd class Mine Managers' Certificate. The case of eligible under Manage~ will (E -3cons ide red fOr promot ion against grade).Mukherjee Dy.. Netaji Subhash Abad.."Racognised refer on the Kindly Subject. Personnel ManagerCEE) sd/( K. WCL/PER/EE/2935 dated 5/6.C. Minimum Experience The matter has been eXamined and we have to inform you that as for be relevent Degree branch in the of Engineering".10. . Telex: 21-7180 CIL IN COALINDIA 10. 21 st Novem ber1985 Sd/- Addl. the eligibility periOd consideration for promotion from E-2 to E-3 grade (2nd class) will 4 years' service in E-2 grade..5 not obtain 1st clQ!.:. ~ ~ ~ iJ \II -0 ~ •... 19~~ re!Jarding inclusion of the degree of 8. : ~.9"] ~ ~ ~'o~~ "§~EJl ..c g ~ .c ~ .Q It> " COAL INDIA LIMl1"ED "COAL BHAWANt' 10~Netaji 'subhasRoad I I ~ o CalcUtta 700 001 ' Dated.. elL: c-s. .'2 . \-' ' L • 't '" '" E I I 1. TeCH in Mineral Engineering as one of the recognised qualification for the purpose of appointment of JETs in Coal praparation Engineering discipline and to state the said degree of B..)Z c . Singrauli.~ 'Cle' g.. The General Manager (P&A)."'. -5 .. Sanctoria 4.g R ."o~ kind informotion. "i' OFFIC&R-ON-SPECIAh DUTY (EE c -: 'i"' 1... o "c ':. c: . :::l . . Dhanbad has been approved as a recognised Qualification' for the purpose of outside recruitment/promotion in the Coal preparation Engineering discipline by the Board of Dire:tors of elL in their 81st Meetin~ vide Item No.:::c '" •.0 ..The Dy.. ...s ~ 0. General Manager (A&EE).~ & •.= '0 . M._ C'j r::: DHANBAO Dear Sir.~ " il " '" ~~ '6'0 ::l H ~ ~ ~ 'bI. 0 . .•. lj 's l! 15' -S • ..1 ~ '" C t.~_'O :5~ ~O' 1>:0-0 .• I. <" - •.c:: i< .( I "'. '2 5 "'0 o ..2 ~:<~ I "'j:51 (5 U 6 bll 6 .. ~ E ~ 1.! • :J ~ ~.c c: ..5 ~ •.:.Chief personnel Manager (EE).1 k-~ "'.• ~ K.. '" :0 !i i JX: ~ ~ li ' ou iI ~ ~ .~ go !:l '" en ~"5"C « oJ!. OFFICBR-ON-SPECIAL Copy to:Director ( P).. 2nd Februatv• . '" "" g •. ~ C r::"' In .laspur.c: '" II S. l:l 0 I8.:: c o .l . I am directed to refer to your letter No..t:> "Cl.c CT 0 •••• .. c ..4 (E).lEE}. c c •• 0.§ •••• 0' ••• ~ '~ •. •.. ::l G :.§.. ~ 0 :g " 2 Q. The Dy. II '" '.•... Copy to t1..5 §. 13 '" -'Qli ~ . ~ C ... c: 11 ~ . C '"0 'll " &~ v. ~ ...9 '5 '" I E~ I ••. 8§~ ]'0 ... v .. o ~ id "i! ~ u]M .. ~ :. PAUL) .2 t '" ~l! ~ r"l ~ '" " '.•.( •.. 81. 2.••-5~ . Shri S L. Ranchi.. ' Yours fQithfully • . ~ •. ECl.a" c . CMPDI.f. TECH in Mi!leral Engineering of Indian School of Mines. SECL. C . BCCL:EE~CP:89:2068(A) 'dated 16th . ~ ~ ' •• i o oS c ~o c o 1" o "i' (B. 'lil> ~ c ~ .j (J '.. li '" 0. ill •. .- ~ :.}..The General Manager (P).. ~~ 6.. Bi.. c: e ( •• I' <" dO. Chief Personnel Manager . The Dy.20 I. I.. U. NCL. ~ilj l'i ~ J22 . oJ .• oJ •• '" ""I~ ~ ~ " C ~ g ....: ~. (iii) : c: '0.. E'. '" l:l to: ~ ••.s ~ ••0 a 'E •.0 1iiZ ...S: l<.·2 .g ..~ ~ u 0 •• " Sl. c: ~ 'J:: :.•. 1be General Manager (P).January.. Bilaspur WCL..• '2 ...! "'... &.. Nagpur 3..c:: . .J o . 'C: ~ . '" •.. . c 6 •. ~ .. 1:l 'E g 0' & IS '" :l 0 a'C . CCL.. o •. Ranchi s.. DUTY (BE) SECl.t:> till II Ii is g ':...9 ~ ~ M ~ .t.~. . " 0. Keshwani Genelal Manager (EE) ~harat Coking Coal Limited Koyla Bhawan Koyla Nagar oi. . "" .1988 were circulated to all the S. Vide Item No..ed ~a.g 6 SiL . Dhanbad Northern Coalfields Limited.u> 0 u c >. I 6 ""9 6 ""9 't .'A' in tion discipline by upgradation of posts in E-1 grade. '.3 of the record note of discussions..'A" to executive cadre in E-1 grade ~ Improvement in the quality of First Line Supervision concept. CPM (EE)."6 .. '-u C~ 'iill c:: :a >.l.!.l E >' " =c:: R.ECbCCL:WCL:BCCLlNCl.0 I .)held on 13th July.). :ord note of discussions/decisions of the Directors (Pers) meeting held on 13-7-88 1m No. DPM Sanetoria/Addl.j . Nagpur Bharat Coking Coal Limited. Director ( perations). Sanctoria Central Coalfields Limited.G.r:::~ ~c::8""g ~ rl ". CIL:c. • . SINGH ) GENERAL MANAGER ( PERS ) 1.'" id tr.dfldthii. it has been rf..l:l. BCCL.. ~ ij '0 & OJ DO: 'S: .~ vf:LiJ ~ ..700001 Post Box No.~~ 61-0 OJ •••.8 E'" ] o ~~e~~]~llf: E ~ .~ l1l ~ 0( ~ !! ~.. Nagpur/General Manager (EE) ECL. 0\ Q~'iill '"l' ~ . ~ ': ~ ~ -5 E " c. 0( 6 . CQ "'~ S ~ .= c~UJ~ f5.." 6 I~ " 1.. '0 c:: :0oci 'iill~. Singr. Eastern Coalfields Limited.0 . Ranchi Western Coalfields Limited. c &'64 VIW tIl~ "c:: This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. it is clarified that for the purpose of consideration of promotion -executive cadre employees with experience of 7 years or more in TEtS Gr.." 6 Stilt:- Promotional avenues in respect of employees in Excavation discipline having experience of 7 years or more in T&S Grade.5 '0 <c ' .SECL l. 'l'I ~ 'C .. RanchijDy. th. Dhanbad/General Manager (P&A).r::: ..ired to sit in the written test examination also as followed in the Case of E&M.3 may be treated to be modified 'to this ..l." ~ ~ oi g~~ ' tl:1o 35th meeting of rectors (Pers. i " .l~or. under which the record note of discUSSions/decisions taken . Singrauli South Eastern Coalfields Ltd.Cadre.Col)l'piI~ies..t ~he ..~ 'A' in non-executive cadre to executive cadre grade on..l~ ~ ij .5B:53270:35:S97 ~at.• ~ ~ij ~.. 371 :~5A{iii) :53270:11 06 .1 -/" I :J r)'. OIl Yours faithfUlly.. '" :0 v. (EE). General Manager (EE).. . SECL. '" '0 '" ~ r~1 8 ::hairman-cum-Managing Directors..rnari-ifi'-Ch8rge in E&M Cadre on the basis of ACRs and interview • \Inthis connection.. Gr.. Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta." 6 .. ~ ~.extent. CPM (EE).~'o 0 0 *.-§- 6 ~ ~ .idiary.S 'L~ = ft 6 041.. '" •. 8 . Bilaspur Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited...:: '0 -6' .i " ~ OJ 6 '0 • I~ U '\l '''' I Reference is invited to CIL's letter No. the employees concerned will .. . NCl.~6f5: s u '0 . 1~) ~ e ~ a il ~ 'tl ~ C il ( R. '* COAL' INOlA' J..i : - a' 'C ~~' 11 l:! ~ C :J •. CMPDI~ Ranchi ~.lMITED ~CCOAL BHAWAN" 10." "§ .!I ~ e . Ranchi ." 6 ""9 .t) 11 :. ~ ~ 1H: d 0( .> II!: 0= ~g "'"'r: '" I ~~ !.tional avenues under the concept Of improvement in the quality of First Line Superi1hould 'b6 exmndgd in r@tPOOt 6f l!MJ'Sloyees 01 ~xcavation Discipline also ha~ing mce of 7 years or more in T&S.Ibs. Directors (Pers. WCL.. BilaspurlGeneralManagElr (P)....2 ~. 0 ~ 0 It') ".... . 2 :!: ij '" c it •• ~ ~ ~ tr'l ~ 6 » .a same principles as have been made applicable in the case of promotion . CMPOI. Chief of Geology &..i. in Geology from ISM. in Geology from ISM.:! below grade . Dhanbad. qua!ificaqualificaca£imD experience tion-experience 3 yrs in the next below grade ISM. catiorl eJ.perience M Tech in Geology (g} (ll) 3 yrs in. Supdtg. Dhanbad. the next below grade 6. Dhanbad. ~ I. Msc in Geology or Dip. in Geology iron: ISM. M Sc (d) E-5 (e) or I-do.ulogist E-3 I. M Tech in Geology 3 yrs. from ISM.jor =-~.. in Geology from ISM.e 3. yrs in the .cation experience M Tech in Geology or M Sc in Geology or Dip. iI1Geolo:. post quialficatia>n eXperience (f) (h) 1. (b) (e) Geologyca t ion yrs in Geology froun (a) 2.. E-4 g yr:s experience M Tech in Geology Sc in Geology or 9 yrs Dip. I. Drilling E-8 3 yrs in tbe neJ. in Geology of ISM. D). M Sc in Geology or Dip. Dhanbad 3 yrs in the next below grade IS yrs post qualification experience 7 Add!.GEOLOGY DlSCJPLlNE SI. E-I 2 Geologist &2 2 yrs post Qualificatioon experienr. in Geology from ISM.! from Dy. Chief of E·7 Geology &. Dhanbad 3 yrs as Geologist in tbe next below grade ISM.<e:<t below grnoe 8. Dhanbad 2. M Tech in Geology 16 yrs post qualm. Drilling M Tech in Geology or M Sc in Grology or Dip. lion post qualifi· 5 -do-2. M Sc in Geology or Dip. No. 2. qualifiin (f) 12 yrs post qualifiJ experience Supdtg. 6 yrs post qualification experience M Tech in Geology M Sc in Geology or Dip. Dhanbad -do- :. Designation Grade Minimum qualification Outside Recruillmenr Miniimum expe:rience Minimum qualification Promotion Remarks Minimum experience (g) (a) (b) Trainee Geologist (c) (d) M Tech in Geology or M Sc in Geology or Dip. Set. Dhanbad. 1. Dip. Chief of Geology E-6 I. . ...S. . d 15 c.. re'ter approved to by this revised the office Istaffing of CIL Board letter No.0E~8~ ~g. SECL G.c e Q'..g ~~~:E ~fi c ~'60:' I Revised avenues staffing pattern/promotional for Mines Survey Personnel...cC! ~ 11 ~'~~ ~>]•• &ft·L ~g c iiZE·~ dle •••.9-"5 a-ll::l OlIO) '" COL .C-5A/(iii)/52053/1227 The Cha i rman-cum-Managing Di rector.g ~& ~. for cons ide ration PlIssing of course from of promotion fou rteen weeks Survey Training from E-2 cert i f icate Institute. scheme in its of Survey held meeting regarding pattern/cadre Directors ... -~ t S 5~~ '2 ~ § s·g ~- . ".].. .~ ~ '" COAL INDIA ~C Cl .g ]..o"'.1987 0 l:l iE 1. c c" -E ~'] .12..-.l ~o 0". ·..S.!::-.~~]I::'c'[:f!" Dear datEld sir..I~rl c..g . C.... Yours fllithfully.:: ]~ ~g..] 0" .. ot Pend ing f inalisation surveying and recognition revised Cadre of du rat ion of the extended/lldvllr\Ced course of such courSElS as approved qUlllif1cation it has been decided tp treat the following mine surveying Il recognised to the next higher grade as course Mines..c·c .P.}j 126 oj. 88 ~ _. Dated 23-11-1987..:.e.c·c '" " ::lC C cO/) ut ~ .']r:~i~i ~o .~§ ~ ~~ B'''~ ~j-e! ] ~ t<cOO >.c '-:"].!:.. OFFICE OF lHE DIR:CTOR (PE~ONNEL)..5l.. I~>.. C. 0 'J! ucllllg.~ ~ I pElrsonnel as on 24. . ~ e·Ob &~ 'fE -.LlJ ~~& ] •• s·':::.2 <i.. ~. BllASPUR No.... A:~LlJ~ l! >.Se '2 i! 0'r:' O\U E'~ EIC •.!!!~.5t.g C ::Ell I . on advllnced mine surveying Dhanbad.E'E ~ f!0Il0 '~'o . Kindly 12-5-1987. 3. KN -i: g_u•.] J!. ~~~ E.9013~'Eb '" .'" Q. ql'"lificlltions indicated bEllow:- undElr the Scheme. '. 2..~ . EI3 oc'-13'0 Ie 0 :5 ""a ~L~~~ e ~ . sd/(V..4 LlJ III .. Korba for kind information and necessary action.. .• j ".9-.lA) GENERAL MANAGE (P) R o '9 o '9 '7 o . Sub: ..Rbw) '- I . ...~ ~"EL5~ ~~ oge ~. intensive courses for consideration il Passing of technology of ii) promotion on advanced of promotion five week of Indian from E-4 certificate school of to E-5 grade. 4.4. ~!~0 I'-:'0 1~!L '2 ~5l g . Bilaspur Addl.0QOI.<•.•0 'Vi c& J!~M"= ~~~ .C .0N c"i g ':..E'c•...·a '2"0~c0lII U Gl'5.No. \D'C"g '" I> j!!l 'fo .~ ~o "..4 1.:.g ~ >...~ I$i.-~. ... ECl/CCl/BCCl/WCl/SECl/NCL/CMPDI.f c>' 0'u u cc" "j~ ~ r.c·Es 0 "'c.. CALCUTTA s 0) lei Ret.] 1::5••. :~ Og :a~ . sd/(A.P._. -i 't •• 1.~ .] -" :n -~ :.. VlJ! a::l.c·c. All CGMs/GMs" SECl All HODs..c. "..& ..-:5 "00::]. of mine Hydrablld.] '>< '"K e~ Ie :s rl'a~ ~ .. >. ~.c. Ci or...~INf. ~ .W..:)c... Bilaspur F'M(MP/SE).~~ " ~.C-5(A)(iiil/52053/248.: 0 '2 .4 '" . 5.. Cog c o .. '-.D(PlSecy/19/87/3362 Copy to : dt.'2 ~ ::l 6'0 1.!. ::l E'..] U ~'EL5~g. .~~ . survey ing ref reshet for considerlltion to E-3 grllde..1987.I. SOUTH EASTERoJCOALFIELD LTD. ci8.tIJnity for their .J::l ~.. := l! ~ "'"..~:~~lj . 1Chief General Manager.-.3 grade in Survey Discipline (Mining) bave been prescribed as follows :II Survey<>rs Certificate and eK1ended or advanced course of Surveying rcc:ognised b the Company...•. 8 ~u .2 t:O"'" I I~".~ .""'._c. >"] ..e -c: e c: tllJ ~ ~6 .So'!:: og c.-'-" 9-'!:: Cg ~ewv c. 3. 52._t.:l .3.dated 23_11_1987 to all the Subsidiaryoompanies stating therein that pendiJ flnallsatklD of duration .. '-' •. .vey(ng Tollllbnotogy commencing at the ISM. 3: '" ~ ~ ~-15 ..~I}. No.. !!l11!l.: .e immediate necesSllt'y action :llominaWng the maximum eumber of Sut'VC!f ()tfieers of yoor Compan'y in batches attending t llbt weeks . 2..: r-i Six weeks adv.•• 1'1 ~ '. •. Copy to 1.5r6bl~ o ••.[:. - ~-15 "g-15 ce co ~ .' w S •.. Keepiag in 'View the above YOIl are reClucste4 kiln4tytak. c: .0 c: . 4.o.] 1:~ >'] ...t.• o . c Q\ ~ c: - Dear Sri.• 3: . Western Coa\fields Limited.the Competent Authority that t1 advance . c:.:l ~.. 'Northern Coa\fields Limited.c gjl::l~~ t.'. NEC. Bharat Coking Coal limited.o. .~.9-ofi. (oj (Hi) ~ 52053: 1227 ... ~ " ~()!1 c i3 X'". § '2 ellS ~ '" 0'\: .I -t'\: eta g.. 4..~ '. N g:1!Ji~ . Dhaooad commencing from 27-3-1985 2.l! ~'\: "8 c ::>chool of Mines have appmachcd ·them for nominating Survey Officers f~r Six weeks advance cours' on Mines Surveying T."..conducted by the ISM.advance COU1'llC. w g ~ g w ~ "g. . 0ICt l" 0 ~0 ~0 ~0 . .•.~ 6l..89 \D . ••••• ri ~e~" g: eJi~ ~ ~e~" g: eilj~ .• ~ To.Wt. Im .2 :r::: -g.'. Dhaobad.. ~ ~ . ~ ~ . N.g.. We have recewed lIeferenc:e foom some tbe Sltbsidiary I intimating that the Indial c cu ~ e" ~!{ . General Manager (BE)..onMines Sur..@1l f'i g: eJ:i~ .~~~ . 2 ~ "0 e!l _c \. Manager (P).•...:::~ v..g ' •• pa tea Ref. V olJrs faithf.e c:: iilJ c bO . As per the <cadre scheme approved by the CIL Board. \ c..:CI'S &oncewed may J»I. 1/....echnology to be .. 1 I ...00 '-' e. companies o c . '2 e as a ~ t'Eh".::: ~ '\: 1.• Q.Uy. a = as'E a ~ '" c: lS~. E'\: u ~ ~ .ance course ~n Mines Surveymg Technology at ISM. ~ ~ ~ g "g~ :~ "C: 1'1 tL ~ g "g-15 ~ K a "g-15 '. the qualifications for pormotion fror B-2 to E.e c: tlCI ~.r:.u.on Mines SUNC~g TechnoIDl!Y of IMS will be treated as recognisod jJUalillcation f the purpose of promoliion of ellClQUtrvesin 1!lurvey disoip\ine ~ B-5gra. The Director (Operationsl.!I.l·T]m'-~.ffil..1989.0 ~e~" e . R..l!Atillli vide No. J. '" c'S 1A'o. ~" '. 1/.!3-ofl ac: .:~. BCCLo Dhanbad General Manager (P&A) SECLo Bilaspur General..~f the COONe k 'has bUll clecided b. SINGH (iiENE1tAL MANAGER {PER o . Sub. . f« i b" :::s1-1 0.." .~. ~o:.0 c: ."] "' growth.. ...i §~''''''' '2 E II e oil '" 0'· ~~'6b~ 1/..e c: ' 'l. ~ '.~ e iiil 6 '9 Dcgrro:in Minio§ Enl1neering and Surveyors Cortificate.. '0" g o d: 'a ~ .•~ ~ ~ ~-15 "g-15 ~ fl COlIc: .:t. In this eonnection.~ QiS e-SLLl ~ -: W f'~ LLl "7 LLl ~ 't ". •• () ~ U § . ~'..0'2'._to-< \ . . ~ c '" -~ p.SA (iiI).2 ~ "!1 :~~ S ~ g.order that the .t. The Directors (Personnel) • Eastern Coalfields Limited. ••.de." "_ .(1or.• a ~'. .1 l>\ Igi COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL lO _ NETAJ:I SUBHAS BHAWAN" -700 001 ~ ~ E 1l ::J C E'~ 41 ""'" ~ g "g-M ROAD CALCUTTA POST BOX NO...t: d '-' ~ a ~~ "'t: ~ r>l CS'o 0 1vi~ 131. \26 . . I~I c .. ~ i:\.053 . Dhanbad fl'i 21. Sanctorla Ranchl Nagpur Dhanbad Singrauli Bilaspur Ranchi commencing from 27-3-198S >']"']"'] ~ ~~ ~0 tfi ...S : 20." "JI!IIf ••••••• ~jl . B71.0 .EO .......course . ~~ "'] ~ (''''I 'OIl:t .. 6 "9 0 '? I . Central Coalfields Limited.. CMPDI.0 . it may be stated tbatwe have air~ady Issued dai't{. SEa.§~ S ~. Mll[gberita. CIL : C .v ~ -vc. "'] tf'".s~ ~ 0' v ~••• t.f QJJ ..9--1'1 ac .aiI Di this op. ~ •.~-Jl I ..03. t. iiI Secood aaSll Survey and Surveyors Cettificate. ~0 ..:l . 3.~'.... "' . co -g....-'.•. Sanctoria AsS3fJII The The The The 11I1~J... c - >('0:: VI:. ~e~" '2 ellS ~ '" c: 'E \l~'6l>".l\\.-. Oc ... g: eil5~ ..0'2'.\: r..l~~lJmrD·'ImlllJl1mmrr]rnflt. South Eastern Coalfields Limited.25 2.. Managing Director..9 "'I1l81j.Managing Director. With a view to improve the quality of work as also to boost up the morale of the Surveyors chnical & Supervisory Grade-'A' for 7 years' or more. .:l tn.F'. " ••... it has been decided that these emplobe upgraded to the executive cadre in E-I scale of pay on the same lines of Sr.0( COAL INDIA LIMITED JO \ to u '" c.. NEC..A/(iii)/S20S3/Swrvey!" bel t CCL. as po:.:l:. .••." \ • ' K.cum· Managing Director. !oJ ell u ~ \ tl .G oJ ~. >. Raochi NCt. fecL.. Sub :. He is requested to send us the details glble cilndidlltes working in the SurvC)ldiscipline. '" '" •. '\ OENERAL MANAGER (P) {P). .. D (P)! Secy . ..Improvement in the quality of first line supervision.. "'I tIJ '" •. General' Manaser.. Sanctoria.. .cVI ••.l. • cum . for further necessary action.g 8..t o i: z ~ ~ ~ 'a ~ :3 tn b ~ . • eum .?> ~~ C ~ [~ liiZ I..". u 35b Z tl.. dated 20. "il "j I" :1.. WCL. -g .cum·. Ranch. .l"i ~~~ '9 ... ~ Q rn 8~ U .cum· Managing You arc requl:sted toI' 'kindly fake further necessary action in this regard at an early date. 'SINHA \ ·1. Dhanbad CMPDI. :-.Cl "0 l~ <J'J to <J'J .0 d tn0 ~ >• >.21987. l¥IarSh«itlll Assam. Ranchi Dated : 7·8·1987. i A.:l tl.. SECL & NCL (Operations).. ~71... Cl u '127 ~\ i [i [~i ~ Ii :Q: '" ojr. ~ 01e rn0'"'S U e Z E"':N 0 Z13 '8 J. ''COAL BHAWAN" NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA -700 001 POST BOX NO.... if any. " '"~.l :l u 0 . I· 1 • \ \... I ~ 0. ..Managing Director. .Managing Director.. I. VI c::l H. ~ u J!. as . "'I "" •.' BCCi:1. Nagur SECL... WCL.~ ~~~8 ~ 88 " i'i' ~ b \.1 ~I'§~ -g~-g g':~ ~ ~ ~I~I .~oJ .. . be notC'J that the Surveyors on promotion to the pos t of Asstt.... I : . FS /25. . r. (MPDI.:.. Managing Director.I I. . " C " .. oJ". EeL.) 'Vours faithfully.. I .cum ..j . ~ .. ~.8 bIl ..4 .i \ ~ fl' i. Eel..0 .f! "u :J > " C c El ~ :l . Survey Officer will ) the same job as befoce...... Singrauli.:: '0oJ 0 'it: rn '" c 'a oJ ... . t' i.J.J....l~ '"' l:) lEI 8 ~ ~\ g: B 'n "s \. The upgradation of the existing Surveyors In Technical and Supervisory Grade-'A' to the Survey Officer in E-l grade will be made on the basill of recorded performance and intervieWl vcr..cum . .9 . •.. ..• " ~ O~ ~ ~ I ~. Oulatl. Bilaspur DCCL. Foremanf or which necessary advice has already been communicated to your company vide Director leIter No. '" . syllabus) 4.~.. Not less lhan 50% of . CAs Grade E-3 theexperience -do.••.4 unqualified •..~.. every grade unqualified/semi(e) q 6yrS Accountant/or Ihe . Inter (New syllabus) Remarks .. """'. Minimumyrs in the . .""'-'-'-'·~... . belowless no.for 23yrs CA/the E-Ianls CAstical syllabus) not grade Accountsyrs~. AssttAccounts'.&iven time...E2 15% of at grade. 101a] E-! .! lapsable (Finance).quota -dO-: I._'y uali-Nil Sr Chartered/O>stI..'-".• .nOI . be· posts than posts filled up 2.. Departmentalof '·a'. an~total in ofgrade will 3..& Ll'LlJi\...J5yrs gr.:.r·accountquota AICWA ion experience 2.." willMinimumwhich whichE-I qualified the -do-(c)(d)V Corporation(b)Accounts 10% ~'~.~..• 3. .:{l)-6 exam..t&tal posts 10% I.•..\ .-"'-.exceed ~.(o this direct year.•. - ~ ••.'".•••.'" belowyrs..~. ~or (Old Recruitment Otutside 3 yrs poSIS (g) the 6yrsyear.J. .• ..... A recognised degree 2..Officer/I. .'"ingrade Nilin next 2.5byof "J". < . - .'. . •. -. ...CAS 6 yrs ]apsable (b)-do-postMinimum inNil E-I M~A ACCj>untants will Accounts .. recruilmenl. "_'• Designation qualification ..of Final ACAjAICWA/MBA! gr the Departmental Inler syllabus) (Old chartered/cost cost/chartered every Not .(f) experienceexceed newis Promotion is•.~"" I.". Recognised post gr.) E-4 Annexure: I .ide Recruitment Designation Grade Minimum qualification (d) E-2 possession of recognised Medical degree 1. Any of the qualifications included in any ot die schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act. Recognised post graduate qualification mentioned in Part Aof Annexure I 2.c o . Specialist E-3 I. Sr Medical Officer E-3 .aduate qualification mentioned in the part A of Annexure-I 2.c< I CD CD I APPENDIX MEDKAL SI. Physician etc. Outs. <:> 3. Recognised PG qualification mentioned in Part B pC 4. RecOgnised post gr.) I yr post qualification experience connected with the speciality 3 yrs post qualification experience connected with the speciality 4 yrs approved post qualification experience connected with the speciality 6 yrs approved PG experience connected with the speciality Recognised post graduate qualification mentioned in Annexure I 3 yrs as a specialist in E-3 grade 3 yrs experience as Medical Officer 5 yrs experience as MC:dicalOfficer Minimum experience (e) IV(2)-1 DISCIPLINE Promotion Minimum qualification Minimum experience (g) Remarks (a) 1. i956 (LMP. No. (b) Medical Officer (f) (h) 2. LMF etc...aduate qualification mentioQed in Part E of Annexure-I I. Sr Specialist (Surgeon. Possession of a recognised Medical degree 2. .• Rand>! . '. A/Cs."... ~~ :a~ ~~ .".Off Asstt.of CA/ICWA.-D~.OffIcer/ Finance Officer in E-2 E e IB '- 5 11 ..~ .~ •.g ] '1 ~al Id s~ r. Asstt.~ iMormation ~ and necessary G!~JJ_~~~ . .'" £-1. SlInctoria." ~.CIll..j_lI!lJl!lIImrl1iCW ••••• ~- L ...SINHAl.~ YC<l"S ~I"'t l. llil"[ ~~<Il ~S~ 'S l:l c: •. Exemn..A/cs.4 .e. ... r.~ ~~ . Th is is for Y'Jl.l il B ~ .. t·r:r·endix-IV(2l6 the fo] lowing . 2.z 2. Western Coalfields Ltd.. I & Pt.-. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum qualification experiqualification experience Inter ChartNil ered/Cost.P. < Sl·~ ] ~il ~~ ~ .~ ~ all] •.nagin9 Director.- ~ in the of the Cadre Accounts. . J fl: . G.o ~ •••• - l' 6 The Chairman cum t'1<. <Il .~ en g = )< 'a "~ c..--. l.. The Chllirman cum ~la'agIng DIrector. oS il] " II " g.).----... Ltd •• Director. Northern Coalfields ltd •• Singrauli Ltd .:-._-------~_. c: '~ ~ ~ 'f! .. Inter Chartered/ cost • A recognised Degree. ~_J~~!! __ faith·fully.2. the : Common Coal Cadre in respect of the Accounts di icipline . a.e::g .j..Design Institute The Chairman cum 11/lOa91n9 Director.1IlMI_rmr I .••.I . (A.•• ' I~nmrmt1IIII.•-.. .87 ? c.j. Ranchi Director..I ________________•. Grade. CI~ A/Cs Examn. Cil Accounts Pt. si.. Nil Nil Nil 3 yrs.5 o H i!S.l._:~__ cC/(Op iance • l Yours Sd/GE tJE RAL .. I Final Examn. III " c: ~:.--_.4 ~.g Q. •• '..~.l.Il 3. -----. 8 " il ~~ >< .. G.~~~~~ •••••'''''' . ~ 'a ~ ~ '3 ] 'E Cil proposal experience Board of Directors for ammtlndment of both t)r outside Sch(m~ for Cadre Common Ccal and in the 82nd the proviion recruitment discipline substitution meet ing held on 26.. " !I sj vi ~ .10 Netaji No..._----~.~ Nagpur ' The Chairman cum t~llnaging Director. ~. .~ B a: ~ C"Q 6 l' 1=l 6 l' Sub: Dear Amendment of (Appex~IV(2Ul.: If§ ~~ " B Chartered/ Cost Accountant of MBA with Specialiat ion in Finance/A/cs.?·:r .1987 approved the regarding minimum qualification and and promotion to E-l cind E-2 gradlil as of incorporated the same with in th"._.· sir.S " i' o The Chair m an cu m Managing Bhllrllt Coking Coal Ltd. Part-I 2. ._-----------~---------------. Subhllsh /bad.ia~~t~~~-l-"---o~~~i~~-R._'''!I~. Centrlll Mine Planll:ng &.JJIJ Ifm In ..'~ •• .' /'l. ~ .C-5AliiII/5204g/1366 COAL INDIA LTD.1. "'" _r.t ..l."'.~ o ~ •• H ] ] ~ ~ •• II ~ .I VI r.0 131 '8 e~ <1i ~ ~ Inter cost Chartered & Cil A/Cs Examn.. 1.."""""''''''« jJlm~_J ••••••• ~~. Eastern Coalfield~ Ltd. To.. Nil ~ ~ c-lh~.. •. :. South Eastern Coalfields ltd •• Bilaspur The Chairman cum Managing Director. 'a "g.--------1.9r~j\m~n\-------''rr2m2\j2n-~-------'---------No...• U ~lIrrnjJl1D •• _.Finance b. CALCUTTA700001 Date: 17. MANAGE R (Pl l. ....llfflflrrll~O..•••• -<'.~ 0 >< ~ " 'fj B 11 IS. Dhllnbad The Chairman cum tlenaging Cent ral Coalt ield~...Pt. . tv .j::o <Xl :::l <Xl "'" ""<Xl "" "" "'-I tAl ... 9 co Cto ~0 tv -. .• 0 l> III lil' tototo 0) -'0 :i' cb C (") .J c: ...ifery & Gynae. --. 1~. . with psychiatry MRCP with P.. or MRCP with Radiology as special subject. 15... ~ W0') IC en s.j::o CD <Xl <Xl lD ""..J ':" :tv 9' Q. § " i: ? t00 CD lD "'-I <Xl lDXl <<Xl Ul <Xl tAl <Xl :::l CD "'-I lD :::l "'-IXl ""<Xl lD "lD '-I CD <Xl "'-I "'-I (CO <P (X:I ..J IIIv ::r :I: IC . D Sc (Medical Anatomy) D ScFRCS. . FRCS..)..::: < OJI an " <» o 0 5' C/l ..J Ol III .DTD DRM NB This list is noOtexhaustive. D Sc (Pharmacoloey) MS. or MRCP..DIR DM&CW MD (Raodioloey). PhD 1-1 Sc (Medical) with Anatomy (Physiology.... FRC:S (with Oplhamology) MS. DPH DTM & . Tuberculosis Public Heath Medicine Suigery Radiology Onhopaedics Paediatrics & Bacteriology RadiationGeneral VD Darmatology •Child Welfare AnacsthesioJogy 8. < :x: to C/l N '0. DMRT (2 years course)..J ::r ("')v en "ll. M Sc <Path & Bac!.. FRCS.. D Sc (Public Health) MD (Midw..• III ~ ~ W ::+ ::r(f) ~ !XI 91 l!!."...DCMSD DLO.:.J tv X ~ .. 6:' 12.J 0 9' p 0" . (Medicime) (Nagpur). FRCS (with olelaryngOloey) MD.j::o <"'-I CO .I. shall have the power to assign ..j::o :::l CJl 81 "" . to -. 5. -..n -.) MD with P'ublic Health. COG. 1\15) Hl TBD.• III I-..• :J III v (b ::I N I ~ ~ . DDV..". MS.. G ~ .. 13.. M Sc (Pharmacoloey). M Sc (Pharmacology). G') N tp I "'-I 0 . 10. FRCP (Canada) Liverpool) FRCS MS. n. or MS (Gynaecology) MD. coc: co.." :-J C Qj -cr co III to iii' ~ 9l -.. (j) . DMRE (2 years course) MD. ~.• -'C. ..J -c: "ll co '0o.) MPH..::r Iiii' co co (-J I2l ...• Ol C/l .. 2. == r •• .• III 0•to iil Ol .. DVD. FACS includine Biochemistry. 9. The authoril\ other qualifications to Part A or Part B.:. 0o '0 ~ . 7..0 IIIc iD III "ll <...-:ology) !\JRCP MD (MRCIP.• .:. MDjMRC"P with demlatology as special subject MD (Path MD (Path & Bact. Phd (Biochemistry.J I-~ -.... .) Ph D (Path & Bact). D Sc(Path)~ & Bact. MCH (Onhopaedics.. MOl. ?> (") f" !:: S" ~ ::: <p f? <» &> :i: Ol ~ ir -...jPcsd DC'H D Orrhopaedic. DA DMRS (1 year course) DMR & T (jyear course) DMRD (l year) DGO Dip. I OJ t.j::o lD :::l Ul CD II> 1I> Ul CD lD ::lJ . (Pihysio]oey) FFARCS MDjMS with anaeslhesiology as special DA (BG. PBD (Bac!.. MR..: SJ Eng.. 3: . 1.j::o .. CO .j::o''''' <Xl <Xl 1I> ("') <Xl S<Xl W l1> t'-l <P . 14.J 5" S" g Q. '"lD co G') ~ 5' Z S' to .<" Ol O"i 0 C/lD -.. » .. .PH.. Opthalomology& (ENT) Maternity Otolearynology Obstetrics Medicine Pathology General PsychiatristGynaecology MD M~CP PhD (Medical). co~ ~ »C/l .". D Orth S DO.p r ...• » (') .• tII to !XI .' OJ X . & DDV DCP. PhD (Physiology..• t0 III en ...J W X IC !XI .".j:>.:.ychiatry. DOR! DPM . 4. Bact & . 4with PublicDIR with DPH. Subject (Anaes)Medicine) (Medicine) (Genl.2MOjMS or MNAMS witltl & Gynae) 5(BCP&S) year PHCOG. Surgery)Sc M Sc Sc M Sc 0 o NAMS Sc (Medical Biochemis"1ry. &:MNAMS (Correction)(with [Medical MAMS MS..B.. MRCP.Sc 2(Dermat)DDVwith CDV Specialogy MPH. Health 5 M. Surgery) MAMS Coal OAPart .(Medical) General OMRS. Veneraology D..(1 course) ·. ScOtolaryngl!Ology) Dermatology Pathology Orthopaedies DCP. 4FFARCS. FRCS. MS.. FBD (DTM Opthalmology& & VDLOMS and(Orthopaedics..OA ENG.P. DORl Medicine MRCP DIE (ENT) DPM MH Bact} (Psycbiatry) DO. BMO. lPath DCMSD&. withMRCP i:lUUIUVUCI A MO.3FRCPMNAMS (Genl.Gynae) qualification (Obs MO or (Radiology). Bact) in MD (Dermatology Otolaryngology Psychiatrist Board [Path " Bact} 10. DPH H. """'. MRCP Existing Cadre l. Anatomy 0 (Physiology (Nagpur).0 rropGst:u (Anaes) MNAMS MIS (Canada) (PAED) anaesthesiology MD.. with Anatomy (Physiology) (Pharmacology).OipjPesd.__OCHCoalMAMSor(Obs 0Medicine) additional.J.~ lL~' MRCP with psychiatry D Orlhs. M Including - OMR&T (1 year) course) DMRO (1 yeay ••••. S DLO. PH.. (Pharmacology). & MO(Path).B lification Sc ry..Opthamolo8Y) MCH MD(Path dermatolo<gy HL D MD FRCSpsychiat~yDTM(Orthopaedic) MAMS Public9... 1 D Sc ofDermatvlogy(uSA) - D.. 0. Dr.MAMS (Genl. [Bact} MS. &(Psychiatry) DVD. MNAMS (GynaecoCommon (medical).OGO logy) FRCS.aare (Genl. PHPart qualification ···0 FACS. (Opth)Pathology] D FReS (with Health.). MR. with Orthopaedic. MDfMRCP3 P... &. . I I I I I I (. Chief of Medical Services.. G') '< -: f\:J §:::: CD o 0 :i' -.o . -l o :::t: ~ J -l c n 0 ~ j .!2..' CD o· ~ :i' - ~ 'P ~ 0' -':i" c8 (!l a.. eral Manager (P). _ ~ -. It was further decided as and when their batchmates GDMOS are co dered. General (Operations). •. ~"O' rn!!l.-['~ri'.•.J"~~~ }. 10-NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD ?' ... S 3 ~ g ~ ca' ~ '< ~. . Sanctoria/Addl.:::0 N 0 (i" r.:::'0' co '< "--' ?' tJ:I """ ~. a separate Cadre Scheme is not necessary. ~. t J I I . ~"..-'.... . a. (f) ::.p 9":-J pl?'1.• <~ g ~g I I c.... Singrauli.!!!. CMPDI.' 0 i. g p •••• W 0 ::D ~ •••• OJ s: cp".J!t~1.. Dhanbad. 5. Chief l'ersonnel Manager (EE). cp ~. BCCL/Dhanbad/General Manager (P&A) SECL. Nagpur/General Manager (EE) SECL. .:. 4. CD(!l::r" N Co ~ 9: ~.•...>0 3. Ranchi/Dy. CMPDI.. g 0':< ~. .. (f).!J'~'i.111111. SINGH i6 ~ I+' £1: .. ~ 9 ~ . 0 :::t ::l 5' iii' . P!2 p [.(1)@ _ . WCL. fii ::r ~.COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" :'" ::t: s:: :. CMPDI..'I-~'I. 6. - I . Eastern Coalfields Limited.700001 No. 33 •. ECL/CCL/WCL/BCCL/NCL/SECL. South Eastern Coalfields Limited. < a> (f) ~ • • :l> Co ••••• "The matter regarding promotional growth for dental surgeons upto E-5 was discu and it was decided that the case of Dental Surgeons can· be considered d promo for h E d k" 'd' h .••• (f) .-...•::D ~!2. Chief Medical Supdt..>:p _ n 3 ~.. Ranchi. '-' (1) ~' ~ ~ s: f5 'Ifi '- i ~~:~ 0' @ ~ s: -. Copy to :- GENERAL MANAGE 1... (f) Yours faithfulll (R._. . . ' The Chairman-cum-Managmg DIrectors. Ranchi.•. II!II_~J.._.. Northern Coalfields Limited.0 I .•0 · ~ :0 :l:! I ::D IC -< ' 'TI ::D SJ •. ..r ~ a 0~ Personnel Manager (EE). Manager fEE). _ ~ 9: Co s:: < (1)::l 15 (f) 9: 0 S· CD ~ !!l C'D l<? < fJ t? v ~ ~ 0 (f) s: I I 2. C-5A (iii)/52107 (Pt)/1146 To . ~ 8 2t ~ :.p:. CIL. Chief Medical Officers of all Subsidiary Companies. -. Howe with regard to the promotional avenues of Dental Surgeons the following recommendal were made. :. 2. eCL.1! s:s: o 0 en 0 CD S:g''Os: 0 III 0 ~ 0 -0 s: 0 s:: -. Date31. Bilaspur. . Central Coalfields Limited. 'j. ..:::. G.JllllUl'7~. m c 0' cp . Chief Personnel Singrauli/Dy.L.. cp ~ CD . f h upto ·5 gra e ta 109 mto consl eratlOn t e requirement 0 t e post an ot er [ vant aspects.l 0 (") ~ :< + + . ~ ~ i (1) CD c" ~ cp '2 (f) (f)O :l> 52.••. ~ ~ < III -' i6 ~?' """'c •••••••• ••. Directors (P).".-. Dy. " ThIS ISfor your'kmd mformatlon and compl1ence. Ranchi. ~. § ~ ~ _< @ 3:: CD . Western Coalfields Limited. Dhanhad. Ranchi.•.••. 2. Calcutta... s: (f) . 3. ~ go· 0 0 » C c g- '\ _ • &. CIL. Sanctoria . In the 35th meeting of the Directors (P) held on 13-7-1988at ClL it was decided for limited number of Dental Surgeons..8.. ~ 0 ~ ~!:i: 9 III ! iil a: CALCUTTA..g~' Bharat Coking Coal Limited.. 0 ~ '~ s: ' Dear Sir.~. Nagpur."! . their cases should also be considered so as to maintain their parity with tI but this will be limited upto E-5 grade only.~ •." The competent authority haS A~15P1Wed llbovl! fl!Qommend:ltiom of the Dirooton ( the me~t.::! ~ s: 0 (") [~~ 0 g ~. Bilaspurl Director Manager (EE).. "... 0) ••• a ~I. Ranchi. E .. a ~ . z < Ii ~ 161 " ~I s ~ "". M. '0 c ::r:.c. u..P:l'M:EE ~Circular:87:362 rwarded to:All COMs/OMs of SECL All CPMslPMs of SECLfDy PM· CWS. G· S... D. Heads of Deptts.J E u ':.. Yours faithfully._.~..a~ ~~ ~ '" r ~ .S Ii be <8 . CHOUBEY MANAGER .._~. ).•. "f. their aptitude for Materials Management be duly judged. '" (5 u. Bilaspur.~~ ..5 e ~ 01 "0 'C ::£ § ~ 0 '§ •••• 'c Ii ill ~ .~ 0 e is. ~en '5 •• ~ 0) ~ ~ >."''''~~ltl!l... Reference is invited to this office letter No.. ~.. .or..§ .l " o ... :5 ~ 8- :s £~ ::£'E:l c ~ !l '* 'C Ii •• ~ C\ u ~. >.e. Bilaspur.~ .u. . . ~ .: ::.8 gj l:l..l Dated • 5._ ..•.... 0 •...'0' ~ e .I~.S ~ :. _5 6~c~·:: ..L . U'~c " en Od 6 "T 5."'0 u .. dated . Dhanbad.5 . meeting held on " November '85.. ~ -( U "0 ..~ 'S § 'a ~ ~ ~i~ Po " ~ . CALCUTTA· 700001 POST BOX NO.1987 0) "0 rl .~..~.: •.• ~..~ I .._~. ia"§' "0 .(R. . ue 0) .'" u .P)fD(F).c !! 1-"' ~\I)~ou"'::>~ rt'1.5 ... of Areas of SECL ..l ~ . 8 C q._~. ! = .. Sanctoria.j e..fl .l . . .~ ~ l~ :. The Board have also decided that at the time of recruitment of MBA :es for Materials Management discipline.ItE~1 .J . In their 78th meeting held on 17-9-1986. o (fJ Q u.-s ~ I g'~'~'~ u~]ia~l:l -5 .~..lI1Ul - --"-----------" COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10 _ NEfAJI SUBHAS ROAD..!:l -. C_5Al(iii)151649-650fI307. e1:l ~~ ~ E ~ 'C ~ \ ~ •. 8 6 t: •• u ].~. the CIL Board have further decided words "with specialisation in Materials Management" appearing alter the word in the rrinimum qualifications mentioned an the Cadre Scheme for Materials ent discipline. !I~ rl .sa~'5"Vl VI .. ... communicating the amendments in the Cadre Scheme of Materials Management as approved by the board of Directors of CIL in their 70th. 1Ij'-co ~ U -5 ~ 0) "0 ~ . Hqrs.) "0 e o ~ :~ 8 c..MfDy.. CSM. Ranchi. ).. Bilaspur.. M. SAXENA) PERSONNEL MANAGER o E'. KRB... ~ ~·a 1Jl ~ '" 8 r>I ~ o ... ".. ·c~ :'.e.~:.!/e -PoE~·.. 4J .5 ~ ill . Office Calcutta..~. 8 ••..~ ::£::£::£.-"fo.SECL..'" .!ll OJ Q •• !ll l!l'01 c o -g~ SOUTH EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED :.~ l'l . NCL..l "" I>. e rJ l:l •• .~ _.!!...f. ~:§ . ECL.. o~"O~~ .e ..." ~~ •••• PERSONNEL SECL-BILASPUR 133 --~f ~.. : 871 Dated 27-11-1986 :f c ~ >< I . . BSP..••.1':.l Iii ~ Ji l:l .~ II _~-< ~ &.c-~..c c •• . CMPDI. be deleted.~=E=. " to CMDfU(T)S/D(T)N/D.I . i . SECL.M.> . BCCt.g..: ~ u. Sub: Amendment of Cadre Scheme of Materials Management discipline. E"" s o~ .3. B .58.. both for recruitment and promotion. z -• II •. CCL... ill 0) .~ ~ :!i! ~ ~ rl .J Q.. II~ Ilo..t:. ~ .~ "" . ~ £ -ac~uo4( ~ ~ ~~ 'Ii CCl d ill e 11 ~ . Singrauli. HQ.::£ '" ." OJ 8 lilZ (EE) ~~ jl." ::.. ). 2 c~ :06 C ~ ~ cE '-0 o)u tiJ Q ••• .." . § :0" E'!:! :§ g.~ -a ~N I7." g : ~ ll'" •• ~ ~ QI'l 1l..~. U'~ il. WCL.~~~~UL·~·~~~·~·~·~·J·!·g·~~··~·!·!·~·TI·~·~·~·~··~·~U •. ~.. u f:f ".~ II c '(ij ::: a '5 •• 3 \'l '" ~ =. (fJ ...: o E \.. ~ ci.. C-5A/(iii) /51649-50/761 >. Chief Material Manager SEC1.. "0 r>I ..• co ~6] .~~~.. SECL.. I..:t:i-og Ci 1 'ii .~ N~...e .. ee :oC . Sd/.: I.~ '0 a 8.~.. < l:\ "0 ::r: . ). :'i •.•. .......-·c'O .~ I'! :Il~ ~ I:l ~ u..~ g '. Nagpur.. ..0' o ~ \l) rl ~"':. ~ . ~""5 b t! c ~ ii 6b..§.. C ~ .J .0 l~ en o!'l~ '2\ '-' -.SO . HQ... SECL.t •• ~ "T ~ .l (.:::2. E-2 :: ficate of competency 8.1979 may be seen al Annexure IV (3) . Diploma in Engg. Dy Sales Officer'YCS in-do-the next 2nd CertiChief IS E-8 post 3 &3 the nell. below grade below grade qualification expn.. Gr. . . . High 2nd " . 1st class post graduate degree in Science.a SALES &: MARKETING Sl.agennent 13 )'r5 relevant eXJleriell?' 7 yrs in E-3 grade Degree or Dip. )75 in £-4 grade ~r tc:chn01ogy.. (b) Asslt Sales Officer Sales Officer (d) E-l It is proposed to elirnoinate the pOSt. o'r Technology ~r post graduate degrtt!i:>ip. Materials "Manager E-5 Graduate in Engg. in Materials Managementl MBA with specialisa tion in Matenal"M"aJl. 4.. and Supv. Commerce and loConomics. if any officer is working in this grade the Post will be abolished as soon as the existing incumbents get promoted.6. - - expo.cialisation in Material "Management 2. A MipimlllIt experience (e) (a) 1.3 Manager's class S relevant -do. CSAf52041!1333 dated 27.1 g E-7 Add! Sales -do-E-4 relevant -doexperience in 3 yes in the Iiext 3.. No.. Outside Recrwtmeni Designation Grade Minimum qualification (CJ DISCIPLINE Promotion APPENDIX IV (2}-9 Remarks· Minimwn qualification (f) Minimum experience (h) Direct recrujtment may be as a Management Trainee as Per 3 yes experience approvea sCheme in Tech. and Supv..M. No. A 5yes in the Tecli.. Gr. ~ -do. Or Graduate in Engineenmg or Technology 2 yes relevant post qwilification experience (b) MatricUlate 2. in Material Managementl MBA with specialisation in Material Management O. class degree in Arts/Science Commerce with Dip.yrsMine yes or Sales Manager12 yeS-do. qualification expn. in Engg .E-5 E-6 Sr Sales Sales yCS Graduate post below grade Chief Chief Mgt. .2-Ei: '"& ::s ::r .) OQ . (j.....• a:: 0 s:: .. < "'" . 0 !3 Ei: ..• tI1 >< a' Il>to III. •. e ....• .. ..~o ::sIl> '"'< .' !:. .:C' II> '" roo 0Cl" .ee or officer Dip" in Social Sciemce or labour welface[personnel management aIlS recognised by tbe Lalbour Ministry for tbe poost of Welfare Officer in trnines .:. '0 t:l t:l. < 0..• '" 8 C) 0 s: ~ :IJ ".~ ~ 0 ~ e -~~" ~..•.... '" 0..g ii-l!:. '" . (b) Welfare Officer (c) E-I (d) ------------------Minimum experience (e) Minimum qualification PromotIOn Minimum experience Remarks (f) (h) Welfare officer trainees will be recruited on a consolidated stipend for two years after successful completion of which tbe trainees will be placed in E.• 0 ~.l:1'('l••• Cl ..~ OQ 8 0:r 0' ::s . t'" 0..• (1) t:l ::r >. o' s:: S" C (<> -< III <> l:1' !> '" ::r '" :st:l <II :s Il'.. . n (j S ~ 0 .13E:: .. t:l <":: ..... II> t:l e....c .. In respect of officers holding positions in the existing administration "(!jscipline. Cl.. 0J) l!:-'0 ....' ..• Cl::s s:: <Cl:-0 S'Il' .. '" 2" Welfare Officer! Personnel Officer E-2 1.. .• III '" 0 III o..Q" l:1' :C" ...0.•. n.•.• Graduate with post 2 yrs experinece tion experience pregraduate Dip.•0\g..• t:l 0 P...?' (1) . ::r < Il' Il> •. S" 13 0..•1=.... ~::. ><p ... Same as above 2.'" 0.' ..~8 s:...• OQ . .• Il' 0... "Ii 0 ..•.•..• . a ~: 6.....•.• u.. s:: 0 -< '0 0S" l:1'0 III t:l t:l C ..Q '00 0.-"Cl'00 0~. '..•CD s:: ::0..13 0" a:: I:l 5' S' SQQ' (IJ g is: S' Q :E 8 13 0' II> 13 l!:~" . -dO... '<_ 0Cl.•. handling matters connected with Personnel Management Industrial Rdations.. 0 .. '" .• r:T 1. III = 0 .. ~ 8 ~..• --o. I:l 0 <> '"s:: ..'-""-.l 2· . ::r c:: p. (1) 0 ~... o 8 (j . " " " . ~ I:: Q 0. .III .I grade on regular basis University degree "With 2 }TS experience a first or high 2nd class as trainee welfare' post graduate degr.~.s:: ::s ..• Il' t:l 0 0cr Il>. o' Il' (1) ... Welfare etc. 0..Jt.•.II> ..0 >< "0 •..-a 0 ~...• :E'" 0..• '0 '"06' <>s:: ::s '"... 8 cr .g '~ 0 0 o 0 ~ 8l n ...' < 0" ::..alisation in Personmel Management 4 }TS post qualifica.: S' E:: S" ._"" '"><06"0 c.... !!l. ... ::t:: III 0 Er ...~..0 Z 0~ ~~ ~ 0 0 0 n ~ ~. X c~.-" P. MBA with speci.•::r ••..II> go ~"... II> III .•.. relaxation of post graduate qualifications in Social Science or Labour Welfare may be given in exceptional cases Sr Personnel Officer E-3 -do- 3 yrs e"perience in the next below grade '" '"....Q 00Cl l>l .• >< 0.0'< s:0 ...S.No" Designation Grade Minimum qualification (a) 1..."... p OQ.." '0IIl:1''0lI'l'" 0"::r0"•..OQ 'rIJ :l to.t:l 0.._. '< . or post in E-I grade ferably in mines graduate degree in 2yrs experience as Social Science or Labour Management trainee Welafre as recognised in the organisation by Labour Ministry for the post of Welfare Officer in mines 6 yrs as Welfarei Personnel Officer in large undertakings preferably public sector undertakings... 1O. Officer(Tr) Kindly conveying held on (Trainees) reter to my letter No. NEC. Bilaspur. rman-cum-Managing Director. Sanctoria. Sub: Career Plan for Welfare in Coal India Limited.B-lAWAN" CALCUTTA700 001 CIL:C-5A(i)50308/1611 25th January 89 "COAL BHAWAN" SUBHAS ROAD. ~man-cum-Managing Director.ll be placed in E.COAL 10-NErAJI INDIA LIMITED COAL INDIA LTD.Margherita. ~man-cum-Managing Director. or recognised Diploma in Engineering (3 years duration) with recognised Diploma in Materials Management. The Wel tare Officer(Troineelil) or to will appear in hove the the written opt ion test to to continue in grlldlJ for ~he bid ~t~61i\! M \J31fll~! efHellf(TralngQll) for two Y88fimd e. CCL. sd/- E-5 to E-6 and above "Graduate in Engineering/Technology or Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or with Diploma in Materials Management or M. (R> Singh) Manager(Personnel) Contd . Dhanbad. CMPDI.." Copy to :1. rman-cum-Managing Director. &4b: Director(Personnel) ECL/BCCL/CCL/WCL/SECL/NCL Dear sir. 871 Dated 23-8~1988 :::IL/C-5A(iii}/51649-56/1086 'man-cum-Managing Director. B. " COAJ. Singrauli. I The Welfare Officer(Trainees) wi. WCL.3 to E·4 ·5 and another from E-5 to E-6 and ab:>ve which are as follows :- implement~tion of the approved Scheme. referred to above. I . General General Manager. The act ion to the existing As per Cadre Scheme. WCL..l be held From B-3 to E-4 & E-4 to E·5 in the next two years placement in E-2 grade. SECL. This will be effective wef. there are two separate norms of qualification for 1 of executives belonging to Materials Management discipline from E. relating may De taken as under : . Ranchi.f . ECL. AsSllm.CIL:C·5A(i)/0308/1465 of the regarding dated 13th December'88 96th Meeting Officer the decision 23rd September'88 • re~arding trainees CIL Board of Directors the Career Plan for in its Welfare Recognition of Diploma in Business Management as an approved qualification for promotion in Materials Management discipline. A. BCCL. They will be entitled to other allowances as applicable to the executives in E-l grade.l030/-per month. CALCUTTA-700 001 Post Box No.23rd Seppt. Nagpur. Netaj 1 Subhllsh Iblld. Ranchi.]rnRlJ"1\l11 ~'nlf~rj(J.l grade on a -starting basic otRs.t1lilr~~~'~I:j·~_'iiifI""M'/'~~~"'"t ~ . On passing the candidates will as Trainees/Welfare "Graduate in Engineering / Technology or recognised Diploma in Engineering (3 years duration ) or MBA or Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce with recognised Diploma in Materials Management.88 when the scheme was approved by the Board of Directors." FlOro departmental examination be placed in E·2 grade. Officer(E-l). the successful on completion of two years Yours faithfully. rman-cum-Managing Director. rman-cum-Managing Director.••• 2 ~1~~III~~~IlI. NQrth Eaatern Margherita.~. .. '<t If'I loll Jil . . rn s:l II) CommonCoal Cadre in March 1978 prior to its merger .. Dear sir. . Assam..... 1987 the following decision was taken~ with regard to growth opportunities of the executives who were in the IAdministration cadre until the formation of •.•.g... Nagpur South Eastern Coalfields Ltd.-. d o rn 'a~ :E"i) U d "0 "0 th g II) g '" .SINGH) GENE RALMANAGE R3.?7~ IIn~ IIr~ ~r~<. ..weS felt that creation of a separate cadre for Administration will not be correct.. ~.g "0 .. The ebove recommendat ions the competent Authority.: g rn 0... •..2 with 0'\ '-' s:l ~ 0 '0 •...I~~t'n..9. The Director(Personnel) ECL:CCL:WCL:BCCL:NCL:SECL 2.~ililflllf111t~'~'. POST OOXNo.. '" C~ • ~'"s:l ~ ~ ~~ on o • . '0 Sd/- ClIl ( R.. .. 'C rn 8~ . It is t ives who subsequent effective cedre.) R(PE Coalfields Ltd . _. or Lebour Welfere) for consideretion of further promotions in the personnelcedre should be considered eliGible tor promotion besed on their pertormence. • ~ ::a "0 0. Ranchi 3. approved by I o I .. <~ ~ •• li •• •.Sanctoria Central Coalfields Ltd. CALCUTTA 001..--....•.Post graduate quelificetion in SocielScience..d d c~ ... ..G." I l' b . I II) 0 Q.0 ~ ... . CMPDI. ' ..... S I II) •. 0 8 the Personnel Cadre end are presently borne on the merged Personnel & Administration dii:ipline : "It .... . 3. Dhanbad Western Coalfields '.. \0 ~ r'j loll 00 ~ and ... Dated 29.871 700 CIL. II) 1~ d ClIl •. Encouregement by way of treining end upgredetion of skills should be considered. In the 11th meeting of· the CMOs held on the 24th April. All those executives who were in the Administration discipline prior tQ its merger in the Personnel Cadre and do not possess the requisite qualification (i.~lIkU~L.~I~rrl1....1 COALINDIA LIMITED "COALEJ-jAWAN" 10._1. o "0 o "0 .~.. JJ l. .Eastern Coalfields Ltd.g I o "0 I I .r'lj~_ii~"ijiiil~l_iiiF"if.. II) •. "0 "0 af ~~mmllnlillsl \jQllr~ l'~1 Milrlih 1...: Copy to : 1. s:l s:l rn •• o . ... .. The General Manager. Bilaspur Northern Coalfields Ltd.11 )/D56 To.. •~ II) \0 rn •• Q.1Ds meet hes been. ~ u~ oci . 5.0 .e.'!FfM ' .. :l 8 "0 "0 - II) It is cleritied thet the ebove decision will be epplicable executives who entered into the Executives Cadre of Administretion orior to formuleHlln to those Discipline .. This is tor your informetion .. Yours faithfully. o "0 I "0 I o I I o "0 I b "0 I 4..t: 0'1 s:l Q.. : . bI II) 0< I'C ~ 0 II) .:C-5A(111>:52051/(.. _...1988 The Chairman-cum-Minaging Central Directors. . ..Netaji Subhash !bad..• .... •.. further clarified thet the same would not apply to those execuentered into the Execut ive Grade of Aedministretion Discipline to the formation of Adminitretion & Personnel as e single discipline from Merch 1978 ie trom the date ot formuletion ot common coal of' the a. Ranchi Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. The Director (Operations). Ranchi e '00 -- .B~~""_~. Singrauli Mine Planning Design Institute Ltd. .~ bIJ U c: ..• ~ c:: o 1.. Hooghly. Sub: Promotion from non-executive to executive cadre in non-technical discipline. '" .5 :....-( ... CIL/MDT{CIMI/030311250S. ~ ~~ ~g.... -< ~ g .u (" .. Dankuni Coal Complex.~ . -6 I'! ~ " c: " OJ ~ '<J ~ • ~. Netaji S\lbhas Road Post Box No.\ •. c ~.0 o E':. "" 8 lEi lEi o VI (G.• ::l ')i '" ~ . Assam. ~.. NEC.•..Managing Director. "9 .•. in the interest of proper building up and growth of personnel/Adminis" Cadre..c _ f-o U ~ . •..~ ~. CIL.I . . lairman-cum-Managing Director. '5 ~. ::l[j 8.: 'E . the next qualifying examination for promotion of employees lon-executive to executive cadres in non-technical disciplines is scheduled to be 1 30-11-1984. . ~ ~~ r.'2 . ~ ."~". :"'. ~ ~ . u '9 o ~ g o "' ~E I .~~ '" :> . dated 14th s4 of General Manager (MD & T)..~ .. e.8:. lairman.g ~t 8 0 ~ u := "' •.d"'C e ~... l:l f-o ~ 8 •••. R. . . ~ 8 .: :B" E u " P.."'.~ ~j III =-se '" III . r: ..c E ~ E .O.. Calcutta • eneral Manager. o '" .!:! 1A 8:=] a 1l •• as u '" '13 •• . eneral Manager. ~ .... DIL. " .~..l gmdu in thiB difiwipIinll imfiJ)~wtiYIl IJf tu'tir ~\!!lH§c.. Dankuni. it has been decided with the approval of Chairman.d ~ S do ~ 'x . li 5 a "' ~ § ~ l! al for .Cl . This may kindly be l view while considering requests for relaxation and when forwarding names of yees for appearing all the qualifying test • Yours faithfully.C.. crL endoresed to all directors (P)/Directors(T)l )rs(l) and uthers.c ~ ~ ~ 0 ~6gu~"Of!JB I ·1 ~: ~.!ling Authority. by the Cadre .• _ u aoS ~.• . Nagpur...~ o ~ t) ~ 8 ~ "9 ~ ~5 u .. Therefore.... 6 § 0 III ou 8: '3 ro Cl I. eneral Manager ~MD&T) elL.. This has led to :rable dilution of the cadre.!H!9Q~ )ceed several Matriculates were also recommended for promotion....~ ~ ~.a " <" ~ ~ ~~ ~ . . besides grievances among employees of other disciplines.• c \] ~ Po . ~ . .~ ~ u .a 'il g 2.. . )ir.6 j .f ~.!:! 5 s1l E "c: '3 <> '§ .._.gC 15 bairman-cum-Managing Director. As intimated in circular letter No."".' .N III a ... .. BHANDARI) GENERAL MANAGER (P) ~ iilZ o .. § . Ranchi • lairman-cum-Managing Director. 1984 " E ~""o .: ~ : 8 "' ~ u ~ ~ S ~ c: . 'g. Ranchi. WCL. that relaxation in ~ations for promotion of employees in Technical Grade-A to B-2 grade in the nel & Administration Cadre may be considered only in exceptional cadre and the bould be re.~.< E~~e9 .~ ~ i.lJ 'l> III •.information and necessary action to :nief of Marketing.•.• "Q 1{ u c .cum. Dhanbad . While in the prescribed Cadre Scheme for Personnel is Administration Discipline aimum qualification for appointment/promotion at entry point in A-2 grade has been LS "Graduate with Post-Graduate Diploma or Post-Graduate Degree in Social Welfare our Welfare as recognised by the Labour Ministry for the post or Welfare Officer in " it is been that in the past Subsidiary Companies have been allowing Office Superints with 3 years service in Technical Grade-A to appear at the written test for promotion al1g in utive clldre in E.g ~ g.~8 Ii bIJ '" 0 8 .....~ '0 '3 E~ eN 0 'a ..'0 ·c.. ~ ~IB ~ \~ ~.. .0 c: U •• u :=i '0 " " u ::3 ~ "0 -5 :!1l ~ :. In para 3 of the said letter. S g ::a S'J: '0 ....~ 0. Dated...s .8 ~O' - •. '" u ~ ~ ~ ~ .s·l:! I~ ~I~ ~ go Vl ~ g 'g 1...) ~..COAL INDIA "Coal LIMITED CONFIDENTIAL Bhawan" ~ 10..~ iJl S 3 lrl ~ ~ .b_' - '.g ~ ~ ~ Ul~O~~P. ECCL.5 . ~ "0 ~ :B ~ .«:·.~ c ••.8 '" ~ E ~ e:.g •• ' 81til 11 ••• III u '" " ~. it has been stated that the minimum qualiI and minimum years of service in the highest non-executive cadre for deciding :ibility for sitting in the examination will be reckoned witb as per the Common Coal Rules which also provide for relaxation of the qualifications etc...9 ••• ~l~ III Ei ~ I.g .'0 •. CEMPDIL. 871 Calcutta 700 001 -5(A) (iii)/51823/779 s =:: . lairman-cum-Managing Director.tricted only in respect of those Office Superintendents who are atleast !ltes and have completed 3 years' service in Technical A Grade.. I . _<' .c ... c 0.~ :E ~ .5 ~ E .[j .3X~..E 0 ••• p. § ~ 0 (. ~ ~ p. "' tl>1l '" :.S :. <>."~.. ~ u . P. g . EeL.""".S ': e c: •• o~ ::._o . Sanctoria.•..~ .!l "0 I'! ." '" j"..• c: lEi ~ o ~ o '9 ~* til~ >< '.. '..5 & p. •••• c::i C) 6' u -g ~ "' E oS OJ a . E'!:! ~ ~~ ~ ~ :§ ~ ~ I:E ~ a •..::l :3 \0So 0 '" U . OJ Z Q 8 ..u •..~ § 8 •. _.. "9 ~ "c: .'" .. the 5th October. <> .~ i: • __ 'ij... ~~ ..g bD··..<..c iiI .. .•.:..2! ] g .0 N 138 .c..- t::8'~"ll ~ "C ~ t) a c:: u""as~~>..§~ ~ :..B '" u ~ '" ~ ~ ..0 ....:."c ~ ~ 0 :§ .::e . in 4. Junior Executh~ Tnince(CP) E·J 1st or hi&h 2nd class degree or post sraduate degree! diploma in any of the £ollo\\ing branches of EDJineerinc : ..2nd -do-5S Law the in civil/criminal &experience -doE-2 15 experience or Legal -do-years E-3 in in 18 £-6 and A Tech. OIemical Engineering 2. in due course be promoted 10 th. E-l gr.high 8yrs cia 5 yrs taxation cases Chief li ~ear practitioner -doE-7 E-4 LawChief~'yrs 3)'earsexperience 8raduateas a ICj.:e Dy1st2--do-Mgr.0 . next below £rade . Designation Grade------Minimum qualification (c) E-I (d) _ (3) I. 7. . 2 years Supv.3.:. Engineer (CP) 3 yes.•. Gr. Mineral Dmsing 3..a] Officer -do. Addl-do. Mining Engineering E-2 -do- . . Electrical or Mechanical'Engineering 5.. Coal Preparation 4. APPENDIX IV (2)-]4 co AL PREPARATION DISCIPLl. Any officer who is alread~' in this grade will.No.I.)TS E-5 experien. (b) Asstl Law Officer This post is to be elimimued. - 2.e next higher post... POst qualification experience .NE Promotion Remarks Minimum qualification Minimum experience (g) 7 yrs experience in the highest nonexecutive grade in the concerned discipline (11) Outside Recruitment Minimum experience (e) (0 Matricu]ation/School Final or equivalent This grade' "ill not te operated until the Cadre Scheme for nonexecutiVe employees is framed. 3 <II ::2 CIl .' Mining of Engineering I. .next lion experience cation experience 22 )75 Ist 'Jualili9 ynE-8 p~t 13 ~TS-do. Coal Preparation Electrical or Mechani2. C5A(iii)/52J 18 (Pt)/633 dal~d! in the catIon expcnc:nce cation (c)Engineer U!:J qualifi.• .below Superintending-do-(e) ' post(I)3 indo.. executi\leS ••ith adequate experience in coal berJ:ficiation may be allowed absorbed in this cadre permanently on horizont:ll basis.8.or quaJifica-. option to get (2) Existing incumbents wbo are already in E-3 and above grades may be considered for promotion in relaxation of the prescribed qualification in exceptional cases.qualific:l16 E-3 (CP) graduate 4. -do-doAddl (a) Dy Chief 319 yrspost or qualiti-do. (Circulated vide ?-.3..• =r CD 3 ••• ::2 cc CD ••• 3 CD ::2 .E-5 E-7 Sr Exccuti"e(d)yrsE-6 \1l}quaJifica.o.84 J . Olemical Dressing branches.. n =r CD 3 CD .• o "C 3 V. Mit!eral Engineering : in any of the fonowing 5.Engineering Note: At the time of initial constitution of the cadre..experience grade Iion experiena: E-4post highyrs Executive (b) '-do-experience the-2nd class degree next below grade Chief Chief 6-d0. cal Engineering. .!O c:l .. 0 ol·S fl w ..S U)o >'u) a >< D. Cl\ Q. Q e "0 . Sub:-Cadre scheme for Systems personnel Ir Sir. . ::0 e~ ::0'- 1<.directed that 0) ¥. Nagpur neral Manager (EE). ::t '. c::lU)"' -.•. 871.8 •• "'0'8 P.mum qualification lexperience llaxed 'when'ever suitable candidates with prescribed qualification/experience could :§S ::l!'.U' ~. U) - ...5 U U) ~ I. 0 ..·Cl implement the scheme Within from the minutes of Jhe is enclosedfor ... u .f: ..elSE .'j.::: • .•• - Yours faithfully..NETAJI SUBHAS o· : CIL. ECL Sanctoria :11.-us 0:180.• Q~::s~ ..3! bA~_~ >. Sanctoria irector (P). Y9Ur ! ~g ffi 1-1 ::l! I-< .• to 6....j ~ >. Eastern Coking Coal Limited.. 14 ..-.:"O":s _ l::I 0 6 ~ • "0 ~..0::: 0 c::l (5 ..~ •• -. t-t to-( '"J.SINGH) GENERAL MANAGER ( PERS. Ranchi. Ranchi. records and ct9mglillnGtl . Northern Coalfields Limited......... Bharat Coking Coal Limited.'0 s.s~ ~• tlO-g ••• Design Institute . 0 . (I) C"~ ol C ~ '" :.. NCL.8-~. western Coalfields Limited. - Uo ~ 1.2 "'~"O ::s. l'3'l .•• _ . Bharat Coking Coal Limited.' f!I t< 0 \.l .- . o o __~ __ o ~"'U"'::S "0 s. 28th November.Limited Ranchi..g.. to : neral Manager (EE).'0 < s-. /0). Singrauli .E.. CIL Board of Directors in the 97th' meeting held on 7th Noveber... 1988. A copy of . &l ~ Q '" 0 c::: l$ualU6 i: a =2 ~ . '" ( R... ~ ~ "O"c:l'" lI.-..8 ?c ::lc::lgj§d.~ ...C5A(iii).(Personnel) held on 13-7-1988 and was also 'oved in principle by the Chairman-cum-Managing Directors at their meetiflg held on (M~ster pegee in Computer Science) be included as 1~1988.. Q . CCL.~ o~ . CMPDI..E•• gg u::s~ __ -b ~~oS~iB ~. G.-a 0 --.n --'g § 8 "'<06 ~o i:! c<'lO ~e U "0 ~t "'0 I(t El ~ '" u 0 ~~S CO'lU)O •- c.General Manager (EE)._ •. Singrauli rector (P).!:! o~ ••• '" ~~""8~ ~ .El U) 0. as u Eo-< "06~SU)a Cd·_ rlSOII) ~b ~ 0 u'='l::s •• u gU l::I-< t1 'S. •. "~". '? o .s~""•.. Ranchi Chief Personnel Manager (EE). >..0 Q ~ .el... CALCUTTA.-..~ U1 t'CS c:i..S.Chief Personnel Manager. '" ~ 8.~ a"r.s •• ••0 o Q' _ e:i.... WCL..c::l Id ••• . •• 8_tic<'lEo-< ~ '" '" a ~ g 10IiD o ..::: 0 ..COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHA WAN11 10._ bQ~ fn ~ = .9 ZI ~e'~ ~ &1 ::l! o =: De .the Cadre Scheme along meeting of the BoardotDirectors nation. e8 8 •• o ~~:s a .s 1J 2:.S. ) irector (P). ~ •••• c:l fl •.o::. < "O~a c::l >e available: The Board further authorised the managementto lrganisation. P. ~ U .. .g a .. Bilaspur rector (0). 0'.. g c::l..' 1988 while roving the cadre scheme for Systems Executives' as per draft which was previously ussed in the meeting of the Directors...>.• •.-. Ie Chairman-cum-Managing Directors. ~-. PIon g ~ ~ Q... c::l &:1>'~ ci! • . o 0 ..•• u~U!ttlOO ~ a ::l ::l '. 9: lsirablj! qu~lification fo the scheme and (ii) Required mini. . Q a: . Central Coalfields Limited. •.. Bilaspur neral Manager (P\..">.t1 u..: to: As stated I .E ~ ~ :::.51786:1702 ROAD.: ~ ~ 6 c.0 c::l c::lo . SECL.-os-". South Eastern Coalfields U) ~ .2 c::l 't:l .~ ~ ••.•---..: o "0 " .-so. Nagpur rector (P).sE fr_"'tal::l ..!:l~U .. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. CMPDI..0 0--1$ ous 0 ~ o:S"'u S ol.j •••• \0 ~ C 0 -- n DO c<'l ~ ~ . ~ a~~z~. rn~u~Ql30. U) -= U) P. I~· s·la ::o~ ::l!::o Cl . Central Mine Planning & Sanctoria Dhanbad Ranchi Nagpur Singrauli BiJaspur Dated.. Western Coalfields Limited • Northern Coalfields Limited.c 14 ~ :s _. ". Ranchi rector (p).."--- 0 § I~I~ I~ I~ I~ \~ I0 --~u·8 1..a~ =.!!U . II) U) u •••• t) 6. Central CoalfieldS Limited.Cl ~ P._ u __ >. II) Q. Ohanbad neral Manager (P&A). Eastern Coalfields Limited.. . ~ l¥: ~ POST BOX No.-~ __ _. ~ .o 8.• -Po' .S ~ in Executive Cadre. BCCL. l¥: I u ..\0 ~'8l::1 • . Dhanbad irector (P).• < e ·8.• with an extract of CIL held on 7-11-1988 e·2 ~&1 Ill') :§~ _ ON •. 700001 "" ... yrs 19 ~ Dy._~----~~-~-do·ororhigh postSyst!ProgroammingP..•. Systems Dy.quaIf.. degree in . Manager (Systems) 10 and expo minimumtotal a•. -do. inChief Dy..Addl.. -~ ~ ScienceICWA!CA ICWA/CA ment. 2Chief8-do-yrs post yrs. . 3-do~E-7 high"post qu ualf. 1st 3Chiefas 6 -doManagerCrass post 3-do.. Chief 12 allld expo Addl. Degree in MatheSCience/Manage- 5. G· -do4 7 E-6 E·B Science lManageryrs22 yrs. ~~. - .as yrs as 3 expo 1 as minimum Engg/Computer 7.alf.•d expo inManagerY/S minimum minimum expo in .. yws. 8Class Exp. in (Systems) 14 YiIS. (Systems) Managertotal ')Jrs.quaff.5 in 3 q degree .II and Engg! st ClassE-5(Systems) in total in or 16 Chief Class·do. Electronics/ matics/ Management.l .•.
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