Collective Nouns
Collective Nouns
March 26, 2018 | Author: joselpaloma | Category:
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Birds Species Birds Bitterns Budgerigars Bustards Capercaillies Chickens Choughs Coots Cormorants Cranes Crows Curlews DovesDucks Collective Term (most usual first) Volery Sedge, Siege Chatter Flock Tok Brood, Peep Chattering, Clattering Cover, Raft Flight Sedge, Siege Murder, Hover Head Flight, Dole, Dule, Pitying, Prettying Flush, Team (diving) dopping (in flight) team, plump (on water) Paddling (brood) Flush (pair) Brace Fling Convocation Cast Charm, Trimming, Trembling (at rest) Gaggle, Flock, Nide (in flight) Skein Glister, Charm, Chattering, Drum, Troubling Flight Covey (single family) Brood (large group) Pack Bazaar Colony, Pack Cast, Leash, Kettle Dunlin Eagles Falcons Finches Geese Goldfinches Goshawks Grouse Guillemots Gulls Hawks Clamour Hill Cloud Squabble Dopping. Deceit Exultation. Doading (at rest) Walk (in flight) Wisp . Covey Unkindness. Ostentation. Party Desert. Conspiracy Parliament. Bouquet Flight. Stare Flock. Tiding Sord (on land) Flush. Sute (on water) Puddling Match. Flock Congregation. Bevy. Building. Waddle (on dry land) Nye. Siege Shimmer. Bew Muster. Ascension Tittering. Pride Raft (in water). Leash.Hens Herons Hummingbirds Jays Lapwings Larks Magpies Mallards Nightingales Owls Parrots Partridges Peacocks Penguins Pheasants Pigeons Plovers Poultry Puffins Quail Ravens Rooks Ruffs Sea Fowl Seagulls Sheldrakes Snipe Brood Sedge. Watch Parliament. Company Covey. Charm Band. Wing Run Raft Bevy. Herd. Sleuth Sounder. Singular .Sparrows Starlings Storks Swallows Swans Host. Raft. Colony Sloth. Coil. Raft Dread Mutation Flock. Knob Trip Fall. Whiteness. Tribe Murmuration Mustering Flight Herd. Bevy. Coil. Plump Descent Herd Swifts Teal Terns Thrushes Turkeys Turtledoves Vultures Waterfowl Widgeon Wildfowl Woodcock Woodpeckers Wrens Mammals Species Antelopes Apes Asses Baboons Badgers Bears Boars Collective Term (most usual first) Herd Shrewdness Pace. Covey. Quarrel. Game. Raffle. Bunch. Herd Flange. Bank. Dole. Rafter Pitying Wake Plump Company. Wedge. Drift Flock Spring. Dule. Knob. Troop Cete. Squadron. Drove. Trace. Herd. Litter (wild cats) Destruction Herd. Kennel Pod. Glaring (kittens) Kindle. Drove Herd Coalition Rake. Rag Bury Herd. Drove Herd Gang Business. Flock Herd. Husk. Trip Prickle. Mute Mob (only correct terminology) Cattle Chamois Cheetahs Colts Conies Deer Dogs Dolphins Donkeys Elephants Elk Ferrets Foxes Giraffes Goats Gorillas Hamsters Hares Hedgehogs Hippopotami Hogs Horses Hounds Kangaroos . Leash. Flock. Down. Lead. Fesnying Skulk. Herd. Corps Trip. Array Bloat Drift Drove. Tribe Band Horde Drove. Harass. Leash Tower. Cast. Stable. Team Pack. Leash. Cluster.Buffalo Camels Cats Herd Flock Clowder. Parcel Pack. Movement Troop. Harem. Drove. Mission Nest Barren. Span Drove. Rake Family. Fold Dray Pack Sounder Streak. Sowse. Lepe Pride. Tribe. Nest (young rabbits) Wrack String Colony Crash Bevy Colony.Leopards Lions Mares Martens Moles Monkeys Mice Mules Otters Oxen Pigs Polecats Ponies Porpoises Puppies Rabbits Racehorses Rats Rhinoceroses Roe Deer Seals Sea Otters Sheep Squirrels Stoats Swine Tigers Leap. Sault. Troop Stud Richness Labour. Litter Chine String School Litter Colony. Yoke. Herd. Pod. Bury. Herd. Bevy Team. Pack. Company. Cartload. Sounder (Piglets) Farrow. Spring Raft Flock. Ambush . Unicorns Walruses Weasels Wild Cats Wild Pigs Whales Wolves Zebra Invertebrates Species Bacteria Fungus Jellyfish Mushrooms Worms Insects & Arachnids Species Ants Bees Butterflies Caterpillars Flies Gnats Grasshoppers Locusts Spiders Marvel Herd Sneak. Gam. Swarm. Business Swarm. Army Swarm. Pack Dout Sounder School. Cloud. Smack. Horde Cluster Plague Clutter . Grist. Fluther Troop Clew Collective Term (most usual first) Colony. Zeal Collective Term (most usual first) Culture Colony Stuck. Rabble Army Swarm. Pod Pack Herd. Hive Kaleidoscope. Herd. School Glide Troubling Glean. Fleet School Troop Swarm Swarm Shoal.Mollusks Species Clams Oysters Snails Fish Species Archer fish Barracuda Bass Butterfly fish Dogfish Dragonet fish Eels Fish Flying fish Goldfish Herrings Minnows Porcupine fish Rainbow fish Salmon Sea Horses Sticklebacks Swordfish Trout Collective Term (most usual first) Company Battery Shoal. Army. Shoal Stream Cluster Party Bind Herd Spread Flotilla Hover Collective Term (most usual first) Bed Bed Walk . Pit Turn Nest Collective Term (most usual first) Army Knot Dule. Bale . Hive Batch Bavin Deck Crop Catch Network Clutch Collective Term (most usual first) Bask Den. Pile Collective. Nest.Amphibians Species Frogs Toads Turtles Reptiles Species Crocodiles Snakes Turtles Vipers Inanimate Objects Species Aircraft Arrows Asteroids Bananas Beans Books Borg Bread Brushwood Cards Circles Collective Nouns Computers Eggs Collective Term (most usual first) Wing Quiver Belt Hand Hill Library. Armada. Fleet Rouleau Collective String Pod Anthology Clump Constellation Fleet. Company Chorus. Clump. Forest Collective Term (most usual first) Faculty Cast. Constellation Agenda Stand. host Team Wunch . Patch.Flowers Grapes Hair Homework Information Islands Jewels Keys Lorries Money Nouns Pearls or Beads Peas Poems Reeds Satellites Ships Stars Tasks Trees People Species Academics Actors Angels Athletes Bankers Bed. Flotilla Galaxy. Archipelago Cache Ring Convoy. Bouquet Bunch. Cluster Lock Slew Wealth Chain. Beauties Bureaucrats Car Dealers Car Mechanics Directors Employees Experts Hoodlums Idiots Judges Knights Lawyers Lepers Lichenologists Magistrates Mathematicians Men Microsoft Programmers Monks Natives Nudists Onlookers People Performers Philosophers Relatives Sailors Bevy Shuffle Lot Clutch Board Staff Panel Gang Thicket Bevy Banner Huddle Colony Huddle Bench Number Band Asylum. Bloat Abomination Tribe Hangout Crowd Crowd Troupe Ponder Descent Crew . Senators Soldiers Students Thieves Tourists Troops Widows Witches Worshippers House Squad Class Den Flock Parel Ambush Coven Congregation .
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