Color Fastness to Washing

April 2, 2018 | Author: Tarang Mathur | Category: Textiles, Stainless Steel, Sheet Metal, Curtain, Corrosion



partner-pub-9148 FORID:9ISO-8859-1 Search Color Fastness to washing Home >>Textile Testing >> Color Fastness: The resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, when subjected to washing is called color fasntess to washing. General Principle: A specimen of the textile to be tested, with the adjacent fabric attached is subjected to washing under specifiend conditions. Te extent of any change in color and that of the staining of the adjacent fabric are assessed and the rating is expressed in fastness numbers. There are two types of adjacent fabrics; (1) single fibre fabric and multiple fibre fabric. In the case of multifiber fabric only one specimen is required and in the of single fiber fabric two adjacent faabric are required. There are various colorfastness tests. Details of some of the tests are given below. Fastness to washing: In the test, change in color of the textile and also staining of color on the adjacent fabric are assessed. A 10 x 4 cm swatch of the coloured fabric is taken and is sandwitched between two adjacent fabric and stitched, The sample and the adjacent fabric are washed together. FIve different types of washing are specified as different washing mthods. Fastness to Wash Soap+Soda Time in Steel Washing severity Temperature in grams/liter minutes balls Very mild like hand 5 wash 5 times severe than 5 method 1 5+2 5+2 5+2 30 45 30 30 4 hrs 40+/- 2 50+/- 2 60+/-2 95+/-2 95+/-2 Nil Nil Nil 10 10 Sr.No Method 1 2 3 4 5 IS:687:79 IS:3361:79 IS:764:79 Mild washing IS:765:79 Severe washing IS:3417:79 Severe washing The solution for washing should be prepared to the required temperature of washing. The liquor material ratio is 50:1 . After soaping treatment, remove the speciment, rinse twice in cold water and then in running cold water under a tap. Squeeze it and air dry at a temperture not exceeding 60°C. The change in color and staining is evaluated with the help of grey scales. COLOR FASTNESS COLOUR FASTNESS TO WASHING 3.30.1 Current criterion The current criterion is formulated as follows: “The color fastness to washing shall be at least level 3-4 (color change and staining). This criterion does not apply to products clearly labeled “dry clean only” or equivalent (insofar as it is normal practice for such products to be so labeled), to white products or products that are neither dyed nor printed, or to furniture fabrics. Test method: ISO 105 C06 (single wash, at temperature as marked on the product, with perborate powder). Test report required on application.” 3.30.2 Changes to the criterion Level 3-4 is acceptable for color change, but should be 4 for staining. In case of multicolored fabrics or fabrics to be sewn together with white even 4-5 might not be enough to avoid visible staining. At the ahWG meeting December 2001 it was argued, however, that level 4 is too strict for many products, for instance when micro-fibers are involved. At the end it was agreed to keep the fastness levels at the same level as in the current criterion. The criterion should also apply to washable/removable furniture fabrics. The criterion is reformulated as follows: “The color fastness to washing shall be at least level 3-4 for color change and at least level 3-4 for staining. This criterion does not apply to products clearly labeled “dry clean only” or equivalent (insofar as it is normal practice for such products to be so labeled), to white products or products that are neither dyed nor printed, or to non-washable furniture fabrics. Assessment and verification: The applicant shall provide test reports using the following test method: ISO 105 C06 (single wash, at temperature as marked on the product, with perborate powder). COLOUR FASTNESS TO PERSPIRATION (ACID, ALKALINE) 3.31.1 Current criterion The current criterion is formulated as follows: The color fastness to perspiration (acid and alkaline) shall be at least level 3-4 (color change and staining). This criterion does not apply to white products, to products that are neither dyed nor printed, to furniture fabrics, curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. A level of 3 is nevertheless allowed when fabrics are both light colored (standard depth < 1/12) and made of silk or of blends with more than 20% silk. 2 Test method: ISO 105 E04 (acid and alkaline, comparison with multi-fiber fabric). Test report required on application. 3.31.2 Changes to the criterion Level 4 should be used here to be sure to avoid consumer complaints. A number of comments during the revision work recommended, however, keeping the existing level. The Italian Competent Body informed that the exception for silk and silk blends is wrong, and suggested the reformulated wording as follows: “The color fastness to perspiration (acid and alkaline) shall be at least level 3-4 (color change and staining). Environmental Assurance Program (EAP) A level of 3 is nevertheless allowed when fabrics are both dark colored (standard depth > 1/1) and made of regenerated wool or more than 20% silk. This criterion does not apply to white products, to products that are neither dyed nor printed, to furniture fabrics, curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. Assessment and verification: The applicant shall provide test reports using the following test method: ISO 105 E04 (acid and alkaline, comparison with multi-fiber fabric). COLOUR FASTNESS TO WET RUBBING 3.32.1 Current criterion The current criterion is formulated as follows: "The color fastness to wet rubbing shall be at least level 2-3. A level of 2 is nevertheless allowed for indigo dyed denim. This criterion does not apply to white products, products that are neither dyed nor printed, or to curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. Test method: ISO 105 X12. Test report required on application.” 3.32.2 Changes to the criterion This level should be at least 3 (2-3 for denim), and it should also apply to interior decorations as there are examples, where products with such low levels have stained themselves during washing. A number of comments during the revision work recommended, however, keeping the existing level. The exceptions regarding curtains and textiles intended for interior decorations are deleted, resulting in the following formulation: "The color fastness to wet rubbing shall be at least level 2-3. A level of 2 is nevertheless allowed for indigo dyed denim. This criterion does not apply to white products or products that are neither dyed nor printed." Assessment and verification: The applicant shall provide test reports using the following test method: ISO 105 X12 3 COLOUR FASTNESS TO DRY RUBBING 3.33.1 Current criterion The current criterion is formulated as follows: “The color fastness to dry rubbing shall be at least level 4. A level of 3-4 is nevertheless allowed for indigo dyed denim. This criterion does not apply to white products or products that are neither dyed nor printed, or to curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. Test method: ISO 105 X12. Test report required on application.” 3.33.2 Changes to the criterion The criterion has not been questioned or subject to other suggestions. It therefore remains unchanged, except for assessment and verification, with the following wording: The color fastness to dry rubbing shall be at least level 4. A level of 3-4 is nevertheless allowed for indigo dyed denim. This criterion does not apply to white products or products that are neither dyed nor printed, or to curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. Assessment and verification: The applicant shall provide test reports using the following test method: ISO 105 X12. COLOUR FASTNESS TO LIGHT 3.34.1 Current criterion For fabrics intended for furniture, curtains or drapes, the color fastness to light shall be at least level 5. A level of 4 is nevertheless allowed when fabrics are both light colored (standard depth < 1/12) and made of silk, wool or other keratin fibers, linen or other bast fibers, or of blends with more than 20% wool or other keratin fibers, or of blends with more than 20% silk, or of blends with more than 20% linen or other bast fibers. Note: this requirement does not apply to mattress ticking. Test method: ISO 105 B02. Test report required on application. 3.34.2 Changes to the criterion A level of 6 should apply to curtains and level 5 for other products. If exterior textiles will be included in the criteria document color fastness to weathering (outdoor light fastness) should be used in stead of color fastness to light. For weathering a level of 5 should apply to awnings and the like and 4 or 4-5 to outdoor clothing. During the revision work it was suggested also to include clothing products in the criterion. It was argued, however, that some types of clothing are only seldom exposed to light, so that exceptions should be made in such cases. It was agreed to fix the level 4 at 5 for curtains and furniture fabrics and at 4 for all other products. It was also agreed to still use normal light fastness testing. The revised criterion is formulated as follows: "For fabrics intended for furniture, curtains or drapes, the color fastness to light shall be at least level 5. For all other products the color fastness to light shall be at least level 4. A level of 4 is nevertheless allowed when fabrics intended for furniture, curtains or drapes are both light colored (standard depth < 1/12) and made of more than 20% wool or other keratin fibers, or more than 20% silk, or more than 20% linen or other bast fibers." Envir Definition: Clothing is colorfast if its colors and dyes do not bleed or run from the clothing. Clothing should be tested for colorfastness before using any type of bleach or bleaching solution, or strong cleaning product. How to Test To test for colorfastness, find a hidden seam of the garment or an hidden spot. Apply the cleaner to the garment and then dab the area with a clean cotton cloth. If the color removes itself from the garment onto the cloth, you should not use the cleaning product on the clothing. A colorfast fabric does not bleed, fade or change when washed or cleaned with a product or in the washing machine. Testing for colorfastness is an essential step in cleaning any fabric. Whether you plan on washing a new pair of jeans or spot cleaning an upholstered chair, knowing how your fabric will react to the product in which you are going to use is essential. It will also a prevent a possible disaster in the washing machine when colors from one garment can bleed onto all the other clothes in the same load. Difficulty: Moderate Instructions Things You'll Need   White paper towel or rag Cleaning product 1. o 1 Find an inconspicuous spot on your fabric, such as the inner seam of a shirt, the backside of a sofa skirt or the carpet area in the closet. o 2 Wet a white paper towel or rag with the product, such as a fabric cleaner, in which you are planning to use on the fabric. If you are planning on washing a new piece of clothing, just test it with water. o 3 Blot the fabric with the towel or rag and look to see if any colors transfer from the fabric to the towel or rag. If the fabric doesn't bleed, proceed to the next step for more testing. If the fabric bleeds onto your towel or rag, stop. It is not colorfast. o 4 Spray the fabric in the inconspicuous spot with the product you are going to use. Let it soak in for two to three minutes. Blot with the towel or rag to see if any colors transfer. If you are planning to wash a solid colored fabric, you can swish it around in a sink full of cold water to see if it bleeds. o 5 Examine the fabric as well to see if the colors spreads or fades or if the material reacts in any other way to the product used. It may need to professionally cleaned. For solid colored fabrics, wash them separately or by hand until they no longer bleed. Read more: How to Test for Colorfastness | Color Fastness Equipments We are offering Color Fastness Equipments (washing fastness tester, light fastness tester, perspirometer, manual & motorised crockmeter), which are fabricated using quality stainless steel and have a black stoving enamel pain to ensure corrosion resistant finish. These are available in various volumes, speed and temperatures as per the clients’ requirements and conform to IS standards. Washing Fastness Tester We are offering a wide range of Washing Fastness Teste, which is used widely for determining color fastness of textile materials to washings. Our experts mechanically agitate a specimen of textile in contact with pieces of specified adjacent fabrics in soap – soda solution. After this, the change in color of specimen and stains of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with standard grey scale. Working procedure:  This tester consists of a thermostatically controlled, electrically heated water bath made of stainless steel         The bath is heated by means of immersion heaters and its temperature controlled by a capillary type thermostat The temperature of water inside the bath is displayed on a digital temperature indicator The bath has a double walled hinged lid made of stainless steel sheets The jars in which the test solution and the test specimens are kept during the test are made from stainless steel and are provided with rubber scales for water tight closing They are held in a cast aluminium rotor assembly mounted on a stainless steel shaft at the center of the bath and rotating about a horizontal axis with the help of a geared motor A clockwork timer is provided to stop the motor after a pre-determined time The apparatus is fabricated on a sturdy angle iron frame and is completely enclosed on all four sides with mild steel sheet duly enameled in metallic green paint The top of the apparatus is covered with stainless steel sheet One hundred stainless steel balls of 6 mm diameter are supplied with the apparatus as standard accessory for providing beating action during the washing operation Extra stainless steel balls and standard grey scales are available as optional accessory Technical data: Number of Jars Volume of each Jar Distance of base jars from the axis of rotation Speed of rotation Temperature of Water Bath Motor Eight 550 cc (Approx) 50 mm 40 to 45 rpm. Ambient of 980 C ¼ HP 230 V AC.    Related Standards: IS 687 – 1979, 764 - 1979, 765 – 1979, 3417 – 179, 3417 – 179 Method of determination of color fastness of textile materials to washing Test1, Test2, Test 3, Test 4 and Test 5 respectively Send Enquiry Light Fastness Tester Our range of Perspirometer is widely demanded in various textiles and garments industries owing to its user friendliness and corrosion resistance features. In order to determine the color fastness of dyed or printed fabrics against perspiration , the fabric sample is exposed to the action of both alkaline and acidic reagents while in contact with undyed adjacent fabrics is placed between plastic plates under a fixed load inside an oven maintained at 370 centigrade. All the components of the Perspirometer are manufactured quality stainless steel and are finished in black stoving enamel paint to give them a corrosion resistant finish. Working Procedure:      The perspirometer consists of a number of acrylic plates and which can be kept in suitable loading frame The loading frame consists of two steel plates between which the acrylic plates placed The test specimen are stitched between suitable white cloth pieces and dipped in either alkaline or acidic test solutions The composite sample is placed in between any two acrylic plates A number of test specimens can be loaded simultaneously between      different sets of acrylic plates by stacking them one above the other Loading is done by keeping a standard dead weight on top of the upper plate assembly, which consists of two parallel plates separated by suitable compensating springs The guide rod attached to top plate of this assembly is locked while under load and the load removed The springs compensate for subsequent variations in load due to variation in thickness of the test specimens on drying The test is continued for the required time under the specified condition of temperature After this the samples are removed from the frame and dried The degree of staining of the while pieces of cloths and change in color of the test specimens are evaluated using grey scales and compared against standard rating cards Technical data: Size of Specimen. Force on specimen. Size of acrylic plates. Number of acrylic plates 10 cm x 4 Cm 5 Kg. 12.5 Cm x 6.5 Cm. 16 Pcs. Related specifications: IS 1971 - 1983 AATCC 10 Method of Determination of Color Fastness of Textile materials to Perspiration. Method of Test for Color Fastness to Perspiration. Send Enquiry Perspirometer We offer our clients a wide range of Light Fastness Tester, which is used for determination of color fastness to light. This is done by using a 500 W mercury ballast tungsten filament lamp & internally phosphor coated. Our range of Light Fastness Tester is suitable for all types of textiles except photo chromatic colored textiles. Principle: 1. 2. A test specimen together with blue wool standards is exposed to the light from a MBTL fading lamp The color fastness of specimen is assessed by comparing its fastness with that of 1-8 Blue Wool standard Equipment:  The unit consists of a hollow cylinder of metal open at both ends with an internal dia of -18" & length of 18" A 500 W     MBTL fading Lamp is mounted centrally so that the light distribution is constant around the circumference An hour meter with buzzer and an hour totalizer are mounted on the base Four specimen holders are installed at equidistance in inner circumference of cylinder along with metal sheet mask to cover half of each test specimen & the standards. As temperature may touch upto 800 C constant cooling arrangement with water flow is provided. A horizontal pump and water tank are included in scope of supply Testing Standards Required   1 to 8 Blue wool Light Fastness Standards of either SDC, U.K. or AATCC, USA. Grey Scale for Change in Color of SDC, U.K. or AATCC, USA. Related standards:  Australian Standard: As 2001.4.2 Send Enquiry Crockmeter (Manual & Motorised) We are providing a wide range of Crockmeters, which is available in both motorized and manual models as per the clients’ requirements. In order to determine the color fastness of dyed or printed textiles or leather, this test is used for the determination of color fastness against rubbing, either under dry or under wet conditions. Working Procedure:         The crockmeter consists of a rigid flat metallic platform on which the test specimen can be held firmly and a abrading finger which rubs against it under a specified load The platform is fixed over the base of the equipment and lies in a horizontal plane. The test specimen is held firmly over an abrasive paper which is pasted on the upper face of the platform, with the help of two pins holding it at both ends The abrading finger has a flat circular rubbing face which is covered with 4 piece of white abradant fabric during the test. The abradant fabrics picks up color lost by the test specimen during rubbing It is held over the finger with the help of a tapered ring Motion to the finger is given through a reciprocating arm with runs an two ball bearings to minimize friction and to apply a uniform load on the finger The arm is moved by a manually operated crank and connecting lin The equipment is finished in dark metallic paint and bright chrome plating to give it a corrosion resistant finish Technical data: Diameter of the Finger Load on the finger Length of travel of the finger Size of the test specimen 16 mm for Textiles / 25 mm for floor covering. 900 g 100 + 3 mm 200 x 50 mm Related standards: IS 766 – 1988 AATCC Method 8 – 1969 ISO RIOS (X12) – 1984 IS 6191 – 1971 Method of Determination of color fastness of textile materials to rubbing. Color Fastness to Crocking (Rubbing) Textiles - Test for color fastness part.Part X12 - Color Fastness to rubbing. Methods of Micro-Biological color fastness and Microscopical tests for leather. Send Enquiry Crockmeter (Motorised) One of the test for determination of colour fastness of dyed or printed textiles or leather is the crocking test. This test is used for the determination of colour fastness against rubbing, either under dry or under wet conditions. In this test and moving brass finger of specified shape and size rubs against the test specimens under test and the amount of colour transferred to a piece of abradant fabric fixed over the base of the moving finger are graded with the help of standard grey scales to evaluate the colour fastness against rubbing. The ‘INNOLAB’ Crockmeter consists of a rigid flat metalic platform on which the test specimen can be held firmly and a abrading finger which rubs against it under a specified load. The platform is fixed over the base of the equipment and lies in a horizontal plane. The test specimen is held firmly over an abrasive paper which is pasted on the upper face of the platform, with the help of two pins holding it at both ends. The abrading finger has a flat circular rubbing face which is covered with 4 piece of white abradant fabric during the test. The abradant fabrics picks up colour lost by the test specimen during rubbing. It is held over the finger with the help of a tapered ring. Motion to the finger is given through a reciprocating arm with runs an two ball bearings to minimize friction and to apply a uniform load on the finger. The arm is moved by a manually operated crank and connecting link. The equipment is finished in dark metallic paint and bright chrome plating to give it a corrosion resistant finish. TECHNICAL DATA : Diameter of the Finger Load on the finger 16 mm for Textiles / 25 mm for floor covering. 900 g Length of travel of the finger 100 + 3 mm Size of the test specimen 200 x 50 mm RELATED STANDARDS : IS 766 - 1988 Method of Determination of colour fastness of textile materials to rubbing. AATCC Method 8 – Colour Fastness to Crocking (Rubbing) 1969 ISO RIOS (X12) – 1984 IS 6191 - 1971 Textiles - Test for colour fastness part.Part X12 - Colour Fastness to rubbing. Methods of Micro-Biological colour fastness and Microscopical tests for leather. Send Enquiry Exposure Rack All textiles materials experience exchanger in colour when exposed to daylight for sufficiently long period because of the action of daylight on pigments used in them. The severity of exposure in both time and intensity of daylight determines the extent of change in colour. The colour fastness is denoted by the number of the light fastness standard fabric (Blue Standards) that has changed colour to the same extent as the test specimen. It is expressed as the numerical rating for light fastness. The ‘INNOLAB’ Exposure Rack is designed to test colour fastness of textiles materials to daylight. The test is carried out by exposing a set of light fastness standard fabrics 1 to 8 and a set of test specimens to day light till the desired fading of the colour is obtained. The change in colour of exposed area of the test specimens and the light fastness standard fabrics is then examined and the relative degree of colour fastness of test specimens determined. The equipment consists of a frame made of wood with a glass framed wooden lid hinged over its top. The frame is fitted on a steel stand so that it can be kept in open with the frame located at a convenient working height and titled at 450 to the horizontal. The test specimens and light fastness standard fabrics are mounted on special mounting card designed to give specified coverings to them. Ten such mounting cards designed to conduct the test in accordance with Method 1 of Indian standard specification is provided with apparatus. Extra card are available as optional accessories. The light fastness standard fabrics and Grey Scale for assessing change in colour are not supplied with the equipment but are available as optional accessories. TECHNICAL DETAILS : Size of the Frame Distance of glass from the samples 600 mm x 450 mm 50 mm (Minimum) Angle of inclination of frame from horizontal 45 degree RELATED STANDARDS : IS 686 - 1985 Method of Determination of Colour Fastness of Textile Materials to Daylight. Send Enquiry Light Fastness Tester INNOLIGHT MBTL LIGHT FASTNESS TESTER is used for determination of Colour Fastness to light using a 500 W mercury Ballast Tungsten Filament Lamp & internally phosphor coated. The equipment is suitable for all types of textiles except photocrometic coloured textiles. PRINCIPLE : A test specimen together with blue wool standards is exposed to the light from a MBTL fading lamp. The colour fastness of specimen is assessed by comparing its fastness with that of 1-8 Blue Wool standards. EQUIPMENT : The unit consists of a hollow cylinder of metal open at both ends with an internal dia of -18" & length of 18" A 500 W MBTL fading Lamp is mounted centrally so that the light distribution is constant around the circumference. An hour meter with buzzer and an hour totaliser are mounted on the base. Four specimen holders are installed at equidistance in inner circumference of cylinder alongwith metal sheet mask to cover half of each test specimen & the standards. As temperature may touch upto 800 C constant cooling arrangement with water flow is provided. A horizontal pump and water tank are included in scope of supply. TESTING STANDARDS REQUIRED a) 1 to 8 Blue wool Light Fastness Standards of either SDC, U.K. or AATCC, USA. b) Grey Scale for Change in Colour of either SDC, U.K. or AATCC, USA. RELATED STANDARDS : Australian Standard : As 2001.4.2 Assurance Program (EAP)
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