CODEX STAN 234-1999 Métodos de análisis y muestreo recomendados (60pp)

April 3, 2018 | Author: Juan Astorga | Category: Chocolate, Nutrition, Dietary Fiber, Flour, Cereals



RECOMMENDED METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING CODEX STAN 234-19991 PART A METHODS OF ANALYSIS BY COMMODITY CATEGORIES ANDNAMES PART B METHODS OF SAMPLING BY COMMODITY CATEGORIES AND NAMES Table of Contents All Foods Cereals, Pulses and Legumes and Derived Products Cocoa Products and Chocolate Fats and Oils and Related Products Fish and Fishery Products Foods for Special Dietary Uses Fruit Juices Milk and Milk Products Natural Mineral Waters Processed Fruits and Vegetables Processed Meat and Poultry Products and Soups and Broths Quick Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Sugars and Honey Miscellaneous Products 1 The most updated version of the method should be used, in application of ISO/IEC 17025: 1999. The present list of methods reflects the amendments adopted by the 34 th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2011. 1 PART A METHODS OF ANALYSIS BY COMMODITY CATEGORIES AND NAMES Commodity All Foods All foods All foods All foods All foods All Foods (see also meat products) Individual Foods2 Individual Foods3 Provision Method Principle High performance liquid chromatography High performance liquid chromatography Spectrophotometry High performance liquid chromatography Part 1- General considerations Part 1: Optimized Monier-Williams method Part 2: Enzymatic method Type Acesulfame K, Aspartame Cyclamate Cyclamate Saccharin Nitrates and/or Nitrites Sulphites Sulphites EN 12856 : 1999-04 EN 12857 : 1999-04 NMKL 123 (1998) EN 12856 : 1999-04 EN 12014-1:1997-04 EN 1988-1 : 1998-02 AOAC 990.28 EN 1988-2:1998 -02 NMKL 135 (1990) ISO 665:1977 (confirmed 1995) AOAC 923.03 ISO 2171:1993 ICC Method No 104/1 (1990) AOAC 945.38F; 920.39C II II III III N/A III III Cereals, Pulses and Legumes and Derived Products Certain pulses Degermed maize (corn) meal and maize (corn) grits Degermed maize (corn) meal and maize (corn) grits Moisture Ash Gravimetry Gravimetry I I Fat, crude Gravimetry (ether extraction) I 2 3 Hominy, fruit juice, sea food Wine, dried apples, lemon juice, potato flakes, sultanas, beer 2 Degermed maize (corn) meal and maize (corn) grits Degermed maize (corn) meal and maize (corn) grits Degermed maize (corn) meal and maize (corn) grits Durum wheat semolina and durum wheat flour Durum wheat semolina and durum wheat flour Durum wheat semolina and durum wheat flour Instant Noodles Instant Noodles Instant Noodles Maize (corn) Peanuts (raw) Peanuts (raw) Peanuts (intended for further processing) Peanuts (Cereals, shell-fruits and derived products ( including peanuts)) Peanuts (intended for further processing) Pearl millet flour Pearl millet flour Moisture Particle size (granularity) Protein Ash (semolina) Moisture Protein (N x 5.7) Extraction of oil from instant noodles Acid Value Moisture Moisture Aflatoxins, total Aflatoxins, total Aflatoxins, total Sum of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 Aflatoxins, total Ash Colour ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 965.22 ICC Method No 105/1 (1986) AOAC 923.03 ISO 2171:1993 ISO 712:1998 ICC Method 110/1 (1986) ICC Method No 105/1 described in the standard described in the standard described in the standard ISO 6540:1980 (confirmed 1994) AOAC 991.31 AOAC 993.17 AOAC 975.36 EN 12955 : 1999-07 ISO 16050:2003 AOAC 979.18 AOAC 923.03 Modern Cereal Chemistry, 6th Ed., D.W. Kent-Jones and A.J. Amos (Ed.), pp. 605612, Food Trade Press Ltd, London, 1969. Gravimetry Sieving Titrimetry, Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry, Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry Titrimetry Gravimetry Gravimetry Immunoaffinity column (Aflatest) Thin layer chromatography Romer minicolmn HPLC with post column derivatization and immunoaffinity column clean up Holaday-Velasco minicolumn Gravimetry Colorimetry using specific colour grader I I I I I I I I I I II III III III III I IV 3 crude Fibre. Food Trade Press Ltd. 1969.5 Separation) ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 920. Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry I I I I I Sorghum flour Colour Colorimetry using specific colour grader Gravimetry (ether extraction) Gravimetry Gravimetry Sieving Titrimetry. crude Fibre. crude Moisture Particle size (granularity) Protein Tannins Ash I I I I I I I Sorghum grains Sorghum grains Sorghum grains Sorghum grains Soy protein products Fat. D.39C ICC Method No 113 (1972) ISO 6541:1981 (confirmed 1996) ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 965. Kjeldahl digestion Spectrophotometry Gravimetry I I I I I 4 . 920. Amos (Ed.J.03 ISO 2171:1993 ICC Method No 104/1 (1990) Modern Cereal Chemistry. Kjeldahl digestion Spectrophotometry Gravimetry IV Sorghum flour Sorghum flour Sorghum flour Sorghum flour Sorghum flour Sorghum flour Sorghum grains Fat.W.87 AOAC 923.38F.Pearl millet flour Pearl millet flour Pearl millet flour Pearl millet flour Sorghum flour Fat.).03 ISO 2171:1993 ICC Method No 104/1 (1990) AOAC 945. AOAC 945. 920.. crude Moisture Protein Ash AOAC 945.22 ICC Method No 105/1 (1986) ISO 9648:1988 (confirmed 1994) AOAC 923.38F. crude Moisture Protein Tannins Ash Gravimetry (ether extraction) Gravimetry Titrimetry. pp.39C ISO 6540:1980 (confirmed 1994) ICC Method No 105/1 (1986) ISO 9648:1988 (confirmed 1994) AOAC 923.03 ISO 2171:1993 (Method B) Gravimetry (ether extraction) Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry. 605612.39C ISO 5498:1981 (B.38F. Kent-Jones and A. 6th Ed. London. 920. Kjeldahl digestion Kjeldahl I I I I I Kjeldahl I Wheat protein products including Wheat gluten Fibre.87 (wheat protein in flour Nx5.09 AOAC 955.09 AOAC 955.05 ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 965.7) Solubilized wheat protein AOAC 920. crude Moisture Protein Ash CAC/RM 55-1976 .Method 1 AACC (1982) 32-17 AOAC 925.03 ISO 2171:1993 ICC Method No 104/1 (1990) AOAC 939.04D (using factor 6. Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry.22 ICC Method No 105/1 (1986) Vital wheat gluten and devitalized wheat gluten AOAC 979.Soy protein products Soy protein products Soy protein products Soy protein products Vegetable protein products Vegetable protein products Vegetable protein products Vegetable protein products Vegetable protein products Wheat flour Fat Fibre. Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry I I I II I I I I II I Wheat flour Wheat flour Wheat flour Wheat flour Wheat protein products including wheat gluten Fat acidity Moisture Particle size (granularity) Protein Protein Titrimetry Gravimetry Sieving Titrimetry.03 ISO 2171:1993 (Method B) CAC/RM 55-1976 .09 (wheat protein in grain Nx5. crude Ceramic fiber filteration I 5 .25) AOAC 923. crude Moisture Protein Ash Fat Fibre.04D (using factor 6.7) AOAC 962.09 Gravimetry (extraction) Gravimetry Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Titrimetry .25) AOAC 923. Direct Gravimetry (extraction) Ceramic fiber filteration Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Titrimetry.Method 1 ISO 5498:1981 AOAC 925. crude Fibre. Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry I I I I I I Whole maize (corn) meal Whole maize (corn) meal Whole maize (corn) meal Whole maize (corn) meal Cocoa Products and Chocolate Chocolate and chocolate products Chocolate and chocolate products Chocolate and chocolate products Chocolate and chocolate products Fat. crude Moisture Particle size (granularity) Protein Gravimetry (ether extraction) Gravimetry Sieving Titrimetry.5 Separation) ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 920.39C ISO 5498:1981 (B.15 IOCCC 14-1972 AOAC 931.87 AOAC 923.03 ISO 2171:1980.Wheat protein products including Wheat gluten Whole and decorticated pearl millet grains Whole and decorticated pearl millet grains Whole and decorticated pearl millet grains Whole and decorticated pearl millet grains Whole and decorticated pearl millet grains Whole maize (corn) meal Ash AOAC 923. method B AOAC 923.38F. Kjeldahl digestion.15 Gravimetry (Soxhlet extraction) Oven evaporation and factor Titrimetry. total AOAC 963.05 IOCCC 17-1973 or AOAC 939. 920.03 ISO 2171:1993 ICC Method No 104/1 (1990) AOAC 945.38F.39C ISO 712:1998 ICC Method No 110/1 (1986) AOAC 965. 920.02 AOAC 963. after extraction of milk proteins Gravimetry (Soxhlet extraction) I I II I 6 .03 AOAC 945. Kjeldahl digestion I I I I Cocoa butter Fat-free cocoa solids Fat-free milk solids Fat.22 ICC Method No 105/1 (1986) Gravimetry I Ash Fat. crude Moisture Protein Ash Gravimetry Gravimetry (ether extraction) Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry. 17 (Codex general method) AOAC 985.04 or IOCCC 1-1952 Titrimetry/Distillation Gravimetry I I Chocolate and chocolate products Cocoa (Cacao) Mass or Cocoa/ Chocolate Liquor.15 or IOCCC 14 (1972) ISO660:1996 amended 2003. or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (03) ISO 3596:2000 or ISO 18609: 2000.41B.10 (Karl Fischer method) Described in the Standard Spiral vessel count.10 (Karl Fischer method). 920. or AOCS Ce-6-86 (09) Colorimetry (diethyldithiocarbamate) Colorimetry (molybdenum blue) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Liquid chromatography II III III II Fats and Oils (all) Gravimetry ISO 663:2007 I 7 . or AOCS Ca 6b-53 (01) IOCCC 26-1988 or AOAC 977. tertbutylhydroquinone.Chocolate and chocolate products Chocolate and chocolate products Milkfat Moisture IOCCC 5-1962 AOAC 945.13 (Codex general method) AOAC 942.80 IOCCC 26-1988 or AOAC 977. butylhydroxytoluene. and Cocoa Cake Cocoa (Cacao) Mass or Cocoa/ Chocolate Liquor.16 (Codex general method) AOAC 983. 925. Stone cell count Gravimetry (Soxhlet extraction) Titrimetry Titrimetry after extraction with diethyl ether Gravimetry I I I I I I Cocoa powders (cocoa) and dry cocoa.34. and Cocoa Cake Cocoa butter Cocoa butter Non-cocoa butter vegetable fat AOCS Ce 10/02 and described in the Standard Cocoa shell Fat Free fatty acids Unsaponifiable matter AOAC 968.23 AOAC 963. & propyl gallate Insoluble impurities AOAC 952. or AOAC 931.Moisture sugar mixtures Fats and Oils and Related Products Fats and Oils (all) Fats and Oils (all) Fats and Oils (all) Fats and oils Arsenic Arsenic Arsenic Butylhydroxyanisole.10 and 970.15. or AOCS Cd 1d-1992 (09) Titrimetry Atomic absorption Spectrophotometry (direct graphite furnace) Titrimetry using iso-octane Gravimetry Titrimetry Atomic absorption Spectrophotometry (direct graphite furnace) Gas chromatography of methyl esters Wijs-Titrimetry Fats and oils not covered by individual Acid Value standards Fats and oils not covered by individual Copper and Iron standards Fats and oils not covered by individual Peroxide value standards Fat spreads and blended spreads Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Fat content Acidity Copper and Iron I I I II Named Animal Fats GLC ranges of fatty acid composition Iodine value (IV) II I Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Peroxide value Relative density Refractive index Saponification value AOCS Cd 8b-90 (09) ISO 3960:2007 ISO/AOCS method for apparent density to be inserted ISO 6320:2000 and corr 2006.05 ISO 8294:1994.Fats and Oils (all) Lead AOAC 994.20. or AOCS Cc 7-25 (09) ISO 3657:2002.02 Atomic absorption spectrophotometry ISO 12193:2004 (Codex general method) or (direct graphite furnace) AOCS Ca 18c-91 (09) ISO 662:1998 Gravimetry (open-drying) II Fats and Oils (all) Fats and Oils (all) Matter volatile at 105°C Soap content I I I II BS 684 Section 2. or AOCS Cc 17-95 (09) Gravimetry ISO 660:1996. or AOCS Ca 18b-91 (09) (Codex general method) ISO 5508 :1990 and ISO 12966-2:2011 or AOCS Ce 2-66 (09) and Ce 1e-91 (09) or Ce 1f-96 (09) ISO 3961: 2009.05 ISO 8294:1994 or AOCS Ca 18b-91 (09) (Codex general method) AOCS Cd 8b-90 (09) ISO 3960:2007 ISO 17189 | IDF 194: 2003 ISO 660:2009. or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (09) AOAC 990. or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (09) AOAC 990.5. or AOCS Cd 3-25 (09) Titrimetry using iso-octane Pycnometry Refractometry Titrimetry I II II I 8 . or AOAC 993. or AOCS Ca 6b-53 (09) ISO 935:1988.20. or AOCS Cc 12-59 (09) ISO 660:2009.Named Animal Fats Named Animal Fats Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Unsaponifiable matter Titre Acidity Apparent density ISO 3596:2000 or ISO 18609: 2000.20 Carotenoids.ISO 3961: 1996.g. using AOCS Cd 1b-87 (97) 9 . or AOAC 993.02 . or AOCS Gas chromatography of methyl esters Ce 2-66 (09) and Ce 1e-91 (09) or Ce 1f-96 (09) AOCS Cb 1-25 (09) Colorimetry ISO 663: 2000 Gravimetry Wijs . or ISO 3960: 2007 Atomic Absorption II Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils 4 Moisture & volatile matter at 105°C Peroxide value (PV) Gravimetry Titrimetry I I It is possible to calculate the Iodine Value from fatty acid composition data obtained by gas chromatography e. Wijs-Titrimetry 4 or AOCS Cd 1d-1992 (97). or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (09) ISO 6883: 2007. or AOCS Ca 18c-91 (03) ISO 662: 1998 AOCS Cd 8b-90 (09). with the appropriate conversion factor. total Copper and iron Crismer value GLC ranges of fatty acid composition Halphen test Insoluble impurities Iodine value (IV) Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils ISO 8294: 1994. or NMKL 39 (2003) Spectrophotometry AAS II II I II I I I Named Vegetable Oils Lead AOAC 994. or AOCS Cc 10c-95 (09) Titrimetry after extraction with diethyl ether Thermometry Titrimetry Pycnometry Colour reaction I I I I I Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils AOCS Cb 2-40 (09) Baudouin test (modified Villavecchia or sesameseed oil test) BS 684 Section 2.05. or AOCS Ca 18b-91 (09) AOCS Cb 4-35 (97) and AOCS Ca 5a-40 Turbidity (09) ISO 5508:1990 and ISO 12966-2. or AOAC 990. or ISO 12193: 2004. 20 or AOCS Ce 5b-89 (09) IUPAC 2.Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Refractive index Reichert value and Polenske value Relative density ISO 6320: 2000 and corr 2006. or AOCS Cd 3-25 (09) Pycnometry II I I Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Saponification value (SV) Slip point Titrimetry I I ISO 6321:2002 for all oils. 19 or ISO 3656:2011 or AOCS Ch 5-91 (09).20/Doc.101 with the appropriate conversion factor See comment above (Named Animal Fats) 5 ISO 3657: 2002. or AOCS Cc 17-95 (09) Gravimetry ISO 12228: 1999. ISO 660:2009 or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (09) ISO 9936:1997 COI/T. or AOCS Ca 6b-53 (09) COI/T.20/Doc.5. free (acid value) Alpha-tocopherol Difference between the actual and theoretical ECN 42 triglyceride content Erythrodiol + uvaol content Fatty acids in the 2-position of the triglycerides I II II I II I II I Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils II I 6 The method is no longer available. or AOCS Cc Refractometry 7-25 (09) AOCS Cd 5-40 (09) Titrimetry IUPAC 2.4316 ISO 6800:1997 or AOCS Ch 3-91 (09) Gas chromatography HPLC Gravimetry Absorption in ultra violet Titrimetry HPLC Analysis of triglycerides of HPLC and calculation Gas chromatography Gas chromatography Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Named Vegetable Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Soap content Sterol content Tocopherol content Unsaponifiable matter Absorbency in ultra-violet Acidity. No. AOCS Cc 3-25 (09) for palm oils only BS 684 Section 2. no. Open ended capillary tube AOCS Cc 3b-92 (09) for all oils except palm oils. or AOCS Ch 6-91 (09) ISO 9936:2006 and corrigendum 2008 or AOCS Ce 8-89 (09) ISO 3596:2000. The method is no longer available. or ISO 18609: 2000. 5 10 . with the appropriate conversion factor. no.20/Doc no. See comment above6 ISO 6320:2000 and corr 2006 or AOCS Cc 7-25 (09) ISO 3657:2002 or AOCS Cd 3-25 (09) COI/T.27 (Codex general method) AOAC 960. 10 or ISO 12228:1999 or AOCS Ch 6-91 (09).20/Doc.20/Doc. 8 ISO 663:2000 ISO 3961:2009 or AOAC 993. 18 or AOCS Ch 8-02 (09) IUPAC 2. 15 ISO 3960:2007 or AOCS Cd 8b-90 (09) IUPAC 2.20/Doc.05 AOAC 994. 11 or ISO 157881:1999 or AOCS Cd 26-96 (09).101.Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Halogenated solvents. no. no.20/Doc. 17 or ISO 15304:2002 or AOCS Ce 1f-96 (09) ISO 3596:2000 or ISO 18609:2000 or AOCS Ca 6b-53 (09) COI/T.801 CAC/RM 15-1969 AOAC 971.20 or AOCS Cd 1d-92 (09) or NMKL 39 (2003) ISO 8294:1994 or AOAC 990.20/Doc.02 or ISO 12193:2004 or AOCS Ca 18c-91(09) ISO 662:1998 COI/T. no. COl/T. no. ISO 15788-2: 2003 COI/T. traces Insoluble impurities in light petroleum Iodine value Iron and copper Lead Moisture and volatile matter Organoleptic characteristics Peroxide value Relative density Refractive index Saponification value Sterol composition and total sterols Stigmastadienes COI/T.45 Gas chromatography Gravimetry Wijs-Titrimetry AAS AAS Gravimetry Panel test Titrimetry Pycnometry Refractometry Titrimetry Gas chromatography Gas chromatography II I I II II I I I I II I II II Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils Margarine Margarine Margarine Margarine Stigmastadienes Trans fatty acids content Unsaponifiable matter Wax content Fat Milkfat Sodium chloride Vitamin A HPLC Gas chromatography of methyl esters Gravimetry Gas chromatography Gravimetry Titrimetry Potentiometry Spectrophotometry III II I II I I II II 11 . 411 CAC/RM 17-1969 Bioassay TLC followed by spectrophotometry or GLC Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry Potentiometry Spectrophotometry Bioassay TLC followed by spectrophotometry or GLC Gravimetry II II I I I II II II II I Histamine Mercury Drained weight Net weight Sodium Chloride (chloride expressed as sodium chloride) Size.27 (Codex general method) AOAC 960.15 Described in the Standard Described in the Standard AOAC 937. determination of Thawing and cooking procedures AOAC 977.09 Described in the Standard Described in the Standards Fluorimetry Flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry Weighing Weighing Titrimetry Number per 100 g Thawing and heating II III I I II I I 12 .13 AOAC 977.Margarine Margarine Margarine Minarine Minarine Minarine Minarine Minarine Minarine Minarine Fish and Fishery Products Fish and fishery products Fish and fishery products Fish and fishery products: canned products Fish and fishery products: canned products Boiled Dried Salted Anchovies Canned shrimps or prawns Frozen fish and fishery products Vitamin D Vitamin E Water Fat Milkfat Sodium chloride Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Water AOAC 936.801 CAC/RM 15-1969 (described in the Standard) AOAC 971.411 CAC/RM 17-1969 (described in the Standard) IUPAC 2.14 IUPAC 2.14 IUPAC 2.45 AOAC 936. breaded or in batter the standard) Quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers) Net weight Described in the Standard and fish portions .breaded or in batter Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted Water content AOAC 950. minced fish flesh and mixtures of fillets and minced fish flesh Quick frozen blocks of fish fillet.46B Sprat Salted Fish of the Gadidae Family Salt Described in CODEX STAN 167-1989 Water spraying and sieving Gravimetry Weighing Gravimetry I I I I Potentiometry air drying Titrimetry (Mohr) Salt determined as chloride expressed as sodium chloride Gravimetry II I I Salted Fish and Dried Salted Fish of the Gadidae Family of Fishes Sturgeon Caviar Salt Content Water content Salt content Sampling and method described in the Standard Described in CODEX STAN 167-1989 I I Titrimetry (Mohr) Salt determined as chloride expressed as sodium chloride 13 .27 (Codex general method) and fish portions .Quick frozen blocks of fish fillet.09 Physical separation I Described in the Standard Gravimetry I AOAC 971.15 and calculation (described in and fish portions . minced fish flesh and mixtures of fillets and minced fish flesh Quick frozen blocks of fish fillet. minced fish flesh and mixtures of fillets and minced fish flesh Quick frozen fish fillets Proportion of fish fillet and minced fish Net content of frozen fish blocks covered by glaze Sodium chloride AOAC 988.breaded or in batter Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (fish fingers) Proportion of fish fillet and WEFTA Method (described in the Stnadard) and Fish Portions-Breaded and in minced fish Batter (except for certain fish species with soft flesh) Quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers) Sodium chloride AOAC 971.21 (Codex general method) Potentiometry II Net weight of products Described in the Standard covered by glaze Quick Frozen Fish sticks (fish fingers) Fish content (declaration) AOAC 996. 27 Method described in CAC/VOL IX-Ed. B-2 Gravimetry ICP emission spectrometry Calculation method Calculation Potentiometry Gravimetry (enzymatic digestion) Gravimetry (extraction) Gravimetry I III III III II I I I Special foods Special foods Special foods CAC/RM 46-1972 AOAC 944.1.06. 969. Part III Method described in CAC/VOL IX-Ed. preparation of methyl esters and gas chromatography Acid hydrolysis and spectrophotometry Gravimetry Gravimetry I II II Special foods Special foods Special foods AOAC 922.23 IDF Standard 21B:1987 ISO 6731:1989 AOAC 961.33. meat or vegetable products Fill of containers Folic acid Linoleate (in the form of glycerides) Linoleate (in the form of glycerides) Loss on drying Loss on drying (milk based) AOAC 942. 979.27 (Codex general method) AOAC 985.01 AOAC 925.23 AOAC 925.29 CAC/RM 55-1976 CAC/RM 1-1973.Foods for Special Dietary Uses Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Ash Calcium Calories by calculation Carbohydrates Chloride Dietary fibre.14 III I I Special foods Nicotinamide for foods not based on milk Colorimetry II 14 .19 AOAC 934. 963.1.05 AOAC 984. total Fat Fat in foods not containing starch.22 Weighing Microbioassay Acid hydrolysis.12 AOAC 922. Part III AOAC 971.06. ibid.27 AOAC 974.03 Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Microbioassay Microbioassay Microfluorometry Colorimetry (dichloroindophenol) Rat bioassay Liquid chromatography Colorimetry Liquid chromatography II II II III IV II IV II 15 .13 AOAC 945. 3-6.22 AOAC 967.15 carotenes have been added as a source of vitamin A Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin D (D3.65 ISO 8070:1987 (confirmed 1992) IDF Standard 119A:1987 AOAC 984. Part III AOAC 970. 232 US Dept Agr. Handbook 97 (1965) AOAC 986. crude Riboflavin Sodium and potassium Sodium and potassium Vitamin A AOAC 944.30 AOAC 992.21 AOAC 936. Kjeldahl digestion Fluorometry Flame emission spectrophotometry ICP emission spectrometry Colorimetry Spectrophotometry II II IV II I I II II III IV III Vitamin A in foods in which AOAC 941.20 AOAC 961.26 AOAC 971.74 The Analyst 89 (1964):1. milk based infant formula) Vitamin E Vitamin E (milk based infant formula) AOAC 952..14 AOAC 992.48 Method described in CAC/VOL IX-Ed.15 AOAC 967.24 AOAC 960. 1. Agr.Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Special foods Nicotinamide for milk-based foods Pantothenic acid/enriched foods Pantothenic acid/non-enriched foods Phosphorous Protein efficiency ratio (PER) Protein.29 Microbioassay Microbioassay Microbioassay Colorimetry (molybdovanadate) Rat bioassay Titrimetry. and the trans.K vitamins Titrimetry Gravimetry Immunoassay Follow-up formula Follow-up formula Follow-up formula Follow-up formula Vitamin A Vitamin A (retinol isomers) IV II III II Vitamin A (retinol) (above 500 AOAC 992.24 Gravimetry (enzymatic digestion) Ion-selective potentiometry I II II AOAC 992.06 IU/l milk after reconstitution) AOAC 999.+ ACP-bound) and measured as D-pantothenic acid (or calcium D-pantothenate) AOAC 974. total Iodine (milk based formula) Pantothenic acid AOAC 991.07 Microbioassay (Measures total pantothenate (free pantothenic acid + CoA.Follow-up formula follow-up formula Follow-up formula Dietary fibre.56 AOAC 950.29 AOAC 992. 15: 465474 Foods with low-sodium content (including salt substitutes) Foods with low-sodium content (including salt substitutes) Gluten-free foods II IV I Infant formula Biotin EN 15607:2008 (d-biotin) HPLC (Measures total D-biotin (free + D-biocytin) II 16 .85N Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay R5 Mendez (ELISA) Method Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003.15 Vitamin K EN 14148:2003 (vitamin K1) (Measures either aggregated cis + trans K1 or can measure individual cis and trans forms depending on LC column. calcium silicate) Gluten AOAC 925.) Iodine Silica (colloidal.04 Colorimetry HPLC HPLC HPLC with C30 column to separate the cis.43 AOAC 992. Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Calories (by calculation) Calcium Calcium Calcium Chloride Choline Method described in CAC/Vol IX-Ed.1, Part III7 ISO 8070 │ IDF 119: 2007 AOAC 985.35 AOAC 984.27 AOAC 986.26 AOAC 999.14 Calculation Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy ICP emission spectroscopy Potentiometry Enzymatic Colorimetric Method with limitations on applicability due to choline and ascorbate concentration. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy ICP emission spectroscopy Graphite furnace atomic absorption after dry ashing Graphite furnace AAS after pressure digestion ICP emission spectroscopy I II III III III II Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Copper Copper Chromium (Section B of STAN 72 only) Chromium (Section B of STAN 72 only) Chromium (Section B of STAN 72 only) AOAC 985.35 AOAC 984.27 EN 14082:2003 EN 14083:2003 AOAC 2006.03 II III II III III 7 Section 9. Calories by calculation – Section 9.2 Conversion Factors (a) protein 4 kcal per g (b) carbohydrate 4 kcal per g (c) fat 9 kcal per g (d) monosaccharides 3.75 kcal per g (e) specific food ingredients See “Energy and Protein Requirements”(FAO Nutrition Meeting Report Series No. 52 or WHO Technical Report Series No. 5 22) (f) other specific calorie conversion factors maybe used where the formulation of the food and the nutrient content are known and where such specific conversion factors are physiologically more meaningful than the factors listed above 17 Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Crude protein8 Fatty acids (including trans fatty acid) Fatty acids (including trans fatty acid) Folic acid AOAC 991.20 ISO 8968-1/2 | IDF 20-1/2: 2001 AOAC 996.06 AOCS Ce 1h-05 (09) AOAC 992.05 (Measures free folic acid + free, unbound natural folates, aggregated and measured as folic acid) EN 14131:2003 (Total folate (free + bound), aggregated and measured as folic acid) J AOAC Int. 2000:83; 1141-1148 (Measures free folic acid + proportion of free, natural folate) J Chromatogr. A., 928, 77-90, 2001 (Measures total folates after conversion to, and measurement as 5-Me-H4PteGlu) AOAC 992.24 AOAC 985.35 AOAC 984.27 AOAC 999.11│NMKL139:1991 Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gas chromatography Gas chromatography Microbioassay I II III II Infant formula Folic acid Optical Biosensor Immunoassay HPLC, incorporating immunoaffinity clean-up and conversion to 5methyltetrahydrofolate Ion-selective potentiometry Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry ICP emission spectroscopy AAS after dry ashing IV Infant formula Folic acid IV Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Iodine (for milk-based formula) Iron9 Iron Iron II III III II 8 Determination of Crude Protein The calculation of the protein content of infant formulas prepared ready for consumption may be based on N x 6.25, unless a scientific justification is provided for the use of a different conversion factor for a particular product. The value of 6.38 is generally established as a specific factor appropriate for conversion of nitrogen to protein in other milk products, and the value of 5.71 as a specific factor for conversion of nitrogen to protein in other soy products 9 General Codex methods are also available 18 Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium Manganese Manganese Molybdenum (Section B of STAN 72 only) Melamine Molybdenum (Section B of STAN 72 only) Niacin Niacin ISO 8070 │ IDF 119: 2007 AOAC 985.35 AOAC 984.27 AOAC 985.35 AOAC 984.27 EN 14083:2003 ISO/TS 15495 | IDF/RM 230:2010 AOAC 2006.03 AOAC 985.34 (niacin (preformed) and nicotinamide) prEN 15652:2009 (Free and bound and phosphorylated forms measured either as aggregate of nicotinic acid + nicotinamide, or as individual forms) AOAC 986.24 AOAC 984.27 AOAC 985.31 11 Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy ICP emission spectroscopy Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry ICP emission spectroscopy Graphite furnace AAS after pressure digestion LC-MS/MS ICP emission spectroscopy Microbioassay and turbidimetry HPLC II III III II III II IV III III II10 Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Phosphorus Phosphorus Riboflavin Riboflavin Spectrophotometry (molybdovanadate) ICP emission spectroscopy Fluorimetry HPLC II III III II EN 14152:2003 (Measures natural and supplemental forms, free, bound and phosphorylated (FMN and FAD) aggregated and measured as riboflavin.) 10 11 when published as EN method Care should be taken in the application of the method due to spectral interference 19 17 Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Infant formula Selenium Selenium Sodium and potassium Sodium and potassium Thiamine Thiamine EN 14627:2005 AOAC 2006.27 ISO 8070 | IDF 119:2007 AOAC 986.05 AOAC 989. bound and phosphorylated) following extraction and conversion to thiamine) AOAC 986.20 IDF 21B:1987 or ISO 6731:1989 AOAC 942.16 or AOAC 996.25 AOAC 990.03 AOAC 984.2712 EN 14122:2003 (Measures all vitamin B1 forms (natural and added free.05 ISO 8381|IDF 123:2008 ISO 8262-1 |IDF 124-1: 2005 Continuous hydride generation Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) ICP emission spectroscopy ICP emission spectrometry Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry Fluorimetry HPLC with pre-or post column derivatization to thiochrom III II III III II III II Infant formula Total carbohydrates Moisture/Total Solids Determination by difference I Gravimetry Infant formula Infant formula Ash Total fat Total fat for milk-based infant formula (Products not completely soluble in ammonia) Gravimetry Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Gravimetry (Weibull-Berntrop) I I 12 Care should be taken in the application of the method due to spectral interference 20 .Infant formula Selenium AOAC 996.19 or AOAC 990. 05 D2 and D3 measured AOAC 992. pyridoxine and pyridoxamine and measures as pyridoxine) Gas chromatography with suitable extraction and preparation procedures HPLC III III HPLC HPLC III II HPLC HPLC III III HPLC II Microbioassay Microbioassay III III 21 .26 D3 measured EN 12821:2000 (D2 and/or D3 measured as single components.) NMKL 167: 2000 AOAC 995.cis and alltrans) AOAC 992. AOAC 985.32 EN 14166:2008 (Aggregates free and bound pyridoxal. Hydroxylated forms not measured.03 Measures all rac-vitamin E (both natural + supplemental ester forms) aggregated and quantified as α-congeners EN 12822: 2000 (Measures Vitamin E (both natural + supplemental ester forms) aggregated and quantified as individual tocopherol .Infant formula Total phospholipids AOCS Ja7b-91 Infant formula Vitamin A Infant formula Infant formula Vitamin D Vitamin D Infant formula Infant formula Vitamin D Vitamin E Infant formula Vitamin E Infant formula Infant formula Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 EN 12823-1:2000 (all-trans-retinol and 13cis-retinol) Vitamin A (both natural + supplemental ester forms) aggregated and quantified as individual retinol isomers (13 . 23 (Measures total vitamin B12 as cyanocobalamin) EN 14130:2003 (Measures ascorbic acid + dehydroascorbic acid) AOAC 985.21 (1) the lower molecular weight fraction.01 (1991. monomeric units<=9) (2) All foods Method applicable for determining dietary fibres that do not include AOAC 985. 2003 All foods Method applicable for determining dietary fibres that do not include AOAC 993.e. pyridoxine and pyridoxamine) converted and measured as pyridoxine) EN 14663:2005 (includes glycosylated forms) (Free and bound phosphorylated and glycosylated forms measured as the individual forms pyridoxal. (4) AACC Intl 32-05.35 AOAC 984.27 II HPLC HPLC III Turbidimetric Method II HPLC II Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy ICP emission spectroscopy II III Methods of analysis for dietary fibre: Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims: Table of Conditions for Claims Standard Provisions Method General methods that do not measure the lower molecular weight fraction (i.1999) All foods Method applicable for determining dietary fibres that do not include AOAC 991.Infant formula Vitamin B6 Infant formula Vitamin B6 Infant formula Vitamin B12 Infant formula Vitamin C Infant formula Infant formula Zinc Zinc AOAC 2004.g.29 (1) the lower molecular weight fraction. pyridoxine and pyridoxamine) AOAC 986.01 (1999. 1991) for soluble and insoluble dietary fibres (4) NMKL 129.43 (1) the lower molecular weight fraction and also includes determination AACC Intl 32-07. fruits) (4) Principle Enzymatic gravimetry Enzymatic gravimetry gravimetry Type Type I Type I Type I 22 .07 EN 14164:2008 (Free and bound phosphorylated forms (pyridoxal. in foods and food products containing more than 10% dietary fibres and less than 2% starch (e. 13 AACC Intl 32. as well as content of Klason lignin (4).Standard Provisions All foods Method applicable for determining dietary fibres that do not include (1) the lower molecular weight fraction. All foods Insoluble dietary fibres in food and food products (4) (1) All foods Soluble dietary fibres in food and food products (4) (1) Method AOAC 994. 1982) AOAC 993.01 (1999.25. 1994) NMKL 162. 1998 AOAC 991.01 (1999.42 (Specific for insoluble fibre) AACC Intl 32-20.19 (Specific for soluble fibre) Principle Enzymatic colorimetry gravimetry Enzymatic gravimetry Enzymatic gravimetry Type GC/ Type I Type I Type I 23 . Provides sugar residue composition of dietary fibre polysaccharides. hydrolyzed inulin.01 (2001) HPAEC-PAD (applicable to added fructans) All foods Fructans (oligofructoses.General methods that measure both the higher (monomeric units > 9) and the lower molecular weight fraction (monomeric units <=9) (2) All foods AOAC 2001.01 (2001) colorimetric (not applicable highly depolymerised fructans) All foods Polydextrose AOAC 2000.01 (2009) Gravimetry food that may.01 EnzymaticType I (1) higher and lower molecular weight.08 Enzymatic & Type II (1) fructooligosaccharides) AACC Intl 32-31.01 (1999. 1995) All foods Fructans (oligofructoses.02 HPAEC-PAD Type II (1) AACC Intl 32-33. AOAC 999.01 (2001) All foods Resistant starch (Recommended for RS3) AOAC 2002. hydrolyzed inulin. polyfructoses. in food where resistant starches Liquid are not present chromatography All foods Method applicable for determining the content of dietary fibres of AOAC 2009. inulin.02 Enzymatic Type II (1) AACC Intl 32-40. The method is applicable in AACC Intl 32-45.16 Enzymatic Type II (1) AACC Intl 32-23. or may not. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Methods that measure individual specific components (monomeric units: the whole range for each type of components is covered)(2) All foods (13)(14) Beta-D-Glucans AOAC 995. AOAC 997.03 Enzymatic & Type III (1) fructooligosaccharides) AACC Intl 32-32. polyfructoses. inulin.01 (2002) 24 .01 (2001) All foods Trans-galacto-oligo saccharides AOAC 2001.03 Enzymatic Type I (1) Method applicable for determining the content of dietary fibres of AACC Intl 32-41. contain resistant starches.01 (2002) gravimetry and higher and lower molecular weight.11 HPAEC-PAD Type II (1) AACC Intl 32-28. Quantitation lost for inulin. Dreher.N.techniq ue. Hudson G.Other methods(2) that have not been subjected to interlaboratory evaluation under AOAC international guidelines All foods Insoluble glucans and mannans of yeast cell wall (for yeast cell Eurasyp (European association for wall only) specialty yeast product) – LM Bonanno. Biospringer. 25 .E. 1999 in Complex Carbohydrates in Foods. resistant starch.screen. All foods Fructo-oligosaccharides (monomeric units<5) Ouarné et al. Prosky & M. Refer to specific methods.home. as revised in 2009. (1994) Determination of dietary fibre as non-starch polysaccharides with gas-liquid chromatographic high performance liquid chromatographic or spectrophotometric measurement of constituent sugars – Analyst 119. (3) (4) Quantitation lost for resistant starch. Edited by S. Refer to specific methods. polydextrose and resistant maltodextrins.eurasyp. (2) Two issues are left for national authorities: to include monomeric units 3-9 and which isolated or synthetic compounds have physiological benefit. Sungsoo. New York All foods Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) (3) Englyst H. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1497-1509 (1) Chemical & Type IV HPAEC-PAD HPAEC-PAD Type IV Gas-Liquid Chromatography Type IV Users should consult the description of each method for the food matrices that were the subject of interlaboratory study in the Official methods of Analysis of AOAC International. Quigley M. (Refer to the Guidelines for Nutrition Labelling (CAC/GL 2-1985).2004 – online version : http://www.. 4 October 2000 AOAC 986.13 EN 1137: 1994 IFU Method No 22 (1985) EN 12630 IFU Method No 67 (1996) NMKL 148 (1993) EN 1140 IFU Method No 55 (1985) Determination of HFCS & HIS by Capillary GC method JAOAC 84.06 EN 1138 (1994) IFU Method No 21 (1985) Principle HPLC Fluorescence spectrometry Indophenol method Type II IV III Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Carbon dioxide (additives and processing aids) Cellobiose Citric acid 13(additives) Citric acid 5(additives) Glucose and fructose (permitted ingredients) Glucose-D and fructose-D (permitted ingredients) HFCS & HIS in apple juice (permitted ingredients) Malic acid (additives) Malic acid-D Malic acid-D in apple juice Malic acid-L Titrimetry (back-titration after precipitation) Capillary gas chromatography HPLC Enzymatic determination HPLC IV IV II III III Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Enzymatic determination CAP GC Method II IV Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Enzymatic determination and HPLC Enzymatic determination HPLC Enzymatic determination III II II II 13 All juices except citrus based juices 26 .05 EN 12138 IFU Method No 64 (1995) AOAC 995.Fruit Juices and Nectars Commodity Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Provisions Ascorbic acid-L (additives) Ascorbic acid-L (additives) Ascorbic acid-L (additives) Method IFU Method No 17a (1995) ISO 6557-1: 1986 AOAC 967. 486 (2001) AOAC 993.21 IFU Method No 17 ISO 6557-2: 1984 IFU Method No 42 (1976) IFU Recommendation No. malic and citric acid in cranberry juice cocktail and apple juice AOAC 986. malic & citric acid in cranberry juice cocktail and apple juice (permitted ingredients and additives) Saccharin Soluble solids IFU Method No 26 (1964/1996) IFU Method No 63 (1995) NMKL 124 (1997) ISO 5518:1978 ISO 6560: 1983 ISO 5519: 1978 Determination of quinic. 7A (2000) NMKL 132 (1989) NMKL 135 (1990) ISO 5522:1981 ISO 5523:1981 EN 12137 (1997) IFU Method No 65 (1995) EN 12135 (1997) IFU Method No 28 (1991) Precipitation/photometry HPLC Spectrometry Spectrometry HPLC I II III III III Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Liquid chromatography Indirect by refractometry II I Fruit Juices and Nectars Sucrose (permitted ingredients) Sucrose (permitted ingredients) Sulphur dioxide (additives) Enzymatic determination III Fruit Juices and Nectars HPLC II Fruit Juices and Nectars Titrimetry after distillation II Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Sulphur dioxide (additives) Sulphur dioxide (additives) Tartaric acid in grape juice (additives) Total nitrogen Enzymatic determination Titrimetry after distillation HPLC Digestion/titration III III II I 27 .Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Pectin (additives) Benzoic acid and its salts.17 EN 12143 (1996) IFU Method No 8 (1991) ISO 2173: 2003 EN 12146 (1996) IFU Method No 56 (1985/1998) EN 12630 IFU Method No 67 (1996) NMKL 148 (1993) Optimized Monier Williams AOAC 990.28 IFU method No. sorbic acid and its salts Benzoic acid and its salts Preservatives in fruit juices (sorbic acid and its salts) Quinic.13 NMKL 122 (1997) AOAC 983. 26 . composition. and quality where applicable and where required.EN 1135 (1994).21 Determination of carotenoid.11 Determination of C13/C12 ratio of ethanol derived from fruit juices JAOAC 79. 1.Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Sections 3. allowing for natural variations.09 .JAOAC 64. The verification of a sample’s authenticity / quality can be assessed by comparison of dat a for the sample. Methods of Analysis and Sampling. The analytical methods used should be those found in Section 9. 62-72 Determination of carbon stable isotope ratio of apple juice AOAC 981.17 Determination of benzoic acid as a marker in orange juice AOAC 994. with that produced for fruit of the same type and from the same region.3 Authenticity14 Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Determination of acetic acid EN 12632. IFU Method No 66 (1996) Determination of alcohol (ethanol) IFU Method No 52 (1996) Detection of anthocyanins IFU Method No 71 (1998) Determination of ash in fruit products AOAC 940. Quality and Authenticity Fruit juices and nectars should be subject to testing for authenticity. 85 (1981) Determination of carbon stable isotope ratio of orange juice AOAC 982. total/individual groups EN 12136 (1997). IFU Method No 59 (1991) Enzymatic determination Enzymatic determination HPLC Gravimetry II II I I Deuterium NMR HPLC II III Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Spectrophotometry I 14 3. 1996.2 Quality Criteria and 3. IFU Method No 9 (1989) Detection of beet sugar in fruit juices AOAC 995. No. seasonal changes and for variations occurring due to processing.4 Verification of Composition. 28 . generated using appropriate methods included in the standard. 27 (Codex general method) ISO 3634:1979 Determination of essential oils (Scott titration AOAC 968.IFU Method No 67 (1996) NMKL 148 (1993) Determination of gluconic acid IFU Method No 76 (2001) Determination of glycerol IFU Method No 77 (2001) Determination of hesperidin and naringin EN 12148 (1996) .20 .Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Determination of centrifugable pulp EN 12134 (1997) . titration I Distillation and direct reading of the volume determination Microbiological method Potentiometric titration I I I Liquid Chromatography II HPLC HPLC II II Enzymatic determination Enzymatic determination HPLC II II II 29 .IFU Method No 60 (1991) Determination of chloride (expressed as sodium chloride) EN12133 (1997) IFU Method No 37 (1991) Determination of chloride in vegetable juice AOAC 971.IFU 45b* Determination of essential oils (in citrus fruit) (volume determination)* ISO 1955:1982 Determination of fermentability IFU Method No 18 (1974) Determination of formol number EN 1133 (1994) IFU Method No 30 (1984) Determination of free amino acids EN 12742 (xxxx) IFU Method No 57 (1989) Determination of fumaric acid IFU Method No 72 (1998) Determination of glucose fructose and saccharose EN 12630 .IFU Method No 58 (1991) Centrifugation/% value I Electrochemical titrimetry III Titration II (Scott) distillation. IFU Method No 1 (1989) & IFU Method No General sheet (1971) Determination of Relative density IFU Method No 1A Determination of sodium.IFU Method No 11 (1989).Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Determination of hydroxymethylfurfural IFU Method No 69 (1996) Determination of hydroxymethylfurfural ISO 7466:1986 Determination of isocitric acid-D IFU Method No 54 (1984) Determination of Lactic acid.D and L EN 12631 (1999) IFU Method No 53 (1983/1996) Determination of L-malic/total malic acid ratio in apple juice AOAC 993. potassium. magnesium in fruit juices EN 1134 (1994). calcium.05 Determination of pH-value NMKL 179:2005 EN 1132 (1994).05 Determination of naringin and neohesperidin in orange juice AOAC 999.ISO 1842: 1991 Determination of phosphorus/phosphate EN 1136 (1994) IFU Method No 50 (1983) Determination of proline by photometry – non-specific determination EN 1141 (1994). IFU Method No 49 (1983) Determination of relative density EN 1131 (1993). IFU Method No 33 (1984) Determination of sorbitol-D IFU Method No 62 (1995) HPLC Spectrometry Enzymatic determination Enzymatic determination II III II II Enzymatic determination and HPLC II HPLC III Potentiometry II IV II Photometric determination Photometry I Pycnometry II Densitometry Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy III II Enzymatic determination II 30 . Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Fruit Juices and Nectars Determination of stable carbon isotope ratio in the pulp of fruit juices ENV 13070 (1998) Analytica Chimica Acta 340 (1997) Determination of stable carbon isotope ratio of sugars from fruit juices ENV 12140 Analytica Chimica Acta.271 (1993) Determination of stable hydrogen isotope ratio of water from fruit juices ENV 12142 (1997) Determination of stable oxygen isotope ratio in fruit juice water ENV 12141(1997) Detection of starch AOAC 925.38 (1925) IFU Method No 73 (2000) Determination of sugar beet derived syrups in frozen concentrated orange juice δ18O Measurements in Water AOAC 992.22 Determination of Vitamin C EN 14130 : 2004 Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Stable isotope mass spectrometry II Colorimetric I Oxygen isotope ratio analysis I Titrimetry I Gravimetric determination I Gravimetric determination Microfluorometry I III HPLC II 31 .09 Determination of titrable acids.26 Determination of Vitamin C (dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid) AOAC 967. (1968) ISO 750:1998 Determination of total dry matter (vacuumoven drying at 70°C)* EN 12145 (1996) IFU Method No 61 (1991) Determination of total solids (Microwave oven drying)* AOAC 985. total EN 12147 (1995) IFU Method No Method No 3. 20 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 I IV IV  15 Milk total solids and Milk solids-not-fat content include water of crystallization of lactose Milk total solids and MSNF content include water of crystallization of lactose 32 .* Because there is no numerical value in the Standard duplicate Type I methods have been included which may lead to different results.11 (Codex general method) NMKL 161 (1998) / AOAC 999.10 AOAC 984.27 Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Atomic spectrophotometry absorption II Milk products Iron III Milk products Iron Inductively Coupled Plasma optical emission spectrophotometry Photometry (bathophenanthroline) LC-MS/MS Gravimetry (Weibull-Berntrop) Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Calculation from total solids content and fat content Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) III Milk products Milk and Milk Products Milk products (products not completely soluble in ammonia) Blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Iron Melamine Milkfat Total fat Milk solids-not-fat (MSNF) ISO 6732| IDF 103:2010 ISO/TS 15495 | IDF/RM 230:2010 IDF 124-3 | ISO 8262-3:2005 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 ISO 6731|IDF 21:2010 and ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 IV IV I IV I Blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Reduced fat blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Milk protein in MSNF Total fat 15 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991. Milk and Milk Products Milk products Iron NMKL 139 (1991) AOAC 999. drying at 87 °C I ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.Reduced fat blend of evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Reduced fat blend of Evaporated skimmed milk and vegetable fat Blend of skimmed milk and vegetable fat in powdered form Blend of skimmed milk and vegetable fat in powdered form Blend of skimmed milk and vegetable fat in powdered form Reduced fat blend of skimmed milk powder and vegetable fat in powdered form Reduced fat blend of skimmed milk powder and vegetable fat in powdered form Reduced fat blend of skimmed milk powder and vegetable fat in powdered form Blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat MSNF15 Milk protein in MSNF15 Total fat Water16 Milk protein in MSNF15 Total fat WaterError! Bookmark not defined.20 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) IV Total fat Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) I Sucrose Milk solids-not-fat (MSNF)15 Milk protein in MSNF15 ISO 2911|IDF 35:2004 Polarimetry IV ISO 6734|IDF 15:2010 Calculation from total solids content IV ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.20 ISO 1736|IDF 9:2008 Gravimetry. Milk protein in MSNF15 ISO 6731|IDF 21:2010 and ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.20 Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) IV 16 Water content excluding the crystallized water bound to lactose (generally known as “moisture content”) 33 . drying at 87 °C Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) I IV I ISO 5537|IDF 26:2004 Gravimetry.20 ISO 1736|IDF 9:2008 Calculation from total solids content and fat content Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) I IV I ISO 5537|IDF 26:2004 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991. expressed as sodium chloride) Potentiometry (determination of chloride.29 IDF 179 | ISO 15648:2004 Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) IV Copper Lead Milk solids-not-fat Milkfat Milk fat purity Salt Photometry. expressed as sodium chloride) Gas chromatography Gas chromatography Gravimetry Enzymatic method Photometry Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatslaff) II II I I I II Butter Salt III Butter Butter Butter Cheese Cheese Cheese Vegetable fat (sterols) Vegetable fat (sterols) Water Citric acid Citric acid Milkfat ISO 12078|IDF 159:2006 ISO 18252|IDF 200:2006 IDF 80 | ISO 37271:2001 ISO/TS 2963|IDF/RM 34:2006 AOAC 976.40 AOAC 972.20 ISO 5738|IDF 76:2004 AOAC 960.25 (Codex general method) IDF 80-2 | ISO 3727-2:2001 IDF 80-3 | ISO 3727-3:2003 ISO 17678|IDF 202:2010 ISO 1738|IDF 12:2004 / AOAC 960.Reduced fat blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Reduced fat blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Reduced fat blend of sweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable fat Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Total fat MSNF15 Milk protein in MSNF15 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) I ISO 6734|IDF 15:2010 Calculation from total solids content IV ISO 8968-1/2| IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.15 ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 II III I IV II I 34 . diethyldithiocarbamate Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry Gravimetry Calculation from determination of triglycerides by gas chromatography Titrimetry (Mohr: determination of chloride. 116 I I I I I I I I Cheese. individual Cheeses in brine Cottage cheese Dry matter (Total solids) Milkfat in dry matter (FDM) Fat-free dry matter ISO 5534/IDF 4: 2004 IDF 5 | ISO 1735:2004 I I I ISO 5534|IDF 4:2004 and ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 Cottage cheese Milk fat ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 I ISO 8262-3|IDF 124-3:2005 Cottage cheese Milk fat in dry matter ISO 8262-3|IDF 124-3:2005 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.20 ISO 2450|IDF 16:2008 ISO 6731|IDF 21:2010 ISO 2450|IDF 16:2008 / AOAC 995. Kjeldahl Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Gravimetry (drying at 102°C) Gravimetry Gravimetry I III II Cheeses. drying at 102 °C Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff) Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff) (for samples containing lactose up to 5%) Gravimetry (Weibull-Berntrop) (for samples containing lactose over 5%) Gravimetry (Weibull-Berntrop) Titrimetry. drying at 102°C Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff) Calculation from dry matter content and fat content Gravimetry. Unripened Including Fresh Protein Cheese Cream and Prepared Creams Cream Cream Creams Lowered in Milkfat Content Creams.19 ISO 3727-2|IDF 80-2:2001 AOAC 920. expressed as sodium chloride) Gravimetry.23 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ AOAC 991.20 and 991. drying at 102 °C Molecular absorption spectrophotometry Potentiometry (determination of chloride.Cheese Cheese (and cheese rind) Cheese Moisture Natamycin Sodium chloride ISO 5534|IDF 4:2004 ISO 9233-1|IDF 140-1:2007 ISO 5943|IDF 88:2006 Gravimetry. Whipped Fermented Creams Creams Milk protein Milkfat Solids Milkfat and Milk solids-not-fat 35 . free Ash (including P2O5) Edible Casein Products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Casein in protein Copper Copper Lactose ISO 5547|IDF 91:2008 ISO 5545|IDF 90:2008 or17 ISO 5544|IDF 89:2008 ISO 17997-1|IDF 29-1:2004 AOAC 985. Kjeldahl Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry (diethyldiethiocarbamate) Photometry (phenol and H2SO4) I I II III IV 17 refer to scope of methods 36 .35 IDF 76 | ISO 5738:2004 IDF 106 | ISO 5548:2004 Titrimetry (aqueous extract) Gravimetry (ashing at 825 °C ) Titrimetry.Cream cheese Dry matter ISO 5534|IDF 4:2004 Gravimetry drying at 102 °C (forced air oven) Calculation from fat content and moisture content Gravimetry drying at 102°C (forced air oven) Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff) Calculation from determination of triglycerides by gas chromatography Gravimetry Direct determination of fat using solvent extraction Gas chromatography Gas chromatography I Cream cheese Moisture on fat free basis ISO 5534|IDF 4:2004 ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 I Dairy fat spreads Dairy fat spreads Milk fat purity Total fat ISO 17678|IDF 202:2010 ISO 17189|IDF 194:2003 I I Dairy fat spreads Dairy fat spreads Vegetable fat (sterols) Vegetable fat (sterols) ISO 12078|IDF 159:2006 ISO 18252|IDF 200:2006 II III IV Edible casein products Edible casein products Acids. 11 NMKL 161 (1998) / AOAC 999.48H / AOAC 991. total ISO 6731|IDF 21:2010 Colony-forming units of yeasts ISO 6611|IDF 94:2004 and/or moulds Dry matter (total solids) ISO 13580|IDF 151:2005 37 . after filtration Gravimetry (drying at 102 °C) Flame atomic absorption Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (drying at 102°C) Colony-count at 25 °C Gravimetry (drying at 102 °C) III III III III I I IV IV IV I IV I I I IV I ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001 AOAC 945.5diphenylthiocarbazone) Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatslaff) Gravimetry (drying at 102°C) Electrometry Titrimetry.20 Solids.23 (Codex general method) IDF RM 133 | ISO TS 6733: 2006 ISO 5543 | IDF 127: 2004 ISO 5550|IDF 78:2006 ISO 5546|IDF 115:2010 IDF 92:1979 / ISO 5549:1978 ISO 5739|IDF 107:2003 ISO 5550|IDF 78:2006 ISO 8070|IDF 119:200718 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 Atomic absorption spectrophotometry II Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Edible casein products Emmental Evaporated milks Evaporated milks Evaporated milks Fermented milks Fermented milks Lead Lead Lead Lead Milkfat Moisture pH Protein (total N x 6.38 in dry matter) Sediment (scorched particles) WaterError! Bookmark not defined.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 982.Edible casein products Lead NMKL 139 (1991) (Codex general method) AOAC 999. Calcium >= 800mg/100g Milk fat Protein Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Anodic stripping voltanmetry Spectrophotometry (1.10 AOAC 972. Kjeldahl digestion Visual comparison with standard disks. 05 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001/ Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) AOAC 991. titration to pH 8. not for cream powders 38 . 37 °C and 45 °C according to the starter organism in question Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) IV I I I I I IV I I II II I IV ISO 1211|IDF 1:2010 / AOAC 989. free (expressed as oleic acid) Milk fat IDF 150:1991 / ISO 11869:1997 ISO 20128|IDF 192:2006 ISO 7889|IDF 117:2003 Potentiometry. after filtration ISO 8156|IDF 129:2005 Centrifugation ISO 5537|IDF 26:200419 Gravimetry (drying at 87°C) IDF 165:1993 ISO 5738|IDF 76:2004 AOAC 960. Antioxidants (phenolic) Copper Fatty acids. 30 °C.20 ISO 6091|IDF 86:2010 Titrimetry. diethyldithiocarbamate Titrimetry Gravimetry (calculation from solidsnot-fat and water content) 19 The method has only been validated for milk powders.20 ISO 5739|IDF 107:2003 Visual comparison with standard disks.30 Spectrophotometry Colony count at 37 °C Colony count at 37°C IV I I ISO 9232|IDF 146:2003 Test for strain identification I ISO 27205|IDF 149:2010 (Annex A) Fermented milks Fermented milks Fermented milks Milk powders and cream powders Milk powders and cream powders Milk powders and cream powders Milk powders and cream powders Milk powders and cream powders Milk powders and cream powders Milk fat products Milk fat Products Milk fat products Milk fat products Colony count at 25 °C. titratable Milk fat Protein (in MSNF15) Scorched particles Solubility Index WaterError! Bookmark not defined. titration to pH 8.4 ISO 1736|IDF 9:2008 Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001 / AOAC Titrimetry (Kjeldahl digestion) 991.40 ISO 1740|IDF 6:2004 IDF 24:1964 Reversed phase gradient liquid chromatography Photometry.Fermented milks Fermented milks Fermented milks Yoghurt and yoghurt products Fermented milks Yoghurt and yoghurt products Lactic acid (total acidity expressed as lactic acid) Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus & Streptococcus thermophilus Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus & Streptococcus thermophilus Microorganisms constituting the starter culture Milk fat Protein Acidity. BondzynskiRatzlaff) Calculation from phosphorous and nitrogen content Spectrophotometry (molybdateascorbic acid) Potentionmetry (determination of chloride. of oxygen/kg fat) Vegetable fat (sterols) ISO 17678|IDF 202:2010 ISO 3976|IDF 74:2006 ISO 12078|IDF 159:2006 Calculation from determination of triglycerides by gas chromatography Photometry Gas chromatography I I II ISO 18252|IDF 200:2006 Milk fat products Milk fat products (anhydrous milk fat) Milkfat products (anhydrous milkfat) Milk Products obtained from Fermented Milks Heat-Treated after Fermentation Mozzarella Water Peroxide value Peroxide value Protein Milkfat in dry matter – with high moisture Milkfat in dry matter – with low moisture Citric acid Citric acid Milkfat Phosphate.33 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001 / AOAC 991.20 ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 Gas chromatography Titrimetry (Karl Fischer) Photometry Titrimetry Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) III II I I I Gravimetry after solvent extraction I Mozzarella Processed cheese products Processed cheese products Processed cheese products Processed cheese products Processed cheese products Processed cheese products ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 ISO/TS 2963|IDF/RM 34:2006 AOAC 976.15 ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 IDF 51B:1991 IDF 33C:1987 / ISO 2962:1984 ISO 5943|IDF 88:2004 Gravimetry after solvent extraction Enzymatic method Photometry Gravimetry (Schmid. expressed as sodium chloride) I IV III I IV II II 39 .Milk fat products Milk fat Products Milk fat products Milk fat purity Peroxide value (expressed as meq. added (expressed as phosphorus) Phosphorus Salt ISO 5536|IDF 23:2009 ISO 3976|IDF 74:2006 AOAC 965. drying at 88 °C Gravimetry (Röse Gottlieb) I Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff I 40 .Sweetened condensed milk Sweetened Condensed Milks Milkfat Protein Sweetened Condensed Milks Whey Cheese Whey cheeses by concentration Whey cheeses by coagulation Whey cheese Solids Dry matter (for denomination) Dry matter (total solids) Dry matter (total solids) Fat on the dry basis ISO 1737:1999 ISO 1737| IDF 13:2008 Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001 / AOAC Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) 945.20 ISO 6734|IDF 15:2010 Gravimetry. drying at 88 °C Gravimetry. drying at 88 °C Gravimetry. drying at 102 °C IDF 58 | ISO 2920:2004 IDF 58 | ISO 2920:2004 IDF 4:2004 ISO 5534:2004 IDF 59 A:1986 | ISO 1854:1999 and IDF 58:2004 | ISO 2920:2004 ISO 1735|IDF 5:2004 Gravimetry. drying at 102°C Gravimetry (Röse Gottlieb) I Whey cheeses by concentration Whey cheeses by concentration Milk fat Milk fat in dry matter ISO 1854|IDF 59:2008 ISO 1854|IDF 59:2008 and ISO 2920|IDF 58:2004 I Whey cheeses including Whey cheeses Total fat by concentration Whey cheeses by coagulation Total fat IDF 59A:1986 ISO 1854:1999 IDF 5:2004 | ISO 1735:2004 Calculation from fat content and dry I matter content Gravimetry (Röse Gottlieb) Gravimetry.48H / AOAC 991. Drying at 102°C Calculation from fat content and dry matter content I I I I I IV I Whey cheeses by coagulation Milk fat Gravimetry Ratzlaff) (Schmid-Bondzynski- I Whey cheeses by coagulation Milk fat in dry matter ISO 1735|IDF 5: 2004 and ISO 5534|IDF 4:2004 Calculation from fat content and dry matter content Gravimetry (Schmid-BondzynskiRatzlaff) Gravimetry. Glucose moiety or Part 2 .35 ISO 5738|IDF 76:2004 ISO 5765-1/2|IDF 79-1/2:2002 Calculation from fat content and dry matter content I Calculation from fat content and dry matter content I Gravimetry (ashing at 825°C) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Photometry (diethyldithiocarbamate) Enzymatic method: Part 1 .25 (Codex general method) ISO 1736|IDF 9:2008 ISO 8968-1/2|IDF 20-1/2:2001 / AOAC 991. Kjeldahl digestion Gravimetry (drying at 87 °C) Colony count at 37°C Test for identification Gravimetry (drying at 102°C) IV II III II Whey powders Whey powders Whey powders Whey powders Whey powders Whey powders Yoghurt products Yoghurt products Yoghurt products 20 Lead Milkfat Milk protein (total N x 6.38) Water20 Lactobacillus bulgaricus & Streptococcus thermophilus Lactobacillus bulgaricus & Streptococcus thermophilus Solids. Total AOAC 972.Galactose moiety Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Titrimetry (Kjeldahl) Gravimetry (drying at 88 °C ±2°C) Titrimetry.38) Moisture.Creamed whey cheese Fat on the dry basis Skimmed whey cheese Fat on the dry basis Whey powders Whey powders Whey powders Whey Powders Ash Copper Copper Lactose IDF 59 A: 1986 | ISO 1854: 1999 and IDF 58:2004 | ISO 2920:2004 IDF 59 A:1986 | ISO 1854:1999 and IDF 58:2004 | ISO 2920:2004 ISO 5545|IDF 90:2008 AOAC 985.20 ISO 2920|IDF 58:2004 IDF 92:1979 / ISO 5549:1978 ISO 5537|IDF 26:2004 IDF 117 | ISO 7889:2003 IDF 146 | ISO 9232:2003 IDF 151 | ISO 13580:2005 II I I IV IV I I Water content excluding the crystallized water bound to lactose (generally known as “moisture content”) 41 . "Free" Protein (total N x 6. Bulgaricus >= 107 cfu/g Streptococcus thermophilus & Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. thermotolerant organism and presumptive Escherichia coli Faecal Streptococci Iron. 2. dissolved Magnesium Magnesium Phenols Potassium III III I Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters ISO 7899-2:1984 ISO 6332:1988 (confirmed 1995) ISO 6059:1984 (confirmed 1995) ISO 7980:1986 (confirmed 1995) ISO 6439:1990 (confirmed 1995) Examination of Water Pollution Control. WHO Pergamon Press (1982) Vol.Yoghurt Yoghurt Streptococcus thermophilus & Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus >= 107 cfu/g ISO 7889/IDF 117: 2003 Colony count at 37°C I ISO 9232/IDF 146:2003 Test for identification: morphological . cultural and biochemical characteristics I Natural Mineral Waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Calcium Chloride ISO 7980:1986 (confirmed 1995) Examination of Water Pollution Control. 205-208 AOAC 973.51 ISO 9297:1989 (confirmed 1994) ISO 9308-1:1990 Titrimetry (Mercuric nitrate) Titrimetry Membrane filtration Atomic absorption spectrophotometry III II Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Chloride Chloride Coliform organism. pp. pp.2. WHO Pergamon Press (1982) Vol. 142-145 Membrane filtration Spectrophotometry Titrimetry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Spectrophotometry I II II III I II 42 . 004 44 90-107 Barium 0. WHO Pergamon Press (1982) Vol.8 ISO 9390:1990 ISO 11885:2007 ICP-OES ICP-MS ICP-MS Spectrophotometry ICP-OES21 Borate 5 3.7 0. applicable range (mg/L) 0. 151-152 ISO 6461-2:1986 (confirmed 1996) ISO 9280:1990 (confirmed 1995) Handb.002 Precision Recover RSDR (%) y No more than (%) 44 80-110 Suggested methods Principle meeting the criteria ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 EPA 200.07 0. Spurenanal. 148-151 Examination of Water Pollution Control. pp.35 0.2 pp. WHO Pergamon Press (1982) Vol.14 34 95-105 ISO 11885:2007 ISO 17294-2:2003 EPA 200.Natural mineral waters Sodium Examination of Water Pollution Control.002 0.001 0.0028 LOD LOQ (mg/L) (mg/L) 0.2.5 1 25 97-103 21 Total Boron is determined 43 .005 Antimony Min.1 0.8 ICP-MS GF-AAS ICP-MS ICP-MS GF-AAS AAS (Hydride) ICP-MS Arsenic 0. 1974 Membrane filtration Gravimetry II Natural mineral waters Sodium III Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Natural mineral waters Spores of sulphite-reducing anaerobes (Clostridia) Sulphates Sulphide I III IV Criteria applicable to health-related substances in the Standard for Natural Mineral Waters Provision ML (mg/L) 0.01 0.0056 0.8 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 ISO 11969:1996 EPA 200. 2 44 32 90-107 97-103 ISO 14403:2002 ISO 6703-1:1998 ISO 10304-1:2007 ISO 10359-1:1992 (dissolved fluoride) ISO 10359-2:1994 (inorganic bound) ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 EPA 200.1 0.0017 LOD LOQ (mg/L) (mg/L) Precision Recover RSDR (%) y No more than (%) 44 80-110 Suggested methods Principle meeting the criteria ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 11885:2007 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 ISO 5961:1994 (Section 3) EPA 200.18 0.8 ISO 11885:2007 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 ISO 18412:2005 (Cr VI) ISO 23913:2006 (Cr VI) ISO 9174:1998 (Section 4) EPA 200.002 0.8 ICP-MS21 ICP-OES ICP-MS GF-AAS AAS ICP-MS ICP-OES ICP-MS GF-AAS Photometric CIA.8 ISO 11885:2007 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 ISO 8288:1986 EPA 200.028 0.52 0.01 0.039 0.01 0.028 0.004 44 90-107 Manganese 0.05 0.1 0. trimetric HPLC Electrochemical probe Digestion. distillation Lead 0.52 0.Provision ML (mg/L) Min.07 1. spectrophotometry AAS ICP-MS ICP-OES ICP-MS GF-AAS Flame-AAS ICP-MS Cadmium 0.08 37 95-105 ICP-MS GF-AAS ICP-MS ICP-OES ICP-MS GF-AAS 44 .8 ISO 11885:2007 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 CFA Photometric.02 44 90-107 Copper 1 0.0012 Chromium 0.4 0. applicable range (mg/L) 0.0 0.014 0.003 0.04 0.0056 0.0006 0.2 32 97-103 Cyanide Fluoride 0. 03 0.004 0.8 EN 1483:2007 ISO 17852:2006 ISO 5666:1999 ISO 16590:2000 EPA 200.01 0.002 0. Spectrophotometry Spectrophotometry ICP-MS GF-AAS AAS (Hydride) ICP-MS Mercury 0.004 44 90-107 45 .0056 0.0004 Nickel 0. FIA. applicable range (mg/L) 0.8 ISO 10304-1:2007 ISO 13395:1996 ISO 7890-3:1988 ISO 10304-1:2007 ISO 13395:1996 ISO 6777:1984 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 ISO 9965:1993 EPA 200.1 0. Spectrophotometry Spectrophotometry LC of ions UV CFA.Provision ML (mg/L) Min.01 0.8 ICP-MS AAS Enrichment by amalgamation (III) AFS AAS after tin(II) chloride reduction Enrichment by amalgamation (III) ICP-MS ICP-MS GF-AAS ICP-MS LC of ions UV CFA.00056 LOD LOQ (mg/L) (mg/L) Precision Recover RSDR (%) y No more than (%) 44 80-110 Suggested methods Principle meeting the criteria EPA 200.8 ISO 17294-2:2003 ISO 15586:2003 EPA 200.02 44 95-105 Selenium 0.0002 0.011 0.02 0.008 44 90-107 Nitrate 50 37 5 10 18 98-102 Nitrite 0. FIA.001 0. 05 – 5.1 mg/L >15 ng/L > 15 ng/ L 0. or AOAC 983.0 mg/L >0.Performance characteristics of suggested methods Provision Surface active agents Mineral oil (hydrocarbon index) PCB Pesticide (organochlorine) PAH ML Applicable range.04 μg/L 0.30 (Codex General Method) CAC/RM 46-1972 (reference to “metal containers” deleted and refer to ISO 90.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 932.1:1999 for determination of water capacity in metal containers) AOAC 972.06 AOAC 990.005 μg/L LOD 0.06 ISO 17993:2004 ISO 7981-1:2005 ISO 7981-2:2005 Principle CFA GC GC ECD GC ECD HPLC FD TLC HPLC Processed Fruits and Vegetables Commodity Standard Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Provision Benzoic acid Benzoic acid Calcium Drained Weight Fill of containers Method NMKL 124 (1997) NMKL 103 (1984).from: 0.16 AOAC 968.12 ISO 2173:1978 Principle Liquid Chromatography Gas Chromatography Complexometry/ Titrimetry Sieving Gravimetry Weighing Type II III II I I Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Lead Packing medium Canned berry fruits (raspberry. strawberry) AAS (Flame absorption) Refractometry III I 46 .005 μg/L 0.05 mg/l RSDR (%) < 44 < 41 <20 <20 <10 <18 <19 Recovery (%) 70-100 71-102 70-130 70-130 80-110 80-110 80-100 Suggested methods ISO 16265:2009 ISO 9377-2:2000 AOAC 990.31 AOAC 968. 19 (Codex general method) AOAC 920.12) Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Processed fruits and vegetables Aqueous Coconut Products Aqueous Coconut Products pH ISO 1842:1991 Potentiometry IV pH pH Soluble solids Sorbates Sorbates Tin Total solids Total Fats Total solids AOAC 981. distinguishing Calculation: Gravimetry Stretching Pouring and measuring Visual inspection I I I 47 .12 NMKL 179:2005 ISO 2173:2003 AOAC 932.12 NMKL 103 (1984) / AOAC 983.16 NMKL 124 (1997) AOAC 980.151 ISO 1211:1999 IDF 1D: 1996 ISO 6731:1989 IDF 21B: 1987 ISO 1211:1999 IDF 1D: 1996 and ISO 6731:1989 IDF 21B: 1987 ISO 6731:1989 IDF 21B: 1987 CAC/RM 39-1970 CAC/RM 45-1972 CAC/RM 48-1972 Potentiometry Potentiometry Refractometry Gas Chromatography Liquid Chromatography AAS Gravimetry Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Gravimetry III II I III II II I I I Aqueous Coconut Products Non-fat solids I Calculation: Gravimetry (Röse-Gottlieb) Gravimetry I Aqueous Coconut Products Canned green beans and wax beans Canned green peas Canned green peas Moisture Tough strings Proper fill (in lieu of drained weight) Types of peas. pH determined by AOAC 981.Processed fruits and Vegetables (except canned bamboo shoots. 31 AOAC 971.Canned mangoes Canned mushrooms Canned palmito Canned Stone Fruits Canned Stone Fruits Canned strawberries Canned strawberries Certain canned citrus fruits Certain canned citrus fruits Certain Canned Vegetables (palmito) Citrus marmalade Dates Dates Desiccated coconut Desiccated coconut Desiccated coconut Desiccated coconut Desiccated coconut Dried apricots Dried apricots Dried apricots Syrup Washed drained weight Mineral impurities Drained weight Soluble solids Calcium Mineral impurities Calcium Calcium Mineral impurities (sand) Calcium Identification of defects Moisture Total acidity of the extracted oil Ash Extraneous vegetable matter Moisture Oil content Identification of defects Moisture Sulphur dioxide AOAC 932.31 Described in the Standard AOAC 934.49 Described in the Standard AOAC 925.30 ISO:2173:1978 AOAC 932.40 AOAC 948.06 AOAC 963.31 AOAC 971.14C AOAC 968.33 NMKL 153:1996 AOAC 968.22 Described in the Standard AOAC 934.06 ISO 660:2009 or AOCS Cd 3d-63 (09) AOAC 950.14C CAC/RM 44-1972 ISO 762:1982 (confirmed 1992) AOAC 968.33 ISO 762:2003 AOAC 968.20 Brix spindle method Sieving Gravimetry Gravimetry Refractometry Complexometric titrimetry Gravimetry Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Complexometry Titrimetry Gravimetry Complexometric titrimetry Visual inspection Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Titrimetry Gravimetry Counting extraneous material with the naked eye Gravimery (loss on drying) Gravimetry Visual inspection (weighing) Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Colorimetry I I I I I II I II III I II I I I I IV I I I I II 48 . Jams (fruit preserves) and jellies Jams (fruit preserves) and jellies Mango chutney Pickled cucumbers Pickled cucumbers Pickled cucumbers Pickled cucumbers Pickled cucumbers Preserved tomatoes Preserved tomatoes Preserved tomatoes Fill of Containers Soluble solids Ash insoluble in HCl Acidity.41 EN 2631:1999 AOAC 971.27 (Codex general method) AOAC 970.15 AOAC 968.12 ISO 763:1982 AOAC 942. total Drained weight Mineral impurities Salt in brine Volume fill by displacement Calcium Calcium Minimum Drained Weight CAC/RM 46-1972 ISO 2173:2003 AOAC 932. 14 screen instead of ‘7/16’ or No.20 I II IV I I II I I II I 49 .59 CAC/RM 51-1974 CAC/RM 52-1974 AOAC 972.30 AOAC 971.33 AOAC 971.27 (Codex general method) Described in the Standard AOAC 968.59 AOAC 971.33 AOAC 965.41 AOAC 970. 8 Howard mould count Enzymatic determination Gravimetry Howard mould count Refractometry Potentiometry Refractometry Ashing Extraction and separation on alumina Electrical conductance I I I I I I II I III II I Preserved tomatoes Processed tomato concentrates Processed tomato concentrates Processed tomato concentrates Processed tomato concentrates Processed tomato concentrates Processed tomato concentrates Raisins Raisins Raisins Mould count Lactic acid Mineral impurities (sand) Mould count Natural tomato soluble solids Sodium chloride Tomato soluble solids Mineral impurities Mineral oil Moisture AOAC 965.31 NMKL 153:1996 AOAC 968.30 Weighing Refractometry Gravimetry Titrimetry Gravimetry Gravimetry Potentiometry Displacement Complexometric titrimetry Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Gravimetry (sieving) note: Use a No. Whole kernel corn and Cornon-the-cob Quick frozen fruits and vegetables: Peaches and berries Quick frozen fruits and vegetables: Vegetables Quick frozen French fried potatoes Quick frozen green and wax beans Quick frozen peas Quick frozen spinach Sorbitol Sulphur dioxide Acidity of brine pH of brine Salt in brine Identification of defects Moisture Size classification AOAC 973.40 Described in the Standard Gas chromatography Colorimetry Titrimetry Potentiometry Potentiometry Visual inspection Gravimetry (loss on drying) Number per 500 g II II IV IV II I I I Net weight Thawing procedure Mineral impurities Soluble solids.27 (Codex general method) Described in the Standard AOAC 925.28 AOAC 963. Salt-free Described in the Standards CAC/RM 33-1970 AOAC 984. total CAC/RM 34-1970 CAC/RM 32-1970 CAC/RM 54-1974 CAC/RM 43-1971 Weighing Thawing Flotation and sedimentation Refractometry I I I I Drained fruit/drained berries Cooking procedure Moisture Tough strings Solids.20 Described in the Standard Described in the Standard AOAC 971.25 CAC/RM 39-1970 CAC/RM 35-1970 Described in the Standard Draining Cooking Gravimetry (convection oven) Stretching Gravimetry Weighing I I I I I I 50 . alcohol insoluble Dry matter. leek and carrot Quick frozen fruits and vegetables: Berries.Raisins Raisins Table olives Table olives Table olives Unshelled pistachio nuts Unshelled pistachio nuts Unshelled pistachio nuts Quick Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Quick frozen fruits and vegetables Quick frozen fruits and vegetables Quick frozen fruits and vegetables: Berries. 16 (Codex general method) ISO 937:1978 (confirmed 1995) AIIBP Method No 2/7 AIIBP Method No 2/5 AOAC 928.08 AIBP Method No 2/4 AOAC 972. potassium and/or sodium salt Tin (Products in tinplate and other containers) Fat 51 . potassium and/or sodium salt Nitrites.Part 3 ENV 12014-4:1998-06 . total III I II II IV II II II II II II II II IV II I Bouillons and Consommés (soups and Sodium chloride broths) Canned corned beef Canned corned beef Canned corned beef Canned corned beef Cooked cured chopped meat Lead Nitrites.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 973.07 ISO 3091:1975 (confirmed 1996) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) AOAC 985.16 (Codex general method) ISO 1443-1973 Meat Products Processed meat and poultry products Processed meat and poultry products Processed meat and poultry products Processed meat and poultry products Processed meat and poultry products Processed meat and poultry products Bouillons and Consommés (soups and broths) Bouillons and Consommés (soups and broths Bouillons and Consommés (soups and broths Nitrates and/or Nitrites Fat Lead Nitrates Nitrites Tin Nitrogen/protein Amino nitrogen Creatinine Nitrogen.31 (Codex general method) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) AOAC 985.Part 4 NMKL 165 (2000) ISO 1443-1973 AOAC 934.Processed Meat and Poultry Products and Soups and Broths Spectrometric determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite Ion-exchange chromatographic method Gravimetry Colorimetry (dithizone) Colorimetry (cadmium reduction) Colorimetry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Titrimetry Volumetry (modified Van Slyke) HPLC Kjeldahl Potentiometric titration (chloride expressed as sodium chloride) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry Colorimetry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (extraction) III Meat Products Nitrates and/or Nitrites ENV 12014-3:1998-06 . 31 (Codex general method) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) ISO 937:1978 (confirmed 1995) AOAC 985.31 (Codex general method) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) AOAC 985.31 (Codex general method) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) AOAC 985.16 (Codex general method) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry Colorimetry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (extraction) Calculation Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry Colorimetry Titrimetry.25) Tin Fat Gelatin.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 973. added Lead Nitrites Nitrites Protein (conversion factor 6.16 (Codex general method) ISO 1443:1973 AOAC 972. potassium and/or sodium salt Tin AOAC 972.16 (Codex general method) ISO 1443:1973 Described in the Standard AOAC 972.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 973.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 973. Kjeldahl digestion Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (extraction) Calculation Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry Colorimetry Titrimetry. potassium and/or sodium salt Nitrites.31 (Codex general method) ISO 2918:1975 (confirmed 1996) ISO 937:1978 (confirmed 1995) AOAC 985.16 (Codex general method) ISO 1443:1973 Described in the Standard AOAC 972.Cooked cured chopped meat Cooked cured chopped meat Cooked cured chopped meat Cooked cured chopped meat Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured ham Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Cooked cured pork shoulder Luncheon meat Luncheon meat Luncheon meat Luncheon meat Luncheon meat Lead Nitrites Nitrites Tin Fat Gelatin.25 (Codex general method) AOAC 973. Kjeldahl digestion Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (extraction) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Colorimetry Colorimetry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry II II IV II I I II II IV II II I I II II IV II II I II II IV II 52 . added Lead Nitrites Nitrites Protein Tin Fat Lead Nitrites. Assoc.180 Refractometry I Honey Moisture I Honey Honey Sample preparation Solids.17 ISO 5377:1981 ISO 1741:1980 ISO 5809:1982 Carbon isotope ratio mass spectrometry Carbon isotope ratio mass spectrometry Titrimetry Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Single sulphonation Honey Honey Sugars (dextrose anhydrous and dextrose monohydrate) Sugars (dextrose anhydrous and dextrose monohydrate) Sugars (dextrose anhydrous and dextrose monohydrate. Public Analysts (1992) 28 (4) 171175 AOAC 969. glucose syrup. powdered dextrose. dried glucose syrup. total Sulphated ash I I I I I Sulphur dioxide pH Conductivity ash D-Fructose ISO 5379:1983 ICUMSA GS 1/2/3/4/7/8-23 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-17 (1994) ISO 10504:1988 Acidimetry and nephelometry Potentiometry Conductimetry Liquid chromatography (refractive index detection) IV I I II 53 . lactose) Sugars (dextrose anhydrous and dextrose monohydrate) Sugars (fructose) Sugars (fructose) Sugars (fructose) Sugars added (for sugar profile) Sugars added: detection of corn and cane sugar products D-Glucose Solids. Public Analysts (1992) 28(4) 189193 AOAC 998.38B or MAFF Validated Method V21 AOAC 920. water-insoluble - I MAFF Validated Method V22 Gravimetry J.18 AOAC 978.Sugars and Honey Honey Acidity MAFF Validated Method V19 Titrimetry J. Assoc. anhydrous Loss on drying pH Colour ISO 10504:1988 ISO 1742:1980 ISO 5379:1983 ISO 5377:1981 ISO 1742:1980 ISO 5379:1983 ICUMSA GS 4/3-3 (1994) USP General Chapter 731 ICUMSA GS 1/2/3/4/7/8-23 (1994) ICUMSA GS9/1/2/3-8 ICUMSA GS 1/3/4/7/8-13 (1994) ICUMSA GS 1/3/7-3 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/1/3-15 (1994) ICUMSA GS 1/2/3-1 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-35 (1998) NMKL 135 (1990) EN 1988-2 (1998) ICUMSA GS 2/3-35 (1998) NMKL 135 (1990) EN 1988-2 (1998) ICUMSA GS 2/3-9 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-17 (1994) Liquid chromatography (refractive index detection) Gravimetry Acidimetry and nephelometry Titrimetry Gravimetry (vacuum oven) Acidimetry and nephelometry Titrimetry Gravimetry (Drying at 120°C for 16 h) Potentiometry Photometry Conductimetry Titrimetry (Lane & Eynon) Gravimetry Polarimetry Enzymatic method II I IV I I IV II I I I I I I II II Sugars (plantation or mill white sugar) Conductivity ash Sugars (plantation or mill white sugar) Invert sugar Sugars (plantation or mill white sugar) Loss on drying Sugars (plantation or mill white sugar) Polarization Sugars (plantation or mill white sugar) Sulphur dioxide Sugars (powdered sugar and powdered Sulphur dioxide dextrose) Sugars (powdered sugar) Sugars (powdered sugar) Colour Conductivity ash Enzymatic method II Photometry Conductimetry I I 54 .Sugars (fructose) Sugars (fructose) Sugars (fructose) Sugars (glucose syrup and dried glucose syrup) Sugars (glucose syrup and dried glucose syrup) Sugars (glucose syrup and dried glucose syrup) Sugars (lactose) Sugars (lactose) Sugars (lactose) Sugars (plantation and mill white sugar) D-Glucose Loss on drying Sulphur dioxide Reducing sugar Solids. total Sulphur dioxide Lactose. Sugars (powdered sugar) Sugars (powdered sugar) Sugars (powdered sugar) Sugars (raw cane sugar) Invert sugar Loss on drying Polarization Sulphur dioxide ICUMSA GS 2/3-5 (1997) after filtration if necessary to remove any anticaking agents ICUMSA GS 2/1/3-15 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-1 after filtration if necessary to remove any anticaking agents ICUMSA GS 2/3-35 (1998) NMKL 135 (1990) EN 1988-2 (1998) ICUMSA GS 1/3/4/7/8-13 (1994) ICUMSA GS 4/3-3 (1994) (applicable at levels >10% m/m) ICUMSA GS 1/3/7-3 (1994) (applicable at levels <10% m/m) ICUMSA GS 2/1/3-15 (1994) ICUMSA GS 4/3-7 (1994) ICUMSA GS 1/3/4/7/8-11 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-35 (1998) NMKL 135 (1990) EN 1988-2 (1998) ICUMSA GS 2/3-9 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-17 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-5 (1997) ICUMSA GS 2/1/3-15 (1994) ICUMSA GS 2/3-1 (1994) Titrimetry Gravimetry Polarimetry Enzymatic method I I II II Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar and soft brown sugar) Sugars (soft white sugar) Sugars (white sugar) Sugars (white sugar) Sugars (white sugar) Sugars (white sugar) Conductivity ash Invert sugar Invert sugar Loss on drying Sucrose plus invert sugar Sulphated ash Sulphur dioxide Conductimetry Titrimetry (Lane & Eynon) Titrimetry (Lane & Eynon) Gravimetry Titrimetry Gravimetry Enzymatic method I I I I I I II Colour Conductivity ash Invert sugar Loss on drying Polarization Photometry Conductimetry Titrimetry Gravimetry Polarimetry I I I I II 55 . decant the mixture through a quantitative filter and collect the filtrate in a 100 ml volumetric flask.12 (Codex general method) CAC/RM 46-1972 (Codex general method) ISO 5498:1981 (B.01 (≤70°C. crude Granularity Moisture Total Nitrogen Amino Nitrogen Moisture Arsenic Cadmium Calcium and magnesium Copper Halogens NMKL 179:2005 (Codex general method) AOAC 981.A pH meter shall be used to determine the endpoint instead of optical verification of colours 56 .13 AOAC 920. Endpoint . Next. ≤ 50 mm Hg) ESPA/CN-E/105-1996 ESPA/CN-E/107-1997 ISO 2482:1973 ESPA/CN-E/101-1994 ISO 2481:1973 Potentiometry Potentiometry Weighing Gravimetry Sieving Gravimetry Kjeldahl Volumetry Gravimetry II III I I I I I I I IV IV II II II Photometry Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Complexometric titrimetry Photometry Mercurimetry 22 Section 9.2 Determination of Amino Nitrogen Preparation of test samples: Weigh 2 g of sample into a 250 ml beaker and mix the sample with 100 ml of cold (15°C) NH3-free H2O and then stir the mixture for 60 min.5 separation) ISO 2591-1:1988 ISO 712:1998 AOAC 984.154 on the conditions specified in the standard 22 AOAC 934.Sugars (white sugar) Sulphur dioxide ICUMSA GS 2/3-35 (1998) NMKL 135 (1990) EN 1988-2 (1998) Enzymatic method II Miscellaneous Products Chili sauce Chili sauce Chili sauce Edible cassava flour Edible cassava flour Edible cassava flour Fermented Soybean Paste Fermented Soybean Paste Fermented Soybean Paste Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt pH pH Fill of containers Fibre. 56 ESPA/CN-E/108-1994 ISO 2483:1973 ESPA/CN-E/106-1994 ESPA/CN-E/104-1994 (applicable to products containing ≥2 mgK/kg) Gravimetry Titrimetry using sodium thiosulphate Titrimetry using sodium thiosulphate Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gravimetry (drying at 110°C) Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry II II III IV I IV II Food grade salt Potassium ESPA/CN-E/103-1994 Titrimetry (applicable to products containing ≥100 mgK/kg) Described in the Standard ISO 2480:1972 AOAC 945.68 AOAC 971.5 separation) ISO 2591-1:1988 ICC Method No 109/1 (1986) ISO 712:1998 AOAC 925.30 ISO 2171:1993 ISO 5498:1981 (B. drying at atmospheric pressure Calculation Gravimetry III Food grade salt Food grade salt Foul medames Foul medames Foul medames Gari Gari Gari Gari Ginseng Products Sodium chloride Sulphate Sample Preparation Salt content Drained weight Ash Fibre.Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Food grade salt Insoluble matter Iodine Iodine Lead Loss on drying Mercury Potassium ISO 2479:1972 ESPA/CN-E/109-1994 AOAC 925.45 Potentiometry Sieving Gravimetry Gravimetry Sieving Gravimetry Gravimetry.27 NMKL 178:2004 AOAC 968. crude Granularity Moisture Moisture I II _ II I I I I I IV 57 . 6.13 AOAC 988.68 AOAC 971. ≤ 50 mm Hg) AOAC 985.11 ISO 6401:1985 Commission Directive 81/432/EEC O.01 (≤ 70°C. 24.167. Gas chromatography ("head-space") L.6.Ginseng Products Ginseng Products Ginseng Products Ginseng Products Ginseng Products Gochujang Gochujang Gochujang Gochujang Guideline level for acrylonitrile Guideline levels for mercury in fish Guideline levels for vinyl chloride monomer Guideline levels for vinyl chloride monomer Guidelines for nutrition labelling Guidelines for nutrition labelling Guidelines for nutrition labelling Humus with tehena Humus with tehena Solids Ash Water-insoluble Solids Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts Identification of ginsenosides Rb1 and Rf Capsaicin AOAC 925. or AOCS Ce 1h-05 Gas liquid chromatography AOCS Ce 1h-05 AOAC 945.45 and calculated by subtracting calculation the content of water from 100%.03 described in the Standard (Annex A) described in the Standard (Annex B) described in the Standard (Annex C) AOAC 995.27 NMKL 178:2004 Potentiometry Gas liquid chromatography II 23 Can also be used to measure trans unsaturated fatty acids 58 .03 described in the Standard (Annex D) Gravimetry.81 AOCS Ce 1h-0523 Gas liquid chromatography AOAC 996.13 (Nitrogen conversion factor: 6. p. No.25) AOAC 934. after ashing at 550°C Gravimetry Gravimetry TLC or HPLC HPLC Gas chromatography Kjeldahl Gravimetry Gas chromatography Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Gas chromatography IV IV IV IV IV II IV I I II II II III II II II _ Crude protein Moisture Acrylonitrile Methyl mercury Vinyl chloride monomer Vinyl chloride monomer Polyunsaturated fatty acids Saturated fat Saturated fatty acids Sample Preparation Salt content AOAC 984.J.06. AOAC 923. Kjeldahl Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry Colour reaction I I I I I I I I I I I I 59 .53 ISO 712:1998 ISO 2171: 2007 AOAC 939.Humus with tehena Sago Flour Sago Flour Sago Flour Sago Flour Sago Flour Tehena Tehena Tehena Tehena Tehena Tehena Total acidity Moisture Content Ash (inorganic extraneous matter) Acidity Crude Fibre Starch Moisture Content Protein content Total Ash Acid Insoluble Ash Total Acidity Sesame oil AOAC 925.44. ISO 934:1980 ISO 1871:1975 ISO 6884:1980 ISO 735:1977 ISO 729:1988 AOCS Cb 2-40 (97) (Baudouin Test) 1.05 ISO 6541:1981 AOAC 920. Titrimetry Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry Gravimetry Gravimetry Gravimetry Titrimetry. PART B METHODS OF SAMPLING BY COMMODITY CATEGORIES AND NAMES Commodity Categories Cereals. Pulses and Legumes and Derived Products Wheat protein products including wheat gluten Fats and Oils Olive Oils and Olive-Pomace Oils Milk and Milk Products Milk products Milk products Milk products Processed Fruits and Vegetables Desiccated coconut Certain canned vegetables. ISO 707|IDF 50:2008 ISO 5538|IDF 113:2004 IDF 136A:1992 ISO 8197:1988 General instructions for obtaining a sample from a bulk Inspection by attributes Inspection by variables Described in the Standard Described in the Standards Described in the Standard 60 . jams and jellies Chili sauce Method of Sampling Notes ISO 13690:1999 ISO 661:1989 and ISO 5555:2001.
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