Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the collection of Arthur Houghton. [Pt. I] / by Arthur Houghton
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Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / COINS OF THE SELEUCID EMPIRE FROM THE COLLECTION OF ARTHUR HOUGHTON By ARTHUR J^OUGHTON ANCIENT COINS IN NORTH AMERICAN COLLECTIONS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY NEW YORK 1983 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / ANCIENT COINS IN NORTH AMERICAN COLLECTIONS No. 4 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / FOR SHERRY for two decades of patience and support and to the memory of EDWARD T. NEWELL whose interest in royal Greek portrait coins spurred my own and pointed the way TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHRONOLOGICAL CHART OF SELECTED MINTS xv NORTH CENTRAL REGION Syria Seleucis Antioch Nos. 1-400 Seleucia Pieria 401-414 "Apamea" 415-443 Laodicea ad Mare 444-447 Hierapolis (Bambyce) 448 Cyrrhus 449 Cilicia Tarsus 450-502 Mopsus 503-504 Mallus 505-512 Soli 513-529 Seleucia ad Calycadnum 530-538 Uncertain Mint 539-541 Uncertain Mints 542-591 WESTERN REGION West Asia Minor Sardes 592-611 Magnesia on the Maeander 612-620 Smyrna 621-622 Phocaea 623-624 Magnesia ad Sipylum 625-627 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Myrina 628-629 Aegae 630-632 Pergamum 633-635 Hellespont Alexandria Troas 636-646 Ilium 647-650 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Lampsacus 651-655 Parium 656-658 Lysimachia 659-662 Uncertain Mints 663-681 SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Phoenicia "Aradus-Marathus" 682-686 Simyra 687 Tripolis 688-693 Byblus 694-703 Beirut 704-710 Sidon 711-725 Tyre 726-770 Palestine Ake-Ptolemais 771^814 Ascalon 815-826 Gaza 827-830 Jerusalem 831-834 Coele-Syria Damascus 835-871 Uncertain Mints 872-886 EASTERN REGION Mesopotamia Carrhae 887-890 Edessa 891-894 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Nisibis 895-911 Babylonia Babylon 912-913 Seleucia on the Tigris 914-1020 Susiana Susa 1021-1083 Antioch on the Persian Gulf 1084-1102 Baluchistan Uncertain Mint 1103-1119 Media Ecbatana 1120-1275 Northeastern Mints Hecatompylus or Artacoana 1276-1279 Bactra 1280-1299 Uncertain Mints 1300-1323 INTRODUCTION Because of its focus on a single, narrowly-defined area of numismatics, this volume does not follow the system generally employed by many catalogues in which coins of the hellenistic series are listed first by ruler, then by mint. Instead, it has been arranged ac- cording to mints, then chronologically according to ruler, in order to show clearly the affinity of coins struck by different rulers at the same city and to provide, as far as possible, an overview of a given mint's activity and its relationship to other mints operating within the same district. A second departure from general practice has been made in the geographical arrangement of the mints themselves. In his formative study of early Seleucid coinages struck in the east, Eastern Seleucid Mints, Edward T. Newell began with the first issues of Seleucus I, struck in Babylonia, then dealt with mints further to the east, ending with Bactria. West- ern Seleucid Mints continued with Mesopotamia, covered Syria Seleucis, Phoenicia, Palestine and Cilicia, and concluded with Asia Minor. While the use of a historically- based system of this nature was fully reasonable in tracing the development of the earliest coinages of the Seleucid kings, it is not easily adapted to a catalogue of coins whose scope embraces the entire historical range of the Seleucid dynasty, from its beginnings under Seleucus I in Babylonia to its final months under Antiochus XIII at Antioch. The approach in this volume emphasizes instead the development of the Empire as a whole, taking as its starting point the area of most fundamental importance to the Seleucid kings. Within this area, which is here called the North Central Region, the mint of Antioch was predominant. As a major settlement since its founding and as the Empire's most important city during the second and into the first century B.C., Antioch issued the largest volume of coinage, and maintained the longest and most continuous record of mint oper- ation. Its effect on the activity of other mints in its own and in more distant regions was profound, often influencing style, iconography, form of inscriptions and striking technique. The catalogue therefore begins with Antioch and its region, which includes the areas Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of Cilicia and of Seleucis and Pieria. This is followed by the mints of the Western Region (the western provinces of Asia Minor and the Hellespont); the South Central Region (Phoenicia, Palestine and Coele Syria); and, finally, those of the Eastern Region (Mesopo- tamia eastward, to Bactria). Each regional chapter concludes with a section covering issues whose specific attribution has not been established firmly, but whose provenance, style, iconography or technique relate them in a general manner to other known coins of that area. In recent years excavation reports, new hoard publications, specific mint studies, and articles discussing the attribution of individual coins have all contributed to a growing body of literature on the subject of hellenistic numismatics in general and Seleucid coinages in particular; the material is voluminous. Many references to such studies have been in- corporated in this catalogue but all have not, and while those cited are in the aggregate a X INTRODUCTION guide to the field they are not intended to form a comprehensive bibliography. Instead an attempt has been made to provide sufficient references to permit the user to locate similar or related coins in other works, or to follow the attributions or reattributions that have been made in this catalogue. In citing such material, I have used the criterion of accessibility. Standard, broadly available works, such as E. T. Newell's Eastern Seleucid Mints and Western Seleucid Mints have been given priority; such studies also include Newell's "The Seleucid Mint of Antioch" for coins of Antioch struck after the reign of Antiochus III; and Georges Le Rider's monu- mental Suse sous les Sileucides et les Parthes for the later Seleucid issues of Susa, Seleucia on the Tigris and Ecbatana. They also include significant articles in journals or essay collections which bring together material relating to a particular mint or period. Where such references do not adequately cover specific coins, the catalogues of the great national collections in London and Paris have been cited, sometimes together. Thereafter, I have referred to other major published collections, both public and private (Copenhagen, Ox- ford, Cambridge and Boston; Lockett, Jameson, de Hirsch and De Clercq). Occasionally it has been noted where a related issue or die may be found in a sales catalogue, if no other work can provide the information. In exceptional cases where a coin may appear to be unique or a series insufficiently known, unpublished examples have been cited in order to show the existence of a similar issue or related type. Coins will be found throughout the catalogue without reference at all; such cases include issues where similar examples by type, inscription, monogram or date could not be located in published collections. Many of these fall into well-established sequences and are of importance primarily in helping to complete the record of a mint's activity. Others, how- ever, may be heretofore unrecorded issues; they are testament to the fact that the record of Seleucid coinages is far from complete, and that additions to the known material Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / appear from time to time. It is my hope that the publication of such coins in this catalogue will deepen our understanding of Hellenistic numismatics, and give greater definition to this rich and complex period of history. I have a profound debt to the many individuals who have assisted me in the preparation of this volume. I am deeply grateful to Leslie Elam, Director of the American Numismatic Society, for his guidance and care in regard to both the editing and publication of this catalogue; and to the Society's Curator of Greek Coins, Nancy Waggoner, for her thought- ful commentary on the substance of this catalogue and for her patience with my impositions on her time and my intrusions into the Society's Greek Coin Room over a period of many years. Special thanks are also due to the Society's Librarian, Frank Campbell, who has provided me with a stream of reference material which could not be conveniently obtained elsewhere. I am indebted, also, to Martin Price and Helene Nicolet-Pierre, Curators of the London and Paris collections, for the time they have generously given in commenting on many aspects of Seleucid numismatics, and for casts and photographs of coins which have helped clarify questions regarding numerous issues in this catalogue. I also wish to thank Harald Kuthmann of Munich; Gunther Dembski of Vienna; Hans-Dieter and Sabine Schultz of the Staatliche Museum, Berlin; and J. L. Djukov of the Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, all of whom have provided photographs, casts or descriptive material relating to my INTRODUCTION xi study of particular Seleucid mints, and which have been of direct relevance to the proper attribution of many of the coins listed here. My thanks also go to Arnold Spaer of Jerusalem; Paolo Girardi of Beirut and Rome; and Edoardo Levante of Iskenderun and Paris, for their help in resolving questions of provenance and for informing me of numismatic material or scholarship related to the attribution of issues from Palestine, Syria and Phoenicia, and Cilicia. Specific and useful commentary on Seleucid coins of Ascalon and Jerusalem has been provided by Ya'akov Meshorer of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Frank Holt of the University of Virginia and William Spengler, now at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), have re- viewed the chapter on Bactria, and have made helpful suggestions on the history and coins of that area. In the last analysis, this catalogue would not have been possible without the help of Otto Morkholm of the Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Copenhagen, and Silvia Hurter of Bank Leu, Zurich. For nearly two decades Mr. Morkholm has provided unstinting assistance and advice as my interest in Seleucid history and numismatics has developed. Much of this work bears his imprint. The general arrangement of mints, for example, was originally his suggestion, and has been adopted in ful1. The attribution of many coins has been based on his definitive studies in the field of hellenistic numismatics, and I have depended heavily on his suggestions for improvement of the catalogue text. The responsibility for any mistakes is mine alone, but such substantive errors as may exist would have been immeasurably greater without Mr. Morkholm's advice. The core of this volume is the quality of its photography. Much of the basis of numis- matic scholarship is visual; and while errors of substance can be corrected, information lost by inadequate illustrations can be regained only with the greatest difficulty, if at al1. I have been fortunate in the extreme that Silvia Hurter agreed to apply her unmatched skill Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / to the photography of the coins in this catalogue. Simple thanks are inadequate for a task which involved long hours of labor and care. It is my hope that she will see, as I do, the results to be a monument to her technique and eye. I am obliged as well to Frances M. Schwartz for the expert mounting of the plates. Finally, I wish to acknowledge my debt to two individuals, now deceased. Dikran Saraffian was as much a student of antiquity as he was a dealer of ancient artifacts, a wit, and a man of gentle charm who never forebore to expIain the past to a youth who hardly knew what questions to ask. Henri Seyrig seemed to keep his door forever open in response to my quest for information on the coinages of Syria, which were a source of fascination to him as wel1. Both encouraged my early interest in ancient coins, and guided me toward Seleucid numismatics as an area which promised rich intellectual reward. They were not wrong. Cambridge, April 1982 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Babelon — Bellinger, Dura — Bellinger, End of the — Seleucids Bellinger, Elaeusa Sebaste — Bellinger, Troy — BMC — Boehringer, Chronologie — Brett, Ake-Ptolemais — Brett, Ascalon — Cox, Tarsus — De Clerq — De Hirsch — ESM — HLR — Houghton, Lampsacus — E. Babelon, Catalogue des monnaies grecques de la Bibliolhique Nationale. Les Rois de Syrie, d'Armenie el de Commagine (Paris, 1890). A. R. Bellinger, The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report 6: The Coins (New Haven, 1949). A. R. Bellinger, "The End of the Seleucids," Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 38 (June, 1949), pp. 51-102. A. R. Bellinger, "A Seleucid Mint at Elaeusa Sebaste," ANSMN 3 (1948), pp. 27-30. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / A. R. Bellinger, Troy. The Coins (Princeton, 1961). P. Gardner, Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, The Seleucid Kings of Syria (London, 1878). C. Boehringer, Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistischer Miinzserien 220-160 v. Chr., AMUGS 5 (Berlin, 1972). A. B. Brett, "Seleucid Coins of Ake-Ptolemais in Phoenicia, Seleucus IV to Tryphon," ANSMN 1 (1945), pp. 17-35. A. B. Brett, "The Mint of Ascalon under the Seleucids," ANSMN 4 (1950), pp. 43-54. D. H. Cox, "The Coins," Excavations at GSzlu Kule, Tarsus, Vo1. 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods, ed. H. Goldman (Princeton, 1950), pp. 38-83. G. Le Rider and H. Seyrig, "Objets de la collection Louis De Clercq," RN 1967, pp. 7-53 (Nos. 1-259); RN 1968, pp. 7-40 (Nos. 260- 3531). P. Naster, La collection Lucien de Hirsch (Brussels, 1959). E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleu- cus I to Antiochus III, ANSNS 1 (New York, 1938, reprinted 1978). A. Houghton and G. Le Rider, "Un tresor de monnaies hellenistiques trouve pres de Suse." RN 1966, pp. 111-27. A. Houghton, "The Seleucid Mint at Lampsacus," ANSMN 23 (1978), pp. 59-68. ABBREVIATIONS xiii Houghton, Persepolis — Houghton, Second Reign — Houghton, Tarik Darreh — Hunter 3 — Jameson — LSM — Meklepini McLean 3 MFA Merkholm, Accession Merkholm, Cilicia Merkholm, Nisibe Merkholm, Posthumous Issue Merkholm, Sardes Merkholm, Seleucid Mint Merkholm, Studies Merkholm, Susiana Seyrig, fires A. Houghton, "Notes on the Early Seleucid Victory Coinage of 'Persepolis'," SNR 59 (1980), pp. 5-14. A. Houghton, "The Second Reign of Demetrius II of Syria at Tarsus," ANSMN 24 (1979), pp. 111-16. — A. Houghton, "Tarik Darreh (Kangavar) Hoard," ANSMN 25 (1980), pp. 31-44. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / — G. Macdonald, Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, Vo1. 3, Further Asia, Northern Africa, Western Europe (Glas- gow, 1905). — R. Jameson, Collection R. Jameson, Vo1. 1, Monnaies grecques an- tiques (Paris, 1913). — E. T. Newell, Late Seleucid Mints in Ake-Plolemais and Damascus, ANSNNM 84 (New York, 1939). — N. Olcay and H. Seyrig, he tresor de Mektepini en Phrygie, Tresors monetaires Seleucides 1 (Paris, 1965). — S. W. Grose, Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the McLean Col- lection of Greek Coins, Vol. 3, Asia Minor, Further Asia, Egypt, Africa (Cambridge, 1929). — A. B. Brett, Catalogue of Coins, Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, 1955). — 0. Merkholm, "The Accession of Antiochus IV of Syria, A Numis- matic Comment," ANSMN 11 (1964), pp. 63-76. — 0. Merkholm, "Seleucid Coins from Cilicia, ca. 220-150 B.C.," ANSMN 11 (1964), pp. 53-62. — 0. Merkholm, "Le monnayage de Seleucus IV a Nisibe," RN 1965, pp. 44-50. — 0. Merkholm, "A Posthumous Issue of Antiochus IV of Syria," NC 1960, pp. 25-30. — 0. Merkholm, "Some Seleucid Coins from the Mint of Sardes," NNA 1969, pp. 5-20. — 0. Merkholm, "The Seleucid Mint at Antiochia on the Persian Gulf," ANSMN 16 (1970), pp. 31-44. — 0. Merkholm, Studies in the Coinage of Antiochus IV of Syria (Copenhagen, 1963). — 0. Merkholm, "A Greek Coin Hoard from Susiana," ActaA 36 (1965), pp. 127-56. — H. Seyrig, "Antiquites syriennes 42. Sur les eres de quelques villes de Syrie: Antioche, Apamee, Arethuse, Balanee, fipiphanee, Laodicee, Rhosos, Damas, Beryte, Tripolis, l'ere de Cleopatre, Chalcis du Liban, Doliche," Syria 27 (1950), pp. 5-50. xiv ABBREVIATIONS Seyrig, Magnisie Seyrig, Notes Seyrig, Parion Seyrig, Tresors SMA SNGCopSyria SNGFitz SNGLockell Spaer, Qazvin Spaer, A ke Spaer, Ascalon Strauss Suse Thompson, Lysimachus Tyre Waage WSM — H. Seyrig, "Monnaies hellenistiques VI: Monnaies Seleucides d'fi- phese et de Magnesie," RN 1963, pp. 31-35. — H. Seyrig, Notes on Syrian Coins, ANSNNM 119 (New York, 1950). — H. Seyrig, "Parion au 3e siecle avant notreere," Centennial Publica- tion of the American Numismatic Society, ed. H. Ingholt (New York, 1958), pp. 603-25. — H. Seyrig, Tresors du Levant, anciens el nouveaux, Tresors monetaires Seleucides 2 (Paris, 1973). Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / — E. T. Newell, "The Seleucid Mint of Antioch," American Journal of Numismatics 51 (New York, 1917-18), pp. 1-151. — Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum: Syria, Seleucid Kings (Copenhagen, 1959). — Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Vol. 4, Filzwilliam Museum, Leake and General Collections, Part 8: Syria-Nabathaea, (Lon- don, 1971). — Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Vo1. 3, The Lockett Collection, Part 5: Lesbos-Cyrenaica; Addenda (London, 1949). — A. Spaer, "A Hoard from the Qazvin Area," Coin Hoards 1 (1975), pp. 36^1. — A. Spaer, "Antiochus IV at Ake-Ptolemais," Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics (Paris, Basel, 1976), pp. 139-41. — A. Spaer, "Ascalon: From Royal Mint to Autonomy," Studies in Honor of Leo Mildenberg: Numismatics, Art History and Archaeology (Wetteren, 1984, forthcoming). — P. Strauss, "Un tresor de monnaies hellenistiques trouve pres de Suse," RN 1971, pp. 109^0. — G. Le Rider, Suse sous les Seleucides el les Parthes (Paris, 1965). — M. Thompson, "The Mints of Lysimachus," Essays in Greek Coinage Presented to Stanley Robinson (Oxford, 1968), pp. 163-82. — E. T. Newell, The Seleucid Coinages of Tyre, a Supplement," ANS- NNM 73 (New York, 1936). — D. B. Waage, Anlioch-on-the-Oronles, Vo1. 4, Part 2, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Crusaders' Coins (Princeton, 1952). — E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus lII, ANSNS 4 (New York, 1941, reprinted 1977). CHRONOLOGICAL CHART OF SELECTED MINTS No dates have been given to the separate reigns of the kings whose coinage is re- presented. Had the Seleucid state remained united, it would have been possible to show a straightforward chronological sequence of rulers at their capital city. It did not, however, and the chronology of the Empire—the later Empire in particular—is anything but straightforward. In some cases, usurpers assumed control of one or more cities and were themselves defeated and replaced by a legitimate ruler. In others, a king may have been expelled from one city but maintained his authority at another. Some rulers exercised power over vast territory but never ruled at the Seleucid capital, Antioch. As a result, a simple list of Seleucid kings tends to be misleading about the breadth of an individual ruler's authority; and an arrangement of kings at a single selected city, such as Antioch, would give only a fragmentary picture about the extent of each ruler's contro1. Neither approach would reflect the increasing political complexity of the Seleucid state in its later stages, threatened externally by intensifying political and military threats, and internally by a broadening pattern of disruption and disintegration as rival challengers fought each other for authority. The following chart is intended to correct this problem in part. It sets out schematically the reigns of Seleucid rulers at selected provincial capitals, from Sardes in western Asia Minor to Bactra in the far northeast. In the case of each capital the record of coins struck by the city's mint is, with only a few exceptions, sufficiently continuous to provide certain- ty about the sequence of rulers at these locations. Its chronological accuracy is only approximate, however, particularly in those instances where the ancient sources are im- precise or silent, or where the numismatic material is lacking. The notes which follow the chart indicate some of the areas where chronological clarification is needed. Sources (except as noted): Bellinger, End of the Seleucids Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Brett, Ake-Ptolemais Cox, Tarsus ESM LSM Merkholm, Sardes Morkholm, Studies Susc E. Will, Histoire politique du monde hellinistique, 2 vols. Annales de l'est (Nancy, 1966-67). WSM Chart Notes: I A foundation date of Seleucia of c. 301 B.C. or later has been proposed by R. Hadley, "The Foun- dation Date of Seleucia on the Tigris," Historia 27 (1978), pp. 228-30. • The date of Seleucus's occupation of Bactra is not known. The first Seleucid coins of Bactra do not appear to have been struck prior to the period of joint rule of Seleucus and his son, Antiochus I, which began c. 292 B.C. (see introduction to catalogue section on Bactra). 3 WSM, pp. 211-13, accepts a Seleucid occupation of Damascus extending from the reign of Antio- chus I to the early years of Seleucus II, but notes the scant evidence supporting the rule of any Seleucid king in this city prior to the reign of Antiochus VII. 4 The dates of Antiochus, son of Seleucus IV, follow the chronology of Morkholm, Accession. 5 The dates of Antiochus V and Timarchus at Seleucia are according to A. R. Bellinger, "The Bronze Coins of Timarchus," ANSMN 1 (1945), pp. 37-44, and A. Houghton, "Timarchus as King in Babylo- nia," RN 1979, pp. 213-17. • The chronology of Tryphon's reign in Syria is not certain. The traditionally accepted dating of Tryphon's regnal years, which is supported by Brett, Ake-Ptolemais, and H. Seyrig, Notes, has been retained. 7 A coin of Antiochus IX of Ascalon dated 91P (199 S.E. = 114/3 B.C.) in the British Museum indicates a slightly earlier beginning of this king's reign in Palestine and Coele-Syria than Newell suggests in LSM, p. 31 and p. 70. 8 The chart includes four hypothetical regnal periods for Antiochus VIII at Damascus, three for Antiochus IX, based upon Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 68-74; 87-88, and a late issue of Antiochus VIII published by Merkholm, "Some Western Seleucid Coins," INJ 3 (1965-66), p. 12. No dated silver coins of Antiochus IX are known for this city after 111/0 B.C., however, and Bellinger's sug- gestion of a third reign for this king at Damascus is based upon bronze issues of Eros/Nike type whose attribution is not certain. • Newell has placed the beginning of Antiochus VIII's fourth reign at Antioch at 108/7 B.C. (SMA, p. 103). On the basis of hoard evidence, Seyrig, Trisors, p. 102, has noted that Antiochus's initiation Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of the Zeus Nikephoros reverse type at Antioch—and by implication the date of Antiochus's fourth accession at that city—probably did not occur until c. 105 B.C. or later. However, H. Troxell and N. Waggoner, "The Robert F. Kelley Bequest," ANSMN 23 (1978), pp. 40-41, cite two tetradrachms which suggest that Antiochus may have begun striking the Zeus Nikephoros coinage concurrently with the Zeus Ouranios type during his third reign, or that the latter may have been continued into the king's fourth reign until they were replaced by the Zeus Nikephoros series. The evidence is insufficient to provide a definitive resolution of the chronology of this period, and Newell's dates have been provisionally retained. 10 Both Antiochus XI and Philip I occupied Cilicia during their struggle with Antiochus X Eusebes. They presumably occupied Tarsus during this period, whether jointly or in succession is not known. No coins of Tarsus have been identified with either ruler. The two reigns of Antiochus X at Antioch are discussed by Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 73-74; see also the introductory notes to the sections on Antiochus X and XI at Antioch. II See Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 82-85, and the introductory note to the section on An- tiochus XIII at Antioch for the interrupted reign of this king and the brief assumption of power by Philip II. NORTH CENTRAL REGlON SYRIA SELEUCIS: ANTIOCH From the date of its founding in 300 B.C. until its annexation by Pompey almost two and a half centuries later, Antioch grew to become the single most important city of the Seleucid Empire. The coinage of Antioch reflects the developing focal nature of the city itself: from early beginnings of significant if not voluminous output, when the attention of the early Seleucid kings remained predominantly fixed on the rich and densely populated territories of Asia Minor, to its zenith as the Empire's capital under Antiochus IV (175-164 B.C.). With the exception of the Ptolemaic occupation of the city in 246-244 B.C., the record of Antioch's coinage as a Seleucid mint is virtually continuous until the capture of the city by Tigranes in the first century. The last known Seleucid issues of the city were struck during the brief first reign of Antiochus XIII in 69/8-67/6 B.C. SELEUCUS I Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Athe- na standing r., holding spear and shield; to r., inverted anchor. 1. JE / 7.04. WSM 911. 2. JE / 9.36. As 1. 3. JE f 8.03. Rev. no anchor. WSM 912. 4. JE I 6.86. Rev. no anchor; to 1., E; to r., WSM 915. 5. JE -» 5.73. Rev. to r., ©. WSM 920. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BA ZE Tripod. 6. JE f 2.17. WSM 917. 7. * j 2.14. As 6. Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., 2?; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 8. A / 16.83. Obv. die A7 and rev. mo- nogram of WSM 923. Obv. Winged head of Medusa r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Bull charging r.; dotted border. 9. « f 6.64. Rev. in exergue, E. WSM 925. 10. JE *- 5.34. Rev. above, ©. 11. JE J, 1.48. Rev. indistinguishable in- scription (BA ZE?). See WSM 928, a bronze issue of similar type. Obv. Male figure, nude to waist, seated 1. on rock, holding ankh in r. hand and resting 1. hand behind him; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Horn- ed head of elephant r.; in exergue, E; dotted border. 12. JE / 7.37. WSM 929. Obv. Macedonian shield. Rev. BA ZE Elephant's head r.; to 1., N; dotted border. Hemiobo1. 13. JR 0.37. This coin has been at- tributed to Antioch on the basis of its obverse type, which is com- mon to bronze issues of Seleucus I and Antiochus I assigned with 2 Arthur Houghton Collection certainty to this mint (WSM 930a-/3, both from the Antioch excavations; WSM 942-48), and the abbreviated form of inscrip- tion, which was normally em- ployed at Anlioch and other west- ern mints for small coinage but not in the east (see ESM 325, an obol with the same reverse type struck at Susa under Seleucus I, but with a full inscription, sym- bols and monogram). Obv. As 13. Rev. Z E Arrowhead; dotted bor- der. 14. JR f 1.42. See WSM 956 and WSM 1134, bronze issues of Antiochus I with an arrowhead as reverse type, attributed by Newell to Antioch and Apamea, respectively. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / eagle and scepter; to 1., H within wreath; between legs of throne, P; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 15. JR f 17.21. WSM 931. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tri- pod; to 1., C; to r., 3; dotted border. 16. JE *- 5.34. WSM 933. 17. JE / 1.54. Rev. BA AN; no mono- grams. WSM 935. Obv. Macedonian shield, inverted anchor as center device. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Horn- ed elephant striding r.; dotted border. 18. JE \ 5 21. Rev. beneath belly, O; between hind legs, Z. WSM 944. 19. JE f 1.76. Rev. BA AN; no mono- grams. WSM 945. 20. JE \ 1.56. As 19. 21. JE / 5.84. Rev. above, !*E and club; below, jawbone. WSM 946. 22. JE / 6.46. As 21. Rev. counterstamp: anchor within ovai. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Thun- derbolt; above, club and r*E; below, jawbone; dotted border. 23. JE f 5.65. WSM 949. 24. JE \ 1.47. Rev. BAZI ANTI. Obv. As 16. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tri- pod; to 1., bow; to r., !*E and club; dotted border. 26. JE -* 5.82. Rev. counterstamp: anchor within ovai. WSM 953. 26. JE \ 1.76. Rev. BAZI ANTI. WSM 954. Syria Seleucis 3 30. JE -* 4.38. As 29. 31. JE \ 0.98. Rev. BAZI ANTI; no mo- nograms; dotted border. WSM 964. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus 1.; dotted border. Rev. BAZI ANTI Nude Apollo seated r. on omphalos, holding bow with both hands; to 1., P; to r., 0. 32. JE \ 1.85. WSM 963. 33. JE \ 1.71. As 32. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on lyre; to 1., EY; to r., M. 34. JE / 4.23. WSM 967. 36. JE f 4.45. As 34. 36. JE / 4.41. As 34. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 37. JR f 16.45. Rev. to 1., AE ; to r., ®. Obv. die of WSM 970-72. Rev. monograms of WSM 971. 38. JR f 17.02. Rev. to 1., ft; to r., H. Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 980|3-e. 39. A \ 16.93. As 38. Obv. die of WSM 980P-n. SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., ¥. Staters. 40. AI f 8.59. Obv. die and rev. monogram of WSM 987. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 33, 4 (this coin). 41. N f 8.47. As 40. Obv. As 40. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; to 1., Y. Tetra drachm. 42. JR f 17.13. NFA 2, 25 Mar. 1976, 285. Dies of WSM 9886. Obv. As 40, but without border. Rev. Inscription and type as 40. Staters. 43. X f 8.50. Rev. to 1., M; to r., M. Obv. die of WSM 995. See WSM 991, a tetradrachm with the same monograms. 44. N f 8.56. Obv. die of 43. Rev. to 1., P. 45. N j 8.51. Obv. die of 43. Rev. to r., EY. Leu 7, 9 May 1973, 269. SNGCopSyria 109. Obv. As 40. 4 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. As 40. Rev. Inscription and type as 40. Stater. 60. M \ 8.57. Rev. die of 48. Dies of WSM lOlOy; rev. die of WSM 1012(3, a stater. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 33, 5 (this coin). Obv. Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., inver- ted anchor. 51. JE / 7.14. WSM 1016. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZlAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Tri- pod. 52. JE f 6.66. Rev. to 1., EY; to r., M. WSM 1017. 53. JE f 7.26. Obv. counterstamp: lyre and AAA (?) within ovai. Rev. as 52. 54. JE f 7.07. Rev. to 1., 1. WSM 1023. 55. JE j 10.26. As 54. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SELEUCUS III Obv. Diademed head of Seleucusr.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 56. JR f 16.94. Rev. to I., £. Leu-MuM, 3 Dec. 1965 (Niggeler), 461. WSM 1024y (this coin). 57. JR / 16.77. Rev. to 1., <NK ; to r., X . WSM 1027; Obv. die of Seyrig, Triors 1.84. Gold Octodrachm. 58. A'f 34.15. Rev. to 1., 1 ; to r., Y. Obv. die of WSM 1029X-PP, 1030 (tetradrachms); rev. monograms of WSM 1029. See 59-60, below, tetradrachms which share the same obverse die as 58. D. Cox, "Gordian Hoards III, IV and VII," ANSMN 12 (1966), p. 52, 4, and pi. XXI, cites another octodrachm of Seleucus III whose obverse die was later used to strike tetradrachms at Antioch. Tetradrachms. 59. JR f 16.98. Dies of 58. WSM 1029. 60. A j 17.04. Obv. die of 58. Rev. to 1., i above rose; to r., Dies of WSM 10308. Obv. Bust of Artemis r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 56; to 1., cac . 61. JE f 4.67. Rev. in exergue, fii WSM 1033. 62. JE f 4.57. Rev. in exergue, M. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 56; to 1., 1. 63. JE f 2.50. WSM 1043. Syria Seleucis 5 Obv. As 64. Rev. Inscription and type as 64; to 1., ¥ above A . Gold Octodrachm. 69. A! f 34.11. See WSM 1072, a tetra- drachm with the same 1. field monograms. Obv. As 66. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. hand on bow; to 1., ¥ above X . 70. JE f 1.35. WSM 1082 (where lower monogram is rendered X ). 71. JE f 1.58. As 70. Obv. As 64. Rev. Inscription and type as 64; to L, ¥. Tetradrachm. 72. JR f 17.07. Obv. die and rev. mono- gram of WSM 1089e-£. Stern- berg 10, 25 Nov. 1980,169. Drachm. 73. AL f 4.03. Obv. die and rev. monogram of WSM 1090b. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. As 64. Rev. Inscription and type as 64. Gold Octodrachm. 74. Al f 34.18. Rev. to 1., Am. Obv. die style as WSM 1097. Tetradrachm. 76. M f 16.73. Rev. to 1., 4" ; in exergue, 4> . Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1098. Obv. As 66. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ele- phant walking r., surmounted by mahout; to L, tripod; monograms indistinguishable. 76. JE f 9.38. Rev. counterstamp: horse's head within square. See WSM 1197, a bronze issue of similar type. Obv. As 66. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tri- pod, beneath which Apollo stands 1., holding arrow and bow. 77. JE I 10.62. Rev. counterstamp: hor- se's head within rectangle. G. Le Rider, "Monnaies grecques re- cemment acquises par le Cabinet des Mddailles" RN 1961, p. 21, 16, has attributed coins of this type to Antioch on technical and stylistic grounds. Obv. As 66. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOY phant walking 1. 78. JE f 2.87. WSM 1112. Ele- Obv. As 64. Rev. Inscription and type as 64. Tetradrachms. 79. JR f 16.78. Rev. to 1., bow within quiver. Obv. die of WSM 1119; rev. symbol of WSM 1116. 80. M / 16.96. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor. Dies of WSM 11230 andy. 6 Arthur Houghton Collection 86. JE f 10.54. Rev. to 1., *; serrated edge. 86. JE f 8.55. Rev. to 1., above W; serrated edge. SNGFiiz 5601. Obv. As 84. Rev. Inscription and type as 82; monograms or symbol, if any, indistinguishable; dotted bor- der. 87. JE f 2.73. Serrated edge. BMC, p. 32, 25. Obv. Diademed head of Dionysus r., thyrsos behind shoulder; to 1., 4: dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Prow of galley 1.; above, ¥ ; dotted border. 88. JE / 6.93. Serrated edge. 89. JE f 8.21. Obv. to 1., Nt. Rev. r\P above prow; serrated edge. Obv. Veiled female bust r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant's head 1. 90. JE f 3.43. Serrated edge. Babelon Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 505-7. ANTIOCHUS, SON OF SELEUCUS IV Obv. Jugate busts of Laodice and Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., tripod; in exergue, partly off flan, TT(?). Gold Octodrachm. 91. N f 34.18 Obv. die of octodrachm cited by Merkholm, Accession, p. 76, n. 33. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. Inscription and type as 91. Tetradrachms. 92. A f 17.11. Rev. in exergue, l-P. Dies A2-P6 (Merkholm, Accession, p. 65, 2). 93. A f 16.90. Rev. in exergue, A. Obv. die Al (Merkholm, Accession, p. 65, 6). Drachm. 94. JR \ 4.17. Obv. dotted border. Rev. as 93. Dies al-p2 (Merkholm, Accession, p. 66, 7). J. Schulman, 26 Apr. 1976, 5174. 95. A \ 4.24. Obv. die of 94. Rev. as 94. Said to be from the Ma'aret en- Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Tetradrachm. 96. JR f 17.00. Rev. in exergue, Pi. Obv. die Al (Merkholm, Accession, p. 66, 8). ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., tripod; to r., kithara; in exer- Syria Seleucis 7 Obv. As 97. Rev. Inscription as 99. Nude Apol- lo seated 1. on omphalos, hold- ing arrow and bow. Drachms. 100. JR f 4.06. Bonham's 2, 23 Sep. 1980, 109. Obv. die a2 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 13, 8). Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). 101. JR f 4.22. As 100. Obv. die of 100. Said to be from the Ma'aret en- Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r., dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 99. Outspread aegis, Medusa's head in center. Hemidrachm. 102. JR f 1.88. Dies ai-pi (Merkholm, Studies, p. 14, 10). 103. JE / 4.03. Obv. As 97. Rev. Inscription and type as 99. Tetradrachms. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 104. JR f 16.63 Rev. in exergue, ^. Obv. die A16 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 15, 12). 105. JR f 16.57. Rev. in exergue, IZ. Obv. die A19 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 16,13). HLR 30 (this coin). Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY 9EOY ETTIOANOYZ NIKHOOPOY Type as 99. Tetradrachms. 106. JR f 16.67. Dies A21-P90 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 24, 14). Hess-Leu 45, 12 May 1970, 339; Naville, 14 Mar. 1921 (Pozzi), 2963 (weight given as 16.46). 107. JR f 16.73. As 106. Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Obv. As 97. Rev. Inscription and type as 106. Tetradrachms. 108. JR f 16.63. Rev. to 1.,*. Obv. dieA28 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 26, 16). 109. JR f 16.22. Rev. to 1., H. Dies A53-P204 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 29, 22). Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; fillet border. Rev. Inscription as 106. Draped Apollo standing r., holding kithara and patera. Tetradrachms. 110. JR f 16.77. Obv. die A54 (Merkholm, Studies, p. 30, 24). Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Overstruck on an indistin- guishable undertype. 111. JR f 16.16. Obv. die A55 (Merk- holm, Studies, p. 30, 24). Obv. Veiled female bust r.; dotted 8 Arthur Houghton Collection 66), pp. 9-10, suggests that the bronze coinage of Antiochus IV with galley's prow and the monogram %f may have been issued at Seleucia Pieria. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; to 1., 4; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos holding arrow and bow; to 1., aphlaston; dotted border. 115. £ f 2.89. Rev. in exergue, A ( = 4^ ?); serrated edge. 116. JE / 2.52. Rev. in exergue, AB; ser- rated edge. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus-Serapis r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 99. Eagle standing r. on thunderbolt. 117. JE f 70.40. Rev. O and A of ETTI- OANOYZ conjoined. SMA 58. 118. JE f 34.53. SMA 59. 119. JE j 38.34. As 118. 120. JE j 36.79. As 118. Obv. Head of Isis wearing corn wreath r.; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. As 117. 121. JE / 18.34. SMA 60. 122. JE / 18.60. As 121. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. As 121. 123. JE f 10.09. SMA 61. Obv. As 123. Rev. Inscription as 99. Zeus stand- ing 1., holding thunderbolt and scepter; in outer 1. field, t (?); in inner field, at Zeus's feet, eagle 1., head reverted. 124. f 6.09. 125. JE j 6.77. Rev. outer 1. field mono- gram, if any, indistinguishable. Obv. As 123. Rev. Inscription as 99. Nude Apol- lo standing r., drawing bow. 126. JE f 5.19. 127. JE / 3.49. As 126. 128. JE / 4.23. As 126, but of cruder style. Nos. 126-28 are said to be from Leba- non. The recorded provenance of coins of the above type, including half-units, between Cilicia and Palestine tends to support Newell's judgement that they were struck at Antioch (SMA, p. 24). Obv. As 121. Rev. ANTIOXEQN TON nPOZ AAONHI Zeus standing fa- cing, head 1., holding wreath. 129. JE f 9.14. Rev. to 1., ft; to r., AB. Babelon 628-30. 130. JE 1 9.06. Rev. to 1., ft; to r., AB; in exergue, AMP (144 S.E. = 169/8 B.C.). 131. JE f 8.22. Rev. to 1., ft . 132. JE j 4.73. Rev. to 1., tripod above indistinguishable monogram. 133. JE f 3.75. Rev. monograms or sym- bol, if any, indistinguishable. ANTIOCHUS V Syria Seleucis 9 octodrachm in Berlin, struck from the same die: T. Fischer, "Die Berliner Goldmunze, des Seleu- kiden Antiochos V (164-162 v. Chr.)," SM 21 (1971), pp. 37-39. Said to be from the Ma'aret en- Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). 140. A / 16.53. Rev. to 1., f ;in exergue, £L (probably A). 141. A / 16.61. As 140, but exergue mo- nogram is clearly A . 142. A f 17.01. Obv. die of 141. Rev. to 1., Nos. 140-42 are said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Nos. 140—42 have been collocated with tetradrachms of Antioch because they share monograms with other coins more securely attributed to this mint ( A with 139; W with SMA 82, of Demetrius I). However, they do not follow the con- vention predominantly employed on the last Antiochene issues of Antiochus IV through the first series of Demetrius I Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of placing a single monogram in the 1. field, and they differ stylistically from the broad run of Antiochus V's coinage at Antioch. They therefore may have been struck at another mint. DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Demetrius r.; laurel wreath border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Tyche, nude to waist, seated 1. on throne, holding scepter and cornucopiae; to 1., Fl . Tetradrachms. 143. A / 16.60. Rev. type of SMA 79; rev. monogram of SMA 81. Rev. Inscription as 143; Tyche is fully clothed. 144. A / 16.17. Rev. to 1. PI. SMA 82. Obv. King's portrait is unbearded. 145. A f 16.59. Rev. in exergue, ZA. 146. A f 16.73. Rev. King's name has been recut. SMA 89. 147. A f 16.37. Rev. to 1., A* . SMA 90. The style of 146-47 differs from that of other issues of Demetrius struck at Antioch. They may have been issued by another mint. Obv. As 145. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY ZQTHPOZ Type as 144. 148. A f 16.79. Rev. to 1., M. SMA 100. 149. A / 16.78. Rev. to 1., PJ ( = W?); in exergue, HNP (158 S.E. = 155/4 B.C.). 150. A f 17.01. Rev. to 1., FJ above/W; in exergue HNP (158 S.E. = 155/4 B.C.). Obv die and rev. mono- grams of SMA 103. 151. A / 16.83. Rev. to 1., W above AI; in exergue, HNP (158 S.E. = 155/4 B.C.). 152. A \ 16.59. Rev. to 1., W above HP; 10 Arthur Houghton Collection Tetradrachm. 158. JR / 16.62. Obv. die of SMA 118, pi. 6; rev. monograms of SMA 117. Obv. As 155. Rev. Inscription and type as 155; to r., R A above AEP (161 S.E. = 152/1 B.C.). Drachm. 159. JR f 4.06. SMA 120. Obv. As 145. Rev. Inscription, type and date as 158; to 1., W above JH. Tetradrachm. 160. JR f 16.57. Auctiones 12,29Sep. 1981, 141. SMA 118. Obv. As 155. Rev. Inscription and type as 155. Drachms. 161. JR / 4.11. Rev. to r., W/M above AEP (161 S.E. = 152/1 B.C.). Obv. die of 159. SMA 121. 162. JR f 4.02. As 161. 163. JR j 4.07. i?«7. to r., above A EP (161 S.E. = 152/1 B.C.). SMA 126. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. As 145. Rev. Inscription and type as 148; to 1., W; in exergue, B EP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.). Gold Octodrachm. 164. N / 34.27. Obv. die as 160. Dies of M. Comstock and C. Vermeule, Greek Coins, 1950 to 1963 (Boston, 1964), no. 277. The use of worn tetradrachm dies for Demetrius's known octodrachms (see also 991, Seuleucia on the Tigris) suggests an interim measure pending the definition and execution of new die designs for the special gold issues of the type of 165-66, below. Obv. Tyche seated 1. on throne, holding scepter and cornu- copiae; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 148. Double cornucopiae bound with fillet; dotted border. Gold 2 1/2 staters. 165. A f 21.16. Obv. to 1., B/ ; Rev. to 1,. \R above (-P; to r., B EP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.). MuM 41, 18 Jun. 1970, 292. See SMA 128; Schlessinger 13, 4 Feb. 1935, 1452, for other gold 2 1/2 staters with different monograms. Gold Distater. 166. Al f 17.14. Obv. to 1., B; Rev. to 1. above ZA; to r., B EP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.). Vinchon, 15 Nov. 1965, 289. See SMA 128, a gold 2 1/2 stater with the mo- nogram ZA; SMA 129, a gold distater with different mono- grams. Obv. As 155. Rev. Inscription and type as 155; to r., Flfa (= FJft) above Syria Seleucis 11 Obv. As 169. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo standing 1., hold- ing arrow and bow. 171. JE f 2.47. Babelon 732; SNGCop- Syria 243. Obv. Horse's head 1.; dotted bor- der. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ele- phant's head r. 172. JE / 3.39. Serrated edge. Babelon 733; SNGCopSijria 242. ALEXANDER I BALAS The general arrangement of SMA, which places dated coins before undated ones, has been followed in this section. However, at least some of Alexander's undated tetradrachms of Antioch were struck concurrently with his dated issues. (See A. Houghton, "A Tetradrachm of Seleucia Pieria at the Getty Museum: An Archaizing Zeus and the Accession of Alexander Balas in Northern Syria," J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 10 [1982], p. 158, n. 20; see also 181, whose obverse Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / was struck earlier than, but from the same die as 174). Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9E0TTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on om- phalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., cornucopiae; in exergue, TEP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.). Drachm. 173. A f 4.21. SMA 138. Obv. Type as 173; fillet border. Rev. Inscription as 173. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., cornucopiae. Tetradrachms. 174. A f 16.37. Rev. in exergue, T EP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.), A. Obv. die of SAfA 135; rev. mono- grams of SMA 140 (drachm). 175. AZ / 16.63. Rev. to 1., Z below cornu- copiae; in exergue, V EP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.). Obv. As 173. Rev. ANTIOXEQN Zeus standing facing, head 1., holding wreath; to 1., M; to r., TEP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.). 176. J E \ 7.97. Babelon 909-11. Obv. As 174. Rev. Inscription and type as 174. Tetradrachms. 177. A f 16.45. Rev. to 1., A ; in exergue, A EP (164 S.E. = 149/8 B.C.), Ifl. 178. A f 16.32. Obv. die of 177. Rev. to 1., A ;in exergue, A EP (164 S.E. = 149/8 B.C.), I?l . 179. A f 16.66. Rev. to L, A ; in exergue, E EP (165 S.E. = 148/7 B.C.), I$l . Obv. die of SMA 151; rev. 12 Arthur Houghton Collection 189. A f 4.02. Rev. in exergue W, Pf. 190. A j 4.03. i?ei>. in outer 1. field, n; in inner 1. field, ^. 191. A f 3.90. .Rep. in exergue, ft H" (?). 192. A I 4.11. .Rep. in exergue, . Ofcw. Diademed, radiate head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Nude Apollo standing 1., hold- ing arrow and resting 1. hand on bow. Hemidrachm. 193. A f 1.90. SMA 193. Obv. Type as 173. Rev. BAZIAEfiZ AAEEANAPOY Type as 173; monograms or symbol, if any, indistinguish- able. 194. JE f 7.78. Serrated edge. Assigned to Antioch on the basis of style, seated Apollo reverse, and ser- rated edge. The attribution is tentative. Obv. As 193. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Athena standing 1., holding Nike in r. hand and resting 1. on shield; to 1., K above star above A. 195. JE f 7.78. BMC, p. 54, 38; Babelon 833-34 (both render upper mono- gram as tt). Obv. As 193. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Prow of galley 1. 196. JE f 3.92. Serrated edge. Babelon 852. 197. JE f 3.96. Rev. to r., -tf . Obv. Elephant's head r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Eagle, wings outspread, standing 1.; to 1., 4^ above club. 198. JE f 3.58. Serrated edge. See Waage, p. 14, 143, for a bronze issue of similar type with PB (?) to 1. Obv. Head of Dionysus wearing ivy wreath diadem r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Tyche standing 1., r. hand on tiller and holding cornucopiae with 1. arm; to 1., A (= A ?) above aphlaston. 199. JE f 5.83. Serrated edge. BMC, p. 84, 34; SNGCopSyria 373 (both "Alexander II Zabinas"). Bronze coins with serrated edges do not appear to have been struck later than the reign of Antiochus VI, and the modeling and style of this coin are closer to those of Deme- trius I and Alexander I than to issues of Alexander II. Its Diony- siac obverse (see also 205-6, below), moreover, fits more easily into the allegorical types of the first Alexander than the more Syria Seleucis 13 202. JE f 6.00. Rev. in inner 1. field, ^; in exergue, A. SNGCopSyria 265. From Lebanon. 203. JE \ 6.59. Rev. in inner 1. field, B; in exergue, Pi. Babelon 860; SNG- CopSyria 264. From Lebanon. Brett, Ake-Ptolemais, p. 30, attributes coins of the type of 201-3, including those with the monogram fo, to Antioch; H. Seyrig, "Trdsor mondtaire de Nisibe," RN 1955, p. 95, 96, prefers Ake-Ptole- mais. The style and provenance of such issues indicate an attribution to the for- mer mint (See Waage, Antioch, p. 14, 155). Obv. Head of Alexander as Alexan- der the Great, in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Nude Apollo standing 1., hold- ing arrow and resting 1. hand on bow; to r., . 204. JE 1 4.27. Babelon 810-11; SNGCop- Syria 262. Obv. Type as 199. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Elephant walking 1.; to r., 205. JE f 2.49. Rev. beneath belly, BMC, p. 56,57-58; SNGCopSyria 266. 206. JE / 1.12. Rev. in exergue, A. Obv. Outspread aegis, Medusa's head in center; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Pegasus flying r.; between legs, A. 207. JE f 1.84. See Babelon 868-70 for bronze issues of similar type. 208. JE / 1.64. As 207. POSTHUMOUS COINAGE OF ANTI- OCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus IV r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter. Tetradrachms. 209. JR f 15.91. Rev. in exergue, IEP (167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.), A) . Obv. die Al of Morkholm, Posthumous Is- sue, p. 26. 210. A f 16.46. Obv. die of 209. Rev. in exergue, I EP (167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.), 0> ( = A ?). 211. JR f 16.64. Rev. in exergue, Z (recut from I) EP (167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.) ^ . 06p.dieA2of Merkholm Posthumous Issue, p. 26, 5, where the exergue monogram is X. Obv. Type as 209; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 209. Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos holding arrow and bow; in exergue, 9. Drachms. 212. JR / 3.75. Obv. die A2 and rev. mono- grams of Morkholm, Posthumous 14 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 214. Tripod; in exergue, I EP (167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.), to upper 1. of which, ZI. 216. JE f 8.90. Obv. Type as 214; laurel wreath border. Rev. Inscription and type as 214; in outer 1. field, palm branch; in inner 1. field, W; in exergue, H EP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.). Tetradrachms. 217. A f 16.37. Rev. between legs, I. HLR 147 (this coin). 218. A f 16.22. Rev. between legs, W. G. Hirsch, 11 Dec. 1967, 2227. 219. A f 16.42. Rev. between legs, H. SMA 209. 220. A f 16.53. Rev. between legs, X . De Clercq 144; see SMA 215, a drachm with the same mono- grams. Obv. As 214; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. As 214; in outer 1. field, star; in inner 1. field, W; between legs, A; in exergue, H EP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.). Drachm. 221. A f 4.13. SMA 211. Obv. As 216. Rev. Inscription and type as 216; in inner 1. field, £ ;in exergue, H EP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.). 222. JE f 6.00. Obv. As 221. Rev. Inscription and type as 214. Drachms. 223. A f 3.86. Rev. to 1., star; in exergue, W W (or W). 224. A f 3.93. Rev. in inner 1. field, 1=1; between legs, AP ; other mono- grams or date, if any, off flan. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 214. 225. JE f 14.53. Rev. in exergue, 41. BMC, p. 61, 29. 226. JE f 11.04. Rev. in exergue, Pfl and star. BMC, p. 61, 30. 227. JE / 12.25. Rev. in exergue, ffl R , BMC, p. 61, 32. Obv. As 215. Rev. Inscription and type as 216; in exergue, ^ Pi. JE / 6.60. Obv. As 225. Rev. Inscription as 214. Athena- Nike standing 1., holding Nike and spear and resting 1. hand on shield. 229. JE f 10.52. Rev. to 1., £ above A. See Babelon 1225, SNGFitz 5770, a bronze issue of similar type with the same upper monogram; also see BMC, p. 62, 33-37 for other bronze issues of this type. Syria Seleucis 15 ANTIOCHUS VI Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ AIONYZOY Mount- ed Dioscuri galloping L; to r., TPY above f\P above ZTA; beneath horses, 9EP (169 S.E. = 144/3 B.C.); wreath border of lotus and ivy leaves and wheat ears. Tetradrachm. 232. JR f 16.78. SMA 229. Obv. Type as 232; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 232. Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; between legs, X; in exergue, 0EP (169 S.E. = 144/3 B.C.), ZTA. Drachm. 233. JR f 4.12. SMA 237 (where form of monogram between legs is X ). Obv. As 232. Rev. Inscription and type as 232; Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / to r., TPY above ffl (234) or <J> (235) or A (236) above ZTA; beneath horses, OP (170 S.E. = 143/2 B.C.). Tetradrachms. 234. JR f 16.62. SMA 240. 235. JR j 16.61. SMA 244. 236. JR j 16.85. SMA 245. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription and type as 233; between legs, 1AP (237) or X (238); in exergue, OP (170 S.E. = 143/2 B.C.), ZTA. Drachms. 237. JR f 4.18. SMA 247. 238. JR f 4.33. SMA 248. Obv. As 233. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. hand on bow. Hemidrachm. JR / 1.74. SMA 251. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Panther 1., r. foreleg raised; in exergue, A (?). Hemidrachm. 240. JR / 1.93. See SMA 252, hemidrachm of same type with different monogram. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Panther 1., holding palm branch in mouth; above, ZTA; to r., cornucopiae. 241. JE / 3.24. See SMA, p. 70, fig. 9. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Macedo- nian helmet with spike, cheek pieces and ibex horn r.; between spike and horn, TPY; to lower r., |f|. 16 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow in r. hand and resting 1. elbow on tripod; monograms, if any, off flan. 246. JE f 8.59. Serrated edge. See BMC, p. 66, 39-10; Babelon 1014-16 for bronze issues of similar type. 247. JE f 7.67. Serrated edge. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Elephant walking 1., holding torch with trunk; to r., ZTA above cornucopiae (248) or star (249-50). 248. JE / 7.30. Serrated edge. BMC, p. 67, 45-46; Babelon 1007. 249. JE / 7.52. Serrated edge. BMC, p. 67, 47-48; Babelon 1011. 250. JE \ 8.60. As 249. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., A Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / above A (?). 251. JE f 4.07. Serrated edge. See BMC, p. 66, 41; Babelon 1036, bronze issues of the same type without monograms. Obv. As 233. Rev. Inscription as 232. Horse 1., r. foreleg raised; to r., A. 252. JE / 3.15. Serrated edge. Babelon, 1037-39. 253. JE f 2.87. As 252. TRYPHON Obv. Diademed head of Tryphon r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ TPYOQNOZ AY TOKPATOPOZ Macedonian helmet with spike, cheek pieces and ibex horn r.; to 1., rfi (254) or Fl (256-57) or no monogram (255); no border (254) or laurel wreath border (255-57). Tetradrachms. 254. JR f 15.71. 255. JR j 16.29. Seyrig, Notes, p. 22, 1. 256. JR j 16.09. Seyrig, Notes, p. 22, 2. 257. JR j 15.87. Rev. beneath helmet, A T; Seyrig, Notes, p. 22, 5 (obv. die of pi. I, 15). Obv. Type as 254; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 254. Drachm. 258. JR f 4.24. Rev. to 1., TT. Seyrig, Notes, p. 22, 17. 259. JE f 6.04. Rev. to 1., caps of Dioscuri. Seyrig, Notes, p. 23, 21. 260. JE / 1.90. As 259. 261. JE f 6.43. Rev. to 1., star. Seyrig, Notes, p. 23, 23. 262. JE / 6.01. Rev. to 1., AS. Seyrig, Notes, p. 23, 26. 263. JE / 5.92. Rev. to 1., AZK. Seyrig, Notes, p. 23, 27. Syria Seleucis 17 271. A f 4.11. Obv. to L. star; rev. toi., £ above Pi. Kastner 6, 26 Nov. 1974,190. See SNGCopSyria 319, a drachm with the same obverse symbol and with a similar upper monogram on the reverse. The attribution of 271 to Antioch is tentative. An alternative possi- bility is a northern Syrian or Cilician mint. Obv. Prow of galley r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 264. Trident; to 1., AOP (174 S.E. = 139/8 B.C.). 272. JE f 10.17. Rev. to 1., M . BMC, p. 73, 46; Babelon 1062. 273. JE *- 8.19. Obv. above prow, Dioscuri caps. Rev. in outer 1. field, A>.; in inner 1. field, club. 274. JE <- 12.46. Obv. as 273. Rev. as 273, but to r., palm branch. Babelon 1064. Obv. Winged bust of Eros r.; dot- ted border. dress. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. Inscription as 264. Isis head- 275. JE / 6.97. Rev. below, crescent above AOP (174 S.E. = 139/8 B.C.). BMC, p. 73, 49. 276. JE f 6.12. Rev. below, club above AOP (174 S.E. = 139/8 B.C.). 277. JE / 5.84. Rev. L field, monogram, if any, off flan; below, aphlaston above EOP (175 S.E. = 138/7 B.C.). See SNGCopSyria 323 for bronze of similar type, with same symbol and date; BMC, p. 74, 62, a bronze of uncertain date with symbol aphlaston. 278. JE f 6.27. Rev. to 1., A; below, palm branch; date off flan. 279. JE f 4.02. Rev. inscription retrograde; monogram, symbol or date, if any, indistinguishable. Obv. Lion's head r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 264. Club. 280. JE <- 2.73. Rev. to 1., A above aphlas- ton; below EOP (175 S.E. = 138/7 B.C.). BMC, p. 75, 67; Babelon 1095. 281. JE *- 3.02. Rev. to 1., A above aphlas- ton; below, retrograde IO P (177 S.E. = 136/5 B.C.). See BMC, p. 75, 68. 282. JE *- 2.89. Rev. to 1., A; below, IOP (177 S.E. = 136/5 B.C.). 283. JE -> 2.38. Rev. to 1., ^ above cornu- copiae; below, 9OP? (179 S.E. = 134/3 B.C.). Obv. Prow of galley 1.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Dios- curi caps. 284. JE f 1.35. Rev. below, 4. 285. JE j 1.31. BMC, p. 75, 70; Babelon 1168. DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN 18 Arthur Houghton Collection Ptolemais. The horn did not appear un- til after the king's portrait at Antioch had changed from smooth to curly hair (upon the transfer of a die engraver: see Houghton, Second Reign, p. 116). The horn also occurs on Demetrius's later issues at Tarsus and Mallus (q.v.). Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 286. Nike standing L, holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., E. 291. JE / 5.24. SNGCopSyria 349; Waage, p. 18,194. Obv. Laureate head of Artemis r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 286. Tripod; below, ATTP (184 S.E. = 129/8 B.C.). 292. JE J 3.10. See Babelon 1193 for a bronze issue of similar type and date with the monogram A. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Tri- pod; to r., M; below ZT (?) 293. JE f 2.18. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Eagle, wings outspread, standing r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 286. Thunder- bolt. 294. JE <- 3.32. Rev. to 1., E. 295. JE f 2.96. Rev. monogram off flan. Waage, p. 18, 195, suggests an attri- bution to Seleucia Pieria for the above issue; S. Ben-Dor also proposes an at- tribution to Seleucia, but during De- metrius's First Reign: "Some New Seleu- cid Coins," PEQ 1948, pp. 59-61. The monogram E, however, strongly in- dicates its issuance at Antioch. ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r., fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., Ill; beneath throne, star above A (296) or Z (297) or A (298). Tetra drachms. 296. JR f 16.72. E. Button 110, 9 Oct. 1964, 808; E. Button 107, 1 Jan. 1963,779. SMA 327. 297. JR / 16.59. Rev. Z rendered E. SMA 329. 298. JR / 16.59. Obv. Type as 296; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Dionysus standing 1., holding kantharos and scepter; outer 1. field monogram or symbol if any, off flan; in inner 1. field, ATTP (184 S.E. = 129/8 B.C.). 299. JE f 6.39. See BMC, p. 82, 12; Babe- lon 1261-67 for bronze issues of the same type. Obv. Winged bust of Eros r.; dotted border. Sykia Seleucis 19 Obv. As 296. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., W3 above A (303) or Z (304). Drachms. 303. JR f 4.09. SMA 336. 304. JR \ 4.05. MuM 41, 18 Jun. 1970, 298. SMA 337. Obv. As 296. Rev. Inscription and type as 296; to 1., r*T; beneath throne, A. Tetradrachm. 305. JR / 16.56. SMA 339. Obv. As 299. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Double cornucopiae bound with fillet. Drachm. 306. JR / 3.94. Rev. to 1., Pf above A. Auctiones 4, 26 Nov. 1974, 173; Leu-MuM, 3 Dec. 1965 (Niggeler), 472. Jameson 1741 (this coin); Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SMA 342 (this coin). 307. JE f 8.83. Rev. to 1., A above club; to r., TT. Babelon 1307; SNG- CopSgria 368. Obv. Prow of galley r.; above, Dioscuri caps; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Tripod holding palm branch- es; to 1., A above club; to r., TT. 308. JE f 4.17. See BMC, p. 84, 31; Babe- lon 1333-34 for bronze issues of similar type with different sym- bols or monograms. Obv. As 299. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., Kf above A. Hemidrachm. 309. JR / 2.03. De Clercq 224. Obv. Head of Alexander in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 309; to 1., H* above aphlaston. 310. JE J 5.89. See BMC, p. 83, 26-27 for bronze issues of similar type. Obv. As 296. Rev. Inscription and type as 296; to 1., E; beneath throne, Z. Tetradrachm. 311. JR j 16.58. Obv. die of SMA 347, pi. 10; rev. monograms of SMA 348. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike and spear; shield at feet. 312. JE J 9.59. Rev. to 1., I above aphlas- ton (?) BMC, p. 83, 17-18. 313. JE f 7.17. Rev. to 1., E above palm branch. Obv. Head of Alexander in ele- phant's skin r.; dotted border. 20 Arthub Houghton Collection CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIO- CHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra, diademed and wearing stepha- ne and veil, and Antiochus, diademed, r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ 0EAZ KAI BAZIAEQZ AN- TIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., IE; beneath throne, A. Tetra drachm. 316. /R f 16.57. SMA 360. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 316. Owl perched on overturned am- phora. 317. JE f 6.18. Rev. to r., IE; below, 9P (190 S.E. = 123/2 B.C.) and aphlaston. BMC, p. 87, 13. 318. JE f 5.85. Rev. below amphora, ASP (191 S.E. = 122/1 B.C.) and aphlaston; other symbols or mo- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / nograms, if any, indistinguishable. See Babelon 1353-54 for bronze issues of similar type with the same date. 319. JE f 6.35. As 318. Obv. Diademed female bust wearing kalathos r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 316. Tiller on pedestal; to 1., IE above A9P (191 S.E. = 121/1 B.C.). 320. JE f 2.93. Rev. below, aphlaston. BMC, p. 87, 16-17; Babelon 1355-56. 321. JE f 3.48. Rev. below, palm branch. ANTIOCHUS VIII — FIRST REIGN The coins of Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX are arranged in accordance with the sequence proposed by Newell, SMA, pp. 92-110, except as indicated. However, see H. Troxell and N. Wag- goner, "The Robert F. Kelley Bequest." ANSMN 23 (1978), pp. 40-41, regarding the possibility that certain coins segre- gated by Newell into Antiochus VIII's third and fourth reigns were struck concurrently at Antioch. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus, crescent a- bove head, standing 1., holding star and scepter; to 1., IE above A; to r.,- N; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 322. JR f 16.62. SMA 367. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 322. Eagle standing 1., scepter behind r. shoulder. 323. JE f 5.80. Rev. in outer 1. field, IE; to lower 1., Bkf (BSP (?), 192 Syria Seleucis 21 ANTIOCHUS IX — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed, bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Athena stand- ing 1., holding Nike and spear, and resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., "R above A; to r., A (329) or A (330) or O (331); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 329. /R f 16.72. SMA 382. 330. & j 16.58. 331. A j 16.64. SMA 385. Obv. Type as 329; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 329. Winged thunderbolt. 332. JE f 5.82. Rev. in outer 1. field IZI (? placed sideways) above aphlas- ton; in inner 1. field, 0S P (199 S.E. = 114/3 B.C.). See BMC, p. 92, 16, where monogram is rendered H . SMA, p. 97, fig. 22. 333. JE f 5.21. Rev. as 332, but symbol in outer 1. field is indistinguishable. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 334. JE f 5.06. Rev. outer 1. field mono- grams indistinguishable; in inner 1. field, B (?). ANTIOCHUS IX — SECOND REIGN Obv. As 329. Rev. Inscription and type as 329; to 1., "M above A; to r., T. Tetradrachm. 335. & f 15.78. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams of SMA 386, pi. 11. ANTIOCHUS VIII — THIRD REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus, crescent above head, standing 1., hold- ing star and scepter; to 1., # above A; to r., A. Tetradrachm. 336. JR f 16.58. SMA 388. Obv. Type as 336; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 336. Tripod; to 1., & above T. Drachm. 337. A f 3.87. SMA 391. Obv. As 337. Rev. Inscription as 336. Nike walking 1. holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., ^ above A (338) or T (339). Hemidrachms. 338. M f 2.13. See SMA 395, a diobol with the same monograms. 339. JR f 1.93. SMA 393. ANTIOCHUS IX —THIRD REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Nike walking 1., holding wreath; to 1., 4^ (340) above IA (341) orO (342). Drachms. 340. M f 3.79. See SMA 404, a drachm 22 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS VIII — FOURTH REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; laurel wreath bor- der. Tetradrachms. 346. JR f 16.21 Rev. to 1., fe above A; beneath throne, £. 347. JR \ 16.02. Rev. to L, k above A; beneath throne, IX SMA 407. 34 . JR f 16.35. Rev. to L, tl above A; beneath throne, 4. . O&w. Type as 346; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 346. Tripod; to 1., k above A. Drachm. 349. JR f 3.58. SMA 411. Obv. As 349. Rev. Inscription as 346. Double cornucopiae bound with fillet. 350. JE f 8.11. Rev. to 1., £ . See Babelon 1436-37, a bronze issue of similar Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / type where monogram is rendered E. SMA, p. 107, fig. 24. 351. JE f 7.94. Rev. 1. field monogram off flan. ANTIOCHUS IX — FOURTH REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus, beardless, r.; fillet (352-54) or dotted (355) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; in outer 1. field, A above A; in inner 1. field, H (352) or IT (353); beneath throne, A (352-53) or N (354); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 352. JR / 16.41. SMA 415. 353. JR \ 15.76. Kricheldorf 5, 5 Apr., 1976,189. 354. JR f 15.48. SMA 418. 355. JE j 5.89. Rev. monograms off flan. See BMC, p. 93, 20-21; Babelon 1487-89, for bronze issues of similar type. SMA, p. 110, fig. 27. Obv. Type as 352; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 352. Tyche standing 1., resting r. hand on tiller and holding cor- nucopiae with 1.; to 1., £ above monogram, off flan (TT?). Drachm. 356. JR \ 3.55. See SMA 419, a drachm with 1. field monograms JE and TT. Obv. Head of Zeus r. Rev. Inscription as 352. Tyche standing 1. on prow of galley facing r., resting r. hand on tiller and holding cornucopiae with 1. 357. JE f 4.31. BMC, p. 93, 26. Syria Seleucis 23 SELEUCUS VI Obv. Diademed and horned head of Seleucus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY ETTI- (DANOYZ NIKATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., A; above N" above A; beneath throne A (361) or A (362-63) or N (364) or T T (365). Tetradrachms. 361. JR f 15.85. SMA 421. 362. JR j 16.14. Obv. die of 361. SMA 422. 363. JR f 18.22. As 362. 364. JR j 16.06. SMA 423. 366. A f 16.16. Rev. I. field monograms, if any, off flan. Obv. Type as 361; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 361. Nike walking 1., holding wreath; outer 1. field monograms, if any, off flan. Drachm. 366. JR / 3.89. See Naville 10, 15 Jun. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1925, 1510 for a drachm of similar type. Obv. As 366. Rev. Inscription as 361. Double cornucopiae bound with fillet; to 1., indistinguishable mono- gram. Hemidrachm. 367. JR / 1.96. NFA 2, 25 Mar. 1976, 292. Obv. Type as 361, but portrait is without horn. Rev. Inscription and type as 361. 368. JR f 16.03. Rev. to 1., P above A; beneath throne, A. 369. JR / 16.19. Rev. 1. field monograms, if any, off flan; beneath throne, C. See SMA 424, where mono- grams to 1. are P above A. Obv. Type as 368; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 361. Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on column; in outer 1. field, P above A. 370. JE / 8.07. See SMA, p. 112, fig. 28. 371. M f 8.14. Rev. in inner 1. field, A. 372. JE f 7.84. Rev. in exergue, spearhead. Obv. Type as 368, but portrait has beard. Rev. Inscription and type as 361; to 1., P above A; beneath throne, l~P. Tetradrachms. 373. JR T 16.32. Kastner 6, 26 Nov. 1974, 197. 374. /R / 16.23. Obv. die of 373. Obv. Type as 373; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 366; in outer 1. field, P (above A, off flan?); in inner 1. field, C. Drachm. 375. JR \ 3.89. Sotheby, 22 Apr. 1970, 242. Obv. As 375. 24 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS X—FIRST AND SECOND REIGNS The two brief periods during which Antiochus X ruled Antioch were inter- rupted when the city was captured and held by the forces of Antiochus XI and Philip Philadelphus c. 93 B.C. (Bellin- ger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 73-74). The coins of Antiochus X have not been differentiated as to reigns (on the assump- tion that it might be possible to do so), and all are catalogued in this section. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EY- ZEBOYZ QIAOTTATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 379. A f 15.64. Rev. to 1., [Si above A; beneath throne, A. DeClercq252; Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1513. 380. A 1 15.48. Rev. to 1., 1 above A; beneath throne, TT. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 381. A f 15.90. Rev. to 1., 1 above A; beneath throne, A. SMA 430. 382. A \ 16.23. Obv. portrait has side- burns. Rev. to 1., 5 above A; beneath throne, A. Obv. Type as 379; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 379. Tyche wearing polos standing 1., r. hand on tiller and holding cornucopiae with 1.; to 1., Z above A. Drachms. 383. A / 3.66. SMA 431. 384. A / 3.84. As 383. Obv. As 383. Rev. Inscription as 379. Dioscuri caps adorned with stars. 385. JE f 7.50. Rev. to 1., 5 . BMC, p. 97, 3-5; Babelon 1533-35. SMA, p. 114, fig. 30. 386. JE f 7.44. Rev. below Dioscuri caps, KC (= PC). BMC, p. 97, 6; Babelon 1532. ANTIOCHUS XI The single tetradrachm of Antiochus XI known to Newell at the time of publication of SMA supported his judgement that this king ruled at An- tioch for only a few weeks in 93 B.C. (SMA, pp. 115-17; see also Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 74-75). The existence of at least three different obverse dies (two represented below, another in the British Museum: M. J. Price, "Becent Coin Acquisitions by the British Museum," Archaeological Re- ports 20 [1973-74], Athens, 1974, p. 69, 13) now known to have been used on Antiochus's coinage, and the develop- ment of sideburns on his final issue, suggests that his hold on Antioch was considerable longer, perhaps the better part of a year. Syria Seleucis 25 L, ft above A; beneath throne A; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 390. JR f 15.92. SMA 434 (where upper 1. monogram is rendered H). Obv. Type as 389 but portrait is bearded; irregular border. Rev. Inscription as 390. Artemis holding bow and drawing ar- row from quiver; to 1., in- distinguishable monogram; dotted border. 391. J E f 2.33. Obv. As 390, but portrait is bearded. Rev. BAZIAEQZ . AHMHTPIOY OIAOTTATOPOZ ZQTHPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., N above A; beneath throne, A; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 392. M f 15.37. Obv. die of Babelon 1570. SMA 435. PHILIP I PHILADELPHUS Obv. Diademed head of Philip r.; Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:24 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ OIAITTTTOY ETTI- OANOYZ OIAAAEAOOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 393. A f 15.91. Rev. in outer 1. field, N above A; to L, of Zeus's legs, A; beneath throne, A. 394. JR f 14.86. Rev. to L, of Zeus's legs, N; beneath throne, A. 395. J E f 13.60. Rev. monograms, if any, indistinguishable. 396. JE T 12.14. As 395. Waage, p. 23, 246-49, categorizes bronze coins similar to 395-96 as con- temporary forgeries, struck at Antioch, Seleucia Pieria or possibly Dura Euro- pus during Philip's reign or under the Romans in the first century B.C. She cites four examples from Seleucia, two from the excavations at Dura (see Bellinger, Dura, p. 6, 109a and p. 12, 193b), and suggests that the forger used different dies which may have been copied from Philip's tetradrachm issues, or which may have been discarded but undestroyed dies from the mint of An- tioch. In fact, the above two coins and those Waage cites from Seleucia give every evidence of having been regular coinage, struck at Antioch and meant for circula- tion. Their distribution and the relative- ly large number of examples now known suggest a significant issue with broad acceptance. As Waage notes, moreover, they appear to have been struck from different tetradrachm dies. While a forger might have access to one set of discarded dies, the use of many seems highly unlikely and suggests instead that 26 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS XIII The occupation of Antioch by Antio- chus XIII from 69/8-67/6 B.C. ended with his military defeat and the assump- tion of the throne by Philip II Barypous, son of Philip Philadelphus. Antiochus was returned to the city in 65/4 B.C., but could not be confirmed as king by Pompey, who formally annexed Syria in 64 B.C. (Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 82-85; see also F. Holt, "Cicero and "Sampsiceramus', a Factor in the For- mation of the First Triumvirate," Essays in History 25 [1981], Charlottes- ville, pp. 52-56). A. R. Bellinger, "Notes on Some Coins from Antioch in Syria," ANSMN 5 (1952), pp. 53-55, has suggested that a unique bronze coin in New York may have been issued during a joint reign at Antioch of Antiochus XIII and his mother, Cleopatra Selene, in 92 B.C. The following tetradrachms were struck un- der Antiochus as sole ruler, undoubtedly during the king's first tenure at Antioch. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / No coinage has been identified for Philip II. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIAA- AEA<DOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., 1*3; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 399. A f 15.55. SAfA 460. 400. A j 15.46. Rev. beneath throne, P. Rev. die of SMA 461, pi. 13. SYRIA SELEUCIS: SELEUCIA PIERIA Shortly after its founding by Seleucus I in 300 B.C., the mint at Seleucia Pieria began operations with the issuance of both silver and bronze coinage, the former of the same type and using dies cut by the same hand as those of Alexander-type tetradrachms struck under Antigonus at Antigonea.1 The mint appears to have closed shortly after the accession of Antiochus I, possibly because the need for the production of coinage at Seleucia had been obviated by the growing capacity of the mint at Antioch. No mint activity is recorded at Seleucia from the reign of Antiochus I to that of Antiochus IV. About 246 B.C. Ptolemy III seized the city, which remained under Egyptian control until its recapture by Antiochus III in 219 B.C. Antiochus IV struck municipal bronze coinage at Seleucia and possibly some tetradrachms (404). Special status appears to have been con- ferred on the city by Alexander I Balas, under whom a wide variety of coinage was struck, including two monumental tetradrachm issues (407 and 409), local coinage both with and without the king's portrait, and a bronze "federal" coinage (a series inscribed AAEAOQN AHMQN), apparently meant for circulation in both Seleucia and Antioch. The activity of Seleucia's mint seems to have been only sporadic thereafter. Demetrius II may have struck issues at the city during his first reign (411), and coinage is recorded for Antiochus VII, Demetrius IPs second reign, Alexander II Zabinas, possibly Antiochus VIII and Demetrius III.8 1 WSM, pp. 84-86. 8 Antiochus VII: G. Macdonald, "Seltene und unedierte Seleukidenmunzen," ZfN 1912, p. 99,27, a bronze issue dated AOP (174 S.E. = 139/8 B.C.), see Seyrig, Notes, p. 13, n. 21; Antiochus VIII: BMC, p. 90, 29; see Waage, p. 21, 235. Syria Seleucis 27 SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., i; beneath throne, KP. Tetradrachm. 401. JR -> 17.14. J. Schulman, 3 May 1962, 1273. Obv. die A3 of WSM 890. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dot- ted border. Rev. ZEAEYKEQN above thunder- bolt; below, M . 402. JE \ 8.42. WSM 897. Obv. As 402. Rev. (BAZI?) ZEAE Inverted an- chor on thunderbolt; dotted border. 403. JE f 0.91. Tentatively attributed to Seleucia on the basis of its obverse type and the thunderbolt symbol on its reverse. Antioch is an alternative possibility as an is- suing mint. Said to be from Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Lebanon. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus, star above forehead, r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1. M; in exergue, IA ; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 404. JR f 16.35. Obv. die of O. Morkholm, "Some Western Seleucid Coins," INJ 3 (1965-66), p. 9, pt. II, 2. Said to be from the Ma'aret en- Numan Hoard (CH 6, 37, "Syria" CH 7, 97). Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted bor- der. Rev. ZEAEYKEQN TQN EM TTIE- PIAI Thunderbolt; above, £E; below, <H ; wreath bor- der. 405. JE f 7.67. BMC, p. 42, 83-84; Babe- 1on 647. 406. JE f 7.32. Obv. die of 405. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Jugate busts of Alexander, diademed, and Cleopatra Thea as Tyche, diademed, and wearing veil and kalathos, r.; to 1., A above cornucopiae; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9E0TTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike who bears thun- derbolt, and rests 1. hand on scepter. Tetradrachm. 407. JR f 17.01. Obv. die of SNGCopSyria 267; rev. die of JVC 1904, p. 28 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Thunderbolt; above £ EP (166 S.E. = 147/6 B.C.) and EH; below, BY ♦; border composed of alternating open and closed ears of grain. Tetradrachm. 409. JR \ 16.66. A. Houghton, "A Tetra- drachm of Seleucia Pieria at the Getty Museum: An Archaizing Zeus and the Accession of Alex- ander Balas in Northern Syria," The J. Paul Getty Museum Jour- nal 10 (1982), p. 153, Al-Pl (this coin). Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. ZEAEYKEQN EM TTIEPIAI Tripod; to 1., indistinguishable monogram; to r., A E (placed sideways); laurel wreath bor- der. 410. JE f 4.91. DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY (DIAAAEAOOY NIKA- TOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., A; to lower r., l¥l or t¥l; in exergue, BOP (172 S.E. = 141/0 B.C.). Tetradrachm. 411. A f 16.66. For two other related tetradrachms, see MuM 52, 19 Jun. 1975, 213 (same obv. die, date off flan) and O. Morkholm, "Some Western Seleucid Coins," INJ 3 (1965-66), p. 11, pt. Ill, dated AOP (171 S.E. = 142/1 B.C.). Tentative attribution. Morkholm suggests Laodicea as an equally credible possibility for the issuing mint of coins of the above type. DEMETRIUS II SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed, bearded head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY NIKATOPOZ Thunder- bolt; below, E; laurel wreath border. Hemidrachm. 412. JR f 1.98. Dies of De Clercq 205. ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY ETTIOANOYZ NIKHOOPOY Thunderbolt; laurel wreath border. 413. JE f 4.23. Babelon 886 ("Alexandre I Bala"), with the inscription catalogued as ETTIOANOYZ only, and with the monogram Syria Seleucis 29 SYRIA SELEUCIS: "APAMEA" Founded by Seleucus I as a garrison, Apamea appears to have had little importance as a hellenistic mint. The city may have struck a single royal bronze issue of Seleucus (WSM 1128), and possibly some later silver coinage.1 Under Antiochus IV and Alexander I Balas, Apamea issued local coinage bearing the king's portrait.2 No later Seleucid coins have been attributed to this city.3 Pending a study which would clarify the activity of the mint of Apamea in the third century and satisfactorily establish the attribution of issues given by Newell to this city, the coins of Seleucus I — Antiochus III in this section have been catalogued in accordance with WSM. SELEUCUS I Obv. Elephant standing r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZZEAEYKOY Head of horned and bridled horse 1.; below, anchor. 415. J E / 1A1. WSM 1128. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Shield, tripod as center de- vice; dotted border. Rev. BAZI ANT I Bow in case; dotted border. 416. JE -> 2.58. WSM 1133. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding bow and arrow. Tetradrachms. 417. Al l 17.08. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., M. Obv. die and rev. monogram M of WSM 1135-36. 418. A / 17.21. Rev. to r., (P. Obv. die and rev. monogram of WSM 1142a. "INTERREGNUM" Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r.; dotted border. Rev. ZQTHPOZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 419. 17.01. Obv. die of WSM 1144a-e. 420. JR j 16.87. Obv. die of WSM 1144 421. M j 17.21. Obv. die of WSM 1144p.-£. Obv. As 419. Rev. ZQTHPOZ ANTIOXOY In- verted anchor flanked by Dioscuri caps; to r., 422. JE f 3.59. WSM 1145. 1 See O. Morkholm, "A Summary of Recent Scholarship: Additions and Corrections," WSM 2nd Ed. (1977), p. vi, for a review of published material reattributing certain coins assigned by Newell to Apamea. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, pp. 38—41, suggests the reattribution to Antioch of coinage of Seleucus II and Antiochus III with the monogram e% Other issues given by Newell to this mint, per- haps including those of Antiochus I and II, may also have been struck at another city. 2 O. Morkholm has also attributed to Apamea bronze coinage struck by Alexander with the portrait and name of Antiochus IV (see 564). 8 Under Tigranes II, Apamea struck dated autonomous bronze coinage between 76/5 and 68/7 B.C., but this right appears to have been withdrawn by Antiochus XIII. The city was taken by Pompey in 63 B.C.: Seyrig, £res, p. 85. 30 Arthur Houghton Collection SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border on 424-26. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1. holding arrow and bow. Staters. 423. Al f 8.56. Rev. to 1. 2 ; to r., £"X. Obv. die of WSM 1010 ("An- tioch"). Houghton, Tarik Dar- reh, p. 33, 6 (this coin). 424. Al f 8.49. Rev. to 1., to r., JE . See WSM 1148, a tetradrachm with the same monograms. 425. Al f 8.51. Rev. to L, ^; to r., C3>. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 33, 7 (this coin). 426. Al / 8.48. Rev. to 1., to r., ®. Houghton, Tari/r Darreh, p. 33, 8 (this coin). Obv. As 423; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Tetradrachms. 427. JR f 17.02. Rev. to 1., to r., N . Dies of WSM 1146 (where r. field monogram is rendered N). 428. JR f 16.99. Rev. to 1., ^; to r., S . O/w. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1153CC-6. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Hum- ped bull standing 1.; to lower 1., fr. 429. JE f 5.04. WSM 1158. Obv. Type as 427; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Rider, caped and with spear in r. hand, on horse rearing 1.; below belly, ^X. 430. JE f 25.73. WSM 1162. Obv. As 427. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Horse standing 1., 1. foreleg raised. 431. JE f 3.90. Rev. below belly, W. WSM 1166. 432. JE f 3.97. Rev. below belly, shield with inverse anchor as center device. WSM 1178. Obv. Diademed, bearded bust of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Pe- gasus flying 1. 433. JE f 3.63. WSM 1167. Obv. Bust of Athena in Corinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch. 434. JE f 10.17. Rev. toi.,^7\. WSM 1169. 435. JE / 8.28. Rev. Nike's 1. hand rests on shield with inverse anchor as center device; monograms, if any, off flan. See WSM 1175-77 for bronze issues of same type. Syria Sei.eucis 31 ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. ATTAMEQN TON TTPOZ TO I AEIQI Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; in exergue, M (pos- sibly N<). 440. JE f 7.65. See BMC, p. 41, 81; Babe- 1on 665-70, for bronze issues of similar type with different mono- grams. ALEXANDER I BALAS See 564, a bronze issue with the por- trait and name of Antiochus IV, attribut- ed by O. Merkholm to Alexander Balas and assigned to Apamea in the year S.E. 162 (151/0 B.C.). Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. ATTAMEQN Zeus standing 1., holding Corinthian helmet and scepter; to 1., TEP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.) 441. JE f 7.54. 7.54. Rev. to outer 1., &. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / BMC, p. 57, 64-65; Babelon 912. 442. JE f 7.26. Rev. to outer 1., k . Babe- 1on 913. 443. JE / 8.34. Rev. to outer 1., W \ coun- terstamp: palm branch within rectangle. Local bronze issues of Apamea with Alexander's portrait appear to have been struck only in the second year of the king's reign, 163 S.E. An exceptional issue of Alexander with the posthumous portrait of Antiochus IV was struck in 162 S.E. (see 564, below). SYRIA SELEUCIS: LAODICEA AD MARE From its founding by Seleucus I at the beginning of the third century B.C. through the reign of Antiochus III, Laodicea appears to have confined its mint activity to the issuance of royal silver, which ceased with Antiochus's death. The city later struck municipal bronze coinage under Antiochus IV and Alexander Balas. A brief tetradrachm issue may have been struck at Laodicea (or Seleucia Pieria) during the first reign of Demetrius II in Syria;1 no later Seleucid coinage has been attributed to this city, which was granted autonomy under Tigranes II in 81 B.C.2 SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., dol- phin above Fc; beneath throne, *W; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 444. Al / 16.92. WSM 1204. ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow, to 1., ^; in exergue, indistinguish- able monogram ( P? ?). Tetradrachm. 445. JR / 16.65. See WSM 1230-31, tetra- drachms with similar monograms. 32 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed bust of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. AAOAIKEQN TON UPOZ 9AAAZZHI Poseidon stand- ing facing, head 1., holding dolphin in r. hand and trident in 1. 446. JE f 4.32. Kastner 12, 30 Nov. 1976, 144. Babelon 658-59; SNGCop- Syria 218-19. ALEXANDER IBALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. AAOAIKEQN TON TTPO! 9A- AAZZHI Zeus standing facing, head L, holding wreath in r. hand; in outer 1. field, IZ; to 1. of feet, dolphin. 447. JE f 3.65. BMC, p. 57, 67; Babelon 924 (where the monogram is given as Z). The reverse deity of the Paris and London coins is catalo- gued as Poseidon. The absence Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of a trident or any other feature which would positively identify the figure as the sea-god suggests instead that it is the wreath- bearing Zeus common to cities of the Syrian coast. Under Alexan- der a bronze issue was struck at Laodicea with the reverse type of a seated Poseidon holding a tri- dent and with the same mono- gram as 447 (SNGFitz 5708). DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN See 411, a tetradrachm of Demetrius of a type which Merkholm has attributed to either Seleucia Pieria or Laodicea. SYRIA SELEUCIS: HIEROPOLIS (BAMBYCE) In the Seleucid era, Hierapolis struck rare silver coinage under Seleucus I,1 evidently ceasing to function thereafter until it was reopened by Antiochus IV and, later, Alexander I Balas.2 No other Seleucid issues are known for this city. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus; dotted border. Rev. HIEPOTTOAITON Zeus stand- ing facing, head 1., holding wreath in outstretched r. hand; to 1., above lion standing 1., head reverted; to r.,S. 448. JE f 8.89. Sternberg, 25 Nov. 1976, 631. See BMC, p. 40, 59-60; Babelon 645-46, for bronze is- sues of similar type with different monograms. 1 Seyrig cites only one example: H. Seyrig. "Monnaies helldnistiques XIX: Le monnayage de Hiera- polis de Syrie h l'epoque d'Alexandre," RN 1971, pp. 16 and 21,14. * Alexander I Balas: Babelon, p. cv. ClLICIA 33 SYRIA SELEUCIS: CYRRHUS During the Seleucid period, Cyrrhus's coinage was limited to the striking of municipal types with the king's portrait under Alexander I Ralas, only in the year 164 S.E. (149/8 R.C.). ALEXANDER IBALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. KYPPHZTQN Zeus standing facing, head 1., holding wreath; to 1., # and A EP (164 S.E. = 149/8 B.C.) above owl; in exergue, IZ (?). 449. JE f 6.20. See BMC, p. 56, 59-60; Babelon 902-6 for bronze issues of similar type with different monograms. CILICIA: TARSUS Active under the satraps of Persia as well as Alexander and his immediate successors, the mint of Tarsus continued to produce gold and silver coinage for Seleucus I following his capture of Cilicia from Demetrius Poliorcetes in c. 294 B.C.1 Thereafter, Tarsus appears to have operated continuously as a Seleucid mint through the reign of Demetrius I, with the exception of a brief period of occupation by Ptolemaic forces between c. 246 and 243 B .C.2 The great rarity of Tarsid coin issues from the reign of Alexander I Balas (No. 475), the first reign of Demetrius II* and that of Antiochus VI,4 suggests that the mint's activity was limited and discontinuous in the troubled period between the death of Demetrius I Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / and the accession of Antiochus VII. A resurgence of production occurred under the latter king, however, which was maintained through the final reign in Cilicia of Antiochus IX. The last known Seleucid issue of Tarsus was struck by Seleucus VI.6 1 As Newell noted in discussing the attribution of issues such as No. 450, the assignment to Tarsus of early Seleucid coinages poses particular difficulty. One is on increasingly firm ground with the issues of Antiochus I and later (but see comment following 604 regarding the problem of attributing coins of Seleucus II to either Tarsus or Sardes). For the pre-Seleucid coinage of Tarsus, see E. T. Newell, "Tarsus under Alexander," AJN 52 (1918), pp. 83-84; E. T. Newell, The Coinages of Demetrius Polior- cetes (London, 1927), pp. 48-58; Cox, Tarsus, pp. 38-43. 8 WSM, pp. 222-23. Cox, Tarsus, p. 45, suggests that this mint closed during the war between Antiochus III and Rome, but the prolific coinage now known to have been struck by Antiochus at Tarsus indicates no discontinuity of mint production during this period. 3 M. Thompson, "Some Noteworthy Greek Accessions," ANSMN 12 (1966), p. 17, 23. * J. A. Seeger, "An Unpublished Drachm of Antiochus VI," NC 1972, p. 305. A tetradrachm of Antiochus VI of Tarsus, said to be from the Kirikhan hoard (CH 1 [1975], 87; CH 2 [1976], 90), has been described to the author. 6 G. Le Rider, "Monnaies grecques recemment acquises par le Cabinet de Paris," RN 1969, p. 15, 8, the only coin known to have been struck at this mint by Seleucus, whose Cilician base appears to have been at Seleucia ad Calycadnum (q.v.). 34 Arthur Houghton Coliection SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to L, ®; beneath throne, M; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 450. JR / 17.11. Obv. die of WSM 1290. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., bunch of grapes; beneath throne, W above *; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 461. JR f 17.07. Sternberg 8, 16 Nov. 1978, 177. Obv. die of WSM 1294. Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Caps Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of Dioscuri; below, I; dotted border. 452. JE I 7.18. See WSM 1299-1300 for bronze issues of similar type with different monograms. 453. JE I 7.33. Rev. monogram is indistin- guishable. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antio- chus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in exergue, ^ IT; dotted bor- der. Tetradrachm. 454. /R f 16.90. Dies of WSM 1307a. Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing L, holding wreath and palm branch (?); to lower 1., NC; to lower r., W. Stater. 455. AI f 8.58. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 30, 2 (this coin). See WSM 1308, a stater with the same 1. field monogram; WSM 1311, a tetradrachm with the same mo- nograms. Obv. As 454. Rev. Inscription and type as 454; no border. Tetradrachms. 456. A f 17.01. Rev. in exergue, NC AI. Dies of A. Newell, "A Note on Western Seleucid Mints No. 1310: Antiochus II at Tarsus," ANSMN 2 (1949), p. 13; rev. die of WSM 1310(3. 457. JR f 17.14. Obv. die of 456. Rev. to 1., NC; in exergue, AI. MuM 25, 17 Nov. 1962, 475. Boehringer, ClLICIA 35 SELEUCUS III Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., A; to r., W. Tetradrachm. 460. JR f 17.10. Dies of Seyrig, Trisors, 1. 3-8 (this coin is possibly 1.4). ANTIOCHUS III The attribution of the following coins of Antiochus III through Demetrius I is based on O. Morkholm, Cilicia and H. Seyrig, "Un Symbole Monelaire de Tarse," Milanges Mansel (Ankara, 1974), pp. 263-64. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 461. JR f 16.98. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., W (rendered ft ). Bourgey, 21 Jun. 1979, 104. Obv. die of WSM 1252. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1251-52; rep. monograms of WSM 462. JR f 17.05. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., HP. See WSM 1261 for similar obverse style and r. field monogram. 463. JR f 17.20. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., |SK; in exergue, club. Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1260. 464. JR f 16.84. Rev. to 1., ZA above club; to r., NC. WSM 1268. Drachm. 465. JR \ 4.19. Rev. to L, ZA above traces of monogram or symbol; to r., 4 . Numismatic Art and Ancient Coins 2, 15 May 1981, 94. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., ZA above club; to r., AT. Tetradrachm. 466. JR \ 17.19. NFA 8, 6 Jun. 1980, 334. See Tyre 22-23 for other issues of Seleucus IV struck at Tarsus. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 467. JR f 16.84. Rev. toi.,W above club; to r., R. MuM 37, 5 Dec. 1968, 240. Tyre 32b ("Tyre"). 468. JR f 16.69. Rev. to 1., W ; to r., R; in exergue, club. Obv. die of Hunter 3, p. 42, 5 with similar monograms and bird's wing to lower 1. on rev. 469. JR f 16.90. Obv. die of 468. Rev. to I., W above bird's wing; to r., W; in exergue, club. MuM 37, 5 Dec. 36 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; laurel wreath border. Rev. BAZIAEQ ZAHMHTPIOY Ty- che seated 1. on throne, hold- ing scepter and cornucopiae. Tetra drachms. 473. A f 16.75. Rev. tei., M above club. to r., fid above bird's wing. 474. A f 16.87. Rev. to outer 1., VR; toi. of Tyche's legs, bird's wing; beneath cornucopiae, W; in exergue, club. See Tyre 44-46b; SNGCopSyria 245 ("Tyre") for other tetradrachms of Demetrius struck at Tarsus. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r., fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9EOTTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Sandan standing r., on back of horned and winged lion; in exergue, & ; no other visible monogram. Drachm. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 475. A f 3.79. See Cox, Tarsus, p. 52 (= F. Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies grecques [Leipzig, 1883], p. 433, 96), a drachm now in Berlin struck from different dies which carries the 1. field monogram tXP; in exergue, AI. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EYEP- TETOY Nike walking 1., holding wreath. Drachms. 476. A f 4.13. Rev. to 1., NE above Z. NFA 5, 23 Feb. 1978, 205. 477. A \ 3.94. Obv. die of 476. Rev., to 1., K above NE. Nos. 476-77 are related by monogram to later issues struck at Tarsus under Demetrius II (480-81, below). See Houghton, Second Reign, p. 116, n. 5 regarding the production at Tarsus of "standard" silver by Antiochus VII concurrently with issues bearing San- dan-type reverses, such as 479. 478. A f 3.89. Rev. to 1., A above W . Obv. Type as 476; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 476. Sandan standing r. on back of horned and winged lion; to 1., W , cut by edge of flan; to r., AI. 479. A f 4.10. A die duplicate in the author's collection shows the 1. monogram fully. DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN With the exception of 481, references to die combinations, where given, are to coins in Houghton, Second Reign. Obv. Diademed head of young De- metrius r., beardless; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY ClLlCIA 37 ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Sandan standing r. on back of horned and winged lion. Drachms. 486. A f 3.77. Rev. to L, H above NE. 487. A f 4.08. Rev. tel., A (A?) above NE; to r., monograms or symbol, if any, off flan. Leu 13, 29 Apr. 1975, 309. See Babelon 1295; Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1375, each from the same dies as 487, with club in r. field. ANTIOCHUS VIII The extensive coinage struck at Tar- sus by Antiochus VIII and his brother Antiochus IX during their successive occupations of the city have been ten- tatively divided into reigns by Cox, Tar- sus, pp. 52-54. Die analysis of the late Seleucid coinages of this mint, however, suggests the need for revisions in Cox's proposed coin series, and possibly the Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / regnal periods she assigns to Antiochus VIII and IX. Pending the publication of a study which would clarify the activity of the mint of Tarsus during this period, however, the silver issues of these kings have been catalogued according to Cox's order, but listed separately under each ruler. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- QANOYZ Monument or pyre, within which Sandan stands r. on back of horned and winged lion. Tetradrachms. 488. A f 16.60. Rev. in exergue, 1 R(= IFJ). K. Kress 132, 8 Feb. 1965, 278. Cox, First Reign. 489. A f 16.38. Rev. to L, fa above ME. Cox, Third Reign. 490. A f 16.33. Obv. die of 489. Rev. to I., W above ME. Leu-MuM, 3 Dec. 1965 (Niggeler), 475. Cox, Third Reign. Obv. As 488. Rev. Inscription as 488. Sandan standing r. on back of horned and winged lion; to 1. A, partly off flan, above ME. Drachms. 491. A f 4.15, MuM 41, 18 Jun. 1970, 299. Cox, Third Reign. See BMC, p. 89, 21, for a tetradrachm with the same monograms. 492. A f 3.72. Obv. die of 491. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Monument or pyre within which Sandan 38 AitTHLR Houghton Collection Obv. Diademed, horned head of Antiochus, beardless. Rev. Inscription as 493. Sandan standing r. on back of horned and winged lion; to 1., A above TT. Drachm. 497. JR f 3.89. Cox, Third Reign. The following coins appear to be related as a group by the presence of the monogram E on all examples recorded, with the exception of Babelon 1499, whose monogram N< also appears on the reverses of 498-99 and 501, below. The three types also form a set of multiples, al- though this is not necessarily deter- minative of a common origin. Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, p. 91, suggests an attribution of these coins to Apamea. The more likely issuing mint is Tarsus, where the monograms NK and I*1 both appear on silver coinage of Antio- chus IX. See also H. Nicolet, "Monnaies de bronze de Cilicie," RN 1971, p. 29, 34, regarding the possible Cilician origin of Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / types similar to 500-501, examples of which have been found at Tarsus itself (Cox, Tarsus, p. 68, 108-9). Obv. Diademed, bearded head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 493. Dionysus standing 1., holding kantha- ros and thyrsos; to 1., E above NK. 498. JE * 10.09. BMC, p. 93, 22; Babelon 1484-86. 499. JE f 9.53. As 498. Rev. Inscription as 493. Athena walking r., holding spear and shield; in inner field, E. 500. JE f 4.82. Rev. in outer L field, in- distinguishable monogram. See BMC, p. 93,23 (where monograms are recorded as Eand NC); Babelon 1499 (NC); Babelon 1500 (TT and E). 501. JE f 4.62. Rev. in outer 1. field, NC. Rev. Inscription as 493; tripod; to 1., E above I*1 . 502. JE f 2.31. CILICIA: MOPSUS Mopsus was of only peripheral importance as a hellenistic mint. It struck municipal bronze issues with the portrait of Antiochus IV,1 and tetradrachms during the first reign of Demetrius II and under Antiochus IX.2 No other Seleucid coinage is known to have been issued at this city. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. ZEAEYKEQN TON TTPOZ TO I TTYPAMQI Artemis facing, drawing arrow from quiver with r. hand and holding bow with 1.; to 1., A (?); to r., E". 503. JE \ 4.20. See H. von Aulock, "Die Munzpragung dor kilikischen Stadt Mopsos," AA 1963, 237-38, 2 and pi. 1, 3-5, where 1. mono- gram is either i£ (a and |3) or Af (y and 8). Cll.ICIA 39 DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9EOY OIAAAEAOOY NIKA- TOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., fire altar; to r., beneath king's name, fYP . Tetradrachm. 604. JR f 16.56. CILICIA: MALLUS Judging from its very few recorded issues, and despite the significance of its dependent sanctuary Magarsus, the center of the cult of Athena Magarsia, Mallus's importance as a Seleucid mint must have been limited. No Seleucid coins of this city are known to have been struck before the reign of Demetrius I, nor after that of Antiochus IX.1 References are to the coins in Houghton, Studies Mildenberg. DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; to 1., M; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Athe- na Magarsia facing, fore- arms outstretched, holding spear and with rosettes above Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / each shoulder; to 1., O; to r., B" (?). Tetradrachm. 60S. JR f 16.68. Houghton 1. DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; to 1., M; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY OIAAAEAOOY NIKATOPOZ Athena Magarsia facing, fore- arms outstretched, holding spear and with rosettes above each shoulder; to lower 1., *r; to lower r., a (?). Tetradrachm. 506. M f 14.28. Houghton 5. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; to 1., 51; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOYEYEP- TETOY Athena Magarsia facing, forearms outstretched, holding spear and with roset- tes above each shoulder; to lower 1., & ; to lower r., W . Tetradrachm. 507. JR f 16.56. Obv. die of Seyrig, Trisors 30.335. Houghton 14. 1 A. Houghton, "The Seleucid Mint of Mallos and the Cult Figure of Athena Magarsia," Studies in Honor of Leo Mildenberg: Numismatics, Art History and Archaeology (Wetteren, 1984, forth- coming). 40 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed, bearded head of Demetrius r.; 1. field mono- gram, if any, off flan; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9EOY NIKATOPOZ Athena Magarsia facing, forearms outstretched, holding spear and with rosettes above each shoulder. Tetradrachm. 508. A f 15.39. Obv. monogram off flan. Rev. 1. field monogram off flan; to lower r., A . Houghton 18. Drachms. 509. A f 3.87. Obv. toi.,M. Rev. to lower 1., &; to lower r., , partly off flan. Houghton 19. 510. JR f 3.46. As 509, but r. field monogram is indistinguishable. Houghton 21. ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; to 1., M; fillet border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Athena Magarsia facing, forearms outstretched, holding spear and with roset- tes above each shoulder; to lower 1., ^ . Tetradrachm. 511. iK f 14.71. Houghton 23. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; to 1., M; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Athena Magar- sia facing, forearms out- stretched, holding spear and with rosettes above each shoulder; to lower 1., indis- tinguishable monogram. Tetradrachm. 512. A. f 15.86. Obv. die of Jameson 1751. Houghton 26. CILICIA: SOLI The mint of Soli, which had been active during the Persian era, appears to have reopened during the reign of Antiochus III. The city struck tetradrachms and drachms under An- tiochus and Seleucus IV, and limited tetradrachm issues under Antiochus IV and Deme- trius I. The monograms which appear on Soli's coinage at this time are in many cases similar to those on contemporaneous issues of Tarsus, suggesting that both mints may have shared the same magistrates.1 Under later Seleucid rulers Soli produced coinage irregularly. None is recorded later than the reign of Angiochus VII.2 1 I wish to acknowledge O. Merkholm's incisive observations, provided orally, on the nature of the administrative relationship between Tarsus and Soli during this period. 8 G. Le Rider, "Monnaies grecques recemment acquises par le Cabinet de Paris," RN 1969, p. 13, 7, a tetradrachm with the reverse type of a seated Athena, and with the symbol owl and monograms NA . A corresponding drachm of Soli struck under Antiochus VII with the reverse type of a seated Tyche and with similar monograms in the exergue is in the British Museum, not in BMC. ClLICIA 41 The attribution of the following coins of Soli is based on, and specific referen- ces are to, O. Markholm, Cilicia, pp. 58-62, and G. Le Rider, "Monnaies grecques r£cemment acquises par le Cabinet de Paris," RN 1969, pp. 13-15. ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antio- chus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., A ; to r., # . Tetradrachm. 513. JR f 17.12. K. Kress 132, Feb. 1965, 268. Obv. and rev. dies of WSM 1282p. Drachm. 514. JR / 4.15. Dies of WSM 1283. Rev. Inscription and type as 513. Tetradrachms. 515. JR / 17.09. Rev. to 1., A above head of Athena 1.; to r., partly off flan, <H . Dies of WSM 1284. 516. JR f 17.12. Rev. to 1., £ above head Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of Athena 1.; to r., Z£ . Obv. die of WSM 1285-87; Rev. mono- grams of WSM 1286. 517. JR / 16.78. Rev. to 1., A above bunch of grapes; to r., monograms or symbol, if any, off flan. 518. JR f 17.12. Obv. die as 517; rev. to 1., A above owl r., to r., A. See WSM 1281, a drachm with the same symbol and monograms. 519. JR f 16.69. Obv. die of 517. Rev. to L, AI above indistinguishable sym- bol (owl?) or monogram; to r., ON. A. Malloy, 15 Mar. 1974, 174. 520. JR f 17.06. Obv. die of 517. Rev. to 1., AI above owl; to r.,ON. O. Morkholm has suggested that the obverse die of 517-20 may have been used at Seleucia ad Calycadnum. Drachms. 521. JR f 3.88. Rev. to 1., indistinguishable symbol above owl; to r., ON. 522. JR f 3.96. Obv. die of 521. Rev. 1. field monogram and symbol off flan; to r., ON. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Die as 521 (Head of Antiochus III). Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOYNude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., AI above owl; to r., ON. Drachms. 523. JR f 4.04. Morkholm, p. 59, type 2. 524. JR \ 4.11. Obv. die of 523. Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. Inscription and type as 523. Drachms. 525. JR f 4.03. Rev. 1. field symbol or monograms, if any, off flan; to r., ON. 526. JR f 4.22. Rev. to 1., A above owl; 42 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 528. JR f 16.78. Said to be from the Kiri- khan hoard (CH 1, 87; CH 2, 90). 529. A f 16.32. Dies of 528. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9EOY OIAAAEAOOY NIKA- TOPOZ Female figure (Athe- na-Tyche?) wearing turreted crown seated 1. on throne, holding Nike with 1. elbow on shield; to 1., A above owl above O. The attribution of the above issue is based on its distinctive symbol, owl, which is represented on Cilician coins of Alexander I Balas (Babelon 792) and Antiochus VII (Le Rider, p. 13, 7), whose reverses also carry a Tyche- Athena or Athena. CILICIA: SELEUCIA AD CALYCADNUM Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / The ambiguity of the evidence supporting an attribution of the following group of coins to either Seleucia ad Calycadnum or to Elaeusa (Sebaste) has been pointed out by Bellinger, Elaeusa Sebaste, pp. 27-30. Bellinger favored the latter mint in view of the fact that certain monograms appear both on tetradrachms of Seleucus VI of this series, and on two autonomous silver issues of Elaeusa. G. K. Jenkins, "Recent Acquisitions of Greek Coins by the British Museum," NC 1959, pp. 44-45, has more recently supported Bellinger's attribution. However, F. Imhoof-Blumer, "Zur syrischen Miinzkunde," NZ 1901, p. 4, preferred Seleucia on the basis of the leaf symbol—invariably the same five-lobed leaf— carried on these coins. Imhoof-Blumer's view has been supported by P. Naster, "Les mon- naies seleucides attributes a l'atelier d'Elaeusa Sebaste," RBN 1980, pp. 13-16, and 0. Morkholm, "Two Seleucid Coin Notes," NC 1957, pp. 9-10, with whose judgement the author concurs. The earliest issue which bears the five-lobed leaf symbol and which can with assurance be attributed to Seleucia ad Calycadnum is a unique tetradrachm of Seleucus IV in the Hague.1 Judging from the relatively few known examples of royal coinage which were is- sued subsequently, the production of the mint appears to have been highly sporadic through the second century B.C., suggesting that it had no more than a peripheral role during this period. A surge of activity evidently occurred under Seleucus VI, however, when the mint issued coins struck from an unusually rich variety of obverse dies and employing a large number of reverse monograms—very probably, as Bellinger has suggested (End of the Seleucids, p. 73, n. 64), to finance Seleucus's campaign against Antiochus IX which culminated in his capture of Antioch in 95 B.C. No later Seleucid coinage of this mint is known. 1 Newell assigned WSM 1330-31, tetradrachms of Seleucus III and Antiochus III, to Seleucia ad Calycadnum on the basis of their symbol, the forepart of a horse. Such coins may well have been struck in Cilicia, but their attribution to Seleucia is not certain. ClLICIA 43 ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOY EYEP- TETOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; in outer 1. field, leaf; in inner 1. field, owl, palm branch behind shoulder, above Al; in exer- gue, IZI and P. Tetradrachm. 530. A f 17.20. Obv. die of O. Markholm, "Two Seleucid Coin Notes," NC 1957, p. 9, 3. See also SNGCop- Syria 342 for a similar tetra- drachm with the owl symbol but with different monogram combi- nations. DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius without beard r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9EOY NIKATOPOZ Athena Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., leaf; in exergue, &i. Tetradrachm. 531. A f 16.85. Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1181. Jameson 2608 (this coin). Obv. die of BMC, p. 59, 15 (at- tributed to Demetrius's first reign). ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., leaf. Tetradrachms. 532. A \ 15.41. Rev. in exergue, Zhtt ZH . 533. A f 16.45. Rev. in exergue, ® & . Leu 22, 8 May 1979, 166. SELEUCUS VI Obv. Diademed head of Seleucusr.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY ETTI- (PANOYZ NIKATOPOZ Athe- na standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; in outer 1. field, leaf. Tetradrachms. 534. /R / 16.28. Rev. in inner 1. field 9E W (written sideways). K. Kress 144, 22 Jui. 1968, 206. 535. A f 15.93. Rev. in inner 1. field, NE IZI. K. Kress 144, 22 Jui. 1968, 207. Bellinger, Elaeusa Sebaste, p. 28, 6. 536. A f 15.45. Rev. in inner 1. field, ± AN. 44 Arthur Houghton Collection CILICIA: UNCERTAIN MINT Newell's attribution to Sardes of tetradrachms of the types and monograms of 539-40 has been questioned by Merkholm, Cilicia, pp. 19-21, who has concluded that they should be assigned to another mint, perhaps Tarsus. Contemporaneous coinage of Tarsus, how- ever, differs stylistically in important respects from this series (see 459-75, above). Never- theless, the appearance of the monograms CE , Pi, and NK on coins of both this group and on Tarsid issues of Antiochus II, Seleucus II and III, and Antiochus III (e.g., WSM 1308; 461 and 463-64, above) suggests that even if both series were not struck at the same mint, they were issued by mints which shared the same officiating magistrates.1 The evidence points to an attribution of the following coins to an as yet unidentified Cilician city. SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; to 1., CE above W. Tetradrachms. 539. A f 17.23. G. Hirsch 35, 25 Jun. 1963,470. Obv. die style as WSM 1417y-8 ("Sardes"); rev. mono- grams as WSM 1419 ("Sardes"). Seyrig, Trisors 1.18 ("Sardes"— this coin). 540. JR f 16.81. J. Schulman FPL 207, Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Oct. 1976, 36. Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1419 ("Sar- des"); Dies of Seyrig, Trisors 1.27 ("Sardes"). ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antio- chus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., CE ; to r., PJ. Tetradrachm. 541. JR f 17.06. Obv. die of WSM 1430- 31a; rev. monograms of WSM 1430 ("Sardes: Antiochus Hie- rax"). NORTH CENTRAL REGION: UNCERTAIN MINTS SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 542. JR *- 16.54. Rev. to 1., wheel; beneath throne, ©C. The wheel symbol relates this coin to several issues of Philip III issued at Babylon (E. T. Newell, Alexander Hoards II: Demanhur, 1905, ANSNNM 19 [New York, 1923], 4609; M. Kampmann, "Un tresor d'Alex- 1 The sharing of magisterial responsibilities at different cities also appears to have occurred at the mints of Tarsus and Soli between the reigns of Antiochus III and Demetrius I (see the introduction to Soli). Uncertain North 45 andres," RN 1972, p. 161, 141- 54), but its striking is flatter than is generally the case with early eastern Seleucid issues. Several coins of Antioch bear monograms which could be related to those on this issue (WSM 908-10), but the tetradrachms of the Antio- chene series portray Zeus holding Nike rather than an eagle, and they are stylistically different in any event. Reported to be from southern Turkey. 543. A I 16.79. Rev. to L, W; beneath throne, itl . Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1332, as- signed by Newell to the area of Cappadocia and northern Syria. Reported to be from a hoard from Iraq. SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding tripod. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / arrow and resting 1. elbow on 544. A f 17.09. Rev. to 1. of legs, AI; to r., HP. Dies of WSM 1642, which Newell suggests was struck east or south of the Taurus mountains. Reported to be from a hoard from northern Syria. 545. A f 17.12. Obv. dotted border. Rev. to 1., A; to r., R. See Seyrig, Trtsors 1.145, a tetradrachm with similar monograms. SELEUCUS III Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Apol- lo, nude to waist, seated 1. on omphalos, holding bow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; outer 1. field monogram ^ off flan; in outer r. field,; in exergue, elephant walking 1. Tetradrachm. 546. A f 17.01. MuM 47, 30 Nov. 1972, 522. Obv. and rev. dies of WSM 1028 ("Antioch") and De Clercq 60. Seyrig, Trisors 1.85 (this coin). The stylistic reasons sup- porting an attribution of this coin to Antioch do not appear to be as unequivocal as Newell suggests (WSM, p. 133), and its monograms cannot be related closely to known issues of Seleucus assigned with certainty to this city. See WSM, p. 234 regarding the attribution of WSM 1330, a coin of Seleucus III with the same unusual reverse type, judged by Newell to have been struck in Cilicia and tentatively assigned to Seleucia ad Calycadnum. An is- 46 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS III or IV Obv. Head of Heracles r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath; to 1., H>; dotted border. 548. JE \ 4.19. For a parallel, see SNGCop- Sgria 208 ("Antiochus IV," now attributed by Merkholm to An- tiochus III), a bronze with obv. head of Zeus; rev. Nike holding a wreath. Reported to be from southern Turkey. Obv. Head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Athena wearing crested Corinthian helmet seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and resting 1. elbow on shield. 549. JE f 12.31. Rev. in inner 1. field, Z. 550. JE f 15.46. Rev. in inner 1. field, A . D. Cox, A Tarsus Coin Collection in the Adana Museum, ANSNNM 92 (New York, 1941), p. 63, 238, suggests that Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / coins of the above type may have been struck at Mallus under Antiochus IV. For silver issues of Cilicia with the reverse type of a seated Athena (or Athena-Tyche) attributed to Soli, see 528-29 and related commentary, above. No. 549 is said to be from southern Turkey; 550, from northern Syria. A. Spaer has reported other examples from Antakya (Antioch) and Jerusalem. DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; laurel wreath border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Tyche seated 1. on throne, holding scepter and cornu- copiae. Tetradrachms. 551. A f 16.22. Rev. to 1., N<; to r., l*J . 552. A f 16.37. Rev. to 1., AfC above fore- part of griffin 1. Possibly struck at a Cilician mint. 553. A f 16.65. Rev. to 1., . HLR, p. 118, 83 (this coin). The style and monogram of this coin appear to exclude Antioch as its issuing mint. Its eastern provenance suggests a northern Syrian or Mesopotamian mint. 554. A \ 15.60. Rev. to 1., R above >W; in exergue, A EP (AEP, 161 S.E. = 152/1 B.C.). This coin and the drachm 555, below, both of light weight, cursory style and with crudely rendered inscriptions, appear to be barbaric copies of Demetrius's regular issues struck at Antioch. Obv. Type as 554; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY IQ- THPOZ, crudely rendered; cornucopiae; to lower r., H IA (?) above A or A (possibly the Uncertain North 47 ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexan- der r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9EOTTATOPOZ KAI EYEPTE- TOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter. Tetradrachms. 558. JR / 16.90. Rev. in exergue, H». Obv. die and rev. monogram of Seyrig, Trisors 24.9. Seyrig attributes this coin to Antioch but notes the unusual portrait style. 559. JR f 16.77. Obv. fillet border. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Athena standing L, holding owl in r. hand and resting 1. on shield; laurel wreath bor- der. 560. JE f 13.38. BMC, p. 56, 55. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Alexander r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter. 561. JE f 9.32. Rev. beneath throne, A; in exergue, %£P . See Babelon 832, a bronze issue of similar type without recorded monogram or date. 562. JE / 8.07. Rev. in exergue, |7 or f~I. Nos. 561-62 are from Lebanon. A. Spaer reports other examples from Jerusalem with monograms A beneath throne, H* in exergue. 563. JE / 7.16. Obv. dotted border. Rev. beneath throne, anchor. Serrated edge. BMC, p. 54, 35; SNGCop- Syria 260. G. Macdonald's attri- bution of coins of this type to Antioch (Hunter 3, p. 64, 48-49) has been accepted by Newell (SMA, p. 55). Their portrait style and absence of monograms, however, makes such an assign- ment uncertain. Said to be from Lebanon. A. Spear reports simi- lar bronze issues from Jerusalem. Obv. Head of Antiochus IV as Dionysus, wearing ivy leaf diadem. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Thyr- sos; to 1., date, if any, in- distinguishable; to lower r., £ ; ivy wreath border. 564. JE f 8.13. See SNGFitz 5681, a simi- lar bronze which shows the date BEP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.). O. Morkholm, "A Posthumous Issue of Antiochus IV of Syria," JVC 1983 (forthcoming), has convincingly attributed 564 and the Fitzwilliam coin to Apamea, struck during Alexander's first year of rule. From Lebanon. Obv. Type as 558; dotted border. 48 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nl- KATOPOZ Inverted anchor. Drachms. 567. JR f 4.04. 568. JR. j 4.13. Rev. N KATOPOZ; in inner 1. field, lily. Auctiones 5, 2 Dec. 1975, 204. Babelon 934 (where symbol is described as a rose). The above drachms and the following two bronze coins of Demetrius differ in their inscriptions but are related by type, portrait style and the form of the reverse anchor, and would appear to have been issued from the same mint. Similar drachms generally have a single symbol or monogram (De Clercq 166, with A; A. Cahn 71,14 Oct. 1931, 539, with PO), or none; the bronzes have either a star (Babelon 935) or no identifying mark. On his return from Parthian captivity in 129 B.C., Demetrius dropped the epithet OI AAAEAOOY completely Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / from his coinage. Nos. 567-68 and 577- 78, below—the latter of which have been attributed on the basis of portraiture only, not always the safest guide in Demetrius's case—seem to anticipate this epigraphic change. Obv. As 567. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9EOY OIAAAEAOOY NIKA- TOPOZ Inverted anchor. 569. JE f 4.41. BMC, p. 61, 25. 570. JE j 4.76. Nos. 569-70 are from Lebanon. Others have been seen among a small group of late Seleucid bronze issues struck at Antioch. A. Spaer reports one example from Istanbui. Obv. As 567. Rev. Inscription and type as 569. 571. JE f 5.22. Rev. to 1., A. 572. JE f 3.53. Obv. die of 571? Rev. monogram, if any, indistinguish- able. 573. JE / 4.03. Rev. monogram, if any, indistinguishable. Nos. 571-73 are related to the preced- ing bronze issues by type, but differ in flan size, portrait style, and the form of the anchor and inscription. All are from Lebanon; A. Spear reports others from Israei. They may have been issued by a mint in the Seleucis and Pieria region or in northern Phoenicia. Obv. As 567. Rev. Inscription as 569; tongs. 574. JE f 3.48. 575. JE j 2.98. Dies of Babelon 944 (whose obverse head is described as that of Demeter). The close stylistic relationship of the obverse of 574 to that of 571-72 may in- dicate their issuance from the same mint, or from mints operating within the same Uncertain Norrra 49 DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed, unbearded head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY NIKATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; beneath throne, . 580. JE / 8.28. 581. JE f 7.51. Rev. inscription partly off flan; monograms, if any, indistin- guishable. From Lebanon. A. Spear reports others from Jerusalem. ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter. Tetradrachms. 582. JR f 15.45. Rev. to 1. 101 above UP. 583. JR \ 16.40. Obv. die of 582. Rev. toi., & above W. J. Malter, FPL, Winter 1981 (Collector's Journal of Ancient Art, Voi. 3, Nos. 2-4), p. 12, 28. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / The lower monogram of 582-83 ap- pears on Tarsid issues of Demetrius II, Second Reign, with Sandan-type rever- ses. They may have been struck at Tarsus or another Cilician city. 584. JR f 16.73. Rev. toi., EY. Obv. die and rev. monogram of Seyrig, Trisors 30.342. 585. JR f 17.17. Rev. to 1., (51 above H; beneath throne, ffl . Obv. die and rev. monograms of Seyrig, Trisors 30.348. CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIO- CHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra with diadem, stephane and veil, and Antiochus with dia- dem, r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ 9EAZ KAI BAZIAEQZ ANTIO- XOY Nike walking 1., hold- ing wreath; to 1., I-P. 586. JE f 7.69. BMC, p. 86, 7 (where mo- nogram is given as H); SNGCop- Syria 381-82; see also Babelon 1365, a bronze issue of similar type, with aphlaston. A. Spaer reports other examples with outer 1. field monogram §T, inner 1. field monogram H\ Newell, LSM, p. 62, suggests this coin may have been struck at Tarsus. Neither the symbol nor the monograms recorded for coins of this type are known to have been used on silver issues of this period at Tarsus, however. From Lebanon. ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus standing 1., holding star and scepter; to 1., 50 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS XI AND PHILIP PHILADELPHUS Obv. Jugate heads of Philip and Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY KAI BAZIAEQZ GIAITTTTOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing Nike and scepter; outer 1. field monograms off flan; be- neath throne, A; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 589. JR f 14.53. Babelon 1540; Obv. die of Leu 20, 25 Apr. 1978, 166, and Hess-Leu, 24 Mar. 1959, 296, now in New York (ANS, Kelley). PHILIP PHILADELPHUS Rev. BAlIAEQZ OIAITTTTOY ETTI- OANOYZ OIAAAEAOOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing Nike and scepter; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 590. JR. f 15.61. Rev. to 1., tfil; beneath throne, A; in exergue, M" . Kri- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / cheldorf 33, 12 Oct. 1978, 147. SMA 455. Newell assigned 590 to Antioch with reservation (SMA, p. 122). Its style and monograms are significantly different from Philip's issues which can be at- tributed to Antioch with certainty. 591. JR f 15.93. Rev. outer 1. field mono- grams, if any, indistinguishable; beneath throne, A. Obv. Diademed head of Philip r.; fillet border. WESTERN REGlON WEST ASIA MINOR: SARDES One of the major cities of Asia Minor with a long history of settlement, Sardes had operated a flourishing mint under Alexander and his immediate successors through the greater part of Lysimachus's reign.1 The mint was evidently closed during the occupation of the city by Demetrius Poliorcetes in 297 R.C., but was reopened after the arrival of Seleucus I fifteen years later. Under the first Seleucid rulers, Sardes became a major stronghold of the Empire in the west, its mint producing a prolific number of royal silver and some bronze issues through the reign of Antiochus Hierax.' The city was taken by Attalus I in 226 B.C.; from that date until its recapture four years later by Achaeus, acting for Antiochus III, Sardes's mint struck tetradrachms of Alexandrine (Heracles head) obverses but bearing local types or symbols on their reverses.3 In c. 221 B.C. Achaeus revolted, holding Sardes until he was overthrown and executed by Antiochus in 215 B.C. The Seleucid era at Sardes ended with the defeat of Antiochus by the armies of Rome at Magnesia on the Sipylum in 190 B.C. SELEUCUS I Obv. lion's Rev. Head of Heracles in skin r.; dotted border. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; dotted bor- der. Tetradrachms. A f 16.81. Rev. to 1., shield, on center Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of which E ;beneath throne, AZ. Dies A1-P3 of WSM 1350. 17.13. Rev. to 1., E; beneath throne, $1 . Dies A2-P9 of WSM 1354. 594. A / 17.04. Rev. to 1., AZ; beneath throne, Z . Dies of WSM 1356. 592. 593. A f ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to L, ^5 above I ; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 595. A \ 17.09. Dies of WSM 1360. Obv. Horned and diademed head of Seleucus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding bow; to 1. of legs, £; in exergue, I . Tetradrachm. 596. A / 16.97. Hess-Leu 24,16 Apr. 1964, 233. Obv. die of WSM 1367; rev. monograms of WSM 1366. 1 For a review of the coinage of Sardes under Alexander, Philip III and Antigonus, see M. Thompson and A. Bellinger, "Greek Coins in the Yale Collection, IV: A Hoard of Alexander Drachms," Yale Classical Studies 14 (1955), pp. 3-45; for the Sardian issues of Lysimachus, M. Thompson, Lysimachus, pp. 172-73. * WSM, pp. 242-71, revised for the reign of Antiochus Hierax and later by Morkholm, Sardes, pp. 5-20. Some drachm issues of Seleucus II attributed by Newell to Sardes have been reattributed herein to Magnesia on the Maeander (618-20). * H. Seyrig, "Monnaies hellenistiques: VII. Sardes," RN 1963, pp. 35-38. 52 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in exergue, fit. Tetradrachm. 597. A f 16.70. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams of WSM 1387. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tri- pod; in exergue, anchor. 598. JE f 4.55. Rev. to 1., partly off flan, W; to r., monogram off flan. 599. JE f 4.59. Rev. to L, Y ; r. field mo- nogram off flan. 600. JE f 3.52. Rev. to 1., H (T ?); to r., t. WSM 1394. 601. JE f 3.97. Rev. to 1., M; to r., Af. See WSM 1412, with a different r. field monogram. 602. JE \ 4.00. Rev. to 1., bunch of grapes above Z or E; to r., W; no anchor in exergue. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. As 598. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ki- thara; to r., X; in exergue, anchor. 603. JE f 1.84. WSM 1397. SELEUCUS II —FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOYNude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod. Tetradrachms. 604. A / 17.13. Rev. to 1., N above N<. WSM 1315 ("Tarsus"). Both Newell (WSM, p. 244) and Mork- holm, (Sardes, p. 20) have noted the difficulty of distinguishing the early issues of Seleucus II at Tarsus from those of Sardes. Newell assigned this coin to the former mint on the basis of the monogram NC, which appears at Tarsus under Antiochus II (WSM 1310-11), Ptolemy III and later under Antiochus III (WSM 1261- 69, "Tyre", reattributed by Mork- holm: see above, Tarsus-Antio- chus III). Both mints have several monograms in common, however, and the presence of NK is not conclusive for a determin- ation of attribution. No. 604's other monogram N , moreover, relates it to earlier issues of An- tiochus II given by Newell to Sardes (e.g., 597, above), as well as to other issues of Seleucus II more certainly attributed to this mint, to which it bears a strong stylistic resemblance (605, below). 605. A f 16.52. Rev. to 1., A above IT. Auctiones 3, 4 Dec. 1973, 195. Seyrig, Trisors 1.17 (this coin). West Asia Minor 53 ACHAEUS Obv. Diademed bust of Achaeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AXAIOY Athena striding 1., holding shield and spear; to 1., horse's head 1.; tor., AI. Tetradrachm. 608. JR f 16.85. Leu 20, 25 Apr. 1978,160; MuM 19, 5 Jun. 1959, 536. Obv. die of WSM 1440. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AXAIOY Eagle, palm branch behind 1. shoul- der, standing r.; monograms, if any, off flan. 609. JE f 6.58. Rev. counterstamp: horse's head r. within ovai. See WSM 14450, WSM 1449-50 for similar counterstamped coins of Acha- eus. 610. JE f 3.61. Rev. no palm branch. ANTIOCHUS III — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachm. 611. JR f 16.65. Kricheldorf 34, 24 Jun. 1980, 175. Obv. die of WSM 1693|3-y. Merkholm, Sardes, pp. 15-16, obv. die A2. WEST ASIA MINOR: MAGNESIA ON THE MAEANDER The prolific coinage in both gold and silver initiated at Magnesia by Lysimachus was not continued after the fall of the city to Seleucus I in 282 B.C., to whom only a single issue, in bronze, has been attributed (WSM 1469). The striking of royal silver was resumed late in the reign of Antiochus I, apparently ending during the early years of Antiochus Hierax.1 References are to H. Seyrig, Magnisie. The coins of Antiochus II follow Seyrig's proposed sequence. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding bow. Tetradrachm. JR / 16.97. Rev. to 1. Feb. 1978, 193; Jun. 1925, 896. WSM 1477y (this coin). Drachms. JR f 4.27. Rev. to 1., «£. Dies of WSM 1475a. Seyrig, p. 31, 4. 612. 613. M. NFA 5, 23 Naville 10, 25 Seyrig, p. 31, 2 614. JR ] 4.38. Rev. to r., fj. Obv. die of WSM 1479a; rev. monogram of WSM 1480. Seyrig, p. 31, 6. Tetradrachm. 615. JR f 17.15. Rev. in exergue, AZK. Dies of WSM 14760. Seyrig, p. 31, 7. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus 54 Arthur Houghton Collection SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod. Drachms. 618. A f 4.14. Rev.tol.,fit; to r., /£ . Obv. die of WSM 1422 ("Sardes"). 619. A f 4.22. Rev. t0 1> IA; r. field monogram off flan. J. Schulman 265, 28 Sep. 1976, 212. Nos. 618-19 have been attributed to Magnesia because of their relationship to 620, a drachm of Antiochus Hierax whose monograms they share. The latter has been attributed to this mint because of the bow held in Apollo's hand, and by the covering of Apollo's legs, a feature whose significance for the development of the Seleucid coinage of Magnesia was first pointed out by Seyrig (Magnisie, p. 33). It follows from the above reattribu- tions that the drachm series, WSM Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1420-23, should be shifted from Sardes to Magnesia. This would be consistent with the striking history of both mints, since Sardes is not known to have issued drachms later than the time of Seleucus I, while Magnesia had done so under both Antiochus I and II. ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Hierax r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Apol- lo, nude to waist, seated 1. on omphalos, holding bow; to 1., M; to r., fi. Drachm. 620. A f 4.18. Kastner 6, 26 Nov. 1974, 175. WEST ASIA MINOR: SMYRNA Smyrna became a Seleucid possession along with other major towns of Asia Minor following the Battle of Corupedium in 281 B.C. Although Lysimachus had opened a mint at Smyrna,1 no Seleucid coins prior to the reign of Antiochus I have been attributed to this city. Whether or not Smyrna struck coinage under Antiochus II is question- able.2 No later Seleucid issues have been identified with this mint. 1 Thompson, Lysimachus, pp. 180-81. * WSM 1497, a stater with a standing Athena reverse, should be assigned to Myrina on the basis of its relationship to 628 below, a stater of similar type which shares its symbol and monogram with WSM 1525-27. The tetradrachm issue WSM 1498, given by Newell to Antiochus II, should be re- assigned to Antiochus I because of its monogram $ and its clear relationship to 622, which shares both <£ and /fc with WSM 1493-95. WSM 1499-1500, tetradrachms with an idealized portrait of Antiochus II, have a general affinity to coins struck at various mints in western Asia Minor, but bear little relationship to earlier Seleucid issues attributed more securely to Smyrna (the only particular point in common, noted by Newell, is the palm branch bound with a fillet which appears on WSM 1499, which is the same as that carried by Athena on the stater WSM 1497—herein assigned to Myrina). West Asia Minor 55 ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., inverted anchor above; to r., <£ . Tetradrachm. 621. /Rf 17.04. NFA 2, 25 Mar. 1976,282. Dies of WSM 1493 (where 1. field monogram is rendered W). Obv. Type as 621; no border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo to 1., on seat adorned with lion's leg, holding arrow and bow; to 1. of Apollo's head, «€; beneath hand, A; in exergue, (= ¥ ?). Stater. 622. AI f 8.48. See WSM 1494, a tetra- drachm with the monograms <£ and A; WSM 1498, a tetra- drachm attributed to Antiochus II which shows Apollo on a simi- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / lar seat and which carries the monograms A and t . WEST ASIA MINOR: PHOCAEA The mint of Phocaea appears to have opened only after the accession of Antiochus I to the Seleucid throne. A series of silver issues has been attributed to this king and to An- tiochus II at Phocaea, and a single tetradrachm (WSM 1509) has been tentatively given to Antiochus Hierax at this mint. No later Seleucid coinage is known for Phocaea. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Hera- cles seated 1. on rock, resting r. hand on club; to 1., griffin's head above A, partly off flan. Tetradrachm. A f 17.02. G. Hirsch, 21 Feb. 1963, 1309a. Dies of WSM 1506a. Olcay and Seyrig, Mektepini 235, have assigned this coin to Assos on the basis of its griffin's head symbol, which was a badge of that city as well as of Phocaea. Newell's attribution has been retained in view of the ambiguous evidence. See 677, below, a tetradrachm of uncertain attribution, also with a griffin's head symboi. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus II r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in exergue, seal 1. Tetradrachm. 624. JR f 17.15. Obv. die of WSM 1633; obv. and rev. dies of H. Troxell, "Greek Accessions: Asia Minor to India," ANSMN 22 (1977), p. 24, 12. 56 Akthur Houghton Collection WEST ASIA MINOR: MAGNESIA AD SIPYLUM (?) The existence of a Seleucid mint at Magnesia is questionable. Newell assigned coins of Antiochus I to this city on the basis of their typological relationship to issues identified with Phocaea, Cyme, Myrina and Aegae, taken together with their lack of stylistic affinity to such issues.1 The case for such an attribution is not strong, but none better has been made for WSM 1456-58. No other Seleucid coinage can be attributed to Magnesia.8 ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Hera- cles seated 1. on rock, resting r. hand on club; in exergue, .E H>. Tetradrachm. 625. A / 16.93. Leu 15, 4 May 1976, 344; Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 900. WSM 1456, A3-P3 (this coin). Obv. Helmeted bust of Athena, facing; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike, palm branch behind shoulder, walking 1., holding wreath; to 1., .E . 626. JE f 2.75. WSM 1458. 627. JE j 2.43. Rev. monogram off flan. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / WEST ASIA MINOR: MYRINA Known Seleucid coinage of Myrina is limited to two gold staters (628, below, and WSM 1497, "Smyrna") and three tetradrachm issues (WSM 1525-27) struck under Antiochus II. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Athe- na, shield to 1. of legs, stand- ing 1., holding Nike and palm branch; to 1., amphora; to r., +. Stater. N f 8.56. The attribution of this coin is based on its symbol and mono- gram, which are shared by the 629. tetradrachm issues WSM 1525- 27. WSM 1497 ("Smyrna"), a stater of similar type but less determi- nate portrait should be reassigned to Myrina. Obv. Type as 628; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Hera- cles seated 1. on rock, resting r. hand on club; to 1., ampho- ra; to lower r., (I>. Tetradrachm. A f 17.12. Dies of WSM 1525cc-B. 1 WSM, pp. 272-73. 2 The single issue of Seleucus II, WSM 1459, and the succeeding series of Antiochus Hierax, WSM 1460-67, which Newell tentatively assigned to Magnesia have been reattributed by Seyrig to Parium (q.v.). West Asia Minor 57 WEST ASIA MINOR: AEGAE Like Myrina, Aegae appears to have struck Seleucid coinage only under Antiochus II. The variety of issues now known to have been produced by this mint tends to sustain Newell's judgement that Aegae did not fall to Pergamum until some time after 252 B.C. (WSM p. 309). ANTIOCHUS II Obv. 630. Diademed head of Antiochus I r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; mo- nogram to 1. off flan; to r., E; in exergue, goat's head r. Tetradrachm. A f 16.68. Obv. die of WSM 1514, recut; rev. die of WSM 1666. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 38, n. 2 (this coin). Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus II r. Stater. 631. Al f 8.57. Rev. to 1., AE; to r., traces of monogram; in exergue, goat's Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / head r. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 32, 1 (this coin). Tetradrachm. 632. JR / 16.97. Obv. Dotted border. Rev. to 1., CZ above goat's head 1. above A. Dies of WSM 1515. WEST ASIA MINOR: PERGAMUM Established by Lysimachus, the mint at Pergamum struck a very brief monumental coinage under Seleucus I (633) after the Battle of Corupedium. Following Seleucus's assassination in 280 B.C., Pergamum, under Philetaerus, issued Alexandrine tetradrachms in the name of both Alexander and Seleucus (634), replacing these about five years later with issues bearing Seleucus's portrait but Philetaerus's own name (635). In 262 B.C. Philetaerus's successor, Eumenes, defeated Antiochus I at Sardes, confirming Pergamene independence from the Seleucid state. References are to E. T. Newell, The Pergamene Mint Under Philetaerus, ANSNNM 76 (New York, 1936). SELEUCUS I Obv. Horned head of bridled horse r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant walking r.; above, bee; below anchor. Tetradrachm. 633. A f 17.25. Leu-MuM, 28 May 1974, 249. Obv. die of Newell, p. 10,1,1. WSM 1528. The Search for Alexander, Supplement 2. Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, 1981), p. 4, 3 (this coin). 58 Arthur Houghton Collection PHILETAERUS Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., head of Athena r.; beneath throne ova1. Tetradrachm. 634. JR f 16.87. Dies of Newell, p. 20, 22a (= WSM 15350). Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus I r.; dotted border. Rev. OIAETAIPOY Athena seated 1. on throne, holding shield and spear; to 1., ivy leaf; to r., bow; in exergue, ®. Tetradrachm. 635. A f 16.76. Leu-MuM, 28 May 1974, 250. Dies of Newell, p. 25, 30a (= MFA 1608). HELLESPONT: ALEXANDRIA TROAS The early mint history of Alexandria Troas parallels that of other cities in the Hellespont- Troad area. The city struck extensively under Lysimachus,1 following whose death it issued Alexandrine tetradrachms and civic bronze types through the reigns of the first Seleucid Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / kings.2 The earliest royal Seleucid coins of Alexandria did not appear until the reign of Antiochus II.3 No coinage of Seleucus II is known for this mint; but Antiochus Hierax evidently chose the city to be his primary administrative center, instituting a major series of coins whose output continued until his defeat by Attalus I in 229/8 B.C.4 ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Head of Antiochus wearing winged diadem r.; dotted bor- der. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., PI ; to r., *E ; in exergue, graz- ing horse, r. Tetradrachms. 636. JR f 17.05. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams and symbol of WSM 1562. 637. A f 16.95. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams and symbol of WSM 1563. Obv. die of WSM 1555 ("Abydus", reattributed to Lampsacus by Houghton, Lampsacus, p. 65) and WSM 1560 ("Ilium"). ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r. Rev. AAESANAPOY Nike stand- ing 1., holding wreath and stylis; to 1., W ; to 1., of Athe- na's legs, grazing horse 1.; to lower r., .K . Stater. 638. A f 8.42. WSM, p. 340 and pi. 73, A; Bellinger, Troy, p. 92, A126 1 Thompson, Lysimachus, pp. 176-77. Bellinger, Troy, p. 78, suggests that Alexandria may have issued bronze coinage under its founder, Antigonus. * Bellinger, Troy, pp. 82-86. 8 WSM 1561-66. * WSM 1567-92; Bellinger, Troy, pp. 88-90. Hellespont 59 (where monograms are rendered ff> and K ). H. Seyrig, "Mon- naies hell£nistiques: XIV. Sta- teres d'or pseudalexandrins," RN 1969, pp. 37-38, suggests that this issue was struck at Alexan- dria after Hierax's downfall c. 229/8 B.C. Obv. Head of Antiochus I wearing winged diadem r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in exergue, grazing horse 1. (639-40, 643, 645-46) or r. (641-42, 644). Tetradrachms. 639. JR \ 16.94. Rev. to 1., ft ; to r., A. See Mektepini 209 for a tetra- drachm with similar 1. field mo- nogram. 640. /R f 16.77. Rev. to 1., #] above <B1 . Leu 13, 29 Apr. 1975, 299. Dies of Mektepini 212, where mono- grams are given as A and B' . Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 641. Ml 16.78. Rev. in outer 1. field, 1*1; to lower 1., ta. Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 894. WSM 1571y (this coin). 642. M f 16.97. Rev. to 1., H above PI. Obv. die of WSM 1574a; rev. die of WSM 1574(3. 643. A f 16.88. Rev. beneath Apollo's feet, V, N . Dies of WSM 1577. 644. A f 15.92. Rev. to 1., M above HO Obv. die of WSM 1581-83. 645. A f 17.01. Rev. to r., W ; in r. exer- gue, A . Dies of WSM 1590, whose exergue monogram was recut to the form &. 646. A f 16.91. Obv. dotted border. Rev. in outer 1. field, A (?); in inner 1. field, .K . HELLESPONT: ILIUM The mint at Ilium opened under Lysimachus with the issuance of municipal bronze coinage, whose type was retained after Lysimachus's defeat at Corupedium and through the reign of Antiochus I.1 The first identifiable silver coinage of Ilium was struck by Antiochus II;2 royal silver issues were produced thereafter under Seleucus II and Antiochus Hierax until the latter's defeat by Attalus I in 229/8 B.C.3 SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; to 1., branch with leaves and berries. Tetradrachm. 647. M f 17.09. Myers 9, 5 Dec. 1974, 180. Dies of WSM 1595 ("Sigeum"). Bellinger, Troy, p. 18, T10. 1 A. R. Bellinger, "The Earliest Coins of Ilium," ANSMN 7 (1956), pp. 43-49. * WSM 1555, struck from an obverse die first used at Lampsacus: see Houghton, Lampsacus, p. 65 n. 3. 3 Bellinger, Troy, pp. 17-21. 60 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Hierax r., Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 648. A f 16.96. Obv. dotted border. Rev. to 1., owl 3/4 r. Dies of WSM 1597 ("Sigeum"). Bellinger, Troy, p. 18, T12. 649. A f 16.56. Rev. to 1., (°I; to r., B-; in exergue, owl 3/4 1. Obv. die of WSM 1598-1600 ("Sigeum"). For another example struck from the same dies, see Hess-Leu 36, 17 Apr. 1968, 317. 650. A f 16.83. Rev. to r., .V ; in exergue, Jt. Obv. die of WSM 1601, recut. WSM 1608 (this coin); Bellinger Troy, p. 19, T23 (this coin). HELLESPONT: LAMPSACUS A major mint under Lysimachus, Lampsacus appears to have ceased production entirely until the reign of Antiochus II, to whom but a single issue has been attributed.1 No Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / coinage from this city has been assigned to Seleucus II, and the mint may have undergone a hiatus from Antiochus's death until c. 240-239 B.C., when Antiochus Hierax initiated a series of tetradrachms second in importance only to his coinage at Alexandria Troas. The Seleucid era at Lampsacus ended with the defeat of Hierax by Attalus I in 229/8 B.C. ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Hierax r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 651. A \ 16.89. Rev. to 1., of legs, long torch; in exergue, XE and eagle to 1. Obv. die of Houghton, Lamp- sacus, p. 61, A3. The monogram is a variant, and probably the prototype, of Houghton, p. 60, Series I, Group A. WSM 1558 must therefore be considered a regular issue of Lampsacus and not a barbaric imitation. 652. A f 16.99. Rev. in outer 1. field, eagle above W; in inner 1. field, long torch. Houghton, Lampsacus, p. 61, dies A5-P7 (this coin). 653. A f 16.32. Rev. to 1., long torch; in exergue, forepart of winged horse to 1., and W. NFA FPL 4, No. 2 (1975), H56; Leu 13, 29 Apr. 1975, 298. Houghton, Lampsacus, p. 62, dies A8-P13 (this coin). 654. A f 17.07. Rev. in exergue, W. Obv. die of Houghton, Lampsacus, p. 61, A2; rev. monogram of WSM 1550 (Houghton, p. 66, n. 9: "elsewhere"). This coin compels the inclusion of WSM 1550 in the Lampsacus coinage of An- tiochus Hierax. The state of wear of its obverse die indicates that it may have been struck after the beginning of the author's Series 3, toward the midpoint of Hellespont 61 HELLESPONT: PARIUM Along with other important cities of the Propontis, the mint of Parium opened toward the end of Lysimachus's reign, issuing coinage in Lysimachus's name until the latter's death, then Alexandrine tetradrachms.1 A coin of Seleucus II may be the first strictly Seleucid issue attributable to this mint.2 The major tetradrachm series initiated by An- tiochus Hierax ended with Hierax's defeat by the Pergamenes in 229/8 B.C. ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Hierax r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1 656. A f 16.97. Rev. to 1., star; in exer- gue, . Obv. die of WSM 1461. 657. JR \ 16.63. Rev. in exergue, Pan (?) and bull charging r. Dies of Seyrig, Parion, p. 608, 28, III-D. 658. A f 16.64. Rev. to 1., 7\ ; to r., satyr's mask. Dies of WSM 1466 ("Mag- nesia ad Sipylum"). Seyrig, Parion, p. 608, 35, VIb-K. HELLESPONT: LYSIMACHIA The first city to strike coinage under Lysimachus after its founding in 309/8 B.C., Lysimachia was never more than a minor mint under the Seleucids. Only coinage of An- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / tiochus II and Antiochus Hierax appear to have been struck at this mint.3 ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of king r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 659. A f 16.99. Rev. in exergue, &4 (= M ?), lion's head r. and GE . Sternberg, 25 Nov. 1976, 144. Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1617. 660. A f 16.82. Rev. to 1., M; in exergue, G. Myers 12, 4 Dec. 1975, 240. Dies of WSM 1619oc-y. The left field monogram has been recut over another, possibly M or t^> although the form is unclear. 661. A \ 16.89. Obv. die of 660. Rev. to 1., W above itl. Obv. die and rev. monograms of WSM 1620. 662. A f 16.79. Rev. in exergue, forepart of winged horse 1. Dies of Stern- berg 10, 25 Nov. 1980, 170. The exergue symbol suggests a relationship to Lampsacus. This coin's distinctive obverse style, however, links it most closely to coins attributed by Newell to Lysimachia, especially WSM 1616-18. 1 Thompson, Lysimachus, p. 180; Seyrig, Parion, pp. 606-9. * WSM 1459, accepted with reservation by Seyrig. 3 Despite the sharp features of the portrait, which suggest those of Antiochus III, C. Boehringer's tentative reassignment of WSM 1615-21 to Antiochus Hierax (Chronologie, p. 161, 29) has been sup- ported by other hoard evidence: E. Laroche, "Les fouilles de Meydandjik, pres de Guluar (Turquie) et le tresor mondtaire helldnistique," Comptes rendus de VAcadimie des Inscriptions el Belles-Lettres (Paris), 1981, pp. 356-70, especially p. 369. 62 Arthur Houghton Collection WESTERN REGION: UNCERTAIN MINTS SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis (?); to lower 1. and r., indistinguishable mono- grams. Stater. 663. A! f 8.55. J. Hirsch 29, 9 Nov. 1910, 818. WSM 1622 (this coin). Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., AO; beneath throne, ZQ; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 664. JR f 16.85. Said to be from a hoard from Iraq. The 1. field monogram appears on coinage attributed to Sardes under Antiochus I (WSM 1372; WSM 1375; WSM Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1377-79). A conclusive attribu- tion to Sardes cannot be made, however. Antioch and Seleucia Pieria are alternative possibilities. ANTIOCHUS I OR II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY He- racles seated 1. on rock, rest- ing r. hand on club. Tetradrachm. 665. JR \ 16.82. Rev. die of Mektepini 739. The reverse type points to a mint in Aeolis or northern Ionia. The obverse style bears some resem- blance to that of WSM 1501, an issue assigned by Newell to An- tiochus I at Phocaea, where this issue may have been struck. The unusual absence of any monogram or identifying symbol, however, makes a definite attribution im- possible at this time. Obv. As 665. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., off flan, A I. Tetradrachm. 666. JR. <- 16.85. Dies of WSM 1632. Newell, WSM, p. 361, suggests an eastern attribution for this coin. A western mint seems equal- ly likely. The portrait appears to have no particular model, but could draw its inspiration from any of the indeterminate repres- entations of Antiochus I on coin- age of Asia Minor. Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike Uncertain West 63 SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod. Tetradrachms. 669. A / 16.90. Rev. to I., ^ ; in outer r. field, partly off flan, M. WSM 1318 ("Tarsus"). Possibly from northern Syria; A. Spaer reports another example from western Turkey (Istanbul) which shows the r. field monogram. Newell's provisional attribution of this coin was based partly on its 1. mono- gram, which also appears on tetradrachms of Antiochus Hie- rax now assigned to Sardes by Merkholm (Sardes, pp. 6-10). The style of this coin does not resemble that of Tarsid issues, moreover (e.g. 459, above). 670. JR \ 16.73. Rev. traces of monogram Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / to r. of inscription. J. Schulman 265, 28 Sep. 1976, 211; Glendin- ning, 27 Oct. 1971, 106. Obv. Head of Athena wearing Attic helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1. holding arrow and bow. Drachm. 671. A I 4.03. Rev. to 1., 4% (?); to r., ^ (?). Said to be from southern Turkey. Tentative attribution; Cilicia or northern Syria are alternative possibilities. 672. JE f 3.54. Rev.toX., PI; to r., H . See WSM 1655-56, bronze issues of similar type with the same 1. field monogram. 673. JE f 4.33. Rep. to 1., f7» (?); to r., ®. No 672 is probably from Asia Minor; 673 is said to be from Lebanon. See WSM pp. 367-68 regarding the possible western attribution of bronzes of the above type. Bellinger, Dura, p. 110,40, has placed similar issues with the monogram EY at Apamea. ANTIOCHUS II OR ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of king r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., HI. Tetra drachm. 674. JR f 16.86. Rev. die of WSM 1667. See Seyrig, Trisors 8.170 for another example. ANTIOCHUS HIERAX Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, 64 Arthuh Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS HIERAX? Obv. Diademed head of king r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 676. JR f 16.93. Rev. to L, spearhead (?) within wreath. The portrait, which appears to have been modeled on Pergamene issues of Attalus I, could argue against its issuance under Hierax. 677. M f 17.11. Rev. to 1., outside in- scription, ft; to 1. of Apollo's knee, forepart of griffin facing 1. Obv. die of WSM1673. Newell has attributed WSM 1673 to Antio- chus Hierax. Seyrig, however, has suggested that closely related issues found in Asia Minor should be assigned to Antiochus III, possibly at Nisibis (Trisors 8. 146-9 = WSM 1679). The griffin's head symbol appears on Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / coinage of Abydus under Lysi- machus (Thompson, Lysimachus, pp. 171-72) and on issues attribu- ted to Phocaea under Antiochus I and II (WSM 1501-6). In the absence of evidence which could establish the origin of 677 firmly, its provisional attribution to a western Asia Minor mint seems safest. ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 678. A f 16.97. Rev. to 1., bird's head 1. Obv. die and rev. symbol of WSM 1698. Said to be from northern Greece. 679. M f 16.14. This coin stylistically re- sembles WSM 1701, attributed by Newell to a mint in Asia Minor; operating under Antiochus III. Drachms. 680. JR <- 3.76. 681. JR f 3.99. Said to be from an east Syrian hoard,680-81 maybe eastern imitations. SOUTH CENTRAL REGlON PHOENICIA: "ARADUS — MARATHUS E. T. Newell's assignment of certain silver coins with Alexander's name and an inverted anchor in the 1. field as non-Seleucid types struck in the area of Aradus (WSM, p. 192- 200) is somewhat weakened by the continued appearance of a number of such issues in eastern hoards.1 Some may have been struck at one or more eastern mints, but the evidence for their definitive attribution is still ambiguous. Pending a study which can clarify the problems surrounding these issues, the following group has been catalogued in accordance with Newell's classification.2 "ARADUS" Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet adorned with griffin r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Nike walking 1., holding wreath and stylis; to 1., inverted anchor; to 1. of Nike's feet, IM ; to r. of feet, r. Stater. 682. A! / 8.56. Obv. die of De Clercq 293 (monograms T and & ?); see also Leu 15, 4 May 1976, 340 (SNGLockett 1432), a stater of similar type, monograms T and G. Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing eagle and scepter; to 1., in- verted anchor and 1?1; beneath throne, T; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 683. M \ 17.18. Obv. die and rev. symbol and monograms of WSM, pi. 43, E; Obv. die of Spaer, Qazvin, p. 37,11. 1 See esp. Spaer, Qazvin, p. 37, 2-12 and 633, probably also from the Qazvin Hoard; G. K. Jenkins, "The Coins," in D. Stronach, Pasargadae (Oxford, 1978), p. 188, 6. However, the Cavalla Hoard contained a tetradrachm of the same type and lower monogram as 683 (M. Thompson, "The Cavalla Hoard," ANSMN 26 [1981J, p. 35,12), and a tetradrachm of the same type and with the same mono- grams as 684 appears to have come from Asia Minor: M. Kampmann, "Un trdsor d'Alexandres," RN 1972, p. 158, 84. The termini of the hoards cited provide no evidence for or against the view that such coins are non-Seleucid issues. * The coinage of Aradus in the hellenistic period is discussed by O. Morkholm, "The Ptolemaic 'Coins of an Uncertain Era'," NNA 1975-6, pp. 23-58; also see H. Seyrig, "Antiquites syriennes, 49: Aradus et sa peree sous les rois Seleucides," Syria 28 (1951), pp. 206-220. (56 Arthur Houghton Collection "MARATHUS" Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing eagle and scepter; to L, in- verted anchor and P; beneath throne, K; dotted border. Tetradrachm. /R <- 17.36. See WSM, pi. 53, H-I for similar tetradrachms with the same 1. field monogram; M. Kampmann, "Un tresor d'Alexan- dres," RN 1972, p. 158, 84. 'UNCERTAIN MINT" NON-SELEUCID ISSUE? Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., inverted anchor and A; beneath throne, M; dotted border. Drachm. 685. A \ 4.16. WSM, pi. 54, B. Obv. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SELEUCUS I Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. EEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., inverted anchor; beneath throne, O; in exergue, £3; dotted border. Hemidrachm. A \ 2.11. Collocated with Newell's "Aradus-Marathus" series on the basis of style and reverse anchor, although very tentatively. PHOENICIA: SIMYRA Simyra, one of several villages on the Syrian coast bound closely to Aradus, appears to have been given the right to coin money along with the latter city after 259/8 B.C. The few examples of coins identified as having been struck at Simyra indicate only the most intermittent mint activity, however. The following exceptional coin—the only royal Seleucid issue attributed to Simyra—appears to have been struck when the town was being used as a military staging area by Seleucus III in preparation for a campagn to seize southern Phoenicia from Ptolemy IV. For a discussion of Simyra during this period, see H. Seyrig, "Monnaies hellenistiques: XVIII. Seleucus III et Simyra," RN 1971, pp. 7-11. SELEUCUS III Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; to 1., ZI; in exergue, Phoenician date "year 35" (of Aradian era = 225/4 B.C.). Tetradrachm. 687. JR f 16.71. Obv. die of Seyrig, Trisors 1.101-2. Phoenicia 67 PHOENICIA: TRIPOLIS Tripolis struck coinage only intermittently under the Seleucid kings. Local bronze issues bearing the ruler's portrait are known for Antiochus IV1 and for the second reign of Demetrius II.2 Rare tetradrachms and drachms were struck by Antiochus VIII, and a single tetradrachm issue is known for Antiochus IX, dated only in the year 105/4 B.C.8 At some point between 105/4 and 95 B.C., Antiochus IX granted autonomy to the city.4 ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. TPITTOAITQN Dioscuri gal- loping r. 688. JE f 3.71. Babelon 693. ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- (DANOYZ Tyche, wearing polos, standing 1., holding tiller and cornucopiae bound with fillet; to 1., Z; to r. of Tyche's legs, N on shield (689-91) or A (692). Tetradrachms. 689. A f 16.58. 690. A j 16.39. Leu 28, 5 May 1981, 200. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Dies of 689. 691. A \ 16.74. Dies of 689. Drachm. 692. A f 4.21. Obv. die of Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1454. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OI- AOuATOPOZ Tyche, wear- ing polos, standing 1., holding tiller and cornucopiae bound with fillet; to 1., IE above AI; to r. of Tyche's legs, rose; in exergue, HZ (208 S.E. = 105/4 B.C.); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 693. A f 16.38. NFA 5, 23 Feb. 1978, 209; Egger 41, 18 Nov. 1918 (Fenerly Bey), 748. Jameson 2359 (this coin). See Babelon 1464; de Hirsch 1721 for other tetradrachms of Antiochus IX struck at Tripolis, also with the same date. 1 In addition to coins of the type of 683, Tripolis struck an unusual issue bearing the portraits of Antiochus and his queen: SNGCopSyria 220. 2 An example is in the ANS, New York. * J. P. Six, "L'ere de Tripolis," Annuaire de la Sociiti Francaise de Numismatique 1886, pp. 229- 234, has attributed to Tripolis coins with the reverse type of Tyche holding a tiller and cornucopiae. This iconography was not limited to Tripolis, however, and several issues of Antioch bear the same reverse type (Alexander II Zabinas: SMA, p. 89; Waage, p. 19, 200. "Antiochus V1I or VIII or later": Waage, p. 22, 242. Antiochus VIII: SMA, p. 107, fig. 25; Hunter 3, pi. 69, 25. Antiochus IX: SMA 419; see also 356-58, above. Antiochus X: SMA 431; also, 383-84, above. 4 H. Seyrig, E.res, p. 109. However, Bellinger, Dura, p. 114, 110, has provisionally assigned to Tripolis a bronze issue of Demetrius III with the reverse type of Tyche wearing a turreted headdress. 68 Arthur Houghton Collection PHOENICIA: BYBLUS The increased autonomy granted by Antiochus IV to the cities of Syria is reflected in the coinage of Byblus, whose mint opened with the production of municipal bronze issues carrying Antiochus's portrait and the name or initials of the city. Similar coins were struck by Alexander I Balas. A single tetradrachm of Antiochus VI is recorded as having been struck at Byblus.1 Tryphon issued coinage both in silver and bronze there,2 and at least one issue of Antiochus VII is known for Byblus.3 No later Seleucid coinage has been positively attributed to this city. References are to J. Rouvier, "Numis- matique des villes de la Phenicie: Gebal-Ryblos," JIAN 4 (1901), pp. 35- 66. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Kro- nos standing 1., holding scepter; above and below, /l^VV ("ofGebal the holy"); dotted border. 694. JE / 6.11. Babelon 671. Rouvier, p. 42, 651. 695. JE f 9.31. Obv. to 1. of portrait, palm branch; to lower r., BY. Hesperia Art FPL 60/61, 1967, 155. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / JE f 5.70. As 694, but BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY is on obverse. Obv. As 694. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Isis, standing 1., holding scepter; to upper 1., A; to lower 1. and r., ("Gebal"); dotted border. 697. 698. JE f JE f 3.51. 2.51. De Clercq 81. As 697. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Har- pocrates, r. thumb in mouth and holding club, crouching 1. on lotus flower; to lower 1. and r., BY; dotted border. 699. JE f 1.28. Rev. Bull's head adorned with Isis headdress, facing; to lower 1. and r., BY; dotted border. 700. JE f 0.91. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; to lower r., beneath chin, BEP(162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.); dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Kronos standing 1., holding scepter; above and below, / ?» V\- <J ("of Gebal the holy"); dotted border. 701. JE I 6.06. Rouvier, p. 43, 654. 1 In Paris (Seyrig), dated AOP (171 S.E. = 142/1 B.C.). 2 Seyrig, Notes, p. 12. * Rouvier, JIAN 4, p. 44, 657. Phoenicia 69 TRYPHON Obv. Diademed bust of Tryphon r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ TPY(DQNOZ AY- TOKPATOPOZ Eagle stand- ing 1. on thunderbolt, palm branch behind shoulder; to 1., 8 ; to r., Isis headdress above LA (year 4 = 139/8 B.C.?). Didrachm. 702. A f 5.95. See Rouvier, p. 44, 656; De Clercq 180, tetradrachms of Tryphon struck at Byblus dated year 2. The chronology of Tryphon's reign in Syria is not certain; the traditionally accepted dating of Tryphon's regnal years, which has been accepted by Brett (Ascalon, p. 48) and Seyrig (Notes, pp. 11-12) has been provisionally retained. CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIO- CHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra with diadem, stephane and Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / veil, and Antiochus with dia- dem, r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ BAZIAK2Z ANTIOXOY Isis headdress. Hemidrachm. 703. A f 1.74. Hess-Leu 49, 27 Apr. 1971, 260. Rev. die of MuM 61, 7 Oct. 1982, 202. Tentative attribution, based on the reverse symboi. The Isis headdress was also used on dated bronze issues of Cleopatra and Antiochus struck at Ake- Ptolemais (see 799 and 801, below). PHOENICIA: BEIRUT The mint at Beirut, like that at Byblus, opened with the striking of municipal bronze issues carrying the portrait of Antiochus IV. Alexander I Balas struck similar coinage at Beirut, and also initiated a series of tetradrachms whose issuance was continued through the first reign of Demetrius II.1 The last recorded Seleucid coin of Beirut is a bronze issue of Alexander II Zabinas.2 The city was granted autonomous status by Tigranes in 81 B.C.8 References are to J. Rouvier, "Numis- matique des villes de la Phenicie: B6ryte- Laodic6e de Canaan," JIAN 3 (1900), pp. 263-312. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY to r.: /°/*J3 AX ("of Laodicea, which is in Canaan") to 1.; Poseidon standing facing, holding pa- tera and trident; to 1., AA; to r., T ; dotted border. 704. JE f 6.43. Obv. to lower 1., A. Rou- vier, p. 267, 443. 705. JE f 7.16. Obv. to lower 1., I. Rou- vier, p. 267, 444. 1 Demetrius may also have struck a municipal bronze issue during his second reign, although this is not certain (see 710, below). 2 Rouvier, JIAN 3, p. 269, 456. No other coinage is known to have been struck at a Phoenician mint by Alexander Zabinas, although this king issued royal silver issues at Ascalon in Palestine (q.v.). 70 Arthur Houghton Collection ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Eagle standing 1. on paIm branch; to 1., ♦; to r., trident; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 706. A f 13.76. Rev. t0 1., T^P <163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.). BMC, p. 51, 5; Babelon 890. 707. JR f 13.71. Rev. to 1., A EP (164 S.E. = 149/8 B.C.). Rev. As 704, except BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 708. IE f 5.21. Bouvier, p. 267, 449. DEMETRIUS II FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ea- gle standing 1. on palm branch; to 1., i above A; to r., H EP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.) above trident; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Tetradrachm. 709. JR f 14.48. See Babelon 959; De Clercq 153-54 for similar tetra- drachms of Demetrius with dif- ferent dates. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY to ("of Laodicea, which is in Canaan") to 1.; Poseidon standing facing, holding pate- ra and trident; to 1., AA; to r., i above t; dotted border. 710. J E / 6.11. Bouvier, p. 268, 452. On the basis of the portrait, Le Bider and Seyrigaccept Babelon's judg- ment that coins of this type were struck during Demetrius's second reign (De Clercq, p. 37). However, an unpublished bronze issue of Alexander I Balas of Beirut in the author's collection carries the same monogram as that in the upper r. field of 710, indicating that a more likely attribution for 710 is to the king's first regnal period. PHOENICIA: SIDON Sidon, whose mint had been active prior to and under Alexander the Great, as well as during the third century when Ptolemaic forces had occupied the Phoenician coast, produced no coinage under the Seleucids until the reign of Antiochus IV, when that city issued municipal bronzes with the king's portrait.1 Local bronze issues were also struck by Demetrius I, but under Alexander I Balas the mint initiated a significant series of silver 1 Bronze issues of Antiochus IV: J. Bouvier, Numismatique des villes de la Phenicie: Sidon" JIAN 5 (1902), pp. 121-23, 1206-15; see Hesperia Art FPL 40/41 (1967), 156 for what is described as a "silvered bronze" of Antiochus IV struck at Sidon. Phoenicia 71 coins using both the Phoenician and Attic weight standards, a practice which was main- tained through at least the first part of the reign of Antiochus VII.2 There is no recorded coinage of Sidon for the reign of Alexander Zabinas. The mint resumed activity with the issuance of tetradrachms during the joint reign of Cleopatra Thea and Antiochus VIII, and continued operations into the reign of Antiochus IX. The last recorded Seleucid issue of Sidon, a tetradrachm of Antiochus IX, is dated 202 S.E. (111/0 B.C.).3 References are to J. Rouvier, "Nu- mismatique des villes de la Phdnicie: Sidon, " JIAN 5 (1902), pp. 99-134. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; 1. field mono- gram, if any, off flan; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Stern of galley; below, ZIAQNIQN and ("of Sidon"). 711. JE f 6.18. Rouvier, p. 122, 1208. Obv. BAZIAEQZ AN TIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. *?K. 3^=1 9* H(f'NY^ ("0I" Sidon, metropolis Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / of Cambe, Hippone, Citium and Tyre"). Galley's rudder; dotted border. 712. JE f 4.83. Rouvier, p. 122, 1213. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted (713, 715) or fillet (714) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Eagle standing 1., palm branch behind r. shoulder; to 1., BEP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.); to r., ZIAQ above aphlaston; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 713. JR f 14.26. Rouvier, p. 124, 1227. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9EOTTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing thunderbolt and scepter; beneath throne, aphlaston. Tetradrachms. 714. /« f 16.57. Rev. in exergue, EEP (165 S.E. = 148/7 B.C.). Rouvier, p. 125, 1233. 715. M f 14.06. Rev. in exergue, CEP (166 S.E. = 147/6 B.C.). Rouvier, p. 124, 1232. * Like Tyre and Ake-Ptolemais, Sidon employed both Phoenician and Attic weight systems in its production of silver issues during its operations under the later Seleucid kings. Generally speaking coins were struck in one standard only in a given year, sometimes in both standards in alternate years (during the joint reign of Cleopatra Thea and Antiochus VIII, for example); more rarely, issues were produced in both standards in the same year (under Alexander I Balas and Demetrius II in 165 S.E. and 168 S.E., respectively). No consistent pattern emerges from Sidon's known coinage, although the mint's bias was toward the Phoenician weight system throughout its history under the Seleucids. 3 Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1459; MuM 37, 5 Dec. 1968, 265. 72 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet (716) or dotted (717- 18) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY OIAAAEAQOY NIKA- TOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in outer 1. field, palm branch; in inner 1. field, R; between Apollo's feet, aphlaston; in exergue, HIP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.), ZIAQ. Tetradrachm. 716. iK f 16.71. Hess-Leu 31, 6 Dec. 1966, 521. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ea- gle standing 1., palm branch behind r. shoulder; to r., ZIAQ above aphlaston; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. 717. A f 14.17. Rev. to 1., HEP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.) above 13). Obv. die and rev. monogram, Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / symbol and date as Babelon 960. Rouvier, p. 125, 1237. 718. JR f 13.57. Rev. to 1., BOP (172 S.E. = 141/0 B.C.) above 5 . MuM FPL 276, May, 1967, 18. Dies of SNGCopSyria 286. Rouvier, p. 126, 1248. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EY- EPTETOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., TOP (177 S.E. = 136/5 B.C.) above (S; in exergue, ZIAQ; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 719. JR f 16.62. DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed, bearded head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY QE- OY NIKATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; beneath throne, ZI; in exergue, ESP (185 S.E. = 128/7 B.C.) 11. Tetradrachm. 720. A f 16.52. Rouvier, p. 128, 1265. CLEOPATRA THEA AND CHUS VIII ANTIO- Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra, diademed and wearing ste- phane and veil, and Antiochus diademed, r.; dotted (721) or fillet (722) border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ BAIIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on galley's prow, palm branch behind r. shoul- Phoenicia 73 ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- (t>ANOYZ Zeus standing 1., crescent above head, hold- ing star and scepter; to 1., ZIAQ above IEP above AS, above A (723) or E (724); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 723. A f 16.51. Rev. in exergue, CSP (196 S.E. = 117/6 B.C.). Rouvier, p. 131, 1274. 724. A f 16.66. Rev. in exegue, I^P (197 S.E. = 116/5 B.C.). Rouvier, p. 131, 1277. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OI- AOTTATOPOZ Athena stand- ing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / resting 1. hand on shield; to 1., ZIAQ above IEP above AZY, above E; in exergue, Z (200 S.E. = 113/2 B.C.); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 725. A f 16.54. Rouvier, p. 132, 1281. PHOENICIA: TYRE The mint of Tyre, active under the Persian satraps as well as Alexander and his Ptolemaic successors, appears to have opened as a Seleucid facility shortly after the Battle of Panion of 200 B.C., when Phoenicia and other Egyptian-controlled territories in Palestine and Coele Syria fell to Antiochus III. The bronze issues of local type with the king's portrait which Antiochus initiated at this mint1 appear to have been produced without signi- ficant interruption through the reign of Demetrius I. Seleucid silver was first struck at Tyre under Alexander I Balas and continued to be produced, along with municipal bronze issues, until the murder of Demetrius II in 126/5 B.C., when the city gained autonomous status.2 1 The first recorded Seleucid coin of Tyre, a bronze of Antiochus, is dated 115 S.E. (198/7 B.C.): Tyre 4a. * Tyre, like Sidon, generally struck silver coinage on the Phoenician weight standard, but Attic weight tetradrachms were issued both during the first and second reigns of Demetrius II and under Antiochus VII. Tyre began to issue the autonomous shekels of the Heracles-Melkart type immediately after Demetrius's death. 74 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed, head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's stern; dotted border. 726. JE f 8.88. Rev. above, P KA (124 S.E. = 189/8 B.C.). WSM 1278. 727. JE f 7.51. As 726, except apparently dated AP (?130 S.E. = 183/2 B.C.). The date is not clear. If the reading is correct, it was evidently struck under Seleucus IV. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's prow 1., to r. of which, dolphin swimming down- ward; dotted border. 728. JE f 4.26. See WSM 1256 for a bronze issue of similar type without the dolphin symboi. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Palm tree; dotted border. 729. JE f 1.22. WSM 1259. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Club; dotted border. 730. JE f 1.25. WSM 1280. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Gal- ley's stern; above, ITI (? IA P = 137 S.E. = 176/5 B.C.) and if] within which a star. 731. JE f 6.87. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r., star above forehead; to 1., AMP (144 S.E. = 169/8 B.C.); dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's stern, above which TY- PIQN; below, "t hV 3 X «\\v/ ("of Tyre, mother of the Sidonians"); dotted border. 732. JE f 7.55. Tyre 38. Obv. As 732, but without star or date. Rev. Inscriptions and type as 732; above stern, IMP (147 S.E. = 166/5 B.C.). 733. JE f 8.07. Tyre 40b. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's prow, above which TY- PIQN below, ^JhV 9 X \X** Tyre, mother of the Sidonians") 734. JE f 3.38. Dies of Tyre 39a. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Palm tree, dotted border. 735. JE / 2.30. Tyre 40a. DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Gal- ley's stern; below, TYPIQN above ("of Tyre"); dotted border. 736. JE f 7.29. Rev. above, LANP (154 Phoenicia 75 ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Eagle standing 1. on galley's prow, palm branch behind r. shoulder; to L, club surmoun- ted by ~T; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 742. JR f 14.22. Rev. to r., B IP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.) above f]fI. Tyre 56. 743. JR f 14.26. Rev. to r., TEP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.) above HP. Tyre 58. Didrachm. 744. JR f 7.13. As 743. Tyre 59. Tetradrachms. 745. JR f 14.08. Rev. to r., A EP (164 S.E. = 149/8 B.C.) above Tyre 61. 746. JR / 14.17. Rev. to r., E EP (165 S.E. = 148/7 B.C.) above ^. Tyre 66. 747. JR f 14.25. Rev. to r., QZP (166 S.E. = 147/6 B.C.) above Ft. Tyre 75. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Palm tree; in field to 1. and Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / r., QEP (166 S.E. = 147/6 B.C.); dotted border. 748. JE f 2.23. Tyre 80. Rev. Inscription and type as 742. Tetradrachms. 749. JR f 14.18. Rev. tor., IEP (167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.) above Fr. Tyre 79. 750. JR f 14.02. Rev. as 749, except to r., DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ea- gle standing 1. on galley's prow, palm branch over r. shoulder; to 1., club surmoun- ted by T; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 751. A f 14.18. Rev. tor., IEP(167 S.E. = 146/5 B.C.) above W . Tyre 81. 752. ^f 14.19. Rev. as 751, except to r., QE . Tyre 84. Rev. BAZIAEni AHMHTPIOY Gal- ley's stern; above, LH EP (168 S.E. = 145/4 B.C.); below, TYPIQN and *\^"^ ("of Tyre"); dotted bor- der. 753. JE f 6.84. Tyre 100. Rev. Inscription and type as 751; to 1., as 751. Tetradrachms. 754. JR f 14.08. Rev. tor., 9EP (169 S.E. = 144/3 B.C.) above Tyre 87. 755. JR f 14.19. Rev. to r., OP (170 S.E. = 143/2 B.C.) above Fr. Didrachm. 756. JR f 6.89. As 755. Tyre 94. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on galley's prow, palm branch behind r. shoul- 76 Arthur Houghton Collection Didrachm. 758. A f 6.86. Rev. to 1., 4 above club surmounted with Ti to r., AS above COP (176 S.E. = 137/6 B.C.); between eagle's legs, Ff. Tyre 117. Tetradrachm. 759. A f 14.05. Rev. as 758, except date IOP (177 S.E. = 136/5 B.C.). Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's stern 1., surmounted by aphlaston; above, IEPAZ AS above ?OP; below, TYPIQN \ ("of Tyre"), partly off flan; dotted bor- der. 760. JE f 7.60. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Gal- ley's prow 1., above which, palm branch; tor., IEP above AS; below, GOP (179 S.E. = 134/3 B.C.); dotted bor- der. 761. JE f 2.44. Tyre 153. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EYEP- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / TETOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 762. A f 16.68. Rev. to 1., club surmoun- ted by ~t, to r. and 1. of which IEP and AS; in exergue, TTP (180 S.E. = 133/2 B.C.), Fr. Hess-Leu, 7 Apr. 1960, 248; Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1284. Tyre 191; E. Rogers, The Second and Third Seleucid Coinage of Tyre ANSNNM 34 (New York, 1927), p. 32, 128 (this coin). 763. A f 16.55. Rev. to 1., club surmounted by Tf to r., and 1. of which IEP and AZY; in exergue, ATTP (181 S.E. = 132/1 B.C.), m. 764. A f 14.12. Rev. to 1., club surmoun- ted by "p; to r., AS above AFTP (181 S.E. = 132/1 B.C.) between eagle's legs, Fr. Tyre 136. 765. A \ 16.81. Obv. die as 763. Rev. as 763, except in exergue, BFTP (182 S.E. = 131/0 B.C.), Ff. Rev. Inscription as 762. Nike walking 1., holding wreath; to lower 1., club surmounted by T; to lower r., Fr; date, if any, off flan. Drachm. 766. A \ 4.14. See Tyre 188, a drachm of similar type dated AOP (174 S.E. = 139/8 B.C.) and with the monogram IY1 . DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ea- gle standing 1. on galley's prow, palm branch behind r. Palestine 77 PALESTINE: AKE-PTOLEMAIS Following the Battle of Panion and the seizure of the city from Ptolemaic control by Antiochus III in 200 B.C., Ake-Ptolemais remained the administrative seat of Phoenicia, Palestine and Coele-Syria. No Seleucid coinage is recorded for Ake prior to the reign of Seleucus IV, when a limited tetradrachm issue was struck.1 The mint appears to have remained in continuous operation thereafter, except for the reign of Antiochus VII,8 until at least 107/6 B.C., the date of its last recorded Seleucid coin.3 The Seleucid era at Ake ended in 104/3 B.C. when the city was beseiged and captured by Alexander Jannaeus. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in outer 1. field, palm branch; beneath Apollo's hand, fa; in exergue, IA; dotted bor- der. Tetradrachm. 771. A f 16.90. Obv. die of the seven coins recorded in O. Merkholm, "Some Western Seleucid Coins," INJ 3 (1965/66), pp. 8-9. ANTIOCHUS, SON OF SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / r.; to 1., A; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOYNude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., ♦; to r., NE; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 772. A f 16.18. Rev. in exergue, fa, KP. 773. A j 16.69. Obv. die of 772. Rev. in exergue, fa, W. Nos. 772-73 are said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). 774. JR / 15.43. Obv. die of 772. Rev. as 773. 775. /R f 16.72. Obv. die of 772. Rev. as 773, monograms partly off flan. HLR. p. 113, 16 (this coin). 1 Only Attic weight silver issues were struck at Ake by Seleucus IV, his son Antiochus and Antiochus IV. Under Antiochus V, Ake issued tetradrachms using both Phoenician and Attic weight standards, generally maintaining this dual coinage throughout its operation as a Seleucid mint, with exceptions (Alexander I Balas, Antiochus VI and Tryphon are known to have struck only Phoenician weight tetradrachms: Cleopatra Thea, only Attic weight issues during her single year reign). 2 Le Rider and Seyrig, De Clercq 198, have reassigned to Ascalon a silver series of the year 177 S.E. (136/5 B.C.) previously given to Ake by Seyrig (Notes, p. 10, No. 6 = Babelon 1104), leaving Ake with no known coinage for Antiochus VII. 1 LSM 51, a tetradrachm of Antiochus IX. 78 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY 9EOY ETTIOANOYZ NIKHOOPOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; in outer 1. field, palm branch; beneath Apollo's arm, 4; in exergue, rP; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 776. JR f 16.92. Obv. die of Morkholm, Studies, p. 47, A2. 777. JR f 17.34. Dies of Morkholm, Studies, p. 47, A3-P7. Nos. 776-77 are said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Obv. Type as 776; to 1., A; fillet border. Rev. Inscription as 776. Zeus seat- ed 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; in outer 1. field, palm branch. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Tetradrachms. 778. JR f 17.06. Rev. in exergue, A . Obv. die of Morkholm, Studies, p. 48, A7; rev. monogram as Morkholm, p. 48, 7 (where the form of the monogram is given as AT). 779. JR f 16.95. Obv. die of 778. Rev. in exergue, AZ. Rev. monogram of Morkholm, Studies, p. 49, 8. 780. JR f 16.82. Rev. in exergue, fT . Obv. die of Morkholm, Studies, p. 49, A8; rev. monogram unrecorded. 781. JR f 17.14. Rev. in exergue, A, HP. Rev. monograms of Morkholm, Studies, p. 49, 10. Nos. 780-81 are said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). 782. JR f 16.99. Rev. in exergue, A, ^ . Auctiones 5, 2 Dec. 1975, 196; MuM 19, 5 Jun. 1959, 538. Morkholm, Studies, p. 49, A9-P43 (this coin). 783. JR f 16.73. Obv. die of 782. Rev. in exergue, 4, X*Y . Obv. die of Mork- holm, Studies, p. 49, A9; rev. monogram unrecorded. 784. JR ]. 17.07. Rev. beneath throne, A; in exergue, AT, recut over par- tially erased monograms A, AT. Obv. die of Morkholm, Studies, p. 50, A12. Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., Pi; dotted border. 785. JE f 13.66. Spaer, Ake, p. 139, type 1. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike in biga galloping 1.; dotted Palestine 79 ANTIOCHUS V Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; to 1., A; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EY- nATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., palm branch; beneath Zeus's hand, A. Tetradrachms. 794. A f 16.70. Hess-Leu 45,12 May 1970, 342. Dies of Brett, Ake-Ptolemais p. 26, 15. Strauss, p. 113, 55 (this coin). 795. A / 16.39. Dies of 794. Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEC2Z AAESANAPOY Eagle standing 1. on thunder- bolt, barley stalk behind r. shoulder; to 1., & above B EP (162 S.E. = 151/0 B.C.); tor., TITO; between eagle's legs, A; Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / dotted border. Tetradrachms. 796. A / 14.20. Obv. die and rev. date and monograms of Brett, Ake- Ptolemais, p. 27, 19. 797. A / 14.23. Obv. die of 796. Rev. as 796, except date, TEP (163 S.E. = 150/9 B.C.). ANTIOCHUS VI G. Le Rider, "Antiochus VI a Ptole- ma'is," Studies in Honor of Leo Milden- berg: Numismatics, Art History and Ar- chaeology (Wetteren, 1984, forthcoming). Obv. Diademed bust of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt, barley stalk behind r. shoul- der; to 1., 9EP (169 S.E. = 144/3 B.C.); to r., iTI ; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 798. A f 13.06. Rev. between eagle's legs, AT 799. A / 13.16. Rev. between eagle's legs, 4 ; date rendered LOEP. Brett, Ake-Ptolemais, p. 27, 21. TRYPHON Obv. Diademed bust of Tryphon r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ TPYOQNOZ AY- TOKPATOPOZ Eagle stand- ing 1. on thunderbolt; to 1., W; to r., LA (year 4 = 139/8 B.C.?); dotted border. Tetradrachm. 800. A f 13.82. Hess-Leu, 12 Apr. 1962, 352; Hess-Leu, 16 Apr. 1957, 299; Gans 15, 4 May 1955, 168. Seyrig, Notes, p. 23, 38. The chronology of Tryphon's reign in Syria is not certain; the traditionally accepted dating of Tryphon's regnal 80 Arthur. Houghton Collection CLEOPATRA THEA Obv. Bust of Cleopatra, diademed and wearing stephane and veil, r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ 9EAZ EYETHPIAZ Double cornucopiae bound with fillet; to r., 4; below, aphlaston above T.TTP (187 S.E. = 126/5 B.C.). Tetradrachm. 803. M f 16.65. See LSM, p. 10, 7; Seyrig, Trtsors 30.242, for tetradrachms of similar type with different monograms. CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIO- CHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra, diademed and wearing ste- phane and veil, and Antiochus diademed, r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ 9EAZ KAI BAZIAEQZ AN- TIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / scepter; to 1., 2. Tetradrachm. 804. /R f 16.73. LSM, p. 13, 8. Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 804. Isis head- dress; below, HTTP (188 S.E. = 125/4 B.C.). 805. JE f 5.75. LSM, p. 15, 14. Obv. As 804. Rev. As 804; in exergue, 6TTP (189 S.E. = 124/3 B.C.). Tetradrachm. 806. JR f 16.48. LSM, p. 15, 16a. Rev. Inscription and type as 804; to r., 5; below, 9T1P (189 S.E. = 124/3 B.C.) above thunder- bolt. 807. JE f 4.52. LSM, p. 16, 17. 808. JE j 4.28. As 807. Obv. As 804 except dotted border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt; to 1., 2; to r., B1P (192 S.E. = 121/0 B.C.); dotted border. Tetradrachm. 809. A f 13.70. MuM 37, 5 Dec. 1968, 261; J. Schulman, 4 Feb. 1957, 1232. LSM, p. 17, 20. CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIOCHUS VIII OR ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Dioscuri r.; dotted border. Rev. ANTIOXEQN TQN EN TTTO- AEMAIAI Cornucopiae; date or monogram, if any, indis- tinguishable. 810. JE f 2.26. 811. JE j 3.57. See LSM, p. 14, 12; p. 16, 18; p. 24, 23, 25; p. 25, 27, for municipal issues of Ake struck under Cleopatra and An- Palestine 81 ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OnATOPOZ Athena stand- ing 1., holding Nike and spear, and with 1. hand on shield; to 1., I-P; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 814. A. / 16.27. LSM, p. 34, 48. PALESTINE: ASCALON Under Seleucid rule, Ascalon was no more than a minor mint until the second century B.C. It had been gained by Antiochus III following the Battle of Panion in 200 B.C., but issued no royal coinage until the reign of Antiochus IV, under whom bronze issues showing the king's portrait and various symbols, including the city's badge, a dove, were struck.1 Bronze coins were also issued at Ascalon by Alexander I Balas and Tryphon; the latter king seems to have also struck the city's first royal silver. During the reign of Antiochus VII, Ascalon produced bronze coins and, possibly, a rare tetradrachm issue.2 The city's mint seems to have entered a phase of increased activity during the second reign of Demetrius II, striking silver more or less regularly thereafter until the city gained autonomous status in 103 B.C.3 ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; irregular border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. B A Dove 1.; below, ;dot- ted border. 815. JE f 3.02. Brett, Ascalon, p. 47, 4; M. Rosenberger, City Coins of Palestine (The Rosenberger Israel Collection), Voi. 1 (1972), p. 38, 25-26. 1 Since the publication by Brett of the bronze coin of Antiochus IV with the reverse type of a dove (see 815, above), two other bronzes with royal portraits have appeared: a. Obv. Radiate head of king to r.; irregular border. Rev. Bunch of grapes; to L, BA; to r., M1; dotted border. f 1.32. A. Spaer coli., Jerusalem. b. Obv. Radiate head of king to r.; irregular border. Rev. Lily; to 1., BA; to r., M<; dotted border. f 0.78. Israel Museum, Jerusalem; attributed to Antiochus VII at Jerusalem by Y. Meshorer, "The Beginning of Hasmonean Coinage," 1EJ 24 (1974), pp. 59-61, partly on the basis of the monogram which had been read as a date, LK. 815, a and b form a set of multiples. The latter two coins differ from the first in the formation of their flans, but the similarity of the portraits of all three and their use of identical inscriptions (BA = BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY?) and monograms indicate that all were struck at the same mint, probably Ascalon, under Antiochus IV. I am grateful to Arnold Spaer for permission to publish his coin, and to Dr. Meshorer for reexamining the bronze issue in the Israel Museum and communicating the new monogram information. 2 Babelon 1104: see comment following De Clercq 198. The attribution to Ascalon of the unique tetradrachm of Antiochus VII in Paris is uncertain. 3 Spaer, Ascalon, provides the most comprehensive study of the city's mint in the late hellenistic period. 82 Arthur Houghton Collection TRYPHON Obv. Diademed bust of Tryphon r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ TPYcpQNOZ AY- TOKPATOPOZ Zeus stand- ing facing, head 1., holding wreath; dotted border. 816. JE f 5.10. Rev. to 1. LA (year 1 = 142/1 B.C.?) AZKA. Swiss Bank Corp. 5, 16 Oct. 1979, 296. 817. JE f 5.76. Rev. to L, LA (year 4 - 139/8 B.C.?) AZKA; to r., between Zeus and inscription, inverted palm frond. The chronology of Tryphon's reign in Syria is not certain. Brett's dating, Ascalon, p. 48, which has been supported by Seyrig, Notes, pp. 12-17, has been provisionally retained. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Crested Macedonian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Aph- laston. 818. JE / 1.13. Brett, Ascalon, p. 48, 10. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 819. JE -► 1.36. As 818. ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Diademed bust of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Eagle standing L, palm branch behind r. shoulder; to 1., AZ above dove 1.; to r., T.TTP (187 S.E. = 126/5 B.C.); between eagle's legs, TTr; dot- ted border. Tetradrachm. 820. JR / 13.48. Spaer, Asca/on 1 (this coin). CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra, diademed and wearing ste- phane and veil, and Antio- chus, diademed, r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOTTATPAZ BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt, palm branch behind r. shoul- der; to 1., AZ above dove 1.; to r., AqP (191 S.E. = 122/1 B.C.); between eagle's legs, U; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 821. JR f 13.41. See Spaer, Ascalon 3. The tetradrachm cited by Brett, Ascalon, p. 50, 14, is struck from different dies. ANTIOCHUS VIII — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed bust of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt, palm branch behind r. shoul- der; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 822. JR f 13.60. Rev. to 1., AZ above dove 1.; to r., ASP (194 S.E. = 119/8 Palestine 83 ANTIOCHUS VIII — SECOND REIGN Obv. As 822. Rev. Inscription and type as 822; to l„ AZ IEP AZY in three lines above dove 1. above aphlaston; dotted border. Tetradrachms. PALESTINE References are to M. Rosenberger, City Coins of Palestine (The Rosenberger Israel Collection), Vols. 2 (1975) and 3 (1977). Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEA Zeus standing 1., holding wreath (?); to 1, TAI. 827. JE f 1.81. Rosenberger 2, p. 50, 21. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Female figure (Artemis ?) standing facing, upraised r. hand (drawing arrow?); to 1., indistinguishable monograms; dotted border. 828. JE f 1.35. Rosenberger 2, p. 50, 23. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 825. JR f 826. JR f : GAZA ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOX Double cornucopiae; dotted border. 829. JE f 5.14. S. Ben-Dor, "Some New Seleucid Coins," PEQ 1948, pp. 62-63. ANTIOCHUS VII or VIII (?) Obv. Head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOYTyche standing r., holding cornuco- piae and scepter; monograms, if any, indistinguishable; dotted border. 830. JE / 3.12. Babelon 700 ("Antiochus V"); Rosenberger 3, p. 82, 2 ("Antiochus V"). ALEXANDER I BALAS PALESTINE: JERUSALEM 13.24. Rev. to r., LAZ (204 S.E. = 109/8 B.C.); between eagle's legs, * . Spear, Ascalon 27 (this coin). 13.76. Rev. to r., LCZ (206 S.E. = 107/6 B.C.); between eagle's legs, H*. Spaer, Ascalon 31 (this coin). Jerusalem appears to have been of little importance as a Seleucid mint. Bronze issues of this city were struck under Antiochus VII in the years 180-83 S.E. (133/2-131/0 B.C.). No other Seleucid coinage has been positively identified with Jerusalem, which fell to the Hasmonaeans at the end of the second or beginning of the first century B.C.1 1 Reexamination of the unique bronze coin in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, cited by Y. Meshorer, "The Beginning of Hasmonean Coinage," 1EJ 24 (1974), pp. 59-61, indicates that the letters LK on the coin's reverse are not a date but are instead the elements of a monogram identical to that appearing on bronze coinage of Antiochus IV struck at Ascalon, such as 815 (see the introduction to Ascalon, above, n. 1). M. Narkiss, Coins of Palestine (in Hebrew), voi. 2 (Jerusalem, 1938), p. 127, 165, has suggested that Antiochus IX also issued coinage at Jesusalem. 84 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Lily; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOYEYEP- TETOY Inverted anchor. 831. JE f 2.76. Rev. below, AT1P (181 S.E. = 132/1 B.C.). See BMC, p. 75, 69; Babelon 1166-67 for brouze issues of similar type, without visible date. JE f 2.38. As 831, but date is to 1. of anchor. 833. JE f 2.76. Rev. below, BTTP (182 S.E. = 131/0 B.C.). 834. JE f 3.03. As 833. COELE-SYRIA: DAMASCUS Damascus does not appear to have been a community of major importance in the early hellenistic period. Following the death of Alexander it was occupied by Ptolemaic forces, then was seized by Antiochus I and may have remained Seleucid through part of the reign of Seleucus II.1 Ptolemy III recaptured the city, however, after which it was returned to Seleucid control by Antiochus III in 200 B.C. There is no coinage which can be assigned to Damascus with certainty during this early period;2 only with the reign of Antiochus VII do dated silver issues appear which can be securely given to the Damascus mint. Thereafter, mint production appears to have continued without significant interruption until the last decade of the second century B.C., when the strife between Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX engulfed most of the cities which Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / were still part of the Seleucid realm. The last Seleucid king of Damascus, Antiochus XII, the youngest son of Antiochus VIII, was killed in 84 B.C.; the city's protection, then its rule, was assumed by the Nabataean king, Aretas III.3 ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZANTIOXOY EYEP- TETOY Athena standing 1., holding Nike with r. hand, spear with 1. arm, and resting 1. hand on shield; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 835. At f 16.64. Rev. to 1., AE above W; in exergue, HOP (178 S.E. = 135/4 B.C.). Dies of LSM 56y. 836. JR f 16.45. Rev. to 1., l&P; in exergue, BIlP (182 S.E. = 131/0 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monogram of LSM 64a and y. 837. JR f 16.33. Obv. die of 836. Rev. to 1., IftP above A; in exergue, mP (183 S.E. = 130/9 B.C.). LSM 65. 1 WSM, p. 212. 8 Newell's tentative suggestion that Damascus may have struck a tetradrachm of Antiochus I, WSM 1288, is only weakly supported by the coin's stylistic affinity to Alexandrine tetradrachm issues struck at Tyre under Demetrius Poliorcetes. 3 Bellinger, End of the Seleucids, pp. 77-78. Bellinger accepts Newell's view that at some point during this period Damascus briefly adopted the name Demetrias (see LSM, pp. 83-84 and n. 33) but suggests that this occurred when the Nabataean ruler Aretas III was the city's protector and not during the Seleucid era. Coele-Syria 85 DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed, bearded and horn- ed (except 839-40) head of Demetrius r.; fillet (838-42) or dotted (843) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OYNIKATOPOZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter. Tetradrachms. 838. A f 16.46. Rev. beneath throne, 2; in exergue, date off flan (possibly AnP, 184 S.E. = 129/8 B.C.). Obv. die of LSM 698-h. 839. A f 16.56. Rev. to 1., "fed; beneath throne, (Q); in exergue, ETTP (185 S.E. = 128/7 B.C.). Obv. die of LSM 72j; rev. monogram beneath throne and date of LSM 71. 840. A f 16.61. Rev. to 1., H; beneath throne, Id; in exergue, QT\P (186 S.E. = 127/6 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 72(3. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Drachm. 841. A f 3.88. Rev. to 1., H; beneath - in exergue, QT\P 127/6 B.C.). throne, n (186 S.E. Tetradrachm. 842. A f 16.71. Rev. beneath legs of Zeus, A; beneath throne, Q; in exergue, CTTP (186 S.E. = 127/6 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 73. Rev. Inscription as 838. Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to r., A; in exergue, indistinguishable date. 843. JE \ 5.31. A. Spaer reports that bronze issues of this type from Israel are invariably dated 184 S.E. (129/8 B.C.). ALEXANDER II ZABINAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., H>. Tetradrachms. 844. A f 16.40. Rev. beneath throne, I§J; in exergue, 9TTP (189 S.E. = 124/3 B.C.). LSM 82. 845. A f 16.42. As 844, except date, IP (190 S.E. = 123/2 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 84y. 846. A f 16.30. Rev. beneath throne, &; in exergue, (190 S.E. = 123/2 B.C.). Rev. die of LSM 85a. CLEOPATRA THEA AND CHUS VIII ANTIO- Obv. Jugate busts of Cleopatra, 86 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS VIII —FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus, crescent above head, standing 1., holding star and scepter; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 850. JR f 16.63. Rev. to 1., AT above H; in exergue, TSP (193 S.E. = 120/9 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 91y. 851. JR f 16.44. As 850, except date A 9 P (194 S.E. = 119/8 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 94/. 852. JR f 16.38. Rev. to 1., KS above % ; in exergue, ISP (197 S.E. = 116/5 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. mono- grams and date of LSM 101a. 853. JR f 16.44. Rev. to 1., R) above EX; In exergue, ISP (197 S.E. = 116/5 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 102y. 854. JR f 15.93. Rev. to 1., NCT above H; in exergue, 9SP (199 S.E. = 114/3 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 105a. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY OIA- OTTATOPOZ Athena stand- ing 1., holding Nike and spear, and resting 1. hand on shield; laurel wreath border. Tetradrachms. 855. JR f 16.20. Rev. to 1., A above EZ; in exergue, Z (200 S.E. = 113/2 B.C.); E. Button 110, Oct. 1964, 811. Obv. die and rev. monograms and date of LSM 1065. 856. JR f 16.39. Rev. to 1., I'? above AT; in exergue, BZ (202 S.E. = 111/0 B.C.). Obv. die and rev. mono- grams and date of LSM 1105. Also see 885-86, dated bronze issues of Antiochus IX which E. T. Newell and A. R. Bellinger suggest may have been struck at Damascus. ANTIOCHUS VIII — SECOND REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; laurel wreath border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETTI- OANOYZ Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., A above Z, above & ; beneath throne, H; in exergue, 91 (209 S.E. = 104/3 B.C.); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 857. JR f 16.34. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams and date of LSM 114a. Coele-Syiua 87 861. JR \ 15.53. Rev. to 1., N above A; in exergue, B KZ (222 S.E. = 91/0 B.C.). Obv. die of LSM 128; rev. monograms and date of LSM 126. Obv. Diademed, radiate, lightly bearded head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY OIAOTTATOPOZ ZQTHPOY Nike walking 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., N above +1 ; exergue date or monogram off flan; dotted border. 862. JE f 6.89. Obv. Type as 858; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 862. Nude Hermes standing facing, hold- ing palm branch and cadu- ceus; to 1., N above A; exergue date or monogram off flan; dotted border. 863. M \ 3.44. ANTIOCHUS XII Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY ETII- OANOYZ OlAOTTATOPOZ KAA- AINIKOY Hadad, capped and bearded, standing facing on two-tiered basis, holding barley stalk in 1. hand; foreparts of two bulls to each side of legs; to 1., fTI above /N; in exergue, H KZ (228 S.E. = 85/4 B.C.); laurel wreath border. Tetradrachm. 864. JR \ 13.10. See LSM 132-34, tetra- drachms of Antiochus dated 226 and 227 S.E. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY AION- YZOY ETTIOANOYZ OIAOTTA- TOPOZ KAAAINIKOY Nude Hermes standing facing, hold- ing palm branch and cadu- ceus; in exergue, itI; dotted border. 865. iE f 1.61. See LSM 136, a similar bronze issue in Paris without visible monogram. Obv. Diademed bust of Antiochus with sideburns r.; dotted bor- der. Rev. Inscription as 864. Zeus standing 1., holding Nike and scepter; to 1., (tI ; dotted bor- der. 866. JE f 9.91. LSM 137. Obv. As 865. Rev. Inscription as 865. Nike walking r., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1. in- distinguishable monogram(s). 88 Arthur Houghton Collection SOUTH CENTRAL REGION: UNCERTAIN MINTS ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r; to 1., x ; fillet (872) or dotted (873) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY God- dess seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; at feet, a bird 1.; beneath throne, M; dotted border. 872. JE f 3.05. Suse, p. 290 ("Group B") and pi. 74, 12-21. On the basis of provenance and style, Le Rider, Suse, p. 291, has attributed coins of this type to an uncertain mint in Phoenicia or Palestine. From Israei. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tyche seated 1. on throne, holding Isis headdress in r. hand; to 1. of feet, river god (?) dotted border. 873. IE f 1.84. The Isis headdress points to a Palestinian mint. The figure to the 1. of Tyche's feet is not clear, Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / but appears to be the head, trunk and r. arm of a swimming or reclining male figure. Possibly struck at Ake-Ptolemais which, during the Roman period, issued coins carrying on their reverses both Tyche resting a foot on the half-figure of the river-god Belus, and Isis: see L. Kadman, The Coins of Akko Ptolemais (Jerusa- lem, 1961), pp. 164-65, types 16, 18b, 19b and 20a (Tyche with Belus); and pp. 167-68, types 40 and 41 (Isis). From Israei. DEMETRIUS II — FIRST REIGN Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY OIAAAEAOOY N1KA- TOPOZ Cornucopiae. Drachms. 874. JR f 3.69. Rev. to lower r., AH above AOP (171 S.E. = 142/1 B.C.). K. Kress 182, 23 Mar. 1982, 891. Obv. die of Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1198, which has the same monogram but is dated 173 S.E. 875. JR / 3.67. Rev. to lower r., 11. From Lebanon. Two examples of the type of 875, struck from a single but different obverse die and with the same reverse monogram, dated 172 S.E., are in the Staatliche Museen, Berlin. See also A. Cahn 71, 14 Oct. 1931,541, a similar drachm with- out monogram or date, and Naville 10, 15 Jun. 1925, 1197, a drachm of similar type which carries the monogram ♦ , which appears on 411, a tetradrachm tentatively attributed by O. Morkholm to Seleucia Pieria or Laodicea. While an attribution of 874-75 to the coastal area of Syria Seleucis or Cilicia is likely, they Uncertain South 89 Rev. Inscription as 874. Artemis facing, holding lojng torch and bow; in exergue, 9EP (169 S.E. = 144/3 B.C.); no visible monograms. 879. JE f 10.75. BMC, p. 60, 23. Waage, p. 16, 167, attributes a similar coin of the same date and with the exergue monogram A to Seleucia Pieria. A Cilician mint is also possible. From Lebanon; A. Spaer reports others from Is- kenderun, dates obliterated. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Bust of Athena wearing Corin- thian helmet r.; dotted bor- der. Rev. BAZI AEQZ ANTIOXOY EYEP- TETOY Owl 3/4 r.; to 1., R; in exergue, IOP (177 S.E. = 136/5 B.C.). 830. JE f 2.39. A. Spaer, "Monnaies de bronze palestiniennes d'Antiochos VII," RN 1971, pp. 160-61, has attributed coins of this type to Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Gaza, based on the monogram. Other examples subsequently seen by Spaer, however, clearly show PJ as well as R , putting the at- tribution into question. A more northern Palestinian mint is sug- gested by the style and precise execution of coins of this type. From Israei. ANTIOCHUS VIII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted (881-82) or no (883) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus standing 1., holding star (?) in outstretched r. hand and scepter with 1.; to 1., H\ 881. JE f 4.88. From Lebanon. 882. JE f 5.34. From Israei. Rev. Prow of galley(?); above, A9P (194 S.E. = 119/8 B.C.), I W ; to 1., £ to r., AT (?). 883. JE f 2.76. G. Macdonald, "Seltene und unedierte Seleukidenmilnzen," ZfN 1912, p. 101,31, has attribut- ed a similar coin, apparently dated 9TTP (189 S.E. = 124/3 B.C.), to Aradus under Alexander IlZabinas. The date of 883, how- ever, places it fully within the reign of Antiochus VIII. From Lebanon. ANTIOCHUS IX Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY (PIA- OTTATOPOZ Cornucopiae. Hemidrachm. 884. JR \ 1.87. Said to be from Lebanon. Obv. Bust of Eros r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription as 884. Nike walking 1., holding wreath; to EASTERN REGlON MESOPOTAMIA: CARRHAE Carrhae, whose Macedonian garrison may have been established under Alexander the Great, appears to have begun operation as a hellenistic mint under Antigonus, striking both gold and silver issues in Alexander's name. The mint's production was continued by Seleucus I following his assumption of control over northern Mesopotamia c. 302 B.C.; Antiochus I may also have struck coins at Carrhae, although the evidence for this is uncertain.1 No later Seleucid coinage is known for this mint. SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEm ZEAEYKOYNike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis; to lower 1., A. Staters. 887. JE / 8.62. SNGLockett 3088; Naville 4, 16 Jun. 1922, 965. WSM 766 (this coin). i. JE \ 8.59. Obv. die of 887. Rev. as 887 but monogram to 1. WSM 767. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Macedonian shield, Medusa's head as center device; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ele- phant walking r.; above, an- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / chor; monogram, if any, in- distinguishable; dotted bor- der. 889. JE / 4.36. See WSM 789 for a bronze issue of similar type. 890. JE / 4.73. As 889. MESOPOTAMIA: EDESSA Edessa was founded by Seleucus I c. 302 B.C. No coinage of Seleucus has been identified with this city, however, and only a few bronze issues of Antiochus I have been tentatively attributed to its mint. Edessa was later renamed Antiochia on the Callirhoen, probably by Antiochus IV, who permitted the city to strike municipal bronze issues with his own portrait. No other Seleucid coinage is known for this mint. 1 The extreme break in iconography and style between the coinages of Seleucus I and Antiochus I given by Newell to Carrhae, and the absence of monograms common to both series, suggest that they may not have been struck at the same mint unless one assumes discontinuous production, for which neither precedent nor reason seems to exist. Mesopotamia 91 ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tro- phy; dotted border. 891. JE -» 3.46. WSM 800. 892. JE I 3.21. As 891. 893. JE I 6.86. Rev. to lower r., ®. WSM 801. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. ANTIOXEQN TON ETTI KAA- AIPOHI Zeus standing 1., holding eagle and scepter; to L, SE. 894. JE f 7.87. BMC, p. 41, 77; Babelon 605-8. MESOPOTAMIA: N IS IB IS The mint of Nisibis was apparently activated at the end of the reign of Antiochus II, who may have struck only a single bronze issue at this city. It produced an extensive coinage in silver for Seleucus II, Antiochus III and Seleucus IV. No royal coinage is known for Nisibis during the reign of Antiochus IV when the city, renamed Antioch in Mygdonia, issued only municipal bronze coins with the king's portrait. Demetrius I and, perhaps, Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Alexander I Balas and Demetrius II, may also have struck tetradrachms at Nisibis. No later Seleucid coinage of Nisibis has been identified, although the city may have remained part of the Seleucid Empire until c. 120 B.C. SELEUCUS II Obv. Jugate busts of Dioscuri, the farther in profile 1., the nearer 3/4 1.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant's head r.; to r., 4>; dotted border. 895. JE / 4.21. WSM 807. Obv. Jugate busts of Dioscuri r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY In- verted anchor, to 1., + , side- ways; to r., bridled head of horned horse r.; dotted border. 896. JE \ 5.26. WSM 815. 897. JE / 2.74. WSM 816. Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., hoIding arrow and bow; behind, tri- pod; 1. field monogram, if any, indistinguishable; to r., dotted border. Tetradrachm. 898. A I 16.80. Obv. die and rev. r. field monogram of WSM 821. Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod. Obo1. 899. A <- 0.69. WSM 824. 92 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet (900) or dotted (901- 3) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Stater. 900. A! f 8.49. Rev. to L, T; to r., AP; in exergue, indistinguishable mo- nogram. See WSM 831-33; 835- 36 for tetradrachms with the same 1. and r. monograms. Tetradrachms. 901. A f 16.86. Rev. to 1., AZ ZA; Obv. die A7 and rev. monograms of WSM 858. 902. A \ 16.66. Rev. to 1., ® . Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ele- phant walking r.; to 1., AP; in exergue, K . Tetradrachm. 903. JR f 16.91. Leu 22, 8 May 1979, 162. The attribution is based on the style of the obverse and the lower Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / monogram of the reverse, which is similar to the r. field monogram of WSM 868. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike walking 1., holding palm branch. 904. J E f 7.31. WSM 869. See also 1051-56, tetradrachms of Antiochus III of a type attributed by Newell to Susa but which Le Rider has suggested were struck at Nisibis. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; to 1., wreath; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. 905. JR 1 16.95. Rev. to 1., [^E; in exergue, AI. Obv. die A3, rev. as Merkholm, Nisibe, p. 46, 3. 906. JR f 16.93. Rev. circular inscription; in exergue, AI. Obv. die A5b, rev. as Merkholm, Nisibe, p. 47, 7. Said to be from the Ma'aret en- Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). 907. JR 1" 16.94. Rev. in exergue, AN . Obv. die A9, rev. as Merkholm, Nisibe, p. 47, 8. 908. JR \ 16.96. Obv. die as 907. Rev. in exergue, A. Obv. die A9, rev. as Merkholm, Nisibe, p. 47, 9. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; to 1., x ; dotted border. Rev. ANTIOXEQN TON EN MYT- AQNIAI Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and Babylonia 93 911. JR. / 16.42. As 910, but ZQTHPOZ to 1. Strauss, p. 116,95 (this coin). Le Rider. Suse, p. 215, 572, has sug- gested an eastern origin for issues of the above type, given their appearance in eastern hoards. Strauss, pp. 135-36, mentions Nisibis as a possible originat- ing mint. The dry, somewhat rudimen- tary execution of these issues, and the fact that their stylistic elements appear to have been drawn from Seleucid mints of both east and west, tend to support their assignment to a Mesopotamian mint such as Nisibis, although the at- tribution must be considered tentative. ALEXANDER IBALAS See 1003, a tetradrachm of Alexander I Balas with the monogram 4*, attri- buted by Le Rider to Seleucia on the Tigris, but which may have been struck at Nisibis. DEMETRIUS II — SECOND REIGN See 1014-19, issues of Demetrius with a bearded portrait, which may have been struck by Demetrius at Nisibis after Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / his Parthian captivity. BABYLONIA: BABYLON Under Seleucus I, Babylon continued the issuance of tetradrachms of the Heracles-Zeus type which had been inaugurated during Alexander's lifetime, as well as the silver lion staters and fractions produced under Alexander's satrap Mazaeus but adorned with the Seleucid anchor.1 The date of the mint's decommissioning is uncertain, but in any event would have occurred before 275 B.C., when Antiochus decreed the removal of the city's civilian population to Seleucia on the Tigris.2 SELEUCUS I Obv. Baal seated 1., holding scepter; dotted border. Rev. Lion walking 1., above, an- chor above TT; dotted border. Staters. 912. JR I 15.20. Rev. in exergue, W , A". See ESM 271, a stater with the monograms TT and A; ESM 272-75, staters with TT and W . 913. JR / 15.08. Rev. in exergue, fib and ivy leaf. Dies of ESM 276(3. 1 See ESM, pp. 104-6 regarding the variable weights of Seleucus's Babylonian lion staters, which Newell suggests may have been intended for bulk use rather than individual coinage needs. 2 ESM, pp. 104-5. Newell suggests that Babylon may have stopped issuing lion coinage in the 280's (?), and in any case before the accession of Antiochus I in 280 B.C. N. Waggoner, "The Early Alexander Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," ANSMX 15 (1969), p. 22, notes that Babylon's Alexan- der-type coinage appears to have ceased c. 305 B.C. Based on the likely sequence of the coins of Seleu- cus I at Susa, however, A. Houghton has proposed an opening date of the mint at Seleucia of c. 301 B.C. (see section on Seleucia on the Tigris, n. 1), which poses the problem of explaining the four-year gap in production of Attic weight coinage in Seleucid Babylonia during this period. 94 Arthur Houghton Collection BABYLONIA: SELEUCIA ON THE TIGBIS Founded by Seleucus I after 312 B.C.,1 Seleucia rapidly replaced Babylon as the admin- istrative center of Babylonia, as well as the province's principal mint. Except for two brief periods when the city was under the control of the usurpers Molon (221-220 B.C.) and Timarchus (in Seleucia 161 B.C.), Seleucia struck coinage continuously and voluminous- ly through the reigns of Seleucus's successors until c. 140 B.C., when the city was seized by Mithradates I of Parthia.2 Seleucia was retaken for a short period by Antiochus VII during his eastern campaign against the Parthians in 131/0-130/9 B.C., then was lost again to the Parthian king Phraates II. SELEUCUS I Since the publication of ESM, re- investigation of the early Seleucid coin- ages of Seleucia by N. Waggoner ("The Early Alexander Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," ANSMN 15 [1969], pp. 21- 30) has indicated that Alexander-type silver and associated issues of Seleucus I (Newell's Series I, ESM 1-28; 936-45, below) were not struck until after the mint had begun production of its prin- cipal coinage, of the elephant quadriga and related types (Newell's Series II- ESM 29-133). The catalogue of coins of Seleucus I given below follows the chronology of ESM as revised by Wag- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / goner. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Athe- na, holding spear and shield, in chariot drawn r. by four horned elephants, anchor above; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 914. A \ 16.80. .Rep. to 1., B; above, AI. Obv. die and rev. monograms of ESM 29. 915. A I 16.07. Rev. to 1., Z; above, AA. 916. A / 16.60. Rev. in exergue, NA. See ESM 39-42, similar tetradrachms with monograms AN or NA. Obv. Horned and bridled head of horse r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY In- verted anchor; to r., P. 917. J E / 3.74. ESM 46. Obv. As 914. Rev. Inscription and type as 914; above, BW. Tetradrachm. 918. A / 17.10. See ESM 47-50, tetra- drachms with the same mono- gram. Obv. Tripod; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY In- verted anchor; dotted border. Obols. 919. A / 0.66. Rev. to 1., A; to r., # . Sternberg, 25 Nov. 1976, 136. ESM 58. 920. A / 0.59. Rev. to 1., tjH; to r., B. Myers-Adams 6, 6 Dec. 1973, 224. ESM 60. 1 Exactly when is not certain. However, R. Hadley's endorsement of Bouche-Leclerq's view that the city was established c. 300 B.C., "The Foundation Date of Seleucia on the Tigris," Historia 27 (1978), pp. 228-30, is supported by this author, Persepolis, p. 9, n. 6, on the basis of the probable date of issuance of the elephant biga coinage of Susa. 8 Suse, pp. 361 and 371. Babylonia 95 Obv. As 914. Rev. Inscription and type as 914. Tetradrachm. 921. A \ 17.12. Rev. in exergue, AG. Obv. die A49 of ESM 62; rev. as ESM 62. Drachms. 922. A f 4.21. Rev. below anchor ®; be- low shield, A . WSM, p. 12,70A. 923. A / 4.20. Rev. to 1., O; to r., of anchor, A. WSM, p. 13, 78A. 924. A / 4.18. Rev. below shield, A 0. ESM 80. Rev. Inscription and type as 914 except Athena in elephant biga. Hemidrachm. 925. A \ 2.06. Rev. to 1., A; below shield, O. £SM 83. J?w. Inscription and type as 914. Drachm. 926. A \ 4.06. Rev. below shield, O; in exergue, A. Dies of ESM 90. Ofct;. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Bull charging r.; above, K; in exergue, O; dotted border. 927. JE <- 13.23. WSM, p. 13, 99A. 928. JE f 3.31. Obv. As 914. Rev. Inscription and type as 914; below shield, pentalpha and O. Tetradrachm. 929. A \ 16.88. Dies A68-P160 of ESM 101. Drachm. 930. A \ 4.12. Rev. Rev. to 1., O; below shield, pentalpha. ESM 103. Tetradrachm. 931. A / 17.07. Rev. to L, pentalpha; below shield, O. Obv. As 927. Rev. Inscription and type as 927; above, O and pentalpha. 932. JE \ 6.28. ESM 105. Obv. Winged head of Medusa r.; dotted border. Rev. Inscription and type as 927; between rear legs of bull, W; beneath belly, O. 933. JE / 10.92. See ESM 117 for bronze issue of same type with similar monograms. Obv. As 914. Rev. Inscription and type as 914; monograms or symbol, if any, indistinguishable. Obo1. 934. A \'0.64. Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis (?); to lower 1. T; to lower r., BE or BE A. Stater. 96 Arthur Houghton Collection Rev. Inscription and type as 936, except Zeus holds eagle and scepter. 938. A *- 16.74, .Rep. to 1. T (?) above T'; beneath throne, A. Nos. 936-38, above, chronologically precede 939-46, in accordance with Waggoner's study. Obv. As 935. Rev. Inscription and type as 935. Stater. 939. All 8.61. Rev. to lower r., K. ESM\. Drachm. 940. A / 3.92. Obv. dotted border. Rev. toi., W. Obv. As 936. Rev. Inscription and type as 938; to 1., W; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 941. A <- 17.09. Rev. beneath throne, AI. Obv. die A12 of ESM 4. 942. A \ 17.09. .Rei>. beneath throne, K; Dies A18-P50 of ESM 5. Obv. Head of Athena in crested Attic helmet r.; dotted border. ff. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. Bull r., pawing ground; above, 943. J E / 8.29. ESM 6. 944. JE -► 2.21. Rev. monogram indistin- guishable. Obv. As 936. Rev. Inscription and type as 938; to 1., M* within wreath; be- neath throne, K. Tetradrachm. 945. A 1 16.94. Dies A15-P55 of ESM 12. JOINT REIGN OF SELEUCUS I AND ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Winged head of Medusa r.; dotted border. Rev. BAIIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY AN- TIOXOY Bull charging r.; monograms or symbol, if any, indistinguishable. 946. JE f 3.85. See ESM 664-67; 672-74, for silver issues of Bactra struck in the names of both Seleucus and his son. This bronze issue, without identifiable monogram which could relate it to a specific mint, has been attributed to Seleucia on the basis of its type, style and low relief. Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; to 1., ZIM; beneath throne, EY (?); dot- ted border. Tetradrachm. 947. *- 17.11. See Waggoner, pp. 26-27 for the attribution of similar Alexan- drine tetradrachms struck in Antiochus's name to the period of the joint rule of Seleucus and Antiochus at Seleucia. ANTIOCHUS I Babylonia 97 Obv. Laureate head of Apollo 3/4 r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike facing r., arms on trophy; dotted border. 953. JE \ 6.78. Rev. 1. field monogram, if any, off flan; to r., W. See ESM 167 for a bronze issue of similar type with same r. field monogram. 954. JE I 3.79. Rev. to 1., WH; to r., $. See ESM 177, a tetradrachm with the same monograms. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. 955. JR \ 16.79. Rev. to 1., ffl; to r., ® . Kricheldorf 13,23 Sept. 1963,148. ESM 178. 956. JR f 17.06. Rev. to 1.. W; to r., S . ESM 181. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Laureate head of Apollo 3/4 1. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., + ; to r., M. 957. JE f 19.12. See ESM 182 for a bronze of similar type with the same r. field monogram. 958. JE f 14.86. As 957, but the 1. field monogram is rendered "t". 959. JE f 2.46. L. field monogram partly off flan. See ESM 184 for a bronze of similar type with the same r. field monogram. Obv. As 955. Rev. Inscription and type as 955. Tetradrachm. 960. JR f 17.01. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., & Kastner 6, 26 Nov. 1974, 174. Dies of ESM 186e. Staters. 961. N / 8.47. Rev. to 1., C*J>. Obv. die and rev. monogram of ESM 187. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 34, 10 (this coin). 962. N / 8.55. Obv. die of 961. Rev. to 1., kP; to r., W. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 42, n. 11 and pi. 4, B (this coin). Tetradrachm. 963. JR f 17.02. Rev. as 962. ESM 189. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAK2Z ANTIOXOY Athe- na standing 1., holding spear, with 1. hand on hip and shield to 1.; to 1., fef; to r., ^ ; dot- ted border. 964. JE / 7.55. ESM 192. SELEUCUS II Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r. Rev. AAEEANAPOY Nike walking 98 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Horned and diademed bust of Seleucus 3/4 1.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOYRider with spear in upraised r. hand on horned horse rearing r.; beneath hooves, a fallen man; to 1., ;to r., tiff; dot- ted border. 967. JE \ 3.74. ESM 203. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Hor- ned and bridled head of horse r.; to 1., W>; to r., Dtf . 968. JE -» 3.23. See, ESM 207, a bronze with bull's head reverse type, with the same monograms. Obv. As 966. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., iED ; to r., W. 969. JE f 9.71. ESM 213. SELEUCUS III Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., RT ; to r., ttf . Tetradrachm. 970. /R \ 16.97. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams of ESM 2156. MOLON Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dot- ted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ MOAQNOZ Dra- ped Apollo walking r., holding kithara and plectrum; to 1., indistinguishable monogram; to r., ffl ; dotted border. 971. JE f 7.56. See ESM 227 for a bronze issue of Molon of similar type. ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., (?); to r., PF? (?); dotted border. Gold Octodrachm. 972. N f 34.15. Leu 20, 25 Apr. 1978, 161. See ESM 240, a tetradrachm with similar monograms. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., in- distinguishable monogram; to r., m. 973. JE f 8.42. See WSM, p. 21, 243A, a bronze issue of similar type. Obv. As 972. Rev. Inscription and type as 972; dotted border. Tetradrachms. Babylonia 99 ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. A / 17.00. Rev. in exergue, . See Suse, pi. 25, E-F, tetradrachms of similar style. A / 16.78. Rev. in exergue, W. Obv. die and rev. monogram of Suse, pi. 25, M. Strauss, p. 112, 33 (this coin). 981. A f 16.96. Rev. to L, PP. Obv. die of Suse, p. 138, 303. Merkholm, Susiana, p. 132, 38 (this coin). 979. 980. Obv. Rev. 982. JE \ 983. JE f Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 984. JE \ 985. JE f 986. JE f Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY God- dess, draped and wearing polos, seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter; at feet, a bird (eagle?), 1.; no distinguishable monograms; dotted border. 18.36. Obv. to 1., k . Suse, p. 291 ("Group A"), and pi. 26, K-L. 16.02. As 982. Obv. to 1., £ A X 7.51. M-O. 4.69. Obv. to 1. 307, 4-6; P-Q. 2.46. Suse, pi. 26, Suse, pi. 26, Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY 9ECY ETTIOANOYZ Type as 982; dotted border. 987. JE f 6.48. Rev. to 1., PP; to r., indistinguishable symboi. See Suse, pi. 26, E-H for bronze issues of similar type with same 1. field monogram. 988. JE f 2.77. Rev. to lower r., PP. 989. JE j 9.73. Obv. star above king's fore- head. TIMARCHUS Obv. Diademed, helmeted bust of Timarchus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ METAAOY TI- 100 Arthur Houghton Collection JR / 16.63. Obv. to 1., Iff; rev. Tyche wears a polos. Suse, pi. 28, E. Gold Octodrachm. 999. N f 33.68. Obv. die of 998. Dies of Suse, pi. 28, E, a tetradrachm. Obv. Type as 996. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo standing 1., hold- ing arrow and resting 1. elbow on tripod; dotted border. 1000. JE f 4.70. Suse, pi. 28, G-I. 1001. JE j 5.39. As 1000. Obv. Horned, diademed bust of Demetrius 3/41.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Bearded, robed male figure wearing polos, standing 3/4 1., holding patera and cornuco- piae; dotted border. 1002. JE f 3.66. Suse, pi. 28, K. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet (1003) or dotted (1004) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 9EOTTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding Nike and scepter. Tetradrachms. 1003. JR f 16.50. Rev. in exergue, 4^. Suse, p. 147, 311. HLR, p. 118, 89 (this coin). An attribution to Nisibis is an alternative possibility for this tetradrachm. Its single monogram is the same as that of eastern issues of Demetrius I which cannot be part of the Seleucia series belonging to the latter king (see 910-11, above). 1004. JR / 16.53. Rev. in exergue, W. Suse, p. 147, 312. HLR, p. 118, 90 (this coin). Obv. Type as 1003; no border. Rev. Inscription as 1003. Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Drachm. 1005. Si \ 4.14. Rev. exergue monogram off flan. Suse, p. 148, 313. Strauss, p. 116,106 (this coin). Obv. As 1003. Rev. Inscription and type as 1003. Tetradrachm. 1006. JR / 16.73. Suse, p. 148, 314; HLR, p. 118, 97 (this coin). DEMETRIUS II Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; dotted (1007) or fillet (1008, 1010-13) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY OI- AAAEAOOY NIKATOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachm. 1007. JR f 16.41. Strauss, p. 118, 122 (this coin). Rev. Inscription as 1007. Tyche SUSIANA 101 Rev. Inscription and type as 1008. Tetradrachm. 1013. JR / 16.28. Rev. in exergue, W . Suse, pi. 30, F-I. HLR, p. 120, 134. (this coin). Obv. Diademed, lightly bearded head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY 9E- OY NI KATOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1014. A / 16.12. HLR, p. 120, 142 (this coin). 1015. A / 16.20. As 1014. HLR, p. 120, 143 (this coin). See Strauss, p. 119, 129, regar- ding the attribution of tetradrachms of the above type to Seleucia. The inscription, however—lacking the epithet OI AAAEAOOY —suggests that they may have been struck during Demetrius's second reign, and therefore possibly at another mint, perhaps Nisibis. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY NI- KATOPOZ Bearded male figure, wearing polos and holding cornucopiae, clasping hand of female figure (Tyche?) wearing polos and with cornucopiae. 1016. JE f 5.90. Rev. to 1., E; between figures, Y. 1017. JE \ 7.28. Rev. to 1., H above I"; between figures, I. 1018. JE f 11.14. Rev. to 1., H above E; between figures, Y. 1019. JE f 5.54. Le Rider (Suse, p. 152) has questioned the attribution of bronze issues of the above type to Seleucia by E. T. Newell in his review of R. H. McDowell, Coins from Seleucia on the Tigris (Ann Arbor, 1935), in AJA 1937, p. 516, where he comments on an autonomous bronze issue (McDowell's no. 132) with a reverse type similar to the above issues. The in- scription of 1016-19 suggests that they were struck after Demetrius's Parthian captivity, and therefore at another mint, perhaps Nisibis. ANTIOCHUS VII Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EYEP- TETOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; in exergue, mP (183 S.E. = 130/9 B.C.). 1020. JE f 5.54. Suse, p. 155, and pi. 31, E-F. SUSIANA: SUSA Shortly after the assertion of his claim to rule the empire of Alexander in the east, and possibly in connection with his eastern campaigns, Seleucus I began issuing coins in his own name at Susa, which he renamed Seleucia on the Eulaeus. Thereafter Susa struck continu- ously as a Seleucid mint until the occupation of the city by the Elymaean ruler Kamnaski- res I c. 147 B.C. Demetrius II regained Susa, issuing a brief coinage of tetradrachms c. 145 102 Arthur Houghton Collection SELEUCUS I The catalogue of coins of Seleucus I given below follows the chronology of ESM, as amended by Houghton, Perse- polis. Specific references are to coins in this study. Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; to 1., wreath above horned horse's head 1.; beneath Zeus's arm, Boeotian shield; beneath throne, BE above TI; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 1021. JR \ 16.80. Sotheby, 30 Apr. 1958 (Haughton), 123. ESM 123; Houghton, pi. 1, 4. Obv. Head of Alexander as Diony- sus, in helmet covered with panther's skin and adorned with the horns and ear of a bull; dotted border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Vic- tory standing r., crowning trophy with a laurel wreath; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 1022. /R \ 17.00. Rev. to lower 1., BE; between victory and trophy, Boeotian shield; to lower r., R" . Spaer, Qazvin 21 (this coin); Houghton, p. 6, dies A1-P2 and pi. 1, 3. 1023. JR \ 17.08. Rev. to lower 1., ^; between victory and trophy, R". ESM 426. Drachm. 1024. JR / 3.91. Rev. to lower 1., H; between victory and trophy, AX. ESM 418. Tetradrachm. 1025. JR \ 16.89. Rev. to lower 1., M; between victory and trophy, AX. ESM 420. Obv. As 1021. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Type as 1021; to 1., Helios bust facing, above K; beneath throne, AP; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 1026. JR -* 17.03. Obv. die and rev. mono- grams of ESM 304. Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Athe- na holding spear and shield, in chariot drawn by two horned elephants r.; above, spearhead; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 1027. JR / 17.17. Rev. to r., Helios bust facing; in exergue, K , A P. Obv. die and rev. monograms of ESM 307. SUSIANA 103 Rev. Inscription and type as 1027; above, anchor; above ele- phants' heads, A; to r., A. Tetradrachm. 1032. A / 16.94. Newell's assignment of ESM 331-35 and ESM 337-39, to Susa has been questioned by both Le Rider (Suse, pp. 31-32) and Morkholm, who has suggested that they may have been struck at Ecbatana instead. Pending a study which would conclusively resolve the question of attribution, the following eastern issues of Seleucus I have been catalogued according to the arrangement In ESM. Obv. As 1027. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOYAthe- na holding spear and shield, in chariot drawn by four horned elephants r.; above, anchor; to r. of shield, © ; to r. of elephants, @ . Tetradrachm. 1033. A. <- 16.77. See ESM 331-35 for issues Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / with the monogram @. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ar- temis, holding arrow and bow, in chariot drawn by two horned elephants r.; above elephants, @ ; to lower r., ® . Stater. 1034. N <- 8.56. Dies of ESM 331. For another example, see G. K. Jen- kins, "Recent Acquisitions of Greek Coins by the British Mu- seum," NC 1959, p. 42, 22. Obv. Bearded head of Heracles wearing lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant, bell suspended from neck, walking r.; above, an- chor and ®; to lower r., ®; dotted border. 1035. M \ 8.89. See ESM 335 for a bronze issue of similar type with the same upper monogram. Rev. Inscription and type as 1033; to 1. of Athena, bow; above shield, ®; to r. of shield, anchor; to lower r., ® . Tetradrachm. 1036. A I 16.48. Dies of ESM 338. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Alexander as Diony- sus, in helmet covered with panther's skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Vic- tory standing r., crowning trophy with a laurel wreath; between victory and trophy, in ; dotted border. Drachm. 1037. A f 3.97. Houghton, p. 11 and pi. 104 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian heImet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis. Staters. 1040. A/ I 8.47. Rev. to lower 1., ®; to lower r., IE. See WSM, p. 24, 345A, a tetradrachm with similar monograms. 1041. A' -» 8.50. Rev. to lower 1., -P; to lower r., M. Hess-Leu 45, 12 May 1970, 334. See ESM 351, a tetradrachm of the same type with similar monograms. Obv. Busts of Dioscuri, facing; dot- ted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ele- phant walking 1.; to r., Pi; between elephant's legs, torch (?). 1042. JE I 2.47. See Suse, p. 46, 6 and pi. 2, for bronze issues of similar type. ANTIOCHUS I OR II Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / rinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis (?); to lower 1. 6c; to lower r., SE . Stater. 1043. A' \ 8.60. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 34, 11 (this coin). ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and stylis; to lower 1., Bt ;to lower r., 2J. Staters. 1044. A! \ 8.52. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 34, 12 (this coin). 1045. N -* 8.50. Rev. lower r. field mono- gram has been recut over ^1. MuM 19, 5 Jun. 1959, 523. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 42, n. 12 and pi. 5, C (this coin). SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., Be; to r., . Stater. 1046. A! / 8.57. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 34, 13 (this coin). SELEUCUS II OR III Obv. Diademed male bust 3/4 r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., A« ; r. field monogram partly off flan. 1047. JE \ 15.96. Suse, p. 52, 24, and pi. 3. ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin SUSIANA 105 Obv. Horned and diademed bust of Antiochus 3/4 r.; dotted bor- der. Rev. BAZIAEQE ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., ;to r., X (?); dotted border. 1049. JE / 14.77. See Suse, p. 54, 34, and pi. 3 for a tetradrachm with similar obverse style. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIA EQZ AN TIOXOYAthe- na wearing Corinthian helmet standing facing, head 1., hold- ing spear; at feet to 1., shield; to 1., A. ; to r., &; dotted border. 1050. JE \ 7.22. ESM 391; Suse, p. 55, 36 and pi. 3. On the basis of their monograms and adjusted dies, Le Rider (Suse, p. 25 and n. 7) has strongly questioned Newell's attribution to Susa of coins of the type of 1051-56, below (ESM 392-404), and Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / has suggested their assignment to Nisi- bis instead. Pending a definitive resolution of the attribution of such issues, they have been catalogued in accordance with ESM. Obv. As 1050. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. 1051. A -> 16.89. Rev. to 1., ;to r., ft . HLR, p. 112. 2 (this coin). 1052. A / 16.91. Rev. to 1., n . ESM 392. 1053. A \ 17.11. Rev. to 1., rose; to r., W. . Obv. die A2 and rev. symbol and monogram of ESM 393. 1054. A f 17.17. Rev. to 1., rose; to r., PA. Obv. die A3 and rev. symbol and monogram of ESM 394. 1055. A f 16.50. Rev. to 1., rose; to r., PT . ESM 396. 1056. A f 16.93. Rev. to 1., V; to r., Ai. Dies of ESM 399. Obv. Bee; dotted border. Rev. BAZ IA EQZ ANTIOXOY Her- mes, wearing petasus and holding caduceus, standing 3/4 1.; monograms, if any, indistinguishable. 1057. JE f 2.77. Suse, p. 57, 43. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1058. JR f 17.04. Rev. to 1., X; to r., Pfl. Dies of Suse, pi. 4, D. 1059. ' /R / 15.56. Dies of 1058. Strauss, p. Ill, 15 (this coin). The portrait of 1058-59 resembles that 106 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dot- ted border. Tetradrachms. 1063. At f 17.08. Rev. to L, A; to r., MuM 37, 5 Dec. 1968,241. Strauss, p. 112, 29 (this coin). 1064. At f 16.87. Rev. to r., Ab\ in exergue, A (?). Dies of Suse, pi. 5, E-F. Obv. Diademed head of Zeus with Ammon's horn r.; to 1., lotus- tipped scepter; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike, holding palm branch, riding biga r.; to r., Ab ; below, W3. 1065. JE 3.35. See Suse, p. 67 and pi. 5, H, a bronze issue of similar type with the same monograms. DEMETRIUS I Obv. Die of 1064 (Head of Antio- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / chus IV). Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on ompholos, holding arrow and bow; dotted border (1068-76). Tetradrachm. At / 16.88. Rev. to r., Ab ; in exergue, 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Tetradrachms. At \ 16.94. Rev. to r., Ab ; in exergue, A. Dies of Suse, p. 69, 67. HLR, p. 116, 56 (this coin). At \ 16.68. Rev. to L, ffl ; in exergue, A. HLR, p. 116, 58 (this coin). Al / 16.79. Rev. to 1., ;in exergue, fl. HLR, p. 116, 59 (this coin). 1071. AX. 1070. Al f 16.87. Obv. die of 1069. Rev. to 1., P) in exergue, AI. Morkholm, Susiana, p. 138, 65 (this coin). 16.88. Rev. die of 1070, but the exergue monogram has been recut to the form AN. Strauss, p. 114, 62 (this coin). 16.93. Rev. to 1., A; in exergue, R. Dies of Suse, pi. 6, 2. At \ 16.88. Obv. die of 1072. Rev. die of 1072, but the 1. field mono- gram has been recut to the form . HLR, p. 116, 60 (this coin). 16.81. Rev. in exergue, H. Strauss, p. 114, 57 (this coin). 15.68. Rev. to 1., H ; to r., mono- gram off flan; in exergue, H. Strauss, p. 113, 56 (this coin). 1076. At / 16.58. Rev. to 1., A ; or r. Y1; in exergue, 7^ . Morkholm, Susiana, p. 136, 59 (this coin). SUSIANA 107 DEMETRIUS II Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 1081. A \ 16.84. Rev. to 1., X; in exergue, EC (WT)?. Strauss, p. 118, 119 (this coin). 1082. A -> 16.86. Rev.tol.,V>\ ;tor., H$ (?); in exergue, M. . Strauss, p. 118, 120 (this coin). 1083. A \ 16.84. Rev. die of 1082. Strauss, p. 118, 121 (this coin). SUSIANA: ANTIOCH ON THE PERSIAN GULF The first coinage of Antioch on the Persian Gulf appears to have been struck by An- tiochus IV, who is reported to have refounded the city after its destruction by floods.1 Thereafter the mint struck continuously until the early part of the reign of Demetrius II. Antioch fell to the Parthians c. 141 R.C. ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r., star above forehead on 1084-86; fillet border. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1084. A f 16.82. Rev. star above head; to 1., PP; to r., W. Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 32, A2-P1 (this coin). 1085. A f 16.83. Rev. to 1., W>; to r.,W. 1086. A / 17.01. As 1085. Morkholm, Se- leucid Mint, p. 32, A3-P2 (this coin). 1087. A / 16.83. Rev. to 1., rl ; to r.p A. MuM FPL 326, May 1974, 4. 1088. A f 16.79. Rev. to 1., Ti ; to r., H. MuM 37, 5 Dec. 1968, 243. Mork- holm, Seleucid Mint, p. 34, A7- P7 (this coin). Obv. Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus r., dotted border. Hemidrachm. 1089. A f 1.92. Rev. to L, CD (?). Obols. 1090. A 1 0.71. 1091. A \ 0.79. Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, pp. 32—33, has attributed drachm issues of Antio- chus IV of the type of 1089-91 to An- tioch on the Persian Gulf, primarily on the basis of their adjusted dies. See also 1316-17, which Morkholm has suggested should be attributed to Antioch on the Persian Gulf. 1 Pliny, HN 6.138-39; see O. Morkholm, Antiochus IV of Syria (Copenhagen, 1966), pp. 167-69. 108 Arthur Houghton Collection DEMETRIUS I Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on om- phalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1092. JR f 16.83. Rev. to L, 3 ; to r., £. Morkholm, Seleucid Mini, p. 34, Al-Pl (this coin). 1093. JR f 16.60. Rev. 1. field monogram off flan; to r., 13 . Kricheldorf 18, 4 Dec. 1967, 84. See Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 35, A5-P6, a tetradrachm with the same r. field monogram. 1094. JR / 16.62. Rev. to 1., H (?); in exer- gue, EE? . Obv. die A2 of Mork- holm, Seleucid Mint, p. 34. Strauss, p. 115, 75 (this coin). 1095. JR f 16.78. Rev. toi., & ;tor., 5 (?). Strauss, p. 115, 76 (this coin). 1096. JR \ 16.65. Rev. to 1., indeterminate monogram (>fc ?); to r., indistin- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / guishable monogram. Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 36, A8-P9 (this coin). 1097. JR f 16.83. Rev. to 1., ffi ; to r., 1 . Obv. die of Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 36, A6-P7, where 1. field monogram is rendered A . See also 1319-20, tetradrachm issues of Demetrius which Morkholm has suggested should be attributed to An- tioch on the Persian Gulf. BALUCHISTAN: The following coin series, related by style, technique and provenance, was evidently the product of a local mint, probably operating during the reign of Antiochus I. ANTIOCHUS I? Obv. Head of Alexander as Diony- sus, in helmet covered with ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1098. JR f 16.68. Rev. to 1. and r., indis- tinguishable monograms. Dies A2-P2 of Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 37. 1099. JR / 16.64. Rev. to 1., ft; to r., A. Morkholm, Seleucid Mint, p. 37, A3-P3 (this coin). 1100. JR / 16.75. Rev. to 1., A ; to r., A. Rev. die of Morkholm, p. 36, Al-Pl, where 1. monogram is rendered A . 1101. JR \ 16.62. Rev. to 1., A; to r., HP. Dies A4-P4 of Morkholm, Seleu- cid Mint, p. 37. Strauss, p. 117, 113 (this coin). Media 109 Drachms. 1103. At \ 3.79. Houghton, Persepolis 1. 1104. At t- 3.80. Houghton, Persepolis 3. 1105. At f 4.11. Rev. below, CI. Houghton, Persepolis 7. 1106. At \ 3.94. Rev. below, A A. Houghton, Persepolis 8. 1107. At / 4.09. Rev. below, I A. Houghton, Persepolis 9. 1108. A f 4.06. .Rep. below, indistinguish- able monogram. Houghton, Per- sepolis 10. Hemidrachms. 1109. At <- 1.90. Rev. below, EB (?). Houghton, Persepolis 11. 1110. A / 1.91. Houghton, Persepolis 15. 1111. /« 2.06. .Rep. below, \F or \J . Houghton, Persepolis 16. Rev. Type as 1103; no inscription except as noted. Obols. 1112. At / 0.65. Rev. traces of inscription to r.; below, CA. Houghton, Persepolis 17. 1113. At \ 0.43. Houghton, Persepolis 20. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1114. At I 0.61. Houghton, Persepolis 21. 1115. At / 0.66. Houghton, Persepolis 22. 1116. At / 0.61. Houghton, Persepolis 23. 1117. A <- 0.59. Houghton, Persepolis 24. 1118. At \ 0.60 (broken). Houghton, Perse- polis 25. 1119. At / 0.79. MEDIA: ECBATANA The mint of Ecbatana opened under Seleucus I late in the fourth century B.C., initially striking gold and silver coinage in Alexander's name, then issues with the name of Seleucus as king.1 With the exception of a two-year period when the usurper Timarchus held the city as his capital (142-140 B.C.) Ecbatana remained under continuous Seleucid control, for the most part maintaining a voluminous and often diverse coinage which ceased only when Mithradates I of Parthia seized the city in c. 148/7 B.C.2 SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. AAEEANAPOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; dotted border. Tetradrachms. 1120. At I 17.03. Rev. to 1., li above fore- part of grazing horse 1.; beneath throne, UP. ESM 456. 1121. At \ 17.03. Rev. to 1., head of horned horse 1.; beneath throne, A I. ESM 457. Obv. Head of Athena in Corin- thian helmet r. Rev. AAEEANAPOY Nike stand- ing 1., holding wreath and stylis; to1., above £ above inverted anchor; to lower 1., forepart of grazing horse 1.; to lower r., ZQ. Stater. 1122. N I 8.51. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 35, 16 (this coin). 1 Newell, ESM, p. 162, proposes a date of c. 311 B.C. for the opening of the mint. For whatever reason, Seleucus's name was evidently not added to the coinage of Ecbatana until more than a decade after his assumption of the royal title in 305 B.C. * Le Rider, Suse, pp. 339-40. 110 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. As 1120. Rev. Inscription and type as 1120; to 1., «K and £ above anchor above forepart of grazing horse L; beneath throne, ZQ. Tetradrachm. 1123. JR \ 17.04. ESM 475. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Type as 1120; to 1., anchor above forepart of grazing horse 1. on 1124-30; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 1124. JR \ 17.14. Rev. to 1., <g and £; beneath throne, ZQ. ESM 480. Spaer, Qazvin 49 (this coin). Didrachm. 1125. JR / 8.62. Rev. to 1., P"; beneath throne, ZQ. Spaer, Qazvin 60 (this coin). Tetradrachms. 1126. JR \ 17.16. Rev. to 1., W; beneath throne, W . ESM 487. Spaer, Qazvin 75 (this coin). 1127. JR I 17.12. Rev. to 1., £; beneath throne, M. Obv. die and rep. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / monograms of ESM 497. 1128. JR | 17.00. .Rep. to 1., £; beneath throne, rfl . ESM 498. 1129. yR I 17.04. flep. to 1., tk ; beneath throne, . ESA* 500. 1130. i« \ 16.93. Rev. to 1., BA; beneath throne, K . ESM 504. 1131. JR / 17.10. Rev. to L, inverted anchor above A; beneath throne, A". ESM 506. Drachm. 1132. JR f 4.09. Uei>. BAZIAEQZ off flan; toi.,r (A1 ?). Tentative attribu- tion, based on obverse style and presumed monogram. Obo1. 1133. JR \ 0.59. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor; monograms, if any, indistinguish- able. Tentative attribution, based on symboi. See also 1033-36, issues of Seleucus I whose attribution to Susa by Newell has been questioned by Le Rider and Mork- holm, and which may have been struck at Ecbatana. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter; dotted bor- der. Drachm. 1134. JR «- 4.13. Rev. to 1., tt above fore- part of lion 1.; beneath throne, TV. ESM 509. Tetradrachms. 1135. JR / 17.10. Rev. to 1., & above fore- part of lion 1.; beneath throne, . Hess-Leu 28, 6 May 1965, 269. See ESM 511, a drachm with the same symbol and monograms. Spaer, Qazvin 87 (this coin). Media 111 ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., r. foot on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; dotted border. 1141. JE -> 5.10. Rev. to L, A. ESM 538. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow (1142) or three arrows (1143) and bow. Stater. 1142. N I 8.50. Rev. to 1. of Apollo's head, £; toi. of legs, ® above forepart of grazing horse 1. WSM, p. 28, 541A. Tetra drachm. 1143. JR I 16.33. Rev. to 1. of head, £; to 1. of legs, W above forepart of grazing horse 1. ESM 542. SELEUCUS II Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding three arrows (1144) or one arrow (1145) and bow; to 1. of legs, forepart of grazing horse 1.; dotted border. Staters. 1144. A! I 8.58. Rev. to 1. of head, £; beneath hand, W. Houghton Tarik Darreh, p. 35, 17 (this coin). 1145. N \ 8.48. Rev. to 1. of head, £; beneath hand, A. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 35,18 (this coin). Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow. Stater. 1146. A <- 8.44. Rev. to 1. of head, A ; to 1. of legs, OS ; to lower 1., forepart of grazing horse 1. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 35, 19 (this coin). Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r.; dotted border. Drachms. 1147. JR f 4.02. Rev. to 1., A. 1148. JR \ 3.58. Rev.tol., 3U ; to r., ®. See WSM, p. 29,547B, a drachm with the same r. field monogram. Obv. As 1144. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo standing 1. resting 1. el- bow on tripod; dotted border. 1149. JE ] 5.16. Rev. to 1. of head, £; beneath arm, ^ above horse's head 1.; to r., W. ESM 548. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant surmounted by mahout walking r.; dotted border. 1150. JE <- 4.73. Rev. to L, Pi. ESM 551. Obv. Head of Athena wearing crest- ed Attic helmet r.; dotted bor- der. 112 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r., club over r. shoulder; dot- ted border. 1154. JE \ 5.34. Rev. beneath arm, fcl above Hi . ESM 566. 1155. JE f 2.55. As 1154. ESM 567. Obv. As 1147. Rev. BAZIAEYZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing L, holding palm branch and resting 1. elbow on tripod. 1156. JE / 6.27. Rev. to 1., I; to r., PP. ESM 568. 1157. JE \ 2.31. As 1156. ESM 569. Obv. As 1144. Rev. Inscription and type as 1146. Stater. 1158. A'f 8.53. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 36, 26 (this coin). SELEUCUS III Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., t*T above horse's head 1.; Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / to r., PJ. Tetradrachm. 1159. JR / 16.84. J. Schulman 262, 14 May 1975, 1088. ESM 571 (this coin). ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1160. JR -* 17.10. Rev. to 1., $f above horse's head 1.; to r., Wf . ESM 579. 1161. /R I 16.85. Rev. to above horse's head 1. Obv. die of ESM 588|3. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm branch; in outer 1. field, W; in inner 1. field, in- verted anchor; r. field mono- gram, if any, off flan. 1162. JE f 8.07. See ESM 585, a similar bronze issue with the same L field monogram. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing r., holding arrow and bow; to 1., PI; to r., to above inverted anchor; dotted border. 1163. JE f 18.68. ESM 591. 1164. JE I 13.77. As 1163. 1165. JE \ 13.97. As 1163. Rev. Inscription and type as 1160. 1166. JE \ 22.44. Rev. to 1., [ft above ele- phant's head 1.; r. field mono- gram off flan. ESM 594. 1167. JE \ 10.66. As 1166. ESM 596. 1168. JE f 7.63. As 1166. ESM 597. 1169. JE / 12.03. Rev. toi., |?| (?); tor., ft. HLR, p. 113, 5 (this coin). Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Tri- pod; monograms indistin- guishable. Media 113 Rev. BAZIA EQZ ANTIOXOY Mounted horseman with lance charging r.; to 1., J ; to r., $f. 1177. JE I 11.85. ESM 615. 1178. JE <- 3.85. ESM 617. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOYHorse grazing 1.; to 1., fit; to r., J . 1179. jE f 25.22. ESM 618. /Jew. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Mare standing 1., head reverted toward suckling foal; to 1., ifr . 1180. JE \ 20.43. ESM 622. 1181. JE f 27.08. As 1180. 1182. JE \ 10.84. ESM 623. Oiw. Type as 1160; dotted (1183, 1189-91) or fillet (1184) bor- der. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Ele- phant walking r. Tetradrachms. 1183. JR f 16.91. Rev. to 1., 3 I; to r., PH; dotted border. K. Kress 129, 27 Apr. 1964, 323. Obv. and rev. dies of ESM 626, but the r. monogram has been added. Boeh- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / ringer, Chronologie, p. 174, 32 (this coin). 1184. JR f 16.86. Rev. to 1., Ffl; to r., f*\ Hess-Leu 28, 6 May 1965, 272. Dies of ESM 628. Boehringer, Chronologie, p. 174, 33 (this coin). Drachms. 1185. JR f 3.90. Rev. to r., Ffl. ESM 631. 1186. JR j 3.62. As 1185. 1187. JR \ 4.06. Rev. above, M"; below, £. Sotheby-Parke Bernet, 13 Jui. 1977, 32. WSM, p. 31, 631A. 1188. JR f 3.84. flep. to r., AT (?). 1189. f 17.05. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor; beneath belly, V\. ESM 648. 1190. JE \ 16.51. As 1189. 1191. JE f 3.84. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor; beneath belly, . £SM 651. Obv. Type as 1160. Rev. Inscription and type as 1160. Tetra drachm. 1192. JR / 16.88. Obv. dotted border. Rev. in outer 1. field, R; in inner 1. field, Xr . HLR, p. 112, 3 (this coin). Drachms. 1193. JR f 4.37. Rev. to 1., *r . 1194. /« f 3.95. .Rep. in outer 1. field, I*1 or VI ; in inner 1. field, fr . See Suse, p. 330, B, 23, a drachm with similar monograms assigned to Antiochus IV. HLR, p. 114, 24 (this coin). 1195. JR I 4.18. Rev. to 1., ft ; to r., A. 1196. JR -* 4.17. Dies of 1195. The attribution of 1193-96 is based on their portrait, which like the tetradrachm 1192 shows the sharp features of An- tiochus III. Nos. 1195-96 carry in their r. field the monogram 4^, possibly a variant of A I, which appears on tetradrachm issues of Antiochus III and Seleucus IV struck at 114 Arthur Houghton Collection 1202. A \ 4.09. Obv. die of 1201. Rev. in outer 1. field, fX ; in inner 1. field, A I. Suse, p. 327, B. 8. 1203. A / 4.03. As 1202. 1204. A <- 4.08. As 1202. Obv. Bust of Dionysus 3/4 r.; dot- ted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Ele- phant walking 1.; in exergue, M ; r. field monogram, if any, indistinguishable. 1205. JE \ 36.57. Suse, p. 328, C, 3. HLR, p. 113, 11 (this coin). 1206. JE \ 3.39. Obv. Busts of Dioscuri, facing; dot- ted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike walking 1., holding wreath and palm branch; to 1., •£ above M. 1207. JE / 6.05. Suse, p. 327, 2. ANTIOCHUS IV Le Rider's arrangement of the silver issues of Antiochus IV at Ecbatana (Suse, pp. 328-30) has been adjusted to take Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / into account the likely chronology of monograms. Nos. 1208-10, for example, have been placed at the beginning of the series, on the assumption that they followed shortly after issues of Seleucus IV with the monogram Xr , which they share. Drachm issues with the symbol horse's head and monogram AK follow the two tetradrachms which carry the same symbol and the monograms A IK ZAP, etc. Where a reasonable chronology cannot be ascertained, the coins general- ly follow Le Rider's sequence. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted (1208-10, 1213-14, 1217-25) or fillet (1211-12) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Drachms. 1208. A \ 4.09. Rev. in outer r. field, TT; in inner 1. field, ft; in outer r. field, cornucopiae. Suse, p. 330, B, 24. 1209. JR \ 4.12. As 1208. 1210. A <- 4.03. Rev. in outer 1. field, 3* ; in inner 1. field, ^ . Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY 9EOY Type as 1208. Tetradrachms. 1211. JR / 16.89. Rev. to 1., horse's head 1.; in exergue, AI K ZAP. HLR, p. 114, 21 (this coin). 1212. JR / 17.01. Obv. die of 1211. Rev.tol., horse's head 1.; to r., ZAP; in exergue, AI K, with traces of the letter K showing beneath the I. HLR, p. 114, 20 (this coin). Rev. Inscription and type as 1208. Drachms. 1213. JR -* 4.19. Rev. to 1., horse's head 1.; Media 115 Obv. Bust of Hermes wearing peta- sus, 3/4 L, caduceus at r. shoulder; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo standing 1., holding arrow and bow; to 1., Z ;to r., M. 1226. JE -> 9.05. Suse, p. 331, C, 2. Obv. Elephant, surmounted by ma- hout, walking r.; to r., W; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nike walking r., holding wreath; to r., A; exergue monogram off flan. 1227. JE I 6.76. Suse, p. 331, C, 4. ANTIOCHUS V Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY EY- TTATOPOZ Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Drachms. 1228. JR f 4.03. Obv. to 1., .\ZA. Rev. to Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1., AZK. Obv. die of F. Imhoof- Blumer, Monnaies grecques, p. 431, 78 ( = HLR, pi. 5, B). 1229. JR f 4.23. Obv. to 1., IA. See comment following HLR, p. 115, 45, for similar drachms, unattributed to mint. The tentative attribution to Ecbatana of 1228-29 is based on hoard evidence and their stylistic affinity to issues of Antiochus IV struck at this mint. However, O. Merkholm suggests that the adjusted dies of such coins may indicate their issuance by another eastern city. TIMARCHUS Obv. Diademed head of Timarchus r.; fillet (1230) or dotted (1233-34) 1236-38) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ METAAOY TIM- APXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Drachm. 1230. JR \ 3.82. Obv. die of Suse, pi. 65, 7-8. Based on the condition of its obverse die, this coin preceded the drachm series of Timarchus. recorded by Le Rider. Suse, p. 333, C. Rev. Inscription as 1230. Nike walking 1. holding wreath and palm branch. 1231. JE I 29.78. Suse, pi. 65, 13. 1232. JE I 36.16. As 1231. 1233. JE / 14.75. Obv. to 1., Suse, pi. 65, 14-15. 1234. JE / 17.94. As 1233. 1235. JE \ 17.95. HLR, p. 115, 55 (this coin). 1236. JE / 9.44. Obv. monogram, if any, off flan. See Suse, pi. 65, 16-18, with obverse monogram I. 1237. JE f 8.94. As 1236. 116 Arthur Houghton Collection Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet (1235-41, 1243-48) or dotted (1242) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Ty- che seated 1. on throne, holding arrow and cornu- copiae. Drachms. 1239. JR <- 4.18. Obv. toi., TTA. 1240. JR <- 4.20. Obv. die of 1239. 1241. JR f 4.08. Obv. die of Suse, pi. 66, 5. The stylistic similarity of 1239-40 to drachms of Timarchus struck at Ecba- tana (Suse, pi. 65, 8-9), and the reuse on 1241 of an obverse die employed on a drachm of Ecbatana with a seated Apollo reverse, supports the attribution of this group. The reverse type of a Tyche with an arrow, very rare in Se- leucid coinages, relates 1239-41 to the following gold stater. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY ZQ- THPOZ Type as 1239; dot- ted border. Stater. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1242. A 8.32. Straus, p. 114, 66 (this coin). Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on om- phalos, holding arrow and bow. Stater. 1243. A f 8.24. Rev. in exergue, A. MuM 32, 20 Oct. 1966, 145. HLR, p. 116, 65 (this coin). Drachm. 1244. JR f 3.98. Obv. to r., )K. Obv. die of Suse, pi. 66, 10. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY ZQ- THPOZ Type as 1243. Dot- ted border on 1246-47, 1251- 65. Tetradrachms. 1245. JR f 16.71. Rev. to 1., horse's head 1.; to r., palm branch. Hess-Leu 36; 17 Apr. 1968, 324. Obv. die of Suse, pi. 65, 20-21; pi. 66, 1. 1246. JR \ 17.18. Obv. to 1., star above K. Rev. to 1., horse's head 1. HLR, p. 117, 66 (this coin). 1247. JR -> 17.60. Dies of 1246. Drachms. 1248. JR \ 4.11. Obv. as 1246. 1249. JR -> 3.78. Suse, p. 335, C, 3. 1250. JR ] 3.88. Obv. die of 1249. Rev. toi., palm branch. Suse, p. 336, C, 13. 1251. JR <- 4.01. Suse, p. 335, C, 6. 1252. JR / 3.83. As 1251. 1253. JR I 3.93. As 1251. 1254. JR -> 3.96. As 1251. 1255. JR -* 4.05. Obv. die of 1254. Rev. to 1., palm branch. Suse, p. 336, C, 13. 1256. JR -* 4.16. Rev. to 1., helmet. Suse, p. 336, C, 15. 1257. JR / 3.97. Rev. to r., A. Suse, p. 336, C, 20. 1258. JR / 3.89. As 1257. 1259. JR -> 4.10. Rev. to 1., B. Northeast 117 ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet (1270-73, 1275) or dotted (? 1274) border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9EOTTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Drachms. 1270. JR f 4.11. Rev. to 1., £ . Obv. die of Suse, pi. 67, 22-24. 1271. JR / 4.11. Obv. die of 1270. 1272. 1273. JR i JR i Rev. 4.11. 4.06. As 1272. Inscription as 1270. Ele- phant surmounted by mahout, walking r. 1274. JE / 15.57. Suse, p. 338, C; pi. 67, 27-28. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Rev. Inscription as 1270. Bee; dotted border. 1275. JE I 2.43. This coin appears to be most closely related to the series of bronze issues struck at Ecba- tana under Alexander. Said to come from Iran. NORTHEAST: HECATOMPYLUS OR ARTACOANA Provenance, style, form of inscription and technique of manufacture point to the probabil- ity that the following series of coins was struck in the area of northeast Iran. The evidence for an attribution to either Hecatompylus or Artacoana is inconclusive, however, although NewelFs suggestion that their originating mint was in a provincial capital is reasonable.1 No coins which can be identified with this group are known to have been struck prior to the reign of Antiochus I, or later than that of Seleucus II. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1276. JR \ 16.99. Rev. to 1., A9; to r., traces of monogram; in exergue, A . Obv. die of ESM 727-28. See WSM 729-32, silver series with same monograms. 1277. JR f 16.91. Rev. to I., /B (AB ?) above fl; in exergue, A . Obv. die of ESM 731. Drachm. 1278. JR / 4.26. Rev. 1. field monogram, if any, off flan; to r., At (AB ?); in exergue, A . Newell, ESM, p. 258, has pointed out that coins of the above type with the monogram A , which was continued on issues of Seleucus II, probably were struck under Antiochus II. The fact that ESM 727-28 share their obverse die with 1276 suggests that they were more likely issued by the latter king than by Antiochus I. SELEUCUS II 118 Arthur Houghton Collection NORTHEAST: BACTRA The mint of Bactra opened early in the third century, initially striking coinage during the joint reign of Seleucus I and his son Antiochus, but carrying only Seleucus's name.1 During the sole reign of Antiochus I and that of Antiochus II, gold staters and two very brief bronze issues (ESM 716 and 716A; see 1287, below) were added to the mint's produc- tion. The Seleucid era in Bactra ended at some point after 256 B.C., when Diodotus rebelled successfully and established an independent Greco-Bactrian kingdom.8 JOINT REIGN OF SELEUCUS I AND ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Laureate head of Zeus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOYAthe- na, holding spear and shield, in chariot drawn by four horned elephants r.; above, anchor; dotted border. Tetradrachm. 1280. JR I 16.51. Obv. to 1., A. Obv. die of ESM 657cc-p. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZE AEYKOY AN- TIOXOY Athena, holding spear and shield, in chariot drawn by four horned ele- phants r. Tetradrachms. Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 1281. JR I 10.36 (fragment). Obv. monogram, if any, not visible. Rev. above, @. ESM 665? 1282. M I 14.05. Obv. below, E. Rev. as 1281. Obv. die of ESM 672a-p. Drachm. 1283. A | 3.01. Rev. above, @. ESM 675. 1 Newell, ESM, p. 230, suggests that the mint opened no earlier than 289 B.C., based upon the stylistic correspondence of Bactra's first elephant quadriga tetradrachms with similar issues of Se- leucia on the Tigris {ESM 69 and 71), struck c. 290-289 B.C. N. Waggoner's judgement that the elephant quadriga coinage inaugurated the output of the mint at Seleucia c. 305 ("The Early Alexan- der Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," ANSMN 15 (1969), p. 30, would entail an earlier opening date for Bactra, but this author's study of the early coinage of Seleucus I at Susa (Persepolis, p. 9) tends to support NewelFs chronology, which links the appearance of the elephant quadriga issues of Seleucia and elephant biga coins of Susa to the Battle of Ipsus. R. Hadley, "Royal Propaganda of Seleucus I and Lysimachus," JHS 94 (1974), p. 58, proposes a date after 285 B.C. for the commencement of mint operations at Bactra. An opening date as early as c. 293 B.C., which has been suggested by M. Mitchi- ner, Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage, 1 (London, 1975), p. 10, is not supported by the numis- matic evidence. P. Bernard and O. Guillaume, "Monnaies inedites de la Bactriane grecque a AI Khanoum (Afghanistan)," RN 1980, pp. 17-19, have noted that a brick discovered in the excavations of Ai Khanoum carries the distinctive monogram A, and have advanced with reservation the possi- bility that coins of Seleucus I and Antiochus I with the same monogram may have been struck at AI Khanoum and not at Bactra. 2 Newell, ESM, p. 249, suggests that Diodotus's claim to full independence from the Seleucid Em- pire, and the appearance of his own name on coinage of Bactra, did not occur until after the death of Antiochus II in 247 B.C. A. Bellinger, "The Coins from the Treasure of the Oxus," ANSMN 10 (1962), pp. 61-63, supports Newell's chronology in rejecting J. Wolski's view that Diodotus did not assume the title of king in Bactra until 239, during the reign of Seleucus II. As Bellinger has pointed out, the absence of any known Bactrian coinage of the latter king is persuasive evidence supporting Newell's earlier dating for Diodotus's seizure of authority. Northeast 119 ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Horn- ed and bridled horse's head r. Drachm. 1284. JR I 4.18. Rev. to r., @. Obv. die and rev. monogram of ESM 690. Hemidrachm. 1286. JR I 2.05. Rev. no visible monogram. See ESM 691, a hemidrachm of similar type with r. field mono- gram @. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to 1., ©; other monogram, if any, off flan. Drachm. 1286. JR I 3.83. See ESM 698, a similar drachm with the same monogram. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Lyre; to r., @. 1287. JE I 2.47. P. Bernard and O. Guil- Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / laume, "Monnaies ineditcs de la Bactriane grecque a At Khanoum (Afghanistan), RN 1980, p. 28, type 3. See also G. Le Rider, "Les Monnaies," Fouilles d'Al Khanoum 1 (Memoires de la Delegation arche"ologique francai- se en Afghanistan 21, Paris, 1973), p. 204, 13, a bronze issue of similar type with the monogram A. Said to come from Afghanistan. Obv. As 1284. Rev. Inscription and type as 1286. Stater. 1288. A \ 8.36. Rev. to 1., ® above A. Obv. die style as ESM 699. Tetradrachm. 1289. JR I 16.73. Rev. to 1., @. ESM 705. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus II r.; dotted border. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. Rev. BAZIAK2Z ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Stater. N \ 8.39. Rev. to 1., A. Obv. die of ESM 706; rev. die of ESM 704r), attributed by Newell to Antiochus I. Houghton, Tarik Darren, p. 36, 29 (this coin). Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Stater. A I 8.48. Rev. to 1. of Apollo's head, star; above knees, A ; to 1. of legs, lyre. ESM 707. 120 Arthur Houghton Collection EASTERN REGION: UNCERTAIN MINTS SELEUCUS I Obv. Head of Dioscurus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Fore- part of horned horse r.; above, anchor; to r., @ ; dotted bor- der. 1300. JE *- 6.91. Obv. to 1., ® . ESM 749. Said to be from Iran. 1301. JE \ 8.25. Obv. to 1., <® . Newell, WSM, p. 261, suggests an attribution for coins of the above type to Bactria or eastern Iran. Obv. Horned and bridled horse's head r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY In- verse Anchor; dotted border. Drachms. 1302. M f 3.81. Auctiones 5, 2 Dec. 1975, 190. Jameson 1657 (this coin); ESM 752 (this coin). 1303. A <- 4.32. Rev. to 1., bunch of grapes. ESM 753. Newell suggests a mint in eastern Iran Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / or western Afghanistan for issues of the above type. Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter. 1304. A / 4.11. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor; beneath throne, PB . Said to be from Syria. The monogram has no parallel among western issues of Seleucus, and the cupped flan suggests an eastern mint. 1305. JR \ 4.10. Rev. to 1., ®; beneath throne, fH. See C.-Y. Petitot- Biehler, "Trdsor de monnaies grecques et greco-bactriennes trouve" a AI Khanoum (Afghanis- tan)," RN 1975, p. 40, 52, a tetradrachm with the same un- usual placement of the inscription and a similar 1. field monogram. Said to be from Iran. Petitot-Biehler cites G. Le Rider's view that the AI Khanoum tetradrachm may be from a peripheral eastern mint, or part of an exceptional issue. The existence of two coins of different denominations within the same series vitiates the possibility that they are imitations. 1306. i4t f 4.09. Rev. to 1., inverted anchor above indistinguishable mono- gram; beneath throne, A . NFA 7, 6 Dec. 1979, 254. Possibly struck at Ecbatana. ANTIOCHUS I Obv. Head of Heracles in lion's skin r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding eagle and scepter. Uncertain East 121 Obv. Horned horse's head r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY In- verted anchor; to 1., 3> ; to r., a. 1309. JR. <- 6.45. WSM 886. Said to be from Lebanon. Newell suggests that coins of this type may have been struck in the Tigris-Euphrates region. ANTIOCHUS II Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; to r., @; in exergue, H , partly off flan. Tetradrachm. 1310. JR 17.02. Dies of Glendinning, 10 Oct. 1951, 310. A third example, struck from the same dies and showing the exergue monogram clearly is in the ANS, I 16.75. Both coins have hammered edges and non-oriented dies. The Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / obverse style suggests that of certain Bactrian staters, such as 1290, above. SELEUCUS II Obv. Head of Athena wearing Co- rinthian helmet r. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nike standing 1., holding wreath; palm branch behind 1. shoul- der; to 1., NA. Stater. 1311. A \ 8.53. Houghton, Tarik Darreh, p. 34, 32 (this coin). ANTIOCHUS III Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; dotted border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1312. JR \ 16.93. Rev. to 1., X . Obv. die of WSM 1682y-E. Said to be from the Ma'aret en-Numan hoard (CH 6, 37 "Syria"; CH 7, 97). Newell, ESM, p. 372 has attributed this coin with reservation to Susa as part of Series II (ESM 392-404), which Le Rider (Suse, p. 25, n. 7), suggests should be assigned to Nisibis. For another example, struck from different dies, see G. K. Jenkins, "A Hellenistic Hoard from Mesopotamia," ANSMN 13 (1967), p. 54, 87. 1313. JR f 16.59. Rev. t0 1., 3> above E. Said to be from Iran. SELEUCUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Seleucus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ZEAEYKOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; within the bow, in small let- 122 Arthur Houghton Collection ANTIOCHUS IV Obv. Diademed head of Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on omphalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1316. A f 16.70. Rev. to!., prj> ; to r., \rS ( ?). Said to be from Iran. 1317. Al f 15.21. Rev. to 1., tripod. Strauss, p. 115, 37 (this coin). Said to be from Iran. Morkholm has suggested an attribu- tion to Antioch on the Persian Gulf for the above two issues. TIMARCHUS Obv. Cornucopiae; laurel wreath border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ METAAOY TI- MAPXOY Nike walking 1., holding wreath. 1318. JE f 7.59. Houghton, "Timarchus as King in Babylonia," RN 1979, p. 214, fig. D (this coin). DEMETRIUS I Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQS AHMHTPIOY Nude Apollo seated 1. on om- phalos, holding arrow and bow. Tetradrachms. 1319. A. -> 16.70. Rev. to 1., PP ; to r., hP. Said to be from Iran. 1320. JR f 15.61. Rev. to 1., 4>; to retraces of monogram. Strauss, p. 115, 78 (this coin). Merkholm has suggested that 1319- 20 may have been struck at Antioch on the Persian Gulf. Obo1. 1321. JR f 0.56. Obv. to 1., if] . Said to be from Iran. Obv. Diademed head of Demetrius r.; fillet border. Rev. Illegible inscription. Inverse anchor. 1322. JE f 5.34. Said to be from Iran. ALEXANDER I BALAS Obv. Diademed head of Alexander r.; fillet border. Rev. BAZIAEQZ AAEEANAPOY 9EOfTATOPOZ EYEPTETOY Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- ing Nike and scepter; in exergue, H. Tetradrachm. 1323. JR f 16.83. Auctiones 12, 29 Sept. 1981, 143. Modeled on Alexan- der's regular issues of Antioch, this coin's schematic, somewhat mechanical style and the flat surfaces of its flan suggests its issuance at another mint, however, perhaps in northern Syria or Mesopotamia. Its obverse die appears to have been cut by the same hand as MFA 2173, which Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / PLATES Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 2 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 3 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 4 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS PIate 5 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 6 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 7 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 9 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 10 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 11 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 12 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 14 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS PIate 15 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 16 SYRIA SELEUCIS 272 273 275 276 277 280 281 282 283 271 278 279 284 285 ®9 289 290 29 1 295 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 17 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 18 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 19 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 20 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Plate 21 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 22 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 24 SYRIA SELEUCIS Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / CILICIA Plate 25 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 26 CILICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 28 CILICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 30 CILICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / CILICIA Plate 31 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 32 CILICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 34 WEST ASIA MINOR Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / WEST ASIA MINOR Plate 35 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 36 — HELLESPONT WEST ASIA MINOR Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 38 HELLESPONT Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / HELLESPONT Plate 39 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 40 PHOENICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / PHOENICIA Plate 41 701 702 703 704 705 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 42 PHOENICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / PHOENICIA Plate 43 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 44 PHOENICIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 46 PALESTINE Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / PALESTINE Plate 47 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 48 PALESTINE Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / PALESTINE — COELE-SYRIA Plate 49 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 50 COELE-SYRIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / 867 868 869 870 871 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 52 — MESOPOTAMIA UNCERTAIN SOUTH Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / MESOPOTAMIA Plate 53 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 54 MESOPOTAMIA — BABYLONIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 56 BABYLONIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / BABYLONIA Plate 57 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 58 BABYLONIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / IANOIYHVH 95 eatid Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 60 BABYLONIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SUSIANA Plate 61 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 62 SUSIANA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SUSIANA Plate 63 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 64 SUSIANA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SUSIANA Plate 65 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / SUSIANA — BALUCHISTAN 1101 1105 1106 1107 1108 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / OEII 9211 szn LZU 9en 9IIt 8111 LUX 9111 ## 5IU HIT E1 11 em 0 % 0 <ft & % gk xxxx Oil! 9011 L9 n*ld viaaw — NVJ.siHDmva Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 68 MEDIA 1116 1147 1118 1119 1150 1151 1152 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / MEDIA Plate 69 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 70 MEDIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / MEDIA Plate 71 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / ZL W\d vi ciaro Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / MEDIA Plate 73 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 74 MEDIA Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / MEDIA — NORTHEAST Plate 75 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / Plate 76 — UNCERTAIN EAST NORTHEAST 1300 1301 1302 1303 1301 1305 1300 Generated for anonymous on 2015-02-15 19:25 GMT / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / UNCERTAIN EAST Plate 77 Documents Similar To Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the collection of Arthur Houghton. 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