Codecalc- 2013 Manual
CodeCalcUser's Guide Version 2013 (V15.0) November 2012 DICAS-PE-200109C Copyright Copyright © 1985-2012 Intergraph CAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth below. For civilian agencies: This was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3. Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation P.O. Box 240000 Huntsville, AL 35813 Terms of Use Use of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution. Warranties and Liabilities All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided with the software or applicable license for the software product signed by Intergraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT. Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data. Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work. Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, FrameWorks, I-Convert, I-Export, I-Sketch, SmartMarine, IntelliShip, INtools, ISOGEN, MARIAN, SmartSketch, SPOOLGEN, SupportManager, SupportModeler, COADE, CAESAR II, CADWorx, PV Elite, CODECALC, and TANK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Contents What's New in PV Elite and CodeCalc ....................................................................................................... 9 CodeCalc Overview ................................................................................................................................... 11 What Distinguishes CodeCalc From our Competitors? ........................................................................ 12 What Analysis Types are Available?..................................................................................................... 12 Technical Support ................................................................................................................................. 16 Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 16 CodeCalc Workflows ................................................................................................................................. 17 Starting CodeCalc ................................................................................................................................. 17 Performing an Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 17 Reviewing the Results - The Output Option ......................................................................................... 22 Printing or Saving Reports to a File ................................................................................................ 23 Tabs ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 File Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Home Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Tools Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 28 Configuration Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 29 Create/Edit Units File...................................................................................................................... 32 Material Database Editor ................................................................................................................ 34 Diagnostics Tab .................................................................................................................................... 47 ESL Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 47 Shells and Heads ....................................................................................................................................... 49 Purpose, Scope and Technical Basis (Shells) ...................................................................................... 49 API 579 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 52 Purpose, Scope, and Technical Basis............................................................................................ 52 Discussion of Results (Shells) ........................................................................................................ 55 Shells/Heads Tab .................................................................................................................................. 55 Geometry Tab (Shell/Head) .................................................................................................................. 58 Bar Options ..................................................................................................................................... 62 Section Options .............................................................................................................................. 64 Optional Data Tab ................................................................................................................................. 66 Supplemental Loads ....................................................................................................................... 67 Compute Remaining Life ................................................................................................................ 68 Jacket Tab............................................................................................................................................. 69 API 579 (FFS) Tab ................................................................................................................................ 78 Data Measurement Tab .................................................................................................................. 81 Point Measurement Data Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 83 Enter CTPs Dialog Box................................................................................................................... 83 Groove Options .............................................................................................................................. 83 Enter Pitting Information Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 84 Results .................................................................................................................................................. 85 CodeCalc User's Guide 3 Contents Nozzles ....................................................................................................................................................... 87 Purpose, Scope, and Technical Basis (Nozzles) .................................................................................. 87 Nozzle Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 88 Geometry Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 91 Miscellaneous Tab ................................................................................................................................ 95 Shell/Head Tab ................................................................................................................................... 101 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 105 Actual Nozzle Diameter Thickness............................................................................................... 105 Required Thickness of Shell and Nozzle...................................................................................... 105 UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness ..................................................................................... 106 Required and Available Areas ...................................................................................................... 106 Selection of Reinforcing Pad ........................................................................................................ 106 Large Diameter Nozzle Calculations ............................................................................................ 106 Effective Material Diameter and Thickness Limits ....................................................................... 106 Minimum Design Metal Temperature ........................................................................................... 107 Weld Size Calculations ................................................................................................................. 107 Weld Strength Calculations .......................................................................................................... 107 Failure Path Calculations.............................................................................................................. 107 Iterative Results Per Pressure, Area, And UG-45 ........................................................................ 107 Conical Sections ...................................................................................................................................... 109 Cone Design Tab (Conical Sections) .................................................................................................. 110 Cone Geometry Tab ........................................................................................................................... 112 Small Cylinder and Larger Cylinder Tabs ........................................................................................... 113 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 115 Internal Pressure Results ............................................................................................................. 115 External Pressure Results ............................................................................................................ 115 Reinforcement Calculations Under Internal Pressure .................................................................. 116 Reinforcement Calculations Under External Pressure ................................................................. 116 Floating Heads ......................................................................................................................................... 117 Head Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 118 Flange/Bolts Tab ................................................................................................................................. 120 Gasket Tab.......................................................................................................................................... 122 Miscellaneous Tab .............................................................................................................................. 128 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 132 Internal Pressure Results for the Head: ....................................................................................... 133 External Pressure Results for Heads: .......................................................................................... 133 Intermediate Calculations for Flanged Portion of Head ............................................................... 133 Required Thickness Calculations ................................................................................................. 133 Soehren's Calculations: ................................................................................................................ 134 Flanges ..................................................................................................................................................... 135 Purpose, Scope, and Technical Basis (Flanges) ................................................................................ 135 Flange Data Tab ................................................................................................................................. 138 Hub/Bolts Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 142 Gasket Data Tab ................................................................................................................................. 144 Results (Flanges) ................................................................................................................................ 148 4 CodeCalc User's Guide Contents TEMA Tubesheets ................................................................................................................................... 151 Purpose, Scope, and Technical Basis (TubeSheets) ......................................................................... 151 Shell Tab (TEMA Tubesheets)............................................................................................................ 155 Channel Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) ...................................................................................................... 156 Tubes Tab (TEMA Tubesheets).......................................................................................................... 157 Tubesheet Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) .................................................................................................. 161 Expansion Joint Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) .......................................................................................... 166 Tubesheet Extended as Flange Dialog (TEMA Tubesheets) ............................................................. 169 Outer Cylinder Dialog Box .................................................................................................................. 171 Outer Cylinder on the Thick Expansion Joint ............................................................................... 171 Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance .......................................................................... 171 Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) ......................................................................................... 171 Shell Band Properties Dialog Box ....................................................................................................... 172 Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet ....................................................................................... 173 Shell Band Corrosion Allowance .................................................................................................. 173 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, front end L1 .................................................. 173 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, rear L1.......................................................... 173 Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box (TEMA Tubesheets) ....................................................................... 173 Tubesheet Gasket Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 173 Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 176 Kettle Tubesheet Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 177 Results (Tubesheets) .......................................................................................................................... 177 ASME Tubesheets ................................................................................................................................... 183 Purpose, Scope, and Technical Basis ................................................................................................ 183 Shell Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 185 Channel Tab........................................................................................................................................ 186 Tubes Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 187 Tube to Tubesheet Joint Input Dialog Box ................................................................................... 190 Tubesheet Tab .................................................................................................................................... 192 Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 197 Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 198 Tubesheet Gasket/Bolting Input Dialog Box................................................................................. 199 Expansion Joint Tab ........................................................................................................................... 205 Tubesheet Extended As Flange Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 209 Additional Input U-tube Tubesheets Dialog Box ................................................................................. 209 Results (ASME Tubesheets)............................................................................................................... 211 Horizontal Vessels ................................................................................................................................... 213 Saddle Wear Plate Design .................................................................................................................. 213 Vessel Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 216 Shell/Head Tab ................................................................................................................................... 218 Saddle/Wear Tab ................................................................................................................................ 220 Saddle Webs and Base Plate Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 220 Stiffening Ring Tab (Horizontal Vessels) ............................................................................................ 221 Longitudinal Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) ..................................................................................... 222 Seismic Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) ............................................................................................ 223 Wind Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels)................................................................................................. 224 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 226 CodeCalc User's Guide 5 Contents Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) ............................................................................................................... 229 Vessel Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 239 Figure A1 Dialog Box.................................................................................................................... 247 Figure A2 Dialog Box.................................................................................................................... 247 Figure B3-B Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 254 Short Side Tab .................................................................................................................................... 256 Long Side Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 258 Reinforcing Bar Options ...................................................................................................................... 260 Reinforcing Section Options ............................................................................................................... 261 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 261 Ligament Efficiency Calculations .................................................................................................. 261 Reinforcement Calculations ......................................................................................................... 262 Stress Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 262 Allowable Calculations.................................................................................................................. 263 Highest Percentage of Allowable Calculations ............................................................................. 263 MAWP Calculations ...................................................................................................................... 263 External Pressure Calculations .................................................................................................... 264 Legs and Lugs ......................................................................................................................................... 265 Legs and Lugs Tab ............................................................................................................................. 267 Baseplate ...................................................................................................................................... 269 Loads Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 272 Wind Loads ................................................................................................................................... 273 Seismic Loads .............................................................................................................................. 276 Lifting Lug Dialog Box ......................................................................................................................... 278 Support Lug Dialog Box ...................................................................................................................... 281 Vessel Leg Tab ................................................................................................................................... 284 AISC Database Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 285 Trunnion Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 286 Output ................................................................................................................................................. 288 Leg Results ......................................................................................................................................... 289 Baseplate Results ............................................................................................................................... 289 Trunnion Results ................................................................................................................................. 289 Pipes and Pads ........................................................................................................................................ 291 Pipes and Pads Tab (Pipes and Pads) ............................................................................................... 291 Output ................................................................................................................................................. 300 WRC 107/537 FEA .................................................................................................................................... 301 Design Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 302 Vessel Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 304 Loads Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 306 WRC 107/537 Load Conventions ................................................................................................. 314 Global Load and Direction Conventions ....................................................................................... 315 WRC 107 Options ............................................................................................................................... 315 FEA Options ................................................................................................................................. 317 Results (WRC 107/537/FEA) .............................................................................................................. 318 WRC 107 Stress Summations ...................................................................................................... 318 WRC 107 Stress Calculations ...................................................................................................... 321 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ...................................................................................................... 323 Examples ............................................................................................................................................ 324 6 CodeCalc User's Guide Contents Base Rings ............................................................................................................................................... 327 Base Ring (1) Tab (Base Rings) ......................................................................................................... 333 Base Ring (2) Tab (Base Rings) ......................................................................................................... 334 Miscellaneous Tab (Base Rings) ........................................................................................................ 336 Results (Base Rings) .......................................................................................................................... 339 Thin Joints................................................................................................................................................ 341 Expansion Joint Tab (Thin Joints)....................................................................................................... 341 Bellows Tab (Thin Joints) .................................................................................................................... 346 Thick Joints .............................................................................................................................................. 349 Expansion Joint Tab (Thick Joints) ..................................................................................................... 351 Shell Tab (Thick Joints) ...................................................................................................................... 352 Miscellaneous Tab (Thick Joints)........................................................................................................ 353 Results (Thick Joints) .......................................................................................................................... 356 Half Pipes ................................................................................................................................................. 357 Shell Tab (Half Pipes) ......................................................................................................................... 358 Jacket Tab (Half Pipes) ....................................................................................................................... 359 Discussion of Results .......................................................................................................................... 360 Large Openings ....................................................................................................................................... 363 Opening Tab (Large Openings) .......................................................................................................... 365 Shell/Nozzle Tab (Large Openings) .................................................................................................... 366 WRC 297/Annex G ................................................................................................................................... 367 WRC 297 Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 367 Vessel Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 369 Nozzle / Attachment Tab ..................................................................................................................... 370 Loads Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 372 Appendix Y Flanges ................................................................................................................................ 375 Flange Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 376 Hubs/Bolts Tab.................................................................................................................................... 378 Gasket Tab.......................................................................................................................................... 380 Material Dialog Boxes ............................................................................................................................. 385 Material Database Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 385 Material Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 422 Appendices .............................................................................................................................................. 433 Example Problems .............................................................................................................................. 433 Complete Vessel Examples ......................................................................................................... 433 Bibliography of Pressure Vessel Texts and Standards ...................................................................... 469 CodeCalc Version 4.5 Features (7/90) ............................................................................................... 471 CodeCalc Version 5.0 Features (6/91) ............................................................................................... 471 CodeCalc Version 5.1 Features (7/92) ............................................................................................... 472 CodeCalc Version 5.2 Features (7/93) ............................................................................................... 472 CodeCalc User's Guide 7 Contents CodeCalc Version 5.4 Features (6/95) ............................................................................................... 472 CodeCalc Version 5.3 Features (7/94) ............................................................................................... 473 CodeCalc Version 5.5 Features (6/96) ............................................................................................... 474 CodeCalc Version 5.6 Features (6/97) ............................................................................................... 475 CodeCalc Version 6.0 Features (6/98) ............................................................................................... 475 CodeCalc Version 6.1 Features (1/99) ............................................................................................... 476 CodeCalc Version 6.2 Features (1/2000) ........................................................................................... 476 CodeCalc Version 6.3 Features (1/2001) ........................................................................................... 476 CodeCalc Version 6.4 Features (1/2002) ........................................................................................... 477 CodeCalc Version 6.5 Features (1/2003) ........................................................................................... 477 CodeCalc Version 2004 Features (1/2004) ........................................................................................ 478 CodeCalc Version 2005 Features (1/2005) ........................................................................................ 478 CodeCalc Version 2006 Features (1/2006) ........................................................................................ 479 Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 481 8 CodeCalc User's Guide What's New in PV Elite and CodeCalc Below are the new features for Version 2013 (V15.0) of PV Elite and CodeCalc. New features and improvements come directly from your comments as well as updates to the previous version. Code Updates and Analysis changes: PD 5500 2012 added PD 5500 jackets and limpet coils added TEMA 9th edition added API 579 -1/ FFS-1 (2007 edition), Part 4: General Metal Loss added to PV Elite Upgrade ASME VIII, Div 1 Fatigue Analysis using Div 2 (2007, 2011a version) MDMT for UHA 51 stainless steels EN-13445: expansion joint calculations (bellows) added (2012 R1) ASME Tubesheet MDMT calculations available Differential pressures on tubes for differential pressure design A number of user requested EN-13445 enhancements have been added Internationalization Australian/ New Zealand 2011 Wind Code update Vertical acceleration component for Indian seismic calculation Update to European Wind Code to 2011 version European Nozzle load table is now available (2012 R1) Inclusion of European shapes in structural database (2012 R1) Rounded metric defaults in basering and nozzle dialogs and tools à configuration(2012 R1) Multiple languages (French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian) Productivity Enhancements Superseded ASME materials dating back to 1947 Sort capabilities for materials database dialog – sort by any column Zick saddle analysis now uses 95% Yield (Hydro) or 80% Yield (Pneumatic) Allowables Miscellaneous weight percentages for component details such as saddles and nozzles Template file, *.pvpt, that will change all the files in the same folder if modified Print directly to PDF printing in all modules Multicolored output for stainless steels in the MDMT report Output Reports Search (ctrl + F), copy (ctrl + C) and select all (ctrl + A) are available Reports that fail will be shown in red in the report menu Users can now drag and drop the order of the reports in the output menu Multicolored table for tubesheets indicating shellside and tubeside components User Interface New updated ribbon toolbar Office 2010 style themes CodeCalc User's Guide 9 wall thickness. and pressure 2D and 3D views are now tabbed 10 CodeCalc User's Guide . temperature.CodeCalc Overview New icons Ability to change graphics driver from within PV Elite Codecalc interface updated Users can now change the elements’ colors based on material. and many example problems. allowing faster and error-free ways to share data between different CodeCalc modules or from PV Elite. The popularity of CodeCalc is a reflection of Intergraph's expertise in programming and engineering.5 flanges. Access to a component library containing diameter and wall thickness for all standard pipe sizes. however. Extensive examples covering most of the ASME Section VIII Div. re-rating. and section properties for AISC beam sections. and dedication to service and quality. Design pressure. Analysis is saved to a drive and can be exported to a text or Microsoft Word file format. and assessment of fitness for service. technically sound. Interactive calculations. CodeCalc offers exceptional ease of use. Thorough and complete printed analysis reports. Calculations in CodeCalc are based on the latest editions of national codes such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. pressure vs. Comments and other additions may be inserted at any point in the output. Merge and import features. Access to a complete material library including over 3. A summary capability allowing evaluation of all the components of a pressure vessel or heat exchanger. including metric and SI units. The graphics can be sent directly to the printer. CodeCalc features include: Extensive on-line help. allowing files to be saved at specified time intervals. calculations continue to be in the English system of units. or fitness for service. with definable headings on each page. Scaled and dimensioned plots for each component in every module. well-documented reports. temperature charts for ANSI B16. CodeCalc User's Guide 11 . assuring continuing compliance with ASME Code requirements. or industry standards such as the Zick method of analysis for horizontal drums. making it easy to keep records and do revisions. making CodeCalc suitable for both beginners and experts. temperature. High-quality documentation with complete operating instructions. allowing quick design optimization without leaving the input screen. Management of multiple analysis files so that you can define a whole pressure vessel in a single file. which speed and simplify the task of vessel design. You can also add materials to the database. which results in dramatic improvement in efficiency for both design and re-rating.1 code examples.SECTION 1 CodeCalc Overview CodeCalc consists of nineteen modules for the design and analysis of pressure vessels and heat exchangers. and maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) are shown for each component. Defining your own unit system.000 allowable stress versus temperature tables and 67 external pressure charts. a tutorial. Internally. An auto-save feature. The software provides the mechanical engineer with easy-to-use. material. The reports contain detailed calculations and supporting comments. along with some published examples. ... and spherical heads. Data entry is simple and straightforward through annotated input fields. elliptical heads.. Section VIII.. Sec. Nozzles Calculates required wall thickness and reinforcement under internal pressure for nozzles in shells and heads... and evaluates stiffening rings for external pressure design.. software support.. 12 CodeCalc User's Guide ... 1.. see Shells and Heads (on page 49)..... What Analysis Types are Available? The following analysis modules are available in CodeCalc: Shells & Heads Performs internal and external pressure design of vessels and exchangers using the ASME Code.. The software's interactive output processor presents results on the monitor for quick review or sends complete reports to a file.... and evaluates failure paths for the nozzle. printer or Microsoft Word document..... Division 1 rules....... CodeCalc provides the widest range of modeling and analysis capabilities without becoming too complicated for simple system analysis. using the ASME Code......12 Technical Support . VIII Div...... calculates the strength of reinforcement......... flat heads........... tangential and Y-angle nozzles can also be evaluated. and training......................... but also provides the latest recognized opinions for these analyses...12 What Analysis Types are Available? .........CodeCalc Overview In This Section What Distinguishes CodeCalc From our Competitors? .......................... conical sections...16 Installation. 6 Pitting Corrosion.. see Nozzles (on page 87). Local Thinning. You can tailor CodeCalc through default settings and customized databases..........16 What Distinguishes CodeCalc From our Competitors? Our staff of experienced pressure vessel engineers are involved in day-to-day software development... The module checks weld sizes.... This module calculates required thickness and maximum allowable internal pressure for the given component..... For more information....... CodeCalc is an up-to-date package that not only uses standard analysis guidelines............ spherical shells........... These jackets are addressed in Appendix 9 of the ASME Sec.. General Metal Loss and Sec. This approach has produced software which closely fits today's requirements of the pressure vessel industry.......... For more information.. Division 1 rules.... Comprehensive input graphics confirm model construction before analysis is made. 5....... including tables of outside diameter and wall thickness for all nominal pipe diameters and schedules.. Section VIII.. Components include cylinders.. Most of these fields are accompanied by an informative help file.... CodeCalc is a field-proven engineering analysis program... It also calculates the minimum design metal temperature according to UCS-66...... Jackets covering the shell can also be analyzed.. 4......... The module implements API-579 Fitness For Service evaluations (FFS) Sec....... torispherical heads.. It is a widely recognized product with a large customer base and has an excellent support and development record. Hillside......... see Floating Heads (on page 117). ASME Tubesheets Determines the required thickness of tubesheets for fixed. then run the corresponding expansion joint load cases. For more information. TEMA Tubesheets (TEMA and PD 5500) Performs an analysis of all types of tubesheets using the 8th Edition of the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association and PD 5500. see ASME Tubesheets (on page 183). Division 1 rules. Section VIII. Zick method. or U-tube exchangers according to the ASME Code Section VIII division 1 section UHX. For more information. Results include stresses at the saddles. see Conical Sections (on page 109). the midpoint of the vessel. For fixed tubesheets. the module includes the effects of differential thermal expansion and the presence of an expansion joint. both circular and non-circular TEMA channel covers Reverse geometry weld neck flanges Flat faced flanges with full face gaskets You can input the external forces and moments acting on the flange and alternate mating flange loads. Flanges Performs stress analysis and geometry selection for all types of flanges using the ASME Code. Analyzes multiple loads cases for corroded and uncorroded conditions. MAWP and MAPnc are also calculated.P. Expansion joints can also be designed. Division 1 rules. see TEMA Tubesheets (on page 151). Division 1. Section VIII. For more information. The module also provides the additional Soehren's calculation technique allowed by the code. The module takes full account of the effects of tubesheets extended as flanges. Stiffening CodeCalc User's Guide 13 .CodeCalc Overview Conical Sections Performs internal and external pressure analysis of conical sections and stiffening rings using the ASME Code. Floating Heads Performs internal and external pressure analysis of bolted dished heads (floating heads) using the ASME Code. Complete area of reinforcement and moment of inertia calculations for the cone under both internal and external pressure are included. Section VIII. For a fixed tubesheet exchanger the module analyzes multiple load cases for both the corroded and uncorroded conditions. see Flanges (on page 135). Horizontal Vessels Performs stress analysis of horizontal drums on saddle supports using the L. This module designs and analyzes the following types of flanges: All integral flange types Slip-on flanges and all loose flange types with hubs Ring-type flanges and all loose flange types without hubs Blind flanges. and in the heads. For more information. If an expansion joint is added. MAWP and MAPnc for the shellside and tubeside are determined. Appendix 1 rules. floating. For more information. Thin Joints (Bellows) Performs stress and life cycle evaluations for thin walled expansion joints (bellows kind) according to ASME VIII Div. and baseplate are checked for external seismic and wind loads.CodeCalc Overview rings used in the design of the vessel are evaluated. Legs & Lugs Performs analysis of vessel support legs. Based on ANSI B31. the saddle. Section VIII. Baserings Performs stress and thickness evaluation for skirts and baserings. trunnions. 14 CodeCalc User's Guide . For more information. Required skirt thickness due to weight loads and bending moments are also displayed. including a stress comparison to VIII Div. All membrane and bending stresses are calculated and compared to the appropriate allowables. Tailing lugs attached to the basering are analyzed. You can also specify friction and additional longitudinal forces on the vessel. WRC 107 analysis to check local vessel stresses around the trunnion and the support lug is also available. Additionally. see Pipes and Pads (on page 291). Rectangular Vessels Analyzes non-circular pressure vessels using the rules of the ASME Code. webs. channels. 2 allowables for three different loading conditions. see Rectangular Vessels (App. For more information. Various wind and seismic codes are available for leg and lug supported vessels. Results from both the neutral axis shift and simplified method for basering required thickness are reported. and angles is included in the software. The resulting stresses are compared to the AISC Handbook of Steel Construction or the ASME Code. see WRC 107/537 FEA (on page 301). For more information. Bijlaard as defined in Welding Research Council Bulletin 107. see Horizontal Vessels (on page 213). see Thin Joints (on page 341).P. and lifting lugs based on industry standard calculation techniques. For more information. WRC 107/FEA Calculates stresses in cylindrical or spherical shells due to loading on an attachment.3 rules. For more information. Pipes & Pads Calculates the required wall thickness and maximum allowable working pressure for two pipes. For more information. and branch reinforcement requirements for the same two pipes considered as a branch and a header. including reinforced or stayed rectangular vessels with a diametral staying plate. A full table of 929 AISC beams. Most of the vessel types in Appendix 13 are analyzed for internal pressure. see Base Rings (on page 327). using the method of P. support lugs. 13) (on page 229). this module includes tables of outside diameter and wall thickness for all nominal pipe diameters and schedules. 1 appendix 26. MAWP and MAPnc are also calculated. see Legs and Lugs (on page 265). Division 1 and Appendix 13. For more information. This module also contains an interface to the finite element analysis software Nozzle Pro from The Paulin Research Group. Appendix Y Flanges Performs a stress evaluation of Class1 category 1.CodeCalc Overview Thick Joints Performs stress. Complete material databases for ASME Sec VIII and Div-1. and spring-rate calculations for flanged and fluid expansion joints according to with ASME VIII Div. Summary Displays a description and evaluation of all the components of a pressure vessel or heat exchanger. MAWP. Half Pipes Determines the required thickness and MAWP for half-pipe jacketed vessels according to the ASME Code Section VIII division 1 appendix EE. Design pressure. see Large Openings (on page 363). For more information. and weights are calculated for vessels with or without an attached nozzle. The WRC 297 bulletin. For more information. WRC 297 / PD5500 Annex G Performs the stress analysis of loads and attachments according to Welding Research Council bulletin 297 and British Standard Annex G PD:5500. see Thick Joints (on page 349). actual thickness. material. 1 appendix 5. and PD 5500 are available. For more information. 2. see Appendix Y Flanges (on page 375). see Half Pipes (on page 357). or 3 flanges that form identical flange pairs. see WRC 297/Annex G (on page 367). published in 1984. 2. For more information. life cycle. according to the latest version of the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 Appendix Y. For more information. CodeCalc User's Guide 15 . temperature. PD:5500 Annex G provides an analysis of stress in cylindrical or spherical shells due to attachment loads. The spring rate computation is according to TEMA eighth edition. Large Openings Analyzes large openings in integral flat heads according to the ASME Code Section VIII division 1 appendix 2 and appendix 14. attempts to extend the existing analysis of WRC 107 for cylinder-to-cylinder intersections. and maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) are shown for each component. Required thickness. Your information will not be used for third parties. and support are available on an annual basis after the first year.shtml Updates Intergraph distributes software updates every December or January. Please refer to the PV Elite User's Guide Installation section for more information. tutorials. maintenance.php?ubb=cfrm Webinars http://coade. webinars. 16 CodeCalc User's Guide . Intergraph also provides free webinars through the WebEx service. Installation CodeCalc is now automatically installed when PV Elite is installed. and design expertise available at Intergraph. maintenance. Intergraph provides this service for all users with valid licenses of the program.aspx eads. and expeditious These courses focus on the Events Calendar http://coade. frequently asked questions. Intergraph conducts regular training classes in Houston and provides in-house and open attendance courses around the This system logs and tracks all queries so that every issue and every problem found is addressed with the highest quality assurance in a timely manner. economical. Updates. Intergraph strongly encourages every user to register their copy of PV Elite to be informed of the latest build/updates for the program. To that end. Intergraph has a staff of helpful professionals ready to address all CodeCalc issues through their eCustomer service. analysis. testimonies and more. Formal training in CodeCalc and pressure vessel analysis is also available.intergraph.42/ubbthreads/ubbthr http://coade. and support. Contact Support eCustomer https://support.57. eCustomer also provides you with a readily available knowledge base of articles on many different aspects of the Phone: 1-800-766-7701 Discussion Forums Training http://65. The purchase price of PV Elite includes unlimited access to PV Elite and CodeCalc and one year of updates.CodeCalc Overview Technical Support Intergraph understands your need to produce efficient. . 2...... 3..... 6..........SECTION 2 CodeCalc Workflows This section describes the basic workflows of CodeCalc. 17 Performing an Analysis .... Starting CodeCalc ..... Press Tab twice.The Output Option .... Shell analysis can be defined on the Shell/Head tab of this screen.......... This is an optional input.... Click Shells and Heads A blank input screen displays.. Click New ........ It is a good practice to number the different calculations sequentially.... CodeCalc User's Guide 17 ................ This allows you to specify the current analysis type... Many of the boxes display default values... 17 Reviewing the Results .. click Component Analysis on the Home tab....... 22 In This Section Starting CodeCalc 1................ The next four boxes govern the pressure and temperature........ Type Spherical Head in the Description box............ 5. Select ASME Sec VIII Div 1 for the Analysis Type..... The information in this box can be the part number or a short description of the part...... on the Home tab. on the PV-Elite Home tab. Performing an Analysis 1... 7.......... You must type a value in this field or the software cannot perform the analysis............ 4. Type 1 in the Item Number box. You can use the Tab key to move down the column of data.... Click CodeCalc or if you are running the software through PV Elite.......................... Start CodeCalc by selecting Component Analysis The main CodeCalc window appears.. This is precisely the value that CodeCalc extracted from the material database. To see this list.100 psi at this temperature. Another way to select a material is from the list of materials in the database. 10. 14. 9. 18 CodeCalc User's Guide . Type SA-516-70 in the Material box. 13. click to display the materials list. Click the button to view the allowable stress. The software checks the database and updates the allowable stresses. 12. Each major material classification is divided into columns. Type 100 (assuming that you are using English units) in the Design Internal Pressure box.CodeCalc Workflows 8. 11. Type 650 in the Design Temperature for External Pressure box. When you press Tab. The allowable stress for SA516-70 material is 18. the software pauses momentarily to check whether the material specified has an allowable stress greater than zero at the temperature entered. Type 15 in the Design External Pressure box. Type 700 in the Design Temperature for Internal Pressure box. This particular vessel is a horizontal drum that operates in a partially filled position. Select the Geometry tab. type the value of E.CodeCalc Workflows 15. Type 72 in the Diameter of Shell/Head box. 19. In the Joint Efficiency Longitudinal Seams box. 23. Scan the yield stresses for an exact material match at the operating temperature. Specify the diameter basis (OD) for an outside diameter measurement (and calculation). Select the box for Include Hydrostatic Head Components. This is the longitudinal joint efficiency to use in the calculator. Type 0. These parameters can be viewed and modified using Edit/Add Materials on the Tools tab. 22. type 1. 20. CodeCalc User's Guide 19 . 26. Type 0. View the parameters for a specific material by clicking the material name. Type 38 in the Operating Liquid Density box. it is filled and in the horizontal position. For full radiography. 27. 17. Select Spherical for Type of Shell. 24. Type 0.5 inches in the Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate box.5 inches in the Nominal Thickness of Pipe or Plate box.0625 inches in the Corrosion Allowance box. Type 54 in the Height of Liquid Column (Operating) box. 18. 25. When the shop hydrotests the vessel. 21. 16. Type 72 in the Height of Liquid Column (Hydrotest) box. on the Home tab. Type Cylinder in the Description box. Select Elliptical for Type of Shell. Type 3 in the Item Number box. Your screen should look like the following figure: You can view the drawing of the current item at any time by selecting the Drawing tab. 33. so select None for the ring type. 20 CodeCalc User's Guide . You are now ready to analyze these three components for internal pressure and hydrostatic head considerations.CodeCalc Workflows 28. be sure to type appropriate descriptions in the Description field. This horizontal tank has two additional sections. and click Analyze File 41. The data from the previous element is carried forward. 34. 39. Click Shells and Heads This adds a new element. Select the Geometry tab to enter the shell type. 38. Type 2 in the Item Number box. For this example there is no reinforcing ring required for internal pressure. Type 2 for a 2:1 elliptical head. You have now completed the spherical head input. Select the Geometry tab. select Cylindrical from the Type of Shell. 35. on the Home tab. so you will only have to modify the shell/head type. 30. the shell and the elliptical head on the other end. The new element has identical inputs to the element before it except for a new Item Number on the Design tab. 31. and type Elliptical Head in the Description box. 29. Because this is a cylinder type. 37. Type 180 inches for both the Design Length of Section and the Design Length for Cylinder Volume Calculations. 40. Click Shells and Heads 36. 32. Select the Analysis tab. This will make your finished reports clearer and easier to follow. When entering new components. on the Home tab. Save the file. CodeCalc Workflows Your screen will resemble the following figure: CodeCalc User's Guide 21 . CodeCalc Workflows Reviewing the Results . or analyze other components. and tubesheets. The Summary of Internal Pressure Results shows that the required thickness is less than the actual thickness for this job. You can select more than one analysis at a time by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the items to view. This allows you to review (and print) all of the calculations that you have done for a given vessel or job at one time. 22 CodeCalc User's Guide . the shell thickness you selected is acceptable. You see the following dialog box: There are three analyses in the output file. the additional analyses also display. If you have analyzed the components from the input. When viewing the reports. You can select all reports by clicking Edit > Select All. On the Home tab. You can scroll up and down in the text to see all input data and results. while the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) is greater than the design pressure. click Next Report to move to the next component. The individual report can be viewed by selecting one of the items in the report area. CodeCalc automatically displays the output for you. Therefore. click Review Result. such as nozzles. flanges.The Output Option You can quickly review the results of this analysis using the Output option. If you perform additional analysis runs. drop down Printing the Reports To print the output results. click Print Analysis from the Print drop down menu.CodeCalc Workflows Printing or Saving Reports to a File Printing the Graphics To print the graphics created by your input. click Print Drawing from the Print menu. CodeCalc User's Guide 23 . CodeCalc Workflows 24 CodeCalc User's Guide . .......... the software prompts you to save your changes................. orientation......... and the name of the file....... File Tab ............ you receive a message asking if you would like to save the changes....Saves a ... Some commands also appear on the quick launch toolbar........... 26 Tools Tab .............. Print Setup .. A dialog box prompts you to specify the location................................SECTION 3 Tabs The CodeCalc interface is divided into tabs............................ which can be a local or network drive or a UNC path....... The software saves all files with a ........Opens an existing file. paper size and source......................... and the name of the file... If you are saving the file for the first time. New ... so you can specify the location.Opens the Print Setup dialog box.. Save .... you receive a message asking if you would like to save the changes......cci file with its currently defined data.Closes the open file and exits the software......... Recent ........ 25 Home Tab ......... 28 Diagnostics Tab ....................... which could be a local or network drive or a UNC path............Creates a new file. The last file you opened is at the top of the list.......................... Save As ................................ 47 In This Section File Tab The File tab contains the following commands for managing files and printing.... You can have up to four files in the list.. CodeCalc User's Guide 25 ...... or if you have not saved a new file.... Open ...cci extension added to the name.. and other printer characteristics.Saves the data in the current file as a new file with a different name or in a different location.......... Exit ................................ If you have a file open with unsaved changes when you click this command..... Files of type *.. 47 ESL Tab ......... If you have a file open with unsaved changes when you click this command...........Displays a recently used file list provides quick access to the files you use most............... Options are available for default printer.................... the Save As dialog box appears....cci are displayed in the Open dialog box....... If you have changed data since the file was last saved..... Pipes and Pads .Inserts a shell or head element. Base Rings . For more information. Delete Selected Item . see Base Rings (on page 327).Saves a . For more information. For more information. the Save As dialog box appears. For more information. Flanges . see Conical Sections (on page 109).Inserts a ASME tubesheet element. Save Analysis as Text . Nozzles .Inserts a floating head element. you receive a message asking if you would like to save the changes. For more information.Tabs Home Tab The Home tab contains the following commands for editing elements in the file.Inserts a horizontal vessel element. see ASME Tubesheets (on page 183). WRC 107/537 .Inserts a TEMA tubsheet element. see Floating Heads (on page 117). TEMA Tubesheet .Inserts a WRC 107/537 nozzle. Open .Opens an existing file.Inserts a base ring element.Inserts a flange element. Save . see Legs and Lugs (on page 265). Files of type *. see TEMA Tubesheets (on page 151).Inserts a nozzle element. and the name of the file. Floating Heads . For more information. see Shells and Heads (on page 49).Inserts a pipe or pad element.Inserts a cone element. 13) (on page 229).Inserts a rectangular vessel element. Shells and Heads . see Nozzles (on page 87). For more information. see WRC 107/537 FEA (on page 301). Rectangular Vessels . see Rectangular Vessels (App. For more information. you receive a message asking if you would like to save the changes. Conical Sections . If you have a file open with unsaved changes when you click this command. see Pipes and Pads (on page 291). ASME Tubesheet . see Flanges (on page 135).Creates a new file. For more information.txt file that you specify. Print .Inserts a leg or lug element. If you have a file open with unsaved changes when you click this command. Horizontal Vessels . Legs and Lugs .cci file with its currently defined data.Prints the contents of the active window. If you are saving the file for the first time.Deletes the current element. see Horizontal Vessels (on page 213).Save the analysis results out to a . 26 CodeCalc User's Guide . New . For more information.cci are displayed in the Open dialog box. For more information. For more information. which could be a local or network drive or a UNC path. For more information. so you can specify the location. Opens the Project Data dialog box. For more information.Performs calculations for selected analysis types.Inserts a large opening element. Large Openings . For more information. see WRC 297/Annex G (on page 367). Horizontal Tile .Inserts a WRC 297 nozzle element.Performs the analysis on all components in the file. These lines appear at the top of each page of the printed reports. Half Pipes .Opens the Output Processor to view the analysis results.Arranges all open windows side-by-side. and Engineer. Appendix Y Flanges . Analyze File .Arranges all open windows from the top-left to bottom-right. Vertical Tile . For more information. WRC 297 .Adds the analysis results to the end of the previous analysis results. Vessel.HED file in the defined System folder.Inserts a half pipe element. CodeCalc User's Guide 27 . Thick Joints .Arranges all open windows stacking them on top of each other. Append Result . For more information. For more information. see Thin Joints (on page 341). see Large Openings (on page 363). see Half Pipes (on page 357). Project Data .Tabs Thin Joints . Click Insert Default Title Page to use the title page template text that you define in the TITLE.Inserts a thin joint element. Title Page . You can type title lines for Company. Cascade Windows .Inserts a thick joint element.Inserts an Appendix Y flange element. For more information.Opens a blank report title page. see Appendix Y Flanges (on page 375). You can type report titles for this group of reports. Analyze Selected Items . see Thick Joints (on page 349). Review Result . Calculator . select the value. Units Conversion Viewer . Edit/Add Materials . and use Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste to transfer the value into a CodeCalc field. For more information.fil units file or edits an existing . area. or force. see Material Database Editor (on page 34). For more information.Creates and edits user-defined materials in the CodeCalc material database. see Configuration Dialog Box (on page 29).Creates a new .Converts a value in one set of units to a value in another set of units. Choose another .Specifies software parameters. For more information.fil file. Each tab of the Units Conversion Utility dialog box contains a category of conversions.Tabs Tools Tab The Tools tab contains the following utility commands: Configuration .Specifies a . The software internally uses conventional American units.fil units file. pressure. Select Units . Create/Review Units .fil file. You can calculate a value. see Make Unit (see "Create/Edit Units File" on page 32). to display values in other units. such as length. Select the needed file in the Open dialog box. such as SI. 28 CodeCalc User's Guide .Opens the Windows calculator. This option is not selected by default. Print Water Volume in Gallons/Liters? . By using this option in addition to UG-45.134.Specifies that P is used instead of maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) when calculating hydrostatic test pressure on vessels according to code paragraph UG-99(b). You can also specify the minimum wall thickness of the nozzle. states that the MAWP can be assumed to be the same as the design pressure when calculations are not made to determine the MAWP. specifies volume in US gallons instead of cubic diameter units (such as cubic feet).7854 liters) is smaller than an Imperial gallon (4. This option is conservative and is not selected by default.Specifies calculation of the required head thickness at the location of the nozzle by the rules of paragraph UG-32 or by the rules in Appendix 1.Tabs Configuration Dialog Box Sets options for software parameters. The code in paragraph UG-45 requires a calculation of the required head thickness at the location of the nozzle.Specifies that the minimum nozzle thickness (trn) will be the maximum of: trn = (. Use P instead of MAWP for UG-99B? . Compute Increased Nozzle Thickness? . This allows for lower test pressures.5 * MAWP * Stest/Sdesign (for A-98 Addenda) or Test Pressure = 1. then F is equal to 0. using Nozzles . such as in the flange bolt up case where there is no internal pressure when bolting up the unit. Calculate F in Flohead if the Pressure is Zero? . in note 32. The minimum wall thickness value then overrides the value calculated by this option.3 * MAWP * Stest/Sdesign (for post 2001 edition of ASME VIII Division 1) The code. This option is not selected by default. Trn. Computation Control Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) (on page 29) Miscellaneous Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) (on page 30) Computation Control Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) Sets options for computation methods used in the software. trn for internal pressure) greater than NPS 18 This option is useful when nozzle loadings are unknown. trn for internal pressure) less than or equal NPS 18 trn = (OD/150. Use Calculated Value of M for Torispherical Heads in UG-45 b1? .For US units. The code can be interpreted to mean that F should always be calculated. but are commonly used in industry. according to code interpretation VIII-1-95-13. The equation would normally be: Test Pressure = 1. such as when a pressure vessel is designed and built long before the attached piping system. This sometimes leads to the incorrect assumption that the thickness may CodeCalc User's Guide 29 . This option is selected by default and should always be selected. specifies volume in liters instead of cubic diameter units (such as cubic mm). If the internal pressure is 0.5461 liters) as defined in Europe. F is a direct function of the internal pressure. For other units. you have some additional metal available to satisfy thermal bending stresses. This option is not selected by default and should be used with caution.Specifies that the factor F is calculated in the design of a floating head. These formulae are not in the ASME Code. A US gallon (3. The software considers only the US gallon. Division 1 apply when determining the minimum nozzle neck thickness in UG-45(b)(1)? Reply: No. Each material year contains a complete database listing of materials. the allowable design stresses (S) were increased. Select to print the values in rows to reduce report length. update the component materials by re-selecting them from the material database before performing calculations. 30 CodeCalc User's Guide . However the code interpretation. This is only relevant to Division 1 of ASME VIII. This option is selected by default.Specifies the year of the material database. flange moments without this correction factor should be used. Use Pre-99 Addenda? . Select Detailed to print a normal report that includes formulas and substitutions. Material Database Year . Report Content .Specifies the use of the material database preceding the 1999 Addendum. ASME Secion VIII introduced the bolt space correction factor in the 2010 edition. and floating heads? . allowable design stresses. This option is selected by default. Reload last file at startup? .Specifies loading the last file opened the next time the software is started. Code Case 2260. This factor tries to accounts for any possible opening of the flange faces in the area between any two bolts. Division 1. Select Current or an earlier year.For the design of heat exchanger flanges and tubesheets. Select this option to print warnings in red or blue type. tubesheets. If you do not want to use the factor. This factor will be used in the design. Syntax Highlighting In Output Reports . This option is not selected by default.Specifies color-coding of results in reports. VIII-1-95-133. External Pressure Printout in Rows? .Tabs be calculated according to paragraph UG-37. ASME and TEMA (like Taylor-Forge) provide a correction factor when the actual bolt spacing (circumferentially) exceeds the allowable bolt spacing. see UG-32. Clear to print the values in columns.Specifies the amount of detail and the length of printed reports. Select Summary to print a short report. Do not apply Bolt Spacing factor for flanges. and errors or fatal problems in red type. The correction factor is then multiplied by the moment to design a thicker flange.Specifies the style for printing external pressure results rows and columns in reports. This option is selected by default. The default is to use the bolt space correction factor. If a different material database is selected after creating a set of components.Specifies the use of modified equations in the Code Case 2260. A thinner head is typically designed. In the 1999 addendum to ASME Section VIII. Alternate Design Rules for Ellipsoidal and Torispherical Formed Heads. then check this box. and other relevant properties. applies to Section VIII Division 1. Use Code Case 2260? (for elliptical and torispherical heads) . to calculate the required thickness of elliptical and torispherical heads. The ASME code also states that for computing the rigidity index. states: Question: Does the definition of the required thickness tr for a formed head given in the nomenclature of UG-37(a) in section VIII. It is recognized that it may be necessary to re-rate vessels constructed before this addendum came into effect. May 20. issued December 1996. Miscellaneous Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) Sets miscellaneous options used in the software. The use of this term is very standard in industry and is used in other pressure vessel design Codes such as PD-5500 and EN-13445. 1998. WRC297. Select a units file to use for both data input and calculated results. used to perform finite element analysis (FEA) of nozzles. output generation on-screen and to a Microsoft Word file is slightly slower. and PD 5500 Annex G.Tabs When syntax highlighting is used. Open GL is the default value. see Tools Tab (on page 28). Extended ASCII characters such as superscript 2 are not displayed properly on some localized versions of Windows. If your computer does not display images correctly. Do not Print Extended ASCII Characters in Output Reports . When selected. Korean. Perform Background Saves (Silent)? .fil units file to use when creating a new CodeCalc file. This option is not used to change the units of the currently opened CodeCalc file. CodeCalc User's Guide 31 . Nozzle Pro Installation Folder . select MSW. This option is available when Enable Auto Save is selected. For more information. use Set Units. Graphics Display Driver . Select to auto save without software prompts. select this option. such as Chinese. Default Units File .Specifies the .Specifies automatically saving the input file. In this case.paulin. Clear to get software prompts after the time interval specified for Enable Auto Save. Enable Auto Save .com. Default File Save Folder .Specifies printing of extended ASCII characters in reports. FEA is more accurate and detailed than local load procedures such as WRC107. and Japanese. If you are having difficulty with extended ASCII characters. Nozzle Pro is separately-purchased software from Paulin Research Group http://www.Specifies the location of Nozzle Pro software. Select this option and enter the time interval between saves.Specifies silently saving the input file.Specifies the driver used for generating component and model graphic images on the screen. the Microsoft Windows driver. the software uses ASCII characters.Specifies the default location for saving input files. 2. MM. . . 5. Japan. 3. The data in your job file is immediately converted to the new units. 2. and Korea. . On the Tools tab > click Create/Review Units The units file dialog box displays. 32 CodeCalc User's Guide . Edit an existing units file 1. Type values for or Constant and User Unit. Click Open The Open dialog box displays. Do one of the following for each type of unit: Select defined values for Constant or User Unit.fil extension and are in the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intergraph CAS\PVELITE\2013\System folder. The utility is available on the Tools tab > Create/Review Units .exe in the product delivery folder.fil units file and click Open. where multibyte character sets are used. Constant has a default value of 1 for each type of unit. Units File Dialog Box (on page 33) What do you want to do? Create a new units file (on page 32) Edit an existing units file (on page 32) Create a new units file 1. You can also double-click MakeUnit. On the Tools tab. SI. Inches. 4. You can save new units files to the system folder or to another folder. The Save As dialog box and the Units File dialog box close. Click Save. Use Tools tab > Configuration to specify the units file to use at startup. Unicode systems are delivered for use in China. 3. Click Save and Exit The Save As dialog box displays. Delivered units files have the . and Newtons.Tabs Create/Edit Units File The Create/Review Units File utility allows you to create a new custom units file or edit an existing units file for use with PV Elite or CodeCalc. Use Tools tab > Select Units to select a new units file. click Create/Review Units . Many unit systems are delivered. Select an existing . The units file dialog box displays. Taiwan. Select a folder path and type a file name. such as English. 7.Displays the default system unit used as a multiplier for conversions. Click Save. Save and Exit . If you type your own value for Constant and User Unit. Type values for or Constant and User Unit. or type your own unit. . sq-inches. User Unit .Select a defined unit for the conversion. Change unit types as needed by doing one of the following: Select defined values for Constant or User Unit.Displays the type of unit. the software changes Constant to the correct value. Units File Dialog Box Specifies units and constants for a units file.Open an existing units file for editing.Tabs 4. Name . CodeCalc User's Guide 33 . Area. Click Save and Exit The Save As dialog box displays.Select a defined conversion constant used as a multiplier for conversions.Opens the help. such as feet. You can also use the same file name to replace the open file with the new unit values. Open . the software changes User Unit to the correct unit. and psig. System Unit . such as Length. The Save As and Units File dialog boxes close. If you select a defined Constant. Constant . or type your own value. or Pressure. Help . Save .Saves the units file and closes the dialog box. If you select a defined User Unit. you must manually ensure that the combination provides the needed conversion. Select a folder path and type a file name. 5.Saves the units file. 6. Tabs Material Database Editor The Material Database Editor utility allows you to add custom materials to a delivered ASME. As you type values. it works much the same way in PD:5500. The utility is available from: Tools > Edit/Add Materials MatEdit. . 4. to add the user database to the material database of the software. Material Properties (on page 35) What do you want to do? Create a new custom material (on page 34) Create a custom material based on an existing material (on page 35) Create a new custom material 1. Click Merge to save the new material to a user database file. 5. You will enter code-based material properties such as Chart Data.bin extension are created in the [Product Folder]\COADE\PVElite\System Backup folder. material database files with the . found in the [Product Folder]\COADE\PVElite\ folder When you use this utility. 2. or EN-13445 material database for use with PV Elite or CodeCalc. Click Save 6. PD:5500. 34 CodeCalc User's Guide . and S Factor. You typically only add custom material if you are required to use an outdated material.exe. check the Stress vs. or EN-13445 material database. Have the appropriate code available when adding new visit: http://www. the custom material now appears at the bottom of the material database list for any command using the material database in PV Elite or CodeCalc. In the Material Properties view in the left pane. Temperature graph in the right pane. Click Tools > Edit/Add Materials and select the ASME. or need to add material from a different code. Material Band. These files contain only the custom materials you have added. The delivered databases contain allowed material for the current codes. Stress must not increase as temperature decreases. Click Add A new row named New Material appears in the grid of the Material Database view in the right pane. The properties needed vary with the database that you are editing. The custom materials can then be merged into the main material databases. 3. While the video is centered around PV Elite. After merging. For a YouTube demonstration. type values for the new material. Repeat these steps for each new material that you want to add. type new values as needed. PD:5500. SA-533. The following are the allowed external pressure chart names: Carbon Steel CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 CS-5 CS-6 Carbon and Low Alloy Sy<30000 Carbon and Low Alloy Sy>30000 Carbon and Low Alloy Sy<38000 SA-537 SA-508. . In the Material Properties view in the left pane. to add the user database to the material database of the software. If you type a valid value for Material Name. or EN-13445 material database. the software will look into its database and determine the external pressure chart name for this material and enter it into this cell. to save the new material to a user database file. Click Select The copied material appears in a new row in the grid of the Material Database view. The software uses the chart name to calculate the B value for all external pressure and buckling calculations. Click Edit The contents of the software database appear in the grid of the Material Database view in the right pane. the custom material now appears at the bottom of the material database list for any command using the material database in PV Elite or CodeCalc. Temperature graph in the right pane.Type an allowed external pressure chart name. 2. 5. Click Merge After merging. Click Save 7. The program will also determine this chart name when you select a material name from the material selection window. and click Yes on the confirmation dialog box. As you type values. You must change Material Name so that the name is unique in the user database and in the material database after merging.Tabs Create a custom material based on an existing material 1. Material Properties The following code-based values are typically used as material properties. SA-541 SA-562 or SA-620 Heat-Treated Steel CodeCalc User's Guide 35 . Material Name . 4. check the Stress vs. 6. Stress must not increase as temperature decreases. Click Tools > Edit/Add Materials and select the ASME. Select a material for the Material Database grid. 3. O and H112 AL3003. 309. O AL5083. and F SA-508 Cl. O and H112 C62000 (Aluminum Bronze) AL1060. 430B Type 304L Type 316L. O and H112 AL5080. T4510 and T4511 AL5454. 310. O and H112 Annealed Copper Copper Silicon A and C Annealed 90-10 Copper Nickel Annealed 70-30 Copper Nickel Welded Copper Iron Alloy Tube SB-75 and SB-111 Copper Tube Low Carbon Nickel Ni Ni Cu Alloy 36 CodeCalc User's Guide . T451. H20 AL3004. T6510 and T6511 AL6061. H34 AL5154. 317L Alloy S31500 Non-Ferrous Material NFA-1 NFA-2 NFA-3 NFA-4 NFA-5 NFA-6 NFA-7 NFA-8 NFA-9 NFA-10 NFA-11 NFA-12 NFA-13 NFA-20 NFC-1 NFC-2 NFC-3 NFC-4 NFC-5 NFC-6 NFN-1 NFN-2 NFN-3 AL3003. 321. T4. O and H112 AL6061. E. T6.Tabs HT-1 HT-2 SA-517 and SA-592 A. T651. 347.B.C Stainless Steel (High Alloy) HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-4 HA-5 Type 304 Type 316. O AL5052. O and H112 AL3004. SA-543. 4a. O and H112 AL5456. Grade 1 Zirconium. Alloy 705 Elastic Modulus Reference # The elastic modulus reference number is a value that points to or corresponds to a set of data set forth in ASME Section II Part D. the reference number will be brought in as zero. If this happens.3% Material Group A CodeCalc User's Guide 37 . Alloy 702 Zirconium. Ni Fe Cr Si Alloy 330 Ni Cr Mo Grade C-4 Ni Mo Alloy X Ni Mo Alloy B2 Ni Cr Mo Co N06625 (Alloy 625) Ni Mo Cr Fe Cu (Grade G3) Ni Mo Cr Fe Cu (Grade G3. you will need to enter in an appropriate value. Reference Number 1 2 3 Table TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 Description/UNS Number Carbon Steels with C<= 0. >3/4) Work Hardened Nickel Unalloyed Titanium.Tabs NFN-4 NFN-5 NFN-6 NFN-7 NFN-8 NFN-9 NFN-10 NFN-11 NFN-12 NFN-13 NFN-20 NFN-15 NFN-16 NFN-17 NFN-18 NFN-19 NFN-20 NFT-1 NFT-2 NFT-3 NFZ-1 NFZ-2 Annealed Ni Cr Fe Ni Mo Alloy B Ni Mo Cr Fe Ni Mo Cr Fe Cu Ni Fe Cr Alloy 800 Ni Fe Cr Alloy 800H Ni Moly Chrome Alloy N10276 Ni Cr Fe Mo Cu Alloys G and G-2 Cr Ni Fe Mo Cu Co. SB-462. In these cases. Grade 1 Unalloyed Titanium. 463. tables TM-1. and so on. many materials have a composition or UNS number that does not match the criteria of what is supplied in the ASME Code. 2 and so on.3% Carbon Steels with C> 0. Grade 2 Titanium. Unfortunately. Tabs Reference Number 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Table TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-3 Description/UNS Number Material Group B Material Group C Material Group D Material Group E Material Group F Material Group G S13800 S15500 S45000 S17400 S17700 S66286 A03560 A95083 A95086 A95456 A24430 A91060 A91100 A93003 A93004 A96061 A96063 A92014 A92024 A95052 A95154 A95254 A95454 A95652 C93700 38 CodeCalc User's Guide . Tabs Reference Number 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Table TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 Description/UNS Number C83600 C92200 C92200 C28000 C28000 C65500 C66100 C95200 C95400 C44300 C44400 C44500 C64200 C68700 C10200 C10400 C10500 C10700 C11000 C12000 C12200 C12300 C12500 C14200 C23000 C61000 C61400 C65100 C70400 C19400 C60800 CodeCalc User's Guide 39 . Tabs Reference Number 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Table TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 Description/UNS Number C63000 C70600 C97600 C71000 C71500 N02200 N02201 N04400 N04405 N06002 N06007 N06022 N06030 N06045 N06059 N06230 N06455 N06600 N06617 N06625 N06690 N07718 N07750 N08020 N08031 N08330 N08800 N08801 N08810 N08825 N10001 40 CodeCalc User's Guide . Tabs Reference Number 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Table TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-1 TM-1 TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA Description/UNS Number N10003 N10242 N10276 N10629 N10665 N10675 N12160 R20033 R50250 R50400 R50550 R52400 R56320 R52250 R53400 R52402 R52252 R52404 R52254 R60702 R60705 12Cr-13Cr Group F 20+Cr Material Group G Ni-Mo Alloy B Tantalum Tantalum with 2.5% Tungsten 7 MO (S32900) 7 MO PLUS (S32950) 17-19 CR Stn Steel AL-6XN Stn Steel (NO8367) AL-29-4-2 CodeCalc User's Guide 41 . 13Cr and 13Cr-4Ni Steels 15Cr and 17Cr Steels 27Cr Steels Austenitic Group 3 Steels Austenitic Group 4 Steels Ductile Cast Iron 17Cr-4Ni-4Cu. Condition 1150 Aluminum Alloys Copper Alloys C1XXXX Series Bronze Alloys Brass Alloys 70Cu-30Ni 90Cu-10Ni N02200 and N02201 N04400 and N04405 N06002 42 CodeCalc User's Guide . Condition 1075 17Cr-4Ni-4Cu. Group 2 5Cr-1Mo and 29Cr-7Ni-2Mo-N Steels 9Cr-1Mo 5Ni-¼4Mo 8Ni and 9Ni 12Cr.Tabs Reference Number 228 229 230 Table TEMA TEMA TEMA Description/UNS Number SEA-CURE 2205 (S31803) 3RE60 (S31500) Thermal Expansion Coefficient Reference # Reference Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Table TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-2 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 Description/UNS Number Carbon & Low Alloy Steels. Group 1 Low Alloy Steels. N08801.N08810.2.Tabs Reference Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Table TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-5 TE-5 TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA Description/UNS Number N06007 N06022 N06030 N06045 N06059 N06230 N06455 N06600 N06625 N06690 N07718 N07750 N08031 N08330 N08800.N08811 N08825 N10001 N10003 N10242 N10276 N10629 N10665 N10675 N12160 R20033 Titanium Gr and 17 Titanium Grade 9 5Cr-1/2Mo 7Cr-1/2Mo & 9Cr-1Mo Ni-Mo (Alloy B) Nickel (Alloy 200) CodeCalc User's Guide 43 .12.11. type -1. type the impact temperature. type -1. If the material has no maximum thickness.Tabs Reference Number 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Table TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA Description/UNS Number Copper-Silicon Admiralty Zirconium Cr-Ni-Fe-Mo-Cu-Cb (Alloy 20Cb) Tantalum Tantalum with 2. Maximum Thickness (in.Type the maximum allowable thickness for the material.) . Otherwise.When the material uses an impact tested product specification. If the material has no minimum thickness.5% Tungsten 17-19 CR (TP 439) AL-6XN 2205 (S31803) 3RE60 (S31500) 7 MO (S32900) 7 MO PLUS (S32950) AL 29-4-2 SEA-CURE 80-20 Cu-Ni (C71000) Minimum Thickness (in.Type the temperature at which the material is governed by time dependent properties. Creep Temperature (F) .) . MDMT Exemption Temperature (F) . Product Form Type an integer that designates the product form of the material.Type the minimum allowable thickness for the material. type 1. Form Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 Product Form Plate Forgings Seamless pipe Welded pipe Welded tube Seamless tube 44 CodeCalc User's Guide . Tabs 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Bolting Castings Fittings Seamless/welded pipe Seamless/welded tube reserved Seamless pipe and tube Pipe Bar Sheet Tube Forged pipe Seamless/welded fitting Drawn seamless tube Condenser & heat exchanger tubes Seamless extruded tube Rod Seamless and welded fittings Welded fittings Seamless fittings Finned tube Seamless U-bend tube Welded condenser tube Impact Reduction Temperature (F) . type 0. Material Band The material band is used to determine the modulus of elasticity and coefficient of thermal expansion for that type of material. Material Band M0 M1 M2 Basic Material Type/composition Carbon steel Carbon manganese steel Carbon molybdenum steel CodeCalc User's Guide 45 . Otherwise.When the material is eligible for a -5ºF temperature reduction according to UCS-66(g). type -5. 5Mo .25Cr 1Mo 5Cr .5Cr .25V 2.5Cr .5Mo 9Cr1Mo 12Cr1Mo1V 46 CodeCalc User's Guide .Tabs M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Low alloy MG Cr Mo V steel 3.5Mo .5Ni 9Ni 1-1. The HASP Keys tab shows all available The data can also be saved to a log file. Show Data .Reviews errors that may have been generated at startup or during program execution. See the Intergraph web site www.coade. Use this command if your software is behaving erratically.Allows ESL update codes to be entered.See Admin Control Center.Tabs Diagnostics Tab The Diagnostics tab contains commands for troubleshooting installation problems: CRC Check . Phone Update or Generate Access Codes -Creates access codes needed to update the ESL when a new version of the software has been released..htm for the latest build information. Build Version Check .See Admin Control Center Install the HASP Device Driver . ESL Tab The following commands are available on the Esl (External Software Lock) tab. Enter Re-Authorization Codes . DLL Version Check .Displays the encrypted data on your external software lock (ESL) key that allows you to check the status of the device.Performs a cyclic redundancy check on each of the delivered software dynamic link library (dll) files and checks that the files are correctly copied to the hard drive of your computer. The Access Log tab displays all instances of a license being used on the network keyin on the host computer. Check HASP Driver Status .Checks the software build version of each executable file. whether local or on the network.Displays all information related to the HASP Driver. Admin Control Center .Checks that the delivered software dll files are current. CodeCalc User's Guide 47 . Error Review . Dlls of the incorrect version can cause the software to run incorrectly. This information is useful for updating the software and for remaining current with your Intergraph license. Tabs 48 CodeCalc User's Guide . using applicable code formula as follows: Shell or Head Type Cylinder Code Paragraph UG-28 (c) CodeCalc User's Guide 49 . The thin. This program considers static liquid head in the pressure design.0) may be analyzed. VIII Div. Welded flat heads. Division 1. Under external pressure program analyzes five types of heads or shells. Reinforcement at the large and small ends of the cone should be analyzed in the CONICAL program. 2010 Edition. sizes stiffening rings.0 (typically 2. Scope and Technical Basis (Shells) This module calculates the required thickness and maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for cylindrical shells and heads under internal or external pressure. Division 1. Bolted dished heads under internal or external pressure are analyzed in the FLOHEAD program. large diameter elliptical or torispherical head is also checked using App. performs stiffening ring calculations. App 1-4 (f) UG-27 (d) (3) UG-32 (g) UG-34 (1)and (3) App 1-1 (a) (2) App 1-4 (e) (1) Elliptical heads with aspect ratios between 1. using applicable code formulae as follows: Shell or Head Type Cylinder Elliptical ID Basis UG-27 (c) (1) OD Basis App 1-1 (a) (1) App 1-4 (c) (1). Purpose. Under internal pressure. 2010 Edition 2004 A-06.0 and 3. and computes weld shear flows on stiffening ring welds. Conical heads and sections with half apex angles up to 30 degrees may be analyzed. 1-4 (f). Jackets can be attached to the vessel and are analyzed per Appendix 9 of ASME Sec. Torispherical heads with knuckle radii between 6% and 100% of the crown radius may be analyzed. This module also contains information for performing fitness for service evaluation per API-579. Section VIII. App 1-4 (f) App 1-4 (d) (4). the program analyzes six types of heads or shells. App 1-4 (f) Torispherical Spherical Head or Shell Conical Head or Shell Flat Head App 1-4 (d) (3). circular or non-circular. Section VIII.SECTION 4 Shells and Heads Home tab: Components > Add New Shell/Head Performs internal and external pressure design of vessel and exchanger components using the rules in the ASME Code. The program is based on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 1 code. Bolted flat heads are analyzed in the FLANGE program. are analyzed in this program. App 1-4 (f) App 1-4 (c) (2). 0 may be analyzed.Shells and Heads Elliptical Torispherical Spherical Head or Shell Conical Shell or Head UG-33 (d) UG-33 (e) UG-33 (c) and UG-28 (d) UG-33 (f) All of these shell or head types are analyzed for diameter to thickness ratios greater than 10. Reinforcement at the large and small end of conical heads or sections is analyzed in the CONICAL program. Elliptical heads with aspect ratios between 1. Torispherical heads with any crown radius may be analyzed.0 and 3. 50 CodeCalc User's Guide . Shells and Heads The SHELL program takes full account of corrosion allowance. Geometry is shown below. this module also accounts for static liquid head for shell components. Figure 1: Shell Geometry Figure 2: Head Geometry CodeCalc User's Guide 51 . normalized material can be used for UCS-66 calculations. For carbon steel vessels. and the program adjusts thicknesses and diameters when making calculations for the corroded condition. In addition. You enter actual thickness and corrosion allowance. Considering the applicability and limitations of the specific flaw type procedure. Applying in-service monitoring as appropriate. Typical FFS assessments entail: Identifying the flaw type and damage mechanism. and Technical Basis CodeCalc supports the following flaw assessments for cylindrical shells. simple formulae. Common degradation mechanisms include general corrosion. Scope. Applying the assessment techniques and comparing the result to the acceptance criteria. such as pressure vessels. pitting corrosion. blister. CodeCalc provides only Level 1 and Level 2 assessments. which may become degraded while in-use from its original condition. The procedures on how to assess these common degradations or flaws are discussed in the sections described in the Table of Contents for API RP 579 and listed below: Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Fitness-For-Service Engineering Assessment Procedure Section 3 – Assessment of Equipment for Brittle Fracture Section 4 – Assessment of General Metal Loss Section 5 – Assessment of Local Metal Loss Section 6 – Assessment of Pitting Corrosion Section 7 – Assessment of Blisters and Laminations Section 8 – Assessment of Weld Misalignment and Shell Distortions Section 9 – Assessment of Crack-Like Flaws Section 10 – Assessment of Component Operating in the Creep Regimes Section 11 – Assessment of Fire Damage Purpose. 52 CodeCalc User's Guide . and/or tanks . simple cones.Generally requires a more detailed evaluation and produce more accurate results Level 3 . Documenting the results. General Metal Loss. Estimating the remaining life for the inspection interval.for some desired future period. localized corrosion. Pitting Corrosion.Typically involves a simplified method using charts. Section 6. Level 2 . piping. Level 1 . There are three levels of assessments available for each flaw type. The assessment procedure provides an estimate of the remaining strength of the equipment in its current state. and conservative assumptions. the respective remaining life or the de-rate value of MAWP is calculated depending on passing or failing acceptance criteria. and so on. Applying remediation as appropriate. Local Metal Loss.Allows flaw assessments using a more sophisticated method such as FEA. mechanical distortion. Reviewing data requirement and gathering the data.Shells and Heads API 579 Introduction Fitness For Service (FFS) assessments using API Recommended Practice 579 (API RP 579) are performed to assess the operation safety and reliability of process plant equipment. In each assessment level. and formed heads: Section 4. Section 5. API 579 Section 4 limitations for Level 1 and Level 2 assessments are as follows: The original design is in accordance with a recognized code or standard. However. then perform Section 5 if necessary. The number of rows and columns are set by entering the number of points in both the circumferential and longitudinal directions.Shells and Heads Section 4 covers flaw assessment procedures for components subject to general metal loss resulting from corrosion and/or erosion.Rules for all Level 1 and Level 2 assessments are based on establishing a Remaining Strength Factor (RSF).3. CodeCalc User's Guide 53 . The rules in Section 4 have been structured to provide consistent results with Section 5. The differences between Section 4 and 5 when applied to LTAs are as follows: Section 4 . In general. Grid and Critical Thickness Profile (CTP). The localized metal loss assessment (described in Section 5). which is used to determine the acceptability for continued operation. can only be performed using profile thickness data according to a grid setup as shown in Figure 10. Two data entry types are provided in the Profile Type selection list. Figure 3: Profile Thickness Inspection Planes For most evaluations. Section 5 . API RP 579 requires a minimum of 15 data measurement points be used for the analysis. flaw assessments using Section 4 criteria produce more conservative results. it is the responsibility of the user to review the Assessment Applicability and Limitation whenever the assessment changes. which include groove-like flaws or gouges. which is combined with the ASME Code rules to determine the acceptability for continued operation. Meanwhile Section 5 covers the analysis of local metal loss or Local Thin Areas (LTAs). The total number of data inputs provided are 256 for both point and profile thickness data measurements. The Assessment of General Metal Loss described in Section 4 can be performed using either point thickness (random type readings) or profile thickness (grid type readings) measurement data. it is recommended to first perform the assessment using Section 4.Rules for all Level 1 and 2 assessments are based on the Average Thickness Averaging approach. be sure to indicate the location of each pit-couple in the data entry table. flange. Pitting damage is described using pit-couples. For components with pittings on both surfaces. CodeCalc does not support API 579 analysis on nozzle. A representative number of pit couples measurements in the damage area should be used. as applicable. Localized Pitting. Integral tubesheet connections Flanges Piping systems. wind and earthquake.3. The component under evaluation has a design equation. 54 CodeCalc User's Guide .8D region).Shells and Heads The component is not operating in the creep range. Gouge (mechanical cold work). to a required wall thickness.3. torispherical/toriconical head. The material component is considered to have sufficient material toughness. The component is not in cyclic service (less than 150 total cycles). flathead. The region of metal loss has relatively smooth contours without notches. each is composed of two pits that are separated by a solid ligament. or conical transition. Level 2 assessment . refer to Section 4 and Section 5 in the API Recommended Practice 579. For non-uniform pit flaw. The procedure for determining pit-couples is described in the API 579 paragraph 6. or both sides of the component surfaces. outside. The component under evaluation does not contain crack-like flaws. With some exception. Pitting Confined within a Region of Localized Metal Loss. Region of Local Metal Loss Located in an Area of Widespread Pitting. which specifically relates pressure and/or other loads. the following specific components do not have equations relating pressure and/or other loads to a required wall thickness may be evaluated using Level 2 assessments: Pressure vessel nozzles and piping branch connections. If the pit flaw is uniform then a minimum of 10 pit-couple measurements should be used. Section 6 covers flaw assessment procedures for components that are subjected to pitting damages as described below: Widespread Pitting. Cylinder to flat head junctions. Limitations for API 579 Section 5 Level 1 and Level 2 assessments are similar to the limitations for Section 4 with the following additions: The components cannot be subjected to external pressure.Components are subject to internal and/or external pressure and/or supplemental loads such as weight. CodeCalc can analyze up to 36 pit-couples measurements.3.Components are subject to internal and/or external pressure (negligible supplemental loads). additional pit-couple measurements are required. Special provisions are provided for groove-like flaws such as: Groove (no mechanical cold work). Currently. tubesheet. or if the flaw is located in the knuckle region of elliptical head (outside of the 0. The following limitations on applied loads are satisfied Level 1 assessment . Pitting damage can occur on the inside. For more details. and piping system components. You must define either the design pressure or the minimum metal thickness. Adjust the FCA by applying remediation techniques. Therefore this temperature may be different than the temperature for internal pressure. Depending on the pass or fail criteria. Design Temperature for Internal Pressure . E. For more details. If you enter a zero in this field the program does not perform external pressure calculations.Enter the internal design pressure.7 . Analysis Type .No external calculation.00 .Shells and Heads The limitations for API 579 Section 6 Level 1 and Level 2 assessments are similar to the limitations for Section 5 Level 1 and Level 2 assessments. The design external pressure at this temperature is a completely different design case than the internal pressure case. This should be a positive value.Fitness for Service Design Internal Pressure . Item Number .Enter the temperature associated with the internal design pressure. such as 14. This can be the item number on the drawing.Enter an ID number for the item. As suggested in the API Recommended Practice 579 book. Discussion of Results (Shells) An effort has been made to use the same variable names and reporting formats as are used in the API Recommended Practice 579 book. If your design temperature is below the lower limit. If you entered the allowable stresses by hand. 0. Adjust the weld joint efficiency factor. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. refer to API RP 579 Section 6. you are responsible to update them for the given temperature. use CodeCalc User's Guide 55 . 14.7 psig.Full vacuum calculation. either the remaining life using the thickness (or MAWP) approach is computed or a de-rating MAWP is printed. but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.Enter the design pressure for external pressure analysis. or combinations thereof can be considered when the component does not meet the Level 2 Assessment requirements: Re-rate. Shells/Heads Tab Specifies parameters for shell and head design. Design pressure is used to determine the required thickness and minimum metal thickness is used to determine the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. preferably both. Many external pressure charts have both lower and upper limits on temperature. by conducting additional examinations and repeat the assessment. This entry is optional. and retire the component. Conduct a Level 3 assessment. 1 API 579 .Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item. Design External Pressure .Specifies the analysis type: ASME Sec VIII Div. repair. the following. Description . A summary at the end of the analysis of each level is written. The software automatically updates materials properties for BUILT-IN materials when you change the design temperature. Design Temperature for External Pressure -Enter the temperature associated with the external design pressure. If you type in the name. See Section VIII. Operating Liquid Density . which displays read-only information about the selected material. To modify material properties. 3. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This will be the efficiency of the longitudinal seam in a cylindrical shell or any seam in a spherical shell.No radiography The joint efficiency in this (and all other) ASME Code formulas is a measure of the inspection quality on the weld seam. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. This value is multiplied by the height of the liquid column in order to compute the static head pressure. CodeCalc adds the hydrostatic pressure head to the internal design pressure for the required thickness calculation. To do this.Full Radiography 0. which are usually less highly stressed.85) while longitudinal seams are fully radiographed.If your shell or head design needs to account for hydrostatic liquid head.7) then longitudinal seams have a maximum E of 0. 1. even if they receive full radiography.00 . Typical specific gravities and densities are shown below in lbs/ft^3. 1. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Seamless components have a joint efficiency of 1. Elliptical and torispherical heads are typically seamless but may require a stress reduction which may be entered as a joint efficiency. weld seams that receive full radiography have a joint efficiency of 1. may be spot radiographed (E=0. Div. Longitudinal Seams . If your temperature is above the upper limit. if circumferential seams receive no radiography (E=0.Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for shell sections with welded seams. Click Select to use the material. Shell Section Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. This provides the same metal thickness at some savings in inspection costs. You can enter a number of specific gravity units and CodeCalc converts the number to the current set of units. select this box.85 . the component may not be designed for vacuum conditions.85. the Code requires that no two seams in the same vessel differ in joint efficiency by more than one category of radiography.0. 2. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Joint Efficiency. or click Back to select a different material.7. In addition to the basic rules described above.Spot X-ray 0. For example. Include Hydrostatic Head Components? . Table UW-12 for help in determining this value. Weld seams that receive spot radiography have a joint efficiency of 0.Enter the density of the operating fluid.85. enter a number followed by the letters sg. 56 CodeCalc User's Guide . 1. The software displays the material properties. Alternatively. In general. The practical outworking of this is that circumferential seams.Shells and Heads the lower limit as your entry to the program.0.70 . Weld seams that receive no radiography have a joint efficiency of 0. 99 48.14 CodeCalc User's Guide 57 .6900 0.5077 0.Shells and Heads Convert the densities to your units.7900 0.56 42.27 55. Name Ethane Propane N-butane Iso-butane N-Pentane Iso-Pentane N-hexane 2-methypentane 3-methylpentane 2.34 44.1-dimethylcyclopentane N-octane Cyclopentane Methylcyclopentane Cyclohexane Methylcyclohexane Benzene Toluene Alcohol Ammonia Benzine Gasoline Kerosene Mineral Oil Petroleum Oil Specific Gravity 0.7068 0.41 41.7504 0.37 49.2-dimethylbutane 2.6689 0.3-dimethylbutane N-heptane 2-methylheptane 3-methylheptane 2.6882 0.08 46.7834 0.71 40.03 41.8200 Density (lb/ft^3) 22.6664 0.5844 0.8718 0.6640 0.8844 0.5631 0.6917 0.23 31.7740 0.37 51.89 57.35 38.4-dimethylpentane 1.92 42.85 48.50 43.78 41.3564 0.6830 0.29 42.7536 0.26 55.66 36.8900 0.11 39.03 43.8000 0.96 41.6773 0.6310 0.6579 0.7000 0.6782 0.44 35.13 42.6247 0.6540 0.7592 0.65 49.15 54.79 46.2-dimethylpentane 2.9200 0.24 47.59 43. but with a warning. this liquid height can be greater than the vessel diameter. typically the length of the vessel plus one-third the depth of the heads or.Enter the crown radius for torispherical heads. If you exceed these values the program will run.Enter the type of shell for this shell section: Cylindrical Elliptical Torispherical Hemispherical Head or Spherical Shell Conical Flat Head Specific parameters for the selected shell type display.Enter the distance that you want CodeCalc to use for the liquid volume computation. For a standard 2:1 elliptical head the aspect ratio is 2. In the case of a vertical hydrotest. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis for the ellipse. The crown radius for a torispherical head is referred to as the dimension "L". See the illustration in the catalog and where the arrows for "DR" and "IKR" point to (the inside of the head). For a vessel with 2 flanged and dished heads and no intermediate stiffeners. If this is shop hydrotest. the design length is the tangent length plus the diameter/3. Geometry Tab (Shell/Head) Specifies parameters for shell and head geometry. the design length is the tangent length plus the diameter/6. Design Length for Cylinder Volume Calculations . Typically the largest angle for cones under external pressure is 60 degrees.Enter the distance from the bottom of this shell or head element to the surface of the liquid. Half Apex Angle for Conical Sections . see Appendix 1-4 in the Code. then the height of the liquid column should be equal to the inside diameter of the vessel.0 62. This dimension is usually referred to as "DR" in many head catalogs. When analyzing a head.Enter the half-apex angle for cones or conical sections.0. Type of Shell . For a vessel with 2 elliptical heads and no intermediate stiffeners. alternately. enter zero for the length. In that case the user is encouraged to use the CONICAL module for a more detailed analysis. 58 CodeCalc User's Guide . Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being "OD" heads. For a vessel with 2 spherical heads and no intermediate stiffeners. The maximum value of the half apex angle for cones under internal pressure and without toriconical transitions or discontinuity stress check is 30 degrees. For more information.Enter the aspect ratio for the elliptical head. Aspect Ratio for Elliptical Heads . Inside Crown Radius for Torispherical Heads . 1 Code. the crown radius is given on the inside diameter basis. the distance between stiffening rings. Design Length of Section .Shells and Heads Water 1.Enter the design length of the section. The head pressure is determined by multiplying the liquid density by the height of the fluid to the point of interest. the design length is the tangent length plus the diameter/9. in the ASME VIII Div.4 Height of Liquid Column (Operating) . Height of Liquid Column (Hydrotest) .Enter the distance from the bottom of this shell or head element to the surface of the liquid when the vessel is being hydrotested. and the vessel is laying on its side. The largest angle for cones under internal pressure and with toriconical sections or discontinuity stress check is 60 degrees. Outside diameter Torispherical heads should always be specified on the inside diameter basis.25 (p) 0. enter the largest diameter of the cone.17 (b-1) 0.Enter the knuckle radius r for torispherical heads. according to ASME Section VIII Div. Bolted flat head with full face gasket Plate screwed into small diameter vessel Plate held in place by beveled edge 0. Always enter the outside diameter of the flat head. the knuckle radius is given on the inside diameter basis. Even though the head catalogs refer to these as OD heads. Division 1. the inside dimensions from the catalog can be entered directly when the ID basis is specified. and enter the small dimension as the component diameter above.The straight flange is the cylindrical portion of a torispherical (dished) or elliptical head. use the appropriate diameter per the figure UG-34 in the CodeCalc User's Guide 59 .33*m) Plate welded to end of shell Plate welded to end of shell (check 0. Length of Straight Flange .20 (I) 0. Normally. To compute the required thickness of the bolted flat heads (type j and k). Some typical attachment factors display below. Section VIII.Enter the diameter of the shell or head.30 (m n o) Plate held in place by screwed ring 0. Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being OD heads. This dimension is usually referred to as IKR in many head catalogs. use the Flange module and model it as a blind flange. Because of this. This dimension does not affect the required thickness calculation. Attachment Factor for Flat Head . For cones. enter the large dimension in this field. ID . Paragraph UG-34. This dimension is used to compute the overall volume of the head in the new.Enter the flat head attachment factor.If you have a noncircular welded flat head. see Appendix 1-4 in the Code.Select the type of diameter from the list. however consult Paragraph UG-34 before using these values: 0. Figure UG-34. calculated or selected from ASME Code. If the head is circular. and corroded condition. For flat heads.Shells and Heads Inside Knuckle Radius for Torispherical Heads .13 (d) 0. Diameter of Shell/Head .33 (h) 0. For flat heads. Diameter Basis .33 (r s) Large Diameter for Noncircular Flat Heads .30 (j k) Head welded to vessel with generous radius Head welded to vessel with small radius Lap welded or brazed construction Integral flat circular heads Plate welded inside vessel (check 0. See the illustration in the catalog and where the arrows for DR and IKR point to (the inside of the head). enter the diameter here. for a torispherical head the inside crown radius is equal to the vessel outside diameter.20 (e f g) 0.20 (c) 0.33*m) Bolted flat heads (include bending moment).Inside diameter OD . This value is used to compute the factor Z for noncircular heads. this value is ignored. as well as the weight of the head. 1. For more information. cold.20 (b-2) 0. inspection of the catalog nomenclature reveals that the dimensions listed are inside dimensions.75 (q) 0. Also. see Section Options (on page 64). UG-16(b) for more details.6 mm). Type of Reinforcing Ring . This thickness is used to calculate the volume and weight of the metal ONLY if it is between 1 and 1.Select this option to skip the UG-16(b) calculation.Enter the index for the type of reinforcing ring on the cylindrical or conical section. There are certain exemptions from this requirement such as in the case of heat exchanger tubes. Bar . Division -1. Skip UG-16(b) Minimum Thickness Calculation? .6250 . Minimum Design Metal Temperature .0625 in.Shells and Heads ASME Code.7500 .5/8 " 0. The program allows you to use either an inside diameter (ID) or an outside diameter (OD).(Optional) Enter the NOMINAL or AVERAGE thickness of the actual plate or pipe used to construct the vessel. the program will compute its Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT). Pipe Selection Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate . For more information.5% of the nominal wall thickness. For more information. If this material is not a carbon steel then enter a zero (0) in this field. 60 CodeCalc User's Guide .8750 .Displays the Reinforcing Ring .If this component is a carbon or low alloy steel shell or head. This value is for reference only and will not be used by the program.Enter the corrosion allowance.Displays the Reinforcing Ring .3/4 " 0.5000 . You should enter the minimum thickness. Section UG-16(b) states the minimum thickness for pressure retaining components as 0.0000 .3750 .7/16 " 0. cross sectional area. You must enter the moment of inertia. In all cases CodeCalc includes the shell in the calculation of the moment of inertia for the stiffening ring. Click to select a pipe by nominal pipe diameter and pipe schedule.1 " Nominal Thickness of Pipe or Plate . Section . Three options are available: None . The value to be entered in this field is the user-defined MDMT.14 " 0. Corrosion Allowance . If a value of zero is entered.2500 . If this value is left blank or 0. The program adjusts both the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance that you enter. see Bar Options (on page 62). The diameter of the head is usually taken as the inside diameter of the cylindrical shell to which it is attached. Many pipe materials have a minimum specified wall thickness. (1.No additional input required.1/8 " 0. the program will use the minimum thickness to compute the weight and volume of this shell element.5 times the minimum thickness. and the distance from the shell to the centroid of the beam. You can only perform this calculation for external pressure calculations.1/2 " 0.Bar dialog box. Some commonly used thicknesses are: 0.Section dialog box. the program will not echo this value out during runtime. Refer to the ASME Section VIII.1/16 " 0. the detailed analysis for the required moment of inertia and cross section area for cones is contained in the separate CONICAL program.1250 .3/8 " 0. You must enter the width and thickness of the bar.4375 .0625 .Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate or pipe used to build the vessel. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel.7/8 " 1. which is 87. The program will analyze jackets according to Appendix-9 of the ASME Sec. 1.Check this box if a jacket is present and to activate the Jacket tab. For more information.Shells and Heads Is a Jacket Present (App. CodeCalc User's Guide 61 . VIII Div. 9)? .Specifies whether the ring is attached to both the inner shell and the outer jacket. see Jacket Tab (on page 69). The following jacket types are addressed: Is the Ring attached to both inner shell and Outer Jacket? . Shells and Heads Bar Options Specifies the parameters for bar reinforcement rings. you can select the material from the Material Database by clicking Database while the cursor is in this field. For a reinforcing ring that is a simple bar. EXAMPLES FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION: SA-516 70. If a material is not contained in the database. CodeCalc retrieves the first material it finds with a matching name.Enter the thickness of the reinforcing ring.Enter the ASME code material specification as it appears in the ASME material allowable tables. If you type in the name. Thickness of Reinforcing Ring . Width of Reinforcing Ring . For a reinforcing ring that is a simple bar. Alternatively. Figure 4: Thickness of Reinforcing Ring Stiffening Ring Material Name . SA-285 C Some typical material names (standard ASME material name): Plates & Bolting SA-516 55 SA-516 60 SA-516 65 SA-516 70 SA-193 B7 SA-182-F1 SA-182 F1 SA-182 F11 SA-182 F12 SA-182 F22 SA-105 SA-36 SA-106 B Stainless Steel SA-240 304 SA-240 304L SA-240 316 SA-240 316L SA-193 B8 62 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the width of the reinforcing ring. this is the dimension that is perpendicular to the surface of the shell. this is the dimension that is parallel to the surface of the shell. you can select its specification and properties by selecting Tools > Edit > Add Materials from the Main Menu. Attached to the inside of the shell.Wide Flange Sections (T type ) MT SECTION .Wide Flange Sections WT SECTION .Enter the dimension of the weld leg. Ring Type to Satisfy Inertia and Area Requirements -Entering a structural ring type here causes CodeCalc to search the structural database for a suitable member that meest the inertia requirements for the ring.Shells and Heads Aluminum SB-209 SB-234 Titanium SB-265 1 Nickel SB-409 SB-424 If you used old CodeCalc material names with previous versions. Location of Ring . which connects the stiffening ring to the shell section. EXTERNAL .Double Angles Small Legs back to back CHANNEL .Structural Tee MC SECTION . you may refer to the CodeCalc User's Guide Appendix 22.6 for name comparisons with ASME Code Names.Channel Sections I-BEAM . Per UG-29 of the Code. there are three styles: INTERMITTENT CONTINUOUS BOTH This input in conjunction with the shell thickness and corrosion allowance will allow for the computation of the maximum spacing between weld segments. CodeCalc User's Guide 63 . INTERNAL . The valid types of structural shapes are: EQUAL ANGLE .Double Angles Large Legs back to back DBL SMALL ANGLE .There are two possibilities for the location of the stiffening ring.Unequal Angle DBL LARGE ANGLE .Enter the style of the weld that attaches the stiffening ring to the shell section. Size of Fillet Weld Leg Connecting Ring to Shell .On the outer surface of the shell. This value is used in the weld shear flow calculations if a simple bar stiffener has been selected as the type of reinforcing ring.Miscellaneous Tee ST SECTION .Equal Leg Angles UNEQUAL ANGLE .Miscellaneous Channel Weld Ring Attachment Style . SA-285 C Some typical material names (standard ASME material name): Plates & Bolting SA-516 55 SA-516 60 SA-516 65 SA-516 70 SA-193 B7 SA-182-F1 SA-182 F1 SA-182 F11 SA-182 F12 SA-182 F22 SA-105 SA-36 SA-106 B Stainless Steel SA-240 304 64 CodeCalc User's Guide .If you have selected an angle type ring to satisfy the inertia requirements above. you can select the material from the Material Database by clicking Database while the cursor is in this field. EXAMPLES FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION: SA-516 70. otherwise it is ignored. this box is meaningful. CodeCalc computes the distance from the shell surface to the ring centroid based on information in the AISC Steel handbook. you can select its specification and properties by selecting Tools > Edit > Add Materials from the Main Menu. CodeCalc retrieves the first material it finds with a matching name. Stiffening Ring Material Name .Shells and Heads Is the ring rolled the hard way? . If a material is not contained in the database. Figure 5: Hard Way or Easy Way Section Options Specifies the parameters for reinforcing rings for sections.Enter the ASME code material specification as it appears in the ASME material allowable tables. Alternatively. When this option is used. If you type in the name. Structural Tee MC SECTION .6 for name comparisons with ASME Code Names. This value is used in the weld shear flow calculations if a simple bar stiffener has been selected as the type of reinforcing ring.Equal Leg Angles UNEQUAL ANGLE . which connects the stiffening ring to the shell section.Enter the dimension of the weld leg. there are three styles: INTERMITTENT CONTINUOUS BOTH This input in conjunction with the shell thickness and corrosion allowance will allow for the computation of the maximum spacing between weld segments. The valid types of structural shapes are: EQUAL ANGLE .Enter the moment of inertia for the beam section.Enter the cross sectional area for the beam section which is being used as a reinforcing ring.Channel Sections I-BEAM .Shells and Heads SA-240 304L SA-240 316 SA-240 316L SA-193 B8 Aluminum SB-209 SB-234 Titanium SB-265 1 Nickel SB-409 SB-424 If you used old CodeCalc material names with previous versions. Per UG-29 of the Code. you may refer to the CodeCalc User's Guide Appendix 22.Double Angles Small Legs back to back CHANNEL . Moment of Inertia of Reinforcing Ring .Wide Flange Sections WT SECTION . Ring Type to Satisfy Inertial and Area Requirements .Enter the distance from the surface of the shell to the centroid of the reinforcing ring.Entering a structural ring type here causes CodeCalc to search the structural database for a suitable member that meest the inertia requirements for the ring. Distance from Ring Centroid to shell Surface .Miscellaneous Channel Weld Ring Attachment Style .There are two possibilities for the location of the stiffening ring. Size of Fillet Weld Connecting Ring to Shell . INTERNAL . CodeCalc User's Guide 65 . which is being used as a reinforcing ring. in the direction parallel to the surface of the shell. This distance should be measured normal to the shell surface. Location of Ring .Attached to the inside of the shell.Unequal Angle DBL LARGE ANGLE .Double Angles Large Legs back to back DBL SMALL ANGLE .Enter the style of the weld that attaches the stiffening ring to the shell section.Miscellaneous Tee ST SECTION . Cross Sectional Area of Reinforcing Ring .Wide Flange Sections (T type ) MT SECTION . then the calculated SigmaML value based on the ASME Section VIII will be overridden. otherwise it is ignored. CodeCalc computes the distance from the shell surface to the ring centroid based on information in the AISC Steel handbook.This value is defined as RSF = LDC / LUC Where: LDC = Limit or plastic collapse load of the damaged component LUC = Limit of plastic collapse load of the undamaged component.0. a remaining life of the equipment using thickness approach methodology will be presented. this box is meaningful.If you have selected an angle type ring to satisfy the inertia requirements above.On the outer surface of the shell. then the calculated TMIN value based on the ASME Section VIII will be overridden. SigmaMC . TMINC .0. Longitudinal Minimum Required Thickness. then the calculated SigmaML value based on the ASME Section VIII will be overridden. Figure 6: Hard Way or Easy Way Optional Data Tab Specifies parameters for overriding the values generated by the software. When this option is used. User MAWP . Is the ring angle rolled the hard way? . However. If this value is provided. Longitudinal Membrane Stress. RSFA (Remaining Strength Factor Allowable) . If either the TMINL or the TMINC value is greater than 0. when the results meet the passing criteria. SigmaML . the calculated MAWP based on the input nominal thickness will be overridden and used to compute the de-rated MAWP in Section 5 and Section 6 analysis.Shells and Heads EXTERNAL .(Maximum Allowable Working Pressure) Enter the design MAWP. If either the TMINL or the TMINC value is greater than 0.Enter the SigmaMC stress value. The default value as currently set in the API Recommended Practice 579 is 0.Enter the TMINL thickness. then the calculated TMIN value based on the ASME Section VIII will be overridden.0. Circumerential Minimum Required Thickness.0. If either the TMINL or the TMINC value is greater than 0.Enter the SigmaML stress value. If either the TMINL or the TMINC value is greater than 0.9 66 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the TMINC thickness. TMINL . Circumferential Membrane Stress. The de-rating of the vessel element will be shown automatically when the results indicate failure for continuing operation. if any.Enter the net-section axial force from supplemental loads excluding the pressure trust for the Sustained Case and Expansion Case.Enter the joint efficiency in the circumferential direction. Mt .Enter the component of the net-section bending moment from supplemental loads in the Y direction for the Sustained Case and Expansion Case. Torsional Moment.Enter the component of the net-section bending moment from supplemental loads in the X direction for the Sustained Case and Expansion Case. Circumferential Seams . Bending Moment. if any. F . Joint Efficiency. Figure 7: Direction of Supplemental Loads Axial Force. Bending Moment.Enter the net-section torsion moment from supplemental loads in the Z direction for the Sustained Case and Expansion Case. if any. V . if any.Shells and Heads Supplemental Loads Specifies the parameters for supplemental loads. My . CodeCalc User's Guide 67 . Shear Force. Mx . if any.Enter the net-section shear force from supplemental loads for the Sustained Case and Expansion Case. If you select Horizontal. This mode will simulate the increase of the LTA size. Maximum Saddle Reaction Force . Figure 8: Shell Orientation Directions Depth of Head . This input will be used to get horizontal input data for the thickness calculation due to supplemental load. This check box will enable the C dim and S dim fields. Distance from Saddle to Vessel Tangent . more options display. This check box will enable the Diameter and Depth Pit Propagation Rate (PPR) boxes.Enter the contact angle of the saddle with the shell. Compute Remaining Life Specifies that the software performs the remaining life calculation when the assessments have met the passing criteria.Select from the option the nearest point where the flaw located.Enter the head depth of the horizontal vessel. Region Size . These corrosion rates are also required for the localized pitting analyzed using Section 5. 68 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the saddle reaction force resulting from the weight of the vessel and vessel content.Select the orientation of installed vessel.Enter the length from the tangent line of the horizontal vessel to the centerline of a saddle support.Activates the pit grow in Increasing In Pit Size mode. Section 4 and 5 Corrosion Rate per year .Shells and Heads Shell Orientation . This mode will simulate the increase of the pit size.Enter the corrosion rate per year in both directions.Activates the pit grow in Increasing In Pit Region Size mode. Saddle Contact Angle . Flaw Location Along Vessel . diameter and depth. Section 6 PPR Mode Settings Pit Size . circumferential and longitudinal directions. Print Intermediate RLife Results . Pit Propagation Rate per year Diameter .Enter the C dimension (circumferential) pit propagation rate. and the internal chamber (cylindrical / conical shell. If you cannot decide the type that best suits your model.Prints the table of the intermediate results of the RLife iterations. C dim . Depth .Enter the diameter pit propagation rate. which must be adhered to because they ensure full integrity of the jacket attachment to the vessel. RLife Computation Approach . Jacket Tab Specifies parameters for jacket and closure bars. Couple Spacing . This mode will simulate the increase the pit density by decreasing the pit spacing. Select Jacket (fig. see Figure 9-2 in the Code. then select Type 2. If this is not appropriate. or head covered by the jacket). 9-2) .Specifies how you want to compute the remaining life. The code gives weld sizes. These intermediate results are printed in every 100 iterations. For more information. ASME VIII Div 1 Appendix 9 sets out 5 basic jacket configurations. closure bar. S dim . The software calculates the required thickness of the jacket.Enter the pit couple spacing pit propagation rate.Activate the pit grow in Increasing In Pit Density mode. CodeCalc User's Guide 69 .Shells and Heads Density .Enter the S dimension (longitudinal direction) pit propagation rate.Enter the depth pit propagation rate.Select the jacket type that you are analyzing from the list. This check box will enable the Couple Spacing field. then the software gives you a warning message. You can select Thickness or MAWP. the jacket is attached by means of a closure bar as shown here: Figure 9: Inner Vessel with Jacket and Closure Bar The closure bar can be a simple rectangular section ring as displayed above. or it can be more elaborate as displayed in Appendix 9 of the Code. there is no closure bar. Typically. 70 CodeCalc User's Guide .Shells and Heads In a type 3 jacket arrangement. however the welding is critical. and the notes set out in the Code must be adhered to. Select the closure bar type most resembling your design: CodeCalc User's Guide 71 . 9-5) . Select Closure (fig.Shells and Heads Verify the inner shell/head for external pressure using (any) vacuum plus the Jacket Pressure and consider the Design Length of the Jacket section L. Shells and Heads 72 CodeCalc User's Guide . Shells and Heads CodeCalc User's Guide 73 . Shells and Heads 74 CodeCalc User's Guide . .Full radiography 0. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Spot radiography 0. The software displays the material properties. the joint efficiencies are as follows: 1. Design Temperature . see Shells and Heads Geometry Tab (see "Geometry Tab (Shell/Head)" on page 58).Enter the following corrosion allowances. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).Shells and Heads Figure . In the case of a type 1 weld (Welded from both sides.No radiography Select Jacket Head . This is obtained from table UW-12 in ASME Section VIII Division 1. or with removable backing strip).Closure Bar Jacket Types Jacket long. CodeCalc User's Guide 75 .70 . The program will perform all the calculations in the corroded condition.Enter the design temperature of the jacket.85 . Jacket Material Name . which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. 1.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. or click Back to select a different material. 3.Enter the jacket and jacket head welded joint efficiencies. Eff. For more information.00 . 1 2 3 Inner shell corrosion allowance outside Jacket corrosion allowance inside Jacket head corrosion allowance inside cso cji ci The input for the inner shell corrosion allowance inside is available on the Geometry tab of the main input screen. Click Select to use the material.Select the jacket head type: Elliptical Torispherical Hemispherical Corrosion Allowances . Jt. 0. The design length is typically the length of the jacket. 76 CodeCalc User's Guide . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter the inside diameter of the jacket as shown in figure L.Enter the pressure in the jacket space. Inside Diameter Dj .Enter the new thickness of the jacket head. The internal pressure in the jacket acts as an external pressure on the inner shell.Enter the half apex angle for the (c). To modify material properties. which can be used for computing the volume and weight of the jacket. but if there is a stiffening ring located in between the jacket and the shell.Enter the thickness of the jacket as shown in figure L. (k) and (l) closure bar types as shown in the following figure.Enter the design length of the jacket used to check the inner shell. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name. Inside Crown . Design Length (dist. The length is between two support points. Pressure Pj . (b-2). Jacket Head Thickness .The aspect ratio is the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis for the ellipse. Half Apex Angle . the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Shells and Heads Alternatively. The inner shell is checked for external pressure using this design length plus the jacket pressure and any shell vacuum pressure specified. bet. Aspect Ratio .Enter the total length (Ltot) of the jacket.Enter the crown radius in the case of a torispherical jacket head. For a standard 2:1 elliptical head. then this length is smaller. rings) . This is the pressure shown in the figure L. Figure 10: Half Apex Angles Length for Volume Calculation . Thickness tj . the aspect ratio is 2. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Total Corr. 1. To modify material properties. Allow .Enter the corrosion allowance of the closure bar.Enter the knuckle radius in the case of a torispherical jacket head.Shells and Heads Knuckle Radius . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. if the closure is subject to corrosion both outside and inside. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 2. CodeCalc User's Guide 77 .Enter the thickness of the closure bar. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Alternatively. Click Select to use the material. 3. Thickness .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Closure Bar Dimensions Closure Bar Material Name . then enter the combined corrosion allowance. or click Back to select a different material. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name. The software displays the material properties. Shells and Heads API 579 (FFS) Tab Specifies damage and flaw description options for shells and heads. Outside – Located on the outer diameter surface.Select the flaw type from the list. Inside and Outside – Located on both inner and outer diameter surfaces in Section 6 (Multiple Layer Analysis). Flaw Description Flaw Location . You must review the assessment applicability and limitation whenever the assessment changes. 78 CodeCalc User's Guide . General Metal Loss – Assess the flaw using API 579 Section 4 analysis Local Metal Loss – Assess the flaw using API 579 Section 5 analysis. Pitting Corrosion – Assess the flaw using API 579 Section 6 analysis.Select the location of the flaw: Inside – Located on the inner diameter surface. Figure 11: Zones for Thickness Averaging Damage Description Flaw Type . Near the large end or the small end junction. Cylinder . Formed head provides the following options: None User specified Beyond the spherical portion Cone .Near stiffening ring or skirt weld seam or cone weld seam or circumferential weld seam. Cylinder provides the following options: None User specified Near a stiffening ring Skirt weld seam Cone weld seam Formed Head .Shells and Heads Section 4 and 5 Near Axisymmetric Discontinuity .Axisymmetric Discontinuity CodeCalc User's Guide 79 . Cone provides the following options: None User specified Near the large end or the small end junction Figure 12: Zones for Thickness Averaging . or knuckle area of the head. stiffening ring.Beyond the spherical portion or circumferential weld seam.Select the available option if the flaw is near the axisymmetric structural discontinuity such as seam weld. Cone Diameter At That End .Specifies that pitting occurs over a localized region of the component LTA in Region of Widespread Pitting .Enter the nearest distance of the first data point along the longitudinal or meridional direction to the axisymmetric structural discontinuity. Refer to b dimension in Figure E. The value that you enter will override the calculated value described in the API579. Pitting Confined in LTA . Lv.Specifies the cone diameter at the selected end. Lv .Shells and Heads Distance of 1st Data Point from Discontinuity .Specifies that pitting occurs over a significant region of the component. Distance of Head Tangent from Skirt Weld Seam .Specifies that a region of LTA is located in an area of widespread pitting. the software interprets that as a zero value. see Near Axisymmetric Structural Discontinuity on the API 579 (FFS) Tab (on page 78). LTA Dimensions Enter the s and c dimensions.Specifies that pitting is confined within the LTA. Proximity to Cone End . Localized Pitting . If you leave this box blank. For more information. Refer to a dimension in the above sketch. These dimensions are required for the following pitting damage types: Localized pitting Region of LTA located in an area of widespread pitting Pitting confined within a region of localized metal loss Figure 13: LTA Dimensions in Pitting Damage 80 CodeCalc User's Guide . This value will be used to determine the location of each thickness profile data in reference to the axisymmetric structural discontinuity location. Section 6 Widespread Pitting .Enter the distance of head tangent from skirt weld seam.Select the cone end nearest the discontinuity. User Specified.Enter the user specified Zone Thickness Averaging length. Measurement Type . Dir. LMSD . Figure 14: Longitudinal and Meridional Directions Circ.Enter the metal loss prior to the assessment. You can select: Point . (c) .Enter the total number of measurement points along the Circumferential Direction for Profile Thickness measurement method. CodeCalc User's Guide 81 .Specifies that the software is analyzing pitting flaws. This parameter is used to check the limiting flaw size in Section 5 analysis.Enter the total number of measurement points along the Longitudinal/Meridional Direction for Profile Thickness measurement method. This value sets the data entry table accordingly. Pitting . see Groove Options (on page 83). For more information. Profile .Specifies that the point thickness measurement method is used.Specifies that the groove measurement method is used. Data Measurement Tab Uniform Metal Loss . Groove . Profile Type .Select the profile thickness measurement data type. (s) .Enter the shortest distance from the edge of the local metal loss region under investigation to the nearest major structural discontinuity such as weld seam and stiffening ring. Dir.Specifies that the profile thickness measurement method is used.Shells and Heads Long/Merid. CTP (Critical Thickness Profile) or Grid type (raw data).Select the measurement type to use. TMINL. For more information. .Enter the total number of measurement points along the Longitudinal/Meridional Direction for Profile Thickness measurement method. see the following: Point Measurement Data Dialog Box (on page 83) Enter CTPs Dialog Box (on page 83) Groove Options (on page 83) Enter Pitting Information Dialog Box (on page 84) Optional Data Overriding Values (MAWP./Merid. Dir. . Dir . etc.Enter the grid size of the thickness profile in the circumferential direction. Dir. Long.Specifies that the software uses the supplemental loads values. Dir . TMINL. SigmaML.Select this check box to specify that the software uses the MAWP. Figure 15: Longitudinal and Meridional Directions Grid Size Circumfer. Long. Measurement Data .Displays a dialog box that specifies the parameters for measurement data. and RSFA override values.) . SigmaMC.Enter the grid size in the thickness profile in the longitudinal or meridional direction. TMINC./Merid. RFSA. TMINC.Enter the total number of measurement points along the Circumferential Direction for Profile Thickness measurement method.Shells and Heads Data Size Circumfer. 82 CodeCalc User's Guide . Supplemental Loads . Figure 16: Groove Measurement Dimensions Radius.Type the distance between the planes. Groove Options Specifies the parameters for measuring grooves. gl .Enter the critical thickness profile in the circumferential direction. Longitudinal Planes . Point Measurement Data Dialog Box Specifies parameters for point measurements.Enter the measured thickness for each point. Longitudinal Plane CTP . Thk . CodeCalc User's Guide 83 .Specifies that the software performs the remaining life calculation when the assessments have met the passing criteria.Enter the groove radius. Circumferential Plane CTP . gr . Enter CTPs Dialog Box Specifies parameters for critical thickness profiles. Circumferential Planes . Specifies parameters for profile measurements.Type the distance between the planes.Shells and Heads Compute Remaining Life .Enter the critical thickness profile in the longitudinal direction. Length.Enter the groove length. d_ik . w_jk . Theta_k .Enter the diameter of the pit i in pit-couple k. gw . Beta . w_ik . Width. Figure 17: Pitting Dimensions P_k .Enter the groove depth.Enter the groove width. Critical Exposure Temperature . d_jk . gd .Enter the depth of the pit j in pit-couple k.Enter the pit-couple orientation in degree.Enter the lowest metal temperature derived from either the operating or atmospheric conditions.Shells and Heads Depth. Orientation.Enter the depth of the pit i in pit-couple k. 84 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the groove orientation (Beta) in degrees. Enter Pitting Information Dialog Box Specifies parameters for pitting.Enter the diameter of the pit j in pit-couple k.Enter the pit-couple spacing in pit-couple k. using the given thickness minus corrosion allowance and the operating allowable stress. using the uncorroded thickness and the ambient allowable stress. For elliptical heads. then you must increase the given thickness.3 (depending on the material database selection) times the ratio of the allowable stress at ambient temperature to the allowable stress at design temperature.5 or 1. If you are choosing the thickness for a component. Actual Stress at Given Pressure and Thickness Note that the joint efficiency is included in this value. and the formula and substitutions are shown. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. the gauge is usually at the high point of the vessel. The hydrotest pressure may not be appropriate for the entire vessel for three reasons. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Given Thickness This value is calculated as described above. if the required thickness plus corrosion allowance is greater than the given thickness. compare the values shown under "Summary of Internal Pressure Results" (required vs.Shells and Heads Results Thickness Due to Internal Pressure The appropriate formula from ASME Section VIII is referenced. CodeCalc does not replace the given thickness with this calculated minimum. 1-4 (c). if the vessel is tested in the vertical position you may have to adjust the hydrotest pressure for the head of water in the vessel. the factor M is (1/4) * (3 + SQRT (L / R)). The hydrostatic head will be subtracted in order to properly determine the MAWP for the vessel part that is being analyzed. where "L" (the crown radius) and "R" (the knuckle radius) were entered by the user. Second. the K factor is (2 + Ar * Ar) / 6. the liquid head is subtracted from the basic result. Third. so this can be considered as the stress at the welded joint rather than in the base metal. CodeCalc User's Guide 85 . Summary of Internal Pressure Results Either of two conditions can indicate a problem in your design. New & Cold This value is calculated as described above. Second. For the UG99-C hydrotest. the additional pressure due to the height of the liquid column and the operating liquid density will be included with the basic design pressure. which may govern the hydrotest pressure. If your shell design includes hydrostatic head components. per App. Remember. The hydrotest pressure is calculated as the maximum allowable working pressure times 1. when pressures are being read from the pressure gauge. you may choose to base hydrotest pressure on design pressure rather than maximum allowable working pressure. actual) and adjust the actual thickness up or down accordingly. if the MAWP is less than the design pressure. First. The diameter or crown radius is adjusted to take into account the corrosion allowance. For torispherical heads. The pressure registered by the gauge would be different if were at the bottom of the liquid filled vessel. some other component may have a lower maximum allowable working pressure. The pressure gauge is assumed to be at the top of the vessel. First. The hydrostatic head component is subtracted from this value. then you must either decrease the design pressure or increase the given thickness to achieve an acceptable design. the inside volume for a 2. 86 CodeCalc User's Guide . The second temperature is reduced if the actual stress is lower than the allowable stress. See the input notes above to enter normalized or non-normalized materials.1.00 inch straight flange is computed and used in the computation of the total volume for the head and the flange. Allowable External Pressure For the given diameter. Weight & Volume Results. The dimensions used in the volume and weight calculations are non-corroded dimensions. the maximum allowable external pressure is computed per UG--28. the given pressure. Results for Required Thickness for External Pressure Required thickness results are calculated iteratively using the rules of UG-28. and the software calculates the required thickness based on the entered value for external pressure. and length. thickness. Summary of External Pressure Results Summary listing displaying external pressure results for the user-entered thickness and the calculated required thickness. in the second case. No Corrosion Allowance CodeCalc computes the volume and weight of the shell component. The program also checks for materials. Additionally. The first temperature is interpolated directly from chart UCS-66. these temperatures represent the minimum design metal temperature for the given thickness and. Results for Max. which qualify for the -20 minimum design temperature per UG-20 and prints it in the output. Items such as the length and outside diameter are held constant. using figure UCS-66.Shells and Heads Minimum Metal Temperatures For carbon steels. Division 1 rules...................... hillside.............. 105 In This Section Purpose.1........ 88 Geometry Tab ................. Purpose....................... Section VIII............ and compares this area to the area available in the shell..... Section VIII............. CodeCalc User's Guide 87 .... allowing evaluation of off angle................................ or tangential nozzles........ The software also calculates the strength of failure paths for a nozzle.... You can also orientate the nozzle in directions such as hillside....... The calculation procedure is based on Figure UG-37............... 95 Shell/Head Tab ................ and radial..... Nozzles is based on the ASME Code............................................. Paragraph UG-37 through UG-45......... using the ASME Code..... Division 1.......8D Nozzle in spherical portion None None Spherical Head or Shell UG-27 (d) (3) The software evaluates nozzles at any reasonable angle from the perpendicular...... Scope... nozzle and optional reinforcing pad..... lateral........ 101 Results ......................... 91 Miscellaneous Tab .................... The software calculates the required thickness (for reinforcement conditions) based on inside or outside diameter for the following vessel components: Component Cylinder Elliptical Head Torispherical Head Conical Paragraph UG-27 (c) (1) UG-32 (d) (1) UG-32 (e) (1) UG-27 (g) Limitations Per UW-37 None Nozzle concentric within 0...... and Technical Basis (Nozzles)........SECTION 5 Nozzles Home tab: Components > Add New Nozzle Calculates the required reinforcement under internal pressure and performs failure path calculations for nozzles in shells and heads.................................. 87 Nozzle Tab ................. 2007 Edition.................... and Technical Basis (Nozzles) Nozzles calculates the required wall thickness and area of reinforcement for a nozzle in a pressure vessel shell or head... Scope................................... Enter the external design pressure. Required information such as the required thickness tr and trn are determined from the design internal pressure. This may be the item number on the drawing.Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. the design length is the tangent to tangent length plus the shell diameter / 6. the distance between stiffening rings. you would enter a value of 14. It will the choose the greatest required thickness.The software automatically updates material properties for built-in materials when you change the design temperature. and the software adjusts thicknesses and diameters when making calculations for the corroded condition. Figure 18: Nozzle Dimensions Nozzle Tab Specifies design parameters for nozzles.0133 bars. Design External Pressure . CodeCalc will compute the required thickness of the given geometry for the external pressure entered. CodeCalc will compute the required thickness for both external and internal pressure. You enter actual thickness and corrosion allowance. If you entered the allowable stresses by hand. For a vessel with 2 spherical heads and no intermediate stiffeners. This is a non-zero positive value and is usually obtained from the design drawings or vessel design specification. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. the design length is the tangent length plus the diameter/9. Design Internal Pressure .Enter the ID number of the item.Enter the internal design pressure. and proceed with the calculations. the program will automatically reduce the required area of reinforcement by 50 percent.7 psig (or rounded off to 15 psig) or 1. Description . If external pressure governs. Shell Design Length for External Pressure .Enter the design length of the section. 88 CodeCalc User's Guide . For a vessel with 2 elliptical heads and no intermediate stiffeners. you are responsible to update them for the given temperature. alternately. If you are designing for a full vacuum. Nozzles also performs UCS-66 MDMT calculations for nozzles. Item Number . typically the length of the vessel plus one third the depth of the heads or. the design length is the tangent length plus the diameter/3. Design Temperature for Internal Pressure . tr. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. For a vessel with 2 flanged and dished heads and no intermediate stiffeners.Nozzles Nozzles account for the internal corrosion allowance. Maximum Allowable Pressure for New Cold . Nozzle Material Name . You can enter a number of specific gravity units and CodeCalc converts the number to the current set of units.44 CodeCalc User's Guide 89 .66 36. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). This value is multiplied by the height of the liquid column in order to compute the static head pressure.The CodeCalc software will automatically update materials properties for BUILT-IN materials when you change the design temperature. If you entered the allowable stresses by hand. which displays read-only information about the selected material. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.23 31. Include Hydrostatic Head Components . Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. To do this.Indicates that CodeCalc will print out the parameters used for external pressure design.If your nozzle design needs to account for hydrostatic liquid head. 3. or click Back to select a different material. MAPnc for the nozzles is the minimum of the MAPs determined from analyzing the vessel elements using the Shell/Head part of the software. Print Intermediate Calculations For External Pressure . The software will then check to see if the nozzle is reinforced adequately using the user entered MAPnc. Designing nozzles for this case helps the vessel to comply with UG99 or appropriate (hydrotest) requirements. enter a 0 here and you must enter the required thickness of the component in the required field.Nozzles When analyzing a conical head enter the length along the axis of the cone. Name Ethane Propane N-butane Specific Gravity 0. you are responsible to update them for the given temperature. To modify material properties.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Some design specifications require that nozzle reinforcement calculations are performed for the maximum allowable pressure. select this box. If you type in the name. CodeCalc adds the hydrostatic pressure head to the internal design pressure for the required thickness calculation. 1. If any other head types are being analyzed. The software displays the material properties. Select the material that you want to use from the list. MAPnc. from the small end to the point where the nozzle center line penetrates the cone. cold allowable stresses are used and the corrosion allowance is set to 0. When the area of replacement calculations are made for this case.Enter the density of the operating fluid. 2.5077 0. Operating Liquid Density . new and cold condition. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Alternatively.5844 Density (lb/ft^3) 22.3564 0. Click Select to use the material. Check your design requirements to see if this case is required by your client. Convert the densities to your units. Typical specific gravities and densities are shown below in lbs/ft^3. Design Temperature for External Pressure . enter a number followed by the letters sg. 6247 0.1-dimethylcyclopentane N-octane Cyclopentane Methylcyclopentane Cyclohexane Methylcyclohexane Benzene Toluene Alcohol Ammonia Benzine Gasoline Kerosene Mineral Oil Petroleum Oil Water 0.56 42.27 55.7000 0.15 54.50 43.3-dimethylbutane N-heptane 2-methylheptane 3-methylheptane 2.78 41.6830 0.37 51.6917 0. 90 CodeCalc User's Guide .6689 0.29 42.24 47.6664 0.8000 0.03 43.Nozzles Iso-butane N-Pentane Iso-Pentane N-hexane 2-methypentane 3-methylpentane 2.7740 0.37 49.99 48.7504 0.96 41.8200 1.34 44.9200 0.4-dimethylpentane 1.14 62.8844 0.41 41.7068 0.6900 0.6310 0.7592 0.6540 0.26 55.2-dimethylbutane 2.03 41.11 39.8900 0.13 42.89 57.79 46.7536 0.6882 0.2-dimethylpentane 2.6773 0.71 40.0 35.35 38.6782 0.92 42.65 49.7900 0.5631 0.08 46.59 43.6640 0.Enter the distance from the bottom of this shell or head element to the surface of the liquid.4 Height of Liquid Column .6579 0.8718 0.85 48. The head pressure is determined by multiplying the liquid density by the height of the fluid to the point of interest.7834 0. Nominal diameter and thickness.000 .1.3.Actual diameter and thickness.6 " 8.5 " 4.5000 . The software uses the actual diameter entered in the Nominal Diameter of Nozzle box and the actual thickness entered in the Actual Thickness of Nozzle (0 if Nominal) box. then you must enter the nominal diameter of the nozzle in this field. The software looks up the actual diameter based on the nominal diameter entered in the Nominal Diameter of Nozzle box.1/8 " 0.5000 .5 " 2.0000 .2. Valid nominal diameters are: 0.25 " 1. Otherwise enter a schedule in the Nominal Schedule of Nozzle field.1/4 " 0.3750 .3750 .24 " 30. If you specify nominal or minimum for the nozzle size and thickness basis.Minimum diameter and thickness.3 " 3.25 " 1.16 " 18.5000 .3.5000 .Outside diameter Nozzle Size Thickness Basis .18 " 20.000 .1/2 " 0.Enter the diameter of the nozzle.Nozzles Geometry Tab Specifies nozzle geometry parameters.5000 .8 " 10.2500 .2500 .Select the value from the list.3/8 " 0. Minimum .3 " 3. Click Pipe Selection Actual Thickness of Nozzle (0 if Nominal) .0000 .1.1250 .0000 .Inside diameter OD .1250 .7500 .1 " 1.1/4 " 0. Nominal Diameter of Nozzle .5 " 6.1/2 " 0. The software looks up the actual diameter based on the nominal diameter entered in the Nominal Diameter of Nozzle box. Enter a value in this field only if you selected Actual in the Nozzle Size Thickness Basis field. CodeCalc User's Guide 91 .3/8 " 0. Nozzle Diameter Basis .30 " to select a pipe by nominal pip diameter and pipe schedule.1.0000 .5000 .3/4 " 1.0000 .2. Actual . It will then multiply the nominal thickness by a factor of 0.5000 . and looks up the nominal thickness based on the schedule entered in the Nominal Schedule of Nozzle field.2500 .5 " 2.000 .000 . ID .5000 .0000 .Enter the minimum actual thickness of the nozzle wall.0000 .20 " 24.1/8 " 0. Nominal .Specifies the diameter basis.1.875.5 " 0.000 .7500 .4 " 5.0000 .14 " 16.0000 . and looks up the nominal thickness based on the schedule entered in the Nominal Schedule of Nozzle field.000 .2 " 2.2 " 2.000 .0000 .000 .10 " 12.5 " 3.1 " 1.12 " 14.3/4 " 1.2500 .5 " 3. it is abutting the vessel wall. If the pressure entered is negative (vacuum) condition.The software adjusts both the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter.2500 . This value is used in two ways: This length is used to compute the nozzle weight.1/8 " 0. the software uses this value for the length in the external pressure required thickness calculations.The nozzle type and depth of groove welds are used to determine the required weld thicknesses and failure paths for the nozzle. enter the distance to the first elbow.0. If the nozzle is welded to the outside of the vessel wall.1 in the code shows typical insert and abutting nozzles.1/16 " 0. When the nozzle is non-circular. A seamless nozzle will have a value of 1. or anything that can be considered a stiffener. Nozzle Corrosion Allowance .0) . Insert or Abutting Nozzle .Nozzles Nominal Schedule of Nozzle .This value is used to compute the required thickness for a seamless nozzle. Nozzle Outside Projection .0625 . Required Thickness of Nozzle (Computed if 0.Enter the projection of the nozzle from the vessel wall to the nozzle flange.1/4 " Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam Through Which Nozzle Passes .Select the schedule for the nozzle wall. Some Common Corrosion Allowances are : 0.The seam efficiency is used in the area available calculations to reduce the area available in the shell. Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck . Figure UW-16. CodeCalc will use this value in determining the MDMT of the Nozzle. the seam efficiency is always 1.0. If the hole in the vessel is bigger than the nozzle OD and the nozzle is welded into the hole. it is inserted. If there is no flange. Select a value for this field only if you selected Nominal or Minimum In the Nozzle Size Thickness Basis field. Enter the actual thickness minus the corrosion allowance. valve. The nozzle required thickness values are used in the CODE equations for A2 "area available in the nozzle".The software normally calculates the required thickness of the nozzle but under the following circumstances you must enter the required thickness (Trn): When your job specification requires that no area be included from the shell. For shell and nozzle wall thickness calculations.1250 . 92 CodeCalc User's Guide . which is Pad OD = 2 * pad width + Nozzle OD Pad Thickness . For this type of nozzle. Therefore.angle nozzle makes a non-circular hole in the vessel.Enter the thickness of the pad. Is there a reinforcing pad? . enter the smaller diameter.If there is a reinforcing pad on the nozzle.Enter the outside diameter of the pad. enter the depth of the partial penetration or a zero. CodeCalc designs and recommends a reinforcing pad if one is needed. or just a fillet weld. Pad Outside Diameter Along Vessel Surface .Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the inward nozzle and the inside shell. but the analysis of areas is based only on what you have entered. Most groove welds between the nozzle and the vessel are full penetration welds. The depth of the weld is the same as the depth of the component (that is. although these two values will be equal when the nozzle is at 90 degrees. subtract the corrosion allowance from the new pad thickness. Some commonly used thicknesses are: 0.1/8 " 0. The software uses the least of the inside projection and the thickness limit with no pad to calculate the area available in the inward nozzle. Nozzle Inside Projection .1250 . The diameter of the pad is entered as the length along the vessel shell (not the projected diameter around the nozzle). you must go back into input and enter a pad of the correct size in order for the final configuration to be reflected in the final analysis. or if you want to specify the geometry for a reinforcing pad. If any external corrosion is to be considered. in this field.Enter the total depth of the groove weld. the thickness of the nozzle). a reinforcing pad with same width around the nozzle will have different diameter in the longitudinal and the circumferential planes.0625 .Nozzles Weld Leg Size for Fillet between Nozzle Shell or Pad . Figure 19: Nozzle Weld Locations Depth of Groove Weld between Nozzle and Vessel . If the nozzle is attached with a partial penetration weld. If CodeCalc recommends a pad or a larger pad than the one you enter.Enter the projection of the nozzle into the vessel.1/4 " CodeCalc User's Guide 93 .2500 . As a result.1/16 " 0. select this option.Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the nozzle and the pad or shell. The following figure shows different welds. A hillside or Y. you may safely enter a large number such as six or twelve inches if the nozzle continues into the vessel a long distance. Weld Leg for Fillet Between Nozzle Inside of Shell . respectively. Alternatively.Enter the total depth of the groove weld between the pad and the nozzle neck. 1.Indicates that the area will be reduced by 75%.8750 . the weld will not be included in the available area. 3. If you type in the name. If the nozzle is attached with a partial penetration weld. Note that if any part of this weld falls outside the diameter limit.3/8 " 0. The software displays the material properties.3750 . Click Select to use the material. The following figure shows different welds.6250 .4375 . respectively.5000 .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 2.7/8 " 1. To modify material properties. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. For split pads.3/4 " 0. or click Back to select a different material. or just a fillet weld.5/8 " 0. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.0000 .1/2 " 0. in this field.Nozzles 0. which displays read-only information about the selected material.7500 . 94 CodeCalc User's Guide . Select the material that you want to use from the list. enter the depth of the partial penetration or a zero. Depth of Groove Weld Between Pad and Nozzle Neck . Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the pad OD and the shell. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.7/16 " 0.1 " Pad Weld Leg Size at Outside Diameter . reduce area A5 by 75% per UG-37(h) . Pad Material Name . No area available in the shell or nozzle wall If the input has A2 there will be no area contributed by the nozzle wall for either the pad case (A2WP) or the case when there is no pad (A2NP). the required thickness of the head is equal to that of a seamless sphere of radius K1*D (D is the shell diameter and K1 is given by Table UG-37). Neglect Areas . or a vessel seam for which you did not want to take an available area reduction.Class 400 CL 600 .No area available in the nozzle wall A1 A2 .angle nozzle makes a non-circular hole in the vessel. An example of a diameter limitation would be two nozzles close together.Class 600 CL 900 . An example of a thickness limitation is a studding pad or nozzle stub that does not extend normal to the vessel wall as far as the thickness limit of the nozzle calculation. Is the Nozzle Outside the 80% Diameter Limit? .No area available in the shell or head A2 . If your geometry has an attached flange. The software will used these two items along with the temperature to rate the flange using the tables in ANSI B16. Option .5 Flange . you do not want to account for the area in the shell and sometimes in the nozzle. An example of a diameter limitation is two nozzles close together.If the nozzle is outside of the spherical portion of the elliptical or torispherical head.Select the large nozzle calculation option from the list. Class for Attached B16. The following flange classes are available: CL 150 . A1 . or a vessel seam for which you did not want to take an available area reduction.Class 1500 CodeCalc User's Guide 95 .Class 150 CL 300 . select the class from the list. A hillside or Y.Enter the maximum thickness for material contributing to nozzle reinforcement. The software uses the standard internal pressure equation from UG-27 instead of the equation from UG-37.Class 300 CL 400 .5. the diameter limit in the longitudinal and the circumferential planes is different. ASME Large Nozzle Calc. Physical Maximum for Nozzle Thickness Limit .The attached flange often limits the MAWP of a pressure vessel. Do you want to modify the reinforcement limit? .Frequently in the analysis of openings in heads or shells.Specifies that the software asks you the class and grade of the attached flange. When a nozzle is within the 80% diameter limit. If this is what your design specification calls out for then enter one of the following in this field.You can enter any physical limitation that exists on the thickness or the diameter available for reinforcement.Enter the maximum diameter for material contributing to nozzle reinforcement. enter the smaller diameter limit. An example of a thickness limitation would be a studding pad or nozzle stub which would not extend normal to the vessel wall as far as the thickness limit of the nozzle calculation. Do you want to rate the attached flange? . For this type of nozzle. select this option.Class 900 CL 1500 . So.Nozzles Miscellaneous Tab Specifies miscellaneous nozzle parameters. Physical Maximum for Nozzle Diameter Limit . Please review those cautionary notes in the ANSI B16.Class 2500 Grade of Attached B16.7 1. WCC A 352 Gr. B A 203 Gr. C12A A 387 Gr. F1 A 182 Gr. F2 Forgings A 105 A 350 Gr. WC9 A 387 Gr. 60 A 516 Gr. F9 A 182 Gr. LCC A 352 Gr.2 A 387 Gr. LC3 A 203 Gr.17 2. LF1 Cl. 1 A 182 Gr.1 C-Si C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 3½ Ni C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 2½Ni 3½Ni C-Si C-Mn-Si C-½Mo 2 ½Ni 3 ½Ni C-Si C-Mn-Si C-1/2Mo ½C-½Mo Ni-½Cr-½Mo ¾Ni-¾Cr-1Mo 1¼Cr-½Mo 1¼Cr-½Mo-Si 2¼Cr-1Mo Cr-½Mo 5Cr-½Mo 9Cr-1Mo 9Cr-1Mo-V 1Cr-½Mo 5Cr-½Mo 18Cr-8Ni A 182 Gr.4 1. F12 Cl. F11 Cl. 22 Cl.2 A 350 Gr.2 A 204 Gr. 70 A 537 Cl.3 A 352 Gr.2 A 182 Gr. F22 Cl. B 1. WCB Plates A 515 Gr. A A 204 Gr. 11 Cl.Nozzles CL 2500 .5 Flange . F5a A 182 Gr. 65 A 203 Gr. 65 A 516 Gr. 304 A 217 Gr. E A 515 Gr.2 A 182 Gr. LC2 A 352 Gr. The following flange grades are available: Table 1A List of Material Specifications (ASME B16. WC1 A 352 Gr.11 1.2 A 216 Gr. C A 182 Gr.10 1. Please note that there are certain advisories on the use of certain material grades. LF 6 Cl.13 1.Select the nozzle flange material grade (group).5-2003) Material Nominal Designation Group 1.2 A 350 Gr. F304 A 351 Gr. A A 203 Gr. LF3 Castings A 216 Gr.1 A 217 Gr. LF 6 Cl.5 1. F91 A 182 Gr. LC1 1.1 A 350 Gr. WC5 A 217 Gr. D A 515 Gr. C12 A 217 Gr.9 1. LCB A 217 Gr. 60 A 204 Gr.3 96 CodeCalc User's Guide .15 1.14 1.5 code. 1 1. F5 A 182 Gr. CF3 A 240 Gr. C5 A 217 Gr. 91 Cl. WC4 A 217 Gr. 70 A 516 Gr. WC6 A 217 Gr. LF2 A 350 Gr. F310 A 351 Gr. 316H A 240 Gr. N08020 B 162 Gr. CK20 B 462 Gr.0Ni-Low C 67Ni-30Cu 67Ni-30Cu-S 72Ni-15Cr-8Fe 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 2.8 20Cr-18Ni-6Mo A 182 Gr. N04405 B 564 Gr. CF8M A 351 Gr. 347H A 240 Gr. 321 A 240 Gr. CD3MWCuN Castings A 351 Gr. F304H 2. 348 A 240 Gr. 317 A 240 Gr. 304L A 240 Gr.3 3. N08020 B 160 Gr.0Ni 99. F316H A 182 Gr. F348 A 182 Gr. F321 A 182 Gr. N06600 B 409 Gr. F51 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-N A 182 Gr.5 2. CE8MN A 351 Gr. 309S A 240 Gr.5Mo-2Cr-2Fe-M B 462 Gr. 304H A 240 Gr. N02201 B 127 Gr.7 23Cr-12Ni 25Cr-20Ni 2. N08800 B 333 Gr. F316L A 182 Gr.2 3. CH20 A 351 Gr.12 3. N04400 B 168 Gr.6 2.9 2. F316 A 182 Gr.10 2.3 2. F348H A 182 Gr.1 3. 310S A 351 Gr. 316 A 240 Gr. N06600 B 564 Gr. N10675 n-W CodeCalc User's Guide 97 . N02200 B 162 Gr. CG8M Plates A 240 Gr. CF8C A 351 Gr.5Mo-W-Cb 25Cr-7Ni-3. 348H A 240 Gr.Nozzles Material Nominal Designation Group Forgings A 182 Gr.2 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-13Ni-3Mo 19Cr-10Ni-3Mo 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-10Ni-Ti 18Cr-10Ni-Cb A 182 Gr. N02201 B 564 Gr. F44 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo-N A 182 Gr. N10665 B 333 Gr.5 3. F317 A 182 Gr.4 2. N10665 64Ni-29. F347H A 182 Gr. N08800 B 463 Gr. S32760 A 240 Gr. CH8 A 351 Gr. N10675 2. 316L A 240 Gr. CF3M A 351 Gr.6 3. CK3McuN A 351 Gr.7 65Ni-28Mo-2Fe B 462 Gr. 310H A 240 Gr. CF8 A 351 Gr. F347 A 182 Gr. F53 24Cr-10Ni-4Mo-V 25Cr-5Ni-2Mo-3Cu 25Cr-7Ni-3. F321H A 182 Gr.4 3. 309H A 240 Gr. 321H A 240 Gr. N02200 B 160 Gr. CD4Mcu A 351 Gr. S32750 A 240 Gr. F304L A 182 Gr. S31803 A 240 Gr. 347 A 240 Gr.5Mo-N-Cu-W 23Cr-12Ni 25Cr-20Ni 25Cr-12Ni 18Cr-10Ni-Cb 25Cr-20Ni 35Ni-35Fe-10Cr-Cb 99. S31254 A 240 Gr. N04400 B 164 Gr.11 2. CN7M 3. N08810 B 536 Gr. N08330 A 351 Gr.9 3.5Cb 62Ni-28Mo-5Fe 70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 61Ni-16Mo-16Cr 42Ni-21. N08825 B 462 Gr. N08320 B 582 Gr. N06002 B 672 Gr.2 A 350 Gr. N08700 B 625 Gr. CN3MN 3.17 Table 1A List of Material Specifications (ASME B16.1 A 350 Gr.2 1. LF 6 Cl.10 3. N08904 Castings Plates B 575 Gr. N08330 A 351 Gr. N06455 B 564 Gr. N06030 B 409 Gr. LC3 A 352 Gr. N10001 B 434 Gr.5Cu-2.5Cr-3. N08031 B 582 Gr. N08700 B 649 Gr. N08367 -N 49Ni-25Cr-18Fe-6Mo Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu-Low C 47Ni-22Cr-19Fe-6Mo 40Ni-29Cr-15Fe-5Mo 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 35Ni-19Cr-1¼Si 29Ni-20. N10001 B 573 Gr.15 3.5Cr-3Mo-2. N10003 B 574 Gr. 65 A 516 Gr. N06625 B 335 Gr.5-1996) Material Nominal Designation Group 1.11 3. N08320 47Ni-22Cr-20Fe-7Mo B 581 Gr.16 3. N06455 B 424 Gr.5Mo 55Ni-23Cr-16Mo-1. N06030 B 564 Gr. LF2 A 350 Gr. N08367 B 582 Gr. N06975 B 625 Gr.14 3. N08904 B 620 Gr. E A 515 Gr.3 98 CodeCalc User's Guide . A A 203 Gr. N06985 46Fe-24Ni-21Cr-6Mo-Cu B 462 Gr. WCB A 216 Gr.3Cu 55Ni-21Cr-13. LCB Plates A 515 Gr. N06007 B 582 Gr.8 3. 65 A 203 Gr. N06022 B 462 Gr. N10003 B 575 Gr. N08031 B 581 Gr. N06002 B 599 Gr.1 C-Si C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 21/2Ni 31/2Ni C-Si C-Mn-Si 21/2Ni 31/2Ni Forgings A 105 A 350 Gr. 1 A 203 Gr. N06625 B 333 Gr. N06975 B 462 Gr.6Cu 47Ni-22Cr-9Mo-I8Fe 25Ni-46Fe-21Cr-5Mo 44Fe-25Ni-21Cr-Mo Forgings B 564 Gr.12 26Ni-43Fe-22Cr-5Mo B 621 Gr. LC2 A 352 Gr. N06200 B 572 Gr. LF3 Castings A 216 Gr. D 1. 70 A 537 Cl. 70 A 516 Gr. N08825 B 575 Gr.5M o B 581 Gr.13 3. LCC A 352 Gr. N10276 B 443 Gr. N08810 B 511 Gr. N06022 B 575 Gr. N06985 B 688 Gr. N06007 B 462 Gr. N10276 B 564 Gr. LF 6 Cl. WCC A 352 Gr.Nozzles Material Nominal Designation Group 54Ni-16Mo-15Cr 60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3. B A 203 Gr. N06200 B 435 Gr. F53 A 182 Gr. F5 A 182 Gr. F304H A 182 Gr.14 1. 309H A 240 Gr. 22 Cl. F91 A 182 Gr. C12A A 351 Gr. C5 A 217 Gr.13 1. F44 A 182 Gr. WC9 A 217 Gr. CG8M A 387 Gr. F12 Cl. C12 A 217 Gr. F2 1. F22 Cl. F348H A 217 Gr. A A 204 Gr.6 2. LC1 A 217 Gr. 60 A 516 Gr. F347H A 182 Gr. 316H A 240 Gr. F348 A 182 Gr.8 CodeCalc User's Guide 99 . CF8 A 351 Gr.5Mo-W-Cb A 182 Gr. LF1 Cl. 321 A 240 Gr.1 2. F5a A 182 Gr. WC4 A 217 Gr. WC6 A 217 Gr. CH20 A 351 Gr. S31254 A 240 Gr. CF3 A 351 Gr. 310H A 240 Gr. 304L A 240 Gr. 316L A 240 Gr. F55 A 351 Gr. 316 A 240 Gr. F1 A 217 Gr. CE8MN A 351 Gr. 60 A 204 Gr. 317 A 240 Gr. 11 Cl.9 1. 321H A 351 Gr. CF3M A 351 Gr. 304 A 240 Gr.15 2. S32750 A 240 Gr. 310S A 240 Gr. 347H A 240 Gr. F321 A 182 Gr. WC1 A 352 Gr. CF8M A 351 Gr.7 25Cr-12Ni 23Cr-12Ni 25Cr-20Ni 20Cr-18Ni-6Mo 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo-N 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-N 24Cr-10Ni-4Mo-V 25Cr-5Ni-2Mo-3Cu 25Cr-7Ni-3. F321H A 182 Gr. CK20 A 351 Gr. 347 A 240 Gr. B A 204 Gr. S31803 A 240 Gr.2 A 182 Gr.4 1. 309S A 240 Gr. F9 A 182 Gr. F11 Cl. CD3MWCuN 2. 91 Cl. F310 A 182 Gr.3 2.4 2.2 A 182 Gr. 348 A 240 Gr. 1 A 182 Gr.3 A 182 Gr. F316 A 182 Gr. F347 A 182 Gr.2 2.2 A 387 Gr. CD4Mcu A 351 Gr. 304H A 240 Gr. WC5 Castings Plates A 515 Gr. F316H A 182 Gr. CH8 A 351 Gr. CK3McuN A 351 Gr. F304L A 182 Gr. S32760 2. C 1.5 A 182 Gr. CF8C A 240 Gr. F51 A 182 Gr.2 A 240 Gr.10 1. F304 A 182 Gr.7 A 182 Gr.2 A 387 Gr.5 C-Si C-Mn-Si C-1/2Mo C-1/2Mo 1/2Cr-1/2Mo Ni-1/2Cr-1/2Mo 3/4Ni-3/4Cr-1Mo 1Cr-1/2Mo 11/4Cr-1/2Mo 11/4Cr-1/2Mo-Si 21/4Cr-1Mo 5Cr-1/2Mo 9Cr-1Mo 9Cr-1Mo-V 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-13Ni-3Mo 19Cr-10Ni-3Mo 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-10Ni-Ti 18Cr-10Ni-Cb Forgings A 350 Gr. 348H A 240 Gr.Nozzles Material Nominal Designation Group 1. F316L A 182 Gr. F-1. The type of weld can optionally be entered in this field.375 inches or less 2. N10001 B 434 Gr. N06600 B 409 Gr. then CodeCalc will perform the additional weld size calculations per UW-16(d)(1). X-1. 100 CodeCalc User's Guide .2 3. N02200 B 160 Gr. the minimum thickness requirement per UG-45 is not required. then no area of reinforcement calculations will be performed on this nozzle item. Y-1. N10001 B 573 Gr.Nozzles Material Nominal Designation Group 25Cr-7Ni-3. C. Z-2 weld.5" finished opening in a shell or head with minimum required thk.4 3. N06455 B 424 Gr. N06625 B 335 Gr. N10665 B 575 Gr. F-3. Perform Area Calculations for Small Nozzles? . N02201 B 564 Gr. Is this a manway or access/inspection opening? . N04400 B 168 Gr. N06600 B 564 Gr. K. of .375" finished opening in a shell or head greater than minimum required thk. N10276 B 564 Gr. N02200 B 162 Gr.Select the type of weld connecting the nozzle to the shell or head. D.0Ni-Low C 67Ni-30Cu 67Ni-30Cu-S 72Ni-15Cr-8Fe 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 65Ni-28Mo-2Fe 54Ni-16Mo-15Cr 60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3.Code paragraph UG-36 discusses the requirement of performing area replacement calculations when small nozzles are involved. If it is a type I. J. then CodeCalc will not perform the weld strength calculations. N10003 B 575 Gr.375 inches If your geometry meets this criteria and this checkbox is NOT checked. N08800 B 333 Gr. The code states: Openings in vessels not subject to rapid fluctuations in pressure do not require reinforcement other than that inherent in the construction under the following conditions : 3. Checking this box will cause the software to bypass the UG-45 minimum nozzle neck thickness requirement.1 3. N04400 B 164 Gr. OR Z-1 weld.0Ni 99. If it is a type A.5Mo-N-CuW 3. of . Select None if you want the software to perform the weld strength calculations regardless of the type of welded geometry. F-2. N08825 B 463 Gr. The code exempts these calculations per paragraph UW-15 when one of the above weld classifications such as A is used. N08020 B 162 Gr. L. X-2.6 3.3C u B 462 Gr. N04405 B 564 Gr.8 35Ni-35Fe-20Cr-Cb 99.5Cr-3Mo-2. N10003 B 574 Gr.5 3. F-4. Y-2. N06455 B 564 Gr. B. N10665 B 564 Gr. N06625 B 333 Gr. N08020 B 160 Gr.7 3. E. N08825 Forgings Castings Plates ASME Code Weld Type .UG 45 states that if the opening is a manway or access opening. N08800 B 335 Gr.5Cb 62Ni-28Mo-5Fe 70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 61Ni-16Mo-16Cr 42Ni-21. N10276 B 443 Gr. G.3 3. N02201 B 127 Gr. Click Select to use the material. Shell/Head Tab Specifies parameters for shells and heads. Additionally. or click Back to select a different material. as specified in the Code.Calculate the required thickness using the FLANGE module and enter it in. or steam service? . Do not skip iterative failure thickness calcs. The thickness of an elliptical head is analyzed as an equivalent spherical head. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Note that this value is only used for documentation purposes and is not used for any computations. the crown radius is given on the inside diameter basis.Select the large nozzle calculation option from the list.Enter the aspect ratio for the elliptical head. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis for the ellipse. For more information. Alternatively. in the ASME VIII Div. CodeCalc User's Guide 101 . You must enter the required thickness (below) under the following circumstances: Bolted Flat Heads .Select if the vessel s under compressed air. Shell/Head Material Name . water. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).0.Select the type of shell for this shell section. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. or water service.If the pipe is not seamless. then check this box. the thickness of the spherical portion of a torispherical head is analyzed using the same paragraph. See the illustration in the catalog and where the arrows for "DR" and "IKR" point to (the inside of the head). The software displays the material properties. Any other geometry not covered by the program.Enter the crown radius for torispherical heads. Similarly. Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being "OD" heads. the software automatically reduces the required area of reinforcement if you specify a flat head per UG-39(b)(1). 1.? .If this box is checked then the software iteratively computes the maximum corrosion allowance and minimum wall thickness at which the failure occurs. Is this welded pipe? . The crown radius for a torispherical head is referred to as the dimension "L". see Appendix 1-4 in the Code. Type of Shell . Inside Crown Radius for Torispherical Heads . This dimension is usually referred to as "DR" in many head catalogs. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. For a standard 2:1 elliptical head the aspect ratio is 2. 2. By default for UG45 the program uses the value of 1/16 of an inch for minimum thickness considerations. Select the material that you want to use from the list. ASME Large Nozzle Calculation Option . which displays read-only information about the selected material. If you type in the name.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. steam. To modify material properties. 1 Code. paragraph UG-37 (a). Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Nozzles Is this compressed air. Aspect Ratio for Elliptical Heads . This causes the software to use a value of 3/32 instead of the 1/16 inch default per UG 16(b). 3. 33*m) Bolted flat heads (include bending moment). and enter the small dimension as the component diameter above. use the Flange module and model it as a blind flange. The maximum value of the half apex angle for cones under internal pressure and without toriconical transitions or discontinuity stress check is 30 degrees. Typically the largest angle for cones under external pressure is 60 degrees.Enter the knuckle radius r for torispherical heads. Attachment Factor for Flat Head . See the illustration in the catalog and where the arrows for DR and IKR point to (the inside of the head). In that case the user is encouraged to use the CONICAL module for a more detailed analysis. The largest angle for cones under internal pressure and with toriconical sections or discontinuity stress check is 60 degrees. This dimension is usually referred to as IKR in many head catalogs. but with a warning.20 (b-2) 0.30 (j k) Head welded to vessel with generous radius Head welded to vessel with small radius Lap welded or brazed construction Integral flat circular heads Plate welded inside vessel (check 0. Some typical attachment factors display below.33 (r s) Large Diameter for Noncircular Flat Heads .25 (p) 0. Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being OD heads. enter the large dimension in this field.Nozzles Inside Knuckle Radius for Torispherical Heads .If you have a noncircular welded flat head. according to ASME Section VIII Div. the knuckle radius is given on the inside diameter basis.20 (c) 0.20 (I) 0. If you exceed these values the program will run. however consult Paragraph UG-34 before using these values: 0. Figure UG-34. see Appendix 1-4 in the Code. If the head is circular. Bolted flat head with full face gasket Plate screwed into small diameter vessel Plate held in place by beveled edge 0.30 (m n o) Plate held in place by screwed ring 0. To compute the required thickness of the bolted flat heads (type j and k).17 (b-1) 0.Enter the half-apex angle for cones or conical sections. This value is used to compute the factor Z for noncircular heads. calculated or selected from ASME Code. enter the diameter here. Division 1. 1. Paragraph UG-34.33*m) Plate welded to end of shell Plate welded to end of shell (check 0. 102 CodeCalc User's Guide .33 (h) 0.75 (q) 0.Enter the flat head attachment factor.20 (e f g) 0. For more information.13 (d) 0. Section VIII. Half Apex Angle for Conical Sections . Y-angle or lateral nozzles can be specified in case of conical and cylindrical sections. In these cases CodeCalc automatically checks the area requirements in both the planes.Nozzles Is this a Lateral Nozzle (Y-angle)? . For integral construction. only the vessel-nozzle centerline angle needs to be specified. The current requirement is the angle between the centerline of the nozzle and the centerline of the vessel. and the offset from vessel centerline. In this case. The following figure illustrates these dimensions. using the corresponding lengths of the nozzle opening.Non-radial nozzles can be specified by entering the angle between the vessel and nozzle centerlines. Figure 20: Vessel-Nozzle Angle For users of versions prior to 6. Figure 21: Radial Nozzle Angle Hillside nozzles and some angular nozzles are subject to calculations to meet area requirements in both planes of reinforcement. Is this a Radial Nozzle? . This vessel-nozzle centerline angle can vary from 0 to a limiting value depending upon specific geometry. only required for the graphic and not for the analysis. the input specification for non radial and non hillside nozzles has changed.40. by turning on this option. the Code F correction factor of 0.5 will automatically be applied in the CodeCalc User's Guide 103 . In this case the input for the offset dimension and vessel-nozzle centerline angle are optional. The following figure shows an example. a value of 1. UG-34 for equivalent diameter of the head. this value is ignored. Diameter of Shell/Head (not crown radius) .5% of the nominal wall thickness.40. Refer to Fig. For example. For example. the inside crown or radius is equal to the vessel outside diameter. Many pipe materials have a minimum specified wall thickness which is 87.The only time the required thickness must be entered is if the component being analyzed is a bolted flat head. Actual Thickness of Shell .Select ID for shell sections based on the inside diameter. the required thickness of the shell/head will be computed by the program. Shell Corrosion Allowance .Refer to Fig. They are as follows: If you want to enter an offset and allow CodeCalc to compute the nozzle angle. If the connection is pad reinforced. Normally.Enter the diameter of the shell or head. The software adjusts both the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter. Otherwise. or computed via the entered offset values.Enter the corrosion allowance. as of Version 5. for a flanged & dished torispherical head. You should enter the minimum thickness.Enter the angle between the nozzle and shell. Shell Diameter Basis .0 will be used.Diameter of the cone at the point where the nozzle intersects the shell. and you would like to take credit for the Code 0. Angle Between Nozzle and Shell Centerlines . the required thickness must be left blank.Diameter of the gasket reaction. Bolted heads with narrow faced gasket . the program expects the diameter of the cone at the point where the nozzle intersects the shell. The use of the F factor is limited to nozzles located on cylindrical and conical sections. the required thickness must be entered in and multiplied by the F factor. several changes have been made relating to the use of the required thickness. The F factor is used to account for the fact that the longitudinal stress is one half of the hoop stress. UG-34 for equivalent diameter of the head. Cones. For cones.5 F-correction factor.Diameter of the shell to which the head is attached. in case of most welded heads this is the diameter over which the pressure acts.Nozzles hillside direction. For bolted heads with narrow faced gasket this is the diameter of the gasket reaction. Flat heads . If an angle less than 90 has been entered. Torispherical heads . Select OD for shell sections based on the outside diameter.Enter the offset between the nozzle and the center of the shell.Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate or pipe used to build the shell. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel. Enter Required Thicknesses? . 104 CodeCalc User's Guide . Figure 22: Hillside Nozzle Angle Offset Distance from Cylinder/Head Centerline (L1) . For hillside nozzles. in case of most welded heads this is the diameter over which the pressure acts. For flat heads. ........................ 106 Large Diameter Nozzle Calculations ...................................... the diameter and thickness shown will be the same as those which you entered......... Calculated per UG-37 or as given by the user. 107 Iterative Results Per Pressure.. Area..................875. 105 Required Thickness of Shell and Nozzle ... In 1989 we submitted a request for interpretation to the ASME Code in order to show that the use of 1............................. Required Shell Thickness for Ext...................................................... Calculated per UG-27 or as given by the user........... Required Shell Thickness for Hydro .................................................... 107 Actual Nozzle Diameter Thickness If you specified an actual basis for nozzle diameter and thickness.... 106 Minimum Design Metal Temperature ........ P ..... If you entered minimum. The joint efficiency used in this calculation is always 1........ If you specified nominal..................................... Required Thickness of Shell and Nozzle The software calculates the required thickness for the shell and nozzle as follows: Cylindrical (and the nozzle wall) Hemisphere Torispherical Elliptical Conical Flat Calculated per UG-27 or as given by the user.......Specifies the required shell thickness for external pressure......0 under all circumstances CodeCalc User's Guide 105 ...0.Specifies the required shell thickness for hydro............................Nozzles If an angle less than 90 has been entered and you do not want to take credit for the Code 0........... the required thickness should be entered................... 107 Failure Path Calculations .................... Results Topics Actual Nozzle Diameter Thickness . P ....Specifies the required shell thickness for internal pressure................................. Calculated per UG-37 or as given by the user........5 F-correction factor......... these values will be the nominal diameter and thickness found in the software pipe size tables...... 105 UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness ............ And UG-45 ....................... 106 Required and Available Areas ....................... Required Shell Thickness for Int................... Calculated per UG-37 or as given by the user.. Calculated per UG-37 or as given by the user............. 107 Weld Size Calculations .... 106 Effective Material Diameter and Thickness Limits ....................... 107 Weld Strength Calculations ..... 106 Selection of Reinforcing Pad .... the software will have looked up the diameter and thickness in the pipe size tables and then multiplied the thickness by 0..... your Code Vessel is in violation of this paragraph.1. UG-37.5. the nozzle is adequately reinforced for the large diameter rules. If the calculated value of the percent within this limit is greater than 66%.Nozzles was justified. (Diameter limit minus inside hole radius) in the calculations for the area available in the shell. Effective Material Diameter and Thickness Limits The MAWP for reinforcement is an estimate. the software selects a thickness based on a pad at the diameter limit. while all diameter results are rounded up to the nearest eighth of an inch. the rules of Appendix 1-7 require that two-thirds of the reinforcement be within 0. The MAP for the flange is based on ANSI B16. typically accurate to within 1 or 2 psi. Selection of Reinforcing Pad The program gives up to three possible reinforcing pad selections. If this exceeds the diameter limit.75 of the natural diameter limit for the nozzle.5 tables for the given grade and class of flange. 106 CodeCalc User's Guide . Large Diameter Nozzle Calculations For large diameter nozzles.d. provided the nozzle does not pass through a weld? Reply: Yes. Note also that the program takes into account the case where the nozzle passes through a weld by asking the joint efficiency of the weld. The question and reply were as follows: Question: In reinforcement calculations. Required and Available Areas The area required is calculated per UG-37(c). All thickness results are rounded up to the nearest sixteenth. the software does not use the pure code equation. Enter the given MAWP as the design pressure to check its accuracy. The software uses dl . Thickness based on the thinner of the shell and nozzle walls. calculating a required diameter. For a large nozzle geometry to meet Code requirements both sets of area calculations must meet their respective area requirements. which is only true when the natural diameter limit is used. Because you can enter a reduced diameter limit. If the thickness used by CodeCalc for your nozzle calculation is less than required by UG-45. if any. Pad diameter based on the given pad thickness.0 regardless of the joint efficiency determined for the vessel wall and nozzle wall from the rules in UW-12. is the joint efficiency used in calculating the required thickness of the vessel wall tr and the required thickness of the wall trn 1. The reply was published in the A-90 Addenda as Interpretation VIII-1-89-171. Pad thickness based on the given pad diameter. UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness The software uses the design rules from paragraph UG-45 for minimum nozzle neck thickness. The required areas are calculated per Fig. This is because the code incorrectly assumes that dl-d is always equal to d. For all vessel types under external pressure and for flat heads. this value is multiplied by 0. (d).7 times its leg dimension. and (z-1). (f-4). (x-1). (b).1 when performing these calculations.1. But. and whether there is an inward projection. Note also that UW-15(b) indicates that no strength calculations for nozzle attachment welds are required for figure UW-16. The outward nozzle weld is compared to the cover weld required by the Code.Nozzles Minimum Design Metal Temperature The minimum design metal temperature is computed for the nozzle. K. Failure Path Calculations The failure paths differ based on whether there is a reinforcing pad. (c).1. for types I. (f-1). The last two terms in the equations shown give the stress factor and basic allowable stress for the element in the direction considered. Note also that for cover welds the maximum weld the Code requires is 0. Weld Strength Calculations The strength of connection elements is their cross sectional area times the allowable unit stress for the element. sketches (a). CodeCalc will perform the additional weld size calculations per UW-16(d)(1). CodeCalc User's Guide 107 . You can project the nozzle service lifetime based on the rate of corrosion and the above results. Iterative Results Per Pressure. Note that the strength of each path must exceed either the W value or the W#-# associated with that path. (y-1). Z-2 weld. X-2. (g). L. (e). Y-2. And UG-45 Assuming the same corrosion allowance for the shell and nozzle. the maximum (failure) corrosion allowance. J. In addition to the cover welds. the minimum (discard) nozzle thickness and the minimum (failure) shell thickness are computed. (f-3). UCS-66 and UCS-66. (f-2). whether the nozzle is inserted or abutting.25 inches. Area. the total groove weld plus cover weld for inserted nozzles must be at least 1. The software considers UG-20(f). Weld Size Calculations Nozzle weld thicknesses are based on Figure UW-16. The pad weld requirement is typically at least one half of the element thickness. Note that the minimum dimension of a weld is 0.25 times the minimum element thickness. Nozzles 108 CodeCalc User's Guide . and 1-7 This module calculates required thickness and maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for the cone under both internal and external pressure. The required area of reinforcement and actual reinforcement available are calculated for both internal and external pressures. Figure 23: Conical Dimensions CodeCalc User's Guide 109 . Also calculated are the required thickness of the attached cylinders under either internal or external pressure and the required thickness of a transition knuckle. Enter actual thickness and corrosion allowance.SECTION 6 Conical Sections Home tab: Components > Add New Conical Section Performs internal and external pressure design of conical sections and stiffening rings using the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 2010 Edition. Section VIII. UG-33. paragraphs UG-32. and Appendix 1. Sections 1-5. Corrosion allowance is fully considered. Reinforcement is limited to the area available in the shell sections plus simple stiffening rings. Division 1 rules. and the software adjusts thicknesses and diameters when making calculations for the corroded condition. .1 (A-90 Addenda and following.....Partial Vacuum Take Cone as Lines of Support for External Pressure? ..... Paragraph UG-28 and Figure UG-28.......... Design External Pressure ............... This value is used by the input echo to help insure that the correct design data was entered.........Enter the temperature associated with the internal design pressure...... you are responsible to update them for the given temperature.... 110 Cone Geometry Tab ....... The software automatically updates materials properties for external pressure calculations when you change the design temperature..3........... ASME and EN-13445... Alternately. For details see Section VIII. The moment of inertia with the knuckle is calculated. but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.......... Enter zero for internal pressure if you only want to analyze the external pressure case... If you enter a zero in this field...3 psig . If you entered the allowable stresses by hand.Enter the temperature associated with the external design pressure.... Examples of External Pressure: 0 .....7 psig.Enter the design pressure for external pressure analysis.. the moment of inertia is very easy to be less than the required for knuckle-to-cylinder junction — because the shell/knuckle/cone is usually so close to the resulting neutral axis........Full Vacuum 0.......No External Pressure 15 psig (0....... External Pressure definitions are the same for PD:5500..... This entry is optional...... Division 1..Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item....Conical Sections In This Section Cone Design Tab (Conical Sections) ..... However... This can be the item number on the drawing.... This should be a positive value. provided that the moment of inertia and area of reinforcement requirements of ASME Appendix 1-8 are satisfied.... or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially.. Design External Temperature ...... 115 Cone Design Tab (Conical Sections) Item Number ......... 112 Small Cylinder and Larger Cylinder Tabs . because the equivalent length of the large cylinder/ cone/small cylinder combination may easily result in low allowable external pressures.) Normally it is preferable to take the cone as lines of support..... you can calculate external pressure using an equivalent design length which includes the cone and both the large and small cylinders. such as 14.......... 113 Results ...... For a skirt........... Description .... Therefore..1034 MPa) .. Design Internal Temperature ....... Design Internal Pressure ....Select to take the intersections of the cone and the two cylinders as lines of support for external pressure...Enter an ID number for the item. The design external pressure at this temperature is a completely different design case than the internal pressure case..... 110 CodeCalc User's Guide . This value is not used by the analysis portion of the software... this temperature may be different than the temperature for internal pressure....... you should not enter a value other than zero because there cannot be an external pressure on a skirt... The software automatically updates materials properties for BUILT-IN materials when you change the design temperature....... the software does not determine the required thickness due to external pressure but will determine the External MAWP...................You can analyze both internal and external pressure at the same time because the two cases are analyzed and reported separately....... following the procedure of code example L-3...... Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.1/8" 0. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.85 .1/16" 0.70 . If your design temperature is below the lower limit.Conical Sections Many external pressure charts have both lower and upper limits on temperature. 1. or click Back to select a different material. 1. Div. To modify material properties. Alternatively. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. The software displays the material properties. Elliptical and torispherical heads are typically seamless but may require a stress reduction which may be entered as a joint efficiency. 3.Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for shell sections with welded seams. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1.0625 .No Radiography Cone Circ. This is the efficiency of the longitudinal seam in a cylindrical shell or any seam in a spherical shell.Spot Xray 0. This is the efficiency of the circumferential seam at the cone to cylinder junction. Joint Efficiency . use the lower limit. Select the material that you want to use from the list.2500 . Click Select to use the material. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If your temperature is above the upper limit the component may not be designed for vacuum conditions. Cone Material . Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Cone Corrosion Allowance . Cone Long. 2. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Enter the corrosion allowance. Joint Efficiency . Refer to Section VIII.1250 . Table UW-12 for help in determining this value.00 . The software adjusts both the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter.Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for shell section with welded circumferential seams. If you type in the name.1/4" CodeCalc User's Guide 111 .Full Radiography 0. the software calculates an angle based on the cone diameters and length.7/16 " 0. This should not be the diameter at the point where a knuckle or flare intersects the conical section. In general. This diameter is also used for the cylinder at the large end of the cone.2500 .6250 .3/8 " 0. Note that we have formulated the calculations so that a positive (tensile) axial force adds to the tension due to internal pressure. but at the point where the knuckle or flare intersects the cylindrical section. If you enter a zero for the angle. from external attachments. while a negative (compressive) axial force subtracts from the tension due to internal pressure.Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate or pipe used to build the vessel. For external pressure calculations it must not be greater than 60 degrees. This diameter basis is also used for the cylinder at the small end of the cone and the cylinder at the large end of the cone. Select OD for shell sections based on outside diameter. This should not be the diameter at the point where a knuckle or flare intersects the conical section.For internal pressure calculations the half apex angle should not be greater than 30 degrees. check this field.1/4 " 0. The software calculates the effective length of the cone for internal and external pressure calculations.3/4 " 0.5% of the nominal wall thickness.8750 .Enter the diameter of the cone at the large end. and thermal loads.4375 .If there are axial forces on the cone. Examples of axial forces include weight loads. not the force per unit circumferences as used by the Code (f1. Total Axial Force on Large End for Internal Pressure .1/8 " 0.1/2 " 0. f2).5000 .7/8 " 1.1 " Are there axial forces on the cone? . The software calculates the other diameter.1/16 " 0. The software calculates the force per unit circumference before performing the calculation. Cone Half Apex Angle . Cone Diameter at Small End .0000 . loads causing compression are significant for the external pressure case. Many pipe materials have a minimum specified wall thickness which is 87.Select ID for shell sections based on inside diameter. The software calculates the other diameter. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel.7500 . while loads causing tension are significant for the internal pressure case. Cone Diameter at Large End .Conical Sections Cone Geometry Tab Cone Diameter Basis . The axial force due to internal or external pressure is already taken into account by the software. Some commonly used thicknesses are: 0. but at the point where the knuckle or flare intersects the cylindrical section.Enter the length of the cone along the axis of the vessel. though the program will give results for up to 60 degrees.Enter the axial force.0625 . Cone Actual Thickness . Cone Axial Length .5/8 " 0.1250 . 112 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the diameter of the cone at the small end. This diameter is also used for the cylinder at the small end of the cone.3750 . f2). while a positive (tensile) axial force subtracts from the compression due to external pressure.Conical Sections Total Axial Force on Large End for External Pressure . 1. not the force per unit circumferences as used by the Code (f1.5% of the nominal wall thickness. Select the material that you want to use from the list.85 . while a positive (tensile) axial force subtracts from the compression due to external pressure.Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for shell sections with welded seams. The software displays the material properties. Cylinder Joint Efficiency . the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Small Cylinder and Larger Cylinder Tabs Cylinder Material .1250 . 1. or click Back to select a different material. 1. To modify material properties. while a negative (compressive) axial force subtracts from the tension due to internal pressure.Full Radiography 0. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Many pipe materials have a minimum specified wall thickness which is 87.Enter the axial force. not the force per unit circumferences as used by the Code (f1. Table UW-12 for help in determining this value. 2. Refer to Section VIII. Click Select to use the material. 3. If you type in the name. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. not the force per unit circumferences as used by the Code (f1. Note that we have formulated the calculations so that a negative (compressive) axial force adds to the compression due to external pressure. Div. Note that we have formulated the calculations so that a positive (tensile) axial force adds to the tension due to internal pressure. f2). Note that we have formulated the calculations so that a negative (compressive) axial force adds to the compression due to external pressure. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.00 .Enter the axial force. f2).1/4 " CodeCalc User's Guide 113 .0625 . The software calculates the force per unit circumference before performing the calculation. The software calculates the force per unit circumference before performing the calculation.2500 . Total Axial Force on Small End for Internal Pressure . Elliptical and torispherical heads are typically seamless but may require a stress reduction which may be entered as a joint efficiency.1/16 " 0. Total Axial Force on Small End for External Pressure .Spot Xray 0.Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate or pipe used to build the vessel. Alternatively.70 .No Radiography Cylinder Actual Thickness .Enter the axial force. The software calculates the force per unit circumference before performing the calculation.1/8 " 0. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Some commonly used thicknesses are: 0.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. This is the efficiency of the longitudinal seam in a cylindrical shell or any seam in a spherical shell. Enter the location of the reinforcing bar: SHELL .6250 . 1.1/4" Cylinder Axial Length . Reinforcing Ring . Knuckle and Bar Ring . Location of Reinforcing Ring .Toroidal knuckle on this end (radius and thickness) .7/8 " 1. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0.Enter the length of the cylinder along the axis of the vessel.7500 . For example. 3. and depth of beam). which displays read-only information about the selected material.Conical Sections 0. CONE . You can also think of this as the projection of the bar out from the vessel OD.1/2 " 0. The software adjusts both the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter. Section . 2.7/16 " 0.3/4 " 0. The software displays the material properties. Select the material that you want to use from the list. or click Back to select a different material. a donut shaped plate 10 inches by 1 inch has a radial width of 10.5/8 " 0.1/8" 0. Knuckle . Alternatively.1 " Cylinder Corrosion Allowance . but is required for external pressure calculations.Toroidal knuckle and a reinforcing beam section on this end. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.1/16" 0. Click Select to use the material. For example.5000 .2500 . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Axial Thickness of Reinforcing Ring . This value is not used in internal pressure calculations.Enter the corrosion allowance.4375 .welded to the cone Radial Width of Reinforcing Ring .welded to the shell (cylinder).Reinforcing bar on this end (width and thickness). Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Reinforcement/Knuckle Material . Knuckle and Section Ring .3750 . Bar . None .Toroidal knuckle and a reinforcing bar on this end. If you type in the name. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.8750 .Reinforcing beam section on this end (moment of inertia. 114 CodeCalc User's Guide . To modify material properties.Enter the thickness of the reinforcing bar.3/8 " 0.0000 . area.0625 . a donut shaped plate 10 inches by 1 inch has an axial thickness of 1.No reinforcement on this end and no knuckle.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Enter the width of the reinforcing bar.Select the type of reinforcing ring. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.1250 . .. Knuckle Thickness .. (h))... 115 Reinforcement Calculations Under Internal Pressure .... T. Note that this section is shown even when the internal design pressure is zero: the required thicknesses will be zero..... The software summarizes these internal pressure results... this module is called even when the external design pressure is zero.... and so on) used to reinforce the cone/cylinder junction...... 116 Internal Pressure Results The first section of results shows the required thicknesses and Maximum Allowable Working Pressures for the cone and for the upper and lower cylinders under internal pressure............. The effective length for toriconical sections is adjusted to include a fraction of the knuckle in the design length.Enter the cross sectional area of the beam section (I....... T.............. This can usually be found in the Manual of Steel Construction for common beam sections. 116 Reinforcement Calculations Under External Pressure ..... However....... This can usually be found in the Manual of Steel Construction for common beam sections.......Enter the distance from the Shell or Cone Outside surface to the centroid of the beam section (I.. This can usually be found in the Manual of Steel Construction for common beam sections..Enter the bend radius of the toroidal knuckle at the large end..Enter the minimum thickness after forming of the toroidal knuckle at the selected end... Distance to Centroid of Reinforcing Ring ...... Cross Sectional Area of Reinforcing Ring ......... or less than three times the knuckle thickness (UG-31.. The Code requires this radius to be no less than 6% of the outside diameter of the head.............. External Pressure Results The External Pressure module calculates materials properties and required thicknesses under external pressure.....Enter the moment of inertia of the beam section (I.. The required thickness under external pressure is calculated using the interactive method outlined in Paragraph UG-33 of the ASME Code..... Results Topics Internal Pressure Results .. and so on) used to reinforce the cone/cylinder junction... but the Maximum Allowable Working Pressures will be meaningful. 115 External Pressure Results ...... in this case the required thickness and Maximum Allowable Working Pressure calculations for external pressure are skipped..... CodeCalc User's Guide 115 ........... Because the software uses Young's modulus values in both the internal and external reinforcement calculation... Knuckle Bend Radius .......Conical Sections Moment of Inertia of Reinforcing Ring .... adding the corrosion allowances as necessary...... T... and so on) used to reinforce the cone/cylinder junction....... CodeCalc will set the area required in the reinforcing ring to zero if either the allowed apex angle is higher than the actual apex angle or the area available in the shell is greater than the area required. Cones are required to have reinforcement at the large and small ends under external pressure (Appendix 1-7) because of the tendency to buckle under axial external loads. The software calculates the ratio P/SE. The Code calculates the maximum angle below which buckling will not occur as a function of the design pressure and allowable stress. If the user specifies that the cone/cylinder junctions are not to be taken as a line of support. Given that reinforcement is required. Reinforcement Calculations Under External Pressure The software calculates the required reinforcement and moment of inertia for the cone/cylinder junctions at both the large and the small ends. The maximum apex angle is taken from Tables 1-8. When a knuckle calculation is performed. using the rules in Appendix 1-4(d). However. When there is no knuckle. or the area of reinforcement available in the shell is greater than the area required. the software calculates the required area of reinforcement at the intersection of the cylinder and the two cones. The area of reinforcement is based on considerations similar to those described for internal pressure. Note that this angle applies only to the large end of the cone . and the reinforcing material is defined.1 in Appendix 1 of the ASME Code. 116 CodeCalc User's Guide .Conical Sections Reinforcement Calculations Under Internal Pressure The software calculates the required reinforcement for cone/cylinder junctions at both the large and the small ends. See the comments on stiffening rings in the external pressure section for further insight. Area available in the shell within one decay length may be included in the area available for stiffening. At both the large and small ends there are requirements for the area of reinforcement and moment of inertia of the reinforcement. which is in turn calculated using the Code materials chart from the stress in the ring.the small end always requires at least a little reinforcement. the cone is taken as a line of support and the reinforcing material is defined. The area required in the reinforcing ring will be set to zero if either the cone angle is less than the maximum angle (large end only). Cones are required to have reinforcement at the large and small ends under internal pressure (Appendix 1-5) because of the tendency of the cone/cylinder junction to buckle under the radial load developed in the cone. the knuckle calculation will be performed and the area of reinforcement calculation will not. you will normally find that for a given thickness this effect is offset by the increase of area available in the cone for reinforcement. This calculation is performed whenever the internal pressure is greater than zero. the knuckle calculation will be performed and the required area calculation will not. The required moment of inertia of the reinforcement is a function of the strain in the ring at the cone/shell junction. and takes into account the strength of the material. then the area of reinforcement and moment of inertia calculations will not be performed. If a knuckle is specified instead of a reinforcing ring. This calculation is performed whenever the external pressure is greater than zero. This ratio is used because it is a pretty good indication of the diameter thickness ratio for the cylinder. the area required is a function of the pressure and the square of the radius. the software calculates both the required thickness and the maximum allowable working pressure for the toroidal portion of the knuckle. If a knuckle is specified instead of a reinforcing ring. This approach has the odd effect that when you increase the allowable stress you decrease the allowable cone angle. as specifically mentioned in the ASME Code.SECTION 7 Floating Heads Home tab: Components > Add New Floating Head Calculates the required thickness of spherically dished covers (bolted heads) according to the ASME Code. Figure 24: Floating Head Types CodeCalc User's Guide 117 . as defined in the code and shown below. The more detailed analysis may be used for the design of floating heads. Also calculated are the required thickness of the flange and the backing ring. A more detailed analysis of bolted dished heads is included. are included. The Design of Floating Heads for Heat-Exchangers. Paragraph 1-6. Soehren's analysis applies only to the most common type of head. ASME 57-A-7-47. Section VIII. Paragraph 1-6 (h). Three types of heads. The software calculates required thickness for the dished part of the head under both internal and external pressure. based on Soehren's analysis. type d. Division 1 analysis rules found in Appendix 1. ........ This field is required................... 118 CodeCalc User's Guide ... but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.................. 132 Head Tab Item Number ...................spherical cap welded to flange ID.......................... b .........Enter the type of floating head or spherically dished cover............ 122 Miscellaneous Tab ......... The following types are available and correspond to Figure 1-6 of ASME Section VIII. spherically dished.... It is recommended that the floating head numbers start at 1 and increase sequentially..................................................... This entry is optional... c .............. but you may also enter some other meaningful number..................................solid thick head............. since the software uses this field to determine if a floating head has been defined...... d ............... 1-6) ..... continuous across flange face.Enter the floating head ID number.................thin dashed head.. 120 Gasket Tab ........................... This is the most common type of head used for heat exchanger floating heads.Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item.........Floating Heads In This Section Head Tab ................ Appendix 1............... Division 1. 128 Results ................... Type of Floating Head (ASME Appl.. Description ............................. 118 Flange/Bolts Tab ... which you are analyzing......................... which is the pressure on the convex side of the head and the shell side pressure for heat exchanger floating heads. first with the internal pressure and then the external pressure set to zero (0). the interaction between shell side and tube side pressure may result in a lower thickness than if each pressure is entered separately. However. you may enter both the shell side and the tube side pressures and evaluate the entire head in a single analysis. first with the internal and then with the external pressures set to zero (0). which is the pressure on the concave side of the head and the tube side pressure for heat exchanger floating heads. when analyzing a type d head. it is recommended that you run the software twice. the interaction between shell side and tube side pressure may result in a lower thickness than if each pressure is entered separately.Enter the internal pressure. Head Material . CodeCalc User's Guide 119 .Enter the design temperature for the flange.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Normally you may enter both the shell side and the tube side pressures and evaluate the entire head in a single analysis. This value will be used to look up the allowable stresses for the material at design temperature. Design Temperature . when analyzing a type d head.Enter the external pressure. Consequently. it is recommended that you run the software twice. Shell Side (External) Design Pressure . However.Floating Heads Floating head types are shown in the following illustration: Figure 25: Floating Head Types Tube Side (Internal) Design Pressure . Consequently. Normally. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.0625 . 2. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter the corrosion allowance on the convex side of the head. 1. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Click Select to use the material. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. The software displays the material properties. 3. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Select the material that you want to use from the list. To modify material properties. or click Back to select a different material. Click Select to use the material.2500 .Enter the inside crown radius of the head. The software displays the material properties. If you type in the name.Floating Heads 1. They are also added to the required thicknesses. Select the material that you want to use from the list. They are also added to the required thicknesses.Enter the corrosion allowance on the concave side of the head. Actual Thickness of Head . The shell side and tube side corrosion allowances are fully implemented in this version of FLOHEAD.1/4" Shell Side (External) Corrosion Allowance . Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. Thicknesses and diameters are adjusted by the software for the evaluation of allowable pressure.1/16" 0. Flange/Bolts Tab Flange Material . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name.1250 . To modify material properties. However. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 2. 3.1/8" 0. or click Back to select a different material. Tube Side (Internal) Corrosion Allowance . or the minimum thickness measured for an existing floating head or spherical cap. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. 120 CodeCalc User's Guide . Alternatively. Thicknesses and diameters are adjusted by the software for the evaluation of allowable pressure. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This value may be any dimension greater than the inside radius of the flange. Inside Crown Radius of Head .Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate used to build the floating head or spherical cap. values roughly equal to the flange ID are more typical. Alternatively. The shellside and tubeside corrosion allowances are fully implemented in this version of FLOHEAD. which displays read-only information about the selected material.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Enter the minimum thickness of the actual plate used to build the floating head or spherical cap. or click Back to select a different material. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing floating head or spherical cap. Inside Diameter of Flange . The software displays the material properties. this value will also be the inner pipe diameter. 2. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. This value is referred to as A in the ASME code. Alternatively. For integral type flanges. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Figure 26: Flange Diagram Thread Series . Click Select to use the material.Floating Heads Outside Diameter of Flange . which displays read-only information about the selected material. Bolt Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 3. Diameter of Bolt Circle .Enter the diameter of the bolt circle of the flange. 1. To modify material properties.Enter the inner diameter of the flange. This value is referred to as B in the ASME code. If you type in the name. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table UNC Bolt Table User-specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table CodeCalc User's Guide 121 . The corrosion allowance will be used to adjust this value (two times the corrosion allowance will be added to the un-corroded ID defined by the user). This is dimension C in the ASME Code. Actual Thickness of Flange .Enter the outer diameter of the flange. Number of Bolts . so that the bolt stresses do not go too high during gasket seating. There are three options available: 122 CodeCalc User's Guide . This value is used to determine the bolt space correction factor.Floating Heads British.Enter the number of bolts to be used in the flange analysis. This method is implemented in the program. the values are converted back to user selected units. This option is used only if bolt root area is greater than 0.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. 1 does not cover the design of flanges for which the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter.5 to 4. BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used. The UNC threads available are the standard threads. VIII Div. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value. you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this field. Select Bolt Size .ASME Sec. Selecting a value from this field will populate the Nominal Bolt Diameter field with the corresponding value. Gaskets for full face flanges are usually of soft materials such as rubber or an elastomer.0 inches. A typically used method for the design of these types of flanges is from the Taylor Forge Flange Design Bulletin.This is used mainly for the metric thread series. Gasket Tab Full Face Gasket Option .If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types. Nominal Bolt Diameter . The program adjusts the flange analysis and the design formula to account for the full face gasket. Bolt Root Area . The tables of bolt diameter included in the software range from 0. Also.0. enter the nominal size in this field. The number of bolts is almost always a multiple of four. enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell. TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1-inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1-inch and above bolt nominal diameter. respectively (except for a blind flange) then it is determined to be a full face flange.Enter the inner diameter of the flange face. If the gasket ID and OD matches the flange ID and OD dimensions. Use this option when the gasket ID or OD does not match the flange ID/OD dimensions. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. Flange Face Outer Diameter . The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket.Indicates to the software that this is a full face gasket flange. Not a Full Face . Flange Face Inner Diameter .Enter the outer diameter of the flange face. Full Face Gasket . CodeCalc User's Guide 123 .Indicates to the software that this is not a full face gasket flange. but the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket.Instructs the software to automatically make the determination if this is a full face gasket flange depending upon the input.Floating Heads Program Selects . 00 2. elastomer. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket.50 1.Enter the outer diameter of the gasket.75 2200 (15) 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 1100 (7. As stated in the code. mineral fiber inserted or Corrugated metal. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Facing Column II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Gasket Material Self energizing types (O rings. and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal.50 2.6) 2. these are only suggested values.75 3.50 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 2. 1 code in App. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. Gasket Outer Diameter .00 0 0. mineral fiber filled Carbon Steel Stainless Steel. other gasket types considered as self-sealing) Elastomers without fabric or high percent of mineral fiber Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A Shore Durometer or higher Mineral fiber with suitable binder for operating conditions 1/8 inch thick 1/16 inch thick 1/32 inch thick Elastomer with cotton fabric insertion Elastomer with mineral fiber fabric insertion (with or without wire reinforcment) 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply Vegetable Fiber Spiral-wound metal.75 1.00 10000 (69) 10000 (69) 2.Floating Heads Gasket Inner Diameter . 2.75 3.25 2.steels and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal. Monel. Seating Stress y.00 3.50 2.The values of m and y shown in the following table are listed in ASME Section VIII Div. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket.8) 2.4) 2.50 1.00 0 200 (1.50 3. please contact your gasket manufacturer. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. jacketed. not filled Soft aluminum 0. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless . The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point.25 1600 (11) 3700 (26) 6500 (45) 400 (2. Gasket Factor m .25 3.Enter the inner diameter of the gasket. For more accurate values of m and y.75 3700 (26) 124 CodeCalc User's Guide . 25 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 9000 (62) 10100 (70) II II II II II 4.50 6. Flange Face Facing Sketch .25 3.50 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I Gasket Design Seating Stress y . mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Grooved metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Solid flat metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Ring Joint Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steel 3.75 5.00 4.75 3.Enter the gasket design seating stress Y.50 3.00 6.Floating Heads Seating Stress y.75 3.25 3.75 3.50 8800 (61) 13000 (90) 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I I I 5.00 3.Using Table 2-5.50 3.25 3.75 4. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Gasket Material Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steel Flat metal.50 3.75 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 8000 (55) 9000 (62) 9000 (62) II II II II II II 3. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: FACING SKETCH 1a 1b 1c DESCRIPTION flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish CodeCalc User's Guide Facing Column 125 .50 3.50 6.00 6.75 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) II II II II 3.2 of the ASME Code. jacketed. 2 and 6.75 2200 (15) 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 1100 (7.00 0 0. II) . This value is only required for facing sketches 1c.Floating Heads 1d 2 3 4 5 6 raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations. As stated in the code.75 1. Nubbin Width .00 2. Instead.50 1.4) 2. Seating Stress y. one side large serrations. 1 code in App. elastomer.Enter the gasket thickness.50 1. other gasket types considered as self-sealing) Elastomers without fabric or high percent of mineral fiber Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A Shore Durometer or higher Mineral fiber with suitable binder for operating conditions 1/8 inch thick 1/16 inch thick 1/32 inch thick Elastomer with cotton fabric insertion Elastomer with mineral fiber fabric insertion (with or without wire reinforcment) 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply Vegetable Fiber Spiral-wound metal. 2.25 1600 (11) 3700 (26) 6500 (45) 400 (2. however. enter the nubbin width. please contact your gasket manufacturer. mineral fiber filled Carbon Steel 0.Enter the width of the partition gasket. it is the contact width of the metallic ring. these are only suggested values.The values of m and y shown in the following table are listed in ASME Section VIII Div. For sketch 9.Enter the gasket column for gasket seating.25 2. Width .75 3. this is not a nubbin width.00 0 200 (1. Gasket Thickness . Length .50 2. 1d. For more accurate values of m and y. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Facing Column II II II II II II II II II II II II Gasket Material Self energizing types (O rings. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. Gasket Factor m .Enter the length of the partition gasket. both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Column for Gasket Seating (I.8) 2.50 10000 (69) 126 CodeCalc User's Guide .If applicable.6) 2. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless .75 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 8000 (55) 9000 (62) 9000 (62) II II II II II II 3.75 5.50 8800 (61) 13000 (90) 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I I I CodeCalc User's Guide Facing Column 127 . psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Gasket Material Stainless Steel.00 3.00 4.75 3.50 3. and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal.00 10000 (69) II 2.50 3. Monel.Floating Heads Seating Stress y.25 3.25 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 9000 (62) 10100 (70) II II II II II 4.50 3. not filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steel Flat metal.50 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) II II II II II 2.75 3.50 3.00 6. jacketed.75 3.75 3.25 3.75 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) II II II II II 3. jacketed.50 6.50 2.00 3.75 3.25 3. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Grooved metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Solid flat metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Ring Joint 3.25 3.75 4.steels and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal. mineral fiber inserted or Corrugated metal. The software will calculate the hr dimension in corroded condition and place its value in the input.00 6.50 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I Flange Face Facing Sketch . both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Column for Partition Gasket Seating . you can enter it in the un-corroded condition and click Compute.Enter the gasket thickness. however. this is not a nubbin width. 128 Facing Column CodeCalc User's Guide . If the Distance from Flange Top to Flange/Head Intersection is known. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d.Using Table 2-5. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Gasket Material Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steel 5. Gasket Thickness . 1d. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: FACING SKETCH 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 3 4 5 6 DESCRIPTION flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations. it is the contact width of the metallic ring.2 of the ASME Code. For sketch 9. hr . 2 and 6.If applicable. enter the nubbin width.50 6. This distance is known as the hr dimension and should be entered in the corroded condition.Enter the distance from the flange centroid to the intersection of the head centerline and the flange. Instead.Enter the gasket column for gasket seating. The hr dimension is positive if it is above the flange centroid and is negative if it is below the flange centroid.Floating Heads Seating Stress y. one side large serrations. Nubbin Width . Miscellaneous Tab Distance from Flange Centroid to Head Centerline. Enter the dimension in the un-corroded condition. as shown in the following illustration: CodeCalc User's Guide 129 . This value is a positive dimension. The software will calculate the distance from the flange centroid to the mid-point of the flange/head intersection (hr). During the calculation. the software automatically considers the corrosion allowance to compute hr.Enter the distance from the top of the floating head flange to the intersection of the dished head makes with the flange. After you enter a value for Distance from Flange Top to Flange/Head Intersection. click Compute. The software can use the value you enter to automatically calculate the hr dimension (Distance from Flange Centroid to Head Centerline).Floating Heads The hr dimension is used in the Code calculation but not in the Soehren's calculation as shown in the following illustration: Distance from Flange Top to Flange/Head Intersection . to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. The ring is assembled with the diametrical splits offset by 90-degrees. Is there a Backing Flange? . This value (Q) is used in Soehren's calculation.Floating Heads Is the Flange Slotted? . 2. enter the thickness of one half of the original ring. Soehren's calculation is a more detailed analysis of the interaction between the spherical cap and the flange. the bending moment on the ring is multiplied by 2.Check this box if the flange has slotted bolt holes for quick opening. or click Back to select a different material. Backing Ring Material .0. which displays read-only information about the selected material. This analysis can only be done for type d heads. 3. consider the following guidelines: If the ring has one split.Check this box if there is a backing ring. you do not have to change the flange outside diameter. Select the material that you want to use from the list. since each half is required to support 75% of the original design moment. A ring with two splits has been sliced in half like a bagel. Inside Depth of Flange (Flange Face to Attached Head) . Frequently. 130 CodeCalc User's Guide . and then each half has been split along a diameter. then it has been split along a diameter into two pieces. For split rings. The software automatically adjusts for this condition. while hr is used in the Code calculation. the stresses calculated using this method will be acceptable for heads or flanges that are slightly less thick than required by the normal code rules. The Code (Par. If the backing ring is a split ring. Perform Soehrens Calculations? . A slotted flange has bolt holes that extend radially to the outer edge of the flange. For this case.Enter the distance from the bolting face of the flange to the intersection of the head inside diameter and the flange (Q).Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 1-6(h)) allows this type of analysis. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. The software displays the material properties. Click Select to use the material.Check this box if you want to perform Soehren's Calculation. A backing ring is a second flange used to sandwich the tubesheet of a floating head heat exchanger. The following illustration shows a ring with a single split: Figure 28: Single Split Ring CodeCalc User's Guide 131 . A split is used when it is required to have the flange completely removable from the vessel. 1. or 2. If the flange is split into two pieces by a single split. For doubly-split rings. the design moment for the flange is multiplied by 2. Backing Ring Inside Diameter . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. if any. You can select 0. as shown in the following illustration: Figure 27: Flange Thickness Number of Splits in Backing Ring . To modify material properties. this is the thickness of each piece. split flanges are ring-type flanges.Enter the number of splits in the ring.Enter the actual thickness of the backing ring. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name. This value is usually a little larger than the inside diameter of the flange.Floating Heads Alternatively. Backing Ring Actual Thickness .0.Enter the inside diameter of the backing ring. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. for loose type flanges. Typically. ....................... 134 132 CodeCalc User's Guide ..... the thickness of the total ring is twice this value.. 133 Intermediate Calculations for Flanged Portion of Head .. Operating ..... but the moment used to design them is not increased.............. though the Styles A and D have a split ring............Specify the alternate flange design bolt load such as from the mating flange.... The pair of rings shall be assembled so that the splits in one ring shall be 90-degrees from the splits of the other...... 133 External Pressure Results for Heads: ......................Specify the alternate operating bolt load such as from the mating flange.............. Mating Flange Bolt Load............Check this box if loads from the mating flange are to be considered................ The software automatically considers this..... each ring shall be designed as if it were a solid flange (without splits)...141 shows different styles of backing devices... This value will be used if it is greater than the operating bolt load computed by the software. using 0...Floating Heads If a flange consists of two separate split rings....... This auxiliary bolt loading will only be used if it is greater than the standard bolt loads computed using the ASME formulas............. Mating Design Bolt Load . This value will be used if it is greater than the flange design bolt load computed by the software... Results Topics Internal Pressure Results for the Head: ...... When you have one of these styles...... Seating .Specify the alternate seating flange bolt load such as from the mating flange. The flange thickness in the input.... This value will be used if it is greater than the seating bolt load computed by the software.. As a result.... as well as the required value......... The following illustration shows a flange with two splits: Figure 29: Flange Thickness TEMA RCB-5.. Mating Flange Loads .. 133 Required Thickness Calculations ..... is the thickness of the quarter piece....... set the number of splits to 0 in CodeCalc to get the same effect.......75 times the design moment. 133 Soehren's Calculations: ....... Mating Flange Bolt Load....... This formula is the same for type b. Section VIII. maximum allowable working pressure. and shows the required thickness for each piece of the split ring. There is a setup file directive that allows you to toggle this to work one way or the other. The required thickness calculations for the backing ring are also shown. However. and positive if the head is attached below the centroid. The thickness calculations for the main flange and backing ring involve the factor F that is directly proportional to the design pressure. This force is shown in the printout as MH. the factor F is theoretically equal to 0. and displays the results. These results are also displayed in the thickness summary at the end of the printout. and d heads: t=5PL/6S The software solves this formula for required thickness. Intermediate Calculations for Flanged Portion of Head Three separate bending moments are calculated for each head: The bolt up moment The moment due to external pressure The moment due to internal pressure In each case. To keep the software results consistent with older versions. CodeCalc User's Guide 133 . These formulas are taken from Appendix 1-6. Some however interpret the Code to mean that F should be computed using the design pressure even for the bolt-up cases. and actual stress. a summary table is printed. this setup file parameter is set to compute F with 0 pressure for the bolt-up conditions. The analysis is corrected for the number of splits in the backing ring. Required Thickness Calculations The required thickness formula for each flange type and loading condition are printed by the software. The backing ring is taken as a ring flange and calculated per Appendix 2. External Pressure Results for Heads: The required thickness and maximum allowable working pressure for each head type is based on the external pressure requirements for an equivalent sphere. paragraphs (e)(2) and (3). Appendix 2. The sign of this force will be negative if the head is attached above the centroid of the flange. Division 1. Thus when the pressure is 0 for the bolt-up condition. in the case of the type d head the moment is further modified to take into account the force imposed on the flange by the pressure on the head.Floating Heads Internal Pressure Results for the Head: The ASME Code provides a simple formula for calculating the required thickness of the head under internal pressure. (f)(2) through (5) and (g)(2). c. After the required thicknesses are calculated. the moment is calculated per the ASME Code. Division 1. The analysis referred to in this paragraph is Soehren's calculation.5 times the basic Code allowable stress. Section VIII.0 times the basic Code allowable. paragraph (h) states: These formulas are approximate in that they do not take into account continuity between the flange ring and the dished head. ASME 57-A-7-47. A more exact method of analysis. based on the paper The Design of Floating Heads for Heat-Exchangers. but bending stresses should be limited to 1. while membrane stresses should be limited to 1.Floating Heads Soehren's Calculations: The ASME Code. Allowable stresses are not shown in the printout. Equation numbers are included from the original paper. Intermediate results and calculated stresses are shown in the printout. Appendix 1-6. 134 CodeCalc User's Guide . which takes this into account may be used if it meets the requirements of U-2. .... from the design pressure and the gasket information.................... Determine the allowable stresses for the flange material and the bolting at both ambient and operating temperatures........ Westrom... This load needs to be high enough to seat (deform) the gasket.... Scope......... and Technical Basis (Flanges) The flange design rules incorporated in the Code were based on a paper written in 1937 by Waters.......... The input and results for the FLANGE software are roughly modeled on the Taylor Forge flange design sheets... All the loads on the flange produce bending in the same direction (i................ For all practical purposes they have been unchanged since that time..2).. and is one of the most useful tools for flange analysis.. Calculate the actual area of the bolts. 135 Flange Data Tab . gasket load.... Section VIII.... 4..... In each case the bending moment is the product of a load (pressure.....e. Calculate the bending moments on the flange............ and were incorporated into the Code in 1942........... These rules were subsequently published by Taylor Forge in 1937.... 3.. The pressure load adds to the bolt load and unloads the gasket... and Technical Basis (Flanges).... The final result is one bending moment for operating conditions and a second for gasket seating conditions.. and make sure it is greater than the required area......... Scope. 144 Results (Flanges) .. counterclockwise) and this bending is resisted by the ring behavior of the flange........... and needs to be high enough to seal even when pressure is applied....... from the Code tables of allowable stress....... Analysis of a typical flange includes the following steps: 1.. In This Section Purpose... Division 1.. The Taylor Forge bulletin. CodeCalc User's Guide 135 ..... and in integral flanges by the reaction of the pipe. Identify the gasket material and the flange facing type..... Identify operating conditions and materials.................................. 2........... frequently republished..... The initial bolt loads compresses the gasket... Calculate the required area of the bolts.................. The flange analysis model assumes that the flange can be modeled as stiff elements (the flange and hub) and springs (the bolts and gaskets)..................) and the distance from the bolt circle to the point of application of the load.1 and 2-5. Rossheim..SECTION 8 Flanges Home tab: Components > Add New Flange Calculates actual and allowable stresses for all types of flanges designed and fabricated to the ASME Code.................. The software uses the Code rules found in Appendix 2 of the 2010 Edition. Based on the bolt areas and the allowable stresses........ 142 Gasket Data Tab .... the effective diameter of the gasket and the gasket factors from the Code charts (Tables 2-5. The stresses on a given flange are determined entirely by the bending moment on the flange. calculate the flange design bolt loads..... and Williams........ 138 Hub/Bolts Tab .... 148 Purpose.. Determine the effective width......... etc.................................. is also still available.... 2-7. gasket geometry and gasket properties remain fixed throughout the design. and keeping the flange light.2. Then calculate a hub length equal to the small end thickness plus the minimum slope (3:1) for the hub. either the thickness of the flange or the thickness of the hub. the software uses the following approach to design the rest of the flange: 1.1. Calculate the hub factors and other geometry factors for the flange based on the flange type (Code Figure 2-4). The inside diameter. This has the additional effect of keeping the moment arms and diameters (of the bolt circle and flange OD) small. The calculation procedures and format of results are similar to those given in "Modern Flange Design". The Partial option forces the software to calculate the minimum flange thickness for a given geometry. published by Taylor Forge. Using this number of bolts. The command can also be used for two levels of flange design. 7.3. pressure. divided by some thickness squared. outside diameter.6. 4. 6. For slip-on type flanges. 6. The Design option forces the software to select all of the relevant flange geometry including bolt circle. and reverse flanges. The algorithm chosen tends to select more and smaller bolts than would be found on standard flanges. slip-on. 2-7. These formulae are implemented in the Flanges. The effect of these choices is to design a small hub when compared with standardized flanges. Edition VII. Select a preliminary number of bolts. 2-7. Corrosion in treated in a special manner if indicated. the selection of a small hub keeps the amount of machining required for the flange to a minimum. The form of the stress equations is: S = k(geometry) * M / t2 That is. The software also takes full account of corrosion allowance. This also has the effect of minimizing the flange outside diameter and the weight of the flange. thickness. which the software adjusts before performing the calculations. This is a multiple of four based on the diameter of the flange. 3. materials. Flange Design The defined geometry is the basis for the design performed by the software. Formulae are also given in the Code so that computer software can consistently arrive at the answers that are normally selected from charts in the appendix. and hub geometry. Bulletin 503. Beginning from this point. Finally. 2-7. For weld neck.4. and 2-7. a constant dependent on the flange geometry times the bending moment. Compare these stresses to the allowable stresses for the flange material. You enter uncorroded thicknesses and diameters. The factors are found in Code figures 2-7. number of bolts. Calculate the flange stresses using the stress formula factors and the bending moments. Calculate the stress formula factors based on the geometry factors and the flange thickness. Using this bolt size. Select a bolt size that will give the required bolt area for this number of bolts. 5. Flanges includes the capability to analyze a given flange under the bolting loads imposed by a mating flange.5. calculate the large end of the hub as the small end of the hub plus 1/16th (for small end thickness less than one inch) or 1/8th (for small end thickness greater than one inch). calculate a final number of bolts based on: The area required divided by the area available per bolt -ORThe maximum allowed spacing between bolts of this size. calculate the small end of the hub equal to roughly the thickness required for the design pressure 2. calculate the bolt circle based on: The OD of the hub plus the minimum ID spacing of the bolt -OR- 136 CodeCalc User's Guide .Flanges 5. Repeat until the actual stress for one of the stress components is equal to the allowable stress. Select a thickness for the flange and calculate the stresses. Calculate the outside diameter of the flange based on the bolt circle plus the minimum edge spacing for the bolt size chosen. adjust the gasket and face outside diameter for the values chosen. Figure 30: Flange Dimensions CodeCalc User's Guide 137 .Flanges The OD of the gasket face plus the actual size of the bolt -ORThe minimum spacing distance between the bolts -ORFor reverse flanges. and then repeat the stress calculation. This step also applies to partial design of the flange. the vessel OD plus the bolt ID spacing. If the stress is not equal to the allowable. 8. 9. For flanges with full face gaskets. 7. and recalculate the moment arms for the flange. adjust the thickness based on the difference between the actual and allowable stresses. but they are completely disconnected from the vessel. Ring Flanges .Flanges Flange Data Tab Item Number . Slip-on Flanges . Weld Neck Flanges . Type of Flange . If the flange consists of two separate split rings. there are several additional subdivisions. Description . The gaskets used with this type of flange are usually quite soft. To qualify as integral type flanges they require a penetration weld between the flange and the vessel. The pair of rings shall be assembled so that the splits in one ring shall be 90 deg. which is not included in the Code sketches.Enter the flange type number for this flange.0. Flange types are: Integral Weld Neck Integral Slip On Integral Ring Loose Slip On Loose Ring Lap Joint Blind Reverse There are essentially only two categories of flanges for the purposes of analysis. is the flange with a flat face and a gasket that extends from the ID of the flange to the OD. Reverse Geometry Flange . may be split.A special type of gasket geometry.Here the gasket seat is on the inside of the shell diameter. where the flange and the vessel do not behave as a unit. 138 CodeCalc User's Guide .These flanges may or may not have a hub. however.These have a hub that is butt welded to the vessel. where the flange and the vessel to which it is attached behave as a unit. They are always analyzed as loose. Flat Face Flanges with Full Face Gaskets . bearing only on a vessel 'lap'. See Appendix 2-13. They are normally analyzed as loose. A split is used when it is required to have the flange completely removable from the vessel.These have hubs. Lap Joint Flanges . each ring shall be designed as if it were a solid flange (without splits) using 0. which are suitably modified for the reversal of the bending moments.Especially lap joints. the design moment for the flange is multiplied by 2. These flanges can be analyzed using the Taylor Forge calculation sheets. Within these categories. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. If the flange is split into two pieces by a single split. These use integral flange rules.75 times the design moment. and are normally analyzed as loose type flanges.Enter the ID number of the item. beyond the bolt circle. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.These do not have a hub. from the splits in the other. and loose types. Loose Type Flanges . but may be analyzed as integral if a penetration weld is used between the flange and the vessel. though they frequently have a weld at the back of the flange. or in the Code design rules. This may be the item number on the drawing. These are integral type flanges.Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. for loose type flanges. The pair of rings shall be assembled so that the splits in one ring shall be 90º from the splits in the other. If you are performing a partial or regular analysis. Weld Leg at Back of Ring . or 2. the design moment for the flange is multiplied by 2. The flange thickness in the input (and the required value) is the thickness of the quarter piece. CodeCalc will print a brief message letting you know there is a potential problem. Figure 31: Single Split Ring If the flange is split into two pieces by a single split. the thickness of the total ring is twice this value.Flanges Number of Splits in the Ring .Enter the length of the weld leg at the back of the ring. Type of Analysis . The pair of rings shall be assembled so that the splits in one ring shall be 90º deg. the design moment for the flange is multiplied by 2.Enter the analysis type for the computations to be performed on this flange.0. This value is added to the inside diameter during the design of ring type flanges to determine the minimum bolt circle when the design option is turned on. if any. 1. If the flange is split into two pieces by a single split. The above diagram shows a flange with two splits.without splits) using 0. The software automatically considers this.Enter the number of splits in the ring. each ring shall be designed as if it were a solid flange . A split is used when it is required to have the flange completely removable from the vessel. If the flange consists of two separate split rings. Above diagram shows a ring with a single split. This value must be either 0. each ring shall be designed as if it were a solid flange (without splits) using 0.0. CodeCalc User's Guide 139 . CodeCalc will check to see if there is interference between the wrench and the weld. Figure 32: Double Split Ring If the flange consists of two separate split rings.75 times the design moment. from the splits in the other.75 times the design moment. So. Typically split flanges are ring-type flanges. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter the internal design pressure. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. the results display using the calculated required thickness.two times the corrosion allowance will be added to the uncorroded ID given by the user.Enter the inner diameter of the flange. For blind flanges the Flange ID is 0. 3. 2. Alternatively. Click Select to use the material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. gasket and flange face geometry. the results display using the given thickness.When Partial is selected and this option is selected. CodeCalc will not automatically subtract the corrosion allowance off of the flange thickness. See the figure in Flange Diameters. and gasket properties are specified.For this analysis type. Analyze .Flanges Do not leave any fields blank. If the value entered in this field is negative. If you type in the name. it will be treated as external pressure. 140 CodeCalc User's Guide .0. CodeCalc uses these values as initial guesses. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). or click Back to select a different material. If this option is cleared.For this analysis type. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The corrosion allowance will be subtracted from this value. Design Temperature . Flange Thickness . The software computes the resulting stresses. The value entered here will be subtracted from the flange and hub thicknesses to obtain the thicknesses actually used in the computations. Design . 1. If you enter a corrosion allowance. this value will also be the inner pipe diameter. which displays read-only information about the selected material. This temperature will be used to interpolate the material allowable tables and external pressure curves. Design Pressure . Corrosion Allowance . Zeroes do not make good starting guesses. users must give the complete flange definition. For integral type flanges. only the flange diameter and thickness. all information except for the flange thickness must be specified. For Reverse flanges this is the B` dimension as shown in appendix 2 of the ASME Code. To modify material properties. you will be prompted whether or not you wish to corrode the flange thickness for the flange factor and stress computation. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.For this analysis type.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The corrosion allowance will be used to adjust this value . Partial .Enter the design temperature for the flange. The software displays the material properties.Enter the flange thickness. This value is referred to as "B" in the ASME code.Enter the corrosion allowance for this flange. The software selects a flange thickness such that the resulting flange stress equals the allowable stress. Flange Inside Diameter . The software computes all other flange dimensions and stresses. Flange Material . Print Final Results for Given Thickness? . Select to indicate that the flange material is same as the attached shell material for an integral weld neck or reverse type flange. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. which displays read-only information about the selected material. as defined in the ASME code. The software displays the material properties. To modify material properties. the small end hub thickness is checked as a cylinder so the allowable stresses of the attached shell should be used. These higher stress values (indicated by the presence of the note g5) can lead to higher deformation. Otherwise only the flange allowable will be used. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. The larger of the shell allowable and the flange allowable are used to compute the required small end hub thickness for the integral flanges. Are the Hub and Attached Shell Material the Same? . 1.Select the shell material name. This is used for computing the longitudinal hub allowable stress for optional type flanges. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Shell Material . Select the material that you want to use from the list. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). But. Otherwise.Enter the outer diameter A of the flange.Flanges Flange Outside Diameter . use a corroded dimension. If you type in the name. If the flange is corroded from the outside. Alternatively. the hub required thickness may be more than that of the attached cylinder. which are analyzed as integral. If you want the (higher) shell allowables to be used then check this box. CodeCalc User's Guide 141 . for the same material. 2.g. For some materials with relatively low yield strength (e. Click Select to use the material. These material allowables are not used for applications where deformation can cause failure such as flanges. 3. or click Back to select a different material. There could be a case where the flange allowables are lower as compared to the attached shell. the ASME code has established higher stress values. Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. stainless steels). The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. For flange geometries without hubs. and the large end of the hub. as defined in the ASME code. Thread Series . See Flange Face Figure (on page 143).0 inches. or a lap joint flange.Enter the thickness of the large end of the hub. If there is no raise flange face. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). For slip on flange geometries. However. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket.Enter the thickness of the small end of the hub. The tables of bolt diameter included in the software range from 0.Enter the inner diameter of the gasket.5 to 4.Enter the outer diameter of the gasket. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). It is permissible for the hub thickness at the large end to equal the hub thickness at the small end. when you design a ring flange as a loose flange that has a fillet weld at the back. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value.Flanges Hub/Bolts Tab Flange Face Outer Diameter . When you analyze a flange with no hub. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. please enter gasket OD. this thickness may be entered as zero. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point.Enter the inner diameter of the flange face. For flange geometries without hubs. The corrosion allowance will be subtracted from this value. Gasket Inner Diameter . When analyzing an optional type flange that is welded at the hub end. This value is referred to as "g1" in the ASME code. The corrosion allowance will be subtracted from this value. Hub Length . enter zero for the hub length. this thickness may be entered as zero. this is the thickness of the shell at the end of the flange. The soaftware uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point. the hub length should be the leg of the weld. this length can be zero. the small end of the hub. this is the thickness of the hub at the small end. such as a blind flange. If there is no raise flange face. Diameter of Bolt Circle . For weld neck flange types. Flange Face Inner Diameter . Hub Thickness. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). please enter the gasket ID. such as a blind flange.Enter the hub length h. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell. Large End . Small End . This value is referred to as "g0" in the ASME code. Hub Thickness. see Flange Face Figure (on page 143). such as a ring flange. This value is used to determine the bolt space correction factor. Also. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). This ensures that the software designs the bolt circle far enough away from the back of the flange to get a wrench around the nuts. enter the size of a leg of the fillet weld as the large end of the hub. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. For more information. Gasket Outer Diameter .The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table 142 CodeCalc User's Guide . enter the nominal size in this field.Enter the outer diameter of the flange face. For flange geometries without hubs. and the thickness at the large end should include the thickness of the weld. 2-5 of the ASME code: W = Sa * Ab This equation can be used when additional safety against abuse is desired.If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types. The UNC threads available are the standard threads. Bolt Root Area . Use Full Flange Design Bolt Load (S*Ab)? .If this box is un-checked then flange design bolt load for the gasket seating condition is computed as: W = Sa * ( Am + Ab ) / 2 Otherwise it is computed as follows according to note 2 of App. Number of Bolts . This option is used only if bolt root area is greater than 0. The number of bolts is almost always a multiple of four. the values will be converted back to the user selected units. you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this field.Flanges UNC Bolt Table User specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table British. TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1 inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1 inch and above bolt nominal diameter. This is usually an even number. BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used. Sa = bolt ambient allowable stress Am = total required bolt area Ab = total available bolt area CodeCalc User's Guide 143 .Enter the number of bolts to be used in the flange analysis. Where.0. As stated in the code. but the contact width of the metallic ring. one side large serrations.The facing columns are listed in ASME Sec. both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Column for Gasket Seating (I. 1d. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. these are only suggested values. VIII Div. The value of y is listed in ASME Sec. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Table 2-5. See.Using Table 2-5. The value of m is listed in ASME Sec. There are 3 Full Face Gasket Flanges options: Program Selects . See. 2. App. 2. these are only suggested values. VIII Div. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c.Specifies the ratio of the residual stress on the gasket under operating pressure to the operating pressure itself. If the gasket ID and OD matches with Flange ID and OD 144 CodeCalc User's Guide . App. Full Face Gasket Option .2 of the ASME code. 2 and 6. Select this option to use a typical method for the design of these types of flanges is from the Taylor Forge Flange Design Bulletin. Note that for sketch 9 this is not a nubbin width. VIII Div.Enter the gasket thickness. depending upon the input. 1. For more accurate values of m. App. y. and their relative facing columns please contact your gasket manufacturer. these are only suggested values.ASME Sec. 2. Table 2-5. 1. The software adjusts the flange analysis and the design formulae to account for the full face gasket. As stated in the code.If applicable.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Flange Face Facing Sketch . so that the bolt stresses do not go too high during gasket seating. 1 does not cover the design of flanges for which the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter.II) .Select to automatically make the determination if this is a full face gasket flange. Nubbin Width . Gaskets for the full face flanges are usually of soft materials such as rubber or an elastomer. VIII Div. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: Facing Sketch 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 3 4 5 6 Description flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Thickness .1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Design Seating Stress Y .Flanges Gasket Data Tab Gasket Factor m . This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. Table 2-5. As stated in the code. enter the nubbin width. See. 1.Specifies the stress on the gasket necessary to form to the face of the flange. VIII Div. CodeCalc User's Guide 145 .This is the cumulative length of all the heat exchanger pass partition gaskets associated with this flange. but the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter.Flanges dimensions respectively (except for a blind flange) then it is determined to be a full face flange. Use this option when the gasket ID or OD does not match the flange ID/OD dimensions. App. The value of m is listed in ASME Sec. Is There a Partition Gasket? . See the figure below: Not a Full Face . 1.Enter the width of the pass partition gasket. CodeCalc will then prompt for the overall length and width of the gasket. check this entry.Select if this is not a full face gasket flange. Width of Partition Gasket .Select if this is a full face gasket flange. Gasket Factor m .Specifies the ratio of the residual stress on the gasket under operating pressure to the operating pressure itself. CodeCalc will compute the effective seating width and compute the gasket loads contributed by the partition gasket. See the figure below. Length of Partition Gasket . Full Face Gasket .If your exchanger geometry has a pass partition gasket. Using the gasket properties specified and the known width. Enter the gasket thickness. As stated in the code. Select this option to enter the loading data. See. 1.Flanges 2. 1d. these are only suggested values. these are only suggested values. App.Using Table 2-5. lbs M = Bending moment. See.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Design Seating Stress . The software calculates a roughly equivalent pressure for flanges loaded axially and/or in bending using the following formula: Peq = Pdes + 4 * F / 3. 1. Table 2-5. 2. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. II) . such as CAESAR II. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: Facing Sketch 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 3 4 5 6 Description flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations. 2 and 6. in addition to internal pressure. both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Column for Gasket Seating (I. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Note that for sketch 9 this is not a nubbin width.If applicable.14 * G3 Where: Peq = Equivalent pressure. Table 2-5.2 of the ASME code.For leakage computations to be performed. 146 CodeCalc User's Guide . This value is only required for facing sketches 1c. See. psi F = Axial force. but the contact width of the metallic ring. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. enter the nubbin width. the external loads acting on the flange must be specified. Nubbin Width . VIII Div. VIII Div. one side large serrations.The facing columns are listed in ASME Sec. in-lbs G = Diameter of gasket load reaction. As stated in the code. Flanges are frequently subject to external forces and moments. y.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Partition Gasket Facing Sketch . these are only suggested values. and their relative facing columns please contact your gasket manufacturer. The loading data is typically from pipe stress analysis software. The value of y is listed in ASME Sec. Table 2-5. For more accurate values of m. psi Pdes = Design pressure.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Thickness . 2. Specify External Loads? . As stated in the code. App. in.14 G2 + 16 * M / 3.Specifies the stress on the gasket necessary to form to the face of the flange. 0. Seating. CodeCalc User's Guide 147 . You can however. on this flange. In the flange stress calculations the flange thickness is used.If you check this field. These rigidity factor calculations are not mandatory for Pre-1999 Addenda users Appendix S is non-mandatory appendix and that these calculations are also non-mandatory. This auxiliary bolt loading will only be used if it is greater than the standard bolt loads computed using the ASME formulas. Mating Flange Bolt Load. check this field.Enter the magnitude of the external bending moment. This entry represents the node point in a stress analysis model from which the loads are obtained. do a partial thickness design.Select this option to compute thickness so that corresponding rigidity index is 1. which acts. agreement on this subject is usually between the client and the manufacturer. Node Number . Saying no here will typically produce a thinner flange that is not as highly stressed. Operating. The Code states that every dimension used should be corroded. The use of mating flange values for bolt design calculations will result in incorrect MAWP calculations. Compute Thickness Based on Flange Rigidity? . Appendix 2 contains equations that attempt to determine whether or not a given flange geometry will leak. If you say no. Appendix 2 calculations are mandatory as of Addenda-2005 and flange designs must satisfy these calculations. Do not do a design when you have a mating flange.Enter the magnitude of the external axial force. Also the MAWP of the flange will usually be slightly higher. Mating Flange Bolt Load.0. However. Bending Moment . If the computed rigidity factor is > 1. Mating Flange Bolt Load. A pop-up spreadsheet will appear for additional data entry. some feel that the corrosion should not be taken off of the thickness for the stress calculations.Enter the node number of this flange. WM1 .Enter the bolt load from the mating flange in the operating case.Enter the bolt load from the mating flange for seating conditions. which acts. WM2 . The flange thickness is used in several places throughout Appendix 2. Design W . on this flange.Flanges The software then uses the equivalent pressure as the design pressure. the software uses the corrosion allowance as it always has when computing the final stresses on the flange. Since this is not directly addressed by any code. the corrosion is not subtracted from the flange thickness. Do not calculate MAWP based on the mating flange values.Enter the design bolt load for the mating flange.If loads from the mating flange are to be considered. Mating Flange Loads? . but instead based on the values developed by this flange at a given pressure. when the stresses are computed. Apply Corrosion to the Flange Thickness? . then leakage is predicted. because the software selects a different values (such as bolt circle) from the one chosen for the other flange. Axial Force . For flat faced flanges an alternate value of hg (h''g) is used to calculate a reverse moment at the bolt circle. but no other type of non-circular flanges (not even in the rectangular vessel appendix). making MD negative. Under external pressure only the end load and flange pressure are included in the design. The formula for flange deflection limitation is found in paragraph 9. This takes into account the higher maximum strain required to yield a section in bending versus pure tension. In the case of bending stresses. a function of t3 and G3. For non-circular blind flanges the term Z is added to the first term in the square root. Thus. reverse flanges. The deflection is.21 of TEMA. but the 1.0 x Sfo 1. and the moment arm ht may be either positive or negative. Once again. No calculations for seating conditions for full faced flanges are required.0 x Sfo 1.5 times the allowable stress. For seating conditions the first term is zero .5 x Sfo 1.0 x Sfa 1. In addition. these allowable are multiplied by 1. The load HT is negative.Flanges Results (Flanges) Flanges with Different Bending Moments: The flange design moments differ from the norm for external pressure. Z is a simple function of the ratio of the large dimension to the small dimension of the flange. The Seventh Edition of TEMA also gives recommended deflections as a function of flange size. It is interesting to note that the Code covers non-circular blind flanges.0 x Sba 148 CodeCalc User's Guide . Channel covers designed to TEMA must meet at least the minimum thickness requirements of the Code. The previous editions hid the actual deflection you were working toward in a thickness equation. a very small increase in flange thickness will decrease the deflection significantly.5 factor is already built into the equation. the cover deflection is limited. if there is a pass partition groove. and flat flanges. Blind Flanges and Channel Covers: The ASME Code formula for a circular blind flange is: t = d * SQRT( C * P / S * E + 1. The absolute value of the moment is used in the calculations. The second term is the bending of the plate due to an edge moment.0 x Sfa 1.5 x Sfa 1.the thickness of the flange depends only on the edge bending. and their signs are reversed.9 * W * Hg / S * E * d3 ) The first term in this formula is the bending of a flat plate under pressure. The stress is limited to 1. For reverse flanges all the moments are present. Allowable Flange Stresses: Allowable flange stresses are based on the ASME Code Allowable Stress for the flange material at the Ambient and Operating design temperatures.5. but the moment arm hd is negative. The stresses calculated and the allowable stresses are as follows: Operating Longitudinal Hub Stress (bending) Radial Flange Stress Tangential Flange Stress Maximum Average Stress Stress in Bolts 1.0 x Sfa 1.0 x Sfo 1. of course.0 x Sbo Ambient 1. For Operating Pressure MAWP The software calculates the stresses at the pressure given and calculates the slope between the stress at zero pressure and the stress at the given pressure.0 x Sfo 1.0 x Sfo 1. Sb = ASME Code Allowable Stress for flange material at o ambient temperature. Sfa = ASME Code Allowable Stress for flange material at ambient temperature. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: The following graph shows conceptually how the software extrapolates for the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: 1. Sb = ASME Code Allowable Stress for bolt material at a ambient temperature.0 x Sfa Sfo = ASME Code Allowable Stress for flange material at operating temperature.Flanges Stress in Reverse Flanges Stress in Full Faced Gasket Flanges Where: 1. CodeCalc User's Guide 149 .0 x Sfa 1. However. Flange Rigidity Calculations Appendix 2 also contains equations that attempt to determine whether or not a given flange geometry will leak. 2. The software calculates the Gasket Seating MAWP and Operating MAWP based on the input geometry and pressure. The cases considered are ambient and operating. the estimate of the MAWP may depend on the pressure slightly (when the pressure is very small). If the computed rigidity factor is > 1.Flanges The software extrapolates the slope out to the point where the stress is equal to the allowable stress. because of the extrapolation algorithm. then leakage is predicted. For Gasket Seating MAWP Note that at low pressures the stress due to gasket seating is not a function of the design pressure. In theory both MAWPs should be independent of the input pressure. 150 CodeCalc User's Guide . except that the extrapolation is from the point where pressure comes into the calculation of the seating stress. Please note that in Partial or Design mode.0. and the MAWP can be calculated as described above. The pressure at this point is the maximum allowable working pressure. the software calculates MAWP based on the required flange thickness. At higher pressures the stress is a function of pressure. Appendix 2 calculations are mandatory as of Addenda-2005. .................................. Floating tubesheets............ Load on the Tube-Tubesheet joint is also checked per the method provided in the ASME and PD 5500 codes respectively...................... tubesheet integral with both shell and channel...................... tubesheet integral with channel only............ Scope.. Floating tubesheets................... integral with the shell and the channel............................... integral with the channel only..... 8th Edition....... VIII Div.......................... CodeCalc User's Guide 151 ........ U-tube exchangers......SECTION 9 TEMA Tubesheets Home tab: Components > Add New TEMA Tubesheet Performs tubesheet thickness analysis for all tubesheet types. outside packed floating head (P)..... tubesheet integral with shell only. Floating tubesheets.. 169 Outer Cylinder Dialog Box ................... including fixed tubesheet exchangers..... 1 Appendix 5.................... 155 Channel Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) ................... floating head with backing device (S)......................... gasketed between the shell and the channel..... Stationary tubesheets............ 173 Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box ............................................ Scope..... integral with the shell only... Stationary tubesheets........... Stationary tubesheets.... 161 Expansion Joint Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) .............. tubesheet gasketed between shell and channel U-tube exchangers...... 1999 or PD 5500. 156 Tubes Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) ......... and Technical Basis (TubeSheets) TUBESHEETS calculates required thickness and Maximum Allowable Working Pressure of tubesheets for all of the exchanger types described in the 8th Edition of the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) and PD 5500. Flanged and flued (thick) expansion joint for a fixed tubesheet is also analyzed per TEMA and ASME Sec.................... 157 Tubesheet Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) ..................... 2004 (British standard)................... 151 Shell Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) .. 176 Kettle Tubesheet Dialog Box ......... U-tube exchangers...... This program will analyze the following tubesheet types: Stationary tubesheets..... 171 Shell Band Properties Dialog Box ..... pull through floating head (T)................... 173 Tubesheet Gasket Dialog Box .. In This Section Purpose........ 166 Tubesheet Extended as Flange Dialog (TEMA Tubesheets) ... It also calculates thermal stresses and forces in the shell and tubes of fixed tubesheet exchangers.......... 172 Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box (TEMA Tubesheets) ...... 177 Purpose......................................... 177 Results (Tubesheets) ..... based on the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer's Association............................. and Technical Basis (TubeSheets) ............ U-tube exchangers........... Fixed tubesheets.on shell. Pressure and thermal loads . in both the corroded and uncorroded condition. or extended as flanges. tubesheet. gasketed. stationary tubesheet at both ends.integral. The program does the required calculations for the thickness of a tubesheet that has been extended as a flange. Differential pressure designs. 152 CodeCalc User's Guide . It also calculates the required thickness of the extension. or none. It is possible to analyze multiple load cases (startup. You must enter the geometry of the flange extension. thick walled. TUBESHEETS takes into account the following additional loadings for fixed tubesheet exchangers: Expansion joints . shut-down etc) for fixed tubesheets. externally sealed floating head (W).TEMA Tubesheets Floating tubesheets. Tubesheets . tubes and tube-to-tubesheet joints.thin walled. including the gasket and bolting for the flange. Floating tubesheets. divided floating head. Figure 33: TEMA Tubesheet Module Geometry CodeCalc User's Guide 153 . The expansion joint spring rate and stresses are computed per TEMA standard. VIII Div. 1. Appendix 5 to check the joint's adequacy.TEMA Tubesheets Program can also analyze a thick expansion joint attached to a fixed tubesheet. The actual stresses are then compared with the allowables provided in ASME Sec. TEMA Tubesheets Figure 34: Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger with Expansion Joint Figure 35: Tubesheet Extended as a Flange Geometry 154 CodeCalc User's Guide . Type the design pressure for the shell side of the exchanger. Select the shell you want to add to the model. This value is used to calculate the corroded thickness of the shell. enter a negative pressure. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 1. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. To modify material properties. or click Back to select a different material. If the shell side has external pressure. Options available are: TEMA . This temperature is not assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. Press the + key.British standard (formerly known as BS 5500) ASME tubesheet can also be designed in the ASME tubesheet module.Type the shell side corrosion allowance for the exchanger. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Shell Design Internal Pressure .Type the minimum wall thickness for the shell of the exchanger. which displays read-only information about the selected material.Select the design code to be used for designing the tubesheets. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Entering a description will help you keep up with each item when reviewing the output. This might be the item number on the drawing. and press enter. The program will add this pressure with the positive pressure on the tube (channel) side. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The program uses this value to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets. Shell Metal Design Temperature . CodeCalc User's Guide 155 . PD5500 .Use this option to import data from the Shells and Heads module. 3. Merge .Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association. Description .TEMA Tubesheets Shell Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) Item Number . Shell Material . Tubesheet Design Code . Inc.Type an alphanumeric description for this item. More than one pressure or temperature case can be run. Shell Wall Thickness . Alternatively. Shell Corrosion Allowance . 2. Click Select to use the material. If you type in the name.Enter the design metal temperature for the shell side components. This entry is optional. It is used in the computation of Beta as well as the spring rate and other factors. enter a new tubesheet number and change the relevant input items. The software displays the material properties. This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).Type an ID number for the tubesheet. all the appropriate data for that shell is copied in automatically. where the differential pressure field only serves as a flag to indicate to the program that the appropriate calculations for differential pressure should be performed. Select the shell you want to add to the model. This value is used by the software to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets and the longitudinal shell stresses for fixed tubesheet exchangers. The software displays the material properties. this design condition may govern the exchanger design. click Use Differential Pressure Design in the Multiple Load Case dialog box. 2. or click Back to select a different material. then the tube temperature will be quite close to the shell temperature.Enter the inside diameter for the shell of the exchanger.Enter the design pressure for the tube side of the exchanger.) for guidance to compute the Mean Metal Temperatures.TEMA Tubesheets Shell Inside Diameter (at back of Tubesheet) . Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. enter a negative pressure. Especially for shellside loss of fluid. which displays read-only information about the selected material. 3. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Additional Input for PD 5500 or TEAM Fixed Tubesheet Shell Mean Metal Temperature . Frequently the metal temperatures will be less severe than the design temperatures. 1. 156 CodeCalc User's Guide . if the shellside fluid has a good heat transfer coefficient and the tubeside fluid has a relatively poor heat transfer coefficient. The exception to this is fixed tubesheet exchangers. If the tube side has a vacuum design condition. It is important. due to thermal resistances. For a fixed tubesheet. Channel Metal Design Temperature . Refer to TEMA standard. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). you can instruct the program. Channel Material . You may have to run the analysis more than once to check several metal temperature cases. Channel Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) Channel Design Internal Pressure . For example. section T-4 (8th Ed. to evaluate multiple load cases. Merge . and press enter.Enter the actual metal temperature for the shell under a realistic operating condition. Click Select to use the material.Enter the design metal temperature for the channel. This temperature is not assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. the values on the shellside and tubeside will usually be ignored. especially when evaluating fixed tubesheets without expansion joints. For ASME tubesheet calculation: To run a differential pressure case. This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. that you enter accurate values for metal temperatures for each operating condition. There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The software correctly combines this pressure with the positive pressure on the other side. For TEMA tubesheet calculation: If you specify a differential pressure in the differential pressure input field. all the appropriate data for that shell is copied in automatically. Do not forget to evaluate the condition of shellside or tubeside loss of fluid.Use this option to import data from the Shells and Heads module. This value is used to calculate the corroded thickness of the channel. Select the material that you want to use from the list. You may have to run the analysis more than once to check several metal temperature cases. Refer to TEMA standard. Channel Inside Diameter . To modify material properties. It is important. Additional Input for PD 5500 or TEMA Fixed Tubesheet Tube Mean Metal Temperature .Enter the design temperature of the tubes.TEMA Tubesheets Alternatively. section T-4 (8th Ed. Channel Corrosion Allowance . to evaluate multiple load cases. For a fixed tubesheet.Enter the inside diameter for the channel of the exchanger. which displays read-only information about the selected material. An example of such a parameter is the Beta dimension for fixed tubesheet exchangers. Click Select to use the material. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. 1. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Type the minimum wall thickness for the channel of the exchanger. This value is used by the program to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Especially for shellside loss of fluid. If you type in the name. if the shellside fluid has a good heat transfer coefficient and the tubeside fluid has a relatively poor heat transfer coefficient. The program uses this value to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheet types. Alternatively. To modify material properties. Channel Wall Thickness .Enter the actual metal temperature for the tubes under a realistic operating condition.) for guidance to compute the Mean Metal Temperatures. Tubes Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. 3. If you type in the name. CodeCalc User's Guide 157 . especially when evaluating fixed tubesheets without expansion joints. The software displays the material properties. Frequently the metal temperatures will be less severe than the design temperatures.Type the tube side corrosion allowance for the exchanger. this design condition may govern the exchanger design. This value will be used to look up the allowable stress values for the tube material from the material tables. that you enter accurate values for metal temperatures for each operating condition. due to thermal resistances. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. For example. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). or click Back to select a different material. you can instruct the program. Tube Design Temperature . 2. then the tube temperature will be quite close to the shell temperature. Do not forget to evaluate the condition of shellside or tubeside loss of fluid. This value is used to determine the total tube area and stiffness. 158 CodeCalc User's Guide .134 0.165 0.072 0. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Number of Holes .Enter the tube corrosion allowance. 2.095 0.180 0.G. If you type in the name.042 0.049 0. Alternatively. This value is used to determine the total tube area and stiffness. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.TEMA Tubesheets Tube Material . Click Select to use the material.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.035 0.083 0. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. To modify material properties. The following table gives thickness for some common tube gauges: B. which displays read-only information about the selected material.109 0.016 Corrosion Allowance.120 0. Gauge Thickness (in) 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 0.028 0. 3.065 0.Enter the number of tube holes in the tubesheet. Wall Thickness . 1. The software displays the material properties.022 0. or click Back to select a different material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.W.058 0. .018 0. TEMA Tubesheets For U-tube exchangers, the number of tube holes in the tubesheet is normally equal to two times the number of tubes. Pattern - Enter the pattern of the tube layout. The tube diameter, pitch, and pattern are used to calculate the term 'eta' in the tubesheet thickness equation. These rules are same for triangular and rotated triangular layouts. The rules are also the same for square or rotated square layouts. In the ASME code square patterns have a 90º layout angle and triangular patterns have a 60º angle. Outside Diameter - Enter the outside diameter of the tubes. This is usually an exact fraction, such as .5, .75, .875, 1.0, or 1.25 (inches). The tube diameter, pitch, and pattern are used to calculate the term 'eta' in the tubesheet thickness equation. These rules are the same for triangular, square, rotated triangular and rotated square layouts. Pitch - Enter the tube pitch, the distance between the tube centers. The tube diameter, pitch, and pattern are used to calculate the term "eta" in the tubesheet thickness equation. These rules are same for triangular and rotated triangular layouts. The rules are also the same for square or rotated square layouts. Is this a Welded Tube (not Seamless)? - Check this box if the tube has a longitudinal weld seam or in other words it (not seamless). For computing allowable Tube-Tubesheet Joints loads and the longitudinal tube stress, the allowable stress of a seamless tube is needed. If the user selected a welded tube and clicks on this checkbox, then the tube allowable stress is divided by 0.85 to get an equivalent allowable of a seamless tube. This is per note in ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 UW-20.3 and App. A. The reason for this is that the longitudinal stress does act across the longitudinal seam. So, the joint efficiency of the longitudinal seam is not used in the calculation. Tube to Tubesheet Joint Information? - Check this box to input information about the Tube-Tubesheet joint (weld, classification). This information will be used to determine the minimum acceptable fillet/groove weld size that connects the tube to the tubesheet and the allowable tube-to-tubesheet load. Differential Design Pressure - Enter the differential design pressure if you wish the program to use the differential design rules. The differential pressure is used as the design pressure on both the tubeside and the shellside, except for fixed tubesheet exchangers. In this case any number greater than zero serves as a flag to tell the program to turn on the special differential design pressure rules for fixed tubesheets. You must enter the shell side and tube side design pressures for fixed tubesheet exchangers. PD 550 or TEMA Tubesheet Input Straight Length of Tubes between - Specify the tube length from either the inner tubesheet faces or outside tubesheet faces (total straight length), this is indicated using the corresponding input on this screen. Straight Length of Tubes - Enter the length of the tubes. For U-tubesheet exchangers this is the straight length of the tube. For fixed tubesheet exchanger this is the overall length from the inside face of one tubesheet to the inside face of the other tubesheet. This value is used to determine the thermal expansion of the tubes. This input is only needed for British tubesheets and TEMA fixed tubesheets. You can specify the tube length from either the inner tubesheet faces or outside tubesheet faces (total straight length). This is indicated using the corresponding input on this screen. End Condition k, - For computing the allowable tube compression, the values of k and SL are required. Where, CodeCalc User's Guide 159 TEMA Tubesheets SL = Unsupported Span of the tube k = Tube end condition corresponding to the span SL. The table below lists the values of k. k 0.60 0.80 1.0 Condition For unsupported spans between two tubesheets. For unsupported spans between a tubesheet and a tube support. For unsupported spans between two tube supports. For the worst case scenario, enter the values of k and SL that give the maximum combination of k * SL. SL for example, could be the distance between the tubesheet and the first baffle or the tube span between two support baffles. F1 calls different IDs in the two books, but content is the same. Maximun Unsupported Length SL - For computing the allowable tube compression, the values of k and SL are required. Where, SL = Unsupported Span of the tube k = Tube end condition corresponding to the span SL. The table below lists the values of k. k 0.60 0.80 1.0 Condition For unsupported spans between two tubesheets. For unsupported spans between a tubesheet and a tube support. For unsupported spans between two tube supports. For the worst case scenario, enter the values of k and SL that give the maximum combination of k * SL. SL for example, could be the distance between the tubesheet and the first baffle or the tube span between two support baffles. F1 calls different IDs in the two books, but content is the same. Length of Expanded Portion of Tube - The expanded portion of a tube is that part which is radially expanded outward within the tube hole. When the tube is expanded, it is also pressed into the tubesheet. Some tubes are welded into place and this value may be zero. The maximum this value can be is the thickness of the tubesheet. A fully expanded tube-tubesheet joint can reduce the tubesheet-required thickness. TEMA Additional Input Perimeter of Tube Layout (if needed) - Enter the length of a path around the outside edge of the tube layout. This can be calculated by counting the number of tubes on the outside of the layout and multiplying that number by the tube pitch. When a tubesheet might be controlled by shear stress, the program requires the perimeter and area of the tubesheet for the shear calculation. An error message displays when these values are required but not given. The result will be conservative if you overestimate the area and underestimate the perimeter. This input is only needed for TEMA tubesheets. Area of Tube Layout (if needed) - Enter the area enclosed by a path around the outside edge of the tube layout. When a tubesheet may be controlled by shear stress, the program requires the perimeter and area of the tubesheet for the shear calculation. An error message displays 160 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets when these values are required but not given. The result will be conservative if you overestimate the area and underestimate the perimeter. PD 5500 Additional Input Diameter of Outer Tube Limit Circle - Enter the diameter of outer tube limit circle, denoted as Do in PD:5500. This input is only needed for British tubesheets (PD:5500). Area of Untubed Lanes (S) - Enter the total area of all the untubed lanes on the tubesheet. If there is no pass partition lane then this area is zero. See the figure below for a single pass exchanger, this area is UL1 * Do. Figure 36: Area of Untubed Lanes The maximum limiting value of AL is 4*Do*p. Where, Do = Equivalent diameter of outer limit circle. p = tube pitch UL1 = Distance between innermost tube hole centers (width of pass partition lane) Number of Grooves in Tube Hole - Enter number of grooves in the tube hole. Tubesheet Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) Type of Tubesheet - The program analyzes the following tubesheet types. When one tubesheet is stationary and the other tubesheet is a floating type, then analyze the stationary tubesheet as one of the stationary types (listed below) and analyze the floating tubesheet as one of the tubesheet types (listed below). Examples include: AEP, AKT, AJW, NET, and so forth. If both tubesheets (front and rear) are stationary, then select the fixed tubesheet type. This can include any of the stationary tubesheet types as the front or rear tubesheet type. Choosing this geometry assures the differential thermal expansion (between the shell and the tubes) is properly accounted. Examples of some fixed configurations are BEM, NGN, AEL, and so forth. Use the table below to determine the correct tubesheet type. CodeCalc User's Guide 161 TEMA Tubesheets Stationary tubesheet, gasketed on both sides (A) Stationary tubesheets, integral with the shell (B) Stationary tubesheets, integral with the channel (C) Stationary tubesheets, integral on both sides (N) U-tube tubesheets gasketed on both sides (U) 162 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets U-tube tubesheets integral with the channel (V) U-tube tubesheets integral with the shell Floating tubesheets, outside packed floating head (P) Floating tubesheets, head with backing device (S) Floating tubesheets, pull through floating head (T) Floating head, externally sealed floating tubesheet (W) Divided floating tubesheet (D) See TEMA figure N-1.2 See TEMA figure N-1.2 See TEMA figure N-1.2 See TEMA figure N-1.2 See TEMA 7.132 type k Fixed tubesheet exchanger - The following figure displays a NEN fixed two stationary tubesheets tubesheet exchanger. A fixed tubesheet (F) configuration can be comprised of any combination of stationary tubesheets. Each end can be any type of fixation such as integral, gasketed. Tubesheet Metal Design Temperature - Enter the design metal temperature for the tubesheet. This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. This temperature is not CodeCalc User's Guide 163 TEMA Tubesheets assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature. Tubesheet Material - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Tubesheet Extended as Flange? - Select if the tubesheet is extended and used as a bolted flange. If the tubesheet is extended but does not experience the bending moments of the bolts, then select Is Bolt Load Transferred to Tubesheet to allow input echo of the tubesheet extension information without transferring the bolt load to the tubesheet. For example, when the tubesheet is bolted between a pair of identical flanges, it will not experience a bending moment. It is only when the tubesheet replaces one of the flanges that a moment develops. Tubesheet Gasket - Enter the kind of gasketing associated with this tubesheet. Select None if the tubesheet is not sealed with a gasket on either side. Select Shell if the gasket is only on the shell side of the exchanger. Select Channel if the gasket is only on the channel side of the exchanger. Select Both if the gaskets are on both sides of the exchanger. The program will then evaluate the gasket you specify along with the pressure which causes the largest bending moment on the tubesheet. If the tubesheet has a circular gasket, even if the gasket is not extended as a flange, you must enter the details of the gasket, so that the program can correctly evaluate the mean diameter of the gasket load reaction (G). to open the Tubesheet Gasket/Bolting Input Dialog Box and define the necessary Click properties. Merge Flange - Use this option to import data from the Shells and Heads module. Select the shell you want to add to the model, and press enter, all the appropriate data for that shell is copied in automatically. Depth of Groove in Tubesheet (if any) - If the tube sheet being analyzed has a center groove, enter the depth of the groove. This value will be added to the required thickness of the tube sheet + the corrosion allowances specified. Tubesheet Thickness - Enter the thickness of the tubesheet, or a reasonable estimate at the thickness if the actual thickness is unknown. This thickness should include any allowances for corrosion on the shell side or the tube side. The tubesheet thickness for fixed tubesheet exchangers is also used in the equivalent thermal pressure calculation. When you have finished your design you should come back and put the actual thickness into this field and make sure the required thickness does not change. Tubesheet Corrosion Allowance (Shell side) - Enter the tubesheet corrosion allowance for the shell side. This value is combined with the tubesheet corrosion allowance channel side to calculate the corroded thickness of the tubesheet. 164 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets Tubesheet Corrosion Allowance (Channel side) - Enter the tubesheet corrosion allowance for the channel side. This value is combined with the tubesheet corrosion allowance shell side to calculate the corroded thickness of the tubesheet. G. dimension for Stationary tubesheet - Enter the G dimension of Stationary Tubesheet to be used for the some floating tubesheet types. If this input is left blank, then the program will compute the G from the specified gasket input. TEMA standard states that for all the floating tubesheet (except divided), the G shall be the G used for the stationary tubesheet. The T type floating tubesheet should also be checked with actual gasket G of the floating tubesheet. TEMA Input Tubesheet Class - Select the appropriate TEMA class for designing this heat exchanger. R - Generally for severe requirements of petroleum and related processing applications. C - Generally for moderate requirements of commercial and general process applications. B - Generally for chemical process service. This will be used to compute the minimum required tubesheet thickness per RCB-7.13 in the TEMA standard. PD 5500 Input How are tubesheets Clamped - Select the tubesheet edge condition. This determines how the tubesheet is supported at the edge by the shell or channel. This option is used for the PD:5500 code. Figure 3.9-6 in PD:5500 2003, illustrates the edge support conditions. The available options are listed in the table below: Stationary Simply/ Floating Simply Stationary Simply/ Floating Clamped Stationary Clamped/ Floating Simply Stationary Clamped/ Floating Clamped Select this option if both the stationary and the floating tubesheet are simply supported. Select this option if the stationary tubesheet is simply supported and the floating tubesheet is clamped. Select this option if the stationary tubesheet is clamped and the floating tubesheet is simply supported. Select this option if both the stationary and the floating tubesheet are clamped. CodeCalc User's Guide 165 TEMA Tubesheets Expansion Joint Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) Expansion Joint Type - Select the appropriate expansion joint type. The following options are available: None - Select this option when there is no expansion joint in the heat exchanger. Thin Expansion Joint - Select this option if the expansion joint is a bellows type expansion joint. The figure below shows an unreinforced bellows type expansion joint. In this case you should use the Thin Joint module to design the bellows type expansion joints (both reinforced and unreinforced). Then specify the computed spring rate. Figure 37: Thin Expansion Joint Thick Expansion Joint - Select this option if the expansion joint is: Flanged and flue Flanged only No flanged or no flue. Design Option - The following options are available: Existing - Select this option if you already know the spring rate of the flanged/flued expansion joint. Analyze - Select this option if you want the program to compute the spring rate of the expansion joint and stresses induced in the expansion joint. Expansion Joint Calculation Method - Enter the expansion joint calculation method. User input Sprint Rate Corroded/Uncorroded - Enter the spring rate for the thin walled (bellows) expansion joint or a thick walled (flanged/flued) expansion joint. If there is no expansion joint, this input should be disabled. The spring rate of the thin walled expansion joint (bellows kind) can be computed using the Thin Joint module of the program, which is based on ASME appendix 26. The spring rate of the thick walled expansion joint (flanged/flued kind) can be computed within the tubesheet modules when the user specifies the expansion joint design option as Analyze, and enters the expansion joint geometry. This calculation is per TEMA RCB-8. Alternatively, the user can also use the Thick joint module to compute the spring rate, but this is not a preferred way as it involves manual transfer of data between the tubesheet and Thick joint modules. The uncorroded and corroded spring rates will be used for running the multiple load cases in uncorroded and corroded condition. 166 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets Expansion Joint Inside Diameter - Enter the inside diameter of the expansion joint, shown as ID in the figure below. This value is used by the program to calculate the force on the cylinder and the equivalent pressure of thermal expansion. Figure 38: Expansion Joint Expansion Joint Outside Diameter - Enter the outside diameter of the expansion joint, shown as OD in Figure D in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. Expansion Joint Flange Wall Thickness, (te) - Enter the minimum thickness of the flange or web of the expansion joint, after forming. This is usually thinner than the unformed metal. This value is shown as te in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. Expansion Joint Flange Corrosion Allowance - Enter the corrosion allowance for the expansion joint. This value will be subtracted from the minimum thickness of the flange or web for the joint. Some common corrosion allowances are listed below: 0.0625 inches (2 mm) 0.125 inches (3 mm) 0.25 inches (6 mm) 1/16" 1/8" 1/4" Expansion Joint Material - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Expansion Joint Knuckle Offset Inside - Enter the distance from the shell cylinder to the beginning of the knuckle for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle. Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the intersection of the expansion joint web and the outer diameter for joints with a square outside corner. In both cases this distance is frequently zero and, for an expansion joint with an outside radius but no outside cylinder, this distance is the distance from the end of the knuckle to the symmetrical centerline of the joint. CodeCalc User's Guide 167 as in the case of certain inlet nozzle geometries for heat exchangers.Enter the length of the shell cylinder to the nearest body flange or head.TEMA Tubesheets Expansion Joint Knuckle Offset Outset .Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle. Number of Flexible Shell Elements (1 Confolution = 2 Fse) .Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle. and. lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. 168 CodeCalc User's Guide . Expansion Joint Knuckle Radius Outside . Figure 39: Shell Side Geometry Shell Cylinder Length (Li) . See the figure in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. This will always be true when you have an expansion joint with only a half convolute (1 FSE). for an expansion joint with an outside radius but no outside cylinder. TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21 includes the following note: lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except.Check this field if there is a cylindrical section attached to the expansion joint at the OD. It may also be true when there is a relatively long cylindrical portion between two half convolutes. Is there an outer cylinder? . In both cases this distance is frequently zero. If no cylinder is used. Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results. Expansion Joint Knuckle Radius Inside . lo and li shall be taken as zero. Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the intersection of the expansion joint web and the outer diameter for joints with a square outside corner.Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the beginning of the knuckle for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle. Two flexible shell elements constitute one convolution of the expansion joint. where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp inside corner. this distance is the distance from the end of the knuckle to the symmetrical centerline of the joint.Enter the number of flexible shell elements in the flanged/flued expansion joint. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp outside corner (Flanged Only). since the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if it is less than the cylinder length. TEMA Tubesheets See the figure in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. Click to open the Outer Cylinder Dialog Box (on page 171, on page 208) and define more properties. Desired Cycle life - Enter the number of desired pressure cycles for this exchanger. This will be compared with the actual computed cycle life of the expansion joint. Print Detailed Expansion Joint Calculations? - Select this option to print the detailed expansion. Tubesheet Extended as Flange Dialog (TEMA Tubesheets) Outside Diameter of Flanged Portion - Enter the outer diameter of the flange. This value is referred to as "A" in the ASME code. Thickness of Extended Portion of Tubesheet - Enter the flange thickness. This thickness will be used in the calculation of the required thickness. The final results should therefore, agree with this thickness to within about five percent. Since the ASME Code does not have a single equation to compute this required thickness, the appropriate formula from TEMA 8th edition was used. Bolt Circle Diameter - Enter the diameter of the bolt circle of the flange. Thread Series - The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table UNC Bolt Table User specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table British, BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used, the values will be converted back to the user selected units. TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1 inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1 inch and above bolt nominal diameter. The UNC threads available are the standard threads. Select Bolt Size - Select the bolt size. CodeCalc User's Guide 169 TEMA Tubesheets Bolt Diameter - Enter the nominal bolt diameter. The tables of bolt diameter included in the program range from 0.5 to 4.0 inches. This value will be used to determine the bolt space correction factor. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value, enter the nominal size in this field, and also enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell. Bolt Root Area - If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types, you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this field. This option is used only if bolt root area is greater than 0.0. Number of Bolts - Enter the number of bolts to be used in the flange analysis. This is usually an even number. The number of bolts is almost always a multiple of four. Bolt Material - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Fillet Weld Between Flange and Shell/Channel - Enter the fillet weld height between the tubesheet flange and the shell or channel outside surface. CodeCalc will use this number to calculate g1 (hub thickness at the large end). Is the Bolt Load transferred to the Tubesheet - Check this box if the bolt load is transferred to the tubesheet, which is extended as the flange. If the tubesheet is gasketed with both the shell and channel flanges, then tubesheet can still be extended but the bolt load is not transferred to the tubesheet extension. In that case, you can uncheck this box. But, carefully consider all the possible cases such the hydrotest. If this box is unchecked then the required thickness of the tubesheet extension is not computed. Ratio of Required Thickness of Tubesheet Flanged Extension - If it is desired to reduce the required thickness of the tubesheet flanged Extension, then specify the ratio of the Required thicknesses of Tubesheet Flanged Ext. and the Tubesheet. This is used in TEMA RCB 7.1342 for U-tube tubesheet exchangers This is an optional input and this ratio should be less than 1.0 and more than 0.2. The default value is 1.0. Operating Flange Bolt Load (Wm1) - Specify the alternate operating bolt load such as from the mating flange. This value will be used if it is greater than the operating bolt load computed by the program. Seating Flange Bolt Load (Wm2) - Specify the alternate seating flange bolt load such as from the mating flange. This value will be used if it is greater than the seating bolt load computed by the program. 170 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets Flange Design Bolt Load (W) - Specify the alternate flange design bolt load such as from the mating flange. This value will be used if it is greater than the flange design bolt load computed by the program. Outer Cylinder Dialog Box Topics Outer Cylinder on the Thick Expansion Joint ................................ 171 Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance ............................ 171 Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) .......................................... 171 Outer Cylinder on the Thick Expansion Joint Check this field if there is a cylindrical section attached to the expansion joint at the OD. This will always be true when you have an expansion joint with only a half convolution (1 FSE). It may also be true when there is a relatively long cylindrical portion between two half convolutions, as in the case of certain inlet nozzle geometries for heat exchangers. Figure 40: Expansion Joint Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance Enter the corrosion allowance for the outer cylindrical element. Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) Enter the length of the outer cylinder to the nearest body flange or head, or to the centerline of the convolute. TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21 includes the following note: lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except, where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them, lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. If no cylinder is used, lo and li shall be taken as zero. Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results, since the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if less than the cylinder length. CodeCalc User's Guide 171 TEMA Tubesheets This value is shown in the figure below as 'lo'. Figure 41: Expansion Joint Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 1. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Shell Band Properties Dialog Box Topics Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet ........................................ 173 Shell Band Corrosion Allowance ................................................... 173 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, front end L1 ... 173 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, rear L1 ........... 173 Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 1. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. 172 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet Enter the thickness of the shell bands ts1. Shell Band Corrosion Allowance Enter the corrosion allowance for the shell band. Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, front end L1 Enter the front end length l1 for the shell band. Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet, rear L1 Enter the rear end length l1' for the shell band. Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box (TEMA Tubesheets) Shell-side Vacuum Pressure - When analyzing the design with the multiple load cases, the user can specify shell/channel side vacuum pressures. This should be a positive entry. For example for full atmospheric vacuum condition enter a value of 15.0 psig. If no value is specified, then zero psi will be used. Channel-side Vacuum Pressure - When analyzing the design with the multiple load cases, the user can specify shell/channel side vacuum pressures. This should be a positive entry. For example for full atmospheric vacuum condition enter a value of 15.0 psig. If no value is specified, then zero psi will be used. Tubesheet Gasket Dialog Box Flange Face Inner Diameter - Enter the inner diameter of the flange face. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. If there is no raise flange face, please enter the gasket ID. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). Flange Face Outer Diameter - Enter the outer diameter of the flange face. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point, but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. If there is no raise flange face, please enter gasket OD. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). CodeCalc User's Guide 173 TEMA Tubesheets Gasket Inner Diameter - Enter the inner diameter of the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). Gasket Outer Diameter - Enter the outer diameter of the gasket. The soaftware uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point, but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). Mating Flange Hub Thickness, Small End - Enter the flange hub thickness. Mating Flange Hub Thickness, Large End - Enter the flange hub thickness. Gasket Factors m/y - These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 code in App. 2. As stated in the code, these are only suggested values. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. See Table 2-5.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Flange Face Facing Sketch - Using Table 2-5.2 of the ASME code, select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: Facing Sketch 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 3 4 5 6 Description flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations, one side large serrations, both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Flange Face Facing Column - Enter the partition gasket column for gasket seating. These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 code in App. 2. As stated in the code, these are only suggested values. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. See Table 2-5.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Thickness - Enter the gasket thickness. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. Nubbing Width - If applicable, enter the nubbin width. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c, 1d, 2 and 6. Note that for sketch 9 this is not a nubbin width, but the contact width of the metallic ring. Full Face Gasket Option - ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 does not cover the design of flanges for which the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter. Select this option to use a typical method for the design of these types of flanges is from the Taylor Forge Flange Design Bulletin. Gaskets for the full face flanges are usually of soft materials such as rubber or an elastomer, so that the bolt stresses do not go too high during gasket seating. The software adjusts the flange 174 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets analysis and the design formulae to account for the full face gasket. There are 3 Full Face Gasket Flanges options: Program Selects - Select to automatically make the determination if this is a full face gasket flange, depending upon the input. If the gasket ID and OD matches with Flange ID and OD dimensions respectively (except for a blind flange) then it is determined to be a full face flange. See the figure below. Full Face Gasket - Select if this is a full face gasket flange. Use this option when the gasket ID or OD does not match the flange ID/OD dimensions, but the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter. See the figure below: Not a Full Face - Select if this is not a full face gasket flange. Length of Partition Gasket - This is the cumulative length of all the heat exchanger pass partition gaskets associated with this flange. Width of Partition Gasket - Enter the width of the pass partition gasket. Using the gasket properties specified and the known width, CodeCalc will compute the effective seating width and compute the gasket loads contributed by the partition gasket. CodeCalc User's Guide 175 TEMA Tubesheets Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box Tubesheet Mean Metal Temperature - Enter the actual metal temperature for the tubesheet under a realistic operating condition. This value does not affect the thermal expansion design, but it is used to determine the elastic modulus of the tubesheet. Refer to TEMA standard, section T-4 (8th Ed.) for guidance to compute the Mean Metal Temperatures. Is This a Kettle Type Tubesheet - Check this option if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figure N-1.2 and Figure N-2 in TEMA standard Eighth Edition. Run Multiple Load Cases for Fixed Tubesheet - Check this box if you want to run multiple load cases for the tubesheet design, per the TEMA standard. Load Case # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Load Case Description Corroded Fvs + Pt - Th + Ca Ps + Fvt - Th + Ca Ps + Pt - Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th + Ca Fvs + Pt + Th + Ca Ps + Fvt + Th + Ca Ps + Pt + Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt - Th + Ca Uncorroded Fvs + Pt - Th - Ca Ps + Fvt - Th - Ca Ps + Pt - Th - Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th - Ca Fvs + Pt + Th - Ca Ps + Fvt + Th - Ca Ps + Pt + Th - Ca Fvs + Fvt - Th - Ca Fvt, Fvs - User-defined Shell-side and Tube-side vacuum pressures or 0.0 Ps, Pt - Shell-side and Tube-side Design Pressures Th - With or Without Thermal Expansion Ca - With or Without Corrosion Allowance 176 CodeCalc User's Guide TEMA Tubesheets Kettle Tubesheet Dialog Box Port Cylinder Length - Enter the length of the Kettle port cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Port Cylinder Thickness - Enter the thickness of the Kettle port cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Mean Diameter of Port Cylinder - Enter the mean diameter of the kettle port cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Kettle Cylinder Length - Enter the length of the kettle cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Kettle Cylinder Thickness - Enter the thickness of the kettle cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Mean Diameter of Kettle Cylinder - Enter the mean diameter of the Kettle cylinder. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Axial Length of Kettle Cone - Enter the axial length of the Kettle cone. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Kettle Cone Thickness - Enter the thickness of the Kettle cone. This dimension is needed if the shell is shaped like a Kettle. The Kettle-type configuration is illustrated in Figures N-1.2 and N-2 in the TEMA Standard (Eighth Edition). Results (Tubesheets) Intermediate Calculations for Tubesheets Extended as Flange: Two major additions to the tubesheet calculations occur when a tubesheet is extended as a flange. First, a moment is added to the pressure moment, which governs the thickness of most tubesheets. Second, a moment exists on the portion of the tubesheet, which serves as the flange, and the effects of this moment must be evaluated. The TEMA standard requires that these conditions be evaluated using the rules in the ASME Code, Appendix 2. Those rules, in turn, require the complete evaluation of bending moments on the flange. It is those bending moment calculations, which are reflected in this section of the output. The flange design rules in PD:5500 are also very similar to the ASME Appendix 2 rules. These calculations represent the basic bolt loading for the flanged portion of the tubesheet, and will be the same for the mating flange. The actual bending moments may change when compared to the mating flange. The flanged extension of the tubesheet is calculated as a ring type flange. Since no stresses are shown, you need to check the adequacy of the bolting by comparing the required bolt area to the actual bolt area. The bolt spacing correction factor is automatically included in the bending moment, such that the moment is the force times the distance times the bolt correction. CodeCalc User's Guide 177 3 : Bronze B31. A good place to find this data. You will receive an error message when these values are required but not given. the G shall be the G used for the stationary tubesheet. When a tubesheet may be controlled by shear stress.3 : 3. tables D-10 and D-11.30Ni B31. You should also check the values to ensure that they agree with your expectations.3 : 5Cr . the F dimension is calculated based on the exchanger type and the type of connection to the shell and channel. rotated triangular.8Ni TE-1 : 27Cr B31.3 : Cast Iron B31. Pressure and Thickness Calculations: The tube diameter.3 : Brass B31.3 : 70 Cu .3 : 18Cr . The G dimension is calculated based on the exchanger type and either the diameter of the pressure component or the mean diameter of the gasket. the program requires the perimeter and area of the tubesheet for the shear calculation.133.TEMA Tubesheets Geometric Constants. The T type floating tubesheet should also be checked with actual gasket G of the floating tubesheet.3 : Ni .132 and Table RCB-7. Similarly.3 : Ductile Iron 178 CodeCalc User's Guide . It selects these values from the tables based on the materials classification you enter on the material editing screen of the input spreadsheet.5Ni B31.3 : 67Ni30Cu B31.9Cr B31. These rules are same for triangular. is the TEMA Standard.Cr . You should verify that the program has selected the right identification number for the material. and the source of these tables in the program. and pattern are used to calculate the term 'eta' in the tubesheet thickness equation. These calculations are based on Table RCB-7.Fe B31. TEMA standard states that for all the floating tubesheet (except divided). to Elastic Chart 3 4 6 6 6 8 1 10 7 13 12 9 6 6 7 Chart Name TE-1 : Carbon and Low Alloy Steels B31.Fe .Cr B31. Differential Expansion Pressure: The program contains tables of Young's modulus and the coefficient of thermal expansion. In these cases.3 : Aluminum B31.3 : Ni . user can enter the G dimension of the stationary tubesheet.3 : 25Cr20Ni B31. The following table displays the program identification numbers for the materials in this standard: Chart Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cross Ref. and rotated square layouts. pitch. square. The result will be conservative if you overestimate the area and underestimate the perimeter. Mo (Alloy B) TEMA : Ni . 23 Cr-12Ni. C .Si.Ni TEMA : Copper TEMA : Brass TEMA : Aluminum Bronze TEMA : Copper .Mn .TEMA Tubesheets Chart Number 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Cross Ref.Mn Stl.1/2 & 3 . 7 TEMA : Ni-Cu (Alloy 400) TEMA : Ni .Mo .Fe .Si. 1-1/4Cr .Ni TEMA : 90 .Cr .1/4Cr .1/2Ni TEMA : 2 .Cu (Alloy 825) TEMA : Ni .Cr .1Mo TEMA : 12Cr & 13Cr TEMA : 15Cr & 17 Cr TEMA : TP316 & TP317 TEMA : TP304 TEMA : TP321 TEMA : TP347 TEMA : 25 Cr-12Ni.Mo TEMA : 2 .20 Cu .1Mo TEMA : 5Cr .Cr (Alloy 800 & 800H) TEMA : Ni . TEMA : C .1/2Mo TEMA : C .1/2Mo & Cr .Cr .1/2Mo & 3Cr 1Mo TEMA : Mn .Fe . to Elastic Chart 14 14 14 14 20 17 18 18 19 19 15 15 15 15 15 23 23 32 21 24 25 35 34 27 28 33 22 29 30 29 29 Chart Name TEMA : Plain Carbon Stl & C . Grades 1.10 & 80 .Mo-Cr (Alloy 276) TEMA : Nickel (Alloy 200) TEMA : 70-30 Cu .1/2Mo & 9Cr . 2.Silicon CodeCalc User's Guide 179 .1/2Mo TEMA : 7Cr .Fe (Alloy 600) TEMA : Ni . 25Cr-20Ni TEMA : Aluminum 3003 TEMA : Aluminum 6061 TEMA : Titanium. 3. TEMA Tubesheets Chart Number 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Cross Ref. The equivalent bolting pressure per RCB-7. The minimum tubesheet thickness per RCB-7.133 8. The effective shell side design pressure per RCB-7.5% Tungsten TEMA : 17 . This is necessary since 5500 does not provide tables of thermal expansion versus temperature. C-1/2 Mo & Cr. 1-1/4Cr-1/2Mo & 3 CR 1Mo TEMA : C-Mn-Si 1-1/4Cr-1/2Mo & 3 CR 1Mo When PD:5500 is selected.161 4. The equivalent differential expansion pressure per RCB-7. The tube longitudinal stress per RCB-7.23 10.24 11.133 3.22 9.131. F.162 5.25 If the tube or shell longitudinal stresses are being exceeded. to Elastic Chart 31 37 15 38 39 40 43 44 47 48 41 42 45 46 16 16 17 Chart Name TEMA : Admiralty TEMA : Zirconium TEMA : Cr .19 CR ( TP 439 ) TEMA : AL-6XN TEMA : 2205 (S311803) TEMA : 3RE60 (S31500) TEMA : 7 MO (S32900) TEMA : 7 MO PLUS (S32950) TEMA : AL 29-4-2 TEMA : SEA-CURE TEMA : C-Si. The required thickness per RCB-7. it can be caused by the differential thermal expansion between the tubes and the shell. when a tube is under 180 CodeCalc User's Guide . The effective tube side design pressure per RCB-7.164 7. the program calculates the following information: 1.Cb (Alloy 625) TEMA : Tantalum TEMA : Tantalum with 2.Fe . When a fixed tubesheet is analyzed.Mo .1/2Mo TEMA : C-Mn-Si. and ETA per RCB-7. then the material band is mapped to nearest TEMA number. For example.Ni . The tube to tubesheet joint loads per RCB-7. The values G.132 and RCB-7. The shell longitudinal stress per RCB-7.163 6.Cb (Alloy 20Cb) TEMA : Ni . which is then used to look up the Young's modulus and the coefficient of thermal expansion.Cr -Mo . The allowable tube compressive stress per RCB-7.132 or RCB-7. 2.Cu . Use the expansion joint spring rate in the fixed tubesheet calculations 3. Here is a sample: Designing a Thick Expansion Joint in the Tubesheet Module: After you input the thick expansion joint geometry in the Tubesheet module. Use the results of the tubesheet calculation.TEMA Tubesheets compressive stress and the shell is under tensile stress. Any error messages are also displayed. program performs the calculation and displays the important results on the status bar. You can either put a thin expansion joint by checking the appropriate box (designed using the Thin Joint module) or a thick expansion joint (which can be designed the Tubesheet module or the Thick Joint module). Run a corresponding expansion joint calculation for each tubesheet load case. the program uses the following process to design the expansion joint: 1. this indicates that the tube is trying to expand more than the shell. In this case an expansion joint can be used to relieve this axial stress. 4. Display of Results on Status Bar As the user enters the data. The procedure followed when designing PD:5500 tubesheets is similar to the one shown here. This allows a quick design of the tubesheet and makes it easier to try various configurations to select the best one. Pd) to compute the expansion joint stresses. Any failures are indicated in red. The program displays the results for the worst case. CodeCalc User's Guide 181 . (detailed results are also available). along with the prime pressures (P’s. Compute the expansion joint spring rate 2. P’t. TEMA Tubesheets 182 CodeCalc User's Guide . ......... Scope.... 183 Shell Tab ... and Technical Basis ....SECTION 10 ASME Tubesheets Home tab: Components > Add New ASME Tubesheet Calculates the required thickness for tubesheets and shell/channel/tube stresses according to the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 part UHX.................. in both the uncorroded and corroded (if specified) conditions.............................. Flanged and flued (thick) expansion joint for a fixed tubesheet is also analyzed per TEMA standard....................................................... Scope..... The software analyzes all the load cases as per the section UHX... Afterwards....................................... A summary table is provided at the end of the output...................... CodeCalc will iterate for the required thickness of the tubesheet......... 186 Tubes Tab ................... 1 Appendix 5............. In This Section Purpose.... CodeCalc User's Guide 183 ..... 209 Additional Input U-tube Tubesheets Dialog Box ............... Gasketed geometries for both fixed............. CodeCalc contains all of the graphs and functions that appear in section UHX..... fully fixed and floating................... CodeCalc also performs the plasticity calculations for fixed tubesheets if high discontinuity stresses exist at the attachment between the tubesheet and shell or channel........ 209 Results (ASME Tubesheets) ......... floating and U-tube exchangers are also analyzed as well as the thickness of the flanged extension (the TEMA equation has been used). and Technical Basis The ASME TUBESHEETS module is based on the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 part UHX........................................ This module is good for both square or rectangular tube patterns................................. 211 Purpose... which includes various combinations of pressure and temperature...... Tubesheet types that are addressed are U-tube........... 8th edition and ASME Sec.......................................... 187 Tubesheet Tab .. 192 Expansion Joint Tab ......................... 205 Tubesheet Extended As Flange Dialog Box . 2007 Edition....... 185 Channel Tab ............ CodeCalc also computes the allowable Tube-Tubesheet joint load per ASME Sec.......... VIII Appendix A......... This module will also compute loads on the tubes and compare them to their allowable loads per the appropriate equation in Appendix A..... When this module is executed it will display the output including equations for a given input......... VIII Div........... The shell side and tubeside corrosion allowances will then be added to these final results................................ User can choose to view the detailed printout of any load case............................ VIII Div. Appendix 5 to check the joint's adequacy.ASME Tubesheets The software can also analyze a thick expansion joint attached to a fixed tubesheet. The actual stresses are then compared with the allowables provided in ASME Sec. The expansion joint spring rate and stresses are computed per TEMA standard. 1. 184 CodeCalc User's Guide . 2. 3. all the appropriate data for that shell is copied in automatically.Select to merge the TEMA tubesheets. enter a negative pressure. Shell Design Temperature . to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Shell Circumferential Joint Efficiency.Type the shell side corrosion allowance for the exchanger. This entry is optional. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If the shell side has external pressure.Enter the joint efficiency of the circumferential joint in the shell. and press enter. The software displays the material properties. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Type an alphanumeric description for this item. CodeCalc User's Guide 185 . Click Select to use the material. Description . The program will add this pressure with the positive pressure on the tube (channel) side. enter a new tubesheet number and change the relevant input items.Use this option to import data from the Shells and Heads module. This temperature is not assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. It is used in the computation of Beta as well as the spring rate and other factors.Type the design pressure for the shell side of the exchanger. This value is used by the software to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets and the longitudinal shell stresses for fixed tubesheet exchangers. The program uses this value to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets. Merge Shell . To modify material properties. Shell Inside Diameter .Enter the inside diameter for the shell of the exchanger. This is used in the calculation of the allowable for the shell axial stress in the case of fixed tubesheet exchangers.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Shell Wall Thickness . If you type in the name.Type an ID number for the tubesheet. Esw . Select the shell you want to add to the model. This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. Material Name . This might be the item number on the drawing. Shell Design Pressure . or click Back to select a different material.Enter the design metal temperature for the shell. More than one pressure or temperature case can be run. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially.ASME Tubesheets Shell Tab Item Number . Select the material that you want to use from the list. Alternatively. Shell Corrosion Allowance . There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature. Press the + key. This value is used to calculate the corroded thickness of the shell. Entering a description will help you keep up with each item when reviewing the output.Type the minimum wall thickness for the shell of the exchanger. Merge TEMA Tubesheets . 1. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. If you type in the name. Channel Design Pressure . The exception to this is fixed tubesheet exchangers. where the differential pressure field only serves as a flag to indicate to the program that the appropriate calculations for differential pressure should be performed. which displays read-only information about the selected material. The program uses this value to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheet types. This temperature is not assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. and press enter.ASME Tubesheets Channel Tab Channel Type . or Floating Head as the channel type. An example of such a parameter is the Beta dimension for fixed tubesheet exchangers. The software displays the material properties. This value is used by the program to calculate the characteristic diameter for all tubesheets.Use this option to import data from the Shells and Heads module. click Use Differential Pressure Design in the Multiple Load Case dialog box. Channel Material . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Merge . Channel Inside Diameter . Select the shell you want to add to the model. enter a negative pressure. This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature. 3.Select Cylinder. For ASME tubesheet calculation: To run a differential pressure case. Channel Design Temperature . Click Select to use the material. This value is used to calculate the corroded thickness of the channel. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). all the appropriate data for that shell is copied in automatically. or click Back to select a different material.Type the minimum wall thickness for the channel of the exchanger. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Channel Wall Thickness . 1. If the tube side has a vacuum design condition. 2. the values on the shellside and tubeside will usually be ignored. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Hemispherical head. 186 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the tube side corrosion allowance for the exchanger. Alternatively. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Enter the design metal temperature for the tubesheet.Enter the inside diameter for the channel of the exchanger.Enter the design pressure for the tube side of the exchanger. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties. Channel Corrosion Allowance . For TEMA tubesheet calculation: If you specify a differential pressure in the differential pressure input field. The software correctly combines this pressure with the positive pressure on the other side. 75.W.042 . and pattern are used to calculate the term 'eta' in the tubesheet thickness equation. If you type in the name. Pattern . which displays read-only information about the selected material. Material Name . This value is used to determine the total tube area and stiffness.018 .065 B. pitch.022 . 2.875. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Alternatively. . The rules are also the same for square or rotated square layouts. Outside Diameter .165 .5.ASME Tubesheets Tubes Tab Tube Design Temperature .016 Corrosion Allowance . the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. For U-tube exchangers. In the ASME code square patterns have a 90º layout angle and triangular patterns have a 60º angle. Select the material that you want to use from the list. 3.25 (inches).Enter the tube corrosion allowance.W. pitch. The following table displays thicknesses for some common tube gauges: B.Enter the design temperature of the tubes. or click Back to select a different material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. The tube diameter.Enter the number of tube holes in the tubesheet. 1.G. 1.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.072 . The tube diameter. Number of Holes .095 . The software displays the material properties. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. such as . Gauge 17 18 19 22 24 26 27 Thickness (Inches) . the number of tube holes in the tubesheet is normally equal to two times the number of tubes. . Gauge 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 Thickness (Inches) .G.028 .Enter the wall thickness of the tubes.083 . To modify material properties.0. This is usually an exact fraction. Click Select to use the material. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).049 .Enter the outside diameter of the tubes.134 .180 .Enter the pattern of the tube layout. or 1.109 . Wall Thickness .058 . and pattern are used to CodeCalc User's Guide 187 . This value will be used to look up the allowable stress values for the tube material from the material tables. These rules are same for triangular and rotated triangular layouts. This value is used to determine the total tube area and stiffness. The tube diameter. When a tubesheet may be controlled by shear stress. This information will be used to determine the minimum acceptable fillet/groove weld size that connects the tube to the tubesheet and the allowable tube-to-tubesheet load. This value is used to 188 CodeCalc User's Guide . while the pressure calculation applies the efficiency of 0. Material specification is for the Seamless or Seamless/Welded material . Pitch . then this value must be 0.Click this box if you are using a welded tube (longitudinal seam) and not a seamless one.85. These rules are same for triangular and rotated triangular layouts. Length of Expanded Portion of Tube .ASME Tubesheets calculate the term 'eta' in the tubesheet thickness equation. This input is only needed for TEMA tubesheets. the program requires the perimeter and area of the tubesheet for the shear calculation. the program requires the perimeter and area of the tubesheet for the shear calculation. For U-tubesheet exchangers this is the straight length of the tube.The expanded portion of a tube is that part which is radially expanded outward within the tube hole.Enter the area enclosed by a path around the outside edge of the tube layout. This is not the tube pitch. classification). The maximum this value can be is the thickness of the tubesheet. When a tubesheet might be controlled by shear stress. An error message displays when these values are required but not given. Pass Partition Groove Depth (hg) . Tube to Tubesheet Joint Information . the distance between the tube centers.Check this box to input information about the Tube-Tubesheet joint (weld.85. When the tube is expanded. These rules are the same for triangular. rotated triangular and rotated square layouts. A fully expanded tube-tubesheet joint can reduce the tubesheet-required thickness. Some tubes are welded into place and this value may be zero. The result will be conservative if you overestimate the area and underestimate the perimeter.The material allowable in this case includes a weld Joint Efficiency of 0. For fixed tubesheet exchanger this is the overall length from the inside face of one tubesheet to the inside face of the other tubesheet.Enter the length of a path around the outside edge of the tube layout. The result will be conservative if you overestimate the area and underestimate the perimeter. This could also be the width of the pass partition lane. square. and pattern are used to calculate the term "eta" in the tubesheet thickness equation.Enter the length of the tubes. Straight Length of Tubes . Distance between Innermost Tube Centers (UL) . Area of Tube Layout (if needed) .In this case the Joint efficiency is not applied to the allowables listed in the code. pitch. This can be calculated by counting the number of tubes on the outside of the layout and multiplying that number by the tube pitch. To calculate the pressure stress (hoop stress) the allowable including the joint efficiency is used.0. Does this Tube have a Longitudinal Weld? . Hence the part UHX uses tube allowables as it is. it is also pressed into the tubesheet.Enter the tube side pass partition groove depth.Enter the tube pitch.The ASME defines this input also as the largest center-to-center distance between adjacent tube rows. When checking the longitudinal tube stress as in part UHX the tube allowable without the Joint efficiency is used. An error message displays when these values are required but not given. Radius to Outermost Tube Hole Center . The rules are also the same for square or rotated square layouts.Enter the distance from the centerline of the exchanger to the centerline of the outermost tube. Refer to the notes for the material specification. If there are not pass partitions. Perimeter of Tube Layout (if needed) . When selecting the tube material you can encounter allowables in two forms: Material specification is for the welded material . For unsupported spans between two tube supports.80 1.60 0. This input is only needed for British tubesheets and TEMA fixed tubesheets. this is indicated using the corresponding input on this screen. SL = Unsupported Span of the tube k = Tube end condition corresponding to the span SL. For unsupported spans between a tubesheet and a tube support. F1 calls different IDs in the two books.0 Condition For unsupported spans between two tubesheets. For the worst case scenario.0 Condition For unsupported spans between two tubesheets.For computing the allowable tube compression. enter the values of k and SL that give the maximum combination of k * SL. Maximum Unsupported Length SL .Specify the tube length from either the inner tubesheet faces or outside tubesheet faces (total straight length).80 1. End Condition k .60 0. For unsupported spans between two tube supports. This is indicated using the corresponding input on this screen. SL for example. For the worst case scenario. the values of k and SL are required. but content is the same.ASME Tubesheets determine the thermal expansion of the tubes. but content is the same. enter the values of k and SL that give the maximum combination of k * SL. Where. The table below lists the values of k. You can specify the tube length from either the inner tubesheet faces or outside tubesheet faces (total straight length).For computing the allowable tube compression. k 0. could be the distance between the tubesheet and the first baffle or the tube span between two support baffles. k 0. The table below lists the values of k. SL = Unsupported Span of the tube k = Tube end condition corresponding to the span SL. CodeCalc User's Guide 189 . F1 calls different IDs in the two books. Where. SL for example. For unsupported spans between a tubesheet and a tube support. the values of k and SL are required. could be the distance between the tubesheet and the first baffle or the tube span between two support baffles. Straight Tube Length measured between . If the tubes on your exchanger are welded to the tubesheet. It covers many types of tube-tubesheet joints. For partial strength tube-to-tubesheet welds on fixed/floating tubesheet exchangers. ag . the program automatically fills in the value of factor Fr. The design strength should not be greater than Ft (tube strength). then enter the fillet weld or groove weld leg length.ASME Tubesheets Tube to Tubesheet Joint Input Dialog Box Fillet Weld Length. Sometimes both are used. VIII Div. the higher of the actual tube-to-tubesheet load and the user entered design strength will be used to size welds. brazed and expanded. ASME Sec. These values are used to determine the weld strengths and the required weld sizes.Following options are available for the connecting tube/tubesheet welds: Full Strength A full strength tube-to-tubesheet weld is one in which the design strength is equal to or greater than the maximum allowable axial tube strength. tube strength (Ft) is used to size welds. Partial Strength Seal Weld/No Weld Information on these weld types can be found in the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 paragraph UW-20.If the tubes on your exchanger are welded to the tubesheet. af . A partial strength weld can be designed based on the actual tube-tubesheet axial load No calculations are performed in this case. then enter the fillet weld or groove weld leg length. VIII Div. Groove Weld Length. which is p*t(do . In other words the joint is at least as strong as the tube. This method provides rules for computation of allowable loads for Full strength and Partial strength Tube-Tubesheet welds. Design Strength (Fd) (not needed for fixed tubesheet) . It is optional for fixed and floating tubesheet exchangers. 190 CodeCalc User's Guide .t)Sa. Some designs incorporate either only a groove or fillet weld. Sometimes both are used. Method for Tube-Tubesheet Joint Allowance Load . Refer to paragraph UW-20 in the ASME Code for more details. For full strength tube-to-tubesheet welds on fixed/floating tubesheet exchangers. I UW-20 Tube-Tubesheet Joint Type . These values are used to determine the weld strengths and the required weld sizes.The following methods are available: ASME Sec. such as welded. This value is used to determine the minimum acceptable fillet/groove weld size that connects the tube to the tubesheet. Some designs incorporate either only a groove or fillet weld. This value is required for U-tube tubesheet exchanger. Refer to paragraph UW-20 in the ASME Code for more details. I App. A This method is available for fixed and floating tubesheet heat exchangers. Tube Joint Strength Type .The term Fd is defined in the Code paragraph UW-20.On selecting the appropriate Tube joint type. 85 .4t.65 . Table A-2.(test) 1.70 .65 .65 .. 2 grooves Welded a < 1. exp. Enter a value between 1 and 11 based on the following table from the ASME VIII appendix A table A-2.(no test) .75 . exp.80 .4t Welded only a < t Brazed examined Brazed not fully examined Welded a ≥ 1. Welded a < 1.4t Welded only t ≤ a < 1.85 .. In that case the program will use the higher value of factor fr from the table A-2 in ASME code.4t Welded only t ≤ a < 1.40 .ASME Tubesheets The ASME Code tube joint reliability factor is found in the ASME Code. enhanced with 2 or more grooves Expanded.95 .80 .75 . Div 1. Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Joint Description a b b-1 c d e f g h i j j Welded only.70 . This is needed when the tube connection class is not specified above. exp.55 .80 .4t.80 . 0 grooves Expanded. a ≥ 1. exp.50 Is Tube-TubeSheet Joint Tested . Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Joint Description a b b-1 c d e f g h i Welded only.4t. exp. a ≥ 1.40 .4t.4t.00 .50 1.Check this box if the Tube-Tubesheet joint is tested. Section VIII. 0 grooves Expanded. Sec VIII.70 1.90 .00 . exp.70 1. .90 Fr.00 0. 1 grooves Welded a < 1. Welded a < 1.4t.50 1.60 Fr. 2 grooves Welded a < 1.80 . ASME Tube Joint-Reliability Factor (table A-2) .4t Welded only a < t Brazed examined Brazed not fully examined Welded a ≥ 1.50 .00 . Division 1.40 and 1.(test) 1.00 0.80 . A typical value for tubes rolled into two grooves is 0.(no test) . enhanced with 2 or more Fr.Enter a value between .95 .0 based on the following table from ASME VIII appendix A table A-2. exp. enhanced with single groove Expanded.70 CodeCalc User's Guide 191 . not enhanced (no grooves) Fr.55 . 1 grooves Welded a < 1.70. .70 .00 . exp.4t. and is used to calculate the allowable tube-to-tubesheet joint loads.50 .70 .70 .80 .4t. 65 . Div-1 App. as defined in table A-2 in ASME Sec VIII. Floating tubesheet heat exchangers consist of a stationary tubesheet and a floating tubesheet. channel. Tubesheet Tab Type of Tubesheet . both or gasketed on both sides.Enter the Interface pressure (PT) between the tube and the tubesheet due to differential thermal growth. must consider the effect of change in material strength at operating temperature. A. C or D. B. It consists of stationary tubesheets on both sides. This input is required only for the tube joint types i. A fixed tubesheet exchanger is one that is subject to loads arising from differential thermal expansion between the tubes and the shell. Stationary and Floating tubesheets. ASME has four distinct types of tubesheets for analysis purposes. PT . not enhanced (no grooves) .80 . A fixed tubesheet exchanger can be further classified into Configurations A.Choose the type of tubesheet that you will be analyzing. Po . These are Fixed and U Tube. U Tube exchangers can be categorized as integral with the shell. j and k. This pressure is usually established analytically or experimentally. Some Tubesheet configurations are illustrated below: Tubesheet is integral with the Shell and is gasketed on the Channel side and is not extending as a flange.60 . such as tubesheet gasketed with which side or tubesheet integral with which side. the program will automatically reset other inputs on this dialog. j and k.Enter the Interface pressure (Po) between the tube and the tubesheet that remains after expanding the tube at fabrication.50 Tube expansion. enhanced with single groove Expanded. Differential Thermal Expansion. 192 CodeCalc User's Guide . Based on the selected tubesheet type. A. Div-1 App. as defined in table A-2 in ASME Sec VIII. But.ASME Tubesheets grooves 11 12 j j Expanded. This pressure is usually established analytically or experimentally This input is required only for the tube joint types i. In an alternative arrangement the tubesheet is extending as a flange. gasketed with the channel and not extended as a flange. Tubesheet is gasketed on both the Shell and the Channel sides and is not extended as a flange. Tubesheet is integral with both the Shell and the Channel. gasketed with the shell and not extended as a flange. flanged and flued expansion joint is used to reduce the differential thermal expansion between the tubes and the shell. Tubesheet gasketed with both the shell and the channel Tubesheet integral with the channel. Tubesheet integral with the shell. gasketed with the channel and extended as a flange. Stationary and U-Tube Tubesheet Configurations Permitted per ASME Section UHX: a b c d e f Tubesheet integral with both the shell and the channel. Tubesheet integral Tubesheet gasketed and extended as a flange.ASME Tubesheets Tubesheet is integral with the Shell and is gasketed on the Channel side and is extending as a flange. This is a fixed tubesheet exchanger. Floating Tubesheet Configurations Permitted per ASME Section UHX: A B CodeCalc User's Guide 193 . gasketed with the shell and extended as a flange. Tubesheet integral with the channel. Tubesheet integral with the shell. or f and floating tubesheet can be configuration A. or f and floating tubesheet is configuration A. Stationary tubesheet can be configuration a. Stationary tubesheet can be configuration a. 2. with Tubesheet not extended as a Flange d . Tubesheet gasketed with both the shell and the channel Fixed Tubesheet Configurations Permitted per ASME Section UHX: Floating Tubesheet Exchanger Type . e. e. 1. Stationary Tubesheet configurations allowed Per ASME section UHX: a . This is the design temperature for determining allowable stresses only. B.Tubesheet integral with Shell. Tubesheet internally sealed Tubesheet integral with both the shell and the channel. c. This temperature is not assumed to be the metal temperature for thermal expansion. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Floating tubesheet exchanger with an Internally Sealed Floating head. with Tubesheet extended as a Flange f . 194 CodeCalc User's Guide . Tubesheet Metal Design Temperature . which displays read-only information about the selected material. Floating Tubesheets configurations allowed Per ASME section UHX: A . b.Tubesheet Internally Sealed. The software displays the material properties. gasketed with Channel. the following types are listed in the ASME code: Floating tubesheet exchanger with an immersed Floating head.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Select the material that you want to use from the list.Tubesheet gasketed with both Shell and Channel e . Material .Tubesheet integral with Channel.ASME Tubesheets C D a b c d Tubesheet gasketed and not extended as a flange. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. d. c. e.Tubesheet gasketed and not extended as a Flange D .Tubesheet gasketed and extended as a Flange C . gasketed with Channel. b.Choose the floating tubesheet exchanger. d. with Tubesheet extended as a Flange c . Tubesheet integral with the shell.Tubesheet integral B . c. or f and floating tubesheet is configuration D. Floating tubesheet exchanger with an Externally Sealed Floating head. b.Tubesheet integral with Channel. There is a separate input field for the actual metal temperature. gasketed with Shell. with Tubesheet not extended as a Flange. Stationary tubesheet can be configuration a. gasketed with the channel and not extended as a flange. d. gasketed with the channel and extended as a flange. Tubesheet integral with the shell.Tubesheet integral with both Shell and Channel b . gasketed with Shell.Tubesheet integral with Shell.Enter the design metal temperature for the tubesheet. or C. or a reasonable estimate at the thickness if the actual thickness is unknown. so that the program can correctly evaluate the mean diameter of the gasket load reaction (G). then enter the G1 dimension for the backing ring.Area of Untubed Lanes (AL) . Tubesheet Thickness . when the tubesheet is bolted between a pair of identical flanges. The program will then evaluate the gasket you specify along with the pressure which causes the largest bending moment on the tubesheet. Select Shell if the gasket is only on the shell side of the exchanger. The program computes the Shell gasket reaction CodeCalc User's Guide 195 .Enter the thickness of the tubesheet. to open the Tubesheet Gasket/Bolting Input Dialog Box and define the necessary Click properties.Enter the tubesheet corrosion allowance for the shell side. This value is combined with the tubesheet corrosion allowance channel side to calculate the corroded thickness of the tubesheet. Dimen.Enter the tubesheet corrosion allowance for the channel side. Select Both if the gaskets are on both sides of the exchanger. This thickness should include any allowances for corrosion on the shell side or the tube side. If the tubesheet is extended but does not experience the bending moments of the bolts. When you have finished your design you should come back and put the actual thickness into this field and make sure the required thickness does not change. In this case it is a required input.Select if the tubesheet is extended and used as a bolted flange. or click Back to select a different material. G1 is the mid point of the contact between the backing flange and the tubesheet. If you type in the name. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Outside Diameter of Tubesheet . then enter the channel gasket reaction diameter. Tubesheet Corrosion Allowance (Shell Side) . Tubesheet Integral With . this will be the diameter of the extended portion of the tubesheet. Select Channel if the gasket is only on the channel side of the exchanger. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Tubesheet Corrosion Allowance (Channel Side) . Gc. For the tubesheet extended as a flange. in this input. Alternatively.ASME Tubesheets 3. The tubesheet thickness for fixed tubesheet exchangers is also used in the equivalent thermal pressure calculation. even if the gasket is not extended as a flange. Tubesheet Extended as Flange? . Tubesheet Gasket . It is only when the tubesheet replaces one of the flanges that a moment develops. To modify material properties. This value is referred to as "A" in the ASME code. it will not experience a bending moment. Click Select to use the material. If the tubesheet has a circular gasket. you must enter the details of the gasket. Select None if the tubesheet is not sealed with a gasket on either side.Enter the kind of gasketing associated with this tubesheet. This value is combined with the tubesheet corrosion allowance shell side to calculate the corroded thickness of the tubesheet. then select Is Bolt Load Transferred to Tubesheet to allow input echo of the tubesheet extension information without transferring the bolt load to the tubesheet. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. If the tubesheet is gasketed with both the Shell and the Channel. For example.Enter the outside diameter of the tubesheet.Select the side to which the Tubesheet is integral.This input is used for two types of ASME tubesheet geometries: If the tubesheet has a backing ring. G for Backlog Ring . use 35 for SPS)? . p = tube pitch UL1 = Distance between innermost tube hole centers (width of pass partition lane) Area of Untubed Lanes (AL) .ASME Tubesheets diameter. Where. Is Exchange in Creep Range (skip EP. Figure 42: Area of Untubed Lanes The maximum limiting value of AL is 4*Do*p. If there is no pass partition lane then this area is zero. this input is optional. In this case.Select this option if the exchanger is inside the creep range as defined in the ASME code. 196 CodeCalc User's Guide . Do = Equivalent diameter of outer limit circle.Enter the total area of all the untubed lanes on the tubesheet. this area is UL1 * Do. See the figure below for a single pass exchanger. required only if Gc is different from Gs. Gs from the gasket/flange properties specified. Especially for shellside loss of fluid. Channel Metal Temperature at Tubesheet at Rim .The thermal expansion reference number is a value that points to or corresponds to a set of data set forth in ASME Section II Part D. Don't forget to evaluate the condition of shellside or tubeside loss of fluid. then the tube temperature will be quite close to the shell temperature. For example. It is important. due to thermal resistances. under a realistic operating condition.Enter the actual metal temperature for the channel at the Tubesheet. due to thermal resistances. you will need to enter in an appropriate value. You may have to run the analysis more than once to check several metal temperature cases. In these cases. if the shellside fluid has a good heat transfer coefficient and the tubeside fluid has a relatively poor heat transfer coefficient. tables TE-1. under a realistic operating condition. Don't forget to evaluate the condition of shellside or tubeside loss of fluid. Thermal expansion coefficients are important especially if you are analyzing a heat exchanger. this design condition may govern the exchanger design. then the tube temperature will be quite close to the shell temperature. It is important. You may have to run the analysis more than once to check several metal temperature cases. You may have to run the analysis more than once to check several metal temperature cases. Frequently the metal temperatures will be less severe than the design temperatures. If this happens. Frequently the metal temperatures will be less severe than the design temperatures. if the shellside fluid has a good heat transfer coefficient and the tubeside fluid has a relatively poor heat transfer coefficient. that you enter accurate values for metal temperatures for each operating condition. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion . especially when evaluating fixed tubesheets without expansion joints. enter the elastic modulus of the material from Subpart 3 of Section II.Enter the actual metal temperature for the shell at the Tubesheet. especially when evaluating fixed tubesheets without expansion joints. this design condition may govern the exchanger design. Especially for shellside loss of fluid.When there is an external pressure value. due to thermal resistances. many materials have a composition or UNS number that does not match the criteria of what is supplied in the ASME Code. Part D at design temperature. Don't forget to evaluate the condition of shellside or tubeside loss of fluid. especially when evaluating fixed tubesheets without expansion joints. Tubesheet Metal Temperature at Tubesheet Rim . that you enter accurate values for metal temperatures for each operating condition. For example. Unfortunately. Frequently the metal temperatures will be less severe than the design temperatures. under a realistic operating condition.ASME Tubesheets Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box Shell Metal Temperature at Tubesheet Rim . that you enter accurate values for metal temperatures for each operating condition. For example. 2 and so on.Enter the actual metal temperature for the tubesheet at the rim. then the tube temperature will be quite close to the shell temperature. CodeCalc User's Guide 197 . It is important. Modulus of Elasticity . if the shellside fluid has a good heat transfer coefficient and the tubeside fluid has a relatively poor heat transfer coefficient. the reference number will be brought in as zero. Especially for shellside loss of fluid. this design condition may govern the exchanger design. the user can specify shell/channel side vacuum pressures.Ca Ps + Pt . If no value is specified.When analyzing the design with the multiple load cases. except for fixed tubesheet exchangers. The following load cases are performed for TEMA fixed tubesheets: Load Case # Load Case Description Corroded 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fvs + Pt .When analyzing the design with the multiple load cases. This should be a positive entry.When analyzing the design with the multiple load cases. the user can specify shell/channel side vacuum pressures. then zero psi will be used. Channel-side Vacuum Pressure .Th .Ca Ps + Pt + Th . If no value is specified. then zero psi will be used. This should be a positive entry.Th .Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th .Ca For ASME Tubesheets only certain load cases will be run based on type of the tubesheet and the heat exchanger.Check this box if design is based on differential pressure case. as indicated by the ASME code.Th . the program will generate summarized results for all the load cases in tabular form. You must enter the shell side and tube side design pressures for fixed tubesheet exchangers.ASME Tubesheets Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box Shell-side Vacuum Pressure .Ca Ps + Fvt .Enter the differential design pressure if you want the program to use the differential design rules. select those load cases.Th + Ca Ps + Fvt .Th + Ca Uncorroded Fvs + Pt .Th .Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th + Ca Fvs + Pt + Th + Ca Ps + Fvt + Th + Ca Ps + Pt + Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt .Ca Ps + Fvt .Ca 198 CodeCalc User's Guide . Use the Differential Pressure Design .Th .Ca Fvs + Fvt .Th . For example for full atmospheric vacuum condition enter a value of 15.Th + Ca Ps + Pt . Select Load Cases for Detailed Printout .Th + Ca Ps + Fvt . To see the detailed equations and intermediate calculations for one or more load cases. Differential Design Pressure (used if >0) . In this case only certain load cases will be performed.Th + Ca Uncorroded Fvs + Pt .0 psig. These following load cases are performed for ASME fixed and floating tubesheet exchangers: Load Case # Load Case Description Corroded 1 2 Fvs + Pt .0 psig.Ca Ps + Fvt + Th . For example for full atmospheric vacuum condition enter a value of 15. The differential pressure is used as the design pressure on both the tube side and the shell side. In this case any number greater than zero serves as a flag to tell the program to turn on the special differential design pressure rules for fixed tubesheets.Ca Fvs + Pt + Th . if the differential pressure design option is checked.Ca Ps + Pt .Ca Ps + Pt + Th .Ca Fvs + Pt + Th .Ca Additionally. For tubesheets that are gasketed with both the shell and channel. Flanged Portion Outer Diameter . then only certain load cases will be run. if vacuum pressures are specified.Enter the inner diameter of the flange face.Enter the internal diameter of the shell/channel or floating head to which the tubesheet is gasketed.Ca Ps + Fvt . If this value is blank.Th + Ca Ps + Pt .ASME Tubesheets 3 4 5 6 7 Ps + Pt .Th + Ca Ps + Fvt .Th . Fvs .Ca Ps + Fvt + Th . Flange Face Inner Diameter .Th . "C" and "D". it is set equal to the tubesheet OD. Specify this input. The following load cases are performed for ASME U-tube tubesheet exchangers. CodeCalc User's Guide 199 .User-defined Shell-side and Tube-side vacuum pressures or 0. Th . the software uses either the shell or channel internal diameter.With or Without Corrosion Allowance. Fvt. Ps. For tubesheets that are gasketed with both the shell and channel. the design is based only on load cases 1. then an additional load case would be run: 8 Fvs + Fvt .Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th + Ca Fvs + Pt + Th + Ca Ps + Fvt + Th + Ca Ps + Pt + Th + Ca Ps + Pt .0. 2 and 3. Load Case # Load Case Description Corroded Fvs + Pt . based on the gasketed side the tubesheet. this input is for the shell side.Enter the outer diameter of the flanged portion (shell/channel/floating head) to which the tubesheet is gasketed.Th . Ca .Ca For ASME stationary tubesheet configuration "d" and ASME floating tubesheet configurations "B".Th . This input is needed for a floating tubesheet exchanger that is gasketed to the floating head.Th . Tubesheet Gasket/Bolting Input Dialog Box Flanged Portion Inner Diameter .Th + Ca Uncorroded Fvs + Pt .Ca For all ASME exchangers. for cases where flanged portion OD is different from the tubesheet OD. Pt .Shell-side and Tube-side Design Pressures.Th + Ca Fvs + Fvt . If this input is left blank. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. this input is for the shell side.Ca Fvs + Fvt + Th .With or Without Thermal Expansion. Gasket Factors m . VIII Div. Gasket Inner Diameter . The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. See Table 2-5.2 of the ASME code. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. See Table 2-5. please enter gasket OD. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. 2. 1 code in App. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: Facing Sketch 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 3 4 5 6 Description flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings 200 CodeCalc User's Guide . As stated in the code. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. these are only suggested values.These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Factors y .Enter the outer diameter of the gasket.Enter the outer diameter of the flange face.ASME Tubesheets If there is no raise flange face. please enter the gasket ID. 2. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143).Enter the inner diameter of the gasket. Flange Face Outer Diameter . Flange Hub Thickness. Flange Hub Thickness.Enter the flange hub thickness. As stated in the code. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. If there is no raise flange face. one side large serrations. 1 code in App. Large End . The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point. See Table 2-5.These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Flange Face Facing Sketch . See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). VIII Div. Gasket Outer Diameter . The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Small End . VIII Div. these are only suggested values. As stated in the code. both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Flange Face Facing Column .These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec.Using Table 2-5. See Flange Face Figure (on page 143). 2. these are only suggested values.Enter the flange hub thickness. The soaftware uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. 1 code in App. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Gaskets for the full face flanges are usually of soft materials such as rubber or an elastomer. The software adjusts the flange analysis and the design formulae to account for the full face gasket.If applicable. Nubbin Width . See the figure below. CodeCalc User's Guide 201 .ASME Tubesheets Gasket Thickness .Select to automatically make the determination if this is a full face gasket flange. so that the bolt stresses do not go too high during gasket seating. but the contact width of the metallic ring. enter the nubbin width.Enter the gasket thickness.ASME Sec. VIII Div. There are 3 Full Face Gasket Flanges options: Program Selects . Full Face Gasket Option . Select this option to use a typical method for the design of these types of flanges is from the Taylor Forge Flange Design Bulletin. If the gasket ID and OD matches with Flange ID and OD dimensions respectively (except for a blind flange) then it is determined to be a full face flange. depending upon the input. 1 does not cover the design of flanges for which the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c. 1d. 2 and 6. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. Note that for sketch 9 this is not a nubbin width. select the facing sketch number according to the following correlations: Facing Sketch 1a 1b 1c 1d 2 Description flat finish faces serrated finish faces raised nubbin-flat finish raised nubbin-serrated finish 1/64 inch nubbin 202 CodeCalc User's Guide . Gasket Factors m . See Table 2-5. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Width .Enter the width of the pass partition gasket. See Table 2-5.ASME Tubesheets Full Face Gasket . See the figure below: Not a Full Face . Use this option when the gasket ID or OD does not match the flange ID/OD dimensions. but the gasket extends beyond the bolt circle diameter. Using the gasket properties specified and the known width. 1 code in App.Using Table 2-5. VIII Div. CodeCalc will compute the effective seating width and compute the gasket loads contributed by the partition gasket.Select if this is a full face gasket flange. 2. 2. As stated in the code. these are only suggested values. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer.This is the cumulative length of all the heat exchanger pass partition gaskets associated with this flange.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Factors y . 1 code in App. VIII Div.2 of the ASME code.1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Flange Face Facing Sketch .These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec.Select if this is not a full face gasket flange.These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec. Partition Gasket for tubeside (if present) Length . these are only suggested values. As stated in the code. 1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Gasket Thickness .5 to 4. This option is used only if bolt root area is greater than 0. Thread Series . These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec.Enter the partition gasket column for gasket seating. enter the nubbin width for the pass partition gasket. 1d.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. enter the nominal size in this field. This value is only required for facing sketches 1c.ASME Tubesheets 3 4 5 6 1/64 inch nubbin both sides large serrations. 2 and 6. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value. you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this field.The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table UNC Bolt Table User specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table British. CodeCalc User's Guide 203 . one side large serrations.0 inches. the values will be converted back to the user selected units. but the contact width of the metallic ring. both sides metallic O-ring type gasket Flange Face Facing Column . and also enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell. these are only suggested values. The UNC threads available are the standard threads. Note that for sketch 9 this is not a nubbin width. BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used.If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types. TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1 inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1 inch and above bolt nominal diameter. See Table 2-5. The tables of bolt diameter included in the program range from 0. Select Bolt Size . Bolt Root Area . This value is only required for facing sketches 1c and 1d. This value will be used to determine the bolt space correction factor. 1 code in App. As stated in the code.If applicable. 2.0.Enter the thickness of the partition gasket. VIII Div. Nubbin Width . Alternatively. 204 CodeCalc User's Guide . The tables of bolt diameter included in the program range from 0.Specify the alternate flange design bolt load such as from the mating flange.5 to 4. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. W .0 inches. 1.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. This value will be used if it is greater than the operating bolt load computed by the program. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value. This value will be used if it is greater than the flange design bolt load computed by the program.Specify the alternate operating bolt load such as from the mating flange. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). WM1 . To modify material properties. Setting. which displays read-only information about the selected material. WM2 . Bolt Material . This value will be used if it is greater than the seating bolt load computed by the program. Design. If you type in the name. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. 3. The software displays the material properties.ASME Tubesheets Bolt Circle Diameter . Click Select to use the material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Select the material that you want to use from the list.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. This value will be used to determine the bolt space correction factor.Enter the diameter of the bolt circle of the flange.Specify the alternate seating flange bolt load such as from the mating flange. enter the nominal size in this field. Alternate Bolt Loads (used if > calculated values) Operating. 2. and also enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell. Nominal Bolt Diameter . or click Back to select a different material. Enter the spring rate for the thin walled (bellows) expansion joint or a thick walled (flanged/flued) expansion joint. Alternatively.Select this option if you already know the spring rate of the flanged/flued expansion joint. User Input Spring Rate Corroded . and enters the expansion joint geometry. If there is no expansion joint. The spring rate of the thick walled expansion joint (flanged/flued kind) can be computed within the tubesheet modules when the user specifies the expansion joint design option as Analyze. The spring rate of the thin walled expansion joint (bellows kind) can be computed using the Thin Joint module of the program. which is based on ASME appendix 26. This calculation is per TEMA RCB-8. the user can also use the Thick joint module to compute the spring rate.The following options are available: Existing . The uncorroded and corroded spring rates will be used for running the multiple load cases in uncorroded and corroded condition.ASME Tubesheets Expansion Joint Tab Expansion Joint Design Option . but this is not a preferred way as it involves manual transfer of data between the tubesheet and Thick joint modules. User Input Spring Rate Corroded/Uncorroded . this input should be disabled. but this is not a preferred way as it involves manual transfer of data between the tubesheet and Thick joint modules. The spring rate of the thick walled expansion joint (flanged/flued kind) can be computed within the tubesheet modules when the user specifies the expansion joint design option as Analyze. Alternatively. Analyze . The uncorroded and corroded spring rates will be used for running the multiple load cases in uncorroded and corroded condition. this input should be disabled.Enter the expansion joint calculation method. and enters the expansion joint geometry.Enter the spring rate for the thin walled (bellows) expansion joint or a thick walled (flanged/flued) expansion joint. CodeCalc User's Guide 205 . the user can also use the Thick joint module to compute the spring rate. which is based on ASME appendix 26. If there is no expansion joint.Select this option if you want the program to compute the spring rate of the expansion joint and stresses induced in the expansion joint. The spring rate of the thin walled expansion joint (bellows kind) can be computed using the Thin Joint module of the program. Expansion Joint Calculation Method . This calculation is per TEMA RCB-8. 1. In both cases this distance is frequently zero and. Corr.Enter the outside diameter of the expansion joint. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. which displays read-only information about the selected material.125 inches (3 mm) 0. The software displays the material properties.Enter the corrosion allowance for the expansion joint. for an expansion joint with an outside radius but no outside cylinder. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. 2. .Enter the inside diameter of the expansion joint. Exp. Some common corrosion allowances are listed below: 0. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Flange Wall Thk. This value will be subtracted from the minimum thickness of the flange or web for the joint. This value is shown as te in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. Figure 43: Expansion Joint Expansion Joint Outside Diameter . If you type in the name. (te) . 3. Jt. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. shown as OD in Figure D in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. shown as ID in the figure below.Enter the minimum thickness of the flange or web of the expansion joint.Enter the distance from the shell cylinder to the beginning of the knuckle for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle.25 inches (6 mm) 1/16" 1/8" 1/4" Material Name . 206 CodeCalc User's Guide .ASME Tubesheets Expansion Joint Inside Diameter . To modify material properties. Alternatively. Expansion Joint Knuckle Offset Inside . Allw.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Click Select to use the material. after forming. Jt.0625 inches (2 mm) 0. Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the intersection of the expansion joint web and the outer diameter for joints with a square outside corner. This is usually thinner than the unformed metal. This value is used by the program to calculate the force on the cylinder and the equivalent pressure of thermal expansion. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Exp. or click Back to select a different material. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. this distance is the distance from the end of the knuckle to the symmetrical centerline of the joint. Is there an outer cylinder? . lo and li shall be taken as zero. Expansion Joint Knuckle Radius Outside . for an expansion joint with an outside radius but no outside cylinder. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp outside corner (Flanged Only). This will always be true when you have an expansion joint with only a half convolute (1 FSE). since the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if it is less than the cylinder length. It may also be true when there is a relatively long cylindrical portion between two half convolutes. Two flexible shell elements constitute one convolution of the expansion joint. Figure 44: Shell Side Geometry Shell Cylinder Length (Li) . Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp inside corner. as in the case of certain inlet nozzle geometries for heat exchangers. where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them. Expansion Joint Knuckle Radius Inside . Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results. Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the intersection of the expansion joint web and the outer diameter for joints with a square outside corner.ASME Tubesheets Expansion Joint Knuckle Offset Outside . this distance is the distance from the end of the knuckle to the symmetrical centerline of the joint. In both cases this distance is frequently zero. TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21 includes the following note: lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except.Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle.Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the beginning of the knuckle for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle.Enter the length of the shell cylinder to the nearest body flange or head. Number of Flexible Shell Elements (1 Convolution = 2Fse) . If no cylinder is used.Check this field if there is a cylindrical section attached to the expansion joint at the OD. CodeCalc User's Guide 207 . lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. See the figure in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter.Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle.Enter the number of flexible shell elements in the flanged/flued expansion joint. and. Check this field if there is a cylindrical section attached to the expansion joint at the OD. since the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if less than the cylinder length. lo and li shall be taken as zero. Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results.Enter the corrosion allowance for the outer cylindrical element. as in the case of certain inlet nozzle geometries for heat exchangers.Enter the number of desired pressure cycles for this exchanger. If no cylinder is used.Select this option to print the detailed expansion. This will be compared with the actual computed cycle life of the expansion joint. Click to open the Outer Cylinder Dialog Box (on page 171.Enter the length of the outer cylinder to the nearest body flange or head. Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) . This value is shown in the figure below as 'lo'. where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them. Print Detailed Expansion Joint Calculations? . lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. Figure 46: Expansion Joint 208 CodeCalc User's Guide . Desired Cycle life . TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21 includes the following note: lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except.ASME Tubesheets See the figure in Expansion Joint Inside Diameter. This will always be true when you have an expansion joint with only a half convolution (1 FSE). It may also be true when there is a relatively long cylindrical portion between two half convolutions. Figure 45: Expansion Joint Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance . or to the centerline of the convolute. on page 208) and define more properties. Outer Cylinder on the Thick Expansion Joint . carefully consider all the possible cases such the hydrotest. The software displays the material properties. Tubesheet Extended As Flange Dialog Box Thickness of Extended Portion of Tubesheet . agree with this thickness to within about five percent. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).For U-tube tubesheets which are over-stressed at the tubesheet to integral cylinder junction. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). the appropriate formula from TEMA 8th edition was used.ASME Tubesheets Outer Cylindrical Element Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. In that case. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Since the ASME Code does not have a single equation to compute this required thickness. Select the material that you want to use from the list. which is extended as the flange. 3. If you type in the name. you can uncheck this box. then tubesheet can still be extended but the bolt load is not transferred to the tubesheet extension. To modify material properties. Alternatively. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Additional Input U-tube Tubesheets Dialog Box Stress Reduction Options . Click Select to use the material. Is the Bolt Load transferred to the Tubesheet . 1. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 1.Enter the flange thickness. If the tubesheet is gasketed with both the shell and channel flanges. 2. But. This thickness will be used in the calculation of the required thickness.Check this box if the bolt load is transferred to the tubesheet. If this box is unchecked then the required thickness of the tubesheet extension is not computed. which displays read-only information about the selected material. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. The final results should therefore. Used to select the data you want to use. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. or click Back to select a different material. one of the following options can be used to overcome the overstress: Increase Tubesheet Thickness Increase Integral Cylinder Thickness Increase Both Cylinder and Tubesheet Perform Elastic Plastic Calculation Analyze as Simply Supported None Shell Band Material . which displays read-only CodeCalc User's Guide 209 .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. For more accurate values of m and y please contact your gasket manufacturer. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. or click Back to select a different material. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Adjacent to Tubesheet. If you type in the name.Enter the thickness of the shell bands ts1.Enter the front end length l1 for the shell band. these are only suggested values. Length of Shell Thk. 3. 2. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. VIII Div. 1 code in App. Click Select to use the material. These values of m and y are listed in ASME Sec. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Alternatively.Enter the corrosion allowance for the shell band. See Table 2-5. To modify material properties. 2. Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet .1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings 210 CodeCalc User's Guide . front end L1 .ASME Tubesheets information about the selected material. Adjacent to Tubesheet.Enter the rear end length l1' for the shell band. As stated in the code. rear end L1 . Length of Shell Thk. Shell Band Corrosion Allowance . ASME Tubesheets Results (ASME Tubesheets) Part UHX of the Code is divided into four major sections.With or without Thermal Expansion. 0. Typically. PT . the third section discusses floating tubesheet exchangers and the fourth section discusses tube-to-tubesheet joint weld. the stress values will decrease below their allowable values. CodeCalc will perform each step and print the applicable formula substitution and answers for each step. The first section discusses u-tube exchangers. You can enter your own shell/channel vacuum pressures for the multi-case analysis. the program will iterate for the minimum thickness of the tubesheet. Upset conditions may need to be analyzed. Th . These forces must be less than the allowable force on the tube per the ASME code equations (App A or UW-20). CodeCalc User's Guide 211 . discontinuity stresses must be less than their allowables.0. If your tubesheet contains a center groove. when this iteration is performed. the groove depth should be subtracted from the overall tubesheet thickness. Finally. Tube stresses are also checked against the criteria in section UHX. e. the geometry of the unit must be reconsidered. Load Case # Corroded 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fvs+Pt-Th-Ca Ps+Fvt-Th-Ca Ps+Pt-Th-Ca Fvs+Fvt+Th-Ca Fvs+Pt+Th-Ca Ps+Fvt+Th-Ca Ps+Pt+Th-Ca Fvs+Fvt-Th+Ca Uncorroded Fvs+Pt-Th Ps+Fvt-Th Ps+Pt-Th Fvs+Fvt+Th Fvs+Pt+Th Ps+Fvt+Th Ps+Pt+Th Fvs+Fvt-Th-Ca Fvt. the tubes must also be capable of withstanding the axial forces imposed on them due to differential thermal expansion. 15 psi. All results shown are for the given geometry. Ca . If needed CodeCalc will also perform the second elastic iteration if high discontinuity stresses exist. This will simulate one of the process fluid streams being stopped. The table below displays the load cases that are considered for a fixed tubesheet exchanger. Ps.. Bending stress at the junction of shell/channel and tubesheet can also be reduced by having a local shell band adjacent to the tubesheet.With or without Corrosion Allowance When running these load cases the program automatically adjusts the allowable stresses based on if it is a pressure only load case or pressure + thermal load case. In addition to satisfying stress criteria for the tubesheet. CodeCalc will perform a second elastic iteration. If for any reason they do not.g. the second discusses fixed tubesheet exchangers. while the other stream continues. The program can run multiple load cases for the fixed tubesheet design as per the ASME code.User defined Shell side and Tubeside vacuum pressures or 0.Shell side and Tube-side Design Pressures. There is a sequence of steps to follow when performing calculations for each type of exchanger. In addition. Fvs . If these allowables are exceeded. This is where the plasticity of the integral component is considered. Any failures are indicated in red. 4.ASME Tubesheets Display of Results on Status Bar As the user enters the data. Use the results of the tubesheet calculation. If a thick (flanged and flued) expansion joint is specified then MAWP/MAPnc will also be computed for it. This allows a quick design of the tubesheet and makes it easier to try various configurations to select the best one. Here is a sample: Designing a Thick Expansion Joint in the Tubesheet Module: After you input the thick expansion joint geometry in the Tubesheet module. Run a corresponding expansion joint calculation for each tubesheet load case. Compute the expansion joint spring rate 2. The summary table is provided with these maximum pressures and corresponding stress ratios for the various stress conditions. The program displays the results for the worst case (detailed results are also available). P’s. 212 CodeCalc User's Guide . The MAPnc is maximum allowable pressure in the new and cold condition. program performs the calculation and displays the important results on the status bar. Any error messages are also displayed. This is also computed for both sides. Use the expansion joint spring rate in the fixed tubesheet calculations 3. the program uses the following process to design the expansion joint: 1. maximum allowable working pressure for both the shellside and tubeside. along with the prime pressures. Program computes MAWP/MAPnc by setting the pressure on one side to 0 and then iteratively changing the pressure on the other side to find the maximum permissible pressure. and Pd (computed using the TEMA standard) to compute the expansion joint stresses. P’t. Tubesheet MAWP and MAPnc The program will compute the MAWP. . IBC 2003 and earthquake will be included....................SECTION 11 Horizontal Vessels Home tab: Components > Add New Horizontal Vessel Calculates stresses in horizontal pressure vessels created by the combination of internal pressure and the weight of the vessel..............) This optimum thickness of the wear plate is a function of the mean radius of vessel................ additional loads due to wind per ASCE-98/02......... In This Section Saddle Wear Plate Design.......................................... 226 Saddle Wear Plate Design The horizontal vessels considered by CodeCalc are assumed to have saddle supports............... and the width of wear plate..... One of the problems with this type of support is the high localized stress............ and the amount of stress reduction... 10.. CodeCalc User's Guide 213 ................... Restrictions of this method: 1....... The saddle angle must be greater than 120 degrees............ 216 Shell/Head Tab ... February 1992) provides a method for the estimation of the wear plate thickness.............. its contained liquid and stiffener rings.. A recent paper published in the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology addresses the issue of local vessel stresses due to saddle supports.... Transactions of the ASME. Larger saddle angles cause a greater stress reduction for the same wear plate ratios...................... 218 Saddle/Wear Tab ......... The Welding Research Supplement.. 220 Stiffening Ring Tab (Horizontal Vessels) ............. extension above the saddle horn. the design of saddle supports and their associated stresses are based on past practice and experience.... 1951 and subsequent interpretations of that work........................... Typically.......................... Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology....................... If included in the analysis..... 223 Wind Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) ........ which exists in the vessel in the region of saddles. and 15 degrees.......... UBC-97/94. (It is interesting to note that this paper suggests some of Zick's recommendations are non-conservative.......... Instead.............. 222 Seismic Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) .... 220 Saddle Webs and Base Plate Dialog Box ...................... This paper (Effectiveness of Wear Plate at the Saddle Support........ Saddle angles of 120 degrees with an appropriate wear plate can result in a 15 to 40 percent stress reduction at horn of the saddle..... nor does it offer guidance in the computation of the resulting vessel stresses............. This is also called Zick's Analysis................................ the thickness of vessel....... without theoretical analysis... To date...... The program is based on Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two Saddle Supports............95 93............................. with wear plate angular extensions of 5.......................... Ong Lin Seng. 221 Longitudinal Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) . The ASME code does not address the details of saddle support design..... 213 Vessel Tab ... the highest stress is the outside circumferential stress at the saddle horn................. The optimum wear plate thickness is determined for both welded and non-welded conditions........................ the code directs designers to other references for these methods... 224 Results ............. Vol 114.............. t = thickness of the vessel) The conclusions drawn in this paper are: 1. 2.Horizontal Vessels 2. b = width of the wear plate. 214 CodeCalc User's Guide . A welded wear plate reduces stresses better than a non-welded wear plate. 3. The value of (r/b) * sqrt(r/t) must be between 10 and 60. no thickness will be selected. The stress reduction does not vary greatly with a variation in saddle support angle. 4. (r = mean radius of the vessel. The peak stress in the vessel at the saddle horn can be reduce from 15 to 40 percent when a wear plate is used if the wear plate has the same thickness as the vessel and extends at least 5 degrees above the saddle horn. when this term is not within this range. The peak stress in the vessel remains at the saddle horn when using a thin wear plate. Horizontal Vessels Horizontal Vessel Geometry CodeCalc User's Guide 215 . but it must be greater than zero (0). Vessel Design Pressure . Description . but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. This entry is optional. The temperature is used to determine the allowable stress of the material from the material database. A positive entry indicates internal pressure while a negative number indicates external pressure.1/16" 216 CodeCalc User's Guide . or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. Vessel Design Temperature .Enter the allowance given for corrosion. the allowable stress of the material at operating temperature changes accordingly. If the temperature is changed. The corrosion allowance cannot be greater than the vessel wall thickness.Enter the pressure under which the horizontal vessel is operating.Horizontal Vessels Wear Plate and Saddle Details for a Typical Horizontal Tank Vessel Tab Item Number .Enter the operating temperature of the vessel.Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0.Type an item number for the horizontal vessel. No external pressure check for adequate wall thickness will be performed. Use the shell program and analyze the geometry before using the HORIZVES module. This may be the item number on the drawing. Corrosion Allowance .0625 . Distance from Vessel Centerline to Saddle Base .1/4" Density of Stored Liquid . a Zick analysis is run with the vessel full of water. which leads to a value of 3.1/8" 0. insulation. enter a number followed by the letters sg. (platforms.1250 . however. Normally. ie. If you have more than one fluid consideration. However. steel structures.Horizontal Vessels 0. it may be necessary to run a partially filled tank for wind or seismic analysis for an operating type load case. A more accurate method is to convert this triangular loading into a more realistic uniform load. it occurs only at the edge. when. Extra Weight. There is no screen range checking for this value since it may be positive or negative. To do this. simulating Wind/Seismic loading: Figure 47: Saddle Reaction Force Factor The saddle reaction load Fst (or Fwt for wind) due to the transverse load Ft is: Fst (or Fwt) = ftr * Ft * B / E. The recommended value is three (3). Liquid Height from bottom of Tank (used if > 0) . you may need to have more than one model with the respective densities.Enter any additional weight present on the vessel. CodeCalc User's Guide 217 . it should not be greater than the total weight of the vessel.Enter the height of the liquid in the tank.2500 . Saddle Reaction Force Factor . piping) . The value of six (6) is conservative in that it assumes that the maximum edge load is uniform across the entire base. or piping loads. in reality.Enter the factor the saddle reaction force due to the Wind or Earthquake transverse load. such as test (water) or operating.Enter the density of the fluid in the horizontal vessel.Enter the distance from the center of the vessel to the bottom of the saddle support. This distance must be greater than the vessel outside radius. if the value is negative. Additional weight can come from insulation. You can enter a number of specific gravity units and CodeCalc will convert the number entered to the current set of units. The following illustration shows the end view of a horizontal vessel with a transverse load. moments. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Apply Seismic Loads to Vessel? . to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Alternatively. Stiffening Ring Present? . the assumption is that there are either one or two rings located directly over the saddle. The software displays the material properties. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.If seismic loads are a design consideration. If you type in the name. or click Back to select a different material. The rings are assumed to span 360-degrees (saddle bearing angle) around the vessel. Shell/Head Tab Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 1. When equipped with rings. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you select this option. The software will compute the inertias. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. 3. 1. Apply Longitudinal Loads to Vessel? . Apply Wind Loads to Vessel? . To modify material properties. Both seismic and wind loads will increase the saddle load reaction forces. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. 2. 3. other information. or click Back to select a different material. Shell Material . This option is mainly used for the calculation of the ring weight.Displays the Longitudinal Loads dialog box in which you can specify the friction coefficient Mu and a user-defined longitudinal force. which displays read-only information about the selected material. and forces on the members necessary to perform an AISC unity check. Click Select to use the material. To modify material properties. 218 CodeCalc User's Guide . select this option. Select the material that you want to use from the list. which displays read-only information about the selected material.If the vessel is equipped with stiffening rings. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Select this option to consider wind loads. Alternatively.Horizontal Vessels Check Saddle Webs & Base Plate? . resulting in higher vessel stresses. Click Select to use the material. The software displays the material properties. select this option. Stiffening rings are used to reduce stresses in the vicinity of the saddle supports and are also used to meet external pressure requirements. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. If you type in the name.If you want the software to perform computations on the structure that supports the vessel. select this option. such as wind speed and input prompts must be defined. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Enter the crown radius of the torispherical head in this cell. Tangent-to-Tangent .Enter the uncorroded thickness of the head.6667:1.The knuckle ratio for a torispherical head is defined as the crown radius of the head divided by the knuckle radius.0. Torispherical. This entry is used to compute the required thickness of the shell.1/2" 0. For a standard 2:1.5000 .0. Crown Radius for Torisperical Heads .0 times the wall thickness. which means that you would enter a value of 16.0625 . the software presumes the head is round and the same diameter as the shell.3750 . The value must be greater than 0. If you select Flat. Some common thickness values are: 0. The software will automatically corrode the wall thickness as necessary.Horizontal Vessels Shell Diameter .Radiography Type of Head .1/16" 0.Enter the seam efficiency of the shell.667. Aspect Ratio for Elliptical Head .6250 .Enter the un-corroded thickness of the shell. Effects of corrosion are handled automatically. Value 1.Select the type of head that is used on the vessel ends: Elliptical.Enter the shell diameter with respect to the shell and head diameter basis. Head Joint Efficiency . This entry is used to compute the required thickness of the shell.85 0. Shell Thickness .7500 . Refer to Shells and Heads (on page 49). This value is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.3/4" 0.00 Result Full radiography CodeCalc User's Guide 219 .8750 .2500 .0.000 . Head Thickness .1/8" 0. This ratio is typically 16. or Flat. this value is unitless.The aspect ratio is the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis for the ellipse. Knuckle Ratio (L/r) for Torisperical Heads .7/8" 1.70 Result Full radiography Spot X-Ray No . Because this is a ratio. elliptical head the aspect ratio is 2. Value 1.00 0. Shell Length.Enter the seam efficiency of the shell.0.3/8" 0.Enter the length of the cylindrical shell from tangent-to-tangent.1/4" 0.4375 = 7/16" 0. The diameter must be greater than 0 and greater than 2. This value is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.5/8" 0.1" Shell Joint Efficiency .1250 . Hemispherical. Saddle Webs and Base Plate Dialog Box Baseplate Length . If this is not the case then the shell thickness. if there is one on the 180-degrees.70 Spot X-Ray No . This is typically referred to as dimension A.Enter the number of degrees that the saddle bears on the shell surface. The width of the wear pad is measured along the long axis of the vessel. If you want to consider any external corrosion or erosion. Rib Thickness . The ribs run in a direction that is parallel to the long axis of the vessel.Enter the thickness of the wear pad. Baseplate Thickness . This value is usually close to the diameter of the vessel.Enter the thickness of the baseplate. Saddle Width .Enter the width of the base plate. It is noted as dimension b in most pressure vessel text literature and is shown in the way in the CodeCalc manual.Enter the width of the wear pad.Enter the length from the vessel tangent to the saddle support. Valid entries range from 120. For more information on wear pads. enter that extension distance here. Its function is to reduce local stresses in the area of the saddle support at the vessel wall. The wear pad fits in between the saddle support and the vessel wall. The wear pad is generally a rectangular piece of pipe or plate that is bent to conform to the outside of the vessel. Number of Ribs (including outside ribs) . This number should include the outside ribs.0 and the wear pad extension above the horn of the saddle is greater than the shell radius divided by 10. Baseplate Width . The baseplate thickness is not a function of the number of ribs. Saddle/Wear Tab Distance from Saddle to Vessel Tangent . Wear Pad Thickness . then the thickness of the wear pad will be included. The wear pad is usually slightly wider than the saddle support.0. Wear Pad Extension Above Horn of Saddle .Enter the width of the surface on the saddle support that will contact with the vessel. if one exists. enter the corroded thickness value. ca. This dimension is also the width of the side ribs.If the vessel has a wear pad and it extends above the horn of the saddle. will be used. instead of the uncorroded value. Wear Pad Width .Horizontal Vessels 0.85 0. Saddle Bearing Angle . The baseplate thickness will be computed using a beam bending type equation found in pressure vessel texts.Radiography Shell/Head Diameter Basis . Any external corrosion allowance should be taken into account when this value is entered. This is the short dimension.Select one of the following: OD (outside diameter) or ID (inside diameter). If the distance from the vessel tangent to the saddle location is less than or equal to the shell radius/2. 220 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the length of the base plate. see Wear Pad Thickness.Enter the number of ribs in your design. This distance must be positive and less than 1/2 of the vessel tangent-to-tangent length. It is also dimension Gb in the rib dimension illustration.Enter the thickness of the ribs. Specify the web location. 1. If the temperature is changed. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 1. The temperature will be used to determine the allowable stress of the material chosen. Web Location . 3. To modify material properties. Click Select to use the material. Click Select to use the material. Height of Center Web . Height (Corroded) . which displays read-only information about the selected material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name.Enter the stem height (in inches) of the tee stiffener. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Alternatively.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The webs run in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the vessel. the allowable stress of the material at operating temperature will change accordingly. If you type in the name. The software displays the material properties. 2. Stiffening Ring Tab (Horizontal Vessels) Stiffening Ring Location .Enter the temperature at which the vessel will be operating. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Design Temperature of Saddle/Baseplate . 2. Stiffening Ring Material . Center webs run through the middle of the base plate. then select ID (inside diameter).Enter the height of the center web as it extends from the bottom of the base to the shell ID (inside diameter).Horizontal Vessels Web Thickness . Select the material that you want to use from the list. if the rings are located inside the vessel. The software displays the material properties.Enter the thickness of the Webs. or click Back to select a different material. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. CodeCalc User's Guide 221 . Saddle/Baseplate/Web/Rib Material .Select OD (outside diameter) if the stiffening rings are located on the outside of the vessel. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Stem of Tee Stiffener. or click Back to select a different material. To modify material properties. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Alternatively. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Any external corrosion should be taken into account when this value is entered. 3. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Select the material that you want to use from the list. whereas Side webs run along the edge of the base plate. and due to friction--are used for designing the horizontal vessel. then enter the distance from the inner surface of the shell to the top of the ring.10 0.45 0.1 User-Defined Longitudinal Force . then enter the distance from the outside shell surface to the top most part of the ring. Width (Corroded) -Enter the cross width (in inches) of the tee stiffener. Thickness (Corroded) . You can usually find this information in the Manual of Steel Construction for common beam sections. and so forth--that is used to reinforce the cone/cylinder junction.15 0.06 0.that lists properties of steel shapes. If the stiffening ring properties cannot be defined in any other way. Cross of Tee Stiffener. The frictional force is caused by expansions and contraction of the vessel shell if the operating system varies from the atmospheric temperature. Cross Sectional Area of Stiffening Ring . Cross of Tee Stiffener. This number can be calculated or "looked up" in a steels handbook. taken from Pressure Vessel Design Manual by Dennis R. For typical cross-sections. Distance to Ring Centroid from Shell Surface . Longitudinal Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) Friction Coefficient Mu . Height of Stiffener from Shell Surface .Enter the stem thickness (in inches) of the tee stiffener. Moss 2nd edition. 222 CodeCalc User's Guide . The largest of the longitudinal forces--user-defined. Thickness (Corroded) . this property can be calculated or looked up in a handbook--such as the AISC steels handbook-. you can use the options in the Generic Ring Properties section to define the required values. Surfaces Lubricated Steel-to-Concrete Steel-to-Steel Lubrite-to-Steel Temperature over 500-degrees (F) Temperature 500-degrees (F) or less Bearing pressure less than 500 psi Teflon-to-Teflon Bearing pressure 800 psi or more Bearing pressure 300 psi or less Friction Factor (mm) 0.Enter the distance to the centroid of the beam section--I.Do one of the following: If the stiffening ring is on the outside of the vessel. Examples can be prior deflection or turbo bundle pullout load for a heat exchanger.Horizontal Vessels Stem of Tee Stiffener.Enter the cross thickness (in inches) of the tee stiffener.Enter the moment of inertia of the ring about its neutral axis. page 156. The following table shows some values of friction coefficient.Enter the user-defined cross-sectional area of the ring. T. If the ring is on the inside of the vessel.15 0.40 0.Enter any additional longitudinal force acting on the horizontal vessel. Moment of Inertia of Stiffening Ring . Wind/Seismic.Enter the friction coefficient between the saddle and the foundation. such as the AISC steels handbook. The seismic zones are pictured in ASCE #7 and reproduced in the accompanying illustration.138 0.275 0.75.0 0. the software uses the following table of coefficients: Zone 0 1 Cs 0. A value of 0 will not increase the saddle reaction force.069 CodeCalc User's Guide 223 .069 0. C = 2.0 0. I = 1.When you enter a valid seismic zone and leave this field blank or at 0.367 The following illustration shows a seismic risk map of the United States from the ASCE code: User-Entered Seismic Factor Cs .Select the seismic zone in which your vessel is operating.184 0. These values are derived from UBC.0 Seismic Zone 0 1 2a 2b 3 4 Cs 0. An Identifier of 5 (Zone 4) will produce the highest saddle load reactions. The basic equation for lateral G force is : Cs = Z I C / Rw : Rw = 3.Horizontal Vessels Seismic Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) Seismic Zone Identifier . and so forth. refer to tables 6-6 to 6-10. this value ranges from . the software will multiply the wind pressure by the area to compute the wind load. refer to tables 11-14. If you enter a positive number here. Importance Factor (I) . refer to table 16-H.5 and 1. Force Coefficient (Cf) . refer to Table 12 ASCE 7-93. 1. The acceptable range of input is between 0. refer to tables 6-9 to 6-13 ASCE 7-2002. you want considered. Wind Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) Additional Area (Insulation Are. refer to tables 6-18 to 6-22. The wind pressure will be multiplied by the area calculated by the program to get a shear load and a bending moment. or UBC 94/97. for the vessel.Enter the force coefficient. The software will automatically compute an effective diameter with the input diameter known.1.11. This can also be seen in the following codes: ANSI A58. enter any additional area exposed to the wind from piping. pages 68-72 UBC-1997 code.Enter the value of the importance factor that you wish the program to use. The importance factor accounts for the degree of hazard to life and property.2.05 1. Wind Design Code . Cq in the UBC Wind code. User-Defined Wind Pressure on Vessel . In general.00 1. entry of a non-zero value will cause this to be used in lieu of the table value. ASCE 7-98/02 / IBC 2003. you can compute and enter the design wind pressure. and you know what that pressure is.07 At Oceanline 1. or shape factor.275 0.If your vessel specification calls for a constant wind pressure design.Specify the wind design standard. Structures) . I II The following values are used for ASCE 7-93.184 0. ASCE 7-95. platforms. Most Wind Design codes have minimum wind pressure requirements. The software will use this value directly without modification.11 Category 224 CodeCalc User's Guide . pages 21-22 ASCE 7-95. This can occur if the building code in your project specifications is different from the one used by the software.367 This number is then used in conjunction with the operating weight of the vessel to compute the forces that act on the saddle supports. insulation. so check those carefully. If for any reason the table value of Cs is unacceptable. This factor takes into account the shape of the structure. enter it here. You can select from the available options: ASCE 7-93. ASCE 7-95/98/02 and UBC 1997 standards are listed in the following tables. To use a different wind code.95 to 100 mi from Hurricane Oceanline 1. pages 32-33 ASCE 7-98.138 0.Horizontal Vessels 2a 2b 3 4 0. the software will use this number regardless of the information in the following cells. Values of typical importance factors for ASCE 7-93.If necessary. This factor is also known as the pressure coefficient. Category I.0 miles per hour 100.15 1.15 1.07 0.Horizontal Vessels III IV 1.77. Use the table below to determine the appropriate exposure category for the ASCE codes.15 In the 98 standard for Wind Speeds > 100 mph for category I. since the wind design pressure and force increase as the square of the speed. Category I II III IV Importance Factor (I) 0.87 1. Category Classification: I II III IV buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure buildings and structures except those listed in categories I. Standard occupancy structures Importance Factor (I) 1. 85.00 1. Wind Exposure . the importance factor can be 0. and so on.Enter the design value of the wind speed.15. The following list shows some typical wind speeds in miles per hour.0 miles per hour 110. hospitals etc. It is taken from table 6-2 of the ASCE 95 standard or table 6-1 from the 98 standard. Essential facilities II. Special occupancy structures IV. Most petrochemical structures are 1.77 to 1. CodeCalc User's Guide 225 . III and IV buildings and structures that represent a substantial hazard in the event of a failure buildings designed as essential facilities.00 1.95 1. The wind speeds vary according to geographical location and/or to company/vendor standards.This category reflects the characteristics of ground surface irregularities for the site at which the structure is to be constructed. ASCE-7-95/98/02: In general this value ranges from .0 Basic Wind Speed (V) .11 1. Hazardous facilities III. Importance I. Importance I. For UBC 1997 code these values are listed in the following table.00 Category Classification: I II III IV buildings and structures not listed below buildings and structures where more than 300 people congregate in one area buildings designed as essential facilities.0 miles per hour 120. hospitals. buildings and structures that represent a low hazard in the event of a failure Most petrochemical structures are 1.0 miles per hour Enter the lowest value reasonably allowed by the standards you are following.15 1. 6-2. or 3-D Axisymmetric Hill.Enter height of hill or escarpment relative to the upwind terrain. C D Most petrochemical sites use a value of 3. Results CodeCalc determines the volume of the vessel as well as the empty and full weights. Height of Vessel Centerline Above Grade . The allowable tension is the basic operating allowable times the joint efficiency. see ASCE 7-95 Fig. Distance to Site (x) . 2-D Escarpment. or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single family dwellings. This category includes flat. whichever is greater.Enter the distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the height of hill or escarpment. For more information. This exposure extends inland from the shoreline 1/4 mile or 0 times the building (vessel) height. Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet. Most petrochemical sites use a value of 3. such as lifting lugs. see ASCE 7-95.Enter distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to the building site. Type of Hill . unobstructed coastal areas directly exposed to wind flowing over large bodies of water. forest or surface irregularities 20 feet or more in height covering at least 20 percent or the area extending one mile or more from the site. Knowing the weights may be useful for cost estimating and for design of supporting attachments. For more information. Distance to Crest (Lh) . UBC Exposure Factor as defined in UBC-91 Section 2312: Exposure Category B Description Terrain with building.Horizontal Vessels Exposure Category A B C D Description Large city centers with at least 50% of the buildings having a height in excess of 70 feet. These weights are computed with the vessel in the corroded condition. 2-D Ridge. Terrain which is flat and unobstructed facing large bodies of water over one mile or more in width relative to any quadrant of the building site. For more information. extending one-half mile or more from the site in any full quadrant. or neither of these cases. Terrain which is flat and generally open. For more information.Enter the type of hill: None. see ASCE 7-95 Fig. The longitudinal stresses displayed in the output include the stresses due to internal pressure. Height of Hill or Escarpment (H) . 6-2. or Exposure Category C. Since these are normal stresses they are added together. The most severe exposure with basic wind speeds of 80 mph or more. open country and grasslands. Fig.Enter the height of the vessel above the surface of the earth (grade). Urban and suburban areas. wooded areas. 6-2 for details. 6-2. The compressive allowable is the factor B taken from UG-23 using the materials chart for the given material. This value is used to set the Gust Factor Coefficient (Ce) found in Table 16-G. The tangential shear in the shell varies depending on whether the shell is stiffened or the head acts as a stiffener. Flat. see ASCE 7-95 Fig. Tangential stress in the head only exists if the head 226 CodeCalc User's Guide . or Exposure Category C. If pressure is added. The allowable stress in shear is 80% of the allowable tensile stress for the head or shell.25 times the allowable tension stress in the head.9 times the yield stress. If the tip of the stiffening ring is in compression. This stress is always compressive and the allowable stress is a negative of the minimum of 1. If a tensile condition exists.Horizontal Vessels is close enough to the saddle to be used as a stiffener. Use of the head as a stiffener creates additional tension stress in the head. the basic material allowable will be used. The allowable additional stress in the vessel head is limited to 0. its allowable will be -0.5 times the yield stress. The stress at the horn of the saddle depends on the location of the saddle and the equivalent thickness of the saddle and wear pad.5 times the allowable tensile stress and 0.25 times the allowable tensile stress. CodeCalc User's Guide 227 . It is zero if rings stiffen the shell. the resulting stress must be less than 1. Horizontal Vessels 228 CodeCalc User's Guide . Rectangular vessel with two stay plates/rows of bars. and are performed for both uniform and multi diameter hole patterns. CodeCalc User's Guide 229 .Circular vessel with single diametral plate.Reinforced obround vessel. an additional MAWP is computed per Equation 2 of UG-47. bending. 13-2 (b)(1) . (Figure F) Fig. depending on the specific geometry of those vessels stayed by bars.Vessel with differing long-side thickness. 13-2 (a)(7) .Obround vessel.Vessel with equal long-side and short-side thickness.Non-continuous reinforced vessel with rounded corners. 13-2 (c)(1) . The Rectangular Vessels module analyzes the following vessels: Fig.Vessel with rounded corners. the software performs the individual stress calculations. (Figure G) Fig. Membrane. The ligament efficiency calculations are based on section 13-6. and Total). 2001. Bending. 13-2 (a)(6) . (Figure K) Fig. 13) Home tab: Components > Add New Rectangular Vessel Performs stress calculations and maximum allowable working pressure calculations for the rectangular. (Figure C) Fig. 13-2 (a)(2) . 13-2 (a)(4) . 13-2 (a)(5) . The membrane and bending ligament efficiencies are used to adjust the stress calculations at the mid-side of the plates. (Figure J) Fig. The software computes an MAWP for all three types of stresses (Membrane.Obround vessel with single stay plate/row of bars. A-2003.Reinforced vessel. After the ligament efficiencies are determined. (Figure D) Fig. and circular vessels described in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 13-2 (a)(3) . (Figure B) Fig. Appendix 13. (Figure L) The software first performs ligament efficiency calculations for those vessels with holes in the side plates. (Figure I) Fig.Rectangular vessel with single stay plate/row of bars. and total stress calculations are performed as prescribed by the Code in Sections 13-7 through 13-13. 13-2 (b)(3) . The final calculation performed by the Rectangular Vessels module is the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) calculation. 13-2 (b)(2) . (Figure H) Fig.Non-continuous reinforced vessel with rounded corners.SECTION 12 Rectangular Vessels (App.(Figure E) Fig. obround. 13-2 (a)(8) . Section VIII. 13-2 (a)(1) . Division 1. (Figure A) Fig. Additionally. These stresses are compared to their allowables and a highest percentage of allowable calculation is performed. The calculations are taken from sections 13-6 through 13-13. Figure 48: Rectangular vessel with equivalent long side thickness (Vessel Type A1) Figure 49: Rectangular vessel with different long side thickness (Vessel Type A2) 230 CodeCalc User's Guide .Rectangular Vessels (App. The only exception is the reinforcement calculations. The software uses the corroded condition for all dimensions in its calculations. 13) Rectangular Vessels takes full account of the corrosion allowance. The reinforcing member is assumed to be entered in its corroded state. 13) Figure 50: Rectangular vessel with rounded corner (Vessel Type A3) Figure 51: Reinforced rectangular vessel (Vessel Type A4) CodeCalc User's Guide 231 .Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) Figure 52: Non-continuously reinforced rectangular vessel (Vessel Type A5) 232 CodeCalc User's Guide .Rectangular Vessels (App. Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) Figure 53: Non-continuously reinforced vessel with rounded corners (Vessel Type A6) Figure 54: Vessel stayed by stay plate/stay bars (Vessel Type A7 or A7-B) CodeCalc User's Guide 233 . Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) Figure 55: Vessel stayed by stay plates/stay bars (Vessel Type A8 or A8-B) 234 CodeCalc User's Guide . 13) CodeCalc User's Guide 235 .Rectangular Vessels (App. Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) Figure 56: Reinforced Obround Vessel (Vessel Type B2) 236 CodeCalc User's Guide . Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) CodeCalc User's Guide 237 . .. 258 Reinforcing Bar Options ................................ 261 Results ................................................Rectangular Vessels (App........ 260 Reinforcing Section Options ................................................................................................................................. 13) Figure 57: Circular vessel stayed by single diametral plate (Vessel Type C1) Vessel Tab ........ 239 Short Side Tab ............ 256 Long Side Tab ..................................................................................................................................................................... 261 In This Section 238 CodeCalc User's Guide ....................................................... Vessel Corrosion Allowance . Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This may be the item number on the drawing. you are responsible for updating them for the given temperature. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. then an equal value must be entered for P2.Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item. be aware that the P1 value is associated with only one of the two chambers. Shell Section Material . The software automatically updates the materials properties for built-in materials when you change the design temperature.Type an item number for the rectangular vessel. Select the material that you want to use from the list. To modify material properties. Click Select to use the material.Enter the allowance given for corrosion. 2.Rectangular Vessels (App. For vessel type C1. Alternatively. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. CodeCalc User's Guide 239 . to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Design Internal Pressure . If both chambers are operating at the same pressure. This entry is optional. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Design Temperature . Description . 1.Enter the temperature associated with the internal design pressure.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. or click Back to select a different material. 3. Figure 58: Design Internal Pressure for Type C1 If analyzing vessel type C1. If you type in the name. The software displays the material properties. this is the entry for P1. but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar.Enter the internal design pressure. 13) Vessel Tab Item Number . If you entered the allowable stresses manually. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. 1/16" 0.0625 .2500 .1250 . VIII Div. 13) Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. The possible ID types are as follows: ID Number Figure 13-2 from ASME Sec. 1 Appendix 13 A1 A2 240 CodeCalc User's Guide .1/4" Figure Number for Type of Vessel .Rectangular Vessels (App.Enter the ID of the type of rectangular vessel to be analyzed.1/8" 0. Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) A3 A4 CodeCalc User's Guide 241 . Rectangular Vessels (App. 13) A5 A6 242 CodeCalc User's Guide . This type can also be used for vessels with unequal compartments as shown in Figures 13-2(a) (9/10). A7-B Same as item number A7 but with Stay bars. CodeCalc User's Guide 243 . 13) A7 Figure 13-2 (a)(7) is of a vessel with single central stay plate. by using the maximum dimension (h) from among the two compartments.Rectangular Vessels (App. Rectangular Vessels (App. A8-B Same as item number A8 but with Stay bars. 244 CodeCalc User's Guide . 13) A8 Figure 13-2 (a)(8) is of a vessel stayed by two Stay plates. This type can also be used for vessels with unequal compartments as shown in Figures 13-2(a) (9/10). by using the maximum dimension (h) from among the two compartments. 13) B1 B2 CodeCalc User's Guide 245 .Rectangular Vessels (App. If a valid thickness is entered.Rectangular Vessels (App. see UG-34. For more information. If the thickness value is entered as zero.Enter the minimum thickness of the end plate.The C Factor is used in the equation to compute the required thickness of welded end plates.2 or 0. C-Factor for End Closure Plate/Vessel Head . the end plate will be analyzed per UG-34. Thick of End Closure Plate/Vessel Head (t5) . Typical values are 0.3. Figure 59: Design Internal Pressure for Type C1 Min. 13) B3 B3-B C1 Same as item number B3 but with Stay bars. no calculation is performed on the end plate. or left blank. 246 CodeCalc User's Guide . To modify material properties. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Type the maximum pitch distance between reinforcing members.1. Radius of Corner Section . Length of Vessel . Click Select to use the material. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. When entered. 3. C-Factor (From UG-47) . This option is only used in the analysis of vessel type A2 (Figure B). which displays read-only information about the selected material.Rectangular Vessels (App. enter the elastic modulus of the material from Subpart 3 of Section II. Figure A2 Dialog Box Modulus of Elasticity . Length of Vessel .Enter the design external pressure for figure A1 or A2 if you wish to have the external pressure calculations performed. 1. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Design External Pressure . Min.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Enter the length dimension of vessel.Type the radius of the corner section for vessels A3 and A5. external pressure stress calculations. The software assumes each of the corner sections to have equivalent radii.Enter either the minimum thickness of the second long-side plate used to build the vessel or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel. Appendix 13 allows vessels of this type to have differing long-side thickness. When entered. as well as vessel stability calculations. Thick of 2nd Long-Side Plate . 13) Figure A1 Dialog Box Design External Pressure . enter the elastic modulus of the material from Subpart 3 of Section II. as well as vessel stability calculations.Enter the design external pressure for figure A1 or A2 if you wish to have the external pressure calculations performed. Modulus of Elasticity . Select the material that you want to use from the list. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Pitch Distance Between Reinforcing Members .Enter the design external pressure for figure A1 or A2 if you wish to have the external pressure calculations performed. or click Back to select a different material. This entry is required for vessel type C1 and for the external pressure calculations in vessel types A1 and A2. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material . This option is required if you are analyzing vessel type A2. will be performed. When entered.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces. Part D at design temperature. the default value is 2. external pressure stress calculations. will be performed. as well as vessel stability calculations. will be performed. If you type in the name. Alternatively. This value must be greater than or equal to the width of the reinforcing member. CodeCalc User's Guide 247 .When there is an external pressure value. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. 2. Part D at design temperature. external pressure stress calculations. This factor is taken from UG-47. The software displays the material properties.When there is an external pressure value. The following materials are listed in Appendix 13.65 248 CodeCalc User's Guide . If you type in the name. This factor is taken from UG-47. Click Select to use the material. C-Factor (From UG-47) . or click Back to select a different material.69 15019. The software assumes each of the corner sections to have equivalent radii. 2. 1.54 15334.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces.33 11789. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Delta .31 9347. 3.31 9347.17 15833. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. This value must be greater than or equal to the width of the reinforcing member. Table 13-8(3): Material Carbon Steel Austenitic SS Ni-Cr-Fe Ni-Fe-Cr Aluminum Nickel Copper Unalloyed Titanium English 6000 5840 6180 6030 3560 5720 4490 SI 15754.33 11789.Type the material parameter used to calculate pitch. Table 13-8(3): Material Carbon Steel Austenitic SS Ni-Cr-Fe Ni-Fe-Cr Aluminum Nickel Copper Unalloyed Titanium English 6000 5840 6180 6030 3560 5720 4490 SI 15754.Type the maximum pitch distance between reinforcing members. Pitch Distance Between Reinforcing Members . 13) Delta . the default value is 2. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. which displays read-only information about the selected material.42 16227.Rectangular Vessels (App. The software displays the material properties. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.17 15833. Select the material that you want to use from the list.Type the material parameter used to calculate pitch. Alternatively. The following materials are listed in Appendix 13. To modify material properties. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Type the radius of the corner section for vessels A3 and A5.42 16227.54 15334.69 15019.1.65 Radius of Corner Section . This option is required if you are analyzing vessel type A2. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. This value must be greater than or equal to the width of the reinforcing member. 1. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material .Type the radius of the corner section for vessels A3 and A5. This dimension is L11 for the short-side.31 9347. This factor is taken from UG-47. 1. 2.69 15019.Enter the unreinforced length dimension for vessel A6. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. which displays read-only information about the selected material. 3.1. This option is only used in the analysis of vessel type A2 (Figure B). Delta . Alternatively. Stay Plate/Reinforcment Material .Rectangular Vessels (App. The software assumes each of the corner sections to have equivalent radii. or click Back to select a different material.42 16227.Type the maximum pitch distance between reinforcing members. CodeCalc User's Guide 249 . If you type in the name. The following materials are listed in Appendix 13.Type the material parameter used to calculate pitch. To modify material properties. Short-Side Unreinforced Length Dimension (L11) . Table 13-8(3): Material Carbon Steel Austenitic SS Ni-Cr-Fe Ni-Fe-Cr Aluminum Nickel Copper Unalloyed Titanium English 6000 5840 6180 6030 3560 5720 4490 SI 15754. This dimension is L21 for the long-side. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Appendix 13 allows vessels of this type to have differing long-side thickness. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter either the minimum thickness of the second long-side plate used to build the vessel or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel.33 11789. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Click Select to use the material. Pitch Distance Between Reinforcing Members .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The software displays the material properties.Enter the unreinforced length dimension for vessel A6.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces. the default value is 2.65 Radius of Corner Section .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.54 15334. 13) Radius of Corner Section . The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Long-Side Unreinforced Length Dimension (L21) . C-Factor (From UG-47) .17 15833. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Consequently. 250 CodeCalc User's Guide . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. or click Back to select a different material. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. if analyzing a stayed vessel. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. A7-B.1250 .1/8" 0. 2. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t4) . Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . A7-B. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . Select the material that you want to use from the list. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Click Select to use the material.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. 3.Rectangular Vessels (App. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Alternatively. To modify material properties.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. or click Back to select a different material. or the diameter of the rod. The software displays the material properties. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance . B3. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. To modify material properties. If you type in the name. if analyzing a stayed vessel.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. If you type in the name.1/4" Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material . 13) The software displays the Material Database dialog box. which displays read-only information about the selected material.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate. 3. 2. 1. The software displays the material properties.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Alternatively. if analyzing a stayed vessel. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. B3. or B3-B. Click Select to use the material. A8-B. A8. A8. or B3-B.2500 . enter the corrosion allowance of only one side.1/16" 0. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. A8-B.0625 . The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. This is a required entry only when you are analyzing vessel types A8 or A8-B. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you do not check this box.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. Pitch Distance Between Bars of Diameter . The software displays the material properties.1/16" CodeCalc User's Guide 251 . A7-B. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. A8-B. or click Back to select a different material.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. the software uses the dimensions of the compartment formed by the stay plate. 3. The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides. B3.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate. This is a required entry only when you are analyzing vessel types A8 or A8-B.2500 . if analyzing a stayed vessel. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. To modify material properties. enter the corrosion allowance of only one side. A8. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. A8.1. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material . 13) Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t4) . This factor is taken from UG-47.1/8" 0.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces.Rectangular Vessels (App. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) .Check this box for the software to perform the end plate calculations based on the entire long-side length. or the diameter of the rod. C-Factor (From UG-47) . A8-B. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance .Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. or B3-B. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar.0625 . if analyzing a stayed vessel. 1. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance . B3. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).1/4" Is the Stay Plate Welded to the End Plate? . A7-B. Alternatively. Click Select to use the material. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. which displays read-only information about the selected material. enter the corrosion allowance of only one side. 2.1/16" 0. If you type in the name. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0.Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars.1250 . the default value is 2. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. Select the material that you want to use from the list.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Consequently.0625 . Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t4) . or B3-B. The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides. if analyzing a stayed vessel. Consequently. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.1250 . or B3-B. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. Consequently.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate. Alternatively. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. or click Back to select a different material. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Select the material that you want to use from the list.1250 . 3.1/4" Is the Stay Plate Welded to the End Plate? .2500 .1/4" Is the Stay Plate Welded to the End Plate? . Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. This is a required entry only when you are analyzing vessel types A8 or A8-B. To modify material properties. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. if analyzing a stayed vessel.1/8" 0. Pitch Distance Between Bars of Diameter t3 . Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . B3. A7-B. if analyzing a stayed vessel.Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t4) . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name. enter the corrosion allowance of only one side. the software uses the dimensions of the compartment formed by the stay plate. Pitch Distance Between Bars of Diameter t4 .Check this box for the software to perform the end plate calculations based on the entire long-side length. 2. The software displays the material properties. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. Click Select to use the material. A8-B.2500 .1/16" 0. 1.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. or the diameter of the rod.1/8" 0.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material .Check this box for the software to perform the end plate calculations based on the entire long-side length. the software uses the dimensions of the compartment formed by the stay plate.Rectangular Vessels (App.0625 . 13) 0. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. A8. If you do not check this box. If you do not check this box. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. 252 CodeCalc User's Guide . The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides.Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material .Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Pitch Distance Between Reinforcing Members .65 Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material .Type the material parameter used to calculate pitch. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This value must be greater than or equal to the width of the reinforcing member.17 15833. Click Select to use the material. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. 1. the default value is 2. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. Delta . 3. If you type in the name. C-Factor (From UG-7) . This factor is taken from UG-47.54 15334. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 13) Pitch Distance Between Bars of Diameter t3 .Type the maximum pitch distance between reinforcing members. Alternatively. or click Back to select a different material.69 15019. 2. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Select the material that you want to use from the list.33 11789.1. Table 13-8(3): Material Carbon Steel Austenitic SS Ni-Cr-Fe Ni-Fe-Cr Aluminum Nickel Copper Unalloyed Titanium English 6000 5840 6180 6030 3560 5720 4490 SI 15754.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces.42 16227. CodeCalc User's Guide 253 .Rectangular Vessels (App. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Pitch Distance Between Bars of Diameter t4 . C-Factor (From UG-47) . the default value is 2.Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces.Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. To modify material properties. 1. The software displays the material properties. which displays read-only information about the selected material. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.1.31 9347. This factor is taken from UG-47.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The following materials are listed in Appendix 13. 1/16" 0. The software displays the material properties. or B3-B. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. A8-B. 254 CodeCalc User's Guide . enter the corrosion allowance of only one side. B3. if analyzing a stayed vessel. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.1/8" 0. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. 3. A8.2500 .Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate. Consequently. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Rectangular Vessels (App. 3. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . B3. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t4) . Click Select to use the material.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. A8. The software displays the material properties.1250 . Alternatively.1/4" Is the Stay Plate/Rod Welded to the End Plate . the software uses the dimensions of the compartment formed by the stay plate. If you do not check this box. 13) 2.Check this box for the software to perform the end plate calculations based on the entire long-side length. This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7. 1. which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Alternatively. If you type in the name. if analyzing a stayed vessel. A8-B.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. or click Back to select a different material.0625 . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. To modify material properties. Select the material that you want to use from the list. If you type in the name. or the diameter of the rod. Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . A7-B. To modify material properties. Figure B3-B Dialog Box Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material . Click Select to use the material. Select the material that you want to use from the list. or B3-B.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance . The software displays the Material Database dialog box. or click Back to select a different material. This is a required entry only when you are analyzing vessel types A8 or A8-B. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides. A7-B.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. if analyzing a stayed vessel. the value entered for P2 must equal the value entered for P1. Pressure in 2nd Compartment . The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The software displays the material properties. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Consequently. If you type in the name. 1. You must enter an internal design pressure that is less than or equal to P1. 13) Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance . a value of zero is used for P2. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. Stay Plate/Reinforcement Material . Click Select to use the material.1.1/16" 0. Alternatively. Stay Plate Corrosion Allowance . which displays read-only information about the selected material.1/8" 0.Enter the inside radius of vessel type C1. or click Back to select a different material. To modify material properties.1250 . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. The stay plate/bar will be corroded twice to account for the fact that they are exposed to fluid on both sides. If left blank.Enter the appropriate corrosion allowance. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Some common corrosion allowance values are: 0. Vessel Radius .Specify the attachment factor for braced and stayed surfaces.Type the internal pressure of the second compartment in vessel C1. enter the corrosion allowance of only one side.1/16" 0.1/4" Is the Stay Plate/Rod Welded to the End Plate? . This entry is required for vessel type C1 and for the external pressure calculations in vessel types A1 and A2.1250 . Pitch Distance Between Bars .0625 . The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. enter the corrosion allowance of only one side.1/8" 0.Type the maximum pitch distance between stay bars.2500 .Check this box for the software to perform the end plate calculations based on the entire long-side length.1/4" CodeCalc User's Guide 255 .Enter the length dimension of vessel.2500 . the software uses the dimensions of the compartment formed by the stay plate. If you do not check this box. Select the material that you want to use from the list. C-Factor (From UG-47) . the default value is 2. Consequently. Length of Vessel . The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter of the vessel and adjusts the actual thickness and the outside diameter of the stay plate/bar. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). In the event that the two compartments have equivalent pressure. 2.0625 . This factor is taken from UG-47.Rectangular Vessels (App. This value must be greater than or equal to the calculated maximum pitch of the stay bars. 3. Inside Diameter of Rounded Short-side 2R .00 Full Radiography 0. Thick of Short-Side Plates (t1) . if analyzing a stayed vessel.Inside Diameter of Rounded Short-side 2R .00 Full Radiography 256 CodeCalc User's Guide . A8.Ray 0.Inside length of short-side of vessel h . This joint efficiency value will be used to adjust the corner and the mid-side allowable stress values.70 No . L1.Enter the minimum thickness of the stay plate or the diameter of the rod. Instead. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel.Inside length of short-side of vessel 2R .Inside Diameter of Rounded Short-side *** No Entry Required *** Min. The short-side thickness value is a required entry for all vessel types.Enter the minimum thickness of the short-side plate used to build the vessel.Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for vessels with welded joints.Inside length of short-side of vessel L3 .85 Spot X .Half-length of short-side of vessel h . This joint efficiency value will be used to adjust the corner and the mid-side allowable stress values. 1.Half-length of short-side of vessel L3 . Short Side Tab Short-Side Length Dimension (H. Typical values are: 1. or B3-B.Inside length of long-side of vessel L1 .Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for vessels with welded joints. refer to Section VIII.Inside length of short-side of vessel h .Rectangular Vessels (App. Le. Instead. The mid-side joint efficiencies will not be used if there are holes on the side of the vessel. A8-B.Radiography For help determining this value. Typical values are: 1. Table UW-12. This dimension is dependent on the particular vessel being analyzed as indicated in the following table: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A7-B A8 A8-B B1 B2 B3 B3-B C1 H . When the Code specifies a single thickness (A3 and C1). the short-side thickness is used for both t1 and t2. B3. or 2R) .Inside length of short-side of vessel h .Inside Diameter of Rounded Short-side 2R . A7-B. Corner Section Joint Efficiency Factor . the ligament efficiencies will be used to adjust the actual stress values. the ligament efficiencies will be used to adjust the actual stress values. Div.Half-length of short-side minus the corner radius H . This is a required entry when you are analyzing vessel types A7.Inside length of long-side of vessel h .Enter the design length of the short-side of the vessel. The mid-side joint efficiencies will not be used if there are holes on the side of the vessel. Short-Side Joint Efficiency Factor (Mid-Side) . 13) Min Thick/Dia of Stay Plate/Rod (t3) . T1. Center to Center Distance Between Holes .Type the diameter (d0.85 Spot X . 1. Ligament efficiency calculations will be performed in order to adjust the calculated actual stress values. d2) of the hole of corresponding length (T0. Threaded Holes in Short Side Plate? . Figure 60: Hole Diameter to Corresponding Lengths and Center-to-Center The values for d0. check this option to enter the pitch.70 No .Radiography For help determining this value. diameter. T1. If the hole is of uniform diameter. T2) of the hole of corresponding diameter (d0. and depth parameters. Ligament efficiency calculations will be performed in order to adjust the calculated actual stress values. check this option to enter the pitch.Enter ligament efficiencies for tube spacing. Diameter of Hole .If the plate has uniform or multi-diameter holes. d1. d1. d1.Ray 0. If the hole is of uniform diameter. 13) 0. diameter. refer to Section VIII. then a value for T0 is the only required entry. and d2 must be entered in decreasing diameter size. and depth parameters.Type the depth (T0. Figure 61: Hole Diameter to Corresponding Lengths and Center-to-Center The sum of the values for T0.Rectangular Vessels (App. and T2 must equal to the entire side thickness. Depth of Hole . Distance from Neutral Axis . then a value for d0 is the only required entry. CodeCalc User's Guide 257 . Ligament Efficiencies . Div.Enter the index for the type of reinforcement on the rectangular vessel. Table UW-12. d2). Type of Short-Side Reinforcement .If the plate has uniform or multi-diameter holes. T1. T2).Enter the neutral axis distance. Instead. This joint efficiency value will be used to adjust the corner and the mid-side allowable stress values. Long-Side Joint Efficiency Factor (Mid-Side) . Per Appendix 13.70 No . the long-side thickness is not a required entry for these two vessel types. This dimension is dependent on the particular vessel being analyzed as indicated in the following table: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A7-B A8 A8-B B1 B2 B3 B3-B C1 h .Inside length of long-side of vessel h .Half-length of long-side L4 .Inside length of long-side of vessel L2 . cross-sectional area.85 Spot X . vessels A3 and C1 (Figure 20C and 20K.Enter the design length of the long-side of the vessel.Inside length of long-side of vessel h . Thus.Ray 0. the ligament efficiencies will be used to adjust the actual stress values.Half-length of long-side of vessel h . respectively) are assumed to have equivalent long and short-side thicknesses. Threaded Holes in Long-Side Plates .Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for vessels with welded joints.Radiography For help determining this value. 1. The short-side thickness value is a required entry for all vessel types.Half-length of long-side of vessel L2 .Enter the width and thickness of the bar. check this option to enter the pitch.No reinforcing ring. The mid-side joint efficiencies will not be used if there are holes on the side of the vessel. Long Side Tab Long-Side Length Dimension (h.Enter the moment of inertia. L2.00 Full Radiography 0.Half-length of long-side of vessel *** No Entry Required *** Min. diameter. Typical values are: 1. Table UW-12. 13) None .Inside length of long-side of vessel L4 . Bar .Rectangular Vessels (App. refer to Section VIII. or 2R) .Half-length of long-side of vessel L2 .Half-length of long-side of vessel L2 . L4. or the minimum thickness measured for an existing vessel.Inside length of long-side of vessel h .If the plate has uniform or multi-diameter holes. and the distance from the shell to the centroid of the beam. and depth parameters. Section . Ligament efficiency calculations will be performed in order to adjust the calculated actual stress values.Inside length of long-side of vessel h .Half-length of long-side minus the corner radius h .Enter the minimum thickness of the long-side plate used to build the vessel.Inside length of long-side vessel L2 . 258 CodeCalc User's Guide . Div. Thick of Long-Side Plates (t2) . This value must be greater than the diameter of the hole Figure 62: Hole Diameter to Corresponding Lengths and Center-to-Center Diameter of Hole . 13) Center to Center Distance Between Holes . d1. T1. T2). Figure 63: Hole Diameter to Corresponding Lengths and Center-to-Center The values for d0. CodeCalc User's Guide 259 . This pitch distance (P) is shown in the following illustration. d2) of the hole of corresponding length (T0.Rectangular Vessels (App. and d2 must be entered in decreasing diameter size. If the hole is of uniform diameter. then a value for d0 is the only required entry.Enter the maximum pitch distance between holes in the side plates of the vessel being analyzed. d1.Type the diameter (d0. This value is the distance that the reinforcement remains in contact with the vessel wall. If the hole is of uniform diameter. No entry is required for other vessel types. Bar . and T2 must equal to the entire side thickness. d2). Ligament Efficiencies em / eb . Section .Type the distance from the outer surface of the vessel to the outermost point on the reinforcing bar or beam.Enter the index for the type of reinforcement on the rectangular vessel. cross-sectional area. Width of Reinforcing Member . this entry represents the entire length of the discontinuous reinforcement.For vessel type A5. T2) of the hole of corresponding diameter (d0. T1.Rectangular Vessels (App. T1. then a value for T0 is the only required entry. and the distance from the shell to the centroid of the beam. None .No reinforcing ring.Enter the width and thickness of the bar.Type the width of the reinforcing member.Enter the neutral axis distance. Type of Long-Side Reinforcement . Length of Reinforcing Member .Type the depth (T0. Figure 64: Hole Diameter to Corresponding Lengths and Center-to-Center The sum of the values for T0. 260 CodeCalc User's Guide . This value cannot be greater than the reinforcement pitch. Distance from Neutral Axis ci .Enter the moment of inertia. Reinforcing Bar Options Outside Distance from Outside of Vessel . as that would indicate that the reinforcement if overlapping. d1. In all cases the program includes the vessel wall in the calculation of the moment of inertia.Enter ligament efficiencies for tube spacing. 13) Depth of Hole . ...... ligament efficiency calculations are performed according to Section 13-6........ as that would indicate that the reinforcement if overlapping. the stress is higher at one of the plate surfaces than at the other surface. 262 Allowable Calculations .......... No entry is required for other vessel types.......... in this case.......... the ligament efficiency factors em and eb for membrane and bending stresses..... This avoids incorrectly increasing the stress values while decreasing the allowables at the same time......... the neutral axis of the ligament may no longer be at mid-thickness of the plate...Rectangular Vessels (App. In all cases the program includes the vessel wall in the calculation of the moment of inertia................................. the calculated stress values are divided by these calculated ligament efficiencies............... 261 Reinforcement Calculations .................For vessel type A5............ In the case of uniform diameter holes..... Topics Ligament Efficiency Calculations .............. In the case of multi-diameter holes (see Figure M).... 264 Ligament Efficiency Calculations When the side plates have uniform or multi-diameter holes......... Length of Reinforcing Member (If Discontinuous) ................... CodeCalc User's Guide 261 ........ If the calculated values of em and eb are lower than the entered midpoint joint efficiencies.Type the distance from the surface of the vessel to the centroid of the reinforcing ring. 263 Highest Percentage of Allowable Calculations ............... for bending loads............................. 262 Stress Calculations . then the calculations for the allowable stresses will assume an E value of 1.......... this entry represents the entire length of the discontinuous reinforcement................... Width of Reinforcing Member .. This value cannot be greater than the reinforcement pitch.. 13) Reinforcing Section Options Cross-Sectional Area of Reinforcing Member .................................0... It is important to note that if the stresses have been adjusted by the ligament efficiencies..... This distance should be measured normal to the vessel surface....Type the width of the reinforcing member.... Centroid Distance from Outside of Vessel .. 263 External Pressure Calculations... respectively.... Results The software performs the following types of calculations for rectangular vessels.. 263 MAWP Calculations ............ This value is the distance that the reinforcement remains in contact with the vessel wall............... Outside Distance from Outside of Vessel .. Moment of Inertia of Reinforcing Member .....Type the cross sectional area for the beam section which is being used as reinforcement..... are considered to be the same....................Type the moment of inertia for the beam section which is being used as a reinforcement in the direction parallel to the surface of the vessel.................................Type the distance from the outer surface of the vessel to the outermost point on the reinforcing bar or beam........... and J). the reinforcement for vessels A4 and B2 is assumed to be continuous. Once the pitch is determined. while a negative (-) stress indicates compressive stress. The first reinforcement calculation is that of the maximum pitch between reinforcing member center lines. Calculations performed on stay plates/bars are membrane stresses. At locations where the shell plate is in tension. the geometry of the reinforcement must be checked. and then also performed for locations where the plate is in tension. 262 CodeCalc User's Guide . there is no adjustment to the stress calculations. an effective width equal to the actual pitch distance is used in the computations. are discussed in section 13-8. while A5 is assumed to be non-continuous. the stresses are increased by dividing the calculated value by the membrane or bending ligament efficiency. Computation of the stresses on end plates is performed if a thickness value for the end plate is input.Rectangular Vessels (App. and B2 (Figures D. These actual stress values are displayed along with their allowables in tabular form. the calculated values for the membrane and bending stresses are adjusted by the ligament efficiency calculations if em and eb are less than the joint efficiency E. the allowables are adjusted by the value E. In addition to the above calculations. These stresses are not used in the computation of the MAWP. and these stresses are used in the MAWP calculations for membrane stresses. The moment of inertia calculations are performed for locations where the plate is in compression. A5. As previously discussed. the width of the reinforcing members cannot physically exceed the pitch. When plates have holes but the ligament efficiencies are higher than the joint efficiency E. The rectangular vessel program only addresses those vessels in which the reinforcement on opposite side plates has the same moment of inertia. Equation (2) of Section 13-8 is used to calculate the maximum width of the shell plate which can be used to compute the effective moments of the composite section at locations where the shell plate is in compression. Additionally. Specifically. Stress Calculations Stress calculations are performed for membrane. At the mid-side locations. E. The minimum calculated value shall be considered the maximum distance between reinforcement center lines. Using this maximum value. the moment of inertia of the composite section (shell and reinforcement) is determined by the Area-Moment method. The calculations are performed for both the inner and outer surface of the long and short-side plates. 13) Reinforcement Calculations Reinforcement calculations performed for vessels A4. and total stresses. equations (1a)-(1d) in Section 13-8 are used to obtain a maximum value for both the long and short-side plates. A positive (+) stress indicates tensile stress. The calculations are performed per UG-34 with a C factor entered by the user. Equation 1 of UG-47 is used to set a basic maximum distance. bending. an additional pressure rating is computed. the joint efficiency at the mid-side may be set to 1. If this value of pressure is less than the previously calculated MAWPs. The minimum computed P value is considered to be the maximum allowable working pressure for the particular stress type. (2) of UG-47 with (L2 + R/2) substituted for the pitch. When analyzing vessels A7-B or A8-B (Figures G and H stayed by bars). For reinforced members. SE. if (L2 + R/2) is greater than the pitch. The computation of the MAWP is performed by setting the stress equations equal to the allowables and solving for P. 13) Allowable Calculations Membrane stresses are in general compared to the adjusted allowable stress. (2) of UG-47 with the long-side height substituted for the pitch.Rectangular Vessels (App. Note also that when there are holes in the side. the software computes the highest stress/allowable ratio for each of the three stress types. then a pressure rating is computed per Eq. Highest Percentage of Allowable Calculations After performing the actual stress calculation and computing the allowable stresses at all locations. MAWP Calculations The software calculates the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) for each of the three stress types. the software compares the membrane stress to the lower of the plate allowable stress or beam allowable stress. then an additional pressure rating is computed per Eq. and also to the lower of 2/3 times the plate yield stress or beam yield stress. It chooses the lowest of these four combinations as the allowable for reinforced cases. SE. when there are holes in the side. If the long-side height is greater than the pitch of the stay bars. Bending stresses and total stresses are in general compared to 1. The software displays the highest percentage of the allowable used and the actual stress value that this percentage relates to. Also. Similarly for vessel B3-B (Figure K stayed by bars). CodeCalc User's Guide 263 .0 in favor of a membrane efficiency which is factored into the actual stress calculations as necessary.5 times the adjusted allowable stress.0 in favor of a membrane efficiency which is factored into the actual stress calculation as necessary. then this becomes the vessel pressure rating. the joint efficiency may be set to 1. For reinforced members the program compares the actual stress to the lower of the plate allowable stress or beam allowable stress. The entire cross section is checked for column stability in accordance with equation (1) from paragraph 13-14(c). 13) External Pressure Calculations External pressure calculations are performed on vessel A1 and A2 if you have entered a value for the external pressure.Rectangular Vessels (App. The four side plates and the end plates are checked for stability per equation (1) of 13-14(b). The external pressure is substituted for the internal pressure. 2. and the calculations discussed previously are performed again. 3. These calculations are performed per Appendix 13. Section 13-14 as follows: 1. 264 CodeCalc User's Guide . If the legs are cross braced. you can enter its specification and properties manually by selecting Tools/ Edit/Add Materials. The distance between gussets is used to determine the bending stress in the lug bottom plate. This should include operating fluid. where the support spacing is the gusset spacing. You can select the material from the Material Database by selecting the material database lookup button. Currently there are 929 structural shapes in the AISC database. from the Main Menu. otherwise it is weak. The allowable CodeCalc User's Guide 265 . The program computes the number of legs for bending and shear of the vessel. If a material is not contained in the database. The weight of the vessel should be the weight of the vessel while it is operating. If the beam is attached such that the tangent to the vessel is parallel to the beam's strong axis this designation is considered strong. trays. In most cases the actual attachment temperature will be different from the vessel design temperature. The material yield stress can be looked up in the tables in ASME Section II Part D. bending stresses are significantly reduced. Each beam section has a strong and weak orientation. CodeCalc assumes that each support lug has two gussets equally spaced about a bolt hole.SECTION 13 Legs and Lugs Home tab: Components > Add New Leg/Lug Analyzes structural members (legs). There is a separate field for lifting weight of the vessel. support lugs and lifting lugs. AISC's method for computing unity checks for angle type sections are rather complicated when compared to the corresponding method used for "I" type sections. Support lug calculations should use the same loading conditions. CodeCalc must have a valid material from which to determine material properties. insulation etc. The controlling stress for support lug and vessel leg calculations is the yield stress. CodeCalc is intended to perform unity checks on I-beam and angle type sections. The following information is required for each of these analysis types: Vessel design internal pressure Design temperature for the attachment Vessel outside diameter Weight of vessel operating and dry Vessel dimensions Additional horizontal force on vessel Location of horizontal force above grade The design temperature for the attachment is used to compute the material properties for attachment being analyzed. Support Lugs If the number of support lugs to be analyzed is between 2 and 16. Support Legs The number of vessel legs must be between 3 and 16. The lug bottom plate is analyzed as a beam on simple supports. However since vessels are typically lifted "dry" the empty weight of the vessel should be used when performing lifting lug calculations. The width of the lug is its dimension in the direction of orientation described above. This can be accomplished by checking the box to perform WRC 107 analysis from within the support lug dialog. Trunnions A hollow or solid circular trunnion with or without pad reinforcement can be analyzed using the TRUNNION DESIGN module. flat and perpendicular. CodeCalc will take the square root of the sum of the squares (W. Bending stress. An option is to analyze the trunnion with the maximum load acting on that trunnion during the lift. pipe. the stress in the gusset is one half of the lug force divided by the gusset area. Moss and is applied to the other leg shapes. 266 CodeCalc User's Guide . Lifting Lugs There are two types of lifting lug orientations. It is advisable to check the baseplate dimensions using the graphic feature of CodeCalc. CodeCalc will assume the following for all Baseplate Thickness calculations: Strong axis leg orientation. For flat lugs the weld at the bottom will usually be the same as the lug width. Baseplates Baseplate thickness calculation is included in the vessel leg analysis for I-beam. Usually when analyzing stresses in the lug plate the stresses in the wall of the vessel at the attachment location should be checked. and can be activated by clicking the Analyze Baseplate check box. Typically vessels are lifted with two trunnions thus the load is divided between them. N. The program does not subtract corrosion allowance (if any) and then enter the dimensions. The leg is attached symmetrically on the baseplate. while W and T cause bending loads on perpendicular lugs. CodeCalc assumes that the loads entered act on one trunnion. The forces W and N cause bending loads on flat lugs. In addition. bearing stress and unity check are calculated and compared with the appropriate allowables. Flat lugs are generally welded below the top head seam and extend far enough above the seam for the lifting cables to clear the head and its nozzles. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor specified by the user. per the AISC manual. They are also used as tailing lugs. shear stress. For perpendicular lugs the weld length will be the same as the thickness of the lug. The design is based on the method for I-beam leg described in the Pressure Design Manual by D. The main considerations regarding the trunnion design are stresses at the vessel/trunnion junction and on the trunnion itself. and the orthogonal input forces are needed for WRC 107 Analysis. The length is in the vertical direction relative to the vessel. and angle leg only. Before the analysis it is advisable to check the trunnion dimensions and the forces' magnitude and direction using the graphic feature in CodeCalc. vertical and horizontal positions. This compression is compared to the AISC compression allowable. The length of the welds will also need to be entered. The corner of the weld group is where the stress will be checked. Local stresses at the junction can be analyzed using the WRC 107 Analysis Selection check box. Perpendicular lugs (ears) are used to clear some obstruction at or near the top head (such as a body flange) by moving the support point away from the vessel shell. and T) to determine the total shearing load. Bolts are installed along the length sides only (B dimension).Legs and Lugs stress in bending is 66 percent of the yield stress. The lifting orientation. .. which displays read-only information about the selected material............................Enter the ID number of the item.Enter the tangent-to-tangent length of the vessel........ 288 Leg Results ... Shell Thickness ........................... Select the material that you want to use from the list.............. 278 Support Lug Dialog Box ..................... This input is used in the case of a support lug with full reinforcement ring and for the WRC 107 analysis of the trunnion................................... It would be reasonable to assume that vessel legs are much cooler than the actual metal temperature of the pressure vessel.......... CodeCalc will use the allowable stress of the metal at the design temperature.............. along with the shell thickness is used only in the case of a support lug with a full reinforcement ring. 2.....Enter the shell corrosion allowance............. Design Pressure ..... to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).................... Click Select to use the material.... 289 Legs and Lugs Tab Item Number ........ CodeCalc User's Guide 267 ... Tangent-to-Tangent Length of Vessel ............................................Enter the outside diameter of the vessel to which the supports are attached....... 286 Output ............ is used by the software to compute the vessel centroid............................. This value is available in ASME Section II Part D.. This input......Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code............................ 267 Loads Tab .. Shell thickness is required to compute the area and Moment of Inertia of the shell-ring junction.......... or click Back to select a different material... 289 Trunnion Results .............. Description .................... Shell thickness is required to compute the area and moment of inertia of the shell-ring junction........ 289 Baseplate Results ...... This input..... Shell Corrosion Allowance ... Conversely........ 3..... Any factors such as external corrosion should be accounted for at this time.. The software assumes the vessel is one diameter from the top to the bottom of the vessel.................. the pressure is used by the WRC107/FEA module.................. 1.......................Enter the design pressure at which the vessel will be operating.........The temperature entered in this box should correspond to the temperature of the attachment in question................ If the attachment is not at ambient..Enter the shell thickness. Shell Material ........... Outside Diameter of Vessel ............ in addition to the leg length or the height of bottom tangent................. Design Temperature of Attachment ....... This value is not used by this module..............Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item............... vessel lifting lugs use the basic allowable stress of the material for their design....................................................... This entry is optional...............Legs and Lugs In This Section Legs and Lugs Tab ...... Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.......... enter the yield stress at that temperature...................... The controlling stress for leg and support lug design is the yield stress of the material at the leg/lug temperature...... 284 Trunnion Tab ........................ 272 Lifting Lug Dialog Box .. 281 Vessel Leg Tab ......... However............ This can be the item number on the drawing or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially................................ The software displays the material properties.................................... go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. see Vessel Leg Tab (on page 284). Selecting this option prompts you for information pertaining to trunnion design.Select from the following analysis type: Support Lug . Analyze Baseplate? -Indicates that you are designing the baseplate and anchor bolts according to Moss and Bednar. 268 CodeCalc User's Guide .Indicates that a vessel is to be lifted by a trunnion. For more information. Selecting this option prompts you for information pertaining to the lifting lugs. Type of Analysis . For more information. per the WRC 107 method. You can also choose to perform the local stress analysis automatically on the trunnion. Selecting this option prompts you for all of the information necessary to determine the stresses in these types of supporting attachments. you can also design the baseplate and anchor bolts.Indicates that the vessel is to be lifted by lug type attachments. For more information about the options that appear.Legs and Lugs Alternatively. Selecting this option prompts you for all of the information necessary to perform an AISC unity check on the vessel legs. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Along with the leg design. see Baseplate (on page 269). Trunnion . see Lifting Lug Tab (see "Lifting Lug Dialog Box" on page 278). see Support Lug Tab (see "Support Lug Dialog Box" on page 281).Indicates that the vessel is supported by support lugs. To modify material properties. For more information. Lifting Lug .Indicates that the vessel is supported on legs. If you type in the name. see Trunnion Tab (on page 286). Vessel Leg . For more information. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. the "z" dimension. When this input is left blank. shown as three bolts in the figure. is same along the width and along the length. The program assumes the leg is attached symmetrically on the base plate. The Distance from the Edge of the Leg to the Bolt Hole. If there is wind/earth quake/horizontal loads.This design method considers the following: The Total Number of Bolt per Base Plate should be an even number. its value is assumed to be half of the total number of bolts. the Number of Bolt in Tension per Base Plate is not required. The program assumes that the bolts are located along the length (B) of the base plate as shown in the figure. the Number of Bolt in Tension per Base Plate should be the number of bolts along one length dimension. CodeCalc User's Guide 269 . Design Method Moss . In case there is no wind/earth quake/horizontal loads.Legs and Lugs Baseplate Specifies parameters for baseplates. In the Analyze mode.Specifies the width (D) of the baseplate. which displays read-only information about the selected material. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Click Select to use the material. Click Select to use the material. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The Total Number of Bolt per Base Plate is assumed to carry the entire lifting load on the baseplate. 1. However. Baseplate Thickness . The Distance from the Edge of the Leg to the Bolt Hole.Legs and Lugs AISC . in the Optimize mode.In the Analyze mode.Specifies the thickness of the baseplate. The anchor bolts are sized to resist the lifting force/moment. 3. The program assumes the leg is attached symmetrically on the base plate. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. is not required. Please refer to second edition of Pressure Vessel Design Handbook by Bednar page 153.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.. To modify material properties. Please refer to AISC Handbook page 3-106. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.Specifies the length (B) of the baseplate. the thickness of the baseplate is calculated by assuming the baseplate is in compression state. 2. The software displays the material properties. or click Back to select a different material. 3. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. in the Optimize mode. Please refer to AISC Handbook page 3-106. If you type in the name. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. D . Baseplate Baseplate Length.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. 270 CodeCalc User's Guide . 1. or click Back to select a different material. the baseplate thickness is calculated using the input baseplate dimensions (B &D). Select the material that you want to use from the list. Baseplate Width. It is up to the user to specify the location of each bolt. B . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Design . 2. the baseplate thickness is calculated by maximizing the use of the concrete strength. the baseplate thickness is calculated using the input baseplate dimensions (B &D). Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Alternatively. However. The Number of Bolt in Tension per Base Plate input is not required.In this method. the baseplate thickness is calculated by maximizing the use of the concrete strength. The software displays the material properties. Baseplate Material . the "z" dimension. Bolts Bolt Material . 5 to 4. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Enter the Nominal Compressive stress of the Concrete to which the basering/baseplate is bolted. you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this box. U.0 inches. enter the nominal size in this field. TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1 inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1 inch and above bolt nominal diameter. Water Content. If you type in the name.If there is any corrosion allowance for the bolts. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value. Nominal Bolt Diameter .Specifies the distance from the edge of the leg to the bolt hole center.Select the bolt size from the list.5 6.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. Z . Distance from the Edge of the Leg to the Bolt Hole Center. psi 2000 2500 3000 CodeCalc User's Guide 271 . To modify material properties.If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types.75 6 f'c. Select Bolt Size . then enter it here. The UNC threads available are the standard threads. Bolt Corrosion Allowance . The tables of bolt diameter included in the program range from 0. Gallons per 94-lb Sack of Cement 7. Number of Bolts in Tension per Baseplate . This value is f'c in Jawad and Farr or FPC in Meygesy.Specifies the number of bolts per baseplate. 28 day Ultimate Compressive Strength. BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used.Specifies the number of bolts in tension per baseplate.Legs and Lugs Alternatively. and also enter the root area of one bolt in the Bolt Root Area box.S. Concrete Properties Nominal Compressive Stress of Concrete . A typical entry is 3000 psi. The nominal bolt size is corrected for this allowance. Bolt Root Area . Thread Series . Total Number of Bolts per Baseplate . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. the values will be converted back to the user selected units.The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table UNC Bolt Table User specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table British. equipment loads. These horizontal shear forces cause bending around the legs and support lugs.Specifies the weight of the vessel without contents. Additional Horizontal Force on Vessel . Operating Weight of Vessel (total vertical load) . Occasional Load Factor (AISC A5. The location of this distance above the base point will also need to be entered. this distance should be equal to the length of the legs. This value will be used along with the tangent-to-tangent length to determine the centroid where the wind loads and seismic shear loads are applied. A Vessel on Legs: A Vessel on Lugs: Location of Horizontal Force Above Base Point . Empty Weight of Vessel .Specifies the total weight of the vessel. This weight should include all operating fluids.Enter the additional horizontal force exerted on the vessel due to external loads.With many types of construction codes an occasional load factor can be used to increase the allowable stress for an event that is considered 272 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the distance from the ground to the bottom tangent of the vessel.2) . If you are performing a leg analysis. An example of such would be the reaction imposed by the thermal expansion of a piping system.Legs and Lugs Loads Tab Specifies parameters for leg and lug loads.Specifies the location of the horizontal force. Height of Bottom Tangent Above Base Point . and other equipment attached to the vessel. With the operating weight and the seismic zone or zone coefficient. This factor is known as pressure coefficient. The wind pressure will be multiplied by the area calculated by the program to get a shear load and a bending moment. see Seismic Zone Identifier in the Seismic Loads (on page 276). Apply Wind Loads to Vessel? . enter appropriate wind pressure here. Apply Seismic Loads to Vessel? . the software calculates the lateral force acting at the center of the vessel. insulation and so on. refer to tables 6-6 to 6-10.You may want to consider the additional area exposed to the wind from piping. The occasional load factor will be multiplied by other terms in the allowable stress equation to get the overall allowable. Additional Area (Insulation Area. see Wind Loads (on page 273). If you enter a positive number. refer to tables 6-18 to 6-22. so check those carefully.Analyzes the wind or seismic effect on the tower vessel. If you do not wish to take credit for such an increase in the allowable.2. For more information. enter 1 in this field. The default is 1. Force Coefficient (Cf) . refer to table 16-H. Structures) .If your vessel specification calls out for a constant wind pressure design. The wind parameters are from ASCE #7. Importance Factor (I) . This can be seen as: ANSI A58. you can compute and enter the design wind pressure and the program will multiply the wind pressure by the area to compute the wind load. platforms. Such occasional loads are Wind. CodeCalc will automatically compute an effective diameter with the input diameter known. Wind Pressure on Vessel . Wind Design Code Input Wind Design Code . If you are using a different wind code. Cq in the UBC wind code. calculate the wind pressure manually and enter that value in the applicable field.33.Enter the force coefficient for vessel here. The software prompts you to enter the necessary information to calculate the wind pressure acting on the vessel. Most Wind Design codes have minimum wind pressure requirements. p21-22 ASCE 7-95. This factor accounts for the shape of the structure.Enter the value of the importance factor that you want the program to use. For more information. p68-72 UBC-1997 code.Legs and Lugs occasional in nature.Analyzes the seismic effect on the tower vessel. Wind Loads Specifies parameters for wind loads. The acceptable range of input is between 0. p32-33 ASCE 7-98.1 refer to Table 12 ASCE 7-93 refer to tables 11-14.You can choose the following wind design standards: ASCE 7-93 ASCE 7-95 ASCE 7-98/02 / IBC 2003 UBC 94/97 For a different wind code. The importance factor accounts for the degree of hazard to life and property. CodeCalc will use this number regardless of the information in the following boxes. Please note CodeCalc User's Guide 273 . Seismic and the lifting of a vessel.5 and 1. refer to tables 6-9 to 6-13 ASCE 7-2002. Buildings designed as essential facilities.11 1.15 1. ASCE-7-95/98/02: In general this value ranges from .07 1.15. Importance I. Hazardous facilities III. ASCE7-93: Following values are used for ASCE 7-93. hospitals and so on.11.00 1.05 1.95 At Oceanline 1.0 Category Classification: I .Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure II . In general this value ranges from . Most petrochemical structures are 1.77 to 1. Values of typical importance factors are listed below for ASCE 7-93. Standard occupancy structures Importance Factor (I) 1.15 1. Category I II III IV Importance Factor (I) 0. It is taken from table 6-2 of the ASCE 95 standard or table 6-1 from the 98 standard. Special occupancy structures IV.07 0.87 1.Legs and Lugs the program will use this value directly without modification.15 1.00 1.95 to 1.11 1. ASCE 7-95/98/02 and UBC 1997 standards. UBC: UBC 1997 code values are listed as follows: Category I.Buildings and structures that represent a substantial hazard in the event of a failure IV .Buildings and structures not listed below II .Buildings and structures where more than 300 people congregate in one area III .15 In the 98 standard for Wind Speeds > 100 mph for category I. Category Classification: I . hospitals etc.00 274 CodeCalc User's Guide . IV . Importance I.00 1. III and IV III .77. Category I II III IV 100 mi from Hurricane Oceanline 1. the importance factor can be 0. Essential facilities II.Buildings and structures that represent a low hazard in the event of a failure Most petrochemical structures are 1.Buildings designed as essential facilities.Buildings and structures except those listed in categories I. open country and grasslands.0 miles per hour 100. Flat. whichever is greater. The most severe exposure with basic wind speeds of 80 mph or more. exposure C. Here are a few typical wind speeds in miles per hour. Urban and suburban areas. wooded areas. because the wind design pressure (and thus force) increases as the square of the speed. unobstructed coastal areas directly exposed to wind flowing over large bodies of water. 85. Most petrochemical sites use a value of 3 (exposure C).Enter the design value of the wind speed.Legs and Lugs Basic Wind Speed (V) . Exposure Category A B Description Large city centers with at least 50% of the buildings having a height in excess of 70 feet. This category includes flat. This value is used to set the Gust Factor Coefficient (Ce) found in Table 16-G. 6-2 for detail.0 miles per hour 110. extending one-half mile or more from the site in any full quadrant.0 miles per hour Enter the lowest value reasonably allowed by the standards you are following. These will vary according to geographical location and according to company or vendor standards. C D Most petrochemical sites use a value of 3.0 miles per hour 120. Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 feet.See ASCE 7-95 Fig. Type of Hill . Terrain which is flat and unobstructed facing large bodies of water over one mile or more in width relative to any quadrant of the building site. Terrain which is flat and generally open. or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single family dwellings. Wind Exposure .Reflects the characteristics of ground surface irregularities for the site at which the structure is to be constructed. C D UBC Exposure Factor UBC Exposure Factor is defined in UBC-91 Section 2312: Exposure Category B Description Terrain with building. forest or surface irregularities 20 feet or more in height covering at least 20 percent or the area extending one mile or more from the site. the exposure categories are as follows. This exposure extends inland from the shoreline 1/4 mile or 0 times the building (vessel) height. CodeCalc User's Guide 275 . For ASCE codes. Enter the distance upwind of the crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the height of the hill or escarpment.184 0.Lh. See ASCE 7-95 Fig. Distance to Site (x) .x.0 Hz or TANTAN/OD > 4.367 The Cs factor from the chart will be multiplied by the operating weight of the vessel to produce a horizontal shear force which acts midway up the vessel. 276 CodeCalc User's Guide . 6-2 for detail -. Seismic Loads Specifies parameters for seismic loads.Select the seismic zone from the list. Damping Factor (beta) .0.275 0.Enter the natural frequency for the structure. Seismic Zone Identifier .0 Hz or TANTAN/OD > 4. See ASCE 7-95 Fig.Enter the height of the hill or escarpment relative to the upwind terrain.Legs and Lugs None 2-D Ridge 2-D Escarpment 3-D Axisym. CodeCalc uses the following tables of Coefficients. The program will use ASCE 7-95 part 6.H. 6-2 for details -. See ASCE 7-95 Fig. Distance to Crest (Lh) . Seismic Zone 0 1 2a 2b 3 4 Cs 0. Natural Frequency of the Structure (Fn) .6 category III (if Fn less than 1.0).Enter the damping ratio for the structure if you like to use ASCE 7-95 part 6.Enter the distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to the building site.0 0. 6-2 for detail -.6 category III if Fn less than 1. Hill Height of Hill or Escarpment (H) .069 0. These coefficients are taken from the Uniform Building Code (1988).138 0. For seismic design of vessels. enter your own value of Cs in the User Entered Seismic factor box.If the Seismic Zone Identifier values are not satisfactory.5. CodeCalc User's Guide 277 .Legs and Lugs User Entered Seismic Factor Cs .0 and 0. This value can be between 0. The following chart shows the various seismic zones. which displays read-only information about the selected material.Indicates that the lug extends in the same direction as the vessel axis.Select the orientation for the lug. Lifting Lug Material . Click Select to use the material. 3. This is a flat orientation. Flat . 278 CodeCalc User's Guide .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. To modify material properties. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Alternatively. 1. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Legs and Lugs Lifting Lug Dialog Box Specifies parameters for lifting lugs. 2. Lug Orientation to Vessel . or click Back to select a different material. If you type in the name. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. The software displays the material properties. Thickness of Lifting Lug (t) . during the whole lift.This minimum is usually the distance from the root to the surface of the fillet weld (root dimension). this will be to the vessel OD. For a perpendicular lifting lug this is the total height of the lug. and is not the fillet weld leg size. Before the version 6.The width of the lug is its dimension in the direction of orientation described in the lug orientation to vessel cell. If you are working with a perpendicular lug and there will be no bending stresses in the lug. CodeCalc will multiply this value by two when determining the weld area. Diameter of Hole in Lifting Lug (dh) . Length of Weld along bottom of Lifting Lug (wb) . Now. for the lifting lug/trunnion analysis.Enter the length of the long welds on the side of the lifting lug. along the axis of the vessel.Enter the distance along the axis of the vessel from the center of hole to the bottom of the lug. This type of lifting lug would be one on the top of a horizontal vessel and the vessel would be lifted by a spreader bar equally distributing the weight load directly over each lug. For perpendicular lugs. Typically vessels are lifted with 2 (or more) lifting lugs/trunnion. This is usually the bottom weld.Indicates that the lug extends radially away from the vessel wall. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load. Lug) of Lifting Lug (w) . CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. Enter the diameter of this hole.2 of PVElite. If the orientation is flat.Enter the length of the short weld.Enter the thickness of the plate from which the lifting lug was constructed. Contact Width or Height (Perp. acting on that lug/trunnion. Axial Force . this will be 1/2 the thickness of the lug. this load was computed from the weight of the vessel.Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion. Height of the Lug from Bottom to Center of Hole (h) . Length of weld along side of Lifting Lug (wl) . Thus there would be no bending. CodeCalc User's Guide 279 . thus the load is divided between them.Enter the distance from the center of the hole to base of the lifting lug.3 of CodeCalc and 4. The program will run. They are typically used on the tops of horizontal vessels.Enter the vessel lift orientation. This value is only used for information purpose. you will need to set the offset dimensions (moment arms) to 0. but may give some warnings.Legs and Lugs Perpendicular .Most lifting lugs have a circular hole cut or drilled into them. These lugs are referred to as ear type lugs. Lift Information and Loads on one Lug Lift Orientation (optional) . Typically this will be circular on flat lugs and semi-circular on perpendicular lugs. Radius of Semi-circular Arc of Lifting Lug (r) . you should enter the corresponding load depending upon the lift position and the lug/trunnion arrangement.Enter the radius of the semi-circular part of the lifting lug where the hole is located. Minimum thickness of Fillet Weld around Lug . Offset from Vessel OD to Center of Hole (off) . This load will cause an axial stress on a perpendicular lug and a bending stress on a flat lug.Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion.Legs and Lugs The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor specified by the user. The impact factor takes this into account. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load.0 may be entered in. this load will include part of the weight of the vessel. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor specified by the user. acting on that lug/trunnion.5 to 2. during the whole lift. For the horizontal lift position.Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion tangent to the wall of the vessel. although values as high as 3. acting on that lug/trunnion. This value typically ranges from 1. thus the load is divided between them. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor specified by the user. The program multiplies the lifting loads by the impact factor. This load will cause a major axis bending stress on a perpendicular lug and a minor axis bending stress on a flat lug. during the whole lift. CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. Tangential Force . Typically vessels are lifted with 2 (or more) lifting lugs/trunnion. it may be yanked suddenly. Typically vessels are lifted with 2 (or more) lifting lugs/trunnion. Impact Factor . thus the load is divided between them.When the vessel is lifted from the ground. Normal Force . CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load. 280 CodeCalc User's Guide .0. perpendicular to the wall of the vessel. Enter the number of support lugs on which the vessel is supported. This is the width for bearing support. This is used to determine the reaction load on each support lug. Force Bearing Width (wfb) . Distance between Gussets (dgp) . This number must be greater than 2 and less than 16. this value is typically equal to the distance between gussets plus two times the gusset plate thickness. CodeCalc User's Guide 281 .Enter the thickness of the plate on which the gussets rest.Enter the gusset spacing in this box. This distance is how far from the vessel wall the plate extends.Enter the distance from grade to the centroid of the support lug attachment weld. Distance from OD to Lug MidPoint (dlug) . equally spaced about a bolt hole (support point). Mean width of Gussets (wgp) . Use the current units. Radial Width of Bottom Plate (wpl) . enter the length of the bottom plate located on a support.Indicates that the lug includes full reinforcing rings. For support lugs with a continuous top and bottom rings. This distance should be as short as possible to minimize bending on the support lug and the vessel wall. add them up and divide the result by 2.Enter the distance from the outside wall of the vessel to where the support lug attaches/rests on/to the supporting member. CodeCalc assumes that support lugs have two gussets. Effective Force Bearing Width (lpl) . Lug distance from Base Point . Thickness of Bottom Plate (tpl) . The allowable stress is 66% of the yield stress per the AISC steel construction manual. Number of Support Lugs . If the top and bottom of the gussets are different widths.Enter the average width of the gusset plate. The bottom support plate is analyzed as a beam on simple supports where the support spacing is the distance between gussets.For lugs with bottom plate and no continuous rings. The width is radially from the OD of the vessel.Enter the force bearing width. Lug With Full Reinforcing Rings? .Enter the radial width of the support lug.Legs and Lugs Support Lug Dialog Box Specifies parameters for support lugs. The length of the attachment is measured along the long axis of the vessel. but other shapes (such as support lug) can be modeled by converting to an equivalent rectangle which has: The same moment of Inertia The same ratio of length to width of the original attachment. Radial Width of Top Plate/Ring (wtp) . Pad Width/Length (Optional) . Thickness of Top Plate/Ring (ttp) .Enter the thickness of the gusset plate in the current units. but is not derived by any mathematical or logical reasoning. If there is no top bar plate or top ring.Legs and Lugs Height of Gussets (hgp) .Enter the thickness of the top bar plate/ring in the current units. enter 0 here.Enter the distance along the axis of the vessel that the gusset plate extends. The pad width must be greater than attachment width. be examined in depth. WRC 107 only addresses rectangular. This approach is referenced in WRC bulletin 198 by Dogde as.The radial width of the top bar/ring is how far from the vessel wall the top plate/ring extends. simple and direct. Thickness of Gussets (tgp) . 282 CodeCalc User's Guide . square or round attachment shapes. If there is no top bar/ring. WRC 107 Input Perform WRC-107 Analysis? . So.The reinforcing pad width is measured along the circumferential direction of the vessel. Program uses this approach to convert the lug into an equivalent rectangle.Indicates whether or not to perform WRC 107 calculations on the Support Lug to Vessel junction. very large or critical loads should. This length will be used in the AISC formulation to determine the stress in the gussets. enter 0 here. Pad Thickness (Optional) . program adds the pad thickness to the shell thickness. the program will compute the stresses at the edge of the attachment and the edge of the pad. When computing the stresses at the edge of the attachment.Enter the thickness of the pad.Legs and Lugs If the box is checked to perform the analysis and the pad properties are entered in. CodeCalc User's Guide 283 . This number must be greater than or equal to 3 and less than 16. This value usually ranges from .00 2.Enter in the value of K used as the effective end condition. If your design specs call out for a different value enter it here.Pinned Fixed .80 1.Pinned Fixed .Enter the AISC shape name of the member used to construct the vessel. L2X2X0.7 1.0 2. AISC Member Designation (ie.5 . CodeCalc will determine the effective number of legs for bending and shear of the vessel. This means that these sections are more easily bent around one as opposed to the other.0 Recommended K .10. Long legs are more likely to buckle than shorter legs. legs in excess of about 10 feet should be crossbraced. see AISC Database Click Dialog Box (on page 285).Each I-beam and channel has a strong and weak orientation.65 . If the 284 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the number of legs attached to the vessel. In order to eliminate torsional modes of vibration.20 1.Enter the distance from the bottom leg support point to the attachment point on the vessel. Effective Leg End Condition Factor K (used in Kl/r) .10 2.00 If this value is out of range. Orientation to the Vessel Axis .2500) . For design of pressure vessel legs a value of 1. to display the AISC Database dialog box.Rotates Pinned . For more information.Legs and Lugs Vessel Leg Tab Specifies parameters for vessel legs.2 to 2. Length of Legs . CodeCalc will use 1.Trans Pinned .Rotates Theoretical K .0 is commonly used. End Condition Fixed .0.0 2. The program uses the name to look up various properties of the section from the AISC steel construction manual.Fixed Fixed . This length term is used in determining the legs resistance to bending. Number of Legs .0 1. Legs and Lugs member is attached such that the tangent to the vessel is parallel to the beams strong axis, choose strong, otherwise choose weak. If the member is an angle and it is attached to with one leg welded to the vessel or one flat welded to the vessel, choose strong. If both legs are welded to the vessel choose diagonal. Leg Centerline Diameter (optional) - Enter the distance between the centerlines of two legs that are opposite to one another. If there are an odd number of legs (therefore no two are opposite), then enter the diameter of a circle drawn through the centerlines of the legs. If this field is left blank then program will add half the leg section length to the vessel outer diameter. This input is only used to compute the forces and moments at the vessel-leg junction, which are needed for performing local stress analysis (WRC-107). Are the Legs Cross Braced? - Indicates that the legs are cross braced. Cross bracing effectively stiffens the legs. Thus they will experience a minimum of bending stress. It is recommended that legs greater than 8 or 10 feet in length be cross braced. Are the Legs Pipe Legs - Indicates that the legs are pipe legs. Pipe Legs Inside Diameter - Enter the inside diameter for the pipe legs. You must account for any corrosion allowance to the inner or outer diameters when you enter this value. The inside diameter must be less than the outside diameter. Pipe Legs Outside Diameter - Enter the outside diameter for the pipe legs. You must account for any corrosion allowance to the inner or outer diameters when you enter this value. The inside diameter must be less than the outside diameter. AISC Database Dialog Box Specifies parameters for selecting an AISC member from the database. Click + to expand the entries. Click - to collapse the entries CodeCalc User's Guide 285 Legs and Lugs Trunnion Tab Geometry Trunnion Type - Indicates the type of trunnion to analyze. This input is required for performing shear and bending stress calculation, and the WRC 107 analysis. Trunnion Outside Diameter - Specifies the outer diameter of the trunnion. Trunnion Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the trunnion. Projection Length - Specifies the projection length of the trunnion. Bail/Sling Width - Specifies the bail or sling width of the trunnion. Reinforcement - Specifies the trunnion reinforcement. This input is required for performing the WRC 107 analysis. Pad Outside Diameter - Enter the outside diameter of the reinforcing pad along the surface of the vessel. The pad diameter is used to calculate the stresses at the edge of the reinforcing pad using WRC 107. Pad Thickness - Enter the thickness of the reinforcing pad. In the WRC 107 method the vessel thickness used is the thickness of the vessel plus the pad thickness. Ring Outside Diameter - Specifies the outside diameter of the ring. Ring Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the ring. Lift Information and Loads on one Trunnion Lift Orientation (optional) - Enter the vessel lift orientation, for the lifting lug/trunnion analysis. This value is only used for information purpose. 286 CodeCalc User's Guide Legs and Lugs Axial Force - Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion, along the axis of the vessel. Before the version 6.3 of CodeCalc and 4.2 of PVElite, this load was computed from the weight of the vessel. Now, you must enter the corresponding load depending upon the lift position and the lug/trunnion arrangement. CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. Typically vessels are lifted with 2 ( or more ) lifting lugs/trunnion, thus the load is divided between them. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load, acting on that lug/trunnion, during the whole lift. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor that you specify. Normal Force - Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion, perpendicular to the wall of the vessel. This load will cause an axial stress on a perpendicular lug and a bending stress on a flat lug. CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. Typically vessels are lifted with 2 ( or more ) lifting lugs/trunnion, thus the load is divided between them. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load, acting on that lug/trunnion, during the whole lift. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor that you specify. For the horizontal lift position, this load will include part of the weight of the vessel. Tangential Force - Enter the component of the force on the lifting lug/trunnion tangent to the wall of the vessel. This load will cause a major axis bending stress on a perpendicular lug and a minor axis bending stress on a flat lug. CodeCalc User's Guide 287 Legs and Lugs CodeCalc assumes that the magnitude of the applied loads is acting on one lug or one trunnion. Typically vessels are lifted with 2 ( or more ) lifting lugs/trunnion, thus the load is divided between them. An option is to analyze the lug/trunnion with the maximum load, acting on that lug/trunnion, during the whole lift. The program multiplies this lifting load by the importance factor that you specify. Impact Factor - When the vessel is lifted from the ground, it may be yanked suddenly. The impact factor takes this into account. This value typically ranges from 1.5 to 2.0, although values as high as 3.0 may be entered. The program multiplies the lifting loads by the impact factor. WRC 107 Input Perform WRC-107 Analysis on Trunnion? - Indicates that WRC-107 analysis will be performed on the trunnion. Output CodeCalc produces three basic types of results in the LEG & LUG module: Results for Legs, using the methods described by AISC Results for Lifting Lugs, using basic engineering principles Results for Support Lugs, using AISC methods, formulae from pressure vessel textbooks and other engineering reference texts. The input for this module includes some basic vessel parameters such as the vessel tangent-to-tangent length, the diameter and the height of the bottom tangent above grade. If you are performing a Leg or Support Lug calculation, the program follows these basic steps in order to determine the loads. For evaluation of wind loads: 1. Determine the elevation of the top and bottom seam of the vessel. 2. Determine the wind pressure at both elevations, and take the average. 3. Determine the effective diameter of the vessel and its area. 4. Compute the centroid of the vessel. 5. Resolve the wind pressure and the area at the centroid. For evaluation of seismic loads: 1. Determine the seismic zone factor from UBC table 23-I or use the one the user gave. 2. Multiply this value times the operating weight of the vessel. 3. Apply this load at the centroid of the vessel. If both types of loadings are considered, CodeCalc computes both and then choose the maximum of the two. 288 CodeCalc User's Guide Legs and Lugs Leg Results When a leg analysis is performed, CodeCalc reads entire data from the structural database (AISC89.BIN). The resulting leg loads are compared to the allowable leg compression loads as outlined in AISC paragraph Either the Kl/r > Cc or Kl/r < Cc formula will be shown as appropriate. The combination of stresses due to bending and compression will be compared to the allowable per AISC 1.6.1. This is generally termed the AISC unity check. If the result is greater than 1.0, it implies that the member has failed. Baseplate Results Baseplate analysis produces the following results: The thickness requirement is calculated using the 1.5 allowable plate bending stress and compared to the input thickness. The concrete bearing pressure is compared to the input allowable stress The anchor bolt size is analyzed at the bending level (D. Moss) and the overall vessel moment equilibrium (H. Bednar). In the absence of tension in the bolts, you should choose a practical bolt size. Trunnion Results The ring outer diameter and thickness are not used in the calculations; they are used to display a picture only. There are four passing criteria used to calculate the trunnion design bending stress, shear stress, bearing stress and the Unity Check. The following allowables are used: Bending Stress: 0.66 *Sy*Occfac Shear Stress: 0.40 *Sy*Occfac Bearing Stress: 0.75 *Sy*Occfac WRC 107 Analysis- local stresses at 8 points are evaluated and compared with the allowable (1.5 * Sallow). For more information, see the WRC 107 module. CodeCalc User's Guide 289 Legs and Lugs 290 CodeCalc User's Guide SECTION 14 Pipes and Pads Home tab: Components > Add New Pipe/Pad Calculates the required wall thickness and area of replacement for ANSI B31.3 intersections. These area of replacement rules are based on the 1987 edition of ANSI B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code. Extruded outlet headers are also analyzed. In This Section Pipes and Pads Tab (Pipes and Pads) .......................................... 291 Output ............................................................................................ 300 Pipes and Pads Tab (Pipes and Pads) Item Number - Enter the ID number of the item. This may be the item number on the drawing, or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. Description - Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. Design Internal Pressure - Enter the design pressure of the ANSI B31.3 intersection. This should be the pressure at which the system operates continuously. Most of the internal computations for areas, wall thickness, and so on, involve the design pressure. Reinforcing Pad Present? - Check this box if the intersection being analyzed has a reinforcing pad. When this option is selected, the software will determine the area(s) available in the pad within the appropriate limits of reinforcement. In addition, the software will also report the required pad diameter based on the given pad thickness and the required pad thickness based on the given diameter. Reinforcing Pad Material - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Pad Diameter Along Vessel Surface - Enter the length of the reinforcing element along the longitudinal axis of the header. CodeCalc User's Guide 291 Pipes and Pads Pad Thickness - Enter the length of the reinforcing element along the longitudinal axis of the header. Is There an Extruding Outlet? - Check this box if the branch connection for this intersection is formed by the extrusion process. When this option is selected, the software prompts you to enter information required to determine the area in the extruded outlet. Thickness, Tx, of extruded outlet - The dimension TX of an extruded outlet header is the corroded finished thickness, which is measured at a height equal to the radius of curvature above the outside surface of the header. Height, Hx, of extruded outlet - Enter the height of the extruded outlet (HX), which is the dimension HX of an extruded header. This distance must be greater than or equal to the radius of curvature RX of the outlet. Inside Diameter, Dx, of extruded outlet - Enter the inside diameter of the extruded outlet (DX), which is measured at the level outside of the header. The software will automatically adjust the wall thickness of the outlet if the mill tolerance and/or the corrosion allowance is specified. 292 CodeCalc User's Guide Pipes and Pads Results of curvature, Rx, of extruded outlet - Enter the radius of curvature of the external contoured part of the extruded outlet (RX), which is measured in the plane containing the axes of both the header and the branch. Figure 65: Pipe and Pad Module Geometry Figure 66: Pipe and Pad Module Geometry CodeCalc User's Guide 293 If you selected Actual (OD) in the Branch Dimension Basis list. Actual Thickness of Branch . 3. otherwise. enter the nominal outside diameter. Select the material that you want to use from the list.0 for nominal basis. 2.Pipes and Pads Figure 67: Extruded Outlet Branch Material . 294 CodeCalc User's Guide . 1. If you selected Nominal in the list. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.3 if appropriate values are entered for mill tolerance or corrosion allowance. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Alternatively. Click Select to use the material. enter the actual outside diameter of the pipe. If you type in the name.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. type 10 for a 10-inch pipe. enter 0. then enter the actual wall thickness of the pipe. which displays read-only information about the selected material.If you specified Actual (OD) as the thickness basis.Select the type of material used for the branch. If the actual outside diameter is known. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. The software displays the material properties. select Actual (OD). To modify material properties. Branch Material Type . Pipe Actual Diameter . or click Back to select a different material. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). For example. select Nominal. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If the nominal schedule is known. The software will reduce the wall thickness according to B31. Branch Dimension Basis .Select the branch dimension basis. This angle is referred to as beta and is pictured in the user's guide. Class for Attached B16.5.5) . the user-defined value of E is used in the thickness equation. along with the temperature.Enter the angle between the centerline direction vector of the branch and header.Pipes and Pads Nominal Thickness of Branch .5 Flange .3.Opens the Flange Rating dialog box so that you can define the class and grade of the attached flange.Select the schedule for the branch or header wall only if you selected Nominal for the diameter and thickness basis.875. For electric resistance welded and spot welded materials it is usually 0. 12. Angle Between Branch and Header (usually 90) . Mill Undertolerance. This is essentially a reduction in wall thickness. We recommend that you review the cautionary notes in the ANSI B16.The basic quality factor is used in the wall thickness calculations for pipes under internal pressure only. Valid entries are between 0 and 99%.Select the nozzle flange material grade (group). percent (ie. if the branch does penetrate a header weld.5 flange? Grade of Attached B16. then the wall thickness of the pipe will be multiplied by (100 .Select this option if the branch pipe passes through a weld seam on the header pipe.5 code. Branch Corrosion Allowance .Enter the class of the flange attached to the nozzle neck.0 for the joint efficiency is used in the appropriate wall thickness equation.5)/100 or . this is 90-degrees. This is the smaller angle between axes.3 in the ANSI piping code states that if the branch does not penetrate a header weld. if you enter 12. Otherwise. Typically. The difference of (wall thickness .12. CodeCalc User's Guide 295 .5.3 piping code Table A-1B. Basic Quality Factor for Longitudinal Joints . Does the Branch Penetrate a Header Weld? . this value is 1.Enter the estimated allowance for corrosion in this field.85.5 Flange? . You can choose from the following classes of flanges: CL 150 CL 300 CL 400 CL 60 CL 90 CL 1500 CL 2500 The Flange Rating dialog box displays only if you select Rate the attached B16. The available flange grades are listed in the following tables. The software uses the class and grade.0.(corrosion allowance + mill tolerance)) must be greater than 0. For seamless and fully radiographed pipe. There are certain advisories on the use of certain material grades. to rate the flange using the tables in ANSI B16. Rate the Attached B16. For example. The piping codes do not allow "hillside" type arrangements.5 Flange . These factors are listed in the ANSI B31. the value of 1. However. Paragraph 304. specify the Actual Thickness of Header.The mill undertolerance accounts for manufacturing deficiencies when pipe is produced. 317 A 240 Gr. 321 A 240 Gr.1 2.6 23Cr-12Ni 296 CodeCalc User's Guide . F12 Cl. LF3 A 316 Gr. C 1.2 A 182 Gr. F316L A 182 Gr. CF8 A 351 Gr.3 2. F347 A 182 Gr. F22 Cl. WC4 A 217 Gr. F321H A 182 Gr. LCB A 203 Gr. CF3 A 351 Gr. F304L A 182 Gr. 348 A 240 Gr. 316H A 240 Gr. WC6 A 217 Gr. WC1 A 352 Gr. LC3 A 352 Gr. LC1 A 350 Gr. F5 A 182 Gr.14 1. 348H A 240 Gr. F5a A 182 Gr. LF 6 Cl.11 1. 11 Cl. C12A A 387 Gr. 60 A 204 Gr.17 2.10 1.1 A 350 Gr. 316L A 240 Gr. F348H A 351 Gr. LCC A 352 Gr. C5 A 217 Gr. F2 1. LC2 A 352 Gr. A A 204 Gr. F348 A 182 Gr. C12 A 217 Gr.2 A 182 Gr. 60 A 516 Gr. 70 A 537 Cl. WC5 A 217 Gr. F1 A 182 Gr. 1 A 217 Gr.3 C-Si C-Mn-Si 2 ½Ni 3 ½Ni C-½Mo C-Si C-Mn-Si C-1/2Mo ½C-½Mo Ni-½Cr-½Mo ¾Ni-¾Cr-1Mo 1¼Cr-½Mo 1¼Cr-½Mo-Si 2¼Cr-1Mo Cr-½Mo 5Cr-½Mo 9Cr-1Mo 9Cr-1Mo-V 1Cr-½Mo 5Cr-½Mo 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-13Ni-3Mo 19Cr-10Ni-3Mo 2. LF 6 Cl. 70 A 516 Gr.2 C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 2½Ni 3½Ni 1. LF2 A 350 Gr.1 Nominal Designation C-Si C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 3½ Ni 1.3 2.7 A 515 Gr.15 1. F321 A 182 Gr. F304H A 182 Gr. 347H A 240 Gr. CF8M A 351 Gr. 304H A 240 Gr. 321H A 240 Gr. E A 515 Gr. WCC A 352 Gr. 91 Cl.2 A 387 Gr. F316H A 182 Gr.4 2.5-2003) Material Group 1. F347H A 182 Gr. B A 203 Gr.5 1. F91 A 182 Gr. 65 A 516 Gr. F317 A 182 Gr. 1 A 182 Gr. D Castings A 216 Gr. CG8M A 240 Gr. WC9 A 387 Gr. B A 217 Gr. LF1 Cl. F316 A 182 Gr. 22 Cl.5 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-10Ni-Ti 18Cr-10Ni-Cb A 182 Gr. 65 A 203 Gr. F304 A 182 Gr. 304L A 240 Gr.2 A 204 Gr. 309H A 217 Gr.Pipes and Pads Table 1A List of Material Specifications (ASME B16.9 1. F9 A 182 Gr. F11 Cl. A A 203 Gr.2 A 350 Gr.2 Forgings A 105 A 350 Gr. 347 A 240 Gr. 316 A 240 Gr. WCB Plates A 515 Gr. 304 A 240 Gr. CF3M A 351 Gr.13 1.2 A 182 Gr.4 1. N06030 B 564 Gr. N02200 B 162 Gr. N06007 B 582 Gr. N06022 B 462 Gr. N06600 B 564 Gr. 310H A 240 Gr.0Ni-Low C 67Ni-30Cu 67Ni-30Cu-S 72Ni-15Cr-8Fe 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr B 462 Gr. N10003 B 575 Gr. F44 A 182 Gr. N08020 B 160 Gr. N10665 B 333 Gr. N06600 B 409 Gr. N08800 A 351 Gr. N08810 B 511 Gr.11 3. N10001 B 434 Gr.Pipes and Pads 2. N08320 B 582 Gr. N10675 54Ni-16Mo-15Cr 60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3. CH8 A 351 Gr. CK20 B 463 Gr. N04400 B 164 Gr.11 2. N06200 B 435 Gr.2 3. F53 A 351 Gr.4 3.5 3. N08904 B 620 Gr. N10003 B 574 Gr. 310S 2. S32760 A 240 Gr. CD3MWCuN A 240 Gr. N08320 B 581 Gr. N06455 B 564 Gr. S31254 A 240 Gr.5Mo-W-Cb 25Cr-7Ni-3.14 3. N08367 B 581 Gr.6 3. N06007 B 462 Gr.5Cu-2.1 3.7 3. N06985 B 462 Gr. N10665 64Ni-29. N06975 B 625 Gr. N08825 B 575 Gr. F51 A 182 Gr. N08800 B 333 Gr. CN7M A 182 Gr. N08031 B 581 Gr. CE8MN A 351 Gr.3Cu 55Ni-21Cr-13.12 3. N02200 B 160 Gr.10 2. N10001 B 573 Gr.5Cr-3Mo-2. S32750 A 240 Gr.12 A 351 Gr. CN3MN 3. N06975 B 462 Gr. N06985 B 688 Gr. N06030 B 409 Gr.5Cb 62Ni-28Mo-5Fe 70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 61Ni-16Mo-16Cr 42Ni-21. N08810 B 536 Gr.17 CodeCalc User's Guide 297 .5Mo B 564 Gr. CF8C A 351 Gr. N08904 B 621 Gr. N08031 B 582 Gr.3 3. N08330 A 351 Gr. F310 A 182 Gr. N06022 B 575 Gr.6Cu 47Ni-22Cr-9Mo-I8Fe 25Ni-46Fe-21Cr-5Mo 44Fe-25Ni-21Cr-Mo 26Ni-43Fe-22Cr-5Mo 47Ni-22Cr-20Fe-7Mo 46Fe-24Ni-21Cr-6Mo-Cu-N 49Ni-25Cr-18Fe-6Mo Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu-Low C 47Ni-22Cr-19Fe-6Mo 40Ni-29Cr-15Fe-5Mo 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 35Ni-19Cr-1¼Si 29Ni-20. N10276 B 443 Gr.5Cr-3.8 25Cr-20Ni 20Cr-18Ni-6Mo 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo-N 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-N 24Cr-10Ni-4Mo-V 25Cr-5Ni-2Mo-3Cu 25Cr-7Ni-3. N08330 3.5Mo-N-Cu-W 23Cr-12Ni 25Cr-20Ni 25Cr-12Ni 18Cr-10Ni-Cb 25Cr-20Ni 35Ni-35Fe-10Cr-Cb 99. N06455 B 424 Gr. N06625 B 335 Gr.9 2. CD4Mcu A 351 Gr.5Mo 55Ni-23Cr-16Mo-1. CK3McuN A 351 Gr. N06002 B 599 Gr. N06002 B 672 Gr. N04400 B 168 Gr.15 3. N08367 B 582 Gr. N02201 B 564 Gr. CH20 A 351 Gr. N08700 B 649 Gr. N02201 B 127 Gr.13 3. N10675 B 575 Gr. N08700 B 625 Gr. N04405 B 564 Gr. N08825 B 462 Gr.0Ni 99. S31803 A 240 Gr. 309S A 240 Gr.16 3. N06625 B 333 Gr. N06200 B 572 Gr. N10276 B 564 Gr.10 3.8 65Ni-28Mo-2Fe B 462 Gr.5Mo-2Cr-2Fe-Mn-W B 462 Gr. N08020 B 162 Gr.9 3.7 2. S31254 A 240 Gr. 65 A 203 Gr. 347 A 240 Gr. F304 A 182 Gr. F5a A 182 Gr. B A 203 Gr.7 2. 310S A 240 Gr. 60 A 204 Gr.1 Nominal Designation C-Si C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V C-Mn-Si C-Mn-Si-V 21/2Ni 31/2Ni C-Si C-Mn-Si 21/2Ni 31/2Ni C-Si C-Mn-Si C-1/2Mo A 350 Gr. LCC A 352 Gr.8 25Cr-20Ni 20Cr-18Ni-6Mo 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo-N 298 CodeCalc User's Guide . D A 515 Gr.5 A 351 Gr. 347H A 240 Gr. F321H A 182 Gr. CK3McuN A 351 Gr. CE8MN 2.2 1. WC6 A 387 Gr.1 2. LF 6 Cl.14 1. 1 A 182 Gr. F22 Cl. LF3 A 352 Gr. 321 A 240 Gr. E A 216 Gr. CF8C A 240 Gr. F348 A 182 Gr. A A 204 Gr. 60 A 516 Gr. 1 A 203 Gr. 317 A 240 Gr. 309S A 240 Gr. WC4 A 217 Gr.6 25Cr-12Ni 23Cr-12Ni A 351 Gr. LF1 Cl. LC2 A 352 Gr. WC9 A 217 Gr. CK20 A 351 Gr. CF8M A 351 Gr. 70 A 516 Gr. C5 A 217 Gr. 316H A 240 Gr.7 C-1/2Mo 1/2Cr-1/2Mo Ni-1/2Cr-1/2Mo 3/4Ni-3/4Cr-1Mo 1Cr-1/2Mo 11/4Cr-1/2Mo 11/4Cr-1/2Mo-Si 21/4Cr-1Mo 5Cr-1/2Mo 9Cr-1Mo 9Cr-1Mo-V 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-13Ni-3Mo 19Cr-10Ni-3Mo 18Cr-8Ni 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo 18Cr-10Ni-Ti 18Cr-10Ni-Cb A 182 Gr. 316L A 240 Gr. CF3M A 351 Gr. F9 A 182 Gr. WCB A 105 A 216 Gr. LF2 A 350 Gr. 310H A 240 Gr. 348 A 240 Gr.13 1.5 1.2 1. F347 A 182 Gr. F12 Cl.1 A 350 Gr. F316 A 182 Gr. WC1 A 352 Gr.3 2. WCC A 350 Gr. 91 Cl.3 A 515 Gr. 304L A 240 Gr.2 A 217 Gr. B A 204 Gr.15 2. C 1.2 A 352 Gr. WC5 Forgings Castings Plates A 515 Gr. A A 203 Gr.9 A 182 Gr. F44 A 182 Gr. F2 1. 22 Cl. C12A A 351 Gr. F348H A 217 Gr. 304 A 240 Gr. 65 A 516 Gr.5-1996) Material Group 1. F304L A 182 Gr. F1 A 217 Gr.Pipes and Pads Table 1A List of Material Specification (ASME B16. F316L A 182 Gr. 348H A 240 Gr. LC3 A 350 Gr. 304H A 240 Gr. CF3 A 351 Gr. 70 A 537 Cl. F91 A 182 Gr. F347H A 182 Gr. 321H 2. S31803 2. F11 Cl.2 A 182 Gr.2 A 182 Gr. LCB 1. F51 A 351 Gr.2 A 387 Gr. CH20 A 182 Gr. CG8M A 387 Gr. LC1 A 217 Gr. F316H A 182 Gr. 11 Cl.2 A 240 Gr.10 1.3 A 182 Gr. F310 A 182 Gr.4 2. F5 A 182 Gr. F321 A 182 Gr. LF 6 Cl. CF8 A 351 Gr.4 1. 316 A 240 Gr. CH8 A 351 Gr. 309H A 240 Gr. F304H A 182 Gr. C12 A 217 Gr. enter 10 for a 10-inch pipe.0Ni-Low C 67Ni-30Cu 67Ni-30Cu-S 72Ni-15Cr-8Fe 33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 65Ni-28Mo-2Fe 54Ni-16Mo-15Cr 60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3. Select the material that you want to use from the list. or click Back to select a different material. If you type in the name.2 3. N10003 B 574 Gr.5Cb 62Ni-28Mo-5Fe 70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 61Ni-16Mo-16Cr 42Ni-21. Header Material Type . N02200 B 160 Gr. If the actual outside diameter is known. N08800 B 333 Gr. N10276 B 443 Gr. enter the nominal outside diameter of the branch pipe.4 3. N06455 B 564 Gr. CD4Mcu A 240 Gr. N10665 B 575 Gr.3 3. otherwise. To modify material properties. N08020 B 162 Gr. then select Actual (OD). The software displays the material properties.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. For example. If the nominal schedule of the header is known. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).1 3. N06455 B 424 Gr. N04400 B 168 Gr. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Click Select to use the material. F53 24Cr-10Ni-4Mo-V A 182 Gr. N04405 B 564 Gr. S32760 B 463 Gr.Pipes and Pads 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-N A 182 Gr. The software will reduce the wall thickness according to B31.5Mo-N-Cu-W 3. then enter the actual wall thickness of the pipe. N06625 B 333 Gr. then enter the actual outside diameter of the pipe.If you selected Actual (OD) in the Header Dimension Basis list. N08825 A 351 Gr.3Cu B 462 Gr. enter 0.5 3. N06625 B 335 Gr.0Ni 99.3 if appropriate values are entered for mill tolerance or corrosion allowance. N04400 B 164 Gr. N10276 B 564 Gr. N10001 B 434 Gr.If you specified Actual (OD) as the thickness basis. N10001 B 573 Gr. N10003 B 575 Gr. 3. select Nominal.0 for nominal basis.Select the type of material for the header.6 3.5Cr-3Mo-2. N08825 Header Material . Header Dimension Basis . CodeCalc User's Guide 299 . S32750 A 351 Gr. 2. N08800 B 335 Gr. N06600 B 409 Gr. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.5Mo-W-Cb 25Cr-7Ni-3. Alternatively. N06600 B 564 Gr. Actual Thickness of Header . N02200 B 162 Gr. 1. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. N08020 B 160 Gr.7 3. N02201 B 564 Gr. CD3MWCuN A 240 Gr. which displays read-only information about the selected material.Enter the header dimension basis.8 35Ni-35Fe-20Cr-Cb 99. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you selected Nominal in the list. F55 25Cr-5Ni-2Mo-3Cu 25Cr-7Ni-3. N02201 B 127 Gr. Header Nominal Diameter . N10665 B 564 Gr. 85. specify the Actual Thickness of Header. Mill Undertolerance.5 the ratio of the allowable stress at ambient temperature to the allowable stress at the design temperature. These factors are listed in the ANSI B31.The basic quality factor is used in the wall thickness calculations for pipes under internal pressure only. if you enter 12. Valid entries are between 0 and 99%.(corrosion allowance + mill tolerance)) must be greater than 0.Pipes and Pads Nominal Thickness of Header .0. Header Corrosion Allowance . These zones are different for extruded outlets. For electric resistance welded and spot welded materials it is usually 0. The replaced area can only be within a certain zone. The MAWP for the given geometry is an estimate because of a slight non-linearity in the required thickness calculation. For seamless and fully radiographed pipe. the software displays a message such as EXCEEDS D2 or EXCEEDS L4.875. Hydrotest pressure is calculated as the maximum allowable working pressure at the design condition times 1. 300 CodeCalc User's Guide . then the wall thickness of the pipe will be multiplied by (100 .5. If a reinforcing element is used. the software will compute the required diameter for the given thickness and the required thickness for the given diameter.5) .3 piping code Table A-1B. If the calculated diameter falls outside the limit of reinforcement. 12. new and old as well as the corroded condition. If a pad is used in conjunction with an extruded outlet header. Output The software will generate output for maximum allowable working pressure.Enter the estimated allowance for corrosion in this field. Basic Quality Factor for Longitudinal Joints . this value is 1.5)/100 or .The mill undertolerance accounts for manufacturing deficiencies when pipe is produced.Select the schedule for the branch or header wall only if you selected Nominal for the diameter and thickness basis. The difference of (wall thickness . To verify the MAWP plug the value back into the analysis as the design pressure and check to see if the area required is equal to the area available. consult the piping code for details on this design. This is essentially a reduction in wall thickness. No credit will be given for reinforcement that lies outside of the zone.12. For example. Otherwise. percent (ie. ............................. Finite element analysis (FEA)...... can be compared with Section VIII Div.... In 2010 WRC bulletin 537 was released.. Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings.. browse to or type the installation path in Nozzle Pro Installation Folder...... 304 Loads Tab ...................... and occasional loads......... Please review the Forward in bulletin 537 for more information... expansion....... A typical case analyzes the vessel stresses on a nozzle due to external piping loads... After purchasing and installing NozzlePro................ Q.. and their appropriate combinations....... you must configure it to work with CodeCalc... 324 CodeCalc User's Guide 301 ...... The results... 302 Vessel Tab .. 318 Examples ...... 315 Results (WRC 107/537/FEA) .. Pl............ August 1965.................... 2 allowable values......................... Local vessel stresses for sustained.. a separately purchased product available from Paulin Research Group http://www........... hillside nozzles....... along with pressure stresses................... Bulletin 537 simply provides equations in place of the dimensionless curves found in bulletin Examples include large nozzles.....paulin..........................P. The software calculates overall stress intensities on a vessel/nozzle intersection in accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 2.............. using one of the following methods: Calculations and tables based on Welding Research Council bulletin number 107..... In This Section Design Tab.......... 306 WRC 107 Options .. and revision 1979. based on the prior work of P.............. On the Miscellaneous tab..... FEA is then the best method to get accurate results......... CodeCalc provides an interface for NozzlePro......... These loads are obtained from a piping flexibility analysis.................................. The results of the local stress calculation of this bulletin are effectively identical to that of WRC bulletin 107.... in the form of Pm.................... and lateral nozzles................ Bijlaard.. CodeCalc will now automatically run NozzlePro and present the results within CodeCalc................ On the Tools tab...... are transformed into code-defined stress components........................ select Configuration. FEA is appropriate when the applicability and accuracy of WRC 107 are in question or a particular design is out of the scope of the bulletin... WRC 107/FEA also includes a stress summation capability........................SECTION 15 WRC 107/537 FEA Home tab: Components > Add New WRC 107 Calculates stresses on the nozzle/shell junction of a vessel when a nozzle or a rectangular attachment is loaded..... To modify material properties. Design Temperature .WRC 107/537 FEA Design Tab Item Number . To use the FEA option and perform a finite element analysis. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Alternatively. Select OD for the outside diameter. When FEA is selected for Analysis Type.Enter an alpha-numeric description for the nozzle or attachment. in the displayed units. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Click Select to use the material. Analysis Type .If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. The description is used in results output and in any error displays. enter C22.Enter the diameter of the nozzle. Attachment Type .Select the type of diameter to use for the nozzle.Select the type of nozzle-vessel junction analysis: WRC 107/537 or FEA. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. 1. Diameter Basis . which displays read-only information about the selected material. This may be the item number on the drawing.Select Hollow for a hollow attachment and select Solid for a solid attachment. Round-hollow attachments are converted to round-solid attachments for the cylinder-to-cylinder analysis.paulin. C11 .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Rectangular attachments on spherical shells cannot be analyzed using this method. IN WRC 107.Enter the ID number of the item. Nozzle Material . Select Round for a typical pipe The software displays the material properties. Select Rectangle for an attachment such as rectangular vessel support lug. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Select ID for the inside diameter. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. or click Back to select a different material. Full Length in Longitudinal Direction. IN WRC 107. C11 is defined as one-half of the full length of the attachment in the circumferential direction of the vessel. If the temperature is changed. Round-hollow attachments are analyzed on spherical vessels.Select the type of attachment. only Round is available. Fill Type . 2. 302 CodeCalc User's Guide . The description can be up to 15 characters long.Enter the operating temperature of the vessel. Select Square for an attachment such as square vessel support lug. Description . The temperature is used to determine the allowable stress of the material from the material database. If you type in the name. The diameter should be consistent with the selection in Diameter Basis for Nozzle. 3. you must separately purchase NozPro from Paulin Research Group http://www. Full Length in Circumferential Direction. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. C22 is defined as one-half of the full length of the attachment in the longitudinal direction of the vessel. See the WRC 107 bulletin for examples. the allowable stress of the material at operating temperature changes accordingly. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Each selection opens a dialog box specific to the attachment type. enter C11. C22 . This number can be up to 5 digits in length. Diameter . Reinforcing Pad . Corrosion Allowance . Wall Thickness . For WRC 107/537 analysis. C11 is defined as one-half of the full length of the reinforcing pad in the circumferential direction of the vessel. Hub Thickness . C22 is defined as one-half of the full length of the reinforcing pad in the longitudinal direction of the vessel.Enter the thickness of the hub. This value typically ranges from 0 to 1/4" depending on the service and design specifications. For WRC 107/537 analysis.If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle.Enter the bevel height of the hub. the reinforcing pad is directly modeled.Enter the height of the hub. Include any allowances for mill tolerance. For FEA. For FEA only. the software performs analyses at critical locations such as the nozzle-shell junction and the edge of the pad. C22P . in the displayed units. for a 12.If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle.Enter the corrosion allowance for the nozzle. For WRC 107/537.Select Re-Pad when the nozzle has a pad. the software performs two separate analyses: Using the nozzle OD and the vessel wall thickness plus the reinforcing pad thickness Taking the pad into account by making the nozzle OD equal to the reinforcing pad diameter and assuming a solid attachment.Enter the thickness of the nozzle wall at the shell-to-nozzle junction. the reinforcing pad is directly modeled. Reinforcing Pad Diameter . Thickness (Reinforcing Pad) . multiply the nozzle wall thickness by 0. enter C22.5% mill tolerance. IN WRC 107. IN WRC 107. Select None if there is no pad. Bevel Height .WRC 107/537 FEA This value is only available when WRC 107/537 is selected as the value for Analysis Type. the vessel thickness includes the pad thickness.875 and enter that value. Full Length of Pad in Longitudinal Direction. Full Length of Pad in Circumferential Direction. CodeCalc User's Guide 303 . For example. For FEA.Enter the reinforcing pad diameter along the surface of the vessel. C11P . enter C11P. WRC 107/537 analysis uses the wall thickness. select Hub when the nozzle has a hub reinforcement.Enter the thickness of the reinforcing pad. Hub Height . a solid attachment model is used and the pad diameter is used to calculate the stresses at the edge of the reinforcing pad. For FEA. When WRC 107/537 is selected for Analysis Type on the Vessel tab.Select the type of vessel. Aspect Ratio for Elliptical Heads . This value is optional. When FEA is selected for Analysis Type.WRC 107/537 FEA Insert or Abutting Nozzle? . 304 CodeCalc User's Guide . if it is different from the nozzle thickness. Low Carbon Steels 1 Low Alloy Steels Austenetic Steels 70Cu-30Ni Alloys 2 4 5 High Tensile Steels 3 Description UTS < 130 ksi To 700º F Martensitic stainless steels to 700º F To 800º F Wrought 70 Copper.Select the fatigue curve to use based on the type of material.Click to import nozzle data from a PVElite . For a standard 2:1 elliptical head the aspect ratio is 2. Hemispherical. Vessel Tab Vessel Type .Enter the projection length of the nozzle into the vessel.Enter the thickness of the internally projected part of the nozzle. Division 2. Thickness of Nozzle Insert (if different) . Fatigue curves are listed in ASME Section VIII.0. Attached Shell Length . Import Nozzle Data from PV Elite . This field is optional. Select one of the following: S No.Enter the total length of the cylinder or a conical geometry.Click to bring in data from Shells and Heads to use. Nozzle Inside Projection . select Cylindrical or Spherical. Set this value based on the proximity of the nozzle to the edge of the head. Select the shell you want Merge Shell/Head . this entry defaults to the thickness of the head. Set this value based on the proximity of the nozzle to the edge of the head.Enter the fillet leg size of the weld.Enter the aspect ratio of the major axis to the minor axis for the ellipse. Length of Straight Flange . or Flat Head.Enter the length of the shell attached to the head. and the appropriate data will be brought in from that shell for use in the analysis. This value is only available when FEA is selected for Analysis Type. select Cylindrical.Select Insert if the hole in the vessel is bigger than the nozzle OD and the nozzle is welded into the hole.Enter the length of the straight flange portion for conical or torispherical heads. Conical. measured along the centerline of the nozzle. Nozzle Outside Projection . Appendix 5. Design Length of Section .Enter the thickness of the shell attached to the head. 30 Nickel Nickel-Chromium-Moly-Iron Alloys to 800º F Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe Alloys 6 This value is only available when FEA is selected for Analysis Type. Torispherical. . Elliptical. and the concern for any stress discontinuity in this area.Enter the projection length of the nozzle from the vessel wall to the nozzle flange. This value is optional. Nozzle Fatigue Curve .pvi file. Attached Shell Thickness . Select Abutting if the nozzle is welded to the outside of the vessel wall. and the concern for any stress discontinuity in this area. Weld Leg Size for Fillet between Nozzle and Shell/Pad . If left blank. 1/16" 0. Inside Knuckle Radius . type: <vessel wall thickness value> * 0. Diameter of Vessel . This dimension is usually referred to as DR in many head catalogs. DR and IKR point to the inside of the head in the illustration. Select ID for the inside diameter and OD for the outside diameter. For more information see Appendix 1-4 in the ASME code. the crown radius is given on the inside diameter basis.Enter the knuckle radius at the large end of the cone. For example. Knuckle Radius at Small End .Enter the diameter of the pressure vessel. the crown radius is given on the inside diameter basis. Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being OD heads. For example. Vessel Wall Thickness. This dimension is usually referred to as IKR in many head catalogs. The large end is the bottom of the cone and the small end is the top. The direction of a conical head or shell is from the large end to the small end. 1. CodeCalc User's Guide 305 . Vessel Corrosion Allowance . You can type the wall thickness as an equation to account for mill tolerance. The direction of a conical head or shell is from the large end to the small end. DR and IKR point to the inside of the head in the illustration.WRC 107/537 FEA Inside Crown Radius . The large end is the bottom of the cone and the small end is the top. Diameter Basis For The Vessel .Enter the knuckle radius R for a torispherical head as defined in ASME Section VIII Div. in the displayed units.Enter the corrosion allowance. 1. Is there a knuckle? .2500 . 1. Some common corrosion allowances are: 0.1/4" Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.875 The software modifies this value if a value for Vessel Corrosion Allowance is defined.Enter the thickness of the pressure vessel wall. in the displayed units. and Vessel Corrosion Allowance to determine the mean radius. Vessel Wall Thickness . The software uses Diameter Basis for Vessel.Enter the diameter for the small end of the cone. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). This thickness is measured at the intersection of the nozzle and the vessel. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. For more information see Appendix 1-4 in the ASME code. if the mill tolerance is 12. Small End Diameter .Enter the crown radius L for a torispherical head as defined in ASME Section VIII Div.0625 .Enter the length of the straight flange portion for conical or torispherical heads. which displays read-only information about the selected material. Length of Straight Flange .1/8" 0.Select the type of diameter to use for the pressure vessel. The diameter should be consistent with the selection in Diameter Basis for Vessel. Even though the head catalogs list these heads as being OD heads.Select if the cone has a knuckle. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter.5%.1250 . Knuckle Radius at Large End .Enter the knuckle radius at the small end of the cone. For example. To modify material properties. or click Back to select a different material. and the loads. 30 Nickel Nickel-Chromium-Moly-Iron Alloys to 800º F Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe Alloys 6 This value is only available when FEA is selected for Analysis Type on the Design Tab (on page 302). For more information on material. The software displays the material properties. The direction for a conical vessel is from the big end to small end. The selected convention is applied to the vessel. Click Select to use the material. For WRC 107 analysis. Nozzle Fatigue Curve . and NZ).WRC 107/537 FEA 2. see Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385) and Material Properties Dialog Box (on page 422). the software uses the direction vectors to transfer the global forces and moments for each load case from piping analysis software such as CAESAR II into the traditional WRC 107 sign/load convention. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. For WRC 107 analysis. If you type in the name. the nozzle. and Occasional Loads. Alternatively. Division 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Enter values for Vessel (VX. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. The following global convention system is used for a cylindrical vessel: 306 CodeCalc User's Guide . these direction cosines are used to determine the angle between the nozzle/attachment and the vessel. the centerlines of the vessel and nozzle must be perpendicular to each other.Select the fatigue curve to use based on the type of material.Enter the centerline direction cosines. the software converts loads from one system to the other. Loads Tab Convention System . and VZ) and Attachment (NX. VY. When you switch convention systems. Select Global to define local forces and moments in global coordinates.Select WRC 107 to define local forces and moments according to WRC 107 conventions. Expansion Loads. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 3. Fatigue curves are listed in ASME Section VIII. WRC 107/537 Load Conventions (on page 314) Global Load and Direction Conventions (on page 315) Direction Cosines . enter values for Direction Cosines. The direction vectors of the vessel and the nozzle centerline must not be collinear. The software compares stresses intensities to allowable stresses based on the value for Vessel Material selected on the Vessel tab. Select one of the following: S No. NY. Appendix 5. For FEA. Sustained Loads. For both conventions. Low Carbon Steels 1 Low Alloy Steels Austenetic Steels 70Cu-30Ni Alloys 2 4 5 High Tensile Steels 3 Description UTS < 130 ksi To 700º F Martensitic stainless steels to 700º F To 800º F Wrought 70 Copper. and water hammer. and water hammer. you can enter values in the following load sets: Sustained Loads . Occasional Loads . The Analysis Type selection on the Design tab (WRC 107 or FEA). For more information.Primary loads.1 VZ . Occasional Loads .(SUS) Primary loads.0 VY .Irregularly occurring loads such as wind loads.(EXP) Secondary thermal expansion loads. Load Sets When WRC 107 is selected for Analysis Type. you can enter values in the following load sets: Sustained Loads .Enter the forces and moments acting on the nozzle or attachment. typically weight + pressure + forces. Loads . CodeCalc User's Guide 307 .0 The following global convention system is used for a spherical vessel: The direction of a spherical vessel is from points B to A The software uses these direction vectors to transfer the global forces and moments from the global convention into the traditional WRC107 convention.(OCC) Irregularly occurring loads such as wind loads.WRC 107/537 FEA The vessel direction is +Y direction The nozzle direction is +X direction (towards the vessel) Direction cosines of the vessel are: VX .Loads that occur during operation of the nozzle or attachment. Direction cosines are only available when Global is selected as the convention system.0 NZ . seismic loads.0 Direction cosines of the vessel are: NX . The type of loads and the available load sets depend on: The Convention System selection (WRC 107 or Global).1 NY . seismic loads. see Convention System. Expansion Loads . typically weight + pressure + forces. The loads are obtained from the restraint summary of CAESAR II output and/or other calculations. Operating Loads . When FEA is selected for Analysis Type. A stress summation is performed and stress intensities are checked based on the different load cases. so add the appropriate portion of thrust load with the radial load. Use the conventions below. the following forces and moments are entered: Radial Load P Longitudinal Shear VL Circumferential Shear VC Torsional Moment MT Circumferential Moment MC Longitudinal Moment ML When Global is selected for Convention System.WRC 107/537 FEA The software plots one set of loads at a time and only that set can have values. For example. Global Moment Mx. Positive load tries to "push" the nozzle while a negative load tries to "pull" the nozzle.Enter the radial load P on the nozzle or attachment. and Global Moment Mz. values for Sustained Loads and Occasional Loads must be cleared. Radial Load P . and Z vector components with respect to the global coordinate system: Global Force Fx. Global Force Fy. Global Force Fz. Global Moment My. The software does not account for the effect of pressure thrust when loads are entered in the WRC convention. Types of Loads When WRC 107 is selected for Convention System. Y. forces and moments are entered as X. 308 CodeCalc User's Guide . to calculate Expansion Loads. Circumferential Shear VC . CodeCalc User's Guide 309 . Use the conventions below.Enter the longitudinal shear load VL.WRC 107/537 FEA Longitudinal Shear VL . If the vessel is spherical then enter the shear load V1 from B to A. Use the conventions below.Enter the circumferential shear load VC. If the vessel is spherical then enter the shear load V2 from D to C. Use the conventions below. 310 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter the torsional moment MT.Enter the circumferential moment MC. If the vessel is spherical then enter the moment M1 about the B-axis. Use the conventions below. Circumferential Moment MC .WRC 107/537 FEA Torsional Moment MT . When FEA is selected for Analysis Type on the WRC 107 tab.Enter the difference between the peak pressure of the system and Internal Pressure (the system design pressure).When WRC 107/537 is selected for Analysis Type on the WRC 107 tab. Internal Pressure . Pvar is added to the system design pressure to calculate the primary membrane stress due to occasional loads. Internal pressure is positive and external pressure is negative. (Pvar). The pressure stress equations used are: Longitudinal Stress = Pressure * ri2 /( ro2 .Enter the longitudinal moment ML. If the vessel is spherical then enter the moment M2 about the C-axis.ri2) For the spherical case.0 * Longitudinal Stress CodeCalc User's Guide 311 .Pressure Diff. WRC 107/537 only analyzes internal pressure and the value must be positive.WRC 107/537 FEA Longitudinal Moment ML .Select to include the pressure thrust force (P*A) in the nozzle radial load. Use the conventions below. Hoop Stress = 2. enter the system internal design pressure (P). Occasional Pressure (Pvar) . This value is only available when WRC 107/537 is selected for Analysis Type on the WRC 107 tab. Pressure thrust is added to Internal Pressure and Occ. enter the design pressure for the vessel and the nozzle. Include Pressure Thrust . The value must be positive. the membrane stress due to internal pressure uses the Lamé equation to calculate the stress at both the upper and lower surfaces of the vessel at the edge of the attachment. This value is only available when WRC 107/537 is selected for Analysis Type on the WRC 107 tab. indicating where the nozzle is located around the Nozzle Orientation Reference Vector . The calculated angle is the vector product between the direction cosine of the vessel and the nozzle. For example. the nozzle shown below is located along the X-axis.coade.Enter the nozzle orientation reference vector. These values are optional. Vessel-Nozzle Angle .pdf.WRC 107/537 FEA For more information on pressure thrust. see the July 2001 COADE Newsletter http://www. The vector defines the zero-degree reference axis where the orientation of the nozzle is measured. by entering values for X Direction Cosine (NRX). Y Direction Cosine (NRY). You must also enter the angular displacement of the nozzle from this reference vector in Nozzle Orientation Angle for the Reference Vector. Override Vessel-Nozzle Angle? . It can be represented by a nozzle orientation reference vector along the X-axis and a nozzle orientation angle of 0º. This value is only available when FEA is selected for Analysis Type on the WRC 107 tab. and Z Direction Cosine (NRZ). 312 CodeCalc User's Guide .Select and enter an angle to override the calculated angle.Click to enter nozzle orientation values. CodeCalc User's Guide 313 . This value is optional. if the nozzle orientation reference vector is along the X-axis and the nozzle orientation angle is zero. it can represented by a nozzle orientation reference vector along the X-axis and a nozzle orientation angle of 90º.Enter the angular displacement of the nozzle from the Nozzle Orientation Reference Vector. then the nozzle is located along the x-axis. For example.WRC 107/537 FEA When the nozzle is located along the Z-axis. Nozzle Orientation Angle for the Reference Vector . Nozzle Distance from Top End of the Vessel .WRC 107/537 FEA Nozzle Offset from the Vessel Centerline .Torsional moment 314 CodeCalc User's Guide . WRC 107/537 Load Conventions The WRC 107/537 convention system has the benefit of being independent of the orientation of the vessel.Circumferential moment ML .Longitudinal moment MT .Radial load VC . All loads and moments are defined locally with respect to the vessel and the nozzle.Enter the distance from the positive end of the vessel to the point where the nozzle or branch centerline intersects the vessel centerline.Moment from points A to B M2 .Shear load from points B to A V2 .Longitudinal shear load MC .Circumferential shear load VL .Torsional moment The following WRC 107 convention system is used for a spherical vessel: P .Radial load V1 .Moment from points D to C MT . The following WRC 107 convention system is used for a cylindrical vessel: P .Shear load from points D to C M1 .Enter the offset distance from shell/head centerline to the nozzle centerline. 0 VY . If this option is not selected. March 1979 Use B1 and B2 is likely to be the most accurate option. which is computed for cylindrical shell geometry.WRC 107/537 FEA Global Load and Direction Conventions The global convention system has the benefit of using the global coordinate system also used by other analyses.1 NY . If CodeCalc User's Guide 315 . the geometric parameter Beta. nozzle or attachment loads from another analysis can be used directly in the WRC 107/537 or FEA analysis. then the software uses the last point on the curve that is available and completes the analysis. or March 1979 Use B1 and B2.Select a version of the WRC 107/537 bulletin.0 NZ . March 1979.0 Direction cosines of the vessel are: NX .Select to have interactive control. C or D. such as pipe stress analysis. It typically produces slightly higher stresses than the other versions. Would you like to have interactive control? . This is referred to as calculation of the off-angle maximums. Select August 1965. In many instances. WRC 107 Options WRC 107 Version . These stresses more closely match theoretical results. exceeds the parameter Gamma for certain WRC 107/537 curves.0 The following global convention system is used for a spherical vessel: The direction of a spherical vessel is from points B to A The software uses these direction vectors to transfer the global forces and moments from the global convention into the traditional WRC107 convention.1 VZ . B. As a result. The following global convention system is used for a cylindrical vessel: The vessel direction is +Y direction The nozzle direction is +X direction (towards the vessel) Direction cosines of the vessel are: VX . The stress computation method was also adjusted to compute B1 and B2 maximum stresses that do not lie on the stress points A. This option should only be used if you are performing a fatigue analysis. see WRC-107 Elastic Analysis v/s Fatigue Analysis in the June 2000 COADE newsletter http://www. Using WRC 368 with WRC 107/297 is not accurate for calculating the combined stress from pressure and external loads.7 pressure stress indices in a fatigue analysis.Select to include the WRC 107 Appendix B stress concentration factors (Kn and Kb) in a fatigue analysis. Kb)?. For more information. For normal (elastic) analysis. In most cases.0. The software uses this value to calculate the stress concentration factors Kn and Kb for the vessel/pad intersection. For more information on WRC 368 and pressure thrust. WRC 368 provides a method for calculating stresses in a cylinder-to-cylinder intersection (such as cylinder-to-nozzle) due to internal pressure and pressure thrust loading.coade. 316 CodeCalc User's Guide . Peak stress intensity due to internal pressure is included in the analysis by selecting Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div.0.Enter the fillet radius between the nozzle and the vessel shell. Include WRC 107 SIF (Kn. Instead. 2? . Check ASME VIII Div. see Modeling of Internal Pressure and Thrust Loads on Nozzles Using WRC-368 in the July 2001 COADE Newsletter http://www. Fillet Radius Between Vessel and Nozzle .pdf.Select to compute pressure stresses in the shell and nozzle according to WRC 368. The software does not perform the complete fatigue analysis of Section VIII So. the value of peak stress intensity is reported for fatigue effect comparison. The software does not perform the complete fatigue analysis of Section VIII Div.Enter the fillet radius between the pad and the vessel shell. Kn and Kb are used for estimating the peak stress intensity due to external loads. Peak stress intensity due to external loads is included in the analysis by selecting Include WRC 107 SIF (Kn.2 paragraph AD-160 to see if the fatigue effect needs to be considered.2 Appendix 4 and 5 rules. Kb)?. Fillet Radius Between Vessel and Pad . this option is not selected.pdf. then the software pauses and ask you to enter what a value of the stress parameter from the WRC 107/537 curves. For normal (elastic) analysis. This option should only be used if you are performing a fatigue analysis.pdf. The software uses this value to calculate the stress concentration factors Kn and Kb according to Appendix B of the WRC 107 bulletin. the value of peak stress intensity is reported for fatigue effect comparison. The pressure stress indices are used for estimating the peak stress intensity due to internal pressure.2 Appendix 4 and 5 rules. 2?. A value of 0 sets Kn and Kb to 1.WRC 107/537 FEA this option is selected.coade. Check ASME VIII Div. 2 Table AD-560.coade. see the June 2000 COADE newsletter http://www. VIII Div. this option is only available when the attachment type is round and when no external loads are specified.Select to include the ASME Sec. according to Appendix B of the WRC 107 bulletin.2 paragraph AD-160 to see if the fatigue effect needs to be considered.Kb) . 2?. Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. For more do not select this option or Include WRC 107 SIF (Kn. do not select this option or Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. Instead. Compute pressure stress per WRC 368 (no ext loads)? .com/newsletters/jun00. A value of 0 sets Kn and Kb to 1. Nozzle Inside Temperature. see Load Sets.F. Number of Occasional Cycles . Select Crude to produce a coarse mesh that solves quickly. the software defaults to 7000 cycles. A typical value is 1. and Nozzle Outside Temperature. This is an optional value. Use this option with caution because the status windows display error information. Division 2 Appendix 4. Number of Operating Cycles . in order to perform a fatigue analysis. Specify FEA Mesh Density . A typical value is 1.Select the type of mesh density. for Nozzle .35. status windows from Nozzle Pro are not displayed. Preview the finite element mesh? .C. When the software runs in silent mode. The filename can up to seven characters long without quotes and spaces. For more information on occasional loads. Enter values for Vessel Inside Temperature. Specify S. This is an optional value and is only used in the FEA fatigue failure stress case. see Load Sets. the finite element mesh is shown. Division 2 Appendix 4. For more information on operating loads. Run analysis in silent mode? . but an injector pipe will have an opening.C. This is an optional value and is only used in the FEA fatigue failure stress case. Select Crude and Preview the finite element mesh? to check the initial mesh. For example. If 0 is entered. Consider thermal strains? .Enter the notch effect multiplication factor for computing peak stresses on the nozzle. for Vessel .Select to preview the finite element mesh. The typical value for the multiplier is between 1 and 2. These values are used to calculate thermal expansion. defined in the ASME Section VIII. the occasional load is treated like a static load.F. there is no opening in the vessel for a support trunnion.Enter a value for the range of occasional load cycles.Enter text to use as the prefix for FEA analysis file names. Select Fine and enter a value for the mesh density multiplier. Vessel Outside Temperature.Enter the notch effect multiplication factor for computing peak stresses on the vessel.Select to run the analysis in silent mode.Select to consider thermal strains. defined in the ASME Section VIII.Select if there is no opening in the vessel due to the nozzle. This is an optional value.35.Enter a value for the number of operating load cycles in order to select the allowable fatigue stress from S-N curves. CodeCalc User's Guide 317 . Do not cut hole in header for branch? . A finer mesh has more accurate results but takes longer to solve. This is a type of stress concentration factor. This is a type of stress concentration factor. If 0 or no value is entered. When the software runs the analysis. Specify S.WRC 107/537 FEA FEA Options Specify File Name for FEA . Once you decide that an elastic analysis is satisfactory. Division 2 in the vicinity of nozzles. ASME Section VIII Division 2 . the code should be carefully consulted before performing the local stress analysis. and the average material stress intensity (Smh + Smc)/2. The first step in the procedure is to determine if the elastic approach is satisfactory.WRC 107/537 FEA Results (WRC 107/537/FEA) WRC 107 Stress Summations ASME Section VIII. You should always refer to the applicable code if any of the limits described in this section are approached. if any unusual material. the hot material allowable stress intensity. Only the elastic analysis approach is discussed here. or stress situation exists. Only values taken directly from the code should be used in design.5kSmh Pm + Pl + Pb + Q < 3Smavg Where Pm. Division 2 code provides or a procedure to analyze the local stresses in vessels and nozzles (Appendix 4-1. If any of the elastic limits are approached. These three criteria can be summarized as: Pm < kSmh Pm + Pl + Pb< 1. Section AD-160 contains the exact method and states that if all of the following conditions are met. the local primary bending stress. or if there is anything out of the ordinary about the nozzle/vessel connection design. and the total secondary stresses (membrane plus bending).Elastic Analysis of Nozzle In order to address local allowable stresses. and Smavg are the occasional stress factor. The material Sm table and the endurance curve for carbon steels are given in this section for illustration. the endurance curve for the material of construction and complete design pressure/temperature loading information should be available. and K. The vessel does not experience localized high stress due to heating. Smh. The expected design range of pressure cycles other than startup or shutdown must be less than 1/3 (1/4 for non-integral attachments) the design pressure times (Sa/Sm). Mandatory Design Based on Stress Analysis). Pl. and Q are the general primary membrane stress. then fatigue analysis need not be done: The expected design number of full-range pressure cycles does not exceed the number of allowed cycles corresponding to a Sa value of 3Sm (4Sm for non-integral attachments) on the material fatigue curve. either a simplified approach—WRC 107 Stress Calculations (on page 321)—or a comprehensive approach—Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (on page 323)—may be taken to the vessel stress evaluation. There are essentially three criteria that must be satisfied before the stresses in the vessel wall due to nozzle loads can be considered within the allowables.Elastic Analysis of Nozzle (on page 318) ASME Section VIII Division 2 . or there are non-linear concerns such as operation of the material in the creep range. as given in Table 4-120. Due to the stress classification defined by Section VIII. respectively.1. where Sa is the value obtained on the material fatigue curve for the specified number of significant pressure fluctuations. the local primary membrane stress. The full range of stress intensities due to mechanical loads (including piping reactions) does not exceed Sa from the fatigue curve for the expected number of load fluctuations. the bending stress terms caused by any external load moments or 318 CodeCalc User's Guide . weld. The Sm is the allowable stress intensity for the material at the operating temperature. Pb. Pl. which may include: Membrane stress due to internal pressure Local membrane stress due to applied sustained forces and moments Q . This causes Pb to disappear.5kSmh." CodeCalc User's Guide 319 . should be classified as Q.Secondary stresses. Under the same analogy. Pm. and leads to a much more detailed classification: Pm . and compare its value to against 3Smavg. or the secondary stresses. is not applicable to the shell stress evaluation. compute the resultant stress intensity and compare its value against 1. 2.WRC 107/537 FEA internal pressure in the vessel wall near a nozzle or other opening. Pl. testing and inspection of this division. design. and Q. Add the individual normal and shear stress components due to Pm. Division 2 and the surrounding text. these types may be repeated using a k value of 1. provided the elastic limit criteria of AD-160 is met based on the statement explicitly given in Section 5-100.e. 5.1 of Appendix 4 of ASME Section VIII. the following rules apply: 1. i. which may include: Bending stress due to internal pressure Bending stress due to applied sustained forces and moments Membrane stress due to applied expansion forces Bending stress due to applied expansion forces and moments Membrane tress due to applied expansion moments Each of the stress terms defined in the above classifications contains three parts: two stress components in normal directions and one shear stress component. Compute the normal and shear components for each of the three stress types. regardless of whether they were caused by sustained or expansion loads. and Q. Division 2 requirements. These criteria can be readily found from Figure 4-130. and therefore disappears from the Section VIII. fabrication.General primary membrane stress (primarily due to internal pressure) Pl . no analysis for cyclic operation is required and it may be assumed that the peak stress limit discussed in 4-135 has been satisfied by compliance with the applicable requirements for materials. 3. To combine these stresses. Pb.Local primary membrane stress. Add the individual normal and shear stress components due to Pm and Pl.2. Compute the stress intensity due to the Pm and compare it against kSmh. the peak stress limit may also be written as: P l + Pb + Q + F < S a The above equation need not be satisfied. which is cited below: "If the specified operation of the vessel meets all of the conditions of AD-160. Note that the primary bending stress term. 4. If there is an occasional load as well as a sustained load. compute the resultant stress intensity. ) The software makes a rough approximation and use WRC 107 Appendix-B equations (3) and (4) to estimate Kn and Kb. If all conditions of AD-560.5(1. If you use WRC107 stress concentration factors (Kn. Kb). Peak stresses are required to be calculated or estimated.2Smh Pm(SUS) + Pl(SUS) < 1. AD-160 are not satisfied.7 may be used. For external loads. the highest peak stress is usually localized in fillets and transitions. the fillet radius between the vessel and nozzle is required.2. and then use Appendix-4 and 5 rules and fatigue curves depending on operation cycles. You may consider using AD-560. (If a reinforcing pad is used. Instead.5Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) + Pl(SUS + OCC) < 1. Alternative Rules for Nozzle Design instead of Article 4-6. you probably need to perform the formal fatigue analysis.WRC 107/537 FEA Example: Fatigue Curve (For Values of Sa) If some of the conditions of in ASME VIII Div.5(Smc + Smh) 320 CodeCalc User's Guide . The tension and bending stresses are thus modified using Kn and Kb respectively. The equations used in CodeCalc to qualify the various stress components can be summarized as follows: Pm(SUS) < Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) < 1. If you click the corresponding box.2)Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) + Pl(SUS + OCC) + Q(SUS + EXP + OCC) < 1. Stresses in Openings for Fatigue Evaluation to calculate the peak pressure stress for the opening. You should not direct the program to perform the stress summations.6 are satisfied. the stress indices given in Table AD-560.1 through AD-560. The software calculates the local stresses for four pairs of points (upper and lower) at the intersection. you can input the pad fillet radius. determine which stresses should be added based on locations in order to obtain the peak stress level. the software uses these pressure stress indices to modify the primary stress due to internal pressure (hoop and longitudinal stresses). 5 and 3. What are the Allowable Stresses? The stress intensities calculated should typically be between 1. the stresses calculated at the edge of the pad may be same as those at the edge of the nozzle if the curve parameter for that type of stress has been exceeded. CodeCalc performs two analyzes on the geometry.WRC 107/537 FEA Based on comparisons with finite element analysis.coade. see WRC-107 Elastic Analysis v/s Fatigue Analysis in the June 2000 COADE newsletter http://www. as well as the longitudinal stress equation are as follows: For spherical shells the program uses the following equation: For each run performed. Why are the stresses at Edge of the Pad the same as at Edge of the Nozzle? Because the stress is a direct product of the stress factor. if it relaxes or disappears after only a small rotation or translation of the attachment — the allowable stress intensity increases to 3. If the results are less than 1.pdf. The current stress summation routine does not compare stress level with fatigue allowables according to Appendix 5. Note that the stress summation may ONLY be used to check stress intensities.5 Sa then the configuration and loading are acceptable. Any table figure followed by an exclamation point (!) means that the curve figure for that loading has been exceeded. If the geometry includes a reinforcing pad.0 Sa. The first analysis calculates stresses at the edge of the If the load is self-relieving — that is. It is conservative to add all the peak stresses after including both pressure stress indices and concentration factors. not stress levels. Since many geometries do not fall within the acceptable range of WRC 107. it is known that the top tip of the fillet weld on the nozzle usually experiences the highest peak stress due to external loads. The second stress analysis is at the edge of the reinforcing pad. You need the peak stress level to perform fatigue analysis. it may be necessary to use a more sophisticated tool to solve the problems where the diameter of the vessel is very large in comparison with the nozzle. CodeCalc uses the Lamé equation to determine the exact hoop stress at the upper and lower surface of the cylinder around the edge of the attachment. or where the thickness of the CodeCalc User's Guide 321 .0 times the hot allowable stress for the vessel material at operating temperature. For more information on fatigue analysis. you may find the stress summation results useful to compare the combined effect due to the stress concentration factor and pressure stress indices. However. a table of dimensionless stress factors for each loading is displayed for review. WRC 107 Stress Calculations The software calculates stress intensities according to WRC 107 and includes the effects of longitudinal and hoop stresses due to internal pressure. The hoop stress equations. A: Position on vessel at junction. l: Lower. A: Position on vessel at junction. An example of a more sophisticated tool would be Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (on page 323). 322 CodeCalc User's Guide . along negative M1 axis. P-axis: Along the nozzle centerline and positive entering the vessel. along positive MC axis. means stress on outside of vessel wall at junction. and in the opposite direction as the bending axis MC. M2-axis: Cross the P-axis into the M1 axis and the result is the M2-axis. Shear axis VC is parallel. B: Position on vessel at junction. means stress on outside of vessel wall at junction. D: Position on vessel at junction. Figure C . B: Position on vessel at junction. along negative M2 axis. and in the same direction as the bending axis ML. u: Upper.WRC 107/537 FEA vessel or nozzle is small. M2-axis: Cross the P-axis with the MC axis and the result is the ML-axis. To Define WRC Stress Points: To Define WRC Stress Points: u: Upper. means stress on inside of vessel at junction. C: Position on vessel at junction.WRC 107 Module Geometry for a Sphere Spherical Shells To Define WRC Axes: Figure D . along positive ML axis. along negative MC axis. Shear axis VL is parallel. means stress on inside of vessel at junction. l: Lower.WRC 107 Axis Convention for a Cylinder Cylindrical Shells To Define WRC Axes: P-axis: Along the nozzle centerline and positive entering the vessel. along negative ML axis. C: Position on vessel at junction. M1-axis: Perpendicular to the nozzle centerline along convenient global axis. along positive M2 axis. along positive M2 axis. MC-axis: Along the vessel centerline and positive to correspond with any parallel global axis. D: Position on vessel at junction. ) Outplane Moment (in. Maximum CodeCalc User's Guide 323 . 710264. 1065396. 1526608. 111. Realistic allowable simultaneous loads are the maximum loads that can be applied simultaneously. 111. 1137199. 5306513. Both primary and secondary loads are reported. ASME Overstressed Areas Pad Edge Weld for Nozzle 1 Pl 1.) Inplane Moment (in. 111. producing stresses that are closer to 100% of the allowable. 2594104. Conservative Simultaneous Occurring 178300. you can perform FEA and WRC 107 within the same module. 2. Conservative Simultaneous Occurring 120631. FEA can model more types of vessel and nozzle geometries. 1270665. 1222872. 2412363. Realistic Simultaneous Occurring 180946.) Pressure (psi) Maximum Individual Occurring 618455.Membrane) Case 2 111% 1. The ASME overstressed areas are reported.) Pressure (psi) 398030. lb. 847110.) Inplane Moment (in. lb. 111. lb. The Highest Secondary and Fatigue Stress Reports are also provided. lb. Conservative simultaneous loads will produce stresses that are approximately 60-to-70% of the allowable. 2343568. 2508939. 3358105. lb. 719650. which may be conservative in some cases.) Torsional Moment (in.) Outplane Moment (in. 5458219. 1 allowable stress values. You can switch to Div. Maximum SECONDARY Load Type Individual (Range): Occurring Axial Force (lb. the program lists nozzle stress intensification factors for use in a beam type pipe stress analysis program such as CAESAR II. 422. 2938301. Next. 2 values. FEA generates graphical results showing various ASME stress states. 4. 3. 5998639. This module uses the ASME Section VIII Div. 344.116 18. Realistic Simultaneous Occurring 267450.) Torsional Moment (in. NozzlePro then calculates the maximum individual allowable loads and simultaneously acting allowable loads. Important results and a sample printout are below. The next report.5(k)Smh (SUS. lb. the Highest Primary Stress Report.5(k)Smh Primary Membrane Load Case 2 20. outlines the stresses at critical location like the nozzle-shell junction and the edge of the pad. PRIMARY Load Type (Range): Axial Force (lb. 1182725.000 Plot Reference: psi psi 1) Pl < 1.WRC 107/537 FEA Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Using the interface within CodeCalc to Paulin Research Group's NozzlePro program. You have a choice of performing either a WRC 107 or a finite element analysis from within the same module. As with any finite element program users should visually check the finite element mesh for errors and make sure the FEA results make sense from stress analysis perspective.paulin. without redundant and Nozzle Direction Cosines 324 CodeCalc User's Guide . Examples Examples illustrating these principles are located in the CodeCalc\Examples directory. Nozzle-shell junction flexibilities are also available. Address technical queries regarding FEA results to Paulin Research Group http://www. These flexibilities are used to accurately model the flexibility of the junction and can be included in the pipe stress software used to model the piping system attaching to the nozzle.WRC 107/537 FEA individual occurring primary pressure can be taken as a finite element calculation of the MAWP for the nozzle. Figure F . OCC). -1. The following data would then be entered into the WRC 107 program. while the nozzle direction vector is (1. lb MY ft. You can use either the WRC-107 or global convention. 0. have to identify the vectors defining the vessel as well as the nozzle centerline. you must first designate the output data points (A to D) as defined by the WRC 107 bulletin. however. For different load cases (SUS. the restraint loads (forces and moments) can be obtained from typical piping stress analysis program like CAESAR II. because point A is assigned to the bottom of the nozzle.0. In the vessel/nozzle configuration shown. the vessel direction vector can be written as (0.0). The following figure illustrates the definition of the direction vectors of the vessel and the nozzle: Figure G . The program will supply a pass/fail status at the end of the report. 0.0). lb MZ ft. the actual preparation of the WRC 107 calculation input can now begin.WRC 107/537 FEA After confirming that the geometry guidelines according to WRC 107 are met. While on the input screen you can also toggle from one convention to another and the program will transform the loads automatically between the two conventions. 0. lb CodeCalc User's Guide 325 . You will. The software performs this conversion automatically.0. One of the most important steps in the WRC 107 procedure is to identify the correlation between the stress output global coordinates and the WRC 107 local axes. The nozzle direction vector is always defined as the vector pointing from the vessel nozzle connection to the centerline of vessel.0. Summary of Restraint Loads on the Vessel Load X lb Y lb Z lb MX ft. except for nozzles on heads. where the vessel centerline will have to be defined along a direction which is perpendicular to that of the nozzle.0.Converting Forces/Moments in CAESAR II Global Coordinates to WRC 107 Local Axes In order to define a vessel direction vector. The line between data points B and A defines the vessel centerline. EXP. These loads reflect the action of the piping on the vessel. WRC 107/537 FEA Sustained -26 Expansion 8573 -1389 23715 32 -5866 -65 31659 127 -5414 4235 -525 WRC 107 Local Components Load ForceP(+ Force X) VL(-Y) -1389 23715 Force VC(+Z) 32 -5866 Momen Moment Moment t T(-X) MC (+Y) ML(+Z) -65 31659 127 -5414 4235 -52583 Sustained -26 Expansion 8573 326 CodeCalc User's Guide . pg 428 .5 times the code allowable) There are two commonly accepted methods of determining the stress from the vessel and base-ring acting on the concrete. Thickness of a cantilever. Stress acting on the concrete. bolting. Because these two materials have different elastic moduli. The beam is assumed to be supported at the skirt. pg 70 - CodeCalc User's Guide 327 . the neutral axis of the combined bolt/concrete cross section will be in the direction of the concrete. Thickness of a Basering under Compression . The simplified method calculates the compressive stress on the concrete assuming that the neutral axis for the vessel is at the centerline. including Jawad and Farr (Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment. These calculations are performed using industry standard calculation techniques. t: Where fc = Bearing stress on the concrete l = Cantilever length of basering s = Allowable bending stress of basering (typically 1. and gussets.The equation for the thickness of the basering is the equation for a simple cantilever beam. If there is a net bending moment on the foundation. and because the strain in the concrete cross section must be equal to the strain in the base ring at any specific location. Several authors. the behavior of the foundation is similar to that of a reinforced concrete beam. then the force upward on the bolts must be balanced by the force downward on the concrete.433) and Megyesy (Pressure Vessel Handbook.SECTION 16 Base Rings Home tab: Components > Add New Base Ring Performs thickness calculations and design for annular plate baserings. and loaded with a uniform load caused by the compression of the concrete due to the combined weight of the vessel and bending moment on the down-wind / down-earthquake side of the vessel. top rings. fc: Where: W = Weight of the vessel together with the basering M = Maximum bending moment on vessel A = Cross-sectional area of basering on foundation c = Distance from the center of the basering to the outer edge of the basering I = Moment of inertia of the basering on the foundation However. when a steel skirt and basering are supported on a concrete foundation. The object is to determine the peak concrete pressure (p) and the angle alpha. yields the following results: Where: n = Ratio of elastic modulus of the bolt. pg 957 . Singh and Soler provide the following description of their method: In this case. Assuming that the concrete can take only compression (non-adhesive surface) and that the bolts are effective only in tension (untapped holes in the base plate). Eb. as there are no tabulated constants. it is permissible to replace the bolts with a thin shell of thickness t and mean diameter equal to the bolt circle diameter c. an approximate solution may be constructed using numerical iteration.Base Rings 73). varying in intensity with the distance from the neutral plane. n normally varies between 10 and 15. are replaced by a line load. Brownell and Young have developed an approximate solution which can be cast in a form suitable for numerical solution. the neutral axis is parallel to the Y-axis. such that: Thickness. t: Where: A = Total cross-sectional area of all foundation bolts P = Peak concrete pressure l = Width of basering c = Thin ring diameter We assume that the discrete tensile bolt loads. Let the total tensile stress area of all foundation bolts be A. This formulation seems to be the most readily adaptable to computerization. Within the limits of accuracy sought. It is assumed that the concrete annulus under the base plate may be treated as a thin ring of mean diameter c. Let n be the ratio of Young's moduli of the bolt material to that of the concrete. similar to that given above. to that of the concrete. Ec: 328 CodeCalc User's Guide . The location of the neutral axis is identified by the angle alpha. an analysis. The software uses the formulation of Singh and Soler (Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessel Components.959). For narrow base plate rings. acting around the ring. have analyzed this phenomenon. Assuming that the foundation is linearly elastic and the base plate is relatively rigid. These equations give the required seven non-linear equations to solve for seven unknowns. l. r2.005 is a practical value. similar to the cantilever length.4) parameters. c. namely p. named po' and so'). is both accepted and explicit. the thickness of the base ring is calculated again using the same formula given above for the approximate method. if there is no top ring but there are gussets. Thickness of Basering under Tension . t: Where: CodeCalc User's Guide 329 .17.13: Thickness. Then α is determined using the above equation. the program uses their equation 12. For example. and Jawad & Farr use a 'yield-line' theory (Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment.Base Rings t3 = Width of the basering. Moss uses the same approach but does not give a table (Pressure Vessel Design Manual. This enables computation of corrected values of p and s. taken from an approximate analysis performed first. in Jawad and Farr's thickness equation previously mentioned c = Bolt circle diameter r1 .3.r4 = Four constants based on the neutral axis angle and defined in Singh and Soler's equations 20. r3. Since the Jawad and Farr equation for thickness. t. The iterative solution starts with assumed values of s and p.12 through 20. Dennis R. then there is a discrepancy on how to do the analysis. α. Where: After the new values of bolt stress and bearing pressure are calculated. pg 126-129). The next iteration is started with s1 and p1 where we choose: This process is continued until the errors ei and Ei at the iteration stage are within specified tolerances --ei = Ei = 0.On the tensile side. not reproduced here. while Megyesy uses Table F (Pressure Vessel Handbook. pg 78) to calculate an equivalent bending moment. Knowing α the dimensionless parameters r1.3. so and po. and the ri (i = 1 . pg 435-436). and r4 are computed. its thickness is calculated using a simple beam formula. depending on the geometry of the plate Bolt Load. M: Where: Cg = Center of gravity.If there is a top ring or plate. Pt: sy = Yield strength of the bolt a = Distance between gussets b = Width of base plate that is outside of skirt l = Distance from skirt to bolt area d = Diameter of bolt hole Thickness of Top Ring under Tension . t: Where: Allowable stress. Taking the plate to be a beam supported between two gussets with a point load in the middle equal to the maximum bolt load. Z: 330 CodeCalc User's Guide . s: Bending moment.Base Rings Bolt Load. Pt: Section Modulus. we derive the following equation: Thickness. they must be analyzed for both tension and compression. per bolt: Where: CodeCalc User's Guide 331 . W gusset (because gussets normally taper): Where: Required Thickness of Gussets in Compression . Taking the actual thickness as the starting point. the selection is made to keep the anchor bolt spacing at about 24 inches. tgusset. The radius of gyration for the gusset is taken as 0. Basering Design .When you request a basering design.If there are gussets. the software performs the following additional calculations to determine the design geometry: Selection of Number of Bolts This selection is made on the basis of Megyesy's table in Pressure Vessel Handbook (Table C. where the force is taken to be the allowable bolt stress times the bolt area. Above the diameter shown.Base Rings Width of Section. Pb. and the area of the gusset is the thickness of the gusset. Wt: Required Thickness of Gussets in Tension . page 67). The tensile stress.1. Calculation of Load per Bolt This calculation of load. and then compared to the allowed compression per AISC. The thickness is then modified and another calculation performed until the actual and allowed compressions are within one half of one percent of one another. times one half the width of the gusset.5. The actual compression is calculated as described above.In compression (as a column) we must iteratively calculate the required thickness. we perform the calculation in AISC 1. page 404. is the force divided by the area. T.3.289 t per Megyesy's Pressure Vessel Design Handbook. 334 Miscellaneous Tab (Base Rings) ...........................The analysis then continues through the thickness calculation described above.......... the software determines the approximate compressive stress in the concrete for the preliminary geometry.............. Values selected at this point are the bolt circle... Selection of Final Basering Geometry ............................ top ring......... and base ring inside diameter..If the compressive stress calculated above is acceptable then the preliminary geometry becomes the final geometry....Base Rings W = Weight of vessel N = Number of bolts R = Radius of bolt area M = Bending moment Calculation of Required Area for Each Bolt This is the load per bolt divided by the allowable stress: Selection of the Bolt Size The software has a table of bolt areas and selects the smallest bolt with area greater than the area calculated above.......... Selection of Preliminary Basering Geometry ............ and gussets...... determining required thicknesses for the basering......................... These become the final base ring geometry values........The table of bolt areas also contains the required clearances in order to successfully tighten the selected bolt (wrench clearances and edge clearances). Analysis of Preliminary Basering Geometry .................. 333 Base Ring (2) Tab (Base Rings) ......... then the bolt circle and base ring diameters are scaled up to the point where the compressive stresses are acceptable...... 336 Results (Base Rings) .............Using the methods described previously for the analysis section.... In This Section Base Ring (1) Tab (Base Rings) ... Analysis of Basering Thicknesses .... base ring outside diameter.... If not................ 339 332 CodeCalc User's Guide ........ The software selects a preliminary basering geometry based on these clearances. If you type in the name. Click Select to use the material.Enter the outside diameter of the base ring. Any allowances for corrosion or mill tolerance should be subtracted from this value. 1. the software may change the following items: Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Bolt Circle Diameter Outside Diameter of the Base ring Inside Diameter of the Base ring Temperature of Basering (needed if not ambient) . which displays read-only information about the selected material. Inside Diameter of Basering . If you have specified that the software is to design the base ring. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).Base Rings Base Ring (1) Tab (Base Rings) Item Number . A good approximation for the base ring ID should be entered when using either the Analyze or Design option. Thickness of Basering . otherwise. Description .Enter the ID number of the item. The software displays the material properties. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Enter the inside diameter of the basering.Normally baserings operate at temperatures which are near ambient. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. 3. When in Design mode. The software will compute the required basering thickness using the simplified method and the neutral axis shift method.Base Rings rings or design new ones. leave the default temperature. the software may change this value. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. If the base ring is at a higher temperature.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The user-specified thickness value will be used only for comparison. This may be the item number on the drawing. enter it here. CodeCalc User's Guide 333 . Basering Material . Alternatively. Outside Diameter of Basering . in CodeCalc can either analyze existing base Analyze or Design Basering? .Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. This value must be greater than the base ring ID and the bolt circle diameter. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you choose Design mode. 2.Enter the actual thickness of basering. To modify material properties. Select the material that you want to use from the list. This value must be greater than 0 and less than the bolt circle diameter and the base ring OD. or click Back to select a different material. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. You can choose either Analyze for existing or Design for new baserings. the software may change this value. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. the values are converted back to user selected units. Figure 68: Flange Diagram Thread Series . or click Back to select a different material. 334 CodeCalc User's Guide . The UNC threads available are the standard threads.Enter the diameter of the bolt circle of the flange. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). TEMA threads are National Coarse series below 1-inch and 8 pitch thread series for 1-inch and above bolt nominal diameter. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Select the material that you want to use from the list. 1. To modify material properties. If you type in the name.The following bolt thread series tables are available: TEMA Bolt Table UNC Bolt Table User-specified root area of a single bolt TEMA Metric Bolt Table British. which displays read-only information about the selected material. BS 3643 Metric Bolt Table Irrespective of the table used. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Base Rings Base Ring (2) Tab (Base Rings) Bolt Material . Diameter of Bolt Circle . This is dimension C in the ASME Code. Alternatively. The software displays the material properties. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. 2. 3.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Click Select to use the material. Alternatively. skirts are at ambient temperature. This value should be greater than the base ring ID and less than the base ring bolt circle. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.0 inches. enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell.Enter the nominal bolt diameter. Skirt Thickness . Select the material that you want to use from the list.Enter the number of bolts to use in the flange analysis.If the skirt is at an elevated temperature. Bolt Root Area . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. The software displays the material properties.5 to 4. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Base Rings Nominal Bolt Diameter .Enter the joint efficiency for the weld that joins the skirt to the bottom head. Typical values range between 0. Outside Diameter of Skirt at Base .Enter the skirt OD at the junction of the skirt and base ring. Not all skirts are cylindrical. 1.Enter the diameter of the skirt at the bottom head of the vessel. or click Back to select a different material. you must enter the root area of a single bolt here. 3. If you type in the name. Skirt Material . This value depends on the weld detail used. enter it here. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Number of Bolts . The tables of bolt diameter included in the software range from 0. CodeCalc User's Guide 335 .If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types. This entry must be greater than 0. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box.49 and 1. Also. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). This value is used to determine the bolt space correction factor. Usually.Enter the thickness of the skirt here. Click Select to use the material. enter the nominal size in this field. 2. for Skirt Weld at Bottom Head . Skirt Temperature . Skirt Diameter at Bottom Head . Joint Eff. The software will automatically compute the required skirt thickness for both combinations of bending and axial stress. The number of bolts is almost always a multiple of four. which displays read-only information about the selected material.0. To modify material properties. Some skirts are cone shaped and as such have different diameters at the top and bottom. The software uses the ASME code compression allowable B for axial stresses. Enter the radial width of the top ring or plate. and so on. the software will calculate as per page 130. the software will not perform top ring thickness calculations. Radial Width of the Top Ring or Plate (if any) . and so on. packing.Enter the Nominal Compressive stress of the Concrete to which the base ring is bolted. attached piping. such as ladders. gussets and top ring. 336 CodeCalc User's Guide . This is simply the half of (top ring OD . Top Ring/Plate Type per Moss . Dead Weight of Vessel . Operating Weight of Vessel .Check this option if your basering design includes the use of gusset plates otherwise. refer to Dennis Moss Pressure Vessel Design Manual page 129. Operating Moment of Basering .Enter the total moment exerted on the skirt by the wind. This includes all contents and associated hardware. US Gallons fc. when the vessel is operating. This value must be greater than 0. The external corrosion allowance will simply be added to the required thickness of these components. leave this option unselected.Enter the total moment exerted on the skirt by the wind. This value is f'c in Jawad and Farr or FPC in Meygesy.Base Rings Miscellaneous Tab (Base Rings) Nominal Compressive Stress of Concrete . If no top ring thickness is entered. 28 Day Ultimate Compressive Strength (psi) per 94-lb Sack of Cement 7.0 is entered. This value must be greater than 0. cages.5 6.Enter the type of top ring or plate as per Moss (Type 3 = Cap Plate. and it must be positive.Enter the corrosion allowance that would be applied to the skirt. 4-Continuous Ring). catwalks. Operating Weight of Vessel . the software will compute the required thickness of the top plate. Water Content.If your base ring design incorporates a top ring. enter its thickness here. For more information. This entry is optional and can be 0. This entry is optional and can be 0. reboilers. A typical entry is 3000 psi. then you must also enter a value for this option.Enter the test moment on the basering. Test Moment on Basering . and so on. reboilers. Test Weight of Vessel .Enter the test weight of the vessel here.75 6 5 2000 2500 3000 3750 Thickness of Top Ring or Plate (if any) . If you specify type 3 or 4. This value must be greater than 0. The working fluid of the vessel should not be included here.Enter the test moment on the basering. This weight will include the fluid used for the hydrotest of the vessel.Enter the operating weight of the vessel here. when the vessel is operating. After you select Are Gussets to be used? the software displays addtional parameters for the gussets. If a thickness greater than 0. The entry for the test moment is optional and can be 0. base plate. attached piping. The entry for the test moment is optional and can be 0. Test Weight of Vessel .top ring ID). if any. If you enter a value for Thickness of Top Ring or Plate (if any). Are Gussets to be used? . External Corrosion Allowance .Enter the weight of the vessel with all peripheral equipment. For base rings that have a large number of bolts. Height of Gussets . or click Back to select a different material. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. 1.Enter the elastic modulus for the gusset plates. Distance from Bolts to Gussets . This minimum value will then be used as a comparison to the actual compressive stress in the skirt.Select this option if you want to increase the allowable stress the program uses for the skirt design. 2.Enter the gusset dimension from the base ring to the top of the gusset plate. Any allowances for corrosion should be considered when making this entry. The forces in the skirt are transmitted to the anchor bolts through the gussets. each bolt will have two gusset plates associated with it. each bolt may have a single gusset plate associated with it.5 and the skirt yield stress times its allowable multiplier.Enter the distance from a bolt to the nearest gusset. Are Stress Multipliers to be used? . Skirt Comp. If you do not wish to use this value. for (B) at Base (OPE) . The software displays the Material Database dialog box. This distance would be 1/2 of the spacing between the gusset plates. CodeCalc will look at the minimum of this factor times its allowable times 1. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). each bolt will have two gussets. for (B) at Base (TEST) . In these occasions. CodeCalc User's Guide 337 . enter a 1. Click Select to use the material.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Skirt Comp. Number of Gussets per Bolt . you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Allowable Mult. For most common steels. For example. this may not always be the case. this value is 29E6 psi. the skirt allowable stress at the top would be equal to stress multiplier X joint efficient X skirt operating allowable. the gussets will operate at ambient temperature.Enter the number of gussets per bolt.00 for this value. This value is used to determine the allowable stress for plates in compression according to AISC.Enter the factor to be multiplied by the Code compression allowable B for the test case. If the temperature is above ambient. This minimum value will then be used. This multiplier is usually between 1 and 2. 3. which displays read-only information about the selected material. To modify material properties.This factor is multiplied by the skirt operating allowable wherever it is used. The software displays the material properties.Enter the temperature for the gusset plates. Normally. Alternatively. The software will look at the minimum of this factor times its allowable and the skirt yield stress times its allowable multiplier. If you type in the name. Usually. Allowable Mult. Temperature for Gussets (if not ambient) . as a comparison to the actual compressive stress in the skirt. Elastic Module for Gusset Plates .Base Rings Gusset Plate Material . This is a required value. Select the material that you want to use from the list.Enter the average width of the gusset plates. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Factor for the Skirt Allowable at the Skirt Top . Average Width of the Gussets .Enter the factor to be multiplied plied by the Code compression allowable B for the operating case. Usually.Enter the thickness of the gusset plates to be used for this base ring. Thickness of Gusset Plates . enter it here. Base Rings Skirt Comp. Allowable Mult. for (Sy) at Base (OPE) - CodeCalc will multiply the skirt yield stress by this factor. The minimum of this result and the basic hot allowable stress times its factor will be the skirt operating allowable stress. This minimum value will then be used, as a comparison to the actual compressive stress in the skirt. Skirt Comp. Allowable Mult. for (Sy) at Base (TEST) - CodeCalc will multiply the skirt yield stress by this factor. The minimum of this result and the basic hot allowable stress times its factor will be the skirt test allowable stress. This minimum value will then be used as a comparison to the actual compressive stress in the skirt. Add a Tailing Lug - Select this option to perform the tailing lug analysis. The design is based on a lift position where bending does not occur on the tailing lug. The main considerations for the design are the section modulus, shear, and bearing stress at the pinhole and the weld strength. The location of the center of the pinhole will be assumed radially at the edge of the outer most of the top ring or the base ring, whichever is larger. In the absence of the top ring/plate the height of the tailing lug is required. The tailing lug is assumed to be the same material as the gusset or base ring. Note that all input fields pertain to one tail lug. Tail Lug Type - Select the type of tailing lug (Single or Dual) to be used. Tailing Lug Offset from Centerline - Enter the offset dimension (OS) for the dual tailing lug design only. Thickness - Enter the thickness of the tailing lug. Pin Hole Diameter - Enter the pin hole diameter. The center of the pin hole will be placed radially in-line with the larger of the outer most edge of the top ring or the base ring (OD). Weld Size Diameter - Enter the leg weld size. Load on Tailing Lug - Enter the load on the tailing lug. 338 CodeCalc User's Guide Base Rings Lug Height (only if no Top Ring) - Enter the tailing lug height measured form the top of the base ring. If you have a top ring, this value is usually the distance to the top ring. Results (Base Rings) The tailing lug design consists of a three-part analysis: The base ring assembly ( base ring, skirt and top ring), The strength of weld The tailing lug itself It is assumed that bending does not occur in the tailing lug. In the absence of the top ring only the base ring and the decay length (e) are considered for the section modulus calculation. The table below lists the allowable stresses used to check the design strength. Stress Type Shear at Pin Hole Bearing Stress Weld Stress Allowable Value 0.4 Sy 0.75 Sy 0.49 Sallow CodeCalc User's Guide 339 Base Rings 340 CodeCalc User's Guide SECTION 17 Thin Joints Home tab: Components > Add New Thin Joint Performs elastic analysis for the stresses due to internal and external pressures, and closing or opening of a metal bellows expansion joint typically used in piping systems and heat exchangers. The maximum combined stress is used to calculate the cycle life of the joint, which is based on the appropriate formula in the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 26 2007 Edition. The MAWP/MAPnc will also be computed for the bellows. Thin Joints enables engineers and designers to evaluate or design metal bellows expansion joints. Because the module uses ASME Code procedures for evaluating these joints, the calculations are acceptable to fabricators, engineering contractors, and petrochemical companies. Thus a consistent design basis and a simple way to perform the calculations will be established, and individual engineers will be effective in evaluating these critical components. Thin Joints calculates the required thickness and elastic stresses using formulas in ASME Section VIII Code, Division 1, Appendix 26. These formulas take into account both internal and external pressures, and axial joint movement. The appendix covers both reinforced and un-reinforced expansion joints for U-shaped and toroidal types with multiple convolutions and up to a 0.2 inch nominal thickness. Each curve in Appendix 26 was digitized. The program picks points off of the curves and interpolates for the results used in the stress calculations. These parameters are displayed as part of the output. If the selected joint is reinforced or un-reinforced, the software perform the various stress and cycle life computations for that joint type. Thus, there will be no extraneous output for a joint type that is not of interest. In addition, for reinforced expansion joints, the stresses in the reinforcing element and any bolted fastener, which may be holding the ring together, are calculated as well. In This Section Expansion Joint Tab (Thin Joints) ................................................. 341 Bellows Tab (Thin Joints) .............................................................. 346 Expansion Joint Tab (Thin Joints) Item Number - Enter the ID number of the item. This may be the item number on the drawing, or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. Description - Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. Design Cycle Life, Number of Cycles - Enter the number of cycles for which the expansion joint is to be designed. This value is to be compared to the total number of cycles that this design will be capable of handling. Design Internal Temperatures - Enter the design temperature of the expansion joint. During normal operation, expansion joints typically run cooler than the piping/pressure vessel. Determine that temperature and enter it here. CodeCalc User's Guide 341 Thin Joints Design Internal Pressure - Displays the internal pressure to be exerted on the expansion joint. This analysis is limited to internal pressure only. External pressure is not considered. Design External Temperature - The software automatically updates materials properties for external pressure calculations when you change the design temperature. The design external pressure at this temperature is a completely different design case than the internal pressure case. Therefore, this temperature may be different than the temperature for internal pressure. Many external pressure charts have both lower and upper limits on temperature. If your design temperature is below the lower limit, use the lower limit as your entry. If your temperature is above the upper limit, the component may not be designed for vacuum conditions. Design External Pressure - Enter the design pressure for external pressure analysis. This should be a positive value, such as 14.7 psia. If you enter a zero, the software will not perform external pressure calculations. Value 0.00 14.7 Result No External Calculation Full Vacuum Calculation Design Length of Section - Enter the cumulative design length of the bellow section. For the U-shaped type bellows, the bellow design length can be determined by multiplying the total number of convolution (N) and convolution pitch (q). The design length will also be used to perform the external pressure analysis. Thin Joint Type - Select the type of thin joint. You can choose: U-Shaped 342 CodeCalc User's Guide Thin Joints Toroidal If you select Toroidal, the software opens the Toroidal Thin Joint Additional Information dialog box in which you can enter information about the toroidal thin joint. Mean Diameter, Dm - Enter the mean diameter (Dm) of toroidal bellows convolution: Distance Between Attachment Weld, Lw - Enter the distance between toroidal bellows attachment welds (Lw). Convolution Mean Radius - Enter the mean radius of toroidal bellows convolution (r) as depicted in the toroidal bellows. Reinforcement/Collar Information - Select this option to define ring and collar information. Reinforcement Ring Present? - Select this option to define reinforcing ring information. This option is available only if you select U-shaped thin joint type. Ring Material Name - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. This option is available only if you select Reinforcing Ring Present?. CodeCalc User's Guide 343 Thin Joints Cross Sectional Diameter, Dr - Enter the ring cross sectional diameter (Dr). This option is available only if you select Reinforcing Ring Present?. Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature, Er (optional) - Enter the modulus of elasticity of reinforcing ring member material at design temperature. This option is available only if you select Reinforcing Ring Present? Elastic Modulus at Ambient Temperature, Era (opitonal) - Enter the modulus of elasticity for the bellows material at the bellows ambient temperature. Tables of elasticity versus temperature can be found in the ANSI/ASME B31.3 CODE for PRESSURE PIPING table C-6. This option is available only if you select Reinforcing Ring Present? Weld Joint Efficiency, Cwr - Enter the longitudinal weld joint efficiency for reinforcing ring (Cwr) (see UW-12). This option is available only if you select Reinforcing Ring Present?. Fastener Bolt Present? - Enables the entries for the bolt information section of the Reinforcing Data dialog box. This option is available only if you select U-shaped thin joint type. Bolt Material Name - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Effective Length, Lf - Enter the effective length of one reinforcing fastener (Lf) that is being stressed. This is typically the distance from the center of the nut to the center of the head on the bolt. This option is available only if you select Fastener Bolt Present?. Cross Sectional Area, Af - Enter the cross-sectional metal area of one reinforcing fastener (Af) that retains the ring. Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature, Ef (optional) - Enter the modulus of elasticity for the fastener material (Ef) at the bellows design temperature. Tables of elasticity versus temperature can be found in the ANSI/ASME B31.3 CODE for PRESSURE PIPING table C-6. 344 CodeCalc User's Guide Thin Joints Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature, Efa (optional) - Enter the modulus of elasticity (Efa) for the collar material at the bellows design temperature. This is an optional field and is available only if you select Fastener Bolt Present?. Collar Present? - Select this option to define collar information. This option is available for either type of thin joint. Collar Material Name - Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). 1. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box, which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2. Select the material that you want to use from the list. The software displays the material properties. 3. Click Select to use the material, or click Back to select a different material. Alternatively, you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. If you type in the name, the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. To modify material properties, go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. This option is available only if you select Collar Present?. Cross Sectional Thickness, tc - Enter the collar cross sectional thickness (tc). This option is available only if you select Collar Present?. Cross Sectional Length, Lc - Enter the collar cross sectional length (Lc). For the toroidal bellows, Lc is determined by dividing the collar cross section area with the collar thickness. This option is available only if you select Collar Present?. Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature, Ec (optional) - Enter the modulus of elasticity (Ec) for the collar material at the bellows design temperature. Tables of elasticity versus temperature can be found in the ANSI/ASME B31.3 CODE for PRESSURE PIPING table C-6. This option is available only if you select Collar Present?. Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature, Eca (optional) - Enter the modulus of elasticity (Eca) for the collar material at the bellows design temperature. This is an optional field and is available only if you select Collar Present?. Weld Joint Efficiency, Cwc - Enter the longitudinal weld joint efficiency for tangent collar (Cwc) (see UW-12). This option is available only if you select Collar Present?. CodeCalc User's Guide 345 Thin Joints Bellows Tab (Thin Joints) Poisson's Ration, vb - Displays Poisson's ratio for the bellow material (vb). Inside Diameter of Bellows, Db - Enter the inside diameter of the bellows (Db). This value will normally be equal to the pipe or vessel inside diameter. Some geometries are larger in diameter than the attached cylinder. Thus, the bellows ID will be larger than the vessel/pipe ID. Dim. Af Db Dm Dr Description Cross sectional metal area of one reinforcing fastener. Inside diameter of bellows convolution. Mean diameter of bellows convolution. Cross sectional diameter of the reinforcing ring. Sketch Lc Bellows collar length. For the toroidal bellows, Lc is determined by dividing the collar cross section area with the collar thickness. Effective length of one reinforcing fastener. End tangent length. Distance between toroidal bellows attachment welds. Convolution pitch. Mean radius of toroidal bellows convolution. Bellow nominal thickness of one ply. Collar thickness. Convolution height. Lf Lt Lw q r t tc w Convolution Depth, w - Enter the distance from the top of the convolution to the trough of the convolution. This is referred as the variable w in the ASME Code. 346 CodeCalc User's Guide Enter the total number of convolutions. with its minimum value for smooth geometrical shapes and its maximum for 90 degree welded corners and fillet welds. Nominal Thickness of One Ply. Elastic Modulus at Ambient Temperature . This selection will be used to determine the multiplier Kf for the combined meridional membrane and bending stress allowables. Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor. or photo elastic studies. Number of Piles. Tables of elasticity versus temperature can be found in the ANSI/ASME B31. The Lt variable is required only for the U-Shaped bellows analysis.Enter the total number of piles used to form the bellows thickness. deltaq . Kg . weld geometries. Expansion joints are typically thin compared to the matching pipe.3 CODE for PRESSURE PIPING table C-6. this would result in deltaq = 1/8 = 0. CodeCalc User's Guide 347 . n . experimental. N . Expansion Joint Opening Per Convolution. Material Condition Annealed Formed Kf 1.Enter the fatigue strength reduction factor (Kg) per the ASME code Appendix 26. End Tangent Length.Deltaq is the total equivalent axial displacement range per convolution.3 CODE for PRESSURE PIPING table C-6.125 in/conv.Thin Joints Convolution Pitch. Fatigue strength reduction factors can be determined from theoretical.5 3. surface notches or environmental conditions. t .Enter the nominal thickness (t) of the plate that the expansion joint is to be made of before it is pressed or formed.Enter the modulus of elasticity for the bellows material at the bellows ambient temperature.Select the method of which the U-shaped bellow is being made. Tables of elasticity versus temperature can be found in the ANSI/ASME B31.Displays the end tangent length described as Lt. Number of Convolution. For example. q . This is referred to as q in the ASME Code.0 Elastic Modulus at Design Temperature .Enter the modulus of elasticity for the bellows material at the bellows operating temperature. This factor accounts for geometrical stress concentration factors due to thickness variations. Material Condition . for a total design movement of 1 inch with an expansion joint that had 8 convolutions. Lt . The range of factor Kg is between 1 and 4.The convolution pitch is the distance between the tops of successive bellows convolutions. Thin Joints 348 CodeCalc User's Guide . 1. however. page 61. Paragraph RCB-8. Compare the flexible element stresses to the appropriate allowable stresses per the Code for the load conditions as noted in step 6. tubesheet thickness. This requires that you run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module to determine the differential expansion and shell side and tube side equivalent pressures. which require flexible elements to reduce shell and tube longitudinal stresses.7 8.6. Flexible elements are axisymmetric. Calculate the flexible element geometry factors per RCB-8. Thick expansion joints can also be designed in the Tubesheet module. Flexible elements are sufficiently thick to avoid instability. and all forces are in force-pounds.22). Torsional loads are negligible. Calculate the flexible element stresses per RCB-8. Select a geometry for the flexible element per RCB-8.5. The sequence of calculations used by the software is: 1. other systems of units may be used for input and output since the program converts these to inches and pounds for its internal calculations.21 (user-defined). or tube-to-tubesheet joint loads. page 61). The formulas contained in the module are applicable based on the following assumptions: Applied loadings are axial. Per TEMA Eighth Edition. 3. Calculate the overall shell spring rate with all contributions from flexible shell elements per RCB-8. Calculate the flexibility factors per RCB-8. 4.22. (TEMA Figure RCB-8. (TEMA 8th Edition. 9. Calculate FAX for each condition as shown in Table RCB-8. Light gauge bellows type expansion joints within the scope of the Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA) are not included within the purview of this paragraph. The analysis contained within these paragraphs is based upon the equivalent geometry used in Expansion Joints for Heat Exchangers by S. 5. the formulas have been derived based upon the use of plate and shell theory.SECTION 18 Thick Joints Home tab: Components > Add New Thick Joint Applies to fixed tubesheet exchangers. Determine the effective geometry constants per RCB-8. 7. 6. Flanged-only and flanged-and-flued types of expansion joints can be analyzed with this method. More than one analysis may be needed to evaluate the hydrotest and uncorroded conditions. 2. All dimensions are in inches. Kopp and M. This integration allows CodeCalc to automatically transfer the needed information between the tubesheet and the expansion joint calculation.4. Modify the geometry and rerun the program if necessary.21 and RCB-8. Both the input geometry and the equivalent geometry used for CodeCalc User's Guide 349 .F. Figure Thick Joint Module Geometry shows the geometry for the Thick Joints module. Paragraph RCB-8.3. Sayre. ...................... as per APP-5 in ASME code Sec... 351 Shell Tab (Thick Joints) ......................... 352 Miscellaneous Tab (Thick Joints) ... 356 350 CodeCalc User's Guide .Thick Joints the analysis are shown............ The discussion of input data below uses the nomenclature shown on this figure........................................... 1......................... Figure 69: Thick Joint Module Geometry Figure 70: Flanged Only Expansion Joint In This Section Expansion Joint Tab (Thick Joints) ........................................................ The stresses computed from the TEMA standard are compared to their respective allowables.... VIII Div................ 353 Results (Thick Joints) .. The cycle life is also computed to address the fatigue consideration........................... Enter the ID number of the item. CodeCalc User's Guide 351 . This value will be subtracted from the minimum thickness of the flange or web for the joint. but the inside diameter at the outside of the bellows. This value is shown as te in the following illustration. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp inside corner. The software will automatically update materials properties for built-in materials when you change the design temperature. If you entered the allowable stresses by hand.Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the beginning of the knuckle for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle. after forming.Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle.Enter the outside diameter of the expansion joint bellows. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp outside corner (flanged only). This value is shown as OD in the following illustration. Expansion Joint Outside Knuckle Radius . This value is shown as rb in the following illustration. Expansion Joint Corrosion Allowance .Enter the temperature associated with the internal design pressure.Thick Joints Expansion Joint Tab (Thick Joints) Item Number .Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. This may be the item number on the drawing. Expansion Joint Inside Diameter . you are responsible to update them for the given temperature. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.Enter the minimum thickness of the flange or web of the expansion joint. This value is shown ID in the following illustration. In both cases this distance is frequently zero. but the outside diameter at the outside of the bellows. This is not the diameter at the shell.Enter the corrosion allowance for the expansion joint. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. This value is shown as fb in the following illustration. An expansion joint with a outside radius but no outside cylinder. this distance is the distance from the end of the knuckle to the symmetrical centerline of the joint. Note that this is not the diameter at the shell.Enter the inside diameter of the expansion joint bellows. Expansion Joint Flange Wall Thickness . Expansion Joint Outside Diameter . Enter the distance from the outer cylinder to the intersection of the expansion joint web and the outer diameter for joints with a square outside corner. This value is shown ra on the following illustration. Description . This will usually be somewhat thinner than the unformed metal. Design Temperature . Figure 71: Thick Joint Module Geometry Expansion Joint Outside Knuckle Offset . Expansion Joint Inside Knuckle Offset .Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an inside knuckle. Shell Corrosion Allowance .Enter the inside diameter of the shell at the point where the expansion joint is attached. lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except. lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. Shell Wall Thickness . If no cylinder is used. 352 CodeCalc User's Guide .0625 . This value is shown as li in the illustration.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Thick Joints Expansion Joint Outside Knuckle Radius . Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results. as shown in the following illustration: Shell Tab (Thick Joints) Shell Inside Diameter .Enter the knuckle radius for an expansion joint with an outside knuckle.1/16" 0. since the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if less than the cylinder length.1/4" Shell Material . Some common corrosion allowances are: 0. where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them. This value is shown as rb in the following illustration.1/8" 0. Enter zero for an expansion joint with a sharp outside corner (flanged only).Enter the number of flexible shell elements in the flanged/flued expansion joint.2500 . Number of Flexible Shell Elements (1 Convolution = 2 Fse) . Per TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21. This value is shown as G in the illustration.Enter the corrosion allowance for the shell wall.1250 . This value is shown as ts in RCB-8-21 and in the illustration.Enter the length of the shell cylinder to the nearest body flange or head. lo and li shall be taken as zero.Enter the actual wall thickness of the shell at the point where the expansion joint is attached. Shell Cylinder Length . To modify material properties. Select the material that you want to use from the list. Alternatively. Miscellaneous Tab (Thick Joints) Is there an outer cylinder? .Check this field if there is a cylindrical section attached to the expansion joint at the OD. 3. or click Back to select a different material. This value will be used to look up the Young's modulus of the shell. The software displays the material properties. Click Select to use the material. as in the case of certain inlet nozzle geometries for heat exchangers. If you type in the name. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. This will always be true when you have an expansion joint with only a half convolute.Enter the actual wall thickness of the outer cylindrical element at the point where the expansion joint is attached. expansion joint and the outer cylinder. It may also be true when there is a relatively long cylindrical portion between two half convolutes. The software displays the Material Database dialog box. if present. 2. the mean metal temperature should be used to look up these Young's modulus values.Enter the shell mean metal temperature along its length. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Thick Joints 1. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). which displays read-only information about the selected material. As per TEMA technical inquiry #156 (8th edition). Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance . Mean Metal Temperature for Shell and Expansion Joint . CodeCalc User's Guide 353 .Enter the corrosion allowance for the outer cylindrical element. Outer Cylindrical Element Thickness . If no cylinder is used. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. Click Select to use the material. Outer Cylindrical Element Material .You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. If you type in the name. Tubeside Design Pressure . 1. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).You do not need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. Entering a very long length for this value will not disturb the results. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Alternatively. or to the centerline of the convolute. where two flexible shell elements are joined with a cylinder between them. This value is shown as lo in the following illustration: Figure 72: Thick Joint Module Geometry Per TEMA Paragraph RCB 8-21. 3.Thick Joints Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) . It is simply the design pressure for the channel. As of CodeCalc version 6. in both corroded and un-corroded conditions. 2. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.3 and PV Elite version 4.Enter the length of the outer cylinder to the nearest body flange or head. lo or li as applicable shall be taken as half the cylinder length. To modify material properties. lo and li are the lengths of the cylinders welded to the flexible shell elements except. 354 CodeCalc User's Guide . It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis. It is simply the design pressure for the shell.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Shellside Design Pressure . the TEMA tubesheet module calcuates the shellside prime design pressure.1.You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. Select the material that you want to use from the list. lo and li shall be taken as zero. Shellside Prime Design Pressure (from Tubesheet) (corr) . It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis. because the TEMA procedure automatically takes into account the decay length for shell stresses and uses this length if less than the cylinder length. which displays read-only information about the selected material. or click Back to select a different material. The software displays the material properties.You do not need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. Shellside Prime Design Pressure (from Tubesheet) . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Tubeside + Differential Expansion? .You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. Differential Expansion Pressure (from Tubesheet) .Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case.You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis of fixed tubesheet exchangers. Cycles . We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first. Tubeside Prime Design Pressure (from Tubesheet) (corr) . We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first. We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first. We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first.Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case.Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case. Shellside + Tubeside Pressure? . It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis. but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout. Differential Expansion? . Shellside + Tubeside + Differential Expansion? . This will be compared with the actual computed cycle life of the expansion joint. Desired Cycle Life. It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis of fixed tubesheet exchangers. but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout.Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case. We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first. but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout.Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case. but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout. but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout.Enter the number of desired pressure cycles for this exchanger. Shellside + Differential Expansion? . but you may wish to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout.You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. CodeCalc User's Guide 355 . Shellside Pressure? .Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case. It is listed in the output from the TEMA tubesheet analysis.Thick Joints Tubeside Prime Design Pressure (from Tubesheet) . but you may want to eliminate some cases that are not controlling from the final printout. We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first. Tubeside Pressure? . Differential Expansion Pressure (from Tubesheet) (corr) . We recommend that you analyze all the cases at first.Check this field if you want to run an analysis for this case.You need to run the CodeCalc Tubesheet module program to get this value. Appendix 5.0.17 For carbon and low alloy steels.0)/(( 15*Kg*Sn)/Eb . Division 1. Cycle Life The cycle life of the joint is analyzed using the rules in the ASME Code. welded corners and fillet welds. Section VIII. The program uses a Kg of 1.2*Kg*Sn)/Eb . which can be used in the TUBESHEET module or elsewhere to determine the effect of the joint on the heat exchanger design. weld geometries. Division 1.0 for curved areas of the inner and outer torus (or sharp corners). Instead it calculates the spring constant for the joint.0 when the knuckle radius is greater than three times the expansion joint thickness.5 for flat sections (the annular ring or cylinders) and 3. Thus the software only prints the allowable membrane plus bending stress for the case of shellside pressure. the equation for cycle life is: N < [(2. Section VIII. Sn = The maximum combined meridional membrane and bending stress range in a flexible element due to the cyclic components of pressure and deflection.011 )]^2.2)/(( 14. S is the basic allowable stress for the expansion joint material at operating temperature. The range of Kg is 1. Note. that this stress limit applies only to the stresses due to pressure . where K is 1. Eb = The modulus of elasticity at design temperature.0 <= Kg <= 4. For Series 3xx stainless steels. and high alloy steels. nickel-iron chromium alloys and nickel-copper alloys. the stresses in the joint. According to ASME. Spring Constant The software does not calculate the deflection of the joint. and other surface conditions. however. The software determines both the modulus of elasticity and the material type from the user-defined name of the external pressure chart.0 with its minimum value for smooth geometrical shapes and its maximum for 90 deg. and the cycle life for the joint.17 Where: Kg = The fatigue strength reduction factor which accounts for the geometrical stress concentration factors due to local thickness variations. nickel-chromium iron alloys. the equation for cycle life is as follows: N < [(2.0.stresses due to deflection are limited by fatigue considerations rather than stress allowables. Series 4xx stainless steels. These are discussed below. 356 CodeCalc User's Guide . Stresses The software calculates the combined meridional bending and membrane stresses in the expansion joint and the attached cylinders. Appendix CC.03 )]^2.Thick Joints Results (Thick Joints) The three most significant results for the THICK JOINT analysis are the spring constant for the joint. this stress should be limited to KS. Section VIII. The module is based on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In addition to the thickness calculations. and 4. Although there are no charts for nominal pipe sizes 2. Additionally. Addenda 2011a Edition. The analysis of rectangular or square jacketed geometries is not supported. the half-pipe jacket thickness is calculated. based on the shell and jacket thicknesses. nominal pipe sizes greater than 4 or less than 2 will not be accepted in the input. 3. 2010. Division 1. Actual thickness values and corrosion allowances are entered. the half-pipe jacket analysis performed is only valid for the cylindrical geometries shown in Figure EE-4. It is important to note the limitations of Half-Pipes. the module is based on the rules in Paragraph EE-1. The second limitation on the Half-Pipes module is the acceptable nominal pipe sizes. an appropriate fillet weld size is calculated. if the half-pipe is a nonstandard pipe size or has a formed radius. These are the only two geometries addressed by paragraph EE-1. Appendix EE only includes charts for nominal pipe sizes 2. the Half-Pipes module accepts these sizes and perform iterations between the given charts. the actual radius is used in the calculations. and the software adjusts thicknesses and diameters when making calculations for the corroded condition. Finally. Half-Pipes first performs shell thickness calculations based on both the internal pressure and the externally applied half-pipe jacket pressure. Therefore. CodeCalc User's Guide 357 .SECTION 19 Half Pipes Home tab: Components > Add New Half Pipe Performs required thickness and maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) calculations for cylindrical shells with half-pipe jackets attached. First. the jacket MAWP is computed for both the input shell thickness and the required shell thickness.5. Specifically. Appendix EE. Half-Pipes takes full account of corrosion allowance.5 and 3. After the required thickness of the shell is determined. .............1/4" 358 CodeCalc User's Guide ....1/16" 0. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes....... This may be the item number on the drawing.. Shell Material ..... This analysis is only valid for cylindrical shells....... This entry is optional.. The software will automatically update material properties for built-in materials when you change the design temperature...Half Pipes In This Section Shell Tab (Half Pipes) . Shell Inside Diameter .. The value entered should be the un-corroded dimension of the inside diameter.. for example.. Click Select to use the material..... This value is used as an initial check on the required thickness of the shell.. If you entered the allowable stresses manually... which displays read-only information about the selected material. spherical..Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.. 360 Shell Tab (Half Pipes) Item Number ... This thickness value is tested to see if it can withstand both the internal shell pressure and the externally applied jacket pressure......... or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially Description . Alternatively.. Shell Thickness ...... or conical heads will produce erroneous results..........0625 .. If you type in the name......... you are responsible for updating them for the given temperature........ To modify material properties....Enter the inside diameter of the shell or head.2500 . 1...... 2.. 3.... you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials... inputting inside diameter values for torispherical. 14....Enter the corrosion allowance... elliptical..........1/8" 0.. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name......... The software displays the material properties...Enter the thickness of the shell used to withstand the internal pressure...... Shell Corrosion Allowance ....... 358 Jacket Tab (Half Pipes) .................. The value entered should be a positive value.....7 psiag. Shell Design Temperature .Enter the temperature associated with the internal design pressure.... therefore..1250 ..... Select the material that you want to use from the list... Shell Internal Pressures .. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box... The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter. 359 Discussion of Results ........ Some common corrosion allowances are: 0... or click Back to select a different material..Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item.Enter the shell section ID number.............Enter the internal design pressure used in the vessel analysis... Joint Efficiency . without having this value further adjusted. This allows you to include their own mill tolerance in their input value. The software-selected pipe schedules include a standard mill tolerance of 0. The Pipe Click Selection Dialog Box displays read-only information about the selected material.Enter the nominal pipe size of the half-pipe jacket. enter a minimal value for jacket thickness. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385).Half Pipes Shell Long. Jacket Material . Div. English Input NPS 2. Minimum Thickness of Half-Pipe Jacket -. you are responsible for updating them for the given temperature. This tolerance is not. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Jacket Tab (Half Pipes) Nominal Pipe Size of Half-Pipe Jacket . 2. if the software is used for design purposes. If working in SI units. The pipe size entered must lie within the range of values supported in ASME Section VIII. The software automatically updates material properties for built-in materials when you change the design temperature. The software displays the material properties.08 cm 6. CodeCalc User's Guide 359 .7 psg. 1.5%).Enter the thickness of the jacket used to withstand the internal pressure.Enter the internal design pressure used in the half-pipe jacket analysis. if working with a NPS 50 pipe. Appendix EE. such as 14.16 cm Inside Radius of Formed Half-Pipe Jacket (r) . 1. Jacket Design Temperature .Enter the efficiency of the welded joint for shell sections with welded seams.89 cm 10.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. Jacket Design Pressure . The software determines an appropriate pipe schedule through iteration. 1.5 in 4. If the thickness value of the jacket is not adequate to withstand the internal pressure. Div. This value is used to determine the required thickness of both the shell and the jacket. The following table lists the accepted values for the NPS.Enter the radius of the formed half-pipe.Enter the temperature associated with the internal jacket pressure. the proper conversion values must be entered.0 in 3. Therefore. Refer to Section VIII. which displays read-only information about the selected material.0 in 2. to open the Pipe Selection Dialog Box and select the appropriate material.62 cm 8. The value entered should be a positive value. Table UW-12 for help in determining this value. For example. the corresponding SI value of 5. Select the material that you want to use from the list.875 (a reduction of 12. The supported sizes range between NPS 2 inch and NPS 4 inch. This value is used rather than the standard nominal pipe sizes. an acceptable thickness will be determined. If you entered the allowable stresses manually.0 in NPS 50 65 80 90 100 SI 5.08 cm must be entered. however.5 in 3. be included in the user input value of thickness.35 cm 7. This is the efficiency of the longitudinal seam in the cylindrical shell. Half-Pipe Jacket Thickness Calculations The input jacket thickness is tested to see if it is adequate to withstand the internal pressure of the jacket. for nominal pipe size 2. After the required thickness due to inside pressure is determined. If you type in the name. Using the longitudinal stress and the previously determined K-factor. As in previous calculations. the required thickness due to the external pressure (jacket pressure) is determined and displayed. This value is obtained through the pressure calculations discussed in the next section.5 or 3. To modify material properties.1/16" 0. If the input thickness is not adequate. As stated previously. 360 CodeCalc User's Guide . Paragraph EE-1. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. the permissible jacket pressure is determined using Equation 1. This value of required thickness is calculated using Equation 1 from Paragraph UG-27 of the ASME Code. Some common corrosion allowances are: 0. Pressure Calculations for Input Shell Thickness The calculations displayed in this section of the output are the external (jacket) pressure calculations. the output will display the two charts from which the iteration was performed. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. This calculation accounts for the corrosion allowance by using a corroded value of the shell inside radius. Click Select to use the material. When this is the case. The corroded value of thickness is used in this calculation.5 an iteration is performed between the charts to obtain the K-factor. as well as the corroded value of the shell thickness.0625 .1250 . The first step in the pressure calculations is to determine the K-factor from the appropriate chart. the software iterates for an appropriate pipe thickness.1/4" Discussion of Results Shell Thickness Calculations The first calculation Half Pipes performs is the required thickness of the shell due to the internal pressure. Because the exterior of the shell wall is also used as the internal half-pipe jacket wall. Appendix EE. Both the calculation and the result are displayed in this section of the output.2500 . The iteration begins with Schedule 5S pipe and continues on until an acceptable schedule is found. Appendix EE. The next step in the external pressure calculations is to determine the longitudinal stress. The chart is selected based on the nominal pipe size of the jacket and the K-factor. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials.Enter the corrosion allowance. The calculation is based on Equation 2.Half Pipes 3. Alternatively.1/8" 0. the corrosion allowance of the shell and the corrosion allowance of the jacket must be accounted for. Jacket Corrosion Allowance . The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter. which is a factor of the shell inside diameter and the shell thickness. The permissible jacket pressure is considered the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for the input shell thickness. or click Back to select a different material. Paragraph EE-1. the corrosion allowance is included in the thickness calculation. and it is compared to the input jacket design pressure. performed using the input value of shell thickness. Both the chart and K-factor are displayed in the output. CodeCalc User's Guide 361 . however. The echo of the input thickness is displayed along with the results of the two required thickness calculations. Finally. Summary of Results The first values displayed in the summary section are the shell thickness values.875). Additionally. The output report indicates which of the two thicknesses that the calculation was based upon. The next three displayed values are the jacket pressure results. "The fillet weld attaching the half-pipe jacket to the vessel shall have a throat thickness not less than the smaller of the jacket or shell thickness. both the selected pipe schedule and the adjusted thickness are displayed in the output. the minimum fillet weld size is shown. the thickness selected by the program is displayed. if the input thickness is not adequate.Half Pipes The software-selected pipe schedule is adjusted by a standard mill tolerance value (0. The input design pressure is shown along with the MAWP for both the input thickness and the required thickness. multiplies by a weld factor (1. does not use the mill tolerance adjustment. The user input value of thickness. and uses this value as the minimum fillet weld size. The next displayed values are those of the half-pipe jacket thickness. The input thickness is shown along with the required thickness." Therefore. In the event that the input thickness is not adequate. The comparison of these results provides a quick check of whether the thickness of the shell is governed by the internal or external pressure. the software selects the smaller of the two thicknesses.414). Minimum Fillet Weld Size Calculations As mentioned in Paragraph EE-1. Half Pipes 362 CodeCalc User's Guide . CodeCalc User's Guide 363 . see Nozzles (on page 87). For more information on flat head analysis. This analysis module is based on the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1. Geometries with or without an attached nozzle may be analyzed. Appendix 2 and Appendix 14.SECTION 20 Large Openings Home tab: Components > Add New Large Opening Calculates three different kinds of stresses acting on flat heads that have a large centrally located opening or nozzle whose inside diameter is greater than 1/2 of the outside diameter of the flat head. ... Sr*. The radial flange.... If any stress is greater than it's allowable. Two sets of stresses are calculated: one for the head/shell juncture........... tangential.. If all of the calculated stresses are below the allowable stresses................Large Openings The first step in this process is to analyze the flange as a flat head and determine the total moment acting on the flange for the operating case. and the second for the opening head juncture.. 365 Shell/Nozzle Tab (Large Openings) ... tangential flange and longitudinal hub stresses are computed in accordance with Appendix 2..... Since there is no gasket. the geometry is considered satisfactory........ These three stresses........... Sh* and some geometry constants are used to determine the actual radial....... St*... Figure 73: Attached Nozzle Geometry Figure 74: Geometry for an Opening without an Attached Nozzle In This Section Opening Tab (Large Openings) ...... the geometry must be reconsidered..... the gasket seating case is neglected........ 366 364 CodeCalc User's Guide .................. and longitudinal hub stresses. Enter the inside diameter (Bn) of the opening.Enter the design internal pressure for the flange. The software displays the material properties. Integral Flat Head Thickness . To modify material properties. If you type in the name. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. Appendix 14 states that the opening should be centrally located in the flat head. This may be the item number on the drawing.Large Openings Opening Tab (Large Openings) Specifies parameters for analysis of a large nozzle opening. Flat Head Outside Diameter . Click Select to use the material. Description . or click Back to select a different material. Item Number .Enter dimension A as it appears in Appendix 14. 2. This value is used to look up the stress values for the material you have chosen from the material tables. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). It is normally the shell outside diameter Flange and Nozzle Material . Design Pressure . go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. 3. 1. The pressure is used to compute the forces that act on the inside of the flange.Enter the design temperature for the flange. which displays read-only information about the selected material. do not use this module to analyze the opening. Note that only positive (internal) pressures are considered. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. If your opening does not meet these criteria. Select the material that you want to use from the list. One such example would be the hydrostatic end force.Enter the ID number of the item.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. The diameter of the opening should also be greater than 1/2 of the flange outside diameter. Alternatively. CodeCalc User's Guide 365 . Opening Inside Diameter (Bn) .Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item. If there is no nozzle attached. The dimension will usually be the nozzle neck thickness. See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363).0. See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363). See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363). This value is h (nozzle) in the ASME Code. This value is g1 in the ASME Code. This value is g1 (nozzle) in the ASME Code. Nozzle Side Hub Length (hn) . This is typically the leg dimension of the weld which attaches the flat head to the shell.0. Small End (g0n) . See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363). Nozzle Side Hub Thickness. Shell Side Hub Length (hs) . Some common corrosion allowances are: 0.Enter the thickness of the small end of the hub inside the shell. enter the thickness of the large end of the hub. This value is h (shell) in the ASME Code.Enter the length of the hub on the shell side of the flange. 366 CodeCalc User's Guide .If there is a nozzle attached to the flat head. Corrosion Allowance . The hub length and other hub dimensions g1 and g0 are used to determine the flange stress factors from Appendix 2. enter 0.If there is a nozzle attached to the flat head.2500 1/16" 1/8" 1/4" Nozzle Side Hub Thickness. If there is no nozzle attached. enter the thickness of the small end of the hub. See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363). enter 0. Large End (g1n) . Small End (g0s) .If there is a nozzle attached to the flat head. The software corrects all dimensions such as the flange ID and all hub thicknesses for the effect of corrosion.0625 0. Large End (g1s) .1250 0. Shell Side Hub Thickness. The corrosion allowance cannot be greater than any of the entered shell hub or flange thickness dimensions. This value is g0 (nozzle) in the ASME Code. Shell Side Hub Thickness. The dimension is usually the weld leg dimension.Large Openings Shell/Nozzle Tab (Large Openings) Specifies parameters for the shell and nozzle at a flat head. then enter 0. See Figure A and Figure B in Large Openings (on page 363). If there is no nozzle attached.If your specification includes a corrosion allowance. enter it here. It is usually the length of the weld leg. The software uses this value to compute the shell inside diameter Bs. This value is g0 in the ASME code. The dimension is usually the weld leg dimension.0.Enter the thickness of the large end of the hub inside the shell. This is flagged as an error. enter the length of the hub. ..... 370 Loads Tab .............. Only round hollow nozzle geometries are computed................................. On the Tools tab... select Configuration..................... Cylinder on sphere attachments according to PD 5500 Annex G. Description ....... then click Summary on the Miscellaneous tab. 372 WRC 297 Tab Item Number .... the program automatically converts loads into the coordinate systems used by each method............... it may be useful to produce only a summary of results........Enter an alpha-numeric description for the item........... Solid attachments on either a cylinder or a sphere.... This may be the item number on the drawing... or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially...... The software computes stresses in cylindrical or spherical vessels with or without reinforcing pads........Enter the ID number of the item....... This factor is multiplied by the allowable stress f to obtain maximum allowable stress for the membrane stress CodeCalc User's Guide 367 .................SECTION 21 WRC 297/Annex G Home tab: Components > Add New WRC 297 Calculates local stresses on: Cylinder to cylinder attachments according to Welding Research Council bulletin number 297 or PD 5500.................... In This Section WRC 297 Tab ............... Because this method produces extensive output....... Typically.Enter the allowable stress intensity factor for combined membrane and bending stress at the attachment edge................. stress intensities can be compared with the yield stress of the material at operating temperature... When PD5500 Annex G? is selected or cleared...... PD5500 Annex G? .................. WRC 297/Annex G calculates stress intensities in the nozzle and vessel wall at the junction of the intersection on the upper and lower surface at eight different points......... However.......................... according to PD 5500 Annex G... Annex G. you can modify values such as: Stress concentration factor at the attachment edge Stress concentration factor at the pad edge Nozzle projection Factor for Membrane + Bending (Attachment Edge) .... This option affects all generated reports in the file..Select to perform analysis according to British Standard Published Document 5500 Annex G instead of Welding Research Council Bulletin 297. 367 Vessel Tab ... With PD5500 Annex G? selected...................... This entry is optional but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes.......... 369 Nozzle / Attachment Tab ........ you should read the WRC 297 bulletin carefully for further clarification and evaluation of stress results... The example in Annex W does not compute the membrane stress at the attachment edge. enter that length. You must check the membrane stress before entering a value for Vessel Wall Thickness. this factor is normally 2.2. 28 and 29 in the printout samples in PD 5500 Annex G. For vessels without stiffeners or cones. If you would like to check the membrane stress at the attachment edge.If the nozzle has a projection inside of the vessel. The example in Annex W does not compute the membrane stress at the attachment edge. The software uses the smaller of the inside projection and the thickness limit with no pad to calculate the area available in the inward nozzle. You can safely enter a large number such as six or twelve inches if the nozzle continues into the vessel a long distance. You must check the membrane stress before entering a value for Vessel Wall Thickness. the membrane stress at the attachment edge contains intensified stresses due to the presence of the hole. You must check the membrane stress before entering a value for Vessel Wall Thickness. This factor is multiplied by the allowable stress f to obtain maximum allowable stress for the membrane. Nozzle Inside Projection . this factor normally has a value higher than Factor for Membrane (Pad Edge). At the attachment edge (nozzle neck). Factor for Membrane (Attachment Edge) . This value is used to determine the pressure stress intensification factor from the Cers/eps graphs in Section 3 of the BS-5500 Code. At the edge of the reinforcement pad. the membrane stress at the attachment edge contains intensified stresses due to the presence of the hole.25. All of the curves for protruding and flush nozzles are included for analysis.Enter the length of the vessel on which the nozzle lies.Enter the allowable stress intensity factor for the membrane at the pad edge. This 368 CodeCalc User's Guide . 28 and 29 in the printout samples in PD 5500 Annex G. This factor is multiplied by the allowable stress f to obtain maximum allowable stress for the membrane.0. see Print the Membrane Stress? and Factor for Membrane (Attachment Edge). The example in Annex W does not compute the membrane stress at the attachment edge.Select to compute membrane stress at the attachment edge and enter the allowable stress intensity factor for it.WRC 297/Annex G plus bending stress. this factor normally has a maximum value of 2. This value is only available when Print the Membrane Stress? is selected. Factor for Membrane + Bending (Pad Edge) . This factor is multiplied by the allowable stress f to obtain an maximum allowable stress for the membrane stress plus bending stress. These stresses are in rows 27. At the attachment edge. According to Annex G. At the edge of the pad. These stresses are in rows 32.Enter the allowable stress intensity factor for combined membrane and bending stress at the pad edge.Enter the allowable stress intensity factor for the membrane at the attachment edge. the membrane stress at the attachment edge contains intensified stresses due to the presence of the hole. According to Annex G. 33 and 34 in the printout samples in PD 5500 Annex W. These stresses are in rows 27. According to Annex G. 33 and 34 in the printout samples in PD 5500 Annex W. Stiffened Length of Vessel Section . These stresses are in rows 32. Factor for Membrane (Pad Edge) . use the entire vessel length including the heads. Also enter a value for Factor for Membrane. this factor normally has a maximum value of 1. Print the Membrane Stress? . in the displayed units.1/8" 0. If the temperature is changed.1250 . Corrosion Allowance .Select the type of diameter to use for the pressure vessel. if the mill tolerance is 12. The temperature is used to determine the allowable stress of the material from the material database.5%. Is this Attachment on a Sphere? . If you enter this data manually.WRC 297/Annex G value is used along with Offset from Left Tangent Line to compute the equivalent length for off-center loading. For example.Enter the operating temperature of the vessel. This thickness is measured at the intersection of the nozzle and the vessel. Use a design pressure applicable to the following pressure stress equations: Longitudinal Stress = Pressure * Inside Radius2/(Outside Radius2 .Enter the diameter of the pressure vessel.0625 . The diameter should be consistent with the selection in Diameter Basis for Vessel.Inside Radius2) Hoop Stress = 2. Design Pressure . in the displayed units.Enter the design pressure of the pressure vessel. the same longitudinal stress equation is used for membrane stress due to internal pressure. Vessel Diameter Basis .875 The software modifies this value if a value for Vessel Corrosion Allowance is defined. Wall Thickness . Vessel Tab Specifies pressure vessel parameters for WRC 297 analysis.Enter the thickness of the pressure vessel wall. For a spherical vessel. in the displayed units.0 * Longitudinal Stress The design pressure is used to calculate membrane stresses on the nozzle and vessel wall and axial pressure thrust. type: <vessel wall thickness value> * 0.Enter in the distance between the centerline of the nozzles and the left tangent line or appropriate line of support.Enter the corrosion allowance.2500 . This value is used in conjunction with Stiffened Length of Vessel Section to compute the equivalent length for off-center loading. The software accesses the Annex G curves used to calculate factors for nozzles connected to spheres. The software adjusts the actual thickness and the inside diameter for the corrosion allowance you enter.1/16" 0. You can type the wall thickness as an equation to account for mill tolerance. Vessel Diameter . enter the spherical diameter. This is especially important for nozzles located in elliptical heads. Vessel Wall Thickness. Offset from Left Tangent Line . Some common corrosion allowances are: 0. the allowable stress of the material at operating temperature changes accordingly.Select if the nozzle is located within the spherical portion of an elliptical or torispherical head or is in a spherical head. The software uses Diameter Basis for Vessel. and Vessel Corrosion Allowance to determine the mean radius. Select ID for the inside diameter and OD for the outside diameter. Design Temperature .1/4" CodeCalc User's Guide 369 . Select the type of diameter to use for the nozzle. 370 CodeCalc User's Guide . Peak stresses are considered in fatigue analysis. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Import Nozzle Data . Nozzle Diameter . in the displayed units. For WRC 297 analysis. typically between 1 and 3. Select ID for the inside diameter. Nozzle / Attachment Tab Specifies nozzle or other attachment parameters for WRC 297 analysis.5% mill tolerance. Click to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Applies to the stress calculations in the vessel and the nozzle on both the inside and the outside of the vessel.Enter a value.Enter the diameter of the nozzle.Click to bring in data from Shells and Heads to use. Select OD for the outside diameter. in the displayed units.Enter the thickness of the nozzle wall at the shell-to-nozzle junction. and the appropriate data will be brought in from that shell for use in the analysis. Square. which displays read-only information about the selected material. see Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385) and Material Properties Dialog Box (on page 422). Include any allowances for mill tolerance. for stress concentration due to weld quality and dimensions in the immediate vicinity of the weld. for a 12. Alternatively.Click to import nozzle data from a PVElite .WRC 297/Annex G Vessel Material .875 and enter that value. Select the material that you want to use from the list. select Round. Attachment Type . multiply the nozzle wall thickness by 0.local stress risers in the immediate vicinity of vessel welds due to factors such as sharp corners and lack of fillet weld radii. 2. Click Select to use the material. For example. This value typically ranges from 0 to 1/4" depending on the service and design specifications.Select the type of attachment. Wall Thickness . Corrosion Allowance . 3. Is used in pressure stress calculations in the vessel on both the inside and outside of the vessel. To modify material properties.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. .pvi file. Select the shell you want Merge Shell/Head . Nozzle Diameter Basis . The diameter should be consistent with the selection in Diameter Basis for Nozzle. For more information on vessel material. or Rectangular. If you type in the name. For PD5500 Annex G analysis. 1. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name. The stress concentration factor: Accounts for peak stresses . This value is only available for ASME material when PD5500 Annex G? is not selected. or click Back to select a different material. The software displays the material properties. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. Stress Concentration Factor for Vessel . Round is the only option. The software displays the Material Database dialog box.Enter the corrosion allowance for the nozzle. the full length of the square or rectangular reinforcing pad in the longitudinal direction of the vessel. when PD5500 Annex G is not selected on the Vessel tab. This value is used when the software calculates stresses at the edge of the reinforcing pad. the attachment is converted to an equivalent round attachment with the following outside radius: ro = Sqrt(Cx * Cy) This value is only used when PD5500 Annex G is selected on the Vessel tab. the vessel thickness includes the pad thickness. This value is only available for ASME material when PD5500 Annex G? on the Vessel tab is not selected. At the junction of the attachment with the vessel. This value is only used for ASME analysis. This is analyzed in a consistent manner with the WRC 107 pad method. Diameter . the pad is converted to an equivalent round pad with the following outside radius: ro = Sqrt(Cxp * Cyp) This value is only used when PD5500 Annex G is selected on the Vessel tab. Peak stresses are considered in fatigue analysis. For example.Select when the nozzle has a pad. WRC 297 does not directly analyze the reinforcing pad.Select if the attachment makes a hole in the pressure vessel.Enter a value. a nozzle cuts a hole. enter Cy. Instead. At the junction of the attachment with the vessel. the full length of the attachment in the circumferential direction of the vessel.If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. the full length of the attachment in the longitudinal direction of the vessel. Not all attachments cut a hole. Attachment Cuts a Hole in Shell . the attachment is converted to an equivalent round attachment with the following outside radius: ro = Sqrt(Cx * Cy) This value is only used when PD5500 Annex G is selected on the Vessel tab. Full Length in Circumferential Direction 2*Cy .If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. typically between 1 and 3. At the junction of the attachment with the vessel.Enter the reinforcing pad diameter along the surface of the vessel.If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. The stress concentration factor: Accounts for peak stresses .If the attachment is square or rectangular instead of a nozzle. Full Length in Longitudinal Direction 2*Cxp .Enter the thickness of the reinforcing pad. Full Length in Longitudinal Direction 2*Cx .local stress risers in the immediate vicinity of vessel welds due to factors such as sharp corners and lack of fillet weld radii. Applies to the stress calculations in the vessel and the nozzle on both the inside and the outside of the vessel. CodeCalc User's Guide 371 . The software then applies a stress concentration factor. the full width of the square or rectangular reinforcing pad in the circumferential direction of the vessel. Full Length in Circumferential Direction 2*Cyp . Is not used in pressure stress calculations. The software performs stress calculations at the edge of the pad. Thickness . enter Cx. At the junction of the attachment with the vessel. for stress concentration due to weld quality and dimensions in the immediate vicinity of the weld. but a trunnion does not. Reinforcing Pad? .WRC 297/Annex G Stress Concentration Factor . the pad is converted to an equivalent round pad with the following outside radius: ro = Sqrt(Cxp * Cyp) This value is only used when PD5500 Annex G is selected on the Vessel tab. enter Cyp. enter Cxp. This option is only available for ASME material when PD5500 Annex G? on the Vessel tab is not selected. In WRC 107. In BS 5500. For more information on pressure thrust.7)? . positive loads try to "push" the nozzle while negative loads try to "pull" the nozzle.Enter the circumferential moment MC or M1.Enter the torsional moment MT. positive loads try to "pull" the nozzle while negative loads try to "push" the nozzle. Longitudinal Shear "VL" .Enter the axial load P that is trying to push the nozzle into the vessel or pull the nozzle out of the vessel. This option is only available for ASME material when PD5500 Annex G? on the Vessel tab is not selected. Division 2. 2 AD 560. A negative axial pressure thrust is subtracted from Torsional Moment (MT) .7 of ASME Code Section VIII.WRC 297/Annex G Loads Tab Specifies load parameters for WRC 297 analysis. Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below. Radial Load "P" .2.pdf.Select to add the force due to pressure times internal pipe area to the Axial Force "P". The software multiplies the pressure stress on the nozzle by a factor of 1. Circumferential Shear "VC" . Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below.coade. 372 CodeCalc User's Guide . see Add Axial Pressure Thrust?. Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below. These indices are not used in the calculation of the pressure stress on the nozzle. Circumferential Moment (MC) . For more information. Use Pressure Stress Indices (Div. see the July 2001 COADE Newsletter http://www. Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below. Longitudinal Moment (ML) .Enter the longitudinal shear load VL (for WRC 107) or FL (for BS 5500). Axial force does not include the effect of pressure thrust. Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below.Enter the longitudinal moment ML or M2. Include Pressure Thrust? .Select to multiply the nominal pressure stress by the stress indices of paragraph AD 560.Enter the circumferential shear load VC (for WRC 107) or FC (for BS 5500). This calculates the surface stress intensity. Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below. see Add Axial Pressure Thrust?. Axial force does not include the effect of pressure thrust. For more information. In BS 5500.WRC 297/Annex G Enter the axial load P that is trying to push the nozzle into the vessel or pull the nozzle out of the vessel. positive loads try to "push" the nozzle while negative loads try to "pull" the nozzle. In WRC 107. positive loads try to "pull" the nozzle while negative loads try to "push" the nozzle. CodeCalc User's Guide 373 . Enter this value according to the WRC 107 and BS 5500 conventions below. WRC 297/Annex G 374 CodeCalc User's Guide . ........... the user-defined values are echoed but the software uses values of 0................ The analysis of an Appendix Y flange is similar in many ways to the Appendix 2 evaluation........ This module conforms to the latest version of the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 Appendix Y.... For these types of flanges......... self-sealing o-ring gasket that sits in the recess of one of the flange faces... The actual stress evaluation...... the category is automatically determined......... 378 Gasket Tab . 2007 Edition... 376 Hubs/Bolts Tab ... This Appendix presumes these gaskets to be self-sealing (see the definition of Hg in the Code)........ If any other value is entered.. These flanges typically have a soft... the gasket ID is usually equal to the flange face ID and the gasket OD is usually equal to the flange face OD... The loads on the flanges are generated in a very similar manner to those in Appendix 2... This value is termed G and is a function of where the gasket sits on the flange face.0..... A category 1 flange is an integral flange...... the m and Y factors should both be 0... and the value of Y is the gasket design seating stress... The integral type must have the hub information specified. category 1........ Gasket and Gasket Factors One critical value the software computes is the diameter of the load reaction.. A category 3 flange is a loose type flange where no credit is taken for the strengthening effect of the hub........ unlike the types evaluated in Appendix 2..........0 for both............. In This Section Flange Tab .................. Based on user input (especially flange type and hub information)........ However......... or 3 flanges that form identical flange pairs.. A category 2 flange is a loose type flange with a hub where the hub strengthens the assembly... 2.. The value of m is the leak pressure ratio.......SECTION 22 Appendix Y Flanges Home tab: Components > Add New Appendix Y Flange Performs stress evaluations of Class 1............... these flanges have metal-to-metal contact outside the bolt circle.... is different....... 380 CodeCalc User's Guide 375 ... Thus.. The value of G is typically the average of the gasket inner and outer diameters............ Two other important factors are m and Y................................ however....... This software evaluates flanges with or without hubs... This module computes Class 1. The flange thickness is shown in the diagram below. but strongly encouraged for organizational and support purposes. Category 1. or numbers that start at 1 and increase sequentially. This can be the item number on the drawing. Description . To modify material properties. Design Pressure . Click Select to use the material. Alternatively. The software displays the material properties. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). Design Temperature . which displays read-only information about the selected material. 2.Appendix Y Flanges Flange Tab Item Number . Figure 75: Flange Diagram 376 CodeCalc User's Guide .Enter an alpha-numeric description for this item. This value will be used to look up the allowable stresses for the material at design temperature. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification. This entry is optional.Enter the design temperature for the flange. 2. Flange Thickness . Flange Material .Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code.Enter the specified design pressure (P). or 3 flanges. Integral flanges generally have hubs and act as an integral component with the shell to which there are attached.Enter an ID number for the item. 3. or click Back to select a different material.Enter the flange thickness. Type of Flange . 1. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Select the type of flange: Integral or Loose. Select the material that you want to use from the list. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. If you type in the name. Loose flanges typically do not have hubs and are attached by fillet welds. Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. T. Flange Inside Diameter .Appendix Y Flanges Corrosion Allowance . This is dimension A in the ASME Code. such as the flange ID and hub thicknesses. Values. not shown: Figure 76: Flange Diagram Flange Outside Diameter . will not be corroded since the contained fluid is not exposed to the flange thickness.Enter the specified corrosion allowance. which extends to the equivalent left side of the flange. This is dimension B in the following illustration. CodeCalc User's Guide 377 .Enter the outside diameter of the flange.Enter the inside diameter of the flange. will be corroded according to the flange type. the flange thickness. that for either type of flange (loose or integral). however. Note. For flange geometries without hubs. Select the material that you want to use from the list. 1.Specify the material name as it appears in the material specification of the appropriate code. but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. The corrosion allowance will be subtracted from this value (for integral types only). The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. This value is referred to as G1 in the ASME code. this is the thickness of the hub at the small end. When analyzing an optional type flange that is welded at the hub end. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket.Enter the outer diameter of the gasket.Enter the thickness of the large end of the hub. For weld neck flange types.Appendix Y Flanges Hubs/Bolts Tab Gasket Outer Diameter .Enter the hub length. which displays read-only information about the selected material. this thickness may be entered as zero. For flange geometries without hubs.Enter the thickness of the small end of the hub. to open the Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385). This value is refered to as H in the ASME code. and the thickness at the large end should include the thickness of the weld. 2. For flange geometries without hubs. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point. the hub length should be the leg of the weld. 378 CodeCalc User's Guide . Click The software displays the Material Database dialog box. Hub Thickness . Figure 77: Flange Diagram Hub Thickness . For slip on flange geometries. Bolt Material .Enter the inner diameter of the gasket. The corrosion allowance will be subtracted from this value (for integral types).Small End . Gasket Inner Diameter . this is the thickness of the shell at the end of the flange. It is permissible for the hub thickness at the large end to equal the hub thickness at the small end. this thickness may be entered as zero. This value is referred to as G0 in the ASME code.Large End . this length may be entered as zero. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. Hub Length . Enter the number of bolts to be used in the flange analysis. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. Click Select to use the material.If your bolted geometry uses bolts that are not the standard TEMA or UNC types.0. or click Back to select a different material. Number of Bolts . enter the nominal size in this field. Figure 78: Flange Diagram Nominal Bolt Diameter . you must enter the root area of a single bolt in this field. Diameter of Bolt Circle . This option is used only if bolt root area is greater than 0. Alternatively. To modify material properties. This is dimension C in the ASME Code. If you have bolts that are larger or smaller than this value. you can type the material name as it appears in the material specification.5 to 4. the software retrieves the first material it finds in the material database with a matching name.Enter the nominal bolt diameter.0 inches. The number of bolts is almost always a multiple of four. 3.Enter the diameter of the bolt circle of the flange. CodeCalc User's Guide 379 . enter the root area of one bolt in the Root Area cell.Appendix Y Flanges The software displays the material properties. If you type in the name. This value is used to determine the bolt space correction factor. The tables of bolt diameter included in the software range from 0. Bolt Root Area . Also. 00 10000 (69) 10000 (69) 2.00 0 0.6) 2.25 1600 (11) 3700 (26) 6500 (45) 400 (2.steels and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal. 1 code in App.50 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 2. jacketed. mineral fiber filled Carbon Steel Stainless Steel. please contact your gasket manufacturer. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Facing Column II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Gasket Material Self energizing types (O rings.25 3.00 2.4) 2. Seating Stress y. not filled Soft aluminum 0. and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal. As stated in the code. mineral fiber inserted or Corrugated metal.50 2.25 2.75 1.75 3.The values of m and y shown in the following table are listed in ASME Section VIII Div. other gasket types considered as self-sealing) Elastomers without fabric or high percent of mineral fiber Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A Shore Durometer or higher Mineral fiber with suitable binder for operating conditions 1/8 inch thick 1/16 inch thick 1/32 inch thick Elastomer with cotton fabric insertion Elastomer with mineral fiber fabric insertion (with or without wire reinforcment) 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply Vegetable Fiber Spiral-wound metal. For more accurate values of m and y.50 1. these are only suggested values.8) 2.50 1.00 0 200 (1.50 3. Monel. elastomer.50 2.75 3.00 3.75 3700 (26) 380 CodeCalc User's Guide .Appendix Y Flanges Gasket Tab Gasket Factor .75 2200 (15) 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 1100 (7. 2. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless . 75 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) II II II II 3. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Grooved metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Solid flat metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Ring Joint Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steel 3.00 6.75 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 8000 (55) 9000 (62) 9000 (62) II II II II II II 3.75 3.75 5.50 3.50 6.25 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 9000 (62) 10100 (70) II II II II II 4.75 3.75 3.25 3. jacketed.50 3.25 3.00 4.50 8800 (61) 13000 (90) 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I I I 5.50 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I CodeCalc User's Guide Facing Column 381 .25 3.50 3.50 6.00 6.50 3. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Gasket Material Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steel Flat metal.Appendix Y Flanges Seating Stress y.00 3.75 4. 25 2.00 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 382 CodeCalc User's Guide .75 3.50 1.00 3.75 3.50 3.steels and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal. Monel.25 3. mineral fiber filled Carbon Steel Stainless Steel. these are only suggested values.6) 2.00 2. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless . Seating Stress y.4) 2.Appendix Y Flanges Gasket Design and Seating Stress . 1 code in App.50 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 4500 (31) 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 2.75 3. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Facing Column II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Gasket Material Self energizing types (O rings. jacketed. 2.The values of m and y shown in the following table are listed in ASME Section VIII Div.8) 2.75 2200 (15) 2900 (20) 3700 (26) 1100 (7. and nickel-base alloys Corrugated metal.50 2.00 0 0. For more accurate values of m and y. elastomer.00 0 200 (1. As stated in the code.75 1.00 10000 (69) 10000 (69) 2.25 1600 (11) 3700 (26) 6500 (45) 400 (2. not filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass 0. mineral fiber inserted or Corrugated metal.50 1. please contact your gasket manufacturer.50 2. other gasket types considered as self-sealing) Elastomers without fabric or high percent of mineral fiber Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A Shore Durometer or higher Mineral fiber with suitable binder for operating conditions 1/8 inch thick 1/16 inch thick 1/32 inch thick Elastomer with cotton fabric insertion Elastomer with mineral fiber fabric insertion (with or without wire reinforcment) 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply Vegetable Fiber Spiral-wound metal. The software opens the Partition Gasket dialog box so that you can define the overall length and width of the gasket.This is the cumulative length of all the heat exchanger pass partition gaskets associated with this flange.50 8800 (61) 13000 (90) 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I I I 5.75 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 8000 (55) 9000 (62) 9000 (62) II II II II II II 3.00 4.If your exchanger geometry has a pass partition gasket. the external loads acting on the flange must be specified.75 3. there would be no external loads for these types of flanges.75 3.25 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) 9000 (62) 10100 (70) II II II II II 4.00 6.50 3. Length of Partition Gasket .Appendix Y Flanges Seating Stress y. the software displays a pop-up form in CodeCalc User's Guide Facing Column 383 .50 18000 (124) 21800 (150) 26000 (180) I I I Is There a Partition Gasket? .75 3. psi (MPa) Gasket Factor m Gasket Material Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steel Flat metal.25 3. mineral fiber filled Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Grooved metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% Chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Solid flat metal Soft aluminum Soft copper or brass Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Ring Joint Iron or soft steel Monel or 4-6% chrome Stainless steel 3.25 3.75 5500 (38) 6500 (45) 7600 (52) II II II 3. Specify External Loads? . jacketed. the software computes the effective seating width and the gasket loads contributed by the partition gasket. Width of Partition Gasket . When you check this field.In order to compute the equivalent pressure. Using these properties and the known width.50 6.75 5. if applicable.50 6. then check this field.50 3.50 3. Normally.50 3.00 6.Enter the width of the pass partition gasket.25 3.75 4. Enter the magnitude of the external axial force which acts on this flange. such as CAESAR II. This entry represents the node point in a stress analysis model from which the loads are obtained.Enter the node number of this flange. Axial Force . Node Number . Bending Moment . 384 CodeCalc User's Guide . Loading data of this nature typically comes from a stress analysis program.Appendix Y Flanges which you enter this loading data.Enter the magnitude of the external bending moment which acts on this flange. Node Number is an optional entry. SECTION 23 Material Dialog Boxes The Material Database and Material Properties dialog boxes are available in many commands throughout the software. Applicability. Smls. Select Material ..Click to go to the next matching material name available. Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1A (Ferrous Materials) . To modify material properties. Cond.. Desig. Material Search String . Below are examples of standard ASME material names. Material Database Dialog Box (on page 385) Material Properties Dialog Box (on page 422) Material Database Dialog Box Displays materials and material properties. Select the needed material. Plates and Bolting Stainless Steels SA-516 55 SA-516 60 SA-516 65 SA-516 70 SA-193 B7 SA-182-F1 SA-182 F1 SA-182 F11 SA-182 F12 SA-182 F22 SA-105 SA-36 SA-106 B SA-240 304 SA-240 304L SA-240 316 SA-240 316L SA-193 B8 Aluminum SB-209 SB-234 Titanium SB-265 1 SB-265 26H Nickel SB-409 SB-424 If you used old CodeCalc material names in previous CodeCalc versions. see the CodeCalc appendix for comparisons with ASME code names. Find Next Match . If using an older database. go to the Tools tab and select Edit/Add Materials. CodeCalc User's Guide 385 . Seamless.. and Wld.Click to use the selected material.Exit the dialog box without selecting a material.. these notes may not be correct or meaningful as they are periodically changed by ASME. Cancel . Welded. Designation. Condition.Enter part of the UNS # to search against.Customary (a) The following abbreviations are used: Applic. UNS # Search String .Material Database Notes These notes are valid for the 2010 edition of ASME Section II Part D.Enter part of the material name to search against.. 85 is included in values above 850F. heat treatment. Use of these stresses may results in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. The stress values in this range exceed 66 2/3 % but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time dependent properties (see notes T1 . To these stress values a casting quality factor as specified in PG-25 of Section I or UG-24 of Section VIII. Division 1 shall be applied. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials.85. the stress-rupture test is not required for design temperatures 800F and below. when applied to the yield strength values shown in table Y-1. Stress values for –20 to 100F are applicable for colder temperatures when toughness requirements of Section III or Section VIII are met. water wall. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. thermal ratcheting. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. (d) (e) (f) (h) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 386 CodeCalc User's Guide . Deleted Deleted For Section III applications. melting practice.60. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower values of permanent strain. stress values in restricted shear such as dowel bolts or similar construction in which the shearing member is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of area shall be 0. the carbide phase of carbon–molybdenum steel may be converted to graphite. Creep-fatigue. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800F. For Section VIII applications. A joint efficiency factor of 0. These stress values include a joint efficiency factor of 0. For Section VIII applications. and environmental effects are increasingly signiificant failure modes at temperatures in excess of 1500F and shall be considered in the design.T10 ) The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. These stress values include a joint efficiency factor of 0.60 times the values in the above Table. superheater. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors which. these stresses apply when used for boiler. stress values in bearing shall be 1. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 875F. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. For Section I applications. and economizer tubes that are enclosed within a setting.80 times the value in the above table. the carbide phase of carbon steel may be converted to graphite.Material Dialog Boxes (b) (c) The stress values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. and level of residual elements. 1.04% or higher on heat analysis. the completed vessel after final heat treatment shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with NB-2542 except that angle beam examination in both the circumferential and the axial directions. Statically and centrifugally cast products meeting the requirements of NC-2570 shall receive a casting quality factor of 1. See Table Y-1 for yield strength values as a function of thickness over this range. and cast pipe fittings. CS-2 may be used for the design using this material. and valves with inlet piping connections of 2 in. 0. d. and f.00. or 12 is not permitted. Although external pressure chart title is listed for SA-537. Material that conforms to Class 10.80. These stress values shall be used when the grain size is not determined or is determined to be finer than ASTM No. for both Class 2 and Class 3. 0.00. c. For Section III Class 3 applications. Other casting quality factors shall be in accordance with the following: a. nominal pipe size and less. b. use Class 1 curves for this specification.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values in tension for this material. For Section III Class 3 applications. Fig. these S values do not include a casting quality factor. G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 CodeCalc User's Guide 387 . For Section III applications. for magnetic particle examination 0. use is limited to stays as defined in PG-13 except as permitted by PG-11. for radiography. e. for visual examination. 6 or coarser.85. for liquid penetrant examination. For Section I applications. 6. pumps. statically and centrifugally cast products meeting the requirements of NC-2571(a) and (b). use of external pressure charts for material in the form of barstock is permitted for stiffening rings only.00. 1. Divide tabulated values by 0. shall receive a casting quality factor of 1. use Class 2 curves for this specification. 11. For external pressure chart listing. For Section I applications. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0. Allowable stresses are independent of yield strength in this thickness range.85 for maximum allowable longitudinal tensile stress. For temperatures above the maximum temperature shown on the external pressure chart for this material. These stress values at 1050F and above shall be used only when the grain size is ASTM No. use Class 1 curve. Although external pressure chart title is listed for SA-537.00.00.Material Dialog Boxes G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 At temperatures above 1000F. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted. A factor of 0.85. for ultrasonic examination. for magnetic particle or liquid penetrant plus ultrasonic examination or radiography. 1. For P-No. see 6-340 and 6-360. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. For temperatures above 1000F. if heat treatment is performed after forming or fabrication. For Section III applications.D. and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. but not lower than 1900F. stress values at temperatures of 850F and above are permissible but. For Section I applications. these stress values are based on expected minimum values of 45. These stresses are based on weld metal properties. 1 materials.000 psi tensile strength and yield strength of 20. O. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. except for tubular products 3 in. For Section VIII applications. G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 S1 S2 388 CodeCalc User's Guide . lower stress values may be necessary as determined from the flexibility of the flange and bolts and corresponding relaxation properties.D. use is limited to PEB-5. except for tubular products 3 in. See PG-5. these stress values may be used only if the material is solution treated by heating to the minimum temperature specified in the material specification. DELETED DELETED For Section III applications. group No. see Appendix 6. it shall be performed at 1500–1850F for a period of time not to exceed 10 min at temperature. these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 2000F. UG-85 does not apply.Material Dialog Boxes G28 G29 Supplementary Requirement S15 of SA-781.5 for cautionary note.000 psi resulting from loss of strength due to thermal treatment required for the glass coating operation. These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. followed by rapid cooling. 10K. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement after service at moderately elevated temperature. For bolted joints where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required. stress values at temperatures of 900F and above are permissible but.3. exposure to temperatures in the range of 1100F to 1700ºF for relatively short periods of time may result in severe loss of ductility due to sigma formation. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. Alternate Tension Test Coupons and Specimen Locations for Castings. For temperatures above 1000F. O.1 materials. For Section I applications. see table UHA-32 for P-No. For Section I. Material shall be solution annealed at 2010F to 2140F. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. is mandatory. and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. For Section VIII applications involving consideration of heat treatment after forming or welding. 10H Gr. followed by a rapid cooling in water or air. impact testing in accordance with the requirements of NC-2300 is required for Class 2 components and in accordance with ND-2300 for Class 3 components. Welded. The maximum section thickness shall not exceed 3 in. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 950ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The maximum pipe size shall be NPS 4 (Dn 100) and the maximum thickness in any pipe size shall be Schedule 80.Material Dialog Boxes S3 For Section I applications. stress values at temperatures of 1150F and above are permissible but. except for tubular products 3 in. 11. or 5 in. and schedule 140 and heavier. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1100ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The maximum thickness of unheat-treated forgings shall not exceed 3-3/4 in. O. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 900ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Material that conforms to Class 10. or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 1-1/4 in. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 700ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1000ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. For Section I applications. Not for welded construction. or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 3/4 in. except for tubular products 3 in. Both NPS 8 and larger. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1050ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Not for welded construction in Section III. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. 11. Material that conforms to Class 10. stress values at temperatures of 1000F and above are permissible but. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 850ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The maximum thickness as-heat-treated may be 4 in. S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 W1 W2 W3 CodeCalc User's Guide 389 . O. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. for quenched-and-tempered forgings.D. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 750ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 800ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. for double-normalized-and-tempered forgings.D. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1150ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. For Section III applications. with the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced tension test less than 100 ksi but not less than 95 ksi. For welds made with filler metal. QW-406. and QW-409. ultrasonic examination. with radiography. 43. for single butt weld. d. These S values do not include a longitudinal weld efficiency factor. QW-250 Variables QW-404. 40. and economizer tubes that are enclosed within the setting. For Section I applications. 13.05%.80. 50. shall provide a longitudinal weld efficiency factor of 1. waterwall. 20. provided the following additional restrictions and requirements are met: a. in accordance with NC-2550. The tubing shall be used for boiler. 0. with filler metal. Material test reports shall be supplied. with filler metal.00 is used in accordance with Note W12. for pressure retaining welds in 2-1/4Cr–1Mo materials. for double butt weld. electric resistance and autogenous welded tubing may be used with these stresses. e. For Section III applications. Other long. material that conforms to Class 10. For Section VIII applications. check UW-12 of Section VIII Division 1. QW-407.5 in. c. weld efficiency factors shall be in accordance with the following: a.05%.90.00. b. or welded if the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced section tension test is not less than 100 ksi.3. The maximum outside diameter shell be 3. W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 390 CodeCalc User's Guide . the weld metal shall have a carbon content greater than 0. the weld metal has a carbon content of greater than shall also apply to this material.85. d.Material Dialog Boxes W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Nonwelded. For Section I applications. For Section VIII Division 1 applications using welds made without filler metal. c. These S values do not include a weld factor. b. superheater. 30. 0. These variables shall be applied in accordance with the rules for welding of Part UF. Section IX.35% by heat analysis. radiographic examination. for single or double butt weld. other than circumferential butt welds less than or equal to 3-1/2 in. Welding and oxygen or other thermal cutting processes are not permitted when carbon content exceeds 0. A complete volumetric inspection of the entire length of each tube shall be performed in accordance with SA-450. 1. in outside diameter.12. the tabulated tensile strength values should be multiplied by 0. for single or double butt weld. for materials welded without filler metal. 33. The weld seam of each tube shall be subjected to an angle beam ultrasonic inspection per SA-450. when the design metal temperatures exceed 850F. without filler metal.85. In welded construction for temperatures above 850ºF. This material may be welded by the resistance technique. or 53 is not permitted for Class 2 and Class 3 construction when a weld efficiency factor of 1. or eddy current examination. Welded. 0. 23. SA-516/SA-516M). shall be 0. heat treatment. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e. grades. These stress values include a joint efficiency factor of 0. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) G1 G2 G3 G4 CodeCalc User's Guide 391 . the values listed in this Table are applicable to either the customary U. rld.60. A joint efficiency factor of 0. Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1A (Ferrous Materials) . Stress values for -30ºC to 40ºC are applicable for colder temperatures when the toughness requirements of Section III.Customary. The values at intermediate temperatures are rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. The stress values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures... See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. and where the material specification in Section II. such as dowel bolts or similar construction in which the shearing member is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of area.. or TM-190 of Section XII is applied. superheater. For Section I applications. and Wld. Welded. and economizer tubes that are enclosed within a setting. classes. stress values in restricted shear..Metric (a) (b) The following abbreviations are used: Norm. VIII..80 times the values in Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1A (Ferrous Materials) Customary. these stresses apply when used for boiler. For Section VIII and XII applications.S. or XII are met. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history.60 times the values in Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1A (Ferrous Materials) . An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time-dependent properties (see Notes T1 through T10).85 is included in values above 450ºC. melting practice.85.Material Dialog Boxes W15 The Nondestructive Electric Test requirements of SA-53 Type E pipe are required for all sizes. For Section VIII and XII applications. stress values in bearing shall be 1. UG-24 of Section VIII. the values listed for SA-516 Grade 70 are used when SA-516M Grade 485 is used in construction. For example. water wall. and types are listed in this Table. Seamless. Solution annealed. and level of residual elements. ann. The pipe sahll be additionally marked "NDE" and so noted on the material certification. Smls. These stress values include a joint efficiency factor of 0. Division 1. Normalized rolled. Where specifications.g. Sol. To these stress values a casting quality factor as specified in PG-25 of Section I. At temperatures above 550ºC.00. these S values do not include a casting quality factor. For Section I applications. and valves with inlet piping connections of 2 in. For Section III Class 3 applications. See Table Y-1 for yield strength values as a function of thickness over this range.85. Other casting quality factors shall be in accordance with the following For visual examination.Material Dialog Boxes G5 Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 475ºC. the carbide phase of carbon steel may be converted to graphite.00. statically and centrifugally cast products meeting the requirements of NC-2571(a) and (b). 1. component supports. pumps. A-240. Use of these stresses may results in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. 6 or coarser. G6 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 392 CodeCalc User's Guide .80. 0. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors which. See Appendix A. Creep-fatigue. 1. and for nonpressure-retaining attachments (NC/ND-2190). These stress values shall be used when the grain size is not determined or is determined to be finer than ASTM No. use is limited to stays as defined in PG-13 except as permitted by PG-11. thermal ratcheting. For Section III Class 3 applications. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower values of permanent strain. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction.00. For liquid penetrant examination. See Appendix A. For ultrasonic examination. Statically and centrifugally cast products meeting the requirements of NC-2570 shall receive a casting quality factor of 1.85. The stress values in this range exceed 66 2/3 % but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. the use of these materials shall be limited to materials for tanks covered in Subsections NC and ND. Allowable stresses are independent of yield strength in this thickness range. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. For radiography. For magnetic particle examination 0. A-240. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0. 0. nominal pipe size and less. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. For Section III applications. shall receive a casting quality factor of 1.00. For magnetic particle or liquid penetrant plus ultrasonic examination or radiography.04% or higher on heat analysis. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 425ºC. and environmental effects are increasingly significant failure modes at temperatures in excess of 825ºC and are considered in the design. These stress values at 575ºC and above shall be used only when the grain size is ASTM No.00. 6. 1. and cast pipe fittings. the carbide phase of carbon–molybdenum steel may be converted to graphite. For Section III applications. for both Class 2 and Class 3. it shall be performed at 825ºC–1000ºC for a period of time not to exceed 10 min at temperature. and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. For bolted joints where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required. the completed vessel after final heat treatment is examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with NB-2542 except that angle beam examination in both the circumferential and the axial directions may be performed in lieu of the straight beam examination in the axial direction. use is limited to PEB-5. G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 H1 H2 H5 CodeCalc User's Guide 393 . These stresses are based on weld metal properties. For Section III applications. use of external pressure charts for material in the form of bar stock is permitted for stiffening rings only. See PG-5. Supplementary Requirement S15 of SA-781. The tensile strength does not exceed 860 MPa.3.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values in tension for this material. 11. and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means.5 for cautionary note. These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. lower stress values may be necessary as determined from the flexibility of the flange and bolts and corresponding relaxation properties. UG-85 does not apply. A-340 and A-360. Divide tabulated values by 0. For Section I. See Appendix A. these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 1095ºC. For temperatures above the maximum temperature shown on the external pressure chart for this material. For Section VIII applications. impact testing in accordance with the requirements of NC-2300 is required for Class 2 components and in accordance with ND-2300 for Class 3 components. these stress values are based on expected minimum values of 310 MPa tensile strength and yield strength of 140 MPa resulting from loss of strength due to thermal treatment required for the glass coating operation. CS-2 may be used for the design using this material. but not lower than 1040ºC. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement after service at moderately elevated temperature.85 for maximum allowable longitudinal tensile stress. or 12 is not permitted.Material Dialog Boxes G22 G23 G24 For Section I applications. For temperatures above 550ºC. is mandatory. these stress values may be used only if the material is solution treated by heating to the minimum temperature specified in the material specification. For Section III applications. Alternate Mechanical Test Coupons and Specimen Locations for Castings. Material that conforms to Class 10. Fig. For temperatures above 550ºC. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted. A factor of 0. followed by rapid cooling. if heat treatment is performed after forming or fabrication. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 480ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. 11. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 565ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. For Section I applications. except for tubular products 75 mm O. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. except for tubular products 75 mm O. For Section I applications. stress values at temperatures of 550ºC and above are permissible but. The maximum section thickness does exceed 75 mm for double-normalized-and-tempered forgings. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 370ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 595ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties.D. except for tubular products 75 mm O. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 620ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds19 mm.D. The maximum thickness of unheat-treated forgings does exceed 95 mm. stress values at temperatures of 625ºC and above are permissible but. or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 32 mm. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 510ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The maximum pipe size is NPS 4 (DN 100) and the maximum thickness in any pipe size is Schedule 80. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 400ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. stress values at temperatures of 450ºC and above are permissible but. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. except for tubular products 75 mm O. and schedule 140 and heavier. or less enclosed within the boiler setting. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice.D. Both NPS 8 and larger. The maximum thickness as-heat-treated may be 100 mm. use of these materials at these temperatures is not current practice. Material that conforms to Class 10. 11. S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 394 CodeCalc User's Guide . For Section I applications.Material Dialog Boxes S1 For Section I applications. or 125 mm for quenched-and-tempered forgings. Material that conforms to Class 10.D. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 540ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. stress values at temperatures of 475ºC and above are permissible but. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 455ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. or eddy current examination. 50. For Section III applications.05%. without filler metal. For single or double butt weld. Welded.1 shall also apply to this material. with the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced tension test less than 690 MPa but not less than 655 MPa. These variables shall be applied in accordance with the rules for welding of Part UF. 40. 13. QW-406. These S values do not include a longitudinal weld efficiency factor. for materials welded without filler metal. 23. with filler metal. and QW-409. Welding and oxygen or other thermal cutting processes are not permitted when carbon content exceeds 0. or 53 is not permitted for Class 2 and Class 3 construction when a weld efficiency factor of 1.35% by heat analysis. 30. QW-250 Variables QW-404. Not for welded construction. Other long. other than circumferential butt welds less than or equal to 89 mm in outside diameter. For Section III applications.12. material that conforms to Class 10. Not for welded construction in Section III. weld efficiency factors shall be in accordance with the following: W10 W11 W12 For single butt weld.90. 0. QW-407. or welded if the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced section tension test is not less than 690 MPa. the weld metal has a carbon content greater than 0.00 is used in accordance with Note W12. 33. with filler metal.Material Dialog Boxes T10 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Allowable stresses for temperatures of 425ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. 20. For single or double butt weld. 1. For Section VIII applications.0. the weld metal has a carbon content of greater than 0. Section IX.80. 0.3. In welded construction for temperatures above 450ºC.85. This material may be welded by the resistance technique. in accordance with NC-2550. shall provide a longitudinal weld efficiency factor of 1. Welded. for pressure retaining welds in 2¼Cr–1Mo materials. radiographic examination. when the design metal temperatures exceed 450ºC. For double butt weld.00. 43.2. with radiography.05%. 0. Nonwelded. For Section I applications. ultrasonic examination. CodeCalc User's Guide 395 . condenser.. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. The weld seam of each tube is subjected to an angle beam ultrasonic inspection per SA-450. For Section VIII applications.. and level of residual elements. Seamless.80 times the values in this table. exchanger... Cond. exch.. rel. superheater. Sol. classes.. consult UW-12 of Section VIII. These S values do not include a weld factor. such as dowel bolts. The maximum outside diameter is 89 mm. Smls. The pipe shall be additionally marked "NDE" and so noted on the material certification. the tabulated tensile strength values should be multiplied by 0. annealed. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. and economizer tubes that are enclosed within the setting.. the values given for 400F may be used. A complete volumetric inspection of the entire length of each tube is performed in accordance with SA-450. For welds made with filler metal. Material test reports are supplied. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e. Designation. and Wld.. treated. or TW-130.. The stress values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. The Nondestructive Electric Test requirements of SA-53 Type E pipe are required for all sizes. fr. stress values in restricted shear.Material Dialog Boxes W13 For Section I applications. Condition. cond. the values listed in this Table shall be applicable to either the customary U. Applic. as applicable. heat treatment..S... Applicability. from.Customary (a) The following abbreviations are used: ann.85. or similar construction in which the shearing is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of areas. Division 1. Desig... The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. relieved.60 times the values in this Table. extruded. fin. SB-407/SB-407M). shall be 0. Where specifications. grades. melting practice. extr. finished. Solution. For Section VIII applications.4 for Section XII. W15 Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1B (Non-Ferrous Materials) . and types are listed in this Table. An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time-dependent properties (see Notes T1-T18).. electric resistance and autogenous welded tubing may be used with these stresses. rld. For Section VIII. treat. Welded. stress values in bearing shall be 1.g. For steam at 250 psi (406F). rolled.. and where the material specification in Section II. waterwall. provided the following additional restrictions and requirements are met: W14 The tubing is used for boiler. Division 1 and Section XII applications using welds made without filler metal. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) G1 396 CodeCalc User's Guide . rivets. and environmental effects are increasingly significant failure modes at temperatures in excess of 1500F and shall be considered in the design. ND-3115 or UG-24 of Section VIII. In the absence of evidence that the casting is of high quality throughout.Material Dialog Boxes G2 G3 At temperatures over 1000F. This is not intended to apply to valves and fittings made to recognized standards. use of external pressure charts for material in the form of bar stock is permitted for stiffening rings only. The stresses for this material are based on 120 ksi minimum tensile strength because of weld metal strength limitations. Use the 600F curve of Fig. NFC-3 above 300F up to and including 400F. This is not intended to apply to valves and fittings made to recognized standards. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values in tension for this material. when applied to the yield strength values shown in table Y-1. Copper-silicon alloys are not always suitable when exposed to certain media and high temperatures. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower values of permanent strain. G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 CodeCalc User's Guide 397 . Referenced external pressure chart is applicable up to 800F. particularly steam above 212F. Division 1 shall be applied for castings. Use 350F curve for all temperature values below 350F. Maximum temperature for external pressure not to exceed 350F. The user should ensure that the alloy selected is satisfactory for the service for which it is to be used. Maximum temperature for external pressure not to exceed 450F. A factor of 0. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. NFC-6 up to and including 300F. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors which. Referenced external pressure chart is applicable up to 700F. Allowable stress values shown are 90% of those for the corresponding core material. thermal ratcheting.04% or higher. Maximum temperature for external pressure not to exceed 400F. Creep-fatigue. To these stress values a quality factor as specified in Section III. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0. Use of these stresses may results in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. For Section VIII applications.85 for maximum allowable longitudinal tensile stress. The stress values in this range exceed 66 2/3 % but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. Divide tabulated values by 0. values not in excess of 80% of those given in the Table shall be used. Use Fig. F. 7.500 in. The maximum use temperature is 982C.Material Dialog Boxes G18 Because of the occasionally contingent danger from the failure of pressure vessels by stress corrosion cracking. the allowable stress values shown are 90% of those for the core material of the same thickness. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900C are 7. and 2. the value listed at 1000C is provided for interpolation purposes only. New York.S. therefore. and 2. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900C are 9.4 MPa (1000C). John Wiley and Sons. 3. the following is pertinent. (2) The Stress Corrosion of Metals. The tension test specimen from plate 0. This alloy is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperature after exposure in the range of 1000F to 1400F. T6511). available from NACE.6 MPa (1000C). Alloy N06022 in the solution annealed condition is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperatures after exposure in the range of 1000F to 1250F.L. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900C are 5. 4.2 MPa (975C). and 5. T451. and thicker is machined from the core and does not include the cladding alloy. and thicker is machined from the core and does not include the cladding alloy.500 in. The minimum tensile strength of reduced tension specimens in accordance with QW-462.0 MPa (950C). stress values for materials in the basic temper shall be used. National Bureau of Standards (1977). the maximum design temperature is limited to 1000F. These materials are suitable for engineering use under a wide variety of ordinary corrosive conditions with no particular hazard in respect to stress corrosion. U. For stress relieved tempers (T351. T4510. For plate only. 3.1 of Section IX shall not be less than 110.5 MPa (975C). shall be used. T3511. T3510. the value listed at 1000C is provided for interpolation purposes only. Few alloys are completely immune to stress corrosion cracking in all combinations of stress and corrosive environments and the supplier of the material should be consulted. T651. Brown. H. The maximum use temperature is 982C.000 psi.2 MPa (950C).500 in. T4511.8 MPa (925C).6 MPs (954C). The tension test specimen from plate 0.0 MPa (925C). therefore. the allowable stress values for thickness less than 0. Reference may also be made to the following sources: (1) Stress Corrosion Cracking Control Measures B.0 MPa (982C). 1966. 5. The maximum operating temperature is arbitrarily set at 500F because harder temper adversely affects design stress in the creep rupture temperature range. Logan. For external pressure design. T6510. G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 (METRIC Database) G30 (METRIC Database) G31 (METRIC Database) 398 CodeCalc User's Guide .7 MPa (927C). Texas. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 400F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 600F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. H2 H3 H4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 CodeCalc User's Guide 399 . The maximum use temperature is 982C.04% or higher. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 300F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 750F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 850F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. and 2. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 950F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1000F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.0 MPa (1000C). these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating it to a minimum temperature of 1900F and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. these stress values may be used only if the material is annealed at a minimum temperature of 1900F and has a carbon content of 0. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 900F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.4 MPa (950C). Allowable stresses for temperatures of 500F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.6 MPa (925C). 2. For temperatures above 1000F. For temperatures above 1000F. 4. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1050F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.9 MPa (975C). Allowable stresses for temperatures of 250F and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 350F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. cold drawn pipe or tube shall be annealed at 1900F minimum. the value listed at 1000C is provided for interpolation purposes only. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 800F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.Material Dialog Boxes G32 (METRIC Database) H1 The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900C are 6. The material shall be given a 1725F to 1825F stabilizing heat treatment. For Section I applications. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 550F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. For Section III applications. W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 400 CodeCalc User's Guide .0. 1. or eddy current examination.Material Dialog Boxes T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1100F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. After welding. The stress values given for this material are not applicable when either welding or thermal cutting is employed. Other long. Filler metal shall not be used in the manufacture of welded pipe or tubing. For castings used in pumps.00. ultrasonic examination. valves. for double butt weld. For welded and brazed constructions. with filler metal. UNF-56(d) shall apply for welded constructions. These S values do not include a longitudinal weld efficiency factor. weld efficiency factors shall be in accordance with the following: a. 0. These maximum allowable stress values are to be used in welded or brazed constructions. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1250F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. nominal pipe size and less. b. hold 1-1/2 hr at temperature for the first inch of cross-section thickness and 1/2 hr for each additional inch. for single butt weld. heat treat at 1150-1200F. See QW-150. radiographic examination. stress values for O (annealed) temper material shall be used. with radiography. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 450F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. 0. shall provide a longitudinal weld efficiency factor of 1. If welded or brazed. Section IX.0 ksi. For Section VIII applications.90. and air cool. for single or double butt weld.80. without filler metal. When nonferrous materials conforming to specifications in Section II.85. the allowable stress values for the annealed condition shall be used and the minimum tensile strength of the reduced tension specimen in accordance with QW-462. with filler metal. No welding or brazing permitted. Strength of reduced-section tensile specimen required to qualify welding procedures. in accordance with NC 2550. Part B are used in welded or brazed construction. and fittings 2 in. the maximum allowable working stresses shall not exceed the values given herein for annealed material at the metal temperature shown. for single or double butt weld. d. c. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1150F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. PWHT is not required for socket welds and attachment welds when the castings have been temper annealed at 1150 to 1200F prior to welding. 0. for materials welded without filler metal.1 of Section IX shall not be less than 30. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1200F and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Solution. rolled. melting practice. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time-dependent properties (see Notes T1-T18).S.Metric (a) The following abbreviations are used: ann. For example. classes. For steam at 1700 kPa (208ºC)..g. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. heat treatment.. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e.. Sol. stress values in restricted shear. For service at 1200F or higher. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) G1 G2 G3 CodeCalc User's Guide 401 . The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. For Section VIII and XII applications... rld. values not in excess of 80% of those given in the Table are used.. For Section VIII applications. exch. and level of residual elements. thickness <= 3/8 in.. the tabulated tensile stress values shall be multiplied by 0. The values at intermediate temperatures are rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. This is not intended to apply to valves and fittings made to recognized standards. treated. The stress values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. extruded. condenser.. and where the material specification in Section II. annealed.85.Material Dialog Boxes W12 These S values do not include a weld factor. cond. Welded. Smls. In the absence of evidence that the casting is of high quality throughout. or similar construction in which the shearing is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of areas. extr. the deposited weld metal shall be of the same nominal chemistry as the base metal. from. the values listed in this Table are applicable to either the customary U.80 times the values in this Table. finished.. and types are listed in this Table. all thickness. fin. No welding permitted. the values given for 200ºC may be used..04% or higher.60 times the values in this Table. Where specifications.. Use NFA-12 when welded with 5356 or 5556 filler metal.. thickness > 3/8 in. Seamless. or 4043 or 5554 filler metal. For Section VIII. consult UW-12 of Section VIII. For welds made with filler metal. are 0. W13 W14 W15 W16 Division 1 Material Notes for Table 1B (Non-Ferrous Materials) . grades. the values listed for SB-407 Grade N08800 are used when SB-407M Grade N08800 is used in construction. Use NFA-13 when welded with 4043 or 5554 filler metal. relieved. rel. SB-407/SB-407M). fr. stress values in bearing are 1. Division 1 applications using welds made without filler metal. For Section VIII applications. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0. rivets.. and Wld. treat. no welding is permitted. exchanger. Division 1. At temperatures over 550ºC. such as dowel bolts. For Section VIII and XII applications. This is not intended to apply to valves and fittings made to recognized standards. Division 1. thermal ratcheting. Referenced external pressure chart is applicable up to 375ºC. Because of the occasionally contingent danger from the failure of pressure vessels by stress corrosion cracking. NFC-3 above 150ºC up to and including 200ºC. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. Divide tabulated values by 0. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower values of permanent strain.85 for maximum allowable longitudinal tensile stress. Maximum temperature for external pressure does not exceed 225ºC.Material Dialog Boxes G4 Creep-fatigue. Maximum temperature for external pressure not to exceed 175ºC. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. The user should ensure that the alloy selected is satisfactory for the service for which it is to be used.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values in tension for this material. UG-24 of Section VIII. The stress values in this range exceed 66 2/3% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. and environmental effects are increasingly significant failure modes at temperatures in excess of 825ºC and are considered in the design. the following is pertinent. particularly steam above 100ºC. Referenced external pressure chart is applicable up to 425ºC. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. For Section VIII applications. use of external pressure charts for material in the form of bar stock is permitted for stiffening rings only. Copper-silicon alloys are not always suitable when exposed to certain media and high temperatures. NFC-6 up to and including 150ºC. Use 350ºF curve for all temperature values below 175ºC. Use the 325ºC curve of Fig. or TM-190 of Section XII shall be applied for castings. Use of these stresses may results in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. a factor of 0. To these stress values a quality factor as specified in ND-3115 of Section III. These materials are suitable for engineering use under a wide variety of ordinary corrosive conditions with no particular hazard in respect to stress corrosion. Allowable stress values shown are 90% of those for the corresponding core material. The stresses for this material are based on 828 MPa minimum tensile strength because of weld metal strength limitations. G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 402 CodeCalc User's Guide . Maximum temperature for external pressure not to exceed 200ºC. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors which. Use Fig. 2 MPa (975ºC). and 2.2 MPa (950°C). The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900ºC are 9. available from NACE. This alloy is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperature after exposure in the range of 550ºC to 750ºC. The tension test specimen from plate 13 mm and thicker is machined from the core and does not include the cladding alloy. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900°C are 6. 4.9 MPa (975°C). T6510.4 MPa (1000°C).0 MPa (1000°C). T6511). 1966. stress values for materials in the basic temper are used. T4511.. Reference may also be made to the following sources: G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 Stress Corrosion Cracking Control Measures B. 3. and 2. T451.Material Dialog Boxes G19 Few alloys are completely immune to stress corrosion cracking in all combinations of stress and corrosive environments and the supplier of the material should be consulted.F.5 MPa (975°C).04% or higher. 4. 7. The maximum use temperature is 982°C. T3511. and 2. Alloy N06022 in the solution annealed condition is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperatures after exposure in the range of 550ºC to 675ºC. the value listed at 1000°C is provided for interpolation purposes only. the maximum design temperature is limited to 550ºC. the allowable stress values shown are 90% of those for the core material of the same thickness. New York. The maximum operating temperature is arbitrarily set at 250ºC because harder temper adversely affects design stress in the creep rupture temperature range. National Bureau of Standards (1977). Texas The Stress Corrosion of Metals. 2.6 MPa (925°C). and 5.1 of Section IX is not less than 760 MPa.S.7 MPa (927ºC).6 MPa (954ºC). these stress values may be used only if the material is annealed at a minimum temperature of 1040ºC and has a carbon content of 0. The minimum tensile strength of reduced tension specimens in accordance with QW-462. T3510. 3. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900°C are 7.8 MPa (925°C). U. the value listed at 1000ºC is provided for interpolation purposes only. therefore.0 MPa (925ºC). For temperatures above 550ºC. T651. the value listed at 1000°C is provided for interpolation purposes only. the allowable stress values for thickness less than 13 mm are used.6 MPa (1000ºC).0 MPa (950ºC). 5. The maximum allowable stress values for greater than 900ºC are 5. For stress relieved tempers (T351. The tension test specimen from plate 13 mm and thicker is machined from the core and does not include the cladding alloy. G26 G27 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 H1 CodeCalc User's Guide 403 .4 MPa (950°C). John Wiley and Sons. therefore. Brown. H.L. For external pressure design. For plate only. Logan. The maximum use temperature is 982ºC. The maximum use temperature is 982°C.0 MPa (982ºC). T4510. For Section I applications. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 290ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating it to a minimum temperature of 1040ºC and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 150ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties.Material Dialog Boxes H2 For temperatures above 550ºC. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 425ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 540ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 175ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 315ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. The material is given a 940ºC to 995ºC stabilizing heat treatment. H3 H4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 404 CodeCalc User's Guide . Allowable stresses for temperatures of 650ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 480ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 620ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 455ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 400ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 595ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 510ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 205ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 565ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 260ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 125ºC and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 675ºC and above are values obtained from time dependent properties. cold drawn pipe or tube is annealed at 1038ºC minimum. For castings used in pumps. in accordance with NC 2550. If welded or brazed. without filler metal. For single or double butt weld. 0. for materials welded without filler metal. weld efficiency factors are in accordance with the following: W6 W7 W8 For single butt weld. For Section VIII. PWHT is not required for socket welds and attachment welds when the castings have been temper annealed at 625ºC .650ºC prior to welding. the tabulated tensile stress values are multiplied by 0. The stress values given for this material are not applicable when either welding or thermal cutting is employed. radiographic examination. For Section VIII applications. Division 1.Material Dialog Boxes W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 No welding or brazing permitted. Use NFA-12 when welded with 5356 or 5556 filler metal. with radiography. thickness > 10 mm. These S values do not include a longitudinal weld efficiency factor. For double butt weld. 0. no welding is permitted. For single or double butt weld. stress values for O (annealed) temper material are used. No welding permitted. Use NFA-13 when welded with 4043 or 5554 filler material. the deposited weld metal is of the same nominal chemistry as the base metal. and air cool. shall provide a longitudinal weld efficiency factor of 1.80. Part B are used in welded or brazed construction. 0. When nonferrous materials conforming to specifications in Section II. hold 1½ hr at temperature for the first 25 mm of cross-section thickness and ½ hr for each additional 25 mm. with filler metal. consult UW-12 of Section VIII.85. the maximum allowable working stresses do not exceed the values given herein for annealed material at the metal temperature shown. Division 1 applications using welds made without filler metal.90. For service at 650ºC or higher. 1. These maximum allowable stress values are to be used in welded or brazed constructions. Strength of reduced-section tensile specimen required to qualify welding procedures. heat treat at 625ºC . These S values do not include a weld factor.650ºC. ultrasonic examination. all thicknesses. For welds made with filler metal. UNF-56(d) applies for welded constructions. For Section III applications. the allowable stress values for the annealed condition are used and the minimum tensile strength of the reduced tension specimen in accordance with QW-462.0. valves. Section IX. thickness <= 10 mm. See QW-150. W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 CodeCalc User's Guide 405 . or 4043 or 5554 filler material. and fittings DN 50 and less.00. Other long. Filler metal is not used in the manufacture of welded pipe or tubing. After welding.85. For welded and brazed constructions. or eddy current examination. with filler metal.1 of Section IX is not less than 205 MPa. For Section VIII applications. UG-6 Flange quality in this specification not permitted over 850 F. These stress values are one-fourth the specified minimum tensile strength multiplied by a quality factor of 0. Limited to plates not over 3/4 in. Allowable working stresses in double shear = 1. Limited to temperatures not above 850 F. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained.92. (e) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Notes for the year 1952 (a) The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained. except for SA-283. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained.8 times the given values. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5. limited to temperatures not above 750 F. For service temperatures above 850 F it is recommended that killed steels containing not less than 0.Material Dialog Boxes Division 1 Superseded Material Notes Notes for the year 1943 (a) (b) (c) (d) Allowable working stresses in single shear = 0. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5. Values of stresses above 700 F are based upon steel in annealed condition. 55. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater. or electric-fusion-welded pipe may be used for temperatures above 750 F. Maximum value for tensile strength permitted in design. See Par.000 psi. and SA-7. Grade D.6 times the given values. in thickness and to temperatures not above 750 F. Killed steels which have been deoxidized with large amounts of aluminum and rimmed steels may have creep and stress-rupture properties in the temperature range above 850 F. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. Limited to temperatures not above 750 F. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained.19% residual silicon be used. The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated.8 times the given values. 1 2 3 4 406 CodeCalc User's Guide . The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. Limited to temperatures not above 450 F. Allowable working stresses in bearing = 1. Only seamless steel pipe or tubing. which are somewhat less than those on which the values in the above table are based. For present. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater. inclusive. The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated.80 times the given values. SA-7 and SA-36. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained. The stress values to be used for temperatures below —20 F when steels are made to conform with Specification SA-300 shall be those that are given in the column for —20 to 650 F. Not permitted above 450 F. These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. See Par. allowable stress value 7000 psi. except for SA-283.Material Dialog Boxes 5 6 7 8 9 Between temperatures of 650 F and 1000 F. UG-24 shall be applied. Between temperatures 0( 750 F to 1000 F. UCS-6(b). Grade B. may be used until high temperature test data become available. may be used until high temperature test data become available. or similar construction in which the shearing member is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of area shall be 0. inclusive.60 times the given values. Grade B. For bolted joints. lower stress values may be necessary as determined from the relative flexibility of the flange and bolts. stress values equal to the lower of the following will be permitted: 20% of the specified tensile strength. or 25% of the specified yield strength. Stress values in bearing shall be 1. To these stress values a quality factor as specified in Par. Killed steels which have been deoxidized with large amounts of aluminum and rimmed steels may have creep and stress-rupture properties in the temperature range above 850 F:. Between temperatures of —20 to 400 F. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater. Grade D.92. These stress values apply to normalized and drawn material only. which are somewhat less than those on which the values in the above table are based. Flange quality in this specification not permitted over 850 F. Grade B. 10 11 12 13 Notes for the year 1965: (TABLE UCS-23) (a) Stress values in restricted shear such as dowel bolts. where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required. These stress values are one-fourth the specified minimum tensile strength multiplied by a quality factor of 0. Between temperatures of 650 F and 1000 F. the stress values for Specification SA-212. Only (silicon) killed steel shall be used above 900 F. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5. rivets. (b) (c) 1 2 3 4 5 CodeCalc User's Guide 407 .10% residual silicon be used. the stress values for Specification SA-201. inclusive. the stress values for Specification SA-201. For service temperatures above 850 F it is recommended that killed steels containing not less than 0. and corresponding relaxation properties. may be used until high temperature test data become available. 000 18. lower stress values may be necessary JS determined from the relative flexibility of the flange and bolts.500 26.000 18. or normalized and tempered or oil quenched and tempered material only.35 per cent by ladle analysis except for repairs or non-pressure attachments as outlined in Part UF. These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. UCS-6 (c). Stress values apply to quenched and tempered material only.500 26. Grade B. the stress values for Specification SA-212. This material shall not be used in thicknesses above 0. or 25% of the specified yield strength. may be used until high temperature test data become available.750 22. and corresponding relaxation properties. To these stress values a quality factor as specified in Par. Stress values apply to normalized.250 10 11 12 13 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Par. These allowable stress values apply also to structural shapes and bars. For temperatures below 400 F.250 30. Stress values equal to the lower of the following will be permitted: 20% of the specified tensile strength.B&E) V(C&D) 25 26 Liquid Quenched and Tempered (-20 to 200F) 15.000 Other Than Liquid Quenched and Tempered (-20 to 200F) 15.750 22. as per applicable specification.000 30. 408 CodeCalc User's Guide . stress values equal to 20 per cent of the specified minimum tensile strength will be permitted. UG-24 shall be applied. allowable stress value 7000 psi. where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required.Material Dialog Boxes 6 7 8 9 Only (silicon) killed steel shall be used above 900 F.58 in. The stress values to be used for temperatures below —20 F when steels are made to conform with Specification SA-300 shall be those that are given in the column for —20 to 650 F. Not permitted above 450 F. inclusive. as per applicable specification. For bolted joints. Between temperatures of 750 F to 1000 F. Maximum allowable stress values shall be as follows: Grade I II III IV V(A. Welding not permitted when carbon content exceeds 0. These stress values apply to normalized and drawn material only. Welding or brazing not permitted on liquid quenched and tempered material. Between temperatures of —20 to 400 F. 60 times the given values. its use at higher temperatures is not recommended unless due caution is observed. For temperatures below 100F. or similar construction in which the shearing member is so restricted that the section under consideration would fail without reduction of area shall be 0. At temperatures over 1000F. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0.04 percent and above. These stress values are not recommended for the design of flanges or piping. These stress values permitted for material that has been carbide-solution treated. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement at room temperature after service at temperatures above 800F: consequently. the stress values apply only when the carbon content is 0. rivets. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained. stress values equal to 20 percent of the specified minimum tensile strength will be permitted. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater.85. See UCS-6(b). Stress values in bearing shall be 1. UG-24 shall be applied. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5.80 times the given values. The stress values within the above range exceed 621/2 per cent. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Notes for the year 1974 (a) Stress values in restricted shear such as dowel bolts. These stress values shall be considered basic values to be used when no effort is made to control or check the grain size of the steel.04 percent or higher. the higher stress values at temperatures from 200 through 1050F" were established to permit the use of this material where slip-hay greater deformation is acceptable. 6. The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated.Material Dialog Boxes Notes for the year 1965:(TABLE UHA-23) 1 Due to the relatively low yield strength of this material. These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. lower values may be necessary as determined from the flexibility of the flange and bolts and corresponding relaxation. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained. but do not exceed 90 percent of the yield strength at temperature. For temperatures above 800F. For bolted joints where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required. These stress values a quality factor as specified in Par. (b) (c) 1 CodeCalc User's Guide 409 . These stress values at temperatures of 1050F and above should be used only when assurance is provided that the steel has a predominant grain size not finer than ASTM No. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. These stress values shall be applicable to forgings over 5 inches in thickness. These stress values are the basic values multiplied by a joint efficiency factor of 0. Grade B. Between temperatures of 750 and 1000 F. the stress values for Specification SA-515. Only killed steel shall be used above 850 F. allowable stress value 7000 psi. the stress values for Specification SA-201.92. Not permitted above 450F.35 percent by ladle analysis except for limited types of welding as allowed in Part UF. Between temperatures of 650 and 1000 F. Grade 70. Stress values apply to quenched and tempered material only. except for SA-283. These allowable stress values apply also to structural shapes and bars. The stress values to be used for temperatures below —20F when steels are made to conform with supplement (5)SA-20 shall be those that are given in the column for —20 to 650 F. For temperatures below 400 F. Welding or brazing is not permitted when carbon content exceeds 0. inclusive. as per applicable specification. may be used until high temperature test data become available. stress values equal to 20 percent of the specified minimum tensile strength will be permitted. Killed steels which have been deoxidized with large amounts of aluminum and rimmed steels may have creep and stress rupture properties in the temperature range above 850 F. Welding or brazing not permitted on liquid quenched and tempered material. which are somewhat less than those on which the values in the above Table are based. lower stress values may be necessary as determined from the relative flexibility of the flange and bolts. 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 19 20 21 22 23 410 CodeCalc User's Guide . These stress values are established from a consideration of strength only and will be satisfactory for average service. These stress values apply to normalized and drawn material only. Grade D.10 percent residual silicon be used. inclusive. as per applicable specification. For service temperatures above 850 F it is recommended that killed steels containing not less than 0. where freedom from leakage over a long period of time without retightening is required. and corresponding relaxation properties. To these stress values a quality factor as specified in UG-24 shall be applied for castings. and SA-36. May be used until high temperature test data become available. Stress values apply to normalized. or normalized and tempered or oil quenched and tempered material only.Material Dialog Boxes 3 4 These stress values are one fourth the specified minimum tensile strength multiplied by a qualify factor of 0. For bolted joints. 050 28. and types are listed in this Table..500 25.000 24. and where the material specification in Section II.12.000 30.S. QW-250 Variables QW404. Seamless. classes.Customary (a) (b) (c) The following abbreviations are used: Smls. For temperatures above which stresses are given.500 28.900 31.58 in.000 18.050 29.g.500 24. SA-516/SA-516M). the carbine phase of carbon-molybdenum steel may be converted to graphite. Temp.750 28.000 32.850 28. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e.000 15.850 27. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 875 F.600 31.600 28. Section IX.850 28.600 24.850 28. CodeCalc User's Guide 411 . Division 2 Material Notes for Table 2A (Ferrous Materials) .250 28..850 29.. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800 F. QW407.750 22.500 28. the values listed in this Table are applicable to either the customary U. QW406. and QW-409.000 33.1 of QW-422 shall also apply to this material.375 in. and Wld..700 30.250 30. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. For example. the carbide phase of carbon steel may be converted to graphite.750 22.000 18. grades.800 30. Welded.500 26.300 32.600 28.Material Dialog Boxes 24 Maximum allowable stress values shall be as follows: Grade Normalized or Normalized and Liquid Quenched and Tempered Tempered -20 to 650 -20 to 100 200 I II III IV VA VB VE VC&D VIII 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 15. An alternative typeface is used for stress values based on successful experience in service (see Notes E1 and E2 ). These variables shall be applied in accordance with the rules for welding of Part UF of Division I.600 300 400 500 600 650 This material shall not be used in thicknesses above 0.850 28. Temperature.400 30.700 24.500 26. the values listed for SA-516 Grade 70 are used when SA-516M Grade 485 is used in construction.000 18.100 31. The material shall not be used in thickness above 0.000 30. the allowable stresses for the annealed plate shall be used.700 27. Where specifications.700 24.200 28.750 22.800 26. Where the fabricator performs the heat treatment the requirements of UHT-81 shall be met.700 15.600 28.2.3. 20. time and temperature. 43. (e) E1 E2 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 412 CodeCalc User's Guide . Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors that. The degree of embrittlement depends on composition. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted.Material Dialog Boxes (d) The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. these stress intensity values may be used only if the material has been heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 1900°F and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds ¾ in. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 1¼ in. these stress intensity values apply only when the carbon is 0. heat treatment. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000ºF are published. 23. This material has reduced toughness at room temperature after exposure at high temperature. The stress values in this range exceed 66 2/3 % but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature.04% or higher. 40. Material that conforms to Class 10. heat treatment. For values at 700ºF and above. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. See Appendix A. The lowest temperature of concern is about 500ºF. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. 50. the design stress intensity values are based on successful experience in service. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. Use of these stresses may results in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. the design stress intensity values are based on successful experience in service. The values at intermediate temperatures are rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. At temperatures over 1000ºF. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. SA-723 is not used for minimum permissible temperature below 40°F. and level of residual elements. melting practice. A product analysis is required on this material. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. 33. For values at 650ºF and above. give allowable stress values that will result in lower values of permanent strain. A-360. 30. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000ºF are published. For temperatures above 1000°F. or 53 is not permitted. 13. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. CodeCalc User's Guide 413 . See Appendix A. The minimum thickness of pressure-retaining parts is ¼ in. A-340 and A-360. These stress intensity values are considered basic values to be used when no effort is made to control or check the grain size of the steel. For welded joints that are quenched and tempered after welding. as heat treated). In welded construction. to 2T.05%. any departure from the range of 5/8 in. (4 in. Both NPS 8 and larger. Heat treatment shall be 1075ºF minimum. and over. (b) for T equal to 5/8 in. The maximum thickness is limited only by the ability to develop the specified mechanical properties. any increase in thickness (the minimum thickness qualified in all cases is ¼ in. Pieces that are formed (after quenching and tempering) at a temperature lower than 25ºF below the final tempering temperature are heat-treated after forming when the extreme fiber strain from forming exceeds 3%. The specified range of preheat temperatures does not exceed 150ºF. Annealed. and schedule 140 and heavier. Fabricated from SA-387 Grade 12 Class 2 plate. All forgings have a maximum tensile strength not in excess of 35 ksi above the specified minimum. and other pressure-retaining parts is ¼ in. For welded joints that are not quenced and tempered after welding. 6. A change in the thickness T of the welding procedure qualification test plate as follows: a. G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 S4 W1 W2 W3 An increase in the maximum or a decrease in the minimum specified preheat or interpass temperatures.Material Dialog Boxes G11 These stress intensity values at temperatures of 1050°F and above should be used only when assurance is provided that the steel has a predominant grain size not finer than ASTM No. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement after service at moderately elevated temperature.). any decrease in thickness (the maximum thickness qualified is 2T).. Normalized and tempered. The following. are considered as essential variables requiring requalification of the welding procedure. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000°F are published. Not for welded construction.. either before or after welding into the vessel. Pieces formed at temperatures within 25ºF higher than the original tempering temperature are requenched and tempered. but not higher than 25ºF below the final tempering temperature for a minimum time of one hour per inch of thickness. any changes as follows: (a) For T less than 5/8 in. for temperatures above 850°F. Fabricated from SA-387 Grade 12 Class 1 plate. the weld metal has a carbon content of greater than 0. The minimum thickness of shells. in addition to the variables in Section IX. The maximum thickness of forgings does not exceed 3¾ in. QW-250. b. heads.. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information.Material Dialog Boxes Division 2 Material Notes for Table 2A (Ferrous Materials) . melting practice. and where the material specification in Section II.Metric (a) (b) (c) The following abbreviations are used: Smls... These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. SA-723 is not used for minimum permissible temperature below +5°C.. 43. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. time. grades. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors that. Use of these stresses may result in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. and Wld. The stress values in this range exceed 66-2/3% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. See (d) (e) E1 E2 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 414 CodeCalc User's Guide . heat treatment. For values at 350°C and above. 13. the design stress intensity values are based on successful experience in service. the values listed for SA-516 Grade 70 shall be used when SA-516M Grade 485 is used in construction. The values at intermediate temperatures are rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. SA-516/SA-516M). An alternative typeface is used for stress values based on successful experience in service (see Notes E1 and E2). classes. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short-time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. Seamless. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. For values at 375°C and above. The degree of embrittlement depends on composition. 30. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 19 mm. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. the design stress intensity values are based on successful experience in service. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. Material that conforms to Class 10. the values listed in this Table are applicable to either the customary U.S. and types are listed in this Table. and level of residual elements. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e.. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels of permanent strain. 20.g. Where specifications. or 53 is not permitted. 50. and temperature. 23. This material has reduced toughness at room temperature after exposure at high temperature. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted. 40. heat treatment. The lowest temperature of concern is about 250°C. Welded. A product analysis is required on this material. Temperature. Temp. 33. For example. Material that conforms to Class 11 or 12 is not permitted when the nominal thickness of the material exceeds 32 mm. Material Dialog Boxes Appendix A. Annealed.05%. The maximum thickness of forgings does not exceed 95 mm (100 mm as heat treated). These stress intensity values at temperatures of 575°C and above should be used only when assurance is provided that the steel has a predominant grain size not finer than ASTM No. see Appendix A. these stress intensity values may be used only if the material has been heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 1040°C and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. in addition to the variables in Section IX. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement after service at moderately elevated temperature. In welded construction. The minimum thickness of pressure-retaining parts is 6 mm. Heat treatment shall be 580°C minimum. For temperatures above 550°C. The following. This note is applicable only when stresses above 550°C are published. 6. these stress intensity values apply only when the carbon is 0. QW-250. This note is applicable only when stresses above 550°C are published. either before or after welding into the vessel. Normalized and tempered. Not for welded construction. Fabricated from SA-387 Grade 12 Class 2 plate. Pieces that are formed (after quenching and tempering) at a temperature lower than 15°C below the final tempering temperature are heat treated after forming when the extreme fiber strain from forming exceeds 3%. A-340 and A-360. Fabricated from SA-387 Grade 12 Class 1 plate. Both DN 200 and larger. and schedule 140 and heavier. and other pressure-retaining parts is 6 mm. heads. Pieces formed at temperatures within 15°C higher than the original tempering temperature are requenched and tempered. CodeCalc User's Guide 415 . for temperatures above 450°C. The specified range of preheat temperatures shall not exceed 85°C. G9 At temperatures over 550°C. All forgings have a maximum tensile strength not in excess of 175 MPa above the specified minimum. These stress intensity values are considered basic values to be used when no effort is made to control or check the grain size of the steel. A-360. The maximum thickness is limited only by the ability to develop the specified mechanical properties.04% or higher. is considered as essential variables requiring requalification of the welding procedure: G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 S4 W1 W2 W3 An increase in the maximum or a decrease in the minimum specified preheat or interpass temperatures. This note is applicable only when stresses above 550°C are published. the weld metal has a carbon content of greater than 0. The minimum thickness of shells. but not higher than 15°C below the final tempering temperature for a minimum time of 1 h per 25 mm of thickness. . classes. (d) (e) E2 G1 G2 G3 G4 416 CodeCalc User's Guide . heat treatment. Seamless. and types are listed in this Table. annealed.. Where specifications. The stress values in this range exceed 66-2/3% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. Design stress intensity values for 100°F may be used at temperatures down to –325°F without additional specification requirements. and Wld. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e.Material Dialog Boxes A change in the thickness T of the welding procedure qualification test plate as follows: a. any decrease in thickness (the maximum thickness qualified is 2T) (b) for T equal to 16 mm and over. any change as follows: (a) for T less than 16 mm. SB-407/SB-407M). Use of external pressure charts for material in the form of barstock is permitted for stiffening rings only. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short-time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. An alternative typeface is used for stress values based on successful experience in service (see Notes E1 and E2). Smls. Division 2 Material Notes for Table 2B (Non-Ferrous Materials) (a) (b) (c) The following abbreviations are used: ann. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. For welded joints that are not quenched and tempered after welding. rel. melting practice. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors that. any departure from the range of 16 mm to 2T. and where the material specification in Section II.. finished.g. b. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels of permanent strain. the design stress intensity values are based on successful experience in service. SB-163 Supplementary Requirement S2 is met.. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history..S. and level of residual elements. the values listed for SB-407 Grade N08800 are used when SB-407M Grade N08800 is used in construction. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. For values at 800ºF. The values at intermediate temperatures are rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. Welded. any increase in thickness (the minimum thickness qualified in all cases is 6 mm). the values listed in this Table are applicable to either the customary U. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. fin. For example. Use of these stresses may result in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. grades. For welded joints that are quenched and tempered after welding. relieved.. 85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable design stress intensity values for this material. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater. ASME Section VIII Division 2. the values listed in this Table shall be applicable to either the customary U. Temperature. (d) (e) G1 G2 G3 G4 CodeCalc User's Guide 417 . these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0.. melting practice. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. Table 5A Notes for Ferrous Materials (a) (b) (c) The following abbreviations are used: Smls.S. classes. Thickness <= 0. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000ºF are published. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained. Use of these stresses may result in dimensional changes due to permanent strain.04% or higher. For example. The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated.. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors that.100 in. and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels of permanent strain.Material Dialog Boxes G5 S1 W1 A joint efficiency factor of 0. For temperatures above 1000ºF. The stress values in this range exceed 66-2/3% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. Welded. these stress values may be used only if the material has been heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 1900ºF and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. SA-516/SA-516M). version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e. grades. heat treatment.g. An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time-dependent properties (see Notes T1 through T10). Temp. and Wld. Welding except for seal welds is not permitted. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. Where specifications. At temperatures over 1000ºF. For temperatures above 1000ºF. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000ºF are published. and types are listed in this Table. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures. and where the material specification in Section II. and level of residual elements. Seamless. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short-time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. the values listed for SA-516 Grade 70 shall be used when SA-516M Grade 485 is used in construction. these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating to a minimum temperature of 2000ºF.. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained.. Normalized. G13 Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800ºF. Table AF-402. G15 DELETED G16 Redesignated as G1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 Annealed. for double-normalized-and-tempered forgings. A-240. This steel may be expected to develop embrittlement after service at moderately elevated temperature. see Appendix A.3(b) that the average of the individual Brinell hardness numbers shall not be more than 10% below or 25% above the number corresponding to the tensile strength. AF-730. (4 in. Division 2. Group No. For applications involving consideration of heat treatment after forming or welding. as heat treated). the carbide phase of carbon-molybdenum steel may be converted to graphite. A quality factor of 0.Material Dialog Boxes G5 These stress values at temperatures of 1050ºF and above should be used only when assurance is provided that the steel has a predominant grain size not finer than ASTM No. Appendix 26. The maximum thickness of forgings shall not exceed 3-3/4 in. These stress values shall be considered basic values to be used when no effort is made to control or check the grain size of the steel. Division 2. or 5 in. Normalized. the carbide phase of carbon steel may be converted to graphite. 418 CodeCalc User's Guide .1 for P-No. Normalized and tempered. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 650ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. or quenched and tempered. Liquid quenched and tempered. A-340 and A-360. Quenched and tempered. normalized and tempered. A-240. Division 2. G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 All forgings shall have a maximum tensile strength not in excess of 25 ksi above the specified minimum. 6. Both NPS 8 and larger. G12 See Section VIII.000 psi above the specified minimum. 10K. The tensile strength shall not be in excess of 20. for quenched-and-tempered forgings. and schedule 140 and heavier.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values for this material. 1 materials. See Appendix A. See Appendix A. see Section VIII. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 700ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. This note is applicable only when stresses above 1000ºF are published. G11 SA-723 is exempt from the requirement in Section VIII. G14 Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 875ºF. The maximum section thickness shall not exceed 3 in. and QW-409. QW-406. (a) An increase in the maximum or a decrease in the minimum specified preheat or interpass temperatures. the weld metal shall have a carbon content of greater than 0. QW-407. Division 2. These variables shall be applied in accordance with the rules for welding of Section VIII. (b) for T equal to 5/8 in. any departure from the range of 5/8 in. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1050ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. shall be considered as essential variables requiring requalification of the welding procedure. any increase in thickness (the minimum thickness qualified in all cases is ¼ in. in addition to the variables in Section IX. with the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced section tension test less than 100 ksi but not less than 95 ksi. (2) For welded joints that are not quenched and tempered after welding.Material Dialog Boxes T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 Allowable stresses for temperatures of 750ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties.35% by ladle analysis except for limited types of welding. or welded if the tensile strength of the Section IX reduced section tension test is not less than 100 ksi. Nonwelded. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 900ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Part AF.2.. (b) A change in the thickness T of the welding procedure qualification test plate as follows: (1) For welded joints that are quenched and tempered after welding. Welded. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 850ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Section IX.05%.1 shall also apply to this material. T10 Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1100ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The specified range of preheat temperatures shall not exceed 150ºF.3. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 800ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. to 2T. The following. Welding is not permitted when carbon content exceeds 0. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 950ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. for temperatures above 850ºF. W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 Not for welded construction. QW-250.). as allowed in Section VIII. Division 2. any change as follows: (a) for T less than 5/8 in. W7 CodeCalc User's Guide 419 . Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1000ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. any decrease in thickness (the maximum thickness qualified is 2T).12. and over. In welded construction. QW-250 Variables QW-404. Part AF. Table Y-2 lists multiplying factors that. SB-407/SB-407M). finished.S. These alloys are occasionally subject to the hazard of stress corrosion cracking.g. A joint efficiency factor of 0. heat treatment. version of the material specification or the SI units version of the material specification. For example. and level of residual elements. The values at intermediate temperatures shall be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the value at the higher temperature between which values are being interpolated. with no particular hazard with respect to stress corrosion. increase by 1 the digit in the last place retained. extruded. These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts of distortion can cause leakage or malfunction. Part A or Part B is a dual-unit specification (e. Due to the relatively low yield strength of these materials. Use of these stresses may result in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. melting practice. fin. Maximum allowable stress values for 100ºF may be used at temperatures down to –325ºF without additional specification requirements. Table 5B Notes for Non-Ferrous Materials (a) (b) (c) The following abbreviations are used: ann... rel. will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels of permanent strain. and Wld. and types are listed in this Table. when the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5 or greater. extr. (d) (e) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 420 CodeCalc User's Guide .. Seamless. Welded. Maximum allowable stress values for 100°F may be used at temperatures down to –452ºF without additional specification requirements. Use of external pressure charts for material in the form of barstock is permitted for stiffening rings only.85 has been applied in arriving at the maximum allowable stress values for this material.. An alternative typeface is used for stress values obtained from time-dependent properties (see Notes T1 through T14). classes. Maximum temperature for external pressure design not to exceed 350°F. these higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short-time tensile properties govern to permit the use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. and where the material specification in Section II.Material Dialog Boxes ASME Section VIII Division 2. The stress values in this range exceed 66-2/3% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature. the supplier of the material should be consulted before applying them. when applied to the yield strength values shown in Table Y-1. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for more information. Where specifications. The rounding rule is: when the next digit beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5. Condenser. Even though they are suitable for engineering use under a wide variety of corrosive conditions.. annealed.. retain unchanged the digit in the last place retained. Cond. the values listed for SB-407 Grade N08800 shall be used when SB-407M Grade N08800 is used in construction. The properties of steels are influenced by the processing history. Smls. relieved. grades.. The values in this Table may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures.. the values listed in this Table shall be applicable to either the customary U. Alloy N06022 in the solution annealed condition is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperatures after exposure in the range of 1000ºF to 1250ºF. T4510. T6510. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 700ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. For temperatures above 1000ºF. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 300ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. T6511). Allowable stresses for temperatures of 400ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. these stress values may be used only if the material is heat treated by heating it to a minimum temperature of 1900ºF and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 850ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 750ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties.Material Dialog Boxes G8 G9 For stress relieved tempers (T451. these stress values may be used only if the material is annealed at a minimum temperature of 1900ºF and has a carbon content of 0. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 500ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. The user should satisfy him/herself that the alloy selected is satisfactory for the service for which it is to be used. and environmental effects are increasingly significant failure modes at temperatures in excess of 1500ºF and shall be considered in the design. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 350ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 950ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. At temperatures over 1000ºF. thermal ratcheting. Copper-silicon alloys are not always suitable when exposed to certain media and high temperature. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 800ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. G10 G11 G12 G13 H1 H2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 CodeCalc User's Guide 421 .04% or higher. For temperatures above 1000ºF. stress values for materials in the basic temper shall be used. This alloy is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room temperatures after exposure in the range of 1000ºF to 1400ºF. T4511.04% or higher. Creep-fatigue. T651. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 250ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 900ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. these stress values apply only when the carbon is 0. particularly steam above 212°F. Allowable Stress. Part D. 1B. If there are duplicate entries in the yield stress database. Ambient . thickness > 3/8 in. and populates this field. Listing # Yield Stress. and if some of the items in the model make use of yield stress. Design . Properties available in this dialog box vary depending on the command used. the software looks up its operating yield stress in the yield stress database and automatically fills in this value. The stress values given for this material are not applicable when either welding or thermal cutting is employed. Material Properties Dialog Box Displays properties for the selected material. The ambient temperature for most vessels will be 70° F or 100° F or 30° C). Doing so only changes the properties locally. and 3. Section II. then the software displays a message. You can find this value in the ASME Code. Use NFA-13 when welded with 4043 or 5554 filler metal. Section II. If you enter a valid material name in the Material Input field. 1B. stress values for material at O temper shall be used. Design . You can find these values in the ASME Code. It does not modify the database. You can then select from among the duplicates. Part D. Section 2 Part D. If the yield stress at operating temperature is significantly different than the yield stress at ambient temperature.Material Dialog Boxes T12 T13 T14 W1 W2 W3 W4 Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1000ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. You can modify some properties. You can find this value in the ASME Code. all thickness. The software also determines the allowable stress when you select a material name from the Material Selection window. When you select a material from the material database. The software also determines the allowable stress when you select a material name from the Material Selection window. Table 1A.Enter the allowable stress for the element material at ambient temperature. Table 1A. Welding except for seal welds is not permitted.Enter the yield stress for the material at the operating temperature. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1050ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable stresses for temperatures of 1100ºF and above are values obtained from time-dependent properties. Allowable Stress. 422 CodeCalc User's Guide . Use NFA-12 when welded with 5356 or 5556 filler metal. such as vessel legs.Enter the allowable stress for the element material at operating temperature. and 3.Displays the ASME code material specification for the selected item. For welded construction. thickness <= 3/8 in. Material Name . they are not stored in the material database. then you should carefully check and enter this value. the software searches its database and determines the allowable stress for the material at ambient temperature. The operating temperature for most vessels is defined to be the same as the design metal temperature for the internal pressure. or 4043 or 5554 filler metal. SA-217 Grade WC9 if normalized and tempered SA 285 Grades A and B SA 414 Grade A SA-515 Grade 60 SA-516 Grades 65 and 70 if not normalized SA-612 if not normalized SA/EN Grade B if not normalized SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH. SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC if normalized and tempered. SA-216 Grade WCA if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC for thicknesses not exceeding 2 in. Select Is the Material Normalized? or click Normalized to use the normalized curve for ASME material. PV Elite automatically changes the joint efficiency to 1. C. This thickness is based on the P number for the material listed in the allowable stress tables of the Code. 2011a Addenda: 1. Section VIII. Material Curve B a. or water-quenched and tempered. Table UCS-57 of the ASME Code. the material database selects the non-normalized curve. (50 mm). SA 182 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered SA 302 Grades C and D SA 336 Grades F21 and F22 if normalized and tempered. and D below. SA-217 Grade WC6 if normalized and tempered.Enter the nominal density of the material. If a seam is partially radiographed and the required thickness exceeds the P number thickness. all materials of Curve A if produced to fine grain practice and normalized which are not listed in Curves C and D below. The software uses this value to calculate component weights for this analysis. ed.Material Dialog Boxes Nominal Material Density . d. 3.AM 218.Enter the thickness for the P number. and bars not listed in Curves B. and P295GH as rolled SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430NR and PT460NR b. All pipe.UCS-66 curves Impact Tested . The following is from Section VIII Division 1. Figure UCS-66.2830 lbs/in . or liquid-quenched and tempered CodeCalc User's Guide 423 . Except for cast steels. c. if produced to fine grain practice and water-quenched and tempered. 2. The typical density for carbon steel is 3 0. All carbon and all low alloy steel plates. Division 1 lists the maximum thickness above which full radiography is required for welded seams. structural shapes.0 as stated in the Code. forgings. fittings.D .1 impact test exemption curve Not a Carbon Steel By default. Nominal Thickness for this P Number . External Pressure Curve Name UCS-66 Curve Select one of the following: Curve A . or water-quenched and tempered. and tubing not listed for Curves C and D below. b. Material Curve C a. Adjust the curve if you are using normalized material produced to fine grain practice. P265GH. Parts permitted under UG-11 shall be included in Curve B even when fabricated from plate that otherwise would be assigned to a different curve. Material Curve A a. 1 impact test exemption curve Not a Carbon Steel By default. Material Curve D SA 203 SA 508 Grade 1 SA 516 if normalized. Select Is the Material Normalized? or click Normalized to use the normalized curve for ASME material. b. The following is from Section VIII Division 1. and 3 SA 612 if normalized SA 662 if normalized SA 738 Grade A SA 738 Grade A with Cb and V deliberately added in accordance with the provisions of the material specification. Material Curve A a. and P295GH if normalized SA/EN 10028-3 Grade P275NH Impact Test Exempted If you are using an impact tested material when no MDMT calculations are required. 4. All materials listed in 2(a) and 2(c) or Curve B if produced to fine grain practice and normalized. 2. or liquid-quenched and tempered SA 442 Grades 55 <= 1 in. 2. or water-quenched and tempered. or water-quenched and tempered. SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC if normalized and tempered. Material Curve B 424 CodeCalc User's Guide .D .AM 218.Click to use the ASME normalized curve for the material. Is the Material Normalized? . Adjust the curve if you are using normalized material produced to fine grain practice. For more information. select Impact tested Material. or quenched and tempered SA 524 Classes 1 and 2 SA 537 Classes 1. All carbon and all low alloy steel plates. the material database selects the non-normalized curve. see UCS-66 Curve. SA-217 Grade WC6 if normalized and tempered. C. normalized and tempered.UCS-66 curves Impact Tested . and bars not listed in Curves B. P265GH. 2011a Addenda: 1. or liquid-quenched and tempered as permitted in the material specification. Select one of the following: Curve A . ed.Material Dialog Boxes SA 387 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered. structural shapes. and D below. and not listed for Curve D below. Figure UCS-66. not colder than -20ºF (-29ºC) SA 738 Grade B not colder than -20ºF (-29ºC) SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430N and PT460N SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH. if not to fine grain practice and normalized SA 516 Grades 55 and 60 if not normalized SA 533 Grades B and C SA 662 Grade A b. SA-217 Grade WC9 if normalized and tempered SA 285 Grades A and B SA 414 Grade A SA-515 Grade 60 SA-516 Grades 65 and 70 if not normalized SA-612 if not normalized SA/EN Grade B if not normalized SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH. Material Curve C a. and P295GH as rolled SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430NR and PT460NR b. and not listed for Curve D below. 3. or liquid-quenched and tempered SA 442 Grades 55 <= 1 in. if produced to fine grain practice and water-quenched and tempered. not colder than -20ºF (-29ºC) SA 738 Grade B not colder than -20ºF (-29ºC) SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430N and PT460N SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH. 4. or liquid-quenched and tempered as permitted in the material specification. Parts permitted under UG-11 shall be included in Curve B even when fabricated from plate that otherwise would be assigned to a different curve. all materials of Curve A if produced to fine grain practice and normalized which are not listed in Curves C and D below. if not to fine grain practice and normalized SA 516 Grades 55 and 60 if not normalized SA 533 Grades B and C SA 662 Grade A b. P265GH. and 3 SA 612 if normalized SA 662 if normalized SA 738 Grade A SA 738 Grade A with Cb and V deliberately added in accordance with the provisions of the material specification. forgings. SA-216 Grade WCA if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC for thicknesses not exceeding 2 in. or liquid-quenched and tempered SA 387 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered. and P295GH if normalized SA/EN 10028-3 Grade P275NH Impact Test Exempted CodeCalc User's Guide 425 . Material Curve D SA 203 SA 508 Grade 1 SA 516 if normalized. All pipe. 2. d. c.Material Dialog Boxes a. SA 182 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered SA 302 Grades C and D SA 336 Grades F21 and F22 if normalized and tempered. and tubing not listed for Curves C and D below. Except for cast steels. fittings. (50 mm). All materials listed in 2(a) and 2(c) or Curve B if produced to fine grain practice and normalized. or quenched and tempered SA 524 Classes 1 and 2 SA 537 Classes 1. P265GH. normalized and tempered. Reference Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Table TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-1 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 Description/UNS Number Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3% Material Group A Material Group B Material Group C Material Group D Material Group E Material Group F Material Group G S13800 S15500 S45000 S17400 S17700 S66286 A03560 A95083 A95086 A95456 A24430 A91060 A91100 A93003 A93004 A96061 426 CodeCalc User's Guide . Elastic Modulus ID The elastic modulus reference number is a value that points to or corresponds to a set of data set forth in ASME Section II Part D. many materials have a composition or UNS number that does not match the criteria of what is supplied in the ASME Code. If this happens. In these cases. tables TM-1. you will need to enter in an appropriate value.Material Dialog Boxes If you are using an impact tested material when no MDMT calculations are required. Unfortunately. the reference number will be brought in as zero. select Impact tested Material.3% Carbon Steels with C> 0. 2 and so on. Material Dialog Boxes Reference Number 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Table TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-2 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 Description/UNS Number A96063 A92014 A92024 A95052 A95154 A95254 A95454 A95652 C93700 C83600 C92200 C92200 C28000 C28000 C65500 C66100 C95200 C95400 C44300 C44400 C44500 C64200 C68700 C10200 C10400 C10500 C10700 C11000 C12000 C12200 C12300 CodeCalc User's Guide 427 . Material Dialog Boxes Reference Number 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Table TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-3 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 Description/UNS Number C12500 C14200 C23000 C61000 C61400 C65100 C70400 C19400 C60800 C63000 C70600 C97600 C71000 C71500 N02200 N02201 N04400 N04405 N06002 N06007 N06022 N06030 N06045 N06059 N06230 N06455 N06600 N06617 N06625 N06690 N07718 428 CodeCalc User's Guide . Material Dialog Boxes Reference Number 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Table TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-4 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-5 TM-1 Description/UNS Number N07750 N08020 N08031 N08330 N08800 N08801 N08810 N08825 N10001 N10003 N10242 N10276 N10629 N10665 N10675 N12160 R20033 R50250 R50400 R50550 R52400 R56320 R52250 R53400 R52402 R52252 R52404 R52254 R60702 R60705 12Cr-13Cr Group F CodeCalc User's Guide 429 . Group 2 5Cr-1Mo and 29Cr-7Ni-2Mo-N Steels 9Cr-1Mo 5Ni-1/4 4Mo 8Ni and 9Ni 12Cr. you will need to enter in an appropriate value. the reference number will be brought in as zero. tables TE-1. Group 1 Low Alloy Steels. Reference Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 Description/UNS Number Carbon & Low Alloy Steels. 13Cr-4Ni Steels 15Cr and 17Cr Steels 27Cr Steels Austentic Group 3 Steels Austentic Group 4 Steels 430 CodeCalc User's Guide . In these cases. 13Cr.5% Tungsten 7 MO (S32900) 7 MO PLUS (S32950) 17-19 CR Stn Steel AL-6XN Stn Steel (NO8367) AL-29-4-2 SEA-CURE 2205 (S31803) 3RE60 (S31500) Thermal Expansion Coefficient ID The thermal expansion reference number is a value that points to or corresponds to a set of data set forth in ASME Section II Part D. If this happens.Material Dialog Boxes Reference Number 119 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Table TM-1 TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA Description/UNS Number 20+Cr Material Group G Ni-Mo Alloy B Tantalum Tantalum with 2. Unfortunately. many materials have a composition or UNS number that does not match the criteria of what is supplied in the ASME Code. Thermal expansion coefficients are important especially if you are analyzing a heat exchanger. 2 and so on. 12cR-1Al. N06686 N06230 N06455 N06600 N06625 N06690 N07718 N07750 N08031 N08330 N08800. N08810.Material Dialog Boxes 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 TE-1 TE-1 TE-1 TE-2 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-3 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 Ductile Cast Iron 17Cr-4Ni-4Cu. Condition 1075 17Cr-4Ni-4Cu. Condition 1150 Aluminum Alloys Copper Alloys C1XXXX Series Bronze Alloys Brass Alloys 70Cu-30Ni 90Cu-10Ni N02200 and N02201 N04400 and N04405 N06002 N06007 N06022 N06030 N06045 N06059. N08811 N08825 N10001 N10003 N10242 N10276 N10629 CodeCalc User's Guide 431 . N08801. 7. 11. 28 5Cr-1/2Mo 7Cr-1/2Mo & 9Cr-1Mo Ni-Mo (Alloy B) Nickel (Alloy 200) Copper-Silicon Admirality Zirconium Cr-Ni-F3-Mo-Cu-Cb (Alloy 20Cb) Tantalum Tantulum with 2. 3. 7H.Material Dialog Boxes 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-4 TE-5 TE-5 TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA N10665 N10675 N12160 R20033 Titanium Gr 1. 17. 2.5% Tungsten 17-19 CR (TP 439) AL-6XN 2205 (S31803) 3RE60 (S31500) 7 MO PLUS (S32950) AL 29-4-2 SEA-CURE 880-20 Cu-Ni (C71000) Yield Stress . 27 Titanium Gr 9. 12. 432 CodeCalc User's Guide . 26H. 16H. 16. 26. which displays yield stress details of the selected material.Opens the Yield Stress Record dialog box. 2H. .4 Features (6/95) ................................................................ 471 CodeCalc Version 5.........00 15..... 474 CodeCalc Version 5..................... Complete Vessel Examples Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------...... 469 CodeCalc Version 4.............4 Features (1/2002) .....5 Features (6/96) ..00 CS-2 NO SA-516 70 psig F psig F Design Internal Pressure Temperature for Internal Pressure Design External Pressure Temperature for External Pressure External Pressure Chart Name Include Hydrostatic Head Components Material Specification (Normalized) CodeCalc User's Guide 433 .........3 Features (7/94) ..... 477 CodeCalc Version 6.. 478 CodeCalc Version 2006 Features (1/2006) .........Page 2 Shell Analysis : EX1CHCYL Item: 1 2:38p Dec 16................................1 Features (7/92) ........................................2002 Input Echo.......................0 Features (6/98) ....................... 475 CodeCalc Version 6...............3 Features (1/2001) ........... 472 CodeCalc Version 5.... 472 CodeCalc Version 5.................. 476 CodeCalc Version 6.......... 478 CodeCalc Version 2005 Features (1/2005) .............. 472 CodeCalc Version 5......2 Features (7/93) ............ In This Appendix Example Problems ...... 475 CodeCalc Version 6...................................... 479 Example Problems Example problems are located in the software installation folder/Examples folder........................ 476 CodeCalc Version 6...00 150................... Component 1..........................................5 Features (1/2003) .................. 433 Bibliography of Pressure Vessel Texts and Standards .........00 150............................ 476 CodeCalc Version 6................................................. 471 CodeCalc Version 5..............................APPENDIX A Appendices The appendices describe miscellaneous features and the revision history of CodeCalc................ 473 CodeCalc Version 5............... 477 CodeCalc Version 2004 Features (1/2004) ..5 Features (7/90) .......................................................................................6 Features (6/97) .. Description: EX1CHCYL P PEXT 200..0 Features (6/91) ................2 Features (1/2000) .......................1 Features (1/99) .... All. psig psig psig psig psig % Measured at High Point ): * MAWP * Sa/S 354. 1. in. in.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (200.93 * MAPN 474.00 D 0.Appendices Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 Joint efficiency for Shell Joint Maximum Thickness before Full Radiography Design Length of Section Length of Cylinder for Volume Calcs. Max.6*T) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.25 * MAWP * Sa/S 300.00*0.0000 20.02 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure.1250 NO Cylindrical Shell psi psi in.075 -55 F 434 CodeCalc User's Guide . w/o impact per Fig.5000) = 364.: EX1CHCYL ASME Code.6*200. Section VIII.5000 0. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (S*E*(T-CA))/((D/2+CA)+0. thickness calculation Type of Element: S SA E K02700 20000.3750)) = 14650.3 Pneumatic per UG-100 .1250)+0.32 ) Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 50t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) Min.0000/2+0.85*0.00 20000.0000/2+0.6*0.0000/2+0. in.00*0.1250))/(20000.81 psig Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*((D/2+CA)+0.3 Hydrotest per UG-99(c).85 1. SHELL NUMBER 1.6*(T-CA)))/(E*(T-CA)) = (200.000 in.00) = 0.00*0. 1. in.3990 0.6*(T-CA)) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.00*((46. Division 1.00*(46.1250)+0. in. A-02 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.2740 in. Trca Actual Thickness as Given in Input Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP Design Pressure as Given in Input P HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Hydrotest per UG-99(b).5000)/(46. 1.98 psi SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance.3750)))/(0. L CYLLEN D T CA INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS. in.1 0.6*(0. Metal Temp.0000 46. Ed-2001.0000/2+0.2500 20.85-0. New and Cold (MAPNC): = (SA*E*T)/(D/2+0. Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate Corrosion Allowance Skip UG-16(b) Min. UCS-66 1.85*(0.5000 273.019 200.3750))/((46.3750) = 273.6*0.0000 0. Desc.85*(0. : EX1CHCYL ASME Code.2309 0.0000 20.0000 20. Corroded WWATCA -20 1460.3 1098. Corroded VOLIDCA of Water in Component. in.00 psig psig in.1 1200.0012 psig SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness Required Pressure as entered by User Required Thickness including Corrosion all. Corroded WMETCA Volume of Component. in.4255 0. CORRODED THICKNESS: of Shell Component. in.3750 47.0024044 15619.1059 47.Page 5 Shell Analysis : EX1CHCYL Item: 2 2:38p Dec 16.**3 lb.8 413.4255 0. Metal Temp.00 0. SHELL NUMBER 1.5000 449. in.66 125.0003442 4991. in.Appendices Min.33 0.00 F psi B Results for Max. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300.00 125.4 33238.1372)/(3*443.9 33600. Desc.1167)/(3*125.6432)=15. Corroded VOLMETCA of Shell Component.3 F in.17 15.**3 lb.00 29000000. Section VIII.3333)=15. Actual Thickness as entered by User Maximum Length for Thickness and Pressure Actual Length as entered by User PVElite by COADE Engineering Software B B 166.00 443.9551)/(3*125.64 0.2002 CodeCalc User's Guide 435 .3333)=166. Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.3750 47. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.96 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*15619.3 1213. Pressure (Tca): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.5672 0. in.0000972 1410.0000 449. Division 1.14 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*4991.33 9. EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.12 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*1410. ORIGINAL THICKNESS: of Shell Component VOLMET of Shell Component WMET Volume of Component VOLID of Water in Component WWAT AND VOLUME RESULTS. w/o impact per UG-20(f) WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight and VOLUME RESULTS.658 20. Ed-2001.**3 lb.1697 psig Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext.**3 lb.6 310.0005 psig Results for Maximum Length Between Stiffeners (Slen): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0. L CYLLEN D T CA INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.6*(T-CA)))/(E*(T-CA)) = (275.00 D 0. New and Cold (MAPNC): = (SA*E*T)/(D/2+0.0000/2+0.6*275. Division 1.5000)))/(0. Desc.00) = 0.6*(0.6250)/(46. All.35 psi 436 CodeCalc User's Guide . in.00*0. in.2500 218.86 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure. in.1250))/(20000.85*(0.0000/2+0.6*T) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.00*(46. in.1250)+0.85*0.Appendices Input Echo. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (S*E*(T-CA))/((D/2+CA)+0.00 150.0000 0.00 CS-2 NO SA-516 70 K02700 20000.3777 in.00 15.0000/2+0. Component 2.6*(T-CA)) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.2500 218. Section VIII.00*((46.00*0.6*0.85*(0. A-02 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.1250 NO Cylindrical Shell psig F psig F Design Internal Pressure Temperature for Internal Pressure Design External Pressure Temperature for External Pressure External Pressure Chart Name Include Hydrostatic Head Components Material Specification (Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 Joint efficiency for Shell Joint Maximum Thickness before Full Radiography Design Length of Section Length of Cylinder for Volume Calcs. Max. Ed-2001.5000)) = 15157.00 150.55 psig Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*((D/2+CA)+0.6250 0.2500 46.0000/2+0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (275.5000))/((46.85 1.00*0.1250)+0.5000) = 362.85-0.00 20000. thickness calculation Type of Element: S SA E psi psi in. Description: EX1CHCYL P PEXT 275. Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate Corrosion Allowance Skip UG-16(b) Min. in.: EX1CHCYL ASME Code.6*0.6250) = 454. SHELL NUMBER 2. 94 4.000 in.6190 0.4 13240.3042)/(3*94.5000)=63.2500 0.**3 lb.2 4535.2 13097. ORIGINAL THICKNESS: of Shell Component VOLMET of Shell Component WMET Volume of Component VOLID of Water in Component WWAT AND VOLUME RESULTS.: EX1CHCYL ASME Code. Corroded WWATCA 1.25 94. Division 1. 1.0642)/(3*94.6 in. in.00 29000000. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0. Corroded VOLIDCA of Water in Component.2814 47.860 275. Ed-2001.0010 psig Results for Maximum Length Calculation: No Conversion TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.3954)/(3*167.5000 47.40 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*1889. UCS-66 Min. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300.9 16027. Corroded WMETCA Volume of Component.2002 psig B B CodeCalc User's Guide 437 .340 -48 F -55 F -20 F 19980.5000 47.**3 lb.0001232 1786. in.1) Min.50 4.5000)=25. CORRODED THICKNESS: of Shell Component. in.**3 lb.06 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*1786.2500 218.00 F psi B Results for Max. Corroded VOLMETCA of Shell Component.4 362710. (per UCS 66.28E+13 94.5027 0.Appendices SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance.0001303 1889. Metal Temp.91 * MAWP * Sa/S 399. Metal Temp. 1. 1. in. psig psig psig psig psig % Measured at High Point ): * MAWP * Sa/S 471. w/o impact per Fig.50 .5834E+11 0.30 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*4487.3 Pneumatic per UG-100 .2500 218.72 * MAPN 590.4 5654.**3 lb.3129 psig Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext.6190 0.9354)=15.25 167. Trca Actual Thickness as Given in Input Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP Design Pressure as Given in Input P HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Hydrotest per UG-99(b). Desc. EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.0003095 4487. Metal Temp.7 366663.6250 362.1 0.15 ) Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 50t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) Min. w/o impact per UG-20(f) WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight and VOLUME RESULTS. SHELL NUMBER 2. Section VIII. Pressure (Tca): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0. at Req'd thk.3 Hydrotest per UG-99(c). : EX1CVCYL ASME Code.85-0. Component 3.00 150. Actual Thickness as entered by User Maximum Length for Thickness and Pressure Actual Length as entered by User PVElite by COADE Engineering Software al .2757E+13 218.1250 NO Cylindrical Shell psig F psig F 63. in.31 15. Design Internal Pressure Temperature for Internal Pressure Design External Pressure Temperature for External Pressure External Pressure Chart Name Include Hydrostatic Head Components Material Specification (Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 Joint efficiency for Shell Joint Maximum Thickness before Full Radiography Design Length of Section Length of Cylinder for Volume Calcs.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (275.00*(50. Division 1.6250 0.85 1. thickness calculation Type of Element: S SA E psi psi in.00) = 0. Ed-2001.00 CS-2 NO SA-516 70 K02700 20000.00 D 0.00*0.4064 0. Description: EX1CVCYL P PEXT 275.4104 in. in. Section VIII. in.6*275. Desc.2002 Input Echo.Page 8 Shell Analysis : EX1CVCYL Item: 3 2:38p Dec 16. Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate Corrosion Allowance Skip UG-16(b) Min.Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.2500 20. in.6250 0.0000 0. in.Appendices SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness Required Pressure as entered by User Required Thickness including Corrosion all.00 0. in.00 150.00 20000.1250))/(20000.00 15. SHELL NUMBER 3. A-02 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0. 438 CodeCalc User's Guide .0000 20.0000/2+0. L CYLLEN D T CA INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.0000 50. in. in.25 psig psig in. 50 0. Section VIII. All.00 102. Ed-2001. 1.6250)/(50. in.**3 lb.2500 20. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.61 * MAPN 544.0036227 16683. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300.6*(0.0 562.5000) = 334. 1. at Req'd thk.6 1432.6*(T-CA)))/(E*(T-CA)) = (275. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (S*E*(T-CA))/((D/2+CA)+0. Metal Temp. Trca Actual Thickness as Given in Input Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP Design Pressure as Given in Input P HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Hydrotest per UG-99(b).3 Pneumatic per UG-100 .235 -48 F -55 F -20 F 1988.75 ) Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 50t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) Min. w/o impact per Fig.5000 51.00*0. Corroded WMETCA Volume of Component. Division 1.5354 0.85*0. (per UCS 66.33 * MAWP * Sa/S 367.47 psi SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance. 1. EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.5000)) = 16451.317 275. CORRODED THICKNESS: of Shell Component.72 psig Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*((D/2+CA)+0.6250 334.: EX1CVCYL ASME Code. SHELL NUMBER 3. Metal Temp.3902 0.0000/2+0.9 1418.2 39663.00*((50.0000/2+0.1 0.1250)+0. Desc.6*T) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.4 451.6*(T-CA)) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (20000.1 1594. psig psig psig psig psig % Measured at High Point ): * MAWP * Sa/S 434. ORIGINAL THICKNESS: of Shell Component VOLMET of Shell Component WMET Volume of Component VOLID of Water in Component WWAT AND VOLUME RESULTS.85*(0.85*(0. in. UCS-66 Min.5000)))/(0.1250)+0.**3 lb.**3 lb. Metal Temp.00 29000000.6*0. New and Cold (MAPNC): = (SA*E*T)/(D/2+0. in. Corroded VOLMETCA of Shell Component.32 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure.3 Hydrotest per UG-99(c).**3 lb. Corroded WWATCA 1.0000/2+0.00*0.28 CodeCalc User's Guide 439 .3 in.6 39269. Corroded VOLIDCA of Water in Component.1) Min.6*0. in.00 F psi B Results for Max.Appendices Max.6250) = 418.5000))/((50.000 in. w/o impact per UG-20(f) WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside Weight and VOLUME RESULTS. in.2500 0.9623)=15. in.10E+09 102.5000 51.2002 Input Echo.2500 50.00 459.0182 psig Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext.00 15.1035E+09 20. in. Component 4.Page 11 Shell Analysis : EX1CVCHEA Item: 4 2:38p Dec 16.00 20000. Actual Thickness as entered by User Maximum Length for Thickness and Pressure Actual Length as entered by User PVElite by COADE Engineering Software Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.00 150. in.2364 0.80 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*5174.Appendices EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*16683. Description: EX1CVCHEA Design Internal Pressure Temperature for Internal Pressure Design External Pressure Temperature for External Pressure External Pressure Chart Name Include Hydrostatic Head Components Material Specification (Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 Joint efficiency for Head Joint Maximum Thickness before Full Radiography Inside Diameter of Elliptical Head P PEXT 275. S SA E D psi psi in.1440)/(3*102.96 0.2019E+07 0.00 psig psig in.3902 0.0003569 5174.50 .7482 psig SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness Required Pressure as entered by User Required Thickness including Corrosion all. in.00 CS-2 NO SA-516 70 K02700 20000.8022)/(3*459.5000)=19.0000 0.00 0.1250 2.2500 20.0000 0.0001047 1518.85 1.00 150.5000)=217.0007 psig Results for Maximum Length Calculation: No Conversion TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.1114 51. in. Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate Corrosion Allowance Aspect Ratio Length of Straight Flange T CA AR STRTFLG 440 CodeCalc User's Guide . Pressure (Tca): TCA OD SLEN D/T L/D Factor A 0.02 15.14 EMAWP=(4*B)/(3*(D/T))=(4*1518.6900 0.2773)/(3*102. in.00 D 0.0000 psig F psig F B B 217.6250 0. psig psig psig psig psig % Measured at High Point ): * MAWP * Sa/S 495. Desc. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (2*S*E*(T-CA))/(K*(D+2*CA)+0.85*0.0000+2*0.00*0.5650)))/(2*0. Straight VOLSCA Total Volume for Head + Straight VOLTOT WEIGHT Volume Weight Inside AND VOLUME RESULTS.**3 CodeCalc User's Guide 441 .86 * MAPN 608. at Req'd thk.7 16609. in.**3 lb.1250)+0. A-02 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D+2*CA)*K)/(2*S*E-0. Metal Temp.00*50. CORRODED THICKNESS: of Shell Component.**3 in.85*(0.00*(50. thickness calculation NO Type of Element: Elliptical Head INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.**3 lb.431 275.5321 0.2*T) per Appendix 1-4 (c) = (2*20000.1 in.2*(0.1) Min.0 16362. w/o impact per UG-20(f) WEIGHT and VOLUME RESULTS.1250)+0.5650)) = 14419. of 0. 1. Corroded WMETCA Volume of Component.3 Pneumatic per UG-100 .Appendices Skip UG-16(b) Min.00*(1. New and Cold (MAPNC): = (2*SA*E*T)/(K*D+0.0000+0.28 * MAWP * Sa/S 419. 1.: EX1CVCHEA ASME Code.**3 lb.85-0.2*(0. All.00) = 0.5650))/(1. Corroded VOLIDCA 6. Section VIII.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c) = (275.57 ) Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 75t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) Min.00)/(2*20000. (per UCS 66.0000+2*0.5 16362.9 600. Metal Temp.00*0.39 psi SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance. Max. in. Division 1. in.**3 in. ORIGINAL THICKNESS: Volume of Shell Component VOLMET Weight of Shell Component WMET Inside Volume of Component VOLID Weight of Water in Component WWAT Inside Vol.00*0.9 0. SHELL NUMBER 4.2*(T-CA)) per Appendix 1-4 (c) = (2*20000.6900 381.000 in.00*(50.00*(50. Corroded VOLMETCA of Shell Component.1250)*1.91 psig Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*(K*(D+2*CA)+0.4071 in.005 -45 F -55 F -20 F 2121. w/o impact per Fig.6900)/(1. in.00 in.1 0. UCS-66 Min. Metal Temp.5 491.2*(T-CA)))/(2*E*(T-CA)) = (275.2*0.3 Hydrotest per UG-99(c).43 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure.85*(0.0000+2*0. Ed-2001.2*275. Trca Actual Thickness as Given in Input Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP Design Pressure as Given in Input P HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Hydrotest per UG-99(b).6900) = 467. 1.5650)) = 381.5 590.5 1737. 94 0.00 CS-2 NO SA-516 70 K02700 20000.0 16609.00 150.Page 14 Shell Analysis : EX1HEEXT Item: 5 2:38p Dec 16. of 0. in. Corroded Inside Vol.34 15.00 D 0.00 in. Pressure (Tca): TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0.**3 EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.Appendices Weight of Water in Component. Division 1. Total Volume for Head + Straight Corroded WWATCA VOLSCA VOLTCA 599. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300.85 1.0007 psig SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness Required Pressure as entered by User Required Thickness including Corrosion all. 442 CodeCalc User's Guide .0003596 5214. in. SHELL NUMBER 4.2247)=15.8 0.00 F psi Results for Max.00 15.6900 psig psig in. Straight.00 20000.9381)=172. Ed-2001.29 EMAWP=B/(K0*(D/T))=5214.2580 0.00 300.5650 51. Desc.6900 0. Component 5.1133/(0.1 lb.00 0.2500 50.00 29000000.: EX1CVCHEA ASME Code. Description: EX1HEEXT Design Internal Pressure Temperature for Internal Pressure Design External Pressure Temperature for External Pressure External Pressure Chart Name Include Hydrostatic Head Components Material Specification (Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient Curve Name for Chart UCS 66 Joint efficiency for Head Joint Maximum Thickness before Full Radiography Inside Diameter of Elliptical Head Minimum Thickness of Pipe or Plate Corrosion Allowance P PEXT 275. in. in.2935/(0.9000*386.0000 0.3800 90. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0.0015273 14105. Section VIII.9000*90.11 EMAWP=B/(K0*(D/T))=14105.2002 Input Echo. in.1330 51.**3 in. Corr. S SA E D T CA psi psi in. Actual Thickness as entered by User PVElite by COADE Engineering Software Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.22 0.3409 psig Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext.3800 386.1250 psig F psig F 172. w/o impact per Fig.2*(0.4071 in. Straight VOLSCA Total Volume for Head + Straight VOLTOT WEIGHT AND VOLUME RESULTS.1) Min.0000 0.28 * MAWP * Sa/S 419. ORIGINAL THICKNESS: Volume of Shell Component VOLMET Weight of Shell Component WMET Inside Volume of Component VOLID Weight of Water in Component WWAT Inside Vol. Section VIII.005 -45 F -55 F -20 F 2121. A-02 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D+2*CA)*K)/(2*S*E-0. Metal Temp.**3 in. Max.5321 0. in.00*(50.5 590.0000+2*0.85*0. Skip UG-16(b) Min.43 psig Maximum Allowable Pressure.3 Hydrotest per UG-99(c).Appendices Aspect Ratio Length of Straight Flange AR STRTFLG 2. thickness calculation Type of Element: Elliptical Head INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.1250)*1.**3 lb.6900) = 467.0000+2*0.**3 lb.6900 381.5 in.5650))/(1.00*50.57 ) Percent Elongation per UCS-79 ( 75t/Rf * (1-Rf/Ro) Min. psig psig psig psig psig % Measured at High Point ): * MAWP * Sa/S 495.2*(T-CA)) per Appendix 1-4 (c) = (2*20000.1250)+0.5650)))/(2*0. in.0000 NO in. Ed-2001.39 psi SUMMARY OF INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Required Thickness plus Corrosion Allowance.0000+0.85*(0. of 0. Trca Actual Thickness as Given in Input Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAWP Design Pressure as Given in Input P HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURES ( Hydrotest per UG-99(b).6900)/(1. New and Cold (MAPNC): = (2*SA*E*T)/(K*D+0. Division 1.00*0.00*(50.85*(0.2*(T-CA)))/(2*E*(T-CA)) = (275. CORRODED THICKNESS: 6.00 in. at Req'd thk.2*0. Metal Temp.5 16362. UCS-66 Min.**3 CodeCalc User's Guide 443 . w/o impact per UG-20(f) WEIGHT and VOLUME RESULTS. Desc.2*275.00*(1.2*T) per Appendix 1-4 (c) = (2*20000.000 in.86 * MAPN 608. SHELL NUMBER 5.00*0. (per UCS 66.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c) = (275.00)/(2*20000.0 16362.5650)) = 381.3 Pneumatic per UG-100 .0000+2*0.00*0. 1.431 275.2*(0.9 0.1 0.00) = 0.: EX1HEEXT ASME Code.9 600. Metal Temp.1250)+0. in. All.00*(50. 1.5650)) = 14419. 1.85-0. Working Pressure at Given Thickness (MAWP): = (2*S*E*(T-CA))/(K*(D+2*CA)+0.91 psig Actual stress at given pressure and thickness (Sact): = (P*(K*(D+2*CA)+0. 00 46.1250 YES psig F 172.34 15.: EX1HEEXT ASME Code.**3 lb.9000*386.1133/(0. of 0. VOLSCA Total Volume for Head + Straight Corroded VOLTCA 1737. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp): TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0.00 in. Pressure (Tca): TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0. in. in.Page 17 Nozzle Analysis : EX1NOZAB Item: 1 2:38p Dec 16. SHELL NUMBER 5.1 in.0000 0.9000*90. Actual Thickness as entered by User PVElite by COADE Engineering Software Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.00 NO SA-516 70 K02700 20000. Corr.5 491.8 0. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300.9381)=172.6900 psig psig in. Design Internal Pressure ( Case 1 ) Temperature for Internal Pressure Include Hydrostatic Head Components Shell Material (Not Normalized or NA) Material UNS Number Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell Actual Thickness of Shell or Head Corrosion Allowance for Shell or Head Is this Nozzle a Radial Nozzle S SA D T CAS psi psi in.3800 386.3800 90.2247)=15.5000 0.0003596 5214. Ed-2001.00 0. Corroded VOLIDCA Weight of Water in Component.11 EMAWP=B/(K0*(D/T))=14105.22 0. in. Straight. Section VIII. Corroded WMETCA Inside Volume of Component.94 0.0007 psig SUMMARY of EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS: Allowable Pressure at Corroded thickness Required Pressure as entered by User Required Thickness including Corrosion all.1330 51. Division 1.5650 51.2002 Input Echo.2580 0.**3 lb.0 16609. Corroded WWATCA Inside Vol.7 16609.1 599.00 20000. Description: EX1NOZAB P TEMP 200.**3 EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.00 150. in.3409 psig Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext.29 EMAWP=B/(K0*(D/T))=5214. Nozzle Item 1.**3 in.00 29000000. in. 444 CodeCalc User's Guide .2935/(0. Corroded VOLMETCA Weight of Shell Component. Desc.00 F psi Results for Max.0015273 14105.Appendices Volume of Shell Component. Appendices Is this Nozzle a Lateral Nozzle (Y-angle) The Attached Flange is Class CL 150 Grade GR 1.5000 in. A-02. 0.2326 in.00-0. Section VIII.5000 0.00 17100.00-0. Description: EX1NOZAB ASME Code.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (200.00 1.00 15.00*1. 0.00*1.0000/2+0.00 Abutting 10. Tr Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.6*200.5000 0.5000 in. Actual 0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (200. 0. in. NOZZLE NUMBER 1.0000 in. SA-516 70 20000. 1.00 20000. Tr Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0. in.00*(11.5000 in.00*(46. UG-37 to UG-45 Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation Internal Pressure Results for SHELL/HEAD : Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell.7500 NO Nozzle Material (Not Normalized or NA) Material UNS Number Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Diameter Basis for Nozzle Inside Diameter of Nozzle Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Actual Thickness of Nozzle Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck SN SNA BASISN DIA DBN THK CAN ES EN psi psi in. Ed-2001. CodeCalc User's Guide 445 .00) = 0.5000 No No psi psi in.500 in.1250))/(17100.00) CASE 1 CASE 1 11.00 ID 11.7500/2+0. in.7500 0. 1.1250))/(20000.1 SA-106 B K03006 17100. Insert or Abutting Nozzle Type NTYP Outward Projection of Nozzle HO Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell WO Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel WGNV Pad Material (Not Normalized or NA) Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Thickness of Pad Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle SN SNA DP TP WP WGPN Is this is Manway/Access/Inspection Opening Skip Iterative Failure Thickness Calculations NOZZLE CALCULATION.1250 in. in.6*200. Div. Internal Pressure Results for NOZZLE : Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall.750 0. DLR = Corroded ID: Area Available in Shell (A1): A1 = (DL-DLR)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)-2*(THK-CAN)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)*(1-FFR1) A1 = (24. no Pad: A4NP = Wo^2*FFR2 + ( Wi-Can/0.0-1.HO) ) * ( THK .0625 in.792 sq.792 NA Area in Shell A1 1.HO))*(THK-CAN-TRN)*FFR2 = ( 2 * 0. no pad TLNP 0.5000 .in.1250 .0707 in.0000 )^2 * 0.1250 Thickness 0. pad side TLWP 0.Appendices = NA Area in Welds A4 0.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit. sq. sq.86 ) = 0. SELECTION OF POSSIBLE REINFORCING PADS: Based on given Pad Thickness: Based on given Pad Diameter: Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: Diameter 13.2326+2*( sq.500-0.0-1. Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle: AR = (DLR*TR+2*THK*TR*(1-FFR1)) UG-37(c) or UG-39 AR = (12. UG-40.5000 in.00 Degs. A1 to A5 Design External Area Required AR 2.0000*0. sq.8550 446 CodeCalc User's Guide .157 NA Pressure Case 1 Governs the Analysis Nozzle Tangent Angle Used in Area Calculations The area available without a pad is Insufficient.5000-0.1250)* NA Area in Inward Nozzle A3 ) * 0.00*(0. in.0.488 sq. in.5000-0. Area A2NP A2NP A2NP Area A2WP A2WP A2WP Available in Nozzle Wall.5000^2 * 0.8550 + ( 13.86 ) = 0. Areas per UG-37.0.000)*(1. with Pad: = (2*MIN(TLWP.460 NA Area in Pad A5 1.125)-0.1250 ) * FFR2 = ( 2 * 0.1250)-0. sq.00) A1 = 1. sq.00*(0. no Pad: = ( 2 * MIN(TLNP.CAN .0707 ) * 0.5000-0. sq.9375 RESULTS of NOZZLE REINFORCEMENT AREA CALCULATIONS: AREA AVAILABLE. DL 24.0000 Effective material thickness limit.0. Available in Nozzle Wall.9375 ) * ( 0.125) *(1.707 )^2*FFR2 A4NP = 0. 90. The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.2326)*(1.708 NA Area in Nozzle Wall A2 0. Mapnc NA NA NA NA NA NA NA in.000-12.9375 ) * ( 0.500 NA TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE ATOT*(1.1250 . 0.00)) AR = 2.9375 Effective material thickness limit. Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : CASE 1 Effective material diameter limit.5000 in.233)-2*(0.5000 . Area Available in Welds.708 sq. Max( 0. Metal Temp. W1 = (A2+A5+A4-(WII-CAN/. Metal Temp.12. for given geometry Pressure Rating for B16.5000 + 0.7082 ) * 20000 W = 21670.7500 ) * 0.1) -146 Min.5 Flange at Pressure Rating for B16. in.2500 * 1. .0 272.86 + ( 0.5 Flange at AMAP 247. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc. with Flange and Pad. lb.00 F is 150.914 285.7 * WO Pad Weld 0.2461 ) * 0. CodeCalc User's Guide 447 . UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: = Max(Min(Max(Max(UG45B1.TLWP. RESULTS FOR THIS NOZZLE GEOMETRY Approximate M.214 sq.3576. Corroded MINIMUM Minimum Minimum Minimum DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE RESULTS: Nozzle Temp. 1.W.5 121.Max(UG45B2. MIN(tn.1.3576 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 0.5000 in.1875 = 0. with Flange and Pad. 0. (per UCS 66.P.Appendices A4NP = 0. OK M.0000 ) * 0.A. Area Available in Pad: A5 = (MIN(DP. at Req'd thk.54 Shell -6 -44 -20 psig psig psig lb.7918 . Uncorroded Weight of Nozzle.00 F is Weight of Nozzle.1.00 A5 = 1. w/o impact per Fig. SKETCH (a) OR (b) W = (AR-A1)*S W = ( 2.te) Min.1957) = 0.500 sq. per UCS-66 1(b). 0. UCS-66 -6 Min.00 = 0. 0. w/o impact per Fig.1875)).TE))*FFR4 A5 = ( 15.W. for nozzle/shell welds in.4879 + 1. UCS-66 -6 Temp. Intermediate Calcs. Pad -6 -44 -20 F F F F F F 100. Required Thickness Actual Thickness Nozzle Weld = 0.707)^2*FFR2)*S W1 = ( 0. NOZZLE NUMBER Intermediate Calcs.7500 . 0. at operating stress -146 EX1NOZAB Tmin TminPad 0. Desc.3535 = ) * 20000 .0. with Pad: = (Wo^2 .0313 * 0.UG45B4). in.Ar Lost)*FFR3 + ((Wi-Can/0.UG16B)).1250.P.3750 Results Per UW-16.81 108.460 sq.A. for pad/shell welds in.7 * WP WELD STRENGTH AND WELD LOADS PER UG-41.Ar Lost)*FFR2 + Wp^2*FFR4 = ( 0.2500 = Min per Code 0.86 + 0.707)^2 .3750 0. Area A4wp A4wp A4WP Available in Welds. lb.UG45A) = Max(Min(Max(Max( 0.4531).t. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 WELD SIZE CALCULATIONS.4604 .1. Metal Temp.1875).DL)-(DIA+2*THK))*(Min(TP.5*TminPad 0.5000 * 1. 00 150. NOZZLE GROOVE WELD: SNGW = (PI/2)*(DLR+WGNVA)*(WGNVA-CAN)*0.0 ) * 15.0 ) * 12.7500 * 0. lb. must exceed W = 21670 lb. PVElite by COADE Engineering Software Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.7500 * 0. OUTWARD NOZZLE WELD: SONW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0. SHEAR.49*SEW SPEW = ( 3.2002 Input Echo.74*SEG TPGW = ( 3. for Shell and Nozzle) Maximum (failure) Corrosion Allowance: 0.1416 / 2. Iterative Results per Pressure.000+ 0.. Description: EX1NOZAC P TEMP 275. lb. Minimum (failure) Nozzle Thickness: 0.Page 22 Nozzle Analysis : EX1NOZAC Item: 2 2:38p Dec 16.1416 / 2. SUMMARY OF FAILURE PATH CALCULATIONS: Path 1-1 = 196771 lb.60*SNG SNGW = ( 3.0.49 * 17100 SONW = 83906. Area and UG-45: ( Assuming same Corr.Appendices W1 = 48431.7500 * 0.0)*DLO*WGPN*0.2107 in. STRENGTH OF CONNECTION ELEMENTS FOR FAILURE PATH ANALYSIS SHEAR. Nozzle Item 2.14/2)*( 12.2893 in.500)*( 0. STRENGTH OF FAILURE PATHS: PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNGW ) = ( 121226 + 75545 ) = 196771 lb.1416 / 2. All.74 * 17100 TPGW = 126715.00 NO SA-516 70 K02700 psig F Design Internal Pressure ( Case 1 ) Temperature for Internal Pressure Include Hydrostatic Head Components Shell Material (Not Normalized or NA) Material UNS Number 448 CodeCalc User's Guide . Minimum (failure) Shell Thickness: 0.49 * 20000 SPEW = 121226.500. lb. lb.1250)*0. TENSION. PAD ELEMENT WELD: SPEW = (PI/2)*DP*WP*0.5000 * 0. lb. or W1 = 48431 lb. PAD GROOVE WELD: TPGW = (PI/2. SHEAR.2893 in.49*SNW SONW = ( 3.5000 * 0.5000 * 0.6* 17100 SNGW = 75545.0 ) * 12. 1250 in. Tr Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.Appendices Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell Actual Thickness of Shell or Head Corrosion Allowance for Shell or Head Is this Nozzle a Radial Nozzle Is this Nozzle a Lateral Nozzle (Y-angle) The Attached Flange is Class CL 300 Grade GR 1. 1. 1. in. 0.5000 0.5930 in.5000 No No psi psi in.1 SA-106 B K03006 17100.00 20000.593 in.6*275. UG-37 to UG-45 Actual Nozzle Inside Diameter Used in Calculation Actual Nozzle Thickness Used in Calculation Internal Pressure Results for SHELL/HEAD : Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell. Insert or Abutting Nozzle Type NTYP Outward Projection of Nozzle HO Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell WO Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel WGNV Pad Material (Not Normalized or NA) Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Thickness of Pad Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle SN SNA DP TP WP WGPN Is this is Manway/Access/Inspection Opening Skip Iterative Failure Thickness Calculations NOZZLE CALCULATION.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (275.0000/2+0.6250 0.00 ID 10. Description: EX1NOZAC ASME Code. CodeCalc User's Guide 449 .00 46. in.00 20000.1250))/(20000.00*(46. 0.00 Abutting 10.6250 0.5000 in. A-02.0000 S SA D T CAS 20000. Nominal SCH 80 0. Ed-2001.00) CASE 1 9.0000 in.00*1.564 0. in.6250 0. Section VIII.0000 0. NOZZLE NUMBER 2. in. Div.00 1. SA-516 70 20000. in.00 14. Nozzle Material (Not Normalized or NA) Material UNS Number Nozzle Allowable Stress at Temperature Nozzle Allowable Stress At Ambient Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nominal Diameter of Nozzle Nozzle Size and Thickness Basis Nominal Thickness of Nozzle Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck SN SNA BASISN DIA DBN THKNOM CAN ES EN psi psi in. in.1250 YES NO psi psi in.00-0.00 17100. 6250 in.0000 Thickness 0. Areas per UG-37.00) = 0. UG-40.0625 in.125) Internal Pressure Results for NOZZLE : Required thickness per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall.1700 Effective material thickness limit. DLR = Corroded ID: Area Available in Shell (A1): A1 = (DL-DLR)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)-2*(THK-CAN)*(ES*(T-CAS)-TR)*(1-FFR1) A1 = (19.593-0. 90.464 NA Area in Pad A5 2.476 NA Pressure Case 1 Governs the Analysis Nozzle Tangent Angle Used in Area Calculations The area available without a pad is Insufficient. Tr Thickness Due to Internal Pressure (TR): = (P*(D/2+CA))/(S*E-0.00)) AR = 3. pad side TLWP 1. The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.147 sq. sq.6250 in.6*275.CAN .00*1. no pad TLNP 1.1250)-0.422 NA TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE ATOT 5. Thickness and Diameter Limit Results : CASE 1 Effective material diameter sq.3206*(1.000 NA Area in Welds A4 0.00) A1 = 1.Appendices = 0.0-1.1700 ) * (*(9. in.147 NA Area in Shell A1 1.00 Degs.1250 .0797 ) * 0.3206)*(1.1250))/(17100. sq. 450 CodeCalc User's Guide .00-0.00*(0. sq. sq. 0.3206+2*(0.0.5930 .in. Area A2NP A2NP A2NP Available in Nozzle Wall. sq. Reinforcement Area Required for Nozzle: AR = (DLR*TR+2*THK*TR*(1-FFR1)) UG-37(c) or UG-39 AR = (9.TRN ) * FFR2 = ( 2 * 1.0-1. SELECTION OF POSSIBLE REINFORCING PADS: Based on given Pad Thickness: Based on given Pad Diameter: Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: Diameter NA Area in Inward Nozzle A3 0.5640/2+0. A1 to A5 Design External Area Required AR 3. sq.6250 Effective material thickness limit.125) *(1.2500 RESULTS of NOZZLE REINFORCEMENT AREA CALCULATIONS: AREA AVAILABLE.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1) = (275.760 sq.321)-2*(0.0000 14.86 ) = ) * ( THK .760 NA Area in Nozzle Wall A2 0. 0.0. in.3206 in.00*(0.628-9.0797 in. Mapnc NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CASE 1 in. DL 19.1 but with DL = Diameter Limit.5930-0.777 sq. no Pad: = ( 2 * MIN(TLNP.1250)*0.8140*0.6250-0.814)*(1. Required Thickness Actual Thickness Nozzle Weld 0. Intermediate Calcs. w/o impact per Fig.P. UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: = Max(Min(Max(Max(UG45B1. 0.4456. 2. 0.Appendices Area A2WP A2WP A2WP Area A4NP A4NP A4NP Area A4wp A4wp A4WP Available in Nozzle Wall.1) -137 Min. Uncorroded Weight of Nozzle.Max(UG45B2.214 sq. with Flange and Pad.830 sq. with Pad: = (2*MIN(TLWP. UCS-66 3 Min.6250 .03 139.00 = 0. for pad/shell welds in.8550 + ( 0.5189 with Pad: = Wo^2*FFR3 + (Wi-Can/0. w/o impact per Fig.4444 < Minimum Nozzle Thickness 0.5000^2 * 1. CodeCalc User's Guide 451 . Area Available in Pad: A5 = (MIN(DP.0 707.4444) no Pad: = Wo^2*FFR2 + ( Wi-Can/0.: EX1NOZAC Tmin TminPad 0.707)^2*FFR2 + Wp^2*FFR4 = ( 0.5000^2 * 0.464 sq.0797 ) * 0. in.0000 )^2 * 0.2500 ) * ( 0.HO))*(THK-CAN-TRN)*FFR2 = ( 2 * 1.121 740.1250 . RESULTS FOR THIS NOZZLE GEOMETRY Approximate M. lb.44 Shell 6 -30 -20 psig psig psig lb. MIN(tn. UCS-66 3 Temp. Available in Welds. for given geometry Pressure Rating for B16. at operating stress -137 Temp.422 sq.2047) = 0. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 WELD SIZE CALCULATIONS.1. NOZZLE NUMBER Intermediate Calcs.TE))*FFR4 A5 = ( 14.5000 Results Per . Metal Temp.86 + ( 0.5 Flange at AMAP 374. per UCS-66 1(b).0. for nozzle/shell welds in.8550 = 0.1875)). Pad 6 -30 -20 F F F F F F 100.00 F is Weight of Nozzle.2500 = Min per Code 0.00 A5 = 2. Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 Nozzle MDMT Thickness Calc.Max( 0.00 F is 150. Corroded MINIMUM Minimum Minimum Minimum DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE RESULTS: Nozzle Temp.86 + 0.1250.TLWP. Available in Welds.1875).0.te) Min.7 * WO . 0.5 150. Desc.UG16B). at Req'd thk.0000 )^2 * 0.W.t.3535 = 0.707 )^2*FFR2 = 0.7500 ) * 0. OK M. with Flange and Pad. Metal Temp.UG45A) = Max(Min(Max(Max( 0.6250 * 1.5 Flange at Pressure Rating for B16.4680 0.5000 )^2 * 0. (per UCS 66.86 ) = 0.UG45B4).DL)-(DIA+2*THK))*(Min(TP. 0 ) * 10. for Shell and Nozzle) Maximum (failure) Corrosion Allowance: 0.4260 in.7500 * 0.49 * 20000 SPEW = 112567.5000 * 0.814+ 0. Area and UG-45: ( Assuming same Corr. lb.1416 / 2. SHEAR.6* 17100 SNGW = 78494.8300 + 2.4638 .86 ) * 20000 W1 = 73779. All.. Description: FLOATING HEAD 452 CodeCalc User's Guide .593)*( 0. STRENGTH OF CONNECTION ELEMENTS FOR FAILURE PATH ANALYSIS SHEAR.1.5000 * 0.593.1416 / 2.49 * 17100 SONW = 70744.5*TminPad 0.5000 * 0. must exceed W = 27720 lb.707)^2*FFR2)*S W1 = ( 0.1250)*0.3535 = 0.7 * WP .14/2)*( 9.Appendices Pad Weld 0.60*SNG SNGW = ( 3.Page 32 Flohead Analysis : FLOATING HEAD Item: 1 2:38p Dec 16. lb. OUTWARD NOZZLE WELD: SONW = (PI/2)*DLO*WO*0. lb.0. Minimum (failure) Nozzle Thickness: 0. lb. PAD ELEMENT WELD: SPEW = (PI/2)*DP*WP*0. SKETCH (a) OR (b) W = (AR-A1)*S W = ( 3.1465 .7500 * 0. PVElite by COADE Engineering Software Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------. Floating Head Item 1. lb.74*SEG TPGW = ( 3.0. TENSION. WELD STRENGTH AND WELD LOADS PER UG-41. lb. PAD GROOVE WELD: TPGW = (PI/2. or W1 = 73778 lb.74 * 17100 TPGW = 106838. W1 = (A2+A5+A4-(WII-CAN/.0)*DLO*WGPN*0.49*SNW SONW = ( 3. in. SHEAR.0313 * 0. SUMMARY OF FAILURE PATH CALCULATIONS: Path 1-1 = 191061 lb. Minimum (failure) Shell Thickness: 0.4219 + 0. NOZZLE GROOVE WELD: SNGW = (PI/2)*(DLR+WGNVA)*(WGNVA-CAN)*0.6250 * 0.2500 = 0.3940 in.1416 / 2.1.49*SEW SPEW = ( 3.0 ) * 14.7605 ) * 20000 W = 27720.2002 Input Echo.0 ) * 10.1990 in. Iterative Results per Pressure. STRENGTH OF FAILURE PATHS: PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNGW ) = ( 112567 + 78494 ) = 191061 lb. 1250 45.00 45.1250 1.7500 TEMA Thread Series 52 No FOD FID GOD GID 45. Backing Ring Material Specification SA-105 CodeCalc User's Guide 453 . Diameter of Bolt Circle Nominal Bolt Diameter Type of Threads Number of Bolts Full Face Gasket ( Yes or No ) Flange Flange Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Flange Column Gasket Flange Face Outside Diameter Face Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Factor.00 psig psig F SOH SAH psi psi in. in. Flange Outside Diameter Flange Inside Diameter Flange Thickness Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Material Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient SBO SBA psi psi in.Appendices Floating Head Type Appendix 1-6 type (d) Tube Side ( Internal ) Design Pressure PTS 215.3750 45. in.1250 0.7500 DBOLT 0. Crown Radius for Spherical Head CR Head Thickness TH Tube Side ( Internal ) Corrosion Allowance CATS Shell Side ( External ) Corrosion Allowance CASS Flange Flange Flange Flange Material Material UNS Number Allowable Stress at Temperature Allowable Stress at Ambient SOC SAC FOD FID TC psi psi in.00 23000. in. Code Column II 0.5000 Distance from Head Centerline to Flange Centroid The Flange is not Slotted. in.00 20000. in.00 20000.00 Design Temperature for Spherical Head TEMP 300.00 Head Head Head Head Material Material UNS Number Allowable Stress at Temperature Allowable Stress at Ambient SA-516 70 K02700 20000. in.00 Shell Side ( External ) Design Pressure PSS 275. M 5. psi in. in.0000 1. in.1250 7.7500 45.00 5. in.7500 SA-193 B7 G41400 23000.5000 Y 18000.1250 SA-105 K03504 20000.1250 0. m.00 49.6880 45.1250 in. Code Sketch 2 2.1250 0. in. in. Design Seating Stress Facing Sketch for Gasket Seating Thickness Face Nubbin Width DB 46. N Basic Gasket Width.0000 ) Pnc = 600. G FLANGED PORTION: 1. Ambient SATS Backing Ring Inside Diameter DR Backing Ring Thickness TR Number of Splits in Backing Ring NSPLIT K03504 20000.14 0. in. SPHERICAL HEAD ASME Code.0022328 15397.4042 in. in.37 psig Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. Ed-2001. in. Gasket Contact Width. 2 = (GOD-GID) / 2 = (GNBWTH+3*N) / 8.8750 ) = 9240.0) = 296.0337 psig INTERMEDIATE CALCULATIONS FOR ASME Code.9651/2)=275.1250 ) / ( 5 * 45.0023777 15586. psi EXTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS.00 20000.133 45.0 0.00 * 45. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Given Thickness: Pa = 6S(T-Cass-Cats) / 5L per Appendix 1-6 Pa = ( 6 * 20000 * 0.00 psig Actual Sact Sact Sact stress at given pressure and thickness: = 5PL / 6(T-Cass-Cats) per Appendix 1-6 = ( 5 * 215.6875 4. Div.97 0.98 EMAWP = B/( (0D/T)/ 2 ) = 15586. B0 Effective Gasket Width.00 45.0000 111. A-02 External Pressure Chart CS-2 Elastic Modulus for Material at 300. Div.1250 ) Pa = 465.8750 ) / ( 5 * 45. 454 CodeCalc User's Guide .Appendices Backing Ring Material UNS Number Backing Ring Allowable Stress. Division 1. A-02 Appendix 1-6 Thickness Due to Internal Pressure: t = 5PL / 6S per Appendix 1-6 t = ( 5 * 215. 1.09 EMAWP=B/((D/T)/2)=15397. Ed-2001. A-02 App. Pressure (Tca): TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0.1429/2.312 0.1250 ) / ( 6 * 0.4915 Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Section VIII.407 in.8750 46. Section VIII. New and Cold: Pnc = 6ST / 5L per Appendix 1-6 Pnc = ( 6 * 20000 * 1.00 * 45. in. Section VIII.00 29000000. INTERNAL PRESSURE RESULTS FOR SPHERICAL HEADS ASME Code. Ed-2001.133 0.8217 92. BE Gasket Reaction Diameter.9805 /( 105.0898/(111.0000 105.00 F psi Results for Maximum Allowable External Pressure: TCA OD D/T Factor A B 0.0 = B0 = (GOD+GID) / 2.1250 ) / ( 6 * 20000 ) t = 0.2500 1 psi psi in. Temperature SOTS Backing Ring Allowable Stress. 2508.6875 lb.0000 15. lb.6796 0. 1. in. in.9 609473. lb. lb. ft. lb. ft.6 17.0000 1. Floating Hd.1 0. sq. lb.6717 Mh 609473.2 444688. lb.0000 1. 0. lb. Moment 584. TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION ( Internal Pressure ) TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING ( Int.6717 0. Gasket Seating. 0. Face Pressure. sq.7 779559.0000 lb.0000 1.1 57310.2 347665. ft. in.6717 0. ft. 445306. lb. in.813 1.6717 H HP HD HT HH WM1 WM2 AM W HG DHG DHT DHD Bolt Corr 1. 0. 21108.125 0. 27. lb.3 44806. H HP HD HT HH WM1 WM2 AM W HG DHG DHT DHD Bolt Corr 1. CodeCalc User's Guide 455 .lb.5000 Ma 377073.6796 Mg 44806. 341019. lb.0 392954. in.2 0.6 341019.0000 1.6 17.3 445306.823 9. 0.6875 Mt 483.6875 sq.Appendices Bolting Information for TEMA Thread Series : Total Area of Bolts Minimum radial distance between hub and bolts Minimum radial distance between bolts and edge Minimum circumferential spacing between bolts Actual circumferential spacing between bolts Maximum circumferential spacing between bolts Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID Pressure Force on Flange Face Radial Component of Head Membrane Force Operating Bolt Load: Gasket Seating Bolt Load Required Bolt Area Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) Gasket Seating Force (Operating) Distance to Gasket Load Reaction Distance to Face Pressure Reaction Distance to End Pressure Reaction SUMMARY OF MOMENTS LOADING End Pressure.4 392954. FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE: Force Distance Md 347666. lb. lb. Gasket Load. -76184. lb. in.750 2. lb.5 0. in. 0. Pressure ) Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID Pressure Force on Flange Face Radial Component of Head Membrane Force Operating Bolt Load: Gasket Seating Bolt Load Required Bolt Area Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) Gasket Seating Force (Operating) Distance to Gasket Load Reaction Distance to Face Pressure Reaction Distance to End Pressure Reaction SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance End Pressure. ft.250 44806.5 482. ft. in.085 377073. 21108. Load.085 377073. in. in. lb. ft. Moment 19918. Md 444688. Load.6858 in.4042 Shellside (External) Pressure 0. 4.034 ) 2.6858 7.6521 in.000 * 0. 96861.3034 in.4 331. thickness for Main Flange.0000 TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION ( External Pressure ) TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING ( Ext.688 ) ) 3.3 * 24.688 ) ) 3.1 286.1250 WEIGHT OF HEAD AND FLANGE: Weight of Spherical Head. ft. internal operating conditions: F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) 1. 3.6521 7. 21108. internal bolt-up conditions: F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) 0.622 + 32.7500 WHD WHDCA WFL WFLCA WBR WBRCA Backing Ring 3.0 * in.4 * 24. lb.0717 Actual Thickness as Given 1. 0. Ma 377073.6717 1.6521 2. 1. lb. -97445. thickness for Main Flange.904 ) 5.3722 in. lb. internal bolt-up conditions: SQRT( M Y / S B ) Per App 2-7(b)(9) SQRT( 400640. external bolt-up conditions: F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) 0.000 * 0.000 + 7.268 + SQRT( 1. thickness for Main Flange.5308 ) 2. Flange 5. external operating conditions: F + SQRT( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g) 1.5308 in. 0. ft. in. Uncorroded Weight of Spherical Head. thickness for Main Flange.2 lb.000 + 7.8217 Tubeside Gasket Seating Load Shellside Gasket Seating Load Maximum + Corrosion Allowance 1.276 ) 7.2500 in. Uncorroded Weight of Backing Ring.7808 7.8 in.0000 Gasket Seating. ft.888 / ( 20000. thickness for Backing Ring.622 + SQRT( 1. thickness for Backing Ring. 21108. ft.3722 in.888 / ( 20000.268 + 17. Mh 779559. SUMMARY OF REQUIRED THICKNESSES: Head Tubeside (Internal) Pressure 0. Mt 618.9 691.0 * 45.Appendices Face Pressure.268 * 1.9 428. 544. ft. Corroded Weight of Backing Ring.000 + SQRT( 0. internal operating conditions: SQRT( M Y / S B ) Per App 2-7(b)(9) SQRT( 417514. Uncorroded Weight of Flange Ring. Pressure ) Required T = T = T = Required T = T = T = Required T = T = T = Required T = T = T = Required T = T = T = Required T = T = T = 0.Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock 456 CodeCalc User's Guide .5000 1.000 + SQRT( 0.0000 Floating Hd.6521 in. in.0079 1. Corroded Weight of Flange Ring.622 * 1. lb. Corroded PVElite by COADE Engineering Software al . lb. 7500 46. Flange Inside Diameter B Flange Outside Diameter A Thickness of Hub at Small End G0 Thickness of Hub at Large End G1 Length of Hub HL Perform thickness calcs. in.5625 1.7500 3.00 25000.6250 DB 0.2002 Input Echo. m. based on rigidity Flange Flange Flange Flange Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Material (Not Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient SFO SFA psi psi Material Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient SBO SBA psi psi in.00 in.2500 5. A-02 CodeCalc User's Guide 457 . Description: EX1CHLF1 ASME Code. App.7500 TEMA Thread Series 92 FOD 48. in. FLANGE NUMBER 1.2500 51.00 FCOR 0. in. Division 1. Column for Gasket Seating Gasket Thickness Flange Face Nubbin Width 2.Page 37 Flange Analysis : EX1CHLF1 Item: 1 2:38p Dec 16.00 SA-193 B7 G41400 25000. Section VIII.00 Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Description of Flange Analysis Design Pressure Design Temperature Corrosion Allowance psig F in. Ed-2001.2500 0.00 20000. psi in. in.3750 0. in. Code Column II 0. Diameter of Bolt Circle Nominal Bolt Diameter Type of Threads Number of Bolts Flange Face Outside Diameter Flange Face Inside Diameter Flange Facing Sketch Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Factor.00 150.5000 No SA-105 K03504 20000. in. in.1250 FLANGE ANALYSIS.Appendices FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.7600 7600.0000 46. Code Sketch 2 GOD GID M Y 47. Flange Item 1. Thickness P 200. 2. in. in. Description: EX1CHLF1 Integral Weld Neck Partial. Design Seating Stress C 49.0000 FID 46. in.1250 0. in.75) ) Nmin = 0. Gasket Contact Width.784 1. Required Bolt Area: AM = Maximum of WM1/SBO.0*FCOR G1-FCOR G0-FCOR (C-B)/2.HD HT = 350690 . Code R Dimension.667 sq.8415 sq. in. Effective Gasket Width. in. lb.750 1.0000*0. lb.0 B0 (GOD+GID) / 2.2031*3. in.7854 * 47. in. Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID: HD = 0. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young): Nmin = AB * SBA/(Y * PI * (GOD+GID) ) = 27.G1 (GOD-GID) / 2 (GNBWTH+3*N) / 8. Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces: HP = 2 * BE * PI * G * M * P HP = 2 * 0.2500 * 46. in.75 + 46.125 0.2500 * 200.500 0. in.7600 * 200. Gasket Reaction Diameter. lb.00 HP = 45348. Operating Bolt Load: WM1 = H + HP + HPP WM1 = ( 350690 + 45348 + 0 ) WM1 = 396039. in.2031 * 3. WM2/SBA AM = Maximum of 396038 / 25000 .203 47.375 1.785 * 46.2500 * 200.785 * G * G * PEQ H = 0.00 WM2 = 229155.1416 * 47. 458 CodeCalc User's Guide . 229154 / 25000 AM = 15.562 0.250 in.00*0.813 1. AB Minimum radial distance Minimum radial distance Minimum circumferential Actual circumferential Maximum circumferential TEMA Thread Series: between between spacing spacing spacing hub and bolts bolts and edge between bolts between bolts between bolts 27.785 * Bcor * Bcor * P HD = 0.308 in. Corroded Large Hub.250 * ( 47. Min.0 46.00*0. lb. in. Corroded Small Hub. Gasket Seating Bolt Load: WM2 = Y * BE * PI * G + Ypart * BEpart * GLPG + HPGY WM2 = 7600.784 * 25000.0000 HD = 336003. Pressure Force on Flange Face: HT = H .250+7600. in.2500 * 47. Bolting Information for Total Area of Bolts. in. lb.0 .125 0. in. lb.203 0. Basic Gasket Width.694 5. Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure: H = 0. BCOR G1COR G0COR R N B0 BE G = = = = = = = = B+2. in.Appendices Corroded Flange ID.2500 * 3.00 * 3.141*47.336003 HT = 14687.00/( 7600.0000 H = 350690. 47. ft.G ) / 2. GRAT = (G1COR/G0COR) Moment 39375. Distance to End Pressure Reaction: DHD = R + ( G1COR / 2.0 DHG = ( 49.0000 Face Pressure.BCOR) / 2 .^3 e = 0.^-1 Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.0 ) DHD = 1. Gasket Seating: = SBA * ( AM + AB ) / 2.Appendices Flange W W W Gasket HG HG HG Design Bolt Load. 1.1250 in. MOMENT ARM CALCULATIONS: Distance to Hub Large End: R = (C . 53964.2500 ) / ( 1.46.000 Factors from Figure 2-7. RMO TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING.349 Factor f per 2-7.1875 1.G1COR R = ( 49. 4488.0 = 545319.1875 in. HRAT = HL / H0 Thickness Ratio.1250 + 0. 45622.6078 * 0. ft. Seating Force: = WM1 .870 Factor V per 2-7.625 .0000 * 547468 / 46.108 T = 1.6 1.608 Longitudinal Hub Stress.0 DHT = ft.8415 + 27.6250 .618 BETA = 1. ft.165 0. 4.0 ) DHD = 1.0 = 25000.1875 ) / 2. MT 14687. SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance Bolt Corr End Pressure.31 lb.0 DHG = 1. ft. 1.3 0. 53964.H = 396038 .776 d = 34.2500 ) / 2. MA 545319. Distance to Gasket Load Reaction: DHG = (C .885 Z = 9.776 in.0000 TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION. Distance to Face Pressure Reaction: DHT = ( R + G1COR + DHG ) / 2.0000 Gasket MD 336003.00 * ( 15. Operating: SHO = ( f * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHO = ( 1.753 Y = 18.4375 in.824 GAMMA = / 2 .500 in.50 lb.4375 1.1250 + ( 0.863 DELTA = 0.350690 = 45348.562 R = 1.0.0 DHT = ( 1.209 in. MG 45348. 1.5625 + 1.5625 / 2.1875 1. Flange Factors for Integral Flange: Factor F per 2-7.5625^2 ) CodeCalc User's Guide 459 .874 U = 20.2 0. H0 = SQRT(BCOR*G0COR) Hub Ratio.7840 ) / 2.4062 in.0000 Gasket Load.1 K = 1. 1.745 LAMBDA = 1. RMA Effective Hub Length.360 1. ft. 8853 * 647566 / ( 2. psi Average Flange Stress. 12471. 20000. Operating: SRO = ( BETA * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * TH^2 ) SRO = ( 1. 1815.0000 * 647566 / 46.9585^2 * 46.Z*SRA STA = ( 18. 27523. F 460 CodeCalc User's Guide . 20000. 19997.7840 ) BSA = 8248. psi Radial Flange 1534.Z*SRO STO = ( 18. psi Radial Flange Stress. Seating: SAA = ( SHA + MAX( SRA. 25000. STA ) ) / 2 SAA = ( 27522 + MAX( 1814.9585^2 ) SRO = 1534. psi Stress Computation Results: OPERATING GASKET SEATING Actual Allowed Actual Allowed Longitudinal Hub 23268. 30000. 8248.6 200.8239 * 647566/ 46.P.8853 * 547468 / ( 2.7756 * 1814 STA = 12471.W. psi Minimum Required Flange Thickness + CA Estimated M. psi Radial Flange Stress. psi Bolt Stress.2500 ) / ( 1. psi Tangential Flange Stress.6078 * 2.228 15 in.A. psi Bolt Stress.6078 * 0. psi Maximum Average 16906.9. 20000.P. w/o impact per Fig. 20000. STO ) ) / 2 SAO = ( 23268 + MAX( 1534. psi Bolting 14254.5625^2 ) SHA = 27523.2500 ) / ( 1.6078 * 2. Seating: BSA = ( WM2 / AB ) BSA = ( 229154 / 27. psi Tangential Flange Stress.Appendices SHO = 23268.7756 * 1534 STO = 10543. Seating: SRA = ( BETA*RMA/BCOR ) / ( Rlambda*TH^2 ) SRA = ( 1. Seating: STA = ( Y*RMA / (TH^2*BCOR) ) . ( Gasket Seating ) Estimated Finished Weight of Flange Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging APP.958 236.7840 ) BSO = 14254. psi Average Flange Stress. psig psig lb.W. UCS-66 2.2500) ) .2500 ) / ( 1.9. Seating: SHA = ( f * RMA / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHA = ( 1.8 483. S Flange Rigidity Index for Seating Case APP.431 1. 20000.8239 * 547468 / 46. 12471 ))/ 2 SAA = 19997. Metal Temp. ( Operating ) Estimated M.1 1.1 349. Operating: SAO = ( SHO + MAX( SRO. 10543 ))/ 2 SAO = 16906. lb. S Flange Rigidity Index for Operating Case Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Min. psi Longitudinal Hub Stress.2500) ) . 20000.9585^2 ) SRA = 1815. 30000.9585^2 * 46. psi Tangential Flange 10543. Operating: BSO = ( WM1 / AB ) BSO = ( 396038 / 27. Operating: STO = ( Y*RMO / (TH*TH*BCOR) ) . 25000.A. 2500 51. Diameter of Bolt Circle Nominal Bolt Diameter Type of Threads Number of Bolts Flange Face Outside Diameter Flange Face Inside Diameter Flange Facing Sketch Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Factor. in.0000 FID 46.1250 563270.3750 0.00 20000.00 25000.1250 0. in.2500 5. in. Metal Temp. in.00 150. (per UCS 66.7500 3. lb. Flange Item 2.00 Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Description of Flange Analysis Design Pressure Design Temperature Corrosion Allowance psig F in.Appendices Min.2500 0. at Req'd thk. w/o impact per UG-20(f) PVElite by COADE Engineering Software 15 -20 F F Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: Coade Local White Lock FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------. Column for Gasket Seating Gasket Thickness Flange Face Nubbin Width Mating Flange Operating Bolt Load 2.2002 Input Echo. Description: EX1CHLF2 Integral Weld Neck Partial. in.7500 TEMA Thread Series 92 FOD 48.5000 No SA-105 K03504 20000.7600 7600.Page 42 Flange Analysis : EX1CHLF2 Item: 2 2:38p Dec 16.00 CodeCalc User's Guide 461 . Code Column II 0. Design Seating Stress C 49. m. based on rigidity Flange Flange Flange Flange Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Material (Not Normalized) Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient SFO SFA psi psi Material Material UNS Number Allowable Stress At Temperature Allowable Stress At Ambient SBO SBA psi psi in.00 in. in.5625 1. Flange Inside Diameter B Flange Outside Diameter A Thickness of Hub at Small End G0 Thickness of Hub at Large End G1 Length of Hub HL Perform thickness calcs. in.7500 46.0000 46. in.00 FCOR 0. in. Thickness P 200. Metal Temp. psi in. Code Sketch 2 GOD GID M Y 47. in.1) Min.00 SA-193 B7 G41400 25000.6250 DB 0. 784 1.2031 * 3. lb.HD HT = 350690 .0 46.785 * G * G * PEQ H = 0.2500 * 200.250 in. 462 CodeCalc User's Guide . FLANGE NUMBER 2.785 * Bcor * Bcor * P HD = 0.203 47.00 583369. in. Operating Bolt Load: WM1 = H + HP + HPP WM1 = ( 350690 + 45348 + 0 ) WM1 = 396039. WM2/SBA AM = Maximum of 563270 / 25000 . in. WM2 = 233280. lb. Basic Flange and Bolt loads: Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure: H = 0. AB Minimum radial distance Minimum radial distance Minimum circumferential Actual circumferential TEMA Thread Series: between between spacing spacing hub and bolts bolts and edge between bolts between bolts 27.0000 H = 350690.00 HP = 45348.G1 (GOD-GID) / 2 (GNBWTH+3*N) / 8..2500 * 47.00 WM2 = 229155. Section VIII. lb.0*FCOR G1-FCOR G0-FCOR (C-B)/2. Gasket Contact Width.250 0. A-02 Corroded Flange ID. lb. lb.694 sq. in.562 0.7600 * 200.0000 HD = 336003.2031*3. in. FLANGE ANALYSIS.2500 * 46. Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces: HP = 2 * BE * PI * G * M * P HP = 2 * 0. Pressure Force on Flange Face: HT = H .1416 * 47. Corroded Small Hub. in. lb. in. Mating Flange Load Governs Gasket Seating Bolt Load: WM2 = Y * BE * PI * G + Ypart * BEpart * GLPG + HPGY WM2 = 7600.00*0.125 0.125 0. Basic Gasket Width.785 * 46.336003 HT = 14687. in. Description: EX1CHLF2 ASME Code. BCOR G1COR G0COR R N B0 BE G = = = = = = = = B+2. Ed-2001.00*0. 233280 / 25000 AM = 22. lb.0 B0 (GOD+GID) / 2. lb.7854 * 47.813 1. Gasket Reaction Diameter.0 .375 1.2500 * 200. Mating Flange Load Governs Required Bolt Area: AM = Maximum of WM1/SBO. in.750 1. Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID: HD = 0.Appendices Mating Flange Seating Bolt Load Mating Flange Design Bolt Load 233280. 2. WM1 = 563270.2500 * 3.203 0..5308 sq. Division 1. Code R Dimension.250+7600. App. lb. Effective Gasket Width.500 0. in. Corroded Large Hub. Bolting Information for Total Area of Bolts. in.141*47.0000*0. 1 T = 1.784 * 25000. 1. 4. 0. in. Distance to Gasket Load Reaction: DHG = (C .1875 in. MD 336003.5625 + 1.6250 . Gasket Seating: W = SBA * ( AM + AB ) / 2.753 9.4375 in.165 0.7840 ) / 2. 62238.0 ) DHD = 1.870 0.2500 ) / 2. ft. MG 212580. Distance to End Pressure Reaction: DHD = R + ( G1COR / 2.BCOR) / 2 .00/( 7600.0 DHT = 1.0.75) ) Nmin = 0.1250 in.00 * 3.0 ) DHD = 1.0 DHG = ( MT 14687.1875 Gasket Seating. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young): Nmin = AB * SBA/(Y * PI * (GOD+GID) ) = Face Pressure. RMO TOTAL MOMENT FOR GASKET SEATING. HRAT = HL / H0 Thickness Ratio. MOMENT ARM CALCULATIONS: Distance to Hub Large End: R = (C . 1.308 in. Distance to Face Pressure Reaction: DHT = ( R + G1COR + DHG ) / 2. SUMMARY OF MOMENTS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE: LOADING Force Distance End Pressure.885 d = 34.500 ft. 21037.5625 / 2. 1.3 Factor f per 2-7.91 lb.6 Factors from Figure 2-7.349 1.776 in.108 20. ft.G ) / 2.00 * ( 22.0 DHG = 1.0000 1.360 1. H0 = SQRT(BCOR*G0COR) Hub Ratio. ft.625 .0000 1.2 Factor V per 2-7. 1.0000 1.^3 Bolt Corr 1. Gasket Seating Force: HG = WM1 .lb.250) / 2 .350690 HG = 212579.^-1 CodeCalc User's Guide 463 .0 W = 628935.0000 Moment in.5308 + 27.1250 + ( 0.0 W = 25000.1875 ) / 2. ft.75 + 46. 1759. GRAT = (G1COR/G0COR) Flange Factors for Integral Flange: Factor F per 2-7.G1COR R = ( 49.000 1. 62171. Flange Design Bolt Load. K U Z e = = = = 0.209 in.00 lb.149 in. MA 628935. 62238. RMA Effective Hub Length.874 Y = 18.562 R = 1.1875 TOTAL MOMENT FOR OPERATION.0 DHT = ( 1.14 * ( 47.H HG = 563270 .Appendices Maximum circumferential spacing between bolts 6.4375 Gasket ft.1250 + 0. 301 in.3005^2 * 46.3005^2 * 46. Operating: SAO = ( SHO + MAX( SRO. Operating: BSO = ( WM1 / AB ) BSO = ( 563270 / 27. psi Radial Flange Stress. Estimated Finished Weight of Flange 386.7756 * 1468 STO = 13610. Operating: SHO = ( f * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHO = ( 1. psi Average Flange Stress.8853 * 746860 / ( 3. psi Tangential Flange Stress.7840 ) BSA = 8396.7840 ) BSO = 20273.2500 ) / ( 1. 20000. Seating: SAA = ( SHA + MAX( SRA.034 LAMBDA = 1.Z*SRA STA = ( 18.9.8853 * 746055 / ( 3.2500 ) / ( 1. 30000. psi Radial Flange 1468. Operating: STO = ( Y*RMO / (TH*TH*BCOR) ) . psi Tangential Flange Stress.919 GAMMA = 0. Seating: STA = ( Y*RMA / (TH^2*BCOR) ) .0000 * 746055 / 46. 20000.9191 * 746860/ 46. psi Radial Flange Stress.901 DELTA = 1. 20000.935 Longitudinal Hub Stress.2500 ) / ( 1.Z*SRO STO = ( 18.5625^2 ) SHA = 26373.9352 * 3. Seating: SRA = ( BETA*RMA/BCOR ) / ( Rlambda*TH^2 ) SRA = ( 1. 19999. psi Bolting 20273.9191 * 746055 / 46.689 BETA = 1. 25000. Seating: BSA = ( WM2 / AB ) BSA = ( 233280 / 27. 13624 ))/ 2 SAA = 19999. 25000.3005^2 ) SRO = 1468. psi Longitudinal Hub Stress.8 lb. psi Average Flange Stress. psi Bolt Stress.7756 * 1470 STA = 13624. 464 CodeCalc User's Guide . psi Minimum Required Flange Thickness + CA 3.9352 * 3. Seating: SHA = ( f * RMA / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * G1COR^2 ) SHA = ( 1. psi Tangential Flange 13610.9352 * 0. 20000. psi Bolt Stress. psi Stress Computation Results: OPERATING GASKET SEATING Actual Allowed Actual Allowed Longitudinal Hub 26344.5625^2 ) SHO = 26344. 20000.2500) ) . 1470. STO ) ) / 2 SAO = ( 26344 + MAX( 1468. MAWP Cannot be calculated due to Entered Mating Flange Loads. psi Maximum Average 19977.9352 * 0. Operating: SRO = ( BETA * RMO / BCOR ) / ( Rlambda * TH^2 ) SRO = ( 1.2500) ) . 20000.0000 * 746860 / 46. 13609 ))/ 2 SAO = 19977. 13624.Appendices Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.2500 ) / ( 1.3005^2 ) SRA = 1470.9. 26373. STA ) ) / 2 SAA = ( 26372 + MAX( 1470. 30000. 8396. 5 6281.258 172.500 -OK OK 90° --------------------------------------------------------------------------Minimum MAWP 247.**3 Summary for Nozzles : MAWP FLG MAWP EXT P UG-45 WLD PATH Description psig psig CHECK CHECK CHECK --------------------------------------------------------------------------EX1NOZAB 247. UCS-66 Min.236 217.535 0.909 381.121 707.341 EX1HEEXT 467.2002 Summary for shell/head. Div 1: MAPNC MAWP Tr-int Tr-ext EMAWP Description psig psig in.500 -OK OK 90° EX1NOZAC 374.860 0.019 0.184 707.390 21 21 -20 lb. Metal Temp. in.532 0.231 166. at Req'd thk.170 EX1CHCYL 454.2 1.Example Shell Analysis PVElite Licensee: FileName : VESEXMPL -------------------------------------.2 467943. w/o impact per Fig.909 381.500 -OK OK 90° EX1NOZAD 383.**3 in.719 334.807 273.018 EX1CVCHEA 467.Page 66 Vessel Results Summary Item: 1 2:38p Dec 16.341 -------------------------------------------------------------------Minimum MAWP 364. Metal Temp. S Flange Rigidity Index for Operating Case Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results: Min. in. Metal Temp.503 0. reported above includes Corrosion Allowance.532 0.6 lb.019 63.258 172. lb. S Flange Rigidity Index for Seating Case APP.914 272. psig -------------------------------------------------------------------EX1CHCYL 364. thk.Appendices Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging APP.1 473145.807 273.431 0.545 362.500 CodeCalc User's Guide 465 . w/o impact per UG-20(f) PVElite by COADE Engineering Software 520. The The The The Total Total Total Total Shell/Head Shell/Head Shell/Head Shell/Head weight weight volume volume is is is is ( ( ( ( New and Cold ) Corroded ) New and Cold ) Corroded ) 7831.313 Note: Reqd.399 0.1) Min.431 0.914 272. F F F al .313 EX1CVCYL 418.406 63.317 0. (per UCS 66.371 1. 301 in.371 Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange -20.00 F 349.000 psi 3. at BCD 49.750 m: 3. 0. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA Rigidity Index Operating 1. Min.0717 1.491 psig MAWP Results for Spherical Head : MAWP New and Cold ( Internal Pressure ) MAWP Corroded ( Internal Pressure ) External MAWP for Spherical Head Note: MAWP calculations are not performed for the Flange/Backing Ring ! Flange Results Summary for : EX1CHLF1 Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Partial.250 id: 46.3034 in.431 Note: The Flange passed. 483. Flange has 92 Bolts 0. Flange has 92 Bolts 0.750 m: 3.6521 2.6521 7.2500 in.625 in.750 in.604 1.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 46.250 in.165 lb. y: 7600.4042 0. Min.6858 7.3722 in. 520.374 psig 296. od: 47. Thk Design Pressure Peq: 200. 3.5308 2.8217 1.250 in.000 psi 2.6222 in.0000 in.750 in.084 1. for the Internal Pressure.250 id: 46.750 in.1250 Flange 5. 600.760 od: 51.775 lb.228 Seating 200.958 in.7500 Backing Ring 3. 0.837 lb.7808 7. od: 47. 4.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 46. at BCD 49. Flange Results Summary for : EX1CHLF2 Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Partial. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA MAWP Rigidity Index Operating 236. Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange -20.760 od: 51. 3.Appendices ASME Floating Head Results Summary for : FLOATING HEAD Required Thicknesses: Tubeside (Internal) Pressure Shellside (External) Pressure Tubeside Gasket Seating Load Shellside Gasket Seating Load Maximum + Corrosion Allowance Actual Thickness as Given Head 0.0000 in.390 Seating 1.000 psig 465. y: 7600. 466 CodeCalc User's Guide . Thk Design Pressure Peq: 200.750 in.103 lb.625 in.00 F 386. 750 in.250 id: 51.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 46. y: 7600.931 lb. Flange Results Summary for : EX1SHFLF2 Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Partial. at BCD 53.625 m: 3. at BCD 49.845 CodeCalc User's Guide 467 .000 psi 4.783 0.013 1.817 lb.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 50. 520. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA Operating Seating Rigidity Index 1.89 F 980.625 in.250 id: 46.00 F 386.371 Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange -20. od: 52.Appendices Flange Results Summary for : EX1SHFLF1 Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Partial. Flange has 92 Bolts 0. Min.250 id: 51.875 in.760 od: 55.750 in.033 1.145 lb.390 1.320 Note: The Flange passed. y: 7600.500 in. for the Internal Pressure.206 in.500 in. y: 7600. Thk Design Pressure Peq: 275.625 in. Min.000 psi 3.750 m: 3. Thk Design Pressure Peq: 200. od: 47.653 lb. at BCD 53.331 Seating 587. 1255.000 psi 3. Flange has 92 Bolts 0.068 Seating 1264. Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange 36.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 46. Flange Results Summary for : EX1CVFL2 Flange Type: Integral Weld Neck Analyze Option: Partial.250 in.625 m: 3.502 in. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA MAWP Rigidity Index Operating 275.625 in. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA MAWP Rigidity Index Operating 275. Thk Design Pressure Peq: 275.760 od: 55.750 in.760 od: 51. od: 52.750 in.875 in. Min. Flange has 92 Bolts 0.300 in.714 0. Thk Design Pressure Peq: 200. TEMA Cover Deflection Actual: 0. The total sum of the Weights ( N C ) was 13595. Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange -20. 2403. y: 7600. Min. Required Flange Thickness per ASME + CA 4.250 in. PVElite by COADE Engineering Software -55.08 lb. at BCD 49. Flange Results Summary for : EX1CHCV Flange Type: TEMA Channel Cover Analyze Option: Partial.0300 in. The total sum of the Weights ( Cor ) was 11225. 580.000 psi Flange has 92 Bolts 0.750 in. Warning: TEMA Actual Deflection > Allowed Deflection ! MAWP Operating 199.81 psig . .840 lb. Allowed: 0.848 lb. od: 48.00 psig .00 F 435. for Internal Pressure ! Flange MDMT The finished weight of the flange The unfinished weight of the flange Least MAWP and Overall Weight Results : The Least MAWP (N C) for EX1CHCYL was 364.999 Seating 1279.Appendices Note: The Flange passed. 468 CodeCalc User's Guide .753 in.0300 in.802 Warning: The Flange Failed.625 in. .840 lb.375 m: 3. Required Flange Thickness per TEMA + CA 2. The Least MAWP (Cor) for EX1CHLF2 was 0.28 lb.00 psig Flange Diameters Gasket Diameters Gasket Factors id: 0.760 od: 51.00 F 2403.672 lb.375 in. for the Internal Pressure.000 id: 47.118 in. Min. The book also provides a good balance of theory. E. and presents the rational and use of the ASME Code techniques better than any other pressure vessel textbook. and Young. The FLOHEAD and FLANGE programs are based primarily on this document. Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels.E. This is a classic reference on process equipment design. The INTERNAL. 345 East 47th Street. Division 1. (J. We recommend comparing a given technique to some of the other texts before using it. 300. New York. B31. Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment. This standard provides the most commonly used design technique for calculating wind loads and earthquake loads on structures.. this document has good tables of elastic modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion for many classes of materials.Y.H.Y. American National Standards Institute. The book covers a wide scope of design techniques. American national Standards Institute. 1982. This is the standard for 'standard' flanges up to 24 inches in diameter. Harvey. N. 900. Farr. This list will help you to identify resources you may need to effectively design or analyze pressure vessels: ANSI Standard A58. H. July 1989. ASME Code for Pressure Piping. many copies of this book are in an unrevised format that contains errors in tables and formulas.R. N. H. N. In addition.J. 1981. 10017. The PIPE&PAD program is based on this code. EXTERNAL. This is the best recent book on pressure vessel design and analysis.. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Highly recommended.1 . CodeCalc User's Guide 469 . This is the piping code for refineries and chemical plants.1982. F.H.. Farr is on many of the ASME Code committees). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. John Wiley. Bednar. Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.J. New York. and example problems. 600. New York. L. All of the allowable stresses used by these programs are also taken from this document. 345 East 47th Street. 1500.3.. ANSI Standard B16.Appendices Bibliography of Pressure Vessel Texts and Standards This bibliography describes several of the commonly available texts and standards used by the authors of CodeCalc to develop and support the program. New York.. This is 'the Code'...5. ANSI/ASME B31. Van Nostrand-Reinhold. Provides flange geometries and allowable pressures for the various classes of flanges (150. Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures. 400. New York. Process Equipment Design. Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping. Theory and Design of Modern Pressure Vessels. 1959. Brownell. John Wiley & Sons. Bednar provides good calculation techniques for tall process towers and fair coverage of a variety of other pressure vessel design problems. and contains many useful calculation techniques. and 2500) made from a variety of materials and over a wide range of temperatures.H. Princeton. However. J. and Jawad. 10017. 1984.R. including pressure vessels. Princeton. 2nd Edition. NOZZLE and CONICAL programs are based exclusively on this document. Pressure Vessel Design Handbook. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York. SECTION VIII. Van Nostrand-Reinhold Co. M. practice. J. R. "Stresses in large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two Saddle Supports". Gulf Publishing Company. This is the standard used for tubesheets (in the TUBESHT program) and channel covers (in the FLANGE program). Formulas for Stress and Strain. This is the 'WRC-107' technique which is widely used to determine stresses in shells due to loads on nozzles and attachments. Modern Flange Design. and the bolt tables used in the FLANGE. Houston.. 1988. A major weakness of the book is a lack of example problems illustrating the use of the techniques. including pipe sizes and schedules. Though widely used. 5th Edition. Welding Research Council. Seventh Edition. autofrettage. Zick.Appendices Harvey provides a basic overview of pressure component design.F. 1960. 470 CodeCalc User's Guide . Roark. plates. and Young. J. Wichman. Tarrytown. 25 North Broadway. This analysis is implemented in the WRC107 program. Pressure Vessel Handbook Publishing. and tables of data. Inc. and FLOHEAD programs. The Zick analysis is very widely used to calculate stresses in horizontal vessels. New York. N.. and thermal stress are especially useful. but little information on supports or other peripherals to the vessel. Some of the calculations for support lugs. and many other types of components under many practical loading conditions. Collected Papers. This is the 'Zick' analysis. Tulsa OK. Megyesy. This document also contains excellent tables of elastic modulus. E.Y.G. The book provides tables for beams. in Pressure Vessel and Piping Design. Bulletin 503. His sections on thick walled pressure vessels. coefficient of thermal expansion.P. New York. (Later editions also available). shells. and vessel legs in the LEG&LUG program are from this book. Pressure Vessel Handbook. lifting lugs. R. Hopper.. and a good table of bolt dimensions. W. This is the best known bulletin on design of flanges. New York. flange dimensions and weights for components. L. TX. examples. A. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill. the results of this analysis are not especially accurate. 1927-1959. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association.J. This well-known reference book provides an abundance of formulas for determining the stresses in structural components... This relatively new book provides many different calculation procedures. used in the HORIZVES program. WRC Bulletin 107. thermal conductivity. 74135 This is another very widely used book with a good combination of easy-to-use formulas. Dennis R. and includes all of the flange calculation sheets commonly used for flange design. 1987. Michigan. 1795. Southfield. Pressure Vessel Design Manual. for most of the common techniques in pressure vessel design. L.. 1965 (revisions through 1979).C. "Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings". and some calculation sheets. K.. Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association. Gulf and Western Taylor-Bonney Division.. TUBESHT. It also contains a good practical discussion of flange design and bolting. Moss. and Mershon. 10591. 5 Features (7/90) A89 Updates Addition of Leg and Lug Module CodeCalc Version 5.0 Features (6/91) Support for Metric and User Defined Units Faster Execution Improved On Line Help Error Checking During Input and Before Execution Use of DOS Environment User Control of Databases and Screen Attributes Vessel Summary File Multiple Analysis in One Run Hardware Verification Program Improved Vessel Integration Interactive Review of Output CodeCalc User's Guide 471 .Appendices CodeCalc Version 4. MDMT for each pad.2 Features (7/93) A-92 Code Updates. and the angle will be computed. The Flange program can now perform a combined analyze/partial calculation. The user needs to know the offset distance of the nozzle. in the Nozzle Program AISC unity checks on angle iron sections New Material Database 1051 materials (in order) Increased problem size ( 50 items ) Return to Input option from output processor Batch run and Overwrite options from input On-line help in output processor Printer selection CodeCalc Version 5. Figure 6A has been added to the Rectangular Vessel program. shell. allows copy. Hillside nozzle angles can now be computed by the program.4 Features (6/95) Nozzle program now performs internal.1 Features (7/92) A91 Updates New file manager. and hydrotest cases simultaneously. Tubesheet Program updated to TEMA A-91 addenda Basering and Skirt program added Thinwalled Expansion Joint program added Flanged and Flued Expansion joint program added Revised Summary program External Pressure Calcs. 472 CodeCalc User's Guide . CodeCalc determines the governing case and continues the analysis with that case. CodeCalc Version 5. material list updated ASME Appendix AA-Tubesheet Program ASME Appendix EE-Halfpipe Jacket Program ASME Appendix 14 Large Opening Analysis Saddle Design added to HORIZVES Program WRC107 program modified for user control CTRL KO and CTRL KB options added to input Flange program modified for special use of CA. external. The Code F correction factor for hillside nozzles is now automatically accounted for. delete etc. and nozzle is now reported. External calculations for Figures 1A and 2A have been added to the Rectangular Vessel program. It performs the stress calculation on the original thickness and then reports what the required thickness is.Appendices CodeCalc Version 5. Added Weld shear flow calculations in the Shell Program. CodeCalc Version 5. Added use of AISC Occasional Load Factor in Leg&Lug Module.75 inches have been added to the AISC database. Included the Option of Considering Liquid Hydrostatic Head Component in Shell. CodeCalc User's Guide 473 . D in the Halfpipe Jacket program. or dumped out as either a . Modified Flohead program to use F even when P is 0. Choice of Normalized material in Shell and Nozzle as an input option. Added some stainless steel pipe specs to the Material Database. Reduced the Length/Format of External Pressure Printout for all modules as a setup file option. An entirely new scrolling input program has been implemented. Updated file manager to log network drives. Updated the Curves of K vs.3 Features (7/94) Winter A-93 Updates. The on-screen calculations allow for quick design optimization without having to leave the input processor. Put Appendix S flange rigidity Calculations into the Flange program. Ability to use ASME names in the input module. Graphics are now available from within the input processor for the Shell program.0 as a setup option.4 * Yield. Perform Additional Bending and Weld Stress Checks in the Lifting Lug Analysis.3 convention in Pipe&Pad Module. Copper Casting Material CU62-836-CST has been added to the database. Consistent Printout formats for All Modules. Install program updated to log network drives. Revised Shear type allowable for nonpressure parts to use AISC Allowable of . Compute trapezoidal area of the weld cut by the limit of reinforcement in the Nozzle Program. Consideration of the Stiffening Ring Material being different from the Shell material in Shell. On-screen calculations are now performed from within the input. Ability to set Area 1 or Area 2 to 0 as an input question in the Nozzle Program. A Program which displays unrecoverable fatal errors has been implemented (CCERROR). Material Database has been updated according to the 95 Code. Perform bolt circle/weld leg interference checks in the Flange Program. CodeCalc contains a completely new setup program.PCX file or a CodeCalc screen dump file. The remaining modules will have graphics in the near future. Single angle sizes 1 inch through 1. The Shell program can now choose a structural shape to satisfy external pressure requirements. Ability to turn off UG-45 calcs for manways. Wind and Earthquake Loads are automatically generated by Leg&Lug Module. The dimensioned drawings can be sent directly to the printer. Updated the material database to A-93 and added UNS numbers. Made variable assignments closer to Code B31.Appendices The Shell program has been updated to properly select sizes for shapes other than angles. Expanded Horizontal Printout to show some intermediate Calculations for Saddle Checks. 1. A pop-up calculator has been added. Nozzle Module: Nozzle reinforcement related calculations are updated per UG-39 (opening in flat head) and UG-41 (weld loads and strength paths).1342.PCX file which can be used in standard word processing program.1341). Graphics: Scaled and dimensioned plots are now available for each component in every module.EXE was written to replace CC. A complete new module to perform Rectangular Vessel Analysis per App. Added Calculations for minimum weld sizes for welded tubes in heat exchangers per UW-20. New Additions/Enhancements for Calculations: WRC107 Module: User can input in global coordinates with up to 3 different load cases (SUStained. The corresponding allowable stresses are also listed for comparison. EXPansion. Also Gasket Seating MAWP can now be computed for virtually any geometry. 14 has been added. Flange Module: Minimum gasket width is calculated per Brownell & Young's Process Equipment Design. Network support has been implemented. TEMA Tubesheet & ASME Tubesheet Module: TEMA Changes of flanged extensions required thickness for Fixed Tubesheet or Floating Tubesheet are incorporated (RCB-7. Conical Sections: Discontinuity stresses at Cone-to-Cylinder Junctures are calculated per Bednar's Pressure Vessel Design Handbook 2nd Ed. Nozzle and WRC 107 data. TEMA Tubesheet Module: The required flanged extension thickness for U-tube tubesheet is calculated by iteration per RCB-7. It can also be sent directly to the printer. Summary: The summary has been changed in the presentation of the Shell. Shell Module: Added a new option for angle stiffeners "rolled the hard way". Thin Joint Module: Life cycle equations for expansion joints are updated per the new Appendix CC. By pressing P for Plot in the input spreadsheet. 474 CodeCalc User's Guide . or saved as a .5 Features (6/96) ASME Section VIII Div. Leg & Lug Module: The support lug now incorporates cap type (top plate) and continuous top support rings (girder rings) per Bednar's Pressure Vessel Design Handbook 2nd Ed. ASME Tubesheet Module: U-tube tubesheet calculations have been updated per the new Appendix AA. CodeCalc Version 5. OCCasional) and the program will also perform stress summation and check against stress intensity allowables. a dimensioned drawing according to the input will automatically come up on the screen. A new program loader CC.Appendices The material database access was completely reworked. Addenda 1995 changes have been incorporated: Nozzle Module: The new Appendix 1-7 large nozzle membrane and bending stresses are now computed.COM. Updates for Floating Heads.0 Features (6/98) Conversion to Windows 95/NT 4. Error Fix: Any known errors/omissions have been fixed. Graphics: The graphics (scaled and dimensioned plots for every component) have been enhanced.Appendices CodeCalc Version 5. Other enhancements have been made throughout most of the modules. 1. Also rectangular reinforcing pad analysis has been added. Examples: The examples (including typical Code examples) have been expanded. ASME Tubesheet Module & TEMA Tubesheet: The iteration algorithm for the required tubesheet thickness calculation is improved to ensure convergence. 2 stress indices and WRC-107 SIF(kn.0 ASME Addenda 97 added Revisions to the Material Database per A-97 Changes to the MDMT calculations per A-97 Any known errors to the program have been corrected. CodeCalc User's Guide 475 . CodeCalc Version 6. On-screen plots can be obtained by pressing P for Plot in the input spreadsheet. WRC107 Module: ASME Sec VIII Div. Thick Expansion Joints and ASME Tubesheets. kb) values are incorporated. The ASCE-95 wind code has been incorporated into the Leg & Lug and Horizontal Vessel modules. Conical Sections: With knuckle and/or flare. References to nominal thickness vs. actual thickness. the moment of inertia per guidelines in Appendix 1-8 is computed. Basering Module: Top ring or plate required thickness is also calculated per Moss. MAWP. 1.6 Features (6/97) The new material database in CodeCalc now includes all the ASME Section II Part D materials (over 2000) listed for ASME Section VIII Div. Nozzle Module: The nozzle retirement (discard) thickness and maximum corrosion allowance are now iterated per reinforced area requirement and UG45. Changes for large nozzle calculations per Code Case-2236 for Appendix 1-7(b). References to design pressure vs. ASME Section VIII Div. Addenda 1996 code updates Changes for MDMT calculations. Leg & Lug Module: Forces and moments for WRC107 analysis are now displayed. etc. User's Manual: The User Guide (including examples) has been updated to reflect the new changes. In the flange. On-line registration added. TEMA Minimum Tubesheet thickness is now reported. TEMA Eighth edition changes are included. Any known errors to the program have been fixed. sketch and column can now be specified through a separate input. ASME Code Case 2290 included. ASME Section VIII Div. In previous versions. Code Case 2260 has been added. An option to enter user-defined bolt loads has been added for both ASME and TEMA tubesheet modules.1 Features (1/99) ASME 98 Code 98 Addenda added. under pressure and external loadings. main gasket's factors where also used for the partition gasket. Stress calculations for nozzles on Spheres and Cylinders. Default unit setting added. A-99) will still be available. 1. The Tubesheet modules (TEMA and ASME) can now run 8 load cases in corroded and uncorroded condition. Other enhancements to the tubesheet modules have been added. Yield stress database enhanced. CodeCalc Version 6. The pre 99 addenda is available as an option (uses the 98 addenda material database. floating head and the tubesheet modules (ASME and TEMA) the partition gasket factors M & Y. etc. 476 CodeCalc User's Guide . For WRC 107 and 297 modules. An interface to Paulin Research Group's Nozpro Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program has been added. The CodeCalc User interface has been re-written and now has lower memory requirements.).Appendices CodeCalc Version 6.2 Features (1/2000) A-99 addenda changes have been incorporated.3 Features (1/2001) ASME Section VIII Div 1 Addenda-2000 changes have been incorporated. automatically in a single run. Along with the current addenda. including the higher allowable stresses for Div. per the British code BS-5500 Annex G have been added. CodeCalc Version 6. older addenda material databases (A-98. Output processor text file output and editing features added. Revisions to the Material database per A-98. Automatic update of material yield stress. 2 material database replaces the Div 1 database. Latest ESL device drivers distributed. Thick Walled Cylinder and Sphere equations are implemented per Appendix 1. Required flange thickness calculations based on Rigidity considerations. and Flange modules. NFN-22. the allowables used for Shell and channel stresses due to joint interaction. Added a WRC 107auto-calculation option for support lugs. and fixed tubesheets. NFN-24. Improved on-line registration. In the WRC 107 module added the capability to specify the Div. Added advanced search capabilities for the Material database. CodeCalc Version 6. UCS-79 Fiber Elongation Calculations are now reported.4 Features (1/2002) Added the capability to select the Static Head for Nozzle calculations. Added a Flange Merge option. CodeCalc Version 6. Added Flange MDMT calculations. Improve the file saving logic for modified and/or un-modified files. 1 or Div. CD-1.5 Features (1/2003) Tubesheet Module: Integrated tubesheet and Expansion joint data. a check box for skipping UG-16b. Nozzle Module: Added an option to verify if the nozzle is located outside the spherical portion of the head. CodeCalc User's Guide 477 . Improved the lookup in the Yield Stress database. Added British Tubesheet rules for U-tube. In ASME Tubesheets. NFN-23. 2 material database. Nozzle. floating tube. the minimum thickness requirement. HA-6 have been added. Improved the summary capability. Added on-screen prompts for the input errors in the Shell. has been added. analysis of the configuration "C" fixed tubesheets has been allowed.Appendices External pressure charts HA-7. after the Elastic-Plastic iteration. Added British material database information to the WRC 297/Annex G and Tubesheet Modules. HT-2. CS-6. have been corrected to be 3 * S. This was an oversight in the ASME code. Improved the computation of the Required Thickness for fixed TEMA Tubesheets. Base Ring Module: Added an option to determine Fitness for Service API 579 Local Thinning and General Metal Loss Levels 1 and 2 evaluations. Added A-2002 changes. after a correction was made for the "gamma b" parameter. In the Shell module. NFN-21. In ASME Tubesheets. Weld Pass/Fail result now displays on the status bar. Added an option to perform area calculations on small nozzles at each nozzle level. Added Thick Shell Band analysis for the ASME Tubesheet module. Tubesheets. Enhanced user interface for the Flange module including 0n-screen display of results. Updated VIII-1. Added a quick start guide to the Help menu for new users. Improved the handling of full face gasket flange in the Flanges. when the complete file is analyzed. CodeCalc Version 2004 Features (1/2004) ASME Code 2003 Addenda updates including updates to the material database. Floating head and Tubesheet modules. Added modifications to the treatment of full strength tube-tubesheet joint in the Tubesheet module. Added option to specify alternate flange loads in the Floating head module. Added TEMA Metric. Added new rules for checking large diameter thin heads per Appendix 1-4(f). Floating Head and Leg-Lug modules. Incorporated Expansion Joint Analysis in ASME Tubesheet Module. Enhanced the program for network users. Improvements to the Tube-Tubesheet joint calculations in Tubesheet modules. Added automatic summary generation. Enhanced the material database search feature by including an option to search by the UNS number. warnings and important results for the ASME UHX and TEMA Tubesheet modules. 478 CodeCalc User's Guide . Added class/thickness data displays to the Material Selection window. and Yield Stress Databases. Previous versions of the software the gasket thickness and nubbin width of the main gasket was used for the partition gasket. Included evaluation of pitting flaws per section 6 for API 579. Added ASME Part UHX. These jackets could cover the shell completely or part of it) and/or the head. Basering. Implemented Appendix 9 Jackets in the Shell/Head module.Appendices Added enhancements to graphics for non-English units. Updated and streamlined the Output Processor. Added inputs for the partition gasket and nubbin width. CodeCalc Version 2005 Features (1/2005) Updated ASME Code 2005 Addenda. Added analysis of a vessel on 2 support lugs. British and South African Metric Bolt look p tables in Flange. Added an option to print the membrane stress at the nozzle edge in the Annex G module. Added on-screen display of error messages. Analysis for vessels supported on more than 2 lugs was previously available. Increased the allowable number of data points to 256 in the API-579 module. VIII-2. Expansion and Occasional categories using the WRC-107 convention system. The loads can be converted from one convention to another with a click of a button from the input screen. VIII Div. 2 rules and compared with the allowables. Once. Added the recommendation for the minimum gasket width in Floating Head calculations. Added 2 new External Pressure charts. including changes to the material tables 1A. Modified the input echo and output results from the Flange and Floating Head modules to be consistent with the ASME code nomenclature. This feature is on the Miscellaneous tab of the Configuration dialog box available from Tools > Configuration. Added change for the Flange Rigidity requirement in Appendix 2. the loads are categorized they can be combined per ASME Sec. 2A.Appendices CodeCalc Version 2006 Features (1/2006) Added ASME Code 2005 Updates. CodeCalc User's Guide 479 . Added an autosave that allows users to specify a time period in between saves. Saves can be silent or prompted. Added ASCE 7-2002/95/98 and UBC-1997 Wind codes for the horizontal vessels.1B. Added the option of entering the loads in Sustained. 2B and the Yield Stress Table. Appendices 480 CodeCalc User's Guide . 2 Features (1/2000) • 476 CodeCalc Version 6.6 Features (6/97) • 475 CodeCalc Version 6.0 Features (6/98) • 475 CodeCalc Version 6.2 Features (7/93) • 472 CodeCalc Version 5.0 Features (6/91) • 471 CodeCalc Version 5.Index A Actual Nozzle Diameter Thickness • 105 Additional Input U-tube Tubesheets Dialog Box • 209 AISC Database Dialog Box • 285 Allowable Calculations • 263 API 579 (FFS) Tab • 78 API 579 Introduction • 52 Appendices • 433 Appendix Y Flanges • 375 ASME Section VIII Division 2 .4 Features (1/2002) • 477 CodeCalc Version 6.4 Features (6/95) • 472 CodeCalc Version 5.1 Features (1/99) • 476 E Edit an existing units file • 32 Effective Material Diameter and Thickness Limits • 106 Enter CTPs Dialog Box • 83 Enter Pitting Information Dialog Box • 84 ESL Tab • 47 Example Problems • 433 Examples • 324 Expansion Joint Tab • 205 Expansion Joint Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) • 166 Expansion Joint Tab (Thick Joints) • 351 Expansion Joint Tab (Thin Joints) • 341 External Pressure Calculations • 264 External Pressure Results • 115 External Pressure Results for Heads: • 133 CodeCalc User's Guide 481 .3 Features (7/94) • 473 CodeCalc Version 5.1 Features (7/92) • 472 CodeCalc Version 5.3 Features (1/2001) • 476 CodeCalc Version 6.5 Features (6/96) • 474 CodeCalc Version 5.5 Features (7/90) • 471 CodeCalc Version 5.Elastic Analysis of Nozzle • 318 ASME Tubesheets • 183 CodeCalc Version 6.5 Features (1/2003) • 477 CodeCalc Workflows • 17 Complete Vessel Examples • 433 Computation Control Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) • 29 Compute Remaining Life • 68 Cone Design Tab (Conical Sections) • 110 Cone Geometry Tab • 112 Configuration Dialog Box • 29 Conical Sections • 109 Create a custom material based on an existing material • 35 Create a new custom material • 34 Create a new units file • 32 Create/Edit Units File • 32 B Bar Options • 62 Base Ring (1) Tab (Base Rings) • 333 Base Ring (2) Tab (Base Rings) • 334 Base Rings • 327 Baseplate • 269 Baseplate Results • 289 Bellows Tab (Thin Joints) • 346 Bibliography of Pressure Vessel Texts and Standards • 469 D Data Measurement Tab • 81 Design Tab • 302 Diagnostics Tab • 47 Discussion of Results • 360 Discussion of Results (Shells) • 55 C Channel Tab • 186 Channel Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) • 156 CodeCalc Overview • 11 CodeCalc Version 2004 Features (1/2004) • 478 CodeCalc Version 2005 Features (1/2005) • 478 CodeCalc Version 2006 Features (1/2006) • 479 CodeCalc Version 4. front end L1 • 173 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet. Area.Index F Failure Path Calculations • 107 FEA Options • 317 Figure A1 Dialog Box • 247 Figure A2 Dialog Box • 247 Figure B3-B Dialog Box • 254 File Tab • 25 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) • 323 Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box • 176 Flange Data Tab • 138 Flange Tab • 376 Flange/Bolts Tab • 120 Flanges • 135 Floating Heads • 117 K Kettle Tubesheet Dialog Box • 177 L Large Diameter Nozzle Calculations • 106 Large Openings • 363 Leg Results • 289 Legs and Lugs • 265 Legs and Lugs Tab • 267 Length of Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet. 380 Geometry Tab • 91 Geometry Tab (Shell/Head) • 58 Global Load and Direction Conventions • 315 Groove Options • 83 M Material Database Dialog Box • 385 Material Database Editor • 34 Material Dialog Boxes • 385 Material Properties • 35 Material Properties Dialog Box • 422 MAWP Calculations • 263 Minimum Design Metal Temperature • 107 Miscellaneous Tab • 95. 372 Long Side Tab • 258 Longitudinal Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) • 222 G Gasket Data Tab • 144 Gasket Tab • 122. rear L1 • 173 Lifting Lug Dialog Box • 278 Ligament Efficiency Calculations • 261 Loads Tab • 272. 306. 128 Miscellaneous Tab (Base Rings) • 336 Miscellaneous Tab (Configuration Dialog Box) • 30 Miscellaneous Tab (Thick Joints) • 353 Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box • 198 Multiple Load Cases Dialog Box (TEMA Tubesheets) • 173 H Half Pipes • 357 Head Tab • 118 Highest Percentage of Allowable Calculations • 263 Home Tab • 26 Horizontal Vessels • 213 Hub/Bolts Tab • 142 Hubs/Bolts Tab • 378 I Installation • 16 Intermediate Calculations for Flanged Portion of Head • 133 Internal Pressure Results • 115 Internal Pressure Results for the Head: • 133 Iterative Results Per Pressure. And UG-45 • 107 N Nozzle / Attachment Tab • 370 Nozzle Tab • 88 Nozzles • 87 O Opening Tab (Large Openings) • 365 Optional Data Tab • 66 Outer Cylinder Dialog Box • 171 Outer Cylinder on the Thick Expansion Joint • 171 Outer Cylindrical Element Corrosion Allowance • 171 J Jacket Tab • 69 Jacket Tab (Half Pipes) • 359 482 CodeCalc User's Guide . 13) • 229 Reinforcement Calculations • 262 Reinforcement Calculations Under External Pressure • 116 Reinforcement Calculations Under Internal Pressure • 116 Reinforcing Bar Options • 260 Reinforcing Section Options • 261 Required and Available Areas • 106 Required Thickness Calculations • 133 Required Thickness of Shell and Nozzle • 105 Results • 85. and Technical Basis (Nozzles) • 87 Purpose.Index Outer Cylindrical Element Length (Lo) • 171 Output • 288. Scope. and Technical Basis (TubeSheets) • 151 R Rectangular Vessels (App. 115. 218 Shell/Nozzle Tab (Large Openings) • 366 Shells and Heads • 49 Shells/Heads Tab • 55 Short Side Tab • 256 Small Cylinder and Larger Cylinder Tabs • 113 Soehren's Calculations: • 134 Starting CodeCalc • 17 Stiffening Ring Tab (Horizontal Vessels) • 221 Stress Calculations • 262 Supplemental Loads • 67 Support Lug Dialog Box • 281 P Performing an Analysis • 17 Pipes and Pads • 291 Pipes and Pads Tab (Pipes and Pads) • 291 Point Measurement Data Dialog Box • 83 Printing or Saving Reports to a File • 23 Purpose. 261 Results (ASME Tubesheets) • 211 Results (Base Rings) • 339 Results (Flanges) • 148 Results (Thick Joints) • 356 Results (Tubesheets) • 177 Results (WRC 107/537/FEA) • 318 Reviewing the Results . Scope.The Output Option • 22 T Tabs • 25 Technical Support • 16 TEMA Tubesheets • 151 Thick Joints • 349 Thin Joints • 341 Tools Tab • 28 Trunnion Results • 289 Trunnion Tab • 286 Tube to Tubesheet Joint Input Dialog Box • 190 Tubes Tab • 187 Tubes Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) • 157 Tubesheet Exchanger Dialog Box • 197 Tubesheet Extended as Flange Dialog (TEMA Tubesheets) • 169 Tubesheet Extended As Flange Dialog Box • 209 Tubesheet Gasket Dialog Box • 173 Tubesheet Gasket/Bolting Input Dialog Box • 199 Tubesheet Tab • 192 Tubesheet Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) • 161 S Saddle Wear Plate Design • 213 Saddle Webs and Base Plate Dialog Box • 220 Saddle/Wear Tab • 220 Section Options • 64 Seismic Loads • 276 CodeCalc User's Guide 483 . 300 Seismic Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) • 223 Selection of Reinforcing Pad • 106 Shell Band Corrosion Allowance • 173 Shell Band Properties Dialog Box • 172 Shell Tab • 185 Shell Tab (Half Pipes) • 358 Shell Tab (TEMA Tubesheets) • 155 Shell Tab (Thick Joints) • 352 Shell Thickness Adjacent to Tubesheet • 173 Shell/Head Tab • 101. 105. and Technical Basis (Flanges) • 135 Purpose. Scope and Technical Basis (Shells) • 49 Purpose. 183 Purpose. Scope. and Technical Basis • 52. Scope. 226. 132. 239. 304. 369 W Weld Size Calculations • 107 Weld Strength Calculations • 107 What Analysis Types are Available? • 12 What Distinguishes CodeCalc From our Competitors? • 12 What's New in PV Elite and CodeCalc • 9 Wind Loads • 273 Wind Loads Tab (Horizontal Vessels) • 224 WRC 107 Options • 315 WRC 107 Stress Calculations • 321 WRC 107 Stress Summations • 318 WRC 107/537 FEA • 301 WRC 107/537 Load Conventions • 314 WRC 297 Tab • 367 WRC 297/Annex G • 367 484 CodeCalc User's Guide .Index U UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness • 106 Units File Dialog Box • 33 V Vessel Leg Tab • 284 Vessel Tab • 216.
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