Coding and Decoding

March 27, 2018 | Author: Abhideep Bakshi | Category: Code, Sky, Mathematics, Nature



Reasoning and Quantitative AptitudeCoding-Decoding Module Name: Coding and Decoding SITAMS Page 1 Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude MOUDULE OBJECTIVE: Coding-Decoding This module is used to improve mental ability of a person. A CODE is a ‘system of signals’. Therefore, Coding is a method of transmitting a message between the sender and the receiver without a third person knowing it. Before transmitting, the data is encoded and at receiver side encode data is decoded in order to obtain original data by determining common key in encoded data. The Coding and Decoding Test is set up to judge the candidate’s ability. The Coding and Decoding is classified into seven types according to the on what way it is doing. They areype Type1: Letter Coding. Type2: Number Coding. Type3: Matrix Coding. Type4: Substitution. Type5:Mixed Letter Coding. Type6:Mixed Number Coding. Type7:Deciphering Individual Letter Codes by Analysis. SITAMS Page 2 in FREEZE. Clearly each letter in the word TAP is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code. R as Q.E as D and Z as Y. in NEMESIS. If TAP is coded as SZO. S Z O -1↑ T A P Thus. Clearly. M Y S T I F Y +1↓ N Z T U J G Z So. if in a certain language MYSTIFY is coded as NZTUJGZ. Case1:To form the code for another word 1. the code becomes EQDDYD SITAMS Page 3 . each letter in the word MYSTIFY is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code. the code becomes OFNFTJT.B. N will be coded as O. M as N and so on. 2.R.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Coding-Decoding SOLVED EXAMPLES: Type1:Letter Coding: In this type the real alphabets in a word are replaced by certain other alphabets according to a specific rule to form its code. E as F. F will be coded as E. So. Thus.B.A. 1997) Sol. 1997) Sol.S. then how is FREEZE coded? (M. the candidate is required to detect the common rule and answer the questions accordingly. how is NEMESIS coded in that language? (B. which word will be coded as HOUSE? SOL: each letter of the word is one step ahead of the corresponding letter of the code B Z Q Q N L | | | | | | C A R R O M H | | I U S E | | | P V T F O So.S.1996) SOL: Clearly. Reversed in order. I f in a certain language CARROM is coded as BZQQNL. S as T and E as F. The candidate is required to analyse the code as per the directions. MENTION is written as LNEITNO. in PATTERN. U as V. In a certain code. either numerical code values are assigned to a word or alphabetical code letters are assigned to the numbers. O as P. taking two at a time . BIDDIC is coded as 294493 6. Case 1: when a numerical code values are assigned to words 5. to obtain the code. TYPE 2: NUMBER CODING In these questions. the first letter of the word MENTION is moved one step backward and the remaining letters are. Thus.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 3. if in a certain language A is coded as 1. P will be coded as O. HOUSE is coded as IPVTF. How is PATTERN written in that code? (B.Tax. The answer is OTAETNR.D as 4 and C as 3. and the sequence of the remaining letter in the cod would be TAETNR.B is coded as 2. in the given code. Case 2: To find the word by analyzing the given code (DECODING) 4. how is BIDDIC is coded in that code? (Assistant Grade.R. Thus the code becomes OTAETNR. B is coded as 2.B. H is coded as I. 1998) Coding-Decoding SOL: Clearly. I as 9. then how would you encode ACCEPT? (I. the alphabets are coded as follows SITAMS P A I N T E X C L Page 4 . If PAINT is coded as 74128 and EXCEL is coded as 93596.1995) SOL:As given the letters are coded as A B C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 So in BIDDIC.and so on .So. Hence. 9 as Q. 3 as N. So.Tax & Central Excise.66.78. find COLD? (a)44.43 (d)10. 3 as N. c as 5. the set of alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in the given matrices.10.96. in ACCEPT. 599423 is coded as RQQAPN. Page 5 . C can be coded as 04. the correct code is 455978. 5 as R.85 or 96.O can be coded as 57. 1996) (b)31. How is 599423 coded in that code? SOL: Clearly as given 5 is coded as R.69. a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives .31 or 44. 7. Coding-Decoding Case2: Number to letter coding. 4 as A. Examples: MATRIX 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 D C K K E 1 K D C C D 2 A K E D A 3 E A A E K 4 C E D A C MATRIX 2 5 6 7 8 9 5 P T P O L 6 L P N N O 7 O N T T P 8 T L O P N 9 N O L L T (I. 4 as A and 6 as B. Hence. A is coded as 4.99.24 8.85. 2 as P.86.22 (c)30.79.95. E as 9. From matrix 2. 9 as Q. In a certain code. 2 is coded as P.21. TYPE 3: MATRIX CODING In this type of questions.22 SOL: SITAMS From matrix 1. P as 7 and T as 8.77.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 7 4 1 2 8 9 3 5 6 So. But. Through a comparison of the given coded messages. taking two at a time. 1995) (a)chn (b)nhi (c)ptr (d)wop SOL: (d). D can be coded as 00. as given. are given. only (d) contains all correct codes. In the second and third statements the common word is ‘gives’ and the common code word is ‘wop’.32 or 41.24. TYPE 4: SUBSTITUTION In this type of questions. 9. which is the cheapest jewel ? SOL: We know that ‘SILVER’ is cheapest. who will teach in a class? SOL : Clearly. 11. RUBY is the cheapest. GOLD is called SILVER. SILVER is called RUBY and RUBY is called EMERALD. The common code word will mean that word. If DIAMOND is called GOLD .L can be coded as 56.89 or 95. BUTLER is called MANAGER. what would mean ‘gives’? (Assistant Grade. So a CLERK will teach in a class. ‘tti wop nhi’ stands for ‘he gives nothing’. 10. ‘SILVER’ is called ‘RUBY’. So. TEACHER is called CLERK. To analyses such codes. three or four complete messages are given in the coded language and the code for a particular word is asked. ‘ptr lnm wop chn’ stands for ‘wife gives marriage gift’.79. any two messages bearing a common word are picked up. So ‘wop’ means ‘gives’. TYPE 6: MIXED NUMBER CODING In this type of questions. CLERK is called PRINCIPAL. Then a question is asked that is to be answered in the code language. the entire message can be analyzed. a TEACHER teaches in a class and as given TEACHER is called CLERK. TYPE 5: MIXED LETTER CODING In this type of questions.11. SITAMS Page 6 .Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude From matrix 2. MANAGER is called TEACHER.68. a few groups of numbers each coding a certain short message. some particular objects are assigned code names. Coding-Decoding Clearly. Proceeding similarly by picking up all possible combinations of two. If COOK is called BUTLER. If ‘nso ptr kli chn’ stands for ‘sharma gets marriage gift’. From matrix 1. in the first statement ‘7’ means ‘very’. ‘958’ means ‘hard work pays’ and ‘645’ means ‘study and work’. ’6’ means ‘study’. certain simple words are given along with their codes.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude the candidate is required to find the number code for each word and then formulate the code for the message given. the common word is ‘study’ and the common code digit is ‘6’. Coding-Decoding TYPE 7: DECIPHERING INDIVIDUAL LETTER CODES BY ANALYSIS In this type of questions.I. SOLACE (a)aedpqr SITAMS (Hotel Management..O. the common word is ‘hard’ and the common code digit is ’8’.B. and then answer the given questions accordingly. In the first and third statements. ‘8’ means ‘hard’. In a certain code.1996) (b)acemoq (c)acdmpq (d)demopq Page 7 . Which of the following is the code for ‘very’? (S. Thus. So. taking two words at a time. 1994) SOL: In the first and second statements. EX : COLUMN 1 DELIBERATION CONSIDERATE GHOSTLIKE cfhmoqqrx WORLDLY cdgmqrsxz KNOWLEDGE adefmopqqsz ROCKET cefkmopqqszz COLUMN 2 aemrqs ccehlmo 13. The candidate is required to decipher individual codes for different letters by comparing. 12. So.P. ‘786’ means ‘study very hard’. The information can be summarized as bellow: code m e c o h l Q r s a x f z d g p k letter O R L D W Y E K T C G N I S H A B FOR SOLACE: The code for ‘S’ is ‘d’.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude SOL: we first find the exact codes for given word.So its code is adefmopqqsz. Similarly find code letters for others. for ‘A’ is ‘p’.for ‘O’ is ‘m’. CONSIDERATE is a 11 letter word. In WORLDLY and ROCKET. SITAMS Page 8 . Coding-Decoding DELIBERATION is a 12 letter word. Hence its code is cefkmopqqszz. So. the code for SOLACE is ‘dmcpaq’ or ‘acdmpq’. code letter for O is ‘m’. In all words the common letter is ‘O’ and common code letter is ‘m’. the common letters are O & R. for ‘L’ is ‘c’. then other common code letter ‘e’ stands for R. Similarly find for another words.Hence ‘O’ means ‘m’. for ‘C’ is ‘a’ and for ‘E’ is ‘q’. how is NEGATIVE coded in that code ? ( the same code. each letter in the word is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code. Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT. TOGETHER is written as RQEGRJCT. The letters of the word are reversed in order. how would DULLARD be written in the same code ? (M.R.S. 5.O. 1995) a)CHRONRD b) DSOESPI c) ESJTPTF d) ESOPSID e) None of these Sol: (a). In certain language. how is BOMBAY coded in that code?(S. In certain code. If in a certain language.each letter of the word move two steps forward to obtain the code 6.C 1994) (S. TRIPPLE is written as SQHOOKD. to obtain the code.B. PAROLE will be written as (Bank P. CHAMPION is coded as HCMAIPNO.1994) a) NCPQJG b) NCQPJG c)RCPQJK d)RCTQNG e)none of these SITAMS Page 9 . 1998) a) FWMNCTF b)FWNNBTE c)FWNNCSF d)FWNNCTF e)Non of these Sol:(d).A.O.C. 3.B. How is DISPOSE written in that code? (Central Excise. If in a certain code . taking two at a time. 1994) a)NCPQJG b) NCQPJG c)RCPQJK d)RCTQNG e)None of these.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude EXERCISE PROBLEMS: Coding-Decoding 1. 2. Sol: (b). 1994) a)CPNCBX b) CPNCBZ c) CPOCBZ d) CQOCBZ e) None of the above. 4.S. The letters at odd positions are each moved two steps backward and those at even positions are each moved two steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code. TOGETHER is written as RQEGRJCT . 1995) a) ENAGITEV b)NEAGVEIT c) MGAETVIE d) EGAITEVN e)NEGATIEV Sol:(a). MADRAS is coded as NBESBT.S. In a certain code. Sol:(a). In certain code. In the same code PAROLE will be written as (Bank P. how would you encode BOMBAY? (M.each letter of the word moved four steps forward to obtain the code.A.I.DIUGNAL is the code for LANDUID.1997) a) AJMTVT b) AMJXVS c) MJXVSU d) WXYZAX e) none of these Sol: (b).which word would be coded as LKUMB? a) MMXQG b) MLVNC c) KJVLA d) MJVLC e) KJTLA SOL: (a). which word would be coded as ZXCMP ? a) BKQEVE b) BKQDWE c) BKQDWF d)AYDNQ e) BZEOR Sol: (d). If in a certain language. If DELHI is coded as CCIDD .second .third fouth and fifth letter in the word are respectively one.each letter at odd place in the word is one step behind and each letter at even place in the word is one step ahead of the corresponding letter of the code. 11. 1994) a) DFOUSBM b) GIRXVEP c) GJRYVEP d) GNFJKER e) none of these Sol:(b).four and five steps ahead of the corresponding letter of the code. which word would be written as cqfze? a) BARED b) BRAED c) BREAD d)BRADE e) BRDAE SOL: (C). 12.the firsr. which word would be coded as GBNPVT ? a) FAMOSU b)FAMOUS c) FASOUM d) FOSAUM e) FAMSUO Sol: (b). three. If in a certain language.two. If in a certain code. two.…….in the code.B.which word would be coded as ELKCAHS? a) SHINGLE b) SHERBET c) SHACKLE d) SHOCKLE e) NONE SOL: (c).Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Sol:(a).…………steps to backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code. SWITCH is written as TVJSDG. 9. In a code . Coding-Decoding 7. can CENTRAL be written in that code? (C. second. Each letter of the word is one step behind the corresponding letter of the code. 13. If ROBUST is coded as QNATRS in a certain language. Each letter of the word is one step ahead of the corresponding letter of the code.B.the first. third. POPULAR is coded as QPQVMBS. Letters of the word are respectively moved one.the letters of the code are put in a reverse order. SITAMS Page 10 .the letters at odd positions are moved two steps backward and those at even positions are each moved two steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.CORNER is written as GSVRI . 8. If in acertain language. three. SHIFT is coded as RFFBO. L as 5. In a certain code. Thus. If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662. in PILLER. 1995) a) 5279431 b) 5978213 c) 8251896 d) 8543691 Sol: (c).6as 5.EXAM 1991) a)57914 b)55914 c) 55934 d)55714 SOL: (b). If PALAM could be given the code number 43.the code becomes 55914. P is coded as 3. A as 2.1989) a)44826 b) 44880 c)46682 d)44682 SOL: (CLERLY . A=1.How is PILLER written in that code? (Railways.2 as 1 and 3 as the code letters at odd places are one place ahead and those at even piaces are one place before the corresponding letter in the word.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 14. The alphabets are coded as follows : D E L H I C A U T 7 3 5 4 1 8 2 9 6 is 46823 written in that code? (P. ………. what code number can be given to SANTACRUZ ? (Assistant Grade.O. U as 9 and T as 6. C=3. a)75 b)85 c)120 d)123 SOL: (d): In the given code. If in a certain language. In a certain code language 35796 is written as 44887. L as 8. 1995). Thus. In a certain code language 24685 is written as 33776.e. RIPPLE is written as 613382 and LIFE is written as 8192.O. 16. 4 will be written as 5. how can CALICUT be coded? (Assistant Grade. B=2. 19.The alphabets are coded as shown: R I P L E F 6 1 3 8 2 9 is 35791 written in that code? (P. 1998) a) 318826 b) 318286 c) 618826 d) 338816 Sol: (a). 17. I as 1. C is coded as 8. in 18.8as 9. EXAM.Z=26. SITAMS Page 11 .TRIANGLE is coded as SQHZMFKD. each letter of the word is one step ahead of the corresponding letter of the code.the same pattern as in above question is followed i. Coding-Decoding 15. the code for PILLER is 318826.I as 1. E as 2 and R as 6. the code for CALICUT is 8251896.which word would be coded as DWZLOKD? a) EXAMPLE b) FIGMENT c) DISMISS d) DISJOIN e)NONE SOL:(a). 184632 (a)MDJBSI (b) MDJBIL (c) MDJBWL (d) MDBJIL (e) none of these SOL: the correct answer is (d). SANTACRUZ=19+1+14+20+1+3+18+21+26=123. and 8 as D.O 1989). So. 6 is coded as J. 4 as B. 1 is coded as m. 2 as N. (a)NPTUL (b)PNTSL (c)NPTSL (d NBTSL (e)None of these SOL: the correct answer is (c): The numbers are coded as shown: 1 A 5 X 7 B 8 T 9 C 2 M 3 P 4 D 6 U i. 22. So. 9 as N. 64928 is coded as JBNLD 23. 23549 is coded as NPTSL. PALAM=16+1+12+1+13=43 Similarly. 5 as T. 7 as W. 4 as S and 9 as L. SITAMS Page 12 . 21. 4 as B. 879341 (a) DWNIBS these (b) DWNBIM (c) DWNIBM (d) NDWBIM (e) none of SOL: the correct answer is (c).. 8 as D. 15789 is written as XTZAL and 2346 is written as NPSU. 4 as B and 1 as M.e. As given 8 is coded as D. 1991) Digit Letter 7 W 2 L 1 M 5 S 3 I 9 N 8 D 6 J 4 B 20. So 879341 is coded as DWNIBM. How is 23549 written in that code ?(Bank P. So 184632 is coded as MDBJIL. 64928 (a) JBNLD (b) JBLND (c) BJNLD (d) DBNLS (e) None of these SOL: the correct answer is (a): As given . 3 as I. Coding-Decoding Directions (Questions 20 to 22): The number in each question below is to be codified in the following code: (Railways. 9 as N. In a certain code. As given.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude So. 6 as J. 3 as I and 2 as L. 2 as L. only (c) contains all correct codes.67.76.N can be coded as 59.41 c) 10.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Questions 24 to 25: MATRIX 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 D C K K E 1 K D C C D 2 A K E D A 3 E A A E K 4 C E D A C (I.14. From matrix 2.88 or or 98. D can be coded as 00.71.11. From matrix 2.37 d)78.67.11. only (a) contains all correct codes.24.76.O can be coded as 57.78.32 or 41.Tax & Central Excise. 25.33 or 40. Find for DONE ? a) P can be coded as 55.11 d) 57.76.32 or 41 From matrix 2.41 From matrix 1.42 SOL: From matrix or 98.85 or 96. From matrix 1.59. From matrix 2.69. Clearly. SITAMS Page 13 .N can be coded as 59.O can be coded as 57.85 or 96.75.57. Find for POND? a)88.76. D can be coded as 00.20.32 c) 66.22 b) 57.57.66. E can be coded as 03. From matrix Clearly.11. 1996) Coding-Decoding MATRIX 2 5 6 7 8 9 5 P T P O L 6 L P N N O 7 O N T T P 8 T L O P N 9 N O L L T 24.41 SOL: b) 11. 40.23. From matrix 1996) Coding-Decoding MATRIX 2 5 6 7 8 9 5 S H B E T 6 E S T H S 7 H E S T E 8 B T E B H 9 T B H S B 26.68.59 SOL: From matrix 1.14.S can be coded as 55. 27.31 or 43. F can be coded as 00.76 c)14.68.65 From matrix 1. Clearly.55.77. H can be coded as 57. From matrix 2.20.85 or 97. . SITAMS Page 14 .56.66.89 b)31.21. I can be coded as 04.77.76. only (b) contains all correct codes.33 or 40. Find for FAITH ? a)43. N can be coded as can be coded as 56.88.86 or d)02.34 or 42.87 or 95. Find for NEST ? a)33. only (d) contains all correct codes.79 SOL: c)24. Clearly. From matrix 1.78.87 or 95.85.32 or 41.C.78.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Questions 26 to 28: MATRIX 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 F I A O N 1 A O N F I 2 N F O I A 3 O A I N F 4 I N F A O (S. From matrix or 96. From matrix 2. T can be coded as 59.S.86 b) can be coded as d)12.24. T can be coded as 59. From matrix 1. From matrix 2.65.34. WELL is called ISLAND and Island is called SKY.32 or 41. the woman will draw water from an island. 30. If AIR is called GREEN.E can be coded as 56.21. Colour of clear sky is BLUE and as given.85 or 97. 1994) a) BLUE b)SKY c)YELLOW d)WATER e)PINK SOL: (b). From matrix 2. Clearly the birds fly in the AIR and AIR is called BLUE.31 or 43.I. AIR is called BLUE and BLUE is called WATER. 29.13. I can be coded as 04. So. So. GREEN is called BLUE.78 c)12.82 b)24.R. on what would a man sleep? (Bank P.14.78. the man will sleep on a window.67 d)00. Find for FINE ? a)31.O.67. So. YELLOW is called WATER and WATER is called PINK. PLATEAU is called WELL. WHITE is called RAIN. 1994) (a) WINDOW (b)BED (c)FLOWER (d)COOLER SOL: (a). If CLOUD is called WHITE. From matrix 1. Air is called PLATEAU. A woman shall draw water from a well but well is called island. N can be coded as 02. 1998) (a) WELL (b) ISLAND (c)SKY (d)AIR SOL: (b). F can be coded as 00.33 or 40. bed is called window. then what is the colour of clear sky ? (S. where will the birds fly? (Bank p.S. BLUE is called SKY.24.21. Clearly. The birds fly in the BLUE.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 28. RAIN is called GREEN. o. B. If ROOM is called BED. BLUE is called SKY. SITAMS Page 15 . If SAND is called AIR.02.19. the colour of clear sky is SKY. . only (d) contains all correct codes.SKY is called YELLOW. BED is called WINDOW.10. 31. 32. 1991) a) AIR b)CLOUD C)WHITE d)RAIN e)BLUE SOL: (e). So.10.P. A man sleeps on a bed and as given. From matrix 1.56 Coding-Decoding SOL: From matrix 1.O. then from where will a woman draw water? (B. GREEN is called AIR.04.32.33.B.23.12. WINDOW is called FLOWER and FLOWER is called COOLER. which would mean ‘goes’? (Bank P. the remaining code ‘ble’ means ‘where’.O 1992) (a)nro (b)mit (c)kti (d)bsi SOL: (b).R. ‘hyto’ means ‘games’. hyto gnr emf’ stands for ‘summer Olympic games’ and ‘esm sdr hyto’ stands for ‘modern games history’. If ‘gnr tag zog qmp’ stands for ‘Seoul Olympic Organising committee’. So. 35.B 1995) a)mok b)dan c)fit d)kon SITAMS Page 16 .’nro bsi mit’ stands for ‘down he goes’ and ‘bsi nro zpi’ stands for ‘died down he’.O 1996) a)SKY b)AIR c)WATER d)SEA Coding-Decoding e)CLOUD SOL: (b) One drinks WATER when thirsty and as given. AIR is called CLOUD and CLOUD is called RIVER. SEA is called WATER. In the first and second statements.S. If SKY is called SEA. 34. In a code language. In first and second statements. WATER is called AIR.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 33.1995) (a)nee (b)tim (c)see (d)ble SOL: (d). the common code word is ‘nro’ and the common word is ‘down’. Thus. So. what is code for ‘where’? (Assistant Grade. 37. then what do we drink when thirsty? (Bank P. ‘gnr’ means ‘Olympic’. Which word stands for ‘good’ in that language ? (B. ‘nro’ means ‘down’. So in the second statement. In a certain code. ’ble nee see’ means ‘where are you’. ‘mok dan sil’ means ‘nice big house’. ‘emf’ means ‘summer’. the common code word is ‘hyto’ and the common code word is ‘games’. WATER is called AIR. the common code word is ‘gnr’ and the common word is ‘Olympic’. ‘fit kon dan’ means ‘house is good’ and ‘warm tir fit’ means ‘cost is high’. In the second and third statements . 36.Tax & Central Excise. what would be the code for ‘summer’ ? (I. If ‘sti nro kti’ stands for ‘clouds pour down’. in the second statement. In the first and second statements the common word is ‘nee’ and ‘see’ means ‘are’ and ‘you’. 1989) a)hyto b)gnr c)emf d)zog SOL: (c). So.’ nee tim see’ means ‘how are you’. ‘37’ means ‘which class’ and ‘583’ means ‘caste and class’. ‘Kun’ means ‘Dogs’. In a certain code ‘256’ means ‘you are good’. 1989) a)rho b)mst c)tmp d)sco SOL: (a). In the first and third statements. in the second statement. In the first and second statements. ‘Tom Kun Sud’ means “Dogs are barking’. 40. In the first and second statements. 1993) (a)3 (b)7 (c)8 (d)either 5 or 3 (e)either 5 or 8 SOL: (e). ‘mst’ stands for ‘sweet’. What is the code for caste? (Bank P. In a certain code.O. So.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude SOL: (d) . ‘kon’ stands for ‘good’. 1991) a)Sud b)Kun c)Jo d)Tom e)Ko SOL: (a). So. the common code word is ‘mst’ and the common word is ‘sweet’. Which of the following represents ‘and’ in that code? (Railways. the common code word is ‘Tom’ and the common word is ‘are’. 39. So. Coding-Decoding In the second and third statements. 41. So. Thus. So. the common code word is ‘dan’ and the common word is ‘house’. ‘Sud’means ‘barking’. ‘dan’ stands for ‘house’. ‘tingo rho mst’ stands for ‘sweet flower fragrance’ and ‘mst sco tmp’ stands for ‘sweet than smile’ . ‘rho’ stands for ‘fragrance’. what would ‘fragrance’ stands for ? (Central Excise. ‘tingo’ stands for ‘flower’. 38. ‘Kun Jo Mop’ means ‘Dogs and Horses’ and ‘Mut Tom Ko’ means ‘Donkeys are mad’. In the second and third statements. In the first and second statements. So. either 5 or 8 stands for ‘caste’. So. ‘3’ means ‘class’. in the first statements. Thus. the common code word is ‘Kun’ and the common word is ‘Dogs’. Which word in that language means ‘barking’ ? (Railways. ‘637’ means ‘we are bad’ and ‘358’ means ‘good and bad’. in the second statement. 1994) (a)2 (b)5 (c)8 (d)3 SITAMS Page 17 . the common code word is ‘fit’. the common code word is ‘tingo’ and the common word is ‘flower’. In the given statements the common code digit is ‘3’ and the common word is ‘class’. ’fit’ stands for ‘is’ Thus. Thus. If ‘nitco sco tingo’ stands for ‘softer than flower’. ‘Tom’ means ‘are’. in the second statements. In certain code language. So. Therefore. ‘8’ means ‘good’.S. Which digit in that code means ‘very’ ? (B.B. So. Which of the following digit stands for ‘is’ in that language ? (B. 45. In the first and third statements. the common code digit is ‘8’ and the common word is ‘good’. In certain code language. 1998) a)8 b)5 c)1 d)3 e)None of these SOL: (b). Which of the following digit stands for ‘sweet’ in that language ? (B. So. Coding-Decoding In the second and third statements the common code digit is 3 and common word is ‘bad’. In the first and second statements. In the first and second statements. the common code digit is ‘4’ and the common word is ‘sweet’. the common code digit is ‘5’ and the common word is ‘day’. In certain code.R. ‘4’ means ‘sweet’. So. Thus. In the first and third statements. ‘5’ means ‘dust’. ‘248’ means ‘very sweet voice’ and ‘637’ means ‘eat fruit daily’. the common code digit is 5 and common word is ‘good’. Which digit in that code means ‘dust’ ? (R. So. 5 means ‘good’. In the second and third statements. In the second and third statements.B.R. ‘1’ means ‘fruit’. ‘783’ means ‘good red rose’ and ‘341’ means ‘rose and fruit’. Thus. 3 means ‘bad’.S. ‘2’ means ‘carpet’. ‘3’ means ‘hot’. ‘256’ means ‘dust one carpet’ and ‘234’ means ‘one red carpet’. ‘7’ means ‘fruit’.I.So. 44. ‘851’ means ‘good sweet fruit’. 1995) a)9 b)5 c)8 d)2 e)6 SOL: (e). 1990) a)2 b)3 c)5 d)6 SOL: (c).S. in the third statement. the common code digit is ‘7’ and the common word is ‘fruit’. In certain code language. 1995) a)7 b)9 c)4 d)Can’t be determined e)None of these SOL: (b). In the first and second statements. ‘5’ means ‘sweet’. ‘479’ means ‘fruit is sweet’. the common code digit is ‘2’ and the common word is ‘carpet’. ‘6’ means ‘one’. the common code digit is ‘6’ and the common word is ‘one’. Thus. in the second statement. SITAMS Page 18 . In the first and third statements.B. the common code digit is ‘3’ and the common word is ‘hot’. ‘5’ means ‘day’. in the first statement. ‘247’ means ‘spread red carpet’. ‘123’ means ‘hot filtered coffee’. 43. ‘6’ means ‘very’. ‘9’ means ‘is’. In certain code.R. Therefore. in the first statement. in the second statement.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude SOL: (c). In the first and second statements.B. ‘356’ means ‘very hot day’ and ‘589’ means ‘day and night’. the common code digit is ‘1’ and the common word is ‘fruit’. 8 means ‘and’. 42. I. CONSIDERATE is a 11 letter word. Questions(47-48): COLUMN 1 DELIBERATION CONSIDERATE GHOSTLIKE WORLDLY KNOWLEDGE ROCKET (A. in the first statement.A. Hence its code is cefkmopqqszz. 1990) a)2 b)4 c)5 d)6 e)9 Coding-Decoding SOL: (b). we first find the exact codes for given word.for ‘N’ is ‘f’. So. ‘546’ means ‘man is old’ and ‘378’ means ‘buy good books’. In all words the common letter is ‘O’ and common code letter is ‘m’. Similarly find code letters for others. then other common code letter ‘e’ stands for R.So its code is adefmopqqsz. The information can be summarized as bellow: code m e c o h l Q r s a x f z d g p k letter O R L D W Y E K T C G N I S H A B For KNIGHT: The code for ‘K’ is ‘r’. In the first and second statements. In the first and third statements. ‘5’ means ‘old’. for ‘I’ is ‘z’. KNIGHT (a)fgrsxz SOL: (b)gprsxz (c)fhmpqr (d)ghrxyz (a).Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 46.B.Hence ‘O’ means ‘m’. Thus. 1988) COLUMN 2 aemrqs ccehlmo cfhmoqqrx cdgmqrsxz adefmopqqsz cefkmopqqszz 47. the common letters are O & R. Similarly find for another words. the common code digit is ‘3’ and the common word is ‘books’.P. In WORLDLY and ROCKET. Exam.O. for ‘G’ is ‘x’. for ‘H’ is ‘g’ and for ‘T’ is ‘s’. In certain code language. the code for KNIGHT is ‘fgrsxz’ or ’rfzxgs’. ‘3’ means ‘books’. DELIBERATION is a 12 letter word. SITAMS Page 19 . Which of the following digit stands for ‘are’ in that language ? (S. So. ‘253’ means ‘books are old’. ‘2’ means ‘are’. the common code digit is ‘5’ and the common word is ‘old’. code letter for O is ‘m’.O. the code for WORDY is hmeol or ehlmo. the code for NOTICE is ‘fmszaq’ or ‘afmqsz’. The code for B is k. for O is m. The code for W is h. for ‘I’ is ‘z’. for L is c.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 48. for ‘C’ is ‘a’ and for ‘E’ is ‘q’. WORDY a)fhlmq b)ehlmo c)efhlm d)adeop SOL: (b). So. the code for BLOAT is kcmps or ckmps. So. 49. So. BLOAT a)lkpqz b)hmpqz c)cmpqs d)ckmps SOL: (d). 50. SITAMS Page 20 . for O is m. for ‘T’ is ‘s’. for R is e.for ‘O’ is ‘m’. NOTICE (a)acdeqs Coding-Decoding (b)afmqsz (c)efhpqs (d)fghpqr SOL: (b). code for ‘N’ is ‘f’. for D is o and for Y is l. for A is p and for T is s. Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude QUESTION BANK: Questions(1-5): LETTER: C Z N V R S W F D CODE DIGIT: 8 6 4 7 2 9 3 5 1 Coding-Decoding In each of the following questions find out the correctly coded alternative from among st the given four alternatives (1).(3).(4). ZDRCVF (1)612875 (3)612845 (5))NONE OF THESE 3.NWZDVS (1)438179 (3)456179 SITAMS [Clerks Grade 1991] (2) 5269435 (4)528963 (2)619875 (4)612835 (2)318267 (4)348967 (2)216549 (4)218579 (2)423179 (4)436189 Page 21 .WNCSZV (1)348267 (3)348957 (5)NONE OF THESE 4.(2). FRCSNW (1)528243 (3)578943 (5)NONE OF THESE 2.if there is no correct alternative your answer will be(5) 1.RDNFVS (1)21679 (3)214579 (5) NONE OF THESE 5. M . ___________ A) JQ B) KP C) IR D) JV [Bank P.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude (5)NONE OF THESE Questions(6-10): FIND THE MISSING LETTERS IN THE FOLLOWING SERIES. AZ. A. 6. POCKET A) KLXPUG C) KLXPUC SITAMS B) BAZMQF D) WAZMMF [BANK P. D .B=Y. LOAD is coded as ‘MPBE’ and DRIVE as ESJWF HOW YOU CODE LADDER? [L. SOUR A)HLFI C) IHIF 13. FU. LIMIT A) KNRNG C) ORNRG 12.__________ A) Q B) R C) S D)P 8.O. ‘START=WALKA’ and BUDPI=XZFMQ what should be ‘STUPID’ = ? [ASSISTANT GRADE 2001] A) WAZMQF C) WAZNOF Questions(11-15): NOTE: Here the coding scheme is A=Z.G___________ (A)I (B)k (C)M (D)H [central Excise 2001] [Bank P. CX.C 2006] A) NCFFGT C) MDEEFS B) MBEEFS D) MBEESP 10. 2008] B) JKOKG D) MHLHS B) IFLT D) FLTI B) KLXVPG D) KLXPVG Page 22 . H .O 1992] Coding-Decoding 7.C. 2004] 9.I.A.C=X AND so on answer the following 11.O.E. IF ‘DBMDVUUB’ STANDS FOR CALCUTTA. LIMITED A) DETIMIL B)KHLHSDC C) DETIMIL D)KHLHSDE SITAMS Page 23 [R.I.1991] D) VKSSW 19.C=(DE)F AND SO ON 16. SOUPS A) PNTQS 22. HOW will you write ‘BOMBAY’ ? A)DPNCBX B)CPMCBZ C)CPNCBZ D) DQODDX 20. GRZQ A) OWNS B) DONE C) SHUT D) DOWN B) STAIN C) STEPS D) STAND B) VKRRW C) UMSSX [C.E A=(BC)D.B=(CD)E. GROUP A) TILEL C)TFGFK 15 ZERO A)BUHN C) AVIL Questions(16-18): B) AUTL D) AYTI B) TILFK D)TILGH Coding-Decoding NOTE: IN THE FOLLOWING THE CODE USED IS ASED ON THE SKIPPING PATTERN. Select appropriate code for the words 21.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 14. VWDUW A) START 18.R.I.B. SHOOT A) TJPPR 17. In Certain Code ‘DELHI’ Is Written as ‘CDKGH’‘MADRAS’ as LZCQZR’ how will PATNA be coded? A)OZSMZ B)QBUMB C)OZTMZ D)OZMSZ Questions(21-13): NOTE: if “TENDER” is coded as “SDMCDQ”.EACH LETTER IS CODED WITH THE FOURTH ONE IN ALPHABETIC ORDER.B 1998] B) RMTOR C) RNTOR D) TRQUT . If “BOOK” IS 43 and “PEN” IS 35 and “COPY” is A) 48 B) 59 C) 60 D) 79 28.S 2001] A) 458569 B)481586 C) 438586 D) 458685 [C.WHITE=? A)65 B)66 C)56 D)75 [R.C.R. PEONS A) ODNMS B) ODNMT C) ODNMR D) ODMNR Coding-Decoding NUMBER CODING: 24.T TAX 1998] 31. will you code NATION? A) 17-4-23-12-18-17 B) 17-4-22-18-18-17 C) 17-4-23-12-14-17 D) 17-5-21-11-18-16 26. HOW you code the “BELOW” A) 23-8-11-19 B)24-8-10-19 C)23-8-11-18 D)24-8-11-19 27.”DEEZ” will be ? A)12 B)15 C)14 D)10 32.if“BARS”=10 and “BEERT”=10.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 23.ifM=13 and O=15 code DEAF A)4316 SITAMS B)4516 C)4518 .B 2004] [EXCISE & I.S 1999] 25. SUPER=79.D.DESK=? A)35 B)40 C)80 D)10 [GATE 2000] D)4616 Page 24 you will code “ACTOR”? A) 50 B) 56 C) 65 D) 57 29.LABOUR=? A) 49 B) 69 C) 79 D) 89 30.D. LIME =39.If BAD is coded as “5-4-7”.SUPREME=97. if 12345671586 stands for “TERMINATION” what number code stands for “MOTION”?[C. “DRAMA” is coded as 37 and “STAGE” as 52. if“ACT” is coded as “23-25-16”. O 1998] 36.Based on the above coding give codes for the following [BANK P. GREAT A)85725 37. encoded “96872” A)RUSTY B)POSTS C)DUSTY D)HASTY Questions(36. HIGH=5645. and “DEEM”=12210. what does 586037 stand for? A)CHASTE B)CHRIST C)STREET D)CHEESE 39.chair is coded as 58206 and TEACH is coded as 71258. in a certain code BOARD is written as 54#12 and MORE IS written as 941$. ifB=25 and C=24. How is GIVEN written in that code? [R. PETER A)37576 B)39596 C)97576 D)84346 B) 86925 C) 86725 D) 86625 38. how will you code”feel”?[GATE 2005] C) 3229 D) 2336 Coding-Decoding 35.B 2003] A)JHWMD B)HJUMD C) JHMUD D) JHUMD 40. in certain code BELOW is written as FCKVN.R. B)2$1#9 C)51$#9 4)25$#9 SITAMS Page 25 .37): NOTE:gopal is coded as “84321”and “TREES”AS 56779.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude A)3449 B) 4337 is DREAM written on that code? [CLERK GRADE 2001] A)21$#9 41. IF CASE is coded as 5231 . Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Coding-Decoding SITAMS Page 26 . Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Coding-Decoding SITAMS Page 27 . Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 5 C D A C D E 1 A C D B C D 4 D A A A D C 3 B D B B C C ANSWWERS 2 C B C C A A A B A A B B B A D C D B A D B A C E Coding-Decoding B C D C D C A A B A D B SITAMS Page 28 .
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