Columbine Report Pgs 4401-4500

March 18, 2018 | Author: columbinefamilyrequest | Category: Violence, Crimes, Schools, Homicide



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I i , i , I • : I I I i , , - SHARPLEY, T I JC-001· 004402 CONTINU....TlON 0 -- _001", SUPPlEMEl<Ij y JCSO PETERSON !l9-7/il!-S No VICtimWiIMe-1pwRcpon 0.. .... -. COLUMBINE 05-11-99 l- X fiRST DEGREE MURDER X tI {J.w.If1'*Il)."t Recomtl'l¢l'lQ C,uc; 0 ........... 0 ."..,."'''''''' 0 a CI_ a 'Il: I"",,,,, 1__ I- I"""", I WITNESSES, TIFfANYSH.ARPLEY, 008105·23-84 7761 S Yarrow se Littleton. CO80123 303·979-8603 Srudent-Columbine HighSchool HARRY SHARPLEY, OOBIO'J·08-% Same- as above Work,45SSYorkSt JonYe,. CO8021. 303·295-0818 ext. 200 MARY ANNE SHARPLEY. OOBlOJ·29·50 Same as above. work: lucent Technologies West I;10th &;. Heron Streets We"min"er. COBOOlO INVESTIGATION: JC-001·004403 On 05-11-99. [ responded with a leSO Victim Advocate to 776 [ S. Yarrow Street, to interview Tiffimy Sharpley andherfather Harry Sharpley abouttheshooting thatoccurred on04-20·99.t Columbine HighSchool. Tiffany Sharpley seidon04·20·99, "about 11 :20. sbewent mtothecafeteria at Columbine HighSchool to eat lunch Shesaidshebedbeenoutside of the cafeteria in thesouth easrarea, thenwenr inside togOT her food. and wasat the serving line. TiffanySharpleysaid she hadpaidfor her unch when shesawseveral ,llJdelll$ nm toward thecafeteria window on the west side"fthecafOTeri. and look,,"!Side. Tiffany Off'Ker Unit SIlp!'rViJcr lnitiau at!dDtac .\uipeglQ '''' ! M.h 'L"I:l. ....... , or 1 , f :"<\;:;S:.,C",Oil; "1C":"lM $U\ feES 1-''!'f{U I "-SAn.we CONTINUATION (1 So X JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-S (;lXUMCtillJ ew R&pon No Vimm 1'<.- Orip,alltq.'lOrt 0Ik Thill\epon COLUMllINE 05-11-99 i X FIRSTDEGREEMURDER X o Review " i Itlll:lw,ll«l1lln c Clttnrll by A!fftI c o c j } I Il:lew::nrtleol i .... "" r.= f Sherplevsaid a student namedChris Marcumand till'« other srudents carne running into thecafeteria, and were runningbent overandduckingdown, TiffanySlwpley saidso. thought theincident was. seniorprank, however, Chris Marcum toldthem someone was outsideofthe'Cafeteria wUha gun and toldthepeopleinthe: cafeteria to get: downon thefloorand un4erthe tables Tiffany Sharpley said!ltegot downon thefloorandhidbehind a molal cart thatwas neXt to the servingline'he was in, Tiffany Sharpley saidthat shestayeddownthere: forapproximately oneto twominutes andthenseveralstudentsinthe middle section of thecafetena got up and ran towardthe stall's thai leadto thesecondfloorof mehigh school, TiffanySharpleysaidshe began to run with theothei' students towardthe stairs. but remembered chat therewasa restroomnext to the cafeteria that is not used. veryfrequently. sosheran into thisrestroom '0 hide, Tiffany Sharpley saidotherstudenes bytit. names ofJiHShawoski. K;lee Morton. and fourotherstudentS werealready inthe restroom. Shesaidthestudents wereinthestallsstanding: ontopof thetoilet seatsso if the suspectsentered therestrccmthey would not seethe students' feet. TiffanySharpley said willieshe was inside the restroomshe- heardat least rwoshotsand probably mote. [t sounded toher liketheywerecoming. fromthecafeteria Sharpley saidthe students intherestroom didnot know what tc dosotheywaited aboutfiveminutes, andafter not bearing an> additional shots.theybegan to exit the restroom. Shesaida male teacher (unknown name)tow. themto get intothe auditorium where theteachers looked thedoorsandsaidshe hidamong tlleseats highest up intheauditorium. tiffilny SharpleY saidwltil. in the auditorium. she heard what she describedas three to (our explosionsoutsideof the au.ditorium at an unknownlOCa(10n TiffanySharpleysaidthe students remainedinthe auditorium foraboutthirtyminutesbeforethe exitedto the doors underneath the stairs. randown the hallwaypast the foreign language department. out the doorsandacross SouthPierceinto Leawood Park whereseveral other students were at Tiffany Sharpleysaidabout ten minuteslater all the people in Leawood Park suddenly bega.., to runand scaner fromthe park. so she beganrunningfromthe parkalso, runningeast boundon west Fair Avenue She saidshe did not knowwhy the studentswerel"Ul':1ZUtlg. but later heardIt was: because!hestudentsin theparkmayhave beenshot at by the suspectsat ColumbineHigh Scbool, TiffanySharpleysaid whileshe 'WaSin the park, she did not hear any gunshots. nor did she see any ofthe suspects or other students with guns at Columbine HighSchool. Tiffany Sharpley said shedid not see anybagsresembling theduffle bag. laterrecovered inthecafeteria. prior toor during the incident She also said she did not see thepropanetank JC.o01- 004404 Tiffany Sharpley saidshedidrsxhave My information toprovide about theTn:nch CoatMafia other than to saythat e\-er; body ,crowSig,rtJ;t'Uc* !Jllil NlL'lllltt $upcf\li$l}l' tMlalsmti Auigtli:oTQ PJglt I A-f..t-: . t ......... ....,..., """'"" "' l ...c \ srects ! '"'" I -,SAf1.ir98 CONTlNlJAnON 1:1 -- -"""" SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 9\1.7625-5 elISa Repton No. Victim"'tIM0riaWJ R.i'pOrt C COLUMBINE 05-11-99 X FIRST DEGRn MURDER -...... "'" X 0 RccomtnQld Cau: ..,"" " itI>l:1iW-1nt::io>n c Ci.ndIrrAnW 0 - C C10S1.1Fe c 1 I_ I Stria! NIl r.= I ! VlJue "",- wasafraidof th"mbut'''thougbl t!Iey were ajoke." Tiffany Sharpley said'Mhad"'" seenthe TrenchCoar MatiaSMi<lnt.> Cause anyprcbtcms. She said some time thissemesterpriorIII the ,boo"l1ll Incl<!ent. site talkedto suspect Eric Harris.boot a !Hend ofhen, KatieThompson. gomgto thepromwith""""'" Hams. Shesaid she didnell recall anythingunusual or .tratlge about this ccnversation. TiffanySharpleysaid she did nOl knowsuspeot Klebold WIlen I asked Tiffilny Sh"'1'leyaeou; the other TrenchCoat Mafia students. she estimatedthere were: about six members and said. me recalled a malesubject she believedto be. Trench Coat Matia studentw.lking in a baJiway at Columbine HighSchool. SM describedhimas a male,tall, wearing an anklelengthleamertrench coat, and didnot tt<:all any other dotlling other thana baseball cap wornbackwards. Shesaidshe wouldsee this personafter a scienceclass buteculd not provide any further information about him, Tiff:my Sharpleysaid she left her backpackowide of tbe cafeteria anddescribedit as a bright blue "Timberland' backpack. TIffilny Sharpley saidshe dees not know of anystudents making explosive devicesamlIor possessjng firearms, Shesaid'be bas norheardany rumorsof thiSnatureeither. Tiffany Sharpleysaid on 04-20·99. she was wearinga whi", "Billabong"shtrt, .1..jeans and blackslip on '''0:' TheJCSOVictimAdvocatewith meduringthis interviewwith TiffanySh"'1'ley advisedher andher father, HarrySharpley. to contact heroffice if they neededanyassistance inthefuture. I alsogave them my business cardandtoldthem to contact me with any furtherinformationor if they neededmyassistance. DISposITION: Open, pendingfurther investigation. JC-001- 0044115 Offutt SigJIAruU Unit Number initill$W om A.ssipetl T'" !"llill! ! Ail - .,- 1-. , ,r ! Jll.l{<I'."":" I VI\t:'rl SUVlCl!$ j "SAFJ mJCSo'I6'':'''' . I ' I ' , I - I ' I .. I , I ( : \fY,.., I " s: ' T I ' 1"'" "1:' I , ',II' I ' , I I , I I , I I I / ...." II'::" s" I ,I I - i ! -, -; , , , 1 i ! , . I ' i ,! s-, Ii, ""'0 I It: II 1 1 .--- P , II"" 1 II: ;! ll , ! -...:;/ I'd I I ' I : : 1 , ' ::: i i I f , ' T! , I : T' I f , , '" I I I f I : , I : I JC.o01- 004406 : Jl I I ' I' i it ; II : \ l i! : II I II ' 11 ! Ii i I : l i ; : I II'"" ill'!":1 ! ; : I t i , f ' l -,IA: I I I : !.; i I \,' (1,..1\ V I r"" !'-=.""': ....,. : i:. I ' --, I • 'j I I , , I e...,;, 1".1; I ! I!! I I I \ :,..;: I \.1"1) I ' , : I i I : I I , i , I ""'"' I I'f':;'\ I I ( '" 1 I I I \:..Y 1 I ' ; I i : -.:;:; , I I ( "" , ... , ! I I , I ! I , , , I , , I ;;; 1 , , I I , , I : '\..'=; : , j ! , .,' I 'I ! ,0:: , ..."".' , ! , ! I , ,I , -,- i ..... I t: i I I ... ; d ! , I I ! , J., "': f I - SBErFIE:LD, K. JC.o01- Q()4407 5UJ>PLEMENTAL REPORT •.•.•.......••.•...•.•.•..•...•.•..•••••.......•..•.•.•...........••.•.•' lleieJldallr. HAIUUSIKI.EllOUl Dot<: May 13, 1m DeputyDA: FBI CASE4-DN·57419 WITNESS CONTllOI. NUMBER; 3028 ICSDCASE99-1625 Dod<otN_ ea.o Number. 99A062 lnveotiplOl:: DoyIo, PI Reponing u>VosUp",r, P1, Doyle, is • coIlllllis>1Ol1Odl"""" oftlw employed bytllt DisIri<l A''''mey in tllt First Judicial Dill101<I """'"" lell<,.,,,, IIlId CUp", COUlllle>. I .... _yassigned to wISt in -willi ""....... !romCoI_HighSchool. On May 13, 1mI spa"" with Kristonl... Sheffield, • sopbolllOlO, DoB: 5·21-83 1556PatkView MOllOllliIl LinlolOl1, CO 303979-4308 Her mother is .A..WJa Herfatl>tt isiolm Pager. 303851-5701 Kristeu' 5 father was present durin; the. ~ w . Kristtmtoldmt thefollowing: Shewas in aliller _ ontllt mormng of Apl"J ro", Shewe", '0 lunch" _, 11:15or so, see wetl' to ner"010"" talw.! to herfneods: Nicole La_n, AlldraLaUllOT 8861 W 1'ro1lJ"" Pi. l.ittl<1<>o 303979·3705,Lauroo 8o_!Un. Sulliv... Sarah D<ldriII, Beeca Goodwio. am! La"" Ko.".y, They ...ere sinlllg" tablo!lN, Kri'Stcn saiddla' Mr, _ came IIlId TOI.. """ODe ,. p, Ulld<r !>bIos, So. am! bee ftieod.1; pushed tlltir Oackpacks .waylilld tllt. go' 1Illlll:r th<ir",ole, Sho<lido" knowwhal wassoinll 0.. She tOOug.llt itwu a $OulQ-rprmk ornsaybe af\gb.t She JOC ~ t b e table fur something lib a min\1tt', She sawpeopl' tulllling upthesWrs, til<! sheSO' up IIlId .... up the -. Fromthe sWrs, she _left. past tht dJoirroom abd unorb! auditorium. Shesaid that tMfire aWmwent off. Krls... saidthatshe ..... abo'" ISgunshots wh,. she.,.. onthesWrs, Shesaid" scuaded like ... _boIS we", <ominllli'omth' eereer bythepup_Idoos til<! theItO_'S lOUllg<, She saidthe shots sccceee lib, -pcp pcp.pcp". She said it WUD;'t like anl1ltQrnatic JlUlfite Ot amachine gun. Shesaid that the shots wm!: not ''rapi4'''' When she was'in the audItorium and tbe: fir; alarm w;nloff. someone: said. to pt out. Sheran .across thetopof theauditorium bythegym. sne tU bythe lockers and wu gom. tot\Ul>outthe front door, but kid> wm !llI'llillg backilmn theli'oOl<loon, Shebidbebn>d the¢!lars thm lOr. coupleof JC-001· 004408 -.""" !'Ill pur tilefnw door illlntile_yby tile-Iini om... Silol'llI1 01#tiledoor by tile weight rocm. Sher:m to • 11IDIlis ¢O\lll. Shej""'l'"'! over. "'" "'" .. a...... Pllll<. ...... 1Ilata. KristiJl Sllld lllatsilosever51" til< :Iufli!l bacs in til< cafeoma or IDyo"" _ tiI<m anywbere in tile.....l, ShesaidU1at silodi<ln', bowE.ri< Harris andl:»ianKlobold, bot bid seentiI<m lutheballs pri",:" til< 20", ShedidIIOtlft til<mtha,M_yorT""'y. Krisumdoom', ... thelllrmlet S.. <!oesl:l', IalDw _ withllle double"""," eye\>ro.... Silodi<ln', ... lbollcbelNewsN_tha' dly. Her"'" pa<l< ill. ""'iddie Bauor_ her !loot>iDsidt. She alsohadl.ft ..... birldm and""'l'- booksin her locker, Adiagmn of tilecafeoma is._to Illis "'J'OI'l. No _luformation at Illis time, 5 - / ~ - :9 ,. JC.(J01. 004409 - - - - - , - - - , , , l ! \ ; , 1 ' T: 1 ! ! I 1 I .. 1 I 1 ., 1 : , I , I' , i : I ; ; I ! .. 1 'T I I I , I I I 1 T - I [ I ' 1 , , , T T 1 ' I I , i ; : I I I , , , 1 I 1 : j i ! i I I .:.- .. '-.;..-' , I , j I I I I I ' , ! ' , I I \-<,j. I l"'J 1 I 1 -I \ . : jl .lSa....1 \ 1 ! I , 1 I 1''1'') I I '';;:t I \. '1 1 ;::;;;:- \""rJ : 1 1 ' i - I : ':- , I :\Q :;:;::: 1 VI}! I 1 I i i , , 1 I '" ' - I , ,r", I 100:;1" ?' -v , \;Y I \.., )' 'I j , l I 1 , ',: I I 1 u,... If' I , I ! I : ! 1 i i > , ... i ; : i l : ! 1 'Ii!> I j '-:;;;; I \ lZ : I ! ! : -I r: 1'" I ,.. \ ! \ j , , ! . I 1 1 I 1 1 , I , , 1 , ;.. \ .... ! I ...-.:-.. I /' (""-) I '-" --- , I I , ! 1 : i , I I ! l i ' 'I 1 i ' I I I I J ! T i ! -:-, 1 ' l j I ! - -: ! 1 1 1 I ! 1 1 t - - , , , , ; J I I ,I I ;-, 1""\ r:::, ""l" 1 ' I j 1 \ J I ( , I I - JC.oo1·004410 , SIIOli'NER, J. Jc.o01.oo4411 ASSIGNEDTO, AgentLarry A. Brown, Colmc:lo B...... of !avesOgaOOll. 690Kipling St.. Suit<4000. Dollvel'. CO. S02125. POQoe (303)239·.121 L DATEIllME uf INTERVIEW: May 2:3. 1m, 10:00 ..... PlACE ufINTERVIEW: 7029S, w.- St., Littlctoo. CO. 80123 DISPOSmQN: INTERVIEW OFTHEroLLOWlNG: JamieLydiaSHOFNEIl.. OOB: 04-08-34. 7029S. Web,,,, St., Ultleloo. CO. 8012:3. pbooe(303) 789- 1986 SHOFNEll. s.....-I t!lat'b. w.. "'" • lllIOmbor 01 I_bCOlit MalIa (TCM) iIIlddid.,,, co..idor_f to be '" associ... of <llo group. so. admitted dla< weal> black I.sIlins oliOllllut!bey eremostly of rockbands onlOU! with lbcir CODCC!rt datesaDd loca1ioas on meback. 11:lo oal)' TCMmembersshe knew ...... IlARIUS ... K:L:£l;OUl, Sheknew KLEBOLD asan acquaintance. T'b.ey would occasionally walk. around the schoo! togetherbur sse did notseebimawayfromSChOOl settings. Sherecalled one- daywhen sbewasWIth himanda few of hisfriends """'deof!be school at adesil!,1l1t" ,moldng"... K:L:£l;OLDwas given all:Ot from"" 1llllalowo magaziDc regattling normaloy Tho test indl"'llld lllat Kl..EBOLD was normal ..d SHOFNEll. ",,4 ,be was ,wpnsod at tho result. So. stlllJ!dsae_ght Kl..EBOLD was strlngo_ .. be alway, wore bi' ,uoglamo, Kl..EBOLD bad IOI<l h« dla< bepill!be.-ntwo III _ blllld10d doU"" forbis , ••glasses, 00. daybewas " scbool .. appoollO<l verydepreosod iIIldbe!Old !lorit was _110bt<>b his,unglasses. so. described Kl..EBOLDS .ormaI a_asblack CO"""" T.sIlinsedhisblack !tlIllch coat. KLEBOLD once told her bewantedto buya bright rwilearl1er jacket. KI.EBOlOnever gaveher anyindicatiOD that he was piaMis:lg or capablecommitting the attackon the scbcol, SHOFNER W<1 she only knowIlAIl.ll.lS by !WIll! and'igbt so. onlyspoke to him illpassmg '" the scboo! andotten sawhimin the commons, SHOFNER t recall ever ba.ving a conversation with HARRlS. SHOFNEll. stared dla< ,he IV" ill the 00=0, oam. day ofm. attael< aim. school. Shesaid ,be was lying onth. fioor of m. c'"'''.''''' to... 1011 of m. st.", wim Moliml SOWDER.l<ocy FALLER ana , senior Student from Shilob namId Chad. Shecould not recall Chad's i:1St name. Sherecul1ed a ja.o.itor came intothe eommcnslUld toldeveryone to get down. Shebeardcce or two sbou andlllQQd explosion SCHOFNERthen ran into the audItorium 3rJd u.$«lme stairs to make bet wayupto the main. levelof the school. She ran out througb the fronr doersand into the parking lot. She thenranto Clement Par!<. SHOFNEll. said... <lid not... any largo duff.1 bago intheeote!eria Of ... any_ """)'ingdufft!1 bags or large backpa-cks ie or around the Shealso said sbedidDot seeHARRIS, KLEBOLD or anyother members of the TCMon meday of we :mackor the dayspreceding theattack. SHOFNER saltllllo1.1l hot hook paok ill ... commo.. anadescribedit .. beingblack ill color wltb ... word •Nirvana' and a smiley face onit. Also. the word 'RASPL'TENlA' was wrinmonit withgreen lettering. Thecontent$ of ibebackpackincludeda Yfari1yn MansonBiography. blackspua: tlotebook. maiceup kit. and an onnge in color biaitbNsb, Sheleft a large. black. art hookOIl me floorotlt.t to the !lackpaok. SHOFNl'Rsaid,he was weanog 01..,Jew andblack I·shirt !'rom... band'Tool', SHOF':'v'ER claimedshehad not heardof any mformation tegatditrg other suspects, weapcns, or bombs, Shealsosaid that &he raze!)' uses the tnte1'1let anddoes DOt havea screenname WheD asked if sbeknew anycltle with adoublepietted eyebrow, she. said 00. JC.Qll1.004412 Wbeo .-ifshe _«I __said "'" llalel 1'1..... 1'1_.. "'" day of "'" :uta<:k,she _";"_8to dle.ff"", .f 'keepy backpack. close becowe be amllIem' She said !bequesllo••r!be dayblllil .._Sto dowith !betoliwi>i.. """""" 'The Slnlpaot><'. Ac<:ordlng to SHOFNER. me Rebel 1'1ews N_is rapocl daily lIIId !be ~ obooJd beIt !beJCbooI. SHOfNER blllil •• flll1lier illlormali•• ",pnliDl 1CM_ OJ'!be 3l1Ill:k onColuml>ioo> lllgb SobooJ JC.o01.00 4413 Arvada Police/Court System Arvada Police Department NAARATIVlt 1. 05/21/1999 Ref '# 99-12067 Type ASSTOA 6201 S PIERCE ST Reported Date Time 12:J$:32 Status RTF O!T90 05/2611999 052.99IVONDEROH!IKK The followifi9 supplement is in r&ferenee to Arvada Police Departmeht CR 99-1206', which will correspond with the Jefferson Sheriff's Department CR 99-7£25, regarding the Columbine Scheol $hooting$!murders tb.t on 04/20/99. 10 Detective Jim Vondcrohe is a memDer of the task force was formed and charged with the duty investigating the Columbine High School shootings/murderi and as part of this ••Iignment, W&$ to investigate regarding this inoident. IO was assigned tDN1113 that involved a party identified &s Jamie Shofner Thie lead indicated that Jamie Shofner left her second hour class at ffigh School on 04/20199 upon a request by her to respond to the school in order to get ice for ill; welt or a burn sh. had on her hana. The lea<i information further indicated that she also wore a trench coat On OS/25/99 IO telephoned the Shofner residence which is located at 7029 South Webster Street, Colorado, 80123, telephone 10 with Jamie Shofner, who seated he: date of birth was 04/08/84 &nd that she was a freshman at Columbine High school. At this time she advised IO that the previous day, OS/24/99, she was interviewed by ca! Agent Larry Brown regaxding her acquaintanceship with Eric Harris and Dylan Kleoold, After 10 confirmed that she had been interviewed by Agent Brown in det&il regarding ebe investigation of the At Columbine High School, 10 did not any further questioning regarding the suspects involved in this incident. 10, however, did the fact that she was not asked in her interview with Agent arewn why she left clas$ on in Order to get ice for her injUry. 3amie Shofner advised 10 that on 04/20/99 she did in face leave her cla$S in oroer to go to the $chQol nurse's office but upon arriving there, found OUC that the school nurse was not there that she then went to the administration office and was able to get some crushed ice from a male coach in order for her to apply to her wound. Jamie Shofner advised IO that when she left her class in oraer to respond to clinic, she was escorted by who is the school security officer. She further scated that after ahe ree.ived the ice from the male coach, she then got a note in order to go back to her math class which she did Jamie Shofner advised 10 that on the previous day, she stayed harne from school claimed that she had a sore back. She stated that While she was home. a that attends elementary school came over to Visit her. She stated that this time, ehe was bored so 9he put $alt on her arm and then put ice over it and kept the ice on the arm for as long as possible. She stated that by doing this, she cau,ed a burn on her arm which is why she left her math cla9s on 04/20139 in order to get some ice in order to cool the .ensation, 10 then Shofner as to where she waa on JC-o<I1· 004414 Arvaaa Police/court Arvada Police Oepartment NARR.ATIVS Page 't: OS/27{lH9 Reported 04/20/1999 Time Status R'!1' Ref 11 99-12067 Type ASSTOA Location 6201 ST OET90 05/••/1999 OS2599/VONDEROHE/KK at the time that the shootings at Columbine High school, stated that she was in the commons area with her friend$ and that the $hooting began, she ran the auditorium/stage room. She stated that from this location $he then r4tl. through the front doors, whieh had befln shot out, alon'S w-it.h her friends. 10 also que5tioned Jamie Snofn.r as to her owning a black trench eoat with her that she did have a hlack trench coat but that it wa$ ohly kn•• length, she stated this coat WAS originally her mother's and that she hOrrowed it from time since she liked it so much. She advised to that she definitely was not with the Trench Mafia group or any of its associates. She did state, however, that she would occasionally say "hi" to S:ric as they passiitd in the hallways at school but had no relationship with him or Dylan Klebold, Since Jamie Shofner had been p4eviou$!Y interviewed by CSl Agent Brown, IO concluoeQ this interview with her with no further questions being asked &t this JC..o01·oo4415 SHllLTZ,A \ .- JC.o01·004416 SllPPt=AL gPO!!.T D"fe"daJ:>t: DAte: Deputy D.A.: (columbine shooting) 051299 Doe.ket Numl:>er: case Numl:>er: Inv.stigator, 99A062 (AA) 99-7625 Mike Ileylin WITNESS: A1eana Shultz DOS: 062284 6394 S. Jay Way Littleton, CO S0123 303-730-8090 c/o mothe.. ; Linda Shultz (w) 303-761-7257 fathe.. ; Lee Shultz (w) same as home -CIlS student; in cafeteria at tabl" a for lunch with candace Haywood, Lacey HeM, Brittany Weeden, and Candyce Therrien; saw two possible female associates of trench COat students under stairs for lunch hour named Kelieea Sowder and Courtney vannelli ran out of the school with another student from th" cafeteria named Jennifer Barnes; no suspect information, no duffle bag information INVESTIGATION: On May 12, 1999 at 1008 hours r contacted Aleana Shultz at her home for an interview. Her parents were present. Also at home was her brother, Kale", who was in the tech lab "'hen the incident started. I also interviewed him after Unna. Aleena then told me the following: * She is a freshman at Columbine High. When asked, she did not know Eric Harris, Dylan Inebold, 1 JC..oo1·004417 • She has seen 3 or 4 trench coat students before around school and said that she has seen them hang out under the stairs by the commons during A lunch. She did not know any of their names. • She did say that on the day of the shooting, she saw two females who she thought were associated with the trench coat students sitting under the stairs by the commons. She said one Waa a Meliasa Sowder who is in her 4th hour acience class. She saw a second girl under the stairs in the same area aa Melisaa SOWder but ahe did not know if that girl was friends with Melissa. She thought the name of the second girl was Stephanie, but after looking at the yearbook, she identified this girl as Courtney VanDell. Shn did net know what Melissa Sowder was wearing w h e ~ she saw her but said that Courtney VanDell usually wears all black. -- She not see any trench coat student or. other associate at school the day of the shooting. She has heard of the name "Trench Coat Mafia," but thought they were just another school group. * She saw no obj eeta out of pla"" the day of the sbooting. When asked spe"ifically, ahe did not see any duffle bags. * She cou.l.d not rememher what she was wearing the day of the shooting. • On the day of the shooting, she got out of her 4th bour science "lass at 11,10 a.m. She said that the Melissa Sowder was in that class. When she got out, she walked west along the interior sden"e area hallway with Ieaiah Shoels who was also in that clasa. As they got to the stairs, Isaiah headed to the library like she knew he usually did for lunch time. She went down the stairs and to a group of tables in the southwest area of the cafeteria. She said ahe said "Hi" to a few people and then went to her table. • Looking at the diagram, she thought she was at table N, 0, Or Z. lJpon checking the baclq;>ack list, she agreed that she was at table 0 with sOllIe of her friends. She Bat at c'hat table with JC-001· 004418 Candace Haywood, Lacey Hobn, Brittany Weeden, and Candyce Therrien. She did not know Candyce Therrien by name that day, but looked her picture up in the yearbook to find out her name. • She did not get up to go to the lunch line as she has, Sth hour off. She usually gets her lunch between the A and .B lunches when the line" are smaller. • The first thing she noticed shortly into the lunch period were teachers running east along the lunch lines yelling for everyone to get d""", and under the tables. She saw two janitors along the south -doors yelling the same thing. She thought it was a senior prank. She did get down under the table. She did not have a backpack with her but had a school binder on the table with her name on it. i; She was under the table for a minute or two and did not hear anything. She said that people in the patio began running into the cafeteria from the south doors and tbat everyone in t r . . e ~ cafeteria began running up the stairs or down the foreign language hall. She did not know what was going on, but ran up the stairs with the others. • Dnce at the top of the stairs, she turned left and encountered teachers telling everyone to slow down. She then heard what she thinks were gunshots, one right after another. She and a Jennifer Barnes, who was also from the Cafeteria, ran down the· hallway by the science area and straight out the east doors to that hallway. • She did Jennifer ran mom. not hear anything while outside the aeheeL. She and to a friend's house Jennifer knew and she called her • She heard to said that it was about get down to when she was 3 5 minutel.l from the out of the school. time she first JC.o01-00441& This concluded my interview with Aleana Shultz. Date 4 JC.o01· 004420 SIDES, O. JC.o01· 004422 CONTINUATION C _........, C&IIe: A.epcI't !-to SUPPLEMENt 'l{ JCSO PETERSON 99·7625-V Vi\1im1'01_ 0riIiMI Rq:Ion _ThlJ,,-> COLUMBINE 115-14-99 T - X FIRSTDEGREE MtJRDEJI. """""s-. "'" X C ............c..:, _.. C I\e<;lwit'lCilrion C c.-.,._ C - Q C1<lilD'll C 'Il:' I_ I ''''''No," 1- 1-... v_ W1TIiESSES: DANIELLE JOSEP!itNE SIDES, DOllfll·2S-83 5918 S, Newland St. Littleton. CO 80123 303-798.0045 Student-Columbine HighSchool STEVE SIDES, DOBI09.o3·50 Same asabove Work: 71\4 W, Jefferson Avenue, #30S Lakewood. CO80235 ;03,985-\901,e",,117 VlCKlE SrDES, DOIlfOS·28·51 Same as above Work: Tramp Master 12th &: UllIWilia Denver, CO80216 303-Si:!-1402 LWESTIGATlON: JC.Q01·004423 On05·\4.99," abeur 0900 hours. J responded to S91S5, Newland '0 ccraas and interView wimess Oalliene Sides, interview wasin reference to the shooting., Calmbin< High School on04-20·99, TIllS wlmess Danielle Sides was interviewed withher father, wifnw 5"'ve Side" being present. Danielle Sides told me the IOffttetSlgn;N1.ln Unit Nllmblllr SupcrYisor lniU&b _ DW' IAssiane:d TQ ''I' ! i AP.-- "" ... """" 1 of 1 l O«JChA" I NvtS11C4fOt V!C'l"lIWUtVlCQ 1."". I As,<n_JCSDtl". CONTINlATION 0 SL.'PPLEMEm y following. Jeso PETERSON ViC1Im Name (mIUl41 COLUMBINE 06mIr: SiIm.s: 0,." X Clam:! 1:1.,. AmI! Cl 'Um'-.cIId 1/9.1625-V 1U¢ommmd(w: Rt ... :: r Closurt c j On04-20·9<) between 1110and 1115 holll'S, 'he arrived in the cafeteria at Columbi"" HighSchool. Danielle Sides said'he seleered a able '0 sit at. andshewedmeonthodilli\'1lll of thecafeterie at ColumbineHiih Schoolwhichtabk 'he had selected Thelableshe said was eitherletter'X' or "Q" onthi, diagmn. Sheadvised ,he hadherbackpack andplaced i' nextto herchair at thetable. Thisbackpack was • llIlvy blue,black andred. -ItEr' brand. Dani.Il. Sides saidwhen shesat at theable. 'he as facing inasoutherly din:C!lon. Shesaidthofollowing stIldenlS were present at thetableas well, Diana Cohen7Stephen Coh:o. Sarah Winfrey."and Sean Lee.'"Shesaid otherstudents may have been preeem as well. but 'he did aor recall which ones Deaielle Sid", said'he heard. -hang" and scaeone wid thesrudents inthe cafeteria to getdownon the floor endunderthe tables. Danielle Sides said shebelieved at therime thi' inoidenl was some typeof. seniorprank. She saidsuddenly while she wasstill under the table. students'began to set upand runin aneasterly direction toward the stairway that leads to thesecond floor at Columbine High School Damelle Sidessaid she crawledonthe floor tothis SUlt"1oVIY. then 'Ot upand beganrunning 4' the stairs until she got to the platform. in the middle of the staIrway. Shemenbegan helping other students up the stairs by pulling theoneswhoweretOO scami to run. upthestairs, DWeUe Sidessaidwhile helpingthesradents, sheheard several mort shoe corning from the area of the bottom of thestairway. Danielle Sides saidit sounded as if the shots were <:ommg from twtnr;. feet behind, and said they sounded like the;.' were being shoefrom the cafeteria area up the stairway Danielle Sides said sae couldhear shots hitting the lockers in the hallway at thetopof the stairwa;. DanielleSidessaidat the top of thestatt"'N3), she turned 11':ft and ran down the hallway Danielle SHies said at one point she saw a gunshot shatter the window inthe dooraheadof heras shewasru:nnmg, Daruelte Sides saidshe ranOut of!:he scbcel, tl1rough thedoors. on meeast side of the school. andsaid thet whenshelri<dto runacross South Pierce Street, however, she fell down. Danielle Side, said sheget upandwentto Leawood Park. Dwelle Sides saidthatshedidnotS« either suspectKlebold, suspect Hams,or an: one elsewithanexptcsrve deVice or firearm on Shesaidalsothat shehadno information aboy! the Trench Coat Mafia anddidnot know whosuspect Hanis was. Shesaidsbehadsaidhello to suspect Klebotd as theypassed eachotherinthehallway at Columbine Hiih Sollool. 'PI"" f.... months ago. Shesaidthi' would beenberween the second hourand third hour ofclasses at Colwnbine High Scheel. Shedees notrecall what suspect Klebcld waswearing at thetime. and hadnotseen himstnce. Dante!!e Sidesadded shemayhave seen one other studen who possibly may bea Trench Coat Mafiastudent. at Columbine High School. Sheonlyknew hi' nam<: as Robbie anddescribed him as$'$" to 6'0"tall, about 140 pounds. She said Office Sil'MlllTe Vni, N..."" SIlpe1""l5Ot !nitiaJ$ aMOUt AitipdT-oc JC-001· 004424 J!f) .... vu ..._, .......... I ,f i DJ!lCl'''''' !r'\.Esnc,.;1O. YIl:"'l1\!!SUVJCl:S j Q1'fEll I ASAFH!?8 CONTJl'/UATION 0 'Me' flflllM :'to SUJ>PLEMEl'T y JCSO PETERSON 99-ifi25-V ! No. VII:tU'l'l Nne0ri1itW DaM' Thl!.R.,n. j h- _ X Ft:llST DEGREEMURDER COLUMBINE 05-14-99 0'fl'JrlM:s.m; 0\MI'1 X b.c.,ucmUrc.- Q RtcOmlM!\d cee- bvIew c I I o CItIrWIil't I\lMt c - " Cl""" 0 1= Iitwld l'4mr 1- 1-.. f: i hewema alackbaseball hat backwards andsaidt!lmwas an"",,,I,,,,, of an unlw<>wn 'YP" on the back of dlisbaseball cap. She saidhealso wears ablackankle1000gth trench coat made out of. <al1vas'YP" of materiaL Shesaid he wore blackcargo pants andblack military type cf'boots. ADDmONM INFOBMATION: DorUeIl. Sides advised methatsh. has hunt.ed andsbmfu:earms wilhher family in thepas' andshe saidshe, therefore, IS f"",mar withfirearms and lau:w whatthey sound likewhendi",ilargcd. Daniene Side,toldmethat. friend cfbers. HaM.a SheelyjaColumbine HighSchool sophomore st1lden' whclives inthe Grant Ranch area. phone number wasin thescience room when the shooting occurred. She saidsilt believes Sheet} sawthesuspects on04-2Q.99 Shealsosaidherbrother. TylerSides (DOBIOI·l1·80\ recalled on. or the suspects hadbeen 10 a German <las> oflu. in 1998. Danielle Sidesbelieved it wassuspect Horri.1>ut Was notcertain. Steve Sides saidhewould have Tyler-Side contact me. I left Danielle Sidesand SteVen Sides mybusiness cardandt-old them to contact me ifthe)' wanted to .alkto a I C.S 0 Victim Advocate. I toldthem I would make the necessary amngements for themif the:' wished. DISPOSITION: Case remain. open.pending furlller investigation. JC-001. 004425 Uml --_. o 00 00 000 o 0 0 0 000 o 00 00: 0 Cl \b ." _. OO{O 0 O ~ .. ~ ~ ~ o 00 cia nOO I • o .,JJ ~ I l - Q 0 ::J O -0 ::l! ;= 00 i' 0-""" .. '-' 0 0 1i"""Il'-- 00 0 I NORTH » Jc.oo1.004426 I : i! I!: I . I I ( . \ ,)( r- ' I ;""n" ;, 1&' i I :... ::: i!;, I I 1 • I I 1 T I : I ' I I , I , , I , • • f ! I Ir'\ I 1 , Ii /I I I, I , . If A • I I • , ,,, i \C.1 I (l!;11 I • I I ". I : : I I . , I i : , I \..:7. .,,-...: I ! i I 1 , . 1 '\"') I \(") , , I • I I ,-..., ."..".., I'oj',.:::::s I, 'F[., :.""" II I , , . , • I: -,- I , !: I 1 IX, r--, .,......,. 1M I I II , I , I , ! , , I I I I ' , 1 I , , I '" I I : : i , I . I' II II Ii . t ...\ 1 i \.. : : 1 I I I 1". 1 : I . , I I , ,"" J., I I I I ' I I' I" 1/ '\ I I 1 • , I I I I C:, I "I .. I ; , ! I ! i : I I . I • I I !!V1I I I I : ! i I I :"- ! "'-"' 1 I I 1 I - I I I""" I I ,I (=1 1 ( '" 1 i ( " \ I j ( , II ,.....-.1 .....-.1 I I i, ! I - I I J : j \..i,j , I I , ! ': I /' I I I ,-- I 1 I , I • i I ! ! i j , 1 I I ! I I i I Jc.o01• 004421 SI!'IINGTON, 1'. JC.o01· 004428 ·NTlMJATlQN o -.- -"""" c. A.icp:lrt >PLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-76l5-T lK'IitI8e...t No VicUm Name RqIon lloMThio_ COLUMBINE Q5.1l-M - X FIRSTMGREE MURDER X .- 0ftilMt SoDa: Opel _c-. e RM po r 1Cal«; - " c CIMnw:I A.mIIi " - c C.... " lahlni:lNl.ll'lolt Ie-_ I....... l'.= I I WlTNESS£S: PATRlCK JOSEPH SlMlNGTON. OOBl06-I5-82 11692 WestHi.leah Place L.ittleton, COS012; 30.;·9;9·7189 Studenl·ColUlllbine HighSchool TOMSIMINGTON Same as above. !cr' SIMINGTON Sameas above. INVESTIGATION; On05·12·99. at about 1100hours. I responded to 11692 WestHialeah Place. to interview witness PatrickSimington andhlS mother, wimess Kelli Simington••bout the $hooting that occurred onColumbine HighSoilool on 04-20-99 Patrick Simlnlllon told melbal be gOI IntO the cafeteria of Columbine HighSchool on 04-20·99at .bout 1105 hours. Patrick SImington saidhe8"t his food and then$Ot down at a tableandput hi' black"No...h Face"backpack en the floornext tohim. ThetablePatriok Simington sat at ""'" on the east $ide of the e.t!eterla neat the middle. PatrickSimington showed me onthe diagram of thecafeteria at Collltl1bine HighS<:bool thatlie wassitting at either table "U" or"V." He saidalsositting ill thetable / ./ '"' withhimwereBillyl.ittle. Jo'h Bushman, DustyHo!lS<:imieder. andsaidthere wereother""dents aroundthe tablehe was at however. hedoes notremember whotheywere or wheretlley $Ot Paltiek Simington saidhe wasfacinginaneasterl; direction IOWa."'<! the stail'way whileseatedat thetablemd saidntddetlly. approximately ten mhmen $lUdenlS roninto the cafetOri. from our and were yolling thaI """""ne had• gun and romebody had beon shot. Patrick Silllington said the students in the till!l INwtri:tcr •• J Je:,.."... _TO JC-001. 004429 10' I I NTINUATION Cl l\t'\l!MilIl OmCft 'nEMENT x JCSO PETERSON !«Mil Cut No Vfeti,m QripRspart D:lMThil iUptltt COLUMBINE 115-12·\19 - X <- X FIRST DEGIU:E MURDER ""'""- .,... C l\oo:cmrnond ea., RMew Q 0 o..-ilyAtml Q - C CI_ 0 t=: IQo.IIItDy Iblci l """"''''' 1-", C1fet<ria got down an theft"'" and ""dOT the....1es. Hesaidhe staye<! un<\er the",bl. for approximately30 seconds andthen most of theSllJdents in th< cafeteriagOt U!' andbegan to lUll _ thestairway that leadsto the ""'ond floor of Columbme High SchooL P\tt:tie!< Stminlll""said he ran towards th< kitchen """ alongwith Dusty Hoffschneider, losh a...tunan and Decavario(unknown CXJlCt spelling), He saidtitey!'Ill to th< boI;k (north side)ofth< kiil:lu:n to hide. and ilesaidwhenhe tried to took quicldyinrc the cafeteria to see what was takingplace, he saw explosives going otToutside cf' the cafeteria. Patrick Simington saidhe didnot knowhowmanyOXJllosions he h=Ini Ashorttimela"'" he saideeheard a "big hang"(unknown if lliis noisewas 170m. gunshOt or sn OXJllosi". devi",,) Palticl< Stmington saidwilen h.I""ked into th< eareteria, thm wasa largo amount of Sm<:lKe of it, He saidheand the students withhimcouldnot timi a placeto bide' intheJciu:hen. which 11ft them outin theopenonthe northstde of the kitchen, Patrick Simington saidajanitorwhohada C\lVo-way radio. cameintothe kitchen and sat with them. then told me stud<ms to runout of th< we" doorof th< ""f<terianear the faculty lounge. Once Pamck Simington was omof the school. he ran into one of the "'bool par1<ing lots. I showed Pamck SimlllgtOn the phorograp!ts of the duffle bagandthepropane umlc He.aid he did oot seeeither itemprior re or duringthe incident. He also said ile doe' no, knowof anybody who may be making explosive devicesandzor lX',se"ing firearms. Palti.kSimington saidhedidnot knowsuspect Kleb<!ld Of suspe<l Haltis, nor didhoknoW an)'lhingabour th< Trench CoatMalia otherthantosay theywerenever considered to bea threar to anybody Healsosaidhedid not knowanyonewhohada double: pierced eyebrow ADDmQNAL rNFOR.'4ATIQN, Kelli Simingtnn and P\tt:ticl< Simington said that in tlte days mat followed theincidentat Columbine High School, on 04-2()'99. PatrickSimington was havingsome problems coping with this experience. Patrick Simington said he feels he is doing hottercopingwill> it as timepasses. 1gaveboth Patrie!< Simingtonand Kelli Simington my business cardand ""d tltm decide they want to talkto victimad"_te,l wouldmake the """'SIllY arrangement! for them, 1 'QSITION, Caseremain' open. pemlingfurther investigation, JC..o01· 0044:\0 'mar Un.\{ ""'.. InilifJf IIl4 Da A$pcdTo 1 A()'" I <,-,,, ., 1 I ....';;t;!'"l(.\T01t "1C":'\\t Stfl:VIC!5 I ,,"'. I ."SAn .v98JCSJ')llo';4 f "- \ " I . i • I , ! I I · , , I I I I , I , I I ! I • · , I • I , I I i I I i ... ' , I, • , I I I • I I . ," 1"- "Il · 1 I i " I , I , , ,/, I : , 1 i )1>( r-' " ! ;:..., 1/;::;-. , I I , "";t :':'l >' , ! ,-.-/ I\: 'I.. '1') I . , • I I ... ::::"" , I , I I i I I .. " , I I I i I I I , , , . I i I I , i I i , I - I , I , "r.."'1 i , • I l c :-' , .0' i .. I , , I : , I , I [ i: } · 1:'"':} I rr , , ! I , I , , i ! , I \'-..: ; \...;./ , I\.'"J, , . , , I . , , I " I ! , ! I i ;;;'"\ r::--J ,"'"" I r,....... ... " i /"', I .:-J , , . . I ",,-1 I .\1.. < II : \;\ "'I ! \.'""j , , I , , , , I , , ! 1 i.L ..."', " , I , • , : : I i · I , '" ''-c ,'ll< , i I , , : I I I I , , IX : , z»: · iC'\ IX! i , , I I : ! , ! I , i , "J ',1;1 ; C ,! I { .,.; , (it' \ . , , , , I , • I · . . ;--- "-"'II , I i - , , I I I I ' i I ! ! , , I , i , ! , · II : f I , I r=' ' /':':\ »<. I X ! IA' li I , I , , , I I · \.: i\.... \....J I \.>< J i \j"', i 1\=f)1 u ! , , , I I i I : I I ! I I , i I i i i i · i '" I • I I I i : , I I I , , i I I I , i i , t: I I I . , , I , I I , I I , i I , i , , .. i I : I , , i I I , i , " I I , , , I' I I , I , Iii' I'.,.'1 I -e ) I ( .." ) 1 I I , I I , i . I , I : \.'" , , 1 I i I , t: I J , ,..., I' I , I I Ir;;:;>I · I i I I · I I , I , , , I "" , I I I I , , I , I I i ! I , I , I ' (Ni\ . i [l:: , { '" 1 I ( ,.., \ ' If .1 , ! • • I I , , I ! I , I , H I ! '-" I I "-'I I I , I • i , I i I 1 : 1 , I , : I . I 1 , . I . I. io. . .....-: '"", . """" I I : I , , I I I I f. • ""'j I.."'J ' ' ,"=II j ! i ..-.. If '. '! I I . I 1 I I r' , I I I I ,"') . 1\.£)' I <:» , I , I I I . , I , I - · I I /1 I i , I I i , I · II'. , ' II,...·) '/ i I I i 1 \....) ,-..., M\ I f.., '1 1'--" 17 I I , I I i I \.".Ji '.:J I I ; /1 ! : . I • I i · , 1 , ..J..--" I • I ; I , I - I I I C\ rz-; I . 1...- i I I : , I i F j 0· I -- I 1 I i , i , I i I , 1 I i , I ! I JC-<101· 004431 NORTH §> JC-001.004432 JCoIl()1.0()4433 c_No. _ Denver PoRce Department STATEMENT r ..... _ ... .•ti.1i 10 .),... tnlf'ntnt ; . """""-C 0_ 0 wimnl 0 I'«acn ICiviHd $tr ..l Or IE\-\'j-\ eo-"\€>r1 eo...... ·c(') Zlo Code ,..'- () W, n/CIc",,{v Ie. S c-o \;;2. 8' 1,-- --'.'t' r;s No. ®'3.' ·5"1(,8"" '50':; I "!)q. 5;l.\ - - J,:; I'-1 _._A_ C"" ......, ..... IL<PC- Offar 1- "'" riO... _" incNHnt ocCUfring It ILoettkItl ........ ttatanwnt takttl: ")'> (A fleeb e' '"it <":nf' 14 )as :;;4a=t gKlt! .:z=he be X$qlrJ 0\ dM I h4ve reed th, foregoing statement and the f6ctS contllintld the"'" ,,, t1uff to the best of my know/eOgtJ .nd belief. I :10 not m/lint,in rh.t it cont.ins /til of the f.tets Of data/If of th, inciaenr# bvr only those facts about whiCh I have been l!IsJeed. -_/__/_- 0... ClAM --::"""====,,,ClPM tlmlll Stlttmtnt cQfTijiifntld JC.o01· DD4434 mIll 1 Q • · I . FEDEIIAL BLUAU OF INVESTIGATION On 4/27/99, Sarah Slater, Roxbury Drive, Littleton l Colorado l identity of the interviewing Agent, the interview. She was interviewed Father, Graham Slater, DOS 7/.4/54. information. Dot.of-.n 4/.9/99 DOS 6/27/82, 6478 West SOI2S, was adVised of the and the nature and purpose of in the presence of her She provided the following On 4/20/99, Sarah arrived at school at approximately 7:10 a.m. For a reason she could not explain, Sarah had a feeling that she should not have gone to school that day. She attended her normal morning classes, to include her language arts Class. which is her last class prior to lunch period. This class ends at approximately 11,10 a.m. From there she proceeded directly to her lunch period. Sarah was sitting in the cafeteria at table SS or EE. She was sitcing with her friend named Sam Granillo. The only other person that she could remember in the vicinity was Richard Green, seated at a table in their immediate vicinity. They both brought their lunches, and were eating and conversing when they heard a what she believed was a gun shot. At that point, she looked outside the west Windows of the cafeteria, and could see some students running in from the outside, and some students running away from the cafeteria. She also saw Mr. Sanders from the area of the teachers lounge yelling "everyone get down." Sam and Sarah then got down under cheir table, There was a lot of confusion, and some students were crawling away, while some were away. She then took off her shoes, grabbed her purse, and ran towards the kitchen area, As she was going into the kitchen area, she could s"e people ln black entering through the doors with her peripheral vision. As they Came in, they were shooting guns. Sarah and several others, she thinkS about Ie in total, to include 2 female cafeteria workers crowded into a small pantry room. Sarah and Sam physically held the door to the room shut with their bodies. All during thiS time, they could hear shooting, and big bangs. She could hear footsteps in the kitchen, and people were knocking at the door, trylng to get in. No one in the room would say anything to those attempting to get in the pantry. There was a boy that was a who picked up a telephone that was in the room, and contaoted pollce. Sarah could M Littleton, Colorado l'l!e' 174A·J:lN·$7415/ 55-77625( eN DN34 SA Russell J. Atanasio p JC..o01.004435 'n'.lS documer.1 contm rt:eO;mI'Iendations nor condl,WOOS of tile re! It l' tht! property of the F13t axicllS to yo....r q,ency: l: iL'1C as are :101. to be :llSt..-lbUta; l:NU1CC you: age:tC'Y 174A-DN-S7419/ 99-77625/ CN DN1026 ,1'1&< _ not remember the name of this boy. The boy told ehe police where they were at, and their names. This was all done by writing, and no talking, as they did not wane anyone oueside to know that they were in the pantry, At this point, she could still hear shooting going on, but the shots seemed to be getting farther away, Sam and Sa.rah wert! calming everyone in the room, when she heard whac she believed to be the SWAT Team, The SWAT Team then knocked at the door, and identified themselves. Sarah and Sam gradually opened the door, and reali.ed that it was in the SWAT Team. The SWAT Team evacuated the students through a window near the faculty lounge, girls first. From there, they were placed in police cars; and out of the area. Sarah Slater knew Dylan K1ebo1d from helping out with lighting at school plays. She not See Klebold nor Harrls on Monday or Tuesday. the last time that she saw Klebold was the previous weekend at the prom. Klebold was with a daee f but she could zemember whp that was. Sarah knows Zach Heckler fairly well. She had Seen Heckler on Monday, 4/19/99 in the halls in school, but not on Tuesday. She also saw Heckler at the prom with his date, Devon Adams. Heckler hunS out a lot with Dylan Klebold, Klebold and Keckler often got drunk together. They also played video games over the Internet. they played mostly shoot and kill games, with Doom being their favorite. Heckler was often times depressed due to social problems. He had trouble a girlfriend. He would cry in front of Sarah, and get very emotional. During her year, approximately twc years ago, Sarah used to to Dylan Klebold on the Internet. Klebold had a crush on Sarah, and wanted to date her. She did not want to date Klebold and told him no; he did not persist. Heckler also wanted to date her during this same time frame I but she had no interest in dating himeither. Later in the day, on 4/20/99, Sarah talked to Heckler, Heckler, after hearing that one of the shooters was Klebold, that he was sure that it was true, but couldn't believe that Klebold had done this, in fact did not want to believe it, Later that same day, Sarah spoke to Heckler's sister/ Jocelyn Heckler. Jocelyn told Sarah that Zech knew that Klebo1d and Harris had this incidene planned, hut that he never believed that they would carry it out.. JC.o01.004436 174A-DN-57419/ 99-77625/ CN DN1028 • On 4/27/99 •Poce _ Sarah Slater said that from time to time she would see Trench Coat Mafia (TCM) people yelling 'you're going down" to 'the jocKs and athletes. At the end of the 1998 school year during the school morning newscast, there was a graphic represeneaeion of the High being blown up. Sarah believes that this was done by members of the TCM. Finally, on the morning of 4/20/99, the school morning newscsst, Which airs a thought for the day, the thought was something to the effect of 'today is going to be a bad day". Jc.o01" 004437 LAICIWOOO POUCf OIPAIlTMlNT SUPPLllMNTAL ruPORT REPORTING AGENT: KARLA SARNACKl CASE NUMBER:99·38856 YlCT1M: COLUMBINEHIGH SCHOOL DATI OF REPORT: 05/05/99 :'ENSE, AOA/COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL TASK FORCE/JE'FCO SHERIFF'S OFFICE INFORMATION CONTROL NUMBERDN2520. FBI, 1ZAA.oN57419. JgO: CR #99-7625 SUSPECI'S: EricHarris Dylan Klebold SUBJECT' Slater, Sarah Whilefemale, dob:6121/82 6478W. Roxbury Drive Litlleton, Colorado 80125 303·973·5968 Jacqueline Slater (mother) 303·919·6429 (wk) GrahamSlater (father) 303·829·9291 (wk) OBSERVATIONIINVIlSTIGATION, On5/4199 at 0900hours I interviewed Sarah Sillier inthepresence of ber falber at her home. Sarahslated that sherode to scbool with • friend by thename of Anne Bebouneck, themomingof 4120/99. Theyarrived .1 appro:<imately 0710hours ami plllked in thejunior 101 (south sideofbuildiog). Shestaledtheyenteredthe school through the studenlenlralloe onthe southside. Shestatedshe didnot see anything unusual going on outside thebuildingor around theschoolbetween olasses. Sarah stated sheknew DylanKlebold in the 9- aod10" grade but had lost touchwithhim in the II" grade. She knew him by name. She did net knowEricHlllris at all. Sarahstaledshedid net know my of the others in theirtmlch coat mafia group. Sarahstatedthat thegroup, inberopinion,bad beenbrandedwiththisname. Sarah stated shehas language arts during her fourth hourperiod. Sheleft the olus andwentintothe cafeteria Page I of 4 JC.Q01·004439 uuawoOD POUCl DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT UPORTlNG AGENT: KARS.A SAltNACI<l CASE NUMBER: 99·38856 VICTIM: COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DAn OF REPORT: 05/05/99 .'FliNSE: AOA/COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOLTASK FORCE/JEFFCO SHERIFF'S OFf'lCI INFORMATION CONTROL NUMBER DN2590. FBI: 174A.DN57419, JCSO, Cit 199.7625 enteringfromthe stairway. She broughtalongller lunchandsat down withDan Graaille. Sarahindicated tht: palh she tookon tht: aaached diagram, andalso whowassittingwithbert and wheretheywere sitting at tht: table. She statedshe enteredthe cafeteriaapproximately 11 :15and approximately 11:25 was when the commotion started. Sarahstated whatmew ller attentionto the fact thatsomething was goingonwas Mr. Sanders came in tht: west exit door intothe cafeteria. She statedshelookedoutsideandthepeoplewhowere sittingoutsideeatinghegm rumUng around. At the same time, the peoplewhoweresittingnear thewindowsstarted to stand up and approach the west windows. She stated Mr. Sanders went outside then almostimmediately cameback in tellingeveryone to get down. She statedit tooka fewseconds for everything to sink in and for her to figureout thattherewas shootinggoingon outaide. Mr. Sanders looked out the exit door again and then camebackin . .eamingforeveryoneto get dJ;lwn. Sarahstated she heardshotsand at that point took offber high-heeled shoesand grabbedher purse and ran forthe kitchen. Shestatedshe endedupin an L-shaped roomthat had computer and other lunchequipment storedin it. She statedshenoticed that 01.11 of thecorner oiller eye she sawsomepeopledressedin black comingin thewest cafeteria exit door. She lookedbackoverher shoulder whenshe heardshots and she sawwhat she thoughtwasa bulle: hittingnearthe servingline becauseshe saw spm fiy from this point. She statedlIleywent inlothe L-shaped room/office in the kitchenand closedthe door. She statedshe was with SamBumell, twokitchen employees. and approximately seventeen other kids, She statedthey heardgunfire. screams, and explosions. Shestatedshe also heardpeoplerunningaroundand this lasted from 15to 20minutes. She stated theybeardfootsteps outsidethe door, Sarahstatedthe refrigerator was next to !heroomshe wasin andit sounded as if someonewas bangingor movingthings around in the refrigerator, She alsoheard• walkie-talkie, but shecould not understand what was being said, She statedthen someone knockedon the door andaskedif anyonewas in there, The personthen triedto open up the door, She statedone shot thenrar.g OUIand It hit somewhere close to thedoor. Againthe Page20f 4 JC.o01.004440 LAKJWOOO pOucr OfllAJItMlHTS/JPPUMlNtAL fllpOflT REPORTING AGENT: KARLA SARNACKI CASE NUMBER, 99.38856 VICTIM' COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DATI OF RlPORT, 05/05/99 'FINSE, AOA/COLUMaINE HIGH SCHOOLTASK FORCE/JaFFeO SHERIFf'S OFFICE ltIFORMATIONCONTROL NUMBE!!. ON25!O. FBI: 174A.DN57419. JCSO, CI!. #99·7625 personon thoother sidetried to openthodoor. Silo staledtbore wu onellUY in the I'OOlIl that wason the phono to DenverPolice. Theperson outsidethe doorthenwenl away. Sarahstaledshe thenhoardshots inthe distance. Shostaledtheyhad bardcadedthemselves inside, putting heavyobjectsin frontoftho door. SiloSlated theywere tryingto calm downand theywrote downtheir names, telephone numbers and theirparentsnames for theDPD officer onthe phone. She Sl.a!od she did not knowhow muchtimehad passedal thaI point. bUI she addedthat shehad stayedin the room fur almOSI throe hours. Silostatedtheywere warnedby theofficeronthephonethat theywould hear llUftshots from a SWATteam, Theywerelaid10 get down and stay quiet. Silo staled theyheardgunshots andradios. Theythen heardloud voicesfrom SWATloammembers. Silo staledsheheard them in therefrigtraUlr firstwhentheyyelledout "pO! • .U" handsup!". She slatedthis seared her sinceshelhoug!1t potllapsthe suspects were in the room next to btl. Theythen tried10 push the door open, hut the occupams in thoreamdidnotmove lbeheavyobjects. They asked if anyone was in there, andtheyeventually realized that it was thoSWATteamoutside. Shestaledthey took thogirls out first and linedthemupagainstthewall. Shestatedtaat afterthey left out the faculty lounge window she sawDaniel Rohrboughlayingonthe cement. andthenshesawa girl layingon the grass. Sarahhad indicatedon theattached diagramwhich pam'he took to get 10her table aIler 'he camedown the stairs. Sheindicates she sal al table number EI!. Sarsbstatedthat she noticed a larg•• four 01 five foot, medium blueduroe bagsittingnext to this IShle. Silo statedthat it was full andshe triedto push it asidewithher foot. Sheaskedaround her1Sh1. if it belonged 10 anyone. Sheslatedil was SO heavyshe couldnot push il withher foot and'0 shejust Slopped over it. She staledit had astrapacross shetopofit. Silo had no ideawhat it COntained. Shedid not noeice any funny smellaround thebag. Sarsb statedshe left her navyblue Great Landbackpackin thecafeteria. Thebackpack has a clothpatchthaI Page3 of 4 JC.oo1· 004441 lAKIWOOD POUCI DEPARTMENT SUPPUMEHTAL RfPORT REPORTING AGENT' KARLA SARNACKl CASE NUMBER' 99-38856 VICTIM' COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DATI OF REPORT, 05/05/99 'PENSE, AOA/COLUMBINEHIGH SCHOOL TASK FORCE/JEFFCO SHERIFF'S omeE INfORMATION CONTROL NUMBER DN2590. FlI, 174A·DN57419. Jao, CR "'-7625 saysOpmJlicn[vy on it ~ aliSO left herblaclc Wah·heel sh_.wideher backpack she has schools papers, history book, Sociology book, andtwobinders. Shestaled sheWas wearing a blaclc dress at the time, Sarahstaled she knewZackHecklerandhe had toldher to goto Klebold and Harris's Website oa tae Internet. Sarahstated from the wayZackral.ked, she gathered that he helped themm.aJcc this Website, Zack toldSarah that this was a MU site for Columbine HighSchool. Shestaled lhat • lot oikids ha:led Columbine HiahSchool al that time,even she did. I askedher to clarifythatif it wasC<llumbine High School in particular orjust going 10 hiah school period.Sheclarifiedthat it wasjnst going to high school. She staledZackHeckler's nickname was"Kib/rt;" andKlebetd's was "V0dk4". Shedidnot knowlllIyother nicknames. SheSUIted thatl!l..... wasan annou:neement that morning that it was going to bea very baddtIy, Shealsostatedthat it was thethought ofthe dtIy, Sarahstatedthat towatd theendof last year'. school year, theFriday featUte was a videothat thevideo , .ductienclasshadput together. Saraheoulda' lllmember a lot ofspecifics about it, but it showedpeople going Illrough theschoolshootingotherswithSllulrt guns. They alsoblewtheschool up. Detective's Sipalure!NrnnbsrlDate jib Page4 of 4 Sergeant's Signature!NumbsrlDate JC-oO1· 0(14442 0 ... r . - j ,5f1ilAIo/ - - ./:f. .;; S?() II) 0:>-,",71t" t... J =i I • i , I j I I , , i , I i , , I i< i , t , I) l' 1 ! i "'" ,.-' Ii i i i ! i . ...., ...; , 't;;":" I ,. - ;'" , I ; i I - . 'I , , til I I I ( If)(: .... , . I I/.::' I : r I " " : ' '.::/ !v:- \''', i , i I ... ::: "" I I , I I , I , ;0 I i i i , , ; i , : I ! ! i ! I , " , , I I V'_, I • ! • ':7 , ,,' " 1 , . 1 , I r!i' 1J ( ... 1 I 1"'::\ rr-: I 1 I , I • . I i , i . i <:» :\,..,;. ../ !\..'")' ! • I I . I i , , , I ., i r:." ! II I I. ' \'Cl'.-' \..:oft. j \.....j . l <, V"j , \i"'l"l ) :! , I ! d . I f I I , , /. I i , H ' i , , I 1XJ r::-< i IXI , /' I , i u i , , /I i I I ' 1ft" j ',,0/1 J c ;! / r: i\ ! (","\ Ii ' i I , I I i '. I '- i <;» j i - d , I 1 i , 1 I : I , n I , i , f I , i , j ,-.. n ' , I , ",,1. I I '-leU \ '""A \"'1· \ "" ! II \""' . 1\" jl , I) ; I I I I : i .j , I I , II , , I '" I ' , I ! , ! , /' i , ! I II : ! I e I , , I / I, I 1: , I '" . I I I , , I' I 1 i ' .. 1 :;: I j ,-<: ) ' (.,,), ;-"'""". ' d , I I ! I , \tl» /< I "-' I 1"'1 I , . l!: ' i , I '-< I'V , I , ! - II'V'l , , , , I I I I , I I , : .J , "-' , I i 1f.L \: "-" , , ' I I j . , I I I : . I "'I'. ':;: \1 ( ... 1">1 {,." '\ \ 1(,1 :1 I I I , "-'/ '-../ ....,/ I iT , 1 I I , "- I d , , ..--. - 1 ..-.. ;1 , j; \-;<) ) '(\ ,I . J I r ::. \ ;\."'j : '-J::7 !I . , I -- , I /: i I /.:'. Cr-) / I , -,'I-t) I ........... ' 12\ . co'\ '- '7" i , , \._)1 'J , 'C. ,/, : 1 , ! ./' , , - ..;;\ r.::1_ ,r.:::-. .-- I I """ -- , I I , I - JC.{l01· 004443 SLOAN, C. JC-otJ1. OIl4.444 OS/28/1999 - I - nmIi:RAL BlJIlIAV OF INVES'I'lGATION -,,_ OS/28{U99 Catherine W, Sloan. DOll 07/16/1983. 7294 weat Orive, Littleton, Colorado, telephone (303}t73-2658, .. freabnlan at C01Ul1lbine High S<:1Ioo1, waa interviewea at her home in "the preaenee of holt' IllOther, Ellen Sloan, by apecial Ag'ent (SAl <Ricky V. wright ragarding thol incident that took place on 04/20/1999 at colUlllbine Righ School. After being a<!vised .. to the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, Sloan provided the following information: At:: 11: 10 lIllt, Sloan got out:: of Spanish class, taught:: by Ma, lCilli=. and went directly from the foreign language area to the eafet::eria. Sloan then sat down at a lunchroom t::able(marxed P?F on diaqrRm sketch). Sloan recalls that El&a Coffey-llerg and JUlie McGinley were also seated at her table. Sloan _a sitting facing southeast. Coffey-llerg was sitting to Sloan's right::. Sloan does nee recall "he was sitting to holr left, Sloan first not::iced that _ething was happening, when most of the students started to get doWn under their tables. Sloan did not know what _s going on, but got down under her table anyway. Sloan then saw Mr. Sanders and janit.ors running around and telling people to stay under the ta.bles. Everyone at:: the west end of the cafeteria then started getting up and running tile stairs. Sloan then gral:>1>ed her baoltpack _<3. ran into the gir18 bat.hroom tor a few ...cends , There _re at least. four other girls in t.he bat.hroom as _11. onca in the hathroom, Sloan heard two ahots. Sloan than ran eue of the bat.hroom and a female teacher near the hackstage door to the auditoriWII directed Sloan into the auditorium, Sloan ran through the auditorium and out the exit on the northeast corner. Sloan then ran aast doWn the north main ball. but aome teachers told her to get against the wall. Slo&l'l got against the wall for a !llOIlIent.. then the teachers told her ee jU8t run. Sl",,,,, ran down the hall by the cou:nseling office and exited the scheol behind the gymnasium. once outside, Sloan went to Clement "ark. Sloan was not in the cafeteria at any otber time that day. Sloan did not see the qunmen and did not see any large duffle hags sitting in the cafeteria during lunch. Sloan did not know llric Harris, Dylan lO.e1:>o14, or any other members of the 1"'''''_'" 05/26/l!lSS .. ,L!:;1:'· _ Jeffeo #99-7625: - OH., 174A-ON-574.l9 i Control *->344 __ ",. SA Ricky V. Thif4ccurt'C1lt ¢Ol\Gffts t1lltNr nOr Q{ 1M Fil, k isttle of. FlU * illoaMt Q) Y«ltqaIt)': It UId us 111' ftO( !O be 4iWlb1tra:l QUa. your J;p1\(y 174A-DN-57419; Jeffeo ,99-7625; Control #3344 <::atherine W. Sloan Trencncoat Mafia. Sloan has an Internet ."reen of Lo....lastar7, but to ber ltnowledge biu nev.u: ~ " " t e d witn liarri.. or lClebold on tne Izltern.t. OIl OS/21/151519 hile Sloan wa. reollliing a n_ article on _:dea Ol1line (AQLl II abo"t tb" Columbine sboot.1ng, Sloan re.,.ived an inJItam: g. fram someone on Internet Utling the sc>:een ~ of Il.ep _. Rep !:loll made SOlI\I! tb>:eat.ening eOllllllent. t.hat sloan deleted. R.p BoN IlIade .ome furtb.r eOlIlIlIenta that Sloan saved. Sloan provided ill copy of this Muage to SA Wri'iht. A eopy of the .....sage is attacbed to this >:epert. Sloan has beard that. Juett Baer, Bur. and Jason Biler all work at pretzelmake>: and heard one of their co- workers lUly that she sa.. the bombs being built. On the day of the sbooting, Sloan wu ..earin'i a long- .. leeved dark blue &birt, bl"e jeane, and bl"e and silver running shoes. Sloan tbinl<s tbat <::andice Cwilllllan wu also in the cafeteria during lunch. JC..Q01· 00444fl j:lloo"" 15tH:: IfICfet _ loll f\'OIdl wID blIin YfI/ ~ ••1Ilnll_• IlOIlO ..... *""7: _ ..YOIl lIlIdnQiIl:lolIl? ........ __U"I_ Low_' ok Y....CIrit1ll .... lit,.... 131 jnYOll...lllIn In_mlllln 1 n ~ ..ilI' s!lImIU-IlllI'/S t-lmtlo I ..J.-.... mDII Low_7: _mDIIM*"? lit,.... • I ......100mucll intl wII k8l you ..... _ .... 1 ~ I O g o _ . ..... _, llye ..., _ ye...on<! so ... _ people JC..oo1.004447 I 1 , t ! I ! I i I '": : : 1 , 1 : i t i ' j I ! i I l. I ' I I I I ! i I , : t : IIX "" i...... >1 .: ' I ! I ; : i ! I : I I i I I I I! I 1 I" '1-'f Iii: I I , I I: I I I I I I I II Iii I .. i I "" IIXI' 1 i I I I I II,., ,,! I : I I I , I i I II Ii: I 1..... I ," J I \,\l" Y i 7)! I I, I I I . I I , I ; i I ' , I , " ., -, I J .: :l "': Ii I i I!: I I C"'1l 1'C:\1.t't\ I I "':-"1' I I I I ,'I I I I I I I f '//t I! I I; . ,r"" ' rz:: ,I, I! I: I 1\'''-.1 I : ! i I ! I I' I' I ' I " i I, 'I : I, I 'I' ;" I' : I I ",1: il I, ! I' , ;* I II II I I I I I , ! 'i I.d :"-'" . '''''II,:",' i I\,'!'): \'f"J' I·' I \;1. I I i I i ! 1 A I I I , I ' I j I ; ! i ! ' i i i ! I ! I i : ' ! I I I ' ! I I I . , , I , i I I i I I I l i ! ; I , iii : I ' : I ; I I _1_' ! -1- 1 ..;... I 1 I I I I I I ! , I I :' I I : ! ! I , II I ii' i I ! I ' : j , I I , I ! j 1 I J I 1 "" I I I I' I I ,...... :: I I i I I I I I I i f 1 1 , 1 I i I I , I I i I I ' I I ! i : : i i i I I I i ' I i , I 1 i , 1 j I I I i , I I It i 1 I 1 I I ! ; I ! ! I I I I I I • Ii' i : I r.;::"\, 1 .-II Y; i 1\,,-' ,,...;-.." '.11 t I I l (:rt,; "'F)' i "'-..;../1 l I' I I ,'...-r r Ii: 1 i ! I -"" I! j I ' 1 I I Ii,: I" I .\.... f '.;.' I '=': I 1'/1 I I i : I I I I i I I i/ I , ,"'} I : I i , ,'*"' I : ( ii: . , I 'i I I I I I I i 1: I r» r:;-,,! \.C) I I i , I , , : I ; ! , I I I I I : I I i-<:: I 1 f ... \ I I","", ii' i , I ' . I I : I I....: 11J:l If,.. I I (,.J) r":l I 1 i I ! i . JCoOO1*004448 JC.oo1· 004449 -_.- • 1 • n:DEI AI. II11REAIU or lMVISTlG4TJON 051° 6 / 99 " 1 _..__. Senjamin Wade SMITH wa... intArviwlld at hi. raa1denc., 9742 W. Brandt Plac... , Littlaton, Colorado, phone (303) U2-1265 on April 30, 1999 at approxi.llately 1,40 PM. Se v"'. IIdvilNl4 ot tbe per.onal ..nd prota••ional identity of tbe writar, and 1:1I.e purpo.. ot' tbe intarviaw. SMITH cont'1nIacl ha v..... p....ant in tbe <:ateteria on April 20, 1999, prior to tbe 1ncidant whiCh =acl. ttlerlll, and h. had l.ft hi. Janapor1: bacltp..clt in ttle ...t.ter:l.... SMITH viawacl. .. _p ot ttla ClOt_taria, and indicatacl. be beUevall. be had bean dttinq at .,h..t :l.a :I.<l.ent:l.t:l.lId U table '1"'. SMITH beliava<! t iva otblllr .tudenta lwS been aittinq witb him. H. i4anti:iacl. tbe.e •• baing Joey LIl'O, Matt ZAGO, Bred llOO'1'SlI:1L, Xavin LllU and Chad SHARPLEY. SMITH ..dvisacl. h. bad lIIntered ttl.. cateteria ..t just atter 1110 AM and obt..ined hi. food frClla the caf.teria 11_. II. uti.llatacl. he w... in line tor ..pprox1u.ta1y tbru a1nut•• betor. 'letting bi. tood and a:l.ttinq at ttle tGl.. While WlIlk:l.nq tbrouqh tbe caUter:l.lll and to hia tabla be did not oballrVe any \imUlual objacta or 4utfel be.... SMITH .tata<l ha v.a aeata<! facinq in • eouttlvuterly direction, toward ttle windowe on ttl• .,••t side of ttle cateter1a • Be aud4enly heard ttle sound of a ll1.Ulll:ler of Chairs _vinq, and thought that .. fight uy have broken out. SMITH then obaerved 1Ir. S.ndar. and e janitor tall:l.nq e"eryone to "at u.n4er tha tll!>l... A short time l ..tar, 1Ir. S.. told e"eryone to qat out ot tha catetari... SMITH fla<! the cafeteri.. and went into • cl.... on the lowar level, whiCh he baUavad wu roo. FL-3. SMITH hid W1d.r a 4••lt in th.. cl...ro01ll, ..nd .ati..ted approxiaately 25 to 30 other. al.o hid in the rCOll. Be recalled .....inq two f ...1e in 1:1I.a rooa who be<! were teacbera, but did not lmcw .ither ot thea. Attar approlCimatllly two to tbru ainut.. h.. ran outaid. tbrou"h a door on the aouth .ide, and tbrough the Rudent parking lot on ttl. south aide of the school. SMITH .tIlted that be continuad to run unt:l.l he ca:ae to e KOrJlOn ...inary house in the aru ot Polk Street. I'l1o' 174A-D"·57419 ( 99-7625J1ettoO! '" Agent !':rank R. vanece!' CSl It 's • 04/30/99 -- 0510§/99 JC..o01· 004450 'ftliI .......... •. ....COClf L ' 'mnnof!bt:PIl .it.. ..PII_. __to:tOW"'-'; __ 174A-DII-!l7U9 / 9t-76:zli [J'effco} " "'_.. llenjaain Y. saUh .'" 04/30/99 ..... :I SIII'1'II stated t!lat While he __ in the cluaraa. be blld heard'two loud explOlliou. .. indiQated thst be felt that the sound bed COIle f ~ _ upstairs, possUlly tha area of the library. llXITB stated that be did not s_ either of the INllpeCtS or any shoot1ncJ. lie was ftCIt Ilcqwlinted with either, altho. bad _ Dylan 1ttJtIlOLll around school and knew vb.o be WlUI. .e bad Han individuals 011 eDpUlI vurinq :blaclc ullllClh ClOllta and bad baard the f1'" "'.'!'ranch coat Mafia", but 4i4 not Imov enyt.b.inq abuut the 9%"OUp. JC.o01. 004451 I I I : I I I I , I I I i 'il!'''' I i I I ! ' , , i "'1'::" .' >' I ' i..., :!: ;.! I , I t,\lY-I' , I ' ! , I I i I i I 1 ! : 1 I Iii : i I I! Vr IC')I I ; • iii "': ,. J i I Ir \.::I; \J; I I: : ' I " -:. ";1"1 17:1: , 1 i -'. • .:.- I T I "",,\ I I' I ,6, '_ ''\.-j I\. '1') I .. ,---, ,f" \ • I j • , , T , , -. , I 1 ! ! 1 : -;- : .' I ' : i I I . I , i I i 1 I I I I I I : 1 I i I ; I I I j I i , I , i , : I ! ! i I , , ... I I I ! I I i : ! , i ! i I I , I , : I . , ! I i i I I : ; ! ! 1 I I ( I ' i-I ; ! I I I I I I I I : , I 1 I : i I j ! ! ' ;/ ! I I I ' ........ 1 i 1':"\, , ,..i\ VI 1.'1")1 , '-,./ i r I - : I'" I I! I I.......... 1 ,II!: . t i; I I ! , I I : : 1 \61 'i' 1/, I : I 1 I' ! i i ! I ! f I ! I Iii 1''''-fF ; _:J-i! i , \..... \ ... I \110>;' I IY-l' JI I I ;--.( 11)(1 : I I : I , """' i....... I ...... : : _' \.'" \''''!), \<jl ,I."')' I' 'II ,; \ '") I..... j I i • I....... 1"' :' \. ',I r:<\lll I:: [\'i), I , I I , I Ii :il 11'0'1, il',1 I , ! .. 1 . "'"': ir;; I : I \C i Ie'" , I I ,<::1 I ! l ! l : I I I I I : i l i ! i ; I ! I I I i I : I I I , : , I , I , I I ; i : I : j ! ; J "I : l , 1 • , I 51 I, I :T IT, , JC-001. 0044S2 SHITII. DAVID JC-001.004453 LAICIWOODPOU" OIPARTMEHT SUPPUMfHTJU. ••PORT UPORTING AGENT: OnECTM KARLA SARNACKl CASE NUMBER: 99.38856 ''1Cl'1M: COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DAte OF REPOrT: OS/24/99 ,FFENSE: AOA/COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL TASK FORCE/JEJIPCO SHERI'F'SOflllCE INFO!!.MATION CONTROL NUMBER; DN3539, Flh4A.ON57419. JqOl CR #9'.7625 SUBJECT' Smjth. DavidJolm dob: 08112/82 wlm 5599SouthYoungflold Way Littleton. CO80127 303·904-3477 Gail Smjth (Mother) 5599South¥oungfield Way Littleton. CO 80127 303·904-3477 303-271-4<Ui1 (wk) . 8SERVATIONIlNVESTIGATION, On5119/99 at 0915 hours, I interviewed DavidSmithal his home. Permi;sionbad previously been obtained from hismother. DavidstatedheknewEric Harris frombeing in the sameclasswithhimlast semester. He statedtllisclass WJlS Team Sports. He statedEricHarri' spoke German a 101 in tllisclass. Eric Harrisalso got teased, howeverhe statedit was not severeleasing,JUSl verbal. He addedl!lal otherstudentsgOI it worse thanEric Harrisdid. David staledbe did not knowDylan Kleboldat all. He stated he knewthe mmchcoal mafia group existed.bUl didnot knowany of the othermembers. David statedhe drove10schoolthelOOming of 4120199. He arrived at 0700hoursandparkedat Clement Park. H. staledtherewas notlling unusualgoingonoutsidethe school or in betw_ classes. He has Science first hour. Math second hour, American History thirdbDut, andLanguage Artsfourth boer, All theseclasses are located in the upperlevel. After the fourth hourclllss. heandJacob M=wentoutsidethedoorslocated north Page I of 3 JC.o01- Q04454 I.AlClWOOD POUC. DfPARfMENTSUPPUMfNfAL REPORT REPORTING AGENT: DETICT1VI! KARlASARNA(:K1 c:A$1 NUMBERt 99-38856 '''cnM: COLUMaINE HIGH SCHOOL DATE OF REPORT: OS/24/99 _..IINSE: AOA/COLUMBIN! HIGH SCHOOLTASK FORC'I'/JIfFCO SHERIFF'SOFFICE INFORMATION CONDOL NUMBER: QN353t, FBh4A-PN5741 t. JOO! eft 199-7625 of the libraryon the upper level.He Slated he went outsideand1l1Iveled down the min and enteredthecafeteria throughthe west door. He staledhe did not see anything unusual goingon outside. Davidcommentedthat one time be sawa :alIltid standingby Klebold's ear. He stated he didnotlclow this kid, but be ideIItified him, by lookingthrough the yearbook, as Robert perry. He wasnot surewhat day be sawRoben perry by the BMW. Davidindicated, on the attacheddiagxmll, the paththat be tookthrough Illecafeteria, and that he possiblysat at table'''IT' (Davidslatedhe maynavesat at tablece, XX, or UU). He staledhe remembered sitting closeto the window. He brought hislunchthat day andwent straightto the table, He was there approximately ten minuteswhenhe heard apoppIng noise outside. He thought it was a fight andwent to the window andsawrwo kids in the fenced area, just west of the cafeteria, dropto the ground. Hesaid be sawa chubbykid running towardthe soccer field. This kid was wearing. wbiteT-shilt. At that pointMr. Sanderscame in the west .,.ietoria door and told everyoneto get down. He statedhe dropped to thegroundand crawledtoward the stairs. At that timebe was hearinggunshots. David Slated be got up andran to the stairs, up the stairs, and at the top of the stairs he heardmore gunshots. Davidran out of the building through thematbls<:ience hallwayand out the southeastdoors. Davidran acrossPierceStteelto Leawood Park. He statedpeoplewerescreaming all this time. Daviddidnot see any of the shooters. Davidstatedhe left his blue JanSponbackpackand sacklunch in thecafeteria. Insidehis backpack he had his mathbook, math folder, language arts folder, science notebook, and somereceipts. He could not remember what he was wearingthat day. Davidonly knewof. Webpage that AaronBrownhad. He statedhe is BrooksBrown's little brother. Aaron had a Webpage at one time that wasgearedtowards climbing. He statedAaron never menJioned any problems Page2 of 3 JCo{101·oo4455 LAICI'WOOO fIOUCI DfIlARTMEHT SUPPLlM'HTJU. .EfIORT REPOmNG AGENT: DmcTlVI KARLA SARNACKl CASE NUMBEIl1 99.38856 "'CTIM: COWMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DATI OFREPORT: OS/24/99 lFENSE: AOA/COLUM8INE HIGH SCHOOL TASK FORCl!/JEFFCO SHERlFP'S OFFICE INFORMATION CONIROL NUMBSR: Om53'. fBl;4A·DN5741'. JOO: CR #9'.1625 thatSrcola was having. Davidalsoindicatedon the attacheddillgram the otherS1lldents that were sitting at tho tablewithhimin the cafeteria. Detective's SignaturelNumberlDate jib Pagel 0[3 s.,.,.,llJlt's Signature!NumberlDate JC.Q01· 004456 DA"I :0 ::TO;.jAJ S'Nl I 7/..1 Co IJ 7 ' ' 1 ~ '- 4i.3 s ..3 :1 JC.o01· 004451 ; j ! "....:::/' i "-..".' 1\ '" , , ii, , ' • • / "I f • 'OJ T 1 ii 'I " " Ii ;: I • I I' :'- I • ,.. "-, --:- /7. :l' . ,+.1 (_'1(,,\ \. . , VI. ; . / @s . I I " ., CIt) tt, : \,Q, ! ! , I , , , i "::.T Y":'.: i::: ) 1-<: : . ( -e \ I ,,-,.. I , \ io j ii ".." I I I i IV'\ II . "-"I I I i :1 , (Ni f;: 1 •13,\ "'11; 1 0\ , ,r 'I i = . ,. "-f' '-../ -../ '-, .1 , IXI . I /' I J , ; [I I : ) j I . i JC-001· 004458 ... , . I ;:;;:: »<; , . --;- L F. \'"") I, V"l) \"'} . / _\ I ..I 'Iva .v> r- : I" 0 ." \ :\,'''') . <:» I ,<!, 1!"'" , I , , , / 'rJ'.lIl "" .." VV. 'y<- 0 _I ;.;;::;; . '<:"" (I,.... / I '0 • / .......... \....J ;.....;,. "i':'\ r",,, '-" '7' ...,. 1:1 C1 v .. '1;,,;01 i /'" , I 0;""": tJ x : . . 1 ..i./' I , . .'C I (1:'\ r»: -""" ! , 0 , : . Vil'i • '""":f I ""'. "l-i IV' 1"'1"'" "'"'I I! 0 , , ! i - SMIT!!, JEllNY JC-001,004459 • 1 • FEDllllAL IlUll.EAU OF INVESTIGATION 0.", (l{ tnInSCrlptlon _ On 4/30/99, Jenny Smith, 008 12/10/81, 5653 South Harlan Street, Littleton, Colorado was advised of the idenclty of the interviewing Agent, and the nature and purpose of the interview. She was interfiewed in the presence of her Mother, Brenda Smith, 008 5127/57. Jenny Smith arrived at Columbine High School at 7:45 a.m. on 4/20/99. She went to the commons which had about 25 students there, and she met with Ryan Poole, Seth Ian, and Nate Montgomery. She didn't nOtice anything out of the ordinary, or any duffel bags that stood out. She went to her normal classes, her being language arts class, she then went to first lunch and sat with her friends at table T. Her friends that sat with her were as follows: 1. Christen 2. Alisa Eneinas 3. Jennifer Tyndall 4. Nate Montgomery 5. Ryan Poole 6 . Lacy Koch She bought her lunch, and was on her way back to her table when she heard Mr. Sanders and Mr. yelling for everyone to get down, and go to the auditcrium. Jenny then ran towards the elevacors and stair5 ana into the auditorium. Then. along with many ocher students she ran through the hallway towrds the gymnasium and out the exit, From there she was directed to go to Clement Park. She did not see either Harris or Klebold Monday or Tuesday. She did not know any Trench Ccat Mafia (TCM) , although she thinks that Alejandra Marsh hangs out with the TCM. She prOVide no further in:ormation about the TaM. She did nOte that during her second period, the Rebel News Network thought for the day was something to the effect of "you'll wish ynu hadn't come today". lnvesugauon on 4 / 3 0 19 9 Littleton, Colorado 111.. 114A-ON-574191 99-76251 CN1577 0.,._ ..:4!1/:..,3"'0"'/:..,9:.;9"- _ by SA Russell J. Atanasio JC.o01.004460 V ThiS document contains nt'lthel' recommendatlons nor roncluslonsof the F6t It i$ the prcperty d the FBt.and 15loancdtoyour agem::y: ;: ancits cot',:t":".:s. an t'.O: :0be distnbl,nea OlltMde:OUT &g,e::KY , 1 I' I ! : I I I I ' ! I t'"::;, '>:' I '-I. ! I I I i I ! 1 I i I I 1';'-- I ! i !'= ,"'"J I ':ill I , I Ii! I :I"...;....-r,' II I 1'1 -- I I 1 I I i j.Y! I I I r':"\ if"",,' I I I ! , I I I I I"/I,-'II! '\.::.II I I I I Pi I I! I 1/ Iii I I I I I I! I" I I I I I I , I, 1 : 'I i I I • "'"' I I Ir..., I f I i I " I' I I i J I I I IV,II , 1"""'1 I I {A", if..., { .... , l:.i I II!' i III II I r-; 1"""1 i • I ! ii' I I! I I I I! II I ' i ,: 1 I I I I I ' I : I ! I """" I I I I I I , ' H 1 I i • I : I I I : ' 1 I ' " I) ill, ...J I \ .... ) I l ... J. I": I I • \lNV I I I I 1 Iii : I I ! 1 i I IT I I I I I i I I l I I I ! ! I : I : I' 1 I I 1 I I ! I __ I I ' I Ii: : I I I ;.;;;, Iii : I I : I I I I I I I I ' I I I : I I i \oCI I! I f.,...lij.,.,..lllr, Ii' [ef,: I I I I j : I I I I I I I : I I III 'I i I ,- I I " i ': I . j iii ' I 'i:: i i ! : I I! i!': I j iii I J I , I 1.lI I I , I I .: II ¥ I I 'I-( I ,'-,.' I =' f'.,:/ IiV" I I I' I !il I I j I I ! i i ' I ill I : II. 'i i I I I I iii i I I Ii. I' I I Ii: I I 1 I I I;-..,J ! IiI Ii: 'I I I 1 , 1 I I ,'I \"') i \,-J I li:l; i ,r,,'. r ",. i I I I I iii !II ! ! I ill I H - i i : ! I I I !; , I !! I j 1 .., : I I ; i 'f I: I I ;: ,\ I i ; , ; Ii 1 (";'\1 I (...:'; I, '",,, ("it, (4;' I , I I ; I I I Ii' , ;! I I I I . j I , , i • - I '1 !\a<, \1 '/"":-'''\!.r''\ 1 l ',I 1 I : I I I I ; i ,'-'I I\;i../I ,,-J I ,"" 1 1;0;1 I I 1 l I i I I .I. ! , i w , I I I I illl!... !:::.! I; .. 1: · :'lI, ;.' I I ; I '-='/ .-:J; \.;.:/ j · ..:1 XI 1 j: ; I I I! IJ , , I :, i: !! ; i ; j .L: I 1 ! f .. .I I I i I : : :t ! \-;.;j,)... I j! I I I 1 r/,1 J - l¥l: I ' i ' I I ' _'_1 I' : I: I r I l: I ! i I: JC.o01.oo4461 SMITH. JEREllIE JC.Q01· 004462 CONTINUATION 0 SUPPLEMENT - oo.n.. •.....,"""" g; _ e-.o CllMl.ntd by AI'rtl$ CI Uofouf'ldecl o o I 1 JC.Q01· 004463 SMITH, LACEY JC4l01.004464 -. COLUMBINE mGR SCHOOL TASKFORCE CONTROL NUMBER: :li!J!! J. 'IS'3 d-:> JeSD CASENUMBER: 99-7625 FB[ CASE NUMBER: 174A-DN-57419 GOLDEN POLlCENUMBER; 99-1362 REPORT DATE: 05105/99 DETECTIVES: Jon Watson JeffKreutzer Background: Patti STEVENS was Interviewed on 05103199 re: 2175. STEVENS states that on 50/03/99 she spokewithJ mie SMITH_ a SpecialEdstudent, whotold her his sisterhad seensomeone matching escriptiontalking to the shooters just beforethe incident. Sister is identified review ofCHS records as LaceyNicoleSMITH(DOB: 01113182) l&.!l>l: Interview LaceyNicole SMITH. Disposition: SUBJECT: LaceyNicole SMITH DOB: 01113/82 5690 W. RowlandAve. Littleton. CO 80128 (303) 973-6961 On Ma:y 4, 1999, Detectives Kre=andWalSon went to SMITH's residence, where she was interviewed in the presence of her mother. SMITH seemed to be expectingthat she_contacted by investigators. She immediately openedher yearbook, andpointedOut icture. Shesaid that his appearance has changed fromthat picture;that nowhe longhair, andhis face is "reallybrokenout". SMITH recalledthat she is scheduledfor the "A" lunch, whichis the first lunchperiod. The bell rings at 11: IS, and SMITH, whowas in the library during4'" hour, went to the cafeteriafor lunch: whichis scheduledto beginat 11:20. She saidshe got her piece of pizza. andwent to sit on a ledgein the corner bythe school store. She made a sketchwhichis attached. SMITHrecalledthat this wasthe first time \II a year and a half(sinceshe begandrivingto school) that shehas eaten in the cafeteria; usually she goesout stated that every day as she was leavingthe schoolfor lunchshewouldsee whomshe knew, walking towardthe "Weaverlight" to havea cigarette. Whenshe returned, she wouldseehim walking back towardthe school. SMITH described always dressing thesameeveryday, witha black "trenchcoat", andblackbaseball cap turned backwards. The hat 0 on it - possibly"the world", and whiteletters"NOSHIT!". SMITHsaid, R his trench coat religiously", Jc.o01.004465 COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL TASKFORCE CONTROL NUMBER: ICSD CASENUMBER: FBI CASE NUMBER: GOLDEN POLICE NUMBER: REPORT DATE: DETECTIVES: _JU'J 99-7625 I74A-DN-57419 99·1362 05/05/99 Ion Watson JeffKre=r In addition to the long coat,"isdescribed as wearinga whitetee shirt, blackjeans, black leathershoes like thathe bas bigfeet, SMITHrecalledthat about threedays priorto the incident, she and _ bumped intoeachother in thehall, andbe steppedon her foot and theybothfell down. . On Tuesday, Apri120, 1999,after class, SMITHwent out to her ear to get her lunchmoney, and she lookedtowardwhere she would custolllllrily see'"andobservedthat be was not there. Shethought thatwas unusual, butdid not dwellupo::r--' Aftergettingher pizza, she went to the ledge by the schoolstore, whereshe sat in the comer by the doors(diagramreflectsthat she wason the left side as anobserveris facingthe doora- the sameside as the school store). The doorsare described as two pairs of doors, whichleadout to an entryway. and two morepairsof doorswhichleadoutside. As SMITIl wassittingthere, she observed through the pair of doors closestto whereshe was sitting. He camein through the door thatwasfarther away fromher, but she immediately recognizedhim andsaid, said, "Hi", and continuedto walk into the cafeteria. SMITHstates"continuedin towardthecafeteriauntil be was about 20 to 30 feet northof her. This was the last area she sawhimprior toher leaving the cafeteria, SMITHdescribed his attire as a black "duster" referredto as a "trenchcoat"previously, and described his hat, SMITH's motherownsa duster. She doesnot recall any patchesor identifying features about his Coal. SMITHstates she did not see a gun, but did not see both of as he wascomingin, She did not seehimcarrying anythinglikea beckpack or duffel bag andsaidh. "never has a backpack". SMITHsaidshe did not see _witha gun, but she believeshe hada gunconcealedunder hislongcoat. She states stopped, fa<;ing towardthe mainarea of the cafeteria, she heardwhat she describedas "rapidlire"shooting comingfrom. and observed him "turning". She describedhimas "shooting fromthehip". SMl saic, "The noise was coming fromhim". Shedescribedthenoiseas 'piercing" and "loud". It madeher ears ring. Sbe also heard glass breaking, but didnot see wherethis wasoccurring. SMITHcouldnot tell howmany shotsshe heard, but believedit was lessthan IS, JC-IlG1· G04466 COLUMBINE area SCHOOL TASKFORCE CONTROL NUMBER: JCSDCASENUMBER: FBI CASENUMBER: GOLDEN POLlCENU'MBER: REPORT DATE: DETECTIVES: .li!!!M-~ 1 : 1 3 99·7625 174A·DN·57419 99·1362 05105199 Jon WalSOn leffKreutzer SMITHrecalls hearingsomeonesayingsomething about"paintball" and hearingsomeonesay "prank", As soonas SMITHrealizedthere was shooting, she immediately fled fromthe cafeteriathrough the doorsby the store, where she was sitting, Shebelieves sheWIIS among the first to escape fromthe building. SMITHsaid she went directly 10 her car, whichwas parked "sevenspaces" fromPierce in the Juniorparking lot. Shedrove out of the parking lot, going over the grass to get out. Whenshe got to the street, she pickedupa numberof studentswho were fleeing, including a girl named "ALESHIA" (phonetic) [LN1J], and a number of football players. She drovethemto their residences, and thenwent home. Whenshe got home, SMTIHtold her motherthere werethree shooters. and told her wIw shebadseen, SMTIHrecalled that anacquaintance, Matt BRUCE badbeen sitting"bythe far door" ofthe cafeteria. andcouldpossiblyprovideother information. SMITHtoldinvestigators about the "phraseof theday", whichWIIS "TODAYIS NOTAGOOD DAYTOBE HERE", and said that the phraseof the dayoriginatedfromthe videoclass; of which Eric HARRIS was a part, SMITHtold investigators that duringthe priorschool year (97·98) _ was frequently seen witha groupof individual. dressedin similar "trenchcoats"; one of whomwas a neighborof the SMITH's, BobbyCRAIG, CRAIGis the subject whokilledhi. father, then committedsuicide. See Det, Kreutzer's report reo ControlNumher 1156. SMlTIl suggested that for additional insightintoHARRIS, investigators might want to talk to an individual namedGWYLEM [phoneticJ, whotaughtpart of the videoclass. SMITIl said anothersubject. RustySCHLlER[phonetic], told her he had seensix shooters, 2 in the cafeteria.2 in the library, 1 in the main hall,andI in the mainoffice. SMTIH's boyfriend, Jeff HULSE(303) 797·3901 was inthe photolab at the time and she said he apparently thoughtwhat was goingon wasjust a fire drill, JC-001· 004467 3 --- <, -, \ \ ~ . I I T--. ,-..." n I \ \.../ '--' /- -t -\ ...., - \ "' <, ,I - \ )\ ....-=1 .1" ~ "d_ \ <" ~ . }... A: Ci!.l "\\s::c\e. 51......¥.... _1"l"l \'\9, \01>0 ArM JC../l01· 004468 - COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL TASK FORCE 99-1625 l14A·DN-574l9 99-1362 05110/99 JonWatson JelfK:reulzer CONTROL NUMBER: JCSDCASENUMBER: FBI CASE NUMBER: GOLDEN POLlCE NUMBER: REPORT DATE: DETECTIVES: Background: Follow upinterviewof LaceyNicoleSMITH; original interview on05103/99; reported under control number 2853. Re-imerviewS"MITH, toclarify information regarding subjec Disposition; SUBJECT: LaceyNicole SMITH DOB,OlIl3182 5690 W. Rowland Ave. Littleton, CO 80128 (303) 913-6961 OnFriday, May 1, 1999, Sergeant Watson re-interviewed LaceySMITH at her residence; inthe presence of her mother. S"MITH was interviewed inomer to clarify certain information regarding her reported observation the areaof thecafeteriaimmediately priorto theshootings. I asked SMITH what event initially caused her to believe there was something wrong. Shetold me that it wasthesound of windows (glass) breaking. After which, she recalled hearing what sounded likerapidfire shooting. I asked if the sound of shooting couldhavebeen morethan one person firing, perhaps altemating, and she that it was possible that this was the case. I explained that what sheoriginally saidabout was not supported by physical evidence suchas shell casings in the area seen, and sheseemed to understandthat he wasprobably 001 shooting. SMITH Shesaidhe was wearing a long"trench coat", but described it as "001100 10llg 011 sotall". Hehad all blackpants, blackleather shoes - not boots- which she described as beinglikeReboks and a blackhat withwhitelettering. Thehat was on backwards. The lettering said, 'NO SHIT1". SMITH had originally described the hat as having a circular element in ifs design which shethought was the earth. WhenI spoke to her on thisoccasion, shesalEd e thought that the"earth" might have been part of the exclamation point. SMITH described . as being"realgreasy", and described howit stuckout from under the hat 011theSI es, he saidit was reddishbrown. SMITH recalled that his coat was open. When 1asked herabout his shirt, this timeshe saidhe had ona blackor white lee shin. During the priorinterview, she described the sbiltaswhite, and when I asked herabout this, she said shethinks it was white. 1 JC.Q01.GG4469 COLUMBINE meaSCHOOL TASK FORCE CONTROL NUMBER: JCSD CASE NUMBER: FBI CASE NUMBER: GOLDEN POLlCE NUMBER: REPORT DATE: DETECTIVES: ~ 9'.l-162S 114A-DN-57419 9'.l-1362 05/10/99 Jon Watson JeffKteutm- I asked SMITHto clarifythe time frameof events. Shetold me that the bell rangto end the fourthhour class at 11;10. She was in the library duringfuurthhour, and she said she left the classroomat exactly [J: II. She went out of the library, went downthe main stairs to the commons area, andexitedthe buildingthroughthe doors nearthe school store, She went outside, look the sidewalkfromthe covered areaoutsidethedoorsaroundto the left toward whereher truckwas parked. She saidwhen she got to thearea of the sidewalkbeside the drive, she sawand spokewith Pat IRELAND. SheconUnued to where her trudc was parked(see attacheddiagram), She crossedthe driveand approached her truckfromthe front After getting her lunchmoneyfromthe truck, she retraced her steps backinto the building. The trip fromthe classroomto her truck and backto the school SlO", took no more than3 to 5 minutes. When SMITHreentered the building, she stopped at the Southend of the school storecounter, where she purchased a cheesepersonal pan pizza. Shesaidshe got quick service,and bed her pizza withinone minute, SMITH thenwent to the corner of the ledgeadjacent to the doors, at the end of the hallwaythat goesby the school store whereshe started to eat Shedid not buya drink, because she bad her ownwaterbottle. SMITHrecalls that she bad onlytaken oneor two bitesfromthe first pieceof her personal panpizza, whenpeoplestartedrunning fur the stairs. 1askedher to draw on a diagramof the school cafeteria wherehe went, and where he stoppedwhenshe saw him Last. On the diagramshe depicts ~ walking in throughthe doors, past where she was sitting, and goingin about as far as ~ end of the schoolstore. It wasat that time that she heardthe windowsbreaking and then realized she washearing sbots, SMITHsaid she grabbedher backpackandranout the doors,leavingthe remains ofher pizzaon the ledge. She recalledthat she ran across the grass, thendowninto the parkinglot and approachedher truckfromthe back. Shethrew her backpack intothe bed of the truckand drove uphill fromher parking place. overthe grass medianinto the driveway to get out ofthe parking lot. SMITHalsotold me that she wears glasses because she is nearsighted, butthat she did not have themon that day. Shebelievesher correction is about20-30. She saidshe has somedifficulty making thingsout at a distance,but that shedid not have anytrouble identifying PERRY when be W!M!'askedSMITHbowsureshe was that the personshe saw and spokewith was I asked, "90 percent sure? 50percentsure?" Her responsewas"100 percent sure." en showedSMITH a photoli.neup whichincludeda pictureof Dylan KLEBOLD. andaskedher ifthe personwhowalkedpast her wasin the lineup. She statedhe was NOTin the lineup. I askedher if she knewanyof the personsin the lineup, and she 2 JC.Q01.004470 COLUMBINE HIGHSCHOOL TASK FORCE CONTROL NUMBER: JCSDCASENUMBER: FBI CASENUMBER: GOLDENPOUCE NUMBER: REPORT DATE: DETECTIVES: H:il 99·7625 174A·DN·57419 99·1362 05110199 JonWatson JeffK.reulzer immediately pointedto KLEBOLD's pi_lIIld identified himcorrectly, by name. She also pointed1<) two of the other picturesandsaidshe knew them,but couldn't remembertheir names. I askedSMITH about Matt BRUCE, whomshebadsaidwas in the caieteria. She clarifiedtha1 she had not actually seen BRUCE in the cafeteria; shehad learned thisfromtalIdna10 him at a later time. I alsoaskedSMITHto clarify~ s s i b l e affilialion withthe group ofldds she used to see last year; whichincludedRobbyCRAtO. She clarified tha1 she bad not s e e n ~ tha1 group. SMITH toldme she has known"sinceshewas a freshman. but thai she never knewwbaI his last name was until afterthe incident She saidthatshe learned hislastname whenshe and herfriend Dana REMYweretalkingright afterthe incident, and looked hispictureup in the yearbook. SMITH talkedaboutseeing!!at tha school frequently, even thoughhe bad either dropped out or been suspended. She exp ained where she usually sawhim; walldngsouthon Pierce towardthe area of the SemiIwy Building, whichis a brownish colored houseon the northwest comer ofthe same blockwhereColumbine HighSchool is located; or thai he would go one block furthersouthto Weaver, whereshe would seehimalone, smoking. SMITHsaidthere is a culvert in the areaacross the street to the southofthe Seminary Building, whereIdds are known to sometimesgo to smokemarijuana. 3 Jc.o01•004411 CONllNlIAIlON 0 SUPPl.EMl!NT '-" ... Cl __""""" Cl _ "'" Cl _ Cl - No, $Wi;IlNl;l.. .. g£.'_.. ... __ , ' ..._-_.... '_.__.._- ._...._--_. • " ••_ .,. ''''_•••_._.' ' __nO n _ .... • .. _. • • . nn.... u_".'''' _ •••_. .._,. ,_ ... ''''n' .....,'....._- ... _...,-- .---,,-_.__._--- .,-----,.._-_._----- .._- _To JC-001· 004472 - -1'---1 .. CONTINUATION c Rc;!ortint Ap:ney Reponmg Officer Cae Repcn Ne SIfP..LEMENT X JCSD Iav, LaITY Erzen 99-1625 1(""",,,. csseR""," _. VictimName On';nai Date ThisR¢pOtt DN506; 10-25-99 ., lificllioli x First Decree o.. 0pl;rI , a !tJ!tM'lrt'lend Caw; Review a '<.t<:lilDiflll1ll'li)l\ a C1IMifIId11y C a a 'QuntilY I SnInci Nlmt 1-- I""".... !R I '1aj'll! o..1tI.lIstG . ADDITIONAL WITNESS; LaceyN., DOB/OI·U·S2 5690West Rowland Avenue Littleton, CO80128 303·973-6961 Business Address: Student- Columbine HighSchool Smith, Sheila 5690West Rowland Avenue Littleton, COSO128 J03·973·6961 INVESTIGATION; t Jetober 12.1999 between the hoursof 1135 and 1211,1 spoke withSheilaSmithin reference to her daughter, Lacey Smith, who had been interviewed on May 3, 1999 by Detective Jeff Kreutzer with the GoldenPolice Department in reference to her observations at Columbine HighSchool on April 20. 1999. WhenI contacted Sheila. [ explained to her why1wanted to reimervlew Laceyandstatedwe had several additional questions we would like to ask Lacey inreference toher identification of_asbeinga gunmen in thecafeteria on April 20, 1999. 1 explained to Sheilathat the Jefferson Ccunty had recovered a videotape from the cafeteria andat no time. do we identify beingin thecafeteria. nor do we idennfyhimas shooting within theschool. Sheilaexplained to is hesitant to agree to be interviewed again. staling Lacey does not believe that law enforcement believesthe information she passedalongin reference to this case. [told Sheilathat it is important we reinterview Laceyin orderto correct any discrepancies that might naveoccurred in the in,tial interview, [t was tentatively scheduledthat WI: wouldmeet on October [4, [999 at the Jefferson County Sheriff'sOffice. On October [4. [999 between the hoursof 1353 and 1520, 1had an opportunity to reinterview LaceySmithat the .Jefferson CountySheriff's Officeandpresentduringtheinterviewwas her mother. Sheila. 1provided a copyof the report generated by Detective JeffKreutzer withtheGolden Police Department in reference to his initial interview withLacey Smith. [had LaceyandSheilareadthrough thereport andaskedif there wereanydiscrepancies. I brou.ght it to Lacey's attention whereshe specifically toldiav... i ors that she entering intothecafeteria via RebelCorner, at whichtimeshesaidhi to As _assed her and was near the commons areaof thecafeteria, she thenexplained that.pulled a weapon out from under his trench coatand starred firing intothe cafeteria. Laceywasasked if she wasSure in thesestatements, at whichtime she toldmethat JC-001· 004413 Unil CONTINliAnON a Reportinl AgetlI:y Re;lOrtinl SUPlLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Erzen 99-1625 1(:OO1*"'J:l.Ci!.M RCj:l'O'tt 1"0 "!<;tim NIJMOriginal Report Dare Thi$. Repol"t DN5062 10-25-99 '. x FIM' D...... M.rdor X 0 Recommet'ld cese- Review Cl ll:!lClaflll!\qJ'lml o c l!lIl'wtllted c CtosUR' 0 I I NnM I"""""" j""""" I I ValUoli ll\fmG Dam"," she hasa vivid imagination and is unclear on exactlywhatshe sawoccur in thecafeteriaon April 20, 1999. 1askedLaceyif she could explainto meexactlywhat she sawOn the incident date and askedher to giveme a little background OIl what her classeswerebeforeshe went intothe cafeteriaon the incident date. Laceystatedpriorto goingto the cafeteria, she was in her historyclass, taught by Ms. Greenandtheywere in the library. Afterbeing released fromher historyclass, between11:15 and 11:20, shetoldme that she went down intothe cafeteria areaWhere she got a sliceof pizza fromthe school store. Aftershe got her pizza, Laceystilted she went over to the ledgein the comer near the school store, whereshebegan to eat her pizza. 1askedLaceyif she ate withanyoneor recalls who might havebeensittingnear her. Laceystaledshe alwayseats aloneandshe doesn't know anyofthe otherstudents that werenear her. Laceyexplainedthat just after she startedto eat her pizza. she recalls seeinga tall individual described as a white male,about 6'5"·6'6", wearingsometype ofa coat, walkintothe schoolcafeteria. via Rebel Comer. and walkinto the maincommons area of the cafeteria. I askedLaceyif she was identifying this personas being whichtimeshe told me that she didn't knowwhothe individual was. 1askedLacey if she was sure a ut t ,and Laceystared she can', even tell me if the individnal was_orif he was wearing any typeof a trenchcoat. I e- <lained to Laceythai thereis a d_'in the filedwithDetective Jeff Kreutzer, where she -, "ificallytells himthat shesaw walkintothe cafeteria wearing a trenchcoat and in fact, she said hi to the individual. Laceytold me that s e oesn t recall exactly whatshe saidto the person. but she thinks she did sayhi. greeting the party, but again, toldme that she is not sure if this person was-' 1had Laceydescribethe actionsof the individual andtoldher to tell me exactlywhat the persondid. lacey statedthe whitemale walkedtowardsthe commons areaand stopped. at whichtime she saidshe sawme individual placehis right handon his right hipand movefrom side to side, Laceywas askedif sheobserved anytype of a firearm at this point and she statedshe did not. 1, again, referred Laceyto the report whichwas generated by Detective Kreutzer. and askedher whyshe told thedetective that she described seeingthe individual moving fromside to sideanddescribed rapid fireshooting comingfromthe individual, tellingthedetective that she believedthe party had a gunconcealed under his longcoat. Laceytold me that, again, shehas a vivid imagination andshe couldnot positively tell me if the individual had a firearm ofany sort. I asked Laceyaboutthe gunfirecomingfromthe areawhere the individual was located and she told me at this point, shedoesn't knowif the gunfire was coming withinthe cafeteriaor if it was corningoutsidethe cafeteria. ! askedLacey if she could tell me wherethe individual went. Laceystatedaftershe heardthe initial gunfire. she ran from the cafeteria, grabbedher backpack, proceeded out intothejunior parkinglot, got in her vehicle, anddroveout of the Columbine parkinglot. I explained to Laceythat the informaticn shewas providing medoesn't matchthe information she provided to l)¢"'Ctive Kreutzeron the initial interviewon May3, 1999, tellingher therewereseveraldiscrepancies. I, again, AnipedTo Jc.o01- 004474 of .1 CONTINUATION 0 _.A...." _.Om- tax R.epQl'\ No SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Enen 99'-7625 CllM«t1ni U&e Rqxm VictimName OrijWJ RIPOft This Repon DN5062 10-25-99 I1mrion x Finl JleIreo Martl... OI't'mRSI:llrI:llf: {)pea x D Rmmlmtnd Cue: Review a D Clared ll'y Aft'tSt a 1m""""'" a C10!u1"l:i D I I BmndNIrM 1-- I"""... ¥.:.'.:; askedLaceyif she identified' as beingthe gunmen that she sawwalk into the cafeteriaon the incident dale. LaceySlated she could not I entify beinginvolved in this incident, tellingme that she does not evenrecall what the partywas wearing, er artywalked past her and intothe commons areaof thecafeteria, that's whenshe proceeded to hear thellUOfire. Again,Laceytoldme thatshe did not seethepartywith anytypeof a weapon andcould not tell me where the gunfirewas coming from. At the completion of the interview, I askedLaceyif therewas anyadditional information that she wouldliketo pas. on. Laceystatedthereis a rumoraroundschool that a srudent bythenameof Eric Veik had assisted Eric Harris and DylanKlehold in somevideoschool projects andEricis nowa runaway andhad stolensomemoneyfrom a past employer, Laceyexplained that she heard theFBI is currently looking for Eric and is goingto chargehimwithsome typeof copyright violations in reference to some videos he hadassisted EricHarrisand DylanKlebold inmaking, I explained to Laceythat we werewell aware of Eric Veik, at which time l terminated this interview, ADDITIONALL"IFORMATION: Fl'll Case#4-DN·57419, DN#5062, DISPOSITION, Caseopenpendingfurtherinvestigation, JC.oo1· 004475 tjnit Number Inidais andDate SMI1'll, LOGAN JC-001· 004476 SUPPLEMENT REKER 5-29-99 HOMICIDE 99-7625 INTERVIEW WITH LeGAN SMITH 5434 S. TAFT CT. LITTLETON,COLO.80123 904-7569 On 5-19-99, Inv. Reker did conduct an interview with Logan Smith at his residence with his mother present. Smith states that he was sitting between the table TT and the window of the west end of the cafeteria and then walked to the vending machines by the teachers lounge when he heard ~ , s h o t s , and then heard a male outside the door yelling "get off me". Smith then ran to the stairs in the common area and up the stairs to the $.e. front entrance to the school and to Leawood park. Smith states that he did not see the shooters and left a blue and green backpack in the cafeteria. He arrived in the cafeteria at approx.ll:10 and did not notice anything unusual. Smith was unable to provide any further information and the interview was concluded. JC..()01- 004471 • -t-oc-!'-J.I $' N1 I rH I ; ! i , ' I I 1 I I I I ! I , ; I , I ! I i I I I ,I ! 1 I 'I II! ; I I I I I 1 ___ , 1/1 I , I I I ,IA ..-'\ , \ , 1-'\' I r""",,, • I_ I '-::.l -,.""./ I I "i ! ' I I I 1 ! I , ! I l i ,- I I r ! : I I ; I I ! I ( : , I I I" I , . ' : ; i ! I I t : I ! I \ ! ! i : ! I , , ' I ! I i ! l j I I I I I I I j i I I i 1 l I 1 ,m:m i I • I I i e:. ! I I I : I I i l,::,i I! I I, 1 , I j : ! ! j I ' I , I I f : 1 I ' '-::Y , , ' , 'il II! 1 , l '....... I , ' I I, i 1 I I I i I i j i f I l I I I I i I \.i:.;/ I I . I I ! , i , '-Z', I I )( ..' I '!'iI\ ! y,!'-::YI , I 1 ! I , , I I 1....1 ,,.;:) , I : I ! I G.' I oj) I i i j I I l j , I , ' , 1- R' I ! 1 i I t, I I : i ; I I I I i i I '/J I , I , ! ' : it 1,- - , , I i ! I l Iii 1 , 1("" ! 11"""\ , ;\,.,.I 1 :\:.L/! 1\::; ill I ! I I 1 Iii I I i I I I 1 I I Ir:l:: I ",\ I IY I 1- 1'-( , '\' I ),'-Y i , ! Il"') ! I III Iii I I I I J II I! I i_ 'r.... J-i I , /, I ! I! ! '_ I IA ! ir:i\ 1 l.,;) I I ' I I I t I , I 1 I I ! : ; ! , I I I ! i ! l I 1 i I i I , , i 1 ' , r ! I i I ! I I I , ! l , , I l 1 ! ! ! , I I i ! ! I !: J I , , i ,I i I .. i I j , i ! : ell \ i ..... : I I''":'' I I- XH', l : I i ! I I , I , I ! : i I 1 , , , I i , I : I I I , I , I JC.o01- 004478 ** UPDATED APRIL28, 1999 ** TEAMFOURINTERVIEWGUIDELINE MINIMAL QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED L. Pld j'OCl ._.... the""0 larS" dufl'eI !>II" in the cafell!ria 7 /to 2. Pld l"'0 seeilI1y<l!ll> ~ or ill the ........,nc. of lhosedllffJOl bag;l... al"""illll>lime7 ,.JC 3. DidyouseeEri<: Hams 0<DylanKlobokl.itll=r enMOIlllay ofTUlOSllay? What .......cbcy@ing ? What did. theysay? Were theywilli anyo.., else 7 H a 4. Didyou lea"" an'llbing beb!tld m1llecafeteriaor m)"tlbm elao m1lle fdlool ? f?l'-U(Pf.LI.l< - a;""..f,..<:Jo. 1 ~ "S '"n IU.CK/ "-$. Who ....... Y"'0 wilhinthecafeIl!ria ? Wbm........Y"" sitting ? _ 6. Pld j'OCl_ or tllJl:: tomy of meTmrcI1 Coat Mafia lD011lben onMonday? TUlOSllaY? Howabout... priOf ....... or_? ,vO 7. Haveyou bea!Il ilI1yl!lillg !rommybo<ly elaoabout ....... "'"JlOClS, bomb lIllIkilllI, gna b ~ eee, ? '0 a. Wbat..... Y " ' ~ ~ ? Pld you..'" • b1lcl<p<lI:l< 7What did. it lookIil=andlor ...... in il;? fJ'-,.."f! !'t;;).I!J '7/"1.'. r .... TftN "..ii>H' _ 9. Howdid. yo. 1...... thecafell!ria O!' tilebuikllllg 7 What ~ me__lila! made Y"" lea'" ? "'1) "C'! ,..,.. If, i <' r :J 10. What_ did. you",tor tilecafeIl!ria ? Whamdid youcome!rom (pri<r 11):he Clfetmia) ? /"'11. Flave ( ~ ~ where :hoy...... sltlillg,.lhoir "'.'" out of tileblliklilli andw1IolIl dloy-.. with(ll lo.lown) ? ......1:1. Howdid. Y"'0 exi<thebuilding? Wbmdid YOO &" wlIimyougo' out and_ did. YOo see011 the oumof:hobuil<llllg ? -13. D1> j'OCl usethe ? If,.,. wbat .. Y"'Ul' """"'" ..... ? D1> yOll"'" ",ICQ(aka: l,..l; you I similar to. cballioc) """"""? rI (} . 14. Do yOulo.low "'ybody_. "@uble pitm:o<ley_ ? NO IS. Didyou _ or llI:ar ..,y Ullusal """'""''''''''''''.. prior11) the sboo1:l.llgs? 0<> Y"'o kl>ow _ :he "'l1l<lugll' or the day was" 0_the Rebel News 1<1_(RNN) ? 16. Canyou pmvide ...y _ inComwi"" on the __or:heTmltb Coat Malia ? NO 11. Askthe l"l""l'" iIllloldda ...... told:hom""ytl:W>c else 1 Dilll:rellt? JC-001· 004479 SN¥OER, K JC-001- 004480 p.qe_I_' PIges Denver Police Department STATEMENT !f:8/ .c "'" It ON ''"1 t 1 •." . ..,.. Case NO. _ . ".M't,. Am. M.cng $Utl'lMttt tr.: "'.... ".-1> a , t>.."", " a OHiClN' 0 -- a __sn.t_ f • ll".. ICity Count!l Zit> Cod. l..""I:>' ,"" • R. lL1ll L,t1 ,,' _.\ 50 I 'Z.':L _....... Soci;tlS6CUfitV No, Dua ot IDrth I S.ria! No. I :>,0\ I ,'ii .! I L-Q·S:z.. 8I.IlJinou Snet AdO"MI City CO""", ISI- Zip c... Officlf rlldno SMiIIl No. loatt ._.le 12..... S- 7·' 'I " "0 Hour. ... .... s:...-.. ILo""-t.';';;'-;:tU";.aM,.Q..o r\.o1 Summary of Statement: I hwe read the foregoing statunent and the' f.ttcts contained therein ate true to the best of my !maw/tlldgfl "ltd bfJllsf, J do not mainMm that it ctJI1tlIins B1l of the filets or der:8Hs of the incident, but only rhase facts about which 1have been asked. --IriiiiiI-- OAM ..=====,.,.OPM r... s_COiiiiiOiOd Of'!) 366 (Rev. 21951 JC..Q01· 004481 Ca•• , _ $tlmmary of Statement loont.l _ lZl ,#,<J";;' rMW /l114:q'!' .....J, atoll Tl> rw; J I ! / ~ 7?:W I ! / ~ ( mu; 'M ,''''' )£ "'!?#U Afe,f ......, mit ,J!rrr;.Jf£t:, .1 «4: . • sm-yo "em< I have tud Itte {I"egoing stat_t and Itt" fact. ctmtllinBd th,.,.,,;n are t1lJe ta thtI best of my knowlfldge lind bIIlief. I do not maintain tMt it contains iJIIof the facts or derails of the j'm:idBnt but only those facts about which t MW been asked. / / -- Iliii"'" -- Cl AM _;;;=====;;;; Cl PM Tfme Stat*f1"'l8nt CompIlItad JC.QO1· 004482 SODEl1BERG, B. JC-001. 004484 CONTROL NUMBER ·.3043 cat CASE l>'UMBER-991.0185 FBI CASE NUMBER- 4-DN-574l9 lEI'FERSON COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT CASE NUMBER-99-762S REPORTING AGENT - llNDAR. HOLLOWAY eDl 69llKIPUNG D6NIIER. COLORADO80215 (303) 239-4218 WITNESS: BR.lAN EUGENB SODERBERG DOB 01/W13 SOPHOMORE ADDRESS: 1156W. <J<dd<s. Litlloton, C.lcndo 80128 Phone: (303)979-8375 MOTIIER - NANCY (303) 4'8-3OIlS FATIlER- DAVlD(303) 979-839. ACTION TAliEN: OnMay7,1999!he ~ r t A g e m , Lil><laR. HOl.LOWAY, in..mew.dBrtanEugooe SODERBURO er his reside..,.,. Thelnfmnalioo Conlrl>lsheet #3043 _ 1'0< Brian', .n-, Lilldsay, wllo is 11yea and also • 'llIdcDt at Columbine HighScbool. Brian SODERBURO, howe_, iJlfo<med metllal hiss__ Jll1wl<:bwbentileincidollt begaa andtelIlllillecI off"""l'\I$ fortileemio:.-. His backpacl<. waslocalOd in <It. oalil<oria _ ""nlllilled iDf"-oo fromhis.n-, His_, Nancy, wllo .,.. prosolll durin. tile_,droppodol'l'Brianatsollool. Uponhis arrival Jll 7;15a.rn, be wont to is loclolr wllidlis localOd """ tile_ From"""" be wontto tilecafeteria and W. .. what .,.. _ fromsbowinll him. map of tilecafoImla, ar lllble BBB. This partieular rablo is 1.""..,1'''ly adjllCont to !abl.. wheretileborolls were _localOd. HetelIlllillecI .. tllal tabl. utttlI tho first pc:r;iod bell""'II- Also_ltdwith himwere\liel\:>1Iowins student: DAVlDSMITH. CYRUS MASE (Us. lAKE), AARON BROWN, TONYAWaRLOCK AND SEAN (utlkIlownlast !lWl!lll). "" did oot.....ylhiog $1lspicio.., lib tho duffol bop, _ be.,.. intile_ .... priorto sobool begintlinll- Briantile. aueodod his normal2", 3" 8lld 4& period chwes, He_tto his loemanddroppedoff his book. Hepicktd lip _ be _ 1'0<his allI:nloalchwes aIld his lllllCh and wontou!&ide the west doo.., down tileSlairs aIld into!hecafotma. Hesal .. TableUUwhich is veryeeer tilenorthwest doortllal beelllll%Od. AlsosoaItdwithhim_gALoncb""'" BRENDaNTRUlILLO, DAN (utlkIlownlastlWlll», ERIC LARSON, MlKELAVEN, aIld LOGAN(.....0'"" last .....). TIle first be known of \lieincidcDt ..... whoa be sa.... atudeo'ou!&ide thodoor llI'Ib his]og and fall to !be ground. A~ (potbap$Mr. SANDERS) at.j"';to< auDO in .,!be _ and.,ld!be smdolI'" "Q<t down, _'s a gaa". Brian go' up apinsl .. adi"""'....n. Ashort __be"'" uptileSlairs, do..... !beupperball....y andacross!be""'" (l'iorI:e)te OIl adjaoIoat part. He-.., • prtv... rosideu<e and JC.o01·004485 called hispotellII. HeiIldlcated on""" maps histooteoftr.l.el nlll oftbe lIClloQI JlIld ....... be _ oltlillg bo<h beforefinl poriod lllld at ImIcll. Wben asbdifbe sawtbe sbOOllOn priorto tbe incidont. be ,laI<d 1llal bemaybave _ ERIC HAlUUS be""""" finllllld secood poriods. !lo _ ....,;"g armpants, a bl.a<1< sbirtand sung!lIsses (be was ant ,ere oflllis). BriaIlwu _g.darlr. blaoaylon_ pan!!!,apy... sbirtlllld • _ batwilb an or.Illl" "F' onit The backpatl< be left bobindill tho<:afclOrill _ a yellowlllld bIacl: LaIlds Bod btlllld""". II""'I.iMd """ wbitofoJdm. .,...lllld pelll)ils lllld. cabllllor. Hedoo! _tho lnlllfDOllllld his""""" aamo1$ "1lEDl'L'-. Of'tho meml:>on of thoTCM, be_Joe STAIR from • woodtlllop ........ be tool< wilb blm. !lo _ rJO( mlIClloQI dwbe saw. Hedoe:! 1lOl!<now anyone who baa • double j>ietced e)'e!>t'ow lllld be didn't~ booriIlg tho anon=-ondwdayor !<nowthothought of tho day. His_ did !lOt bavelIllY flIllbor i.Ill'brmalion eitbor. Jc..o01· 0114486 I' I I : It ," : I ;:: ;..! I 1 ; 1 I r I ! I I 1 I' ,i f'lI'x-11 I i ; ! I: I 'i I I . ,I ; I' i ,. f i I > i ,/11A. ! • ' I A.... j r=-., I ,''''' I I "i , ,\.::y' 1\.'1'7, 1 I " i I . l i , ! , I' , , i"- -IIU' I , I; 'I " I : ' :11'1'\.1 I ; 4 I , I , I , , I : ; ! I ! i I; 1 ! I I I I ; I i 1 ,,: l I lit.. 1 ! 1 I I I : 11 m • I! j i j I: j t I I I ! I i IT, '_I .' :Fl.i '1. " I I I I j I 11- :!"'7"' I .I""T:\ ! /'7"\ I ! I I ,! I : j I -r ,\.::I; \..L:/; j *".J, Ii: j ! I I I ! I I : ; i ! ! 1 I I I I I I . i I ; I r-". I """ ,........ I A I I i /"7 1;.-... . i i I !, I.. ! I ! I I • f I:; i : iii I ,I I. ,! \... J i\'lr; i:'" I I Ii )1 I if"!; I I , ; I . , Iii I ! i I I I ' , I I I , I Iii I I I! ! I I I ill , I I I I I I' II I I i I . ! I I ! i f i ' I j 1; I l ! I j r U I I j I I , IX I I ;"...; I h. i8 1l"5i'r1 I I I I Iii , II I i I II! 'I \R I I\'0:> 1 ,"'''.1- I( Ii: ;1 t ..J' I rio- \ i Ii I I I I ' i i iii ! I ! , , , I 'I' I I I I i r I l J I : I I ; I ! ! \ : t I I I 1 I I I I ii' I I os; 1 i I.,.... I I-<#J I 1....1 I I...... ' I 1 ".1 I ill II 'II '1" r-i'1- III I 1.1 I I I 1'1 \, i I I II i III i I II ,/5f ! \do. ..:-1 "'I II I I "1 I.!!:} I I".'" 'i!",,) "I IV':"}' 'III I! ii' I I \I. ',' 'I,! i " I I !I ! ' , 'I ,. I I I I I I II 1 'I' I 1 I : I I ': I I: I I I ' I I' • II I I I I ! I I I I I ' ! ' ! I '" 1 I I I • I I """, I : II I, I 1 "!!: I 1 .' II I I I I I ill I I I ill'" i : '1 I 17i I I: , '" J i I Iii i , , t ; 1 ' 1 I I I ! ! : I ! ! : I ! ; ! I ' I 1 : I i l r I . , • I , , , , I I I I I : I 1 I I I I t. I i 1 l ! i I i 1 I , I I I ; I ! 1 : I 'I' 'I..... ,"'\5 '='! ill./."I i II : I I ,! : I 11'-"1 I r- i ) ;/, ! I 1 : I I i I .T: T I f'\.'FJr! Yi I' :1 I:L;I , iiJ....1'"il j II 11,1 II"-"'rT III .VI IC"\ I Q_ iii I ...-r I I I I! j I I i I I i I i I I I I, i.i-J Iii I I I I: I I : I. i \0''''') . t.., I 11.,"" I I 1-+-1 I '.', , I III1 II Il""i'lllf" i{"" J r..fll '''';'' (, I I : : ""-': i '-=":. \.c::A 1 "::::--r i I I I i I " I ' I ! 1 i I I i 1 I I I I'-'! I 1 I ii' I IL¥[ I I I I I I I I Iii"" I i I I 1 I/! i I r;::;;oiY I I 1 I I I I I i I I I: i I I : I j I! 7 T'T I I 1'1 I JC.o01.004487 • \ .i , : .: : , f----.---- . CONTINUATION CJ - -- .. ... - _._- ._--- ... _....... - _ ..... --_.. ..__._..-... _-_.._- .....- --_.. ... ...- - ... , _, M_ W _ """ __ ."__ __ ... --. .. --.. -::Dr- ;;..::.;:.:,...;..;::;;J--.... -- - . .1.. .._._- . - - _ .._ _ ..._ .. .. __ JC-001· 004489 SONDERllY, A. JC-001· 004490 Denv... Police Depa'li,ia,C STATEMElr CaseNo. _ a Cityt.; ktQ/\ IS""eo Zll> """" W. "del Ave... ? .: lQt!"hoM 1:-- -_.... 0.. lJt Birth ( Sfrili No. t:3=>, I \"'11 S' I I /-27-13"'1 c,ptf./,..,6,/le City """"" IS"" ll.CoM ..., . AI'V Iirlt-::rc. $eO...... j- T1me.;L ff..z rrCIS ;y'e. 6S0.0'-/ (;1_. Surnm8ry of Statemont: }(..O"'6 up idk;.,'i/ :\0 v>t::l *"eM a.le!.. G.c<.iq V'cs:;;'yY\ ::, "- b.?", I:J at; >; lJ, 1\ ,. -+- J.: ",' WI:'-) <. e .s.....k e, 1sD®i" tk \roi;)J1.e. 0& -tit \"",oJr\ COO vn. q QrtJ yCR((' S e-e I;r,.JCI/J.t"CJ <P/2.. Sltb7l Ar /1/0 010 I h_""'d the fc,BgDil!g • __t _ the fIletS cantllifttKltherein Me l1IIe to tho b""t of my lcnawltKlgtt and boll." I dt> not maintain tfuJr if cont3inS aI Df the facbJ 01 details (Jf the inc.ideItt,. but only those facts about which I have b,et'I /J$kttd. JC.oo1"004491 I,( w ,) 0 .. ..._- "'--' Dlte of Bitth I SeritiI -2 -.f ..........,olS-..... ::r $m ,.9 -fi''''fl7A1'',,,) Ilr tLfunJ W ?16;$<;. (.1,.[. ;r ;!2lk"" 7?k .:i:k/ dus ;;'1'1V ;9dtf,'ve PI' S<:At:><:p/ r=d.t?1 '/A-.J'<L T taKe Pte kill";' ;Iv ;J-JLtNdl1· :z c,.;,,):rA (1(0« &';'5/ djrMk) r C'""""", Jrv;f;;? el",: o/lt",:N z: A..a. ...I.scvvfi;0;f' hy 'iMA/S' € OW fr<c& td<t! J: kAa,,-.v & 7'4 ?<J.2 <;er ;;'lie'..rtf' ,'t" I: .:7 z;.MjJfd . , aIM +el! .:z G¢r &( R /)/)';2 X4-,'! 4i:<C ?ltc /14ft); /;.q(/ kbe>/. j 14#' t2.flA! .:zl'l Z?7t &,I'k. .4",a Tit 0"; J.,yt!,;. 7k A/,f"'lftbod,,4 ; .:z d:"/4H2e ,5& ?,IM NQ:, ,rh4:::tr;",";7 <:Rtf &A-Ibr I htwrr_ dJe foIlBjJOing ••,.""", lind thB hlCI:l _minedthB,ein Me title 10 'lui b_of my knowledge ond I do If«,,_,... _ it aadIihs 111 of thB _ 01' _ of tllilt ir!ciden.. bul 0tI1y IhOtl" fltCt8 "bolll which I have been III8IuJd. DI'O,.-.2JlI5I Page __ of__ ~ e- ,, -'-__ Summary of Statement lcont.l ::I. ad "'I?t" ,Sf'<t &.J' twtda/ ,&;qt.. ,kA;-s "'1 ,dry?(iw< qv/e,v..d-As .:ztl.! ~ t«¢h ('c>01"'7 , I Mve feed tM foregoing statBnMnt BIld t1Ie _ COfltIIined thInin "'"_ It>the be$t of my know/edgB """ 1HIJitIf. I do not mBintBin tnat it contllins all of the _ or de_ of the incident, but only -._ about which Il1lIve been ""ked. __I -rriiii!-- 0 AM "'nr;;; ....s.,; .. ::; .... =.:;; ..'1'&i/iiid== 0 PM JC-l101· 004493 FOUR INTERVIEW GUIDELINE MINIMAL QUESTIONS TOBEASKED L Did you ever see the twolargeduffel bagsin the cafeteria? ,\ ' , , - 2. Did you see anyone cmymg or in thepossession of those duffel bags. at a previous time ? ;\)0 3. Did you see Eric Hilnisor Dylan Klebold either on Monday of Tuesday? What were rbey doing? What did they say? Were theywith anyone else? vo 4, Did you leaveanything behind in ,be cafeteria or anywhere else in the scbeol ? :\:. ::cekc\- 0"<.\ ""::l fu.:.\d'"d< 11 b:.Ia r 5, Who were you within thecafeteria? Wherewere you sitting 1 ::\,/'1 'I"" 1'1,"G\'e i\.,. tk kblt. l.l:::l ""k pc It . 6. Did you see or talkto anyof !he Trench Coat Mafia members onMonday1 Tuesday? Howabout the pri or wee!< or '->:end ? Ac Rave you lleardllllythlng from anybody else about other suspects, bomb maIdng, gun buying, eee. ? I' <. '''I,,; 8. What were you wearing' Didyouhave a back pacl< ?What did it 1001< !ike and! or havein it? f""'1'i .... ; ,I 'VI no.s a 6. 'J 0. W, P"l'""'I..,;(,. "",,' I 'j ""'f, I '1t,,\ a. t-t- f l{ b\1<. It?; 1""" I t- 9. Howdill jIllu leavetileC3fl!ti!fia or theouilding? :1"i,ete ttleevehtsthat m3dIo you leave? »,\(\ K,,\ qc' ""; I.4.t,:;.\ J: € OJ'" r"", Cw-l +1.<. YlI"'\YI k" r. Gh,,"':;. 10. What nme did youearertneeafefena 1'Where'didyo come from (priorto !he <::tieterla) ? II: Ie II,!! M,l,h hV.\\. 11. Rave themmark where tIleyweresitting. !heir route out of tile buildiog and wbo meywere with(if known) ? 12. Can you provide anyfuttherioicmtion 00 the members of the TrenchCOal Mafi. ? 13. Ask the parentsif tile kidshavefold themanythingelse? Different? YV JC.o01· 004494 Map a Sp",-ific Address Page! oU AOL.COM 'Neb C""l.... Travel Maps & DirliClio"" . 1'-1"et'I1,;$ are all alike ';:;.1, "'N I .. cl'o • :«>0.. • • • • • • • Click anywhere on the map to re-centeril 0 5,; 14 W Alder Ave . Uttleton, CO 8012e-e027 'Ii', ' . TyP'I' in.a t6m"I Then Hl$ OQwl'l ,)n::,,'# -e "n<Iklt 1QW1 _lc!'I wf'1d .... , . lS<larCh AOLCOM..:J 1da<n 't W..;int •• Ti("'l\l$.. hllp:!!aol';cini!y.comlaolcolll2/usaddressresults,hm"&f.4.1\1,,",0Ico...:U 1 »' v= 4/28/99 JC-001·004496 Map a Specifio Address Page 1 of! AOL.cOM Web Cent"", Maps & DIrections 551-1 WAlder Ave Littleton, CO 80128·6027 P<y>\T..,J M \'Ottrlil.\ (;S I1Iap11 (llJT file 1999 Cw:oJimll1UZpl C<Jf'\ firm 0.\"1 1m: 191)lJ {II RigllU f <;! />';'}(c/ hi I JC..o01· 004497 ...:USA&UAD2=5514+W+Alder+Ave&:GAD3=Littleton%2c+(;o++80128-6027&ritle=Map+a+ 4128/99 SOlIDER, M JC.Q61.604498 PROGRESS REPORT CllS lNC'lDENTiCONTllOL#2858AND m REPORT BYJACKLYNGEE(ACSO) On050799. thillnvestigalO< :;p<:>b to • SIlll:lent of CIlS. idenl:ified as: Sowder, Jonathou DOB: Q(;22S1 5256 W. Port1alId Cr. UttIet.., Co. P!lt 303·972-4249 Thal on 0421199,llllWbco badpotllIlllII e_tobe"'" of !cltool $0 beeould.-.piCllic _ some friends. Thal lo0ath0ndid eos p....otl.ny knowEric (Hama) or Dylan (Kleboldl, althongll statedtlw be llas seen tbemin tbe _ at CllS. Thal lollllll1o.',aisler, _ , is also• .-at CllS andwas cllllOllrtlC:d __sbe bad left ber backpaclt at !cltool tbe <loy of !lie int:idnstandneededher glasses from iL Thal10_wouldha""Melissa call tl>is lnvestigalllr, On051199, tl>is [n_galllr _to_"liu!I«, SlOven So'M!cr andwasadYisodof !lie foUowing: Thal_was ftilly idnntifiedaa: Sowder,_ DOll: 122383 Thal MelisJla wasnot available beeease sbellas beee bospitalizedat Cleo Wll!LaI>o, as • resultof CllS lllcidnnL That MelisJla wasin tbe cafeteriawben tho incidnnl 0CCUll'ed. That MeiWabad reidherparenJl< that sbeknew wbeEricand Dylanwere andsrated That... only$llid "Hi" to tbemoo:asjonally. That S"""'" !lasdia<:ussod thIl incidnn' wilhMelissa andsbe toldbimthat last.._ (Fall 1998) Sbe used to go down to tbe cteeltand .,..,.... willl Ericand Dylan. Thal S"""", does oct benevethatMeiWasmcwmarijUllJlll. and feebllllat see was ",fIlrrlng to elpro_ That Melissa ..,... allblack fo' asbonperiodof dilleandhung """ad withtbe "Goth',", bo' ilegan_ghetowostyJe. dithl'treally ......... Wilhanygroups, andstayedprettyclose tohome. JC.o01· 004499 nON a N:pomOIL OfficU' CJ.K' Re-pon SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 9'J.762S-Z c C RCjXlrt :-10. VictimNamllOrijpll&1 Repctt Om!! Thlt Rcp.;rt COLUMBINE 05-19-99 , "'lion X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Open X E1l:tt'P!ionaily Clem:d 0 Cue: Revaw 0 JIl«lh\I,iliation 0 0 Unft'l\ll'ldflld c CItl!WR! 0 , 1 I IR. 1 .'Q IO....IlIl1Y j Brnlld :'iem( ."" INVESTIGATION: On05-l3.99, at about9:00 a.m., I telephoned CHSstudent Melissa Sowder'sresidence as follow up on DN3il65 According to this lead, Melissa had apparently told CHS srudent Veronica Griffith that she had "two weeks" prior knowledge of the Columbine shootings, and that the smdents who wereshor"deserved what they got.' At that time, I spoke with Melissa, mother. Melissa', mother toldme thatshe and herhusband wereawareof what Melissa is allegedto havetoldotherstudents. and Ihat Melissa was knownto "embellish"herstoriesand'ell lies. Melissa's mother toldme that Melissa was admitted to theCleo Wallace YouthCenter on 05-06-99,whereshe is receiving therapy under the directionof TherapistSharon Olson. At that time, Melissa', mother told me that sheand her husband werenot opposed to Melissabeing formally Interviewed by lawenforcement, but wantedto first confer withSharon Olson beforemaking a final decision. On 05·[3·99. at about 5:00 p.m., I telephoned Melissa's mother, She told me that she bad since spokenwithSharon Olson, andthat Sharon did not objectto Melissa beinginterviewed provided that'he and/or Melissa'sparentswerepresent during the interview, Meiisss's mother told me that she did not want Melissa [0 be interviewed at Cleo Wallace. and that she expected Melissa to be released sometimeduring the weekofOS-I7 and return home. I told Melissa's mother that I would call her sometimeduringthe week of 05-17 in order to confirm Melissa', return home. and set up the interview. On05-19.99, at about 11,00a.m., I receiveda telephone call from Paul Prendergast (303·797.3300}. Paul toldmethat he is an attorney representing the Sowder family, and that Melissa couldnot be interviewed. He requested that any attempts to contact Melissa Sowderor her parentshe dieected to him, Per Rapid Start.leads2878and3232, bothrequesting an interviewwith MelissaSowder,wereassigned to Arapahoe County Sheriff's Investigator JackieGee. Also, see leads3065aIld 3609(withreports) for additional information, DlSPOS!T!ON; Open. JC-001· 004500 - . Umr N,.- Initials andDate A,ssignai To utucer SIJ::t1<1ture P'age 1 $VVt?r-- //011/. e>sf!!ii of 1 I 1""'£!;TIC",rOR, "lCT1Mseevrces lor",. I
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