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Nokia Flexi Multiradio BTSNOKIA BCF SIG/OMU SIG TRX SIG Ultrasite EDGE BTS Metrosite BTS Talk Family BTS FlexiEDGE BTS Nokia Flexitalk Nokia Intratalk Nokia Flexitalk+ Nokia Citytalk Nokia Extratalk, Site Support System BCCH CCCH RACHs TRU ABIS HSCSD(voz) BCSU TRX TX(downlink) 8 TS BTS BCF DSP ZEOL ZEEI ZEOH; ZAHP; SET ZEFR:#:SITE; ZEFS:bcf #: SW ZEWV:BCF #:BU; ZEWO:<BCF>; BTS ZEA ZEH Rolling the BCCH on a Sector: ZDTI:::PCM=#; ZDTC:lapd:BL; ZDTC:lapd:AL; ZDTC:lapd:WO; ZDTI:::PCM=#; ZDTC:lapd:AD; ZDTC:lapd:BL; ZDTC:lapd:WO; GPRS EQO:SEG=44:GPRS:; EQO:BTS=44:GPRS:; ZERO:SEG=45,TRX=1; EQV:BTS=44:EGENA=N,:::::; EQV:BTS=44:GENA=N,:::::; TRX ZERS:BTS=#,TRX=#:L; ZERO:BTS=#; ZERO:BTS=#,TRX=#; BTS Transmission Alarm ZAHP:ET,#; ZAHO:ET,#; ZYEF:ET,#; ZUSC:ET,#:SE; W Bouncing Lap D’s on a Site: ZDSB::PCM=#; ZDTI:::PCM=#; ZDTC:lap d #:BL/WO; BER ZYMO:ET,#; ZYEU:ET,#:SLIDL=5; External ZEFO:(bcf id):IOP:; ZEFX:bcf:INBR=nºPOL(Closed or open) ZEFE:TID=alarm text id:TEXT ZEFX:bcf:INBR=12::TID=12,; ZEFX:284:INBR=12:POL=CLOSED; ZEFX:bcf:INBR=12:ROU=NOT:; ZEFX:bcf:INBR=12::SEV=AL1 to AL3; ZEFE:TID=alarmtextID:TEXT="text"; modulação GMSK optional 8 TCHs or BCCH SDCCH 6TCH 1TRX=2 tramas PCM .16) tranfere voz do MSC pela MCMU para o ET e para a BTS controla o signalling LAPD(BTS) SS7(MSC) Amplificador.32. Bts detedta isto desde o TM Abis & reallocate traffic and signalling para BTS depende do tipo de conecçao e de sinalizaçao( 64.GSM/WCDMA/LTE O&M Channel/LAPD Link LAPD/D-Channel 2 TRX 6 TRX 2 TRX 6 TRX Timing Broadcast control channels Common control channels Random access channels . dsp alarms displays the operational state of the site BTS alarms hisrtory BSC alarm history restarts SITE locks entire Site without Forced Handover Reloads the software on a BCF Check BCF SW Adjancies Handover control Find out what TSL the radio is on that you want the BCCH on Block the TSL on the radio that the BCCH is going to Allow activation of the TSL that the BCCH is going to Brings TSL to a working state that the BCCH is going to Find out what TSL the radio that HAD the BCCH is on Deny Activation of the TSL that HAD the BCCH on it Block the TSL that the BCCH was on Brings the TSL to a working state GPRS state EGPRS L/U L/U locks TRX down without Forced Handover displays all calls on desired sector displays all calls on desired TRX only ET BSC alarm history ET BSC current alarm . Display PCM status ill place the ET in a Separated ... POLARITY: OP INPUT 8 ............... POLARITY: CL MAINS FAIL ........ POLARITY: CL RBS DISTRESS INPUT 7 .No Hardware state (SE-NH) Lap D config Lap D status Display DChannel states L/U Lap D's checks error counter for specific ET resets error counter for specific ET Verifica lista de alarmes 12 ..... POLARITY: CL RBS TIMEOUT INPUT 4 ........... INPUT 5 .... POLARITY: CL HIGH TEMP INPUT 6 ....HIGH TEMP altera polaridade fecha o port prioridade modificar o texto do alarme... ....... POLARITY: OP -48V NON URGE ........ POLARITY: OP -48V URGENT INPUT 10 .INPUT 9 .......... POLARITY: OP -48V MAINS INP INPUT 11 ... PCM=64kbits . . .........ROUTE: NOT REPORT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: * TEXT ID INPUT 8 ...ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 16 RBS DISTRESS INPUT 7 .....ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 15 RBS TIMEOUT INPUT 4 ..........................ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 14 HIGH TEMP INPUT 6 ...........ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 18 MAINS FAIL : ...INPUT 5 .............. ......ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 19 -48V URGENT INPUT 10 ...............ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 21 -48V NON URGENT ALARM .........ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 20 -48V MAINS INPUT FAILURE INPUT 11 .....INPUT 9 ........ WORKING BLOCKED TEST SEPERATED SEPERATED-NO HARDWARE . WO – TRX sem problemas e a funcionar. BL-RST – Bloqueado por reset. BL-USR – Bloqueado por usuário. BL-RSL – Bloqueado por sinalização. BL-SYS – Bloqueado por sistema . BL-TRX – Bloqueado por problemas no TRX. .INPUT 1 ..........ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 16 RBS DISTRESS INPUT 7 ..ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 11 DOOR/INTRUDER INPUT 2 .ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 12 INTRUDER IR INPUT 3 .....................ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 14 HIGH TEMP INPUT 6 .............ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 18 MAINS FAIL : ......ROUTE: NOT REPORT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: * TEXT ID INPUT 8 ..................................ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 13 MAINS CABINENT OPEN INPUT 5 ...............ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: CLOSED SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 15 RBS TIMEOUT INPUT 4 .......... ...........ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 20 -48V MAINS INPUT FAILURE INPUT 11 ....ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 19 -48V URGENT INPUT 10 ...............ROUTE: ACT POLARITY: OPEN SEVERITY: ** TEXT ID 21 -48V NON URGENT ALARM ......INPUT 9 ....... . . 3G PING Flexi transmission sub-module SW Antennas MHA VSWR WBTS Manager RP3 Conector Type No CALLS Loss of IMA Frame (LIF) Loss of delay synchronisation (LODS) Insufficient Links on IMA group AAL2 userplane traffic not working on IMA group COCO REBUILD . BFD LINK FAILURE Clock Licences . RET TEST RET ESMB . Site 80481 . site 23404 . . test the fibre cable and replace it if faulty OPT-rf1 and OPT-rf3 OPT-rf2 RNW Connection configuration view is set to 1.#. This can happen. if the link is not part of the IMA group at the remote end.#. feeders and antennas are as they should. if SW upgrade is unsuccessful Try a new SW download Site Master Site Master type of equipment to measure the antenna line to be sure that connectors. Re-check antenna line connectors (7/16” connectors with moment 25 Nm). Check Comissioning Check that the DC power is going to the MHA verificar sem tem licenças de VSWR Check your PC's firewall settings and make sure the IP addresses in the CyberArmor Friend List are set correctly Check the SFP (Small form Factor Pluggable) from both ends so that SFP is correctly installed Clean the optical connectors.#. spectrum analyser to check that there are no incoming external interferences causing problems in the RX channel. restart ima Select TRS Configuration/IMA and reduce min link count to 1. for example.ZQRX::IP=#. working on IMA group COCO ID . INTERFACE ID VPI CNBAP DNBAP 1 DNBAP 2 AAL2 SIG LINK1 AAL2 SIG LINK2 AAL2 USER LINK 1 AAL2 USER LINK 2 BFD LINK FAILURE ZYGS:A:NPGEP. t1 – Channel Capacity FW NO CONNECTION TO IP IUB WBTS VIA SO .0 BTS TIME NOT CORRECT Wbts Manager->Configuration->TRS Configuration->System Time BTS TIME NOT CORRECT.msg NO CONNECTION TO IP IUB WBTS VIA SOUTHBOUND INTERFACE OF SOMS Licenças Adicional 2 E1 . BTS 40 W – AISG MHA – Multicarrier Nokia MHA – 16 QAM HSDPA PFRP HSDPA Scheduler IMA UBR+ RET principal 3G Other .RET LTE Calibrate esmb external tem 3 cabos duas if optical PTF IF1 e 2 + PWr Spply BB EXT module . . ver a tx no cramer . . e IMA group at the remote end. ddresses in the CyberArmor Friend List are set correctly ends so that SFP is correctly installed 4cells 2 cells check Troubleshooting Flexi WCDMA…. ces causing problems in the RX channel. th moment 25 Nm). feeders and antennas are as they desde a RNC ao site line to be sure that connectors. . VCI VCI VCI VCI VCI VCI VCI PCR I ING PCR ING PCR ING PCR ING PCR ING PCR ING PCR PCR E EGR PCR EGR PCR EGR PCR EGR PCR EGR PCR AAL2 SIG EGR PCR AAL2 SIG BFD .msg Carregar com mais de 2 interfaces (valor a por na licença número de interfaces extra) 2E1 0 Licenças 3E1 1 Licenças 4E1 2Licenças 1 FSMB 208 2 FSMB 208+112 (LIMITE 208+208) . uses session ID NPGEP FW NO CONNECTION TO IP IUB WBTS VIA SOUTHBOUND INTERFACE OF SOMS .Bidirectional Forwarding Detection: WBTS IP RAN . Quando o sector (físico) tem duas frequências (carregar o número extra de células). – Carregar quando se tem HSDPA Carregar quando se tem HSDPA Carregar quando o nodo tem HSUPA e só se carrega quando o nodo só tem sectores Orange.Vodafone S1 L800 LTE PWr Spply BB EXT module . BTS id 80722A_S1_VU21 . .Quando os módulos de rádio estão configurados para 40 w (carregar por sector (físico)) Carregar quando o tipo de MHA é AISG. carregar em todos Quando tem QOS. Carregar quando o tipo de MHA é Current mode (carregar numero de sectores).Vodafone S1 U2100 UMTS BTS id 80722A_S1_VL8 . . . . Coco Rebuild.pdf . txt .pdf Licenças.Coco Rebuild. Licenças.txt . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLEXI LTE Sincronismo NTE Server FLEXI LTE O&M . jsp 2 . Quando perder ligação a um iOMS o netact redirec Diferença entre o&M e signalling? O&M vai à iOMS(Neact Server) Signalling vai ao MME Data vai ao GW Flexi Network Server Flexi Network gateway GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for the user plane (GTP-U) S1-MME S1-U X2 https://10. primário e secundário.200.156.76/webFwCore/web/pages/main.4G tem dois iOMS. 0_ENB_1304_695_39 RRH RET FAILURE n tem nada na config…. INC000001327580 .Cells N SW SW version:LN5. . 22 <-> iOMS . 10.TDM Synch over Ethernet Timing over IP 10.69. The transport protocols used here is SCTP user plane to GW over GTP .encapsulates the IP packets to be carried over the GTP eNodeb to eNodeb . primário e secundário. existe uma ligação S1-U(dados) que vai passar directamente da GW para o outro eNode através da interface handover. Quando perder ligação a um iOMS o netact redirecciona a ligação para o outro.SCTP as transport In user Plane it uses GTP (like in S1-U) . criando um GTP tunnel entre o enodeB2 e a GE ??? .4G tem dois iOMS. Diferença entre o&M e signalling? O&M vai à iOMS(Neact Server) Signalling vai ao MME Data vai ao GW MME S-GW ___GTP tunnel___ P-GW encapsulates the user data crontrol plane to MME . 800MHZ . . . . . ZFXL:PSEI=00:BTS:. ZUSL ZUDI ZUDS ZABO ZABB ZQRC:OMU ZEWL GPRS 9407 – Intermittent NSVCI Alarms ZFXO ZFUI ZFXI:NSEI=32255 ZESI:<DAP Id>. PCU .BSCi BSC2i BSC3i 660 BSC3i 1000/2000 BSC has x.<NBR>. ZIGO: ZWTI BSC Display ZUSI.Todas as BCSU devem ter uma PCU Gb Frame Relay BC DLCI NS-VCI NSEI BVCI . ZWTI:P:BCSU. ZAHO.25 and LAN conection to Netact OSS. Existe uma ligação Ethernet no CPU da OMU OMU ZEFR:#:OMU.Controls €GPRS . Para o SGSN o PSE é como se fosse uma só PCU.#:SP. UNITS Boards OMU: Operation and Maintenance Unit MCMU: Marker and Cellular Management Unit BCSU: Base Station Controller Signalling Unit MB: Message Bus CLS: Clock and Synchronisation Unit ET: Exchange terminal ESB: Ethernet Switch Board PCU: Packet Control Unit . ZFWO:BCSU=0&&8.IP PSE Packet service agrega PCU na BSC para o mesmo NSE. ZUSC:BCSU. funcio RHOST RIP RPNBR LPNBR NS-VLI PSEI NSEI BVCI Sparing or Rolling a BCSU: ZUSI:BCSU. txt .NETWORK SERVICE ENTITY UNAVAILABLE 3019 *** LONDON GLN1070BSC4 Acton Switch Site PLMN-PLMN/BSC-238395/NSE-32254 NETWORK SERVICE ENTITY UNAVAILABLE Started 2011-03-03 18:32:44 Notif ID 8670 Suppl Info 36 7DFE 22 Object COMMUNICATION Ctrl NE GLN1070BSC4 Acton Switch Site LONDON 9407 – Intermit ent NSVCI Alarms – Investigate GPRS Failures. txt restarts OMU Displays commands run for BSC on specific date and time.ção Ethernet no CPU da OMU OMU e OMS. INTERROGATE PLUGIN UNITS FROM OMU To display units state Active alarms in BSC unit info INTERROGATE UNIT TEST STOP TEST PRINT LOCKED ALARMS LOCK ALARMS IP da BSC software BSC heck if the GPRS is downat the moment check how Many bearers the BSC have dinamic pool quantas PCU's tem BTS por PSE Bearer Channel Data Link conection indentifier Network Service Virtual Conection identifier Network Service entity . sincronização eléctrica e adaptação ao PCM 100Mb/s or 1Gb/s to uplink to ip network Gb if : ip to SGSN or Frame Relay to SGSN to handle packet.o SGSN o PSE é como se fosse uma só PCU. Liga na BCSU .Abis & A ligação física da OMU e MCMU e BCSU Sincroniza com a MSC via PCM sem redundancia . liga à OMU e BCSU .Swithcing network N+1. Controla Signalling & traffic . funciona em pooling(redundancia) Remote host nome(if DNS exist) Remote ip address Remote udp port number Local UDP port number Network Service Virtual Link conection Packet network service entity Network Service entity BSSGP Virtual Conection Identifier displays what BCSU the SP was previously on displays what BCSU the BL condition is on spares the BCSU with the BL condition on it redundência Sistema MMI load do MML dentro da RAM OMU para aplicar os comandos MML 2N. .CHECK the PSE of the BSC ZFXI:NSEI=32255 ZFXL:PSEI=54:ALL. txt Cada PCU tem 1 NSEI. Cada PAPU tem varios NSEI .9407 – Intermittent NSVCI Alarms – Investigate GPRS Failures. U para aplicar os comandos MML ndle packet. Liga na BCSU . 144.144.---------.--.----34 02 07 ATTACHED BTS(S) TO PSE: PCU ID-34 BCSU-02 PCU-07 BTS NAME ---------------------------------------------------------0076 GLN0318BT1 0077 GLN0318BT5 0078 GLN0318BT2 0079 GLN0318BT6 0080 GLN0318BT3 0081 GLN0318BT4 0268 GLN0047BT1 0269 GLN0047BT2 0270 GLN0047BT3 ATTACHED DAP(S) TO PSE: PCU ID-34 BCSU-02 PCU-07 DAP ID(S) SERVED BY PCU ---------------------------------------------NO ATTACHED DAP(S) NUMBER OF DAP CHANNELS IN PCU IN USE: 000 .--.----.--------------.BSC3i GLN1070BSC4 2011-03-04 13:11:19 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL LINK PARAMETERS: PSE-54 NSE-32254 ================ LOCAL UDP PORT: 50000 PRE CONFIGURED NS-VL: REMOTE REMOTE ID NAME IP ADDRESS UDP PORT ----.46 2158 COMMAND EXECUTED LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 3.46 2157 REMOTE HOST NAME: DYNAMIC CONFIGURED NS-VL(S): OP REMOTE REMOTE ID STATE RDW RSW IP ADDRESS UDP PORT ----.--------------.144.29.46 36420 05946 WO-EX 001 000 172.19-0 BSC3i GLN1070BSC4 2011-03-04 14:47:50 PACKET SERVICE ENTITY DATA PSE-54 ====== ATTACHED NSE(S) TO PSE: NSEI --------------------------------------------------------------------32254 ATTACHED PCU(S) TO PSE: PCU BCSU PCU ID INDEX INDEX --.----.-------05400 NSVLI5400 172.-------05945 WO-EX 000 001 172.29.29. . . ZLCI:yy. ZUSI:DMCU. ZIFO:OMU:GENE00.OMU ZQKB:OMU."X". SIGNALING LINK OUT OF SERVICE FAILURE IN SIGNALING LINK ACT(IVATION OR RESTORATION) SIGNALLING ZNEL. ZUSU./WO. ZUSC:DSP. INTERNAL FAILURE IN SAAL STACK INCOMING SDH SIGNAL MISSING ZLAI. CONGESTION CONGESTÃO ZOLT.FIBRA .xx. ZAHO:OMU.1:IP="OMSIP". RNC INCORRECT WORKING STATE ZUSI./SE ZUSC:DSP. ZQRX:OMU.DMCU.1.PING.0. -CONFIG ./WO."X":-->TE."X"::FULL."X":-->TE.C=10./SE::FCD BOARD ZUDU:DSP. NIS1P ZYAI:set. ZAAP:OMU. vp. .NIS1P ZYWI:nrProtGroup. /WO. -> Ver resultado do teste Reset à carta SIGNALLING NETWORK STATE INTERROGATION COMMAND CONGESTION PLMN-PLMN/RNC-2606/FUUT-ICSU-6 PLMN-PLMN/RNC-2606/FUUT-NIS1P-3/FUUT-SET-13 : see the interfaces : see physical TTP of the set PARA VER SE O SET ESTÁ AO SERVIÇO. -> Ver se o teste já terminou ZUDH. SE TEM PORT E SE TEM PHY TTP : see if the set is active and carries traffic ./SE FHD Ver estado do teste ZUD? ZUDQ.static routes of omu ACTIVE ALARMS Conection to OMU/OMS Conection to OMU/OMS -DMCU -DMPG -DSP xX/XX (DMCU) -Identificar DMCU que está a falhar -Ver dentro da DMCU qual é a DSP/DMPG com prblema Identicar DSP com problemas TE. yy .id of the ph ttp in the zlai : see if the set is active and has signal or if it's missing . 2 DSPs na mesma DMPG -> Abre-se caso e é necessário trocar toda a DMPG Se a DSP tiver em falha. Segundo SE=Seperate/No Hardware Observ. AV-EX > em funcionamento (available) UA-INS > caido (unavailable) UA-AD > Não instalado YxxWx > MGW YxxQx > MSC server YxxLx > SSGN YxxRx > Outro RNC YxxMx > um MS . Se tiver WO tem que se bloquear primeiro (BL. colocar a carta (se for só uma DSP) em No Hardware (2x SE). Passar teste. passa-se directamente para TE e correse o teste.WO <--> BL <--> TE WO <--> TE <--> BL TE <--> SE <--> SE (Primeiro SE=Out of service. Se o alarme voltar a sair.) Ver primeiro se o teste já terminou antes de ver o resultado do teste. C415.etc add… Object Selector .VOZ) Exito CS (Packet Switch .. C424 OU KPIs (em baixo) Selecionar todos os nodos (Object selector) Textual Ver Nodos afectados na lista (mais de 10 acessos falhados) Fazer reset aos nodos //SINALIZAçÂO (Core connection lost ou Threshold) 1003 L3lu #NAME? //Estatisticas entre RNCs 1004 L3lur //Estatisticas entre RNCs e Nodos 1005 l3lub Falhas nas estatísticas do HSDPA Element Managers\RNC Measurement presentation\ Measurement Selector Measurement Type … 1002Traffic … escoler o 415."RRC" "RAB" NODO ______ RNC ______ CORE Nokia 3G //NOKIA 3G Exito HSDPA Exito CS (Circuit Switch .Dados) RNC Sin Cursar Trafico (RNC Caido) //VOZ (CS) 1001 Service Level RAD e RRC Setup and Access Selecionar todos os nodos (Object selector) Textual Ver Nodos afectados na lista (menos de 90% de disponibilidade) Fazer reset aos nodos //DADOS (PS) 1002 Traffic C413.. C421. C423.416. C416. TTI BAJA ACCESIBILIDAD CELDAS NOKIA HSDPA/HSUPA .Seleccionar os nodos todos e add… Time and Settings Escolher a ultima linha q corresponde 15min cda uma e Creat presentation… Buscar todos os ID's com um numero de erros Superior a 10 e Resetear s nodos depois. . . presentation… Resetear s nodos depois. NA4785079. Problem with decrease accessibility CS RRC_CONN_ACC_FAIL_RADIO RRC_CONN_STP_FAIL_AC RRC_CONN_STP_FAIL_BTS RNW Measurement Presentation . . . . . RXMFP:MO=RXOTRX-TG-TRX.STATE FOR PIR SOMEBODY INSIDE SITE INTRUDER DOOR . 3// 3g CAB INTRUDER IR .CONTACT OF THE DOOR Externos Alarm Filter for Nokia and Huawei Nokia: .HW Browser NSN 2G PLMN-PLMN/BSC-#/BCF-# PLMN-PLMN/BSC-200371/BCF-104 NSN 3G PLMN-PLMN/RNC-1302/WBTS-245 PLMN-PLMN/RNC-#/WBTS-# E// 2g RXMFP:MO=RXOCF-TG. R.Service affecting 2G 3G: PERFORMANCE FAILURE IN WCDMA WBTS O&M CONNECTION WCDMA BST OUT OF USE WCDMA CELL OUT OF USE WCDMA BTS DEDICATED MEASUREMENT FAILURE FAILURE IN SAAL UNI SIGNALLING LINK ACTIVATION CELL FAULTY BASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM HSDPA FAILURE IN WCEL BASE STATION FAULTY RNW O&M SCENARIO FAILURE PCM Failure BCCH Missing BTS O&M NSN .EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE 7705 .CELL OPERATION DEGRADED NSN . INTRUDER DOOR .D-CHNL Transmission ASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM AIS External INTRUDER I. doc DXU/PSU/CDU/ECU the TRU/DTRU r Nokia and Huawei 2G Huawei: .Ultrasite BTS nsn 3G SMO E// HW Inventory. BCF INIT 2915 .ESL link fault OML FAULT GSM CELL OUT OF SERVICE NODEB UNAVAILABLE UMTS CELL UNAVAILABLE LOCAL CELL UNUSABLE 7704 .PCM 7767 .BTS O&M 7701 .TRX RST 7603 .D-CHNL 7706 .TRX FLT 7708 .AIS 3G UMTS Cell HSDPA Function Fault Cell PS Service Faulty RF UNIT VSWR TRESHOLD CROSSED BBU CPRI INTERFACE ERROR RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed RF Unit RX Channel RTWP/RSSI Unbalanced External Clock Reference Problem RF Unit Temperature Unacceptable RF Unit RX Channel RTWP/RSSI Too Low E1/T1 Loss of Signal E1/T1 Alarm Indication Signal E1/T1 Loss of Frame Alignment PPP/MLPPP Link Fault MLPPP Group Fault Ethernet Link Fault E1/T1 Remote Alarm Indication Signal E1/T1 Loss of Multiframe Alignment E1/T1 Excessive Bit Error Rate E1/T1 Loopback AC Input Power Failure BBU DC Output Out of Range Board Input Voltage Out of Range Power Supply DC Output Out of Range Mains Input Out of Range Battery Current Out of Range AC Surge Protector Fault 7750 FAILURE IN WCDMA WBTS O&M CONNECTION 7786 WCDMA BST OUT OF USE 7771 WCDMA CELL OUT OF USE 7778 WCDMA BTS DEDICATED MEASUREMENT FAIL 3117 FAILURE IN SAAL UNI SIGNALLING LINK ACTIVA 7653 CELL FAULTY 7665 BASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM 7776 HSDPA FAILURE IN WCEL 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY 7761 RNW O&M SCENARIO FAILURE 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED .BTS FLT 7705 .Change State 7606 .BCCH 7710 . . DMA WBTS O&M CONNECTION EDICATED MEASUREMENT FAILURE L UNI SIGNALLING LINK ACTIVATION TRANSMISSION ALARM NARIO FAILURE N DEGRADED . (2G) Clearing Circuit Releasing Failed in CAS alarms: The alarm that you are talking about happens on MF circuits and is caused by the LEC not releasing or acknowledging us quick SLMSC001 CASU-1 SWITCH 2005-11-27 00:07:37. ZCEC:CRCT=1081-1:BA. Sectors and TRXs on BSC Investigating Clear Codes: ZTUT:CLR. cancels the alarm using the consecutive # in which it came in ZACA:####. ZCEC:CRCT=1081-1:WO. displays latest history of clear codes Canceling Bogus alarms on a Site: (Perform both commands) ZEOR:#:alarm #.44 *** ALARM CASU-1 1E001-00 SI9_SO (9952) 2153 CIRCUIT RELEASING FAILED IN CAS 1081d 13d 29 0823 01 FF 01 02 01 01 10 00 00 00 If you look above I have highlighted in red the circuit that needs to be reset (1081-13). cancels alarm on site ZEFR:#:OMU. I have the alarm listed below and the supp SLMSC001 CM-1 SWITCH 2005-11-29 08:07:22. displays locked Sites.ZEEL:BL. Status the timeslots on a BCF Checking OMC alarms: Open a terminal and telnet to the IP Log in Run the following command: df –k zqmi. you should get a Low Traffic Capacity alarm with supplementary information. ZCEC:CRCT=1081-1:NU. displays current clear codes on the MSC ZTUL:CLR. cancels the alarm using the alarm identifier # Statusing Timeslots: ZEEL::BCF=#. resets the OMU (Operations and Maintenance Unit) Canceling Bogus alarms on a BSC: ZACC:####.06 CANCEL CM-1 1A003-03 KICKER (0178) 2087 LOW TRAFFIC CAPACITY ON CIRCUIT GROUP . If you take the circuit to a NU state for ZCEC:CRCT=1081-1:BA. Also. VP /VC…. IP configuration ZEQO:<BTS>:GPRS.. ZEF. Display A interface information (SL. Make Backup ZW7I INTERROGATE LICENCE OR FEATURE INFORMATION ZEFR RESET SITE/BCF ZEQS LOCK UNLOCK BTS ZERS LOCK UNLOCK TRX ZEQM MODIFY BTS PARAMETERS ZEAO OUTPUT GSM ADJACENT ZEUO OUTPUT POWER CONTROL PARAMETERS ZEHO OUTPUT HANDOVER PARAMETERS BCF Base Control Function.. UMTS Adj. ZEU. Cell WBTS Adjacent Cells Parameter.02 0386 ZESI:<DAP Id> Display EDGE dinamyc pool configuration For A Interface: ZNET... Activate SL. Bearer channel information ZFXO:<NSVCI>... Display EDGE dinamyc pool configuration check and Fallback ZEWO:<BCF>... BTS Base Transceiver Station. FHS Frequency Hopping System TRX Transceiver. Display BSSAP status ZNRI:<Signalling Network>.. HOC Handover Control Parameters. Check BCF SW ZWQO:CR.ACT... TSL Radio Time Slots BTS SW BTS Software Package. NSVCI information ZQRI. Display route status For Gb interface and GPRS/EDGE: ZFUI. Check consistency of the current BSC SW ZWKS:MODE=FULL:NAME=FBddmmaa. ZEA. Check GPRS at BTS level ZESI:<DAP Id>.DIRE=FBddmmaa.. Adj. ZER.. ZEA.. Check the BSC SW version ZWQB:STAT=BU:FORM=FAILED. Cell Adjacent Cells Parameter. POC Power Control Parameters.. ZEQ. . routes) ZNLC:<SL#>. ZNHI:<Signalling Network>. ZEH.. ZEW. com/doc/169241392/130988048-NSN-Command .scribd.http://pt. At that . Do to the latency. If you convert 386 from HEX to Decimal it comes out to 902. the Nokia locks out the trunk in question. When you see this alarm you sho u take the circuit to a NU state for about 30 seconds and then back to WO it should clear. he alarm listed below and the supplementary info is in red (02 0386).leasing or acknowledging us quick enough. . . and look at the circuit group. The alarm field will be shown cimal it comes out to 902. .When you see this alarm you should assume that it is 911 related and the issue needs to be corrected ASAP. At that time you can do the command ZRCI:SEA=3:CGR=902:PRINT=5:. . . ok at the circuit group. . The alarm field will be shown below.SAP. Radio Controllers GSM WCDMA Transcoder SW Realeases 2G 3G 4G OSS NED Search Alarms administration Temperature 55 graus maximum Power Module 48VDC Nokia Flexi Multiradio BTS GSM/WCDMA/LTE 3 Sector RF Module RRH Flexi Multimode 3 Sector RF Module RRH NSN HW Hybrid Parasitic RRH AAS MCPA Pico Street Furniture BBU Flexi BTS (BBU) 900/1800 All . Transport Modules ABIS ESMB ESMC 32PCM GSM FIEA = 8 x E1 FIPA = 8 x E1/T1 FIFA = 2 x Flexbus FIQA = 4 x E1/T1 + 2 x 100 BT FIQB = 4 x E1/T1 + 2 x 100 BT FIYA = 4 x E1 + Two 100BT Fast RADIO UNITS (RFU) Flexi BTS ( RFU) 800 900 1800 2100 2600 . Remote Radio Head (RRH) Flexi Multi-Radio RF Module (RFM) . 3G Flexi Antenna System (AAS) 2100a/900p GSM/WCDMA 2100a/1800p GSM/WCDMA 3G shared antennas MRC Flexi Multiradio Combiner . . 4 NAR8 3x60w 30+30=60W 1-18/36 TRX 3x60w 1x60=60W Different sectors using different solutions. e. Sector 2 and 3 Macro – RUs @ cabinet + feeder to antenna Existing Macro legacy components (boards. airports.3 CD set 2 OSS5. corporate clients. G1800 passive and U2100 active). Any site which is on local council owned Property rather than landlord owned. Multi Carrier Power Amplifier that represents the radio units Rus Pico cells typically deployed in indoor dedicated coverage environments. E. Remote Radio Head deployed close to antennas for maximum gain by reducing attenuation compared to using coax feeder.g. Passive and active paths (e.g. Council rates rather than landlord rent.3 CD set 3 OSS5. Active antenna system where RRH is part of the antenna. GSM ESMB FSME WCDMA/LTE FSMG . sector 1=RRU. RUs) in cabinet is replaced by new SRAN equipment using same cab. shopping centers.g.Flexi BSC RNC2600 TCSM3i RG20 RG30 RG40 RG50 RU30 RU40 RU50 RU60 RL40 RL50 OSS5. SMB 120/100 . cada canal 75 . RJ48 TNC Abis over IP/Ethernet using PWE3 TDMoIP Abis over IP/Ethernet using PWE3 LTE FRMA (RFM) FRMB (RRU) GSM/WCDMA/LTE FXDA (RFM) FXDB (RFM) FHDAv203 (RRU) GSM/WCDMA/LTE FXEA (RFM) FHEA (RRU) GSM/WCDMA/LTE FRGP (RFM) FRGQ (RRU) LTE FRHA (RFM FRHC (RRU) .Flexi Multiradio system module E1/T1 PWE Flex bus 10 TRX Fast ethernet + One optional gigabit Ethernet SFP module 2x100 Base Ethernet FTCB (RJ48) 120 Ohm FTCR (RJ45) cat5E Ethernet + One optional gigabit Ethernet SFP module TDMoIP E1 tem data rate de 2Mbit/s 32 canais com velocidades de 64kb/s. . FAGP FAGE FAGF used in GSM/WCDMA 900 . . Transport FIYB FTHA Capacity Up to 18 TRXs FTIB up to 1140 CE in WCDMA. onments.g. ve and active paths (e. LTE3 cells 20MHz with MIMO PDH interfaces 16 E1’s FTCP cable 4 E1’s . E. airports.ector 2 and 3 Macro – RUs @ cabinet + feeder to antenna placed by new SRAN equipment using same cab. ndlord owned. ain by reducing attenuation compared to using coax feeder.g. corporate clients. shopping centers. G1800 passive and U2100 active). Council rates rather than landlord rent. 4 E1’s FIQB FSKA To expand another FSMx rate de 2Mbit/s 32 canais com velocidades de 64kb/s. cada canal é um PCM Ethernet using PWE3 TDMoIP Ethernet using PWE3 Frequency/Bandwidth Rx/Tx Frequency/Bandwidth Rx/Tx Up to 3/4 Up to 3/4 Up to 3/4 4 Carrier 4 Carrier 4 Carrier 4 Carrier 4 Carrier Frequency/Bandwidth Rx/Tx . . . . Ethernet interfaces N/A 2x100 Base Ethernet FTCB (RJ48) 120 Ohm FTCR (RJ45) cat5E . 2x100 Base Ethernet FTCB (RJ48) 120 Ohm FTCR (RJ45) cat5E . . . . . . . 5 dTRU .LVA RLSLP:CELL=XXXXX dTRU DOOR ALARM door alarm operation tested to IDB and found to be working DXU TRU BTS CXU CDU Antenna cross conected bw TRU and CDU max 4Tx. 2. 2.5 dTRU Internal Distribution Module (IDM) The OMT interface is used for maintenance and supervision purposes CDU Antenna max 4Tx. . Boards get 0 cab get iub get synch acl proxy acc proxy manualRestart DUW1 DUW2 hget carrier dbcc cvls SW pr up SMO->Hw and SW inventory polu SMO get synch Synch E1 lk Iub=b7807501 . RRU ? RESTART RET LOCK UNLOCK get Tilt set Tilt SW SMO TCU sem comms INC000001322704 ver isto site com o license key 78075 facc IpAccessHostEt=ES2-24-3-1 ping traffic down O&M ok INC000001322704 The ALD controll (ALD Ctrl) connects an ALD (RET) cable to the RRUS for . antenna system communication.SectorAntenna=3-1 lh ru fui get devstat .info/images/4g/201202_ericsson_remote_radio_unit_description lst equipment=1. https://lafibre. AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.DigitalCable=2_1_RI_B >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.NbapCommon=1 . Slot=2.AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1. PluginUnit=1 Cabinet type DUW's S/N ATM/IP synch status question possible mml get Subrack=1. PluginUnit=1 to know warm or cold >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.DigitalCable=1_1_RI_F liga DUW 1 à 2 >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.DigitalCable=1_1_RI_A >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.SectorAntenna=2-1.DigitalCable=3_1_RI_C >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.DigitalCable=1_1_RI_F carrier per DUW Slot1 DUW1. Slot=2.Subrack=1. Slot2 DUW2 cv's status SW version ou ver no common explorer Network-> Search site->upgrade->shooseSW->next->duftpaw_3G_SW->next->installation-> load module transfer type:full Sw % status jobs get 10 acc 10 addsyncrefresource acc 10 removesyncrefresource cvms tempsync cvms syncfinal ================================================================================= Proxy Adm State Op.SectorAntenna=1-1. State MOs linked to 1411:Iub=b7807501 =================================================================================== 1411 Iub=b7807501 1412 0 (DISABLED) Iub=b7807501.AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 >>> reservedBy = Equipment=1.SectorAntenna=3-1. RetDevice=1 get SectorAntenna=2.RetuDeviceGroup=1.242 The ALD controll (ALD Ctrl) connects an ALD (RET) cable to the RRUS for .SectorAntenna=2.RetDeviceSet=1.SectorAntenna=3.RetDevice=1 set 128 electricalAntennaTilt 50 get 128 I ALD (used for a RET unit for example) ALD ver isto site com o license key ssHostEt=ES2-24-3-1 ping 10.1413 0 (DISABLED) Iub=b7807501.66.RetDeviceSet=1.RetDevice=1 get SectorAntenna=3.AuxPlugInUnit=2 get Equipment=1.SectorAntenna=1. AuxPluginUnit get AuxPluginUnit=RRU-1 lt all lst get element get RETU get 132 "proxy" get Equipment=1.86.AuxPlugInUnit=2.NbapDedicated=1 1414 Iub=b7807501.RetuDeviceGroup=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2.AuxPlugInUnit=2 get Equipment=1.RetDeviceSet=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2 acl 132 acc 131 restartauxunit lbl 132 set 132 administrativeState 0/1 ldeb 132 get SectorAntenna=1.IubDataStreams=1 ================================================================== get Element=1.AuxPlugInUnit=2.RetuDeviceGroup=1. pdf lst equipment=1. https://lafibre.antenna system lh ru fui get devstat . E1 SyncRef 3G.txt .INC000001217186 Synch E1 reference Adicionar syncref para o 2nd E1 Adicionar syncref para o 1st E1 CRIA CV (devido ao e1sync temporário) criar o cv com a config final cab AMOS . RET TILT.RET.txt RET availabilityStatus and serial and proxy cmd's available por proxy restart to the ret .txt .RBS type all mo's Elements from all Mo's RET per sector ret status AMOS . must have conection block ret unlock ret Get RET proxy moves antennatilt to 50 check tilt AMOS . tma device/ret device power . . . . . . probableCause= "x733EquipmentMalfunction(315)".TCU HwUnit=SAU CELLS VSWR =================================================================================== 2014-10-23 21:31:29 M Sync Reference PDV Problem Synchronization=1. . specificProblem= "Loss of Synchronization".PacketFrequencySyncR 2014-10-23 21:32:29 m Loss of Synch Reference Redundancy Synchronization=1 (replaceable_unit_p TCU show temperature alarms on the oscillator: eventTime= 2014-09-01 T07:30:56. eventType= "equipmentAlarm(4)".Synchronization=0. perceivedSeverity= "major(2)". additionalText= "Oscillator Fault or STN temperature is outside specific limits". STN=0. eventType= "communicationsAlarm(2)". specificProblem= "No Calibration from SynchE". eventType= "communicationsAlarm(2)". eventTime= 2014-09-06 T00:00:01. alarmId= 3. perceivedSeverity= "major(2)". specificProblem= "Calibration Date Expired". perceivedSeverity= "warning(4)". .Synchronization=0. probableCause= "x733LossOfSignal(329)".alarmId= 2. STN=0. eventTime= 2014-09-06 T00:00:01. additionalText= "Timing quality too bad or missing on link". probableCause= "x733LossOfSignal(329)". probableCause= "x733EquipmentMalfunction(315)". additionalText= "Oscillator Fault or STN temperature is outside specific limits". perceivedSeverity= "major(2)". Synchronization=0. eventType= "equipmentAlarm(4)". SynchronizationEthInterface=0 getcontainment STN=0. EthernetInterface=0 2014-10-09 16:56:30 M Disconnected HwUnit=SAU (equipment_malfunction) Not used in 4G st eutrancellfdd st sector ue print -admitted Check status at cell level Check status at sector level how many users on lh ru fui get vswr 1 (Antenna Branch A) lh ru fui get vswr 2 (Antenna Branch B) Check vswr Date & Time (Local) S Specific Problem MO (Cause/AdditionalInfo) ========================================================================================================== 2014-10-23 21:31:29 M Sync Reference PDV Problem Synchronization=1.Synchronization=0. STN=0. VLANGroup=Site_Int1 getmoatttribute STN=0.PacketFrequencySyncRef=1 (clock_synchronisation_ 2014-10-23 21:32:29 m Loss of Synch Reference Redundancy Synchronization=1 (replaceable_unit_problem) TCU show temperature alarms on the oscillator: eventTime= 2014-09-01 T07:30:56. Synchronization=0 getmoattribute STN=0. specificProblem= "Loss of Synchronization".ssh admin@IP ? Passwd:hidden restore restart getcontainment STN=0 getmoattribute STN=0 getmoattribute STN=0 Equipment=0 getmoattribute STN=0. VLANGroup=Site_Ext getmoattribute STN=0. . VLANGrou=Site_Ext getmocontainment STN=0. VLANGroup=Site_Int2 getmoatttribute STN=0. VLANGroup=Site_Int1 getmocontaiment STN=0. eventType= "communicationsAlarm(2)". probableCause= "x733LossOfSignal(329)". probableCause= "x733LossOfSignal(329)". . specificProblem= "No Calibration from SynchE".alarmId= 2. perceivedSeverity= "major(2)". alarmId= 3. eventType= "communicationsAlarm(2)". perceivedSeverity= "warning(4)". eventTime= 2014-09-06 T00:00:01. STN=0. specificProblem= "Calibration Date Expired".Synchronization=0. additionalText= "Timing quality too bad or missing on link". eventTime= 2014-09-06 T00:00:01. edu/8000409/AMOS_commands http://pt.academia. VDF 4G TEF 4G VLAN group Status Not used in 4G Check status at cell level Check status at sector level how many users on http://www.Conected all commands reset with sw upload Rese configured MO's Ethport to the ipcloud EthernetInterface 0/1 is reserved for the =============================================== FrequencySyncRef=1 (clock_synchronisation_problem) laceable_unit_problem) .slideshare. http://oprweb/alex BSC EXRPP:RP=246; BLRPI:RP=246; BLRPE:RP=246; RP FAULT RP MANUALLY BLOCKED REPRI:RP=46 REMRI:RP=46,PCB=RPPS1; RECRI:RP=46; NE=BXFRM,NODE=A AP Fault aploc; alist acease 8799:0 cluster node hostname BSC CDH RESPONDING READY DIRECTORY WARNING Files deleted manually, alarm ceased. delete the old files from the AP RNC Password lma nb22362 iublink=b2236201 reserved ul and then st nb22362 bl nb01234 st nb01234 deb nb01234 lk iublink=b2236201 acl LOOPS lk iublink=b7811601 acc AtmPort=ES1-2-1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc53 eteloopback PING lk iublink=b7811601 facc IpAccessHostEt=ES2-24-3-1 ping MUBAR lma nb145 vcltp userlabel NodeB0014501_ ul st nb145 Synch RADIO TRANSMISSION GB INTERFACE FAULT / RADIO TRANSMISSION IP GB INTERFACE FAULT rlgrp:cell=gccccc; ! GPRS info ! rlbdp:cell=gccccc; ! EGPRS info ! rlgsp:cell=gccccc; ! GPRS state On/Off ! rlgse:cell=gccccc; ! Block GPRS cell ! rlgsi:cell=gccccc; ! Deblock GPRS cell ! !Read RP status! !MBL! !UBL! ; !RP repair! !manual intervantion! !recover RP! !conect to ap side A! !conects automaticly side A AP! !Alarms! !cease alarm! e !check ap status! lm !tell wich side we are! rnc group containing cells rede group cells status block cells check cell status unlock create object with iublink show cmd's for the MO eth loop back.txt 1,VclTp=vc53 eteloopback verificar a board que é o IpAccessHostEt NBAP COMMON -> DISABLED .lma nb145 iublink=14501 ul st nb145 ON IP GB INTERFACE FAULT RESULT . LST OPTLOG SW MIT BROWSER TRAFFIC DSP CHNSTAT log de alarmes BBU POR BRDPWR LOOPS DSP E1T1 OUT BSC SUBRACK OUT BSC SLOT OUT BSC PORT POUC STR BTSALDSCAN READ ALD'S LST BTSRXUBP SET BTSRXUBP LST BTSRXUBP LST ALDS STATUS CLOSE ALD GSM VS UMTS LST GTRX ALD RET DSP RETSUBUNIT MOD RETILT RET DATA LOSS DLO RETCFGDATA External LST BTSENVALMPORT enviornemt Tx LST BTSMPLNK DSP BTSMPLNK List of all E1 ports on BSC E1 Status freq type ANTENNA TRIBUTARY 1/2 OFF , ALD OFF Templates TEMPLATE MANAGEMENT Config Huawei 3G TRAFFIC DSP UCELLCHK DSP TRXPWR DSP TXBRANCH Protocolos de transporte na Iub SAAL Link: NCP/CCP: ALCAP: AAL2Path: 26266- Time Synchronization Failure LST SNTPCLTPARA SET SNTPCLTPARA EXTERNAL LST ALMPORT SET ALMPORT Power dos PA 3G Signaling ATM Adaptation layer for signaling, it supportsconnection control signaling. NCP-CNBAP CCP-DNBAP Access link control Application partBasic functionality of ALCAP is multiplexing of different users onto one AAL2transmission path u Aal2 path is the transport for UTRAN UPEU UPEU External Alarm 73411 3G UPEU.xlsx nto one AAL2transmission path using channel IDs (CIDs). . 3A RFUs supporting RET antennas. the feed voltage is 12 V and feed current is 2. ANTENNA PORTS non AAS RET DATASHEET.3A RRU3908 1800 6TRX V1 -48V DC 250W 12V 2.5 W motor activated RET CONECTOR Torque setting: 11 lb ft (15 Nm) RET CHAIN CONECTION .3A RRU3808 U2100 6TRX V1 -48V DC 185W 12V 2.pdf RET POWER AISG Cable RET COMSUNPTION <1 W standby <8.3 A.RET's RRU3908 RRU3908 RRU3808 RRU3908 GU900 6TRX V2 -48V DC 250W 12V 2. Overcurrent Protection .SBT Smart BiasTee Over RF feeder provied DC PWR and remote control signals to RET or TMA Alarm Scenario ALD Working Current (mA) Overcurrent Undercurrent SET ALDPWRSW SET BTSRXUBP(2G) to open POWER again. Disconnection Protection SET ALDPWRSW(3G) SET BTSRXUBP(2G . 3 A.3A 6TRX V1 -48V DC 250W 12V 2.6TRX V2 -48V DC 250W 12V 2.3A tage is 12 V and feed current is 2.3A 6TRX V1 -48V DC 185W 12V 2. PIN 1&6 7 12V DC return 10--30V . (4)The RRU is faulty OOTHD(over current occur threshold) OCTHD(over current clear threshold) larger. . LST ALDPWRSW (3G) modify the UOTHD(under current occur threshold) UCTHD(under current clear threshold) smaller. (3)The first RCU is faulty. SRN=80. (2)The AISG cable or connector is faulty. OCTHD=800 SET ALDPWRS W: CN=0. suggest set OOTHD=900. UCTHD=1 SET ALDPWRS W: CN=0. SRN=80. suggest set UOTHD=0.1)The preset ALD current threshold of the RF unit is incorrect. SET BTSRXUBP(2G) to open POWER again. ALD current threshold of the RF unit . AAS . . . . . . . BSC BSC RNC KPI . Alarmes DATABASE PDMB OMC and high disk usage OMU Board Fault Location: Subrack No.=0, Slot No.=25, Ethernet Adapter=ETH0 netcard, Ethernet Adapter Fault Cause=Ethernet Port Disconnected LST DUPLEX BRD SAL DSP M3RT LST N7DPC DSP N7DPC SET UKPIALMTH LST UKPIALMTHD <95% Ethernet Port Disconnected Type=ETH1 DSP OMUHW OMU ETH=0 Full Duplex Not in use estado signalling link Signalling name SS7 Destination Signaling Point <-> MSC estatisticas ETH1 not in use PING 4G VLAN500 VRF=IP_E_Acess_4G_VF site Auto Negotiation 4G Ethernet interface loops no ima rxLID deve estar igual ao TX Line loop para RBS Equipment RNC Autonegtion 1GB Full duplex . . capacidade máxi 1234_ZBP_11 OU 1234_ZBS_11 (Z para Siemens.2: 1234_ZDA_11 – FPH2200 1234_ZC_11 – FPR 1234_ZEA_11 – FPH800 1234_ZFA_11 – FPM200 1234_ZD_11 – FPMR Legacy: Equipamentos BEP2: FPH ATP Microwave Legacy Siemens SRA4 Nomenclatura: Equipamento de transporte SDH.FPR Netviewer 10. Ethernet BEP2 NSN FlexiPacket Hub 2200 Nomenclatura: Equipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet. D para FPMR) FPR 4G Autonegotiation Netviewer . C para FPR) NSN FlexiPacket MultiRadio Nomenclatura: ODU de transporte PDH via Ethernet. Presente em 1234_ZD_11 – (Z para NSN. capacidade de 4 1234_ZA_11 – (Z para Siemens. capa 1234_ZFA_11 – (Z para NSN. capa 1234_ZEA_11 – (Z para NSN.1: Legacy: 1234_ZA_11 – SRA4 1234_ZBP_11 – SRALXD Plugin Unit 1234_ZBS_11 – SRALXD Single Unit BEP2: 1234_ZDA_11 – FPH2200 1234_ZC_11 .Netviewer 10. A para SRA-4) Siemens SRALXD Nomenclatura: Equipamento de transporte PDH. EA para FPH800) NSN FlexiPacket FirstMile 200 Nomenclatura: Equipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet. Presente em 1234_ZC_11 – (Z para NSN. DA para FPH2200 NSN FlexiPacket Hub 800 Nomenclatura: Equipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet. FA para FPM200) NSN FlexiPacket Radio Nomenclatura: ODU de transporte PDH via Ethernet. cap 1234_ZDA_11 – (Z para NSN. GE port L/U Loops E1 remote Local . DA para FPH2200) uipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet.1.2.2. C para FPR) U de transporte PDH via Ethernet. 34_ZBP_11 OU 1234_ZBS_11 (Z para Siemens. Presente em Netviewer 10.uipamento de transporte SDH. plugin tem capacidade máxim uipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet. Presente em Netviewer 10.1 e 10. capacidade máxima de 16xE1s. capacidade de 4xSTM-1s. capacidade máxima de 16xE1s. capacidade máxima de 32xE1s. 34_ZA_11 – (Z para Siemens. FA para FPM200) U de transporte PDH via Ethernet.2. B para SRAL-XD. Presente no Netviewer10. 34_ZDA_11 – (Z para NSN. Presente em Netviewer 10. capacidade máxima de 32xE1s. P/S é a diferenciação entre Plugin e Single Unit. D para FPMR) . 34_ZFA_11 – (Z para NSN.2. Presente no Netviewer10. EA para FPH800) uipamento de transporte PDH via Ethernet. A para SRA-4) uipamento de transporte PDH. Presente em Netviewer 10.1. 34_ZC_11 – (Z para NSN.2 34_ZD_11 – (Z para NSN.1 e 10. 34_ZEA_11 – (Z para NSN. Presente em Netviewer 10. LIU Line Not FPGA . e Single Unit. plugin tem capacidade máxima de 32 E1’s e Single tem apenas capacidade para 8 E1’s) Weblct . . . . . . Diversidade Channels Time Slots HR FR Cell type . Cell type Sigla Meaning 3GPP Third Generatio n Partnershi p Project A Abis AC Authentica tion Center Asub BCCH Broadcast Control Channel BCSU Base Station Controller Signalling Unit . BSC Base Station Controller BTS Base Transceiv er Station CC Call Control CCSS7 or SS7 Common Channel Signaling System number 7 Cell Cell CLNS Connectio nless Network Service CN Core Network CONS Connectio n Oriented Network Service CS CS Circuit switched DL downlink . EIR Equipmen t Identity Register FDD Frequency Division Duplex Gb GERAN GGSN GMSC G-MSC GPRS Handover HLR HLR HLR HSDPA HSS IMS GSM EDGE RAN Gateway Gprs Supportin g Node Gateway MSC Gateway MSC General Packet Radio Service Handover Home Location Registry Home Location Register Home Location Register High Speed Downlink Packet Access Home Subscribe r Server IP Multimedi a Subsyste m . IMSI nternation al Mobile Subscribe r Identity IuB IuR LTE Long Term Evolution Lu MC-CDMA MultiCarrier CDMA MGW Ms MSC MSC Mobile Station Mobile Switching Center Mobile Services and switching Center PCU Packet Control Unit PDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network . QoS Quality of Service RLC Radio Link Control RNC Radio Network Controler SDCCH SGSN SIP SLR Standalone Dedicated Control Channel Serving Gprs Supportin g Node Session Initiation Protocol SGSN Location Register . TBF Temporar y Block Flow TCH Traffic Channel TDD TD-SCDMA Time Division Duplex Time Division Synchrono us Code Division Multiple Access TD-SCDMA Time Division Synchrono us CDMA TRAU Transcode r and Rate Adapter Unit TRX Transceiv ers. UL Um UTRAN VLR VLR none RRC uplink UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network Visitor Location Register Visitor Location Register Sleeping Cell . VSWR TRX .BSC Control Function FSM ? .Flexy System Module Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) ou Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) Modules ESMB/C RRH Remote Radio Head .Antena RM Radio Frequency Module .SACCH Slow Associate d Control Channel CSD Circuit Switched Data HSCSD PLMN User Plane Control Plane NBAP C-NBAP D-NBAP NCP CCP AAL2 AIU APG BCF .VSWR RF Module (FXxx) and RRH (FHxx) main blocks MHA .Mast Head Amplifiers . one gets the 45° componant. The cross polar antennas receives the UL signal from the MS on its two antennas a and b.crosspolar antenna. If you invert . it contains 2 antennas (you can see that because there are 2 feeders ports at the bottom of the antenna) Each port is internally connected to an independant "antenna". combining gain. antenna "b" is polarized at -45°. and signal "b" can be called "div" (stands for diversity). Signal "a" can be called "main". in order to enhance the "quality" of the signal (interference cancellation. Both rx signals are different. But those are just words. The TRX receives those two signals and COMBINE them. the other the -45° componant. etc) in your case. Physically. Antenna "a" is polarized at 45°. which correspond to the A and Abis interfaces. The Abis interface part of the BCSU controls the Radio interface channels associated with the transceivers (TRXs) and Abis signalling channels. interfaces interconnects the TRAU and MSC interfaces interconnects the BST and BSC It handles all security for each subscriber and identifies him as he makes and receives calls. with cell radius 200 . The BSCU is housed in a cartridge of its own. The A interface part of the BCSU is responsible for the following tasks: .Macro-cellular nets. .2000 m Pico-cellular nets.Controlling the mobile and base station signalling (Base Station Subsystem Application Part. interfaces interconnects the BSC and TRAU is a downlink-point-to-multipoint logical channel in GSM and cdma2000 systems used to send identification and organization information about common control channels and cell services. with cell radius 4 . . (BSSAP) .200 meter Obs is a project by several specification bodies from all over the world.Performing all message handling and processing functions of the signalling channels connected to it.Performing the distributed functions of the Message Transfer Part (MTP) and the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) of SS7. The second optional Packed Control Unit (PCU) is included in each BCSU. It consists of two parts. The BSC Signalling Unit (BCSU) performs those BSC functions that are highly dependent on the volume of traffic.30 km Micro-cellular net. with cell radius 1 . call control refers to the software within a telephone switch that supplies its central function. such the internet. When planning the radio network. The exchange of signaling within the CN is handled by the Common Channel Signaling System number 7 (CCSS7) or SS7 interfaces. Network connection with similar functionality to a circuit-switched connection. In other words: the communication channel is exclusively available for the established connection. It is also responsible for Radio Resource Management. Call control decodes addressing information and routes telephone calls from one end point to another. Circuit switched connections refer to a constant line between two subscribers. The Base Station Controller (BSC) is the central module of GERAN. Both options will be used for UMTS Communication goes in the direction: from antenna to mobile station . This includes admission control. a MS is always connected to one BTS. These connections are point-to-point. A BTS contains technologies for broadcasting and receiving signals and antennae to feed a radio cell. handover control and power control. for example in traditional communication networks such as landline networks. Then. In GSM. there are packet-switched connections such as those modeled on the IP protocol used on the Internet. The BSC decides which cell an MS is served by. It also creates the features that can be used to adapt standard switch operation to the needs of users. too. Voice calls are switched through towards the TRAU. which is one of the main tasks of the BSC. Technical term for a mobile base station. All mobile networks have two main parts: The so called 'Core Network' which connects telephone calls around the country and around the world and the Radio Network which connects the mobile phone to the Core Network. Several BTSs are managed by a BSC. the Do not require signaling during periods when no data is being transmitted. UMTS networks will have a cellular controlled by an MSC (Mobile Switching Center).in turn . they will Call Control In telephony. such as giving the MS the required resources on the air interface and handover control. The advantage of this cellular structure is that available frequencies can be reused within geographically separate cells and therefore used much more efficiently. Common examples of such he various Databases have to stay in contact with each other. Function in a similar manner to an asynchronous packet data network.This component in the radio part of mobile networks is responsible for controlling the use and the integrity of all connected Base (Transceiver) Stations. which is controlled by a BTS. In the center of each cell there is a transmitting tower or antenna. Since network operators will want to use existing antenna locations to build upon the new UMTS network. Modern mobile networks are based on a cellular structure – hence the synonym “cellular phone” for mobile phone. which . It receives data from many BTSs. Push-To-View. as well as large volumes of data. Control.5 to 2 Mbit/s. Every user is allocated to one HLR. For networks.An MSC with connections to the PSTN Technology runs at speeds of up to 115Kbit/sec. such as e-mail and Web browsing. HSDPA will give one user about 1.It checks the validity of the Mobile Equipment.. While subscribers in current GSM networks can choose a different channel within one cell by way of „frequency hopping“. and . The Home Subscriber Server extends the concept of the Home Location Register (HLR) in the standardization. this will not be possible in UMTS. enough for video in high quality or high resolution interactive games. White: Equipment is ok. A handover is therefore the only possible change of channel Database in mobile networks that stores mobile phone subscribers’ data. The IM-HSS is the IMS service and user data repository. Push-To-Talk (PTT). These frequency ranges then work in pairs interfaces interconnects the PCU and SGSN GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network is the name for the evolution of GSM accessnetwork towards 3G based on EDGE Main switch and control node of a GRPS network. and Video Sharing. The HLR also references the subscriber’s current location. The IP Multimedia Subsystem is a general-purpose. CORE . Grey: Keep this equipment under observation! Most 1G and 2G systems divide uplink and downlink onto different frequency ranges. It enables high-speed wireless Internet and other communications such as e-mail. Assume that a car is driving from one cell into another: the network “hands over” the existing connection to the new cell. white or grey lists of Equipment numbers with the following meanings: Black: Equipment is not allowed to use the network. These handovers will also exist in UMTS networks. IMS is based primarily on SIP (session initiation protocol). It supports a wide range of bandwidths and is an efficient use of limited bandwidth. It's particularly suited for sending and receiving small amounts of data. The EIR contains black. compared with the 9. Technical term for the geographical transition between mobile cells. The HLR provides information within the network about what services the user has subscribed to. it plays a key role in provisioning. UMTS users and HSDPA users are served simultaneously in one cell and with the same antenna. Video Calling. service creation and enabling for subscriber data. It is a core network technology for technologies like Voice over IP (VoIP).6Kbit/sec. which is especially important for roaming. open industry standard for voice and multimedia communications over packet-based IP networks. Storage of subscribers’ data in ompared to the current 384 kbit/s downlink speeds of UMTS. Connects to SGSN's via a network of microwave or high capacity optical interconnections. benefits of IMS include increased flexibility for carriers to offer new 3G services. games and applications. roaming and interconnection aspects are centrally maintained here as well. of older GSM systems. it will monitor the broadcast channel for nearest BTS. When the upgrade from GSM networks to GPRS is made the only new hardware required for GERAN is the Packet Control Unit (PCU). Iub interface connects Node B (RBS) and RNC The interface between RNCs. In Siemens the PCU is part of the BSC. maintaining and releasing CS connections.s responsible for establishing. The Packet Control Unit is a device found within a GPRS network which is logically associated with a BSC (Base Station Controller).This is a globally unique identification number of the SIM card. CORE CORE CS CORE . Much less signaling overhead that with normal TCH. A TCH (traffic Channel) may have several PDTCH on it. When a GPRS terminal is attached. Its needed in case of an UE making a call moving into the area of another RNC. . u is the name of the interface between RNC and Core Network in 3G networks. It splits into Iu PS for Packet Switched traffic and Iu CS for Circuit Switched traffic. The PCU is responsible for the radio related aspects of GPRS when and is between the BTS (Base Transceiver Station) and the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node). QoS with a guaranteed service level requires resource allocation to individual data streams. Hence. It integrates the functions of the two GERAN elements PCU and BSC. Session Initiated Protocol is an application-layer control protocol. .QoS . . In other words. The RNC separates PS is used in the GSM system to provide a reliable connection for signalling and Short Message Service (SMS) messages. the destination is not expecting the data within a certithms resi The central component of UTRAN is the Radio Network Controller (RNC). bandwidth. satisfying customer application requirements. e-mail The SGSN Location Register is the database within the SGSN. predictable data delivery service.interactive request response pattern.streaming preserves time relation (variation) between information entities of the stream. The key QoS parameters are: latency. . The Slow Associated Control Channel(SACCH) is used to support this channel. interactive gaming. the following QoS classes are defined (3GPP TS.e.. SIP can establish sessions for features such as audio/videoconferencing. jitter. where the subscriber data is kept as long as it is registered within this SGSN. They are mainly responsible for Radio Resource Management including handover control.Quality of Service In the simplest sense. a Signaling protocol for Internet Telephony. Applications like audio and video streaming demand high data throughput capacity (bandwidth) and have low-latency requirements when used in two-way communications (i.23.background preserves payload content. preserves payload content. Its function can be compared with the VLR in the MSC. Within UTRAN. conferencing and telephony). stringent and low delay . and call forwarding to be deployed over IP networks thus enabling service providers to integrate basic IP telephony services with Web. packet loss and availability.107): . QoS means providing consistent.conversational preserves time relation (variation) between information entities of the stream. In a typical GPRS system. but initial access to the network is not possible. AICH or S-CCPCH) are out of order. Another solution for duplex communication is to use only one frequency channel for both directions. The reverse is true for Uplink. the network needs to establish a downlink (DL) TBF to transfer data in the DL direction and an uplink (UL) TBF to transfer data in the UL direction. TCH blocking will make user fail to make a call. The URTAN is separated from the core network and provides the air interface for UMTS subscribers’ devices. Communication goes in the direction: from mobile station to antenna interfaces interconnects the Mobile and BTS Term for the radio technological part of a UMTS network. This is the Transmit Path. subscribers will perceive this as a coverage problem. creating the Receive Path. Each MSC has a VLR. so-called time slots. Transceivers convert bits into RF. speech on the air is encoded with less bits than in the fixed network (64kbit/s in the fixed network).A Temporary Block Flow (TBF) is a logical connection used by two General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) entities to support the unidirectional transfer of lower layer compatibility (LLC) protocol data units (PDUs) on packet data physical channels (PDCHs)(or timeslots). The sleeping cell symptom is well-known from drive test and perceived in areas where drive test handsets send subsequent PRACH preambles without getting a grant from the cell to send a RRC Connection Request . the VLR receives current information on the authentications of the mobile A sleeping cell is a cell that hosts a lot of active radio links. this information is also passed to the HLR responsible for the mobile user. The VLR contains information on mobile subscribers who are roaming in the area covered by the VLR. From user perspective. In Downlink. The main task of the TRAU is speech transcoding. TBFs are typically short-lived and are generally only active during data transfers. but transmit uplink and downlink in short time intervalls. The root cause of this problem is that one or more common physical channels (PRACH. A translation of the speech code rates used on the air and those used in the MSC takes place in the TRAU. In order to be more efficient. In return. From technical point of view. is a logical channel that allows the transmission of speech or data. When a mobile station checks into a VLR coverage area. TCH blocking happens at TCH assignment’s Phase and will have impact on KPI TCH Assignment Success Rate. controls radio links to specific user equipment.carries control information (also known as signalling) protocol is used over the IUR Interface. NBAP forms part of the Iub interface NodeB Control Port .data plane or user plane or bearer plane carries the network's users traffic. Can combine RF signals from 2 MCPA to one antenna stands for Adjunct Processor Group (mobile switching technology by Ericsson AB) Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) ou Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) te Radio Head . Multiple time slots assign for each user Public land mobile network RULES .controls overall Node B functionality Dedicated . It includes common procedures and dedicated procedures is an upper layer protocol which is part of the IUB Interface Common . It supports VBR a Antenna interface with RF filters.VSWR (FXxx) and RRH (FHxx) main blocks .Antena Frequency Module . short and variable packets in delay sensitive applications. TRAFFIC .Evolution of CSD.C-NBAP Communication Control Port .D-NBAP provides bandwidth-efficient transmission of low-rate. Amplifiers. Duplex filters and Splitters. . As células podem ser consideradas como células . . a floor of a building or an entire building.It can cover e. onde a estação de base antena está instalada em um mastro ou maior de construção de estruturas que são mais altos do que o nível médio do último piso são células cuja altura da antena abaixo do nível médio do último piso e são normalmente utilizados em áreas urbanas cells are small cells whose diameter is only few dozen meters.g. they are used mainly in indoor applications. . . . . . e applications. It supports VBR and CBR om 2 MCPA to one antenna . MTX Information Name Acton Description XAN Basingstoke XBE Bristol XBL Cardiff XCF Carlisle XCE Crawley XCY Croydon XCN Edinburgh XEH Address 50 Brunel Road West Way Industrial Estate Acton London W3 7XR Unit 2.Mellons CF3 0LT Kings Drive Kingmoor Park South Kingstown Carlisle CA6 4RD Crawley Vector II Newton Road Manor Royal Estate Crawley RH10 9TT Unit 9. Off Beddington Farm Road Croydon CR0 4UQ 1 Haledane Square Brucefield Industrial Estate Livingston Midlothian EH54 9DS . Peterwood Park Peterwood Way. Gemini Hamilton Close Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 6YT Unit 1145 Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4TF Links Business Park Fortran Road St. West Yorkshire LS11 5JL Centurion Way Meridian Business Park Leicester LE19 1WH Leyland XLD Milton Keynes XMS Carr Lane. 9 South Avenue Clydebank Business Park Clydebank Dumbartonshire G81 2NR Green Farm Falcon Close Quedgeley Gloucester GL2 4LY Unit 14 Junction 6 Industrial Park Washingley Road St John's Park Huntingdon PE29 6WP Esher XER Glasgow XGW Gloucester XGR Gravelly Hill XGL Huntingdon XHN Kings Cross XKS 233-241 Gray's Inn Road Kings Cross London WC1X 8RB Leeds XLS Leicester XLR (Adjacent to) 4 Dartmouth Way Southfork Industrial Estate Garnet Road Leeds. Surrey KT13 0YU Unit 5. Off Wheelton Lane Farington Leyland Lancs PR25 3RD Site F Fingle Drive Stonebridge Milton Keynes MK13 0ER .30 Avro Way West Park Brooklands Business Park Weybridge. Estate Beaconside ST16 3HS Unit 9 Capstan Court Crossways Dartford DA2 6QG Unit 25 Grosvenor Grange Industrial Estate Pipe Lane Warrington WA1 4SF .Newcastle XNE Newbury XNY Oldham XOM Oxford XOD Rotherham XRM Southampton XSN Stafford XSD Swanley XSY Warrington XWN 19 Tower Road Glover Washington Tyne & Wear NE37 2SH Canal House Hambridge Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 5XF Unit P Birch Industrial Estate Whittle Lane Heywood OL10 2SX Alex Issigonis Way Oxford Business Park (North) Cowley OX4 2JZ Unit 2 Shepcote Business Park Europa Drive Tinsley Park Sheffield S9 1TL Unit 1 Chandlers Park School Lane Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate Southampton SO53 4DG Tollgate Drive Tollgate Ind. Wednesbury XWY Near Unit 2. Britannia Park Trident Drive Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7XB . 275716.0.-2.-3.0.006295&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=54.13468 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.1333&sspn=0.0.038495&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Livi orplans/Bristol%20MTX%20(XBL) Telephone: 01256 330837 http://maps.957554&sspn=0.157843& de=&q=EH54+9DS&sll=51.519 562.+U nited+Kingdom&ll=51.131187.038495&g=54.0.965922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Croydon.0.918723.-0.0.084991& 365.0.2.150932&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.116697.02738&z=16 http://maps.923541.0.00996.Contact Details Telephone: 01635 660050 Telephone: 07500 795642 Google Maps Link http://maps.08394&num=1&t=h&sll=51.038495&z=15 Telephone: 0150 641 7820 http://maps.255392&spn=0.018299.108085&spn=0.865 776.529367.274 http://maps.53013&spn=0.157843& .006295&hl=en&ie=UTF8& de=&q=CR0+4UQ&sll=54.-0. 0.346 647.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Huntingdon%20MTX%20(XHN) Telephone: 020 7833 5946 Telephone: 07500 795 650 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents. orplans/Leeds%20Tx%20Cabin%20(TLS) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.009945.019248&z=16 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Kings%20Cross%20MTX%20(XKS)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Leicester%20MTX%20(XLR) Telephone: 01772 459109 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.478018&spn=0.350021.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.006295.347029.474576&sspn=0.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Leyland%20MTX%20(XLD)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.0.478114&num=1&t=h&sll=51.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Gloucester%20MTX%20(XGR)&maxLinks=1 Telephone: 0121 328 6653 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/ orplans/Glasgow%20Tx%20Site%20(TGW)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.-0.006295&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Milton%20Keynes%20MTX%20(XMS)&maxLinks=1 . cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Oxford%20MTX%20(XOD) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Stafford%20MTX%20(XSD) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Swanley%20MTX%20(XSY)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Southampton%20MTX%20(XSN)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Newcastle%20MTX%20(XNE) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Warrington%20Tx%20Site%20(TWN) .cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Rotherham%20MTX%20(XRM)&maxLinks=1 Telephone: 023 8027 4963 Telephone: 07825 004254 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Oldham%20MTX%20(XOM)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Newbury%20MTX%20(XNY) Telephone: 01706 625088 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents. cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20Information/Flo orplans/Wednesbury%20Tx%20Cabin%20(TWY) .http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents. 2.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Basingstoke%20MTX%2 0(XBE)&maxLinks=1 nformation/Floorplans/Carlisle%20MTX%20(XC E) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/ to MTX intranet site http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.580478&num=1&t=h&sll=51.004951.2.0.006295.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Croydon%20MTX%20(X CN) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.0.542046.542046.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Crawley%20MTX%20(XC Y)&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Cardiff%20MTX%20(XCF ) http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.580797& UTF8&ll=51.cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Edinburgh%20MTX%20( XEH)&maxLinks=1 .cgi?docDir=document/MTX%20I nformation/Floorplans/Acton%20MTX%20(XAN )&maxLinks=1 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents.580797&spn=0.009624&z=17 http://ukmtxi/cgibin/documents. 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BXGMS Ericsson Milton Keynes 1267 447785011267 LIVE BXJBE Ericsson Basingstoke 1268 447785011268 LIVE BXLBE Ericsson Basingstoke 1269 447785011269 LIVE BXHLD Ericsson Leyland 1270 447785011270 LIVE BXELD Ericsson Leyland 1271 447785011271 LIVE BXHMS Ericsson Milton Keynes 1273 447785011273 LIVE BXIMS Ericsson Milton Keynes 1274 447785011274 LIVE BXISY Ericsson Swanley 1276 447785011276 LIVE BXPEH Ericsson Edinburgh 1277 447785011277 LIVE BXKBE Ericsson Basingstoke 1278 447785011278 LIVE BXECY Ericsson Crawley 1285 447785011285 LIVE BXMBE Ericsson Basingstoke 1292 447785011292 LIVE BXEER Ericsson Esher 1293 447785011293 LIVE BXFER Ericsson Esher 1294 447785011294 LIVE BXGLD Ericsson Leyland 1295 447785011295 LIVE BXFLD Ericsson Leyland 1296 447785011296 LIVE BXQEH Ericsson Edinburgh 1297 447785011297 LIVE BXNEH Ericsson Edinburgh 1298 447785011298 LIVE BXOEH Ericsson Edinburgh 1299 447785011299 LIVE BXCPH Ericsson Pear Tree House 1305 447785011305 LIVE BXDSN Ericsson Southampton 1310 447785011310 LIVE BXESN Ericsson Southampton 1315 447785011315 LIVE BXHRM Ericsson Rotherham 1260 447785011260 LIVE BXCAH Ericsson Avon House 2608 447785012608 TEST TPMGTSPH3 BSC Pear Tree House 1904 447785011904 TEST MHMGTSPH2 BSC Pear Tree House 1906 447785011906 TEST TPMGTSPH4 BSC Pear Tree House 1907 447785011907 TEST KTMGTSPH3 BSC Pear Tree House 1909 447785011909 TEST KTMGTSPH4 BSC Pear Tree House 1910 447785011910 TEST MGTSPH3 BSC Pear Tree House 1911 447785011911 TEST MGTSPH4 BSC Pear Tree House 1913 447785011913 TEST BHAPH BSC PTH 2789 447785012789 TEST BNAPH BSC PTH 2790 447785012790 TEST BXBAH Ericsson Avon House 2116 447785012116 TEST BHILD Huawei BSC Leyland 2484 447785012484 LIVE BXFRM Ericsson Rotherham 1222 447785012222 LIVE BHGGL Huawei BSC Gravelly Hill 2441 447785012441 LIVE BHBLR Huawei BSC Leicester 2442 447785012442 LIVE BHFGL Huawei BSC Gravelly Hill 2443 447785012443 LIVE BHBCE Huawei BSC Carlisle 2444 447785012444 LIVE BHASD Huawei BSC Stafford 2445 447785012445 LIVE BNKSY NSN BSC Swanley 2446 447785012446 LIVE BNGER NSN BSC Esher 2447 447785012447 LIVE . BNHER NSN BSC Esher 2448 447785012448 LIVE BNJSY NSN BSC Swanley 2449 447785012449 LIVE BNNKS NSN BSC Kingscross 2450 447785012450 LIVE BNOKS NSN BSC Kingscross 2451 447785012451 LIVE BNOAN NSN BSC Acton 2452 447785012452 LIVE BNNAN NSN BSC Acton 2453 447785012453 LIVE BXAAH AXE 810 BSC Avon House 2454 447785012454 TEST BNANY NSN BSC Newbury 2455 447785012455 LIVE BHLOM Huawei BSC Oldham 2456 447785012456 LIVE BHACE Huawei BSC Carlisle 2478 447785012478 LIVE BHMOM Huawei BSC Oldham 2479 447785012479 LIVE BHANE Huawei BSC Newcastle 2480 447785012480 LIVE BHAWN Huawei BSC Warrington 2482 447785012482 LIVE BHBWN Huawei BSC Warrington 2483 447785012483 LIVE BHJLD Huawei BSC Leyland 2485 447785012485 LIVE BHKLD Huawei BSC Leyland 2486 447785012486 LIVE BNNBE NSN BSC Basingstoke 2487 447785012487 LIVE BNFSN NSN BSC Southampton 2489 447785012489 LIVE . Comments Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson TEST NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson . Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST Huawei Ericsson Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei NSN NSN . NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN TEST NSN Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei NSN NSN . NODENAME NODETYPE LOCATION RNCEH1 RNC Edinburgh DPC Global Title 2714 447785012714 Status LIVE RNCEH2 RNC Edinburgh 2731 447785012731 LIVE RNCEH3 RNC Edinburgh 2729 447785012729 LIVE RNCEH4 RNC Edinburgh 2732 447785012732 LIVE RNCEH5 RNC Edinburgh 2753 447785012753 LIVE RNCEH6 RNC Edinburgh 2776 447785012776 LIVE RNCEH7 RNC Edinburgh 2777 447785012777 LIVE RNCNE1 RNC Newcastle 2726 447785012726 LIVE RNCRM1 RNC Rotherham 2724 447785012724 LIVE RNCRM2 RNC Rotherham 2725 447785012725 LIVE RNCRM3 RNC Rotherham 2730 447785012730 LIVE RNCRM4 RNC Rotherham 2733 447785012733 LIVE RNCRM5 RNC Rotherham 2734 447785012734 LIVE RNCRM6 RNC Rotherham 2735 447785012735 LIVE RNCRM7 RNC Rotherham 2778 447785012778 LIVE RNCRM8 RNC Rotherham 2779 447785012779 LIVE RNCAN1 RNC Acton 2703 447785012703 LIVE RNCAN2 RNC Acton 2704 447785012704 LIVE RNCAN3 RNC Acton 2771 447785012771 LIVE RNCBE1 RNC Basingstoke 2700 447785012001 LIVE RNCBE2 RNC Basingstoke 2716 447785012716 LIVE RNCCN1 RNC Croydon 2706 447785012706 LIVE RNCCN2 RNC Croydon 2736 447785012736 LIVE RNCCY1 RNC Crawley 1062 447785011062 LIVE RNCCY2 RNC Crawley 1063 447785011063 LIVE RNCCY3 RNC Crawley 1064 447785011064 LIVE RNCER1 RNC Esher 1060 447785011060 LIVE RNCER2 RNC Esher 1061 447785011061 LIVE RNCFA NSN RNC Cardiff 2502 447785012502 LIVE RNCGL1 RNC Gravelly Hill 2710 447785012710 LIVE RNCGL2 RNC Gravelly Hill 2719 447785012719 LIVE RNCGL3 RNC Gravelly Hill 2754 447785012754 LIVE RNCGL4 RNC Gravelly Hill 2766 447785012766 LIVE RNCGR1 RNC Gloucester 2711 447785012711 LIVE RNCGR2 RNC Gloucester 2737 447785012737 LIVE RNCGR3 RNC Gloucester 2765 447785012765 LIVE RNCGR4 RNC Gloucester 2772 447785012772 LIVE RNCKS1 RNC Kings Cross 2701 447785012701 LIVE RNCKS2 RNC Kings Cross 2702 447785012702 LIVE RNCKS3 RNC Kings Cross 2762 447785012762 LIVE RNCKS4 RNC Kings Cross 2761 447785012761 LIVE RNCKS5 RNC Kings Cross 2764 447785012764 LIVE RNCLR1 RNC Leicester 2713 447785012713 LIVE RNCLR2 RNC Acton 2718 447785012718 LIVE RNCLR3 RNC Leicester 2738 447785012738 LIVE RNCMS3 RNC Milton Keynes 2755 447785012755 LIVE . RNCMS4 RNC Milton Keynes 2756 447785012756 LIVE RNCNA NSN RNC Croydon 2460 447785012460 LIVE RNCNY1 RNC Newbury 2705 447785012705 LIVE RNCOM2 RNC Newbury 2717 447785012717 LIVE RNCSD1 RNC Stafford 2740 447785012740 LIVE RNCSN1 RNC Southampton 2715 447785012715 LIVE RNCSN2 RNC Southampton 2739 447785012739 LIVE RNCSN3 RNC Southampton 2773 447785012773 LIVE RNCSN4 RNC Southampton 2774 447785012774 LIVE RNCSN5 RNC Southampton 2769 447785012769 LIVE RNCSY1 RNC Swanley 2707 447785012707 LIVE RNCSY2 RNC Swanley 2728 447785012728 LIVE RNCSY3 RNC Swanley 2767 447785012767 LIVE RNCSY4 RNC Swanley 2768 447785012768 LIVE RNCLD1 RNC Leyland 2712 447785012712 LIVE RNCOM1 RNC Oldham 2708 447785012708 LIVE RNCOM3 RNC Oldham 2727 447785012727 LIVE RNCOM3 RNC Oldham 1065 447785011065 LIVE RNCOM4 RNC Oldham 1066 447785011066 LIVE RNCOM5 RNC Oldham 1067 447785011067 LIVE BSRCY1FGWCS RNC VSS Crawley 2795 447785012795 LIVE BSRCY1FGWPS RNC VSS Crawley 2796 447785012796 LIVE BSRCY2FGWCS RNC VSS Crawley 2797 447785012797 LIVE BSRCY2FGWPS RNC VSS Crawley 2798 447785012798 LIVE BSRGL1FGWCS RNC VSS Gravelly Hill 2759 447785012759 LIVE BSRGL1FGWPS RNC VSS Gravelly Hill 2763 447785012763 LIVE BSRGL1IPC RNC VSS Gravelly Hill 2758 447785012758 LIVE BSRGR1FGWCS RNC VSS Gloucester 2784 447785012784 LIVE BSRGR1FGWPS RNC VSS Gloucester 2785 447785012785 LIVE BSRGR1IPC RNC VSS Gloucester 2783 447785012783 LIVE BSROM1FGWCS RNC VSS Oldham 2793 447785012793 LIVE BSROM1FGWPS RNC VSS Oldham 2794 447785012794 LIVE BSRRM1FGWCS RNC VSS Rotherham 2781 447785012781 LIVE BSRRM1FGWPS RNC VSS Rotherham 2782 447785012782 LIVE BSRRM1IPC RNC VSS Rotherham 2780 447785012780 LIVE BSRSN1FGWCS RNC VSS Southampton 2787 447785012787 LIVE BSRSN1FGWPS RNC VSS Southampton 2788 447785012788 LIVE BSRSN1IPC RNC VSS Southampton 2786 447785012786 LIVE RHCEA Huawei RNC Carlisle 2470 447785012470 LIVE RHEHA Huawei RNC Edinburgh 2466 447785012466 LIVE RHEHB Huawei RNC Edinburgh 2467 447785012467 LIVE RHGLA Huawei RNC Gravelly Hill 2497 LIVE RHGLB Huawei RNC Gravelly Hill 2440 LIVE RHGWA Huawei RNC Glasgow 2469 447785012469 LIVE RHHNA Huawei RNC Huntingdon 2471 447785012471 LIVE RHHNB Huawei RNC Huntingdon 2477 447785012477 LIVE RHLDA Huawei RNC Leyland 2472 447785012472 LIVE . RHLRA Huawei RNC Leicester 2476 RHNEA Huawei RNC Newcastle 2439 447785012476 LIVE RHOMA Huawei RNC Oldham 2473 447785012473 LIVE RHOMB Huawei RNC Oldham 2495 447785012495 LIVE RHRMA RNC Rotherham 2775 447785012775 LIVE RHRMB Huawei RNC Rotherham 2468 447785012468 LIVE RHSDA Huawei RNC Stafford 2475 447785012475 LIVE RHSDB Huawei RNC Stafford 2438 LIVE LIVE RHSDC Huawei RNC Stafford 2498 RHWNA Huawei RNC Warrington 2474 447785012474 LIVE LIVE RHWNB Huawei RNC Warrington 2496 447785012496 LIVE RNANA NSN RNC Acton 2461 447785012461 LIVE RNANB NSN RNC Acton 2462 447785012462 LIVE RNBEA RNC Basingstoke 2770 447785012770 LIVE RNBEB NSN RNC Basingstoke 2492 447785012492 LIVE RNCYA NSN RNC Crawley 2494 447785012494 LIVE RNERA NSN RNC Esher 2459 447785012459 LIVE RNERB NSN RNC Esher 2465 447785012465 LIVE RNKSA NSN RNC Kingscross 2457 447785012457 LIVE RNKSB NSN RNC Kingscross 2458 447785012458 LIVE RNMSA NSN RNC Milton Keynes 2481 447785012481 LIVE RNNYA NSN RNC Newbury 2503 447785012503 LIVE RNNYB NSN RNC Newbury 2504 447785012504 LIVE RNSNA NSN RNC Southampton 2493 447785012493 LIVE RNSNB NSN RNC Southampton 2501 447785012501 LIVE RNSYA NSN RNC Swanley 2463 447785012463 LIVE RNSYB NSN RNC Swanley 2464 447785012464 LIVE RNC012 SPIDERCLOUD Fidelity Surrey 2204 447785012204 LIVE RNC013 SPIDERCLOUD Fidelity London 2205 447785012205 LIVE RNC014 SPIDERCLOUD Fidelity Kent 2206 447785012206 LIVE RNC015 SPIDERCLOUD Vodafone House 2207 447785012207 LIVE RNCBK1 SPIDERCLOUD Blackrock London 2203 447785012203 LIVE RNCFY1 SPIDERCLOUD Faraday House 2201 447785012201 LIVE RNCUB1 SPIDERCLOUD UBS London 2202 447785012202 LIVE BSRPH1FGWCS RNC VSS Pear Tree House 2757 447785012757 TEST BSRPH1FGWPS RNC VSS Pear Tree House 2760 447785012760 TEST BSRPH1IPC RNC VSS Pear Tree House 2755 447785012001 TEST KTRNC2 RNC Pear Tree House 1915 447785011915 TEST OKRNC1 RNC Pear Tree House 1916 447785011916 TEST OKRNC2 RNC Pear Tree House 1917 447785011917 TEST RNCAH1 RNC Newbury 14 447785016014 TEST RNCAH10 RNC Avon house 2745 447785012745 TEST RNCAH3 RNC Newbury 22 447785016022 TEST RNCAH4 RNC Avon House 2723 447785012723 TEST RNCAH5 RNC Avon House 2742 447785012742 TEST RNCAH6 RNC Avon House 2743 447785012743 TEST RNCAH7 RNC Avon House 2752 447785012752 TEST . 2 RNC Pear Tree House 2751 447785012751 TEST .1 RNC Pear Tree House 2748 447785012748 TEST RNCSITT2.RNCAH9 RNC Avon House 2744 447785012744 TEST RNCPH1 RNC Pear Tree House 2720 447785012720 TEST RNCPH11 RNC PTH 2791 447785012791 TEST RNCPH12 RNC PTH 2792 447785012792 TEST RNCPH2 RNC Pear Tree House 2721 447785012721 TEST RNCPH3 RNC Pear Tree House 2722 447785012722 TEST RNCPH4 RNC Pear Tree House 2741 447785012741 TEST RNCPH5 RNCPH5 Pear Tree House 1677 447785011677 TEST RNCSITT1.2 RNC Pear Tree House 2747 447785012747 TEST RNCSITT2.1 RNC Pear Tree House 2746 447785012746 TEST RNCSITT1.2 RNC Pear Tree House 2749 447785012749 TEST RNCSITT3.1 RNC Pear Tree House 2750 447785012750 TEST RNCSITT3. Comments Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Alcatel Lucent Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson . Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Ericsson Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei .Managed by the UK NOC Femto .Managed by the UK NOC Femto . Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei Huawei NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN NSN Spidercloud .Managed by the project Spidercloud .Managed by the project Spidercloud .Managed by the project TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST .Managed by the project Spidercloud .Managed by the project Spidercloud .Managed by the project Spidercloud .Managed by the project Spidercloud . TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST .
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