
March 25, 2018 | Author: Flora Yap Flora | Category: Dyslexia, Physics & Mathematics, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Educational Psychology



MASALAH MATEMATIK (DISKALKULIA) SOFI OSS KESI CHUM YUAN YAN Masalah matematik (diskalkulia) dari aspek ciri-ciri dan punca berlakunya masalah. “Some dyslexics can be extremely successful Mathematicians” – Miles And Miles . DISKALKULIA  DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS (UK) & BRITISH DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. Dyscalculia learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts. lack an intuitive grasp of numbers and have problems learning number facts and procedures. . they may do so mechanically and without confidence. Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method. examples: difficulty in number conceptualisation. Sharma (1990) (a pioneer in the study of Dyscalculia) Dyscalculia refers to a disorder in the ability to do or learn mathemathics. . understanding number relationships and difficulty in learning algorithms and applying them. Confidence. The learning of maths is very sequential. but to successfully complete many maths problems a very strict sequence must be followed. . Some people with dyslexia show weakness in the Coding subtest in the assessment meaning that they struggle to decode symbols accurately and quickly. There are many facts. e. Many different words can be used to describe the same action. figures. increase. Difficulties with orientation and direction can lead to confusion of maths symbols. Sequencing. Orientation. plus. A lack of confidence in their own maths ability can exacerbate the above difficulties.g. total. and therefore don’t know what task they are being asked to do. Learning times tables is all about learning a strict sequence of information. Some students struggle to read and understand the vocabulary in maths questions. tables and formulas which have to be learnt and recalled accurately. add. Memory. Dyslexia Association of Ireland : The language of maths. positive and negative value. or dividing Has difficulty putting language to math processes Has difficulty understanding concepts related to time such as days. quarters.LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (LDA) Shows difficulty understanding concepts of place value.  Exhibits difficulty organizing problems on the page. and quantity. keeping numbers lined up. subtracting. following through on long division problems . months. etc. seasons. carrying and borrowing   Has difficulty understanding and doing word problems        Has difficulty sequencing information or events Exhibits difficulty using steps involved in math operations Shows difficulty understanding fractions Is challenged making change and handling money Displays difficulty recognizing patterns when adding. multiplying. weeks. number lines. Punca-punca berlakunya diskalkulia . • gangguan genetik seperti sindrom Turner sindrom Fragile X. sindrom Williams • kecederaan pada otak sebelah kiri berdekatan dengan telinga • kerana otak kiri berfungsi menterjemahkan angka-angka .Faktor keturunan/genetik • wujud sejak lahir atas faktor genetik. sindrom Velocardiofacial. penggunaan alkohol semasa kehamilan. kekurangan oksigen semasa dilahirkan atau kelahiran yang amat menyukarkan • Semua faktor ini adalah berkemungkinan menjadi punca kelambatan atau ketidaksempurnaan perkembangan sebahagian daripada kerosakan otak yang menyebabkan kanak-kanak tersebut menghadapi masalah belajar diskalkulia (Hammond & Hughes.Faktor alam sekitar • Secara umum ianya disebabkan oleh kesukaran semasa dilahirkan. seperti lahir tidak cukup bulan. 1996) . BANDING BEZAKAN MASALAH MATEMATIK DALAM DISLEKSIA DENGAN MASALAH DISKALKULIA .  melibatkan ingatan jangka pendek .Persamaan MASALAH MATEMATIK DALAM DISLEKSIA MASALAH DISKALKULIA  Berkaitan dengan Matematik  Menggunakan kaedah pelbagai deria untuk mengatasi masalah ini. PERBEZAAN . ASPEK MASALAH DISKALKULIA Kanak-kanak diskalkulia menghadapi masalah dalam memahami konsep nombor yang mudah. kekurangan kefahaman intuisi terhadap nombor dan bermasalah dalam mempelajari fakta nombor dan prosedurprosedur. KELEMAHAN Terlalu lemah dalam subjek matematik. (spesifik) Mempunyai tahap kognitif dan kemahiran bahasa yang normal dan boleh mendapat pencapaian yang baik dalam semua subjek kecuali subjek yang KELEBIHAN .MASALAH MATEMATIK DALAM DISLEKSIA Kesukaran dalam pembelajaran matematik (numerasi) dan kesukaran bahasa. DEFINISI Lemah dalam beberapa kawasan sahaja (bahasa & matematik) Boleh memahami konsep matematik . menentukan arah. lambat dalam pemprosesan maklumat MASALAHMASALAH YANG DIHADAPI Ingatan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek dalam matematik sahaja. masalah neurologi dan genetik FAKTOR Congenitial disorder genetik & kecederaan otak pada bahagian yang tertentu. penolakan. Ingatan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. . pengiraan. turutan. kesukaran dalam kefahaman bahasa. kesukaran dalam simbol-simbol matematik & abjad.Kerencatan otak. pendaraban). Tidak biasa dengan perbendaharaan kata matematik. Mengelakkan permainan yang memerlukan strategi. Masalah pembelajaran fakta matematik (penambahan. bdadyslexia.dyslexia.asp   .org/aboutld/parents/ld_basics/ dyscalculia.Sumber  NOTA PN.html  http://www.ldanatl.LIEW (MATHEMATICS FOR DYSLEXICS-INCLUDING DYSCALCULIA)-THIRD EDITION CHINN & ASHCROFT  http://www. htm  ses.html  lia. m .ldinfo.aboutdyscalculia.learninginfo.
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