Collections Labs

March 21, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Patil | Category: Library (Computing), Databases, Computer Data, Software, Digital & Social Media



Cadence Design Systems, Inc.RAPID ADOPTION KIT Usage of collections in EDI & ETS To get the testcase click on download Version – Encounter Digital Implementation 11 and above Encounter Timing System 11 and above May - 2013 RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS Table of Contents To download testcase click here ......................................................................................................... 1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Lab 1-1 Loading the Database .............................................................................................................. 3 Lab 1-2 Explore the design with the All Star (all_*) commands............................................................. 3 Lab 1-3 Querying and Manipulating Collections ................................................................................... 5 Lab 1-4 Exploring Instances (cells) and Instance (cell) Properties.......................................................... 9 Lab 1-5 Exploring Clocks and Clock Properties.................................................................................... 10 Lab 1-6 Exploring Designs and Design Properties ............................................................................... 10 Lab 1-7 Exploring Libraries and Library Properties.............................................................................. 11 Lab 1-8 Exploring Library Cells and Library Cell Properties.................................................................. 11 Lab 1-9 Exploring Library Pin and Library Pin Properties..................................................................... 11 Lab 1-10 Exploring Library Cell Timing Arcs and their Properties ........................................................ 12 Lab 1-11 Exploring Nets and Net Properties ....................................................................................... 13 Lab 1-12 Exploring Pins and Pin Properties......................................................................................... 14 Lab 1-13 Exploring Ports and Port Properties ..................................................................................... 15 Lab 1-14 Exploring Timing Paths and Timing Path Properties ............................................................. 15 Lab 1-15 Exploring Timing Points and Timing Point Properties ........................................................... 16 Lab 1-16 Exploring Timing Arcs and Timing Arc Properties ................................................................. 17 Lab 1-17 Exploring Path Group Properties.......................................................................................... 19 Lab 2-1 Application - Some real life examples ........................................................................................ 20 COPYRIGHT © 2013, CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAGE 2 The goal of this lab is to show the functions that serve as the fundamental building blocks of collections. Lab 1-1 Loading the Database 1) cd into the collections directory 2) start encounter: unix> encounter –nowin -init data/run. do the following. finding all sdc defined clocks is quite easy. PAGE 3 . INC. Note that the collection commands do not return lists of objects.tcl 3) Now we are ready to start querying the database. all_inputs -no_clock 3) To find all output pins: all_outputs 4) Similarly. like a register. Lab 1-2 Explore the design with the All Star (all_*) commands 1) To find all input pins all_inputs 2) To find all input pins those are not defined as clocks in the . You can see that the ‘ref_clk’ and ‘test_clk’ ports are missing from the list. And demonstrate how they can work together to provide quick and easy access to data that otherwise would be difficult to attain. To find all pins in the fanout cone of ref_clk. They return a collection handle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS Purpose The EDI/ETS documentation describes the properties available through advanced timing Tcl programming. all_fanout -from [get_ports ref_clk] COPYRIGHT © 2013. By default it will stop at timing endpoints. through a buffer to instance U0’s ref_clk pin. It will return both input/output pins (as highlighted in red in the example) in the data path from the ref_clk pin.sdc. It is up to the user to then query the collection to gain visibility into specific object names. This also returns the virtual clock io_clk and the generated clock pll_clk all_clocks 5) all_fanout traces the timing arcs downstream from an object. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. But sometimes accessing that data isn't as easy as it appears. all_registers -clock_pins -clock [get_clocks ref_clk] all_registers -clock_pins -clock [get_clocks pll_clk] 13) To find instance/pins that are register outputs associated with a particular clock: all_registers -output_pins -clock [get_clocks test_clk] COPYRIGHT © 2013.. PAGE 4 . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Note it’s reporting all pins in the path. to the top port ref_clk. all_registers –data_pins or all_registers –output_pins 12) To find instance/clock pins associated with a particular clock. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. all_fanin -to [ get_pins u0/ref_clk ] encounter 144> all_fanin -to [ get_pins u0/ref_clk ] u0/ref_clk ref_clk__L1_I0/Y ref_clk__L1_I0/A ref_clk 9) To find instances in the design that are registers: all_registers –cells 10) To find instance/pins in the design that are clock pins. use all_fanin to trace backwards from an object. To report instances: all_fanout -from [get_ports ref_clk] -endpoints_only -only_cells 8) Similarly. Here. INC. all_registers -clock_pins encounter 146> all_registers -clock_pins AO1/COEF_reg_0_0/CK AO1/COEF_reg_0_1/CK AO1/COEF_reg_0_2/CK AO1/COEF_reg_0_3/CK AO1/COEF_reg_1_3/CK.. trace back from a reset pin on a flop.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS encounter> all_fanout -from [get_ports ref_clk] ref_clk ref_clk__L1_I0/A ref_clk__L1_I0/Y u0/ref_clk 6) To only report endpoints (and exclude intermediate pins) all_fanout -from [get_ports ref_clk] -endpoints_only 7) The above reported pins. 11) You can also query data or output pins. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. EDI returns "ring" which is the instance name. Unfortunately report_property does not have a –view option.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS encounter 148> all_registers -output_pins -clock [get_clocks test_clk] AO1/COEF_reg_0_0/Q AO1/COEF_reg_0_1/Q AO1/COEF_reg_0_2/Q AO1/COEF_reg_0_3/Q AO1/MULT16_reg_2_1/Q AO1/MULT16_reg_2_10/Q AO1/MULT16_reg_2_11/Q . use get_property.. To see the direction of the rst pin: get_property [ get_ports rst ] direction encounter 154> get_property [ get_ports rst ] direction in COPYRIGHT © 2013. such as a maximum slack value. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2) To report one particular property.. which queries any one of the properties reported by report_property does support a – view option for some objects. what data does it contain? report_property lists all available properties and their values. However. This may not be very useful in this design because it is so small. INC. To query a specific property. use get_property. 1) To see all properties associated with the port rst: report_property [ get_ports rst ] Some properties reported by report_property can vary from one analysis view to another. 14) To find all pins connected to the net n_144: all_connected n_144 encounter 149> all_connected n_144 ISO_RULE_ISO_HIER_INST_0/CPF_ISO_DATA column/Xn_out[0] 15) To find the instance names of module at the top level: all_instances [get_design FIR_filter_1] encounter 150> ring all_instances [get_design FIR_filter_1] Note: FIR_filter_1 is a module. get_property. 16) To find the instance names of a module within the design hierarchy: all_instances -hierarchical [get_design add_signed_7] Lab 1-3 Querying and Manipulating Collections Once you have a collection. PAGE 5 . to see the properties associated with an instance: list_property –type cell 6) Now. timing_arc.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 3) To query the max slack associated with different views for the rst pin: get_property [get_ports rst] slack_max -view VIEW1 get_property [get_ports rst] slack_max -view VIEW2 4) Here’s another get_property example. lib. lib_cell. pin. design. lib_timing_arc. INC. report_property and get_property will be used extensively in this lab. Here we find the number of pins on a hierarchical instance. timing_path or timing_point For instance. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAGE 6 . lib_pin. net. 5) To see the types of properties associated with an object: list_property -type <object name> where <object name> is: cell. port. sizeof_collection $ports_C encounter 156> 72 sizeof_collection $ports_C 8) Put the them together to quickly find the number of ports in the design: sizeof_collection [get_ports *] 9) To extract the 5th item in the collection and report it’s properties: set fifth_C [ index_collection $ports_C 5 ] report_property $fifth_C 10) To iterate through the collection and report all port names: foreach_in_collection item_C $ports_C { set name [ get_property $item_C escaped_name ] COPYRIGHT © 2013. So try getting comfortable using them. clock. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. create a collection of ports set ports_C [ get_ports * ] 7) To find the number of objects in the collection. path_group. get_property [ all_instances [get_design FIR_filter_1] ] pin_count Note. Interestingly. 17) get_object_name reports the names of all objects in a collection.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS puts $name } 11) Prepare to manipulate multiple collections set ports_C [ get_ports * ] sizeof_collection $ports_C. get_object_name $ports_C . just like collection1 13) Compare collections. query_objects $nets_C -limit 20 . The default is to return 100 names. 1 means they are different compare_collection $ports_C $copy_C. # prove it contains 72 objects. Use -limit to change the default. even if the objects are not of the same type. indicating they are different # returns 436 (254 + 182) 16) Use remove_from_collection to remove objects from a collection. we can append to collection: append_to_collection ports_C $nets_C sizeof_collection $ports_C. PROVIDED the objects are all of the same type. # returns 254 (72 + 182) 15) Alternatively. # this reports 0. PAGE 7 . get_object_name $nets_C . # it has 72 objects # it has 182 objects 12) Make a copy of the collection $ports_C set copy_C [ copy_collection $ports_C ] sizeof_collection $copy_C. indicating they are the same # this reports 1. compare_collection $nets_C $copy_C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. That is because the objects in $nets_C actually get removed twice (436 – 182 – 182 = 72) set remove_C [remove_from_collection $ports_C $nets_C] sizeof_collection $remove_C. set nets_C [ get_nets * ] sizeof_collection $nets_C. size_of_collection returns 72. A return value of 0 means they are the same. 14) To add one collection to another: set ports_C [ add_to_collection $ports_C $nets_C ] sizeof_collection $ports_C. # reports an error because it’s a collection of nets and ports # reports names of 182 nets in the collection 18) query_objects reports the name of all objects in a collection. # lists 100 object names…note this gave an error earlier # lists 20 out of 182 object names COPYRIGHT © 2013. INC. query_objects $ports_C . CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. you must be in interactive constraint mode: set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes] 22) Now assign a value to the property and report it: set_property $myNet_C custom_prop 10 report_property $myNet_C get_property $myNet_C custom_prop 23) You can iterate on collections using a for each-like command: set nets_C [ get_nets -hierarchical * ] foreach_in_collection net $nets_C { set name [get_property $net name] puts "$name" } 24) Sorting can be done on collections as long as they are homogenous. INC.meaning the collection objects are of the same type. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. create a new property for the "net" object type. It will be of type "integer". Here. find the net n_2 set myNet_C [ get_net n_2 ] 21) To set a value on this property. If you want to sort all nets (in descending order) to find the largest pin_capacitance_max value foreach_in_collection net [sort_collection $nets_C pin_capacitance_max -descending] { set name [get_property $net name] set cap [get_property $net pin_capacitance_max ] puts "$name $cap" } 25) The net with the largest pin_capacitance_max is: index_collection [sort_collection $nets_C pin_capacitance_max ] 0 26) Or the net with the smallest pin_capacitance: index_collection [sort_collection $nets_C pin_capacitance_max -descending] 0 27) To find all nets with the custom_prop value > 5 (remember we put a value of 10 on net n_2) foreach_in_collection net [get_nets * -filter {custom_prop > 5}] { COPYRIGHT © 2013. The best way to demonstrate sorting is with an example.. PAGE 8 .. define_property -object_type net -type int custom_prop 20) Now.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 19) A user can add properties to some object types (but not all). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. foreach_in_collection inst_C [filter_collection [get_cells * -hierarchical] {pin_count > 3 && is_hierarchical == true}] { set name [ get_property $inst_C name ] set count [ get_property $inst_C pin_count ] set cell [ get_property $inst_C ref_lib_cell_name ] puts "$name $count $cell" } 6) If you change is_hierarchical == false. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INC. Note: is_hierarchical == true for this search.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS set name [get_property $net name] set prop [get_property $net custom_prop] puts "$name $prop" } Lab 1-4 Exploring Instances (cells) and Instance (cell) Properties 1) Here are some basic instance queries get_cells * get_cells * -hierarchical get_cells AO1/add_94_37_I2/g703 2) Let’s focus on one particular instance set myCell_C [ get_cells AO1/add_94_37_I2/g703 ] 3) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myCell_C 4) Now use get_property to query the specific cell properties. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. then you'll find all library cells with more than 3 pins. foreach_in_collection inst_C [filter_collection [get_cells * -hierarchical] {pin_count > 3 && is_hierarchical == false}] { COPYRIGHT © 2013. PAGE 9 . get_property $myCell_C ref_lib_cell_name get_property $myCell_C area get_property $myCell_C early_rise_clk_cell_derate_factor get_property $myCell_C is_combinational get_property $myCell_C is_dont_touch get_property $myCell_C pin_count get_property $myCell_C x_coordinate_max 5) Find all hierarchical instances that have more than 3 pins. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS set name [ get_property $inst_C name ] set count [ get_property $inst_C pin_count ] set cell [ get_property $inst_C ref_lib_cell_name ] puts "$name $count $cell" } Lab 1-5 Exploring Clocks and Clock Properties 1) To find all of the clocks in the design get_clocks * get_generated_clocks * 2) Create a collection for the clock ‘ref_clk’ set myClock_C [ get_clocks ref_clk ] 3) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myClock_C 4) Now use get_property to query the specific clock properties. get_property $myClock_C waveform. INC. Note it returns multiple values. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. # returns all pins in the clock network (big list) get_property $myClock_C sources . Lab 1-6 Exploring Designs and Design Properties Designs actually represent hierarchical modules in the design 1) create a collection of modules get_designs * 2) Select the top design set myDesign_C [ get_designs FIR_filter ] 3) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myDesign_C 4) Use get_property to query specify design property COPYRIGHT © 2013. PAGE 10 . get_property $myClock_C is_generated get_property $myClock_C period get_property $myClock_C clock_network_pins . each representing a different analysis view. get_lib_cells * 2) Select one. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. it will return two (fast/XOR2X2 and slow/XOR2X2) get_lib_cells XOR2X2 set myLibCell_C [ get_lib_cells slow/XOR2X2 ] 3) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myLibCell_C 4) Example library cell queries get_property $myLibCell_C name get_property $myLibCell_C pin_count get_property $myLibCell_C is_macro_cell Lab 1-9 Exploring Library Pin and Library Pin Properties 1) See all of the library cell pins (this can be a very large list) COPYRIGHT © 2013. INC. The format is library/cell. If the cell is in two libraries. PAGE 11 . get_property $myLib_C source_file_name get_property $myLib_C source_file_name get_property $myLib_C hierarchical_name Lab 1-8 Exploring Library Cells and Library Cell Properties 1) See all of the library cells. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS get_property $myDesign_C is_dont_touch Lab 1-7 Exploring Libraries and Library Properties 1) To see all of the library names: get_libs * 2) Select one set myLib_C [ get_libs slow ] 3) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myLib_C 4) Use get_property to query specific library properties. PAGE 12 . We are querying the library. clear. The from_lib_pin and to_lib_pin properties are actually collections. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS get_lib_pins * 2) See all pins of cells that begin with DFF get_lib_pins DFF*/* 3) Now. set arcs_C [ get_lib_arc -of_object $myLibCell_C ] 3) See what's properties are available. report_property $arcs_C 4) Let’s iterate through this cell’s timing arcs. not instances in the design. etc) COPYRIGHT © 2013. So you can query property "name" on the pins to find the from/to pins. You’ll get a list of properties for each timing arc of that cell. } Lab 1-10 Exploring Library Cell Timing Arcs and their Properties 1) Identify a library cell set myLibCell_C [ get_lib_cells slow/DFFXL ] 2) Now create a collection of timing arcs for that cell. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. select just one set myLibPin_C [ get_lib_pins slow/DFFXL/CK ] 4) Do report_property to see all properties that can be queried and their values report_property $myLibPin_C 5) Here are some example library pin queries get_property $myLibPin_C name get_property $myLibPin_C is_clock get_property $myLibPin_C pin_capacitance_max_rise 6) Find all input pins (that happen to be clocks) on cells beginning with DFF*. INC. rising_edge. The arc collection has a property describing the type of arc (setup_rising. filter_collection [ get_lib_pins DFF*/* ] {direction == in} foreach_in_collection pin_C [filter_collection [ get_lib_pins DFF*/* ] {direction == in && is_clock == true}] { set name [ get_property $pin_C hierarchical_name ] set clock [ get_property $pin_C is_clock ] puts "$name clock = $clock". INC.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS foreach_in_collection arc $arcs_C { set from [ get_property [ get_property $arc from_lib_pin ] name ] set to [ get_property [ get_property $arc to_lib_pin ] name ] set type [get_property $arc timing_type ] puts "type: $type $from --> $to ". } 5) This is not going to report timing values because we're looking at the library cell and not a particular instance. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. Lab 1-11 Exploring Nets and Net Properties 1) Find top level nets that match the pattern n_*: get_net n_* 2) Now. PAGE 13 . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. search the design hierarchy for nets that match n_* get_net -hierarchical n_* 3) Find all nets in the instance AO1 get_net AO1/* 4) Find a net connected to a particular pin: get_net -of_objects [get_pins g4/Y] 5) Select a single net: set myNet_C [ get_net n_2 ] 6) Examine the available properties: report_property $myNet_C 7) Here are some example net properties: get_property $myNet_C name get_property $myNet_C has_detailed_parasitics get_property $myNet_C is_dont_touch get_property $myNet_C driver_pins get_property $driver_C hierarchical_name get_property $driver_C slew_max_rise –view VIEW1 get_property $driver_C slew_max_fall –view VIEW2 COPYRIGHT © 2013. find all nets in the design with a set_dont_touch.sdc get_nets * -hierarchical -filter "@dont_touch == true" 9) Now search for all netlist with a total capacitance greater that 50fF. PAGE 14 . CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. INC. get_nets * -hierarchical -filter "@total_capacitance_max_rise > .15" 10) To find nets that have more than 10 load pins foreach_in_collection pin_C [ get_nets * ] { set name [ get_property $pin_C hierarchical_name ] set load_C [ get_property $pin_C load_pins ] set fanout [ sizeof_collection $load_C ] if { $fanout > 10 } { puts "$fanout $name" } } Lab 1-12 Exploring Pins and Pin Properties 1) Find all pins in the design get_pins * 2) Identify pins on instances inside the module AO1 get_pins -of_objects [get_cells AO1/*] 3) Get the pins of the module get_pins -of_objects [get_cells AO1] 4) Get the output pins of the module: get_pins -of_objects [get_cells AO1] -filter "@direction == out" 5) Review the properties of a particular pin: get_pins g4/Y set myPin_C [ get_pins g4/Y ] report_property $myPin_C 6) Here are some example pin properties: get_property $myPin_C net_name get_property $myPin_C is_clock get_property $myPin_C arrival_window –view VIEW1 COPYRIGHT © 2013. In this example. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 8) We can search for nets in the design by filtering properties. You can verify this by looking at the SDC file data/base1. PAGE 15 . CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. The command “report_timing”’ has the –collection argument which returns the all data in the form of a collection. 1) Here the base report_timing command we’ll be examining: report_timing -net -path_type full_clock -from AO1/SUM_reg_3_15 -to AO1/SUM_reg_2_15 clock_from pll_clk -clock_to pll_clk –view VIEW1 2) Here’s the same report. But the real power of collections becomes evident when you query values in a timing report. capacitance values and fanout) is fine. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. use the -filter option to find all output ports get_ports * -filter "@direction == out" 3) Get the top port "start" and get query various properties get_ports start set myPort_C [ get_ports start ] 4) Here are some example port properties: report_property $myPort_C get_property $myPort_C fanin get_property $myPort_C fanout get_property $myPort_C is_port get_property $myPort_C driving_cell_rise_max Lab 1-14 Exploring Timing Paths and Timing Path Properties Finding netlist and physical properties (such as connectivity. but returned as a collection: set paths_C [ report_timing -path_type full_clock -from AO1/SUM_reg_3_15 AO1/SUM_reg_2_15 -clock_from pll_clk -clock_to pll_clk –view VIEW1 -collection ] -to COPYRIGHT © 2013. } Lab 1-13 Exploring Ports and Port Properties 1) Find all top level ports get_ports * 2) Now. INC. This doesn't include top level ports foreach_in_collection pin_C [ get_pins * -filter {direction == out && fanout > 10 } ] { set name [ get_property $pin_C hierarchical_name ] set fanout [ get_property $pin_C fanout ] puts "$fanout $name".RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 7) Find pins with outputs that fanout to more than 10 pins. get_property $paths_C view_name get_property $paths_C arrival get_property $paths_C required_time get_property $paths_C slack 5) The clock and data paths are collections themselves that can be queried. It is a collection of timing_points which consists of the following properties: arrival time. let’s review some of the report properties. They are the properties called: launch_clock_path.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 3) Query information shown in the header of the report report_property $paths_C Much of the information that is found in the header of the textual timing report can be found as properties. delta_delay. capture_clock path and timing_points Lab 1-15 Exploring Timing Points and Timing Point Properties The data path information is stored as the timing_points property. PAGE 16 . CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. pin slew and transition type. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INC. 1) Here we iterate on each timing point in the path to query properties in the data path set timingPts_C [get_property $paths_C timing_points] foreach_in_collection timingPt $timingPts_C { set instPin [ get_object_name [ get_property $timingPt pin ] ] set netName [ get_object_name [ get_nets -of_objects $instPin ] ] set arrival [ get_property $timingPt arrival ] set slew [ get_property $timingPt slew ] COPYRIGHT © 2013. But where are the clock and data paths? 4) Before we investigate the clock and data paths. And you iterate through each timing_point in the collection to query the properties at each point. COPYRIGHT © 2013. Delay information can be extracted from the timing graph by iterating through the timing points and using get_arcs to query from one point to the next.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS set tran [ get_property $timingPt transition_type ] puts "PIN: $instPin NET: $netName ARR: $arrival SLEW: $slew TRAN_TYPE: $tran" } 2) The launch and capture clock properties of the timing path return collections. we query the arrival times of the launch and capture clocks: get_property [get_property $paths_C launch_clock_path] arrival get_property [get_property $paths_C capture_clock_path] arrival 4) And like the data path. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. INC. you can investigate the timing points in the launch/capture clock paths : set launchPts_C [get_property [get_property $paths_C launch_clock_path] timing_points ] foreach_in_collection timingPt $launchPts_C { set instPin [ get_object_name [ get_property $timingPt pin ] ] set netName [ get_object_name [ get_nets -of_objects $instPin ] ] set arrival [ get_property $timingPt arrival ] set slew [ get_property $timingPt slew ] set tran [ get_property $timingPt transition_type ] puts "PIN: $instPin NET: $netName ARR: $arrival SLEW: $slew TRAN_TYPE: $tran" } 5) To query the capture clock set capturePts_C [get_property [get_property $paths_C capture_clock_path] timing_points ] foreach_in_collection timingPt $capturePts_C { set instPin [ get_object_name [ get_property $timingPt pin ] ] set netName [ get_object_name [ get_nets -of_objects $instPin ] ] set arrival [ get_property $timingPt arrival ] set slew [ get_property $timingPt slew ] set tran [ get_property $timingPt transition_type ] puts "PIN: $instPin NET: $netName ARR: $arrival SLEW: $slew TRAN_TYPE: $tran" } Lab 1-16 Exploring Timing Arcs and Timing Arc Properties You may have noticed that the paths didn’t contain any delay information. PAGE 17 . report_property [get_property $paths_C launch_clock_path] 3) Here. One of which is a is a collection of timing_points representing the clock paths. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAGE 18 .RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS 1) This is the timing report we’ll be investigating. INC. For the first pass. the first timing point will be both the current and previous points. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. To do this. Our goals is to report the base and incremental net delays in the data path report_timing -net -path_type full_clock -from AO1/SUM_reg_3_15 -to AO1/SUM_reg_2_15 clock_from pll_clk -clock_to pll_clk –view VIEW1 2) Now create a collection from the report_timing command. we’ll iterate on the timing points defining a current and previous timing point. set path_C [ report_timing -path_type full_clock -from AO1/SUM_reg_3_15 AO1/SUM_reg_2_15 -clock_from pll_clk -clock_to pll_clk –view VIEW1 -collection ] 3) Grab the data path's timing points from the collection returned by report_timing set points [ get_property $path_C timing_points ] 4) We need to look at each arc. which is done by querying from one timing point to the next. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. But the script could be enhanced to filter this out. set prev_point [index_collection $points 0] foreach_in_collection curr_point $points { set prev_pin_name [get_object_name [get_property $prev_point pin]] set curr_pin_name [get_object_name [get_property $curr_point pin]] # Get timing arc from previous point to current point set arc [get_arcs -from $prev_pin_name -to $curr_pin_name] puts "Arc: $prev_pin_name ---> $curr_pin_name" # Determine if the arc is min/max and rise/fall set RF [get_property $curr_point transition_type] set MM [get_property $path_C path_type] # Build up the property to query set delay_type delay_${MM}_${RF} set si_delay_type delta_delay_${MM}_${RF} # Use the “is_cellarc” property to determine if the arc is a net or cell arc if {[get_property $arc is_cellarc] == false} { # Query the full net delay and the incremental net delay set full_net_delay [get_property [get_arcs -from $prev_pin_name -to $curr_pin_name] $delay_type ] -to COPYRIGHT © 2013. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. the above did not report the clock paths. So it's basically like querying the data path. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. report_property $myPathGroup_C COPYRIGHT © 2013. PAGE 19 . The same methodology could be used to query the launch and capture clock paths. Lab 1-17 Exploring Path Group Properties 1) The initial design db does not include path groups. The clock paths are a collection belonging to the timing path’s capture/launch_clock_path properties. get_path_groups set myPathGroup_C [get_path_groups] 3) What properties are available? There isn’t very much. That is because they are not part of the timing path’s timing point. but you have to go down one extra level of hierarchy.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS set incr_net_delay [get_property [get_arcs -from $prev_pin_name -to $curr_pin_name] $si_delay_type ] # generate a report puts " Full Net Delay: $full_net_delay Incremental: $incr_net_delay" } # Update previous point to point to the curr_point set prev_point $curr_point } 5) Note. So create one: group_path -name clk2clk -from [all_registers] -to [all_registers] 2) Now we can query it. INC. 75 -clock [get_clocks {io_clk}] [all_inputs –no_clock] 2) To find the clock that drives a particular net query_objects [get_property [get_property [get_nets ring/n_130] driver_pins] clock_sources] 3) Identifying all integrated clock gating cells in your design. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. Puts "" Puts "Instances of Integrated Clock Gating Cells and Their CellType:" Puts "--------------------------------------------------------------" set icgInsts [filter_collection [all_registers] "is_integrated_clock_gating_cell == true"] foreach_in_collection icgInstPtr $icgInsts { set instName [get_object_name $icgInstPtr] set cellName [get_property $icgInstPtr ref_lib_cell_name] Puts "Instance: $instName ($cellName)" } set numOfIcgs [sizeof_collection $icgInsts] Puts "" Puts "Total ICG Instances: $numOfIcgs" Puts "" 4) Select all LVT cells on the critical paths proc selectCriticalLvtInst {targetSlack} { set maxPaths 100000 group_path -name in2reg -from [all_inputs] -to [all_registers] group_path -name reg2reg -from [all_registers] -to [all_registers] group_path -name reg2out -from [all_registers] -to [all_outputs] foreach_in_collection group [get_path_groups] { set groupName [get_object_name $group] puts "Processing path group $groupName . PAGE 20 .Some real life examples 1) Let’s apply an input delay to all inputs (except a clock)? set_input_delay .RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS Lab 2-1 Application .." set rt [report_timing -path_group $groupName -max_slack $targetSlack -max_paths $maxPaths -collection] if {[sizeof_collection $rt] >= 1} { set pinList [filter_collection [get_property [get_property $rt timing_points] pin] {object_type == pin}] if {[sizeof_collection $pinList] >= 1} { deselectAll foreach_in_collection pin $pinList { set instName [get_object_name [get_cells -of_objects [get_pins $pin]]] set refCell [get_property [get_cells $instName] ref_lib_cell_name] COPYRIGHT © 2013. INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D and SI inputs to flops. i. PAGE 21 . INC.* -filter "@is_hierarchical==true"] ref_lib_cell_name } else { get_property [get_cells -hier -regexp ${hInst}/. set rtc [report_timing -collection -early -max_points 1000000 -max_slack 0] set endpoint_list [list] foreach_in_collection rt $rtc { lappend endpoint_list [get_property [get_property $rt capturing_point] hierarchical_name] } 7) Replace all of the X1 cells in the worst path in the design with X2 cells (this script can be used for HVT-non-HVT swapping) set collection [report_timing -collection] set timing_points [get_property $collection timing_points] set instNameList {} foreach_in_collection timing_point $timing_points { set pin_name [get_property [get_property $timing_point pin] hierarchical_name] set inst_name [file dirname $pin_name] if {[lsearch $instNameList $inst_name] == -1} { lappend instNameList $inst_name } COPYRIGHT © 2013. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. proc getSubModuleList {hInst} { if {$hInst == [dbGet top.* -filter "@is_hierarchical==true"] ref_lib_cell_name } } 6) List all endpoints with hold]} { get_property [get_cells -hier -regexp .RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS if {[regexp LVT $refCell]} { selectInst $instName } } } } } } 5) Return a list of module names that are used inside a hierarchical inst # example : getSubModuleList ia # => D C # to get the sub module under the top module (design) specify the top design name # example : getSubModuleList top # ==> D C D A B # the list is purposely not sorted in case user needs to find out the number of instantiations as well.e. get the name of a # particular pin or port # This section pulls "bannder/header" information about the path set timingPts_C [get_property $timingPath_C timing_points] set startPoint [query_objects [get_property $timingPath_C launching_point]] set endPoint [query_objects [get_property $timingPath_C capturing_point]] set launchClk [query_objects [get_property $timingPath_C launching_clock]] set captureClk [query_objects [get_property $timingPath_C capturing_clock]] set launchClkEdge [get_property $timingPath_C launching_clock_open_edge_type] set captureClkEdge [get_property $timingPath_C capturing_clock_close_edge_type] puts "\n" puts "Path $pathNum" puts "Startpoint: $startPoint launched by $launchClk $launchClkEdge" puts "Endpoint: $endPoint latched by $captureClk $captureClkEdge" # This section iterates over the pins/ports for a specific path and prints COPYRIGHT © 2013. for instance. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAGE 22 . and process them one at-a-time foreach_in_collection timingPath_C $timingPaths_C { incr pathNum # Some objects returned by get_property will themselves be collections. CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS. so # additional processing is required to. INC.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS } foreach instName $instNameList { set inst [dbGetInstByName $instName] set cellName [dbGet $] if {[string match *X1 $cellName]} { regsub {X1$} $cellName {X2} newCellName ecoChangeCell -inst $instName -cell $newCellName } } 8) A procedure for creating a custom report_timing report format proc my_report_timing { args } { # Create a collection of timing paths # set rptTimingCmd "report_timing -collection $args" set timingPaths_C [eval $rptTimingCmd] set pathNum 0 # Iterate over the set of paths.cell. INC.RAK to demonstrate Usage of collections in EDI & ETS # out the pin name and the edge of the transition # foreach_in_collection point_C $timingPts_C { set pin [get_property [get_property $point_C pin] hierarchical_name] set pinEdge [get_property $point_C transition_type] puts "$pin \t $pinEdge" } } } COPYRIGHT © 2013. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAGE 23 . CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS.
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